Undergraduate Academic Guidelines 2014/15
Undergraduate Academic Guidelines 2014/15
BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2014/2015 UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA NATIONAL DEFENCE UNIVERSITY OF MALAYSIA KANDUNGAN UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA Kata-Kata Aluan Naib Canselor Visi, Falsafah, Misi, Objektif Dan Moto Logo Universiti Cokmar Universiti Latar Belakang PENTADBIRAN UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA Senat Universiti Pengurusan Universiti MAKLUMAT AKADEMIK Kalendar Akademik, Sesi Akademik 2014/2015 MAKLUMAT KURSUS UNIVERSITI Senarai Kursus Teras Universiti Sinopsis Kursus Teras Universiti Senarai Kursus Elektif Universiti Sinopsis Kursus Elektif Universiti 2 3 4 5 6 8 11 16 20 22 48 50 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN Kata-Kata Aluan Dekan Visi, Misi, Objektif Dan Moto Latar Belakang Program Yang Ditawarkan Objektif Dan Hasil Pembelajaran Program Pengajian Carta Organisasi Pengurusan Akademik Carta Organisasi Pentadbiran Senarai Kakitangan Pentadbiran Fakulti Kursus Teras Fakulti Sinopsis Kursus Teras Fakulti 76 77 78 79 79 81 82 83 85 86 JABATAN KEJURUTERAAN AWAM Senarai Kakitangan Akademik 94 Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan Awam (ZK01) Struktur Program Dan Senarai Kursus Struktur Kurikulum Sinopsis Kursus Teras Program Sinopsis Kursus Elektif Program JABATAN KEJURUTERAAN ELEKTRIK DAN ELEKTRONIK Senarai Kakitangan Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan Elektrik & Elektronik (Komunikasi) (ZK25) Struktur Program Dan Senarai Kursus Struktur Kurikulum Sinopsis Kursus Teras Program Sinopsis Kursus Elektif Program i 96 98 102 131 138 141 143 147 176 Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan Elektrik & Elektronik (Kuasa) (ZK50) Struktur Program Dan Senarai Kursus Struktur Kurikulum Sinopsis Kursus Teras Program Sinopsis Kursus Elektif Program JABATAN KEJURUTERAAN MEKANIKAL Senarai Kakitangan Akademik 182 184 188 217 226 Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan Mekanikal (ZK08) Struktur Program Dan Senarai Kursus Struktur Kurikulum Sinopsis Kursus Teras Program Sinopsis Kursus Elektif Program FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN 229 231 235 265 Kata-Kata Aluan Dekan Visi, Misi, Objektif Dan Moto Latar Belakang Program Yang Ditawarkan Carta Organisasi Pengurusan Akademik Carta Organisasi Pentadbiran Senarai Kakitangan Pentadbiran Fakulti 274 275 276 279 280 281 282 JABATAN SAINS KOMPUTER Senarai Kakitangan Akademik Objektif Dan Hasil Pembelajaran Program Pengajian Senarai Kursus Teras Jabatan Sinopsis Kursus Teras Jabatan 286 289 290 291 Sarjana Muda Sains Komputer (Sistem Cerdas) (ZC20) Struktur Program Dan Senarai Kursus Struktur Kurikulum Sinopsis Kursus Teras Program Sinopsis Kursus Elektif Program 302 304 306 319 Sarjana Muda Sains Komputer (Keselamatan Sistem Komputer) (ZC27) Struktur Program Dan Senarai Kursus Struktur Kurikulum Sinopsis Kursus Teras Program Sinopsis Kursus Elektif Program 327 329 331 344 JABATAN SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI MARITIM Senarai Kakitangan Akademik Objektif Dan Hasil Pembelajaran Program Pengajian Sarjana Muda Teknologi Maritim (ZG37) Struktur Program Dan Senarai Kursus Struktur Kurikulum Sinopsis Kursus Teras Program Sinopsis Kursus Elektif Program 354 356 358 360 362 384 ii JABATAN SAINS PERTAHANAN Senarai Kakitangan Akademik 397 FAKULTI PENGAJIAN DAN PENGURUSAN PERTAHANAN Kata-Kata Aluan Dekan Visi, Misi Dan Objektif Latar Belakang Program Yang Ditawarkan Carta Organisasi Pengurusan Akademik Senarai Kakitangan Pentadbiran Fakulti Senarai Kursus Teras Fakulti Sinopsis Kursus Teras Fakulti 400 401 402 403 403 404 405 406 JABATAN PENGAJIAN STRATEGI Senarai Kakitangan Akademik Objektif Dan Hasil Pembelajaran Program Pengajian 412 415 Sarjana Muda Pengajian Strategi (ZP44) Struktur Program Dan Senarai Kursus Struktur Kurikulum Sinopsis Kursus Teras Program Sinopsis Kursus Elektif Program 417 419 421 434 JABATAN PENGURUSAN SUMBER MANUSIA PERTAHANAN Senarai Kakitangan Akademik Objektif Dan Hasil Pembelajaran Program Pengajian Sarjana Muda Pengurusan Sumber Manusia Pertahanan (ZP45) Struktur Program Dan Senarai Kursus Struktur Kurikulum Sinopsis Kursus Teras Program Sinopsis Kursus Elektif Program JABATAN KENEGARAAN, KEPEMIMPINAN DAN KETAMADUNAN Senarai Kakitangan Akademik PUSAT BAHASA 444 446 448 450 452 466 480 Kata-Kata Aluan Pengarah Visi, Misi, Objektif Dan Moto Latar Belakang Program Yang Ditawarkan Objektif Dan Hasil Pembelajaran Program Carta Organisasi Pengurusan Akademik Carta Organisasi Pentadbiran Senarai Kakitangan Akademik 482 483 484 484 485 487 488 489 Sarjana Muda Sains Sosial (Bahasa Dan Komunikasi Silang Budaya) (ZB03) Struktur Program Dan Senarai Kursus Struktur Kurikulum Sinopsis Kursus Teras Program Sinopsis Kursus Elektif Program 492 494 496 516 iii AKADEMI LATIHAN KETENTERAAN Latar Belakang Senarai Kakitangan Rancangan Pengurusan Latihan Pegawai Kadet UPNM Rancangan Pengurusan Latihan Pasukan Latihan Pegawai Simpanan (PALAPES) BAHAGIAN HAL EHWAL PELAJAR Visi, Misi, Objektif Dan Moto Dasar Dan Pelaksanaan Ko-Kurikulum Berkredit iv 528 529 534 545 564 566 UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI 2014/2015 UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA KATA-KATA ALUAN NAIB CANSELOR ﺍﻠﺴﻼﻡ ﻋﻟﻳﻜﻢ ﻮﺭﺣﻣﺔ ﺍﷲﻮﺒﺮﻜﺎﺘﻪ Saya dahului kata-kata aluan dengan memanjatkan kesyukuran ke hadrat Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala kerana dengan limpah rahmat dan izinNya jua, maka penerbitan Buku Panduan Akademik Sarjana Muda Sesi Akademik 2014/2015 Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia (UPNM) ini dapat direalisasikan. Saya ingin mengucapkan selamat datang dan setinggi-tinggi tahniah kepada semua pelajar yang terpilih mengikuti pengajian di UPNM. Sesungguhnya kehadiran anda di UPNM merupakan langkah yang tepat bagi melengkapkan dan mempersiapkan diri untuk menjadi seorang cendiakawan berketerampilan dan mempunyai sifat kepimpinan terpuji. Objektif utama buku panduan ini diterbitkan adalah sebagai bahan rujukan untuk anda memahami dengan lengkap program-program yang ditawarkan dan mengenali Jabatan/Fakulti di Universiti ini. Anda semua akan melalui fasa pengenalan kepada dunia ilmu pengetahuan dan ketenteraan yang mana bertujuan untuk membina minda dari aspek falsafah, konseptual dan operasi serta mengukuhkan kepercayaan dan komitmen jitu untuk berbakti sepenuhnya serta mengangkat nilai selfless service kepada Negara demi memastikan kelangsungan kepentingan strategiknya. Semua prinsip utama yang mendasari pelaksanaan dari aspek akademik, pembangunan pelajar dan perkhidmatan profesional Universiti ini adalah bertujuan untuk merealisasikan misi melahirkan ‘Intellectual Leaders of Character’ serta menjana sumber manusia demi memastikan kesinambungan kedaulatan dan pembangunan Negara. Saya berharap buku panduan akademik ini dapat dimanfaatkan sepenuhnya oleh anda semua sepanjang pengajian. Teruskan usaha, kuatkan iltizam untuk menjadi modal insan dan graduan UPNM yang cemerlang dengan berpegang teguh kepada falsafah “Kewajipan, Maruah, Integriti”. Semoga usaha-usaha kita diredhai allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala jua. Insya – Allah. ﻭﺒﺎﷲ ﺗﻮﻓﻕ ﻮﺍﻠﻬﺪﺍﻳﻪ ﻮﺍﻠﺴﻼﻡ ﻋﻟﻳﻜﻢ ﻮﺭﺣﻣﺔ ﺍﷲ ﻮﺒﺮﻜﺎﺘﻪ JENERAL TAN SRI DATO’ SERI PANGLIMA HJ. ZULKIFLI BIN HJ. ZAINAL ABIDIN Naib Canselor 2 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA VISI Menjadi universiti pertahanan premier untuk pendidikan, latihan dan penciptaan ilmu. FALSAFAH Sebagai sebuah institusi nasional premier berdedikasi dalam menghasilkan pemimpin berintelektual yang menyerlah serta bersifat terpuji dan komited untuk berbakti sepenuhnya kepada negara dalam menjayakan kelangsungan kepentingan strategik negara. MISI UPNM komited mencapai kecemerlangan perkhidmatan kepada negara sebagai sebuah universiti pertahanan premier dalam kepimpinan dan pembangunan profesional, penciptaan ilmu, penyebaran ilmu pengetahuan dan aplikasi sains pertahanan dan teknologi, dan juga penyelidikan polisi. OBJEKTIF i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Menyediakan asas pengetahuan yang kukuh dan seimbang dalam bidang kemanusiaan, pengurusan, sains dan teknologi, serta menerap daya usaha intelektual melalui pengajaran, pembelajaran, penyelidikan dan usaha kesarjanaan yang bertaraf antarabangsa. Menanam semangat kesetiaan dan patriotisme yang tinggi untuk berbakti kepada negara dengan berbekalkan ilmu, kemahiran serta kecekapan asas ketenteraan. Membangunkan warga yang mempunyai tanggungjawab sosial dengan berteraskan kepada unsur-unsur kerohanian, etika budaya dan moral yang terpuji. Membentuk pemimpin masa depan yang memahami, menghayati, dan mempunyai sikap toleransi terhadap kepelbagaian etnik, budaya dan agama. Membekalkan pemimpin masa depan dengan kebolehan berkomunikasi, Menjadi pusat kecemerlangan dalam bidang teknologi pertahanan, ekonomi dan diplomasi, hal ehwal ketenteraan serta pengajian keselamatan. MOTO KEWAJIPAN, MARUAH, INTEGRITI (Duty, Honour, Integrity) UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 3 UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA LOGO UNIVERSITI Logo UPNM mempunyai dua lapisan berbentuk bulat menggambarkan kebulatan tekad dan kesatuan semangat graduan UPNM dalam menyempurnakan tanggungjawab mempertahankan negara selepas tamat pengajian dimana ini adalah satu komitmen yang tidak berbelah bahagi untuk mempertahankan tanah air dan semua kepentingan-kepentingan strategiknya. Warna biru yang mengelilingi lapisan luaran logo melambangkan keamanan juga mewakili komitmen negara untuk mempertahan, mengekal dan mempromosi keamanan, serta menekankan komitmen UPNM untuk menyokong keamanan melalui pendidikan. Komponen-komponen penting Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM) diletakkan di tengah-tengah logo UPNM dengan latar belakang tiga warna perkhidmatan Tentera Darat Malaysia, Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia dan Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia yang membawa makna bahawa kepentingan ATM adalah sangat dominan. Sementara lingkaran bunga padi berwarna kuning sebagai lambang asas budaya Malaysia yang subur serta memiliki raja yang berdaulat dan baginda ditaati sepanjang masa. NDUM – Singkatan nama universiti dalam Bahasa Inggeris (National Defence University of Malaysia) dipaparkan di bahagian atas di antara pertemuan dua bunga padi. Ini juga melambangkan bahawa universiti ini sebuah institusi pengajian tinggi dipersada antarabangsa. Angka 2006 merupakan tahun pembukaan universiti diletakkan bertentangan perkataan NDUM di bawah logo. Bunga raya yang juga bunga kebangsaan Malaysia melambangkan bunga rasmi universiti dan kerana Malaysia universiti ini ditubuhkan. 4 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA COKMAR UNIVERSITI Cokmar UPNM adalah berasaskan Pedang Zulfaqar yang pernah diberikan oleh Nabi Muhammad S.A.W kepada menantunya Sayyidina Ali bin Abi Talib Karramullah Wajha ketika Perang Uhud. Pedang Zulfaqar yang panjangnya 5 kaki adalah diperbuat daripada logam perak dengan campuran besi dan bersalut emas. Petikan ayat 60 surah Al-Anfal (Maksudnya;” Dan persiapkanlah dengan segala kemampuan untuk menghadapi musuh dengan kekuatan yang kamu miliki”) ditatahkan pada kedua belah mata pedang. Bahagian hujung sarung Zulfaqar dihiasi dengan batu manikam (topaz) berwarna kuning diraja khusus bagi melambangkan kedaulatan raja-raja Melayu. Ini diikuti dengan batu delima (ruby) yang memancarkan cahaya warna merah cili yang melambangkan Tentera Darat Malaysia. Manakala batu nilam (sapphire) berwarna biru tua melambangkan Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia dan batu nilam berwarna biru muda melambangkan Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia. Logo universiti yang diperbuat daripada emas tulen dilekatkan pada bahagian tengah hulu pedang. Jalaran motif daun sireh dan bunga raya menyaluti sebahagian besar sarung pedang yang memancarkan maksud kehalusan budi yang menjadi teras yang dipertahankan di universiti ini. Sesungguhnya paduan bilah pedang, ayat daripada AlQuran dan kilauan batu-batu galian bernilai tinggi adalah manifestasi paduan falsafah ilmu yang tinggi dan kehadiran semangat juang yang tidak luntur di kalangan warga universiti. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 5 UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA LATAR BELAKANG UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA Sejarah Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia (UPNM) bermula dengan penubuhan Akademi Tentera Malaysia (ATMA) pada 1 Jun 1995 sebagai organisasi yang bertanggungjawab menjalankan program pengajian di peringkat sarjana muda dan latihan ketenteraan kepada Pegawai Kadet Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM). Peranan ATMA diperluaskan dengan menjadikannya sebagai UPNM yang diwartakan pada 10 November 2006. Walaupun UPNM memulakan pengambilan kumpulan pertama pelajarnya pada sesi 2007/2008, sebenarnya ia telah mempunyai pengalaman mengendalikan program pengajian di peringkat sarjana muda selama 11 tahun iaitu dari tahun 1995 hingga 2006 melalui program kerjasama antara Kementerian Pertahanan Malaysia dengan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. UPNM telah ditubuhkan oleh Kerajaan Malaysia pada 21 Jun 2006 bagi mengeluarkan graduan tentera dan awam untuk keperluan pertahanan negara. Pengambilan pelajar adalah terdiri daripada pelajar kadet tajaan Kementerian Pertahanan Malaysia dan pelajar awam. Perintah pemerbadanan UPNM telah berkuatkuasa pada 10 November 2006 untuk mewujudkan sebuah universiti. Pengajian akademik telah bermula pada sesi 2007/2008 dengan tiga fakulti iaitu Fakulti Kejuruteraan, Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi Pertahanan, Fakulti Pengajian dan Pengurusan Pertahanan dan satu pusat iaitu Pusat Asasi Pertahanan. Satu lagi fakulti telah diluluskan penubuhannya oleh Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi pada 19 Mac 2009 iaitu Fakulti Perubatan dan Kesihatan Pertahanan. Seramai 417 graduan UPNM telah menerima ijazah pada majlis konvokesyen yang kedua yang telah berlangsung pada 2 dan 3 Oktober 2011 lepas. Di samping memperoleh kelayakan profesional dalam bidang kejuruteraan, perubatan, sains dan pengurusan, semua graduan yang merupakan pegawai kadet telah di tauliahkan sebagai Pegawai ATM dan mereka sedang berkhidmat di pelbagai unit dalam Tentera Darat, Tentera Laut dan Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia. 6 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 PENTADBIRAN UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI 2014/2015 PENTADBIRAN UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA SENAT UNIVERSITI Naib Canselor (PENGERUSI) Jeneral Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Panglima Haji Zulkifli bin Haji Zainal Abidin PGAT PSM PJN SIMP SPTS SPMT SSTM SPKK DHMS DGPN PSAT DPTS DPMS DGMK PAT JSM KMN BSK AMK PJM rcds mpat lmt MM (AIM) Manila ADBM (Wales) Timbalan Naib Canselor (Akademik dan Antarabangsa) Prof. Dr. Rugayah binti Mohamed B.Econs. (Hons.) (Analytical Economics)(UM), M.Sc. (Economics)(LSE, London) Ph.D.(Bradford) Timbalan Naib Canselor (Hal Ehwal Pelajar dan Alumni) Prof. Dr. Mohamed Fadzil bin Che Din Bac. Ed. (Guidance & Counselling) (UPM), Ph.D (Employee Counselling & Organisational Psychology) (Hull) DEKAN Fakulti Kejuruteraan Prof. Dr. Megat Mohamad Hamdan bin Megat Ahmad Diploma in Civil Eng (UTM), BEng (Hons) (Agriculture) (UPM), MSc (Production Eng and Mgmt)(Birmingham), PhD (Mech.Eng.)(Wales) Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi Pertahanan Kept Prof. Madya Zulkifly bin Mat Radzi TLDM (Bersara) MM, Dip SDS, Dip PS, PAT, KMN, KAT Fakulti Pengajian dan Pengurusan Pertahanan Prof. Dato’ Dr. Wan Hashim bin Wan Teh DPMP. JSM. PPT. JP BA, MA (Monash), PhD (Manchester) Fakulti Perubatan dan Kesihatan Pertahanan Brig Jen Prof. Dato’ Dr. Muhamad bin Abu Bakar DIMP, DSPN, PAT, JSM, SMP, KAT, KMN, MD (UKM), MS ORL HNS (UKM) Pusat Pengajian Siswazah Brig Jen Prof. Dr. Shohaimi bin Abdullah JMN PAT SDK DNS KMN KAT psc Dip. (Kej. Jentera) (UTM), M.Sc. (Cranfield), Ph. D. (Cranfield) PENGARAH Pusat Asasi Pertahanan Prof. Dato’ Dr. Wan Md. Zin bin Wan Yunus B.Sc. (Chemistry)(UKM), Postgraduate Dip. (Chemistry) (Kelsterton College, UK), M.Sc. (Analytical) (Chemistry) (Salfor), Ph.D. (Analytical Chemistry) (Salford), D.P.S.K. Pusat Bahasa Lt Kol Prof. Madya Dr.Surjeet Singh Jeggy (Bersara) B. Economics (UM), Dip. Ed. (UKM), M.ESL (UM), Ph.D ELS (IIUM) Institut Pengajian Eksekutif UPNM Kol Sofian bin Kamaruddin (Bersara) Cert Asia Pasific Security Studies (Hawaii), Dip. In Strategic and Defence Studies (UKM), Adv. Diploma Business Management (Univesity of Wales), MA Military History (University of Leeds) 8 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 PENTADBIRAN UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA WAKIL PROFESOR Pusat Pembangunan Akademik (Pengarah) Prof. Ir. Dr. Wan Ali bin Wan Mat B.Eng. (Mech.) (Gadjah Mada), M.Sc. (Mech.) (Strathclyde), Ph.D. (Mech) (Newcastle) P.Eng. Fakulti Kejuruteraan Prof. Dr. Aidy bin Ali B.Eng Mechanical and System Engineering (UPM), M.Eng Manufacturing System (UKM), Ph.D Mechanical Aeronautic Fatigue (Sheffield) Fakulti Kejuruteraan Prof. Dr. Faisal bin Haji. Ali B.Eng. (Hons.)(Civil Eng.)(Sheffield), Ph.D. (Sheffield) Ketua IPMO Prof. Dr. Hajjah Fatimah binti Dato Ahmad Dip. Comp. Sc. (ITM), B.Sc. (Hartford), M.Sc. (Rensselaer), Ph.D. (UKM) Pusat Keselamatan Siber (Pengarah) Prof. Dr. Tengku Mohd bin Tengku Sembok AMT, FASc, Dip. Com. Sc. (MIT), BSc (Hons) (Brighton), MS (Iowa), PhD (Glasgow) Pusat Penerbitan (Pengarah) Prof. Dr. Muhd Zu Azhan bin Yahya B.Sc (Hons) Physics with Education (UM), M.Sc (Physics) (UM), PhD (Advanced Materials) (UM) AHLI KO-OPT Penolong Naib Canselor (Penyelidikan dan Inovasi) Kol Prof. Ir. Dr. Norazman bin Mohamad Nor KAT, ACM, P.Eng, MIEM, FMIBS, SMIACSIT, AAE B.Sc. (Civil & Math)(Texas), M.Sc. (USM), Ph.D. (Cranfield) Penolong Naib Canselor Dato’ Jesbil Singh a/l Bahadur Singh (Jaringan Industri dan Perhubungan DIMP, JMN, AMN, Chevalier De L’Ordre (Perancis) B.A. Korporat) (Hons.)(UM), LL.B. (Hons.)(London), Cert. (Legal Practice), LL.M. (UM), M.P.A. (Penn., State) Komandan Akademi Latihan Ketenteraan (Kosong) Pengarah Pusat Pengajian Pertahanan dan Keselamatan Antarabangsa Lt Kol Felo Utama Ahmad Ghazali bin Abu Hassan (Bersara) PG Dip. International Relations (Lancaster), LL.M. (International Law ) (Distinction) (Lancaster), M.S.c (Defence Studies) (Madras) Pengarah Pusat Penyelidikan dan Teknologi Pertahanan Lt. Kol. Prof Madya Ir. Haji Mohamad Ghani bin Mohamad Madersah (Bersara) B.Eng. (UNSW, Australia), M.Sc. (Cranfield), P.Eng., MIEM ACSC (Command and Staff College) Bandung Indonesia UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 9 PENTADBIRAN UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA AHLI EX-OFFICIO Pendaftar (SETIAUSAHA) En. Mohd Bakhari bin M. Yasin Sarjana Muda Ekonomi (UM) Bendahari En. Mohd Hairay bin Md Yusof B.Acc. (Hons.)(UIAM) Ketua Pustakawan En. Mohammed Dzulkarnain bin Abdul Karim B.Sc. (Hons.)(Information Studies)(UiTM), M.L.I.S. (UM) Ketua Penolong Pendaftar (Bahagian Governan dan Perundangan) Pn. Sulastry binti Abu LL.B. (Hons.) (UM) URUS SETIA SENAT Ketua Penolong Pendaftar Bahagian Pengurusan Akademik En. Mohd Fadhzil bin Zainol B.Sc. HRD (UPM), Master Sc. HRD (UPM) Penolong Pendaftar Kanan (Kemasukan dan Promosi) En. Mohamad Sabri bin Che Omar B.Ec. (Hons.)(Admin.)(UM) Penolong Pendaftar (Peperiksaan dan Pengijazahan) Pn. Ermey Mas Linda binti Othman B.Hsc. (Hons.)(Political Science)(UIAM) Penolong Pendaftar (Pentadbiran dan Senat) Pn. Norzunairah binti Mohamed Nor Dip. in Finance (KUSZA), B.BA (Hons.)(UUM) Penolong Pendaftar (Rekod) Cik Zaishamsuria binti Samsudin B.Multimedia (Hons.)(Media Innovation & Mgmt.)(MMU) 10 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 PENTADBIRAN UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA PENGURUSAN UNIVERSITI Naib Canselor Yang Berbahagia Jeneral Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Panglima Haji Zulkifli bin Haji Zainal Abidin PGAT PSM PJN SIMP SPTS SPMT SSTM SPKK DHMS DGPN PSAT DPTS DPMS DGMK PAT JSM KMN BSK AMK PJM rcds mpat lmt MM (AIM) Manila ADBM (Wales) Timbalan Naib Canselor (Akademik dan Antarabangsa) Prof. Dr. Rugayah binti Mohamed B.Econs. (Hons.) (Analytical Economics)(UM), M.Sc. (Economics) (LSE, London), Ph.D.(Bradford) Timbalan Naib Canselor (Hal Ehwal Pelajar dan Alumni) Prof. Dr. Mohamed Fadzil bin Che Din B.Ed. (Guidance & Counselling)(UPM), Ph.D. (Hull, UK) Penolong Naib Canselor (Jaringan Industri dan Perhubungan Korporat) Dato’ Jesbil Singh a/l Bahadur Singh DIMP, JMN, AMN, Chevalier De L’Ordre (Perancis) B.A. (Hons.)(UM), LL.B. (Hons.)(London), Cert. (Legal Practice), LLM. (UM), M.P.A. (Penn., State) Penolong Naib Canselor (Penyelidikan dan Inovasi) Kol Prof. Ir. Dr. Norazman bin Mohamad Nor KAT, ACM, P.Eng, MIEM, FMIBS, SMIACSIT, AAE B.Sc. (Civil & Math)(Texas), M.Sc. (USM), Ph.D. (Cranfield) Pendaftar En. Mohd Bakhari bin M. Yasin B. Econs. (UM) Bendahari En. Mohd Hairay bin Md Yusof B.Acc. (Hons.)(UIAM) Ketua Pustakawan, Perpustakaan Jeneral Tun Ibrahim En. Mohammed Dzulkarnain bin Abdul Karim B.Sc. (Hons.)(Information Studies)(UiTM), M.L.I.S. (UM) Dekan, Fakulti Kejuruteraan Prof. Dr. Megat Mohamad Hamdan bin Megat Ahmad B.Eng.(Hons.) (UPM), M.Sc., Ph.D (Wales ) UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 11 PENTADBIRAN UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA Dekan, Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi Pertahanan Prof. Madya Kept. Zulkifly bin Mat Radzi TLDM (Bersara) Dip. PS (UM), Dip. SDS (UKM), MM (UM) Dekan, Fakulti Pengajian dan Pengurusan Pertahanan Prof Dato’ Dr. Wan Hashim Bin Wan Teh BA, MA (Monash) PhD (Manchester), DPMP. JSM. PPT. JP Dekan, Fakulti Perubatan dan Kesihatan Pertahanan Brig Jen Prof. Dato’ Dr. Muhamad bin Abu Bakar DIMP, DSPN, PAT, JSM, SMP, KAT, KMN, MD (UKM),MS ORL HNS (UKM) Dekan, Pusat Pengajian Siswazah Brig Jen Prof. Dr. Shohaimi bin Abdullah PAT SDK DNS KMN KAT psc Dip. (Kej. Jentera) (UTM), M.Sc. (Cranfield), Ph. D. (Cranfield) Pengarah, Pusat Asasi Pertahanan Prof. Dato’ Dr. Wan Md Zin bin Wan Yunus D.P.S.K. B.Sc. (Chemistry)(UKM), Postgraduate Dip. (Chemistry)(Kelsterton College), M.Sc. (Analytical)(Salford, UK), Ph.D. (Salford), Pengarah, Pusat Bahasa Lt Kol Prof. Madya Dr. Surjeet Singh Jeggy (Bersara) Dip. Ed. (UKM), B.Ec. (UM), M.ESL (UM), ETDC (Australia), AELIC (USA), Ph.D. (IIUM) Pengarah, Pusat Pembangunan Akademik Prof. Ir. Dr. Wan Ali bin Wan Mat, P.Eng B.Eng.(Mechanical) (Gadjah Mada), M.Sc.(Strathclyde), Ph.D (Newcastle) Pengarah, Pusat Pengurusan Penyelidikan dan Inovasi Prof. Dr. Fauziah binti Haji Abdul Aziz B.Sc. (Hons.)(Physics)(USM), Ph.D. (Oxford) Pengarah, Pusat Penerbitan Prof. Dr. Muhd Zu Azhan bin Yahya B.Sc (Hons) Physics with Education (UM) , M.Sc (Physics)(UM), PhD (UM) Pengarah, Pusat Pengajian Pertahanan dan Keselamatan Antarabangsa Lt Kol Felo Utama Ahmad Ghazali bin Abu Hassan (Bersara) PG Dip. International Relations (Lancaster), LL.M. International Law) (Distinction)(Lancaster), M.S.c (Defence Studies) (Madras) 12 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 PENTADBIRAN UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA Pengarah, Pusat Penyelidikan dan Teknologi Pertahanan Lt Kol Prof. Madya Ir. Haji Mohd Ghani bin Mohd Madersah (Bersara) B.Eng. (UNSW, Australia), M.Sc. (Cranfield), P. Eng., MIEM, acsc (Indonesia) Pengarah, Institut Pengajian Eksekutif UPNM Kol Sofian bin Kamaruddin (Bersara) Cert Asia Pasific Security Studies (Hawaii), Dip. In Strategic and Defence Studies (UKM), Adv. Diploma Business Management (Wales), MA Military History (Leeds) Ketua, Pejabat Pengurusan Program Institusi (iPMO) Prof. Dr. Hajjah Fatimah binti Dato Ahmad Dip. Comp. Sc. (ITM), B.Sc. (Hartford), M.Sc. (Rensselaer), Ph.D. (UKM) Pengarah, Pusat Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi En. Mohd Anuar Bin Mohd Nor Bachelor Information Technology (BIT) Hons. UUM Pengarah, Pusat Keselamatan Siber Prof. Dr. Tengku Mohd bin Tengku Sembok Dip. Comp Sc.(UiTM), BSc(Hons) (Brighton),MS(Iowa),PostGradDip. Islamic Studies(UKM),PhD (Glasgow) Pengarah, Pusat Jaminan Kualiti Prof. Madya Dr. Hasan Al-Banna Bin Mohamed B.A. (Hons.)(Education)(UM), M.Sc. (HRD)(UNIMAS) PhD (Islamic QMS), (UM) Pengarah, Pusat Pembangunan Keusahawanan dan Inovasi Dr. Zailin binti Zainal Ariffin Dip. Accountancy (UiTM). B.B.A. (Marketing) (UKM), M.B.A. (Marketing)(UPM), Ph.D. (Marketing)(UM) Pengarah, Pusat Sains Kejurulatihan Prof. Madya Dr. Mohar bin Kassim B.Ed. (Phy. Ed.)(UPM), M.Sc. (Sport Science)(UPM), Ph.D. (Loughborough) Pengarah, Pusat Sukan Lt Kdr Nik Ismail Rashed bin Che Ali TLDM (Bersara) B.Sc. (Hons.)(Sports Sciences)(UM), M.Sc. (Sports Science)(UiTM) Pengarah, Pusat Islam Mej (Ust) Haji Daud bin Muhamed Salleh B.A. (Hons.)(Islamic Studies & Arab Civilization)(Al-Azhar) UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 13 PENTADBIRAN UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA Timbalan Pendaftar, Jabatan Pendaftar Pn. Sarina binti Abdul Rani B.Sc. (Hons.)(USM), Master of Public Administration (USM) Pengarah, Bahagian Keselamatan Lt Kol Ungku Azly Bin Ungku Zahar DPA (UiTM), Dip. Defence & Strategic Studies (UM), M.M. (UM) Pegawai Perubatan Dr. Noor Marzlin binti Marzhuki MBBS (IIUM) Ketua Penolong Pendaftar, Bahagian Pengurusan Akademik En. Mohd Fadhzil bin Zainol B.Sc. HRD (UPM), Master Sc. HRD (UPM) 14 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 MAKLUMAT AKADEMIK BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI 2014/2015 MAKLUMAT AKADEMIK KALENDAR AKADEMIK, SESI AKADEMIK 2014/2015 PROGRAM ASASI PERTAHANAN DAN PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA SEMESTER I SESI AKADEMIK 2014 / 2015 ASASI 18 Mei - 28 Jun 2014 Pendaftaran Pegawai Kadet untuk mengikuti Program 6 minggu Tunas Wira ( LTW ) √ 29 Jun - 6 Julai 2014 Pendaftaran Pelajar Awam dan Pegawai Kadet Program 1 minggu Asasi dan Minggu Orientasi Siswa ( MOSiS ) √ √ 07 Julai - 25 Julai 2014 Kuliah Semester I 3 minggu 26 Julai - 03 Ogos 2014 Cuti Pertengahan Semester I 1 minggu √ 04 Ogos - 17 Okt 2014 Kuliah Semester I 11 minggu √ 01 Sept - 07 Sept 2014 Pendaftaran Pelajar Baharu Program Sarjana Muda dan 1 Minggu Minggu Orentasi Siswa ( MOSiS ) 08 Sept - 17 Okt 2014 Kuliah Semester I 14 Okt - 22 Okt 2014 Ujian MUET ( Lisan ) 18 Okt - 26 Okt 2014 Cuti Pertengahan Semester I 1 minggu 18 Okt - 26 Okt 2014 Cuti Ulangkaji 1 minggu √ 27 Okt - 07 Nov 2014 Peperiksaan Akhir Semester I 2 minggu √ 27 Okt - 19 Dis 2014 Kuliah Semester I 8 minggu 08 Nov 2014 09 Nov - 16 Nov 2014 20 Dis - 28 Dis 2014 Ujian MUET ( Penulisan ) √ √ √ √ 1 hari √ Cuti Semester 1 minggu √ Cuti Ulangkaji / Cuti Khas Semester I 1 minggu √ 3 minggu √ 4 minggu √ 29 Dis 2014 - 16 Jan 2015 Peperiksaan Akhir Semester I 17 Jan - 15 Feb 2015 √ 6 minggu 9 hari SARJANA MUDA Cuti Semester I SEMESTER II SESI AKADEMIK 2014 / 2015 17 Nov - 26 Dis 2014 Kuliah Semester II 27 Dis 2014 - 04 Jan 2015 Cuti Pertengahan Semester II 6 minggu √ 1 minggu √ 05 Jan - 13 Feb 2015 Kuliah Semester II 6 minggu √ 14 Feb - 22 Feb 2015 Cuti Pertengahan Semester II / Cuti Khas Perayaan 1 minggu (Tahun Baru Cina) √ 16 Feb - 03 Apr 2015 Kuliah Semester II 7 minggu 23 Feb - 06 Mac 2015 Kuliah Semester II 2 minggu √ √ 07 Mac - 15 Mac 2015 Cuti Ulangkaji 1 minggu √ 16 Mac - 03 Apr 2015 Peperiksaan Akhir Semester II 3 minggu √ 04 Apr - 31 Ogs 2015 Cuti Akhir Semester II 5 bulan √ 04 Apr - 12 Apr 2015 Cuti Pertengahan Semester II 1 minggu √ 13 Apr - 29 Mei 2015 Kuliah Semester II 7 minggu √ 30 Mei - 07 Jun 2015 Cuti Ulangkaji 1 minggu √ 08 Jun - 28 Jun 2015 Peperiksaan Akhir Semester II 3 minggu √ SEMESTER III SESI AKADEMIK 2014 / 2015 16 29 Jun - 06 Sep 2015 Cuti Panjang 10 minggu √ 06 Jul - 28 Ogs 2015 Kuliah & Peperiksaan Semester III (Pelajar Tahun Akhir 8 minggu shj) √ 31 Ogs - 06 Sep 2015 Cuti Semester III √ BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 1 minggu MAKLUMAT AKADEMIK HARI PELEPASAN TAHUN 2014 Hari Keputeraan Yang Di-Pertuan Agong 7 Jun 2014 (Sabtu) 1 hari Hari Nuzul Al-Quran 15 Julai 2014 (Selasa) 1 hari Hari Raya Aidilfitri 28 – 29 Julai 2014 (Isnin & Selasa) 2 hari Hari Kebangsaan 31 Ogos 2014 (Ahad) 1 hari Gantian Cuti Umum Hari Kebangsaan 1 Sept 2014 (Isnin) 1 hari Hari Malaysia 16 Sept 2014 (Selasa) 1 hari Hari Raya Aidiladha 5 Okt 2014 (Ahad) 1 hari Gantian Cuti Umum Hari Raya Aidiladha 6 Okt 2014 (Isnin) - Tentatif 1 hari Hari Deepavali 23 Okt 2014 (Khamis) 1 hari Maal Hijrah/ Awal Muharam 25 Okt 2014 (Sabtu) 1 hari Hari Krismas 25 Dis 2014 (Khamis) 1 hari Tahun Baru 01 Jan 2015 (Khamis) 1 hari Maulidur Rasul 3 Jan 2015 (Sabtu) 1 hari Tahun Baru Cina 19 – 20 Feb 2015 (Khamis & Jumaat) 2 hari Hari Pekerja 1 Mei 2015 (Jumaat) 1 hari Hari Wesak 13 Mei 2015(Rabu) 1 hari Hari Keputeraan Yang Di-Pertuan Agong 6 Jun 2015 (Sabtu) 1 hari Hari Raya Aidilfitri 18 – 19 Jul 2015 (Sabtu & Ahad) 2 hari Cuti Gantian Hari Raya Aidilfitri 20 Jul 2015 (Isnin) - Tentatif 1 hari Hari Kebangsaan 31 Ogs 2015 (Isnin) 1 hari UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 17 MAKLUMAT KURSUS UNIVERSITI BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI 2014/2015 MAKLUMAT KURSUS UNIVERSITI SENARAI KURSUS TERAS UNIVERSITI STRUKTUR PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA Kursus untuk Program Sarjana Muda diklasifikasikan mengikut komponen berikut: 1. 2. 3. 4. Kursus Teras Universiti Kursus Elektif Universiti Kursus Teras Program Kursus Elektif Program Jumlah kredit wajib diambil bergantung kepada keperluan program yang diikuti. KURSUS TERAS UNIVERSITI Kursus Teras Universiti merupakan kursus wajib kepada semua pelajar Program Sarjana Muda.. Berikut merupakan senarai Kursus Teras Universiti yang ditawarkan: 20 CODE COURSE CREDIT DUM 2062 Effective Leadership 2 DUS 1062 Military History 2 DUS 2072 Military Law and Laws Of Armed Conflict 2 DUS 2022 Introduction to Strategic Studies 2 LAN 1012 Islamic and Asian Civilization 2 LAN 2012 Nationhood In World Politics 2 LAN 1032 Ethnic Relation 2 LAN 1042 Basic Entrepreneurship 2 LEL 1012 English For Academic Writing 2 LEL 1022 English For Oral Communication 2 PSK 1012 Human Movement Science 2 LFL 11X1 Foreign Language I 1 LFL 11X1 Foreign Language II 1 TOTAL 24 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 MAKLUMAT KURSUS UNIVERSITI Kursus Bahasa Asing yang ditawarkan adalah seperti berikut: CODE COURSE CREDIT DUM 2062 Effective Leadership 2 DUS 1062 Military History 2 DUS 2072 Military Law and Laws Of Armed Conflict 2 DUS 2022 Introduction to Strategic Studies 2 LAN 1012 Islamic and Asian Civilization 2 LAN 2012 Nationhood In World Politics 2 LAN 1032 Ethnic Relation 2 LAN 1042 Basic Entrepreneurship 2 LEL 1012 English For Academic Writing 2 LEL 1022 English For Oral Communication 2 PSK 1012 Human Movement Science 2 LFL 11X1 Foreign Language I 1 LFL 11X1 Foreign Language II 1 TOTAL 24 * Semua pelajar hanya wajib memilih satu set (Bahasa Asing yang sama untuk 2 semester) dari enam kursus Bahasa Asing yang ditawarkan. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 21 MAKLUMAT KURSUS UNIVERSITI SINOPSIS KURSUS TERAS UNIVERSITI KEPIMPINAN BERKESAN DUM 2062 EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP DUM 2062 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The underlying theme of the course is that the military is very much a leader centric organization that prides on developing effective leaders. The effectiveness of leadership is not only measured by mission accomplishment but also team development to ensure ability to adapt to the peculiarities of any situation. The course will show that leadership styles need to be adapted to suit the demands of combat and the peculiarities of the organization. It shall focus on the fact that the leader must care for his people and equally care for the work to be done. The course will address effective leadership requirements at different organizational levels. Potential leaders shall be exposed to the importance of applying command or influence to accomplish the mission. The study mode shall emphasize the use of case studies to allow students to think out of the box and develop innovate and practical problem solving solutions to overcome challenging leadership scenarios. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Understand the importance of leadership principles in managing people and organizations in the military and civilian arena. 2. Analyse the organization to determine if it is leader dominant or follower dominant and select the required leadership style. 3. Identify and develop (growing) potential leaders willing to accept the call to be team players in achieving organizational excellence. 4. Explore the connect between leader, his followers and the ability to adapt to situations. References 1. Manning George & Curtis Kent. The Art of Leadership, McGraw Hill International 4th. Edition, Boston US, 2012. ISBN 978-007-127628-3. 2. Daft Richard L. Daft & Andrew Pirola-Merio, The Leadership Experience, Asia Pacific Edition, Cengage Learning Australia Pty Ltd. 2009 . 3. Andrew J. DuBrin, Principles of Leadership, South Western CENGAGE Learning, 6th Edition, US 2010. 4. Richard Hughes, Robert C Ginnett, Gordon J Curphy, Leadership, Enhancing the Lessons of Experience, McGraw Hill International , 6th Edition United States 2009. 5. Robert L Taylor, William E. Rosenbach, Eric B. Rosenbach – Military Leadership – In Pursuit of Excellence, 6 th. Edition Westview Press 2009. 22 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 MAKLUMAT KURSUS UNIVERSITI SEJARAH KETENTERAAN DUS 1062 MILITARY HISTORY DUS 1062 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course will initially focus on the history of warfare before moving on to the various campaign and battle studies panning from the medieval period to the Cold War era. The focus would be on the development of war tactics and strategy, the roles of leaders, the potential and limitation of technology, and the political and social effects of these campaigns and the lessons that can be derived from them. A section will also be devoted to the history of counter-insurgency warfare. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Acquire knowledge of the historical and technological development in warfare. Acquire knowledge on history of the Malaysian Armed Forces. Acquire knowledge on Malayan campaigns and counter insurgency operations. Identify traits of military leadership. Understand the involvement of Malaysia in peacekeeping operations. References 1. Balck, J. (2004). Rethinking Military History. London:Routledge. 2. Calnocoressi, P., Wint, G. & Pritchard, J. (1999). The Penguin History of the Second World War. London:Penguin. 3. Holmes, Richard, & Martin Marix Evans. (2007). Decisive Conflicts in History. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 4. Keegan, John. (1995). The Face of Battle. London: Viking Publications. 5. Townshend, C. (ed.).(2005). The Oxford History of Modern War. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 6. Nik Mohamed Nik Mohd Salleh. (2006). The Second World War In Kelantan: December 1941. Kuala Lumpur: United Selangor Press. 7. Nye, Joseph. S. Jr (2009). Understanding International Conflicts: An Introduction To Theory And History. New York: Pearson, Longman. 8. Abdul Razak Baginda, (ed.) (2009). Malaysia’s Defence & Security Since 1957. MSRC. Kuala Lumpur: Printpack Sdn Bhd. 9. Khoo Kay Kim dan Adnan Hj. Nawang (ed.) (1984). Darurat 1948-1960. Kuala Lumpur. United Selangor Press. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 23 MAKLUMAT KURSUS UNIVERSITI UNDANG-UNDANG TENTERA DAN UNDANG-UNDANG KONFLIK BERSENJATA DUS 2072 MILITARY LAW AND LAWS OF ARMED CONFLICT DUS 2072 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course is divided into two parts; military law and law of armed conflict: a. The first part of the course is to provide students with the basic foundation knowledge of military law, Armed Forces Act 1972 and other related documents in general. Students will initially be taught the various laws, regulations and procedures before being exposed to the various practical applications of law through discussions, exercises and class assignments. b. The second part of the course is designed to introduce students to the laws of war – covering both wars in conventional setting as well as non-conventional setting. In general, students will be exposed to the history of the development of the laws of war, as well as the religious and cultural dimensions of the laws. Apart of the focus of the subject will be the four Geneva Conventions of 1949 and the three Additional Protocols, there are other relevant conventions and customary laws to be exposed in general. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Understand the history of Military Law, key sources of the law, legislations and relevant secondary sources of law and the relationship between the Armed Forces Act 1972, the Penal Code and other applicable federal law. 2. Understand the jurisdictional aspects, system and functions of military law. 3. Understand military administrative law. 4. Understand of operation law which consists of all laws affecting military operations, including laws of armed conflict. 24 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 MAKLUMAT KURSUS UNIVERSITI References 1. Federal Constitution 2. Armed Forces Act 1972. 3. Armed Forces (Board Of Inquiry) Rules 1976. 4. Armed Forces (Court-Martial) Rules of Procedure 1976. 5. Armed Forces (Field Punishment) Regulations 1976. 6. Armed Forces (Imprisonment And Detention) Rules 1976. 7. Armed Forces (Summary Jurisdiction) Regulations 1976. 8. Armed Forces (Forfeiture And Restoration Of Forfeited Service) Regulations 2000. 9. Armed Forces (Terms Of Service Of Regular Forces) Regulations 2013. 10.1949 Geneva Convention I for the Amelioration of the Wounded and Sick in the Armed Forces in the Field. 11.1949 Geneva Convention II for the Amelioration of Condition of Wounded, Sick and Shipwrecked Members of Armed Forces at Sea. 12.1949 Geneva Convention III Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War. 13.1949 Geneva Convention IV Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War. 14.Protocol Additional to the Geneva Convention 1949, Relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflict (Protocol I). 15.Protocol Additional to the Geneva Convention 1949, Relating to the Protection of Victims of Non-International Armed Conflict (Protocol II). 16.Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to the Adoption of an Additional Distinctive Emblem (Protocol III) 8 December 2005. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 25 MAKLUMAT KURSUS UNIVERSITI PENGANTAR PENGAJIAN STRATEGI DUS 2022 INTRODUCTION TO STRATEGIC STUDIES DUS 2022 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The aim of the course is to expose students to the various concepts in the area of strategic studies such as military power, the philosophy of war, the employment of military, naval and air power as well as the concept of defence strategy and cooperation, nuclear strategy and terrorism. As foundation knowledge, student would also be introduced to the modern principal of war and teaching of selected Western and Oriental Strategic thinker. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Understand the fundamental concepts and theories in strategic studies. 2. Identify the significance applicability of scope in strategic studies. References 1. Baylis, John et al. (2007). Strategy in the Contemporary World, 2nd.Ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2. Freedman, Lawrence (Ed.) (1994.) War. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 3. Mahnken, Thomas & Maiolo, Joseph, A. (2008). Strategic Studies: A Reader. London: Routledge. 4. Paret, Peter (Ed.). (1986). Makers of Modern Strategy from Machiavelli to the Nuclear Age. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 5. Williams, Phil, Donald Golstein, JaySharfritz. (2006). Classic Readings of International Relations, 3rd Ed. Fort Worth: Harcourt Brace. 26 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 MAKLUMAT KURSUS UNIVERSITI LAW OF ARMED CONFLICT DUS 2052 UNDANG-UNDANG KONFLIK BERSENJATA DUS 2052 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The subject is designed to introduce students to the laws of war – covering both wars in conventional setting as well as non-conventional setting. Students will be exposed the to history of the development of the laws of war, as well as the religious and cultural dimension of the laws. Consequently, the focus of the subject will be the four Geneva Convention of 1949 and the three Additional Protocols introduced in 1977 and 2005. Other relevant conventions and customary laws will also be covered. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Understand and appreciate the history and the development of laws of armed conflict. 2. Understand and appreciate the underlying customary, cultural and religious principles that form the humanitarian basis of the laws of armed conflict. 3. Understand and able to apply the various rules governing the conduct of war and land. 4. Understand and able to apply the various rules governing the conduct of war and sea. 5. Understand and able to apply the various rules governing the protection of civilian and civilian objects. 6. Understand and able to apply the various rules governing the treatment of the prisoners of war. 7. Understand and able to apply the various rules governing the protection of environment and cultural property. 8. Understand and appreciate the concept of military necessity, superfluous damage and superfluous injury. References 1. 1949 Geneva Convention I for the Amelioration of the Wounded and Sick in the Armed Forces in the Field. 2. 1949 Geneva Convention II for the Amelioration of the Wounded and Sick and Shipwrecked Members of Armed Forces at Sea. 3. 1949 Geneva Convention III Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War. 4. 1949 Geneva Convention IV Relative to the Protection of Civilian Person in Time of War. 5. Protocol Additional to the Geneva Convention 1949, Relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflict (Protocol I). 6. Protocol Additional to the Geneva Convention 1949, Relating to the Protection of Victims of Non-International Armed Conflict (Protocol II). 7. Protocol Additional to the Geneva Convention of 12 August 1949, and relating to the adoption of an Additional Distinctive Emblem (Protocol III) 8 December 2005. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 27 MAKLUMAT KURSUS UNIVERSITI TAMADUN ISLAM DAN TAMADUN ASIA LAN 1012 ISLAMIC AND ASIAN CIVILIZATION LAN 1012 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course discusses the Islamic civilization and the civilization of Asia and contributions to world civilization. The topics discussed are the Civilization Islamic civilization, Malay civilization, Indian civilization and Chinese civilization. It covers aspects of the historical background, the government and the administrative, cultural and achieved good performance in terms of science and technology as well as local customs. The students will also be involved in the current issues and civilization dialogue as way to meet the challenges of the 21st century civilization. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. To understand the concept and meaning of civilization, in the Malaysian context and global context. 2. To explain the concept of jihad and its role in the revival of Islamic civilization and analyse the Islamic revival and its application in Malaysia. 3. To describe and relate the concept of Malay civilization and fundamental role in the survival of civilization in Malaysia. 4. To describe the concept of Indian and Chinese civilizations that include the introduction of early times, the society and culture. 5. To discuss and analyse the issue related to Islam and the West, and the future of civilization dialogue. 6. To demonstrate teamwork or individual to explain and present any topic related courses and produce a written report. References 1. Azhar Hj Mad. Aros. (2007). Tamadun Islam dan Tamadun Asia (TITAS). Kertas 1 dan 2. Selangor: Penerbit Oxford Fajar. 2. Mahayudin Yahaya. (1999). Tamadun Islam. Selangor: Penerbit Fajar Bakti. 3. Nasrudin Yunos et.al. (2007). Pengajian Islam. Selangor: Penerbit Oxford Fajar. 4. Osman Bakar, Azizan Baharuddin dan Zaid Ahmad. (Pytg). (2009). Modul Pengajian Tamadun Islam dan Tamadun Asia. Kuala Lumpur: Penerbit Universiti Malaya. 5. Sivachandralingam Sundara Raja.(2005). Tamadun Dunia. Selangor: Penerbit Fajar Bakti. 6. Tamadun Islam Tamadun Asia. (2006). Kuala Lumpur: Penerbit Universiti Malaya. 28 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 MAKLUMAT KURSUS UNIVERSITI KENEGARAAN DALAM POLITIK DUNIA LAN 2012 NATIONHOOD IN WORLD POLITICS LAN 2012 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course will expose the students to complex issues that dominate world political theatres in the 20th and 21st centuries. Initially, students will be introduced to basic concepts in political science and sociology and to ideas and thought of philosophers and political thinkers like Plato (The Republic), Aristotle (Politics), Kautilya (Arthasastra), Machiavelli (The Prince), Marx (Das Capital), Al-Farabi (Al-Madinah Al-Fadillah), Ibnu Khaldum (Mukaddimah), Tun Sri Lanang (Sejarah Melayu) etc.; and how their ideas were crystallised into ideologies that were adopted by new nation-states of the 20th century. Then, students will be guided to understand on circumstances that led to the rise and collapse of Empires (Rome-Constatinople, Uthmanniah, British, Melaka, China, etc); the outbreak of the French Revolution, and First and Second World War (nationalism in the new nation- states) that gave rise to facists and dictators like Hilter, Mussolini, Stalin, etc. against democratic-liberalism of Anglo- American. Equipped with these conceptual tools and historical backdrop, students should be able to understand the politics of the Vietnam War, conflict in the Balkans, Palestine-Israel conflict, etc. which are manifestations of multiple fault lines that culminated into the new epoch of the Cold War, ethnic conflict or cleansing? clash of civilizations (S.Huntington), and other possibilities which should help them to develop their mind as “Intellectual Leader of character” Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. To educate students about the dynamics of the issue of patriotism that began from an empire to a nation-building. 2. To expose students to the history of the war based on ideology, ethnicity and civilization and the correlation in the construction of the nation and in the forms of feudal political system and current. (20th century and the 21st) 3. To expose students to different political ideologies in a country such as the communist ideology of Marxism, liberalism and democracy, dictators and military juntas and international political relations. 4. To produce globally minded students and literacy knowledge of history and current politics is characterized by a charismatic intellectual leader (intellectual leaders of character) UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 29 MAKLUMAT KURSUS UNIVERSITI References 1. Crowley, Roger. (2006). 1453: The Holy War for Constantinople and the Clash of Islam and the West (1453: Detik- detik jatuhnya Constantinople ke tangan muslim (terj) Jakarta, Alvabet (2007). 2. Emerson, Rupert (1962). From Empire to Nation: The Rise to Self-Assertion of Asian and African Peoples. Boston. Mass: Beacon Press. 3. Fukuyama, Francis. (1992). The End of History and The Last Man. New York: Avon Books. 4. Huntington, Samuel P. (1996). The Clash of Civilizations and The Remaking of World Order. New York: Simon & Schuster. 30 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 MAKLUMAT KURSUS UNIVERSITI HUBUNGAN ETNIK LAN 1032 ETHNIC RELATION LAN 1032 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course discusses ethnic relations and their relevance to nation-building and the fundamental concepts of culture. It also discusses the process of nation building and ethnic relations in other countries and the importance of ethnic relations in Malaysia. Students will be made to understand the differences between a plural society and a homogenous society. This is in order to create a Malaysian community based on our own mould and establish interaction with ASEAN as well as International communities. Students will also understand the challenges and the efforts in solving problems with regards to ethnic relations in Malaysia, Asia and at international levels. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Identify the concepts of plural society and multiculturalism in Malaysia. 2. Summarise the importance of tolerance or ethic cooperation and fundamentals of maintaining peace in our society. 3. Summarise the challenges in living in a plural society in term of ethic relations. 4. Interpret and apply the concept of religions and ethnic relations. References 1. S Shamsul Amri Baharuddin. (2012). Modul Hubungan Etnik Edisi Kedua. Shah Alam: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Shah Alam. 2. Ratnam, K.J. (1965). Communalism and The Political Process in Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur: University Malaya. 3. Abraham, C. (2004). The Naked of Social Order and The Roots of Racial Polarisation in Malaysia. Selangor: Pelanduk Publication. 4. Cheah Boon Kheng. (1983). Red Star over Malaya, Resistance Social Conflict During and After The Japanese Occupation, 1941-1946. Singapore: Singapore University Press. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 31 MAKLUMAT KURSUS UNIVERSITI ASAS KEUSAHAWANAN LAN 1042 BASIC ENTREPRENEURSHIP LAN 1042 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course introduces students to the concept of entrepreneurship and skills, and information that entrepreneurs use to lead a business. The course examines key organizational attributes necessary for organizations to succeed in any business environment. These attributes include strategic planning, marketing, financing, legal matters and cash flow. Finally, the course is designed to help students build the skills to develop and write a good business plan. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Explain the fundamental concepts and principles of entrepreneurship and characteristics of entrepreneur. 2. Differentiate between entrepreneurs, managers, and leaders as change agents. 3. Apply general managerial methods and creativity to support decision making. 4. Develop and write a business model and business plan. 5. Construct team work in gathering, analysing and reporting on business ideas into proper planning. References 1. 2. 3. 4. Hisrich, R. D. & Peters, M.P. (2009). Entrepreneurship. New York: Irwin McGraw-Hill. Kuratko, D.F. (2008). Entrepreneurship: Theory, Process, Practice. Ohio: South-Western. Kawasaki, G. (2004). The Art of Start. New York: Penguin Group. Hargadon, A. (2003). How Breakthroughs Happen: The Surprising Truth About How Companies Innovate. Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing. 5. Keusahawanan. (2002). Shah Alam: MEDEC, UiTM. 32 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 MAKLUMAT KURSUS UNIVERSITI BAHASA INGGERIS UNTUK PENULISAN AKADEMIK LEL 1012 ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC WRITING LEL 1012 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course aims at improving the writing skill of students, especially for professional undertaking. The course requires students to write technical report and memos, to participate in meetings, and to read and listen to various theme-based articles in groups as well as individually. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Identify accurate formats for technical reports and memorandum. 2. Demonstrate the ability to write appropriate agendas and minutes of meeting and participate willingly in mock meetings. 3. Differentiate different types of reading materials. 4. Apply various writing strategies critically. References 1. Mohd Amzari Mat Rani, Aveleena Afzan Hassan & Asniah Alias. (2009). English for Academic Writing. Kuala Lumpur: Penerbit Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia. 2. Langan, Joe. (2009). College Writing Skills. Boston: McGraw-Hill. 3. Kahn, J. E., et al. (2012). How to Write and Speak Better. London: The Reader’s Digest Association Limited. 4. Fitzpatrick, Mary. (2005). Engaging Writing: Paragraphs and Essays. New York: Pearson Education. 5. Barnard, R. and Zemach, Dorothy E. (2004). Writing for the Real World: An Introduction to General Writing. Oxford: Oxford University Press. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 33 MAKLUMAT KURSUS UNIVERSITI BAHASA INGGERIS UNTUK KOMUNIKASI LISAN LEL 1022 ENGLISH FOR ORAL COMMUNICATION LEL 1022 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course focuses on the techniques of producing good spoken discourses (oral presentation, speech and briefing) using the English sound and speech systems. Aspects of sound production and speech production aim at improving intelligibility and communicability will be covered. It will also incorporate aspects of confidence building, visual aids preparation and audience handling. Students will have substantial practice in speech delivery. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. State correctly the principles and mechanics of speech production. 2. Identify and choose the correct speech sound in English. 3. Differentiate spoken discourses. 4. Explain accurately the different spoken discourse. 5. Respond to various types of presentation. References 1. Erda Wati Bakar, Belinda Marie Balraj & Masdini Harina Ab Manan. (2009). English for Oral Communication. Kuala Lumpur: Penerbit Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia. 2. Lucas, S.E. (2007). The Art of Public Speaking. Bostan: McGraw Hill. 3. Paul D. (2012). Communicating Strategies. New York: Engage Learning. 4. Young, S.K. & Travis, H.P. (2007). Oral Communication: Skills, Choices and Consequences. Illinois: Waveland Press, Inc. 5. Kelly C, Sandy C and Neil J. (2012) Active Skills for Communication. New York: Engage Learning. 34 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 MAKLUMAT KURSUS UNIVERSITI HUMAN MOVEMENT SCIENCE PSK 1012 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course will discuss the sports science concepts and professionally practise these concepts various levels of study. This course will also explore the overall concept of science in sports which is related to the objectives, philosophy, history, issues, importance of science in sports, development and expansions of sports coaching. In addition, this course is designed to provide the student with an advanced understanding of science components related to sports in order to develop Leaders of Character. Particular attention will be placed upon a good understanding of the significance of sciences in relation to physical exercise and leadership components. The course will also focus on the important concepts and basic principles to understand the structure and function of human body in response to various exercising conditions. Besides regular lectures and reading, group discussions and presentations will be a part of the learning process. Course Outcomes : Upon completion of this course, students will gain knowledge on the concepts of science in sports and the ability to: 1. Understand and master the concept of science in sports activities. 2. Identified through high professionalism, values and behavior in order to achieve better leadership skills from sports activities. 3. Analyse creatively and critically in developing coach-athletes satisfaction towards achievement of excellent results. 4. Apply social responsibility, effective communication and manage work in the sports environment. References: 1. Abernethy, B., Hanrahan, S., Kippers, V., Mackinnon, L. & Pandy, M. (2005). The Biophysical Foundations of Human Movement (2nd ed.) Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. 2. Bompa, T.O. & Haff, G.G (2009). Periodization:Theory and Methodology of Training (5th ed.).Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. 3. Benardot, D. (2006). Advanced Sports Nutrition. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. 4. Bradshaw, E. (2013). Analysing Technique, IL: Human Kinetics. 5. Cox, R.H. (2003) Sport Psychology : concepts and application (3rd ed.). USA: Brown & Benchmark. 6. Magill, R.A (2007). Motor Learning: Concepts and Applications (8th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. 7. Prentice, W.E. (2011). Principles of Athletic Training. New York : McGraw-Hill 8. Pyke, F. (2013). Coaching Performance, IL: Human Kinetics 9. Pyke, F & Goodman (2013). Addressing Injuries and Illness, IL: Human Kinetics. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 35 MAKLUMAT KURSUS UNIVERSITI BAHASA ASING – ARAB I LFL1111 FOREIGN LANGUAGE – ARABIC I LFL1111 1 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The basic Arabic Language course focuses on simple conversation using short sentences without ignoring correct grammar usage. It provides an understanding of fundamental elements of gender, numbers, prepositions and WH questions which are the basis for correct sentence construction. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Demonstrate the ability to speak confidently to selected audience 2. Demonstrate the ability to compare the parts of speech in the target language through learning and discussions in the classrooms 3. Produce simple sentences in the target language 4. Identify simple essays in the target language References 1. Kamarul Shukri Mat Teh, Shafirul Hafiz Shaari, Mohd Fauzi Abd Hamid dan Mohd Firdaus Yahya. (2010). Al Tafsir fil Lughatil Arabiah. Kuala Terengganu: Penerbit UNISZA. 2. Siti Salwa Mohd. Nor, Nur Asyikin Othman, Kamarul Shukri Mat Teh, Mohd Alauddin Othman dan Khairunnisa Mat Saad. (2011). Al Muin fi Taallum Arabiyah. Kuala Terengganu: Penerbit UNISZA. 3. Najjah Salwa Abd Razak. (2009). Bahasa Arab. Kuala Lumpur: Penerbit UPNM. 4. Ab. Halim Mohamad et al. (2007). Bahasa Arab Permulaan. Serdang: Penerbit UPM. 5. Ishak Mohd Rejab. (1992). Kursus Bahasa Arab Buku (1). Kuala Lumpur: Yayasan Dakwah Islamiyah. 36 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 MAKLUMAT KURSUS UNIVERSITI BAHASA ASING – MANDARIN I LFL1121 FOREIGN LANGUAGE – MANDARIN I LFL1121 1 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course emphasises on basic oral Mandarin. At the same time, the lessons will cover aspects of basic grammar, dictation, vocabulary and language expressions in Mandarin. This course will also develop students’ communicative capacity in Mandarin and it will lay a solid foundation for students’ further study in Mandarin. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Identify the differences between intonations in Mandarin 2. Produce words correctly and accurately 3. Communicate about self and acknowledge others by greeting them in Mandarin 4. Use Mandarin in daily conversations References 1. Kang Yuhua and Lai Siping. (2005). Conversational Chinese 301. Beijing: Beijing Language and Culture University Press. 2. Yong Ho. (2005). Beginners’ Chinese. New York: Hippocrene Books. 3. McNaughton, W. (2005). Reading and Writing Chinese: Simplified Characters. North Clarendon: Tuttle Publishing. 4. Matthews, A. and Matthews, L. (2007). Tuttle Learning Chinese Characters. North Clarendon: Tuttle Publishing. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 37 MAKLUMAT KURSUS UNIVERSITI BAHASA ASING – JEPUN I LFL1131 FOREIGN LANGUAGE – JAPANESE I LFL1131 1 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This beginner’s communicative Japanese language course is offered to students who have no knowledge of Japanese. The objectives of this course are to introduce students to the communicative aspect of the language and to equip them with the necessary skills to enable them to speak, listen and read correctly in Japanese. The course encompasses pronunciation of vowels, consonants and half vowels; listening and reading skills through simple texts; development of speaking skills through simple words, phrases and sentences; writing words and simple sentences in Japanese. At the end of this course, students will be able to speak and read simple sentences in Japanese. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. State about self and acknowledge others by greeting them in the target language 2. Describe accurately the nouns, numbers and grammar in the target language 3. Identify simple questions in daily conversations and explain directions accurately References 1. Muhammad Alif Redzuan. (2009). Modul Bahasa Jepun Komunikatif. 2. Muhammad Alif Redzuan et al. (2005). Renshucho Bahasa Jepun. Serdang, Selangor: Penerbit Universiti Putra Malaysia. 3. Muhammad Alif Redzuan et al. (2005). Perbualan Asas Bahasa Jepun. Serdang, Selangor: Universiti Putera Malaysia. 4. 3A Corporation. (2002). Minna no Nihongo, Elementary 1-1, Main Textbook, Asian Edition. Tokyo: 3A Corporation. 5. 3A Corporation. (2002). Minna no Nihongo, Elementary 1-1, Translation and Grammatical Notes in English, Asian Edition. Tokyo: 3A Corporation. 38 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 MAKLUMAT KURSUS UNIVERSITI BAHASA ASING – RUSIA I LFL1141 FOREIGN LANGUAGE – RUSSIAN I LFL1141 1 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This is a starting course to introduce students to the elementary and basic knowledge of Russian language. This course includes the Russian alphabet, basic phonetics programme, and elementary Russian grammar, basic of morphology, reading, various exercises, useful vocabulary and simple Russian expressions. The objectives of this course are to enable the students to understand the structure of Russian language, pronounce the Russian words, use the basic grammar in writing, reading and speaking and use the Russian expressions for daily conversations. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. State about self and acknowledge others by greeting them in the target language 2. Describe accurately the nouns, numbers and grammar in the target language 3. Identify simple questions in daily conversations and explain directions accurately References 1. Christy Chiew Geoik Hong. (2010). Elementary Russian Course. Kuala Lumpur: Penerbit Universit Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia. 2. Christy Chiew Geoik Hong. (2012). Russian Course Book 1. Kuala Lumpur: Penerbit Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia. 3. С. А. Хавранина, А. И. Широченская. (2003). Русский язык в упражнениях, 12-ое издание, стереотипное. Издательство Русский Язык, Москва. 4. Н. Б. Карабанова. (2002). Говорите Правильно, 2-щу издание, исправленное. Издетельство Русский Язык Курсы. 5. П. А. Лекант, Е. И. Диброва. (2002). Современный русский язык.Издательство Дрофа, Москва. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 39 MAKLUMAT KURSUS UNIVERSITI BAHASA ASING – PERANCIS I LFL1151 FOREIGN LANGUAGE – FRENCH I LFL1151 1 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This beginner’s French language course is offered to students who have no prior knowledge of French. The objectives of this course are to introduce students to the language and to equip them with the necessary language skills so as to enable them to speak, listen and read correctly in French. In this course, various simple sentence structures, grammar and vocabulary will also be included so that the students will be able to communicate in simple daily conversations. At the end of this course, students will be able to speak and read simple sentences in French. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. State about self and acknowledge others by greeting them in the target language 2. Describe accurately the nouns, numbers and grammar in the target language 3. Identify simple questions in daily conversations and explain directions accurately References 1. Wan Mohtar, Wan Ikhlas. (2009). Méthode de Français. Penerbit Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia. 2. Farah Farhana Awang. (2012). Méthode de Français II. Penerbit Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia. 3. Leete, E. B. (1997). Learn French the Fast and Fun Way (French Edition). New York : Barron’s Educational Series 4. Sylvie Poisson-Quinton, M.S. (2002). Initial 1 : Methode de Français. Cle International/ VUEF. 5. Baylon, B., Claude Mestreit, A.C. and Manuel Tost, J.M. (2000). Forum : Méthode de Français1. Hachette Livre, 43 quai de Grenelle, 75 905 Paris Cedex. 6. Kaneman-Pougatch, M., di Giura, M.B., Trevisi,S. and Jennepin, D. (1997). Café Crème 1 : Méthode de Français. Hachette Livre, Quai de Grenelle, 75905 Paris Cedex 15. 40 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 MAKLUMAT KURSUS UNIVERSITI BAHASA ASING – SEPANYOL I LFL1161 FOREIGN LANGUAGE – SPANISH I LFL1161 1 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course covers the introduction of basic grammar and communication in Spanish. The objectives of this course are to introduce students to the language and to develop their basic communication skills in the language. Students also will learn to understand the basic structure of Spanish grammar so that at the end of this course, students will be able to read and speak in Spanish. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. State about self and acknowledge others by greeting them in the target language 2. DemonstratetheabilitytoformulatebasicSpanishquestionsandsentences 3. Demonstratetheabilitytoread,comprehendandanswer questionsfrombasic Spanish texts (poem/song/shortstory/dialogue) 4. Demonstratetheabilityto listen, speakandwriteinbasic Spanish References 1. Dawson, L. M., Potowski, K. and Sobral, S. (2008). Dicho y hecho. 8th Edition. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2. Jarvis, A. C., Lebredo .R and Mena-Ayllón, F. (2008). ÍHola Amigos!. Houghton Mifflin: New York. 3. Sova, L. and Navarro, N. (2009).5-minutes Spanish. Singapore: Berlitz Publishing/APA Publications GmbH & Co Verlag KG. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 41 MAKLUMAT KURSUS UNIVERSITI BAHASA ASING – ARAB II LFL1211 FOREIGN LANGUAGE – ARABIC II LFL1211 1 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course focuses on speaking at a more complex level. It provides an application of verbal sentences and nominal sentences, the subject and predicate of a nominal sentence as well as the fundamental elements of the attributes, the dual, and the masculine and feminine plural. These elements will help students to formulate sentences correctly and build their confidence in writing and speaking Arabic. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Demonstrate the ability to speak confidently to selected audience 2. Demonstrate the ability to compare parts of speech through learning and discussion in classrooms 3. Produce more complex sentences in the target language 4. Identify simple essays in the target language References 1. Kamarul Shukri Mat Teh, Shafirul Hafiz Shaari, Mohd Fauzi Abd Hamid dan Mohd Firdaus Yahya. (2010). Al Tafsir fil Lughatil Arabiah. Kuala Terengganu: Penerbit UNISZA. 2. Siti Salwa Mohd. Nor, Nur Asyikin Othman, Kamarul Shukri Mat Teh, Mohd Alauddin Othman dan Khairunnisa Mat Saad. (2011). Al Muin fi Taallum Arabiyah. Kuala Terengganu: Penerbit UNISZA. 3. Najjah Salwa Abd Razak. (2009). Bahasa Arab. Kuala Lumpur: Penerbit UPNM. 4. Ab. Halim Mohamad et al. (2007). Bahasa Arab Permulaan. Serdang: Penerbit UPM. 5. Ishak Mohd Rejab. (1992). Kursus Bahasa Arab Buku (1). Kuala Lumpur: Yayasan Dakwah Islamiyah. 42 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 MAKLUMAT KURSUS UNIVERSITI BAHASA ASING – MANDARIN II LFL1221 FOREIGN LANGUAGE – MANDARIN II LFL1221 1 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course introduces students to the letters of the language. Aspects of vocabulary and grammar of the language will also be emphasised. Students will have ample practices in using the language in various contexts. Activities and tasks will be completed individually and in group. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Identify the use of grammar of Mandarin correctly 2. Choose accurately the correct Mandarin grammar 3. Demonstrate the ability to use accurate vocabulary for exact situations References 1. Kang Yuhua and Lai Siping. (2005). Conversational Chinese 301. Beijing: Beijing Language and Culture University Press. 2. Yong Ho. (2005). Beginners’ Chinese. New York: Hippocrene Books. 3. McNaughton, W. (2005). Reading and Writing Chinese: Simplified Characters. North Clarendon: Tuttle Publishing. 4. Matthews, A. and Matthews, L. (2007). Tuttle Learning Chinese Characters. North Clarendon: Tuttle Publishing. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 43 MAKLUMAT KURSUS UNIVERSITI BAHASA ASING – JEPUN II LFL1231 FOREIGN LANGUAGE – JAPANESE II LFL1231 1 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This beginner’s Communicative Japanese language course is offered to students who have basic knowledge of Japanese. This course is a continuation of Basic Japanese 1, focusing on the fundamentals of Japanese language with additional emphasis on reading and writing. The objective of this course is to develop proficiency in speaking, listening, understanding and reading simple materials; writing simple composition. At the end of the course, students will be able to speak, listen, read simple materials and write simple composition and necessary cultural knowledge. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Demonstrate the ability to speak confidently to selected audience 2. Demonstrate the ability to compare parts of speech through learning and discussion in classrooms 3. Produce more complex sentences in the target language 4. Identify simple essays in the target language References 1. Muhammad Alif Redzuan.2010. Modul Bahasa Jepun Komunikatif 2. 2. Muhd Alif Redzuan et al. (2005). Perbualan Asas Bahasa Jepun. Serdang, Selangor: Penerbit Universiti Putra Malaysia. 3. 3A Corporation. (2002). Minna no Nihongo, Elementary 1-1, Main Textbook, Asian Edition. Tokyo: 3A Corporation. 4. 3A Corporation. (2002). Minna no Nihongo, Elementary 1-1, Translation and Grammatical Notes in English, Asian Edition. Tokyo: 3A Corporation. 44 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 MAKLUMAT KURSUS UNIVERSITI BAHASA ASING – RUSSIA II LFL1241 FOREIGN LANGUAGE – RUSSIAN II LFL1241 1 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course introduces students to the uses of the cases of Russian language. It includes the Prepositional case, Accusative case, Dative case, Genitive case, Instrumental case, reading, various exercises, useful vocabulary and basic conversations. The objectives of this course are to enable the students to understand the six cases of Russian language written and spoken elements correctly and grammatically and the use of the Russian expressions for daily conversation. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Demonstrate the ability to speak confidently to selected audience 2. Demonstrate the ability to compare parts of speech through learning and discussion in classrooms 3. Produce more complex sentences in the target language 4. Identify simple essays in the target language References 1. Christy Chiew Geoik Hong. (2010). Elementary Russian Course. Kuala Lumpur: Penerbit Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia. 2. Christy Chiew Geoik Hong. (2012). Russian Course Book 1. Kuala Lumpur: Penerbit Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia. 3. С. А. Хавранина, А. И. Широченская. (2003). Русский язык в упражнениях, 12-ое издание, стереотипное. Издательство Русский Язык, Москва. 4. Н. Б. Карабанова. (2002). Говорите Правильно, 2-щу издание, исправленное. Издетельство Русский Язык Курсы. 5. П. А. Лекант, Е. И. Диброва. (2002). Современный русский язык.Издательство Дрофа, Москва. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 45 MAKLUMAT KURSUS UNIVERSITI BAHASA ASING – PERANCIS II LFL1251 FOREIGN LANGUAGE – FRENCH II LFL1251 1 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course, a continuation of French 1, adopts a practical approach to the learning of the language in everyday situations through the development of speaking, listening, reading and writing abilities. Students are encouraged to enhance their knowledge in the language by reading and discussing with friends or their lecturer using simple French phrases. Intensive oral drills of a more complex nature designed to achieve fluency make class attendance compulsory. At this level, the students will be exposed to the social and cultural aspects of the French people through the appreciation of short stories. This course is enhanced by the use of audio visual materials for the purpose of exposing students to contemporary broad based French culture. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Demonstrate the ability to speak confidently to selected audience 2. Demonstrate the ability to compare parts of speech through learning and discussion in classrooms 3. Produce more complex sentences in the target language 4. Identify simple essays in the target language References 1. Wan Mohtar, Wan Ikhlas. (2009). Methode de Français. Kuala Lumpur: Penerbit Universiti, Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia. 2. Farah Farhana Awang. (2012). Methode de Français II. Kuala Lumpur : Penerbit Universiti, Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia. 3. et Yves Coiseau, R.M. (2004). Niveau I Connections. Les Editions Didier, Paris. 4. Miquel, C. (2002). Vocabulaire Progressif du Français avec 250 exercices. Paris: CLE International. 46 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 MAKLUMAT KURSUS UNIVERSITI BAHASA ASING – SEPANYOL II LFL1261 FOREIGN LANGUAGE – SPANISH II LFL1261 1 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course introduces students to read and write in the language. Students are also exposed to essays, poems and letters written in Spanish. Aspects of vocabulary and grammar of the language will also be emphasised. Students will have ample practices in using the language in various contexts. Activities and tasks will be completed individually and in groups. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Demonstrate the ability to speak confidently to selected audience 2. Demonstrate the ability to compare parts of speech through learning and discussion in classrooms. 3. Produce more complex sentences in the target language. 4. Identify simple essays in the target language References 1. Potowski, K., Sobral, S. and Dawson L. (2012). Dicho y Hecho. River Street, NJ: John Wiley & Sons Inc. 2. Jose M.Diaz and Maria F.Nadel. (2006). Spanish for Educators. New York: McGraw-Hill Companies Inc. 3. Sova, L. and Navarro, N. (2009). 5-Minutes Spanish. Singapore: Berlitz Publishing/APA Publications GmbH & Co Verlag KG. 4. Butt, J. (2000). A New Reference Grammar for Modern Spanish. New York: McGraw Hill. 5. Keenan, J.J. (1994). Breaking out of Beginners’ Spanish. Texas: University of Texas Press. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 47 MAKLUMAT KURSUS UNIVERSITI SENARAI KURSUS ELEKTIF UNIVERSITI KURSUS ELEKTIF UNIVERSITI Semua pelajar Program Sarjana Muda wajib melengkapkan enam (6) kredit Kursus Elektif Universiti. Pegawai Kadet diwajibkan mengikuti lima (5) kredit Latihan Ketenteraan Umum (LKU) dan satu (1) kredit kursus Tempur Tanpa Senjata bagi tujuan pengijazahan. Manakala PALAPES diwajibkan mengikuti enam (6) kredit kursus PALAPES. Pelajar awam yang gagal mengikuti Program PALAPES atas faktor kesihatan diwajibkan mencukupkan keperluan enam (6) kredit tersebut dengan kursus Ko-Kurikulum berkredit yang ditawarkan. Berikut merupakan senarai kursus elektif Universiti. CODE COURSE CREDIT ALK 1011 Latihan Ketenteraan Umum 1 Untuk Pegawai Kadet ALK 1021 Latihan Ketenteraan Umum 1 ALK 2011 Latihan Ketenteraan Umum 1 ALK 2021 Latihan Ketenteraan Umum 1 ALK 3011 Latihan Ketenteraan Umum 1 QKS 3621 Tempur Tanpa Senjata 1 TOTAL 6 COURSE CREDIT CODE PALAPES KOMPONEN KESUKARELAWAN 48 PLS 1011 PALAPES 1 PLS 1021 PALAPES 1 PLS 2011 PALAPES 1 PLS 2021 PALAPES 1 PLS 3011 PALAPES 1 PLS 3021 PALAPES 1 TOTAL 6 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 MAKLUMAT KURSUS UNIVERSITI NO CODE COURSE CREDIT Untuk Pelajar Awam yang gagal mengikuti Program PALAPES KOMPONEN SUKAN 1. QKS 1002 Tennis 2 2. QKS 1102 Hockey 2 3. QKS 1202 Futsal 2 4. QKS 1302 Artistic Silat 2 5. QKS 1402 Rugby 2 6. QKS 1502 Football 2 1. QKP 1002 KOMPONEN PENGUCAPAN AWAM Public Speaking 2 2. QKP 1102 Emceeing 2 3. QKP 1202 Journalism 2 1. QKB 1002 Gamelan 2 KOMPONEN KEBUDAYAAN 2. QKB 1402 Traditional Dance 2 3. QKB 1502 Theatre 2 1. QKL 1002 1. QKE 1102 1. QKI 1002 2. QKI 1202 KOMPONEN KESUKARELAWANAN Volunteerism 2 KOMPONEN KEUSAHAWANAN Entrepreneurship 2 KOMPONEN DAYA USAHA DAN INOVASI Photography 2 Batik Canting 2 KOMPONEN KHIDMAT KOMUNITI 1. QKK 1002 Baktisiswa 2 NO CODE COURSE CREDIT 1. QSK 1012 KOMPONEN KEPEMIMPINAN Science In Sports 2 2. QSK 1022 Sports Management 2 3. QSK 2012 Physical Conditioning 2 4. QSK 2022 Sports Psychology 2 5. QSK 3012 Basic Coaching Science 2 6. QSK 3022 Healthy Lifestyle 2 (Pelajar Awam – Pilih 3 kursus sahaja bagi melengkapkan 6 kredit Elektif Universiti). UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 49 MAKLUMAT KURSUS UNIVERSITI SINOPSIS KURSUS ELEKTIF UNIVERSITI LATIHAN KETENTERAAN UMUM ALK 1011-ALK 3011 MILITARY TRAINING ALK 1011- ALK 3011 1 Credit Hour per Semester Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis Refer to ALK Course subjects Course Outcomes Refer to ALK Course subjects References Refer to ALK Course subjects TEMPUR TANPA SENJATA QKS 3621 UNARMED COMBAT QKS 3621 1 Credit Hour Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course focuses on the moves and arts in unarmed combat, engagement moves, reflex reactions, striking with and without weapons plus destruction using body parts. Course Outcomes At the end of this course, students are able to: 1. Show and demonstrate kicks, punches, and strikes confidently. 2. Show and display correct grounding and striking moves. 3. Confidently and correctly execute final blows using body parts. References 1. PULAPOT Unarmed Combat Instructors’ Training Programme. 50 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 MAKLUMAT KURSUS UNIVERSITI PALAPES PLS 1011 – PLS 3021 RESERVE OFFICERS TRAINING UNIT (ROTU) PLS 1011 – PLS 3021 1 Credit Hour per Semester Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis Refer to PALAPES Course subjects Course Outcomes Refer to PALAPES Course subjects References Refer to PALAPES Course subjects TENIS QKS 1002 TENNIS QKS 1002 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course will expose the students to the development of tennis, principles, rules and regulations, and game skills. It will also expose the organisation in terms of games, physical fitness, staffing and game trainings. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Identify and describe the historical development of tennis in Malaysia and internationally, rules and regulations, skills and ethics in tennis, conditioning training and strategy. 2. Master and demonstrate the basic skills in tennis. 3. Apply the principles and event management practices in games and competitions. References 1. Matsuzaki, C. (2004).Tennis Fundamentals. Champaign IL: Human Kinetics. 2. Roetert, E. P., & Ellenbecker, T. S. (2007). Complete Conditioning for Tennis. Champaign IL: Human Kinetics. 3. Hall, J. H. (2003). Basic biomechanics (4th ed.) New York: McGraw-Hill Higher Education. 4. Bompa, T. O., & Carrera, M. (2005). Periodization Training for Sports (2nd ed.). Champaign IL: Human Kinetics. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 51 MAKLUMAT KURSUS UNIVERSITI HOKI QKS 1102 HOCKEY QKS 1102 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course will expose the students to the development of hockey, principles, rules and regulations, and game skills. It will also expose the organisation in terms of games, physical fitness, staffing and game trainings. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Identify and describe the historical development of hockey in Malaysia and internationally, rules and regulations, skills and ethics in hockey, conditioning training and strategy. 2. Master and demonstrate the basic skills in hockey. 3. Apply the principles and event management practices in games and competitions. References 1. Helen Ten, & Haridas, M. P, (2005). Hoki: Siri Sukan Popular. Fajar Bakti. 2. McGrath, C. (2008). A Chinese Hinterland, Fertile with Field Hockey. The New York Times. 52 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 MAKLUMAT KURSUS UNIVERSITI FUTSAL QKS 1202 FUTSAL QKS 1202 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course will expose the students to the development of futsal, principles, rules and regulations, and game skills. It will also expose the organisation in terms of games, physical fitness, staffing and game trainings. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Identify and describe the historical development of futsal in Malaysia and internationally, rules and regulations, skills and ethics in futsal, conditioning training and strategy. 2. Master and demonstrate the basic skills in futsal. 3. Apply the principles and event management practices in games and competitions. References 1. Persatuan Bola Sepak Malaysia. (2005/2006). Undang-undang Permainan Futsal 2005/2006. Kelana Jaya, Selangor: FAM. 2. Mohd Sufian Omar Fauzee. (2002). Panduan Membentuk Format Pertandingan Sukan. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. 3. Wee Eng Hoe. (2005). Pendidikan Jasmani dan Pendidikan Kesihatan. Karisma Publication Sdn. Bhd. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 53 MAKLUMAT KURSUS UNIVERSITI SILAT SENI QKS 1302 ARTISTIC SILAT QKS 1302 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course will expose the students to the development of silat seni, principles, rules and regulations, and game skills. It will also expose the organisation in terms of games, physical fitness, staffing and game trainings. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Identify and describe the historical development of silat seni in Malaysia and internationally, rules and regulations, skills and ethics in silat seni, conditioning training and strategy. 2. Master and demonstrate the basic skills in silat seni. 3. Apply the principles and event management practices in games and competitions. References 1. Anuar Abd. Wahab. (1987). Silat Olahraga. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. 2. Tuan Ismail Tuan Soh. (1991). Silat Sekebun. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. 3. R. Kotot Slamet Hariyadi S. Pd. (2003). Teknik Dasar Pencak Silat Tanding. Jakarta: PT. Dian Rakyat. 4. Hall, J. H. (2003). Basic biomechanics (4th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Higher Education. 5. Bompa, T.O., & Carrera, M. (2005). Periodization Training For Sports (2nd ed.). Champaign IL: Human Kinetics. 54 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 MAKLUMAT KURSUS UNIVERSITI RAGBI QKS 1402 RUGBY QKS 1402 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course will expose the students to the development of rugby, principles, rules and regulations, and game skills. It will also expose the organisation in terms of games, physical fitness, staffing and game trainings. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Identify and describe the historical development of rugby in Malaysia and internationally, rules and regulations, skills and ethics in rugby, conditioning training and strategy. 2. Master and demonstrate the basic skills in rugby game. 3. Apply the principles and event management practices in games and competitions. References 1. Luger, D., & Pook, P. (2004). Complete Conditioning For Rugby. Champaign IL: Human Kinetics. 2. Wilkinson, J. (2006). How to Play Rugby My Way. London: Headline Publishing. 3. Hall, J. H. (2003). Basic Biomechanics (4th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Higher Education. 4. Bompa, T.O., & Carrera, M. (2005). Periodization Training for Sports (2nd ed.). Champaign IL: Human Kinetics. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 55 MAKLUMAT KURSUS UNIVERSITI BOLA SEPAK QKS 1502 FOOTBALL QKS 1502 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course will expose the students to the development of football, principles, rules and regulations, and game skills. It will also expose the organisation in terms of games, physical fitness, staffing and game trainings. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Identify and describe the historical development football in Malaysia and internationally, rules and regulations, skills and ethics in football, conditioning training and strategy. 2. Master and demonstrate the basic skills in football. 3. Apply the principles and event management practices in games and competitions. References 1. Hall, J. H. (2003). Basic Biomechanics (4th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Higher Education. 2. Bompa, T.O., & Carrera, M. (2005). Periodization Training for Sports (2nd ed.). Champaign IL: Human Kinetics. 3. Jeffrey Tipping. (2006). Coaching Youth Soccer (4th ed.). US: American Sport Education Program (ASEP). 4. Danny Mielke. (2003). Soccer Fudamentals. Oregon: Human Kinetics 56 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 MAKLUMAT KURSUS UNIVERSITI PENGUCAPAN AWAM QKP 1002 PUBLIC SPEAKING QKP 1002 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course will cover basic public speaking knowledge and skills which include: planning, implementation, evaluation and managing public speaking competition, presentation techniques, persuasive speech, audience analysis and the importance of public speaking techniques. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Generate ideas clearly, effectively, confidently orally and in writing. 2. Analyse ideas and find alternative solutions. 3. Organise relevant information from a variety of sources. 4. Practise moral and ethical values in research process. References 1. Grice, G. L., & Skinners J. F. (2004). Mastering Public Speaking (5th ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon. 2. Lucas, S. E. (2004). The Art of Public Speaking (8th ed.). New York: McGraw Hill. 3. Jeary, T. (2004). Life is a Series of Presentations. New York: Fireside UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 57 MAKLUMAT KURSUS UNIVERSITI PENGACARAAN MAJLIS QKP 1102 EMCEEING QKP 1102 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course will expose students to how to host functions, techniques of script writing, pronunciation training, presentation techniques, persuasive speech, audience analysis and the importance of public speaking techniques. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Generate ideas clearly, effectively, confidently orally and in writing. 2. Analyse ideas and find alternative solutions. 3. Organise relevant information from a variety of sources. 4. Practise moral and ethical values in the research process. References 1. N. A. Salleh. (1976). Aneka Contoh Teks Pengacaraan Majlis. Selangor: Al Falah. 2. N. A. Salleh. (1976). Aneka Contoh Pantun Pilihan Mengikut Atur Cara Majlis. Selangor: Al Falah. 58 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 MAKLUMAT KURSUS UNIVERSITI ASAS KEWARTAWANAN QKP 1202 JOURNALISM QKP 1202 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course will expose the students to the field of journalism, various types of writing, editing, interviewing techniques, presentation of news and challenges as a journalist. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Generate ideas clearly, effectively, confidently orally and in writing. 2. Analyse ideas and find alternative solutions. 3. Organise relevant information from a variety of sources. 4. Practise moral and ethical values in the research process. References 1. Mohd Jais, Zainal. (2005). Asas kewartawanan dan penulisan. Bengkel kewartawanan foto dan membina grafik news letter. 2. Faridah Ibrahim, & Mus Chairil Samani. (2000). Etika Kewartawanan (edisi 2). Subang Jaya: F.A.R Publishers. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 59 MAKLUMAT KURSUS UNIVERSITI GAMELAN QKB 1002 GAMELAN QKB 1002 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course will expose to the students the development and role of Gamelan music. It includes the identification and disclosure of basic techniques on how to play Gamelan musical instruments and songs. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Describe the historical development of Gamelan music. 2. Recognise and understand the basic functions of the Gamelan instruments. 3. Demonstrate and apply principles in performing and organising stage performances. References 1. Mohd Azam Hj. Sulong, & Mastor Hj. Jarkaseh. (2009). Asas Pendidikan Muzik II. Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia: Tabuh Emas. 2. Dwiono Hermantoro. (2010). Notasi Lagu Muzik Gamelan. Skudai: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. 3. Wasisto Suryodiningrat. (1971). Gamelan, Dance dan Wayang. Yogyakarta: Gadja Mada University Press. 60 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 MAKLUMAT KURSUS UNIVERSITI SENI TARI QKB 1402 TRADITIONAL DANCE QKB 1402 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course covers the movements and techniques of the different dances of various races in Malaysia, performing dances including during dance workshops conducted for local communities, organizing intellectual discourse series and conducting research, as well as learning the techniques to master the dances at a professional level. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Deliver the ideas clearly, effectively and confidently orally. 2. Demonstrate the values of soft skills learned. 3. Master the basic techniques in traditional dance moves. References 1. Asmad. (1990). Kesenian Tarian Melaka. Associated Distributors (M) Sdn. Bhd. 2. Harun Mat Piah, & Siti Zainon Ismail. (1986). Lambang Sari: Tuan Gamelan Terengganu. Kuala Lumpur: PSKNT dan UKM. 3. Kamien, R. (2002). Music: An Appreciation (8th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. 4. Kementerian Kebudayaan Belia dan Sukan. (1981). Tarian-tarian Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur. 5. Lee, I. (2000). Ethnic Musical Instruments of Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur: Win Publication. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 61 MAKLUMAT KURSUS UNIVERSITI TEATER QKB 1502 THEATRE QKB 1502 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course will expose the students to the basics of acting such as emotions of a character, throwing vocals and basic cinematography such as stage design, props, theatre discipline, fashion and audio controlling. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Deliver the ideas clearly, effectively and confidently orally. 2. Demonstrate the values of soft skills learned. 3. Master the basic techniques in acting and stage control. References 1. Akademi Seni Budaya dan Warisan Kebangsaan. (2013). Program Latihan Modal Insan Seni & Budaya. Kementerian Penerangan, Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan. 2. Clausen, M. (2000). Centre Stage. Australia: Heineman Ltd. 3. Davies, G. (1983). Practical Primary Drama. Heineman Educational. 62 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 MAKLUMAT KURSUS UNIVERSITI ASAS KESUKARELAWANAN QKL 1002 VOLUNTEERISM QKL 1002 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course covers the concept, theory and practice of voluntary work, its importance in handling disasters, planning, monitoring, managing and evaluating disaster management programmes and voluntary activities. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Demostrate the skills to be a volunteer. 2. Deliver the ideas clearly, effectively and confidently orally. 3. Appreciate the value of soft skills learned. References 1. Azizan Bahari. (2007). Becoming A Volunteer. Kuala Lumpur: International Youth Centre. 2. Azizan Bahari. (2008). Menjadi Pemimpin. Petaling Jaya: Qarya. 3. Hybels, B. (2004). The Volunteer Revolutionary Unleashing the Power of Everbody. Canada: Harper Collins. 4. Josie, M. F., & Abdul Ibrahim. (2002). A Giving Society? The State of Philanthropy in Malaysia. Penang: USM Publishers. 5. Marcovitz, H. (2004). Teens and Volunteerism. New York: Mason Crest Publisher. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 63 MAKLUMAT KURSUS UNIVERSITI LATIHAN KEUSAHAWANAN QKE 1102 ENTREPRENEURSHIP QKE 1102 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course covers the entrepreneurial aspects in identifying problems in a community and, collects and analyses data for the purpose of identifying project components which can be improved and upgraded to national and international standards. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Identify and conduct simple research for business practices in institutions. 2. Demonstrate entrepreneurship skills. 3. Appreciate the values of soft skills that have been learned. 4. Practise professional moral ethics in the preparation and implementation of business plans. References 1. Hisrich, R. D. (1997). Entrepreneurship. Case Western Reserve University. 2. Zimmerer, T. W. (2000). Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management. University of Minnesota. 3. Dollinger, M. J. (1998). Entrepreneurship Strategies & Resources. Prentice Hall. 4. Martin, Michael J. C. (1994). Managing Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Techno. John Wiley & Sons. 5. Berman. (2001). Small Business Entrepreneurship.Prentice Hall. 64 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 MAKLUMAT KURSUS UNIVERSITI FOTOGRAFI QKI 1002 PHOTOGRAPHY QKI 1002 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The purpose of this course is to enhance the students’ knowledge on the concepts of photography. This course will expose students to the brief history of photography, basic camera control and handling techniques, lighting techniques, shooting techniques and photo editing techniques. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Communicate ideas clearly, effectively and confidently orally. 2. Practise ethical behaviours, as well as having a sense of responsibility towards society. 3. Master and demonstrate technical and artistic knowledge in photograpgy. References 1. Redzuan Ahmad. Komposisi dan Cahaya Termasuk Fotografi Digital. Redzuan Fotomedia. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 65 MAKLUMAT KURSUS UNIVERSITI CANTING BATIK QKI 1202 BATIK CANTING QKI 1202 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The purpose of this course is to enhance the students’ knowledge on the concepts of batik canting. This course covers the history and the development of batik and its contributions to the Malaysian socio-cultural make-up. Students will also be taught the methods and techniques of batik canting. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Deliver ideas clearly, effectively and confidently orally. 2. Demonstrate ethical behaviours in addition to having a sense of responsibility towards society. 3. Demonstrate skills and talents of batik canting. References 1. Kathleen Chee. (2004). Pendidikan Seni Visual. Kuala Lumpur: Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. 2. Noel Dyrenforth. (1975). Batik. London. Orbis Publishing Limited. 3. Perbadanan Kraftangan Malaysia. (1997). Kit Pendidikan Batik. Kuala Lumpur: Perbadanan Kraftangan Malaysia. 4. Tim Bina Karya Guru. (2007). Seni Budaya dan Keterampilan Untuk Sekolah Dasar Kelas VI. Erlangga. 66 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 MAKLUMAT KURSUS UNIVERSITI BAKTISISWA QKK 1002 BAKTISISWA QKK 1002 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The purpose of this course is to enhance the students’ knowledge on the concepts of baktisiswa. This course covers the activities of baktisiswa that will contribute to the Malaysian community which include community planning and, handling and implementation of the baktisiswa activities. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Deliver the ideas clearly, effectively and confidently orally. 2. Demonstrate ethical behaviours in addition to having a sense of responsibility towards society. 3. Practise professional moral ethics in the preparation and implementation of the baktisiswa activities. 4. Appreciate the values of soft skills that have been learned. References 1. Dani Salleh. (2004). Pembangunan Komuniti: Dasar, Konsep, Strategi dan Isu di Malaysia. Sintok: Penerbit UUM 2. Rahmat Ismail. (1997). Etika Sosial. Satu Peradaban Dalam Kehidupan Sosial Manusia. Kuala Lumpur: Utusan Publications UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 67 MAKLUMAT KURSUS UNIVERSITI SAINS DALAM SUKAN QSK 1012 SCIENCE IN SPORTS QSK 1012 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course discusses the definition and basic concepts of sports science for certain groups of people, certain level of society and the application of sports science in certain community. The importance of sports science components in exercise and physical training are also emphasised to be applied by the students. In addition, this course also discusses the overall concept of science in sports which is related to philosophy, history, current issues, and the importance of development of science in sports and in coaching. The course highlights the direction of the major aspects of sports science, research and career. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Define and identify the definition, philosophy, and basic concepts of sports science. 2. Practise scientific approaches to sports training and physical fitness. 3. Carry out basic research in sports science and use it as a reference. References 1. Bompa, T. O., & Haff, G. G. (2009). Periodization: Theory and Methodolgy of Training (5th ed.). Human Kinetics. 2. Human Kinetics. (2010). Health and Wellness for Life. Human Kinetics. 3. Kornspan, A. S. (2009). Fundamentals of Sport and Exercise Psychology. Human Kinetics. 4. Magill, R. A. (2010). Motor Learning and Control: Concepts and Applications. McGrawHill. 5. Whitney, E., Whitney, E. N., & Rolfes, S. R. (2010). Understanding Nutrition. Cengage Learning. 68 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 MAKLUMAT KURSUS UNIVERSITI PENGURUSAN SUKAN QSK 1022 SPORTS MANAGEMENT QSK 1022 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course introduces the theory and management processes as well as ways to apply the theory in sports management. Sports management course is an important aspect in ensuring the smooth running of sport programmes. Systematic and manageable sports programmes are enhanced by the application of ethical principles in sports management involving team management, facilities, equipment, coaching and public relations aspects. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Identify and describe the basic concept in sports management. 2. Demonstrate high social skills and enhance networking within society by developing professionalism, feelings, perceptions, opinions and attitudes in dealing with sports organisations. 3. Demonstrate effective communication skills not only through effective leadership but also through the ability to work in a team amongst the sport community and the public. References 1. Abrams, R. I. (2010). Sports Justice: The Law and the Business of Sports. University Press of New England. 2. Hoye, R., Nicholson, M., Smith, A., Stewart, B., & Westerbeek, H. (2012). Sports Management: Principles and Applcations (3rd ed). Routledge. 3. Masteralexis, L. P., Barr, C. A., & Hums, M. A. (2012). Principles and Practice of Sport Management (4th ed). Jones & Bartlett Learning. 4. Norh, K. M. (2009). Management Risk In Sport And Recreation. United States: Human Kinetics. 5. Robinson, L., Chelladurai, P., Bodet, G., & Downward, P. (2011). Routledge Handbook of Sport Management. Routledge.0 UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 69 MAKLUMAT KURSUS UNIVERSITI SUAIAN FIZIKAL QSK 2012 PHYSICAL CONDITIONING QSK 2012 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The purpose of this course is to enhance the students’ knowledge on the concepts of physical fitness, principles of physical training, components of training, source and energy system, factors influencing individual fitness, training methodology and application in sports, phases and cycle of training and preparing training programmes for physical activities. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Identify and understand the basic concepts of physical fitness in sports. 2. Practise through professionalism, values and behaviours to achieve better results in sports. 3. Combine theoretical knowledge and practical experiences in order to develop training programmes for athletes’ performances in sports and games. 4. Demonstrate social responsibility, communicate effectively and practice teamwork in sportsenvironment. 5. Lead and manage sports activities at all levels. References 1. Bompa, T.O, & Carrera, M. (2005). Periodization Training for Sports (2nd ed.). Champaign IL: Human Kinetics. 2. Carl Miller. (2005). The Miller Fitness Plan Physical Training for Men and Women. 3. Nohr, K.M. (2006). Management Risk in Sports and Recreation. Champaign IL: Human Kinetics. 4. Martens.R. (2004) Succesful Coaching (3rd ed.). Champaign IL: Human Kinetics. 70 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 MAKLUMAT KURSUS UNIVERSITI PSIKOLOGI SUKAN QSK 2022 SPORTS PSYCHOLOGY QSK 2022 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course explains the fundamentals of psychology in sports which is a very important aspect in determining the current performances of athletes. This course will also provide exposure to athletes on how to increase self-confidence, motivate themselves, and foster a positive attitude in sports participation. It also explains the impacts of sports psychology on training, performance and competition. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Identify and describe the concepts, theories and principles of fundamental importance in psychology related to human behaviours. 2. Explain and apply the concepts and principles of basic psychology in the context of sports. 3. Apply the knowledge theoretically and practically in order to manage stress, increase motivation and conduct mental training for athletes for their performances in sports and games. References 1. Condon, M. (2009). Exercises in Psychological Testing (2nd ed). Allyn & Bacon. 2. Kornspan, A. S. (2009). Fundamentals of Sport and Exercise Psychology. Human Kinetics. 3. Schinke, R. (2009). Cultural Sport Psychology. Human Kinetics. 4. Weinberg, R. (2011). Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology (5th ed). Human Kinetics. 5. Williams, J. M. (2010). Applied Sport Psychology: Personal Growth to Peak Performance (6th ed). McGraw-Hill. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 71 MAKLUMAT KURSUS UNIVERSITI ASAS SAINS KEJURULATIHAN QSK 3012 BASIC COACHING SCIENCE QSK 3012 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course explores the definitions, objectives, philosophy, history, issues, and the importance of coaching and development of sports coaching. This course will also discuss the basic coaching concept and professional practice at various levels of study. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Identify the definition of basic concepts of philosophy and science of coaching. 2. Describe the training process and the characteristics of high-quality coaches. 3. Coach and give out instruction more systematically, and select appropriate training and support materials and references. References 1. Sabock, M. D., & Sabock, R. J. (2011). Coaching: A Realistic Perspective (10th ed.). Rowman & Littlefield. 2. Dexter, J., Dexter, G., & Irving, J. (2011). Introduction to Coaching.Sage. 3. Martens, R. (2012). Successful Coaching (4th ed.). Human Kinetics. 4. Rock, D., & Page, L. J. (2009). Coaching with the Brain in Mind: Foundations for Practice. John Wiley & Sons. 5. Renton, J. (2009). Coaching and Mentoring: What they are and how to make the most of them. Profile Books Ltd. 72 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 MAKLUMAT KURSUS UNIVERSITI GAYA HIDUP SIHAT QSK 3022 HEALTHY LIFESTYLE QSK 3022 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course aims to increase knowledge on the concept, philosophy and perception of a healthy lifestyle and, the physical and mental health care that can be practised in daily life. This course also emphasises the importance of bodily health, health care practices, the impact of diseases on lifestyle, the impact of families, communities, and genetics on lifestyle; and how to manage stress in life. