ORNL-1845: 1955-09 (19.9 MB PDF)
ORNL-1845: 1955-09 (19.9 MB PDF)
.HOME .j ,- HELP ORNL-1845(Del0) REACTORS -POWER OPERATION OF THE AIRCRAFT REACTOR EXPERIMENT MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS LIBRARIES BY W. B. Cottrell H. E. Hungerford J. K. Leslie J. L. Meew ! 3 4456 0349822 1 September 6, 1955 Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee UNITED STATES ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION Technical Information Service Date Declassified: February 1 2 , 1959. Consolidation of this material into compact form to permit economical, direct reproduction has resulted in multiple folios for some pages, e.g., 10-12, 27-29, etc. E LEGAL N O T I C E This report was prepared a s an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, “person acting on behalf of the Commission” includes any employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor, to the extent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any information pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission, or his employment with such contractor. 1. This report has been reproduced directly from the best available copy. f L Bt Printed in USA. Price $3.50. Available from the Office of Technical Services, Department of Commerce, Washington 25, D. C. t b I AEC Technical Information Service Extension Oak Ndge. Tennessee f & i f ORNL-l845(DeI.) OPERATION OF THE AIRCRAFT REACTOR EXPERIMENT BY W. B. Cottrell H. E. Hungerford J. K. Leslie J. L. Meem September 6, 1955 Work performed under Contract No. W-7405-Eng-26 Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee E MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS LIBRARIES d 3 445b 0349822 L ... III i ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The experiment described herein was performed by the ARE Operations Group under i P the immediate supervision of other groups i n the E. S. Bettis and J. L. Meem, with frequent support from ANP Project. In particular, carrier and concentrate loading operation, W. R. Grimes and his crew effected the as w e l l as the fluoride sampling; C. P. Coughlen and his crew effected the sodium loading and sampling; a group from the Analytical Chemistry Division, under the supervision of J. C. White, performed a l l analyses of fluoride and sodium samples; and E. B. Johnson obtained a reactor power calibration from analysis of a fuel sample. Craft foremen B. H. Webster and J. C. Packard are both t o be commended for the excellent craftsmanship i n the construction and maintenance of the system,which made the operation of the system such a success; and a l l who were in the building during the operation are appreciative o f the concern o f the Health Physics Group under R. L. Clark. The bulk of t h i s report was prepared by the authors, but considerable assistance was received from W. K. Ergen i n the analysis of the nuclear data. The work of numerous others i s referred to i n the various analyses which are presented i n the text and i n the appendixes. Cromer, and In addition, the constructive criticism of W. H. Jordan, S. J. E. S. Bettis, each of whom reviewed t h i s report, i s gratefully acknowledged. I FOREWORD The operation of the Aircraft Reactor Experiment endeavor at tf (ARE) culminated four years of ORNL i n the f i e l d of nuclear propulsion of aircraft. The f i n a l success of the experiment i s a tribute t o the efforts of the 300-odd technical and s c i e n t i f i c personnel who constitute the ANP Project at ORNL, as well as those others who were less prominently engaged i n t h e fabrication, assembly, and installation of the experiment. Dr. The project was capably directed toward t h i s goal during i t s formative years by R. C. Briant (now deceased), and subsequently by W. H. Jordan and S. J. Cromer, currently Director and Co-Director, respectively. This i s the second i n a series of three reports which summarize the and is concerned primarily w i t h the nuclear operation of the reactor. ARE experience The experiment i s described, and the data obtained during the time from the start of the c r i t i c a l experii ment u n t i l the reactor was shut down for the last time are analyzed. .j presented i n essentially chronological order, and frequent reference i s made t o appended -1 material which includes important detailed data and information that may not be of general interest. 1 i i The material i s b 4 i i CONT EN TS SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................................................... .......................... -4 2. DESCRlPTlON OF T d ...................... .................................. i I d Fuel System .............. Sodium System .......... i J a . ....................................................................... ................................ Off-Gas System ....... .................... ........................... 10 10 14 Fuel Enrichment Sys ............................ .................................. Final Preparations i .............................. Enrichment Procedure ..................................... Early Stages of the Experiment ........... ............................ .......................... ...................................... ............... .......................... Subcr i t i c a l Mea sur Approach to C r i t i c Calibration of the Shim Rods ............ Measurement of th 5. LOW-POWER EXPERIMENTS .... ......................................... .................................... ................. ................................... ............................... Radiation Surveys ....................................... .......................................... ...................................... .................... ................................ .................................. ..................... Calibration of Shiv Rods vs Regulating Rod ...................................... .................................... ...................................... Effect of Fuel Flow on Reactivity ........................................ ............................................. Low-Power Measurement of the Temperature Coefficient ................................................ Adjustrrent of Chamber Position ............ ........................................ 6. HIGH-POWER EXPERIMENTS ................................... .................... ....................... ............................... ............................................... .......................................... ................. ............................................ Fuel and reactor temperature coefficients .......... Sod iurn temperature coefficient ............ Measurement of the Xenon Poisoning ........ 3 1 f Power Determination from Heat Extraction . - ............................. ................................ .................................................. ................................. ................................... .................................... ...................................... Power c y c l i n g of reactor .................................................................................................................... 23 23 23 30 35 31 36 40 40 40 43 48 49 52 54 55 57 58 58 61 62 i j I I D i Reactor transients .................................................................................................................................. Calculated power change resulting from a regulating rod movement ................................................ Reactor temperature differential as a function of helium blower speed ............................................ The phenomenon of the t i m e lag ............................................................................................................ Reactivity effects of transients in the sodium system ...................................................................... . . Reactivity following a s c r a m . ................................................................................................................ .. . . . . . .. . . . . Final Operation and Shutdown ................................................................. , I ,, ,, , ,,, , ,, ,, , ,, , , , , , , , ,,, ,,, , , 87 90 90 91 92 93 95 7. RECOMMENDAT IONS ....................................................................................................................... APPENDIXES t L B. SUMMARY OF DESIGN AND OPERATIONAL DATA .......................................................................... . . Description ............................................................................................................................................... Materials ............................................................................................. . . . . .. . . . Reactor Physics .......................................................................................................................................... Shielding ........................................................................................................................................... Reactor Control ........................................................................................................................................... System Operating Conditions .................................................................................................................... Miscellaneous .............................................................................................................................................. , ,, , ,, , , , ,, , ,, ,, , ,,, , , , , ,, ,, , , , , , , , , , , , , , . 107 107 111 114 115 116 120 123 C. CONTROL SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION ...................................................................... Control System Design ................................................................................................................................ . . Instruments Description ............................................................................................................................. Controls Description ...................................................................... ....................................................... Console and Control Board Description ................................................................................................. Control Operations ................................................................................................ ............................. Reactor Operation ........................................................................................................................................ 125 125 125 126 129 130 135 D. NUCLEAR OPERATING PROCEDURES .............................................................................................. Addition of Fuel Concentrate .................................................................................................................... .. Subcritical Experiments .............................................................................................................................. . . In i t i a I Cr .it i ca I it y ..................................................................................................................................... Rod Calibration v s Fuel Addition .......................................................................................................... Low-Power Experiments ........................................................................................................................... Approach to Power ................................................................................................................................... Experiments a t Power ............................................................................................................................... 144 144 145 147 147 147 150 152 E. MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS OF APPROACH TO CRITICALITY ...................................................... 156 F. COLD, C L E A N CRITICAL MASS .................................................................................... 158 G. FLUX AND POWER DISTRIBUTIONS .................................................................................................... Neutron Flux Distributions ...................................................................................................................... Fission-Neutron Flux Distributions .................................................................................................... Power Distribution .................................................................................................................................. 160 160 161 162 H. POWER DETERMINATION FROM FUEL ACTIVATION Theory ....................................................................................................................................................... Experimental Procedure .............................................................................................................................. 165 165 166 INHOUR FORMULA FOR A CIRCULATING-FUEL REACTOR WITH SLUG FLOW 168 I. Viii ...................................................................... ........................ L I t b L I 1 J. CALIBRATION OF THE SHIM RODS .................................................................. 172 172 174 177 K. CORRELATION OF REACTOR AND LINE TEMPERATURES ...................................................... 180 L. POWER DETERMINATION FROM HEAT EXTRACTION .... 184 ............... Calibration from Critical Experiment Data ...................................... .................................. ...................................................... Calibration Against the Regulating Rod ............................ .......................................................................... Calibration by Using the Fission Chambers ...... 3 i .................................................... 4 4 . J 1 i d a 4 i 4 4 M. THERMODYNAMIC ANALYSES ........................................................ .................................... Insulation Losses, Heater Power Input, and Space Cooler Performance ................................ Experimental Values of Heat Transfer Coefficients .............................................. .............. 188 188 188 N. COMPARISON OF REACTOR POWER DETERMINATIONS .................................. 190 0. ANALYSIS OF TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT MEASUREMENTS .................................................. .............................................................. Importance of the Fuel Temperature Coefficient Effect of Geometry in the ARE ............................................................ ........................ Time Lag Considerations ............................................................ ......................................... Subcritical Measurement of Temperature Coefficient ................................................................. Low-Power Measurements of Temperature Coefficie High-Power Measurements of Temperature Coefficients of Reactivity ...................... 192 192 192 193 193 197 199 P. THEORETICAL XENON POISONING .... 200 .................................................................... Q. OPERATIONAL DIFFICULTIES ...... ................................................................. Enrichment System .......................................................... ............................................................... Process Instrumentation . ........................... Nuclear Instrumentation a Annunciators ................................ .................................................................. .................................................. Heaters and Heater Controls ................................................ System Components .......... Leaks ................................. ......................... 202 202 204 205 205 205 205 206 R. INTEGRATED POWER .._ Extracted Power _ . .................................................... Nuclear Power .............................. ................................................................ .......................... 208 208 210 INTERPRETATION OF OBSERVED REACTOR PERIODS DURING TRANSIENTS ........................ 212 S. I i T. NUCLEARLOG .......................... .................................................................... U. THE ARE BUILDING ...... ............................................... BIBLIOGRAPHY .................... ........................................... .... 213 ............................................... 232 ........................................................ 235 IX J OPERATION OF THE AIRCRAFT REACTOR EXPERIMENT SUMMARY 1 < 4 I The Aircraft Reactor Experiment (ARE) was operated successfully and without untoward d i f f i c u l t y i n November 1954. The following statements summarize the notable information obtained from the experi ment. 1. The reactor became c r i t i c a l with a mass of 32.8 Ib o f UZ3’, which gave a concentration of 23.9 Ib o f UZ3’ per cubic foot o f fluoride fuel. For operation a t power, the U235 content of the fuel mixture was increased t o 26.0 Ib/ft3, and thus the final composition of the fuel mixture was 53.09 mole % NaF, 40.73 mole % ZrF,, and 6.18 mole 5% UF,. 4 1 2. The maximum power level for sustained operation wos 2.5 Mw, with a temperature gradient of 355OF; the maximum fuel temperature a t this level was 158OOF. Temperatures as high as 162OOF were recorded during transients. 3. From the time the reactor f i r s t went c r i t i c a l until the final shutdown, 221 hr hod elapsed, and for the final 74 hr the power was i n the megawatt range (0.1 to 2.5 Mw). The total integrated power was about 96 Mw-hr. 4. While a t power the reactor exhibited excellent stability and it was easily controlled because of i t s high negative temperature coefficient of reactivity, which made the reactor a slave to the load placed upon it. The fuel temperature coefficient was -9.8 x lo-’ ( A k / k ) / O F , and the overa l l coefficient for the reactor was 4.1x lo-’. 5. Practically a l l the gaseous fission products and probably some of the other volatile fission products were removed from the circulating fuel. I n a 25-hr run a t 2.12 Mw the upper l i m i t of the reactor poisoning due t o xenon was 0.01% A k / k . No more than 5% o f the xenon stayed i n the molten fluoride fuel. 6. The total time o f operation a t high temperature (1000 to 16OOOF) for the sodium circuit was 635 hr, und, for the fluoride fuel system, 462 hr. During most o f the operating period the sodium was circulated at 150 gpm and the fuel at 46 gpm. 7. The fabricability and compatibility of the materials system, i.e., fluoride fuel, sodium coolant, and lnconel structure, were demonstrated, a t least for the operating times, temperatures, and flux levels present. 8. All components and, with few exceptions, a l l instrumentation performed according t o design specifications. The performance of the pumps was particularly gratifying, and the low incidence of instrumentation failure was remarkable i n view o f the quantity and complexity of the instruments used. 1 4 i J 1 1. INTRODUCTION T h e Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion (ANP) project a t the Oak Ridge National Laboratory was formed in the f a l l of 1949, a t the request o f the Atomic Energy Commission, t o provide technical support t o existing A i r Force endeavors in the field. The effort gradually expanded and, following the recommendation of the Technical Advisory Board ORNL i n the summer of 1950, was directed toward the construction and operation o f an aircraft reactor A complete description o f the ARE experiment. fa1Is naturally into three categories that correspond to the three phases of the project: (1) design and installation, (2) operation, and (3) postoperative examination. Each of these phases i s covered by a separate report, ORNL- 1844, ORNL-1845, and ORNL- 1868, respectively. Much detailed information pertaining t o the selection of the reactor type and t o the design, construction, and prenuclear operation o f the reactor experiment w i l l be A s the t i t l e of t h i s presented in ORNL-1844. report (ORNL- 1845) indicates it i s concerned primarily with the operation of the experiment, and only insofar as they are necessary or useful t o the understanding or evaluation of the nuclear operation are design and preliminary operational data included herein. The third report (ORNL-1868) w i l l describe the aftermath o f the experiment, with particular reference to corrosion, radiation effects, effects that cannot be and the decay of activity evaluated at t h i s time because of the high level 04 the radioactivity of the equipment. - The specific operating obiectives were to attain a fuel temperature o f 15OO0F, with a 3500F temperature r i s e across the reactor, and to operate the system for approximately 100 Mw-hr. Other objectives o f the experiment were t o obtain as much experimental dota as possible on the reactor operational characteristics. The, extent t o which each of these objectives was f u l f i l l e d i s described herein, anda measure of the success of the program i s thus provided. Although it was i n i t i a l l y planned t o use a 2 sodium-cooled, sol id-fuel-element reactor, the reactor design evolved f i r s t to that o f a sodiumcoo I ed, stati onary-l i qui d-fuel reactor and, finally, to that of a circulating-fuel reactor employing sodium as a reflector coolant. These evolutionary processes l e f t their mark on the experiment, particularly i n that the reactor had t o incorporate a moderator geometry that was originally specified and ordered for the sodium-cooled reactor. The adaptation o f t h i s moderator geometry to the circulating-fuel reactor resulted i n a reactor in which the fuel stream was divided into s i x parallel circuits, each of which made numerous passes through the core. These fuel passages were not a condition which caused considerable drainable concern throughout the course o f the experiment. Although it i s not the purpose o f t h i s report t o give a detailed history of the design, construction, or preliminary testing of the reactor system, the final design and pertinent prenuclear operation are briefly described. The bulk of the report concerns the operation of the experiment from t h e time uranium was added to the fuel system on October 30 u n t i l the evening o f November 12, when the reactor In addition to was shut down for the l a s t time. the description of the various experiments and analyses of t h e data which are presented in the body o f the report, the entire nuclear operation, as recorded i n the “Nuclear Log,” i s given i n Appendix T. The report also includes a number of recommendations based on the operating experience, and much detailed supporting data and information not appropriate for inclusion i n the body of the report are given in the other appendixes. The various experiments that were performed - 1 i - E Li k L b k L e L L t on the ARE were designated as E, L, or H series, depending upon whether they occurred during the c r i t i c a l experiment, low-power operation, or highpower operation, respectively. experiments, as listed below, t h i s report. Each o f these i s discussed i n 1 e . . ’ I h i f 3 1 Experiment T y p e of Experimenf Series No. i 1 E-1 C r i t i c a l experiment E- 2 Subcritical measurement of reactor temperature c o e f f i c i e n t L- 1 Power determination a t L-2 Regulating r o d c a l i b r a t i o n v s f u e l a d d i t i o n L-3 F u e l system c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s L-4 Power determination a t L-5 R e g u l a t i n g rod c a l i b r a t i o n v s reactor period L-6 C a l i b r a t i o n of shim r o d vs r e g u l a t i n g rod L-7 E f f e c t of f u e l f l o w on r e a c t i v i t y L-8 Low-power measurement of reactor temperature c o e f f i c i e n t L-9 Adjustment of chamber p o s i t i o n H- 1 Approach t o power: H-2 T e s t o f off-gas system H-3 Approach t o power: H-4 High-power measurement of t h e f u e l temperature c o e f f i c i e n t H-5 High-power measurement of t h e reoctor temperature c o e f f i c i e n t H-6 Reactor startup an temperature c o e f f i c i e n t i H-7 Sodium temperature c o e f f i c i e n t 1 H-8 E f f e c t of a d o l l a r of r e a c t i v i t y H-9 High-power measurement of reactor temperature c o e f f i c i e n t H- IO Moderator temperature c o e f f i c i e n t H-11 Xenon run at full power H- 12 R e a c t i v i t y e f f e c t s of sodium f l o w H-13 Xenon b u i l d u p a t one-tenth f u l l power H- 14 Operation at maximum power i * i c d 1 < 4 1w 10 (nominal) w (nominal) IO-kw run 100-kw t o 1-Mw r u n s 3 r L 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE REACTOR EXPERIMENT The ARE consisted of the circulating-fuel reactor and the associated pumps, heat transfer equipment, controls, and instrumentatiorr required for i t s safe operation. A schematic arrangement of The the reactor system i s shown i n Fig. 2.1. major functional parts of the system are discussed briefly below. The physical plant i s described in Appendix U. A detailed description of the reactor and the associated system may be found i n the design and installation report.' A summary of the design and operational data, including a detailed flow sheet of the experiment, i s given i n Appendix B. REACTOR The reactor assembly consisted of a 2-in.-thick lnconel pressure shell i n which beryllium oxide moderator and reflector blocks were stacked around fuel tubes, reflector cooling tubes, and control assemblies. Elevation and plan sections of the The reactor are shown i n Figs. 2.2 and 2.3. innermost region of the l a t t i c e assembly was the core, which was a cylinder approximately 3 ft i n diameter and 3 ft long. The beryllium oxide was machined into small hexagonal blocks which were s p l i t axially and stacked to effect the cylindrical core and reflector. Each beryllium oxide block i n the core had a 1.25-in. hole d r i l l e d a x i a l l y through 'Design and Installafion of the Aircraft Rearfor E x periment, ORNL-1844 (to be issued). i t s center for the passage of the fuel tubes. The outer 7.5 in. of beryllium oxide served a s the reflector and was located between the pressure shell and the cylindrical surface of the core. The reflector consisted of hexagonal beryllium oxide blocks, similar t o the moderator blocks, but w i t h 0.5- in. ho I es. The fuel stream was divided into s i x p a r a l l e l circuits at the i n l e t fuel header, which was located above the top of the core and outside the pressure shell. These c i r c u i t s each made 11 series p a s s i x through the core, starting close to the core axis, and progressing in serpentine fashion to the periphery of the core, and f i n a l l y leaving the core through the bottom of the reactor. T h e s i x c i r c u i t s were connected t o the outlet header. Each tube was of 1.235-in.-OD seamless lnconel tubing w i t h a 60-mil wall. The combination o f p a r a l l e l md series fuel passes through the core was largely the result of the need for assuring turbulent flow i n a system i n which the f l u i d properties and tube dimensions were fixed. The reflector coolant, i.e., sodium, was admitted into the pressure shell through the bottom. The sodium then passed up through the reflector tubes, bathed the inside walls of the pressure shell, f i l l e d the moderotor interstices, and l e f t from the plenum chamber at the top of t h e pressure shell. The sodium, i n addition to cooling the reflector and pressure shell, acted as a heat transfer medium DWG 14562b HELIUM BLOWER Fig, 4 2.1. Schematic Diagram of the Aircraft Reactor Experiment. t L B t. i i h i k b h i i i *. I J i in the core by which moderator heat was readily transmitted t o the fuel stream. FUEL SYSTEM 1 The fuel was a mixture o f the fluorides o f sodium and zirconium, with sufficient uranium fluoride added t o make the reactor c r i t i c a l . While the fuel ultimately employed for the experiment was the NaF-ZrF,-UF, mixture with a composition o f 53.09-40.73-6.18 mole %, respectively, most preliminary experimental work (i.e., pump tests, corrosion tests) employed a fuel containing someT h e fuel was circulated around what more UF,. a closed loop from the pump t o the reactor, t o the heat exchanger, and back t o the pump. An isometric drawing of the fuel system i s given in Fig. 2.4. The fuel pump was a centrifugal pump w i t h a vertical shaft and a gas seal, as shown in Fig. 2.5. i 1 t 1 t t t DWG 16336 i 1 1 i REF c 3 0 I 4 J 1 W li m o l' 10 i i 1 Fig. 2.2. The Reactor (Elevation Section). 5 I c DWG. 45647 t ! b k t a Fig. 2.3. m e Reactor (Plan Section). The fuel expansion volume around the impeller cavity provided the only liquid-to-gas interface i n the fuel system. While speeds up t o 2000 rpm could be attained with the 15-hp d-c pump motor, the desired fuel flow of 46 gpm was attained at Although only one pump a speed of 1080 rpm. was used i n the experiment, a spare fuel pump, isolated from the operating pump and i n parallel with it, was provided. From the pump the fuel flowed to the reactor, where i t was heated, then t o two parallel fuel-tohelium heat exchangers, and back to the pump. The cycle time was about 47 sec at f u l l flow, of 6 which approximately 8 sec was the time required for the fuel to pass through the core. The two fuel-to-helium heat exchangers were each coupled to a helium-to-water heat exchanger. The heat extracted from the fuel was transferred via the the ultimate helium to water, and the water was discharged. The helium flow rate heat sink i n the fuel-to-helium heat exchanger loop was control led through a magnetic clutch that coupled the blower to a 50-hp motor. Control of the helium flow rate i n t h i s manner permitted smooth control at any reactor power at which the heat generation was great enough for the temperature coefficient to be the controlling factor. - I - b . + E L t I i , i ORNL-LR-DWG 6218 DRIVE SHEAVE UPPER SEAL OIL RETAINER OIL BLEED NIPPLE PER SEAL LEAKAGE DRAIN) -- CLAMP RING BEARING HOUSING TOP SHAFT SEAL A SEAL FACE RING INLET -OIL H BREATHER AND T GLASS GAS EQUALIZER INTERNAL SHAFT COOLING LUBE OIL GUIDE TUBE - ~- FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM NOZZLE SEAL FACE RIN OIL OVERFLOW RESISTANCE HEATER CONNECTION OIL DRAIN HEADER CONNECTION THERMOCOUPLE GLAN 3/8-16 NC HEX HD P SCREW 1-1" LONG STILLING WELL I t 'BAFFLE PLATE %D -P I DISCHARGE GRAVITY Fig. 2.5. AS shown i n Fig. 2.4, the fuel system was connected w i t h two f i l l tanks (only one o f which was used) and one dump tank which had provisions for removing the afterheat from the fuel. The relatively high melting point o f the circulating fuel (about 1000°F for the NaF-ZrF,-UF, required that a l l fuel containing 6.18% UF,) equipment within which it was circulated be heated sufficiently t o permit loading, unloading, and low-power operation. T h i s heating was accomplished by means of electrical heaters attached t o a l l components o f the fuel and sodium systems; i.e., pressure shell, heat exchanger, pumps, and tanks, as well as a l l fuel and sodium piping. a t ., INLET LEG Fuel Pump. In addition t o the heaters and insulation, a l l fuel and sodium piping was surrounded by a 1- t o 1 '/,-in. annulus (inside the heaters) through which helium was circulated. T h e helium circulated through the annuli was monitored a t various stations around the system for evidence o f leaks and was, in addition, a safety factor in that i t could be expected t o keep hot any spots at which heater failures occurred. SODIUM S Y S T E M The sodium circuit external t o the reactor, shown in Fig. 2.6, was similar t o that of the fuel. The sodium flowed from pump t o reactor, t o heat 0 Y I c t exchanger, t o pump. The sodium pumps were gas-sealed centrifugal pumps o f the same design as the fuel pump, except that a smaller expansion volume was provided. Again, there were two sodium pumps, one o f which was a spare i n parallel with the operating pump. The sodium was circulated through the two parallel sodium-to-helium heat exchangers after being heated in the reactor. Again the heat was transferred v i a the helium t o water i n two heliumto-water heat exchangers. The sodium system was equipped with heaters, as was the fuel system, and a l l piping was surrounded with the helium annulus for leak monitoring and heat distribution. PROCESS I N S T R U M E N T A T I O N Since a basic purpose of the ARE was the acquisition of experimental data, the importance of complete and reliable instrumentation could not be overemphasized. Therefore there were 27 strip temperature recorders (mostly multipoint), 5 circular temperature recorders, 7 indicating flow controllers, 9 temperature indicators (with up t o 96 points per instrument), about 50 spark-plug level indicators, 20 ammeters, 40 pressure gages, 16 pressure regulators, and 20 pressure transmitters. In addition there were numerous flow recorders, indicators, alarms, voltmeters, tachometers, and assorted miscellaneous instruments. Most ARE process instrumentation was installed t o permit observing and recording rotational speeds, flow rates, temperatures, pressures, or liquid levels. The operating values o f temperature, pressure, and flow at various stations around the ARE f l u i d circuits are given i n Appendix B. Since most commercially available instruments for measuring flow and pressure are subject to temperature limitations considerably lower than the minimum operating temperature of the ARE and they employ open lines i n which the ZrF, vapor could condense, they were not suitable for ARE applications. Therefore a bellows type of device was adapted for use as a pressure indicator, and a fluidimmersed inductance type o f instrument was developed for measuring sodium and fuel l i q u i d level and fuel flow.2 Sodium flow was measured by an electromagnetic flowmeter. Convent iona I chromel-alumel thermocouples welded t o the pipe walls were used t o determine temperatures. The instrumentation flow sheet i s shown in Fig. 2.7. Most of the indicating and recording instruments were located in the control room. While numerous important temperatures were recorded i n the control room, about 75% o f the thermocouples were indicated (or recorded) only i n the basement. NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROLS Detailed information on the important nuclear instrumentation and controls i s presented in ApBriefly, the nuclear instrumentation pendix C. (such as fission chambers and ion chambers), the electronic components (such as preamplifiers and power amplifiers), and the control features o f the ARE were similar, and in many cases identical, t o those of the MTR, the LITR, and other reactors However, since the fission now in operation. chambers were located i n a high-temperature region within the reflector, it was necessary t o develop special high-temperature chambers. Helium was used t o cool them t o below 600OF. The locations of the two fission chambers in the reactor may be seen from examination of Fig. 2.3; the locations of the remaining ion chambers are Since the fission chambers shown on Fig. 2.8. moved through sleeves i n the reactor which were parallel t o those for the regulating and shim rods, it was convenient to group the drive mechanisms with those for the rods i n an igloo outside the shielding above the reactor, as shown i n Fig. 2.8. A l l other ion chambers were external t o the reactor pressure shell; they viewed the reactor a t midplane; and they were mounted so that they would move horizontally. These chambers included a BF, counter (for the c r i t i c a l experiment), two parallel circular plate (PCP) chambers, and two compensated chambers. There were two separate elements t o the control the single regulating rod and the three system shim rods. T h e locations o f these rods i n the reactor may be seen from examingtion o f Fig. 2.3. The regulating rod had a vertical movement o f 12 in. about the center o f the reactor and was fabricated of stainless steel. Several such regulating rods, with varying amounts of metal, were fabricated, and the one finally used in the experiment had a total value of 0.4% Ak/k for the 12-in. movement and could be moved a t a rate o f 0.011% (Ak/k.)/sec. - ~ 2For greater detail see A N P Quar. Prog. R e p . Sept. 10, 1952, ORNL-1375, p 23. 10 The three safety rods were located i n the core on 120-deg points at a radius o f 7.5 in. from the , 7 c ORNL-LR-DWG i Fig. 2.8. Isometric Drawing of Control Rods and Nuclear Instrumentation. 6224 center o f the reactor. Each rod was made up of slugs o f a hot-pressed mixture of boron carbide and iron; the slugs were canned in stainless steel. The canned sections were slipped over a flexible tube. The total rod travel was 36 in., and 13 min was required for withdrawal of the rod. Thus, the 5.8% A k / k in each rod (total for the three was approximately 17% A k / k ) could be withdrawn a t a rate of 0.45% (Ak/k)/min per rod. A small amount of the helium used t o cool the fission chambers was directed through the shim and regulating rod holes, but the helium flow was so low that not much cooling was effected. T h i s helium was circulated i n an independent circuit, known as the rod cooling system, which had two two-speed helium blowers i n parallel and three helium-to-water heat exchangers. T h e helium circulated from the blowers through the rod sleeves and fission chamber sleeves t o the heat exchangers and back to the blowers, and i t removed, i n the process, up t o 35 kw of reactor heat. Part of the helium returning from the reactor was diverted through pipe annuli before reaching the heat exchanger. OFF-GAS SYSTEM The off-gas system was designed to permit the collection, holdup, and controlled dischqrge o f the radioactive fission products that were evolved as a consequence of reactor operation. Although only the gases above the fuel system were expected t o have significant activity, the gas from the sodium system was also discharged through the off-gas system. A s shown i n Fig. 2.9, there was, i n addition to the primary off-gas system, an auxiliary system for discharging gases from the p i t through nitrogen-cooled charcoal tanks. In the primary system the o f f gases from both the fuel and the sodium were directed t o a common vent header. From t h i s header, helium plus the v o l a t i l e fission gases passed through a NaK scrubber, which removed bromine and iodine, and then into two holdup tanks, which were connected i n series, t o permit the decay of xenon and krypton. From these the gases were released up the stack. The release o f gases t o the stack was dependent 14 upon two conditions: (1) a wind velocity greater than 5 mph and (2) radioactivity o f less than 0.8 pc/cm3. The activity was sensed by a monitor which was located between the two holdup tanks. F U E L ENRICHMENT SYSTEM The fluoride fuel used i n the ARE was amenable to a convenient enrichment technique i n which the fuel system was f i r s t f i l l e d with a mixture o f the fluorides of sodium and zirconium. When t h i s mixture, NaZrF,, had been circulated for a sufficient time t o ascertain that the reactor was ready t o be taken c r i t i c a l (no leaks, etc.), uranium in the form o f molten Na,UF, was added t o the fluorides then i n the system. The temperature contour diagram of the NaF-ZrF,-UF, system i s shown i n Fig. 2.10. The melting point of Na,UF, was 12OO0F, and there were no mixtures of higher melting points on the join between Na,UF, and NaZrF,, which i s shown i n Fig. 2.11. The addition o f Na,UF, raised the melting point o f the mixture only slightly above that of NaZrF, (955OF). It was i n i t i a l l y intended that the enrichment operation would consist of the remote addition o f Na,UF, to the system from a large tank which contained a l l the concentrate. From the large tank, the concentrate was t o pass through an intermediate transfer tank which would transfer about 1 qt or less a t a time. T h e intermediate tank was suspended from a load beam so that the weight of the concentrate could be determined before each addition o f enriched material. However, t h i s system was discarded when preoperational tests proved the temperature control of the system t o be inadequate; i n addition, the accuracy of the weight-measuring instrumentation on the transfer tank was uncertain. In l i e u o f the original enrichment system, a less elaborate, more direct method of concentrate addition was employed. T h e enrichment procedure actually used involved the successive connection of numerous small concentrate containers t o an intermediate transfer pot, which, i n turn, was connected t o the fuel system by a l i n e which injected the concentrate i n t o the pump tank above the liquid level. i i I , k i ! a d t ? i j DWG. 24453A ? ZrF, NaF d 745 040 625 Na3ZrF7 Na2ZrF6 Fig. 2.10. 515 NaZrF5 570 Na3Zr4F,9 The System NaF-ZrF,-UF,. 17 675 L b 650 625 W a 575 H W c 550 525 L p. i 500 NoZrF5 40 20 Fig, 2.11. 30 40 50 60 No2UF6 ( m o l e % ) 70 00 90 NOZUF6 The Pseudo-Binary System NaZrF5-No2UF6. .. 1 18 r 3. PRENUCLEAR OPERATION It i s not the purpose here to describe i n detail the preliminary checks and shakedown tests which preceded the nuclear operation of the system because t h i s information i s covered i n the design However, some underand installation report. standing of the scope and significance o f these (8 preliminary" tests i s desirable, particularly since at the conclusion o f t h i s phase of the operation the fuel and sodium systems were l e f t f i l l e d with clean carrier and sodium, respectively, and the fuel system was ready for the fuel enrichment operation which comprised the c r i t i c a l experiment. The prel iminary tests accomplished many purposes, the more important being the cleaning and leak-checking of the systems, performance and functional testing of components, checking and calibrating of instrumen.ts, and the practicing o f operational techniques. The system, as an integral unit, was sufficiently assembled by August 1 for the operating crews to be placed on a three-shift basis so that intensive tests on the var'ious systems, i n i t i a l l y with water as the circulating fluid, could be started. There were, however, frequent delays while changes and modifications that the testing indicated as being desirable or necessary were made. The operation with sodium, i n particular, was responsible for major changes i n the sodium vent system and the elimination of the sodium purification system. Tests with sodium and carrier i n the systems were concluded on October 30, at which time the system was ready for the c r i t i c a l experiment. ' 8 i I J 4 CIRCULATION d 1 f ' O F SODIUM By the last week i n September, a l l temperature tests preliminary to operation o f the sodium system had been completed. It was necessary t o operate the sodium system before operating the fuel system because the sodium was used t o heat the reactor t o above the fuel melting point. I n preparation for f i l l i n g the sodium system, the temperature o f the entire system was brought t o 600°F and sodium was transferred from portable drums into the The sodium used had been system fill tanks. carefully filtered to minimize the oxygen content, which at the time of the f i l l i n g averaged about 0.025 wt 5%. ' D e s i g n and Installation of the Aircraft Reactor Experiment, ORNL-1844 (to be issued). The system was f i l l e d w i t h sodium on the morning of September 26. No particular d i f f i c u l t i e s were encountered during the f i l l i n g or when the sodium pumps were operated a t design speed, although there was evidence of trapped gas i n the system. The electromagnetic flowmeters, which were a t f i r s t inoperative, functioned properly after sufficient time had elapsed for wetting o f the pipe wall to occur. On the following afternoon a leak developed i n a tube bend in the sodium purification system, so the sodium was dumped. Subsequent analyses revealed that the leak occurred where a thermocouple pad had been heliarc welded t o the tube. The excessive weld penetration which caused the leak was attributed t o a lack of instruction to the welder that a variation i n pipe wall thickness existed in t h i s section. As a consequence of t h i s leak and d i f f i c u l t i e s experienced during draining of the sodium, a number o f changes were made i n the sodium system. The purification systems were eliminated and provisions were made for better heat control for a l l vent lines and valves t o prevent freezing o f the sodium and plugging of the lines. It was concluded that the sodium purification system could be removed without endangering the experiment because experience i n operating the system had proved that the oxygen contamination was very low; furthermore, there was no danger of the oxide plugging the heat exchanger tubes because of the low temperature differential in the system and the large diameters of the tubes i n the heat exchangers. It was felt, also, that the purification system represented the weakest link i n the f l u i d c i r c u i t because thinner walled tubing had been used there than anywhere else i n the system, except for the reactor tubes, which were assembled w i t h extreme care. Even so, the thin-walled tubing i n the purification system would probably not have presented a problem had the thermocouples been properly welded. On October 16 the sodium was recharged into the system a t 6OO0F, circulated, and dumped four times to thoroughly check the operability o f the sodium system. Analyses of the sodium taken both at 600 and 925°F showed the oxygen content to be satisfactorily low (of the order o f 0.026 wt %), and therefore the i n i t i a l batch o f sodium was not replaced. The sodium was circulated for several days at 1300°F before fuel carrier, NaZrF5, was 4 19 ? i I i added t o the fuel tank. During the period o f sodium circulation, the typical system characteristics were those given i n Figs. 3.1 and 3.2. The data were comparable to those obtained during the water tests.’ Such discrepancies as existed were within experimental error and could easily have been due t o changes i n the system that were made during the time between the two tests, such as the removal of the purification systems and the removal of the bypass around the reactor during the water tests. During and after the second sodium loading operation the copper gauze in the helium stream was monitored and no evidence o f sodium leakage With helium i n the fuel system the was found. temperatures i n the fuel and sodium systems were 0 ‘ 0 Fig. 40 20 3.1. 60 80 I I t 100 120 140 FLOW RATE (gprn) 160 180 I 200 Pump Speed vs Sodium F l o w Rate. 56 MAIN Na PUMP 48 - 40 L n $32 W [r 3 rn W v, 24 DATA CORRECTED FOR CALCULATED INSTRUMENT ZERO SHIFT ~ (6 , -~ - I 0 0 Fig. 20 3.2, / * ~ ’ . .-I 40 60 ’ I I DATA &ACTUAL -1 8 20 .’ / / 1I I j l 80 100 120 I40 FLOW RATE (gprnl ~ 1 I 160 180 2 Pressure H e a d vs Sodium F I o w Rate, then gradually raised (about 10°F/hr) t o 13OOOF. After the 13OOOF temperature was reached, the helium pressure i n the fuel system was reduced to 0.5 psig and sufficient krypton was added t o bring the system pressure up t o 5.0 psig. The helium i n the annuli was then sampled and analyzed for krypton, and no evidence o f a leak was found. CIRCULATION O F FUEL CARRIER With the system isothermal a t 13OO0F, the fuel carrier, NaZrF,, was loaded into the fill tank a t 12006F, and the fuel system was evacuated t o facilitate raising the fluoride into the system. T h i s f i l l i n g operation, which occurred on October 25, required only a few minutes once the desired vacuum was attained. During the f i l l i n g operation it was possible to follow the progress o f the fluoride through the system by watching the thermocouple indications along the pipe because o f the 100°F temperature difference between the i n i t i a l fluoride temperature and the system temperature. In contrast t o the sodium system, there did not appear t o be any gas trapped in the fuel system after loading; evidence o f t h i s was that there was no l i q u i d level change when the pressure i n the pump was changed, and the temperature differentials across the six parallel fuel passages i n the reactor changed simultaneously when a temperature perturbation was put into the system. F i v e samples of the carrier were taken, and the analytical results from each showed the concentrations of impurities and corrosion products given i n Table 3.1. There was twice as much carrier available as was required t o fill the system, and i f chemical analyses o f samples o f the carrier after it had been circulated for about 50 hr had indicated too high a corrosion-product buildup ( a s could have resulted i f the system had not been adequately cleaned), the carrier i n the system would have been dumped and replaced with the extra carrier. However, from the very favorable analyses of the f i r s t two samples it was apparent that replacing the carrier would not be necessary. (The chromium content would have had to have been 500 ppm to have necessitated the replacement. The corrosion mechanism that defines the upper l i m i t o f the chromium content i s described i n detail i n ORNL- 1844. ’) During the time the carrier was being circulated and before the enrichment operation commenced, the system characteristics were determined. The i h c i f T A B L E 3.1. ANALYSES Impurities and Corrosion Products Found (ppm) Running T i m e Ti me Date 7 OF IMPURITIES AND CORROSION PRODUCTS I N CARRIER SAMPLES (hr) Cr Fe Ni 10/25 1650 9.7 90 <5 50 10/26 0214 19.1 81 <5 40 1911 36.1 81 <5 6 10/27 1919 60.2 90 18 12 10/29 0935 98.5 102 30 20 ORNL-LR-DWG 639. 4200 30 ' I 1 )I MAIN FUEL PUMP TES[C-3,0CTlZ5,4354 (000 -E 800 ~ __ 25 MAIN FUEL PUMP TEST C-3, OCT 25, 4954 a a 600 - a W I n PRESSURE HEAD MEASURED FROM + 20 - PUMP SUCTION TO REACTOR INLET. L W 6393 ORNL-LR-DWG 1 - --/ ~ ~ ___ 0 a 5 1 i5 a 400 3 ul W ul (r a 200 40 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 FLOW RATE (gpm) Fig. Rate. 3.3. Pump Speed vs F u e l Carrier F l o w 5 . n 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 FLOW RATE ( g p m ) data obtained i n terms of pump speed v s flow and system head vs flow are given in Figs. 3.3 and 3.4, respectively. These data were considerably different from those to be expected from an extrapolation of the water data. The discrepancies are analyzed in more detail i n ORNL-1844,' but the only completely satisfactory explanation i s that the system head during the water test was too high, possibly due to the temporary water Rotameter installation or to one or more o f the reactor tubes not being completely f i l l e d so that only partial flow was obtained through the reactor during the water test. f F I N A L PREPARATIONS FOR NUCLEAR OPERATION By t h i s time the neutron source had been placed i n the reactor and the nuclear instrumentation Fig. Rate. 3.4. Pressure Head vs F u e l Carrier F l o w checked out. A BF, counter was installed in one o f the instrument holes external to the reactor i n order t o check the fission chambers during the c r i t i c a l experiment. Pulse height and voltage curves were measured on a l l three fission chambers (the two regulars plus a spare) i n order t o establish the operational plateau for each chamber. The mechanical operqtion tests o f the regulating rod and of the three safety (shim) rods were made; in all, over 25 rod drop tests were performed in order t o ensure the r e l i a b i l i t y o f the rod insertions The rod a t high (1200 to 1300°F) temperatures. drives were also continuously cycled i n order t o check the performance o f the gear trains and 21 motors. During t h i s time the rod magnet faces were cleaned, and, i n order t o maintain more uniform drop currents, it was decided t o keep the magnet faces engaged a t a l l times when the rods were not i n use. Before the fuel concentrate (Na,UF,) was charged t o the enrichment system, a number o f practice operations were performed with carrier i n the enrichment system. The temperature control o f the system was inadequate and the operation of the weigh c e l l on the transfer tank was such that reproducible weights could not be obtained. Although the enrichment system probably could have been made t o work, considerable time would have been required. Accordingly, the original enrichment system was abandoned, and a manually operated system was improvised. The concentrate was f i r s t batched down into a number o f containers. 22 The concentrate in each o f these containers was then added t o the fuel system at the pump after f i r s t passing through an intermediate transfer pot. The amount o f concentrate added was determined by weight measurements o f the concentrate containers before and after use. While t h i s system was being set up, the operating crews were engaged i n leak testing the various auxiliary systems, determining operability o f heater circuits, checking and reading thermocouples, establishing the performance o f the pump lubrication and cooling systems, checking the operation o f the annulus system helium blowers, monitoring the annulus helium for leaks, and checking the operability o f the various off-gas systems, instrumentation, and the I ike. By the morning o f October 30, these tests were sufficiently well in hand for the c r i t i c a l experiment t o commence. t t i i J 4. CRITICAL EXPERIMENT On October 30 the sodium had been circulating hr, and the fuel carrier about 110 hr. Both the sodium system and the fuel system were at an isothermal temperature o f 1300°F, and the fuel system was ready for the addition o f concentrate (Na,UF,) to the carrier (NaZrF,). The addition o f the concentrate was necessarily time-consuming because of the cautious manner i n which each addition had t o be made during the approach t o c r i t i c a l i t y ; however, t h i s operation would have been completed more rapidly had it not been for unforeseen d i f f i c u l t i e s . The reactor did not reach c r i t i c a l i t y until 3:45 Phi, November 3, some four days after the enrichment operation was started. Unfortunately, much o f the four days was spent i n removing plugs and in repairing leaks which occurred i n the enrichment line. Since these leaks were largely the result of the improvised nature o f the enrichment mechanism, they were not o f serious con sequence. The chronology of the c r i t i c a l experiment i s shown i n Fig. 4.1, and a detailed description o f the experiment, including a subcritical temperature coefficient measurement, i s presented below. The c r i t i c a l experiment, as well as a l l nuclear operations, followed, in general, the pattern prescribed i n the “ARE Operating Procedures, Part I I , Nuclear Operation,”’ which i s included i n t h i s report as Appendix D. 275 i i ENRICHMENT PROCEDURE I , - By the afternoon of October 30 the chemists had installed and checked out the injection apparatus, and the systems were ready for the enrichment operation t o commence. The loading station was located directly above the main fuel pump. The injection r i g consisted o f an oven i n t o which the batch cans fitted, an intermediate, heated transfer pot capable o f holding about 5.5 I b o f Concentrate, a resistance-heated transfer l i n e connecting the batch can with the transfer pot, and the electrically heated injection l i n e running from the transfer pot into the pump, as well as various auxiliary equipment, such as helium supply and vent lines, vacuum pump, pressure control, and electrical heating equipment. The resistance-heated transfer l i n e was l e f t exposed t o the air so that blow ? 1 ’J. L. Meem, A R E Operating Procedures, Part 11, Nuclear Operation, ORNL CF-54-7-144 ( J u l y 27, 1954). torches could be applied i n case o f a plug. A flow sketch of the injection system i s shown i n Fig. 4.2. The fuel concentrate was batched i n t o small cans prior t o loading. The three batch sizes are given i n the following tabulation: Can Size Approxi mate Concentrate Weight (Ib) A 30 B 10 C 0.5 The A and B size cans were used during the c r i t i cal experiment. The C size cans were held for use i n calibrating the regulating rod. Table 4.1 l i s t s the batch cans by numbers in the order i n which the cans were used in the c r i t i c a l experiment, the net amount o f concentrate and uranium added, and the U235content. Prior to an injection a batch can was selected, set i n the oven, and heated t o 14OOOF. Meanwhile the transfer lines were being heated. When proper temperatures were reached, an injection was attempted. The intermediate transfer pot was f i l l e d from the batch can by pressurizing the batch can and venting the transfer pot. At the same time the pump pressure was maintained above that o f the transfer pot so that there could not be an inadvertent transfer into the pump. When the spark plug probes indicated that the transfer pot was full, the pressure i n the batch can was released, and the material i n the transfer pot was forced into the pump by helium pressure. T h i s method of transfer was used so that only a measured amount o f concentrate (not more than 5.5 Ib) could be added at a given time and the system pressures With low system pressures could be kept low. there was less need for venting and possibly clogging the vent lines. Figure 4.3 shows a photo o f the chemists preparing for an injection during the c r i t i c a l experiment. E A R L Y STAGES OF THE EXPERIMENT A t 1500 on October 30 the c r i t i c a l experiment was started. The main fuel pump was f i r s t trimmed t o i t s minimum prime level and the shaft speed At this was reduced t o 500 rpm (20-gpm flow). 23 4 e p' n 1 r;n o m m 5 9 VI : ;: 5 3; I 9 V nO n 0 0 E io m 8 $ 2 9 -I 0 m nc 0 z0 + - VI VI - < r Z 9 9 2 n z X m 9 -l 0 r m f 9 VI d VI m L 0 0 - n O I 0 0 d Y 0 & 9 Z n 0 m -n I I TIME OF DAY 8 0 % 0 I 0 Y C 0 0 0, 0 I 0 8 5 r - io m f mI 9 0 C I- n Z C 0 -i m 0 f m r; , 1 0 0 0 0 a 5m i% 0 z P u, u) A N a m z m m < 0 z i f 3 J ORNL-LR-DWG TO HELIUM SUPPLY 6395 VENT TO HELIUM SUPPLY TRANSFER LINE \ELECTRICAL CONNECl IONS FOR RESISTANCE HEATING I ELECTRIC HEATERS . # TRANSFER POT 4 FLOOR LEVEL SAMPLING LINE t SUCTION Fig. T A B L E 4.1. Date J Time 4.2. Equipment for Addition of F u e l Concentrate t o F u e l System. FUEL CONCENTRATE BATCHES ADDED DURING CRITICAL EXPERIMENT Batch Can No. Concentrate Added g Ib Uranium Added wt % Weight of U235 Added 9 g Ib 10/30 1625 A-6 13,609 30.002 59.548 8104 7569 16.687 11/1 1415 A-7 11,510 25.375 59.513 6850 6398 14.105 1804 A-8 13,852 30.538 59.530 8246 7702 16.980 2203 A-9 13,806 30.437 59.587 8227 7684 16.940 0213 A-1 0 13,638 30.066 59.454 8108 7573 16.695 0610 A-1 2 13,241 29.191 59.53 1 7882 7362 16.230 083 1 A-5 8,22 1 18.124 59.637 4903 4579 10.095 0523 A-1 1 4,505 9.932 59.671 2688 2511 5.536 0941 8-22 6,432 14.180 59.702 3840 3587 7.908 1245 8-3 1 6,312 13.915 59.637 3764 3516 7.751 1536 8-20 4,567 10.068 59.529 2719 2540 5.600 I 11/2 11/3 1 f 1 * L 28 C c 2i. L. .-E x -w b .-c8 .3 m .-e p' 0 K .0 c E c 0" s K L. .-W 0 L w Y n 0 L .-Km 0, pf + u) Q, u) .-E f eJ .-m U 8 d exactly 2 min, and the volume of the fuel system, a check on the rate of fuel flow was obtained: time the volume of carrier in the fuel system was calculated to be 4.82 ft3, and the weight was 927 Ib. At 1507, concentrate transfer was started from batch can A-6 to the intermediate tank, and, at 1539, transfer o f the f i r s t 5.5 Ib of fuel to the system was accomplished. A t 1554, the second 5.5 I b o f fuel had been added. These fuel injections f 4.82 (ft3) x 7.48 (gal/ft3) (gpm) = = 2 (min) 18.03 . This checked fairly well with the value of about read from the fuel flow recorder. The remaining four injections from can A-6 were accomplished smoothly. The pumps were speeded up to an observed fuel flow rate of 46 gpm t o obtain better mixing of the fuel. A t 1720, fuel sample 6 was removed for analysis. 2 At 1920 the f i r s t 5.5-lb iniection from can A-7 was started, but the transfer l i n e from the intermediate pot to the pump clogged due t o concentrate freezing i n it. After several hours 04 unsuccessful attempts to free the line, a gas leak occurred i n the transter l i n e a t the intermediate tank pot, and very noticeably affected the fission chamber recorders. Mixing of the concentrate with the carrier did not occur rapidly, and therefore each time the 20 gpm enriched slug entered the reactor i t produced a multiplication that was observable on the fission chamber count-rate recorder. Figure 4.4 i s a photograph of the trace o f fission chamber No. 1; the pips that occurred during addition of the f i r s t and second slugs of fuel are readily observoble. From the time interval between pips, which wos almost ~~ 2 T h e first f i v e samples taken prior to this time were for carrier impurity analysis. These five analyses were discussed i n chap. 3, “Prenuclear Operation.” ORNL-LR-DWG 3853 - , TIME Fig. 4.4. Passage of Enriched Slugs Through Reactor. 