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SNOW SURVEYS and WATER SUPPLY OU.TLOOK for AlASKA A IS GB 2625 .A4 A5 1984-5 IL CONSERVATION SERVICE -~ ~~ l; _s _ DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Cooperating with ALASKA SOIL CONSERVATION DISTRICT ....---ASOF---. MAYl, 1984 l l 3l l l l3755 l l l l l l l l 000 l l ~~lfl~l l16210 l l l l l l l l l l7l l l TO RECIPib><r~ '-'r """'"" .:>vr n •• '-'V''"'""'""K REPORTS: Most of the usable water in western states originates as mountain snowfall. This snowrall accumulates during the winter and spring, several months before the snow melts and appears as streamflow. Since the runoff from precipitation as snow is delayed, estimates of snowmelt runoff can be made well in advance of its occurrence. Streamflow forecasts published in this report are based principally on measurement of the water equivalent of the mountain snowpack. Forecasts become more accurate as more of the data affecting runoff are measured. All forecasts assume that climatic factors during the remainder of the snow accumulation and melt season will interact with a resultant overage effect on runoff. Early season forecasts are therefore subject to a greater change than those made on later dates. The snow course measurement is obtained by sampl i·ng snow depth and water equivalent at surveyed and marked locations in mountain areas. A total of about ten samples are taken at each location. The average of these are reported as snow depth and water equivalent. These measurements are repeated in the same location near the same dates each year. Snow surveys are made monthly or semi -monthly from January I through June I in most states . There are about 1900 snow courses in Western United States and in the .Columbia Basin in British Columbia. Networks of automatic snow water equivalent and related data sensing devices, along with radio telemetry are expanding and will provide a continuous record of snow water and other parameters at key locations. Detailed data on snow course and soil moisture measurements are presented in state and local reports. Other data on reservoir storage, summaries of precipitation, current streamflow, and soil moisture conditions at valley elevations are also included. The report for Western United States presents a broad picture of water supply outlook conditions, including selected streamflow forecasts, summary of snow accumulation to date, and storage in larger reservoirs . Snow survey and soil moisture data for the period of record are published by the Soil Conservation Service by states about every five years. Data for the current year is summarized in a West-wide basic data summary and published about October 1 of each year. COVER r "S. ' RING IS ON THE WAY." PU B The Soil Conservation Service publishes reports foilowing the principal snow survey <..•.Hes from January I through June 1 in cooperation with state water administrators, agricultural experiment stations and others. Copies of the reports for Western United States and all state reports may be obtained from Soil Conservation Service, West Technical Service Center, Room 510, 5 I I N. W . e. roadway, Portland, Oregon 97209. Copies of state and local reports may also be obtained from state offices of the Soil Conservation Service in the following states: ADDRESS STATE Alaska Room 129, 2221 East Northern lights Blvd . , Anchorage, Alaska 99508 Colorado (NM, AZ & WY) P.O. Box 17107, Denver, Colorado 80217 Idaho Room 345, 304 N. 8th St., Boise, Idaho 83702 Montana (WY) P.O . Box 98, Bozeman, Montana 59715 Oregon (WA) 1220 S.W. Third Ave., Portland, Oregon 97204 Utah (NV & WY) 4420 Federal Bldg., 125 South State St. , Salt lake City, Utah 84147 Wyoming P. 0. Box 2440, Casper, Wyoming 82602 PUBLISHED BY OTHER AGENCIES Water Supply Outlook reports prepared by other agencies include a report for Ca 1iforni a by the Snow Surveys Branch, Ca 1iforni a Department of Water Resources, P.O . Box 388, Sacramento, California 95802 --- for British Columbia by the Ministry of the Environment, Water Investigations Branch, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, British Columbia V8V 1X5 --- for Yukon Territory by the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs, Northern Operations Branch, 200 Range Road, Whitehorse, Yukon Territory Y1A 3V1 --- and for Alberta, Saskatchewan, and N.W.T. by the Water Survey of Canada, Inland Waters Branch, 110-12 Avenue S.W, Calgary, Alberta T3C 1A6. WA·TER SUPPLY. o·UTLDDI IMPORllNIT NOli:CE REVI~SION OF FREE Ml·ltiNG liST IF YOU WISH TO CONTINUE to receive this publication, please turn to the bock page, read the instructions, ----TEAR OFF THE BACK COVER of this bulletin, sign your name, fold it on the heavy line, staple or tape, and---MAIL IMMEDIATELY. r-0 ..N <D ...0 0 0 I.!) I.!) r-- IF THE BACK COVER IS NOT RETURNED WITHIN 30 DAYS, YOUR NAME WILL BE REMOVED FROM OUR LIST. THIS NOTICE IS REQUIRED BY THE CONGRESSIONAL JOINT COMMITTEE ON PRINTING FOR THE ANNUAL REVISION OF FREE ~!LING LISTS. M M Please make any address corrections before mailing. ARLIS Alaska Resources Library & Information Services Anchurage, Alaska ARLIS Alaska Resources Library & Information Services Library Building, Suite 111 3211 Providence Drive Anchorage, AK 99508-461 4 &.~ 1-&;1.'? FEDERAL- STATE- PRIVATE SNOW SURVEYS AND WATER SUPPLY OUTLOOK FOR ALASKA ARLIS Alaska Resources LiilfMy & information Services Aft.thnnure, Alaska Issued by PETER C. MYERS CHIEF SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE WASHINGTON , D.C. '''''''''''''''''"''''''''''''''''"''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''"''''''''''''''''"'''''''''''''''''''''''' Released by BURTON L. CLIFFORD STATE CONSERVATIONIST SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE ANCHORAGE, ALASKA '''''''''''''''''"''''''''''''''''"''''''''''''''''"'''''''''''''''"''''''''''''''''"''''''''''''''''"''''''''''''''''''''''' Report prepared by GEORGE P. CLAGETI, Snow Survey Supervisor RICK McCLURE, Hydrologist JASON REST AD, Computer Specialist TERESA ROBLES, Secretary SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE 2221 EAST NORTHERN LIGHTS BLVD. RM. 129 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99508 .fttl AS lq15\1 _. 