Manchester Hub Phase 1
Manchester Hub Phase 1
The Northern Way: Manchester Hub Phase 1 Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment April 2009 Manchester Hub Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment Final Report April 2009 Prepared for: Prepared by: Northern Way Steer Davies Gleave 28-32 Upper Ground London SE1 9PD +44 (0)20 7910 5000 Contents Contents 1 2 INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND 1 Background 1 The Importance of the Manchester Hub 1 Manchester Hub Phase 1 Study 1 This Report 2 TRANSPORT MODELLING AND BENEFIT ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY OVERVIEW 3 Required Outputs 3 Modelling Approach 3 The Manchester Hub Rail Corridors 5 Modelling of Passenger Service Level Improvement Benefits 10 Modelling of Rail Freight Improvement Benefits 11 3 USING THE ECONOMIC SCENARIOS 13 4 TIMETABLE AND ROLLING STOCK SCENARIOS 15 Do Minimum Scenario 15 Test Service Level Improvement Scenario 15 5 GEOGRAPHICAL ZONING 19 6 EXOGENOUS DEMAND GROWTH (WITH RIFF MODEL) 23 Approach 23 Base Data 23 Growth Assumptions 24 Outputs 27 7 IMPACT OF SERVICE IMPROVEMENT ON DEMAND (MOIRA) 29 8 AIRPORT FLOWS MODEL 31 Introduction 31 Calibration 32 Application 34 Outputs 34 “NEW FLOWS” MODEL 37 Objective 37 Selection of Flows 37 Inputs to the Model 37 Specification and Calibration of the Model 38 9 Contents 10 11 12 13 14 15 Estimated Parameters 42 Application 43 CROWDING MODEL 45 Inputs 45 Approach 45 Outputs 47 TRANSPORT BENEFITS APPRAISAL 49 Overview 49 Inputs 49 Approach 50 Outputs 51 WIDER ECONOMIC BENEFITS APPRAISAL 53 Transport Data (demand and generalised costs) 53 Economic Data 54 Agglomeration Elasticities 54 Wider Economic Benefits Calculations 54 Forecasting Other Years 56 Aggregation to Corridors 56 Outputs 56 FREIGHT MODEL 59 Introduction 59 Approach 60 Valuation of SLMs 62 MODELLING RESULTS FOR THE TEST TIMETABLE SCENARIO 63 Exogenous Growth 63 Forecast Passenger Demand 68 Metrics by Corridor 70 Appraisal Results 75 Freight Modelling and Appraisal Results 80 OUTPUT STATEMENT METRICS 81 Timetable-driven Benefits 81 Capacity-driven Benefits 87 Freight Benefits 89 Contents FIGURES Figure 2.1 Schematic of Modelling Approach 4 Figure 2.2 Manchester Hub Corridors 7 Figure 2.3 Northern City Regions 9 Figure 2.4 Passenger Service Level Benefit Assessment Schematic 11 Figure 4.1 Manchester Hub - Test Scenario Suburban Service Pattern 17 Figure 4.2 Manchester Hub - Test Scenario Long Distance Service Pattern 18 Figure 5.1 Manchester Hub MOIRA OR23 and RIFF-Lite Zoning Schemes 20 Figure 5.2 WEB zoning scheme 21 Figure 6.1 Economic Forecasts Trend vs Tempro (National) 24 Figure 6.2 Economic Forecasts Trend vs. Tempro (Manchester) 25 Figure 6.3 Economic forecasts Trend Plus vs Trend Scenarios (Manchester) 25 Figure 8.1 Airport Model Summary outputs 35 Figure 9.1 Chosen Model All Ticket Types with GVA within 1500m 41 Figure 9.2 Residual Erros plotted against independent variables 41 Figure 9.3 Residual Errors plotted against actual journeys 42 Figure 9.4 Change in Journeys under Do Minimum and TeST Scenarios 44 Figure 11.1 Appraisal structure 49 Figure 13.1 Rail Freight in the North West RUS Area 59 Figure 14.1 Forecast GVA Growth, 2007/8 to 2019/20, for Trend and Trend Plus Economic Scenarios 63 Forecast employment growth, 2007/8 to 2019/20, for Trend and Trend Plus economic scenarios 64 Forecast Passenger Journeys Growth, 2007/8 to 2019/20, for Trend and Trend Plus Economic Scenarios 65 Figure 14.4 Manchester Hub Passenger Journey Forecasts by Corridor 68 Figure 14.5 Manchester Hub Passenger Journey Forecasts by Corridor 69 Figure 14.6 Trend Scenario benefits by corridor and flow geography 78 Figure 14.7 Trend Scenario benefits by corridor and benefit type 79 Figure 14.8 Trend Plus Scenario benefits by corridor and flow geography type 79 Figure 14.9 Trend Plus Scenario benefits by corridor and benefit type 80 Figure 14.2 Figure 14.3 Contents TABLES Table 2.1 Manchester Hub Corridors Table 6.1 Journeys and Revenue from PTE products 24 Table 6.2 Overlay in RIFF-Lite applied to PTE areas 26 Table 6.3 Exogenous growth drivers - sources and assumptions 27 Table 6.4 Exogenous growth impact by corridor 28 Table 8.1 Airport Model Parameter values 33 Table 8.2 Air passenger forecasts 34 Table 8.3 Airport Model Summary outputs 35 Table 9.1 New Flows models estimated 39 Table 9.2 Glossary Of Terms 40 Table 9.3 New Flows Gravity Model Estimated Parameters 42 Table 10.1 Crowding Uplift / Suppression Factors (2019) 48 Table 11.1 Example Appraisal model outputs only for one corridor / Geography Classification 51 Table 12.1 Wider Economic Benefits – Trend Scenario 57 Table 12.2 Wider Economic Benefits - Trend Plus Scenario 58 Table 13.1 Comparison of container freight transport costs 61 Table 13.2 SLM inputs 62 Table 14.1 Exogenous Passenger Growth by Corridor and flow geography Type Trend Scenario 66 Exogenous Passenger Growth by Corridor and flow Geography Type Trend PLUS Scenario 67 Table 14.3 Impact of Test Timetable and Rolling Stock on Demand (2019/20) 70 Table 14.4 GJT Improvement by corridor 71 Table 14.5 GJT Change Splits 72 Table 14.6 Incremental seats in AM peak by corridor 74 Table 14.7 Incremental seats in HIGH AM peak by corridor 74 Table 14.8 Summary of benefits due to improvement in passenger rail services 75 Table 14.9 Total Benefits by Benefit and Geography type - Trend Scenario 76 Table 14.10 Total Benefits by Benefit and Geography Type - Trend Plus Scenario 77 Table 15.1 Trend Scenario - Timetable-related benefits per GJT minute improvement by benefit type 81 Trend Scenario - Timetable-related benefits per GJT minute improvement by flow type 82 Trend Scenario - Timetable-related benefits split by element of GJT improvement 83 Table 14.2 Table 15.2 Table 15.3 6 Contents Table 15.4 Trend Plus Scenario - Timetable-related benefits per GJT minute improvement by benefit type 84 Trend Plus Scenario - Timetable-related benefits per GJT minute improvement by flow type 85 Trend Plus Scenario - Timetable-related benefits split by element of GJT improvement 86 Table 15.7 Trend Scenario – crowding benefit per incremental AM peak seat 87 Table 15.8 Trend Plus Scenario – crowding benefit per incremental AM peak seat 88 Table 15.9 Trend Scenario – crowding benefit per incremental HIGH AM peak seat 88 Table 15.10 Trend Plus Scenario – crowding benefit per incremental HIGH AM peak seat 89 Table 15.5 Table 15.6 APPENDICES DETAILED APPRAISAL RESULTS TEST TIMETABLE SCENARIO Contents Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment 1 Introduction and Background Background 1.1 1.2 The Northern Way Growth Strategy published in 2004 identified three overarching transport objectives that reflect closely the conclusions on investment focus contained in the Eddington Transport Study published subsequently in December 2006: I Better links within city regions; I Better links between city regions; and I Better connections to the global gateways – airports and ports. These objectives were developed by the Northern Way into a Strategic Direction for Transport that examined which transport interventions, in terms of policies and schemes, would best serve the aim of improving radically the North’s economic competitiveness. In that report, the single most important investment needed in the North’s rail network is identified as being the Manchester Hub, because it critically affects the operation of both freight and passenger services across the whole of the North. The Importance of the Manchester Hub 1.3 Addressing the capacity constraints in and around the Manchester Hub is critical for supporting growth in rail commuting to Manchester city centre, the improvement of rail links between the North’s City Regions, rail access to Manchester Airport, the largest international airport in the North, the continued improvement of fast rail links to London and for the growth of rail freight traffic, including to and from the North’s major ports. Resolution of the Manchester Hub problem, which is essentially the capacity constraint created by the poorly-interconnected Victorian-era rail networks in Manchester, will require capital investment. The improved infrastructure that would result will allow the reliable operation of a muchenhanced set of services. Manchester Hub Phase 1 Study 1.4 On 4th October 2007, the then Department for Transport Minister, Rosie Winterton announced that a study would be undertaken to develop proposals to enhance the capacity and functionality of the Manchester Hub. This was is response to the work of the Northern Way. Subsequently, the structure of the study was agreed to be in two phases, with the first phase led by the Northern Way and the second by Network Rail. 1.5 The objective of Phase 1 is to produce a Manchester Hub Output Statement as a formal input to the subsequent Phase 2. Part of the Output Statement takes the form of a quantified assessment of the economic value of rail service level 1 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment improvements in and around the Manchester Hub. These quantified assessments and the approach to deriving them form the subject of this report. 1.6 The delivery of Phase 1 required the undertaking of an Economics Study to produce two economic scenarios (named Trend and Trend Plus, respectively) which have feed into this Transport Study. The Transport Study consists of the modelling of transport impacts of rail services improvements and an assessment of the resulting economic benefits for each of the two economic scenarios. 1.7 The results of the Transport Study and the Economic Study, together with preexisting work establishing the evidence base behind the Manchester Hub and capturing stakeholders’ requirements have been used to create the Output Statement, which is a separate and stand-alone document. This Report 1.8 This Final Report sets out the work undertaken and the results from the Transport Study. The Economics Study has been undertaken by Experian, and is reported separately. As noted, the Output Statement is a stand-alone document. 1.9 This Report sets out: 1.10 I An overview of the methodology (Chapter 2); I Using the Economic Scenarios (Chapter 3); I The Timetable and Rolling Stock Scenarios (Chapter 4); I Details of the methodology and sub-models (Chapters 5 to 13); I Results of the Benefit Assessment for the Test Scenario (Chapter 14); and I Disaggregated Rates of Benefit for the Output Statement (Chapter 15). Appendix A gives more detailed results and Appendix B gives the train service specification corresponding to the test timetable scenario. 2 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment 2 Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment Methodology Overview Required Outputs 2.1 The purpose of the transport modelling and benefit assessment described in this report is to provide a key component of the Manchester Hub Output Statement. It establishes the economic value of a plausible set of rail service level improvements in and around the Manchester Hub. In Phase 1, we only consider the benefits of service improvements, and not the costs, which will be assessed in the light of particular options developed in the Phase 2 study. The methodology is tailored to this requirement. 2.2 In assessing benefits, we have used the traditional appraisal tools to assess transport benefits, as well as the more recently developed Wider Economic Benefits methodology. We have chosen to present results in terms of: I Different types of benefits per unit improvement of service level; and I Geographically disaggregated by rail corridor (and geographically by journey type within corridor). 2.3 These results, which are incorporated within the Output Statement, in themselves help provide guidance on the type of scheme to be developed in Phase 2. They are also used to evidence the Conditional Outputs that form an integral part of the Output Statement. 2.4 The results presented here focus attention on those potential improvements that offer the highest benefit per unit service improvement, and further, contribute to understanding the type of improvement (e.g. journey time, frequency, connections or crowding) likely to drive greatest benefits. In turn, this will facilitate the optioneering and formal appraisal processes in Phase 2. 2.5 Results have been provided for both the Trend and Trend Plus economic growth scenarios. Modelling Approach 2.6 2.7 In common with all appraisal processes, it was necessary to define: I A “do-minimum” case, i.e. what would happen if no (uncommitted) improvements were undertaken; and I A “test” timetable scenario for a set of exemplar service level improvements proposed, with appropriate rolling stock enhancements. Additionally, because of the particular circumstances of the study, we have also defined key metrics against which the estimated economic benefits can be considered, at a suitable level of geographical disaggregation. These are: 3 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment 2.8 I Changes in average generalised journey times within each geographical corridor; and I Changes in seats available on long-distance and suburban trains in each corridor during the AM peak. The diagram below shows a schematic of the overall approach, with the appraisal of benefits translating, via the changes to metrics arising from the introduction of the Test Timetable scenario, into the Output Statement rates of disaggregated benefits. FIGURE 2.1 SCHEMATIC OF MODELLING APPROACH Economic Model: Assumptions based on updated TEMPRO / City Region Development Plans Assumptions Based on Stakeholder Consultation / HLOS Assumptions Based on DfT White Paper and Freight RUS Economic Scenarios: Timetable and Rolling Stock Scenarios Freight Growth Scenario Trend and Trend Plus Test and Do Minimum Freight Model Passenger Models Benefit Appraisal Results Timetable and rolling stock metrics Output Statement – Disaggregated Rates of Benefit (for Trend and Trend Plus scenarios) 2.9 The modelling approach has also been strongly influenced by an understanding of stakeholders’ aspirations for the Manchester Hub (and which are set out in other documents as well as in the Output Statement itself). The improvements sought by Stakeholders have fed into the design of the “test” timetable scenario, allowing the marginal economic value of those improvements to be assessed. 