29 i t was then decided t o i n s t a l l a new transfer l i n e and transfer pot. At t h i s time it was reported that no transfer o f concentrate had been made t o the pump from can A-7. The f i r s t 5.5 Ib of can A-7 was l o s t t o the experiment through the leaks and in the plugged line. At 2000 on November 1, the new transfer l i n e ond tank were installed and checked out ready for u5e. At 2006, fuel sample 7 was drawn for analysis, and, a t 2300, the c r i t i c a l experiment was resumed. When the f i r s t 5.5-lb slug was injected, periodic pips were again observed on the fission chamber recorder. These pips had a period of 47 sec which, together with a pump speed o f 1080 rpm, yielded a calculated fuel flow o f 46 gpm, which corresponded to the flow observed on the fuel flowmeter. At 2315, while attempting the next 5.5-lb transfer, the l i n e again froze. The l i n e was disconnected and found t o be plugged a t the injection f i t t i n g through the pump flange. It was therefore decided t o increase the current t o the resistance-heated f i t t i n g and t o add a separate vent l i n e from the pump so that the chemists could continue to “blow through” the transfer l i n e and out the new vent l i n e without raising the system pressure. By 1320 on November 1 the new vent l i n e had been installed and the transfer system was again in operating condition. The transfer of the remaining 20 I b o f concentrate in four batches from can A-7 took place with no difficulty, and the transfer was completed by 1415. At 1617, fuel sample 8 was taken for analysis, and, a t 1707, the f i r s t batch from can A-8 was transferred i n t o the system. The remaining 5 batches were transferred smoothly, and the transfer from can A-8 was completed by 1804. At 2028, fuel sample 9 was removed for analysis. The next three additions o f fuel from cans A-9, A-10, and A-12 were accomplished with l i t t l e d i f f i c u l t y . At 0830 on November 2, while transferring the f i r s t 5-lb batch from can A-5, a leak occurred i n the injection l i n e just below the floor level o f the loading station (see Fig. 4.3). Examination o f the injection l i n e showed the leak to have occurred at a Swagelok fitting. Approximately 0.2 I b o f concentrate was l o s t from the experiment as a result of the leak. Since the l i n e had clogged, it was necessary to i n s t a l l a new section o f line. During the time the repairs were being made to the injection system, the original schedule was changed, and a subcritical measurement o f the tempeFature coefficient of reactivity was made. I n addition, samples 10 and 11 were taken for analysis. 30 S U B C R I T I C A L M E A S U R E M E N T OF T H E REACTOR TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT Approximately 100 Ib o f U235 (180 I b o f Na,UF,) had been added at the time the leak occurred on November 2, a t 0831, and it was estimated that t h i s was about 80% of the total fuel needed. Although it had been planned to make a preliminary measurement of the temperature coefficient of reactivity with about 90% o f the fuel added (see II Nuclear Operating Procedures,” Appendix D), the plans were revised and the measurement was made at t h i s time. At the start of the experiment the reactor mean temperature was 1306OF. The fuel heat exchanger barrier doors were raised ( a t 1003); two minutes later the fuel helium blower was started and i t s speed increased to 275 rpm. The resultant cooling, with time, as traced by the reactor fuel mean temperature recorder, i s shown in Fig. 4.5, with the counting rate from fission chamber No. 2 superimposed, The data for both fission chambers are The counting rate of the given i n Table 4.2. fission chambers monitors the neutron flux. The counting rate was observed t o r i s e w i t h decreasing temperature and thus indicated a negat i v e temperature coefficient o f reactivity. Counts were taken for 40 sec during every minute. At 1010, when the reactor temperature reached 1250°F, the helium blower was stopped, and soon thereafter the reactor temperature began to r i s e again, with a corresponding decrease i n counting rate. ORNL-LR-DWG i L- t L 1 ‘ t ” L 1 L P 5 I; e 6396 (400 -b W 5 G 1350 W z 5 1300 bc k w z J LL 3 a $250 P a W [i (200 i - k c Fig. 4.5. Subcritical Measurement of the Reactor Temperature Coefficient. (Plot of fission chamber No. 2 counting rate superimposed on fuel mean temperature chart.) . c k i T A B L E 4.2. SUBCRITICAL MEASUREMENT O F T H E REACTOR TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT ? i Reactor Mean Ti me Tempe rat ure (OF) Fission Fission Chamber Chamber No. 1 No. 2 (counts/sec) (counts/sec) 1004 1306 486.4 723 1005 1304 492.8 73 6 1006 1302 512.0 755 1007 1290 531.2 780.8 1008 1275 537.6 793.6 1009 1260 537.6 793.6 1010 1252 544.0 800.0 1011 1244 531.2 787.2 1012 1240 531.2 774.4 1013 1246 518.4 768.0 1014 1252 518.4 768.0 1015 1258 512 761.6 1154 1275 502 736.0 1319 1284 490.9 725.0 1422 1290 484 713.0 J d. I ature minimum did not occur simultaneously. Alag of about 2.5 min i n the response o f the reactor temperature was observed. The reason for t h i s time lag i s not well understood, but i t may have some connection with the fact that the thermocouples were outside the reactor and hence did not “see” the changes immediately. D e t a i l s o f t h i s and later measurements of the fuel and reactor temperature coefficients are given i n Appendix 0. I APPROACH T O CRITICALITY A t 0130 on November 3, the injection system was again i n operation, and the fuel additions during fhe remainder o f the c r i t i c a l experiment occurred without mishap. The remaining portions o f can A-7 and a l l of cans 8-22, 8-31, and B-20 were added during t h i s time. Throughout the course o f the experiment, the progress toward c r i t i c a l i t y was observed on the With every fuel injection the neutron detectors. counting rates of the two fission chambers and the BF, counter were simultaneously clocked and recorded. The approach to c r i t i c a l i t y could readily be seen by plotting the reactivity, k, against the concentration of the fuel i n the system. The reactivity was obtained from the relationship k = l - - 1 , M : ” The reactor temperature coefficient, as estimated from the data presented in Fig. 4.5, was o f the (Ak/K)PF. The data were order o f -5 x adequate to show that the reactor would be easy t o control; therefore the experiment was allowed to proceed.. It w i l l subsequently be observed that the temperature data recorded i n the data room did not exhibit the f u l l temperature drop across the reactor in any run where heat was being abstracted’ from the system. Consequently where the abstracted heat i s one of the parameters o f the experiment, as i n the above temperature coefficient measurement, it would be expected that some temperature correction would be i n order. The existing data for the case i n question are, however, too meager to justify correction, although based on correlations (app. K) with data taken during the low- and the high-power runs, the control room temperature indications were lower than the actual temperature, and therefore the estimated temperature coefficient given above i s too high. It may also be noted from examination o f Fig. 4.5 that the maximum counting rate and the temper- where M i s the subcritical multiplication, which i s determined fiom the expression M = - N , NO where N i s the counting rate after a fuel injection and N O i s the i n i t i a l counting rate. As c r i t i c a l i t y i s approached, 1/M approaches zero, and therefore at criticality, k = 1. Figure 4.6 shows a plot o f k vs U2,’ concentration, where k i s determined from three neutron detectors, i.e., two fission chambers and a BF, counter. The reactivity, as observed on the two fission chambers, showed a rapid increase during the early stages of the experiment and then leveled off as the c r i t i c a l condition was near. The BF, counter, on the other hand, showed a more uniform approach to criticality. The differences i n the responses o f the two types o f detectors are discussed i n Appendix E. Table 4.3 presents the data from which Fig. 4.6 was drawn. A condensed, running uranium inventory during the c r i t i c a l experiment i s given i n Table 4.4. The I 31 ORNL-LR-DWG 3852 10 EXP. E-!, I NOV. 3 I t 09 t /I I I I I I 18 20 22 & C oa -I 1 0 98 - 07 -k c >- 0.96 i t t F u ? 06 c 0 W Q (r n W R 0.94 05 I + i 04 0.92 I 16 U235 CONCENTRATION IN FUEL ( l b / f t 3 ) 03 0 2 0 4 8 12 16 24 20 32 28 36 40 U235 CONCENTRATION IN F U E L (lb/ft3) Fig, 4.6. Approach t o Criticality: f i g u r e s o f c o l u m n s 4, 6, a n d 1 1 were s u p p l i e d by the c h e m i ~ t s . ~ At 1545 on N o v e m b e r 3 u p o n t h e a d d i t i o n o f t h e s e c o n d b a t c h of f u e l from c a n B-20, a s u s t a i n i n g - c h a i n reaction was attained the reactor was c r i t i c a l . F i g u r e 4.7 s h o w s a p h o t o of t h e c o n t r o l room j u s t a s t h e c r i t i c a l c o n d i t i o n w a s reached. A t 1547 t h e r e a c t o r w a s g i v e n o v e r t o t h e s e r v o m e c h a n i s m a t an e s t i m a t e d p o w e r o f 1 watt, a n d h r a b r i e f r a d i a t i o n s u r v e y of during the next t h e r e a c t o r a n d h e a t e x c h a n g e r p i t s w a s made (cf., A t 1604 t h e chap. 5, “ L o w - P o w e r E x p e r i m e n t s ” ) . r e a c t o r w a s s h u t down, and t h u s t h e i n i t i a l p h a s e o f t h e ARE o p e r a t i o n program w a s c o m p l e t e d . \ 3 J . P. B l a k e l y , Uranium in the ARE, O R N L CF-551-43 (Jan. 7, 1955). Reactivity vs Fuel C o n c e n t r a t i o n . T h e u r a n i u m i n v e n t o r y ( T a b l e 4.4) s h o w e d t h a t t h e c r i t i c a l c o n c e n t r a t i o n o f U235 w a s 23.94 Ib/ft3, w h i c h c o r r e s p o n d e d to a t o t a l w e i g h t of 133.8 Ib o f U235 i n t h e f u e l system. A t t h i s t i m e t h e t o t a l w e i g h t o f t h e f u e l w a s 1156 Ib, a n d i t s v o l u m e w a s 5.587 ft3. T h e per c e n t b y w e i g h t o f U235 w a s c a l c u l a t e d t o be 11.57. T h e c r i t i c a l m a s s of U235 in t h e r e a c t o r w a s c a l c u l a t e d From t h e r a t i o o f volumes: M = M 1 v+. - , vs where M~ = c r i t i c a l mass o f M~ = m a s s of v u~~~in r e a c t o r core, u~~~i n system, = c r i t i c a l v o l u m e o f reactor, 32 t L TABLE 4.3. APPROACH TO CRITICALITY: REACTIVITY FROM VARIOUS NEUTRON DETECTORS vs F U E L CONCENTRATION Fission Chamber No. 1 i Log Run u235 ~ Counting Rate, N Multiplication, Reactivity, k 1 ' il 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 9.46* 26.7 47.44 86.96 147.2 251.9 450.9 648.2 859.3 1489 4028 0 3.39 6.16 9.37 12.45 15.36 18.09 19.74 20.63 21.88 23.08 23.94 1 2.82 5.02 9.19 15.6 26.6 47.6 68.5 90.8 157.4 425.6 Fission Chamber No. __ 0 0.645 0.801 0.891 0.936 0.962 0.979 0.985 0.989 0.994 0.998 __~-____ Counting R ~ ~ (counts/sec) 16.28* 42.5 71.54 128.5 217.2 367.6 649.9 977.4 1317 2316 6730 Multiplication, ~ , M 2 - ___- Reoctivity, Counting R~,~, BF, Counter Multiplication, M (counts/sec) (NIN,,) 1 2.61 4.39 7.90 13.34 22.6 39.9 60.0 80.9 142.3 413.5 0 0.617 0.772 0.873 0.925 0.956 0.975 0.983 0.988 0.993 0.998 (N/N~) 4.49* 7.04 9.19 13.43 19.73 29.5 49.0 70.5 93.7 161.3 442.0 Reactivity, k 1 1.57 2.05 2.99 4.39 6.57 10.8 15.7 20.9 35.9 98.5 0 0.361 0.510 0.667 0.780 0.848 0.908 0.936 0.952 0.972 0.990 Critical *Initial counting rate, No. T A B L E 4.4. URANIUM INVENTORY DURING CRlTlCAL EXPERIMENT F u e l Concentrate Added Date 10/3 10/31 11/1 I 11/2 i 11/3 11/4 1 I L Time 1425 1625 1740 2013 1415 1635 1804 2040 Run No. 1 2 Weight Volume lib) (ft3) 30.00 3 4 25.37 30.54 5 30.44 0213 0610 0831 1625 6 30.07 29.19 5.50 7 Sa 2025 0256 0523 8b 9 12.62 9.93 0941 1245 10 11 14.18 13.92 1536 1545 12 1310 1315 10.07 F u e l Mixture ~~~l ~ 2 3 5 Concentrate Removed P l u s Carrier (Ib) (Ib) (Ib) 0.1046 Uranium-235 ~~~~l weigh+ Removed 2.447 2.531 2203 0910 0915 S a m d e s Removed for A n a l y s i s Total Total Density Weight Volume (Ib/ft3) (ft3) 927.3 4.820 957.3 954.8 4.925 4.912 192.4 194.4 Weight Added i n System (Ib) (Ib) 16.687 952.3 4.900 14.105 0.0716 16.980 0.1261 1008 1005 198.3 2.670 4.988 4.976 5.082 5.069 196.0 2.286 977.7 977.5 47.613 47.487 16.940 16.695 16.230 3.058 0.2337 5.175 5.280 5.382 5.401 5.388 200.2 201.9 203.5 203.8 2.562 1036 1066 1095 1101 1098 64.427 81.122 97.352 100.410 100.176 2.716 0.2478 1095 1 io8 1118 1132 1146 1156 5.375 5.419 204.5 205.0 7.037 5.536 99.928 106.965 112.501 7.908 7.751 120.409 128.160 5.587 205.7 206.4 206.9 5.600 133.760 1153 1151 5.574 5.561 1148 1147 5.549 5.545 0.1065 0.1062 0.1049 0.1018 0.0192 0.0440 0.0346 0.0495 0.0486 0.0351 5.454 5.503 5.552 wt% 0 16.687 0.0427 0.0441 0.0885 Concentration Ib/@ 16.644 16.600 30.705 30.633 3.388 1.743 6.156 3.141 9.368 4.723 12.45 15.36 18.09 18.59 19.74 20.63 21.88 23.08 23.94 6.220 7.610 8.890 9.123 9.654 10.06 10.64 11.18 11.57 C r i t i c a l i t y reached 2.679 2.718 2.482 0.732 0.3100 0.3145 0.2872 0.0847 133.450 133.135 132.848 132.763 4 33 34 L h i 1 c ? 4 t i t t L t 1. h J& k 1 8, 4 i I c c L b P e ys * i I i i b c 1. ; i i P t Vs = system volume. Therefore Mr = 133.8 I b (i::i7f::$ = 32.8 Ib . information that i s available and, because o f the general interest therein, typical axial and radial flux and power distribution curves are given i n Appendix G. A N A L Y S E S O F F U E L SAMPLES ” * The calculated, cold, clean c r i t i c a l mass o f the reactor, as obtained from the subsequent rod c a l i brations, was 32.75 Ib (cf., app. F). The reactor was not instrumented t o permit the measurement of the flux or power distributions through the reactor, but measurements of these distributions were made on a c r i t i c a l mockup of the reactor at the ORNL C r i t i c a l Experiment Fac i l i t y about two years before the operation of the ARE.4 These measurements represent the best 4D. C a l l i h a n and D. Scott, Preliminary Critical A s s e m b l y for the Aircraft Reactor Experiment, ORNL-1634 ( O c t . 28, 1953). TABLE 4.5. In addition t o the fuel samples taken, as noted, during the c r i t i c a l experiment, four more samples were removed on November 4 after i n i t i a l c r i t i c a l i t y was reached. A l i s t of a l l samples taken and the results of the chemical analyses are presented i n Table 4.5. Besides showing the analyses o f the percentages of U and U235 by weight i n the fuel system and a comparison with the U235 (wt %) content obtained from the c r i t i c a l i t y data, the table also l i s t s the results of the analyses for the impurities and corrosion products Fe, Cr, and Ni t o provide information on the purity of the fuel and the corrosion rate of the fuel system. CHEMICAL ANALYSES O F F U E L SAMPLES u~~~from Sample Date Impurities and Corrosion Products (ppm) Time Total Uranium No. Cr Fe Ni ( w t %) ~ 2 3 5 Chemical from C r i t i c a l Analysis Experiment D a t a ( w t %) ( w t %) 10/25 1650 1 90 200 50 10/26 1414 2 81 (5 40 1911 3 81 <5 6 10/27 1919 4 90 18 12 10/29 0935 5 102 30 20 10/30 1740 6 100 20 10 2.47 f 0.01 2.31 1.74 2013 7 150 15 10 1.84 k 0.04 1.72 1.74 1635 8 190 15 15 3.45 f 0.01 3.22 3J4 2040 9 200 10 17 5.43 Itr 0.01 5.07 4.72 1625 10 210 k 0.08 8.95 9.1 2 2025 11 205 11/1 11/2 11/4 11/5 0910 20 20 9.54 f 0.08 8.91 9.12 11.57 310 12.11 f 0.10 11.32 11.41 11.57 0915 13 300 12.21 f 0.12 1310 14 320 12.27 f 0.08 11.46 11.57 1315 15 310 12.24 5 0.12 11.43 11.57 1100 16 372 12.54 f 0.07 11.72 11.72 12.57 f 0.07 11.75 1 1.79 17 11/6 111’7 12 9.58 5 <5 0535 18 420 12.59 5 0.12 11.77 11.79 0423 19 445 13.59 f 0.08 12.70 12.38 35 The f i r s t f i v e samples were removed from the system prior t o enrichment, and samples 16 through 19 were taken after the c r i t i c a l experiment and during the low power runs a t the time o f the c a l i bration o f the regulating rods against fuel addition. For the most part, the U235 content as given by chemical analysis agreed t o within a few per cent with that obtained from the running inventory. When the sample for analysis was withdrawn from the system too soon after a fuel addition, there was a tendency for the analysis t o be low, undoubtedly, because o f inadequate mixing of the additive with the bulk of the fuel. The chemical analysis o f sample 1, however, was obviously i n error, whereas that of sample 9 gave a uranium content that was about 7% higher than the inventory showed. The other sample analysis figures were within about 2% of the percentages given by the inventory. The analyses o f samples 12, 13, and 14, which were taken after the c r i t i c a l experiment, agreed t o within about 1% with the inventory calcu1 ation. The increase in the buildup o f chromium i n the fuel system with time i s shown in Fig. 4.8 t o give an indication of the corrosion rate of the system. The i n i t i a l corrosion rate was quite small, but after enriched fuel had been added t o the system, the analyses showed a chromium content increase o f abaut 50 ppm/day. C A L I B R A T I O N O F T H E SHIM RODS A s outlined i n the “Nuclear Operating Procedures,” Appendix D, during the f i r s t fuel additions the shim rods were withdrawn a l l the way out o f the reactor t o obtain the multiplication. After about 100 I b o f U235 had been added to the system, the procedure was altered i n order to obtain a shim rod calibration. After each fuel addition, a l l three rods were simultaneously withdrawn t o positions of 20, 25, 30, and 35 in. out; total movement was 36 in. The counting rate o f each of the neutron detectors was recorded for each rod position. Figure 4.9 shows the reciprocal multiplication and the reactivity as a function o f U235 content of the fuel system for the various rod positions. The data used for plotting Fig. 4.9 were obtained from the BF, counter and are presented in Table 4.6. A cross-plot o f reactivity v s shim rod position determined the rod calibration details, which are given i n Appendix J. The rods 36 ORNL-LR-DWG 6397 500 .. - 424 448 (4 7 400 I IW 44 6 5 300 2 200 51 34 47 100 0 ; e t E z W 0 8 0 2 B N3 0 Fig. 4.8. Increase in Chromium Concentration in F u e l a s a Function of Time. were found t o be nonlinear, with (Ak/k)/in. and total Ak/k varying i n the manner shown i n Append i x D. From the calibration it was found that each rod was worth a total of about 5.8% Ak/k. A s a check on the general shape o f the reactivity curves of the shim rods, a series of counts were taken on the BF, counter and the fission chambers for various rod positions for two different uranium concentrations. These data are also discussed i n Appendix J. M E A S U R E M E N T OF T H E REACTIVITY-MASS R A T I O Prior t o the ARE operation it had been estimated that when the c r i t i c a l mass (assumed t o be 30 16) was reached, the value of the r a t i o (Ak/k)/(AM/M) should be 0.232. T h i s value was obtained from a calculation o f the r a t i o for various amounts of U2,’, as shown i n Fig. D.l of Appendix D. From the data taken during the c r i t i c a l experiment, it was possible to establish an experimental curve for the r a t i o and t o verify the value given above for the ratio a t the c r i t i c a l mass. In order t o find (Ak/k)/(AM/M) experimentally, use was made o f the curve o f Fig. 4.9 which gives k i n terms o f the U235 content o f the fuel in the system for various shim rod positions; i.e., for any point, Ak/k -= AM/M &)(; = R which i s the reactivity-mass ratio. , The value T A B L E 4.6. REACTIVITY vs U235 CONTENT O F FUEL SYSTEM FOR VARIOUS SHIM ROD POSITIONS Experiment "235 Shim Rod E-1 Run No. in System Positions* BF3 Counter (Ib) (in. out) (countdsec) 8 A 100.41 20 25 30 35 32.0 38.4 46.9 54.3 0.140 0.1 17 0.0956 0.082 0.860 0.883 0.904 0.918 8 8 103.13 20 25 30 35 34.1 40.5 51.2 57.8 0.131 0.111 0.0877 0.0774 0.869 0.889 0.912 0.923 8 C 106.18 20 25 30 35 36.3 46.9 57.8 66.1 0.123 0.0954 0.0774 0.0676 0.877 0.905 0.923 0.932 8D 106.97 20 25 30 35 36.3 46.9 59.7 68.3 0.123 0.0954 0.0749 0.0655 0.877 0.905 0.925 0.935 9A 110.14 20 25 30 35 38.4 51.2 68.3 83.2 0.1 17 0.0874 0.0655 0.0538 0.883 0.9 13 0.934 0.946 9 6 112.50 20 25 30 35 40.5 55.5 76.8 93.9 0.1 11 0.0808 0.0582 0.0479 0,889 0.919 0,942 0.952 10 A 115.58 20 25 0.0998 0.0749 0.0538 0.0403 0.900 0.925 35 44.8 59.7 83.2 110.9 30 d . Counting Rate, N o/N k =1 - (NO/N) 0.946 0,960 10 B 118.63 20 25 30 35 42.7 68.3 93.3 136.5 0.105 0,0655 0.0479 0.0327 0.895 0.934 0.952 0.967 10 c 120.41 20 25 30 35 51.2 68.3 110.9 162.1 0.0873 0.0655 0,0403 0.0276 0,913 0,934 0.960 0.972 11 A 123.43 20 25 30 35 51.2 85.3 128.0 213.3 0.0873 0,0524 0.0349 0.0209 0.913 0.948 0.965 0.979 *Position of all three shim rods. 37 T A B L E 4.6 (continued) Experiment "235 Shim Rod E-1 Run No. i n System Positions* (Ib) (in. out) 11 B 126.48 20 25 30 35 59.7 93.9 162.1 307.2 0.0749 0.0476 0.0275 0.0 145 0.925 0.952 0.973 0.985 11 c 128.16 20 25 30 35 59.7 93.9 196.3 443.7 0.0749 0.0476 0.0228 0.0101 0.925 0.952 0.977 0.990 12 A 131.08 20 25 30 35 59.8 110.9 256.0 955.7 0.0748 0.0403 0.0 175 0.00468 0.925 0.960 0.983 0.995 12 B 133.76 20 25 30 68.3 136.5 375.5 0.0655 0.0327 0.0119 0.935 0.967 0.988 35 Critical Counting Rate, BFg k N O/N Counter =1 - (N~/N) (count s/sec) 1 b * P o s i t i o n of a l l three shim rods. 88 - 8C 80 98 ORNL-LR-DWG RUN NUMBER 4OA 106 1OC 9B llA 118 11c 12A 6398 428 0 16 1 0140 0 98 012,, 0.96 \ >O G b- ;010 -t 0.94 >- J a 0.92 3 6 a W I 2 0 c -> I1I / 0.90 006" 0 n 0.04 "4 0.88 W n 0.86 0 0 2 '1- 0402 104 406 108 110 112 114 u235 416 tl8 420 124 126 128 430 132 134 0.84 136 IN FUEL SYSTEM ( I b ) Fig. 4.9. R e a c t i v i t y and Reciprocal Multiplication vs Rod Positions. 4 422 U235 Content of F u e l System for Various Shim . f c 6399 ORNL-LR-DWG 0.35 curves the slopes approximated straight lines. From the average values of M and k over these increments of the curves and the measured slopes, the r a t i o R was determined for each increment. Figure 4.10 shows a plot o f R vs the U235 content of the fuel i n the system. 0.30 \ (A.k/AM) i s the slope of the k vs M curves shown For various small sections o f the i n Fig. 4.9. 2 a 1 s - 0.25 4 c The value of R for the experimental c r i t i c a l mass was calculated to be (133.8 Ib) Ak/k 0.236 -= AM/M 0.20 25 26 27 28 29 30 3( 32 33 34 MASS U235 IN REACTOR ( I b ) 4.10. Fig. R e a c t i v i t y M a s t R a t i o as a Function of the U235 Content of the F u e l in the Reactor, T A B L E 4.7. for shim rod positions of 25, 30, and 35 in. Since t h i s value (0.236) was i n excellent agreement with the calculated value (0.232), it was used throughout the experiment. The data are tabulated i n Table 4.7. REACTIVITY-MASS RATIO AS A FUNCTION OF T H E AMOUNT OF U235 IN T H E REACTOR FOR VARIOUS SHIM ROD POSITIONS Reactivity-Mass Mass Shim Rod Range* Pasition** M , Mass of U235 in Reactor (1 b) (in.) (Ib) 100 to 106 25 30 35 25.24 25.24 25.24 A M Reactivity, (Ib) k Ratio, Ak Ak/k hw/M 1.47 1.47 1.47 0.891 0.9 13 0.924 0.0172 0.0 175 0.0 174 0.331 0.329 0.322 Average 114 to 120 25 28.66 30 35 28.66 28.66 1.47 1.47 1.47 0.929 0.951 0.963 0.0137 0.0136 0.0 135 0.287 0.279 0.273 Average 128 to 134 25 30 35 32.10 32.10 32.10 1.44 1.49 1.40 0.961 0.982 0.995 0.01 10 0.280 0.257 0.219 0,231 0.0100 0.0 100 Average * T h e s e mass ranges refer to the curves of Fig. 0.327 0,236 4.9 o n which these calculations are based. * * P o s i t i o n of a l l three rods. 39 5. LOW-POWER EXPERIMENTS The reactor was operated, after i n i t i a l c r i t i c a l i t y was attained, for about 20 min at a nominal power o f 1 w and then shut down. The next morning a series of low-power experiments was started. T h i s series o f experiments lasted from the morning o f November 4 u n t i l the morning of November 8. T h e chronology of t h i s low-power operation i s given i n Fig. 5.1. Two o f the early experiments, L-1 and L-4, were devoted to a determination o f the reactor power from measurements o f the fuel activation. These runs were each o f 1 hr duration with the reactor a t a nominal power of 1 and 10 w, respectively. After each of these runs, fuel samples were taken and the activity counts were made from which the reactor power was determined. The method was inaccurate, as subsequently evidenced by power calibrations from the extracted power, but did indicate that the nominal power estimates were low. Radiation surveys of the entire experimental system were made during both the nominal 1- and 10-w runs except that a survey o f the reactor p i t was not attainable during the 10-w run because the p i t was sealed at that time. Most of the equipment and many of the instruments were, however, located i n the heat exchanger p i t s to which access was maintained throughout the low-power operation. Most of the time o f the low-power operation was devoted to calibration o f the regulating and shim rods. The two essentially independent methods used to calibrate the regulating rods were c a l i bration against fuel addition and calibration against reactor periods by using the inhour equation (app. I). The shim rods were then calibrated against the regulating rod. A l s o as an integral part o f the low-power operation the earlier measurement o f the temperature coefficient was checked, and the fuel system performance characteristics were determined. Finally, i n preparation for the high-power experiments, the ion chambers, which had been positioned close to the reactor during the c r i t i c a l and low-power experiments for greater sensitivity, were withdrawn so that they would register sensibly a t the higher powers. POWER D E T E R M I N A T I O N F R O M FUEL ACTIVATION Reactor power measurements are usually made by exposing gold or indium f o i l s to the neutron 40 flux i n a reactor soon after i n i t i a l c r i t i c a l i t y i s attained. In the ARE i t was simpler to draw o f f a sample o f the uranium-bearing fuel after operation and measure i t s activity with an ion chamber. Comparison with a similar sample o f known activity gave a determination o f the flux level and, hence, the power level. The procedure i s described i n Appendix ti. In run L-1, the reactor was operated for 1 hr a t an estimated power level of 1 w, and a sample was drawn o f f for measurement o f the activity. The specific activity was too low for a reliable determination and, accordingly, the experiment was repeated i n run L-4 a t a nominal 10-w power level. It was subsequently found from the heat balance a t high power that the actual power was 2 7 w during run L-4. However, the fuel sample a c t i v i t y was only on the order o f one-half t o two-thirds the a c t i v i t y to be expected from operation a t 27 w. Apparently a considerable amount o f the gaseous fission products was being given o f f from the fuel. A comparison o f the data obtained from fuel a c t i vation with those obtained from heat balances i s given i n Appendix N. RADIATION SURVEYS The primary purpose of experiments L-1 and L-4 was tocalibrate the estimated reactor power against the power determined from the radioactivity o f fuel samples, but, a t the same time, radiation dose levels were measured a t various locations around the reactor and the tank and heat exchanger pits. These data w i l l subsequently be o f interest i n evaluating the radiation damage t o various components of the system. Most of the radiation measurements were made w i t h a “Cutie-Pie” (a gamma-sensitive ionization chamber), but a GM survey meter, a methane proportional counter, an electroscope, and a boroncoated electroscope were used for some measurements, i n particular, those made close to the reactor. While the GM survey meter only provided a check on the gamma dose as measured by the “Cutie-Pie,” the other instruments provided measurements of the fast- and thermal-neutron doses. The proportional counter measured the fast-neutron dose, and the thermal-neutron flux was calculated from the difference of the two electroscope readings. i P 0 0 N , w r -0 X m z z C r rn C n m r 7 X 0 0 - m N w 0 0 EXP. L-9 0 0 r h) 0 - TIME OF DAY UI 0 - I 3 0 m z 0 0 - Z 9 V EXP. L-8 1 P W ul - xi 5m 0 z < m 0 w W w P ;D m -U X m ;o rn z 0 0 m w r 7 I -i -rl 0 t i i L L k 1 I t I ! i 1 b 9 t 9 4 The radiation dose data from the two runs during which the dose i n the p i t s was measured are presented i n Tables 5.1 and 5.2. Table 5.1 gives the gamma and the fast- and thermal-neutron doses i n the reactor p i t during the 2.7-w run; Table 5.2 gives the gamma doses a t various stations i n the heat exchanger p i t during both the 2.7- and 27-w runs. Within the accuracy o f the measurements, t l y r e i s excellent agreement between the doses per watt from the two runs. R E G U L A T I N G ROD CALIBRATION FROM F U E L ADDITIONS i fuel was injected from the penguin. Upon completion o f the injection the reactor was again brought c r i t i c a l to 1-watt power with the regulating rod. The positions of the rods were again recorded. The worth o f the rod was then obtained from the relation Ak ~ k AM = 0.236 M and the known increment o f fuel added t o the system; the proportionality factor, 0.236, was obtained experiment0 l l y during the c r i t i c a l experiment (cf., chap. 4). <I Twelve small cans, or penguins” (so-called because o f their shape), had been prepared for adding small amounts o f fuel to the system i n order t o calibrate the regulating rod (exp. L-2) after i n i t i a l c r i t i c a l i t y had been reached. Each penguin contained from 0.2 t o 0.5 I b of fuel concentrate (0.1 to 0.3 Ib o f U235). The contents o f the penguins were injected directly into the pump rather than through the intermediate transfer pot that was used i n the c r i t i c a l experiments. Table 5.3 l i s t s the penguins i n the chronological order i n which they were used, together with the amount o f uranium injected from each can. The method used to calibrate the regulating rod was t o note the difference between the position of the rod a t c r i t i c a l i t y before and after each injection of fuel, with the shim rods held constant. Before each injection the reactor was brought from subc r i t i c a l to a nominal power o f 1 w, and the shim and regulating rod positions were recorded. The reactor was then brought subcritical on the regul a t i n g rod, with the shim rods i n position, and the 4 : TABLE 5.1. Position Space cooler No. s4 1 T o p center of reactor (1 in. i While the rod was being changed (a delay o f about 5 hr), the fuel system characteristics of pressure head vs flow were obtained. These measurements are described i n a following section o f t h i s chapter. RADIATION LEVELS IN REACTOR PIT DURING 2.7-w RUN Gamma Fast-Neutron Thermal-Neutron Total Dose Rate Dose Rate Dose Rate Dose Rate* (mr/hr per w ) (mrep/hr per w ) (mrep/hr per w ) (mr/hr) 48 67 280 280 35 (est.) 3200 440 180 22 (est.) 2350 12 10 8 760 above thermal shield) Side of reactor a t mid-plane , The f i r s t run of experiment L-2 started a t 1651 on November 4. After two injections had been completed, i t was apparent that the worth o f the 12 in. o f vertical movement o f the regulating rod i n terms o f A k / k was about 0.24%. It was desirable, for reasons of safety and also for convenience i n conducting hi gh-power transient experiments, to have a rod worth about one dollar o f reactivity (which for the ARE was 0.4% rather than 0.76% as i n stationary-fuel reactors, because of delayedneutron l o s s in the circulating fuel). A number o f spare rods of varying weights had been made up t o take care o f such a contingency, and one was selected and installed which had more nearly the desired weight. T h e original rod weighed 19.2 g/cm of length, and the new rod weighed 36 g/cm. ( a t surface of thermal shield) Manhole into p i t s i 2 * T h e t o t a l dose rate was obtained from the weighted sum of the preceding columns by using an RBE of neutrons and 5 for thermal neutrons. 130 10 for f a s t I 43 TABLE 5.2. GAMMA-RAY DOSE IN TANK AND H E A T EXCHANGER PITS Doses per Watt During 2.7-w Run During 27-w Run (mr/hr) (mr/hr) 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.07 0.3 0.15 0.15 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 - Locations Surveyed i n Dump Tank P i t Motor for space cooler No, Vent valve t Doses per Watt 3 U-113 for tank No. 6 Motor for stack vent on hot fuel dump tank U-112 for hot f u e l dump tank U-100 Motor for space cooler No. 4 Air-operated valve for tank No. 5 Vent Valve Helium i n l e t valve . B t Locations Surveyed i n Fuel-to-He1 ium Heat Exchanger P i t Operator's p o s i t i o n at fuel sampler Pressure transmitter PXT-6 Top plate of main f u e l pump Top bearing of pump motor V-belt o t pump V-belt at pump motor Line 120 under valve U-3 2 of l i n e 303 Bend No. Motor for spoce cooler No. 6 West side o f heat exchanger No. 1 Bottom o f fuel flowmeter Line 112 between valves U-63 and U-1 L u b r i c a t i o n pump for pump Top of fuel storage tank Helium analyzer dryers 6 22 150 45 7 7 110 105 10 135 95 22 0 65 4 0.3 1 West side o f heat exchanger No. 2 E a s t side o f heat exchanger No. Sheet metal can around pump 4 120 80 6 4 12 45 120 105 200 90 1 230 200 185 Locarions Surveyed i n Sodium-to-Helium Heat Exchanger P i t s Top o f stondby sodium pump V-belt above standby pump Line 310 under v a i v e B-141 7 Motor for space cooler No. Top o f main sodium pump V-belt above main pump 309 a t valve U-21 L i n e 313 a t bend No. 5 Line Motor for space cooler No. 8 North side o f front heat exchanger Kinney pump No. 1 Magnetic c l u t c h on 50-hp motor North side of back heat exchanger North end o f rod-coolant blower No. EM flowmeter on l i n e 305 Standby pump l u b r i c a t i o n system Main pump l u b r i c a t i o n system 44 1 1.5 1.5 13 4 1.5 0.7 2.2 1.5 1.5 15 4 11 1 6 3.7 1.4 1.7 15 0.7 0.8 1.8 1.5 16 4 13 6 7 5 9 3 I c E k TABLE 5.3. F U E L CONCENTRATE BATCHES ADDED DURING LOW-BOWER EXPERIMENTS Penguin Date 11/4 11/5 Concentrate Added 1 U235 Added Uranium Added Time t Ib wt % 9 9 Ib 227 0.5004 59.671 135 126 0.2778 C-19 722 1.5917 59.671 43 1 4 03 0.8885 0354 C-14 247 0.5445 59.671 147 137 0.3 020 0439 C-16 285 0.6283 59.671 170 159 0.3505 0529 C-13 131 0.2888 59.671 78.2 73.0 0.1609 0619 c-5 123 0.2712 59.671 73.3 68.5 0.1 51 0 2045 C-15 92 0.2028 59.671 55 51.4 0.1 143 2204 C-18 87 0.1918 59.671 52 48.6 0.1071 2258 C-17 457 1.0075 59.671 273 2345 c-12 84 0.1852 59.671 50 46.7 0.1 030 01 00 c-10 84 0.1852 59.671 50 46.7 0.1 030 No. 9 1710 c-11 2009 I 2 55 I I 0.5622 L 11/6 11/7 023 1 120* 21,681 47.798 27.557 558 1 5975 t t 12.304 1 k *Container No. 120 was not a penguin but a specially prepared batch of concentrate which provided the excess uranium required for the experiments and to compensate tor burnup. 8 A t 0142 on November 5 the installation of the Y second rod was completed and the experiment was resumed. Four more injections o f fuel were made and the rod movement was noted. At 0630, during the sixth fuel injection, an unexpectedly high burst of gamma-ray activity (55 mr/hr) was observed on a “Cutie-Pie” monitoring the fuel addit i o n a t the injection station over the pump. Further fuel addition was stopped until the cause o f the high gamma-ray reading could be ascertained. While investigation was under way the level o f the pump was trimmed to avoid any possible hazard from the uranium held in the pump. About 71 Ib o f fuel was removed from the system. Later i n the day the cause o f the high gamma-ray a c t i v i t y was determined t o be a vent l i n e passing close t o the position o f the “Cutie-Pie.” Apparently, the “Cutie-Pie” had been held close enough t o the vent l i n e t o read the fission gases (evolved during operation) as they were discharged through the vent line. ? A t 1947 the experiment was resumed and f i v e more injections were made uneventfully. A photograph o f the control room taken during t h i s time i s presented in Fig. 5.2; it shows two members o f the ARE operating group examining the fission chamber recorders after a fuel injection for rod calibration; other members of the evening crew are shown i n their nominal operating stations. A n inventory o f the uranium added during t h i s The final large experiment i s given i n Table 5.4. amount (47.8 Ib) of concentrate containing 12.30 lb U 2 3 5 that was added after the experiment is also shown i n the table, as well as a record of the samples and withdrawals. The f i n a l amount of U235 in the system was 138.55 Ib, w i t h a system volume o f 5.33 ft3. The data obtained for calibration of the regulating rod as a function o f fuel addition are given i n Table 5.5, which l i s t s the values of M, A M , AM/M, the recorded movement o f the rod during each fuel addition, the average position o f the rod for each fuel addition, and the calculated value o f (Ak/k)/in. The results of the calibration are shown in Fig. 5.3, where (Ak/k)/in. i s plotted as a function o f rod position. The movement o f the rod for each point i s shown as a horizontal l i n e through the point. The values of (Ak/K)/in. for both rods were used, the values o f reactivity for rod No. 1 being corrected by the ratios o f the weights o f the two rods. From these data it i s evident that there i s no good reason for presuming that the value o f (Ak/k)/in. over the whole length of rod i s not constant. Therefore, the average value taken over the f i r s t ten runs gives (Ak/k)/in. = 0.033%/in. 45 i i i 46 s t u) P L .-E X e W 0 t .-0 L - P u" -8 o? m a L l= .n 0 u) t L fm e .- E .-e X .. W 0 al e al 0 m E 0 0 -o? E L + 0 0 u - .-n. $ 2 .-m U k I T A B L E 5.4. URANIUM INVENTORY DURING LOW-POWER EXPERIMENTS ~ ~ Samoles Removed F u e l Concentrate Added Date Time Run No, Weight Ob) Volume (ft3) for A n a l y s i s Fuel Removed (Ib) 11/4 1315 1710 2009 11/5 0354 0439 0529 0619 1015 1020 1100 2045 2204 2258 2345 11/6 0100 0530 0535 0231 0423 4 f i 4 1 1 d lln 4 J4 i . 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0.5004 1.5917 0.5445 0.6283 0.2888 0.2712 0.2028 0.1918 1.0075 0.1852 0.1852 47.798** U235 Removed (Ib) 6,269 2.064 0.291 2.686 2.839 0.317 0.335 2.918 0.361 Tota I Concentrate Volume (Ib) (ft3) Plus Carrier 0.0017 0.0056 0.0019 0.0012 0.0010 0.0009 53.486* 17.523* 2.5807 Uran ium-235 Fuel Mixture T~~~~weight 0.0007 0.0004 0.0020 0.0004 0.0004 0.1667 1147.45 1147.95 1149.54 1150.08 1150.71 1151.00 1151.27 1097.78 1080.26 1077.68 1077.88 1078.07 1079.08 1079.27 1079.45 1076.76 1073.92 1121.72 1118.80 5.5454 5.5471 5.5527 5.5546 5.5558 5.5568 5.5577 5.2944 5.2148 5.2023 5.2030 5.2034 5.2054 5.2058 5.2062 5.1932 5.1795 5.3462 5.3323 Weight Densip Added (Ib/ft) (Ib) Weight in System concentration Ib,ft3 W t % (Ib) 206.9 206.9 0.2778 207.0 0.8885 207.05 0,3020 207.1 0.3505 207.1 0.1609 207.1 0.1510 207.1 207.1 207.1 207.2 0.1143 207.2 0.1071 207.3 0.5622 207.3 0.1030 207.3 0.1030 207.3 207.3 209.8 12.304 209.8 132.763 133.041 133.930 134.232 134.583 134.744 134.895 128.626 126.562 126.271 126.3d5 126.492 127.054 127.157 127.260 126.943 126.608 138.912 138.551 23.94 11.57 23.98 11.59 24.12 11.65 24.17 1 1.67 24.22 11.70 24.25 11.71 24.27 11.72 24.27 11.72 24.27 11.72 24.27 11.72 24.29 11.73 24.31 11.73 24.41 11.77 24.43 11.78 24.44 11.79 24.44 11.79 24.44 11.79 25.98 12.38 25.98 12.38 * T w o large batches o f f l u o r i d e mixture were removed from the system i n order t a trim t h e l i q u i d l e v e l in t h e pump. **Of t h i s amount, only 15.419 Ib was Na,UF6, the remainder being some of t h e f l u o r i d e mixture t h a t was removed from t h e s y s t e m when the pump l e v e l was trimmed. 0 05 0 04 4 -._ , -z c - 0 03 ? 0 + a W [r 0.02 0.04 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 REGULATING Fig. 8 IO 9 ROD POSITION (in I 5.3. Calibration of Regulating Rod from F u e l Addition. 12 14 T A B L E 5.5. REGULATING ROD REACTIVITY CALIBRATION FROM F U E L ADDITION (Exp. L-2) Movement o f M, Run No. Weight of UZ3’ AM, Weight of Average U235 AWM Ak/k (%I Regulating Rod Regulating Rod Position Reactivity, During F u e l (Ak/k)/in. Add i t ion (%/in.) i n System Added (Ib) (Ib) 1 133.041 0.2778 0.00209 0.0493 11.80 2.4 2 133.930 0.8885 0.00663 0.156 9.35 7.3 0.0400 * 3 134.232 0.3020 0.00225 0.0531 10.70 1.6 0.0335 4 134.583 0.3505 0.00260 0.0614 8.80 1.9 0.0323 5 134.744 0.1609 o.00119 0.0281 6.80 0.85 0.0330 6 134.895 0.1510 0.001 12 0.0264 6.00 1 .o 0.0264 7 126.385 0.1143 0.000904 0.0213 6.35 0.7 0.0304 a 126.492 0.1070 o.000847 0.0200 6.00 0.6 0.0333 9 127.054 0.5622 0.00442 0.104 5.10 3.6 0.0289 10 127.157 0.1030 0.000810 0.0191 12.25 0.5 0.0383 11 127.260 0.1030 0.000809 0.0191 2.95 0.67** 0.0305** (in.) (in.) . Average reactivity, weighted according to rod movement *Corrected by the ratio of the weight of the new rod to the weight of the original rod: o.0308* 0.0331 36/19.2 = 1.88. **Average of three readings. The value from run 1 1 was not included i n t h i s average because three different values of rod f i n a l position were recorded i n different places for t h i s run. R E G U L A T I N G ROD C A L I B R A T I O N FROM REACTOR PERIODS The calibration of the regulating rod by use of reactor periods (exp. L-5) u t i l i z e d the inhour equat i o n i n a form i n which r e a c t i v i t y is given i n terms of the reactor period for a given rate of f u e l f l o w . Figure 5.4 shows a plot of the reactivity ( A k / k ) as a function o f reactor periods for 0- and 48-gpm fuel flow, as calculated from the inhour relation. Details of the calculational method used are presented i n Appendix I. In the experimental procedure followed, the regul a t i n g rod was suddenly withdrawn a known distance, while the shim rods were i n a set position and the reactor was operating a t a nominal power The reactor was then allowed t o o f about 1 w. r i s e i n power on a constant period to a peak o f 50 to 100 w, a t which time it was manually 48 scrammed. From the induced period and the known flow, the excess r e a c t i v i t y introduced during the run was obtained from the inhour formula. This number was then divided by the travel of the regul a t i n g rod t o find the value o f (Ak/k)/in. for the A total of eight reactor excursions o f t h i s run. nature were made, s i x at 48-gpm flow, and two a t zero flow. Some of the reactor excursions during t h i s experiment are shown i n Fig. 5.5, as recorded by the The straight l i n e s that indicate l o g N recorder. the slope of the power increase r e f l e c t periods on the order of 20 to 25 sec. Figure 5.6 presents some o f the period traces recorded on the period recorder during the experiment. The i n i t i a l high peaks for each rod movement are due t o the transient condition, h e interpretation 04 which i s given i n Appendix S. I n plotting the period for a particular rod motion, the average o f the periods obtained from the log N and the period recorders was used. A p l o t of (Ak/k)/in. as a function of rod p o s i t i o n as obtained from this experiment i s shown i n Fig. 5.7. The horizontal lines on each s i d e o f the i ORNL-LR-DWG 4 6402 0 0035 i 0 0030 0 0025 e 2 00020 i k ? t- 0 w a 00015 LL I 0 0010 I 0 0005 4 0 f 10 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 too REACTOR PERIOD ( sec 1 i , Fig. = i 5.4. Regulating Rod R e a c t i v i t y vs Reactor Period for F u e l Flow Rates of experimental points show the extent of the rod movement for that point. Again, there i s no conc l u s i v e evidence that the reactivity of the rod per unit length was not constant. Therefore, the average of the 48-gpm flow data weighted over the rod movement for each run gives i I (&/K)/in. 1 For the two zero-flow points the rod was moved over the middle 10 in, of i t s 12-in. travel i n two 6-in. overlapping runs covering the upper and lower halves o f the rod, respectively, The weighted average of these points gave a value o f I (Ak/k)/in. ? = 0.029Win. * = 0.033%/in. , which i s i n excellent agreement with the fuel addition calibration. This value was settled upon as the best value of reactivity per inch over the whole length of the regulating rod. The values for the reactivity vs rod position are given i n Table 5.6. 0 and 48 gpm. C A L I B R A T I O N O F SHIM RODS VS REGULATING ROD With the reactivity of the regulating rod known, the shim rods could be calibrated against it (exp. L-6). This calibration could then be compared with the previous calibration made during the fuel addition. It was assumed that the three shim rods were enough a l i k e that a calibration o f one rod would be representative, and rod No. 3 was chosen for the c o l i bration. The calibration procedure consisted of setting shim rods Nos. 1 and 2 i n a fixed position, and then, with the reactor a t a power level of 1 w on the servo mechanism, rod No. 3 was moved u n t i l a specified travel of the regulating rod was obtained. A t the start o f the experiment the rods were adjusted so that shim rod No. 3 was nearly a l l the way out (position indicator at 35 in.) and the regulating rod nearly a l l inserted (position indicator a t 3 in.). After recording the position of a l l rods, 49 d i 50 In m z wJ In ;1 wJ 2 2 rlL N z 9 O N - M ( u 0 - 1)1 I 2 I- N - * i P I h i t a P i & 5- l. h h b t L J ? t t I I ! t ! i k I f i ia b 0 40 -< 035 z I t. t 2 9 0 3 0 n 0 25 0 04 003 - c , -z > 002 t 2 Io W 4 n 0 01 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to 11 12 43 14 REGULATING ROD POSITION ( i n ) Fig. 5.7. Calibration of Regulating Rod from Reactor Period Measurements. shim rod No, 3 was inserted u n t i l the servo action had withdrawn the regulating rod a compensating The action was then distance of about 10 in. stopped and the new rod positions were recorded. With shim rod No. 3 set, shim rods Nos. 1 and 2 were then adjusted to bring the regulating rod back to i t s original position, and again the rod positions were recorded. Again rod No. 3 was inserted u n t i l a 10-in. withdrawal of the regulating rod was attained. This process was repeated u n t i l rod No, 3 had been inserted about 14 in., and each new position had been recorded. This calibration agreed well with the calibration against fuel addition. Details of the results are given i n Appendix J. F U E L SYSTEM C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S The fuel system characteristics with the fuel concentrate i n the system were determined for the 52 f i r s t (and only) time the day after the reactor f i r s t became c r i t i c a l (exp. L-3). The final amounts o f concentrate (i.e., the excess to provide for burnup and poisoning during the subsequent power runs) had not yet been added t o the system. Consequently, the fuel density at the time the data were taken was 3.32 g/cm3 as compared w i t h 3.36 g/cm3 for the final fuel composition, and 3.08 g/cm3 for the carrier; a l l densities were determined a t 1300OF. The measured and calculated f l o w data as a function of pump speed are shown i n Fig. 5.8. T h e flow was calculated for two pump speeds by using the time between p i p s on the f i s s i o n chamber as concentrate was f i r s t added t o the system. The straight l i n e joining the two calculated points i s considered t o be a good approximation because o f the regime i n which the pump was operated. i T A B L E 5.6. REGULATING ROD REACTIVITY CALIBRATION FROM REACTOR PE RlOD MEASUREMENTS (Exp. No. Run Fuel F l o w (gpm) L-5) Average Average h/k Period from lnhour (set) Equation Movement of Regulating Rod Reactivity, Regulating Rod (Ak/k)/in. (in.) (%/in.) Position (in.) ~~ 1 48 48 0.00036 7.5 1.1 0.0318 2 48 22.2 0.00060 7.6 2.C8 0.0289 3 0 21 0.00206 9.6 6.05 0.0330 4 48 26 0.00054 3.8 2 .o 0.0270 5 48 22 0.0006 1 11.1 2.2 0.0278 6 0 21.6 0.0020 5.6 6.1 0.0328 7 48 20.1 0.00065 5.2 2.08 0.0313 0.00060 9.3 2.06 0.0291 8 22.2 48 Average for 0-gpm flow Average for 48-gpm flow 0.0329 0.029 ORNL-LR-DWG 6407 30 25 (I) 20 / a &/<FLOW 5 .- FROM FLOWMETER I + I a 400 n w a ;15 200 [L 3 /, u) W v) a 0 10 5.8. F u e l F l o w R a t e a s a Function of Pump 5 The flow data as a function o f the system head loss from the reactor i n l e t to the pump tank are The f l o w data are plotted digiven i n Fig. 5.9. r e c t l y vs head (by using the flow rates determined from pump speed as given by the upper curve i n Fig. 5.8) and then as corrected for a “live” zero 0 Fig. Speed. 0 10 20 30 40 50 FLOW RATE ( g p m ) F i g . 5.9. F u e l F l o w R a t e vs the Pressuee Head from the Pump Suction t o the Reactor Inlet. 53 on the pressure transmitter from which the head values were obtained. The latter data fit the Furthermore, these theoretical curve very we 11. system data fit the pump performance data, i f it i s assumed that there i s a 7-psi drop from the pump discharge to the reactor i n l e t at design flow (i.e., 46 gpm); there i s no experimental measurement of t h i s pressure drop. The pump performance characteristics determined i n a test stand run with fuel at 130OOF are given i n Fig. 5.10. E F F E C T OF F U E L FLOW ON REACTIVITY An experiment was performed i n which the effect of fuel flow on reactivity was observed (exp.L-7). For this experiment the reactor was brought to a nominal power of 1 watt and given over to the f l u x servo mechanism after f u l l fuel flow of 46 gpm had been established. After recording the positions of the regulating and shim rods the flow rate was reduced step-wise unti I zero-flow was reached. Each reduction of the flow was accompanied by a change of position of the regulating rod. Reducing the flow had the effect of allowing more delayed neutrons to contribute to the flux level i n the reactor, and therefore the servo mechanism inserted the regulating rod to compensate for the excess reactivity created by the delayed neutrons. Each rate of fuel flow and the corresponding regulating rod position were recorded. The results of the experiment are shown in Fig. 5.11, where A k / k i s plotted as a function of flow rate. It i s observed that 12 in, of rod movement, or 0.4% A k / k , was needed to compensate for the reactivity introduced when the flow rate was reduced from f u l l to zero flow. This curve i s comparable t o that shown i n Fig. D.2 of Appendix D. The data for t h i s experiment are tabulated i n Table 5.7. Although not a part of experiment L-7, additional insight into fuel a c t i v i t y may be obtained from examination o f Fig. 5.12, which shows activity as Before the recorded by f i s s i o n chamber No. 2. data shown i n the figure were recorded the reactor had been operating at a power o f about 1 w with the fuel pump stopped. As shown, the reactor was 60 60 50 50 40 40 f k L. I c t i d .-.. e ..-. * r > u 30 30 0 I LI LL W 20 20 4 10 IO 0 3 Fig. 5.10. F u e l Pump Performance Curves, 54 ORNL-LR-OWG ORNL-LR-DWG 6408 04 105 * 2 g 0 I d 3854 42 0 03 90 I a > c_ 2 02 + 0 75 ; 60 1 _I 3 8 : LL 4 IL W 5 45 I 0 REACTIVITY CHANGE DUE TO STOPPING SODIUM FLOW TpHdQ,a v) 01 30 r W X 15 0 0 0 Fig. tivity. 5 10 5.11. T A B L E 5.7. 15 20 25 30 35 FLOW RATE (qpm) No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 45 50 Effect of F u e l Flow Rate on Reac- E F F E C T OF F U E L FLOW RATE ON REACTIVITY (Exp. Run 40 L-7) Fuel Sodium Movement of Chonge in Flow Flow Regulating Rod Reactivity, (gpm) (gpm) (in.) 45.5 41 35 28.5 23.8 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 1 49 149 149 149 149 149 149 0 149 0 0.7 1.4 1.9 2.4 3 .O 3.45 12.05 3.45 12.05 3.65 3.65 0.9 0.96 1.12 0.96 ia a 13.5 0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 13.5 0 13.5 13.5 43.5 41 41 41 Ak/k (n) 0 0.023 1 0.0462 0.0627 0.0792 0.099 0.1 14 0.398 0.114 0.398 0.120 0.120 0.0297 0.031 7 0.0370 0.0317 then scrammed' and the fuel pump started. The fuel which had been in the reactor before the scram was more active than the remainder o f the fuel and 'Scram, o s used in this report, refers to on intentional shut down of the chain reaction b y suddenly dropping t h e control rods into the core. Fig. 5.12. Circulating F u e l Slugs after Starting Pump Following a Reactor Scram. it was t h i s excess activity which showed up as the fuel was circulated after the reactor was scrammed. LOW-POWER M E A S U R E M E N T O F T H E TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT A measurement of the temperature coefficient of reactivity (exp. L-8) was made next. With the reactor isothermal a t 1312°F and controlled by the flux servo mechanism, the heat barrier doors were raised and the helium blower turned on to 200 rpm to cool the fuel i n the heat exchanger. As the temperature of the reactor decreased, the servo began t o drive the regulating rod i n t o compensate for the increased reactivity. The recording o f the regulating rod position vs time i s shown i n Beginning a t 0218, the rod was inFig. 5.13. serted by the servo quite rapidly, and by 0221 the With the rod was approaching i t s lower limit. regulating rod on servo, one of the shim rods was T h i s shim rod inserted as rapidly as possible. insertion overcompensated for the increase i n reactivity due to the temperature drop, and the 55 ORNL-LR-D'fiG 024; 6409 024 024C 0235 023C 023i 023f 0235 j 023L EXP L - 8 , NOV 8 , 1 9 5 4 023: 0232 023 023C 0225 > ," 022E LL 0227 022c 8: 0225 ii t 0224 0223 0222 022.1 TO OVERRIDE SERVO 0220 i ! 0219 I i j j 0217 I j 0246 I+-----I 02(5 ONE INCH REGULATING ROD 0258 LOWER END OF j I I ; I 0214 0213 0212 12 I3 II 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 4 0 REGULATING ROD INSERTED (in.) Fig, 5.13. Coefficient . Regulating Rod P o s i t i o n During Low-Power Measurement of the Reactor Temperature servo quickly withdrew the regulating rod. Insertion o f the shim rod was stopped when the regulating rod had been withdrawn to near i t s upper limit, and the regulating rod was again inserted by the servo to compensate for the reactivity introduced by the cooling o f the fuel. By 0230, the outlet temperature i n the heat exchanger was approaching i t s lower limit, 1150°F, so the helium blower was stopped and the run was ended. A trace from the chart for recording the mean fuel temperature i s shown i n Fig, 5.14, and superimposed on i t i s a plot o f the displacement of the 56 regulating rod as obtained from the previous figure. A measure o f the temperature coefficient may be obtained by comparing the slopes o f the two curves. At 0228 the rod was moving a t exactly 1 in./min, corresponding t o an increase in reactivity of 3.3 x (Ak/k)/min. At the same time, the mean temperature was dropping a t the rate o f 5.1°F/min. The resulting reactor temperature coefficient, as obtained from these data, would (Ak/k)/OF. 3 y comappear t o be -6.48 x paring the slopes of the curves obtained earlier during the run, a considerably higher coefficient h c I * i & A. t b ' L ? ORNL-LR-OWG 64!0 1400 32 1 EXP. L - 8 N O V 8,1954 1 I c LL 0 v - 1350 C t- a t7 LT W W z t a I W 1 L 0 W 4 2 '$ 3 : 24 1300 16 a tl1 I n 0 0 J W K 3 LL 8 1250 0 0215 4 0220 0225 0230 0235 T I M E OF DAY Fig. 5.14. Regulating Rod Position Superimposed on F u e l Mean Temperature Chart. can be obtained that might approximate that for the fuel. In any case, the recorded mean temperature i s believed to be in error (as explained in Appendix K) i n such a manner that the actual rate o f temperature change i s about 40% higher than that The measured value of the given in Fig. 5.14. temperature coefficient was corrected accordingly t o give a value o f -4.6 (Ak/k)/O F for the low power. T h i s value i s comparable t o that subsequently obtained during high-power operation and, as noted in the subsequent discussion, the data from experiment H-8 yielded t h e best values for both t h e fuel and the reactor temperature coefficients. The apparent time lag between the reactivity and the minimum mean temperature, as f i r s t noted during the subcritical measurement of the temperature coefficient, was s t i l l i n evidence here. Possible explanations of the time lag, as well as other detai Is o f the various temperature coefficient measurements, are given i n Appendix 0. i A D J U S T M E N T O F CHAMBER POSITION 4 ' During the c r i t i c a l experiment and the low-power operation, it was desirable t o have the nuclear instruments positioned t o read a t as low a power as possible. The chambers were therefore as close t o the reactor as possible, Before increasing the power, i t was necessary to adjust the positions o f the nuclear chambers so that they would read a t This was accomplished by higher power levels. adjusting the power level of the reactor t o about 100 w and then moving the compensated log N chamber away from the reactor so that i t s reading was changed from 0.032 to 0.001, or i t s upper l i m i t was extended by a factor of about 30. With the reactor power at about 1 kw, the micromicroammeter chamber was moved away from the reactor s o that i t s reading was changed from 41.4 on the 5 x amp range t o 54 on the 1 x lo-* amp range, T h i s extended the upper l i m i t o f the meter by a factor o f While one chamber was adjusted the about 40. reactor power was held constant by the other chambers so that the correlation between instrument readings was not lost. The nuclear power for the experiment was determined on t h i s basis. I n the final analysis, the correlation between chamber readings and reactor power can be based on .the 25-hr xenon run during which a good value for the extracted power was obtained. The micromicroammeter read 52.5 on the 2 x lo-' scale when the log N read 22.5, and both corresponded t o an extracted power o f 2.12 Mw. 57 i 6. HIGH-POWER EXPERIMENTS I I The low-power tests were concluded by noon on November 8. During the last few days of the lowpower tests a l l last minute details in preparing the system for high-power operation had been under way. These preparations included lubricating a l l rotating equipment, r e f i l l i n g o i l reservoirs, changing filters, replacing motor brushes, checking a l l instrumentation, etc. By 1445 on November 8 the p i t s had been sealed, i.e., covered with three layers of 2 4 - f t - t h i c k concrete blocks and calked, and the experiment was ready for the high-power phase of the operotion, the chronology of which i s given i n Fig. 6.1. Prior t o the start of the high-power experiment the final addition of fuel concentrate, which was t o provide the reactor with sufficient excess reactivity t o overcome burnup and fission-product poisoning, was made. This last addition consisted of 15.419 Ib of concentrate diluted with 32.379 Ib of partially enriched fuel (part of that removed from the system earlier when the pump level was trimmed) and was injected into the system through the sample l i n e on the morning of November 7. The sample l i n e was used for t h i s final enrichment operation because the transfer I ine through which the concentrate had hitherto been injected into the system had again developed a leak. It was necessary t o lower the melting point of the concentrate (by dilution) because it was not certain that the sample line could otherwise safely maintain the high temperature required. High power, which may be defined for the ARE as anything over 0.1 Mw, was approached i n a series of successive steps of increasing power. The power regime was not attained at once, because leakage of fission a c t i v i t y from the system into the p i t s and subsequently from the p i t s into the occupied parts of the building required that provision be made to maintain the p i t s a t a subatmospheric pressure. The experiment could then continue safely, and a power of greater than 2 Mw was f i r s t attained early during the evening of November 9. The remaining time (70 hr) of the ARE operation was devoted t o several experiments to determine the high-power behavior of the reactor; these experiments are described i n detail i n the following sections. Starting i n the evening of November 9, the fuel temperature coefficient of reactivity (Exp. H-4) and the over-all reactor temperature coefficient (Exp. H-5 and Exp. H-9) were measured. 