N R G NATURAL 1300 138 815 www.nrgaust.com REMEDIESGROUP AUGUST 2015 4-10th of July is Sleep Awareness Week newsletter JULY 2016 • • ARTICLES Sleep Hygiene Upregulated methylation increases expression & proliferation of cancer cells (more great articles in our July practitioner bulletin) WHAT’S NEW • • • • BioPractica Books BioConcepts Pure Natal and PreSeraton Ausganica Mega8 Superfoods p.02 p.08 p.10 p.15 learn more about our NEW GROCERY LINES IN JULY’S FOOD FOCUS A word from NRG’s Director Glen Gillard Dear Colleagues, Winter is firmly upon us and although we love our beds to get us warmer, it can be a terrible place if we don’t sleep well, awaking feeling drained. I have taken an interest in Thermotherapy and there is a book available called “The Fourth Treatment for Medical Refugees -Thermotherapy In The New Century” By Nobuhiro Yoshimizu M.D. Ph. D. This book is really worth a read, and we have copies available at $10 plus GST. The doctor tends to favour whole body Thermotherapy over the treatment of direct localised Hyperthermia. This therapy can also be incorporated into your patients’ sleeping regimes. According to Dr Yoshimizu, if we have a temperature that is 1 degree below normal, our immunity may be compromised by up to 40%. This may possibly be why those with metabolic syndrome struggle to increase their vitality and lose weight. Dietary wise, I just love the heating herbs in winter and will often pop a few Capsicum (hot cayenne) capsules with some warm honey and apple cider vinegar drink in the morning. This higher amount of hot cayenne is too hard to tolerate in an herbal extract as each capsule contains approximately 40,000 (SHU) Scoville Heat Units. A fast way to help heal a peptic ulcer, especially a bleeding one, can be recommending one has a warm drink of water Manuka honey, or Jelly Bush, with capsicum capsules and by taking water with Diatomic Oxygen through the day. Many people suffer with low basal metabolic temperature because they have compromised sleep, so it can be a truly vicious cycle. If people are Hypoxic and aerobically compromised, they may assist this by supplementing diatomic oxygen at bedtime, of around 5ml in water. Sleep can be of better quality by doing this, as detoxification can be improved, energy levels in the morning may be better and morning temperatures higher. We can get closer to being aerobically fit without being an athlete. Supplementing with diatomic oxygen should also help oxygen saturation levels to rise to 98 percent, resulting in the pulse potentially coming down below 70 beats per minute at rest, more like the athlete; so there is less stress on the nervous system, making it easier to relax and so on. Wow, that’s a miracle for your clients! As it’s all about balance, and helping lower lactate levels that rise when there is great acid burden, panic attacks and excessive nervousness are more easily quenched and controlled with this simple therapy. I have been telling this same story for years, and I still do, as the now called ‘Redox Signalling’ may just be the greatest catalyst a natural therapist can use. Since many haven’t heard about this in college, it is often dismissed. Thankfully, scientific researchers are awakening to this theory. In simple terms, our forefathers toiled through hard manual labour and when you physically exert yourself like they once did you may have a better redox signalling; because you develop a stronger diaphragm, a bigger surface area in the lungs and stronger abdominal muscles. By exercising, you wind up having better oxygen reserves and your body makes better sleep hormones. We must find a way to toil and supplement with oxygen when we need it. Ingestible oxygen can come also from our food, especially raw living food. However, we must not overdo cold foods in winter, as even fermented foods out of the fridge (like Sauerkraut) can be warmed in a steamer without damaging the enzymes. We need to tell our patients about this, as they hear from raw food experts how great raw food is and then everything can end up coming from the fridge. This may not be good for many cold constitutions. There is a big difference between raw foods and cold foods. Because Melatonin is not readily available on shelves, we have clients buying it online from overseas. Most of the time they don’t know that Adenosine is a precursor to melatonin; and there is less hit and miss if you supplement with Adenosine first. I like the body to find its true balance and I don’t want to give it a crutch. We too often have patients put on Thyroxin because they don’t fix the cause of the problem and, as the years roll on, this drug may end up a permanent crutch. These folks can be amongst the highest of those with sleep disturbances because of endocrine imbalances. Try BioResearch’s GT2 drops to get the endocrine system to come into rhythm, as they are all meant to talk to each other. I recommend 24 drops in a 750ml bottle of water and 5-10ml of diatomic oxygen to sip on through the day. ARTICLES A word from Glen (cont) It is a very good protocol to assist in helping the weight stay off after doing the HCG protocol, and it is beneficial for the second phase of the diet when calories increase. Have you looked at the practitioner only Health Script Trimpack? It’s a complete pack for weight management, with a dietary sheet to enable clients to get good compliance and success while working around a diet which is around 500-700 calories a day. I am really excited that Nutrition Care have brought back their Bioactive E Complex, as I have experienced many times that much of the pituitary competence can improve (especially sex hormones) when a person is getting good levels of vitamin E in a balanced form, with the appropriate herbal adaptogens (that are not only for the adrenals, but they also apply to pituitary function too) and homoeopathic support. Matthew Wood just visited Australia giving a series of lectures in which NRG was a sponsor alongside PPC; the producers of the organic fresh plant tinctures from Tasmania. He is a true master in this field, and the students got a wealth of knowledge from his understanding of herbalism. We even had overseas naturopaths/herbalists who knew of Matthews work, travel to Queensland and Victoria to attend and participate in the lectures. Matthew will be here again next year, so stay tuned for dates! I showed Matthew our new NPM formula called PolyVital, with the main ingredients being marine phytoplanktons, chlorophyll, Australian Mahogany Bark and colloidal silica at a high pH; and he loved it, as he’s a great believer in the use of phytotherapies with bark extracts for their rich polyphenols and mucilage to boost the actions of herbal formulas, help lower oxidative stress and inflammation. His presentation on the thistle Teasel, and its root for many chronic diseases was very enlightening. Contact Jacinta at jacintab@ nrgaust.com to discuss some of the best protocols using Teasel to support your Lymes patients. Lymes can be so shockingly debilitating. I have a colleague with a 17 year old son with a facial paralysis and eye damage, considered to be caused by Lymes disease. He’s getting some progressive improvement with the paralysis using pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF). Arthur Guyton states, in his university medical texts, that all chronic diseases have an oxygen deficiency at cell level, and this puts further strain on cellular function. Many of us do not believe that we can ingest more oxygen to boost the partial pressure of oxygen in our blood and whilst there is not a clear explanation why this phenomena works, we believe it may have much to do with detoxing the blood of anoxic gases to enable more oxygen to enter via the lungs. I add diatomic oxygen into my drinking water, so don’t be afraid to get a bit heroic with the dose at some point, for a few days or more, when there is a health challenge. I am a huge fan of the high concentrated garlic extracts in capsule form - with standardised Allicin along with diatomic oxygen therapy; alongside immune herbs like fresh plant Echinacea, olive leaf, Teasel, Vitamin C and the right probiotics, you can do wonders with winter colds and immune challenges. Why hit the ant with a sledge hammer, when we may need to raise the body up to do its own protecting and eliminating of pathogens and parasites, and we can do that fast. I have stopped recommending patients go to the doctors for intravenous vitamin C as it is not often readily available. I now tend to recommend oral vitamin C treatment, especially in Liposomal form, along with added diatomic oxygen treatment. The effect is as good, or better, in my opinion. This I have experienced this myself, and others who have the guts to use this advanced therapy may have astounding results. I have been