Future Ace Publishing - Chee Wah Corporation Berhad
Future Ace Publishing - Chee Wah Corporation Berhad
2013 - 2014 CATALOGUE Gift of Knowledge www.futureace.com.my Contents Wall Charts, Mini Wall Charts, 3D Educational & Height Charts 3-9 Activity Books & Buku Aktiviti 10-26 Colouring Books 27-28 Giant Colouring Posters 29-30 B4 & A4 Picture Art Block 31-34 Copy Colour Art Blocks 35 Die-Cut Colouring Books 36 Pads 37-38 Sticker Books 39-42 Maths Workbooks 43-44 English Workbooks 45 Lamination Books 46 Flash Cards 47-48 Mini Board Books, Board Books, Board Books Box Sets 49-51 Jigsaw Puzzle Board Books & Jigsaw Puzzle 52-53 Mega Board Books 54 Flip & Learn 55 Stencils Book 56 Nursery Rhymes 57 Die-cut Reading Books, Reading Books, Hard Cover Reading Books 58-65 Picture Dictionary 66-67 Display Stands 68 Wall Charts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all Charts www.futureace.com.my Writing Small Letters FA 0018 E ISBN: 981-05-6336-1 Alphabet FA 0019 E ISBN: 981-05-6337-X 1 to 100 FA 0020 E ISBN: 981-05-6338-8 Simple Words FA 0021 E ISBN: 981-05-6339-6 I Love Numbers FA 0022 E ISBN: 981-05-6340-X Small Animals FA 0029 E ISBN: 978-981-4230-89-6 Domestic Animals FA 0030 E ISBN: 978-981-4230-90-2 Fruits & Vegetables FA 0031 E ISBN: 978-981-4230-91-9 Beginner’s Learning Chart FA 0032 E ISBN: 978-981-4230-92-6 My Body FA 0037 E ISBN: 978-981-4242-01-1 Mammals FA 0041 E ISBN: 978-983-3578-61-0 Birds FA 0042 E ISBN: 978-967-0217-58-1 4 Wall Charts www.futureace.com.my Seaside FA 0043 E Barcode: 9556233355000 7KLQJV$W6FKRRO FA 0044 E Barcode: 9556233355017 Clothes FA 0045 E Barcode: 9556233355024 Malaysia Map FA 0013 E ISBN: 983-3578-06-3 World Map FA 0014 E ISBN: 983-3578-07-1 Sabah Map FA 0023 E ISBN: 978-983-3578-08-5 Sarawak Map FA 0024 E ISBN: 978-983-3578-09-2 6SHFLILFDWLRQV )XOOFRORXU/DPLQDWHGRQERWKVLGHV Size : 495 x 740mm &DUWRQSDFNLQJ,SFVVLQJOHWLWOH *URVVZHLJKWSHUFDUWRQINJ &DUWRQVL]H[[PP M3 : 0.0224 5 Mini Wall Charts www.futureace.com.my Specifications )XOOFRORXU/DPLQDWHGRQERWKVLGHV Size : 480 x 360mm Carton packing : 150pcs (single title) Gross weight per carton : 8kg Carton size : 500 x 380 x 80mm M3 : 0.0152 ABC Capital Letters FA 0201 E ISBN: 978-981-4242-42-4 Animals and Their Babies FA 0202 E ISBN: 978-981-4242-43-1 Birds FA 0203 E ISBN: 978-981-4242-44-8 Colours FA 0204 E ISBN: 978-981-4242-45-5 Food & Drinks FA 0205 E ISBN: 978-981-4242-46-2 Insects FA 0206 E ISBN: 978-981-4242-47-9 Reptiles & Amphibians FA 0207 E ISBN: 978-981-4242-48-6 Shapes FA 0208 E ISBN: 978-981-4242-49-3 Times Tables FA 0209 E ISBN: 978-981-4242-50-9 Transport FA 0210 E ISBN: 978-981-4242-51-6 6 Mini Wall Charts www.futureace.com.my 7KHVHOHDUQLQJFKDUWVDUHGHVLJQHGWRLQWURGXFHFKLOGUHQWRQXPEHUVDQGPXOWLSOLFDWLRQ 7KH 'LVQH\ FKDUDFWHUV DGG FRORXU DQG YLEUDQF\ WR PDNH OHDUQLQJ IXQ 7KH ODPLQDWHG FKDUWRQILUPFDUGHQVXUHVGXUDELOLW\LQXVDJH7KHPLQLVL]HVDUHGHVLJQHGWRIDFLOLWDWH KDQGOLQJE\FKLOGUHQ 7LPHV7DEOHV )$( ,6%1 /HDUQ1XPEHUV )$( ,6%1 $W7KH=RR )$( ,6%1 $W7KH)DUP )$( ,6%1 6SHFLILFDWLRQV )XOOFRORXU/DPLQDWHGRQERWKVLGHV 6L]H[PP &DUWRQSDFNLQJSFVVLQJOHWLWOH *URVVZHLJKWSHUFDUWRQNJ &DUWRQVL]H[[PP 0 3RQG/LIH )$( ,6%1 7 2FHDQ/LIH )$( ,6%1 3D Educational Charts www.futureace.com.my Winnie the Pooh Counting 1-20 FA 25851 A Winnie the Pooh Numbers 1-100 FA 25851 B Winnie the Pooh Learning ABC FA 25851 C Mickey Time FA 25851 D Mickey Multiplication Table FA 25851 E Mickey Color and Shape FA 25851 F Mickey Counting 1-20 FA 25851 G Mickey Learning ABC FA 25851 H Princess Color and Shape FA 25851 J Princess Counting 1-20 FA 25851 K Specifications Full colour Size : 420 x 560mm Carton packing : 5pcs x 40pkts Gross weight per carton : 17kg Carton size : 440 x 580 x 100mm M3 : 0.2552 Barcode : 9556233 258516 Princess Multiplication Table FA 25851 L Princess Learning ABC FA 25851 M Princess Maths Facts FA 25851 N 8 Height Charts www.futureace.com.my 7KHKHLJKWFKDUWLVPDGHRIILUPFDUGZLWKODPLQDWLRQIRUDGGLWLRQDO SURWHFWLRQ7KLVLVDVLQJOHSLHFHFKDUWIRUHDV\KDQGOLQJ7KHKHLJKW PHDVXUHPHQWLVLQERWKLQFKHVDQGFHQWLPHWHUV7KHPXOWLFRORXUHG GHVLJQZLOOEULJKWHQWKHFKLOGUHQ¶VURRP Specifications )XOOFRORXU/DPLQDWHGRQERWKVLGHV Size : 245 x 1370mm Carton packing : 6pcs x 20pkts (single title) Gross weight per carton : 17kg Carton size : 780 x 280 x 145mm M3 : 0.0317 Learn & Measure Height Chart FA 0301 E ISBN: 978-983-3578-62-7 9 Height Chart FA 0302 E ISBN: 978-981-4242-02-8 Activity Books www.futureace.com.my 7KH FURVVZRUG DFWLYLWLHV LQ WKLV VSHFLDO VHULHV SURYLGH DPSOH RSSRUWXQLW\ IRU SUHVFKRROHUV WR SUDFWLVH ZKDW WKH\ KDYH OHDUQW /HDUQLQJ WR VSHOO new words becomes fun and exciting by using the FURVVZRUGV &RQVWDQW SUDFWLFH KHOSV WKHP WR GHYHORSWKHLUPHPRU\DQGREVHUYDWLRQVNLOOV +DSS\/HDUQLQJ%LJ/HWWHUV FA 3009 E ISBN: 981-05-6868-1 +DSS\/HDUQLQJ6PDOO/HWWHUV FA 3010 E ISBN: 981-05-6869-X +DSS\/HDUQLQJ)LUVW:RUGV FA 3011 E ISBN: 981-05-6870-3 ,&DQ)LQG7KHVH:RUGV FA 3012 E ISBN: 981-05-6875-4 Fun With Crosswords $%&&DSLWDO/HWWHUV FA 3013 E ISBN: 981-05-6871-1 Fun With Crosswords DEF6PDOO/HWWHUV FA 3014 E ISBN: 981-05-6872-X Fun With Crosswords First Words FA 3015 E ISBN: 981-05-6873-8 Interesting Crosswords FA 3016 E ISBN: 981-05-6874-6 Specifications SDJHV7ZRFRORXUV Book size : 185 x 255mm Carton packing : 6cps x 32pktsVLQJOHWLWOH Gross weight per carton : 10.6kg Carton size : 381 x 266 x 174mm M3 : 0.0176 10 Activity Books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ctivity Books www.futureace.com.my This series of Dot to Dot Books, which comprises specially drawn dots with numbers in sequence, is a gentle approach to drawing of animals and objects. Joining dots to form pictures is a creative way of teaching young children to draw. Besides having fun, children learn to cultivate educational skills such as drawing, colouring and numbering. At The Circus FA 3017 E ISBN: 978-983-3578-72-6 By The Sea FA 3018 E ISBN: 978-983-3578-73-3 At The Park FA 3019 E ISBN: 978-983-3578-74-0 Transport FA 3020 E ISBN: 978-983-3578-75-7 Specifications SDJHV7ZRFRORXUV Book size : 185 x 255mm Carton packing : 6cps x 32pkts (single title) Gross weight per carton : 13kg Carton size : 390 x 275 x 190mm M3 : 0.0204 Play Time Dot to Dot Book 1 FA 6001 E ISBN: 981-05-6864-9 Play Time Dot to Dot Book 2 FA 6002 E ISBN: 981-05-6865-7 Play Time Dot to Dot Book 3 FA 6003 E ISBN: 981-05-6866-5 Play Time Dot to Dot Book 4 FA 6004 E ISBN: 981-05-6867-3 Specifications SDJHV%ODFNDQG:KLWH Book size : 185 x 255mm Carton packing : 6cps x 32pkts (single title) Gross weight per carton : 12.2kg Carton size : 385 x 270 x 175mm M3 : 0.0182 12 Activity Books www.futureace.com.my Specially designed for young children to develop their basic learning skills in reading, writing and colouring. Learning through these activities is fun and interesting, thus enhancing their memory skill. New words are introduced gradually according to the various topics. Read, Write