58 The early hours of November 10 were used t o take the reactor t o power from subcritical by making use of the negative temperature coefficient (Exp. H-6). Later in the day the sodium temperature coefficient was measured (Exp. H-7), some other reactor kinetics were studied (Exp. H-8), and the moderator temperature coefficient was measured (Exp. H-10). During t h i s time the operating crews had opportunity t o familiarize themselves with the handling of the reactor at power. At 1835 on November 10, a 25-hr ful I-power xenon run was started. For t h i s run the reactor was held in steady-state operation a t 2.12 Mw by the negative temperature coefficient and a t a mean temperature Since equilibrium temperature condiof 1311°F. tions prevailed during t h i s run, a very good measurement of extracted power could be made. The run ended a t 1935 on November 11. Later that night, the effect on the power of stopping the sodium flow was observed (Exp. H-12), and at 2237 a !,O-power run (Exp. H-13) was started to observe the effect of xenon buildup and continued for a period o f 10 hr. During t h i s run the reactor At 0835 on power was approximately 200 kw. November 12 no effect of xenon buildup had been observed, and therefore the experiment was terminated. The morning of the last day, November 12, was devoted t o some more reactor kinetics studies and a measurement of the maximum extracted power available (Exp. H-14), which turned out t o be about 2.5 Mw. On the afternoon of November 12 the building was opened t o visitors with proper clearance, and the behavior of the reactor was demonstrated t o them. At 2004, an estimated total operating time of 100 Mw-hr having been accumulated, the reactor was scrammed and the ARE experiment was terminated. b - k L b i i I c ! e i APPROACHTOPOWER t I The i n i t i a l phase of high-power operation of the ARE began a t 1445 on November 8. As shown i n Fig. 6.1, the power was raised in a series of At each power level, when successive steps. steady-state conditions had been obtained, a complete set of control room data was taken. The f i r s t experiment, H-1, was a 20-kw run. During t h i s run the safety chambers were withdrawn and At 1619 the reset t o scram a t about 260 kw. reactor was shut down because of the presence of I- i . i Y 3 1 1 0 0 e W r L 0 0 N N 1 3 u I h-l I - n X m z c w z 0 Z X m 5 0 v r C 7, s1 0 Z m I 0 0 m EXP. H-3 ul \ T 0 0 A I . -,-I- TIME J / 0 Z rn 0 - s1 ///'I-\\ OF DAY s 0 0 0-4 90 Zm I 0 8 0 0 80 2: 0 0- -lX sz I 1 0 0 0 0 W m XJ z m z 0 < n VI W 2 n ul W A 0 P ul W A W cn -I z m X 73 m 30 m d W 0 I r P I 0 I m I - -I 71 0 < 0 0 z 0 r I ;D 0 0 6 t c i t i c f airborne radioactivity in the basement. Apparently the gas f i t t i n g s t o the main fuel pump were leaking and fission-product gases and vapors were leaking into the p i t s and from the p i t s into the basement through defective seals i n some of the piping and electrical junction panels connecting the basement with the pits. In order t o prevent the leakage of activity into the basement it was decided t o operate the p i t s a t a slightly subatmospheric pressure. Accordingly, a 2-in. pipeline was run in a direction south of the ARE building for a distance of 1000 ft and termi- I P I d 1 -. nated in an uninhabited valley. Then, by means o f portable compressors and a jet, the p i t pressure was lowered by about 6 in. H,O, with the exhaust from the compressors being bled into the 2-in. pipeline. The p i t s were maintained at a negative pressure for the balance of the experiment. At 1125 on November 9 the reactor was again brought t o 20-kw power (Exp. H-2) for the purpose of testing the new off-gas system t o determine , whether or not the negative pressure of 6 in. HO in the p i t s was enough t o keep the hot gases from diffusing into the basement. During t h i s run the p i t activity, as recorded on the p i t monitrons, was watched, and i t s decay after shutdown of the reactor a t 1246 was observed. From t h i s run it was ascertained that the subatmospheric p i t pressure would prevent p i t a c t i v i t y from leaking into the bui Iding, At 1520 on November 9 the approach t o power was started again (Exp. H-3). At 1523 the reactor was brought t o a nominal power of 200 kw on a 17-sec period and leveled out. s i x minutes later the barrier doors were raised and the f i r s t attempt t o extract power was made. A t 1529 the fuel helium blower was turned on and the blower speed The nuclear power was increased t o 300 rpm. again began t o increase, but the safety chambers had not been withdrawn far enough and they scrammed the reactor when the power level had reached about 260 kw. After another false start, the safety chambers were withdrawn again and set t o scram a t about 4 Mw. The reactor was then brought t o 100 kw, leveled out, and placed on flux servo a t 1625. At 1626 it was taken o f f servo and the blower speed was increased, t h i s time t o only 170 rpm. The reactor power slowly rose and a t 1643 had leveled off on the reactor temperature coefficient a t about 500 kw. After a set of data had been taken and the reactor mean temperature elevated, the blower speed was increased t o 400 rpm and the power level continued t o rise. B y 1715 the power level had leveled out a t near 1 Mw. The sodium blowers were turned on (at 1740) and brought t o a speed of about 500 rpm. Half an hour later the fuel blower speed was increased t o 1590 rpm, and i n 10 min a steady-state power level of about 2 Mw was reached. At t h i s time the nuclear and process instruments read as follows: Log N power, ' 1.32 1.38 1203 1440 1321 23 7 46 1281 MW Micromicroammeter power,' M w Reactor inlet fuel temperature,' O F Reactor outlet fuel temperature,' OF Reactor mean fuel temperature,2 "F Fuel temperature difference across reactor,' O F Fuel flow, gpm Reactor sodium mean temperature, OF Sodium temperature difference across reactor, O F Sodium flow, gpm 10 152 From these data the extracted power was calculated as follows: Power extracted from sodium, Mw 1.16 0.05 Power extracted from rod cooling, Mw 0.02 Power extracted from fuel, Mw ~ Total extracted power,2 Mw 1.23 However, it was subsequently discovered that the temperatures upon which this extracted power was calculated were i n error and, as discussed in Appendix K, the actual temperature gradient a t t h i s Therefore, the extime was about 40% higher. tracted power was correspondingly higher than that listed, A general discussion of the extracted power appears in a following section. The above-described power operation was rnaintained for about 1 hr, during which time no further trouble was occasioned by the fission gases. Power was reduced a t 1900 and the reactor scrammed a t 1915, and thus the i n i t i a l phase of the highpower operation was concluded. T E M P E R A T U R E C O E F F I C I E N T MEASUREMENTS Several experiments were performed in an attempt t o measure the effect on reactivity o f temperature changes of the various components of the 'Set on the b a s i s o f the power calibration from fuel activation. 'The temperatures and consequently the extracted power volues are i n error a s noted i n the discussion following the data. 61 reactor. In addition t o the over-all reactor coefficient, experiments were run t o obtain data on the instantaneous fuel temperature coefficient and the coefficients attributable t o the sodium and the beryllium oxide moderator. There were several anomalies that developed in the course of these experiments, the two most significant being (1) the interpretation of the lag i n the response between the rod movement and the change in reactor temperatures as power was abstracted from the reactor and (2) the discrepancy between the thermocouple indications a t the reactor (fuel and sodium i n l e t and outlet temperatures) and those along the lines t o and from the reactor. These anomalies are discussed in detail in Appendixes 0 and K, respectively. It was concluded that the time lag was not real (i,e., the fuel temperature should show changes as soon as the reactivity does) and that the l i n e temperature most accurately reflects the actual stream temperatures. In the determination of a temperature coefficient by varying the power extracted from the reactor, the recorded temperatures are subject t o correction, as described in Appendix K, However, when the temperature coefficient was determined, as i n Exp. H-5, by withdrawing the shim rods so that the reactor slowly heated i t s e l f while the extracted power remained constant, no correction needed t o be made for the temperature. Furthermore, t h i s technique minimized the temperature lag anomaly, and the fuel and reactor temperature coefficients derived from Exp. H-5 are therefore believed t o be the best experimental values for these coefficients. F u e l and Reactor Temperature Coefficients The fuel and reactor temperature coefficients were both obtained from the same experiment, the fuel being the instantaneous coefficient, the reactor the “equilibrium” coefficient. The i n i t i a l attempts (Exp. H-4) t o measure these coefficients were not satisfactory because o f the difficulty i n interpreting the results, and therefore the measurement was repeated (Exp. H-5) in a somewhat different manner. In the f i r s t experiment, H-4, the procedure was simi lor t o that described previously under ‘‘LowPower Measurement of the Temperature Coefficient,’] and the data are presented in Figs. 6.2 and 6.3. The f i r s t of these figures i s the recording of the position o f the regulating rod as it was inserted by theservo as the fuel was cooled by the helium flow i n the heat exchanger. Figure 6.3 i s a recording of 62 the mean fuel temperature w i t h the rod displacement Deas determined from Fig. 6.2 superimposed. pending upon the time at which the slopes of the two curves are compared, the temperature coefficient appears t o decreasefrom a value of --1.6 x (Ak/k)/OF to -4.43 x (Ak/k)/”F toward the end o f the run, These values represent the recorded data and are of course subject t o the correction for temperature, as discussed i n Appendix K, even as the data are subject t o various interpretations because of the lag i n the temperature data (see Appendix 0). Furthermore, the changes were made quite rapidly, the entire run lasting only 5 min. In an attempt t o minimize the effect of the temperature anomalies, the temperature coefficients were then determined from an experiment (Exp. H-5) in which the extracted power was held constant and the shim rods were withdrawn, Starting with the reactor a t a mean temperature o f 126OoF, the withdrawal o f t h e shim rods allowed the reactor to gradually heat the whole system t o 1315OF. Since the reactor was a slave t o the heat extraction system, which was not changed, the extracted power remained virtually constant during t h i s time. T h i s process took about 35 min during which the nuclear power was held constant a t a nominal power of 200 kw by the flux servo. The regulating rod gradually withdrew t o compensate for the decrease i n reactivity as the reactor temperature increased. The data are tabulated in Table 6.1, and a plot of rod withdrawal vs mean reactor temperature i s Inspection o f Table 6.1 presented i n Fig. 6.4. shows that the rate o f change of t h e i n l e t and outlet fuel temperatures followed the change in mean fuel temperature very closely, and thus gave assurance that the fuel throughout the reactor was changing temperature a t a uniform rate. T h e most reliable values for the temperature coefficients of the ARE were obtained from t h i s experiment. For the f i r s t 6 min the plot of rod withdrawal vs reactor mean temperature shows a Since 1 in. of rod movement slope of 0.296 in./OF. Ak/k, the i n i t i a l i s equivalent t o 3.3 x (Ak/k)/OF. temperature coefficient was -9.8 x After the f i r s t 6 min and up u n t i l conclusion o f the run, the curve in Fig. 6.4 demonstrates a constant value of the temperature coefficient o f -6.0 x (Ak/k)/OF. These are the best values for these coefficients that were obtained, It should be noted that the value for the over-all temperature coefficient agrees t o w i t h i n 25% w i t h the value previously obtained from the low-power experiments. However, i i ’ I c b c i I t k b ORNL-LR-DWG 6412 2127 -INSERTION WITHDRAWAL- -OFF SERVO CONTROL 2126 2125 E X P . H - 4 , NOV. >a n 9,1954 UPPER E N D OF ROD T R A V E L 2124 ROD WITHDRAWN BY INSERTING SHIMS TO OVERRIDE SERVO LL ;> 0 W 5 c rl LOWER E N D ROD TRAVEL 2123 - 2122 m BLOWER ON REGULATING ROD TRAVEL 2121 2120 12 11 io 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 R E G U L A T I N G ROD I N S E R T E D (in.) F i g . 6.2. ment H-4. OF ( 3 5 0 rpm) i 0 Regulating Rod Position During Measurement of Reactor Temperature Coefficient. Experi- ORNL-LR-DWG 32 6413 1400 I LL 28 W - [z c C 24 t, 3 + a 1350 20 5 W 16 d i z a a E 12 n n W 1300 [z g 8 0 t- 4 W o a [z 0 4 , t- _1 i - 6 a 5 W 2121 2122 2123 2124 2125 2126 2127 1250 2128 TIME OF DAY Fig. 6.3. Regulating Rod Position Superimposed on F u e l Mean Temperature Chart. Experiment H-4. 63 T A B L E 6.1. REACTOR TEMPERATURES AND ROD POSITIONS DURING 100-kw MEASUREMENT O F TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENTS (EXP. H-5) Time 2223 24 25 26 27 25 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 2300 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 64 Regulating Rod Position (in.) Rod Withdrawal 3.72 3.84 4. 15 4.43 4.69 4.96 5.23 5.50 5.77 6.02 6.28 6.49 6.68 6.90 7.10 7.35 7.50 7.69 7.92 8.14 8.32 8.55 8.75 8.94 9.11 9.31 9.50 9.68 9.85 10.05 10.23 10.45 10.60 10.78 10.99 11.17 11.41 11.54 11.80 11.95 12.20 12.38 12.57 12.75 12.90 13.19 13.25 0 0.12 0.43 0.71 0.97 1.24 1.51 1.78 2.05 2.30 2.56 2.77 2.96 3.18 3.38 3.65 3.78 3.97 4.20 4.42 4.60 4.83 5.33 5.22 5.39 5.59 5.78 5.96 6.13 6.33 6.5 1 6.73 6.88 7.06 7.27 7.45 7.69 7.82 8.08 8.23 8.48 8.66 8.85 9.03 9.18 9.47 9.53 (in.) Reactor Mean Reactor Inlet Reactor Outlet Temperature Temperature Temperature (OF) (OF) 1262.5 1263.5 1264 1265.5 1266 1267.5 1269 1271 1272 1273 1274.5 1275.5 1277 1278 1279 1280.5 1281.5 1282.5 1283.5 1284.5 1285.5 1286.5 1287.5 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302.3 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 131 1 1283 1285 1286 1287 1288 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1296 1297 1298 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1307 1308 1309 1310 131 1 131 2 1313 1314 1315 131 6 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332.5 1333 (O F) 1263.5 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270.3 1271.5 1273 1274 1275 1276.5 1277.5 1278.5 1279.5 1281 1282 1283 1283.5 1285 1286.3 1287.5 1288.5 1289.5 1291 1292.5 1293.5 1294.3 1295 1296.5 1297.5 1298.8 1299.5 1300.5 1301.3 1302.5 1303.5 1305 1306.3 1307 1308 1308.8 1309.8 1310.5 131 1.5 1312.5 1313.5 - L 1 r b k b d t P I: = 5I a 1 5 k ORNL-LR-DWG 6444 1 ? s 1265 1260 1270 1275 1280 4285 1290 1295 (300 1305 1310 1315 1, REACTOR MEAN TEMPERATURE (OF) ; i' - 1 Fig. f i 6.4. Regulating Rod Movement a s a Function of Reactor Mean Temperature. the instantaneous value o f -9.8 x (Ak/k)/'F i s much more important from the reactor control standpoint, and it was t h i s large fuel temperature coefficient which made the ARE demonstrate the excellent stability described below under t h e subtitle "Reactor Kinetics." The value for the reactor temperature coefficient was subsequently confirmed in a later experiment (Exp. H-9) in which the system temperature was changed by gradually cooling the sodium, which in turn, cooled the fuel and the reactor. While the curve obtained from t h i s experiment was very similar t o that given in Fig. 6.4, the i n i t i a l slope could not be that due t o the fuel temperature coefficients, because the fuel i s one of the l a s t constituents i n the reactor to feel the temperature change. The "equilibrium" slope, however, should be that determined by the reactor temperature coefficient, and a value o f -6.3 x (~k/k)/~F Experiment H-5. was obtained. No temperature correction was required because the extracted power in the fuel system did not change (although that i n the sodium T h i s vatue agrees very w e l l with system did). that obtained i n the preceding experiment. Sodi um Temperature Coeff icienf In order t o measure the sodium temperature coefficient an experiment (Exp. H-7)was performed in which the sodium was cooled and the corresponding changes in sodium temperature and reactivity were measured. In t h i s experiment it was mandatory that the sodium be cooled rapidly and the data recorded before the moderator had time t o cool. Otherwise, since the sodium bathes the moderator, the moderator temperature would follow the sodium temperature and introduce an extraneous effect due t o i t s (i.e., moderator) temperature coefficient. Accordingly, with the reactor a t about 65 33 kw and no power being extracted from either the fuel or the sodium, the sodium blower speeds (2 blowers) were quickly raised from 0 t o 2000 rpm. The reactor period immediately started t o change and went from i n f i n i t y t o 50 sec in 1.5 min, which, as shown i n Fig. 5.4, corresponds t o A k / k . The cona reactivity change of 3.5 x sequent rate of reactivity change was 2.33 x (Ak/k)/min. In t h i s experiment the regulating rod, as well as the shim rods, was held in a fixed position. During the 1.5-min interval, the fuel temperature was changing at a rate of about -1"F/min and the sodium temperature was changing at a rate of -2.3'F/min. (The rate of change of fuel mean temperature was corrected for the discrepancy i n the recorded mean temperature, as described i n App. K, but no comparable correction was necessary i n the rate of change of the sodium temperature.) B y applying the previously mentioned (Ak/k)/OF for the instantanevalue o f -9.8 x ous fuel temperature coefficient t o give a rate o f reactivity change for the fuel of 0.98 x (Ak/k)/min and subtracting from the rate of reactivity change observed upon cooling the sodium, it i s found that the reactivity change caused by the decrease in t h e sodium temperature i s 2.33 x (Ak/k)/min - 0.98 x (observed) (Ak/k)/min 1.35 x = (fuel) (Ak/k)/min . Then, by applying the observed rate of change o f the sodium temperature, the sodium temperature coefficient i s found to be 1.35 x (Ak/k)/min -2.3O F/m i n = -5.88 x (Ak/k)OF. T h i s value i s v a l i d i f it i s assumed that the transient took place rapidly enough that there was no appreciable change i n the moderator temperature. The measurements were, however, subject t o considerable error because the temperature changes involved were so small as t o be quite d i f f i c u l t t o detect and a correction was necessary in the fuel temperature because of thermal lags. Moderator Temperature Coefficient An experiment (H-10) was conducted in order t o determine the temperature coefficient of the moder- 66 ator. During t h i s experiment the fuel temperature was held constant and the speed o f the blowers for cooling the sodium was increased t o change the temperature of the moderator coolant. Since t h i s was done very slowly, the moderator did cool down, in contrast t o the earlier experiment (H-7) in which the sodium temperature was changed SO rapidly that the moderator temperature was unable t o follow the sodium temperature, The earlier experiment gave information as t o the temperature coefficient of the sodium alone, whereas experiment H-7 gave the combined effect of sodium and moderator changes, The reactivity was indicated by the position t o which the regulating rod was adjusted by the flux servo. T h e changes i n the sodium and the moderator temperatures slightly increased the heat loss of the fuel, and the power had t o be increased slightly In t o keep the fuel mean temperature constant. fact, in the middle of the run the reactor mean temperature was lower than a t the beginning, but before the final reading w a s taken, the reactor mean temperature was brought back t o i t s original value. Table 6.2 gives the pertinent data. The sodium i n l e t temperature was taken from a recording o f the temperature of the reflector coolant inlet 4 in. from the bottom of the reactor and the sodium outlet temperature was taken from a recording of the temperature of the reflector coolant outlet 3 in. from the top of the reactor. The time recorded i n column one i s the time when a reading was taken. The change of the blower speed preceded t h i s time by a few minutes t o allow the temperature equilibrium t o be established. As an indication of the establishment of the equilibrium, use was made of the leveling off of the trace on the sodium temperature differential recorder. A s can be seen from the table, the decrease of the average sodium temperature from 1273 t o 1246OF corresponds t o a withdrawal of t h e regulating rod from the &in. position t o the 8.9-in. position. A t the lower temperature the reactor was less reactive and showed that the temperature coefficient was positive. The magnitude of t h i s temperature coefficient was small, (0.9 in./27OF) x 3.33 x (Ak/k)/in. = +1.1 x (Ak/k)OF. T h i s coefficient is, however,the sum o f the sodium temperature coefficient and the moderator temperature coefficient. Since the sodium temperature coefficient the moderator temperature COwas -5.9 x efficient must be +6.9 X lo-' (Ak/k)/OF. This value is, of course, subject t o a l l the inherent t + i = t r i I k I i t loe5 B t i T A B L E 6.2 Time I MODERATOR TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT DATA I Fuel Fuel Blower Sodium Regulating Mean Temperature Temperature Gradient Speed (rpm) Temperature Rod , (O F) ~~~ (Mw) (" F) P F) No. 1 No. 2 Inlet Outlet Average (in.) 1735 1313 206 960 1050 1265 1282 1273 8.0 1.98 1745 13 14 206 1160 1050 1255 1280 1267 8.0 1.98 1752 13 13 203 1170 1260 1248 1278 1263 7.6 1.98 1802 1308 200 1340 1250 1238 1272 1255 6.6 1.98 . i Power Position ~~ b Nuclear i I i i i 1809 Increased servo demand signal so as t o withdraw rod 1812 1311 204 1480 1240 1230 1268 1249 8.4 2.12 1825 13 13 205 1470 1480 1225 1268 1246 8.9 2.12 errors of the measurement of the sodium temperature coefficient, as well as the additional errors i n the temperatures recorded for t h i s particular experiment. M E A S U R E M E N T O F T H E X E N O N POISONING 7 A t 1825 on November 10 a 25-hr run a t a power o f 2.12 Mw was started for the purpose o f measuring the amount o f xenon b u i l t up i n the fuel (Exp. H-11). A s discussed in Appendix P, the reactor should have been poisoned by about 2 x h k / k after i t i s assumed that no xenan escaped from the molten fuel. N o t only did the 25-hr run demonstrate that very l i t t l e o f the fission-product gas 25 hr, if November 1825 remained i n the fuel but, also, that the reactor possessed phenomenal stability. Except for a minute withdrawal of the regulating rod t o compensate for a barely detectable drop i n the mean reactor temperature, a l l readings on both reactor and process instrumentation held constant within experimental error for the 25 hr. It was assumed that the rod withdrawal was due t o xenon buildup in the fuel. However, it could have been due to any of a number o f minor perturbations, and therefore the experiment demonstrated an absolute upper l i m i t on the xenon poisoning. An abstract o f the log book and data sheets during the experiment follows: i 10, 1954 Run started; reactor power, 2.12 Mw; rod position, 9.00 in.; November 4 reactor mean temperature, 1311OF 11, 1954 0635 Reactor mean temperature had decreased to 1309OF; rod withdrawn t o 9.05 0750 Reactor mean temperature up t o 1020 Reactor mean temperature 1310.5OF; rod withdrawn to 9.25 1120 Reoctor mean temperature 1311OF 1435 Reactor mean temperature down t o 1559 Reactor mean temperature up t o 1311OF 1932 Reactor mean temperature up t o 1312OF; r o d s t i l l a t 9.30 in.; end of run in. 131OOF; rod withdrawn to 9.15 in. 131OOF; rod withdrawn in. to 9.30 in. I ! 67 It i s t o be noted that the temperature recorded was actually one degree higher a t the end o f the experiment than a t the start; t h i s indicates that the withdrawal o f the regulating rod by 0.3 ’in. may, indeed, have been too much. The withdrawal was unquestionably an upper l i m i t on the compensation needed for xenon poisoning and corresponded to a Ak/k of 1 x This was or 5% o f the value t o be expected i f the xenon had not l e f t the fuel (see Appendix P). Removal o f the xenon probably occurred by means of the swirling action of the fuel as it went through the pump. A s mentioned previously, fission-product gases that probably came from a leak in the gas f i t t i n g s were detected i n the p i t s early in the experiment. At the conclusion o f Exp. H-11 a t 1935, the reactor was operated a t various power levels for 2 hr i n an experiment (Exp. H-12) for determining the effect o f the sodium flow rate on the extracted power. A t 2237 the reactor was set a t 200 k w (onetenth full power) and h e l d there by the flux servo for 10 hr (Exp. H-13). I f any appreciable amount o f xenon had been built up i n the fuel from decay o f iodine formed during Exp. H-11, the poisoning effect should have been observed by a compensating rod withdrawal during t h i s 10-hr period. N o appreciable rod withdrawal was observed, and therefore it was concluded that if there was xenon poisoning from Exp. H-11, it was negligible. k0 POWER D E T E R M I N A T I O N F R O M HEAT EXTRACTION The most reliable method for determination o f actual reactor power was that based on the energy removed from the reactor i n the form of heat. The inlet, outlet, and mean temperatures, the temperature d i f k r e n c e of the fuel across the reactor, and the temperature difference o f the reflector coolant were continually recorded. The rates o f flow of both the fuel and the sodium were recorded and could also be determined from the speeds of the pumps. Since the heat capacities o f both the fuel and the sodium were known, the power level o f the reactor could be determined by the sum of the values obtained from the following relations: P, ‘N a = = 0.11 q , A T , 0.0343 q N a A T N a where P , = power from fuel heat extraction (Mw), p N a = power from sodium heat extraction (Mw), 68 q = volume flow rate (gpm), AT = temperature gradient across reactor of the fuel or the sodium (OF). Since both the fuel and the sodium were cooled by helium passing across a liquid-to-helium heat exchanger and the helium was cooled by passing it over a helium-to-water heat exchanger, the reactor power could also be determined from the water flow and temperature differences across the he1ium-to-water heat exchangers. Since the fuelto-helium and sodium-to-he1 ium heat exchangers are close t o their respective helium-to-water heat exchangers, l i t t l e heat was l o s t by the helium and therefore practically a l l of the heat removed from the fuel and sodium was transferred t o the water. The heat balance thus obtained was known as the secondary heat balance, while that obtained directly from the fuel and sodium systems was known as the primary heat balance. I n i t i a l comparisons of the primary and secondary heat balances revealed discrepancies o f the order of 50%. Subsequent investigation revealed that the temperature drops o f the primary heat balance were i n error. The temperatures were obtained from a few thermocouples located on fuel and sodium lines within the reactor thermal shield that read considerably lower than several thermocouples located external to the thermal shield on the fuel and sodium lines to and from the reactor. T h i s anomaly i s discussed further i n Appendix K. A l l reactor i n l e t and e x i t temperatures were subsequently based on the external thermocouple readings. A detailed analysis o f the extracted power was made (App. L) for the 25-hr xenon experiment primarily because of the certainty that equilibrium conditions had been established; also, t h i s highpower run at more than 2 Mw contributed almost two-thirds of the megawatt-hours logged during the entire reactor operation. For t h i s run the primary heat balance showed an extracted power o f 2.12 Mw, and the secondary heat balance gave an extracted power of 2.28 Mw. The difference between the two determinations was 7%. Furthermore, for t h i s run about 75% of the power was removed by the fuel, about 24% by the sodium, and about 1% by the rod cooling system. Heat balances and, hence, power determinations were made for a number of other experiments during the high-power operation; these are tabulated in Appendix L. One such heat balance that was of particular interest was obtained during the maxi- t *~ L A L t 1 5 - c i t c f t I 0 L t. mum power run (Exp. H-14). For t h i s run the mean temperature was raised t o 134OOF (to avoid a lowtemperature reverse), and the fuel and sodium system blower speeds were increased t o their respective maximums. At equilibrium the power levels indicated by the primary and secondary heat balances were 2.45 and 2.53 Mw, respectively. The l i n e temperatures throughout the fuel and sodium systems during t h i s experiment are shown in Figs. 6.5 and 6.6, respectively. The temperatures indicated along the lines are the actual thermocouple readings of each point at equilibrium. It may be noted that the outlet fuel l i n e temperaThe temperature ture averaged about 158OOF. measured at the reactor was considerably lower, as shown i n Fig. 6.7, which shows a portion of the instrument panel during this experiment. R E A C T O R KINETICS 4 1 1 ? i 3 r A d i s t i n c t i v e control characteristic of any circulating-fuel reactor is that the reactor power i s determined solely by that part of the system which i s external to the reactor, i.e., the heat extraction equipment. In the power regime, control rods do not appreciably influence the steady-state power production, but the power extracted from the reactor does influence the reactivity of the reactor and hence renders the reactor controllable. In order that such a system be acceptable as a power reactor, it i s requisite that the reactor have a negative temperature coefficient of reactivity. One of the most gratifying results of the ARE operation was the successful demonstration of i t s large negative temperature coefficient. This temperature coefficient made it possible for the reactor to maintain a balance between the power extracted from the circulating fuel and coolant and the power generated within the reactor. The temperature c y c l i n g of the fuel was the mechanism by which equilibrium was maintained. A thorough understanding of control processes i n a circulating-fuel reactor with a negative temperature coefficient i s necessary for an appreciation of the k i n e t i c behavior of such a power reactor i n the power regime. An important purpose of the ARE was the observation o f the kinetic behavior of the reactor under power coupling t o i t s load when perturbations i n the reactivity were introduced. Transient conditions could be induced both by control rod motion and by variation of the external power load. Information on the kinetic behavior was obtained from a number o f experiments that were conducted during the period of power operation. These are described i n the following sections. Preceding the discussion of these experiments i s a detailed qualitative description of the temperature c y c l i n g of the circulating fuel which i s inherent to a l l kinetic phenomena. Reactor Control by Temperature Coefficient The control of a circulating-fuel reactor w i t h a negative temperature coefficient can best be understood by following the course of a “slug” of fuel as it traverses the ARE system. For a description of the course of a slug, it i s assumed that at time zero the system i s i n equilibrium, with isothermal temperatures throughout; i n this condition no power At time t the fuel system i s being extracted. It i s also assumed helium blower i s turned on. that at this time the slug of fuel under observation i s just entering the heat exchanger. In passing through the heat exchanger the slug i s cooled by the he1ium blowing through the heat exchanger. About 20 sec later the cooled slug enters the reactor and i s registered as a decrease on the i n l e t temperature indicator. Because it i s cooler than the fuel it i s displacing, i t s density i s greater and therefore the number of uranium atoms per unit volume i s greater. T h i s results i n a greater fission rate and, hence, a greater reactivity which, i n turn, increases the power generated. The temperature of the slug rises as i t passes through the reactor because of increased power generation. The r i s e i n temperature of the slug results i n i t s expansion and decrease in reactivity. This, i n turn, lowers the rate of power generation. Eight seconds after the slug enters the reactor it passes out into the outlet l i n e and i s registered as an increase i n temperature on the outlet fuel temperature indicator. I n 47 sec from the start of i t s journey i t i s back at the heat exchanger to be cooled again. The masses of fuel behind the i n i t i a l slug follow the same pattern so that, since the fuel i s a continuous medium, the power generated i n the reactor3 w i l l r i s e u n t i l the increased reactivity due t o the incoming fuel and decreased reactivity due A t this to the outgoing fuel attain a balance. point equilibrium i s reached between power extracted by the helium and the power generated i n ~~ ~ ’With a power reactor i t i s appropriate to speak o f two types o f power: the nuclear power, i.e., the total power generated within the reactor; and the extracted or useful power, i.e., the power removed from the fuel and coolant b y cooling. i 70 W x v) P i t I i I i i (0 e! f i: S a M i f Fig. 6.7. Portion of Instrument Panel During Maximum Power Run. Experiment H-14. the reactor. The reactor power can thus be varied a t w i l l merely by changing the rate o f cooling, that is, the demand for power. T h i s type of reactor i s said t o be a slave t o the demand. The nuclear power i s proportional t o the neutron flux for any given c r i t i c a l concentration. The neutron flux i s conventionally measured by a neutron detector, such as a L o g N chamber system, which consists essentially o f a neutron detector coupled t o an electronic system which has a logarithmic-type of output signal. T h i s signal i s proportional to the neutron flux (and, hence, the power) level, and i s indicated and recorded on a logarithmic scale. The extracted power, on the other hand, i s proportional to the product o f either the fuel flow and the temperature difference between the i n l e t and outlet sides of the heat exchanger (or reactor) or the secondary (or tertiary) coolant flow and i t s temperature difference. I n the ARE the fuel was cooled by helium flowing across it in the fuel-to- 72 helium heat exchangers. The heat picked up by the helium was then removed by water i n a heliumto-water heat exchanger. It was possible i o measure the extracted power i n both the fuel loop and the water loop, as explained i n a preceding section. When no power i s being extracted from a power reactor, the nuclear power i s determined by the control rod and shim rod settings, and the reactor i s controlled by some type of servo mechanism which keeps the power a t some desired level. When the reactor i s taken o f f the servo and allowed t o respond t o the demand of the cooling produced i n the heat exchanger, i t w i l l seek a power level determined by the rate o f heat removal. Once an equilibrium between nuclear and extracted power has been established, changing the shim rod or regulating rod settings merely changes the nuclear power level but does not alter the amount o f power being extracted. T h i s change in nuclear power results i n a raising or lowering of the reactor mean temperature, and, once the temperature change has -i e E 4 J 1 1 i i sl i t been effected and equilibrium re-establ ished, the nuclear power and the extracted power w i l l again 4 be equal. The control o f the ARE by extracted power demand i s illustrated i n Fig. 6.8, which shows the tracings made by several o f the control room instrument recorders during power operation between 1258 and 1329 on November 10, 1954. The reactor behavior i s demonstrated by reading the tracings right t o left, proceeding as follows: A t 1258 the reactor was i n an equilibrium condition a t about a 50-kw power level. A t 1259 the fuel system helium blower was turned on and i t s speed was increased t o 500 rpm. The reactor power, as noted on the L o g N chart, rose on a 10-sec period to slightly over 1 Mw, "overshot" i t s mark, fluctuated somewhat i n the manner of a damped oscillator, and, finally, some 4 min later, came to an equilibrium power of but not immediately, after around 900 kw. the blower was turned on, the reactor fuel i n l e t temperature began to drop and the fuel outlet temperature began t o rise, while the reactor mean temperature began t o drop slightly. Each of these temperatures showed the osci I latory phenomenon noted with the L o g N recorder. The reason for the drop i n the mean temperature was that both the decrease and rate of decrease of the i n l e t temperature were greater than the corresponding increase and rate of increase o f the outlet temperature. The i n l e t temperature dropped from 1335 t o 12560F6 a t a rate o f 1.54OF/sec and the outlet temperature ros0 from 1405 t o 1475OF a t a rate o f 1.36OF/sec; as a result the mean temperature f e l l from 1370 to 1 3 6 5 O F a t a rate o f about O.l0F/sec. The fact that the mean temperature dropped (and this was a characteristic phenomenon noted throughout the power operation) rather than remaining constant can be explained, at least in part, by the distortion o f the flux patterns within the reactor. The highest fluxes were toward the i n l e t fuel passages, and the lowest fluxes were toward the outlet fuel passages (cf., App. 0). A t 1310 the blower speed was increased from 500 1 9 4 0 n several occasions t h e nuclear power, a s indicated o n the L o g N recorder, rose temporarily above 2.5 Mw, b u t the extracted power, l i m i t e d b y the system capacity for removing heat, never exceeded 2.5 Mw. 5Errors i n marking the charts could conceivably account for a s much a s 1 / 2 rnin o f t h e time differences noted. T h i s phenomenon o f time l a g i s discussed l a t e r i n t h i s section. 6 T h e temperature readings given here and elsewhere i n t h i s section have been corrected b y the method given i n Appendix K. t o 1000 rpm, and the power rose from 1 t o 1.8 Mw on a period of 7.5 sec, with corresponding changes of the inlet, outlet, and mean temperatures. Although the power increase i n t h i s case was comparable to the f i r s t power increase, the rates of r i s e of both the power and temperatures were much less, being on the order o f one-half as much for the temperatures. The effect o f withdrawing the regulating rod 3 in. i s demonstrated with the next rise at 1312 i n Fig. 6.8. Up to t h i s time the trace o f the regulating rod position was constant, since it was not on servo. With the withdrawal of the rod the r i s e of the nuclear power was immediate. After some delay, a l l of the temperatures showed a rise. Interestingly enough, the outlet temperature rose 16OF, the mean 12OF, and the i n l e t 9OF. T h i s pattern, with the outlet temperature showing the greatest change, was characteristic of the temperature changes incurred by shim rod and regulating rod movement during power operation. After the rod movement the temperatures leveled out a t the higher values, but the nuclear power level slowly drifted back t o the equilibrium position. At 1321 the blower was shut off and the charts show the result of the s h i f t toward isothermal (no power) conditions. Two minutes later, when the nuclear power had decreased to about 600 kw, the blower was again started and i t s speed was increased to 1500 rpm. The nuclear power level rose i n i t i a l l y to 2.6 Mw, and i t again went through an oscillatory c y c l e before settling down to 2.2 Mw. The corresponding temperature oscillations were again noted. These oscillations were o f sufficient strength to determine an oscillation period o f about 2.25 min. An interesting observation a t t h i s point was that the time lag o f temperature response for a higher i n i t i a l power (600 k w compared with 50 kw) was only about one-half the l a g during the f i r s t r i s e to power a t 1259. T h i s phenomenon had been noted previously in connection with the various temperature coefficient experiments (cf., App. 0). Table 6.3 shows the data obtained from the nuclear and process instruments during the typical operation period shown i n Fig. 6.8. Startup on Demand for Power (Exp. H-6) T o illustrate how completely the reactor was a slave to the load, an experiment was performed i n which the reactor was brought to subcritical and then taken to c r i t i c a l on temperature coefficient (i.e., by the power demand and without use of 73 j 1 I i 1 i I 1 e I 74 ? ? T A B L E 6.3. NUCLEAR AND PROCESS DATA OBTAINED DURING A TYPICAL OPERATION PERIOD (NOV. 10) Operation Performed Type of T y p e of Data F u e l System F u e l System Regulating F u e l System F u e l System Mea suremen t Obtained* Blower Speed Blower Speed Rod Blower Speed Blower Speed lncrea s i ng Increasing Withdrawn Decreasing Increasing 1300 13 10 13 12 1321 1323 p , , Mw 0.0566 0.99 1.58 1.56 0.57 p,, Mw 1.07 1.70 1.94 0.57 2.17 8P, 1.013 0.71 0.36 0.99 1.60 28 41 9 60 81 0.0363 0.0 173 0.04 0.016 0.198 10 75 33 63 54 1405 1485 1527 1546 1491 Time L o g N power St, Mw sec 6P/&, Mw/sec 7; sec i Fuel outlet OF %,l’ temperature 1 J To,2* O F 6To, O F 1474 1527 1543 1491 1566 69 42 16 -55 75 St, 45 56 24 75 58 1.54 0.75 0.67 -0.73 1.29 Till, O F 1335 1269 123 1 1239 13 14 Ti,,,OF 1256 1227 1240 1314 1208 8Til -79 -42 9 75 - 106 58 53 42 75 88 - 1.36 -0.79 0.2 1 1.00 -1.20 sec 6To/6t, * 1 Fuel inlet temperature OF/sec OF at, sec 6T/6t, Fuel mean temperature OF/sec Tm, 18 OF 1370 1377 1379 1388 1402 Tm,2n O F 1365 1377 1391 1402 1387 -5 0 12 14 -15 33 75 73 ST,, St, O F -0.096 0 0.36 0.19 -0.20 AT^, O F 70 2 16 296 287 177 AT,, 2 18 300 3 03 177 358 &AT), O F 148 84 7 -1 10 181 St, sec 52 54.5 33 75 73 2.87 1.54 0.21 -1.47 2.49 6Tm/6t, , Reactor f u e l AT 52 sec F/sec OF AT)/&, OF/sec Regulating rod movement . . . dl, in. 7.60 d,, 10.37 in. 75 TABLE 6.3 (continued) Operation Performed T y p e of Data F u e l System F u e l System Regulating F u e l System F u e l System Obtained* Blower Speed Blower Speed Rod Blower Speed Blower Speed Increasing Increasing Withdrawn Decreasing Increasing Type of Measurement * Regulating rad movement ad,, in. 2.77 81, 9 sec ad/&, F u e l system h e l i u m blower speed J 0.32 in./sec Ak/k, % 0.091 4 ( A k / k ) / a t , %/sec 0.01 1 s i , rpm 0 500 1000 0 so, rpm 500 1000 0 1500 8s. rpm 500 500 -1000 1500 at, sec 14 14 60 42 &-/at, rpm/sec 36 36 -17 36 * T h e f o l l o w i n g symbols are used: Quantity Subscript P power t time 7 period T temperature d position k m u l t i p l i c a t i o n factdr speed change i n quantity b difference between t w o quantities 1 initial condition 2 final condition o i m outlet condition inlet condition mean 8 The a t ' s are the t i m e s required t a go from the i n i t i a l c o n d i t i o n t o the f i n a l condition a t the greatest observed rate of change. T h e temperatures quoted have a l l been corrected by the method described i n Appendix K. rods). The experiment consisted o f two runs. In the f i r s t run the reactor was taken directly from 100 kw to slightly over 2 Mw. I n the second run the reactor was taken to power from a subcritical condition. The progress o f these experiments, as recorded by the thermocouple recorders on the i n l e t and outlet sides o f the six individual fuel tubes, i s shown i n Fig. 6.9. Reading from right to left, the reactor was a t 200 k w power a t 2300 on November 9 a t the beginning o f the experiment. The fuel system helium blower speed was increased to 1700 rpm slowly, starting a t 2307. Ten minutes later the sodium system coolant blowers were turned on. A s the power rose to about 2.5 Mw, a temperature difference o f some 32OOF appeared across the reactor tubes. T h i s i s shown i n Fig. 6.9 by the parting o f the i n l e t and outlet temperature indications o f the reactor fuel tubes. T h i s temperature 76 difference remained constant u n t i l the blower speed was reduced o t 2340. A t 2345 the i n l e t and outlet tube temperatures were nearly the same again at 200 kw power. A sharp drop in the tube ternperatures a t t h i s point corresponded to the insertion o f the shim rods. The sharp increase i n the temperature differential across the fubes a t 2353 was the result of a steep rise i n power when the blower speed was increased from 0 to 1700 rpm. A t 0005 on November 10, the regulating rod was f i r s t entirely inserted (from 7 in. withdrawn) and then fully withdrawn. T h i s motion was followed by a drop and then a sharp r i s e i n the fuel tube temperatures. T h i s action marked the end o f Run 1. During Run 2 the reactor was brought subcritical by turning o f f the fuel system helium blower and inserting the regulating rod, starting a t 0016. The sodium system helium blowers had been operating i 4 1 .1 4 i 1 ? 4 d : 0 0 z 0 0 a v w 0 0 r- - 0 0 - Io c cp 0 0 0 0 - t 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 w- stroo OPOO SEOO OEOO SZOO 0200 GI00 0100 so00 OOPZ OP€Z SZEZ OZEZ S IEZ j GOEZ 0 0 0 c w In 5) ai U In !2 c 6 > 0 z C t U .-al .al Y d L 0 Q t s e Q x I0 n . C t 0 C s al c t L .-E n X w 0 -0 C al K t -- 0 .-bs al s m 77 some of the time during Run 1 t o extract power from the sodium. A s soon as the reactor became subc r i t i c a l the operation of the sodium system blowers, which were then removing about 400 kw of power from the sodium, made the reactor go c r i t i c a l again and stabalize at the 400 kw level w i t h i n 5 min. It i s interesting t o note that because the mean sodium temperature was some 65OF lower than the mean fuel temperature, the fuel temperatures dropped 65OF during this time from a mean temperature o f 1395 t o 133OoF, even though the nuclear power was inA t 0026 the fuel system blower was creasing. turned on again and the nuclear power temporarily rose t o 3 M w . ~ Two minutes after the fuel system blower was turned on, the fuel heat exchanger outlet temperature went below 1158OF and the automatic heat-exchanger-temperature interlock reduced the blower speed until the heat exchanger outlet (reactor inlet) temperature had risen above 1150°F. A t 0030 the reactor power had leveled out a t 1 Mw. It hod thus been successfully demonstrated that the power demand would bring the reactor critical; therefore, a t 0033, the fuel and sodium system blowers were turned o f f and the experiment brought t o an end. E f f e c t of O n e D o l l a r of Reactivity (Exp. H-8) One o f the objectives of the ARE was the observation o f effects of introducing excess Ak into the reactor during high-power operation. The introduction o f the excess Ak could be most easily accomplished by movement o f the regulating rod, which was worth 0.4% excess k (one dollar of reactivity). One experiment consisted merely of withdrawing the regulating rod from an entirely inserted position, and recording or noting the effects and, then, after equilibrium had been established, inserting the rod to i t s original position. Since the regulating rod had a travel rate of 0.32 in./sec, reactivity could be introduced a t the Fig. 6.10 shows the rate of 0.011% Ak/k-sec. history o f the experiment. A t 1110 on November 10, with the reactor a t an i n i t i a l power o f 2.2 Mw, the regulating rod was withdrawn i t s f u l l 12 in. of travel. The reactor went on an observed 42-sec period7 u n t i l the nuclear power was 3.9 Mw 35-sec later. The re'This period was measured from the L o g N recorder trace. The period recorded on the period meter w a s partially a time rate o f change of period since & / k was not constant but w a s increasing during this time. A discussion of this i s given i n Appendix S. 78 actor fuel temperatures rose an average o f 45OF i n Once the rod withdrawal had been completed, the fuel i n l e t and outlet temperatures leveled o f f a t new values. The extracted power rose a few per cent when the rod was withdrawn, mainly because, with the higher fuel mean temperature, the rate o f cooling and, hence, the rate of heat removal i n the heat exchanger was greater. Since the extracted power rose only slightly during t h i s time, the nuclear power slowly drifted downward from i t s peak o f 3.9 Mw to 2.9 Mw, as can be seen i n Fig. 6.10. Note that the mean temperature continued i t s upward trend. Three minutes later the rod was completely inserted. The nuciear 7 power decreased from 2.9 to 1.4 Mw on a 47-sec per:od and then slowly drifted back to 2.2 Mw, the starting power. The fuel temperatures then returned to values slightly higher than their original A characteristic behavior o f the outlet values. temperature was again noted during t h i s experiment, namely, that movement o f a rod affected the outlet temperature most and the i n l e t temperature the least. Additional data on t h i s experiment are given i n Table 6.4. Again, with this experiment, a time lag was noted; the i n l e t temperature lagged behind the outl e t temperature by about the fuel transit time o f 47 sec. A reasonable explanation for t h i s lag i s that the time required for the fuel i n the reactor a t the start o f the experiment to affect the i n l e t l i n e thermocouple i s the transit time through the system. Because o f t h i s difference i n response of the thermocouples on the i n l e t and outlet fuel lines when the rod was withdrawn, the temperature differential across the reactor rose from 341OF to a peak value of 395OF i n about 1 min and then dropped t o a more or less constant value o f 355OF, which was 14OF higher than at the start. This means that the extracted power rose slightly, about 8%. Examination o f the tracings o f the fuel and sodium heat exchanger cooling water recorders for t h i s time indicated that the fuel power extraction went up 6% and the sodium power extraction roughly 2%. The rise i n power extraction was due mainly to the higher mean temperatures and thus the higher cooling rates attained. The extracted power rose to about 2.4 Mw at the new equilibrium. The difference (500 kw) between t h i s value and 2.9 Mw, as shown by the L o g N recorder, went to heating the reactor. T h i s was evidenced not only by the continuing increase in reactor mean fuel temperature but also by the r i s i n g travel i n i n l e t and outlet 49 sec. i i t L L t i r c :: L t - c k E -REGULATING ROO BEING ROD FULLY INSERTED u. I o, 4600 ROD FJL-Y WITHORAWN _ I _ I II I ROO BEchG ROD FLLLY W~THORAWN~NSERTED __ NSERTEO _., 1650 ORNL-LR-DWG 6557 ROO ACTION I I I I I I I I REACTOR FUEL OUTLET TEMPERATURE-, W d 5 1550 2% 8 8 1500 1 5$ W 4450 $1400 3 0 I r J i; 300 e i .k 275 8 a 2 250 K Q J w” 225 2 200 (75 I I I I I I I L I I 4 -----+-I I I 1 7 I J I I I 1116 1115 I /REACTOR I T 1 I c [ II I I I I I I I I PERIOD I I ch +I r , \I 1 Y I I I I I I I I I 0.2 1117 I 1114 -TIME 1113 1112 1111 1f10 4409 OF DAY, NOV. 10, 8 5 4 , Fig. 6.10. 4 i K i n e t i c Behavior of Reactor Upon Introduction of a Dollar of Reactivity. T A B L E 6.4 NUCLEAR AND PROCESS DATA OBTAINED DURING EXPERIMENT H-8 FOR DETERMINING THE E F F E C T O F ONE DOLLAR OF REACTIVITY (NOV. 10) ODera t ion Performed Type of Data Type o f Measurement Regulating Regu l a t i ng Rod Withdrawn Rod Inserted 1110 1114 2.34 2.92 3.94 1.41 1.60 1.51 35 35 0.046 0.043 42 47 1573 1620 T0,2* O F 1623 1572 8To, O F 50 -48 6t, 41 41 1.22 -1.17 Tj,,,O F 1217 1258 Ti,2, O F 1257 1221 BTi, O F 40 -3 7 at, sec 57 56 0.70 - 0.66 OF 1395 1439 OF 1440 1396 45 -4 3 49 49 0.92 -0.88 OF 356 362 AT^, O F 366 351 &an, 10 -1 1 Si, sec 49 49 0.20 -0.2 1 dl, in. 2.o 14.0 d2, in. 14.0 2.0 6d. 12.0 -12.0 0btai ned* Time Log power Pi, Mw Pqr Mw 8P, . Mw at, sec 6P/6t, 5 F u e l o u t l e t temperature Mw/sec sec To,l' OF sec 6To/6t, F u e l i n l e t temperature 'F/sec 6Ti/6t, F u e l mean temperature F/sec Trn,1' Trn,2' ST ,, St, OF sec 6Tm/6t, Reactor fuel AT AT,, OF/sec O F 6 6 T )/st, Regulating rod movement *See footnote to T a b l e 80 6.3. in. F/sec k € 1 TABLE 6.4 (continued) Type of Data Type o f Measurement Regulating rod movement Obtained* 37 37 0.32 -0.32 hk/k, % 0.4 0.4 (hk/k)/&,W s e c 0.01 1 -0.11 rpm 1750 1750 5 2 , rpm 1750 1750 6s, rpm 0 0 at, sec - - 0 0 at, sec 6d/6t, d Fuel system helium blower speed Operation Performed _______~ Regulating Regulating Rod Withdrawn Rod Inserted SI, in./sec 6s/6t, rpm/sec _ _ ~ ~~ *See footnote to Table 6.3. fuel temperatures just before the rod was inserted a t 11 14. a , d I i 4 1 d Power C y c l i n g of Reactor The l a s t day o f operation o f the ARE, November 12, was devoted t o maximum power runs and to demonstrations of the reactor operation to visitors. The complete history o f the reactor operation during that time i s shown i n Fig. 6.11. Chart A shows the trace o f the sodium temperature differential across the reactor and chart €3 shows the trace of the outlet temperature o f the water from the fuel heat exchangers. Clearly seen i n chart A are the three maximum power runs a t 1O:OO AM, 12:30 and 7:45 P M . Both charts show the cycling o f the extracted power that the system underwent, but the cycles are especially well defined i n chart B, which shows the heat exchanger water temperatures varying from a low of 65OF to a high o f 140°F, corresponding t o total extracted powers of from around 100 k w to over 2 Mw. I n the 12 hr between 8:OO AM and 8:OO PM, 24 complete cycles were recorded. I n the afternoon hours between 1:00 and 4:OO PM, when the most visitors were present, the reactor was cycled an average o f 3 times per hour. Of interest to the visitors were the tracings of the reactor fuel tube AT recorders. The photograph reproduced as Fig. 6.12, which was taken during one of the cycles, shows each of the six fuel tube AT recorders simultaneously tracing out the same power cycle pattern. The picture was taken about 12:30 P M during one o f the maximum power runs. The recorders show AT’S of around 250OF. The actual fuel tube differences a t t h i s time were more nearly 355OF. Additional information on the power cycling may be obtained from Fig. 6.13 which shows the three temperature cycles recorded i n the hour between 1 : l O and 2:lO P M on the l a s t day. Shown i n this figure are traces from the s i x fuel tube AT recorders, a time condensation* of the micromicroammeter recorder (which traced the power), one of the heat exchanger outlet temperature recorders, and the individual fuel tube temperature recorder. Referring to the rnicromicroarnrneter trace and reading from right t o l e f t starting at 1317, the events are elaborated for the f i r s t cycle. The other two cycles are similar. A t 1317 the fuel system helium blower was turned off, and the reactor power was allowed to decrease from a level of 1.8 Mw. Eight minutes later the power had fallen t o about 130 kw, and the blower was turned on t o 1700 rpm. The power rose quickly to 2.3 Mw, at which point a low-heat-exchangertemperature blower reverse occurred; that is, when the he1ium cooling lowered the heat exchanger outlet fuel temperature to 115OOF (as noted above), a relay was automatically actuated that decreased the helium blower speed until such time as the * T h i s condensation was necessary because the o r i g i chart ran a t a speed o f 80 in./hr, w h i l e charts u s e d subsequently ran a t a speed o f o n l y 4 or 5 in./hr. nal ai 4 82 x '6 6 d c c t k * i P I L L i ... i k Fig. 6.12. Reactor F u e l Tube AT'S During High-Power Operation. outlet temperature rose to above 115OOF. During t h i s time the power fell to 1.1 Mw. A t 1328 a t s permit" signal was given and the power was again increased. When 2 Mw was reached the reactor was leveled o f f on extracted power and far 10 min the effect o f regulating rod movement was demonstrated to visitors. The maximum nuclear power attained during the first c y c l e was 2.8 Mw4 at 1340. During the third cycle at 1410 a nuclear power o f 3.4 Mw was reached. The s i x fuel tube AT recorders (Fig. 6.12) followed exactly the same pattern as the micromicroIt should be noted, however, ammeter recorder. that the actual AT'S were of the order of 100 degrees higher than those shown on the charts. A t the high power peaks of the third cycle the fuel outlet l i n e temperatures, as read in the basement, The i n l e t were indicated to be about 1625OF. temperatures ranged from an actual (vs observed) high of 1 3 4 O O F to a low of 1150OF during the lowheat-exchanger-temperature blower reverse. The c h m g e i n tube AT'S as a r e s u l t of rod movement was due partly t o the phenomenon of the t i m e lag between the i n l e t and outlet thermocouples. Had there been no lag the effect of rad motion on these couples would have been small. The fuel heat exchanger outlet temperatures showed the temperature cycles i n reverse. The f i r s t high peak corresponds to the condition at 1300°F w i t h the blower off. A s the blower was turned on the temperature decreased t o 115OOF, a t which point, as noted, the blower reverse occurred with the resultant decrease i n blower speed. The heat exchanger outlet temperature then rose t o 125OOF before the blower speed was allowed to increase again. The data from these and other recorder charts during t h i s time, together with calculated rates of change, are given i n Table 6.5. 83 E a - m, - 0 0 f 0 2 '0 w0 , 0 N W , P 0 8 8 - 0 e 0 0 0 ul 0 cn ; 0 PF) AJ (OF) AT YF) AT N 0 0 0 N 0 s aI W T I 0 m I s I / N 8 0 01 N 8 0 TEMPERATURE (OF) I 6 -- 0 a 0 A 5 VI 0 VI * 0 5 C- z0 8 W 0 cn W 0 VI W 0 d 0 2 % W - : 0 0 0 ul 8 T I 0 W I I 0 e O c n I I 0 VI I ., 0 0 I 2 0 m - (OF1 0 u) 0 0 N I I I 0 0 Z G 0 0 S 0 0 TEMPERATURE (OF) i0 ; 0 N VI 0 0 VI N i I 0 / > SET BACK 0 s s -- AT -___ 0 VI t 0 0 <0 0 0 I I 0 d ~ - 1 0 0 0 5 SPEED INCREASING TEMP. BLOWER REVERSE HEAT EXCHANGER , BLOWER OFF ((317) -BLOWER N-'LOW I 0 m MICROMICROAMMETER READING (ARBITRARY SCALE) - 0 0 W W 0 0 0 W 0 0 W 0 0 P zN - I 8 W 0 cn W i r! h K K W 0 iU 4 LL 0 0 f + -I U U K 4 I4 n v) W Vr- n K U 0 -I U 3 Z !- U 2 K W iU 4 K 4 X U 2 W rn .J 4 I- P W 0 f t 0 N n ! m - 9 0 I - d v) =r 0 h 0 h -2 m Q I - m 0 : W rg ZI hm 0 g N h - ' 9 - h I '0 0 z 0 v) s d 0. 2 00 2 d rg Q 2 7 t f i tem characteristics against the i n i t i a l power, since t h i s represents the behavior from a given i n i t i a l condition o f the reactor. One of the properties investigated i n the above manner was the reactor period. Some of the observed reactor periods are plotted as a function o f Since the reactor the i n i t i a l power in Fig.,6.14. could be put on any period from i n f i n i t e to a given minimum, the points in Fig. 6.14 are scattered. Most of the longer periods represent periods observed during such times as the i n i t i a l rise t o As power, which was approached with caution. the operators became more familiar with the operation a t power, deliberate attempts were made t o see how fast a period the reactor would attain due t o blower operation or rod movement. A s a result, definite lower l i m i t s were established beyond which reactor periods could not be induced by the controls available t o the operator. The solid l i n e in Fig. 6.14 represents the lower l i m i t for periods during blower operation and the dashed l i n e i s that corresponding to shim and regulating rod move~nent.~ The smallest period observed during highpower operation was the 10-sec period represented by the rise i n the L o g N chamber a t 1259, Fig. 6.8. A few smaller periods were observed in the very low-power regime just above critical. The two lines shown i n the figure indicate that the lower the power the greater the transient that can Reactor Transients ; ? * One of the characteristics o f the reactor that was most important from the operator’s point of view was the behavior under transient conditions, because i t i s only through transient effects that the operator acquires a “feel” for the way the reactor responds to his control under varying conditions. The various ways in which transients may be introduced into the reactor are the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. i operation of fuel system helium blower, operation of sodium system helium blowers, operation of rod cooling system helium blowers, changing the fuel flow rate, 5. changing the sodium flow rate, 6. movement of shim rods, 7. movement of regulating rods. A discussion of the effects on the ARE of some of these operations i s given i n succeeding paragraphs. Effects 3 and 5 were very small although observable. Effect 4 was not observed a t high power because o f the danger of freezing fuel i n the pump, although it can be calculated from the inhour curves (Fig. 5.11) and the known rate of change of fuel pump speed. Table 6.6 l i s t s calculated rates of interjection of A k / k into the reactor by the various means listed above. It has already been pointed out that the ARE reacfor and system were very sluggish in responding t o demands at high power. Furthermore, it was observed that the response a t low power (less than 100 kw) was much different from i t s response at higher powers (at 1 Mw or greater). One way to examine the behavior of the reactor i s to p l o t sysT A B L E 6.6. 