Distribution of cichlid fishes (Family Cichlidae)!
Distribution of cichlid fishes (Family Cichlidae)!
Diversity and evolution of cichlid fishes Distribution of cichlid fishes (Family Cichlidae)! The Midas cichlid species complex in Nicaragua Wilson, Noack & Meyer, Proc. R. Soc. (2000) Barluenga & Meyer, Molecular Ecology (2004) The Midas cichlid species complex in Nicaragua Amphilophus from Nicaragua: A highly polymorphic cichlid species complex Meyer J. Zool. (1990) & Biol. J. Linn. Soc. (1990) The Midas cichlid (Amphilophus citrinellus) species complex in Nicaragua zaliosus labiatus Sympatric speciation in proved? the Midas How could Sympatric Speciation be i)! cichlid species complex in Nicaragua A setting where allopatry is unlikely (remote oceanic islands, hosts for parasites or small crater lakes) ii)! Sister species with sympatric distribution iii)! Sister species forming a monophyletic group (nuclear and mtDNA evidence) iv)! Sister species reproductively isolated (Coyne & Orr, Speciation 2004) Sympatric speciation in the Midas cichlid species complex in Nicaragua MtDNA analysis of the Midas Cichlid species complex (control region 840 bp) Wilson, Noack & Meyer, Proc. R. Soc. (2000) Barluenga & Meyer, Molecular Ecology (2004) Sympatric speciation origin of Amphilophus zaliosus in Crater Lake Apoyo Barluenga, Stölting, Salzburger, Muschick & Meyer Nature (2006) Sympatric speciation origin of Amphilophus zaliosus in Crater Lake Apoyo Crater Lake Apoyo - < 23.000 years old - no inflows, not connections to other bodies of water - up to 200 meters deep - small size (ca. 20 km2) - impoverished fauna (six species of fish) - oligotrophic Sympatric speciation origin of Amphilophus zaliosus in Crater Lake Apoyo Eco-morphology: the two species have different body shapes Barluenga, Stölting, Salzburger, Muschick & Meyer (2006) Nature Klingenberg, Barluenga & Meyer (2003) Evolution Sympatric speciation origin of Amphilophus zaliosus in Crater Lake Apoyo Eco-morphology: differences in habitat preference Benthic species (A. citrinellus) in shallow zone Limnetic species (A. zaliosus) in open water Sympatric speciation origin of Amphilophus zaliosus in Crater Lake Apoyo Eco-morphology: the two species have different pharyngeal jaw shapes and different diets Barluenga, Stölting, Salzburger, Muschick & Meyer (2006) Nature Sympatric speciation of Amphilophus zaliosus in Lake Apoyo Unrooted haplotype network based on 729 mitochondrial control region DNA sequences (840 bp) A coalescence-based mitochondrial mismatch analysis of A. citrinellus from Crater Lake Apoyo uncovers a demographic expansion about 2 mutations ago Mitochondrial mismatch analysis of A. zaliosus suggesting an ongoing demographic expansion Three-dimensional representation of a factorial correspondence analysis based on microsatellite genotypes from A. zaliosus (red), A. citrinellus in Lake Apoyo (yellow), and A. citrinellus in other lakes in Nicaragua (blue) Barluenga, Stölting, Salzburger, Muschick & Meyer (2006) Nature Sympatric speciation of Amphilophus zaliosus in Lake Apoyo Nuclear marker phylogenies. a, Microsatellite based population tree calculated with CONTML applying a Brownian motion approximation. b, Microsatellite based population tree calculated with POPULATIONS applying the Cavalli-Sforza and Edwards method. Numbers above the branches are bootstrap values (10,000 replicates). c, Neighborjoining phylogeny based on AFLP data. All nuclear markers clearly support the monophyly of the Lake Apoyo Midas Cichlids. The Arrow Cichlid (A. zaliosus) is derived from Lake Apoyo’s Midas Cichlid (A. citrinellus) fauna rendering the ancestral species A. citrinellus paraphyletic Barluenga, Stölting, Salzburger, Muschick & Meyer (2006) Nature Sympatric speciation of Amphilophus zaliosus in Lake Apoyo iv) The two species are reproductively isolated Bayesian population assignment test. The population assignment test with the software STRUCTURE based on 10 microsatellite loci uncovered three distinct populations (red A. zaliosus, yellow A. citrinellus in Crater Lake Apoyo, and blue A. citrinellus from Lake Nicaragua) Sympatric speciation of Amphilophus zaliosus in Lake Apoyo Sympatric speciation of Amphilophus zaliosus in Lake Apoyo i)! A setting where allopatry is unlikely ! The Crater Lake Apoyo in Nicaragua is very small and isolated ii)! Sister species with sympatric distribution ! Two cichlids species, A. citrinellus and A. zaliosus, are sympatrically distributed in Crater Lake Apoyo iii)! Sister species forming a monophyletic group ! A. citrinellus and A. zaliosus form a monophyletic group based on mitochondrial data, and have a unique AFLP and microsatellite iv)! fingerprint Sister species reproductively isolated ! Genetic evidence of reproductive isolation, plus, field and lab evidence of assortative mating and behavioral premating isolation (Coyne & Orr, Speciation 2004) Sympatric speciation in parallel Ernst Mayr “Animal species and evolution” (19 63) Allopatric speciation Sympatric speciation lake 1 lake 1 lake 2 lake 2 Dieckmann & Doebeli Nature (1999); Kondrashov & Kondrashov Nature (1999); Higashi et al. Nature (2000) Wilson, Noack & Meyer Proc R Soc Lond (2000) Kirkpatrick, Nature News and Views about Wilson, Noack and Meyer (2000) Sexual selection and sympatric speciation of cichlids in crater Lake Xiloa xiloensis G xiloensis N Saggitae G +N ‘amarillo’ labiatus rare Sexual selection and sympatric speciation of cichlids in crater Lake Xiloa Elmer, Lehtonen & Meyer (2009) Evolution Sexual selection and sympatric speciation of cichlids in crater Lake Xiloa Elmer, Lehtonen & Meyer (2009) Evolution Sexual selection and sympatric speciation of cichlids in crater Lake Xiloa Elmer, Lehtonen & Meyer (2009) Evolution