using magnetic therapy of over 20 years and no longer use static magnets, even though they can have their place. The PEMF machines that are available now are so good that everybody should have something in their home for a periodic tune up. We have the Power Tube at home and recommend it as our number 1 home device for boosting the chi and the many things that can be accomplished with this great high frequency tuning fork. Warmest regards, Glen Upregulated methylation increases expression & proliferation of cancer cells by Daniel Baden ND Traditionally the philosophy behind Naturopathic or holistic nutrition has been about helping the individual better digest and absorb, and providing the nutrients to assist in natural selection. That is, we provide the building blocks and allow the body to manage the uptake and conversion. We are now moving to an era of nutrients that bypass many of the bodies own safety mechanisms. This is the model for pharmaceutical drugs. Yes they work quickly, but the potential for side effects, adverse reactions and related long term issues is unknown. In this light do we consider a concentrated methylfolate supplement to be a nutrient or a drug? The question has been raised as we are starting to note an unusually (relative to other nutrients or forms) high number of ill-effects of methylfolate supplementation. Some of the reported issues are mood changes, pain, rash, acne, heart palpitations, nausea, and insomnia. Amongst the most concerning is the potential for methylfolate to be such a potent methylator, that it increases the risk of cancer initiation or growth. Natural dietary sources of methylfolate are extremely safe and effective and critical to life. However the concentration of methylfolate potentially overrides the bodies reporting mechanisms and artificially drive hyper-methylation. As you know methylation has been a hot topic for the last few years however the elephant in the room is that stimulating DNA methylation potentially increases cancer gene expression. PubMed and other data banks literally have thousands of papers discussing methylation and cancer. Methylation overall is extremely complicated as different cells and tissues methylate at different rates. If you have been diagnosed as an under-methylator and retest 3 months later your status may have changed. A common biochemical presentation is that large groups of cells are in hypomethylation mode whilst cancer cells are similtaneously in hyper-methylation. There is evidence that suppressing methylation is effective in reducing tumour growth. Medicine tries to reduce methylation in cancer with demethylating drugs such as 5-azacytidine and 5-azadeoxycytidine. Is folic acid safe and effective? For the 89% of Australians not affected by MTHFR polymorphisms there is no credible evidence to suggest that folic acid isn’t safe and effective. I realise that there are few studies available that raise questions about the safety of folic acid; however they are all hypothesis. If we focus on the evidence, the facts as we understand them to date are: • The safety of folic acid is well documented and accepted throughout the scientific community • It has been used with enormous success by generations of physicians and nutritionists – including its successful use in cancer support therapies. • Doses over 400mcg may increase serum detection in some individuals, however there is no real evidence that this causes any harm whatsoever; although there are many theories to the contrary. It should be noted that excessive free serum methylfolate also rises with high dosing. With both forms levels drop quickly as the liver processes and converts on the second pass through the liver. Excess is safely excreted. Folic acid is well tolerated, easily bio-converted and affordable. For the majority of Australians folic acid is safe and effective. The remaining 11% of Australians may have polymorphisms which means that they may have reduced conversion of folic acid to L methylfolate. For these individuals folic acid is still effective, but less efficient.1 We have heard that at recent seminars attendees were told not to use Folic Acid as it is “synthetic.’’ The inconvenient truth is that folinic acid is also synthetic. Methylfolate is either synthetically produced and/or if naturally extracted requires the addition of stabilising chemicals. Is folinic acid safe and effective? There’s no particular reason to think that it isn’t but nobody knows for certain as there is very limited data and relatively little experience. Beware however; most products in Australia contain a racemic mixture of the L and the D forms of folinic acid which according to the TGA is about 50% bio-active. Only the L form is completely bioactive. Unfortunately it is difficult to get and hideously expensive. Please DO NOT ASSUME you are prescribing the same dose as folic acid when using folinic acid. Summary BioMedica is not specifically for or against any form of supplement and respect every practitioners right to do what they consider best for their patient. Hopefully we can move away from the emotive “I hate folic acid” espoused by some commentators. Unfortunately the sentiment gets picked up and repeated by others until it sounds like fact. We will always support the weight of research and clinical experience. There is a large amount of research supporting the concurrent use of B group vitamins, particularly vitamin B12 with folates (regardless of form) which we support wholeheartedly. To read the full version of this article please visit biomedica.com.au BioMedica Nutraceuticals P 1300 884 702. For technical support join our practitioner database. Simply visit www.biomedica.com.au and registeruntil for the Distributed P 1300 138 815mixing or F 07 3889 8830 Specials available thewebsite. 31st July 2016 byNatural Remedies Group No product unless specified 2 ARTICLES 1 FREE FREE rchasieve: rece H u n o u y S , e With 5a0* or mor White Label Pure Natal of $2 Orthoplex Professional Pregnancy la, and Lactation Care u it of Preconception, m n r u o E -CVcaps® AR F 1 FRE One-a-day O LE Bio Concepts July 2016 u Nutritional NewseBulletin rbal p W So many of us are leading busy lives and it can be hard to wind down. For many, falling asleep isn’t easy. In fact, you cannot make yourself fall asleep. It’s involuntary. All you can do is create the best conditions for sleep. The following is a guide to get the good nights rest you need: Change your mindset - It starts with understanding the importance of sleep. Firstly, know how much you need. How do you feel on 9 hours sleep? 7? 5? Sleep is a necessity not a luxury. Sacrificing your shut-eye for entertainment or work will impact the quality of your day. By getting the right amount of sleep regularly you are actually going to be more productive, energetic and happy. You’ll save on coffee and your coworkers will be less afraid to approach you. Make your health and your sleep priority number one. Limit screen time before bed - Blue light waves have been shown to mess with your circadian rhythm. A Harvard study found that exposure to blue light suppressed melatonin for twice as long as green light and shifted the circadian rhythm by twice as much (3 hours vs 1.5). Ditch the TV, computer, phone or tablet at least 1 hour before bed. This could be a really good opportunity to do nice things for yourself that you never get a chance to do. Like completing that colouring-in meditation book that you bought ages ago (with the best intentions). If you absolutely have to work on something you can download an app that eliminates the blue light from your electronic device. Also consider blue-blocking glasses. These are a great investment as not only do they reflect the blue-light but they can take out the glare that causes strain in the eyes. Check out your local optometrist to discuss your options. Turn your lights down low - Brushing your teeth in bright bathroom lights just before bed can undo the winding down process that your body requires. Our bodies are primordially wired to detect when it’s bed time. As the sun goes down and the lights dim, our body is stimulated to produce melatonin – the circadian regulating hormone that makes you sleepy. In the morning when the sun comes up and the lights come on, our melatonin production is suppressed, telling us it’s time to wake up! By brushing our teeth in bright bathroom lights before bed, we are actually telling our body to stay awake instead of get ready for bed. Try dimming the lights at night or putting some candles around the house a while before bed to get that melatonin process started. It also makes your place look super cosy and relaxing. Establish a wind down ritual - You need to de-escalate that adrenalin you’ve got pumping from your stressful day. Find something really relaxing