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Identify concepts, philosophy, theory and perception of a healthy lifestyle. 2. Describe symptoms, correlation and follow-up effects of unhealthy lifestyle practices. 3. Identify methods and appropriate tests and, carry out appropriate programmes for specific target groups to enhance healthy lifestyle. 4. Demonstrate and apply knowledge in daily lives. References 1. 2. 3. 4. Edlin, G., & Golanty, E. (2009). Health and Wellness (10th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning. Human Kinetics. (2010). Health and Wellness for life. Human Kinetics. Seaward, B. (2011). Health and Wellness Journal (3rd ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning. Whitney, E., Whitney, E. N., & Rolfes, S. R. (2010). Understanding Nutrition. Cengage Learning. 5. Zatrow, C. (2009). Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare: Empowering People. Cengage Learning. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 73 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI 2014/2015 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN KATA-KATA ALUAN DEKAN Bismillahirrahmanirrahim Assalamualaikum w.r.t. w.b.t dan Salam Sejahtera Tahniah dan Selamat Datang diucapkan kepada saudara/saudari di atas kejayaan melanjutkan pengajian peringkat Ijazah Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan di Fakulti Kejuruteraan, Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia. Pertama sekali saya bersama-sama dengan semua warga Fakulti Kejuruteraan ingin memanjatkan kesyukuran kepada Allah SWT kerana dengan izinNya Fakulti Kejuruteraan telah berjaya menerbitkan Buku Panduan Fakulti Kejuruteraan Sesi 2014/2015. Objektif utama Buku Panduan ini diterbitkan adalah untuk dijadikan bahan rujukan pelajar dalam mengenali Fakulti amnya dan Jabatan khususnya serta program pengajian yang ditawarkan kerana salah satu asas bagi mencapai kecemerlangan ialah kebijaksanaan pelajar dalam merancang pengajian melalui pemilihan kursus yang sesuai dan memaksimumkan segala kemudahan yang disediakan oleh Universiti. Melalui buku ini pelajar dapat memahami sistem akademik yang diamalkan seperti sistem semester dan kurikulum pengajian. Buku ini juga dapat membantu pelajar merancang pengajian akademik masing-masing berpandukan rancangan dan skema pengajian yang terkandung di dalamnya. Saya ingin merakamkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan dan ucapan terima kasih kepada Ahli Jawatankuasa Buku Panduan Fakulti dan semua pihak yang terlibat secara langsung atau tidak langsung dalam penyediaan Buku Panduan ini. Akhir kata, saya berharap Buku Panduan Fakulti ini dapat dimanfaatkan sepenuhnya oleh pelajar di samping mempertingkatkan kualiti pengajaran, pembelajaran dan penyelidikan serta mengekalkan kecemerlangan Fakulti Kejuruteraan. Selamat berjuang dan maju jaya. Sekian. (Prof. Dr. Megat Mohamad Hamdan bin Megat Ahmad) Dekan Fakulti Kejuruteraan Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia 76 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN VISI Menjadi Fakulti Kejuruteraan primier untuk pendidikan, latihan dan penjanaan ilmu kejuruteraan dan teknologi pertahanan. MISI Fakulti Kejuruteraan Komited mencapai kecemerlangan sebagai sebuah Fakulti Kejuruteraan Primier dalam aplikasi Pertahanan yang menjurus kepada aspek Pembangunan Profesional, penjanaan, Penyebaran Ilmu Pengetahuan, Aplikasi Kejuruteraan dan Teknologi Pertahanan. OBJEKTIF i. Untuk mewujudkan keperluan strategi terfokus yang direka untuk memacu organisasi dalam mengejar kecemerlangan. ii. Membentangkan panduan berstruktur untuk melaksanakan penyelesaian yang inovatif dan idea-idea untuk pengajaran dan pembelajaran untuk memastikan UPNM kekal relevan dalam konteks negara. iii. Untuk menggalakkan penerapan sistem pemikiran dan analisis yang sistematik untuk mendapatkan strategi praktikal kepada persekitaran. MOTO Jurutera, Pemimpin, Pejuang UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 77 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN LATAR BELAKANG FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN Setelah Akademi Tentera Malaysia (ATMA) dinaiktarafkan menjadi Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia (UPNM) pada Disember 2006, Jabatan Kejuruteraan telah ditukarkan menjadi Fakulti Kejuruteraan selaras dengan kelulusan Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi. Fakulti Kejuruteraan merupakan fakulti yang terbesar di universiti kerana ia mempunyai sejumlah 89 staf akademik dan 33 orang kakitangan bukan akademik. Fakulti komited ke arah kecemerlangan dalam perkhidmatan kepada negara sebagai sebuah Fakulti Kejuruteraan yang unggul untuk mencapai pembangunan kepimpinan dan profesional, penjanaan pengetahuan, penyebaran dan aplikasi dalam bidang kejuruteraan dan teknologi pertahanan. Pada masa ini, fakulti diuruskan oleh Dekan dan dua (2) Timbalan Dekan bersama-sama dengan tiga(3) Ketua-Ketua Jabatan, Penolong Pendaftar Kanan, Penolong Pendaftar, Pegawai Penyelidik dan Pegawai Sains. Setakat ini, Fakulti Kejuruteraan mempunyai tiga(3) Jabatan merangkumi Jabatan Kejuruteraan Awam, Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik & Elektronik dan Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal. Kini Fakulti menawarkan empat (4) program Ijazah Sarjana Muda yang mula diperkenalkan pada sesi 2007/2008. Empat (4) program Ijazah Sarjana Muda yang ditawarkan oleh Fakulti adalah Ijazah Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan Awam (ZK01), Ijazah Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan Mekanikal (ZK08), Ijazah Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik (Komunikasi) (ZK25) dan Ijazah Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik (Kuasa ) (ZK50). Program-program ini telah disusun untuk memenuhi falsafah, visi dan misi fakulti dalam melahirkan pemimpin yang mempunyai nilai-nilai positif, kepimpinan yang tinggi dan profesionalisme sebagai jurutera yang kompeten dalam bidang yang diceburi. Sehingga 2013, jumlah kakitangan fakulti telah meningkat sebagai usaha untuk memenuhi kriteria yang ditetapkan oleh Lembaga Jurutera Malaysia. Ini adalah bagi memastikan proses pengajaran dan aktiviti penyelidikan yang dijalankan adalah berkesan dan pertambahan bilangan staf selari dengan pertambahan bilangan pelajar mengikut piawaian yang ditetapkan. 78 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN PROGRAM YANG DITAWARKAN Program-program yang ditawarkan di bawah Fakulti Kejuruteraan adalah seperti berikut: i. ii. iii. iv. Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan Awam (ZK 01) Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan Mekanikal (ZK 08) Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan Elektrik Elektronik (Komunikasi) (ZK 25) Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan Elektrik Elektronik (Kuasa) (ZK 50) OBJEKTIF DAN HASIL PEMBELAJARAN PROGRAM PENGAJIAN Pencapaian para pelajar diukur oleh hasil pembelajaran. Hasil pembelajaran ini menetapkan kompetensi yang patut diperolehi oleh setiap pelajar apabila selesai mengikuti satusatu program pengajian. Berikut adalah ‘Programme Educational Objectives’ (PEO) dan ‘Programme Learning Outcome’ (PO) yang telah ditetapkan bagi Program Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan selaras dengan keperluan Majlis Akreditasi Kejuruteraan (EAC), Malaysia. ‘Programme Educational Objectives’ (PEO) PEO 1 – ‘Engineers possess positive personal values and decorum’. PEO 2 – ‘Competent engineers in their respective fields’. PEO 3 – ‘Engineers possess leadership and professional quality’. ‘Program Outcome’ (PO) Technical Knowledge and Competencies PO1 Engineering Knowledge • Apply knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems PO2 Problem Analysis • Identify, formulate, research literature and analyse complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences PO3 Design/Development of Solutions • Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design systems, components or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and environmental considerations UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 79 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN PO4 Investigation • Conduct investigation into complex engineering problems using research based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of information to provide valid conclusions PO5 Modern Tool Usage • Create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools, including prediction and modelling, to complex engineering activities, with an understanding of the limitations Generic Skills PO6 The Engineer and Society • Apply reasoning informed by contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to professional engineering practice PO7 Environment and Sustainability • Understand the impact of professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts and demonstrate knowledge of and need for sustainable development PO8 Ethics • Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of engineering practice PO9 Communication • Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions PO10 Individual and Team Work • Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multi disciplinary settings PO11 Life-long Learning • Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change including defence, security and current issues PO12 Project Management and Finance • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments. 80 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN CARTA ORGANISASI PENGURUSAN AKADEMIK FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN Prof. Dr. Megat Mohamad Hamdan bin Megat Ahmad DEKAN Nazira Bt Kadir SETIAUSAHA PEJABAT Lt Kol Prof. Madya Ir. Khalid bin Abd Jalil TIMBALAN DEKAN (AKADEMIK) Prof. Madya Dr. Risby bin Mohd Sohaimi TIMBALAN DEKAN (PENYELIDIKAN & SISWAZAH) JABATAN KEJURUTERAAN AWAM JABATAN KEJURUTERAAN ELEKTRIK & ELEKTRONIK JABATAN KEJURUTERAAN MEKANIKAL Muhamad Azani bin Yahya KETUA JABATAN Prof. Madya Dr. Azizi bin Miskon KETUA JABATAN Prof. Dr. Aidy bin Ali KETUA JABATAN PENSYARAH/ TUTOR PENSYARAH/ TUTOR PENSYARAH/ TUTOR JURUTEKNIK JURUTEKNIK JURUTEKNIK PEJABAT AM FKJ Sharin Haslin binti Shamsuddin PEN. PENDAFTAR KANAN Nurul Norasyila binti Dasuki PEN. PENDAFTAR Santy anak Langie PEGAWAI SAINS Norazrina binti Mat Jali PEGAWAI PENYELIDIK PEMBANTU TADBIR UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 81 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN CARTA ORGANISASI PENTADBIRAN FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN Prof. Dr. Megat Mohamad Hamdan bin Megat Ahmad DEKAN Nazira Bt Kadir SETIAUSAHA PEJABAT Lt Kol Prof. Madya Ir. Khalid bin Abd Jalil TIMBALAN DEKAN (AKADEMIK) PENTADBIRAN KEWANGAN AKADEMIK Mohd. Hermas bin Ab. Jalil PEN. PEG. TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT Nor Adzlina binti Abdul Ghaffar PEN. PEGAWAI TADBIR KANAN Nurul Norasyila binti Dasuki PENOLONG PENDAFTAR Noraini binti Abdullah PEMBANTU TADBIR KANAN Norwahida binti Nordin PEMBANTU TADBIR Mohd Affandi bin Jamaludin Nurhaiza binti Nazri Nurul Fateha binti Ab Hamid Norakhmarini binti Mat Yaman PEMBANTU TADBIR Noraini binti Abdullah PEMBANTU TADBIR KANAN 82 Prof. Madya Dr. Risby bin Mohd Sohaimi TIMBALAN DEKAN (PENYELIDIKAN & SISWAZAH) Sharin Haslin Binti Shamsuddin PENOLONG PENDAFTAR KANAN PENGURUSAN MAKMAL DAN PENYELIDIKAN Santy anak Langie PEGAWAI SAINS Norazrina binti Mat Jali PEGAWAI PENYELIDIK Bahaman bin Haron PENOLONG JURUTERA Siti Marzilah binti Yusof PEMBANTU TADBIR BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN SENARAI KAKITANGAN PENTADBIRAN FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN Dekan Prof. Dr. Megat Mohamad Hamdan bin Megat Ahmad B.Eng.(Hons.) (UPM), M.Sc., Ph.D (Wales ) Timbalan Dekan (Akademik) Lt Kol Ir. Khalid bin Abd Jalil TUDM KAT, P.Eng, MIEM B.Sc. (Mech.) (HanYang), Master (ENSICA/ENCA) Timbalan Dekan (Penyelidikan dan Siswazah) Prof. Madya Dr.Risby bin Mohd Sohaimi, MIBS, MIAPS, MIAENG, MMSET B.Eng. (Hons.)(Civil)(USM), M.Sc. (UPM), Ph.D.(UPM) Ketua Jabatan, Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal Prof. Dr. Aidy Ali, MESIS, MISDS, MPIK, MSAMPE B.Eng. (Hons.) (Mechanical) (UPM), M.Eng. (UKM), Ph.D (Sheffield) Ketua Jabatan, Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik & Elektronik Prof. Madya Dr. Azizi bin Miskon B.Eng. (EEE)(Kyushu), M.Eng. (Kyushu), Ph.D. (Osaka) Ketua Jabatan, Jabatan Kejuruteraan Awam Muhamad Azani bin Yahya B.Eng. (Hons.)(Civil)(UTM), M.Sc. (USM) Penolong Pendaftar Kanan Sharin Haslin binti Shamsuddin Dip. Business Study (UiTM), B.A. (Hons.)(UiTM), M.Sc. (UPM) Penolong Pendaftar Nurul Norasyila binti Dasuki BLC (Hons)(MSU) Pegawai Sains Santy anak Langie B.Sc. (Environmental Technology)(UMT) Pegawai penyelidik Norazrina binti Mat Jali B.Eng. (Hons.)(Metallurgical Engineering)(UNIMAP), M.Sc. (UKM) Setiausaha Nazira binti Kadir UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 83 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN Penolong Pegawai Tadbir Kanan Noradzlina binti Abdul Ghafar Penolong Jurutera Bahaman bin Haron Penolong Pegawai Teknologi Maklumat Mohd. Hermas bin Ab. Jalil Juruteknik Komputer Mohd Zakaria bin Abu Bakar Juruteknik Zazlin bin Ismail Muhammad Rizal bin Ab. Razak Junaidi bin Asiran Mohd Rizal bin Harun Nor Muhammad Azman bin Sujani Mior Mohamad Amin bin Jamaludin Sauti bin Mat Salleh Mohd Fairuz bin Abdul Wahab Mohd Hisham bin Hashim Muhamad Khalil bin Sikun Mohd Rashidi bin Basar Salahudeen bin Sulaiman Zawil bin Mohd Yusof Suzana binti Mohd Norpiah Muhammad Amran bin Salleh Siti Zuraidah binti Zanal Halimathun binti A Halim Pembantu Tadbir (P/O) Noraini binti Abdullah Norwahida binti Nordin Siti Marzilah binti Yusof Mohd Affandi bin Jamaludin Nurhaiza binti Nazri Norakhmarini binti Mat Yaman Nurul Fateha binti Ab Hamid 84 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN KURSUS TERAS FAKULTI Kursus Teras Fakulti wajib diambil oleh semua pelajar Program Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan sebanyak 18 kredit sepertimana berikut: CODE COURSE CREDIT EFA 1103 Engineering Mathematics I (Calculus III) 3 EFA 1203 Engineering Mathematics II (Differential Equation) 3 EFA 2213 Engineering Mathematics IV (Statistics) 3 EFC 1103 Computing I (C and C++) 3 EFC 1203 Computing II (Numerical Methods and Engineering Softwares) 3 Kursus berikut wajib diambil oleh pelajar Program Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan Elektrik Dan Elektronik (Komunikasi) (ZK25), Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan Elektrik Dan Elektronik (Kuasa) (ZK50) dan Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan Mekanikal (ZK08) sahaja. CODE COURSE CREDIT EFA 2103 Engineering Mathematics IIIA (Complex Variable and Vector) 3 Kursus berikut wajib diambil oleh pelajar Program Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan Awam (ZK01) sahaja. CODE COURSE CREDIT EFA 2203 Engineering Mathematics IIIB (Operations Research and Computer Information Systems) 3 UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 85 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN SINOPSIS KURSUS TERAS FAKULTI MATEMATIK KEJURUTERAAN I (KALKULUS III) EFA 1103 ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS I (CALCULUS III) EFA 1103 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course is designed to extend the ideas of single-variable calculus (example: functions, differentiation, integration and vector functions) to functions of several variables. Topics include multi-variable functions, partial derivatives, local extrema, absolute extrema, Lagrange multipliers, double integrals, triple integrals, vector functions, scalar fields, vector fields, line integrals, Green’s theorem, surface integrals, Stoke’s theorem and Gauss’s theorem. This concept is extremely important in sciences and engineering application. Course outcomes Upon completion of this course, students are able to: 1. Understand the characteristics of multivariable functions. 2. Apply standard procedures to determine the partial derivatives to find extremum values. 3. Apply appropriate procedures to determine integral in Cartesian, polar, cylindrical and spherical coordinates by using multiple integrals. 4. Solve various problems in scalar and vector fields by using appropriate theorems. References 1. Howard Anton, Irl Bivens, & Stephen Davis. (2005). Calculus, Eight Edition. John Wiley & Sons. 2. Maslan Osman, & Yusof Yaacob. (2008). Multivariable and Vector Calculus. Penerbit UTM Press. 3. Weir, Hass, Giordano. (2005). Thomas’ Calculus, Eleventh Edition. Pearson (Addison Wesley). 86 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN MATEMATIK KEJURUTERAAN II (PERSAMAAN PEMBEZAAN) EFA 1203 ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS II (DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION) EFA 1203 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course will discuss about concept of first order ordinary linear differential equation and second order ordinary linear differential equation. The students also learn Laplace Transforms and Fourier Series. Applications in engineering are also included in this course. Course outcomes Upon completion of this course, students are able to: 1. Explain the basic concepts of differential equations (type & methods). 2. Apply correct analytical methods to solve first and second order differential equations using appropriate techniques. 3. Use the method of separation of variables and Fourier Series to solve partial differential equations. References 1. Abdul Wahid, Mohd Nor. (2008). Differential Equations for Engineering Students. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. 2. Dennis G. Zill. (2004). Differential Equations with Modeling Application. Brooks Cole. 3. Normah Maan et al. (2008). Differential Equations Module. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 87 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN MATEMATIK KEJURUTERAAN IIIA (PEMBOLEHUBAH KOMPLEKS) EFA 2103 ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS IIIA (COMPLEX VARIABLE AND VECTOR) EFA 2103 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course is an extension of Calculus I, II and III (Real Variables), and therefore has about the same theoretical development as in Calculus of single- and multiple-Real Variables. The main topics are functions of a single complex variable, complex differentiation, complex integration and complex series. Course outcomes Upon completion of this course, students are able to: 1. Apply the theoretical foundations of complex variables to perform complex differentiation and integration.(C3) 2. Solve the analytic, elementary functions and complex series using complex variable. (C3) 3. Apply the principles of complex variable to model engineering problems.(C3) References 1. Ali Hassan Mohamed Murid. (2009). Complex Variables for Mathematics, Science and Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. 2. James Ward Brown, & Ruel V. Churchill. (2009). Complex Variables and Application. Eighth Edition., New York: Mc Graw Hill. 3. Steven G.Krantz. (2008). Complex Variables: A Physical Approach with Applications and MATLAB. Chapman & Hall/CRC. 4. Spiegel, Murray R. (1984). Schaum’s Outlines, Complex Variables, McGraw Hill. 88 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN MATEMATIK KEJURUTERAAN IIIB (PENYELIDIKAN OPERASI DAN SISTEM MAKLUMAT KOMPUTER) EFA 2203 ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS IIIB (OPERATIONS RESEARCH AND COMPUTER INFORMATION SYSTEMS) EFA 2203 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: None Course Synopsis This course is designed to expose students with scientific methods and operations research. Examples of applications in operations research and application models in decision making are introduced. Topics include linear programming solutions, transportation model, network model, project scheduling, analytical hierarchy process and computer information system. Course outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, students are able to: 1. Formulate simple linear programming model including the objectives, constraints and analyse the solutions. 2. Analyse appropriate linear programming model due to optimization, heuristic and shortest-path tasks problems. 3. Use the software application for solving problems related matter. References 1. Barry Render, Ralph M.Stair,Jr. (2000). Quantitative Analysis for Management, 7thEdition. Prentice Hall. 2. Hamdy A.Taha. (2007). Operations Research: An Introduction, 8th Edition. Prentice Hall. 3. Frederick S.Hiller, & Gerald J.Lieberman. (2004). Introduction to Operations Research, 8th Edition. Mc-Graw Hill Science. 4. Wayne L. Winston. (1997). Operations Research, 3rd Edition. Duxbury Press. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 89 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN MATEMATIK KEJURUTERAAN IV (STATISTIK KEJURUTERAAN) EFA 2213 ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS IV (STATISTICS) EFA 2213 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: None Course Synopsis This course covers topics from types of data, describing data sets graphically and numerically, discrete and continuous random variables and distributions to building confidence of intervals and hypothesis testing. The course continues with regression and correlation analysis, and design of experiment. This course will focus more on the procedures of the analysis and interpretation of results. Software application is strongly emphasized. Course outcomes Upon completion of this course, students are able to: 1. Apply the basic concepts in probability and statistics to particular distributions. 2. Apply the theoretical foundations to model simple engineering problems. 3. Solve the mathematical models in engineering using various tools and methods together with statistical software in order to interpret the results from the analysis. References 1. Hayter, A. J. (2007). Probability and Statistics for Engneers and Scientists 3rd Edition. Thomson. 2. Montgomery, D. C., Runger, G. C., & Hubele, N. F. (2004). Engineering Statistics 3rd Edition. New York: John Wiley & Sons. 3. Mohd Daud, Z. et al. (2005). Statistics Workbook for Sciences and Engineering. Jabatan Matematik, Fakulti Sains, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. 90 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN PENGATURCARAAN KOMPUTER I (C dan C++) EFC 1103 COMPUTING I (C AND C++) EFC 1103 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course introduces students to basic principal of programming concept and programming structure in C++. It covers introduction, algorithm, primitive data type and operation, selection statements, loops, functions, array and programming laboratory exercises. Course outcomes By the end of the subject, students are able to: 1. Understand and identify basic concepts of a high level programming language using C++ correctly. 2. Demonstrate and apply their knowledge with the basic notions and techniques to develop the algorithm and basic C++ programming language. 3. Analyse a simple C++ programming problem specification 4. Write and design a program which maps to C++ programming correctly and effectively. References 1. Liang Y.D, (2007). Introduction to Programming With C++, Pearson International Edition. 2. D.S Malik, (2009). C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design. 4th Edition. Course Technology Cengage Learning. 3. Forouzan B. A. & Gilberg R.F,(2006). Computer Science: A Structured Programming Approach Using C++. Brooks/Cole Thomson Learning. 4. Timothy B. D’Orazio, (2009). Programming in C++: Lesson and Applications. McGraw Hill. 5. H.M. Deitel & P. J. Deitel, C++ How to Program. Prentice Hall. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 91 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN PENGKOMPUTERAN II (KAEDAH BERANGKA) EFC 1203 COMPUTING II (NUMERICAL METHODS AND ENGINEERING SOFTWARES) EFC 1203 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course introduces general-purpose numerical methods concepts for solving problems in engineering. Students should develop an understanding of the strengths and limitations of standard numerical techniques applied to problems in engineering, such roots of nonlinear equations, systems of linear equations, regression and interpolation, numerical differentiation and integration and ordinary differential equation. MATLAB commands will be introduced to solve numerical problems. Course outcomes Upon completion of this course, students are able to: 1. Relate their knowledge on the theoretical foundations of the most common numerical methods with engineering environment. 2. Apply the theoretical foundations of the knowledge to model pertaining to related engineering problems. 3. Analyse the mathematical models in engineering using various methods and tools in order to interpret the results from the analysis. References 1. Rao,S.S. (2002). Applied Numerical Methods for Engineers and Scientists. Prentice-Hall. 2. Richard L. Burden, & John Douglass Faires. (2005). Numerical Analysis, 8th Edition. Thomson Brooks/Cole. 3. Steven C. Chapra. (2008). Applied Numerical Methods with MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists, 2nd Edition. McGraw-Hill. 4. Steven C. Chapra, & Raymond P. Canale. (2006). Numerical Methods for Engineers, 5nd Edition, McGraw-Hill. 92 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN JABATAN KEJURUTERAAN AWAM BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI 2014/2015 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN SENARAI KAKITANGAN AKADEMIK PROFESOR Dr. Faisal bin Hj Ali B.Eng. (Hons.)(Civil Eng.)(Uni. of Sheffield), Ph.D. (Uni. of Sheffield) Kol Ir. Dr. Norazman bin Mohamad Nor KAT, ACM, P.Eng, MIEM, FMIBS, SMIACSIT, AAE B.Sc. (Civil & Math)(Texas), M.Sc. (USM), Ph.D. (Cranfield) Ir. Dr. Arazi bin Idrus FIEM, P.Eng, B.Eng. (Hons.)(Civil)(Sheffield,UK), M.Sc. (Cranfield University),Ph.D. (Imperial College) PROFESOR MADYA Mohd Asri bin Md Nor B.Sc. (Hons.)(Civil)(Pacific), M.Sc.(UC Davis) Ir. Dr. Mohammed Alias bin Yusof P.Eng MIEM, MCSM, FMIBS, AAE, IExpE Dip. Civil (UTM), B.Eng. (Hons.)(Civil)(UTM), M.Sc.(UiTM), Ph.D. (NDUM) Kapt Ir. Neza bin Ismail (B) P.Eng* Dip. Civil (UTM), B.Eng. (Civil)(UTM), M.Sc.(UTM) PENSYARAH KANAN Ng Choy Peng B.Eng.(Hons.)(Civil)(UPM), M.Sc. (UPM) Muhamad Azani bin Yahya B.Eng. (Hons.)(Civil)(UTM), M.Sc. (USM) PENSYARAH Zulkifli bin Abu Hassan Dip. Civil (UiTM), B.Eng. (Hons.)(Civil) (UiTM), M.Sc. (UiTM) Mohd Nazrin bin Mohd Daud B.Eng. (Hons.)(Civil)(KUiTTHO), M.Eng. (UTHM) Noor Aina Binti Misnon* B.Eng. (Hons.)(Civil)(UTM), M.Sc. (UPM) 94 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Awam Siti Khadijah binti Che Osmi* Dip. Civil (UiTM), B.Eng. (Hons.)(Civil)(UiTM), M.Sc. (UniS) Aniza Binti Ibrahim MCSM B.Eng. (Hons.)(Civil)UiTM), M.Sc.(Virginia Tech) Suriyadi bin Sojipto B.Eng. (Hons)(Civil)(UTM), M.Eng. (UKM) Jestin Bt Jelani* B.Eng. (Hons.)(Civil)(UTHM), M.Eng. (UTHM) Hapsa binti Husen B.Eng. (Hons.)(Civil)(UiTM), M.Sc. (USM) Zuliziana binti Suif* B.Eng. (Hons.)(Civil)(UTM), M.Eng. (UTM) Nordila binti Ahmad* B.Eng. (Hons.)(Civil)(UTM), M.Eng.(UTM) Faridah Hanim binti Khairuddin B.Eng. (Civil)(UTM), M.Sc. (UPM) PENSYARAH MUDA Maidiana binti Othman* B.Eng. (Civil)(UiTM), M.Eng. (University of Porthsmouth) * Cuti Belajar UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 95 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN SARJANA MUDA KEJURUTERAAN AWAM (ZK01) STRUKTUR PROGRAM DAN JUMLAH KREDIT KEPERLUAN PROGRAM Program Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan Awam (ZK01) Jumlah keperluan kredit yang perlu dipenuhi untuk bergraduat adalah seperti mana jadual di bawah dan tempoh pengajian yang perlu diikuti adalah lapan (8) semester lazim. Pecahan kursus yang perlu diambil adalah seperti berikut: KURSUS KREDIT Kursus Universiti: i. Kursus Teras Universiti ii. Elektif Universiti 24 6 Kursus Teras Program: i. Teras Program ii. Teras Fakulti 80 18 Kursus Elektif Program 4 JUMLAH KREDIT UNTUK BERGRADUAT 132 KURSUS TERAS PROGRAM Senarai Kursus Teras Program Yang Perlu Dipenuhi (80 Kredit): CODE 96 COURSE CREDIT ECB 1113 Applied Mechanics 3 ECB 1213 Mechanics of Materials 3 ECB 1223 Fluid Mechanics 3 ECB 1253 Construction Materials and Technology 3 ECB 1232 Engineering Geology 2 ECB 2113 Mechanics of Structures 3 ECB 2123 Engineering Hydrology 3 ECB 2152 Graphics and Engineering Drawings 2 ECB 2213 Structural Analysis 3 ECB 2223 Water Supply and Sewerage 3 ECB 2232 Soil Mechanics 2 ECB 2243 Geomatics 3 ECB 3113 Reinforced Concrete Design I 3 ECB 3133 Geotechnics 3 ECB 3143 Highway Engineering 3 ECB 3152 Civil Engineering Project Management 2 ECB 3213 Reinforced Concrete Design II 3 ECB 3223 Hydraulics 3 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Awam CODE COURSE CREDIT ECB 3243 Transportation Engineering 3 ECB 3354 Industrial Training 4 ECB 3233 Foundation Engineering 3 ECB 4113 Steel and Timber Structures Design 3 ECB 4123 Environmental Engineering 3 ECB 4162 Infrastructure Design Project (Capstone I) 2 ECB 4192 Final Year Project I 2 ECB 4152 Engineers in Society 2 ECB 4252 Engineering Contract, Estimation and Economics 2 ECB 4262 Structural Design Project (Capstone II) 2 ECB 4294 Final Year Project II 4 KURSUS ELEKTIF PROGRAM Senarai Kursus Elektif Program (4 Kredit): CODE COURSE CREDIT ECB 5112 Introduction to Bridge Engineering 2 ECB 5122 Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Contamination 2 ECB 5152 Advanced Construction Materials and Technology For Military Application 2 ECB 5162 Engineers in Humanitarian and Disaster Relief Mission 2 ECB 5212 Structure Subject to Blast 2 ECB 5252 Damage Assesment, Repair and Maintenance of Concrete Structures 2 UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 97 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN STRUKTUR KURIKULUM PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA KEJURUTERAAN AWAM (ZK01) TAHUN PERTAMA SEMESTER 1 Code Course SEMESTER 2 Credit PreRequsite Code Course Credit PreRequsite TERAS UNIVERSITI LAN2012 Nationhood in World Politics 2 - DUS2072 Military Law and Laws of Armed Conflict 2 - LAN1012 Islamic and Asian Civilizations 2 - LAN1032 Ethnic Relation 2 - LEL1012 English for Academic Writing 2 - DUM2062 Effective Leadership 2 - PSK1012 Human Movement Science 2 - Latihan Ketenteraan Umum / PALAPES 1 - Engineering Mathematics II (Differential Equation) 3 - ELEKTIF UNIVERSITI ALK1011/ PLS1011 Latihan Ketenteraan Umum / PALAPES EFA1103 Engineering Mathematics I (Calculus III) 3 EFC1103 Computing I (C and C++) 3 1 - ALK1021/ PLS1021 TERAS FAKULTI - EFA1203 TERAS PROGRAM ECB1113 TOTAL 98 Applied Mechanics 3 18 - ECB1213 Mechanics of Materials 3 ECB 1113 ECB1223 Fluid Mechanics 3 - ECB1253 Construction Materials and Technology 3 - TOTAL BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 19 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Awam TAHUN KEDUA SEMESTER 3 SEMESTER 4 Credit PreRequsite Code Course DUS2022 Introduction to Strategic Studies 2 - LAN1042 Basic Entrepreneurship 2 - Course Credit PreRequsite DUS1062 Military History 2 - LEL1022 English for Oral Communication 2 - Latihan Ketenteraan Umum / PALAPES 1 - Code TERAS UNIVERSITI ELEKTIF UNIVERSITI ALK2011/ PLS2011 Latihan Ketenteraan Umum / PALAPES 1 - ALK2021/ PLS2021 TERAS FAKULTI EFA2203 Engineering Mathematics IIIB (Operations Research and Computer Information Systems) 3 ECB1232 Engineering Geology 2 - ECB2213 Structural Analysis 3 ECB 2113 ECB2113 Mechanics of Structures 3 ECB1213 ECB2223 Water Supply and Sewerage 3 - ECB2123 Engineering Hydrology 3 - ECB2232 Soil Mechanics 2 - *ECB2152 Graphics and Engineering Drawings 2 - *ECB2243 Geomatics 3 - - TERAS PROGRAM TOTAL 18 TOTAL 16 *Ditawarkan pada kedua-dua semester UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 99 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN TAHUN KETIGA SEMESTER 5 SEMESTER 6 Code Course Credit LFL1XX1 Foreign Language I 1 PreRequsite Course Credit PreRequsite Foreign Language II 1 - ALK3011/ PLS3011 Latihan Ketenteraan Umum / PALAPES 1 - QKS3621/ PLS3021 Tempur Tanpa Senjata / PALAPES 1 - Engineering Mathematics IV (Statistics) 3 - Reinforced Concrete Design II 3 ECB3113 Code TERAS UNIVERSITI - LFL1XX1 ELEKTIF UNIVERSITI TERAS FAKULTI EFC1203 Computing II (Numerical Methods and Engineering Softwares) ECB3113 Reinforced Concrete Design I 3 ECB2113 ECB3213 ECB3133 Geotechnics 3 ECB2233 ECB3223 Hydraulics 3 ECB1223 ECB3143 Highway Engineering 3 - ECB3243 Transportation Engineering 3 - ECB3152 Civil Engineering Project Management 2 - 3 - EFA2213 TERAS PROGRAM TOTAL 15 TOTAL 15 TAHUN KETIGA INTER - SESI Code Course ECB 3354 Industrial Training TOTAL Credit PreRequsite 4 * 4 * Memenuhi 60 jam kredit lulus 100 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Awam TAHUN KEEMPAT SEMESTER 7 SEMESTER 8 Code Course Credit PreRequsite ECB3233 Foundation Engineering 3 ECB3133 ECB4113 Steel and Timber Structures Design 3 ECB2113 ECB4123 Environmental Engineering ECB4162 ECB4192 Code PreRequsite Course Credit ECB4152 Engineers in Society 2 ECB4252 Engineering Contract, Estimation and Economics 2 3 ECB4262 Structural Design Project (Capstone II) 2 ECB 3213 ECB 4113 Infrastructure Design Project (Capstone I) 2 ECB4294 Final Year Project II 4 ECB 4192 Final Year Project I 2 Elective II 2 TERAS PROGRAM ** ELEKTIF PROGRAM ECB5XX2 TOTAL Elective I 2 ECB5XX2 15 TOTAL 12 ** Memenuhi 80 jam kredit lulus bagi Teras Fakulti dan Teras Program UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 101 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN SINOPSIS KURSUS TERAS PROGRAM PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA KEJURUTERAAN AWAM (ZK01) MEKANIK GUNAAN ECB 1113 APPLIED MECHANICS ECB 1113 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This is a core subject for Civil Engineering students taken in the first year of their programme. It is a continuation of Physics course taken in Foundation Year. Generally, this course is divided into two parts; Static and Dynamic. Static deals with equilibrium of bodies at rest or moving with constant velocity. Students will expose to resolution of forces, equilibrium of a particle, and rigid bodies, centre of gravity and moment of inertia of an area. Meanwhile, in Dynamic students will explore the accelerated motion of bodies including kinematics and kinetics of particles and rigid bodies. Kinematic of particles is including relationship between displacement, velocity and acceleration against time. On the other hand, Kinetic of particles will expose the concepts of force and acceleration, energy and work and impulse and momentum. Course Outcomes Upon completion of this course, students are able to: 1. Define and formulate the state of equilibrium of a particle and a rigid body and use the equations of equilibrium to solve problems involving the equilibrium of a particle and of a rigid body applying the concepts of resultant and resolution of forces and the concept of moment of a force and moment of a couple. 2. Analyse effect of friction and to calculate the centre of gravity and centroid of a body, and the moment of inertia of an area. 3. State and describe the relationships between displacement, velocity and acceleration against time and able to use such relationships to solve problems involving motions of a particle. Able to apply Newton’s second law of motion to establish relationship between force and acceleration, and can utilized principle of work and energy, and the principle of impulse and momentum to solve problems involving kinetics of particle. References 1. Hibbeler, R. C. (2010). Engineering Mechanics Statics. 12th Ed. SI. Singapore: Prentice Hall. 2. Hibbeler, R.C. (2010). Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics. S.I. Edition. 12th Ed. Singapore: Prentice Hall. 3. Meriam J.L. & L. G. Kraige (2008). Engineering Mechanics, Vol 1: Statics, 6th Ed. Canada: John Wiley & Sons. 4. Meriam J.L. & L.G. Kraige. (2008). Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics. S.I. Edition. John Wiley & Sons. 102 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Awam MEKANIK BAHAN ECB 1213 MECHANICS OF MATERIALS ECB 1213 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Passed Applied Mechanics (ECB 1113) Course Synopsis This is core course of Civil Engineering programme. In this course, students will be introduced to the principle of stress and strain occurred when a various type of external and internal load applied within a rigid body extend to members or elements. Further, students will be exposed to the various method to determine the displacement and transformation of stress and strain. Finally students will be taught on critical load for buckling column. Course Outcomes Upon completion of this course, students are able to: 1. Identify the appropriate formulae to calculate the stress in an uniformly loaded specimen for the following loading configurations: uniaxial tension and compression; torsional loading; direct shear; and bending under statically determine conditions. 2. Determine internal load distributions and draw bending moment diagrammes and torque position diagrammes for beams and shafts with step change in cross-section. 3. Determine displacement and strain in members with step changes in loading and/or radius given the loading and modulus or loading and stress-strain curve. Students will be able to calculate these displacements for uniaxial tension and compression; torsion. 4. Transform the state of stress at a point in a material to determine principal stresses; maximum shear stress and the orientation of the stress element. 5. Calculate the critical load for the buckling of a pin supported column and determine if the failure mode is compression or buckling. References 1. Hibbeler, R. C. (2010). Mechanics of Materials. 8th Ed. SI. Singapore: Prentice Hall. 2. Hibbeler, R. C. (2010). Engineering Mechanics Statics. 12th Ed. SI. Singapore: Prentice Hall. 3. Ferdinand P. Beer, E Russell Johnston Jr., & John T. De Wolf. (2002). Mechanics of Materials.3rd Edition: Mc Graw-Hill International Edition. 4. James M. Gere (2000). Mechanics of Materials. 5th Edition: Brooks/Cole Thomson Learning. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 103 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN MEKANIK BENDALIR ECB 1223 FLUID MECHANICS ECB 1223 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course will enable students to understand the fundamental of fluid mechanics in civil Engineering, including fluid static and kinematics. The course also focuses on momentum equation of fluid and its application. Other than that, student will be exposed to the analysis of pipe flow which consist of flow classification and losses in a pipeline system. At the end of this course, student will be able to analyse pipe network system including with the application of pump in the pipeline system. Course Outcomes Upon completion of this course, students are able to: 1. Identify and describe some Fluid Mechanics theories. 2. Identify and analyse solutions to problems related to Fluid Mechanics. 3. Describe, utilize, and solve problem related to steady flow in pipe networks using quantity balance and head balance methods. 4. Describe, utilize, and solve problem of pumping system. 5. Design and handle laboratory work. Collect, analyse and interpret data. Report laboratory work in fluid mechanics. References 1. Yunus, A. C., & John M. Cimbala, (2006). Fluid Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications, Mc Graw Hill. 2. Fatimah, M. N., Faridah, J. S., & G. K. Goh (1991). Mekanik Bendalir Untuk Kejuruteraan Awam. UTM, Johor: Unit Penerbitan Akademik. 3. E. John Finnermore, & Joseph B. Franzini, (2006). Fluid Mechanics with Engineering Application, Tenth Edition, McGrawHill. 4. Anthony Esposito (1998). Fluid Mechanics with Applications, Prentice Hall. 104 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Awam BAHAN DAN TEKNOLOGI PEMBINAAN ECB 1253 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY ECB 1253 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course is divided into two parts. The first part will address the types of materials used in the construction industry, meanwhile the second part will expose the element of conceptual design and construction technology. This course also provides students the knowledge and understanding of the principles, concepts and processes of constructing a building. Course Outcomes Upon completion of this course, students are able to: 1. Recognize the characteristics and properties of different types of construction materials. 2. Explain and identify the usage and application of different types of construction materials in construction industry. 3. Understand site layout, temporary facilities, construction plants and machineries used in the construction sites. 4. List and describe the type of foundation, scaffolding, retaining wall ,and formworks used in construction sites. References 1. Marotta, Theodore W., Basic Construction Materials, Seventh Edition, Pearson Prentice Hall: New Jersey, 2005. 2. Chudley . R. Advanced Construction Technology, 3Rd Edition . Kuala Lumpur ; Addison Wesley Longman Limited , 2002. 3. Neville A.M. & Brook J.J. Concrete Technology. Longman. 1990. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 105 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN KEJURUTERAAN GEOLOGI ECB 1232 ENGINEERING GEOLOGY ECB 1232 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This is a fundamental subject that will expose students in understanding of earth formation and discussing on relationship between geology and civil engineering. The topics covered includes mineral and rock properties, along with the process of earth and soil formation. Rocks classification and distribution on earth surface and subsurface will also be discussed accordingly. Geological exploration will also be exposed in general approach. Other than that, it will discuss geological factors that tend to affect certain engineering project as a whole. Course Outcomes Upon completion of this course, students are able to: 1. Describe the fundamental concept of earth formation, relationship between geology and civil engineering. 2. Define the function and distribution of ground water and superficial deposit. 3. Describe underground and subsurface rock distributions. 4. Describe geological exploration and geologic factors in civil engineering study. References 1. McLean, A. C. (1985).Geology for Civil Engineer. E & F N Spon, London. 2. Physical Geology 14th Edition (International Edition)by Charles (Carlos) Plummer, Diane Carlson, Lisa Hammersley, 2013, McGraw-Hill , New York. 3. Exploring Geology 3rd Edition (International Edition) by Stephen Reynolds, Julia Johnson, Paul Morin, Chuck Carter, 2013, McGraw-Hill , New York. 106 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Awam MEKANIK STRUKTUR ECB 2113 MECHANICS OF STRUCTURES ECB 2113 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Passed Mechanics of Materials (ECB 1213) Course Synopsis This is a core subject. It will expose the students to the mechanics of structures and fundamental of structural analysis. The topics covered include introduction to structures and loads, analysis of statically determinate structures and trusses, analysis of cables and arches, influence lines, analysis of statically indeterminate structures, analyse deflection and displacement using various methods. Course Outcomes Upon completion of this course, students are able to: 1. Identify determinacy and stability of structures. Further, analyse statically determinate structures including internal loadings in structural members. 2. Analyse cables and arches, and influence line for statically determinate structures. 3. Analyse statically indeterminate trusses, beam or frame using double integration method, geometrical methods, virtual work method, slope and deflection equations, and moment distribution methods. References 1. Hibbeler, R. C. (2010). Structural Analysis. 6th Ed. SI. Singapore: Prentice Hall. 2. Meriam J.L. & L.G. Kraige. (2003). Engineering Mechanics: Static. S.I. Edition. John Wiley & Sons. 3. Beer, F. P. & Johnson, E. R. (1990). Vector Mechanics For Engineers: Static and Dynamics. Singapore: McGraw Hill. 4. Beer, F. P., E. R. Johnston & E. R. Eisenberg (2004). Vector Mechanics For Engineers: Statics, 7th Ed (Int.). New York: McGraw Hill. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 107 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN HIDROLOGI KEJURUTERAAN ECB 2123 ENGINEERING HYDROLOGY ECB 2123 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course emphasises hydrology and its application in the field of engineering especially those related to water resources. Interdisciplinary aspects of hydrology that will be introduced and discussed are the understanding of the hydrological processes. These processes are precipitation, evaporation, transpiration, surface runoff, infiltration and interception. Some processes will be discussed in more detail as compared to the others. An introduction to flood estimation will be highlighted together with the basic analysis and concept design in accordance to local guideline of Urban Storm water Management Manual for Malaysia (MSMA). Frequency analysis is the final topic to be discussed in this subject. A brief introduction to the hydrological modelling processes will be introduced as a basic requirement to the understanding to the empirical and numerical modelling concepts. Course Outcomes Upon completion of this course, students are able to: 1. Describe the basic concepts of hydrological cycle, river basin and application of the water balance. 2. Apply the techniques, skills and use various hydrological data such as rainfall data, river flow measurement data and hydrological losses data. 3. Conceptualize, develop and able to solve hydrological problem such as flood routing, hydrograph analysis, Modified Rational Method, and frequency analysis. 4. Associate the course content to the present hydrologic design Guidelines; Hydrological Procedures (HP) and Urban Storm water Management Manual for Malaysia (MSMA). 5. Work in a team or individually to solve problems and produce written report. References 1. Martin, W., Robert, K., & Ron, E., (1997). HYDROLOGY: Water Quantity and Quality Control. 2nd Edition. Jon Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2. Victor M. P., (1989). ENGINEERING HYDROLOGY: Principles and Practices. Prentice-Hall, Inc. 3. David C., (2006). Water-Resources Engineering. 2nd Edition. Pearson Education, Inc. 4. Ayob K. Zulkifli Y. & Kawi B., (2007). Hidrologi Asas. Pearson Prentice Hall. 108 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Awam LUKISAN KEJURUTERAAN ECB 2152 GRAPHICS AND ENGINEERING DRAWINGS ECB 2152 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course will expose students to knowledge and understanding of fundamental technical drawing. It will cover basic principles of technical drawing such as dimension, scale, type of lines and also orthographic and isometric drawings, and also introduction to computer aided drawing software. Students will also be introduced to architectural and structural drawings so that they will be able to draw, interpret and understand construction and engineering drawings. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Appreciate technical drawing rules and apply the knowledge using technical drawing instrument. 2. Project and visualize orthographic views, isometric views and oblique views of different objects of various shapes, using technical drawing rules and principles. 3. Comprehend and produce architectural and structural drawing. 4. Work in a group and carry out both architectural and structural drawing project. References 1. Elsheikh, Ahmed. Introduction to Drawing for Civil Engineers. 1995. McGraw-Hill International. 2. David L. Goetsch. Structural Drafting. 1994. Delmar Publisher Inc. 3. Mark W. Huth. Understanding Construction Drawing. 2005. Thomson Delmar Learning. 4. Yarwood, A. Introduction to AUTOCAD 2008-2D and 3D Design. 2007. Elsevier Ltd. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 109 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN ANALISIS STRUKTUR ECB 2213 STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS ECB 2213 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Passed Mechanics of Structures (ECB 2113) Course Synopsis This is a core course which provides a basic understanding to the students on the analysis methods for statically indeterminate structures of beam, frame and truss. These structures can be analysed using flexibility and stiffness matrix approaches. Through this analysis, the reactions, internal shear and moments, deflection, slope and support reaction of the structures can be determined. Besides, this course also covers the fundamental of plastic analysis method for both beam and frame structures. In addition, students also will be introduced to finite element method and experienced to analysing various types of structures by using several computer software such as STAAD.Pro V8i and Prokon. Course Outcomes Upon completion of this course, students are able to: 1. Define and explain the significance of structural analysis in the Civil Engineering context. 2. Analyse beams, frames and trusses using Flexibility method. 3. Analyse beams, frames and trusses using Stiffness method. 4. Analyse beams and frames using Plastic analysis method. 5. Apply the fundamental Finite Elements Method and analyse the structures using computer software. References 1. Aslam Kassimali (2011). Structural Analysis 4th Edition. SI Edition. CENGAGE Learning. 2. R. C. Hibbler (2009). Structural Analysis 7th Edition in SI Units. Prentice Hall. 3. Yusof Ahmad (2004). Teori Struktur. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai, Johor Darul Takzim, Malaysia. 4. Daryl L. Logan (2007). A First Course in the Finite Element Method 4th Edition. International Student Edition. Thomson. 110 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Awam BEKALAN AIR DAN PEMBETUNGAN ECB 2223 WATER SUPPLY AND SEWERAGE ECB 2223 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This subject consists of two main branches in Civil Engineering; water supply and sewerage. Water supply consists of hydrologic cycle, water resources determination, water intake, water treatment processes, water quality control and disinfection, and water distribution system. Sewerage consists of wastewater management related regulations, wastewater properties and effects to environment, sewer systems and removal of suspended matter, dissolved organic matter and colloid using physical, chemical and biological processes. It also includes the removal of nutrients and sludge management. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Understand and describe the basic concepts of chemistry and microbiology related to water supply and sewerage treatment technology. 2. Apply and distinguish the methods commonly used in treating water supply and sewerage. 3. Calculate and design systems of unit operations of water supply and sewerage to achieve the required treatment. 4. Design and handle laboratory work. Collect, analyse and interpret data. Report laboratory work in water supply and sewerage treatment. References 1. Davis, M. L. and Cornwell, D. A. (2013). Introduction to Environmental Engineering. 5th ed. McGraw Hill. 2. American Water Works Association/American of Society of Civil Engineer (1998). Water Treatment Plant Design. 3rd Ed. McGraw Hill. 3. Hammer, M.J., (1996): Water and Wastewater Technology. 3rd Ed. Prentice-Hall Inc. 4. Malaysian Water Association (1998). Guideline for Developers: Volume 1: Sewerage Policy for New Development Volume 2: Sewerage Works Procedure Volume 3: Sewer Networks and Pumping Stations Volume 4: Sewage Treatment Plants Volume 5: Septic Tanks UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 111 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN MEKANIK TANAH ECB 2232 SOIL MECHANICS ECB 2232 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course is one of the core engineering subjects that will provide solid fundamental knowledge to students about properties and behaviour of soils for geotechnical engineering practice. Topics for the subject are engineering properties of soil, water in soil, shear strength of soil and stresses in soil mass. Students are also required to carry out compulsory laboratory test besides attending lectures and tutorials class. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Describe the fundamental characteristic of soil such as particle size, distribution and classification, soil composition and relationship, and plasticity. 2. Describe the effect of capillarity in soil, permeability, seepage and solve the problem related to the flow net in a dam structure. 3. Define shear strength of soil, and determine shear strength parameters of soil. 4. Utilise and apply suitable techniques to calculate soil stresses in a soil mass. References 1. Das, B. M., (2010). Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering Seventh Edition, Cencage Learning. 2. J.N. Cernica, (1995), Geotechnical Engineering: Soil Mechanics, John Wiley & Sons. 3. Craig, R. F. (2004). Soil Mechanics. Seventh Edition, Spon Press. 112 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Awam GEOMATIK ECB 2243 GEOMATICS ECB 2243 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course provides the basic theory and practice of surveying to civil engineering students. Methods of establishing horizontal & vertical controls for construction and design are explained and compared. Detailing for producing site plans, area and volume estimations, road curves geometric design are also discussed. Error analysis and adjustment are described. The concept of field survey automation and the usage of software are explained. Common methods of field producers, bookings and reduction of observations are adopted. Since accuracy of survey work is vital in ensuring designs are exactly positioned, students must be able to analyses errors so that standard accuracies are met. At the end of the course students are expected to be able to plan, execute, compute and analyses surveying works involved in establishing horizontal & vertical controls and producing plans for civil engineering applications, perform area calculations and volume estimation for earthwork activities in civil engineering. Students should demonstrate effective communication and good collaborative skills. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Recognise the area of surveying and able to perform calculations and checks for determining heights by levelling, horizontal and vertical angles, traverse coordinates, earthworks quantities and etc. 2. Operate survey equipment such as theodolite, total stations and global positioning system (GPS) for field works with confidence. 3. Conduct field works in a team and function responsively within a team by upholding ethics in decision making. References 1. Uren, J. & W.F Price, 2006. Surveying for Engineers, The Macmillan Press Ltd. & ELBS, London Fourth Edision. 2. McCormac, J.C., 1991. Surveying: Fundamentals, 2nd. Ed., Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. 3. Shepperd, F.A., 1981. Advanced Engineering Surveying – Problem & Solution, Edward Arnold, London. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 113 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN REKABENTUK KONKRIT BERTETULANG I ECB 3113 REINFORCED CONCRETE DESIGN I ECB 3113 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Passed Mechanics Of Structures (ECB 2113) Course Synopsis Reinforced Concrete (RC) Design I is a core civil engineering subject which provides students with the basic theory and design procedures for reinforced concrete structures according to Eurocode 2 (EN 1992). In this course, the syllabus only covers mechanical properties of reinforced concrete, limit state design, analysis of the structure at the ultimate limit state, analysis of the section, shear, torsion, anchorage, curtailment, connections, serviceability, durability and stability. Besides, this course also focuses more on the design of reinforced concrete beams, slabs and columns in various situations. In addition, students have to work in groups and are required to conduct a Reinforced Concrete design project, where they are asked to analyse, design and draw detailed drawing of given structures using manual calculation. This course is a Pre-requisite subject to Reinforced Concrete (RC) Design II. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Elaborate on basic principles of structural analysis and design, mechanical properties of reinforced concrete, limit state design. Also, analyse reinforced concrete structures at ultimate limit state. 2. Analyse the section, shear, and torsion. Also, identify the requirement of anchorage, curtailment and member connections, serviceability, durability and stability. 3. Analyse, design and produce detailed drawing for reinforced concrete beams, slab and columns. 4. Work in a group and carry out project on various reinforced concrete structures. References 1. Mosley, B., Bungey, J., & Hulse, R. 2007. Reinforced Concrete Design to Eurocode 2, 6th Ed. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. 2. Martin, L.H. & Purkiss, J.A. 2006. Concrete Design to EN 1992, 2nd Ed. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann. 3. BS EN 1992-1-1:2004. Eurocode 2: Design of Concrete Structures. Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildingsLondon: BSi. 4. NA to BS EN 1992-1-1:2004. UK National Annex to Eurocode 2: Design of Concrete Structures. London: BSi. 114 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Awam GEOTEKNIK ECB 3133 GEOTECHNICS ECB 3133 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Passed Soil Mechanics (ECB 2233) Course Synopsis This course is one of the core engineering subjects that will provide essential understanding to students on principle knowledge in geotechnical engineering field. Topics for the subject are soil compaction, lateral earth pressure and retaining wall, slope stability and soil compressibility. Students are also required to carry out compulsory laboratory test besides attending lectures and tutorials class. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Describe the fundamental of soil compaction, factors affecting compaction, field and laboratory compaction test and application. 2. Describe and analyse the lateral earth pressure, checking stability of retaining wall structures and applying few methods of analysis. 3. Define concept of slope stability, slope movement and instability, and applying slope stability analysis. 4. Understand compressibility in soil, consolidation and settlement, and apply consolidation concept through understanding on degree and rate of consolidation. References 1. Das, B. M., (2010), Principles of Geotechnical Engineering Seventh Edition, Cengage Learning. 2. J.N. Cernica, (1995), Geotechnical Engineering: Soil Mechanics, John Wiley & Sons 3. Craig, R. F. (2004). Soil Mechanics. Seventh Edition, Spon Press. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 115 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN KEJURUTERAAN LEBUH RAYA ECB 3143 HIGHWAY ENGINEERING ECB 3143 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This is a compulsory course that will expose students to the fundamental theory of Highway Engineering. This course emphasises on highway earthwork, operations and equipment, highway materials, highway drainage, geometric design of roads and furniture, pavement design and highway maintenance and rehabilitation. Students are required to carry out laboratory testing at the highway laboratory besides attending lectures and tutorials. Students are required to write reports on all laboratory testing, analyse and solve problems related to laboratory testing and tutorials. Besides, the students will be exposed to software for road geometric design and they are required to carry out mini projects in groups. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Identify and distinguish highway earthwork, operations and equipment, and solve problems related to earthwork operations. 2. Describe, identify and compare the highway materials and tests. 3. Recognize, compare and classify types of highway drainage. 4. Analyse and design the geometric of roads and furniture. 5. Analyse, design and recommend the structural thickness of flexible pavement using JKR method and rigid pavement using PCA method. References 1. Garber, N.J. & Hoel, L.A. (2010). Traffic and Highway Engineering. SI Ed. Cengage Learning. 2. Arahan Teknik Jalan 5/8 – Manual on Pavement Design. Jabatan Kerja Raya. 3. REAM GM2/2002 – A Guide on Geometric Design of Roads. Road Engineering Association Malaysia. 4. Wright, P.H. & Dixon, K.K. 2004. Highway Engineering. 7th. Ed. John Wiley & Sons. 116 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Awam PENGURUSAN PROJEK KEJURUTERAAN AWAM ECB 3152 CIVIL ENGINEERING PROJECT MANAGEMENT ECB 3152 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course starts with the project management concept, role of project manager and function of project management from inception until completion. The second part of the course will include the usage of tools available in construction management particularly in the application of planning and scheduling technique using Gantt Chart and network technique. The course will also expose the students to the application of scheduling software available in the market. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. General concept of project management principles. 2. Describe project organisation structure. 3. Develop a project work programme using planning tools. References 1. Project Management in Malaysia by Andrew A. L. Tan. 2. Barrie, D.S & Paulson, B.C, Profesional Construction Management, Mc Graw Hill (1999). 3. Harris, F. & Mc Caffer, R, Modern Construction Management, Publishing , London (1995) UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 117 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN REKABENTUK KONRIT BERTETULANG II ECB 3213 REINFORCED CONCRETE DESIGN II ECB 3213 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Passed Reinforced Concrete Design I (ECB 3113) Course Synopsis Reinforced Concrete (RC) Design II is a core civil engineering subject that exposes students to a wider scope of reinforced concrete design. As a continuation to the Reinforced Concrete Design I, this subject covers analysis and design of foundations, staircases, and retaining walls. Furthermore, students will be introduced to basic principles of prestressed concrete and design procedure of composite construction. Students have to work in groups and are required to conduct a Reinforced Concrete design project, where they are asked to analyse, design and draw detailed drawing of a given structures using manual calculation. Students will also be exposed to function and use of Reinforced Concrete design software. This course is a Pre-requisite subject to Structural Design Project (Capstone II). Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Analyse, design and produce detailed drawing for reinforced concrete foundations, staircase and retaining walls. 2. Describe and explain the basic principles of prestressed concrete and design procedures of composite construction. 3. Work in groups and carry out project on various reinforced concrete structures. References 1. Mosley, B., Bungey, J., & Hulse, R. 2007. Reinforced Concrete Design to Eurocode 2, 6th Ed. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. 2. Martin, L.H. & Purkiss, J.A. 2006. Concrete Design to EN 1992, 2nd Ed. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann. 3. BS EN 1992-1-1:2004. Eurocode 2: Design of Concrete Structures. Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildingsLondon: BSi. 118 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Awam HIDRAULIK ECB 3223 HYDRAULICS ECB 3223 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Passed Fluid Mechanics (ECB 1223) Course Synopsis The aim of this course is to give knowledge, understanding and able to design open channel hydraulics (erodible and non-erodible). This course also identifies open channel flow classification, design of channel section dimensions, flow characteristics in open channel, sediment transport. This course also introduces commercial software which is used in open channel design. Course Outcomes Upon completion of this course, students are able to: 1. Describe characteristics of open channel flow and application of various channel design equations in uniform flow. 2. Calculate and define flow profile in non-uniform flow due to control structures in the channel. 3. Identify and calculate the hydraulic jump occurred in the channel. 4. Calculate and evaluate rapidly and gradually varying flow in open channel. 5. Describe and understand concept of sediment transport in open channel and design using computer;s software. 6. Work in a team or individually to solve problems and produce written report. References 1. Hubert Chanson. 2004. Hydraulics of Open Channel Flow. 2nd Edition. ButterworthHeinemann. 2. Terry W. Sturn (2001). Open Channel Hydraulics. Mc Graw Hill- Higher Education. 3. Amat Sairin Demun (1997) Hidraulik Saluran Terbuka Dengan Penggunaan Komputer, Penerbitan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai Johor. 4. Fatimah, M(1996), Hidraulik Kejuruteraan Awam , Teori, Masalah dan Penyelesaian, Penerbitan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai, Johor. (Translation of Featherstone, R.E dan Nalluri, C., Civil Engineering Hydraulics – Essential Theory with Worked Examples). UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 119 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN KEJURUTERAAN PENGANGKUTAN ECB 3243 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING ECB 3243 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This is a compulsory course that will expose students to the fundamental theory of Transportation Engineering. The content of the course gives knowledge, understanding and synthesis in major field of transportation engineering. This course emphasize on traffic engineering studies, traffic flow characteristics, traffic control, traffic management, traffic analysis techniques, transit operation and public transport, parking, transportation safety, transportation system issues and challenges. Students are required to carry out field experiments besides attending lectures and tutorials. Students are required to write reports on all experiments, analyse and solve problems related to experiments and tutorials. Besides, the students are required to carry out mini project in groups. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to:. 1. Recognise and distinguish traffic engineering studies; demonstrate and analyse the traffic flow characteristics. 2. Identify, analyse, design and summarize road traffic control and management system. 3. Describe and express the concept of transit operation; prepare, classify and design the public transport and parking facilities. 4. Express the importance of transportation safety, identify the deficiencies in transportation system and recommend countermeasures to overcome the deficiencies in transportation system. References 1. Garber, N.J. & Hoel, L.A. (2010). Traffic and Highway Engineering. SI Ed. Cengage Learning. 2. Banks, J.H. 2002. Introduction to Transportation Engineering. 2nd Ed. McGraw-Hill. 3. Kutz, M. Handbook of Transportation Engineering. 2004. McGraw-Hill. 4. Wright, P.H. & Ashford, N.J. 1998. Transportation Engineering: Planning & Design. 4th. Ed. New York: John Wiley. 5. Arahan Teknik Jalan 13/87-Manual on a Guide to the Design of Traffic Signal. Jabatan Kerja Raya. 6. REAM GM2/2002 – A Guide on Geometric Design of Roads, Road Engineering Association Malaysia. 120 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Awam LATIHAN INDUSTRI ECB 3354 INDUSTRIAL TRAINING ECB 3354 4 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Passed 60 Credits Hours Course Synopsis Industrial training exposes students to the real work setting in various industries or military units for 10 weeks. The students are placed in industries or military units that best suit their area of studies. It is an experimental learning that requires the students to learn the process and able to apply their knowledge acquired in actual industrial setting. The knowledge acquire during practical training may be used later in final year class as well as to equip them with sufficient knowledge for their job. Course Outcomes Upon completion of this course, students are able to: 1. Experience and gain engineering knowledge, which are required in industry and not taught in the lecture rooms. 2. Apply the engineering knowledge taught in the lecture rooms in real industrial situations. 3. Gain experience on engineering procedural work flow management and implementation, technical report writing in engineering works/projects to face real problems in engineering field. 4. Practise responsibilities and code of ethics as engineers. Reference 1. Industrial Training Guideline. Industrial Training Committee, Faculty of Engineering, UPNM UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 121 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN KEJURUTERAAN ASAS ECB 3233 FOUNDATION ENGINEERING ECB 3233 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Passed Geotechnics (ECB 3133) Course Synopsis In this subject, the application of soil mechanics principles to foundation design will be highlighted. The course covers the following topic: site investigation, shallow foundation, deep foundation, soil dynamic, foundation instrumentations and field testing, and machine foundation. Course Outcomes Upon completion of this course, students are able to: 1. Identify types of foundation system and foundation stability criteria. 2. Evaluate bearing capacity and settlement, pile capacity and settlement, and carry out geotechnical design for foundation work. 3. Propose appropriate instrumentation techniques for assessment of foundation performance. 4. Relate different methods of site investigation for different site conditions. References 1. Bujang Kim Huat, Faisal Hj Ali, Hussaini Omar, Haruant Sigh (2006), Foundation Engineering; Design and construction in tropical soil. Taylor & Francis group. 2. Das, B.M (Sixth ed), Principles of Foundation Engineering, Thomson, California. 3. Tomlinson & Michael, J. (1995), Pile Design and Construction, 6th. Edition. John Wiley and Sons, New York. 4. Bowles, J.E (1996), Foundation Analysis and Design, MacGraw Hill International editions 122 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Awam REKABENTUK STRUKTUR KELULI DAN KAYU ECB 4113 STEEL AND TIMBER STRUCTURES DESIGN ECB 4113 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Passed Mechanics Of Structures (ECB 2113) Course Synopsis This is a core course. It will expose the students to the analysis and design of steel and timber structures. For the steel design, the topics covered include the advantages and the general concepts of steel constructions, analysis and design of restrained and unrestrained beams, design of tension and compression members, columns with axial load, columns with axial load and bending moment, bolt and weld connections. For timber structures, the topics covered include the design of beams, columns, and compression and tension members of truss. Course Outcomes Upon completion of this course, students are able to: 1. Describe the steel and timber design concept and elaborate the advantages and disadvantages of steel and timber structures compare to other types of structure. 2. Analyse actions on structure, calculate design loads and analyse structural elements. 3. Design steel & timber structures, i.e. beams, columns, and connections, using current code of practice. 4. Work in a team, to prepare structural design report, drawing plan and structural element detailing, professionally and ethically, and to present it with standard communication skill. References 1. L.H. Martin & J.A. Purkiss, Structural Design of Steelwork to EN 1993 and EN 1994 3rd Edition, Butterworth-Heinemann, UK, 2008. 2. N.S. Trahair, M.A. Bradford, D.A. Nethercot and L. Gardner, The Behaviour and Design of Steel Structures to EC3 4th Edition, Taylor & Francis, 2009. 3. Mat Lazim Zakaria, Rekabentuk Struktur Kayu menurut MS 544, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka: KL, 1989. 4. British Standard Institution, BS EN 1991-1-1:2002, Eurocode 1– Actions on Structures, BSI, 2002. 5. British Standard Institution, BS EN 1993-1-1:2005, Eurocode 3–Design of Steel Structures- BSI, 2005. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 123 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN KEJURUTERAAN ALAM SEKITAR ECB 4123 ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING ECB 4123 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course covers broad aspects of environmental pollution and control. Students are exposed to subject matters related to water, air and soil pollution. Sources, effects, engineering control measures and related laws and regulations are discussed. Other topics include solid and hazardous waste management, environmental impact assessment and environmental management system. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Identify and discuss on pollutants and their effects to environment especially human. 2. Understand some concepts related to pollutant dispersion and self cleansing of environmental system. 3. Identify and make simple design of pollution control methods or equipment. 4. Understand some of the Malaysian laws and regulations pertaining to environmental pollution control and concepts of environmental impact assessment and environmental management system. References 1. Davis, M.L & Cornwell, D.A, Introduction to Environmental Engineering, 5th Edition, McGraw Hill, (2013). 2. Peavy, H.S, Donald, R.R & George, T, (1985), Environmental Engineering, McGraw Hill, 1985RC & Steel Design. 3. Environmental Quality Act and Regulations (Act 127). 124 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Awam PROJEK REKABENTUK INFRASTRUKTUR (CAPSTONE I) ECB 4162 INFRASTRUCTURE DESIGN PROJECT (CAPSTONE I) ECB 4162 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course is tailored to expose and familiarise students to relevant design code requirements for civil engineering/infrastructure works. The subject focuses on the implementation of infrastructure design and technical report writing of the proposed projects. Working in groups, student will simulate design team effort preparing local authorities submission procedures for approval of infrastructure works. The content of this subject covers basic infrastructure such as earthworks design, road and drainage design, water reticulation design, sewerage reticulation design and environmental management pertaining to impact assessment. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Use code of practice, manual and guidelines to perform earthworks design, sewerage water reticulation design, external water reticulation design, drainage system design and perform EIA report. 2. Work in a project team and produced a technical report on the project. 3. Present information and express idea clearly through oral modes. References 1. 2. 3. 4. Akta Jalan , Parit and Bangunan 1974. Urban Strom Water Management Manual (MASMA), 2001. MWA Design Guideline for water supply system, 1992. Arahan Teknik Jalan. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 125 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN PROJEK TAHUN AKHIR I ECB 4192 FINAL YEAR PROJECT I ECB 4192 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Passed 80 credits of Core Faculty and Core Programme. Course Synopsis All students are required to conduct a final year project for 2 semesters before graduating. Students are required to identify problem(s) related to their project, propose solution to the problem(s), and gather relevant information to solve the problem(s). The Final Year Project I introduces the research methodology to students. Students are required to initiate a research on a selected topic in a systematic manner, conduct intensive literature review, propose solution(s) to the problem (s) and write a project proposal. Students are required to present their project proposal. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Understand, seek and define the research topic, objectives and scope of work. 2. Search information related to research project. 3. Design the project methodology to achieve the expected outcome. 4. Write a proper project proposal report and technical abstract. 5. Present information and express ideas clearly, effectively and confidently through written and oral modes. References Students are expected to find their own reference materials. 126 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Awam JURUTERA DALAM MASYARAKAT ECB 4152 ENGINEERS IN SOCIETY ECB 4152 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course relates to the subject of Engineers in Society. The course first introduces the student with the roles of engineers in Nation Building, followed by their roles in the organization they work and the society they live in. Next, engineering professionalism including familiarity with thw Engineers Act is given. The course then discusses the importance of “Ethics” and the need to adhere to it as well as the expectations of the public towards the engineering profession. At the same time it highlights the issues of integrity and corruption. Finally, the course exposes students with the importance of environmental preservation and safety at work site. Course Outcomes Upon completion of this course, students are able to: 1. Understand the role of engineers in the society and nation they live in. 2. Understand engineering professionalism including the Engineers Act and the route to a professional engineers. 3. Appreciate the importance of environmental preservation and ensuring health and safety in every construction project. 4. Be more responsive on the importance of moral values and the need to adhere to ethics as an engineer. 5. Apply the knowledge in ethics and professionalism to resolve problems and issues they encounter in engineering professionalism. References 1. Arazi Idrus, Shahrin A Sulaiman & Mohd Faris Khamidi.(2010). Engineers in Society . Mc GrawHill, Malaysia. 2. Mike W.Martin Ronald Schinzinger. (2005). Ethics in Engineering. 4th edition : McGraw Hill. 3. Carl Mitham & R.Shannon Duvall.(1999) Engineer’s Toolkit. Prentice Hall. 4. Alastair S.Gunn & P.Aarne Vesilind.(2003). The Engineer’s Responsibility to Society. Thomson & Brooks/Cole UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 127 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN KONTRAK KEJURUTERAAN, PENTAKSIRAN DAN EKONOMI ECB 4252 ENGINEERING CONTRACT, ESTIMATION AND ECONOMICS ECB 4252 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course consists of three parts. The first part will start witah an overview of the construction industry and then expose students to the basic knowledge of construction contracts and its management, types of tender, tendering process, preparation of tender documents, and strategies in tendering. Meanwhile, the second part covers the introduction to the methods of estimating and the preparation of the Bill of Quantities for construction project. The third part will expose students to engineering economics. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Apply the basic knowledge regarding construction tender and contract. 2. Understand cost concept in engineering works. 3. Estimate the cost of building elements and civil engineering works. 4. Do basic calculation in engineering economy. 5. Work in a team or individually to solve problems and produce written report. References 1. Ir. Harbans Singh K.S.(2002).Engineering and construction contracts management precontract award practice. Lexis Nexis. 2. John Murdoch & Will Hughes(1996).Construction contracts laws and management. London E&FN Spon. 3. Ahmad Abdullah & Khairuddin Abd Rashid (2004). Pengukuran Kuantiti Bangunan. 2nd Ed. Pearson Prentice Hall. 4. Pratt, D (2004). Fundamentals of Construction Estimating, 2nd Ed.. Thomson, Delmar Learning. 5. John A White, Kenneth E Case, Davib B Pratt and Marvin H Agee (2000).Principles of Engineering Economics Analysis, 4th Edition. John Wiley. 128 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Awam PROJEK REKABENTUK STRUKTUR (CAPSTONE II) ECB 4262 STRUCTURAL DESIGN PROJECT (CAPSTONE II) ECB 4262 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Passed Reinforced Concrete Design II (ECB 3213); and Steel and Timber Structures Design (ECB 4113) Course Synopsis This course is to provide an understanding and skills in designing civil engineering structures. In this course, students will be trained to work effectively in a team and will be able to carry responsibility for individual task. They will also attend lectures given by industry practitioners to expose themselves to real design practice. Furthermore, students will be trained to produce report and present the project with effective communication skill. The students will either continue the project given from previous Capstone I course project, or start from a new requirement, new sketch, or site visit to a new proposed building project. For Capstone II, students are required to start with preparing the preliminary design concept for a structure. Then to prepare functional and structural layout plan, to analyse and design the structure, and detailing on the structural elements. The students are also required to produce sample take-off sheets, cost estimation and project planning and scheduling. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Prepare structural design concept base on client requirement including preparing functional and structural layout plan. 2. Analyse and design selected structure including drawing and detailing. 3. Produce sample take-off sheets and performed cost estimation. 4. Professionally prepare full report including plan for project implementation. References 1. Martin, L.H. & Purkiss, J.A. 2006. Concrete Design to EN 1992, 2nd Ed. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann. 2. Mosley, B., Bungey, J., & Hulse, R. 2007. Reinforced Concrete Design to Eurocode 2, 6th Ed. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. 3. Hibbeler, R.C. 2006. Structural Analysis. 6th. Edition SI. Singapore: Prentice-Hall. 4. British Standard. 2004. BS EN 1992-1-1:2004, Eurocode 2: Design of Concrete Structures. London: BSi. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 129 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN PROJEK TAHUN AKHIR II ECB 4294 FINAL YEAR PROJECT II ECB 4294 4 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Final Year Project I (ECB 4192) Course Synopsis All students are required to conduct a final year project for 2 semesters before graduating. Students are required to identify problem(s) related to their project, propose solution to the problem(s), and gather relevant information to solve the problem(s). The Final Year Project II is the extension of Final Year Project I. Students are required to complete data collection and analysis, write a dissertation and technical paper. Students are required to present their findings. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Conduct research in a systematic way. 2. Interpret, analyse, discuss and make conclusion based on the research findings. 3. Write a good thesis and technical paper based on the research. 4. Present information and express ideas clearly, effectively and confidently through written and oral modes. References Students are expected to find their own reference materials. 130 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Awam SINOPSIS KURSUS ELEKTIF PROGRAM PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA KEJURUTERAAN AWAM (ZK01) PENGENALAN KEPADA KEJURUTERAAN JAMBATAN ECB 5112 INTRODUCTION TO BRIDGE ENGINEERING ECB 5112 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This elective course introduces students to the basic concepts, theory and procedures for analyzing and designing various bridges’ elements based on several code of practice such as British Standard, and Eurocodes. This syllabus covers topics on introduction to basic function, types and arrangement of bridges, general types of bridge loadings, effects temperature and shrinkage, bridge deck analysis, design of substructure. Furthermore, the students will be exposed to design concepts and construction of prestressed concrete bridge, long span bridges (suspension bridges and cable-stayed bridges) and also other two types of bridges military; portable bridges and floating bridges. Besides, students also have to work in group and are required to conduct a mini design project, where they are asked to analyse, and design a given structures using computer software. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Define and describe the function, types and basic arrangement of bridges, general types of bridge loadings, dan effects temperature and shrinkage. 2. Identify, calculate and analyse the applied loads on bridge deck based on two code of practice which is British Standard, and Eurocodes. Also, analyse, and design bridge substructure such as abutment and pier. 3. Explain design concepts and construction of prestressed concrete bridge, long span bridges (suspension bridges and cable-stayed bridges) and also other two bridges military; portable bridges and floating bridges. 4. Work in a team, seeking contemporary knowledge to prepare bridge design report, drawing plan and bridge element detailing, professionally and ethically, and to present it with standard communication skill. References 1. M Imran Rafiq (2009). Bridge Deck Loading and Analysis. University of Surrey, UK. 2. M Imran Rafiq (2009). Prestressed Concrete Bridge Design. University of Surrey, UK. 3. Ryall, M.J.; Parke, G.A.R. & Harding, J.E. (2001). Manual of Bridge Engineering, Published by Thomas Telford, UK. 4. BS 5400-1:1988. Steel, concrete and composite bridges - Part 1: General statement. London: BSi. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 131 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN PENCEMARAN NUKLEAR, BIOLOGI DAN BAHAN KIMIA ECB 5122 NUCLEAR, BIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL CONTAMINATION ECB 5122 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This is an elective course introducing students to nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) pollution. The pollutants or agents are either planned or accidentally released to the environment. It will discuss on causes and sources, main effects/symptoms of the pollution. It will also discuss on basic methods and procedures of detection, decontamination and protection. Main equipments for detection, protection and decontamination will also be discussed especially for the safety of military personnel or public. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Describe the properties and concepts of how NBC agents affects human and the environment. 2. Explain and utilise the standard procedures of marking contaminated site and identify the decontamination methods and procedures. 3. Identify and solve problems on basic principles of transmission, dissemination and detection of the agents and the factors affecting the spread. 4. Plan strategies and the steps need to be taken during NBC contamination for self and mass protection. References 1. Davis, M.L & Cornwell, D.A, Introduction to Environmental Engineering, 5th Edition, McGraw Hill, (2013). 2. Malaysia Environmental Quality Act and Regulations (Act 127). 3. Woodside, G, Hazardous Materials and Hazardous Waste Management. 4. Yadav, M.S, Nuclear Weapons and Explosions, Environmental Impacts and Other Effect. 132 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Awam BAHAN DAN TEKNOLOGI PEMBINAAN LANJUTAN UNTUK APLIKASI KETENTERAAN ECB 5152 ADVANCED CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY FOR MILITARY APPLICATION ECB 5152 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course is divided into two parts. The first part will address the types of contemporary materials used related to high strength and impact resistance structures, meanwhile the second part will expose the construction technology that’s being used in military applications. This course also provides students the knowledge of rapid construction and elaboration of the role of military civil engineer. Course Outcomes Upon completion of this course, students are able to: 1. Describe the advance building materials being used in military applications. 2. Describe the advanced construction technology being used in military applications. 3. Evaluate the concept of rapid construction. References 1. Advance Construction and Building Technology for Society (2012), International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction, Germany, 2012. 2. Roy Chudley and Roger Greeno (2007). Construction Technology, Pearson. Prentice Hall, United Kingdom. 3. Edward Allen and Joseph Iano (2008). Fundamentals of Building Construction Material and Methods. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 133 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN JURUTERA DALAM MISI KEMANUSIAAN DAN BANTUAN BENCANA ECB 5162 ENGINEERS IN HUMANITARIAN AND DISASTER RELIEF MISSION ECB 5162 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course is an elective course to provide student with the essential knowledge for the humanitarian and disaster relief mission. The knowledge will cover various possible incidents and applicable to any mission for the purpose of disaster and conflict management, to ensure survivability of the population subjected to disasters and challenges. In this course, we will explore the invaluable role played by organisations such as RedR, Engineering Aid and Engineers without Borders, examine the vital role that engineers play when chaos reigns and question what more as a profession we can do to highlight the value of engineering in both the prevention and alleviation of disasters. Course contents will cover collaboration among organisations involved in disaster-relief efforts; the use of information technology to support preparedness, response and recovery tasks; and the emerging role of civil engineers as key first responders to disasters. Course Outcomes Upon completion of this course, students are able to: 1. Describe the function of humanitarian and disaster relief mission. 2. Illustrate the roles of engineers in the mission. 3. Evaluate the roles of engineer in the mission toward achieving the needs of the peoples. 4. Develop sustainable relief and reconstruction plan for the mission. References 1. Cuny, F. C. and R. B. Hill, Famine, Conflict and Response: A Basic Guide. 1999, West Hartford: Kumarian Press. 2. Cuny, F., Disasters and Development. 1983, New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press. 3. Maslow, A. H., A Theory of Human Motivation. Psychology Review 1943, No. p. 370396. 4. Downey, G. L., Are Engineers Losing Control of Technology?: From “Problem Solving” to “Problem Definition and Solution” in Engineering Education. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2005.vol 83, No. A8, p. 1-12. 5. Schneider, J., J. Leydens, and J. Lucena, Where Is ‘Community’? Engineering Education and Sustainable Community Development. European Journal of Engineering Education, 2008.vol 33 No. 3, p. 307-319. 134 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Awam STRUKTUR BAHAN LETUPAN ECB 5212 STRUCTURE SUBJECT TO BLAST ECB 5212 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Sypnosis This course course aim to develop understanding of the explosive law and act in Malaysia, type of military and commercial explosive, explosive storage, safetyand also handling procedure, a review of terrorist attack on building, blast phenomena and also blast effect on structure. Besides, students will aso expose to the various blast mitigation technique and procedures. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Understand explosive related law, typew of explosive and application, explosive storage building, blast loading and also blast effect on structure. 2. Work in a project team to produce a report on blast loading and also effect on the building structure. 3. Present information and express the idea clearly through oral modes. References 1. Smith and Hetherington (1994). Blast and ballistic loading of structures. Oxford : Butterworth-Heinemann. ISBN: 0750620242. 2. Mays and Smith. (1995). Blast effects on buildings : design of building to optimize resistance to blast loading. Thomas Telford. ISBN: 0727720309. 3. Donald O. Dusewnberry (2010). Blast resistance design of building. John Wiley and Sons. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 135 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN PENILAIAN KEROSAKAN, PEMBAIKAN DAN PENYELENGGARAAN STRUKTUR KONKRIT ECB 5252 DAMAGE ASSESSMENT, REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES ECB 5252 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course first introduces students to the subject of concrete durability, and the nature and causes of concrete damage and deterioration. This is followed by methods for structural investigation and damage assessment including the effects on the integrity of the whole structure. Materials and techniques for repair, strengthening, rehabilitation, protection and maintenance are also given. At the end of the course, students are also exposed to the methods of demolition of existing structures. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Acquire basic knowledge of concrete durability and the process of deterioration. 2. Predict the cause of the damage that has occurred to a concrete member and assess the effect on the structure. 3. Select the appropriate technique for repairing damaged concrete and method of maintenance. 4. Describe techniques of demolishing structures using explosives as well as mechanical means. References 1. Mays, G.C. Durability of Concrete Structures: Investigation, Repair and Protection. E FN Spon London. 1992. 2. Repair and Strengthening of Concrete Structures. FIP Guide to Good Practice. Thomas Telford, 1991. 3. Puller-Strecker, P. Corrosion Damaged Concrete: Assessment and Repair. Butterwort for CIRIA, London, 1987. 136 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN JABATAN KEJURUTERAAN ELEKTRIK DAN ELEKTRONIK BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI 2014/2015 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN SENARAI KAKITANGAN PROFESOR Dr. Kaharudin bin Dimyati, MIEEE, MIEICE B.Eng. (Electrical)(UM), Ph.D. (Wales,UK) PROFESOR MADYA Dr. Azizi bin Miskon B.Eng. (EEE)(Kyushu), M.Eng. (Kyushu), Ph.D. (Osaka) Mej Ir. Kamaruddin bin Abdul Ghani (B), P.Eng., MIEM BSEE (Valparaiso, Indiana), MEE (UTM) Ir Nik Ghazali bin Nik Daud, P.Eng., MIEM, MIEEE, MMSET BSEE (Texas at Austin), M.Sc. (UiTM) Dr. Siti Nooraya Binti Mohd Tawil B.Eng. (Microelectronics)(UKM), M.Sc. (UKM), Ph.D. (Osaka) Lt Kol Khairol Amali bin Ahmad* B.Sc. ( West Point), M.Sc. (Cranfield), Master in Mil Arts & Sc. (USA) PENSYARAH KANAN Dr. Asnor Mazuan bin Dato Ishak B.Eng. (Hons.)(EE)(UNITEN), M.Sc. Ph.D. (Strathclyde) Dr. Mohd Taufiq bin Ishak B.Sc. (Hons.)(Electrical )(Uniten), M.Eng. (UMIST, UK), Ph.D. (Manchester, UK) Lt Kol Ir. Shahril bin Ahmad BSEE (Miami), M.Sc. (Cranfield) Syed Mohd Fairuz bin Syed Mohd Dardin* B.Eng. (Hons.)(Electrical-Telecom)(UTM), M.Eng. (UTM) 138 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik PENSYARAH Ahmad Loqman bin Ahmad Marzuki B.Eng. (Mechatronic)(UNiMAP), M.Sc (UPNM) Anis Shahida Niza Bt. Mokhtar B.Eng. (Hons.)(Comm & Comp)(UKM), M.Eng. (UTM) Chew Sue Ping B.Eng. (Hons.)(Electronics & Telecom)(UNIMAS), M.Eng. (UNIMAS) Fakroul Ridzuan B. Hashim B.Eng. (Hons.)(EE)(USM), M.Sc.(USM) Ja’afar B Adnan B.Eng. (Hons.)(EE Telecom)(UTM), M.Eng. (UKM) Kamarul ‘Asyikin bt Mustafa B.Eng. (EE)(Tokyo Inst of Tech, Japan), M.Eng. (UKM) Dr. Mohd Taufik B Jusoh @ Tajudin B.Eng. (Hons.)(Electrical-Telecom)(UTM), M.Eng. (UTM), Ph.D. (Rennes, France) Muhazam bin Mustapha B.Eng. (Hons.)(EE)(USM), M.Eng.Sc. (MMU) Murniati binti Syaripuddin M.Eng. (Electrical)(Sheffield), M.Eng. (UM) Nazatul Shiema binti Moh Nazar Dip. Electrical Eng. (Mechatronics), B.Eng. (Electrical)(UTM), M.Sc. (UTM) Ir. Hj. Pungut bin Hj. Ibrahim Dip. Public Admin (UiTM), B.Eng.(Hons.)(Electrical)(UTM), M.Sc. (Electrical System Engineering)(UniMAP) Suresh a/l Thanakodi B.Eng. (Electrical Power)(UTM), M.Eng. (UTM) Tengku Norliza binti Tengku Mohamad B.Sc. (Electronic & Electrical Eng.)(Widener University), M.Sc. (UKM) Ahmad Shukri bin Abu Hasim* B.Eng. (Hons.)(EE)(UiTM), M.Sc. (UiTM) Akram bin Abdul Azid* B.Eng. (Hons.)(EE)(UKM), M.Sc. (UKM) UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 139 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN Azrena binti Abu Bakar* B.Eng. (Hons.)(Electronics-Computer)(MMU), M.Eng (Manufacturing)(UM) Elya binti Mohd Nor* , MIEEE B.Eng. (Hons.)(EE)(UTP), M.Eng. (UKM) Khadijah binti Ismail* B.Eng. (Hons.)(EE)(UiTM), M.Sc. (UiTM) Mohd Salman bin Mohd Sabri* B.Eng. (EE)(UTM), M.Eng. (UTM) Nazrul Fariq bin Makmor* B.Eng. (Electrical Power)(UTM), M.Eng. (UTM) Nor Laili binti Ismail BEE (Electronics)(Nottingham), MSEE (KUKTEM) Siti Noormiza binti Makhtar* B.Eng. (Hons.)(Biomed Eng.)(UM), M.Eng. (Adelaide) TUTOR Hizrin Dayana binti Mohd Hidzir* B.Eng. (Hons.)(Portsmouth) M.Sc. (Portsmouth) Latifah Sarah binti Supian* B.Eng. (ECE)(USA), M.Eng. (UKM) Muhammad Faiz bin Md Din* B.Eng. (Huddersfield) M.Sc. (Huddersfield) Nurul Sheeda binti Suhaimi* B.Eng. M.Eng. (Ibaraki, Japan) * Cuti belajar 140 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik SARJANA MUDA KEJURUTERAAN ELEKTRIK & ELEKTRONIK (KOMUNIKASI) (ZK25) STRUKTUR PROGRAM DAN JUMLAH KREDIT KEPERLUAN PROGRAM Program Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan Elektrik Dan Elektronik (Komunikasi) (ZK25) Jumlah keperluan kredit yang perlu dipenuhi untuk bergraduat adalah seperti mana jadual di bawah dan tempoh pengajian yang perlu diikuti adalah lapan (8) semester lazim. Pecahan kursus yang perlu diambil adalah seperti berikut: KURSUS KREDIT Kursus Universiti: i. Kursus Teras Universiti ii. Elektif Universiti 24 6 Kursus Teras Program: i. Teras Program ii. Teras Fakulti 80 18 Kursus Elektif Program 4 JUMLAH KREDIT UNTUK BERGRADUAT 132 KURSUS TERAS PROGRAM Senarai Kursus Teras Program Yang Perlu Dipenuhi (80 Kredit): CODE COURSE CREDIT EEE 1202 Engineering Application (Laboratory) 2 EEE 1213 Digital Electronics 3 EEE 1223 Circuit Analysis I 3 EEE 2113 Microprocessor & Microcomputer 3 EEE 2123 Circuit Analysis II 3 EEE 2132 Electrical & Electronic Laboratory I 2 EEE 2213 Analog Electronics & Devices 3 EEE 2223 Measurement & Instrumentation 3 EEE 2233 Signal & System 3 EEE 2242 Electrical and Electronic Engineering Laboratory II 2 EEE 3113 System Design 3 EEE 3123 Analog Circuit and System 3 EEE 3133 Electromagnetic Fields and Waves 3 EEE 3142 Electrical and Electronic Engineering Laboratory III 2 EEE 3132 Introduction to Multimedia Technology & Applications 2 EEE 3213 Control Engineering 3 UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 141 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN CODE COURSE CREDIT EEE 3223 Principles of Communication 3 EEE 3233 Power Systems 3 EEE 3243 Digital Design 3 EEE 3314 Industrial Training 4 EEE 4102 Engineering Management 2 EEE 4142 Final Year Project I 2 EEE 4202 Engineers in Society 2 EEE 4214 Final Year Project II 4 EEC 3243 Digital Communication 3 EEC 4113 Data Communication & Multimedia System 3 EEC 4123 Antenna and Radio Propagation 3 EEC 4133 Computer Architecture & Organization 3 EMM 2322 Engineering Mechanics 2 KURSUS ELEKTIF PROGRAM Senarai Kursus Elektif Program (4 Kredit): 142 CODE COURSE CREDIT EEE 5222 Control System Design 2 EEC 5122 Digital Design for Signal Processing 2 EEC 5212 RF and Microwave Engineering 2 EEC 5222 Wireless and Satellite Communication 2 EEC 5232 Introduction to Radar 2 EEC 5242 Optical Communication System 2 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik STRUKTUR KURIKULUM PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA KEJURUTERAAN ELEKTRIK DAN ELEKTRONIK (KOMUNIKASI) (ZK25) TAHUN PERTAMA SEMESTER 1 Code Course SEMESTER 2 Credit PreRequsite Code Course Credit PreRequsite TERAS UNIVERSITI LAN2012 Nationhood in World Politics 2 - DUS2072 Military Law and Laws of Armed Conflict 2 - LAN1022 Malaysian Nationhood 2 - LAN1032 Ethnic Relation 2 - LEL1012 English For Academic Writing 2 - DUM2062 Effective Leadership 2 - PSK1012 Human Movement Science 2 - Latihan Ketenteraan Umum / PALAPES 1 - Engineering Mathematics II (Differential Equation) 3 - ELEKTIF UNIVERSITI ALK1011/ PLS1011 Latihan Ketenteraan Umum / PALAPES 1 - ALK1021/ PLS1021 TERAS FAKULTI EFA1103 Engineering Mathematics I (Calculus III) 3 - EFC1103 Computing I (C and C++) 3 - EEE1223 Circuit Analysis I 3 - EEE1213 Digital Electronics 3 - EEE1202 Engineering Application (Laboratory) 2 - EEE2123 Circuit Analysis II 3 EEE1223 EEE2223 Measurement and Instrumentation 3 - EFA1203 TERAS PROGRAM TOTAL 20 TOTAL 19 UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 143 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN TAHUN KEDUA SEMESTER 3 SEMESTER 4 PreRequsite Code Course Credit LAN1042 Basic Entrepreneurship 2 - DUS2022 Introduction to Strategic Studies 2 - LEL1022 English for Oral Communication 2 - Course Credit PreRequsite DUS1062 Military History 2 - LFL1XX1 Foreign Language I 1 - Latihan Ketenteraan Umum / PALAPES 1 - EFA2213 Engineering Mathematics IV (Statistics) 3 - EFC1203 Computing II (Numerical Methods and Engineering Softwares) 3 - Code TERAS UNIVERSITI ELEKTIF UNIVERSITI ALK2011/ PLS2011 Latihan Ketenteraan Umum / PALAPES 1 - ALK2021/ PLS2021 TERAS FAKULTI EFA2103 Engineering Mathematics IIIA (Complex Variable and Vector) 3 - TERAS PROGRAM EEE2213 Analog Electronics & Devices 3 EEE2123 EEE3123 Analog Circuit and System 3 EEE 2213 EEE2132 Electrical and Electronic Engineering Laboratory I 2 - EEE2233 Signal & System 3 EEE 2123 EEE2113 Microprocessor & Microcomputer 3 EEE1213 TOTAL 144 18 TOTAL BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 16 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik TAHUN KETIGA SEMESTER 5 SEMESTER 6 Code Course Credit LFL1XX1 Foreign Language II 1 PreRequsite Course Credit PreRequsite ALK3011/ PLS3011 Latihan Ketenteraan Umum / PALAPES 1 - QKS3621/ PLS3021 Tempur Tanpa Senjata / PALAPES 1 - Code TERAS UNIVERSITI ELEKTIF UNIVERSITI TERAS PROGRAM EEE3132 Introduction to Multimedia Technology & Applications 2 - EEC3243 Digital Communication 3 EEE2123 EEE2242 Electrical and Electronic Engineering Laboratory II 2 EEE2132 EEE3142 Electrical and Electronic Engineering Laboratory III 2 EEE2242 EEE3223 Principles of Communication 3 EEE2233 EEC4133 Computer Architecture & Organization 3 EEE2113 EEE3243 Digital Design 3 EEE1213 EEE3113 System Design 3 EEE2213 EEE2113 EEE3133 Electromagnetic Fields and Waves 3 EFA2103 EEE3233 Power Systems 3 EEE2123 TOTAL 14 TOTAL 16 TAHUN KETIGA (SEMESTER 3) Code Course EEE 3314 Industrial Training TOTAL Credit PreRequsite 4 *** 4 *** Memenuhi 60 jam kredit lulus dan lulus EEE 2123 dan EEE 2213 UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 145 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN TAHUN KEEMPAT SEMESTER 7 SEMESTER 8 PreRequsite Course Credit PreRequsite EEE4214 Final Year Project II 4 EEE 4142 EEE3133 EEE4202 Engineers in Society 2 - 3 - EEE4102 Engineering Management 2 - Control Engineering 3 EEE2233 Engineering Mechanics 2 Elective II 2 Rujuk Sinopsis Kursus Code Course Credit EEE4142 Final Year Project I 2 ** EEC4123 Antenna and Radio Propagation 3 EEC4113 Data Communication & Multimedia System EEE3213 EMM2322 Code TERAS PROGRAM ELEKTIF PROGRAM EEC5XX2 TOTAL Elective I 2 15 Rujuk Sinopsis Kursus EEC5XX2 TOTAL ** Memenuhi 90 jam kredit lulus dan lulus kursus EEE 3113 146 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 10 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik SINOPSIS KURSUS TERAS PROGRAM PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA KEJURUTERAAN ELEKTRIK DAN ELEKTRONIK (KOMUNIKASI) (ZK25) MAKMAL APLIKASI KEJURUTERAAN EEE 1202 ENGINEERING APPLICATION (LABORATORY) EEE 1202 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis To give basic knowledge and skills to the students regarding installation, design and connection of electrical and electronics circuits. Also to provide the students the skills of using some common electrical components and measuring instruments normally used in electrical and electronic engineering laboratories. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Classify some common electrical/electronic components and electronic measuring instruments. 