Spring 1996 - Rathbun / Rathbone / Rathburn Resources


Spring 1996 - Rathbun / Rathbone / Rathburn Resources
Albert and Adeline Rathbone
(Civil War Tintype)
Spring 1996
The Rathbun-Rathbone-Rathburn Family Historian
Volume Sixteen • Number One • Spring 1996
Letter from the Editor
With this issue we begin the sixteenth year of our Association and the
Historian. It just doesn't seem possible
that so many years have passed since
those exciting early days.
However, this may also be the final
year, for I am giving serious thought to
making our Fall Historian the last
issue. The decision is not yet final, and
I will let you know in the fall Historian.
In this issue, I am finally beginning a
project I have planned for some
years-a complete list of all the nearly
280 Rathbuns , Rathbones and
Rathburns who served in the military
forces of both sides during the Civil
War. I do not think any other family
has undertaken such a task, and I can
see why. It has taken me several years
to research , collate and type the list.
We are starting with those who
fought for the Union , but the list is
much too long for one issue. It will be
concluded in the Fall Historian , at
which time we will also cover the far
fewer number of our cousins who
fought for the South.
I recently learned that little
Alexandra Ellis died a year ago-on
May 1, 1995, at the age of five and a
half years . Death came after a long
and agonizing battle with cancer. The
sad story of her illness was reported in
The RathbunRathbone-Rathburn
Family Historian is
published twice yearly
by the Rathbun Family
Association at 11308
Popes Head Road,
Fairfax, VA 22030.
(703) 278-8512
Frank H. Rathbun
Editor & Publisher
ISSN 0737-7711
our Historian of April 1994, when we
asked members to contribute toward
paying off her $55,000 medical bills.
We raised nearly $1 ,000.
Our member Gayle (Rathbun) Weiss
of Everett, Washington , has sent us an
interesting story demonstrating once
more that we live in a small world.
"A neighbor, Jo Shively, introduced
me to her father, whose name is
Robert Rathbun. I had not known that
Jo's maiden name was Rathbun . He
turned out to be a member of the
Rathbun Family Association , and we
compared notes on our ancestry.
"He is the son of Orva 9 Rathbun
(Marshalls George? Edmund6 Gideon 5
Edmund 4 John 3 - -1) . I am the daughter
of Ray 10 Rathbun lRichard 9 Samuels
Philander? Simeon 6 Tibbetts 5 John 4 -3
Thomas John \ Jo and I discovered
that we were ninth cousins.
"Jo's husband , John, and my husband, Alan , are fellow engineers in the
same company . Just before
Christmas, their boss, Mark Sherman,
brought in a copy of his genealogy. He
is a descendant of Mary ~Ra:thbun)
Cleveland, daughter of Job Rathbun
(Joseph John \ Mark is also my ninth
The past 15 years have brought
many achievements and many happy
times, and very few disappointments.
One of these has been our inability to
convince the U.S. Postal Service to
honor Captain John Peck Rathbun
with a memorial stamp.
We have been told over and over
again, in form letters, that our request
is still under consideration . Hundreds
of people, and things, have been chosen for stamps over the years, but
Captain Rathbun has not been among
The list for 1996 includes such
important-but imaginary-heroes as
Paul Bunyan and Casey at the Bat.
Among real people, the Postal Service
has chosen in recent years to honor
Laurel and Hardy, the Keystone Kops,
Elvis Presley and even Richard M.
Captain John Peck Rathbun , a longoverlooked hero of the American
Revolution , was one of the most successful captains in the American Navy.
He later died in an English prison
camp. He fought valiantly for seven
years to help win our nation's independence, and literally gave his life for his
country, but he is not deemed worthy
of a postal stamp in his honor. Such
reasoning defies logic, let alone explanation!
In our Fall Historian, we asked members to send us their ancestry. I was
pleased at the response, which including a number of computer printouts in
great detail. But I was truly amazed to
find that many members are still listing
the fictitious Richard Rathbone as our
first immigrant ancestor.
If you are one of them , please see
our very first Historian of January 1981
for our correct ancestry, beginning with
Rathbone/bun , and the English ancestry back to the 1500s. There was no
Richard Rathbone who came to
America. He was a figment of someone's imagination!
Have a wonderful summer, and I'll
be back with you in the Fall.
Past Issues
Still Available
All issues, 1981-1995 .. ... . $222
All issues for any single year from
1983 to 1995 are available at $15
per year. Single copies of any issue
are $4 each ($6 for 1995).
Rathbun-Rathbone-Rathburn Family Historian
Spring 1996
Rathbun Photographer Held
in Murder of Blonde Model
ne of our Rathbun cousins
made national headlines last
November, when he was accused of
raping and murdering a young woman
in an isolated California forest.
Charles Edgar Rathbun, 37, a photographer, was charged in the death of
Linda Sobek, 27, an attractive blonde
Miss Sobek disappeared on
November 26 and Rathbun was questioned after police learned that she had
a modeling assignment with him on
that date. After several hours of questioning, police said, Rathbun admitted .
killing the woman but claimed it had
been an accident.
He reportedly told police that he had
been showing her how to spin a sports
car in tight turns called doughnuts,
when the vehicle spun out of control
and knocked the woman to the ground.
He tried to revive her, but when he
realized she was dead, he panicked.
He drove around for a while, then
buried her body under some rocks and
loose dirt.
Later that day, police said, Rathbun
tried to commit suicide in a jail cell by
slashing his wrists with a razor. The
wounds were not serious, and the next
day he took police on a search for the
woman's body. He could not find the
burial site at first, but eventually it was
An autopsy showed that the young
woman had been raped and asphyxiated, possibly strangled, and that she
had been intoxicated when she died.
Arraigned on a charge of murder,
Rathbun pleaded innocent and was
ordered held for trial under $1 million
bond. A pre-trial hearing was scheduled for May 15.
Meanwhile, police revealed that he
was a possible suspect in the death of
another model, whose body was found
in the same area three years ago.
Charles E. Rathbun
Linda Sobek
Rathbun's "confession" that he accidentally killed Miss Sobek was ruled
inadmissible by a California judge, on
the grounds that he had been questioned by police without an attorney
present, even though he had asked for
legal counsel.
We have not learned Charles
Rathbun 's ancestry, but newspaper
accounts indicate that his family lives
near Columbus , Ohio . His father ,
Robert, is a management consultant,
and a younger brother, Robert, is an
attorney. There are also two sisters.
Charles attended Ohio State
University for two years, but left in
1979 when he was charged with rape.
He was acquitted when the case came
to trial , and then moved to Detroit,
where he became an assistant photographer for an automobile advertising
He moved to Los Angeles in 1989
and had become a highly successful
photographer, skilled in the use of
computers to enhance pictures.
Newspaper interviews with neighbors
and friends, in Michigan and California,
gave conflicting pictures of Rathbun.
He was described as "a well
adjusted man who liked old rock n' roll
and adventure movies and had a
much-loved cat named Butt-Head ....
He was very social and liked being
around people .... He was very mildmannered and very quiet. ... He was a
guy's guy, one of the boys." But some
women said he was "very pushy on
dates" and tried to "come on" to them .
Rathbun's family issued a statement
which was printed in December by a
number of newspapers:
"The Charles Rathbun we've read
about in the papers and seen on the
news is completely at odds with the
Charles Rathbun we know. The
Charles Rathbun we know is a sensitive and gentle person who would
never cause harm to another. We, and
those who know him, are standing by
him throughout this tragedy. We
believe this was a tragic accident, and
we support him and love him."
Rathbun-Rathbone-Rathburn Family Historian
Spring 1996
Nearly 280 Cousins Fought for
North during the Civil War
he Civil Was was the bloodiest
conflict in our nation's history. Of
the estimated 3,000,000 boys and men
who served in the Armed Forces of
both the North and South , some
618,000 died-more than the combined total of American dead in the
Revolution , War of 1812, Mexican War,
Spanish-American War, both World
Wars , Korea, Viet-Nam and the
Persian Gulf.
Of the Civil War deaths, less than
150,000 were killed in action . The others died from infected wounds or diseases ranging from measles and
typhoid fever to yellow fever, malaria,
scurvy and dysentery.
An estimated 2,200,000 soldiers ,
sailors and marines served on the
Northern side . Some 364,000 diednearly one of every six who served. In
other wars , the ratio was usually one in
more than 100 . We will cover the
Southern soldiers in our Fall Historian.
In this issue , we begin listing the
nearly 280 Rathbuns, Rathbones, and
Rathburns who fought for the Union .
Of these , at least 11 were killed ,
another 44 died from various causes ,
some 32 were wounded in action, and
about 16 were captured and sent to
prison camps.
Of the more seriously wounded, two
lost a leg, one lost an arm and three
lost their sight in one eye.
Medical care, by today's standards,
was shockingly primitive . The importance of sanitation was barely recog nized , and general anesthesia, while
sometimes used in civilian hospitals,
was generally unknown in field hospitals, where most surgery and amputations took place.
As in all wars , the majority of the soldiers were boys in their teens . Nearly
80 percent were 18 or younger, and
there were 100,000 boys 15 or
younger. Few American males born
between 1840 and 1845 escaped mili-
tary service. Volunteers filled the ranks
early in the war, but by 1863, most
were draftees . The wealthy could
sometimes "buy" their way out of service by hiring a substitute.
Many stories have been told of families divided by the war, with brothers
Albert Rouse Rathbone as a sergeant
early in the war. He was captured and
held prisoner for a short time in Libby
Prison. He was then commissioned a
second lieutenant and was wounded in
action. He and his wife Adaline are pictured on our front cover, probably
while he was home on medical leave.
fighting against brothers . Our family
had only one such case that we know
of-Warren E. Rathbun of Ohio
enlisted in 1861 and fought for two
years in the Union Army. His brother
George S. Rathbun , who had moved
to Missouri as a young man, served as
an officer in the Confederate Army.
Some families saw as many as four
or five sons march off to war.
In Rhode Island , Robert Rathbun
sent five of his six sons to serve in the
Union Army. Of them , Nathan died of
battle wounds ; Jeremiah died in
Andersonville Prison ; William lost his
right leg at Fredericksburg , and John
spent four months in Libby Prison .
Only George returned unscathed.
In Massachusetts , John Mott
Rathburn saw four of his eight sons
enter the Army. Henry died of disease
at 18 , Valentine and Alonzo were
taken prisoners, but survived, and only
Hiram escaped injury, disease or capture.
In Michigan , Ebenezer Rathbun
enlisted in 1861 , aged 48, and died the
following year of typhoid and pneumonia. His son Gurdon enlisted the same
year and was killed in action, aged 18,
just six weeks after his father's death.
Another son John enlisted at 21 and
survived the war.
The list of family members which
begins in this issue and will be completed in the Fall issue , does not
include every Rathbun Rathbone or
Rathburn who served with Union
forces . There were at least 20 or 30
others who we have been unable to
identify. This list has been carefully
compiled from many sources-pension
records, state lists of soldiers, stories
in county histories, and family records.
If you can offer any corrections or
additions to the list, please let me
Rathbun-Rathbone-Rathburn Family Historian
Spring 1996
List of Cousins in Union Forces
Following is a list of all the known
Rathbuns, Rathbones and Rathburns
who fought in the Civil War in the
Union Army or Navy. It will be concluded in our next issue as well as a
list of all those who served with the
Confederate services. If you have any
corrections or additions, please let us
ABRAHAM RATHBUN ~828-1906) ,
son of Benjamin 6 (Samuel Nathaniel4-3
John2 - 1). Enlisted 1862 in Co. K of the
24th Mich. Inf.
son of Stephen 6 (Daniel 5 John 4 - 1 ),
enlisted 1862 in Co. H of the 33rd
Mass. Inf. Deserted June 17,1863, at
Alexandria, Va. while in a convalescent hospital. He enlisted again August
4, 1864, in Co . A of the 201 st Pa.
Infantry. Discharged June 21 ,1865.
ADOLPHUS S. RATHBUN (18331898) , son of Thomas 6 (Walter 5
Thomas 4 -2 John \ Enlisted in Co. B of
the 5th Minn. Inf. Shot in the right arm
at the Battle of Nashville Dec . 16,
1864. The arm was amputated above
the elbow and he was discharged.
