March 2016 - Temple Israel Tulsa


March 2016 - Temple Israel Tulsa
MARCH 2016
Worship Schedule:
All are welcome at Shabbat services.
Childcare is available if needed.
Friday, March 4 | 6:00 p.m.
Pre-Oneg | 5:30 p.m.
TGIS (Thank God It’s Shabbat!) Service
followed by catered dinner by Chef James
Shrader. See page 3 for more details and
please make sure to RSVP for dinner.
Thank you to The Sharna and Irvin Frank
Foundation for supporting our Shabbat
dinner and community.
Music with Jenny Labow and TI Band
Purim 5776 - Megillah & More!
Sunday, March 20 at 11:00 a.m.
Learning for kids and adults begins at 9:30 a.m. Our celebration
continues at 11:00 a.m. with a hilarious shpiel and joyful retelling
of the story of Esther, followed by a fantastically fun carnival.
The shpiel this year is… “Shushan Wars: The Jew Awakens!”
Come in costume! We’ll have games, prizes, inflatables, food,
art activities, and so much more! Purchase your all-inclusive
wristband at the door or in advance for $10 a person, with a
family max of $36. Children 5 and under are free. All are welcome!
For more information, please contact Jenn Selco. May the force
be with you this Purim!
Friday, March 11 | 6:30 p.m.
Picnic Dinner | 5:45 p.m.
Bring your own dinner or RSVP to the office
or [email protected] by 3/9 for
pizza and salad; drinks and utensils provided.
Shabbat In the Round Service | 6:30 p.m.
A casual service in the Convocation Center.
Come add your voice. Music with the Rabbis
Friday, March 18 | 7:30 p.m.
Shabbat Evening Service
Music with Jenny Labow
Friday, March 25 | 7:30 p.m.
Sisterhood Shabbat Service
Lynn Magid Lazar, Immediate Past President
of Women of Reform Judaism will speak on
“Burnt offerings and sacrifices:
Women of Reform Judaism keeps
the altar fires burning!”
Music with Cantor Faith Steinsnyder
Saturday, March 26 | 10:30 a.m.
Shabbat Morning Service
Shorashim RS Shabbat
Family Experience starting at 10:00 a.m.
Followed by lunch and get-to-know
Lynn Magid Lazar.
Celebrate Purim!
In the Book of Esther, after Queen Esther and Mordechai spoil
Haman’s plot to destroy the Jewish people, Mordechai notifies
the people of Shushan that, “the days wherein the Jews had
rest from their enemies, and the month which was turned unto
them from sorrow to gladness, and from mourning into a good
day; that they should make them days of feasting and gladness,
and of sending portions one to another, and gifts to the
poor.” According to our tradition, we remember and celebrate
the miracles of the Purim story through four mitzvot, sacred
obligations, and opportunities to celebrate Purim at Temple
Megilah (Hearing the Megilah): Come hear parts of Megilah
Esther, the Scroll of Esther, chanted on Sunday, March 20 from
11:00 - Noon. You will also see the Purim story as it’s never been
told before! Because Queen Esther masked her Jewish identity
from King Achashverosh, it has become Jewish custom to wear
costumes. All are encouraged to come in costume!
Continued on page 2
Continued from previous page
All in the Family
Mishteh (Festive Meal): Following the Megilah
reading and Purim shpiel all are invited to a
fantastically fun carnival. We’ll have games,
prizes, inflatables (for kids and adults), food and
hamantaschen, art activities, and so much more!
Irene and Marc Bookbinder announce the birth
of Estella Rose Bookbinder, daughter of Paul and
Ivonne Bookbinder in Dallas, Texas.
Matanot L’Evyonim (Gifts to the Poor): Purim is
the traditional Jewish gift-giving holiday, hence our
tradition of providing Matanot L’evyonim, gifts for
the poor. Each year the Social Justice Committee
coordinates a project for us to participate in this
mitzvah. A large figure of Haman (BOO!) looms in
the Temple lobby during the Purim season with his
pockets (hamentaschen!) containing gift requests
that support the work of Tulsa’s Parent-Child Center.
This is an opportunity for congregants to fulfill this
mitzvah of providing gifts for the poor. Thank you to
everyone for your contributions!
With sorrow, the congregation notes the death of:
Bob Golan, husband of Shirley Golan.
May his memory be a blessing.
Mishloach Manot (Sending Gifts): It’s a mitzvah to
give gifts that will help others celebrate the holiday
of Purim. This year there are three ways you can
participate in giving Mishloach Manot at Temple.