2. Describe basic electrical wiring installations and understand the characteristics of some basic electrical devices and electronic components. 3. Perform and communicate effectively about basic electrical/electronic engineering. 4. Work in team, perform and react effectively as a team member or as a leader. References 1. Md. Nasir Abd. Manan, (2004). Panduan Pendawaian Domestik IEEE , Third Edition. ISBN 978-967-950-181-0. 2. Abdul Samad Hanif. Pemasangan Dan Penyenggaraan Elektrik, DBP. 3. Boylested & Nashelsky. Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory. Prentice Hall. 4. Linsley T. (2005). Basic Electrical Installation Work, 4th ed. Newnes. 5. Theraja, B.L., & Theraja, A.K. (2004). A Textbook of Electrical Technology. S Chand & Co Ltd. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 147 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN ELEKTRONIK DIGIT EEE 1213 DIGITAL ELECTRONICS EEE 1213 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course exposes students to the fundamental of digital electronics field. The advantages and disadvantages of digital and analog will be discussed. Aside from that, number and code systems, combinational logic elements and sequence basics will also be covered. Emphasis will be put on output equation generation and truth table for realization using design and minimization techniques. The rationale behind the minimization will be discussed and further elaborated. This course will also be focusing on designing simple combinational and sequential logic circuits, arithmetic logic circuits, analysis and synthesis of combinational circuits designed by traditional methods, as well as some introductions to ECAD. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Know and understanding of combinational and sequential fundamental circuit. 2. Solve problem involving analysis and synthesis of combinational and sequential fundamental circuit. 3. Gain, knowledge and experience surface level hands-on skill on ECAD based design of digital circuits. References 1. Thomas L. Floyd. (2009). Digital Fundamental, 10th Edition. Pearson. Reid, K. & Dueck R. (2008). Introduction to Digital Electronics. Thomson. 2. Katz R.H. (2006). Contemporary Logic Design, 2nd Edition. Pearson. 3. Brown S. & Vranesic Z. (2008). Fundamentals of Digital Logic with Verilog Design, 2nd Edition. McGraw Hill. 4. Brown S. & Vranesic Z. (2008). Fundamentals of Digital Logic with VHDL Design, 2nd Edition. McGraw Hill. 148 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik ANALISIS LITAR I EEE 1223 CIRCUIT ANALYSIS I EEE 1223 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This subject is designed to expose students to the fundamental of electric circuits, and equip the learner with tools to analyse basic electric circuits. This unit emphasises on circuits with components such as resistors, capacitors and inductors in direct current (DC) domain only. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Identify Circuit Elements and Circuitry Connections. 2. Analyse DC Circuit for Pure Resistive Load. 3. Analyse DC Circuit for Resistive, Inductive and Capacitive Load. References 1. 2. 3. 4. Alexander & Sadiku. Fundamentals of Electric Circuits. McGraw Hill. Nilsson & Riedel. Electrical Circuit, Addison Wesley Reading. Massachusets. Dorf & Svoboda. Introduction to Electric Circuits. McGraw Hill. De Carlo & Lin. Linear Circuit Analysis: Time Domain, Phasor, and Laplace Transform Approach. Prentice Hall. 5. Hayt, W.H., Kemmerly, J.E., & Durbin, S.M. Engineering Circuit Analysis. McGraw Hill. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 149 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN MIKROPEMPROSES & MIKROKOMPUTER EEE 2113 MICROPROCESSOR & MICROCOMPUTER EEE 2113 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Digital Electronics EEE 1213 Course Synopsis This course introduces the students the basic principles and applications of microprocessor. This course emphasises on understanding the fundamentals of microprocessor operation. It also develops skills in writing coherent and error-free assembly language programs. Finally, it provides students with experience on designing basic interfracing circuits using microprocessor. This course provides a systems-level understanding of the 80X86 microcomputer and its hardware and software. Equal emphasis is given to both assembly language software and system architectural design. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Explain computer’s system and architecture. 2. Programme using assembly language. 3. Describe and interface the programme serial and parallel peripherals. 4. Design a basic microcontroller-embedded system. 5. Summarise the system architectural for Intel family microprocessor. References 1. Walter A. T. , & Avtar S. (2002). The 8088 and 8086 Microprocessors: Programming, Interfacing, Software, Hardware and Applications (4th Edition). Prentice Hall. 2. Brey B.B. (2008). Intel Microprocessors, The (8th Edition). Prentice Hall. 3. Mazidi M. A. ,Mazidi J. , & Causey D. (2009). The x86 PC: Assembly Language, Design, and Interfacing,(5th Edition).Prentice Hall. 4. Brey B.B. (2007). INTEL Microprocessors 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486, Pentium, PrentiumProProcessor, Pentium II, III, 4 (7th Edition). Prentice Hall. 150 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik ANALISIS LITAR II EEE 2123 CIRCUIT ANALYSIS II EEE 2123 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Circuit Analysis I EEE 1223 Course Synopsis This subject is a continuation of Circuit Analysis I and in this subject, the analysis of electrical circuits extended to AC system which covers sinusoidal steady state, magnetically coupled coils, balanced three phase system, frequency response, Laplace transform, and two port network. The calculation involves complex numbers and transformation of polar to rectangular form and vice versa. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Analyse sinusoidal steady state analysis (AC analysis) concepts. 2. Analyse AC circuits using basic circuit techniques, fundamental laws and theorems. 3. Analyse the frequency response of AC circuits. 4. Analyse AC circuits using advanced techniques (Laplace & Two Ports) for network analysis. References 1. 2. 3. 4. Alexander & Sadiku. Fundamentals of Electric Circuits. McGraw Hill. Nilsson & Riedel. Electrical Circuit. Addison Wesley Reading, Massachusets. Dorf & Svoboda. Introduction to Electric Circuits. McGraw Hill. De Carlo & Lin. Linear Circuit Analysis: Time Domain, Phasor, and Laplace Transform Approach. Prentice Hall. 5. Hayt, W.H., Kemmerly, J.E., & Durbin, S.M. Engineering Circuit Analysis. McGraw Hill. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 151 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN MAKMAL KEJURUTERAAN ELEKTRIK DAN ELEKTRONIK I EEE 2132 ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING LABORATORY I EEE 2132 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This laboratory course consists of experiments in the area of digital electronics,circuit theorem, and analog electronics. Some of the topics covered are combinational gates, decoder, latch, flip flop, resonan RLC circuit, passive filter, phase measurement and VHDL. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students able to: 1. Understand and analyse digital logic design. 2. Understand and analyse basic electronic circuit. 3. Understand and use Altera DE2 board. 4. Acquire practical skills through lab experiments. References 1. Department of Electrical and Electronic. (2006). Electrical and Electronic Laboratory 1 Manual . Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia. 2. Alexander, Sadiku. (2009). Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, Fourth Edition (International Edition). McGraw-Hill. 3. Floyd. Digital Fundamental. Pearson Prentice Hall. 4. Mohamed, K.H., (2008). Starter’s Guide to Digital Systems VHDL &Verilog Design, Second Edition. Desktop Publisher. 5. Rubbin, Miller. (2007). Circuit Analysis, Fourth Edition. Thomson. 152 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik ELEKTRONIK DAN PERANTI ANALOG EEE 2213 ANALOG ELECTRONICS AND DEVICES EEE 2213 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Circuit Analysis II EEE 2123 Course Synopsis This is an introduction course to basic semiconductors and analog devices such as diode, bipolar junction transistor (BJT), MOSFETs, including understanding on their characteristics which is required as know-how in electronic circuit designs. It mostly covers the basic of circuit theories and the application aspects of analog electronics and devices. The models of basic calculations based on the lectures will be given to further improve student’s understanding. This field will also be further discussed in Analog Circuit And Device in the next semester. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students able to: 1. Explain the theories and basic principles of semiconductor and diodes. 2. Describe the theories and basic principles, and also solve problems of bipolar junction transistor (BJT), transistor bias circuits, and BJT amplifiers. 3. Identify and apply the theories and basic principles, also solve problems of MOSFET. 4. Describe and apply the theories and basic principles of amplifier frequency response. References 1. Floyd, T.L. (2012). Electronic Devices Conventional Current Version, Ninth Edition (International Edition). Pearson Prentice Hall. 2. Boylestad, R.L., & Nashelsky, L. (2006). Electronic Devices And Circuit Theory, Ninth Edition (International Edition). Pearson Education. 3. Sedra A.S. & Kenneth C. (2003). Microelectronic Circuits. Oxford Univ Press. 4. Rizzoni G. (2007). Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering, Fifth Edition. McGraw-Hill. 5. Neamen D.A.(2001). Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design, Second Edition. McGrawHill. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 153 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN PENGUKURAN DAN INSTRUMENTASI EEE 2223 MEASUREMENT AND INSTRUMENTATION EEE 2223 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course exposes the students to the instrumentation, and its use within measurement systems. At the beginning of the course, the students will be exposed to the principles of measurement which include units, symbols, standards, and types of errors in the measurement. Next, the students will be exposed to several types of sensors and transducers for thermal, mechanical and optical measurement. The function and techniques of signal conditioning system and convertor will be discussed in the following section. At the end of the course, the students will be exposed to the design of complete measurement and instrumentation system. The focus will be on the selection of sensors, and design of signal conditioning system. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Describe the principles of measurement. 2. Distinguish and identify several types of sensors and transducers. 3. Design and analyse complete measurement and instrumentation system. References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 154 Curtis, D.J. (2003). Process Control Instrumentation Technology. Prentice-Hall. Foster, A.C. (1995). Electronic Instruments and Measurement. Prentice-Hall. Liptak, B.G. (2003). Instrument Engineer’s Handbook. 4th Edition. CRC Press. Riedel, N. (2008). Electric Circuits. Pearson International Edition. Morris, A.S. (1993). Principles of Measurement and Instrumentation. Prentice-Hall. BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik ISYARAT DAN SISTEM EEE 2233 SIGNAL AND SYSTEM EEE 2233 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Circuit Analysis II EEE 2123 Course Synopsis The aim of this course is to provide basic knowledge and understanding on system theory especially linear time invariant system for both continuous and discrete time. The content of the course covers topics such as signal and system classification, signal and system representation, types and basic signal operations: sinusoidal, step, pulse, continuous time and discrete convolutions, and mathematical approach in signal and linear system analysis such as Fourier Series, Fourier transform, Laplace transform, z transform and their respective inverse transforms. Filter design is also introduced in this course. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Describe continuous-time signals and systems and make use of characteristic in analysis. 2. Develop the fundamental input-output relationship for LTI system. 3. Apply the Fourier Series transformation in time domain system. 4. Analyse discrete-time signals and systems, and their differences with their continuous counterpart. 5. Apply z-transform for analysis and design of discrete systems. References 1. Michael J. Roberts. (2008). Fundamental of Signal and Systems. McGraw-Hill. 2. Charles L. Phillips, John M. Parr & Eve A. Riskin. (2008). Signals, Systems and Transforms Fourth Edition. Pearson Prentice Hall. 3. Stuller J.A. (2008). An Introduction to Signals and Systems. Thomson Canada Limited, Toronto. 4. Lathi B. P. (2005). Linear Systems and Signals. Oxford University Press Inc, New York. 5. Haykin S & Van Veen B. (2002). Signal and Systems. Second edition. John Wiley, New York. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 155 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN MAKMAL KEJURUTERAAN ELEKTRIK DAN ELEKTRONIK II EEE 2242 ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING LABORATORY II EEE 2242 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Electrical and Electronic Engineering Laboratory I EEE 2132 Course Synopsis This laboratory course consists of experiments in the area of advanced analog electronics, instrumentation and measurement and also electromagnetics. The theory covered in class, will be applied in hardware implementation and integrated in student knowledge. Some of the topics covered are Electronics, Digital Electronics, Computer Modelling Tool and Microprocessor. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Conduct experiments according to stipulated procedures. 2. Demonstrate understanding through explanation of the theory in relation to the experiment and equipment used. 3. Analyse, discuss and conclude based on the data gathered. 4. Produce formal engineering laboratory report. References 1. Tomasi, W. (2004). Electronic Communication Systems: Fundementals Through Advance., 5th Ed., Prentice Hall. 2. Hubert, C.I. (2001) Electrical Machines: Theory, Operating Applications, and Control. 2nd Ed. SUP. 3. Louis E. & Frenzel Jr., (2008). Principles of Electronic Communication System 3rd Ed. McGraw-Hill. 4. Nise, N.S. (2007), Control Systems Engineering. 5th Ed. Wiley. 5. Pozar, D.M. (2004), Microwave Engineering. John Wiley & Sons Inc.. 156 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik REKABENTUK DIGITAL EEE 3243 DIGITAL DESIGN EEE 3243 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Digital Electronics EEE1213 Course Synopsis This course will cover the principles of digital system design. It builds on logic design principles learned in earlier course, digital electronics. This course demonstrates how digital design and rapid prototyping have been facilitated by FPGAs and hardware description languages. The content of this course includes Combinational and Sequential Logic, Finite State Machine, Register Transfer Level (RTL) design, design flow, high level design, hardware design language, FPGAs and some advanced topics in HDL. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Gain knowledge and understanding of HDL language and apply it to design digital systems. 2. Gain knowledge and understanding of datapath components and apply them into digital systems. 3. Analyse and design digital systems with HDL at RTL level. References 1. Mohamed Khalil Mohd Hani. (2009). Stater’s Guide to Digital System VHDL and Verilog Design, 2nd Edition. Pearson Prentice Hall. 2. Vahid F. (2007). Digital Design. John Wiley. 3. Brown S. & Vranesic Z. (2009). Fundamental of Digital Logic with Verilog Design, 3rd Edition. McGraw Hill. 4. Wakerly, J.F. (2000). Digital Design Principles and Practice, 3rd Edition. Prentice Hall. 5. Roth & John. (2007). Digital System Design using VHDL, 2nd Edition. Mason Thomson. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 157 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN PENGENALAN KEPADA APLIKASI TEKNOLOGI MULTIMEDIA EEE 3143 INTRODUCTION TO MULTIMEDIA TECHNOLOGY APPLICATION EEE 3143 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course offers introductory level of multimedia skill to the students. The types of multimedia to be covered are: images, Flash animations, video and web pages. The students will be exposed to the theory, tools, science and art behind such multimedia developments. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Produce image using the given tool according to the required specifications. 2. Produce animations using the given tool according to the required specifications. 3. Produce video using the given tool according to the required specifications. 4. Produce web pages using the given tool according to the required specifications. References 1. Adobe Creative Team. (2012). Adobe Fireworks CS6 Classroom in a Book with E-Book CD/DVD. Adobe Press. 2. Adobe Creative Team. (2012). Adobe Flash Profesional CS6 Classroom in a Book with E-Book CD/DVD. Adobe Press. 3. Adobe Creative Team. (2012). Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 Classroom in a Book with E-Book CD/DVD. Adobe Press. 4. Adobe Creative Team. (2012). Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 Classroom in a Book with E-Book CD/DVD. Adobe Press. 158 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik REKABENTUK SISTEM EEE 3113 SYSTEM DESIGN EEE 3113 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Analog Electronics and Devices EEE 2213 Microprocessor & Microcomputer EEE 2113 Course Synopsis This course consists of the implementation of two design projects, which are a sample project and a group project. In the sample project, students will design a simple system like power supply with the aid of lecturer in a classroom lecture and through discussion. At the end of the course, students are required to execute design project in group. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Determine endless technical problems in daily life. 2. Propose various possible solutions using learned technical knowledge. 3. Do modification in design process in order to meet certain specification concerning with cost factor. 4. Nurture collaborative attitude in organization and has a sense of responsibility in order to achieve team’s objective. 5. Nurture leadership talent and skill in managing and executing project. 6. Communicate effectively through presentation and technical report. References 1. Ford, R.M., Coulston, C.S., Design for Electrical and Computer Engineers: Theory, Concepts and Practice, (2008). New York: McGraw-Hill 2. Dieter, G.E., Schmidt, L.C., Engineering Design 5th ed. 2013. New York: McGraw-Hill. 3. Villanucci, R.S., Avtgis, A.W. & Megow, W.F. (2002). Electronic Techniques: Shop Practices and Construction. 7th ed. New York: Prentice-Hall. 4. Chapanis, A. (1997). Human Factors in Systems Engineering. New York: Wiley. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 159 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN LITAR DAN SISTEM ANALOG EEE 3123 ANALOG CIRCUIT AND SYSTEM EEE 3123 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Analog Electronics and Devices EEE 2213 Course Synopsis This is an advancement course from Analog Electronics & Devices course where students will learn about thyristors, types of noise and effect on circuits, functional electronic circuits such as operational amplifier, basic op-amp circuit, and special-purpose op-amp circuits. This course also exposes students to basic knowledge of active filters, oscillators and voltage regulators, including understanding on their characteristics which is required as know-how in electronic circuit designs. It mostly covers the basic of circuit theories and the application aspects of analog electronics and devices. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Classify the basic theories and applications of analog electronics and devices. 2. Explain the basic theories and applications of analog electronics and devices. 3. Integrate the basic theories and applications of analog electronics and devices. References 1. Floyd T. L. (2012). Electronic Devices Conventional Current Version, Ninth Edition (International Edition). Pearson Prentice Hall. 2. Boylestad R.L. & Nashelsky L. (2009). Electronic Devices And Circuit Theory, Tenth Edition (International Edition). Pearson Education. 3. Malvino A.P. (1999). Electronic Principles, Sixth Edition. Glencoe: McGraw-Hill. 160 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik MEDAN DAN GELOMBANG ELEKTROMAGNETIK EEE 3133 ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS AND WAVES EEE 3133 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Engineering Mathematics III EFA 2103 Course Synopsis This course is one of the fundamental in electrical and electronic engineering. Therefore, the course will introduce and discuss the concept, theory and analysis of electromagnetic wave and field. The purposes are for students to understand the basic theory and capable of applying their knowledge of electromagnetic wave and field. Starting with the topic of scalar and vector analysis in three different fields, which are Cartesian, Cylindrical and Spherical. Then, it follows with: Electrostatic and magnetostatic characteristics, properties and equations, Electric and magnetic potentials, Boundry conditions, Maxwell’s Equation, Plane and spherical wave, Energy flow equation for wave, Propapation in conductor, insulator and impedance in medium. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Apply vector concept and capable of solving vector algebra operation, differential and integral operation in three coordinate systems. 2. Apply static electromagnetic principle and basic theory in static electromagnetic to solve related problems. 3. Solve problems related to Maxwell’s Equations. References 1. Sadiku, M.N.O. (2001). Elements of Electromagnetics, 3rd Ed. Oxford University Press. 2. Hayt, Jr. W.H. (2001). Engineering Electromagnetics, 6th Ed. McGraw-Hill International Edition. 3. Ulaby, F.T. (2001). Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics. Prentice Hall International. 4. Rao, N.N., (2000). Elements of Engineering Electromagnetics, 5th Ed.. Prentice Hall Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. 5. Wentworth S.M. (2007). Applied Electromagnetics: Early Transmission Lines Approach. John Wiley & Sons, Inc UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 161 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN MAKMAL KEJURUTERAAN ELEKTRIK DAN ELEKTRONIK III EEE 3142 ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING LABORATORY III EEE 3142 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Electrical and Electronic Engineering Laboratory II EEE 2242 Course Synopsis This laboratory course enables the students to have hands on experiences working on communications and power engineering related equipments such as Power Electronic, AC, and DC machines, load flow analysis, simulation on power systems, power system protection, analogue FM and AM communication, multiplexing techniques and digital communication technique like ASK, PSK, QPSK and TDM. Students will also benefit from hands on working with communication and power engineering related equipments. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Learn the principles of, and good practice for measuring parameters using modern engineering instruments and digital acquisition hardware. 2. Select appropriate instrumentation for engineering experiments. 3. Present methods and results professionally in laboratory reports and executive summaries. References 1. Wayne Tomasi,.(2004). Electronic Communication Systems: Fundementals Through Advance., 5th Ed. Prentice Hall. 2. Charles I. Hubert (2001). Electrical Machines: Theory, Operating Applications, and Control. 2nd Ed. SUP. 3. Louis E. & Frenzel Jr. (2008). Principles of Electronic Communication System 3rd Ed. McGraw-Hill. 4. Norman S. Nise. (2007). Control Systems Engineering. 5th Ed. Wiley. 5. David M. Pozar, (2004). Microwave Engineering. John Wiley & Sons Inc. 162 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik KEJURUTERAAN KAWALAN EEE 3213 CONTROL ENGINEERING EEE 3213 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Signal and System EEE 2233 Course Synopsis This course exposes students to the mathematical modelling of physical systems and controller design & analysis techniques. This course also covers topics such as basic principles of control system and feedback system and the performance of transfer function, block diagram and signal flow graph to modelling the physical systems. Students are also required to design and analyse PID controller. The topics covered would be mathematical modeling of dynamic systems, transfer function, time response analysis, stability criteria, root locus and frequency response methods. The course will also provide students with an exposure to basic control system design using control simulation (Matlab/ SIMULINK). Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Develop mathematical models from physical systems by using transfer function in frequency domain and state representation in time domain. 2. Analyse the feedback control system characteristics which includes stability of transient response and steady state error. 3. Perform the graphical (root locus) and sinusoidal tool (bode plot) to analyse the system. 4. Design and analyse the time domain and frequency domain controller. References 1. Nise, N. S. (2008). Control Systems Engineering. 5th ed. John Wiley and Sons. 2. Dorf, R.C.; Bishop, R.H. (2011). Modern Control Systems. 12th ed. Prentice-Hall International, Inc. 3. Ogata, K. (2010). Modern Control Engineering. 5th ed. Pearson Education International, Inc. 4. Ogata, K. (2008). Matlab for Control Engineers. International ed. Prentice-Hall International, Inc. 5. Kuo, B. C. (1995). Automatic Control Systems. 7th ed. Prentice-Hall International, Inc. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 163 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN PRINSIP-PRINSIP KOMUNIKASI EEE 3223 PRINCIPLES OF COMMUNICATION EEE 3223 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Signal and System EEE 2233 Course Synopsis This course introduces the students the basic principles of communication system. The importance of modulation and the performance of the system in the presence of noise are discussed. The students will also be given the fundamental concepts of analog modulation particularly of amplitude and angle modulations. Digital modulations techniques are exposed to the students such as ASK, PSK, FSK, BPSK, QPSK and QAM. Topics covered include types, modulated waveforms, transmitters, receivers, and transmission bandwidth and noise impact on the modulation system. Various sampling, quantization and line coding techniques are explained before the study of coded pulse modulation, PCM and delta modulation. Then the waveforms and spectral analysis of bandpass digital transmission are introduced together with system performance in terms of bit error rate. Methods of signal multiplexing such as TDM, FDM and SDM are also presented and compared. Students will then learn about transmission line and smith chart applications as a means to improve the performance of the signal transmission. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Describe and summarise basic principles of analog and digital communication systems. 2. Design and analyse various types of analog and digital communication generators and receivers. 3. Describe transmission line concepts and impedance matching techniques. References 1. Wayne Tomasi. (2004). Electronic Communication Systems: Fundamentals Through Advanced., 5th Ed.. Pearson Prentice Hall. 2. Lathi, B.P. (2003). Modern Digital and Analog Communications Systems, 3rd Edn. Oxford University Press. 3. Louis E. & Frenzel Jr. (2008). Principles of Electronic Communication Systems 3rd Ed. McGraw-Hill. 4. Stanley, W.D., & Jeffords, J.M. (2005). Electronic Communications: Principles and Systems. Thomson. 164 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik SISTEM KUASA EEE 3233 POWER SYSTEMS EEE 3233 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Circuit Analysis II EEE 2123 Course Synopsis This course covers operation, performance and analytical technique in electrical power generation, transmission and distribution. The covered topics are introduction to alternative energy sources, complex power, phasors, correction power factor, per-unit system, power quality and utilization, power transformer and generator, modeling of short, medium and long transmission lines and designing a protection system. Power system in military applications will be discussed and site visit for students will be conducted at the end of the course. Students will also be exposed to the real application of power systems during the site visit. For example, the application of the generator set, power transformer, and power control system. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Analyse various types of transformers and understand power concept, power factor, 3-phase system, per-unit calculation, and concepts of power systems network. 2. Explain four basic transmission-line parameters, analyse the performance of singlephase and balanced three-phase transmission lines under normal steady-state operating conditions. 3. Explain the theory of protection devices and protection design from the device application standpoint. 4. Know about power systems in military applications and real applications of power systems. References 1. Hadi Saadat (2004). Power System Analysis, 2nd Edition (International Edition). McGraw Hill. 2. Glover, J.D., Mulukutra, Sarma, S., & Overbye, T.J. (2008). Power System Analysis and Design, 4th Edition(International Edition). Cengage Leaning. 3. Weedy, B.M., & Cory, B.J. (1998). Electric Power Systems, 4th Edition, John Wiley and Sons, Singapore. 4. Kothari, D.P., & Nagrath, I.J. (2003). Modern Power Systems Analysis, 3rd Edition(International Edition). Mc-Graw Hill. 5. Wang, X., & McDonald, J.R. (2003). Modern Power System Planning, 3rd Edition(International Edition), Mc-Graw Hill. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 165 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN LATIHAN INDUSTRI EEE 3314 INDUSTRIAL TRAINING EEE 3314 4 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Circuit Analysis II EEE 2123 Analog Electronics and Devices EEE 2213 60 Credit Hours Completed Course Synopsis Industrial training exposes the students to the real work setting in various industries or military units for 10 weeks. The students are placed in industries or military units that best suit their area of studies. It is an experimental learning that requires the students to learn the process and able to apply their knowledge acquired in actual industrial setting. The knowledge acquire during practical training may be used may be used later in final year class as well as to equip them with sufficient knowledge for their job. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Perform well in the actual working environment. 2. Demonstrate a positive personality in the actual working environment. 3. Write technical documents. References 1. Undergraduate Handbook. 2. Panduan Latihan Industri, Fakulti Kejuruteraan. 166 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik PENGURUSAN KEJURUTERAAN EEE 4102 ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT EEE 4102 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course will expose students with the required knowledge to utilize appropriate management tools and techniques in the context of Electrical Engineering projects. It covers variety of aspect including issues and management as a problem solving process. Projects tasks deliverables, responsibilities and timing requirement needed to manage project on time and within budget will be elaborated. The necessary knowledge to develop skills for such activities will be provided. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Apply the engineering management functions of planning, organizing, leading, controlling and communicate effectively. 2. Apply business fundamentals of cost accounting, financial accounting & financial management 3. Gain exposure to engineering economics. References 1. Chang. (2005). Engineering Management: Challenges in the New Millennium. Prentice Hall. 2. Eisner. (2008). Essentials of Project & Systems Engineering Management, 3rd ed, Wiley. 3. Blanchard. (2008). System Engineering Management, 4th ed. Wiley. 4. Smith. Engineering Project Management. 3rd ed. Wiley. 5. Cleland. (2007). Project Management: Strategic Design and Implementation, 5th ed., McGraw-Hill. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 167 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN PROJEK TAHUN AKHIR I EEE 4142 FINAL YEAR PROJECT I EEE 4142 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : System Design EEE 3113 90 credit hours completed Course Synopsis This project aims to expose students to conduct research works in order to solve engineering problems. The research works include literature survey, analysis of previous works, research experimental design and executing experimental work, collecting & analyzing data, discussion, dissertation writing and oral presentation. In this stage, students have to carry out literature survey in order to understand the nature of the problem and identify the approriate research methodology. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Plan, handle and execute electrical engineering projects. 2. Gather, apply and analyse relevant information. 3. Communicate effectively either orally or in written form. 4. Adopt and adapt existing and new engineering technologies for the betterment of humankinds. 5. Behave ethically and professionally. References 1. The relevant journals or proceedings. 168 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik JURUTERA DAN KOMUNITI EEE 4202 ENGINEERS IN COMMUNITY EEE 4202 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course highlights to students the profession of engineering, how to become professional engineers, their roles and responsibilities to benefit mankind. Students are introduced to the relevant acts, regulations, standard, patent and code of engineering ethics. Students are also exposed to ethical problem, risk, safety and accidents in engineering practice. Based on those theories, principles and code of engineering ethics, students will analyse engineering issues and carry out case studies. They will present for class discussion. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Recognize the responsibilities of Electrical & Electronic engineers as a professional. 2. Discover the requirement and the issues of safety, impact of law, standards and regulations. 3. Analyse engineering ethics and engineering cases. 4. Develop teamwork and communicate effectively. References 1. Charles B. Fleddermann (2008), Engineering Ethics, 3rd edition. E Source Prentice. 2. Charles E.Harris, Michael S. Pritchard, & Michael J. Rabins (2009). Engineering Ethics Concept and Cases, 4thEdition. Wadsworth Cengage Learning. 3. Registration of Engineers Act 1967 and Registration of Engineer Regulation 1990. 4. Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994. 5. Contract Act 1950 (Revised 1974). UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 169 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN PROJEK TAHUN AKHIR II EEE 4214 FINAL YEAR PROJECT II EEE 4214 4 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Final Year Project I EEE 4142 Course Synopsis This course is a continuation of researh work done in Final Year Project 1. In this stage, students have to do data collecting & analyzing, dissertation writing, oral and poster presentation. The completion of the project is based on effective time management. Students need to write project report accordance to the UPNM format or equivalent. Students are then required to present their project findings. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Plan, handle and execute electrical engineering projects. 2. Gather, apply and analyse relevant information. 3. Communicate effectively either orally or in written form. 4. Adopt and adapt existing and new engineering technologies for the betterment of humankinds. 5. Behave ethically and professionally. References 1. The relevant journals or proceedings. 170 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik MEKANIK KEJURUTERAAN EMM 2322 ENGINEERING MECHANICS EMM 2322 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This is a fundamental subject for Electrical & Electronic Engineering students taken in the second year of their program. It is a continuation of Physics taught in Foundation Year. Engineering Mechanics can be divided into two parts: Statics and Dynamics. Statics deals with equilibrium of bodies, particle, resultant and resolution of forces, centre of gravity and centroid. Meanwhile, Dynamics covers the principle of kinematics and kinetics of particles. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Solve problems involving the equilibrium of bodies, particle, resultant and resolution of forces. 2. Calculate the moment of forces and apply the principle of equilibrium. 3. Determine displacement, velocity and acceleration of moving particles. 4. Apply Newton Law, impulse-momentum and work energy equations to solve problems involving motions of particle. References 1. Meriam J.L. & L. G. Kraige (1996). Engineering Mechanics, Vol 1: Statics, 4th Ed. Canada: John Wiley & Sons. 2. Meriam J.L. & L.G. Kraige. (2003). Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics. S.I. Edition. John Wiley & Sons. 3. Beer, F. P., E. R. Johnston & E. R. Eisenberg (2004). Vector Mechanics For Engineers: Statics, 7th Ed (Int.). New York: McGraw Hill. 4. Beer, F P & Johnson, E. R. (1990). Vector Mechanics For Engineers: Static and Dynamics. Singapore: McGraw Hill. 5. Hibbeler, R. C. (2007). Engineering Mechanics Statics. 11th Ed. SI. Singapore: Prentice Hall. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 171 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN KOMUNIKASI DIGIT EEC 3243 DIGITAL COMMUNICATION EEC 3243 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Circuit Analysis II EEE 2123 Course Synopsis This course exposes students to the theory and practice of digital communications. Varieties of digital modulation system will be introduced; comparison on systems performance such as the usage of bandwidth and noise effect will be discussed. The course will model and study the effects of channel impairments such as the noise and distortion on the performance of communication systems; introduce signal processing, modulation, and coding techniques that are used in digital communication systems. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Design modulation and optimum demodulation and detection methods for digital communications. 2. Evaluate critically the bit error rate of communication system when operating in AWGN environments. 3. Evaluate the performance of linear block and convolution codes in AWGN environments. 4. Explain spread-spectrum communication system. References 1. Skalar B., (2002). Digital Communication; Fundamental & Application, 2nd edition. Prentice Hall. 2. Leon W. & Couch, II, (2007) Digital and Analog Communication Systems, 7th edition. Prentice Hall. 3. Haykin S., (2006). An Introduction to Digital and Analog Communications, 2nd edition. Wiley. 4. Proakis & Salehi, (2002). Communication Systems Engineering 2nd, edition. Prentice Hall. 5. Proakis J. G., (2001). Digital Communications, 4th edition. McGraw-Hill. 172 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik KOMUNIKASI DATA AND SISTEM MULTIMEDIA EEC 4113 DATA COMMUNICATION DAN MULTIMEDIA SYSTEM EEC 4113 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This subject covers all layers of OSI Model of data communication system. It explains the basic processes of data communication, protocol, interfacing and internetworking between computer networks and switching components in telecommunication system. At the end of the course, the students should be able to understand the system used in representation, distribution, transmission and reception of data. The students are also equipped with basic digital multimedia knowledge. They will be taught about the way multimedia data being send over the network especially over the internet. As a hands-on skill of the application layer of ISO Model, the students are also given some skills on web server administration and web development. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Explain the concepts of data communication using layered approach based OSI and TCP/IP and their applications. 2. Analyse certain problems in data communication and perform the required solutions. 3. Synthesise, practise and maintain application layer OSI as web application. References 1. Stallings, W. (2000). Data and Computer Communications, Prentice Hall, 6/7th edition. 2. Fitzgerald, J., Dennis, A. (2010). Fundamentals of Business Data Communications, 10th edition. 3. Kurose, J.F., & Ross, K.W. (2008). Computer Networking, Addison Wesley, 4th edition. 4. Chapman, N., & Chapman, J. (2009). Digital Multimedia 3rd Edition. John Wiley & Sons. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 173 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN ANTENA DAN PERAMBATAN RADIO EEC 4123 ANTENNA AND RADIO PROPAGATION EEC 4123 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Electromagnetic Fields and Waves EEE 3133 Course Synopsis To introduce to the students the concept of antenna and propagation in telecommunication system. The basic antenna properties such as gain, polarization, directivity, radiation pattern and efficiency for various types of antenna such as wideband antenna, microwave antenna and array antenna will be discussed. Students are also exposed to basic design of selected antenna types. The concept of propagation in free space is also discussed in detail such as space wave, sky wave and ground wave. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Interpret electromagnetic waves and Maxwell’s equations. 2. Demonstrate the theory, functions and applications of antenna and its parameters. 3. Design simple antenna and compute antenna measurements. 4. Analyse the concept and types of radio waves propagation and free space loss. References 1. Balanis, C.A. (2005). Antenna Theory- Analysis and Design, 3rd Edition. Wiley & Sons. 2. Raju, G.S.N. (2006). Antennas and Wave Propagation. Pearson Education. 174 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik SENIBINA DAN ORGANISASI KOMPUTER EEC 4133 COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE AND ORGANIZATION EEC 4133 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Microprocessor EEE 3013 Course Synopsis This course introduces machine language, computer architecture, data representations and aspects of distributed systems. Topics include conventional von Neumann architecture, the internal representation of data, instruction sets and formats, addressing, the fetch/execute cycle, memory architectures, and I/O architectures, as well as an overview of distributed, multiprocessor and parallel systems. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Apply arithmetic and data representation in modern computer. 2. Construct main memory, virtual memory and cache systems operation. 3. Design and develop datapath logic in CPUs. 4. Design and develop ALUs for use in CPUs. References 1. Murdocca M. (2007). Computer Architecture & Organization: An Integrated Approach. Wiley. 2. Stalling W. (2010). Computer Organization & Architecture, 8th ed. Prentice Hall. 3. Morris M. (2007). Computer System Architecture, 3ed. Prentice Hall. 4. Vranesic Z. G. (2001). Computer Organization, 5th ed. McGraw-Hill. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 175 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN SINOPSIS KURSUS ELEKTIF PROGRAM PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA KEJURUTERAAN ELEKTRIK DAN ELEKTRONIK (KOMUNIKASI) (ZK25) REKABENTUK SISTEM KAWALAN EEE 5222 CONTROL SYSTEM DESIGN EEE 5222 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Control Engineering EEE 3213 Course Synopsis This course is vital to the advancement of control engineering which focuses on the analysis of dynamics and feedback control systems. Students are further exposed to modeling and analysis of engineering systems using state-space methods, and also discrete methods of control system design. In addition, students are also introduced to design of digital systems using root locus technique in z-plane. In completion of this course, students should be able to understand state space modelling of dynamic systems and also basic knowledge in implementation of digital controllers to certain applications. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Explain the state space variable and state space modeling of dynamic system. 2. Analyse the stability and transient response of a control system using z-transform. 3. Design basic state-feedback controllers. 4. Design and analyse controller for digital control system. References 1. Dorf, R.C., & Bishop, R.H. (2011). Modern Control Systems. 12th ed. Prentice-Hall International, Inc. 2. John C. Doyle, Bruce A. Francis, & Allen R. Tannenbaum (2009) Feedback Control Theory (Dover Books on Engineering). 3. Nise, N. S. (2008). Control Systems Engineering. 5th ed. John Wiley and Sons. 4. Franklin G.F., Powell J.D., & Emani-Naeni A (1994), Feedback Control Systems, 3rd ed. Addison-Wesley. 5. Vaccaro R.J. (2008). Digital Control: A state-space Approach. McGraw-Hill. 176 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik KEJURUTERAAN RF DAN GELOMBANG MIKRO EEC 5212 RF AND MICROWAVE ENGINEERING EEC 5212 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Electromagnetic Fields and Waves EEE 3133 Course Synopsis An introduction to the design and analysis of active and passive RF and microwave circuits. Topics include RF microwave circuit analysis, measurement methods, transmission line structures, matching networks, oscillators, and mixers. Computer-aided analysis and design softwares such as IE3D, CST, ADS will be introduced. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Explain passive radio frequency and microwave circuits. 2. Investigate active radio frequency and microwave amplifiers. 3. Design discrete and stripline matching networks. 4. Design generic forms of oscillators and mixers. References 1. Ludwig, R. & Bretchko, P. (2000). RF Circuit Design – Theory and Application. Prentice Hall. 2. Pozar, D.M. (2005). Microwave Engineering. Wiley. 3. Pozar, D.M. (2001). Microwave Engineering and RF Design of Wireless Systems. Wiley. 4. Fook, E.H., & Zakarevicius, R.A. (1990). Microwave Engineering using Microstrip Circuit. Prentice Hall. 5. Gonzales, G. (1997). Microwave Transistor Amplifier. Prentice Hall. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 177 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN KOMUNIKASI WAYARLES DAN SATELIT EEC 5222 WIRELESS AND SATELLITE COMMUNICATION EEC 5222 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course will introduce students to two communication systems, which are radio communication system especially cellular and personal radio, and satellite communication system. Starting with the history, development and standardization, the basic concept of the system will also be discussed. This course also involves studies on propagation and fading effect, cell planning, link and traffic budget, access schemes, modulation and system design. Some applications of the radio and satellite communication will be discussed at the end of this course. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Describe the basic principle of cellular radio based on system disturbance and capacity upgrade method. 2. Analyse the propagation effect towards the radio and satellite communication system design, path loss models and cell traffic planning system. 3. Identify requirements for satellite application and perform link budget analysis. 4. Explain the effect of excess technique usage and modulation towards the capacity of radio and satellite communication system. References 1. 2. 3. 4. Rappaport, T.S, (2002). Wireless Communication, Prentice Hall. Richharia, M. (1995). Satelite Communications System Design Principles. MacMillan. Singal, T.L. (2010). Wireless Communications. McGraw Hill. Garg V.K, & Wilkes J.E. (1996). Wireless and Personal Communications Systems. Prentice Hall. 5. Pratt, T., Bostian, C., & Allnutt, J. (2003). Satellite Communications, 2nd Edn. Wiley. 178 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik PENGENALAN KEPADA RADAR EEC 5232 INTRODUCTION TO RADAR EEC 5232 2Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis Learn the basic concepts of radar, how it works and applications and discover how target are received in angle, range and velocity. The radar range equation is developed in a form including signal integration, the effects of target cross section, fluctuations, and propagation losses. Modern radar techniques that are discussed include pulse compression, frequency modulated radar, moving target indicator (MTI) and pulse Doppler systems, monopulse tracking systems, synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and measurement of radar cross section (RCS). Radar applications in Electronic Warfare are also introduced. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Describe the fundamental principles of modern radar technology. 2. Analyse radar parameters and their effects. 3. Evaluate radar equations and their calculations. 4. Discover the concept and applications of radar in defense perspective. References 1. Skolnik, M.I. (2002). Introduction to Radar Systems. McGraw-Hill. 2. Toomay, J.C., & Hannen, P.J. (2004). Radar Principles for the Non-Specialist. SciTech Publishing. 3. Stimson, G.W. (1998). Introduction to Airborne Radar. SciTech Publishing. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 179 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN SISTEM KOMUNIKASI OPTIK EEC 5242 OPTICAL COMMUNICATION SYSTEM EEC 5242 2 Credit Hour Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course starts with introduction to optical fiber technology and its application as line transmission. Students will learn about the key photonic devices that form the backbone of the optical communication system. These elements include optical fibers, light sources, photo detectors, passive optical devices, optical amplifiers etc. Starting from here, the optical communication is seen as a system and the students will learn how to design the system, including the ability to calculate and know how to decrease the noise. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Interpret basic concept of light propagation and design the right angle for incident, refraction and reflection. 2. Interpret the transmission characteristics of optical fiber as well evaluate the waveguide parameters. 3. Describe the theory of optical components and their application in the optical communication system. 4. Design a fiber optic communication system. References 1. Gerd Keiser, (2000). Optical Fiber Communications, 3rd Edition, Mc Graw Hill. 2. Palais, J.C., (1998). Fiber Optic Communication, 4th Edition. Prentice Hall. 3. Powers, J. (1999). An Introduction To Fiber Optic Systems, 2nd Edition. Mc Graw Hill. 180 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik ANALISIS RANGKAIAN KOMUNIKASI EEC 5252 ANALYSIS OF COMMUNICATION NETWORKS EEC 5252 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Circuit Analysis II EEE 2123 Course Synopsis This course introduces the concept of probabilities, random variables, distributions and random number generations. Transient and steady state analysis of Markov Chain, Queuing theory and Network of Queues, Queuing Models of Local Area Networks and Telecommunications Traffic Modeling are also included. Finally, Interconnection networks and network switches design and performance analysis are performed. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Describe the mathematical theory for analyzing telecommunications network. 2. Explain the concept of Markov Chain and queuing analysis for analyzing telecommunications network. 3. Apply Markov Chain and queuing analysis to analyse telecommunication protocol. 4. Evaluate the performance of telecommunication networks under study. References 1. Gebali, F. (2008). Analysis of Computer and Communications Networks. Springer Science. 2. Kurose, J.F., & Ross, K.W. (2008). Computer Networking : A Top Down Approach Featuring the Internet 2nd Edition. Addition Wesley. 3. Ross, S.M. (2000). Introduction to Probability Models 7th Edition. IAP Hartcourt Academic Press. 4. Kesidis, G. (2007). An Introduction to Communication Network Analysis. WileyInterscience. 5. Mackenzie, A.B., & Tranter, W.H. (2008). Queuing and Trunking for Wireless Systems. Morgan and Claypool Publisher. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 181 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN SARJANA MUDA KEJURUTERAAN ELEKTRIK & ELEKTRONIK (KUASA) (ZK50) STRUKTUR PROGRAM DAN JUMLAH KREDIT KEPERLUAN PROGRAM Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan Elektrik & Elektronik (Kuasa) (ZK50) Jumlah keperluan kredit yang perlu dipenuhi untuk bergraduat adalah seperti mana jadual di bawah dan tempoh pengajian yang perlu diikuti adalah lapan (8) semester lazim. Pecahan kursus yang perlu diambil adalah seperti berikut: KURSUS KREDIT Kursus Universiti: i. Kursus Teras Universiti ii. Elektif Universiti 24 6 Kursus Teras Program: i. Teras Program ii. Teras Fakulti 80 18 Kursus Elektif Program 4 JUMLAH KREDIT UNTUK BERGRADUAT 132 KURSUS TERAS PROGRAM Senarai Kursus Teras Program Yang Perlu Dipenuhi (80 Kredit): 182 CODE COURSE CREDIT EEE 1202 Engineering Application (Laboratory) 2 EEE 1213 Digital Electronics 3 EEE 1223 Circuit Analysis I 3 EEE 2113 Microprocessor & Microcomputer 3 EEE 2123 Circuit Analysis II 3 EEE 2132 Electrical and Electronic Engineering Laboratory I 2 EEE 2213 Analog Electronics & Devices 3 EEE 2223 Measurement & Instrumentation 3 EEE 2233 Signal & System 3 EEE 2242 Electrical and Electronic Engineering Laboratory II 2 EEE 3113 System Design 3 EEE 3123 Analog Circuit and System 3 EEE 3133 Electromagnetic Fields and Waves 3 EEE 3142 Electrical and Electronic Engineering Laboratory III 2 EEE 3213 Control Engineering 3 EEE 3223 Principles of Communication 3 EEE 3233 Power Systems 3 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik CODE COURSE CREDIT EEE 3243 Digital Design 3 EEE 3314 Industrial Training 4 EEE 4102 Engineering Management 2 EEE 4142 Final Year Project I 2 EEE 4202 Engineers in Society 2 EEE 4214 Final Year Project II 4 EEP 3213 Electrical Drives 3 EEP 3243 Electric Machines 3 EEP 4113 Advanced Power Systems 3 EEP 4122 High Voltage Engineering 2 EEP 4133 Power Electronics 3 EMM 2322 Engineering Mechanics 2 KURSUS ELEKTIF PROGRAM Senarai Kursus Elektif Program (4 Kredit): CODE COURSE CREDIT EEE 5222 Control System Design 2 EEP 5212 Renewable Energy 2 EEP 4222 Power System Economics 2 EEP 5222 Power System Protection 2 EEP 5242 Electrical Condition Monitoring 2 EEP 5252 Power Utilization 2 EEP 5262 Artificial Intelligent for Power Systems 2 UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 183 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN STRUKTUR KURIKULUM PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA KEJURUTERAAN ELEKTRIK DAN ELEKTRONIK (KUASA) (ZK50) TAHUN PERTAMA SEMESTER 1 Code Course SEMESTER 2 Credit PreRequsite Code Course Credit PreRequsite TERAS UNIVERSITI LAN2012 Nationhood in World Politics 2 - DUS2072 Military Law and Laws of Armed Conflict 2 - LAN1022 Malaysian Nationhood 2 - LAN1032 Ethnic Relation 2 - LEL1012 English For Academic Writing 2 - DUM2062 Effective Leadership 2 - PSK1012 Human Movement Science 2 - Latihan Ketenteraan Umum / PALAPES 1 - Engineering Mathematics II (Differential Equation) 3 - ELEKTIF UNIVERSITI ALK1011/ PLS1011 Latihan Ketenteraan Umum / PALAPES 1 - ALK1021/ PLS1021 TERAS FAKULTI EFA1103 Engineering Mathematics I (Calculus III) 3 - EFC1103 Computing I (C and C++) 3 - EEE1223 Circuit Analysis I 3 - EEE1213 Digital Electronics 3 - EEE1202 Engineering Application (Laboratory) 2 - EEE2123 Circuit Analysis II 3 EEE1223 EEE2223 Measurement and Instrumentation 3 - EFA1203 TERAS PROGRAM TOTAL 184 20 TOTAL BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 19 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik TAHUN KEDUA SEMESTER 3 SEMESTER 4 PreRequsite Code Course Credit LAN1042 Basic Entrepreneurship 2 - DUS2022 Introduction to Strategic Studies 2 - LEL1022 English for Oral Communication 2 - Course Credit PreRequsite DUS1062 Military History 2 - LFL1XX1 Foreign Language I 1 - Latihan Ketenteraan Umum / PALAPES 1 - EFA2213 Engineering Mathematics IV (Statistics) 3 - EFC1203 Computing II (Numerical Methods and Engineering Softwares) 3 - Code TERAS UNIVERSITI ELEKTIF UNIVERSITI ALK2011/ PLS2011 Latihan Ketenteraan Umum / PALAPES 1 - ALK2021/ PLS2021 TERAS FAKULTI EFA2103 Engineering Mathematics IIIA (Complex Variable and Vector) 3 - TERAS PROGRAM EEE2213 Analog Electronics & Devices 3 EEE2123 EEE3123 Analog Circuit and System 3 EEE 2213 EEE2132 Electrical and Electronic Engineering Laboratory I 2 - EEE2233 Signal & System 3 EEE 2123 EEE2113 Microprocessor & Microcomputer 3 EEE1213 TOTAL 18 TOTAL 16 UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 185 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN TAHUN KETIGA SEMESTER 5 SEMESTER 6 Code Course Credit LFL1XX1 Foreign Language II 1 PreRequsite Course Credit PreRequsite ALK3011/ PLS3011 Latihan Ketenteraan Umum / PALAPES 1 - QKS3621/ PLS3021 Tempur Tanpa Senjata / PALAPES 1 - EEP4133 Power Electronics 3 - 2 EEE2242 Code TERAS UNIVERSITI ELEKTIF UNIVERSITI TERAS PROGRAM EEP3243 Electric Machines EEE2242 Electrical and Electronic Engineering Laboratory II 2 EEE2132 EEE3142 Electrical and Electronic Engineering Laboratory III EEE3223 Principles of Communication 3 EEE2233 EEE3113 System Design 3 EEE2213 EEE2113 EEE3243 Digital Design 3 EEE1213 EEE3233 Power Systems 3 EEE2123 EEE3133 Electromagnetic Fields and Waves 3 EFA2103 EEE3213 Control Engineering 3 EEE2233 TOTAL 3 - 15 TOTAL 16 TAHUN KETIGA INTER - SESI Code Course Credit PreRequsite EEE 3314 Industrial Training 4 *** JUMLAH 4 *** Memenuhi 60 jam kredit lulus dan lulus EEE 2123 dan EEE 2213 186 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik TAHUN KEEMPAT SEMESTER 7 SEMESTER 8 Code Course Credit EEE4142 Final Year Project I 2 PreRequsite Code Course Credit PreRequsite Final Year Project II 4 EEE4142 TERAS PROGRAM ** EEE4214 EEP4113 Advanced Power Systems 3 EEE3233 EEE4202 Engineers in Society 2 - EEP3213 Electrical Drives 3 EEP3243 EEE4102 Engineering Management 2 - EEP4122 High Voltage Engineering 2 EEE3233 EMM2322 Engineering Mechanics 2 Elective II 2 Rujuk Sinopsis Kursus ELEKTIF PROGRAM EEP5XX2 TOTAL Elective I 2 14 Rujuk Sinopsis Kursus EEP5XX2 TOTAL 10 ** Memenuhi 60 jam kredit lulus dan lulus EEE 3113 UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 187 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN SINOPSIS KURSUS TERAS PROGRAM PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA KEJURUTERAAN ELEKTRIK DAN ELEKTRONIK (KUASA) (ZK50) MAKMAL APLIKASI KEJURUTERAAN EEE 1202 ENGINEERING APPLICATION (LABORATORY) EEE 1202 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis To give basic knowledge and skilll to the students regarding installation, design and connection of electrical and electronics circuits. Also to provide the students the skill of using some common electrical components and measuring instruments normally used in electrical and electronic engineering laboratories. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Classify some common electrical/electronic components and electronic measuring instruments. 2. Describe basic electrical wiring installations and understand the characteristics of some basic electrical devices and electronic components. 3. Perform and communicate effectively about basic electrical/electronic engineering. 4. Work in team, perform and react effectively as a team member or as a leader. References 1. Md. Nasir Abd. Manan, (2004). Panduan Pendawaian Domestik IEEE , Third Edition. ISBN 978-967-950-181-0. 2. Abdul Samad Hanif. Pemasangan Dan Penyenggaraan Elektrik, DBP. 3. Boylested and Nashelsky. Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory. Prentice Hall. 4. Linsley T. (2005). Basic Electrical Installation Work, 4th ed. Newnes. 5. Theraja, B.L., & Theraja, A.K. (2004). A Textbook of Electrical Technology. S Chand & Co Ltd. 188 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik ELEKTRONIK DIGIT EEE 1213 DIGITAL ELECTRONICS EEE 1213 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course exposes students to the fundamental of digital electronics field. The advantages and disadvantages of digital and analog will be discussed. Aside from that, number and code systems, combinational logic elements and sequence basics will also be covered. Emphasis will be put on output equation generation and truth table for realization using design and minimization techniques. The rationale behind the minimization will be discussed and further elaborated. This course will also be focusing on designing simple combinational and sequential logic circuits, arithmetic logic circuits, analysis and synthesis of combinational circuits designed by traditional methods, as well as some introduction to ECAD. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Gain knowledge and understanding of combinational and sequential fundamental circuit. 2. Solve problems involving analysis and synthesis of combinational and sequential fundamental circuit. 3. Acquire surface level hands-on skill on ECAD based design of digital circuits. References 1. 2. 3. 4. Thomas L. Floyd. (2009). Digital Fundamental, 10th Edition. Pearson. Reid K. & Dueck R. (2008). Introduction to Digital Electronics. Thomson. Katz R.H. (2006). Contemporary Logic Design, 2nd Edition. Pearson. Brown S. & Vranesic Z. (2008). Fundamentals of Digital Logic with Verilog Design, 2nd Edition. McGraw Hill. 5. Brown S. & Vranesic Z. (2008). Fundamentals of Digital Logic with VHDL Design, 2nd Edition. McGraw Hill. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 189 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN ANALISIS LITAR I EEE 1223 CIRCUIT ANALYSIS I EEE 1223 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This subject is designed to expose students to the fundamental of electric circuits, and equip the learners with tools to analyse basic electric circuits. This unit emphasises on circuits with components such as resistors, capacitors and inductors in direct current (DC) domain only. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Identify Circuit Elements and Circuitry Connections. 2. Analyse DC Circuit for Pure Resistive Load. 3. Analyse DC Circuit for Resistive, Inductive and Capacitive Load. References 1. 2. 3. 4. Alexander & Sadiku. Fundamentals of Electric Circuits. McGraw Hill. Nilsson & Riedel. Electrical Circuit, Addison Wesley Reading. Massachusets. Dorf & Svoboda. Introduction to Electric Circuits. McGraw Hill. De Carlo & Lin. Linear Circuit Analysis: Time Domain, Phasor, and Laplace Transform Approach. Prentice Hall. 5. Hayt, W.H., Kemmerly, J.E., & Durbin, S.M. Engineering Circuit Analysis. McGraw Hill. 190 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik MIKROPEMPROSES DAN MIKROKOMPUTER EEE 2113 MICROPROCESSOR AND MICROCOMPUTER EEE 2113 3 Credit Hour Pre-requisite : Digital Electronics EEE 1213 Course Synopsis This course introduces the students the basic principles and applications of microprocessor. Course emphasises on understanding the fundamentals of microprocessor operation. Develop skills in writing coherent and error-free assembly language programs. Finally, providing students with experience on designing basic interfracing circuits using microprocessor. This course provides a systems-level understanding of the 80X86 microcomputer and its hardware and software. Equal emphasis is given to both assembly language software and sytem architectural design. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Explain computer’s system and architecture. 2. Programme using assembly language. 3. Describe and interface the program serial and parallel peripherals. 4. Design a basic microcontroller-embedded system. 5. Summarise the system architectural for Intel family microprocessor. References 1. Walter A. T. , & Avtar S. (2002). The 8088 and 8086 Microprocessors: Programming, Interfacing, Software, Hardware and Applications (4th Edition). Prentice Hall. 2. Brey B.B. (2008). Intel Microprocessors, The (8th Edition). Prentice Hall. 3. Mazidi M. A. ,Mazidi J. , & Causey D. (2009). The x86 PC: Assembly Language, Design, and Interfacing,(5th Edition).Prentice Hall. 4. Brey B.B. (2007). INTEL Microprocessors 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486, Pentium, PrentiumProProcessor, Pentium II, III, 4 (7th Edition). Prentice Hall. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 191 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN ANALISIS LITAR II EEE 2123 CIRCUIT ANALYSIS II EEE 2123 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Circuit Analysis I EEE 1223 Course Synopsis This subject is a continuation of Circuit Analysis I and in this subject, the analysis of electrical circuits is extended to AC system which covers sinusoidal steady state, magnetically coupled coils, balanced three phase system, frequency response, Laplace transform, and two port network. The calculation involves complex numbers and transformation of polar to rectangular form and vice versa. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Analyse sinusoidal steady state analysis (AC analysis) concepts. 2. Analyse AC circuits using basic circuit techniques, fundamental laws and theorems. 3. Analyse the frequency response of AC circuits. 4. Analyse AC circuits using advanced techniques (Laplace & Two Ports) for network analysis. References 1. 2. 3. 4. Alexander & Sadiku. Fundamentals of Electric Circuits. McGraw Hill. Nilsson & Riedel. Electrical Circuit. Addison Wesley Reading, Massachusets. Dorf & Svoboda. Introduction to Electric Circuits. McGraw Hill. De Carlo & Lin. Linear Circuit Analysis: Time Domain, Phasor, and Laplace Transform Approach. Prentice Hall. 5. Hayt, W.H., Kemmerly, J.E., & Durbin, S.M. Engineering Circuit Analysis. McGraw Hill. 192 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik MAKMAL KEJURUTERAAN ELEKTRIK DAN ELEKTRONIK I EEE 2132 ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING LABORATORY I EEE 2132 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This laboratory course consists of experiments in the area of digital electronics,circuit theorem, and analog electronics. Some of the topics covered are combinational gates, decoder, latch, flip flop, resonan RLC circuit, passive filter, phase measurement and VHDL. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. Understand and analyse digital logic design. Understand and analyse basic electronic circuit. Understand and use Altera DE2 board. Learn practical skills through lab experiments. References 1. Department of Electrical and Electronic. (2006). Electrical and Electronic Laboratory 1 Manual . Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia. 2. Alexander, Sadiku. (2009). Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, Fourth Edition (International Edition). McGraw-Hill. 3. Floyd. Digital Fundamental. Pearson Prentice Hall. 4. Mohamed, K.H., (2008). Starter’s Guide to Digital Systems VHDL &Verilog Design, Second Edition. Desktop Publisher. 5. Rubbin, Miller. (2007). Circuit Analysis, Fourth Edition. Thomson. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 193 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN ELEKTRONIK DAN PERANTI ANALOG EEE 2213 ANALOG ELECTRONICS AND DEVICES EEE 2213 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Circuit Analysis II EEE 2123 Course Synopsis This is an introduction course to basic semiconductors and analog devices such as diode, bipolar junction transistor (BJT), MOSFETs, including understanding on their characteristics which is required as know-how in electronic circuit designs. It mostly covers the basic of circuit theories and the application aspects of analog electronics and devices. The models of basic calculations based on the lectures will be given to further improve student’s understanding. This field will also be further discussed in Analog Circuit And Device in the next semester. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Explain the theories and basic principles of semiconductor and diodes. 2. Describe the theories and basic principles, and also solve problems of bipolar junction transistor (BJT), transistor bias circuits, and BJT amplifiers. 3. Identify and apply the theories and basic principles, also solve problems of MOSFET. 4. Describe and apply the theories and basic principles of amplifier frequency response. References 1. Floyd, T.L. (2012). Electronic Devices Conventional Current Version, Ninth Edition (International Edition). Pearson Prentice Hall. 2. Boylestad, R.L., & Nashelsky, L. (2006). Electronic Devices And Circuit Theory, Ninth Edition (International Edition). Pearson Education 3. Sedra A.S. & Kenneth C. (2003). Microelectronic Circuits. Oxford Univ Press. 4. Rizzoni G. (2007). Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering, Fifth Edition. McGraw-Hill. 5. Neamen D.A.(2001). Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design, Second Edition. McGrawHill. 194 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik PENGUKURAN DAN INSTRUMENTASI EEE 2223 MEASUREMENT AND INSTRUMENTATION EEE 2223 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course exposes the students to the instrumentation, and its use within measurement systems. At the beginning of the course, the students will be exposed to the principles of measurement which include units, symbols, standards, and types of errors in the measurement. Next, the students will be exposed to several types of sensors and transducers for thermal, mechanical and optical measurement. The function and techniques of signal conditioning system and convertor will be discussed in the following section. At the end of the course, the students will be exposed to the design of complete measurement and instrumentation system. The focus will be on the selection of sensors, and design of signal conditioning system. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Describe the principles of measurement. 2. Distinguish and identify several types of sensors and transducers. 3. Design and analyse complete measurement and instrumentation system. References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Curtis, D.J. (2003). Process Control Instrumentation Technology. Prentice-Hall. Foster, A.C. (1995). Electronic Instruments and Measurement. Prentice-Hall. Liptak, B.G. (2003). Instrument Engineer’s Handbook. 4th Edition. CRC Press. Riedel, N. (2008). Electric Circuits. Pearson International Edition. Morris, A.S. (1993). Principles of Measurement and Instrumentation. Prentice-Hall. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 195 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN ISYARAT DAN SISTEM EEE 2233 SIGNAL AND SYSTEM EE 2233 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Circuit Analysis II EEE 2123 Course Synopsis The aim of this course is to provide basic knowledge and understanding on system theory especially linear time invariant system for both continuous and discrete time. The content of the course covers topics such as signal and system classification, signal and system representation, types and basic signal operations: sinusoidal, step, pulse, continuous time and discrete convolutions, and mathematical approach in signal and linear system analysis such as Fourier Series, Fourier transform, Laplace transform, z transform and their respective inverse transforms. Filter design is also introduced in this course. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Describe continuous-time signals and systems and make use of characteristic in analysis. 2. Develop the fundamental input-output relationship for LTI system. 3. Apply the Fourier Series transformation in time domain system. 4. Analyse discrete-time signals and systems, and their differences with their continuous counterpart. 5. Apply z-transform for analysis and design of discrete systems. References 1. Michael J. Roberts. (2008). Fundamental of Signal and Systems. McGraw-Hill. 2. Charles L. Phillips, John M. Parr, & Eve A. Riskin. (2008). Signals, Systems and Transforms Fourth Edition. Pearson Prentice Hall. 3. Stuller J.A. (2008). An Introduction to Signals and Systems. Thomson Canada Limited, Toronto. 4. Lathi B. P. (2005). Linear Systems and Signals. Oxford University Press Inc, New York. 5. Haykin, S. & Van Veen B. (2002). Signal and Systems. Second edition. John Wiley, New York. 196 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik MAKMAL KEJURUTERAAN ELEKTRIK DAN ELEKTRONIK II EEE 2242 ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING LABORATORY II EEE 2242 2 Credit Hours Pre-Requisite : Electrical and Electronic Engineering Laboratory I EEE 2132 Course Synopsis This laboratory course consists of experiments in the area of advanced analog electronics, instrumentation and measurement and also electromagnetics. The theory covered in the class is applied in hardware implementation and integrated into students’ knowledge. Some of the topics covered are Electronics, Digital Electronics, Computer Modelling Tool and Microprocessor. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Conduct experiments according to stipulated procedures. 2. Demonstrate understanding through explanation of the theory in relation to the experiment and equipment used. 3. Analyse, discuss and conclude based on the data gathered. 4. Produce formal engineering laboratory report. References 1. Tomasi, W. (2004). Electronic Communication Systems: Fundementals Through Advance., 5th Ed., Prentice Hall. 2. Hubert, C.I. (2001) Electrical Machines: Theory, Operating Applications, and Control. 2nd Ed. SUP. 3. Louis, E. & Frenzel Jr. (2008). Principles of Electronic Communication System 3rd Ed. McGraw-Hill. 4. Nise, N.S. (2007), Control Systems Engineering. 5th Ed. Wiley. 5. Pozar, D.M. (2004), Microwave Engineering. John Wiley & Sons Inc. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 197 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN REKABENTUK DIGITAL EEE 3243 DIGITAL DESIGN EEE 3243 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Digital Electronics EEE 1213 Course Synopsis This course will cover the principles of digital system design. It builds on logic design principles learned in earlier course, digital electronics. This course demonstrates how digital design and rapid prototyping have been facilitated by FPGAs and hardware description languages. The content of this course includes Combinational and Sequential Logic, Finite State Machine, Register Transfer Level (RTL) design, design flow, high level design, hardware design language, FPGAs and some advanced topics in HDL. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Gain knowledge and understanding of a HDL language and apply it to design digital systems. 2. Gain knowledge and understanding of datapath components and apply them into digital systems. 3. Analyse and design digital systems with HDL at RTL level. References 1. Mohamed Khalil Mohd Hani. (2009). Stater’s Guide to Digital System VHDL and Verilog Design, 2nd Edition. Pearson Prentice Hall. 2. Vahid F. (2007). Digital Design. John Wiley. 3. Brown, S. & Vranesic, Z. (2009). Fundamental of Digital Logic with Verilog Design, 3rd Edition. McGraw Hill. 4. Wakerly, J.F. (2000). Digital Design Principles and Practice, 3rd Edition. Prentice Hall. 5. Roth & John. (2007). Digital System Design using VHDL, 2nd Edition. Mason Thomson. 198 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik REKABENTUK SISTEM EEE 3113 SYSTEM DESIGN EEE 3113 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Analog Electronics and Devices EEE 2213 Microprocessor and Microcomputer EEE 2113 Course Synopsis This course consists of the implementation of two design projects, which are a sample project and a group project. In the sample project, students will design a simple system like power supply with the aid of lecturer in a classroom lecture and through discussion. At the end of the course, students are required to execute design project in group. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Determine endless technical problems in daily life. 2. Propose various possible solutions using learned technical knowledge. 3. Do modification in design process in order to meet certain specification concerning with cost factor. 4. Nurture collaborative attitude in organization and has a sense of responsibility in order to achieve team’s objective. 5. Nurture leadership talent and skill in managing and executing project. 6. Communicate effectively through presentation and technical report. References 1. Ford, R.M., Coulston, C.S., Design for Electrical and Computer Engineers: Theory, Concepts and Practice, (2008). New York: McGraw-Hill 2. Dieter, G.E., Schmidt, L.C., Engineering Design 5th ed. 2013. New York: McGraw-Hill. 3. Villanucci, R.S., Avtgis, A.W. & Megow, W.F. (2002). Electronic Techniques: Shop Practices and Construction. 7th ed. New York: Prentice-Hall. 4. Chapanis, A. (1997). Human Factors in Systems Engineering. New York: Wiley. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 199 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN LITAR DAN SISTEM ANALOG EEE 3123 ANALOG CIRCUIT AND SYSTEM EEE 3123 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Analog Electronics and Devices EEE 2213 Course Synopsis This is an advancement course from Analog Electronics & Devices’ course where students will learn about thyristors, types of noise and effect on circuits, functional electronic circuits such as operational amplifier, basic op-amp circuit, and special-purpose op-amp circuits. This course also exposes students to basic knowledge of active filters, oscillators and voltage regulators, including understanding on their characteristics which is required as know-how in electronic circuit designs. It mostly covers the basic of circuit theories and the application aspects of analog electronics and devices. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Classify the basic theories and applications of analog electronics and devices. 2. Explain the basic theories and applications of analog electronics and devices. 3. Integrate the basic theories and applications of analog electronics and devices References 1. Floyd T. L. (2012). Electronic Devices Conventional Current Version, Ninth Edition (International Edition). Pearson Prentice Hall. 2. Boylestad R.L. & Nashelsky L. (2009). Electronic Devices And Circuit Theory, Tenth Edition (International Edition). Pearson Education. 3. Malvino A.P. (1999). Electronic Principles, Sixth Edition. Glencoe: McGraw-Hill. 200 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik MEDAN DAN GELOMBANG ELEKTROMAGNETIK EEE 3133 ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS AND WAVES EEE 3133 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Engineering Mathematics III EFA 2103 Course Synopsis This course is one of the fundamental courses in electrical and electronic engineering. Therefore, the course will introduce and discuss the concept, theory and analysis of electromagnetic wave and field. The purposes are for students to understand the basic theory and capable of applying their knowledge of electromagnetic wave and field. Starting with the topic of scalar and vector analysis in three different fields, which are Cartesian, Cylindrical and Spherical. Then, other topics are Electrostatic and magnetostatic characteristics, properties and equations, Electric and magnetic potentials, Boundry conditions, Maxwell’s Equation, Plane and spherical wave, Energy flow equation for wave, Propapation in conductor, insulator and impedance in medium. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Apply vector concept and capable of solving vector algebra operation, differential and integral operation in three coordinate systems. 2. Apply static electromagnetic principle and basic theory in static electromagnetic to solve related problems. 3. Solve problems related to Maxwell’s Equations. References 1. Sadiku, M.N.O. (2001). Elements of Electromagnetics, 3rd Ed. Oxford University Press. 2. Hayt, Jr. W.H. (2001). Engineering Electromagnetics, 6th Ed. McGraw-Hill International Edition. 3. Ulaby, F.T. (2001). Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics. Prentice Hall International. 4. Rao, N.N., (2000). Elements of Engineering Electromagnetics, 5th Ed.. Prentice Hall Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. 5. Wentworth S.M. (2007). Applied Electromagnetics: Early Transmission Lines Approach. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 201 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN MAKMAL KEJURUTERAAN ELEKTRIK DAN ELEKTRONIK III EEE 3142 ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING LABORATORY III EEE 3142 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Electrical and Electronic Engineering Laboratory II EEE 2242 Course Synopsis This laboratory course enables the students to have hands on experiences working on communications and power engineering related equipments such as Power Electronic, AC, and DC machines, load flow analysis, simulation on power systems, power system protection, analogue FM and AM communication, multiplexing techniques and digital communication technique like ASK, PSK, QPSK and TDM. Students will also benefit from hands on working with communication and power engineering related equipments. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Learn the principles of, and good practice for measuring parameters using modern engineering instruments and digital acquisition hardware. 2. Select appropriate instrumentation for engineering experiments. 3. Present methods and results professionally in laboratory reports and executive summaries. References 1. Wayne Tomasi,.(2004). Electronic Communication Systems: Fundementals Through Advance., 5th Ed. Prentice Hall. 2. Charles I. Hubert (2001). Electrical Machines: Theory, Operating Applications, and Control. 2nd Ed. SUP. 3. Louis E. & Frenzel Jr. (2008). Principles of Electronic Communication System 3rd Ed. McGraw-Hill. 4. Norman S. Nise. (2007). Control Systems Engineering. 5th Ed. Wiley 5. David M. Pozar, (2004). Microwave Engineering. John Wiley & Sons Inc. 202 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik KEJURUTERAAN KAWALAN EEE 3213 CONTROL ENGINEERING EEE 3213 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Signal and System EEE 2233 Course Synopsis This course exposes students to the mathematical modelling of physical systems and controller design & analysis techniques. This course also covers topics such as basic principles of control system and feedback system and the performance of transfer function, block diagram and signal flow graph to modelling the physical systems. Students are also required to design and analyse PID controller. The topics covered would be mathematical modeling of dynamic systems, transfer function, time response analysis, stability criteria, root locus and frequency response methods. The course will also provide students with an exposure to basic control system design using control simulation (Matlab/ SIMULINK) Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Develop mathematical models from physical systems by using transfer function in frequency domain and state representation in time domain. 2. Analyse the feedback control system characteristics which includes stability of transient response and steady state error. 3. Perform the graphical (root locus) and sinusoidal tool (bode plot) to analyse the system. 4. Design and analyse the time domain and frequency domain controller. References 1. Nise, N. S. (2008). Control Systems Engineering. 5th ed. John Wiley and Sons. 2. Dorf, R.C., & Bishop, R.H. (2011). Modern Control Systems. 12th ed. Prentice-Hall International, Inc. 3. Ogata, K. (2010). Modern Control Engineering. 5th ed. Pearson Education International, Inc. 4. Ogata, K. (2008). Matlab for Control Engineers. International ed. Prentice-Hall International, Inc. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 203 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN PRINSIP-PRINSIP KOMUNIKASI EEE 3223 PRINCIPLES OF COMMUNICATION EEE 3223 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Signal and System EEE 2233 Course Synopsis This course introduces the students the basic principles of communication system. The importance of modulation and the performance of the system in the presence of noise are discussed. The students will also be given the fundamental concepts of analog modulation particularly of amplitude and angle modulations. Digital modulations techniques are exposed to the students such as ASK, PSK, FSK, BPSK, QPSK and QAM. Topics covered include types, modulated waveforms, transmitters, receivers, and transmission bandwidth and noise impact on the modulation system. Various sampling, quantization and line coding techniques are explained before the study of coded pulse modulation, PCM and delta modulation. Then the waveforms and spectral analysis of bandpass digital transmission are introduced together with system performance in terms of bit error rate. Methods of signal multiplexing such as TDM, FDM and SDM are also presented and compared. Students will then learn about transmission line and smith chart applications as a means to improve the performance of the signal transmission. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Describe and summarise basic principles of analog and digital communication systems. 2. Design and analyse various types of analog and digital communication generators and receivers. 3. Describe transmission line concepts and impedance matching techniques. References 1. Wayne Tomasi. (2004). Electronic Communication Systems: Fundamentals Through Advanced., 5th Ed.. Pearson Prentice Hall. 2. Lathi, B.P. (2003). Modern Digital and Analog Communications Systems, 3rd Edn. Oxford University Press. 3. Louis E., & Frenzel Jr. (2008). Principles of Electronic Communication Systems 3rd Ed. McGraw-Hill. 4. Stanley, W.D., & Jeffords, J.M. (2005). Electronic Communications: Principles and Systems. Thomson. 204 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik SISTEM KUASA EEE 3233 POWER SYSTEMS EEE 3233 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Circuit Analysis II EEE 2123 Course Synopsis This course covers operation, performance and analytical technique in electrical power generation, transmission and distribution. The covered topics are introduction to alternative energy sources, complex power, phasors, correction power factor, per-unit system, power quality and utilization, power transformer and generator, modeling of short, medium and long transmission lines and designing a protection system. Power system in military applications will be discussed and site visit for students will be conducted at the end of the course. Students will also be exposed to the real application of power systems during the site visit. For example, the application of the generator set, power transformer, and power control system. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Analyse various types of transformers and understand power concept, power factor, 3-phase system, per-unit calculation, and concepts of power systems network. 2. Explain four basic transmission-line parameters, analyse the performance of singlephase and balanced three-phase transmission lines under normal steady-state operating conditions. 3. Explain the theory of protection devices and protection design from the device application standpoint. 4. Be exposed to power systems in military applications and real applications of power systems. References 1. Hadi Saadat (2004). Power System Analysis, 2nd Edition (International Edition). McGraw Hill. 2. Glover, J.D., Mulukutra, Sarma, S., & Overbye, T.J. (2008). Power System Analysis and Design, 4th Edition(International Edition). Cengage Leaning. 3. Weedy, B.M., & Cory, B.J. (1998). Electric Power Systems, 4th Edition, John Wiley and Sons, Singapore. 4. Kothari, D.P., & Nagrath, I.J. (2003). Modern Power Systems Analysis, 3rd Edition(International Edition). Mc-Graw Hill. 5. Wang, X., & McDonald, J.R. (2003). Modern Power System Planning, 3rd Edition(International Edition), Mc-Graw Hill. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 205 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN LATIHAN INDUSTRI EEE 3314 INDUSTRIAL TRAINING EEE 3314 4 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Circuit Analysis II EEE 2123 Analog Electronics and Devices EEE 2213 60 Credit Hours Completed Course Synopsis Industrial training exposes the students to the real work setting in various industries or military units for 10 weeks. The students are placed in industries or military units that best suit their area of studies. It is an experimental learning that requires the students to learn the process and able to apply their knowledge acquired in actual industrial setting. The knowledge acquired during practical training may be used may be used later in final year class as well as to equip them with sufficient knowledge for their job. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Perform well in the actual working environment. 2. Demonstrate a positive personality in the actual working environment. 3. Write technical documents. References 1. Undergraduate Handbook. 2. Panduan Latihan Industri, Fakulti Kejuruteraan. 206 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik PENGURUSAN KEJURUTERAAN EEE 4102 ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT EEE 4102 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course will expose students to the required knowledge to utilize appropriate management tools and techniques in the context of Electrical Engineering projects. It covers variety of aspect including issues and management as a problem solving process. Projects tasks deliverables, responsibilities and timing requirement needed to manage project on time and within budget will be elaborated. The necessary knowledge to develop skills for such activities will be provided. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Apply the engineering management functions of planning, organizing, leading, controlling and communicate effectively. 2. Apply business fundamentals of cost accounting, financial accounting & financial management. 3. Gain exposure to engineering economics. References 1. Chang. (2005). Engineering Management: Challenges in the New Millennium. Prentice Hall. 2. Eisner. (2008). Essentials of Project & Systems Engineering Management, 3rd ed, Wiley. 3. Blanchard. (2008). System Engineering Management, 4th ed. Wiley. 4. Smith. Engineering Project Management. 3rd ed. Wiley. 5. Cleland. (2007). Project Management: Strategic Design and Implementation, 5th ed., McGraw-Hill. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 207 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN PROJEK TAHUN AKHIR I EEE 4142 FINAL YEAR PROJECT I EEE 4142 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : System Design EEE 3113 90 credit hours completed Course Synopsis This project aims to expose students to conducting research works in order to solve engineering problems. The research works include literature survey, analysis of previous works, research experimental design and executing experimental work, collecting and analyzing data, discussion, dissertation writing and oral presentation. In this stage, students have to carry out literature survey in order to understand the nature of the problem and identify the approriate research methodology. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Plan, handle and execute electrical engineering projects. 2. Gather, apply and analyse relevant information. 3. Communicate effectively either orally or in written form. 4. Adopt and adapt existing and new engineering technologies for the betterment of humankinds. 5. Behave ethically and professionally. References 1. The relevant journals or proceedings. 208 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik JURUTERA DALAM KOMUNITI EEE 4202 ENGINEERS IN SOCIETY EEE 4202 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course highlights to students the profession of engineering, how to become professional engineers, their roles and responsibilities to benefit mankind. Students are introduced to the relevant acts, regulations, standard, patent and code of engineering ethics. Students are also exposed to ethical problem, risk, safety and accidents in engineering practice. Based on those theories, principles and code of engineering ethics, students will analyse engineering issues and carry out case studies. They will present for class discussion. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Recognise the responsibilities of Electrical & Electronic engineers as a professional. 2. Discover the requirement and the issues of safety, impact of law, standards and regulations. 3. Analyse engineering ethics and engineering cases. 4. Develop teamwork and communicate effectively. References 1. Charles B. Fleddermann (2008), Engineering Ethics, 3rd edition. E Source Prentice. 2. Charles E.Harris, Michael S. Pritchard, & Michael J. Rabins (2009). Engineering Ethics Concept and Cases, 4thEdition. Wadsworth Cengage Learning. 3. Registration of Engineers Act 1967 and Registration of Engineer Regulation 1990. 4. Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994. 5. Contract Act 1950 (Revised 1974). UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 209 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN PROJEK TAHUN AKHIR II EEE 4214 FINAL YEAR PROJECT II EEE 4214 4 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Final Year Project I EEE 4142 Course Synopsis This course is a continuation of researh work done in Final Year Project 1. In this stage, students have to do data collecting & analyzing, dissertation writing, oral and poster presentation. The completion of the project is based on effective time management. Students needs to write project report accordance to the UPNM format or equivalent. Students are then required to present their project findings. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Plan, handle and execute electrical engineering projects. 2. Gather, apply and analyse relevant information. 3. Communicate effectively either orally or in written form. 4. Adopt and adapt existing and new engineering technologies for the betterment of humankinds. 5. Behave ethically and professionally. References The relevant journals or proceedings. 210 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik MEKANIK KEJURUTERAAN EMM 2322 ENGINEERING MECHANICS EMM 2322 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This is a fundamental subject for Electrical & Electronic Engineering students taken in the second year of their programme. It is a continuation of Physics taught in Foundation Year. Engineering Mechanics can be divided into two parts: Statics and Dynamics. Statics deals with equilibrium of bodies, particle, resultant and resolution of forces, centre of gravity and centroid. Meanwhile, Dynamics covers the principle of kinematics and kinetics of particles. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Solve problems involving the equilibrium of bodies, particle, resultant and resolution of forces. 2. Calculate the moment of forces and apply the principle of equilibrium. 3. Determine displacement, velocity and acceleration of moving particles. 4. Apply Newton Law, impulse-momentum and work energy equations to solve problems involving motions of particle. References 1. Meriam J.L., & L. G. Kraige (1996). Engineering Mechanics, Vol 1: Statics, 4th Ed. Canada: John Wiley & Sons. 2. Meriam J.L., & L.G. Kraige. (2003). Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics. S.I. Edition. John Wiley & Sons. 3. Beer, F. P., E. R. Johnston, & E. R. Eisenberg (2004). Vector Mechanics For Engineers: Statics, 7th Ed (Int.). New York: McGraw Hill. 4. Beer, F. P. & Johnson, E. R. (1990). Vector Mechanics For Engineers: Static and Dynamics. Singapore: McGraw Hill. 5. Hibbeler, R. C. (2007). Engineering Mechanics Statics. 11th Ed. SI. Singapore: Prentice Hall. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 211 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN PEMACU ELEKTRIK EEP 3213 ELECTRICAL DRIVES EEP 3213 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Electrical Machines EEP3243 Course Synopsis This course introduces to the students different types of electric motors under various load conditions and applications of power electronic drives to electric motors. The topics covered in this course include DC drives, AC induction motor drive, and AC synchronous motor drives. The efficiency and harmonic effects are also discussed for each drive system. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Discuss the characteristics of modern electric drive systems for different applications. 2. Design an electric drive system for specific motors and applications. 3. Appraise the applications of electric drive systems in terms of efficiency and cost effectiveness. References 1. Mohan, N. (2003). Electric Drives. MNPERE. 2. Fitzgerald, A.E., Kingsley, C., & Umans, S. D. (2003). Electric Machinery. McGraw Hill. 212 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik MESIN ELEKTRIK EEP 3243 ELECTRIC MACHINES EEP 3243 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course introduces and provides the students the basic understanding of the operation of electrical machines and a realistic expectation of their performances. The students will first be reviewing the fundamental laws of the dynamic magnetic systems before starting on the working principles of the electrical machines. The three categories of machines that will be explored in this course are the transformers, DC machines and AC machines which are divided into synchronous and induction machines. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Explain how the electric machines work. 2. Understand and calculate the properties of selected electric machines. 3. Draw equivalent circuit and do the analysis on the selected electric machines. 4. Relate the concept of selected electric machines to real world or military application. References 1. Chapman, S. J. (2005). Electric Machinery Fundamentals, 4th Edition. Mc-Graw Hill. 2. Sen, P. C. (1996). Principles of Electric Machines and Power Electronics, 2nd Edition. John Wiley and Sons. 3. Wildi, T. (1996). Electric Machines, Drives and Power Sys. 4. Hindmarsh, J., & Renfiew, A. (1996). Electrical Machines and Drives Systems, 3rd Edition. Butterworth-Heinemann. 5. Bhattacharya, S.K. (2008). Electrical Machines, 3rd Edition. Mc-Graw Hill. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 213 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN SISTEM KUASA MAJU EEP 4113 ADVANCED POWER SYSTEMS EEP 4113 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Power System EEE 3233 Course Synopsis This course covers deeper system analysis which includes characteristics of faults on transmission line and the protection systems, power flow analysis, power system stability studies and economic operation in power system. Fault calculation using impedances equivalent circuits, single line-to-ground faults and line-to-line faults will be discussed in this course including basic principles for protection against such faults. For power flow analysis, the Gauss-Seidel and Newton-Rapson methods will be utilised for power flow solution. Students will be introduced to power system stability in terms of types of stability studies; swing equation; transient stability; equal area criteria; effect of type of fault on stability; multi-machine studies; computer simulation; methods for improving and maintaining systems stability. The economic aspects of power system operation covering economic dispatch and unit will also be given emphasis in this course. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Conduct fault calculation due to various faults in power system and the relevan protection system. 2. Utilize the Newton Raphson and Fast Decoupled Load Flow methods to calculate the state variables in a power system. 3. Apply various procedures in ensuring economic operation of power system introduced in the course. 4. Analyse stability condition in power system. References 1. Sadat, H. (2010). Power System Analysis, 3rd Edition, McGraw Hill. 2. Wood, A.J., & Wollenberg, B.F.(2002). Power Generation, Operation and Control, John Wiley & Sons. 3. Weedy, B.M., & Cory, B.J. (2001). Electric Power Systems, 4th edition. John Wiley & Sons. 214 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik KEJURUTERAAN VOLTAN TINGGI EEP 4122 HIGH VOLTAGE ENGINEERING EEP 4122 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Power Systems EEE 3233 Course Synopsis This course deals with the new emerging technology in high voltage engineering. It concentrates on electrical breakdown in insulation systems; generation and measurement aspects of high voltages. The dielectric strength of insulating material and the electric field stresses when subjected to high voltages will be discussed. Some of important circuit configurations for the generation of high voltage DC, AC and impulse will be covered. Measurement techniques based on different types of potential dividers and spark gaps for DC, AC and impulse measurements will be studied. The course also explains some nondestructive tests like surface and internal discharges, loss factor, partial discharges and tan delta. Familiarity with electrical power system components is useful. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Apply basic concepts of high voltage technologies. 2. Analyse generation of high voltages; measurement of high voltages; testing techniques; and electrical breakdown in gases, vacuum, liquids and solids. 3. Gain exposure to high voltage technology in military applications. References 1. Khalifa, M. (1990). High-Voltage Engineering: Theory and Practice. New York: Marcel Dekker Inc. ISBN: 0-824-78128-7. 2. Kuffel, E., Zaengl, W.S., & Kuffel, J. (2000). High Voltage Engineering: Fundamentals, 2nd edition. Singapore: Newnes. ISBN: 0-750-63634-3. 3. Naidu, M.S., & Kamaraju, V. (2004). High Voltage Engineering, 3rd edition. Singapore: McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 0-070-49464-9. 4. Jay, S.A. High Voltage Electricity Installations: A Planning Perspective. ISBN: 978-0470-03016-5. 5. Kothari, D.P. (2008). Modern Power System Analysis, 1st Edition, 2008. USA: McGrawHill. ISBN-13 9780073404554. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 215 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN ELEKTRONIK KUASA EEP 4133 POWER ELECTRONICS EEP 4133 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This is an introduction course to power electronics. Among the contents of this course are overview of power electronics systems, power devices technology and drivers, snubbers, power losses and switching techniques. Single-phase and three-phase for control and uncontrollable rectifier; chopper ,inverter and pulse width modulation (PWM) techniques will be explained in details in this course. Power Electronics applications in real world and military will be discussed at the end of this course. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Explain how the power electronics work. 2. Explain the single-phase uncontrolled and controlled rectifiers and three- phase rectifiers - controlled and uncontrolled. 3. Analyse the basic circuit topology of non-isolated and isolated types for DC-DC converter. 4. Analyse the basic circuit topology of single-phase and three-phase inverters and Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) techniques. 