ALBERT J. RATHBONE (1841 -1865),
son of Joel (Samuel 5 Joshua 4
Jonathan John 2- 1) . Enlisted Oct. 15,
1861 , in Co. A of the 1st R.1. Cav .
Discharged for disability March 14,
1862; Enlisted June 25 , 1862, as a
Second Lieutenant in the 17th N.Y.
Infantry. Resigned with health problems Nov. 23, 1862. Returned home
and died three years later.
ALBERT MINER RATHBUN (18301911~, son of Elias 6 (Elias 5 Joshua 4
John -2-1) . Served in Company F of
the 26th Conn. Inf.
ALBERT ROUSE RATHBONE (18381901~ son of Amos 6 (Amos5 Thomas4· 3
John -1 ). Enlisted 1861 in a Pa. Regt.
and served in the W ilderness
Campaign. Taken prisoner May 3,
1862, at Chancellorsville, and held in
Libby Prison for 11 days . He was
released , returned home , and then
enlisted again as a Sec6nd Lieutenant
1902), son of Alfred 6 (Amos
2 1
John - ). He served four years in the
Army Commissary Dept.
ALFRED R. RATHBUN (1841-1873),
son of Daniel 6 (Gideon 5 Edmund 4
John 3 - \ He served with the 109th
Indiana Inf.
ALMOND RATHBURN (1825-1880) ,
son of Sereno? (Elijah 6 William 5
Daniel William 3- John \ He enlisted
May 2, 1864, as a corporal in Co. H of
the 140th Ohio Inf. and served five
months. He enlisted again March 24,
1865, in Co. G of the 197th Ohio Inf.
and served another four months.
ALBAN RATHBUN ~1839-1876) , son
of Alban? (Asa 6 Abel John4 Jonathan 3
John2 -1 ). Enlisted in Co. C of the 24th
Conn. Infantry. Wounded in action and
1900+), son of Perri Rathbun (Acors
2 1
Joshua - John - ) . He served from
1863 to 1865 in Co. C of the 50th NY
ALFRED RATHBUN (1823-1902) , son
of Alfred (Job Benjamin Joseph
John \ He enlisted in April 1861 aged
38 in Co. J of the 21st Mo. Inf. He was
wounded slightly that year at the Battle
of Athens; hit by a spent cannon ball at
the 1862 Battle of Corinth , then
wounded again at the Battle of Shiloh
in 1864. Mustered out in Dec. 1864.
ALMERON D. RATHBUN (1843 1862), son of Orsemus 6 (Thomas 5 -3
Samuel John \ He enlisted in Co. I of
the 21st Mich. Inf. and was killed in
action Dec. 30,1862, at Murfreesboro,
ADRIAN RATHBUN (1847-1925), son
of James? Rathbun (Thomas 6 Asa 5
Thomas4 -3 Samuel 2 John \ He served
in Co. M of the Third Michigan Cavalry.
ALBERT G. RATHBUN (1833-1886),
son of Edward? Rathbun (Rowland 6
Acors 5 Joshua4-3 John2- 1) . He served
from 1861 to 1863 in a Massachusetts
on Nov. 12, 1863 in Co. C of the 145th
Pa. Inf. On May 12, 1864, as he raised
his sword to lead his men on a charge
at Spotsylvania Court House, he was
hit in the arm by a bullet and sent to a
hospital. He was discharged Sept. 23,
Albert Rouse Rathbone , probably
about the time of his discharge . He
had obviously gained some weight
since the earlier pictures. It is exceedingly rare to have three different pictures of a Civil War soldier in uniform.
ALONZO RATHBURN (1840-1914),
son of John 6 (Tibbetts 5 John 4 - 3
Thomas John \ He enlisted Sept. 15,
1862, in Co. F of the 53rd Mass. Inf.
and was hospitalized from Feb . to
June, 1863, in a military hospital. He
returned to duty and was captured
June 23, 1864, at Brashear City, La.
He was paroled a week later and mustered out Sept. 2.
Union Forces
Rathbun-Rathbene-Rathburn Family Histerian
Spring 1996
ALONZO EMERY RATHBUN (18441908) , sen ef Themas 6 (Russell 5
Simeen 4 Themas 3 Jehn 2- 1) . He enl isted 1862 in Co.. D ef the 104th lilineis
Rathburn, so. he changed to. that
spelling from Rathbun .
(1839-1864), sen ef Henry? Rathbun
(Martin 6 Jeshua5-4 Jenathan 3 Jehn2- 1) .
He enlisted Jan. 21 , 1864, in Co.. A ef
the 2nd Cenn. Artillery, was captured
and died Nev. 15, 1864, ef scurvy in
Andersenville Prisen.
ALVAH RATHBUN (1840-1862), sen ef
Themas 6 (Themas 5 -3 Samuel 2 Jehn \
He enlisted Jan 18, 1862, in Co.. B ef
the 12th Wisc. Inf. He was weunded in
actien that fall and died in Octeber in a
military hespital at Hampten, Va.
BENJAMIN H. RATHBUN (1843-1864),
sen ef Benjamin 6 Rathbun (Daniel 5
Benjamin -3 Jeseph Jehn \ He enlisted in an Ohio. regiment and was killed
August 6, 1864, at Atlanta, Geergia.
ALVIN ORLANDO RATHBUN (18421917?), sen ef Saxen 6 Rathbun
(Saxen 5 Valentine4 Jeshua3 Jehn2 - 1) .
We have no. details ef his service, but
his widew was pensiened in 1918.
AMOS S. RATHBUN (1847-1897), sen
ef Jehn? (Ames 6 Jenathan 5 Jehn4-1 ) .
He served in Co.. A ef the 132nd Ohio.
Infantry fer feur menths in 1864 and
died in the Ohio. Veterans' Heme.
ANDREW RATHBUN (dates unknewn),
pessible sen ef Epaphreditus5 (Simeen
Benjamin Jeseph Jehn \ Served in a
NY regiment.
(1829-1892+) , sen ef Edward?
Rathbene (Themas6 Jehn 5 - Jeshua3
2 1
Jehn - ) . He enlisted Dec. 15,1861 , as
a lieutenant in the 67th US Army
Infantry, was prometed to. captain en
Dec. 1, 1862, and served until July 4,
Artemus Martin Rathbun, who served
as a private for two years in the New
York Infantry.
BALDWIN RATHBUN (1838-1912) ,
sen ef Themas 6 Rathbun (Themas5-3
Samuel 2 Jehn \ He enlisted in 1861 in
Co.. B ef the 12th Wiscensin Inf.
Discharged in 1865.
(1845-1905), sen ef Albert6 Rathbun
(Benjamin 5
Samuel 3
Themas Jehn \ He served in Co.. D ef
the 12th Cenn . Infantry, dates
sen ef Jehn 6 (William 5 Themas 4-3
Samuel Jehn \ Enlisted Sept. 21 ,
1861 , in Co.. K ef the 23rd NY Inf. He
was weunded in the left ankle en
August 18, 1862, and discharged May
22, 1863.
BENJAMIN D. RATHBUN (1836-1907),
sen ef Jeremiah 5 Rathbun (Jeremiah
Jeseph - Jehn \ He enlisted Aug. 16,
1862, in Co.. K ef the First lewa
Cavalry; reenlisted Jan. 1, 1864, and
was discharged Feb. 15, 1866.
ARTEMUS MARTIN RATHBUN (1829?1870) , sen ef Hubbard 5 (Jeb 4
Benjamin 3 Jeseph 2 Jehn \ He enlisted
May 11 , 1861 , in Co.. H efthe 17th NY
Inf. and served two. years.
(1836-1911), sen ef Elijah? Rathburn
(Elijah 6 William 5 Daniel 4 William 3 -2
Jehn \ He enlisted Feb. 17, 1861 , in
Co.. H ef the 53rd Ohio. Infantry.
AUSTIN CULVER RATHBURN (18451919), sen ef James? (Elijah 6 William 5
Daniel 4 William 3-2 Jehn \ He enlisted
Feb. 26, 1864, in Co.. H ef the 75th
Ohio. Inf. , later transferred to. Co.. A, and
mustered eut July 26, 1865.
(1847-1923), sen ef Alvin6 Rathburn
(Geerge 5 Jeb 4 Benjamin 3 Jeseph 2
Jehn \
His service recerd is net
knewn , but descendants report that the
Army incerrectly recerded him as
(1845-1926), sen ef Reuben 6 Rathbun
(Benjamin 5 Valentine4 Jeshua3 Jehn2-1).
He enlisted Sept. 16, 1861, in a N.Y.
available). He was a Civil War
Pensiener but his recerds cannet be
feund. In 1860 he was living in
Chicago., aged 39.
BURTON SAXTON RATHBUN (18421923), sen ef Saxten? Rathbun
(Chaplin 6 Jenathan 5-4 Jehn 3-2- 1). He
enlisted Nev. 15, 1861 , in Co.. F ef the
72nd Ohio. Infantry, and was discharged Sept. 11 , 1865.
CALVIN WHEATON RATHBUN (18311911), sen ef Jehn 6 Rathbun (Jehn 5 -\
He enlisted in 1861 as a cerperal in
Co.. B ef the First RI Light Artillery. He
was weunded in the Battle ef Malvern
Hill , and then suffered a gunshet
weund in his left leg at the Battle ef
Fredericksburg . The leg had to. be
amputated just belew the knee , and
after recevering frem the surgery, he
was discharged.
CHANDLER A . RATHBUN (18411863~, sen ef Jehn 6 Rathbun (Gideen5 -4
Jehn -2-1). He enlisted Oct. 4, 1861 , in
the First NY Artillery and was premeted to. sergeant. He centracted
typheid , was sent heme en sick leave,
and died April 26, 1863.
(1845-1921), sen ef Saxten? Rathbun
(Chaplin 6 Jenathan 5 -4 Jehn 3 -2 -1 ) . He
Rathbun-Rathbone-Rathburn Family Historian
Spring 1996
enlisted May 2, 1864, and served four
months with Co. F of the 128th Ohio
CHARLES RATHBUN (1829-1875)6
son of John 7 Rathbun (Daniel
William 5 Daniel 4 William 3 -2 John \ He
served in a Kentucky regiment, details
CHARLES RATHBUN (1846-1920+)
son of John 6 Rathbun (John 5 Roger
Samuel Thomas John \ He served
in a Massachusetts Regiment from
Jan. 5, 1864, until June 26,1865.
son of Samuel 6 Rathbun (SamuelS
Nathaniel 4-3 John 2-1) . He enlisted Feb.
25, 1864, in Co. D of the 57th Mass.
Infantry. He saw action in the battles of
Wilderness , Spotsylvania Court
House, Cold Harbor and Petersburg.
He was captured August 14, 1864, and
held until March 12, 1865, when he
was paroled and sent home suffering
from chronic diarrhea. He died April 4,
son of John 6 Rathbun (Thomas5 John4
Samuel 3 Thomas John \ He served
as a private in the 34th NY Infantry.
son of Will iam 6 Rathbone (Joseph S
George4 Joseph 3-2 John \ He enlisted
Oct. 7, 1861 in Co. K of the 2nd NY
Heavy Artillery Regiment and was promoted to sergeant. He was wounded
and lost his right eye at the Battle of
Petersburg , Va . Discharged Dec. 5,
CHARLES A. RATHBUN (1834-1923)5
son of Gideon 6 Rathbun (Allen
Gideon 4 John 3- 2-1) . He enlisted April
16, 1861 , in the Fourth Wisconsin
Light Infantry, and was commissioned
a second lieutenant in January 1862.
He contracted a severe fever , was
hospitalized for several months, and
then discharged in 1863.
(1839-1888) , son of Philip7 Rathbun
(Asa 6 Daniel 5 Valentine Joshua 3
John - ). He enlisted August 11 , 1862,
in Co. E of the 106th NY Infantry, and
served until June 22, 1865.
1889). son of James Rathbun
(James - Samuel John \ He served
in the 111 th NY Calvary and later in
the 106th NY Infantry.
CHARLES W. RATHBUN (18221898) , son of Bradley6 Rathbun
(Daniel 5 Valentine4 Joshua3 John2-1).
