The Milnor fiber and the zeta function of the singularities of type f = P
The Milnor fiber and the zeta function of the singularities of type f = P
C OMPOSITIO M ATHEMATICA A NDRÁS N ÉMETHI The Milnor fiber and the zeta function of the singularities of type f = P(h, g) Compositio Mathematica, tome 79, no 1 (1991), p. 63-97. <> © Foundation Compositio Mathematica, 1991, tous droits réservés. L’accès aux archives de la revue « Compositio Mathematica » (http: // implique l’accord avec les conditions générales d’utilisation ( Toute utilisation commerciale ou impression systématique est constitutive d’une infraction pénale. Toute copie ou impression de ce fichier doit contenir la présente mention de copyright. Article numérisé dans le cadre du programme Numérisation de documents anciens mathématiques 63 1991. Compositio Mathematica 79: 63-97, e 1991 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands. The MiInor fiber and the zeta function of the singularities of type f P(h,g) = ANDRÁS NÉMETHI Institute of Mathematics of Romanian Academy, Received 24 October 1989; accepted 20 July Bdul Pâcii 220, 79622 Bucharest, Romania 1990 1. Introduction An important invariant of a germ of analytic function f : (C"’ 1, 0)~(C, 0) is its Milnor fiber F. Milnor [21] proved that if f has an isolated singularity at the origin then the homotopy type of the fiber is a bouquet of 1À spheres of dimension n, where J1 is the Milnor number of f. For isolated line singularities (not of type A~) Siersma [29] proved that the Milnor fiber is homotopy equivalent to a bouquet of (# A1 +2 # D~-1)-spheres of dimension n, where # A1 and * D. are the number of A1 and, respectively D~ points in a genéric approximation of f. More generally, if the critical set Sing V(f) of f is an 1-dimensional complete intersection (ICIS) and the transversal singularity of f in the points of Sing V(f) - {0} is of type A1, then in the general ( =tF D 00 > 0) case F is homotopic to VS nand in the special case (# D~ = 0) F is homotopic to Sn-1 v (yS n) [31]. In the case of line singularities, but with transversal type S = A1, A2, A3, D4, E6, E7, E8 de Jong [37] proved that in the general case the Milnor fiber is homotopic to (Sn-1) (Sn). Other important cases with 1-dimensional singular locus were studied by Iomdin [14], Pellikaan [23] and Siersma [32]. Perhaps the most efficient method in the study of the Milnor fiber of nonisolated singularities is the polar slice technique which materialized in two beautiful formulae for the Euler-characteristic of the fibers: the Lê attaching formula [16] and the Iomdin-Lê formula [14,18]. Moreover, Lê [17] used the polar slice construction to show that the geometric monodromy of f preserves the polar filtration and can be constructed as a carrousel. In the present paper our main object of study is an analytic germ with the following property: f can be written as f P(h, g), where the pair (h, g) : (Cn + B 0) (C2, 0) defines an ICIS and P is a germ of two variables. Note that if P has a (proper) isolated singularity at the origin then dim Sing V(f) = n - 1 and if P is not reduced, then dim Sing V(f) n. It is easy to see that in the latter case even the connectivity of the fiber may fail. But even if the fiber is connected we can not expect its simple-connectivity because of a theorem due to Kato and Matsumoto [ 15] giving, in general, the best bound for = ~ = 64 the connectivity of the fiber somewhat surprisingly, by (in terms of the dimension of the singular set). But, our results we do have a "depth connectivity": 03C0k(F) = 0 for 2 k n - 2. This is perhaps the first example of a class of germs with non-separable variables for which we have important informations on the other side of the "Kato-Matsumoto bound". More precisely, we prove the following THEOREM A. (a) The Milnor fiber F has the homotopy type of a space obtained from the total space of a fiber bundle (with base space the.fiber of P and with fiber the general fiber of the ICIS) by attaching (y f (c), f)0 cells of dimension n. (b) If P - 1 (0) D {0} (D denotes the reduced discriminant locus of the ICIS) then F has the homotopy type of 03C00 (Milnor fiber of P) copies of a bouquet of spheres NS1) v (VS "). (See 2.0.1 and 2.0.2 for the definition of 03B3f(c)). = The number of (1-dimensional) circles and n-dimensional spheres in a connected component is determined in terms of the Milnor number of the ICIS, the topological invariants of P and an intersection number. Theorem A contains as particular cases the Teissier [36] restriction formula, the Lê attaching formula (in the case of dim Sing V(f) 1) and the Iomdin-Lê formula. This is not surprising, since in this case the polar curve technique is replaced by a method based on the properties of the discriminant space of an ICIS. During the proof, when comparing the Milnor fiber of f with its part contained in a "good representative" of the ICIS we are using a technical lemma of Iomdin [13] (Section (3.1)). The most important topological invariant of isolated singularities is the Seifert form. In fact, for n 3 it is an absolute invariant in virtue of the classification theorem of simple spinnable structures on S2n+1, proved independently by Kato and Durfee. Unfortunately, in general, it is very hard to calculate it. For plane curve singularities it was calculated by A’Campo [1] and Gusein-Zade [ 11,12]. But for n 2 even in the simpler (but very important) case of quasihomogeneous isolated singularities we do not know this invariant. Moreover, it appears that even the computation of weaker invariants, such as the intersection form and the monodromy action is still a very hard problem. Concerning the zeta function there are some general results: A’Campo [2] determined it in terms of invariants of the resolution, Varchenko [38] in terms of the Newton diagram, while Milnor and Orlik [22] calculated it for quasihomogeneous isolated = singularities. calculate (Theorem B) the zeta function of f P(h, g) in terms of the zeta function of P (which is well-known), the monodromy In Section (2.2) we = 65 representation and the singular monodromies of the ICIS (the latter may be using the vertical monodromies of the ICIS). In the case when the monodromy representation has an abelian image this formula becomes simpler and is related to the Alexander polynomial of the link S3~(DP-1(0))S3~ (Theorem C). In the class of all singularities, the isolated singularities play a distinguished role. Similarly, in our class of germs, there is a distinguished class: those germs having the property