and low-key to do before bed. Whether it’s reading a book (make sure it’s boring! Don’t go reading a high-suspense thriller or something that will increase your stress hormones) drawing pictures, writing poems or whatever gets your happy creative juices flowing. Getting ready for bed doesn’t mean having to stare at a snow globe for an hour until you pass out. Unless that’s what makes you happy. Ditch the afternoon coffee - The half-life of the average (200mg caffeine) coffee is 5.7 hours. That means if you had a coffee at 12pm, then at around 5:45pm 100mg of caffeine will still be your system. It won’t be till later that your body really starts to wind down. Limit your last coffee to 12pm. If the thought of no coffee in the afternoon makes you want to cry then try a black tea with milk or a dandelion chai instead. Sweet Dreams! NE By Juliana Ribeiro BHSc Nat. NRG Customer Service G I B S U N O B 2 JULY 2016 8 UR CM18 WAN U nits of u B IN AN AUSTRALIAN FIRST offer is A E D 2 FR1ESHI QUAN Sun Herbal distrsibaleutovar.luTeh.isExcluding GST. our hole BP02 from y 16. *W from Bio Concepts, Orthoplex White Label Pure Natal delivers an ultra-low excipient and professional clinician-only formulation, which encompasses purity with cutting-edge research to provide essential nutrients for women before conception, as well as supporting the health of mothers and the development of their baby during pregnancy and breastfeeding. le 0 availab 6 till 29/07/2 t offer 1 a 0 re /2 g 7 1/0 This from 0 ailable 30 avCAPS W/S Price $14.50 RRP $23.93 INNOV_15293 Sleep Hygiene 90 CAPS W/S Price $36.33 RRP $59.94 300mg of Vitamin C to support normal stabilization and protection of Folate from oxidation Activated B Vitamins with Methylcobalamin Bioavailable Iron bisglycinate 1000IU of vegetarian Vitamin D RDI of iodine for pregnant and lactating mothers 95% Pure Active Ingredients For more information visit bioconcepts.com Online Webinar holistic obstetrics delivering a clinical strategy preconception care to creation Available viewing from $30 inc. GST Speaker Dr. Denise Furness 24/7 On-Demand Access 15th Aug - 9th Sept 2016 At the forefront of holistic obstetrics, multiple award-winning researcher and molecular geneticist, Dr Denise Furness joins Bio Concepts for a second time to share her years of research, new insights and cases studies in the realm of conception. To register visit bioconcepts.com.au/events Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist consult your healthcare practitioner. 1300 138 815 70 Buchanan Rd, Banyo, QLD, 4014 [email protected] Bio Concepts Pty Ltd. 19a Guardhouse Road, Banyo QLD 4014 www.nrgaust.com t. +61 (0)7 3868 0699 f. +61 (0)7 3868 0612 e. [email protected] w. www.bioconcepts.com.au 3 BIOMEDICA JULY 2016 SPECIALS ULTRALIV 15% OFF ALL PURCHASES* To support liver detoxification and maintain healthy liver, gallbladder and digestive function • Comprehensive and synergistic liver formula, in a low excipient, easy to swallow vegetable capsule • Specifically formulated to help protect and support detoxification of the liver • Contains a high quality, sustainably sourced St Mary’s Thistle extract standardised to 144mg silybin per capsule • Contains mixed forms of selected B vitamins along with amino acids necessary for phase II liver detoxification • Contains pure peppermint oil providing a naturally pleasant flavour which minimises B vitamin aftertaste • Vegan and vegetarian, Australian made formula Practitioner only OXYGUARD 15% OFF ALL PURCHASES* A comprehensive formula containing synergistic antioxidants • A broad spectrum complex to capitalise on the interactive nature of antioxidants • Contains resveratrol to provide antioxidant activity • Contains the amino acids glutamine, cysteine and glycine • Antioxidant plus liver support in the one convenient formula BIOMEDICA JULY 2016 SPECIALS ENTEROCARE ALL PURCHASES* ULTRALIV 15%15% OFF OFF ALL PURCHASES* A unique combining probiotics, and slippery elmfunction To supportformulation liver detoxification andprebiotics, maintain healthy liver,glutamine gallbladder and digestive A unique formula a combination of prebiotics, and slippery elm capsule ••Comprehensive andwith synergistic liver formula, in a lowprobiotics, excipient,glutamine easy to swallow vegetable One serve yields 2.5g to glutamine ••Specifically formulated help protect and support detoxification of the liver Powdereda high formula allows for flexiblesourced prescribing and isThistle ideal for patients who havetodifficulty tablets or ••Contains quality, sustainably St Mary’s extract standardised 144mg swallowing silybin per capsule capsulesmixed forms of selected B vitamins along with amino acids necessary for phase II liver detoxification • Contains Can be mixed into water, yogurt or sprinkled on topleasant room temperature foods ••Contains pure peppermint oil providing a naturally flavour which minimises B vitamin aftertaste Low excipient, vegan formulation ••Vegan and vegetarian, Australian made formula BioMedica Code Description W/S EXCL BM65 UltraLiv 60c $17.85 BM35 Oxyguard 60c $24.20 BM09 Enterocare 150g $24.90 BM55 Parastat 20ml Spray $16.50 BM45 Bactrol 20ml Spray $16.50 BM53 Neocare 30 Ind Sach. $17.57 Special QTY HOMOEOCEUTICALS PARASTAT 15% OFF ALL PURCHASES* OXYGUARD 15% OFF ALL PURCHASES* be supportiveformula for parasitic infections AMay comprehensive containing synergistic antioxidants • A broad spectrum complex to capitalise on the interactive nature of antioxidants HOMOEOCEUTICALS BACTROL 15% OFF ALL PURCHASES* • Contains resveratrol to provide antioxidant activity May be supportive for bacterial infections • Contains the amino acids glutamine, cysteine and glycine •NEOCARE Antioxidant plus20% liver support the one convenient formula OFF inALL PURCHASES* 15% OFF A pure and hygienically sealed source of Bifidobacterium infantis probiotic ENTEROCARE 15% OFF ALL PURCHASES* • Contains Bifidobacteria infantis which is the predominant strain for breastfed infants and is the ideal choice of probiotics A unique formulation combining prebiotics, probiotics, glutamine and slippery elm for children under 3 years of age • A unique formula with a combination of prebiotics, probiotics, glutamine and slippery elm • Hygienically sealed, single serve sachets • One serve yields 2.5g glutamine • Utilisation of superior packaging material and controlled storage and manufacturing environments to protect probiotics • Powdered formula allows for flexible prescribing and is ideal for patients who have difficulty swallowing tablets or from the damaging effects of moisture, and contamination from environmental elements capsules • Rigorous analysis to confirm stringent cell count and safety parameters • Can be mixed into water, yogurt or sprinkled on to room temperature foods • Suitable as a probiotic for both mother and baby • Low excipient, vegan formulation • Exceptional safety and excipient profile; NeoCare is free from gluten and dairy 20% OFF HOMOEOCEUTICALS PARASTAT 15% OFF ALL PURCHASES* Item Size for parasitic WHS infections (ex GST) May be supportive UltraLiv Oxyguard EnteroCare Bio activ Homoeoceuticals Parastat Code Description BAV002 Buffered Vitamin C 200g W/S EXCL $12.72 BAV035 TransMag 250ml $20.58 BAV036 TransMag 1ltr $48.91 Special QTY 3 LESS 15% D-Mannose 60c $15.76 150g $26.38 15% off* $20.58 15% off* $43.53 NEOCARE 20% OFF ALL PURCHASES*15% off* 20ml spray $16.50 Size NATURAL REMEDIES GROUP WHS (ex GST) P 1300 138 815 F 07 60c3889 8848 $17.85 E [email protected] Oxyguard 60c $24.20 UltraLiv ORDERS: 3 LESS 15% You Pay (WHS ex GST) Order $14.02 A pure and hygienically sealed source of Bifidobacterium infantis probiotic Homoeoceuticals Bactrol • Contains 20ml spray $14.02 Bifidobacteria infantis$16.50 which is the predominant15% strainoff* for breastfed infants and is the ideal choice of probiotics NeoCare 30 sachets $17.57 20% off* $14.05 for children under 3 years of age • Hygienically sealed, single serve sachets * Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer. Valid between 01/07/2016-31/07/2016. Available while stocks last. Distributor fees and charges may apply. • Utilisation of superior packaging material and controlled storage and manufacturing environments to protect probiotics from the damaging effects of moisture, and contamination from environmental elementsDate: Account Name: Contact Number: / / • Rigorous analysis to confirm stringent cell count and safety parameters Signature: Rep/Contact: • Suitable as a probiotic for both mother and baby • Exceptional safety and excipient profile; NeoCare is free from gluten and dairy Bio activ (QLD ONLY) BAQ06 60c for bacterial$24.20 May be supportive infections Item 15% OFF Discount 60c $17.85 15% off* $15.17 HOMOEOCEUTICALS BACTROL 15% OFF ALL PURCHASES* Discount Nutraceuticals You Pay (WHS ex GST) BioMedica P 15% 1300off* 884 702 $15.17 www.biomedica.com.au 15% off* $20.58 EnteroCare 150g $26.38 15% off* Homoeoceuticals Parastat 20ml spray $16.50 15% off* $14.02 Homoeoceuticals Bactrol 20ml spray $16.50 15% off* $14.02 NeoCare 30 sachets $17.57 20% off* $14.05 Order $43.53 * Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer. Valid between 01/07/2016-31/07/2016. Available while stocks last. Distributor fees and charges may apply. BIOPRACtICA Rep/Contact: BIP031 The Magnesium Deficiency Crisis W/S EXCL $15.00 BIP032 The Alkaline Solution $15.00 QTY july NEW BOOKS! 