5. Relate the concept of selected power electronics system to real world or military application. References 1. Rashid, M.H. (2004). Power Electronics: Circuits, Devices & Applications, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall. 2. Mohan, Underland & Robbins. Power Electronics; Converters, Application and Design, 3rd Edition. John Wiley and Sons Inc. 3. Singh, M.D., &Khanchandani, K.B. Power Electronics, 2nd Edition. McGraw-Hill. 4. Cyril W. Lander. Power Electronics, 3rd Edition. McGraw-Hill International Edition. 5. Kassakian, J.G., Schlecht, M.F., & Verghese, G.C. (1991). Principles of Power Electronics. Addison-Wesley 216 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik SINOPSIS KURSUS ELEKTIF PROGRAM PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA KEJURUTERAAN ELEKTRIK DAN ELEKTRONIK (KUASA) (ZK50) EKONOMI SISTEM KUASA EEP 4222 POWER SYSTEM ECONOMICS EEP 4222 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Advanced Power System EEP 4113 Course Synopsis This course introduces the economics aspects in power system in terms of its market requirement, effects of security and transmission to the electricity pricing and discusses the issues of investments in power generation and transmission equipment. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Analyse the economic aspects of electrical energy market. 2. Solve security issues in electricity market. 3. Analyse the electricity market and investment in generation of electrical energy and transmission network. References 1. Kirschen, D.S., & Strbac, G. (2004). Fundamentals of Power System Economics, John Wiley. 2. Stoft, S. (2002). Power System Economics: Designing Markets for Electricity, WileyInterscience. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 217 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN REKABENTUK SISTEM KAWALAN EEE 5222 CONTROL SYSTEM DESIGN EEE 5222 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Control Engineering EEE 3213 Course Synopsis This course is vital to the advancement of control engineering which focus on the analysis of dynamics and feedback control systems. Students are further exposed to modeling and analysis of engineering systems using state-space methods, and also discrete methods of control system design. In addition, students are also introduced to design of digital systems using root locus technique in z-plane. In completion of this course, students should be able to understands state space modelling of dynamic systems and also basic knowledge in implementation of digital controllers to certain applications. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Explain the state space variable and state space modeling of dynamic system. 2. Analyse the stability and transient response of a control system using z-transform. 3. Design basic state-feedback controllers. 4. Design and analyse controller for digital control system. References 1. Dorf, R.C., & Bishop, R.H. (2011). Modern Control Systems. 12th ed. Prentice-Hall International, Inc. 2. Doyle, J.C., Francis, B.A., & Tannenbaum, A.R. (2009). Feedback Control Theory, (Dover Books on Engineering). 3. Nise, N. S. (2008). Control Systems Engineering” 5th ed. John Wiley and Sons. 4. Franklin G.F., Powell J.D., & Emani-Naeni A. (1994). Feedback Control Systems, 3rd ed., Addison-Wesley. 5. Ogata, K. (2002). Modern Control Engineering (4th Edition), Pearson Education International, Inc. 218 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik TENAGA BOLEH DIPERBAHARUI EEP 5212 RENEWABLE ENERGY EEP 5212 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Advanced Power System EEP 4113 Course Synopsis This course addresses the new emerging technologies in renewable energy. It covers the spectrum from solar energy, biomass, hydro, wind, tidal and wave technologies to renewable energy policies, economic factors and environmental impacts. This course also discusses the basic concepts of solar collectors, solar applications, bio-energy sources, production of gaseous and liquid fuels from biomass, types of turbine runner, tidal generator and wind turbine types. At the end of this course, students are required to conduct a mini research on a topic provided by the lecturer. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Explain the needs for and initiatives to promote renewable energy. 2. Analyse the working principle of renewable technologies. 3. Appraise various types of renewable energy technologies. References 1. Boyle, G. (2004). Renewable Energy: Power for a Sustainable Future. UK: Oxford University Press. 2. Ferris, L., Infield, D. (2008). Renewable Energy in Power Systems. John Wiley. 3. Twidel, J., Wier, T. (2005). Renewable Energy Resources. Taylor & Francis. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 219 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN KECERDASAN BUATAN UNTUK SISTEM KUASA EEP 5262 ARTIFITIAL INTELLIGENT FOR POWER SYSTEMS EEP 5262 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Advanced Power System EEP 4113 Course Synopsis This course introduces the students to various intelligent systems and their applications in power system operation. Specific intelligent systems mainly the artificial neural network, evolutionary programming and support vector machine will be discussed in detailed. Students are also required to develop a mini project that involves the development of an intelligent system for solving power system operation problems. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Discuss the fundamental concepts, characteristics and methodologies of intelligent systems. 2. Discuss the needs and usefulness of intelligent techniques in power system. 3. Design artificial intelligence systems and evolutionary computation algorithms for applications in power system. References 1. Lee, K.Y., & El-Sharkawi, M.A. (2008). Modern Heuristic Optimization Techniques: Theory and Applications to Power Systems. Wiley-IEEE Press. 2. Negnevitsky, M. (2002). Artificial Intelligence-A Guide to Intelligent Systems. AddisonWesley. 3. Weerakorn Ongsakul, & Vo Ngoc Dieu. (2012). Artificial Intelligence in Power System Optimization. CRC Press. 220 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik PERLINDUNGAN SISTEM KUASA EEP 5222 POWER SYSTEM PROTECTION EEP 5222 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Advanced Power System EEP 4113 Course Synopsis This course is designed to introduce the concept of power system protection. The student will are expected to understand the general concept of protection in power system. It is expected that the students will be able to analyse and design the protection system related to the protection against overvoltage, the setting of overcurrent relay and determination of fuses size, circuit breaker setting and capable to design the protection system against overvoltage such as fault by nature etc. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Interpret basic concepts of Power System Protection. 2. Design suitable Power System Protection. 3. Gain exposure to System Protection Applications. References 1. Hewitson, L.G., Brown, M., & Balakrishnan, R. Practical Power System Protection, Newnes, ISBN: 0-750-66397-9. 2. Kalam, A., & Kothari, D.P. (2009). Power System Protection and Communication. New Age Science. ISBN: 1-906-57426-X. 3. Anderson, P.A. (1999). Power System Protection, IEEE Computer Society Press. ISBN: 0-780-33427-2. 4. The Electricity Training Association, Power System Protection, Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1995, ISBN: 0-852-96836-1. 5. Christopoulos, A., & Wright, A. (1999). Electrical Power System Protection, 2nd edition, Kluwer Academic Publishers. ISBN: 0-412-81760-8. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 221 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN PENGAWASAN KONDISI ELEKTRIK EEP 5242 ELECTRICAL CONDITION MONITORING EEP 5242 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Power Systems EEE 3233 Electric Machines EEE 3243 Course Synopsis This course covers condition monitoring of modern power system assets such as transformers, overhead lines, cables, switchgear, and other transmission and distribution network equipment. The course provides knowledge about the principles of operation of equipment, including failure modes and ageing and modern techniques for assessing asset condition. Factors affecting important over stresses occurring in power networks (including fault currents and lightning and switching over voltages) are studied and methods of acceptance testing are reviewed. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Explain the basic construction, operation and failure mechanisms of important station equipment. 2. Identify various condition monitoring and diagnostic techniques of power system equipments. 3. Evaluate the condition monitoring and diagnostic techniques of power system equipments. References 1. JR. Barron, Engineering Condition Monitoring : Practice, Methods and Applications, Longman, England ,1996. Other References: 1. B.S. Dhillon, Engineering Maintenance: A Modern Approach, CRC Press, Florida, 2002. 2. F. Ansari, Condition Monitoring of Materials and Structures, American Society of Civil Engineer, 2000. 3. E.D. Yardley, Condition Monitoring : Engineering the Practice. Professional Engineering Publishing, UK, 2002. 222 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik PENGGUNAAN KUASA EEP 5252 POWER UTILIZATION EEP 5252 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Advanced Power System EEP4113 Course Synopsis This course introduces the students to the utilization of electrical power at distribution level. Mainly it covers load characteristic, design of protection power system, power factor correction and power quality issues in distribution system. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Discuss operation of distribution system and perform load calculation. 2. Analyse the earthing, protection and cabling requirement for a distribution installation. 3. Analyse the major power quality issues and propose appropriate mitigation techniques. References 1. Gonan, T. (2007). Electrical Power Distribution System, Engineering. McGraw Hill. 2. Pabla, A.S. (2004). Electrical Power Distribution. McGraw Hill. 3. IEEE Recommended Practice for Powering and Grounding Electronics Equipment. IEEE Std 1100,2008. 4. Dugan, R.C., McGranaghan, W.F., & Beaty, H.W. (2002). Electrical Power Systems Quality . McGraw Hill. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 223 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN JABATAN KEJURUTERAAN MEKANIKAL BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI 2014/2015 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN SENARAI KAKITANGAN AKADEMIK PROFESOR Dr. Megat Mohamad Hamdan bin Megat Ahmad B.Eng.(Hons.) (UPM), M.Sc., Ph.D (Wales ) Ir. Dr. Wan Ali bin Wan Mat, P.Eng B.Eng.(Mechanical) (Gadjah Mada), M.Sc.(Strathclyde), Ph.D (Newcastle) Brig. Jen. Dr. Shohaimi bin Hj Abdullah PAT SDK DNS KMN KAT psc Dip. (Kejuruteraan Jentera) (UTM), M.Sc. (Cranfield), Ph.D (Cranfield) Dr. Ahmad Mujahid bin Ahmad Zaidi, MIAENG MCSM B.Eng. (Hons.)(Mechanical)(KUiTTHO), Ph.D (Manchester) Dr. Aidy Ali, MESIS, MISDS, MPIK, MSAMPE B.Eng. (Hons.) (Mechanical) (UPM), M.Eng. (UKM), Ph.D (Sheffield) PROFESOR MADYA Dr. Risby Mohd Sohaimi, MIBS, MIAPS, MIAENG,MMSET B.Eng. (Hons.)(Civil) (USM), M.Sc.(UPM), Ph.D (UPM) Lt Kol Ir. Mohamad Ghani bin Mohamad Madersah (B) P.Eng, MIEM, KMN, psc B.Eng. (UNSW, Australia), M.Sc. (Cranfield), Ijazah SESKOAD (Indonesia) Lt Kol Ir. Khalid bin Abd Jalil TUDM KAT, P.Eng, MIEM B.Sc. (Mech.) (HanYang), Master (ENSICA/ENCA) Mej Ir. Nurulhasnan bin Abd Majid TUDM, P.Eng, MIEM B.Sc. (Aero.Engr) (Texas), (M.Sc.) (UNSW) Lt Kol Ir. Muhamad bin Murrad KAT KMN psc MLA, P.Eng, MIEM Dip. (Mech)(UTM), Dip. (Strategy & Defence Studies) (UM), Pg. Dip. (Industrial Safety Management) (UKM), B.Eng. (Mech.) (UTM), M.Eng (UTM) Lt Kol Khairul Hasni bin Kamarudin B.Eng. (Mech.) (Australia), M.SocSc (UKM), M.Sc (IT), (UKM) Dr. Khisbullah Hudha B.Eng.(Mech).(Institut Teknologi Bandung), M.Sc.(Utrecht Polytechnic the Netherlands/ Wolverhampton University, UK), Ph.D (UTM) Mej Ir.Dr.Razali bin Abidin (B) Dip. (Mech)(UTM), B.Eng (Hons)(Mech)(UTM), M.Eng (UTM), Ph.D (UKM) 226 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal FELO KANAN Dr. Muhamad Akram bin Muhammad Khan B.Sc(PU), M. Sc(QAU), Lic. Engrg.(LTH), Ph.D. Eng. (LTH, Sweden) PENSYARAH KANAN Dr. Dian Darina Indah binti Hj. Daruis B.Eng (Hons) (CAD/CAM) (UM), M.Sc. (Warwick), Ph.D (UKM) Lt Kol Abdul Latif B. Taha (B) B.Sc. Engr. (RAF College, Cranwell), M.Sc. (Cranfield) Dr. Ku Zarina binti Ku Ahmad B.Eng. (Hons.)(Material Eng.) (USM), M.Sc. (USM), Ph.D (UKM) Tan Kean Sheng B.Eng. (Mech.) (UPM), M.Sc. (Mech.) (UPM) Dr. Raja Norizawati binti Raja Othman B.Sc.(Chemical Eng.) (Syracuse), M.Sc. (UPM), Ph.D. (Manchester) Ir. Saiddi Ali Firdaus bin Mohamed Ishak, P.Eng, MIEM, MIOA. B.Eng. (Mechanical-Aeronautics) (UTM), M.Eng (Mechanical) (UTM) Dr. Mohd Zaid bin Othman B.Eng. (Hons.)(Mechanical) (Liverpool), M.Sc. (Liverpool), Ph.D. (UMIST) Dr. Mohd Rashdan bin Saad M.Eng (Aero. Eng.)(Manchester), Ph.D (Manchester) PENSYARAH Dr. Leong Kin Yuen MMSET, C.Eng, MIMechE Dip. Mechanical with Education (ITTHO/UTM), B. Eng. (Hons)(Mechanical) (KUiTTHO), M.Eng. (Malaya), Ph.D (Malaya) Abd. Rahim bin Mat Sarip* B.Eng. (Mech. Aero) (UTM), M.Eng. (UTM) Norwazan binti Abd Rahim* B.Eng. (Hons.)(Mech.) (UPM), M.Sc. (UPM) Engr. Gunasilan A/L Manar B. Eng. (Mech)(UTM), M.Sc. (ISAE,Toulouse, France) UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 227 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN Dr. Mohd Rosdzimin bin Abdul Rahman B.Eng. (Hons.)(Mech)(UTM), M.Eng.)(UTM) Ph.D (Keio, Japan) Ir. Balamurugan a/l Annamalai Gurunathan, P.Eng, MEIM, C.Eng, MIMechE * B.Eng. (Hons.)(Mech)(UTM), M.Eng. (UTM) Mohd Fazli bin Mohd Yusoff* B.Eng. (Hons.)(Mechatronic)(UIAM), M.Eng. (ANU) Baizura binti Bohari B.Eng. (Aero) (UPM), M.Sc. (Sussex) Zulkiffli bin Abd. Kadir B. Eng. (Mech.Auto.)(UTeM), M.Sc.(UTeM) Nur Akmal binti Haniffah B.Sc. (Mech. Eng.) M.Eng. (Ibaraki, Japan) Mohamad Faizal bin Abdullah* B.Eng. (Hons.) (Mech.), M.Sc. (UKM) Noor Hafizah binti Amer M.Eng. (Mech. Auto.) (Nottingham), MEngSc ( Malaya) Syafawati binti Hasbi* M.Eng. (Mech.) (Sheffield), MEngSc (Malaya) TUTOR Dr. Azam bin Che Idris M.Eng. (Aero. with Mgt.) (Manchester) Irfan Md Ghazaly* Dip. (Mech) (Dongyang Technical college), B.Sc (Mech) (Hanyang University), M.Eng (UKM) * Cuti belajar 228 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal SARJANA MUDA KEJURUTERAAN MEKANIKAL (ZK08) STRUKTUR PROGRAM DAN JUMLAH KREDIT KEPERLUAN PROGRAM Program Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan Mekanikal (ZK08) Jumlah keperluan kredit yang perlu dipenuhi untuk bergraduat adalah seperti mana jadual di bawah dan pengajian yang perlu diikuti adalah lapan (8) semester lazim. Pecahan kursus yang perlu diambil adalah seperti berikut: KURSUS KREDIT Kursus Universiti: i. Kursus Teras Universiti ii. Elektif Universiti 24 6 Kursus Teras Program: i. Teras Program ii. Teras Fakulti 80 18 Kursus Elektif Program 4 JUMLAH KREDIT UNTUK BERGRADUAT 132 UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 229 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN KURSUS TERAS PROGRAM Senarai Kursus Teras Program Yang Perlu Dipenuhi (80 Kredit): CODE COURSE CREDIT SEM** EMM 1213 Engineering Mechanics (Statics) 3 1 EMM 1223 Dynamics 3 2 EMM 2173 Materials Engineering 3 3 EMM 2303 Strength of Materials I 3 3 EMM 2323 Strength of Materials II 3 4 EMM 3233 Mechanics of Machines 3 5 EMM 3243 Vibration 3 6 EMM 2513 Thermodynamics I 3 3 EMM 3503 Thermodynamics II 3 5 EMM 3512 Heat Transfer 2 6 EMM 2613 Fluid Mechanics I 3 4 EMM 3603 Fluid Mechanics II 3 6 EMM 4433 Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) 3 7 EEE 1012 Introduction to Electrical Engineering 2 1 EEE 2022 Electronics 2 2 2 6 EMM 3402 Instrumentations EMM 3413 Control Engineering 3 5 EMP 1153 Mechanical Engineering Drawing 3 2 EMD 3703 Mechanical Engineering Design 3 6 EML 3842 Engineering Laboratories 2 5 Eng Math II EML 3852 Advanced Engineering Laboratories 2 6 EMD 4713 Capstone Project 3 7 EMP 1111 Workshop Practices 1 1 EMP 3113 Manufacturing Technology 3 5 4 (short sem) 2 7 EMM 3314 Industrial Training 60 Credits taken EMP 4182 Engineering Management EMM 4902 Engineers in Society EMP 4172 Operations Management EMT 4752 Final Year Project I Mechanics of Machines, Mech Eng Design, Strength 2, Fluid 2 EMT 4754 Final Year Project II Nota: 230 Aliran pra-syarat ‘wajib lulus’ subjek – subjek yang berkaitan. Aliran pra-syarat ‘pernah ambil’ subjek – subjek yang berkaitan. ** Semester BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 2 8 2 7 2 7 4 8 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal KURSUS ELEKTIF PROGRAM Senarai Kursus Elektif Program (4 Kredit): CODE COURSE CREDIT EME 4164 Advanced Materials 4 EME 4624 Turbomachinery 4 EME 4914 Non-Destructive Testing 4 EME 4194 Quality, Reliability and Maintainability Engineering 4 EME 4244 System, Structure and Dynamics of Ground Vehicles 4 EME 4334 Aircraft Systems and Mechanics 4 EME 4344 Ship System 4 STRUKTUR KURIKULUM PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA KEJURUTERAAN MEKANIKAL (ZK08) TAHUN PERTAMA SEMESTER 1 Code Course SEMESTER 2 Credit PreRequsite Code Course Credit PreRequsite TERAS UNIVERSITI LAN2012 Nationhood in World Politics 2 - DUS2072 Military Law and Laws of Armed Conflict 2 - LAN1012 Islamic and Asian Civilizations 2 - LAN1032 Ethnic Relation 2 - LEL1012 English for Academic Writing 2 - DUM2062 Effective Leadership 2 - PSK1012 Human Movement Science 2 - Latihan Ketenteraan Umum / PALAPES 1 - Engineering Mathematics II (Differential Equation) 3 - ELEKTIF UNIVERSITI ALK1011/ PLS1011 Latihan Ketenteraan Umum / PALAPES 1 - ALK1021/ PLS1021 TERAS FAKULTI EFA1103 Engineering Mathematics I (Calculus III) 3 EFC1103 Computing I (C and C++) 3 - EFA1203 TERAS PROGRAM EEE1012 Introduction to Electrical Engineering 2 - EEE2022 Electronics 2 - EMP1111 Workshop Practices 1 - EMP1153 Mechanical Engineering Drawing 3 - EMM1213 Engineering Mechanics (Statics) 3 - EMM1233 Dynamics 3 EMM1213 TOTAL 18 TOTAL 18 UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 231 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN TAHUN KEDUA SEMESTER 3 Code Course LEL1022 English for oral Communication SEMESTER 4 Credit PreRequsite Course Credit PreRequsite Military History 2 - Latihan Ketenteraan Umum / PALAPES 1 - Code TERAS UNIVERSITI 2 - DUS1062 ELEKTIF UNIVERSITI ALK2011/ PLS2011 Latihan Ketenteraan Umum / PALAPES 1 - ALK2021/ PLS2021 TERAS FAKULTI EFA2103 Engineering Mathematics IIIA (Complex Variable and Vector) 3 - EFA2213 Engineering Mathematics IV (Statistics) 3 - EFC1103 Computing 1 (C and C++) 3 - EFC1203 Computing II (Numerical Methods and Engineering Softwares) 3 - EMM2303 Strength of Materials I 3 EMM1213 EMM2323 Strength of Materials II 3 EMM2303 EMM2513 Thermodynamics I 3 - EMM2613 Fluid Mechanics I 3 - EMM2173 Materials Engineering 3 - TERAS PROGRAM TOTAL 232 18 TOTAL BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 15 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal TAHUN KETIGA SEMESTER 5 SEMESTER 6 Code Course Credit LFL1XX1 Foreign Language I 1 Pre-Requsite Code Course Credit Pre-Requsite Foreign Language II 1 - ALK3011/ PLS3011 Latihan Ketenteraan Umum / PALAPES 1 - QKS3621/ PLS3021 Tempur Tanpa Senjata / PALAPES 1 - 2 EML3842 TERAS UNIVERSITI - LFL1XX1 ELEKTIF UNIVERSITI TERAS PROGRAM EML3842 Mechanical Engineering Laboratories 2 - EML3852 Advanced Mechanical Engineering Laboratories EMM3503 Thermodynamics II 3 EMM2513 EMM3603 Fluid Mechanics II 3 EMM2613 EMM3233 Mechanics of Machines 3 EMM1233 EMM3243 Vibration 3 EMM1233 EMM3413 Control Engineering 3 Instrumentation 2 - EMP3113 Manufacturing Technology 3 Mechanical Engineering Design 3 EMM2343 TOTAL EMM1233 EEE2022 EMM3402 EFA1203 - EMD3703 15 TOTAL 16 Note : Must have taken, not necessary to pass. TAHUN KETIGA INTER - SESI Code EMM 3314 TOTAL Course Industrial Training Credit Pre-Requsite 4 Must have taken minimum 60 credits 4 UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 233 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN TAHUN KEEMPAT SEMESTER 7 Code Course DUS2022 Introduction to Strategic Studies SEMESTER 8 Credit Pre-Requsite Code Course Credit Pre-Requsite Basic Entrepreneurship 2 - TERAS UNIVERSITI 2 - LAN1042 TERAS PROGRAM EMT4752 Final Year Project I 2 EMM2343 EMM3233 EMM3603 EMD3703 EMM3503 EMD4713 Capstone Project 3 EMD3703 EMP4172 Operations Management 2 - EMM4433 Computer Aided Engineering 3 - EMM3512 Heat Transfer 2 EMM3503 EMT4754 Final Year Project II 4 EMT 4752 EMM4902 Engineers in Society 2 - EMP4182 Engineering Management 2 - Elective 4 - ELEKTIF PROGRAM EME4XX4 TOTAL 14 TOTAL Note : Must have taken, not necessary to pass. 234 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 14 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal SINOPSIS KURSUS TERAS PROGRAM PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA KEJURUTERAAN MEKANIKAL (ZK08) MEKANIK KEJURUTERAAN (STATIK) EMM 1213 ENGINEERING MECHANICS (STATICS) EMM 1213 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course emphasizes on the importance of free body diagram in equilibrium analysis of trusses, frames and machines, acted upon by external forces and moments. Application of principles of friction and concepts of centre of gravity on rigid body are also explored. Newtonians method is used to find solution for equilibrium of particles and rigid body. Students are required to undergo selected laboratory experiments related to the course. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students should be able to: 1. Draw correct free body diagram by clearly showing all associated external forces and moments. 2. Apply equilibrium conditions to solve related rigid body mechanics problems. 3. Determine the centre of gravity of composite bodies. 4. Determine forces and friction coefficient experimentally. References 1. Ferdinand Beer , Jr.,E. Russell Johnston , Elliot Eisenberg , David Mazurek,Vector Mechanics for Engineer,9th edition , McGraw-Hill, 2010. 2. R.C Hibbeler, Engineering Mechanics Statics, 12th Edition, Pearson Prentice Halll, 2010. 3. J. L. Meriam, L. G. Kraige, Engineering Mechanics, SI Version: Statics, 6th edition, Wiley, 2008. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 235 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN DINAMIK EMM 1223 DYNAMICS EMM 1223 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Engineering Mechanics (Statics) EMM 1213 Course Synopsis This course is a continuation of EMM 1213. It deals with further topics in the field of Engineering Mechanics, covering the broad subfield of Dynamics. The course covers the principles of kinematics and kinetics of particles and rigid bodies in planar motion. Students are required to undergo selected laboratory experiments related to the course. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students should be able to: 1. Analyze the displacement, velocity and acceleration of moving particles and rigid bodies using kinematics method. 2. Analyze the dynamics of particle and rigid body motion using Newton’s Law of motion, Work-Energy and Impulse-Momentum principle as well as concept of mass moment of inertia. 3. Analyze kinetics of rigid bodies experimentally. References 1. J. L. Meriam and L. Glenn Kraige, 2013. Engineering Mechanics, Dynamics Seventh Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2. Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Rusell Johnson Jr, and Phillip J. Cornwell, 2013, Vector Mechanics for Engineers Dynamics Tenth Edition, Mc-Graw Hill. 3. R.C. Hibbeler, 2010. Engineering Mechanics Dynamics SI Twelfth Edition, Pearson Prentice-Hall, Inc. 4. Andrew Pytel and Jaan Kiusalaas, 2010. Engineering Mechanics Dynamics SI Third Edition, Cengage Learning. 236 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal KEJURUTERAAN BAHAN EMM 2173 MATERIALS ENGINEERING EMM 2173 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course covers the basic principles of materials engineering with the emphasis on mechanical and physical properties of conventional and new materials. Students are required to undergo selected laboratory experiments related to the course. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students should be able to: 1. Identify and describe the internal structure of various engineering materials and explain the relationship between structure and properties of engineering materials in terms of properties and behavior. 2. Explain the mechanism and factors affecting the changes in internal structures, the resulting effect on material properties and their practical applications and determine the changes to material properties due to specified changes in internal structure / processing. 3. Apply properties of engineering materials to select and specify suitable materials or to meet specific design requirements. References 1. Callister, W.D. and Retwisch, D.G. (2011). Materials Science and Engineering, (8th Edition). John Wiley & Sons (Asia). 2. Shackelford, J.F. (2008). Introduction to Materials Science for Engineer (7th Edition). New York: Prentice Hall. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 237 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN KEKUATAN BAHAN 1 EMM 2303 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS 1 EMM 2303 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Engineering Mechanics (Statics) EMM 1213 Course Synopsis This course will provide stud ents with the knowledge of determining the strength, stiffness and deformations of structures such as trusses, bars, pins, bolts, shafts, beams etc. that are subjected to various types of loadings. Loads such as axial loads, loads due to the changes in temperature, torsional loads and tranverse loads are taken into consideration. At the end of the course, students should be able to determine the mechanical properties of solid materials analytically with respect to their strength and stiffness. Students should be able to calculate the stress, strain and deformation of structures due to the different types of loading conditions and they should be able to solve complex problems related to statically determinate and indeterminate structures. Students are required to undergo selected laboratory experiments related to the course. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students should be able to: 1. Describe basic principles and theories related to various types of loading, stresses and deformation of solids. 2. Solve problems on stress, strain and deformation in structures due to various types of loading such as axial, transverse, torsional and thermal loading. 3. Analyze complex engineering problems related to stresses, strains and deformation. References 1. Beer, F.P., Johnston, E.R. and DeWolf, J.T. (2012), Mechanics of Materials, 6th Edition, Singapore: McGraw-Hill Higher Education. 2. Hibbeler, R.C. (2008), Mechanics of Material, 7th Edition, Singapore: Prentice Hall. 238 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal KEKUATAN BAHAN II EMM 2323 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS II EMM 2323 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Strength of Material I EMM 2303 Course Synopsis The course is an extension to EMM 2303, which is the pre-requisite to this course. It aims to extend the student’s knowledge and understanding of the behavior of materials and structures under a variety of loading conditions. It will examine 2D and 3D stress and strain, multi-axial elastic constitutive relations, failure criteria and thick and thin cylindrical structures. The course will also provide an opportunity to investigate structural behaviors such as determinate and indeterminate analyses for displacement by using the energy method. At the end of the course, students should be able to solve problems in plane stress, plane strain, torsion and bending. Besides, they should be able to determine the stresses, strains and displacements of structures. They should also be able to evaluate failure modes of structures and components. The aspect of designing safe components and structures shall also be emphasized to the students. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students should be able to: 1. Describe/derive the principles/theories in relation to stresses, strains of structures 2. Apply and analyze problems on stresses, strains of structures 3. Evaluate complex stresses and strains problems of structures References 1. Beer, F.P., Johnston, E.R. and DeWolf, J.T., Mechanics of Materials, 6th Edition, Singapore: McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2012 2. Hibbeler, R.C. (2008), Mechanics of Material, 7th Edition, Singapore: Prentice Hall. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 239 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN MEKANIK MESIN EMM 3233 MECHANICS OF MACHINES EMM 3233 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Dynamics EMM 1233 Course Synopsis This course emphasizes the application of velocity diagrams and acceleration diagrams in analyzing kinematics of linkage mechanisms. Analytical approach is used to solve kinetics of planar mechanism problem. Application of principles of dynamics in analysis of gear system, belt drive, flywheel and balancing of masses are also explored. Extension of principles of dynamics to simple harmonic motion and vibration of single degree freedom are also covered in this subject. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students should be able to: 1. Analyse the kinematic and kinetics on selected mechanism in machinery. 2. Evaluate kinematics, kinetics and vibration of single degree of freedom in machinery using suitable engineering tools 3. Analyse the kinematics of simple compound & epicyclic gears and evaluate the effect of unbalanced mass to the rotating structure. References 1. Rattan, S.S. (2010). Theory of Machines, 3rd Edition. McGraw Hill. 2. John-Hannah, R.C. (1999). Mechanics of Machine, 2nd Edition. Viva Books Pte Ltd. Singapore. 3. Roslan, A. R., Che Abas, C.I. Yunus, A.M. (2001). Mekanik Mesin: Teori, Contoh Penyelesaian dan Masalah, 3rd Edition. Penerbit UTM. 240 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal GETARAN EMM 3243 VIBRATION EMM 3243 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Must have taken Dynamics EMM1233 Course Synopsis This subject introduces the concept of modeling and analysis of lumped parameter and simple distributed parameter system, stressing the importance of natural frequencies and mode shape. The control and suppression of vibrations and/or their effect for simple systems are also explored. It also covers experimental work in vibration testing and measurements. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students should be able to: 1. Sketch and formulate analytical model of a simplified vibratory system. 2. Evaluate the model for the associated mode shapes. 3. Evaluate the techniques used in vibration control. References 1. S.S. Rao, “Mechanical Vibration” SI Edition (2005), Prentice-Hall. 2. W T Thompson, Dahleh, “Theory of Vibration with Application” 5th Edition, Prentice –Hall. 3. Robert K Vierck “Vibration Analysis” Harper, Row, Publisher. 4. Daniel J. Inman, “Engineering Vibration” 2nd Edition, Prentice-Hall. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 241 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN TERMODINAMIK I EMM 2513 THERMODYNAMICS I EMM 2513 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course begins with the identification of the unique vocabulary associated with thermodynamics through the precise definition of basic concepts to form a sound foundation for the development of the principles of thermodynamics. Students are introduced to the first law of thermodynamics, energy balances and mechanism of energy transfer to or from a system. Various forms of energy and energy transfer are considered which a general relation for the conservation of energy principle or energy balance is developed. Procedures for determining thermodynamics properties of pure substances from tables of property data are demonstrated. The general energy balance relation to closed systems is applied which extends the energy analysis to systems involving mass flow across their boundaries. Students are then introduced to the second law of thermodynamics and applied it to cycles, cyclic devices and processes which lead to the definition of entropy. Students are required to undergo selected laboratory experiments related to the course. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students should be able to: 1. Understand basic principles, definitions and theories in all topics as given in the lecture contents and syllabus. 2. Apply the principle of thermodynamic in solving related problems. 3. Analyze engineering thermodynamics problems in related topics. References 1. Yunus A.Cengel and Michael A.Boles, 2011. Thermodynamics - An Engineering Approach, Seventh Edition in SI Units, McGraw-Hill. 2. Cengel, Y.A & Boles, M. A. 2008. Thermodynamics - An Engineering Approach, Sixth Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill. 3. Moran, MJ & Shapiro, H. N. 2004. Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics, Fifth Edition. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. 4. T.D. Eastop & A. McConkey, Applied Thermodynamics for Engineering Technologists, Fifth Edition: Pearson Education. 242 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal TERMODINAMIK II EMM 3503 THERMODYNAMICS II EMM 3503 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Thermodynamics I EMM 2513 Course Synopsis This course is designed to extend the student’s understanding of the first and second law of thermodynamics. It illustrates the broad application of the theory to many engineering applications. It emphasizes the analysis of compression process, energy transfers during power generation, heating and refrigerating processes. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students should be able to: 1. Analyze the characteristic and performance of the thermodynamic power cycles. 2. Analyse various refrigeration and air conditioning systems. 3. Solve and evaluate the exergy of system. 4. Perform a case study investigating real power plant. References 1. Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach, Cengel and Boles, 4th Edition, McGraw Hill, 2002. (Text Book). 2. T. D. Eastop and A. McConkey, Applied Thermodynamics for Engineering Technologists, 5th Edition, Longman, 1992. (Compressor, ICE). 3. Sonntag and Borhnakke, Fundamentals of Thermodynamics, 6th Edition, John Wiley and Sons, 2003. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 243 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN PEMINDAHAN HABA EMM 3512 HEAT TRANSFER EMM 3512 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Must have taken Thermodynamics II EMM 3503 Course Synopsis The course exposes students to the basic principles of heat transfer. Topics covered in this course are steady state conduction, transient conduction, forced convection (internal and external), free convection, heat exchanger and radiation. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students should be able to: 1. Explain the concepts of heat transfer in engineering applications. 2. Analyze heat transfer related engineering problems in conduction, convection and radiation. 3. Evaluate heat exchanger related engineering applications. References 1. Cengel, Y.A., Ghajar, A.J.(2011). Heat and mass transfer, fundamentals and applications, 4th edition. Singapore: McGrawHill. 2. Holman, J.P. (2010). Heat transfer, 10th edition. Singapore: McGrawHill. 3. Incropera, F.P., Dewitt,D., Bergman, T.L., Lavine A.S.(2013). Foundations of heat transfer, 6th edition. Singapore: John Wiley & Sons. 244 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal MEKANIK BENDALIR I EMM 2613 FLUID MECHANICS I EMM 2613 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Engineering Mechanics (Statics) EMM 1213 Course Synopsis This course will provide students with an understanding of the fluid properties, fundamental laws and description of fluid behaviour in static and dynamic conditions. It will emphasize on the concept of gage and absolute pressure and thus calculating the hydrostatic force upon immersed flat and curved surfaces, floatation and buoyancy analysis. The concept of flow and pressure measurements by using fluid manometer will also be introduced. Derivation and application of continuity, momentum, and energy equations such as Euler and Bernoulli will be included. Thus, involves a study of friction due to laminar and turbulent flow in pipes. Dimensional analysis and similarities will be introduced at the end of the course. At the end of the course, the student should be able to analyse the flow in static or in dynamic conditions. Students are required to undergo selected laboratory experiments related to the course. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students should be able to: 1. Understand basic principles, laws, fluid properties and theories in all topics as given in the lecture contents and syllabus. 2. Apply basic formula in fluid mechanics such as Bernoulli equation, Darcy formula, stability requirements, pressure measurements and required relationship in solving the engineering problem related in all topics. 3. Analyze all engineering problems related to fluid as stated in the lecture contents and syllabus. References 1. Yunus A Chengel. & J.M. Cimbala, Fluid Mechanics Fundamental and Applications, McGraw Hill International Edition, 2nd Edition in SI Units, 2010. 2. J.F. Douglas, J.M. Gasiorek, J.A. Swaffield, J.A. Fluid Mechanics, Prentice Hall 4th Edition, 2001. 3. Munson, Young, and Okiishi. 2006. Fundamental of Fluid Mechanics. 5th Ed. Singapore: John Wiley and Sons. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 245 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN MEKANIK BENDALIR II EMM 3603 FLUID MECHANICS II EMM 3603 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Fluid Mechanics I EMM2613 Course Synopsis This course will further enhance the basic fluid mechanics knowledge and application to the real engineering fluid problems such as the effect of boundary layer on the surface. Importance of ideal fluid flow in fluid modelling and analysis of boundary layer flow in engineering problems are among the main topics in this course. Besides that, a flow analysis and basic design of hydraulic turbo-machine such as centrifugal pump and turbine are also being studied. Finally, the basic concept of compressible flow was being introduced. However, the course will cover up to an isentropic flow problems only. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students should be able to: 1. To apply the basic principles of Fluid Mechanics in viscous, incompressible fluid flow where the development of laminar and turbulent boundary layer had been studied. The frictional forces that produce drag due to skin friction had been formulated. 2. To develop mathematical model of the fluid flow pattern by using ideal flow theory which also known as potential flow. The fluid flow past through basic obstacles such as blunt body, cylinder, spinning cylinder could be modeled. 3. To understand all kind of fluid machinery (turbo-machinery) components such as pumps, compressors, turbine, fans, hydraulic coupling etc. However in this course, hydraulic machinery which involved liquid had been studied. Centrifugal pumps, Pelton wheel turbines and Francis turbine had been studied in detail due to their popularity in Malaysia. 4. To understand basic principles of compressible fluid flow such as air and gases where temperature and pressure would be affecting the fluid density and thus entropy. Propagation of sonic waves, Mach wave, Mach angle and Mach number in fluid flow had been studied. The studies also involve the flow in a varying area duct such as convergent-divergent nozzle. References 1. Munson, Young, and Okiishi, Fundamental of Fluid Mechanics. 5th Ed. Singapore: John Wiley and Sons, 2006. 2. J.F. Douglas, J.M. Gasiorek, J.A. Swaffield, J.A. Fluid Mechanics, Prentice Hall 4th Edition, 2001. 3. P. H. Oosthuizen, W.E. Carscallen. Compressible Fluid Flow, Mc Graw-Hill International Edition, 1997. 4. Yunus A Chengel. & J.M. Cimbala, Fluid Mechanics Fundamental and Applications, McGraw Hill International Edition, 2nd Edition in SI Units, 2010. 246 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal KEJURUTERAAN BERBANTUKAN KOMPUTER EMM 4433 COMPUTER AIDED ENGINEERING EMM 4433 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course presents the fundamental concepts and techniques for the application of computer-aided engineering tools in solving basic engineering problems. The methods learned in this course can be applied to almost any engineering field and also form a basis for further research and study in computer-aided engineering field. This course includes theoretical and practical components and is intended to provide the students with a good foundation of CAE techniques in Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). Upon completion of the course, students will have (1) the fundamental theory of FEA and CFD and (2) hands-on experience to design and perform simulation analysis using commercial FEA/CFD software packages to solve engineering problems. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students should be able to: 1. Formulate the basic equations of finite element method and finite volume method for simple one- and two-dimensional element models. 2. Apply the basic finite element analysis and computational fluid mechanics to model and analyze simple real engineering problems, by hand calculation, and then interpret the results. 3. Make use of available finite element and computational fluid dynamics software to solve real-life engineering problems, especially those of the structural mechanics type, and correctly interpret the results obtained. References 1. Chandrupatla, T.R. and Belegundu, A.D (2002). Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall Inc. 2. Saeed Moaveni (2003). Finite Element Analysis: Theory and Applications with ANSYS, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall. 3. Ferziger, J. H. and Peric, M. (1999). Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics, Springer. 4. Dante, A.W. (2005). Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics, Cambridge University Press. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 247 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN PENGENALAN KEPADA KEJURUTERAAN ELEKTRIK EEE 1012 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING EEE 1012 2 Credit Hours Pre-Requisite : None Course Synopsis This is an introduction course for students who are not majoring in electrical and electronics engineering. It mostly covers the basics of circuit theories, the application aspects of transformers and electric machineries. In the circuit theory part, various analysis methods like, Ohm’s Law, Kirchhoff’s Law, Thevenin’s Theorem, Norton’s Theorem, etc will be taught. Inductive and capacitive elements would also be included. Some theory on magnetic circuit and transformer functionality will also be given. For the introductory material on electric machinery, the students will be taught about magnetic circuits, AC and DC motors and generators and various aspects of energy conversion involving the devices. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students should be able to: 1. Understand the basic theories of electric and magnetic circuits, and electric machines. 2. Apply the above concepts to solve problems on the electric and magnetic circuits, and electric machines. 3. Analyze the circuits involving electric and magnetic circuits, and electric machines. References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 248 Giorgio Rizzoni, “Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering”, McGraw Hill, 2009 Alexander and Sadiku, Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, 4th ed. McGraw Hill, 2009. Thomas L. Floyd, “Electronic Devices”, 8th Edition, Pearson Education 2007 Robert L. Boylestad, “Introductory Circuit Analysis”, 8th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2000 A.Hughes, “Electric Motors and Drives: Fundamentals, Types and Applications”, 3rd Edition, Newnes, 2005 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal ELEKTRONIK EEE 2022 ELECTRONICS EEE 2022 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This is an introduction of Electronics field to Mechanical Engineering based programs. It covers the fundamental and basic topics in both analog and digital electronics combined, with emphasis towards the applications. This course is divided into 3 parts; namely analogue electronics, digital electronics and microcontrollers. In analogue electronics, it covers the fundamental properties of operational amplifier along with its characteristics and applications. In digital electronics, it covers on the digital devices, its essential features of digital logic circuits and systems used in applications. Overall, this course is devoted to an overview of the basic functions of microcontroller, including the architectures, applications and assembly language. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students should be able to: 1. Understand the fundamental properties of analog and digital circuits, and microcontroller. 2. Apply the above concepts to solve problems involving analog and digital circuits, and microcontroller. 3. Analyze the circuits of analog and digital circuits, and microcontroller. References 1. Giorgio Rizzoni, Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering, 5th Edition, McGraw Hill 2. Thomas. L. Floyd, Electronic Devices, 8th Edition, Pearson Education 3. Thomas L. Floyd, Digital Fundamentals, 10th Edition, Pearson Education UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 249 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN INSTRUMENTASI EMM 3402 INSTRUMENTATIONS EMM3402 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course shall cover the essentials and basic theory of instrumentation for undergraduate students. It will emphasize on the concepts, principles and characteristics of instrumentation system signal conditioning, transducers and application of strain gauges in load measurements. At the end of the course, students should be able to acquire knowledge on the fundamentals of an instrumentation system, relate and describe the operating principle and application of various transducers that are typically used in industry. They should also be able to design instrumentation system for measuring load, displacement, temperature and other physical quantities, as well as selecting suitable instrumentation components and tools for intended application. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students should be able to: 1. Acquire knowledge on the basic principles of an instrumentation system. 2. Relate and describe the operating principle and application of various transducers that are typically used in industry. 3. Solve problems related to basic instrumentation system. 4. Design instrumentation system for measuring load, displacement, temperature and other physical quantities. References 1. C. D. Johnson, Process Control Instrumentation Technology, 8th edition, Prentice Hall, 2006. 2. T.G. Beckwith, R.D. Marangoni, J.H. Lienhard Mechanical Measurements, 6th ed., Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ; 2007 3. Anthony J.Wheeler & Ahmad R Ghanji, Introduction to Engineering Experimentation, 3rd edition, 2009. 4. A.S. Morris, Principles of Measurement and Instrumentation, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall, 1993. 250 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal KEJURUTERAAN KAWALAN EMM 3413 CONTROL ENGINEERING EMM 3413 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Must have taken Dynamics EMM1233, Electronics EEE2022, Engineering Mathematics II EFA1203 Course Synopsis This course is designed to enable the students to acquire the essential and basic theory of control engineering for open and closed loop system. The topics covered would be mathematical modeling of dynamic systems, transfer function, time response analysis, stability criteria, root locus and frequency response methods. The course will also provide students with an exposure to basic control system design. The use of engineering tool/ program for control simulation such MATHLAB/ Simulink or Mathcad will be introduced in this course. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students should be able to: 1. Describe the basic principles and main components of control system 2. Build the mathematical model ,block diagram, signal flow graph and its equivalence transfer function for a given control system 3. Analyze the time responses and the stability of control system 4. Design a simple control system according to the required specifications References 1. Jamaluddin, H., Yaacob, M. S. and Ahmad, R. (2011). Introduction to Control Engineering, 1st Edition, UTM Press. 2. Nise, N.S. Control System Engineering, 5th Edition, John Wiley & Sons,Inc. 3. Dorf, R. C. and Bishop, R. H. (2001). Modern Control Systems, 9th Edition, Prentice Hall. 4. Gopal, M. (2003). Control Systems: Principle and Design, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill. 5. Ogata, K. (1997). Modern Control Engineering, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall. 6. Ogata, K. (2008). Matlab for Control Engineer, Prentice Hall. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 251 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN LUKISAN KEJURUTERAAN MEKANIKAL EMP 1153 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DRAWING EMP 1153 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course provides students with the knowledge on standard engineering drawing techniques. It consists of two main parts: conventional practices and computer aided design (CAD) approach. The topics covered are code and engineering standards, sketching and text, mechanical engineering geometry, orthographic, isometric, oblique, and sectional and assembly drawings, threads, fasteners and springs and geometry dimensioning and tolerance. With these knowledge, students are able to produce a standard and welldefined mechanical engineering drawing using not only the conventional practices but also in the CAD environment. Course outcomes At the end of the course students should be able to: 1. To apply fundamentals and conventional practices in creating mechanical engineering drawing 2. To apply CAD system in creating mechanical engineering drawings 3. To create a standard and well-defined mechanical engineering drawing References 1. Giesecke, Mitchell, Spencer, Hill, Dygdon & Novsk. (2003). Technical Drawing. 12th Edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 2. Goetsch, D.L., Chalk, W.S, Nelson, J.A. & Rickman R.L. (2010). Technical Drawing and Engineering Communication, 6th Ed. Delmar Cengage Learning. 3. Jensen, C., Helsel, J.D. & Short, D.R.(2008) Engineering Drawing & Design, 7th Ed. McGraw-Hill. 4. Alan J. Kalameja. AutoCAD 2007 Tutor for Engineering Graphics. Thomson. 5. Yarwood, A. (2008). An Introduction to AutoCAD 2008, 2D and 3D Design. Newnes 252 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal REKABENTUK KEJURUTERAAN MEKANIKAL EMD 3703 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DESIGN EMD 3703 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Must have taken Strength of Materials II EMM2343 Course Synopsis The course intended for students to embark on the introduction to mechanical design. The approach is by developing understanding of mechanical components design using the fundamental applications of statics, mechanics of materials, material science, and failure criterion. Common components such as shafts, gears, bearings, bolts and mechanical joints are covered in detail. Computational tools for engineering are also applied. The course covers three main parts: the basic of machine design, failure prevention under static and variable loading and design process and analysis of common mechanical components. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students should be able to: 1. Apply failure criteria in design of mechanical components 2. Select ready-made components and materials based on design criteria 3. Design a mechanical device using systematic design method and appropriate tools, as a team References 1. Richard G. Budynas, J. Keith Nisbett, (2011), Shigley’s Mechanical Engineering Design, 9th. Edition. McGraw-Hill 2. Ugural, A.C., (2009) Mechanical Design of An Integrated Approach, International Edition, McGraw Hill 3. Juvinall C.J & Marshek K.M (1991). Fundamentals of Machine Design, Second Edition, John Wiley & Sons. 4. Spotts M.F. (1988). Design of Machine elements Sixth Editions. Prentice-Hall of India. Private Limited. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 253 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN MAKMAL KEJURUTERAAN MEKANIKAL EML 3842 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES EML 3842 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course will expose the students with the knowledge to conduct and analyze the data from several experiments. This is a hands-on subject for Mechanical Engineering students taken in the 3rd year of their program. Activities and set-up in the laboratory will be related to the subjects learned in previous semester or concurrently being thought. The experiments will be divided into fluid, thermodynamic, solid and basic of circuit theory and Programmable Logic Circuit (PLC). In this course, students will be able to relate the theory and applications as much as possible when the experiments being handled by them. Using an open-ended approach, students are required to think critically and creatively in problem solving. Students are required to conduct a total of 10 experiments throughout the courses. Each lab session has to be done in 4 hours. The students will be divided into 3 to 5 person respectively. Report is expected from each of the student individually. The understanding of each student will be evaluated based on the submitted report. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students should be able to: 1. Create relevant procedures and conduct the experiment. 2. Collect and analyse the data from the experiment. 3. Discuss and conclude findings. References 1. J.P. Hollman, Experimental Methods for Engineers 7th edition, McGraw-Hill, 2001. 2. Wheeler, A.J., Ganji, A.R., Introduction to Engineering Experimentation, Prentice Hall, 1996. (Refer to any subject course references related to experiments) 254 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal MAKMAL KEJURUTERAAN MEKANIKAL LANJUTAN EML 3852 ADVANCED MECHANICAL ENGINEERING LABORATORIES EML 3852 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Must have taken Engineering Laboratories EML 3842 Course Synopsis This is a hands-on subject for Mechanical Engineering students taken in the 3rd year of their program. In this course, students will be able to relate the theory and applications as much as possible when the experiments being handled by them. Using an open-ended approach, students are required to think critically and creatively in problem solving. Students are required to conduct 2 short and 2 long module experiments in this course. Each group would be 4 to 5 persons with 4 contact hours and 8 contact hours per week for short and long module respectively. The durations for each short and long module experiment are 1 and 4 weeks respectively. Short module experiments are conducted based on the lab sheet to cover any subjects which have not been covered in the previous laboratory. For long module, students are only given problem description as a guideline. With this guideline, students are required to conduct their own experiment based on their engineering background. Report is expected from each of the students individually. The understanding of each student will be evaluated based on the presentation, log book and final report. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students should be able to: Short Module: 1. Create relevant procedures and conduct the experiment. 2. Collect and analyse the data from the experiment . 3. Discuss and conclude findings. Long Module 1. Explain the theory in relation to the experiment and equipment used in addressing a given mechanical engineering problems within a given time frame. 2. Develop the appropriate objectives, experiments procedures, method and equipment. 3. Analyze the experiments for a given mechanical engineering problems. References 1. Wheeler, A.J., Ganji, A.R., Introduction to Engineering Experimentation, Prentice Hall, 2004. (Refer to any subject course references related to experiments) UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 255 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN PROJEK CAPSTONE EMD 4713 CAPSTONE PROJECT EMD 4713 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Must have taken Mechanical Engineering Design EMD 3703 Course Synopsis The course is a final year group project that emphasizes step by step design of a system. It is intended to provide the senior engineering students with a realistic understanding of the design process and how to manage a project. It draws on a diverse set of inputs namely: decision making, engineering optimization, engineering economy, planning apart from combining the theory of science, engineering fundamental & mathematics, technologies and social aspects to produce a system. The design solution is suitable to overcome engineering problems through an approach of using creativity and innovative solutions. All theories taught in the mechanical program shall be used and applied to get the project design solution. The course will give earlier exposure to senior engineering students the appropriate approach and training in the undertaking of design processes and project management in a limited non industry environment. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students should be able to: 1. Analyze the various steps in a systematic design process to develop a mechanical system for a given specifications. 2. Develop a proper solution to the design problem to fulfill the design specifications. 3. Design and evaluate a system using the engineering system design method and appropriate tools in a team. References 1. George E. Dieter, 2000, Engineering Design – A material and processing approach, 3rd Edition, McGraw Hill. 2. David A. Madsen, David P. Madsen, Engineering Drawing and Design, 4th Edition. 256 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal AMALI BENGKEL EMP 1111 WORKSHOP PRACTICES EMP 1111 1 Credit Hour Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course introduces students to the practical experience of workshop practices.The course aims to provide some structured practical training modules, for students to understand and appreciate the kind of practical skills required in normal engineering workshop practices. After the successful completion of the course, students are expected to be able to fabricate some engineering work-pieces/product, by operating ordinary workshop machine tools such as lathe, milling machine and drilling machine, etc.A strong emphasis will be made on the acquisition of safe workshop practices in workshop environment. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students should be able to: 1. Acquire knowledge of workshop practices. 2. Know workshop safety, bench work and marking techniques, handling machine tools, joining, hot and cold working processes. 3. Able to translate engineering drawing into product by using turning, milling, welding and sheet metal equipments. References 1. Manufacturing Processes for Engineering Materials, 4th Ed., Kalpakjian • Schmid. Prentice Hall, 2003. 2. Materials and Process in Manufacturing, 10th Ed., Degarmo, Black and Kohser. John Wiley, 2007. 3. Workshop Technology, Part 1, 2 & 3. 5th Ed., W. Chapman.Elseveir, 1972. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 257 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN TEKNOLOGI PEMBUATAN EMP 3113 MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY EMP 3113 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: Workshop Practices EMP 1111 Course Synopsis This subject provides students with knowledge on the fundamentals of various processes and manufacturing techniques. It covers the overall introduction on manufacturing engineering and technology issues, followed by manufacturing topics such as casting processes, material removal processes, forming processes, joining processes, advanced manufacturing processes, and quality control. Students will be equipped with understandingof the processes for both engineering materials; metallic and non-metallic. Teaching and learning will be conveyed mainly through classroom lecturing. Continuous assessments will be conducted through assignments, tests, quizzes and final exam. Students are expected to polish interpersonal and teamwork skill in solving manufacturing related problem through group projects. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students should be able to: 1. Explain the various manufacturing processes. 2. Apply the manufacturing processes towards efficiency, competitiveness and current trend 3. Analyze & compare the advantages & limitations of the selected manufacturing processes. 4. Plan the right processes based on product specification. References 1. Serope Kalpakjian and Stephen R. Schmid (2013) Manufacturing Engineering Technology, SI 7th Edition, Pearson Education Centre. 2. Thompson, R. (2007) Manufacturing Processes for Design Professionals, Thames & Hudson. 3. Degarmo, E.P. et al. (2003) Materials and Processes in Manufacturing, 9th edition, John Wiley. 258 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal LATIHAN INDUSTRI EMM3314 INDUSTRIAL TRAINING EMM 3314 4 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Must have taken and pass minimum 60 credits Course Synopsis Practical training is the platform for the students to get the opportunity to practice and apply the engineering knowledge and skills in various actual working environments. The ultimate goal is to give exposure, experience and professional skills to the students that will help in shaping them to become an effective and responsible military officer as required by the UPNM vision and mission. Students will undergo a practical training in the duration of 10 weeks at an approved private, government or semi-government agency. The faculty will release the list of participating agencies. Placement at the respective agencies will be initiated based on the applications by the students. Approval of the application is at the discretion of the department mainly based on the company nature of business and the type of exposure offered Course Outcomes At the end of the course students should be able to: 1. Adapt readily to actual working environment and practice professional working attitude 2. Apply knowledge learnt and suggest possible solution to the industry problems 3. Present proper written report on their working experience Reference -Not applicable- UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 259 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN PENGURUSAN KEJURUTERAAN EMP 4182 ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT EMP 4182 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The Engineering Management Course is aimed at providing management theories that can be applied during n engineering profession upon the student’s graduation. It is also to enable the studetns to “put on their management hat skill” in simulated engineering applications by exploring into real case studies on related management issues that are commonly faced. To obtain adequate significant, this course emphasizes the basic management functions like planning,organizing, leading and controlling in areas related to effective descision making, To substantiate the theories, management in the health and safety act of OSHA 1994 and the machinery and factory act of 1967 is supplemented in the course. The course will enable student to be equipped with real-life doses of management skills as the future practicing managers. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students should be able to: 1. Apply the theory of management during planning, organizing, leading and control applications. 2. Analyze related engineering management issues during case studies. 3. Evaluate related engineeringproblems for solution in management issues in groups and individual. References 1. Robbins, S. and Coutler, M (2005), Management, 8th Edition, Pearson Prentice Hall, New Jersey 260 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal JURUTERA KEMASYARAKATAN EMM4902 ENGINEERS IN SOCIETY EMM 4902 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis A proper guide to good practice in engineering field is necessity due to the rapid pace and wide extent of Malaysia’s national developments over the past decades and foreseeable future. The young engineers should know what to do upon graduation. They should know how to register with Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM) as graduate member before practicing as engineer in Malaysia. Engineers, in practice, must obey certain rules and regulations set by the Malaysian Government through BEM. If involved in any design such as in “Consultant Engineering” firm, certain standards set by BEM should be obeyed in order for their design to be approved and accepted. At the same time, standard Malaysia laws and rules must also be obeyed. Concepts of ethics, inclusive of engineer’s code of ethic, sustainable development and law of contracts will be covered to prepare graduates for their future roles as professionals and members of society. Students will be exposed to seminars delivered by invited professionals who will talk about their professions. Engineers should know how develop themselves, open minded, creative thinking, discipline, honor and integrity in their profession. They must capable to write a good report, able to communicate fluently and deliver a good presentation. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students should be able to: 1. Understand the responsibility as Mechanical Engineer based on BEM practice in Malaysia. 2. Apply regulation and rules, codes, laws, environment, and standard set by Malaysian government through BEM or IEM when dealing with their jobs or design. 3. Investigate related problems pertaining of BEM requirement and evaluate the outcome. References 1. Engineers in Society, Arazi et all, McGrawHill (Malaysia), 2010. 2. “Professional Engineering Practice” compiled by Assoc Professor Hayati Ahmad, UTM Skudai, Johor Bahru. 3. Engineering Professionalism and Ethics 4th Edition, The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM). 4. Engineering Ethics 3rd edition, Charles B. Fledderman, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2008. 5. Factories and Machinery Acts with Regulation, MCD Publisher Sdn. Bhd. 1997. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 261 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN PENGURUSAN OPERASI EMP 4172 OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT EMP 4172 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course will expose students to basics of logistics engineering and how these basics are applied to real world challenges. Today’s highly competitive market places greater emphasis on customer satisfaction over the entire life cycle of a system than in any other period in history. The design of systems and products for supportability and reduced cost of ownership have placed new demands on engineers, logisticians and managers, as well as on educators responsible for developing the design workforce of tomorrow. The successful engineer of the modern world must go well beyond making the product work – the product must meet the customer’s needs for dependability, serviceability and economy. To meet these objectives, the modern engineer must be capable of developing not only the system or product but also a highly efficient process for the support of that system or product. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students should be able to: 1. Acquire knowledge and understand the underlying principle of Operations Management and concept of Logistics. 2. Able to apply analytical tools to recognize, formulate, analyze and solve Operations Management and Logistics problems. 3. Able to evaluate, make decision and design an appropriate aspects of Operations Management and Logistics system. References 1. Benjamin S. Blanchard. Logistics Engineering and Management, Sixth Edition, Pearson, 2004. 2. William J. Stevenson and Sum Chee Chuong, Operations Management, Second Edition, McGraw Hill, 2012. 262 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal PROJEK TAHUN AKHIR I EMT 4752 FINAL YEAR PROJECT I EMT 4752 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Must have taken Mechanical Engineering Design EMD 3703 Mechanics of Machines EMM 3233 Strength of Materials II EMM 2343 Fluid Mechanics II EMM 3603 Termodynamics II EMM3503 Course Synopsis This course introduces students how to do research, identify problems, propose solution to problems and gather relevant information to the problem. It will teach students to carry out literature survey in order to understand the nature of the problem and investigate work done by other researchers in line with their research. The course will also train students to plan and manage their work within a given time frame. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students should be able to: 1. Define and identify the problems and evaluate the relevance and quality of information and data from related literatures. 2. Propose various implementation strategies, select the appropriate methodologies and produce an acceptable project proposal. 3. Manage and conduct project tasks with minimum supervision and professional ethics. 4. Communicate effectively both orally and in written form. Reference (Refer to any subject course references related to project and research methodology guidance) UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 263 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN PROJEK TAHUN AKHIR II EMT 4754 FINAL YEAR PROJECT II EMT 4754 4 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Final Year Project I EMT 4752 Course Synopsis This course introduces students how to do research, identify problems, propose solution to problems and gather relevant information to the problem. It will teach students to carry out literature survey in order to understand the nature of the problem and investigate work done by other researchers in line with their research. The course will also train students to plan and manage their work within a given time frame. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students should be able to: 1. Review proposal plan, handle and execute intended engineering projects/tasks. 2. Gather, apply and analyze the obtained information or results. 3. Manage and conduct project tasks under minimum supervision and with professional ethics. 4. Communicate effectively both orally and in written form. Reference (Refer to any subject course references related to project and research methodology guidance) 264 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal SINOPSIS KURSUS ELEKTIF PROGRAM PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA KEJURUTERAAN MEKANIKAL (ZK08) BAHAN TERMAJU EME 4164 ADVANCED MATERIALS EME 4164 4 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course aims at a comprehensive introduction to the synthesis, processing, and physical properties of engineering materials for mechanical engineering and defence application. A broad review of the applications, structural characteristics, processing methods, and physical properties will be given of ceramic, composite, metallurgy and other types of materials. Emphasis also is placed on understanding the design and properties of nonconventional material structures that are utilized in advanced engineering applications. The course will provide senior undergraduate with the necessary background for understanding and addressing synthesis, processing, design, and development problems that are important in engineering ceramic, composite and other materials for following the relevant science & engineering literature. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students should be able to: 1. Explain types of materials and production methods used to form various fibrous composites. 2. Analyze the micromechanical properties of the lamina of fiber reinforced composite materials. 3. Analyze the macromechanical properties of the lamina and laminate for fiber reinforced composite materials. 4. Evaluate different types of failure criteria in laminated composites. References 1. D. W. Richerson, Modern Ceramic Engineering, Third Edition, Marcel Dekker, New York (2005). 2. D. Hull and T. W. Clyne, An Introduction to Composite Materials, Second Edition, Cambridge University Press, Oxford (1996). 3. S. O. Kasap, Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Third Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York (2005) 4. R. Abbaschian, L. Abbaschian, and R. E. Reed-Hill, Physical Metallurgy Principles, CLEngineering (2008) UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 265 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN MESIN TURBO EME 4624 TURBOMACHINERY EME 4624 4 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis Any devices that extract energy from or impart energy to a continuously moving stream of fluid (liquid or gas) can be called a Turbomachine. Elaborating, a turbomachine is a power or head generating machine which employs the dynamic action of a rotating element, the rotor; the action of the rotor changes the energy level of the continuously flowing fluid through the machine. Pump, fan and compressor are used to imparts energy/power to the flowing fluid but turbine, on the other hand, is used to extracts the power. In some devices, such as a fluid coupling, both pump and turbine are used together in one box to transmit the power from one shaft to another shaft. In this case, fluid is used as a medium. The machines were designed to handle radial, axial or mixed flow of the fluid. In most applications, such as jet engine, compressor and turbine were attached together on the same shaft. This is due to the almost infinite range of service requirements which needs to provide optimum conditions of operation. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students should be able to: 1. Apply principles/theories in all topics as given in the lecture contents and syllabus regarding hydraulic and compressible fluid flow machines. 2. Formulate the engineering problems related to turbo machines using Mollier chart. 3. Analyze engineering problems related to turbo-machines. Selection of the turbomachine. 4. Investigate or case study on the real situations involving turbo machines. References 1. A.T.Sayers, Hydraulic & Compressible Flow Turbomachines, McGraw-Hill 1990. 2. S.L. Dixon, Fluid Mechanics & Thermodynamics of Turbomachinery, Elsevier, 5th Edition. 3. J.F. Douglas, J.M. Gasiorek, J.A. Swaffield, J.A. Fluid Mechanics, Prentice Hall 4th Edition, 2001. 4. P. H. Oosthuizen, W.E. Carscallen. Compressible Fluid Flow, Mc Graw-Hill International Edition, 1997. 266 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal UJIAN TANPA MUSNAH EME 4194 NON DESTRUCTIVE TESTING EME 4194 4 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course shall cover the theory of NDT and the methods of NDT that are widely use in the industry. This course also covers the execution, evaluation and interpretation of each NDT techniques for example visual inspection , penetrant testing, magnetic particle testing, eddy current testing, ultrasound testing and radiographic testing. The advantages, limitations and main application of NDT techniques are also provided. Practical demonstrations of the methods will be performed as far as possible. Students will be trained to set up and calibrate equipment, as well as interpret and evaluate results based upon Nondestructive testing methods with respect to applicable codes, standards, and specifications. At the end of the course, students should be able to acquire knowledge on the fundamentals of NDT, relate and describe the operating principle and application of various techniques that are typically used in industry, design system for quality assurance, engineering inspection, maintenance testing, product certification or intended industrial applications and solve problems related to basic testing system. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students should be able to: 1. Understand and explain the basic principle of NDT techniques. 2. Apply NDT techniques to asses defect in engineering components. 3. Analyze the strength and limitations of each NDT methods in engineering problem. 4. Select the appropriate NDT techniques in relation with industrial problem. References: 1. Mix, P.E., 1987, Introduction to NDT:aining guide, 2nd edition,John Wiley New York. 2. Raj, B.,Jayakumar, T., and Thavasimuthu, M., 1996. Practical Non-Destructive Testing, 2nd edition.Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge 3. Boving, K. G., 2000, NDE Handbook: Non-Destructive Examination Methods for Conditioning Monitoring, 2nd Edition, Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge. 4. Honeyman, G., 1989, Non-Destructive Testing: Characterisation of High-Temperature Materials, 1st Edition, The Institute of Metals, London. 5. Shull, P.J, 2002. Nondestructive Evaluation: Theory, Techniques, and Applications, Marcel Dekker Inc. 6. Bray, D.E. and R.K. Stanley, 1997, Nondestructive Evaluation: A Tool for Design, Manufacturing and Service; CRC Press. 7. ASTM International, ASTM Volume 03.03 Nondestructive Testing 8. ASNT, Nondestructive Testing Handbook UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 267 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN KUALITI, KEBOLEHARAPAN DAN KEBOLEHSELENGGARAAN EME 4294 QUALITY, RELIABILITY AND MAINTAINABILITY EME 4294 4 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course treats quality, reliability and maintenance as integral parts manufacturing, showing how philosophies, systems, employees involvement, techniques and technology should all contribute to improving quality and reducing costs. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students should be able to: 1. Discuss the implications and philosophies of Quality and Continuous Improvement. 2. Identify appropriate applications for and use of quality tools and techniques. 3. Understand the importance of and approaches to managing quality throughout the product life cycle 4. Understand the concepts of reliability and reliability tools and techniques. 5. Overview the maintenance philosophies. References 1. Charles E. Ebeling (2010), An Introduction to Reliability and Maintainability Engineering, Second Edition, Press Inc., ISBN 978-1-57766-625-7. 2. Rolly Angeles (2009), World Class Maintenance Management – The 12 Disciplines, CentralBooks, ISBN 978-971-011-041-4. 3. Keith Mobley, Lindley Higgins and Darrin Wikoff (2008), Maintenance Engineering Handbook, 7th Edition, McGraw Hill Professional, ISBN 978-0-8493-7243-8. 4. Gitlow, Levine and Popovich (2006), Design for Six Sigma for Green Belts and Champion, Pearson, Prentice Hall. 5. Balbir Dhillon S. (2006), Maintainability, Maintenance and Reliability for Engineers, CRC Press, ISBN 978-0-8493-7243-8. 6. ISO8402 Definitions for Quality, Reliability and Maintainability 268 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal SISTEM, STRUKTUR AND DINAMIK KENDERAAN EME 4244 SYSTEM, STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS OF GROUND VEHICLES EME 4244 4 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course will cover the dynamics of vehicles on the road during normal operation as well as during braking and accelerating. Specific topics on dynamics of vehicle subsystems such as chassis and body, steering, braking, suspension, tyre and transmission are covered. The design and working principle of internal combustion engines as well as the operating characteristics of different types of internal combustion engines: spark-ignition, diesel, stratified-charge, and mixed-cycle engines are also introduced. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students should be able to: 1. Understand the mechanics of the wheel, suspension design and function and basic concepts concerning stability and control 2. Determine over- and under steering, brake force distribution, acceleration, air resistance and rolling resistance and acceleration resistance 3. Determine the basic demands to the handling of a vehicle and understand the dynamics behavior of vehicle subsystems such as steering, braking, throttle, transmission, body structure and chassis. 4. Understand common engine structure and able to analyze engine operation characteristics and engine thermodynamic characteristics using air-standard cycles 5. Analyze the combustion phenomena and calculate the emissions in SI and CI engines References 1. Heywood, J. B. (1998). Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 1988. ISBN: 9780070286375. 2. Guiggiani, Massimo (2014). The Science of Vehicle Dynamics (1st. ed.). Dordrecht: Springer. ISBN 978-94-017-8532-7. 3. Gilles, T. (2012). Automotive Chassis: Brakes, Suspension and Steering. New York: Cengange Learning. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 269 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN MEKANIK DAN SISTEM PESAWAT EME 4334 AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS AND MECHANICS EME 4334 4 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course introduces students to the understanding of aircraft structures and systems. This is to develop knowledge relating the form and function of an aircraft as well as identifying reasons for the major differences between various types of aircraft. Mechanics of flights and the propulsion systems will be at the fundamental applications in complementing each system to finally understand behaviors of rotary and fixed wings. The students will also be exposed to some basic knowledge of the avionics systems such as the electrical, instrumentation and communication system. At the end of the course students will gain a fundamental understanding of aircraft system engineering and its architecture. This would develop a working knowledgebase of internal and external factors on integrating the aircraft as a system. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students should be able to: 1. Appreciate aircraft flight characteristics in relation to the various aircraft configuration, design and subsystems. 2. Apply the principle of fluid and thermodynamic to solve problems related to engine theory, engine performance and gas turbine cycle. 3. Explain the principles and theories in all topics relating to Aerodynamics and Flight Mechanics. 4. Investigate or using case study on the real situations related to various aircraft systems, aerodynamics, propulsion and flight performances. References 1. Lombardo, David A, Aircraft Systems 2nd Edition. McGraw-Hill, 1998 John Wileyand Sons. 2. Ian Moir, Alan Seabridge, Aircraft Systems: mechanical, electrical, and avionics subsystem integration 3rd Edition John Wiley and Sons 2008. 3. David Lombardo and David A Lombardo Advanced Aircraft Systems. TAB Practical Flying Series. 4. Saeed Farokhi (2009). Aircraft Propulsion. John Wiley & Sons, Inc 5. Cengel and Boles (2002). Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach. 4th Edition: McGraw Hill. 270 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal SISTEM PERKAPALAN EME 4344 SHIP SYSTEM EME 4344 4 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This subject introduces the basic knowledge on principles and theory related to basic engineering in ship design for engineering students. This course introduces the Types, structures and purposes of ships. Ship compartmentation, propulsion systems, auxiliary power systems, interior communications and ship control. Elements of ship design to achieve safe operations and ship stability characteristics Course Outcomes At the end of the course students should be able to: 1. Understand the working principle and basic operations of various types of ship’s machinery system. 2. Apply the knowledge on the machinery operation to solve the machinery problem related to the machinery maintenance. 3. Evaluate the engineering problem related to the ship’s machinery system. References 1. D.A Taylor, [2007]. Introduction to Marine Engineering, 2nd Edition, Elsevier Ltd, United Kingdom. 2. Anthony F. Molland, [2008]. The Maritime Engineering Reference Book, Elsevier Ltd, United Kingdom. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 271 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI 2014/2015 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN KATA-KATA ALUAN DEKAN Bismillahirrahmanirrahim Assalamualaikum w.r.t. w.b.t dan Salam Sejahtera Selamat datang diucapkan kepada semua pelajar-pelajar baharu di Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi Pertahanan (FSTP), Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia (UPNM). Tahniah kerana terpilih untuk melanjutkan pengajian di FSTP. Dalam usaha memantapkan lagi struktur FSTP, satu jabatan baharu telah diwujudkan dengan adanya Jabatan Sains Pertahanan selain Jabatan Sains Komputer dan Jabatan Sains & Teknologi Maritim. Pada keseluruhannya program FSTP menyediakan pengajian yang membolehkan graduannya untuk berdaya saing dan berkemampuan untuk menempuh alam pekerjaan dalam pelbagai bidang dan menghadapi cabaran alaf baharu ini. Saya yakin pengalaman yang diperolehi sepanjang tempoh pengajian di FSTP akan memberikan kesan yang amat positif sekali. Selain daripada penawaran program di peringkat Sarjana Muda, FSTP juga menawarkan program Sarjana dan Doktor Falsafah secara penyelidikan. Staf akademik FSTP juga menunjukkan perkembangan positif dalam bidang penyelidikan dan telah meraih beberapa anugerah di peringkat antarabangsa. FSTP yang telah beroperasi di bangunan baharu, iaitu Bangunan Lestari sejak Disember 2012 telah memberikan satu impak positif kepada para pelajar dengan kewujudan lebih banyak kemudahan untuk pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Bidang sains, teknologi dan maritim akan memainkan peranan yang penting dalam meningkatkan lagi kemajuan negara dan FSTP menyahut cabaran tersebut dengan penuh keyakinan melalui program pengajian dan penyelidikannya di samping menjalinkan kerjasama pintar dengan pihak industri. Selamat berjaya. Terima kasih. Kept. Prof. Madya Zulkifly bin Mat Radzi TLDM (Bersara) Dekan 274 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN VISI Menjadi fakulti terkemuka untuk pengajaran, penyelidikan dan perkhidmatan profesional dalam bidang sains dan teknologi pertahanan MISI Fakulti komited untuk melahirkan pemimpin holistik, meneroka ilmu dan berkhidmat untuk kesejahteraan manusia sejagat berteraskan sains dan teknologi pertahanan OBJEKTIF i. Menerajui pengajian yang berorentasikan bidang sains dan teknologi pertahanan dan keselamatan. ii. Melahirkan modal insan yang berpengetahuan dan pemimpin intelektual yang berkarektor dalam akademik dan professional di bidang sains dan teknologi pertahanan. iii. Menjalankan penyelidikan, pembangunan dan inovasi dalam bidang sains dan teknologi pertahanan. iv. Menjadi fakulti terkemuka dalam menjana ilmu yang berteraskan sains dan teknologi pertahanan MOTO Mengilhamkan Inovasi Sains dan Teknologi Pertahanan UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 275 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN LATAR BELAKANG FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN 1. MATLAMAT PENUBUHAN Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi Pertahanan bermatlamat mendukung visi UPNM untuk menjadi Institusi Premier dalam latihan ketenteraan, pendidikan dan penyelidikan. Fakulti juga membantu Universiti bagi mencapai misi untuk membentuk pemimpin intelektual berkarektor serta kualiti profesional bagi memenuhi keperluan modal insan dalam bidang pertahanan negara. Matlamat fakulti adalah seperti berikut: i. Melahirkan graduan yang mempunyai sifat-sifat murni berikut: • Berpengetahuan • Berkemahiran • Berkepimpinan • Kreatif • Amanah ii. Menghasilkan penyelidikan dan menerbitkan hasil akademik yang meliputi ciri-ciri berikut: • Releven • Menyumbang kepada penyelesaian permasalahan semasa • Meningkatkan lagi bidang sains dan teknologi pertahanan 2. TANGGUNGJAWAB Antara tanggungjawab fakulti adalah untuk melaksanakan program pengajaran, pembelajaran, penyelidikan dan inovasi dalam bidang sains dan teknologi pertahanan. Fakulti juga turut merancang keperluan tenaga pengajar, kemudahan pengajaran, pembelajaran, penyelidikan dan aktiviti akademik di dalam jabatan-jabatan di fakulti. Bidang pengajian sains dan teknologi pertahanan akan dibangunkan selaras dengan perkembangan teknologi terkini. Fakulti akan membangunkan program akademik baharu dan menyemak kurikulum program yang sedia ada bagi memenuhi modal insan negara pada masa akan datang. 3. STRUKTUR ORGANISASI FAKULTI Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi Pertahanan mempunyai tiga (3) jabatan iaitu: i. Jabatan Sains Komputer ii. Jabatan Sains dan Teknologi Maritim iii. Jabatan Sains Pertahanan 276 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN Di samping itu fakulti juga turut membangunkan pusat dan makmal seperti berikut: i. Pusat Pembangunan dan Latihan Maritim ii. Pusat Marin iii. Makmal Sains Komputer 4. PROGRAM AKADEMIK Mulai Sesi Akademik 2007/2008, fakulti telah menawarkan tiga (3) program sarjana muda iaitu program Sarjana Muda Teknologi Maritim, Sarjana Muda Sains Komputer (Keselamatan Sistem Komputer) dan Sarjana Muda Sains Komputer (Sistem Cerdas). Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi Pertahanan turut merancang untuk menawarkan program pengajian di peringkat yang lebih tinggi iaitu program Sarjana Teknologi dan Operasi Maritim serta program Sarjana Sains Komputer mulai Sesi Akademik di masa akan datang. Di samping itu fakulti sedang merancang untuk mewujudkan program Sarjana Muda Sains Pertahanan bagi melengkapkan peranan fakulti dalam bidang sains dan teknologi pertahanan. Jangka masa pengajian program Sarjana Muda adalah selama 3 tahun atau 6 semester secara sepenuh masa. Lanjutan tempoh pengajian kepada 4 tahun atau 8 semester adalah tertakluk kepada kelulusan Senat Universiti dan pihak penaja. Kaedah pengajaran dan pembelajaran kursus meliputi syarahan, tutorial, seminar, latihan amali di makmal, latihan di simulator, projek penyelidikan dan Latihan Industri. Penilaian secara berterusan akan dilaksanakan bagi setiap kursus melalui ujian, kuiz, penulisan dan juga pembentangan yang mana permarkahan tidak melebihi 60%. Manakala 40% akan diambil kira pada penghujung semester iaitu melalui peperiksaan akhir. Semua pelajar dikehendaki melengkapkan pengajian mereka sekurangkurangnya 120 jam kredit dengan Purata Nilai Gred Kumulatif (PNGK) ≥ 2.0 ke atas. Program pengajian yang ditawarkan adalah setara dengan program di IPT dalam dan luar negara. Program yang ditawarkan di fakulti telah mendapat akreditasi MQA dan pengiktirafan JPA mulai 22 Julai 2010. Kurikulum yang disediakan merangkumi bidang sains dan teknologi pertahanan yang meliputi kompetensi. Pengetahuan yang diperolehi boleh diaplikasikan kepada aset pertahanan negara seperti kapal, pesawat udara dan peralatan bukan sahaja dalam Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM) malah ia juga turut boleh diaplikasikan dalam sektor perindustrian yang berasaskan sains dan teknologi terkini. 5. PROSPEK KERJAYA Graduan Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi Pertahanan mempunyai peluang kerjaya khusus untuk ATM serta dalam sektor perkhidmatan awam terutamanya dalam bidang sains dan teknologi. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 277 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN Graduan program Sarjana Muda Teknologi Maritim akan mendapat pendedahan tentang aset maritim seperti kapal perang, pesawat maritim dan kapal selam TLDM. Graduan juga layak untuk berkhidmat dengan TLDM, Agensi Penguatkuasaan Maritim Malaysia (APMM), Jabatan Laut Malaysia, Jabatan Perikanan dan juga agensi-agensi kerajaan atau swasta yang terlibat dalam bidang maritim. Bagi graduan program Sarjana Muda Sains Komputer mereka berpeluang berkerja dalam bidang ICT sama ada di agensi kerajaan, swasta atau ATM. Antara prospek kerjaya ialah: i. Penganalisa Sistem ii. Penganalisa Perisian iii. Penganalisa Sistem Cerdas iv. Pentadbir Sistem v. Pentadbir Keselamatan Rangkaian vi. Penganalisa Sistem Keselamatan vii. Pereka Bentuk Game viii.Perunding Keselamatan ix. Pengurus Projek x. Pengaturcara xi. Pegawai Teknologi Maklumat xii. Penyelidik Manakala program Sarjana Muda Sains Pertahanan akan ditawarkan pada sesi akademik 2014/2015. Graduan program Sarjana Muda Sains Pertahanan boleh menyertai ATM, PDRM, Jabatan Bomba, Jabatan Kastam dan di pelbagai sektor Kerajaan atau sebagai pegawai di sektor swasta. 6. KEMUDAHAN PEMBELAJARAN DAN PENGAJARAN Kemudahan yang disediakan di Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi Pertahanan termasuk Pusat Pembangunan dan Latihan Maritim (PPLM) yang dapat melatih 60 orang pelajar dalam satu masa. PPLM mempunyai sebuah Simulator Pandu Arah yang boleh melatih seramai 25 orang pelajar dalam satu sesi pembelajaran. Simulator Pandu Arah adalah sebuah simulator kapal yang dilengkapi dengan kompas navigasi, alat kemudi, alat kawalan enjin, radar, sistem posisi global, log kelajuan, panel navigasi, pemerun gema, alat isyarat bunyi, panel enjin, alat radio, papan manuver taktikal dan papan data kapal. Para pelajar akan melaksanakan latihan psikomotor dan efektif di Simulator Pandu Arah bagi mendedahkan pelajar dalam kompetensi navigasi, keselamatan, komunikasi dan peperangan maritim sebelum mereka menjalani Latihan Industri di kapal-kapal agensi kerajaan selama 6 bulan. Simulator ini mampu melakukan simulasi pelayaran bagi pelbagai jenis kapal perang dan juga kapal dagang di pelabuhan-pelabuhan utama Malaysia. PPLM juga mempunyai Computer-Based-Training (CBT) Pandu Arah, Komunikasi dan peperangan maritim yang boleh melatih seramai 20 pelajar dalam satu masa. CBT 278 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN tersebut terdiri daripada empat (4) buah kubikel yang dilengkapi dengan perisian komputer untuk latihan kompetensi dalam pandu arah kapal dan latihan komunikasi taktikal tentera laut. Latihan yang dilaksanakan untuk memberi kompetensi kepada pelajar sebelum melaksanakan Latihan Industri di kapal-kapal agensi kerajaan. Di samping itu fakulti mempunyai sebuah Pusat Marin yang dilengkapi dengan jeti, rumah bot, kayak, bot berenjin dan peralatan kepelautan. Para pelajar akan menjalani berkayak, kemahiran kepelautan dan sukan air bagi melengkapkan pembelajaran kokurikulum program Sarjana Muda Teknologi Maritim. Pusat Marin juga menyediakan kemudahan untuk mengadakan seminar dan kursus yang dianjurkan oleh jabatan dan pusat di UPNM. Bagi program Sarjana Muda Sains Komputer terdapat empat (4) buah Makmal Komputer iaitu Makmal Keselamatan Maklumat, Makmal Kepintaran Buatan, Makmal Aplikasi dan juga Makmal Penyelidikan Sains Komputer. Kesemua makmal komputer dilengkapi dengan perisian dan pengaturcaraan komputer terkini bagi tujuan pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Makmal komputer mampu memuatkan seramai 40 pelajar bagi setiap makmal dalam satu masa. Sebuah bangunan akademik baharu telah pun siap dibina untuk menempatkan fakulti pada awal tahun 2013. Bangunan baharu ini dilengkapi dengan pejabat fakulti, bilik mesyuarat, bilik kuliah, pusat sumber, bilik pensyarah, bilik pasca-siswazah, bilik peperiksaan, bilik seminar untuk 250 pelajar, bilik seminar untuk 200 pelajar dan makmal-makmal sains dan teknologi pertahanan. Sebuah bangunan baharu telah siap dibina bagi menempatkan PPLM dan telah mula beroperasi pada September 2013. PROGRAM YANG DITAWARKAN Program-program yang ditawarkan di bawah Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi Pertahanan adalah seperti berikut: i. Sarjana Muda Sains Komputer (Sistem Cerdas) (ZC20) ii. Sarjana Muda Sains Komputer (Keselamatan Sistem Komputer) (ZC27) iii. Sarjana Muda Teknologi Maritim (ZG37) UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 279 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN CARTA ORGANISASI PENGURUSAN AKADEMIK FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN Kept. Prof. Madya Zulkifly bin Mat Radzi TLDM (Bersara) DEKAN Pn. Intan Suraya binti Mohd Bukhari SETIAUSAHA PEJABAT Prof. Dr. Zaharin bin Yusoff TIMBALAN DEKAN (AKADEMIK) JABATAN SAINS KOMPUTER JABATAN SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI MARITIM KETUA JABATAN Prof. Madya Dr Suzaimah binti Ramli KETUA JABATAN Lt. Kdr. Ir. Hardy Azmir bin Anuar TLDM PENSYARAH/ TUTOR PENSYARAH/ TUTOR PEN. PEGAWAI TEKNOLOGI MAKLUMAT PEMBANTU MAKMAL Prof. Madya Dr. Mohd Nazri bin Ismail TIMBALAN DEKAN (PENYELIDIKAN & SISWAZAH) KETUA PEGAWAI OPERASI Kdr. Mohd Arif bin Ahmad TLDM (Bersara) JABATAN SAINS PERTAHANAN PEJABAT AM KETUA JABATAN Dr. Noor Azilah binti Mohd Kasim KETUA PENOLONG PENDAFTAR PENSYARAH PENOLONG PENDAFTAR PEGAWAI SAINS PEMBANTU MAKMAL JURUTEKNIK KOMPUTER PEMBANTU TADBIR (P/O) PUSAT PEMB. LATIHAN MARITIM PUSAT MARIN PEN. PEGAWAI LAUT PEMBANTU MAKMAL PEMBANTU LAUT PEMBANTU OPERASI 280 PENOLONG PEGAWAI TADBIR BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 PEMBANTU OPERASI FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN CARTA ORGANISASI PENTADBIRAN FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN Kept. Prof. Madya Zulkifly bin Mat Radzi TLDM (Bersara) DEKAN Pn. Intan Suraya binti Mohd Bukhari SETIAUSAHA PEJABAT Prof. Dr. Zaharin bin Yusoff TIMBALAN DEKAN (AKADEMIK) Nor Hamizi bin Md Amin KETUA PENOLONG PENDAFTAR Nurul Hafiza binti Ghazali PENOLONG PENDAFTAR UNIT AKADEMIK Roslina binti Muda PEMBANTU TADBIR (P/O) UNIT PENTADBIRAN JABATAN Ernelizzah binti Maskuri PEMBANTU TADBIR (P/O) (JAB. TEKNOLOGI MARITIM) Salina binti Mat Nasib PEMBANTU TADBIR (P/O) (JAB. SAINS KOMPUTER) Prof. Madya Dr. Mohd Nazri bin Ismail TIMBALAN DEKAN (PENYELIDIKAN & SISWAZAH) Noor Halifah binti Rijaludin PEGAWAI SAINS Roslan bin Husin PEGAWAI SAINS UNIT SUMBER MANUSIA & KEWANGAN Zhafri Ridhwan bin Abdullah Sonny (PEN. PEGAWAI TADBIR) UNIT KEWANGAN UNIT SUMBER MANUSIA Noorazmah binti Aziz PEMBANTU TADBIR(P/O) Muhammad Aqbal bin Yusof PEMBANTU OPERASI UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 281 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN SENARAI KAKITANGAN PENTADBIRAN FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN Dekan Kept. Prof. Madya Zulkifly bin Mat Radzi TLDM (Bersara) Dip. PS (UM), Dip. SDS (UKM), MM (UM) Timbalan Dekan (Akademik) Dr. Zaharin bin Yusoff B.Sc.(Pure Mathemathics)(England),M.Sc.( Algebraic Geometry)(England),Ph.D.(USM) Timbalan Dekan (Penyelidikan dan Siswazah) Prof. Madya Dr. Mohd Nazri bin Ismail B.Sc. (UKM), M.Sc. (MMU), Ph.D. (UKM) Ketua Jabatan Sains Komputer Prof. Madya Dr. Suzaimah binti Ramli B.IT (Hons.)(UUM), M.Sc. (UPM), Ph.D. (Image Processing) (UKM) Ketua Jabatan Sains dan Teknologi Maritim Lt. Kdr. Ir. Hardy Azmir bin Anuar TLDM B.Eng. (Hons.)(Comp. & Elect.)(Manchester), M.Eng. (Telecomunication & Elect.)(UTM) Ketua Jabatan Sains Pertahanan Dr. Noor Azilah binti Mohd Kasim B.Sc. (Chemistry)(UKM), M.Sc. (Chemistry)(UKM), Ph.D. (Chemistry)(UKM) Ketua Penolong Pendaftar Nor Hamizi Bin Md Amin B.Ec. (Hons)(Analytical Economics)(UM) Penolong Pendaftar Nurul Hafiza binti Ghazali B.HSc. (Hons.)(HRD)(Unimas) Pegawai Sains Roslan bin Husin B.Sc. (Fizik-Electronics)(UMS) Noor Halifah binti Rijaludin B.Sc. (Kimia)(USM) Setiausaha Pejabat Intan Suraya binti Mohd Bukhari 282 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN Penolong Pegawai Laut Abdull Razak bin Muhammad Penolong Pegawai Teknologi Maklumat Hasnida binti Lottepiraset Penolong Pegawai Tadbir Zhafri Ridhwan bin Abdullah Sonny Pembantu Makmal Mohd Shah bin Mohd Zain Md Hafize bin Md Eusoff Mohd Nazir bin Awang Mat Mohd Zairi bin Kamarudin Juruteknik Komputer Mohd Rasidi bin Sarbani Mohd Zairi bin Jolkifli Mohd Syawal Nizam bin Abdul Rahman Muhammad Amir Asyraf bin Yaacob Pembantu Tadbir (P/O) Roslina binti Muda Salina binti Mat Nasib Noorazmah binti Aziz Ernelizzah binti Maskuri Pembantu Laut Mohd Izzat Farid Syafiq bin Ahmad Pembantu Operasi Muhammad Aqbal bin Yusof Zulkefli bin Zainal UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 283 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN JABATAN SAINS KOMPUTER BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI 2014/2015 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN SENARAI KAKITANGAN AKADEMIK PROFESOR Dr. Zaharin bin Yusoff B.Sc.(Pure Mathemathics)(England),M.Sc.( Algebraic Geometry)(England),Ph.D.(USM) Dr. Tengku Mohd bin Tengku Sembok Dip. Comp Sc.(UiTM), BSc(Hons) Studies(UKM),PhD (Glsagow) (Brighton),MS(Iowa),PostGradDip. Dr. Hjh. Fatimah binti Dato Ahmad Dip. Comp. Sc. (ITM), B.Sc. (Hartford), M.Sc. (Rensselaer), Ph.D. (UKM) PROFESOR MADYA Dr. Omar bin Zakaria B.Comp. Sc. (Hons.)(Malaya), M.Sc. (London), Ph.D. (London) Dr. Suzaimah binti Ramli B.IT (Hons.)(UUM), M.Sc. (UPM), Ph.D. (Image Processing) (UKM) Dr. Mohd Nazri bin Ismail B.Sc. (UKM), M.Sc. (MMU), Ph.D. (UKM) Mohd Hazali bin Mohamed Halip Dip. Comp. Sc. (UTM), B.Sc. (Comp. Sc.)(UTM), M.Sc. (IT)(Nottingham) Kapt Syed Nasir Alsagoff bin Syed Zakaria (Bersara) Dip. Comp. Sc. (UiTM), B.Sc. (Hons.)( IT)(UNITAR), M.Sc. (Comp. Sc.)(UM) PENSYARAH KANAN Dr. Mohd Afizi bin Mohd Shukran B.InfoSys. (Melb), M.IT. (Sydney), M.B.A. (South Queensland), Ph.D. (Sydney) Dr. Amalina Farhi Binti Ahmad Fadzlah B.IT (Hons.)(UUM), M.Sc. (IT)(UUM), Ph.D. (Comp. Sc.)(UKM) Lt Kol Hamzan bin Abd. Jamil Dip. Def. & Strat. Study (UM), M.Sc. (Info. Mgmt.)(UiTM) Nor Fatimah binti Awang* B.Sc. (Comp. Sc.)(UTM), M.Sc. (IT)(UKM) 286 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Islamic Jabatan Sains Komputer Dr Zuraini binti Zainol B.Sc. (Hons.)(Comp. Sc.)(USM), M.Sc. (Comp. Sc.)(UPM) Ph.D. (Reading) Lt Kol Mahendra a/l K. Sekaran Nair Dip. Comp. Sc. (UTM), Dip. Strat & Def (UM), B.Sc. (Hons.)(Computing)(UOB), M.Sc. (Log.) (UOW) PENSYARAH Dr. Puteri Nor Ellyza binti Nohudin B.Sc. (Comp. Sc.)(USA), M.Sc. (UiTM), Ph.D. (Liverpool) Norulzahrah binti Mohd Zainudin B.Sc. (Hons.)(UTM), M.Sc. (UPM) Kamaruzaman bin Maskat Dip. E&E (UiTM), Dip. Comp. & Info. Tech. (APIIT), B.Sc. (Hons.)(UiTM), M.Sc. (UTM) Lt Muhamad Lazim bin Talib B.IT (UKM), M.IT (UKM) Mohammad Adib bin Khairuddin* B.IT (UTP), M.Appl.Sc. (Australia) Suhaila binti Ismail* B.MIS (IIUM), M.Sc. (UK) Siti Rohaidah binti Ahmad* Dip. Comp. Sc. (UTM), B.Sc. (Comp. Sc.)(UTM), M.Sc. (Info.Tech.)(UKM) Arniyati binti Ahmad* Dip. Sc. (UiTM), B.Sc. (Hons.)(IT)(UUM), M.Sc. (Info. Tech.)(UKM) Syahaneim Binti Marzukhi B.Sc. (Hons.)(IT)(UUM), M.Sc. ( IT)(UiTM) Nor Asiakin binti Hasbullah B.Sc. (Hons.)(IT)(UKM), M.Sc. (IT)(UiTM) Nurhafizah Moziyana binti Mohd Yusop* B.Sc. (Hons.)(Comp. Sc.)(UTM), M. Sc IT (UTM) Norshahriah binti Wahab* B.Sc. (UKM), M.Sc. (UKM) UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 287 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN Mohd Rizal bin Mohd Isa* B.Sc. (UiTM), M.Sc. (IT)(UiTM) Muslihah binti Wook* B.Sc. (Hons.)(IT)(UUM), M.Sc. (Comp. Sc.)(UPM) Yuhanim Hani binti Yahaya* B.Sc. (Hons.)(Comp. Sc.)(UTM), M.Sc. (Comp. Sc.)(UM) TUTOR Noor Afiza binti Mat Razali* B.Eng. (lbaraki, Japan), M.Sc. (lbaraki, Japan) Nazatul Naquiah Ahba binti Abd Hamid* B.Sc. (Comp. Sc.)(UTM), M.Sc. (Eng.)(Sheffield, UK ) Syahruddin A Ghani B.IT (Unitar), M.MIT (UPM) Aliimran bin Nordin* B.Sc. (Hons.)(UiTM) PENSYARAH MUDA Siti Hajar Binti Zainal Rashid B.Sc. (Software Eng.)(UPM), M.Sc. (UPM) Farha Binti Jamaluddin B.Sc. (Comp. Sc.)