and Colour A to Z (Capital Letters) Read, Write and Colour a to z (small letters) FA 4009 E ISBN 978-981-4230-23-0 FA 4010 E ISBN 978-981-4230-24-7 Read, Write and Colour Fun With Words Read, Write and Colour Things In The City FA 4013 E ISBN 978-981-4230-27-8 FA 4014 E ISBN 978-981-4230-28-5 Read, Write and Colour Domestic Animals and Small Animals FA 4011 E ISBN 978-981-4230-25-4 Read, Write and Colour Things In My House and Classroom FA 4015 E ISBN 978-981-4230-29-2 Read, Write and Colour Food FA 4012 E ISBN 978-981-4230-26-1 Read, Write and Colour Occupations FA 4016 E ISBN 978-981-4230-30-8 Specifications SDJHV)XOOFRORXU Book size : 185 x 255mm Carton packing : 6cps x 32pkts (single title) Gross weight per carton : 12.5kg Carton size : 381 x 266 x 190mm M3 : 0.0193 13 Activity Books ZZZIXWXUHDFHFRPP\ 7KH )XQ$FWLYLW\ %RRN VHULHV LV GHVLJQHG WR PDNH OHDUQLQJ HDV\ DQG H[FLWLQJ IRU SUHVFKRROHUV 0XOWLFRORXUHG JUDSKLFV DQG WH[W DUH VSHFLDOO\ LQFRUSRUDWHG WR SURPRWH OHDUQLQJ WKURXJK ZULWLQJ FRXQWLQJ DQG VLPSOH PXOWLSOLFDWLRQ &KLOGUHQ ZLOO HQMR\WKHFUHDWLYHH[HUFLVHV 6SHFLILFDWLRQV SDJHV)XOOFRORXU Book size : 185 x 255mm &DUWRQSDFNLQJFSV[SNWV (single title) *URVVZHLJKWSHUFDUWRQNJ Carton size : 381 x 266 x 190mm 0 Fun With Writing FA 4017 E ISBN: 978-981-4242-78-3 Fun With Counting FA 4018 E ISBN: 978-981-4242-79-0 Fun With Times Tables FA 4019 E ISBN: 978-981-4242-80-6 7HDFKLQJ FKLOGUHQ WLPH FDQ EH FKDOOHQJLQJ DQG VRPHWLPHV WULFN\ ,Q WKLV VHULHV \RXU FKLOG ZLOO OHDUQ WKH EDVLF IXQGDPHQWDOV RI WLPH7KLV DOORZV WKHP WR KDYH D EDVLF XQGHUVWDQGLQJ RI WKH FRQFHSW RI GD\ ZHHN PRQWKV DQG GDWHV $ERYH DOO LW WHDFKHV WKHP KRZ WR WHOO WLPH 7KH H[HUFLVHV LQ WKLV VHULHV DUH GHVLJQHG ZLWK SRHP KDQGLFUDIWDQGDFWLYLWLHVZKLFKPDNH OHDUQLQJWLPHHDV\DQGIXQ /LIH¶V)XQ:LWK0DWKV TIME Book 1 %RRNFRPHVZLWKDSHUVRQDOL]HG FDOHQGDUDQGVWLFNHU FA 4401 E ISBN: 978-967-0217-17-8 6SHFLILFDWLRQV SDJHV)XOOFRORXU Book size : 210 x 297mm &DUWRQSDFNLQJFSV[SNWV (single title) /LIH¶V)XQ:LWK0DWKV TIME Book 2 %RRNFRPHVZLWKD',<FORFNPRGHO *URVVZHLJKWSHUFDUWRQNJ Carton size :440 x 320 x 240 FA 4425 E ISBN: 978-967-0217-18-5 0 14 Activity Books www.futureace.com.my Expose the young to a different creative thematic related fun while learning. Each booklet feature different activity. Learn to recognise and identify related object and spot the different. Join the dot and finish with colouring the images. Navigate through maze, crossword puzzle, counting and writings. Learn and have fun with Princess FA 4027 E ISBN: 978-967-0217-28-4 Learn and have fun with Pirates FA 4028 E ISBN: 978-967-0217-29-1 Learn and have fun with Dinosaurs FA 4029 E ISBN: 978-967-0217-30-7 Learn and have fun with Animals FA 4030 E ISBN: 978-967-0217-31-4 Specifications SDJHV)XOO&RORXU fun with BookLearn size :and 185have x 255mm Animals &DUWRQSDFNLQJFSV[SNWV (single title) FA 4030 E Gross weight per carton : 12.5kg ISBN: 978-967-0217-31-4 &DUWRQVL]H[[PP M3 : 0.0193 Early Experiences Matter Help children develop better control over the muscles in their hands and fingers and understandthat writing is made up of lines, curves, and repeated patterns. Introduce colouring and counting the object as fun activities. 15 Early Experiences Matter Fun To Write and Draw Book 1 FA 4031 E ISBN: 978-967-0217-40-6 Early Experiences Matter Fun To Write and Draw Book 2 FA 4032 E ISBN: 978-967-0217-41-3 Early Experiences Matter Fun To Write and Draw Book 3 FA 4033 E ISBN: 978-967-0217-42-0 Early Experiences Matter Fun To Write and Draw Book 4 FA 4034 E ISBN: 978-967-0217-43-7 Activity Books www.futureace.com.my Learning is reinforced by presenting it in a fun, creative, easy to understand and engaging PDQQHU $ NH\ OHDUQLQJ SRLQW LV LQWURGXFHG LQ HDFK ERRN 3UDFWLFH KHOSV FKLOGUHQ WR GHYHORS PHPRU\DQGREVHUYDWLRQVNLOOV :ULWLQJ&DSLWDO/HWWHUV )$( ISBN: 981-05-6341-8 :ULWLQJ6PDOO/HWWHUV )$( ISBN: 981-05-6342-6 3OD\WLPH:LWK$OSKDEHW )$( ISBN: 981-05-6343-4 Numbers 1 to 20 )$( ISBN: 981-05-6344-2 Count & Learn Addition )$( ISBN: 981-05-6345-0 Count & Learn Subtraction )$( ISBN: 981-05-6346-9 &RXQW/HDUQ0XOWLSO\ )$( ,6%1 Count & Learn Division )$( ISBN: 981-05-6348-5 Specifications SDJHV)XOOFRORXU Book size : 185 x 255mm Carton packing : 6cps x 40pktsVLQJOHWLWOH Gross weight per carton : 18.5kg Carton size : 381 x 266 x 304mm M3 : 0.0308 16 Activity Books www.futureace.com.my Beside helping the young learners to cultivate their basic reading, writing and counting skills through the simple and easy-to-do activities found in these books, they also prepare them for formal education in the near future. Create & Paste FA 4201 E ISBN: 978-981-4242-69-1 Learn to Draw FA 4202 E ISBN: 978-981-4242-70-7 Fun With Mazes FA 4203 E ISBN: 978-981-4242-71-4 Pre-Writing Activity FA 4204 E ISBN: 978-981-4242-72-1 Kids Fun Art Series Colouring, Cut & Paste FA 4205 E ISBN: 978-967-0217-45-1 Kids Fun Art Series Colouring, Cut & Paste FA 4206 E ISBN: 978-967-0217-46-8 Kids Fun Art Series Create & Paste FA 4207 E ISBN: 978-967-0217-59-8 Kids Fun Art Series Create & Paste FA 4208 E ISBN: 978-967-0217-60-4 Specifications SDJHV)XOOFRORXU Book size : 185 x 255mm Carton packing : 6cps x 32pkts (single title) Gross weight per carton : 15.5kg Carton size : 380 x 270 x 240mm M3 : 0.0246 17 Activity Books ZZZIXWXUHDFHFRPP\ 7KLVLVDVHULHVRIUHDGHUFXPDFWLYLW\ERRNVIRU FKLOGUHQDJHVIRXUWRVL[\HDUVROG$VWKHFKLOG UHDGV WKH VWRU\ WKH FKLOG ZLOO OHDUQ (QJOLVK DV ZHOODV0DWKHPDWLFV3DUHQWs / IDFLOLWDWRUVVKRXOG UHDG WRJHWKHU ZLWK WKH FKLOG WR HQFRXUDJH WKH FKLOG WR UHDG 3DUHQWs / IDFLOLWDWRUV VKRXOG UHDG WKHLQVWUXFWLRQVWRWKHDFWLYLWLHVWRKHOSWKHFKLOG XQGHUVWDQGZKDWLVWREHGRQH *RLQJ2Q$3LFQLF%RRN )$( ,6%1 *RLQJ'RZQ7KH5LYHU%RRN )$( ,6%1 0\1HLJKERXUV%RRN )$( ,6%1 7KH6HFUHW*DUGHQ%RRN )$( ,6%1 $0DJLF7UDLQ5LGH%RRN )$( ,6%1 7KH)DLULHV3DUW\%RRN )$( ,6%1 6SHFLILFDWLRQV SDJHV)XOOFRORXU %RRNVL]H[PP &DUWRQSDFNLQJFSV[SNWVVLQJOHWLWOH *URVVZHLJKWSHUFDUWRQNJ &DUWRQVL]H[[PP 0 Activity Books www.futureace.com.my 7KHVHDFWLYLW\ERRNVSURYLGHDPSOHRSSRUWXQLW\ IRU FKLOGUHQ WR FXOWLYDWH DQG GHYHORS WKHLU OHDUQLQJ VNLOOV &KLOGUHQ FDQ OHDUQ EHWWHU ZKHQ WKH\HQMR\GRLQJWKHYDULRXVDFWLYLWLHVVXFKDV GUDZLQJ FRORXULQJ DQG ZULWLQJ IRXQG LQ WKHVH ZHOOLOOXVWUDWHGERRNV &RORXULQJ7LPH:LWK $%& )$( ,6%1 &RORXULQJ7LPH:LWK abc )$( ,6%1 &RORXULQJ7LPH:LWK Aa to Z ] )$( ,6%1 &RORXULQJ7LPH:LWK $QLPDOV$WR= )$( ,6%1 ,/RYHWR:ULWH$%& )$( ,6%1 ,/RYHWR:ULWHDEF )$( ,6%1 ,/RYHWR:ULWH1XPEHUV )$( ,6%1 ,/RYHWR:ULWH$OSKDEHW :RUGV )$( ,6%1 6SHFLILFDWLRQV SDJHV%ODFNDQG:KLWH %RRNVL]H[PP &DUWRQSDFNLQJFSV[SNWVVLQJOHWLWOH *URVVZHLJKWSHUFDUWRQNJ &DUWRQVL]H[[PP 0 19 Activity Books www.futureace.com.my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ctivity Books www.futureace.com.my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ctivity Books www.futureace.com.my Future Ace learning activity series is a simple and fun ZD\ IRU FKLOGUHQ WR OHDUQ &KLOGUHQ ZLOO EH H[SRVHG