5 '~ SPRINGTIME ON KODIAK ISLAND ALASKA SUMMARY ASOF May 1,1984 OVERVIEW Snowfall during April was well below average over most of the state. A few areas were just the opposite. Above average snow fell on the Kenai Peninsula, Kodiak Island, Western Chugach Range, and a portion of the central interior, including Fairbanks. The winter's snowcover is now average or better on only a small portion of the state. Most of this area is south of the Alaska Range, and within the Copper Basin and Upper Cook Inlet watersheds. North of the Alaska Range, only an area of the central interior, north of the Yukon River , has average or better snow for May 1st. Nearly the entire western half of the state, the North Slope and much of Southeast, has a far below average snowcover. The central and eastern interior, south of the Yukon River, is a little below average, overall. A much cooler than normal April has significantly delayed the onset of the breakup season. A late breakup season has caused the National Weather Service to raise their rating of this year's ice jam flood hazard to moderate-high on the Yukon and Kuskokwim Rivers. UPPER YUKON DRAINAGE Much of the Canadian headwaters of the Yukon River experienced a fairly dry April. Little snow fell in the southwest portion of the Yukon Territory, while areas to the north and east varied up to near normal for the month. Most of the Upper Yukon has a lean snowcover. Exceptions are the Stewart and Pelly River drainages upstream of Dawson, and the Chandalar River in northeast Alaska. Snow in these areas is generally average or better. TANANA DRAINAGE New snowfall during April was divided within the basin between the northwest or downstream half, which received well above average, and the southeast or upstream half, where precipitation fell off to almost nothing at the Canadian border. The snowcover was all but gone in valley bottoms by May 1st. Snowfall was below average in the Chena Basin, but snowmelt was also deficient so the snowpack is higher, percentagewise, than a month ago. KOYUKUK DRAINAGE The Koyukuk River Headwaters was one of the few regions north of the Alaska Range to show an increase in the snowpack during April. Precipitation at Bettles was 27 percent above average for the month. Snow courses along the Dalton Highway measured a net increase of 0.5 inches of water-content. Normally, they lose several inches of water during April. The result is that the snowpack is now above average, compared to being below average a month ago. COPPER DRAINAGE The Copper Drainage generally received well below average precipitation for the month. Cooler than normal temperatures, however, produced little snowmelt. The snowpack here also has increased, percentagewise, compared to a month ago. The remaining snowcover is generally a little above average everywhere, but the west side which has been 20 to 30 percent or more below average all winter. SUSITNA DRAINAGE Overall, snow in the Upper Susitna Basin is about average for May 1st. The Alaska Range is still above average, while the Talkeetna Tributaries are well below average. The Upper Susitna Basin received less than normal snowfall during April. Snow in the Lower Susitna Valley normally exhibits a net decrease in water-content during April with the onset of the breakup season. Cooler than normal temperatures, however, produced less melt than usual, so the remaining pack is now very heavy for May 1st. 2 UPPER COOK INLET The mountains east of Anchorage were the target area for several snow storms during the month. The Indian Pass course received over 6 inches of new moisture, more than double its normal monthly increment. The forecast of snowmelt runoff from Ship Creek, which supplies Anchorage with close to half its municipal water supply, made a 25 percent jump from the April forecast. Ship Creek is now expected to produce 66,000 acre-feet of water through July. This is six percent more than average and significantly reduces but does not eliminate the annual summer threat of a water shortage in Anchorage. The west side of Cook Inlet in contrast to the east, received well below average precipitation for the month . KENAI PENINSULA Heavy spring snow storms hit the southern end of the Kenai Peninsula. They mainly affected the Kachemak Bay area and Kenai Mountains, north at least to Seward. The storms did not greatly affect the west side of the Peninsula or the northern end of the mountains. The snowcover throughout the Peninsula remains below normal. Snowmelt runoff from the northern Kenai mountains may be as much as 25 percent below average. PRINCE WILLIAM SOUND Mountains surrounding the Sound received a below normal to near normal increment of new snow during April . The snowcover near Thompson Pass, along the Richardson Highway, is now slightly below average for the winter. KODIAK ISLAND Storms tracking across the Gulf of Alaska have kept Kodiak one of the wettest spots in the state, percentagewise. April followed the winter-long trend. The whole winter's precipitation at Kodiak is now SO percent more than the 34 year average. However, it is only 16 percent above the average since 1973. Snow in the mountains fell at a lower rate, percentagewise, this year than at lower elevations. Also, considerable snowmelt occurred during November and December when temperatures were well above normal. The result is that the snowpack at the Falls Creek course, near Terror Lake at 2000 elevation, is slightly below the estimated average pack for the site. The snowpack, however, represents only 65 percent of the estimated moisture to have fallen at Falls Creek . Therefore, a fairly heavy snowpack exists at higher elevations . Inflow into the Terror Lake reservoir is estimated to be 79,000 acre-feet for the May through August snowmelt period . The forecast is 12 percent above average and is based on precipitation-to-come being normal. 