DnP-1(0)={0}. Any "bad" germ f~=P~(h,g) (i.e. D n P-1~(0) =1= {0}) can be approximated by a series of distinguished singularities fk = Pk(h, g). This is similar to the case of Arnold’s series, which approximate some non-isolated singularities, and with the case of lomdin’s series or the topological series of plane curve singularities introduced by Schrauwen [26]. The best approximation holds for "topologically trivial series", when the topological type of Pk and P 00 agree, but their mutual position with respect to D varies. In this case we calculate the zeta function (in particular the Eulercharacteristic of the Milnor fiber) of fk in terms of the zeta function of f~ and the vertical and horizontal monodromies of the ICIS (Theorem D). In particular for the lomdin’s series we recover Siersma’s result [33], which was, in fact, our starting point in the study of series of singularities. The polar filtration method used by Siersma is replaced here by the technique of fibered multilinks (the decomposition of the complement space along the separating tori, determined by splice decomposition). In Section (2.4) we prove that the complement X of a projective hypersurface given by a homogeneous polynomial f P(h, g) is (n-1)-equivalent to the Eilenberg MacLane space K(03C01(X), 1). If f is "distinguished" then we have a nequivalence, and using this correspondence we calculate the homology groups of X in terms of 03C01(X) which is also computed. This result may be regarded as a generalization of a theorem of Kato and Matsumoto [15, Proposition 4.2]. In particular this procedure can be used for a large class of singular plane curves in order to compute the fundamental group of the complement space. In (2.5) we consider the finite I-codimension germs in the sense of Pellikaan [23, 24], where I = (hk-1) (k > 2), and h is a germ with an isolated singularity at the origin. By our Criterion the germs with finite I-codimension are of the form f = hkg, with (h, g) ICIS and g having an isolated singularity. Our general results may be applied to this special case. For example the Milnor fiber is a bouquet of spheres Sl v (03BCnSn) where y,, k(03BC(h, g) + Jl(h)) + Jl(h, g) + p(g). For the theory of complete intersections we refer the reader to the book of Looijenga [20], for singularity theory to the monograph Arnold-Gusein-ZadeVarchenko [3], for link theory to [9], for Section 2.5 to the thesis of Pellikaan [23] and for the proof of Theorem C to the paper by Fox [10] about the free calculated = = differential calculus. 66 2. The main results 2.0. Preliminaries and notations Throughout this paper we shall denote by O the local ring of germs of analytic functions f: (Cn+1, 0)~(C, 0) and by m its maximal ideal. v(a) denotes the germ of the zero-set of an ideal ce c (9. If 03B1 is an ideal in O such that Y(a) is a curve and f~O such that V(03B1) V(f) = {0} then we use the (algebraic) intersection number (a, f)0 given by dim(coker) - dim(ker) of the map (9lot f+ (9lot (multiplication by f). The following lemma is well-known: 2.0.1. LEMMA. If a is an ideal and f ~O, then we shall denote by al the ideal generated by a in the ring of fractions of (9 with respect to the multiplicative System {fn}n0. Let 03B3f(03B1) denote the ideal a f n (9 in (9 and 03C3f(03B1) the intersection of the remaining isolated primary components of a. 2.0.2. Let h, g~O be such that the pair (h,g):(Cn+1,0)~(C2,O) defines an isolated complete intersection singularity (this will be abbreviated in the sequel by ICIS). Recall that the Milnor fiber F. of u = (h, g) is a bouquet of Jlu Jl(h, g) spheres of dimension n-1. (If n = 1, then y(h, g) = (h, g)o - 1). Let c be the ideal in (9 generated by the 2 x 2 minors in the jacobian matrix of (h, g). Obviously, the zero-set V(c) of the ideal c is precisely the set of critical points of the map (h, g). Let D be the reduced discriminant locus u(V(c)) and D1,...,Ds its irreducible components. Let 0393i1,..., riti be the irreducible components of u-1(Di) (i=1,...,s) and dij the topological degree of the branched covering 0393ij~Di (i = 1,..., s; j = 1,..., ti). If z E 0393ij - {0} we denote by 03BCij(z) (resp. Fij(z)), the Milnor number (resp. the Milnor fiber) of the ICIS (h, g) : (Cn+1, z) ~ (C2, (h, z)(z)). Note that 03BCij(z) does not depend on the choice of = z on Let ciently {0}. D~ = {(c, d) ~ C2 : |c|2 + |d|2 ~2} small one defines the and aD" = S3~, * ~ S3~ - D. S3~ - D is a deformation retract in D" - D, p can 03C01(S3~ - D, *) ~ Aut(Hn-1 (Fu, C)) (still denoted by p). The discriminant locus defines a link in S’ with Since For ’1 suffi- monodromy representation be identified with link components 67 KDi = Di S3~. Kij = (u|0393ij)-1(KDi)0393ij for each i and j and consider Tij a small closed tubular neighbourhood of Kij(in X C"+ 1, where (h, g): ~~D~ is an "excellent representative" of the ICIS [20]). Let N(KP) be a closed tubular neighbourhood of Ki in S3~ such that for all (c, d) E N(KDi) the fiber u - ’(c, d) meets transversely the boundary Tij. We shall denote by Mi and Li an oriented "topologically standard" meridian and longitude of the link component KP on ôN(K?), which are determined up to isotropy by the homology and linking relations Set c (c, d) E KD, fiber u-1(c, d) = FSingi has 03A3tij=1 dij singular of the corresponding Milnor fibers is disjoint Therefore we have an action of 03C01(~N(KDi)) Z x Z (generated by the class of Mi and Li) on which preserves the subspaces Fij = u-1(c, d) n Tij for each j. In particular Mi resp. Li defines the meridian resp. the longitudinal monodromy If then the The points. singular union dijFij = Udij hMi, hLi: Hn-1( hMi = hy O and after a ... O h(ti)Mi, hLi = with decomposition h~ suitable choice of base of ... ~ h(ti)Li Et) dij Hn-1(Fij, C) M ij, Lij: Hn-1(Fij, C) (i 1,..., s ; j 1,..., ti). Obviously, we have by the commutativity of = = Note that this construction can be regarded as a particular case of the monodromy of local systems [6]. Mij is in fact the horizontal monodromy of a transversal section, Lij is the vertical monodromy of the transversal local system. (See also [33].) By Thom’s first isotopy lemma ([41]), over KDi u is a topologically locally trivial map with fiber Fs’°g (which is also a bouquet of (n -1)-spheres), thus We take defining a singular monodromy Hn-1(FSingi, C) = 0 then 0394Singi(03BB)=1). 