WR DOSKDEHWV FRORXUV DQG QXPEHUV 7KHVH DFWLYLW\ ERRNV VHHNWRGHYHORSFKLOGUHQ¶VPRWRUZULWLQJVNLOOVDVZHOODV WKLQNLQJVNLOOV,W¶VIXQEHFDXVHHDFKDOSKDEHWRUQXPEHU is associated with an activity. Learning becomes meaningful with association of words and activities which enable children to recall what they have learned easily. Both, children and parents will love it! 0\/LWWOH:ULWLQJ%RRN ABC Capital Letters FA 6801 E ISBN: 978-981-4242-30-1 0\/LWWOH:ULWLQJ%RRN abc Small Letters FA 6802 E ISBN: 978-981-4242-31-8 0\/LWWOH&RXQWLQJ%RRN Addition FA 6803 E ISBN: 978-981-4242-32-5 0\/LWWOH&RXQWLQJ%RRN Subtraction FA 6804 E ISBN: 978-981-4242-33-2 Get Ready For Writing abc small letters FA 6809 E ISBN: 978-967-0217-13-0 Learn to Write ABC & Colouring FA 6810 E ISBN: 978-967-0217-14-7 Learn to Write 123 & Colouring FA 6811 E ISBN: 978-967-0217-15-4 Fun With Dot to Dot & Colouring FA 6812 E ISBN: 978-967-0217-16-1 Specifications SDJHV%ODFNDQG:KLWH %RRNVL]H[PP &DUWRQSDFNLQJFSV[SNWV (single title) *URVVZHLJKWSHUFDUWRQNJ &DUWRQVL]H[[PP M3 : 0.0211 22 Activity Books www.futureace.com.my This innovative and introductory series incorporates basic Science concepts for pre-schoolers. The activity books have pictures and words with exercises to stimulate learning. The exciting presentation of information will arouse the children’s interest in science. Science Book 1 FA 6317 E ISBN: 978-981-4242-52-3 Science Book 2 FA 6318 E ISBN: 978-981-4242-53-0 Science Book 3 FA 6319 E ISBN: 978-981-4242-54-7 Science Book 4 FA 6320 E ISBN: 978-981-4242-55-4 Specifications SDJHV%ODFNDQG:KLWH Book size : 185 x 255mm Carton packing : 6cps x 32pkts (single title) Gross weight per carton : 14.8kg Carton size : 381 x 266 x 243mm M3 : 0.0246 +DSS\/HDUQLQJ:ULWLQJ$%& FA 6325 E Barcode: 9556233340068 +DSS\/HDUQLQJ:ULWLQJ Colours & Shapes FA 6327 E Barcode: 9556233340082 +DSS\/HDUQLQJ:ULWLQJ FA 6326 E Barcode: 9556233340075 +DSS\/HDUQLQJ:ULWLQJ My Body FA 6328 E Barcode: 9556233340099 23 Buku Aktiviti www.futureace.com.my Suku Kata Buku 1 FA 4021 M ISBN 978-983-3578-81-8 Suku Kata Buku 2 FA 4022 M ISBN 978-983-3578-82-5 Suku Kata Buku 3 FA 4023 M ISBN 978-983-3578-83-2 Specifications SDJHVFull colour Size : 185 x 255mm Carton packing : 6pcs x 32pkts (single title) Gross weight per carton : I3kg Carton size : 390 x 280 x 190mm M3 : 0.0207 Mari Kita Belajar Bahasa Arab FA 6406 M ISBN 978-983-3578-14-6 Specifications SDJHVBlack and White Size : 185 x 255mm Carton packing : 6pcs x 24pkts (single title) Gross weight per carton : I4.4kg Carton size : 381 x 266 x 235mm M3 : 0.0238 Mari Kita Belajar Asas Jawi FA 6405 M ISBN 978-983-3578-13-9 24 Buku Aktiviti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uku Aktiviti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olouring Books www.futureace.com.my The Happy Time Colouring %RRNV FRPSULVH ODUJH SLFWXUHV with words for description. In addition, there is a colour chart to guide the children in colouring. Children will enjoy colouring the pictures and associate the visuals with the words. Happy Time Colouring ABC FA 6321 E ISBN: 978-981-4242-56-1 Specifications SDJHV%ODFNDQG:KLWH %RRNVL]H[PP &DUWRQSDFNLQJFSV[SNWV (single title) *URVVZHLJKWSHUFDUWRQNJ &DUWRQVL]H[[PP M3 : 0.0246 Happy Time Colouring Animals FA 6324 E ISBN: 978-981-4242-59-2 Happy Time Colouring Things Around Us FA 6323 E ISBN: 978-981-4242-58-5 Happy Time Colouring Words FA 6322 E ISBN: 978-981-4242-57-8 Specifications SDJHV%ODFNDQG:KLWH %RRNVL]H[PP &DUWRQSDFNLQJFSV[SNWV(single title) *URVVZHLJKWSHUFDUWRQNJ &DUWRQVL]H[[PP M3 : 0.0254 I Love Colouring: Occupations FA 6017 E Barcode: 9556233340020 I Love Colouring: Animals FA 6018 E Barcode: 9556233340037 I Love Colouring: Transport FA 6019 E Barcode: 9556233340044 27 I Love Colouring: Sea Animals FA 6020 E Barcode: 9556233340051 Colouring Books ZZZIXWXUHDFHFRPP\ 6SHFLILFDWLRQV SDJHV%ODFNDQG:KLWH %RRNVL]H[PP &DUWRQSDFNLQJFSV[SNWVVLQJOHWLWOH *URVVZHLJKWSHUFDUWRQNJ &DUWRQVL]H[[PP 0 7R\VDQG*DPHV )$( ,6%1 7KH3DUW\ )$( ,6%1 7KH6KRS )$( ,6%1 7KH&LW\ )$( ,6%1 7KH3DUN )$( ,6%1 7KH=RR )$( ,6%1 7KLQJVDW+RPH )$( ,6%1 7KLQJVLQ6FKRRO )$( ,6%1 www.futureace.com.my Giant Colouring Posters Adventure Themes, Giant Vertical Coloring Poster for children is a wonderful activity that encourages children to think in a creative way and arises their curiosity. It is an educational tool and is considered an important contribution to a child's development. The finished poster can be proudly presented to grandma and grandpa’s living room or displayed in their own room. Giant Colouring Poster FA 6152 E ISBN: 978-967-0217-48-2 Giant Colouring Poster FA 6151 E ISBN: 978-967-0217-47-5 Giant Colouring Poster FA 6153 E ISBN: 978-967-0217-49-9 Specifications Size : 210 x 840mm / 2 fold to A4 Carton packing : 12cps x 20pkts (single title) Gross weight per carton : 13kg Carton size : 226 x 313 x 146mm M3 : 0.0103 29 www.futureace.com.my Giant Colouring Posters Giant Horizontal Coloring Poster for children is a wonderful activity that encourages children to think in a creative way and arises their curiosity. It is an educational tool and is considered an important contribution to a child's development. The finished poster can be proudly presented to grandma and grandpa’s living room or displayed in their own room. Giant Colouring Poster FA 6154 E ISBN: 978-967-0217-50-5 Giant Colouring Poster FA 6155 E ISBN: 978-967-0217-51-2 Giant Colouring Poster FA 6156 E ISBN: 978-967-0217-52-9 Giant Colouring Poster FA 6157 E ISBN: 978-967-0217-53-6 Giant Colouring Poster FA 6158 E ISBN: 978-967-0217-54-3 Giant Colouring Poster FA 6159 E ISBN: 978-967-0217-55-0 Specifications Size : 840 x 210mm / 2 fold to A4 Carton packing : 12cps x 20pkts (single title) Gross weight per carton : 13kg Carton size : 226 x 313 x 146mm M3 : 0.0103 30 B4 Picture Art Blocks www.futureace.com.my 7KHVH FRORXULQJ ERRNV DUH PDGH RI KLJK quality paper, suitable for pre-schoolers. They come in the form of art blocks with specially GHVLJQHG SLFWXUH RXWOLQHV RI IDPLOLDU DQLPDOV DQG REMHFWV ZKLFK WKH FKLOGUHQ ZLOO ILQG LQWHUHVWLQJ 7R EH XVHG ZLWK FUD\RQV FRORXU pencils, water colours or poster colours. Picture Art Block FA 6105 ISBN: 978-983-3578-76-4 Picture Art Block FA 6106 ISBN: 978-983-3578-77-1 Picture Art Block FA 6107 ISBN: 978-983-3578-78-8 Picture Art Block FA 6108 ISBN: 978-983-3578-79-5 Little Lion's Picture Art Block FA 6101 ISBN 983-3486-96-7 Little Bear's Picture Art Block FA 6102 ISBN 983-3486-97-5 Little Horse's Picture Art Block FA 6103 ISBN 983-3486-98-3 Little Mouse's Picture Art Block FA 6104 ISBN 983-3486-99-1 Specifications VKHHWV%ODFNDQG:KLWH Book size : 375 x 265mm Carton packing : 6cps x 12pkts (single title) Gross weight per carton : 18kg Carton size : 400 x 285 x 270mm M3 : 0.031 31 A4 Picture Art Blocks www.futureace.com.my These colouring books are made of high quality paper, suitable for