2.10 During the consultation process, Stakeholders identified a number of relevant markets for which improvement were necessary, as follows: I The Manchester commuter network: journeys to work, other trips; I Current longer distance markets: within the North, to London and cross country, business and other purpose trips; I Markets not currently well served by rail: 4 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment for example, between corridors currently on the rail network but with no, or very poor connections to/across Manchester, and which could have much better levels of service; I Air passengers to Manchester Airport: UK and overseas passengers, business and leisure; and I Freight: inter-modal, other commodities. 2.11 2.12 These markets have helped to determine the modelling approach described in more detail below. In particular we have distinguished between: I Trips to and from Manchester Airport; I Journeys across Manchester (i.e. not to or from the centre), or not directly linked to the centre, currently not well-served by rail; I Suburban and long-distance services; and I Freight. The approach to modelling the benefits from passenger service level improvements and, separately, the benefits from improvements allowing additional freight services to operate, are set out below. The detailed modelling approach for each element is then set out in subsequent sections. The Manchester Hub Rail Corridors 2.13 The size and complexity of the Manchester Hub meant that it was necessary to disaggregate the rail network into well-defined corridors into the Hub, so that the impact of particular service changes could be assessed and assigned to the relevant part of the network, as a basis for the subsequent Optioneering of potential solutions in Phase 2 of the study. We defined a set of 14 corridors, based on a combination of Network Rail’s corridor definitions (from the North West RUS) and an analysis of the service patterns currently operating. The map in Figure 2.2 shows the corridors. 2.14 For convenience, we have labelled the corridors as follows (Table 2.1). 5 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment TABLE 2.1 MANCHESTER HUB CORRIDORS 1 Southport via Wigan 2 Preston and the North via Bolton 3 Blackburn 4 Bradford via Rochdale 5 Yorkshire and the Humber & the North East via Leeds 5a Leeds and York 5b North of York (towards Tees, Tyne and Scotland) 5c East of Leeds (towards Hull) 6 Glossop / Hadfield 7 Marple / Romiley 8 Yorkshire & the East Midlands via Sheffield 9 Buxton 10 London, Birmingham and the South (via WCML) 11 Manchester Airport 12 Chester via Northwich 13 Liverpool via Irlam 14 Liverpool / Chester via Warrington 2.15 All rail stations used in the modelling (in practice those used in MOIRA OR23, as described below) were then mapped to the rail corridors. Stations in Central Manchester were classified as “corridor 0”, i.e. effectively being in all the 14 corridors, while stations not in any corridor were mapped as a residual, though large category. 2.16 Note that corridor 5 (the North Trans-Pennine route) has, where appropriate, been sub-divided into three sub-corridors to allow a distinction to be made between journeys on the core route to Leeds and York (5a), those travelling from further away, in the direction of the Tees Valley, Tyne and Wear and Scotland (5b) and those travelling from the Hull direction (5c). 6 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment FIGURE 2.2 MANCHESTER HUB CORRIDORS 7 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment 2.17 The corridors, and the mapping of stations to each corridor, thus enabled the benefits estimated in the modelling to be ascribed, firstly, to one of the 14 corridors and, secondly, to one of 10 “flow geography types”, defining the type of journey, in terms of the origin and destinations, as follows: 1. Flows to/from Central Manchester from Inner Manchester City Region 2. Flows to/from Central Manchester from Outer Manchester City Region 3. Flows to/from Central Manchester from Other City Regions 4. Flows to/from Central Manchester from Long Distance stations 5. Other intra corridor flows 6. Inter corridor flows where one or both ends is in the Manchester City Region 7. Inter corridor flows where neither end is in the Manchester City Region 8. Flows to/from Manchester Airport from Manchester City Region 9. Flows to/from Manchester Airport from outside Manchester City Region 10. Flows to all other station 2.18 Note that in the above classification, double-counting is avoided in categories 6 and 7 (inter-corridor journeys) by basing the assignment to corridor on journey origins (on a producer-attractor, or point of sale, rather than direction of travel, basis). 2.19 The flow geography categories have also been used, in a slightly modified form, in the presentation of the breakdown of exogenous growth. 2.20 The map below shows the definitions of City Regions used. 8 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment FIGURE 2.3 NORTHERN CITY REGIONS 9 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment Modelling of Passenger Service Level Improvement Benefits 2.21 2.22 The process for modelling the economic value of passenger service level improvements in and around the Manchester Hub required the following steps: I Development of a suitable interface to receive the outputs from the Economic Model scenarios; I Development of suitable geographical “zoning” schemes, including the definition of rail corridors into central Manchester; I Definition of the “do-minimum” scenario against which the test scenario can be tested; I Development of a “test scenario” rail service specification, which captured stakeholder aspirations to allow the benefits associated with these improvements to be assessed; I Modelling of the impact of exogenous factors (economic growth, etc.) on rail demand; I Modelling of the impact of the improved rail services on rail demand; I Modelling the impact of crowding; I Developing tools to undertake the appraisal of transport benefits; and I Developing tools to undertake the appraisal of wider economic benefits. At the core of this process are the models of rail demand. Where appropriate, we have used the standard industry tools for forecasting exogenous growth (RIFF-Lite) and service changes (MOIRA). However, there are two special cases where this is not an appropriate approach, namely for: I Journeys to Manchester Airport; and I Journeys on “new flows” where demand was historically low, but where the change to the service specification would result in a significantly changed generalised journey time, beyond the level appropriate for the use of the elasticity parameters in MOIRA. 2.23 We have therefore developed a model of rail journeys to the Airport, taking account of the air passenger forecast for Manchester Airport and the modelled impact of service level changes on rail’s airport access share. This is described in Chapter 8. 2.24 Similarly, we have developed a model of rail journeys on connecting flows across Manchester, where significantly improved journey times, frequencies and connectivity between services means that a “new flows” model, using a gravity model approach is appropriate. This is described in Chapter 9. 2.25 The schematic diagram below (Figure 2.4) shows the relationships between the various input data, assumptions and models used to assess the economic value of enhanced passenger services. 10 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment FIGURE 2.4 PASSENGER SERVICE LEVEL BENEFIT ASSESSMENT SCHEMATIC Economic Model Trend and Trend Plus Scenarios Rolling stock assumptions (do-min = HLOS) Timetable changes by corridor (do-min = Dec08 TT) Disaggregated economic actuals and forecasts for Trend and Trend Plus scenarios Exogenous growth parameters based on PDFH with HLOS overlay Base demand data: LENNON with infill for GMPTE RIFF - LITE Crowding Model Base rail GJTs, car journey times New flows gravity model Do-min MOIRA base matrix Test Scenario MOIRA base matrix (future year journeys and revenues for all flows) (future year journeys and revenues, for airport flows and “new flows” only) Airport passenger survey / Airport passenger forecast Airport flows model MOIRA Appraisal – Conventional and Wider Economic Benefits Modelling of Rail Freight Improvement Benefits 2.26 The approach taken towards the modelling of freight improvement benefits complements that used for passenger service improvement, but is necessarily much simpler, due to the lack of available detailed demand forecast information and accepted modelling tools. 2.27 Rail freight in the Manchester area uses a number of freight terminals, but those at Trafford Park have particular importance, especially for inter-modal freight. Other terminals in the Manchester area are important, for example, for handling aggregates. For this reason, the explicit definition of rail corridors, used for modelling passenger services, is inappropriate. Instead, we have focused on the likely demand for freight trains for particular commodities to the Manchester area. In practice, evidence suggests that major growth is likely to be in the inter-modal container sector, and we have concentrated our analysis on this. 2.28 There are no currently industry-accepted freight forecasts beyond 2014-15, the end date of Network Rail’s Freight RUS document (March 2007), although we are aware that Rail Freight Group have developed forecasts to 2030. (We have not had access to the detailed results of these however, and they do not, in any case, necessarily represent an accepted industry view.) We have therefore based our analysis on assumptions for future growth that we believe are consistent with the levels of growth assumed within the Freight RUS, and consistent with Government ambition for a doubling of traffic (Rail White Paper, 2007). 11 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment 2.29 We have validated our forecast by comparing costs of road and rail freight to demonstrate the economic viability of the rail freight options for freight flows from key origins (principally the deep sea ports for container freight, in particular Southampton and Felixstowe). 2.30 Based on our forecast additional demand, we have identified where additional freight paths into Manchester are required and the number that are required, and we have estimated the societal benefits for the operation of these paths. These can also be stated in terms of benefit per additional freight path. 12 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment 3 Using the Economic Scenarios 3.1 In establishing the long-term economic benefits of rail service improvements, it is essential to define one or more economic scenarios under which those improvements will be implemented. For this study, it was decided to estimate benefits for two different economic scenarios: I The “Trend” Scenario, essentially conforming to Government economic growth and planning assumptions (with population and employment conforming, approximately, to the forecasts in DfT’s TEMPRO models); and I The “Trend Plus” Scenario, based on the assumption that economic growth in the North of England will be accelerated by the implementation of the three Regional Economic Strategies and the eight City Regions’ Development Programmes. 3.2 Based on this approach, it is possible to assess the value of the service improvements in a scenario essentially recognised by the forecasting community (the Trend Scenario), as well as under a “stretch target” scenario in which the City Regions’ plans are successful. The comparison of the results under the two scenarios should provide insights into (the transport component) of the likely benefits to be achieved should those plans be successful in enhancing economic growth in the North. 3.3 The Trend and Trend Plus scenarios were developed by economic consultants Experian, with the outputs feeding into the transport modelling and benefit assessment described in this Report. The format of the output, described below, was designed to ensure that the maximum value from the information in the Economic Study was captured for transport modelling purposes. 3.4 The key outputs from Experian’s analysis were a baseline set of values (2006) and annual forecasts to 2030 for the following variables: I GVA: total and disaggregated into nine industry groupings, based on SIC codes; I Workplace Employment: total and disaggregated into nine industry groupings, based on SIC codes; I Population; I Households; I Residence-based employment: total and disaggregated into nine occupation types; and I 3.5 Unemployment. These data items were used to drive the impact of exogenous variables on rail demand (see Chapter 6) and in the “New Flows” model (see Chapter 9). For this to be successful, it was necessary to map the economic data into the transport model 13 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment at an appropriate level of geographical disaggregation, capturing the differential changes in these factors in each geographical area. 3.6 The zoning used in the transport modelling is described in Chapter 5. This zoning was based, to a large extent, on rail geography, whereas the economic data is available at various hierarchies of regional, local authority and (Census) “output area”. Bringing these together successfully required the economic data to be available at a sufficiently disaggregate level that each geographical unit of the economic data could unambiguously be mapped to a transport modelling zone. For this purpose, the lower level “Super Output Area” (LSOA) unit was used by Experian. There are approximately 30,000 of these covering England and Wales. For Scotland, Intermediate areas were used (about a further 1000 zones). 