The Sangkaropi Massive Sulphide Deposit District, South Sulawesi
The Sangkaropi Massive Sulphide Deposit District, South Sulawesi
Majalah Geologi Indonesia, Vol. 27 No. 2 Agustus 2012: 109-119 The Sangkaropi Massive Sulphide Deposit District, South Sulawesi: Its Implications for Genesis and Exploration for Kuroko-type Deposits Kawasan Cebakan Sulfida Masif Sangkaropi, Sulawesi Selatan: Implikasinya terhadap Genesis dan Eksplorasi untuk Cebakan tipe-Kuroko Yaya Sunarya1), Tetsuo Yoshida2), Koswara Yudawinata1), Rusman Rinawan1), Hartono1), and Bronto Sutopo1) 2) 1) PT Antam (Persero) Tbk Department of Mining, Kyushu University, Fukuoka 812, Japan ABSTRACT The Sangkaropi massive sulphide deposit district, including the Sangkaropi (Batu Marupa), Rumanga, and Bilolo deposits occur in the central part of western Sulawesi, Indonesia. The area is located in the western Sulawesi arc which at that time acted as a volcanic arc. The volcanic activity seems to have been almost contemporaneous with that in the Japanese “Green Tuff” region in Miocene, where all Kuroko-type deposits in Japan are distributed in a relatively narrow zone. The formation deposits are closely associated with the extensive submarine volcanism. The deposits are composed of stratiform or broken stratiform and stockwork ore bodies with no gypsum ore. In the Sangkaropi district, the stratiform ore bodies are mostly covered with a thin layer of barite at the top. Sulfide minerals of the ore deposits are sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite, pyrite, tetrahedrite, bornite, chalcocite and covellite with quartz, barite, and clay minerals. A colloform texture is frequently observed in the fine-grained stratiform ore of the Sangkaropi deposits. The filling temperatures of fluid inclusions in sphalerite and quartz from druse and vein range from 160o to 346oC. Keywords: massive sulphide deposit, submarine volcanism, Kuroko-type, Sangkaropi, South Sulawesi SARI Kawasan cebakan sulfida masif Sangkaropi, yang meliputi Cebakan Sangkaropi (Batu Marupa), Rumanga, dan Biloko terletak di bagian tengah Sulawesi bagian barat barat, Indonesia. Daerah ini berada di busur Sulawesi bagian barat, yang pada saat itu merupakan suatu busur vulkanis. Kegiatan vulkanik ini rupanya hampir bersamaan dengan yang terjadi di Jepang kala Miosen yaitu kawasan “Green Tuff”, tempat cebakan tipe-Kuroko di Jepang yang tersebar dalam suatu zona sempit. Pembentukan cebakan tersebut berasosiasi dengan vulkanisme bawah-laut yang ekstensif. Cebakan ini berupa stratiform atau broken stratiform dan tubuh bijih stockwork tanpa bijih gipsum. Di kawasan Sangkaropi, tubuh bijih stratiform umumnya ditutupi oleh suatu lapisan tipis barit. Mineral sulfida cebakan bijih terdiri atas sfalerit, galena, kalkopirit, tetrahedrit, bornit, kalkosit, dan kovelit dengan kuarsa, barit, dan mineral lempung. Tekstur colloform sering ditemukan di dalam bijih stratiform berbutir halus, cebakan Sangkaropi. Temperatur pengisian oleh inklusi fluida dalam sfalerit dan kuarsa dari druse dan urat berkisar antara 160o - 346oC. Kata kunci: cebakan sulfida masif, vulkanisme submarin, tipe Kuroko, Sangkaropi, Sulawesi Selatan Naskah diterima: 01 Oktober, revisi terakhir: 30 Juli 2012, disetujui: 06 Agustus 2012 109 Majalah Geologi Indonesia, Vol. 27 No. 2 Agustus 2012: 109 -119 INTRODUCTION GEOLOGIC SETTINGS The Sangkaropi district is situated in the southwest Sulawesi, near the Rantepao town in Tana Toraja (Figure 1). It is about 330 km from Ujung Pandang to Rantepao through Makale, the capital of Tana Toraja region. From Rantepao to Sangkaropi district is about 17 km long and is only accessible by a four-wheel-drive car through the rough road. General Geology of Sulawesi 125o E 124o E 122o E 121o E o 120 E 119o E This paper describes the result of studies on the geology, mineral assemblages, and fluid inclusions of ores in these Kuroko-type ore deposits of the Sangkaropi district. i) The oldest rocks in the West Sulawesi Province are basement complexes of preTertiary polymetamorphic