Advances in king crab juvenile biology: Growth
Advances in king crab juvenile biology: Growth
Advances in king crab juvenile biology: Growth, life history, habitat, and predation Ginny L. Eckert University of Alaska Fairbanks, Juneau Center School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences 1 Graduate Students Ben Daly PhD Fisheries in progress Jodi Pirtle PhD Fisheries 2010 Miranda Westphal MS Fisheries 2011 2 Background – Red King Crab Fishery 3 140 Total catch biomass (million lbs) Bristol Bay Red King Crab Catch Trawl bycatch Pot bycatch---males Cost recovery---U.S. 120 Pot bycatch---females Retained---Foreign Retained---U.S. 100 80 Handling mortality rate = 20% for pot & 80% for trawl 60 40 20 0 1953 NPFMC Crab SAFE 2010 1958 1963 1968 1973 1978 1983 Year 1988 1993 1998 2003 2008 Figure 2. Retained catch biomass and bycatch mortality biomass (million lbs) for Bristol Bay red king crab from 1960 to 2009. Handling mortality rates were assumed to be 0.2 for the directed pot fishery and 0.8 for the trawl fisheries. 4 AI Crab SAFE ret catch total directed catch (oberved discard) traw l bycatch total directed catch (model estimated discard) 200 180 EBS Snow Crab Catch 160 Catch (1000 t) 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Survey Year Figure 1. Catch (1000 t) from the directed snow crab pot fishery and groundfish trawl bycatch. T catch is retained catch plus discarded catch after 50% discard mortality wasCrab applied. NPFMC SAFEDiscard 2010 catc estimated from observer data 1992 to present. Discard for 1978 to 1991 was estimated in the mod 5 Trawl bycatch is male and female bycatch from groundfish trawl fisheries with 80% mortality app EBS Chionoecetes bairdi Retained Male Catch 50 Catch (1000T) 40 30 20 10 0 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 Year US Retained Catch Russia Retained Catch Japan Retained Catch Total Retained Catch Figure 5. Eastern Bering Sea Chionoecetes bairdi retained male catch in the directed United States, Russian and Japanese fisheries, 1965-2010. NPFMC Crab SAFE 2010 6 Background – Red King Crab Fishery Six of eight stocks closed to commercial fishing 7 Background – Blue King Crab Fishery 8 Why have king crabs not recovered in the absence of fishing? • Recruitment limitation • Overfishing - threshold effects •Climate-driven fluctuations • Regime shift - Predation 9 King Crab Life Cycle Zoea 3 Zoea 4 Zoea 2 Zoea 1 Glaucothoe Mating Female with extruded eggs Crab Instar 1 10 Juvenile Production 11 Hatchery Culture: Juvenile Nursery What do juvenile red king crab eat? Reduce cannibalism Optimize growth Vary diet, density & substrate 12 B. Daly et al. / Aquaculture 293 (2009) 68–73 71 C1-C3 Diet Density Substrate Diet*Density Diet Density Substrate Diet Density Substrate Diet*Density Daly et al. 2009 Aquaculture Mean ± SE of A) survival, B) carapace width, and C) wet weight of red king crab juveniles reared using Cyclop-eeze®, Zeigler™ shrimp nursery feed, and frozen enriched ia as diets at stocking densities of 500 m− 2, 1000 m− 2, and 2000 m− 2 with and without artificial substrate. 13 Color Experiment - add nutritional supplements Astaxanthin & Calcium 14 Hue Index Color: Hue Daly et al. in review 15 Survival Survival Daly et al. in review 16 Hatchery Culture: Juvenile Nursery Issues: Cannibalism Size grading -- diet & density 17 Survival Survival Size Grading Daly et al. in review 18 Survival Survival Size Grading Daly et al. in review 19 Hatchery Culture: Juvenile Nursery Increasing survival: • Complex substrates: reduces antagonistic interactions 20 Hatchery Culture: Juvenile Nursery Increasing survival: • Complex substrates: reduces antagonistic interactions • Size grading: reduces cannibalism on smaller crabs 21 Hatchery Culture: Juvenile Nursery Increasing survival: • Complex substrates: reduces antagonistic interactions • Size grading: reduces cannibalism on smaller crabs • Diet supplements: increases nutrition 22 Hatchery Culture: Juvenile Nursery Increasing survival: • Complex substrates: reduces antagonistic interactions • Size grading: reduces cannibalism on smaller crabs • Diet supplements: increases nutrition • Stocking density: decreases cannibalism 23 Hatchery Culture: Juvenile Nursery Increasing survival: • Complex substrates: reduces antagonistic interactions • Size grading: reduces cannibalism on smaller crabs • Diet supplements: increases nutrition • Stocking density: decreases cannibalism Increasing growth: • Diet supplements: increases nutrition 24 Hatchery Culture: Juvenile Nursery Increasing survival: • Complex substrates: reduces antagonistic interactions • Size grading: reduces cannibalism on smaller crabs • Diet supplements: increases nutrition • Stocking density: decreases cannibalism Increasing growth: • Diet supplements: increases nutrition • Density dependent growth: moderate density has best growth 25 