by ceorce ely russell, cc, fasc, fncs
by ceorce ely russell, cc, fasc, fncs
BIBLIOCRAPHY OF GENEALOCICAL WRITINCS, ARTICLES, AND BOOKS BY CEORCE ELY RUSSELL, C.C., F.A.S.C., F.N.C.S. TITLE ABBREVIATIONS MAGAZINE DSGRM I.{DG M}IG NEHGR NGSQ = Detroit Society for Genealogical Research }lagazine = l{aryland and Delaware Genealogist = llaryland Magazine of Genealogy New Ensland Historical and Genealogical tional Genealogical Society Quarter IAU TVG Irl1G Descendants 1955 1956-r-960 L962 t963 of william Powell of Timsburyr__[glersgqeh:Lle. Mimeographed, 8 pp. . MimeograPhedr 25 PP' pp. de Janeiro in 1850r" NGSQ 50:200-202. Philip Hoskins of Charles County, Marylandrrr NGSQ 5L226-3L' Record of Captain Charles Criswellr" NGSQ 51:171. "Family ttl{illiam Russell, Jr., of Salem, Ilass. rrr NEHGR LL7:27I'273, Russell Families of America, 1500-1850. |Iicrofi1m, Ll reeIs, 4,438 pp' Hoskins Families o iana-relana-nd America, 1500-1700. llicrofilm, ffiio trColonel of America. Ilicrofilm, 1 reel, 1, 126 PP' Farm. Lot 23. Liberty Road, Bentl io. Typewritten, Creswell-Criswe11 Families ffie1l 1 182 pp. So 1on aware Betore L/4ut" MDG 5:L6-L7. Families of Maryland an "Russell rrA Scapegrace Russell From Bedford iJouserrrNGSQ 52:43. ItDavid Russell of Kil1ingly, Conn. rt' NEHGR I18:132-136. 'tPowe11 Family of Allegany County, llarylandril I'IDG 5:36-39. frsamuel Russell of Kingston, N.Y.,rt NEHGR LLB':L75-177. trFounders of the A:rerican Firestone Fanilyrrr NGSQ 52:24L'244, Hoskins Families of Seventeenth-Century America. Offset printed, 22 pp' A-323J.--h,ife of the Rev. Robert Paton. ncestry of Crace Mary Rossiter tographed, 6 pp. rrColonials Named John Creswellr'r TAG 41:86-89. lrRussell Families of St. Flaryts and Charles Counties, Marylandrrr !{DG 6:64-65, _ ffAncestor Tables, George E1y Russell and Lois Ann (Taylor) Russellrrr TAG 4L:49-5L. ItEbenezer Russell of Reading, Mass', and Windsor, Conn.rrr NEHGR 120:11-13' rrColonials Named James Creswellr" NGSQ 54:57-52 l'Alfred Ely Family Recordrrr NGSQ 54t15. rrsome Geauga County, Ohio, Death l'r-otlcesrrl Ohio Records and Ptoneer Families, L964 1965 L966 ?. otr-47 flAutomatic Genealogical Data Processingr" NGSQ 54:2L7-218. rrCroswell Famity of 01d Rappahannock County, Virginiar" TVG 10:169'L73' rrllcEachern Families of Americar" NGSQ 54:300-302. CresweIl-Criswell Genealogical Records. Hectographed, 116 pp. raPhed, 17 t967 -L97 PP' "fhe Ulster Creswellsrrr NGSQ 55236-44. Taxpayers in England, L62l-L636,r' NGSQ 55t65-66. "Iliff-Olive ffThe Most Needed Genealogical Reference Publications," NGSQ 55:92-94. L967 3 I'Migrations To and From Lancaster County, Pennsylvaniar" NGSQ 55:101-L02. rrTni,roduction.t' Charles Countv. Yarvland. 1800 Census (Baltimore: Md' Gen' Soc') r L966-L969). 40, 60, 59, Genealogical ier 66 pp. L968-L97 'rBuchanan-Rouse Family Recordrrr The Kentucky Genealogist 10:52-54. 