14 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment 4 Timetable and Rolling Stock Scenarios Do Minimum Scenario 4.1 In this study (as in any modelling and appraisal process) it was necessary to define the base case against which any proposed scheme or “test scenario” could be tested. In this study, the appraisal does not involve any estimation of costs, nor is a particular scheme being formally appraised. Nevertheless, in order to provide a useful estimation of the economic value of service improvements, a similar approach is required, with the definition of a base or “do minimum” case, as well as of a “test scenario” (described below). 4.2 It is assumed that any scheme emerging from the Manchester Hub study (in Phase 2) would not be able to be developed during CP4 (2009-2014) as no funding is currently available to implement such a scheme in this period . It has therefore been assumed that any emerging scheme would be developed during CP5 (2014-19). 4.3 The Do Minimum case has, therefore, been assumed to consist of any developments that are planned and/or funded during the CP4. These include: I The December 2008 timetable (no information on any timetable changes beyond this being available); I Fleet strengthening as specified under the Government’s HLOS commitments to the two relevant TOCs, Northern and TPE; I Fleet strengthening as specified under the Transport Innovation Fund (TIF) scheme for Greater Manchester1; I Infrastructure works committed under HLOS (although in practice these do not materially affect the modelling); and I The Manchester Airport air passenger forecast, as set out in the Airport’s Masterplan. Test Service Level Improvement Scenario Background 4.4 1 We have defined a “test scenario” of significant service improvements, incorporating, for each corridor, changes to: I Journey times; I Service frequencies; The do-minimum case included relevant schemes proposed for CP4 (2009/10 – 2013/14), i.e. those proposed in the North West RUS, the Freight RUS and the rolling-stock enhancements of the Manchester TIF programme. In the light of the rejection of the congestion charging in the recent referendum and the subsequent abandonment of the charging proposal, when undertaken any future appraisals, it will be necessary to revisit these assumptions in respect of the TIF programme. However, the findings described in this report on the benefits per unit enhancement on corridors approaching the Hub remain valid. 15 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment I Direct through services or convenient interchange at a Central Manchester station; and I Additional vehicles to reduce overcrowding. 4.5 The changes assumed reflect plausible and significant, but incremental, changes to existing service levels. They differ corridor by corridor reflecting market and operational realities. The overall impact of the timetable change is to reduce average (generalised) journey times within the corridors by 8%. 4.6 In reality, it is likely that any actual scheme developed would provide a different balance of service improvements from those specified in our test timetable scenario. For this reason, while we present the results of modelling the benefits of the test scenario (in comparison with the do minimum case) to give a clear and understandable outline of the likely economic impact if the test scenario were to be delivered, we have translated these benefits into a per-unit-of-service-improvement basis for the purposes of developing the Output Statement. 4.7 The benefit assessment for the test timetable scenario is presented in Chapter 14. The Output Statement metrics are presented in Chapter 15. Details of the test timetable scenario Train Services 4.8 The test scenario was based, as noted above, on specifying a level of service which would be likely to go a significant way to meeting stakeholders’ broad aspirations. In defining the scenario we were, however, conscious of the need to remain realistic in terms of the improvements that could, potentially, be delivered. 4.9 For modelling purposes, it was also necessary to specify a detailed timetable (coded into the MOIRA system). While it was therefore also necessary, given the requirements of MOIRA, to make assumptions about the exact stations served, in particular in Central Manchester, the benefit assessment is not dependent on the exact details of this. The test scenario should, therefore, be interpreted in terms of the level of service set out for each corridor to and from Central Manchester, with through services to other corridors. Service frequency objectives were established for suburban and long-distance services respectively, and target journey times for key destinations were also established. 4.10 The test timetable scenario is shown schematically by corridor in Figure 4.1 (suburban services) and Figure 4.2 (long-distance services) below. Full details, with through services between corridors, trains per hour and journey times to key destinations, are shown in Appendix B. Rolling Stock 4.11 In the test scenario rolling stock was assumed to be sufficient to match exogenous demand growth and to ensure a lower level of crowding than in the Do Minimum scenario, despite the additional demand generated by improved services. For all groups of services this implied a significant increase in the available number of seats in the AM peak (in some cases, this was a very substantial increase). 16 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment FIGURE 4.1 MANCHESTER HUB - TEST SCENARIO SUBURBAN SERVICE PATTERN 17 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment FIGURE 4.2 MANCHESTER HUB - TEST SCENARIO LONG DISTANCE SERVICE PATTERN 18 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment 5 Geographical Zoning 5.1 In a modelling exercise of this nature, a key preparatory activity is the development of geographical zoning schemes used in the modelling. It is essential to find a balance between sufficient detail to capture the essence of the geographical relationships within the area to be modelled without using excessive detail, which adds to the complexity, timescales and feasibility of the modelling. MOIRA OR23 Zones 5.2 In order to implement the modelling, the rail corridors and services had to be represented by a number of zoning schemes. In each case, the schemes were established to provide a lot of detail for the area in and around Manchester, with decreasing disaggregation as the distance away from Manchester increased. Different schemes were established for different purposes. 5.3 The most detailed zoning scheme was the set of stations and groups of stations used by the MOIRA model used in the study. MOIRA version OR23, which is DfT’s version for the north of England, was used, as its zoning system is ideal for focusing on Manchester. This scheme has approximately 700 zones. 5.4 Conceptually, as MOIRA is a rail-focused model, its “zones” do not represent geographical areas, but rather, groups of stations. However, it was necessary to define such geographical areas in order to map the economic data (which as noted above, was provided on an LSOA basis – see paragraph 3.6) onto the MOIRA zones. 5.5 To achieve this, based on the geographical location of Great Britain’s 2500 stations, a set of “Voronois” were established, using GIS-based software2. These created areas around each station, where the boundaries were situated so that all points within the boundary were nearer to that station than to any other station. Where stations were grouped within the MOIRA zone, the Voronois were then combined to form the final geographical definition for each MOIRA zone. 5.6 This enabled each LSOA to be assigned to one MOIRA zone using GIS software (the LSOAs being significantly smaller in extent than each MOIRA zone). 5.7 The MOIRA OR23 zones were used directly in modelling rail services within the MOIRA model (Chapter 7 below) and also within the New Flows model (Chapter 9 below). They also formed the foundation for two less disaggregate zoning systems used for the exogenous demand growth forecasts (using RIFF) and for the estimation of Wider Economic Benefits (WEBs). RIFF Macrozones 5.8 2 The RIFF model was used to forecast the growth in rail demand over time due to exogenous factors (such as GDP, employment, etc.). Although a “Northern Case A set of “Voronois”, named after their Russian inventor, defines the bounded areas around each of a set of given points such that all other points within each boundary are nearer to the given point defining the Voronoi than to any other given point. 19 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment Study” had previously been developed to cover the region, as part of the suite of models focusing on each geographical region provided for the PDFC, it was felt necessary to create a bespoke version for this study, which distinguished different parts of, in particular, Greater Manchester, based on which rail corridor they were situated in. The version created had 91 different zones, generally simple combinations of the MOIRA OR23 zones. 5.9 The MOIRA OR23 and RIFF Macrozoning schemes, as mapped to geographical areas using the Voronoi approach described above, are illustrated in Figure 5.1 below. FIGURE 5.1 MANCHESTER HUB MOIRA OR23 AND RIFF-LITE ZONING SCHEMES 20 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment Wider Economic Benefit Zoning 5.10 For the purpose of assessing Wider Economic Benefits of rail service improvements (see Chapter 12), it was necessary to develop a third zoning scheme, intermediate between the MOIRA OR23 and RIFF-Lite schemes described above, as the raw MOIRA data contains too many zones for practical WEBs calculation. The zones created are based on the MOIRA system in Greater Manchester and on the RIFF zones outside Greater Manchester. 5.11 This procedure resulted in approximately 190 zones across Great Britain. The WEBs zoning scheme is illustrated in Figure 5.2 below. FIGURE 5.2 WEB ZONING SCHEME 21 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment MOIRA Service Codes 5.12 In addition to the location- and area-based zoning systems described above, it was also necessary to categorise the trains operated through the Manchester Hub, so that they could be tied to the rail corridor through which they operated (trains that passed through Manchester, emerging into a different corridor, were categorised separately to the relevant corridor for each part of their journey). This categorisation enabled the impact of crowding on trains in each corridor to be identified (see Chapter 10). 5.13 The categorisation of trains into corridors was achieved by adapting the MOIRA model’s service code system, which classifies trains into groups of services operated by the Train Operating Companies (TOCs). Because the rail corridors for the study were originally defined with reference to existing service patterns, it was necessary only to modify a minority of train codings. 5.14 The effect of this recoding was that, on each corridor, all trains were grouped into one or two service codes (for long-distance and suburban services respectively), in all the timetables used in the study, thus allowing comparisons between different timetables on a service code by service code basis, easily translated into corridor by corridor terms. 22 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment 6 Exogenous Demand Growth (with RIFF Model) Approach 6.1 We used the RIFF-Lite forecasting model to model the effect of exogenous factors and fares on future rail demand. The purpose of the model was to produce future year growth indices by zone pair (station, or grouped station, origin and destination pair) that could be applied to the base year matrix of rail demand used in this study to produce future year base matrices for 2019/20, 2024/25 and 2029/30. 6.2 RIFF-Lite is a modelling application developed by Steer Davies Gleave for the rail industry. RIFF-Lite provides a framework within which it is possible to forecast how the demand for rail passenger journeys will change given changes in a number of “demand drivers” that are known to influence rail demand. It uses an elasticity based approach to model the growth in rail demand. We have used the PDFH 4.1 parameters for all demand drivers. 6.3 Rail demand is forecast on an origin/destination zone basis and further segmented by flow category, ticket type, journey purpose and distance band. The factors may be internal i.e. actions taken by train service operators, e.g. fares, or external, e.g. economic, demographic or competitive factors. 6.4 We have created a customised Case Study model which has 91 zones covering the whole of Great Britain. The zoning is such that the geographical focus is on the core study area i.e. in and around Manchester with larger and more granular zones moving away from the GMPTE area. This is illustrated in Figure 5.1 above. Base Data 6.5 RIFF-Lite is underpinned by a base matrix of journeys and revenue data derived from LENNON and is segmented by five ticket types: Full, Reduced, Seasons, Reduced Walk-up, Reduced Advance and Miscellaneous. We have used the 2007/08 Lennon data for the base matrix. 6.6 Because non-geographical tickets (i.e. those not specifying a start and an end station) are not included in the Lennon data used in the base matrix, we also developed an “infill” matrix to supplement this to account for sales of PTE products in the GMPTE area. Table 6.1 below shows the rail patronage and revenue associated with GMPTE products and the percentage uplift of journeys and revenue in GMPTE area due to these. 