68 By a Mayer-Vietoris argument for all (in particular the right-hand Let P: (C2, 0)~(C, 0) term is ai E Z we have independent of ai E Z). analytic germ in two variables, and let Pi Pmr prime decomposition of P. Then the Milnor fiber Qp of P has 03BC0 g.c.d. (ml,.. -, mr) connected components and each of them has the homotopy type of a bouquet of pp circles. If D is the reduced discriminant locus of the ICIS (h, g) (see (2.0.2)) there exists PD : (C2, 0) ~ (C, 0) such that V(pD) D. Let Pi , ... , P, be the common compo... nents of P and PD, i.e., P PT1 pm-; pD p@ ... PtPD1 pD 2.0.3. P be an be the ... = = = = = ... 2.0.4. Let us define f ~ O by f P(h, g), where (h, g) is an ICIS and P is as in (2.0.3). We use the notations Irf V(03B3f(c)), 03A3f = V(03C3f(c)). Recall, that in this case (91c is a 1-dimensional Cohen-Macaulay ring, and in particular V(c) has no embedded components at the origin. 0393f(resp. 03A3f) consists of the components of V(c) that are not (resp. that are) contained in V(f). In particular, if D and V(P) have no common irreducible components, then 03A3f 0. = = = 2.0.5. If a* E Aut(H*(X, C)), we define the Hqdet(1 - 03BBaq)(-1)q+ 1. If f~O, then the 03BE(hf,*)(03BB), hf: F. The following LEMMA Then where [33]. hf,*:H*(F,C) zeta function of a* by 03BE(a*)(03BB)= zeta function of f is (f(î) = is induced by the geometric monodromy lemma will be very useful: Let det(I - ÂM) = det(I - AkM1 M2 ... Some notations: Mk). 69 2.1. The homotopy type of the Milnor fiber With the above notations we have the following THEOREM A. (a) The Milnor fiber F of f P(h, g) has the homotopy type of a space obtained from the total space of a fiber bundle with fiber Fu and base space Qp by attaching (y f(c), f)o cells of dimension n. In particular the natural map F ~ U,40 K(nl(F), 1) is an (n -1)-equivalence (the latter space is a disjoint union of 03BC0 copies of the Eilenberg-MacLane space), and the Euler-characteristic of F is : = QS, F has the homotopy type of 03BC0 copies of a bouquet of spheres (03BCn S"), where (b) If Y-f (03BC1 SI) V = Moreover, the protection the map The U Ilo Nil 1 Sl can be identified to u: F ~ QP. proof of Theorem A will be given in (3.2). 2.1.1. COROLLARY. Let If n 2 + 03B5(f), then 03C01(u): 7Ti(F) ~ 03C01(QP) is an isomor phism. Theorem A contains various well known formulae as particular cases. EXAMPLES 2.1.2. Let (h, g) be Assume that P(c, d) our formula in this as = in Theorem c; in case an IS h. Since h is an A, with h~O particular f = (isolated singularity). IS, Y-f 0. Therefore = becomes: (the Milnor-number formula of the ICIS, see for example [20] p. 77). 70 p. If, moreover, g-1(o) is 317]) formula a generic hyperplane, then we get Teissier’s ([36, 2.1.3. Let h~O be such that dim Sing V(h) 1, and assume that (h, g) is an ICIS (the latter condition is automatically fulfilled if g is a generic linear form). Assume again that P(c, d) c. Then the Milnor fiber F,, of h is (n - 2)-connected and we have the following relation between the Betti numbers: = = If is a generic hyperplane, with dim Sing J1: h) = 1). germs V(g) we get the "Lê attaching formula" [16] (for (h, g) be an ICIS and take P(c, d) = c + dk (k 1), i.e. f = h + g’. Again Fh+gk Fu{(03B3f, h + gk)o cells of dim n}. Since the curves V(c + dk) (k >, 1) have no irreducible components in common, there exists ko such that if k k0, D and V(c + dk) have no irreducible components in common, in particular E f 0 and c = y f (c). In this case h + gk is an IS. By Lemma (2.0.1) and Theorem A: 2.1.4. Let = = If g is generic linear form, then this is exactly the Iomdin-Lê formula [14, 18]. (h, g) be an ICIS such that h and g are IS. Then for Pk,l(c, d) ckdl (k 1, 1 a 1), 03A3f 0. The numerical invariants of the bouquet are: po g.c.d. (k, 1), pi= 03BCP 1 and (using (2.1.1 )) 2.1.5. Let = = = = 2.1.6. Let h(z) zn+1 and g(z) = ~(z1,..., zn), where 9: (C ", 0) ~ (C, 0) defines an IS. Then by a theorem of Sakamoto [25] the Milnor fiber F of f = hkg may be regarded as the total space of a fiber bundle over S 1 with fiber the Milnor fiber of ç (and monodromy mk~). Thus if n > 2, 03C0n-1(F) Z4("). Hence our assumption in Theorem A(b) is necessary. = = 2.1.7. Let ( f, 0) be an ICIS such that f + 0 is o is greater than dimc O/03B3f(c) + (f). Then an IS. Assume that the order of 71 This corollary gives an (partial) answer to reformulated by Siersma [23, p. 115]. 2.2. The a question by Wall, raised as zeta function of the monodromy determine the zeta function of the monodromy of the germ (P’)40 and f ’ P’(h, g), then we have the following relations f P(h, g). between the corresponding Milnor fibers and zeta functions: In this section we If P = = = Therefore, we may assume (with no loss of generality) that F f is connected, i.e., g.c.d. (ml,..., mr) 2.2.1. LEMMA. = 1. If ~ is sufficiently small, then locally trivial fibrations of pairs of spaces. Moreover, the fibrations isomorphic. are Proof.. This is a are fiber small, the fibers ~P- 1(e203C0i03B8) in transversely the link components consequence of the fact that for ri S’-P-’(0) (resp. P-1(w), w~~D103B4) meet s3 n D (resp. D) (to see this use the Curve prove the isomorphism we construct relative case [21, pp. 52-53]. a Selection lemma vector field 2.2.2. REMARK. A fiber of çp can be identified with of the multilink corresponding to the link: [20]). In order to similarly as in the nona minimal Seifert surface with multiplicities (ml, ... , m,, 0,..., 0) ([9], p. 34). (2.2.1) also follows from the fact that L(m, 0) is a fibered multilink. Let * be a point of F~ -D(F~ = ~-1P(1)), then by (2.2.1) we have the exact In fact sequence of groups: By the inclusion G = S3~ - P-1(0) D S3~ - D, A = H"-’(F., C) 03C01(S3~ -P-1(0) ~ D, *)-module (induced by p), and by i * a module. H = becomes a 03C01(F~ - D, *)- 72 1. Then the maps 03C1g 03C1(g): A ~ A and cg: H - H, automorphism of the exact sequence (of C-vector Let g E G such that ~*(g) h ~ g-1 · h · g induce an = = spaces): Let us define where By [27, g. Hence p. 116] the automorphisms g*0 and g*1 do not depend on the choice of is well defined by the representation p and the exact sequence (,,,, (2.2.3). 2.2.5. REMARK. When 1:f = 0 then g can be chosen such that the image of g in 03C01(S3~ - D, *) is trivial, hence 03C1g 1A. The zeta function of P is 03BEP(03BB) 0394P(03BB)/(1 - Â), where 0394P(03BB) is the characteristic polynomial of the monodromy of P (on H1(Qp, C)). With this notation we have the following = = THEOREM B. Let where f = P(h, g) be as in Theorem A. Then (a) kj = (P, Pj’)O(= * (Qp n Dj)) (and the product is taken over the components of are not contained in P-1(0)). D which (b) Suppose Y., (the product = is taken QS and n over 2. Then the all components of D). 