St. Aloysius of Gonzaga (St. Louis) Parish


St. Aloysius of Gonzaga (St. Louis) Parish
St. Louis Church
48 West Hollis Street
Nashua, N.H. 03060
Phone: 603-882-4362 * Fax: 603-886-8923
Rev. Marcos Gonzalez-Torres ................. Pastor
[email protected]
Richard Desmarais ................................... Deacon
[email protected]
Parish Council Members:
Susan Simard, Linda Paradise, Carmel Pawlowski, Liliana Pontoni,
Jhoanny Marte, Karen Deoleo, Rolande Suchocki,
Jean-Paul Archambault, Ludis Salazar
Finance Council Members:
Mrs. Rolande Suchocki - Chairperson, Mr. Leo Simard,
Mr. Douglas Pratt, Mrs. Denise Barnett , Mr. Benito Medellín
Faith Formation Team:
Giselle North
........................................... Director of
[email protected]
Carmen Dussault ...........................................Pastoral care
[email protected]
Monica Quiñones .......................................... Youth Minister
[email protected]
Susan Simard ………………………………….. Bible Course
[email protected]
Coordinator - Eng.
Office Staff:
Jennifer McInerney
................................. Business Manager
[email protected]
Amy Buckmire ………………………………… Administrative
[email protected]
Nicole Reyes …………………………………… Office Assistant
[email protected]
Monica Quiñones .......................................... Bulletin Editor /
[email protected]
Social Media
Misioneras Servidoras de la Palabra
Convent …………………………….. ............... 603-882-0893
Cemetery Office:
Elizabeth Klamka...........................................St. Louis,
Old St. Louis,
[email protected]
St. Francis,
St. Stanislaus
Monday – Thursday 9am – 4pm
Closed on Fridays
Monday- Friday: 8:30am (English)
Wednesday: 7:00pm (Español)
Saturday: 4:00pm (English) - 6:00pm (Español)
Sunday: 9:00am (Français & English) -11:00am (English)6:30pm (English)
In the Church
Saturday: 3:00pm (English & Spanish)
Wednesday: 6:00pm - 6:45pm & by appointment
Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday
from 12 noon to 8:00 p.m.
at Corpus Christi Chapel 43 Franklin St Nashua, NH
Adoration on Wednesdays at St. Aloysius Church
from 9a.m. to 7p.m. (If there is a Funeral Mass,
adoration will commence after Mass.)
Closed if no school
261 Lake St. Nashua, NH 03060 * 603-889-9431
Contact: Susan Dignan * 603-882-6372
Emergency Assistance: 603-598-1641
Welcome to our Church family! We’re glad you came to join with us in our worship time today. We hope you come again!
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday, February 8th, 2015
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
"Then the fever left her and she waited on them." What a day for
this woman! She had been confined to bed, burning with a fever, too
sick to move around. Then, her son-in-law showed up with his
brother, two friends, and a man with a growing reputation for
working miracles. With no ceremony, this man came straight over
to her, took her hand and helped her to her feet. There was no time
to question Jesus' bold action because in an instant, the woman was
healed. Whatever he had done had worked!
We can imagine that the appearance of this group of guests at her
house caused Simon's mother-in-law some distress; in her illness,
she had been unable to offer them the hospitality so important in that
culture. But as soon as the fever disappeared, she regained the
freedom to properly welcome her visitors. No longer sick, she was
able to serve. And that was exactly what she wanted to do. Without
hesitation, she began to use her restored health to care for others.
