City of Marion Street Tree Strategy
City of Marion Street Tree Strategy
City of Marion Street Tree Strategy Part 1: Street Tree Descriptions 1. Contents............................................................. 2 Eucalyptus steedmannii........................................32 Eucalyptus 'Torwood'............................................33 Flindersia australis................................................34 1. Species List........................................................ 3 Geijera parviflora ..................................................35 1.1 Species Selection ........................................ 3 Ginkgo biloba........................................................36 1.2 Species Descriptions ................................... 3 Acacia melanoxylon ............................................... 6 Agonis flexuosa 'After Dark' ................................... 7 Allocasuarina verticillata......................................... 8 Angophora costata................................................. 9 Angophora floribunda........................................... 10 Angophora hispida ............................................... 11 Banksia integrifolia............................................... 12 Brachychiton acerifolius ....................................... 13 Callistemon 'Harkness'......................................... 14 Callitris gracilis ..................................................... 15 Celtis australis...................................................... 16 Corymbia eximia ‘Nana’ ....................................... 17 Corymbia ficifolia.................................................. 18 Corymbia maculata .............................................. 19 Cupaniopsis anacardioides .................................. 20 Elaeocarpus reticulatus........................................ 21 Eucalyptus camaldulensis.................................... 22 Eucalyptus diptera ............................................... 23 Eucalyptus eremophila......................................... 24 Harpullia pendula..................................................37 Jacaranda mimosifolia ..........................................38 Lagerstroemia 'Biloxi'............................................39 Lagerstroemia 'Lipan'............................................40 1. STREET TREE STRATEGY – Contents 1. Contents Lagerstroemia 'Natchez' .......................................41 Lagerstroemia 'Tuscarora' ....................................42 Lophostemon confertus ........................................43 Melaleuca linariifolia .............................................44 Melia azederach 'Elite' ..........................................45 Metrosideros excelsa............................................46 Platanus x acerifolia 'Columbia' or 'Liberty'...........47 Pyrus calleryana 'Bradford' ...................................48 Pyrus calleryana 'Chanticleer'...............................49 Pyrus calleryana 'Winter Glow' .............................50 Pyrus nivalis 'Snow Pear'......................................51 Pyrus salicifolia 'Pendula' .....................................52 Sapium sebiferum.................................................53 Tristaniopsis laurina..............................................54 Ulmus glabra 'Lutescens'......................................55 Ulmus 'Sapporo Autumn Gold'..............................56 Zelkova serrata.....................................................57 Eucalyptus erythronema ...................................... 25 Eucalyptus fasciculosa......................................... 26 Eucalyptus leucoxylon ‘Rosea’............................. 27 Eucalyptus leucoxylon 'Euky Dwarf'..................... 28 Eucalyptus leucoxylon ssp. megalocarpa ............ 29 Eucalyptus pauciflora 'Little Snowman' ................ 30 Eucalyptus sideroxylon 'Rosea'............................ 31 © City of Marion 2008 2 1.1 Species Selection By taking into account the issues identified in Section 5. Street Tree Considerations of the Street Tree Strategy, 52 species of trees have been identified to allow street tree planting in most situations. The following descriptions of each tree provides vital information on their characteristics and requirements, including scientific and common names, growth rates, maintenance requirements, soil, microclimate requirements and constraints for use such as power lines. The descriptions and data should be used as a guide only especially the suggested Ultimate Height and Ultimate Spread. This data in particular is a guide to the mature size of the tree in optimal street planting conditions. This obviously varies from site to site. 1.2 Species Descriptions The descriptions are categorised under the following headings: • • • • • • • • • • • • Common Name Provenance Ultimate Height Ultimate Spread Growth Rate Habit / Form Soil Longevity Tolerances Services Maintenance Considerations General Description Common Name: Is the name by which the tree is commonly known by in the South Australian nursery industry. Provenance: Where the tree originates from. Three options are provided – Indigenous (found originally in the Adelaide environs), Native (originally found somewhere in Australia) and Exotic (originates from a country other than Australia). The descriptor will also indicate habitat / biodiversity value where appropriate. Ultimate Height: Optimum height in perfect urban conditions. Ultimate Spread: Optimum spread in perfect urban conditions. Growth Rate: The rate at which the tree grow to achieve its mature size and form. Three options are provided – Fast, Medium and Slow. 7. STREET TREE STRATEGY – Species List 1. Species List Habit / Form: The shape and habit that the tree commonly exhibits e.g. pyramidal, columnar, rounded canopy etc. Soil: Indicates trees preference to certain soil conditions and pH. Longevity: Estimated average life. Three options are provided: Average (25-50 years), Long (50100 years) and Very Long (Greater than 100 years). Tolerances: Indicates the ability of the tree to withstand certain conditions including frost, wind, coastal exposure, pruning, Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) etc. Services: Indicates suitability around services such as sewer and power-lines. Description will also identify if the particular tree has been approved by ETSA and/or SA Water. The City of Marion is seeking to gain formal approval from the service companies where a tree has been suggested that it is suitable for planting under power-lines or near underground services without being on their general list. Maintenance Considerations: Indicates maintenance requirements such as formative pruning, need for root barriers etc. General Description: Provides a general description of the tree including flowering colour and times and other ornamental features. © City of Marion 2008 3 Agonis After Dark 6-8 3-5 Allocasuarina verticillata Drooping Sheoak 5-10 4-5 Angophora costata Smooth Barked Apple 18 10 Angophora floribunda Rough Barked Apple 18 12 Angophora hispida Dwarf Apple 8 6 Banksia integrifolia Coastal Banksia 15 3-5 Brachychiton acerifolius Flame Tree 8-18 6-12 Callistemon 'Harkness' Gawler Hybrid Bottlebrush Southern Cypress Pine European Hackberry or Nettle Tree Yellow Bloodwood 6 4 12 4 12 6 8 6 10 5 Callitris gracilis syn. C. preissii Celtis australis Y Y Y Corymbia eximia or eximia 'Nana' Corymbia ficifolia Red Flowering Gum Corymbia maculata