Guest Programme – My Winter Adventures
Guest Programme – My Winter Adventures
Guest Programme – My Winter Adventures Guest Programme Winter 2015 / 2016 December Fri Wed 2 Hydroelectric power station Tue 19 Fondue under the Stars (p. 6) Göschenen (p. 8) Wed 20 Hydroelectric power station Wed 9 Hydroelectric power station Göschenen (p. 8) Wed 16 Hydroelectric power station Göschenen (p. 8) Tue 22 Fondue under the Stars (p. 6) Wed 23 Children’s Event (p. 11) Sun 27 Biathlon Experience (p. 7) 15 Night Time in the Museum (p. 5) Göschenen (p. 8) Wed 20 Children’s Event (p. 11) Wed 20 Night time sledging (p. 9) Fri 22 Night Time in the Museum (p. 5) Tue 26 Fondue under the Stars (p. 6) Wed 27 Hydroelectric power station Göschenen (p. 8) Sun 27 Night Time in the Museum (p. 5) Wed 27 Children’s Event (p. 11) Tue 29 Fatbike (p. 10) Wed 27 Night time sledging (p. 9) Tue 29 Fondue under the Stars (p. 6) Fri Wed 30 Children’s Event (p. 11) Sun 31 Biathlon Experience (p. 7) 29 Night Time in the Museum (p. 5) Wed 30 Night Time in the Museum (p. 5) Thu 31 New Years Eve Sledging Hospental (p. 12) Fri 1 Snowparty (p. 12) Sat 2 Snowparty (p. 12) Sat 2 Fatbike (p. 10) Sun 3 Night Time in the Museum (p. 5) Tue 5 Fondue under the Stars (p. 6) Wed 6 Hydroelectric power station Göschenen (p. 8) Wed 6 Children’s Event (p. 11) Wed 6 Night time sledging (p. 9) Thu 7 Special SnowNight (p. 14) 8 Night Time in the Museum (p. 5) Tue 12 Fondue under the Stars (p. 6) Wed 13 Hydroelectric power station Göschenen (p. 8) Wed 13 Children’s Event (p. 11) Wed 13 Night time sledging (p. 9) 2 Tue 2 Fondue under the Stars (p. 6) Wed 3 Hydroelectric power station January Fri February Göschenen (p. 8) Wed 3 Children’s Event (p. 11) Wed 3 Night time sledging (p. 9) Thu 4 Special SnowNight (p. 14) Fri 5 Night Time in the Museum (p. 5) Sat 6 Fatbike (p. 10) Sun 7 Biathlon Experience (p. 7) Tue 9 Fondue under the Stars (p. 6) Wed 10 Hydroelectric power station Göschenen (p. 8) Wed 10 Children’s Event (p. 11) Wed 10 Night time sledging (p. 9) Fri 12 Night Time in the Museum (p. 5) Sat 13 Fatbike (p. 10) Sat 13 Freestyle Event Nätschen (p. 12) Sun 14 Biathlon Experience (p. 7) Tue 16 Fondue under the Stars (p. 6) Sat 5 Waterslide Contest Nätschen (p. 13) Tue 8 Fondue under the Stars (p. 6) Wed 17 Hydroelectric power station Göschenen (p. 8) Wed 17 Children’s Event (p. 11) Wed 9 Hydroelectric power station Göschenen (p. 8) Wed 17 Night time sledging (p. 9) Fri 19 Night Time in the Museum (p. 5) Wed 9 Children’s Event (p. 11) Fri 11 Night Time in the Museum (p. 5) Sun 21 Biathlon Experience (p. 7) Tue 15 Fondue under the Stars (p. 6) Tue 23 Fondue under the Stars (p. 6) Wed 16 Hydroelectric power station Göschenen (p. 8) Wed 24 Hydroelectric power station Göschenen (p. 8) Wed 16 Children’s Event (p. 11) Wed 24 Children’s Event (p. 11) Fri Wed 24 Night time sledging (p. 9) Sat 19 AndermattLive! (p. 13) Thu 25 Special SnowNight (p. 14) Tue 22 Fondue under the Stars (p. 6) Fri 26 Night Time in the Museum (p. 5) 18 AndermattLive! (p. 13) Wed 23 Hydroelectric power station Göschenen (p. 8) Sat 27 Fatbike (p. 10) Wed 23 Children’s Event (p. 11) Sat 27 Pimp my Sledge (p. 12) Sat 26 Night Time in the Museum (p. 5) Sun 28 Biathlon Experience (p. 7) Sun 27 Biathlon Experience (p. 7) Sun 27 Easter Egg Hunting Andermatt (p. 14) March Tue 1 Fondue under the Stars (p. 6) Wed 2 Hydroelectric power station Tue 29 Fondue under the Stars (p. 6) Wed 