3 t969 19 70 L970-L91 2 1970-1985 t97L of Andover, Mass.?" TAG 116-119. d or-offset printed, J0 pp' G"n".log!.rl P.tiodi"il Adt ts in Colonial l{i11s,'r TAG 45:18-21' rfPaton Family 6f Ayrsnire, Scotland, ind llichiganril DSGRI1 33247-49. "David Creswell of Cecil County, Ilarylandrrr TAG 46:65-14. "Origin of l^iilliam Russell of New Haven, Conn.," TAG 46:109. 623-6. "Iliff Family of East KenLuckyr" The Easc Kentuckian prince George,s Counry, Md.. CeneEf5EfEET-sociery Mwsletter. Yimeographed. me lliff Genealogist. Xerographed, 90 pp. + of Burton, Geauga County, Ohior" Ohio Genealogical ffi-1851) 'rl{ho Was William RusseII 1958 Society Report 11:81-84. trBasic Bibliography For-MatTi[ a Genealogical Literature Search,r' Prince Georgets Counly Genealogical Society Newsletter 2:9; Tri-State Trader, GeneaIogY DePartment. Priest Genealogy- Pa., Md- N.J., \ra. Xerographed ' 62 pp. 197I-1986 Editor, National Genealogical society Quarlerly. 15 volumes. Lg73',Efficie@ing,''Tri-StateTrader,'Genea1ogyDept.,6l37:30,32. 'rForewordr" New Hampsnile CeneelogigaI.negeFEE 9\id6 (Bowie, Md.: Prince George's County Genealogical SocietY)." Florida Pioneers and Their ... AncesLors (Ta11ahassee, F1a., revised t974 ediEion,1981. ItPatrick 0gilvie of llaryland, L702-LTLTrrrTAG 53:75. L917 rrForeword.t'A Survev of American Ccnealogical Periodicals and Indexes to the ',Stephen Russell (1749-l8-ZdfGT-SouLhwick, I1ass., Colebrook, Conn., and Liberty, N.Y.," L97 B L979 Russell (1752-1814) "Jeremiah rllt.. NEHGR - 131: 29L-293. Bigamy or Coincidencer" TAG 54:9-11. Col. Witliam Russell Ga.L699-L157) - A Critical Examinationrrr TVG 22:83-85. 'tAnicake (Hanson) (Elena) ()lackenny) Dabb of Kent County, Ilaryland,rrTAG 54:159-L64. I'The Swedish Settlement in }laryland, 1654r" fAG 54:203-210. Familyrrt Ohio Genealogical Society Report 18:63-65. "llequillet rrCourt Depositions ana Af.fldavits as Evidence of Age in }laryland, L637-165'l rtt IO1G 2:68'75. t'Elizabeth (tlites) (Lumbrozo) (Brorvne) Robinson of Charles County, llaryland, L662rtl TAG 55 tL74-177. L97 9 r980 L981 'rlchabod Russell o_!_Royal Oak, 0akland County-, llisfriSanrrr DScfuil 43:18 "Introduiiion, r' Abstracts of llarriase and Death Notices from the Nati.onal lntelligencer, 1800:1850, National Genealogical Society Specia1 Publication No. 41. of Anne Arundel County, A Correclionr" IIMG 3:90. I'Philip Russell of Lewes, Delaware, Quakerr" TAG 56:BB-91. tfJohn Russell from Somerset County, Nlarylandrrr TAG 56tL44-147. I'Colonial American \{itchesr'r TAG 57:33-34. trBlack Baptism and }larriage Records, Frederlck County, llaryland, I7B7-1870rrl Afro-Anrerican Historical and Genealogical trJames Hoskins "S1ye-Cooper-Russel1 Connectionsrrr TAG L983 1985 1985 L987 1988 1989 1990 1991 19 90 19 91 L992 199 3 a994 57 , t92-94. "CrisweIl Family BibIe Record,t'Ohio Genealogical Society Report 2l:8. o1. 29, no. "The Slye Familj'r" Chronicles'of 5, pp. 1-4. 'rl1r. l{illiam Vanhaesdunk Riddlesden alias Hilliam Cornwallisrrr }fflG, vo1. 4, no, 2, pp. 57-60. ftNew Englanders in }larylandr, The Genealogist, 2:l3L-149. 'rJohn Lurnbroso, Jr. (1666-1744) of Pa-quotank County, N.C.r" TAG 59:32. "Bartholomew Hoskins, Gent.: Some New Findingsrrr TVG 27:83-84. 