73 The proof will be given in (3.3). free group with generators, be identified with A03BC(P,D) by 03B4~(03B4(b1),..., say b1,...,b03BC(P,D), Der(H, A) 03B4(b03BC(P,D))). The corresponding matrix [gDer]: A03BC(P,D)~A03BC(P,D) may be regarded as the "Jacobian matrix of (G, H) at p" [10]. More precisely: Let us consider the fôllowing homomorphisms of rings: 2.2.6. REMARK. Since H is a can ’t, 1*: Z[H] - Z[G] induced by i* p : Z[G] ~ Z[Aut A] induced by s: p Z[Aut A] ~ EndcA given by s(Li ci[aijk]jk) = [Li ciaijk]jk and the derivations ring of a group G). cg(bi) by wi. Then using the derivation matrix constructed by block-matrices (where Z[G] denotes the We denote the words that [gDer] is in fact the group rule we obtain Therefore, when we know explicitly the action cg:H ~ H (i.e. the extension (2.2.3)), and the representation p, the 03BEP,D follows explicitly from the above identification. 2.2.7. The above considerations can be made more precise if imp is an abelian group, because in this case the Jacobian matrix of (G, H) at p may be factorized by the Alexander matrix of (G, H). Suppose that we have the following commutative diagram: where x is the abelianizer. Obviously, in this case we also have the following 74 commutative diagram: We can choose the base elements ei (0, ... , 1,..., 0) of Gab Zr + S -by taking topological standard meridians in tubular neighbourhoods of the link components of L (see (2.2.2)). For each i =1, ... , r + s - t we have an automorphism Ei = Pab(ei) E Aut A (Et+1 Er 1), and multiplicities mi(mr+1 = ··· mr+s-t = 0). The ring group Z[Gab] is Z[03BB1,03BB-11 ..., 03BBr+s-t, 03BB-1r+s-t] where Ai = = ..’ = = = = correspond to ei. Let 0394(03BB1,..., 03BBr+s-t) (resp. 0394(03BB)) be the Alexander polynomial of the link r+s-t2 (resp. r+s-t=1) in Z[Gab]. THEOREM C. Ifimp is an abelian group, L if then We recall that A is ± 03BBi11 ··· The well-defined only up to multiplication by monomials therefore the above equality is to be taken modulo these monomials. proof is given in (3.4). 2.2.8. REMARK. A particular 03C01(S3~-D, *) itself is abelian. This is singular of type A1. case when imp is abelian occurs when happens exactly when either D is smooth or D 2.2.9. REMARK. Consider the case when D is smooth, V(c) is irreducible and the Milnor number 03BC(z) of the ICIS (h, g): (Cn+1, z) ~ (C2,(h, g)(z)) is constant for z e V(c) (in a neighbourhood of the origin). Then Fi’ng is homeomorphic to the 1. Therefore central singular fiber, hence it is contractible, thus 0394Sing1(03BB) = 75 where 2.2.10. EXAMPLE. Take h=zn+1 and g(z) = g(z1,...,zn), where g:(Cn, 0) ~ (C, 0) defines an IS. Then D {d = 0}. Let P PT1... Pmrr such that 03A3f 0. Then = = = then 0394f,n(03BB) = det(1-03BBkhk-1g). We note that 2.3. Series 0394* can be immediately calculated using the EN-diagram [9]. of singularities Let {Pk}kk0 be a series of plane curve singularities, such that (i) P-1k(0) and D have no common components (ii) limk~~ multo(P 00 - Pk) 00 (where multo(P) denotes the multiplicity of P). = By Theorem A we get for fk = Pk(h, g) 2.3.3. EXAMPLE. Consider the following series of singularities 76 Then 2.3.4. Series of singularities appear naturally in the classification of germs. The Arnold’s series.of isolated singularities are related to non-isolated singularities, by "approximating" them. This is the main motivation for Schrauwen’s [26] definition of topological series of isolated plane curve singularities: the topological series belonging to P 00 consists of all topological types of isolated singularities whose links arise as the splice of the link of P 00 with some other links. Similarly, in our case, when P-1~(0) and D do have common irreducible components, we want to approximate the germ f 00 by germs fk P,(h, g) such that fk is a "nice germ" in our class, i.e. 03A3fk 0. The best approximation of f~ with fk holds when X(Pk) X(P (0) (see formula (2.3.2)), i.e. when the topological type of P~ and Pk agree, and only the mutual position of P-1~(0) and Pk 1(0) with respect to D varies. = = = We represent it by the EN-diagram: i given from the Newton pairs (pij, qij)j by the formula ai1 + + 1+ pijpij+1aij if j 2. Consider the following developments for i =1, ... ,t : where aij a; 1 = q; with are EN-diagram where ai = qi + psas. = qi1, 77 Thus, the link component KDi(i=1,..., t) is replaced by K’i, a cable on KDi, which will follow KDi around 1-times in the longitudinal direction and ai-times in the meridian direction. 2.3.5. DEFINITION. For {ai}i=1.....,t, all pmr ... and with we ai>pisais, say that Pa we is a define "topolog- ical trivial series" belonging to P~. If the schematic EN-diagram of the multilink is the following: then the schematic Thus EN-diagram of i KD1,..., KD remains as "virtual components" of F(P,,), P, and common components and X(P a) r(Pa) is ~(P~). obtained from 0393(P~) by splicing with t (trivial) D have = torus links: no 78 By splice condition m’i = mjt(Ki, Kj) (hence it is an invariant of 0393(P~) and by an easy computation it may be calculated from the EN-diagram, see p. 84 [9]). Obviously, the algebraicity condition is fulfilled if ai is sufficiently large (ai > pisais). With this notation THEOREM D. 1n we If a » 0 have the then for following fa = Pa(h, g): particular The proof is given 2.3.6. EXAMPLE in (3.5). (lomdin’s series) (t = 1, m1 = 1, m’ = 0, a1 = q). ICIS such that dim Singh -1(0) 1. Thus {c 01 c D. The series fq = h + gq approximate the "bad" singularity f~ h. If g is a general linear form, then we obtain Sierma’s result [33]. Let (h, g) be an = = = 2.4. The complement of a projective hypersurface be homogeneous polynomials in Cn+1 (n 2) of degree dh 1 and dg 1, such that (h, g) is an ICIS. Let di d,/g.c.d. (dh, dg), d2 d,/g.c.d. (dh, dg). Let P be a weighted homogeneous polynomial in two variables with weights dl and d2 and degree d. Then f P(h, g) is a homogeneous polynomial with degree d f d’ (dh, dg). Since we want to study the complement space 2.4.1. Let h, g = = = = 79 may assume in this section, that P = Pred It is easy to see that the Milnor fiber F we = covering over the = P1 ··· Pr. f-1(1) is the total space of a ZdfTheorem A we complement X = Pn - [V(f)]. Therefore, by have: 2.4.2. The natural map X for the definition of 03B5(f).) ~ K(03C01(X, *), 1) is an (n-03B5(f))-equivalence. (See 2.1.1 2.4.3. The aim of this section is to determine the group 03C01(X, *). The fiber bundle with fiber C* has the E = Cn+1-V(f)Pn-[V(f)] homotopy exact sequence The exact sequence of the fiber bundles EC* with fiber F and EP = C2 - V(P) pC* with fiber Q p are related by