91f the reactor hod been token to power w i t h the shim rods inserted to greater depths, smaller eriods would hove been observed for shim rod motion tRan are represented b y the dashed line, since t h e r e a c t i v i t y value o f the rods would h a v e been greater for those insertions. CALCULATED RATES O F INCREASE O F hWk IN ARE FROM VARIOUS OPERATIONS i Operotion F u e l system helium blower speed increase Regulating rod movement Shim rod movement, single rod Range 0 to 1500 rpm 1000 t o 1500 rpm 0.0035 Whole rod insertion or withdrowal 0.01 1 At At Shim rod movement, group operotion (%Ak/k)/ s e c 4 in. insertion 8 in. insertion A t 4 in. insertion At 8 in. insertion F u e l flow rate 0 to 46 gpm Sodium flow rote 0 to 150 gpm 0.001 1 0.0039 0.0067 0.01 2 0.019 0.013 1 x 87 ORNL-LR-DWG 6 5 6 0 t t "i P PERIODS RESULTING FROM FUEL SYSTEM e: HELIUM BLOWER OPERATION PERIODS RESULTING FROM ROD MOVEMENT __ -~ __ _ _ _. ~ FASTEST PERIODS /' 6 FASTEST PERIODS i; FROM SHIM ROD AND REGULATING ROD MOVEMENT _ _ _ _.~ - t 0.05 3{ 0 2 05 10 2 5 12 INITIAL EXTRACTED POWER (Mw) Fig. 6.14. Induced Reactor Periods as a Function of I n i t i a l Extracted Power. * be introduced into the reactor, i.e., the higher the power the harder it becomes t o introduce a transient condition. Extrapolation of the solid l i n e t o a power o f 1 k w indicates that at t h i s power reactor periods of 1 sec or less could have been introduced by blower operation. It should be pointed out that periods could be observed which were not true periods but were a combination of the observed period and i t s time derivative. Whenever a sudden reactivity change occurred, such as when a rod was moved slightly, the period meter would register a transient peak period that was very small compared with the true period. The beginning peak i n the 'period curves of Fig. 5.4 are of t h i s nature. Whenever a continuing change o f A k / k was taking place, the observed period was not a true period but, again, a combination o f the true period and i t s time derivative. In Fig. 6.10 the period meter did not register a constant period when the regulating rod was moved but, rather, a continually changing period. Also, it i s to be noted that the L o g N power recorder did not register straight slopes during the power changes but, instead, constantly changing ones, which again indicated that the period was changing (cf., App. S). The time behavior of the fuel temperatures as a result of blower operation was obtained by plotting i n l e t and outlet fuel temperature time rates o f change against the i n i t i a l power. These plots are shown i n Fig. 6.15. Larger rates o f change o f fuel temperatures were observed a t lower powers, and they corresponded to the smal ler periods observed. T h e greatest rates of change of the fuel temperatures were observed a t an i n i t i a l power of 280 kw, a t which time the i n l e t temperature changed a t a rate o f -2.75'F/sec and the outlet temperature The only reason higher a t a rate of +2.6'F/sec. rates of change were not observed at powers lower than t h i s was that in the low-power regime the kinetic behavior was not well known and therefore a conservative approach t o transient conditions was used. The rates of decrease of temperatures when the blower was turned o f f and the reactor was allowed to come to a lower power are also plotted i n Fig. 6.15. The trend of rates o f change of the temperatures seems to be reversed. b p i k k c 14 E L L - ? i i I; c I 1 i' ORNL-LR-DWG 4 65< 3 ,.. 1 , . 1 2 0 a Y) , 0 2 e W a z 1 0 I W Lz 2 I 2 0 W E Iw -1 0 A c W LL -2 f J i -3 FUEL OUTLET TEMPERATURE RATE, HELIUM BLOWER SPEED DECREASED A FUEL INLET TEMPERATURE RATE, HELIUM BLOWER SPEED DECREASED -4 0 0 5 ( 0 15 2 0 2 5 INITIAL EXTRACTED POWER (Mw) Fig. d d ! 1 rc 6.15. Time Behavior of Reactor F u e l Temperatures as a Function of I n i t i a l Extracted Power. Some very general observations on the transient behavior o f the ARE reactor are summarized below. Reactor Periods. I n general, the lower the i n i t i a l power the faster was the transient introduced by any type of operation t h a t resulted i n upsetting the equi I ibrium between nuclear and extracted power. The smaller periods were associated with lower i n i t i a l powers. The characterO s c i l l a t i o n of Reactor Power. i s t i c behavior of the nuclear power during an estabIished transient was to "over-shoot" and then oscillate around a mean value before settling down t o that power. The period o f the oscillation appeared to be of the order of 2 min and lasted for about 2 cycles. Movement of Rods. The reactor was always more prompt t o respond to rod motion than it was t o blower operation. Also the reactor periods observed at a given power were smaller due to rod movement than those due t o blower operation. Nuclear Power. Whenever blower speed was changed the nuclear power rose (with oscillations as noted above) t o a higher power level than the corresponding extracted power demand. When a rod movement occurred, the nuclear power changed considerably, which resulted in higher or lower reactor over-all temperatures, and then leveled out to a new balance with the extracted power a t about the original power level. Extracted power was essenExtracted Power. t i a l l y a function only of the demand and changed due t o a change in operation of one of the various heat exchanger blowers. During rod movement a t a given demand power, the extracted power remained essentially constant. The unbalance between extracted and nuclear power resulted in a change o f the mean reactor temperature. Reactor Outlet Fuel Temperature. The outlet fuel temperature always rose and f e l l in the same direction as the nuclear power level. For blower operation the rise i n the outlet temperature was always less than the f a l l o f the i n l e t temperature. The opposite was true for regulating rod movement. Reactor I n l e t Fuel Temperature. The i n l e t fuel 4 I 4 89 P temperature rose and f e l l i n the opposite direction to the change i n nuclear power during blower operation and i n the same direction as the nuclear power during rod movements. The i n l e t temperature change was greater than the outlet temperature change for blower operation. The opposite was true for shim rod operation. Reactor Mean Temperature. The reactor mean temperature followed the trend of the reactor i n l e t temperatures i n a l l cases, except that the changes and rates of change were much smaller. T i m e Lags. The system was very sluggish because of the long tansit time (47 sec) of the fuel. I n addition to the sluggishness of the system, there appeared to be time lags between the responses of various temperature indicating instruments for the same action. These lags were of the order o f 2 min for low-power operation (less than 100 kw) and of the order of 1 min for full-power operation i n the megawatt range. The topic of time lags i s discussed i n greater detail i n a following section. Also the mean reactor fuel temperature i s given by + = - (1T o , Ti) 2 Tm and . - Ti - 2Tm , A T = To From t h i s it i s seen that AT = 2To t and P = 2kq(To - Tm) . Now consider a change AP in the power: AP = 2kq(ATo - , ATrn) but the temperature coefficient r e a c t i v i t y a =- a is Ak/k i ‘Tm 11 so that h t Calculated Power Change Resulting from a Since Regulating Rod Movement Ak/k A formula was developed which would estimate a power change i n the reactor from a given change i n the reactor outlet temperature and a regulating rod movement. T h i s was possible primarily because of the relationships e x i s t i n g between PI AT, .and Ak/k. The development of the relationship i s described below. = [(Ak/k)/in.],, , x Ad, where Ad, [(Ak/k)/in.I,, = regulating rod movement, = c 0.033% in. for the regulating k rod, by putting i n the experimental values,” that i t i s seen L r AP = = 2(0.11)(46) (10.12 ATo L 1 ATo 1 0.72 + 47.75 Ad) x When equilibrium e x i s t s between extracted power and nuclear power, the power level i s given by P = k q AT = k q (To - Ti) , where k I = a constant (specific heat o f the fuel), q = fuel flow (gpm), AT = the difference between i n l e t and outlet fuel temperatures, T = outlet fuel temperature, Ti = i n l e t fuel temperature. 90 9.8 10-~ Mw . The change i n power, as calculated from t h i s formula, checked closely the observed power change for several different cases which were examined. The calculated data are given i n Table 6.7. b- I f ? L Reactor Temperature Differential as a Function o f Helium Blower Speed A relationship between the fuel system helium blower speed and the resulting fuel AT was obtained from the data taken during ARE operation. ”The factor 0.72 is u s e d to correct t h e temperatures i n the manner described in Appendix K. L t z k L I T A B L E 6.7. SOME CALCULATED AND OBSERVED POWER CHANGES FROM REGULATING ROD MOTION I Observed Outlet Date AT^ Regulating Rod C a l c u l a t e d Power Observed Power Movement Change Change (OF) (in.) (Mw) (Mw) 1110* 55 12 1.59 1.60 1 1 14* 53 12 1.55 1.51 1321 13 0.37 0.36 Time Temperature Change ~ Nov. 10 *Data recorded during Exp. 2.8 H-8. 1 Some of the experimental fuel AT’S are plotted in Fig. 6.16 as a function of their corresponding blower speeds. These points could be represented by a parabola of the form AT^ = K~ ORNL-LR-DWG 6562 t , i where K ! = a constant of proportionality, s = the blower speed. i The curve that f i t the experimental points best was found t o be AT = ( 0 . 7 5 ~ ) ” ~, where AT i s expressed i n hundreds of degrees F and s i s given i n hundreds of rpm. The extracted power can now be expressed i n terms o f blower speed: 0 400 800 I200 1600 2000 FUEL SYSTEM HELIUM BLOWER SPEED ( r p m ) /- Reactor F i g . 6.16. Helium Blower Speed. P = k q AT = k q ( 0 . 7 5 ~ ) ” ~ 46 i1 ( 0 . 7 5 ~ p ’ ~ i io2 = [OJI = 0.506 ( 0 . 7 5 ~ ) ”Mw ~ a Function of F u e l 10-~ . lo2 The factor i s used because AT i s expressed i n the empirical formula i n hundreds of degrees. The factor expresses power i n megawatts. The results obtained with the formula checked with the observed values of power in numerous cases. As an example, during experiment H-3, for a blower speed of 1590 rpm, an extracted power of 1.75 Mw was observed. The formula gives P = 0.506r0.75 (15.9)1’12 = 1.75 Mw AT a s . The Phenomenon o f the Time L a g One of the most noteworthy phenomena enc0u.ntered during the experiment was the time lag that seemed to be an i n t r i n s i c part of the system behavior. lt was remarkably demonstrated in Fig. 6.8 when the blower was turned on. It was 0.75 min late: that the i n l e t temperature records showed a response, about 1.5 min before the mean temperature hegan dropping, and almost 2 min before the outlet temperature showed a corresponding rise. The reasons for the lags are obscure, but i n an attempt to analyze the phenomenon several things must be considered: the extensiveness of the system, the reactor geometry, i.e., location of i n l e t and outlet fuel passages w i t h respect to reactor core, heat transfer properties and possible phenemona w i t h i n reactor, location, design, and attachment of the thermocoupl es within the reactor, and other unknown factors. There i s a good p o s s i b i l i t y that the time lag phenomenon was connected w i t h the temperature discrepancies noted in Appendix K. Errors i n marking the charts could possibly account for as much as 0.5 min, but certainly this cannot wholly account for the lag which was noted 91 L I i consistently throughout the progress of the experiment. There i s no doubt the system was v& sluggish and slow t o respond. T h i s sluggishness was undoubtedly due, i n large part, t o the length of the fuel system. The transit time i n the system was about 47 sec a t full pump speed, as observed during the c r i t i c a l experiments. There does not seem t o be any convenient mechapism for explaining longer time lags. A partial explanation i s advanced i n Appendix 0, where geometrical considerations show that the instantaneous temperature change of the fuel was greater near the center o f the reactor than a t the points o f the thermocouple locations. Thus the nuclear power was observed t o change before the i n l e t and outlet thermocouples indicated changes. An attempt was also made t o analyze the heat transfer conditions within the reactor. Since the fuel and sodium flows were i n opposite directions w i h i n the reactor, the fuel i n l e t l i n e thermocouples were located near sodium outlet lines and the fuel outlet l i n e thermocouples were located near sodium i n l e t lines. The temperature differences existing between the sodium (and moderator) and the fuel near the i n l e t and outlet thermocouples were o f the order o f 100°F or more and could possibly have influenced the readings o f the thermocouples. T h i s phenomena was investigated," and no delay approaching 2 min could be ascribed to the heat transfer characteristics o f the system. The greatest time lag which could be found in the heat transfer mechanism was o f the order o f a few seconds. The time lags o f the reactor AT and mean temperature thermocouples were also investigated because these thermocouples had been insulated from the metal o f the system. The time lags found were o f the order o f 15 sec or less, and thus they were about the same as those for uninsulated thermocouples. An experimental check showed that helium from the rod-cooling system had no appreciable effect on the readings o f fuel temperatures when the blower speed was changed. Therefore, the phenomena o f lag and low temperature readings could not be attributed t o t h i s cause. It may well be that what may be described as e1 thermal inertia" played a part in the time lag. Since the reactor as a whole did not respond to a temperature change very fast, even though the fuel did, the thermocouple readings could have been affected to the extent that they received heat "H. neeri ng. 92 F. Poppendiek, Reactor Experimental Engi- not only from the fuel tubes but from other parts o f the reactor. Better design and location o f the thermocouples might have prevented such time lags. Reactivity Effects of Transients i n the Sodium System The introduction of transient conditions i n t o the sodium system was expected t o have only small effects on reactor behavior. T h i s proved t o be the case i n the few instances for which data are available. The two operations of the sodium system which were observed t o have effects on reactivity were changing the rate o f sodium flow and changing the rate o f sodium cooling. The f i r s t effect was observed as a part o f one o f the low-power experiments (Exp. L-7), i n which, with the reactor on servo a t 1-w power, the fuel flow rate was varied and the change in the regulating rod position was noted. The concluding portion of the experiment consisted in stopping the sodium coolant flow and observing the change i n regulating rod position with the fuel flow a t i t s normal value o f 46 gpm. During t h i s time the regulating rod changed from 7.85 to 7.69 in., a movement o f 0.16 in., which corresponded t o a A k / k o f T h i s experiment was not repeated only 5.3 x a t high power, and therefore no data are available on reactor power and temperature changes as a function of sodium flow. The second effect, the effect on the reactor system o f changing the sodium cooling rate, was observed i n Exp. H-12 during high-power operation. I n t h i s experiment the sodium system helium blowers were turned o f f and the following power and temperature changes were observed. A t 2110 on November 11 the reactor was a t 2.1-Mw extracted power; of this amount, approximately 1.6 Mw was being extracted from the fuel and 0.5 Mw from the sodium. A t 2113 the sodium system helium blowers were turned off, and the power dropped, i n the next 90 sec, to 1.96 Mw a t a rate o f 1.5 kw/sec, and, 1 in the next 9 4 min, it dropped a t a much slower rate o f 280 w/sec and leveled o f f a t 1.80 Mw. The total decrease i n power was 300 kw. It i s t o be noted that since the extracted power from the sodium at the beginning of the experiment was 500 kw, about 200 k w of heat was s t i l l being l o s t by radiation and other means through the barrier door openings and other parts o f the circuit, even with the helium circulation stopped. When the helium blower was turned on again a t 2124 the reactor responded with an i n i t i a l rise o f 120 k w t o i c . * 6 c k E I I k 1 fE 1 d d . ; ' 4 2 decrease noted. There was no drop i n temperature which matched the very slow rate of decrease i n power after the i n i t i a l decrease. Upon starting the sodium blowers again a t 2124 the mean temperature rose 13OF i n 5 min to a new value o f 1323OF, 10°F higher than at the start o f the experiment. The increase over the i n i t i a l temperature was partly attributable to the thermal inertia of the reactor. The reactor did not lose heat rapidly, but, when the blowers were again turned on, the nuclear power production increased by 300 kw and raised the temperature level to above that a t the i n i t i a l condition. It may be concluded from these results that neither stopping the sodium flow or the sodium cooling had much effect on the reactor behavior. I t i s interesting t o observe that the mean reactor fuel temperature went down with the decrease i n nuclear power, which resulted from stopping the It might be suspected that the sodium blowers. reactor mean temperature would have risen because of lack o f cooling i n the moderator. JI 4 1 4 1.92 Mw a t the rate of 1.33 kw/sec and then a very slow rise over a period o f nearly 18 min to 2.06 Mw a t a rate only 0.1 as great. Any over-a1 I reactor temperature effect from sodium transients would have been reflected i n a change i n the mean fuel temperature, and therefore the mean fuel temperature was observed. When the sodium blower was turned o f f a t 2113 the reactor mean fuel temperature dropped from 1313 t o 1310°F in 3 min, corresponding to the i n i t i a l power . J t Reactivity Following a Scram 1 1 1 1 , - The behavior o f a reactor after a scram i s determined primarily by delayed neutrons and photoneutrons,12 which i n the ARE were produced i n the beryllium oxide moderator. These processes keep the flux o f the reactor from decaying immediately. It was observed that after every scram the reactor decay took place i n a series o f descending oscillations, the time between oscillations being equal to the fuel transit time o f 47 sec. Figure 6.17 shows a trace of one o f the fission chambers after the scram a t the conclusion of Run 7 o f Exp. L-5, one o f the low-power runs. The scram took place a t the extreme right-hand edge of the trace. Six prominent pips and many lesser ones can be seen as the decay progressed. 12S. Glasstone and M. C. Edlund, EIements of Nuclear Reactor Theory, Van Nastrand, p 88-89 (1952). T h i s behavior can be explained on the basis that the slug o f fuel passing through the reactor a t the instant before the scram carried the l a s t group o f delayed neutron emitters produced a t power. T h i s phenomenon was particularly pronounced at the time the photograph of Fig. 6.17 was taken because it was a t that time that an experiment13 was under way i n which the reactor was allowed to r i s e from 1-w power t o a predetermined power level of from 50 t o 100 w on a constant period before it was scrammed. A t the instant of scram the power of.the reactor was 100 w, whereas one transit time previously (47 sec) the power was only about 14 w. A s a result, immediately after the scram the delayed neutrons were particularly intense i n the slug o f fuel which was i n the reactor a t the time o f the scram. The transit time o f 47 sec i s comparable to the 56-sec group o f delayed n e ~ t r 0 n s . l ~A s this slug traversed the system and went back through the reactor, the delayed neutron emitters gave r i s e to neutron multiplication within the reactor and, a t the same time, the associated gamma rays f e l l on the beryllium o f the moderator and gave r i s e t o more neutrons by the reaction Be9 + y + Be8 + n . The total effect of both types o f reactions was to give a strong multiplication every 47 sec. During the f i r s t pip shown in Fig. 6.17, the flux rose by a factor of 2; with succeeding pips, the multiplication became less. The average mean decay time of the f i r s t four pips was 72 sec. For the two longest lived groups of delayed neutrons the mean lives are 32 and 80 sec.14 Therefore, the attenuation of the pips closely followed the theoretical A remarkable feature o f delayed neutron decay. Fig. 6.17 i s that the pips could be distinguished for about 12 min. Since after the f i r s t 3 or 4 min the delayed neutron emitters were gone, the remaining effect was due solely to photoneutrons. The scram behavior a t high power was very similar, as observed with the use of the safety chambers. The fission chambers could not be used a t high power, and therefore the f i r s t few seconds after a scram could not be observed with them. l3In experiment L-5 the r e g u l a t i n g rod was c a l i b r a t e d b y the periods induced b y rod m o t i o n (cf., chap. 4). 14Glasstone and Edlund, op. cit., p 65. 93 ORNL-LR-DWG 3855 P t CR M NO.!; RUN 7, EXP. L5 t * t t t L f L HER TO GIVE A GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF THE DECREASE IN COUNTING RATE IN THE CIRCULATING SLUGS FOLLOWING A SCRAM. THERE IS, HOWEVER, SOME ERROR IN BOTH ABSCISSA AND ORDINATE ACROSS THE JOIN. I k h W x 2. e e .- L W !z I * t t i h E, h k. &. 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I L l I - I l . l I I I TIME Fig. 94 6.17. Circulating Slugs After a Scram. I I I t 1 I I I c ! F I N A L O P E R A T I O N AND SHUTDOWN i 1 J The l a s t scheduled experiment conducted on the reactor was the measurement o f the xenon buildup The 10-hr following the 25-hr run a t 2.12 Mw. period o f operation at one-tenth f u l l power was concluded at 0835 on November 12. During the following 11%-hr period from 0835 t o 2004, when the reactor was shut down the final time, the operation of the reactor was demonstrated for A i r Force and ANP personnel who were gathered for the The quarterly ORNL-ANP Information Meeting. demonstrations included repeated cycling o f the load by turning the blowers on and off, and group movement o f the three shim rods t o change the reactor mean temperature. The information obtained during t h i s time on’the dynamic behavior of the reactor i s described above under the subtitle It Reactor Kinetics.” A l s o during the final 11 P2-hr period of operation, two complete surveys o f system temperatures were taken with the reactor a t maximum power. It was during one o f these runs that the equilibrium fuel outlet temperature of 158OOF and the total reactor power o f 2.45 Mw was attained (cf., App. L). Since a l l operational objectives of the experiment had been attained and it was estimated on the basis of time and the assumed reactor power that the desired integrated power o f 100 Mwhr would be attained by 2000 on Friday, November 12, i t was decided t o terminate the experiment at that time. Colonel Clyde D. Gasser, Chief, Nuclear Powered Aircraft Branch o f WADC, who was then v i s i t i n g the Laboratory, was invited t o officiate at the termination o f the experiment. At 8:04 P M on November 12, with Colonel Gasser at the controls, the reactor was scrammed for the l a s t time and the operation of the Aircraft Reactor Experiment was brought t o a close. A photograph taken in the control room a t that time i s shown as Fig. 6.18. At the time the experiment was terminated i t was believed that the total integrated power was more than the 100 Mwhr which had been prescribed as a nominal experimental obiective, but subsequent graphical integration of the L o g N charts, Appendix R, revealed that the actual total integrated power was about 96 Mwhr. At the time the reactor was scrammed the sodium system had been i n operation (circulating sodium) for 635.2 hr and the fluoride system for 462.2 hr. Of t h i s total fluoride circulating time 220.7 hr were obtained with the reactor c r i t i c a l and 73.8 hr after the reactor was f i r s t brought t o power. Although the nuclear operation was concluded on Friday evening, the fuel and sodium were permitted t o circulate until the following morning, a t which time they were dumped into their respective dump tanks. The final phase of the experiment, including the dumping operation, subsequent analys i s and recovery of the fuel, and examination of the systems and components for corrosion, wear, radiation damage, etc., are t o be discussed i n a subsequent report. Since much o f the data cannot conveniently be obtained u n t i l the radioactivity has decayed, the l a s t report w i l l not be forthcoming immedi ately. I i 95 96 J t- I ! i 7, RECOMMENDATIONS N o comprehensive report i s complete without ' 1 C conclusions, discussion, and recommendations. In t h i s report the conclusions are presented in the summary a t the beginning, and the discussion i s incorporated in the text and, especially, i n the Appendixes. Furthermore, certain alterations and modifications that would have been desirable in the conduct o f the experiment are implicit in the discussions throughout the report. However, the changes, i f effected for any similar future experiments, could lead t o substantial improvements in design, instrumentation, operation, ( - i d interpretation. Accordingly, a Ii st o f recommendations based on the ARE experience i s presented; no significance i s inferred by the order o f listing. 1. The operating crew should maintain the same electricians, shift schedule as the craft labor assigned instrument mechanics, pipe fitters, etc. t o the operating crew, and a l l members of one crew In should have their off-day a t the same time. particular, there should be four operating crews that maintain the same rotating schedule as the rest o f the plant. 2. The cause o f the obvious discrepancy between the temperqtures read by the I ine thermocouples close t o the reactor and those further removed from the reactor should be ascertained. No physical phenomena, with the possible exception o f radiation, have been proposed, t o date, which could account for the observed difference. - - 3. In order t o measure the extracted reactor power from the secondary or tertiary heat transfer mediums, these systems should be adequately instrumented for flow rates and temperatures. Such instrumentation might also make possible a thermodynamic analysis of the performance of the various heat exchangers. d 4 a, 1 4. Thermocouples on the outer surface o f fuel and sodium tubes in the heat exchangers should be installed so that they read wall temperatures rather than an intermediate gas temperature. 5. Of the two thermocouples which were required t o measure the reactor mean temperature and the two required t o measure the temperature gradient, one was electrically insulated from the pipe wall. T h e insulation effected a time lag between the wall and thermocouple temperatures o f about 15 sec. Thermocouple installations for obtaining time-dependent data should be made so that the wall temperature can be read without a time lag. 6. T o heat small (up t o in. OD) lines and associated valves, tanks, etc. to uniform high temperatures (-1400" F) requires a surprising degree o f precision in the installation o f both heaters and insulation. Furthermore, where calrod heaters are employed, they should be installed on opposite sides of a line, and the heaters and l i n e should be jointly wrapped with heat shielding before insulation i s applied. 7. T o control accurately the temperature of any system, thermocouples should be installed a t any discontinuity of either the heaters (i.e., between adjacent heaters) or the system (i.e., a t the junction o f two lines, etc.), and, w i t h the exception of obviously identical installations, each heater should have i t s own control. 8. Where gas lines are subject t o plugging due t o the condensation of vapor from the liquid i n the system to which the lines are connected, it i s necessary either t o heat the lines t o above the freezing point o f the vapor or t o employ a vapor trap. While a vapor trap proved satisfactory in preventing the fuel off-gas l i n e from plugging, it was not possible t o heat the sodium off-gas l i n e sufficiently (because o f temperature limitation o f the valves) t o prevent the gradual formation of a restriction. Gas valves that can be operated at higher temperatures and are compatible with sodium are needed. 9. The double-walled piping added a degree o f complexity t o the system that was far out o f proportion t o the benefits derived from the helium annulus. Parts o f the annulus were a t subatmospheric pressure, and no leak tests were made on the fuel system once it was f i l l e d with the fluoride mixture. The helium flow was not needed for distributing heat in the sodium system, and it was Conseof uncertain value in the fuel system. quently, future systems should not include such an annulus. 10. The use o f any type o f connection other than an inert-arc-welded joint in any but the most temporary fuel or sodium l i n e should be avoided. 11. A l l joints, connections, and f i t t i n g s in the off-gas system should be welded, and, in general, they should be assembled with the same meticulous care that characterized the fabrication o f the fuel and sodium systems in order to minimize the poss i b i l i t y o f the unintentional release o f f i s s i o n gases. i i i L I , [ i 97 I ! z c 4 h. I 12. A s a secondary defense in the event of the release of activity in the reactor c e l l (i.e., pit), the c e l l should be leaktight. The leak-tightness of the numerous bulkheads out of such a c e l l should be carefully checked. 13. The air intake t o the control room was located on the roof o f the building, and thus adverse meteorological conditions readily introduced offgas activity into the control room. With an airtight control room equipped with i t s own air supply (or a remotely located filtered intake), the control room operations could continue without concern for the inhalation of gaseous activity. 14. The off-gas monitrons should be shielded from direct radiation. Furthermore, although these monitrons were not needed during the experiment, they are known t o build up background activity which would eventually mask that o f the gas they are to measure. The development o f monitrons in which activity w i l l not accumulate i s recommended. 15. The radiation level and the airborne activity throughout the building were measured by monitrons and constant air monitors, respectively. T h e data from both instruments should be continuously recorded. Furthermore, the output o f the a i r monitors should be modified by the addition of a differentiating circuit so that the recorded data would give better measures of the airborne activity. 16. The helium ducts leaked t o the extent that i t was possible t o attain only a fraction o f the desired helium concentration therein. They were o f the conventional bolted-flange design and should have been modified t o permit seal welding o f a l l joints; they should be subjected t o stringent leak tests. 17. The helium consumption for the l a s t three and one-half months of the ARE experiment was million standard cubic feet (over 3000 standard cylinders). The average consumption rate during the l a s t two weeks o f the experiment was about 8.5 cfm, and peak consumption rates o f 25 cfm were recorded. T h i s extraordinarily high helium consumption could be reduced by the use o f dry air or nitrogen for much of the pneumatic instrumentation in which helium was used. 18. Various valves in both the gas and liquid systems leaked across the valve seats. T h e valve development program should be emphasized unti I valves are obtained that can be depended upon as reliable components of high-temperature (* 1200O F) sodium, fluoride, or gas systems. Furthermore, either l i m i t switches that would operate a t higher 5 98 temperatures t o indicate valve open or closed should be developed, or the existing l i m i t switches should be located i n cooler regions. 19. The use o f frangible disks t o isolate the standby fuel pump did not enhance the feasibility o f continuing the experiment i n the event o f the failure o f the main fuel pump during high-power operation. The frangible disks are objected t o i n that they require a nonreversible operation. In general, leak-tight valves should be developed that may be used rather than the frangible disks. 20, Although the ARE, as designed, was t o incorporate numerous “freeze sections,” only two were included in the system as finally constructed, and the operability of these two was so questionable thcrt their use was not contemplated during the course of the experiment. Such sections should either be eliminated from consideration in future systems, or a reliable freeze section should be developed. 21. Much useful information would be obtained i f provisions could be made for sampling each liquid system throughout the operation. T h i s was possible on the ARE only prior t o the high-power experiments. 22. The variable inductance-type flow and level indicators should be converted t o the null-balance type o f instruments in order t o eliminate the temperature dependence of the pickup c o i l signal. Furthermore, these c o i l s should be located in a region a t much less than 1OOOOF in order t o increase c o i l life. 23. Although numerous spark plug probes were satisfactorily employed t o measure levels in the various tanks, the intermittent shorts that were experienced with several sodium probes might have been avoided i f clearances between the probe wire and the stand pipe in which the probes were located had been greater. 24. The use of mercury alarm switches on vibratory equipment where there i s l i t t l e leeway between the operating and alarm condition wi I I give frequent false alarms and should therefore be avoided. 25. Weight instruments are o f questionable accuracy in a system in which the tank being weighed i s connected through numerous pipes to a fixed system, especially when these pipes are covered with heaters and insulation and are subject to thermal expansion. 26. The flame photometer i s an extremely sensit i v e instrument for the detection o f sodium and L 13 b t v t f E I k i NaK. However, in employing t h i s instrument t o detect the presence o f sodium (or NaK) i n gas, the sampling l i n e should be heated t o about 300OF. 27. The magnet faces i n the shim rods should be designed so that d i r t particles cannot become trapped thereon and thus require higher holding currents. 28. The two control points, i.e., the upstairs control room and the basement heater and instrument panels, should have been more convenient t o one another i n order t o effect the greatest efficiency of operation. 29. The communications system i n the building was inadequate. Except for the auxiliary FM system, which was frequently inoperative, there was only one phone in the control room, which was on the main station of the PA system. However, the PA system was not capable of audibly supporting two conversations a t the same time. Accordingly, the capacity of the PA system should be increased so that as many as 4 or 5 conversations may be simultaneously effected. Also, more outlets should be provided both in the control room and a t other work areas i n the building. 30. A megawatt-hour meter should be installed (possibly on the log N or the AT recorder) i n order t o provide a continuous measure o f the integrated power as the experiment progresses. 31. In order t o analyze various related time- 4 dependent data (as required, for example, i n the determination o f the various temperature coefficients), it i s necessary that the recorder charts be marked a t the start o f the experiment. While the charts can be marked by hand, t h i s was a source o f error which became very important in the analysis of data from fast transients. Accordingly, a l l such charts should be periodically and simultaneously marked by an automatic stamper. Furthermore, each chart should be stamped with a dist i n c t i v e mark that would positively identify it. 32. T o analyze the kinetic behavior of a reactor system i t i s necessary to have a recorder chart of the time behavior of a l l equipment which can introduce transients in the reactor, as w e l l as charts of the process data and conventional nuclear data. Therefore the helium blower speeds and shim rod positions should have been recorded conti nualI y. 33. The recorded data and the data sheets comprise a f a i r l y comprehensive picture o f the experiment. However, even i f a l l t h e data are recorded they are of value only t o the extent that meaningful interpretations can be made. While automatically marking the data charts w i l l be helpful, it w i l l s t i l l be necessary to rely on log book information which should be recorded in great detail, possibly t o the extent o f making t h i s the only responsibility of a s h i f t "historian." i J - 3 99- 106 t b = I L ? Appendix B SUMMARY OF DESIGN AND OPERATIONAL DATA i f This appendix tabulates both the design and operational data pertinent t o the aircraft reactor experiment. Most of the design data wereextracted from two design memoranda,’a2 although some values had t o be revised because of subsequent modifications i n the design. In addition t o the design data, the experimental values of the various system parameters are included, All values obtained experimentally are shown in ita1 ics and, for comparative purposes, are tabulated together with the corresponding design values. There are, of course, numerous design numbers for which it was not possible t o obtain experimental numbers. The flow diagram o f the experiment is presented in Fig. 6.1. The values of temperature, pressure, and flow given on t h i s drawing are design values - not experimental values. ! j t ’W. B. Cottrell, A R E Design Data, ORNL CF-53-12-9 (Dec. 1, 1953). 2W. B. Cottrell, A R E Design Data Supplement, ORNL CF-54-3-65 (March 2, 1954). 4 i DESCRIPTION d L 1. The Reactor Experiment 4 4 d Type of reactor Neutron energy Power (maximum) Purpose Design lifetime Fue I Moderator Reflector Primary coolant Ref lector coo Iant Structural material Test stand Shield Heat flow Circulating fuel, solid moderator Thermal and epithermal 2.5 Mw Experimental 1000 hr NaF-ZrF4-UF4 (53.09-40.73-6.18 mole %) Be0 Be0 The circulating fuel Sodium Inconel Concrete p i t s i n Building 7503 7P2 ft of concrete Fuel t o helium t o water t 4 a 2. e P h y s i c a l Dimensions of Reactor (in.) Hot (1300O F) t. 35.60 35.80 32.94 33.30 35.60 35.80 32.94 33.30 47.50 48.03 4.00 4.25 32.94 33.30 4.93 4.98 32.94 33.30 48.00 48.55 2.00 2.02 44.50 45.00 4.00 4.04 66 parallel Inconel tubes containing Core height Core diameter Side ref Iector height Side reflector inside diameter Side reflector outside diameter Top reflector thickness Top reflector diameter Bottom reflector thickness Bottom reflector diameter Pressure shell inside diameter Pressure shell wall thickness Pressure shell inside height Pressure she1I head thickness Fuel elements 3. Cold (70' F) the circulating fuel. The tubes were connected i n six parallel circuits each having 11 tubes i n series. Each tube was 1.235 in. O.D., with a 60-mil wall. Volumes of Reactor Constituents (Cold) a. B Inside Pressure Shell Volume (ft3) Be0 Core Side reflector Annulus outside reflector Top reflector Bottom reflector Space above reflector and annulus Space below reflector and annulus 14.55 17.68 0 0 0 0 0 32.23 Total Total Fuel No Inconel Rodsa 1.33 0.21 0.24 0 0 - 0.80 0.91 0.58 1.62 1.67 2.14 2.17 - 0.37b 0.10" 0.19 0.08b 0.44b 0.04" 0.52c 0.50 0.26d 0 0.06 0.07 0.03d 0.Md 17.55 18.95 0.77 1.97 2.42 2.21 2.73 1.78 9.89 1.74 0.96 46.60 0 0 f t li & ~ nTotal volume i n s i d e inner rod sleeve. P blncludes the Inconel-clad s t a i n l e s s steel r o d sleeves. i clncludes a l l three sleeves around f i s s i o n chambers dlncludes volume of i n s u l a t i n g material around inner f i s s i o n chamber sleeve. I, b. Operating Fuel System bi b Volume (ft3) Cold Core External system (to minimum pump level) Pump (available above minimum level) Total 108 a - 1.33 3.48 1.65 - 6.46 Hot - 1 37 3.60 1.70 - 6.67 = 6 a - E b r 3 I ~ TO DRAIN 4 508 m i t D k t i i ). I I b i I t L I i I i L i 44 5 f P c. Miscellaneous Fuel System Volume d (ft3) 14.5 Maximum capacity f h d flush tanks Bottom (waste) in f i l l and flush tanks Dump l i n e t o f i l l and flush tank No. 2 Dump l i n e t o f i l l and flush tank No. 1 By-pass leg Heat exchanger leg from pump t o f i l l l i n e t o Tank No. 2 Reactor leg from fill line t o pump (minimum operating level) Pump capacity, minimum t o maximum level Carrier available Concentrate ava iIab I e s 0.3 0.8 0.75 0.4 rrsasa 1.6 3.0 1.7 15.5 1.3 i d. Sodium System Volume (ft3) Inside pressure shell Outside pressure shell .- R, 10 10 - 20 Total MAT E RIALS 1 1 1 - f 1. Amounts of C r i t i c a l Materials LL t i s B e 0 blocks (assuming p = 2.75 g/cm3) B e 0 slabs (assuming p = 2.75 g/cm3) Amount of uranium requested Uranium enrichment Uranium in core Uranium inventory in experiment 5490 Ib 48 Ib 253 Ib of U235 93.4% $35 30 t o 40 Ib 126 t o 177 Ib I k t J ! 2 Composition of Reactor Constituents Fluoride Fuel Mixture a. Fue I a Fuel Carrier Fuel Concentrate NaF mole wt % 53.09 &34 50 20.1 66.7 21.3 40.73 62.12 50 0 79.9 0 6.18 17.54 0 0 33.3 78.7 25 35 10" 47d Zr F4 mole % wt % "F4 mole % wt % Impurities (ppm) <5 b Ni Fe Cr 5b 449 - 84d 2Od aFuel composition for high-power operation. Final ana I ys i s before hi gh-power operat ion. CAverage of a l l 14 batches of carrier. dEstimate based on a few prel iminary analyses. b. Inconela Constituent Amount (wt %) Con s t ituent Amount (wt %) Ni Cr Fe Mn 78.5 14.0 6.5 0.25 0.25 0.2 Cob AIb Tib Tab 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.5 Si cu Wb 0.5 Znb 0.2 Constituent Amount (wt %) Zrb C Mo Ag, B, Ba Be, Ca, Cd V, Sn, Mg 0.1 0.08 Trace Trace Trace Trace aB. B. Betty and W. A. Mudge, Mechanical Engineering, February 1945. bAccuracy, *loo%. Y-12 Isotope Analysis Methods Laboratory (spectrographic analysis). Y- 12Area Report Y-F2&14. c. Impurities Si AI Pb Ni Mn co Amount (PPd 1050 213 45 <20 <5 <1 Beryllium Oxide* Impurities Ca Fe Ztl Cr B Amount (PPd 780 114 <30 10 2.8 Impurities Amount (PPd Na 330 Ms K Li < 25 Ag *W. K. Ergen, Activation of Impurities in BeO, Y-12 Area Report Y-F20-14 (May 1, 1951). 112 50 <5 <1 d. H e l i u m <10 pprn Oxygen contamination e. Sodium ~ 0 . 0 2 5wt % Oxygen contamination 3. Physical Properties of Reactor Materials Melting Point ("C) Thermal Conductivity (Btu/hr.ft."F) Fuel Carrier:a NaF-ZrF, (NaZrF,) 50-50 mole % 510 2.5 kSb Fuel Concentrate:' NaF-UF, (Na,UF,) 66.7-33.3 m o l e % 635 Fuel:a NaF-ZrF,-UF, 53.09-40.73-6.18 530 mole % Heat Capacity (Bt u/l b e " F) Viscosity (CP) Density (s/cm3) 0.30b p = 3.79 - 0.00093T 600 < T < 800°C 0.5 (estimated) 10.25 at 700OC 7.0 at 800°C 5.1 at 900°C 0.21b p = 5.598 1.3 (estimated) 8.5 at 600°C 5.7 at 700" C 4.2 at 800°C 0.24b p = 3.98 8.0 at 600°C 5.3 st 700°C 3.7 at 800°C - 0.001 19T 600 < T < 800°C - 0.00093T 600 < T < 800OC BeOC 2570 16.7 at 1500°F 19.1 at 1300°F 22.5 at 1100" F 0.46 at 1 100°F 0.48 at 1300°F 0.50 a t 1500°F from 2.27d to 2.83 at 2 0 T Inconele 1395 8.7 from 20 to 0.101 77 < T < 212°F 8.51 at 20°C 100°C 10.8 at 400°C 13.1 at 800°C 0.38 at 250°C 0.30 0.27 at 400°C 0.18 at 700°C <-272.2 0.100 at 200°F 0.0267 at 200T 1.248 0.119 at 400°F 0.0323 at 400°C 0 < T < 300°C 0.136 at 600°F 0.0382 at 600°C 98 Sodiumf He1 i u m g 43.8 at 3OOOC 38.6 at 500T 0.85 at 400T 0.82 at 500OC 0.78 at 700T 1.79 x lo', at 0°C 1.30 x lo-, at 100°C 1.03 x lo-, at 200°C 0.18 0.13 0.38 0.48 lnsu lation Superex (Si0.J . Sponge felt (MgSiO,) 4. aData from ANP physical Properties Group. bPreliminary values for the liquid 600 t o 800°C. =Data from The Properties o/ Beryllium Oxide, BMIT-18 (Dec. 15, 1949). dPorosity of BeQfrom ANP Ceramics Group, 23% a t p = 2.27, 0% a t p =2.83. eData from Metals Handbook, 1948 Ed., The American Society for Metals. {Data from Liquid Metals Handbook, NAVEXOS P-733 (June 1952). gB. 0. Newman, Physical Properties of Heat Transfer Fluids, GI-401 (Nov. 10, 1947). 113 REACTOR PHYSICS 1. Neutron energy Thermal fissions, % Neutron flux, n/cm2.sec Gamma flux, y/cm2-sec 2. f $ General t Thermal and epithermal - 60 10’4 -101’ + h Power Maximum power, Mw Design power, Mw Power density (core av a t max power) w/cm3 Maximum specific power (av kw/kg. o f U235a t Power ratio (max/av) Axiolly Radially in core Radially in fuel tube Maximum power density in fuel, w/cm3 Maximum power density in moderator, w/cm3 3. Neutron Flux in 1.5 Mw) 1.5 1.o (2.5) 3 94 (51 (153) 1.5: 1 1.2: 1 1.7: 1 110 (180) 1.3 (2.2) a Core (n/cm2*sec) Thermal (max) Thermal (av) Fast (max) F a s t (av) Intermediate 4. 5. Leakage F l u x (per fission) Reflector Fast Intermediate Therma I 0.001 1 0.066 0.191 Ends Fast lntermediate Thermal 0.013 0.102 0.0002 Fuel u235 Enrichment, 7% Critical mass, Ib of U235 in clean core U235 i n core (i.e., c r i t i c a l mass plus excess reactivity) U235 in system, Ib consumption a t maximum power, g/day u235 6. 93.4 (32.75) Ib 30 t o 40 (36) 126 t o 177 (138) 1.5 (2.5) Neutron F l u x in Reflector Maximum flux a t fission chamber holes, nv/w Counting rate o f fission chambers, counts/sec.w 1.5 x lo6 2 x 105 i d 7. Reactivity Coefficients Effect L T her ma I base -0.011 from 68 t o 1283OF -0.009 from 1283 t o 1672OF hk/k 1 Uranium mass (at k i Va I ue Symbol = 1) bk/k 0.25 (0.236) 1 1 . d * Sodium density -0.05 from 90 to Moderator density 0.5 from 95 100% p Inconel Fuel to t 100% p -0.17 from 100 t o 140% p density (Ap/p) (Ak/k)/O F temperature (-9.8 x 10-5) - 5 ~ 1 0 - ~(-6.1 x Reactor temperature (Ak/k)/O F Sodium temperature (Ak/k)/O F (- j.88 x Moderator temperature (Ak/k)/' F (1.1 10-5) SHl EL D I N G t i T 1. Material Thickness (in.) (from source outward) 2. i Barytes concrete block in the reactor p i t only 12 Poured Portland concrete 18 2.3 Barytes 60 3.3 concrete block Composition 1 d Cement Concrete Barytes CaCO, +- SiO, + AI,O, Cement and aggregate of gravel Cement and aggregate of BaSO, 3. Relaxation Lengths (cm) ii i ]-MeV gamma rays 2.5-Mev gamma rays 7.0-Mev gamma rays Fast neutrons (1 t o 5 MeV) Barytes Concrete Portland Cement 4.14 6.72 9.46 8.2 4.62 6.86 14.0 11.0 115 4. i Source Intensities No. per F i s s i o n Core gammas Prompt Fiss ion-product decay 2.0 2.0 0.94 Capture gammas 5. Energy (Mev) 2.5 2.5 7.0 Gamma f l u x outside of reactor thermal insulation per watt 2.0-Mev gammas 7.0-Mev gammas 3 x io4 y/cm2.sec 0.8 x lo4 y/cm2.sec Neutron flux outside of reactor thermal insulation per watt Thermal t o 250 kev Fast t o 250 kev 3 x 105 n/cm2-sec 1.5 x lo4 n/cm2.sec A c t i v i t y in External F u e l Circuit per Watt Time Out of Reactor (set) 0.52-Mev Gamma Activity (photons/cm3 Ssec) I-Mev Delayed-Neutron Activity (n/cm3.sec) 0 5 10 20 30 40 8.1 x lo6 6.6 x lo6 5.9 x lo6 5.1 x lo6 4.7 x 106 4.5 x 106 8.5 io3 2.3 103 1.4 103 0.74 103 0.50 103 0.35 io3 E: c i i =i REACTOR CONTROL 1. Control Elements Source Regulating rod Shim rods Temperature coefficien (Ak/k)/' 2. 1 1 3 --5 x F I 6 @ I low5 (-6. e 10-5) Source Core axis Po-Be Locat ion TYPe Strength, curies Neutron intensity, n/sec 15 3.5 x 10' (7) (1.6 x 107) a, 3. Regulating Rod Location Diameter, in. Travel, in. Cooling Total Ak/k, % Maximum (Ak/k)/sec Speed, in./sec 116 Core axis 2 12 C b He1ium (slowspeed), % 0.40 (0.40) 0.010 (0.011) 0.3 or 3 (0.32) (fast speed not used) a : I Backlash, in. 0.007 Diehl lA, 115 v, 60 cycle, 3400 rpm, reversible Manual Temperature error-signal (not used) Flux signal, k 2 % N F ; 5 1.3OF mean T Servo motor B Actuation Regulation There were seven regulating rods made up which gave a calculated A k / k from 0.13 t o 1.35%. used in the experiment was the one which most nearly gave a measured Ak/k of 0.4%. Rod number Calculated Ak/k Measured Ak/k Weight per inch of rod, Ib i 1 0.13 2 0.18 3 0.27 0.042 0.061 0.091 4 0.39 (- 0.25) 0.132 5 0.56 (0.40) 0.21 t The rod 6 0.90 7 1.35 0.32 0.50 t 4. Shim Rods (3) One a t each 120 deg 2 36 He1ium Location Diameter, in. Travel, in. Cooling Material Magnet release t ime, sec Maximum withdrawal speed, in./sec Total Ak/K per rod, % Maximum (% Ak/k)/sec per rod Motor J i . _ on 7.5-im-radius c i r c l e i B4C < 10-2 0.036 5.0 0.005, (0.046) (5.8) (0.0039 at 4-in. i n s e r t i o n ) av over rod Janette 1.2 amp, 115 v, 60 cycle, 1725 rpm, reversible 5. Nuclear Instrumentation a. Fission Chambers (2) Function Sen s i t i v i t y Count ing-rate signal 0.14 (counts/sec) per (n/cm2.sec) Range lo”, 4 i.e., lo4 in instrument, lo7 in position and shielding b. Parallel-Circular-Plate Ionization Chambers (3) (2 chambers) (2 chambers) Sensitivity Range Function c. Function (1 chamber) (1 chamber) Sensitivity Range Safety level (scram signal) Regulating rod temperature servo 5O pa at 10’0 n/cm2-sec lo3, i.e., from 5 x to 1.5 N , Compensated Ionization Chambers (2) Micromicro ammeter Regulating rod flux servo 50 pa at 10” n/cm2-sec * IO6, i.e., from 10-6 to 3 N, I 117 6. Scrams and Annunciators a. Cause Neutron level Period Period Reactor exit fuel temperature Heat exchanger e x i t fuel temperature Fuel flow Power Scram switch 'Shim I Automatic Rod Insertion and Annunciation Nuclear Scram Set Point 1.2 and 1.5 N, 1 sec 5 sec > 155OOF b Process Scram Reverse' Annunciator No. 30 30 32 25 25 25 30 30 X X X <llOO°F <10 gpm Off Scram position - . c I rods automatically driven in. bNeutron l e v e l set so that the f a s t scram annunciator, No. 30, would annunciate a t 1.2 N F (normal flux) although the safety rods would not be dropped until the neutron level reached 1.5 N F . There was not another neutron l e v e l annunciator a t 1.5 NF' b. Nuclear Annunciators Safety circuit Count rate meter Servo Rod-cool ing helium Neutron level 118 f - Set Point Annunciator No. Electronic trouble Off-scale Off-scal e Off 28 26 31 29 27 1.2 N, P L k , c. Fuel System Annunciators Set Point 4 1 4 Pump power (main pump) Low heat exchanger fuel flow High heat exchanger water temperature LOW heat exchanger fuel temperature High fuel level (main pump) L o w fuel level (main pump) High pump pressure (main pump) High fuel reactor pressure High fuel level (standby pump) Low fuel level (standby pump) High pump pressure (standby pump) Pump power (standby pump) High temperature differential across reactor tubes High fuel temperature Low heat exchanger fuel temperature High heat exchanger tube temperature Low heat exchanger tube temperature‘ Pump lubricant (main pump) Pump coolant (main pump) Pump !ubricant (standby pump) Pump coolant (standby pump) >50 amp <20 gpm > 16OOF <115OoF Maximum pumping level Minimum pumping level > 5 psi >50 p s i (>41 psi) Maximum pumping level Minimum pumping level > 5 psi >50 amps > 235O F (> 400” F ) > 15OOOF <llOO°F > 150OOF <115OoF < 4 gpm (<2 g p m ) <2 gpm (<z gpm) (4 gpm (<2 gpm) <2 gpm (<2 gpm) Annunciator NO. 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 41 45 46 47 48 49 51 52 53 54 65 66 69 70 aThe helium blower was interlocked so that when the fuel temperature decreased below t h i s temperature the blower speed was reduced t o zero until the fuel temperature exceeded 1150OF. d. Sodium System Annunciators Set Point Annunciator No. 4 1 1 d 1’ d f f Pump power (main pump) Low sodium flow (back loop) High heat exchanger water temperature Low heat exchanger sodium temperature High sodium level (main pump) Low sodium level (main pump) High pump pressure (main pump) Pump power (standby pump) L o w sodium flow (front loop) High heat exchanger water temperature LOW heat exchanger sodium temperature High sodium level (standby pump) L o w sodium level (standby pump) High pump pressure (standby pump) High sodium temperature differential across reactor Low sodium reactor pressure Pump lubricant (main pump) Pump coolant (main pump) Pump lubricant (standby pump) Pump coolant (standby pump) >50 amp <lo0 gpm > 160OF <llOO°F 9 10 11 Maximum pumping level Minimum pumping level >65 psi >50 amp (100 gpm > 160°F < 1 10QoF Maximum pumping level Minimum pumping level >65 psi >60°F (60 psig < 4 gPm <2 gpm < 4 gPm ( 2 gPm (>48 p s i g ) ( ( 2 gpm) (<2 gPm) (<2 g b m ) (<2 RPm) 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 42 67 68 71 72 119 e. Miscellaneous Annunciators Annunciator Set Point Sodium system he1ium blower Pit oxygen Pit humidity Helium supply low Space cooler water temperature Low water flow (any of 5 systems) Rod cooling water temperature L o w reservoir level Stack closed Pit a c t i v i t y Monitrons Vent gas monitor Vent header vacuum L o w nitrogen supply L o w air supply DC-to-AC motor-generator set AC-to-DC motor-generator set No. Sodium system blower on before fuel system blower <90% He (Disconnected) > 10% relative humidity (500 psi > 160OF > 10% below design >160OF <16 p s i <5 mph wind velocity or high ion chamber reading 0.8 pc/cm3 > 12 mr/hr (>7.5 m / h r ) 0.8 pc/cm3 >29 in. Hg vacuum <300 psi <40 p s i Off 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 63 64 Off SYSTEM OP E R A T I N G CON D IT10 NS3 1. Reactor Fuel inlet temperature, O F Fuel outlet temperature, O F Mean fuel temperatwe, O F Sodium inlet temperature, O F Sodi um out let temperature, O F Fuel flow through reactor (total), gpm Fuel flow rate i n fuel tubes (11.3 gpm), fps Sodium flow through reactor, gpm Heat removed from fuel, kw Heat removed from sodium, kw Fuel dwell time i n reactor, sec Fuel cycle time For 50% of fuel, sec For rest of fuel, sec Maximum fuel tube temperature, O F Maximum moderator temperature, O F Sodium circulating time, hr Fuel circulating time,* hr 1315 1480 1400 1105 1235 68 4 224 1270 650 8.3 (1209) ( I 522) (1365) (1226) (1335) (4 6) (3) (150) (1520) 33.6 46.4 1493 1530 1000 1000 (47) (47) (577) (635) (462) *After 462 hr of circulating time, the l a s t 221 hr were attained after the reactor first became critical, and these after the reactor first operated above 1 Mw. 74 o f - ~ e 3The design values were taken from drawing A-3-0, "Primary H e a t Disposal System," F l o w Sheet, i n which the physical properties of the fuel were assumed to be p = 3.27 g/cm3, ,u = 7 to 13 cp, and cp =0.23 Btu/lb.'F. The operating values were taken from the 2 5 h r Xenon run (E-. H-8). 2. Fuel System a. Reactor out let Heat exchanger i n l e t Heat exchanger outlet Pump inlet Pump outlet Reactor inlet 'There Fuel Loop Temperature Pressure Flow (" F) (Psi$ (gpm) 46 34 12 2 (0.3) 54 50 (39) 40 20 ' 20 40 ( 4 6 ) 40 40 1450 1450 1150 1150 1150 1150 (1522) (1522) (1209) (1209) (1209) (1209) were two fuel-to-helium heat exchangers i n parallel. b. Helium Loop (" F) Fuel-to-he1ium heat exchanger No. 1 inlet Fuel-to-he1ium heat exchanger No. 1 outlet Helium-to-water heat exchanger No. 1 inlet Helium-to-water heat exchanger No. 1 outlet Fuel-to-helium heat exchanger No. 2 inlet Fuel-to-he1ium heat exchanger No. 2 outlet He1ium-to-water heat exchanger No. 2 inlet He1ium-to-water heat exchanger No. 2 outlet Blower outlet 'The H,O) (in. (cfm) 7,300 12,300 12,300 7,300 7,300 12,300 12,300 7,300 7,300 2.2 1.5 1.5 1.2 1.1 0.4 0.4 0.1 2.3 180 620 620 180 180 620 620 180 180 helium passed through two temperature c y c l e s i n each loop. c. He1ium-to-water heat exchanger inlet He1ium-to-water heat exchanger outlet 'The Flow Pressure Temperaturea Water Loop Temperature' Pressure Flowb (" F) (psig) (gpm) 70 (61) 135 (124) 10 8 65 (103) 65 water entered e a c h heat exchanger a t ambient temperature and was then dumped. bThere were two helium-to-water h e a t exchangers i n parallel; total flow, 130 gpm. 3. Sodium System a. Reactor outlet Sodium-to-he1 ium heat exchanger inlet Sodium-to-he1ium heat exchanger outlet Pump inlet Pump outlet Reactor inlet Sodium Loop Temperature Pressure Flow (OF) ( P S 4 (gpm) 58 52 51 48 (36) 65 60 (49) 224 (152) 112 112 224 224 224 1235 1235 1105 1105 1105 1105 (1335) (1335) (1226) (1226) (1226) (1226) 121 b. Helium Loop (in. (OF) 170 1020 1020 170 170 Sodium-to-ha ium heat exchanger inlet Sodium-to-he1ium heat exchanger outlet He1ium-to-water heat exchanger inlet He1ium-to-water heat exchanger outlet Blower outlet c. H,O) (cfd 4 2 2000 4700 4700 2000 2 0 4 2000 Water Loop Temperature Helium-to-water heat exchanger inlet He1ium-to-water heat exchanger outlet 4. Rod Cooling Flow Pressure Temperature ure Pr Flow (" F) (PSid (gpm) 70 (61) 100 (114) 10 8 77 (38.3) 77 System a. Helium Loop Temperature Pressure (in. H,O) (" F) 240 240 110 110 110 Rod assembly outlet Helium-to-water heat exchanger inlet He1ium-to-water heat exchanger outlet Blower Rod assembly inlet Flow (cfm) 1270 423 333 0 13 l0OOb 1000 UThere were three heat exchangers in parallel. bCapacity of each of the two parallel blowers; however, the second blower was i n standby condition. b. Water Loop Temperat urea Pressure Flowb (" F) (psig) (gpm) 70 (61) 100 (63) 10 8 18 (17.6) 18 Water-to-helium heat exchanger inlet Water-to-he1 ium heat exchanger outlet ?he water entered edch h e a t exchanger a t ambient temperature and was then dumped. b T o t a l flow for three p a r a l l e l heat exchangers. 5. Water System Equipment Spate coolers Reflector coolant system Rod cooling system Fuel coolant system Pump cooling systems Total 122 F l o w per Unit No. of Flow (gpm) Units (gpm) 7 77 8 2 3 2 4 6 65 3 56 154 18 130 12 370 06) (77.6) (17.6) (206) (23) (370.2) MISCELLANEOUS 1. Welding Specifications' Process Base metal Position F i l l e r metal Preparation of base metal Cleaning fluid Clearance i n butt joints Clearance in lap joints Welding current Electrode Sh ielding gas b Ianket Gas blanket beneath weld Welding passes Welders qualifications I B I Inert-gas, shielded-arc, d-c weld lnconel Horizontal rolled, fixed vertical, or horizontal '/16 to ?32 in. lnconel rod (Inco No. 62 satisfactory) Machined, cleaned, and unstressed Trichloroethylene in. with 100 deg bevel "/32 to Flush at weld d-c, electrode negative, 38 t o 80 amp !,6 to ?32 in. tungsten, 90 deg point Argon, 99.8% pure; 35 cfh Helium, 99.5% pure; 4 t o 12 cfh 1 to5 Welded or passed QB No. l b within 45 days i 'For details, see Procedure Specifications, PS-1, O R N L Metallurgy Division, September 1952. boperation Qualification T e s t Specifications, QTS- 1, ORNL Metallurgy Division, September 1952. 2. Stress Analysis a. 4 Moments and Stress i n the Pressure Shell Ends Maximum radial stress (per psi pressure) Minimum radial stress (per p s i pressure) Maximum radial moment (per psi pressure) Minimum radial moment (per p s i pressure) Maximum tangential stress (per psi pressure) Minimum tangential stress (per psi pressure) Maximum tangential moment (per psi pressure) Minimum tangential moment (per psi pressure) 85 psi -80 p s i 80 in.-lb -55 in.-lb 70 psi -18 psi 180 in.-lb -10 in.-lb i 14 psi -23 psi 13 psi g ! b. Stress i n the Pressure Shell Vessel Maximum circumferential stress (per psi pressure) Minimum circumferential stress (per psi pressure) Maximum longitudinal stress (per p s i pressure) Minimum longitudinal stress (per p s i pressure) -75 psi I I 123 J c. Summary of Pipe Stresses' Line No. Pipe Size (in.) Maximum Cold Prestress (Ib) 1 Maximum Hot Prestress Temperatureb Pressure L Ob) (" F) (PSid a Fuel Piping 111 112 113 114 115 116 117" 118 119 120 2 1 '/2 1% 1 1 1% 2 2 1% 2 1 3,850 11,230 24,300 15,400 38,000 28,200 2,170 6,450 13,900 8,850 19,600 14,500 1500 1500 1400 1500 1375 1325 28,000 22,000 15,350 12,800 11,3OO 7,900 1500 1325 1325 39 I34 '34 34 11 60 11 11 60 60 A - t. 6 I i b t & k Sodium Piping 303 304 305 306 307 308 3 09 310 313 24 1 and 2 1 and 2 1 2, 3 2 1 2, 3 2 2\ 2 \ \ \, \, 5,260 4,2 80 4,300 13,250 4,170 13,250 2,2 10 4,430 28,600 1050 1050 1050 1050 1050 1050 1050 1050 1325 3,690 3,000 3,020 9,310 2,935 9,3 10 1,550 3,110 16,400 58 58 ,58 61 F P 1 'All piping AS1 Schedule 40. b N o t a l l temperatures and pressures given were reactor design point values. = T h i s line consistedprimarily of pipe connections and was not stress analyzed. 