He served from 1861 to 1865 in
Battery F of the First NY Light Artillery.
CHARLES D. RATHBONE (18221881 +) , son of Sylvester6 Rathbone
(Philander5 Daniel 4 Joshua3 John 2-1) .
He enlisted Oct. 11 , 1862, as First
Lieutenant in the Quartermaster Corps
of the 177th NY Infantry, and served
until Sept. 10, 1863.
(1834- 1863~, son of David 6 Rathbun
(Ebenezer Thomas 4 Jonathan 3
William John \ He enlisted in Co. D
of the Fifth Mich. Cavalry and was
killed in action June 31 , 1863 , at
Newby's Crossroads, Pa.
(1840 - 1906). son of Deming 6
(Jonathan 5
Isaiah 4
Jonathan John - ). He enlisted May
30, 1861 , in Co. B of the 24th Ohio
Infantry, and was promoted to First
Sergeant in January 1862. He participated in the Battles of Pittsburgh
Landing, Corinth , Perryville , Stone
Bridge, Chickamauga, Chattanooga,
Lookout Mountain and Mission Ridge,
where he was wounded .
son of Joel 6 Rathbone (Samuel 5
Joshua4 Jonathan 3 John 2-1). He was
graduated from the U.S . Naval
Academy in 1863, and commissioned
an ens ign in the Navy . He served
under Admiral David Farragut on the
cruiser Niagara in the Battle of Mobile
Bay in 1864, and was wounded during
the action.
CHARLES HENRY RATHBUN (18431890)4 son of Samuel6 Rathbun (Samuel 5
Elijah Samuel3-2 John 1). He enlisted July
28, 1862, in Co. C of the 21 st Conn .
Infantry. Discharged May 16, 1865.
1923), son of Thomas Rathbun ,lsaac
Valentine 5 - 4 Joshua 3 John 2- ). He
enlisted April 18, 1861 , in Co K of the
First Michigan Infantry and served four
months. He was captured at Bull Run .
He then enlisted July 22, 1862, in Co E
of the 111th NY Infantry as a sergeant,
and was wounded at Gettysburg. He
was discharged June 4, 1865.
1920+) , son of William Rathbun
(Roswell Amos John Jonathan 3
John 2-1 ). He enlisted in 1862, aged 16,
in the 12th Mass. Infantry. He served
three years with the Army of the
Potomac, spending part of his time as
a hospital steward.
(1847-1909), son of James 6 Rathbun
(Thomas 5 John Samuel 3 Thomas 2
John \ He served from 1861 to 1864
in Co . B of the Third Wisconsin
Infantry, and then in 1864-5 in Co. D of
the 18th Wisconsin Infantry.
CORBET RATHBUN (1824-1903) , son
of Gideon 6 Rathbun (Tibbetts5 John4 -3
Thomas 2 John 1) . He served in
Companies A and I of the 144th NY
probable son of Ami Rathbun (Joshua
William Job Joseph John \ He
enlisted Jan.1 , 1862, in Co. H of the
Second Illinois Artillery , and died of
pneumonia April 30 , 1865, at New
DANA ANDERSON RATHBUN (18411863). son of Baldwin 6 Rathbun
(Erastus 5 Thomas 4 - 3 John 2-1 ) . He
enlisted in Co . I of the 24th Iowa
Infantry and died Jan . 21 , 1863, at
Helena, Ark.
1882). son of Daniel Rathburn
(Daniel William Daniel 4 William 3 -2
John \ A doctor, he served as a surgeon from May 2 to September 3,
1864, with the 140th Ohio Infantry.
DANIEL CLARK RATHBURN (18441907). son of the preceding. He
enlisted May 2, 1864, with his father,
and served during the same period in
the same unit.
Union Forces
son of Edmund 6 Rathbun (Gideon
Edmund 4 John 3-2 -1) . He served in Co.
K of the 109th Indiana Infantry.
DANIEL MILTON RATHBUN (18181864), son of Sylvester 6 Rathbun
(James 5 Valentine4 Joshua3 John 2-1) .
He was a major in the New York militia
in 1861 , and later Lieutenant-Colonel
in the 6th NY "Governor's Guard."
DANIEL S. RATHBUN (1839-1911)6
son of Daniel ? Rathbun (Isaac
Daniel 5 Valentine 4 Joshua3 John 2 - 1) .
He served in Co. C of the 11th Mich .
DANIEL SQUIRE RATHBUN (18421919), son of Sguire 6 Rathbun (Allen 5
Gideon 4 John 3-2-1). He enlisted Sept.
3, 1864, in Co . L of the 20th NY
Cavalry and on May 2, 1865 , was
severely injured when he was pulled
off his horse and dragged 150 feet. He
was given a medical discharge on May
30, 1865.
DAVID RATHBUN (1844-1878), son of
Benjamin 6 Rathbun (Allen 5 Gideon 4
John3-2-1) . He enlisted Oct. 9, 1863, in
Co. C of the First NJ Cavalry and
served until July 24, 1865.
DAVID RATHBUN (1842-1915) , son of
Clark? Rathbun (Thomas 6 Clark 5
Jonathan4 John 3-2- 1) . He enlisted Dec.
1, 1861, in Co. C of the 11th Ohio
Cavalry, was promoted to corporal and
served until April 1, 1865.
DAVID RATHBUN (1823-??), probable
son of Stephen 6 Rathbun (Daniel 5
John4-1) . He enlisted Sept. 22, 1862, in
Co. H of the 37th Massachusetts regiment and served until Sept. 18, 1863.
DAVID HENRY RATHBUN (1830 1875) , son of Ashley6 Rathbun
(Ashley5 Isaiah 4 Jonathan 3 John 2- 1) .
He enlisted Sept. 13, 1864, in Co. E of
the 9th Michigan Infantry and served
until June 20, 1865.
DAVID THOMAS RATHBUN (18361865), son of Updike 6 Rathbun
(Thomas 5 John Samuel Thomas
John \ He enlisted March 7, 1864, in
Co. H of the 29th Wisc. Infantry and
died Feb. 25, 1865, at a military hospi-
Rathbun-Rathbone-Rathburn Family Historian
Spring 1996
tal in Memphis, Tenn ., of pneumonia
contracted while on duty in Arkansas.
DAVID WILMOT RATHBUN (18461902), son of Eldridge 6 Rathbun
(Robert John Samuel 3 Thomas
John ) . He enlisted in 1864 in a
Pennsylvania cavalry regiment and
was wounded in the thigh during
Sheridan's raid on Richmond, Va ., on
May 12, 1864. He was discharged in
DEWEY RATHBUN (1839-1863) , son
of Thomas 6 Rathbun (Thomas5 John
Samuel Thomas John \ He enlisted
in the 18th Wisconsin Infantry, was
sent home in 1863 suffering from
tetanus and died a short time later.
DEWITT GAGE RATHBUN (18381874) , son of James 6 Rathbun
(Joshua 5 Amos4 Joshua3 John 2-1). He
enlisted in 1861 in Co. K of the First
Michigan Infantry.
Vets 3
1908), son of Elias Rathbun ~Aaron5
Thomas - Samuel 2 John ) . He
enlisted June 3, 1861 , in the Eighth
Missouri Infantry and was promoted to
sergeant-major on Feb. 13, 1862, for
meritorious conduct at the Battle of
Fort Donelson.
no details of his service, but his widow
Mary was granted a pension based on
his war service.
EDGAR LUCIUS RATHBUN (18371918), son of James? Rathbun (D~er6
Daniel 5 Valentine 4 Joshua3 John -1) .
He enlisted August 14, 1862, in Co. E
of the 26th Michigan Infantry, and later
served in the Second Company, First
Division, of the Army of the Potomac.
He was discharged Feb. 28, 1865.
EDMUND COOPER RATHBUN (18341905), son of John 6 Rathbun
(Thomas 5 John 4 Samuel 3 Thomas 2
John \ He served in Co. C of the 19th
Wisc. Infantry.
EDWARD SELDON RATHBUN (18371909), son of Charles 6 Rathbun
(Joshua 5 Amos4 Joshua3 John2 -1) . He
enlisted Aug. 2, 1862, as a fifer in Co.
H of the 21 st Michigan Infantry. He
fought at the Battle of Perryville in
1862 and was captured Jan. 25, 1863,
at Antioch , Tenn. He was paroled and
apparently failed to report back to his
unit. His widow's pension application
was denied because he was listed as
a deserter.
EBEN H. RATHBUN (1837-1915), son
of Strickland 5 Rathbun (Simeon 4
Benjamin 3 Joseph 2 John 1 ) . He
enlisted Sept. 23, 1861 , in Co. B of the
7th NY Cavalry.
EDWIN RATHBUN (1843-1862) , son
of Sebra Rathbun ~George5 Job
Joseph John 1). He
enlisted Sept. 11 , 1862, in Co. E of the
First Michigan Infantry, was promoted
to corporal and then was killed or
fatally wounded Dec. 31, 1862, at the
Battle of Stone River.
son of Ebenezer5 Rathbun (Thomas 4
Jonathan 3 William John \ He enlisted
Oct. 29, 1861 , aged 48, in Co. A of the
13th Michigan Infantry. He died April
26, 1862, of pneumonia and typhoid
fever at a military hospital in Nashville,
EGBERT RATHBUN (1844-1864), son
of William? Rathbun (Benjamin 6
Samuel 5 Nathaniel 4-3 John 2 - 1 ) . He
enlisted in Co . B of the Eighth
Michigan Infantry and died of measles
Feb. 8, 1864, at Washington, D.C. He
is buried in Arlington National
EBER RATHBUN (1822-1902), son of
John 6 Rathbun (Thomas 5 John 4-3
Thomas John \ He served in 1864
and 1865 in Co. B of the Sixth Minn.
ELDRIDGE RATHBUN (1836-1865) ,
son of Thomas 6 Rathbun (Thomas 5
John Samuel Thomas John \ He
enlisted in Co. C of the 36th Wisconsin
Infantry, was wounded at Cold Harbor,
and died June 9, 1865 at a hospital in
Washington, D.C . He is buried in
Arlington National Cemetery in
Washington , D.C.
EDGAR R. RATHBUN (1841-1907)5
son of Henry6 Rathbun (Saxon
Valentine 4 Joshua3 John 2- 1) : We have
Rathbun-Rathbone-Rathburn Family Historian
Spring 1996
Jeremiah 4 Joseph 3 - 2 John \
enlisted Feb. 10, 1862, in Co. A of the
19th Wisc. Infantry and was wounded
in his left leg at the Battle of Fair Oaks,
Virginia. He was captured and sent to
Libby Prison, where he refused to let a
Confederate surgeon amputate his leg.
The wound healed and he was
ELIAS HENRY RATHBUN (18281913) , son of Henry6 Rathbun
(Gideon 5-4 John 3-2 - 1) . He served from
August 11 , 1862, until June 11 , 1865,
in Co. H of the 115th Illinois Infantry.
(1842-1868) , son of Elijah Rathbun
(Samuel 5 Anthony4 Samuel 3 Thomas 2
John \ He enlisted in 1862 in Co. F of
the 169th NY Infantry, and was given a
disability discharge in 1864.
ELIJAH H. RATHBURN (1847-1921) ,
son of Seren0 7 Rathburn (Elijah 6
William 5 Daniel 4 William 3-2 John \ He
served in Co. K of the Seventh Ohio
Cavalry until June 3, 1865, enlistment
date unknown.
ELISHA RATHBUN (1832-1906) , son
of Griswold 6 Rathbun (Elisha 5 Elijah
Samuel - John \ He was a Civil War
veteran but we have no details.
1902), son of Seren0 Rathburn
(Elijah William Daniel 4 William 3 - 2
John \ He enlisted Feb . 15, 1865,
aged 43 years , in Co. I of the 154th
Illinois Infantry and served five months.
ELISHA KENYON RATHBUN (18241863), son of Christopher5 Rathbun
(Ebenezer 4-3 William 2 John 1) . He
enlisted in 1862 in Co. H of the 26th
Conn. Infantry and died August 2,
1863, of ''fever'' in a military hospital at
Cairo, Illinois.
ELMER F. RATHBUN (1832-1911),
ancestry unknown. Served in a New
York regiment.