And soon enough, her hospitality was extended to new levels
because "the whole town was gathered at the door" to see Jesus in
How do we use our health? Do we think of it as a gift from God to
be put at the service of others? Or do we think of good health as
simply our own right? Today's virtuous woman teaches us about a
kind of physical generosity. Recognizing that her health had been
given to her as a gift, she in turn offered her strength, her ability to
stand and walk and work, as a gift to others. What a beautiful way to
understand the human body. Instead of focusing on how our bodies
can serve us, may we follow the example of this woman who was
so quick to attend to the needs of her family, her friends, and her
2015 Saint Martin de Porres Award
Call for Nominations - Deadline February 20, 2015
The Guild of Catholic Healthcare Professionals currently is
accepting nominations for the Saint Martin de Porres Award, which
recognizes an individual who has exemplified the virtues of Catholic
healthcare in his or her career as a healthcare professional. The
recipient will be recognized following the annual White Mass on
April 22, 2015. Nominations are due by February 20, 2015. For
more information, visit
Year of Consecrated Life
Installation Masses for New Deans in the
Diocese of Manchester
With the appointment of new Deans for the nine Deaneries
in the Diocese of Manchester, Bishop Libasci will preside
over each of the Installation Ceremonies at Masses which
will be celebrated in the church of each Dean. Below are
the dates, times and locations of each Installation.
On Wednesday, February 25th at 7pm at St. Anne Church
in Hampstead, the Very Reverend Marc Gagne, V.F.
will be installed as Dean of the Rockingham Deanery .
On Thursday, February 26th at 6pm at St. Bernard Church
in Keene, the Very Reverend Stephen Marcoux, V.F.
will be installed as Dean of the Monadnock Deanery .
On Wednesday, March 4th at 7pm at St. Joseph Church in
Woodsville, the Very Reverend Alan Tremblay, V.F.
will be installed as Dean of the White Mountain Deanery.
On Thursday, March 5th at 7pm at Immaculate Heart of
Mary Church in Concord, the Very Reverend
Raymond Ball, V.F. will be installed as Dean of the Capital
On Wednesday, March 11th at 7pm at Resurrection
Church in Nashua, the Very Reverend John Grace,
V.F. will be installed as Dean of the Souhegan Deanery.
On Thursday, March 12th, at 7pm at St. Anthony Church
in Manchester, the Very Reverend Richard Dion, V.F.
will be installed as Dean of the Amoskeag Deanery.
On Monday, March 16th at 6:30pm at Sacred Heart
Church in Laconia, the Very Reverend Marc Drouin,
V.F. will be installed as Dean of the Lakes Region Deanery
On Wednesday, March 25th at 7pm at St. Thomas More
Church in Durham, the Very Reverend Andrew
Cryans, V.F. will be installed as Dean of the Seacoast
On Thursday, March 26th at 7pm at St. Mary Church in
Claremont, the Very Reverend Shawn Therrien, V.F.
will be installed as Dean of the Upper Valley Deanery
All priests, deacons, religious, parish staff and lay faithful
are invited to these special events.
Annual Lenten Morning Reflection
Pope Francis’ wish for this Year of Consecrated Life: “May this
Year … be an occasion for bearing vigorous and joyful witness
Breakfast for Catholic Women
before the world to the holiness and vitality present in so many of
those called to follow Jesus in the consecrated life.” Come share our The NH Diocesan Council of Catholic Women invite all
the women of the Diocese to a Lenten Morning Reflection
Breakfast on Saturday, March 7, 2015 from 8:00 a.m. to
Catholic Charities Update
noon at St. Mary Parish in Rochester. Presenter Soha
Menassa, Project Manager for Catholic Relief Services
Thank you for your support of New Hampshire $23,000
Lebanon, will tell stories of how Catholics are helping
Catholic Charities! Please find our parish’s updated $19,575
Syrians in the midst of the humanitarian crisis in their
information to the right. These amounts represent
country and in neighboring countries. The morning
donations processed through the 10th of December.
includes Rosary, breakfast, and the presentation. Register
Again, thank you for your support. We hope to be able
online at Cost is $10.
to meet our goal as a Parish this year.
For more information contact Mary Ellen Mahon at
[email protected] or (603) 663-0159.
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday, February 8th, 2015
Mass Intentions:
Diocesan policy states that the couple should contact the parish
priest at least six months prior to the wedding before making any
arrangements. Please call the rectory for further information.
Monday, February 9th, 2015
Tuesday, February 10th, 2015
For catechesis and preparation information please contact the office
by phone or by email at [email protected].
Ministry to Visit the Homebound Has Grown!
We reach out to approximately 50 people now, most once a week,
several once a month. These people are all located around the
Nashua area, however they are no longer able to make it to mass.