3. Fluoride Pretreatment Treat ment Purpose Hydrof I uor inat ion Hydrogenat ion Hydrofluor inat ion Hydrogenation Remove water Reduce oxides and sulfates Fluorinate oxides and sulfates Remove HF, NiF, and FeF, Time (hr) 2 2 4 24 t o 30 Ternperdtur e (W, RT t o 700 700 t o 800 800 i c t 124 t Appendix C CONTROL SYSTEMDESCRIPTION AND OPERATION’ F. P. Green, Instrumentation and Controls Division d 1 1 4 i - CONTROL SYSTEM DESIGN The control system designed for the ARE had to be able to maintain the reactor at any given power and, when necessary, had to also be able t o overcome quickly the excess reactivity provided for handling fuel depletion, fission-product poisons, and power level increases. The motor speeds and gear ratios were set so that safety-rod withdrawal could not add A k / k a t a rate greater than 0.015%/sec. The rods were designed to contain 15%A k / k , and the control system was designed to l i m i t the fast rate o f regulating rod withdrawal to be usad for high-power operation t o an equivalent A k / k of O.l%/sec, with a maximum A k / k of 0.40%, which i s one dollar, for steady-state fuel circulation. For the c r i t i c a l experiment and low-power operation, the regulating rod withdrawal rate was limited to an equivalent h k / k of O.Ol%/sec. A fundamental distinction was made between insertion and withdrawal of the shim rods. E i t h e r the operator or an automatic signal could insert any number of rods u t any time, whereas withdrawal was always subject to both operator and interlock permission. Withdrawal was limited, moreover, to what was needed or safe under given circumstances. Quantitative, rather than qualitative, indication of control parameters was used where possible. Where feasible, only one procedure of manual control was mechanically permitted to minimize timeconsuming arbitrary decisions on the operator’s part. The control philosophy o f paramount importance i n the general operating dynamics was the use of only absorber rods to control the nuclear process and the use of only helium coolant to control the power generation. Most of the control and safety features o f the ARE were similar t o those o f other reactors. Considerable care was exercised i n the design of instrument components, control rods, and control circuits to make them as nearly fail-safe as was An instrumentation block diagram o f practical. the reactor control system i s shown i n Fig. C.1, ’ T h i s appendix was originally issued as O R N L CF-535-238, A R E Control S y s t e m D e s i g n Criteria, F. P. Green (May 18, 1953), and w a s revised for this report on March 7, 1955. i n which the reactor i s shown to be subject t o effects o f the control rods and to certain auxiliary f a c i l i t i e s . The reactor, in turn, affected certain instruments which produced information that was transmitted to the operator and t o the control system. The operator and the control system also received information from indicators o f rod position and motion. B y means o f the operator’s actions and instrument signals, the control system transmitted appropriate signals to the motors and clutches. The actuators located over the reactor p i t i n the actuator housing, i n turn, affected the reactor by corresponding rod motions which closed the control loop. I n addition t o the above i n d i cations that were a t the operator’s disposal on the console, there were many annunciators physically located along the top of the vertical board i n the control room. The group o f eight annunciators labeled “Nuclear Instruments” were provided t o indicate that conditions were improper for raising the operating power level or that improper operating procedures had caused safe l i m i t s to be exceeded. INSTRUMENTS DESCRIPTION The reactor instruments discussed i n the following have been arbitrarily limited t o those directly concerned with the measurement of neutron level and with f l u i d temperatures and flows associated with the reactor. The parallel-circular-plate and compensated ion chambers, the fission chambers, and BF, counter were of ORNL design, and, except for the latter two, were identical t o those used in the MTR and LITR.2 Since the fission chambers were located i n a high-temperature region within the reactor reflector, a special chamber had t o be developed that could be helium cooled. The compensated ion chambers and the log N and period meters had a useful range o f approximately lo6, and thus they indicated fluxes of 10” n/cm2.sec (maximum) and lo4 n/cm2.sec (minimum). The BF, counter had a maximum counting rate o f about lo5 n/sec and the fission chambers and count rate meters were capable o f covering 2S. H. Hanauer, E. R. Mann, and J. J. Stone, An O f f O n Servo for the A R E , O R N L CF-52-11-228 (Nov. 25, 1952). 125 a range o f 10” i f they were withdrawn from the reflector as the flux increased. Since the count rate meter has a long integrating time and the resultant time delays would make it an unsatisfactory instrument for automatic control, it was used as an adjunct t o manual control. The instantaneous positions o f the four control rods were reported to the operator by selsyns. I n addition, the positions of the rods with respect t o certain fixed mechanical limits were detected by means of lever-operated microswitches. The I imitswitch signals t i e d i n with the control system and with signal lights on the control console. The upper l i m i t switches on the three shim rods operated when the rods were withdrawn t o about 36 in. from the f u l l y inserted position. Their exact location was adjusted to provide optimum sensit i v i t y o f shim rod action. The lower l i m i t switches served t o cut the rod drive circuits when the magnet heads reached the magnet keepers. The seat switches operated indicating I ights on the console, which served only to indicate the proximity o f the pneumatic shock absorber piston t o the lower spring shock absorber. The lights told the operator the immediate effectiveness o f a # I scrammed” or dropped rod and, hence, that the rod had not iammed on i t s f a l l into the reactor core. The regulating rod was equipped with two travel l i m i t switches whose actions tied i n intimately with the manual and automatic regimes of the servo-control system, which i s described i n a following section. Thermocouples were located a t many points on the reactor and the heat exchangers t o monitor the fuel temperatures, since temperature extremes or low flow rates could have resulted i n serious damage to the reactor. The temperatures were recorded, and electrical contacts i n the recorders interlocked with the scram circuit t o provide shutdown i f the reactor i n l e t temperature dropped below 11W0F or the outlet temperature exceeded 155OOF. The operator was also warned by an annunciator alarm of low helium pressure in the rod-cooling system because loss o f cooling would have increased the danger o f a rod jamming due t o mechanical deformation. CONTROLS DESCRIPTION Motion o f the shim rods or the regulating rod was obtained from two energy sources, gravitational and electromechanical. Rod motion by safety 126 action was obtained by gravitational force upon release of the shim rods from their holders as a result o f de-energizing the electromagnetic clutches. The three shim rods, each .with i t s magnet, were subiect to a number o f different possible sources of safety signal. The necessary interconnecting circuitry was centered about an “auction” or 1 6 sigma” bus. Instrument signals were fed to this bus by sigma amplifiers. The sigma bus may be said t o go along with the “highest bidder” among the grid potentials of the sigma amplifiers. T h i s t I F F important auction effect allowed a l l rods t o be If a l l three dropped by any one safety signal. amplifiers and the three magnets had been identical i n adjustment and operation, a l l three rods would have dropped simultaneously as the sigma bus potential rose or f e l l past some c r i t i c a l value. Usually, only one of the rods dropped initially, and the others were released by interlocked relay action. Two kinds of scrams were possible: “fast” scrams caused by amplifier action and ‘ ‘ S I O W ~ ~ scrams caused by interruption of magnet power as the result of the action o f relays. I n a fast scram the shim rods were dropped when the reactor level reached or exceeded a specified flux level, as determined by the safety chambers. The signal from the safety chambers was amplified by the sigma amp1 i f i e r s and subsequently caused the magnet current t o become low enough t o drop the rods. The slow scram was the actual interruption o f power to the magnet amplifiers by relay action. T h i s relay action could be caused by temperatures i n excess of safe limits or stoppage o f fuel flow. The shim rod drives were 3-wire, 115-v, instantaneously reversible, capacitor-run motors rated at 1800 rpm. The shim-rod head, or actuator assembly, was a worm gear driven through a gear The reducer at slightly less than 234 in./min. sequence o f shim rod scram, rod pick-up, and withdrawal required a minimum o f 25 min. Both individual and group activation o f shim rods were selected i n preference to group control alone t o permit increased (vernier) f l e x i b i l i t y i n approaching criticality. Group shim rod action would have made d i f f i c u l t the control of flux shading throughout the reactor, particularly on rod insertion, since, upon cutting the motor power, the friction characteristics o f the three drives would have caused the rods t o coast t o different levels. The regulating rod drive consisted o f two Diehl Manufacturing Company, 200-w, instantly reversible, k I c t t L; 6 h i t & !+ e b L = f t R c L - m m I g - q U i 4 E two-phase servomotors that operated from reversing contactors which received their actuation from a mixer-pilot relay located i n the servo amplifier. Only one o f the motors operated a t a time, depending on whether the temperature or flux servo was coupled into the control loop. For the flux servo operation, an additional speed reducer was used so that the speed o f the rod was one tenth that avoi lable for temperature servo operation. I n i t i a t i o n of the flux servo “auto” regime was contingent on reactor power great enough to give a micromicroammeter reading of more than 20 and a servo-amplifier error signal small enough so that no control rod correction was called for. With the servo on auto the regulating rod upper or lower l i m i t switches actuated an annunciator. Although not used i n the experiment, i n i t i a t i o n of the temperature servo auto regime was contingent on reactor power greater than a minimum controllable power (>2% N F ) and a servo-amplifier error signal small enough that the servo would not c a l l for rod motion. The rod-cooling system consisted of a closed loop for circulating helium through the annuli around the shim rods, the regulating rod, and the f i s s i o n chambers and then through three parallel he1ium-to-water heat exchangers. The he1ium was circulated by two 15-hp a-c motor-driven positivedisplacement blowers. The motors were controlled from the reactor operating console. The fuel and reflector coolant temperatures were also controlled from the console. The helium coolant removed heat from fuel and sodium system heat exchangers and passed it to an open-cycle he1ium-to-water heat exchanger, from which the water was dumped. The helium i n the fuel system was circulated by an electric-motor-driven fan that was controlled from the console. The helium i n the sodium system was circulated by two hydraulicmotor-driven blowers for which only the on and o f f controls were located on the console. In order that the reactor operation would be as free as possible from the effects of transient disturbances or outages an the purchased-power lines, a separate electrical power supply was available for the control system. The supply consisted of a 250-v, 225-ampI storage-battery bank of 2-hr capacity. The bank was charged during normal power source operation by a 125-kw motorgenerator set. T h i s emergency d-c supply fed emergency l i g h t s and a 25-kw motor-generator set t o supply instrumentation power (120/208 v, single phase alternating current) during purchased-power outages. An auto-transfer switch provided an automatic switchover transient o f several cycles upon loss of the purchased-power source. The auto-transfer switch automatically returned the system to normal power 5 min after resumption o f purchased-power supply. The system could be returned to normal power manually at any time after resumption of the purchased-power supply. c C O N S O L E A N D C O N T R O L BOARD D E S C R I P T I O N The control console was made up o f two large panels, one to the right and one t o the l e f t o f the operator’s chair, and eight subpanels directly i n front of the operator, Fig. C.2. Over the top of the console, the operator also had a full view of the vertical board of instruments which indicated and recorded nuclear parameters and pertinent process temperatures. The rotary General E l e c t r i c Company type SB-1 switches used were of the center-idle, two- and three-position variety. They were wired so that clockwise rotation produced an “increase” i n the controlled parameter; such operation has been described as potentially dangerous. However, the scram switch, an exception, produced a scram i n either direction o f rotation. The top row o f the left-hand panel o f the console contained the source-drive control (Fig. C.2). I n the second row the f i r s t two switches were the controls for the two-speed rod-cool ing he1ium blowers, and the third switch was the on-off control for the electric motors which were the prime movers for the hydraul ic-motor-driven blowers. In the bottom row were the group control for the three shim rods and the annunciator acknowledge and reset pushbuttons. The center eight subpanels were identical i n s i z e and shape and contained the s i x selsyns which indicated the rod and fission chamber positions and the two servo control assemblies. The temperature c o l i brated potentiometer located near the panel center was used to set the fuel mean temperature for automatic, servo-controlled operation. The subpanel on the extreme l e f t contained the flux vernier (not shown) used to set f l u x demand into the f l u x servo system for controlled operation. The d i a l was calibrated t o correspond t o a setting o f from 20 to 100 on the micromicroammeter Brown recorder. Associated with a l l controls were the necessary limits-of-travel indicating lights, along with the on-off and speed-range indicators. The right-hand panel contained the switches most 129 i t closely associated with the fuel system and the energy removal controls. I n the upper row were the switch for the fuel-loop helium-blower prime mover, which was a 50-hp electric motor, the scram switch, and the by-pass switch (not shown on Fig. C.2). The by-pass switch was provided to permit the fuel-loop prime mover to be run, even though the reactor power was low, to remove the afterheat that was expected to be present after a shutdown. The bottom row on the right-hand panel contained the fuel-system-he1ium blower speed cantrol, the selector switch for barrier-door control, and the barrier-door drive control. The four panels i n the center of the vertical board contained the 12 recorders which pertained to the reactor. They were, l e f t to right, top row: reactor i n l e t temperature, reactor AT, reactor outl e t temperature, reactor mean temperature; center row: count rate No. 1, p i l e period, safety level No. 1, and micromicroammeter. I n the bottom row there were: count rate No. 2, log N, safety level No. 2, and control rod position. The range of flux through which the reactor passed from the insertion of the source to f u l l that power operation was so great, more than TABLE C.1. several classes of instruments were used. The normal flux (NF) was arbitrarily designated as 1, and then the first, and lowest, range encountered was the source range, from somewhat less than to lo-’’; the second was the counter range, from 10”’ to the third was to 3.3 times and the period range, from to 1. the last was the power range, from 3.3 x A t greater than i n the period range, the servo system could be put into auto operation i f desired. CONTROL OPERATIONS I n the operation of the ARE, operator i n i t i a t i v e was overridden by two categories of rod-inserting action: scram, the dropping of safety rods; and reverse, the simultaneous continuous insertion of a l l three shim rods, which was operative only during startup. The fast scram was i n a class by itself, being the ultimate safety protection of the reactor, and could never be vetoed by the operator. The various occasions for automatic rod insertion and annunciation for nuclear trouble are l i s t e d i n Table C. 1. There were five interlocks between nuclear reactor control, fuel and moderator coolant pumping, CAUSES O F AUTOMATIC ROD INSERTION AND ANNUNCIATION F a s t Scram NF) Neutron l e v e l (1.5 Neutron l e v e l (1.2 NF) 1-sec period Slow Scram Reverse X X X X X 5-sec period X F u e l temperature (> 155OOF) Annunciation X X X Loss o f fuel flow (power >10 kw) X X Loss o f control bus voltage X X Loss o f purchased power X X Manual scram X Reactor power (AT F u e l temperature > 40OoF) ((1 100°F) X F u e l helium blowers on without reflector helium blowers on X Servo o f f range X Rod coolant helium o f f X Count r a t e meter o f f scale X Safety circuit trouble X 130 - 1 , t n I i - and helium-cooling operation. (1) When operating a t power (above 10 kw), loss o f fuel flow would have initiated a slow scram. (2) Loss o f fuel flow would have, likewise, removed a permissive on operation o f the fuel-loop helium-blower prime mover. (3) Excessive deviation o f fuel temperature from set point would have produced a scram for either too high or too low a temperature. L o w fuel temperature would also cause the helium p i l o t motor t o run the magnetic clutch control for the helium blowers t o the zero position and thereby range, prime movers operating, reactor i n power range, and power greater than 10 kw. The operator was notified by the "permit" l i g h t when these conditions were satisfied. A p i l o t decrease was not interruptible by the operator u n t i l the cause o f the automatic action was alleviated. The elementary control diagram i s shown i n Fig. C.3. The various relay and l i m i t switches referred t o i n Fig. C.3 are described i n Tables C.2 and C.3, respectively. These tables and Fig. C.3 show the procedural features of the control system as it applied t o operator initiative. T h i s system was divided into channels, each consisting o f one or more relays actuated by the operator subsequent t o properly setting up interlock permissives. The interlocks often depended upon the aspects o f relays in other channels. Primarily, the channels corresponded t o a mechanical unit involving a rod control, a process loop control, or an instrument system control. The channels were: stop the blowers and thus stop fuel cooling. (4) Moderator coolant flow was interlocked with the moderator coolant helium blowers t o prevent helium circulation when the sodium flow was low or stopped. A slug of cold sodium would have entered the reactor when circulation was restarted i f t h i s precaution had not been taken. (5)Permissives on increasing he1ium flow were fuel temperature i n D 1. T w o f i s s i o n chamber d r i v e s 2. u. Manually actuated. b. T r a v e l l i m i t switches, p a n e l - l i g h t indicated. Servo control system (2. 2% N F , for temperature servo, 20 on the micramicroammeter recorder Auto i n i t i a t e d manually by permission of power greater than and power great enough t o g i v e a reading o f more than for any scale range, for f l u x servo, and a dbmand error c l o s e t o zero (neither l i g h t burning) for either serva system. b. Auto regime sealed-in l i g h t i n d i c a t e d i f i n i t i a t e d w i t h proper c o n d i t i o n s and power remained greater than that s p e c i f i e d in C. 2u above. Manual regime regained b y manually dropping out seal or b y manipulation of control rod switch. d. Reverse interrupted rod withdrawal b y any means and caused rod insertion. e . Manual control rod overrode automatic regime and dropped out seal. 1. P e r m i t s an manual rod control required t h a t either the reactor to be a t a power l e v e l greater than J 1 N or one count r a t e meter be "on scale.'' F 3. Slow scram a. A series-parallel r e l a y system was used t o i n i t i a t e a scram. T h i s system was used because a large number of series c o n t a c t s would have been i n d u c i v e t o f a l s e drop-outs and hence f a l s e scrams. The three most urgent c r i t e r i a c a l l i n g for scram had to be f a i l - s a f e and were therefore placed i n the series-connected section. b. R-16 was i n a c t i v e i n the operating regime; R-17 and R-18 were n o r m a l l y actuated and were responsive t o manual scram, scram reset, fuel temperature extremes, and 4. Reverse, R-23 and R-24, p l u s an indicator l i g h t a Operated all three rods i f the by-pass s w i t c h was i n "normal" R-16. and (1) the group insert s w i t c h was closed, or (2) a slow scram occurred (equivalent to a scram follower), or (3) the servo system was i n the manual regime; the reactor power wos l e s s than 10 kw; and a period o f l e s s than On i n i t i a l startup, i 5 seconds occurred. No. 4 3 ) i n i t i a t e d the reverse at any power l e v e l (due t o jumper-shorted 133 1 contact) u n t i l a n e g a t i v e temperature c o e f f i c i e n t o f r e a c t i v i t y was proved. b. 5. T h e by-pass s w i t c h prevented roverse (but n o t slaw scram) when i n "by-pass" position. Shim rad withdrawal a P e r m i s s i v e s were: (1) no reverse i n progress, (2) reading a n - s c a l e on a t l e a s t one count r a t e meter ar neutron l e v e l greoter than -5 10 NF* (3) no manual i n s e r t i o n i n progress, (4) rod heads n o t r e s t i n g on upper travel limits. 6. f Shim r o d insert if a Permitted b. Actuated i n d i v i d u a l l y and manually. heads n o t on lower travel limits. c. Actuated together b y any o c t i o n operating reverse. 7. Fuel-system helium-blower prime movers a. T h e prime movers could be started by 5-13 i f (1) (2) c l u t c h r e l a y s were actuated (rods "hung"), or if by-pass s w i t c h S-5 was on by-pass, helium blbwer speed l o w e r l i m i t s were closed, and (3) fuel f l o w was n o t below 20 gpm. b. T h e prime movers were a u t o m a t i c a l l y turned o f f dropped b e l o w 20 if a shim r a d was dropped or fuel f l o w 0 gpm. c. R e l a y R-38 started the prime movers by a c t i v a t i n g the starter r e l a y RF-1 l o c a t e d i n t h e basement. 8. H e l i u m p i l o t c o n t r o l s (power-loading system) Permit i n d i c a t o r s on power increase were lit i f (1) the reactor l e v e l was greater than 10 k w or t h e by-pass s w i t c h was set on by-pass, (2) the prime movers were running, and (3) the fuel temperature was above llOO°F. b. Power increase from the c o o l a n t system could be demanded i f (1) t h e permit l i g h t s were o n and (2) p i l o t switch, S-14, was thrown t o "increase.'* c. I f the power decreased and the c o n t r o l s were n o t already a n shut-off l i m i t s , t h e h e l i u m a c i r c u l a t i o n would be shut o f f . (1) monually by u s i n g s w i t c h 5-14, or (2) a u t o m a t i c a l l y by whichever system suffered from l o w f u e l temperature, from prime mover cut-aut, or from l o w power (<lo kw), since by-pass s w i t c h c o n t a c t during normal c r i t i c a l and power operation. S5-3 was c l o s e d L o w fuel temperature i n t e r l o c k s automati- c a l l y decreased the corresponding h e l i u m p i l o t c o n t r o l s if the fuel dropped b e l o w t h e -t c r i t i c a l temperature at e i t h e r o f the t w o heat exchangers. 9. T h e by-pass s w i t c h f u n c t i o n was somewhat obscure s i n c e it occurred i n the prime movers, p i l o t controls, and reverse c i r c u i t s . Its i n c l u s i o n r e s u l t e d from t h e p o s s i b i l i t y o f requiring additional fuel c o o l i n g f o l l o w i n g a shutdown and after an e x t e n s i v e running period at power level. large gamma heat source, p r i m a r i l y i n the moderator (because of A i t s v e r y l a r g e heat capacity), c a l l e d the afterheat, remained in t h e reactor immediately f o l l o w i n g power operation. B y u s i n g both hands, t h e operator could throw and h o l d S5 on by-pass w h i l e h e r e s t a r t e d t h e prime movers and subsequently increased t h e helium p i l o t c o n t r o l s t o such a p o i n t t h a t the temperature l c v e l e d off. T h e by-pass c i r c u i t s permitted t e s t i n g o f c o o l i n g system c o n t r o l c i r c u i t s and p r e s e t t i n g o f c o o l i n g system c o n t r o l l i m i t s w h i l e the reactor was shut down and a l s o permitted the v i t a l s u b c r i t i c a l test far fuel temperature c o e f f i c i e n t o f reactivity. 3Wm. 134 B. C o t t r e l l and J. H. Buck, 3 ARE Hazards Summary Report, ORNL-1407 (Nav. 20, 1952). i. T h e use of the manual reverse cut-out, S5-6, operated by throwing the by-pass switch, was divorced from the above Considerations and devoted only to t e s t operation of the shim rod motors at shutdown, a t low power, or with the magnet amplifiers turned off. 10. Source drive a. Manual I y actuated. b. T r a v e l l i m i t switches, panel-light indicated. REACTOR OPERATION I 3 I J, J # P . The preliminary operating plan for the ARE was described i n 0RNL-1844.4 I n the check operations, considerable time was spent in loading the inert fuel carrier and i n the subsequent shakedown run. Critical loading, subcritical measurement o f fuel temperature coefficient, regulating rod calibration, zero-power operation a t 1200 t o 13OO0F, and power operation are described in Appendix D. In the starting o f a freshly loaded reactor the operator i s most concerned about a reliable neutron signal. Attention must therefore be given t o assuring that the fission chambers are in their most sensitive positions, and that they are giving a readable signal on the scalers or count rate meters. It i s imperative that the source be inserted for the earliest indication of subcritical multiplication t o be seen during the f i r s t startup. Use of the source i n subsequent experiments becomes less important as the history o f the reactor operation builds up. For a normal, intentional shutdown the operator had the c h o i t e o f a variety o f procedures. For every scram, however, the interlocks of the system were such that the helium flow i n the fuel-to-helium heat exchangers was cut o f f by opening the electrical circuits of the motors. T h i s action was necessary t o prevent the fuel from freezing i n the heat exchangers. The various slow scrams included the following: (1) maximum reactor outlet temperature, (2) minimum reactor inlet temperature, (3) a 1-sec period, (4) N , greater than 3.0 Mw, (5) fuel flow below 20 gpm. A 5-sec period inserted the shim rods, which decreased A k / k a t a rate o f O.O15%/s/ec, and operated only during l o w l e v e l startup. In addition t o the process signals which initiated slow scrams, there were several other potential process malfunctions for which it might have been desirable t o scram the reactor. However, the action t o be taken i n these situations was l e f t up t o the decision o f the operator. There were two reasons for not putting these process malfunctions 4Design and Installation of the Aircraft Reactor E x periment, ORNL-1844 (to be published). on automatic scram. First, sensory signals usually lag the event t o such an extent that a fast scram cannot provide better protection than a delayed scram. Second, reaction t o the signals requires limited judgment. An annunciator alarm signal was provided to draw the operator’s attention t o the possible difficulty for each case that would have required limited judgment. The cases were the following: (1) pronounced changes i n differential temperatures between reactor outlet tubes, (2) lowering level i n any surge tank, (3) r i s i n g level i n any surge tank, (4) alarm from a p i t radiation monitor or monitron, (5) high oxygen concentration or humidity in the pits. The operation o f placing the “position”-type regulating rod servo system on automatic control for i n any part of the power range above 2% N,, temperature servo, and a micromicroammeter recorder reading o f greater than 20 on any scale, for flux servo, was arranged t o require that the reactor t o be on a stable, i n f i n i t e period. I n the normal course o f events, the rod should have been manually set at mid-range. Six d-c voltage signals were fed into the servo amplifier, three from the servo ion chamber, i n l e t temperature recorder, and outlet temperature recorder, one from the v o k e supply adjusted by the “temperature demand” potentiometer, and two from the flux demand and micromicroammeter recorders. The operator therefore had a unique temperature setting for each level of power operation that produced “zero error” i n the amplifier output, and hence no “error”-light indications and no demand for rod movement. It was a t t h i s setting that the servo “auto” regime could be initiated. A small change in reactor mean temperature or flux level could be effected i n the auto regime by resetting the temperature demand or flux demand potentiometers, but the power level could not be changed. NO clear l i n e could be drawn between normal operation and operation under d i f f i c u l t y . A few o f the situations in which the operator would have expected to feel more than average need for attention t o instrument signals and control actions were loss or interruption o f power, automatic shutdown 135 1 I 4 ! ! N o n c + v) n m u 2r ' - m p A a" /, N a" - - w " A 0 -a " A v 29(9) "P *a A *a v 8 x " A A p f PV P L" b-? I r v) ; r I, ,, ' N N m a v A a v -d - 75 347 346 -345 - ,v , y a CONTROL TRANSFER D cn P a ,* N 01 P CONTROL TRANSFER - CONTROL TRANSFER -a a -a 73 m I w w 3 va Ov) N N 0 N N m n 1 i; 440V CONTROL TRANSFER 5;; y - a-C ; 3r;]741 j 440V 440v 440" 200 344 315 343 4 ? a ,I ,c F 0 e E ,r P n 314 342 a P 187 186 I85 184 183 I82 li L L t I k c t1 I k L k i I I t i 1 t iI 1 E i t TABLE C.2. LIST O F RELAY SWITCHES ~~ Contact ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ Set Point Instrument . J 1 i J J RS-9 Count rate recorder No. 1 Closed above RS-10 Count rate recorder No. 1 Opened o f f s c a l e RS-1 1 Count rate recorder No. 2 Closed above RS-12 Count rate recorder No. 2 Opened o f f s c a l e RS-13 Front sodium flow Closed above 60 gpm RS-14 Bock sodium flow Closed above 60 gpm RS-15 Log N Closed when N RS-16 F u e l heat exchanger No. 2 outlet Closed above 1150°F RS-17 F u e l heat exchanger No. 2 outlet Closed above 1100°F RS-18 Fuel flow Closed above 20 gpm RS-19 Not used RS-20 Lag N RS-2 1 Log N RS-22 Log RS-23a Safety l e v e l No. 1 Opened above 120 RS-23b Safety l e v e l No. 2 Opened above 120 RS-24 Fuel flow Opened above 20 gpm RS-25 N o t used RS-26 Reactor o u t l e t temperature (mixed manifold) Opened above 155OoF RS-27 N o t used RS-28 Not used RS-29 P i l e period Closed a t l e s s than RS-30 M i cromi croammeter Closed above RS-31 Count rate recorder No. 1 Closed above 1 count/sec RS-32 Count rate recorder RS-33 F u e l heat exchanger No. RS-34 F u e l heat exchanger No. RS-35 P i l e period RS-3 6 R5-40 AT across reactor AT across reactor AT across reactor AT O C ~ O S Sreactor AT across reactor RS-4 1 AT RS-42 N o t used RS-43 N o t used RS-37 RS-38 RS-39 > 2% N F > 10’ Closed when N > Closed when N > 6.67 No. 2 - 1 count/sec Closed when N N __ 1 count/sec NF NF x NF 5 sec 20 ,UP Closed above 1 count/sec 1 outlet Closed above 115OoF 1 outlet Closed above llOO°F Opened a t l e s s than tube No. 1 Closed above 45OoF tube No. 2 Closed above 45OoF tube No. 3 Closed above 45OoF tube No. 4 Closed above 45OoF tube No. 5 Closed above 45OoF across reactor tube No. 6 Closed above 45OoF 5 sec , 1 139 F TABLE C.2 (continued) Contact Set P o i n t Instrument RS-44 Not used RS-45 AC-to-DC M-G RS-46 Not used R S-47 N o t used RS-48 Not used RS-49 Not used R S-50 F u e l flow Closed above 20 gpm RS-5 1 Fuel f l o w Closed above 20 gpm RS-52 Reactor outlet temperature (mixed manifold) Opened above 150OoF RS-53 Wind v e l o c i t y recorder Wind above 5 m i l e s h r or vent gas monitors RS-54 Fuel heat exchanger No. 1 outlet Closed above 115OoF RS-55 Fuel heat exchanger No. 1 outlet Closed above llOO°F R 5-56 Fuel heat exchanger No. 2 o u t l e t Closed obove 1 15OoF RS-57 Fuel heat exchanger No. 2 outlet Closed above 1 100°F R 5-58 Main fuel Closed above 4 RS-59 F u e l heat exchanger No. 2 R S-60 Secondary fuel pump low-water-flow R 5-6 1 Back sodium heat RS-62 Front sodium flow Closed above 100 gpm RS-63 Back sodium flow Closed above 100 gpm R 5-64 H e l ium RS-65 Closed when set was charging batteries set pump low-water-flow alarm alarm exchanger outlet t F gpm i Closed above 4 gpm Closed obove llOO°F i Closed at l e s s P i t humidity indicator Opened at > l o % relative humidity RS-66 Helium supply heoder pressure Opened at <500 p s i g RS.67 Water reservoir level Opened at < 1 6 p s i g (<18,000 RS-58 M a i n sodium pump tank l e v e l Opened a t l o w level RS-69 Main sodium pump tank l e v e l Opened at RS-70 Standby sodium pump tank level Opened at low level RS-71 Standby sodium pump tank l e v e l Opened at RS-72 M a i n fuel pump tank level Opened at low RS-73 M o i n fuel pump tank l e v e l Opened at RS-74 Standby fuel pump tank l e v e l Opened a t l o w level RS.75 Standby fuel pump tank level Opened at RS-76 Water controller for front sodium heat exchanger Opened above 16OoF R S-77 Water controller for bock sodium heat exchanger Opened obove 16OoF RS-78 Wate: controller for fuel heat exchanger Opened above 160°F R S-79 Standby sodium pump concen trati on recorder motor ammeter c t i Closed above 1 100°F outlet tk than 90% He t gal) b high l e v e l h i g h level level high l e v e l high level Opened above 50 amp k f i T A B L E C.2 Contract i j . (continued) Instrument Set P o i n t RS-80 Water c o n t r o l l e r for space coolers Opened above 160' F RS-8 1 Water c o n t r o l l e r for rod-cool i n g heat exchanger Opened above 160'F RS-82 l n d i v i d u o l heot exchanger tube temperature Opened above 150OoF RS-83 I n d i v i d u a l heot exchanger tube temperature Closed above 1 150'F RS-84 M a i n sodium pump motor ommeter Opened above 50 RS-85 AT Opened above 400'F RS-86 Main fuel pump motor ammeter Opened above 50 RS-87 AT Opened above 4OO0F RS-88 Standby fuel pump motor ammeter Opened above 50 amp RS-89 AT Opened above 400'F RS-90 Standby sodium pump low-woter-flow olorm Closed above 4 RS-9 1 AT RS-92 across reactor tube No. 1 amp i 4 ! 1 , 1 . I i c i across reactor tube No. ocross reactor tube No. 2 3 amp gpm Opened above 4OO0F M a i n sodium pump low-water-flow alarm C l o s e d above 4 gpm RS-93 AT Opened above 400'F R S-9 4 M a i n fuel pump l o w - o i l - f l o w alarm C l o s e d above 2 gpm RS-95 AT Opened above 400'F R S-9 6 Standby fuel pump l o w - o i l - f l o w alarm Closed above 2 gpm RS-97 Standby sodium pump l o w - o i l - f l o w alarm Closed above 2 gpm RS-98 M o i n sodium pump l o w - o i l - f l o w alarm C l o s e d above 2 gpm RS-99 Sodium o u t l e t pressure a t reactor Closed above RS-100 F u e l i n l e t pressure at reactor Opened above across reactor tube No. across reactor tube 4 No. 5 across reactor tube No. 6 48 p s i g 48 p s i g RS-10 1 M a i n sodium pump tank pressure Opened above 47 p s i g 2 RS-102 Standby sodium pump tank pressure Opened above 1 RS-103 Standby fuel pump tank pressure Opened above 5 p s i g RS.104 M o i n fuel pump tank pressure Opened above 5 psig RS-105 Rod c o o l i n g helium pressure C l o s e d above 13 p s i g 4 RS-106 F u e l loop water flow C l o s e d above 110 gpm 1 RS-107 Water f l o w to fuel and sodium pumps Closed above 10 gpm RS-108 Rod c o a l i n g water flow C l o s e d above 15 gpm RS-109 F r o n t sodium l o o p water f l o w C l o s e d above RS-110 Back sodium loop water f l o w C l o s e d above 65 gpm RS-1 11 Space cooler water flow C l o s e d above 45 gpm RS-112 V e n t header vacuum Opened b e l o w 29 in. Hg RS-113 Reserve nitrogen header s u p p l y pressure Opened a t <300 p s i g RS-114 Rod c o a l i n g helium Opened a t (40 RS-115 DC-to-AC 1 M-G set 47 p s i g 65 gpm psig C l o s e d when s e t was running 141 4 T A B L E C.2 (continued) Contact Set P o i n t Instrument RS-116 AC-to-DC M-G set Closed when set was running RS-117 Heat exchanger p i t radiation monitor Opened at high level RS-118 Heat exchanger p i t radiation monitor Opened at high level RS-119 Vent gas monitor Opened at high l e v e l RS-120 Vent gas monitor Opened at high l e v e l RS-121 Sodium Opened at <6OoF Ar o t reactor T A B L E C.3. LS-1 Fission chamber No. 1 lower l i m i t LS-2 Fission chamber No. 1 upper l i m i t F i s s i o n chamber :” No. 2 lower l i m i t _ ~ ~ ~ Closed on l i m i t Closed on l i m i t Closed on l i m i t on l i m i t L s-4 F i s s i o n chamber No. 2 upper l i m i t Closed L s-5 Regulating rod lower l i m i t Closed on l i m i t L 5-6 Regulating rod upper l i m i t Closed LS-7 Shim rod No. 1 upper l i m i t Closed on l i m i t L s-8 Shim rod No. 2 upper limit Closed on l i m i t L s-9 Shim rod No. 3 upper l i m i t Closed on l i m i t LS-lo Shim rod No. 1 lower l i m i t C l o s e d on l i m i t LS-11 Shim rod No. 2 lower l i m i t Closed LS-12 Shim rod No. 3 Closed on l i m i t LS-13 Shim rod No. 1 clutch Closed when rod was attached L S-14 Shim rod No. 2 clutch Closed when rod was attached LS-15 Shim rod No. 3 c l u t c h Closed when rod was attached LS-16 Shim rod No. 1 seat Closed LS-17 Shim rod No. 2 seat Closed on seat LS-18 Shim rod No. 3 seat Closed action, and shutdown. buildup o f xenon lower l i m i t poison after a A s far as loss of power i s concerned, the operator would have been l e f t figuratively, and nearly literally, i n the dark were the instrument bus and control bus t o go dead simultaneously. In this very unlikely occurrence, a l l the instrument lights and a l l relay-indicating lights would have been out, leaving the operator without visual knowledge of whether the scram (automatic on loss o f power) 142 : i Set P o i n t _ L5.3 - i t L I S T OF L I M I T SWITCHES Device Conto c t b on l i m i t k on l i m i t on seat on s e a t was effective. If he had reasonable f a i t h i n the law of gravity, he would probably have remained a t h i s post u n t i l power was restored. There would have been no normal scram indication i f the relay cabinet main fuse were to have opened. However, since the amp1i f i e r power cabinet would have operated from emergency power, there was a check on release of the shim rods i n the fact that the magnet currents would have been interrupted. Whenever the reactor was subiect t o automatic e shutdown action, the vided between the chances of returning ation. The circuits operator’s concern was dicausative effects and the the reactor to normal operprevented the operator from , interfering with shutdown actions as long as the causative conditions remained. Hence the operator’s reaction t o anything less drastic than a scram was t o clear the responsible condition. When the reactor was scrammed, the chances o f getting back i n t o normal operation were o f course dependent upon the time history o f previous operation as well as upon the need for remedying the trouble. However, any length o f complete shutdown could have been tolerated after prolonged operation a t normal flux, since xenon poison buildup was low. 4. 4 rl J J 143 Appendix D NUCLEAR OPERATING PROCEDURES~ The importance and critical nature G / the program, a s well a s the short time scheduled for tbe operation of the reactor and system, necessitated a tight experimental program and p r e c i s e operating procedures. The nuclear operating pmcedures were, of course, prescribed in advance of the experiment It i s of considerable interest to note that the actual experimental program followed the anticipated pmgram very c l o s e l y thmughouf The only significant deviations were the inclusion of some additional experiments a s time permitted. The following appendix i s a verbatim copy o f the pmcedures by which the reactor w a s operated Some minor discrepancies - . 1300° F 1. The fuel loading system w i l l be operated with A D D I T I O N O F FUEL b - - 0.0013 T (“c) . At a temperature o f 13OO0F, the density i s 4.59 g/cm3, or 287 lb/ft3. I n each pound of the fuel concentrate there i s 0.556 Ib o f U235. One quart of the concentrate weighing 9.59 Ib and containing 5.33 Ib o f U235w i l l be forced i n t o the transfer tank and weighed. With the safety carrier. The fuel storage tank w i l l be installed and carrier forced into the transfer tank and then into the reactor system. The strain gage weighing devices w i l l be checked. 2. T h e helium blowers w i l l be operated and the resultant drop i n mean temperature observed. The operating crew w i l l practice in handling the helium flow so as to drop the mean temperature a t a rate of 10°F/min and a t a rate of 25’F/min. Care w i l l be exercised not t o drop the temperature o f the fuel carrier t o below 1150°F as it leaves the heat exchangers. A s t h e latter temperature approaches that value, the helium flow w i l l be reduced and the system brought back t o i t s mean operating temperature o f 1300°F. 3. With the helium blowers o f f and starting with fuel carrier a t rated flow o f 34 gpm and mean temperature o f 13OO0F, the f!ow rate w i l l be decreased i n steps t o about one-third rated value. A l l temperatures w i l l be observed t o note any spurious changes caused by the decreased flow. rods completely withdrawn and the neutron source and fission chambers inserted, the fuel concentrate w i l l be forced into the fuel circuit. At t h i s time the carrier flow w i l l be 34 gpm and the Concentrate and carrier temperatures w i l l be 1300OF. The scram level on the safety chambers w i l l have been set a t about 10 k w and the period scram a t 1 sec. A BF, counter w i l l have been installed temporarily in place o f the neutron ion chamber for the temperature servo control, and the regulating rod w i l l be on slow-speed drive. The system volume up to the minimum operating level i n the fuel pump i s calculated t o be 4.64 ft3. Assuming a c r i t i c a l mass o f 30 Ib in the 1.3 ft3 o f reactor core, there w i l l be approximately 124 Ib o f U235 in the fuel circuit when the reactor f i r s t goes c r i t i c a l with the shim rods completely withdrawn. Accordingly, it i s anticipated that approximately 0.78 ft3 or 23.4 quarts of fuel concentrate must be added for i n i t i a l c r i t i c a l i t y . Twelve quarts w i l l be added in succession with the shim rods completely withdrawn and the fission chambers f u l l y ’This appendix was originally issued a s ORNL CF-54-7-144, A R E Operating Procedures, Part 11, Nuclear Operation, J. L. Meem (July 27, 1954). ’As previously noted, the original enrichment system was not employed, although the principles and techniques of enrichment outlined here were followed. 144 i t CONCENTRATE^ The fuel concentrate w i l l be added in batches t o an “eversafe” container which w i l l contain 115 k g of UZ3’. The density of the fuel concentrate may be represented by the equation: p (g/cm 3 ) = 5.51 L i in operating conditions (Le., 34-gpm fuel flow vs 46-gpm actual flow) and procedures (i.e., use of the original enrichment system, which w a s replaced) will be noted It i s anticipated that the reactor and i t s associated circuits w i l l be operated for about 250 hr with fused salts in the system prior t o the introduction of fuel. A l l process instrumentation and components (non-nuclear) w i l l be checked out during t h i s period. T h e mechanical operation of the nuclear equipment w i l l be checked out a t temperature. The safety rods w i l l be raised and dropped approximately 50 times during t h i s period. Several tests preliminary to the fuel loading w i l l have been run. T h e rated flow o f the fuel carrier w i l l be 34 gpm a t a mean temperature o f E c L t t L i b t i+ D b p. c inserted. After each quart o f concentrate i s added, counts w i l l be taken on both fission chambers and T h e reciprocal counting rate the BF, counter. w i l l be plotted vs. the fuel concentration to observe the approach t o criticality. After 50% of the fuel concentrate (12 quarts) has been added to the system, a sample of the mixed fuel and carrier w i l l be withdrawn for chemical analysis. i a SUBCRITICAL EXPERIMENTS . I During the addition of the f i r s t 12 quarts o f fuel concentrate, the safety rods have been completely withdrawn from the reactor. From here on, the shim rods w i l l be inserted approximately 25% while a quart of fuel concentrate i s being added. The shim rods w i l l then be withdrawn and a count taken on the fission chambers as before. The shim rods f w i l l be inserted and withdrawn in t h i s fashion for each succeeding fuel addition. The reciprocal of the counting rate vs. fuel concentration w i l l s t i l l be plotted t o indicate the increase i n c r i t i c a l i t y . When approximately 90% o f the c r i t i c a l mass has been added, the fuel addition w i l l be stopped and For several subcritical experiments performed. these experiments it i s desired that the k o f the reactor be about 0.97 t o 0.98. In Fig. D.l i s shown the relationship between Ak/k and A M / M as a function o f the c r i t i c a l mass M. Using t h i s curve, an estimate of the point a t which fuel addition must be stopped can be made. For the f i r s t experiment, the fuel temperature w i l l be decreased at a rate o f 10°F/min by starting the helium flow. Assuming a temperature coef(Ak/k)/'F, the resultant Ak/k ficient of -5 x should be about 0.25% after 5 min. If AM/M i s DWG.22502 j" f 4 1 . \ ad 1 ' \ \ d 1 ! -2 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 CRITICAL MASS (Ib) 34 36 38 40 Fig. D.1. Reactivity-Mass Ratio as a Function of C r i t i c a l Mass. 145 approximately 4 A k / k (Fig. D.l), the count rate should increase by an amount corresponding t o the addition o f 1.0% more fuel. If t k e change in count rate i s too small to be definite, the experiment w i l l be repeated a t a rate of decrease o f 25'F/min u n t i l a definite increase in count rate i s observed, or until the temperature has been decreased 1OOOF. if, after t h i s decrease i n temperature, no increase in count rate i s observed, i t w i l l be assumed that the temperature coefficient i s negligibly small and the experiment w i l l proceed. As has always been the philosophy on the ARE, i f the temperature coefficient i s observed t o be positive, the experiment w i l l be concluded and the fuel c i r c u i t drained. For the second experiment, the reactor temperature w i l l be returned t o i t s original value of 1300°F, and with the reactor containing 90% o f the c r i t i c a l mass, the fuel flow rate w i l l be gradua l l y decreased. I f the available delayed neutron fraction i s 0.47% Ak at f u l l flow and 0.75% Ak when the flow i s stopped (Fig. D.2), a Ak o f 0.28% should appear. The count rate should in- DWG. 2235t 0.008 0.007 0.006 0.005 >- k L '0 0.004 a W cc 0.003 0.002 0.001 0 0 10 Fig. 146 D.2. 20 30 40 50 FUEL FLOW RATE ( g p m ) 60 Reactivity from Delayed Neutrons as a Function of F u e l Flow. 70 80 - crease by an amount equivalent t o the AM corresponding t o additional Ak i n the delayed neutrons. A rough experimental check on the calculated value of the delayed neutron fraction w i l l thus be available. During the period of subcritical operation, the count rate w i l l be carefully observed for sudden changes that could be caused by fuel segregation. No such difficulty i s anticipated, but i f such an effect i s observed, the reactor w i l l be shut down u n t i l the reason for such behavior i s ascertained. INITIAL CRITICALITY 4 k d * Upon completion of the subcritical experiments, the fuel flow and reactor temperature w i l l be returned t o the i n i t i a l conditions of 34 gpm3 and 1300°F. Counts w i l l be taken on the fission chambers with the shim rods 25% inserted and completely withdrawn. The shim rods w i l l then be 50% inserted and a quart of fuel concentrate added. The rods w i l l be withdrawn t o 25% and a count taken and then completely withdrawn and a count taken. From here on, two curves o f reciprocal counting rate vs. fuel concentration w i l I be plotted, one at 25%rod insertion and the original curve with the rods completely withdrawn. If the reactor contained 90% of the c r i t i c a l mass during the subcritical experiments, about two 1-quart additions of fuel concentrate w i l l bring the reactor c r i t i c a l with the rods completely withdrawn. The l a s t fuel additions w i l l be made very slowly. When c r i t i c a l i t y has been definitely reached, the reactor w i l l be shut down and a fuel sample taken for chemical analysis. After the sample has been taken, the reactor w i l l again be brought barely c r i t i c a l (a few hundredths o f a watt) and held at constant power by watching t h e count rate meters. The gamma-ray dosage w i l l be measured with a “Cutie-pie” at a l l pertinent points throughout t h e p i t s and recorded for future reference on radiation damage and shielding. ROD C A L I B R A T I O N vs F U E L ADDITION The reactor w i l l be brought c r i t i c a l a t a very low power and the shim rods adjusted so that the regulating rod i s 5 in. above center. The regulating rod i s estimated t o be worth about 0.04% Ak/in. One quart of fuel i s approximately 4% AM or 1% Ak (Fig. D.l). Therefore, ?$5 of a quart should be worth about 3Ac+ual, 46 g p m . 1 in. of regulating rod. Figures D.3 and D.4 show a calibration of a regulating rod taken on a mockup of the ARE at the Critical Experiment Facility, While it would be fortuitous i f the regulating rod i n the actual A R E gave the same calibration, it i s expected that the general shape of the curves w i l l be the same, With the shim rods i n a fixed position, the regulating rod w i l l be f u l l y inserted and approxiof a quart of fuel concentrate w i l l be mately added slowly t o the system. The reactor w i l l be brought c r i t i c a l on the regulating rod and i t s new position noted. T h i s procedure w i l l be repeated u n t i l the regulating rod has been c a l i brated from 5 in, above t o 5 in. below i t s midposition. The above experiment w i l l have been run w i t h the shim rods almost completely withdrawn. The quart shims w i l l now be inserted about 25% and o f fuel added (approximately 0.5% A k ) * The shim rods w i l l be withdrawn u n t i l the reactor goes critical. T h i s procedure w i l l be continued t o g i v e a rough calibration o f shim rod position v s fuel addition over one-fourth of the rod. When the reactor i s c r i t i c a l with the shims approximately 15% inserted, the shims w i l l be adjusted so that the regulating rod i s 5 in. above center, and a second calibration of the regulating rod vs fuel addition w i l l be run as above. Calibration o f the shim rods v s fuel addition w i l l then be continued u n t i l the reactor i s c r i t i c a l w i t h the rods about 25% inserted, At t h i s time, a third and final calibration of the regulating rod vs fuel addition w i l l be run. The reactor w i l l then be shut down and a fuel sample taken. t5 ’/2 LOW -POWER E X P E R I M E N TS The nominal power of the reactor i s obtained as follows: It i s estimated that in the reflector a t the mid-plane of the reactor the fission producing flux i s 2 x lo6 nv/w, and the average f l u x over the length of the fission chamber when f u l l y nv/w. Preliminary tests inserted i s 1.5 x on the fission chambers show a counting efficiency The reo f approximately 0.14 counts/sec.nv, lationship between counting rate and power i s therefore approximately 2 x lo5 counts/sec = 1 w. T h e nominal power o f the reactor w i l l be based on t h i s relationship during the preceding experiments. Until t h i s time the reactor has been operated on the fission chambers alone a t a nominal power lo6 147 DWG. 21525A 130 120 110 100 90 - 80 Y) c w c 0 70 W 3 A 2 60 OI 0 50 40 30 20 (0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 ROD POSITION ( i n . ) Fig. D.3. Regulating Rod Calibration (Rod 6). of about 0.01 w (about 2000 counts/sec). The reactor power w i l l now be increased to about 1 to 10 w, at which time the neutron ionization chambers should begin to g i v e readings on the log N recorder, the micromicroammeter, and the period recorder. The reactor w i l l be leveled out and the flux servo turned on. One o f the fission chambers w i l l be completely withdrawn, which should reduce i t s counting rate by several orders A careful comparison o f the new of magnitude. count rate vs the o l d count rate w i l l be made. The reactor w i l l be held at constant power for exactly 1 hr and then scrammed. A fuel sample w i l l be drawn off and sent t o the B u l k Shielding F a c i l i t y for determining i t s activity. T h i s a c t i v i t y w i l l be compared w i t h that of a previous sample (Fig. D.3, which was exposed i n a known neutron 148 f l u x i n the B u l k Shielding Reactor. From t h e comparison, the f i s s i o n rate or absolute power of the ARE w i l l be determined for t h i s run (cf., A l l neutron level instruments w i l l be app. H). calibrated accordingly. Rod Calibration vs Period. A family of curves o f reactivity v s reactor period (inhour curves) w i t h the rate o f flow of the fuel as a parameter i s shown i n Fig. D.6. With the fuel f l o w rate a t 34 gpm, the servo w i l l b e turned o f f and t h e reactor placed on i n f i n i t e period manually w i t h the regulating rod a t midposition. From the rod calibration v s fuel p l o t and the theoretical inhour curve, t h e regulating r o d withdrawal for a 30-sec period w i l l be e s t i The r o d mated (present estimate i s about 1 in.). w i l l be withdrawn accordingly and the neutron DWG. 24526A f ? i , e I 4 : . 1 1 I1 0 -1 -7 0 2 4 6 10 8 12 14 16 48 ROD POSITION Fig. 4 J 1 D.4. Regulating l e v e l allowed t o r i s e about two orders of magnitude, whereupon the regulating rod w i l l be f u l l y inserted and the induced gamma rays allowed t o The reactor w i l l then decay for about 20 min. be brought back t o i t s original power, as determined by the fission chambers. If the position o f the regulating rod does not return t o i t s original value because of photoneutrons, the reactor power w i l l again be reduced by insertion of the regulating rod u n t i l the photoneutron effect becomes negligible. The above procedures w i l l be repeated for 20-sec and 10-sec periods. The 10-sec period should correspond roughly t o a 2-in. withdrawal o f the regulating rod. Runs w i l l then be made at correspondingly longer periods u n t i l the period for a $-in. withdrawal of the rod i s obtained At t h i s time a repeat (approximately 100 sec). run on the 30-sec period w i l l be made t o ascertain whether photoneutron buildup i s causing appreciable error i n the measurements. The shims w i l l then be adjusted so that the 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 i (in.) Rod Sensitivity (Rod B). regulating rod i s 1 in. below center a t i n f i n i t e period. The rod w i l l be withdrawn 1 in. and the period recorded. T h i s procedure w i l l be repeated a t successive starting positions of the regulating rod 1 in. apart from 5 in. below center t o 5 in. A check on the i n i t i a l 30-sec run w i t h above. the rod withdrawn from the mid-position w i l l be made periodically t o ensure that photoneutron buildup i s not interfering w i t h the measurements. From the standpoints of safety and experimental convenience, the regulating rod should be worth between 0.3% and 0.5% Ak for i t s f u l l 12-in. If these experiments show that the value travel. o f the rod i s not i n t h i s range, a new rod w i l l be installed at t h i s time and the period calibration If convenient, a fuel sample w i l l be repeated. taken a t t h i s time. Measurement of the Delayed Neutron Fraction. The delayed neutron fraction for a stationary fuel reactor i s about 0.73%. For the ARE at a design f l o w of 34 gpm, the fraction i s calculated t o be 149 I i w J 5 10 6 L IO TIME AFTER SHUTDOWN (hours1 Fig. 0.4795, D.5, Decay Curves for Fluoride Activated and for smaller flow rates, the corresponding reactivity may be found from Fig. D.2, Starting with the reactor stabilized at 34 gpm and the f l u x servo on, the flow rate w i l l gradually b e reduced. The calibrated regulating rod should be inserted so as t o indicate the same reactivity as shown in Fig. D.2. T h i s w i l l give experimental verification of the previously calculated inhour curves, Fig. D.6. Preliminary Measurements of Temperature Coefficient. With the reactor held at 10 w by the f l u x servo, the helium flow w i l l be turned on so as t o drop the fuel temperature at a rate of 10°F/min. As the mean reactor temperature drops, the servo w i l l insert the regulating rod so as t o maintain constant flux, and from the rod calibration, the Before the corresponding Ak can be obtained. r o d has reached the l i m i t of i t s travel, the helium 150 i n the Bulk Shielding Reactor, and the fuel allowed t o return flow w i l l be shut t o i t s original temperature. From the recordings o f rod position and mean temperature, a plot o f Ak v s mean temperature can be obtained. T h e i n i t i a l slope o f t h i s curve w i l l correspond t o the fuel temperature coefficient. Because of the weak signal received by the f l u x servo, t h i s measurement w i l l be only approximate and i s t o be repeated a t higher power. Depending upon how the reactor responds, the procedure can be repeated by dropping the fuel iemperature at rates of up t o 25'F/min. Care w i l l b e taken not t o drop the fuel temperature so low as t o set o f f the low-temperature scram. L t e E % t P APPROACH TOPOWER A t the conclusion of the above experiments and before the fuel storage tank i s removed from the 0.0035 0.0030 0.0025 1 t i > 0.0020 t ? L V W r 0.0015 0.0040 0.0005 3 0 0 IO Fig. 4 1 4 20 30 40 50 60 70 REACTOR PERIOD ( s e c ) 80 90 100 110 1 20 D.6. Reactivity as a Function of Reactor Period for Several Fuel F l o w Rates. pits, sufficient fuel concentrate w i l l be added t o t h e system so that 4% excess reactivity i s available. T h i s excess reactivity w i l l be absorbed w i t h the shim rods. The shim rods w i l l have a rough calibration by t h i s time, and it i s expected that they w i l l be worth about 12% i n excess reactivity. Therefore, they w i l l need t o be inserted about one-third of their length. After addition of the final amount of fuel concentrate t h e liquid level i n the pump w i l l be checked t o ensure that a t least 0.3 ft3 of volume remains for expansion of the fuel. T h i s expansion volume w i l l allow the fuel t o expand isothermally from 1300 t o 16OO0F, which i s well above the hightemperature scram level. The final sample of fuel w i l l be taken for chemical analysis. T h e reactor w i l l now be shut down so that the concrete block shields can be put over the p i t s and the p i t s flooded with helium. The fuel storage tank w i l l f i r s t be removed and a f i n a l check on a l l process equipment made. The BF, counter w i l l be removed and the temperature servo chamber installed. The regulating rod w i l l be put on fast drive. A check l i s t i s being prepared of a l l items t o be reviewed before the p i t s are sealed. If the temperature coefficient i s of sufficient magnitude t o control the reactor, the flux servo w i l l be l e f t in. However, if the magnitude of the temperature coefficient i s marginal, the f l u x servo w i l l be removed a t t h i s time and the temperature servo connected. After the p i t s have been sealed, the reactor w i l l be brought t o a power of 1 kw and allowed t o stabilize. U p u n t i l t h i s time a l l neutron ion chambers have been f u l l y inserted. The ion chambers w i l l be withdrawn slowly, one by one, w h i l e the power level i s being constantly monitored with the fission chambers. The ion chambers w i l l be set for a maximum reading of around 5 Mw. 151 T h e safety chambers w i l l be set t o scram a t the same level. T h e reactor i s now ready for f u l l power operation. The rod w i l l be withdrawn and the reactor put on about a 50-sec period. Somewhere i n the region from 10 t o 100 kw a noticeable increase in reactor period and an increase in reactor temperatures should be observed. The helium flow w i l l be started slowly and gradually increased urltil a nominal power of 100 t o 200 kw i s reached (AT from 25 t o 5OOF). At t h i s time, the reactor w i l l be allowed t o hr and a l l readings recorded. stabilize for about If the temperature coefficient i s of insufficient magnitude to stabilize the reactor, as determined by previous measurements, the control o f the reactor w i l l be turned over t o the temperature servo. The power as determined from the heat extraction by the helium w i l l now be measured. The heat capacity o f the fuel i s 0.23 Btu/lb.OF and the density of the fuel i s represented by '/2 p (g/cm3) = 4.04 - 0.0011 T ("C) . A t a mean temperature of 13OO0F, the average The power can be exdensity i s 3.27 g/cm3. pressed as p (kw) = 0.11 x AT (OF) x flow (gpm) . Therefore a t 34 gpm the power extracted by the fuel i s 3.74 k w P F . Having obtained a heat balance, the extraction o f heat from the fuel in the heat exchanger w i l l b e increased u n t i l a power of about 500 kw (AT = 134OF) is reached. Again the reactor w i l l be allowed t o stabilize and the extracted power measured. A t h i r d and f i n a l heat balance w i l l be made at a power of about 1 Mw (AT = 268°F). T h i s i s close t o the maximum power obtainable without changing the i n i t i a l conditions of 1300°F mean reactor temperature and 34-gpm fuel flow. During the preceding discussion, no mention has been made of heat extraction other than in the fuel circuit. An appreciable quantity of heat w i l l be removed by the sodium in the reflector coolant circuit. Before the reactor goes t o high power, t h e sodium inlet and outlet temperatures w i l l be near the isothermal temperature of 1300°F. Since there i s some gamma heating i n the reflector region, it w i l l be necessary t o lower the i n l e t temperature of the sodium by extracting heat w i t h the reflector coolant heat exchangers. The sodium f l o w rate w i l l be held at 224 gpm and the sodium 152 mean temperature a t 1300°F. Since the heat capacity of the sodium i s 0.30 Btu/lbSoF and i t s specific gravity i s 0.78, the power extracted by the sodium w i l l be 7.7 k w P F . No mare than 10% of the power generated i s expected t o go i n t o the sod iurn. b I b E X P E R I M E N T S A T POWER Measurement of the Temperature Caeff icients. After the reactor power has been cal ibrdted, the power w i l l be reduced t o about 500 kw and allowed t o stabilize. The flux servo w i l l be turned on, and by means of the helium demand the mean temperature w i l l be dropped a t an i n i t i a l rate of (If the temperature servo i s connected, 10°F/min. it w i l l have t o be replaced for t h i s experiment.) A s discussed previously the i n i t i a l slope of the p l o t of Ak v s mean temperature wi I I represent the f u e l temperature coefficient. Contrary t o the procedure a t low power, however, the helium flow w i l l not be decreased after the temperature has dropped. The reactor w i l l be allowed t o stabilize, and, after about 30 min, the regulating rod w i l l have leveled out a t a new position, and the reactor w i l l have assumed a new mean temperature. These readings w i l l represent the over-all reactor temperature coefficient (fuel plus moderator). If, during t h e above experiment, the servo inserts the rod t o i t s limit, it w i l l be l e f t a t that position since t h e temperature should stabilize the reactor. If the fuel temperature coefficient i s quite small, t h e experiment can be repeated with an i n i t i a l rate of temperature decrease of 25"F/min. Care w i l l be taken that the reactor does not go on too fast a period and that the low-temperature scram l i m i t i s not exceeded. Maximum Power Extraction. Except for specific a l l y stated instances, the reactor has been operated continuously up t o t h i s time at a mean temperature of 1300°F and a fuel flow rate o f 34 gpm, Under these conditions, the maximum obtainable power i s 1.1 Mw. At t h i s power, the reactor outlet temperature and the heat exchanger The heat i n l e t temperature are both 145OOF. exchanger outlet and the reactor i n l e t are both a t 115OOF. It i s t o be noted that when the heat exchanger outlet temperature drops below 115O"F, a n alarm i s sounded. The mean reactor temperature w i l l be elevated from 1300 t o 1325°F by a slight withdrawal of t h e shim rods. The mean temperature of both fuel and sodium w i l l be held at t h i s temperature. T h e helium blower speed w i l l now be increased u n t i l i b L h L s a- i I = i i ! AT of nearly 350°F appears across the reactor. With t h i s AT, the reactor outlet and heat exchanger i n l e t are at the upper l i m i t of 1500"F, and the a d af i i i ? 