23 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment TABLE 6.1 JOURNEYS AND REVENUE FROM PTE PRODUCTS In filled Matrix Uplift to Base demand Full Seasons Reduced Total Journeys (’000s) 178 3,882 256 4,316 Revenue (£’000s) 260 5,109 316 5,686 Journeys 0.21% 2.96% 0.16% 1.2% Revenue 0.03% 1.03% 0.02% 0.20% Growth Assumptions The main external demand drivers considered were GDP, employment, population, car ownership, motoring cost, air passenger growth and bus fare and time. The growth assumptions for the economic factors (GDP, employment and population) are provided by Economic Study conducted by Experian. As previously described Trend and Trend Plus economic scenarios were defined for which economic projections were provided by Experian (as described at paragraph 3.1 above). The Experian forecasts capture the forward view of economic performance current in Summer 2008. The two figures below (Figure 6.1 and Figure 6.2) illustrate how economic growth forecasts for GDP per capita, employment and population from Experian Economic study compare with those from forecasts from Tempro v5.4 at National level and for Manchester area. FIGURE 6.1 ECONOMIC FORECASTS TREND VS TEMPRO (NATIONAL) National: Comparison Trend vs Tempro growth rates 3.00% 2.50% 2.00% 1.50% 1.00% 0.50% 30 29 20 28 20 27 20 26 20 25 20 24 20 23 20 22 20 21 20 20 20 19 Employment Trend Population Trend 20 18 20 17 20 16 20 15 20 14 20 13 20 12 Employment Tempro GDP Per capita tempro 20 11 20 10 20 09 20 08 20 -0.50% 20 07 0.00% 20 6.7 Population Tempro GDP Per capita Trend 24 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment FIGURE 6.2 ECONOMIC FORECASTS TREND VS. TEMPRO (MANCHESTER) Manchester: Comparison Trend vs Tempro growth Rates 3.50% 3.00% 2.50% 2.00% 1.50% 1.00% 0.50% 30 28 29 20 20 27 20 26 20 25 20 20 23 22 24 20 20 20 20 19 21 20 20 18 Employment Trend GDP Tempro Population Tempro GDP Trend The corresponding results for the Trend Plus economic scenario, for Manchester, are shown in the chart below. The impact of Trend Plus, compared to the Trend Scenario, is less significant, since the differences between the scenarios only affect the North of England, with no changes in other regions. FIGURE 6.3 ECONOMIC FORECASTS TREND PLUS VS TREND SCENARIOS (MANCHESTER) Comparison Growth Rates: Trend vs Trend Plus 6.00% 5.00% 4.00% 3.00% 2.00% 1.00% Employment Trend Employment Trend Plus GVA Trend GVA Trend Plus Population Trend Population Trend Plus 2030 2029 2028 2027 2026 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 0.00% 2007 6.8 20 17 Employment Tempro Population Trend 20 15 16 20 20 13 14 20 20 20 11 10 12 20 20 20 08 09 20 20 20 07 0.00% 25 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment 6.9 In addition to these input growth rates, we have also applied a further demand driver to account for the more rapid growth in PTE areas that has recently been experienced, and which is not fully explained by the standard PDFH exogenous elasticity parameters. This is consistent with Network Modelling Framework and DfT’s forecasting approach for HLOS. Table 6.2 below provides the details of the values assigned to this demand driver for the relevant PTEs for each year under consideration. TABLE 6.2 6.10 OVERLAY IN RIFF-LITE APPLIED TO PTE AREAS GMPTE Metro Nexus SYPTE 2007 3.66% 9.84% 10.83% 13.93% 2008 3.04% 7.39% 7.68% 10.40% 2009 2.12% 4.94% 3.91% 6.77% 2010 1.51% 1.83% -0.20% 1.81% 2011 1.53% 1.84% -0.18% 1.83% 2012 1.54% 1.85% -0.16% 1.85% 2013 1.56% 1.86% -0.14% 1.87% 2014 1.17% 1.39% -0.11% 1.40% 2015 0.78% 0.93% -0.07% 0.94% 2016 0.39% 0.46% -0.04% 0.47% 2017 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% The following table lists the demand drivers included and the source for growth assumptions for these. 26 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment TABLE 6.3 EXOGENOUS GROWTH DRIVERS - SOURCES AND ASSUMPTIONS Demand Driver Name Source / Assumption Fare RPI + 1% GDP per Capita Experian Economic Study Employment Experian Economic Study Population Experian Economic Study Car Ownership Tempro v5.4 Fuel Cost WebTAG assumptions Car Time Network Modelling Framework assumptions derived from DfT’s National Transport Model Bus Cost Network Modelling Framework assumptions derived from DfT’s National Transport Model Bus Time Network Modelling Framework assumptions derived from DfT’s National Transport Model Overlay for PTE areas DfT NMF and Appraisal for HLOS evidence pack Outputs The case study model forecasts from base year 2007/08 through to 2030/31. 6.11 Future year growth indices were produced for year 2019/20 and 2029/30 by ticket type and Moira zone pair. The impact on demand by corridor to 2019/20 is shown in Table 6.4 (separately for the Trend and Trend Plus economic scenarios). This is also shown graphically below in Figure 14.3. Note that the data in this table does not take account of the impact of any timetable change (i.e. it assumes the Do Minimum timetable and rolling stock). 27 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment TABLE 6.4 EXOGENOUS GROWTH IMPACT BY CORRIDOR Forecast exogenous growth of rail journeys, based on Trend and Trend Plus scenarios Corr. No. Journeys (m) 2007/08 Journeys (m) 2019/20 Trend Growth Trend Growth 2007/08 to 2019/20 (%) Trend CAGR 2007/08 to 2019/20 (%) Journeys (m) 2019/20 Trend Plus Growth Trend Plus Growth 2007/08 to 2019/20 (%) Trend Plus CAGR 2007/08 to 2019/20 (%) 3.5 4.8 38% 2.7% 5.5 58% 3.9% 16.0 22.2 39% 2.8% 23.5 47% 3.2% 1 Corridor Southport via Wigan 2 Preston and the North via Bolton 3 Blackburn 1.8 2.4 35% 2.5% 2.6 49% 3.4% 4 Bradford via Rochdale 3.0 4.3 44% 3.1% 5.2 75% 4.8% 5 Yorkshire and the Humber & the North East via Leeds 17.1 22.4 31% 2.3% 27.9 64% 4.2% 6 Glossop / Hadfield 1.5 2.2 41% 2.9% 2.5 61% 4.1% 7 Marple / Romiley 1.3 2.0 49% 3.4% 2.2 70% 4.5% 8 Yorkshire & the East Midlands via Sheffield 8.6 12.4 44% 3.1% 14.1 63% 4.2% 9 Buxton 1.9 2.9 49% 3.4% 3.3 68% 4.4% 39.1 55.3 41% 2.9% 57.7 48% 3.3% 10 London, Birmingham and the South (via WCML) 11 Manchester Airport 2.3 3.5 49% 3.4% 3.6 58% 3.9% 12 Chester via Northwich 2.1 2.9 38% 2.7% 3.4 63% 4.1% 13 Liverpool via Irlam 1.6 2.1 34% 2.5% 2.4 50% 3.4% 14 Liverpool / Chester via Warrington 5.5 7.1 30% 2.2% 7.9 44% 3.1% 105.3 146.4 39% 2.8% 161.8 54% 3.6% Total 28 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment 7 Impact of Service Improvement on Demand (MOIRA) 7.1 Once the exogenous factors impacting rail growth have been estimated, the next stage in the modelling of demand is to estimate the impact of the improvement in passenger services represented by the test scenario, compared to the do minimum scenario. 7.2 The main tool for this analysis is the rail industry’s MOIRA model (although, as described below, for certain “new” flows and flows to Manchester Airport, a different approach is used, and the MOIRA results are disregarded). MOIRA is a wellestablished and widely used tool within the industry. The primary purpose of which is to estimate the impact of timetable changes on demand and revenue, and it is therefore well suited to the required task. 7.3 The basic methodology within MOIRA is to compare the average “generalised journey time” (actual journey time, with adjustments to allow for service interval and connection penalties) for journeys between all origin-destination pairs in the both do minimum and test scenario timetables. The change in the average GJT is then converted, by use of pre-established elasticity parameters into uplifts to demand resulting from introduction of the new timetable. As part of this methodology, MOIRA also allocates passenger journeys to individual trains, and hence to “service groups” (groupings of train services). The model produces outputs both by origin-destination pair and by service group, allowing detailed comparisons of the effects of timetable changes to be assessed. 7.4 MOIRA uses two main classes of data: rail timetables and a matrix of journeys and revenues by origin-destination pair (also known as flows). In this study, the relevant timetables for use in MOIRA were: I A historical rail timetable for May 2007 (required for calibration and baselining); I The anticipated “do-minimum” scenario timetable, based on the recently introduced December 2008 timetable; and I A representation of the “test” scenario service specification, coded into MOIRA. 7.5 While both the May 2007 and December 2008 timetables already existed within MOIRA, and needed only some recoding of trains into different service groups, the test scenario needed to be coded manually into the system. This was done on the basis of the service specification set out in Appendix B, on a “standard hour” basis (i.e. the standard pattern repeated throughout the day). Since operating costs are not considered in this study, there was no need to optimise the timetable to fit with peak, off-peak and night patterns of service. Rolling stock was treated separately, within the Crowding Model (see Chapter 10). 7.6 All three timetables were coded (or recoded) into a consistent set of service groups, with one service group for all suburban services and one for all long-distance services in each corridor, as noted at 5.12 above. 29 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment 7.7 Coding the test scenario into MOIRA required more operational detail than set out in the service specification (in particular, a routing through particular Manchester stations), but as noted above, the choices used in the coding within MOIRA were not intended to be other than a modelling construct, and do not significantly impact the modelling results. 7.8 The second set of data used by MOIRA is a “base matrix” of annual journeys and revenues by origin-destination pair (flow). This base matrix may be derived from historical data (usually from the LENNON ticket data base) or it can be created by RIFF or other forecasting models, to produce future-year base matrices. 7.9 In this study, base matrices were created for: I 2007/8 (based on LENNON data supplemented by an “infill” for nongeographical GMPTE tickets); and I 2019/20, 2024/25 and 2029/30 (based on future year forecasts from RIFF, the New Flows model and the Airport Flows model). 7.10 The outputs from MOIRA were fed into other models within the modelling suite, in particular, the Crowding and Appraisal Models. The MOIRA base matrix of journeys and revenue (and the corresponding output matrix resulting from the timetable change) were used as the raw material for the subsequent analysis. However, for the origin-destination pairs covered by the New Flows and Airport Flows, the MOIRA outputs were disregarded and replaced by the relevant outputs from those models. 7.11 MOIRA also outputs train loading and service group data, which was used by the Crowding Model. 30 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment 8 Airport Flows Model Introduction 8.1 It was determined that standard tools for estimating numbers of rail journeys, such as RIFF-Lite and MOIRA, were not appropriate for access to and from the Airport as the Airport is not a standard destination, being neither a residential area nor a place of work for many people travelling there. Therefore Airport traffic was predicted to increase in line with air passenger forecasts from the Manchester Airport Masterplan, taking account of changes in surface access mode share. 8.2 The Airport Flows model uses Revealed Preference analysis to estimate parameters for different modes based on Civil Aviation Authority survey data of passengers using Manchester Airport. This Revealed Preference analysis uses a logit model approach which estimates parameters based on the mode shares in each zone. 8.3 These parameters were then applied using an incremental logit approach to estimate new surface access mode shares after the rail schemes have been implemented and, in turn, rail demand in future years, taking account of forecast airport passenger growth. Inputs 8.4 The following inputs were required for this model: I Civil Aviation Authority survey data for passengers using Manchester Airport; I Air passenger forecasts from the Manchester Airport Masterplan; I Fuel price growth assumptions; I Rail fare growth assumptions; and I Parking, fuel consumption and taxi tariff assumptions. 8.5 The Civil Aviation Authority survey data contained records of passenger origins in terms of either the first half of postcodes or districts. In order to use this data it was first mapped to MOIRA zones, weighted using population data. 8.6 Air passenger forecasts from the Manchester Airport Masterplan were required to grow this survey data in future years. Forecasts were obtained for 2005, 2015 and 2030. Interpolation was used to find the growth from 2007 to the modelled years of 2019, 2024 and 2029. 8.7 Fuel price, rail fare, parking, fuel consumption and taxi tariff assumptions were all used to estimate costs required in order to calibrate the mode choice model. Fuel price growth was taken from RIFF-Lite and rail fares were assumed to grow at 1% per annum in real terms. 31 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment Calibration 8.8 The data were then split out into four categories, which it was believed would have different preferences when it came to mode choice. These categories were: I United Kingdom based business travellers; I United Kingdom based leisure travellers; I Overseas based business travellers; and I Overseas based leisure travellers. 8.9 For each of these a logit model was used to estimate parameters for four modes: ‘kiss and fly’, ‘park and fly’, rail and taxi. ‘Kiss and fly’ refers to those passengers dropped off at the airport by car while ‘park and fly’ refers to passengers driving themselves to the airport and parking in one of the nearby car parks. 