(UPNM) 288 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Sains Komputer PROGRAM DITAWARKAN DAN OBJEKTIF DAN HASIL PEMBELAJARAN Program ditawarkan: i. Program Sarjana Muda Sains Komputer (Sistem Cerdas) (ZC20) ii. Program Sarjana Muda Sains Komputer (Keselamatan Sistem Komputer) (ZC27) Matlamat: Matlamat program Sarjana Muda Sains Komputer adalah untuk melahirkan graduan yang mempunyai kepimpinan intelektual yang berkarektor di bidang Sains Komputer. Objektif Pembelajaran Program Programme Educational Objectives (PEO) PEO 1 Graduan berupaya mengaplikasikan pengetahuan, prinsip, kemahiran dan teknik asas terkini dalam reka bentuk, pembangunan dan penyelidikan dalam bidang pengkomputeran. PEO 2 Graduan berupaya memikul kepimpinan, peranan profesional dan pengurusan secara berkesan dalam memberi khidmat kepada organisasi di mana mereka bekerja dan juga kepada negara. PEO 3 Graduan berupaya menyediakan perkhidmatan pengkomputeran kepada masyarakat dan juga keperluan pengkomputeran negara. Hasil Pembelajaran Program Programme Outcomes (PO) PLO 1 Graduan berupaya mengaplikasikan pengetahuan dalam prinsip, teori dan teknik pengkomputeran ke dalam pelbagai bidang aplikasi. PLO 2 Graduan berkebolehan dari segi teknikal dan praktikal dalam mengaplikasikan pendekatan saintifik dan alatan secara cekap dan efektif dalam mereka bentuk dan membina aturcara komputer yang berkualiti tinggi. PLO 3 Graduan berupaya berfikir secara kritikal dan analitik dalam merancang, menganalisis, mereka bentuk dan melaksanakan sistem komputer dalam menyelesaikan masalah dunia sebenar. PLO 4 Graduan berupaya berkomunikasi dan bekerja samada secara individu atau/dan berkumpulan. secara efektif merentasi pelbagai konteks dan pengguna. PLO 5 Graduan yang bertanggungjawab dan berdedikasi untuk berkhidmat kepada masyarakat dan Negara. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 289 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN PLO 6 Graduan berupaya mengekalkan pembangunan profesional dan etika selaras dengan prinsip etika dan undang-undang. PLO 7 Graduan berupaya melibatkan diri dan menjalankan pembelajaran sepanjang hayat secara kendiri untuk pembangunan akademik dan kerjaya. PLO 8 Graduan berkeupayaan membangunkan kemahiran keusahawanan. PLO 9 Graduan yang berupaya menunjukkan kemahiran kepimpinan ke arah pembangunan negara. KURSUS TERAS JABATAN SAINS KOMPUTER Kursus Teras Jabatan wajib diambil oleh semua pelajar di Program Sarjana Muda Sains Komputer sebanyak 33 kredit sepertimana berikut : CODE 290 COURSE CREDIT TSK 1103 Object-Oriented Programming 3 TSK 1113 Computer Organization and Architecture 3 TSK 1123 Database Systems 3 TSK 1133 Fundamentals of Programming 3 TSK 1223 Discrete Mathematics 3 TSK 1233 Systems Analysis and Design 3 TSK 2113 Computer Networks 3 TSK 2123 Operating Systems 3 TSK 2143 Data Structures 3 TSK 2213 Software Engineering 3 TSK 1143 Statistics 3 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Sains Komputer SINOPSIS KURSUS TERAS JABATAN SAINS KOMPUTER FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN PENGATURCARAAN BERORIENTASIKAN OBJEK TSK 1103 OBJECT-ORIENTED PROGRAMMING TSK 1103 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course gives an understanding of basic concepts in object-oriented programming (including the concept of object and class), and illustrates them using Java language. The course also provide a deeper understanding of object-oriented programme design and implementation and more advanced features of object-orientation, such as inheritance, polymorphism, abstract classes, exceptions, recursion, searching and sorting. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Understand and identify basic concepts of a high level programming language using object oriented programming correctly. 2. Demonstrate and apply their knowledge with the basic notions and techniques to develop the algorithm and basic object-oriented programming language. 3. Analyze a simple object-oriented programming problem specification. 4. Write and design a programming which maps to object-oriented programming correctly and effectively. References 1. Gaddis, Y. (2010). Starting Out with Java: From control structures through Objects: International Edition. 4th Edition. United States Of America: Addison-Wesley. 2. Liang, Y. D. (2011). Introduction to JAVA Programming. 9th Edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 3. Malik, D.S. (2012). Java Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design. 5th Edition, International Edition. United States of America: Course Technology Cengage Learning. 4. Sufian Idris, Marini Abu Bakar, & Norleyza Jailani. (2002). OO.Java: Pengaturcaraan Berorientasikan Objek Menggunakan Java. Kuala Lumpur: Prentice Hall. 5. Thomas, C.W. (2010). An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming with Java. 5th Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 291 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN ORGANISASI DAN SENIBINA KOMPUTER TSK 1113 COMPUTER ORGANISATION AND ARCHITECTURE TSK 1113 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course introduces the concept and components of computer organization and architecture. The topics discussed include memory, CPU, I/O devices and peripherals, von Neumann PC and parallel computer architecture. Various levels of architecture at microprocessor, machine language, data representation and application layers will be covered in detail. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Understand simple machine architecture and the reduced instruction set computers (RISC). 2. Understand memory control, direct memory access, interrupts, and memory organization. 3. Understand basic data flow through the CPU (interfacing, bus control logic, and internal communications). 4. Understand number systems, arithmetic, instruction sets, addressing modes, and data/instruction formats. 5. Write simple assembly language programmes. References 1. Englander, I. (2010). The Architecture Of Computer Hardware and Systems Software : An Information Technology Approach. 4th Edition. NJ: John Wiley & Sons. 2. Murdocca, M., & Heuring, V. (2007). Computer Architecture and Organization: An Integrated Approach. NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 3. Null, L. (2006). The Essentials of Computer Organization and Architecture. 2nd Edition. MA: Jones & Bartlett Pub. 4. Parhami, B. (2005). Computer Architecture: From Microprocessors to Supercomputers. US: Oxford University Publishing. 5. Stallings, W. (2011). Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for Performance. 9th Edition. Pearson Education. 292 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Sains Komputer SISTEM PANGKALAN DATA TSK 1123 DATABASE SYSTEMS TSK 1123 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course covers database systems and file systems, relational data modeling, SQL, E-R modeling, normalization, transaction and concurrency control, database design and implementation. Latest and future trends in database will be discussed. A database management system will be introduced and used for practical sessions. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Understand database management concept and user requirements. 2. Develop and refine the conceptual data model, including all entities, relationships, attributes, and apply normalization techniques. 3. Design and implement database applications. References 1. Coronel, C., Rob, P., & Morris, S. (2009). Database Systems: Design, Implementation, and Management. 9th Edition. Thomson Learning. 2. Connolly, T., Begg, C., & Strachan (2004). Database Systems: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation and Management. 4th Edition. Addison-Wesley. 3. Molina, H.G., Ullman, J. D., & Widom, J. (2008). Database Systems: The Complete Book. 2nd Edition. Prentice Hall. 4. Elmasri, R., & Navathe, S. B. (2010). Fundamental of Database Systems. 6th Edition. Addison Wesley. 5. Date, C.J. (2003). An Introduction to Database System. 8th Edition. Singapore: Addison Wesley. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 293 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN ASAS KEPADA PENGATURCARAAN TSK 1133 FUNDAMENTALS OF PROGRAMMING TSK 1133 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course introduces the basic principle of programming concepts and programming structure. It covers introduction, algorithm, primitive data type and operation, selection statements, loops, functions, array, and programming laboratory exercises. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Understand and identify basic concepts of a high level programming language using Java correctly. 2. Demonstrate and apply their knowledge with the basic notions and techniques to develop the algorithm and basic Java programming language. 3. Analyze a simple Java programming problem specification. 4. Write and design a programme which maps to Java programming correctly and effectively. References 1. Y. Daniel Liang, (2010). Introduction to Java Programming, Comprehensive. 8th Edition. Prentice Hall. 2. Deitel H. M. and Deitel P. J. (2007). Java How to Program. 7th Edition. Prentice Hall. 3. Hortsmann, C. (2007). Big Java. 3rd Edition. John Wiley & Sons. 4. Liang, Y. D. (2008). Introduction to JAVA Programming. 7th Edition. Prentice Hall. 5. Malik, D.S. (2009). Java Programming: From Problem Analysis to Programming Design. 5th Edition. Course Technology. 294 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Sains Komputer MATEMATIK DISKRET TSK 1223 DISCRETE MATHEMATICS TSK 1223 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course introduces the mathematical concepts of discrete mathematics in computer science and how to use them in practice. It covers the fundamental topics such as propositional and predicate logic, fundamental principles of counting, set theory, mathematical induction, functions, and relations. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Explain truth tables, the concepts of logical equivalence and logical implication, and the use of quantifiers. 2. Apply basic counting principles to solve a variety of problems. 3. Solve problems which involve discrete data structures such as sets, relations and discrete functions. 4. Apply mathematical induction in proving a mathematical statement. References 1. 2. 3. Grimaldi, R. (2004). Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics: An Applied Introduction. 5th. Edition. New York: Addison–Wesley Pub. Co. Inc. Johnsonbaugh, R. (2009). Discrete Mathematics. 7th. Edition. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall. Malik, D.S., & Sen, M.K. (2010). Discrete Mathematics: Theory and Applications. Revised Edition. Singapore: Cengage Learning Asia Pte. Ltd. 4. Rosen, K.H. (2007). Discrete Mathematics and its Applications. 6th. Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc. 5. Stein, C., Drysdale, R.L., & Bogart, K. (2011). Discrete Mathematics for Computer Scientists. Massachusetts: Pearson Education, Inc. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 295 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN ANALISIS DAN REKABENTUK SISTEM TSK 1233 SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN TSK 1233 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course introduces the fundamentals of information systems analysis and design by covering a variety of current methods, tools, and techniques. The course will cover system development activities in the context of when they typically occur. Most of the course will be devoted to learning and practising the techniques and processes used by the system analysts at each phase within the systems development cycle and to working as a team to create a system solution for a client. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Undertake investigations and perform a feasibility analysis. 2. Interpret qualitative and quantitative information. 3. Undertake a system modeling analysis and write a software requirement specification according to accepted standards. 4. Identify requirements, necessary entities and their relationships, through a process of system development. 5. Apply the system analysis and design process for the group project. References 1. Dennis, A., Wixom, B.H. & Roth, R.M. (2008). Systems Analysis and Design. 4th Edition. MA: Wiley. 2. John W. S, Robert B. J. & Stephen D. B. (2006). Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World. 4th Edition. Course Technology 3. Shelly, G.B., & Rosenblatt H.J. (2011). Systems Analysis and Design. 9th Edition. MA: Course Technology. 4. Whitten, J.L., & Bentley, L.D. (2005). System Analysis and Design Methods. 7th Edition. McGraw-Hill/Irwin. 5. Whitten, J.L., & Bentley, L.D. (2006). Introduction to System Analysis and Design. McGraw-Hill/Irwin. 296 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Sains Komputer RANGKAIAN KOMPUTER SK 2113 COMPUTER NETWORKS TSK 2113 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The purpose of this course is to provide an in-depth understanding of computer networking with emphasis on network concepts and protocols. This course exposes students to various computer network technologies and uses both the OSI Model and TCP/IP Protocol Suite as a framework for understanding the concept of communication networking. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Understand the concepts in networking, protocols and standards. 2. Describe and compare network architectures and network technologies. 3. Apply the concepts, hardware and technology in planning, designing and managing of the networks. 4. Analyze and solve network problems using hardware and software tools. References 1. Dean, T. (2012). Network+ Guide to Networks. 6th Edition. Massachusetts: Course Technology. 2. Forouzan, A. (2012). Data communications and Networking. 5th Edition. McGraw-Hill. 3. Kurose, J. F., & Ross, K.W. (2012). Computer Networking: A Top–Down Approach. 6th Edition. Addison Wesley. 4. Tanenbaum, A. S. (2010). Computer Networks. 5th Edition. Prentice Hall. 5. Tomsho, G. (2011). Guide to Networking Essentials. 6th Edition. Massachusetts: Course Technology. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 297 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN SISTEM OPERASI TSK 2123 OPERATING SYSTEMS TSK 2123 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course introduces the concept of operating system as a resource manager. Students will be exposed to the required algorithms and data structures as essential part in constructing operating system routines based on multiple types of operating system. The main topics in this subject are system structures, process concept/management, multithreading programming, memory management strategies, deadlocks, implementing file system, synchronization and process scheduling. The fundamental concepts and algorithms will be covered based on existing commercial operating systems. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Define the basic concepts of operating systems 2. Describe the role and purpose of operating systems. 3. Explain on memory and process management that involved during the operating system. 4. Describe on file system and I/O system management. 5. Discuss the basic mechanisms for protecting computer resources. References 1. Dhamdhere, D. (2008). Operating System. McGraw-Hill. 2. McHoes, A., & M. Flynn, I. (2010). Understanding Operating Systems. 6th Edition. Course Technology. 3. Khurana, R. (2011). Operating Systems. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd. 4. Silberschatz, A., Galvin, P.B., & Gagne, G. (2010). Operating System Concepts. 8th Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 5. Stalings, W. (2012). Operating Systems, Internal & Design Principles. 7th Edition, International Edition. Pearson. 298 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Sains Komputer STRUKTUR DATA TSK 2143 DATA STRUCTURE TSK 2143 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course covers the fundamentals of data structures and algorithms applied in programming solutions to application problems. It is a study of the design, implementation, and use of data abstraction including linked structures, lists, stacks, queues, trees and graph structures. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Understand the theory and concept of data structures. 2. Design and develop programme using C programming language. 3. Identify, diagnose and resolve real world problems. 4. Understand standard methods and tools in developing and managing computerbased-system. References 1. Gilberg, R.F., & Forouzan, B.H. (2004). Data Structures: A Pseudocode Approach With C. 2nd Edition. Washington: Thomson Course Technology 2. Liang, Y.D. (2007). Introduction to Programming With C++ : Comprehensive Version. New Jearsey: Pearson International Edition. 3. Malik, D.S. (2010). C++ Programming: Program Design Including Data Structures.5th Edition. Washington: Course Technology. 4. Malik, D.S. (2011). Data Structures Using C++. 2nd Edition. Washington: Course Technology. 5. Weiss, M. A. (2006). Data Structure and Algorithm Analysis in C++. 3rd Edition. Boston: Addison Wesley. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 299 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN KEJURUTERAAN PERISIAN TSK 2213 SOFTWARE ENGINEERING TSK 2213 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course introduces students with principles and techniques in software engineering that can be used to build software. The topics include software engineering management, software processes, software requirements, design architecture, software testing, software cost estimation, software verification and validation. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Implement software engineering concepts in the software development. 2. Write a standard software requirements specification (SRS) to a given problem. 3. Design Unified Modeling Language (UML) for software analysis and design. 4. Implement verification and validation to a given problem. References 1. Fox, C. (2006). Introduction to Software Engineering Design: Processes, Principles and Patterns with UML2. Addison Wesley. 2. Larman, C. (2007). Applying UML and Patterns. 3rd Edition. Prentice Hall. 3. Pfleeger, S.L (2006). Software Engineering: Theory and Practice. 3rd Edition. Prentice Hall. 4. Pressman, R. (2010). Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach. 7th Edition. McGrawHill. 5. Sommerville, I. (2007). Software Engineering. 8th Edition. Addison Wesley. 300 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Sains Komputer STATISTIK TSK 1143 STATISTICS TSK 1143 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course covers topics from types of data, describing data sets graphically and numerically, commonly used probability distribution, sampling distribution and confidence interval, hypothesis testing, analysis of variance, goodness of fit and contingency table and finally regression and correlation. This course will focus more on the procedures of the analysis and interpretation of results. Software application is strongly emphasized. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Demonstrate their knowledge on the theoretical foundations on basic concepts in probability and statistics. 2. Apply the theoretical foundations of the knowledge to model pertaining to related problems. 3. Solve the mathematical models using various tools and methods from the theoretical foundations on basic concepts in probability and statistics together with statistical software in order to interpret the results from the analysis. References 1. Allan G. Bluman, Elementry Statistics, 6th Ed. The McGraw-Hill (2013). 2. William Navidi, Statistics for Engineers and Scientist, 3rd Ed. The McGraw-Hill (2010). 3. Montgomery, D. C., Runger, G. C., & Hubele, N. F., Engineering Statistics 4th Ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons. (2010). UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 301 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN SARJANA MUDA SAINS KOMPUTER (SISTEM CERDAS) (ZC20) STRUKTUR PROGRAM DAN JUMLAH KREDIT KEPERLUAN PROGRAM PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA SAINS KOMPUTER (SISTEM CERDAS) (ZC20) JUMLAH KREDIT Jumlah keperluan kredit yang perlu dipenuhi untuk bergraduat adalah seperti mana jadual di bawah dan tempoh pengajian yang perlu diikuti adalah enam (6) semester lazim dan satu (1) intersesi wajib. Pecahan kursus yang perlu diambil adalah seperti berikut: KURSUS KREDIT Kursus Universiti: i. Kursus Teras Universiti ii. Elektif Universiti 24 6 Kursus Teras Program: i. Teras Jabatan ii. Teras Program 78 Kursus Elektif Program 12 JUMLAH KREDIT UNTUK BERGRADUAT 120 KURSUS TERAS PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA SAINS KOMPUTER (SISTEM CERDAS) (ZC20) KURSUS TERAS JABATAN Kursus-kursus teras jabatan adalah wajib diambil oleh semua pelajar di Jabatan Sains Komputer. KOD KURSUS KURSUS TERAS JABATAN (33 KREDIT) KREDIT TSK 1103 Object-Oriented Programming 3 302 TSK 1113 Computer Organization and Architecture 3 TSK 1123 Database Systems 3 TSK 1133 Fundamentals of Programming 3 TSK 1223 Discrete Mathematics 3 TSK 1233 Systems Analysis and Design 3 TSK 2113 Computer Networks 3 TSK 2123 Operating Systems 3 TSK 2143 Data Structures 3 TSK 2213 Software Engineering 3 TSK 1143 Statistics 3 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Sains Komputer KURSUS TERAS PROGRAM Kursus-kursus teras program adalah wajib diambil oleh semua pelajar Sains Komputer (Sistem Cerdas). KOD KURSUS KURSUS TERAS PROGRAM (33 KREDIT) KREDIT TSK 1203 Web Programming and Development 3 TSK 2203 Artificial Intelligence 3 TSK 2223 Computer and Network Security 3 TSK 2xx3 Project 1 2 TSK 3215 Project 2 4 TSK 3223 Ethics and Professionalism in ICT 3 TSK 2233 Group Project 3 TSI 2253 Intelligent Agents 3 TSI 3253 Fuzzy Logic 3 TSI 3263 Data Mining 3 TSI 3283 Digital Image Processing 3 KOD KURSUS KURSUS LATIHAN INDUSTRI (12 KREDIT) KREDIT TSK 310C Industrial Training 12 KURSUS ELEKTIF PROGRAM PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA SAINS KOMPUTER (SISTEM CERDAS) (ZC20) KOD KURSUS KURSUS ELEKTIF PROGRAM (12 KREDIT) KREDIT TSI 2323 Machine Learning 3 TSI 2243 Neural Network 3 TSI 3293 Game Theory 3 TSI 3113 Expert Systems 3 TSK 2103 Operational Research 3 TSS 3253 Information Security Management 3 TSS 3223 Network Intrusion Detection System 3 TSS 3233 Ethical Hacker 3 TSS 3243 Wireless Network Security 3 UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 303 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN STRUKTUR KURIKULUM PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA SAINS KOMPUTER (SISTEM CERDAS) (ZC20) TAHUN PERTAMA SEMESTER 1 SEMESTER 2 Code Course Credit Code Course Credit LAN 1012 Islamic and Asian Civilizations 2 LAN 1032 Ethnic Relation 2 PSK 1012 Human Movement Science 2 LEL 1012 English for Academic Writing 2 LFL 1XX1 Foreign Language I 1 LFL 1XX1 Foreign Language II 1 DUS 2072 Military Law And Laws of Armed Conflict 2 LAN 2012 Nationhood in World Politics 2 TSK 1143 Statistics 3 TSK 1103 Object-Oriented Programming 3 TSK 1133 Fundamentals of Programming 3 TSK 1233 Systems Analysis and Design 3 TSK 1223 Discrete Mathematics 3 TSK 2123 Operating System 3 TSK 1113 Computer Organization and Architecture 3 TSK 2143 Data Structures 3 QKX 1XX2 Co-curriculum * 2 QKX 1XX2 Co-curriculum * 2 1 ALK 1011/ PLS 1011 ALK**/PALAPES *** 1 ALK 1011/ PLS 1011 ALK**/PALAPES *** 20**/*** 21* TOTAL TOTAL Nota: * Diambil oleh pelajar awam ** Diambil oleh pegawai kadet *** Diambil oleh pelajar palapes SEMESTER PENDEK Code Course Credit TSK 3223 Ethics and Professionalism in ICT 3 TSK 2223 Computer and Network Security 3 TOTAL 304 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 6 20**/*** 21* Jabatan Sains Komputer TAHUN KEDUA SEMESTER 3 SEMESTER 4 Code Course Credit Code Course LEL 1022 English for Oral Communication 2 DUS 1062 Military History Credit 2 DUS 2022 Introduction to Strategic Studies 2 TSX XXX3 Elective I 3 LAN 1042 Acculturation of Entrepreneurship 2 TSK 2XX2 Project 1 2 TSK 2113 Computer Networks 3 TSX XXX3 Elective II 3 TSK 2213 Software Engineering 3 TSI 3263 Data Mining 3 TSK 1203 Web Programming and Development 3 TSK 2233 Group Project 3 TSK 1123 Database Systems 3 DUM 2062 Effective Leadership 2 TSK 2203 Artificial Intelligence 3 QKX 1XX2 Co-Curriculum* 2 1 ALK 2021/ PLS 1021 ALK**/PALAPES *** 1 ALK 2011/ PLS 2011 ALK**/PALAPES *** 22**/*** 21* TOTAL 19**/*** 21* TOTAL TAHUN KETIGA SEMESTER 5 SEMESTER 6 Code Course Credit Code Course TSK 310C Industrial Training 12 TSI 3283 Digital Image Processing 3 TSI 3253 Fuzzy Logic 3 TOTAL 12 Credit TSI 2253 Intelligent Agents 3 TSX XXX3 Elective III 3 TSX XXX3 Elective IV 3 TSK 3214 Project 2 4 ALK 3011/ PLS 3011 ALK**/PALAPES *** 1 QKS 3621 / PLS 3021 ALK**/PALAPES *** 1 TOTAL 21**/*** 19* Nota: * Diambil oleh pelajar awam ** Diambil oleh pegawai kadet *** Diambil oleh pelajar palapes UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 305 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN SINOPSIS KURSUS TERAS PROGRAM PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA SAINS KOMPUTER (SISTEM CERDAS) (ZC20) PENGATURCARAAN DAN PEMBANGUNAN WEB TSK1203 WEB PROGRAMMING AND DEVELOPMENT TSK 1203 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course introduces concept, design and development of web based application. Markup languages and tools such as HTML, CSS, XML, JavaScript and PHP will be introduced for the development of interactive and dynamic web based application in client-server technology. This course requires the student to build multiple web pages and implement at least one major website design that interacts with a database. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Build knowledge and experience using client-side technologies of the World Wide Web including: HTML, DHTML, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript and XML. 2. Understand and use basic SQL (Standard Query Language) with PHP server side scripting language to handle data to and from database. 3. Demonstrate and apply their knowledge with the basic notions and techniques to develop an e-commerce website and online information system project. 4. Design and develop an online system that integrates the PHP server side scripting with MySQL database for the development of their online system. References 1. Nixon, R. (2009). Learning PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript. O’Reilly Media. 2. Matthews, M., & Cronan, J. (2009). Dynamic Web Programming: A Beginner’s Guide. McGraw Hill Professional. 3. Quigley, E., & Gargenta, M. (2006). PHP and MySQL by Example. MA: Prentice Hall. 4. Ullman, L. E. (2011). PHP and MySQL for dynamic Web sites. 4th Edition. Peach Pit Press. 5. Welling, L., & Thomson, L. (2003). PHP and MySQL Web Development. 2nd Edition. USA: Sam’s Publishing. 306 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Sains Komputer KECERDASAN BUATAN TSK 2203 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TSK 2203 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course aims to introduce the principle, methods and techniques used in artificial intelligent systems. It exposes students to search techniques, logic, knowledge representation and reasoning, intelligent agents, and machine learning. Programming language such as Prolog and Matlab will be used in the course in practical sessions and coursework. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Understand concepts and techniques of artificial intelligence through the study of important artificial intelligence techniques. 2. Gain theoretical knowledge to be able to reason about the behavior of artificial intelligent system. 3. Apply artificial intelligence concept to an intelligent system applications. References 1. Bratko, I. (2000). PROLOG Programming for Artificial Intelligence. 3rd Edition. Singapore: Addison Wesley. 2. Luger, G.F, T. (2009). Artificial Intelligence: Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem Solving. 6th Edition. Boston: Pearson Education. 3. N.P. Padhy. (2007). Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems. United State: Oxford University Press. 4. Nilsson, N. J. (1998). Artificial Intelligence: A New Synthesis. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. 5. Russell, S. J., & Norvig, P. (2010). Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. 3rd Edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 307 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN KESELAMATAN RANGKAIAN DAN KOMPUTER TSK 2223 COMPUTER AND NETWORK SECURITY TSK 2223 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course focuses on the concept of computer and network security. Students examine operating system and network security. Students examine operating system and network security. Topics include: server, encrypted files, intrusion detection, packet filtering, network monitoring, user and group permissions, security template and firewalls. Current issues and trend in system and network security will be discussed. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Understand the concept of Computer and Network Security. 2. Apply the concept of Computer and Network Security. 3. Analyze security requirement and configure a secure computer system. 4. Detect and remove malware from a computer system. References 1. Bishop, M. (2005). Introduction to Computer Security. Boston: Addison-Wesley. 2. Krutz, R. L., & Vines, R, D. (2007). The CISSP Prep Guide: Mastering CISSP and CAP. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. 3. Lehtinen, R, Russell, D., & Gangemi G.T. (2006). Computer Security Basics. 2nd Edition. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly & Associates. 4. Malaysian Cyberlaws • Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 • Computer Crimes Act 1998 • Copyright Act 1987 • Digital Signature Act 1997 • Telemedicine Act 1997 • Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission Act 1998 5. Stallings, W., & Brown, L. (2011). Computer Security: Principles and Practice. 2nd Edition. Prentice Hall. 308 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Sains Komputer PROJEK BERKUMPULAN TSK 2233 GROUP PROJECT TSK 2233 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course provides the students to apply their knowledge and teamwork skills in software development. Students are required to work within a group to develop a prototype under the guidance of a supervisor. The students need to present and produce a working prototype and documentation at the end of the semester. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Work as a member in a group of prototype development. 2. Develop new software design or upgrade the existing software design. 3. Produce technical report and justify their project. References 1. Dawson, C. (2009). Projects in Computing and Information Systems. 2nd Edition. Prentice Hall. 2. Hoffer, J. A., George, J. F., & Valacich, J.S. (2007). Modern Systems Analysis and Design. 5th Edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. 3. Mohd Hazali Mohamed Halip, Nor Asiakin Hasbullah, & Syahaneim Marzukhi. (2011). Panduan Penulisan Tesis dan Projek Sarjana Muda Sains Komputer. Jabatan Sains Komputer:Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia. 4. Shelly, G. B., & Rosenblatt, H. J. (2011). Systems Analysis and Design. 9th Edition. Boston: Course Technology, Thomson Learning. 5. Zarina Shukur. (2007). Menulis Dokumen Projek Perisian Untuk Prasiswazah. Selangor: Kumpulan Sains Pengaturcaraan, UKM. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 309 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN RESEARCH PROJECT I TSK 2XX2 PROJEK PENYELIDIKAN I TSK 2XX2 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The aim of this course is to provide the students with the knowledge to prepare research proposal in maritime technology. The research proposal should include statement of the problem, aim of research, objectives of research, scope of research and importance of research and literature review. It also includes research methodology which covers research design, methods for collection of data, research samples and methods of evaluation. On completion of this course, the students should be able to propose research using appropriate and precise method, use to broaden academic knowledge in the areas of latest maritime technology such as maritime communication, maritime warfare technology, weapon electrical and electronic technology or system, navigation science, electronic warfare, ship technology, marine engineering system and other relevant maritime aspects. The students should also have the abilities to gather primary and secondary data to solve the research problems, use the appropriate tools for measurement in the analysis and present their research proposal to panel examiners. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Identify the research topic related to maritime technology. 2. Establish the problem statement according to the selected topic. 3. Develop the research objectives following the problem statement. 4. Carry out literature review on the research topic. 5. Design a research methodology to achieve objectives of research. References 1. Chua, Y.P. (2011). Kaedah dan statistik penyelidikan. Jil.1 Kuala Lumpur: McGraw Hill. 2. Fraenkel J.R., Wallen, N.E., & Hyun, H.H., (2012). How to design and evaluate research in education. USA : McGraw Hill. 3. Jackson. S.L. (2009). Research methods and statistics. A critical thinking approach. USA: Wadworth, Cengage Learning. 4. Sheril L. J. (2008). Research methods: A modulor approach. USA: Jacksonville University. 5. Zulkifly Mat Radzi. (2009). Panduan menulis tesis fakulti sains dan teknologi pertahanan. KL: UPNM. 310 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Sains Komputer RESEARCH PROJECT II TSK 3214 PROJEK PENYELIDIKAN II TSK 3214 4 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course is a continuation of Bachelor Degree Research Project I and students should be able to enhance their knowledge in analyzing the collected data, make suggestions and recommendations for solving the problems stated in the research proposal. The research write up should comprise of research analysis which includes data analysis, interpretation and evaluation as well as recommendations. The students are required to present the completed research paper to the panel examiners. On completion of the course, the students should be able to acquaint with the use of computer software and various decision making tools (quantitative and qualitative) to process data, to conduct analysis and to prepare for the report. They should be able to make recommendations for solving the problems for the benefit of the organization, work independently in research project, present and defend papers to the panel examiners. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Collect the research data as in the proposal. 2. Analyse the data using tools as stated in the proposal. 3. Produce the conclusion based on the research findings. 4. Defend the research findings during the presentation. References 1. Chua, Y.P. (2011). Kaedah dan statistik penyelidikan. Jil.1 Kuala Lumpur: McGraw Hill. 2. Fraenkel J.R., Wallen, N.E., & Hyun, H.H., (2012). How to design and evaluate research in education. USA : McGraw Hill. 3. Jackson. S.L. (2009). Research methods and statistics. A critical thinking approach. USA: Wadworth, Cengage Learning. 4. Sheril L. J. (2008). Research methods: A modulor approach. USA: Jacksonville University. 5. Zulkifly Mat Radzi. (2009). Panduan menulis tesis fakulti sains dan teknologi pertahanan. KL: UPNM. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 311 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN ETIKA DAN PROFESIONALISME DALAM ICT TSK 3223 ETHICS AND PROFESSIONALISM IN ICT TSK 3223 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course provides students with the necessary knowledge and good understanding on the ethical issues in the area of information technology. The topics covered include ICT implications to society, introduction of ethics, privacy, freedom of speech, intellectual property, crime, cybercrime and cyberlaws, evaluating and controlling technology, errors, failures, and risk, Internet user responsibilities, and professional ethics and responsibilities. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Explain the terminology and philosophical frameworks of ethics. 2. Describe and evaluate consequences of computing on individuals, organisations, and society. 3. Understand the significance of IT professional organisations and their codes of ethics. 4. Explain how to manage security vulnerability and respond to specific security incidents to fix problems quickly and improve ongoing security measures. 5. Analyse issues rised by file sharing, infringement of intellectual property, Internet crime, identity theft, employee surveillance and privacy. 6. Work in a group to deliver project with proper documentation. References 1. Baase, S. (2009). A Gift of Fire. 3rd. Edition. New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc. 2. Hester, D.M. and Ford, P.J. (2001). Computer and Ethics in the Cyberage. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 3. Quinn, M.J. (2012). Ethics for the Information Age. 5th. Edition. Massachusetts: Pearson International. 4. Reynolds, G.W. (2010). Ethics in Information Technology. 3rd. Edition. Massachusetts: Course Technology, Cengage Learning. 5. Tavani, H.T. (2012). Ethics and Technology: Ethical Issues in an Age of Information and Communication Technology. 4th. Edition. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 312 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Sains Komputer EJEN PINTAR TSI 2253 INTELLIGENT AGENT TSI 2253 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis Intelligent agents are software programmes that can sense their environment, choose rational actions based on their percepts, and execute these actions. The course gives a broad introduction to the new and rapidly expanding field of agent-based computing. It introduces the key concepts and models of the field: dealing both with the individual agents and with their interactions. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Describe and identify the concept of intelligent agent and multi-agents system. 2. Explain and compare agent-based system with other software applications. 3. Build and produce an intelligent agent-based system for a practical application. References 1. Bui, T. D., Tuong, V. H., & Quang T. H. (2008). Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agent Systems: 11th Pacific Rim International Conference on Multi-Agents. PRIMA 2008, Hanoi, Vietnam, December 15-16, Proceedings, ISBN: 3540896732, 9783540896739 2. Dignum, F., Bradshaw, J., Silverman, B. G., & Doesburg, W. V. (2010). Agents for Games and Simulations: Trends in Techniques, Concepts and Design. Springer. 3. Padgham, L., & Winikoff, M. (2004). Developing Intelligent Agent Systems: A Practical Guide. John Wiley and Sons. ISBN: 0470861207, 9780470861202. 4. Pechoucek, M., Thompson, S. G., & Voos, H. (2008). Defence Industry Applications of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems. Springer. 5. Wooldridge, M. (2009). An Introduction to MultiAgent Systems. Wiley and Sons. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 313 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN SISTEM PAKAR TSI 3113 EXPERT SYSTEMS TSI 3113 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisie : None Course Synopsis This course provides the students the knowledge and understanding of expert system related to the combination of the knowledge of Artificial Intelligence. This course also looks at techniques and tools of knowledge acquisition as well as knowledge analysis. Various techniques of knowledge representation are also covered. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Explain the structure and design of Expert System. 2. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of expert system applications in other knowledge fields. 3. Understand and construct an Expert System application. 4. Apply Expert System shells to build an Expert System application. References 1. Joseph, G., & Gary R., (2005). Expert Systems: Principles and Programming. PWS Publishing Company. 2. Durkin, J. (1994). Expert Systems: Design and Development. Prentice Hall. 3. Padhy N. (2006). Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems. 3rd ed. Oxford University Press. 4. Jones, T. (2008). Artificial Intelligence: A System Approach. Infinity Science Press. 314 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Sains Komputer LOGIK KABUR TSI 3253 FUZZY LOGIC TSI 3253 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course introduces the concept of fuzzy logic and fuzzy theory sets including fuzzy relations, construction of membership functions and fuzzy arithmetic. This course will also discuss on the three important phases in Fuzzy Logic – fuzzification, fuzzy rules/inference, and defuzzification. Fuzzy logic controller (FLC) and other important issues in using fuzzy logic techniques including a hybrid technique called neuro-fuzzy, which combines neural network and fuzzy logic will be emphasized in this course. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Explain and analyze the fundamental concept of fuzzy logic. 2. Analyze and identify appropriate techniques in fuzzy logic problem solving. 3. Analyze and construct fuzzy rule-based. 4. Design fuzzy system using MATLAB. References 1. 2. 3. 4. Belohlavek, R., & George J. Klir. (2011). Concepts and Fuzzy Logic. The MIT Press. Ganesh, M. (2006). Introduction to Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic. Prentice-Hall India. Jones, T. (2008). Artificial Intelligence: A System Approach. Infinity Science Press. Padhy N. (2006). Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems. 3rd Edition. Oxford University Press. 5. Timothy, J. R. (2010). Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications. 3rd Edition. John Wiley & Sons. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 315 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN PERLOMBONGAN DATA TSI 3263 DATA MINING TSI 3263 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course introduces the concept and techniques of data mining. The main topics discussed include knowledge discovery process, data pre-processing and data mining techniques such as decision tree, regression, neural network, and clustering. The course will teach the students to find hidden pattern of information from large volume of data using selected data mining tools. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Describe and identify basic concepts of a knowledge discovery process, data preprocessing and data mining techniques. 2. Explain and summarize data pre-processing steps, and data mining techniques. 3. Apply the data mining techniques for a given data set. 4. Analyze the data mining model and output values correctly. References 1. Han, J., & Kamber, M. (2011). Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques. 3rd Edition. United States of America: Morgan Kaufmann Publisher. 2. Georges, J. (2008). Applied Analytics Using SAS Enterprise Miner Course Notes. Cary, NC: SAS Institute Inc. 3. Tan, P.N., Steinbach, M., & Kumar, V. (2006). Introduction to Data Mining, Boston: Pearson Addison-Wesley. 4. Cerrito, Patricia B. (2007). Introduction to Data Mining Using SAS Enterprise Miner. Cary, NC: SAS Institute Inc. 5. Roiger, R. J., & Geatz, M. W. (2003). Data Mining: A Tutorial-Based Primer. United States of America: Addison-Wesley. 316 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Sains Komputer PEMPROSESAN IMEJ DIGITAL TSI 3283 DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING TSI 3283 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course is designed to introduce students to theoretical concepts and practical issues associated with image processing. The following topics are covered: image pre-processing, image enhancement, image segmentation and analysis. A special effort will be made to develop students’ problem solving skills and engineering intuition in the subject area. Upon completion of the course, the students should be knowledgeable and competent in applying the concepts, and should be capable of reading advanced textbooks and research literature in the image-processing field. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Understand concepts and techniques of digital image processing through the study of most important digital image models. 2. Gain sufficient theoretical knowledge to be able to reason about various technique of digital image. 3. Apply digital image processing techniques to a particular application such as for image recognition or signal restoration. References 1. Gonzales, R.C., Woods, R.E., & Eddins, S.L. (2009). Digital Image Processing Using Matlab. 2nd Edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 2. Gonzales, R.C., & Woods, R.E. (2010). Digital Image Processing. 3rd Edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 3. McAndrew, A. (2004). Introduction to Digital Image Processing with MATLAB. Course Technology. 4. Norliza, M.N. & Omar, M.R. (2009). Pemprosesan Imej Untuk Pengguna Baru Menggunakan Matlab. Kuala Lumpur: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. 5. Solomon, C., & Breckon, T. (2011). Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing: A Practical Approach with Examples in Matlab. Prentice Hall. Wiley. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 317 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN LATIHAN INDUSTRI TSK 310C INDUSTRIAL TRAINING TSK 310C 12 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Minimum 80 Total Credit Hours Taken Fundamentals of Programming TSK1133 Object-Oriented Programming TSK1103 System Analysis and Design TSK1233 Course Synopsis Industrial Training provides an opportunity for the students to practice and apply knowledge and skills in various actual working environments. The purpose of the training is to expose the students to the nature of work in the real world. All students are required to spend a duration of one semester attached to ICT related organization for industrial training. The nature of work carried out during the industrial training shall be supervised by an officer of the organization and a lecturer from the university. Upon completion of the training, the students shall submit a report on the work done in the organization. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Get the basic professional skills based from the exposure to the real working environment 2. Practise and apply all the knowledge that they have learnt, during the training. 3. Produce Industrial Training report after the training is completed. References 1. Halip M. H. M., Awang N. F., Yahaya Y. H., Khairuddin M. A., & Ghani S. A. (2011) Panduan Latihan Industri Sarjana Muda Sains Komputer. Jabatan Sains Komputer: Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia. 318 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Sains Komputer SINOPSIS KURSUS ELEKTIF PROGRAM PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA SAINS KOMPUTER (SISTEM CERDAS) (ZC20) PENGENALAN KEPADA PEMBELAJARAN MESIN TSI 2323 INTRODUCTION TO MACHINE LEARNING TSI 2323 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course provides an introduction to the foundations, theory and practice of machine learning. Topics covered in class include: online learning, Bayesian inference, PAC learning, non-parametric classification, VC theory, linear separators, support vector machines, boosting, dimensionality reduction, unsupervised learning and clustering. The course will discuss recent applications of machine learning such as robotic control, data mining, autonomous navigation, bioinformatics, speech recognition and text and web data processing. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Demonstrate a good understanding of concepts in machine learning. 2. Demonstrate a good understanding of the main approaches of machine learning. 3. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of different machine learning algorithms (relative to the characteristics of the application domain). 4. Indentify, formulate, and solve problems of machine learning using standard methods and machine learning tools. References 1. Alpaydin, E. (2010). Introduction to Machine Learning. 2nd Edition. Massachusetts: MIT Press. 2. Jones, T. (2008). Artificial Intelligence: A System Approach. Hingham: Infinity Science Press. 3. Marsland, S. (2009). Machine Learning: An Algorithmic Perspective. New York: CRC Press. 4. Michell, T.M. (1997). Machine Learning. New York: McGraw-Hill. 5. Peter, H. (2012). Machine Learning In Action. New York: Manning Publication. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 319 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN RANGKAIAN NEURAL TSI 2243 NEURAL NETWORK TSI 2243 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course covers the theoretical and practical aspects of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) that starts with the introduction of ANN, followed by discussions of ANN types that include neural network with supervised learning, neural network with unsupervised learning and recurrent neural networks. For each type of ANN, several popular learning algorithms are taught and implemented. At the end of this course, a number of ANN applications are also studied and discussed. In addition, students are also guided to design and develop suitable ANN application based on given problems. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Understand the concepts and techniques of neural networks through the study of most important neural network models. 2. Gain sufficient theoretical knowledge to be able to reason about the behavior of neural networks. 3. Evaluate whether neural networks are appropriate to a particular application. 4. Apply neural network to a particular applications such as for character recognition or signal restoration. References 1. Callan, R. (1999). The Essence of Neural Networks. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 2. Fausset, L. (1993). Fundamentals of Neural Networks: Architecture, Algorithm and Application. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 3. Haykin, S. (2009). Neural Networks and Learning Machines. 3rd Edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 4. Haykin, S. (1998). Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Foundation. 3rd Edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 5. Kumar, S. (2010). Neural Networks: A Classroom Approach. 10th Reprint. New Delhi: Mcgraw Hill. 320 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Sains Komputer TEORI PERMAINAN TSI 3293 GAME THEORY TSI 3293 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course aims to provide a basic understanding of various game-theoretic concepts and its application in different domains. It surveys recent developments in an emerging area known as game-theoretic artificial intelligence (AI), which incorporates fundamental principles of game theory into AI. Research in this area is motivated by game-theoretic applications, such as auction design and voting, as well as AI application areas, such as multiagent systems. Students will conduct theoretical, empirical, and experimental investigations. After this course, the students should be able to model many real situation using game-theory and design solutions (mechanisms, algorithms, protocols etc.). Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Understand theories and techniques of game theory. 2. Apply and demonstrate their knowledge of game theory algorithms. 3. Analyze and resolve real world problems. 4. Assess and evaluate some game theory models and applications. References 1. Binmore, K. (2007). Game Theory: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press. 2. Osbourne, M. J. (2003). An Introduction to Game Theory. International Edition. Oxford University Press. 3. Rosenthal, E.C. (2011). The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Game Theory. Alpha. 4. Osbourne, M. J. (2009). An Introduction to Game Theory. International Edition. Oxford University Press. 5. Rasmusen, E. (2007). Games and Information: An Introduction to Game Theory. WileyBlackwell. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 321 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN PENYELIDIKAN OPERASI TSK 2103 OPERATIONAL RESEARCH TSK 2103 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course is designed to expose students with modelling, solution and analysis of such optimization problems that are found in various industries and application areas. The use of optimization is common in computer science especially in artificial intelligence and computer security. Examples of applications are widely encountered in the transportation and logistics, manufacturing environments, service operations, product design and development and so forth. Topics include linear programming, transportation model, network model, project management, and analytic hierarchy process. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Understand and identify basic concepts of objectives, decision variables and constraints correctly. 2. Demonstrate and apply their knowledge with the basic notions and techniques to develop the algorithm and basic operations research. 3. Analyse a simple Operation research problem using linear programming, network model, transportation model and simulation model. 4. Identify, formulate and solve transportation, assignment, networks, queuing models and simulation. References 1. Anderson, S., & Williams, M. (2008). An Introduction to Management Science. 12th Edition. Washington: Cengage Learning. 2. Frederick S.H., & Gerald J.L. (2009). Introduction to Operations Research. 7th Edition. New York: Mc-Graw Hill 3. Hamdy, A.T. (2010). Operations Research: An Introduction. 9th Edition. New Jearsey: Prentice Hall. 4. Stevenson, O. (2007). An Introduction to Management Science with Spreadsheets. International Edition. New York: Mc-Graw Hill. 5. Wayne L.W. (2004). Operations Research: Applications and Algorithms. 4th Edition. California: Duxbury Press. 322 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Sains Komputer PENGURUSAN KESELAMATAN MAKLUMAT TSS 3253 INFORMATION SECURITY MANAGEMENT TSS 3253 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course introduces an understanding of information security management concepts, including planning for security, security policy, risk management, law and ethics and advanced cryptography. It will also provide the knowledge and skills needed to plan the implementation of an information security management system that provides efficient, effective safeguards and responds to the organisation’s needs. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Understand the concepts of information security management. 2. Identify the issues and risks related to information security 3. Provide understanding on security policy and resources involved in identify secure network 4. Understand standard methods and metrics in managing information security References 1. Whitman, M., & Mattord, H. (2010). Management of Information Security. 3rd Edition. Thomson Course Technology. 2. Purser, S. (2004). A Practical Guide to Managing Information Security. Artech House. 3. Krause. M., & Harold, F.T. (2012). Security Handbook of Information Management. 6th Edition. Auerbach Publications. 4. Dhillon, G. (2007). Principles of Information System Security. Wiley. 5. Andress, J. (2011). The Basics of Information Security: Understanding the Fundamentals of InfoSec in Theory and Practice. Syngres. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 323 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN SISTEM PENGESAN PENCEROBOHAN RANGKAIAN TSS 3223 NETWORK INTRUSION DETECTION SYSTEM TSS 3223 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis In this course, students gain knowledge of how attackers break into networks, and how an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) can play a key role in detecting and responding to these events. Students will learn how to configure, deploy and tune IDS to identify exploits occurring in organisations. This course also teaches how to recognise the various stages of attacks and intrusions. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Understand the concept of network intrusion. 2. Understand the components of Network Intrusion Detection System. 3. Design and implement Network Intrusion Detection System. 4. Understand the methodology of network scanning and attacks. 5. Conduct logging and audit on network using Network Intrusion Detection System. References 1. Caswell B., Beale J., & Baker A. (2007). Snort IDS and IPS Toolkit. MA: Syngress. 2. Fearnow M., Northcutt S., Frederick K., & Cooper M. (2001). Intrusion Signatures and Analysis. IN: Sams Publishing. 3. Greg C., & Cox K. J. (2004). Managing Security with Snort and IDS Tools. CA: O’Reilly Media, Inc. 4. Northcutt S., & Novak J. (2002). Network Intrusion Detection. 3rd Edition. IN: Sams Publishing. 5. Sanders C. (2011). Practical Packet Analysis. 2nd Edition. CA: No Starch Press. 324 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Sains Komputer PENGGODAM BERETIKA TSS 3233 ETHICAL HACKERS TSS 3233 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course introduces the knowledge on how hackers attacks computers and networks and how to protect systems from hackers. Students will learn legal restrictions and ethical guidelines, and will be required to obey them. Students will perform hands-on labs such as port scanning, footprinting, sniffing and other techniques used by computer hackers. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Understand what an ethical hacker can and cannot do legally. 2. Learn more on hacking techniques and to protect the computer and network. 3. Understand vulnerabilities in network and system. 4. Provide the best solution for their computer and network. References 1. EC-Council. (2010). Network Defense: Security and Vulnerability Assessment. Course Technology. 2. Harris, S., Harper, A., Eagle, C., & Ness, J. (2011). Gray Hat Hacking: The Ehical Hacker’s Handbook. 3rd Edition. McGraw-Hill/Osborne. New York. 3. Krutz, R. L., & Vines, R. D. (2008). The CEH Prep Guide: The Comprehensive Guide to Certified Ethical Hacking. Wiley Publishing, Indiana. 4. McClure, S., Scambray, J., & Kurtz, G. (2009). Hacking Exposed Network Security Secrets and Solutions. 6th Edition. McGraw-Hill/Osborne. New York. 5. Simpson, M. T., (2011). Hands On Ethical Hacking and Network Defense. 2nd Edition. Course Technology Press. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 325 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN KESELAMATAN RANGKAIAN TANPA WAYAR TSS 3243 WIRELESS NETWORK SECURITY TSS 3243 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis Securing wireless networks is an extremely important and challenging due to the nature of wireless connectivity. Unprotected wireless networks are vulnerable to several security attacks including eavesdropping and jamming that has no counterpart in wired networks. The topics that will be discussed are wireless network security fundamentals, types of wireless network security technology, wireless standards, enhanced security for wireless LANs and WANs in the enterprise, handling wireless private information, wireless network security – design issues, cost justification and consideration, standards design issues, implementation plan development, wireless network security planning techniques, testing techniques, installation and deployment and management of wireless network security. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Understand the concepts in wireless networking, protocols and standards. 2. Describe the threats faced by wireless networks. 3. Apply the concepts in planning, designing and implementing of a secure network. 4. Analyze and audit wireless networks security using wireless network analysis tools. References 1. Buttyan, L., & Hubaux, J.P. (2007). Security and Cooperation in Wireless Networks. MA: Cambridge University Press. 2. Chache, J., Wright, J., & Liu, V. (2010). Hacking Exposed Wireless : Wireless Security Secrets & Solutions. 2nd Edition. McGraw-Hill Osborne Media. 3. Coleman, D. D., Westcott, D. A., Harkins, B. E., & Jackman, S. M. (2010). CWSP Certified Wireless Security Professional Official Study Guide. Sybex. 4. Vacca, J.R. (2006). Guide to Wireless Network Security. Springer. 5. Wrightson, T. (2012). Wireless Network Security A Beginner’s Guide. McGraw-Hill Osborne Media. 326 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Sains Komputer SARJANA MUDA SAINS KOMPUTER (KESELAMATAN SISTEM KOMPUTER) (ZC27) STRUKTUR PROGRAM DAN JUMLAH KREDIT KEPERLUAN PROGRAM PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA SAINS KOMPUTER (KESELAMATAN SISTEM KOMPUTER) (ZC27) JUMLAH KREDIT Jumlah keperluan kredit yang perlu dipenuhi untuk bergraduat adalah seperti mana jadual di bawah dan tempoh pengajian yang perlu diikuti adalah enam (6) semester lazim dan satu (1) intersesi wajib. Pecahan kursus yang perlu diambil adalah seperti berikut: KURSUS KREDIT Kursus Universiti: i. Kursus Teras Universiti ii. Elektif Universiti 24 6 Kursus Teras Program: i. Teras Jabatan ii. Teras Program 78 Kursus Elektif Program 12 JUMLAH KREDIT UNTUK BERGRADUAT 120 KURSUS TERAS PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA SAINS KOMPUTER (KESELAMATAN SISTEM KOMPUTER) (ZC27) KURSUS TERAS JABATAN Kursus-kursus teras jabatan adalah wajib diambil oleh semua pelajar di Jabatan Sains Komputer. KOD KURSUS KURSUS TERAS JABATAN (33 KREDIT) KREDIT TSK 1103 Object-Oriented Programming 3 TSK 1113 Computer Organization and Architecture 3 TSK 1123 Database Systems 3 TSK 1133 Fundamentals of Programming 3 TSK 1223 Discrete Mathematics 3 TSK 1233 Systems Analysis and Design 3 TSK 2113 Computer Networks 3 TSK 2123 Operating Systems 3 TSK 2143 Data Structures 3 TSK 2213 Software Engineering 3 TSK 1143 Statistics 3 UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 327 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN KURSUS TERAS PROGRAM Kursus-kursus teras program adalah wajib diambil oleh semua pelajar Sains Komputer (Keselamatan Sistem Komputer). KOD KURSUS KURSUS TERAS PROGRAM (33 KREDIT) KREDIT TSK 1203 Web Programming and Development 3 TSK 2203 Artificial Intelligence 3 TSK 2223 Computer and Network Security 3 TSK 2XX2 Project 1 2 TSK 3214 Project 2 4 TSK 3223 Ethics and Professionalism in ICT 3 TSS 2233 Digital Forensics 3 TSS 2313 Cryptography 3 TSK 2233 Group Project 3 TSS 3233 Ethical Hacker 3 TSS 3243 Wireless Network Security 3 KOD KURSUS KURSUS LATIHAN INDUSTRI (12 KREDIT) KREDIT TSK 310C Industrial Training 12 KURSUS ELEKTIF PROGRAM PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA SAINS KOMPUTER (KESELAMATAN SISTEM KOMPUTER) (ZC27) KOD KURSUS KURSUS ELEKTIF PROGRAM (12 KREDIT) KREDIT TSS 3263 Firewalls and Virtual Private Networks 3 TSS 3223 Network Intrusion Detection System 3 TSS 3293 Digital Certificates and Public Key Infrastructure 3 TSS3253 Information Security Management 3 TSK 2103 Operational Research 3 328 TSI 3263 Data Mining 3 TSI 2253 Intelligent Agents 3 TSI 3253 Fuzzy Logic 3 TSI 3283 Digital Image Processing 3 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Sains Komputer STRUKTUR KURIKULUM PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA SAINS KOMPUTER (KESELAMATAN SISTEM KOMPUTER) (ZC27) TAHUN PERTAMA SEMESTER 1 SEMESTER 2 Code Course Credit Code Course Credit LAN 1012 Islamic and Asian Civilisations 2 LAN 1032 Ethnic Relation 2 PSK 1012 Human Movement Science 2 LEL 1012 English for Academic Writing 2 LFL 1XX1 Foreign Language I 1 LFL 1XX1 Foreign Language II 1 DUS 2072 Military Law And Laws of Armed Conflict 2 LAN 2012 Nationhood in World Politics 2 TSK 1133 Fundamentals of Programming 3 TSK 1103 Object-Oriented Programming 3 TSK 1143 Statistics 3 TSK 1233 Systems Analysis and Design 3 TSK 1113 Computer Organization and Architecture 3 TSK 2143 Data Structures 3 TSK 1223 Discrete Mathematics 3 TSK 2123 Operating System 3 QKX 1XX2 Co-Curriculum* 2 QKX 1XX2 Co-Curriculum* 2 ALK 1011/ PLS 1011 ALK**/PALAPES *** 1 ALK 1021/ PLS 1021 ALK**/PALAPES *** 1 20**/*** 21* TOTAL TOTAL 20**/*** 21* Nota: * Diambil oleh pelajar awam ** Diambil oleh pegawai kadet sahaja ***Diambil oleh pelajar PALAPES sahaja SEMESTER PENDEK Code Course Credit TSK 3223 Ethics and Professionalism in ICT 3 TSK 2223 Computer and Network Security 3 TOTAL 6 UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 329 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN TAHUN KEDUA SEMESTER 3 SEMESTER 4 Code Course Credit Code Course Credit LEL 1022 English for Oral Communication 2 DUS 1062 Military History 2 DUS 2022 Introduction to Strategic Studies 2 TSX XXX3 Elective I 3 LAN 1042 Acculturation of Entrepreneurship 2 TSX XXX3 Elective II 3 TSK 2113 Computer Networks 3 TSS 3233 Ethical Hacker 3 TSK 2213 Software Engineering 3 TSKXXX2 Project 1 2 TSK 1203 Web Programming and Development 3 TSK 2233 Group Project 3 TSK 1123 Database Systems 3 DUM 2062 Effective Leadership 2 TSK 2203 Artificial Intelligence 3 QKX 1XX2 Co-Curriculum* 2 1 ALK 2021/ PLS 1021 ALK**/PALAPES *** 1 ALK 2011/ PLS 2011 ALK**/PALAPES *** 22**/*** 21* TOTAL 19**/*** 20* TOTAL TAHUN KETIGA SEMESTER 5 SEMESTER 6 Code Course Credit Code Course TSK 310C Industrial Training 12 TSS 2233 Digital Forensics 3 TSS 2313 Cryptography 3 3 TOTAL 12 TSS 3243 Wireless Network Security TSX XXX3 Elective III TSX XXX3 Elective IV 3 3 TSK 3214 Project 2 4 ALK 3011/ PLS 3011 ALK**/PALAPES *** 1 QKS 3621 / PLS 3021 ALK**/PALAPES *** 1 TOTAL Nota: * Diambil oleh pelajar awam ** Diambil oleh pegawai kadet sahaja ***Diambil oleh pelajar PALAPES sahaja 330 Credit BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 21**/*** 19* Jabatan Sains Komputer SINOPSIS KURSUS TERAS PROGRAM PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA SAINS KOMPUTER (KESELAMATAN SISTEM KOMPUTER) (ZC27) PENGATURCARAAN DAN PEMBANGUNAN WEB TSK 1203 WEB PROGRAMMING AND DEVELOPMENT TSK 1203 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course introduces concept, design and development of web based application. Markup languages and tools such as HTML, CSS, XML, JavaScript and PHP will be introduced for the development of interactive and dynamic web based application in client-server technology. This course requires the student to build multiple web pages and implement at least one major website design that interacts with a database. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Build knowledge and experience using client-side technologies of the World Wide Web including: HTML, DHTML, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript and XML. 2. Understand and use basic SQL (Standard Query Language) with PHP server side scripting language to handle data to and from database. 3. Demonstrate and apply their knowledge with the basic notions and techniques to develop an e-commerce website and online information system project. 4. Design and develop an online system that integrates the PHP server side scripting with MySQL database for the development of their online system. References 1. Nixon, R. (2009). Learning PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript. O’Reilly Media. 2. Matthews, M., & Cronan, J. (2009). Dynamic Web Programming: A Beginner’s Guide. McGraw Hill Professional. 3. Quigley, E., & Gargenta, M. (2006). PHP and MySQL by Example. MA: Prentice Hall. 4. Ullman, L. E. (2011). PHP and MySQL for dynamic Web sites. 4th Edition. Peach Pit Press. 5. Welling, L., & Thomson, L. (2003). PHP and MySQL Web Development. 2nd Edition. USA: Sam’s Publishing. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 331 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN KECERDASAN BUATAN TSK 2203 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TSK 2203 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course aims to introduce the principle, methods and techniques used in artificial intelligent systems. It exposes students to search techniques, logic, knowledge representation and reasoning, intelligent agents, and machine learning. Programming language such as Prolog and Matlab will be used in the course in practical sessions and coursework. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Understand concepts and techniques of artificial intelligence through the study of important artificial intelligence techniques. 2. Gain theoretical knowledge to be able to reason about the behavior of artificial intelligent system. 3. Apply artificial intelligence concept to an intelligent system applications. References 1. Bratko, I. (2000). PROLOG Programming for Artificial Intelligence. 3rd Edition. Singapore: Addison Wesley. 2. Luger, G.F, T. (2009). Artificial Intelligence: Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem Solving. 6th Edition. Boston: Pearson Education. 3. N.P. Padhy. (2007). Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems. United State: Oxford University Press. 4. Nilsson, N. J. (1998). Artificial Intelligence: A New Synthesis. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. 5. Russell, S. J., & Norvig, P. (2010). Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. 3rd Edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 332 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Sains Komputer KESELAMATAN RANGKAIAN DAN KOMPUTER TSK 2223 COMPUTER AND NETWORK SECURITY TSK 2223 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course focuses on the concept of computer and network security. Students examine operating system and network security. Students examine operating system and network security. Topics include: server, encrypted files, intrusion detection, packet filtering, network monitoring, user and group permissions, security template and firewalls. Current issues and trend in system and network security will be discussed. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Understand the concept of Computer and Network Security. 2. Apply the concept of Computer and Network Security. 3. Analyze security requirement and configure a secure computer system. 4. Detect and remove malware from a computer system. References 1. Bishop, M. (2005). Introduction to Computer Security. Boston: Addison-Wesley. 2. Krutz, R. L., & Vines, R, D. (2007). The CISSP Prep Guide: Mastering CISSP and CAP. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. 3. Lehtinen, R. Russell, D., & Gangemi G.T. (2006). Computer Security Basics. 2nd Edition. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly & Associates. 4. Malaysian Cyberlaws • Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 • Computer Crimes Act 1998 • Copyright Act 1987 • Digital Signature Act 1997 • Telemedicine Act 1997 • Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission Act 1998 5. Stallings, W., & Brown, L. (2011). Computer Security: Principles and Practice. 2nd Edition. Prentice Hall. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 333 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN PROJEK BERKUMPULAN TSK 2233 GROUP PROJECT TSK 2233 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course provides the students the chance to apply their knowledge and teamwork skills in software development. Students are required to work within a group to develop a prototype under the guidance of a supervisor. The students need to present and produce a working prototype and documentation at the end of the semester. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Work as a member in a group for prototype development. 2. Develop new software design or upgrade the existing software design. 3. Produce technical report and justify their project. References 1. Dawson, C. (2009). Projects in Computing and Information Systems. 2nd Edition. Prentice Hall. 2. Hoffer, J. A., George, J. F., & Valacich, J.S. (2007). Modern Systems Analysis and Design. 5th Edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. 3. Mohd Hazali Mohamed Halip, Nor Asiakin Hasbullah, & Syahaneim Marzukhi. (2011). Panduan Penulisan Tesis dan Projek Sarjana Muda Sains Komputer. Jabatan Sains Komputer:Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia. 4. Shelly, G. B., & Rosenblatt, H. J. (2011). Systems Analysis and Design. 9th Edition. Boston: Course Technology, Thomson Learning. 5. Zarina Shukur. (2007). Menulis Dokumen Projek Perisian Untuk Prasiswazah. Selangor: Kumpulan Sains Pengaturcaraan, UKM. 334 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Sains Komputer RESEARCH PROJECT I TSK 2XX2 PROJEK PENYELIDIKAN I TSK 2XX2 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The aim of this course is to provide the students with the knowledge to prepare research proposal in maritime technology. The research proposal should include statement of the problem, aim of research, objectives of research, scope of research and importance of research and literature review. It also includes research methodology which covers research design, methods for collection of data, research samples and methods of evaluation. On completion of this course, the students should be able to propose research using appropriate and precise method, use to broaden academic knowledge in the areas of latest maritime technology such as maritime communication, maritime warfare technology, weapon electrical and electronic technology or system, navigation science, electronic warfare, ship technology, marine engineering system and other relevant maritime aspects. The students should also have the abilities to gather primary and secondary data to solve the research problems, use the appropriate tools for measurement in the analysis and present their research proposal to panel examiners. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Identify the research topic related to maritime technology. 2. Establish the problem statement according to the selected topic. 3. Develop the research objectives following the problem statement. 4. Carry out literature review on the research topic. 5. Design a research methodology to achieve objectives of research. References 1. Chua, Y.P. (2011). Kaedah dan statistik penyelidikan. Jil.1 Kuala Lumpur: McGraw Hill. 2. Fraenkel J.R., Wallen, N.E., & Hyun, H.H., (2012). How to design and evaluate research in education. USA : McGraw Hill. 3. Jackson. S.L. (2009). Research methods and statistics. A critical thinking approach. USA: Wadworth, Cengage Learning. 4. Sheril L. J. (2008). Research methods: A modulor approach. USA: Jacksonville University. 5. Zulkifly Mat Radzi. (2009). Panduan menulis tesis fakulti sains dan teknologi pertahanan. KL: UPNM. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 335 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN RESEARCH PROJECT II TSK 3214 PROJEK PENYELIDIKAN II TSK 3214 4 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course is a continuation of Bachelor Degree Research Project I and students should be able to enhance their knowledge in analyzing the collected data, make suggestions and recommendations for solving the problems stated in the research proposal. The research write up should comprise of research analysis which includes data analysis, interpretation and evaluation as well as recommendations. The students are required to present the completed research paper to the panel examiners. On completion of the course, the students should be able to acquaint with the use of computer software and various decision making tools (quantitative and qualitative) to process data, to conduct analysis and to prepare for the report. They should be able to make recommendations for solving the problems for the benefit of the organization, work independently in research project, present and defend papers to the panel examiners. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Collect the research data as in the proposal. 2. Analyse the data using tools as stated in the proposal. 3. Produce the conclusion based on the research findings. 4. Defend the research findings during the presentation. References • Chua, Y.P. (2011). Kaedah dan statistik penyelidikan. Jil.1 Kuala Lumpur: McGraw Hill. • Fraenkel J.R., Wallen, N.E., & Hyun, H.H., (2012). How to design and evaluate research in education. USA : McGraw Hill. • Jackson. S.L. (2009). Research methods and statistics. A critical thinking approach. USA: Wadworth, Cengage Learning. • Sheril L. J. (2008). Research methods: A modulor approach. USA: Jacksonville University. • Zulkifly Mat Radzi. (2009). Panduan menulis tesis fakulti sains dan teknologi pertahanan. KL: UPNM. 336 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Sains Komputer ETIKA DAN PROFESIONALISME DALAM ICT TSK 3223 ETHICS AND PROFESSIONALISM IN ICT TSK 3223 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course provides students with the necessary knowledge and good understanding on the ethical issues in the area of information technology. The topics covered include ICT implications to society, introduction of ethics, privacy, freedom of speech, intellectual property, crime, cybercrime and cyberlaws, evaluating and controlling technology, errors, failures, and risk, Internet user responsibilities, and professional ethics and responsibilities. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Explain the terminology and philosophical frameworks of ethics. 2. Describe and evaluate consequences of computing on individuals, organisations, and society. 3. Understand the significance of IT professional organisations and their codes of ethics. 4. Explain how to manage security vulnerability and respond to specific security incidents to fix problems quickly and improve ongoing security measures. 5. Analyze issues raised by file sharing, infringement of intellectual property, Internet crime, identity theft, employee surveillance and privacy. 6. Work in a group to deliver project with proper documentation. References 1. Baase, S. (2009). A Gift of Fire. 3rd. Edition. New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc. 2. Hester, D.M., & Ford, P.J. (2001). Computer and Ethics in the Cyberage. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 3. Quinn, M.J. (2012). Ethics for the Information Age. 5th. Edition. Massachusetts: Pearson International. 4. Reynolds, G.W. (2010). Ethics in Information Technology. 3rd. Edition. Massachusetts: Course Technology, Cengage Learning. 5. Tavani, H.T. (2012). Ethics and Technology: Ethical Issues in an Age of Information and Communication Technology. 4th. Edition. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 337 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN PENGURUSAN KESELAMATAN MAKLUMAT TSS 3253 INFORMATION SECURITY MANAGEMENT TSS 3253 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course introduces an understanding of information security management concepts, including planning for security, security policy, risk management, law and ethics and advanced cryptography. It will also provide the knowledge and skills needed to plan the implementation of an information security management system that provides efficient, effective safeguards and responds to the organisation’s needs. Course Learning Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Understand the concepts of information security management. 2. Identify the issues and risks related to information security. 3. Provide understanding on security policy and resources involved in identify secure network. 4. Understand standard methods and metrics in managing information security. References 1. Whitman, M., & Mattord, H. (2010). Management of Information Security. 3rd Edition. Thomson Course Technology. 2. Purser, S. (2004). A Practical Guide to Managing Information Security. Artech House. 3. Krause, M., & Tipton, H.F. (2012). Security Handbook of Information Management. 6th Edition. Auerbach Publications. 4. Dhillon, G. (2007). Principles of Information System Security. Wiley. 5. Andress, J. (2011). The Basics of Information Security: Understanding the Fundamentals of InfoSec in Theory and Practice. Syngres. 338 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Sains Komputer FORENSIK DIGITAL TSS 2233 DIGITAL FORENSICS TSS 2233 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course takes a detailed, hands-on approach to the investigation of incidents, detection hacking attacks and extracting evidence to report the crime and conduct audits to prevent future attacks in which computers or computer technology play a significant role. Students completing this course will be familiar with the core computer science theory and practical skills necessary to perform rudimentary computer forensic investigations : discovering data, recovering deleted data or damaged file information, understand the role of technology in investigating computer-based crime : tracing the originator of defamatory emails to recover signs of fraud, and be prepared to deal with investigative bodies at elementary level to prosecute the necessary evidence in the court of law. This course will incorporate significant components of industrial and technical training, which includes certifications from EC Council. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Understand concepts and techniques of digital forensics and its importance. 2. Gain sufficient knowledge on the legal matters pertaining digital forensics. 3. Conduct a proper digital forensic investigation. References 1. Bunting S. (2007). EnCase Computer Forensics: The Official EnCE - EnCase Certified Examiner Study Guide. John Wiley & Sons. 2. Casey, E., (2009). Handbook of Digital Forensics and Investigation. London, Elsevier Inc. 3. Cowen, D. (2012). Computer Forensics A Beginner’s Guide. McGraw-Hill Osborne. 4. Vacca, J. C. (2005). Computer Forensics: Computer Crime Scene Investigation. 2nd edition. New Jersey: Charles River Media. 5. Wiles J., Cardwell K., & Reyes A., ScienceDirect (Online service). (2007). The Best Damn Cybercrime And Digital Forensics Book Period. Syngress. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 339 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN KRIPTOGRAFI TSS 2313 CRYPTOGRAPHY TSS 2313 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This is a course in modern cryptography emphasizing formal definitions and proofs of security. Core topics include private- and public-key schemes for encryption and message authentication, cryptographic hash functions, and authenticated encryption schemes. Additionally, the course includes some analyses of the DES block cipher, RC4 stream cipher, and real world security protocol such as SSL. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Understand the general concept of Cryptography. 2. Apply the concept of Cryptography. 3. Analyze security requirements and to apply cryptographic techniques and principles such as symmetric encryption, asymmetric encryption, key management, hashing and message digest. 4. Analyze a secure web server requirement and to configure a secure web server with Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS). References 1. Kahn, D. (1996). The Codebreakers the Story of Secret Writing. New York: Scribner. 2. Krutz, R. L., & Vines, R, D. (2007). The CISSP Prep Guide: Mastering CISSP and CAP. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. 3. Piper, F. C., & Murphy, S. (2002). Cryptography: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 4. Stallings, W. (2011). Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice. 5th Edition. Boston: Prentice Hall. 5. Viega, J, Messier, M. & Chandra, P. (2002). Network Security with OpenSSL. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly. 340 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Sains Komputer PENGGODAM BERETIKA TSS 3233 ETHICAL HACKERS TSS 3233 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course introduces the knowledge on how hackers attacks computers and networks and how to protect systems from hackers. Students will learn legal restrictions and ethical guidelines, and will be required to obey them. Students will perform hands-on labs such as port scanning, footprinting, sniffing and other techniques used by computer hackers. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Understand what an ethical hacker can and cannot do legally. 2. Learn more on hacking techniques and to protect the computer and network. 3. Understand vulnerabilities in network and system. 4. Provide the best solution for their computer and network. References 1. EC-Council. (2010). Network Defense: Security and Vulnerability Assessment. Course Technology. 2. Harris, S., Harper, A., Eagle, C., & Ness, J. (2011). Gray Hat Hacking: The Ehical Hacker’s Handbook. 3rd Edition. McGraw-Hill/Osborne. New York. 3. Krutz, R. L., & Vines, R. D. (2008). The CEH Prep Guide: The Comprehensive Guide to Certified Ethical Hacking. Wiley Publishing, Indiana. 4. McClure, S., Scambray, J., & Kurtz, G. (2009). Hacking Exposed Network Security Secrets and Solutions. 6th Edition. McGraw-Hill/Osborne. New York. 5. Simpson, M. T. (2011). Hands On Ethical Hacking and Network Defense. 2nd Edition. Course Technology Press. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 341 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN KESELAMATAN RANGKAIAN TANPA WAYAR TSS 3293 WIRELESS NETWORK SECURITY TSS 3293 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis Securing wireless networks is an extremely important and challenging due to the nature of wireless connectivity. Unprotected wireless networks are vulnerable to several security attacks including eavesdropping and jamming that have no counterpart in wired networks. The topics that will be discussed are wireless network security fundamentals, types of wireless network security technology, wireless standards, enhanced security for wireless LANs and WANs in the enterprise, handling wireless private information, wireless network security – design issues, cost justification and consideration, standards design issues, implementation plan development, wireless network security planning techniques, testing techniques, installation and deployment and management of wireless network security. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Understand the concepts in wireless networking, protocols and standards). 2. Describe about threats faced by wireless networks. 3. Apply the concepts in planning, designing and implementing of a secure network. 4. Analyze and audit wireless networks security using wireless network analysis tools. References 1. Buttyan, L., & Hubaux, J.P. (2007). Security and Cooperation in Wireless Networks. MA: Cambridge University Press. 2. Chache, J., Wright, J., & Liu, V. (2010). Hacking Exposed Wireless : Wireless Security Secrets & Solutions. 2nd Edition. McGraw-Hill Osborne Media. 3. Coleman, D. D., Westcott, D. A., Harkins, B. E., & Jackman, S. M. (2010). CWSP Certified Wireless Security Professional Official Study Guide. Sybex. 4. Vacca, J.R. (2006). Guide to Wireless Network Security. Springer. 5. Wrightson, T. (2012). Wireless Network Security A Beginner’s Guide. McGraw-Hill Osborne Media. 342 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Sains Komputer SINOPSIS KURSUS LATIHAN INDUSTRI PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA SAINS KOMPUTER (KESELAMATAN SISTEM KOMPUTER) (ZC27) LATIHAN INDUSTRI TSK 310C INDUSTRIAL TRAINING TSK 310C 12 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Minimum 80 Total Credit Hours Taken Fundamentals of Programming TSK 1133 Object-Oriented Programming TSK 1103 System Analysis and Design TSK 1233 Course Synopsis Industrial Training provides an opportunity for the students to practice and apply knowledge and skills in various actual working environments. The purpose of the training is to expose the students to the nature of work in the real world. All students are required to spend a duration of one semester attached to ICT related organization for industrial training. The nature of work carried out during the industrial training shall be supervised by an officer of the organization and a lecturer from the university. On completion of the training, the students shall submit a report on the work done in the organization. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Get the basic professional skills based from the exposure to the real working environment. 2. Practise and apply all the knowledge that they have learnt, during the training. 3. Produce Industrial Training report after the training is completed. References 1. Halip M. H. M., Awang N. F., Yahaya Y. H., Khairuddin M. A., & Ghani S. A. (2011) Panduan Latihan Industri Sarjana Muda Sains Komputer. Jabatan Sains Komputer: Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 343 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN SINOPSIS KURSUS ELEKTIF PROGRAM PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA SAINS KOMPUTER (KESELAMATAN SISTEM KOMPUTER) (ZC27) TEMBOK API DAN RANGKAIAN PERSENDIRIAN MAYA TSS 3233 FIREWALLS AND VIRTUAL PRIVATE NETWORK TSS 3233 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis In the course, students will learn how to define and describe network firewall security procedures. This includes demonstration on how to configure firewall interfaces, protocols and attack guards to protect networks from security threats that may arrive via Internet traffic. Students will also learn about security policy design and management, secure router design, installation, configuration and maintenance, and Virtual Private Network (VPN) implementation using routers and firewalls. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Identify, plan and design appropriate network security policies. 2. Understand the concept, types and architecture of firewalls and VPNs. 3. Design and implement basic firewall and VPN configuration. 4. Read and analyze firewall and VPN logs. References 1. Northcutt S., Zeltser L., Winters S., Kent K., & Ritchey R.W. (2005). Inside Network Perimeter Security. 2nd Edition. IN: Sams Publishing. 2. Ousley M. R., Bragg R., & Strassberg K. (2003). Network Security: The Complete Reference. NY: McGraw-Hill Osborne Media. 3. Stewart J.M. (2010). Network Security, Firewalls and VPNs. MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. 4. Tibbs R., & Oakes E. (2005). Firewall and VPNs: Principles and Practices. NJ: Prentice Hall. 5. Whitman M.E, S., Mattord H.J, M., & Green A. (2011). Guide to Firewalls and VPNs, 3rd Edition. KY: Delmar Cengage Learning. 344 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Sains Komputer SISTEM PENGESAN PENCEROBOHAN RANGKAIAN TSS 3223 NETWORK INTRUSION DETECTION SYSTEM TSS 3223 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis In this course, students gain knowledge of how attackers break into networks, and how an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) can play a key role in detecting and responding to these events. Students will learn how to configure, deploy and tune IDS to identify exploits occurring in organisations. This course also teaches how to recognise the various stages of attacks and intrusions. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Understand the concept of network intrusion. 2. Understand the components of Network Intrusion Detection System. 3. Design and implement Network Intrusion Detection System. 4. Understand the methodology of network scanning and attacks. 5. Conduct logging and audit on network using Network Intrusion Detection System. References 1. Caswell B., Beale J., & Baker A. (2007). Snort IDS and IPS Toolkit. MA: Syngress. 2. Fearnow M., Northcutt S., Frederick K., & Cooper M. (2001). Intrusion Signatures and Analysis. IN: Sams Publishing. 3. Greg, C., & Cox K. J. (2004). Managing Security with Snort and IDS Tools. CA: O’Reilly Media, Inc. 4. Northcutt, S., & Novak J. (2002). Network Intrusion Detection. 3rd Edition. IN: Sams Publishing. 5. Sanders, C. (2011). Practical Packet Analysis. 2nd Edition. CA: No Starch Press. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 345 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN SIJIL DIGITAL DAN INFRASTRUKTUR KUNCI AWAM TSS 3293 DIGITAL CERTIFICATE AND PUBLIC KEY INFRASTRUCTURE TSS 3293 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course will introduce students to Digital Certificates and Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). Students will learn how to install and use digital certificates in browsers and e-mail, and discuss DOEGrids and Kerberized Certificate Authority (KCA). The course provides essential knowledge and skills needed to select, design and deploy PKI to secure existing and future applications within organizations. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Understand the concept of Digital Certificates and Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). 2. Apply the concept of Digital Certificates and Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). 3. Understand the Malaysia Cyberlaw and Digital Signature Act 1997. 4. Design secure email system using Digital Certificates and Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). 5. Implement secure web server using Digital Certificates and Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). References 1. Krutz, R, L., & Vines, R, D. (2007). The CISSP Prep Guide: Mastering CISSP and CAP. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley 2. Malaysia Cyberlaw. (1997).Digital Signature Act. 3. Piper, F. C., & Murphy, S. (2002). Cryptography: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press 4. Stallings, W. (2011) Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice. 5th Edition. Boston: Prentice Hall. 5. Viega, J, Messier, M., & Chandra, P. (2002) Network Security with OpenSSL. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly 346 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Sains Komputer PENYELIDIKAN OPERASI TSK 2103 OPERATIONAL RESEARCH TSK 2103 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course is designed to expose students with modelling, solution and analysis of such optimization problems that are found in various industries and application areas. The use of optimization is common in computer science especially in artificial intelligence and computer security. Examples of applications are widely encountered in the transportation and logistics, manufacturing environments, service operations, product design and development and so forth. Topics include linear programming, transportation model, network model, project management, and analytic hierarchy process. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Understand and identify basic concepts of objectives, decision variables and constraints correctly. 2. Demostrate and apply their knowledge with the basic notions and techniques to develop the algorithm and basic operations research. 3. Analys a simple Operation research problem using linear programming, network model, transportation model and simulation model. 4. Identify formulate and solve transportation, assignment, networks, queuing models and simulation. References 1. Anderson, S., & Williams, M. (2008). An Introduction to Management Science. 12th Edition. Washington: Cengage Learning. 2. Fredeick S.H., & Gerald J.L. (2009). Introduction to Operations Research. 7th Edition. New York: Mc-Graw Hill. 3. Hamdy, A.T. (2010). Operations Research: An Introduction, 9th Edition. New Jearsey: Prentice Hall. 4. Stevenson, O. (2007). An Introduction to Management Science with Spreadsheets. International Edition. New York: Mc-Graw Hill. 5. Wayne L.W. (2004). Operations Research: Applications and Algorithms. 4th Edition. California: Duxbury Press. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 347 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN PERLOMBONGAN DATA TSI 3263 DATA MINING TSI 3263 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course introduces the concept and techniques of data mining. The main topics discussed include knowledge discovery process, data pre-processing and data mining techniques such as decision tree, regression, neural network, and clustering. The course will teach the students to find hidden pattern of information from large volume of data using selected data mining tools. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Describe and identify basic concepts of a knowledge discovery process, data preprocessing and data mining techniques. 2. Explain and summarize data pre-processing steps, and data mining techniques. 3. Apply the data mining techniques for a given data set. 4. Analyze the data mining model and output values correctly. References 1. Han, J., & Kamber, M. (2011). Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques. 3rd Edition. United States of America: Morgan Kaufmann Publisher. 2. Georges, J. (2008). Applied Analytics Using SAS Enterprise Miner Course Notes. Cary, NC: SAS Institute Inc. 3. Tan, PN. Steinbach, M., & Kumar, V. (2006). Introduction to Data Mining. Boston: Pearson Addison-Wesley. 4. Cerrito, Patricia B. (2007). Introduction to Data Mining Using SAS Enterprise Miner. Cary, NC: SAS Institute Inc. 5. Roiger, R. J., & Geatz, M. W. (2003). Data Mining: A Tutorial-Based Primer. United States of America: Addison-Wesley. 348 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Sains Komputer EJEN PINTAR TSI 2253 INTELLIGENT AGENT TSI 2253 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis Intelligent agents are software programmes that can sense their environment, choose rational actions based on their percepts, and execute these actions. The course gives a broad introduction to the new and rapidly expanding field of agent-based computing. It introduces the key concepts and models of the field: dealing both with the individual agents and with their interactions. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Describe and identify the concept of intelligent agent and multi-agents system. 2. Explain and compare agent-based system with other software applications. 3. Build and produce an intelligent agent-based system for a practical application. References 1. Bui, T. D., Tuong, V. H., & Quang T. H. (2008). Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agent Systems: 11th Pacific Rim International Conference on Multi-Agents. PRIMA 2008, Hanoi, Vietnam, December 15-16, Proceedings, ISBN: 3540896732, 9783540896739 2. Dignum, F., Bradshaw, J., Silverman, B. G., & Doesburg, W. V. (2010). Agents for Games and Simulations: Trends in Techniques, Concepts and Design. Springer. 3. Padgham, L., & Winikoff, M. (2004). Developing Intelligent Agent Systems: A Practical Guide. John Wiley and Sons, ISBN: 0470861207, 9780470861202. 4. Pechoucek, M., Thompson, S. G., & Voos, H. (2008). Defence Industry Applications of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems. Springer. 5. Wooldridge, M. (2009). An Introduction to MultiAgent Systems. Wiley and Sons. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 349 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN LOGIK KABUR TSI 3253 FUZZY LOGIC TSI 3253 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course introduces the concept of fuzzy logic and fuzzy theory sets including fuzzy relations, construction of membership functions and fuzzy arithmetic. This course will also discuss on the three important phases in Fuzzy Logic – fuzzification, fuzzy rules/inference, and defuzzification. Fuzzy logic controller (FLC) and other important issues in using fuzzy logic techniques including a hybrid technique called neuro-fuzzy, which combines neural network and fuzzy logic will be emphasized in this course. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Explain and analyse the fundamental concept of fuzzy logic. 2. Analyze and identify appropriate techniques in fuzzy logic problem solving. 3. Analyze and construct fuzzy rule-based. 4. Design fuzzy system using MATLAB. References 1. 2. 3. 4. Belohlavek, R. and George J. Klir. (2011). Concepts and Fuzzy Logic. The MIT Press. Ganesh, M. (2006). Introduction to Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic. Prentice-Hall India. Jones, T. (2008). Artificial Intelligence: A System Approach. Infinity Science Press. Padhy N. (2006). Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems. 3rd Edition. Oxford University Press. 5. Timothy, J. R.(2010). Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications. 3rd Edition. John Wiley & Sons. 350 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Sains Komputer PEMPROSESAN IMEJ DIGITAL TSI 3283 DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING TSI 3283 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course is designed to introduce students to theoretical concepts and practical issues associated with image processing. The following topics are covered: image pre-processing, image enhancement, image segmentation and analysis. A special effort will be made to develop students’ problem solving skills and engineering intuition in the subject area. Upon completion of the course, the student should be knowledgeable and competent in applying the concepts, and should be capable of reading advanced textbooks and research literature in the image-processing field. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Understand concepts and techniques of digital image processing through the study of most important digital image models. 2. Gain sufficient theoretical knowledge to be able to reason about various technique of digital image. 3. Apply digital image processing techniques to a particular applications such as for image recognition or signal restoration. References 1. Gonzales, R.C., Woods, R.E., & Eddins, S.L. (2009). Digital Image Processing Using Matlab. 2nd Edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 2. Gonzales, R.C., & Woods, R.E. (2010). Digital Image Processing. 3rd Edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 3. McAndrew, A. (2004). Introduction to Digital Image Processing with MATLAB. Course Technology. 4. Norliza, M.N., & Omar, M.R. (2009). Pemprosesan Imej Untuk Pengguna Baru Menggunakan Matlab. Kuala Lumpur: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. 5. Solomon, C., & Breckon, T. (2011). Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing: A Practical Approach with Examples in Matlab. Prentice Hall. Wiley. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 351 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN JABATAN SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI MARITIM BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI 2014/2015 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN SENARAI KAKITANGAN AKADEMIK PROFESOR MADYA Kept Zulkifly bin Mat Radzi TLDM (Bersara) Dip. PS (UM), Dip. SDS (UKM), MM (UM) PENSYARAH KANAN Kept Wan Baderul Hisan bin Wan Muda TLDM Dip. SDS (UM), M.Phil. (Geography)(UKM) Dr. Nanthini Sridewi A/P Appan B.Sc. (Hons.)(Marine Science)(UMT), Ph.D. (Microbial Biotechnology)(USM) Kdr. Heman bin Buang TLDM (Bersara) Dip SDS (UM), Mdef Stud (UNSW) Kdr. Mohd Arif bin Ahmad TLDM (Bersara) Dip SP (INTAN), M.Sc (Management)(UUM) Kdr. Tang Jut Weng TLDM (Bersara) Dip. PS (UM), Dip.SDS (UKM), MCILT psc, MM (Management)(UM) Kdr. Halim bin Abd Aziz TLDM (Bersara) Dip.(System)(UiTM), B.E (Electrical)(UTM), MBA (UKM) Lt Kdr Ir. Hardy Azmir bin Anuar TLDM B.Eng. (Hons.)(Computer & Electronics)(Manchester), M.Eng. (Telecomunication & Electronics)(UTM) Lt Kdr Mohd Azzeri Bin Md Naiem TLDM (Bersara)* B.Eng. (Mechanical)(UTM), M.Eng. (Marine Technology)(UTM) Lt Kdr Mohd Najib Bin Abdul Ghani Yolhamid TLDM (Bersara) B.Eng. (Hons.)(Electrics & Electronics)(UTM), M.Sc. (Physics)(UTM) Lt Kdr Mohd Norsyarizad Bin Razali TLDM (Bersara)* B.Eng. (Hons.)(Electronics & Telecommunication)(UNIMAS), M.Sc. (Mathematics)(UTM) Md. Badron bin Ismail Dip. Fisheries (ITM), B.Sc. (Maritime Studies)(LJMU), M.B.A. (UKM), CMILT (UK) 354 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Sains dan Teknologi Maritim PENSYARAH Norshaheeda binti Mohd Noor B.B.A. (UPM), M.Sc. (Hull) Mohamad Abu Ubaidah Amir bin Abu Zarim Dip. Ship. (Consruction & Maintenance)(UniKL), B.Eng. (Hons.)(NA&ME)(Glasgow), M.Sc. (Marine Eng.)(Strathclyde) TUTOR/PENSYARAH MUDA Roshamida binti Abd. Jamil B.Sc. (Hons.)(Maritime Tech.)(UPNM) UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 355 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN OBJEKTIF DAN HASIL PEMBELAJARAN PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA TEKNOLOGI MARITIM (ZG37) Objektif Pembelajaran Program Programme Educational Objectives (PEO) Objektif Pembelajaran Program adalah pencapaian graduan yang dijangkakan dalam masa 3 – 5 tahun setelah bergraduat. Programme Educational Objectives (PEO) are what graduates are expected to attain within 3 – 5 years after graduation. Selepas 3 hingga 5 tahun bergraduat, pelajar Ijazah Sarjana Muda Teknologi Maritim dijangka: After 3 to 5 years of graduation, graduates of Bachelor in Maritime Technology, are expected to: i. Menggunakan pengetahuan dalam bidang sains dan teknologi maritim untuk industri maritim seluruh dunia. Apply the knowledge in maritime science and technology in global maritime industry. ii. Memiliki kompetensi dan tahap professionalisma yang tinggi dalam bidang sains dan teknologi maritim. Acquire high level of competency and professionalism in the field of maritime science and technology. iii. Meningkatkan kemahiran insaniah sebagai pemimpin intelektual yang berkarakter dalam bidang sains dan teknologi maritim. Enhance soft skills as intelectual leaders of character in the field of maritime science and technology. 