We could use more help with this very important task, bringing
Communion to the sick. If you would like to join us in these efforts,
please call Carmen Dussault at the rectory office. She will be happy
to go over the schedule and procedure with you. Thank you!
8:30am - For all our parishioners
8:30am - For all our parishioners
Wednesday, February 11th, 2015
8:30am - Raymond Laguerre by the St. Louis tellers
7:00pm - Por todos nuestros feligreses
Thursday, February 12th, 2015
8:30am - For all our parishioners
Friday, February 13th, 2015
8:30am- For all our parishioners
Saturday, February 14th, 2015
4:00pm - St. Anthony for prayers answered
Doris Dionne by Michelle Laliberte
Charlie and Rita Forrence by the family
Suzanne Francoeur by the family
6:00pm - Por todos nuestros feligreses
Sunday, February 15th, 2015
9:00am - Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert by Albert and Diane
Regina Tardif by Mr. and Mrs. Claude Quirion
(1st anniv.)
Gonzagne Bilodeau by Linda and Roger
Joseph Gilbert by his daughter Denise (anniv.)
Readings for the Week of February 8th, 2015
Next Sunday:
Jb 7:1-4, 6-7/1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23/Mk 1:29-39
Gn 1:1-19/Mk 6:53-56
Gn 1:20--2:4a/Mk 7:1-13
Gn 2:4b-9, 15-17/Mk 7:14-23
Gn 2:18-25/Mk 7:24-30
Gn 3:1-8/Mk 7:31-37
Gn 3:9-24/Mk 8:1-10
Lv 13:1-2, 44-46/1 Cor 10:31--11:1/Mk 1:40-45
©Liturgical Publications Inc.
11:00am –Andre Bisson by his family
Paul Leblond by his family
Raymond Laguerre by Joe and Chris Dunhon
6:30pm - For all our parishioners
Sanctuary Lamp:
Church: Lucien and Andre Archambault by
Chapel: In honor of Saint Joseph
St. Louis Church
The Week Ahead:
Monday, February 9th, 2015
7:55am - 8:20am: Rosary for the unborn (Church)
8:30am: Mass
10:00am: Al-Anon Meeting in Milette Manor
6:30pm - 7:30pm: Cub Scouts meeting in the Church Hall
6:30pm - 7:30pm: Bell Choir Practice in the Church
Tuesday, February 10th, 2015
7:55am - 8:20am: Rosary for the unborn (Church)
8:30am: Mass
12:00pm - 8:00pm: Eucharistic Adoration in the Chapel
Wednesday, February 11th, 2015
7:55am - 8:20am: Rosary for the unborn (Church)
8:30am: Mass
9:00am - 6:50pm: Eucharistic Adoration in the Church
7:00pm: Mass (Spanish)
8:00pm: CERS Meeting in Milette Manor
Thursday, February 12th, 2015
8:30am: Mass in English
12:00pm - 8:00pm: Eucharistic Adoration in the Chapel
5:30pm - 6:45pm: Faith Formation in Milette Manor
Friday, February 13th, 2015
**Cemetery & Rectory Offices Closed**
7:55am - 8:20am: Rosary for the unborn (Church)
8:30am: Mass
6:30pm - 8:00pm: EDGE Night in the Church Hall
7:30pm: Spanish Choir Practice (Church)
Saturday, February 14th, 2015
2:00pm - 3:45pm: Sacramental Preparation (English) in Milette
3:00pm - 5:45: Sacramental Preparation (Spanish) in Milette
4:00pm- 5:00pm: English Mass
4:00 - 5:00pm: Kids Choir Practice in Milette Manor
6:00pm: Spanish Mass
7:30pm - 9:00pm: Al-Anon Meeting in Milette Manor
Sunday, February 15th, 2015
9:00am - 10:00am: French/English Mass
10:00am - 1:00pm: RCIA Meeting in Milette Manor
11:00am - 12:00pm: English Mass
6:30pm - 7:30pm: English Mass
6:30pm - 8:00pm: Life Night in the Church Hall
Booster Club News
Last week’s winner will be announced in the next
week’s bulletin. Thank you to those who participate each
week. This is a great little fundraiser for our parish. There
are envelopes at each entrance to the church. Pick up an
envelope or two and take a chance. The winner receives
40% of the amount collected and the parish receives
Your Weekly Contributions
January 31st and February 1st
information was not available at
the time
of printing and will be included in next
Property We
apologize for the inconvenience.