1. Contribute toward a bag for each pre-k through 12th grade religious school family for $36.
2.Contribute toward a bag for each Temple Israel resident at the Tulsa Jewish Retirement and Health Center for $36.
3. Do-It-Yourself Option: We will provide all the materials and you assemble your Mishloach
Manot on Sunday, March 20 during the Purim Carnival. $4 per gift. You can deliver the bags at your own convenience.
Celebrating and tasting on Tu Bishvat!
To ensure that we have enough materials for the
Mishloach Manot bags, ALL orders should be placed
and paid for by Wednesday, March 9. You can pay
by sending a check to the Temple office with the
Mishloach Manot option(s) in the memo line or follow
the link in your weekly e-blast to pay online. Any
proceeds will benefit Temple Israel's youth. Contact
Jenn Selco with questions. Happy Purim!
Calliope Youth Circus performing at Social Justice Shabbat.
Confirmation students attend Shabbat dinner at the home of
Rabbis Karen and Micah Citrin followed by services.
MARCH 2016
Youth and Family Education
Social Justice
Jennifer Selco
Once again it is time to pick Haman’s pockets and
do a Purim Mitzvah as we support the Parent Child
Center of Tulsa. Collections will begin February 26,
and end on March 20 at our Purim carnival. The kids
and parents really appreciate what we are able to
provide each Purim season.
Sunday Morning Shorashim Religious School and
Adult Education Series Topics
All adults are welcome to participate from 10:00
a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Come enjoy a bagel and a good cup
of coffee, and learn about interesting Jewish values
and concepts at an adult level with Rabbi Karen,
Rabbi Micah, and guest teachers. Open to parents,
grandparents, and other adults. Learn while the kids
are in classes. The educational theme is “Middot and
Mitzvot: Holy Values, Holy Deeds for You and Me.”
Each session focuses on a specific middah (Jewish
value) or mitzvah (commandment):
Marshall Elementary, our adopted Elementary school
still needs 20 volunteers for Reading Partners. The
last day to sign up is March 25 and this tutoring
program ends April 29. Join Merrilee Langer and
other Temple members who make a difference in the
lives of students. Here is a feature on Merrilee from
Reading Partners:
Sunday, March 6 - Simcha (Joy)
Sunday, March 20 - Nedivut (Generosity) and the
holiday of Purim.
Merrilee has been with Reading Partners since
October of 2015, volunteering every week at
Marshall Elementary helping students gain vital
literacy skills and become better readers! Merrilee
volunteers because she believes in the importance
of the impact tutors can make on children’s selfconfidence and success in school. She loves to watch
her student blossom each week as they advance…
either students should be plural, or it should read as
he/she advances.
Family Shabbat Morning Experience on
Saturday, March 26 at 10:00 a.m.
A special study and worship experience for Shorashim
Religious School families and everyone else! A family
friendly camp style service with students helping to
lead some of the prayers. All are encouraged to join in
learning, prayer, and lunch together.
When asked what would you say to someone who
is interested in becoming a new tutor with Reading
Partners - she said, “Jump right in there and join us! It
will make a difference in your life, as well as the child
you tutor.” Join Merrilee and the other volunteers
from Temple Israel. Be a reading partner, it only takes
one hour a week! Sign up at www.readingpartners.
org or call 918-949-1979.
TGIS: Thank God It’s Shabbat! on
Friday, March 4 at 6:00 p.m.
Pre-Oneg at 5:30 p.m. (come early for savory
snacks). A spirited, family-friendly service with the
joyful music of the TI band and kids choir. There
will be a special March Birthday Blessing for all
March birthdays. Plus Visual T’filah (prayers on the
big screen). Join along as we celebrate Shabbat
followed by a delicious catered Shabbat dinner
by Chef James Shrader of the Palace Cafe. Thank
you to The Sharna and Irvin Frank Foundation for
generously supporting our Shabbat dinner and
community. Please contact the temple office at
(918) 747-1309, reservations@,
or the temple website to RSVP for dinner and
payment by Wednesday, March 2. $18/ per adult
and $5/child; under 5 free.
Financial assistance is available; please contact
Klara. There will be activities for children when
they are finished eating!
The menu includes: Challah with honey butter; Green
salad with parmesan cheese, cherry tomato, kalamata
olives, and balsamic vinegar and extra virigin olive oil;
Herb roasted chicken with garden pesto slow roasted
on a bed of veggies; Succotash and farro; Shroomakopita for vegetarians and vegans; seasonal fruit
cobbler and house made vanilla bean ice cream.