30 Hydroelectric power station Göschenen (p. 8) Göschenen (p. 8) Wed 2 Children’s Event (p. 11) Wed 30 Children’s Event (p. 11) Wed 2 Night time sledging (p. 9) Fri 4 Night Time in the Museum (p. 5) April Sat 2 King of the Mountain (p. 14) 3 WICHTIG ZU WISSEN Anmeldung Die Anmeldung kann per Telefon, E-Mail oder persönlich im Tourismusbüro erfolgen. Es werden nur fristgerechte Anmeldungen berücksichtigt. Teilnehmerzahl Die Teilnehmerzahl ist begrenzt. Wenn die M indestteilnehmerzahl nicht erreicht wird, fi ndet die Aktivität nicht statt. Ausrüstung Gute Ausrüstung ist für die Aktivitäten erforderlich. Anfahrtskosten Die Anfahrtskosten (Auto / öffentlicher Verkehr) zum Treffpunkt gehen zu Lasten der Teilnehmer. Bezahlung Die Bezahlung erfolgt bar im Tourismusbüro vor Beginn der Aktivität. Bei nicht erfolgter Bezahlung wird eine Rechnung ausgestellt. Treffpunkt Der Treffpunkt ist bei den einzelnen Aktivitäten definiert, ca. 10 Minuten vor vereinbarter Zeit ist erwünscht. ALLGEMEINE GESCHÄFTSBEDINGUNGEN (AGB) Diese Bedingungen gelten für alle von Andermatt- Urserntal Tourismus GmbH organisierten Dienstleistungen. Für Leistungen von Dritten gelten – sofern nicht anders vermerkt – deren Vertragsbedingungen, da Andermatt-Urserntal Tourismus nur als Vermittler auftritt. 1. Anmeldung und Bezahlung Der Vertrag zwischen dem Gast und Andermatt- Urserntal Tourismus tritt in Kraft mit der A nmeldung bzw. Buchung (schriftlich, elektronisch, telefonisch, persönlich). Besondere Abmachungen werden erst von dem Moment an Teil des Vertrages, in dem sie schriftlich von AndermattUrserntal Tourismus GmbH bestätigt wurden. 2. Preise Die Preise verstehen sich pro Person und in Schweizer Franken inkl. MwSt. Rabatte können nicht kumuliert werden. Wer im Besitz einer Gästekarte ist, kann Gutscheine und Bonuskarten für den Gästekartenpreis einlösen. 4 3. Annullierungen Annullation durch den Gast: Annullationen müssen schriftlich oder telefonisch an AndermattUrserntal Tourismus GmbH erfolgen. Bei Annullation seitens des Gastes vor der Anmeldefrist für die Aktivität werden 100 % der Kosten erlassen. Bei einer Annullation nach Ablauf der Anmeldefrist kann keine Erstattung erfolgen und es wird eine Rechnung ausgestellt. Annullation durch Andermatt-Urserntal Tourismus GmbH: Durch Gründe höherer Gewalt oder infolge von Umständen, welche nicht abzuwenden sind, kann Andermatt-Urserntal Tourismus GmbH kurzfristig Aktivitäten annullieren. Tritt dieser Fall ein, wird der eingezahlte Betrag vollumfänglich erstattet. Jeder weitergehende Anspruch ist ausgeschlossen. 4. Beanstandungen Entsprechen die Leistungen nicht der Beschreibung oder sind sie lückenhaft, muss sich der Gast ohne Verzögerung bei Andermatt-Urserntal Tourismus GmbH melden. 5. Versicherung Unsere angebotenen Aktivitäten umfassen keinen Versicherungsschutz. Jeder Teilnehmer ist verantwortlich für seine eigene Unfallversicherung (mit einem Zusatz für Bergrisiken und Rettungsbzw. Bergungskosten). 6. Haftung und Schadenersatz Andermatt-Urserntal Tourismus GmbH bietet höchstmögliche Sicherheit. Dennoch kann ein Restrisiko nie ausgeschlossen werden. Mit der A nmeldung anerkennt der Gast diese T atsache und verzichtet auf jeglichen Anspruch auf Schadenersatz. Andermatt Urserntal Tourismus GmbH übernimmt keine Haftung. 7. Rechtliche Verfügung Im Vertragsverhältnis zwischen dem Gast und Andermatt-Urserntal Tourismus GmbH ist ausschließlich schweizerisches Recht anwendbar. Mit der Buchung erklärt sich der Gast mit diesen AGB’s einverstanden. 