Ed Envelope
you for understanding.$378.00
Pilgrimage to Canada
August 3-6, 2015
$425 per person base upon double occupancy. Visiting
the shrines of Sacred Heart, Cap-de-la-Madeleine, St.
Joseph Oratory in Montreal, St. Anne de Beaupre in
Quebec, and St. Benoit du Lac. Coach bus will leave
from Plaistow, Derry, Manchester, Concord and
Claremont, NH) and will include two full meals a day,
accommodation with private facilities, taxes etc. The
Spiritual Director is Fr. Shawn Therrien - Pastor of St.
Mary’s Church, Claremont, NH. Call Juanita Sweet: 603
-826-4486 or Email: [email protected].
Prayer Group United Hearts
In preparation for lent, which begins on Ash Wednesday,
February 18th, our prayer group will be meeting on
Sunday, February 15th at 12:30pm here at St. Aloysius.
All are welcome to participate.
Religious Items for people in Africa
We are collecting religious items and rosaries (in good
condition) to send to people in Africa. If you have any
rosaries big or small, new or used, they would be greatly
appreciated. Also, statues of saints, all sizes of crucifixes,
small bibles and books of Saints are needed as well.
Thank you for your help!
Corpus Christi Food Pantry andAssistance
Corpus Christi Food Pantry and Assistance needs your
assistance in our mission to help those in need. We need
help in preparing a newsletter for the mail Monday and
Wednesday, February 9th and 11th from 9am to noon
and Tuesday and Thrusday, February 10th and 12th from
2pm to 4:30pm. Any time you can help would be greatly
appreciated. 43 Franklin St.. Call us at 598-1641 for more
St. Aloysius Parish
Catholic Cruise to Caribbean
Come and sail away on a 7 night Catholic Caribbean Cruise with
(Priest to be Assigned by the Apostleship of the Seas of the US
of America) Sept 13 to 20, 2015 on Royal Caribbean’s
Navigator of the Seas out of Galveston, Texas.
Ports of Call: Cozumel (Mexico), Belize City (Belize), Roatan
(Honduras) and back to Galveston, Texas.
Prices begin at $999 for two passengers this includes all port
fees and taxes. Daily Mass offered. Deposits of only $350 per
limited. For further info or to register, contact Doug or Eileen at
860-399-1785/ Doug@CatholicCruisesandTours.
Sponsor of the Week
Aravel Auto Repair
Contemplative Eucharistic
Aravel Auto Repairs offers
repair and maintenance
services that range from
transmission work to oil
changes. Aravel provides
vehicles in need of major repairs, as well as emergency
roadside assistance. There's a special oil change deal for
customers spending more than $200. We work on
domestic and foreign cars. For more information call us at
603-882-4418 or come by the shop. We are conveniently
located at 75 W. Hollis St. Nashua, NH.
Contemplative Eucharist will be offered at the San Damiano
House of Prayer during the Lenten season.
Scouts Sunday
Dates: Wednesday evenings of Lent from February 25 to April 1
Time: 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Place: San Damiano House of Prayer, 333 Pawtucket St., Lowell,
MA 01854
The Pack 255 of St. Louis de Gonzague is celebrating the
Scouts Sunday today at 11am. There will be a special
blessing for our scouts. All Are welcome!
Offering: Free will offering
Presider: Fr. Norman Comtois, OMI
In the contemplative tradition there is always the invitation to pray
with fewer words leaving more space for the emptiness and the
Holy Spirit. For more information please visit our website,
or contact Sr. Linda
Greenwood at 978-441-0988 or [email protected].
Youth Ministry News
We want to remind you that whenever the Nashua School District
cancels school due to weather conditions our youth ministry
meetings will be cancelled as well.