356 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Sains dan Teknologi Maritim Hasil Pembelajaran Program Programme Outcomes (PO) Hasil Pembelajaran Program adalah kompetensi yang perlu diperolehi oleh pelajar apabila selesai mengikuti satu-satu program pengajian. Programme Outcomes(PO) are the expected abilities/attributes of students upon completion of the programme. Setelah selesai mengikuti Sarjana Muda Teknologi Maritim, pelajar dijangka memperoleh: Upon completion of Bachelor in Maritime Technology students are expected to: PO 1 Mengaplikasikan pengetahuan sains dan teknologi maritim di kapal, pangkalan/ terminal, pelabuhan dan lain-lain sektor maritim. Apply the knowledge of maritime science and technology onboard ships, bases/ terminals, ports and other maritime sectors. PO 2 Mempamerkan kemahiran psikomotor, praktikal dan teknikal dalam bidang sains dan teknologi maritim. Demonstrate psychomotor, practical and technical skills in maritime science and technology. PO 3 Memperoleh kemahiran berfikir secara kritikal dan menggunakan pendekatan saintifik terhadap penyelesaian masalah melalui penyelidikan dan pembangunan. Acquire critical thinking and scientific approach in problem solving through research and development. PO 4 Berkomunikasi secara berkesan dalam persekitaran maritim. Communicate effectively in the maritime environment. PO 5 Mempamerkan kemahiran sosial dan kerja berpasukan, dedikasi dan mendukung tanggungjawab dalam industri maritim. Demonstrate social and team work skills, dedication and uphold responsibilities in maritime industries. PO 6 Melaksanakan pembelajaran sepanjang hayat dan pengurusan maklumat. Pursue life-long learning and information management. PO 7 Mengaplikasi kemahiran pengurusan dan keusahawanan Apply management and entrepreneurial skills. PO 8 Mempamerkan profesionalisma, nilai-nilai murni, sikap dan etika yang betul serta kesedaran terhadap isu-isu alam sekitar. Demonstrate professionalism, good values, right attitudes and ethics, and awareness on environmental issues. PO 9 Memperolehi kemahiran kepimpinan untuk menjadi pemimpin intelektual yang berkarakter. Acquire leadership skills to be intellectual leaders of character. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 357 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN SARJANA MUDA TEKNOLOGI MARITIM (ZG37) STRUKTUR PROGRAM DAN JUMLAH KREDIT KEPERLUAN PROGRAM PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA TEKNOLOGI MARITIM (ZG37) JUMLAH KREDIT Jumlah keperluan kredit yang perlu dipenuhi untuk bergraduat adalah seperti mana jadual di bawah dan tempoh pengajian yang perlu diikuti adalah enam (6) semester lazim dan satu (2) intersesi wajib. Pecahan kursus yang perlu diambil adalah seperti berikut: KURSUS KREDIT Kursus Universiti: i. Kursus Teras Universiti ii. Elektif Universiti 24 6 Kursus Teras Program: i. Teras Program 66 Kursus Elektif Program 24 JUMLAH KREDIT UNTUK BERGRADUAT 120 KURSUS PROGRAM PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA TEKNOLOGI MARITIM (ZG37) KURSUS TERAS PROGRAM Kursus-kursus teras program adalah wajib diambil oleh semua pelajar KOD KURSUS KURSUS TERAS PROGRAM (66 KREDIT) KREDIT TMT 2204 Industrial Training Report 4 TMT 2208 Industrial Training 8 358 TMT 3102 Research Project I 2 TMT 3204 Research Project II 4 TMT 1113 Technical Mathematics 3 TMT 1123 Basic Electrical Technology 3 TMT 1141 Seamanship and Ship Technology Lab 1 TMT 1143 Seamanship and Ship Technology 3 TMT 1223 Basic Electronics 3 TMT 1232 Nautical Law 2 TMT 1241 Maritime Communication Lab 1 TMT 1243 Maritime Communication 3 TMT 1353 Navigation Science I 3 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Sains dan Teknologi Maritim KOD KURSUS KURSUS TERAS PROGRAM (66 KREDIT) KREDIT TMT 2113 Astronomical Navigation 3 TMT 2143 Maritime Law and Enforcement 3 TMT 2152 Navigation Science Lab 2 TMT 3113 Integrated Logistics Support 3 TMT 3153 Naval Architecture 3 TMT 3163 Human Resource Management 3 KURSUS ELEKTIF PROGRAM KOD KURSUS KURSUS ELEKTIF PROGRAM (24 KREDIT) KREDIT TMT 2153 Navigation Science II 3 TMT 3133 Maritime Warfare Technology I 3 TMT 3183 Marine Pollution 3 TMT 3193 Marine Environmental Biotechnology 3 TMT 3233 Maritime Warfare Technology II 3 TMT 3243 Weapon Electrical and Electronic System 3 TMT 3253 Hydrography 3 TMT 3263 Oceanography 3 TMT 3273 Integrated Transportation System 3 TMT 3283 Cargo Handling System 3 TMT 3293 Maritime Economics 3 UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 359 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN STRUKTUR KURIKULUM PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA TEKNOLOGI MARITIM (ZG37) TAHUN PERTAMA SEMESTER 1 SEMESTER 2 Kod Kursus Kredit Kod Kursus Kredit LAN 1012 Islamic and Asian Civilisations 2 DUS 2062 Effective leadership 2 LAN 2012 Nationhood IN World Politics 2 LAN 1032 Ethnic Relation 2 1 DUS 2072 Military Law And Law of armed conflict 2 LFL 1XX1 Foreign Language I LEL 1012 English for Academic Writing 2 LFL 1XX1 Foreign Language II 1 TMT 1113 Technical Mathematics 3 LEL 1022 English for Oral Communication 2 TMT 1143 Seamanship and Ship Technology 3 TMT 1123 Basic Electrical Technology 3 TMT 1141 Seamanship and Ship Technology Lab 1 TMT 1243 Maritime Communication 3 TMT 1223 Basic Electronics 3 TMT 1241 Maritime Communication Lab 1 PSK 1012 Human Movement Science 2 TMT 1232 Nautical Law 2 QXX1XX2 Ko-kurikulum * 2 QXX 1XX2 Ko-kurikulum * 2 ALK1011/ PLS 1011 ALK**/PALAPES *** 1 ALK1021/ PLS 1021 ALK**/PALAPES *** 1 20**/*** 21* JUMLAH JUMLAH Nota: * diambil oleh pelajar awam ** diambil oleh pelajar palapes ***diambil oleh pegawai kadet SEMESTER PENDEK Kod Kursus Kredit TMT 3213 Management Theory and Practice 3 TMT 3143 Ship Maintenance System 3 JUMLAH 360 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 6 19**/*** 20* Jabatan Sains dan Teknologi Maritim TAHUN KEDUA SEMESTER 3 SEMESTER 4 Kod Kursus Kredit Kod Kursus Kredit DUS 2022 Introduction to strategic studies 2 DUS 1062 Military History 2 LAN 1042 Asas keusahawanan 2 TMT 3102 Research Project I 2 TMT 2143 Maritime Law and Enforcement 3 TMT 2113 Astronomical Navigation 3 TMT 1353 Navigation Science I 3 TMT 3153 Naval Architecture 3 TMT 2152 Navigation Science Lab 2 TMT 3xx3 Elektif 1 3 TMT 3163 Human Resource Management 3 TMT 3xx3 Elektif 2 3 TMT 3253 Marine Technology System 3 TMT 3xx3 Elektif 3 3 TMT 3113 Integrated Logistics Support 3 QXX 1xx2 Ko-kurikulum * 2 1 ALK 2021/ PLS 1021 ALK**/PALAPES *** 1 ALK 2011/ PLS 2011 ALK**/PALAPES *** JUMLAH 22**/*** 21* JUMLAH 20**/*** 21* TAHUN KETIGA SEMESTER 5 SEMESTER 6 Kod Kursus Kredit Kod Kursus Kredit TMT 2208 Industrial Training 8 TMT 3204 Research Project II 4 TMT 2204 Industrial Training Report 4 TMT 3xx3 Elektif 4 3 TMT 3xx3 Elektif 5 3 TMT 3xx3 Elektif 6 3 TMT 3xx3 Elektif 7 3 TMT 3xx3 Elektif8 3 ALK 3011/ PLS 3011 ALK**/PALAPES *** 1 QKS 3621 / PLS 3021 ALK**/PALAPES *** 1 TOTAL 12 TOTAL 21**/*** 19* Nota: * diambil oleh pelajar awam ** diambil oleh pelajar palapes ***diambil oleh pegawai kadet UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 361 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN SINOPSIS KURSUS TERAS PROGRAM PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA TEKNOLOGI MARITIM (ZG37) LAPORAN LATIHAN INDUSTRI TMT 2204 INDUSTRIAL TRAINING REPORT TMT 2204 4 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Completed Year Two Course Synopsis This course is to develop the students by applying the knowledge in the work place to acquire the skills and competency. The students are required to undergo the industrial training for 6 months onboard ships or maritime agencies and industries. They are to apply the knowledge of electrical technology, electronic technology, maritime communication, navigation science, seamanship, maritime law and enforcement, nautical law, integrated logistic system, ship maintenance system, human resource management, marine technology system, integrated transportation system, cargo handling system, maritime economics, oceanography and management practices onboard ships or agencies. They are also required to collect primary data for the research project during the training period. The faculty will provide the students and training agencies with Industrial Training Guide Book. This book will provide the guide line on the tasks, records, evaluation procedures, certificates require, format and the details of the Bachelor Degree in Maritime Technology Programme. Course Outcomes Upon completion of this subject, students are able to: 1. Apply the knowledge in the work place under supervision. 2. Acquire the skills by experiencing the on-site learning under supervision. 3. Compile the industrial training report i.a.w. the format in ‘Buku Panduan Latihan Industri’. 4. Obtain the require certificates by completing the tasks stipulated in the ‘Buku Panduan Latihan Industri’. References 1. International Maritime Organisation. (2004).International convention on standard of training, certificate and watchkeeping for seafares (STCW) 1978. 2. Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (1997). Perintah Am TLDM. Kuala Lumpur:Markas Tentera Laut, Kementerian Pertahanan. Tidak diterbitkan. 3. Zulkifly Mat Radzi. (2008). Panduan Latihan Industri Sarjana Muda Teknologi Maritim. Kuala Lumpur: Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia. Tidak diterbitkan. 4. Zulkifly Mat Radzi. (2009). Panduan menulis thesis fakulti sains dan teknologi pertahanan. Kuala Lumpur: Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia. Tidak diterbitkan. 362 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Sains dan Teknologi Maritim LATIHAN INDUSTRI TMT 2208 INDUSTRIAL TRAINING TMT 2208 8 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Completed Year Two Course Synopsis This course is to develop the students by applying the knowledge in the work place to acquire the skills and competency. The students are required to undergo the industrial training for 6 months onboard ships or maritime agencies and industries. They are to apply the knowledge of electrical technology, electronic technology, maritime communication, navigation science, seamanship, maritime law and enforcement, nautical law, integrated logistic system, ship maintenance system, human resource management, marine technology system, integrated transportation system, cargo handling system, maritime economics, oceanography and management practices onboard ships or agencies. They are also required to collect primary data for the research project during the training period. The faculty will provide the students and training agencies with Industrial Training Guide Book. This book will provide the guide line on the tasks, records, evaluation procedures, certificates require, format and the details of the Bachelor Degree in Maritime Technology Programme. Course Outcomes Upon completion of this subject, students are able to: 1. Apply the knowledge in the work place under supervision 2. Acquire the skills by experiencing the on-site learning under supervision 3. Compile the industrial training report i.a.w. the format in ‘Buku Panduan Latihan Industri’. 4. Obtain the require certificates by completing the tasks stipulated in the ‘Buku Panduan Latihan Industri’. References 1. International Maritime Organisation. (2004).International convention on standard of training, certificate and watchkeeping for seafares (STCW) 1978. 2. Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia. (1997). Perintah Am TLDM. Kuala Lumpur:Markas Tentera Laut, Kementerian Pertahanan. Tidak diterbitkan. 3. Zulkifly Mat Radzi. (2008). Panduan Latihan Industri Sarjana Muda Teknologi Maritim. Kuala Lumpur: Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia. Tidak diterbitkan. 4. Zulkifly Mat Radzi. (2009). Panduan menulis thesis fakulti sains dan teknologi pertahanan. Kuala Lumpur: Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia. Tidak diterbitkan. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 363 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN RESEARCH PROJECT I TMT 3102 PROJEK PENYELIDIKAN I TMT 3102 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The aim of this course is to provide the students with the knowledge to prepare research proposal in maritime technology. The research proposal should include statement of the problem, aim of research, objectives of research, scope of research and importance of research and literature review. It also includes research methodology which covers research design, methods for collection of data, research samples and methods of evaluation. On completion of this course, the students should be able to propose research using appropriate and precise method, use to broaden academic knowledge in the areas of latest maritime technology such as maritime communication, maritime warfare technology, weapon electrical and electronic technology or system, navigation science, electronic warfare, ship technology, marine engineering system and other relevant maritime aspects. The students should also have the abilities to gather primary and secondary data to solve the research problems, use the appropriate tools for measurement in the analysis and present their research proposal to panel examiners. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Identify the research topic related to maritime technology. 2. Establish the problem statement according to the selected topic. 3. Develop the research objectives following the problem statement. 4. Carry out literature review on the research topic. 5. Design a research methodology to achieve objectives of research. References 1. Chua, Y.P. (2011). Kaedah dan statistik penyelidikan. Jil.1 Kuala Lumpur: McGraw Hill. 2. Fraenkel J.R., Wallen, N.E., & Hyun, H.H., (2012). How to design and evaluate research in education. USA : McGraw Hill. 3. Jackson. S.L. (2009). Research methods and statistics. A critical thinking approach. USA: Wadworth, Cengage Learning. 4. Sheril L. J. (2008). Research methods: A modulor approach. USA: Jacksonville University. 5. Zulkifly Mat Radzi. (2009). Panduan menulis tesis fakulti sains dan teknologi pertahanan. KL: UPNM. 364 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Sains dan Teknologi Maritim RESEARCH PROJECT II TMT 3204 PROJEK PENYELIDIKAN II TMT 3204 4 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course is a continuation of Bachelor Degree Research Project I and students should be able to enhance their knowledge in analyzing the collected data, make suggestions and recommendations for solving the problems stated in the research proposal. The research write up should comprise of research analysis which includes data analysis, interpretation and evaluation as well as recommendations. The students are required to present the completed research paper to the panel examiners. On completion of the course, the students should be able to acquaint with the use of computer software and various decision making tools (quantitative and qualitative) to process data, to conduct analysis and to prepare for the report. They should be able to make recommendations for solving the problems for the benefit of the organization, work independently in research project, present and defend papers to the panel examiners. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Collect the research data as in the proposal. 2. Analyse the data using tools as stated in the proposal. 3. Produce the conclusion based on the research findings. 4. Defend the research findings during the presentation. References 1. Chua, Y.P. (2011). Kaedah dan statistik penyelidikan. Jil.1 Kuala Lumpur: McGraw Hill. 2. Fraenkel J.R., Wallen, N.E., & Hyun, H.H., (2012). How to design and evaluate research in education. USA : McGraw Hill. 3. Jackson. S.L. (2009). Research methods and statistics. A critical thinking approach. USA: Wadworth, Cengage Learning. 4. Sheril L. J. (2008). Research methods: A modulor approach. USA: Jacksonville University. 5. Zulkifly Mat Radzi. (2009). Panduan menulis tesis fakulti sains dan teknologi pertahanan. KL: UPNM. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 365 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN MATEMATIK TEKNIKAL TMT 1113 TECHNICAL MATHEMATICS TMT 1113 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The aim of this course is to provide comprehensive knowledge in mathematics focusing on the solutions of differential equations applicable to technical fields. Students will learn ordinary differential equations of first and second order, its principles, concepts, methods and techniques of solving ordinary differential equations. This course will also introduce the technique of solving the differential equations using the numerical methods and solutions which involve iterative methods like Euler’s Method and Runge-Kutta Method. Laplace transform is also included in this course as part of the differential equation solving techniques which includes the table of transform and partial fractions of distinct linear, quadratic and trinomial factors. Upon completion of this course, students should be able to solve the differential equations using various methods and techniques which include numerical methods and Laplace Transform. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Comprehend the basic concepts and classification of ordinary differential equations. 2. Solve ordinary differential equation of first and second order using various solving methods and techniques. 3. Apply the numerical methods and Laplace Transform to solve linear differential equations. References 1. Calter, P.A., & Calter, M.A. (2011). Technical Mathematics with Calculus, 6th ed. United States: Wiley. 2. Ewan, D. et al. (2005). Technical Mathematics with Calculus, 2nd ed. United States: Prentice Hall. 3. James, G. (2008). Modern Engineering Mathematics, 4th ed. United States: Pearson Education. 4. Kuhfittig, P. (2012). Technical Calculus with Analytic Geometry, 5th ed. United States: Thomson. 5. Salas, S.L. et al. (2007). Calculus: One and Several Variables, 10th ed. United States: Wiley. 366 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Sains dan Teknologi Maritim ASAS TEKNOLOGI ELEKTRIK TMT 1123 BASIC ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY TMT 1123 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course will prepare students with fundamental knowledge on electrical technology that can be applied when serving onboard ship and bases. The students should be able to analyse and calculate the voltage and current in basic electrical circuits using Ohm Law and Kirchhoff Law. The students should be able to analyse basic circuit consisting of resistor, inductor and capacitor (RLC). The students should also acquire knowledge on principles of motors, alternators and transformer. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Acquire the knowledge on the fundamental concept of potential difference and current. 2. Describe Kirchhoff Law, Ohm Law, magneto motive force, magnetic field strength, flux and flux density, Lenz Law, transformers, three phase systems, motors, alternators. 3. Provide solution for basic RLC circuits, basic DC circuits, three phase system, motors, alternators, basic magnetic circuit and transformers. 4. Analyse basic RLC, motors, alternator and transformer circuits. References 1. Bird, J. (2010). Electrical and electronic principles and technology. 4th Ed. Oxford: Newnes. 2. Cook, N.P. (1997). Practical electricity. Harlow: Prentice Hall. 3. Hughes. E. (2002). HUGHES electrical technology. 7th Ed. Harlow: Prentice Hall. 4. National Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee. (2008). DC theory. 2nd Ed. New York: Delmar Cengage Learning. 5. Rizzoni. G. & Hartley. T.T. (2007). Principle and application of electrical engineering. 5th Ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 367 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN KEPELAUTAN DAN TEKNOLOGI KAPAL TMT 1143 SEAMANSHIP AND SHIP TECHNOLOGY TMT 1143 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Synopsis This course is to provide students with the fundamental knowledge of seamanship, ship technology and awareness on the safety of life at sea. The goal of this course is to deliver knowledge and understanding of seamanship, advancement in ship technology, technology on navigation safety, nuclear, biological, chemical defence and damage control, naval training technology, ship stability, disaster control, helmsman ship and new technology in survival at sea. Upon completion of this course, students should be able to comprehend the knowledge of seamanship and ship technology and their application onboard ship. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Identify the essentials knowledge of seamanship and ship technology. 2. Explain the various types of seamanship evolutions onboard RMN ships. 3. Differentiate the seamanship organization and maintenance management system. 4. Compose essay and create presentation on seamanship and ship technology related topics. 5. Integrate the usage of ship’s safety equipment and gears in emergency and urgency situations such as fire, flooding and collision. References 1. Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. (1995). Manual admiralti ilmu kepelautan Jil 1, KL: Penerbitan DBP. 2. Mack, W. (1991). Naval officer guide, Annapolis Maryland: Naval Institute Press. 3. Royal Navy. (1995) Admiralty manual of seamanship BR 67, London: HMSO. 4. Royal Navy. (1995). Guide to ship firefighting BR 4007, London: HMSO, UK. 5. Sharpe, R.(2010). Jane’s fighting ship, London: Butler & Taner. 368 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Sains dan Teknologi Maritim MAKMAL KEPELAUTAN DAN TEKNOLOGI KAPAL TMT 1141 SEAMANSHIP AND SHIP TECHNOLOGY LAB TMT 1141 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Synopsis This course is to familiarise the students with the seamanship and ship technology skills as required when performing the duties of Officer of the Watch at sea and in harbor and to provide the students with the competency on seamanship training to enable them to undertake the job as Officer of the Watch onboard a ship. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Adapt the use of steering wheel, throttle, compass and other navigation equipment fitted at the Ship Bridge Simulator. 2. Initiate the recovery of MOB procedure using Williamson Turn or Anderson Turn. 3. Display conning and steering the ship as directed by the OOW. 4. Compose report as a lookout on duty to the OOW. References 1. Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. (1995). Manual admiralti ilmu kepelautan Jil 1, KL: Penerbitan DBP. 2. Mack, W. (1991). Naval officer guide. Annapolis Maryland: Naval Institute Press. 3. Royal Navy. (1995) Admiralty manual of seamanship BR 67. London: HMSO. 4. Royal Navy. (1995). Guide to ship firefighting BR 4007. London: HMSO, 5. Sharpe, R.(2010). Jane’s fighting ship. London: Butler & Taner. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 369 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN ASAS ELEKTRONIK TMT 1223 BASIC ELECTRONICS TMT 1223 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course will prepare students with fundamental knowledge on basic electronics components. The students should be able to analyse and calculate the voltage and current in basic electronics circuits. The students should be able to analyse and solve problems on circuits of diode, transistor, operational amplifier and logic gates. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Acquire the knowledge on the fundamental properties of semiconductor devices and its applications. 2. Describe relevant applications of operational amplifier. 3. Explain the working principle on digital circuits. 4. Analyse the basic electronics circuits. References 1. Boylested, & Naeshelsky (2005). Electronic devices and circuit theory. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 2. Floyd, T. L. (2012). Electronic devices. 9th Ed. New Jersey: Pearson Education. 3. Floyd, T. L. (2008). Digital fundamentals. 10th Ed. New Jersey: Pearson Education. 4. Lalond & Ross (1994). Electronic devices and circuits. New York: Delmar Publishers. 5. Stephen, C. (2000). Introduction to electronics DC/AC circuits. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 370 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Sains dan Teknologi Maritim UNDANG-UNDANG NAUTIKA TMT 1232 NAUTICAL LAW TMT 1232 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis To provide students with the knowledge on The International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea 1972, conducting of vessel in any condition of visibility and enable them to perform the job of Officer of the Watch/Deck (OOW/OOD) onboard ships. Upon completion of this subject, students should have the ability to apply the rules and regulations while navigating a vessel at sea, identify the various visual displays used by vessels such as shapes, lights and sound signals, assess the risks of collision and apply the appropriate rules and regulations for preventing collisions at sea. The students also should be able to apply their knowledge in bridge watch keeping duty at sea and respond appropriately in a close quarter situation as an Officer of the Watch. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Comprehend the rules and regulations for preventing collisions at sea. 2. Apply various visual displays and sound signals used by vessels for navigational safety. 3. Analyse and provide solutions to problems and challenges in accordance with the rules and regulations for preventing collisions at sea. 4. Appraise and present a solution to a case or problem in nautical law. 5. Develop competency of applying the rules in various situations at sea in the Ship Handling Simulator. References 1. Bristol Tutor Group. (2003). A seaman’s guide to the rule of the road. Bristol: BTG. 2. Craig, H. A., (2005). Farwell’s rules of the nautical road. Annapolis Maryland: Naval Institute Press. 3. IMO, (2003). COLREG International regulations for preventing collision at sea. London: International Maritime Organization. 4. Morehouse, J. M. (2010). Navigation rules international-inland. USCG : Paradise Cay Publication. 5. U.S Department of Homeland Security. (2007). Navigation rules for international and inland waters. Washington: Naval Institute Press. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 371 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN MAKMAL KOMUNIKASI MARITIM TMT 1241 MARITIME COMMUNICATIONS LABORATORY TMT 1241 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis To practise the maritime communication procedures and apply established communication onboard OTC ship and 3 other ships. Communication check, time check, repetition, errors and clarification. Procedure of sending and receiving time signal onboard a ship. eg. Entering and leaving harbour, jackstay transfer, towing, visual and blind pilotage. Procedure of sending and receiving signal using delay executive method onboard a ship. eg. during tactical manoeuvre. Procedure of sending and receiving signal using immediate executive method during tactical manoeuvre. Message Writing. Drafting of signal message for the transmission. Tactical Communication. Fleet manoeuvre for basic formation 1 to formation 12. Fleet manoeuvre for Turn and Corpen. Fleet manoeuvre for advance formation eg. Corpen Sierra, Formation Oscar, Formation Yankee and Corpen Delta. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Assist Radio Operators during the fleet manoeuvring exercise, entering and leaving harbour, replenishment at sea and formation anchorage. 2. Display competency in the role of an Officer of the Watch during fleet manoeuvring exercise. 3. Vary a sector screen as an Officer of the Watch. 4. Design a complan as a Communication Officer with other maritime agencies. 5. Compose a tactical message for transmission. References 1. ACP 125 (F) Communication Instructions Radiotelephone Procedures (2001). NATO Publication. 2. Allied Tactical Publication I(A) Vol. I and II (1999). NATO Publication. 3. Malaysian Communication Publication Vol. I and II (1999). RMN Publication. 4. Manual Admiralti Kepelautan Jil. I. (1995). Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. 5. RMNCP 251 Signal Message Writing Instruction (2001). RMN Publication.. 372 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Sains dan Teknologi Maritim KOMUNIKASI MARITIM TMT 1243 MARITIME COMMUNICATIONS TMT 1243 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The aim of this course is to provide students with the knowledge of Maritime Communications and apply the knowledge onboard ships. The course is to expose students to the advance and fundamental methods of communication, shipboard communication in different frequency of HF, VHF and UHF, long range radio communication, shore to shore, ship to shore, shore to ship, broadcast, communication network, communication plan, cryptography, message handling, communication security and tactical manoeuvre. Upon completion this course, students should be able to comprehend the latest development of technologies on maritime communication such as satellite communication, underwater communication and latest line of sight communication between ships, aircraft and submarines. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Describe the fundamental and advance technologies in maritime communications. 2. Apply the knowledge of maritime communications onboard ships and maritime agencies. 3. Analyse and provide solution to problems and issues in maritime communications. 4. Develop competency in radio and tactical communications at Ship Navigation Simulator. 5. Appraise and present a passage communications plan for a maritime operation. References 1. Dewan Bahasa Pustaka. (1995). Manual admiralti ilmu kepelautan (Jil 1). Kuala Lumpur: DBP 2. National Defence University Malaysia. (2010). Maritime communications lecture notes. Kuala Lumpur: NDUM Unpublished. 3. Naval shipboard communication system. (2005). New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 4. Royal Malaysian Navy. (1999). Malaysian communication publication (Vol 1-2). Kuala Lumpur: RMN 5. Royal Malaysian Navy. (1999). RMN tactical publication (Vol 1-2). Kuala Lumpur: RMN UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 373 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN SAINS NAVIGASI I TMT 1353 NAVIGATION SCIENCE I TMT 1353 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis To provide the students with the fundamental knowledge in navigation science which covers latest technologies in navigation safety in maritime operation. The students will learn on the theory and application of the latest aids to navigation, such as radar, electronic chart, automatic identification system, global positioning system and radio fixing aids. Upon completion this course, students shall be able to utilize all navigation aids for the visual and radar navigation techniques for the safe passage of the ship at sea. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Comprehend the fundamental knowledge on Navigation Science. 2. Apply the knowledge of Navigation Science onboard ship for safety of maritime operation. 3. Analyse and provide solution to problem and challenges in navigation safety. 4. Apply the technique of navigation for sailing in Simulator. 5. Appraise and present a solution to a case study in navigation. References 1. 2. 3. 4. Cunliffe, T. (2006). Celestial Navigation. USA : Wiley Publication. J. M. (2010). Navigation Rules International-Inland. USCG : Paradise Cay Publication. Karl, J. (2009). Celestial Navigation In The GPS Age. USA : Paradise Cay Publication. Markell, J. (1999). A Practical Guide To Coastal Navigation. USA : ProsStar Publication. Morehouse 5. Royal Navy. (1999). Admiralty Manual of Navigation Vol. I, BR 45 (1) London : HMSO. 374 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Sains dan Teknologi Maritim NAVIGASI ASTRONOMIKAL TMT 2113 ASTRONOMICAL NAVIGATION TMT 2113 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Synopsis The aim of this course is to provide students with the knowledge on astronomical navigation which includes the study of celestial sphere and its components, the celestial sphere and earth, the nautical almanac, theory of position fixing and PZX triangle, sextant, sun true bearing, astronomical position fixing, astronomical position lines, morning and evening sights, morning stars, forenoon sights, noon sights, afternoon sight, evening sight, sun sight, meridian passage, planets sight and selected stars sight. Upon completion of this course, students should have the ability to apply the technique of astronomical fixing and determine the position of the ship using celestial bodies. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Comprehend the knowledge of astronomy in the aspect of Astronomical Navigation. 2. Display ability to calculate sunrise, sunset, moonrise, moonset, twilights, hour angles and sun true bearing 3. Apply the sextant, star finders and identifier, star globe and relevant documents in Astronomical Navigation. 4. Calculate and plot the position lines of sun, moon, planets and stars to determine the ship’s position. 5. Develop competency in Astronomical Navigation in order to be awarded Astronomical Navigation Certificate Part 1 and 2 References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Cunliffe, T. (2006). Celestial navigation. USA : Wiley Publication. Karl, J. (2009). Celestial navigation in the GPS age. USA : Paradise Cay Publication. Pusat Hidrografi Negara. (2012). Malaysia tide table Vol I, Kuala Lumpur : PHN. Royal Navy. (2012). Nautical almanac. London: HMSO. Royal Navy (2000). Sight reduction table. London: HMSO. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 375 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN UNDANG-UNDANG DAN PENGUATKUASAAN MARITIM TMT 2143 MARITIME LAW AND ENFORCEMENT TMT 2143 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course should provide the students with the knowledge in maritime law and enforcement which covers law of treaties, international and municipal laws, law of the sea, maritime zones, internal water and territorial sea,archipelagic states and archipelagic waters, exclusive economic zone, continental shelf, high seas and deep seabed, piracy, rights of visit & hot pursuit, national acts, conventions of international maritime organization, maritime enforcement and settlement of disputes. On completion of this subject, students should be able to analyse the provisions of the international law of the sea to address maritime issues in the region. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Comprehend the essentials knowledge of Law of the Sea. 2. Apply the knowledge of Law of the Sea onboard RMN’s ship and maritime agencies. 3. Analyse the legal system in the Law of the Sea. 4. Develop understanding of Law of the Sea onboard RMN’s ships and maritime agencies. 5. Synthesise and evaluate a solution to a case or problem in the Maritime Law. References 1. 2. 3. 4. Brownlie, I. (2008). Principles of Public International Law, 7th ed., Oxford: USA. Churchill, R.R. (1999). The Law of the Sea. 3rd ed., Manchester: UK. Hill, C. (2004). Maritime Law, 6th ed., Lloyds: UK IMO. (1982). United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) 1982. Hague: IMO 5. Klein, N. (2011). Maritime Security and the Law of the Sea, Oxford: USA. 376 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Sains dan Teknologi Maritim MAKMAL SAINS NAVIGASI TMT 2152 NAVIGATION SCIENCE LABORATORY TMT 2152 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis To familiarise students with the navigation apparatus such as parallel ruler, marine compass, marine divider, Douglas Protractor and speed distance rulers. To practise how to find the closest point of approach, course to steer, time taken to take station during the tactical manoeuver and screen. To handle the maneuverability of a frigate, corvette and mine counter measure vessel and patrol vessel. Preparation of a passage plan to a foreign port which includes ploting of track on nautical chart, calculate speed and distance, dangers along the route, fuel consumption, logistics, exercise at sea and diplomatic clearance for the warships. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Prepare a radar and visual pilotage plan for entering and leaving harbour. 2. Conduct radar pilotage for entering and leaving harbour. 3. Conduct radar pilotage for anchorage. 4. Conduct visual pilotage for entering and leaving harbour. References 1. Cunliffe, T. (2006). Celestial Navigation. USA : Wiley Publication. 2. Karl, J. (2009). Celestial Navigation In The GPS Age. USA : Paradise Cay Publication. 3. Markell, J. (1999). A Practical Guide To Coastal Navigation. USA : ProsStar Publication. 4. Morehouse, J.M. (2010). Navigation Rules International-Inland. USCG : Paradise C a y Publication. 5. Royal Navy. (1999). Admiralty Manual of Navigation Vol. I London: HMSO. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 377 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN SISTEM LOGISTIK BERSEPADU TMT 3113 INTEGRATED LOGISTICS SUPPORT TMT 3113 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course should provide students with the knowledge on Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) and its application which covers materials life cycles, elements of ILS, project management principles, ship logistics, general ship supply, funds and budget. This course will cover the concept of logistics support with respect to ship repairs and maintenance of equipment and/or systems onboard ships. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Describe the concepts of supply and support in relation to logistics. 2. Relate the integrated logistics support concepts in aspects ship supply and maintenance. 3. Apply Logistic Support Analysis with regard to the equipment/systems onboard ships. 4. Analyse the Reliability, Availability and Maintainability (RAM); and System Effectiveness onboard ships. References 1. Blanchard, B.S & Fabrycky, W. J. (2006).System engineering and analysis. London: Pearson Prentice Hall. 2. Jones, J.V. (2010).Engineering design: Reliability, maintainability and testability. California: Logistics Management Associates. 3. Jones, J.V. (2010).Integrated logistics support handbook. 3rd Ed. New York: Mc Graw-Hill. 4. Jones, J.V. (2006).Supportability engineering handbook: Implementation, measurement and management. New York: Mc Graw-Hill. 5. Kumar, D. (2006).Reliability, maintenance and logistics support: A life cycle approach. UK: Springer. 378 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Sains dan Teknologi Maritim SENIBINA KAPAL TMT 3153 NAVAL ARCHITECTURE TMT 3153 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis To introduce the basic knowledge of Ship Architecture for non-engineering students. This course contains brief summary of the types of ship’s hull, strength, structure and material of ship hull, ship design, ship motions and basic calculation on ship stability, resistance and powering. On completion of the course, the students should have the ability to comprehend the principles and theory related to basic engineering in ship architecture. The students should also be able to explain the basic type of warship and the various types of hull, explain the basic component of the ship hull structure to withstand the external and internal force, explain the basic concept in designing and constructing a ship, explain the type of the materials used for designing a ship, apply the basic calculation of the ship stability, resistance and powering and explain the forces that contribute to the motion of the ship. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Describe various types of ships, their purpose, types of hull form, and factors that affect their stability. 2. Distinguish various types of ships and their roles; explains why a particular hull forms were selected and estimate the loading effect to ship stability. 3. Compute various parameters value related to ship’s stability under various loading condition. 4. Analyse operational requirements and suggest the likely hull form that meets the roles and stability; and the power requirements. 5. Evaluate the loading requirements and concludes the location of loads onboard the ship. References 1. Eyrs, D.J. (2007). Ship construction. Oxford: Butterworth- Heinemann 2. Molland, A.F. (2008). The maritime engineering reference book. Oxford: Butterworth- Heinemann. 3. Rawson, K.J., & Tupper, E. C. (2001). Basic ship theory Vol. 2. 5th Ed. Oxford: Butterworth- Heinemann 4. Tupper, E. (1996). Introduction to naval architecture. 3rd Ed. Maryland: The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. 5. Zubaly, R. B. (1996). Applied naval architecture. Maryland: Cornell Maritime Press Inc. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 379 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN SISTEM KEJURUTERAAN MARIN TMT 3253 MARINE TECHNOLOGY SYSTEM TMT 3253 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course introduces the principles of operation ship power plant which covers steam plant, marine diesel plant, marine gas turbine plant, nuclear and diesel electric plant, power distribution system, reliability and plant overhaul. It also covers ship support system that comprises of hydraulic system, refrigeration, air conditioning, boiler, evaporator, sanitary and fire main system. Upon completion of this course, students should be able to identify the operations of various power plants and their sub-systems, perform design analysis for various power plants and auxiliary systems. The student should also be able to construct diagrams of various power plants including their sub-systems, analysis of power plant size and auxiliary system based on requirements from ship operation. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Describe the working principle and basic operation of ship’s main propulsion system and its sub-systems, service and support system, refrigeration system, air conditioning system, fresh 2. Explain the importance of the ship’s propulsion system and its sub-system, service and support system, refrigeration system, air conditioning system, fresh water distribution system, steering gear system and pumping system to the operation of the ship. 3. Produce a simple layout of the systems for a specific ship based on the given operational parameters. The systems should consist of propulsion system and others service support system of the ship. 4. Compare and differentiate various ship’s propulsion system, ship’s service and support systems that comprises of generator, refrigeration system, air conditioning system, fresh water distribution system, steering gear system and pumping system; and apply the knowledge to select the best system configuration for a specific vessel roles. 5. Evaluate a given ship marine engineering system and critic the system. References 1. Grover, T.K. (2007). Basic marine engineering. New Delhi: Anmol Publisher. 2. Molland, A.F. (2008). The maritime engineering reference book. Oxford: Butterworth- Heinemann. 3. Rawson, K.J., & Tupper, E. C. (2001). Basic ship theory Vol. 2. 5th Ed. Oxford: Butterworth- Heinemann 4. Tupper, E. (1996). Introduction to naval architecture. 3rd Ed. Maryland: The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. 5. Zubaly, R. B. (1996). Applied naval architecture. Maryland: Cornell Maritime Press Inc. 380 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Sains dan Teknologi Maritim PENGURUSAN SUMBER MANUSIA TMT 3163 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT TMT 3163 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This subject is to provide an understanding and knowledge on HRM including aspects on divisional matters pertaining to its application in an organisation. Among the topics discussed are HRM planning, training and promotion policy, employer-employee relation, job analysis and application of human resource aspects in an organisation. Students will be encouraged to develop critical thinking skills, teamwork and communication skills through group assignments and presentations. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Demonstrate understanding in the concepts of human resource management for their application in an organisation. 2. Appraise the personnel performance in an organisation. 3. Develop leadership, team-work, inter-personal skills through group discussion and presentation. References 1. Baron, J.N., & Kreps, D.M. (1999). Strategic human resources: Frameworks for general managers. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2. Noe, R.A. (2012). Fundamentals of human resource management. New York: McGrawHill 3. Robbins, S.P. (2011). Management 11th Ed. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 4. Royal Malaysian Navy .(n.d.) MBR 1066, RMN divisional officers guide. Lumut: RMN 5. Scott, S., & Bohlander, G. (2010). Principles of human resource management. SouthWestern, Cengage Learning. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 381 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN TEORI DAN AMALAN PENGURUSAN TMT 3213 MANAGEMENT THEORY AND PRACTICE TMT 3213 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course provides knowledge and understanding on the principles and practices of management. The syllabus include aspects on planning, organizing leading and controlling an organization. Among the topics covered are decision-making process, the traits on leadership, teamwork, motivation and entrepreneurship. Students will be exposed to the generic management skills required for the job of an Executive Officer. Students will be encouraged to develop critical thinking skills and teamwork and communication skills through group assignments and presentations. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Practices the principles of management in their future job as an Executive Officer. 2. Demonstrate ability in planning and organizing of activities in an organisation. 3. Develop leadership, team-work, inter-personal skills through group discussion and presentation. References 1. Baron, J.N., & Kreps, D.M. (1999). Strategic human resources: Frameworks for general managers. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2. Noe, R.A. (2012). Fundamentals of human resource management. New York: McGrawHill 3. Robbins, S.P. (2011). Management 11th Ed. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 4. Royal Malaysian Navy .(n.d.) MBR 1066, RMN divisional officers guide. Lumut: RMN 5. Scott, S., & Bohlander, G. (2010). Principles of human resource management. SouthWestern, Cengage Learning. 382 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Sains dan Teknologi Maritim SISTEM SENGGARAAN KAPAL TMT 3143 SHIP MAINTENANCE SYSTEM TMT 3143 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This subject introduces the basic knowledge of maintenance practice and refit procedures for non-engineering students. The subject contains brief introduction to general principle of maintenance, reliability centred maintenance, ship maintenance system and ship refit. On completion of this course, the students should be able to plan and execute the different levels of maintenance onboard ships. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Acquire the knowledge on the general principle of maintenance. 2. Comprehend and explain the reliability centred maintenance. 3. Demonstrate the concept of ship maintenance and refit. 4. Analyse the maintenance requirements on system and equipment in the asset management. References 1. Caridis P.A (2009). Inspection, repair and maintenance of ship structures, 2nd Ed. London:Witherby & Co Ltd. 2. Blanchard S.B. (2003). Logistics engineering and management 6th Ed. USA: PrenticeHall. 3. Dhillon. B.S. (2002). Engineering maintenance, a modern approach. Florida: CRC Press LCC Boca Raton 4. Moubray. J. (2001). Reliability centred maintenance, 2nd Ed. New York: Industrial Press Inc. 5. Royal Malaysian Navy. (2002). Panduan pengurusan senggaraan berjadual kapalkapal di limbungan BRL 1910. Lumut: RMN 6. Royal Malaysian Navy. (1985). RMN Maintenance System BRL 1985. Lumut: RMN. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 383 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN SINOPSIS KURSUS ELEKTIF PROGRAM PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA TEKNOLOGI MARITIM (ZG37) SISTEM PENGENDALIAN KARGO TMT 3283 CARGO HANDLING SYSTEM TMT 3283 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course should be able to provide students with knowledge on cargo handling system which covers, cargo distribution, cargo handling, unitized cargo, liquefied gases, dangerous goods, latest development and trends on containers, bulk and liquid cargo transport. This course will cover the application on the latest cargo handling and stowage techniques onboard ship, plan appropriate cargo separation and ventilation, utilize appropriate cargo handling gears, calculate cargo distribution based on stowage principles and calculate the correct safe working load. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Describe the cargo handling procedures and stowage principles for ship cargoes. 2. Distinguish the appropriate cargo separation and ventilation methods for the cargoes 3. Use appropriate cargo handling gears and machine handling equipment (MHE) 4. Categorise various types of cargo, carrying units and requirement of marine insurance References 1. Alderton, P. M. (2008). Port management and operations. UK: Informa Publication. 2. Bichou, K. (2010). Port operations, planning and logistics. London : Informa Publisher. 3. Branch, A. E. (2007), Elements of shipping, 8th Ed. Stanley Thornes Ltd, Cheltenham. 4. Dong Wook Song. (2012). Maritime logistics: A complete guide to effective shipping and port management. UK: Amazon. 5. Guldogan, E. U. (2011). Port operations and container terminal management: with applications. UK: Amazon. 384 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Sains dan Teknologi Maritim TEKNOLOGI PEPERANGAN MARITIM I TMT 3133 MARITIME WARFARE TECHNOLOGY I TMT 3133 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course should provide students with the fundamental knowledge on maritime warfare technology which includes weapons, fire control system, sensors and surveillance technology, ammunition and explosive, action information organization, anti-surface warfare, anti-air warfare, electronic warfare, asymmetric war at sea and operations conducted at sea. On completion of this course, students should be able to apply various aspects of above water warfare under the supervision of a Principle Warfare Officer. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Comprehend the fundamental knowledge on above water warfare technology. 2. Apply the knowledge of above water warfare onboard RMN warships. 3. Analyse and provide solution to problem and challenges in various dimensions (surface, air and electronic) of maritime warfare. 4. Participate efficiently in a group to produce essay and presentation on a given above water warfare topics. 5. Appraise and recommend correct procedures in above water warfare problems in various scenarios during a Table-top war-gaming. References 1. Craig, M. P. (Ed.). (2006). Principles of naval weapon system. Annapolis: US Naval Institute Press. 2. Royal Malaysian Navy. (2006). RMN. PWO Crib – BRL 2021. Lumut: RMN 3. Royal Navy. (1999). Gunnery and guided weapons user instruction–general/practice/ target & firing regulations, (BR1043 A/BR 1043 B),London: HMSO. 4. Streetly, M. (2009). Radar and electronic warfare systems. London: Jane’s Information Group Ltd. 5. Vego, M. (2009). Operational warfare at sea theory and practice, New York: Routledge. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 385 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN TEKNOLOGI PEPERANGAN MARITIM II TMT 3233 MARITIME WARFARE TECHNOLOGY II TMT 3233 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course is a continuation of Maritime Warfare Technology I and should provide students with a fundamental knowledge on underwater warfare (UWW) which includes antisubmarine warfare, mine warfare, underwater warfare systems and sensors, conventional submarine technology, mine technology, mine countermeasures, demolition and soft and hard kill weapons. On completion of this course, students should be able to apply the various aspects of UWW under the supervision of a Principle Warfare Officer. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Comprehend the fundamental knowledge on Underwater Warfare Technology. 2. Apply the knowledge of above water warfare onboard RMN warships. 3. Apply the correct procedures as Officer of the Day/Watch during Op Awkward. 4. Analyse and provide solution to problem and challenges underwater warfare scenarios. 5. Participate efficiently in a group to produce essay and presentation on a given under water warfare topics. References 1. NATO. (1999). ACP 165 E, Brevity codes. Eugermin: NATO 2. NATO. (2007). EXTAC 1007 Mine warfare. Eugermin: NATO 3. Owen, D. (2007). Anti-submarine warfare an illustrated history. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press. 4. Royal Malaysian Navy. (2006). RMN PWO cribs– BRL 2012. Lumut :RMN 5. Watts, A. J. (2009). Underwater warfare systems. London: Jane’s Information Group. 386 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Sains dan Teknologi Maritim SISTEM PENGANGKUTAN BERSEPADU TMT 3273 INTEGRATED TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM TMT 3273 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course should provide students with knowledge on the modes of maritime transportation, manning structure on a merchant ship, operational safety, ship registration and flag of convenience, Malaysian ship registry, management of shipping, relevant laws by marine department, ship operations, multimodal transport concept, transport policies, current issues and development of global and local maritime transport sector. This course will cover the concepts in shipping management with regard to various national and international laws, regulations, conventions and analyse the technological innovations on the ship developments, assess the contributions of shipping industry to national revenue and evaluate various shipping operation cost. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Identify the key concepts covered in integrated transport system ( ITS). 2. Illustrate the transport policy in maritime sectors. 3. Apply shipper strategies in maritime transport. 4. Analyse the contents of bill of lading; waybill; freight bill; manifest; and preparation of customs documentations for import and export References 1. Branch, Alan E. (2005). Elements of shipping. Oxon: Routledge. 2. Coyle, J.C., Bardi, J.B., & Novack, R.A. (2006). Management of transportation. 6th Ed. Mason: South Western Thomson. 3. Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers. (2006). Ship operations and management. London: Witherby & Company. 4. Givoni, M., & Banister, D. (2010). Integrated transport: From policy to practice. New York: Routledge. 5. Rodrique, J.P., Comtois, C., & Slack, B. (2009). Intermodal transportation. 2nd Ed. New York: Routledge. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 387 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN EKONOMI MARITIM TMT 3293 MARITIME ECONOMICS TMT 3293 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course should provide students with knowledge on concepts, principles of economics and apply them into the frameworks of maritime economics. The course will cover the categorization of the various types of commodities and freight charges and evaluate the shipping market supply and demand, interpret and analyse the maritime economics growth and determine the national revenue in maritime sector. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Describe the basic principles of economics, business entity, business opportunities and registration of business in relation to maritime sectors 2. Interpret the economic trends in several of types of the shipping market structure 3. Classify various types of commodities, freight charges, sources of funds and marine insurance policy 4. Compare shipping market supply and demand for various economic situations References 1. Branch, A. E. (1998). Maritime economics: Management and marketing. London: S. Thornes. 2. Cullinane, K. (2011). International handbook of maritime economics. UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. 3. Grammenos, C. T. (2010). The handbook of maritime economics and business. London: Lloyd’s List. 4. Stopford, M. (2009). Maritime economics, 3rd Ed. UK: Taylor & Francis. 5. Talley, W. K. (2012). The blackwell companion to maritime economics. New York: John Wiley & Sons. 388 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Sains dan Teknologi Maritim OSEANOGRAFI TMT 3263 OCEANOGRAPHY TMT 3263 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The aim of this course is to provide students with fundamental knowledge on oceanography which covers plate tectonics and the ocean floor, marine provinces, marine sediments, properties of seawater, air-sea interaction, ocean circulation, waves, tides and tsunami. On completion of this course, students should be able to comprehend fundamental knowledge of oceanography, assess how oceanographic conditions affects operations of underwater weapons and sensors, predict the changes in sea and weather conditions, interpret oceanographic data and their influence on naval operations. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Comprehend the fundamental knowledge of Oceanography. 2. Apply the knowledge of Oceanography onboard RMN’s ship and maritime agencies. 3. Analyse the processes and phenomena on Oceanography which affect the nature and behavior of the marine Earth. 4. Develop understanding of Oceanography onboard RMN’s ships and maritime agencies. 5. Synthesise and evaluate a solution to a case or problem in the Oceanography. References 1. Abel, D. C. (2002). Environmental issues in oceanography. New Jersey : Pearson Prentice Hall. 2. Duxbury, A. B. & Duxbury, A. C. (1996). Fundamentals of oceanography. Boston : McGraw Hill. 3. Garrison, T. (2012). Essentials of oceanography. Canada: Thomson Brooks/Cole. 4. Garrison, T. (2007). Oceanography. An invitation to Marine Science. Canada : Thomson Brooks/Cole. 5. Thorpe, S. A. (1996). Oceanography an illustrated guide. New York : John Wiley & Sons. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 389 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN SAINS NAVIGASI II TMT 2153 NAVIGATION SCIENCE II TMT 2153 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course is a continuation of Navigation Science I which includes methods of fixing in the restricted and coastal waters. The students shall be able to fix the position, calculate the rate and direction of tidal stream, calculate the true course and speed, the compass course, calculate relative course and speed, calculate the time to intercept, calculate the closest point of approach and evaluate the risk of collision between ships and take necessary actions to avoid the collisions. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Comprehend advance knowledge on Navigation Science. 2. Apply the techniques of radar navigation in restricted and coastal waters. 3. Analyse and provide solution to relative velocity problems. 4. Develop competency in radar navigation at the Ship Navigation Simulator. 5. Present a navigation passage plan to foreign ports and for maritime operation. References 1. Cunliffe, T. (2006). Celestial Navigation. USA : Wiley Publication. 2. Karl, J. (2009). Celestial Navigation In The GPS Age. USA : Paradise Cay Publication. 3. Morehouse, J. M. (2010). Navigation Rules International-Inland. USCG : Paradise Cay Publication. 4. Pusat Hidrografi Negara. (2012). Malaysian Tide Table Vol I Kuala Lumpur : PHN. 5. Royal Navy. (1999). Admiralty Manual of Navigation Vol I London: HMSO. 390 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Sains dan Teknologi Maritim SISTEM ELEKTRIKAL DAN ELEKTRONIK PERSENJATAAN TMT 3243 WEAPON ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEM TMT 3243 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course should provide students with the knowledge on electrical and electronic weapon system which includes electromagnetic waves, radar, tracking system, electronic combat system, underwater system, and weapon guidance. On completion of the course, the students should be able to comprehend and apply the principle of weapon electrical and electronic system onboard ships. The students should be able to understand weapon systems onboard ship and their applications to optimize the use of weapons onboard ships. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Comprehend the theory of electromagnetic wave, radar, underwater sound and weapon control systems. 2. Describe the basic application of electromagnetic wave, radar and underwater sound in naval weapon systems. 3. Explain the fundamental of weapon guidance system. 4. Differentiate the capability of a given combat system. References 1. Arnold. E. (2009). Understanding radar: The ABC of how radar systems work. USA: Acker. 2. Kong. J.A. (2008). Electromagnetic wave theory. Cambridge: EMW Publishing. 3. Lurton. X. (2010). An introduction to underwater acoustic. 2nd Ed. USA: Springer. 4. Payne. C. (2006). Principle of naval weapon system. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press. 5. George. M. (2004). Missile guidance and control systems. USA: Springer UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 391 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN HIDROGRAFI TMT 3223 HYDROGRAPHY TMT 3223 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The aim of this course is to provide students with fundamental knowledge on hydrographic surveying which covers basic knowledge of the geographical, geological and geophysical features of the seabed and coast, as well the currents, tides and certain physical properties of the sea water. On completion of this course, students should be able to comprehend fundamental knowledge of hydrographic surveying, assess how hydrographic surveying data be properly processed so that the nature of the sea bottom, its geographical relationship with the land and the characteristic and dynamics of the ocean can be accurately depicted in all zones of national shipping. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Comprehend fundamental and advance technologies in hydrographic surveying. 2. Apply the knowledge of hydrographic surveying onboard RMN’s ship and maritime agencies. 3. Analyse and provide solution to problems and issues in hydrographic surveying. 4. Develop competency of hydrographic surveying onboard RMN’s ships and maritime agencies 5. Provide a solution to a case or problem in the hydrographic surveying References 1. Glover, W. (2004). Charting Northern Waters. Canada : McGill-Queen’s 2. International Federation of Surveyors (2007). FIG Guide on the Development of a Vertical Reference Surface for Hydrography.Monaco : IHB 3. International Hydrographic Organisation (2008). IHO Standards for Hydrographic Surveys, Special Publication No. 44, 5th Edition . Monaco: IHB 4. International Hydrographic Organisation (2005). Manual on Hydrography, 1st Edition. Monaco : IHB 5. International Hydrographic Organisation (2004). Standards of Competence for Hydrographic Surveyors, 9th Edition. Monaco : IHB 392 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Sains dan Teknologi Maritim BIOTEKNOLOGI PERSEKITARAN MARIN TMT 3193 MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY TMT 3193 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course aims to provide students with fundamental knowledge on the use of biotechnological approach to solve biofouling, corrosion and oil spill and its associated limitations. It also covers the role of microorganisms in marine bio-film, bio-remediation and marine bio-sensors. On completion of this course, students should be able to comprehend fundamental knowledge of the role of marine microorganisms in marine biotechnological applications, evaluate and recommend solutions based on biotechnology application to aid monitoring and removal of pollutants in marine environments with ethical and responsible practice. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Identify the different types of marine environment related problems, its causative agents and applications of biotechnology. 2. Comprehend the role of various marine microorganisms in marine biotechnological applications. 3. Probe methods of manipulating microorganisms to solve marine environmental problem. 4. Evaluate and recommend solutions based on biotechnology to help in monitoring and removing pollutants in marine environments. 5. Apply ethical and responsible practice in solving marine environmental problems using biotechnology. References 1. Allen, M. J., & Jaspars, M. (2009). Realising the Potential of Marine Biotechnology – Challenges and Opportunities. Industrial Biotechnology 5(2), 77-83. 2. Burgess, J. G. (2012). New and Emerging Analytical Techniques for Marine Biotechnology. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 23 (1), 29-33. 3. Blunt, J. W., Copp, B. R., Keyzers, R. A., Munro, M. H. G., & Prinsep, M. R. (2012). Marine natural products. Natural Product Reports 29 (2), 144-222. 4. Cock, J. M., Tessmar-Raible, K., Boyen, C., & Viard, F. (2010). Introduction to Marine Genomics. New York: Springer. 5. Le Gal, Y., & Halvorson, H. O. (2010). New Developments in Marine Biotechnology. New York: Springer. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 393 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN PENCEMARAN MARIN TMT 3183 MARINE POLLUTION TMT 3183 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The aim of this course is to expose students to an interdisciplinary study of marine pollution, with emphasis on pollutants perceived as threats to marine ecosystems. The lectures will focus on pollutant sources & routes, their behaviour in the marine environment, their effects on marine organisms and human health and the various approaches to marine pollution control. On completion of this course, students should be able to develop a detailed understanding of the environmental impacts of marine operations system, the major categories of anthropogenic impacts on marine systems and the mechanisms of effect, sources, and environmental fates of pollutants. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Identify and distinguish sources of marine pollution. 2. Assess and suggest corrective measures for the different types of marine pollutants 3. Assess the conformity of marine operations system with local and international environmental regulations 4. Evaluate the environmental impacts of marine system operations 5. Analyse the fate and behaviour of various marine pollutants including metals and organic pollutants 6. Interpret and produce environmental statement report pertinent to real-life scenarios References 1. Brebbia, C. A. (2012). Water Pollution: XI. Southampton: WIT Press. 2. Hester, R. E., & Harrison, R. M. (2011). Marine Pollution and Human Health. Cambridge: RSC Publishing. 3. Hill., M. K. (2010). Understanding Environmental Pollution. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 4. Hofer, T. N. (2008). Marine Pollution: New Research. New York: Nova Science Publishers. 5. Thomas, S. V. (2008). Water Pollution Issues and Developments. New York: Nova Science Publishers. 394 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 FAKULTI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN JABATAN SAINS PERTAHANAN BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Sains Pertahanan SENARAI KAKITANGAN AKADEMIK PROFESOR Prof. Dr. Abdul Ghapor bin Hussin B.Sc. (Hons.)(UM), M.Sc. (Statistic)(Leeds), Ph.D. (Statistic)(Sheffield) Prof. Dr. Muhd Zu Azhan bin Yahya B.Sc. (Hons.)(Physics)(UM), M.Sc. (Solid State Ionic)(UM), Ph.D. (Advanced Material)(UM) Prof. Dr. Noorddin bin Ibrahim B.Sc. (Hons.)(Physics)(UM), M.Sc.(Nuclear & Elementry Particle Physics)(London), Ph.D. (London) Prof. Dato’ Dr. Wan Md Zin bin Wan Yunus B.Sc. (Chemistry)(UKM), Postgraduate Dip. (Chemistry)(Kelsterton College, UK), M.Sc. (Analytical)(Salford, UK), Ph.D. (Salford, UK), D.P.S.K. PENSYARAH KANAN Dr. Noor Azilah binti Mohd Kasim B.Sc. (Chemistry)(UKM), M.Sc. (Chemistry)(UKM), Ph.D. (Chemistry)(UKM) UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 397 FAKULTI PENGAJIAN DAN PENGURUSAN PERTAHANAN BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI 2014/2015 FAKULTI PENGAJIAN DAN PENGURUSAN PERTAHANAN KATA-KATA ALUAN DEKAN Assalamualaikum w.r.t. w.b.t dan Salam Sejahtera Saya mengucapkan sekalung tahniah kepada pelajar yang berjaya mendapat tempat di Fakulti Pengajian dan Pengurusan Pertahanan atau nama singkatannya FPPP. Pelajar FPPP adalah pelajar yang berkebolehan dalam bidang pembangunan sumber manusia dan pengajian strategi secara optimumnya membentuk kecemerlangan leaders of character. Saya amat berharap para pelajar berusaha bersungguh-sungguh supaya cemerlang dalam program yang diceburi. Tanamkan rasa syukur dan iltizam yang tinggi kerana diberi peluang meneruskan pengajian di UPNM dalam bidang yang telah saudara/saudari pilih demi menggalas cita-cita, untuk pembangunan kerjaya dan memenuhi harapan ibu/bapa serta Negara yang tercinta. Hargai pengorbanan ibu bapa yang ingin melihat kejayaan saudara/saudari dalam menggenggam segulung ijazah. Kecemerlangan pelajar adalah merupakan fokus utama staf di fakulti ini. Atas kesedaran ini, maka wajar bagi saya menyeru para pelajar dapat memanfaatkan peluang yang disediakan oleh Universiti demi masa depan saudara dan saudari semua. Tekun dalam pengajaran dan berjaya dalam pengajian adalah matlamat pelajar yang harus digenggam erat. Peluang yang ada jangan dipersiakan dengan mengambil sikap sambil lewa terhadap pengajian. Sekiranya saudara/saudari mempunyai seribu masalah, segeralah dapat berbincang dengan ahli fakulti. Pada dasarnya, buku panduan Fakulti Pengajian dan Pengurusan Pertahanan diterbitkan dengan tujuan memberi panduan dan maklumat kepada pelajar berkenaan dengan dua penawaran program Fakulti iaitu Sarjana Muda Pengurusan Sumber Manusia Pertahanan (ZP45) dan Sarjana Muda Pengajian Strategi (ZP44). Akhir kata, sekali lagi saya mengucapkan tahniah dan saya berharap para pelajar dapat mengikuti program ini dengan jayanya. Sekian, PROF. DATO’ DR WAN HASHIM BIN WAN TEH Dekan 400 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 FAKULTI PENGAJIAN DAN PENGURUSAN PERTAHANAN VISI Menjadikan Fakulti sebuah institusi pengajian dan penyelidikan dalam bidang Pengajian Strategik dan Pengurusan Sumber Manusia melalui pendidikan dan penyelidikan pertahanan. MISI Mewujudkan graduan dan komuniti Fakulti yang berketerampilan dari segi ilmu, sahsiah dan teknologi dalam bidang pengajian strategik dan pengurusan sumber manusia melalui pengajaran dan penyelidikan serta pengurusan dan perkhidmatan yang berkualiti dan inovatif. OBJEKTIF i. Kemampuan mengurus sumber manusia pertahanan dan mereka bentuk strategi pertahanan dengan mengambil kira sumber dan keadaan semasa yang sesuai. ii. Kemampuan untuk mengkaji kaedah penyelesaian dan membuat keputusan secara inovatif dan kreatif dalam menangani permasalahan yang dihadapi menggunakan pengetahuan matematik, sains,teknologi, dan ilmu asas dan pengkhususan. iii. Mendapatkan pengetahuan dan kemahiran baru serta menganalisis pengetahuan yang inovatif. iv. Memahami peranan dan tanggungjawab melalui kepakaran dan kemampuan untuk menyumbang kepada negara dan masyarakat melaui khidmat nasihat, pandangan dan analisa terhadap isu-isu terkini. v. Mempunyai kerohanian dan akhlak yang mulia, bertindak mengikut etika dan menjalankan tugas. vi. dengan menunjukkan kepakaan terhadap keselamatan dan alam sekitar. vii. Memahami peranan dan tanggungjawab mereka dalam melindungi kesejahteraan orang awam dengan mengambil tindakan kolaborasi dalam pasukan multi-disiplin. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 401 FAKULTI PENGAJIAN DAN PENGURUSAN PERTAHANAN LATAR BELAKANG FAKULTI PENGAJIAN DAN PENGURUSAN PERTAHANAN 1. Dikenali sebagai Jabatan Pengurusan dan Pengajian Am semasa di bawah Akademi Tentera Malaysia (ATMA). 2. Pada Disember 2006, Jabatan Pengurusan dan Pengajian Am telah ditukarkan menjadi Fakulti Pengajian dan Pengurusan Pertahanan selaras dengan kelulusan oleh Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi. 3. FPPP telah ditubuhkan selaras dengan kewujudan UPNM dalam bulan Februari 2007. 4. Pada awal penubuhan, Fakulti Pengajian dan Pengurusan Pertahanan terletak di Tingkat 8 Bangunan Bestari dengan mempunyai 13 orang Pensyarah dan 3 orang staf pentadbiran dan kini beroperasi di tempat baharu tingkat 3, Bangunan Lestari. 5. Sehingga kini FPPP menawarkan dua (2) program di peringkat Ijazah Sarjana Muda iaitu Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengurusan Sumber Manusia Pertahanan dan Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengajian Strategi. 6. FPPP ditubuhkan dengan harapan untuk membantu negara melahirkan modal insan yang mempunyai kemahiran ketenteraan yang cekap menggunakan kecanggihan teknologi bagi menjayakan cabaran Wawasan 2020 dan prinsip terakhir Islam Hadhari. Oleh yang demikian, Jabatan Pengajian Strategi dan Jabatan Pengurusan Sumber Manusia Pertahanan di FPPP adalah ke arah memahami dengan lebih mendalam tentang operasi ketenteraan dalam aspek pengurusan sumber manusia dan pengajian strategik. 7. Kini, Fakulti Pengajian dan Pengurusan Pertahanan terletak di Tingkat 3 Bangunan Lestari dengan mempunyai 58 orang Pensyarah dan 12 orang staf pentadbiran. 8. FPPP Terdiri daripada tiga (3) program iaitu: i. Program Pengurusan Sumber Manusia Pertahanan. ii. Program Pengajian Strategi iii. Program Kenegaraan, Kepemimpinan dan Ketamadunan 402 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 FAKULTI PENGAJIAN DAN PENGURUSAN PERTAHANAN PROGRAM YANG DITAWARKAN Program-program yang ditawarkan di bawah Fakulti Pengajian dan Pengurusan Pertahanan adalah seperti berikut: i. Sarjana Muda Pengajian Strategi (ZP44) ii. Sarjana Muda Pengurusan Sumber Manusia Pertahanan (ZP45) CARTA ORGANISASI PENGURUSAN AKADEMIK FAKULTI PENGAJIAN DAN PENGURUSAN PERTAHANAN DEKAN SETIAUSAHA PEJABAT TIMBALAN DEKAN I KETUA JABATAN PENGURUSAN SUMBER MANUSIA PERTAHANAN TIMBALAN DEKAN II KETUA JABATAN PENGAJIAN STRATEGI KETUA JABATAN KENEGARAAN, KEPEMIMPINAN DAN KETAMADUNAN UNIT PENTADBIRAN DAN AKADEMIK PENOLONG PENDAFTAR KANAN PEGAWAI PENYELIDIK SOSIAL PEN. PEGAWAI TADBIR PEMBANTU TADBIR PEMBANTU TADBIR PEMBANTU TADBIR PENOLONG PENDAFTAR PEMBANTU TADBIR PEMBANTU TADBIR PEMBANTU TADBIR PEMBANTU OPERASI UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 403 FAKULTI PENGAJIAN DAN PENGURUSAN PERTAHANAN SENARAI KAKITANGAN PENTADBIRAN FAKULTI PENGAJIAN DAN PENGURUSAN PERTAHANAN Dekan Prof Dato’ Dr. Wan Hashim Bin Wan Teh BA, MA (Monash) PhD (Manchester), DPMP. JSM. PPT. JP Timbalan Dekan I Prof. Dr. Jegak Anak Uli Bs. Agriculture, Ms. (Programme Planning)(Ohio University) , Ph.D. (Development Mgmt.) (UM) Timbalan Dekan II Kol Abdul Latif Bin Harun (Bersara) M.A (UKM), Dip. PSK (UKM), Grad Dip. Mngt. Studies (Aust), psc (Aust), mpat Ketua Jabatan Pengajian Strategi Lt Kol Mohd Zaini Bin Salleh Dip In Strategic and Defence Studies (UM), BA (Hons) Southeast Asian Studies (UM), MA Analysis Policy and Security Studies (UKM) Ketua Jabatan Pengurusan Sumber Manusia Pertahanan Lt Kol Ananthan S. Subramaniam (Bersara) Dip Mgmt Sc (INTAN), M Sc Mgmt. (UUM) Ketua Jabatan Kenegaraan, Kepemimpinan dan Ketamadunan Prof Madya Dr. Sayuti Bin Ab Ghani B.A (Hons) Islamic Studies (UKM), M.A. Law of Islamic Property (UM), PhD Law of Islamic Property (UM) Penolong Pendaftar Kanan En. Sharizal Bin Mansor B. (Comm.)(UPM), M. (Corporate Comm.)(UPM) Penolong Pendaftar Pn. Rohaya Binti Baharum @ Harun B.Soc.Sc. (Hons.)(USM) Pegawai Penyelidik Sosial Mej Amsharazzi bin Abdul bin Abdul Razak TUDM (Bersara) B. Mgmt.(Tech.) (Hons.)(UTM) 404 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 FAKULTI PENGAJIAN DAN PENGURUSAN PERTAHANAN KURSUS TERAS FAKULTI Kursus Teras Fakulti wajib diambil oleh semua pelajar Program Sarjana Muda di bawah Fakulti Pengajian dan Pengurusan Pertahanan sebanyak 12 kredit sepertimana berikut: CODE COURSE CREDIT DFM 1XX3 Research Methodology 3 DFM 1103 Introduction to Strategic Management 3 DFM 2032 Defence Technology 2 DRM 3XX3 Civil Military Relations 2 DRM 2XX3 Future Trends in Defence Management 2 Total 12 UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 405 FAKULTI PENGAJIAN DAN PENGURUSAN PERTAHANAN SINOPSIS KURSUS TERAS FAKULTI PENGAJIAN DAN PENGURUSAN PERTAHANAN KAEDAH PENYELIDIKAN DFM 1XX3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY DFM 1XX3 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course will enable students to explore the various types of research and associated issues. In addition to being exposed to the knowledge of the key concepts and techniques in business research, the students and required to do one research project in same semester in order to have better understanding of the steps in research process. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Introduce students to the role of applied research, using primary and secondary data in business. 2. Become familiar with the methods and collecting data. 3. Develop the capacity to analyze and interpret data. 4. Examine the scientific principles supporting research 5. Be able to effectively communicate research results 6. To expose the student to the basic concepts and method in research as an aid to make decision in business. References 1. Wiliam G. Zikmund (2001) Business Researh Method 7th Edition, Dreyden. 2. Davis, Cosenza (1993) Business Research For Decision Making 3rd Edition, Wadsworth 3. Uma Sekaran (2003) Research Methods for Business 4th Edition Wiley 406 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 FAKULTI PENGAJIAN DAN PENGURUSAN PERTAHANAN PENGENALAN KEPADA PENGURUSAN STRATEGIK DFM 1103 INTRODUCTION TO STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT DFM 1103 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course aims to provide students with an important skill to be utilized as commanders and managers. The study of strategic management focuses on the systematic and realistic application of an integrated approach in managing an organization. The course will cover the various stages of the strategic management process enacting /planning, implementation, evaluation and control. Further the student shall be trained on the following: 1. Exposed to the concept of strategic management competitiveness and managing organizations to meet mission and objectives. 2. Provide a framework for strategy formulation and implementation. 3. Provide an understanding of the challenges of implementing strategies. 4. Understand the process of strategy evaluation and management control. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Understand the role and function of strategic management in managing organizations. 2. Understand and apply the concept and theories of strategic management for dynamic decision making. 3. Understand and analyse the internal and external environment in building scenarios for informed decision making. 4. Understand and utilise management tools like SWOT, TOWS, SPACE models for evaluation and decision making. 5. Understand the constraints and issues in implementing strategic decision. References 1. David F.R. (2005). Strategic Management, Concepts and Cases, 10th ed. New Jersey: Pearson international. 2. Dess / Lumpkin / Eisner, Strategic Management- Creating Competitive Advantages, Fifth Edition, McGraw Hill International Edition, 2010. 3. John A.Pearce II, Richard B Robinson, Strategic Management – Formulation Implementation and Control, Twelfth Edition, McGraw Hill International Edition, 2011. 4. Micheal H. Duane I. & Hoskiisonl R. (2005), Strategic Management, Competitiveness and Globalization, 6th ed. Thomson South Western. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 407 FAKULTI PENGAJIAN DAN PENGURUSAN PERTAHANAN TEKNOLOGI PERTAHANAN DFM 2032 DEFENCE TECHNOLOGY DFM 2032 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The aim of the course is to highlight the growing importance of technology in warfare and how technology can act as combat multiplier in battles. The students will be exposed to the latest development in weapons, telecommunications, surveillance and other aspects of military technology and their possible impacts on strategic and tactical planning. A section will also be devoted to discussing the technologies of chemical, biological and nuclear warfare. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Define and express the concept of technology in defense and able to relate with present warfare. 2. Define and express the current military technology in warfare as combat multiplier. 3. Relate military technology with their possible impacts on strategic and tactical planning. 4. Work in a team or individually to elaborate on certain subject matter related to defense and technology References 1. Dunnigan, J. F. (2003). How to Make War, 4th ed. New York, Quill: Harper Collins Publisher in. 2. Lee, T.W. (2009). Military Technologies of The World. Volume 1 & 2, New York: Greenwood Publishing Group, Westport. 3. Military Technology. Bonn Germany : Monch Publishing Group. 408 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 FAKULTI PENGAJIAN DAN PENGURUSAN PERTAHANAN TREND PENGURUSAN PERTAHANAN MASA HADAPAN DRM 3XX3 FUTURE TRENDS IN DEFENCE MANAGEMENT DRM 3XX3 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course will look at future trends in defense management by analyzing the current development in defense technology, strategies and tactics, the emergence of new threats, the challenges posed by asymmetrical warfare, the increased involvement of women and civilians in defense and military sectors, and the status and utility of war as a foreign policy instrument. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Understand current developments in defense technology, warfare, strategies and tactics. 2. Be familiar with the concepts of RMA, NCW, Joint Warfare, and Military Operations Other Than War (MOOTW). 3. Be familiar with the emergence of new threats and the challenges they pose. References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Balker, R.J. (2007). Transforming Military Force, London: Praeger Secuirty Int. Gray, S.C. (2006). Strategy and History, London: (Routledge). Mandeles, M.D. (2005). The Future of War, Virginia, USA: Potomac Books. Moskos, C.C. (2000). The Post Modern Military, London: Oxford University Press. Sarkesian, S, C., & Connor, R.E (2006), The US Military Profession into the 21st century, London: Routledge. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 409 FAKULTI PENGAJIAN DAN PENGURUSAN PERTAHANAN HUBUNGAN TENTERA AWAM DRM 3XX3 CIVIL MILITARY RELATIONS DRM 3XX3 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The focus of the course is to outline the various theories and principles that govern civilmilitary relations. Students will be taught the multitude of roles that could be played by the military, the influence of political culture in shaping civil-military relations in certain selected countries, the involvement of the military in politics; and the effectiveness of the military as an instrument of nation building. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Introduce the basic theoretical perspective of CMR. 2. Discuss the military profession and the modern military. 3. Discuss the military in civilian society. 4. Discuss the MAF contribution in CMR. References 1. Constantine Panos Danopoulos, Dhirendra K. Vajpeyi, & Amir Bar-Or. (2004). CivilMilitary Relations, Nation Building, and National Identity: Comparative Perspectives. UK: Greenwood Publishing Group. 2. Escott, P. D. (2006). Military Necessity: Civil-Military Relations in the Confederacy (In War and in Peace: U.S: Civil-Military Relations), Praeger Security International. Westport: Connecticut. 3. Plamen Pantev, Valeri Ratchev, Todor Tagarev, & Viara Zaprianova.(2005). Civil Military Relations And Democratic Control Of The Security Sector.. Bulgaria: ProCon Ltd. 4. Zakaria Ahmad, Harold C. (1985). Military-Civilian Relations In South East Asia. New York: Oxford University Press 410 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 FAKULTI PENGAJIAN DAN PENGURUSAN PERTAHANAN JABATAN PENGAJIAN STRATEGI BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI 2014/2015 FAKULTI PENGAJIAN DAN PENGURUSAN PERTAHANAN SENARAI KAKITANGAN AKADEMIK PROFESOR Dato’ Dr. Hamzah Bin Ahmad Dip in Law (Institute of Social Studies), M.A. (Law & Diplomacy)(Medford, Boston, USA), Ph.D. (International Relations & International Law)(Medford, Boston , USA) Dr. Teh Yik Koon B.A. (Hons.)(Law & Sociology)(University of Kent at Canterbury), M.A. (Sociology)(University of Kent at Canterbury), Ph.D. (Sociology/Criminology)(LSE) Ruhanas Binti Harun Dip. Political Studies (IEP Paris), Dip. Terjemahan (UM), B.A. (Hons.)(International Relations) (UM), M.A. (International Relations)(University of Sorbonne, Paris) FELO UTAMA Lt Kol Ahmad Ghazali Bin Abu Hassan (Bersara) PG Dip. International Relations (Lancaster), LL.M. (International Law)(Lancaster), M.Sc. (Defense Studies)(Madras) PROFESOR MADYA Dr. Radziah Binti Abdul Rahim Dip. Public Administration (ITM), Adv. Dip. TESL (ITM), B.A. (Hons.)(Public Administration) (UUM), M.A. (International Relations)(Keele), Ph.D. (International Relations) (Keele) Dr. Wan Norhasniah Binti Wan Husin B.A. (Hons.)(Islamic Studies)(IIUM), M.A. (Islamic Politics)(UM), Ph.D. (Ethnic Politics)(UM) FELO KANAN Kol Ramli H Nik (Bersara) Dip. Int. Rel. (Lanc UK), PAT SMT DSN KMN, M.A (Lanc UK), Post Graduate Dr. Abdul Razak Bin Ahmad LL.B. (Hons.)(IIUM), LL.M. (University of Kent at Canterbury), Grad. Dip. (World Trade Institute), Ph.D. (Law)(University of Leeds) Dr. Aruna Devi Gopinath B.A. (UM), M.A. (UM), Ph.D. (Uni Philippines), Diliman 412 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Pengajian Strategi Lt Kol Ajaya Kumar (Bersara) KAT PJK PJM PNBB (TIMOR TIMUR) PPS PPA UN (UNTAET) psc, MBA (UIAM), Elie Wiesel Ethics Award (UNAMET) PENSYARAH KANAN Kolonel Abdul Latif Bin Harun (Bersara) M.A (UKM), Dip. PSK (UKM), Grad Dip. Mngt.Studies (Aust), psc (Aust), mpat Kol Sofian Bin Kamaruddin (Bersara) PAT PCM PKK KMN KAT AMN PJK PNBB (Sahara Barat) psc, M.A Sejarah Tentera (Leeds) Lt Kol Noor Akmar Bin Mohd Noor (Bersara) Adv. Dip. In Strategic & Security Studies (UKM), M.A. (Analysis Policy & Security Studies) (UKM) Mior Roslan bin Dato Haji Mior Mohd Jaafar Dip. in Strategic & Security Studies (UKM), Adv. Diploma Strategic & Security Studies (UK), M. (Strategic & Defence Studies)(UM), Certificate in Company Administration (CiCA)(UIAM) Lt Kol Mohd Zaini bin Salleh Dip. in Strategic & Security Studies (UKM), B.A. (Hons.)(Southeast Asian Studies)(UM), M.A. (Analysis Policy & Security Studies)(UKM) Dr. Adam Leong Kok Wey B.B.A. (Hons.)(UKM), M. (Strategic & Defence Studies)(UM), Ph.D. (Strategic Studies) (Reading) Lt. Kol. Jamal Rodzi Bin Dahari Dip. In Strategic Studies (UM) psc M. Enforcement Law (UiTM), LL.B (Hons) (UiTM), Advocate & Solicitor, KAT PJM PPA Lt Kol Azrin Iskandar bin Zulkaply LLB (Hons) (UiTM), Master of Mgmt in Def Studies (Australia), KAT AMN PJM PPS PPA Puan Salma Binti Yusof Bac. (Hons.)(Laws)(IIUM), M. (Comparative Laws)(IIUM) UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 413 FAKULTI PENGAJIAN DAN PENGURUSAN PERTAHANAN PENSYARAH Herlin Anak Aman* B.A (Hons.)(Political Science)(UKM), M.A. (Political Science)(UKM) Norhazlina Fairuz Binti Musa Kutty* B.Soc.Sc. (International Relations)(Unimas), M.Soc.Sc. (Strategic Analysis & Security Studies)(UKM) Cik Fatimah Binti Kuzi B.A. (Hons.)(Intaff )(UUM), M.Sc. (Strategic Studies)(UUM) Lt Kdr Mazura Binti Md Saman (Bersara) LL.B (Hons.)(UIA), Sarjana Undang-undang Perbandingan (UIA) TUTOR Nur Hazlina Binti Saad B.A. (Hons.)(Media Studies), M.Soc.Sc. (Strategic Analysis & Security Studies)(UKM) Tharishini a/p Krishnan* B.A. (Hons.)(Social Science)(UKM), M.Soc.Sc. (Strategic &Security Analysis)(UKM) *Cuti Belajar/Dipinjamkan 414 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Pengajian Strategi OBJEKTIF DAN HASIL PEMBELAJARAN PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA PENGAJIAN STRATEGI (ZP44) Objektif Pembelajaran Program Programme Educational Objectives (PEO) PEO1 Intellectual Excellence Graduates to possess knowledge mastery and intellectual competency including analytical and logical thinking, professional competencies and management skills. PEO2 Leadership Excellence Graduates to possess value based leadership skills which uses personal attributes and leadership for decision making in the military environment. PEO3 Profession of Arms Graduates to possess the expertise required by the military profession. Hasil Pembelajaran Program Programme Outcomes (PO) (a)Technical Knowledge and Competencies Code Intended Learning Outcomes Teaching and Learning Methods Assessment PO1 Ability to acquire, develop and apply knowledge and skills through research and related field in strategic studies. (Knowledge) Lectures, tutorial, PBL, seminars, active learning, independent study Examinations, presentations, problembased exercises, project reports, quizzes PO2 Ability to use research models in developing innovative and creative solutions for strategic decision making. (Practical) Lectures, practical classes, case studies, group projects, PSM Examinations, reports, presentations, assignments, rubric, individual reports PO3 Ability to exercise command responsibility & mentoring to achieve leadership excellence. (Leadership) Religious training, programmed for instilling ethical values, confidence building measures Individual performance reports PO4 Ability to apply high ethical standards and posses self-esteem as a professional. (Ethics & Professionalism) Lectures, command course, team building Individual performance evaluation UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 415 FAKULTI PENGAJIAN DAN PENGURUSAN PERTAHANAN Teaching and Learning Methods Code Intended Learning Outcomes PO5 Ability to respond and adapt to changing situations with special attention to the ability to use values, norms and principles of the MAF. (Environmental Awareness) Lectures, group assignments, final year project, independence project, MAF attachment Written assignments, project reports, essays, PSM reports, MAF assessment, logbooks PO6 Ability to understand element of strategic studies, public policy, administration, business and entrepreneurship. (Entrepreneurship) Lectures, assignment, group projects Project reports, assignments PO7 To develop social, interpersonal relations and communication skills to make a confident and capable graduate. (Communication) Lectures, tutorials, independent studies, public speaking Oral presentations, written reports PO8 Ability to develop skills acquisition and application of new knowledge for self-development. (Life-long Learning) PSM, independent study PSM reports, assignments 416 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Assessment Jabatan Pengajian Strategi SARJANA MUDA PENGAJIAN STRATEGI (ZP44) STRUKTUR PROGRAM DAN JUMLAH KREDIT KEPERLUAN PROGRAM Program Sarjana Muda Pengajian Strategi (ZP44) Jumlah keperluan kredit yang perlu dipenuhi untuk bergraduat adalah seperti mana jadual di bawah dalam tempoh pengajian enam (6) semester lazim (3 tahun) dan memperolehi Purata Nilai Gred Kumulatif (PNGK) ≥2.00. Pecahan kursus yang perlu diambil adalah seperti berikut: KREDIT KURSUS (AWAM/KADET Kursus Universiti: i. Kursus Teras Universiti ii. Kursus Elektif Universiti 24 6 Kursus Teras Program: i. Teras Fakulti ii. Teras Program 12 45 Kursus Elektif Program 33 JUMLAH KREDIT UNTUK BERGRADUAT 120 KURSUS TERAS PROGRAM Senarai Kursus Teras Program Yang Perlu Dipenuhi (45 Kredit): CODE COURSE CREDIT DIS 1113 Modern World History 3 3 DIS 1123 Theories and Approaches in International Relations DIS 2083 Diplomacy and Diplomatic Practice 3 DIS 2093 Non- Traditional Security Issues 3 DIS 2103 International Law 3 DIS 2113 War and Conflict 3 DIS 3016 Academic Paper 6 DIS 3023 Comparative Defence and Foreign Policy 3 DIS 3033 Strategic Thought 3 DIS 3063 Philosophy of Warfare 3 DIS 3073 Counter Insurgency Warfare 3 DIS 3083 Psychological Warfare 3 DIS 3193 Seminar in Strategic Studies 3 DIS 3093 Peacekeeping 3 Total 45 UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 417 FAKULTI PENGAJIAN DAN PENGURUSAN PERTAHANAN KURSUS ELEKTIF PROGRAM Senarai Kursus dan jumlah Kursus Elektif Program (33 Kredit) : CODE 418 COURSE CREDIT DIS 3043 Development of Airpower 3 DIS 3053 Naval and Maritime Strategy 3 DIS 3103 Criminal Behaviour, War Crimes and Terrorism 3 DIS 3123 Asymmetrical Warfare 3 DIS 3133 Security Issues in Southeast Asia 3 DIS 3153 Security in Globalization 3 DIS 3163 Government and Politics in Southeast Asia 3 DIS 3113 Malaysia Foreign Policy 3 DIS 3143 Major Power in Asian and Regional Security 3 DIS 3173 International Political Economy 3 DIS3183 Security and Development Studies 3 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Pengajian Strategi STRUKTUR KURIKULUM PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA PENGAJIAN STRATEGI (ZP44) TAHUN PERTAMA SEMESTER 1 Code Course SEMESTER 2 Credit Code Course Credit 3 Introduction to Strategic Studies 2 DFM 1103 Introduction to Strategic Management DIS 1113 Modern World History 3 DIS 2083 Diplomacy and Diplomatic Practice 3 DIS 1123 Theories and Approaches in International Relations 3 DIS 2093 Non-Traditional Security Issues 3 DUS 2072 Military Law and Laws of Armed Conflict 2 LAN 1042 Acculturisation of Entrepreneurship 2 DUS1062 Military History 2 LAN 1012 Islamic And Asian Civilization 2 DUS 2022 LAN 2012 Nationhood in World Politics 2 DUM 2062 Effective Leadership 2 LEL 1022 English For Academic Writing 2 LEL 1012 English For Oral Communication 2 LFL 1XX2 Foreign Language 1 PSK1012 Human Movement Science 2 LAN1032 Ethnic Relation 2 LFL 1XX2 Foreign Language 1 1 ALK1021/ PLS1021 LKU*/PALAPES** 1 ALK1011/ PLS1011 LKU*/PALAPES** TOTAL 20 TOTAL 21 TAHUN KEDUA SEMESTER 3 SEMESTER 4 Code Course Credit Code Course Credit DFM 1XX3 Research Methodology 3 DRM 3XX3 Civil Military Relations 2 2 International Law 3 DRM 3XX3 Future Trends in Defence Management DIS 2113 War and Conflict 3 DIS 3063 Philosophy of Warfare 3 DIS 3023 Comparative Defence and Foreign Policy 3 DIS 3073 Counter Insurgency Warfare 3 DIS 3033 Strategic Thought 3 DIS 3053 Naval and Maritime Strategy 3 DFM 2032 Defence Technology 2 DIS 3083 Psychological Warfare 3 DIS 3163 Government and Politics in Southeast Asia 3 ALK2021/ PLS2021 LKU*/PALAPES** 1 DIS 2103 ALK2011/ PLS2011 LKU*/PALAPES** TOTAL 1 18 TOTAL 20 Jumlah kredit bertanda( * ) adalah untuk pegawai kadet Jumlah kredit bertanda( ** ) adalah untuk pelajar Palapes. (Untuk kursus Ko-Kurikulum bagi pelajar awam perlu mengambil 6 Kredit dalam tempoh pengajian) UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 419 FAKULTI PENGAJIAN DAN PENGURUSAN PERTAHANAN TAHUN KETIGA SEMESTER 5 SEMESTER 6 Code Course Credit Code Course Credit DIS 3113 Malaysia Foreign Relation 3 DIS 3016 Academic Paper 6 DIS 3183 Malaysian Security and Development Studies 3 DIS 3133 Security Issues in Southeast Asia 3 DIS 3093 Peacekeeping 3 DIS 3153 Security and Globalization 3 3 DIS 3193 Seminar in Strategic Studies 3 DIS 3143 Major Powers in Asia and Regional Security DIS 3123 Asymmetrical Warfare 3 DIS 3173 International Political Economy 3 DIS 3103 Criminal Behaviour, War Crimes and Terrorism 3 ALK3011/ PLS3011 QKS3621/ PLS3021 TTS*/PALAPES** 2 DIS 3043 Development Of Air Power TOTAL 3 21 TOTAL Jumlah kredit bertanda( * ) adalah untuk pegawai kadet Jumlah kredit bertanda( ** ) adalah untuk pelajar Palapes. (Untuk kursus Ko-Kurikulum bagi pelajar awam perlu mengambil 6 Kredit dalam tempoh pengajian) 420 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 20 Jabatan Pengajian Strategi SINOPSIS KURSUS TERAS PROGRAM PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA PENGAJIAN STRATEGI (ZP44) SEJARAH DUNIA MODEN DIS 1113 MODERN WORLD HISTORY DIS 1113 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course introduces students to the study of modern world history in the post-1945 era. Students will partake in a comprehensive analysis of the significant historical events that shaped international relations after the Second World War. The focus of the course includes studies on the developments during the Cold War and how they shaped world politics at the end of the 20th and the 21st centuries. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Indentify the boundaries and scope of modern world history. 2. Understand the role of international relations that shape the world history. 3. Understand the application of historical studies on contemporary issues. 4. Acquire familiarity with the major issues in the study of modern world history. References 1. Boulder: Lynne Rienner. 2. Calvocoressi, P. (2001). World politics, 8th ed. Essex: Pearson. 3. McWilliams, W.C., & Piotrowski, H. (2009) The world since 1945: A history of International Relations. 7th ed. 4. Milner, H.V., & Moravsik, A. (Eds.). (2009). Power, interdependence, and nonstate actors in world politics. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 5. Painter D. (1999). The Cold War: An international history. New York: Routledge. 6. Russet B., Starr H., & Kinsella D. (2009). World politics: The menu for choice. Boston: Wadsworth. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 421 FAKULTI PENGAJIAN DAN PENGURUSAN PERTAHANAN TEORI DAN PENDEKATAN HUBUNGAN ANTARABANGSA DIS 1123 THEORIES AND APPROACHES IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS DIS 1123 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course serves as an introduction to the study and conduct of international relations. It tracks the development of international relations as a discipline within the field of social sciences and surveys the major theories, theoretical schools of thoughts and conceptual underpinnings of international relations. Among the major theories and concepts included in this course are Realism, Neo-Realism, Liberalism, Neo-Liberalism, Idealism, Constructivism, sovereignty, gender and alternative approaches in International Relations. It examines the development of international relations that began as the exclusive interaction between and among states to an increasingly complex international polity where multiple actors and sources of power had emerged to challenge the state’s exclusive claims in the discipline. This course also critically examines the relevance of theory in the practical world of international politics. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Demonstrate and understanding of IR as an academic discipline and its methodological. 2. Discuss the different theories and concept in IR and its relevance within the dynamics of the international system. 3. Assess critically event or issues from the IR perspective by applying relevant theories or approaches. References 1. Amstutz. Mark R. (1999). International Conflict & Cooperation. USA: McGraw Hill. 2. Baylis, J., & Steve Smith (Eds.). (2006). The globalization of world politics. (updated ed.). New York: Oxford University Press. 3. Burchill, S., Linklater, A., et al. (2001). Theories of International Relations. 2nd ed. New York: St. Martin Press. 4. Charles W.Kegley. (2009). World politics: Trends & transformation. 12th. United States: Wadsworth Cengage Learning Pulications. 5. Jackson, Robert & Georg Sørensen. (2007). Introduction to International Relations: Theories and approaches, 3rd. ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 6. Mingst, Karen A. (2004). Essentials of International Relations, 3rd ed. New York: W. W. Norton. 7. Viotti, Paul & Mark V. Kauppi. (2007). International relations and world politics: Security, economy, identity. 3rd. ed. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall. 8. Williams, Phil, Goldstein, Donald M., & Shafritz, Jay M. (Eds.) (2006). Classic readings in contemporary debates in International Relations, 3rd ed. Belmont: Thompson. 422 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Pengajian Strategi DIPLOMASI DAN AMALAN DIPLOMATIK DIS 2083 DIPLOMACY AND DIPLOMATIC PRACTICE DIS 2083 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course introduces students to the history of diplomacy and the theories of foreign policy formulation. It also seeks to highlight the link between diplomacy and foreign policy. Students will be taught the history of diplomatic relations, factors affecting diplomatic relations, and challenges faced by nations in the conduct of their diplomatic relations. In addition, students will also be required to engage in discussions on the various theories, concepts and approaches in the formulation of foreign policy. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Understand the relevant concepts, theories, history, functions, types, rules and procedures of diplomacy. 2. Identify and analyse the important relation between the diplomacy and the foreign policies of states in International relations. 3. Analyse the diplomatic tactics and strategies used by state to prevent, manage or resolve inter-state conflicts. 4. Relate and apply the knowledge learned to con temporary international scenarios whenever appropriate. References 1. Barston, R. (2006). Modern diplomacy, 3rd ed. London: Longman. 2. Berridge, G. R. (2005). Diplomacy: Theory and practice, 3rd ed. New York: Palgrave MacMillan. 3. Freeman, C. W. Jr. (1997). Arts of power: Statecraft and diplomacy. Washington DC: United States Institute of Peace. 4. Kiesling, J. B. (2007). Diplomacy lessons: Realism for an unloved superpower. Dulles: Potomac Books. 5. Melissen, J. Lee, D., & Sharp, P. (2007). The new public diplomacy: Soft power in International Relations. London: Palgrave MacMillan. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 423 FAKULTI PENGAJIAN DAN PENGURUSAN PERTAHANAN ISU-ISU KESELAMATAN BUKAN TRADISIONAL DIS 2093 NON-TRADITIONAL SECURITY ISSUES DIS 2093 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course is designed to expose students to the major manifestations of non-traditional security issues and how they could eventually lead to serious military conflicts. This course also provides advanced knowledge and understanding of the key post-September 11, 2001, international non-traditional security issues. The focus of the course will be on debates on environmental degradation, uncontrolled migration, resource scarcity, infectious diseases, economic security and cyber security. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Understand and able to differentiate between traditional and non-traditional security. 2. Understand the seriousness of both traditional and non- traditional security threats to the country that could lead to military conflict. 3. Understand the implication of non-traditional security threats to global security and stability. 4. Identify existing and future challenges of non-traditional security threats. References 1. Acharya, A., Emmers, R., & Caballero-Anthony, M. (Eds.). (2006). Studying nontraditional security in Asia: Trends and issues. Singapore: Marshall-Cavendish. 2. Caballero-Anthony, M. , Emmers, R., & Acharya, A. (Eds.). (2006). Non-traditional security in Asia: Dilemmas in securitization. Aldershot: Ashgate. 3. Terriff, T. & Croft, S. (1999). Security studies today. Cambridge: Polity Press. 4. Thakur, R. & Newman, E. (2004). Broadening Asia’s security discourse and agenda: Political, social, and environmental perspectives. Tokyo: United Nations University. 5. Wesley, M. (2007). Energy security in Asia. New York: Routledge. 424 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Pengajian Strategi UNDANG-UNDANG ANTARABANGSA DIS 2103 INTERNATIONAL LAW DIS 2103 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course aims to provide the students with a broad but firm grounding in the field of international law. Students will initially be exposed to the history, basic principles and customary practice that shape and influence the functioning of modern international law before being taught specific subjects and issues in international law such as international law on state responsibility, sovereignty and jurisdiction, the laws of treaty, the law of the sea, the laws governing diplomatic and consular practice and other relevant topics. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Know the history and understand and appreciate the theories and principles that govern international law. 2. Understand, appreciate and able to interpret and apply the codified laws and customary practices relating to the various aspects of international law. 3. Appreciate the importance of international law in the international system and aware of the challenges and prospects of international law. References 1. Brownlie, I. (ed.). (2009). Basic documents in International Law. 6th ed. Oxford: Oxford Univeristy Press. 