8. Organisation Andermatt-Urserntal Tourismus GmbH, Gotthardstrasse 2, 6490 Andermatt, Tel. +41 41 888 71 00,, [email protected] Andermatt, März 2015 Night Time in the Museum Visit the Museum at night and discover Andermatt. Your guide will lead you through Andermatt at night and explain all about the animals and people who live here throughout the winter. At the end there is something warm to drink at the Museum before your guide takes you around this historical building. Dates: Sunday, 27 December 2015; Wednesday, 30 December 2015; Sunday, 3 January 2016; Friday, 8 / 15 / 22 / 29 January 2016, 5 / 12 / 19 / 26 February 2016; 4 / 11 March 2016; Saturday, 26 March 2016 Other dates for groups on request Meeting point & Times: 7.30 pm, Tourist Info Andermatt, 2.5 hours What to bring: Warm clothing and good warm shoes/boots are strongly recommended Cost: CHF 10.00 per person (children up to 12 years free of charge) Free of charge with visitor card Participants: 4 to 20 people; suitable for families Registration: No later than 12 am on the event day at the Tourist Info Andermatt, Tel. +41 (0)41 888 71 00, [email protected] 5 Fondue under the Stars A short but enjoyable snow shoe tour takes you through the winter countryside towards Unteralp. On arrival enjoy a freshly prepared Fondue under open skies directly on the river banks in a wonderful winter wonderland. Dates: Tuesday, 22 / 29 December 2015, 5 / 12 / 19 / 26 January 2016, 2 / 9 / 16 / 23 February 2016, 1 / 8 / 15 / 22 / 29 March 2016 Other dates for groups on request Meeting point & Times: 6 pm, Kiosk 61, Gotthardstrasse 61, Andermatt, approx. 3 hours What to bring: Warm sports clothing and good winter boots are a must! Snow shoes and sticks will be provided. Torches may be brought. Shoe size: under 37 only on request. Cost: CHF 40.00 per person CHF 30.00 per person with visitor card Participants: 4 to 15 people; suitable for families; children above 10 yrs. Registration: No later than three days in advance at 2 pm at the Tourist Info Andermatt, Tel. +41 (0)41 888 71 00, [email protected] 6 Biathlon Experience The ex-Biathlon professional athlete and TV sports commentator Matthias Simmen will show you around the modern Biathlon range in Realp. Here you will receive an insight into the sport of Nordic Biathlon and after a short period of instruction can test your talent on the range perhaps winning a copy of Sigi Heinrich’s new book. If bad weather prevails air rifles will be used in the Indoor range. Dates: Sunday, 27 December 2015, 31 January 2016, 7 / 14 / 21 / 28 February 2016, 27 March 2016 Other dates for groups on request Meeting point & Times: 2 pm, Tourist Info Andermatt, or 2.15 pm, Biathlon range in Realp, 2 hours What to bring: Warm clothing and good, warm shoes / boots are strongly recommended. Nordic ski clothing is not required. Cost: CHF 20.00 per person CHF 10.00 per person with visitor card Participants: 6 to 12 people; children above 10 yrs. (use of the rifle only with the explicit permission of a parent present) Registration: No later than two days in advance at 2 pm at the Tourist Info Andermatt, Tel. +41 (0)41 888 71 00, [email protected] 7 Hydroelectric power station Göschenen Would you like to visit the hydroelectric power station? We will guide you through the world of turbines, generators and the production of clean-energy. During