ELON G. RATHBUN (1830-1883), son
of Alfred 5 Rathbun (Job Benjamin 3
Joseph John \ He enlisted June 20,
1861, in the First Missouri Home
Guards , then transferred to the
Regular Army in August and was promoted to First Sergeant. He was commissioned a First Lieutenant on Dec.
4, 1861 , and served until Jan . 17,
EMORY RATHBUN (1831-1899), son
of Nathaniel 6 Rathbun (Walter 5
Thomas4-2 John \ He enlisted Oct. 11 ,
1861, in Co. C of the Third Minn .
Elon G. Rathbun, first sergeant and
later lieutenant in the Union Army.
Infantry and served until Nov. 14,
EPHRAIM DAVID RATHBUN (18441924), son of Hiram 7 Rathbun
(Robert 6-5 Jeremiah 4 Joseph 3 - 2
John \ He served during the War but
we have no details.
(1832-1900), ancestry unknown. He
enlisted August 8, 1862, in Co. E of
the 9th NY Infantry, and served until
June 13, 1865.
ERASTUS RATHBUN (1828-1900),
son of Russell 5 Rathbun (Simeon 4
Thomas 3 John 2 - 1). We have no details
of his service, which was probably in
Maryland, but he was listed as a Civil
War veteran in a special veterans' census in 1890.
ERASTUS R. RATHBUN (1840-1903),
son of Thomas 6 Rathbun ~Russell5
Simeon 4 Thomas 3 John -1) . He
enlisted August 4, 1861 , in Co. H of
the 11th Illinois Infantry, and served
until August 20, 1864.
ERNEST RATHBUN (alias Morgan) .
His name appears in Civil War pension
files as a Michigan veteran but we
have found nothing on his service or
his ancestry.
EVERETT RATHBUN (1838-1913),
son of Ezra 6 Rathbun (Jonathan 5
(1835-1864), son of Demarcus 6
Rathbun (Solomon 5 Job Joshua
2 1
John - ). He enlisted in 1861 in the
Ninth U.S. Cavalry and was promoted
to corporal. He was shot dead on his
. horse May 27, 1864, at the Battle of
the Wilderness.
1865) , son of Joshua Rathbun
(Abraham 6 Joshua 5-3 John 2 - 1) . He
enlisted May 23 , 1861, in a
Massachusetts regiment, and was discharged May 27, 1862. He enlisted
again Sept 5, 1864, in Co. C of the
Second Mass. Heavy Artillery. While
serving at Newburn, S.C. , he received
word that his wife had died in childbirth , and was granted a one-month
leave. He sailed on a ship called the
Escort, and died aboard the ship in
New York harbor on April 11, 1865, of
consumption and/or exposure.
FRANCIS J. RATHBUN (1827-1908),
son of Jonathan 6 Rathbun (William 5
Daniel 4 William 3 -2 John 1). He served in
1862 and 1863 with Co. I of the 25th
Conn . Infantry. He was accidentally
struck in the chest with a rifle butt by a
fellow soldier at Donaldson, La., and
was discharged.
(1839-1895), son of Elijah 7 Rathburn
(Elijah 6 William 5 Daniel 4 William 3 - 2
John \ He enlisted Jan. 23, 1863, in
Co. M of the 10th Kentucky Cavalry
and served nine months.
FRANCIS MARION RATHBUN (18351918), son of John 6 Rathbun (Perry5
Edmund 4 John 3 - 2 - 1) . He enlisted in
1861 in Co . H of the 47th Illinois
Infantry and served throughout the
war, including action at the Siege of
Union Forces
Rathbun-Rathbone-Rathburn Family Historian
Spring 1996
FRANCIS P. RATHBUN (1841 -1900),
son of Paul 6 Rathbun (Elias 5 Joshua4
John3-2-1). He enlisted Sept. 22, 1861 ,
in Co. F of the 10th Conn. Infantry and
served until Oct. 1, 1864.
GURDEN CLARK RATHBUN (18441862), son of Ebenezer 6 Rathbun
(Ebenezer 5 Thomas 4 Jonathan 3
William John \ He enlisted in 1861 in
Co. F of the Eighth Michigan Infantry
and was killed in action June 30, 1862,
at James Island, S.C. His father also
died in the war.
FRANCIS WILBUR RATHBUN (18151894), son of Jonathan 5 Rathbun
(Jeremiah 4 Joseph 3 - 2 John 1) . He
served in the Army during the Mexican
War, 1847-48, and then enlisted Dec.
4, 1863, age 47, in Co. G of the 128th
Ohio Infar.try. He was discharged April
26, 1864.
GUY RATHBUN (1844-1865) , son of
Henry6 Rathbun (Henry 5 Thomas 4-3
Samuel John \ He enlisted in Co. B.
of the 107th NY Infantry and died Jan .
25, 1865, in South Carolina.
and ancestry unknown). He enlisted in
a Conn. regiment and was wounded at
Spotsylvania Court House.
GEORGE RATHBUN (1836-1863) ,
son of Guy6 Rathbun (Ami 5 Job 4
Benjamin 3 Joseph 2 John 1 ) . He
enlisted in Co. E of the 126th Illinois
Infantry and died July 20 , 1863, at
Haines Bluff, Mo.
FRANKLIN ROOT RATHBUN (18381900+) , son of Samuel? Rathbun
(Sylvester 6 James 5 Valentine
2 1
Joshua John - ) . He served as a first
lieutenant in Co . I of the 19th NY
Infantry for four months in 1862.
son of Ben&amin 6 Rathbun (Samuel 5
Nathaniel 4- John 2 - 1 ) . He enlisted in
1862 in Co. F of the 16th Mich igan
Infantry, and later apparently served in
the First Michigan Lancers.
(1844-1918), son of Allen? Rathbun
(Allen 6 Josiah 5 Job4 Joshua3 John2-1).
He enlisted Jan. 1, 1864, in the First
NY Cavalry and served until July 19,
son of Daniel 6 Rathbun (Gideon 5
Edmund 4 John 3-2 - 1). He served in Co.
I of the First Ohio Heavy Artillery
Regiment and died Oct. 10, 1863, at
Lexington, Ky.
GARRETT RATHBUN (1822-1891),
son of Thomas 6 Rathbun (Thomas 5 -3
Samuel 2 John \ He enlisted Sept. 1,
1864, in Co. M of the First Wisconsin
Heavy Artillery and was discharged
June 20, 1865.
GERMAINE RATHBUN (1845-1918) ,
son of Lewis 6 Rathbun (Amos 5
Thomas 4-3 John 2-1) . He enlisted
(1840-1929), son of Sidney6 Rathbun
(Philander5 Daniel 4 Joshua3 John2 - 1 ) .
He served in the Fifth NY Cavalry.
Gurden Clark Rathbun, private in the
Michigan Infantry; killed in action aged
18. His father also died in the war.
March 5, 1864 in Co. 0 of the 71 st
Ohio Infantry and was discharged Nov.
30, 1865.
GIDEON RATHBUN (1833-1916), son
of Edmund 6 Rathbun (Gideon 5
Edmund 4 John 3-2-1). He was commissioned a second lieutenant Sept. 17,
1862, in Co . H of the 100th Indiana
Infantry, and served until Jan. 8, 1865.
GIDEON RATHBUN (1827-1867), son
of Henry6 Rathbun (Gideon 5-4 John3-2-1).
He enlisted Sept. 26, 1861 , in Co. 0 of
the 10th Illinois Cavalry and deserted
April 12, 1862. He was arrested March
17, 1864, by military police, but contended that he had been captured by
the Confederates and later paroled.
GEORGE H. RATHBUN (1843-1931),
son of James 6 Rathbun (Joshua 5
Amos4 Joshua3 John2- 1) . He enlisted
in Co . 0 of the Fourth Michigan
Infantry and was commissioned a first
lieutenant. He was promoted to captain on July 26, 1864.
(1836-1923), son of Edmund 6 Rathbun
(Gideon 5 Edmund 4 John 3 - 2 - 1 ) . He
served in Co. C of the 19th Indiana
Infantry . While campaigning in the
south, a rebel woman put poison in his
company 's drinking water . Several
men died and Rathbun was unconscious for several days.
ancestry unknown . He enlisted July
24, 1862, age 18, in Co. B of the 92nd
Ohio Infantry, was promoted to corporal , and served until June 10, 1865.
GEORGE RANSOM RATHBUN (18421927), son of Nelson 6 Rathbun
(Erastus 5 Thomas 4-3 John 2 - 1 ) . He
served with Co . I of the 24th Iowa
Rathbun-Rathbone-Rathburn Family Historian
Spring 1996
GEORGE W. RATHBUN (1837-1893),
son of George? Rathbun (Asa6 Abel 5
John 4 Jonathan 3 John 2 - 1). He enlisted
July 28, 1862, in Co. E of the 18th
Conn . Infantry and was discharged
Dec . 23, 1862 , with neuralgia and
chronic rheumatism.
(1841-1887), son of John? Rathbun
(Thomas 6 Clark5 Jonathan 4 John 3-2 - 1).
He served with Co. G of the 27th Ohio
Infantry and also with a Missouri regiment.
(1838-1901) , son of Robert 6 Rathbun
(John 5-4 Samuel 3 Thomas 2 John \ He
served with Battery 0 of the First RI
Light Artillery, and later with Co. H of
the Seventh RI Infantry . He was
Fredericksburg and discharged June
23, 1863.
HALLETT RATHBUN (1841-1925) ,
son of Thomas 6 Rathbun (Thomas 5
John Samuel Thomas John \ He
enlisted August 26, 1861, in Co. B of
the First Wisc . Light Artillery , and
served three years . He was with
General Sherman on his famous
"March through Georgia," and was discharged Oct. 22, 1864.
HARVEY B. RATHBUN (1836-1899) ,
son of Ashley6 Rathbun ~~1Shley5
Isaiah Jonathan 3 John ) . He
enlisted Feb. 24, 1861 , in Co. I of the
14th Michigan Infantry, and was promoted to first sergeant. He was discharged July 18, 1865.
HARVEY TATE RATHBONE (18451930) , son of Ira 6 . Rathbone
(Edmund 5-4 John 3 -2 - 1). He served for
10 months in 1863 with Co. M of the
Second Nebraska Cavalry.
HENRY RATHBURN (1845-1863), son
of John 6 Rathburn (Tibbetts 5 John 4 -3
Thomas John \ He enlisted Nov. 21 ,
1862 , in Co . I of the 53rd Mass .
Infantry. He was hospitalized April 8,
1863, at New Orleans, and transferred
May 19 to Cairo, Illinois, and then to a
military hospital at Mound City, Illinois,
where he died Aug . 29, 1863.
George W. Rathbun, private in the R.I.
Artillery and later infantry; wounded at
the Battle of Fredericksburg.
Henry Rathburn, private in the Ohio
cavalry; captured and sent to
Andersonville Prison.
HENRY RATHBURN (1838-1865+) ,
son of Ruel 6 Rathburn (David 5
Edmund 4 John 3-2 - 1). He enlisted Sept.
12, 1862, in Co. I of the Seventh Ohio
Infantry , was captured and sent to
Andersonville Prison. He was eventually released and discharged July 3,
HENRY H. RATHBUN (1839-1896)5
son of Sylvester Rathbun ~James
Valentine 4 Joshua 3 John -1) . He
enlisted Oct. 29 , 1861, in a
Massachusetts militia unit and served
until Nov. 7, 1864.
HENRY REED RATHBONE (18371911) , son of Jared 6 Rathbone
(Samuel 5 Joshua4 Jonathan 3 John 2- 1).
He enlisted in 1861 and was commissioned captain of the 12th US Infantry.
He was promoted to major in 1864 and
colonel in 1865. He was stationed in
Washington , D.C. in 1865 ar d was
with President Lincoln when Lincoln
was assassinated.
HENRY RATHBUN (1826-1902), son
of Nathaniel 6 Rathbun (Walter 5
Thomas 4 - 2 John 1). He reportedly
served with a Minnesota regiment, was
discharged with eye problems and
later became blind.