Spotted Gum 18-20 12-15 Cupaniopsis anacardioides Tuckeroo 10 4 Elaeocarpus reticulatus Blueberry Ash 10 5 Eucalyptus camaldulensis River Red Gum 30 30 Eucalyptus diptera Two Winged Gimlet 5-10 4-8 Y Eucalyptus eremophila Tall Sand Mallee 6-8 8-12 Y Eucalyptus erythronema Lindsay Gum 4-9 3-4 Y Eucalyptus fasciculosa Pink Gum 8-15 8-12 Eucalyptus leucoxylon ‘Rosea’ Red Flowered SA Blue Gum Euky Dwarf 10 7 Y 6 3-5 Y 10 7 7 5 10-20 8-15 6-8 5-7 Eucalyptus leucoxylon 'Euky Dwarf' Eucalyptus leucoxylon ssp. megalocarpa Eucalyptus pauciflora 'Little Snowman' Eucalyptus sideroxylon 'Rosea' Eucalyptus steedmannii Large Fruited SA Blue Gum Little Snowman Snow Gum Red Flowered Ironbark Steedmans Gum The Southern Hills Agonis flexuosa 'After Dark' The Plains 8 ETSA Approved Approx. Ultimate Spread (m) 18 Suitable Under Powerlines (CoM) Approx. Ultimate Height (m) Local Native Blackwood Aus Native Common Name Acacia melanoxylon 7. STREET TREE STRATEGY – Species List Summary Table Botanical Name Y Y Y Y Y © City of Marion 2008 4 8-12 6-10 Ginkgo biloba Maidenhair Tree 12-20 8-12 Harpullia pendula Tulipwood 12 5 Jacaranda mimosifolia Jacaranda 15 10 Lagerstroemia 'Biloxi' 6 5 Y ? 4 3 Y ? 8 5-6 Y ? 6-8 5-6 Y ? Lophostemon confertus Indian Summer Crepe Myrtle Indian Summer Crepe Myrtle Indian Summer Crepe Myrtle Indian Summer Crepe Myrtle QLD Box, Brush Box 8-12 6-10 Y Melaleuca linariifolia Snow in Summer 5-7 3-5 Y Melia azederach 'Elite' White Cedar 10 8-10 Metrosideros excelsa New Zealand Christmas tree London Plane 12 8 Aus Native Lagerstroemia 'Lipan' Lagerstroemia 'Natchez' Lagerstroemia 'Tuscarora' Platanus x acerifolia 'Columbia' or 'Liberty' Pyrus calleryana 'Bradford' Y Y 30 20 Bradford - Pear 10 9 Y Pyrus calleryana 'Chanticleer' Chanticleer - Pear 10 5 Y Pyrus calleryana 'Winter Glow' Winter Glow - Pear 15 12 Pyrus nivalis 'Snow Pear' Snow Pear 10-12 6-10 Y Pyrus salicifolia 'Pendula' 4-5 4-5 Y Sapium sebiferum Weeping Silver Pear or Willow-leaved Pear Chinese Tallow Tree 7 3 Y Tristaniopsis laurina Water Gum 8 6 Y Ulmus glabra 'Lutescens' Golden Elm 8-12 5-8 Ulmus 'Sapporo Autumn Gold' Sapporo Autumn Gold Elm Japanese Elm or Japanese zelkova 15 10 12-18 7-13 Zelkova serrata The Southern Hills Suitable Under Powerlines (CoM) 6-10 Flindersia australis The Plains Approx. Ultimate Spread (m) 12-16 Geijera parviflora Crows Ash, Australian Teak Wilga Torwood ETSA Approved Approx. Ultimate Height (m) Y Local Native 4-8 Common Name Eucalyptus 'Torwood' 7. STREET TREE STRATEGY – Species List Summary Table 6-8 Botanical Name Y Y © City of Marion 2008 5 Acacia melanoxylon Acacia melanoxylon Common Name: Blackwood Provenance: Indigenous – Attracts native honeyeaters. Ultimate Height: 18m Ultimate Spread: 8m Growth Rate: Medium Habit / Form: Upright, small to medium tree with black fissured bark. Soil: Moist but well drained. Longevity: Average (Greater than 100 years) Tolerances: Most conditions and locations although prefers ample room and non-compacted sites. Suited to WSUD situations. Services: Not under power-lines. s/dicots/mimosasp/acacmela.html Maintenance Considerations: Minimal limb drop. Minimal suckering habit. Some susceptibility to borers. General Description: Long lived native known for its dark brown and crevassed bark and sweet smelling fragrance from multi-branched yellow flowers common to Acacias appearing late winter. Foliage is dark grey/green typical also of Acacias. © City of Marion 2008 6 Agonis flexuosa 'After Dark' Agonis flexuosa 'After Dark' Common Name: Dark Leaf Peppermint Provenance: Native (select form) Ultimate Height: 6-8m Ultimate Spread: 3-5m Growth Rate: Fast Habit / Form: Sparse spreading/weeping. Soil: Well drained. Tolerant of high pH. Longevity: Unknown Tolerances: Grows well in most conditions and locations. Services: Suitable under power-lines Maintenance Considerations: The non-cultivar Agonis flexuosa has shown some susceptibility to splitting. A root barrier is beneficial to protect infrastructure due to the formation of a large trunk as the tree matures. General Description: A small upright but lower branching tree with furrowed bark and dark burgundy leaves. New growth appears as dark reddish/purple before darkening to burgundy. This tree is protected by Plant Breeders’ Rights (PBR). This is a great alternative to the short lived and inconsistent, red-leaved Prunus’ (Plums). © City of Marion 2008 7 Allocasuarina verticillata Allocasuarina verticillata Common Name: Drooping Sheoak Provenance: Indigenous – The Glossy Black Cockatoo depends on this tree for survival. The seeds are also eaten by several other native bird species. Ultimate Height: 5-10m Ultimate Spread: 4-5m Growth Rate: Fast Habit / Form: A round headed single trunk, shade tree with drooping needles, dark fissured trunk and large cones. Soil: Tolerates poor soils including coastal locations. Longevity: Average (25-50 years) Tolerances: Most conditions and locations. Services: Not under power-lines. Maintenance Considerations: Does drop a fair amount of litter (needles and cones). Can look untidy when young (until about 5m tall). Very good for screening and when used in clumps. _verticillata2.jpg General Description: A round headed tree that is well suited to a variety of locations. Long, pendulous branchlets of grey/green foliage, large cones and striped trunk. verticillata.htm © City of Marion 2008 8 Angophora costata Angophora costata Common Name: Smooth Barked Apple Provenance: Native Ultimate Height: 18m Ultimate Spread: 10m Growth Rate: Fast Habit / Form: Single clean trunk with rounded, arching canopy. Soil: Most soil types but will not tolerate waterlogging. ATIONID=2154 Longevity: Very Long (Greater than 100 years) Tolerances: Most conditions and locations although prefers ample room and non-compacted sites. Can be frost tender if planted under about 1 metre in height. Tolerates coastal locations. Services: Not under power-lines. Maintenance Considerations: No major identified maintenance issues. General Description: A round-headed, arching, evergreen tree with dense foliage and ornamental, smooth rust-red bark. Adult leaves are mid to dark green with red new growing tips. A mass of creamywhite flowers appear in early summer. © City of Marion 2008 9 Angophora floribunda Angophora floribunda Common Name: Rough Barked Apple Provenance: Native Ultimate Height: 18m Ultimate Spread: 12m Growth Rate: Fast Habit / Form: Single clean trunk with rounded, arching / weeping canopy. Soil: Most soil types but will not tolerate waterlogging. Longevity: Very Long (Greater than 100 years) Tolerances: Most conditions and locations although prefers ample room and non-compacted sites. Can be frost tender if planted under about 1.5 metre in height. Tolerates coastal locations. Services: Not under power-lines. Maintenance Considerations: No major identified maintenance issues. General Description: A round-headed, arching, evergreen tree with slightly open dark green foliage and ornamental, rough bark. A mass of creamywhite flowers appear in early summer. © City of Marion 2008 10 Angophora hispida Angophora hispida Common Name: Dwarf Apple Provenance: Native Ultimate Height: 8m Ultimate Spread: 6m Growth Rate: Fast Habit / Form: Single flaking trunk with rounded canopy. Soil: Most soil types but will not tolerate waterlogging. disp=2&ofpage=1&ofrand=171536 Longevity: Long (50 to 100 years) Tolerances: Most conditions and locations although prefers ample room and non-compacted sites. Can