the hour-long visit the power station at Göschenen will be presented to you. Dates: Every Wednesday except 23 / 30 December 2015 Other dates for groups on request Meeting point & Times: 2 pm, power station in Göschenen, 1.5 hours Cost: Free Participants: 2 to 30 people; suitable for families Registration: No later than 10 am on the event day at the Tourist Info Andermatt, Tel. +41 (0)41 888 71 00, [email protected] 8 Night time sledging Do you wish to experience night time sledging on the Nätschen run? Depart on the last train at 18.27hrs from Andermatt and descend at Nätschen. At stop-over at the restaurant to strengthen your selves with Fondue. Afterwards you can enjoy the sledge run back down to the village. Dates: Every Wednesday from 6 January to 2 March 2016 Meeting point & Times: 6.40 pm, Restaurant Nätschen, approx. 2.5 hours What to bring: Warm clothing and good warm shoes/boots are strongly recommended. Sledge and forehead lamp can be rented. Cost: CHF 29.00 per person /CHF 22.00 per child up to 17 yrs. only for fondue CHF 42.00 per person / CHF 32.00 per child up to 17 yrs. for fondue and sledge hire Train ticket is not included in the price. Participants: Suitable for families Registration: For the fondue at the Bergrestaurant Nätschen, Tel. +41 (0)41 887 13 53 9 Fatbike Take part in the Night time Fat-bike Event in Andermatt. Experience a guide warm-up tour in the valley and two power-decents from Nätschen to Andermatt. Between runs there a Fat-drink available and at the end a homely plate of spagetti with three different sauces awaits you. Dates: Tuesday, 29 December 2015; Saturday, 2 January 2016, 6 / 13 / 27 February 2016 Other dates for groups on request Meeting point & Times: 4.30 pm, station Andermatt, 3.5 hours What to bring: Fatbike (Rentig is possible), helmet and headlamp are compulsory, warm clothing, gloves, good shoes, goggles Cost: CHF 48.00 per person with own fatbike CHF 88.00 per person including fatbike-hire Drinks are not included. Participants: 4 to 15 participants; children above 14 yrs. Insurance is the responsibility of the participants. Registration: No later than two days in advance at 2 pm at the Tourist Info Andermatt, Tel. +41 (0)41 888 71 00, [email protected] 10 Children’s Event Wednesday evening is the highlight of the week for our younger guests. After skiing there is a Children’s Disco, ice skating or a fairy tale evening on the programme. Children will be looked after by the Ski School and will no doubt enjoy themselves. Dates: Every Wednesday from 23 December 2015 to 30 March 2016; except 13 January (compensation date: Friday, 15 January 2016) Check the website for details. Meeting point & Times: 5 pm (on 15 January 2016 already at 3.30 pm), meeting point not defined yet, depending on the programme. Approx. 1.5 hours What to bring: Clothing adapted to the programme Cost: Free Participants: From 4 yrs. Registration: Not necessary, Contact: Swiss Snowsports School Andermatt, Tel. +41 (0)41 887 12 40, [email protected] 11 Top Events Winter There’s always something happening in the Andermatt Holiday Region in Winter 2015 / 2016. Get an overview of the major events and occasions in the Ursern Valley, there is definitely something for everyone. Be it classical or rock concerts, festivals, sports-events or childrens-events. Thursday, 31 December 2015 New Years Eve Sledging, Hospental Cool sledging ride through the village with