HENRY ADDISON RATHBUN (18431912), son of John 6 Rathbun (Gideon5-4
John 3 - 2 - 1) . He enlisted in 1861 in
Battery G of the First NY Light Artillery,
served four years and saw action in 21
1864)5 son of Dennison Rathbun
(Dyer Job Benjamin 3 Joseph
John \ He enlisted in 1861 and was
commissioned captain of Co. K, 86th
NY Infantry. He was killed Oct. 28,
1864, at the Battle of Hatchet Run ,
Petersburg, Va.
HENRY WHEELER RATHBUN (18411930) , son of Gul Rathbun (Ami 5
Job 4 Benjamin 3 Joseph John \ He
enlisted in Co. H of the 19th Illinois
Infantry and was wounded in 1863 at
Murfreesboro, Tenn.
HIRAM RATHBUN (1842-1862) ,
ancestry unknown . He enlisted Oct.
16, 1861 , in Co. B of the 66th Ohio
Infantry, and died Feb. 28, 1862, at
Lebanon, Ky.
HIRAM B. RATHBURN (1844-1910)5
son of John 6 Rathburn (Tibbetts
John 4-3 Thomas 2 John \ He enlisted
Feb. 22, 1865, in Co. B of the 27th
Union Forces
Mass. Infantry. He was hospitalized
four months later and discharged July
7, 1865.
HIRAM L. RATHBUN (1844-1863),
son of Saxon 6 Rathbun ~saxon5
Valentine 4 Joshua 3 John -1). He
served in Co. A of the 100th Illinois
Infantry and died Jan. 9, 1863, at
Nashville, Tenn.
HOMER DWIGHT RATHBUN (18431862) , son of Elihu 6 Rathbun
(Solomon 5 Job4 Joshua3 John 2 - 1). He
served in Co. A of the Ninth Illinois
Cavalry and died April 19, 1862, at a
military hospital at Reeves Station, Mo.
HORACE A. RATHBUN (1821-1863),
son of Valentine 6 Rathbun (Valentine5
John 4 Joshua3 John 2 - 1) . He enlisted
Aug. 15, 1862, in Co. D of the 41 st
Mass. Infantry, and died June 8, 1863,
at Baton Rouge, La., of malaria and
typhoid fever.
HORACE MAINE RATHBONE (18251866), son of Arnon 6 Rathbone
(David 5 John 4 Joshua 3 John 2 - 1) . He
was commissioned a second lieutenant on May 18, 1861, in Co. G of
the 46th Pa. Infantry. He became ill
and died Dec. 19, 1866, in a military
hospital at Portville, NY.
HUGO B. RATHBUN (1841-1898), son
of Charles 6 Rathbun (Amos5-4 Joshua3
John2-1). He enlisted Sept. 12, 1861 , in
Co. D of the Second Michigan Cavalry
and was promoted to corporal. He
became a master sergeant in March
1863, and commissioned a second
lieutenant in 1864 for "meritorious conduct." He was assistant adjutant-general of his Brigade in September 1864,
and a month later was named acting
regimental adjutant. He was promoted
to captain on Feb. 12, 1865, and given
a medical discharge for "piles and
IRA P. RATHBUN (1932-1921), son of
John? Rathbun ~JOhn6 Joshua 5
Nathaniel 4-3 John -1) . He enlisted
Sept. 26, 1862, in Co. H of the 16th
Vermont Infantry, served one year,
then enlisted Feb . 14 , 1865, for
another six months.
Rathbun-Rathbone-Rathburn Family Historian
Spring 1996
IRVING E. RATHBUN (1841-1865),
son of Ashley6 Rathbun ~Ashley5
Isaiah 4 Jonathan 3 John -1) . He
enlisted in 1861 in Co. F of the Fifth
Michigan Infantry; served three years,
then enlisted Feb. 11 , 1864, in Co. I of
the 18th Michigan Cavalry. He was
captured August 3, 1864, and died
Jan. 15, 1865, in a Confederate Prison
at Florence, S.c.
ISAAC RATHBUN (1844-1872), son of
Daniel? Rathbun (lsaac 6 Daniel 5
Valentine 4 Joshua 3 John 2 - 1 ). He
served in Co . G of the 27th Mich.
Infantry in 1862.
son of Edmund Rathbun (Gideon
Edmund 4 John 3 -2 - 1 ) . He enlisted in
1861 in Co. C of the 19th Indiana
Infantry, was promoted to sergeant of
Co. K in July 1863 and was commissioned Captain of Co. C on August 21 ,
1863. He was wounded in the leg at
the Battle of Antietam.
son of James? Rathbun (Isaac
2 1
Daniel 5 Valentine Joshua3 John - ) .
He served in 1864, aged 16, in Co. G
of the 12th Michigan Infantry.
Artillery, and was transferred June 22,
1865, to Co. A of the 54th NY Infantry.
He later was commissioned a lieutenant in the 21 st US Colored Troops.
He was discharged March 5, 1866.
(1846-1916) , son of Orsemus
Rathbun (Thomas - Samuel John \
He enlisted in 1863 in Co. M of the
Sixth Michigan Cavalry.
1865) , son of Walter Rathbun
(Walter Thomas - John 1). He
enlisted June 4, 1864, in Battery G of
the First Michigan Light Artillery and
died of disease June 23, 1865, on
Long Island, N.Y.
JAMES L. RATHBUN (1823-1863) ,
son of Thomas 6 Rathbun (Asa
Thomas - Samuel John \ He served
in Battery I of the First Mich . Light
Artillery and died of disease August 8,
1863, at Washington Court House, Va.
JAMES SIMEON RATHBUN (18311904), son of John 6 Rathbun (Robert5
John Samuel Thomas John \ He
enlisted in 1861 in Co. D of the Fourth
California Infantry and was promoted
to first sergeant. He was commissioned a second lieutenant in 1864
and first lieutenant in 1865. His unit
served in Oregon and the Washington
ISAIAH S. RATHBUN (1825-1864) ,
son of Isaiah Rathbun ~Ashlel
Isaiah Jonathan 3 John -1). He
enlisted in 1864 in Co. K of the Eighth
Michigan Infantry and was wounded in
the leg May 6, 1864, at the Battle of
the Wilderness. He was taken to Libby
Prison , where the leg was amputated
and he died.
JAMES V. RATHBUN (1831-1899),
son of Ami 5 Rathbun (Job Benjamin
Joseph John \ He served with Co. G.
of the 126th Illinois Infantry.
(1843-1916), son of Edwin Rathbun
(George Job Benjamin Joseph 2
John \ He served in Co. H of the Third
Wisconsin Cavalry.
JAMES WINTHROP RATHBUN (18461920), son of William 6 Rathbun
(Samuel 5 Elijah Samuel 3 - John \ He
served with Co. C. of the 21 st Conn.
JACKSON D. RATHBUN (1845-1920),
son of Valentine? Rathbun ~caleb6
Valentine5-4 Joshua 3 John -1) . He
served in Battery B of the Pa. Light
JAMES W. RATHBUN (1814-1891)5
son of DIer6 Rathbun ~Daniel
Valentine Joshua 3 John -1). He
enlisted in 1862, aged 48, in Co. D of
the Sixth Michigan Cavalry.
JAMES RATHBUN (1845-1876), son
of John 6 Rathbun (William 5 Thomas 4-3
Samuel 2 John \ He enlisted July 18,
1863, in Co. A of the 157th NY
JAMES W. RATHBUN (1838-1893),
son of Paris 6 Rathbun (Job 5 Gideon
3 2 1
John - - ). He served with the 88th
Illinois Infantry.
Rathbun-Rathbone-Rathburn Family Historian
Spring 1996
JARED LEWIS RATHBUN (18271899), son of Adams 6 Rathbun
(Jonathan 5 Isaiah 4 Jonathan 3 John 2-1) .
He enlisted Oct. 8, 1861 , in Co. H of
the Illinois Engineers , and was discharged Feb. 8, 1862.
in 1862, then was captured June 18,
1863, near Middleburg , Va . He was
paroled, but captured again on Dec. 1,
1863, at Beverly Ford, Va., and was
sent to Andersonville Prison, where he
died July 31 , 1864, of acute diarrhea.
(1844-1907), son of Jared 6 Rathbone
(Samuel 5 Joshua4 Jonathan 3 John2 - 1) .
He was graduated from West Point
Military Academy in 1865 and commissioned a first lieutenant in the 12th US
Infantry. He was later promoted to
major and served until 1872.
(1826-1913) , son of Alfred 5 Rathbun
(Job 4 Benjamin 3 Joseph John \ He
enlisted Nov. 14, 1861 , in Co. A of the
Second Mo. Cavalry, was promoted to
sergeant and served until Jan. 21,
JASON P. RATHBUN (1837-1910),
son of John 6 Rathbun (Joseph
32 1
Joshua John - - ) . He was a corporal
in companies E and B in the Second
RI Infantry and was discharged August
1, 1864.
(1826-1894), son of Joshua Rathbun
3 2 1
(Elias Joshua John - - ) . He enlisted
August 1, 1864, in a Rhode Island regiment and served several months.
JEDEDIAH RATHBUN (1843-1898) ,
son of Gideon 6 Rathbun (Allen 5
Gideon 4 John 3 -2 - 1) . He enlisted April
17, 1864, in Co. B of the 40th Wisc.
JEPTHA RATHBUN (1842-1927), son
of BillinJls? Rathbun (Jonathan
3 2 1
Edmund Jonathan John - - ). He
served during most of the War with
several Iowa infantry regiments, saw
action at the 1862 Battle of Shiloh and
later spent seven months in a hospital
with typhoid fever.
wounded at the Battle of Bull Run that
year. He was given a medical discharge, but enlisted again in Sept. and
joined Co . G of the Eighth Conn .
Infantry as a corporal. He was wounded
in the 1862 Battle of Fort Harrison by
the same shell that killed General
Burnham. He spent three months in a
hospital and returned home on
crutches, but then returned to duty and
was promoted to sergeant. In 1863, he
was commissioned a second lieutenant
and named commanding officer of Co.
E in the Eighth Regiment, where he
served until the end of the war.
JOEL RATHBUN (1842-1864), son of
William? Rathbun (Jonathan 6 William 5
Daniel 4 William 3 -2 John \ He enlisted
in a Conn. regiment and was killed in
the Battle of the Wilderness.
JOHN A. RATHBUN (birth date and
ancestry unknown , died in 1906) .
According to his gravestone in the
Mystic, Conn., cemetery, he served in
Co. H of the 11 th Conn. Regiment.
JOEL RATHBUN (1830-??), son of
Daniel 6 Rathbun (William 5 Obadiah
John William John \ He served with
his brother Sylvanus in the 29th
Indiana Infantry band.
JOHN RATHBUN (1844-1863), son of
Caleb5 Rathbun (Jeremiah 4 Joseph 3 -2
John \ He died Jan . 26, 1863, while
serving with the 33rd Mo. Infantry.
JOEL E. RATHBUN (1836-1923) , son
of Alden 6 Rathbun (Joel 5 Benjamin 4-3
Joseph 2 John \ He served with the
29th Indiana Infantry.
JOEL HOWARD RATHBONE (18351865) , son of Joel 6 Rathbone
(Samuel 5 Joshua4 Jonathan 3 John 2-1).
He was commissioned before the war,
on Oct. 25 , 1858, as a second lieutenant in the Marine Corps. After the
war broke out, he was promoted June
26, 1861 , to first lieutenant. In 1862,
he transferred to the Army and was
promoted to captain on Feb. 17, 1862,
and served with the 12th US Infantry.
He resigned due to ill health on Dec.
24 , 1864, returned to his home in
Albany, NY, and died March 29, 1865.
1872) , son of Eldridge Rathbun
(Robert John Samuel Thomas
John \ He enlisted Aug. 19, 1862, in
the 141 st NY Infantry; was promoted
to corporal and then sergeant, and in
1864 was commissioned a lieutenant.
He was wounded in action on May 25,
1864, at Dallas, Georgia, and in 1865
he was promoted to captain .