consisting of gneiss, schist, and ultrabasic rocks. Sediments unconformably overlying the basement were deposited in the deep trough which was caused by Tertiary subduction. Intensive volcanism and plutonism were accompanied with the subduction process. The submarine volcanism was widespread during the Miocene. The Quartenary volcanics were deposited subaerially on hills 123o E Historically, copper ore was mined on a small scale at the Sangkaropi deposits during the World War II. Subsequently, a further exploration work was started in 1974 and since 1979 the work has been carried out by PT Antam (Persero) Tbk. intensively in the district, including the Sangkaropi, Rumanga, and Bilolo pros\pects. The general geology of Sulawesi summarized as shown in Figure 1, is chronologically divided into the following three geological Provinces in roughly aging order: i) West Sulawesi Province, ii) East Sulawesi Province, and iii) Bangai-Sula Province (Sukamto, 1975). -1o S -2 S o Banggai Island Sula Island Sangkaropi -3o S Gulf of Bone Legend Q Qv Ts Tv Ti Mi Ms Pm U Gs-S -4o S?? N Makassar 0 50 100 Km Figure 1. Geologic map of Sulawesi (modified from Sukamto, 1975). Note: Q-Quaternary sedimentary rocks including lake deposits and coral limestone; Qv-Quaternary volcanic rocks; Ts-Tertiary sedime tary rocks; TvTertiary volcanic rocks; Ti-Tertiary intrusive rocks; Ms-Mesozoic sedimentary rocks; Mi-Mesozoic volcanic and intrusive rocks; Pm-Paleozoic metamorphic rocks, Gs-S - Gneiss and Schist unknown in age; U-Ultrabasic rocks unknown in age. Tertiary volcanic and intrusive rock is highlighted in red and green color for the Kurokohosted unit. 110 The Sangkaropi Massive Sulphide Deposit District, South Sulawesi: Its Implications for Genesis and Exploration for Kuroko-type Deposits (Y. Sunarya et al.) and valleys. Intrusive rocks from granite to diorite (1.62 to 31.0 ma) (Sukamto, 1975) intrude the Miocene and older rocks of the province. An important system of faults and associated fold trends NNW parallel to the inferred trend of the Tertiary through. ii) The East Sulawesi Province and the west Sulawesi one is bordered with a fault zone (the Browe Median Line, after Radja, 1970) running from north to south in the central part of Sulawesi. The province is underlined mainly by basic to ultrabasic igneous rocks and schistose metamorphic rocks although Mesozoic carbonates and clastics associated with radiolarian cherts and Neogene sedimentary rocks are also distributed in the province. Paleogene sedimentary rocks are distributed at a restricted area in the northern part. iii) The Banggai-Sula Province is characterized by a continental basement consisting of Paleozoic metamorphic rocks intruded by granites of Triassic and Permian age. Triassic and Permian effusive rocks are locally distributed on basement complexes and are overlain by Mesozoic sedimentary rocks. The geological structure and history of Sulawesi have been interpreted in terms of plate tectonics (Sukamto, 1978; Katili, 1975, 1978). It is divided into two major tectonic units namely the Sulawesi Arc, corresponding to the non-volcanic outer are which comprises eastern Sulawesi, the submarine Mayu Ridge and the Talaud Island, and the western Sulawesi Arc, corresponding to the volcanoplutonic which continues to the Sangihe Islands and further north to the Philippines. Several Kuroko-type and porphyry copper deposits are situated in the western Sulawesi Arc. A major orogenic event in the western arc took place towards the end of the Cretaceous and was followed by calc- alkaline volcanism. At the beginning of the Middle Miocene, a second major orogenic event occurred and was accompanied by andesitic volcanism and granite intrusion (Taylor and Van Leeuwen, 1980). Kurokotype mineralization in the western Sulawesi is seem to have been closely related to the latter volcanic activity. Geologic Setting of Sangkaropi District The Tertiary rocks in the Sangkaropi district are divided into eight members as follows: (1) Granitic rock, (2) Andesitic tuff breccia, (3) Dacite, (4) Acidic tuff, (5) Rhyolitic pyroclastic and lava, (6) Basalt and clay, (7) Calcareous shale, and (8) Andesitic lava and pyroclastics. Geologic map of the Sangkaropi area is shown in Figure 2. 