Merilee Langer with her student reading partner at Marshall
Elementary School.
MARCH 2016
Member Story
September 28-29, 2015, I went to Oklahoma City with
many prayers for Claudia’s final testing. This was the first
time we had seen each other in 36 years. It was quite
the emotional moment, tears from both of us as well as
excitement for all the final tests. I had been down this
road before with Tim and so much could or could not
happen. I was her cheer leader, accompanying her and
her husband Tom to each and every test....She passed
with flying colors! The next step was getting transplanted
by year's end. This proved to be a challenge, but Claudia
stepped up once again.
Belinda Ball
As some of you may know, I have battled chronic kidney
disease for most of my life, having been born with one
horseshoe shaped kidney. After multiple surgeries at age
three, for the last 4 years I have been in end-stage renal
disease. I had been told that my only chance for a healthy
life was to have a kidney transplant.
You may know me as a friend growing up in Tulsa, going
to Edison Preparatory High School or while attending
The University of Tulsa. Perhaps you remember me as
the “softball and orchestra” mom, or as a wife and former
business owner. Or you may know me from attending
Temple Israel for over 30 years and from reciting my
name for the past 4 years during the Mi Shebeirach
healing prayer for the ill.
I am now in my 6th week of recovery, still on what Tim
and I call: “house arrest.” I am able to go out of the house,
with limitations, to eat or shop. I drove for the first time 2
weeks ago to get my lab work done. There are so many
muscles you don’t realize you use, so driving is limited. It
will take a year to fully recover. Words cannot express my
gratitude of receiving the Gift Of Life, getting my best
friend back in my life, not having to live on the “edge”,
and being able to live a normal life, with the exception
of all the anti-rejection medications. Claudia and I talk or
IM each other every day. We are planning to visit her in
late Spring on her farm in Dripping Springs, Texas when
I am cleared for travel.
I am happy to report I received my life saving kidney
transplant from my elementary, middle and high school
best friend Claudia Bucklin Smith, on December 21, 2015,
at Integris Baptist Nazih Zuhdi Transplant Center in
Oklahoma City.
We became reunited through social media, after I posted
that my husband Tim, initially deemed a “perfect match”
at Baylor, was excluded after final testing. I was also told
due to my “petite stature” I would need a pediatric kidney,
which would mean years of waiting for a kidney because
pediatric kidneys are deemed for pediatric patients.
What a test of faith and hope. However, Tim and I prayed
and we continued to be hopeful.
My life currently consists of weekly lab work, weekly
visits to Oklahoma City, transitioning to bi-weekly, then
monthly trips. I will be on anti-rejection medications
for the rest of my life. There are so many uninsured
transplant-related expenses such as co-pays and
deductibles, doctor visits, travel, and medications. This
is a financial burden that Tim and I cannot handle alone.
To help, a fundraising campaign in my honor has been
established with, a trusted nonprofit organization that has been providing community
based fundraising guidance to patients and their
families for more than 30 years. All donations are taxdeductible, and are held by HelpHOPELive in the SouthCentral Kidney Transplant Fund, and are administered
by HelpHOPELive for transplant related expenses only.
During this time, Integris became an option. Tim and
I attended Patient Orientation, and loved the nurses,
surgeons, nephrologists, pharmacists. We both said we
had a feeling of peace after orientation and knew this
is where I needed to be. So, we began our journey to
become listed at Integris.
It had been 36 years since Claudia and I had last spoken.
My first phone call from Claudia was April 10, 2015
telling me we were a match! As you can imagine, our
conversation was quite lengthy. We had 36 years to talk
about! It was during this conversation that I told her Tim
and I had attended patient orientation in Oklahoma City
at Integris and were so impressed. I asked if she would
go through all the testing again. I gave her the phone
number and the next morning she called and said: “I
know why you want to be there, and yes I will do it all over
again.” Claudia had some obstacles to overcome, and
she doesn't mind me sharing she had some weight to
lose. She had a hip issue, and was seeing an Orthopedic
physician who wanted to start her on a series of steroid
treatments. Determined I was going to get her kidney,
Claudia sought out an alternative, a Sports Therapist,
who worked with her for weeks to get her hip moving so
she could exercise without pain. This is the very definition
of a true and a very dedicated friend.
MARCH 2016
2016 is going to be a great year, with Refuah and Healing!
On behalf of Tim and our family, I thank you for your
kind prayers, support and generosity.