pre-schoolers. They come in the form of art blocks with specially designed picture outlines of familiar animals and objects which the children will find interesting. To be used with crayons, colour pencils, water colours or poster colours. Little Bee’s A4 Picture Art Block FA 6201 ISBN: 983-3578-02-0 Little Mouse’s A4 Picture Art Block FA 6202 ISBN: 983-3578-03-9 Little Rabbit’s A4 Picture Art Block FA 6203 ISBN: 983-3578-04-7 Little Bear’s A4 Picture Art Block FA 6204 ISBN: 981-05-6349-3 Little Hen’s A4 Picture Art Block FA 6205 ISBN: 981-05-6350-7 Little Lion’s A4 Picture Art Block FA 6206 ISBN: 981-05-6351-5 Little Whale’s A4 Picture Art Block FA 6207 ISBN: 981-4230-14-6 Specifications VKHHWV%ODFNDQG:KLWH Book size : 297 x 210mm Carton packing : 6cps x 24pkts (single title) Gross weight per carton : 25kg Carton size : 440 x 315 x 300mm M3 : 0.0415 Little Hippo’s A4 Picture Art Block FA 6208 ISBN: 981-4230-15-4 Little Duckling’s A4 Picture Art Block FA 6209 ISBN: 981-4230-16-2 32 A4 Picture Art Blocks www.futureace.com.my A4 Picture Art Block FA 6213 ISBN: 978-981-4242-60-8 A4 Picture Art Block FA 6214 ISBN: 978-981-4242-61-5 A4 Picture Art Block FA 6215 ISBN: 978-981-4242-62-2 A4 Picture Art Block: At The Zoo FA 6216 ISBN: 978-967-0217-19-2 A4 Picture Art Block: At The Park FA 6217 ISBN: 978-967-0217-20-8 $3LFWXUH$UW%ORFN3RQG/LIH FA 6218 ISBN: 978-967-0217-21-5 Play Time A4 Picture Art Block FA 6219 %DUFRGH Happy Time A4 Picture Art Block FA 6220 %DUFRGH Fun Time A4 Picture Art Block FA 6221 %DUFRGH Specifications VKHHWV%ODFNDQG:KLWH Book size : 297 x 210mm Carton packing : 6cps x 24pkts (single title) Gross weight per carton : 25kg Carton size : 440 x 315 x 300mm M3 : 0.0415 Colouring Time A4 Picture Art Block FA 6222 %DUFRGH 33 A4 Picture Art Blocks www.futureace.com.my These Dot to Dot Picture Art Blocks comprise VSHFLDOO\ GUDZQ GRWV ZLWK QXPEHUV RU DOSKDEHWVLQVHTXHQFHWRKHOS\RXQJOHDUQHUV WRGUDZDQLPDOV-RLQLQJGRWVWRIRUPSLFWXUHV is an ingenious way of teaching young FKLOGUHQ WR GUDZ %HVLGHV GUDZLQJ FKLOGUHQ also have the opportunity to practise colouring DQGQXPEHULQJ Dot to Dot Picture Art Block FA 6210 ISBN: 978-981-4230-82-7 Dot to Dot Picture Art Block FA 6211 ISBN: 978-981-4230-83-4 Specifications VKHHWV%ODFNDQG:KLWH Book size : 297 x 210mm Carton packing : 6cps x 24pkts (single title) Gross weight per carton : 25kg Carton size : 440 x 315 x 300mm M3 : 0.0415 Dot to Dot Picture Art Block FA 6212 ISBN: 978-981-4230-84-1 34 www.futureace.com.my Copy Colour Art Blocks Good quality paper and non-blotting. Specially designed art blocks with each colourful picture accompanied by another page of its outlines. Young children can practise using crayons, colour pencils or water colours to copy the printed pictures. Copy Colour Picture Art Block FA 6601 ISBN: 978-981-4230-76-6 Copy Colour Picture Art Block FA 6602 ISBN: 978-981-4230-77-3 Copy Colour Picture Art Block FA 6603 ISBN: 978-981-4230-78-0 Copy Colour Picture Art Block FA 6604 ISBN: 978-981-4230-79-7 Copy Colour Picture Art Block FA 6605 ISBN: 978-981-4230-80-3 Copy Colour Picture Art Block FA 6606 ISBN: 978-981-4230-81-0 Specifications VKHHWV)XOOFRORXU Book size : 297 x 210mm Carton packing : 6cps x 24pkts (single title) Gross weight per carton : 20.8kg Carton size : 432 x 310 x 235mm M3 : 0.0315 Copy Colour Art Block (with stickers) These Copy Colour Art Blocks use quality paper with multiple pictures that appeal to young children. Inset of coloured prints allow children to copy and colour. Additional sticker sheet is included with 16 attractive stickers. Words accompany each picture to improve the children’s vocabulary. Learn, colour, and play with this Copy Colour Art Block! Specifications VKHHWV)XOOFRORXU Sticker : White Back Mirror Coat (full colour) Book size : 297 x 210mm Carton packing : 6cps x 12pkts (single title) Gross weight per carton : 14kg Carton size : 440 x 320 x 170mm M3 : 0.0239 Tiger’s Play Time Copy Colour Art Block FA 6631 E ISBN: 978-983-3578-68-9 35 Tiger’s Jungle Pals Copy Colour Art Block FA 6632 E ISBN: 978-983-3578-69-6 Die-Cut Colouring Books www.futureace.com.my This series of colouring books comes in a unique shape with a handle, and stamped with holograms, which appeals to young children. Learning the basic skill of colouring by way of copying makes it easy and fun. Fun With Copy Colour FA 6701 E ISBN: 978-981-4242-15-8 Happy With Copy Colour FA 6702 E ISBN: 978-981-4242-16-5 I Love Copy Colour FA 6703 E ISBN: 978-981-4242-17-2 Specifications SDJHV)XOOFRORXU Book size : 205 x 285mm Carton packing : 6cps x 24pkts (single title) Gross weight per carton : 11kg Carton size : 430 x 305 x 332mm M3 : 0.0435 Play Time With Copy Colour FA 6704 E ISBN: 978-981-4242-18-9 36 Pads www.futureace.com.my Colouring & Drawing Pads The Colouring and Drawing Pad is GHVLJQHG ZLWK EROG LOOXVWUDWLRQV WR SURPRWH FRORXULQJ %ODQN VKHHWV DUH LQFOXGHG WR encourage young children to draw freely or WUDFHIURPWKHSLFWXUHV Colouring & Drawing Pad FA 6901 ISBN: 978-983-3578-54-2 6SHFLILFDWLRQV VKHHWV&RORXULQJLQ6KHHWV :KLWH'UDZLQJ3DSHU %RRNVL]H[PP &DUWRQSDFNLQJFSV[SNWV (single title) *URVVZHLJKWSHUFDUWRQNJ &DUWRQVL]H[[PP M3 : 0.0332 Colouring & Drawing Pad FA 6906 ISBN: 978-967-0217-44-4 Colouring & Drawing Pad FA 6903 ISBN: 978-983-3578-64-1 Colouring & Drawing Pad FA 6902 ISBN: 978-983-3578-63-4 Craft & Colouring Pads The Craft and Colouring Pad has features that include Origami instructions sheets together with construction SDSHU IRU HDVH RI XVDJH 'HVLJQ WHPSODWHV DUH LQFOXGHG IRU FKLOGUHQ WR FXW DQG SDVWH ZKLFK ZLOO HQKDQFHWKHFRPSRVLWLRQ&KLOGUHQFDQKDYHIXQDQG EHFUHDWLYHZLWKWKHFUDIWDQGFRORXULQJSLFWXUHV 6SHFLILFDWLRQV VKHHWV6KHHWV%ODFNDQG:KLWH 6KHHWV&RQVWUXFWLRQ3DSHU %RRNVL]H[PP Craft & Colouring Pad FA 6931 ISBN: 978-981-4242-86-8 Craft & Colouring Pad FA 6932 ISBN: 978-981-4242-87-5 37 &DUWRQSDFNLQJFSV[SNWV (single title) *URVVZHLJKWSHUFDUWRQNJ &DUWRQVL]H[[PP M3 : 0.0256 Pads www.futureace.com.my IQ & Counting Pads The Future Ace’s IQ Activity Pad series is specially designed for children to stimulate their consciousness and deliberate learning to search for answers, rather than merely gathering innate LQIRUPDWLRQ 7KH YDULRXV VWURNHV GRWHV OLQHV DQG FXUYHV DUH gradually introduced to children to enable them to acquire GLVFLSOLQDU\ZULWLQJVNLOOV7KHDFWLYLWLHVDOVRGHYHORSKDQGVNLOOV VWUHQJWKHQILQJHUVZULVWDQGDUPVVNLOOVDQGDOOWKHVPDOOPXVFOH movements that occur in their fingers are in co-ordination with their eyes which stimulate brain activities. The 48-page IQ Activity Pad will do wonders for the children when WKH\ZRUNRQWKHP Specifications VKHHWV%ODFNDQG:KLWH %RRNVL]H[PP &DUWRQSDFNLQJFSV[SNWV (single title) *URVVZHLJKWSHUFDUWRQNJ &DUWRQVL]H[[PP M3 : 0.0332 Animals IQ Activity Pad FA 6904 ISBN: 978-967-0217-10-9 Counting and Colouring Pad FA 6905 ISBN: 978-967-0217-11-6 Jumbo Colouring Books 7KH -XPER &RORXULQJ %RRNV KDYH SDJHV RI different designs for the children’s colouring SOHDVXUH 7KH ODUJH DQG DWWUDFWLYH SLFWXUHV PDNH them easy for young children to colour. A value item that is suitable for colour pencils and crayons. Specifications SDJHV%ODFNDQG:KLWH %RRNVL]H[PP &DUWRQSDFNLQJFSV[SNWV (single title) *URVVZHLJKWSHUFDUWRQNJ &DUWRQVL]H[[PP M3 : 0.0492 -XPER&RORXULQJ%RRN FA 6951 ISBN: 978-983-3578-67-2 -XPER&RORXULQJ%RRN FA 6952 ISBN: 978-983-3578-86-3 38 Sticker Books www.futureace.com.my (DFKERRNLVGHVLJQHG WRSURPRWHDQGH[WHQG EDVLFOHDUQLQJVNLOOVRIDFKLOG6WLFNHUVDUHMXVW FUHDWLYH HQKDQFHPHQW DQG LQFRUSRUDWHG WR PDNH OHDUQLQJ IXQ E\ OXULQJ FKLOGUHQ WR PDVWHU EDVLF FRQFHSWV WKURXJK D YDULHW\ RI PRWLYDWLQJ DQGOLYHO\DFWLYLWLHV A to Z )$( ,6%1[ WR )$( ,6%1 )LUVW:RUGV )$( ,6%1 $QLPDOV )$( ,6%1 7KLQJV7KDW*R )$( ,6%1 6KDSHV )$( ,6%1 6SHFLILFDWLRQV SDJHV%ODFNDQG:KLWH 6WLFNHU:KLWH%DFN0LUURU&RDWIXOOFRORXU %RRNVL]H[PP &DUWRQSDFNLQJFSV[SNWVVLQJOHWLWOH *URVVZHLJKWSHUFDUWRQNJ &DUWRQVL]H[[PP 0 39 Sticker Books www.futureace.com.my A novel introduction to the art of “Scrapping”. The colourfully illustrated pages serve as guides for children to record fond memories and write their stories. These unique albums promote writing and drawing as well. Blank templates are included with two pages of fun stickers for decoration. Specifications SDJHV)XOOFRORXU Sticker : White Back Mirror Coat (full colour) Book size : 210 x 297mm Carton packing : 6cps x 24pkts (single title) Gross weight per carton : 8kg Carton size : 435 x 310 x 225mm M3 : 0.0303 My Scrap Album FA 7401 E ISBN: 978-981-4242-81-3 My Scrap Album FA 7402 E ISBN: 978-981-4242-82-0 The Kids Love Tigers Activity Books are specially designed to educate children about tigers. Learn about the tiger’s anatomy, life cycle, and other interesting information. There are fun activities, questions and colouring templates to make learning enjoyable. Colourful stickers of tigers are included in the books. Conservation efforts start with children and knowledge will pave the way. Specifications Kids Love Tigers Activity Book 1 FA 7601 E ISBN: 978-983-3578-65-8 Kids Love Tigers Activity Book 2 FA 7602 E ISBN: 978-983-3578-66-5 40 SDJHV)XOOFRORXU Sticker : White Back Mirror Coat (full colour) Book size : 210 x 280mm Carton packing : 6cps x 24pkts (single title) Gross weight per carton : 14kg Carton size : 440 x 300 x 170mm M3 : 0.0224 Sticker Books www.futureace.com.my 0DNH OHDUQLQJ IXQ IRU FKLOGUHQ ,Q WKLV VHULHV \RXU FKLOG ZLOO OHDrQ QRW RQO\ DOSKDEHWV DQG QXPEHULQJV EXW DOVR DERXWZRUGVWKHDOSKDEHWUHSUHVHQWDQG FRXQWLQJ 6HDUFKLQJ IRU FRPSDWLEOH DQG correct sticker which to be pasted on DVVLJQHG ER[ PDNLQJ WKH FKLOG SUHRFFXSLHGZLWKWDVNDWKDQGDVZHOODV pique their curiosity. ABC Activity Sticker Book FA 7701 E ISBN: 978-967-0217-26-0 123 Activity Sticker Book FA 7702 E ISBN: 978-967-0217-27-7 Specifications SDJHV)XOOFRORXU Sticker : White Back Mirror CoatIXOOFRORXU Book size : 185 x 255mm Carton packing : 6cps x 36pktsVLQJOHWLWOH Gross weight per carton : 20kg Carton size : 390 x 270 x 260mm M3 : 0.0274 )XQ:LWK)UXLWVDQG9HJHWDEOHV Stickers Book FA 7703 E Barcode: 9556233350005 41 )XQ:LWK$QLPDOV6WLFNHUV%RRN FA 7704 E Barcode: 9556233350012 Sticker Books www.futureace.com.my 7KHVHEHDXWLIXOO\GHVLJQHGERRNVFRPHLQWLWOHVWR FDWHU IRU SUHVFKRROHUV7KH µZLSH FOHDQ¶ SDJHV DUH ODPLQDWHG ZLWK FOHDU DQG FRORXUIXO LOOXVWUDWLRQV &KLOGUHQ ZLOO HQMR\ XVLQJ WKH VWLFNHUV WR FRPSOHWH the activities. Time )$( ISBN: 978-981-4230-70-4 =RR$QLPDOV )$( ISBN: 978-981-4230-71-1 1XPEHUV )$( ISBN: 978-981-4230-72-8 Shapes )$( ISBN: 978-981-4230-73-5 Specifications &RORXUV )$( ISBN: 978-981-4230-74-2 SDJHV)XOOFRORXU Sticker : White Back Mirror CoatIXOOFRORXU Book size : 210 x 210mm Carton packing : 6cps x 24pktsVLQJOHWLWOH Gross weight per carton : 16.7kg Carton size : 431 x 221 x 258mm M3 : 0.0245 $OSKDEHW )$( ISBN: 978-981-4230-75-9 +LGGHQ3LFWXUHV3OD\JURXQGLVGHYHORSHGE\+LJKOLJKWV86$ WRLPSURYHSHUFHSWLRQDQGWRHVWDEOLVKREMHFWFRQVLVWHQF\IRU FKLOGUHQ7KH SX]]OHV SURPRWH DWWHQWLRQ WR GHWDLOV LQFUHDVH ZRUGNQRZOHGJHDQGHQDEOHOHDUQLQJLQDFUHDWLYHZD\)XQ VWLFNHUV DUH LQFOXGHG WR HQFRXUDJH FKLOGUHQ¶V SDUWLFLSDWLRQ WKURXJK UHFRJQLWLRQ RI REMHFWV ,QWHUQDWLRQDOO\ DFFODLPHG SLFWXUHDFWLYLW\ERRNVHULHVOLFHQVHGE\)XWXUH$FH Specifications SDJHV)XOOFRORXU Sticker : White Back Mirror CoatIXOOFRORXU Book size : 210 x 280mm Carton packing : 6cps x 24pktsVLQJOHWLWOH Gross weight per carton : 21.5kg Carton size : 445 x 315 x 365mm M3 : 0.0371 +LGGHQ3LFWXUHV3OD\JURXQG )$( ISBN: 978-983-3578-59-7 +LGGHQ3LFWXUHV3OD\JURXQG )$( ISBN: 978-983-3578-60-3 42 Maths Workbooks www.futureace.com.my $VHULHVRI 0DWKV:RUNERRNVIRU\RXQJOHDUQHUV DJHV±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aths Workbooks www.futureace.com.my $ VHULHV RI 0DWKV :RUNERRNV IRU \RXQJ OHDUQHUVDJHV±6\VWHPDWLFDQGZHOOJUDGHG DFWLYLWLHVLQHDFKERRNZLOOSURYLGHDPSOHSUDFWLFH WRSUHSDUHWKHPIRUIRUPDOHGXFDWLRQLQDSULPDU\ VFKRRO 3UHVFKRRO0DWKV :RUNERRN9ROXPH )$( ,6%1 3UHVFKRRO0DWKV :RUNERRN9ROXPH )$( ,6%1 3UHVFKRRO0DWKV :RUNERRN9ROXPH )$( ,6%1 6SHFLILFDWLRQV SDJHV%ODFNDQG:KLWH %RRNVL]H[PP &DUWRQSDFNLQJFSV[SNWVVLQJOHWLWOH *URVVZHLJKWSHUFDUWRQNJ &DUWRQVL]H[[PP 0 0DWKV:RUNERRNIRU3ULPDU\ )$( ,6%1 44 English Workbooks www.futureace.com.my µ0\:RUOG,Q(QJOLVK¶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amination Books www.futureace.com.my Lamination Book is made of durable materials and specially designed for rough handling by preschoolers. The glossy colourful pictures accompanied by bold words make learning easier and more effective. The words are well-arranged in each book according to the different topics. ABC Capital Letters FA 0101 E ISBN: 981-05-6884-3 Things At Home FA 0102 E ISBN: 981-05-6898-3 Colours FA 0103 E ISBN: 981-05-6894-0 Things I Wear FA 0104 E ISBN: 981-05-6889-4 Things I Eat FA 0105 E ISBN: 981-05-6890-8 Wild Animals FA 0106 E ISBN: 981-05-6891-6 Transport FA 0107 E ISBN: 981-05-6897-5 Fruits & Vegetables FA 0108 E ISBN: 981-05-6888-6 abc Small Letters FA 0109 E ISBN: 978-981-05-6885-6 Numbers FA 0110 E ISBN: 978-981-05-6886-3 First Words FA 0111 E ISBN: 978-981-05-6887-0 Farm Animals FA 0112 E ISBN: 978-981-05-6892-4 Shapes FA 0113 E ISBN: 978-981-05-6893-1 Sea Animals FA 0115 E ISBN: 978-981-05-6896-2 Toys & Games FA 0116 E ISBN: 978-981-05-6899-3 Specifications SDJHV)XOOFRORXU Book size : 143 x 200mm Carton packing : 6cps x 40pkts (single title) Gross weight per carton : 7.9kg Carton size : 300 x 216 x 180mm M3 : 0.0113 Opposites FA 0114 E ISBN: 978-981-05-6895-5 46 Flash Cards www.futureace.com.my Brightly coloured with illustrations and photographs, flash cards are irresistible to inquisitive young hands. Basic concepts and information are taught using look-say method which enhance learning and recognition. ABC FA 1001 E ISBN: 983-3486-06-1 First Words FA 1002 E ISBN: 983-3486-07-X 123 FA 1003 E ISBN: 983-3486-08-8 