8.10 A number of different formulations were tested for the logit model. These included estimating the parameters for three of the four residence/journey purpose splits as increments on the other one or estimating the parameters using separate models. Although estimating the parameters for different increments is a more efficient use of the data, in this case it was found to produce less statistically robust results. However, this was not an issue as there was enough data to estimate separate models successfully. 8.11 Other tests included estimating a single β parameter for each mode and allowing the γ parameter to vary across modes. These also produced sensible results but the log likelihood of these estimations was lower, indicating that they did not fit the data as well. 8.12 The utility equations, which are measures of the relative attractiveness of each mode, were as follows: I V Kiss and fly = MSC Kiss and fly I V Park and fly = MSC Park and fly I V Rail = β I V Taxi = MSC Rail GJT Taxi Rail +β +β Car +β Car + γ Cost Car GJT GJT Taxi Kiss and fly GJT Park and fly + γ Cost Park and fly Rail + γ Cost Taxi 8.13 In these equations, MSC stands for mode specific constant and GJT stands for generalised journey time. It is also important to note that the cost parameter for each mode is estimated based on the group travel cost. This represents the fact that when a group travels together they will only pay parking or taxi charges once per group, while when travelling by rail a number of tickets will have to be purchased. 8.14 A mode specific constant cannot be estimated for all modes as these have to be relative to a fixed point. Therefore it was decided prior to estimation that the mode specific constant for rail would be fixed to 0 and all other modes would be relative to this. This assumption does not affect the results the differences in mode specific constants would remain the same no matter which one was fixed to 0. 32 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment 8.15 In this model, β is the logit parameter on time (with units s-1) and γ is the parameter on cost (with units £-1). These represent the sensitivity of users to each of these variables and the larger they are in magnitude the more sensitive travellers are to their effects. 8.16 By dividing β by γ, one can obtain an estimated value of time. We would expect this value of time to differ between modes and as we would expect sensitivity to cost to be the same regardless of the mode travelled this is represented by different values of β for different modes. 8.17 In the final formulation we have estimated two different β values, one for highway modes (‘kiss and ride’, ‘park and ride’ and taxi) and one for rail. It would be expected that the rail value of time would be lower than that for the other modes, due to reasons such as the ability to work at the same time as travelling by rail and higher levels of comfort. 8.18 The parameter values estimated using these utility equations were as follows. All of these values were statistically significant at the 95% confidence level. TABLE 8.1 8.19 AIRPORT MODEL PARAMETER VALUES ‘Kiss and fly’ ‘Park and fly’ Rail Taxi MSC (UK Leisure) -1.950 2.170 1.630 MSC (Overseas Leisure) -0.816 1.940 1.020 MSC (UK Business) -3.670 2.050 1.500 MSC (Overseas Business) -2.900 1.680 1.760 Beta (UK Leisure) -0.023 -0.023 -0.010 -0.023 Beta (Overseas Leisure) -0.019 -0.019 -0.005 -0.019 Beta (UK Business) -0.024 -0.024 -0.012 -0.024 Beta (Overseas Business) -0.026 -0.026 -0.010 -0.026 Gamma (UK Leisure) -0.014 -0.014 -0.014 Gamma (Overseas Leisure) -0.017 -0.017 -0.017 Gamma (UK Business) -0.014 -0.014 -0.014 Gamma (Overseas Business) -0.019 -0.019 -0.019 The mode specific constants above all have sensible values. One would expect ‘park and fly’ to have the highest mode specific constant and ‘kiss and fly’ to have the lowest because ‘park and fly’ is the easiest option without considering time or cost components and ‘kiss and fly’ is the hardest. 33 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment 8.20 One would also expect the parameters on time and cost (beta and gamma respectively) to have a negative sign because, as they increase, the attractiveness of an option decreases. As such the signs and relative magnitudes of all of the parameter values are sensible. Application 8.21 The estimated parameters were used to forecast new mode shares in an incremental logit model where changes were made to the rail journey times based on the test timetable. 8.22 An incremental logit approach has the advantage that it pivots from the existing mode splits based on the change in utility so the results more closely match reality. 8.23 With the test timetable these resulted in an increase in the rail mode share from 8.9% to 10.1% of all journeys to and from the airport. Although this does not appear to be a large change, it does represent a 13% increase in rail journeys and revenues. 8.24 The new mode shares were then applied to grown airport passenger demand figures to estimate numbers of journeys to each destination in future years. This was exogenous growth based on airport demand (and not specifically on the Trend or Trend Plus economic scenarios). The following air passenger forecasts were used. TABLE 8.2 AIR PASSENGER FORECASTS Year Passengers (millions) 2005 20 2015 30 2030 45 8.25 This growth in numbers of passengers was applied uniformly across all of the MOIRA zones as we currently have no further information on which zones are likely to increase numbers of air passengers faster or more slowly than others. 8.26 The revenue in future years was calculated by multiplying the demand by the current fare grown at 1% per annum. Outputs 8.27 Using the mode shares with the rail scheme and the grown demand, produces the following totals of journeys and revenue across all MOIRA zones. 34 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment TABLE 8.3 AIRPORT MODEL SUMMARY OUTPUTS Journeys Revenue (£ 000s) 952,742 9,683 2019 (with scheme) 1,668,798 19,036 2024 (with scheme) 1,914,209 22,950 2029 (with scheme) 2,159,621 27.213 Current (no scheme) The following chart shows the projected numbers of rail journeys with and without the rail test timetable. FIGURE 8.1 AIRPORT MODEL SUMMARY OUTPUTS 2500000 2000000 1500000 Journeys 8.28 1000000 500000 0 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 Year With scheme Without scheme 35 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment 9 “New Flows” Model Objective 9.1 The purpose of developing the “New Flows” model was to estimate the demand in new markets currently poorly served by rail (typically slow, infrequent services or where there is an inconvenient interchange required), but which would, under the proposed test timetable, have a significantly improved service. 9.2 For such flows, the Passenger Demand Forecasting Handbook (PDFH) method of applying a GJT elasticity using MOIRA may not be appropriate, as there is no existing market to be grown, and the GJT changes are too high for the elasticity values in PDFH to be reliable. 9.3 We therefore decided to create a bespoke model to estimate demand for such flows. The New Flows Model is based upon the principle of a “gravity model”. Such a gravity model estimates passenger demand between localities based upon the respective localities’ characteristics such as population, employment and GVA, as well as the characteristics of the rail and road journeys made between the pair of localities. Selection of Flows 9.4 For the purposes of modelling new flows, we have defined them to be cross-corridor flows which go through Manchester (as well as flows from the Burnley corridor, which currently has poor connections to the city). The model was calibrated on all flows meeting these criteria, but was only then applied to such flows meeting the further criterion that rail generalised journey times increased by over 20% in the test timetable scenario, compared to the do-minimum scenario. Inputs to the Model 9.5 Key inputs to the model were: I Economic actual data for 2006 (GVA, population, employment); I Forecast economic data for 2019, 2024 and 2029; I Historical journey and revenue data for each in-scope rail flow (from LENNON, with GMPTE infill); I Forecast rail journey and revenue data for 2019, 2024 and 2029 from the RIFF model (used for rebasing future year forecasts in the do-minimum case); I Rail generalised journey times for the do minimum and test scenarios, from MOIRA; I Car journey times (from drivetime software); I Rail yields (revenue per journey) from LENNON); and I Value of time parameters from WebTAG. 37 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment Specification and Calibration of the Model 9.6 The specification of our gravity model in its basic form is as follows: β γ V = α ( X O X D GC δ CJT ε ) 9.7 The independent explanatory variable X at the origin and destination represent a tobe-determined economic parameter for each location. The parameters β and γ represent the elasticity of demand to the economic variable X at the origin and destination respectively. 9.8 A further independent explanatory variable relating to the time and cost of a journey between the two localities, captured by the Generalised Cost was also included in the basic form of the gravity model. The parameter δ refers to the elasticity of demand to Generalised Cost. The final explanatory variable is car journey time (CJT), with the parameter ε representing the elasticity to car journey time. 9.9 The gravity model was estimated by a non-linear least-squares estimation technique using the statistical software package STATA. This modelling approach is appropriate, in that it produces maximum-likelihood estimates of the parameters, on the condition that the residual errors (the part of the variation in the observed values not explained by the model) are independent and drawn from the same normal distribution. This assumes that there is no significant heteroscedacity in the data (variation of the errors dependent on the independent variables) - see Figure 9.2 below. 9.10 The table below (Table 9.1) summarises the different models which were tested in terms of the proposed drivers of journeys chosen at the origin and destination, and the journey purposes we had chosen to model separately by proxy of ticket type. 38 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment TABLE 9.1 NEW FLOWS MODELS ESTIMATED Model Driver Journey Purpose Car Journey Time Model Specification Goodness of Fit # Origin Destination Ticket Type Included (Yes/No) R-squared 1 Total GVA Total GVA Full No VF = α(GVAO GVAD GC ) 2 Total GVA Total GVA Full Yes VF = α(GVAO GVAD GC CJT ) 3 Total GVA Total GVA Reduced No VR = α(GVAO GVAD GC ) 4 Total GVA Total GVA Reduced Yes VR = α(GVAO GVAD GC CJT ) 5 Total Population Total Work Employment Season No VS = α(POPO WRK_EMPD GC ) 6 Total Population Total Work Employment Season Yes VS = α(POPO WRK_EMPD GC CJT ) 7 GVA within 1500m GVA within 1500m Full Yes VF = α(GVAO1 GVAD1 GC CJT ) 8 GVA within 1500m GVA within 1500m Reduced Yes VR = α(GVAO1 GVAD1 GC CJT ) 9 Population within 1500m Work Employment within 1500m Season Yes VS = α(POPO1 WRK_EMPD1 GC CJT ) 10 Residency Employment within 1500m Work Employment within 1500m Season Yes VS = α(RES_EMPO1 WRK_EMPD1 GC CJT ) 11 Weighted Population within 10km Work Employment within 1500m Season Yes VS = α(POPO2 WRK_EMPD1 GC CJT ) 12 Total Population Total Population All Yes VTOT = α(POPO POPD GC CJT ) 0.24 13 GVA within 1500m GVA within 1500m All No VTOT = α(GVAO1 GVAD1 GC) β γ 0.71 Chosen Model GVA within 1500m GVA within 1500m All Yes VTOT = α(GVAO1 GVAD1 GC CJT ) β γ β γ δ β γ δ β γ δ β γ δ 0.45 ε 0.52 0.42 ε 0.47 β γ δ β γ δ 0.32 ε 0.34 β γ δ ε 0.80 β γ δ ε 0.78 β γ δ β γ β γ β ε γ δ δ δ 0.36 ε 0.37 ε 0.40 ε δ ε 0.79 39 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment 9.11 The table below (Table 9.2) provides a glossary of terms which are used in Table 9.1. TABLE 9.2 GLOSSARY OF TERMS Term Formula In Model Description Car Journey Time CJT The average time taken in minutes to drive between a pair of localities Full Fare Demand VF Full Fare journeys between localities Generalised Cost GC The cost in pounds associated with making a rail journey between two localities GVA within 1500m GVA1 Gross Value Added (£m) within 1500m of the station for a given locality Reduced Fare Demand VR Reduced Fare journeys between localities Residency Employment within 1500m RES_EMP1 Number of the employed who live within 1500m of the station in the given locality Season Demand VS Season ticket journeys between localities Total Demand VTOT Sum of all ticket type-based journeys between localities Total GVA GVA Gross Value Added (£m) for a given locality Total Work Employment WRK_EMP Number of people who work at the given locality Weighted Population within 10km POP2 Number of people living within 1500m plus a third of those living within 1500m to 10km of the station Work Employment within 1500m WRK_EMP1 Number of people who work within 1500m of the station in the given locality 9.12 In light of only two of the three ticket types being estimated satisfactorily (Full and Reduced Fare), we have proposed an aggregated model to estimate the sum of all journeys between two localities. 9.13 The chart below (Figure 9.1) illustrates the goodness of fit for our aggregated model which uses GVA within 1500m at the origin and destination, as well as Generalised Cost and Car Journey Time. 40 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment FIGURE 9.1 CHOSEN MODEL ALL TICKET TYPES WITH GVA WITHIN 1500M 9.14 The aggregated model appears to be suitable for the purposes of forecasting demand for new flows given a high R-squared of 0.79. 