Coast to Coast Exotics, 124 North Road, Darlington, County Durham
Coast to Coast Exotics, 124 North Road, Darlington, County Durham
Coast to Coast Exotics, 124 North Road, Darlington, County Durham, DL1 2EJ. TEL; 01325 283756. E-MAIL; [email protected] Lots of new animals in this month, as ever some animals do sell quickly so please remember to contact the shop to check availabilities! If there is anything you are looking for and can’t find please just ask and we will search for it for you! Don’t forget we are always looking for good quality captive bred stock, contact us with details! All pictures are for reference only, and do not allow for variation. These are the animals we had in stock in our shop in Darlington on the current date. Please remember we only sell animals (apart from inverts and spiders) to customers that can collect from the shop. Please visit this page often - we endeavour to update frequently. If you have a specific wants list contact us and we will do our best for you. Although this list is compiled with care and vast herpetological experience we accept that mistakes and errors can happen, especially when busy with shipments coming and going! We welcome any suggestions. th Current 24 June 2016 Snakes Price Boas and Pythons (Boidae) Columbian Rainbow Boa CB (Epicrates maurus) nice youngster Adult female Royal Python CB (Python regius) Fantastic sized female Royal python, eating like a pig! Hypo Nicaraguan Dwarf Boa CB (Boa constrictor sp.) fantastic youngster, its mother was only 48” long. £69.99 Common Boa Baby CB (Boa constrictor) Gorgeously marked youngster £75 Hypo Boa Constrictor CB (Boa constrictor) Nice light coloured boa £85 £95 £175 Ease of Care Rosy Boa CB (Lichanura trivirgata X) Stunning little small boas. Great if you don’t have room for Corn Snakes £79.95 Butter Royal Python CB (Python regius) Very pretty male. £165 Royal Python CB (Python regius) Nice youngsters, normal coloured one! £65 Orange Amazon Tree Boa CB (Corallus hortulanus) Little beauties! One young female left available. £140 Baby Jungle X Darwin Carpet Python CB (Morelia spilota cheynei x M. S. Variegata) Gorgeous babies, locally bred. £89.95 Fire Het Pied Royal Python young males available £220 Royal Python Double het Lavender and piebald CB14, fantastic genes for a breeding project! One male only. £165 ** Calico Royal Python CB (Python regius) one male left in stock! £220 new lower price ** Other baby Royal Python morphs available to order in, whilst waiting for breeders to hatch. Enquire RATSNAKES (Pantherophis and related) We currently have a lot of adult corn snakes cycled and ready to breed, please enquire about discounts for multiple purchases. Corn snakes and Corn Hybrids; Adult female Jungle Rootbeer Corn Snake (P. guttatus x p. emoryi x L.getula) Another one of Sams’s Proven Breeders! £59.95 New lower Price Adult Caramel Corn Snake CB Fantastic as a pet or a breeder. £59.95 Adult Anerytheristic Corn Snake CB Great as a pet or a future breeder! Males and females available! £59.95 * Adult Carolina Corn Snake CB (Pantherophis guttatus) a nice mixture of sizes and shades! Males and females available £59.95 * Sub Adult Mega Corn Snake CtCB (Pantherophis guttatus x P. emoryi) Fantastic stocky snakes when adult, males and females available £44.95 Fantasy Corn Snake CB (P. guttatus x P. obsoleta) grow into a large and stocky looking corn snake! Sub adult now! £44.95 Grown on Amelanistic Corn Snake CB Nicely grown on Jungle Rootbeer Corn Snake CB (P. guttatus x L. getulus x P. emoryi) What can I say a fantastic mixture of genes and beautiful snakes! £44.95 £54.95 * Fantasy Jungle Rootbeer Corn Snake CB (Pantherophis guttatus x emoryi x obsoleta x L. getula) A real mix of genes, interesting snake locally bred….. £59.95 * * Anery Corn Snake Beautiful locally bred babies! £34.95 Other baby corn snake morphs available to order in, whilst waiting for breeders to hatch. Other Snakes Enquire Indonesian Keelback Snake LTC (Xenochrophis vittatus) Rear fanged and room temperature. Interesting and docile species to keep. But not for beginners. Adult Bull Snake CB (Pituophis catenifer sayi) Nice big greedy adult, Fantastic personality, not hissed once yet! Western Hognose Snake het Toffeebelly, pos het albino (Heterodon nasicus) Gorgeous little locally bred babies Hatchling Grey Rat Snake CB (Pantherophis spiloides) Grow into a gorgeous sized rat snake, not seen often these days Hatchling Western Hognose Snake CB (Heterodon nasicus) Feeding well and uber cute! £79.95 £69.95 £29.95 £69.95 * Adult Hypo Speckled Kingsnakes CB (Lampropeltis getula holbrooki) Rarely offered snakes, fantastic opportunity! One male available! £60 lower prices * Western Hognose Snake CB (Heterodon nasicus) Nicely grown on CB14 youngsters. £89.95 ** Hypo house snake CB (Lamoprophis capensis) Nicely grown on youngsters, nice mellow colours! £69.95 * False Water Cobra CB (Hydrodynastes gigas) Extremely well grown on males. £185 **** Lake Quitzeo Garter Snake CB (Thamnophis eques cuitzeoensis) Gorgeous babies of this rarely offered species. Pair available. £79.95 each £140 the pair ** Green Phase Western Hognose Snake CB (Heterodon nasicus) Sub adult male of these gorgeous little guys! £150 GECKOS (Geckonidae) Leopard geckos; Adult Male Leopard Gecko Nice sized male for a pet or a breeder. Well grown on young Leopard geckos CB15 sexable now Mac Snow Female Leopard Gecko CB Sub adults of this popular morph £59.95 £34.95 £59.95 Other Geckos; Mourning Gecko CB (Lepidodactylus lubricus) Virgin geckos, great for planted enclosures Striped Gargoyle Gecko CB (Rhacodactylus auriculatus) Nice change for people who like cresties, adult male! £22.95 each £60 for 3 £79.95 ** Harlequin Crested Gecko CB (Correlophus ciliatus) young male, eating pangea and repachy at the minute £49.95 Panther Gecko CB (Pareodura pictus) Locally bred babies, unsexed at the moment, very very cute! £39.95 House Gecko WC (Hemidactylus sp.) Great easy to keep species for planted vivaria. £9.95 Dalmation Crested Gecko CB (Correllophus ciliatus) Adult males, stunning chaps! £69.95 Female Crested Gecko CB (Correlophus ciliatus) Adult female, stunner! £89.95 Imperfect male Crested Gecko CB (Correlophus ciliatus) Missing his tail, but beautiful golds when he is fired up! £59.95 Wonder Gecko LTC (Teratoscincus scincus) Rarely offered these days. Breeding now, rare chance to get a ready made breeding settled breeding group of these fascinating geckos! £69.95 each £250 for a 1.3 group White Lined Gecko LTC (Gekko vittatus) aka Skunk Geckos, great alternative to Tokays. Breeding now! £29.95 each £50 pairs African fat tail gecko CB (Hemitheconyx caudicinctus) Young females a nice mixture of colours! £89.95 * Standing’s Day gecko CB (Phelsuma standingi) Stunning large species of day gecko! Nice change to Giant Day Geckos! £59.95 males £69.95 females £115 the pair ** Golden gecko LTC (Gekko ulikovski) Fantastic looking species for all you Tokay Lovers! £17.95 * Bauer’s Chameleon Gecko CB (Eurydactylus agricolae) A nice change for Rhacodactylus keepers as this is another New Caledonian Species! One young male available! £195 AGAMIDS (Agamidae) Male Australian Water Dragon CB (Physignathus leseuri) Nice young male, still has to get his full adult bulk. Imperfect Male Bearded Dragon Adult A bit skittish but will settle with the right owner. Female Bearded Dragon CB Adult female, great temperament Male Bearded Dragon CB Adult Male great temperament Asian Water Dragon CF (Physignathus cocincincus) Nice youngsters of this popular