Transport FA 1007 E ISBN: 983-3486-30-4 Sea Animals FA 1008 E ISBN: 983-3486-31-2 Animals FA 1009 E ISBN: 983-3486-32-0 Colours & Shapes FA 1013 E ISBN: 978-981-4230-17-9 Food & Clothes FA 1014 E ISBN: 978-981-4230-18-6 Fruits & Vegetables FA 1015 E ISBN: 978-981-4230-19-3 Simple Phonics FA 1016 E ISBN: 978-981-4230-20-9 Tools & Kitchen Utensils FA 1017 E ISBN: 978-981-4230-21-6 Vowel Sounds FA 1018 E ISBN: 978-981-4230-22-3 Specifications &DUGV)XOOFRORXU Card size : 180 x 130mm Box size : 215 x 162 x 30mm Carton packing : 48boxes (single title) Gross weight per carton : 14kg Carton size : 517 x 460 x 275mm M3 : 0.0654 My Body FA 1019 E ISBN: 978-967-0217-56-7 47 Flash Cards www.futureace.com.my Flash cards made of high quality paper, laminated on both sides with colourful and attractive illustrations to appeal to young learners. These ‘easy-to-use’ cards are designed to make reading fun. Addition & Subtraction FA 1101 E ISBN: 981-05-5913-5 Things Around Us FA 1102 E ISBN: 981-05-5914-3 Party plus Toys & Games FA 1103 E ISBN: 981-05-5915-1 Specifications FDUGV)XOOFRORXU Card size : 97 x 122mm Box size : 130 x 105 x 25mm At School plus Colours & Shapes FA 1104 E ISBN: 981-05-5916-X My House FA 1204 E ISBN: 978-981-4242-12-7 Animals A to Z FA 1105 E ISBN: 981-05-5917-8 Alphabet plus Numbers FA 1106 E ISBN: 981-05-5918-6 Carton packing : 90boxes (single title) Gross weight per carton : 28kg Carton size : 425 x 335 x 335mm M3 : 0.0477 Birds FA 1201 E ISBN: 978-981-4242-09-7 Colours of Animals FA 1202 E ISBN: 978-981-4242-10-3 My Body FA 1203 E ISBN: 978-981-4242-11-0 What Will I Be? FA 1206 E ISBN: 978-981-4242-14-1 By The Sea FA 1207 E ISBN: 978-981-4242-63-9 At The Circus FA 1208 E ISBN: 978-981-4242-64-6 Things In The Park FA 1205 E ISBN: 978-981-4242-13-4 Specifications FDUGV)XOOFRORXU Card size : 88 x 126mm Box size : 90 x 128 x 10mm Carton packing : 12decks x 24boxes Gross weight per carton : 26.4kg Carton size : 405 x 373 x 268mm M3 : 0.040 48 Mini Board Books www.futureace.com.my Board books are made from durable boards, laminated with strong binding and designed for tough handling by little hands. A great way for children to learn, recognize and name familiar objects. Designed for toddlers aged one through three, board books are gentle introduction to learning alphabets, numbers and first words. Transport FA 2028 E ISBN: 978-983-3578-27-6 Animals FA 2030 E ISBN: 978-983-3578-29-0 Colours FA 2031 E ISBN: 978-983-3578-30-6 Simple Words FA 2032 E ISBN: 978-983-3578-34-4 Shapes FA 2033 E ISBN: 978-983-3578-32-0 Specifications SDJHV)XOOFRORXU Book size : 95 x 95mm Carton packing : 6cps x 24pkts (single title) Gross weight per carton : I6kg Carton size : 405 x 307 x 186mm M3 : 0.0231 Capital Letters A-Z FA 2034 E ISBN: 978-983-3578-33-7 Alphabet FA 2035 E ISBN: 978-983-3578-31-3 Small Letters a-z FA 2036 E ISBN: 978-983-3578-35-1 ABC FA 2037 E ISBN: 978-983-3578-36-8 First Words FA 2038 E ISBN: 978-983-3578-37-5 123 FA 2039 E ISBN: 978-983-3578-38-2 Fun In Counting FA 2040 E ISBN: 978-983-3578-39-9 At Home FA 2041 E ISBN: 978-983-3578-40-5 Opposites FA 2042 E ISBN: 978-983-3578-41-2 Clothes FA 2043 E ISBN: 978-967-0217-22-2 Fruits FA 2044 E ISBN: 978-967-0217-23-9 Vegetables FA 2045 E ISBN: 978-967-0217-24-6 Favourite Food FA 2046 E ISBN: 978-967-0217-25-3 49 Board Books www.futureace.com.my This is an introductory series for children to learn about numbers, alphabets, common words and objects. The board books are made from durable board, laminated with strong binding for tough handling by little hands. Colourful pictures and objects contribute to the children’s fascination with learning. ABC Board Book FA 2109 E ISBN: 978-983-3578-46-7 I23 Board Book FA 2110 E ISBN: 978-983-3578-47-4 Fruits & Vegetables Board Book FA 2111 E ISBN: 978-983-3578-48-1 At Party Toys and Games Colours and Shapes Board Book FA 2112 E ISBN: 978-983-3578-49-8 Common Words Board Book FA 2113 E ISBN: 978-983-3578-50-4 A to Z Board Book FA 2114 E ISBN: 978-983-3578-51-1 Specifications SDJHV)XOOFRORXU Book size : II4 x 143mm Carton packing : 6cps x I6pkts (single title) Gross weight per carton : I4kg Carton size : 475 x 305 x 200mm M3 : 0.0290 50 Board Book Box Sets www.futureace.com.my This box set is a collection of 5 Mini Board Books with various titles. Our board books are made of durable material with bright and colourful pictures for the children’s learning pleasure. The books are packed in a neat box with a matching handle. The attractive box set would make a nice gift for special occasions. Board Book Box Set A FA 8904 ISBN: 978-983-3578-84-9 Board Book Box Set B FA 8905 ISBN: 978-983-3578-85-6 Specifications )XOOFRORXU Box size : 105 x 100 x 80mm Box Packing : 5 books in PP box Carton packing : 28 boxes Gross weight per carton : I2.5kg Carton size : 590 x 240 x 230mm M3 : 0.0326 51 www.futureace.com.my Jigsaw Puzzle Board Books This series of short stories with jigsaw puzzles is specially written for little children who are beginning to learn new English words. Teachers and parents may use them as reading materials to complement the key words learnt by the children. Children can also learn a moral lesson at the end of each story and have fun with the jigsaw puzzles. Benny Loves Honey FA 2601 E ISBN: 978-983-3578-42-9 The Generous Rabbit FA 2602 E ISBN: 978-983-3578-43-6 The Playful Monkey FA 2603 E ISBN: 978-983-3578-44-3 Specifications SDJHV)XOOFRORXU Book size : 155 x 185mm Carton packing : 6cps x 16pkts (single title) Gross weight per carton : 25kg Carton size : 390 x 330 x 415mm M3 : 0.0534 Swimming With Fiona FA 2604 E ISBN: 978-983-3578-45-0 52 Jigsaw Puzzle www.futureace.com.my These Jigsaw Puzzles are based on animal themes for children to improve their identification and recognition skills. The colourful designs and illustrations enable their kids to enjoy fixing the puzzles. There are words accompanying the pictures on the reverse for children to improve their vocabulary. Rainforest Creatures FA 2801 E Barcode: 9556233804065 Nature’s Bird Park FA 2802 E Barcode: 9556233804072 Animal Safari FA 2803 E Barcode: 9556233804089 Water World FA 2804 E Barcode: 9556233804096 Specifications SLHFHV)XOOFRORXU Size : 380 x 265mm Carton packing : 6cps x 12pkts (single title) Gross weight per carton : 20kg Carton size : 440 x 330 x 285mm M3 : 0.0414 Zoo FA 2851 E Barcode: 9556233810011 Beauty & The Beast FA 2852 E Barcode: 9556233810028 ABC FA 2853 E Barcode: 9556233810035 Marine World FA 2854 E Barcode: 9556233810042 Specifications SLHFHV)XOOFRORXU Jigsaw puzzle size : 330 x 220mm Box size : 215 x 165 x 30mm Carton packing : 48boxes (single title) Gross weight per carton : 9.5kg Carton size : 517 x 460 x 275mm M3 : 0.0654 53 Mega Board Books www.futureace.com.my These board books are made from durable materials and specially designed for tough handling by pre-schoolers aged