JOHN E. RATHBUN (1836-1909), son
of Robert6 Rathbun (John 5-4 Samuel 3
Thomas John \ He served in 1862-3
with Co. A of the 12th RI Infantry, and
then for two years with the First RI
Light Artillery. He was captured in
1865 in the Shenandoah Valley campaign,and spent four months at Libby
JEREMIAH RATHBUN (1835-1899) ,
son of Robert 6 Rathbun (Samuel 5
Roger Samuel 3 Thomas John \ He
enlisted in a Rhode Island regiment in
1861 and suffered a shrapnel wound in
his right side on May 20, 1864, at
Spotsylvania Court House, Va. He was
discharged June 17.
JOHN RATHBUN (1835-1865J , son of
Joshua 6 Rathbun (Joshua Amos4
Joshua3 John2 -1 ) . He reportedly died
Nov. 25, 1865, in military service, but
we have found no record.
JOHN E. RATHBUN (1840-1886), son
of Ebenezer 6 Rathbun (Ebenezer
Thomas Jonathan William John \
He served from 1861 to 1865 with Co.
D of the Second Illinois Cavalry. His
father and brother both died in the war.
son of Robert 6 Rathbun (John 5 - 4
Samuel 3 Thomas John \ He enlisted
Dec. 4, 1861 , in Troop A of the First RI
Cavalry, was hospitalized for disease
1911) , son of Samuel Rathbun
(Samuel Elijah Samuel - John \ He
enlisted May 7, 1861, in Rifle Co. C of
the Second Conn . Infantry, and was
1910), son of Amos 6 Rathbun (Amos
2 1
Thomas - John - ). He enlisted Feb.
23, 1865, in Co. C of the 52nd Wisc.
Infantry and served five months.
Union Forces
Rathbun-Rathbone-Rathburn Family Historian
Spring 1996
JOHN FINLEY RATHBONE (18191901) , son of Valentine 6 Rathbone
(SamuelS Joshua4 Jonathan 3 John2- 1) .
He was appointed in 1860 as
brigadier-general of the NY National
Guard and named commandant of the
Volunteer Depot at Albany , N.Y., a
post he held throughout the war. He
was the highest-ranking member of
our family to serve in the war.
1893), son of Charles Rathbun (John 6
Clarks Jonathan 4 John 3 - 2 - i . He
enlisted in October 1861 in Co. F of
the 66th Ohio Infantry. He was promoted to sergeant and then in 1862
commissioned a captain and named
commander of Company C. On June
9, 1862, he was wounded in the side
at the Battle of Port Republic in
Alabama, but returned to duty and saw
action at several battles, including
Gettysburg and Lookout Mountain. He
was discharged Oct. 7, 1864.
JOHN P. RATHBUN (1843-1901), son
of Philetus 6 Rathbun (Henrl
Thomas 4 -3 Samuel 2 John \ He served
with Co. B of the First NY Cavalry.
JOHN QUINCY RATHBUN (18411904), son of Elijah7 Rathburn (Elijah 6
Williams Daniel 4 William 3-2 John \ He
enlisted August 26, 1861, in Co. M of
the Eleventh Pa. Infantry and was captured May 4, 1863, at the Battle of
Dismal Swamp, N.C. He was hit in the
head with a musket butt, which fractured his skull and left him unconscious for 36 hours . He was sent to
Libby Prison but released after 15
days, and returned to duty. He was
promoted to corporal and then
sergeant in 1864, and discharged
August 16, 1865.
JOHN RANDALL RATHBURN (18451919), son of Ruel 6 Rathburn (DavidS
Edmund 4 John 3 - 2 - 1 ) . He served in
Company K of the 125th Ohio Infantry.
JOHN S. RATHBUN (1819-1901), son
of Amos 6 Rathbun (JonathanS John4- 1).
He enlisted Oct. 28, 1864, aged 45, in
Co . G of the 47th Ohio Infantry. He
was listed as a deserter on July 26 ,
RATHBONE (1840-1928). son of
Clarendon 6 Rathbone (Davids John 4
Joshua3 John 2 -1 ) . He enlisted August
26, 1861, in Co. D of the 106th Pa.
Infantry and served three years.
JOSEPH C. RATHBUN (1828-1863),
son of Joseph 6 Rathbun (Samuels
Nathaniel 4-3 John 2 -1) . He served with
Co. K of the Second Mass. Infantry
and was killed in action May 3, 1863,
at the Battle of Chancellorsville.
John Randall Rathburn, private in the
Ohio infantry.
(1835-1910) , son of Gamaliel 6
Rathbun (WaiterS Thomas 4 - 2 John \
He enlisted Feb. 16, 1865, deserted in
October, was arrested, court-martialed
and discharged on Feb. 27, 1866.
1917). son of Updike Rathbun
(Thomas John Samuel 3 Thomas 2
John \ He enlisted in 1861, aged 15,
in a Wisconsin unit and served with the
Army of the Potomac.
JOHN WILLIAMS RATHBUN (18201869) , son of Edwards Rathbun
(Amos 4 Joshua 3 John 2- 1). He served
in Co. B of the 16th Ohio Infantry, and
later in Co. C of the 65th Ohio Infantry.
JOSHUA M. RATHBUN (1842-1867),
son of Rowland Rathbun (Acors 6
JoshuaS- John 2-1) . He enlisted in
August 1861 in the 36th Illinois
Cavalry, participated in the Battles of
Pea Ridge and Red River, and several
others. He was discharged in March
JOSIAH T. RATHBUN (1838-1909) ,
son of Philetus Rathbun (Henrl
4 3
Thomas - Samuel 2 John 1). He
enlisted Sept. 9, 1861 , in Co. G of the
46th Pa. Infantry and was promoted to
corporal. He was hospitalized for eight
weeks in the winter of 1862-63 with
chronic inflammation of the bowels,
and was discharged Feb. 16, 1863.
LARKIN W. RATHBUN (1832-1863) ,
son of Thomas s Rathbun (John 4 - 1) . He
enlisted Oct. 30, 1861 , in Co. A of the
Fourth RI Infantry and died March 21,
1863, in a Washington, D.C. hospital
of chronic diarrhea.
LATHAM J. RATHBUN (1839-1918) ,
son of Latham 6 Rathbun (SamuelS
Elijah 4 Samuel 3-2 John \ He served in
the United States Army in 1862-63.
JONATHAN DAVID RATHBUN (18461919). son of Thomas 6 Rathbun
(Thomas S John Samuel 3 Thomas 2
John \ He served with Co . I of the
16th Wisc. Infantry.
LEGRAND RATHBONE, (1846-1922),
son of Jerome 7 Rathbone (James 6-S
Valentine 4 Joshua 3 John 2 - 1 ) . He
enlisted March 8, 1865, in Co. D of the
19th Mich. Calvary and served during
the final months of the war.
JOSEPH B. RATHBUN (1839-1865),
son of Joseph 6 Rathbun (AlienS
Gideon 4 John 3-2-1) . We have found no
record of military service, but he died
July 1, 1865 , just after the war, at
Pharsalia, N.Y., possibly of disease
contracted in service.
ancestry unknown). His widow, Mary,
applied for a pension in 1890, living in
Colorado, stating that he had enlisted
in Iowa "using the name Rathbun" during the war. It was apparently not his
real name.
Rathbun-Rathbone-Rathburn Family Historian
Spring 1996
Genealogy: The Seventh
Generation in America
(Joshua 6 Elias 5 Joshua 4 John3~2-1) ,
born in 1819 at Sterling, Conn. He was
married July 12, 1840, in Voluntown,
Conn ., to Celinda Palmer, born about
1820, parentage unknown. He died in
1843 at Voluntown. She was married
in March 1846 to Otis Green (18091885) and died in 1890 at Griswold ,
PHOEBE ANN , born about 1842;
died April 30, 1866.
(Joshua Elias Joshua John 3-2-1),
born about 1823, possibly in Exeter,
R.1. He was married Nov. 26, 1846, at
Griswold, Conn ., to Harriet Terry, born
Feb. 22, 1830, daughter of (?)Alfred
and Clarissa Terry. He was a harnessmaker and lived for a few years in
Washington County, N.Y., before and
after his marriage . They were in
Griswold, Conn ., in 1850 and in
Greenwich, N.Y ., in 1860. He died
about 1863 and Harriet died Feb. 7,
1875, at Lisbon , Conn.
ORRIN, born Jan. 15, 1870; married
Anna Chappell.
AMOS K., born Dec. 15, 1871 ; died
May 19, 1904, no known marriage.
ISAAC G., May 10, 1873; married
Susan Babcock.
ARTHUR , born Sept. 1, 1874; no
further data.
EMILY BARBARA, born August 5,
1854; married William Byron Gibson.
RHOBA ANN , born August 25 ,
1855; married George A. Roode .
1852, Rhoba Frye, born in July 1837,
parentage unknown . They lived in
Plainfield , Conn ., and both died in
1906-Rhoba on April 17 and Joshua
on June 23. They are both buried in
Canterbury, Conn.
RATHBUN (Joshua 6 Elias 5 Joshua
John 3-2-1). He was born about 1826 in
Exeter, R.I. , and was married Sept. 5,
1852, in Lisbon , Conn ., to Sarah
Louise White , born Dec. 25, 1834,
daughter of Simeon and Sarah (Dean)
White. He served for a few months in a
R.I. regiment during the Civil War.
They moved in the 1860s to Scotland,
Windham County, Conn ., where he
died Oct. 10, 1894, of tuberculosis.
Sarah married Elliot P. Lawrence and
died Jan. 31 , 1910.
RATHBUN, (Joshua 6 Elias 5 Joshua
John - - ). born Oct. 3 , 1827 , in
Exeter, R.I. He was married July 22,
1859, to Anna D. Fletcher, born in
June 1837, ancestry unknown. He was
a carpenter. They lived in Norwich and
Griswold , Conn ., and later in
Stonington , where he died Jan . 12,
1915. Anna's death date is not known .
JENNIE E., born June 13, 1860;
married James Chapman.
WILLIAM , born Oct. 6, 1863; no further data.
ANNA H., born March 19,1865;
married Walter Wilkinson .
JOHN Q . A. born March 14, 1868;
died in November 1869.
See Corrections 16-2 p 37
MARY EMELINE, born about 1848;
married James Byron Sweet on March
23, 1870.
ABIGAIL, born about 1852; alive in
1870, no further data.
GEORGE W., born Feb. 3, 1854;
married Bridget Shea.
CYNTHIA M. , born about 1856; married Otis Horton about 1882.
BUN (Joshua 6 Elias 5 Joshua
John - - ), born June 2, 1825, probablyat Exeter, R.1. He married Dec. 22,
JOSEPHINE L. , born Jan. 15, 1854;
married George Woodward.
born Jan . 17, 1856; married Jennie
EDWARD U., born April 10, 1859;
married Mary C. Chappell.
MARY, born Feb. 13, 1861; married
Marvin Hall Oct. 21, 1881.
WILLIAM DONOVAN , born Jan. 29,
1862; married Jennie Elizabeth Grey.
HATTIE ALTHEA, born about 1864;
married' Eugene Hall Nov. 8, 1883.
FRANK D., born about 1866; married (1) Lilly Young, (2) Anna
(Paul 6 Elias5 Joshua4 John3-2-1 ), born in
October 1836 and married about 1869
Mary E. _ _ , born about 1840, surname unknown . They lived in
Plainfield, Montville and finally
Putnam , Conn ., where he died in
1910. Mary died some time after 1900.
There were no known children.
(Paul 6 Elias5 Joshua4 John 3-2-1), born in
Dec. 1841 , at Bolton, Conn. He served
three years in the Army during the Civil
War , and was married August 18,
1865, to Maria A. Arnold, born July 24,
Rathbun-Rathbone-Rathburn Family Historian
Spring 1996
1847, parentage unknown. They
moved to Lowell Mass., where he was
a mill overseer. He died there of cancer on August 26, 1900. Maria died at
Lowell Dec. 12, 1929.
NELLIE M., born Dec . 29 , 1868;
died Feb. 8, 1874.
Castille, and then Wethersfield N.Y., In
1882 , he moved to the Dakota
Territory, and settled near Faulkner, in
what is now South Dakota. He died
there in June 1921 . (He may be the
James Rathbun who married Susan
Ellis Nov. 2, 1905, in Marion County,
Indiana. She was born Dec. 26, 1875,
daughter of Edmund and Amel ia
(Williams) Ellis. He had no known children.