1. The Granitic rock member crops out only in the northern part of Sangkaropi deposits. It is light to dark grey in color, massive and phaneritic in appearance. It consists of quartz, alkali feldspar, plagioclase, and some mafic minerals. It is cut by some quartz veinlets altered by argillitization, sericitization, and chloritization. Importantly, there is no contact metamorphism was observed in rocks adjacent to the granite. 2. The andesitic Tuff Breccia Member consists mainly of andesitic tuff breccia and lapili tuff with intercalations of sandy tuff, fine tuff, claystone or mudstone and silicified rocks. The unit member is light to dark green in color. It usually shows poor sorting, but the core samples from drilling in the area near the Rumanga ore deposits show a graded bedding structure. 3. Dacite Member is commonly green and altered. The unit is distributed on the top of the Acidic Tuff Breccia Member as flow layers. 4. The Acidic Tuff Member is composed of acidic tuff, tuff breccia, breccia, and clay which is grey to light green in co111 Majalah Geologi Indonesia, Vol. 27 No. 2 Agustus 2012: 109 -119 N Legend: Sangkaropi Figure 2. Geological map of the Sangkaropi district. Note: 1 - Granitic rock; 2 and 3 - Andesitic tuff breccia and Dacite lava; 4 - Acidic tuff; 5 - Rhyolitic pyroclastics and lava; 6 - Basalt and Clay; 7 - Calcareous shale; 8 - Andesitic lava and pyroclastics; 9 - Kuroko-type ore body. lour. The acidic tuff breccia and breccia consist of fragments of dacite, granite, andesite, and pumice. 5. The Rhyolitic Pyroclastics and lava Member is light grey to dark grey in color. It is massive and mainly composed of rhyolitic to dacitic tuff, breccia, and lava. It is difficult to distinguish rhyolitic lava from rhyolitic pyroclastics in the field, because of their alteration to silicified rocks. It is about 80 m in maximum thickness. 6. The Basalt and Clay Member crops out only around the Sangkaropi deposits. The fresh basalt is dark green to black in colour, while altered basalt is dark brown. Claystone is grey to dark grey in colour. Silicification and brecciation are observed in claystone in contact with ore deposits like in the Sangkaropi deposits. 7. The Calcareous Shale Member comprising shale and clay is grey in color and 112 contains a small quantity of calcareous material. Foraminifera fossils are found in brownish clay intercalated with shale. 8. The Andesitic Pyroclastics and Lava Member is composed of andesitic lava and pyroclastics. Andesite lava is green in colour and massive. Andesitic pyroclastic rocks consist of volcanic breccia and tuff breccia with small amounts of clay and silicified rocks. RESULT OF INVESTIGATION AND DISCUSSION Ore Deposits In the Sangkaropi district, the ore deposits of Kuroko-type are found mainly at the base of Ryholitic Pyroclastics and Lava Member and in the upper part of Andesitic Tuff Breccia Member. Study of the Sangkaropi, Rumanga, and Bilolo deposits shows a linear The Sangkaropi Massive Sulphide Deposit District, South Sulawesi: Its Implications for Genesis and Exploration for Kuroko-type Deposits (Y. Sunarya et al.) stratigraphical correlation from southwest to northeast. The ore deposits are divided into two types: (i) syngenetic stratiform massive type and (ii) epigenetic vein and stockwork type. Stratigraphical column is shown in Figure 3. (i) The stratiform massive and fragmental ore bodies are concordantly distributed within the silicified claystone overlying stratiform silicified ores at the Sangkaropi deposits (Figure 4). The diameter of fragmental ores sometimes measures up to several meters in maximum. They are composed mainly of sphalerite, galena, and barite accompanied with chalcopyrite and pyrite. Small amounts of gold and silver detected (Nishiyama et al., 1981). In general, the top of ores