3 SOUTHEAST The snowpack is gone from the lower elevations of the southeast region. The Speel River snow course, southeast of Juneau, which normally has over five feet of snow and 29 inches of water-content on May 1st, had only six inches of snow depth. The Speel River course has been measured for 20 years, and never before had less than two feet on this date. The higher elevation snowpack may not be as deficient, however. Several courses indicate a snowpack of only 10 to 20 percent below average above 1500 feet elevation . STREAMFLOW FORECASTS ......~ THIS YI!AII FOIIECAST BASIN . STREAM and/or FORECAST POINT Tltovs.,d FOIIECAST PercMt of •ere ,.. .. , PAST IIECOIID THOUSAND ACIIE FEET .........ll L.•uTe..i/ PEIIIOD Aver•&• AS OF MAY l. 1984 YUKON RIVER at Eaqle 30.072 84~ April-July 35.248 35.800 YUKON RIVER near Stevens Villaqe 41.264 82~ April-July 44.347 50.210!/ 445 80~ April-June 277 554 335 78~ April-June 240 426 LITTLE CRENA near Fairbanks 54 84- April-June 42 SHIP CREEK near Anchoraqe 66 106, April-July 63 . 5 SOUTH FORK CAMPBELL CR!EK at canyon Mouth near ADchoraqe 15.5 1on April-July N~ 14. J!l TERROR RIVER near Kodiak Reservoir Inflow 79.0 ll2' May-Auqust 96 . 1 70 . d./ SALCHA RIVER near Salcha~et CRENA RIVER at Fairbanxs 64.!/ 62 I I I !I Provisional data from U. S. Geological Survey, subject to revision ll Not Available ~I 62-81 Period !/ Estimated SNOW THIS YEAR DRAINAGE ' ~SIN attG/ D< SNOW NAME COU~SE N-r Oateol El ... t•O" Sur,.,. Snow Oeprh•! (;"""'"' I L.AST YEAR Content Sr.ow ONt+l (incn.s) , •nches Water I' } t I ',/ Wo ter Con..f'!t ti rw:nes ) .;ISTORICAL AVERAGE .;. f•nc Sn 0 tt.•11""' . ' i Wo ter Conret~t finches ) I J ) l Yoenof Previov• ~•cord DELAYED APRIL DATA i I I SOUTHEAST Speel River lA02 280 4/05 I 32 12. 5 I I 4 64 25.0 81 I I J2. 4 !9 I i • for Period of Recotd 1984- RtGIONIIl SNOWPIICK SUMMARY CHENA RIVER SNOWPACK BASED ON T ANANA V A LLEY SNOWPACK 8 SELECTI!D SNOW COURSES BASED ON " SELEC T ED SNOW COURSES 250% .... z . 1&1 ..J > :; 200% 0 1&1 rz: . 1&1 .... 3': :t 150% 0 z • .. 1&1 0 160% rz: 1&1 > c .... 0 .... 50% z 1&1 (,) rz: 1&1 Q. 0% FEB FEB MAY UPPER SUSITNA BASIN SIIOWPAC K BASED ON e z COPPI!R RIVER BASIN SIIOWttACK 8ASEB 0011 SELEC:TI!D Slt&W COURSES ~ ·m~x imum .... MA Y I S1:LECTED StfGW COURSES 2'50% of .record -X maximum of rec o rd 1&1 ..J c > 200% :I 0 1&1 rz: 1&1 .... c :t 3: rx ~ - ~ - ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - 150% 0 ;: ell 1&1 0 c rz: 1&1 > c .... 0 .... z Ill (,) rz: Ill Q. v ~ - .... - - - -_::; 100% --- ------ ------ -- ---- 50% :Y'XYx'-x W n .~u ~: x:pxx r-mxxx . ~- minimum of record ( ~ V V \" VVYVY V VVVVV • 0% THE FIIIST OF FEB MAR A PR T HI! F IIIST OF FEB MAY LEGEND 1983 __,.,1984 D ATA DATA 5 MAR APR MA Y REGIONAL SNOWPACK SUMMARY 1984- LOWER SUSITNA BASIN SNOWPACK BASED ON KENAI PENINSULA SNOWPACK BASED ON 4 SI!LI!CTEEI St.:OW COURSES 5 SELECTED SNOW COURSES 250% ... z loll ..1 VVYV' c > 5 200% 0 loll a: ... loll c 3: 3: 150% 0 z • loll 0 100% c a: loll > c II. 0 ... 50% z loll u a: loll A. 0% THE FIRST OF FEB MAY FEB SHIP CREEK SNO·W PACJl BASED ON 4 aASEO 011 SELECTED Sltf>·W COUftSES Y.XY.Y.Y. XX S MAY SELECTED SIIOW COUttSES ... 250% <m-:x---·--- maximum of record maximum of record loll ..1 APR YALD•z AREA s•owPACK --- ...z MAR Y.Y. ~ ' c > 5 200% 0 loll a: ~ ... c :xx ~.xcx loll 3: 3: 0 z (I) loll 0 c a: loll > :?<x ')( ~---------------- - ---- ~ ------~ --------------------- 150% ~ 100% c ...z -..:: ~ I II. 0 - .. . 50% I I ;:;lilo, ~)(X)( XX loll u a: " loll A. A "'."~~~~~~,...~~ MAR APR -1983 1984 VV\1' '\.'VV\1\."" 0% THE FIRST OF FEB MAY LEGEND -4 ~ record~ _> "'" '"""" THE I'IIIST OF FEB ~- minimum of"A ""' AAAA AA J minimum of record - .'A .F.. DATA DATA 6 MAR APR MAY SNOW THIS YEAR DRAINAGE BASIN ond/ or SNOW COURSE NAME I Number _I Elevation Dote of Snow Depth Survey (inciles) LAST YEAR Wal'er Content (inches) Snow Depth (inches) HISTORICAL AVERAGE+ Water Snow Depth (inches) Content (inches) Water Content Cinches ) Years of Previous Record AS OF MAY 1, 1984 UPPER YUKON I i I I I I (CANADA)* Aishihik Lake Upper At lin Beaver Creek Burwash Airstrip Casino Creek Chadburn Lake Clinton Creek Duke River Fort Selki rk Grizzly Creek Hoole River King Solomon Dome Log Cabin Long Lake Mayo Airport McClintock Meadow Creek Midnight Dome Montana Mountain Mt. Berdoe Mt. Mcintyre A Mt. Mcintyre B Mt . Mcintyre c Mt . Mcintyre D Rogue River Rose Creek (Faro) Ross Rive r Hill Stewart Crossing Tagish Twin Creeks Victoria Creek Whitehorse Airport 3800 2400 2150 2660 3500 2160 1100 4800 1380 4000 3560 3550 2880 2050 1620 2250 4050 2800 3340 3390 3000 3700 3950 4450 2500 3540 3200 1860 3540 2950 3250 2300 4/30 4/27 4/26 5/01 4/30 4/25 4/30 4/28 5/01 4/26 4/29 4/27 4/28 4/25 5/01 5/01 5/01 4/26 4/28 5/01 4/26 4/26 4/26 4/26 4/29 4/30 4/30 5/01 4/28 4/29 4/30 5/01 0 0 6 0 29 0 0 0 0 27 13 22 29 0 0 0 31 24 12 9 7 15 13 21 0 3 0 15 27 0 0 7.7 0.0 0.0 2250 3800 2400 2500 3050 3250 2500 4/27 4/30 4/28 4/27 4/27 5/01 4/28 58 0 0 28 29 18 0 24 . 4 0.0 0.0 9.8 9. 5 5.6 0.0 21 0.0 0.0 1.4 0.0 5.5 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 6.3 3.2 5.6 11.1 0.0 0 .0 0.0 7.1 5.0 3.2 2 .4 1.7 3. 3 3.1 7, .. o 5 I 0.0 ~3 :. 7~ I 0 0 7 0 13 0 0 0 0 7 6 9 27 0 0 0 27 15 9 11 0 0 NO NO NO 0 5 0 7 24 0 0 0.0 0.0 1.5 0.0 3.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.1 1.4 2.6 11.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.1 3.9 1.7 1.7 0.0 0.0 SURVE' SURVE~ SURVE' 0.0 1.2 0.0 1.9 6. 6 0.0 0.0 10 8 3 1 21 2.4 2.5 0.8 0.2 4.8 21 0 5.2 0.0 23 13 36 5.4 2.6 3.1 11.7 0 0.0 36 18 16 9 10 . 2 4.0 4.1 1.8 --11 --- -16 --- -- -- --- ---- 4.2 19 0 5 4.8 0.0 1. 3 15 21 1 3 4.2 5.1 0.2 1.1 62 4 19 . 