species! £250 Rainbow Dragon WC (Agama lionotus) A pretty relative of the spiderman Agama £29.95 £49.95 £79.95 £59.95 £34.95 * Bloodsucker Dragon LTC (Calotes versicolor) Stunning when they colour up, in amongst the plants! £28.95 Baby Bearded Dragon CB (Pogona vitticeps) gorgeous youngsters, very limited amounts at the moment. These were bred from unrelated parents by a responsible local breeder, fantastic quality babies! £49.95 Only available singly, we will not sell multiple babies to live in the same vivarium. Chinese Crocodile Lizard CB (Shinosaurus croodilurus) Rarely offered semi aquatic species of lizard! £350 each £695 the pair Saharan Uromastyx CB (Uromastyx geyri) Fantastic brightly marked lizards as adults £225 Occellated Uromastyx CB (Uromastyx occelata) Adult males available! £295 Australian water dragon CB (Physignathus leseuri) One left, looks like a young female £195 IGUANIDS (Iguanidae) Roundtail Horny Toad CB (Phrynosoma moderatum) Great captive born pair, almost adult now and feeding really well. Hard to source species of horny toad! Desert Spiny Lizard WC (Sceloporus magister) Fantastic active lizards, look brilliant in a rocky natural terraria chasing curly winged flies! Desert Collared Lizard WC (Crotaphytus bicinctores) Nice sized adults, of these ever popular lizards Desert Horned Toads WC (Phrynosoma platyrhinos) Nicely settled pair, feeding on buffalo worms, small crickets, woodlice, curly winged flies and weevil) Zebra Tailed Lizard WC (Callidosaurus draconoides) One of the fastest lizards to keep! £295 each £550 the pair £39.99 each £75 the pair £46.99 each £80 per pair £39.99 each £75 the pair £27.99 each £50 the pair ** Leopard Lizard WC (Gambelia wislizenii) A fantastic easy to keep species, the females are beautiful at this time of year. Baby Collared Lizard CB (Crotaphytus sp.) locally bred babies and very cute! Chuckwalla CB (Sauromalus ater) Young male, almost full size and very nicely coloured. Great vegetarian lizard species! £39.99 each £75 the pair £39.95 £195 each or £350 a pair Also one WC pair available. Adult male Rhinocerus Iguana CB (Cyclura cornuta) Eric! If you have the space and the experience, and indeed a breeding size female Rhino Iguana, then Eric could be your man....... £1300 Sensible enquiries only. Big Headed Anole LTC (Anolis cybotes) A great change in the planted vivs for all you anole keepers out there, a big bigger and more boisterous than the greens and browns! Adult male left. £24.95 ** Brown anole LTC (Norops [Anolis] sagrei) As above but get a little stockier, and look cuter when they display at each other! 1 female left in stock £11.95 ** Eastern Fence Lizard LTC (Sceloporus undulatus) A nice species to keep in a smaller vivarium, one female available!! £24.95 ** CHAMELEONS More due soon! OTHER LIZARD SPECIES Bosc Monitor CF (Varanus exanthematicus) Gorgeous little babies. Don’t forget they need to eat primarily insects all their lives and grow up to 3-3.5ft on average. Giant Plated Lizard LTC (Gerrhosaurus major) Adult pair, very well settled! £49.95 Ackie Monitor CB (Varannus acanthinurus) Adults, great opportunity for a pet or breeders. £200 Dwarf Sungazer LTC (Cordylus tropidosternum) Been hard to source this year so far! £44.95 each £80 in 2’s Madieran Lizard CB (Teira dugesi) 1 left available! available of these lizards, never had them before look like a Teiid (Tegu) crossed with a lacerta! £79.95 £85 the pair ** £59.95 ** £1250 *** Italian Ruin Lizard CB12 (Podarcis sicula) Always popular and no wonder they are beautiful! Not very commonly offered in the hobby nowadays! Female. Caiman Lizard CB (Dracaena guianensis) Gorgeous sub adult. Feeding well on snails, fuzzies and rat pups. Hand Tame CHELONIA Horsfield’s Tortoise CB (Agrionemys horsfieldi) Nice