Claudia and Belinda
Get to Know Us
Get to know our staff a little bit better. This month
we are featuring our musical accompanist and choir
director, Eliot Glaser.
Save the Date:
Temple Fundraiser Celebration
Sunday, April 3
11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
10 things to know about Eliot:
1. Moved to Tulsa 25 years ago when Lise, his wife of 38 years auditioned for and a won a job in the now former Tulsa Philharmonic Orchestra.
2. Previously, worked as a programmer and technical writer for a startup computer company in Los Angeles. Before that taught music in a small
college in southern Illinois.
3. His son Nathan is 17 and preparing to attend
college this fall majoring in jazz composition and
possibly astrophysics.
4. Have always included rescue animals in the family. Two cats (Fred and George) and two dogs (Daisy and Lily).
5. Loves to cook while Lise likes to do the yard work "guess we’re pretty well suited to one another.”
6. Started running marathons for fun in 2009 and has so far finished 23 in 22 states.
7. Reads lots and lots of audiobooks while training for marathons -- mostly science fiction, biography, and public interest.
8. Fervently hopes and prays that our political system becomes functional once again.
9. Cares deeply about education, race relations, and interfaith dialogue.
10. Feels incredibly blessed to serve as a musician for “such a wonderful and caring congregation.”
Please participate in supporting
your Temple Family, and then
join in dining and celebrating together.
Thank you for your generosity!
Please look in your mail for more details.
Thanks to John and Leah Clayman
for chairing our fundraiser this year.
Shorashim Religious School Families with Jim Jakubovitz at
Students with resident Nancy Stolper.
Youngest students making cards for residents.
MARCH 2016
•Sisterhood board member for many years
(16 or more)
•Attends Institute of Adult Jewish Studies
•Learned Torah trope with Cantor Martin Levson and reviewed with Cantor Kari Siegel-Eglash
Sisterhood Shabbat - Friday, March 25 at 7:30 p.m.
Temple Israel Sisterhood will celebrate
guest speaker Lynn Magid Lazar
from Pittsburg, PA, the Immediate
Past President of Women of Reform
Judaism. Lazar joined the WRJ Board
of Directors in 1993, and has served in
many capacities. In addition, she was
elected to the Board of Trustees of the Union for
Reform Judaism, and was recently installed on the
Executive Board of the World Union for Progressive
Judaism. Lynn will speak about, “Burnt offerings and
sacrifices: Women of Reform Judaism keeps the altar
fires burning!” All are welcome to join for an inspiring
service filled with women’s voices and songs. The
service will be led by members of Sisterhood, Rabbi
Karen Citrin, and Cantor Faith Steinsnyder.
Brotherhood After Hours
Please join your Brothers on Thursday, March 10
starting at 5:30 p.m. at Fox & Hound, 7001 S. Garnett
Road. Spring is in the air so celebrate the coming
warmer weather with your brothers. Tasty food, good
drinks and excellent company awaits you. No RSVP
necessary but contact Peter Rao with any questions.
The Brotherhood of Temple Israel announce that
the following have been referred by the nominating
committee for office for the 2016 election cycle:
Peter Rao - President
Ron Grossman - Vice President
Mark Lobo - Vice President
Craig Kovin - Secretary
Canyon Russell – Treasurer
We will continue to celebrate Shabbat with our guest
on Saturday with Shabbat morning services at 10:30
a.m. followed by lunch. During lunch, there will be a
opportunity to get to know Lynn and to hear about
ways that Sisterhood is striving to engage younger
members and vision for the future.
The Sisterhood Board is planning an inspiring
weekend for new and longstanding members alike,
as well as those unaffiliated, and looks forward to the
opportunity to rejoice, learn, and share.
On this Friday evening, Temple Israel
Sisterhood will honor the 2016 Queen
Esther, Jody Weise-Gonzales:
ARZA and All of Us at the Western Wall
Exciting news from Israel! On January 31st, the Israeli
Prime Minister’s cabinet authorized construction of a
new access plaza to the western supporting wall of the
•Member of Temple since early ‘80’s
Temple mount, the Kotel, in Jerusalem. With our help,
•Taught Sunday School for 10 - 12 men, women and children together will be welcome.
Men and women and all visitors to the site will be able
•Gift shop trustee for 16 years! 10 the to approach the wall to pray, pay respect, or simply
first time, and now going on 6 more this May
marvel at this enduring Jewish landmark. Located just
•ShalomFest Volunteer - I was the first one to make south of the existing plaza managed by ultra-Orthodox
the falafel for Shalomfest!