3 less 15% 5 LESS 5% 10 LESS 10% BioResearch homeopathics Description BI35 Formula INS (insomnia) 20ml $13.76 BI40 Formula N (nervous system) 20ml $13.76 BI41 Formula N (nervous system) 50ml $26.33 BI84 Formula GT Spray (digestion) 23ml $14.18 BI85 Formula N Spray (nervous system) 23ml $14.18 BI88 Formula RR Spray (insomnia, stress, depression) 23ml $14.18 4 W/S EXCL Special QTY 3 LESS 15% Specials available until the 31st July 2016 / BioMedica Nutraceuticals P 1300 884 702 www.biomedica.com.au BAV002 | $12.72 Code / No product mixing unless specified S $33.28 Special NATURAL REMEDIES GROUP P 1300 138 815 F 07 3889 8848 E [email protected] Date: I PEC AL Description ProBiome Plus 30c Contact Number: Signature: ORDERS: Code BIP023 Account Name: Practitioner only BioResearch Brauer professional Code Description BRP51 Homoderma Cream 90g W/S EXCL Special $22.27 3 less 10%, 5 less 15% Special QTY july 3 less 15% S I PEC AL BLACKMORES BI41 | $26.33 BI40 | $13.76 Code Description W/S EXCL BKP03029 S 79 84t $5.65 BKP03033 CF 43 84t $5.65 BKP03211 SPCP 84t $7.35 BKP03224 SSMP 84t $7.35 BKP03231 PCIP 84t $7.35 BKP03232 PCMP 84t $7.35 BKP03248 CPMP 84t $7.35 BKP03252 SCF 84t $7.35 BKP03618 Bio-Disc 60c $15.74 Bio-Chromium Plus BKP03633 60t QTY 3 less 10% 5 less 15% $9.70 Cell logic Code Description W/S EXCL CE13 CardiOS 60c $27.24 CE15 PomGenex 300g NEW! $33.00 Special QTY 3 less 15% HEaling herbs CE15 | $33.00 Enjoy all the benefits of 1000mg of concentrated whole broccoli sprout phytonutrients in a delicious natural base of Pomegranate Juice and Coconut Water. 1300 138 815 70 Buchanan Rd, Banyo, QLD, 4014 Code Description HEH001 Bach 5 Flower Remedy Emergency 25ml Spray W/S EXCL Special $13.62 3 less 10% 5 less 15% QTY HEEL Code Description W/S EXCL Special HEE24 Mucosa Compositum N Tabs 50t $23.81 HEE25 Nervoheel Tabs 50t $17.73 3 LESS 7.5% 5 LESS 10% [email protected] www.nrgaust.com QTY 5 Practitioner only HEALTH SCRIPt W/S EXCL HS020 Aloe Buffer 500ml $14.39 HS025 Sprouted Brown Rice Protein (Org) 500g $19.95 HS034 Sprouted Brown Rice Protein (Org) 1kg $36.90 HS037 Therasol (Black Grinder) 90g $16.27 HS038 Therasol (Green Grinder) 90g $16.27 HS035 Vegan Protein Combo (org) 500g $25.97 HS036 Vegan Protein Combo (org) 1kg $46.63 Special QTY juLY 3 less 15% I PEC AL Description S Code 3 less 15% B vitamins with lithium, valerian and skullcap for mood, anxiety and insomnia Herbal extract co. Code Description W/S EXCL HE28 Bladderwrack 500ml $60.20 HE40 Butchers Broom 500ml $54.90 HE134 Gymnema 500ml $63.33 HE251 Thuja 500ml $50.80 Special QTY NM01 | $14.00 10% OFF JULY 2016 INTERCLINICAL LABORATORIES Code Description W/S EXCL IC20 Pyridox Plus 90t $9.40 IC05 Copper Plus 90t $10.20 Special QTY SPECIALS GABA MOOD ASSIST ™ (60 Vegetarian Capsules - VCaps®) 5+1 Features PharmaGABA® to Help Promote a Natural State of Calm GIT+NOPAL™ (150g Powder) Nopal cactus powder: a source of fibre, mucilage, pectin, polyphenols, flavonoids and amino-acids with the addition of nutrients and herbs. MD Nutritionals Code Description W/S EXCL MDQ09 GABA Mood 60vc $21.00 MDN06 GIT+ Nopal 150g $21.00 Special QTY MDQ09 | $21.00 5+1 MD Nutritionals: 36 Midnight Court Runaway Bay 4216 Telephone: 07 5529 0999 Facsimile: 07 5563 8323 MEDICINE TREE Code Description MET41 MET43 6 www.mdnutritionals.com.au W/S EXCL Special Organo AdrenoStress Spray 20ml $22.34 Organo Bowel Digest Spray 20ml $24.03 3 LESS 10%, 5 LESS 15%, (MIXING OK) Specials available until the 31st July 2016 QTY PharmaGABA® is a trademark of Pharma Foods International Co., Ltd. (Japan) MDN06 | $21.00 No product mixing unless specified Vcaps® and the Vcaps® Logo are trademarks used under license. Practitioner only NPM RECKEWEG HOMEOPATHICS Code Description W/S EXCL Special QTY NM23 Alka OH Water 45ml $17.55 NM01 Astress-X 90t $14.00 NM34 Coconut Oil (Org) 300ml $7.77 NM35 Coconut Oil (Org) 1ltr $21.74 NM61 Di-Oxymed Spray 125ml $13.79 NM54 Di-Oxymed 50ml $9.95 NUTRITION CARE NM55 Di-Oxymed 200ml $19.30 Code Description NM56 Di-Oxymed 500ml $34.79 NCN138 Cats Claw 1:2 500ml $43.42 NM27 Super B Liquid (Berry Liquid) 500ml $16.61 NCN136 Bilberry 1:2 500ml $55.14 NM57 Di-O2xymed 1ltr $53.82 NCN180 D-Purslane 500ml $39.69 NM50 Volcomin Forte 200ml $16.94 NCN192 Thyme Herb 1:2 500ml $35.12 NM51 Volcomin Forte 500ml $30.28 NCN225 Pumpkin Seed 1:1 500ml $48.00 NM52 Volcomin Forte 2ltr $115.00 NCN195 Garlic 1:2 500ml $38.56 NM53 Volcomin Forte 5ltr $260.00 NCN214 CoQ10 150mg 60c $30.65 NCN14 Chromium Picolinate 50mcg 200t $15.15 NCN17 Vitamin D3 & K1 60t $11.47 NCN74 Silymarn Plus 60t $22.22 NCN112 Marine Oil 1000mg 100c $19.32 NCN209 Iron Plus 30c $9.08 NCN233 Resveratrol 350mg 30c $30.94 NCN234 Cranberry 2:1 100ml $8.50 Code RCK83 to RCK94 3 less 15% 15% OFF JULY 2016 T O B E D I S T R I B U T E D T O Q U A L I F I E D P R A C T I T I O N E R S O N LY Herbal Liquid Specials BUY ANY of the extracts listed DISCOUNT OFF W/S EX GST 2 X 500ML EXTRACTS 2.5% OFF 4 X 500ML EXTRACTS 5% OFF, PLUS A POSTER OF CLOVE AND 10 SHEETS OF DISPENSING LABELS 6 X 500ML EXTRACTS 7.5% OFF, PLUS A POSTER OF CLOVE, 20 SHEETS OF DISPENSING LABELS AND RECEIVE DR. ERIC yARNELL FUNCTIONAL GIT DISORDERS DVD LECTURE FREE 3 Less 15% or 6 Less 20% OptimalRx Mg Revive contains two very easily absorbable forms of magnesium, magnesium orotate and magnesium aspartate. Magnesium plays an important role in cellular activity and is critical in the production of cellular energy and is vital for muscle activity, contraction and vascular tone. Mg Revive contains creatine, which is produced naturally in the body and is also obtained in the diet. It is used in skeletal muscles for the production of phosphocreatine providing energy to the muscles during exercise. Each Mg Revive Tablet Contains: Total Magnesium .................................................. 51.3mg Magnesium aspartate dihydrate .......................... 290mg Equiv to magnesium 21.7mg Potassium aspartate ............................................. 230mg Equiv to potassium 50mg Calcium orotate .................................................... 100mg Equiv to calcium 10mg until 29th JULY 2016 only. Code Description Education ORX06 Dr. Eric Yarnell FUNCTIONAL GIT DISORDERS July’s “Sessions with the International Masters” features Dr. Eric yarnell who discusses the use of herbal medicines in the treatment of functional gastrointestinal disorders. During this informative DVD, Dr. yarnell outlines the pathogenesis behind irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD). He practically details the use of herbal medicines in the management and treatment of these functional disorders, while providing casespecific examples. Functional gastrointestinal disorders, such as IBS and GORD, are common presentations within natural medicine clinics. Therefore, this invaluable DVD, which provides practical information based on Dr. yarnell’s extensive clinical experience and research, is a must watch for all herbal medicine practitioners. Creatine monohydrate ......................................... 250mg 1300 138 815 Special $12.21 5 less 10% 10 less 15% (mixing ok) W/S EXCL Special QTY QTY 10% OFF! 5+1 5+1 NEW! OPTIMAL RX MG REVIVE Magnesium orotate .............................................. 