If you are interested in becoming a member of our Youth Ministry
programs, please contact Monica by email at
[email protected], or call the rectory office at
World Meeting of Families Pilgrimage and
Papal Mass
The Diocese of Manchester is sponsoring a pilgrimage to the
World Meeting of Families, to be held in Philadelphia, PA, from
September 22 to 27, 2015. Participants from around the U.S. and
the world will convene to explore the critical role the family plays
in society and to give families, and those who minister to families,
opportunities to talk about the challenges and blessings that all
families have. Pope Francis will visit Philadelphia and celebrate a
public Mass on Sunday, September 27. For information and
pilgrimage details go to the diocesan website
Knights of Clumbus Lenten Friday Fish
Knights of Columbus from Infant Jesus, St. John the
Evangelist, St. Patrick and St. Christopher Parishes will be
serving Baked Fish Dinners on the first six Fridays in Lent:
Feb 20, 27, March 6, 13, 20 and 27. The dinners are
served from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm at St. Christopher’s
Church Hall, 62 Manchester Street, Nashua. The menu
includes a generous portion of baked haddock, baked potato, vegetable, coleslaw, rolls, beverage and selections from
our famous home cooked dessert table. Cost is $11. Pizza
is available at $2.00. Take-out orders can be placed by
calling 438-7313. Our snow cancellation policy is that
dinners will be cancelled when Nashua schools are
cancelled due to inclement weather. Stations of the Cross
and Confessions are held in St. Christopher Church
following the dinners.
Men of St. Joseph Mass and Breakfast
Bishop Peter A. Libasci invites all men of the Diocese to
honor our Patron, St. Joseph, at a special Mass and
breakfast on Saturday, March 14, 2015 at St. Joseph
Cathedral in Manchester. Seating for Mass is open, and no
registration is required. Seating for breakfast is limited to
the first 250 registrants. Register on-line at and the cost is $9.00.
For more information contact Bill Donroe at 432-6066 or
[email protected].
Quinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
7 de febrero de 2015
Peregrinación al Encuentro Mundial de las
Familias y Misa con el Papa
La Diócesis de Manchester está
patrocinando una peregrinación al
Encuentro Mundial de las Familias,
que se celebrará en Filadelfia,
Pensilvania, del 22 al 27 de
septiembre de 2015.
de todo los EE.UU. y el mundo se
reunirán para explorar el papel fundamental que desempeña la familia en
la sociedad y dar a las familias, y los
que sirven a las familias, una oportunidad para hablar de los retos y las bendiciones que todas las
familias tienen. El Papa Francisco visitará Filadelfia y
celebrará una misa pública el domingo, 27 de septiembre. Para más
información acerca de ésta peregrinación y detalles de éste gran
evento visita la página web diocesana (
Domingo de Scouts
ArtículosReligiosos para personasen África
Estamos recolectando artículos religiosos y rosarios para
enviar a la gente en África. Si tiene rosarios grandes o
pequeños, nuevos o usados que pueda donar, puede traerlos a
la iglesia. Además, se necesitan estatuas de santos y crucifijos.
¡Gracias por su ayuda!
Lecturas para la semana del
8 de febrero de 2015
Job 7, 1-4. 6-7/1 Cor 9, 16-19. 22-23/Mc 1,
Gn 1, 1-19/Mc 6, 53-56
Gn 1, 20--2, 4/Mc 7, 1-13
Gn 2, 4-9. 15-17/Mc 7, 14-23
Gn 2, 18-25/Mc 7, 24-30
Gn 3, 1-8/Mc 7, 31-37
Gn 3, 9-24/Mc 8, 1-10
Domingo siguiente: Lv 13, 1-2. 44-46/1 Cor 10, 31--11, 1/
Mc 1, 40-45
©Liturgical Publications Inc.