9.15 The graphs below (Figure 9.2 and Figure 9.3)show the residual values (actual journeys – estimated journeys) plotted against each of the four independent variables, and also against actual journeys. These demonstrate a lack of heteroscedacity in the data, justifying the use of the non-linear least squares estimation approach. Note that the 45º lines on the residual vs. actual journeys chart arises simply because neither the estimated nor the actual journeys can be negative, so the residuals are bounded by the lines y = ±x. FIGURE 9.2 RESIDUAL ERROS PLOTTED AGAINST INDEPENDENT VARIABLES 41 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment FIGURE 9.3 RESIDUAL ERRORS PLOTTED AGAINST ACTUAL JOURNEYS Estimated Parameters 9.16 The table below (Table 9.3) shows the estimated parameters from the selected gravity model. TABLE 9.3 NEW FLOWS GRAVITY MODEL ESTIMATED PARAMETERS Parameter Coefficient t stat p-value Lower Confidence Interval Upper Confidence Interval α 0.0000211 9.20 0.000 0.0000166 0.0000256 β 1.30 160.25 0.000 1.28 1.32 γ 1.63 155.05 0.000 1.61 1.65 δ -3.35 -95.46 0.000 -3.42 -3.28 ε 2.20 73.88 0.000 2.14 2.26 9.17 The table shows that all of our parameters are strongly significant since the t-stats are outside the ±1.96 range (5% significance level). 9.18 The elasticity of demand to the GVA within 1500m at the origin (β) is 1.30. This value probably reflects the greater propensity to rail travel of the populations of more economically active and prosperous regions. The elasticity of demand to the GVA within 1500m at the destination (γ) is 1.63. This reflects the importance of the level of economic activity at the journey destination in driving rail demand. 42 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment 9.19 The elasticity of demand to generalised rail cost is -3.35, and to car journey time is +2.20. This can be interpreted as saying that the ratio of rail journey times (the largest component of generalised rail costs) to car journey times is highly significant in predicting rail demand – roughly speaking, if the ratio of rail journey time to car journey time decreases by 10% (with the average journey time remaining unchanged), demand will rise by 20%. In addition, rail demand rises approximately linearly with average journey time reductions (i.e. across for both modes simultaneously). The overall impact of a rail journey time reduction is highly significant, with elasticity greater than -3, assuming no change to car journey times. 9.20 This result is, of course, very different from the normally accepted values in the rail industry’s PDFH3, which assumes an elasticity to generalised journey time of about 0.9. However, we should expect a higher value, since we are using generalised cost rather than generalised journey time (if GJT is 67% of GC, then an elasticity of -0.9 to GJT corresponds to an elasticity of -1.2 to GC). More significantly, the New Flows model calibration has focused exclusively on cross-Manchester journeys (or from locations such as Burnley without direct services to the city), where convenient direct services only benefit a few flows (Leeds-Liverpool being the most obvious example). In this data set, there is a very high sensitivity to the quality of train service between the journey origin and destination, which is intuitively plausible. The high sensitivity to car journey times is also plausible (i.e. for journeys with low car journey times compared to rail journey times, rail mode share is very low in comparison to journeys with fast, direct rail links). Application 9.21 The new flow journeys between localities was estimated for each forecast year (2019, 2024 and 2029) using the aggregated New Flows Model. The New Flows Model was only applied to journeys where the timetable improvements led to a significant change in GJT (> 20% improvement). 9.22 Having analysed the results, we concluded that a number of adjustments to the raw forecasts were required. Firstly, to avoid anomalous results on particular flows, we applied the model in incremental form, increasing base year actual journeys by the ratio of forecast journeys for the forecast year to the model’s predicted journeys for the base year. 9.23 Secondly, since the model results were affected by changing values of time in future years, which affected the rail generalised cost parameter, but not car journey times, we felt it appropriate not to use the model to forecast forwards through time at an aggregate level, but only to predict the relative changes in demand between different pairs of origins and destinations, as well as the impact of the improved rail services. 3 Passenger Demand Forecasting Handbook, version 4.1 43 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment 9.24 Therefore, we calculated a factor to rebase the model’s forecast aggregate demand across all calibrated flows in the do-minimum scenario to equal the corresponding aggregate do-minimum forecast from the RIFF model. The resulting adjustment factor was then applied individually to the forecasts for each flow in both the dominimum and test scenario cases. 9.25 Finally, the forecast new flow journeys between localities (which was estimated independently of ticket type) was disaggregated by ticket type using the current distribution of journeys between localities by ticket type. 9.26 The chart below (Figure 9.4) illustrates the change in forecast New Flows journeys by forecast year under the do minimum and scheme scenarios. FIGURE 9.4 CHANGE IN JOURNEYS UNDER DO MINIMUM AND TEST SCENARIOS 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 Journeys 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 2019 DoMin 2019 Scheme 2024 DoMin Southport via Wigan Blackburn Yorkshire and the Humber & the North East via Leeds Marple / Romiley Buxton Chester via Northwich Liverpool / Chester via Warrington 2024 Scheme 2029 DoMin 2029 Scheme Preston and the North via Bolton Bradford via Rochdale Glossop / Hadfield Yorkshire & the East Midlands via Sheffield London, Birmingham and the South (via WCML) Liverpool via Irlam 44 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment 10 Crowding Model 10.1 Crowding modelling for the study was undertaken using a crowding model suite specially tailored to produce the required outputs. The large geographic area under consideration and the period over which the benefits were to be assessed meant that careful thought had to be given to our modelling approach and assumptions. Inputs 10.2 10.3 The crowding model required a variety of inputs. The key inputs are listed below: I Base, Do Minimum, and Test Scenario timetables; I Rolling stock for each timetable; I Capacity information for rolling stock; I Current demand (Loads input); I Growth forecasts by corridor, segregated by Long Distance and Suburban services; and I Crowding penalties. Note that the reason for the inclusion of the Base (December 2007) timetable in the crowding model is to enable the calculation of demand uplifts on current demand to unconstrained demand. Approach 10.4 With a diverse geographic area and a large range of different types of train services it was important to ensure that appropriate assumptions were applied to different passenger segments while keeping modelling complexity at a level commensurate with the resources available. It was also desirable to maintain a measure of consistency with current DfT appraisal practice, in particular HLOS appraisal. 10.5 For HLOS appraisal work, Steer Davies Gleave has developed a crowding model which incorporates the use of DfT crowding penalties. It was decided that this would be an appropriate model to use and was duly modified to handle the scale of inputs required. 10.6 Once crowding penalties are calculated using the DfT crowding penalty calculator the crowding model uses conventional crowding curve methodology4 to un-constrain demand and then re-constrain (without the need for iteration implicit in some crowding penalty based approaches). 4 A crowding curve provides a mapping between “crowded” and “uncrowded” load factors 45 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment Scope of crowding modelling 10.7 For the purposes of the crowding modelling we considered trains arriving into Manchester in the AM peak and leaving Manchester in the PM peak. The AM peak period was defined as 07:00-10:00 and the PM peak period as 16:00-19:00. The rationale was that this would capture the majority of crowding while maintaining a manageable number of trains in the crowding model. For trains that met the criteria the whole route of the train was included and therefore crowding dis-benefit was included for the whole route of the train. Loads Inputs 10.8 Detailed train leg-by-leg data was obtained from MOIRA for each of the three timetables (Base, Do Minimum, Test Scenario). This included loads estimates based on 07/08 demand levels. This provided a demand base which could then be grown using growth rates applied within the model. The base loadings from MOIRA included the ORCATS effect of changing the timetable but not timetable induced growth (GJT effect). Growth Inputs 10.9 Exogenous demand forecasts were developed on an O-D basis which was not directly applicable to the crowding model which works on a leg-by-leg basis. However, by utilising the service code representation of corridors in MOIRA it was possible to calculate growth rates by corridor and service type (Long Distance or Suburban). This was done by producing summary journey outputs from MOIRA based on future year RIFF matrices. Timetable growth was calculated separately using further MOIRA outputs and combined with the exogenous growth. Rolling Stock and Seating Assumptions 10.10 For the Test Scenario the allocation of rolling stock was performed on an iterative basis. Initially, for each train Start – End combination rolling stock was allocated as in the Do Minimum i.e. the same rolling stock was used in the Test Scenario as in the Do Minimum for the same or similar services. Once an initial run of the crowding model had been performed rolling stock formations were lengthened (up to a limit of 6 carriages in most cases) until all corridor-service type combinations displayed an absolute crowding benefit over the Do Minimum (or at least trivially negative). Rolling stock was also added to ensure that the increase in capacity matched any increase in demand over the appraisal period i.e. in general demand should be unsuppressed rather than suppressed. 10.11 The DfT crowding penalty calculator employs a methodology which enables the calculation of different penalties for different rolling stock types. To utilise this functionality it was necessary to know seat numbers and standing capacity for the different rolling stock types. To populate this data set we used in-house knowledge and, particularly for standing capacities, current assumptions in the NMF. 46 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment Crowding Penalty Parameters 10.12 10.13 As well as seating and capacity assumptions the other key parameters in the DfT crowding penalty calculator were: I Journey purpose split; I Average trip length; and I London/Non-London penalties. Journey purpose splits were calculated using London Travelcard area journey purpose by ticket type splits5. Two splits were calculated, one for Long Distance services and one for Suburban services. Average trip lengths were also calculated for these two categories of service using MOIRA outputs. Calculating these two sets of parameters enabled us to use two sets of crowding penalties, one for Suburban passengers and the other for Long Distance passengers. This was important as these two sets of passengers could be expected to have different levels of tolerance to crowding. Outputs 10.14 Two main sets of output were produced. Firstly, uplift or suppression factors to apply to the “semi-unconstrained” demand forecasts and secondly crowding minute benefits by corridor for the Test Scenario over the Do Minimum. Semi-unconstrained demand is current constrained demand grown with an unconstrained growth rate. In the Test Scenario we ensured that capacity grew at least as fast as semiunconstrained demand. In most cases capacity growth outstripped demand growth and therefore the uplift or suppression factors were mostly positive i.e. we released constrained demand in addition to demand growth. 10.15 The uplift/suppression factors for the Do Minimum and Test Scenario timetables and rolling stock in 2019, are shown in the table below, by corridor and type of service, for both the Trend and Trend Plus economic scenarios. Uplifts are generally greater (or suppression factors lower) in the Test Timetable scenario due to greater capacity; uplifts are generally lower (or suppression factors greater) in the Trend Plus economic scenario, as demand is higher than in the Trend scenario, with the same levels of capacity assumed. 5 Given the urban nature of the Manchester Hub area it was felt appropriate to use London crowding penalties, the rationale being that the Manchester area is likely to have similar crowding conditions to when the PDFH parameters (on which the DfT penalties are based) were calibrated in London. 