(Henrl Josephs Joshua4 John 3 - 2 - 1) ,
born March 30 , 1844, in Exeter, R.I.
He was married probably in the 1870s
to Magdalen _ __ , born in Sept.
1852, surname unknown. They moved
to Minnesota and then for a time to
Faulkner, S . D., near his brother
James , but returned to New York
where he died May 24 , 1905 , of
nephritis at the State Hospital in
Gowanda. Nothing more is known of
Magdalen, who was living in 1900.
RATHBUN (Willett6 Josephs Joshua4
John 3-2 -1) , born Oct. 30, 1833, possibly
in Exeter, R.I. , and was married about
1854 to Betsey Burleson , born Feb.
10, 1836, parentage unknown. She
died June 10, 1858, and he was married the following year to Calista
Burleson , probably Betsey's sister,
born Jan . 9, 1838. They moved to
Vernon , Oneida County, N.Y., where
Reuben d ied Nov . 26 , 1871 , and
Calista died Sept. 12, 1874.
See New Data
p 38
EARL, born in Feb . 1882; died by
1919; no known marriage or children.
By Betsey
?CAROLlNE, born about 1855; alive
in 1870; no further data.
By Calista
SARAH JANE , born about 1860;
married _ _ Laughlin.
FREDERICK W. born March 18 ,
1862; married Frances M. Jackson.
FRANK MADESON, born Sept. 16,
1864; married Ray Duffy.
HERBERT L. , born in March 1866;
married Hattie E.
MARY , born about 1868; married
William T. Ford.
REUBEN J. , born July 17, 1871 ;
died Nov. 13, 1896.
(Henry6 Josephs Joshua 4 John 3 -2- 1) ,
born July 10, 1850, at Exeter, R.I. In
1871, he enrolled at the University of
Buffalo (NY) and studied medicine. He
was a doctor for several years in Utica,
RATHBUN (John 6 Josephs Joshua4
John 3 - 2 - 1 ) , born June 18 , 1832 , at
Exeter, R.I. He was married at Exeter
on Feb. 8, 1852, to Susan Cahoone ,
born March 24 , 1829 , daughter of
Rowland and Nancy (Burgess)
Cahoone. He was a shoemaker. They
lived for many years at Coventry, R.I. ,
but then moved to Sterling , Conn .,
where he died June 15, 1899. Susan
died May 18, 1917, in Conn .
Seneca S. Rathbun
WILLED H., born Oct. 5, 1862; died
Nov. 29, 1866.
SUSAN FRANCES , born Oct. 24,
1864; married Charles M. Tyler.
NELLIE GRACE , born Dec . 24 ,
1869; died single April 24, 1951 .
ANNIE E., born Sept. 17, 1871 ; married William Hall.
(John 6 Josephs Joshua4 John 3-2 - 1) ,
born March 21 , 1834, at West
Greewich, R.I. He was married May 14,
1854, to Mary Elizabeth Reynolds, born
March 7, 1837, parentage unknown.
They moved to Union County, N.J.,
where he died Dec. 31 , 1899, and Mary
some time after 1900.
GEORGE ALONZO , born Feb. 9,
1853; married Elizabeth Andrews.
DORCAS JANE, born May 7, 1855;
died May 27, 1857.
CHARLES EDWARD, born Nov. 21 ,
1856; married Ella Thankful Sweet.
HORACE GARDNER, born Oct. 11 ,
1858; died single Oct. 4, 1948.
RICHARD A. , born August 19, 1860;
died Jan. 27, 1883.
JOHN TYLER, born Dec. 8, 1854;
married Hattie G. Langworthy.
LILLIE JEAN, born Nov. 26, 1857;
married Henry Clay Stephens.
WILLIAM GORDON , born July 17,
1873; died Oct. 13, 1875.
(Continued to page 17)
Rathbun-Rathbone-Rathburn Family Historian
Spring 1996
CLARA BELLE , born Sept. 22 ,
1867; married Lydell W. Prentice.
JR. hJOShUa6 Joseph Joshua
Joh n -2-1). born April 11, 1860, at
West Greenwich, R.I. He was married
there Oct. 29, 1898, to Margaret Alice
Baker, born Oct. 10, 1877 in St. Louis,
Mo. , daughter of Henry S. and
Catharine (Callahan) Baker. She died
Sept. 4, 1909, at East Greenwich, and
he was married again on Jan. 10,
1912, to Una P. (Dunbar) Smith, born
July 30, 1874, daughter of William H.
and Elizabeth (Waldrum) Dunbar, and
divorced wife of a Smith. He died April
17, 1926, at East Greenwich, and Una
died there April 15, 1939.
By Margaret
Willett G. Rathbun
John Tyler Rathbun
LOUISE MAY, born Feb. 17, 1900;
no further data.
By Una
(John 6 JosephS Joshua 4 John 3 - 2 - 1) ,
born May 32, 1836, probably in West
Greenwich, R.I. He was married Jan.
9, 1862, in Exeter to Sarah Esther
Douglas, born Feb. 26, 1844, daughter
of Henry W. and Sophia (Crandall)
Douglas. They lived in Warwick, R.I. ,
where he died July 7, 1907, of Bright's
Disease , and Sarah died April 14,
15, 1863; married Ruth H. Rathbun,
daughter of John Adams Rathbun
(Nathan John - Samuel Thomas 2
JOHN ELMER, born April 4, 1865;
married (?) Elizabeth Dawley.
SARAH JEANNE, born June 30 ,
1867; married (1) Emoner Florie, and
(2) Willis Leonard.
EDWIN JOEL, born Nov . 14, 1875;
married (1) Annie J. Wilde , and (2)
Marion Clark.
243. JASON P.1 RATHBUN (John 6
Joseph 5 Joshua4 John 3-2 -1), born Dec.
25, 1837, at Voluntown, Conn. He was
married Oct. 24, 1864, at Hopkinton,
R.I. , to Emma F. Gardner, born in Nov.
1843, parentage unknown. They lived
a number of years in the Hopkinton
area , where he was a member of
"Jillson's Cornet Band" in 1867. He
served as a corporal in Companies E
and B of the Second R.I. Regiment
during the Civil War. They moved by
the early 1880s to Brooklyn, N.Y., and
by 1900 to Hudson County, N.J.,
where Emma apparently died by 1904.
He then moved to Buffalo, N.Y. , and
was married there Nov . 23, 1904, to
Carrie (Farwell) Gardiner, born in
1847, daughter of Thaddeus and Elisa
(Conrad) Farwell and widow of a
Gardiner. He died at Buffalo on Oct. 4,
1910, and Carrie died June 4, 1931, at
Maplehurst, N.Y.
By Emma
HELEN PHOEBE, born August 23,
1914; married George William Shaw
July 3, 1937, at Warwick, R.I.
In our obituaries (Fall 1995
Historian), we incorrectly listed the
father of Veara Viola (Rathbun) Stage
as Herbert Rathbun . Her father was
Henry8 Rathbun. The rest of the
ancestry was correct. Our thanks to
Dorothy Mueller, her niece.
Also in our Fall Historian, on page
23, we mentioned an Edward Rathbun
who was killed in World War II. It was
actually Edward Rathbun, born Feb. 9,
1906 , the son of Earl 9 Rathburn
(William Samuel Joseph 6 Samuel 5
Anthony4 Samuel 3 Thomas 2 John \
He was killed in action on April 12,
1945 , in Germany. Our thanks to
Mildred Rathburn.
Rathbun-Rathbone-Rathburn Family Historian
Spring 1996
DIED-May 5, 1996, at WarnerRobbins , Georgia . Charles Murray
Rathbun , 51 , a charter member of our
Associaiton . He was the son of the late
Henry Howe 10 Rathbun (Hen~9
Charels 8 Will iam? Alfred 6 Wa it -4
Joshua3 John 2-1). He is survived by his
wife Lona Faye Rathbun ; a son, Charles
Rathbun ; daughter Robin Bradley, and
two brothers, Henry and Robert (Rob)
Rathbun, both charter members of our
Association .
DIED-Nov. 9, 1995 , Russell G.
Rathbun , 79, of Santa Maria, Calif. He
was the son of Clark8 Rathbun (John?-6
Alfred 5 Job 4 Benjamin 3 Joseph 2
John \ He was a long-time member of
our Association and had attended several of our national reunions. He was
an Air Force veteran of World War II, a
self-made millionaire who retired in his
fifties, and became a top-notch golfer.
He shot a 68 on his 71st birthday, and
had a record of eight holes-in-one. He
is survived by his wife, Norma ; a
daughter, Jane Rita Wentzel ; two stepsons; two grandchildren and two stepgrandchildren; two brothers Ernest and
Wayne , a member of our Association,
and two sisters , Melva Gregory and
Lola Oneal.
DIED-Oct. 10 , 1995 . Anna May
Rathbun , 80, of Arvada, Colo. She was
the wife of our member Roy Daniel 9
Rathbun (George 8-? Gideon 6 Allen 5
Gideon 4 John 3 - 2 - 1 ) . Roy and Anna
May have long been active members
of our Association , and did a great
deal of research on his branch of the
family. They celebrated their 58th wedding anniversary in May 1995. (See
picture in our Fall Historian). In addition to her husband, Anna May is survived by a son , George , and two
DIED-Oct. 22 , 1995 , Howard
Rathbun Sloan , 56 , at Springfield
Center, N.Y. He was the son of Fred
Sloan and Mable Rathbun and grandson of Williams 8 Rathbun (see preceding ob ituary) . He is survived by his
wife, Nancy, and a son Scott Sloan.
DIED-March 15 , 1996 , John A .
Rathbun , 51, of Hernando, Florida. His
death came only two months after that
of his wife , Meryl, who died Jan. 1 at
the age of 48. John, a member of our
Association , was the son of George 8
Rathbun (James? Royal 6 ROdner5
Simeon 4 Benjamin 3 Joseph 2 John ).
John was a retired fireman in Warwick,
R.I., and moved to Florida in 1986.
Meryl was a special education teacher
who lost a leg after cancer surgery in
1991 , but returned to the schoolroom
and was named teacher of the year.
They are surv ived by two Children,
John A . Rathbun II and Marnie L.
Rathbun . John is also survived by
three brothers , David , Donald and
George Rathbun, a member of our
Assoc iation , and two sisters, Carol
Gore and Margie Hardisty. Meryl also
is survived by her father and two brothers.
DIED-Jan. 13, 1996 , Donald L.
Rathbun , 62, of Westm inster
Colorado. He was the son of Charles
Rathbun (John William? John Perry5
Edmund 4 John 3-2- 1 ) . He is survived by
his wife, Donna, and a brother William
L. Rathbun , a member of our
DIED-Dec . 11 , 1995 , Elizabeth
(Pernack) Rathbun , 91 , of Branford,
Conn. She was the widow of Frederick
0 . 9 Rathbun JRowland8-? Joshua 6
Acors 5 Joshua -3 John2- 1) . She was a
volunteer aircraft spotter during the
Second World War. Survivors include
two sons, Allen Rathbun , a member of
our Association , and Frederick
Rathbun ; a daughter, Nellie Schmidt;
16 grandchildren, and 14 great-grandchildren.
DIED-March 29 , 1996 , Delores
(Rathbun) Reinhard, 75, at Fort Pierre,
South Dakota. She was the widow of
Lawrence Reinhard and the daughter
of Elzie 9 Rathbun ( Henry 8 William?
Gideon 6 Job5 Gideon 4 John 3-2- 1) . She
is survived by a son , Dennis ; two
daughters, Phyllis Kenzy and Delores
Moore ; 15 grandchildren ; 27 greatgrandchildren ; three brothers ,
Raymond , Jay and Frank Rathbun ,
and three sisters , Mary Breecher,
Dorothy Westhouser and Edith
Williamson .
DIED-March 14 , 1995 , Beulah
(Rathbun) Power, 77, a charter member of our Association . She was the
widow of Ronald Power and the
daughter of Charles 8 Rathbun (James?
Paris 6 Job 5 Gideon 4 John 3 - 2 - 1 ).
Among her survivors are a son ,
Ronald Power Jr., who has taken over
his mother' s membership , and a
brother, Emmet Rathbun , a member of
our Association .