La tropa 255 de San Luis de Gonzaga te invita a celebrar con
Servicios Domiciliares
ellos del domingo de los Scouts. Tendremos una misa especial
El primer viernes de cada mes, tenemos visitas domiciliarias
mañana domingo 8 de febrero de 2015 a las 11am.
para los enfermos. Si usted está enfermo(a), conoce a alguien
que esté enfermo(a), si alguien está en un asilo o conoce a
alguien que esté en un asilo y necesite de visitas para hacer
Cursos Biblicos
oración o recibir la comunión, favor de comunicarse con
El grupo CERS te invita a conocer y profundizar en la palabra Carmen Dussault al (603)882-4362.
de Dios. Para mayor información, comuníquese a la oficina
parroquial, o hable con cualquiera de los CERS al final de la
Grupo de Oración Carismático
Los invitamos a todos a compartir con el nuevo grupo de
oración carismático de San Luis de Gonzaga todos los
segundos miércoles de cada mes. La próxima reunion será el
Si quieres recibir el Santo Rosario en tu hogar comunícate con la 11 de febrero de 2015. Para mayor información
Sra. Angelina al 603-589-6079 o con Guadalupe Gómez al acomuníquese a la oficina parroquial.
603-598-9788. También puedes hablar con cualquiera de los
miembros del grupo CERS después de cada misa. Tenemos
Adoración Eucarística Contemplativa
grupos de personas disponibles todos los días para poder
acomodarnos a tus necesidades. No dejes de llamarnos y La adoración Eucaristíca Contemplativa se ofrecerá en la
dejarnos saber cuando estarías disponible para recibirnos en tu Casa de oración San Damiano durante el tiempo de Cuarcasa y rezarle juntos a María. “María es la mano que nos lleva a esma. Los miércoles de cuaresma por la noche comenzando
su Hijo Jesús.”
del 25 febrero al 1 de abril de 6:30pm a 7:30pm
Lugar: San Damiano Casa de Oración, 333 Pawtucket St,
Radio Inmaculada
Lowell, MA 01854
Te invitamos a escuchar a Radio Inmaculada a través de Ofrenda: Libre albedrío oferta, en tu radio 101.9 FM o por teléfono
marcando el número 712-432-7206. También tenemos la Celebrante: Padre Norman Comtois, OMI
aplicación disponible en el Apple Store o en la tienda de Android. En la tradición contemplativa siempre existe la invitación a
El nombre de la aplicación es Radio Immaculada. En la emisora orar con menos palabras dejando más espacio para el vacío y
encontarás, meditaciones, el Santo Rosario, el programa el Espíritu Santo. Para obtener más información, visite nuestro
Conociendo Tu Fe todos los martes a las 7:00 pm y mucho más. sitio
Radio Immaculada, una radio Católica en nuestra área.
comuníquese con la Hermana Linda Greenwood al
978-441-0988 o [email protected].
Parroquia San Luis de Gonzaga
Esta misa es ofrecida:
Por el eterno descanso de María Edelmira Vergara González
5º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
La vida de la sociedad de hoy está colmada de desilusiones y
enfermedades. A dondequiera que veamos hay algo que nos
conmueve. En la primera lectura el Libro de Job describe la realidad
de aquel tiempo y el de ahora. La fatiga, nostalgia y prisa nos
rodean: "Recuerda, Señor, que mi vida es un soplo. Mis ojos no
volverán a ver la dicha". Para Job la vida es servicio y trata de
trabajar duro como un jornalero. Démonos cuenta de que la
condición humana tiene como característica el esfuerzo y el
sufrimiento. Es necesario trabajar para recibir nuestro salario como
Pero hay muchas personas que como Job ni siquiera tienen el
consuelo de una recompensa o un salario. El Libro de Job nos
enseña que la vida es frágil y quebradiza. Suele parecer que como
un soplo, nuestro destino es la muerte. Más, sin embargo, en el
Evangelio, Marcos nos muestra a un Jesús ocupado siempre,
curando, orando y anunciando la Buena Nueva. El Señor Jesús es el
único capaz de curar y de vencer el mal que nos aqueja: "Y [Jesús]
recorrió toda Galilea, predicando en las sinagogas y expulsando a
los demonios". ¿Qué males tengo? ¿Cuáles deben ser expulsados
para que sea yo feliz? Tres aspectos de la vida terrena de Jesús
deben tomar nuestra atención. Primero, sanar nuestras heridas físicas
y espirituales. Jesús es el médico y desea que sanemos. Segundo es
orar: nuestras actividades no nos deben de apartar de la intimidad
con Dios. Por último, anunciar y proclamar la Buena Nueva. Pero
observemos que si no tenemos las primeras dos, de nada servirá que
hagamos la tercera. Hacer bien el trabajo que se nos encomienda
significa luchar contra el mal. ¿Entendemos esto?