21 -1 4 4 B : 1 4 heat exchanger outlet and reactor i n l e t are at the The power from the fuel lower l i m i t of 1150°F. w i l l be 1.3 Mw, A t t h i s time the pump speed can be increased from 34 gpm t o about 40 gpm, caution being taken that the reactor inlet pressure does not exceed 50 psig. The maximum AT across the reactor w i l l s t i l l be 35OoF, and the power extracted in the fuel circuit w i l l be 1.5 Mw. T h i s i s the maximum power a t which the reactor can be operated. With the reactor on manual Power Transients. control and the regulating rod a t mid-position, the helium blower speed w i l l be regulated u n t i l the power in the fuel system i s 1 Mw, and the reactor w i l l be allowed t o stabilize. The helium flow w i l l be suddenly increased t o i t s maximum and the transient response of a l l temperature and nuclear recordings noted. The experiment can be repeated from successively decreasing i n i t i a l powers of 500, 200, 100, 50, 20, and 10 kw. At some level below 100 kw, the power cannot be reduced further because the helium blowers w i l l b e completely shut off. When t h i s lower l i m i t of i n i t i a l power has been reached, the series o f If a t any time experiments w i l l be concluded. the reactor period gets too fast or the upper or lower temperature l i m i t s are approached, the experiments w i l l be concluded. Sudden Changes i n Reactivity. The reactor w i l l be brought t o a power o f 1 Mw and allowed t o stabilize, From t h e previous calibration of the regulating rod, the rod w i l l be placed at a position such that a complete withdrawal w i l l give 10 cents o f excess reactivity. T h e rod w i l l suddenly be withdrawn and the transient response of the i n l e t pressure and a l l nuclear and temperature recorders noted. The experiment can be repeated w i t h sudden changes o f 25, 50, 75, and 100 cents of reactivity. If the fuel temperature coefficient has a value o f approximately -5 x as expected, a sudden change in reactivity of 100 cents should b e safe. However, if the experiments w i t h smaller reactivity changes indicate that such a large step w i l l be unsafe, t h i s series o f experiments w i l l be concluded. Otherwise, the experiment w i l l be repeated from i n i t i a l powers of 100 kw, 10 kw, and successively lower power levels. Reactor Startup Using - the Temperature CoefThe reactor w i l l be brought t o 1 Mw o f ficient, power and t h e shims adjusted so that the regulating rod i s completely withdrawn. The helium f l o w w i l l be cut o f f and the reactor power allowed t o drop t o i t s normal power with no heat extraction The (estimated t o be between 10 and 100 kw). regulating rod w i l l now be inserted by 0.1% of reactivity and the reactor allowed t o go subcritical for about 10 min. After t h i s time, helium flow w i l l gradually be increased. If the temperature a drop i n the mean coefficient i s -5 x temperature of the reactor of 2OoF w i l l bring the As soon as a positive reactor c r i t i c a l again. period i s noted, the helium cooling flow w i l l be held fixed and the reactor allowed t o come up t o power and level out of i t s own accord. loe5, The experiment can be repeated by driving the reactor subcritical by 0.2, 0.3, and 0.4% with the regulating rod. Care w i l l be exercised not t o approach the upper or lower temperature limits. E f f e c t of Xenon Buildup. The change i n reactivity calculated from xenon buildup in the ARE i s shown in Fig. D.7. The reactivity as plotted\ i s nominal because of uncertainties in the xenon cross sections and i s probably a maximum. The shape o f the curves represents the change in reactivity i f no xenon i s l o s t by off-gassing. The reactor w i l l be operated for 5 hr a t f u l l power, and then reduced t o 10% of f u l l power. If no xenon i s lost, the reactivity should change as shown in the lower curve of Fig. D.7. T h e reactor w i l l then be operated for 25 hr a t f u l l power, and subsequently reduced t o 10% power. Again i f no xenon i s lost, the reactivity change should be If some a s shown i n the upper curve of Fig. D.7. xenon does off-gas, the shape o f the curves w i l l b e changed, and by proper analysis, an estimate o f the amount of off-gassing can be obtained. A t f u l l power, the reactivity change w i l l be calculated from the change i n reactor mean temperAt 10% ature and the temperature coefficient. power, the reactor w i l l be put on f l u x servo and t h e movement o f the regulating rod w i l l measure t h e reactivity change. Since the moderator w i l l contain considerable heat when t h e power i s reduced, the mean reactor temperature w i l l slowly hr after t h e decrease during about the f i r s t power i s reduced t o 10%. T h i s w i l l cause an insertion o f the regulating rod by the f l u x servo. Since the xenon buildup w i l l cause a withdrawal o f the regulating rod, a correction must be applied for the effect o f the drop in moderator temperature. \ 153 154 N '0 M N c) 0 I M c - I - N 0 P - ' I i i k 1 6 e L t 1 Ek b e b k. L L k i = k P To obtain t h i s correction experimentally, a control experiment w i l l be performed. The reactor t o 1 hr and w i l l be operated at f u l l power for t h e moderator allowed to come up t o temperature. During t h i s short time, no appreciable xenon w i l l '/2 be formed. The reactor w i l l then be reduced to 10% power and the flux servo turned on. The reactivity change from the drop in moderator temperature w i l l be observed and used as a correction for the xenon buildup experiments. t i d I i I i 155 I. h Appendix E MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS OF APPROACH TO CRITICALITY W. E. When the ARE was brought to c r i t i c a l by successive fuel additions, i t was observed that the ( V m u l t i p l i c o t i o n constant)] vs usual plot of [l uran ium concentration increased, at first, very rapidly, but, when the curve got close to 1, the r i s e was very slow. Qualitatively, such behavior i s observed i n many reactors, but the ARE exhibited the effect to an unusual degree. In order t o explain this, the ORACLE three-group, three-region code was modified so that f l u x shapes at successive fuel additions could be calculated. Goup constants were obtained by f l u x weighting with fluxes from an Eyewash calculation on the ARE. Figure E.l shows the space distribution of the thermal flux for no fuel and for runs 2 through 6. - Kinney f The effect of the reflector as fission neutrons become more numerous can be seen, Figure E.2 compares experimental and calculated startup curves for the fission chambers which were located i n the reflector as indicated i n Fig. E.l. I n the calcu lotion, I t where CR i s the counting rate of the f i s s i o n chamber, o f . i s the f i s s i o n cross section for group i , and rPi i s f t h e group i flux. For the ARE startup CRi 5 c 4 c i. t b L 3 X 3 LL 1 _I 2 LL W + I 2 c i 6" I t i L 0 0 IO 20 30 40 RADIUS (cm) Fig. 156 E.1. T h e r m 1 F l u x vs Radius. 50 60 70 1 ORNL-LR-DWG 4451 1 .c 0.E c -E -2. 0.6 I 0.4 02 0 0 2 6 4 IO 8 !2 t4 16 U235 CONCENTRATION ( l b / f t 3 ) Fig. F E.2. 1 - (l/m) where m i s the multiplication constant, C R . i s the I counting rate on run j , and C R , i s the counting rate with no fuel. It seems, then, that the unexpected, rapid i n i t i a l rise i n the counting rate o f ( l / m ) ] curve i s the fission chamber and the [l due not only to the general rise i n flux level but - vs U235 Concentration. also to the formation o f the thermal-flux maximum near the fission chambers. Once the shape of spatial distribution of the thermal-neutron flux i s set up, the fission chambers register only the general increase in flux level and the count rate increases slowly. 157 F Appendix COLD, CLEAN CRITICAL MASS The value of the cold, clean c r i t i c a l mass i s o f interest i n connection with any reactor, since it i s the calculation of this elusive number that takes so much time during the design of the reactor and system. The cold, clean c r i t i c a l mass may be found by extrapolating the curve of uranium (Ib of U235) i n the core vs Ak/k (%) i n the rods to the On the p o i n t where there i s no rod poisoning. other hand, if the mass equivalent of the rod poisoning i s determined and deducted from that then i n the core, another curve may be obtained, T h i s curve gives corrected mass vs Ak/k (%) i n the rod and may also be extrapolated to 0% Ak/k i n the rods. Both these curves, as shown i n Fig. F.l, extrapolate to the same mass value a t 0% AkJk in the rods, which indicates that the rod calibration was quite accurate and the data were reliable. The value of the cold, cleon c r i t i c a l mass extrapolated from Fig. F.l was 32.75 Ib o f u235. The data from which the curves i n Fig. F.l were plotted are tabulated i n Table F.l. The data used to determine the cold, clean c r i t i c a l mass were those obtained during the rod calibration from fuel addition (Exp. L-2). T h i s experiment and Exp. L-5, rod calibration from reactor period, then provided the information on the value of the regulating rod. The values of the shim rods were taken from Appendix J, “Calibration of the Shim Rods.” The Ak/k values i n both regulating and shim rods were then converted to their mass equivalents by using the (Ak/k)/(AM/M) r a t i o o f 0.236, as determined experimentally, Three points listed in the table and shown i n the figure were derived by using the f i r s t regulating rod, which was subsequently reThe calibraplaced because it was too “light.” 158 tion for that rod wos not accurate, and, hence, the three points were disregarded i n extrapolating the curves. OANL-LR-DWG IC - I t c 64!9 36 l i ! l :URVE A U235 IN CORE vs Ak/k IN RODS 35 B Ak/k IN RODS vs U235 IN CORE C( 3ECTED TO NO t 34 b -e 33 1 0 ro N 3 32 31 I 30 29 0 02 0 4 06 08 ( 0 12 Ak/k IN ALL RODS (’70) Fig. Mass. F.l. Extrapolation t o Cold, Clean C r i t i c a l c a I t: TABLE F.l. i CRITICAL URANIUM CONCENTRATIONS FOR VARIOUS ROD INSERTIONS (Exp. ?) Run No. Regulating Rod Insertion (in.) Shim Rod Insertion (in.) N ~ 1. No. 2 No. 3 M/k of A k / k of Shim Rods Regulating Rod (%) L-2) No. 1 ( %) No. 2 No. 3 U235 Concentration i n Core Total A k / k in Rods (lb/ft3) (Ib) (%) ~ 2 3 5 Total AM/M i n Rods U235 i n Clean Core (Ib) 0 0.92 3.3 1.7 0 0.016 0.19 0.08 0 23.94 32.80 0.286 1.212 31.59 1 3.35 3.3 1.7 0 0.058 0.19 0.08 0 23.98 32.85 0.328 1.390 31.46 2 0.93 3.3 2.5 0 0.016 0.19 0.13 0 24.12 33.04 0.326 1.381 31.66 3 4.25 0 0 3.5 0.140 0 0 0.20 24.17 33.11 0.340 1.441 31.67 4 6.35 3.5 0.210 0 0 0.20 24.22 33.18 0.410 1.737 31.44 7.5 0 0 0 5 0 3.5 0.248 0 0 0.20 24.25 33.22 0.448 1.898 31.32 1 6 8.5 0 0 3.5 0.281 0 0 0.20 24.27 33.25 0.481 2.038 31.21 a Level Trimmed 7.4 2.2 2.5 0 0.244 0.11 0.13 0 24.27 33.25 0.484 2.051 31.20 0 0 0 0.264 0.11 0.13 0 24.29 33.28 0.504 2.135 31.14 0.281 0.11 0.13 0 24.3 1 33.30 0.521 2.207 31.09 0.360 0.14 0.15 0 24.41 33.44 0.650 2.754 30.69 0.041 0.33 0.33 0 24.43 33.47 0.701 2.970 30.50 0.382 0.23 0.16 0 24.44 33.48 0.772 3.271 30.21 I 1 d @ 7 8.0 2.2 2.5 8 8.52 2.2 2.5 9 10.92 2.7 2.8 10 1.25 5 5 11 11.56 4 3 0 0 1 ? 1 4 1 4 I L 1 a Appendix G FLUX AND POWER DISTRIBUTIONS A. D. Callihan There were, of course, no measurements of the flux or power distribution i n the reactor during the actual experiment. These distributions were measured, however, on a zero power, c r i t i c a l mockup of the experimental reactor over a year earlier. A detailed description of the c r i t i c a l mockup, includ ing the reactor parameters obtained therefrom, The neutron flux may be found i n ORNL-1634.' distributions obtained from indium and cadmiumcovered indium f o i l measurements, the fission neutron flux distributions obtained by the catcher'A. D. Callihan ond D. Scott, Preliminary Critical Assembly for the Aircraft Reactor Experiment, ORNL1634 (Nov. 28, 1953). D. Scott f o i l method, and the power distributions obtained from aluminum catcher foils, which are of particular interest, are presented here. - k t b NEUTRON F L U X DISTRIBUTIONS The neutron flux distributions were measured with indium and cadmium-covered indium f o i l s i n a number of runs i n which a remotely placed uranium disk and an aluminum catcher f o i l were used t o normalize the power from run to run, The results of the bare indium and cadmium-covered indium traverses made a t a point 12.06 in, from the center of the reactor are shown in Fig, G.1. The zero of the abscissa i s the bottom o f the beryllium oxide DWG. 2 1 5 2 9 INDIUM TRAVERSE, LONGITUDINAL AT 12 06 in RADIUS I k c I c . t t x k 0 8 & e - ti 0.6 30 h0 a z 0 F a 0 i (L 0.4 20 I i I b U. 2 L 0 a P L 0 0 2 i , 0 i 0 0 42 6 18 24 30 36 DISTANCE FROM BOTTOM OF REACTOR (in.! L c i Fig. 160 G.1. Longitudinal Neutron F l u x Distribution. k * . column where i t rests on the 1-in,-thick lnconel support plate. The scattering by the lnconel probably accounted for the reduction of the cadmium fraction a t t h i s point. The radial f l u x traverse a t the mid-plane of the reactor with the regulating rod inserted i s given i n Fig, G.2. The dashed lines on the figure are a c t i v i t i e s extrapolated from the data obtained i n the fine-structure measurements made near the 11-in. position, The wide gap i n this traverse was unexplored because of the importance which was attached t o the study of a u n i t core c e l l i n the time available. T h i s emphasis has been at least partially contradicted by the f i s s i o n f l u x traverse described i n the following section. The strong effect of the center regulating rod assembly i s indicated i n these curves. The comparatively small flux and cadmium fraction depressions a t the center of the regulating rod accentuated the relative inefficiency of this type of rod and guide tube arrangement for reactor control. I n another measurement of the radial flux, this time with the regulating rod withdrawn, the traverses were very similar to that shown i n Fig. G.2, but the neutron f l u x was s l i g h t l y greater (-8%). FISSION-NEUTRON F L U X D I S T R I B U T I O N A measure of the distribution of neutrons that caused fissions was obtained by using the catcherf o i l method i n which the aluminum foil, together with some uranium, was both bare and cadmium covered. A radial traverse taken a t the mid-plane of the reactor i s shown i n Fig. G.3. The flux of low-energy neutrons produced f i s s i o n peaks near the reflector and was depressed by the lnconel tube (regulating rod sleeve) at the center. The DWG 215308 07 06 05 z 0 04 5a LL I 3 03 0 5 4 0 02 04 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 I? 14 46 18 20 22 24 D I S T A N C E FROM A X I S OF R E A C T O R (in.) Fig, G.2. Rodial Neutron F l u x Distribution. 16 1 been desirable to repeat the experiment w i t h smaller f o i l s to improve the resolution, particularly since the results were very sensitive t o f o i l location because of fuel self-shielding. Each catcher f o i l was nominally located centrally on the a x i s o f a fuel slug. One traverse extended from below the lnconel support plate t o above the top of the beryllium oxide; the other two covered the upper The data obtained i n the fuel h a l f of the core, tubes a t the indicated r a d i i are shown i n Fig. G.5. The data of Fig. G.5 are replotted i n Fig. G.6 t o show the radial power distribution at several elevations i n the reactor, a l l normalized at the center. It i s to be noted thatthe37.86-in. elevation traverse i s 2 i n a b o v e the top of the beryllium oxide column. cadmium fraction followed roughly the same pattern. Similar half-length longitudinal traverses are shown i n Fig, G.4 for a position 10.09 in, from the center. POWER D I S T R I B U T l O N Three longitudinal power distributions i n this reactor assembly were measured by using aluminum catcher f o i l s placed against the end surfaces of the short, cast, fuel slugs contained i n an lnconel The s i z e of these f o i l s was such that the tube. counting rate from each was higher than necessary for the desired statistics. I n the arbitrary units reported, an a c t i v i t y of 50 represents approximately lo5 counts. Had time permitted, it would have I ..,B c c I OWG 2l533A IO 08 z 06 0 + 0 LL lL I 2 H 0 4 2 0 0 2 0 0 3 6 ' 9 12 . 15 $8 21 24 27 DISTANCE FROM AXIS OF REACTOR ( i n ) Fig, G.3. Radial F i s s i o n Neutron Flux Distribution. 162 c DWG 21534A J 1.4 c 1.2 / 1.0 z 0 0.8 5 a: LL E 0.6 3 5 n J Q 0 0.4 i 0.2 c 0 0 4 8 12 DISTANCE F i g . G.4. 20 24 28 FROM BOTTOM OF REACTOR ( i n . ) 16 32 36 40 Longitudinal F i s s i o n Neutron F l u x Distribution. J 163 DWG 245354 90 80 70 I - 60 lJl t z 3 - 2a cm 50 E E a > 40 t2 Iu - 4 30 20 io 0 -4 0 4 t2 9 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 DISTANCE FROM BOTTOM OF REACTOR (in.) Fig. G.5. Longitudinal Power Traverses. DWG 2l536A fi 10 09 e 08 g 07 5a 06 w 0 5 5 04 _I !$ 0.3 02 O.'0 " ic I 0 4 2 4 6 8 10 12 DISTANCE FROM AXIS OF REACTOR ( i n ) Fig. G.6. Radial Power Traverses. 164 i Y h 14 i6 ir i i Appendix H 3 I t POWER DETERMINATION FROM FUEL ACTIVATION’ E. B. Johnson Perhaps the most basic value obtained from the operation o f the ARE was the power level at which it operated. T h i s quantity was determined both from activation o f the fuel and from a heat balance. The determination of reactor power from activation of the fuel was based on the measurement of the relative activity of samples of the fuel exposed i n the ARE and that exposed i n a known flux i n the Bulk Shielding Reactor (BSR). The activity of the aggregate of fission products i s not easy t o predict because o f the large number of isotopes for which calculations would be required. For identical conditions o f exposure and decay, that is, for identical flux, exposure time, and waiting period after exposure, the specific activity should be the same, however. Furthermore, a t low fluxes the activity should be proportional t o the flux. The ARE was operated a t a nominal power level o f approximately 1 w for 1 hr, was then shut down, and a sample of the irradiated fuel was withdrawn for counting and analysis. Since the activity i n t h i s fuel sample was too low t o measure accurately, the test was repeated at an estimated power of 10 w. The ARE, experimental program then proceeded as scheduled. Decay curves were obtained from the fuel samples from the ARE and were then compared with the decay curve of a similar fuel sample irradiated in the BSR i n a known neutron flux of about the same magnitude. From the relative activity of the samples, a determination o f the power of the ARE was made. 1i - i I ’ e t 1 -1 .. d a the fission cross section, energy release per fission, and the necessary conversion factors. Obviously, i f the thermal-neutron flux and the amount of fuel present are known, it i s quite simple t o obtain the power. The problem was t o obtain the power without measuring the flux i n the ARE. The quantity P / G obtained from the measurement in the BSR w i l l be called (P/G)BsR.. The decay curve for the two fuel samples irradiated i n the BSR i s shown i n Fig. D.5 of Appendix D. The power production in a given sample i s proportional t o both the counting rate and the amount of fissionable material i n the sample. Thus, ( P / G )A R E SR - (CR/G), E (CR/G),,, where CR = counting rate a t time t after shutdown, G = weight of uranium i n the sample. c e T h i s equation can be rewritten as C R ~ R ‘6 ~ x - . SR G~~ t E The total power of the ARE i s then the product o f the power per gram ( i n the sample) and the total amount of uranium i n the fuel c i r c u i t (Gtot)ARE, or i THEORY It has been shown2 that the power ( i n watts) produced i n an enriched-fuel thermal reactor i s P = 4.264 x lo-’’ x nvth x G -“. 4.264 x 10’ ’ ’, X (G+ot)A R E P cr ARE I where i s the number O f grams Of u235 in the volume over which the average thermal-neutron flux i s nuth, and the constant, GBSR X- contains ’This appendix was o r i g i n a l l y issued as ORNL CF-54-7-11, Fuel Acttuation Method for Power Detennination o / the A R E , E. B. Johnson ( J u l y 31, 1954), and was r e v i s e d for t h i s report on A p r i l 22, 1955. 2J. L. Meern, L. B. H o l l a n d , and G. M. McCarnmon, Determination o f the Power of the Bulk Shielding Reactor, Part Ill. Measurement of the Energy Released per Fission, ORNL-1537 (Feb. 15, 1954). The unperturbed thermal-neutron flux i n which the 7 samples were exposed i n the BSR was 1.895 x 10 neutrons/cm2.sec. ~ the self-depression ~ ~ 3 ~ H of the flux by the uranium sample was fore ( P / G ) becomes (P/G)BSR = 4.264 X 10”’ = 6.464 x X 1.895 X 0.80. There10’ X 0.80 loa4 w/g . 3W. K. Ergen, p r i v a t e communication. 4 165 ~ Each of the fuel samples irradiated in the contained 0.131 g o f U235. Thus BSR a t 1- and 10-w nominal power. The instruments which recorded the neutron level (log N, etc.) were then calibrated in terms o f reactor power. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE 0.131 X- = 8.468 1 0 - ~x C (‘tot) r u AR E ARE RE ~ ~ C R S R~ (‘tot) AR E X ‘ARE This equation was then used t o determine the power o f the A R E as indicated by fuel activation during the previously mentioned operation o f 1 hr The BSR i s immersed i n a pool of water which serves as moderator, coolant, reflector, and shield. Therefore, any material which i s t o be activated i n the BSR must be placed i n a watertight container before immersion in the pool. Capsules t o contain the ARE fuel were made o f 2s aluminum with screwtype caps and were sealed with a rubber gasket. Each capsule contained approximately 1 g o f material; one of the capsules i s shown in Fig. H.l. Since it was desirable t o irradiate the capsules i n the reactor core, the reactor was loaded with a partial element, containing only h a l f the usual number o f plates, i n the interior o f the lattice, as \ / ORNL-LR-DWG 1947 c t Fig. 166 H.1. Apparatus for F u e l Exposure in the Bulk Shielding Reactor. , shown i n Fig. H.2. A l u c i t e holder was designed which would fit inside t h i s partial element and support the capsule t o be irradiated a t approximately the vertical centerline of the element. Small gold f o i l s for measuring the thermal-neutron flux adjacent t o the capwere mounted in “drawers” sule, as shown i n Fig. H.l. A monitoring f o i l was placed on the bottom o f the lucite block. O R N L - L R - D W G 4948 SAFETY RODS L A I TRAP , , , , , , \ PARTIAL ELEMENTS Fig, J I ; - H.2. /’ Bulk ELEMENT FOR CAPSULE ACTIVATION ‘CONTROL Shielding ROD Reactor Loading (No. 27). Two samples of each of two ARE-type fuels of different composition were irradiated. One (No. 44) contained 53.5-40.0-6.5 mole % of NaF-ZrF4UF, and was the anticipated fuel of the ARE. The other was No, 45, which was the carrier t o which the uranium-containing fuel concentrate was added during the c r i t i c a l and low-power experiments; it contained 50-50 mole % o f NaF-ZrF,. It was necessary i n the BSR t o expose the samples in the aluminum capsules; a t the ARE the fuel was, o f course, f i r s t activated and then poured i n t o the capsules. Therefore it was necessary t o determine the contribution of the aluminum capsule t o the activity observed. Two empty capsules were exposed ( i n separate runs) for 1 hr a t a nominal power level of 1 w. A t the same time, gold f o i l s were exposed i n the positions adjacent t o the capsule t o determine the thermal flux. Similarly, two carrier-filled capsules and two f u e l - f i l l e d capsules were irradiated, each separately but each for 1 hr a t 1 w. The capsules each contained 1 g o f material. The decay curves taken on each capsule were made with two counters because of the difference i n disintegration rates between the empty and the A scintillation counter fluoride-filled capsules. was used to obtain the curves for the empty capsules and for the carrier-filled capsules, and the high-pressure ion chamber was used to measure the activity i n the f u e l - f i l l e d capsules. The data for the carrier-filled capsules were converted, on the assumption that a l l the activity was attributable t o sodium, to equivalent counting rates i n the highpressure ion chamber. The assumption that the activity was due t o sodium was apparently valid, since the decay curve indicated a h a l f - l i f e of about 15 hr a t approximately 6 hr after shutdown. It was found from the decay curves that the aluminum activity was a factor of approximately 10 less than that o f the carrier-filled capsules 3 hr after shutdown and a factor o f 450 less than that o f the f u e l - f i l l e d capsules a t the corresponding time, and was therefore negligible. The activity in the carrier-filled capsule was about 4% of that in the f u e l - f i l l e d capsule 6 hr after shutdown. There was essentially no difference between the two different f u e l - f i l l e d capsules and the two different carrier-filled capsules. For t h i s reason, only one curve i s shown for each i n Fig. D.5. The nuclear power o f the Aircraft Reactor Experiment was then set on the basis of the activation in fuel samples irradiated for 1 hr a t 10 w. T h i s power calibration was the basis of a l l power levels indicated i n the nuclear log up t o the l a s t day of the experiment, by which time i t had become obvious from the various heat balances that the actual reactor power was considerably higher (app. L). A comparison o f the two methods o f power c a l i bration i s given i n Appendix N. I 167 I Appendix I 1 INHOUR FORMULA FOR A CIRCULATING-FUEL REACTOR WITH SLUG FLOW' W. K. Ergen A s pointed out in a previous paper,2 the circulating-fuel reactor differs in i t s dynamic behavior from a reactor with stationary fuel, because fuel circulation sweeps some o f the delayed-neutron precursors out of the reacting zone, and some delayed neutrons are given o f f i n locations where they do not contribute t o the chain reactions. One o f the consequences of these circumstances i s the fact that the inhour formula usually derived for stationary-fuel reactor^,^ requires some modificat i o n before i t becomes applicable to the circulatingfuel reactor. The inhour formula gives the relation between an excess multiplication factor, introduced into the reactor, and the time constant T o f the If the inhour resulting rise i n reactor power. formula i s known, then the easily measured time constant can be used to determine the excess multiplication factor, a procedure frequently used in the quantitative evaluation of the various arrangements causing excess reactivity. Furthermore, the proper design of control rods and their drive mechanisms depends on the inhour formula. Frequently, the experiments evaluating smal I excess multiplication factors are carried out a t low reactor power, and the reactor power w i l l then not cause an increase in the reactor temperature. T h i s case w i l l be considered here. In this case, the time dependence of the reactor power P can be described by the following e q ~ a t i o n : ~ (1) d P / d t 7 i s the average lifetime o f the prompt neutrons and k e x the excess multiplication factor (or excess reactivity). The meaning o f p and D ( s ) for a ' T h i s appendix was issued earlier a s ORNL CF-5312-108, The Inhour Formula for a Circulating-Fuel Nuclear Reactor with Slug Flow, W. K . Ergen (Dec. 22, 1953). *William Krasny Ergen, 702-71 1 (1954). J. Appl. P h y s . , Vol. 25, NO. 6, for instance, S. Glasstone and M. C. Edlund, The Elements of Nuclear Reactor Theory, D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., 1952, p. 294 ff. 3See, authors, for instance Glasstone and Edlund, loc. cit.. write the equations corresponding to (1) in a s l i g h t l y different form. The difference consists i n terms of the order k e x ( 7 / T ) or kex,B, which are negligibly small. 4Sorne 168 circulating-fuel reactor has been discussed in some detail i n ref. 2. We approximate in the following the actual arrangement by a reactor for which the power distribution and the importance of a neutron are constant and for which a l l fuel elements have 8 through the outside the same transit time 8, D ( s ) i s simply the loop. In t h i s approximation, probability that a fission neutron, caused by a power burst a t time zero, i s a delayed neutron, given o f f inside the reactor a t a time between s and s + ds, D ( s ) i s normalized so that - *;i e - p Jo%(s)ds = 1 (2) k PW) (3) t L a i . c t. k t I f the fuel i s stationary, p D ( s ) i s the familiar curve obtained by the superposition of 5 exponentials: 5 I" t P -Xis Pihf = t i= 1 i The X i are the decay constants of the 5 groups of are the probabilities delayed neutrons, and the that a given fission neutron i s a delayed neutron of the i t h group. For the circulating-fuel reactor we f i r s t consider the fuel which was present i n the reactor a t time At any time s, only a fraction o f t h i s fuel zero. T h i s fraction i s w i l l be found in the reactor. denoted by F ( s ) , and by multiplying the right side o f (3) by F ( s ) , we obtain the function PO(.) for the circulating-fuel reactor. Since 8, i s the t o t a l time required by the fuel t o pass through a complete cycle, consisting o f the reactor and the outside loop, it i s clear that pi t 4 * a t s = ne, (n = 0, 1, 2 . . ,), at s = ne, + F ( s ) i s equal to 1; 8 . (n = 0, 1, 2 ..), (We assume 8, 2 20 s o that the fuel under consideration has not started t o re-enter the reactor when the l a s t o f i t s elements leaves the reacting zone.) Between s = ne, and s = ne, + 8 , F ( s ) decreases linearly, and hence has the value At = = 1, 2, 3 (ne, + e - s)/e. t F ( s ) i s equal to zero. ne, - e(n ...I, - i t c- i I i a' F ( s ) i s zero, but since the fuel under consideration re-enters the reactor between t h i s moment and F ( s ) increases linearly: F ( s ) = ( s - n e , + For P D ( s ) we thus obtain: @/e. s = nel, PD(S) = 0 Equation for nel + e =< s =< (4) i s now substituted into Eq. ( l ) , and for P we set P The common factor Poet'= cancels out. + l)el - (n + = 0, 1, 2, ... . Then = The substitution o = n e , e, n 8 - s transforms into + exp(-nOIXi + (l/T)]l exp(-B[Ai (l/T)llj:c + exp{[Xi ( l / T ) I o l do I \ I . and the substitution - v - ne, + 8 = s transforms into exp(-nOl[Ai + (l/T)]I explO[Ai + + (l/T)II J;oexpI-[Ai (l/T)Iol do . T h e geometric series exp (-n[hi + (l/T)]O1] can now be summed, and the integrals over o evaluated b y elementary methods. After performing a l l these operations, one obtains the following inhour formula: (5) I 1 pi (6) = xi + (1/T) . i s obtained by integrating Eq. (3) from 0 t o a. Expressions are obtained which are of the same type as the ones just discussed, and which can be evaluated by the same methods. The r e s u l t i s Xid-l+e 5 (7) ~ = x i= 1 P i -Aie - e -hie1 exi(i (X,O + -A .8 -e 1) + e +e, - e) '1 1 169 I n spite of the formidable appearance o f Eqs. (5), it i s easy to find, for any given I9 and the value of k e x which produces a given time constant T . sum i n Eq. (5) are essentially of the form 1- (6), and (7), e,, Furthermore, the following reasoning describes the general features of the equations. Consider f i r s t the dependence of k e x on T . If T = a,p , = Xz, and the sum on the right of (5) i s equal to p, k e x i s equal t o zero. This corresponds to the state i n which the reactor i s just c r i t i c a l . If T becomes very small, the p i become very large and i n the fraction on the right of (5) the numerator i s dominated by pZ8 and the bracket i n the denominator by 1. Hence the fraction tends to zero l i k e 19/pz, as T goes to zero, If 7 i s very small, as it i s i n practice, T w i l l be small as soon as k e x exceeds p by a small amount. Then the complicated sum on the right o f (5) i s o f l i t t l e importance, and T i s determined by r / T = k e x p, that is, the reactor period i s inversely proportional t o the excess of the reactivity over the reactivity corresponding to the “prompt critical” condition. - I n the stationary-fuel reactor, the k e x which makes the reactor prompt c r i t i c a l i s given by With circulating fuel, the reactor i s prompt c r i t i c a l i f k e x = p, which i s less than Z p , , that is, i t takes less excess reactivity t o make the cirqulatingfuel reactor prompt c r i t i c a l than t o do the same t h i n g to a stationary-fuel reactor. T h i s i s physically evident because the fuel circulation renders some o f the delayed neutrons ineffective. That p i s less than Z p , can also be verified mathematically. E@,. For T intermediate between very small positive values and +cot we consider again the analogy to the stationary-fuel reactor. Here the inhour formula reads : ’ x - 1+e-%- e - a x (x + 1) + e-(a-l)x and an expression of this form can be shown to be a monotonic decreasing function of positive x ; ~ the expression i s thus a monotonic increasing function o f T [see Eq. (6)], and as T increases k e x decreases monotonically, according to Eq. (5); for every positive k e x there i s one, and only one, positive T,and vice versa. This, of course, does not preclude that there exists for a given k e x several negative T values, i n addition t o the one positive value. Negative T correspond, however, t o decaying exponentials, which are of no importance i f the rise i n power i s observed for a sufficiently long time. Consider now the behavior of Eq. (5) with variation o f 8, the transit time o f the fuel through the reactor, and of 8 , ) the transit time o f the fuel through the whole loop. If 8 (and hence also 6,) i s very large compared to a l l ’ / A i and l/pi, Eq. (5) reduces to Eq. (8), the inhour formula for the stationary-fuel reactor. The circulation i s so slow that the reactor behaves as i f the fuel were stationary, inasmuch as a l l delayed neutrons, even the ones with the long-lived precursors, are given o f f inside the reacting zone, before much fuel reaches the outside. On the other hand, i f 8 , and, hence, also 8, i s small compared to a l l l/Xi, that is, i f the transit time o f the fuel through the complete loop i s small compared t o the mean l i f e o f even the short-lived delayed-neutron precursors, then for T >> 8 1 b c i k k it; k F For every positive k e x there i s one, and only one, positive time constant T , and vice versa. T h i s i s a consequence of the fact that k e x i s a monotonic decreasing function of T , for i f t h i s monotony did not exist, there could be several positive T values corresponding t o a given value of k e x , or v i c e versa. In the circulating-fuel reactor the situation i s qualitatively the same; the fractions under the T h i s i s the same as the inhour formula for the stationary-fuel reactor, except that a l l the fission are decreased by the factor I9/0,. This yields i s physically easy t o understand, since 6/19, i s just the probability that a given delayed neutron i s born inside the reactor. Of interest i s the intermediate case, i n which I9 301, Eq. 6 W . K. Ergen, The Behavior of Certain Functions Related to the lnhour Formula o Czrculating Fuel Reactors, O R N L CF-54-1-1 (Jan. 15, 1654); ’See 10.29.1. 170 Glosstone and Edlund, loc. cit., See a l s o preceding footnote. p. pi L i c - 6 i; h i s smaller than the mean l i f e of the long-lived delayed-neutron precursors and larger than the In that mean l i f e of the short-lived precursors. case, the long-delayed neutrons act approximately according to Eq. ( 9 ) and are reduced by the factor 1 8/8,. On the other hand, the neutrons with the short-lived precursors behave approximately l i k e Eq. (8) and are not appreciably reduced. Hence, a small excess reactivity enables the reactor t o ; increase i t s power without “waiting” for the not very abundant long-delayed neutrons. The reactor goes t o f a i r l y short time constants with surprisingly small excess reactivities. However, t o make the reactor prompt critical, that is, to enable i t to exponentiate without even the I ittle-delayed neutrons, takes a substantial excess reactivity because of the almost undiminished amount of the latter neutrons. I i I 1 j I l , 1 i i ? 1 171 Appendix J CALIBRATION OF THE SHIM RODS Three essentially independent methods were used t o find the value o f the shim rods in terms of reactivity. The f i r s t method involved an analysis of the counting rate data taken during the c r i t i c a l experiment, and the second was a c a l i bration o f shim rod No. 3 in terms of the regulating rod. The agreement between these two methods was very good. A s a check on the general shape of the reactivity curves as a function of rod position, the rods were also calibrated by using the fission chambers. T h e various methods are discussed i n detail below. C A L I B R A T I O N FROM C R I T I C A L E X P E R I M E N T DATA After about one-half the c r i t i c a l mass of uranium had been added t o the system, the counting rates o f the two fission chambers and the BF, counter were taken as a function of shim rod position for each subsequent fuel addition u n t i l c r i t i c a l i t y was reached (as described i n the main body of t h i s Because the fission chamber report, chap. 4). counting rates were subject t o the phenomenon noted i n Appendix H, only the BF, counter data were used i n the rod calibration. From the BF, counting rates for each rod position taken after a given fuel injection, the multiplication hl was determined from the relationship N h l = 'V 0 Fig. J . l . Then, with t h i s plot, a value o f ( & % ) / i n . was obtained for every 1-in. movement of the shim rods from no insertion t o 16 in. o f insertion of the rods. A plot of (Ak/k)/in. as a function of rod position i s given in Fig. J.2, and the data are tabulated in Table J.l. I n order t o find the integrated reactivity, or t o t a l worth of the rods, in terms of ( A k / k ) as a function of the number o f inches of insertion, the curve o f Fig. J.2 was divided into three sections. Over each section the curves were f i t t e d t o a formula of the form a = Ad2 + Bd + C t r t t a b , where a = (Ak/k)/in. The formula and i t s integral, which were applied t o the three sections of t h e curve, are given i n Table 5.2. For each section, then, the integrated reactivity was found by integrating over the u curves. The integrated curves were of the form L hk A'd3 P=k= + B'd' + C'd . The three sections into which the curve of Fig. ORNL-LR-DWG 6420 OF SHIM ROD ( i n ) -r-------INSERTION 10 15 J.2 5 1 0 , 099 where 0 98 N = counting rate for a given fuel concentration and shim rod setting, * 097 N o = counting rate before start of enrichment. For each value of M the value of the multiplication factor k was determined: P? 0 96 I 0 95 t 7 k = 1 - -MI . Figure 4.9 of Chapter 4 shows k plotted as a function o f the uranium i n the systeln for rod positions of 20, 25, 30, and 35 in. T h e shim rod calibration was obtained from Fig. 4.9 by f i r s t making a cross plot of k, against rod position at the c r i t i c a l mass, as shown i n 172 t 0 94 SHIM ROD POSITION ( i n )- Fig. J.1. Shim k at Criticality. Rod Position a s a Function of I T A B L E J.l, I CALIBRATION OF SHIM RODS FROM F U E L ADDITION DURING CRITICAL EXPERIMENT i I Rod Position Average Insertion Interval T a k e n (in.) c Average Rod of Shim P o s i t i on Rods (in.) Movement of Average -& k Shim Rods, .Ad (in.) 3 Rods [(Ak/k)/in.] Average per [(&/k)/i Rod n.1 (in.) 36 to 35 35 to 34 34 to 33 32 t o 33 31 to 32 30 t o 31 29 t o 30 28 to 29 27 to 28 26 to 27 25 to 26 24 t o 25 23 t o 2 4 22 to 23 21 t o 2 2 20 t o 21 35.5 34.5 33.5 32.5 31.5 0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 30.5 5.5 29.5 28.5 27.5 26.5 25.5 24.5 23.5 22.5 21.5 20.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 9.5 10.5 11.5 12.5 13.5 14.5 15.5 T A B L E 5.2. 1.o 0.9992 0.9975 0.9953 0.9926 0.9895 0.9862 0.9825 0.9785 0.9743 0.9695 0.9643 0.9585 0.9523 0.9458 0.9386 0.001 0.0015 0.0020 0.0025 0.0028 0.0032 0.0035 0.0038 0.004 1 0.0045 0.0050 0.0055 0.0060 0.0064 0.0069 0.0075 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.00033 0.00050 0.00067 0.00083 0.00094 0.00108 0.00118 0.00129 0.00140 0.00154 0.00172 0.00 190 0.00209 0.00224 0.00243 0.00266 b t 1 t i FORMULA (AND INTEGRAND) F I T T E D TO SHIM ROD SENSITIVITY CURVE Range of Use Formulo No. 0.001 0.00150 0.00200 0.0025 1 0.00282 0.00 323 0.00355 0.00387 0 .O 04 19 0.00462 0.00516 0.00570 0.00626 0.00672 0.00730 0.00799 (in.) Formula* Type i i t d *a = 1 0 to 8 D i f f eren ti a1 2 8 to 16 Differential 3 16 to 18 Di fferenti a1 4 0 to 8 I nte gr a / 5 8 to 16 Integral 6 16 to 18 Integral + 0.0187d + 0.0239 a = 0.0005d2 + 0.0055d + 0.059 a = -0.0045d2 + 0.16554’ - 1.221 p = -0.0002d3 + 0.00935~2’~+ 0.0239d p = 0.000167d3 + 0.00275d2 + 0.059d p = -0.0015d3 + 0.0875d2 - 1.221d a = -0.0006d2 I 1 i (hk/k)/in. p = &/k I was divided and the corresponding formulas which were f i t t e d to the curve are given i n Table J.2. I n the case of the integrated curves, the A k / k found by integration in the range of the curve was added t o the t o t a l A k / k of the previous curve t o give the t o t a l A k / k t o t h e point of integration. The resulting worth, ( A k / k ) , of the shim rods over the f i r s t 18 in. of their movement i s shown i n Fig. J.3 and the data are tabulated i n Table J.3. I t should be noted that the last 2 in. of the curve o f Fig. J.2 (16 t o 18 in.) was extrapolated. The basis for the extrapolation i s the curve shown i n Fig. D.4 of Appendix D, which i s a calibration of an ARE regulating rod made during some preliminary experiments done i n the Critical Experiments F a c i l i t y . The shim rods were assumed t o give the same type of curve. If it were assumed that the l a s t 18 in. of the shim rods gave a shape of A k / k vs rod insertion which was essentially the image of the f i r s t B 1 i i I 173 t t i 6421 ORNL-LR-DWG 0 32 030 0 28 - ' 0 26 C <024 .2" a 0 22 0 u r 0 2 0 I m + o 018 __ 'CALIBRATION F R O M FUEL A D D I T I O N DURING CRITICAL E X P E R I M E N T 1 ( A V E R A G E OF A L L R O D S ) 5 046 -*5. -a 044 > k 1 012 a oio + 0 w 0 C R I T I C A L E X P E R I M E N T DATA 0 LOW-POWER E X P E R I M E N T DATA '+! [r 008 0 06 0 04 002 0 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 Fig. J.2. 7 8 9 40 1i 42 43 I N S E R T I O N OF S H I M RODS (In.) Differential Shim 18 in. (see Appendix D, Fig. D.3), then the total worth of a shim rod was 5.8% ( A k / k ) and the total worth of a l l three rods was about 17% ( A k / k ) . CALIBRATION AGAINST T H E REGULATING ROD I n Exp. L-6, w i t h the reactor a t a power of 1 watt (nominal), shim rods Nos. 1 and 2 were set at predetermined positions. Then shim rod No. 3 was moved over various small increments o f i t s travel and thus calibrated against the regulating rod. With the reactor on servo the regulating rod then moved automatical l y a compensating distance, t h i s distance being roughly 10 in. of i t s travel. From the previous measurement of the of worth of the regulating rod of (Ak/k)/in. 174 Rod .14 15 16 i7 48 49 20 Sensitivity. 0.033Qin. and the ratio of the movement of shim rod No. 3 and the regulating rod, a calibration of No. 3 shim rod was obtained over the f i r s t 14 inches of i t s travel (starting from the out position). F i g u r e J.2 shows the results of t h i s method of calibration (dashed curve), and the data are l i s t e d The agreement between the two i n Table J.4. methods of calibration was surprisingly good. Since the increments of shim rod movement were larger in this method than in the preceding method and since there were other sources of error, such as the error i n the movement o f the shim rod position indicators on the reactor console, no attempt was made t o use t h i s curve (dashed curve, Fig. J.2) t o find the integrated value of A k / k over the rod. i ? I 1 3 i I i f 4 i 1 1 1 I i 1 % . r z 0 IP P 4 3 w J L 'tr N 03 L b i -0 9 (3 7 'tr z U C .c 11 L 0 0 Di >. ->c I- U 4 W n Di a: 0 i ?5 L 0 Z 0 I4 3 U V U J. 1 7 w J rn 4 c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - c .5 N N r s Ll + + ccl "CC -u + L, i i 176 ? -I c C L .-E X a 0 W V m lY .-c 0 3 m a lY 0 m Z V .-E v) 2= v) ? P 8 v) rg Q: 0 2 d F d 0: v) OI 9 cy m 0: 03 2 5 =: 2 2 d 9 W 8 Y 0, x 0 e e 4 x e c c Y rn c '? 9 M v) e h! m 9 m F? : 9 h cy 9 rr e 0: W Y P W 8 7 VI 9 F? e 9 x v) m 9 v) v) 9 cy 4 cy 9 c 9 W m cy cy e 0: cy h co z I e * m v) 9 8 9 2 cy v) m v! 's 8 h cy 9 w I m 1 : 2 0 m cy e ai e m '9 c m c? m c) e I U F n 2m 2m 8 8m m 9 W m v) 9 m, c -4 i2 L P L t t I i b t ORNL-LR-DWG 6423 ORNL-LR-DWG 6422 07 3 4 3 2 30 06 2 8 - E 26 c g 0 5 24 0 c- 04 16 2 0 + Q W E 14 $ n 12 03 ? F i g . J.4. Calibration of Shim Rods from F i s s i o n Chamber Data. I I O m 08 0.2 0 6 , -- 0.1: 0 I 0 2 4 6 8 42 10 14 16 18 20 1 TOTAL INSERTION OF SHIM ROD (in.) I 1 Integral Calibration of Shim F i g , J.3. a Function of Position. Rods a s 5 -s - 0.' IC) C A L I B R A T I O N BY USING T H E FISSION CHAMBERS A third calibration of the shim rods was attempted during the c r i t i c a l experiments i n which the counting rate of the neutron detectors was taken as a function of shim rod position for two different uranium concentrations. The r e a c t i v i t y was then obtained from the counting rates by using the relationship 1 ,i I - - ORNL-LR NG 6424 r"= 04 02 ' -> SHIM ROD POSITION ( i n ) 0.05 FISSION 1 AMBEF U235 IN SYSTEM I9 7 Ib I 1 0 I ~~ 5 10 (5 20 : SHIM ROD POSITION (in.) Fig. J.5. R e a c t i v i t y as a Function of Shim Rod Position. k = 1 --, M and a p l o t of k as a function of rod position then gave a check on the general shape of the curve. Figure 5.4 shows the k v s rod position for fission chambers 1 and 2. Because the uranium concentration i n the system was low for both the runs the f i s s i o n chambers were showing a subcritical multiplication M greater than the actual value, as discussed i n Appendix E. Therefore, the absolute values of k, as calculated from the counting rates, are in error. Nevertheless, the general shape of the curve i s experimental verification of the curve Figure J.5 shown i n Fig. D.3 of Appendix D. shows the value of (&/%)/in. v s rod position, 177 as obtained from one of the curves of Fig. 4.10. Again, the general shape of t h i s curve i s about the same as shown i n Fig. D.3 of Appendix D, TABLE 5.5. U235 Rod in System Position (Ib) (in*) 16.6 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 30 35 35 0 5 10 15 20 25 27.5 30 32.5 35 36 19.7 178 REACTIVITY OF THE SHIM RODS Fission Chamber No. Counting Rate but i t s absolute magnitude i s not meaningful. The data from which Figs. 4.10 and 4.11 were plotted are given in Tables J.5 and J.6. 1 vs ROD POSITION Fission Chamber No. Counting Rate NO/N 2 BF3 Counter k Counting Rate NO/N k NO/N k 17.52 17.60 18.85 20.93 23.44 25.23 26 .OO 25.87 26.83 26.85 0.5457 0.5375 0.501 9 0.4520 0.4036 0.3750 0.3538 0.3557 0.3526 0.3523 0.4543 0.4625 0.498 1 0.5480 0.5964 0.6250 0.6362 0.6343 0.6474 0.6477 25.00 25.52 26.69 31.33 35.63 38.91 40.93 41.12 41.76 41.65 0.6512 0.6379 0.6100 0.5196 0.4569 0.41 84 0.3978 0.3952 0.3898 0.3909 0.3488 0.3621 0.3900 0.4804 0.5431 0.5816 0.6022 0.6048 0.601 1 0.6091 6.00 6.05 6.51 6.40 6.67 7.01 0.7483 0.742 0.690 0.702 0.673 0.640 0.2517 0.258 0.310 0.298 0.327 0.360 6.72 6.80 6.77 0.668 0.660 0.663 0.332 0.340 0.337 18.99 19.31 21.07 23.63 26.21 28.08 29.23 29.55 29.76 29.76 29.90 0.4982 0.4899 0.5018 0.5101 0.551 0 0.5997 0.6391 0.6631 0.6764 0.6793 0.682 1 0.6821 0.6 836 26.83 26.88 29.28 34.43 38.99 42.67 44.59 45.97 46.19 46.8 3 46.81 0.6068 0.6057 0.5560 0.4728 0.4175 0.3815 0.365 1 0.3541 0.3525 0.3476 0.3478 0.3932 0.3943 0.4 44 0.5272 0.5825 0.6185 0.6349 0.6459 0.6475 0.6524 0.6522 6.27 6.43 6.56 6.91 7.04 7.28 7.15 7.01 7.04 7.09 7.16 0.716 0.698 0.684 0.650 0.638 0.617 0.628 0.640 0.638 0.633 0.627 0.284 0.302 0.316 0.350 0.362 0.383 0.372 0.360 0.362 0.367 0.373 ~(counts/sec) 0.4490 0.4003 0.3609 0.3369 0.3236 0.3201 0.3179 0.3 179 0.3164 N (covnts/sec) N (counts/sec) ~ i T A B L E J.6. ! u~~~in System (Ib) R E A C T I V I T Y AS A FUNCTION O F SHIM ROD POSITION (FROM FISSION CHAMBER DATA) L i m i t s of d Ak da V t 19.7 I 4 1 1 0 to 2 2 to 4 4 to 6 6 to 8 8 t o 10 10 t o 12 12 t o 14 14 t o 16 16 to 18 18 to 20 20 t o 22 22 t o 24 24 t o 26 26 to 28 28 to 30 30 t o 32 32 to 34 34 to 36 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 0 SO2 0.5065 0.5 125 0.523 0.5 32 0.555 0 -574 0.596 0.6 155 0.6 32 0.6465 0.6575 0.6655 0.6715 0.676 0.6795 0.6815 0.6825 0.04 0.05 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.20 0.21 0.22 0.18 0.16 0.13 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.0 1 0.01 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0.0398 0.0494 0.07 80 0.1 147 0.1503 0.1801 0.1829 0.1853 0.1462 0.1266 0.1005 0.0684 0.0526 0.0372 0.0296 0.022 1 0.0073 0.0073 c k L i i Appendix f K i CORRELATION OF REACTOR AND LINE TEMPERATURES An effect which was noted late i n the operation of the ARE was that fuel and sodium line temperatures indicated i n the basement disagreed quite radically with those recorded i n the control room. It s o happened that a l l the basement indicators gave line temperatures measured by thermocouples outside the reactor thermal shield, while the temperatures recorded i n the control room were measured by thermocouples a l l located within the thermal shield, When t h i s was f i r s t discovered it was thought that helium from the rod-cooling system blowing on the thermocouples inside the thermal shield was making them read low. Turning the rod cooling blowers on and off, however, was demonstrated t o have no effect on the thermocouples, and therefore a t the end of the experiment no positive explanation for these temperature discrepancies had been found. This situation has created serious difficulties i n trying t o analyze the data for this report. There was evidence that the discrepancies were intensified during operation at high power. Nevertheless, when nearly isothermal conditions existed, i t was found that the absolute magnitude of the measurements made by the thermocouple within the thermal shield were incorrect, but the rates o f change obtained from the data were correct. The temperatures read on the basement instruments were considered to be correct for several reasons. First, the temperature indications available i n the basement were much more numerous than those i n the control room, and the thermocouple sensing elements for these indicators were a l l located along lines outside the thermal shield; the temperatures agreed with each other t o k10 deg from the average. Equilibrium conditions prevailed across the pipes because of the insulation, Also, there were many reasons for the thermocouples to indicate higher than actual temperatures, but none for lower than act ua I indications. I n order to use the temperature data from the experiment i t was necessary to correlate the temperature data obtained i n the control room with those obtained i n the basement. The correlations were then used to correct temperature data obtained i n the control room. The results o f the temperature correlations for the fuel system are shown i n Figs. K.l, K.2, and K.3. The agreement between the low-power l i n e 180 temperatures (Fig. K . l ) reflects the attention which was given t o calibrating these thermocouples i n the isothermal condition. The curves in Figs. K.2 ORNL-LR-DWG P b- 6563 1350 F I ,I OI O w I v) J 4 5 1300 c I W D II) z W rn 3 $ 1250 a 5 I w 3 OUTLET TEMPERATURE 8 INLET TEMPERATURE 1 1200 1200 13 0 0 4250 1350 P FUEL LINE TEMPERATURES OUTSIDE THERMAL SHIELD (OF) i. h Fig. K.1. Correlation Between F u e l L i n e Temperatures Measured Inside and Outside the Reactor Thermal Shield During Subcritical and Low-Power Experiments. F k ORNL-LR-DWG 6564 ?i t I I I w J Wn :z b z i 1200 I300 I400 1'500 1600 FUEL LINE TEMPERATURES OUTSIDE THERMAL SHIELD (OF) h k Fig. K.2. Correlation Between F u e l L i n e Temperatures Measured Inside and Outside the Reactor Thermal Shield During High-Power Experiments. ,r i .-lL ORNL-LR-DWG 6567 n i 1350 w I t v, A a I 1 i W I (300 P v, ! z In LY W 2+ 1250 W a. z kW k W z I 1200 8 1200 Fig. K.3. Correlation Between Fuel Temperature Differentials Measured Inside and Outside the Thermal Shield. ORNL-LR-DWG - LL I400 c ORNL-LR- 150 D W G 6568 lL e n n A A w r wI v) v) A i A a 4 I a (300 k- IO0 kI W P W v) kI W W v) P cc v) z k3 5 I350 Fig. K.5. Correlation Between Sodium L i n e Temperatures Measured Inside and Outside the Thermof Shield During High-Power Experiments. 6566 e E r I300 SODIUM LINE TEMPERATURES OUTSIDE THERMAL SHIELD (OF) FUEL LINE AT OUTSIDE THE THERMAL SHIELD (OF1 - 4350 1250 IC 1250 a a W + z W I 50 W I 6 2 _1 n a t v) 0 n 2 0 (200 1300 1350 I400 SODIUM LINE TEMPERATURES OUTSIDE THERMAL SHIELD (OF) (250 Fig. K.4. correlation Between Sodium L i n e Temperatures Measured Inside and Outside the Thermal Shield During Low-Power Experiments. - and K.3, both of which were obtained from data taken during operation at high (>200 kw) power, show the anomaly in question. The analogous data for the sodium system are It i s evident shown i n Figs. K.4, K.5, and K.6. from Fig. K.4 that an isothermal condition was never attained i n the sodium system, since both 0 0 50 IO0 (50 SODIUM LIME A T OUTSIDE THE THERMAL SHIELD (OF1 Fig. K.6. C o r b l a t i o n Between Sodium Temperature Differentials Measured Inside and Outside the Thermal Shield. the inlet and the outlet line temperature correlations have slopes of 1 but intercepts of -25 and -40°F, respectively. T h i s was probably the result of the long sodium i n l e t and outlet lines being used as a convenient means of adding heat to the system to maintain a thermal equilibrium i n the Good data for the high-power reactor of -130OOF. 181 a I h h 1 1 correlations, Figs. K.5 and K.6, were rather scarce, but the curves shown are believed to be reasonable approximations t o the actual correlation. The data i n Fig. K.6 have been corrected for known error in the temperature differential a t zero (or low) power. The correction, as applied, was t o reduce the value of the temperature differential determined from the thermocouples outside the thermal shield by 1OOF. A l l the correlations were based upon data which were obtained during runs long enough for the establishment of equi librium conditions i n the system or at times when isothermal conditions prevailed. The most important conclusion that can be made from these data i s that the temperature differentials across the reactor i n both the fuel and sodium systems were about a factor of 2 low. In the fuel system the outlet l i n e temperature changes read in the control room (inside pressure shell temperatures) were only one-half as great as the corresponding temperature changes read i n the T A B L E K.l. F U E L LINE T E M P E R A T U R E S MEASURED BY THERMOCOUPLES INSIDE A N D OUTSIDE T H E REACTOR THERMAL SHIELD F u e l Inlet L i n e Date Time E xper i me nt Temperatures (OF) (Line No. 2115 Before F u e l Outlet L i n e (OF) Temperatures 120) (Line 111) Temperature D i f f e r e n t i a l (OF)'= Control Roomb Basementn Control R o o m b 1290 1285 1290 1287 0 2 1293 1293 1296 1293 3 0 Basementn 10/26 basement (outside pressure shell temperatures). In the sodium system both outlet and i n l e t line temperature curves had different intercepts but the same slopes (as during the low-power runs). All temperature data used i n t h i s report that pertained to operation at high power were corrected t o agree with line temperatures obtained outside the thermal shield (basement readings) by using Data from runs made curves K.l through K.6. under isothermal or equilibrium conditions where equal temperature differencss were obtained on instruments either i n the control room or i n the basement needed no temperature corrections. The temperature correlation data from which the curves were obtained are presented i n Tables K.l and K.2. Because of the lack of coordination between the control room and basement operations during the experiment, much potentially useful data had t o be discarded because the exact times of the readings were not known or the data were taken before equilibrium conditions were established. Basement Control Room operation 10/27 0630 Before operation 11/4 1100 L- 1 1300 1299 1297 1295 -3 -4 11/6 0340 L-4 1305 1310 1304 1300 -1 -10 11/11 0300 H-11 1207 1212 1522 1418 315 206 1215 H-11 1210 1214 1524 1418 314 2 04 0001 H-13 1316 1308 1323 1308 7 0 0630 H-13 1315 1307 1320 1306 5 1003 H-14 1246d 1243 1587 1475 341 232 1264 1260 1260 1250 -4 -10 11/12 11/13 0915 After -1 operation 'Fuel line temperatures outside thermal shield. b F u e l line temperatures inside thermal shield. cThermocouple differences for no-power runs indicate extent of thermocouple errors (highest i s the accuracy of the readings. d E s t imated. 