DIED-May 29, 1995, Manford Leland
Rathbun, 88, of Roseburg, Oregon. He
was the son of Ulysses Grant8 Rathbun
(Eber? John 6 Thomas 5 John 4 - 3
Thomas 2 John \ There are no immediate survivors except a niece, Anella
Hunt, a member of our Association ,
who accompanied her uncle to our
1991 National Reunion.
DIED-March 5, 1996 , Dorothy
Rathbun, 84, of Denver, Colorado. She
was the widow of Wilfred C. Rathbun ,
who died in 1991 . He was the son of
Lester9 Rathbun (William 8 Joseph?
Valentine Daniel Valentine 4 Joshua3
John 2 -1) . He was an early member of
our Association. She is survived by
two sons, Richard and David Rathbun ;
four grandchildren , and two greatgrandchildren.
DIED-Oct. 18, 1995 , Donald A .
Raymond , 85, of Coventry, R.I. He
was the husband of our member
Marjorie (Rathbun) Raymond , daughter of Walter Eugene 9 Rathbun
(Will iam 8 John? Robert 6 John 5-4
Samuel Thomas John \ He is also
survived by a son, James L. Raymond,
and a daughter, Donna F. Raymond ,
also an Association member.
DIED-Sept. 23 , 1995 , Clarence
Rathbun , 75 , of Fremont, Oh io. He
was the son of Clarence 9 Rathbun
(Sanford 8 Hiram? William 6 Gideon 5
Edmund 4 John 3-2- 1). He is survived by
his widow , Ardella ; a son , George
Rathbun; daughters, Tamera Himes
and Patricia Goetschius; five grandchildren and a great grandchild ;
brother Max Rathbun ; half-brother
William Brown; sisters Ruby Tuck ,
Betty Long and Ladonna Gabriel, and
a half-sister Beverly Calvert.
Rathbun-Rathbone-Rathburn Family Historian
Spring 1996
DIED-May 29, 1995, Alice M .
Rathbun , 92, at Herkimer, N.Y. She
was the widow of Williams Alden 9
Rathbun (Williams 8 Jacob7 Williams 6 -5
Benjamin 4 - 3 Joseph John \ She is
survived by two children, Alice Irene
Trumble and Williams Alden Rathbun,
both members of our Association;
three grandchildren , and three greatgrandchildren.
DIED- Dec . 9 , 1995 , Georgianna
Flather Rathbun, 74, wife of Benjamin
Rathbun of Washington , D.C. , a former
member of our Association . Benjamin
is the son of Benjamin 8 Rathbun
(William 7 John 6 -5 Daniel 4 Joshua 3
John 2-1). She was former editor of the
Congressional Quarterly, and later was
assistant to John Gardner, chairman of
Common Cause . In addition to her
husband, she is survived by two sons
Bruce and Eric Rathbun; two daughters, Nancy Rathbun and Janet
Rathbun Green; three grandchildren,
and a brother.
DIED-Sept. 16, 1995. Margaret M.
Rathbun, 96, of C~de Ohio. She was
the widow of Hollis Rathbun (Chaplin 8
Saxton7 Chaplin 6 Jonathan5-4 John3-2-1),
who died in 1969. She is survived by
two sons, Thomas and William
Rathbun; a daughter, Patricia Stokes;
11 grandchildren , and many greatgrandchildren.
DIED-August 18, 1995 , Keith
Ellinger, 61 , son of Harvey D. Ellinger
and Olla Irene Rathbun (Archibald
4 3
John William Thomas - Samuel 2
John \ He is survived by his wife ,
Virginia; son Kevin and daughter
Sheree McKulec; three grandchildren,
and seven brothers and four sisters
including our member Joan L. Byers.
DIED-May 19, 1995, Vilma Rathbun,
67, at San Diego, Calif. She was the
widow of Clarence E. Rathbun Jr., son
of Clarence 9 Rathbun (Clarence 8
John 7 Gamaliel 6 Walter 5 Thomas 4 -2
John \ She is survived by a daughter,
Rhonda Manion, and two grandchildren.
DIED-Jan . 29, 1996, Homer
Rathburn , 68, of Broadwell, Ohio. He
was the son of Clarence 8 Rathbun
(Geor~e7 Ruel 6 David 5 Edmund 4
John 3- -1) . A disabled veteran of World
War II , he is survived by his wife,
Patricia; daughter, Beverly; four sons,
William , Robert, David and Daniel ; a
sister Edith Curran , and a brother
Harold Rathbun.
DIED-Nov. 1, 1995, Alexis Charles
Anderson, 14, of Barrington , R.I. , the
son of William and Beverly (Rathbun)
Anderson. Beverly is the daughter of
our members Carol and Arnold
Rathbun (Ernest Charles Seneca7
John 6 Joseph 5 Joshua4 John 3-2-1). In
addition to his parents and grandparents, he is survived by a brother
Timothy Anderson.
DIED-Feb. 29 , 1996, Bobby
Reynolds, 47, of Pleasant Grove,
Oregon. He was the grandson of Otis
Reynolds and Mary Elizabeth
Rathbun (Ernest Segester Isaac
Daniel Valentine Joshua John - ) . A
wounded and decorated veteran of the
Vietnam War, he is survived by his
wife, Sherry; five daughters; his parents , Herman and Helen Reynolds;
three sisters, and a brother.
DIED-May 17 , 1995 . George H .
Capwell, 78, of West Greenwich , R.I.
He was the widower of Fannie
(Rathbun) Capwell, who died in 1994.
She was the dau~hter of Leonard
Rathbun (William John - Joseph
Joshua4 John 3 -2-1). He is survived by
two daughters, Mary E. Rudgers and
Florence I. Marx; six grandchildren ;
five great-grandchildren, and two sisters.
DIED-Jan. 28 , 1996, Juliet Rathbun,
81 , of Montreat, North Carolina. She
was the ~idow of Charles Alden 9
Rathbun (George 8 Morris 7 Lysander6
Joel 5 Benjamin 4 - 3 Joseph 2 John \
who died in 1991 . She is survived by a
son , Charles Alden Rathbun , Jr. ; a
granddaughter, and a sister.
DOUGLAS RATHBUN of Monticello,
Kentucky, is now the son-in-law of his
state's governor. Doug's wife, Nikki, is
the daughter of Paul E. Patten, who
was elected last fall as governor of
Kentucky. Doug is the son of David
Rathbun (Geor~e8 James Royal
Rodnel Simeon Benjamin 3 Joseph
TERRY TILBER and Clif Newton were
married July 22, 1995, at Pierre, S.D.
She is the daughter of our member
Donna (Rathbun) Gallimore and the
late Ron Tilbert. Donna, a member of
our Association , is the daughter of
Gerard Lewis 10 Rathbun (Elzie 9
Henri William Gideon Job Gideon
John - - ).
has been named president of
Galveston College in Texas. He joined
the college 12 years ago and has been
vice-president of administrative services for the past eight years. He is the
son of Carlisle Baxter
(Carlisle John Henry7 John 6 James5
Thomas Ebenzer3 William John \
married Jackie Paul Bowen on August
20, 1944 (listed as unidentified in our
Fall 1995 Historian) is the daughter of
Jackie 11 Rathbun ~ack 10 Melancthon 9
Geor~e8 Rowland Acors 6 Joshua5 -3
John -1). Our thanks to Sandra
MARLOW C. RATHBUN retired Dec.
15 , 1995, as assistant manager of
DelMar Satellite Wagering in DelMar,
California , where he had been
employed for 13 years . He was formerly a deputy sheriff for 29 years. He
is the son of Clarence 9 Rathbun
(Clarence 8 John Gamaliel 6 Walter 5
Thomas - John ).
In the People column of the Fall
Historian, we incorrectly listed K.
Haybron Adams as the son of William
Payne Haybron and Martha Ann
Rathburn. He is their grandson.
Rathbun-Rathbone-Rathburn Family Historian
Spring 1996
EMMETT AND FLORENCE RATHBUN celebrated their 60th wedding
anniversary on October 30 , 1995.
Their four daughters were present for
the party. Their son, Emmett Jr., an
FBI agent in Washington , D.C., could
not attend . Residents of Lake San
Marcos, California, the Rathbuns are
charter members of our Association.
Emmett is the son of Charles
Rathbun (James Paris Jobs Gideon
John 3-2- 1) .
celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary last August 30 with a party at their
church in East Falmouth, Mass. The
following day, they were surprised with
another party hosted by their oldest
son John . Also present were their
other children, Ricky , Laurinda and
Daniel , and their grandchildren.
Lorraine is the daughter of Orson 9
Rathburn (Henry 8 Valentine 7 John 6
Tibbetts S John4-3 Thomas 2 John \
New Zealand, organized a "Down
Under" Rathbun reunion last
December, in Christchurch, N.Z. The
three day event attracted some 70
cousins from New Zealand, Australia
and Fiji. Tony, a member of our
Association who attended our 1993
reunion in Williamsburg, Va. , is the son
of William 8 Rathbun (William
Thomas Josephs Obadiah John 3
William 2 John 1) . His grandfather
(William7), was born in New
Brunswick, Canada, went to Australia
in the gold rush of the 1860s, and later
settled in New Zealand.
listed as unidentified in our People
Column (Historian of April 1984J is the
son of Ralph 9 Rathbone (Ralph John
Edmund Gideon
John - - ).
Andrew is a computer "whiz" and has
written several "For Dummies" computer books. Our thanks to Antoinette
(Rathbone) McCreary.
Our New Members
Donna Armstrong
Edson, Kansas
Linda S. Nichols
New Holland, Pa_
Pat Burtch
Yuma, Az.
Gregory O'Neill
Puyallup, Wash.
Mary Louise Druschel
Macedon, N.Y.
Michael and Barbara Stanford
Chesapeake, Va.
Nancy Hodgkinson
Eugene, Oregon
Lynne Williams
Charlotte, N.C.
Jennie Josephson
Payette, Idaho
Philip and Linda Wright
East Lansing, Mich.
JOHN RATHBUN has been trans ferred from Cleveland, Ohio , to
Santiago, Chile, as general-manager
of Austin-Powder-Chile. He is in
charge of the company's operations in
Chile, Peru , Argentina and Ecuador.
John and his wife Deborah moved to
Chile in November, and one of their
first visits came from his parents .
Grove and Janet Rathbun , members of
our Association . Grove is the son of
Grove 10 Rathbun (Grove 9 Heman 8
Nathaniel 7 Gideon 6 Paris s Gideon 4
John 3 -2 - 1).
BelAir, Maryland , was married Dec.
30, 1995, to Robert Lawrence Brown,
but is keeping the surname of her first
husband . Joan , a member of our
Association , is the daughter of
William 11 Rathbun (Walter 10 Francis 9
Albert 8 Stephen 7 James 6 - S Thomas 4
Ebenezer3 William John \
HAZEL J. RATHBUN , wife of your editor, has been elected president of the
400-member Fair Oaks Hospital
Volunteers in Fairfax County, Va .
Hazel recently received a pin for 6,000
hours of volunteer work at the hospital
over the past 12 years.
ISAAC B. RATHBUN has received a
special citation from the Secretary of
the Navy as "one of the few Americans
who can truly claim that they were
involved in the U.S. participation in the
Second World War from start to finish. "
He joined the Navy before the war
began, and was serving on the USS
Lansdowne, which carried Japanese
officials from Yokahama to the USS
Missouri to sign the surrender documents in 1945. Ike, a member of our
Association , is the son of Ernest 8
Rathbun (Segester 7 Isaac 6 Daniels
Valentine4 Joshua3 John2 -1 ).
her certificate as a Certified Public
Accountant on Nov. 14, 1995. A resident of Chicago, she is the daughter of
our member William 10 Rathbun
(Charles 9 John 8 William 7 John 6 PerryS
Edmund 4 John 3-2 -1), of Lemoyne, Neb.
named dean of Southwest Community
College in Brookings, Ore. She is the
daughter of our member Anella Hunt, a
granddaughter of Eber 7 Rathbun
(John 6 Thomas s John 4 - 3 Thomas 2
John \ Anella's son David is head of
quality control for International Paper
in Georgetown, S.C.