Adoración al Santísimo Sacramento
~Adoración en la capilla Corpus Christi todos los lunes, martes y
jueves de 12pm a 8pm (48 Franklin St. Nashua, NH)
~Adoración todos los miércoles en la Parroquia San Luis de
Gonzaga, de 9am a 6:45pm. Todos los miércoles durante la
Adoración en la parroquia tendremos la coronilla a la Divina
Misericordia a las 3pm.
~ El segundo sábado de cada mes tenemos Adoración Nocturna de
10pm a 5am en la Parroquia San Luis de Gonzaga. ¡Están todos
Programa de Formación Religiosa
Si desea más información acerca de los diferentes
programas de formación religioda puede pasar por la
oficina durante horario regular de lunes a jueves de 9am
a 4pm.
Movimiento Familiar Cristiano
Si desea más información acerca del movimiento, favor de
comunicarse con Ludis al 603-318-9118.
Favor de comunícarse a la oficina parroquial 6 meses
antes de llevarse acabo el evento, gracias.
Las Charlas Pre-bautismales serán todos los 2do sábados de
cada mes a la 1pm en Milette Manor. Los papas y padrinos
deben asistir. Los bautizos en español son el 2do y 4to
domingo del mes a las 12:30pm. Pueden llamar a la
oficina parroquial para más información o para inscribirse.
Premios San Martín de Porres 2015
Fecha límite para nominar candidatos 20 de febrero
El Gremio de Catholic Healthcare Professionals está
aceptando nominaciones para el Premio San Martín Porres
que reconoce a un individuo que ha ejemplificado las
virtudes de la asistencia médica católica en su carrera
como profesional de la salud. El ganador será reconocido
después de la Misa Blanca anual el 22 de abril de 2015.
Las nominaciones se recibirán hasta el 20 de febrero de
2015. Para más información, visita
Cenasen Cuaresma de los Caballeros de Colón
Los Caballeros de Colón de las parroquias Infant Jesús, San
Juan Evangelista, San Patricio y San Cristóbal estarán
sirviendo comidas (pescado al horno) en los primeros seis
viernes de
Cuaresma: 20 de feb, 27 de feb, 6 de marzo
13 de marzo, 20 de marzo y 27 de marzo. Las cenas se
sirven 4:30pm a 6:30pn en el salon de la iglesia de San
Christopher, 62 Manchester Street, Nashua. El menú
incluye una generosa porción de pescado al horno, papa al
Noticias de la Pastoral Juvenil
horno, verduras, ensalada de col, pan, bebida y selecciones
Si usted está interesado en convertirse en un miembro de de postres. El costo es de $11. También habrá pizza
nuestros programas, por favor comuníquese con Mónica por disponible a $2 por pedazo. Para ordenar tu plato puedes
correo electrónico a [email protected], o llame a la llamar al 438-7313 durante los días en que se sirve la cena.
Nuestra política de cancelación a causa de la nieve es que
oficina parroquial al 882 a 4362.
las cenas serán canceladas cuando las escuelas de Nashua
cancelan debido a las inclemencias del tiempo.
Año de la Vida Consagrada
El deseo del Papa Francisco "para este Año de la Vida
Grupo de Oración Corazones Unidos
Consagrada:" es que este Año ... Sirva como una ocasión para
dar testimonio vigoroso y alegre ante el mundo a la santidad y la Nuestro grupo de oración se reunirá el domingo 15 de
vitalidad presente en muchos de los llamados a seguir a Jesús en febrero a las 12:30pm aquí en la iglesia de San Luis en
la vida consagrada. "Ven a compartir nuestra alegría! preparación para la cuaresma, que comienza el
miércoles de ceniza el 18 de febrero.Todos están invitados.