the diagram: Since ul is an isomorphism for n 2 + 03B5(f) (by (2.1.1)) we obtain that u2* is an isomorphism. Consequently 03C01(X, *) = 03C01(Ep, *)IN’, where N’* is the normal subgroup generated by the class of the loop t (h(e203C0it. *), g(e 21rit*)) (e203C0idhth(*), e203C0idgtgt(*)), t ~ [0, 1]. = complement space {(c, d): |c|2 + Idl2 = 11 _ V(P) can be identified with E(P) = 03A3 (d2, d1) - U Si, where 03A3(d2, d1) is the Seifert manifold with Seifert invariants d2 and dl [9], and singular orbits S, and S2 (corresponding to c = 0 and d = 0), and U Si is a disjoint union of S1-orbits such that 2.4.4. The (i) SI U Si c is a component of P (ii) S2 component of P (iii) U Si contains r’ general orbits «P has r’ irreducible factors different from c and d. Let 03C01(E(P), *) with a base point * on a general S1-orbit S* , and let N* be the normal subgroup generated by the class of the loop which follows the Slorbit S* in (dh, d,)-times. Then 03C01(E(P), *)/N* = 03C01(Ep, *)IN’ by the above identification. Our results can be summarized in the following 2.4.5. PROPOSITION. If n 2 + e(f ), then there exists a (n - e(f »equivalence X ~ K(03C01(E(P), *)IN*, 1). In particular 03C01(X) depends only on the numbers (dh, dg) and r’, and on the fact that c resp. d is or is not a component of P. 80 This result can be Matsumoto [15]. regarded as a generalization of Proposition 4.2 of Kato and These cases may be compared to a general result due to Lê and Saito [19] which says that 03C01(X) is abelian (hence 03C01(X) H1(X, Z)) provided f has normal crossing in codimension 1. = (b) P = c3 + d2, 03C01(Ep, *) = . and n1(X) = (x, y: xy n1 (X) = (a, b: a2 b3, b3(dh,d,) = 1). b = by substitution a=xyx, = particular if we take (h, g) = (x2 + y2, x3 + z3) then we example f (X2 + y2)3 + (x3 +Z3)2 with n1 Z2 * Z3 [40]. In = obtain the Zariski = 2.4.7. Suppose that LI 0, hence e(f ) 0. The homotopy groups and the Euler characteristic of X can be determined by the Zd f-covering, and the homology groups Hq(X, Z) 0 q n - 1 by the n-equivalence (2.4.5). Since X is a n-dimensional Stein space, the only non-trivial remaining group, Hn(X, Z), is free and may be determined by an Euler-characteristic argument. = 2.5. Germs with finite = (h)k-1-codimension 2.5.1. Recall that (9 is the local ring of germs of analytic functions of (n + 1)variables and m is its maximal ideal. For an analytic germ we denote by J f its Jacobian ideal, i.e. Jf = (~1f,..., ~n+1f)O. If 7 is an ideal in (9, then its primitive ideal f I is defined as {f E lP(f) + J f c I} [23]. Let -9 be the group of germs of local analytic isomorphisms h :(Cn 1 1, 0) ~ (Cn+ 1, 0) and consider the subgroup DI = {h~D|h*(I)=I}. Since DI acts on I, for germs f ~I we can define the tangent space 03C4I(f) = {03BE(f)|03BE E TDI} (where TDI = {03BE E m Derc : 03BE(I) I}) of the orbit of f under DI. Similarly, the sub pseudo group DI,e of the pseudo group De of local analytic isomorphisms H:(Cn+1, 0) ~ Cn+11 determines the extended tangent space (where TDI,e= {03BE~D of f. The 1-codimension, resp. the extended I-codimension of f is defined by 81 2.5.2. Consider h ~ m with an isolated critical point at the origin and let thus if I = (h)k-1 (k 2). Then by an easy computation we obtain f ~ I then f = hk. g. It is easy to see, that if g has only isolated singularities then the critical locus of f is V(h). The purpose of this section is to determine the topological type of the Milnor fiber of germs f hk. g with finite I-codimension. that I=(h)k, = 2.5.3. If 9 ft m, then the Milnor fiber of f is diffeomorphic to k (disjoint) copies of the Milnor fiber of h. Note that even in this simple case, in general cI,e(f) ~ 0. By [23, p. 37] 03C4I,e((h)k) = Jhk(h)k, i.e. cI,e03BC(k) - 03C4(h) - 03C4(h) (03C4(h) = Tjurina number of h), hence cI,e(hk) 0 if and only if h is weighted homogeneous. Therefore the DI-classification is very complicated in general, for example it may happen that we have no DI-simple germs. (See also [7].) = 2.5.4. For germs g ~ m we have the following = hkg ~ I FINITE I-CODIMENSION CRITERION. Let f such that Then cI(f) oo if and only if the following two conditions hold: (i) g defines an IS (ii) (h, g) defines an f ~ m. ICIS. Proof. Suppose that cj(f) is finite. Since 03BE(h)/h~O, for 03BE ~ TDI, we can consider the ideal /3 {kg03BE(h)/h + 03BE(g)|03BE E TDI}. From the isomorphism I/03C4I(f) ~ (9jP we obtain that /3 has finite C-codimension. Obviously fi c (g) + Jg hence g is an IS. Let c be as in (2.0.2). Then the zero set of the ideal c + (g) + (h) is contained in the zero set of the ideal fi, hence (h, g) is an ICIS. Conversely, if the pair (h, g) is an ICIS and g is an IS then if we denote by J the ideal generated by kgih + hô;g, i =1, ... , n+1 in 6, then J + c has finite Ccodimension. (To see this suppose that V(J + c) ~ {0} and use the Curve selection lemma). Considering the derivations 03BEi = h~i and we obtain that /3e {kg03BE(h)/h + 03BE(g)|03BE E TDI,e} c + J, hence cj,,,(f) is finite. = = 2.5.5. COROLLARY. If f = hkg has finite Milnor fiber of f is a bouquet of spheres SI pn = g E Wl, then the NJJn Sn), where k(iÀ(h, g) + IÀ(h» + Jl(h, g) + p(g). Proof. Use (2.5.4) and 2.5.6. If we consider (h, cI(f) = (2.1.5). g) as in (2.1.6), then the pair (zn+1, ç) defines an ICIS, but oo. 2.5.7. EXAMPLE. Let h(z)=zn+1 homotopic and g(z)=~(z1,...,zn)+zn+103C8(z). If ~ m, then f Éi zkn+1zn (in the latter case the Milnor fiber then f is (h)k-1-codimension, v to S1). In both cases cI,e(f) = 0. 82 If ç E m2, then cI(f) and in this case oo if and only if ç : (C", 0) - (C, 0) and g E U have only IS 2.5.9. EXAMPLE. Let h be a weighted homogeneous germ of degree dh and weights w1,...,wn+1. Then TDI,e is generated by the Euler derivation 03BEe = [5]. If g is also 03A3iwizi~i and the "trivial derivations" with same the weights w1,..., w" +1 and degree dg, then weighted homogeneous /3e c + (g), therefore by [20, p. 77] we get again: = Obviously, when h~m2, 2.5.10. Let n = 1, k = 2 and results [29] (for n = 1), i.e. then hence Çe’ h(zI, z2) = z2. Then our cI,e(f) = cI(f). results agree with Siersma’s because 2.5.11. Consider now the case n = 2 and k = 1, i.e. f = gh. Then 03A3f = Y(g) n V(h) is a 1-dimensional ICIS, hence we can compare our result with [30,31]. Obviously, the Hessian number ô(f ) vanishes, =tt= D 00 0. By the main theorem of [31], case B, F ~ S1 v NJl2 S2), where the number of 2-spheres in the bouquet is p(h,g)+*Al (#=A1=j(f)=dimc(h,g)/Jf). By our result # A1= = p(h) + Jl(g) + 03BC(h, g). 