bar and BBQ, fireworks and champagne at midnight. Free for everyone Friday & Saturday, 1 & 2 January 2016 Snowparty Concerts from Swiss music stars in the big tent: Stefanie Heinzmann, Adrian Stern, Florian Ast and Baschi. Ticket advance sales Saturday, 13 February 2016 Freestyle Event, Nätschen Freestyle show with big air contest, large fireworks display and event area at the Nätschen valley station. Free for everyone Saturday, 27 February 2016 Pimp my Sledge Fun-race at Nätschen: Whiz down the hill on as fancy a sledge as possible. Free for everyone 12 Saturday, 5 March 2016 Waterslide Contest, Nätschen Cross the pool on skis as fancy as possible and with as short a run-up as possible. Entertainment with party singer Peter Wakel. Free for everyone Friday, 18 & Saturday, 19 March 2016 AndermattLive! Music festival with top concerts on four stages throughout Andermatt. Ticket advance sales Sunday, 20 to Monday 28 March 2016 SwissChamber MusicCircle Nine classical concerts in the church of St. Peter & Paul. Young prize- winner’s ensembles will be given a platform for promotion and presentation, alongside professional ensembles. Ticket advance sales 13 Sunday, 27 March 2016 Easter Egg Hunting, Andermatt Egg hunting in the village for all children. Free for everyone Saturday, 2 April 2016 King of the Mountain, Gemsstock Popular open Freeride event on the Gemsstock, ride from the TOP to the BOTTOM of the mountain as fast as possible. Participation fee, open for everyone Periodic events Thursday, 7 January 2016 / 4 & 25 February 2016 Special SnowNight, Sedrun Nightskiing in Dieni with extra train back to A ndermatt at 10.15 p.m. Saturday 19 & 30 December 2015, 6 & 23 January 2016, 6 & 27 February 2016, 12 & 26 March 2016 Unplugged on Tour One live band per day is touring through A ndermatt, performances in several restaurants and bars. Free for everyone 14 Sleigh Rides Enjoy a relaxing trip in the horse-drawn sleigh - underneath a warm blanket - through the snow-covered wintery landscape from the Andermatt Holiday Region. Dates: 19 December 2015 to 3 April 2016 (daily on reservation) Offers 1 to 4 persons from 5 to 9 persons ½h CHF 80 / CHF 110 + CHF 20 / + CHF 30 1h CHF 120 / CHF 150 + CHF 20 / + CHF 30 1½ h CHF 160 / CHF 190 + CHF 20 / + CHF 30 2h CHF 200 / CHF 230 + CHF 20 / + CHF 30 Price per sleigh Add. person Day-time rate 10 am-5 pm / Night-time rate 5 pm-8 pm Children under 12 years are free! Visitors card reduction 10 % per trip Bookings: Tel. +41 79 294 18 41 15 Gemeinde Andermatt Gäste-Parkplätze Winter 2015/2016 Corporate Identity und Corporate Design Manual Version 1.0 | Juni 2013 Gotthard- und Furkapass Autorisierte Partner Oberalppass Andermatt-Urserntal Tourismus GmbH Gotthardstrasse 2 CH-6490 Andermatt Tel. +41 (0)41 888 71 00 Fax +41 (0)41 888 71 01 [email protected] Informationstafel in der Schöllenen nstafel nen n Göschenen Autobahn A2 16 WICHTIG: Langzeitparkplätze nur bei Parkplatz Andermatt/Sedrun gestattet (rote Signalisation). 