be frost tender if planted under about 1.5 metre in height. Tolerates some coastal locations. Services: Suitable for under power-lines and space restricted locations. Maintenance Considerations: No major identified maintenance issues. Will need to be initially trained and pruned to form a single trunk. General Description: A smaller growing Angophora with flaky, grey to grey-brown strips of bark. Young stems and leaves are extremely hairy and a mass of bird attracting creamy-white flowers appear in early summer. © City of Marion 2008 11 Banksia integrifolia Banksia integrifolia Common Name: Coast Banksia Provenance: Native – attracts honey eaters and other birds Ultimate Height: 15m Ultimate Spread: 3-5m Growth Rate: Medium Habit / Form: Upright, open canopy. Best in full sun to reduce leaning issues of shady areas as the tree grows towards the light. Soil: Most, moist but well drained. Will not tolerate highly compacted and clay soils. Longevity: Average (25-50 years) to Long (50 to 100 years) Tolerances: Best suited to coastal and WSUD situations. Services: Not under power-lines. Maintenance Considerations: No major identified maintenance issues. Minor pruning sometimes required to ensure suitable form and structure. General Description: Rough light grey bark. Thick and leathery, dark green foliage on the upper surface, silver underneath. Stunning pale yellow “candles” up to 12cm long that become attractive seed heads that remain for quite some time on the tree. Very useful honey tree / bird attractor. integrifolia.jpg © City of Marion 2008 12 Brachychiton acerifolius Brachychiton acerifolius Common Name: Flame Tree Provenance: Native Ultimate Height: 8-18m Ultimate Spread: 6-12m Growth Rate: Medium Habit / Form: Typically pyrimidal Soil: Most soils but prefers moist, rich but well drained. Longevity: Long (50 to 100 years) Tolerances: Drought and frost tolerant once established. acerifolius.jpg Services: Not under power-lines. Maintenance Considerations: One of the few native deciduous or partially deciduous trees that therefore produces some leaf litter. Flowers and seed pods also produce a reasonable amount of litter. General Description: A great feature tree, perfect to highlight gateways or important locations where there is enough space so that the seed pod litter issue does not cause major problems. Generally symmetrical, pyramidal tree with large palmate, glossy leaves and brilliant scarlet, waxy bell flowers on scarlet stalks that appear in November or December. © City of Marion 2008 13 Callistemon 'Harkness' Callistemon 'Harkness' Common Name: Harkness Bottlebrush Provenance: Native – attracts birds and insects Ultimate Height: 6m Ultimate Spread: 4m Growth Rate: Medium Habit / Form: Slightly weeping, compact small tree. Soil: Suitable for most soils and situations. Longevity: Average (25-50 years) Tolerances: Recognised for its ability to grow in difficult conditions and locations. Services: ETSA approved under power-lines. Maintenance Considerations: Some susceptibility to splitting in mature years. Although a relatively small tree, a root barrier is beneficial to protect infrastructure. General Description: Harkness has long, stiff, slightly weeping, grey-green leaves and deeply fissured , dark grey bark. A long lasting, profuse display of crimson-red bottlebrushes up to 20cm long appear in late spring, early summer. Well suited to difficult, narrow sites. Flowers tend to attract a number of bees – this should be considered when determining location. © City of Marion 2008 14 Callitris gracilis Callitris gracilis Common Name: Southern Cypress Pine Provenance: Indigenous Ultimate Height: 12m Ultimate Spread: 4m Growth Rate: Medium to Fast Habit / Form: Columnar Soil: Most soils and conditions. Longevity: Long (50 to 100 years) AACwY/7uw-ARYe8jo/s1600-h/callitris2.jpg Tolerances: Most conditions and locations. Services: Not under power-lines. Maintenance Considerations: Requires early training to ensure single trunk form. Minor borer issues with smaller branches but no long term problems identified. General Description: The only native conifer of the Adelaide Plains. A tall, columnar tree useful for screening. Bright emerald green needles with insignificant flowers that turn into woody cones that remain on the tree for many years. This tree is known as ‘Narnu’ by the Kaurna people and the wood was valued for its termite resistance. © City of Marion 2008 15 Celtis australis Celtis australis Common Name: European Hackberry or Nettle Tree Provenance: Exotic Ultimate Height: 12m Ultimate Spread: 6m Growth Rate: Fast Habit / Form: Clear trunk, rounded canopy Soil: Most soils. Longevity: Very Long (Greater than 100 years) Tolerances: Suitable for difficult conditions and locations. Very high pollution tolerance. Services: Not under power-lines. Maintenance Considerations: Very hardy once established with no major maintenance problems. Due to weed potential of the genus, this tree is only to be used north of Seacombe Road and also where stormwater is not directed into wetlands or Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) situations. General Description: A beautifully formed tree with smooth grey bark that develops “warts” and ridges as it matures. Dark grey/green leaves are toothed and turn pale yellow before falling in autumn. © City of Marion 2008 16 Corymbia eximia ‘Nana’ Corymbia eximia ‘Nana’ Common Name: Yellow Bloodwood Provenance: Native Ultimate Height: 8m Ultimate Spread: 6m Growth Rate: Medium Habit / Form: Rounded canopy, typically with a crooked trunk. Soil: Well suited to most soils, including poor gravely or sandy soils. Longevity: Long (50 to 100 years) Tolerances: Most conditions and locations including drought. Slight discolouration of leaves occur due to frost damage, although this fades during warmer weather. Services: The cultivar ‘Nana’ is suitable under power-lines. Maintenance Considerations: Minor formative pruning required to attain desired canopy and single trunk. General Description: Patchy grey crooked trunk with broad lanceolate leaves forming a rounded, often open, canopy. A mass of creamy flowers appear in spring, normally from August to October. © City of Marion 2008 17 Corymbia ficifolia Corymbia ficifolia Common Name: Red Flowering Gum Provenance: Native Ultimate Height: 10m Ultimate Spread: 5m Growth Rate: Medium Habit / Form: Compact round tree on a large trunk. Soil: Most soils but will show die-back in waterlogged soils. Longevity: Long (50 to 100 years) Tolerances: Most conditions and locations although prefers ample room due to large trunk (lignotuber) and non-compacted sites. Services: Not under power-lines. Maintenance Considerations: Requires formative pruning to ensure strong branch structure. Large fruits (nuts) generally remain on the tree and do not cause a significant litter problem. General Description: A variable upright tree with light grey, red-brown fibrous bark. Dark green leaves with large showy flowers ranging from cream to red. A number of grafted varieties are available but the graft success is difficult to determine due to the relatively short period of time that they have been produced. It has been indicated that such graft failure may lead to mature trees breaking off at the graft which in a streetscape situation is obviously not satisfactory. corymbia_ficifolia.jpg © City of Marion 2008 18 Corymbia maculata Corymbia maculata Common Name: Spotted Gum Provenance: Native – great nesting