47 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment TABLE 10.1 CROWDING UPLIFT / SUPPRESSION FACTORS (2019) Crowding Uplift/Suppression Factors, 2019 Corridor Service Type Southport via Wigan Trend Scenario Trend Plus Scenario Do Minimum Test Timetable Do Minimum Test Timetable Suburban -1.2% 4.1% -2.2% 4.0% Southport via Wigan Long Distance -1.3% 1.1% -1.9% 0.5% Preston and the North via Bolton Suburban 1.6% 7.2% 0.8% 6.8% Blackburn Suburban -1.9% -0.1% -3.0% -0.6% Bradford via Rochdale Long Distance 0.3% 0.7% 0.2% 0.5% Bradford via Rochdale Suburban 4.4% 5.5% 3.3% 4.8% Yorkshire and the Humber & the North East via Leeds Long Distance -1.7% 1.8% -3.1% 1.0% Yorkshire and the Humber & the North East via Leeds Suburban -1.8% 4.3% -3.7% 4.0% Glossop / Hadfield Suburban 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% Marple / Romiley Suburban 0.0% 0.2% -0.2% 0.1% Yorkshire & the East Midlands via Sheffield Long Distance -1.5% 0.5% -2.3% 0.4% Yorkshire & the East Midlands via Sheffield Suburban 1.7% 2.0% 1.2% 1.9% Buxton Suburban 0.9% 6.3% -1.1% 5.8% London, Birmingham and the South (via WCML) Long Distance -0.2% 0.4% -0.5% 0.3% London, Birmingham and the South (via WCML) Suburban -0.8% -0.3% -1.1% -0.7% Manchester Airport Long Distance -3.0% -0.3% -3.4% -0.4% Manchester Airport Suburban 0.2% 0.9% 0.2% 0.9% Chester via Northwich Suburban 3.5% 1.8% 2.0% 1.8% Liverpool via Irlam Suburban -6.2% 3.2% -7.6% 3.0% Liverpool / Chester via Warrington Long Distance 0.2% 4.9% -0.3% 4.7% Liverpool / Chester via Warrington Suburban 0.9% 1.1% 0.6% 1.1% 10.16 Secondly, the appraisal required the output of “crowding minutes”. Crowding minutes represent the cost of crowding to passengers as an amount of time. For example, if a person travels on a train that is 120% loaded for ten minutes that can also be represented as a 12 minute journey on a 60% loaded (i.e. un-crowded) train. In this example the cost of crowding to the passenger is equivalent to an additional two minutes on their journey, hence crowding minutes. Crowding minutes by corridor were fed into the benefits model where they could be given a monetary value. 10.17 The resultant monetary crowding benefits, by corridor, are shown in Appendix Table A1.1 (Trend economic scenario) and Appendix Table A1.2 (Trend Plus). 48 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment 11 Transport Benefits Appraisal Overview 11.1 As described in paragraph 2.2 the development of the approach for valuing the transport benefits of the proposals has been undertaken following the Department for Transport’s approach, as set out in WebTAG. A spreadsheet model was constructed to process the outputs from the forecasting models described above and produce discounted cashflows for the transport (and wider economic) benefit streams. 11.2 The diagram below (Figure 11.1) illustrates the structure of the appraisal model. It shows the process involved for a single corridor, with the results then collated for all corridors in the final results table. FIGURE 11.1 APPRAISAL STRUCTURE Properties Control Info Parameters Calculations Selecting Data One corridor results Organising Data Outputs Appraisal period Discounting Summary One corridor results Select Corridor Result table Inputs 2019 Moira 2019 2024 Moira 2024 2029 Moira 2029 Distribution Profiles Discounting Totals Total chart Within corridor chart To other corridor chart To the airport chart To the rest of Uk chart Crowding WEBs WebTAG Inputs 11.3 11.4 The model inputs were the outputs of the MOIRA model, the crowding model and the wider economic benefits model, in each case disaggregated by the 14 corridors. For the MOIRA and WEBs model outputs, corridor results were further disaggregated by the type of journey in the corridor, in particular into: I Within the corridor and to/from central Manchester; I To other corridors; I To the airport; and I To/from the rest of UK. The MOIRA outputs provided, for three modelling years, 2019/20, 2024/25 and 2029/30: I Journeys, passenger miles and revenues for the do-minimum and test scenario; I Average GJT minutes; and I Aggregate GJT improvement between the do minimum and test scenarios. 49 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment 11.5 The Crowding Model provided, for the same modelling years, aggregate crowding benefit minutes for existing and new users, applying the rule of a half. 11.6 The WEBs model provided aggregate benefits for 2029 due to: I Imperfect Competition; I Agglomeration; and I Labour Market Efficiencies. Approach 11.7 The model outputs were processed by the appraisal model in order to convert single year forecasts into profiles for the life of the assessment period. These were then translated into a unifying unit, i.e. monetary value, with price base and value adjustments made accordingly. Having produced the monetary cashflows for each benefit stream, they were discounted in order to provide a Present Value in 2002 prices, in accordance with DfT WebTAG requirements. 11.8 The principal assumptions employed for the forecasting of the monetised benefits were: 11.9 11.10 I Allocation of benefits to journey purpose based upon correspondence with full, season and reduced ticketing as determined in the National Rail Travel Survey Final 2008 Report; I Interpolation of model outputs between the forecast years of 2019, 2024 and 2029, taking 2019 as the opening year and assuming no further growth beyond 2029; I A 60 year appraisal period from the opening year of 2019; I WebTAG values of time (Rail business, commuter and other) and value of time growth; I WebTAG values for non user benefits (North West) due to transfer of trips from road to rail; I HM Treasury discounting at 3.5% to 2037 and 3% from 2038 to 2078; and I Values deflated to 2002 prices. The transport users benefits valued were: I Revenue increment; I Generalised journey time saving; and I Crowding time saving. The non transport user benefits (based upon the forecast change in highwaykilometres due to transfer from road to rail) measured were: I Car externalities (congestion, infrastructure, Accident savings, local air quality, noise and greenhouse gases); and I Indirect tax. 50 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment 11.11 Wider Economic Benefits were calculated directly in the WEBs model (Chapter 12) for 2029. WEBs for other years were then calculated pro-rata to the other benefits described above, based on the relationship between WEBs and other benefits in 2029. Outputs 11.12 Appendix A provides full results for each corridor. As an illustration of the results Table 11.1 provides the outputs for flows between Central Manchester and the Outer Manchester City Region (outside the M60) for the Bradford via Rochdale corridor. TABLE 11.1 EXAMPLE APPRAISAL MODEL OUTPUTS ONLY FOR ONE CORRIDOR / GEOGRAPHY CLASSIFICATION 11.13 Benefit Type £m PV Revenue increment £7.38 Journey time savings £81.53 Crowding £23.15 Non user benefits £2.65 Wider economic benefits £25.01 Total £139.72 A summary of the benefits for all the corridors, and a discussion on the results is provided in Chapter 14 of this report. 51 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment 12 Wider Economic Benefits Appraisal 12.1 The calculation of wider economic benefits (WEBs) requires two types of inputs, transport demand and revenue as well as economic output data. The calculation of the WEBs for the Northern Way required varying inputs which were combined for the calculation of the WEBs. These inputs then fed into a standard WEBs analysis. Transport Data (demand and generalised costs) 12.2 The demand data for the WEBs calculation comes from two sources: MOIRA model outputs for the do-minimum and do-something scenarios in 2029 and the 2006 travel to work survey data. MOIRA data by origin-destination pair was extracted including number of journeys, revenue and generalised journey time, all by ticket type. The MOIRA data was then aggregated to a zoning system created for the WEBs analysis. 12.3 Once aggregated to the new zoning system, the MOIRA rail data was converted from ticket type to journey purpose. The conversion was done using data from the National Rail Travel Survey. Based on data in the NRTS report proportions of each journey purpose (work, commuting and leisure) were calculated as a percentage of each ticket type. Demand and weighted averages of revenue and generalised journey times were then distributed. The final result was demand, revenue and generalised journey time by origin-destination pair and journey purpose. 12.4 Travel to work survey data (including only the number of journeys) was also aggregated to our zoning system. Travel to work survey data, however, was only in the survey year (2006) and needed to be inverted to include return-trips and annualised based on an assumed number of work days. The growth in the travel to work journeys was based on growth in employment across all zones between 2006 and 2029. The growth in employment forecast was based on data from Experian. The travel to work data was assumed not to change between the do-minimum and do-something scenarios. 12.5 The final demand forecasts are based on a combination of the MOIRA and TTW data. MOIRA data was used for all rail forecasts and TTW data for all non-rail forecasts. MOIRA data is used for all rail demand, by purpose and TTW data for all non-rail commuting demand. National Travel Survey data was then used for estimating nonrail/non-commuting demand. The result of this analysis and combination resulted in a complete set on inter and intra-zonal demand by mode and journey purpose for all WEB zones. 12.6 In addition to the demand, generalised costs were also calculated for each mode and journey purpose. Generalised costs for rail are based on two strands of information – revenue per passenger and generalised journey time. The generalised journey time is used in conjunction with the value of time, which varies by trip purpose, to calculate the monetary cost of the time used to travel. This cost is then added to the revenue per passenger to result in the full cost to a passenger of a single journey. This analysis was competed across all origin-destination pairs by journey purpose in the WEBs analysis. 53 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment 12.7 The generalised cost of car travel is based on DfT guidance. Based on a populationweighted centre for each zone, we calculated the distance and time taken to drive to each of the other zones from each zone. This data was then used, in conjunction with DfT guidance, to calculate the cost of driving from each zone to each other zone as well as intra-zonal costs (fuel and wear and tear on vehicle). We also assumed DfT standard growth in fuel economy as well and price changes. The time taken to drive each trip was then used with the value of time (again, by purpose) to derive a monetary cost of the time for each trip. This cost was then added to the DfT value for fuel and maintenance costs on the car to result in the full cost of driving, by purpose, for all origin destination pairs. Trips by other modes were assumed to have a total cost double that of car trips. Economic Data 12.8 The economic data was provided by the Experian Economic Model and by the ONS Nomis system. The Experian data included gross value added and employment by sector across all LSOA zones. This data was aggregated to the WEB zoning system for the year 2029. The average GVA across all sectors by zone and total employment by zone is then calculated. 12.9 Nomis data provided weekly 2008 earnings by NUTS1 zones. This data was then aggregated to the WEB zoning system and deflated to 2002 prices and annualised based on the standard DfT discount rate. These figures were then factored up to estimated earnings in 2029 by looking at GVA growth between 2008 and 2029 from data provided by Experian. The result is annual earnings in 2029 in 2002 prices by WEB zone. Agglomeration Elasticities 12.10 The evidence on the impact that increased accessibility has on productivity takes the form of agglomeration elasticities that vary by economic sector (but not by location). For each model zone the appropriate elasticity therefore depends on the sectoral composition in that model zone. As per DfT advice we therefore calculate the agglomeration elasticity for each zone as the employment weighted average of the national elasticities. Wider Economic Benefits Calculations 12.11 The economic and transport data outlined above feed into the WEBs calculation and drive the overall benefits calculations for agglomeration and labour market impacts. Agglomeration 12.12 Agglomeration benefits are driven by the increase in ‘effective density’ between the do-minimum and do-something scenarios. The effective density of a zone is based on the generalised cost of travel and the employment in the zone. The resulting figure, the effective density, is a measure of employment density based on the cost of transport. In the do-something scenario lower journey costs increase the effective density. 54 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment 12.13 The change in journey costs between the scenarios represents the change in journey time and the change in the monetary cost of travel (if any) between the two scenarios. When combined with the employment this results in the change in effective density. 12.14 The agglomeration elasticity, or the relationship between the change in effective density and GVA, is then applied to the effective density resulting in the percentage change in GVA (change in effective density is raised to the exponent of the elasticity). The percentage change in GVA is then used to calculate the added GVA to the zone as a result of agglomeration. 12.15 For the purpose of this analysis the agglomeration benefits have been further aggregated to a corridor system which is consistent with the traditional appraisal. Here agglomeration benefits or dis-benefits are not presented by WEB zone, but by corridor. Labour Market Impacts 12.16 The driver of the labour market impacts is the change in the effective wages the workers receive. With a decrease in commuting costs wages effectively increase and this can bring more workers into the labour force. 12.17 The labour market calculations require that the change in commuting costs is determined between all of the zones in the system. The impact the change in commuting costs has is then compared to earnings in each zone. The result is the percentage change in earnings as a result of the do-something scenario. 12.18 The labour market elasticity is then used to calculate what impact the change in wages will have on labour market supply (the number of workers). This percentage is then used to calculate the total number of additional workers that will enter the labour force as a result of the do-something scenario. The number of workers is then multiplied by average GVA per worker in each zone resulting in the added GVA by zone for the labour market. 