'rForeword,r'Computer Cenealogy - A Guide to Research fhrough High Technology ftNaLhaniel Burrough of llaryland, llassachusetLs, and Englandr" TAG 60:140-L42. rrKeller Graves Discoveredrrr tr$1G l:44. "Frederick County }1aps, tr \tt1G L: 108. "Mark }Ianlove (ca.L6l_l-1666) of New England, Virginia, and trlarylandr" TAG 61,:71-76. "Jacob Russell of Washington Countyrrr l+lc 2:5L-54. ilDronenburg Family of I{estern MarylandrrrLMG 2:99-105. "Job Chandler of Maryland, 1651 - Corrections,rr TAG 62zLO6-LO7. County, trlarylandrr'(revised edition), in Clark, West"Powel1 Family of Allegany -ern Maryland Families (St. MichaeIs, Md.), PP. 26-29. |'JamesJohnsonaIiasIn@SouthernOdyssey,l'(withDorothy J. Barnum), tr-GSQ 76l.5-L6. ffFlayle Payne of Frederlck Countyril l{}IG 4:5L-57t 99-L02. rrJohn Hanson of )Iary1and - A Swedish Origin Disprovedrrr TAG 63:2LL-2L3. rrCaptain Elias Delashrnutt of Frederick County,rt hr}lG 5:2-13, 56-64. lfThe Jukes Revisited,rr TAG 64:22. Rev. Theodosius Staigerrr TAG 64:L2. "The l'CarroIlton }lanor Rent Rol1s , 1771 and L7J7 ,tt Iv'IIG 5:98-I02. 'rCaptain Peter Bainbridge (1721-I806) of Rams Horn,rr WIIG 5:146-151. Moravian Families of Carrollrs }lanor, Frederick County, lIary1and, 145 pages. Descendants of William Russell of Sa1em, Mass., L674, offset printed, 272 pages, ' r"inrhe Notebook of che Bal , no.4, pp.1-4. Powe11 Family of Allesanv Councy. ]larvland - Descendants of William Powell and Ann (Chanbers) Powel I of Tir"!r.Jr_Jr*"*!:hi.", LI3-pages. 150-59. 'tCookerly F }lanlove Addenda, TAG 65:228-2.29 . 'li"lark rrBartholomerv Jesserang" of Frederick-Townrrr Lrllc 7 : 98-104, 146-155. Nelson of llarf isp6, rr hrllc 822-7 , 50-55. "Arthur I'John and Jane BarcrofL of Boston. ]lass.. and Vireinia." TAG 6l:Ll2-L13. "Firestone Fami 11, of Frederick Corinty, )larylandrtr-\i)lc 9:2-14r62-72. Iiashington CounLy, Maryland, Genealogical Research Guide, offset printed, 48 pages. "Becraft Family of Maryland,'l'wG=19:?:11, -sL9.LJ_8 109. <rith Dr. N L996 L997 1998 i999 2001 a999 2001 2002 ' 2003 2 005 2006 2007 2008 ;u:ii; i::: 2CL1 Powe11 'fJohn Lancelot 2009 2010 20Lt county out Door pensionersr" iillc LZz24-29 (with George Horvath), "carro11 rfTouchstone Family of }Iary1and," lld: Gen. Bulletin 37t269-29g. rrPearl Family qn-qR Family-of of Maryland,,, l{arvlanri-,,t+t6 11:)-7 5O-58. t+lC t3:2-7, lllgrrl ''DIX iaml rr Family lV oI llrrvl.nd t.ala r/,.oo-rAa of )larv1andr"'t+lc .'.Si.x 14:98_IOi. 146_160. rrDeBurLs Famitr. or' rraryiand ryland ;ra and Virg.inib,', vi;g-i;il,n The rr.,""t, Genealogist 12:131_188. ''Russe11 Families Famities or "Russe11 of r6uoo;"*i;";;y:""'N:;i.r,"i-i Loudorrn Coun,-vrrNnrtsha-- ;i;;i;i5'E:.,l.roey \ri 4:247_25e. (--?--) (Sanpson) "Elizaberh (eagroio) ininto.r) siJ,* .r-prrJp.iJ fr;;o-.".',', ve, llu. I1d. Gen u n. rlfortucu::: Soc. Bulletin 40:3bT:3f0. Colonisrs in Sevenreenrh-Cenrury _1n^d _S-p1n-.r.t., rr _Ilaryland, TAG 76:50-61, t3B-147. Early in Frede-rick county, -ys11.1andr, The Genealoglst L5z225-255. "Frenchmen rrJacob-Russel1, Jr., of Keedysville,'llaryi;;A;i, WffiitSS. I.rg! , H]:rorl and First'Serriers, n i^rurc tz 1L94_ZOs . IY!f,iIl"*d -eoriEEtI6n,',The D..oughty ruuer rcarr icar, LrenealoplsE Gen"a i oe i s t- 7/ j/ ?: 169. , j!!L! imer 289 . 