Wrepmr$wag Yex*wred ffiw$r Smr ffirm$d6weg
Wrepmr$wag Yex*wred ffiw$r Smr ffirm$d6weg
Wrepmr$wag Yex*wred ffiw$rSmrffirm$d6weg Numberthe followingstepsin theirproperprocedural order. Drapeclient Sectionhair Compietepre-serviceprocedure Comb hairapplyingdetangling solutionas needed Earto ear parling Divicjesectioninto two equalpartsand twist togetherto the end Shampoothe hair TWistremaining sectionsuntilentireheadis sectioned Completepost-serviceprocedure Openone combedsectionand applyblowdryingcreamfrom scalpto ends Dryfor fiveto ten minutesundermedium-heat dryer Blowdryusingpick attachment on blowdryer Gentlytowel-dryhair Ohapter l8 Braiding & Braid Extensions Yfu* ffi*esw$wp$ffi#$?em$ ffi*mgffis#g fumwkm In the spaceprovided,listall fivephasesin the development of locksin the leftcolumn.In the rightcorumn,thoroughlyexplaineachphase. DEVELOPMENT Ghapter 18 Braiding & Braid Extensions IY ffir**w*$&xy#.$*r ffi.*wx"*S*rsxtr,ffi*wffi Numberthe followingstepsin theirproperprocedural order. Dry hair. Gentlytowel dry the hair,then blowdryit completely. PenforrnPre-Service Procedure. Determinesize of base and apply oil. Depending on desired style,determinethe correctsizeand directionof the cornrow base.Withtail comb,part hairinto2-inch(5 cm) sections,ano applya lightessential oil to the scalp.Massageoil throughout scalpand hair. Taketwo even partings.Start by takingtwo evenparlingsto form a neatrow for the cornrowbase.Witha tail comb,pan the hairintoa panel,usingbutter{lyclipsto keepthe otherhair pinnedto eitherside. Continuepicking up strandswith each revolution.As you movealongthe braidpanel,pick up a strandfromthe scalp with each revolution,and add it to the outerstrandbefore crossingit under,alternating the sideof the braidon which you pick up the hair. Dividethe panel into three even strands.To ensure consistency, makesurethat strandsarethe samesize.place fingerscloseto the base.Crossthe leftstrand(1)underthe centerstrand(2).The centerstrandis now on the left and the formerleft strand(1)is the new center. Braid next panel.Braidthe nextpanelin the samedirection and in the samemanner.Keepthe parlingscleanand even. Begin underhandcornrow"Crossthe rightstrand(3)under the centerstrand(1).Passingthe outerstrandsunderthe centerstrandthis way createsthe underhand cornrowbraid. Braidto ends and finish.Simplybraidingto the endscan finishthe cornrow;smallrubberbandscan be usedto hold the ends in place.Otheroptionalfinishes,suchas singeing (heatsealing),are consideredadvancedmethodsand require specialtraining. Pick up new strand with each revolution.With each crossingunderor revolution, pick up fromthe baseof tne panela new strandof equalsizeand add it to the outerstrand beforecrossingit underthe centerstrand. G h a p t e r 1 8 B ra id in g & B ra id E x t e n s i o ns 297 $ Shampoohair.Shampoo,rinse,applyconditioner, and rinse thoroughly. Complete Post-serviceprocedure. Drape client. Drapethe clientfor a shampoo.lf necessary, comb and detanglethe hairbeforeshampooing. Braid to the end. As new strandsare added,the braid will becomefuller. Flepeatuntil all the hair is braided,and apply oil sheen for shine. Ch apter i8 B raiding & B ra id E x t e n s io n s ,? 9 8 ....i Www#ffi*mrwk After identifyingthe correctword from the cluesprovided,locatethe words in the word searchpuzzle. Word Clue Cccursafterseveralyearsof maturationof a lock Anothernamefor cornrows Narrowrows of visiblebraidsthat lie closeto the scalp Flatleatherpadswith closeand fineteeth Anothernamefor locks Simpletwo-strandbraidin whichhairis pickedup from the sidesand addedto the strandsas thev are crossedover each other Stagewhena bulb can be felt at the end of eachlock A boardof fine uprightnails Anothernamefor visiblebraid Three-strand braid producedby overlappingthe strandsof hairon top of each other A manufactured syntheticfibersimilarto coiled hairtypes Beautifulwool fiber from Africa Naturaltexturedhairthat is interlwinedand meshedtogetherto form a singleor separate network. Fhaseof lock development whenthe lock is totally closedon the end Methodof lockingthat takesadvantageof the hair'snaturalabilityto coil Stageof development when hairis soft and coiled intospiralconfiEurations Braidmadewith two strandsthat are twisted aroundeach other Free-hanging braids,with or withoutextensions; can be executedeitherunderhandor overhand Ghapter "t8 Braiding & Braid Extensrons Development of lock stagewherehair beginsto interlaceand mesh Refersto the hairdiameter,feel,and wave pattern Three-strand braidmade by the underhand technique Strongfiberfrom ox ILRDDA GNIW OR G X Y NS P ROUTINGLS F S H V U R A B A S L IUE ODV E OE OS N NT O V AW R A E B I B D L R A B RS A B A E FRH6Y NRW B I I F P P Z A A A U P U K N L L HM E E W S L-B DRHE RHGA O J R IMLGX Y E NTLRC L CT B A O N L T C IW O E U KWC RA IR X D INN HA B A CA O M A TA DOGP ZIK E CK WH IIS P TIS MDJX P K SE DOIMY IB P A LMRO L L NNS IOP Y GTE X TURE 18 Braiding & Braid Extensions -