2.5.12. The following (general) statement was formulated as an (erroneous) conjecture in the first version of this paper. Thanks are due to the referee for correcting it and hinting at a way of how to prove it. If f hk·g has finite (h)k-1-codimension, then = The proof can be given with a method as in a paper of Greuel and Looijenga: The dimension of smoothing components, Duke Math. J. 52 (1985), 263-272. 83 3. Proofs 3.1. A TECHNICAL LEMMA. Let f, h, gE2, all defined in the ball BEo. Let {0} ~ V c V(f) be a germ of a real analytic set, also defined in BEO such that (in (3.1) we will We have the use the notation following Y(h) for {z E Beo|h(z) basic lemma, due 3.1.1. LEMMA. There exists essentially 0 and = 01). to Iomdin [13]. neighbourhood G (in Beo) of V - {0} such that for z E B, n G - V(f ) if /31(h. ah + g. Dg) + /32Z Âf - ô f with 03B21, 03B22 ~ R, 03B221+03B222 ~ 0, 03BB ~ C then fil - fl2 0. Proof. The lemma is a consequence of Lemma 1.6. in op. cit. (In the statement of 1.6, V is a complex algebraic set, but this difference is not essential in the proof. See also Lemma 1.5 op. cit. for the real analytic version of the resùlt). Let M {z E Be| there exist /31’ fl2 ~ R+, fil + fl2 ~ 0, and A E C such that an eo > e > a = = 3.1.2. LEMMA. If e is sufficiently small then (the closure is considered in B,). Proof. Suppose the contrary. Then there exists an irreducible component W of M - V(f ) n V(f) such that W 94- V(g) n V(h) and d dim W n V(g) n V(h) dim W - 1 (all spaces are considered in B03B5 with e sufficiently small). If L is a generic linear space of codimension d which contains the origin, then the real analytic set V L n W c V(f) has the property V n V(h) n V(g) = {0} and = = dim V a 1. But the existence of V is in contradiction with lomdin’s lemma. 3.1.3. REMARK. One of the consequences of (3.1.2) is that the Milnor fibers f-1(~) B03B5 and f-1 (~’) B03B5’, (0 03B5’ 03B5, 0 ~ « B, 0 ~’ « 03B5’) are diffeomorphic. For other consequences see [13]. 3.2. Proof of Theorem A 3.2.1. It is easy to see that it is enough to prove the theorem for Jlo = 1. We choose 03B51 > 0 and 03B51 » ~1 > 0 sufficiently small such that u = (h, g)(h, is a "good representative" for the ICIS (h, g) ([20]) and in D~1, P-1(0) and D have cone structure. Let V(c) c B03B51 u-1(D~) be the reduced critical locus of u and D u(V(c)) the corresponding (reduced) discrimi- g)-1(D~1) B03B51 ~ D~1 = nant locus. 84 Let L be a generic line LD={0}, LP-1(0)={0}. Let 0 81be 8 (3.2.2). (i) B, is (ij) (iii) a so origin: L:{(c,d)~D~1:03B1c+03B2d=0} such that particular L(h, g) = 03B1h + 03B2g ~ O defines an IS. at the In small that Milnor-ball for the functions f and L(h, g). BE c u Lemma (3.1.2) is valid for E for both sets Finally chose 0 we ~1small ~ enough of maps ( f, h, g) and (L(h, g), h, g). such that u: u-1(D~) B03B5 ~ D~ is a "good representative" for u. (3.2.3). (i) (ii) D~ is a Milnor-ball for P: (C2, 0) ~ (C, 0). (iii) The restriction of 03C1: C2 ~ R+, 03C1((c, d)) = |c|2 + |d|2 to D has no critical value in (0, ~2]. (iv) For all (c, d) E D - P-1(0), P-1(P(c, d)) meets transversely the curve D. (v) Lemma (2.2.1) is valid for ’1. If c5 > 0 is sufficiently small relative to e, il 1 and ’1, then (i) Fa = f-1(03B4) n Be is the (open) Milnor fiber of f in Be. (ii) Qâ - P-1(03B4) n D~1, Qa P-1(03B4) n Dl are the (open) Milnor fibers = D~1 D~. Obviously u-1(Q103B4) n Be of P in resp. = F03B4. 3.2.4. As a first step we prove that for sufficiently small c5, u-1(Qa) n BE is a deformation retract of Fa. Moreover, is a deformation retract of f-1(~D103B4)B03B5 by a deformation retract which preserve the fibers of f. Proof. The différence of P-1(~D103B4)D~1-P-1(~D)D~ has r connected components, corresponding to the irreducible components of P: Ci03B4 = {(c, d)~D~1, Pi (c, d)~~D103B4, ~ 03C1((c, d)) ~1},i = 1,...,r. ~u-l(Ci03B4) n Be and c5 small, the projection p., of z and the projection p p of h - ~h+g·~g on the tangent space Tz(f-1(f(z))) are nonzero by (3.2.2(iii), For z on this lemma pz e Rpp . Therefore we can construct a vector field u-1(Ci03B4) n Be (first locally then by a partition of unity, globally) such that moreover by (a) v’(z) is tangent to f-1(f(z)). (b) Re v’(z), h êh(z) + g Dg(z» (c) Revi(z), z 0. For each 0. there exists a unique smooth path 85 such that (because p o u(pz(t)) and ~piz(t)~are increasing functions) and f(piz(z)) we can = f(z). Then define the deformation retract by 3.2.5. Let similarly us as denote the Milnor fiber of L(h, g) by Lb, L(h, g) in (3.2.4) we obtain that for ô’ sufficiently small = -’(ô’) n Be. Then is a of Lb,. 3.2.6. Let us denote u-l(Qb)nBe by F03B4. Then by construction u:F03B4~Q03B4 is a smooth fiber bundle over Q03B4 - D with fiber the Milnor fiber F. of the pair (h, g). A singular fiber u-1((c, d))((c, d) E Q n D) is also a bouquet of (n-1)-spheres and can be obtained from F. by attaching rank Hn-1(Fu)-rank Hn-1(u-1(c, d» cells deformation retract of dimension n. The cardinal number of the intersection D Q03B4 = {O1,...,ONp} is Np = (PP, P)o (see (2.0.3) for the notations). It is easy to see that there exists a subspace Qâ = {bouquet of circles with base point *} in Qa such that Q,, is a deformation retract of Qa and D n Qa 0. Let Di, i = 1,..., N p be small closed C~-embedded disks in Qa - Qa with center at the points Oi with radius so small that they are mutually disjoint and for all i let li be a C°°-embedded interval in Qb from the base point * ~ Q03B4 to a point 0’ on ôDi such that1 = U i li can be contracted within itself to *, Q03B4 ~1 can be contracted within itself to Qa and Qô can be contracted to Q03B4 ~l~ U i Di. Then (by usual arguments, see [28, §7], [31]) we obtain that #03B4 (hence the Milnor fiber F03B4, too) has the homotopy type of a space obtained from u-1(Q03B4)~B03B5 by attaching cells of dimension n. But u-1(Q03B4) ~ Be may be regarded as the total space of a fiber bundle with fiber F. and base space homotopic to Qp. In the following we shall count the number of cells. = 3.2.7. Recall that V(PP i 1, ... , s - t are the irreducible components of u(0393f) and Fij is the irreducible decomposition of u-1(V(PDi)). If (c, d) E V(pf), then u-1(c, d) n Be is obtained from F. by attaching 1 03BCij(z) cells of dimension n (the sum is taken over z~u-1(c, d)~0393f) [20, pp. 75-76]. Thus each V(PD) contributes with (PDi, P)o 03A3tij=103BCijdij cells. Therefore the total number of cells is = 86 On the other hand (see [36, p. 318]), where n(03B3ijf)) is the length of ON (N = ideal of nilpotent elements in O/03B3ijf). In order to prove the equality J.lij = n(03B3ijf), consider the ICIS Then the reduced critical locus 0393redij,z is smooth and (h, g)z |0393redij,z is an immersion. Consequently, the rank of dz(h, g) is not zero, hence at least one component of (h, g) is smooth at z and meets 0393ij transversely at z, hence by [20, 5.11(a)] and using the above formula, we get pij n(y’j Consequently, the Milnor fiber Fa has the homotopy type of u-1(Q03B4) n BE with (03B3f(c), f )o n-cells attached, which proves (A(a)). = 3.2.8. For the definition of the natural map F ~ UJLO K(03C01(F), 3.2.9. Let n = 1. Then 3.2.10. Let n > 2 and that (a) (3.2.4) (A(b)) follows from an 1) see [34, p.427]. Euler-characteristic argument. 