inquisitive youngsters feeding well on dandelions at the minute More due soon Mediteranean Spur Thighed Tortoise CB (Testudo graeca) One of the most popular species of tortoise, very inquisitive! £150 INVERTS AND SPIDERS (we can mail order inverts and spiders, call on 01325 283756) Tarantulas and spiders (Note: Breeders we often have male tarantulas of listed species available at cheaper prices please enquire). Javan Earth Tiger Tarantula WC (Selenocosmia javanensis) Nice aggressive burrowing species, sub adult £34.95 Cameroon Rusty Rump Baboon Tarantula WC (Hysterocrates gigas) great sized sub adult Guyana Pink Toe Tarantula WC (Avicularia sp. ‘Guyana’) Nice arboreal species to start off with £29.95 Costa Rican Zebra Tarantula WC (Aphonopelma seemani) Nice natured spider, nice change to Chille Rose Cobalt Blue Tarantula WC (Haplopelma lividum) Nice sized and nice attitudes! Thai Edible Tarantula CB (Haplopelma albostriatum) youngsters of this fiery attituded species! Cameroon Rusty Rump Baboon Tarantula CB (Hysterocrates gigas) One of the bigger baboon species! Slings £34.95 Indian Violet Tarantula CB (Chilobrachys fimbriatus) Fantastic webbed burrows on these £23.99 £19.95 £49.95 £9.99 £9.95 Brazilian Black Tarantula CB (Grammostolla pulchra) Deservedly a very sought after tarantula! £34.95 Red Island Bird Eating Tarantula CB (Phormictopes atrichromatus) Never had these £23.99 before! Cameroon Rusty Rump Baboon Tarantula CB (Hysterocrates gigas) One of the bigger baboon species! £24.95 Orange Baboon Tarantula WC (Pterinochilus murinus) Sub Adults, stunning firey Red Heads! £24.95 Gold Red Rump Tarantula CB (Brachypelma albiceps) These are stunning spiders! Approximately 3.5” at the moment £49.95 Orphnaecus negros CB Nice uncommon species £9.99 Trinidad Olive Tarantula CB (Holothele incei) Beautiful spiders when they grow up. £24.95 Chaco Gold Knee Tarantula CB (Gramostolla Pulchripes) Nice species to begin with £19.95 Bergandy Goliath Bird Eating Tarantula WC (Theraphosa stirmi) Nice sized youngster. Sexed female £100 Chile Rose Tarantula LTC (Gramostolla porteri) The beginner’s Tarantula. Limited amounts available. £34.95 Togo Starburst Tarantula WC (Heteroscodra maculata) Fiesty bags of fun, also known as Ornamental Baboon Tarantulas! £24.95 Green Bottle Blue Tarantula CB (Chromatopelma cyanopubescens) Stunning as adults £29.95 Chille Rose Tarantula CB (Gramostolla porteri) Cb youngsters of these great beginners spiders! £8.95 Scorpions/Centipedes Asian Forest Scorpion WC (Heterometrus spinifer) Nice showy species to keep. Variable personality. Javan Blue Forest Scorpion WC (Heterometrus cyaneus) nice showy scorpions Tailess Whip Scorpion CB (Damon variegates) Locally bred youngsters, totally cute and creepy at the same time! £16.95 each £30 for 2 £19.99 Flat Rock Scorpion Captive Born (Hadogenes paudicens) Gorgeous little scorplings, growing well £9.95 £8.95 each £15 for 2 Giant Vinegaroon WC (Masticoproctus gigantea) I love these, been hard to get this year. £29.95 Flat Rock Scorpion WC (Hadogenes troglodytes) Adult pair of these docile scorpions available! £24.95 each £45 the pair Tri-Coloured Burrowing Scorpion LTC (Opistophthalmus glabifrons ) These are one of my favourite species, not as easy to get as they once were though! £39.95 Millipedes Giant Train Millipede WC Great beginners species, nice large sized adults! £14.95 Stick Insects/Katydids/Grasshoppers Vietnamese Walking Stick CB (Medauroidea extradentata) Nice easy to keep species £2.99 each £5 for 2 Leaf Insects CB (Phyllium phillippinicum) Fantastic stick insects, walking leafs, feeding well on bramble. £6.95 each £12 for 2 Indian Stick Insects CB Great east to keep pet species! £1 Giant spiny Stick Insect CB (Eurycantha calcareata) Grow into great big