2. Dixon, M. (2007). Textbook on International Law. 6th ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 3. Dixon, M., & McCorquodale, R. (2003). Cases and materials on International Law. 4th ed. London: Blackstone Press. 4. Higgins, R. (1996). Problems and process: International Law and how we use it. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 5. Shaw, M.N. (2008). International Law. 6th ed. Cambridge: Grotius Publications. 6. White, N.D. (2005). The law of International Organisations. 2nd ed. Manchester: Manchester University Press. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 425 FAKULTI PENGAJIAN DAN PENGURUSAN PERTAHANAN PEPERANGAN DAN KONFLIK DIS 2113 WAR AND CONFLICT DIS 2113 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course will engage a multi-dimensional study of warfare and conflicts ranging from the historical development to ethics, the utility of war, strategy and tactics, asymmetrical warfare, terrorism, weapons of mass destruction and the future of warfare. Students will also be taught the various elements essential to warfare such as leadership, technology, training and morale, and how these elements can influence the outcome of wars. It will also examine contemporary conflicts and war after September 11. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Identify the concepts and patterns in the study of war and conflict. 2. Understand the causes of war and conflict. 3. Understand the consequence, moderation and outcome of war. 4. Acquire familiarity with the history of war and its impact to mankind. References 1. Gray, C. S. (2007). War, peace and International Relations: An introduction to strategic history. New York: Routledge. 2. Jeong, Ho-Wan. (2008). Understanding conflict and conflict analysis. London: Sage Publications. 3. Kagan, D. (1995). On the origins of war and the preservation of peace. London: Pimlico. 4. Nye, J. S. (2003). Understanding International Conflicts : An Introduction To Theory And History. 4th ed. New York: Longman. 5. Stoessinger, J. G. (2000). Why nations go to war, 10th ed. Belmont: Thomson Wadsworth. 426 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Pengajian Strategi PERBANDINGAN DASAR LUAR DAN DASAR PERTAHANAN DIS 3023 COMPARATIVE DEFENCE AND FOREIGN POLICY DIS 3023 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course introduces students to the study of comparative defence and foreign policies of selected countries and their impact on international relations. Students will be exposed to the concept of foreign policy and will engage in the analysis of foreign and defence policy of different major, middle and small states, especially in areas affecting global and regional security scenarios. These states include the United States, China, Russia, Japan, India and those in the Southeast Asian region. Students will examine the impact of the states’ defence and foreign policies at the global, regional and domestic levels in their quest to protect their sovereignty and survival in an anarchic international system. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Demonstrate and understanding of the framework of analysis of defence and foreign policies. 2. Compare defence and foreign policy making process of states. 3. Understand the reaction and impact of states defence and foreign policies on major international issues References 1. Hook, S. W. (ed.). (2002). Comparative foreign policy: Adaptation strategies of the great and emerging powers. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 2. Macridis, R. C. (1992). Foreign policy in world politics. 8th ed. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall. 3. Miller, M. J., & Stefanova, B. (ed.) (2007). The war on terror in comparative perspective: US security and foreign policy after 9/11. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 4. Smith, S, Hadfield, A. & Dunne, T. (2008). Foreign policy: Theories, actors, cases. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 5. Wilson, I, III., & Forest, J. J. F. (ed.). (2008). Handbook of Defence Politics: International and Comparative Perspectives. London: Routledge. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 427 FAKULTI PENGAJIAN DAN PENGURUSAN PERTAHANAN PEMIKIRAN STRATEGI DIS 3033 STRATEGIC THOUGHT DIS 3033 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course introduces students to the study of strategy in modern warfare. To begin with, students will be exposed to a comprehensive analysis of different strategic thought (strategies) from the classics of Sun Tzu before advancing to those of the modern strategists in the likes of Liddell Hart. With this knowledge, students will partake in the critical analysis of current political and strategic situations and apply these strategic thoughts in the modern context. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Identify the boundaries and scope of strategic thought and strategies. 2. Understand the role of strategy in wars and modern warfare. 3. Understand the application of strategies. 4. Acquire familiarity with the major issues in the study of strategic thought. References 1. Gray, C. S. (1999). Modern strategy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2. Handel, M. I. (2002). Master of war: Classical strategic thought. London: Frank Cass Publishers. 3. Paret, P. (ed.). (1986). Makers of modern strategy from Machiavelli to the nuclear age. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 4. Smith, R. (2008). The art of war in the modern world. New York: Alfred Knopf Inc. 5. Van Creveld, M. (2005). The art of war: War and military thought (Smithsonian History of Warfare). New York: Harper Resource. 428 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Pengajian Strategi FALSAFAH PEPERANGAN DIS 3063 PHILOSOPHY OF WARFARE DIS 3063 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The aim of the course is to examine war as foreign policy instrument and its viability and effectiveness in the 21st century. Apart from discussing the thoughts of selected strategic and political thinkers on warfare, the course will also trace the slow but steady evolution of the status of warfare as a policy instrument from “legitimate” to “controversial” over the period between the 19th to the 21st century. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Understand war and warfare, it fundamentals, definitions and concepts and be able to identify differences between and purpose of the traditional and untraditional war. 2. Understand what causes war. 3. Familiarise with warfare, political and moral philosophy. 4. Familiarise war as a foreign policy instrument and its viability and effectiveness. 5. Identify how to viability and effectiveness of as foreign policy in the 21st century. References 1. Chesterman, S. (2003). Just war or Just Peace? Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2. Coates, A. J. (1997). The ethics of war. Manchester: Manchester University Press. 3. May, L. (Ed.). (2008). War: Essays in political philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 4. Teichman, J. (2006). The philosophy of war and peace. Exeter: Imprint Academic. 5. Walzer, M. (1977). Just and unjust wars. 3rd ed. New York: Basic Books. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 429 FAKULTI PENGAJIAN DAN PENGURUSAN PERTAHANAN PERANG MELAWAN INSURGENSI DIS 3073 COUNTER-INSURGENCY WARFARE DIS 3073 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course aims to highlight counter insurgency war as a unique form of warfare by focusing on the study of its principles, history, utilities and its seemingly intertwining relations with politics. Malaysia’s successful campaign in its struggle against the Communist insurgency will be the major source of reference for the course but other campaigns and case studies will also be included. The course will also discuss the link between counter-insurgency and terrorism and the emerging trend of global terrorism and insurgency movements. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Understand what Revolutionary Warfare is. 2. Acquire familiarity with the concept concepts of insurgency and counterinsurgencies. 3. Acquire working knowledge of several historical case studies of counterinsurgencies. 4. Acquire familiarity with the major issues in CIW. References 1. Beckett, I.F.W. (2001). Modern insurgencies and counter-insurgencies: Guerrillas and their opponents since 1750. London: Routledge. 2. Galula, D. (2006). Counterinsurgency warfae: Theory and practice. New York: Praeger. 3. Greentree, T. (2008). Crossroads of intervention: Insurgency and counterinsurgency lessons from central America. Wesport: Praeger. 4. O’Neill, B. E. (1990). Insurgency & Terrorism: Inside modern revolutionary warfare. London: Brassey’s Inc. 5. Valeriano, N. D., & Bohannan C. T. R. (2008). Counter-guerrilla operations: The Philippine experience. New York: Praeger. 430 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Pengajian Strategi PEPERANGAN GERAK SARAF DIS 3083 PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE DIS 3083 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The focus of the course is to highlight the importance of psychological warfare and psychological operations in war. Students will be taught the various principles and theories related to the subject and will be exposed to examples and case studies of how psychological warfare and operations have been employed in wars. A substantial section will also be devoted to the roles of media, the roles of the propaganda and persuasion and the increasing influence of global television network in shaping the world’s public opinion. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Understand what Psychological Warfare (PSYWAR)/ Operation (PSYOPS) is. 2. Acquire familiarity with the concept of PSYWAR/PSYOPS. 3. Acquire working knowledge of several historical case studies of PSYWAR/PSYOPS. 4. Acquire familiarity with the major issues in PSYWAR/PSYOPS. References 1. Dewar, Michael. (1989). The art of deception in warfare. Newton Abbot: Sterling Publishers. 2. Holt, Thaddeus. (2004). The deceivers: Allied military deception in the Second World War. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson. 3. MacDonald, S. (2007). Propaganda and information warfare in the Twenty-First Century: Altered images and deception operations. Oxon: Routledge. 4. MacDonald, Scott. (2009). Propaganda and information warfare in the Twenty-First Century : Altered images and deception operations. London: Routledge. 5. Radvanyi, Janos (ed.). (1990). Psychological operations and political warfare in longterm strategic planning. New York: Praeger. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 431 FAKULTI PENGAJIAN DAN PENGURUSAN PERTAHANAN PENGAMANAN DIS 3093 PEACEKEEPING DIS 3093 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course will focus on the study of peacekeeping operations as a means of facilitating and expediting the peace process in a war torn or conflict ravaged areas. The course will cover the concepts, history of peacekeeping, various categories of peacekeeping operations, and the issues and dynamics that exist between political and military considerations in peacekeeping. It tracks the development of peacekeeping operations by the UN and non-UN entities in international arena. Special attention will also be given to the study of Malaysia’s involvement in international peacekeeping operations. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Be familiar with the history of the UN, its purpose and principles, the general organization of the UN, the Security Council, the Secretariat, Department of Peacekeeping and Department of Field Service. 2. Be familiar with peacekeeping operation theory, principles, concepts and conduct and be able to identify difference between traditional and complex (multidimensional) missions. 3. Be able to study and analyse various UNPKO since it beginning to present time. 4. Understand the legal framework of United Nations peace operation., the process of initiation of a mission and the impact of legal framework on personal behavior of peacekeeper. References 1. Alex J. Bellamy, Paul Williams, & Stuart Williams. (2004). Understanding peacekeeping. Cambridge: Blackwell Publishing ltd. 2. Donald C.F Daniel, Patricia Tarf Sharon Wiharta. (2008). Peace operations: Trends, prospects & progress. Washington: Georgetown University Press. 3. Henry F. Carey, & Oliver P. Richmond. (2003). Mitigating conflicts. Frank & Cass. 4. Inder Jit Rikhye, Michael Harbottle, & Bjorn Egge. (1974). The thin blue line: International peacekeeping & it’s future. New Haven: Yale University Press. 5. Inder Jit Rikhye. (1984). The theory & practice of peacekeeping. London: Hurst. 6. James J. Wittz, & Jeffrey A Larsen. (2008). Naval peacekeeping & humanitarian operations: Stability from the sea. Routledge. 7. Stuart Gordon, & Francis Toase. (2001). Aspects of peacekeeping. Oregon: Frank & Cass publishers. 432 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Pengajian Strategi SEMINAR PENGAJIAN STRATEGI DIS 3193 SEMINARS IN STRATEGIC STUDIES DIS 3193 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The aim of this course is to train students to critically analyse certain key issues related to defence and security. Students will also be required to examine, discuss, prepare a seminar paper and present their findings. In addition, students will be required to attend and participate in activities such as seminars and workshops by invited speakers and academics from within and outside the university to enhance their knowledge and to encourage interactions and discussions of issues relevant to the seminar themes. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Demonstrate and understanding of key defence and security issues. 2. Apply research skills in formulating a project paper of an approved topic. 3. Apply teamwork and leaderships skills in preparing, discussing and presenting papers. References Assigned readings KERTAS AKADEMIK DIS 3016 ACADEMIC PAPER DIS 3016 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This paper is the culminating point of the course where students are required to produce a 10,000-word mini dissertation on any topic related to the subjects taken during the course of study. Students will be required to identify a suitable topic for the paper before a supervisor is assigned to guide the student throughout the preparation of the dissertation. The dissertation must be completed within the period of the semester and a viva-voce session will be held before marks are awarded for the paper. References Garis Panduan Penulisan Academic Paper UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 433 FAKULTI PENGAJIAN DAN PENGURUSAN PERTAHANAN SINOPSIS KURSUS ELEKTIF PROGRAM PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA PENGAJIAN STRATEGI (ZP44) PEMBANGUNAN KEKUATAN KUASA UDARA DIS 3043 DEVELOPMENTS OF AIRPOWER DIS 3043 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course traces the development of air power from the early days of its inception to the present day. Key components of air power will be discussed in detail. Students will also be exposed to the latest trends and developments in air power as well as the strategic importance of air power in modern warfare. They will also study the future of air power. Course outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts of air power. 2. Explain the evolution process of air power and its important elements. 3. Analyse the complexities of air power dimension of its air operations. 4. Discuss the impacts and future of air power. References 1. 2. 3. 4. 434 AVM RA Mason. (1987). (Vol. 1). Air power: An overview of roles. London: Brassey’s. Buckley, J. (1999) (Rep. 2003). Air power in the age of total war. London: Routledge. Budiansky, S. (2003). Air power. London: Penguin. Cox, S., & Gray, P. (2002). Air power history. London: Frank Cass. BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Pengajian Strategi STRATEGI NAVI DAN MARITIM DIS 3053 NAVAL AND MARITIME STRATEGY DIS 3053 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis As a foundation to the course students will be introduced to the various theories and thoughts pertaining to the strategic importance of sea power in international politics. The course will then deal with varieties of maritime strategic issues ranging from naval and maritime strategy to the strategic importance of the shipping industry. Regional maritime issues such as the security concerns in the Straits of Malacca and the South China Sea will also be discussed. Course outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Identify the boundaries and scopes of sea power and maritime strategy studies. 2. Demonstrate the theoretical underpinnings of sea and maritime issues and strategies from the early period until the present day. 3. Compare and contrast the capabilities of the sea power of nation states. References 1. Ballantyne, I. (2004). Strike from the sea. Barnsley: Pen and Sword. 2. Corbett, J.S. (1988). Some principles of maritime strategy. Annapolis MD: Naval Institute Press. 3. Lehman, John. (2001). On seas of glory: Heroic men, great ships and epic battles of the American navy. New York: The Free Press. 4. Mahan, Alfred Thayer. (1987). The Influence of sea power upon history 1660-1783. New York: Dover Publications. 5. Spector, Ronald. (2001). At war, at sea: Naval warfare in the twentieth century. London: Allen Lane. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 435 FAKULTI PENGAJIAN DAN PENGURUSAN PERTAHANAN TINGKAHLAKU JENAYAH PERANG DAN TERORISME DIS 3103 CRIMINAL BEHAVIOUR, WAR CRIMES AND TERRORISM DIS 3103 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course firstly discusses criminal behaviours that took place in times of war and the different forms of terrorists’ activities. It will then look into criminological theories to explain such behaviours. It will also look at the sociological and psychological explanations to these behaviors. To further highlight these theories and explanations, students will be exposed to case studies on certain selected war crime violations and terrorist activities. Course outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Understand the weaknesses and strength of human beings and their consequences. 2. Understand and differentiate between acceptable, deviant and criminal behaviors in our society as well as among the international community, particularly during times of war and crisis. 3. Understand and apply the various criminology theories to explain criminal behavior and terrorism. 4. Identify and analyse the existing and future challenges during times of war and crisis. References 1. Gutman, R., & Rieff, D. (eds.) (1999). Crimes Of war: What the public should know. New York: W.W Norton & Company Ltd. 2. May, L. (2007). War crimes and Just War. Cambridge: University of Cambridge Press. 3. Moghaddam, F.M., & Marsella, A.J. (eds.) (2004). Understanding terrorism. Washington DC: American Psychological Association. 4. Post, J.M. (2007). The mind of the terrorist. New York: Palgrave MacMillan. 5. Siegel, L.J. (2008). Criminology. Australia: Thomson Wadsworth. 436 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Pengajian Strategi HUBUNGAN LUAR NEGERI MALAYSIA DIS 3113 MALAYSIA’S FOREIGN RELATIONS DIS 3113 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course analyses Malaysia’s foreign relations from post independent to current leadership. It begins by looking at the link between foreign relations and foreign policy before advancing to various aspects of the country’s foreign relations. Among the issues that will be covered include Malaysia’s relations with its ASEAN neighbours, its relations with regional powers such as China, India and Japan, its relations with global powers, it’s role as a member of the Non-Alignment Movement, the Organization of Islamic countries and other international organizations. Course outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Demonstrate and understanding of the basics concepts, orientation and sources of Malaysian foreign policy. 2. Explain the formulation and the process of Malaysian foreign policy. 3. Examine Malaysian foreign relation under the different premiership. 4. Discuss the limitation and challenges of Malaysia’s foreign relations. References 1. Abdul Razak Baginda, & Rohana Mahmood. (1995). Malaysia’s defence and foreign policies. Subang Jaya: Pelanduk. 2. Chandran Jeshurun. (2007). Malaysia: Fifty years of diplomacy. Kuala Lumpur: The Other Press. 3. Karminder Singh Dhillion. (2009). Malaysian foreign policy in the Mahathir era: The dilemmas of development. Singapore: NUS Press. 4. Mohd Najib Abdul Razak. (2006). Globalising Malaysia towards building a developed nation. Petaling Jaya: MPH Publishing. 5. Ruhanas Harun (ed.). (2006). Malaysia’s foreign relations: Issues and challenges. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press. 6. Syed Hamid Albar. (2007). Issues in Malaysian foreign policy and diplomacy selected speeches: Peace and security. Kuala Lumpur: Institute of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 437 FAKULTI PENGAJIAN DAN PENGURUSAN PERTAHANAN PEPERANGAN TIDAK SIMETRI DIS 3123 ASYMMETRICAL WARFARE DIS 3123 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The aim of the course is to outline the characteristics and principles of assymetrical warfare and how this form of warfare has been successfully waged by groups of rag-tag guerillas against numerically and technologically superior enemies. Case studies derived from the US past failure in Somalia and the current failure in Iraq and Afghanistan will be extensively discussed. Course outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Understand what Asymmetrical Warfare is. 2. Acquire familiarity with the concept of Asymmetrical Warfare. 3. Acquire working knowledge of several historical case studies of Asymmetrical Warfare. 4. Acquire familiarity with the major issues in Asymmetrical Warfare. References 1. Arreguín-Toft, I. (2006). How the weak win wars: A theory of asymmetric conflict. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2. Barnett, Roger. (2002). Asymmetric warfare: Today’s challenges to US military power. London: Brassey’s. 3. Lawrence, T.E. (1991). Seven pillars of wisdom: A triumph. New York: Anchor Books. 4. McKenzie, Kenneth. (2000). The revenge of the Melians: Asymmetric threats and the next QDR. Washington, DC: National Defense University. 5. O’Halloran, Michael. (2000). A Kill is a kill: Asymmetrically attacking United States airpower.Alabama: Air University Press. 6. Thornton, Rod. (2007). Asymmetric warfare. Cambridge: Polity Press. 438 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Pengajian Strategi ISU-ISU KESELAMATAN ASIA TENGGARA DIS 3133 SECURITY ISSUES IN SOUTHEAST ASIA DIS 3133 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course begins with the discussion of the general characteristics and the impact of globalization both to the developed and the developing world. The course will later focus on the impact of globalization on world security discussing issues ranging from the impact of regional conflicts on global security to globalization and terrorism. There will also be discussions on non-traditional security issues such as the threat of global warming, the problems of illegal immigrants and refugees, and the newly emerging threat of global epidemics. Course outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Understand what are the disputes in the South China Sea. 2. Acquire familiarity with the shaping of strategic culture in Southeast Asia. 3. Understand the non-traditional and major security issues facing Southeast Asia. References 1. Barry K. Gills, & William R. Thompson. (2006) (Ed.). Globalization and global history. Oxon: Routledge. 2. Clark, Ian. (1999). Globalization and international relations theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 3. John Baylis, Steve Smith, & Patricia Owens. (2008). The globalization of world politics: An introduction to International Relations. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 4. Shaw, Martin. (1999). Politics and globalization: Knowledge, ethics and agency. London: Routledge. 5. Walter C. Opello, Jr., & Stephen J. Rosow (2004). 2nd Ed. The nation-state and global order: A historical introduction to contemporary politics. Colorado: Lynne Rienner Pub. Inc. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 439 FAKULTI PENGAJIAN DAN PENGURUSAN PERTAHANAN KUASA-KUASA BESAR DI ASIA DAN KESELAMATAN SERANTAU DIS 3143 MAJOR POWERS IN ASIA AND REGIONAL SECURITY DIS 3143 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course introduces students to the study of major powers’ involvement in security issues especially at the East Asian region and their impact on the stabilization of the region. Students will be exposed to the analysis of various security issues and the response of the major powers to such issues. Apart from engaging in the discussion of these issues, students will also learn about the mechanism of Confidence Building Measures (CBMs) and other transparent approaches used to reduce tensions between the major powers and the major powers-small powers rivalry. Course outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Analyse the major power; inter-play and dynamic in the East Asian region. 2. Analyse the traditional and contemporary security issues in the East Asian region. 3. Compare the impacts of foreign policy practiced among major powers toward East Asian region. References 1. Buzan, B., & Waever, O. (2007). Regions and powers: The structure of international security. 5th ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University. Press. 2. Dobbs-Higginson, M. S. (1996). Asia Pacific: Its role in the new world disorder. Victoria: Mandarin. 3. Frost, E. L. (2008). Asia’s New Regionalism. Colorado: Lynne Rienner Pub. Inc. 4. Jentleson, B. W. (2007). American foreign policy: The dynamics of choice in the 21st century. 3rd ed. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. 5. Maharajakrishna Rasgotra. (2007). The new Asian power dynamic Sage Pub. New Delhi: India Pvt Ltd. 440 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Pengajian Strategi KESELAMATAN DAN GLOBALISASI DIS 3153 SECURITY AND GLOBALIZATION DIS 3153 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course begins with the discussion of the general characteristics and the impact of globalization both on the developed and the developing world. The course will later focus on the impact of globalization on world security discussing issues ranging from the impact of regional conflicts on global security to globalization and terrorism. Inclusive in the discussion of this course are non-traditional security issues such as the threat of global warming, the problems of illegal immigrants and refugees, and the newly emerging threat of global epidemics. Course outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of globalization. 2. Explain the evolution process of globalization and the changing of international society. 3. Analyse the complexities of traditional and non-traditional security issues in globalize world. 4. Discuss the impact, challenges and future of globalization in security perspective and perception. References 1. Baylis, J., Smith, S., & Owens, P. (2008). The globalization of world politics: An introduction to international relations. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2. Clark, I. (1999). Globalization and international relations theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 3. Gills, B. K., & Thompson, W. R. (2006). (ed.). Globalization and global history. Oxon: Routledge. 4. Opello Jr., W. C., & Rosow, S. J. (2004). The nation-state and global order: A historical introduction to contemporary politics. 2nd ed. Colorado: Lynne Rienner Pub. Inc. 5. Shaw, M. (1999). Politics and globalization: Knowledge, ethics and agency. London: Routledge. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 441 FAKULTI PENGAJIAN DAN PENGURUSAN PERTAHANAN EKONOMI POLITIK ANTARABANGSA DIS 3XX3 INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL ECONOMY DIS 3XX3 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course provides students with an insight into the interactions between political and economic phenomena taking place in the modern world. It addresses the increasing importance of economy in the sphere of politics and international relations and how economy has increasingly become a policy tool of modern states. The course covers a range of issues under six main topics. These issues include wealth and power, the international trade and monetary system, the development dilemma, developing economies and regionalism as well as related transnational problems such as transnational corporations, migration, energy resources and food and hunger crisis. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. demonstrate an understanding of the interactions between political and economic phenomena in the modern context. 2. discuss the evolution and the complexity of the state-market relations. 3. analyze the impact of globalization and various transnational problems from the perspectives of IPE. References 1. Balaam, D. N. and Dillman, B. (2011). Introduction to international political economy. 5th ed. Boston: Pearson Education Inc. 2. Bytth, M. (ed.). (2009). Routledge handbook of international political economy as a global conversation. London and New York: Routledge. 3. Dombrowski, P. (ed). (2005). Guns and butter: The political economy of international security. London: Lynne Rienner Publishers. 4. Goddard, C. R., Cronin, P. and Dash, K. C. (ed.). (2003). International Political Economy: State-market relations in a changing global order. Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers. 5. Ravenhill, J. (2014). Global Political Economy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 6. Strange, S. (1996). The retreat of the state: The diffusion of power in the world economy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 442 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 FAKULTI PENGAJIAN DAN PENGURUSAN PERTAHANAN JABATAN PENGURUSAN SUMBER MANUSIA PERTAHANAN BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI 2014/2015 FAKULTI PENGAJIAN DAN PENGURUSAN PERTAHANAN SENARAI KAKITANGAN AKADEMIK PROFESOR Dato’ Dr. Wan Hashim Bin Wan Teh B.A., M.A. (Monash), Ph.D. (Manchester), DPMP. JSM. PPT. JP Dr. Haslinda Binti Abdullah MCIPD (UK), MinstAM (UK), M.Sc. (UPM), Ph.D. (Cardiff, UK) Dr. Jegak Anak Uli Bs. Agriculture, Ms. (Programme Planning)(Ohio University) , Ph.D. (Development Mgmt.) (UM) Wan Mahzom Binti Ahmad Shah B.A. (Hons.)(UM) , M.A. (Indiana) PROFESOR MADYA Dr. Abdul Rahman Abdul Razak Shaik* Dip. Agric. Sc., B.Sc. (Fisheries & Marine), M.Sc. (Corporate Communication), Ph.D. (Communication)(UPM) Mejar Dr. Bibi Zarjaan Binti Akhbar Khan (Bersara) B.A. (Mass Comm.)(UiTM), M.Sc. (HRD)(UPM), Ph.D. (Pendidikan Pengembangan)(UPM) Lt Kol Mohd Nor Bin Yahaya DIA (UiTM), Dip. Defence & Strategic Studies (UM), AAIA (UK), MsACC (UIAM) MMIM Lt Kol Ariffin Bin Ismail Dip. Strategic & Defence Studies (UM), B.Sc. (UKM), M.B.A. (UKM) Hasan Al-Banna Bin Mohamed B.A. (Hons.)(Education)(UM), M.Sc. (HRD)(UNIMAS) PhD (Islamic QMS), (UM) PENSYARAH KANAN Lt Kol S. Ananthan A/L Subramaniam (Bersara) Dip. Mgmt. Sc. (INTAN), M.Sc. (Mgmt.)(UUM) Lt Kol Ungku Azly Bin Ungku Zahar DPA (UiTM), Dip. Defence & Strategic Studies (UM), M.M. (UM) 444 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Pengurusan Sumber Manusia Pertahanan Lt Kol Inderjit Singh A/l Tara Singh Dip. Strategik & Pengajian Pertahanan (UM),Dip. Psikologi (Kaunseling)(UKM), B.Sc. (Pengurusan)(Sydney), M.A. (Pengurusan)(UM), M.Sc. (Teknologi Maklumat)(UM) Lt Kol Mohd Juraimy Bin Hj Kadir KAT, PPS, KB Dip. Pengurusan (UM), Dip. Psikologi Kaunseling (UKM), B.Sc. (HRD)(UTM), M.Soc.Sc. (Psikologi Kaunseling)(UKM) Mejar Ahmad Azan Bin Ridzuan (Bersara) Dip. Strat & Def Studies (UM), B. (Hons.)(Mgmt.)(MMU), M. (Mgmt.)(UM) Lt Kol Zamri Bin Ismail DIB (ITM), Dip. Sc. Mgmt. (Post Graduate)(INTAN), M.Sc. (Mgmt.)(UUM) Subhas Chandran Higher Diploma in Finance (Birmingham), B.A. (Hons.)(UM), M.M. (OUM) Dr. Zailin Zainal Ariffin Dip. Accountancy (UiTM). B.B.A. (Marketing) (UKM), M.B.A. (Marketing)(UPM), Ph.D. (Marketing)(UM) Mohd Hamran Bin Mohamad* Bac. (Hons.)(Mgmt.)(Tech)(UTM), M.B.A. (UUM) Mejar Safar Bin Yaacob M.A (UM), Adv Dip. PSK (UM) PENSYARAH Nurhana Binti Mohamad Rafiuddin B.Sc. (Hons.)(Statistics)(UiTM), M.Sc. (Quantitative Science)(UiTM) Rashid Bin Nordin B.A. (Buss. Admin)(Mississippi State University USA), M.A. (Buss Admin)(West Texas A & M University USA) Azizul Hakim Bin Mashkuri Bac. (Hons.)(Accountancy)(UiTM), M.Sc. (Accounting & Finance)(UK), Chartered Accountant (Malaysia) UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 445 FAKULTI PENGAJIAN DAN PENGURUSAN PERTAHANAN OBJEKTIF DAN HASIL PEMBELAJARAN PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA PENGURUSAN SUMBER MANUSIA PERTAHANAN (ZP45) Objektif Pembelajaran Program Programme Educational Objectives (PEO) PEO1 Intellectual Excellence Graduates to possess knowledge mastery and intellectual competency including analytical and logical thinking, professional competencies and management skills. PEO2 Leadership Excellence Graduates to possess value based leadership skills which uses personal attributes and leadership for decision making in the civilian and military environment. PEO3 Profession of Arms Graduates to possess the expertise required by the military profesion. Hasil Pembelajaran Program Programme Outcomes (PO) (a)Technical Knowledge and Competencies Teaching and Learning Methods Code Intended Learning Outcomes PO1 Apply knowledge and understanding of principles HRM, learning principles, organization theories, training and career development theories in military. (Knowledge) Lecturers, seminars, directed reading, research, case study. Examination, disciplinary knowledge, presentation, group projects, independent projects PO2 Apply and evaluate appropriate management and human resources and tools in planning, organizing, controlling and implementing human resource management and creative & innovative decision making. (Practical) Lecturers, practical classes, industrial attachment, group assignments, case study, PSM Examination, presentations, group projects, programme design, individual projects PO3 Able to contribute within nation and society through analyzing towards important issues related to HRM and securities & international relations context. (Leadership) Individual assignments, lectures, PBL Reports, examination PO4 Ability to apply high ethical standards and possess self-esteem. (Ethics & Professionalism) Religious training, programme for instilling ethical values, confidence building measures Individual performance reports, observation and monitoring by lecturer and peer evaluation 446 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Assessment Jabatan Pengurusan Sumber Manusia Pertahanan Teaching and Learning Methods Code Intended Learning Outcomes PO5 Ability to understand the role and responsibility in protecting public security by taking collaboration action in multi-discipline organizations. (Environment Awareness) Lectures, group assignments, final year project, independence project Written assignments, project reports, essays, PSM reports, logbooks PO6 Ability to understand element of management studies, administration, business and entrepreneurship. (Entrepreneurship) Lectures, assignment, group projects Project reports, assignments PO7 To develop social, interpersonal relations and communication skills to make a confident and capable graduate. (Communication Skills) Group projects, practicum, industrial training, directed reading, research assignment, lectures Oral presentations, observation, individual supervision, group projects, log book report, learning portfolio PO8 Recognize potential for improvement and strategically plan for changes by using knowledge and understanding of future trends, vulnerabilities, measurements, distribution channels, inputs, outputs, and information sources that define an organization. (Lifelong Learning) Lectures, problembased learning, project assignment, directed reading Presentation, project report, examination. Assessment UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 447 FAKULTI PENGAJIAN DAN PENGURUSAN PERTAHANAN SARJANA MUDA PENGURUSAN SUMBER MANUSIA PERTAHANAN (ZP45) STRUKTUR PROGRAM DAN JUMLAH KREDIT KEPERLUAN PROGRAM Program Sarjana Muda Pengajian Strategi (ZP44) Jumlah keperluan kredit yang perlu dipenuhi untuk bergraduat adalah seperti mana jadual di bawah dalam tempoh pengajian enam (6) semester lazim (3 tahun) dan memperolehi Purata Nilai Gred Kumulatif (PNGK) ≥2.00. Pecahan kursus yang perlu diambil adalah seperti berikut: KREDIT KURSUS (AWAM/KADET Kursus Universiti: i. Kursus Teras Universiti ii. Kursus Elektif Universiti 24 6 Kursus Teras Program: i. Teras Fakulti ii. Teras Program 12 51 Kursus Elektif Program 27 JUMLAH KREDIT UNTUK BERGRADUAT 120 KURSUS TERAS PROGRAM Senarai kursus Teras Program yang perlu dipenuhi (51 kredit) : 448 CODE COURSE CREDIT DRM 1013 Human Resource Management 3 DRM1XX3 Statistical Data Analysis 3 DRM 1023 Training Management 3 DRM 2023 Cross Culture Management 3 DRM 2033 Financial Management and Accounting 3 DRM 2043 Defence Logistics 3 DRM 2053 Negotiation Techniques 3 DRM 3033 Resource Mobilization in War 3 DRM 3093 Health and Safety Management 3 DRM 3053 Management of Peacekeeping Operations 3 DRM 3073 Management of Change 3 DRM 3063 Seminar in Military Resources Management 3 DRM 3086 Academic Paper / Thesis 6 DRM 3xx3 Industrial Training 4 DRM 2xx2 Industrial Training Report 2 DRM2073 Conflict Management 3 Total 51 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Pengurusan Sumber Manusia Pertahanan KURSUS ELEKTIF PROGRAM Senarai kursus Elektif Program yang perlu dipenuhi (27 kredit) CODE COURSE CREDIT DRM 2063 Supply and Support Chain Management 3 DFM 2063 Organizational Leadership 3 DRM 3043 Disaster Management 3 DRM 3023 Leadership in War 3 DRM 3103 Media and Information Management 3 DRM 3123 Political Risk Analysis 3 DRM 3133 Global Security Management 3 DRM 3143 Defence Economy 3 DRM 2013 Organizational Behaviour 3 DRM 3013 Performance Evaluation and Personnel Development 3 DRM 3153 Military Technology and Civilian Usage 3 DRM 3173 Application of Strategic Theories in Management 3 DRM 3XXX Employment and Industrial Relation Law 3 DRM 3XXX Industrial Relation 3 DRM 3XXX Introduction To Marketing 3 DRM 3XXX Introduction to Management 3 UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 449 FAKULTI PENGAJIAN DAN PENGURUSAN PERTAHANAN STRUKTUR KURIKULUM PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA PENGURUSAN SUMBER MANUSIA PERTAHANAN (ZP45) TAHUN PERTAMA SEMESTER 1 SEMESTER 2 Code Course Credit Code Course Credit DUS2022 Introduction To Strategic Studies 2 LEL 1022 English For Oral Communication 2 DUS1062 Military History 2 PSK1012 Human Movement Science 2 LAN 2012 Nationhood in World Politics 2 LFL1XX1 Foreign Language 2 1 LAN1032 Ethnics Relations 2 DFM2032 Defence Technology 2 LEL1012 English For Academic Writing 2 DFM1XX2 Research Methodology 3 LFL 1XX1 Foreign Language 1 1 DRM2023 Cross Culture Management 3 DRM1013 Human Resource Management 3 DRMXXX3 Elective Course 1 3 DRM1023 Training Management 3 DFM2073 Defence Logistic 3 1 ALK1021/ PLS1021 LKU*/PALAPES** 1 ALK1011/ PLS1021 LKU*/PALAPES** TOTAL 18 TOTAL 20 SHORT SEM Code Course Credit DUS 2072 Military Law and Law Of Armed Conflict 2 LAN 1042 Acculturation of Entrepreneurship 2 DUM 2062 Effective Leadership 2 TOTAL 6 TAHUN KEDUA SEMESTER 3 SEMESTER 4 Code Course Credit Code Course Credit DFM2XX2 Civil Military Relation 2 LAN 1012 Islamic and Asian Civilization 2 3 DFM2XX3 Statistical Data Analysis 3 DFM1103 Introduction to Strategic Management DRM2073 Conflict Management 3 DRM3XX3 Future Trends in Defence Management 2 DRM2033 Financial Management and Accounting 3 DRM3063 Seminar in Military Resources Management 3 DRM2053 Negotiation Technique 3 DRMXXX3 Elective Course 3 3 DRM3093 Health and Safety Management 3 DRMXXX3 Elective Course 4 3 DRM3XX3 Elective Course 2 3 DRMXXX3 Elective Course 5 3 1 ALK2021/ PLS2021 LKU*/PALAPES** 1 ALK2011/ PLS2011 LKU*/PALAPES** TOTAL 450 21 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 TOTAL 20 Jabatan Pengurusan Sumber Manusia Pertahanan TAHUN KETIGA SEMESTER 5 SEMESTER 6 Code Course Credit Code Course Credit DRM3053 Management of Peacekeeping Operations 3 DRM3086 Academic Paper 6 DRM3073 Management of Change 3 DRM3033 Resource Mobilization in War 3 DRM3XX3 Elective Course 6 3 DRMXXX3 Elective Course 7 3 DRM3XX3 Industrial Training 4 DRMXXX3 Elective Course 8 3 DRM3XX3 Industrial Training Report 2 DRMXXX3 Elective Course 9 3 ALK3011/ PLS3011 QKS3621/ PLS3021 TTS*/PALAPES** 2 TOTAL 15 TOTAL 20 Jumlah kredit bertanda( * ) adalah untuk pegawai kadet Jumlah kredit bertanda( ** ) adalah untuk pelajar Palapes. (Untuk kursus Ko-Kurikulum bagi pelajar awam perlu mengambil 6 Kredit dalam tempoh pengajian) UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 451 FAKULTI PENGAJIAN DAN PENGURUSAN PERTAHANAN SINOPSIS KURSUS TERAS PROGRAM PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA PENGURUSAN SUMBER MANUSIA PERTAHANAN (ZP45) PENGURUSAN SUMBER MANUSIA DRM 1013 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT DRM 1013 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course aims at introducing students to the basic theories, principles and models in human resource management. The focus will be on the various strategic approaches that can be taken in managing human resource in an organization. Special attention will be given to personnel management in the military where discussions and case studies will be used to highlight the lessons. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Explain the theoretical knowledge and principles in Human Resource Management (HRM). 2. Identify and analyse the main features of HRM policies and practices. 3. Understand the role HRM plays in the overall strategy of the firm. 4. Understand the many HR functions and how they relate to each other and to firm strategy and effectiveness. References 1. Armstrong, M. (1990). A Handbook of Human Resources Management, London: Kogan Page Ltd. 2. Werner J. M., & DeSimone R. L. (2006). Human Resources Development. 4th ed. South Western. Thomson. 452 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Pengurusan Sumber Manusia Pertahanan PENGURUSAN LATIHAN DRM 1023 TRAINING MANAGEMENT DRM 1023 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The focus of the course is in providing students with a broad overview of the various principles and theories that deal with the various aspects of training and human resource development both in the civilian and military environments. Students will also be exposed to the methods and principles of training, methods of identifying training needs, training design and development, and the review and evaluation of training. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Understand about the definition of training and the concept of training management. 2. Identify the process of training management from the beginning, between and after training. 3. Design the training policy and the effectiveness of training plan including vision, mission, objectives and training philosophy. 4. Clarify the roles and functions of trainer and trainee towards training management. 5. Assess the trainer and their training management programmes. References 1. Raymond, A. Noe, (2000). Employee Training and Development, UK: McGraw Hill. 2. Stout, S. (1994). Managing Training (Practical Trainer Series) London: Kogan Page Limited. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 453 FAKULTI PENGAJIAN DAN PENGURUSAN PERTAHANAN PENGURUSAN SILANG BUDAYA DRM 2023 CROSS CULTURE MANAGEMENT DRM 2023 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course aims at looking at the practical aspects of managing human resource in a multi-cultural environment. The course will also take a look at the effects of culture on management process, group dynamics, discipline and ethics, crisis and conflict management, communications and creativity. Local and international case studies as well as cross culture management in the military will also be discussed. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Recognise and analyse cultural and other environment factor which influence international organizational decision making. 2. Recognise and analyse military and other environment factors which influence military decision making. 3. Understand international business functions and how they may differ from national business function. References 1. Browaeys, M-J., & Price, R. (2008). Understanding Cross Culture Management, Pearson Education Limited. 2. Hofstede, G. (1997). Cultures and Organizations, New York: McGraw Hill. 3. Mead, R. (2004). International Management: Cross-Cultural Dimensions, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. 4. Schneider, S. C., & Barsoux, J-L. (2003). Managing Across Cultures ,Harlow, Essex, Nem York: Prentice Hall Financial Time. 454 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Pengurusan Sumber Manusia Pertahanan PENGURUSAN KEWANGAN DAN PERAKAUNAN DRM 2033 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND ACCOUNTING DRM 2033 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course introduces the students the fundamentals, principles and concepts of financial management and accounting in business entity and in public sector. Students are also exposed to the sources and usage of information in making decision. Some of the aspects covered in this course are financial statement analysis, time value of money, capital budgeting, cost of capital, cash and working capital management. Students will also be exposed to public sector accounting as well as the introduction of Islamic finance. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Understand the fundamental concept, theories and principles of financial management and accounting both in business and public organisation. 2. Analyse and evaluate time value of money and cost of capital. 3. Analyse and evaluate financial statement analysis and capital budgeting. 4. Analyse and evaluate cash and working capital management. 5. Understand public sector accounting and Islamic finance. References 1. Bany Ariffin Amin Noordin et al. (2003). Guide to Financial Management. Cengage Learning. Singapore. 2. Besley, S & Brigham, E.F. (2003). Principles of Finance.2nd Edition. Ohio: South-Western. 3. Brigham, E.F., Houston, J.F. (2004). Fundamental of Financial Management, 9th edition, Harcoutt. 4. Fatimah Abd Rauf et al. (2008). Public Sector Accounting. Updated 3rd edition. Prentice Hall. Selangor. 5. Financial Procedure Act. 6. Heng Seai Kie. (2010). Basic Accounting. Oxford Fajar. Kuala Lumpur. 7. Ng Kean Kok et al. (2010). Financial Management. 2nd edition.Oxford University Press. Kuala Lumpur. 8. Other related governments notes/procedure/act/regulation. 9. Peterson. P.P. (1994). Financial Management and Analysis. Mc Graw Hill International. 10. Ross, S.A. Westerfield, R.W., Jordan, B.D., Ahmad, R.M. Faudziah, Z.A., Nasruddin, Z., Faizah, I., Zaemah, Z, & Norzalina, A. 2007, Financial Management Fundamentals in Malaysia, Mc Graw Hill, Kuala Lumpur. 11.Titman, S. et al. (2011). Financial Management. Pearson Education. USA. 12.Treasury Instruction. 13.Van Hormne, J.C, & Wachowics, J.M., (2004). Fundamentals of Financial management. 11th edition. Prentice Hall. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 455 FAKULTI PENGAJIAN DAN PENGURUSAN PERTAHANAN LOGISTIK PERTAHANAN DRM 2043 DEFENCE LOGISTICS DRM 2043 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course aims at enabling the students to understand the process of logistics management system in the military. Students will be taught the process and procedures involved in logistics management covering areas such as inventory management, transport management, distribution management and systems requirement. They will also be taught in the military context, the concept of service to consumers and customers. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Recognise a logistic is a big business which comprises of land, labor, capital and information. 2. Define and formulate the basic logistic concepts for management decision making process. 3. Illustrate how logistic activities can be managed and implement in organization. 4. State and describe the relationships between logistic in military and civilian organisation. 5. Describe, utilise and solve problems related to the relationship between logistics technology in military and civilian organisation. 6. Work in a team or individually to elaborate on certain subject matter and produce written report. References 1. Army Logistician, Professional Bulletin of United States Army Logistics. 2. Harrison, A., & Hoek, R. (2008). Logistics Management and Strategy, 3nd Ed. Pearson Education Limited London: Prentice Hall. 3. Jane’s Military Logistics, Jane’s Information group. 4. Stock, J.R., & Lambert, D. M. (2001). Strategic Logistic Management, 4th Ed, New York: McGraw-Hill. 456 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Pengurusan Sumber Manusia Pertahanan TEKNIK PERUNDINGAN DRM 2053 NEGOTIATION TECHNIQUES DRM 2053 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course will provide students with the concepts of techniques and ethic involved in conducting a negotiation which may be applied in daily and surrounding environment in the military profession and civil organization. Students will be taught negotiation theories approach and preparation in addressing conflict. Case studies involving international peace agreement to will be used illustrate the process. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Explain basic concept knowledge and purpose of negotiation. 2. Understanding the importance and appropriate negotiation techniques. 3. Apply suitable theory and model effectively. 4. Apply negotiation techniques in real conflict occur in future. References 1. Fells, R. (2010). Effective negotiation. Sydney: Cambridge University Press. 2. Harvard Business Essentials. (2003). Negotiation. Boston: Harvard Business School Press. 3. Lewicki, R.J., Barry, B., & Saunders, M.D. (2010). Negotiation. 6Th ed. Boston: McGraw Hill. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 457 FAKULTI PENGAJIAN DAN PENGURUSAN PERTAHANAN MOBILASI SUMBER DALAM PEPERANGAN DRM 3033 RESOURCE MOBILIZATION IN WAR DRM 3033 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The aim of the course is to provide students with the knowledge required in managing civilian resources placed at the military disposal during war. Students will be broadly taught the various aspects of sea, air and land transport management, the management of essential services such as water and electricity and other resources. Students will also be taught the concept of total defense as the key underlying principle in war-time resource mobilisation. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Adopt the nature of resources mobilisation in war. 2. Comprehend the sequence and application of resource mobilisation in war emphasis all aspects that resources available in the situation. 3. Acquire the awareness of resource mobilization in war. References 1. Klare, M. T. (2002). Resource Wars: The New Landscape of Global Conflict, New York: Holt Paperbacks. 2. Moran Daniel Russel (James A)(2009). Energy Security: The Militarization Of Resource Management. Abingdon, Oxon. Routledge. 3. Muller, R.-D., Umbreit, H., & Radmore, D. C. (2003). Germany and the Second World War: Organization and Mobilization in the German Sphere of Power, Wartime Administration, Economy, and Manpower Resources 1942-1944/5 (Germany and the Second World War, Vol 5/II), USA: Oxford University Press. 4. Preker, A. S., & Carrin, G. (2004). Health Financing for Poor People: Resource Mobilization and Risk Sharing. Washington DC: World Bank Publications. 5. Seelig Louis C. (2002). Resource Management In Peace And War. UK: Lightning Source Inc. 458 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Pengurusan Sumber Manusia Pertahanan PENGURUSAN OPERASI PENGAMANAN DRM 3053 MANAGEMENT OF PEACEKEEPING OPERATIONS DRM 3053 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The focus of the course is to highlight the unique nature of peacekeeping operations and the special approach required in its management. The emphasis will be on the preparation, coordination of operational methods and procedures, logistics, communications and training. Malaysia’s experience derived from the numerous peacekeeping operations will be the major source of reference for this course. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Be familiar with the history og the UN, its purpose and principles, the general organization of the UN, the Security Council, the Secretariat, Department of Peacekeeping and Department of Field Service. 2. Be familiar with peacekeeping operations, its fundamentals and concepts and be able to identify differences between traditional and complex (multidimensional) missions. 3. Understand the organizational structure of different type of peace operations and the roles and responsibilities of the different components in a mission area. 4. Understand the legal framework of United Nation peace operations, the process of initiation of a mission and the impact of legal framework on personal behavior of peacekeepers. References 1. Fortna, V.Page. (2008). Does Peacekeeping Work. New Jersey: Princeton University Press. 2. Handbook on United Nations Multidimensional Peacekeeping Operations UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 459 FAKULTI PENGAJIAN DAN PENGURUSAN PERTAHANAN SEMINAR PENGURUSAN SUMBER KETENTERAAN DRM 3063 SEMINAR IN MILITARY RESOURCES MANAGEMENT DRM 3063 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis In this course students are required to present and produce to the writing of an academic paper proposal on any topic related to the subjects taken during of the seminar in military resources management. Upon presentation during seminar, the student will be asked to identify a suitable topic from a broad range of contemporary issues pertaining to the management of military resources. Each student will produce a proposal in preparation of their academic paper in the following semester. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Present topic related on military resource management study during seminar. 2. Identify and conduct suitable research articles in preparation for writing an academic paper proposal. 3. Complete an academic paper proposal on the end of the course. References 1. Abdul Rahman Shaik & Hasan Al-Banna Mohamed. (2011). Panduan dan log kertas akademik sarjana muda. Kuala Lumpur: Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia. 2. Parmjit Singh, Chan Yuen Fook & Gurnam Kaur Sidhu. (2006). A comprehensive guide to writing a research proposal. Petaling Jaya: Venton Publishing (M) Sdn. Bhd. 3. Richard Holmes, Hazadiah Mohammad Dahan & Habibah Ashari. (2005). A guide to research in the social sciences. Kuala Lumpur: Pearson Malaysia Sdn Bhd. 4. Salkind, N.J. (2000). Exploring research. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 460 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Pengurusan Sumber Manusia Pertahanan LATIHAN INDUSTRI DRM 3188 DAN LAPORAN LATIHAN INDUSTRI DRM 3194 INDUSTRIAL TRAINING DRM 3188 AND INDUSTRIAL TRAINING REPORT DRM 3194 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course is aimed at providing the necessary exposure and working experience to students in line with the national Industrial Training Policy of the Ministry of Higher Education. Students will be placed at defence-related institutions or industries such as the Ministry of Defence, STRIDE, IDFR and AIROD. This exercise is as much an effort to provide opportunities for students to apply the knowledge acquired throughout their studies as to prepare them for the real life working environment. Students will be required to produce a report based on their industrial training experience as part of this training exercise. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Understand the nature of experiential learning and applied learning. 2. Learn techniques soft-skills, employability skill, community development and organization development. 3. Build communication and analytical skills to enhance human resources management. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 461 FAKULTI PENGAJIAN DAN PENGURUSAN PERTAHANAN PENGURUSAN PERUBAHAN DRM 3073 MANAGEMENT OF CHANGE DRM 3073 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course aims at exposing students to the various strategies and techniques in introducing change in an organization. They will be taught the theories and principles that explain human tendency to resist change and how this can be overcome. Case studies will be extensively used to highlight the lessons taught. A substantial percentage of the cases to be discussed will be those involving military organizations. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Explain why change is both a creative and a rational process. 2. Identify common changes that confront organizations such as downsizing, introducing new technologies, mergers and acquisitions. 3. Discuss the strength and weakness of various approaches to the management of resistance to change. 4. Describe communicating strategies and skills appropriate to different images of managing change. References 1. Bernard Burnes. (1996). Managing Change; 2nd ed. London: Pitman Publishing. 2. Colin A. Cornell. (2003). Managing Change In Organization; 4th ed. U.K: Pearson Education Ltd. 3. John Clark. (1995). Managing Innovation And Change. London: Sage Publications Ltd. 4. Palmer,I; Dunford, R., & Akin, G (2009). Managing Organizational Change: A Multiple Perepectives Approach. 2nd ed. New York: Mc Graw Hill. 462 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Pengurusan Sumber Manusia Pertahanan KERTAS AKADEMIK / TESIS DRM 3086 ACADEMIC PAPER / THESIS DRM 3086 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : Seminar in Defence Resources Management DRM 3063 Course Synopsis This course is the culminating point of the undergraduate programme where students are required to produce an academic paper or thesis on any topic related to the subjects of defence human resource management. This course is the continuity of academic paper proposal during Seminar in Defence Resources Management last semester. The student already identified research topic for the paper and will be assigned by supervisor. A vivavoce session will be held upon research report before a complete undergraduate academic paper or thesis by the end of the course semester. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Identify and conduct suitable research articles in preparation for writing an academic paper report. 2. Produce an academic paper using the correct format. 3. Identify the right methodological approaches to organize and collect information of data. 4. Complete an undergraduate academic paper report on the end of the course. References 1. Abdul Rahman Shaik & Hasan Al-Banna Mohamed. (2011). Panduan dan log kertas akademik sarjana muda. Kuala Lumpur: Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia. 2. Parmjit Singh, Chan Yuen Fook & Gurnam Kaur Sidhu. (2006). A comprehensive guide to writing a research proposal. Petaling Jaya: Venton Publishing (M) Sdn. Bhd. 3. Richard Holmes, Hazadiah Mohammad Dahan, & Habibah Ashari. (2005). A guide to research in the social sciences. Kuala Lumpur: Pearson Malaysia Sdn Bhd. 4. Sulaiman Ngah Razali. (1996). Analisis data dalam penyelidikan pendidikan. Kuala Lumpur: Percetakan Dewan Bahasa dan Budaya. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 463 FAKULTI PENGAJIAN DAN PENGURUSAN PERTAHANAN PENGURUSAN KESELAMATAN DAN KESIHATAN DRM 3093 HEALTH AND SAFETY MANAGEMENT DRM 3093 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course aims at outlining the various health and safety procedures and regulations that govern the various industries and organizations. Apart from discussing the differences and similarities that exist between the civilian and the military standards, the discussion will also revolve around military safety procedures and regulations and the potential threat of the various hazards to military personnel in non-combat environment. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Explain the importance of managing health and safety at workplace. 2. Identify the principles of health and safety management. 3. Apply the legal knowledge related to health and safety at workplace. 4. Discuss health and safety programme in which can be adopted to any work environment. References 1. Ahmad Azan Ridzuan. (2011). Modules and Notes Health and Safety Management DRM 3093. Edition 1/2011. Jabatan Pembangunan Sumber Manusia, FPPP, UPNM. 2. Asfahl, C.R., & Rieske, D.W. (2010). Industrial Safety and Health Management (6th edition). Pearson, New Jersey. 3. Factories and Machineries Act 1967 (FMA). 4. Goetsch, D.L. (2011). Occupational Safety and Health for Technologists, Engineers, and Managers (7th Edition). Pearson Prentice Hall, USA. 5. Ismail Bahari (2006). Pengurusan Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan (Edisi Kedua). McGraw Hill, Malaysia. 6. Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 (OSHA). 7. Sariwati Mohd Shariff (2005). Occupational Safety and Health Management. UPENA UiTM, Shah Alam. 464 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Pengurusan Sumber Manusia Pertahanan STATISTIK DATA ANALISIS DRM 3XX3 STATISTICAL DATA ANALYSIS DRM 3XX3 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course to provide a practical understanding of the systematic process of data analysis and interpretation for a specific research objectives and hypotheses. Guide students to select appropriate statistical analysis technique and procedures for given specific research. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Select appropriate statistical analysis techniques and procedures for the specific research objectives. 2. Differentiate and assess the basic requirements to run each statistical procedure. 3. Interpret data, formulate conclusions and report the results of statistical analyses. References 1. Pallan, Julie (2010). SPSS Survival Manual: A step by step guide to data analysis using SPSS (4th Ed). 2. Green, Samuel B. and Salkind, Neil J. (2011) . Using SPSS for Window.: Analyzing and Understanding Data (6th ED). 3. Hair. J.F Jr. Black. W.C Babin, B.J And Anderson R.E (2010) , Multivariate Data Analysis A Global Perpective. 7th Edition, Pearson : Prentice-Hall Inc. 4. Mann, Prem S. (2010) Introductory Statistics (7th Ed). John Wiley & Sons. Inc. New York. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 465 FAKULTI PENGAJIAN DAN PENGURUSAN PERTAHANAN SINOPSIS KURSUS ELEKTIF PROGRAM PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA PENGURUSAN SUMBER MANUSIA PERTAHANAN (ZP45) PENGURUSAN MEDIA DAN INFORMASI DRM 3103 MEDIA AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT DRM 3103 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course aims to develope understanding of how information management can be achieved through usage of mass communication technologies. Students will be exposed related mass communication theories and the media affects towards society and global. Student should also understand the importance and influence of media and information management dealing with mass media and cyber warfare. US military propaganda against terrorism will also be discussed and analysed. This course will cover journalism ethical and related laws dealing media and information management. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Understand the important concepts in media and information management dealing with mass media and cyber warfare. 2. Describe the media effects that can have in relation to its affect towards the society and global. 3. Analyse the roles of media and information management dealing with crisis by looking at selective case studies. 4. Explain the role of mass communication theories in information dissemination and understanding related laws dealing media and information management. References 1. Baran, S.J. (2012). Introduction to mass communication: Media literacy and culture. 7th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill. 2. Bentong: PTS Publications & Distributors Sdn Bhd. 3. Leonhard, R.R. (1998). The principles of war for the information age. New York: The Ballantine Publishing Group. 4. Saodah Wok, Narimah Ismail dan Mohd Yusof Hussain. (2004). Teori-teori komunikasi. 5. Vivian, J. (2002). The media of mass communication. 6th ed. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. 466 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Pengurusan Sumber Manusia Pertahanan ANALISIS RISIKO POLITIK DRM 3123 POLITICAL RISK ANALYSIS DRM 3123 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The aim of the course is to outline the various factors and indicators that could be used to predict the future political stability of a country. The influence of key factors such as economy, leadership, ethnic relations and the threat of natural disasters will be discussed and evaluated. Case studies on certain selected countries will be carried out to highlight the lessons of this course. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Address definition and concept of political risk analysis. 2. Identify the process of political risk in international relations. 3. Identify political events and process that can threaten order stability. 4. Evaluate risk factors in selected Southeast Asian country. References 1. Howell, L. D. (2002). Handbook of Country and Political Risk Analysis, New York: The PRS Group. 2. Moran, T. H. & West G. T. (2005) International Political Risk Management: Looking to the Future (International Political Risk Management), World Bank Publications. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 467 FAKULTI PENGAJIAN DAN PENGURUSAN PERTAHANAN PENGURUSAN KESELAMATAN GLOBAL DRM 3133 GLOBAL SECURITY MANAGEMENT DRM 3133 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course discusses the global security scenario in post 9/11 environment by looking at the various global initiatives taken by governments in dealing with the threat of terrorist attacks. Among the topics to be discussed are airline and airport security management, container security initiative in the shipping industry and the laws and treaties introduced to support global security efforts. Problems of international coordination will also be discussed. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Demonstrate understanding on the theories and concept on Global Security Management. 2. Assess different approaches towards managing globals security. 3. Relate issues of current affairs to broader area of academic interest. References 1. Chris Abbott, Paul Rogers, & John Sloboda.(2006). Global Responses to Global Threat. Sustainable Security for the First Century. UK: Oxford Research Group. 2. Dannreuther, Roland. (2007). International Security The Contemporary Agenda. UK: Polity Press. 3. Frank Barnaby, & James Kemp. (2007). Secure Energy? Civil Nuclear Power, UK: Security and Global Warming. 4. Hough, Peter. (2008). Understanding Global Security.2nd ed. London and New York: Oxford Research Group. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. 5. OECD (2007). OECD DAC Handbook on Security System Reform. Supporting Security and Justice. France, Paris. 6. Rogers Paul. (2009). Britain’s National Security Strategy – One Year On. UK: Oxford Research Group. 7. Sheehan, Michael. (2005). International Security An Analytical Survey. Inc. London: Lynne Rienner Publishers. 468 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Pengurusan Sumber Manusia Pertahanan EKONOMI PERTAHANAN DRM 3143 DEFENCE ECONOMY DRM 3143 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course will take a look at the defence industry as an important component of global economy and how it affects the economy of countries that are known to be major producers of weapons and defense equipment. The course will also discuss the economic impact of the presence of foreign military bases in certain selected countries and how their existences affect the socio-economic environment of the local communities. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Define the conceptual foundation of defense economics and its relevant policy and strategy. 2. Explain defense expenditure and its relation to economic performance of the nation. 3. Discuss economic of war and crisis. 4. Describe defense procurement and transactions processes. 5. Discuss the contribution of defense and its relation to economic development in developed countries. 6. Discuss the important of defense industry as catalyst in defense environment in Malaysia. 7. Explain the economy of military manpower. References 1. Lawrence R. Klein, Fu-Chen Lo & Warwick J. Mc Kibbin. (1995). Arms Reduction: Economic Implications In The Post Cold War Era. Tokyo: United Nations University Press. 2. Malaysia Defence Industry Council Bulletin. 3. Michael Pugh, & Neil Copper. (2005).War Economies In A Regional Context: Challenges Of Transformation. New Delhi: Viva Books Ptd. Ltd. 4. Military Balance (2010). The International Institute for Strategic Studies, UK: Routledge. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 469 FAKULTI PENGAJIAN DAN PENGURUSAN PERTAHANAN TEKNOLOGI KETENTERAAN KEGUNAAN AWAM DRM 3153 MILITARY TECHNOLOGY AND CIVILIAN USAGE DRM 3153 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course will discuss the products of technological achievements made in the military research and development that have been successfully and widely applied in the civilian environment. The course will also touch upon the economic aspect of military research and development initiatives and explain why governments and industries are keen in funding such efforts. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Define the conceptual foundation of defense economics and its relevant policy and strategy. 2. Explain defense expenditure and its relation to economic performance of the nation 3. Discuss economic of war and crisis. 4. Describe defense procurement and transactions processes. 5. Discuss the contribution of defense and its relation to economic development in developed countries. 6. Discuss the importance of defense industry as catalyst in defense environment in Malaysia References 1. Alic, J. A. (2007). Trillions for Military Technology: How the Pentagon Innovates and Why It Costs So Much, Palgrave Macmillan. 470 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Pengurusan Sumber Manusia Pertahanan APLIKASI TEORI STRATEGIK DALAM PENGURUSAN DRM 3173 APPLICATION OF STRATEGIC THEORIES IN MANAGEMENT DRM 3173 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course focuses on the strategic theories, principles, and rules commonly applied in warfare to modern management practices. The writings of well known Asian and Western strategic thinkers such as Sun Tzu and Clausewitz will be discussed and analysed. In addition, the application of these strategic theories, principles, and rules in management and business are also discussed and explained. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Define and differentiate the strategic theories, principles, and rules commonly applied in warfare. 2. Discuss and explain the uses and importance of these strategic theories, principles, and rules in management. 3. Apply and adapt appropriate strategic theories, principles, and rules commonly applied in warfare to modern management practices References 1. Michaelson, G. A., & Michaelson, S (2010). Sun Tzu: The Art of War for Managers; 50 Strategic Rules. Avon MA: Adams Media. 2. Murray, W., & Krox M. G. (1994). The Making of Strategy: Rulers, Status and War. USA: Cambridge University Press. 3. Sun Tzu, Clausewitz, C. V., & Machiavelli, N. (2008). The Complete Art of War. USA: Wilder Publications. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 471 FAKULTI PENGAJIAN DAN PENGURUSAN PERTAHANAN PENGURUSAN RANTAIAN BANTUAN DAN PEMBEKALAN DRM 2063 SUPPLY AND SUPPORT CHAIN MANAGEMENT DRM 2063 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis Students of this course will be introduced to the concepts and approaches involved in the military supply and support chain management. They will be taught the process involved in defense supply and support chain that begins at the factory and goes right down to the battlefield. Experience of the US and NATO forces in the Middle East and Afghanistan will be among the sources for case studies for the course. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Understand the basic concept of supply and support management. 2. Understand the importance of supply and support management in the development of an organisation. 3. Apply any two theories on the effectiveness of supply and support management. 4. Apply the supply and support management in the business proposal. References 1. Bowersox, D. J., Closs, D. J., & Cooper, M. B. (2007). Supply Chain Logistics Management, 2nd ed. Boston: McGraw Hill. 2. Fawcett, S. E., Ellram, L. M., & Ogden, J. A., (2007). Supply Chain Management, From Vision to Implementation, Pearson Education Limited New Jersey. 3. Wisner, J.D; Tan, K.C., & Leong, G.K. (2008). Principles of Supply Chain Management. A Balance Approach. 2th ed. South Western: South-Western Cengage Learning. 472 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Pengurusan Sumber Manusia Pertahanan PENILAIAN PRESTASI DAN PEMBANGUNAN PERSONEL DRM 3013 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION AND PERSONNEL DEVELOPMENT DRM 3013 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The focus of the course is to outline the various evaluation techniques currently being practiced to evaluate personnel performance as well as the means of creating a working environment that motivates personnel to perform their best. Apart from explaining the theories and concepts underlying performance appraisal, the course will also encourage students to take a critical look at existing models and techniques and consider how best they can be modified and applied in the military environment. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Understand the nature of performance measurement and performance management. 2. Learn techniques to measure employee performance and how to motivate and develop potential employees. 3. Build the awareness about human potentials. References 1. Fisher, Martin. (2008). Performance Appraisal. London: Kogan Page. 2. Fletcher, C. & William, R. (2009). Performance Appraisal and Career Development, London: Hutchison Co. 3. Henderson, R. (2005). Performance Appraisal: Theory to Practice. Virginia: Prentice Hall. 4. Lansbury, R.D. (2007). Performance Appraisal, Melbourne: The Macmillan Company. 5. Rao, T.V. (2009). Performance Appraisal: Theory and Practice. New Delhi. 6. Schuttaut, E.E. (2005). Performance Management Manual for Managers and Supervisors. Chicago: Commerce Clearing House. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 473 FAKULTI PENGAJIAN DAN PENGURUSAN PERTAHANAN GELAGAT ORGANISASI DRM 2013 ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR DRM 2013 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The emphasis of the course is on the study of the psychological make up of an organization. Students will be introduced to the various organizational principles and theories and case studies covering issues such as motivation, communication, leadership, inter-personal relations, job satisfaction and organizational culture. A considerable amount of case studies will be devoted to cases involving military organizations. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Explain the basic concept of Organizational Behaviour. 2. Understand the impact of OB and how it can be used to improve the effectiveness of the organizations. 3. Understand the application of OB. 4. Acquire familiarity with the major issues in the study of OB. References 1. Kreitner, R., & Kinicki, A (2008). Organizational Behavior. 8th ed. New York: Mc Graw Hill Companies. 2. McShane, S.L., & Von Glinow, M.A. (2008). Organizational Behavior. 4th ed. New York: Mc Graw-Hill International. 3. Zainal Ariffin Ahmad et al. (2009). Understanding Organizational Behavior. New York: Oxford University Press. Oxford Fajar. 474 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Pengurusan Sumber Manusia Pertahanan KEPIMPINAN DALAM PEPERANGAN DRM 3023 LEADERSHIP IN WAR DRM 3023 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course will exclusively deal with military leadership in war by highlighting the uniqueness of the environment and the approaches to be taken under such a situation. Although the cases to be discussed will be mainly military involving leaders such as Eisenhower, Rommel, Slim, Patton and others; the leadership styles of well known civilian leaders such as Churchill and Truman will also be included. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Introduce the fundamental of military leadership. 2. Discuss the human dimension of military leadership: stress, courage, morale, teamwork, fear, cohesion, etc in the combat environment. 3. Discuss the causes of leader success and failure in battlefield. 4. Discuss leadership in war based on Islamic perspective. References 1. Owen, C. (2005). On War and Leadership. The Words of Combat Commanders From Frederick The Great to Norman Schwarzkopf. USA: Princeton. University Press. 2. Hurt, James G., & Blair, John D. (1985). Leadership on the Future Battlefield. USA: Pergamon-Brassey’s International Defense Publishers. 3. Lace, William W. (2000). Leaders and Generals of World War II. Inc. San Diego, Califonia: Lucent Books. 4. Smith, Perry M.(1986). Taking Charge – A Practical Guide for Leaders. Washington DC: National Defense University Press Publications. 5. HQ’s Department of the Army (June 1987). FM 22-103. Leadership and Command at Senior Levels. Fort Leavenworth. 6. HQ’s Department of the Army (July 1990). FM 22-100. Military Leadership. Washington, DC. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 475 FAKULTI PENGAJIAN DAN PENGURUSAN PERTAHANAN PENGURUSAN BENCANA DRM 3043 DISASTER MANAGEMENT DRM 3043 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course aims at providing the students with the necessary knowledge in the management of disaster operations. They will be taught of the roles played by the military in disaster relief operations - ranging from search and rescue to humanitarian assistance, to reconstruction program. The experience gained from recent Tsunami disaster and earthquake relief operations will be extensively used to highlight some of the lessons. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Explain the impact of disaster toward the community and organization development. 2. Identify the principles and concepts of disaster management. 3. Apply the disaster risk assessment process for disaster management. 4. Discuss the roles and responsibility of military in disaster management. References 1. Ahmad Azan Ridzuan & Mohd Juraimy Hj Kadir (2011). Modules and Notes Disaster Management DRM 3043. Edition 1/2011. Jabatan Pembangunan Sumber Manusia, FPPP, UPNM. 2. Bahagian Keselamatan Negara, Jabatan Perdana Menteri (2007). Panduan Keselamatan Menghadapi Bencana dan Krisis (Cetakan Kedua). Bio Esco Triangle Sdn Bhd. Puchong, Selangor. 3. DMC–41 (2012). Participant’s Workbook The 41st Regional Training Course on Disaster Management. 23 January – 10 February 2012. ADPC Bangkok, Thailand. 4. National Security Division, Prime Minister Department (1997). National Security Council (NSC) Directive No. 20. Disaster Management. 476 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jabatan Pengurusan Sumber Manusia Pertahanan KEPIMPINAN ORGANISASI AWAM DFM 2063 ORGANIZATIONAL LEADERSHIP DFM 2063 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The aim of the course is to provide students with a broad but firm foundation on the key aspects of leadership studies. Students will initially be exposed to the various leadership theories and principles before embarking on the discussions of case studies where the leadership styles of certain selected leaders will be examined. Although the focus of the course is on leadership in general, a substantial portion of the course will be devoted to the study of military leadership. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Understand and master the concepts of leading people and organizations. 2. Understand the method of developing strategic and operational plans as part of team building. 3. Undertsand the ‘connect’ between leader, his followers and the ability to adapt to situations. 4. Undertsand the value of experience in leadership development and the ability to learn from previous experience. 5. Understand the role of mental models in influencing follower behavior. References 1. Cummings, Thomas, G., & Worley, Christopher, G. (2005). Organization Development and Change, 8th ed Ohio, Thomson. 2. French, Wendell, R., & Bell, Cecil, H. Jr. (2005). Organization Development and Transformation; Managing Effective Change, 6th ed. New York: McGraw Hill. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 477 FAKULTI PENGAJIAN DAN PENGURUSAN PERTAHANAN PENGURUSAN KONFLIK DFM 2073 CONFLICT MANAGEMENT DFM 2073 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course covers a broad spectrum of topics relating to conflict management such as the political context of the conflict, approaches in conflict resolution; and methods of control, management and resolution of conflicts. Students will also be taught the various techniques and procedures in the resolution of conflict. Apart from these theoretical aspects, they will also be exposed to selected case studies and simulation exercises as part of the effort to familiarise them with the practical application of the theories and principles taught. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Understand the nature of conflict in society, groups, organizations and individuals. 2. Learn techniques to manage conflict in their personal and professional lives. 3. Build communication and analytical skills to handle conflict more effectively. References 1. Mohd Fual sakdan (2005). Pengurusan Konflik. Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Kuala Lumpur. 2. Mohd Juraimy Hj Kadir (2013) .Modul Pengurusan Konflik. Edisi 1/2013. 3. Nye, Joseph, S. (2007). Understanding International Conflict. 6th ed. New York: Pianism International. 4. Stoessinger, J. G. (2000). Why Nations Go to War, 10th ed. Thomson Wardworth. 478 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 FAKULTI PENGAJIAN DAN PENGURUSAN PERTAHANAN JABATAN KENEGARAAN, KEPEMIMPINAN DAN KETAMADUNAN BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI 2014/2015 FAKULTI PENGAJIAN DAN PENGURUSAN PERTAHANAN SENARAI KAKITANGAN AKADEMIK PROF. MADYA Dr. Sayuti Bin Ab Ghani B.A. (Hons.)(Islamic Studies)(UKM), M.A. (Law of Islamic Property)(UM), Ph.D. (Law of Islamic Property)(UM) Lt Kol Dr Burhanuddin bin Jalal Bac. Islamic Studies (UKM), M. Publication Studies (UM), PhD (Islamic Studies) (UKM) PENSYARAH KANAN Dr. Jessica Ong Hai Liaw Teaching Diploma (TESL) (IPDA), B.A. (History, Anthropology & Sociology)(USM), M.A. (Malay Studies)(UPM), Ph.D. (Psycholinguistics & Applied Linguistics)(UPM) Amnah Saayah Binti Ismail B.A. (Hons.)(Islamic Studies)(UKM), M.A. (Islamic Studies)(UKM) Mejar Haji Noor Azmi Bin Haji Mohd Zainol Dip. Pengajian Strategik dan Pertahanan (UM) (UKM), B.A (Hons) Antropologi dan Sosiologi (UKM), BCK PPS PPA lmt, MSc (IT) Mejar Haji Daud bin Muhamed Salleh B.A (Hons) (Islamic Studies & Arab Civilization (Al-Azhar, Mesir) M. ( UPNM) PENSYARAH Redwan Bin Yasin B.A. (Hons.)(Syariah)(Al-Azhar University), M.A. (Islamic Studies)(UKM) Mohd Kamarul Amree Bin Mohd Sarkam B.A (Hons) Islamic Revealed Knowledge & Heritage (Fiqh & Usul Fiqh) (UIAM), M.A slamic Revealed Knowledge & Heritage (Fiqh & Usul Fiqh) (UIAM) 480 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 PUSAT BAHASA BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI 2014/2015 PUSAT BAHASA KATA-KATA ALUAN PENGARAH Salam Sejahtera. Selepas enam tahun penubuhan Pusat Bahasa (PB), yang dahulu dikenali sebagai Pusat Pengajian Umum dan Bahasa (PPUB), banyak peningkatan yang dapat dilihat dari aspek kualiti kursus yang ditawarkan, pembangunan sumber manusia dan perolehan aset PB. Apa yang lebih membanggakan, PB bakal menawarkan satu program akademik baharu, Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Sosial (Bahasa dan Komunikasi Silang Budaya) bermula pada Sesi Akademik 2014/2015. Semua pelajar perlu mengambil dan lulus dalam tiga mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggeris dan Bahasa Asing I & Bahasa Asing II. Tiga subjek Bahasa Inggeris adalah LEL1002 : Basic Grammar and Vocabulary (bagi pelajar yang mencapai tahap 1 dan 2 dalam MUET), LEL1012: English For Academic Writing dan LEL1022: English For Oral Communication. Pihak Pusat Bahasa berharap agar pelajar dapat memberi tumpuan dan perhatian kepada mata pelajaran ini lebih-lebih lagi Bahasa Inggeris kerana ia sangat penting dalam dunia global hari ini. Kepada pelajar-pelajar UPNM, kursus-kursus yang ditawarkan PB akan membantu dalam pembinaan sahsiah diri sebagai bakal pegawai tentera dan bakal peneraju sektor awam dan swasta. Teruskan usaha untuk mencapai kegemilangan. Akhir kata, selamat menjalankan tanggungjawab bersama dalam mencapai hasrat PB, UPNM dan negara. Selamat berjuang dan selamat maju jaya. Sekian. Lt. Kol. Profesor Madya Dr. Surjeet Singh Jeggy (Bersara) Pengarah Pusat Bahasa Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia 482 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 PUSAT BAHASA VISI Menjadi Pusat Bahasa bertaraf global berasaskan komunikasi, pendidikan & penyelidikan pertahanan. MISI Memberi perkhidmatan pengajaran bahasa kepada bakal pemimpin bagi mencapai tahap komunikasi yang berprofesionalisma. OBJEKTIF i. Menghasilkan graduan yang fasih dan cekap dalam Bahasa Inggeris dan Bahasa Asing. ii. Meningkatkan penyelidikan dan pembangunan dalam bidang bahasa dan komunikasi silang budaya. iii. Memperkasakan kecekapan staf dan kemudahan. MOTO Mencapai Kecemerlangan Dalam Bahasa dan Komunikasi UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 483 PUSAT BAHASA LATAR BELAKANG PUSAT BAHASA Pusat Pengajian Umum dan Bahasa (PPUB) adalah pusat akademik termuda di Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia. Universiti Pertahanan juga merupakan universiti awam termuda di Malaysia. Penubuhan PPUB dimulai dengan lantikan Pengarah Pusat pada tanggal 1 Mei 2008 dan seterusnya diikuti dengan pertukaran kakitangan yang mengajar kursus bahasa dari Pusat Asasi Pertahanan dan kursus umum dari Fakulti Pengajian dan Pengurusan Pertahanan pada 1 Julai 2008. Kakitangan pengurusan dan sokongan pula mula melapur diri ke PPUB pada 10 Julai 2008. PPUB mendapat kelulusan Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia untuk beroperasi secara rasmi pada bulan November 2008. Ini membolehkan PPUB maju selangkah ke hadapan dengan adanya peruntukan bajet dari Jabatan Bendahari UPNM.Dengan peruntukan yang diberikan, PPUB telah memohon untuk sebuah pejabat pentadbiran yang kini terletak di Aras 2, Bangunan Bestari. Kini PPUB dikenali sebagai Pusat Bahasa (PB) mulai 1 Jun 2012. PROGRAM YANG DITAWARKAN Program yang ditawarkan di bawah Pusat Bahasa adalah seperti berikut: i. Sarjana Muda Sains Sosial (Bahasa dan Komunikasi Silang Budaya) (ZB 03) 484 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 PUSAT BAHASA OBJEKTIF DAN HASIL PEMBELAJARAN PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA SAINS SOSIAL (BAHASA DAN KOMUNIKASI SILANG BUDAYA) (ZB03) Objektif Pembelajaran Program Programme Educational Objectives (PEO) PEO1 Graduates to demonstrate superior personal qualities including communicative competence, respect for various beliefs and cultural practices while preserving their own beliefs and values. PEO2 Graduates to demontrate knowledge and skill competeance in performing their duties professionally and ethically as leaders of characters while enhancing their professional development and contribution for society. PEO3 Graduates to demonstrate great leadership and professional qualities with the abilities to respond and adapt to changing and unpredictable environments. Hasil Pembelajaran Program Programme Outcomes (PO) (a)Technical Knowledge and Competencies Teaching and Learning Methods Code Intended Learning Outcomes PO1 Ability to acquire and apply knowledge of liberal studies, English and foreign languages (Knowledge) Lectures & Group Work Assignments, Tests & Final Exams PO2 Ability to repond and adapt to changing situations with special attention towards sustainable development, peace keeping and humanitarian needs (Technical / Psychomotor Skills) Lectures & Group Work Assignment & Test PO3 Ability to identify, formulate and solve problems in written and oral forms (Critical Thinking / Scientific) Lectures & Group Work Assignments, Tests & Final Exams PO4 Ability to communicate affectively and with confidence (Communication) Lectures, Language Labs & Group Work Presentations, Public Speaking, Debates & Forums PO5 Ability to demonstrate self-esteem with high regard towards social, cultural and global responsibilities (Socially Responsible) Lectures & Group Work Assignments & Tests Assessment UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 485 PUSAT BAHASA Teaching and Learning Methods Code Intended Learning Outcomes PO6 Ability to respond to local and global issues professionally and with ethical consideration (Ethics and Professionalism) Lectures & Group Work Assignment & Presentation PO7 Aability to grasp the concept of and participate in life-long learning (Lifelong Learning) Lectures & Group Work Assignment PO8 Ability to demonstrate managerial and entrepreneurship qualities (Management and Entrepreneurship) Lectures & Group Work Assignment PO9 Ability to function effectively as an individual and/or in a team to achive common goals (Leadership) Lectures & Group Work Assignment 486 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Assessment PUSAT BAHASA CARTA ORGANISASI PENGURUSAN AKADEMIK PUSAT BAHASA Lt. Kol. Prof. Madya Dr. Surjeet Singh Jeggy (Bersara) PENGARAH Pn. Mardziah Binti Shamsudin TIMBALAN PENGARAH Lt. Kol. Kupusamy A/L Gopal (Bersara) KETUA JABATAN Pn. Afifah Quraishah Binti Abdul Nasir KETUA UNIT BAHASA INGGERIS Puan Hairul Nisma Wahab KETUA UNIT BAHASA ASING Prof Madya Dr Jowati Juhary En. Wan Ikhlas Bin Wan Mohtar Dr. Norshima Zainal Shah Pn. Najjah Salwa Abd Razak * Lt. Kol. Enock A/L Amalanathan En .Mhd Faizal Mhd Ramli Pn. Masdini Harina Ab Manan * Puan Farah Farhana Awang Cik Belinda Marie Balraj Cik Christy Chiew Geiok Hong En. Ahmad Thamrini Fadzlin * Pn. Erda Wati Bakar * Pn. Asniah Alias * En. Mohd Amzari Mat Rani Cik Surinder Kaur En. Ahmad Fahimi Amir Cik Nur Hidayatul Husna Mazlan Puan Farah Fatinah Enche Shaari Puan Nur Khadirah Ab Rahman Puan Emily Abdul Rahman Pn. Norlela Samad Pn. Noor Shariena Zaraini Cik Hanim Mohamad Ismail * Staf Akademik Cuti Belajar UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 487 PUSAT BAHASA CARTA ORGANISASI PENTADBIRAN PUSAT BAHASA Lt. Kol. Prof. Madya Dr. Surjeet Singh Jeggy (Bersara) PENGARAH Cik Siti Nur Aznie Binti Zaine PENOLONG PENDAFTAR Pn. Yuhaniz Binti Yahaya PEMBANTU TADBIR (P/O) Cik Hafizah Binti Zulkifli PEMBANTU TADBIR (P/O) Cik Puteri Nadia Binti Sabdin PEMBANTU TADBIR (P/O) En. Hasman Bin Wahab PEMBANTU AM PEJABAT 488 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Muhamad Fazli Bin Salim JURUTEKNIK KOMPUTER PUSAT BAHASA TENAGA AKADEMIK PUSAT BAHASA Pengarah Lt. Kol. Profesor Madya Dr. Surjeet Singh Jeggy (Bersara) B.Ec (UM); Dip. Ed (UKM); MESL (UM); ETDC (Australia); AELIC (USA); Ph.D (ELS) (IIUM) Timbalan Pengarah Mardziah Shamsudin B.Hsc (Hons) (English and Literature) (IIUM) Ketua Jabatan Lt. Kol. Kupusamy Gopal (Bersara) Dip. TESL (RELC Singapore); Dip. ALL (Texas); B.Arts (Hons) (Geography/History) (UM); MA (TESL) (UKM) UNIT BAHASA INGGERIS Profesor Madya Dr. Jowati Juhary B.Ed (TESL) (UKM); MA (Applied Linguistics) (UKM); Ph.D (Governance and Security) (Monash University Melbourne) Lt. Kol. Dr. Surjeet Singh Jeggy (Bersara) B.Ec (UM); Dip. Ed (UKM); MESL (UM); ETDC (Australia); AELIC (USA); Ph.D (ELS) (IIUM) Pensyarah Kanan Dr. Norshima Zainal Shah B.Ed (TESL) (UPM); MSc (TESL) (UPM); Ph.D (Humanities and Social Sciences) (Dublin City University) Lt. Kol. Enock Amanathan BA. Ed (UPM); Cert. Ed (MPIP) Guru Bahasa Kanan Lt. Kol. Kupusamy Gopal (Bersara) Dip. TESL (RELC Singapore); Dip. ALL (Texas); B.Arts (Hons) (Geography/History) (UM); MA (TESL) (UKM) Masdini Harina Ab Manaf B.ScEdu (TESL) (UTM); M.Edu (Mgmt) (UM) Belinda Marie Balraj B.Ed (TESL) (UM); MESL (UM) UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 489 PUSAT BAHASA Ahmad Thamrini Fadzlin Syed Mohammad B.Ed (TESL) (UiTM); MA (Post Colonial Literature) (UKM) Erda Wati Bakar B.Ed (TESL) (University of Kent, UK); MA (ESL) English Literature (UKM) Asniah Alias B.Arts (English) (UPM); Masters of Applied Linguistics (English) (UPM) Guru Bahasa Mardziah Shamsudin B.Hsc (Hons) (English and Literature) (IIUM); Mohd Amzari Mat Rani B.Ed (TESL) (UM) Afifah Quraishah Abdul Nasir B.Ed (TESL) (UiTM); M.Ed (TESL) (UPM) Surinder Kaur B.Ed (TESOL) (Macquarie University); MA (TESOL) (University of Nottingham) Ahmad Fahimi Amir B.Ed (TESL) (Hons) (UiTM) Nur Hidayatul Husna Mazlan B.Ed (English) (UPM); Master of Applied Linguistics (English) (UPM) Farah Fatinah Enche Shaari B.Ed (TESL) (Unisel) Norlela Samad B.Hsc. (English Language and Literature) (IIUM), MAESL (IIUM) Noor Shariena Zaraini B.Ed (Hons) (TESL) (UiTM); Master of Applied Linguistics (English) (UPM) Hanim Mohamad Ismail B.Hsc. (English Language and Literature) (IIUM) Tutor Nur Khadirah Ab Rahman B.Ed (TESL) (Unisel); MA (TESOL) (University of Nottingham) Emily Abdul Rahman B.Ed (TESOL) (University of Auckland); MA (TESOL) (University of Nottingham) 490 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 PUSAT BAHASA UNIT BAHASA ASING Pensyarah Wan Ikhlas Wan Mohtar B.A (French) (UPM); MA (French Foreign Language) (Universite de Nantes) Guru Bahasa Mhd Faizal Mhd Ramli B.A (Hons) (Arabic and Literature) (Universiti Al al-Bayt Jordan) Farah Farhana Awang B.Art (French) (UPM) Christy Chiew Geiok Hong B.Philology (Russian Language and European Literature) (Moscow) Hairul Nisma Wahab B.A (Spanish) (UM) Tutor Najjah Salwa Abd Razak B.A (Islamic Studies and Arabic) (Al-Azhar, Cairo); MA (Modern Language Studies) (UM) UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 491 PUSAT BAHASA SARJANA MUDA SAINS SOSIAL (BAHASA DAN KOMUNIKASI SILANG BUDAYA) (ZB03) STRUKTUR PROGRAM DAN JUMLAH KREDIT KEPERLUAN PROGRAM Program Sarjana Muda Sains Sosial (Bahasa Dan Komunikasi Silang Budaya) (ZB03) Jumlah keperluan kredit yang perlu dipenuhi untuk bergraduan adalah seperti mana jadual di bawah dan tempoh pengajian yang perlu diikuti adalah enam (6) semester lazim. Pecahan kursus yang perlu diambil adalah seperti berikut: KURSUS KREDIT Teras Universiti 24 Elektif Universiti 6 Teras Program 60 Elektif Program 30 JUMLAH KREDIT UNTUK BERGRADUAT 120 KURSUS TERAS PROGRAM 492 CODE COURSE CREDIT LSS 1114 Intercultural Communication 4 LSS 1124 Culture and Development 4 LSS 1134 Theories of Cross Cultural Studies 4 LSS 1244 Sociolinguistics 4 LSS 2123 Research Methodology 3 LSS 2134 Language Diversity: Variation, Choice and Change 4 LSS 2244 Translating Language and Culture: Negotiations and Representations 4 LEL 2033 Phonetics and Phonology – English * 3 LEL 2133 English for Military 3 LEL 2243 English Language In Context 3 LEL 3253 English Syntax 3 LEL 3263 English Semantics and Pragmatics 3 LFL 2013 Reading and Writing Skills In Arabic * 3 LFL 2113 Arabic for Intermediate User 3 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 PUSAT BAHASA CODE COURSE LFL 2213 Introduction to Arabic Culture 3 LFL 3113 Arabic Syntax 3 Arabic Communication Skills 3 LFL 3213 CREDIT *Pilih satu set sahaja (lima (5) kursus dari bahasa yang sama) LSS 3128 Industrial Training 8 LSS 3125 Report Writing for Industrial Training 4 LSS 3236 Mini Thesis Writing TOTAL 6 60 ELEKTIF PROGRAM CODE COURSE CREDIT LLE 1113 Political Socialisation 3 LLE 1133 Human Rights and Issues 3 LLE 1143 Introduction to Psychology 3 LLE 1153 Islamic Economy Management 3 LLE 1163 Critical Thinking and Decision Making 3 LLE 1173 Roles of Media in War Campaign 3 LLE 1183 Comparative Religious Studies 3 LLE 1193 Politics and Language Choice 3 LLE 2113 Language and Literature 3 LLE 2123 Language and Identity TOTAL UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 3 30 493 PUSAT BAHASA STRUKTUR KURIKULUM PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA (BAHASA DAN KOMUNIKASI SILANG BUDAYA) (ZB03) TAHUN PERTAMA SEMESTER 1 SEMESTER 2 Code Course Credit PreRequsite LEL 1012 English for Academic Writing 2 - LEL 1022 English for Oral Communication 2 - LFL 11X1 Foreign Language I 1 - LFL 12X1 Foreign Language II 1 LFL 1111 DUS 2022 Introduction To Strategic Studies 2 - DUS 1062 Military History 2 - LSS 1134 Theories of Cross Cultural Studies 4 - PSK 1012 Human Movement Science 2 - LSS 1114 Intercultural Communication 4 - LAN 1012 Islamic and Asian Civilization 2 - LSS 1124 Culture and Development 4 - DUS 2022 Military Law And Laws Of Armed Conflict 2 - LAN 1042 Basic Entrepreneurship 2 - LSS 1244 Sociolinguistics 4 - Co-Curriculum* 2 - LLE 2113 Language and Literature 3 - ALK** / Palapes*** 1 - Co-Curriculum* 2 - ALK** / Palapes*** 1 - ALK 1011/ PLS 1011 Code Course Credit PreRequsite ALK 1021/ PLS 1021 TOTAL 21*/20 TOTAL 20*/19 * Pelajar Awam ** Pegawai Kadet *** PALAPES SEMESTER PENDEK Course Credit PreRequsite LLE 2123 Language and Identity 3 - LLE 1143 Introduction to Psychology 3 - Code TOTAL 494 6 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 PUSAT BAHASA TAHUN KEDUA SEMESTER 3 SEMESTER 4 Code Course Credit PreRequsite Code Course Credit PreRequsite LFL2013 / LEL2033 Reading and Writing Skills In Arabic / Phonetics and Phonology 3 - LAN 2012 Nationhood In World Politics 2 - LFL2113 / LEL2133 Arabic for Intermediate User / English for Military 3 LFL 1112 LFL 1214 LFL2213 / LEL2243 Introduction to Arabic Culture / English Language In Context 3 LFL1112 LFL1214 LSS 2134 Language Diversity: Variation, Choice and Change 4 - LSS 2123 Research Methodology 3 - LLE 1113 Political Socialisation 3 - LSS 2244 Translating Language and Culture: Negotiations and Representations 4 - LLE 1163 Critical Thinking and Decision Making 3 - LLE 1133 Human Rights and Issues 3 - LLE 1173 Roles of Media in War Campaign 3 - LLE 1153 Islamic Economy Management 3 - Co-Curriculum* 2 - LLE 1193 Politics and Language Choice 3 - ALK** / Palapes*** 1 - ALK 2021/ PLS 2021 ALK** / Palapes*** 1 - ALK 2011/ PLS 2011 TOTAL 21*/20 TOTAL 21*/22 TAHUN KETIGA SEMESTER 5 SEMESTER 6 Course Credit PreRequsite Code Course Credit PreRequsite LSS 3128 Industrial Training 8 - LAN 1032 Ethnic Relations 2 - LSS 3124 Report Writing for Industrial Training 4 LSS 3128 DUM 2062 Effective Leadership 2 - LFL 3113 / LEL 3253 Arabic Syntax / English Syntax 3 - LFL 3213 / LEL 3263 Arabic Communication Skills / English Semantics and Pragmatics 3 - LSS 3236 Mini Thesis Writing 6 - LLE 1183 Comparative Religious Studies 3 - PLS 3011 & PLS 3021 Palapes*** 2 - ALK 3011 & QKS 36211 ALK & Tempur Tanpa Senjata** 2 - Code TOTAL 12 TOTAL 19*/21 * Pelajar Awam ** Pegawai Kadet *** PALAPES UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 495 PUSAT BAHASA SINOPSIS KURSUS TERAS PROGRAM PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA (BAHASA DAN KOMUNIKASI SILANG BUDAYA) (ZB03) KOMUNIKASI ANTARA BUDAYA LSS 1114 INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION LSS 1114 4 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course is designed to create awareness amongst the students on the importance of intercultural communication. Apart from providing students with knowledge in communication, the course includes the importance of differences in cultural encounters through communication. The course will cover problems in communication across cultures, philosophy in communication and ethics in communication. In addition, the course includes ways of creating effective environment for communication. In accordance with the military world, the course also incorporates conflict management and negotiation to resolve conflicts. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Identify the importance of cross cultural communication 2. Explain aspects and features that influence communication processes 3. Differentiate the issues and problems of communication References 1. Samovar, L.A, Porter, R.E. & Stefani, L.A. (1997). Communication Between Culture. Unites States: Wordsworth Publishing Company. 2. Calloway-Thomas, C., Cooper, P.J. & Blake, C. (1998). Intercultural Communication: Roots and Routes. Needham Height: Allyn & Bacon. 3. Tubbs, S. & Moss, S. (2008). Human Communication. New York: McGraw Hill. 4. Fairclough, N. (1995). Media Discourse. London: Hodden Arnold. 5. Lengel, L.B. (2005). Intercultural communication and creative practice: Music, dance and women’s culture identity. Westport, Conn: Prager Publishers. 496 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 PUSAT BAHASA BUDAYA DAN PEMBANGUNAN LSS 1124 CULTURE AND DEVELOPMENT LSS 1124 4 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course focuses on culture and development. Culture is increasingly considered to be an essential ingredient for sustainable development as organisations work in partnership with communities. The tangible and intangible cultural traditions ensure effective communication and may avoid misunderstanding around the globe. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Analyse how cultures assist in nation building 2. Differentiate the traditional cultures that are tangible and intangible 3. Demonstrate understanding of the diversity in cultures and development, and the impacts on communication References 1. Gardiner, H.W. & Kosmitzki, C. (2010). Lives Across Cultures: Cross-Cultural Human Development. New York: Prentice Hall. 2. Schech, S. & Haggis, J. (2000). Culture and Development: An Introduction. New York: Wiley-Blackwell. 3. Schech, S. & Haggis, J. (2002). Development: A Cultural Studies Reader. New York: Wiley-Blackwell. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 497 PUSAT BAHASA TEORI PENGAJIAN SILANG BUDAYA LSS 1134 THEORIES OF CROSS CULTURAL STUDIES LSS 1134 4 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course exposes students to some of the essential theories in sociology. Sociology is the core interest in this course since the understanding of any society would require knowledge in the field of sociology. Through this course, students will be exposed to how an individual’s development will be affected by his/her religion, education, social class, jobs, income and race. By establishing the necessary knowledge in sociology, the student will then be able to evaluate and appreciate the wide variety of cultures around the world . Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Identify and apply the theories and philosophies in sociology 2. Describe the differences between cultures in the world 3. Demonstrate sensitivity towards differences in cultural practices in the world References 1. Henslin, J.M. (2000). Essentials of Sociology: A Down to Earth Approach. United States: Allyn and Bacon. 2. Abbinnett, R. (2003). Culture and Identity: Critical Theories. London: SAGE Publication Ltd. 3. Clegg, S. (1990). Capitalism in Contrasting Cultures. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. 4. Smith, P. (2009). Cultural Theory: An Introduction. Malden, MA: Blackwell. 5. Elliot, A. (2009). Contemporary Social Theory: An Introduction. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. 498 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 PUSAT BAHASA SOSIOLINGUISTIK LSS 1244 SOCIOLINGUISTICS LSS 1244 4 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course is an introduction to the relationship between language and society. The students will be exposed to the study of languages and how language varies through social class, ethnicity, gender, nation, identity, geography and cultures. This course also encourages students to further develop their critical thinking ability by applying certain knowledge gained through the course to the language that they are learning. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Identify the relations between languages and societies 2. Differentiate the various linguistic styles 3. Integrate the language sensitivity aspects and the ways languages are used References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Meyehoff, M. (2011). Introducing Sociolinguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Holmes, J. (2001). An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. Harlow: Pearson. Wardaugh, R. (2009). An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. Oxford: Blackwell. Holmes, J. (2008). An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. New York: Pearson Longman. Coupland, N. and Jaworski, A. (1997). Sociolinguistics: A Reader and Course Book. New York: Macmillan. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 499 PUSAT BAHASA KAEDAH PENYELIDIKAN LSS 2123 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY LSS 2123 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course provides students with fundamental knowledge in research methodology to enable them to understand the research process, theory and review literature, experimental research method, experimental research design, survey method, instrumentation, qualitative research methods, qualitative data collection methods, qualitative data analysis, writing research proposal/report and conduct research independently as a tool for a lifelong learning process. Students are required to write a research report using the accepted techniques and methodologies. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Explain the meaning and concepts of research 2. Apply the appropriate procedures while conducting academic research 3. Demonstrate the ability to conduct scientific research References 1. Miller, D.C. (1991). Handbook of Research Design and Social Measurement. California: Sage Publications Inc. 2. Syed Arabi Idid. (2002). Kaedah Penyelidikan Komunikasi dan Sains Sosial. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. 3. Sidek Mohd Noah. (2002). Reka Bentuk Penyelidikan : Falsafah, Teori dan Praktis. Serdang: Penerbitan Universiti Putra Malaysia. 4. Rohana Yusof. (2004). Penyelidikan Sains Sosial. Pahang: PTS Publications & Distributors Sdn Bhd. 5. Abdul Majid Konting. (2000). Kaedah Penyelidikan Pendidikan. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. 500 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 PUSAT BAHASA KEPELBAGAIAN BAHASA: VARIASI, PILIHAN DAN PERUBAHAN LSS 2134 LANGUAGE DIVERSITY: VARIATION, CHOICE AND CHANGE LSS 2134 4 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course concentrates on regional language variation such as dialects in Malaysia. It also emphasises on social language variation such as register and style. It compares bilingualism with multilingualism in societies. It also discusses issues such as language maintenance, language shift and language death. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Compare standard and non-standard varieties of language 2. Distinguish between dialects and registers 3. Evaluate code choice, code-switching and code-mixing 4. Explain the mechanics of language shift and language death References 1. Reynolds, S. & Valentine, D.(2005). Cross-Cultural Communication. Boston: Prentice Hall. 2. Cudykunst, W. (2003). Cross-Cultural and Intercultural Communication. London: The Reader’s Digest Association Limited. 3. Farr, M., Seloni, L. & Song, J. (2009). Ethno linguistics Diversity and Education: Language, Literacy and Culture. New York: Routledge. 4. Barnard, R. & Zemach, D. E. (2004). Writing for the Real World: An Introduction to General Writing. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 5. Potowski, K. (2010). Language Diversity in the USA. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 501 PUSAT BAHASA MEMAHAMI BAHASA DAN BUDAYA: PERUNDINGAN DAN PERWAKILAN LSS 2244 TRANSLATING LANGUAGES AND CULTURES: NEGOTIATIONS AND REPRESENTATIONS LSS 2244 4 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course gives an introduction to translation studies and relates it to translation in the target language and culture. It also highlights the importance of negotiation of cultures. Case studies are done from the viewpoint of economics, politics, cultural studies and linguistics. Translation exercises are done in Malay and English languages. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Explain the history of translation 2. Differentiate translation in target language and target cultures 3. Compare case studies based on economics, politics and linguistics References 1. Reynolds, S. & Valentine, D. (2005). Cross-Cultural Communication. Boston: Prentice Hall. 2. Pym, A. (2009). Exploring Translation Theories. New York: Routledge. 3. Fitzpatrick, M. (2005). Engaging Writing: Paragraphs and Essays. New York: Pearson Education. 4. Barnard, R. & Zemach, D. E. (2004). Writing for the Real World: An Introduction to General Writing. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 5. Hoff, E. (2005). Language Development. Belmont: Thomson Wadsworth. 502 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 PUSAT BAHASA LATIHAN INDUSTRI LSS 3128 INDUSTRIAL TRAINING LSS 3128 8 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The industrial training allows students to experience learning in a real working environment. Students will be expected to apply all the knowledge gained during the first four semesters of the programme. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Adapt to a real working environment effectively 2. Communicate and describe ideas effectively and efficiently 3. Apply knowledge gained in the real working environment References 1. Industrial Training Handbook. (2008). Kuala Lumpur: National Defence University of Malaysia. 2. Industrial Training Logbook. (2009). Kuala Lumpur: National Defence University of Malaysia. 3. Garis Panduan Latihan Industri. (2007). Skudai: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 503 PUSAT BAHASA LAPORAN LATIHAN INDUSTRI LSS 3124 REPORT WRITING FOR INDUSTRIAL TRAINING LSS 3124 4 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : LSS 3128 INDUSTRIAL TRAINING Course Synopsis On completion of the industrial training the students shall submit a report narrating and analysing the whole experience during the industrial training. The report must consist of the analysis of the overall training and the suggestions for future improvements. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Demonstrate and manage relevant information from various sources 2. Describe new ideas and demonstrate the ability for autonomous learning 3. Reorganise ideas without prejudice during industrial training References 1. Industrial Training Handbook. (2008). Kuala Lumpur: National Defence University of Malaysia. 2. Industrial Training Logbook. (2009). Kuala Lumpur: National Defence University of Malaysia. 3. Garis Panduan Latihan Industri. (2007). Skudai: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. 504 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 PUSAT BAHASA PENULISAN MINI TESIS LSS 3236 MINI THESIS WRITING LSS 3236 6 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The objective of the project is to train students in problem solving which resembles real life situations. Through this project the students will be able to apply their knowledge and skills accumulated throughout the academic programme, especially from courses such as cultural studies and language studies courses. Students shall submit a mini thesis at the end of the course. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Analyse critically the issues of cross cultural communication and languages in Malaysia 2. Synthesiseand explain critically and rationally the results in real situations 3. Formulate solutions to issues investigated References 1. Project Guide Handbook. (2008). National Defence University of Malaysia. 2. Creswell, J.W. (2008). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Method Approaches. New York: Sage Publications. 3. Fink, A.G. (2009). Conducting Research Literature Reviews: From the Internet to Paper. New York: Sage Publications. 4. Neuman, W.L. (2005). Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. New York: Allyn & Bacon. 5. Cargan, L. (2007). Doing Social Research. Ohio: Rowman & Littefields Publishers, Inc. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 505 PUSAT BAHASA KEMAHIRAN MEMBACA DAN MENULIS DALAM BAHASA ARAB LFL 2013 READING AND WRITING SKILLS IN ARABIC LFL 2013 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course focuses on developing reading and writing skills in the Arabic language by learning how to summarise texts. It covers the theoretical framework about reading and summary, and exposes the students to exercises on writing skills; where they learn how to paraphrase and structure a text. The exercises prepared are then corrected and discussed in the class. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Identify two forms of words including root words and new formations 2. Respond in writing to the meaning of the Arabic sentence structures 3. Analyse articles to retrieve main ideas and facts using the contextual clues and to infer meanings, identify topic sentences and supporting details 4. Paraphrase texts using accurate and appropriate sentence structures References 1. Mohi El Din Saleh. (1988). Learning Arabic: A Step by Step Approach to Reading and Writing Arabic. Chicago: American Trust Publications. 2. Imran Alawiye & Sadiq Toma. (2005). The Key to Arabic: Fast Track Reading and Writing Arabic. New York: Anglo-Arabic Graphics Ltd. 3. Sobhi Gad El Hak. (1984). The New Reading and Writing Arabic. New York: Magrebeen. 4. Mace, J. (2000). Beginners Arabic Script: An Introduction to Reading and Writing Arabic. New York: McGraw Hill. 506 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 PUSAT BAHASA BAHASA ARAB UNTUK PENGGUNA PERTENGAHAN LFL 2113 ARABIC FOR INTERMEDIATE USERS LFL 2113 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : LFL 1112 ARABIC I & LFL 1214 ARABIC II Course Synopsis This course focuses on exploring Arabic cultures in depth while continuing the process of learning to speak Arabic. The four skills are addressed in the teaching of this course: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Exposure of the world and its various cultures and literatures integrates itself amongst the varied lessons of culture, sound recognition and reproduction, grammar, vocabulary, literature and proper usage. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Demonstrate the correct ways to produce sound in Arabic 2. Respond appropriately during intermediate level of conversations 3. Classify accurately the topics discussed in various contexts 4. Differentiate directives and directions in Arabic 5. Demonstrate understanding of reading selected basic and intermediate levels texts References 1. Dr Ibahim Sabih et al. (2005). Al-Lughat al ‘Arabiyyat :Dirasat fi al-Lughatwa alNahwwa al-Adab. Jordan: Dar al-Manahij li al-Nashrwa al-Tauzi’. 2. Dr Fakhruddin Qabawat. (1999). Al-Miharat al-Lughawiyyatwa ‘Arubat al-Lisan. Lubnan: Dar al-Fikr al-Mu‘asir. 3. Dr Ahmad Mukhtar ‘Umar. (1993).Akhta’ al-Lughat al-‘Arabiyyat al-Mu ‘asirat ‘Ind alKuttabwa al-Iza ‘iyyin. Lubnan: ‘Alam al-Kutub. 4. Jam‘iyyatIqra’ al-Khairiyyat. (2003). Al-‘Arabiyyat li al-Nashi’in-4. Arab Saudi:Wizarat al-Ma‘arif. 5. Abd al-Halim Abu Bakr ‘Ali. (2000). KaifaTata‘allam al-Nahw fi Usbu‘ Wahid. Kaherah: Maktabat al-Quran. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 507 PUSAT BAHASA PENGANTAR KEBUDAYAAN ARAB LFL 2213 INTRODUCTION TO ARABIC CULTURE LFL 2213 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : LFL 1112 ARABIC I & LFL 1214 ARABIC II Course Synopsis This course focuses on the study of the different components of the behaviour of the Arabic people particularly emphasising on the differences between the Arabic and Malaysian cultures. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Identify features of Arabic cultures in various situations 2. Classify facts on Arabic cultures based on the system 3. Compare Arabic cultures and Malaysian cultures critically References 1. ‘Abd al-‘Aziz ibn Uthman. (1998). Al-Thaqafat al-‘Arabiyyatwa al-Thaqafat al-Ukhra. Al-Rabat: ISESCO. 2. As’ad Daghir. (2001). Hadarat al-‘Arab: Tarikhuhum-‘Ulumuhum-AdabuhumAkhlaquhum-‘Adatuhum. Matba‘at al-Muqtafat. 3. Yusuf al-Qaradawi. (1994). al-Thaqafat al-`Arabiyyat al-Islamiyyatbayna alAsalahwaal-Mu`asirat. Kaherah:Maktabat Wahabah. 4. Anwar al-Jundi. (t.t). Al-Fusha Lughat al-Quran. Lubnan: Dar al-Kutub al-Lubnani. 5. Dr‘Abd al-KarimKhalifat. (1997). Al-Lughat al-‘Arabiyyatwa al-Ta‘rib fi al-‘Asr al-Hadith. Jordan: Dar al-Furqan. 508 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 PUSAT BAHASA SINTEKS BAHASA ARAB LFL 3113 ARABIC SYNTAX LFL 3113 3 Credit Hour Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course is an introduction to syntax within the framework of generative grammar. The emphasis is on description, with some analysis and argumentation. The goal is to become familiar with core facts of Arabic syntax, as well as with issues and techniques central to syntactic theory. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Analyse various types of Arabic syntax 2. Identify and respond to accurate Arabic syntax 3. Demonstrate understanding of Arabic syntax and its relevant theories References 1. Aoun, J.E., Benmamoun, E. & Choueiri, L. (2010). The Syntax of Arabic. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2. Bateson, M.C. (2003). Arabic Language Handbook. Washington: Georgetown University Press. 3. Bahloul, M. (2007). Structure and Function of the Arabic Verbs. New York: Routledge. 4. Watson, J.C.E. (2007). The Phonology and Morphology of Arabic. Oxford: Oxford University Press. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 509 PUSAT BAHASA KEMAHIRAN KOMUNIKASI BAHASA ARAB LFL 3213 ARABIC COMMUNICATION SKILLS LFL 3213 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course, through various exercises, develops the student’s oral comprehension and production skills. It also explores the different levels of language and the socio-linguistic rules of communication in Arabic. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Adapt spoken discourses based on situations 2. Interpret spoken discourses based on spoken analysis 3. Express personal views effectively References 1. Dr Abd al-‘Al Salim. (1992). Tadribat Nahwiyyatwa al-Lughawiyyat fi Zilal al-Nusus alQur’aniyyatwa al-Adabiyyat. Beirut: Muassasat al-Risalat. 2. Amin Ali Nasaruddin. (1968). Daqaiq al-‘Arabiyyat. Beirut: Maktabat Lubnan. 3. Tamam Hassan. (1973). Al-Lughat al-‘Arabiyyat: Ma‘nahawa Mabnaha. Kaherah: AlHayat al-Misriyyat al-’Ammat. 4. Muhammad Kamil Husin. (1976). Al-Lughat al-‘Arabiyyat al-Mu‘asirat. Misr: Dar alMa‘arif. 5. Ahmad Ismail et al. (1985). Al-Muhadasat al-‘Arabiyyat. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. 510 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 PUSAT BAHASA FONETIK DAN FONOLOGI LEL 2033 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY LEL 2033 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course provides students with practical skills to do further work in phonetics and phonology. It will give training in the production, perception, physiological and acoustic description, and transcription of the speech sounds used in the languages of the world. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Identify the sources of sound in English and other international languages 2. Respond to English transcriptions 3. Identify and analyse the consonants, vowels andprosody 4. Analyse sound systems of languages and pronunciation issues References 1. Clark, J. & Yallop, C. (1995). An Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology. Oxford and Cambridge, MA: Blackwell. 2. Goldsmith, J. (1989). Auto Segmental and Metrical Phonology. Oxford: Blackwell. 3. Katamba, F. (1989). An Introduction to Phonology. London: Longman. 4. Ladd, D. R. (1996). Intonational Phonology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 5. Ladefoged, P. (1993). A Course in Phonetics. Fort Worth: Harcourt Brace College Publishers. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 511 PUSAT BAHASA BAHASA INGGERIS UNTUK KETENTERAAN LEL 2133 ENGLISH FOR MILITARY LEL 2133 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course provides an overview of how English is used in the military particularly during operations such as peacekeeping, peace enforcement and working in a coalition. Students will have enormous opportunities to practise English language during this course. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Identify the integrated knowledge about military functions and the use of English language 2. Demonstrate the ability to use English language for military purposes 3. Demonstrate better understanding of how to use English for military purposes 4. Apply relevant concepts, theories and analytical skills in the design, implementation and completion of future research project essay References 1. Altamirano, Y. & Mellor-Clark, S. (2005). Campaign 1: English for the Military. New York: MacMillan. 2. McIntosh, W. (2003). Guide to Effective Military Writing. Ohio: Stackpole Books. 3. Swain, E.D. (2009). Building Language Skills and Cultural Competencies in the Military. Washington: Nova Science Pub. Inc. 4. Scott, H.L. (2009). Military Dictionary. New York: The Law Book Exchange, Ltd. 5. Thorne, S. (2006). The Language of War. London: Routledge. 512 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 PUSAT BAHASA BAHASA INGGERIS DALAM KONTEKS LEL 2243 ENGLISH LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT LEL 2243 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The interpretation of sentences and texts in English and other languages depends on the context, and the local context is dynamically updated as the interpretation proceeds. This course is an introduction to formally explicit theories of context dependence and context dynamics. This course will discuss various kinds of intuitions that speakers have about context dependence. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Identify and discuss the different genre of sentences and texts 2. Analyse and categorise errors in spoken and written English 3. Distinguish between syntax and semantics References 1. Lillis, T. & McKinney, C. (2003). Analysing Language in Context: A Student Workbook. New Jersey: Trentham Books. 2. Bax, S. (2010). Discourse and Genre: Using Language in Context. New York: Pelgrave Macmillan. 3. Weiss, G. & Wodak, R. (2008). Critical Discourse Analysis: Theory and Inter-disciplinary. New York: Palgrave Macmillian. 4. Katamba, F. & Kerswell, P. (2009). English Language Description, Variation and Context. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 5. Silver, R.E., Goh, C.C.M. & Alsagoff, L. (2009). Language Learning in New English Contexts: Studies of Acquisition and Development. London: Continuum. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 513 PUSAT BAHASA SINTEKS BAHASA INGGERIS LEL 3253 ENGLISH SYNTAX LEL 3253 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course is an introduction to syntax within the framework of generative grammar. The emphasis is on description, with some analysis and argumentation. The goal is to become familiar with core facts of English syntax, as well as with issues and techniques central to syntactic theory. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Analyse various types of English syntax 2. Identify and respond to correct English syntax 3. Demonstrate understanding of English syntax and its theories 4. Recognise and distinguish different syntax structures References 1. Miller, J.E. (2009). An Introduction to English Language. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 2. Radford, A. (2004). English Syntax: An Introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 3. Heaberlin, D. (2008). English Syntax: A Guide to the Grammar of Successful Writers. New York: Orange House Books. 4. Haegeman, L. & Wekker, H. (2009). Modern Course in Syntax. New York: Routledge. 5. Carnie, A. (2006). Syntax: A Generative Introduction. New York: Wiley Blackwell. 514 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 PUSAT BAHASA SEMANTIK DAN PRAKMATIK BAHASA INGGERIS LEL 3263 ENGLISH SEMANTICS AND PRAGMATICS LEL 3263 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis Semantics and pragmatics is an introduction to the nature of meaning in language and communication. This course will investigate how language encodes meaning and how language users depend on non–linguistic clues to interpret the meaning of communication. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Demonstratebasic understanding of semantics and pragmatics including the differences between the two disciplines 2. Describe basic concepts and terminologies used in semantics and pragmatics such as a sense of reference, truth conditions, qualification and speech acts 3. Demonstratebetter understanding of the ways in which humans conceptualise objects in the world by using language and develop and expand knowledge of human language 4. Applythe acquired semantics and pragmatics knowledge to daily life References 1. Portner, P. (2005). What is Meaning?: Fundamentals of Formal Semantics. Cambridge, MA: Blackwell Publishing. 2. Huang, Y. (2007). Pragmatics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 3. Griffiths, P. (2006). An Introduction to English Semantics and Pragmatics. New York: Columbia University Press. 4. Abbot, B. (2010). Oxford Surveys in Semantics and Pragmatics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 5. Cruse, A. (2011). Meaning in Language: An Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 515 PUSAT BAHASA SINOPSIS KURSUS ELEKTIF PROGRAM PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA (BAHASA DAN KOMUNIKASI SILANG BUDAYA) (ZB03) SOSIALISASI POLITIK LLE 1113 POLITICAL SOCIALISATION LLE 1113 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course discusses political socialisation and how it contributes to the understanding of political phenomenon, analyses major elements in the political socialisation and identifies important agents in political socialisation. This course also discusses the application of theories and approaches in political socialisation within a particular country. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Analyse political socialisation as the main feature of political process 2. Compare the main agents in political socialisation 3. Apply relevant theories and approaches of political socialisation in political processes References 1. Hyman, H.H. (1959). Political Socialisation, A Study in the Psychology of Political Behaviour. New York: The Free Press. 2. Rush, M. (1992). Politics and Society: An Introduction to Political Sociology. 1992. New York: Prentice Hall. 3. Sigel, R.S. (1970). Learning About Politics: A Reader in Political Socialisation. New York: Random House. 4. Schwartz, D.C. and Schwartz, S.K. (1975). New Direction in Political Socialisation. New York: The Free Press. 5. Dennis, J. (1973). Socialisation to Politics: A Reader. Canada: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 6. Langton, K.P. (1969). Political Socialisation. New York: Oxford University Press. 516 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 PUSAT BAHASA HAK DAN ISU KEMANUSIAAN LLE 1133 HUMAN RIGHTS AND ISSUES LLE 1133 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course aims at exploring the multiple facets of human rights by examining issues associated with the development of injustice and conflict and also with attempts to resolve, to mitigate or to avoid injustice and conflict through collective or individual action. Students will be exposed to a variety of sources of information, including key texts, case law, and media reports, and they will be challenged to critically evaluate their assumptions. Students will also be exposed to a broad range of approaches in dealing with human rights and related issues. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Classifydiverse views and conflicting positions 2. Analyseon the strategies and tools for addressing social injustice at all scale of human organisations 3. Interpretthe critical skills necessary for research, intervention and effective communication References 1. Abbot, F.M., Christine, B.K. & Cottier, T. (2006). International Trade and Human Rights: Foundations and Conceptual Issues. Michigan: University of Michigan Press. 2. Foer, F. (2004). How Soccer Explains the World: An (Unlikely) Theory of Globalisation. New York: Harper Collins Publishers. 3. Mapp, S.C. (2008). Human Rights and Social Justice in a Global Perspective: An Introduction to International Social Work. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 4. Muhammad Yunus Ibrahim. (2003). Banker to The Poor: Micro-Lending and The Battle Against World Poverty. Cambridge: The Perseus Books Group. 5. Kaleck, W. (2007). International Prosecution of Human Rights Crimes. Berlin: SpringerVerlag. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 517 PUSAT BAHASA PENGANTAR KEPADA PSIKOLOGI LLE 1143 INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY LLE 1143 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course aims at introducing students to many major different areas of psychology. It is also a review of theory and research about the basic elements of topics in psychology; research methods, biological aspects of psychology, sensation, perception, learning, memory, cognition, motivation, personality, human development, abnormalities in psychology, clinical, social, emotion, and the like, as well as their relationship to the psychological functioning of an individual as a social being. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Demonstrateunderstanding of the fundamental psychology concepts and theories 2. Applysome fundamental psychology concepts and theories in understanding every day behaviour 3. Identifythe major fields of study and theoretical perspectives within psychology and articulate their similarities and differences References 1. Bernstein, D.A., Penner, L.A., Clarke-Stewart, A., & Roy, E.J. (2003). Psychology. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Company. 2. Feldman, R.S. (2008). Understanding Psychology. New York: McGraw Hill (Online learning centre: http://www.mhhe.com/feldmanup8). 3. Morris, C.G., and Maisto A.A. (2004). Psychology: An Introduction. NJ: Prentice Hall. 4. Smith, R.A. (2009). The Psychologist As Detective: An Introduction to Conducting Research In Psychology. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson/Prentice Hall. 5. Kalat, J.W. (2010). Introduction to Psychology. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. 518 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 PUSAT BAHASA PENGURUSAN EKONOMI ISLAM LLE 1153 ISLAMIC ECONOMY MANAGEMENT LLE 1153 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course exposes students to the functions and issues involved in the management of financial institutions from the perspective of Islamic practices. The emphasis of the course is on the management strategy of financial institutions, government regulations and planning and financial analysis. The course content includes functions and aims of the financial institution in Malaysia, including the money and capital market, interest rate analysis including the mathematical aspect, maturity structure and the management of the interest rate cycle, management of policy issues such as credit, liquidity, capital and strategic planning, management of main financial institutions such as commercial banks, finance companies and Islamic financial institutions and public policies on financial institutions including the objective and regulation structure to ensure effectiveness and stability on the financial system. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Describe the differences between Islamic Economy System and the conventional economy system 2. Explain the objectives, functions and issues related to the fundamentals of Islamic Economy System 3. Apply the Islamic etiquettes in conducting business 4. Identify the practices that are forbidden in practising Islamic Economy System References 1. Muhammad Akram Khan. (2004). An Introduction to Islamic Economics. Kuala Lumpur: International Institute of Islamic Thought and Institute of Policy Studies. 2. Choudhury, M. (1997). Money in Islam: A Study in Islamic Political Economy. London: Routledge. 3. Basri Abd Ghani & Sayuti Abd Ghani (2008). Pengurusan Ekonomi Islam. Perlis: Percetakan Perlis Sdn Bhd. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 519 PUSAT BAHASA PEMIKIRAN KRITIS DAN PENCAPAIAN KEPUTUSAN LLE 1163 CRITICAL THINKING AND DECISION MAKING LLE 1163 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course analyses the relationship between critical thinking and decision making, and the significance of both skills in defence. The course contents include guiding students to develop their critical thinking as the methodical analysis of reasoning. Students will be exposed to how critical thinking allows them to take control of their thinking. Students will be trained to approach problem solving with a level of detachment that permits a thorough and balanced analysis. Students will be taught how to take time out before reaching conclusions, and thus they will make more effective decisions as a result. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Identify the relations between critical thinking and decision making 2. Compare the concepts of critical thinking in decision making 3. Apply critical thinking and decision making skills in daily routines References 1. Freeley, A.J. & Steinberg, D. L. (1999). Argumentation and Debate: Critical Thinking for Reasoned Decision Making. Chicago: Wadsworth Publishing. 2. Vaughn, L. (2007). The Power of Critical Thinking: Effective Reasoning about Ordinary and Extraordinary Claims. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 3. Little, F.J. (1980). Critical Thinking and Decision Making: A Methodology for Analysis, Evaluation and Review. New York: Butterworths. 4. Lipset, S.M. (1995). The Encylopedia of Democracy. Washington DC: Congressional Quarterly. 5. Grant, G.E. (1988). Teaching Critical Thinking. New York: Preager Publishers. 6. Halpern, D.F. (2003). Thought and Knowledge: An Introduction to Critical Thinking. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 7. Halpern, D.F. (1997). Critical Thinking Across the Curriculum: A Brief Edition of Thought and Knowledge. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 8. Lipman, M. (2003). Thinking in Education. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 520 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 PUSAT BAHASA PERANAN MEDIA DALAM KEMPEN PEPERANGAN LLE 1173 ROLES OF MEDIA IN WAR CAMPAIGN LLE 1173 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course exposes students to a comprehensive review of the key concepts and theories on the relationship between the media and political conflict. Students will be exposed to critical analysis and appraisal of relationship of the kind or what could be referred to as “media politics” and “political communication.” This course will also highlight a historic and contemporary analysis of the media’s role during political conflicts and wars of the past century by providing a series of in-depth case studies. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Classifythe media’s roles in war and peace 2. Analyseon how the new media has changed the nature of war in recent years 3. Justifyon why do the media focus on some wars and ignore others 4. Analysethe media’s key role in contemporary politics and policy making shaping political dynamics and behaviour References 1. Lewis, J. (2005). Language Wars: The Role of Media and Culture in Global Terror and Political Violence. Sidmuth: Pluto Press. 2. Berenger, R.O. & Dennis, E.E. (2006). Cybermedia Go To War: Role of Converging Media During and After the 2003 Iraq War. Washington: Maequette Books LLC. 3. Hess, S. & Kalb, M. (2003). The Media and the War on Terrorism. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press. 4. Mbaine, A.E. (2006). Media in Situations of Conflicts: Roles, Challenges and Responsibilities. Uganda: Fountain Publishers. 5. Wolfsfeld, G. (2004). Media and the Path to Peace. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 521 PUSAT BAHASA PENGAJIAN PERBANDINGAN AGAMA LLE 1183 COMPARATIVE RELIGIOUS STUDIES LLE 1183 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course is an introductory course which covers the world’s major belief systems such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam and the other minor religions. Students will discuss their own beliefs in detail before analysing on other belief systems. Students will be exposed to the core tenets of each religion such as historical background, scriptures, theologies, doctrines, rites, rituals, denominations, sects and contemporary issues and developments. This course includes lectures, readings, videos and class discussions. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Categorisecritically major religions of the world 2. Compareand contrast components of the major religions such as theology, ritual, myth, symbols and daily life within the context of each unique religion 3. Distinguishbetween and understand major religions of the world through the study of history and world view 4. Justifythe ultimate reality unique to each major religion and also the differences as well as the broad similarities amongst major religions References 1. Brian, M. (2006). Religion and Anthropology: A Critical Introduction. New York: Cambridge University Press. 2. Dirks, J.F. (2003). The Abrahamic Faiths: Judaism, Christianity and Islam Similarities and Contrasts. Beltsville: Amana Publications. 3. Hopfe, L.M. & Woodward, M.R. (2007). Religions of the World. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 4. Malcolm, B. (1995). The Sociology of Religion: Theoretical and Comparative Perspectives. London: Routledge. 5. Urubshurow, K. V. (2008). Introducing World Religions. New York: Routledge. 522 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 PUSAT BAHASA POLITIK DAN BAHASA PILIHAN LLE 1193 POLITICS AND LANGUAGE CHOICE LLE 1193 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course examines a number of theories related to the role of language in shaping contemporary political identity and politics more generally. The first set of classes will critically assess language policy as a means of attenuating political conflict in multi-ethnic or multi-linguistic states such as Canada, Belgium, Switzerland, Malaysia and India. The course will also examine efforts to preserve the status of dominant languages in countries such as the United States and Malaysia (for example English rights movements and Englishonly legislation). Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Identify the relations between languages and political identities in advanced, developing, multi-racial and mono-racial nations and countries 2. Identify the importance of languages and their impacts towards society 3. Analyse the reasons for the dominance of languages spoken by the natives as compared to the minorities 4. Compare critical issues on languages in Malaysia and abroad References 1. Fraser, G. (2006). Sorry, I Don’t Speak French. New York: McClelland and Stewart. 2. Hayday, M. (2005). Bilingual Today, United Tomorrow. NJ: McGill-Queen’s University Press. 3. May, S. (2008). Language and Minority Rights: Ethnicity, Nationalism and the Politics of Language. London: Routledge. 4. Schmid, C. (2001).The Politics of Language: Conflict, Identity and Cultural Pluralism in Comparative Perspective. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 5. Ongkili, J. (1980). Malaysia 1946-1973: Nation-Building and The Problem of Communalism. Kuala Lumpur: Universiti Malaya Press. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 523 PUSAT BAHASA BAHASA DAN KESUSASTERAAN LLE 2113 LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE LLE 2113 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis The course introduces students to literary works in various genres such as poetry, short stories, and novels. The course prepares students to write critical analysis of the literary works. The course also stresses the historical values of the literary text. The chosen English texts come from various countries such as Malaysia, the Asian region, United States and United Kingdom. Individual assignments and group tasks will enrich students’ learning experience throughout the course. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Identify various types of literary texts in English through effective reading literary texts techniques 2. Analyse opinions on texts critically through written and oral forms 3. Differentiate the importance of the differences in international cultures and perceptions References 1. DiYanni, R. (1998). Literature: Reading Fiction, Poetry, Drama, and the Essay. New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2. Hamzah Hamdani & Fatini Yaacob. (1997). The Changing Tide: The Best Malaysian Short Stories. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. 3. Teri Shaffer Yamada. (2005). Virtual Lotus: Modern Fiction of Southeast Asia. Michigan: University of Michigan Press. 4. Spirit of the Keris: A Selection of Malaysian Short Story and Poems. (2003). Petaling Jaya: Maya Press. 5. Steinbeck, J. (1974). Of Mice and Men. London: Pan Books. 6. Khaled Hosseini. (2007). The Kite Runner. London: Bloomsbury Publishing. 524 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 PUSAT BAHASA BAHASA DAN IDENTITI LLE 2123 LANGUAGE AND IDENTITY LLE 2123 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : None Course Synopsis This course explores the nature of identity and how linguistic resources like accent, grammar, and discourse contribute to its expression and interpretation. Students will review the literature on language and identity, ranging from early foundational work in sociolinguistics to the most recent debates on identity as an object of sociolinguistic study. Examining the construction of a number of aspects of identity – gender and sexuality, race and ethnicity, age and the life course, and nationhood, as well as how they intersect – will bring to the surface several important themes, amongst them access, agency, authenticity, borders, community, ideology, indexicality and style. Course Outcomes At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Evaluate current debates on the relations between languages and identities in education 2. Identify relevant theories that analyse the diversity in higher education and image formation 3. Organise issues on identity formation and social conflicts using local and international contexts References 1. Norton, B. (2000). Identity and Language Learning: Gender, Ethnicity and Educational Change. London: Sage. 2. Hornberger, N. & McKay, S. (2010). Sociolinguistics and Language Education. Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters. 3. Hinkel, E. (2005). Handbook of Research on Second Language Teaching and Learning. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 525 AKADEMI LATIHAN KETENTERAAN BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI 2014/2015 AKADEMI LATIHAN KETENTERAAN LATAR BELAKANG AKADEMI LATIHAN KETENTERAAN Akademi Latihan Ketenteraan (ALK) bertanggungjawab terhadap pengurusan, pentadbiran dan keperluan logistik bagi ketiga-tiga perkhidmatan Pegawai Kadet Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia sesuai dengan dasar dan polisi pembangunan latihan ketenteraan yang digariskan. Latihan ketenteraan yang diadaptasi dan diaplikasikan adalah dirancang dan digubal selari dengan pengajian akademik berteraskan kepada Rancangan Pengurusan Latihan (RPL) yang sistematik dan efisyen. ALK juga bertanggungjawab dalam perlaksanaan Tempur Tanpa Senjata (TTS) yang dilaksanakan sepanjang pengajian di UPNM. TTS telah diserapkan di UPNM bermula pada bulan Ogos 2009. Tujuan latihan ini dijalankan adalah untuk memastikan Pegawai Muda yang bakal di keluarkan oleh Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia memiliki tali pinggang hitam TTS, mampu untuk mempertahankan diri disamping memupuk semangat kerjasama dan disiplin yang tinggi. TTS merangkumi pelbagai jenis seni mempertahankan diri yang diiktiraf oleh Majlis Sukan Negara. TTS juga turut dikreditkan ke atas setiap Pegawai Kadet UPNM dengan kod QKS 3622 yang membawa kepada dua (2) kredit. Latihan TTS dilaksanakan pada setiap hari Jumaat. Latihan merangkumi pergerakan tumbukan, tangkisan, tendangan, serangan dan pemusnahan. Jurulatih TTS yang berpengalaman di bawah kelolaan Pusat Latihan Kor Polis Tentera Diraja (PULAPOT) mampu untuk mendidik dan memastikan Pegawai Kadet menjadi lebih berdisiplin, tangkas dan berkeyakinan. 528 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 AKADEMI LATIHAN KETENTERAAN SENARAI KAKITANGAN PENTADBIRAN AKADEMI LATIHAN KETENTERAAN Komandan Mej Jen Dato’ Mustak Ahmad bin Miandad DIMP PAT SAP KAT KMN AAP KMW PJM PPS PPA mpat psc jt TUDM Pengarah Lt Kol Ibrahim bin Yasir KAT KMN ANS BSK PJM PNBB MA (UKM) DPA (UiTM) mpat psc G PS 2 Koordinasi Lt Kol Mohd Ariffin bin Saimun KAT AMN PNBB Ajutan/Pegawai Rekod Kapt Januisabdiah Shah Putra bin Yani Dip. Admin. (OUM) BAHAGIAN PENGURUSAN LATIHAN KETENTERAAN (BPLK) Ketua Jurulatih Mej Jamal bin Salleh Dip. Def. & Strat. (UM), M.Mgmt (UM) psc PS 2 Latih Udara Mej Mohd Das bin Md Isa TUDM B.B.A. (UNITAR) PS 2 Laut Lt Mohd Khairulnizam bin Bahari TLDM Dip (Nautica) (KTLD- UTM) w PS 2 Tadbir Mej Mohamad bin Mohamad Noor B.Sc. (Technology Mgmt.)(UTM), M.Sc. (IT)(UKM) PS 2 Latih Mejar Sobri bin Hashim Dip. Psikologi Kaunseling (UKM) UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 529 AKADEMI LATIHAN KETENTERAAN PS 3 Latih Kapt Syahril Amri bin Mohd Bakri B.Sc. (Technology Mgmt.)(UTM) PS 3 Tadbir Kapt Sharifah Annie Addillah bt. Syed Mohamad Hazam Ketua Bantuan Latih Mej Mohd Hisham bin Yunus Exec. Dip. In Strat (UPNM) psc Pen Ketua Bantuan Latih Mej Nor Hasilah binti Sulaiman BATALION TUAH Ketua Batalion Mej Mohd Rosdi bin Che Mohd Nasir Dip. Def. & Strat. (UM) psc Ketua Trup Kapt Muhammad Zulkhibri bin Nawi Dip. Teknologi Awam Binaan (UTM) Kapt Khairul Amri bin Chamili B.Sc. (HRM Mgmt.)(UTM) BATALION JEBAT Ketua Batalion Lt Kdr Farizha b. Ibrahim TLDM B.Sc (Hons)(Nautica) (UTM) Ketua Trup Kapt Ahmad Shakir bin Yahaya B.Sc. (HRM Mgmt.)(UTM) Kapt Mohd Shukri bin Shaaron B.Sc(Hons) Com Engr (UTM) Kapt Abdul Wahab bin Said Dip Pengajian Perniagaan (Insurans) (UiTM) 530 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 AKADEMI LATIHAN KETENTERAAN BATALION KASTURI Ketua Batalion Mej Shahril Nizar bin Abd Rahman Ketua Trup Kapt Mohd Helmi bin Razali TUDM BS (HR Mgmt) (UPNM) Kapt Ruhaizad bin Hashim B.Eng (Hons) Electric and Electronic (UTM) BATALION LEKIR Ketua Batalion Mej Mingan Yusri bin Othman B.Sc (Tech Mgmt.)(UTM) Ketua Trup Kapt Danesh Kumar a/l Krishna TUDM B. Comp. Sc. (UTM) Lt Azrul Shahril bin Alias Diploma Teknologi Marin (Mekanikal) (UTM) dan Dip Admin (OUM) BATALION LEKIU Ketua Batalion Mej Mohd Samsol bin Hj Giman B.Eng (Hons) Electrical (UTM) Ketua Trup Kapt Shahirul Azniliza bt Kamaruddin TUDM Lt Khalil bin Dhunia TLDM B.Mechaninal Eng (Marine Tech) (UTM) Kapt Muhammad Firdaus bin Sa’ad B.Eng (Hons) Electrical (UTM) UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 531 AKADEMI LATIHAN KETENTERAAN BATALION PALAPES Ketua Batalion Mej Kamarulzaman bin Idris Dip. Admin. (Law)(UM), Dip. Def. & Strat. (UM) psc Ketua Trup Kapt Saidi bin Mokhtar Dip. Admin (OUM) Kapt Mohd Hafeez bin Shamsulkamar Dip. Admin. (OUM) Kapt Mohd Rashidi bin Jamal Dip. Admin. (OUM) BAHAGIAN PENYELIDIKAN DAN PEMBANGUNAN LATIHAN (P&PL) Ketua Cawangan P & PL Mej Muhammad bin Sulaiman KAT ASK Dip. Eng. (UTM), Dip. Def. & Strat. (UM) psc Pegawai P&PL Mej Noor Ain bt Sulaiman B.Sc. (Technology Mgmt.)(UTM) Kapt Shahrul Azuwadei bin Ahmad Basharuddin B.Eng (Hons) Mechanical(USM) CAWANGAN PENGURUSAN SUMBER MANUSIA Ketua Cawangan Mej Azhar bin Jaffar PCK PNBB PJM (Darurat) Dip. Def. & Strat. (UM), M.M (UM) mpat psc Pegawai Agama Mej (Ust) Hj Mohamed Radzi bin Hj Musa Dip. Psikologi Kaunseling (UKM) & Ijazah Pertama Usuluddin (UM) Pegawai Pengangkutan Kapt Mohd Fadlisam bin Mat Daud Dip.Mng (OUM) 532 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 AKADEMI LATIHAN KETENTERAAN CAWANGAN JASMANI DAN SUKAN Ketua Cawangan Mej Idris bin Pandak Yahaya TUDM CAWANGAN LOJISTIK Ketua Cawangan Mej Nik Azhar bin Nik Suki TUDM B.Acc. (UTM) PS 3 Kewangan Kapt Sharinawati bte Ibrahim TUDM Kuatermaster Mej (KM) Shamsudin bin Zakaria CAWANGAN SEMBOYAN Ketua Cawangan Semboyan Kapt Mohd Izuddin b. Ralmi B. (Electrical Eng.)(UTM) PENGURUS WISMA Pengurus Mej Muhmad Zafferi bin Shari B.Sc. (Technology Mgmt.)(UTM), M.M (Technology)(UTM) UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 533 AKADEMI LATIHAN KETENTERAAN RANCANGAN PENGURUSAN LATIHAN PEGAWAI KADET UPNM 1.0 AM Rancangan Pengurusan Latihan (RPL) Pegawai Kadet UPNM disediakan adalah untuk membantu dan sebagai panduan kepada Akademi Latihan Ketenteraan dalam merancang dan seterusnya berupaya melaksanakan latihan dengan sistematik dan efisyen. Ianya dihasilkan setelah diambilkira aspek-aspek kesesuaian masa yang ada, waktu pengajian akademik dan silibus subjek-subjek ketenteraan yang bersesuaian dalam usaha melahirkan seorang Pegawai Muda yang berketrampilan sesuai dengan falsafah penubuhan UPNM. 2.0 KONSEP LATIHAN 2.1 Latihan Ketenteraan Umum (LKU) akan dilaksanakan secara menyeluruh di UPNM kecuali Pegawai Kadet Laut akan dihantar ke KDSI 1 setiap tahun. Konsep latihan yang diterapkan adalah berpandukan kepada pembentukkan diri seseorang Pegawai Kadet mengikut tahun pengajian di UPNM. Bagi Pegawai Kadet tahun akhir yang akan menjalani Latihan Ketenteraan Tahun Akhir (LKTA), mereka akan dihantar ke Pusat-Pusat Latihan Perkhidmatan. 2.2 Latihan ketenteraan akan dilaksanakan pada hari Sabtu semasa sesi pengajian akademik dan di sebelah petang hari Isnin hingga Jumaat pula diperuntukkan untuk latihan sukan. Pada masa cuti semester 1 dan 2, latihan ketenteraan akan dilaksanakan secara sepenuh masa. 3.0 OBJEKTIF LATIHAN Konsep latihan Pegawai Kadet di UPNM adalah untuk melatih dan melahirkan Pegawai-pegawai Muda yang berilmu, berakhlak mulia, mengamalkan budaya ketenteraan, cekap dan menyumbang ke arah pembangunan ketenteraan dan negara. Justeru, Rancangan Pengurusan Latihan (RPL) yang dibangunkan adalah bersesuaian dengan tahap pembelajaran dan pengetahuan yang ingin dicapai di akhir tahun-tahun pengajian dan latihan seperti berikut: 3.1 Latihan Tunas Wira (LTW) Latihan ini dirangka selama enam (6) minggu bagi memberikan landasan yang asas dalam ilmu ketenteraan kepada Pegawai Kadet yang baru melapor diri ke UPNM sebelum memulakan pengajian. Objektif latihan fasa ini adalah seperti berikut: i. 534 Memberi pendedahan ke atas aspek-aspek asas kehidupan rejimental BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 AKADEMI LATIHAN KETENTERAAN ketenteraan dalam usaha membentuk perwatakan dan keperibadian serta disiplin ketenteraan. Mengurangkan impak kejutan budaya. iii. Membina ketahanan fizikal, mental dan keyakinan diri sebagai persediaan untuk menjalani latihan ketenteraan seterusnya. iv. Memberi pendedahan kepada sistem latihan dan pengajian di UPNM. 3.2 Tahun Asas ii. Silibus pelajaran yang dibangunkan untuk tahun ini adalah bertujuan memberi pendedahan ke atas aspek-aspek ketenteraan dalam usaha membina perwatakan dan keperibadian sebagai seorang Pegawai Tentera. Objektifobjektif yang digariskan adalah seperti berikut: i. Berupaya mengaplikasikan aspek-aspek teknik dan taktik serta pengurusan dan kepimpinan di peringkat Ketua Platun. ii. Berupaya memahami dan melaksanakan tugas-tugas di peringkat Ketua Platun. iii. Membentuk perwatakan dan keperibadian seorang Pegawai Tentera melalui aktiviti-aktiviti rejimental. 3.3 Tahun Satu Silibus pelajaran yang dibangunkan untuk tahun ini adalah kesinambungan dari Tahun Asas dan bertujuan memberi pendedahan ke atas aspek-aspek ketenteraan dalam usaha membina perwatakan dan keperibadian sebagai seorang Pegawai Tentera. Objektif-objektif yang digariskan adalah seperti berikut: i. ii. iii. Memberi pendedahan ke atas aspek-aspek teknik dan taktik serta pengurusan dan kepimpinan di peringkat Kompeni. Memahami dan melaksanakan tugas-tugas di peringkat Kompeni. Membentuk perawatakan dan keperibadian seorang Pegawai Tentera melalui aktiviti-aktiviti rejimental. 3.4 Tahun Dua Silibus pelajaran yang dibangunkan untuk tahun ini adalah kesinambungan dari Tahun Satu dan bertujuan memberi pendedahan ke atas aspek-aspek UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 535 AKADEMI LATIHAN KETENTERAAN ketenteraan dalam usaha membina perwatakan dan keperibadian sebagai seorang Pegawai Tentera. Objektif-objektif yang digariskan adalah seperti berikut: i. ii. iii. 3.5 Tahun Tiga Tahun ini merupakan tahun akhir bagi Pegawai Kadet yang mengikuti pengajian akademik Jurusan Sains dan Teknologi Pertahanan dan Jurusan Pengurusan Pertahanan. Silibus pelajaran yang dibangunkan untuk tahun ini adalah bertujuan memberi pendedahan ke atas aspek-aspek ketenteraan dalam usaha memperlengkapkan seseorang Pegawai Kadet yang mampu melaksanakan tugas-tugas sebagai seorang Pegawai Muda. Justeru, pendedahan ke atas aspek-aspek penugasan di Batalion dan Briged melalui Latihan Sambil Kerja (LSK) dan latihan peringkat kolektif akan diteruskan dan penekanan juga akan diberi ke atas aspek peperangan bersama yang melibatkan ketiga-tiga perkhidmatan. Objektif-objektif yang digariskan adalah seperti berikut: i. ii. iii. Berupaya melaksanakan tugas-tugas sebagai seorang Pegawai Muda. Memahami konsep peperangan bersama. Membentuk perawatakan dan keperibadian seorang Pegawai Tentera melalui aktiviti-aktiviti rejimental. 3.6 Tahun Empat Tahun ini merupakan tahun akhir bagi Pegawai Kadet yang mengikuti pengajian akademik Jurusan Kejuruteraan. Penekanan latihan yang dititikberatkan adalah berbentuk hands-on with guidance dengan tumpuan ke atas subjeksubjek Kaedah-kaedah Mengajar. Dalam aspek ini Pegawai Kadet mampu melaksanakan tugas-tugas sebagai seorang Pegawai Muda dan tugas-tugas kejurulatihan dengan bimbingan terhad dari Jurulatih. Objektif-objektif yang digariskan adalah seperti berikut: i. ii. 536 Memberi pendedahan ke atas aspek-aspek teknik dan taktik serta pengurusan dan kepimpinan di peringkat Batalion dan Briged melalui latihan sambil kerja (OJT) dan latihan klolektif. Memahami organisasi dan tugas-tugas di peringkat Batalion dan Briged. Membentuk perwatakan dan keperibadian seorang Pegawai Tentera melalui aktiviti-aktiviti rejimental. Berupaya melaksanakan tugas-tugas sebagai seorang Pegawai Muda. Berupaya melaksanakan tugas-tugas kejurulatihan dengan bimbingan terhad dari Jurulatih. BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 AKADEMI LATIHAN KETENTERAAN iii. Berupaya memperagakan perawatakan dan keperibadian seorang Pegawai Tentera. 4.0 RAJAH LOGIK Di dalam usaha untuk menghasilkan Pegawai Muda yang berketrampilan sesuai dengan falsafah penubuhan UPNM maka Rajah Lojik yang dibangunkan mempunyai tiga (3) tugas utama seperti berikut: i. ii. iii. 1 T - Mengaplikasikan Pengetahuan Kemahiran Ketenteraan. 2 T - Mengaplikasikan Pengurusan Sumber Manusia. 3 T - Melaksanakan Pengurusan Lojistik dan Material. 5.0 OBJEKTIF TERMINAL Untuk mencapai objektif-objektif latihan yang telah digariskan, RPL yang dibangunkan merangkumi lapan (8) Objektif Terminal seperti berikut: 5.1 1T1 - Memperagakan Asas Pengetahuan Ketenteraan 5.2 1T2 - Mengaplikasikan Pengurusan Peperangan Objektif ini menitikberatkan kepada pembinaan disiplin dan perintah dan kawalan. 5.4 1T4 - Melaksanakan Pengurusan Latihan Objektif ini menitikberatkan kepada pemahaman dan kemahiran (skills) dalam taktik-taktik asas peperangan. 5.3 1T3 - Melaksanakan Kawad Objektif ini bertujuan memberi pendedahan kepada kehidupan rejimental ketenteraan di samping pemahaman dalam pengurusan dan organisasi UPNM dan ATM secara am. Objektif ini menitikberatkan kepada pemahaman Sistem Latihan Tentera Darat (SLTD) dan pengurusan serta pentadbiran aktiviti-aktiviti ketenteraan. 5.5 2T1 - Melaksanakan Pengurusan Sumber Manusia Objektif ini menitikberatkan pembentukan rohaniah dan akhlak yang tinggi di samping pengetahuan peruntukkan dan pengurusan perundangan tentera. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 537 AKADEMI LATIHAN KETENTERAAN 5.6 2T2 - Mengaplikasikan Kepimpinan 5.7 2T3 - Melaksanakan Pentadbiran Di pasukan Objektif ini menitikberatkan pembentukkan dan pemupukan ciri-ciri kepimpinan melalui pendedahan ke atas aspek teori kepimpinan, komunikasi dan kajian kepimpinan dalam perang (battle studies). Objektif ini menitikberatkan pemahaman ke atas penugasan dan pengurusan tugas-tugas pentadbiran di pasukan melalui pendedahan kepada kemahiran penulisan persuratan tentera dan pengurusan akaun dan gaji. 5.8 3T1 - Melaksanakan Pengurusan Logistik dan Material. Objektif ini menitikberatkan pemahaman ke atas penugasan dan pengurusan aspek logistik dan material melalui pengaplikasian prosedur-prosedur semasa. 6.0 OBJEKTIF PENDORONG Untuk menentukan pencapaian Objektif-objektif Terminal di atas secara dinamik dan efektif, Objektif-objektif Pendorong yang dikenalpasti adalah seperti berikut: 6.1. 1T1 - Memperagakan Pengetahuan Asas Ketenteraan i. ii. iii. 6.2 1T2 - Mengaplikasikan Pengurusan Peperangan i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. 1E5 - Membina Ketahanan Mental dan Fizikal. 1E6 - Mengaplikasikan Tatacara Perhubungan Radio. 1E7 - Melaksanakan IMP. 1E8 - Melaksanakan Teknik dan Taktik Peperangan. 1E9 - Mengaplikasikan Penggunaan Senjata Kecil dan Bantuan. 1E10 - Melaksanakan Baca Peta. 1E11 - Mengetahui Organisasi, Tugas dan Peranan Tentera Darat. 1E12 - Mengetahui Organisasi, Tugas dan Peranan Tentera Laut. 1E13 - Mengetahui Organisasi, Tugas dan Peranan Tentera Udara. 1E14 -Melaksanakan Pelbagai Operasi. 6.3 1T3 - Melaksanakan Kawad i. ii. 538 1E1 - Memahami Adat Resam dan Kehidupan Rejimental Ketenteraan. 1E2 - Mengetahui Organisasi, Fungsi dan Peranan UPNM. 1E3 - Memahami Peranan dan Organisasi KEMENTAH. 1E15 - Melaksanakan Kawad di pasukan. 1E16 - Melaksanakan Kawad Panji-panji. BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 AKADEMI LATIHAN KETENTERAAN 6.4 1T4 - Melaksanakan Pengurusan Latihan i. ii. iii. 6.5 2T1 - Melaksanakan Pengurusan Sumber Manusia i. ii. 2E4 - Melaksanakan Asas Kepimpinan. 6.7 2T3 - Melaksanakan Pentadbiran i. ii. iii. 2E1 - Melaksanakan Pengajian Islam. 2E2 - Melaksanakan Pendidikan Moral. 6.6 2T2 - Mengaplikasikan Kepimpinan i. 1E17 - Memahami SLTD. 1E18 - Mengendalikan Pertandingan. 1E19 - Melaksanakan Kaedah Mengajar. 2E6 - Melaksanakan Tugas Staf. 2E7 - Melaksanakan Tugas Pentadbiran. 2E8 - Melaksanakan Pengurusan Akaun dan Gaji. 6.8 3T1 - Mengaplikasikan Pengurusan Logistik dan Material. i. 3E1 - Melaksanakan Prosedur Logistik dan Material. 7.0 OBJEKTIF PEMBELAJARAN Objektif Pembelajaran yang dibangunkan adalah selari dengan konsep latihan yang dirangka. 8.0 SILIBUS LATIHAN 8.1 Pengiraan jumlah waktu kerja dan waktu luar kerja adalah berasaskan kepada 40 minit setiap waktu. Untuk hari Isnin hingga Khamis dan Sabtu terdapat sebanyak 8 x waktu kerja (jam 0745 hingga jam 1525) dan 16 x waktu luar kerja (jam 1630 hingga 0545). Bagi hari Jumaat pula, terdapat 6 x waktu kerja (jam 0745 hingga jam 1240) dan 16 x waktu luar kerja (jam 1630 hingga 0545). Blok Sukatan Pelajaran seperti berikut: UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 539 AKADEMI LATIHAN KETENTERAAN Perkara Jumlah Besar Waktu Waktu Kerja Waktu Luar Kerja Sy Am Jum Sy Am Jum 1T - Mengaplikasikan Pengetahuan Kemahiran Ketenteraan 439 1113 1552 53 540 593 2145 2T - Mengaplikasikan Pengurusan Sumber Manusia 174 22 196 15 15 211 3T - Melaksanakan Pengurusan Logistik dan Material 17 17 1 1 18 454 1697 Pelbagai Aktiviti Ketenteraan 1243 Ramalan Cuti Umum Jumlah Besar 630 1243 128 128 2506 3136 454 69 48 48 176 1042 1111 4247 8.2 Perincian ke atas tempoh 4 tahun jumlah waktu yang diperuntukkan untuk latihan ketenteraan, terdapat sebanyak 11412 waktu (3636 waktu kerja dan 7776 waktu luar kerja) yang ada (available periods). Berpandukan kepada Blok Sukatan Pelajaran jumlah waktu yang diperlukan untuk melatih seseorang Pegawai Kadet berpandukan kepada 3 Tugas Utama (1T + 2T + 3T) yang telah digariskan adalah sebanyak 2374 waktu. Mengambil kira pelbagai aktiviti ketenteraan yang dirancang pada setiap tahun dan ramalan cuti umum maka jumlah waktu yang diperlukan adalah sebanyak 2374 + (1697 x 4) + (176 x 4) = 9866 waktu. Berbanding waktu sediada dengan jumlah waktu yang diperlukan untuk latihan dalam tempoh 4 tahun terdapat lebihan sebanyak 1546 waktu. 8.3 Silibus Latihan adalah seperti di Kembaran E dan Silibus Latihan Terperinci seperti di Kembaran F. 9.0 SISTEM PENILAIAN 9.1 Sistem Penilaian Kepimpinan Setiap Pegawai Kadet akan dinilai aspek kepimpinan (Officer Qualities) mereka pada setiap semester pengajian (2 x semester akademik dan 1 x semester latihan ketenteraan). Terdapat sebanyak 27 kriteria penilaian di mana pemberatan penilaian adalah dari angka 1 hingga 10. Setiap Pegawai Kadet mesti memperolehi sekurang-kurangnya 60% dari purata penilaian setiap tahun. Formula pengiraan adalah seperti berikut: Jumlah Markah Diperolehi Dalam 3 x Penilaian Jumlah Markah Penuh 3 x Penilaian Kriteria penilian adalah seperti di Kembaran G. 540 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 X 100% AKADEMI LATIHAN KETENTERAAN 9.2 Pengajian Ketenteraan 9.2.1 Ujian Teori, Praktikal dan TEWT Setiap Pegawai Kadet akan diuji kefahaman dalam aspek teori dan praktikal subjek-subjek ketenteraan yang dipelajari mengikut tahuntahun pengajian. Ini termasuklah ujian kemahiran pengendalian senjata, baca peta, menembak, kawad dan komunikasi. Di samping itu setiap Pegawai Kadet akan menjalani Ujian Taktikal Tanpa Trup (TEWT Tactical Excersice Without Troop) bagi matapelajaran taktik dalam setiap fasa Peperangan Melawan Insurgensi (Counter Insurgensi Warfare (CIW)) dan Peperangan Konventional (Conventional Warfare (CW)). Pemarkahan adalah berpandukan kepada Sistem Latihan Tentera Darat (SLTD) yang diguna pakai pada ketika ini seperti berikut: i. Ujian Teori Soalan-soalan ujian akan disediakan oleh Cwg Penyelidikan dan Pembangunan Latihan. 9.2.2 Ujian Jasmani Pegawai Kadet mesti lulus dalam semua ujian jasmani yang dijalankan. Ujian-ujian berikut akan dilaksanakan pada setiap tahun: i. Ujian Kecergasan Asas (UKA) - 2 x setahun. ii. Ujian Jalan Laju (UJL) - 1x setahun meliputi peringkat 5 km, 8 km, 12 km dan 15 km. iii. Ujian Renang. 9.2.3 Latihan Medan Pegawai Kadet akan diuji di dalam aspek kepimpinan, perancangan, pelaksanaan tugas dan kemahiran taktikal medan semasa mengikuti latihan medan. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 541 AKADEMI LATIHAN KETENTERAAN 10.0 VALIDASI Bagi memastikan keberkesanan perancangan dan pelaksanaan latihan, tiga aspek validasi akan dilaksanakan. Aspek-aspek yang diberi penekanan merangkumi keberkesanan kejurulatihan, perancangan dan pelaksanaan latihan dan bantuan logistik dan tadbir semasa di Universiti mahupun sewaktu mengikuti latihan medan. Validasi ini bertujuan memantau, menambahbaikan, mengubah ataupun menyusun semula RPL hasil maklum balas yang diperolehi. 11.0 RANCANGAN PENGURUSAN LATIHAN PEGAWAI KADET LAUT Latihan bagi Pegawai Kadet Laut akan dilaksanakan di KDSI 1 berpandukan kepada RPL. Sistem penilaian ke atas ujian-ujian teori, praktikal dan lain-lain latihan medan adalah berpandukan kepada penilaian yang digunapakai oleh KDSI 1. Bagi penilaian kepimpinan dan validasi format yang digunakan adalah sama seperti Pegawai Kadet Darat dan Udara yang menjalani latihan di UPNM. 12.0 PENUTUP 542 Adalah diharap RPL ringkas ini dapat membantu Akademi Latihan Ketenteraan dalam merancang dan melaksanakan latihan ketenteraan secara sistematik dan efisien. Semua pihak yang terlibat dalam merancang dan melaksanakan latihan adalah dimohon sentiasa memberi maklumbalas ke atas sebarang kelemahan dikenalpasti agar tindakan penambahbaikan RPL ini dapat diambil demi memastikan keberkesanan latihan ketenteraan di Universiti ini. BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 AKADEMI LATIHAN KETENTERAAN RAJAH LOGIK LATIHAN KETENTERAAN PEGAWAI KADET UPNM PEGAWAI MUDA 1T MENGAPLIKASIKAN PENGETAHUAN KEMAHIRAN KETENTERAAN 2T MENGAPLIKASIKAN PENGURUSAN SUMBER MANUSIA 1T1 2T1 MEMPERAGAKAN ASAS PENGETAHUAN KETENTERAAN MELAKSANAKAN PENGURUSAN SUMBER MANUSIA 1T2 2T2 MENGAPLIKASIKAN PENGURUSAN PEPERANGAN MENGAPLIKASIKAN KEPIMPINAN DIPASUKAN 1T3 2T3 MELAKSANAKAN KAWAD MELAKSANAKAN PENTADBIRAN DIPASUKAN 3T MELAKSANAKAN PENGURUSAN LOGISTIK DAN MATERIAL 3T1 MENGAPLIKASIKAN PENGURUSAN LOGISTIK DAN MATERIAL 1T4 MELAKSANAKAN PEMGURUSAN LATIHAN Waktu Kerja 3,636 Waktu Waktu Luar Kerja 7,776 Waktu Jumlah 11, 412 Waktu (7,608 jam latihan) UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 543 AKADEMI LATIHAN KETENTERAAN PERUNTUKKAN JUMLAH MINGGU UNTUK SESI PENGAJIAN AKADEMIK DAN LATIHAN KETENTERAAN TAHUN ASAS SEMESTER 1 LTW – 6 MINGGU AKADEMIK (18 MINGGU) CUTI (1 MINGGU) LATIHAN KETENTERAAN (4 MINGGU SEMESTER 2 SEMESTER 3 AKADEMIK (18 MINGGU) LATIHAN KETENTERAAN (8 MINGGU) TAHUN SATU SEMESTER 1 AKADEMIK (18 MINGGU) CUTI (1 MINGGU) LATIHAN KETENTERAAN (4 MINGGU SEMESTER 2 SEMESTER 3 AKADEMIK (18 MINGGU) LATIHAN KETENTERAAN (8 MINGGU) SEMESTER 2 SEMESTER 3 AKADEMIK (18 MINGGU) LI - PEG KDT LAUT LATIHAN KETENTERAAN (8 MINGGU) SEMESTER 2 SEMESTER 3 AKADEMIK AKHIR PENGAJIAN BAGI JURUSAN SAINS DAN PENGURUSAN PERTAHANAN (18 MINGGU) LATIHAN KETENTERAAN TAHUN AKHIR (6 BULAN SEHINGGA DITAULIAHKAN) TAHUN DUA SEMESTER 1 AKADEMIK (18 MINGGU) CUTI (1 MINGGU) LATIHAN KETENTERAAN (4 MINGGU TAHUN TIGA SEMESTER 1 AKADEMIK (18 MINGGU) 544 CUTI (1 MINGGU) LATIHAN KETENTERAAN (4 MINGGU BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 AKADEMI LATIHAN KETENTERAAN RANCANGAN PENGURUSAN LATIHAN PASUKAN LATIHAN PEGAWAI SIMPANAN (PALAPES) PERUNTUKKAN JUMLAH MINGGU UNTUK SESI PENGAJIAN AKADEMIK DAN LATIHAN KETENTERAAN (PALAPES) 1.0 AM Pasukan Latihan Pegawai Simpanan (PALAPES) secara rasmi ditubuhkan pada Feb 1980, di antara dasar kerjasama pihak Kementerian Pertahanan dengan Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia. PALAPES dilahirkan dengan iktizam sebagai satu program nasional yang berperanan untuk melatih bakal-bakal pegawai lepasan IPTA dalam pertahanan negara. 2.0 ASAS PENUBUHAN Penubuhan PALAPES di semua IPTA adalah berasaskan kepada: i. ii. iii. Kesedaran dan kepercayaan bahawa IPTA-IPTA dalam negara ini mempunyai potensi besar sumber tenaga manusia yang berkelayakan akademik tinggi dan boleh memberi sumbangan besar terhadap keperluan pertahanan negara. Kepercayaan bahawa berasaskan kelulusan akademik yang sedia ada pada mereka, mahasiswa-mahasiswi ini boleh dijadikan pegawai simpanan yang dinamik serta berdedikasi jika diberi bimbingan serta latihan ketenteraan yang sesuai. Program latihan yang diberi kepada mahasiswa-mahasiswi, selain dari melengkapkan mereka sebagai pegawai simpanan bagi Tentera Darat, juga membantu IPTA khususnya dan negara amnya dalam membentuk ciri-ciri ketahanan nasional. 3.0 TUJUAN PALAPES ditubuhkan bertujuan untuk melatih dan mengeluarkan pegawai-pegawai simpanan sukarela dalam ATM. 4.0 OBJEKTIF PALAPES Objektif PALAPES penubuhan seperti berikut: i. ii. PALAPES ditubuhkan dengan tujuan melatih pelajar-pelajar IPTA dalam ilmu ketenteraan bagi membina insan berdisiplin dan bersemangat waja. Menyediakan sumber tenaga pegawai lepasan IPTA untuk Angkatan Tetap dan Angkatan Simpanan ATM. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 545 AKADEMI LATIHAN KETENTERAAN iii. Menyiapkan warganegara yang terlatih dalam bidang ketenteraan bagi mengukuhkan pertahanan negara dan ketahanan nasional. 5.0 KURIKULUM LATIHAN PROGRAM PALAPES Objektif latihan PALAPES adalah untuk membentuk peradaban, kualiti kepimpinan dan pengetahuan asas ketenteraan untuk menghasilkan pegawai muda yang berketerampilan dan berwawasan. Penekanan latihan ditumpukan kepada meningkatkan pengetahuan, kemahiran dan sikap individu berkumpulan. 6.0 OBJEKTIF PENDUKUNG Bagi memastikan tercapainya objektif latihan PALAPES secara lebih dinamik dan efektif, beberapa aspek khusus telah dirumuskan untuk dijadikan objektif pendukung. Objektif ini akan memainkan peranan penting sebagai panduan dan pendorong ke arah matlamat yang diperlukan. Objektif pendukung ini dibahagikan kepada bidang-bidang tertentu seperti berikut: 6.1 Pengetahuan Ketenteraan Memberi pengetahuan asas ketenteraan yang diperlukan oleh setiap pegawai muda bagi meninggikan dan meningkatkan taraf profesionalisme sebagai seorang pegawai di dalam TD Malaysia yang menjawat jawatan Ketua Platun Infantri atau setaraf. 6.2 Kemahiran Ketenteraan Memberikan kemahiran asas ketenteraan yang akan diutamakan kepada aspek pengendalian senjata individu dan teknik asas taktik. 6.3 Kepimpinan Menanam dan memupuk semangat ketenteraan yang tulen dengan menitikberatkan kepada daya kepimpinan, kewibawaan, bertatatertib tinggi, tekun dan bersifat taat setia yang tidak berbelah bagi kepada organisasi yang dianggotai. 6.4 Ketahanan Fizikal 546 Mempunyai ketahanan fizikal dan mental yang mantap serta memupuk semangat keyakinan diri, cergas dan segak sejajar sebagai tentera terlatih. BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 AKADEMI LATIHAN KETENTERAAN 7.0 KONSEP LATIHAN Latihan PALAPES dilaksanakan selama tiga tahun. Tahun pertama adalah Peringkat Junior, tahun kedua adalah Peringkat Intermediate dan tahun ketiga adalah Peringkat Senior. Pada dasarnya, jenis latihan yang dijalankan di PALAPES adalah mirip kepada latihan kadet angkatan tetap ATM sebagaimana yang dilaksanakan di ATMA dan KTD. Bagi membolehkan setiap pegawai kadet melaksanakan latihan secara progresif, PALAPES ditetapkan untuk melaksanakan latihan seperti yang dibenarkan berdasarkan Buku Panduan Askar Wataniah 1988. Jenis-jenis latihan yang dijalankan oleh PALAPES adalah seperti berikut: 7.1 Latihan Tempatan (LT) : 240 jam setahun. Semua mata pelajaran berdasarkan peringkat masing-masing diajar semasa Latihan Tempatan. Hari latihan yang dirancangkan adalah mengikut kelapangan pegawai kadet atau hari ko-kurikulum UPNM bagi mencapai kehadiran maksimum. Bagi membolehkan catuan percuma diberi, latihan yang dijalankan hendaklah tidak kurang dari 10 jam. 7.2 Latihan Lanjutan/Berterusan (LL/LB) : 14 hari setahun. PALAPES diberi tanggungjawab untuk merancang Latihan Lanjutan/Berterusan bagi keperluan mengulangkaji pelajaran-pelajaran yang memerlukan penekanan lanjut. Setiap latihan yang dijalankan hendaklah tidak kurang dari 72 jam (3 hari). Antara silibus latihan yang boleh dilaksanakan di dalam LL/LB adalah seperti berikut: i. ii. iii. iv. v. Membaca Peta. Latihan Menembak. Latihan Kawad. Latihan Ketenteraman Awam. Latihan Semboyan. 7.3 Latihan Khemah Tahunan (KLT) : 15 hari setahun. LKT merupakan kemuncak bagi segala latihan yang dijalankan setiap tahun. Di dalam latihan ini, semua pegawai kadet akan diuji dan dinilai dalam aspek teori dan praktikal di atas apa jua pelajaran yang telah dipelajari. Penilaian seragam akan dilaksanakan terhadap semua pegawai kadet di semua PALAPES IPT. Semua pegawai kadet dikehendaki mengikut latihan berdasarkan latihan peringkat masing-masing. Rancangan penilaian dan aktiviti LKT yang seragam bagi semua PALAPES IPT adalah seperti yang ditetapkan oleh Tim Penilai LKT yang dikendalikan oleh MK Latihan TD. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 547 AKADEMI LATIHAN KETENTERAAN 8.0 PERINGKAT LATIHAN Latihan PALAPES akan dilaksanakan dalam jangkamasa tiga tahun berdasarkan peringkat berikut: i. Tahun 1 (Peringkat Junior) Untuk mencapai sebagai seorang soldadu terlatih. ii. Tahun 2 (Peringkat Intermediate) Untuk mencapai sebagai seorang PTT. iii. Tahun 3 (Peringkat Senior) Untuk mencapai sebagai seorang Pegawai Sukarela. 9.0 SISTEM PENILAIAN DAN PEMARKAHAN Sistem Penilaian dan Pemarkahan akan menggunakan panduan penilaian semasa yang dikeluarkan oleh MK Latihan TD. 10.0 STRUKTUR KURSUS 11.0 PENUTUP 548 Perancangan program latihan akan disesuaikan dengan kalendar tahunan universiti supaya ia tidak membebankan penuntut. Ini adalah kerana matlamat utama siswasiswi ialah pencapaian yang cemerlang dalam pengajian akademik seiring dengan pengetahuan ketenteraan. BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 AKADEMI LATIHAN KETENTERAAN SILIBUS TERPERINCI PERINGKAT JUNIOR Silibus (a) Perkara (b) Teori (c) Amali (d) 1I1 Mengetahui Asas PMI 1 1I2 Mengetahui Musuh (PENGKOM) 1 1I3 Mengetahui Prinsip-Prinsip Peperangan dan Unsur-Unsur Taktik 1 1I4 Melaksanakan Formasi Seksyen 1 2 1I5 Melaksanakan Tugas – Tugas Sentri 1 1 1I6 Melaksanakan Tembak dan Gerak 1 1I7 Melaksanakan Tindakan Serta-Merta (TSM) dan Kawad Tempur Seksyen 2 1I8 Mengetahui Prosedur Tempur 1 1I9 Melaksanakan Pangkalan Hutan, Rondaan 1 1I10 Tinjauan Khemah Sementara Musuh 1 Jumlah (e) Catatan (f) MELAKSANAKAN ASAS TAKTIK 4 2 1I11 Serangan Khemah Sementara Musuh 1 1I12 Melaksanakan Formasi Platun Infantri 1 1I13 Melaksanakan Kawad Tempur Platun 1 1 1I14 Melaksanakan Serang Hendap 1 1 1I15 Melaksanakan Anti Serang Hendap Kenderaan 1 1I16 Menulis Laporan Dan Penyata 2 1I17 Pengenalan Kepada Peperangan Konvensional 3 1I18 Pengenalan Kepada Lanun 2 1I19 Simbol Tentera 1 1I20 Perkiraan Keadaan (MAP) 6 1I21 Prosedur Menunjuk Sasaran dan Tembakan Mortar 2 1I22 Perintah Peperangan Konvensional 2 1I23 Mara 4 1I24 Penugasan Senjata Bantuan Dalam Mara 1 1 1I25 Ronda 1 1I26 Rancangan Tembakan 1 1I27 Melaksanakan Latihan Model Mara 7 1I28 Penyampaian Perintah 9 ILMU MEDAN PERANG I29 Mengetahui Pakaian dan Peralatan Perseorangan 1 1I30 Melaksanakan Penyamaran dan Penyembunyian 1 1 1 1I31 Melaksanakan Pemerhatian Awal 1 1I32 Melaksanakan Isyarat Medan 1 1I33 Melaksanakan Pergerakan Perseorangan dengan Senjata 1 1 1I34 Kawad Melintas Halangan 1 1 1I35 Mengagak Jarak 1 2 1I36 Melaksanakan Menunjuk Sasaran 1 5 1I37 Mengenali Sasaran Melalui Pendengaran Bunyi 1 2 UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 549 AKADEMI LATIHAN KETENTERAAN Silibus (a) Perkara (b) Teori (c) 1I38 Membuat Kad Jarak 1 1I39 Melaksanakan Perintah Kawalan Tembakan 1 1I40 Mendirikan Khemah Medan 1 1I41 Memasak di Medan 1 1I42 Melaksanakan Pemerhatian Waktu Malam 1 Amali (d) 2 MENGENDALIKAN SENJATA Latihan Senjata Colt M16 1I43 Mengetahui Keselamatan, Mengenal Bentuk Rupa Kelakuan, Membuka, Mencuci dan Memasang 1 1 1I44 Mengisi dan Mengeluarkan Peluru Daripada Kelopak, Mengenal Pejera, Mengisi dan Mengeluarkan Peluru daripada Senjata dan Selamatkan Senjata 1 1 1I45 Memegang, Menenang dan Menembak Senjata M16 1I46 Mengenal Pesawat, TSM dan Lain-Lain Hentian 1I47 Kedudukan Menembak dan Menembak Di Sebalik Perlindungan 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Graned M73 1I48 Mengetahui Keselamatan, Mengenal, Pesawat, Menyimpan dan Membaling 1I49 Mengetahui Keselamatan, Mengenal, Memasang dan Meletup Suar Jerat 1I50 Mengetahui Keselamatan , Mengenal Penggunaan dan Menguji Claymore Mine M 18 A1 1I51 Mengetahui Keselamatan Membuka, Memasang, Mencuci, Mengisi dan Keluarkan Peluru 1 Suar Jerat Claymore Mine M18 A1 M 203 1I52 Melaksanakan Memasang Pejera dan Menenang 1 1I53 Mengetahui Kedudukan Menembak dan TSM 1 1I54 Mengetahui Jenis dan Tujuan Peta 1 1I55 Mengetahui Skil dan Jarak 1 1I56 Mengetahui Bentuk Bumi dan Pemeriksaan Kontur 1 1I57 Mengenal Bukit Pematang dan Susur Bukit Melalui Pemeriksaan Corak Kontur 2 1I58 Mengetahui Titik Utara, Sistem Mill, Sudut, Grid, Magnet dan Arah 1 1I59 Melaksanakan Resection dan Intersection 1 1I60 Melaksanakan Saling Pandang 1 1I61 Melaksanakan Kawad Mengelak Halangan 1 BACA PETA 1I62 Pengenalan Kompas dan Protektor 1 1I63 Melaksanakan Berjalan Menggunakan Kompas 2 1I64 Mengetahui Tanda-tanda Konvensional 2 MELAKSANAKAN KAWAD KAKI 1I65 Melaksanakan Pergerakan Sedia, Senang Diri dan Rehatkan Diri 1 1I66 Melaksanakan Pergerakan Baris dalam Tiga Barisan, Nombor dan Nyatakan 1 550 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Jumlah (e) Catatan (f) AKADEMI LATIHAN KETENTERAAN Silibus (a) Perkara (b) Teori (c) Amali (d) 1I67 Melaksanakan Pergerakan Buka dan Tutup Barisan dan Masuk Barisan 1 1I68 Melaksanakan Pergerakan Kawad Berpusing dan berpusing Separuh, Bersurai dan Keluar Baris 1 1I69 Melaksanakan Kawad Paras 1 1I70 Melaksanakan Pergerakan Berjalan Dan Berhenti dalam Masa Cepat 2 1I71 Melaksanakan Pergerakan Langkah Pendek dan Langkah Panjang, Langkah ke Belakang dan Langkah ke Sebelah 1 1I72 Melaksanakan Pergerakan Membelok, Hentak Kaki dan Berhenti, Maju dan Berhenti, Maju dalam Masa Cepat dan Tukar Langkah Dalam Masa Cepat 2 1I73 Melaksanakan Pergerakan Jadikan Dua Barisan Dari Tiga Barisan dan Jadikan Tiga Barisan Dari Dua Barisan 2 1I74 Melaksanakan Pergerakan Memberi Hormat Dalam Masa Berhenti, Hormat Ke Hadapan, KeHadapan, Ke Kiri dan Ke Kanan dalam Masa Berjalan dan Memberi Hormat Semasa Tidak Memakai Pakaian Kepala, Pakaian Biasa 1 1I75 Melaksanakan Pergerakan Pandang Kiri dan Pandang Kanan 1 1I76 Melaksanakan Pergerakan Berjalan dan Berhenti dalam Masa Perlahan 1 1I77 Melaksanakan Pergerakan Tukar Langkah Dalam Masa Perlahan dan Cepat 1 1I78 Mengetahui Bahasa Hukuman 1 Jumlah (e) Catatan (f) MELAKSANAKAN KAWAD SENJATA Melaksanakan Kawad Sedia, Senang Diri dan Rehatkan Diri dengan Senjata 1 1I80 Melaksanakan Kawad Baring dan Angkat Senjata 1 1I81 Melaksanakan Kawad Jinjit Senjata dan Masuk Baris Jinjit Senjata 1 1I82 Melaksanakan Pergerakan Rusuk Senjata dari Turun Senjata dan Turun Senjata dari Rusuk Senjata 1 1I79 1I83 Melaksanakan Kawad Hormat Senjata 1 1I84 Melaksanakan Kawad Jajar dan Rusuk Senjata 1 1I85 Melaksanakan Kawad Kalih Senjata 1 1I86 Melaksanakan Kawad Tatang Senjata 1 1I87 Kawad Untuk Diperiksa Tatang Senjata 1 1I88 Melaksanakan Kawad Pasang dan Tanggal Benet 1 1I89 Melaksanakan Kawad Bimbit Senjata 1 1I90 Melaksanakan Kawad Julang Senjata 1 1I91 Kalih Senjata dari Tiga Kali Sorak dan Doa Selamat 2 MELAKSANAKAN TUGAS REJIMENTAL 2 I1 Mengetahui Adat Resam TD 1 2 I2 Mengetahui Pangkat Dan Pakaian TD 1 2 I3 Memahami Keselamatan ATM 1 2 I4 Mengetahui Tatatertib ATM 2 2 I5 Makan Malam Rejimental 2 2 I6 Etika Wisma Perwira 1 2 I7 Etika Pegawai 1 2 I8 Tatacara Pemakaian TD 1 2I10 Silibus dan Penilaian PALAPES 1 UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 551 AKADEMI LATIHAN KETENTERAAN Silibus (a) Perkara (b) Teori (c) 2I11 Pengenalan Kepada Alat Komunikasi 1 2I12 Keselamatan Komunikasi 1 2I13 Prosedur Asas Percakapan Radio 1 2I14 Disiplin Radio, Ketetapan dan Penyingkatan Masa 1 Amali (d) Jumlah (e) SEMBOYAN UNDANG- UNDANG TENTERA 2I15 Pengenalan kepada Undang - Undang Tentera 2 2I16 Mengetahui Sistem Perundangan 1 2I17 Mengetahui Kesalahan - Kesalahan Perkhidmatan 2 UJIAN 2T1 Ujian Mutlak 1E Latihan Kawad Kaki dan Senjata 4 10 SIMPANAN 20 LATIHAN JASMANI 12 PENTADBIRAN JUMLAH 10 103 137 240 LATIHAN PROGRESIF (SEMASA LATIHAN BERTERUSAN) 1T1 Melaksanakan Pengajian Ketenteraan 114 114 1T2 Melaksanakan Kawad 10 10 Latihan Keyakinan Diri 26 26 Simpanan/Lawatan 32 32 Jumlah 182 182 Ulangkaji 65 65 1T1 10 10 1T2 108 UJIAN (SEMASA KEM TAHUNAN) Simpanan 12 Jumlah 195 87 514 617 JUMLAH KESELURUHAN 552 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 103 12 Catatan (f) AKADEMI LATIHAN KETENTERAAN LATIHAN PEGAWAI KADET (PALAPES) PERINGKAT DUA (INTERMEDIATE) SILIBUS TERPERINCI Bil (a) Silibus (b) Perkara (c) Teori (d) Amali (e) Jumlah (f) 1 1T1 Melaksanakan Pengajian Ketenteraan 2 1E1 Melaksanakan Asas Taktik 3 1I80 Mengetahui asas peperangan konvensional 2 0 2 4 1I81 Melaksanakan perkiraan tempur cepat 2 2 4 5 1I82 Menyampaikan perintah 2 2 4 6 1I83 Melaksanakan rondaan 2 0 2 7 1I84 Melaksanakan evakuasi kecederaan perang 1 0 1 8 1I85 Mengetahui kaedah menunjuk sasaran dan cara panggilan artileri dan mortar 2 0 2 4 9 1I86 Mengetahui musuh (Lanun) 4 0 10 1I87 Mengetahui fasa mara 2 0 2 11 1I88 Mengetahui penugasan senjata bantuan dalam mara 1 0 1 12 1I89 Mengetahui pasukan bantuan dalam mara 3 0 3 13 1I90 Melaksanakan latihan model mara 0 10 10 14 1I91 Mengetahui fasa serangan 2 0 2 15 1I92 Mengetahui penugasan senjata bantuan dalam serangan 1 0 1 16 1I93 Mengetahui peranan pasukan bantuan dalam serangan 3 0 3 17 1I94 Melaksanakan latihan model serangan 0 10 10 18 1I95 Melaksanakan latihan mara dan serangan 0 10 10 19 1I96 Mengetahui fasa pertahanan 2 0 2 20 1I97 Mengetahui jenis kubu dan halangan 2 0 2 21 1I98 Melaksanakan rutin pertahanan 2 0 2 22 1I99 Mengetahui penugasan senjata bantuan dalam pertahanan 1 0 1 23 1I100 Mengetahui pasukan bantuan dalam pertahanan 3 0 3 10 24 1I101 Melaksanakan latihan model pertahanan 0 10 25 1I102 Mengetahui fasa pengunduran 2 0 2 26 1I103 Mengetahui penugasan pengunduran 1 0 1 senjata bantuan dalam 27 1I104 Mengetahui pasukan bantuan dalam pengunduran 3 0 3 28 1I105 Melaksanakan latihan model pengunduran 0 10 10 29 1I106 Melaksanakan latihan pertahanan dan pengunduran 0 20 20 43 74 117 Jumlah 1E1 Catatan (g) Masuk dalam lat berterusan Masuk dalam lat berterusan UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 553 AKADEMI LATIHAN KETENTERAAN Bil (a) Silibus (b) Perkara (c) Teori (d) Amali (e) Jumlah (f) 30 1E3 31 1I107 Mengetahui keselamatan, membuka, memasang, mencuci, isi dan keluarkan peluru senjata M203 1 2 3 32 1I108 Melaksanakan memasang pejera, menenang dan kedudukan menembak dan TSM 1 2 3 33 1I109 Mengetahui keselamatan, mengenal sifat kelakuan dan pesawat, membuka, mencuci dan memasang Carl Gustav 1 2 3 34 1I110 Melaksanakan kedudukan menembak, isi dan keluarkan peluru dari senjata Carl Gustav tanpa menembak 0 2 2 35 1I111 Melaksanakan penggunaan pejera terbuka, menenang sasaran diam dan bergerak 1 2 3 36 1I112 Melaksanakan menembak dan tindakan peluru tidak meletup 0 3 3 37 1I113 Melaksanakan melaras menggunakan alat suar laras 0 8 8 38 1I114 Mengetahui keselamatan, mengenal, membuka, memasang dan mencuci senjata MGKA 2 2 4 39 1I115 Melaksanakan isi peluru pada rangkaian pada senjata, keluarkan rangkaian dari senjata, memasang pejera, sedia dan buat selamat 1 2 3 40 1I116 Melaksanakan memegang, menenang dan menembak, pesawat, tsm dan lain-lain hentian 2 3 5 Mengendalikan Senjata 41 1I117 Mengetahui Kaki Tiga 1 1 2 42 1I118 Melaksanakan tembakan pengenalan 0 8 8 Jumlah 1E3 10 37 47 Perkara (c) Teori (d) Amali (e) Jumlah (f) Bil (a) Silibus (b) 44 1E4 45 1I119 Mengenal bukit, permatang dan susuh bukit melalui pemeriksaan corak kontur 1 0 1 46 1I120 Mengetahui titik utama, sistem mil, sudut, grid, magnet dan arah 1 0 1 Masuk dalam lat berterusan Masuk dalam lat berterusan Catatan (g) Melaksanakan Baca Peta 47 1I121 Melaksanakan ‘resection’ dan ‘intersection’ 2 4 6 48 1I122 Melaksanakan saling pandang 2 0 2 49 1I123 Melaksanakan kawat mengelak halangan 2 0 2 50 1I124 Melaksanakan berjalan menggunakan kompas 2 0 2 51 1I125 Melaksanakan panduarah siang dan malam 0 10 10 Merancangkan panduarah siang dan malam Jumlah 1E4 554 Catatan (g) 2 0 2 12 14 24 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Masuk dalam lat berterusan AKADEMI LATIHAN KETENTERAAN Bil (a) Silibus (b) Perkara (c) Teori (d) Amali (e) Jumlah (f) 52 1E5 53 1I126 Mengetahui keperluan dan penyediaan komunikasi 1 0 1 54 1I127 Melaksanakan keselamatan perhubungan radio 2 0 2 55 1I128 Melaksanakan disiplin radio, ketetapan dan penyingkatan masa 2 0 2 56 1I129 Melaksanakan prosedur-prosedur asas 2 0 2 57 1I130 Melaksanakan latihan perhubungan radio Bil (a) Catatan (g) Melaksanakan Semboyan 0 5 5 Jumlah 1E5 7 5 12 Perkara (c) Teori (d) Amali (e) Jumlah (f) Silibus (b) 58 1E6 59 1I131 Mengetahui tugas turus 2 0 2 60 1I132 Mengetahui persuratan dan piagam persuratan 1 0 1 61 1I133 Mengetahui huruf ringkas 1 0 1 Catatan (g) Melaksanakan Tugas Turus / Organisasi 62 1I134 Mengetahui persuratan tentera 2 0 2 63 1I135 Mengetahui simbol tentera dan menanda peta (map marking) 1 2 3 64 1I136 Melaksanakan penulisan utusan 1 1 2 65 1I137 Mengetahui organisasi dan peranan Divisyen dan Briged Infantri 2 0 2 66 1I138 Mengetahui organisasi dan peranan Batalion Infantri 2 0 2 67 1I139 Mengetahui organisasi dan peranan Kor Armor DiRaja 2 0 2 Masuk dalam lat berterusan 68 1I140 Mengetahui organisasi dan peranan Rejimen Artileri DiRaja 2 0 2 Masuk dalam lat berterusan 69 1I141 Mengetahui organisasi dan peranan Rejimen Askar Jurutera DiRaja 2 0 2 Masuk dalam lat berterusan 70 1I142 Mengetahui organisasi dan peranan Rejimen Semboyan DiRaja 2 0 2 Masuk dalam lat berterusan 71 1I143 Mengetahui organisasi dan peranan TLDM dan TUDM 2 0 2 Masuk dalam lat berterusan Jumlah 1E6 22 3 25 Perkara (c) Teori (d) Amali (e) Jumlah (f) Bil (a) Silibus (b) 72 1E7 73 1I144 Mengetahui sistem perundangan perkhidmatan 3 0 3 74 1I145 Mengetahui kesalahan-kesalahan perkhidmatan 2 0 2 Jumlah 1E7 5 0 5 Perkara (c) Teori (d) Amali (e) Jumlah (f) 2 Bil (a) Silibus (b) Masuk dalam lat berterusan Catatan (g) Mengetahui Undang-Undang Tentera 75 1E9 76 1I146 Mengetahui asas kepimpinan 2 0 77 1I147 Mengetahui ciri-ciri kepimpinan 1 0 1 78 1I148 Mengetahui pendekatan kepimpinan melalui fungsi 2 0 2 Catatan (g) Mengetahui Kepimpinan Jumlah 1E9 5 0 5 Jumlah 1T1 104 133 235 UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 555 AKADEMI LATIHAN KETENTERAAN Bil (a) Silibus (b) Perkara (c) Teori (d) Amali (e) Jumlah (f) 79 1T2 Melaksanakan Kawad 80 1E10 Melaksanakan Kawad Kaki 81 1I149 Mengetahui bahasa hukuman 1 0 1 82 1I150 Mengetahui jadual bahasa hukuman 1 0 1 1I151 Mengendalikan kawad sedia, senang diri, berbaris dalam tiga barisan, meluruskan barisan, nombor, nyatakan buka dan tutup barisan, masuk baris, berpusing, berpusing separuh, bersurai dan keluar baris 0 2 2 83 1I152 Mengendalikan kawad paras 0 1 1 84 1I153 Mengendalikan kawad berjalan dan berhenti dalam masa cepat dan perlahan, langkah pendek, langkah panjang, langkah ke hadapan dan ke belakang, langkah ke sebelah 0 2 2 85 1I154 Mengendalikan kawad membelok, hentak kaki dan berhenti, maju dalam masa perlahan dan cepat, tukar langkah masa perlahan dan cepat 0 2 2 86 1I155 Mengendalikan kawad buka dan tutup barisan, jadikan dua barisan dari tiga barisan, jadikan tiga barisan dari dua barisan 0 2 2 Jumlah 1E10 2 9 11 Perkara (c) Teori (d) Amali (e) Jumlah (f) Bil (a) Silibus (b) 87 1E11 Melaksanakan Kawad Senjata 88 1I156 Mengendalikan kawad rusuk senjata dari turun senjata, turun senjata dari rusuk senjata, hormat senjata dari rusuk senjata, rusuk senjata, rusuk senjata dari hormat senjata, hormat senjata dari turun senjata 0 2 2 89 1I157 Mengendalikan kawad baring senjata, angkat senjata dari baring, tatang senjata dari rusuk , rusuk senjata dari tatang senjata 0 2 2 90 1I158 Mengendalikan kawad untuk diperiksa tatang senjata dari turun senjata, periksa senjata dari untuk diperiksa tatang senjata lepaskan spring 0 2 2 91 1I159 Mengendalikan kawad jajar senjata dari rusuk senjata, rusuk senjata dari jajar senjata, julang senjata dari rusuk senjata, rusuk senjata dari julang senjata 0 2 2 92 1I160 Mengendalikan kalih senjata dari rusuk senjata, kalih senjata dari bimbit senjata, kalih senjata dari tiga kali sorak dan doa selamat 0 2 2 93 1I161 Mengendalikan kawad pasang dan tanggal benet 0 2 2 0 12 12 Jumlah 1E11 556 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Catatan (g) Catatan (g) AKADEMI LATIHAN KETENTERAAN Bil (a) Silibus (b) Perkara (c) Teori (d) Amali (e) Jumlah (f) Catatan (g) 94 1E12 Melaksanakan Kawad Tongkat 95 1I162 Mengendalikan kawad sedia, senang diri, rehatkan diri, sedia daripada senang diri dan kepit tongkat dari rusuk tongkat 0 2 2 Cadang Keluar silibus 96 1I163 Mengendalikan kawad rusuk tongkat dari kepit tongkat, bimbit tongkat dari rusuk tongkat, kepit tongkat dari bimbit tongkat, bimbit tongkat dari kepit tongkat, rusuk tongkat dari bimbit tongkat 0 2 2 Cadang Keluar silibus 97 1I164 Mengendalikan kawad berjalan dan berhenti tongkat dalam rusuk, berjalan tongkat dalam keadaan bimbit dari rusuk tongkat dan berhenti tongkat, sampai kedudukan rusuk tongkat, berjalan tongkat dalam keadaan bimbit dari kepit tongkat sampai kedudukan kepit semula 0 4 4 Cadang Keluar silibus 98 1I165 Mengendalikan kawad ke hadapan hormat masa berhenti sama ada tongkat dari rusuk atau bimbit, ke hadapan hormat masa cepat jalan, bersurai dan keluar baris, hormat ke kanan dan ke kiri masa cepat 0 4 4 Cadang Keluar silibus Jumlah 1E11 0 12 12 Jumlah 1T2 2 33 35 Jumlah 1T 106 166 270 Perkara (c) Teori (d) Amali (e) Jumlah (f) Bil (a) Silibus (b) Catatan (g) PELBAGAI 1 Sukan 25 25 Lat Tempt - 19 2 Latihan Jasmani 28 28 Lat Tempt - 23 3 Latihan Menembak 27 27 5 Latihan Panduarah 12 12 6 UJL 12 Km 8 8 7 Latihan Keyakinan Diri 9 9 8 Perbarisan Rejimental 4 4 9 Latihan Renang 4 4 10 Latihan Merempuh Halangan 5 5 11 Simpanan 26 26 Bil (a) Silibus (b) Jumlah Pelbagai 0 148 148 Perkara (c) Teori (d) Amali (e) Jumlah (f) Lat Tempt - 3 Lat Tempt - 5 Catatan (g) PENTADBIRAN 1 Upacara Pembukaan Sesi Latihan 2 2 2 Penutup 2 2 4 4 Jumlah Pentadbiran 0 UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 557 AKADEMI LATIHAN KETENTERAAN LATIHAN PEGAWAI KADET (PALAPES) PERINGKAT TIGA (SENIOR) SILIBUS TERPERINCI Bil (a) Silibus (b) Perkara (c) Teori (d) Amali (e) Jumlah (f) 1 1T1 Melaksanakan Pengajian Ketenteraan 2 1E1 Melaksanakan Asas Taktik 3 1I166 Mengetahui bantuan TUDM dalam setiap fasa peperangan 2 0 2 4 1I167 Mengetahui bantuan TLDM dalam setiap fasa peperangan 2 0 2 2 5 1I168 Mengetahui peperangan 'OBUA' 2 0 6 1I169 Mengetahui peperangan 'NBC' 2 0 2 7 1I170 Mengetahui peperangan ‘Small Unit Operation’ 2 0 2 8 1I171 Mengetahui rancangan tembakan 2 0 2 9 1I172 Melaksanakan kawad tempur platun 2 8 10 10 1I173 Melaksanakan latihan model mara 2 8 10 11 1I174 Melaksanakan latihan model serangan 2 8 10 12 1I175 Melaksanakan latihan mara dan serangan 0 10 10 13 1I176 Melaksanakan latihan model pertahanan 2 8 10 14 1I177 Melaksanakan latihan model pengunduran 2 8 10 15 1I178 Melaksanakan latihan pertahanan dan pengunduran 0 20 20 Bil (a) Jumlah 1E1 22 Perkara (c) Teori (d) Amali (e) Jumlah (f) Silibus (b) 16 1E3 17 1I179 Mengetahui keselamatan, sifat kelakuan, membuka dan selenggaraan mortar Mengendalikan Senjata 1 1 2 18 1I180 Mengenal jenis bom mortar 0 1 1 19 1I181 Melaksanakan atur tindak, isi dan keluarkan bom, menenang dan menembak mortar serta tindakan bom tidak meletup 0 2 2 20 1I182 Melaksanakan tugas dan tanggungjawab ahli meriam dan panggilan mertak 0 1 1 21 1I183 Mengetahui sifir jarak mortar dan tadbir asap 1 0 1 22 1I184 Mengetahui keselamatan, mengenal, mencuci dan memasang pistol HK HK PS 9mm 1 1 2 23 1I185 Melaksanakan isi dan keluarkan peluru dari kelopak, isi dan keluarkan peluru dari senjata dan menembak pistol 1 1 2 24 1I186 Melaksanakan menembak pistol menggunakan pejera dan TSM 0 1 1 25 1I187 Melaksanakan tembakan pengenalan pistol 0 6 6 26 1I188 Melaksanakan latihan menembak klasifikasi M16 0 10 10 27 1I189 Melaksanakan latihan menembak M203 0 5 5 28 1I190 Melaksanakan latihan menembak MGKA 0 5 5 29 1I191 Melaksanakan latihan menembak 60mm Mortar Komando 0 5 5 10 30 1I192 Melaksanakan latihan menembak 84mm Carl Gustav 0 10 31 1I193 Melaksanakan latihan membaling Bom 0 5 5 4 54 58 Jumlah 1E3 558 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Catatan (g) Catatan (g) AKADEMI LATIHAN KETENTERAAN Bil (a) Silibus (b) 32 1E4 33 1I194 Bil (a) Perkara (c) Teori (d) Amali (e) Jumlah (f) Melaksanakan Baca Peta Melaksanakan panduarah siang dan malam 0 20 20 Jumlah 1E4 0 20 20 Perkara (c) Teori (d) Amali (e) Jumlah (f) Silibus (b) 34 1E5 35 1I195 Mengetahui prosedur lanjutan 2 0 2 36 1I196 Mengetahui radio frekuensi sangat tinggi 1 0 1 37 1I197 Mengetahui kod-kod dalam percakapan radio 4 0 4 1I198 Mengetahui kawad komunikasi yang normal 2 0 2 39 1I199 Mengetahui prosedur kerja dalam keadaan buruk 2 0 2 40 1I200 Mengetahui radio frekuensi tinggi 2 0 2 41 1I1201 Mengetahui komunikasi dalam Batalion Infantri 1 0 1 42 1I202 Melaksanakan latihan perhubungan radio 0 10 10 Jumlah 1E5 14 10 24 Perkara (c) Teori (d) Amali (e) Jumlah (f) Silibus (b) 43 1E6 44 1I203 Mengetahui taklimat lisan 2 0 2 45 1I204 Mengetahui agenda dan minit mesyuarat 2 0 2 Catatan (g) Melaksanakan Tugas Turus / Organisasi 46 1I205 Mengetahui proses perisikan 2 0 2 47 1I206 Mengetahui sumber-sumber perisikan dan Peperangan Konvensional 2 0 2 Jumlah 1E6 8 0 8 Perkara (c) Teori (d) Amali (e) Jumlah (f) Bil (a) Catatan (g) Melaksanakan Semboyan 38 Bil (a) Catatan (g) Silibus (b) 48 1E7 49 1I207 Mengetahui hukuman-hukuman 1 0 1 50 1I208 Mengetahui pertuduhan 2 0 2 Catatan (g) Mengetahui Undang-Undang Tentera 51 1I209 Mengetahui tangkapan 1 0 1 52 1I210 Mengetahui cara-cara penyiasatan oleh Komander Rendah / Pegawai Memerintah 1 0 1 53 1I211 Mengetahui bidangkuasa dan kuasa hukuman Komander Rendah dan Pegawai Memerintah 1 0 1 54 1I212 Mengetahui bidangkuasa, keanggotaan dan prosedur perbicaraan mahkamah tentera 1 0 1 1 55 1I213 Mengetahui keterangan 1 0 56 1I214 Mengetahui lembaga siasatan 1 0 1 57 1I215 Mengetahui perkhidmatan giat, kemaafan, pemulihan terhadap pengaduan dan remitan 2 0 2 11 0 11 Jumlah 1E7 UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 559 AKADEMI LATIHAN KETENTERAAN Bil (a) Silibus (b) Perkara (c) Teori (d) Amali (e) Jumlah (f) 58 1E8 59 1I216 Mengetahui operasi ketenteraman awam 2 0 2 60 1I217 Mengetahui kuasa dan undang-undang 2 0 2 61 1I218 Mengetahui perintah dan kawalan 2 0 2 Melaksanakan Ketenteraman Awam 62 1I219 Mengetahui SP 1 0 1 63 1I220 Mengetahui kawad menyurai rusuhan 2 0 2 64 1I221 Mengetahui titik kawalan lalulintas 2 0 2 65 1I222 Mengetahui rondaan 2 0 2 66 1I223 Melaksanakan latihan operasi ketenteraman awam Bil (a) Silibus (b) 67 1E9 0 10 10 Jumlah 1E8 13 10 23 Perkara (c) Teori (d) Amali (e) Jumlah (f) 1I224 Mengetahui sikap Pegawai dan peringkat bawah 1 0 1 69 1I225 Mengetahui gaya kepimpinan ketenteraan 2 0 2 70 1I226 Mengetahui hubungan pengurusan dan kepimpinan 1 0 1 71 1I227 Mengetahui kemahiran individu 1 0 1 72 1I228 Mengetahui kemahiran kumpulan 1 0 1 73 1I229 Mengetahui kemahiran motivasi 1 0 1 Silibus (b) Jumlah 1E9 7 0 7 Jumlah 1T1 79 164 243 Perkara (c) Teori (d) Amali (e) Jumlah (f) 74 1E12 Melaksanakan Kawad Pedang 75 1I230 Mengendalikan kawad pedang sedia hunus pedang dan sarung pedang 0 1 1 76 1I231 Mengendalikan kawad kalih pedang dan membawa pedang, sandang pedang, senang diri dan rehatkan diri 0 2 2 77 1I232 Mengendalikan kawad pedang hormat ke hadapan, hormat pedang dengan kumpulan senjata dan hormat bawa pedang dan hormat 0 2 2 78 1I233 Mengendalikan kawad hormat pedang dalam perlahan jalan, pandang hadapan dan hormat pedang dalam masa cepat jalan 0 2 2 Jumlah 1E11 0 7 7 Jumlah 1T2 0 7 7 Jumlah 1T 79 171 250 560 Catatan (g) Melaksanakan Kepimpinan 68 Bil (a) Catatan (g) BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 Catatan (g) AKADEMI LATIHAN KETENTERAAN Bil (a) Silibus (b) Perkara (c) Teori (d) Amali (e) Jumlah (f) 16 Catatan (g) PELBAGAI 1 Sukan 0 16 2 Latihan Jasmani 0 16 16 3 Kembaraduga 0 65 65 4 Latihan Keyakinan Diri 0 9 9 5 Latihan Renang 0 4 4 6 Latihan Merempuh Halangan 0 5 5 7 Simpanan 0 53 53 Jumlah Pelbagai 0 168 168 Perkara (c) Teori (d) Amali (e) Jumlah (f) Bil (a) Silibus (b) Catatan (g) PENTADBIRAN 1 Upacara Pembukaan Sesi Latihan 0 2 2 2 Penutup 0 2 2 Jumlah Pentadbiran 0 4 4 Perkara Teori Amali Jumlah 79 109 188 Bil Silibus 1T1 Melaksanakan Pengajian Ketenteraan Latihan Tempatan Latihan Berterusan Jumlah Waktu Latihan 1T2 Catatan 55 55 79 164 243 0 7 7 Melaksanakan Kawad Latihan Tempatan Cadangan Keluar Silibus Baki Waktu Latihan 0 0 7 7 Pelbagai Latihan Tempatan 0 41 41 Latihan Berterusan 0 127 127 Jumlah Waktu Latihan 0 168 168 0 4 4 Pentadbiran Latihan Tempatan Latihan Berterusan 0 0 0 Jumlah Waktu Latihan 0 4 4 Ringkasan Jumlah Waktu Latihan Tempatan 79 161 240 Jumlah Waktu Latihan Berterusan 0 182 182 Jumlah Waktu Latihan 79 343 422 UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 561 AKADEMI LATIHAN KETENTERAAN LATIHAN PEGAWAI MUDA (PALAPES) SILIBUS BLOK Masa Latihan Siri (a) Aktiviti Subjek Waktu Kerja Luar Waktu Kerja Amali Jumlah Teori Amali Jumlah (g) (h) (i) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) 1. 1T1 Melaksanakan Pengajian Ketenteraan 104 133 237 2. 1T2 Melaksanakan Kawad 2 33 35 Pelbagai 0 148 148 3. 4. Pentadbiran 0 4 4 Jumlah Besar 106 318 424 Catatan: Jumlah Masa Latihan Setahun Latihan Tempatan Jumlah Hari 24 Jumlah Period Dalam 1 Hari 10 Jumlah Period Latihan Tempatan 240 Latihan Lanjutan Jumlah Hari 14 Jumlah Period Dalam 1 Hari 13 Jumlah Period Latihan Lanjutan 182 Jumlah Period Keseluruhan 422 Nota: Jumlah period Latihan Medan Dikira sebagai Luar Waktu Kerja 562 Catatan Teori BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 0 0 195 195 195 195 0 0 (j) BAHAGIAN HAL EHWAL PELAJAR (KURSUS KO-KURIKULUM BERKREDIT) BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI 2014/2015 BAHAGIAN HAL EHWAL PELAJAR VISI Menjadi bahagian yang unggul dalam menerajui perkhidmatan dan pembangunan pelajar untuk melahirkan leaders of character secara holistik MISI Melahirkan graduan yang berdaya saing dan berintegriti dalam bidang pertahanan yang dapat menyumbang kepada pembangunan dan kemajuan negara. OBJEKTIF i. Memberi perkhidmatan terbaik dalam memastikan kesejahteraan pelajar terjamin. ii. Menyediakan platform bagi pembangunan sahsiah diri untuk melahirkan pelajar yang berkualiti. iii. Meneruskan kesinambungan perhubungan ukhuwah antara alumni dan pihak universiti. iv. Memastikan persekitaran kampus yang kondusif kepada pelajar. v. Menanamkan sifat satu (1) UPNM. MOTO Bersama Menjana Keunggulan 564 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 BAHAGIAN HAL EHWAL PELAJAR SENARAI KAKITANGAN BIL NAMA JAWATAN 1 Prof Dr Mohamed Fadzil bin Che Din Timbalan Naib Canselor (Hal Ehwal Pelajar dan Alumni) 2 Noor Haslinda Binti Ibrahim Setiausaha Pejabat 3 Lt Kdr Nik Ismail Rashed Bin Che Ali (B) Pensyarah Kanan 4 Mohd Razlan Shah Bin Mohamad Rabii Pegawai Belia dan Sukan 5 Ayuni binti Ibrahim Pegawai Belia dan Sukan 6 Mohd Roslan Bin Ibrahim Pen. Pegawai Belia & Sukan 7 Mohd Aniq Hilman Bin Abdul Mutallip Pen. Pegawai Belia & Sukan 8 Ahmad Fitry Bin Mohamed Pen. Pegawai Belia & Sukan 9 Mohd Hilmi Bin Jalil Pembantu Belia dan Sukan 10 Ahmad Mustakim Bin Muhamad Pembantu Belia dan Sukan 11 Hairul Nizar Bin Nur Halim Pembantu Belia dan Sukan 12 Aliza Binti Yahoo Pembantu Belia dan Sukan 13 Muhamad Tajudin Bin Mat Isa Pembantu Belia dan Sukan 14 Dwiono Hermantoro Pensyarah Tamu 15 Safinah Binti Dzulkepli Pegawai Kebudayaan 16 Rizal Bin Abu Bakar Pegawai Kebudayaan 17 Mohamad Rizuwan bin Sakur Pegawai Kebudayaan 18 Sharizan Bin Samad Pegawai Psikologi Kanan 19 Nor Faizah Binti Ismail Pegawai Psikologi 20 Muhamad Nurhafiz Bin Mazlan Pegawai Psikologi 21 Mohd Azizi Bin Ghazali Penolong Pendaftar 22 Mohd Amirul Zzaki Bin Razmi Penolong Pendaftar 23 Siti Radzmah Binti Abdul Rahman Penolong Pegawai Tadbir 24 Mohd Shaiful Bin Othman Pembantu Tadbir (P/O) 25 Mohd Faizal Bin Musa Pembantu Tadbir (P/O) 26 Mazlinda binti Abd Ghani Pembantu Tadbir (P/O) 27 Jumaad Bin Dalib Pemandu Kenderaan 28 Zamziana Binti Idris Pembantu Am Pejabat 29 Suhasri Bin Ismail Penolong Pendaftar UNIT Pejabat TNC (HEPA) Pusat Sukan Unit Kebudayaan Unit Kauling, Kerjaya dan Alumni Unit Kokurikulum Unit Pentadbiran dan Perkhidmatan Unit Kebajikan Pelajar UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 565 BAHAGIAN HAL EHWAL PELAJAR BIL NAMA JAWATAN 30 Mohd Khairi Bin Rosli Pengurus Asrama 31 Suhaina Binti Ab Rahman Penolong Pengurus Asrama 32 Muhamad Hakim Bin Ismail Penolong Pengurus Asrama 33 Mazura Binti Tasiman Penolong Pengurus Asrama 34 Nik Mardhati Binti Mohamad Mudi Penyelia Asrama 35 Nur Hidayah Binti Abdullah Penyelia Asrama 36 Nuurul Farahain Binti Ahmad Fuzilah Penyelia Asrama 37 Sharuddin Bin Hamzah Penyelia Asrama 38 Mohd Yaakub Bin Mohamad Yunus Penyelia Asrama 39 Muhammad Redzuan Bin Abdul Aziz Pembantu Kemahiran 40 Muhamad Farid Asnawi Bin Mat Zuki Pembantu Kemahiran 41 Nik Faiz Bin Nik Zainurdin Pekerja Awam Khas 42 Mohamad Faizal Bin Mohd Idris Pembantu Awam 42 Mohamad Azri Bin Sharmin Pembantu Awam UNIT Unit Pengurusan Asrama DASAR DAN PELAKSANAAN KO-KURIKULUM BERKREDIT PENDAHULUAN Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia mengambil langkah positif dengan memberikan kredit kepada aktiviti ko-kurikulum. Matlamat memberikan kredit kepada aktiviti ini jelas membayangkan hasrat Universiti yang beriltizam terhadap kecemerlangan dalam pendidikan bagi membina dan melahirkan pelajar yang berkebolehan dan seimbang. Kursus-kursus Ko-kurikulum Berkredit ditawarkan berdasarkan kepada lapan (8) teras aktiviti ko-kurikulum selaras dengan Pelan Strategik Pengajian Tinggi Negara (PSPTN) yang dilancarkan pada 27 Ogos 2007 yang telah menyediakan ruang bagi perubahan dan anjakan paradigma dalam konteks penyampaian dan penaksiran kursus ko-kurikulum di IPT di bawah Pelan Tindakan Transformasi Pengajian Tinggi Negara, Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia. Teras-teras tersebut adalah: i. Komponen Sukan ii. Komponen Pengucapan Awam iii. Komponen Kebudayaan iv. Komponen Kesukarelawanan v. Komponen Keusahawanan vi. Komponen Daya Usaha & Inovasi vii. Komponen Khidmat Komuniti viii.Komponen Kepemimpinan 566 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 BAHAGIAN HAL EHWAL PELAJAR LATAR BELAKANG Pelajar-pelajar kategori awam di Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia diwajibkan untuk mencukupkan dua (2) kredit bagi kursus Ko-kurikulum Berkredit. Dua (2) kredit tersebut dikategorikan di bawah Elektif Universiti (EU). Pelajar-pelajar awam yang sihat tubuh badan dan menepati syarat-syarat sebagai Kadet Pegawai Latihan Pasukan Simpanan (PALAPES) adalah DIWAJIBKAN mengambil dua (2) kredit pasukan beruniform PALAPES bagi memenuhi kelayakan bergraduat. Bagi pelajar-pelajar awam yang TIDAK LAYAK menyertai pasukan beruniform PALAPES hendaklah mengambil Kursus Ko-Kurikulum Berkredit Universiti yang telah ditawarkan sebanyak satu (1) kursus di sepanjang pengajian bagi memenuhi kelayakan bergraduat sebanyak dua (2) kredit. Pelajar boleh memilih mana-mana subjek Ko-kurikulum Berkredit yang ditawarkan daripada Komponen Sukan, Pengucapan Awam, Kebudayaan, Kesukarelawanan, Keusahawanan, Daya Usaha Dan Inovasi, Khidmat Komuniti dan Kepimpinan. Kursus PALAPES akan berjalan sepanjang semester (bermula pada semester 1 sehingga semester 6) iaitu pada setiap hari Sabtu dan Ahad berserta dengan Kem Tahunan yang akan dijalankan oleh PALAPES. Pemarkahan dua (2) kredit akan dikira pada semester enam (6) di mana jumlah markah bagi setiap semester akan dijumlahkan pada semester akhir kursus. Kursus Ko-kurikulum Berkredit bagi pelajar-pelajar yang tidak layak menyertai PALAPES, waktu kursus akan dikendalikan pada setiap hari Jumaat sepanjang semester bermula dari jam tiga (3) petang hingga jam enam (6) petang. Bagi Kursus Ko-Kurikulum Berkredit di bawah Pusat Sains Kejurulatihan akan dikendalikan pada setiap hari Isnin, Selasa dan Rabu bermula dari jam lima (5) petang hingga jam tujuh (7) petang. DASAR KO-KURIKULUM Pihak Universiti telah menetapkan Kursus Ko-kurikulum Berkredit sebagai sebahagian daripada komponen wajib bagi program pengajian di peringkat Sarjana Muda. Adalah menjadi harapan agar Kursus Ko-kurikulum Berkredit ini dapat memupuk, mengasah dan meningkatkan bakat pelajar UPNM supaya dapat melahirkan graduan yang seimbang, mampu menangani cabaran di dunia pekerjaan dan maju diperingkat antarabangsa. MATLAMAT KO-KURIKULUM Membantu Universiti dalam melahirkan siswazah berketerampilan seimbang dan harmonis di dalam aspek-aspek rohani intelektual, emosi, sosial dan fizikal sejajar dengan hasrat UPNM melahirkan ‘Intelectual Leaders of Character’. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 567 BAHAGIAN HAL EHWAL PELAJAR OBJEKTIF KURSUS KO-KURIKULUM BERKREDIT 1. Menerapkan elemen Kemahiran Insaniah kepada pelajar sebagai nilai tambah di samping kelayakan akademik mereka. 2. Membantu pelajar membina diri di dalam aspek kepimpinan, kemahiran komunikasi berkesan, pemikiran kreatif, kritis dan berinovasi serta dapat mengaplikasikan pemahaman serta pengetahuan baharu untuk kemajuan diri. 3. Menggalakkan pelajar melibatkan keupayaan untuk meneroka peluang dan membangunkan kesedaran tentang risiko, kreativiti dan inovasi supaya dapat memenuhi ekspektasi majikan terhadap kualiti graduan yang bakal memasuki pasaran pekerjaan. 4. Melahirkan pelajar yang sentiasa mengamalkan etika moral yang tinggi dalam amalan profesional dan interaksi sosial. 5. Melahirkan pelajar yang peka terhadap perkembangan semasa dan dapat mengadaptasi diri selari dengan perkembangan tersebut menggunakan kemahiran yang telah dipelajari. PENDAFTARAN KURSUS 1. Kursus Ko-kurikulum Berkredit adalah salah satu daripada kursus wajib di Universiti. 2. Pelajar wajib mendaftar Kursus Ko-kurikulum Berkredit untuk memenuhi struktur pengajian mengikut syarat-syarat pengijazahan. 3. Struktur bagi Kursus Ko-kurikulum Berkredit adalah seperti berikut: i. ii. iii. 568 Pelajar akan menyelesaikan Kursus Ko-kurikulum Berkredit ini di antara semester satu (1) hingga semester enam (6). Namun begitu, pelajar adalah digalakkan dan disarankan untuk menyelesaikan Kursus Ko-kurikulum Berkredit di awal pengajian iaitu pada semester satu (1) bagi mengurangkan beban pembelajaran di tahun akhir. Pelajar yang mendaftar Kursus Ko-kurikulum Berkredit PALAPES wajib meneruskan kursus tersebut selama enam (6) semester bermula dari semester satu (1) sehingga semester enam (6). Oleh kerana Kursus Ko-kurikulum Berkredit ini merupakan kursus berkredit, maka ianya tertakluk kepada peraturan akademik program Ijazah Sarjana Muda UPNM. Pelajar dinasihatkan supaya sentiasa merujuk kepada buku panduan akademik UPNM. BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015 BAHAGIAN HAL EHWAL PELAJAR PELAKSANAAN KURSUS 1. Kursus Ko-kurikulum Berkredit akan dijalankan pada setiap hari Jumaat mulai jam 3.00 petang hingga 6.00 petang di sepanjang semester iaitu empat belas (14) minggu pembelajaran. Manakala bagi subjek di bawah Komponen Sains Kejurulatihan, kelas akan dilaksanakan pada setiap hari Isnin, Selasa dan Rabu bermula jam 5.00 hingga 7.00 petang. 2. Kapasiti pelajar bagi satu kumpulan Kursus Ko-kurikulum Berkredit adalah di antara lima belas (15) pelajar tahap minimum sehingga tiga puluh (30) pelajar tahap maksimum bagi sesebuah kelas. Ini adalah untuk memastikan penyampaian dan pengajaran dapat dilaksanakan dengan berkesan di antara pelajar dan jurulatih/ fasilitator serta objektif Kursus Ko-kurikulum Berkredit dapat dicapai. 3. Sekiranya jumlah pelajar yang mendaftar subjek ko-kurikulum kurang daripada lima belas (15) pelajar, subjek tersebut tidak akan ditawarkan dan pelajar-pelajar yang telah mendaftar dinasihatkan untuk mengambil subjek Kursus Ko-kurikulum Berkredit yang lain. PENILAIAN PRESTASI PEMBELAJARAN 1. Setiap kursus dinilai berdasarkan empat kriteria iaitu buku log, kehadiran dan penglibatan, amali dan kemahiran insaniah. Berikut merupakan pembahagian pemberatan bagi kriteria yang dinilai: BIL 1. 2. 3. 4. PENILAIAN Buku Log Kehadiran dan Penglibatan Amali Kemahiran Insaniah MARKAH 10% 30% 30% 30% 2. Penilaian buku log adalah bertujuan mendorong pelajar untuk mendapatkan maklumat tambahan melalui pelbagai sumber dan meningkatkan refleksi (komunikasi intrapersonal). 3. Kehadiran dan penglibatan pelajar semasa menjalankan teori dan amali adalah amat dititikberatkan. Pelajar-pelajar yang telah mendaftar subjek Kursus Ko-kurikulum Berkredit wajib menghadiri kelas yang telah ditetapkan. 4. Pelajar yang tidak hadir perlu mengemukakan surat/bukti kepada fasilitator. 5. Penilaian amali pula bertujuan untuk mengukur sejauh mana kefahaman para pelajar terhadap pembelajaran yang telah dipelajari mengikut rancangan pengajaran. Penilaian amali boleh dijalankan di dalam bentuk penganjuran aktiviti dan penilaian secara individu atau berkumpulan. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 569 BAHAGIAN HAL EHWAL PELAJAR 6. Penilaian kemahiran insaniah adalah berdasarkan kepada pemerhatian terhadap sikap dan tingkah laku pelajar di dalam menguasai Kemahiran Insaniah yang akan dinilai oleh jurulatih/fasilitator. PENGGREDAN 1. Nilai gred akan diberikan kepada pelajar-pelajar Kursus Ko-kurikulum Berkredit mengikut skema pemarkahan yang telah ditetapkan oleh universiti. 2. Fasilitator/jurulatih bertanggungjawab memasukkan markah pelajar berdasarkan agihan penilaian kursus dengan mengisi Borang Penilaian Kursus Keseluruhan. 3. Pelajar yang gagal di dalam kursus ini, hendaklah mengambil semula kursus dengan cara mengulangi kursus tersebut sehingga lulus. PEMANTAUAN Pemantauan kursus akan dilaksanakan dalam dua bentuk iaitu pemantauan pentadbiran dan proses pembelajaran oleh Bahagian Hal Ehwal Pelajar dan Alumni. 570 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA | SESI 2014/2015