1:¡ = 0. Fix ô’ as defined in (3.2.5) and take à > 0 so small is valid. (b)P : {(c, d) ~ D~is :smooth 03B1c + 03B2d fiber bundle. P-1(~D103B4) n D~ ~ ôD§ (c) Let a Q|03B4| P-1(~D103B4~D~ and Q|03B4| P-1(C-D103B4)~D~. = = By argument similar to that of [21, pp. 52-53] using moreover (3.2.3) we n D) is a deformation retract of (Q|03B4|, Q|03B4| D). obtain that the pair is a deLifting this deformation retract we obtain that formation retract of (see also the argument of [20, 2.D]). Let *’ be a point on Q03B4 ~ {(c, d) : ac + /3d 03B4’}. As in (3.2.6) we consider the intersection points {03B1c + /3d ô’l n D, small closed C ’ -embedded, mutually disjoint disks D’ in {03B1c + 03B2d = 03B4’} with center at these points and embedded intervals h from *’ to points on ÔD’ such that an (Qpl, Qisl E|03B4| = u-1(Q|03B4|)~B03B5 = = (i) (ii) (iii) ~il’ican be contracted within itself to *’. is a deformation retract in D~ ~ {03B1c + 03B2d = 03B4’}. = Q|03B4|. L’ L’ 87 Since u is locally trivial over D~~{03B1c + 03B2d = 03B4’} - D, u-1(L’)~B03B5 homotopy type of L03B4’~03BC-1(D~) Since La. is (n-1)-connected (because morphism, induced by inclusions: which is has the deformation retract in La. by (3.2.5). L(h, g) is IS, see (3.2.1)), the composed a Obviously, since Qa - D is connected, for all E|03B4| induces a trivial morphism at 03C0n-1. is trivial. u-1(*) ~ But this is true also for the inclusion retract in * E Qa - D the inclusion u-1(*) E|03B4| because E|03B4| is a deformation ~ E|03B4|. From the homotopy f -l(aDJ) n Bt 4 ~D103B4 is exact with fiber F03B4, of obtain that sequence we the Milnor fibration Bibi that n 2). By (3.2.4) is a deformation retract in a deformation preserving the fibers of f, hence is also injective. Looking at the composition we obtain that is also trivial. injective (recall f-1(~D103B4) ~ B03B5 by u-1(*) ~ F03B4 ~ E|03B4| 3.2.11. Let us summarize our partial results: F03B4 has the homotopy type of a space obtained from the total space of the fiber bundle (T, F*) = (u-1(Q03B4) n BE, F*) ~ (Q03B4, *) by attaching N cells of dimension n such that the morphism (induced by the inclusion) nn - 1(F*) ~ 03C0n-1(F03B4) is trivial. - F* is a bouquet of y. spheres of dimension n -1 (with natural base point bo). Qa is a bouquet of Jlp circles (with base point *). be the geometric monodromies of the fiber bundle corresponding i = 1,..., 1À,,. Then the total space T can be regarded as a factor set of a disjoint union ep 1 {i} x F* x [0, 1]/ ~ where (i, x, 0) - ( j, x, 0), (i, x,1 ) ~ (i, hi(x), 0). We may suppose that hi (bo) bo. Let 1 S1 be the image of ~i{i} {b0} [0, 1] in T. Then T is obtained from (S1) v F * by attaching 03BCP·03BCu cells of dim. n. Therefore F03B4 has the homotopy type of a space obtained from ( 1 Sl) v F* by attaching N + 03BCP·03BCu cells of dimension n, such that F* ~ F03B4 induces the trivial morphism at 03C0n-1. If n 3, then it is immediate that we may assume that the images of the characteristic maps of all n-cells are in F*, thus Let hi: F* ~ F* to = 88 the Obviously, projection map F03B4~Q03B4. NJlp S1) v NJln S") --+VJlP S1can be identified with the In order to prove the theorem for n = 2, we give the following 3.2.12. DEFINITION. A continuous map p: E - B between topological Hausdorff spaces is called a m-quasifibration (0 m ~) if for all points b ~ B and e ~ p-1(b) the induced maps p* : nq(E, p -1(b), e) ~ 03C0q(B, b) are isomorphisms for 0 q m - 1 and epimorphisms for q m. (For m oo we obtain the usual definition of quasifibration [8]). A careful inspection of the proof of Satz 2.2 in [8] shows that the following holds true: = = 3.2.13. CRITERION. Let (Ui)i~F be an open covering of B such that (a) For each i~F, p: p-1(Ui) ~ Ui is a m-quasifibration. (b) Each non-void intersection Ui n Uj can be written as an union of elements in u. Then p is a m-quasifibration. 3.2.14. Consider the map F03B4 ~ Q03B4 and an open covering with small disks of the space Q03B4: Then 03C01(u-1(b))~03C01(u-1(D)) is an epimorphism for small disks D, and b ~ D hence 03C0q(u-1(D), u-1(b), e) 0 for q 0, 1. Therefore by (3.2.13) u is a 2is an isomorphism. But quasifibration, in particular from the following diagram = 03C01(Q03B4) is an isomorphism. Consequently, we may assume that the images of the characteristic maps of all 2-cells are in F*, thus finishing the proof. we 3.3. obtain that 03C01(F03B4) = Proof of Theorem 3.3.1. We ~ B keep the notations of (3.2). (For simplicity suppose n > 2). By (2.2.1) we can identify the pairs (Q03B4, Q03B4 -D) and (F~, F~ - D) and the representations 03C01(Q03B4 - D, *) ~ Aut A and 03C01(F~ - D, *) ~ Aut A (both induced by P). By (3.2.4) Ejôj is a deformation retract in f-1(D103B4) n B, and (since P-1(0) and D have a’cône structure in D~1)E V(c) = V(c). We have the commutative following diagram. 89 Consequently the monodromy monodromy of f|E|03B4|. of f (over can be identified to the that u is a Thom map over D103B4. Therefore by the Thom’s second isotopy lemma ([41]) u is locally trivial over able Hence the geometric monodromy of f |E|03B4| can be regarded as a lifting of the geometric monodromy of P. It is easy to see Q|03B4| n D in neighbourhood of Qlal. Let and u-1(T)~B03B5=F, T) n B,,. Then WY If and a.r. we introduce the new strata a.r resp. T, n 9Bibi then again by the isotopy lemma we may assume that the geometric monodromy of f |Bibi is a lifting of the geometric monodromy of P which preserves the subspaces T, ô T, Qlal int T. Consequently 3.3.3. Let T be a small closed tubular = = - where and are the corresponding zeta functions of the restricted to the spaces 1 F03B4, WY ~F03B4 and ôi n -97&. 