spiny stick insects, fantastic! £2.99 each £5 for 2 Andaman Island Stick Insect CB (Sceptrophasma hispidulum) Can develop lovely shiny brown/orange colours. Youngsters and adults available! £2.99 each £5 for 2 Beetles Pachnoda Beetle Adults CB (Pachnoda marginata) adult beetles to breed your own food or purely as pets! £5 for 3 African Sun Beetle Larvae CB (Pachnoda marginata) Great as pets, tubs of larvae available, grow your own colony! £3.99 Mantid Giant Asian Mantis CB (Hierodula membranacea) Limited amounts available of this ever popular large mantis species. Other Invertebrates £13.95 African Land Snail CB (Achatina sp.) Great pet species available now! Adult size! £7.99 Albinos £6.99 Headlight Cockroach CB (Lucihormetica verucosa) Nice smaller species of cockroach Giant Leaf Cockroach CB (Archimandrita tesselata) Grow into fantastic sized roaches! Giant cave Cockroach CB (Blaberus giganticus) First time we’ve had these, very quick little critters! Giant Madagascan Hissing Cockroach CB (Gromphadorhina portentosa) Limited numbers available! £2.99 each £5 for 2 Fire Devil Vampire Crab CB (Geosesarma hagen) These are stunning and living in our European tree frog colony as part of the custodians! £12.95 AMPHIBIANS Frogs: £2.99 each £5 for 2 £2.99 each £5 for 2 £3.50 each £6 for 2 Blue Dart frog CB (Dendrobates tinctorius ‘azureus’) Gorgeous blue frogs, proven group available and juveniles £95 each Rice Paddy Frog WC (Occidozygo lima) Great little semi aquatic frogs, these are feeding on grain weevil, fruit fly and micros at the minute. Fantastic for a smaller planted terraria £5.99 each Sub adult White’s Tree Frog WC (Litoria caerullea) big chaps, almost breeding size! Great for fresh bloodlines to existing breeding groups £24.95 each Desert Tree Frog WC (Litoria rubella) A nice smaller relative of the whites tree frogs. £22.99 each £15 for 3 £40 for 2 £40 for 2 African Clawed Frog CB (Xenopus leavis) The original pregnancy test! Great greedy little aquatic amphibians, not for keeping with fish though! £9.95 White’s Tree Frog CB (Litoria caerulea) Babies, very cute and very limited amounts this time around! £13.95 Sub Adult Tomato Frog CB (Dyscophus guineti) Potential pair available, fantastic size £49.95 each £85 for the pair Orange Fantasy Horn Frog CB (Ceratophrys cornuta X) Gorgeous orange phase fantasy, extremely well grown on now £79.95 Juvenile Amazon Milk Frog CB (Trachycephalus resinifictrix) Nice sized youngsters of this friendly frog species £29.95 each £50 for 2 False Tomato Frog CB (Dyscophus guinetti) Fantastic coloured frogs, gorgeous babies! £34.99 each £65 for 2 North American Green Tree Frog WC (Hyla cinerea) One of the easiest species to maintain and very well suited to planted terraria! £13.95 Guyana Banded Dartfrog CB (Dendrobates leucomelas) nicely grown on young frogs, locally bred £65 Banana Leaf Folding Frog LTC (Afrixalus fornasini) Nice relative of the Reed frogs. Great small species for planted terraria! £12.99 Peacock Tree Frog LTC (Leptopelis vermicularis) Gorgeous Globe eyed Tree Frog Species. £24.95 each £45 for 2 Albino Horned Frog CB (Ceratophrys cranwelli) Nice vibrant coloured youngsters! £49.95 Giant White Lipped Tree Frog LTC (Litoria infrafrenata) Fantastic frogs, can mopre breeders breed these please. £29.95 Malagasy Green Burrowing Frog LTC (Scaphiophyrne sp.) Potential pair of these beautiful frogs! £39.95 each * £70 the pair! Chubby Frog LTC (Kaloula pulchra) Great docile frog species, pet blobs! £11.95 each £20 for 2 * Red Legged Running Frog LTC (Kassina maculosa) Nice big colourful frogs! £24.95 * Costa Rican Gliding Tree Frog CB (Agalynchis spurrelli) One sub adult left, gorgeous relative of the Red Eyes! £64.95 ** Brown Mantella CB (Mantella betsileo) Silly name for a frog