between 3-4 years. Parents will find them useful in providing their young children a strong foundation in their vocabulary. The clear and colourful pictures will certainly leave a lasting impression on the young mind. Fun Time 100 Words FA 8102 E ISBN: 983-3578-01-2 My First 100 Pictures ABC FA 8101 E ISBN: 983-3578-00-4 Specifications SDJHV)XOOFRORXU Book size : 240 x 240mm Carton packing : 40cps (single title) Gross weight per carton : I9.5kg Carton size : 390 x 280 x 255mm M3 : 0.028 54 Flip & Learn www.futureace.com.my This ‘Flip and Learn’ series makes learning fun and exciting for little children who enjoy turning over the pages to identify the objects and words, and match them. By using them regularly, children can develop the necessary learning skills required for formal education. Colours & Shapes FA 2502 E ISBN: 978-981-4242-39-4 Numbers FA 2501 E ISBN: 978-981-4242-38-7 Puzzles FA 2504 E ISBN: 978-981-4242-41-7 Time FA 2503 E ISBN: 978-981-4242-40-0 Specifications SDJHV)XOOFRORXU Book size : 153 x 120mm Carton packing : 10cps x 8boxes (single title) Gross weight per carton : 20kg Carton size : 380 x 350 x 445mm M3 : 0.0591 55 Stencils Book www.futureace.com.my The Stencils Book is a novel way for students to be creative. Make your own greeting card, gift paper and enhance the cover of your project. The 5 magic stencils will help you to spice up the designs with exciting typeface and pictures. Fun With Stencils Book FA 2531 E ISBN: 978-983-3578-87-0 Specifications VKHHWV)XOOFRORXU 5pcs Stencil Book size : 235 x 235mm Carton packing : 40cps (single title) Gross weight per carton : 15kg Carton size : 535 x 255 x 235mm M3 : 0.0366 56 Nursery Rhymes www.futureace.com.my Nursery Rhymes FA 2701 E ISBN: 978-981-4242-75-2 Two compact books of 18 Nursery Rhymes that are tucked neatly in a box set. The board sheets are made of durable material with bright and colourful illustrations. Continuous f low of rhymes and pictures make reading fun and exciting. Easy for children to hold. Front Back Contents Three Blind Mice One, Two, Three, Four, Five Hickory, Dickory, Dock Polly, Put The Kettle On Rock A Bye Baby Itsy bitsy Spider Jack Be Nimble Row, Row, Row Your Boat Baa, Baa Black Sheep Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat Hot Cross Buns Jack And Jill Mary Had A Little Lamb Hey, Diddle, Diddle Humpty Dumpty Little Poll Parrot Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star Little Miss Muffet Specifications )XOOFRORXU Book size : 120 x 120mm Carton packing : 6cps x 14pkts Gross weight per carton : 11kg Carton size : 395 x 270 x 310mm M3 : 0.0331 57 www.futureace.com.my Die-cut Reading Books 4 lovable stories in each book of Fairy Tales, Animal Tales and Aesop’s Fables, now comes in an attractive shape that appeals to young readers. Tough and durable glossy cardboard pages, specially designed for rough handling. We Love Animal Tales (4 stories in 1 book) FA 2402 E ISBN: 978-981-4242-20-2 We Love Fairy Tales (4 stories in 1 book) FA 2401 E ISBN: 978-981-4242-19-6 Specifications SDJHV)XOOFRORXU Book size : 234 x 229mm Carton packing : 6cps x 6pkts (single title) Gross weight per carton : 13.2kg Carton size : 478 x 254 x 236mm M3 : 0.0286 We Love Aesop’s Fables (4 stories in 1 book) FA 2403 E ISBN: 978-981-4242-21-9 58 Reading Books www.futureace.com.my Introducing favourite classic stories retold in a simple, fun and entertaining manner. They are beautifully illustrated to bring alive the enchanting and magical tales. The large words and simple text are suitable for reading aloud thereby helping to develop children's reading skills. (16 Pages) Pinocchio FA 5001 E ISBN: 983-3486-39-8 Sleeping Beauty FA 5002 E ISBN: 983-3486-40-1 Beauty & The Beast FA 5003 E ISBN: 983-3486-41-X The Little Tin Soldier FA 5004 E ISBN: 983-3486-42-8 The Wild Swans FA 5005 E ISBN: 983-3486-43-6 Specifications Full colour Book size : 185 x 255mm Carton packing : 6cps x 40pkts (single title) Gross weight per carton : 22kg Carton size : 391 x 271 x 250mm M3 : 0.0265 Aladdin & The Magic Lamp FA 5006 E ISBN: 983-3486-44-4 Thumbelina FA 5007 E ISBN: 983-3486-45-2 (18 Pages) The Three Wishes FA 5028 E ISBN: 978-967-0217-04-8 The Musicians of Bremen FA 5029 E ISBN: 978-967-0217-06-2 Gulliver’s Travel FA 5008 E ISBN: 983-3486-46-0 King Midas & The Golden Touch FA 5025 E ISBN: 978-967-0217-01-7 The Princess and the Pea FA 5030 E ISBN: 978-967-0217-07-9 59 Rumpelstiltskin FA 5026 E ISBN: 978-967-0217-02-4 The Frog Prince FA 5031 E ISBN: 978-967-0217-08-6 The Gingerbread Man FA 5027 E ISBN: 978-967-0217-03-1 Rapunzel FA 5032 E ISBN: 978-967-0217-09-3 Reading Books www.futureace.com.my A series of 8 books with 2 stories each. Specially rewritten for the reading pleasure of the young readers. Easy-to-read words and colourful illustrations bring alive the characters in the stories. Each story endswith a moral lesson. The Ants and the Grasshoppers FA 5101 E The Thirsty Crow FA 5102 E ISBN: 981-4230-05-7 The Donkey and the Wolf FA 5103 E ISBN: 981-4230-06-5 Finding a Husband for Miss Mouse FA 5104 E The Fox and the Grapes FA 5105 E ISBN: 981-4230-08-1 ISBN: 981-4230-07-3 ISBN: 981-4230-04-9 Specifications SDJHV)XOOFRORXU Book size : 135 x 170mm Carton packing : 6cps x 48pkts (single title) Gross weight per carton : 10.2kg Carton size : 350 x 280 x 135mm The Village Mouse and the Town Mouse FA 5106 E ISBN: 981-4230-09-X The Bee and the Dove FA 5107 E ISBN: 981-4230-10-3 The Elephant and The Mouse The Fighting Cocks FA 5120 E FA 5121 E ISBN: 978-981-4230-96-4 ISBN: 978-981-4230-97-1 The Dog and His Reflection FA 5108 E ISBN: 981-4230-11-1 M3 : 0.0132 Three Little Kids FA 5117 E ISBN: 978-981-4230-93-3 The Three Billy Goats Gruff The Sly Fox and The Little Red Hen FA 5118 E ISBN: 978-981-4230-94-0 FA 5119 E ISBN: 978-981-4230-95-7 The Lion Was FA 5122 E ISBN: 978-981-4230-98-8 The Nightingale FA 5123 E ISBN: 978-981-4230-99-5 60 The Fox and The Goat FA 5124 E ISBN: 978-981-4242-00-4 Reading Books www.futureace.com.my These everlasting stories with modern illustrations are carefully selected for the children’s reading pleasure. The tales remain vibrant and relevant for young readers today. The stories end with morals to promote good values. A Bull Teaches Humility FA 5201 E ISBN: 978-983-3578-55-9 Kindness From A Great Ape FA 5202 E ISBN: 978-983-3578-56-6 Wisdom From A Feathered Friend FA 5203 E ISBN: 978-983-3578-57-3 The Woodpecker & The Lion FA 5204 E ISBN: 978-983-3578-58-0 Specifications SDJHV)XOOFRORXU Book size : 190 x 190mm Carton packing : 6cps x 32pkts (single title) Gross weight per carton : 11kg Carton size : 400 x 210 x 195mm M3 : 0.0164 These stories are specially written for the children’s enjoyment. Colourful and exciting illustrations are included to enhance the visual depiction of the stories. The two stories in a perfectly bound book offer great value