182 f l 0 d e g ) and therefore T A B L E K.2. ? SODIUM L I N E TEMPERATURES MEASURED BY THERMOCOUPLES INSIDE AND OUTSIDE THE REACTOR THERMAL SHIELD i ~~~~ Date Time Experiment Sodium I n l e t L i n e Sodium O u t l e t L i n e (OF) Temperatures (OF) Temperatures ~~ - Temperature Differential (OF) F(0. Basement Control Room Basement C o n t r o l Room Basement Control Room i 10/26 2115 J L Before 1305 1278 1320 1278 15 0 i operation 10/27 0630 Before 1312 1292 1325 1290 13 2 operation 11/4 1100 L-1 1320 1295 1330 1288 10 7 11/6 0400 L-4 1325 1300 1335 1295 10 5 11/11 0900 H-11 1223 1224 1332 1271 109 47 11/12 1003 H-14(1) 1246 1258 1369 1307 123 49 11/9 1907 H-3(7) 1313 1290 1373 1313 60 23 11/13 0915 1282 1258 1292 1252 10 -6 After operation 1 3 3 3 - 4 1 A i T h i s points out the need in future operations of the scale of the ARE for some sort o f timing device that would automatically stamp the date and time every few minutes on the charts o f a l l recording instruments, and a more systematic method of manually recording data for each experiment performed i n which conditions are held constant long enough for a l l pertinent data to be recorded. These and other similar recommendations w i l l be found in Chapter 7 of t h i s report. f E L POWER DETERMINATION FROM HEAT EXTRACTION Appendix The power level o f the reactor was determined from the total heat extracted by the fuel and the sodium, Data for the heat extraction determination were obtained from continuous records of the reactor fuel inlet, outlet, and mean temperatures, the temperature differential across the reactor, and the flow rates o f the fuel and the sodium. The flow rates could also be calculated from the pump speed, and there was independent experimental evidence from which a plot of speed v s flow rate was obtained. The power level of the reactor was calculated by use of heat capacities, flow rates, and temperature differentials for both sodium and fuel. It was found that the fuel and the sodium accounted for 99% of the extraction of power generated i n the reactor, The data referred to above were a l l obtainable i n the control room. The controls for preheating and maintaining heat on the system were located i n the basement, and along with these controls were temperature recorders and indicators for the whole system, exclusive of the reactor, The temperatures o f both fuel and sodium lines to and from the reactor were also recorded i n the basement. These basement data were used for a separate power extraction determination. An independent source of power level information was also available, since the fuel and sodium were cooled by a helium stream flowing over a heat exchanger and the helium in turn was cooled by a No flow or temhelium-to-water heat exchanger. perature measurements were made of the helium, but since the water exchangers were very close t o the fuel or the sodium exchangers, a l l the heat that was taken out of the fuel and sodium should have appeared i n the water. The water flow through these exchangers was metered by orifice-type flowmeters, and the outlet temperatures were measured by thermocouples i n wells. The fuel loop exchangers and the two sodium loop exchangers were metered separately. Up to the time of the 25-hr xenon run the reactor was operated a t high power for very short periods o f time, and the extracted power was determined from the control room data. During the 25-hr xenon run a comparison was made of the extracted power determined from the control room data, that determined from the basement data, and that from Large discrepancies the water data (Table L.l). 184 3 were found, and the indications were that the control room data were low. The disagreement o f the various data led t o the examination of the i n l e t and outlet l i n e temperatures, as described i n Appendix K. During the xenon run the fuel outlet l i n e temperatures were about 100°F higher than the fuel outlet manifold temperatures (control room data), and the fuel inlet line temperatures (basement data) were essentially the same as the fuel i n l e t manifold temperatures (control room data). The sodium outlet line temperature (basement data) was 6OoF higher than the sodium outlet temperature a t the reactor (control room data). (The only check on power extraction by the rod cooling system, which was only 1% of total power, was the water data for the rod cooling helium-to-water heat exchanger. In most discussions t h i s 1% i s neglected.) The power extracted i n both the fuel and the sodium systems has been calculated by using temperature data from several experiments, and the There were results are presented i n Table L.2. three separate measurements of the fuel temperature differential available i n the control room which were usually i n fair agreement, The largest discrepancy was, as mentioned, between the control room data and the basement data, The temperature differential obtained from the basement data was an average result from a number o f l i n e thermocouples, while the control room data came from thermocouples located on the fuel headers inside the reactor thermal shield. The so-called secondary heat balance was obtained by determining the heat dumped by the water from the various heat exchangers. These data are tabulated i n Table L.3 for the high-power experiments. The various estimates of reactor power from both primary and secondary heat extraction are then listed i n Table L.4, together w i t h the power estimated from the calibration of the nuclear instruments, that is, the log N recorder and the micromicroammeter. These latter instruments were normalized to agree w i t h the primary extracted power as determined by the l i n e temperature (basement data) during the xenon experiment (H-11). Equilibrium conditions were certainly attained during t h i s 25-hr experiment and such error as there may be i n using these data as the criteria for b . f P b - i t. t i i L Ir b 4 k c E b L _rr 4 3 d TABLE L.l. i COMPARISON OF POWER EXTRACTION DETERMlNATlONS MADE FROM DATA OBTAINED DURING 25-hr XENON RUN Temperatures 4 a f ‘ e F) Flow Power Extracted (gpm) (Mw) Inlet Outlet AT 1212 1209 1418 1522 206 313 44 44 1.02 1.52 1225 1226 1271 1335 46 109 153 153 0.244 0.577 T o t a l Power‘ Extracted (Mw) F u e l System Control room data Basement dato Sodium System Control room data Basement data d Total Power Control room data 1.28 2.12 Basement data Water Data 61 61 I n fuel loop In sodium loop 56 53 117 114b 205 38.36 1.68 0.588= 2.28 T o t a l Power from Water D a t a ‘Includes J i -1% for rod cooling. bAverage for both loops. ‘-Sum of both loops. TABLE L.2. PRIMARY POWER EXTRACTION 4 153 1 44% 40 33.5 0.196 0.163 0 0.199 # 2 44% 66 52 0.323 0.254 0 0.308 4 3 44% 115 116 0.562 0.567 0 4 44% 120 114 124 0.588 0.560 0.606 153 14 5 44b 230 231 239 1.128 1.129 1.17 153 10.5 0.0548 6 44$ 237 234 243 1.16 1.145 7 44$ 13 19 20 H-6 44$ 236 240 245 H-8 45 266 225 H-ll 44 206 213 182 245 H-3 .i H-13 44 H-14 45 21 1 0.584 0.0734 0.678 1.19 152 IO 0.0523 1.24 0.0653 0.0946 0.0975 152 22 0.115 0.221 1.158 1.175 1.198 152 1.31 1.111 0.984 1.017 IO 0.900 1.018 198 0.970 45 0.236 1.23 138 0.677 60 0.315 1.012 1.21 0.0182 1.22 320 1.572 153 21 0.110 1.34 293 1.452 153 46.4 0.244 1.27 313 1.520 0.0757 312 1.530 19 0.099 1.65 1.45 355 1.760 127 0.667 2.45 0.0484 153 1.212 153 3.5 1.4 0.0073 50 0.262 75 0.394 1.87 0.577 2.12 110 185 TABLE L.3. SECONDARY POWER EXTRACTION No. 2 Sodium Heot Exchanger No. 1 Sodium Heat Exchanger Fuel Heat Exchanger Rod-Cooling Heat Exchanger Run H-3‘ 1 204 13 0.389 38.4 0 0 38.4 0 0 17.3 3 0.0076 0.397 2 204 13 0.389 38.4 0 0 38.4 0 0 17.3 3 0.0076 0.397 0 38.4 0 0 17.3 3 0.0076 0.905 3 204 30 0.897 38.4 0 4 204 29 0.866 38.4 26 0.146 38.4 21 0.1188 17.3 3 0.0076 1 .14 5 204 59 1.765 38.4 26 0.146 38.4 25 0.141 17.3 3 0.0076 2.06 6 204 59 1.765 38.4 27 0.152 38.4 24 0.135 17.3 3 0.0076 2.06 7 204 3 0.0903 38.4 26 0.146 38.4 25 0.141 17.3 2 0.0051 0.382 1.901 38.0 37 0.207 38.4 40 0.226 17.3 3 0.0076 2.34 0.228 17.6 2 0.0052 2.28 0.0056 17.1 0.316 16.9 6 0.0150 2.53 H-6 204 H-8 206 63 H-11 205 56 1.685 38.2 55 0.300 38.4 51 H-13 205 3 0.0902 38 10 0.0561 38.4 1 H-14 204 63 1.883 38 57 0.318 38.4 56 T A B L E L.4. Primary Power (Mw) Experiment Run No. N 0. N Secondary Basement Control Room D a t a p A ~ p~ Micromicroammeter ~ VAT Water H e a t Exchanger, ‘av pB pW ~ 1 0.449 0.425 0.216 0.183 0.199 0.3966 2 0.449 0.463 0.343 0.274 0.308 0.3966 3 0.848 0.910 0.582 0.587 0.584 0.9046 4 0.923 0.988 0.681 0.653 0.699 0.678 5 2.47 2.05 1.20 1.20 1.24 1.21 6 2.12 2.34 1.23 1.22 1.26 1.24 7 0.281 0.288 0.200 0.230 0.232 0.221 H-6 2.21 2.16 1.20 1.21 1.25 1.22 H-8 2.12 2.38 1.44 1.24 1.34 1.87 2.342 1.28 1.27 2.12 2.278 H-3 H-11 2.12 2.12 H-13 0.125 0.151 H-14 2.41 2.53 P P o w e r (Mw); (Mw) Log - 1 REACTOR POWER SUMMARY N u c l e a r Power 1.25 1.28 0.0757 1.42 amount of extracted power i s conservative, since the water heat balance at the same time showed the power to be 7% higher. T h e sources of error in the various measurements of extracted power were associated with the tem- 186 Total Extracted Power Exwrirnent 1.45 1.23 2.0596 1.012 2.0596 0.3824 1.93 0.1562 0.0757 1.43 1.1384 2.45 2.53 perature measurements on the fuel and sodium lines a t the reactor, which gave the reactor AT. These thermocouples were unique in several respects; t h a t is, they were located within the reactor thermal shield; they were exposed to the reactor pressure i i i shell; they were exposed to high nuclear radiation fluxes, etc. These unique aspects immediately suggest several possible explanations for the erroneous temperature measurements. However, upon further examination, each of these aspects, w i t h the dubious exception of nuclear radiation, has been shown t o be incapable of producing the observed anomaly. f i 1 i The control and shim rods and the fission chambers were cooled by forced helium circulation i n the rod-cooling system. Part of the helium that was blown down through the rod tubes was deflected back up across the outlet manifold and between the pressure shell and the thermal shield. While i t w a s thought that perhaps this was cooling the fuel outlet manifold thermocouples and making them read low, this was disproved when changing the speed of the blower or stopping it had no effect on the fuel outlet temperature. It was thought that possibly the heat radiation from the fuel outlet manifold to the colder bottom o f the pressure shell was great enough to actually lower the manifold w a l l temperatures 100°F below the fluid temperature. T h i s has been disproved by heat transfer calculations. I t was also thought that since the outlet fuel lines passed through the 2-in. plenum chamber that the resulting surface cooling of the fuel might account for the lower wal I temperatures, although the mixed mean fuel temperature was considerably higher. T h i s was also disproved when no increase i n w a l l temperature was observed for thermocouples w i t h i n the thermal shield but located progressively farther away from the pressure shell bottom. I t i s of interest that after the final shutdown o f the reactor, the fuel outlet line and fuel outlet manifold temperatures agreed; i n other words, w i t h no power generation the basement data and control room data agreed. f 4 187 i. I t Appendix f t M t THERMODYNAMIC ANALYSES Some two years before the Aircraft Reactor Experiment was placed in operation a comprehensive report was written on the “Thermodynamic and Heat Transfer Analysis o f the Aircraft Reactor Experiment.”’ Not only was the design of the reactor system based, in part, on the studies culminating in that report, but the material therein served as a guide during the acceptance test o f the experiment. Therefore a comparison of the calculated and the actual thermodynamic performance of the reactor system was attempted, It soon became apparent that the experimental data o f the type needed for thermodynamic analyses were inadequate to permit a meaningful comparison with any of the calculated situations. Perhaps the most valid comparison may be made between the calculated insulation losses, the heater power input a t equilibrium, and the heat removed by the space coolers. Even here the agreement i s less An illustration of the inefficacy o f than 50%. attempting to calculate such thermodynamic constants as the heat transfer coefficients of the fuel and the sodium i s presented below. and not the actual insulation which had cracks, clips, etc, Second, the electrical heat load was high, since it did not allow for transformer, variac, and l i n e losses. Also, the space cooler heat load may not have represented an equilibrium condition if the p i t walls were s t i l l heating up and/or radiating heat, i e, k .- c- t k EXPERIMENTAL VALUES O F HEAT TRANSFER C O E F F I C I E N T S ~ 6 f A n attempt was made tocalculate both the sodium and the fuel heat transfer coefficients from the measured values o f temperatures and flows in the various heat transfer media, that is, fuel, sodium, helium, water, These data are given i n Table M.1 for a typical operating condition. The desired heat transfer coefficient should be determinable from the calculated values o f the various thermal resistances i n the heat exchangers. T o obtain the thermal resistance on the fuel side or the sodium side o f the respective heat exchangers, the helium side and metal resistances had t o be subtracted from the over-all resistance. The expression for the over-all resistance i s I N S U L A T I O N LOSSES, H E A T E R POWER I N P U T , A N D S P A C E COOLER PERFORMANCE A t equilibrium the electrical heat required t o maintain the system a t a mean temperature o f 1325OF should have been equivalent t o the heat removed i n the eight p i t space coolers. The maximum amount of heat ever removed by the space coolers was the250 kw attained with 66.5-gpm-total water flow with a temperature rise of 3OOF. AIthough this value agrees very well with calculated’ heat loss of 220 kw for the entire system (the reported value of 240 kw was calculated for an earlier design system and was reduced by about 20 kw for the actual system), the actual electrical power input t o the heaters averaged around 375 kw after the system reached equilibrium. There are several possible explanations for the discrepancies between the calculated heat loss, the electrical power input, and the heat removed by the space coolers. First, the calculated loss was low because it assumed idealized conditions . ’ B. Lubarsky and B. L. Greenstreet, Thermodynamic and Heat Transfer Analysis of the Aircraft Reactor E x periment, ORNL-1535 (Aug. 10, 1953). 188 where U = over-all heat transfer coefficient, A = area across which heat i s transferred, L e#i? q = rate of heat transfer, AT = over-all temperature difference. p A knowledge o f the i n l e t and outlet temperatures on the helium side of the heat exchanger i s required by the above expression, and lack o f t h i s information immediately introduces a large unOf greater importance, certainty i n the results. however, i s the relative magnitude of the resistances involved. The calculated r a t i o for the fuelto-helium exchanger i s c: * RHe -= 10.3 , Rf where R H e i s the resistance on the helium side r i b t orL 2H. H. Hoffman, P h y s i c a l Properties Group, Reactor E x per irnen to I Engineering D i v i si on. EXPERIMENTAL HEAT TRANSFER DATA IN F U E L AND SODIUM LOOPS TABLE M.1. Primary Coolant Helium Temperature Flow s' 4 Water Temperature Flow* (OF) (cfm) (gpm) (OF) Temperature Flow (OF) (gpd Inlet Outlet 44 (?5%) 1209 f 10 1522 ? 10 8000 (f30%) No data 194 (*5%) 61 f2 117 k 2 152 ( f l % ) 1225 f 10 1335 f 10 1700 (f20%) No data 76.6 ( k l % ) 61 f 2 114 f 2 . Inlet Outlet Inlet Outlet 4 F u e l loop i Sodium loop ~ * E s t i mate d . and R i s the resistance on the fuel side, and for f the sodium-to-helium exchanger i s -- He - 65 RNa The liquid-side resistance i s . where R m i s the w a l l resistance, Hence, the liquid-side thermal resistance i s the small difference between two much larger numbers. A small error i n R T or R H O i s greatly magnified in R l . Unfortunately, the error i n R H O i s not small, being perhaps as great as 60%. Thus, except for over-all heat balances, l i t t l e useful heat transfer information can be extracted from the available data on the ARE heat exchangers. Appendix COMPARISON N OF REACTOR POWER DETERMINATIONS W. K. Ergen In order to get an estimate of the reactor power and t o be able to calibrate the instruments, the ARE was run for 1 hr a t a power which was e s t i mated, a t the time, to be 10 watts (exp. L-4). A sample of the fuel was then withdrawn and the gamma activity was compared with that of a sample which had been irradiated at a known power level in the Bulk Shielding Reactor (BSR). This method o f power determination i s discussed i n Appendix H. A curve showing the gamma counting rate of a BSR-irradiated sample as a function of time after shutdown had been obtained. The irradiation time was 1 hr a t a constant power of 1 w. From this curve a decay curve corresponding to the actual power history of the ARE was synthesized by taking into account not only the “10-watt” run, but also the previous lower power operation. When this synthetic curve was compared with the one obtained from measurements on the ARE sample, the shapes of the curves did not agree, the ARE curve having a smaller slope than the synthetic curve, Also, the power determiped by t h i s method was lower than the power ultimately determined by- the heat balance. Both th9se effects can be explained i n a qualitative manner by the loss of some of the radioactive fission fragments from the ARE sample. This would reduce the total radioactivity of the sample and hence the apparent power level. Furthermore, the loss of radioactive fission fragments would reduce the counting rate a t short times after irradiation more than a t long times, because among the most volatile fission fragments are the strong gamma emitters that have relatively short half 1 ives (notably, 2.77-hr Kr88). T h i s would flatten the slope of the decay curve o f the ARE sample. It has not been possible so far t o treat t h i s matter i n a quantitative way, but i n order to eliminate some computational complications a sample was irradiated i n the BSR under conditions exactly duplicating the power history of the ARE, except for a proportionality factor. A comparison of the decay curve of this sample and that of the ARE sample is shown in Fig. N.1. The BSR sample contained 0.1166 g of U235; the fission cross section at the temperature of the BSR i s 509 barns. The BSR power at the final 1-hr irradiation was ’ 10 w, corresponding t o a flux2 of 1 . 7 ~l o 8 n/cm2-sec, and a self-shielding factor, estimated t o be 0.8, had to be applied t o this sample. Hence, during the 1-hr irradiation there were 0.1166 g x 0.6 x atoms/g-atom x 509 fissions/(atoms*n/cm2) x 1.7 x x 108 n/cm2.sec x 0.8/235 g/g-atom = . 20.6 x I O 6 fissions/sec The ARE sample contained 0.1177 g o f U235and the total U 2 3 5 i n the ARE a t the time o f the run The reactor power, as determined was 59.1 kg. later by the heat balance, was actually 27 w, instead of the expected 10 w. Hence there were 27 w x 3.1 x 10” fissions/w.sec : c t x 0.1177 g 59,100 g = 1.66 x l o 6 fissions/sec in the ARE sample. The r a t i o of the radioactivities of the BSR sample and the ARE sample should thus have been 20.6/1.66 = 12.4. As may be seen from Fig. N.1, the measured ratio i s 27 a t 1 hr 40 min, and 17.5 a t 38% hr. As pointed out above, the discrepancy can be explained by the loss of radioactive fission fragments from the ARE sample. A small amount of the radioactivity o f either sample was contributed by the capsule and the fuel carrier, especially the sodium content of the carrier. This was measured by irradiating a nonuranium-bearing capsule with carrier, and countIng i t s radioactivity. However, since this correction proved to be small and since both samples contained about the same amount o f uranium i n the same amount of carrier, the results would not be appreciably affected. P li i% k 1 ! - a ’ J . L. M e e m , L. 6. H o l l a n d , a n d G. M. M c C a m m o n , Determination of the Power o / the sulk Shielding R e actor, Part 111. Measurement o/ the Energy Released per Fission, ORNL-1537 (Feb. 15, 1954). 2 E . 8. J o h n s o n , b private c o m m u n i c a t i o n . 190 f I 4 In d t 0 In rn L .c B 3 Z In- N II> I m w K 4 "o Ew In c Q In 0 Appendix 0 ANALYSIS 0 F TEMP ERATUR E COE F FICI ENT MEASUREMENTS IMPORTANCE OF T H E F U E L TEMPERATURE COE F F l C l E N T One of the most desirable features o f a circulating-fuel reactor i s i t s inherent s t a b i l i t y because of the strong negative temperature coefficient of reactivity. T h i s was conclusively demonstrated by the ARE. It had been predicted, on the basis of the temperature dependence of the density, which was p (g/cm3) 3.98 = - 0.00093T (OF) for the final fuel concentration i n the reactor, that the A R E fuel would have a negative temperature coefficient o f sizable magnitude. A t the operating temperature of 13OOOF the fuel density was 3.33 g/cm3. The resulting mass reactivity coefficient was (AM/M)PF = - 0.00052 3.33 = -1.56 x 10'4PF , and, for Ak/k = 0.236 AM/M, the predicted temperature coefficient that would result from the changing density of the fuel alone was (Ak/k)/'F = -3.68 x 10-5/0F . Actually, as was stated i n the body of t h i s report (cf., Fig. 6.4), the fuel temperature coefficient was loop helium blower speed was increased there was always a sudden marked increase in reactivity. I n attempting to determine t h i s instantaneous temperature coefficient by observing the rod movement by the servo as a function of the fuel temperature, values of the fuel temperature coefficient of a could be magnitude much larger than -9.8 x obtained. The change i n the apparent temperature coeff i c i e n t as a function of time during experiment H-4 i s shown i n Fig. 0.1. The time intervals chosen were of 15-sec duration. The apparent peak temperature coefficient o f r e a c t i v i t y was i n excess of -3.5 x (Ak/k)/OF, and after 5 min the coefficient leveled out t o a value of about -6 x loa5. A more complete discussion of t h i s experiment i s given below i n the section on "High-Power Measurements of Temperature Coefficients of Reactivity," i n which the time lag of the thermocouples i s taken into account. Two coefficients were obtained: an i n i t i a l fuel temperature coefficient and an over-all coefficient, which was the asymptotic given by Fig. 0.1. value (-6 x The effect shown i n Fig. 0.1 was due partly t o geometrical considerations. By reference to Figs. 2.2 and 2.3, i t can be seen that as the fuel entered the reactor i t passed through the tubes closest to -9.8 10-~PF. A s long as the over-all temperature coefficient o f a reactor i s negative, the reactor w i l l be a slave t o the load demand. However, the fuel temperature coefficient was the important factor for reactor control i n the ARE because i t took a significant time for the bulk of the material of the reactor to change temperature and, therefore, for the over-al I caefficient to be felt. In experiment H-5 (cf., Fig. 6.4), it was found that the fuel temperature coefficient predominated for 6 min. E F F E C T O F GEOMETRY I N T H E ARE When the reactor was allowed t o heat up by nuclear power, as i n experiment H-5, the measurements o f the temperature coefficient were quite definitive. The experiments i n which the heat extraction by the helium blower was suddenly increased, i.e., experiments E-2, L-8, and H-4, did not give clear-cut results. I n fact, it was noticed throughout the operation that whenever the fuel 192 2122 2123 2124 2125 2426 TIME OF DAY, NOV. 9, 1 9 5 4 Fig. 0.1. Variation i n Apparent Temperature Experiment Coefficient of R e a c t i v i t y w i t h Time. H-4. 1 - i 1 1 J 1 the center where the reactivity effect was greatest. With a sudden increase i n heat extraction, a slug of cooled fuel i n i t i a l l y entered the center of the core and caused a large reactivity change. Since the mean reactor temperature was the average temperature of a l l the fuel tubes, a comparison of the i n i t i a l rate of rod insertion by the servo with the i n i t i a l rate of change of the mean reactor temperature could give an apparent temperature coefficient much larger than i t s actual value. For example, i n experiment L-8 (cf., Figs. 5.13 and 5.14) a comparison of the slopes of the rod position curve and the mean temperature curve near the beginning of the run was made. If it i s assumed that the temperature response of the thermocouples lagged behind the response o f the regulating rod movement, it i s interesting t o compare the points of steepest slope for the two curves. By using the slope from Fig. 5.13 at time 0218:30, and the slope from the mean temperature curve (Fig. 5.14) a t 0220, a temperature coefficient of -1.6 x ( A k / k ) P F i s obtained, as opposed to the actual A fuel temperature coefficient of -9.8 x detailed discussion of t h i s experiment i s given i n the section on “Low-Power Measurements o f This Temperature Coefficients of Reactivity.” effect was characteristic of the geometry of the ARE but not necessarily of circulating-fuel reactors in general. TIME L A G CONSIDERATIONS i A s mentioned above and i n the “Reactor Kinetics” section of Chapter 6, one of the most consistently noted phenomena of the ARE operation was the time lag i n reactor temperature response during every phase of the experiment. These time lag effects can be partly explained by the geometry effect just described; and, i n this sense, the time lag i s not a true time lag but only an apparent lag due to the differences in location and response of the thermocouples and the neutron detectors (and, 1 hence, regulating rod movements ). Other possible causes for the time lags were the fuel transit time around the system, the heat transfer phenomenon within the reactor, the design and location of thermocouples, and a mass-temperature inertia effect. These effects were a l l discussed briefly i n the section on “Reactor Kinetics,” Chapter 6. i ’ T h e regulating rod was controlled mechanism which received i t s error neutron detector (cf., App. C). b y a flux servo signal from o Whether or not the time lag was a l l or partly real i s academic. The fact that it did give an observed effect during many phases of the ARE operation made i t mandatory to take the lag into account in interpreting much of the data. The manner i n which this was actually done was t o assume that the response of the thermocouples lagged behind the nuclear response of the reactor (by as much as 2 4 min for low-power operation and by about 1 min during the high-power regime) in those experiments i n which the equilibrium between the reactor and i t s load was upset (i.e., rapid fuel cooling rates). The thermocouple readings were then “moved up” by that amount, and the new readings were compared with the appropriate nuclear instrument observation. For those experiments i n which equilibrium prevailed, but i n which cooling was taking place, it was only necessary t o correct for temperature readings (cf., app. K). The temperature coefficient measurements were probably more affected by the temperature-time lags than any other single type o f measurement made on the ARE, mainly because of the short duration o f the experiments and their great dependence on time correlations (for example, correlations between regulating rod motion and mean temperature changes). The results of temperature coefficient measurements which contained time lag corrections were not included i n the main body o f the report because such corrections needed to be discussed i n detail inappropriate to the context of the report. These experiments are described i n the following sections of this appendix. SUBCRITICAL MEASUREMENT OF TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT The subcritical measurement o f the temperature coefficient (exp. E-2) was described i n Chapter 4. Briefly, the procedure followed was t o cool the fuel by raising the heat barriers on the fuel heat exchangers, turning on the fuel helium blowers, and then observing the increase in multiplication w i t h the two fission chambers and the BF3 counter. The BF, counting rate was so low that the stat i s t i c s were poor; therefore, the fission chamber data had to be used. The subcritical multiplication o f the fission chambers was then subject t o the I n this phenomenon discussed i n Appendix E. experiment the cooling was rapid and equilibrium conditions were not attained. Consequently, i n order to find a value o f the temperature coefficient from these measurements, i t was necessary t o 193 f eB k apply three corrections: a correction for the fission chamber multiplication error, a time lag correction, and a temperature correction of control room observed temperatures (app. K). Throughout the subcritical experiments ample data were taken simultaneously on the BF, counter and the two fission chambers for a correlation p l o t between the counting rates of the BF, counter and the fission chamber to be easily obtained, as shown i n Fig. 0.2. A plot o f the raw data obtained from the fission chambers before corrections were applied i s shown i n Fig. 0.3,2 which shows the counting rates of the chambers plotted as a function o f the reactor mean temperature. The hysteresis effect i s the result of the time lag. The progress o f the experiment can be read from the curves by starting on the right side at 1004 and proceeding counterclockwise around the loops. The fuel blower was turned on at 1004 and allowed to cool t h e fuel for 5 min, after which the blower was turned off and the system then slowly returned t o i t s i n i t i a l condition. The f i s s i o n chamber counting rates increased while the blower was on and decreased after the blower was turned o f f again i n immediate response t o the cooling. The reactor mean temperature change, on the other hand, lagged behind both when the blower was turned on and when i t was turned off. The blower was turned off shortly after 1009, but even though the counting rate started to decrease immediately, the reactor mean temperature continued to fa1 I for approximately 2Y2 min before it began t o show a warming trend. Undoubtedly the fuel temperature did actually follow closely the changes introduced by the blower (otherwise the counting rate changes would not have been observed as promptly as they were), but because of the various effects noted in t h i s appendix and i n the "Reactor Kinetics" section of Chapter 4 the thermocouples were slow i n responding. If the thermocouples had shown instant response there would have been no hysteresis effect observed, and the p l o t of k vs mean temperature would have been a straight l i n e with a negat i v e slope proportional to the temperature coefficient. The p l o t of k v s mean temperature was obtained by applying the three corrections noted above i n 2 T h i s plot i s a c t u a l l y a cross plot of the curves o f Fig. 4.5, which show both the counting rate and reoctor mean temperature plotted as a function of time. 194 the following way. The f i r s t correction was applied t by changing the fission chamber data to BF, counter data by using the curves of Fig. 0.2. The resulting points obtained from each fission chamber were averaged and then plotted on a time scale along with the reactor mean temperature t o produce a p l o t similar to the curves of Fig. 4.5. The maximum of the counting rate curve and the minimum of the temperature curve were then matched up (the 1 temperature curve was effectively moved up 2/2 min i n time), and new temperatures were read from the temperature curve corresponding to the time that the counts were taken. From the counting (1/M) was rates the multiplication factor k = 1 determined for each point, and then a p l o t of k as a function of mean temperature was drawn up, as shown i n Fig. 0.4. A straight l i n e could reasonably be drawn through the points. The third and final correction to be applied to the mean temperature was obtained from Appendix K. Since t h i s experiment was one i n which the fuel was cooled rapidly and equilibrium conditions were not met, the curves of Fig. K.2 are applicable. From Fig. K.2 it can be shown that a change of 1°F in the true mean temperature corresponds to a change of 1.40"F i n the mean temperature read from the control room instruments. Thus the mean temperature change observed had to be increased by a factor of 1.4. A measurement of the slope o f the curve of Fig. 0 . 4 gives a ( A k / k ) / A T of 1.65 x The average k over the p l o t i s 0.922. By applying the factor 1.4 to the observed mean temperature change, the fuel temperature coefficient was calculated t o be - a= (Ak/k)/AT = -1.65 10-4 0.922 x 1.4 = -1.28 lo-* = -(1.28 5 0.24) x L, L t L I f . T h i s value i s about 30% higher than that given by the results of experiment H-5, but i t i s i n fair agreement i n consideration of a l l the necessary corrections. A consideration o f the errors involved showed that the maximum error was of the order of Therefore, magnitude o f 2.4 x lo-? a L . If the lower l i m i t of t h i s value i s taken, the agreement between t h i s value and the accepted value i s fairly good. T h i s experiment did not y i e l d an over-a I I temperature coefficient. Ei t C L . ! 4 E o4 9" 5 i 2 : 4 o3 a 5 -" j' P + c 3 5 2 W t (L z 53 8 40' W (L m $ I 5 0 z 0 v) v, U. 2 5 2 i , 4 2 5 40 BF, Fig, 0.2. 2 5 4 0' 2 5 CHAMBER COUNTING RATE (countslsec) Correlation Between the Counting Rates of the BF, Counter and the Two F i s s i o n Chambers. ORNL-LR- DWG 38848 8OC 550 t \, 790 4007 i 540 I L 78C 530 770 520 I L F 0) 0 -5 + c al 0 5+ 5 " 5iO 760 0 N z 0 a: z W m Y r W 500 750 a $ 0 I z 2 0 z v) 9 L? m LL I? LI $ - I 0 I 740 490 730 400 720 470 . * i 740 700 4240 4250 4260 4270 4280 4290 T 4300 460 450 4340 REACTOR M E A N T E M P E R A T U R E (OF) Subcritical Measurement of Temperature Coefficient of R e a c t i v i t y (Uncorrected F i s s i o n Fig. 0.3. Chamber Data). 196 L t ORNL-LR-DWG 0 927 65 0 926 The low-power measurements o f the temperature coefficients of reactivity were similar t o the subc r i t i c a l measurements, except that w i t h the reactor c r i t i c a l and on servo a t 1-w power, r e a c t i v i t y introduced by cooling the fuel was observed by a change in the regulating rod position. The experiment i s described i n Chapter 5. 0 925 0 924 A s shown i n Fig. 0.5, which i s a p l o t of the regulating rod position vs the observed mean temperature during the experiment, a hysteresis phenomenon was obtained. It i s significant that no time lags needed to be taken into account i n the interpretation of this data, because the experiment proceeded slowly enough for equilibrium conditions to prevail. However, since t h i s was a cooling experiment, a temperature correction had t o be applied. Cooling took place along the lower half of the figure and heating occurred along the upper portion. Each of the curves had an i n i t i a l steep slope corresponding t o an i n i t i a l fuel temperature coefficient and a l e s s steep slope from which an over-all r e a c t i v i t y coefficient was found. 0 923 k 0922 0 921 0 920 0 919 I 0 918 I 09f7 1230 LOW-POWER MEASUREMENTS O F TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENTS O F REACTIVITY After correction for the mean temperature read1240 I250 1260 I270 I280 1290 1300 REACTOR MEAN TEMPERATURE (OF) 1 I J R e a c t i v i t y as a Function of Reactor Fig. 0.4. Mean Temperature as Determined from the Subc r i t i c a l Temperature Coefficient Measurement. Experiment E-2. ings, the average of the two i n i t i a l slopes gave a fuel temperature coefficient of reactivity of -9.9 x lo-', and the other slopes gave an average over-all reactivity coefficient of about -5.8 x These values agree well w i t h the accepted values and -6.1 x lo-' for the fuel and of -9.8 x lo" over-a1 I temperature coefficients o f reactivity, respectively. 197 P 4 ORNL-LR-DWG 25 6573 1 EFFECT h 20 1 REACTOR BEING COOLED D REACTOR HEATIF -._ C -z 45 0 c cn a a 0 0- 0 E W zt- Q /I _J 3 W E 40 7 J' / 7 T E M P E R ATUR E COE F F I FOR CURVE 4 , - 9 4 6 ) FOR CURVE 2, -5.70 x FOR CURVE 3, -40.4 x FOR CURVE 4, -5.84 x 5 A V E R A G E CURVES i AND 3,-9.9 AVERAGE CURVES 2 AND4,-5.75 ~ x ~ O - ~ 0 1230 4240 Fig. 0.5. Regulating Experiment L-5. 198 1250 1260 i2 7 0 4280 4290 REACTOR M E A N F U E L TEMPERATURE ( O F ) Rod Position a s ai *unction 1300 13.10 1320 I of Observed Reactor Mean Temperature During r i f i HIGH-POWER M E A S U R E M E N T S OF TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENTS OF REACTIVITY i 1 t I 1 i 4 . During the high-power operations an experiment was conducted at a power of 100 k w which was similar to the low-power experiment just described. The fuel helium blower was turned on w i t h the reactor on servo, and the fuel was cooled. However, the action took place so rapidly that a l - m i n time lag3 of the fuel mean temperature had to be accounted for in plotting the data i n addition to the temperature correction. Figure 0.6, i n which the regulating rod movement i s plotted as a function o f the mean fuel temperature, shows the experimental measurements. Two d i s t i n c t slopes were observed that corresponded to an i n i t i a l fuel temperature coefficient and t o an over-a1 I temperature coefficient of reactivity. From the steep slope (curve No. 1) a fuel temper(AK/k)/OF was ature coefficient of -1.17 x obtained, and from the other slope an over-all coef( A k / k ) P F was found. These f i c i e n t of -5.9 x two values are i n fair agreement w i t h the accepted and -6.1 x for these values of -9.8 x coefficients. high power operation were observed to be shorter than those at low or no power. F o r a discussion, see Chapter 4. 'Time l a g s at __ 20 ORNL-LR-DWG-6574 I 1 , i I (5 i - It 1 -2 z 0 L < t u) 0 n 10 $ 0 z i 4 J 0 n 5 ATURE 1.17 FOR CURVE 2, 5.9 1 0 1240 iNT FOR CURVE I, i I 1250 1260 I270 1280 1290 1300 1310 1320 REACTOR MEAN FUEL TEMPERATURE 1°F) F i g . 0.6. Regulating Rod P o s i t i o n a s a Function of Reactor Mean F u e l Temperature for Experiment H-4. 199 P Appendix P THEORETICAL XENON POISONING The xenon poisoning which existed i n the ARE was determined experimentally to be an almost negligible amount, It was therefore o f interest to compute the amount o f such poisoning that would have been present i f no xenon had been l o s t due to off-gassing o f the fuel so that a measure o f the effectiveness o f the off-gassing process could be obtained. The poisoning by Xe135, when the xenon content has reached equilibrium, i s given by' 4 P o = Q2(Yl (1) + I;( increasing neutron energy, R. R. Bate, R. R. Coveyou, and R. W. Osborn investigated the neutron energy distribution in an absorbing i n f i n i t e moderator b y using the Monte Carlo method and the Oracle. B y assuming a constant scattering cross section and a constant l / v absorption cross section, they found that the neutron energy d i s t r i bution i s well represented by a Maxwellion d i s t r i bution corresponding t o an effective temperature, T e , provided 12 y y 2 ) $0 K = I - P o = the ratio o f the number o f thermal neutrons adsorbed i n the xenon to those adsorbed i n the fuel, c2 = microscopic xenon cross section for t hermal -neutron absorption, (y, + yz) = the total fractional yield o f Xe13' from fission, both from iodine decay and direct Xe formation = 0.059, A, = the decay constant for Xe135 = 2.1 x I ~ - ~ / s e c , XJru = the r a t i o of the macroscopic thermal- neutron cross section for fission t o that for absorption, for U235 Z f / c u = 0.84, +o = the average thermal-neutron flux i n the fuel (since the entire fuel volume, 5.33 ft3, i s equally exposed to t h i s flux, although there i s only 1.37 ft3 o f fuel i n the core a t one time, the average flux in the fuel i s 1.37h.33 or 0.26 times the average flux i n the reactor, which i s 0.7 x 10'~). The Xe135 absorption cross section, c2, i s smaller i n the ARE than a t room temperature, because the average neutron energy i n the ARE exceeds the average neutron energy corresponding to room temperature and because the Xe135 absorption cross section drops o f f rapidly w i t h 'S. Glasstone and M. C. Edlund, The E l e m e n f s o/ Nuclear Reactor Theory, D. V a n Nostrand Co., Inc., N e w York (1952). p 333, 11.57.2. 200 i k . ! t a 2 &a -< (A2 + ff2950) where - , 0.06 P 2s where the mocroscopi c absorption cross section Za i s measured a t the moderator temperature and i s the macroscopic scattering cross section. The effective temperature Zs Te = + T,(1 UAK) 5.5 x Beryl I i um 5.5 x "235 7.8 k I , where T m i s the moderator temperature, a i s a constant approximately equal to 0.9, and A i s the atomic weight o f the moderator. The present state of the theory does not permit consideration of the inhomogeneous distribution o f the various constituents o f the ARE core, and therefore the main constituents were considered to be evenly distributed over the core, The nuclei per cubic centimeter were thus Oxygen L t - i 1019 Other elements made o n l y a negligible contribution to the cross section o f the core. The following cross sections were used: Oxygen, scattering Beryllium, scattering Uranium, absorption 4 7 360 barns barns barns2 20b+ained b y converting the room temperature value of the cross section to the value a t the reactor operating temperature b y multiplying b y the square root o f the ratio o f the temperatures: 630 (barns) x 1033 = 360 (OK) (barns) . e 8 Thus 360 x 7.8 x 1019 = + 7) d x 0,038 5.55 x TABLE P.1. Xe135 ABSORPTION CROSS SECTION IN T H E REACTOR E i (ev) f n(EJ hE . = = 1033[1 + (0.9 x 12.5 1474OK = 220OOF i 4 # 1 The Xe13' absorption cross section i n the reactor was then determined, as shown i n Table P.1, which gives the energy intervals o f the neutrons, Ei, the fraction o f neutrons i n these energy intervals according t o the Maxwell-Boltzman d i s t r i bution, n ( E i ) / n , and the total Xe13' cross section, which the ~ ut, for each energy i n t e ~ a l , from average Xe13' cross section i s obtained, In the energy range i n question the xenon adsorption cross section i s approximately equal to the total A s shown i n Table P.l, xenon cross section, the value o f t h i s cross section i s 1.335 x barns or 1.335 x cm2. The anticipated xenon poisoning during the 25-hr xenon run (exp. H-11) may then be computed from Eq. 1 by using the value determined above for t h e Xe13' absorption cross section: i I I (Ei) (barns) 0.060 2.50 x 0.04 0,073 2.75 x 0.06 0.076 3.25 x 0.08 0.075 3.30 x 0.10 0.072 2.82 x 0.12 0.067 1.92 x 0.14 0,062 1.27 x 0.16 0.057 0.75 0.18 0.051 0.45 x 0.20 0.046 0.32 x . a;. f t 0.02 0.038)l x (7 n For the atomic weight, A , the average of the values for beryllium and oxygen, 12.5, was assumed. Thus Te = X f x o t x e(Ei) (barns) lo6 lo6 lo6 lo6 lo6 lo6 lo6 lo6 lo6 lo6 Average OLXe 0.079 x lo6 lo6 lo6 lo6 lo6 lo6 lo6 0.042 lo6 0.150 x 0.200 x 0.248 x 0,248 x 0.201 x 0.129 x X 0.023 x lo6 0.015 x lo6 1.335 lo6 X (such as lnconel, etc.), and during the 25 hr of operation, i f the xenon had a l l stayed i n the fuel it would have reached 69% of i t s equilibrium c ~ n c e n t r a t i o n . ~ By applying these various corrections, it i s found that the xenon poisoning i n the ARE at the end of the 25-hr run should have lo6 4 9 1.3 P0 = (2.1 x lo") B - 0.0117 (2.1 1 3 d 1 4 x x + x 0.24) 0.059 x 0.7 x 1013 x 0.26 + (1.3 x lo" =- x 0.01 17 10-5 T h i s value has to be corrected because about one-third of the fissions occur a t energies above thermal and therefore have only l i t t l e competition from xenon absorption. Furthermore, the r e a c t i v i t y loss due to poison was about 89% o f that computed above because o f the absorption i n other poisons x 0.84 0.7 x 1013 x 0.26) = 0.005 , 2-34 been 0.2% i n gassed. hk/k if no xenon had been off- BNL -1 70. 4Glosstone and Edlund, op. cit., p 333. f I 4 20 1 Appendix Q b OPERATIONAL DIFFICULTIES The operational difficulties described here are only those which occurred during the nuclear phase of the operation, that is, from October 30 t o November 12, the period of time covered by t h i s report. With a system as large, as complex, and as unique as that which constituted the ARE, it i s amazing that so few difficulties developed during the crucial stages o f the operation. Furthermore, such troubles were, without exception, not of a serious nature. T h i s i s in large measure attributable t o the long period o f installation and testing' which preceded the nuclear operation, the safety features inherent in the system, and the quality o f workmanship which went i n t o i t s construction. All major difficulties and impediments which arose are discussed below and are grouped by systems, with special regard for chronology o f occurrence. double tracing of the l i n e with calrod heaters staggered so that successive pairs of calrods did not meet a t the same point. Even with t h i s arrangement, thermocouples were necessary a t every heater junction and each calrod or each pair o f calrods should have had a separate control. i After it became an established part o f the enrichment procedure t o continuously bleed gas through the transfer l i n e into the pump ( i n order t o keep the l i n e clear), the gas was vented through an extra l i n e a t the pump. The extra l i n e was not properly heated and soon plugged with vapor condensate. It then became necessary t o use the primary pump vent system which had a vapor trap. B y reducing the bleed gas flow to a minimum, t h i s vent system could be used without becoming plugged with vapor condensate. t ENRICHMENT S Y S T E M A s mentioned previously, the fuel enrichment system was changed (shortly before the c r i t i c a l experiment was t o begin) from a remotely operated two-stage system, i n which the transfer wos to start with a l l the fuel concentrate i n a single container, t o a manually operated two-stage system, i n which small batches o f the available concentrate were transferred, one a t a time. A portion o f the Although equipment used i s shown i n Fig. Q.l. t h i s change resulted i n an improvement both i n safety and control, the temperature control o f the manually operated system was persistently difficult. Furthermore, i n order t o avoid plugged lines because o f the concentrate freezing a t cold spots, the lines had t o be continuously purged with gas and the e x i t gas lines then plugged as a result o f concentrate-vapor condensation. Both these difficulties could have been avoided with proper design. The temperature control was a greater problem here than anywhere else i n the system because o f and in.) tubing used i n the transthe small fer lines and an inferior technique o f heater installation. T h i s problem was aggravated by the virtual inaccessibility o f the connection between the transfer l i n e and the pump at the time the system was revised. The final heater arrangement used, which proved to be satisfactory, consisted o f (t6 'Design and Installntion of the Aircraft Reactor E x periment, ORNL-1844 (to be issued). 202 The transfer l i n e t o the pump served adequately throughout the c r i t i c a l experiment, although it had t o be reworked four times either because of the formation o f plugs or the development o f leaks ( i n Swagelok connections where the l i n e was cut and replaced). During the l a s t injection for rod c a l i bration the transfer l i n e again became plugged a t the f i t t i n g through the pump flange. T h i s f i t t i n g was a r e s i stance-heated concentric-tubing arrangement which provided an entrance for the 1300OF transfer l i n e through the 7OOOF pump flange. The oxidized fuel from previous leaks had shorted the heating circuit, and the f i t t i n g had therefore cooled and plugged. Attempts t o clear the f i t t i n g caused it t o leak; the leak was sealed but the f i t t i n g was then inoperable. The final injection o f concentrate, which was required for burnup at power, xenon poison, etc., was therefore made through the fuel sampling line. A special batch o f concentrate was prepared and pressurized into the pump through the sample line. T h i s technique worked satisfactorily but had previously been avoided because the l i n e had not been designed to attain the high temperatures > 120OOF required by the melting point o f the concentrate. Furthermore, the sample l i n e was attached t o the pump below the liquid level in the pump, and i f a leak had developed i n the l i n e a sizeable s p i l l would have resulted. b I { 1 .t c e a t F b I ? , VI al .-c A f 0 C VI Y P 0 c m b ti P Y u) U C E i: x u) c al 4- Y, C E al 5 c L .-u W .- .-c;, u LL 203 i PROCESS I N S T R U M E N T A T I O N For an appreciation o f the generally excellent performance of the instrumentation, know1edge o f the number and complexity of the instruments i s required. There were at least 27 strip recorders (mostly multipoint), 5 circular recorders, 7 indicating controllers, 9 temperature indicators (with from 48 to 96 points apiece), about 50 spark plugs, 20 ammeters, 40 pressure gages, 16 pressure regulators, 20 pressure transmitters, and numerous flow recorder indicators and alarms, voltmeters, tachometers, and assorted miscellaneous instruments. Furthermore, many of these were employed i n systems circulating fuel and sodium at temperatures up to 1600OF. Since a l l instruments were subject to routine inspection and service, petty difficulties were kept to a minimum. I n the course o f nuclear operation, only the following instruments gave cause for particular concern: fuel flowmeter, main fuel pump level indicator, several sodium system spark plugs, fuel pressure transmitter, and several pump tachometer generators. Of these only the tachometer generator “failures” were not caused by the materials and temperatures being instrumented. The tachometers, as installed, were belt driven rather than directcoupled and were not designed to withstand the side bearing loads to which they were subiected. The tachometers were replaced, however, before the p i t s were sealed, and they performed satisfactori l y during the high-power operation. The fuel flowmeter and the fuel pump level indicator were similar instruments i n which a float or bob was attached to a long tapered iron core suspended in a “dead leg.” C o i l s were mounted outside the dead leg which located the position of the core. The position o f the core could be interpreted as a measure either of fuel level or of fuel flow up past the bob. The c o i l current, however, was very sensitive to the fuel temperature, which had to be maintained above the fuel melting point. In addition to the temperature sensitivity, several c o i l s (spare c o i l s were provided on each instrument) opened up during the experiment, presumably due to oxidation o f the coil-to-lead wire connection. The fuel flowmeter oscillated rapidly over a 10gpm range throughout the later stages o f the experiment, although the electronics of the instrument appeared to be i n order. On the other hand, operation of the main fuel pump level indicator was satisfactory up to the last day o f operation, at which time the spare c o i l opened up (the main c o i l 204 had previously opened). It i s f e l t that these instruments would have performed satisfactorily i f the iron core were designed t o move in a trapped gas leg above the float rather than i n a dead leg below the float so that the operating temperature could be reduced. Furthermore, the c o i l reading should be “balanced out” to eliminate the temperature sen s it iv ity Of the numerous spark plugs which were employed i n the various fuel and sodium tanks as the measure or check on the l i q u i d level, only three o f those i n the sodium system showed a persistent tendency to short. These shorts could not always be cleared by “short-burning,” but they frequently cleared themselves as the l i q u i d level dropped. Although the probes were located i n a riser above the tank top t o minimize shorts, the shorts could probably have been eliminated by using larger clearances than were afforded by the use of &-in.-OD probes in a \-in.-IPS pipe riser. . The high-temperature fuel system pressure transmitters suffered a zero s h i f t during the course of the experiment. These transmitters employed bellows through which the l i q u i d pressure was transmitted t o gas. It i s probable that the bellows were distorted a t times when the gas and l i q u i d pressure were not balanced as a result of aperational errors or plugged gas supply lines. I n any case, the gas ports i n the transmitter occasionally plugged, and a zero shift i n the instrument was observed. In view of the large number of thermocouples i n use throughout the experiment ( i n the neighborhood of lOOO), i t i s not surprising that a small number were in error. However, those which gave incorrect indications included some o f the most important ones associated with the entire experiment. A s discussed i n Appendix K there was serious disagreement between line thermocouples inside and outside the reactor thermal shield, although it would appear that they both should have given the same indication. Other misleading temperature readings were obtained from the thermocouples on the tubes i n the fuel-to-helium heat exchangers. These thermocouples were not properly shielded from the helium flow and read low. Although most o f the thermocouple installations were designed t o measure equilibrium temperatures and did so satisfactorily for a number o f experiments involving fast transients, it was important that the response o f the thermocouples be > 10°F per sec i n order to correlate the changes i n fluid h i k L. L i C L g: b h F i p. . .1 t 1 i temperatures with nuclear changes. Unfortunately it i s not certain that t h i s was the case, and, in addition, i n certain instances, as with one of the thermocouples on each o f the reactor AT and reactor mean temperature instruments, the thermocouples were mounted on electrical insulators which increased the thermal lags. The above discussion covers most o f the instrumentation d i f f i c u l t i e s that arose. T h i s i s not meant t o imply, for example, that all the 800-odd thermocouples lasted throughout the experiment; there were open thermocouples scattered throughout the system. Furthermore, the instrument mechanics were kept busy; when not doing installation work, they were usually involved i n routine service and maintenance work. N U C L E A R I N S T R U M E N T A T I O N AND C O N T R O L S 1 i i 1 r 5 It i s d i f f i c u l f i n the case of the nuclear instruments t o separate operation problems from those inherent i n routine installation and debugging, since these latter operations were continued right up to the time the instruments were needed. However, during actual operation, a l l nuclear instrumentation performed satisfactorily. The control mechanism operated as designed, except that one shim rod had a higher hold current (it was supported by an electromagnet) than the other two. T h i s situation was improved by cleaning the magnet face and filtering the gas surrounding the magqet. 