is covered by a thin layer of barite which can be seen in outcrop of the Sangkaropi, Rumanga, and Bilolo deposits. Yellow ore consists mainly of pyrite and chalcopyrite, which gypsum which is typical in Japan is not found in th deposits. (ii) The stockwork ore bodies occur below the horizon of stratiform ores. They consist of veins of pyrite, quartz vein with pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite and galena and stockworks of sulfide minerals. They crop out in the Sangkaropi and Rumanga deposits. Paragenesis of Ore and Gangue Mineral Minerals in ores collected from the Sangkaropi (Sangkaropi, Rumanga, and Bilolo prospects) district are as follows: sphalerite, galena, pyrite, chalcopyrite, bornite, tetrahedrite, chalcocite, covelline, quartz, barite, sericite, interstratified sericitemontmorillonite, chlorite, and intersatisfied chlorite-saponite. Ores of the Sangkaropi deposits show black colour and sometimes porous. They consist mainly of sphalerite, galena, and chalcopyrite with barite, pyrite, tetrahedrite, quartz, sericite, and chlorite. Sphalerite is the main constituent of the ores. Sphalerite contains fine-grained pyrite and chalcopyrite showing framboidal texture which is 10 to 50 µm in diameter (Figure 5a). The central part or a part of the framboidal pyrite-chalcopyrite is replaced by sphalerite or left vacant (Figure 5b). Sphalerite also contains many inclusions of chalcopyrite dots and small tetrahedrite grains. Tetrahedrite is not so abundant but commonly found. Ores from Rumanga deposits are of stockwork consisting mainly of sphalerite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, bornite, tetrahedrite, and chalcocite with small amounts of galena, covelline, quartz, sericite, interstratified sericite-montmorillonite, chlorite and interstratified chlorite-saponite. Figure 5c shows stratiform galena ore association with fine-grained chalcopyrite. Ores collected from a prospecting tunnel shows characteristically chalcocite-tetrahedrite veins with bornite or their fine-grained aggregates in sphalerite. Chalcocite also occurs in the form of veinlets in bornite and chalcopyrite sometimes with tetrahedrite. Pyrite crystals are large (0,8) and subhedral. Many chalcopyrite dots are observed in sphalerite. A large sphalerite (5 to 6 mm) cut by chalcopyrite are observed around them in sphalerite. Chalcocite veinlets with euhedral or subhedral pyrite crystals are observed in chalcopyrite. Small amounts of covellite and tetrahedrite are found in and around chalcopyrite. Figure 5d shows simple locking intergrowth pyrite, bornite, sphalerite, and chalcopyrite, while Figure 5e shows pyrite fracturing filled by bornite, galena, and covelite. Ores from the Bilolo deposits are compact and black and in part yellow in color. They are composed of galena, sphalerite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, bornite, tetrahedrite, and coveline with barite. Barite is also associated with microgranular silica (Figure 5f). The 113 Majalah Geologi Indonesia, Vol. 27 No. 2 Agustus 2012: 109 -119 1 2 Bilolo Rumanga Sangkaropi 4 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Figure 3. Stratigraphical corelation of the Sangkaropi, Rumanga , and Bilolo deposits. Note: 1 - Foraminifera limestone; 2 - Foraminifera marl; 3 - Dacitic tuff; 4 - Basalt showing pillow structure; 5 - Barite and pumice tuff; 6 - Mudstone and massive sulfide ore; 7 - Silicified zone with stockwork ore; 8 - Silicified dacitic tuff breccia with veins; 9 - Black shale; 10 - Dacitic tuff breccias and 11 - Granitic rock. N 1200 m 1150 m S 1100 m 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20 m 10 Figure 4. Cross section of one of the ore bodies in the Sangkaropi deposits. Note: 1 - Basalt; 2 - Claystone; 3 - Dacitic tuff breccia; 4 - Fragmental ore and silicified claystone; 5 - Silicified ore; 6 - Rhyolitic tuff breccias; 7 - Granitic rock, intruded into rhyolitic tuff breccias; 8 - Stockwork ore, 9 - Fault, 10 - Drill hole. banded structure consisting of fine- and coarse-grained