8 0.9 30 30 6.0 8.0 -- -- I I I 8 10 8 7 8 1 6 6 1 8 7 9 26 1 15 5 8 9 8 8 4 8 3 3 6 8 8 1 8 7 8 18 ALSEK (CANADA) * Bates Rive r Canyon Lake Dezadeash Felsite Creek Stanley Creek Summit Takhanne z 0 N 0 " N I 62 2 7 30 22 16 0 22 . 7 0.4 2.2 7.9 5. 5 4.3 0.0 -- --- 2.5 --- -- --- --- 3. 8 0.0 23 4 5. 5 1.2 -- -- z I PORCUPINE ..... -- I (CANADA)~ :l: Eagle Plains Eagle River Old Crow 6 9 4 6 7 5 5 2570 1200 850 NO NO 5/02 3250 2250 4/30 5/01 SURVE' SURVE' 19 NO NO 9 3.7 SURVE~ SURVE~ -- 3 OTHER ALCAN HIGHWAY (CANADA)" I Pine Lake Airstrip Watson Lake Airport 26 0 8.3 0.0 13 0 I 7 18 I I II wcanadian data provided by the Department of Indian and Northern ~ffair Whitehorse , Yukon Territory . ----- . - 7 - -- - + FOP!! PERIOC OF RECORO SNOW THIS YEAR DRA INAGE BASI N and/ or SNOW CO URS E NAM E I N umber J El evation Date of Sn0¥11' Depth Survey (inc hes ) LAST YEAR Water Content (inches) Snow Depth (i nches) Woter !' HI STORICAL AVERAGE + Water Years of Content Previous (i nche s) Record (inches ) Snow De pth (inches ) 16.2 2.0 0.0 3.6 --26 -3.3 0.0 SURVEY SURVEY 1. 5 SURVEY 5.8 0.0 2 12 6 12 6 26 9 0.4 2.8 1. 6 3. 2 1.7 6.7 2.6 4 18 12 . 4 1. 1 5.4 23 0.9 5.8 11 13 14 30 38 7 4 5.0 3. 2 3.1 3. 4 7.7 10 . 7 1.9 1. 0 Content AS OF MAY 1, 1984 YUKON: *Atigun Cirque Five Mile Hess Creek Thirty Mile 3B20 3B16 3B21 3B17 4750 600 1000 1350 5/02 5/01 5/01 5/01 78 18 17 32 23 . 4 4.0 3. 6 8.0 55 7 0 11 3A01 3A14 3Al9 3A20 3A10 3A02 3A11 3A33 3A03 3A15 3A07 New 3Al2 3A18 3A27 3A08 3A19 3A25 3A2 1 3A06 3A05 3A22 3A04 3A31 3A13 3A30 3A17 980 1150 1250 900 1150 2230 700 450 3000 1500 1800 1250 1240 1950 1460 2000 1700 2000 1850 2800 3050 1640 1 650 350 3000 3400 600 4/28 4/30 4/27 4/26 4/27 4/30 4/30 4/30 4/28 4/28 4/28 4/28 4/28 4/27 4/27 4/27 4/28 NO 4/26 NO 4/26 4/26 4/28 NO NO NO 4/30 0 13 14 17 17 23 11 0 34 0 14 0 0 27 0.0 2.8 3. 8 4.5 3. 8 5.7 3.1 0.0 10 . 4 0.0 3.6 0.0 0.0 5.4 3.7 4.9 1. 3 0 NO NO 6 NO 17 0 0 32 0 7 4A09 4A04 4A05 4A06 4A07 900 1400 1 550 1 050 2200 5/01 5/02 5/02 5/01 5/02 2003 2016 2005 2002 2017 2006 2004 20 14 200 1 2 540 1 300 3050 2430 2650 2280 1 990 1650 21 00 4 /28 5/01 NO 4/28 4/28 4/25 4/25 5/01 5/01 13 4 13 4 11 -- 6.6 TANANA: Big Delta Bonanza Creek Caribou Creek Caribou Mine Car i bou Snow Pillow *Cleary Summi t Colorado Creek Fairbanks T. s. *Field i ng Lake Fort Greely French Creek Gers t le River Granite Creek Haystack Mountain Litt l e Chena Bottom *Little Chena Ridge Li ttle Sa l cha Lower Chena Monument Cr eek *Mt . Ryan *Munson Ridge Teuchet Creek Tolt Junction Totchaket *Upper Ch ena *Upper Chena Pillow Yak Pasture 14 22 4 SURVEY 19 SURVE'J 38 14 4 SURVEY SURVEY SURVEY 1 --0 o. o 9.3 0. 0 2.4 -43 -- ---4 0.0 -- 4 -8 .1 -1.4 16 13 13 1 3. 12 0 .2 4.0 4.8 3.8 5.7 5.0 3 5 0 8 0 0.8 1. 4 0.0 2.6 0.0 16 22 8 19 16 4.0 5. 3 1.9 4.6 3. 9 0 0 20 4 10 Sa lOa 46 63 0.0 0.0 3. 7 1.1 2.6 2 . 0e 2 . 7e 16 . 3 23.8 19 5.1 8.5 3.1 0.9 -- 16 14 5 22 22 7 10 22 22 11 24 3 17 4 24 18 9 9 1 0 9 20 32 4 0 NO 12 13 0 4.0 5. 9 2.2 2.4 0.3 0.0 2.2 5 .4 9.1 1. 0 0.0 SURVEY 3. 3 4.2 0.0 24 15 13 19 13 24 18 2 23 17 22 -19 -- 30 -- -- I I ' I I KOYUKUK : z 0 N 0 N N I ! I Bonanza Fo r ks Coldfoot Disaster Creek Pros p e c t Ai rst r i p Tab l e Mountain 20 22 19 24 24 z I COPPER : ~ 1:: I Haggard Creek Kenny Lake School Mankomen Lake Mentas t a Pass Paxson Sanf o rd Rive r *St. Anne La k e Tsaina River *Worthington Gla cier 21 5. 8 3 1.2 SURVEY 5.5 19 7.3 27 3. 9e 14a 4.3 15 27 9.7 61 21.9 -27 19 -- 11 11 45 60 I -6. 6 5 .2 -2.9 3.0 15 . 3 22.7 20 4 16 22 2 17 20 12 26 I *Affected t o some deg r e e by wi nd a - ae r ial ma r k er r e a d ing e - es t ima t ed .... F O R 8 ;:tER IO O O F R E C O RD SNOW THIS YEAR DRA INAGE BASIN ond/ o' SNOW COURSE Dote of Snow Depth Survey ( inches) 38a 32a 47 lla 38a 74a 40 25 25a 55 SURVEY SURVEY 14 28 35 SURVEY 45a 63a 0 11 SURVEY 34 15 8 SURVEY 52 a SURVEY SURVEY 20 I N umber Alexander Lalte *Bald Mountain Lalte *Chelatna Lalte Deception Creelt Devils Canyon Dutch Hi lls *Fer n Mine Road Fog Laltes *Horsepasture Pass *Independence Mine *Jatu Pass Kashwitna R. Cirque Lalte Louise Little Susitna *Monahan Flat *Mt . Hayes *Nugget Bench *Ramsdylte Creek Risley's Sheep Mountain *Sheep River Skwentna Square Lalte Talkeetna Talkeetna River Pass *Tokos i tna Valley *Uppe r Kashwi t na R. *W. Fo r k Glacier Will ow Ai rstr i p 2C02 2C03 2C04 2C17 2C16 2C28 2C48 2Cl4 2C15 2B06 2C37 2C20 2C06 2C47 2C07 2C42 2Cl0 2C29 2C46 2C08 2C19 2C11 2C13 2C12 2C22 2C30 2C27 2C4l 2C09 140 2150 1650 700 1350 3100 2200 2120 4300 3300 4500 3900 2400 1700 2710 4200 2010 2220 930 2900 4100 160 2590 350 5100 850 4300 5050 200 4/25 4/25 4/25 4/25 4/25 4/25 4/30 4/25 4/25 4/30 NO NO 4/25 4/30 4/25 NO 4/25 4/25 4/30 5/01 NO 4/25 4/25 4/25 NO 4/25 NO NO 4/25 2B24 2B0 5 2B01 2B02 2B03 2B04 2B08 2B23 2B22 2B20 2B19 Nelli New 2B10 New New 2B07 2B11 2B16 2B17 2B09 2Bl2 2080 3000 500 1000 1450 2030 2250 2750 1 540 500 250 7 50 1 000 2350 500 1 675 120 1 540 3600 200 1750 1200 4/28 5/01 5/01 5/01 5/01 5/01 NA ME j El evat i on LAS T YEAR Water Content (inches ) Woter Snow Depth (inches ) Con tent HISTORICAL AV ERA G E + Snow Depth finches) (i nches) Water Content Y ~ rs o f Previous Record (inches ) MATANUSKA~SUSITNA: ll.6e 8.0e 14 . 9 3.5e 9.5e 28.9e 11.6 6.1 5 . 8e 19.5 I 3.6 9.2 8.6 16.0e 22.7e 0.0 2.8 10.7 3.1 2.5 17.7e 6.0 27a 8.le 31a 8. 7e 47a 13.6e 9a 3.2e NO SURVE II 75a 26.2e 44 15 . 4 9a 2.2e 29a 7 . 8e 58 22.0 43 16.2 53a 17.5e 11 2.6 32 8.4 3la 7.8e NO ~URVEY 43a 13 . 3e 60a 18.6e 5 1.7 14 3.3 40a 12.0e 23 7.0 16 4.8 11 4.2 32a 8.6e 47a 13.6e 32a 8.6e 67 25 . 5 13 4.6 I 28 33 37 8.7 9.1 10 . 7 -30 5.1 7.1 22 . 1 18 20 20 4 6 4 1 14 16 20 -3. 4 5 20 7.6 20 16 . 4 16 4 2 26 5 17 20 17 5 4 5 3 20 -8.2 -- --20 -- 28 63 -- --14 -30 -53 --15 -23 3 -- 2 ---4.0 -7.5 17 16 2 3. 9 5.3 ----3.0 -- ----9 I I I II COOK INLET: z 0 ,... 0 ,... ,... I z I ..... I: I Anchorage Hillside *Arcti c Ski Bowl Arctic Valley 11 Arctic Valley 1 2 Arctic Valley 13 Arctic Valley 1 4 *Bird Creek *Capps Plateau *Chuitna Plateau Congahbuna Lake Granite Point Heartbreak Hill Hunt Creek * Ind i an Pass Lone Creek *Lone Ridge McArthur Mt . Alyeska *N . Fork Ship Cr eek Point MacKen?. i e Ship Cr eek s . Campbell Creelc 32 11.3 41 14.0 1 0.4 7 2. 