455mg Equiv to magnesium 29.6mg All Rekeweg Homeopathics (exc Tissue Salts) W/S EXCL 3 less 15% Monthly Specials • Peppermint • Agrimony • Raspberry Leaf • Barberry • Skullcap • Blue Flag • St. Mary’s Thistle • Bupleurum • St. John’s Wort • Burdock • Turmeric • Calendula • Withania • Californian Poppy • Yarrow • Cinnamon • Dandelion Leaf • Dandelion Root • Fenugreek • Gentian • Globe Artichoke • Golden Seal • Hops • Kawakawa • Lemon Balm • Licorice • Marshmallow Glycetract • Marshmallow Root • Motherwort • Oregon Grape Description 70 Buchanan Rd, Banyo, QLD, 4014 W/S EXCL Special Mag REVIVE 120t $29.50 3 Less 15% 6 less 20% ORX144 Agrimony 1:2 500ml $46.80 ORX145 Blue Flag 1:2 500ml $83.90 ORX116 Barberry 500ml $41.10 ORX145 Blue Flag 1:2 500ml $83.90 ORX13 Bupleurum 1:2 500ml $47.70 ORX104 Burdock 500ml $42.30 ORX82 Calendula 1:2 500ml $45.50 ORX176 Cinnamon 500ml $53.20 ORX105 Californian Poppy 1:2 500ml $52.70 [email protected] QTY special over page or refer to ad on the left. www.nrgaust.com 7 Practitioner only OPTIMAL RX (cont) ORX18 Dandelion Root 1:2 500ml $47.50 ORX132 Dandelion Leaf 500ml $59.50 Code Description ORX94 Fenugreek 1:2 500ml $35.90 RFL50 Oxyshot Sports 50ml $9.95 ORX61 Gentian 1:2 500ml $52.30 RFL51 Oxyshot Sports 250ml $24.14 ORX27 Globe Artichoke 1:2 500ml $40.10 RFL52 Oxyshot Sports 500ml $31.96 ORX28 Golden Seal 1:3 500ml $148.60 ORX98 Hops 1:2 500ml $45.50 ORX63 Kawakawa 500ml $59.60 ORX32 Lemon Balm 1:2 500ml $46.30 ORX33 Licorice 500ml $38.30 ORX95 Marshmallow Glycetract 1:5 500ml $41.30 ORX34 Marshmallow Root 1:5 500ml $32.05 ORX112 Motherwort 1:2 500ml $40.15 ORX136 Oregon Grape 500ml $49.20 ORX107 Peppermint 1:2 500ml $52.90 ORX100 Raspberry Leaf 500ml $40.90 ORX48 Skullcap 1:2 500ml $50.50 ORX49 St Johns Wort 1:2 500ml $45.85 ORX50 St Marys Thistle STD 500ml $41.85 ORX52 Turmeric 500ml $45.60 ORX07 Withania STD 500ml $65.80 ORX96 Yarrow 500ml $42.45 reach for life W/S EXCL 4 less 5% plus a poster of clove and 10 sheets of dispensing labels 6 less 7.5% plus a poster of clove, 20 sheets of dispensing labels and receive dr eric yarnell functional giT disorders dvd lecture free! 3 less IA P EC L Bio Concepts July 2016 Nutritional News Bulletin Orthoplex White Label Pure Natal NE W Professional Preconception, Pregnancy and Lactation Care One-a-day Vcaps® IN AN AUSTRALIAN FIRST from Bio Concepts, Orthoplex White Label Pure Natal delivers an ultra-low excipient and professional clinician-only formulation, which encompasses purity with cutting-edge research to provide essential nutrients for women before conception, as well as supporting the health of mothers and the development of their baby during pregnancy and breastfeeding. 300mg of Vitamin C to support normal stabilization and protection of Folate from oxidation Activated B Vitamins with Methylcobalamin WLOPX152 | $14.50 WLOPX133 Metibol Xcell 120c $38.81 WLOPX155 N-acetylcysteine 70g Apple Coconut Spice $15.10 WLOPX156 N-acetylcysteine 140g Apple Coconut Spice $24.92 OPX35 HGF 60t $16.12 OPX131 Ultra Buffered C 2500mg 6 pack $135.00 OPX123 Intestaclear 60c 6pk $100.00 DVI45 Zinc Citrate 90c 6pk $95.00 DVI26 Curcumin 60c $27.25 10% off ED ORG IFI % 15 OFF IN NTA S CER CO 24/7 Coconut & Cinnamon Orthoplex White Label Pure Natal preconception care to creation On-Demand Access Available viewing Professional Preconception, Pregnancy and from Lactation Care NEW FLAVOUR Get 10% OFF $30 Orthoplex White Label Metibol Xcell 120 Capsules inc. GST W/S $38.81 (RRP $64.04) 15% off July 2016 OFF holistic obstetrics delivering a clinical strategy VOURS FLA $26.06 OFF CER T PreSeraton 150g NEW OFF W WLOPX154 Online Webinar % % % Nutritional News 10 15Bulletin 15 IED ORGA TIF $36.33 July Product Highlights IC AN Pure Natal 90c NEW NEW 95% Pure Active Ingredients For more information visit bioconcepts.com QTY Bio Concepts $14.50 WLOPX153 8 Special NE Pure Natal 30c NEW Bioavailable Iron bisglycinate 1000IU of vegetarian Vitamin D RDI of iodine for pregnant and lactating mothers ATURA C N L NI WLOPX152 S 15% ORTHOPLEX & PURE innovations W/S EXCL 3 LESS 15% JULY 90 CAPS W/S Price $36.33 RRP $59.94 Description QTY 2 less 2.5% 30 CAPS W/S Price $14.50 RRP $23.93 Code Special SpeakerGet 15% OFF One-a-day Vcaps® White Label Orthoplex Dr. Denise Furness N-acetylcysteine Get 15% OFF Get 15% OFF 15th Aug 9th Sept 2016 Orthoplex-H.G.F. Pure Innovation Curcumin 60 Tablets 60 Capsules W/S $16.12 (RRP $26.60) W/S $27.25 (RRP $44.95) Orthoplex H.G.F. is a combination of Pure Innovation Curcumin contains Oral Powder 70g A comprehensive herbal and nutritional At the W/S: vitaminsaward-winning and minerals, as well as Licorice, aand concentrated form of Curcumin forefront of holistic obstetrics, multiple researcher molecular $15.10, RRP: $24.92 formulation focused on supporting to help support glucose tolerance factor in a soy and nano-particle free, Oral Powder 140g geneticist, Dr Denise Furness joins Bio Concepts for a second time to share her years of systemic health; which includes the levels and nervous system function. hypoallergenic vegetable capsule, W/S: $27.00, RRP: $44.05 research, new insights and cases studies in the realm of conception. providing Australian clinicians revolutionary herb, Nigella sativa. Orthoplex White Label N-acetylcysteine from Bio Concepts, Orthoplex White Label Pure Natal delivers an ultra-low with a broad application Curcumin (NAC) is now avalable in a delicious apple suitable for patients with varying excipient professional clinician-only formulation, which encompasses coconut spice flavour. It isand sourced from requirements. strictly natural origins that are neither purity with cutting-edge research to provide essential nutrients for women GMO nor corn derived. IN AN AUSTRALIAN FIRST To register visit bioconcepts.com.au/events July Six Packs before conception, as well as supporting the health of mothers and the SAVE save when you buy a 6 pack Specials available until the 31st July 2016 development of theirpersist babyconsult duringyour pregnancy breastfeeding. Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms healthcareand practitioner. Bio Concepts Pty Ltd. 19a Guardhouse Road, Banyo QLD 4014 t. +61 (0)7 3868 0699 f. +61 (0)7Normal 3868 0612 6 Pack W/S Orthoplex W/S w. www.bioconcepts.com.au Ultra Bufferede.C,[email protected] 200g $135.00 300mg of Vitamin C to support normal stabilization$159.12 and Intestaclear, 60 Caps $118.74 $100.00 protection of Folate from oxidation Pure Innovation Activated B Vitamins with Methylcobalamin $95.00 Zinc Citrate, 90 Caps $113.76 Bioavailable Iron bisglycinate 30 CAPS W/S Price $14.50 RRP $23.93 90 CAPS W/S Price $36.33 RRP $59.94 95% Pure Active 1000IU of vegetarian Vitamin D Ingredients RDI of iodine for pregnant andSpecials lactating mothers valid until 31st July 2016 Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist consult your healthcare practitioner. For more information visit bioconcepts.com Research Highlight Online Webinar Delivering a Dynamic Duo: Folic acid and MethylFolate in Pregnancy No product mixing unless specified Folate is arguably one of the most wellknown and important nutrients in pregnancy. With Folate now available as Folic acid, Folinic acid and the new bioavailable L-5-Methyltetrahydrofolate (L-5-MTHF), as clinicians which form do we prescribe cell Folate levels and provide its well-known protective effect1. Interestingly, the exact mechanism of how Folic acid performs this vital role in pregnancy has yet to be elucidated2, therefore providing compelling grounds to continue advocating this form of In late 2015, ground-breaking research published in the journal PLoS One investigated the use of L-5-MTHF in 110 participants from 8 weeks preconception to the 20th week of pregnancy. L-5-MTHF significantly increased serum Folate levels and importantly was holistic obstetrics Practitioner only SUNRAY glycetracts Health ly ju100ml 200ml 500ml 3 less Description SU306 ACD Buffer 150g $12.52 SU174 Nu-Whey 500g $13.30 SU173 Nu-Whey 1.5kg $33.30 SU103 Beetroot Powder 250g $13.90 SU104 Beetroot Powder 1kg $44.63 SU108 Bovine Tracheal Cartilage 150g $30.33 SU109 Bovine Tracheal Cartilage 285g $50.33 SU391 Glucos. HCl Veg 500g $49.00 SU390 Glucosamine HCL (Non Vege) 250g $18.64 SU136 Glucosamine HCL (Non Vege) 1kg $64.18 SU146 Guar Gum 250g $16.55 SU328 Kelp 1kg $51.76 SU384 Lemon Grass Pwd 150g $16.57 SU348 L-Glycine 500g $15.52 SU347 L-Glycine 1kg $25.88 SU163 Mag. Chloride 200g $15.52 SU162 Mag. Chloride 1kg $41.33 SUR01 Colloidal Silver 50ppm 100ml $9.40 SUR04 Colloidal Silver 50ppm 200ml $15.81 SUR05 Colloidal Silver 50ppm 500ml $29.60 SUR02 Col. Silver 50ppm 1ltr $53.60 SU164 MeCo 200ml $43.00 SU308 MeCo 500ml $89.00 S 15% Code juLY PE C IA L 1 litre 1 less S 15% SUR05 | $29.60 I PEC AL SUR02 | $53.60 Health 3 less 15% S I PEC AL 1300 138 815 Special QTY 3 less 15% 15% OFF 3 less 15% SUNRAY glycetracts juLY SU164 | $43.00 W/S EXCL SU308 | $89.00 70 Buchanan Rd, Banyo, QLD, 4014 SHQ167 Chamomile 1:2 500ml $35.30 SHQ193 Hops 1:2 500ml $35.59 SHQ113 Licorice 1:2 500ml $30.78 SHQ118 Oat Seed 1:2 300ml $30.77 SHQ125 Passionflwr 1:2 500ml $37.76 SHQ137 Skullcap 1:2 500ml $40.44 SHQ151 Valerian 1:2 500ml $35.80 SHQ157 Zizyphus 1:2 500ml $38.65 SHQ04 Ly-C 200g $17.55 SHQ236 MeCo 25ml $11.88 SHQ23 Sub B12 Liquid 25ml $10.36 SHQ06 Vitamin D3 500iu 25ml $10.00 [email protected] 15% off 3 less 15% www.nrgaust.com 9 GENERAL AUSTRALIAN BUSH FLOWER ESSENCES AMAZON ORGANICS Code Description W/S EXCL AMZ01 Volumizing Shampoo 360ml $8.49 AMZ02 Volumizing Conditioner 360ml $8.49 Special QTY 3 less 15% Code Description W/S EXCL AB61 Jacaranda 15ml $10.11 AB30 Dagger Hakea 15ml $10.11 AB68 Mint Bush 15ml $10.11 AB15 Bluebell 15ml $10.11 Special QTY 10% OFF NEW! Ausganica Code Description W/S EXCL ORG001 Tea Tree Defence 130g Toothpaste NEW! $6.80 