minerals is observed in stratiform ores. The fine-grained part is mainly composed of galena and sphalerite, while the coarse-grained is of pyrite and chalcopyrite. Chalcopyrite fills the spaces between broken pyrite grains. The fine-grained galena shows a flow-like structure. Covellite, sphalerite, and tetrahedrite occur in the band of the fine114 grained galena. Covellite, chalcocite, and bornite are frequently observed in gangue of barite with small amounts of chalcopyrite and tetrahedrite. Sphalerite is also associated with framboidal chalcopyrite in gangue mineral (Figure 5g). Bornite is frequently observed with chalcopyrite, covelite, and sphalerite (Figure 5h). The Sangkaropi Massive Sulphide Deposit District, South Sulawesi: Its Implications for Genesis and Exploration for Kuroko-type Deposits (Y. Sunarya et al.) A B cpy Py-f py Py-an gn 0,05 mm C 0,2 mm D cpy bn py gn gn sph cpy 0,05 mm 0,5 mm F E msi cv bn ba gn py 0,1 mm op 0,5 mm H G sph cv sph cpy cpy 0,05 mm bn 0,1 mm Figure 5. Microphotographs of the ores from the Kuroko-type deposits in the Sangkaropi district. A) Framboidal pyrite (py-f) associated with anhedral pyrite (py-an) in gangue mineral (Sangkaropi deposits); B) Chalcopyrite (cpy) associated with frambiodal pyrite (py) and deformed galena (gn) (Rumanga deposits); C) Stratiform galena (gn) ore associated with fine grained chalcopyrite (cpy) (Rumanga deposits); D) Simple locking intergrowth pyrite (py)-bornite (bn)-sphalerite(sph)-chalcopyrite (cpy) (Rumanga deposits); E) Pyrite (py) fracturing filled by bornite (bn)-galena (gn)-covelite (cv) (Rumanga deposits); F) Barite (ba) associated with microgranular silica (msi) and opaque (op) mineral (Bilolo deposits); G) Sphalerite (sph) associated with framboidal chalcopyrite (cpy) in gangue mineral (Bilolo deposits); H) Bornite (bn) associated with chalcopyrite (cpy), covelite (cv), and sphalerite (sph) (Bilolo deposits) 115 Majalah Geologi Indonesia, Vol. 27 No. 2 Agustus 2012: 109 -119 Fluid Inclusion Small fluid inclusions were observed from minerals of sphalerite, quartz, and barite. Transparent samples were collected for fluid inclusion study from tiny fragments (less than 0,3 mm thick) of ores consisting of sulfide minerals, barite, and quartz. Most fluid inclusions, except these of barite, have two phases of vapor and liquid at room temperature. Barite contains mono-phases inclusions together with two-phase ones in the same samples. Mono-phase inclusions are more frequently observed than twophases ones. Most fluid inclusions observed were too small in size to measure the filling temperature as well as freezing temperature. Filling temperature data for 18 fluid inclusions were obtained from the Sangkaropi and Rumanga deposits study. They range from 160o to 340o C (Figure 6). Inclusions in barite from ores of the Bilolo deposits were not measured because of their small size. Quartz containing fluid inclusions grows in druse with the fringe of barite in the stratiform ore of the Sangkaropi deposits. Four filling temperatures for quartz in druse show a range between 207 o and 276oC. Both mono- and two-phase inclusions are observed in barite collected from the same specimen. Filling temperatures of these inclusions seem to be variable judging from the observation. Quartz and sphalerite in the stockwork ore of Rumanga deposits have two different temperature range depending on the occurence. Amethyst quartz in vein shows the higher temperature range from 236 o to 346oC for five inclusions. The other quartz as constituent of stockwork ore shows the lower filling temperature range from 187o to 251oC for five inclusions. Sphalerite measured is brown in hand specimen and transparent in thin section. Four filling temperatures 116 obtained from these sphalerites range between 160 oC and 184 oC. This temperature range is very low as compared with that of the Kuroko-type stockwork ores in Japan; for instance the values obtained from the Fukazawa deposits in the Hokuroku and Iwami deposits in the Sanin districts range from 