1:"b,'-J ranilffis oiEngrish Relarives,,, The Genealosisr l'l:ll,t_rtlltpot 17 : 131- 165 . pennsylvania,'r '}"p"y Fanily of )iaryland and }ld.Gen.Soc.Bulletin 44:47L-47g, rn" oore Advenrurers, wiLh oonnu vuf I!g_4.!_"n{(Gen. ir.oirct uoot, Tu5llr6--Earrinore). clrpli"c- f;'. ;"'-s".iery ro.r, of rhe Ark and rne ;:;":""r rrMolly lielsh: G_randmother of Benjamin gannekerr', -\GSQ 94:305_314. llJohn Gatchel l Alleeed Fami y of lhiUGh&d,- lLl'sachusetts,,, Ttie Genealosisr -'' FamirieS_ "strawbridge of )larylandl;'ilg-_ G",;;-i".. iirrraffifffif#o:-'-2L:3_4]*. of Frostblrr, tu. of }laryland and Virginia,r,Magazine of Virginia Irffi Genealogy 47:267-2rj. nLsr 39 Vireinia.'l Ihe GenealosLst- 25 (201r): 131-143. and Rosier Families f"ri ir ;'-^;of ;"-;,-:, yJryIand, " the American Gene losist 'lHiller an{ 85 (2011): 9-2L. "!r-ench S;ciiatioi irs of Set of New ss.,r' IiGSQ ( 99: ?9->- 30?. pages rrl'ranc rlrancis i- s Gray of ]laryland and -Rosier CONTRIBUTING EDITORSHIPS 198l19 7B- 1985- The American Genealogist iffisurnarne ffieatogy (a quarterly journal) genellogical magazine) (a quarrerlY journal) I'Ancestor Hunling at hIRHS 45 Years Agor" ASG Meeting at lieslern Reserve Historical SocieEy, Cleveland. 0hio p"ner..discussion], NGS Conference in L987 , Ilay 'rEdiiins , e.nJriJei"r-i"G;i";;i;-[, the States, Raleigh, N.C. Maryland in L987, July ,,Histor-v and critique o_f Genealogical Periodicals of }1aryland," Depth Conferencer- B.altimore. 2008, Nov. 'rGreat liome nts in Geneif'o[t,"-ASG-G;u6t ]teeting, Annapolis, !1ary1and 1989r 14 Oct. IlrSCELl.AliEol-s wRlTrtiGS, HoNoRS, AND COIIMISSTONS reviews, Ilaryland Genealogic?I $oc!e!y PuLlelin'. 1966-1973 Nu:rerr:us book prince NRt^':19!!fI. Ce@i,S9ci?t) ]_gi2-L97b Book reviews, ' l-971-1986 Book reviews a Occasional book reviews, DSGRII, TAG. Distinguished Service Award, National Genealogical Society' L91 8 Elected a Fellow of the National Genealogical Society' 1981 President's Citation, National Genealogical Society' t9B6 Electeci a Fe11ow of The American Society of Genealogists' 19B0 Certificate of Appreciation, Prince Georgers County []td.]_Genealogical Society L973 (of wfricn I was f6under and first President) tn: I certifled Genealogist (No. 52), Board fcr certification of Genealogists Lvb /- -!-(l{ashington, 1986 19B3 198 7 19BB 199 0 D. C. ) NGS Youth Family History l'iriting Contest Award' JudEe, NGS Flrst Family History \{riting Contest Award' JudEe, ir-GS Second Family History \iriring Contesf Arvard' JudEe, liGS Third Familf iiistory iiriting ContesL Award' Judge, Judge, NGS Fourtir Famiiy Hi-stor)'iir:rting Contest Aruarcl L992 Judge, i'iGS Fif th Family Histcry !\rriting Contest Award 1990 Lgg4 Honorable )Iention, Connecticut Society of Genealogists Literarl,' Award Judse. NGS Sixth FamiIl' History Hritihg Contest Award