tree Ultimate Height: 18-20m Ultimate Spread: 12-15m Growth Rate: Fast Habit / Form: Tall “gum tree” form known for its mottled trunk. Soil: Most soil conditions and locations including dry soils. Longevity: Very Long (Greater than 100 years) Tolerances: Most conditions and locations but prefers ample room, non-compacted and exposed sites. Can be frost tender if planted under about 1.5 metre in height. Very tolerant of drought conditions and air pollution such as vehicle emissions. Services: Not under power-lines. Maintenance Considerations: No major identified maintenance issues. Does not have the limb-drop problem that the Lemon-Scented Gum has. General Description: Known for its mottled, spotted trunk and graceful foliage, this large tree makes it an ideal choice where space is available and to create a dramatic avenue effect. Used with great success along medians of main roads in Marion. © City of Marion 2008 19 Cupaniopsis anacardioides Cupaniopsis anacardioides Common Name: Tuckeroo Provenance: Native Ultimate Height: 10m Ultimate Spread: 4m Growth Rate: Fast Habit / Form: Upright, rounded canopy tree that can be grown with a clean single trunk. Soil: Most conditions and locations. &ProductID=350 Longevity: Long (50 to 100 years) Tolerances: Although considered a sub-tropical tree, the Tuckeroo has shown considerable versatility and adaptability to dry and low water conditions. Services: Suitable under power-lines. Maintenance Considerations: No major identified maintenance issues. Minor formative pruning required to ensure single trunk and suitable canopy form. Drops average amounts of leaf and fruit litter. General Description: Fast growing tree with dark green foliage, forming a dense rounded canopy. It bears small greenish-yellow flowers that are followed by orange seed pods. © City of Marion 2008 20 Elaeocarpus reticulatus Elaeocarpus reticulatus Common Name: Blueberry Ash Provenance: Native Ultimate Height: 10m Ultimate Spread: 5m Growth Rate: Medium to Fast Habit / Form: Upright oval form Soil: Most soil types but prefers moist well draining soils for best growth. Longevity: Long (50 to 100 years) Tolerances: For use only in WSUD situations and best suited near the coast. Services: Not under power-lines. Maintenance Considerations: No major identified maintenance issues. Requires watering during establishment period. For use in WSUD situations only. Formative pruning required to establish clean trunk otherwise minimal pruning to establish a screening plant. General Description: Elegant native tree with upright oval form. Long, pointed and dark green foliage with white fringed bell flowers turning to dark purple fruits around May. © City of Marion 2008 21 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Eucalyptus camaldulensis Common Name: River Red Gum Provenance: Indigenous Ultimate Height: 30m Ultimate Spread: 30m Growth Rate: Fast Habit / Form: Large broad spreading tree. Soil: Best suited to non-compacted clay soils that are often moist. Will tolerate some water-logging. Longevity: Very Long (Greater than 100 years) Tolerances: Most conditions and locations although prefers ample room and non-compacted sites. Suited to WSUD situations. camaldulensis.html Services: Not under power-lines or near other services. Maintenance Considerations: Is known for limb drop once tree reaches maturity. Careful positioning and site planning will minimise this issue. General Description: This magnificent large tree has strong Kaurna significance. It is best known for the manufacture of shields from the bark of the tree. Many examples of this ancient cultural practice can still be seen on River Red Gum ‘scar’ trees around Marion. The River Red Gum will grow to become a large, broad spreading tree with striped bark patches, ranging from pale grey to charcoal and occasionally pink. The leaves are relatively short and narrow but have the typical “gum leaf” look. The small flowers are small but profuse with the fruits (gum nuts) that follow also being relatively small. This tree should only be planted in suitably large locations with access to water. They make an excellent feature/gateway statement. Approval to be sort from Council for their planting due to their eventual size and potential impact. © City of Marion 2008 22 Eucalyptus diptera Eucalyptus diptera Common Name: Two Winged Gimlet Provenance: Native Ultimate Height: 5-10m Ultimate Spread: 4-8m Growth Rate: Medium Habit / Form: Small tree – often mallee in habit. Soil: Prefers sand or clay/loam but does well in most poor soils. Longevity: Average (25-50 years) Tolerances: Most conditions and locations. Tolerates coastal exposure. Services: Suitable under power-lines. Maintenance Considerations: Choose from stock that have good form and structure. No major identified maintenance issues. Minor pruning required to ensure good form and habit and single trunk. General Description: Small tree often mallee in habit with a dense crown of narrow green leaves. The bark is smooth, shiny and reddish-brown to green-brown which is sometimes fluted. Cream to yellow flowers are attractive visually and also to insects. © City of Marion 2008 23 Eucalyptus eremophila Eucalyptus eremophila Common Name: Tall Sand Mallee Provenance: Native Ultimate Height: 6-8m Ultimate Spread: 8-12m Growth Rate: Fast Habit / Form: Small tree – often mallee in habit. Soil: Prefers sand or clay/loam but does well in most poor soils. Longevity: Average (25-50 years) Tolerances: Most conditions and locations. Tolerates coastal exposure. Services: Suitable under power-lines. Maintenance Considerations: Choose from stock that have good form and structure. No major identified maintenance issues. Minor pruning required to ensure good form and habit and single trunk. General Description: Small tree often mallee in habit with a smooth, shiny brown bark. Leaves are grey-green to blue-green and relatively narrow. Reddish – brown buds are a feature of this tree before the prolific light yellow to deep striking yellow flowers appear between June to November. ALL IMAGES: © City of Marion 2008 24 Eucalyptus erythronema Eucalyptus erythronema Common Name: Lindsay Gum, Red-Flowered Mallee Provenance: Native Ultimate Height: 4-9m Ultimate Spread: 3-4m Growth Rate: Medium Habit / Form: Small tree with rounded canopy – often mallee in habit. Soil: Prefers sand or clay/loam but does well in most poor soils. Longevity: Long (50-100 years) Tolerances: Most conditions and locations. Services: Suitable under power-lines. Maintenance Considerations: Choose from stock that have good form and structure. No major identified maintenance issues. Minor pruning required to ensure good form and habit. Typically multi-trunked. General Description: Small tree often mallee in habit with very smooth powdery white bark which is a particular feature of this tree. Typically red flowers appear prolifically on long stalks between October to February and sometimes in July. Also very good for screening if mallee habit maintained. ALL IMAGES: © City of Marion 2008 25 Eucalyptus fasciculosa Eucalyptus fasciculosa Common Name: Pink Gum Provenance: Indigenous (Adelaide Hills) Ultimate Height: 8-15m Ultimate Spread: 8-12m Growth Rate: Fast Habit / Form: Upright tree with spreading crown Soil: Prefers sand or clay/loam but does well in most poor soils. Longevity: Very Long (Greater than 100 years) Tolerances: Most conditions and locations. Services: Not under power-lines. Maintenance Considerations: Choose from stock that have good form and structure. No major identified maintenance issues. Minor pruning required to ensure good form and habit. General Description: Tall tree with smooth greybrown bark often with white patches. Unique cream or white flowers. © City of Marion 2008 26 Eucalyptus leucoxylon ‘Rosea’ Eucalyptus leucoxylon ‘Rosea’ Common Name: Red Flowered SA Blue Gum Provenance: Indigenous – great bird and insect attractor Ultimate Height: 10m Ultimate Spread: 7m Growth Rate: Fast Habit / Form: Upright tree with spreading crown Soil: Prefers sandy loam soil but will tolerate most soils. Longevity: Long (50-100 years) Tolerances: Most conditions and locations including saline locations and irregular waterlogging. Services: Suitable under power-lines. Roots have been known to cause sewer and drain blockages. Maintenance Considerations: Choose from stock that have good form and structure. No major identified maintenance issues. Minor pruning required to ensure good form and habit. General Description: A small to medium tree with grey green foliage, pendulous branches and clusters of pink to deep red flowers appearing in summer. Rough bark peeling to leave a smooth, white, yellow or rose coloured surface. Very attractive to birds and for the production of honey. An important habitat tree known as ‘kura’ by the Kaurna people. © City of Marion 2008 27 Eucalyptus leucoxylon ‘Euky Dwarf’ Eucalyptus leucoxylon 'Euky Dwarf' Common Name: Euky Dwarf Provenance: Native Ultimate Height: 6m Ultimate Spread: 3-5m Growth Rate: Fast Habit / Form: Slender, small tree with spreading crown Soil: Prefers sand or clay/loam but does well in most poor soils. Longevity: Average (25-50 years) Tolerances: Most conditions and locations including saline locations and irregular waterlogging. Services: Suitable under power-lines. Maintenance Considerations: No major identified maintenance issues. General Description: This small slender tree has a light open canopy of fine foliage. A mass of deep pink, red and occasionally cream flowers appear from late autumn to early summer. Highly attractive to birds. Very good in restricted locations. © City of Marion 2008 28 Eucalyptus leucoxylon ‘Euky Dwarf’ Eucalyptus leucoxylon ssp. megalocarpa Common Name: Large Fruited SA Blue Gum Provenance: Indigenous – great bird and insect attractor Ultimate Height: 10m Ultimate Spread: 7m Growth Rate: Fast Habit / Form: Upright tree with spreading crown Soil: Prefers sandy loam soil but will tolerate most soils. Services: Not under power-lines. Roots have been known to cause sewer and drain blockages. Maintenance Considerations: Choose from stock that have good form and structure. No major identified maintenance issues although some branch attachment issues have been reported in poor formed stock. Minor pruning required to ensure good form and habit. General Description: A small to medium tree with grey green foliage, pendulous branches and clusters of large pink flowers appearing in summer. Rough bark peeling to leave a smooth, white, yellow or rose coloured surface. Very attractive to birds and for the production of honey. An important habitat tree. © City of Marion 2008 Eucalyptus%20leucoxylon%20ssp%20megalocarpa%201.htm 29 Eucalyptus pauciflora 'Little Snowman' Eucalyptus pauciflora 'Little Snowman' Common Name: Little Snowman Snow Gum Provenance: Native Ultimate Height: 7m Ultimate Spread: 5m Growth Rate: Slow Habit / Form: Upright tree with spreading crown Soil: Moist but well drained. Longevity: Long (50-100 years) Tolerances: Most conditions and locations although prefers non-compacted sites. Services: Suitable under power-lines. Maintenance Considerations: Choose from stock that have good form and structure. No major identified maintenance issues. Minor pruning required to ensure good form and habit. General Description: Small tree with grey, white and reddish-pink stripey smooth trunk. Pendulous dark green to greenish blue long and narrow foliage provides a striking contrast with the trunk. Masses of cream, nectar rich flowers appear from spring to summer. © City of Marion 2008 30 Eucalyptus sideroxylon 'Rosea' Eucalyptus sideroxylon 'Rosea' Common Name: Red Flowered Ironbark Provenance: Native – great bird and insect attractor Ultimate Height: 10-20m Ultimate Spread: 8-15m Growth Rate: Fast Habit / Form: Upright tree with spreading crown Soil: Moist but well drained. Longevity: Very Long (Greater than 100 years) Tolerances: Most conditions and locations although prefers ample room and non-compacted sites. Very tolerant of air pollution. Services: Not under power-lines. Maintenance Considerations: Choose from stock that have good form and structure. No major identified maintenance issues. Minor pruning required to ensure single leader. Minor leaf and seed litter. General Description: Long lived native known for its dark grey, almost black, crevassed bark. ‘Rosea” is the red flowing variety of the hardy species which appear from winter to summer. Foliage is dark green to grey blue. © City of Marion 2008 31 Eucalyptus steedmannii Eucalyptus steedmannii Common Name: Steedmans Gum Provenance: Native Ultimate Height: 6-8m Ultimate Spread: 5-7m Growth Rate: Medium Habit / Form: Soil: Prefers sandy loam soil but will tolerate most soils. Longevity: Average (25-50 years) Tolerances: Most conditions and locations although prefers non-compacted sites. Services: Suitable under power-lines. Maintenance Considerations: Choose from stock that have good form and structure. No major identified maintenance issues. Minor pruning required to ensure good form and habit. General Description: Smooth barked tree that originates from inland, southern Western Australia where it is quite rare. White flowers appear in January / March on fluted gum nuts. ALL IMAGES: © City of Marion 2008 32 Eucalyptus 'Torwood' Eucalyptus 'Torwood' Common Name: Torwood Provenance: Native Ultimate Height: 6-8m Ultimate Spread: 4-8m Growth Rate: Medium to Fast Habit / Form: Upright tree with spreading crown Soil: Moist but well drained. Longevity: Long (50-100 years) Tolerances: Most conditions and locations including heavy soils and moderate frosts. Suitable for coastal exposed locations. Services: Suitable under power-lines. Maintenance Considerations: Choose from stock that have good form and structure. No major identified maintenance issues other than some susceptibility to scale attack. General Description: A drought tolerant, pendulous shade tree with stunning yellow-red flowers in spring. The bark is smooth and the foliage is grey–green. This cultivar is a cross between the Eucalyptus torquata and the E. woodwardii. © City of Marion 2008 33 Flindersia australis Flindersia australis Common Name: Crows Ash, Australian Teak Provenance: Native Ultimate Height: 12-16m Ultimate Spread: 6-10m Growth Rate: Medium to Fast Habit / Form: Upright semi-deciduous tree with rounded crown Soil: Moist but well drained. Longevity: Very Long (Greater than 100 years) Tolerances: Most conditions and locations although prefers organic matter and non-compacted sites. Suited to WSUD situations. Services: Not under power-lines. Maintenance Considerations: No major identified maintenance issues other than the large fruits that drop occasionally. Consider location carefully due to potential fruit drop. General Description: A tall upright tree with scaly, brown bark. Large pinnate leaves are dark green on the surface and lighter underneath. Flowers are small