246 o to 370oC (Yoshida and Mukaiyama,1982) and from 202o to 334oC (Yoshida, 1979) respectively. The fluid inclusion data provided the maximum temperature of hydrothermal activity in the area might have gone up to 350oC in amethyst veins. However, the relationship between amethyst veins and the main kuroko mineralization is not clear. It was estimated on the stockwork ore that these data of filling temperatures for sphalerite (184o - 160oC) represent the main stage of mineralization, the ore forming temperature may be lower than that in the Japanese kuroko-type deposits. However, data from druse quartz in the stratiform ore of the Sangkaropi deposits, located only about two kilometers southwest of the Rumanga deposits, indicate the ore forming temperatures from 280o to 200oC on the seafloor. This temperature range is almost the same as that of the stratiform kuroko mineralization in Japan. Barite in druses exhibits variable ratios of gas to liquid, from two-phase (the high temperature state) to mono-phase (the low temperature state). Barite probably continued to precipitate in temperature below 100oC. Assuming that the maximum temperature of mineralization was about 280oC, the seawater will be boiled at the depth of sea shallower than about 640 m. Consequently the depth of sea at that time was not shallower than 640 m because boiling phenomenon of ore solution was not observed in fluid inclusions. The Sangkaropi Massive Sulphide Deposit District, South Sulawesi: Its Implications for Genesis and Exploration for Kuroko-type Deposits (Y. Sunarya et al.) Kuroko-type Deposits in Sangkaropi Area, Sulawesi, Indonesia Druse quartz (Sangkaropi) Vein quartz Quartz (Rumanga) Sphalerite 150 200 250 300 350 Filling Figure 6. Data of filling temperatures from the Sangkaropi and Rumanga deposits, excluding data from barite. Implication of the Sangkaropi Kuroko Discovery The Sangkaropi Kuroko deposits are hosted by the “Green Tuff Formation” of the Tertiary submarine volcanic rocks (Tv) and completely showing by the extracted geological environment control in Figure 1. The Tertiary volcanic rocks unit occupied large areas of the western area of the WestSouthern Sulawesi. The Green Tuff Formation developed in the Neogen Old Andesite Formation. The title of Old Andesite Formation was given by Van Bemmelen (1949) which is developed running and following the belt of the Indonesia Island Arc. The volcano stratigraphy of the old Andesite Formation should be investigated and studied for knowing the zonation of the subareal and submarine volcanics which important for delineating the submarine volcanic areas. The distribution of the submarine volcanic is the key for discovering the Kuroko type deposits (Table 1). Those model type of the deposits mention could be used as the assesment approach models for discovering the more better and larger ore deposits in the submarine volcanics hosted of the Indonesian Island Arc (Table 1). The discovery of the Sangkaropi Kuroko ore type deposits of PT Aneka Tambang in 1980 has given the ideas for studying the volcano stratigraphy and explore the Old Andesite Formation of the whole belt of the Indonesia Island Arc. This idea was strengthening by the following two areas discoveries of the Wetar and Sangihe Island in 1994. DMR also organised the join cooperation work with JICA/MMAJ in West Java. In 1987, PT. Prima Lirang Mining discovered the barite gold deposit in the Kuning river, east of Lerokis, Wetar Island. In 1989, PT. Meares Soputan Mining also discovered the stratabound gold silver deposit in Binebase area of north Sangihe Island. This type of deposit is similar to the Lerokis-Kali Kuning deposit in Wetar, both containing barite. Starting from 1992, DMR continued investigation and explored the Java and Lesser Sunda Islands by the very preliminary exploration method, many green tuff evidences and mineralization were found at many places of the island arc. In 1995, DMR and JICA/MMAJ studied that gypsum deposits of Cisasah and Cidadap areas which being mined by the domestic company has been improved as a the leading guides for finding the massive sulphite Kuroko-type deposits in the projected area. It is believable and should be organized that the Old Andesite Formation is in promising and potential for discovering such Kurokotype deposits. 