0 18 5. 5 7.1 21 D I S C :> N T NO SURVEY 5/02 57 24 . 4 5/02 24 8.1 5/02 0 0.0 5/02 36 13 . 4 5/02 41 16.0 4 /27 74 26 . 9 5/02 26 9. 8 5/02 75 28 . 7 I N ACT V E 4 /30 83 33.7 4/27 19 . 7 62 0.0 4 /30 0 4/27 35 10 . 8 4/28 9. 6 28 -- -- 38 41 0 0 11 . 5 1 14.0 0.0 0.0 8 2.2 13 4.2 N U E D 98 44.0 57 25.1 21 7.3 0 0.0 33 12 . 7 35 13 . 4 71 27 . 3 26 10 . 1 69 32 . 0 46a 16 . 6e 113 49.5 65 23.8 0 0.0 42 14 . 7 14 6. 3 39 l 2 12 l4 13 . 1 ' 0.2 0. 5 3. 1 4.0 I -- --- --- --- --- ---69 25 . 0 --45 11~~4 114 46.1 -- --- 11--. 5 35 2 2 2 2 l 1 17 1 1 20 11 4 3 17 11 4.7 14 I I I *Affected t o some degree by wi nd 2 19 20 19 20 20 I a - aerial marker r ead ing e - estimated + 9 C' ':) ft P ERIOD OF RE C ORD SNOW I THI S YEAR DRA INAG E BAS IN and/ or SN OW COU RSE I NAM E 1 N umber I Date o f El evation 1:Sn~ 1 Depth Survey ( mches) 35a 35 43 SURVEY 28 33 SURVEY 29a 0 22 26a 0 SURVEY 0 0 26 0 0 61 SURVEY SURVEY 12 50 SURVEY 0 35 0 42a 84 60a 39a SURVEY 0 0 32a Wo~r Content (inches) LAST YEA R Snow Depth {i nc he s) Water Content (inches ) HI STORICAL AVERA GE + Snow Depth (inches ) Water Conten t (inches ) Yean of Prev ious Record KENAI PENINSULA: Anchor River Divide Bertha r.reek *Boulder Basin *Bradley Cirque Bridge Creek, Lower Bridge Creek, Upper Cooper Lake Cytex Creek Deep r.reek Demonstration Frst. Eagle T.ake Finger Lake Fox r.reek Jean Lake Kenai Moose Pens Kenai Summit Moose Pass Mystery Creek *Nuka River Pass Creek Portage Valley *Ptarmigan Hills *Quachie Valley *Resurrection Pass Rocky River Ski Lake Snug Harbor Road *Trophy Lake Turnagain Pass *Tutka Bay Tutka Lagoon Upper Russian Lake Wildwood Willow Lake Windy River 2Al8 2A04 New 2A14 2A09 2AOB 2A29 2A20 2A21 2A10 2A19 New 2A13 2AOS 2A16 2A06 2A07 New 2A24 2Al2 2A2S 2All New 2A15 2A34 2A33 2A30 2A36 2A32 2A23 2A27 2A31 New New 2A17 1200 2300 2250 250 700 500 2000 1 880 1300 650 700 85 250 980 5/2 4/30 5/2 NO 5/2 5/2 NO 5/2 5/2 S/2 5/2 5/2 NO 5/2 S/2 4/30 5/2 S/2 S/2 NO NO 5/2 5/2 NO 5/2 4/30 5/2 5/2 5/2 5/2 5/2 NO 5/2 5/2 5/2 2Dl3 2Dl5 600 50 5/01 5/0 1 l BO l 1B02 1 980 1450 1A03 1A04 lAOS 1A06 1A07 lAOS 1A02 1650 1000 500 5SO 1600 1650 280 1600 950 3060 3350 1100 1300 1200 1250 600 71!0 1400 250 lSOO 620 300 1390 700 530 1300 1 200 so 11.9e 12 . 1 19 . 0 9.2 11.1 8 . 7e 0.0 7.0 10.1e 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.2 0.0 0.0 28.2 6.1 25.0 0.0 13 . 1 0.0 14 . 7e 29 . 6 27 . 6e 17 . 6e 32a 53 9.Be 18.7 23 2S 36 21a 0 7 21a 0 NO 0 0 34 0 0 84 NO NO 33 45.1 6.8 7.S 13.4 6.1e 0.0 2.5 7.6e 0.0 SURVE i'f 0.0 0.0 13 . 5 0.0 0.0 3S . 2 SURVE SURVE 13 . 8 -98 --NO 0 4l 0 27a 100 105a 45a NO -- ---42 48 42 ---19 -- --- -- -- 3 12 12 13.7 12.6 -- 2 --- 3 3 8 3 6.S --0.6 -12.0 -- -- -3 -34 7 1 4 14 4 14 14 2.2 SURVE 0.0 14 . 5 0.0 8.2e 42 . 1 47 . 2e 18 . 9e SURVE 0.0 0.0 16 . 9e ------------------- -,-- 3 3 1 1 1 4 12 12 -- -- 1 --- 3 4 4 4 -- ------------ 0.0 0.0 14 . le 0 4Sa 32 19 13 . 0 6.8 2q 12 . 7 1 1. 4 38 37 13 . 6 14 . 4 S/08 5/08 119 33a 58 . 0 16.5e 207 87 98 .7 37 . 5 --- --- 4/26 4/27 4/27 4/25 4 /25 4/2S 5/01 57 24 0 46 0 0 0 10 16 46 22 . 2 63 34 4 b .4 14 . 1 0 3 14 17.2 --4 2 2 II :z 3 I 2 i I I PRINCE WILLIAM SOUND: Lowe Ri ver Valdez z ....0 ........ 36 KODIAK: 0 I z *Falls Creek *Terror Lake ! " • I: . 2 2 SOUTHEAST : Cropley Lake Eagle Crest F i sh Creek Petersburg Reservoir Petersburg Ridge N. Petersburg Ridge S . Speel River 0 37 34 6 24 . 6 9.6 0.0 0.0 14 . 7 14 . 0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 7.6 19 . 3 ~~~7 ---64 9.0 7 7 7 4 5 s 19 I *Af fec t ed t o some degr ee by wi nd a - ae ri a l marker read i ng e - e s t imated ~ ---- + 10 FO R PERJO O O F RE CORO PRECIPITATION DRAINAGE BASIN and/or SITE NUMBER NAME ELEVATION Date Increment Since Last Reading Accumulative Total REMAR.KS Years of Previous Record WYOMING PRECIPITATION GAUGES NORTH SLOPE : Atigun Camp 4B08 3400 12/01 03/07 05/02 INITIAL READING 0.3 0.8 1.2 2.0 6 Barrow 4B01 25 10/03 04/01 05/02 INITIAL READING 0 .1 2.0 0.4 2.4 8 Barter Island 4B09 30 10/05 03/01 04/01 INITIAL READING 1.0 1.4 0.5 1.9 7 Prudhoe Bay 4B05 30 10/01 04/03 05/01 INITIAL READING 0.4 3.1 0 .4 3. 5 7 Sagwon 4B06 1000 09/30 03/07 INITIAL READING 0.9 1.5 7 Toolik River 4B07 3050 10/01 03/01 INITIAL READING 1.3 2.2 7 Cottonwood Camp 4C03 100 10/01 04/30 INITIAL READING 1.0 8.4 3 Nome Twenty Mile 4C02 250 10/01 INITIAL READING 3 Atigun Pass 3B19 4800 11/30 05/02 INITIAL READING 3.9 10 . 5 7 Chandalar Shelf 3B18 3300 10/01 03/06 05/02 INITIAL READING 5.5 1.1 1.4 6.9 7 10/01 04/03 05/02 INITIAL READING 16 . 7 1.8 1.8 18 . 5 2 KOTZEBUE/NORTON SOUND : YUKON: COOK INLET : Botts Creek KODIAK : Falls Creek lBOl 1980 10/05 12/02 04/ll 05/08 INITIAL 33 . 0 31.6 4.4 READING 33 . 0 64 . 6 69.0 1 Terror LaJ!:e 1B02 1450 10/05 03/14 04/ll 05/08 INITIAL 8. 0 6. 0 4. 5 READING 64 . 9 70 . 9 75 . 4 1 New 2200 12/04 01/06 02/22 04/09 INITIAL READING 0.4 0.4 0.9 1.3 0.3 1.6 1 3A32 1225 10/01 INITIAL READING 3 SUSITNA: Watana Camp TANANA: Rhoads Cree); 04/?A 11 n n 2 4 AREA 1 MAP NO. 1A 1A01 1A02 1A03 1A04 1A05 1A06 1A07 .1.A08 1B 1801 J802 Southeast and Kodiak SITE NAME - SOUTHEAST Log Cabin (B.C.) Speel ·~ River Cropley Lake Eagle Crest Fish Creek Petersburg Reservoir Petersburg Ridge N Petersburg Ridge S KODIAK Falls Creek Terror Lake COURSE~· ELEV. LATITUDE Active Data Collection Sites LONGITUDE MEAS. DATE~ MEAS. SY 34KK1 33JJ3 34JJ2 34JJ3 34JJ4 32HH1 32HH2 32HH3 2880 280 1650 1000 500 550 1600 1650 59.45'N 5s·os'N 5s•16'N 58.17'N 58.19'N 56.47'N 56.46'N 56.46'N 134.58'W 133.43'W 134.31'W 134.32'W 134.33'W 132°56'W 132.56'W 132.56'W 3,4,5 3.4,5,6 1,2,3,4,5 1,2,3.4.5 1,2.3.4,5 1, 1.2,3,4,7 1.2.3,4,7 a e a a a b b b New New 1980 1450 57.38'N 57.36'N 152°58'W 153°02'W 2,3,4,5,6 2,3,4,5,6 a a LEGEND * Numerals refer to specific dates: Numerals 1 = January 1 2 February 1 March 1 3 Aprll1 4 5:May1 6 = June 1 7 = Special dates = = = ** Letters refer to Agency that secures the snow survey: a. Soil Conservation Service b. Forest Service c. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers d. Alaska Power Administration e. Bureau of Land Management f. U.S. Geological Survey g. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service h. R & M Consultants i. Alaska Dept. of Transportation j. Alaska Dept. of Natural Resources *** Letters following the snow course number refer to: A. Snow Course and Aerial Stadia Marker a. Aerial Stadia Marker only P. Precipitation Storage Gage S. Snow Pillow T. Radio Telemetered MAP NO. 2A 2A04 2A05 2A06 2A07 2A08 2A09 2A10 2A11 2A12 2A13 2A14 2A15 2A16 2A17 -2A18 2A19 2A20 2A21 2A22 2A23 2A24 2A25 2A26 2A27 2A29 2A30 2A31 2A32 2A33 2A34 2A35 2A36 28 2B01 2B02 2B03 2B04 2B05 2B06 2B07 2B08 2B09 2B10 2B11 2B12 2B13 2814 2815 2816 2817 2818 2819 2820 2B21 2822 2823 2B24 2825 2C 2C01 2C02 2C03 2C04 2C06 2C07 2C09 2C10 2C11 Active Data Collection Sites South Central AREA2 SITE NAME KENAI PENINSULA Bertha Creek Jean Lake Kenai Summit Moose Pass Bridge Creek (Upper) Bridge Creek (Lower) Demonstration Forest Ptarmigan Hills Pass Creek Fox Creek Bradley Cirque Resurrection Pass Kenai Moose Pens Windy River Anchor River Divide Eagle Lake Cytex Creek Deep Creek Grandview Tutka Bay Nuka River Portage Valley Trophy Lake Tutka Lagoon Cooper Lake Snug Harbor Road Upper Russian Lake Turnagain Pass Ski Lake Rocky River Grant Lake Grant Creek COOK INLET Arctic Valley #1 Arctic Valley #2 Arctic Valley #3 Arctic Valley #4 Arctic Ski Bowl Independence Mine McArthur Bird Creek Ship Creek Indian Pass Mt. Alyeska South Campbell Creek Eagles Nest Gravel Bar Raven Ridge N. Fork Ship Creek Point MacK~nzie Max's Mountain Trading Bay Congahbuna Lake Cole Creek Chuitna Plateau Capps Plateau Anchorage Hillside Botts Creek MATANUSKAISUSITNA Sheep Mountain Alexander Lake Bald Mountain Lake Chelatna Lake Lake Louise Monahan Flat Willow Airstrip Nugget Bench Skwentna COURSE NO. ELEV. LATITUDE LONG ITUDE MEAS.DATES MEAS. BY a.i a a,i a,i a a a a b b a b a a a a a a a a a b a a a a a,g 49LL2 50LL1 49LL3 49LL4 51KK1 51KK2 51KK3 50KK1aPST 49LL5 49LL6 50KK2A 49LL7 50LL2S 51KK4A 51KK5aS 51KK6 51KK7a 51KK8a 49LL9 51KK9 50KK3A 48LL4 51LL 1 51KK10 New New New New New New New New 950 620 1390 700 1300 1100 780 1200 1200 1500 3350 2250 300 980 1600 1400 1250 600 1100 1300 1300 50 2000 650 1200 500 700 1050 700 250 1690 700 60"45'N 60"31 'N 60"40'N 60"31'N 59"44'N 59"41'N 59"40'N 59"43'N 60"46'N 60"44'N 59"43'N 60"41'N 60"44'N 59"25'N 59"52'N 59"50'N 59"56'N 59"58'N 60"36'N 59"23'N 59"40'N 60"47'N 60"03'N 59"25'N 60"23'N 60"24'N 60"20'N 60"46'N 60"16'N 59"21'N 60 " 27'N 60"29'N 149"14'W 150"11 'W 149"29'W 149"30'W 151"28'W 151"33'W 151"39'W 150"42'W 149"41'W 149"43'W 150"41'W 149"45'W 150"28'W 151"28'W 151"19'W 151"08'W 151"14'W 151"28'W 149"04'W 151"19'W 150"41'W 148"52'W 151"05'W 151"22'W 149"41 'W 149"41'W 149"53'W 149"13'W 149"21'W 151"26'W 149"10'W 149"20'W 1,2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 1,2,3,4,5 1,2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 1,2,3,4,5 2,3,4.5 2,3,4,5 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 2,3,4,5 1,2,3,4 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 3.4 2,3.4,5 2.3,4,5 1,2,3,4 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 1,2,3,4,5 1,2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2.3,4,5 4 49MM1 49MM2 49MM3 49MM4 49MM5 49MM10 52LL1A 49MM6 49MM7PS 49MMAPST 49LL1PS 49MM11 49MM18 49MM19 49MM20 49MM21 50MM3aS 49LL8WT 51MM2A 51MM3A 51MM4A 51MM5A 51MM6A 49MM22 51MM7AP 500 1000 1450 2030 3000 3300 120 2250 1750 2350 1540 1200 4050 3200 1200 3600 200 3300 250 500 1160 1540 2750 2080 1500 61"14'N 61"14'N 61"14'N 61"14'N 61"15'N 61"47'N 61"00'N 61"06'N 61"08'N 61"04'N 61"58'N 61"09'N 61"08'N 61"08'N 61"08'N 61"06'N 61"23'N 60"57'N 61"01'N 61"04'N 61"09'N 61"13'N 61"15'N 61"06'N 61"10'N 149°38'W 149"37'W 149°35'W 149"33'W 149"31'W 149"16'W 152"00'W 149"20'W 149"27'W 149"29'W 149"05'W 149"42'W 149"01'W 149"02'W 149"07'W 149"14'W 150"04'W 149"05'W 151"27'W 151"26'W 151"32'W 151 " 38'W 151"48W 149"41'W 151"38'W 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4.5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2.3,4,5 2,3.4,5.6 2,3,4,5,6 2,3,4,5,6 1.2,3,4,5,6,7 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5,6 2.3,4,5,6 2.3,4,5,6 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 7 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 47MM1 50MM1A 49NN1A 51NN1a 46NN2A 47001APST 50MM2 50NN1A 51MM1A 2900 61"48'N 61"45'N 62"15'N 62"30'N 62"16'N 63"18'N 61"45'N 63"31'N 61"58'N 147"29'W 150"53W 149"42'W 151"25'W 146"31W 147"39'W 150"03W 150"56W 151"12W - ~ --. 140 2150 1650 2400 2710 200 2010 160 -- ---· --· 3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 a h h c c c c c a a,h a a a a a a a a a a a a,h ,j a,h,j a,h,j a,h,j a,h,j a a,h,j a a,h a,h a,h a,h a,h a,h a,h a,h 2C12 2C13 2C14 2C15 2C16 2C17 2C19 2C20 2C21 2C22 · 2C24 ~C27 2C28 2C29 •2C30 2C31 2C32 2C33 2C34 2C35 2C36 2C37 2C38 2C39 2C40 2C41 2C42 2C43 2C44 2C45 2C46 2C47 2C48 2C49 2C50 2C51 2D 2D01 2D02 2D03 2D04 2D05 2006 2D07 2D08 2D09 2D10 2D11 2D12 2D13 2D14 2D15 .. 