Jews, this new section will be a place for families to
•Sisterhood Cookbook and Auction Fundraiser celebrate together as we have always done at Temple
Israel. And it was your support of the Association of
•Chai Tea committee with Teddy for the very first Reform Zionists of America that helped make this
one! (and a few after that…)
happen. Our ARZA membership funds the Israel
•Sang in Temple choir for a few years with
Movement for Progressive Judaism (IMPJ) and the
Alan Leder and Martin Levson
Israel Religious Action Center (IRAC) that has in turn
•Temple fundraiser musical show and dinner
helped the Women of the Wall arrive there after a 27
•Tu Bishevat seder committee
year journey. Reform rabbis, regardless of gender, will
•Helped with many Temple dinners
now be able to read and teach Torah at this focal point
•Mahj Tournament committee (and teacher)
of the Jewish people. For over 2,500 years the Kotel
•Help set up lunches, dinners, onegs
has been respected by Jews. Now the wall belongs to
•Taste of Temple “chef” one year (with Tony)
Mark Lobo, TI ARZA Chair
MARCH 2016
Executive Committee
sharing the things that they love and appreciate about
Temple Israel, and moved on to addressing challenges
we face. Questions were asked and answered. Facts
were presented and misconceptions were addressed.
Congregants listened and spoke with compassion
and respect for one another. An important goal of the
Samoan Circle was to allow people to address and
ultimately let go of past issues so that we are able to
focus our energies on contributing to our community
in a positive way today and in the future. Based on
the positive feedback our Reference Team received,
many feel that our Temple family made significant
strides towards health and healing that afternoon.
Susan Woitte
Your lay leaders are working hard to ensure our
congregation will be well prepared for the future.
The budget committee will meet on March 21 to
finalize a recommended budget for fiscal year 20162017 to the Board of Trustees.
In preparation for our next fiscal year, contracts
are being negotiated and signed to secure our
professional partners. Rabbi Jim Simon will be joining
us in July as Interim Rabbi. For more information
about Interim Rabbis please ask us or see Executive
Committee bulletin articles from the last few months.
Among many others, President Elect Lesley
Bumgarner, spoke during the Samoan Circle. Here is
an excerpt from her message:
We are elated to have our current musical team
continue into next year. Cantor-in-Residence Faith
Steinsnyder will share her passion and musical
talents with us two weekends each month. Eliot
Glazer, Jenny Labow and Sarah Beth Gordon will
further enhance our worship.
I fervently hope that each one of us is committed
to our congregation as a whole, to the Temple Israel
family, rather than to any one particular individual.
Our commitment cannot rest on who is or is not our
Rabbi, who is or is not our President, or who is or is
not in any other leadership role. Our commitment
to Temple Israel cannot be based on who is in a
particular role, but on the health and well being of
our congregation as a whole. This does not mean that
we will always agree. In a family with over 350 families
diverse opinions are to be expected. This is normal
and healthy and adds richness and depth to our
community. If we can express our diverse opinions
with the understanding that we value the health of a
vibrant Reform Jewish community in Tulsa above all,
we have the ability to accomplish so much.
The board and congregational consultants are
completing their excellent work with us. Teri Aulph
delivered her last training session to the Board in
February. She leaves us with recommendations and
clarified understanding of how to improve board
decision-making and effectiveness. David Brubaker
led approximately 130 congregation members in the
Samoan Circle. The activity allowed us to share clear
messages with one another about the depth of our
love for Temple Israel.
Some of the learning we have gained from our
consultants is leading to the update of our
governance documents that need revision. You
can expect to be invited to participate in some of
these actions. Updates to our Constitution, our bylaws, are being discussed and will be presented to
the congregation in stages. A new communication
policy is being reviewed to protect the privacy of our
members’ contact information.
If any of my actions have caused pain or harm to anyone
in the Temple Israel family, I sincerely apologize. My
intention has always been to help Temple Israel, and
never to harm anyone. The work we are doing together
this afternoon in the Samoan Circle is an important
step towards healing and wholeness. Can we let go
of past hurts and misunderstandings? Can we take
all of the energy we have focused on past events and
put this energy to work to improve the present and
secure the future? I believe that we can. Let’s fight
for Temple Israel instead of fighting each other. Let’s
assume that all members of our community have the
best intentions for Temple Israel, even when we have
differing ideas about how to accomplish something.