but appear in clusters during spring. The hard woody fruits generally stay on the tree, but if they fall, they are often collected by residents for floral arrangements and decoration © City of Marion 2008 34 Geijera parviflora Geijera parviflora Common Name: Wilga Provenance: Native Ultimate Height: 8-12m Ultimate Spread: 6-10m Growth Rate: Slow Habit / Form: Upright tree with compact, rounded crown Soil: Most well drained soils including alkaline soils. Longevity: Long (50-100 years) Tolerances: Most conditions and locations other than dense shade. Services: Suitable under power-lines. s/dicots/mimosasp/acacmela.html Maintenance Considerations: No major identified maintenance issues however it is difficult to propagate both from cuttings and seed and as such, stock may be difficult to source. General Description: This small ornamental tree with clean grey trunk and leathery green ovate foliage has highly scented white flowers – similar in smell to citrus, to which the Wilga is related. _seedbank/seed_research © City of Marion 2008 35 Ginkgo biloba Ginkgo biloba Common Name: Maidenhair Tree Provenance: Exotic Ultimate Height: 12-20m Ultimate Spread: 8-12m Growth Rate: Slow Habit / Form: Upright tree with conical crown during early growth. Spreading, rounded canopy when mature. Soil: Prefers deep, moist but well drained fertile soils although tolerates most locations and soil types. Longevity: Very Long (Greater than 100 years) Tolerances: Most conditions and locations including heat and air pollution. Services: Not under power-lines. Maintenance Considerations: This particular specie has both male and female trees. Only the male trees should be used as street trees as the female trees produce fruit which smell like rotting flesh. No major maintenance issues identified. General Description: A highly ornamental, long lived and slow growing tree. The deciduous fan shaped leaves are a particular feature, similar in shade to a Maiden Hair Fern from which it derives its name. Leaves turn to butter yellow in autumn before falling. A beautiful feature tree once it has matured. © City of Marion 2008 36 Harpullia pendula Harpullia pendula Common Name: Tulipwood Provenance: Native Ultimate Height: 12m Ultimate Spread: 5m Growth Rate: Fast Habit / Form: Upright tree with compact, rounded crown Soil: Prefers moist but well drained soils but tolerates a range of soil types and conditions. Longevity: Long (50-100 years) Tolerances: Most conditions and locations although prefers ample room and non-compacted sites. Suited to WSUD situations with adequate drainage. Services: Suitable under power-lines. Maintenance Considerations: No major identified maintenance issues. General Description: A hardy, fast growing, small to medium evergreen tree with attractive, pale green foliage, duller and paler beneath large, pendulous sprays of greenish-yellow, slightly fragrant flowers borne in summer. Followed by showy orange seed-cases that mature in winter and open to reveal glossy black seeds. Will tolerate dry conditions and most soil types. © City of Marion 2008 37 Jacaranda mimosifolia Jacaranda mimosifolia Common Name: Jacaranda Provenance: Exotic Ultimate Height: 15m Ultimate Spread: 10m Growth Rate: Medium to Fast Habit / Form: Upright tree with arching, rounded canopy Soil: Prefers moist but well drained soils but tolerates most other soils. Longevity: Very Long (Greater than 100 years) Tolerances: Most conditions and locations although prefers ample room and non-compacted sites. Services: Not under power-lines. Maintenance Considerations: Unpruned trees are know to split. Choose stock with a strong central trunk and well spaced major limbs. Branches should be pruned so that they remain less than ½ the diameter of the trunk to increase durability and longevity. General Description: Stunning medium sized tree with open branches, light green foliage and dramatic purple flowers that appear generally in spring before the foliage appears. Has very strong cultural significance to many people. © City of Marion 2008 38 Lagerstroemia 'Biloxi' Lagerstroemia 'Biloxi' Common Name: Biloxi Indian Crepe Myrtle Provenance: Exotic Ultimate Height: 6m Ultimate Spread: 5m Growth Rate: Medium to Fast Habit / Form: Open rounded, multi-stemmed, low graceful canopy Soil: Tolerant of most soils including heavy clay Longevity: Average (25-50 years) Tolerances: Most conditions and locations. Very tolerant of the harsh urban environment. Services: Suitable under power-lines. The Lagerstroemia indica specie, from which Biloxi is a cultivar, is approved by ETSA for planting near power-lines. Maintenance Considerations: No major identified maintenance issues. Formative pruning required to establish appropriate form. General Description: A tough small tree that offers attractive bark and masses of pale pink flowers appearing in mid-summer to early autumn. Beige outer bark, exfoliating (after about three years) to reveal a cinnamon coloured underbark. Suitable for small gardens and parks or as a very effective street tree where space is limited. © City of Marion 2008 39 Lagerstroemia 'Lipan' Lagerstroemia 'Lipan' Common Name: Lipan Indian Crepe Myrtle Provenance: Exotic Ultimate Height: 4m Ultimate Spread: 3m Growth Rate: Medium to Fast Habit / Form: Small, open rounded, multistemmed, low graceful canopy Soil: Tolerant of most soils including heavy clay Longevity: Average (25-50 years) Tolerances: Most conditions and locations. Very tolerant of the harsh urban environment. Services: Suitable under power-lines. The Lagerstroemia indica specie, from which Lipan is a cultivar, is approved by ETSA for planting near power-lines. Maintenance Considerations: No major identified maintenance issues. Formative pruning required to establish appropriate form. General Description: Vase shaped, irregularly shaped spreading tree. Multi-stemmed. Dark green leaves, turning light orange to russet in autumn. Masses of medium lavender coloured flowers are produced in summer. Dark greenish-grey coloured bark, exfoliating (after about three years) to reveal a very attractive ornamental whitish-beige underbark. © City of Marion 2008 40 Lagerstroemia 'Natchez' Lagerstroemia 'Natchez' Common Name: Natchez Indian Crepe Myrtle Provenance: Exotic Ultimate Height: 8m Ultimate Spread: 5-6m Growth Rate: Medium to Fast Habit / Form: Open rounded, multi-stemmed, low graceful canopy Soil: Tolerant of most soils including heavy clay Longevity: Average (25-50 years) Tolerances: Most conditions and locations. Very tolerant of the harsh urban environment. Services: Suitable under power-lines. The Lagerstroemia indica specie, from which Natchez is a cultivar, is approved by ETSA for planting near power-lines. Maintenance Considerations: No major identified maintenance issues. Formative pruning required to establish appropriate form. General Description: Vase-shaped to spreading, multi-stemmed tree with a flattish canopy. Eventually becomes a large tree. Glossy mid-green leaves changing to reddish-bronze in autumn. White flowers appear from mid-summer through to early autumn. Exfoliating bark (after about three years) reveals a pinkish-brown underbark. © City of Marion 2008 41 Lagerstroemia 'Tuscarora' Lagerstroemia 'Tuscarora' Common Name: Tuscarora Indian Crepe Myrtle Provenance: Exotic Ultimate Height: 6-8m Ultimate Spread: 5-6m Growth Rate: Medium to Fast Habit / Form: Open rounded, multi-stemmed, low graceful canopy Soil: Tolerant of most soils including