ORG002 Soothing Herbs Tooth Paste 130g NEW! $6.80 ORG003 Bright Mint Toothpaste 130g NEW! $6.80 Special biotene h-24 QTY NEW! OrganiWhite Code Description W/S EXCL BIOT03 H-24 Emulsion 59ml $13.04 BIOT07 H-24 Scalp Cond. Shampoo 250ml $10.20 BIOT08 H-24 Dandruff Shampoo 250ml $10.20 Special 3 less 15% O rg a n i c W h i t e n i n g S y s t e m To o t h p a s t e ORG001 | $6.80 ORG002 | $6.80 ORG003 | $6.80 W hat began as a journey to create gentle, non-biting, great tasting organic tothpaste evolved into something more, when we discovered that customers, even organic and natural prodcut users wanted whitening. We went back to the old ayurvedic uses of tumeric and added in some beneficial extracts White was born. OrganiWhite is the world’s only Whitening System with certified organic ingredients: Turmeric and Aloe Vera. Whitens teeth gently, safely, and effectively. Tea Tree Defence Especially for those who may have tooth decay or an acidic body type, those with braces or dentures or who eat alot fo sweets of drink alcohol. Soothing Herbs with Ravensara For those who have swelling or easily bleeding gums or whose mouth is easily wounded by brushing, those who smoke of have bad breath, and those who are generally sensitive and want soothing herbal taste and aroma. Mint Symphony For those with yellowish teeth or plaque accumulation, who often want to breathe easier, who tend to have thick throat phlegm, or who easily get colds or lack energy or those that prefer a cool mint taste. 10 TeaTree Defence Soothing Herbs Mint Symphony Bursting with the citrus flavor of Australian lemon tea tree oil, and certified organic stevia extract, Tea Tree Defence lets you enjoy brushing again. Maximize protection of teeth and gums with all natural botanicals and make your oral hygiene a sheer pleasure. The superior freshening power of Australian herbs help to maintain healthier teeth, gums, and more. All night protection with Ravensara, the herbal mouth healer used by many indigenous peoples. You can fall asleep confidently with a smile on your face knowing only organic goodies live in your mouth while you sleep. A great tasting organic toothpaste to enhance your oral health. The superb freshening power of ravensara and comfrey help to maintain healthier gums, teeth, and more. Create lasting fresh breath all day long and add confidence to your smile with the extra refreshing power of multi-mint and advanced brightening power of bay, basil, and sage. Start your day with confidence by putting only safe organic ingredients in your mouth. A great tasting organic toothpaste to enhance your oral health. The superb freshening power of four mints help to maintain healthier teeth, gums, and more. *All Ingredients checked and approved by Australia Certified Organic to ensure safety for both yourself and our planet, while imparting a sparkly, fresh, energetic feeling. Specials available until the 31st July 2016 No product mixing unless specified QTY GENERAL blackmores Code Description W/S EXCL BKR01207 Bio C 1000mg 31c $7.09 BKR01209 Bio C 1000mg 62t $12.38 BKR01218 Bio C 1000mg 150t $25.55 BKR01242 Bio C Chewable 500mg 50t $5.70 BKR00468 Cod Liver Oil 1000mg 80c $10.50 BKR30604 Cold Combat 24t $9.73 BKR00338 Echinacea Ace & Zinc 60t $15.48 BKR00363 Echinacea Forte 40t $11.03 BKR24323 Horseradish Garlic & C (S/S) 50t $11.61 BKR27722 Kaloba 50ml $11.34 Special QTY 3 less 10% 5 less 15% ENV15 Sensitive Body & Hair Cleanser 375ml $5.62 ENV16 Sensitive Body & Hair Cleanser 1L $9.18 ENV18 Sensitive Body & Hair Cleanser 5L $37.33 ENV19 Sensitive Body & Hair Cleanser 15L $109.05 8% OFF FOUr leaf milling Code Description W/S EXCL FO00116 Original Rolled Oats 800gm $4.41 FO00146 Stabilised Rolled Oats 800gm $4.75 Special QTY 10% OFF Go lightly - sugar free cabot health W/S EXCL Special QTY Code Description W/S EXCL GOL011 SF Chewy Caramel 78g $2.24 GOL012 SF Chewy Fudgie Rolls 78g $2.24 Code Description SCH2250 Livatone Plus Powder 200g - Pineapple $25.57 1+1 SCH2211 LivaTone Shots 120t $25.57 4+2 GOL014 SF Chewy 78g Starlight Mints $2.24 SCH2053 Calcium Complete 120t $13.07 2+1 GOL013 SF Chewy Toffee 78g $2.24 GOL01 SF Hard Assorted 78g $2.24 GOL02 SF Hard 78g Butter’sc $2.24 GOL08 SF Hard Choc Mint 78g $2.24 GOL07 SF Hard Cin’mon 78g $2.24 GOL03 SF 78g Fruit Chews $2.24 GOL04 SF Hard Choc 78g $2.24 GOL09 SF Hard Lemon 78g $2.24 GOL010 SF Hard 78g Pomegranate $2.24 ENVIROCARE Code Description ENV28 Dish Wash Liq 500ml $4.15 ENV29 Dish Wash Liquid 1L $5.55 ENV30 Dish Wash Liquid 2L $9.50 ENV31 Dish Wash Liquid 5L $20.90 ENV32 Dish Wash Liquid 15L $55.88 ENV115 Men's Body Wash 500ml $7.60 ENV116 Men's Body Wash 1L $9.52 ENV117 Men's Body Wash 2L $17.47 ENV118 Men's Body Wash 15L $111.72 ENV184 Body Wash 500ml $7.60 ENV160 Body Wash 1L $9.52 ENV161 Body Wash 2L $17.47 ENV162 Body Wash 15L $111.72 1300 138 815 W/S EXCL Special QTY Special QTY 6 assorted less 10% 8% OFF 70 Buchanan Rd, Banyo, QLD, 4014 [email protected] www.nrgaust.com 11 general NATURE’S SUNSHINE herbs of gold Code Description W/S EXCL Special HOG38 Ginseng 4 Energy Gold 30t $15.06 HOG39 Ginseng 4 Energy Gold 60t $26.99 HOG215 Mega B Complex 60vc $22.13 12 less 25% HOG229 Sleep Ease 30c $18.15 HOG230 Sleep Ease 60c $30.40 mixed 12 less 25% QTY 6 less 20% Description W/S EXCL MLC35 Vitamin E Cream 113g $9.94 MLC23 Herbal Stick Deodorant 70ml $6.22 MLC24 Cool Lavender Stick Deodorant 70ml $6.22 MLC25 Aloe Fresh Stick Deodorant 70ml $6.22 MLC26 Unscented Stick Deodorant 70ml $6.22 Special QTY 3 less 15% Description W/S EXCL MGO01 Organic Prune Moist Pitted 340g $4.68 MGO02 Organic Prune Juice 946ml $4.96 MGO03 Organic Prune Extract 340g $5.65 Special NSP147 NSP132 Description Gout Fighter Plus 60c $23.95 5+1 Tumeric 500mg 60c $31.23 4+1 W/S EXCL Special QTY Description NMO16 Cinnamon Mints Org Rolls 4x21g $3.28 NMO17 Ginger Mints Org Rolls 4x21g $3.28 NMO18 Peppermint Mints Org Rolls 4x21g $3.28 NMO19 Wintergreen Mints Org Rolls 4x21g $3.28 QTY 3 less 15% QTY Code Description W/S EXCL NOC03 Anti Ageing Facial Cleanser 50ml $31.22 NOC02 Anti Ageing Eye Balm 15ml $39.74 NOC01 Anti Ageing 50ml Moisturising Lotion $31.22 NOC05 Anti Ageing Night Cream 30ml $32.93 NOC04 Anti Ageing Reviving Facial Serum 30ml $39.74 Special QTY 3 less 15% (mixing ok) 10% OFf Probar W/S EXCL Special NGR32 Propolis Toothpaste 110g $4.07 15% OFF NGR64 Goji Berries A Grade 250g $10.17 25% OFF 12 Special Code Code Description PRB30 Base Bar Brownie Crisp 12x70g (exp Sep 16) $46.08 PRB31 Base Bar Chocolate Supergreens 12 x 70g (exp Sep 16) $46.08 PRB01 Base Cookie Dough Protein Bar GF 12x70g (exp Aug 16) $46.08 PRB32 Meal Bar Oatmeal Raisin 12 x 85g (exp Aug 16) $47.40 NATURES’S GOODNESS Code W/S EXCL nova cell Mornin’ glory Code Description Newmans own MIll creek Code Code Specials available until the 31st July 2016 QTY W/S EXCL Special 1+1 No product mixing unless specified Mixing okay! (short dated stock only) QTY general PRB33 Meal Bar Superberry & Greens 12 x 85g (exp Aug 16) $47.40 PRB34 Meal Bar Original Blend 12 x 85g (exp Aug 16) $47.40 PRB35 Meal Bar Whole Berry Blast 12 x 85g ( exp Oct 16) $47.40 PRB36 Meal Bar Koka Moka 12 x 85g (exp Sep 16) $43.09 PRB37 Meal Bar Superfruit Slam 12 x 85g (exp Sep 16) $47.40 PRB38 Meal Bar Peanut Butter 12 x 85g (exp Aug 16) $47.40 PRB39 Meal Bar Strawberry Bliss 12 x 85g (exp Sep 16) $47.40 PRB16 Meal Superfood Slam Bar Org 12x85g (exp Aug 16) $47.40 PRB14 Meal Chocolate Coconut Bar Org 12x85g (exp Sep 16) $47.40 PRB15 Meal Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Bar Org (exp Sep 16) $47.40 PRB13 Meal Almond Crunch Bar Org 12x85g (exp Oct 16) $47.40 PRB09 Fuel Blueberry Bar Org GF 12x48.2g (exp Sep 16) $25.56 PRB10 Fuel Cherry Bar Org GF 12x48.2g (exp Sep 16) $25.56 PRB11 Fuel Cran-Raspberry Bar Org GF 12x48.2g (exp Sep 16) $25.56 PRB12 Fuel Strawberry Bar Org GF 12x48.2g (exp Sep 16) $25.56 PRB07 Bolt Raspberry Energy Chew Org 12x60g (exp Oct 16) $43.32 1+1 Mixing okay! (short dated stock only) RAD14 Caramel Blonde Org 100g $10.54 RAD04 Copper Bwn Org 100g $10.54 RAD20 Champagne Blonde Org 100g $10.54 RAD12 Dark Ash Blonde Org 100g $10.54 RAD02 Dark Brown Org 100g $10.54 RAD23 Darkest Blonde Org 100g $10.54 RAD06 Golden Bwn Org 100g $10.54 RAD21 Golden Blonde Org 100g $10.54 RAD15 Honey Blonde Org 100g $10.54 RAD16 Light Ash Blonde Org 100g $10.54 RAD22 Light Brown Org 100g $10.54 RAD17 Light Raddish Blonde Org 100g $10.54 RAD08 Mahogony Org 100g $10.54 RAD01 Soft Black Org 100g $10.54 RAD10 Strawberry Blonde Org 100g $10.54 RAD24 Strawb Bwn Org 100g $10.54 RAD18 Violet Organic 100g $10.54 RAD19 Wheat Blond Org 100g $10.54 RAD07 Wine Red Org 100g $10.54 7+1 (mixing ok) JULY S IA P EC L RADICO ORGANIC HAIR DYE Code Description RAD11 Ash Blonde Org 100g $10.54 RAD09 Auburn Red Org 100g $10.54 RAD03 Brown Org 100g $10.54 RAD13 Beige Blonde Org 100g $10.54 RAD05 Burgundy Org 100g $10.54 1300 138 815 W/S EXCL Special QTY 7+1 (mixing ok) 70 Buchanan Rd, Banyo, QLD, 4014 [email protected] www.nrgaust.com 13 general ROSA Naturals Code Description W/S EXCL ROS10 Luxurious Body Oil 230ml $26.68 ROS02 Scarless Healer Cream 50g $11.73 Special QTY 3 less 15% JULY 3 less S 15% IA P EC L ROS02 | $11.73 weleda Code Description W/S EXCL Special WEL124 Pomegranate 100ml Regenerating Body Oil $17.57 WEL258 Evening Primrose Age Revitalising Body Oil $18.15 WEL66 Sea Buckthorn Body Oil 100ml $17.57 WEL77 Wild Rose Body Oil 100ml $17.57 WEL62 Birch Cellulite Oil 100ml $19.33 WEL278 Skin food Buddy Pack (feeds dry skin) $12.87 free 30ml size! W/S EXCL Special QTY save $2.93 over 15% off! WONDERFOODS WF86 | $17.59 JULY 3 less IA P EC L 14 Specials available until the 31st July 2016 S 15% Code Description WF111 Australian Bee Pollen Granules 125g $12.90 WF112 Australian Bee Pollen Granules 250g $22.61 WF76 Alfalfa Powder Organic 200g $9.32 WF86 AlkaAloe 750ml $17.59 WF69 Bee Pollen 125g MF Granules (Multi-Flora) $12.90 WF96 Bee Pollen 250g MF Granules (Multi-Flora) $22.61 WF16 Lecithin Granules 250g $9.00 WF17 Lecithin Granules 500g $16.13 WF81 Magnesium Chloride 500g $22.64 WF61 Stevia (Steviol Glycosides) Powder (Org) 25g $9.38 WF62 Stevia (Steviol Glycosides) Powder (Org) 75g $24.55 3 less 15% 3 less 20% No product mixing unless specified QTY notices general WONDERFOODS (CONT) WF58 Stevia (Steviol Glycosides) Powder (Org) 200g $41.85 WF88 PPP Golden Pea Protein (Cert Org) 500g $23.00 WF89 PPP Golden Pea Protein (Cert Org) 1kg $42.55 WF90 PPP Pumpkin Seed Protein (Cert Org) 500g $23.00 WF91 PPP Pumpkin Seed Protein (Cert Org.) 1kg $42.55 WF92 PPP Sprouted Brown Rice Protein (Cert Org.) 500g $20.31 WF93 PPP Sprouted Brown Rice Protein (Cert Org.) 1kg $35.00 WF94 PPP Vegan Protein Supreme (Cert Org.) 500g $23.00 WF95 PPP Vegan Protein Supreme (Cert Org.) 1kg $42.55 WF107 PPP Vegan Protein Supreme (Cert Org.) 3kg $57.50 WF99 PPP Whey Protein Concentrate 500g $16.63 WF100 PPP Whey Protein Concentrate 1kg $29.97 wf105 PPP Whey Protein Concentrate 3kg $57.50 WF101 PPP Whey Protein Isolate 500g $23.97 WF102 PPP Whey Protein Isolate 1kg $43.30 WF106 PPP Whey Protein Isolate 3kg $72.50 WF117 Mega8 Superfoods Org 210g $20.99 3 less 20% Potential Out of Stock Due to the earthquake in Japan, stock may be limited in the coming weeks. Discontinued Over 25 products across the Black Pearl and China Med ranges have been discontinued. Please enquire for the full list. Potential Out of Stock Puff & Sweet Shortcrust Pastry may be limited of the due to a supply issue. 6 less 15% 12 less 17.5% ORX05 Zinc ACE is still out of stock. 20 less 20% (mixing ok) Price Rise 14 products from Biomedica have incurred a price rise effective 1st of July. Please enquire for the full list. 12 products from Weleda have incurred a price rise effective 1st of July. Please enquire for the full list. notices ROOM FOR RENT Rooms for rent in busy multimodality clinic in Maroochydore. High exposure street plus a well known brand. NEW! Please contact [email protected] or 0452 467 997. CLINIC ROOM AVAILABLE WOT NOT Code Description ED09 Facial Wipes Org 25Pk (Comb./Sensitive Skin) $4.53 ED10 Facial Wipes Org Travel Case 25Pk (pink pack) $6.23 ED13 Facial Wipes Org 25Pack (Oily/Sensitive Skin) $4.53 1300 138 815 W/S EXCL Special QTY Great opportunity for a Massage Therapist, Physioterapist or Body Worker to share a clinic room in a newly refurbished and well-established Multimodality Health Centre in the very heart of PADDINGTON (QLD). Available on Wednesdays and Saturdays (Sundays for free). Call 0403 200 197 or [email protected] EXPRESSION OF INTEREST: NRG CLINIC ROOMS 12 less 25% 70 Buchanan Rd, Banyo, QLD, 4014 Newly built clinic rooms available for practitioners for a negotiable rent cost. Includes access to the fully stocked NRG dispensary and shop with negotiable rebates on product. Existing reception/phone services. Contact Jacinta on 0406 996 757 or [email protected] to register your expression of interest. [email protected] www.nrgaust.com 15 STOCK NOTICES SEMINARS the drop on blood sugar regulation PER Date: Wed 13th July 2016 PER Location: South Perth Yacht Club, Applecross WA MEL Date: Mon 25th or Tues 26th July 2016 MEL Location: Helping Nature Heal, 12 Hunt St, Balwyn ADL Date: Wed 27th July 2016 ADL Location: Grand Chancellor Hotel, Adelaide, SA Time: Presenter: Cost: 6.30pm - 9:30pm (registration 6pm) Glen Gillard $69.95, $34.95 (students) $59.95 (Earlybird 2 weeks before event) SIBo webinar: latest research, treatment and underlying causes Date: Thurs 14 July 2016 Time: 7pm AEST (recordings available) Presenter: Dr. Nirala Jacobi Cost: $50 inc GST Contact: www.sibotest.com Thurs & Fri 14-15th July 2016 10am - 5pm (registration 9:30am) Dr Kel Boys NRG, 70 Buchanan Rd, Banyo, QLD $145 www.asbrm.com.au or 08 8130 8700 Sunday 24th July 2016 9am - 5pm (registration 8:30am) Dr Peter Mills Endeavour College, 815 George St, SYD $247 if paid before 25 June 2016 $297 from 26 June. Students $197 www.centenaryhealthrestorationsystem.com.au the role of unresolved infections and pathogens in autoimmunity Date: Wed, 3rd of August 2016 Time: 7:00pm EST Presenter: Jennie Burke & Daniel Baden Cost: $45 (Green ticket - notes via email), $50 Contact: www.biomedica.com.au - 1300 884 702 looking deeper - integral pathology MEL Date: Date: Tues 16th August 2016 Time: 7pm ACST Presenter: Dr. Yvonne Burmeister Cost: $40.00 (or $70 inc Epithelical Webinar) Contact: http://www.asbrm.com.au The Latest The Latest Research, Research, Treatment and Treatment Underlying and Underlying Causes of Causes of Small Intestine Small Intestine Bacterial Bacterial Overgrowth Overgrowth (SIBO) (SIBO) Australian naturopathic summit Date: Time: Presenters: Venue: Cost: Contact: Sat - Sun, 27th - 28th August 2016 9am - 5pm Industry Leading Practitioners Peppers Salt Resort, Kingscliff, NSW $295 per day or $475 both days www.australiannaturopathicsummit.com.au What What you you will will learn: learn: Understanding the underlying causes of SIBO Understanding the underlying causes of SIBO SIBO: possible link with Lyme disease? SIBO: possible link with Lyme disease? Biofilms and their role in SIBO Biofilms and their role in SIBO Environmental toxicity and SIBO Environmental toxicity and SIBO When Berberine fails: new herbal considerations When Berberine fails: new herbal considerations The new updated Bi-Phasic Diet The new updated Bi-Phasic Diet MEL Date: Tues 6th September 2016 MEL Location: Amora Hotel, 649 Bridge Rd, Richmond how to get better outcomes for your patients and revolutionise your practice - sydney Date: Time: Presenter: Venue: Earlybird: Cost: Contact: SIBO SIBO 2016 2016 UPDATE UPDATE WEBINAR WEBINAR Dr Nirala Jacobi ND (USA) Dr Nirala Jacobi BHSc BHSc ND (USA) setting up for life: the magnificence of the infant gut microbiota a-z of bioregulatory practice Date: Time: Presenter: Venue: Cost: Contact: WEBINAR: investigations in the gastrointestinal system Sat & Sun, 13-14 August 2016 BNE Date: Tues 13th September 2016 BNE Location: Brisbane Riverview Hotel, Hamilton QLD SYD Date: Tues 20th September 2016 SYD Location: Menzies Hotel, 14 Carrington St, Sydney Time: Presenter: Cost: 6.45pm-9.15pm (6pm Registration) Elizabeth d’Avigdor $49.95, Students $39.95 (inc GST) $50 $50 INC INC GST GST Thursday July 14 2016 Thursday July 14 2016 7pm 7pm acid-base balance in action MEL Date: Wed 14th September 2016 MEL Location: Rydges on Swanston, Carlton, Melb, VIC TO TO BOOK BOOK VISIT VISIT SIBOTEST.COM SIBOTEST.COM BNE Date: Mon 19th September 2016 BNE Location: Brisbane Riverview Hotel, Hamilton QLD SYD Date: Tuesday 13th September 2016 SYD Location: Novotel Rockford Darling Harbour, Syd Time: Presenters: Cost: Contact: 6:00pm - 9:30pm Rachel Arthur Before 24 July $80, after $110 (inc GST) www.asbrm.com.au or (08) 8130 8700 The connection and use of sanum therapy and advanced medicine products in chronic disease - NSW Date: Time: Presenter: Venue: Cost: Contact: Sat 10th Sep - Sun 11th Sep 2016 8:30am - 5pm David Woolcott Rydges North Sydney, 54 McLaren St $275 inc GST for both days [email protected] 0893856066 Understanding the role of unresolved infections and pathogens in autoimmunity Nutrition Fundamentals Biological Terrain 2016 May & July MEL Location: Vibe Savoy Hotel, Melb, VIC Registration Details: Presented by: BNE Date: Sat & Sun, 6-7 August 2016 Kel BoysHotel Jen, Brisbane City, QLD BNE Dr. Location: Dates VVSC eliminate parasites with presents webinar & Venues: pomegranate Agenda: 2 Day Intensive Mentoring Workshop Date: AM Thurs 15th September 2016 Time: 9.30 - Registration 7:30pm - 9:00pm AEST Presenter: Dr Nirala JacobiA-Z of The Hub at Docklands 10.00 - Start of the workshop he University of Queensland in 1975.12pm-5.15pm (Sat) 8.30am-5.15pm (Sun) Time: 80 Harbour Esplanade, Docklands Cost: PM $30, $20 (students) Presenters: Zac Bobrov & Dr Jane Chapman Contact: [email protected] NSW - 20 & 21 May (Fri & Sat) He became committed to Homoeopathy and 1.00 - Lunch break* Cost: Variable pricing from $65 (student earlyB) EQ Wholefoods Homotoxicology, when he saw the results 2.00 - Workshop resumes Shop 2102, Entertainment Quarter Contact: Kel www.interclinical.com.au/events.php of these systems on animals. graduated 122 Lang Road, Moore Park SYD Date: Sat & Sun, 10-11 September Graduated with a Bachelor May 2016 SYD Location: Vibefrom Hotel, Sydney, NSWVIC - 13 & 14 May (Fri & Sat) of Veterinary Science with an Advanced Diploma of Homoeopathic Medicine, (Brisbane) Academy Homeopathic Nutrition Fundamentals Biological Terrain Dr. Kel Boys Lecturingand to and with doctors professors from some 50 countries – he as one– of om somewas 50 rated countries hethe most outstanding e of the conference. His pursuits now thespeakers most of outstanding include the practice of Human Homeopathy, onference. His pursuits now Homotoxicology and pain management, as well ce of Human Homeopathy, as teaching advanced Homotoxicology. nd pain management, as well ced Homotoxicology. 