2D16 2017 50NN2 Talkeetna 47NN1A Square Lake 48NN2A Fog Lake 47NN2a Horsepasture Pass 49NN1a Devils Canyon 49MM14a Deception Creek 49NN4a Sheep River 49MM13a Kashwitna River Cirque 49MM12a Little Willow Creek 48NN3a Talkeetna River Pass 49NN6a Chunilna Creek 48MM9a Upper Kashwitna River 50NN3A Dutch Hills 50NN4AS Ramsdyke Creek 50NN5A Tokositna Valley 47003A Moose 47004A Butte Creek 47005A Caribou 47006A Malemute 46003A East Fork 46002A Pyramid 46004A Jatu Pass 47NN3 Tyone River 47008A Cirque 47009A Ice Cave 470010A West Fork Glacier 46006A Mt. Hayes 47NN4 Kosina Creek 470011 Denali 49NN6P Watana Camp New Risley's New Little Susitna New Fern Mine Road New Fishhook New Valdez Creek New Boulder Creek COPPER/PRINCE WILLIAM SOUND . ·45MM2 Worthington Glacier 43NN1 Mentasta Pass 45NN1A Haggard Creek 46MM1A St. Anne Lake 44001 Mankomen Lake 45NN2A Sanford River 45006 Gulkana Glacier A 45007 Gulkana Glacier B 45009 Gulkana Glacier D 48LL1 Wolverine Glacier A 48LL2 Wolverine Glacier B 48LL3 Wolverine Glacier C 45MM3 Lowe River 45MM4 Tsaina River 46MM2 Valdez 44MM1 Kenny Lake School New Paxson - --· 350 2950 2120 4300 1350 700 4100 3900 2100 5100 1750 4300 3100 2220 850 2750 2900 4100 2600 2900 4850 4500 2500 4700 4000 5050 4200 2600 2650 2200 930 1700 2200 2600 4400 4000 62"19'N 62"24'N 62"47'N 62"08'N 62"49'N 61"42'N 62"08'N 61"57'N 61"59'N 62"12'N 62"32'N 61"57'N 62"36'N 62"37'N 62"38'N 63"04'N 63"01'N 63"25'N 63"23'N 63"24'N 63 " 25'N 63"26'N 62"40'N 63"28'N 63"30'N 63"33'N 63"31'N 62"41'N 63"05'N 62"50'N 61"42'N 61"46'N 61"47'N 61"46'N 63"13'N 63"13'N 150 " 05'W 147"28'W 148"28'W 147"38'W 149"18'W 149"50'W 149"07'W 149"22'W 149"42'W 148"24'W 149"46'W 148"59'W 150"51'W 150"48'W 150"46'W 147"40'W 147"53'W 147"04'W 147"12'W 146"51'W 146"56'W 146"47'W 147"08'W 147"27'W 147"25'W 147"10'W 146"54'W 147"58'W 147"28'W 148"24'W 149"13'W 149"12'W 149"13'W 149"15'W 147"08'W 147"08'W 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2.3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 4,5 4,5 4,5 4,5 2,3,4,5 4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2.3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3.4.5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3.4,5 a,h a,h a,h a.h a,h a,h a,h a.h a,h a.h a,h a.h a,h a,h a,h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h a a a a h h 2100 2430 2540 1990 3050 2280 4590 5460 6037 1950 3500 4250 600 1650 50 1300 2650 61"11'N 62"54'N 62"42'N 61"54'N 63"00'N 62"13'N 63"15'N 63"17'N 63"17'N 60"23'N 60"24'N 60"25'N 61 " 06'N 61"12'N 61"06'N 61" 44'N 63"01 'N 145"41'W 143"40'W 145"27'W 146"03'W 144"32'W 145"04'W 145"29'W 145 " 26'W 145"21'W 148"54'W 148"55'W 148"55'W 145"49'W 145"30'W 146"13'W 145"00'W 145"30'W 3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 a 7 7 7 7 7 7 3,4,5 3,4,5 3,4,5 3,4,5 3,4,5 a a a,h a a,h f f f f f f a a a a a LEGEND * Numerals refer to specific dates: Numerals 1 = January 1 2 February 1 March 1 3 4 = Apri l 1 5 = May 1 ""' 6 = June 1 7 = Special dates = = ** Letters refer to Agency that secures the snow survey: a. Soil Conservation Service b. Forest Service c. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers d. Alaska Power Administration e. Bureau of Land Management f. U.S. GeOlog ical Survey g. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service h. A & M Consultants i. Alaska Dept. of Transportation j. Alaska Dept. of Natural Resources · . . ·-, -:-·- *** Letters following the snow course number refer to : A. Snow Course and Aerial Stadia Marker a. Aerial Stadia Marker only P. Precipitation Storage Gage S. Snow Pillow T. Radio Telemetered ./ MAP NO. Active Data Collection Sites Upper Yukon AREA3 SITE NAME 3A TANANA 3A01 3A02 3A03 3A04 3A05 3A06 3A07 3A08 3A09 3A10 3A11 3A12 3A13 3A14 3A15 3A17 3A18 3A19 3A20 3A21 3A22 3A25 3A26 3A27 3A28 3A30 3A31 3A32 3A33 38 3B01 3B02 3B03 3B04 3B05 3806 3807 3B08 3B10 3B11 3B12 3B14 3815 3B16 3817 3818 3819 3820 3821 3822 Big Delta Cleary Summit Fielding Lake Tok Junction Munson Ridge Mt. Ryan French Creek Little Ch!na Ridge Little Salcha Caribou Mine Colorado Creek Granite Creek Upper Chena Bonanza Creek Fort Greely Yak Pasture Haystack Mountain Caribou Creek Caribou Snow Pillow Monument Creek Teuchet Creek Lower Chena Little Chena Slope Little Chena Bottom Jack River Upper Chena Pillow Totchaket Rhoads Creek Fairbanks COURSE NO. ELEV. LATITUDE LONGITUDE MEAS. DATES MEAS. BY 45PP1 47001A 45001A 43001 46PP1PST 46001PST 46PP2 46002PST 46PP3 45002A 46PP4S 45004S 44001AP 48PP1 45005 47PP1 47002 47003 47004S 45002PST 45PP3PST 4400A 46004 46005 48001 44007APST 49PP1PS 450010P 47PP3 980 2230 3000 1650 3050 2800 1800 2000 1700 1150 700 1240 3000 1150 1500 600 1950 1250 900 1850 1640 2000 1100 1460 2450 3400 350 1225 450 64"12'N 65"02'N 63"12'N 63"18'N 64"51'N 65"15'N 64"35'N 65"07'N 64"34'N 64"41'N 64"54'N 63"57'N 65"07'N 64"45'N 63"56'N 64"52'N 65"08'N 65"09'N 65"09'N 65"04'N 64"57'N 65"04'N 65"06'N 65"07'N 63"24'N 65"06'N 64"46'N 63"56'N 64"51 'N 145"56'W 147"26'W 145"38'W 143"00'W 146"12'W 146"09'W 146"45'W 146"44'W 146"45'W 145"43'W 146"37'W 145"24'W 144"55'W 148"18'W 145"46'W 147"51'W 147"37'W 147"36'W 147"33'W 145"52'W 145"31'W 144"58'W 146"44'W 146"42'W 148"00'W 144"56'W 149"25'W 145"22'W 147"48'W 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 3,4,5 2,3,4,5 1,2,3,4,5,6. 7 3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2.3,4,5 2,3,4,5 1,2.3,4,5, 7 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 3,4,5 3,4,5 3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,4,6 7 2,3,4,5 a a a a a a a a a a a a a b a a b b b a a a a a a,h a a a 45TT1A 42RR1A 48SS1A 41PP1A 44003A 42SS1A 41PP2A 45RR1 41PP3a 44SS1A 48SS2A 42001a 41001A 49001 50RR2 49TT2P 49TT3P 49TT5S 49002 44005 2050 620 2040 900 600 1100 1650 430 3500 1790 2150 3100 2850 600 1350 3300 4800 4750 1000 68"06'N 66"36'N 67 " 30'N 64"47'N 65"50'N 68"44'N 64"04'N 66"35'N 64"08'N 67"56'N 67"38'N 63"42'N 65"27'N 65"56'N 66"13'N 68"05'N 68"08'N 68"08'N 65"46'N 65"29'N 145"36'W 142"45'W 148"30'W 141"08'W 144"04'W 142"30'W . 141"57'W 145"12'W 141"20'W 144"05'W 148"12'W 142"16'W 141"33'W 149"52'W 150"15'W 149"35'W 149"28'W 149"29'W 149"23'W 144"38'W 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 3.4 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 3,4 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4.5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 3,4 a a a YUKON Arctic Village Black River Chandalar Lake Eagle Village Circle City Coleen River Chicken Airstrip Fort Yukon Boundary Big Fish Lake Squaw Lake Mt. Fairplay Kandik River Five Mile Thirty Mile Chandalar Shelf Atigun Pass Atigun Cirque Hess Creek Circle Hot Springs 860 a e a a e a e a a e e e e e e e e a LEGEND * · Numerals refer to specific dates: Numerals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 = January 1 = February 1 = March 1 = April 1 = May 1 = June 1 = Special dates ** Letters refer to Agency that secures the snow survey: a. Soil Conservation Service b. Forest Service c. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers d. Alaska Power Administration e. Bureau of Land Management f. U.S. Geological Survey g. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service h. R & M Consultants i. Alaska Dept. of Transportation j. Alaska Dept. of Natural Resources *** Letters following the snow course number refer to: A. Snow Course and Aerial Stadia Marker a. Aerial Stadia Marker only P. Precipitation Storage Gage S. Snow Pillow T. Radio Telemetered MAP NO . 4A 4A02 4A03 4A04 4A05 4A06 4A07 ~A09 4B 4801 4802 .4803 4804 4805 4806 4807 4BOB 4B09 4C 4C01 4C02 4C03 4C04 4C05 4C06 4C07 4C08 4C09 4C10 4C11 4C12 4C13 4C14 4D 4001 4D02 4E 4E01 4E02 4E03 4E04 4E05 4E06 4E08 4E09 4E10 4E11 Active Data Collection Sites North Slope and Western Alaska AREA4 SITE NAME KOYUKUK Bettles Field Lake Todatonten Coldfoot Disaster Creek Prospect Airstrip Table Mountain Bonanza Forks NORTH SLOPE Barrow Meade River Jago River Kavik River Prudhoe Bay Sagwon Toolik River Atigun Camp Barter Island KOTZEBUE/NORTON SOUND Candle Nome 20-Mile Cottonwood Camp Lower Chiroskey Unalakleet River Lower Unalakleet Anvik River Yellow River North River Tenmile Old Woman River Chiroskey River Headwaters Lower Anvik IDITAROD Melozi Hot Springs Tozikaket KUSKOKWIM Farewell Lake Lake Minchumina Big River McGrath Tatalina Field Moore Creek Purkeypile Mine Slow Fork Katlitna River Towahmina Lake LONGITUDE LATITUDE ELEV. COURSE NO. MEAS.DATES MEAS. BY e 51RR1PST 52RR1A 50SS1 49SS1A 50RR1 49SS3a 50RR3 640 550 1040 1550 1050 2200 900 66"55'N 66"10'N 67"16'N 67"42'N 66"49'N 67"58'N 66"40'N 151"32'W 152"56'W 150"12'W 149"44'W 150"38'W 149"46'W 150"39'W 3,4 3,4 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 e e e e e 56WW1P 57VV1P 43UU1P 47UU1P 48VV1P 48UU1P 49TT1P 49TT4P 43VV1P 25 50 550 200 30 1000 3050 3400 30 71"20'N 70"28'N 69"42'N 69"30'N 70"16'N 69"26'N 69"38'N 68"10'N 70"07'N 156"37'W 157"22'W 143"36'W 147"00'W 148"34'W 148"41'W 149"18'W 149"26'W 143"39'W 7 7 7 7 7 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 7 a a a a a,e e e e a 61001P 65PP1P New New New New New New New New New New New New 100 250 100 650 900 75 1150 1100 600 1100 750 1150 1600 450 65"54'N 64"44'N 65"07'N 63"45'N 64"11'N 63"56'N 63"35'N 63"20'N 64"20'N 63"54'N 63"44'N 63"29'N 64"20'N 63"14'N 161"56'W 165"14'W 164"43'W 160"05'W 159"20'W 160"05'W 160"08'W 160"11'W 160"01'W 159"36'W 159"46'W 160"42'W 159"25'W 160"42'W 7 7 7 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 a a a e e e e e e e e e e New New 1000 600 65"08'N 65"31'N 154"42'W 152"12'W 3,4 3,4 e e 53NN1A 52001A 54MM1 55NN1 55NN2 57NN1 52NN1A 52002A 55NN3A 53001 1090 730 1600 340 BOO 950 2025 1300 600 600 62"33'N 63"54'N 61"52'N 62"57'N 62"54'N 62"36'N 62"57'N 63"04'N 62"37'N 63"19'N 153"37'W 152"18'W 154"33'W 155"36'W 155"58'W 157"09'W 152"16'W 152"51'W 155"11'W 153"40'W 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5 e e e e e e e e e e - -~ • e e - ----- LEGEND * Numerals refer to specific dates: Numerals 1 = January 1 2 = February 1 3 March 1 4 = April 1 5 = May 1 6 June 1 7 Special dates = = = ** Letters refer to Agency that secures the snow survey: a. Soil Conservation Service b. Forest Service c. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers d. Alaska Power Administration e. Bureau of Land Management . f. U.S. Geological Survey g. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service h. R & M Consultants i. Alaska Dept. of Transportation j. Alaska Dept. of Natural Resources ·- -::-. *** Letters following the snow course number refer to : A. Snow Course and Aerial Stadia Marker a. Aerial Stadia Marker only P. Precipitation Storage Gage S. Snow Pillow T. Radio Telemetered IIMPORTANT ,. N.OTl cEI WATER SUPPLY OUTLOOK FOR ALASKA UJ ~ UJ :r: :r: If you wish to continue to receive this publication, detach this page, u sign your name in the space below, fold on the heavy line, staple or <( 1- tape the folded p~ge and mail. UJ a If more than one copy of the publi- cation is desired, place the number in the box by your signature. c===J S i gned: --------------------------- Suggestions, comments or remarks: --------------------------- Print or type your name and address on back of this sheet, if it is not there already • CJ (FOLD HERE) THIRD-CLASS BULK RATE POSTAGE AND FEES PAl D USDA · SCS ANCHORAGE, AK PERMIT NO. G-267 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE 2221 E. NORTHERN LIGHTS BLVD. SUITE 129 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99508 OFFI CIA L BU SINESS PENALTY FOR PRI VATE USE, $300 ARLIS Alaska Resources Library & Information Services Ancho ra!:'e. Alaska SNOW SURVEY SUPERVISOR SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE 2221 E. NORTHERN LIGHTS BLVD. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99508 ( STAPLE OR TAP E H.E R E) .. - UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGR ICULTURE SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE THIRD-CLASS BULK RATE POSTAGE AND FEES PAID USDA-SCS ANCHORAGE, AK PERMIT NO. G-267 t: 2221 E. NORTHERN LIGHTS BLVD. SUITE 129 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99508 ~ it~ OFFICIAL BUSINESS PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE, $300 ~ R:> tl.l~ ....... (5 ' ~5" ...~~ ..., Ill.' l:"' '" ~3;;o C'e ~tl.l(JJ ~gg ~ II- ::S • ~ V.lo en~ - ~ FEDERAL - STATE- PRIVATE . COOPERATIVE SNOW SURVEYS Fu rnishes the basic data necessary for forecastin g water supply for irr igat io n , d o mes tic and municipal w a t er supply, h yd r o-e lectric power generation , navigation , mining and industry ·•The Conservation of Water begins with the Snow Surt•ey" ~ 9 951 3
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