Juvenile Growth Studies Juvenile king crab growth during first year. Are hatchery animals similar to wild ones? 26 27 Crab Growth 16 Hatchery crabs Wild crabs Carapace length (mm ± SD) 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 Molt stage C6 C7 C8 C9 ! Westphal et al. in prep 28 29 18 a. Hatchery crabs Wild crabs Field crabs Carapace length (mm ± SD) 16 14 12 * * * 10 * 8 6 4 2 0 2.0 1.8 b. 1.6 * 1.4 1.2 1.0 * * * 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 t gu s Au y Ju l e Ju n M ay ril Ap ch M ar ry ua br Fe ua ry 0.0 Ja n Spine length (mm ± SD) * Hatchery crabs Wild crabs Field crabs Comparisons with wild crabs ! Westphal et al. in prep 30 Juvenile Production 31 Nursery Habitat Function • Nursery habitats should maximize survival and growth • Complex benthic habitat is important –Why is structure important? –Are certain habitats more valuable? –What is the role of structure in survival? 32 <7 Habitat selection !='++3)&'#$ >'&?(3)&'#$ 0$$*12'%2*.$3456 ;7 :7 97 87 7 )*##+( ! ,(##+( -&'."+( !"#$%&'%( !'./ Pirtle & Stoner 2010 ! JEMBE ! 33 Experimental Substrata Algae Algae Mimic Fouled Algae Mimic Bryozoan Bryozoan Mimic Fouled Bryoz Mimic Hydroid Hydroid Mimic Fouled Hydro Mimic 34 Competency of Hatchery Juveniles Lab Predation Role of habitat • • • • Sand Hydroids Hydroids/Macroalgae Hydroid Mimics Pirtle et al. in prep 35 ! "#$ Habitat preferences in absence of predator :55 3 (*"+,-.,&/0,"1123$"%$2+1,4 3 95 85 # # 75 65 5 " & '( !( !"#$%"% ') ! ! review Pirtle et al. in ! MEPS "#$%&'!()*)!%&'(!)*!+,-!.&/0&(1'2&!34!'2&!5!/&6!78(2!0/'9!1:'1!';;308'1&6!<81:!:'981'1! 36 1/&'1=&(1;!<:&(!(3!48;:!./&6'13/!<';!./&;&(1!8(!>'93/'13/?!1/8'>;@!8(0>A68(2!;'(6!)+-@! ! "## Predation by cod in different habitats =; (*"+,-.,&/0,12"#3,14+356*7, =: " =9 =8 # < # # # ; : 9 8 & '( !( !"#$%"% ') ! Pirtle et al. in! review ! MEPS "#$%&'!()*)!$%&'!()!*+,!&-%!.!/%0!12'-!3/&4!(!!5!6.,!37'89:%0!4;!370!2'!<&47/&=7/;! 37 38 Laboratory Predation Conclusions • Structure increases survival with fish predators • Prefer biogenic habitats when predators are absent • Engage in refuge-seeking behavior when predators are present 39 40 % survival visual exposure to predators complete exposure to predators Daly et al. in prep. 41 Laboratory Predation Conclusions • Structure increases survival with fish predators • Prefer biogenic habitats when predators are absent • Engage in refuge-seeking behavior when predators are present • Predator defense learned. 42 Crab Tethering Methods 43 44 45 5m 5m 46 47 48 49 50 51 Habitat Treatments Procedural Control Structure No Structure 52 Potential Predators Observed Pacific cod Walleye pollock Arctic shanny Northern ronquil Kelp greenling Alaskan ronquil Whitespotted greenling Decorated warbonnet Dusky rockfish Crescent gunnel Quillback rockfish English sole Copper rockfish Yellowfin sole Sculpins Starry flounder Buffalo sculpin Giant Pacific octopus Great sculpin Hermit crabs Crested sculpin Helmet crab Silverspotted sculpin Decorator crab Red Irish lord Red king crab Pycnopodia seastar Sturgeon poacher 53 Pacific cod Arctic shanny Observed in Video Walleye pollock Northern ronquil Kelp greenling Alaskan ronquil Whitespotted greenling Decorated warbonnet Dusky rockfish Crescent gunnel Quillback rockfish English sole Copper rockfish Yellowfin sole Sculpins Starry flounder Buffalo sculpin Giant Pacific octopus Great sculpin Hermit crabs Crested sculpin Helmet crab Silverspotted sculpin Decorator crab Red Irish lord Red king crab Pycnopodia seastar Sturgeon poacher 54 Observed Predation Pacific cod Walleye pollock Arctic shanny Northern ronquil Kelp greenling Alaskan ronquil Whitespotted greenling Decorated warbonnet Dusky rockfish Crescent gunnel Quillback rockfish English sole Copper rockfish Yellowfin sole Sculpins Starry flounder Buffalo sculpin Giant Pacific octopus Great sculpin Hermit crabs Crested sculpin Helmet crab Silverspotted sculpin Decorator crab Red Irish lord Red king crab Pycnopodia seastar Sturgeon poacher 55 Observed Predation Alaskan ronquil Sculpins Buffalo sculpin Pycnopodia Seastars 56 Crab Field Survival 100 Crab survival (%) 80 Structure p < 0.0001 No Structure Structure Control Stage p = 0.07 60 40 20 0 0 Age-0 Age-1 Crab Stage Pirtle et al. in review 57 58 Field Predation Conclusions • Structure increases survival with a variety of predators in the field • Structure, cryptic behavior, and direct defense improve survival in the field • Role of groundfish predation is questionable 59 Why have king crabs not recovered in the absence of fishing? • Recruitment limitation • Overfishing - threshold effects •Climate-driven fluctuations • Regime shift - Predation 60 Blue King Crab 61 Future Studies • Fish predation - Gut content analysis • Habitat studies • Larval & juvenile king crab recruitment in Bristol Bay • Blue king crab 62 Thanks to AKCRRAB supporters! 63