heavy clay Longevity: Average (25-50 years) Tolerances: Most conditions and locations. Very tolerant of the harsh urban environment. Services: Suitable under power-lines. The Lagerstroemia indica specie, from which Tuscarora is a cultivar, is approved by ETSA for planting near power-lines. Maintenance Considerations: No major identified maintenance issues. Formative pruning required to establish appropriate form. General Description: Broad spreading tree with multi-stemmed, upright branching. Lustrous dark green leaves, turning reddish-orange in autumn. Young leaves are tinged with red. Dark coral-red flowers in panicles appear from late summer to early autumn. Exfoliating bark (after about three years) reveals a light brown underbark. © City of Marion 2008 42 Lophostemon confertus Lophostemon confertus Common Name: Queensland Box, Brush Box Provenance: Native Ultimate Height: 8-12m Ultimate Spread: 6-10m Growth Rate: Fast Habit / Form: Upright tree with compact, rounded crown Soil: Tolerant of most soils including heavy clay Longevity: Very Long (Greater than 100 years) Tolerances: Most conditions and locations although prefers ample room and non-compacted sites. Tolerates drought and coastal conditions once established. Responds to severe pruning. Services: Suitable under power-lines with some pruning if required. Maintenance Considerations: No major identified maintenance issues. Seed litter is fairly common if tree is stressed. Consider when planting near aged care facilities and the like. General Description: Erect tree with reddish brown exfoliating bark. Mid-green foliage with white flowers appearing in spring, followed by green fruit turning to brown upon maturity. _Pengo.jpg © City of Marion 2008 43 Melaleuca linariifolia Melaleuca linariifolia Common Name: Snow in Summer Provenance: Native Ultimate Height: 5-7m Ultimate Spread: 3-5m Growth Rate: Medium Habit / Form: Upright spreading tree with papery trunk and branches Soil: Moist but well drained. Longevity: Long (50-100 years) Tolerances: Well suited to WSUD situations and mild water-logging. Services: Suitable under power-lines. Roots can cause sewer and drain blockages. Maintenance Considerations: No major identified maintenance issues. Formative pruning required to establish appropriate form. General Description: Melaleuca linariifolia is usually a hardy tree to about 8 metres in height. White flowers occur in prominent, fluffy clusters which cover the plant in late spring and summer to almost exclude the foliage from view. The leaves are linear in shape and about 25 mm long. © City of Marion 2008 44 Melia azederach 'Elite' Melia azederach 'Elite' Common Name: White Cedar, Chinaberry Provenance: Native Ultimate Height: 10m Ultimate Spread: 8-10m Growth Rate: Medium to Fast Habit / Form: Upright, single stemmed tree with umbrella shaped canopy Soil: Tolerant of most soils Longevity: Long (50-100 years) Tolerances: Most conditions and locations including roundabouts and highly trafficked streetscapes. Services: Not under power-lines. Maintenance Considerations: Ensure clear trunk over heavy canopy when selecting young stock. Formative pruning to ensure straight, clean trunk. General Description: One of the few winter deciduous Australian native trees. The ‘Elite’ variety of this tree is low fruiting and therefore does not have the trip and poisonous issues as the noncultivated variety. © City of Marion 2008 45 Metrosideros excelsa Metrosideros excelsa Common Name: New Zealand Christmas Tree Provenance: Exotic Ultimate Height: 12m Ultimate Spread: 8m Growth Rate: Slow to Medium Habit / Form: Rounded, compact canopy Soil: Prefers sandy or loam soils but tolerates most soils &t=96&Lids=&Gids=&p=2&n=7074&phrase= Longevity: Long (50-100 years) Tolerances: Tolerates partial shade and coastal conditions. Drought and pollution resistant. Services: Not under power-lines. Maintenance Considerations: No major identified maintenance issues. Formative pruning required to establish single trunk. General Description: Dark green foliage casts dense shade. Spectacular crimson-red flowers appear en-masse in summer. Older trunks can become gnarled and sinuous in appearance which adds to the beauty of this New Zealand native tree. wa+tree&ts=&c=&Lids=&Gids=&p=2&n=6807&phrase= © City of Marion 2008 46 Platanus x acerifolia 'Columbia' or 'Liberty' Platanus x acerifolia 'Columbia' or 'Liberty' Common Name: London Plane Tree Provenance: Exotic Ultimate Height: 30m Ultimate Spread: 20m Growth Rate: Fast Habit / Form: Large, majestic spreading deciduous tree Soil: Most soil types Longevity: Very Long (Greater than 100 years) Tolerances: Most conditions and locations although prefers ample room. Tolerates pollarding under powerlines. Services: Not under power-lines. Maintenance Considerations: For north of Seacombe Road only and not where stormwater discharges into wetland / WSUD areas. Plane trees cause allergic reactions for many arborists and others who come in contact with the foliage. Not to be planted where regular pruning is required. The ‘Columbia’ and ‘Liberty’ varieties show resistance to Plane Blight and Powdery Mildew. Choose stock with good upright form and single leader. General Description: Broad rounded, pyramidal tree when young. Eventually becoming a large tree. Leaves are dark green to 20 cm wide with five lobes (Liberty slightly smaller) , turning yellowish-brown in autumn. Inconspicuous male and female green flowers appear in spring, turning into pendulous, bristly seed balls to 25 mm wide, produced in groups of two to three (Liberty single or in pairs). Bark is olive-brown, irregularly flaking off in plates to reveal beige to grey under bark which creates an attractive mottled appearance. © City of Marion 2008 47 Pyrus calleryana 'Bradford' Pyrus calleryana 'Bradford' Common Name: Bradford Flowering Pear Provenance: Exotic Ultimate Height: 10m Ultimate Spread: 9m Growth Rate: Fast Habit / Form: Upright tree with a compact rounded canopy Soil: Clay, loam of sand. Prefers well drained, organic rich soils but tolerates poor soils. s/dicots/mimosasp/acacmela.html Longevity: Long (50-100 years) Tolerances: Most conditions and locations. Services: Suitable under power-lines. Potential to cause sewer and drainage issues. Maintenance Considerations: No major identified maintenance issues. Formative pruning required to establish appropriate form. General Description: A commonly planted ornamental pear, featuring glossy, rounded leaves, a prolific floral display and good autumn foliage colour. Thick and glossy, dark green broadly ovate leaves (rounder than normal in the species) up to 7.5 cm long and wide, turning reddish-orange, purplish to yellowish-red in autumn. Masses of white flowers appear from early spring. Bark is dark greyish-brown, becoming lightly fissured with age. calleryana%20(Bradford%20Pear).jpg © City of Marion 2008 48 Pyrus calleryana 'Chanticleer' Pyrus calleryana 'Chanticleer' Common Name: Chanticleer Flowering Pear Provenance: Exotic Ultimate Height: 10m Ultimate Spread: 5m Growth Rate: Fast Habit / Form: Upright tree with a compact columnar to rounded canopy Soil: Clay, loam of sand. Prefers well drained, organic rich soils but tolerates poor soils. Longevity: Long (50-100 years) Tolerances: Most conditions and locations. Services: Suitable under power-lines. Potential to cause sewer and drainage issues. Maintenance Considerations: No major identified maintenance issues. Formative pruning required