We have been entrusted with a wonderful legacy, yet
we still have work to do at Temple Israel. Let’s do this
We continue to give our time and effort on behalf
of all members of the congregation and are always
available to receive your input on this month’s news
and steps going forward.
Samoan Circle Recap
On the afternoon of January 31, more than 130
members of the Temple Israel family gathered
for a frank and honest discussion, facilitated by
congregational consultant, David Brubaker. The fact
that so many members chose to take part in this
activity demonstrates the strong commitment of
our congregants. The discussion began with people
As we continue to make strides forward together, the
Reference Team welcomes your comments, questions
and support. Todd Arlan, Lesley Bumgarner, Patti
Elliot, Mike Jacobs, Jackie Karpman, Stan Kessler,
Russ Newman, Dr. George Pickler, Betty Sherman.
MARCH 2016
Our Library
Susan Woitte
Before superstars like Madonna or
Lady Gaga there was the brazen
and audacious Sophie Tucker. The
Sophie Tucker retraces her amazing
career on TV, Hollywood, Broadway
and more. Told with interviews, video
clips and scrapbooks it is a touching
rags to riches story centering on a
larger-than-life character.
Check out the newest materials in the Temple
The Capacity for Infinite Happiness by
Alexis Von Konigslow has two parallel
stories which take place in a Canadian
vacation resort and involve deep dark
secrets and a family mystery. The
modern tale is about Emily attempting
to enlist the help of her relatives to tie
her Master’s thesis with family history
but they are guarding family secrets.
The entertaining parallel mystery story is a tale is set
in 1943 where our main character is Harpo Marx and
his brothers.
What could be more fun to read than
a fast-paced, mystery, with mayhem?
The Mystery of the Milton Manuscript
by Barry Libin intertwines scholarly
debates and interpretations of John
Milton’s poem Paradise Lost with the
murder mystery of a fictitious scholar.
The hero of the story must uncover
hidden meanings from the poem to
find the culprit. You won’t be able to
put this one down until the solution is revealed!
The Coffeehouse Cantors delighted a full house with their
music at the Marcia Jankowsky Memorial Cantorial Concert.
In the novel On Bittersweet Place
vividly sets the historic backdrop of
Chicago in the 1920’s while telling
the coming-of-age story of a Russian
immigrant. With a long list of fears
and assimilation challenges, Lena
discovers love, music and art can
overcome all.
If you didn’t see these movies during the Circle
Cinema Jewish Film Festival in Tulsa, borrow them
from the library!
The lives of two families are turned
upside down in the movie The Other
Son when they discover that their
sons were switched at birth. This
would be hard enough for families
to deal with, but in addition to the
mistaken identity, one son is Israeli
and the other is Palestinian. This
is a captivating twist on the oftencontemplated relationship between
Israelis and Palestinians.
MARCH 2016
Ad Mea
1990s - The Second Half of the 1990s
By Rabbi Emeritus Charles Sherman & Nancy Sherman
For two decades he chaired
Committee, and was longterm Secretary of the Temple
Foundation. For 25 years he
was Temple’s Baal Tekiah,
and read the Book of Jonah
each Yom Kippur with great
distinction. For 18 years he
served as Honorary President
and in 1994 received Temple’s
Amudim Award. As Rabbi
Sherman said in his eulogy:
“Surely none of our Amudim
– the pillars of this congregation – ever stood taller
or straighter, talked deeper, or worked harder for
Temple Israel than did David Milsten.”
Council met in December
to select a new Honorary
Dorothy Gimp Brand, who
was unanimously elected
at a special meeting of
February 23, 1997. The
following thoughts were
Board heard of the Past
nominee. “Nobody in the
congregation is a better
representative of Reform Judaism. No one loves this
congregation more, as exemplified by her support.
No one has been more deserving in our history as a
congregation. If Dorothy’s in town, she’s at Temple.
If there is a Sisterhood or Brotherhood project, she
supports it – and from the heart. No one is a stranger
at Temple by the end of an evening or Shabbat if she
is there. The quality of Temple Israel is significantly
improved by Dorothy Gimp Brand being here, and
all are grateful.”
Rabbi Sherman concluded his Annual Meeting
message of May 1997 with a prayer: “Source of all
wisdom, we ask Your blessings on our congregational
family and its home . . . Keep us every mindful that
our house is built of wood and stone, but our home
is built of truth and trust and faithfulness. Teach us
that the clash of wills and conflict of purposes are
not softened by thick rugs or heavy drapes, but by
patience, understanding, and compassion . . . Help us
to decorate our home with harmony and security . .