16 WA - 22-23 July (Fri & Sat) WA - 22-23 July (Fri & Sat) Telethon Speech & Hearing Telethon Speech & Hearing Centre for Children Centre for Children 36 Dodd Street, Wembley 36 Dodd Street, Wembley Date: Sat 15th October 2016 An engaging experience which will Time: Price: presents 10am - 6pm (registration 9:30am) $145 AUD give you the fundamentals of a 2 Day (Prices Intensive inc gst) Mentoring Cost: $130,Workshop $105 (student), $105 E’B 15th July Global Modality Contact: presents www.biomedica.com.au BioRegulatory * Please note lunch is not provided * Please note lunch is not provided BioRegulatory Practice Practice (Prices inc gst) inc gst) (Prices CPE: points8700 or Ph: +61 8points 8130 CPE: 1212 Accredited by: Homotoxicology Principles Accredited by: Principles Visit www.facebook.com/NaturalRemediesGroup/events and –Homotoxicology why it is more meaningful – whythan it isever. more meaningful today click SUBSCRIBE to keepperagent: up new seminars! Workshop limited toBooking 20 places stateto date with today than ever. Workshop limited to 20 places per state Australia BOOK NOW Brauer Professional www.asbrm.com.au Box 174, Glen Osmond Tel: +61 8 8130 8700 BOOK NOW or Ph: +61 8 8130 PO 8700 SA, 5064 Fax: +61 8 8379 7334 www.asbrm.com.au *Please note: A late fee of $10 will be incurred for any bookings inside 2 business days of the corresponding or Ph: +61 8 8130 8700 event. Book at least 48 hours before the event date to secure your place. In depth Booking agent: For full terms and conditions visit www.asbrm.com.au. As a participant in this event your contact details prescribing of will be forwarded to Brauer Professional for marketing purposes. Specials available until the 31st July 2016 Australia Brauer Professional PO Box 174, Glen Osmond SA, 5064 May & Ju Booking agent: Australia Tel: +61 8 8130 8700 Fax: +61 8 8379 7334 *Please note: A late fee of $10 will be incurred for any bookings inside 2 business days of the corresponding event. Book at least 48 hours before the event date to secure your place. For full terms and conditions visit www.asbrm.com.au. As a participant in this event your contact details will be forwarded to Brauer Professional for marketing purposes. Brauer Professional New Webinar From BioMedica: * Please note lunch is not provided for the International Speakers Conference in Baden- kers Conference in BadenBaden, Germany. Lecturing to and with doctors for the for the In 2005, Kel was invited to speak at the Heel invited to speak at the Heel Nutrition Fundamentals Biological Terrain 2016 VVSC 7.00pm (EST) Wednesday the 3rd of August 2016 Join these two highlythe experienced role of BioRegulatory Understanding presenters and industry leaders, as they unresolved infections & the international oncology explore the emerging role of unresolved in autoimmunity Practice pathogens support seminar infections and pathogens in autoimmunity, Dates & Venues: Agenda: QLD - 14 & 15 July (Thurs & Fri) August 2016 Registration Details: Presented by: Natural Remedies Group AM Academy Homoeopathic Medicine.Rydges Graduatedof with a Bachelor MEL Location: on Swanston, Carlton, Melb, May 70 Buchanan Road,VIC Banyo Dr. Kel Boys Dates & Venues: 9.30 -Agenda: Registration VIC - 13 & 14 May (Fri & Sat) of Veterinary Science from 2 Day Intensive Mentoring Workshop The Hub atAugust Docklands A-Z of Date: 2016 WA - 22-23 10.00July - Start of the workshop inBNE 1975. (Fri & Sat) AM nueensland 2005, Kel was invited to with speak atThurs the Heel11th Graduated a Bachelor May 80 Harbour Esplanade, Docklands CPE: 12 points 9.30 - Registration &QLD Hearing VIC - 13 & 14 May (Fri & Sat) Telethon PMSpeech of Veterinary Science from BNE Location: Brisbane Riverview Hotel, Hamilton nternational Speakers Conference in BadenThe Hub at Docklands A-Z ofAccredited by: 10.00 - Start of the workshop Centre for Children NSW - 20 & 21 May (Fri & Sat) University of Queensland in 1975. mitted to the Homoeopathy and 80 Harbour Esplanade, Docklands 1.00 - Lunch break* Homotoxicology Principles Baden, Germany. Lecturing to and with doctors EQ Wholefoods PM 36 Dodd Street, Wembley when he saw the results SYD Date: Saturday 13th August 2016 2.00 - Workshop resumes Shop 2102, Entertainment Quarter NSW - 20 & 21 May (Fri & Sat) He became committed to Homoeopathy and 1.00 - Lunch break* and professors from some 50 countries – he 122 Lang Road, on animals. Kel graduated – why it is more meaningful EQ Wholefoods Moore Park Homotoxicology, when he saw the results 5.00 Workshop conclusion SYD Location: Novotel Rockford Darling Harbour, Syd 2.00 - Workshop resumes Shop 2102, Entertainment Quarter d Diploma Homoeopathic was rated as one on of animals. the most outstanding of of these systems Kel graduated 122 Lang Road, Moore Park 5.00 - Workshop conclusion today than ever. July ne) Academy with an Homeopathic Advanced Diploma of Homoeopathic peakers of the conference. His pursuits now SA-- 81:00pm Time: 8:30am & 9 July (Fri & Sat) July (Brisbane) his Academy Homeopathic Workshop limited to 20 places per state nally, Kel Medicine, has completed The MonasterySA - 8 & 9 July (Fri & Sat) nclude thePresenters: practice ofKelHuman Homeopathy, Medicine. has completed his Brenda Rosenfeld Additionally, The Urrbrae Monastery 15 Cross Road, An engaging experience which will 14 & 15th July 15 Cross Road, Urrbrae Homotoxicology and pain management, as well An engaging experience which will of Natural and Traditional Australian College of Natural and Traditional Cost: Before QLD 17- 14June $65, after $90Price: (inc GST) $145 AUD give fundamentals Price: $145 AUD & 15 July Fri)(Thurs & Fri)BOOK give youyou the the fundamentals of a of a board Member QLD -(Thurs 14 & 15 & July NOW asa teaching advanced Homotoxicology. Medicine and of is athe board Member of the Natural Remedies Group at NRG Banyo Natural Remedies or Group (08) 8130 8700 Contact: www.asbrm.com.au Global Modality Global Modality eopathicAcademy Medicine. of Homoeopathic Medicine. Buchanan Road, Banyo www.asbrm.com.au 70 Buchanan 70 Road, Banyo Medicine and is Date: a board Member of the VVSC MEL Wed 10th Webinar presented by Jennie Burke & Daniel Baden 5.00 - Workshop conclusion July SA - 8 & 9 July (Fri & Sat) the journey of wellness: the The Monastery by: Registration Details: 15 Cross Road, Urrbrae layers of illness Australian College of Natural and Traditional Medicine. Additionally, Kel has completed his AEST. AEST. NOTE: Recording/download will be available for NOTE:registered Recording/download will be available for those and unable to attend broadcast. those registered and unable to attend broadcast. anti-homotoxic In depth medicines. prescribing of anti-homotoxic 7.00pm (EST) Wednesday 3rd of August 2016 and how natural Webinarmedicine presented practitioners by Jennie & Daniel Baden can bestBurke support their patients. The International Oncology Support Summit • Reth • Key t • The disea • Gain chro • Broa Chla pneu • Find asso • Gain • Disc micr disor • Unde of GI • Find • Rece appr PURCHASING YOUR TICKET IS SIMPLE: To secure your ticket, fax form overleaf to +61 2 9669 3027, call on 1300 884 702 or purc www.biomedica.com.au 15th October 2016, Sydney Australia Presented by leading international and national presenters For bookings & to secure your place or find out more please visit biomedica.com.au In depth prescribing ofBioMedica Nutraceuticals P 1300 884 702 or visit www.biomedica.com.au | To place an order anti-homotoxic please contact Natural Remedies Group P 1300 138 815 medicines. No product mixing unless specified