to establish appropriate form. General Description: A superb upright ornamental pear with a dense habit and attractive foliage. Excellent for sites where lateral space is restricted. Lustrous dark green leaves, to eight centimetres long, that turn gold, plum and burgundy in autumn. Masses of white flowers appear in spring. Small, insignificant fruit is dull gold to russet coloured. Bark is greyish-brown and lightly furrowed. © City of Marion 2008 49 Pyrus calleryana 'Winter Glow' Pyrus calleryana 'Winter Glow' Common Name: Winter Glow Flowering Pear Provenance: Exotic Ultimate Height: 15m Ultimate Spread: 12m Growth Rate: Fast Habit / Form: Large, upright tree with a compact rounded canopy Soil: Clay, loam of sand. Prefers well drained, organic rich soils but tolerates poor soils. &ProductID=379 Longevity: Long (50-100 years) Tolerances: Most conditions and locations. Services: Not suitable under power-lines. Potential to cause sewer and drainage issues. Maintenance Considerations: No major identified maintenance issues. Formative pruning required to establish appropriate form. General Description: Hardy deciduous medium sized tree. Holds leaves well into late winter. Beautiful colouring. White flowers in early spring. © City of Marion 2008 50 Pyrus nivalis 'Snow Pear' Pyrus nivalis 'Snow Pear' Common Name: Snow Pear Provenance: Exotic Ultimate Height: 10-12m Ultimate Spread: 6-10m Growth Rate: Fast Habit / Form: Upright tree with a compact rounded canopy Soil: Clay, loam of sand. Prefers well drained, organic rich soils but tolerates poor soils. &ProductID=361 Longevity: Very Long (Greater than 100 years) Tolerances: Most conditions and locations. Potential to cause sewer and drainage issues. Services: Suitable under power-lines. Maintenance Considerations: No major identified maintenance issues. Formative pruning required to establish appropriate form. General Description: A beautiful deciduous tree. Leaves are silver-grey and white flowers are profuse, appearing in showy clusters in spring. © City of Marion 2008 51 Pyrus salicifolia 'Pendula' Pyrus salicifolia 'Pendula' Common Name: Weeping Silver Pear, Willowleaved Pear Provenance: Exotic Ultimate Height: 4-5m Ultimate Spread: 4-5m Growth Rate: Medium Habit / Form: Weeping, arching small tree. Soil: Clay, loam of sand. Prefers well drained, organic rich soils but tolerates poor soils. /pyrussalic.htm Longevity: Long (50-100 years) Tolerances: Most conditions and locations. Services: ETSA approved under power-lines. Maintenance Considerations: No major identified maintenance issues. Formative pruning required to establish appropriate form. Does form fruit up to 25mm. General Description: Deciduous semi-weeping Pear. Very attractive specimen with handsome glossy, silvery-grey willow-like leaves while young and numerous small creamy white flowers in spring. Small fruit is brown and pear shaped. Suitable for very restricted sites where the weeping habit does not interfere with sight lines and pedestrian movement. Very hardy and adaptable to almost any soil. /pyrussalic.htm session=3z1bl5pw3313e&nopl=1794&p_cour_c=1&indexpl_c=1 © City of Marion 2008 52 Sapium sebiferum Sapium sebiferum Common Name: Chinese Tallow Tree Provenance: Exotic Ultimate Height: 7m Ultimate Spread: 3m Growth Rate: Medium Habit / Form: Open pyramidal form becoming more rounded Soil: Grows in most soils but prefers slightly acidic soils. Longevity: Average (25-50 years) Tolerances: Tolerant of poor soils and site conditions including drought, coastal exposure and periodic inundation. &ProductID=327 Services: Suitable under power-lines. Maintenance Considerations: For planting north of Seacombe Road and not where stormwater discharges into wetlands and WSUD areas due to identified weed potential. Will benefit from root barrier to control suckering. General Description: Small to medium sized tree with a single trunk with low branches. Bark is pale brown and leaves are bright yellow-green turning multicoloured yellow, orange and red in autumn. © City of Marion 2008 53 Tristaniopsis laurina Tristaniopsis laurina Common Name: Water Gum Provenance: Native Ultimate Height: 8m Ultimate Spread: 6m Growth Rate: Medium to Fast Habit / Form: Upright tree with a compact rounded canopy Soil: Moist but well drained. Tolerates some compaction. Longevity: Long (50-100 years) Tolerances: Suited to WSUD situations but suited to most situations once established. Tolerates shade and planting under the canopy of other larger tress. Services: ETSA approved under power-lines. Maintenance Considerations: No major identified maintenance issues. Minimal pruning under powerlines. Summer watering required to establish fully. General Description: Relatively small elegant evergreen tree. Bark is very fine and mahogany in colour, exfoliating to cream. Pale yellow flowers appear in summer. A perfect tree for WSUD situations. © City of Marion 2008 54 Ulmus glabra 'Lutescens' Ulmus glabra 'Lutescens' Common Name: Golden Elm Provenance: Exotic Ultimate Height: 8-12m Ultimate Spread: 5-8m Growth Rate: Fast Habit / Form: In its first years, the tree is vaseshaped, but spreads as it matures to form a rounded canopy. Soil: Most soils but prefers moist, well drained soils. Longevity: Long (50-100 years) Tolerances: Most conditions and locations including clay and periodic inundation. Services: Not under power-lines. Maintenance Considerations: No major identified maintenance issues. General Description: Medium-sized, fast-growing deciduous tree. In spring and summer, leaves are lime green, turning to yellow in autumn. © City of Marion 2008 55 Ulmus 'Sapporo Autumn Gold' Ulmus 'Sapporo Autumn Gold' Common Name: Sapporo Autumn Gold Elm Provenance: Exotic Ultimate Height: 15m Ultimate Spread: 10m Growth Rate: Fast Habit / Form: Irregular form when young but with age it develops a rounded to oval canopy Soil: Moist but well drained. Longevity: Long (50-100 years) Tolerances: Most conditions and locations including clay and periodic inundation. Services: Not under power-lines. Maintenance Considerations: No major identified maintenance issues. Leaf litter is less problematic than the English Elm. Resistant to Dutch Elm Disease, if this was ever to enter Australia. For planting north of Seacombe Road and not where stormwater discharges into wetlands and WSUD areas due to identified weed potential. Formative pruning required to establish and maintain desired form and habit. General Description: The tree forms a densely foliated vase-shaped crown. As its name implies, its dark green leaves turn pale yellow in autumn. Flowering and fruiting occur in spring. © City of Marion 2008 56 Zelkova serrata Zelkova serrata Common Name: Japanese Elm, Japanese Zelkova Provenance: Exotic Ultimate Height: 12-18m Ultimate Spread: 7-13m Growth Rate: Fast Habit / Form: Upright tree with a compact rounded canopy Soil: Prefers deep, moist but well drained but will tolerate most soils and conditions once established. Longevity: Long (50-100 years) Tolerances: Most conditions and locations. Services: Not under power-lines. Maintenance Considerations: Better establishment when planted young. Shows minor susceptibility to Elm Leaf Beetle. General Description: Hardy, deciduous, widespreading tree. Narrow heart-shaped leaves are fine pointed with slender-tipped teeth. Foliage turns lemon-yellow to bright red in autumn. Good shade tree which is reasonably fast growing. 2006_01.jpg by_Line1.jpg © City of Marion 2008 57