. Strengthen our convictions and our commitments,
God, so that we may make our spiritual home Your
dwelling place. Amen”
There were a number of “firsts” during this period
of significant membership growth. The first Mitzvah
Day, the culmination of many months of planning and
hard work by the Temple’s Social Justice Committee,
was held on Sunday, April 23, 1995. On May 5, Israel’s
47th birthday, the Temple conducted its first Yom
Ha-atsmaut service. The Mishebayrach prayer was
introduced into our Sabbath services in 1995.
In July the PREP Program (Prospective Member
Enrichment Program) was inaugurated to help
introduce prospective members to the Temple Family.
There was also a Membership Mentoring Program to
connect new people to the Temple. Seven Jewish
agencies combined four times a year for a Jewish
community blood drive. All of these firsts became
regular parts of Temple’s program.
The women of The Islamic Society of Tulsa were
guests of Temple Israel Sisterhood November, 1995
at the annual Interfaith Luncheon, the first time the
Muslim community had participated at the Temple.
A new Outreach Program – Yours, Mine, and Ours
– was inaugurated, led by Dr. Melanie Rich. Temple
received a generous gift from the Tulsa Urologic Clinic
establishing the Dr. E. N. Lubin Clergy Institute.
The first community Yom HaShoah observance was
held on April 16, 1996; both Temple Brotherhood and
CBE sent yahrzeit candles to all congregants.
At the 1996 Annual Meeting, the congregation
conferred life tenure on Rabbi Sherman as he reached
his 20th year as Temple’s Rabbi. President Paula Milsten
commented: “For nearly 20 years Rabbi Sherman has
enabled us and compelled us to be a strong, active
congregation – a well-organized congregation with
high Jewish values and committed leadership. We
are a stable congregation on the forward edge of our
Reform Movement. For all that we are, we thank you
A snapshot of Temple membership as of September
1996 - those who have belonged 50+ years, 28; 40 to
50 years, 51; 30 to 40 years, 80; and 20 to 30 years,
70 – meaning that a little more than half of the 500
Temple members have belonged for 20 or more years.
On July 5, 1996, Temple’s fourth Honorary President
David Randolph Milsten died. He had served twice as
President of the Temple (1943-6, 1963-4), was President
of the Temple Brotherhood, and the first recipient of
Brotherhood’s Isaiah Award for distinguished service.
MARCH 2016
N’davot - Offerings
“Whoever is charitable and just fills the entire world with kindness.”
- Talmud
In Loving Memory of Al Tilkin
Marlene Tilkin & Family
Larry & Joy Wilk
In Loving Memory of Bob Golan
Marlene Tilkin
Beverly Kehlmann
In Loving Memory of Meyer C. Miller
Bruce & Brenda Magoon
In Honor of Pat Snitz's 40th
Conversion Anniversary
Nancy Rosen & Don Snitz
In Loving Memory of Ida Springer
Fannie Ecker
Gordon Miller
Rayna Harrington
In Loving Memory of Jack Zarrow
Maxine Zarrow
In Loving Memory of Bob Golan
Harriet Frank
Best wishes for a speedy recovery, Brenda Magoon
Larry & Joy Wilk
In Honor of Roy & Evelyn Jones,
Tikkun Olam Award Recipients
Larry & Nanette Peck
Bessie Speyer
Irene & Marc Bookbinder
Michael & Lynne Rosenstein
Celebrating the birth of
Estella Rose Bookbinder
Irene & Marc Bookbinder
Honoring Roy Jones 80th birthday
Jacqueline Lerner
In Loving Memory of Alvin Weinstein
In Loving Memory of Bernice Serota
Marcia Weinstein
In Loving Memory of Barry Warshaw
Malcolm & Paula Milsten
In Honor of Jody Weise-Gonzales,
2016 Queen Esther
Larry & Nanette Peck
Michael & Lynne Rosenstein
In Loving Memory of Sadye Sanditen
Sam Brenner & Megan Brenner
In Appreciation of Rabbi Karen
Stan & Anne Shapiro
Wishing Phil Wilner a speedy
Carol Miller
In Loving Memory of Meyer C. Miller
Carol Miller
In Loving Memory of Joan Kutner
In Loving Memory of Irvin Pechner
In Loving Memory of Natalie Pechner
In Loving Memory of Samuel
In Loving Memory of Donald Peckner
Lee Kutner, Janet Simmons &
Ian Simmons
In Loving Memory of Barry Warshaw
Mickey & Jane Katz
In Loving Memory of Max Aronowitz
In Loving Memory of Betty
MARCH 2016
BBYO Presents
Please save the date and join
us for an evening of music
and dance performed by our
talented BBYO members. This
entertaining evening will include
delicious desserts and will take
place on Sunday, April 3 at
Congregation Bnai Emunah from
7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Admission
will be $5.00/student, $18.00/
adult, or $36.00 for the entire
family. Your invitation will arrive
in the mail shortly.