17 TIEFENBACH Furkapass ALBERT-HEIM-HÜTTE REALP WINTERHORN ZUMDORF WILDRUHEZONEN-SPERRZONEN wildlife protection zone – prohibited areas MILITÄRSPITAL military hospital DUSCHE shower TOILETTE toilet PARKPLATZ parking RESTAURANT restaurant LOIPENEINSTIEG access point cross-country skiing NACHTLOIPE nordic night-track LANGLAUFEN cross-country skiing SCHLITTELN tobogganing WINTERWANDERN winter walking SCHNEESCHUHLAUFEN snowshoeing LEGEND WINTER MAP LEGENDE WINTERKARTE Gotthardpass P HOSPENTAL ANDERMATT SCHÖLLENEN GÖSCHENEN GEMSSTOCK GURSCHEN NÄTSCHEN GÜTSCH ARNI STÖCKLI Oberalppass SEDRUN A B C D E F G H I J e ss Ei bo de 12 ns tr as se 2 1 Camping (nur Sommer) 2 Casa Popolo 3 Ferienhaus Oltä Stall 4 Lodge & Hostel Basecamp 5 Soldatenhaus B sse tra gss run en nn e So ss de ns tra s ras fst ho Um hn w eg fah Ba Bo e 19 Bä ns t ra s se zw eg 12 Bo de 20 Ge ss 13 10 1 C D E F G ga ler M eg ew od eb ms sto ck s g we ns io iss Ad tra sse 11 nn 18 B 1 Su A sse tra ofs h ahn 1 Tourist Info 2 Bahnhof MGB 3 Poststelle 4/5 Bank/Bankomat 6 Arztpraxis 7 Gemeindeverwaltung 8 Rathaus 9 Talmuseum 10 Gemsstockbahn 11 Schulhaus/Aula 12 Mehrzweckhalle 13 Kaserne 14 Notspital 15 Talstation Nätschen 16 Dorfkirche 17 Maria-Hilf-Kapelle 18 Kapelle St. Kolumban 19 Reformierte Kirche 20 Recycling Stelle Ferienwohnungen / Privatzimmer 13 a str ard tth 1 Hotel The Chedi Andermatt 2 Hotel Aurora 3 Hotel 3 Könige & Post 4 Hotel Monopol-Metropol 5 The River House Hotel 6 Hotel Badus 7 Hotel Schweizerhof-Central 8 Alpenhotel Schlüssel 9 Bären Restaurant & Room 10 Hotel Bergidyll 11 Hotel Crown 12 Hotel Kristall 13 Gasthaus Skiklub 14 Hotel Sonne 15 Gasthaus Tell 16 Gasthaus zum Sternen Go Rit om g as se 18 sse tra t rds tha Go H 2 I J K L M N O P Q R S 1 2 3 3 15 4 14 5 e s tras tts ma 5 m Tur 4 1 6 7 2 e s ras t rds tha Got 3 6 10 1 4 8 4 3 se s tra sts Po 5 9 Oberalpstrasse um en w eg 8 Bl 16 16 6 Rö ssl as 11 iga se sse 14 8 17 7 11 15 riah Ma se 9 ilfg 9 ch g 5 Kirchgasse 7 r Ki 10 3 12 e ass se as Tröglig 13 K L M N O P Q R S 19 Important Phone Number Andermatt Swiss Alps, Showroom Andermatt.................................. +41 41 888 78 00 Cable Car Intschi-Arnisee.................................................................... +41 41 883 16 88 Doctor Andermatt, Dr. M. Schmid....................................................... +41 41 887 19 77 Doctor Göschenen, Dr. D. Stüttgen-Abdalla....................................... +41 41 885 11 63 Emergency hospital Andermatt........................................................... +41 41 888 83 50 Ferienregion Andermatt, Tourist Info................................................. +41 41 888 71 00 Pharmacy Birchler Erstfeld, Delivery Service..................................... +41 41 880 22 44 SkiArena Andermatt-Sedrun............................................................... +41 41 887 14 45 Station Andermatt................................................................................ +41 27 927 77 07 Station Realp......................................................................................... +41 41 887 14 46 Air rescue............................................................................................... 1414 Emergencies........................................................................................... 144 Fire service............................................................................................. 118 Police....................................................................................................... 117 Traffic information................................................................................ 163 Weather.................................................................................................. 162 2015 Ferienregion Andermatt Tourist Info Gotthardstrasse 2 CH-6490 Andermatt Tel. +41 41 888 71 00 [email protected]