with vivid blue spots on its belly! £34.95 ** Toads Black Spined Toad WC (Duttaphrynus melanostictus) gorgeous toads, look almost like they have been brass rubbed as adults! £12.95 each £20 for 2 Southern Toad WC (Anaxyrus terrestris) they vibrate like mobile phones and are exceptionally cute! £17.99 Surinam Toad LTC (Pipa pipa) The most famous of the aquatic frogs/toads. The babies emerge from the parents back like gremlins, go on u-tube it! £79.95 Western Green Toad LTC (Anaxyrus debilis) Fantastic dwarf green toad species! £24.95 each, £65 for 3 Pevtsov’s Green Toad LTC (Pseudepidalea pewzowi) Rarely offered species of Green Toads. Potential pair available £24.95 * Yellow Bellied Toad CB (Bombina variegata) Great hardy species, nice change to Fire bellies, and not available that often! £14.99 Salamanders and Newts Axolotyl CB (Ambystoma mexicanum) youngsters, lots of growing left! £19.95 Spotted Salamander WC (Ambystoma maculatum) Gorgeous stocky relatives of the Tiger Salamander £34.95 each £60 the pair * Tiger salamander WC (Ambystoma tigrinum) young pair available, great greedy pet species! £39.95 each £75 the pair! Adult Fire Salamander (Salamandra salamandra) Another adult pair available of these fantastic pet species £39.95 each £75 the pair Mangshan Crocodile Newt CB (Tylototriton lizhenchangi) Rarely offered species of crocodile newt! WOW!!! £34.95 Tracey thinks these look like baby Toothless from how to train a dragon, what do you think? Marble Newt CB (Triturus marmoratus) Stunning European species of Newt, locally bred youngsters available! £24.95 each Lesser Siren CB (Siren intermedia) Fantastic aquatic species, look like eels with front legs! £95 EXOTIC MAMMALS * African Dwarf Hedghogs CtCB (Atelerix albiventris). More due shortly, please enquire as to availabilities. £120 * We would like to bring the following points to your attention: 1. In this world of political correctnessit is often frowned upon to sell wild caught reptiles. Whilst we fully accept that selling easily obtainable captive bred species as wild caught is unacceptable (such as Corn snakes, Leopard geckos etc etc), our herpetological enthusiasm cannot be squashed with regards to species that are currently either infrequently captive bred or not at all. Breeding projects can only be started from WC, and for this reason we offer the experienced herpetologist the chance of these WC species to start from the bottom! In other words we offer the beginner CB Leopard geckos, Corns and the like and the more experienced, a challenge with wild caught breeding groups to establish the captive bred easy species of the future. There is lots of talk of tightening regulations on exporting animals, and its possible that species not being bred in captivity wont be available any more in the future unless we start captive breeding from available WC stock now. Worth mentioning!! 2. Colour morphs in reptiles have now got to a level, way beyond what could have been comprehended a few years ago. Presently there are thousands of morphs, and as the majority are man-made they are very subjective. Some of the differences are also very small. What one person describes as a particular colour morph, another person will see something very different. Also, many hatchlings look so radically different to when they are adult it is sometimes impossible to judge what they will look like later in life. For this reason we only describe the different morphs to the best of our ability and suggest that you firstly visit to make sure that you are buying what you require, and secondly keep in mind that when he/she grows up there may be some variation from the “perfect” example banded around on the various internet sites and in books.
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