7:30 p.m.
Exec Committee
5:30 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
TGIS! Service
followed by
catered Dinner
4:15 - 5:30 p.m.
Hebrew Learning
6:45 -8:30 p.m.
9:30 a.m. – 12:00
Shorashim RS
10:00 a.m.
Adult Ed Series
7:30 p.m.
4:15 - 5:30 p.m.
Hebrew Learning
5:30 p.m.
Board of Trustees
6:45 -8:30 p.m.
After Hours
5:45 p.m.
Picnic Dinner
6:30 p.m.
Shabbat in the
Round Service
No Shorashim RS
(spring break)
Shabbat Zachor
7:30 p.m.
B'hood Board Mtg
No Hebrew
No Midrasha
(spring break)
7:30 p.m.
Shabbat Evening
10:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m. – 12:00
Shorashim RS
Shabbat Family
Shorashim RS
11:00 a.m.
Purim Celebration
Megillah Reading &
10:00 a.m.
S’hood Board
Brunch Mtg
4:15 - 5:30 p.m.
Hebrew Learning
No Midrasha
(Erev Purim)
4:15 - 5:30 p.m.
Hebrew Learning
6:45 -8:30 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
Sisterhood Shabbat
Service with
Guest Speaker
6:00 p.m.
Shabbat followed
by catered Dinner
10:30 a.m.
Shabbat Morning
Service followed by
6:00 p.m.
MARCH 2016
Temple Office
Malcolm Milsten
Paula Milsten
Stan Kessler
Lesley Bumgarner
Susan Woitte
Michael Rosenstein
Donnie Suter-Levin
Edgar Benarrous Clergy and Staff
Co-Rabbi Karen Citrin
Phone: 918-747-1309
e-mail: [email protected]
Co-Honorary President
Co-Honorary President
President Elect
1st Vice President
2nd Vice President
Co-Rabbi Micah Citrin
Phone: 918-747-1309
e-mail: [email protected]
Todd Arlan
Dr. Estelle Levetin Avery
Blake Bergman
Irene Bookbinder
Leah Clayman
Miriam Cook
Karen Davis
Stephen Galoob
Mike Jacobs
Jim Jakubovitz
Evelyn Jones
Rabbi Emeritus Charles Philip Sherman
Phone: 918-747-1309
e-mail: [email protected]
Klara Bode, Administrator
Phone: 918-747-1309
e-mail: [email protected]
Jennifer Selco, Director of Education and Programming
Direct Dial: 918-392-8483
e-mail: [email protected]
Chuck Langer
Russ Newman
Dr. David Nierenberg
Brina Reinstein
Terry Rosenthal
Ira Rothman
Kimberly Wallis
Barbara Waxman
Adam Weintraub
Dr. Gregg Woitte
Representatives to the Board
ARZA Chair
Judaica Committee Chair Sisterhood President
Temple Israel Foundation President
Youth Representative
Mary Clare, Administrative Assistant
e-mail: [email protected]
Jory Bollinger, Bookkeeper/Event Coordinator
email: [email protected]
Mark Lobo
Allan Avery
Peg Kishner
John Clayman
Erik Haake
Past Presidents
Lauren Zeligson, Communications Coordinator
Joseph S. Jankowsky
Barry Davis
Malcolm Milsten
Dr. Louis Diamond
Jeanne Jacobs
Dr. George Pikler
Lee Davis
Paula Milsten
Timothy Wallace, Head Custodian
Susan Woitte, Librarian
Direct Dial: 918-392-8477
Happy Campers at Temple Israel Moe Gimp Early Learning Center 918-747-3122
Dr. Michael Pollak
Shirley Burger
Ginny Katz
Dr. Estelle Levetin-Avery
Russ Newman
Terry Rosenthal
Jeff Chasen
Todd Arlan
[email protected]
Judaica and Java 918-392-8470
Open Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (please call 918-747-1309
to confirm; Sunday 9:30 a.m. - noon (during Religious School)
To read a copy of the Temple BulleTIn in
color, go to
MARCH 2016