1 ANNUNCIATORS i t i The control system included an annunciator panel which anticipated potential troubles and indicated off-design conditions by a l i g h t and an alarm. During the course o f the experiment, certain annunciators consistently gave false indications, and therefore the bells (but not the lights) o f these annunciators were finally disconnected. Included were the standby sodium pump lubrication system flow, the standby fuel pump cooling water flow, the fuel heat exchanger water flow, and the fuel heat exchanger low-temperature alarm. The f i r s t three annunciators had mercury switches which were either improperly mounted or set too close to the design condition, but the fuel heat exchanger low temperature alarm error was due t o faulty thermocouple indication; that is, instead of indicating fuel temperature, the thermocouple, which was located i n the cooling gas stream, read low. H E A T E R S A N D HEATER CONTROLS During the time the system was being heated, the heater system power was over 500 kw. T h i s heat was transferred to the piping and other components by the assorted ceramic heaters, calrods, and strip heaters that covered every square inch o f fuel and sodium piping, as well as a l l system components Although there which contained these 1 iquids. were numerous heater failures resulting from mechanical abuse up until the time the p i t s were sealed, a l l known failures were repaired before the p i t was sealed. Only four heater circuits were known t o be inoperable a t the time the reactor was scrammed two heaters showed open, two shorted. Except for the fuel enrichment system i n which the heating situation was aggravated by the higher temperatures as well as the small lines, the available heat was adequate everywhere. The control of the various heater c i r c u i t s was, however, i n i t i a l l y very poor; it consisted of four voltage buses to which the various loads could be connected plus variacs for valve and instrument heaters. However, i n order t o obtain satisfactory heater control for a l l elements of the system, 13 additional regulators were installed i n addition t o numerous additional variacs. With the additional regulators it was possible to s p l i t up the heater load t o get the proper temperatures throughout the system without overloading any distribution panel. Even with the helium annulus, one function of which was t o distribute the external heat uniformly, i t must be concluded as extremely desirable, if not an absolute necessity, that a l l components o f any such complex high-temperature system be provided with independently control led heater units in order to achieve the desired system equilibrium temperature. - SYSTEM C O M P O N E N T S The only major components of either the sodium or fuel system which caused any concern during the nuclear operation were the sodium valves (several of which leaked) and the fuel pump (from which emanated a noise originally believed to originate i n the pump bearings). In addition, there were problems associated with plugged gas valves and overloaded motor relays. The sodium valves that leaked were the two pairs that isolated the main and standby pumps and a t least one of the fill valves i n the lines t o the three sodium fill tanks. The leakage across the pump isolation valves was eliminated from concern by maintaining the pressure in the inoperative pump at the value required to balance with the system pressures. The leak (or leaks) i n the f i l l valves was of the order of to 1 ft3 of sodium per day, and was periodically made up by r e f i l l i n g the system from one of the f i l l tanks. In the course of these operations, two tanks eventually became empty, and i t was then apparent that most of the leakage had been through the valve to the third tank. This leakage was i n i t i a l l y abetted by the high (-50 psi) pressure drop across the valve, but even though the pressure difference was reduced to 5 to 10 psi the leakage rate appeared t o increase during the run. It was of interest, as well as fortunate for the ultimate success of the project, that the fuel carrier f i l l valves were tight. However, in the fuel system, only two valves were opened during the f i l l i n g operation and only one of these had t o seal i n order t o prevent leakage. T h i s valve did seal, and i t was opened only one other time, i.e., when the system was dumped. Each sodium pump (main and standby) and each fuel pump (main and standby) was provided with four microphone pickups to detect bearing noises. Shortly after the fuel system had been f i l l e d with the fuel carrier, the noise level detected on one of the main fuel pump pickups jumped an order of magnitude, while that on the other increased substantially. A t the time the noise was believed t o be due to a f l a t spot on a bearing, and operation was therefore watched very closely. When the noise level did not increase further (in fact, i t tended to decrease), i t was decided to continue the experiment without replacing the pump (a very d i f f i c u l t job which could conceivably have resulted i n contamination of the fuel system). The pump operated satisfactorily throughout the experiment. Subsequent review of the pump design and behavior of the noise level indicated that the noise probably originated at the pump discharge where a sleeve was welded inside the system to effect a s l i p connection between the pump d i scharge duct from the impeller housing and the e x i t pipe, which was welded to the pump casing. Vibration of the sleeve i n the s l i p joint could account for a l l the noise. Although the vent header was heated from the fuel and sodium systems to the vapor trap f i l l e d with NaK (which was provided t o remove certain fission products but also removed sodiuin vapor), $ 20 6 the temperature control of the header and the individual vent lines connected to it was not adequate t o maintain the l i n e above the sodium melting point and yet not exceed the maximum temperature l i m i t (4OOOF) of the solenoid and diaphragm gas valves. Consequently, these vent lines became restricted by the condensation 04 sodium vapor. It was apparent that a higher temperature valve would have been desirable, that the gas line connecting the tank t o the header should have been installed so that i t could drain back into the tank, and, also, that good temperature control of the line and valve should have been provided. A s it was, exceptionally long times were required t o vent the sodium tanks through the normal vent valves. It would have been necessary t o use the emergency vent system, which was s t i l l operable at the end of the experiment, i f a fast dump had been required. In addition t o the above failures or shortcomings, there were numerous problems of less serious nature i n connection with auxiliary equipment, motor overloads, water pipes which froze and split, and air dryers which burned out. However, nothing occurred in such a manner or at such a time as t o have any significant bearing on the conduct of the experiment. LEAKS The only sodium or fluoride leaks that occurred have already been discussed. These included one minor sodium leak i n the sodium purification system (discussed in chap. 3, “Prenuclear Operation”) and two fuel concentrate leaks from the enrichment system. That neither the reactor fuel system nor sodium system leaked i s a tribute t o the quality of the workmanship in both welding and inspection that went into the fabrication of these systems. I n all, there were over 266 welded joints exposed to the fluoride mixture, ond over 225 welded joints were exposed to the sodium. In contrast to the l i q u i d systems, there were several leaks i n gas systems. It i s f e l t that these leaks would not have occurred i f the gas systems had been fabricated according to the standards used for the liquid systems. The notable gas leaks were from the fuel pumps into the pits, from the helium ducts i n the heat exchangers into the pits, and from the p i t s into the building through the vorious p i t bulkheads, as well as the chamber which housed the reactor controls. ” c i c c = % c B t P B r: i The combination o f the leak out of the fuel pump and that out of the p i t s required that the p i t s be maintained a t subatmospheric pressures i n order t o prevent gaseous activity from contaminating the building. Accordingly, the p i t pressure was lowered , by using portable compressors by about 6 in. HO which discharged the gaseous activity some 1000 ft south o f the ARE building. The activity was o f such a low magnitude that, coupled with favorable meteorological conditions, it was possible to d 4 J operate in t h i s manner for the l a s t four days o f the experiment. The leaks out o f the helium ducts in the fuel and sodium heat exchangers resulted in a maximum helium concentration in the ducts o f the order of 50%, and t o maintain even t h i s low concentration, i t was necessary to use excessive helium supply rates, i.e., 15 cfm to the ducts alone and another 10 cfm to the instruments. Appendix R L; INTEGRATED POWER The total integrated power obtained from the operation of the Aircraft Reactor Experiment does not have any particulur significance in terms of the operational l i f e of the system. However, a total integrated power of 100 Mw was more or less arbitrarily specified as one o f the nominal objectives of the experiment. While a t the time the experiment was concluded it was estimated that this, as w e l l as a l l other objectives of the experiment, had been met, the estimate was based on a crude evaluation of reactor power. Since subsequent analyses of the data have permitted a reasonably accurate determination of the reactor power, it is of interest to reappraise the estimated value of the total integrated power. The total integrated power could be determined from either the nuclear power or the extracted power (cf., section on "Reactor Kinetics" in chap. 6). The power curves, which should have equivalent integrals, could be obtained from any o f a number of continuously recording instruments, i.e., the nuclear power from either the micromicroammeter or log N meter, and the extracted power from any of the several temperature differential recorders i n the fuel and sodium circuits. The total integrated power has been determined both from integration of a nuclear power curve (log N ) and from the sum of the extracted power i n both the sodium and fuel circuits, as determined by the temperature differentials i n each system together w i t h their respective flows (which were held constant). For both power determinations a calculation of the associated error was made. EXTRACTED POWER T h e integrated extracted power was determined from the charts which continuously recorded the temperature differential ( A T ) i n each system. As a matter of convenience the sodium system AT was taken from a 24-hr circular chart, while the fuel AT was taken from one of the s i x Brown s t r i p charts which recorded, in the control room, the AT across each o f the s i x parallel fuel circuits through the reactor. The individual c i r c u i t recorders had a much slower chart speed than that of the over-all AT recorder and were therefore much easier to read, T o keep the results w e l l w i t h i n the accuracy o f the whole experiment, tube No. 4 was selected for the determination because 208 t the chart trace very closely corresponded t o that of the over-all fuel AT across the reactor. From Fig. K.3, Appendix K, the control-room-recorded AT was converted t o what was accepted as the correct AT. The power extraction was then calculated and plotted against time in Fig. R.l. t The sodium AT across the reactor was obtained from the circular charts of the recorders located in the control room. These AT'S were a l s o corrected by using Fig, K.6, Appendix K, and the plot of the power extracted by the sodium as a function of time i s a l s o shown in Fig. R.l on the same abscissa as that of the fuel plot. The total bf t integrated (extracted) power, i.e., the sum of the area under both the fuel and sodium system power curves, was then determined by using a planimeter; it was found t o be 97 Mw-hr. A calculation was also made of the magnitude o f the "maximum" possible error i n the determination of the reactor power. The power equation, which was calculated for both the f u e l and sodium systems, was P = kfAT, where P = k reactor power, = a constant containing heat capacity and conversion units, f = flow rate of fuel or sodium, AT = temperature difference across reactor. The consequent error equation i s AP = kf A ( A T ) + k AT A/ + f AT Ak , where Ak = maximum error in the heat capacity, Af = maximum error i n the flow rate, A ( A T ) = maximum error i n the temperature difference. Nominal average values of these factors for the fuel system were f = 46 AT k A/ A(AT) Ak L I gpm = 350OF = 0.11 kw/day gpm = 2 g p m 2' 5% = 10°F = 0.011 2' 3% 2' 10% Therefore ,. b i k AP (for fuel system) = 20% , 2.4 - 2.0 3 I 5 46 2 0 p 12 0 LT 5 08 0.4 0 4 NOVEMBER 8 NOVEMBER 9 i NOVEMBER40 i f d NOVEMBER I4 NOVEMBER !I NOVEMBER 12 Fig. R.1. Power-Time Curve. by adding up a l l the incremental areas which were i n terms of average log N units times time, From the 25-hr constant-power xenon run a relation between the log N reading and the extracted power was obtained, It was found that 22.5 log N units = 2.12 Mw, or 10.6 log N units = 1 Mw; therefore The values for the sodium system were f = 152 gpm A T = 50°F k = 0.0343 kw/day-gpm Af = 4 gpm 2' 3% A(AT) = 10°F Ak = 0 2 20% log N Therefore A P (for sodium system) The weighted, theref ore over-all = 10.6 11% percentage error was where Pf and P, are the power extracted i n the fuel and sodium systems. The errors made i n the power integration by using the A T chart are only those associated with the determination of power extraction. Since Fig. R.l i s a reproduction of the A T trace and i t was integrated by using the planimeter, any integrating errors were assumed t o have been averaged out. Therefore, the error that applies to the integrated extracted power i s the 17% that i s applicable t o the power level determination; therefore the integrated extracted power was 97 f 16.5 Mw-hr . NUCLEAR POWER During most of the time the reactor was operating a t any appreciable power level, the nuclear power level was kept fairly constant and was recorded i n the log book. During the times the power level was either not constant or not recorded i n the log book, the nuclear power was determined from the log N recorder chart by integrating the area under the power trace. (The log N trace was used rather than the micromicroammeter because no record was kept of the micromicroammeter shunt value as a multiplying factor,) Since the log N chart gave a log of power vs time plot, exact integration under the curve would have been an extremely d i f f i c u l t task; accordingly, the area under the curve was integrated graphically. The curved portions of the trace were approximated by straight lines, and an average log N value was determined for each line segment, It was assumed that there were as many positive as negative errors i n this method and that the errors cancelled out. The total integrated power was then obtained 210 t f t 7 ; b k x time (hr) = Mw-hr for any segment under the curve. By using this correlation between actual power and log N reading, the total integrated nuclear power was calculated to be 96.6 Mw-hr. This value of the integrated nuclear power, Q, as determined from the log N chart, was, i n effect, found from the following relation Q = MCAt t 6. B r c ,i t , I where average log N recorded value over an increment of time At, At = increment of time i n hours, C = a constant which converts the log N value to Mw-hr. The constant, C, i n the expression i s equal to the percentage error i n the extracted power level determination, which was calculated i n the preceding section t o be 17%. Therefore the error i n C i s (0.17) (1/10.6) = 0.016. The 74-hr period of high-power operation was divided into two parts, one part being the 25-hr period of constant power during the xenon run and the remainder being the 49-hr period of variable power. The errors were of different magnitude for each part, since during the xenon run there was no error i n time or i n the determination of the average value of M. For the 25-hr xenon run the integrated power was 53 Mw-hr. Thus M F 3 M = 22.5 log N units At C AM A(At) = = = = AC = AQ, = MC A(At) + M A C At + AM C At = 9 Mw-hr c f &f t 6 L i L i e h 25 hr 0.094 Mw/Iog N 0 0 0.016 2 17% Therefore k k B . For the balance of the operating time (49 hr) and integrated power (43.6 Mw-hr), the average M must be determined - I A(&) AC as Q 43.6 Ct (0.094) (49) M = -= = 9.46 and for AQ2 - 1 M = 9.46 log N units v 49 hr C = 0.094 Mw/log N AM = 1 At = = = AQ,=MC A(At) + M A C At + AM C At The total error was therefore AQ = 12.8 + 9.0 ! 1 hr 0.016 2 17% = i = 12.8Mw-hr. 21.8 Mw-hr or 22.5% i . tI The total extracted nuclear power then was 96.6 2 21.8 Mw-hr . i i k A 21 1 Appendix 5 k b INTERPRETATION OF OBSERVED REACTOR PERIODS DURlNG TRANSIENTS When excess reactivity is being introduced into a reactor at a given rate, the period meter w i l l show a period which is not a true period but a combination of the true period and its time rate of change. I f the time rate of change of the period i s known, then the true period may be found by the following means. First, i t i s assumed that whenever any excess reuctivity is introduced into the reactor the power w i l l rise according to the following equation: and p. P0 r= (”- dA). dt ’ ~. . L dt I n experiment H-8 (cf., chap. 6) it was noted that when the regulating rod was withdrawn the period observed was not a true period and that it kept changing over the 35 sec it took the regulating rod t o travel i t s ful l distance. For a calculation o f the true period, the following values were taken from Fig. 6.10 and Table 6.4: I where I’, -- x 7 = 50 sec (final period observed), 1’ = T, 72 reactor period, time power i s increasing. = = 1,’7, = I i n i t i a l power, 2.34 Mw, 3.94 Mw, 25 sec ( i n i t i a l period observed), Po C t = 35 sec. k f From these values, it was found that Then, t o introduce a time rote of change of the period, the power i s expressed i n the form of an infinite series dP -= dt 0.0457 Mw/sec and If the higher order terms are neglected, the rate of change of power i s ill’ - = rlt and therefore Po ( A ___ dX t - dt = 35 [ 5 0 35 25) = . -0.02 Therefore i f$) , % r= 2.34 0.0457 + 0.02 = 36 sec . T h i s calculated value for the true period corresponds fairly closely t o the period of 42 sec measured from the slope of the l o g N recorder trace. P 212 r I: Appendix i T NUCLEARLOG The following information was copied verbatim from the nuclear log book, The only material omitted was the running uranium inventory, which was kept during the c r i t i c a l experiment, and several calculations and graphs, which were inserted in the log book in an attempt t o interpret the data, All the omitted information i s presented i n much better form elsewhere in t h i s report. The reactor power data referred t o i n the log are not consistent, because the power was estimated f i r s t from a calculation of flux a t the chambers, subsequently from the activation o f a fuel sample, and finally from the extracted power. estimate was a factor of If it i s assumed that the extracted power value i s correct, the original 2.7 low and that calculated from the fuel activation was a factor o f 2 low. In the log book, a l l power levels mentioned through experiment from experiment L-8 were based on the original estimate; L-9 t o H-14, a l l power levels were based on the fuel activation; and it was not until after high-power runs 1 and 2 o f experiment H-14 that correct power levels were listed. t P i 213 EXPERIMENT E-1 Objective: Run October 30, 1954 Bring t h e R e a c t o r C r i t i c a l Time 1 1425 1500 1507 Zero fuel flow. Main fuel pump started to bleed down t o minimum prime level. Main fuel pump a t minimum prime level. System volume i s now 1539 1545 4.82 ft3 (calculated). Started adding l o t from can 6. F i r s t 5-lb lot going into pump. It was noticed that pips on the fission chamber occurred i n about 2-min 4.64 2 1554 1558 1603 1610 1614 1623 - - 1625 1720 1730 + 0.18 = intervals (pump rprn, 520). Second 5-lb batch going in. Third 5-lb batch going in. Interval is exactly 2 min. T h i s gives a flow o f 18.8 gpm for a pump speed of 520 rpm. Fourth 5-lb batch going in. Fifth 5-lb batch going in. L a s t of f i r s t 30-lb l o t going in. Speeded up pump. Roughly 26 counts/sec on fission chamber 1 and 40 counts/sec on fission chamber 2. 500 rpm o n pump. Pump speed 1100 rpm. Sample 6 taken from pump for analysis. Shim rods up, control rod down, fission chambers down. i fission chamber f i s s i o n chamber 1 2 26.74 counts/sec 4 1.86 counts/sec 8, 6.93 courris/sec BF, 1750 Shim rods down, control rod down, fission chambers down. 1812 1827 f i s s i o n chamber f i s s i o n chamber 1 2 BF, f i s s i o n chamber 1 f i s s i o n chamber 2 27.1 counts/sec 42 .O c ou nts/s ec 6.97 counts/sec Source out of core fission chamber 1 fission chamber 2 1.49 counts/sec 2.24 counts/sec 13.44 counts/sec Source i n core f i s s i o n chamber f i s s i o n chamber 1 2 27.01 counts/sec 42.59 counts/sec 6.82 counts/sec 1845 1855 1912 1320 1930 2015 18.74 counts/sec 24.18 counts/sec 6.03 counts/sec L t Rods started up. Control rod back to &in. out. Rods out and count started prior to taking source out of core. BF, Storted adding lot from can 7. Started transferring first 5-lb. Plugged line from transfer tank t o pump. Chemists report that uranium concentration of sample 6 taken a t 2.47 t 0.01 wt %. 214 I These count rates checked very w e l l w i t h count rate meters. Source i n core 3 t 1720 i s t t 3 E X P E R I M E N T Eo1 (continued) f Run (3) I J ] I October 31, 1954 Time 0035 0230 2000 2006 2230 Attempt to clear line from transfer tank t o pump. S t i l l unsuccessful. New transfer line into main fuel pump installed. Sample 7 drawn off for analysis. 2300 2307 2315 Starting transfer o f first 5 Ib of 25 Ib in can 7. 0.78 min between pips = 43 gpm, indicator on rotameter shows Transfer line plugged again, r J 1 B Analysis of sample 7 taken a t 2006 shows 1.84 t 0.04 w t % total uranium. Grimes estimates that no appreciable concentrate was transferred last night (i.e., Saturday night) a t the time the line plugged, Therefore, this sample should be representative of run 2 and supersedes the previous sample which showed 2.47% (see above). 46 gpm. November 0008 1315 1320 1335 9 1349 1403 1413 1415 1421 1505 i f I 1 1615 1617 4 1707 1720 1731 1742 1753 1804 1838 1908 1940 1 1 2028 Rods inserted. From data on rod position vs count rate, rods appear t o be ineffective above 30 in. Plug removed from transfer line. Can 7 i s s t i l l attached t o the system. It is estimated that 5 of the 25 Ib i n can 7 were injected l a s t night. The other 20 Ib are now to be injected i n 5-lb batches. Started transfer of second 5 lb of 25 I b i n can 7. Interval between pips on fission chamber 2 was 30 sec. Pips are becoming hard to see. Started transfer of third 5 Ib. Interval between pips *0.86 min. Started transfer of fourth 5 Ib. Started transfer of last batch from can 7. Transfer of 25 Ib from can 7 completed. Interval between pips -0.79 min. Withdrew rods from 30 t o 35 in. Three IO-min counts taken. Rods inserted, Set log 4 to come on scale a t an estimated 2 x w. Sample 8 taken for analysis. Ib of 30 Ib from can 8 transferred. 5 Ib transferred. Third 5 Ib transferred. Fourth 5 Ib transferred. Fifth 5 Ib transferred. Sixth (final) 5 Ib from can 8 transferred. Analysis of sample 8 taken at 1617 shows 3.45 First 5 Second * 0.01 w t % total uranium, Rods inserted. Check on noise on p i l e period recorder started. P i l e period meter shows microphonics, Epler put log N back on normal w. setting. L o g N should come on scale ~ 1 / 2 Taking sample of fuel system, sample 9. 1, 1954 E X P E R I M E N T E-1 (continued) Run 5 November 1, 1954 F i r s t 5 Ib from can 9 transferred. Second 5 Ib transferred. Third 5 Ib transferred. Fourth 5 Ib transferred. Fifth 5 Ib transferred. Sixth (final) 5 Ib transferred. Chemists report 5.43 w t % total uranium for sample 21 12 2123 2133 2142 2153 2203 2255 I t I lL 7 8 1 9 taken a t 2028. 1954 * I f F i r s t 5 Ib from can 10 transferred. Second 5 lb transferred. Third 5 Ib transferred, Two 5-min counts taken. Fourth 5 Ib transferred, Fifth 5 Ib transferred. Sixth (final) 5 Ib trans'ferred, 0104 01 17 0128 0153 0202 0213 0506 0521 0533 055 1 0600 0610 0831 C c November 2, 6 tB Time I F i r s t 5 Ib from can 12 transferred. Second 5 Ib transferred. Third 5 Ib transferred, Two 5 m i n counts taken. Fourth 5 Ib transferred. Fifth 5 Ib transferred, Sixth (final) 5 Ib transferred. First 5 Ib from can 5 iniected. Leak i n line occurred. E X P E R I M E N T E-2 Objective: 1003 1005 1005 1005:lO 1010 1615 1820 2015 2020 Preliminary Meosurement of Temperature Coefficient Heat barriers started up, Heat barriers up, Blower started. Blower up t o 275 rpm. Blower off. Water heat exchanger rose 2 5 O F . Manometer reading 5.65 in.; corresponds t o t 170 gpm. Sample from fuel system taken. This i s sample 10. Results from sample 10 show 9.58 f 0.08% uranium. Sample 1 1 taken for analysis, Referring back t o run 8, experiment E-1: It i s estimated that 5.5 Ib from can 5 went into transfer tank. Approximately 0.2 Ib was lost i n the leak and 5.3 Ib went into the system. + I Counts vs shim rod position were taken a t 5-in. intervals on shim rods. Time of day was 1442 to 1512. 2215 Sample 11 showed 9.54 f 0.08% total uranium. November 3, 0136 0152 0205 216 Second 5 Ib batch from can 5 iniected. Rods at intervals for each 5 in. of rod withdrawal, Rods inserted to 20 in. Injection nozzle shorted. 20 in, Counts taken a t 1954 I f- t i ! E X P E R I M E N T E-2 ( c o n t i n u e d ) November Run (8) Time 0226 0256 J # r 1 9 0459 0523 10 0836 12 F i r s t batch consisting of 5.5 Ib from can 11 injected. Rods at 20 in. Counts taken as rods withdrawn, Remainder of can 11 iniected. Rods at 20 in, Counts taken as rods withdrawn. 5.5 Ib from can 22 injected. Rods a t 20 in. Counts taken as rods 1018 1110 5.5 Ib from can 31 injected. Rods at 20 in. Counts taken as rods 1147 1230 1245 withdrawn. Second 5.5 Ib from can 31 iniected. Rods a t 20 in. F i s s i o n chamber 2 withdrawn 2 orders of magnitude, Balance of can 31 injected. Rods at 20 in. Counts taken as rods w ithdrawn. 1453 5.5 Ib from can 20 injected. Rods at 20 in, Counts taken as rods 1 d Third 5 Ib botch from can 5 injected. Rods a t 20 in. Counts taken as rods withdrawn. F i n a l batch from can 5 injected. Chemists estimate about 2% Ib. Counts taken as rods withdrawn. withdrawn. Second 5.5 Ib from can 22 injected. Counts taken as rods withdrawn. Completing injection from can 22. Can 22 empty, Counts taken as rods withdrawn. Reactor monitored. Reads - 6 mr/hr. 0911 094 1 11 3, 1954 w i t hdrawn. Source withdrawn reactor subcritical. Second 5.5 Ib from can 20 iniected. Rods a t 20 in, Counts taken as rods withdrawn. Reactor c r i t ical. Control given t o servo. 10 mr/hr on Radiation survey made. Reactor reads 750 mr/hr at side; g r i l l above main fuel pump. Reactor shut down. Shim rods brought out to about 18 in, with source i n core. - 1536 1545 1547 1603 1604 1626 - November 4, 0830 0840 Sample Sample 12 taken. 13 taken. d EXPERIMENT L-1 Objective: 1107 1118:40 1 1218:40 1250 1300 1400 i ' I 'Actual 1 w1 ( E s t i m a t e d ) t o D e t e r m i n e P o w e r L e v e l ; Level C h e c k One-Hour R u n a t Radiation Shim rods coming out. Reactor up and leveled out. Estimated 1 w0tt.l On servo. Micromicroammeter 1 x 48.6 on Brown recorder. Reactor scrammed. Sample 14 taken. Sample 15 taken. Estimated power from sample 15, 1.6 w . ~Count was low. Must be repeated at 10 w. power subsequently determined t o be 'See Appendix H, "Power 2.7 w. Determinotion from F u e l Activation." i 1954 E X P E R I M E N T L - 1 (continued) Run November 4, 1954 Time 1525 k Four samples taken from the fuel system since going critical. Analyzed as follows: Time Sample No. 0830 0840 1250 1300 12 13 14 15 t Uranium (total) (wt %) 12.11 12.21 12.27 12.24 5 f 5 5 t i 0.10 0.12 0.08 0.12 p. EXPERIMENT L-2 Obiective: Rod Calibration 0 1651 1657 1707 1 1710 1746 1758 1804 1814 2 2009 201a 2024 2030 VI k F u e l Addition Reactor brought c r i t i c a l before injecting f i r s t penguin. Rods coming out. Reactor up t o -1 w. Regulating rod at 13.1 in. Reactor subcritical. Penguin 11 iniected. Reactor up to - 1 w. Regulating rod at 10.6 in. Rod moved from 13.1 to 10.6 in. Readiusted rods, Regulating rod at 13.0 in. Reactor subcritical. Penguin 19 put i n furnace. Penguin 19 iniected. Time between pips, 0.75 min. Reactor up t o -1 w. Rod a t 5.7 in. Reactor scrammed. Started changing from rod 4 (19.2 g/cm) to rod 5 (36 g/cm). on f i s s i o n chambers and BF, taken before changing rod. h I L i 2.5 in., L t Counts E X P E R I M E N T L-3 2230 Fuel system characteristics were obtained. EXPERIMENT L-2 f (continued) November 3 0142 0158 0210 0235 0240 0245 0250 0252 0346 0350 0354 0357 0401 218 Started withdrawing rods, u p t o - 1 w. Reactor subcritical. 1 w again. Temperature had drifted. Regulating rod Up to position, 12.1 in. Reactor subcritical. Penguin 4 injected. Reactor a t -1 w again. Regulating rod position, 12.1 in. Reactor subcritical. Apparently penguin didn’t come over (no dip line). Reactor at -1 w. Regulating rod position, 11.5 in. Reactor su bcri t i c a l , Penguin 14 iniected. Reactor a t -1 w. Regulating rod position, 9.9 in. Reactor subcritical. Regulating rod movement, 1.6 in. 5, 1954 - L c. i i? b i : L 1 t E X P E R I M E N T L-2 (continued) November I Run 4 5 6 1 i 5, 1954 I Ti me 0429 0431 0439 0442 0445 Reactor a t -1 w. Regulating rod position, Reactor subcritical. Penguin 16 iniected. Reactor a t -1 w. Regulating rod position, Reactor su bcr it ica 1. 9.7 in. 0519 0524 0529 0536 0542 Reactor a t -1 w. Regulating rod position, 7.65 in. Reactor su bcr it ica I. Penguin 13 iniected. Reactor c r i t i c a l a t -1 w. Regulating rod position, Reactor subcritical, 0607 0612 0619 0626 0631 Reactor c r i t i c a l a t -1 w. Regulating rod position, Reactor su bcrit ica 1. Penguin 5 injected. Reactor critical. Regulating rod position, 5.50 in. Reactor subcr it ica I. 0715 Shim rods 1 and 2 inserted. Reactor shut down due to increase i n 7.8 in. Rod moved 1.9 in. 6.80 in. 6.5 in. radiation level above fuel pump tank upon adding concentrate t o pump. During fuel addition for run 9 the background picked up t o -50 mr/hr and, on run 5 addition, increased to 55 mr/hr. The normal background a t the point of measurement being -1 mr/hr. 1015 1040 1105 f i i Trimming pump level t o normal operating probe level. in, below normal operating probe, Trimming pump level t o estimated Took fuel sample 16. '/4 E X P E R l M E N T L-2-A = Objective: j - - T e s t on A c t i v i t y o f V e n t L i n e s b y O p e r a t i n g R e a c t o r a t 1 w for 1350 1403 1413 1414 10 min and t h e n v e n t i n g a s Though A d d i n g Fuel Preliminary data recorded, Rods 1 ond 2 being withdrawn. Rods a t 30 in., rod 2 being withdrawn, F i s s i o n chamber Period meter shows s l i g h t period, -400 sec. a t f u l l scale, 2 a t upper limit, 1 being withdrawn. 1416 Rod Rod 1417 Period meter reaches 100 t o 50 sec. L o g N reading, 2 x F i s s i o n chamber 2 at 500 counts/sec. Rod 1 at upper l i m i t Regu lot ing rod being withdrawn. 1418 1 i t Micromicroammeter reading, 10. F i s s i o n chamber 2 at 1000 counts/sec, L o g N , 3 x 10-4. Period, -400 sec. 2 19 4 d s E X P E R I M E N T L-2-A (continued) Run ( 6) November 5, 1954 i Time 1420 Log N, 5 x 10-4 F i s s i o n chamber 2, 2 x Micromicroammeter, 20. Period, -400 t o 100 sec. 1421 lo3. P S On servo. Micromicroommeter, 38. L o g N, lo3. Fission chamber 2, 3.5 x t k l o 3 counts/sec. 2 and 1 & - f a 1432 Regulating rod inserted. Shim rods 1515 L o g N and period channel normal and operating correctly except 5-sec period reverse i s disconnected for duration o f calibration run. 1940 The activity observed a t 0715 was explained during the run t o 1432 as activity i n the vent l i n e from the pump. 1945 Analysis of sample Total Uranium Chromium i Iron Nickel L L inserted. n c B 1420 c 16 taken at 1105 after the 70-lb removal gave: 12.54 wt % uranium or 11.7% U235 372 ppm E 5 PPm <5 PPm E X P E R I M E N T L-2 (continued) 7 1947 2002 2009 2014 201 6 2020 8 9 10 2 20 4 2025 2032 2050 2148 2156 2204 221 1 2220 2238 2242 2250 2258 2305 2312 2332 2340 2345 2352 2400 - Started pulling shims. u p t o 1 w. Reactor subcritical. Move shim rods - must reset, Started pulling shims. U p t o -1 w. Regulating rod position, 6.9 in. Shim rods going in. Penguin 15 injected. Up t o - 1 w. Regulating rod position, 6.2 in. Shim rods going in. Regulating rod movement, 0.7 in. Up t o power of -1 w. Regulating rod position, 6.8 in. Reactor subcritical. Shim rods going in. Penguin 18 iniected. Up t o -1 w. Regulating rod position, 5.7 in. Shim rods going in. Reactor subcritical. Regulating rod movement, 0.6 in, Started up t o -1 w. Reactor a t “1 w. Regulating rod position, Shim rods going in. Reactor subcritical. Penguin 17 iniected. Reactor a t -1 w. Regulating rod position, Shim rods going in. Reactor subcritical. 6.9 in. 3.3 in, Reactor a t power of -1 w. Regulating rod position, 13.5 in. Shim rods going in. Penguin 12 iniected. Reactor c r i t i c a l a t -1 w. Regulating rod position, 12.95 t o 13.0. Shim rods going in. Reactor subcritical. b . i I k E X P E R I M E N T L-2 (continued) Run 11 6, 1954 I Time Reactor critical. Adiusted regulating rod t o -3.5 in. w i t h shims 1 and 2. Shim rods inserted, Reactor subcritical. Developed gas leak in injection system during injection of penguin 10. Leak repaired; apparently penguin 10 was injected a t 0100. Rods coming out, Reactor critical. Regulating rod position, -2d4 in. Reactor scrammed. 0020 0026 0100 0212 0223 0228 4 November E X P E R I M E N T L-4 Obiective: One-Hour Run a t 10 w to Make Radiation Survey and Observe P i t e Period Shim rods coming out, 0305 Leveled off manually at -0.1 w. Regulating rod position, 7 in. 0315 Pulled regulating rod to 8 in. 0318 10 w estimated power.3 Rod moved from 6.8 to 7.9 on chart paper. 0320: 1 40-sec period according t o the chart, F l u x servo demand, Micromicroammeter 51 on range 1 x 500. lo-*. 0420: 1 Reactor scrammed after -1 hr a t from slope of log N , 51 sec. 0505 051 6 0524 Sample Sample Sample 10 w estimated power. P i l e period 16 taken. 17 taken, 18 taken, E X P E R I M E N T L-5 Objective: 1 0651 Leveled out a t -1 w. Shim 3 a t 30 in. Regulating rod a t 13 in. Shim 3 a t 33.3 in, Regulating rod a t 3 in. Shim 3 a t 30 in. Regulating rod a t 6.5 in. Shim 3 a t 28.1 in. Regulating rod a t 13d in. 2 3 0705 0925 0934 0939 0940 0942 0945 0947 0948 Pulled regulating rod from d k i i Calibration of Regulating Rod from Reactor Periods ’Actual 6.53 to 8.61 in. Shim rods coming out. Reactor a t 1 w. Reactor subcri t ica I. Pump stopped. Reactor a t 1 w. Pulled regulating rod. Reactor scrammed a t -50 w. Pump started, From log N, 21.3-sec period. regulating rod moved from 6.61 to 12.66. power subsequently determined to be 27 W. Period, 22.1 sec. From recorder: i t E X P E R I M E N T L-2 ( c o n t i n u e d ) Run November 7, 1954 Time i R Rod Position (in.) Shim Rods Regulating Rod 12 -1 w. 0136 Reactor up t o 0138 023 1 0237 0245 0249 0423 Reactor subcritical. Start injection from cans Injection completed. Reactor up t o -1 w. 8 1 2 3 32.8 32.4 32.1 - i - i b t 120 and 125. “ 8 28.2 28.2 + h 27.8 If Reactor shutdown. Sample 19 taken for chemical analysis. All fuel injection and sampling lines removed from pump. It i s estimated that the l i q u i d level i s about i 0.1 ft3 below the normal operating level probe; therefore final systemvolume4 i s 5.35 ft3. Results on sample 19: Uranium (total) Chromium 13.59 f 0.08 wt % 445 ppm E X P E R I M E N T L-5 ( c o n t i n u e d ) 4 5 6 7 1605 1611 1613 u p t o 1 w. Pulled regulating rod. Scrammed at 100 w. Wrong paper on log N. By super-imposing proper paper got 27.2 sec. Regulating rod withdrawal from 2.80 to 4.80 in., from Brown. 1804 1808 1810 u p t o 1 w. Pulled regulating rod. Scrammed at 100 w. From log 2020 2022 2024 2026 2034 2036 2037 Up to 1 w. Pump at 48 gpm. Reactor subcritica I. Pump stopped, zero flow. u p to 1 w. Pulled regulating rod. Reactor scrammed at 60 w. Started pump. Period, 23.0 sec from slope on log N. Rod moved from 2201 2208 2210 & N, period i s 22.4 sec; A k / k , 0.06%. . 2.60 t o 8.70 in., or 6.1 in. Reactor up t o 1 w. Pulled regulating rod. Scrammed at 100 w. Period, 20.6 sec from slope on log N . Rod moved from 4.19 t o 6.27 in., or 2.08 in. (Brown! E X P E R I M E N T L-6 Obiective: 1 2 Calibration of Shim Rods v s Regulating Rod One set of data taken before final fuel addition. 2307 2353 Up to 1 w. Data recorded. End of run. ~ ‘Inventory gave 5.33 f t 3 for the volume of the flvoride i n the system. T E X P E R I M E N T L-5 (continued) Run 8 Ti me 2353 2358 2400 Obiective: i " 1 d Effect of Fuel F l o w Rate 0147 0050 Up t o 1-w power. 0057 0107 0110 0113 0115 0117 0119 Fuel Flow rate, Fuel Flow rate, 48 gpm. Fuel Flow rate, Fuel Flow rate, Fuel Flow rate, Fuel Flow rate, Fuel Flow rate, Fuel Flow rate, on L November Delayed Neutrons 12.2 in. Regulating rod position, 41 gpm. Regulating rod position, 11.5 in. 34 gpm. Regulating rod position, 11.0 in. 30.5 gpm. Regulating rod position, 10.5 in. 25 gpm. Regulating rod position, 10.0 in. 20 gpm. Regulating rod position, 9.35 in. 16 gpm. Regulating rod position, 9.0 in. 0 gpm. Regulating rod position, <2 (off-scale). I Reset shims. 9 0122 Fuel Flow rate, 11.7 gpm. Regulating rod position, 12.3 in. 10 0125 Fuel Flow rate, 11 0127 Fuel Flow rate, 0 gpm. 12 gpm. 12 13 14 0131 0136 0139 Fuel Flow rate, Fuel Flow rate, Fuel Flow rate, Regulating rod position, 3.6 Regulating rod position, Reset shims. in. 12.2 in. 12 gpm. Regulating rod position, 3.7 in. 43.5 gpm. Regulating rod position, 6.45 in. 37.5 gpm. Regulating rod position, 8.0 in. Stopped sodium flow. 15 0141 0142 Fuel Flow rate, 37.5 gpm. End of experiment. Regulating rod position, 7.9 in. E X P E R I M E N T La8 Objective: 1 2. 3 0142 0157 0214 0215 0218 022 1 0222 7, 1954 Start of run, reactor already a t 1 w. Pulled regulating rod. Scrammed a t 200 w. Period, 23.0 sec from slope on log N. Regulating rod moved from 8.32 to 10.38 in., or 2.06 in. E X P E R I M E N T L-7 5 4 November Measure Reactor Temperature Coefficient Reactor already up to Took data. 1 w. 0230 0231 Start prime mover. Started raising barrier doors. Helium blower, 255 rpm. Readjust shims to put regulating rod to top of scale. Heat exchanger water flow, 195 gpm. Temperature rise, Steady state. Low heat exchanger reverse. Prime mover off. Barrier doors down, 0233 Took data. 62 t o 76OF. 8, 1954 E X P E R I M E N T Lo8 (continued) Run (3) November 8, 1954 Time 0242 Readjusted shims. Regulating rod position, 3.15 in. h L Reactor mean, 1257' F. 0700 0950 Regulating rod position now 9.55 in,, moved 6.40 in. since 0242 when final rod adjustment was made, Reactor mean temperature, 1286OF; 29OF r i s e since 0242. End of experiment. E X P E R I M E N T L-9 Set Reactor a t Obiectivet 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0950 0954 1004 1010 1018 1028 1033 1101 1106 1113 1116 1128 1132 1150 1155 1159 1 kw and Adlust Chambers Reactor already a t 1 W. Took data. Pulled safety chamber 1. Raised power t o -20 w. Raised power t o -40 w. Started pulling log N chamber. Reactor scrammed, 40.w nominal power. Pulled log N chamber a l l the way w i t h i n shield. Pulled log N out of shield about Data recorded, Raised power t o -400 20 in. w. On manual. P u l l i n g micromicroammeter chamber. Set micromicroammeter t o exactly Micromicroammeter 50 on 1 x k i 500 W. IO-*; corresponds t o 500 W. Put reactor on 30.sec period and l e t safety chambers scram reactor. E X P E R I M E N T H-1 id Obiective: Approach to Power (IO-kw run) 1 2 3 1445 1448 1452 1505 1525 1611 1619 instruments on scale Reactor up t o 10 kw. Took data. Pulled safety chambers. Took data. E X P E R I M E N T H-2 Obiactive: 1 2 1125 1127 1138 1208 1224 t Took data. Scrammed, F i s s i o n gases i n basement. lO-kw Run to November 9, 1954 Monitor Gas Activity Instruments on scale. Up t o 10 kw. Data taken. Data taken. Decreased power t o 5 kw. 224 te c F i i E X P E R I M E N T H - 2 (continued) Run November 9, 1954 Time 3 1227 4 1245 1246 Data taken. Data taken, Reactor scrammed. During run, the estimated p i t activity from RIA-4 was 0.032 pc/cm3. EXPERIMENT H-3 Objective: 1 i i 2 c 1520 1523 1526 Instruments on scale, Period, 17 sec. Reactor at fi 100 kw. Fuel and sodium system barrier doors raised, 1529 1530 1551 1600 1621 1625 1626 1643 started. Blower at -300 rpm. Safety chambers scrammed reactor at 130 kw. Instruments on scale. Period, -30 sec. Reactor scrammed by safety level (set too low). Instruments on scale. Period, -27 sec. Reactor on servo a t 50 kw. Safety chambers reset. Reactor off servo, Power raised. Power leveled out a t -250 kw. Data taken. 1656 Fuel system prime mover - 1704 Elevated mean temperature (withdrew shim rods). Changed scales on reactor AT, Data taken. 3 1715 1727 Power raised t o Data taken, 4 1740 1749 1801 1810 1820 Front sodium system blower brought t o -500 rpm. Back sodium system blower brought to -500 rpm. Data taken, ? 3 - 1 00-kw Run j 1 5 1 6 7 -500 kw. 1825 Increased power. I-Mw nominal power, Data taken. 1845 Data taken. 1854 1900 1907 1915 1919 1938 1945 2027 Reduced power, Fuel system blower off. 115 kw. Data taken; Rods going in. Sodium system blowers off. Started increasing power. Reactor power, 50 kw. Reactor power, * 100 kw. - E X P E R I M E N T H-4 Obiective: 1 2045 2100 2102 2103 Fuel and Reactor Temperature Coefficient Determinations Reactor power level a t about 100 kw. Turned on fuel system helium blower, Readiusted shims. Blower off. 350 rpm. I E X P E R I M E N T H-4 Run 2 November 9, 1954 Time 2121 2124 2126:30 2129 2156 Fuel system blower on, 340 rpm. Readiusted shim. Prime mover off. Servo off. End of run. Reactor at 10 kw. E X P E R I M E N T H-5 Objective: Reactor a t 1 2 3 2225 2243 2300 Over-all Reactor Temperature Coefficient Determination 100 kw on flux servo. Allowed t o heat up from 1260 to 1313’F. Data taken. Data taken. Data taken. E X P E R I M E N T H-6 Obiectiver Startup on Temperature Coefficient 1 2307 2315 2327 2339 2348 2353 2400 2405 t - lncreased power, Power, 1.3 Mw (fuel system blower speed a t maximum). Took data. Reduced power t o -200 kw. Pressure shell temperature getting high. Inserted shims t o drop reactor mean temperature, Ran blower up from 0 t o 1700 rpm (maximum speed). Mark charts, Ran regulating rod i n from 7 in,; then pulled out a l l the way. November 2 001 6 0019 0026 0028 0033 0037 01 06 01 15 0137 0204 Reduced fuel system helium blower speed t o zero. Inserted regulating rod from 14 t o 2 in. Reactor subcritical. Ran fuel system helium blower speed from 0 t o 1700 rpm. Low heat exchanger temperature reverse. Stopped fuel system helium blower. Inserted shim rods and reduced power. Stopped sodium system helium blowers. Reactor left a t 10 t o 100 kw t o maintain temperature on fuel lines. Reactor scrammed due t o calibration of fuel flowmeter. Reactor power a t * 100 kw. Reactor mean temperature a t -1300°F; power a t -75 kw and f a l l i n g slowly due t o heating of fuel. 5.25 in, of regulating rod movement E temperature r i s e = 5.5 x (Ak/k)PF. 10,1954 Y c t L t c b b h -3OOF L h k PRACTICE OPERATION Obiectiver T o F a m i l i a r i z e Crews with Reactor Operation 0503 0538 0545 0548 226 4 ;1 Reactor power, w 250 kw. Reactor power, -500 kw. Stopped fuel and sodium system blowers. A l l blowers back on a t about 500 rpm. h Power leveled a t “50 kw. t hir f P R A C T I C E O P E R A T I O N (continued) J Run 4 (2) d * November 10, 1954 Time 0552 0554 0600 0602 0615 0625 0630 0844 0852 0855 0858 0905 0909 i Reactor power, -750 kw. All blowers off. Blowers on. Power, “750 kw. Blowers off. Reactor power, -500 w. Reactor power, -100 kw. Reactor power, -50 kw. Reactor power, -50 kw. Took data. Started fuel system blower prime mover. Started fuel system blower. Leveled off power a t -200 kw. K. Z. Morgan reports short-lived air activity in crane bay. Blower off. Prime mover off. End of experiment. Reactor leveled out a t “50 kw. c E X P E R I M E N T H-7 Oblective: Sodium Temperature Coefficient Determination 0914 0917 0924 I Ran sodium system helium blowers from 0 t o -2000 rpm. Stopped sodium system blowers, Peak power, -., 150 kw. Leveled out. Charts pulled. Sodium temperature coefficient i s negative. E X P E R I M E N T H-8 t 1 J r ; ? ? 1 b Obiective: Measure Effect of o - -50 kw. Started sodium system blowers. 1 Mw. 1040 1045 1057 Reactor power, Reactor power, Took data. 1110 1114 1128 1150 1200 1206 1229 1241 Pulled regulating rod one dollar in 0.61 min. Inserted regulating rod one dollar. Charts pulled. Scrammed while pulling charts. 150 kw. Reactor power, 1 Mw. Reactor power, Sodium system blowers up t o 1000 rpm each. Reduced blower speed t o zero, 100 kw. Reactor power, i i Dollar of Reactivity -- ah P R A C T I C E O P E R A T I O N (continued) I I i : 1300 1305 1310 1313 1315 Blowers started. Blowers a t 500 rpm. Reactor power, -500 kw. Extracted power, -570 kw. Blowers t o 1000 rpm. Reactor power, -900 kw. Regulating rod withdrawn 2 in. Extracted power, 920 kw (fuel) + 96 kw (sodium) = 1.016 Mw. E 227 1 21 d i i E X P E R I M E M T k-1-9 Objective: Run Time (2) 1400 1422 November 10, I954 Reactor power, 300 kw. Fuel mean temperature raised t o 135OOF. Reactor on servo a t 36 kw. Front sodium system blower on, 600 rpm. Reactor cooling. Regulating rod reached lower limit. Reactor a t 100 kw on servo. Going up t o 1 Mw. Mean temperature was raised t o 1350OF; now lowered t o 1325OF t o avoid hot places on lines. Mean temperature lowered t o 1315'F a t which point low heat exchanger temperature interlock reversed he1ium blowers. 1452 1458 1505 1515 1523 E X P E R I M E N T H-10 Objective: 1 1550 1600 1605 1606 1611 1613 1625 1630 2 1735 1737:30 174s 1747 1752 1755 1802 1805 1808 I I 228 L Over-all Reactor Temperature C o e f f i c i e n t Determination t P c" b f Moderator Temperature C o e f f i c i e n t Determination Lowered reactor t o -400 kw. Fuel temperature, 1317OF; regulating rod position, 7.2 in.; reactor outlet sodium temperature, 128OOF; reactor power, 500 kw. Front sodium system blower, 870 rpm. Back sodium system blower, 1260 rprn. Reduced back sodium system blower speed t o 870 rpm. Regulating rod position, 7.5 in.; fuel temperature, 1317OF; sodium temperature, 128OoFe Temperatures same as a t 1606. Regulating rod position, 8.3 in. Front sodium system blower speed reduced t o 670 rpm; back sodium system blower speed t o 850 rpm. Regulating rod position, 8.7 in.; fuel temperature, 131pF; sodium temperature, 1278OF. Front blower a t 650'rpm; back blower a t 640 rpm. Regulating rod position, 7.6 in,; sodium temperature, 1278OF. Reactor power a t 1 Mw for demonstration t o Air Force personnel. Regulating r c d position, 8.0 in,; reactor mean temperature 1313OF; front blower a t 960 rpm; back blower a t 1050 rpm; sodium inlet temperature, 1265OF (thermocouple 3-CR-1) sodium outlet temperature, 1282OF (thermocouple 3-CR-5). Front blower a t 1180 rpm. Reactor mean temperature, 1314OF; regulating rod position, 8.0 in. Front blower a t 1160 rprn; back blower a t 1050 rpm. Sodium i n l e t temperature, 1255OF; sodium outlet temperature, 128OOF. Back blower a t 1280 rpm. Reactor mean temperature, 1313OF. Regulating rod position, 7.6 in. Front blower a t 1170 rpm; back blower a t 1260 rpm. Sodium i n l e t temperature, 1248OF; sodium outlet temperature, 1278OF. Front blower raised t o 1350 rpm. Regulating rod position, 6.6 in. Reactor mean temperature, 1308OF. Front blower a t 1340 rpm; back blower a t 1250 rpm. Sodium i n l e t temperature, 1238OF; sodium outlet temperature, 1272OF. Front blower raised t o 1490 rprn. Regulating rod withdrawn 1.3 in. t o regain 5OF l o s t in reactor mean temperature. Rod position = 7.3. b c h i f k L f E X P E R I M E N T W-110 ( c o n t i n u e d ) November 10, 1954 I Time 8812 1816 9825 Regulating rod position, 8.4 in. Reactor mean temperature, 1311OF. Front blower a t 1480 rpm; back blower a t 1240 rpm. Sodium i n l e t temperature, 1230°F; sodium outlet temperature, 1268OF. Bask blower speed changed t o 1500 rpm. Regulating rod position, 8.9 in. Reactor mean temperature, 1313OF. Front blower at 1470 rpm; back sodium blower a t 1480 rpm. Sodium i n l e t temperature, 11225OF; sodium outlet temperature, 1268OF. t i E X P E R I M E N T H-11 Objectives 1935 ! 25-Hour Run a t F u l l P o w e r to O b s e r v e X e n o n P o i s o n i n g Since 1825, the reactor has been steady a t 90% f u l l power on servo; i t i s now o f f servo. The 25-hr xenon run i s considered t o have started at 1825. November 0304 1145 1206 1435 Cooling water flow t o back sodium heat exchanger decreased. Sodium AT f e l l -3°F. No explanation as yet. Drop i n sodium A T due t o heaters for annulus helium being shut off. Withdrew regulating rod from 10.3 t o 10.4 in. Reactor mean temperature dropped to 1309OF from an i n i t i a l temperature of 1311OF. Regulating rod withdrawn from 10.4 t o 10.5 in. Micromicroammeter took a small dip (53 t o 52) for no apparent reason. Adding helium t o sodium and fuel system ducts. Fuel flowmeter coils calibrate OK. There i s a possibility of something binding in the Rotameter t o give the erratic readings. Switched t o operation on No. 3 coil. Regulating rod withdrawn -0.05 in. Indicator now reading 9.25 in. P i l e period shows unexplained excursion t o 400 sec. Noticed fluctuations in the fuel pump ammeter recorder corresponding t o fluctuations in the Rotameter chart. These Fluctuations appear t o be between 9.0 and 9% amp. Noticed same pump current and flow level fluctuations as a t 1130. Switched back t o No. 5 c o i l on fuel flow Rotameter. Regulating rod withdrawn 0.1 in. 1445 For the past P 0400 0635 I 0750 0825 0915 0925 1020 1100 1 I30 a s' d .. 11, 1954 k ! k hr have noticed corresponding fluctuations in the following instruments: fuel flow Rotameter, fuel motor current recorder, period meter, log N recorder, safety levels 1 and 2, reactor AT, the s i x individual tube AT'S, and the micromicroammeter. A l l these fluctuations a t present are small, especially on the micromicroammeter. The largest fluctuations appear t o be on the pump motor current, between 9 and 10 amp; the p i l e period meter, M t o f 400 sec; and the s i x AT recorders, k 2 t o 3OF. No extraneous audio noise has been detected. Noticed increase in fuel pump pressure since 0800 o f 0.2 psi. A t 0800 pressure was 0.2 psi, a t present it i s 0.4 psi. 1 1 229 d d E X P E R I M E N T H-11 ( c o n t i n u e d ) Run Time (2) 1935 2032 November 11, 1954 4 I End of xenon run, Regulating rod has been withdrawn -0.3 in., which corresponds t o 0.01% Ak/k as compared t o -0.30% Ak/k if a l l xenon c had stayed in system, Had demonstration for Air Force personnel, mostly 1-Mw nominal power. Set reactor back t o original condition l e f t a t 1935. E X P E R I M E N T H-12 Objective: Stop Sodium System B l o w e r and O b s e r v e E f f e c t on P o w e r 1 2105 Took data. 2 21 13 21 19 Sodium system blower motors off, Took data, Blowers back on, Maximum deviation of micromicroammeter was from 53 t o 45, 15%. Reduced power by cutting off fuel system blower. Reduced speed on sodium system blower. Regulating rod inserted; reactor power, * 10 kw. Started fuel system blower motor, Started fuel system helium blower. Approached low heat exchanger temperature reverse (115OoF) which shut off fuel system blower motor. Withdrew regulating rod. Reactor power back up t o 1 Mw. Cut o f f fuel system biower. Cooling reactor w i t h sodium system blowers only. 100 kw. Reactor power, 2150 2155 2158 2200 2201 2204 2210 2230 2237 - L. L. t k i E X P E R I M E N T H-13 Objective: 2237 0605 0735 0835 Measure Xenon Buildup at Consider experiment t o have started a t - t oF u l l 2237 a t Power '/lo f u l l power, i.e., -100 kw. November 12, 1954 Regulating rod withdrawn from 5.05 t o 5.15 in. Reactor mean temperature dropped from 1304 t o 1303OF. Sodium AT up due t o addition of helium i n rod cooling system. Reactor mean temperature down t o 1302OF. No appreciable xenon buildup. End of experiment. E X P E R I M E N T H-14 Obiective: 0837 0855 0907 0910 0917 230 D e t e r m i n e M a x i m u m R e a c t o r P o w e r and C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f P o w e r O p e r a t i o n Demonstration of reactor operation. Reactor power up t o 1 Mw. Maximum fuel system helium flow. Reactor mean temperature, 1340OF. No. 2 rod cooling helium blower on slow speed. Helium pressure, 25 in. H,O. No. 2 rod cooling blower off. Helium pressure, 9 in. H,O . L No. 2 rod cooling blower on, - - ' ? 8 I t k E X P E RlMENT H-14 ( c o n t i n u e d ) Run Time (2) 0919 1 1 1 d 2 0922 0935 1015 1055 1102 1109 1110 1 1 1 1 :30 1112 1113 1115 1117 1125 i 12, 1954 No. 2 rod cooling blower off. Small wobble in AT probably due t o helium blowing on thermocouple, No systematic effect on micro- - microammeter can be observed. 1 Mw. Started demonstration. Average reactor power, Demonstration ended. Reactor power back t o 1 Mw. Reactor mean temperature raised t o 135OOF. Fuel system blower off. Power leveled off a t -350 kw. Sodium system blowers off. Power leveled off a t -210 kw. Rod cooling blowers off. Power leveled o f f a t 200 kw. Started bringing reactor up t o full power. 14-sec period observed, Heat exchanger outlet temperature reduced from 1380 t o 1175OF. L o g N from 4 t o 30. Back t o power of >1 Mw. Moved shim and regulating rods t o obtain new heat balance. 1150 1230 1244 1306 1306 1308 1325 1326 1330 1331 Sodium system blower speed up t o 2000 rpm. Extracted power: from fuel, 1920 kw; from rod cooling, 20 kw; from sodium, 653 kw; total, 2.6 Mw. No. 2 rod cooling blower started. Front sodium system blower off; reactor power reduced t o 100 kw. 1.5 Mw. Reactor mean temperature and power leveled off; power, Reduced fuel system helium blower speed t o minimum. Fuel AT nearly constant. Raised fuel system helium blower speed t o maximum. Fuel AT essentially restored. F u e l system blower turned on; speed reached 1500 rpm. Blower speed reduced t o 1000 rpm. Reactor AT about 200OF. Regulating rod withdrawn t o raise mean temperature from 1320 t o 1334 Regulating rod inserted t o lower mean temperature from 1325 t o 1336 1350 1400 1615 Regulating rod withdrawn t o raise mean temperature, After demonstration, power leveled o f f t o 1.5 Mw. Demonstration of reactor operation. End of demonstration of reactor operation. Reactor run more or less steadily a t 2 Mw until time for scram, 1930 2004 Reactor power up t o Reactor scrammed. 1140 i November i t i -- 1325OF. i 1320OF. 3 J -2.5 i Mw. i h b 1 1 # 23 1 i h Appendix U THE A R E BUILD" The ARE building, shown in Fig. U.1, i s a m i l l type of structure that was designed t o house the ARE and the necessary f a c i l i t i e s for i t s operation. The building has a f u l l basement 80 by 105 ft, a crane bay 42 by 105 ft, and a one-story service wing 38 by 105 ft. The reactor and the necessary heat disposal systems were located in shielded p i t s i n the part of t h e basement serviced by the crane. One half the main floor area was open t o the reactor and heat exchanger p i t s i n the basement below; the other one half housed the control room, o f f i c e space, shops, and change rooms. In one half the basement were the shielded reactor and heat exchanger pits; the other one half of the basement was service area and miscellaneous heater and control panels. The control room, office space, and some shops were located on the f i r s t floor over the service area. T h e f i r s t floor does not extend over the one half o f t h e basement that contains the pits. The crane i s a floor-operated, 10-ton, bridge crane having a maximum lift of 25 ft above the main floor level. Plan and elevation drawings of the building are shown i n Figs. U.2 and U.3. The entire reactor system was contained i n three interconnected pits: one for the reactor, another for the heat exchangers and pumps, and a t h i r d for the fuel dump tanks. These pits, which were sealed at the top by shielding blocks, were located in the large crane bay of the building. T h e crane bay was separated from the control room and offices, and the heating and air conditioning systems maintained the control room at a slightly higher pressure than that of the crane bay. 8 d t t k t i e k 1 e i c Fig. U.l. The ARE Building. I i ? i 1 t i I 1 B i T ___--.__.- ""I . . . . . . . . . . IY LLL IC T T / e z a -I FZ 4 m 2 w 0 f 4 .. $ - 'i I 1: , 234 " 1- e W U i a J m w u) 0 Q 3 1-u19 1102 -- - =r N UJ u m m z 0 0 W ) ? z 0 m 0 i c c b c ? BIBLIOGRAPHY Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion Project Quarterly Progress Reports for the Periods Ending: March 10, 1951 ANP-60 June 10, 1951 ANP-65 September 10, 1951 ORNL-1154 December 10, 1951 ORNL-1170 March 10, 1952 ORNL- 1227 June 10, 1952 March 10, 1953 0RN 11294 OR NL-1375 ORNL- 1439 ORNL-1515 June 10, 1953 ORNL-1556 September 10, 1953 ORNL-1609 December 10, 1953 ORNL- 1649 March 10, 1954 ORNL- 1692 June 10, 1954 ORNL-1729 September 10, 1954 0RNL-1771 ORNL- 1816 September 10, 1952 December 10, 1952 4 1 December 10, 1954 - i 235 DATE TITLE AUTHOR(s) REPORT NO. 1948 Metals Handbook (Nickel and Nickel A l l o y s , p 1025-1062) American Society for Metals 12-1 5-49 The Properties of Beryllium Oxide M. C. Udy, F. W. Boulger BMI-1-78 5-21-51 A c t i v a t i o n of Impurities in B e 0 W. K. Ergen Y F 20-14 4-1 7-5 1 Perturbation Equation for the K i n e t i c Response of a L i q u i d - F u e l Reactor N. Smith et a l . ANP-62 6 -5-5 1 The Contribution of the (n,2n) Reaction t o the Beryllium Moderated Reactor C. B. M i l l s N. M. Smith, Jr. 7-25-51 Radiation Damage and the ANP Reactor L. P. Smith AN P -67 * 8-13-51 A l k a l i Metals Area Safety Guide Y-12 A l k a l i and L i q u i d Metals Safety Committee y-811 i 8-29-51 P h y s i c s Calculations on the A R E Control J. W. Webster Y-FIO-71 - e Rods R. J. Beeley Results of C r i t i c a l i t y Calculations on B e 0 and B e Moderated Reactors y - F10-55 J. W. Webster 0. A. Schulze A N P -66 1-5-52 P h y s i c s o f the Aircraft Reactor Experiment C, B. M i l l s Y -F 10-77 1-8-52 Statics C. 8. M i l l s Y -F 10-81 1 -1 1-52 The ARE with C i r c u l a t i n g Fuel-Coolant C. B. M i l l s Y-F 10-82 1-14-52 A Flux Transient Due t o t i v it y Coef f i ci ent C. B. M i l l s y-F10-63 1-2 2- 52 Heat Transfer R. N. L y o n CF-52-1-76 1-29-52 Safety Rods for the ARE W. B. Manly CF-52-1- 192 in Nuclear Preliminary P o s i t i v e Reac- a Reoctors G c P; li Some -A i c 10- 15-51 of the A N P Reactor Report ‘ E. S. Bomar 1-29-52 E f f e c t o f Structure on C r i t i c a l i t y o f the A R E of January 22, 1952 C. B. M i l l s Y - F I 0-89 3 -10-52 A Simple C r i t i c a l i t y Relation for B e Moderoted Intermediate Reactors C. B. M i l l s Y-F 10-93 3-20-52 Health P h y s i c s Instruments Recommended T. H. J. Burnett c F-52-3-147 T. H. J. Burnett C F -52-3-1 72 Y-F 10-96 for ARE B u i l d i n g - ARE 3 -2 4-5 2 Induced A c t i v i t y in Cooling 3-28-52 Optimization of Core Size for the C i r c u lating-Fuel ARE Reactor C. B. M i l l s 4-16-52 P h y s i c s Considerations o f C i r c u l a t i n g Fuel Reactors W. 4-22-52 Note on the 5-8-52 Statics 6-2-52 Reactor Program of the Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion Project 8-8-52 The ARE C r i t i c a l Experiment Water Linear K i n e t i c s of the ANP C i r c u l a t i n g - F u e l Reactor o f the ARE Reactor K. Ergen Y-F 10-98 F. G. Prohammer Y-F 10-99 C. 8. M i l l s Y-F 10-103 Wm. B. C o t t r e l l (ed.) 0 RN L-1234 C. B. M i l l s D. Scott Y-F 10-108 c 236 TITLE DATE 7 -3 0-52 AUTHOR( s) Loading of ARE Critical Experiment Fuel REPORT NO. D. Scott Y-B23-9 Tubes a 9-52 Welding Procedure Specifications P. Patriarca p5-1 9-52 Welders Qualification Test Specifications P. Patriarco qt5-1 9-25-52 Radiation Through the Control Rod Penetrations of the ARE Shield H. L. F. Enlund y- F30-8 10-22-52 Xenon Problem W. A. Brooksbank CF-52-10-187 11-1-52 Structure of Norton’s Hot-Pressed Beryllium Oxide Blocks L. M. Doney CF-52-11-12 11-24-52 Aircraft J. H. Buck ORNL-1407 Summary - ANP Reactor Report Experiment Hazards W. B. Cottrell 11-13-52 Effects of Irradiation on Be0 11-17-52 Structure 11-25-52 An On-Off Servo for the ARE of Be0 Block with the 1’/8 Central Hole in. G. W. Keilholtz CF-52-11-85 L. M. Doney CF-52-11-146 S. H. Hanauer CF-52-11-228 E. R. Monn J. J . Stone 1-7-53 Delayed Neutron Damping of Non-Linear Reactor Oscillations W. K. Ergen CF-53- 1-64 1-9-53 ARE Regulating Rod E. R. Mann S. H. Hanauer CF-53-1-84 1-12-53 A Guide for the Safe Handling of Molten Fluorides and Hydroxides Reactor Components Safety Comrnittea Y-B3l-403 1-27-53 Delayed Neutron Activity in Fuel Reactor H. L. F. Enlund CF-53-1-267 Y - a Circulating B. Cottrell 1 27-53 Components of F Iuor ide Sy stem s Wm. 1-27-53 Delayed Neutron Activity in the ARE Fuel Ci rcuit H. L. F. Enlund CF-53-1-317 2-45 Some B. B. Betty W. A. Mudge Mech. Eng. 73, 123 (1945) 2-1 1-53 Heating by Fast Neutrons in Crete Shield F. H. Abernathy H. L. F. Enlund CF-53-2-99 2-26-53 Methods o f Fabrication o f Control and Safety Element Components for the Aircraft and Homogeneous Reactor Experi- J . H. Coobs ORNL-1463 i Engineering Properties of Nickel and High-Nickel Alloys a Barytes Con- CF-53-1-276 E. S. Bomar ments 3- 17-53 Corrosion by Molten Fluorides L. S. Richardson D. C. Vreeland W. D. Manly 3-30-53 The Kinetics of Nuclear Reactor W. 4-7-53 Minutes of the Final Meeting of the ARE Design Review Committee the Circulating-Fuel K. Ergen W. R. G a l l ORNL-1491 CF-53-3-231 CF-53-4-43 237 DATE TITLE AUTHOR( s) REPORT NC 5-18-53 ARE Control System Design Criteria F. P. Green CF-53-5-238 6-19-53 The Stability of Several Inconel-UF4 Fused Salt F u e l Systems Under Proton Bombard- W. J. Sturm 0 RNL -1530 ment 7-20-53 Current Status of the Theory of Reactor Dynamics R. J. Jones M. J. Feldman W. K. Ergen c F- 53-7- 137 - 7-20-53 Interpretation Joel Bengstan c F-53-7 190 7-20-53 Composition of ARE for Criticality Calcu- J. L. Meem Secret of Fission Distribution in ARE Critical Experiments rough drl tp i * t I ation s 8-3-53 ARE Fuel Requirements J. L. Meem CF-53-8-2 8-10-53 Thermodynamic and Heat Transfer Analysis of the Aircraft Reactor Experiment B. Lubarsky ORNL-1535 9-1-53 ARE Fuel System G. A. Cri sty CF-53-9-2 9-1 -53 Static Analysis of the ARE Criticality Ex- C. B. M i l l s CF-53-9-19 J. L. Meem CF-53-9-15 C. B. Mil Is ORNL-1493 E. S. Bettis CF-53-9-53 B. L. Greenstreet (A Preliminary Report Pending Reception of the ARE Criticality Report) periment 9-3-53 Experimental Procedures on the ARE (Pre- I im indr y) ’ 9-22-53 The General Methods of Reactor Analysis Used by the ANP Physics Group 9-25-53 Supplement to Aircraft Reactpr Experiment Hazards. Summary Report (ORNL-1407) W. B. Cottrell 10-18-53 Preliminary Critical Assembly for the Aircraft Reactor Experiment D. Callihol D. Scott ORNL-1634 12-1-53 ARE Design Data W. B. Cottrell CF-53-12-9 12-22-53 The lnhcur Formula for a Circulating-Fuel Nuclear Reactor with Slug Flow W. 12-18-53 Analytical 3-2-54 K. Ergen CF-53-12-108 G. J. Nessle c F-53-12-112 ARE Design Data Supplement W. B. Cottrell c F-54-3-65 4-7-54 ARE Instrumentation L i s t R. G. Affel CF-54-4-218 5-7 -54 Analysis of Critical Experiments C. B. Mills c F-54-5 -5 1 7-20-54 ARE Operating Procedures, Nuclear Operation W. B. Cottrell CF-54-7-143 7-27-54 ARE Operating Procedures, Part I I , Nuclear J. L. Meem Operations and Accountability Report ARE Concentrate Part I, on Pre- CF-54-7-144 L 7-31-54 Fuel Activation Method for Power Determination of the ARE E. B. Johnson c F-54-7-1 1 8-28-54 Critical Mass of the ARE Reactor C. B. Mills CF-54-8 -171 To be issued Stress Analysis R. L. Maxwell J. W. Walker 0 RNL-1650 of the ARE .