to the reader. A glossary page is added after each story to increase the reader’s vocabulary. Specifications SDJHV)XOOFRORXU Book size : 190 x 190mm Carton packing : 6cps x 16pkts (single title) Gross weight per carton : 13kg Carton size : 400 x 210 x 220mm M3 : 0.0185 2 in 1 Story Book +RZ7KH7LJHU*RW,WV6WULSHV" :K\'RHV7KH7LJHU6WDJ )HDU(DFK2WKHU" FA 5401 E ISBN: 978-983-3578-71-9 62 2 in 1 Story Book 7KH8QXVXDOO\7LQ\%HHWOH %LOO\¶V7DLO FA 5402 E ISBN: 978-983-3578-80-1 Reading Books www.futureace.com.my 7KLV VHULHV RI ,QWHUDFWLYH 5HDGLQJ %RRNV RIIHUV D QHZ GLPHQVLRQ WR 3LFWXUH %RRNV 7KHUH DUH H[FLWLQJ VWRULHV LQ D VLQJOH ERRN ZLWK SHUIHFW ELQGLQJ IRU WKH FKLOGUHQ¶V HDV\ KDQGOLQJ ,OOXVWUDWLRQV ZLWK DFWLYLWLHV VXFK DV -RLQ WKH 'RWV RU 7UDFH WKH 0D]H DUH LQFOXGHG WR HQJDJH WKH FKLOGUHQ 6WLFNHUV DUH SURYLGHG IRU WKH UHDGHU WR LQWHUDFWZLWKWKHVWRULHV$JORVVDU\SDJHZLWKQHZ ZRUGV LV DGGHG WRQ LPSURYH WKH UHDGHU¶V YRFDEXODU\ 7KHUH DUH TXHVWLRQV DQG DQVZHUV WR GHWHUPLQH WKH UHDGHU¶V FRPSUHKHQVLRQ VNLOOV 2YHUDOOUHDGLQJEHFRPHVIXQDQGLQWHUDFWLYHZLWK WKLVQHZVHULHVRI3LFWXUH%RRNV 6SHFLILFDWLRQV SDJHV)XOOFRORXU 6WLFNHU:KLWH%DFN0LUURU&RDW (full colour) %RRNVL]H[PP &DUWRQSDFNLQJFSV[SNWV (single title) *URVVZHLJKWSHUFDUWRQNJ &DUWRQVL]H[[PP 0 Interactive Reading Book (1 Book 2 Stories) -HUU\7KH:HVW:LQG 7KH.LQJ2I)LVK )$( ,6%1 Interactive Reading Book (1 Book 2 Stories) 7KH*UHHG\:RRGFXWWHU $QQLH7KH2JUH )$( ,6%1 7KHVHFROOHFWLRQRI)DLU\7DOHVDQG)DEOHVDUHVWRULHVWKDWKDYHZLWKVWRRGWKHWHVWRIWLPH &RORXUIXO LOOXVWUDWLRQV PDNH WKH ZRUGV FRPH DOLYH &KLOGUHQ ZLOO HQMR\ WKH PXOWLSOH H[FLWLQJ VWRULHVLQHDFKERRN 6SHFLILFDWLRQV SDJHV)XOOFRORXU %RRNVL]H[PP 7UHDVXU\2I)DLU\7DOHV )$( ,6%1 &DUWRQSDFNLQJFSV (single title) *URVVZHLJKWSHUFDUWRQNJ &DUWRQVL]H[[PP 0 63 &ODVVLF)DLU\7DOHV )$( ,6%1 7LPHOHVV0RUDOV$HVRS¶V)DEOHV )$( ,6%1 Reading Books www.futureace.com.my Hard Cover This interesting collection of short stories has been written for children to read aloud. Colourful illustrations with interesting facts and humorous stories for children to learn about numbers, colours and animals. Colourful Numbers FA 8001 E ISBN: 983-3486-92-4 My Zoo Family FA 8002 E ISBN: 983-3486-93-2 Sounds I Make FA 8003 E ISBN: 983-3486-94-0 The Jungle Race Who Is The Fastest? FA 8004 E ISBN: 983-3486-95-9 Specifications SDJHV)XOOFRORXU Book size : 180 x 175mm Carton packing : 6cps x 24pkts (single title) Gross weight per carton : 25kg Carton size : 375 x 370 x 300mm M3 : 0.042 64 www.futureace.com.my Hard Cover Reading Books Introducing favourite classic stories retold in a simple, fun and entertaining manner. They are beautifully illustrated to bring alive the enchanting and magical tales. The large words and simple text are perfect for reading aloud thereby helping to develop children's confidence and reading skills. Twinkle Twinkle Fairy Tales Book 1 FA 8201 E ISBN: 981-05-6486-4 Twinkle Twinkle Fairy Tales Book 3 FA 8203 E ISBN: 981-05-6488-0 Twinkle Twinkle Fairy Tales Book 2 FA 8202 E ISBN: 981-05-6487-2 Twinkle Twinkle Fairy Tales Book 4 FA 8204 E ISBN: 981-05-6489-9 Specifications SDJHV)XOOFRORXU Book size : 135 x 170mm Carton packing : 6cps x 24pkts (single title) Gross weight per carton : 20kg Carton size : 365 x 295 x 305mm M3 : 0.0328 Timeless Morals Aesop’s Fables Book 1 FA 8205 E ISBN: 981-4230-00-6 Timeless Morals Aesop’s Fables Book 3 FA 8207 E ISBN: 981-4230-02-2 Timeless Morals Aesop’s Fables Book 2 FA 8206 E ISBN: 981-4230-01-4 65 Timeless Morals Aesop’s Fables Book 4 FA 8208 E ISBN: 981-4230-03-0 Picture Dictionary www.futureace.com.my This series of books is filled with bright pictures and words to improve the children’s vocabulary. There are various subjects in each book for the children to learn new words with visual recognition of the pictures. Basic Learning Picture Book 1 FA 9303 E ISBN: 978-981-4242-03-5 Basic Learning Picture Book 2 FA 9304 E ISBN: 978-981-4242-04-2 Specifications SDJHV)XOOFRORXU Book size : 149 x 210mm Carton packing : 60cps (single title) Gross weight per carton : 14kg Carton size : 315 x 220 x 280mm M3 : 0.0194 Made to order series My Junior Dictionary FA 9308 E ISBN: 978-981-4242-08-0 66 Picture Dictionary www.futureace.com.my These hard cover books of durable high quality paper contain clear and colourful illustrations. The picture dictionary alphabetically to help increase a child’s vocabulary. The counting book comprises numbers in swquence and some basic counting activities to make learning fun and exciting. Specifications SDJHV)XOOFRORXU Book size : 225 x 300mm Carton packing : 40cps (single title) Gross weight per carton : 15kg Carton size : 475 x 320 x 175mm M3 : 0.0266 My First Future Ace Picture Dictionary FA 8301 E ISBN: 981-05-6490-2 My First Future Ace Counting Book FA 8302 E ISBN: 981-05-6491-0 This Picture Dictionary is a useful handbook for teachers, parents and young learners. Teachers and parents may use it as a teaching aid to introduce new words to the young ones. Each colourful illustration gives meaning to the new word accompanied by its Malay (with Suku Kata) and Chinese (with Hanyu Pinyin) equivalents. It helps children to recognize and remember new words that they can associate with the illustrations. Picture Dictionary FA 9301 E ISBN: 978-981-4230-51-3 Specifications SDJHV)XOOFRORXU Book size : 149 x 210mm Carton packing : 60cps (single title) Gross weight per carton : 14kg Carton size : 320 x 230 x 245mm M3 : 0.0180 67 Display Stands www.futureace.com.my Book Stand Product Code: FABS 002 Book Stand Product Code: FABS 001 Board Book Stand Product Code: FABS 003 H160cm H163cm L46cm H152cm L60cm m W123c L52cm cm W61 W60cm Wallchart Stand Product Code: FAWS 001 Wallchart Stand Product Code: FAWS 003 Mini Wallchart Stand Product Code: FAWS 002 H163cm H66cm H162cm L18cm W51cm L52cm cm W61 W 53c m Product Code FABS 001 Description Book Stand Actual Size W123 x H160 x L46cm Carton Size W14 x H121 x L104cm W11 x H147 x L55cm 1 Set } M3 0.17620 0.0889 1 Set } FABS 002 Book Stand W61 x H163 x L52cm W53 x H160 x L64cm 0.5427 FABS 003 Board Book Stand W60 x H152 x L60cm W46 x H127 x L46cm 0.268 FAWS 001 Wallchart Stand W61 x H163 x L52cm W53 x H160 x L64cm 0.5427 FAWS 002 Mini Wallchart Stand W51 x H66 x L18cm W53 x H68 x L20cm 0.7208 FAWS 003 Wallchart Stand W53 x H162 x L39cm W55 x H164 x L41cm 0.3698 68 L39cm International Enquiries CHEE WAH CORPORATION BERHAD 6428, Lorong Mak Mandin Tiga, Mak Mandin Industrial Estate, 13400 Butterworth, Penang, Malaysia. Tel: 604-332 9299 Fax: 604-333 2299 E-mail: [email protected] Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei Enquiries CAMPAP MARKETING SDN BHD 61-2 & 62-2, Block E, Zenith Corporate Park, 1, Jalan SS7/26, Kelana Jaya, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia. Tel: 603-7887 0587 Fax: 603-7887 0187 / 0287 E-mail: [email protected] www.campap.com www.facebook.com/campap Printed in Malaysia