3.3.5. (which is monodromy ~ F03B4 is the total space of a fiber bundle over the base space int T diffeomorphic to Qa - D) and with fiber Fu. By [34, p. 498] there is a convergent E2 cohomology spectral sequence of bigraded algebras with Es,t2= Hs(Q03B4 - D, H’(F., C)) and Eoo the bigraded algebra associated to some filtration of H*(, C), but D is a K(H,1)-space, hence Hs(Q03B4 - D, Ht(Fu, C)) HS(H, Ht(Fu, C)) which is trivial if t ~ 0, n -1 or s 2. = (We recall that HS(free groups are: group, M) = 0 whenever s 2 [35, p. 220].) The other 90 = P-D · 03BEP,D, because the monodromy action on Hq(H, A) q 0,1 can be identified to the action described in diagram (2.2.4). (Here 03BEP-D is the zeta function of the monodromy of P induced on Q03B4 - D.) Therefore Eit = Es,t~ and = 3.3.6. Removing the points Qd n D in Q03B4 - D, by the Mayer-vietoris theorem we obtain that (P=(p-D’(QnT.«(Q6noT)-1. Since QdnoTis a disjoint union of circles, (Q6noT = 1; and (Q6nT = (Q6nD’ But QD {(P, PDi)o = kj points} and the monodromy can be identified with the cyclic permutation of the points of these sets, therefore by (2.0.5). = Thus 3.3.7. u-1(Q03B4 n D) is a deformation retract in F03B4 ~ FSingj} and the hj,kj o... hj.l induces disjoint copies such that operator hSingj. of o Thus F, u-1(Q03B4 n D) geometric monodromy on Hn-1(FSingj, C) the is a cyclic = {kj map: singular monodromy by (2.0.5) Q03B4 n aT {Sj1 ~ ··· u Sjkj} where Si are smooth circles around the can be regarded as a points of D n Qb. The geometric monodromy on F03B4 n 3.3.8. cyclic = map: 91 (h’. J.k) o...oh’. J.1but Therefore (03BB) due to the following = 3.3.9. LEMMA. Let pr1 p: E ~ S1 (pr, = all these zeta functions are trivial ES1 x S’ be a fiber bundle. If we consider the application first projection) then the zeta function of the monodromy of trivial, i.e. 03BEpr1p(03BB) = 1. Proof. The monodromy induces the following automorphism of the Wang pr1 p is exact sequence of the fibration Eo pr2°p) Swith fiber F: where E0 =(pr1 P)-1(1) F = p-1(1,1). 3.3.10. Finally if we summarize: 3.3.11. If 03A3f = , then Hq(F, C) Theorem A(b) hence (b) is trivial. 3.4. Proof of Theorem can be identified to Hq(Q(), C) q = 0,1 by C 3.4.1. Let b1,...,bv (v=03BC(P, D)) be a system of generators for the group H, and 1. let g~G such that 9.(g) If we consider the element g as a "distinguished generator" [10], then we have a presentation of the pair (G, g): = The Jacobian matrix of (G, g) is the following (see op. cit.): 92 If we apply the abelianizer x, then we obtain the "Jacobian matrix at is the Alexander matrix of the pair (G, g): x" which Similarly, if ~(g) = 03A3jajej, î(g) I1j îjai(X: Z[G] -Z[Gall is induced by X). By [10, 6.3 and 6.4]: If ~(bi) = 03A3aijej, then then = Since ~(b-1i(i=1,...,v) and î(g) determinant of the following matrix is also equal 3.4.2. Let us to consider the evaluation map: given by This map extends to 3.4.3. Let us are compute invertible elements in (mod ± ). Z[Gab], the 93 If *:Z[G]~Z[Z] = Z[03BB, 03BB-1] is induced by ~*, then iP*, hence Since Therefore det(e 0 1(M~)) = det(-1 + 03BB[gDer]) ± 0394Der(03BB). Since 03B5det Mx = 0394*(03BBmE1,...,03BBm 3.4.4. that det(e det MX) = we obtain det 0394* ·Ag(03BB). Hence Therefore, Theorem C follows from the following 3.4.5. LEMMA. det(03B5 Proof. See [4], §12, p. 3.5. Proof of Theorem 1(M) = det 03B5 det M if M E Mv v(Z[Gab]) 140, Lemma 2. D 3.5.1. The fiber of P~ can be identified to a minimal Seifert surface Q~ of the multilink (S3, m1K). Let Ni be a tubular neighbourhood of the link component KD with topological standard meridian Mi and longitude Li (i =1,...,t). The minimal Seifert surface Q 00 meets the torus ôNi in di parallel copies of Ki(pi, qi) where Ki(pi) qi) denotes the unique (up to isotopy) oriented simple closed curve in bNi homologous to piLi + qiMi, di g.c.d. (mi, m’i), diPi = Let us = mi, diqi = - m’ [9, p. 30]. consider the Seifert links Ki with topological standard meridian Let gi be a tubular neighbourhood of Seifert surface of the Seifert link minimal on be a and Let ei Ûi longitude Li ôNi. 94 Yi. After splicing, Mi identifies to fiber Qa of Pa to the space (by the identification 3.5.2. The Seifert link Li, Li to Mi, Qi n ôNi to Q~ ~ ôNl and the of Q~ - ~ti=1 int Ni to Qa - ~ti=1 int Ni). i has a realization in the Seifert manifold {(z1, z2) E e2: |z1|2 + |z2|2 = 1} = 03A3(03B11, 1) where Ki = {z1 is 01, K’i = {z2 = 0} and KD is a general S1-orbit, where the Sl-action given by The bord of = agi of Ni is given by Iz 11= 03B5 (for 8 small), hence the di parallel copies diKi(pi, qi) Let can be given by the (z01, z02) ~ ~i-1(1) with |z01|=03B5, equations: where 1 is the fibration map of the Seifert manifold. is given by the équations : defined by ~(z1, z2) Then the S1-orbit (e203C0i03C4z01, = Therefore the S1-orbit of (z°, z2) meets diKi(pi, qi) in m’i + aimi points. The is a cyclic permutation of monodromy action these points. Thus, we can denote the points by Ti1,...,Tim’i+aimi such that hi(Tij) Tij+1; j 1,...,m’i + aimi (and 1 = Ti1). = 3.5.3. The = virtual link (z11, z12)~~-1i(1), |z11|= 8(1 KDi + general S 1-orbit t--+t*(zL zà) where ro), t ~ C, |t| 1 and ro > 0 is sufficiently small. is a = 95 KD meets the fiber (p- ’(1) in m’i+ a’mi points given by points Ti1,..., These Tim’i+miai are also the equations: circularly permuted by hi (i.e. hOT’;) = Let T’ in ai : [0, 1] ~ ~-1i(1), i 1,..., t be an embedded segment between Ti1 ~-1i(1) such that 03B11i(0) Tl, 03B11i(1) Ti1, Tij+1). = = |(03B11i(03C4))1|~(03B5, 03B5(1 + r0)) if and = 1:E(O, 1) Then embedded segment between Tij and Tij. Finally, let Dij be small closed embedded disks with sufficiently small radius is a deformation and centers in Tij such that retract in ~-1i(1)-int 9,, moreover, the deformation retract may be chosen compatible with the monodromy action. is an Ri = 3.5.4. Since u is locally trivial over ~ti=1 Ni and Q~ - ~ti=1 int Ni is a deformation retract in Q~, we obtain that the space u-1(Q~ - int Ni) is a deformation retract in u-1(Q~) = F~. is a deformation retract in Qa, and over the Since difference space u is locally trivial, we obtain that u-1(Qa) can be replaced by u-1(Q~)~iu-1(jim03B1~Dij) glued over u-1(jTij). Obviously the monodromy preserves this decomposition, hence where 03BEi1 03BEi2 By = zeta function of the = zeta function of the monodromy induced monodromy induced on on ju-1(Tij) Lemma 2.0.5 03BEi1(03BB) = (zeta function induced by the Sl-orbit Kf on u-1(Ti1))(03BBm’i+miai) 96 Hence and by (2.0.5) we get formula of Theorem D. Acknowledgements 1 wish to thank A. Zaharia for many helpful conversations related to the present paper. Special thanks are due to Professor D. Eisenbud, who provided me with a copy of his joint book with W. Neumann [9], from which 1 learned some useful techniques. 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