117 Majalah Geologi Indonesia, Vol. 27 No. 2 Agustus 2012: 109 -119 Table 1. Green Tuff Formation and the Kuroko-ore Type Occurrences developed in Indonesia. NO 1 LOCATION Ende (Tanjung Ngalebu) ROCK TYPE/FORMATION • Dacite tuff breccia, lava and tuff • Greyish to greenish grey, pillow MINERALS ASSOCIATION • Malachite, chalcopyrite, pyrite, barite layer and chert • Fragmental ore structure Rock Formation: Upper Kiro, Tanahau 2 Riung • Dacite tuff, greenish (Torongpadang) Rock Formation: Upper Kiro • Barite layer, manganese, chert 3 Bima • Tuff, lava and tuff breccia • Greenish 4 Malang (Southern part of Malang) • Tuff, greenish Rock Formation: Mandalika • Zeolite, manganese, chert 5 Tasikmalaya • Dacite tuff, lava and tuff breccia • Greenish • Zeolite, manganese, barite bed, chert, gypsum, galena, sphalerite, gold (JICA-NMAJ and DMR, 1995 - 1996) Rock Formation: Bayah • Tuff, greenish Rock Formation: Cimapag • Zeolite • Dacite and andesite breccia • Gold, silver, pyrite, marcasite, chalcosite, bornite, chalcopyrite, enargite • Barite vein (?), manganise, chert Rock Formation: Dacite, tuff rock urut (Tmdt) 6 Upper Jampang (Genteng Member) (West Java) 7 Wetar (Lerokis, Kalikuning, Meron) • Barite sand and chert Resources: • Lerokis: 2.9 MT Au: 19 Ton Au Ag: 106 g/t • Kalikuning : 2.2 MT Au: 5.5 g/t; Ag: 146 g/t • Meron: 0.3 MT Au: 3.5 g/t; Ag: 110 g/t 8 Sangkaropi • Dacite tuff, lava, tuff breccia Rock Formation: • Galena, sphalerite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, covvelite, bornite • Barite layer and chert Dacitic Resources: • 2,500,000 T pyroclastic formation (Makale?) Cu: 0.6 % (JICA NMAJ and DMR-ANTAM, 1982) 9 Sangihe • Andesite-dacitic volcanoclastic Binabase Rock Formation: • Stratiform silica-pyrite minor Au Miocene Taware volcanic • Barite vein • Gypsum with minor galena, sphalerite veining Bawone • Chalcosite vein • Barite with gold Resources: • Bawone: 4.5 MT Au: 1.37 g/t Ag: 8 g/t Cu: 0.29% 10 Kajong (Flores) • Kiro Formation of dacitic submarine volcanic of Miocene age JOGMEC test drilling result a) 12.5 m massive ore containing: Zn 12%, Cu 2.2 %, Pb 0.03 %, Au 0.9 g/t, Ag 51 g/t b) 2,05 m massive sulfide ore containing: Zn 56.5%, Cu 1.6 %, Pb 0.05%, Au 0.4 g/t, Ag 30 g/t 1.2 Mt ore reserved (JOGMEC, 2008) PT Antam (Persero) Tbk also took joint venture with JOGMEC in the Flores Island, started May 2004, resulting the Kuroko deposits discoveries at Tehong and Kajong areas. 118 CONCLUSION Kuroko-type deposits of the Sangkaropi district (Sangkaropi, Rumanga, and Bilolo deposits) occur in the rhyolitic pyroclastic The Sangkaropi Massive Sulphide Deposit District, South Sulawesi: Its Implications for Genesis and Exploration for Kuroko-type Deposits (Y. Sunarya et al.) rocks in the Green Tuff Formation of Miocene age. Stockwork ore bodies are typically overlain by stratiform massive Kurokotype ore deposits and a barite layer. The stratiform Kuroko-type ore body is often brecciated in the outcrops. The typical Oko (yellow ore) and gypsum ore have not been not found in these deposits. The ores from deposits consist of sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite, pyrite, bornite, tetrahedrite, chalcocite and covelline with barite, quartz, sericite, interstratified sericite-montmorillonite, chlorite, and interstratified chlorite-saponite. A colloform texture is sometimes observed. The filling temperatures of fluid inclusions in sphalerite and quartz from druse and vein range from 160o to 346oC. Thus, the feature of ores mineral assemblages and filling temperatures of ore deposits in the Sangkaropi area resemble to those of the Kuroko-type ore deposits in Japan, excluding a marked distinction of the absence of gypsum ore. 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