12.19 As with the agglomeration calculation, the benefits can then be summed across all zones to result in the full labour market benefits of the scheme. For this analysis, however, the benefits have been broken down by specific corridor. The methodology for the aggregation from WEB zones to corridors is explained below. Imperfect Competition 12.20 The impact that the scheme will have on competition is estimated to be 10% of the business users’ benefits. We have calculated business users’ benefits as the change in generalised costs multiplied by the total demand between the two scenarios. The result is the total value of the benefit received from the do-something scenario. This benefit is then divided by as per the ‘rule of half’. 55 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment Forecasting Other Years 12.21 The WEBs analysis was only conducted for the year 2029 for practical and time constraint reasons. The agglomeration, labour market and imperfect competition impacts are roughly proportional to the traditional appraisal over time. Therefore the WEBs benefits assume a constant proportion of the traditional appraisal benefits for years before and after 2029. This assumption overstates benefits post-2029 and understates benefits pre-2029, but overall provides a reasonable forecast of the overall WEBs for the appraisal period. Aggregation to Corridors 12.22 The outputs for the agglomeration and labour market impacts were then aggregated to the corridor system. For each of the corridors four different origin-destination rules were applied. For each zonal origin-destination pair we derived a weighting factor based on the demand present in the corridor as a proportion of the total demand in the zoning system. This method was used the share out the benefits assigned to each of the zones to the corridors according to the origin-destination rules. The result is benefits by corridor and destination rather then by the model’s zoning system. Outputs 12.23 The tables below (Table 12.1 and Table 12.2) show the results of the wider economic benefit assessment on a 60-year PV basis (2002 prices), by type of benefit. Agglomeration benefits dominate, representing nearly 90% of the total WEBs. Overall, WEBs represent 19% of total benefits in both the Trend and Trend Plus Scenarios, which is within the typical range. WEBs are largest for flows between different corridors (rather than flows within each corridor or to stations beyond the corridors), reflecting the greater improvement in “effective density” on those types of flows. 56 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment TABLE 12.1 WIDER ECONOMIC BENEFITS – TREND SCENARIO Trend Scenario Corridor Agglomeration Imperfect Competition Labour Total Agglomeration Imperfect Competition Labour 87.9 8.9 0.0 96.8 91% 9% 0% 372.3 39.5 2.0 413.8 90% 10% 0% 85.0 6.1 0.0 91.0 93% 7% 0% 1 Southport via Wigan 2 Preston and the North via Bolton 3 Blackburn 4 Bradford via Rochdale 215.4 14.7 0.3 230.4 93% 6% 0% 5 Yorkshire and the Humber & the North East via Leeds 489.9 52.1 0.1 542.1 90% 10% 0% 6 Glossop / Hadfield 16.5 7.1 0.1 23.7 70% 30% 0% 7 Marple / Romiley 14.3 4.9 0.0 19.2 75% 25% 0% 8 Yorkshire & the East Midlands via Sheffield 324.1 26.3 0.0 350.4 93% 7% 0% 9 Buxton 31.0 12.5 0.5 44.0 70% 28% 1% 256.0 81.9 0.5 338.4 76% 24% 0% 10 London, Birmingham and the South (via WCML) 11 Manchester Airport 30.5 16.2 0.0 46.7 65% 35% 0% 12 Chester via Northwich 25.7 10.2 0.0 35.9 72% 28% 0% 13 Liverpool via Irlam 2.2 1.6 0.0 3.8 58% 42% 0% 14 Liverpool / Chester via Warrington 173.0 23.2 0.1 196.4 88% 12% 0% 2,123.7 305.1 3.7 2,432.5 87% 13% 0% Total 57 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment TABLE 12.2 WIDER ECONOMIC BENEFITS - TREND PLUS SCENARIO Trend Plus Scenario Corridor Agglomeration Imperfect Competition Labour Total Agglomeration Imperfect Competition Labour 1 Southport via Wigan 115.6 8.8 0.0 124.5 93% 7% 0% 2 Preston and the North via Bolton 441.9 39.4 2.2 483.5 91% 8% 0% 3 Blackburn 102.1 6.0 0.0 108.0 94% 6% 0% 4 Bradford via Rochdale 295.7 14.6 0.4 310.8 95% 5% 0% 5 Yorkshire and the Humber & the North East via Leeds 718.3 51.9 0.2 770.4 93% 7% 0% 6 Glossop / Hadfield 23.1 7.0 0.2 30.3 76% 23% 1% 7 Marple / Romiley 22.9 4.9 0.0 27.7 82% 18% 0% 8 Yorkshire & the East Midlands via Sheffield 453.1 26.2 0.0 479.3 95% 5% 0% 9 Buxton 40.1 12.5 0.5 53.1 76% 23% 1% 274.4 81.4 0.5 356.3 77% 23% 0% 10 London, Birmingham and the South (via WCML) 11 Manchester Airport 40.4 16.2 0.0 56.6 71% 29% 0% 12 Chester via Northwich 32.3 10.1 0.0 42.4 76% 24% 0% 13 Liverpool via Irlam 6.8 1.6 0.0 8.4 81% 19% 0% 14 Liverpool / Chester via Warrington 213.2 23.1 0.1 236.4 90% 10% 0% 2,779.9 303.8 4.2 3,087.8 90% 10% 0% Total 58 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment 13 Freight Model Introduction 13.1 The existing levels of freight utilisation by route are illustrated in the figure below. They show that the main flows are inter-modal container traffic into the terminals at Trafford Park and aggregates (limestone) from the Peak District. There are also significant coal movements around Fiddlers Ferry Power station. FIGURE 13.1 RAIL FREIGHT IN THE NORTH WEST RUS AREA (Source: Network Rail, Northwest RUS) 13.2 For the purposes of this study the analysis has been focused upon the inter-modal freight traffic and the potential of delivering additional freight paths to Trafford Park. 13.3 The total volume of container traffic in the UK is increasing and rail is increasing its modal share of this market. Existing services link the Channel Tunnel and the ports of Southampton, Felixstowe, Tilbury, Purfleet, Teesside, Grangemouth and the Isle of Grain with Trafford Park in Manchester. Trafford Park also receives domestic inter-modal traffic. 13.4 It is forecast that this trend will continue with the greatest overall level of growth anticipated to be for deep sea (intercontinental) inter-modal traffic, although strong growth in domestic inter-modal business is also expected. 59 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment 13.5 The ability to accommodate freight growth through the provision of additional freight paths is challenging given the capacity constraints in and around the Manchester Hub. 13.6 Given the forecast market for freight and the constraints on the network it is reasonable to assume that any additional paths created will result in additional rail freight tonnage. Approach 13.7 In order to identify the economic benefit of generated freight paths a comparative assessment was made for road and rail container freight between the ports of Southampton and Felixstowe and Manchester. These flows are representative of the current inter-modal flows to the Manchester area. There are aspirations to develop trans-Pennine inter-modal traffic, for example from Teesport to the North West. Previous Northern Way has demonstrated the market potential for this and shown that the realisation of this market will be dependent upon timely development of rail and port infrastructure, as well as developments in the supply chain. The Northern Way continues to work with its partners, including the port industry and Network Rail to realise these developments. 13.8 The most noticeable feature of distribution by road is its flexibility. One can treat the pool of labour and vehicles as completely variable, augmenting the supply of each with agency men and hired vehicles respectively when required. This is not possible for rail freight. 13.9 The major cost elements can be categorised as follows: I Fixed costs (often called standing costs in distribution): Vehicle depreciation; Road fund licences; Vehicle insurance; Warehouse operating costs; Head office costs, etc; and I Variable costs: Labour; Tyres; Fuel; Lubricating Oil; and Maintenance. 60 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment 13.10 Depreciation, licences, insurance and driver labour are time related, whereas fuel, oil, maintenance and tyres are mileage related. To calculate the hourly charge, annualised depreciation and other fixed costs are divided by the annual hours worked by a vehicle (fleet average). To this is added the labour rate, which is the company’s drivers wage bill, including overtime, premium payments, sickness and holiday pay, NI contributions, pensions and other payroll costs, all divided by the total number of driver hours worked over say, a year. 13.11 The model used to cost the operation charges a fixed amount per hour that the hauliers’ assets are in use. The larger a distribution company becomes, and the wider spread its activity base, the easier it becomes to accept work which consumes a small part of the working day. A haulier can redirect drivers and vehicles into other business. Provided overheads are kept low, this is a great source of comparative advantage over smaller companies, typically with bigger unproductive gaps in their schedules. This principle should translate into rail freight businesses. 13.12 The analysis is based on an average utilisation of 80 hours per week, which compares well with most of the big distribution concerns. Most of the latter share the same problem, i.e. reduced utilisation at night, which tends to cap overall capacity utilisation. Some cannot access customers’ premises outwith “normal working hours” and others are limited because even in the large distribution centres, intake generally ceases in the late evening and out-loading will not generally recommence until 0400 hours. Thus, the only activity open to most businesses is trunking-type work, carried out with the largest vehicles, thereby under utilising the fleet as a whole. 13.13 Having calculated the basic cost of operation an uplift for overheads and profit has been applied. The forecast price per container was estimated at around £475 for a round-trip between Southampton and Trafford Park and £530 for a comparable trip between Felixstowe and Trafford Park. 13.14 For rail freight the forecast operating cost has been similarly estimated, taking account of the fixed and variable costs. 13.15 The table below (Table 13.1) presents the comparable costs by mode. This demonstrates the reasonableness of assuming that additional rail freight paths to Trafford Park from the ports of Southampton and Felixstowe would be taken up. TABLE 13.1 COMPARISON OF CONTAINER FREIGHT TRANSPORT COSTS 13.16 Origin Destination Cost per RAIL container Cost per ROAD container Southampton Trafford Park £388.16 £475.75 Felixstowe Trafford Park £482.86 £530.74 The quantification of the benefit of shifting freight from road to rail is based upon the valuation of sensitive lorry miles (SLMs). The values are designed to reflect the costs to society of HGVs on roads and the economic and environmental benefits to be gained from shifting freight from road to rail (or water). 61 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment Valuation of SLMs 13.17 The valuation of SLMs has been undertaken on the basis of DfT guidance. The assumptions employed are show in the following table. TABLE 13.2 SLM INPUTS Distance (miles) SLM (£ per lorry) Southampton to Trafford Park 224 106.6 Felixstowe to Trafford Park 239 125.2 13.18 The freight trains are assumed to carry 25 TEUs and the SLM values are grown over time in line with DfT guidance. 13.19 The number of freight paths generated by investment in the Manchester Hub is based upon the forecasts set out in the Freight Route Utilisation Strategy (March 2007). The document forecasts 30% growth to 2014/15. This would provide around 25 freight paths a day. For the purposes of the assessment it is assumed that the growth in paths continues to 2030. This would deliver around 37 daily freight paths. 13.20 For the assessment on container freight is considered and only Trafford Park has been considered as a freight destination. There may be alternative locations, but for the purposes of this assessment the assumption is deemed to be reasonable and to enable an indicative freight forecast to be produced. 13.21 The estimated value for SLMs for Manchester Hub is £612.2m PV for the 60 year assessment period. 13.22 The SLM methodology that has been adopted captures the conventional economic benefits associated with a transfer of freight from road to rail. It does not include the wider economic benefits. Recent work supporting a number of rail gauge enhancement schemes suggests that WEBs can add a significant further percentage to the benefit stream. 62 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment 14 Modelling Results for the Test Timetable Scenario Exogenous Growth Economic Model Results 14.1 The Experian GVA and Employment forecasts (see Figure 6.1, Figure 6.2 and Figure 6.3) can be mapped onto each of the Manchester Hub corridors (and also on Central Manchester). The following charts show the overall growth forecast between 2007/8 and 2019/20 for GVA and Employment, for the Trend and Trend Plus economic scenarios (and the corresponding cumulative average growth rates). FIGURE 14.1 FORECAST GVA GROWTH, 2007/8 TO 2019/20, FOR TREND AND TREND PLUS ECONOMIC SCENARIOS Trend and Trend Plus GVA Percentage Growth By Corridor 2007/8 to 2019/20 (with CAGR figures shown) 70% 4.7% 60% 50% 4.2% 4.1% 4.4% 3.5% 40% 3.7% 2.8% 3.1% 2.7% 3.9% 4.0% 4.0% 2.9% 3.2% 2.8% 30% 20% 2.7% 2.2% 3.2% 2.8% 2.5% 2.3% 2.2% 2.7% 2.5% 2.4% 2.2% 2.1% 2.6% 2.2% 1.9% 10% /C he s te rv ia vi W ar ri a ng to n Irl am h N or th w ic Li ve rp oo l irp or t te rA er po ol W C M L) an ch es he st er vi a C Li v an d M (v ia So ut h th e id la nd s Lo nd on , Bi rm in gh am th e & Yo rk sh ire Bu xt on Sh ef f ie ld ile y vi a /R om ie ld Ea st M M ar pl e /H ad f Le ed s G lo ss op vi a Ea st N or th th e Yo rk sh ire an d th e H um be r& Br ad fo rd vi a Bl R oc hd al e ac kb ur n 0% C en tra lM an ch So es te ut Pr r h es po to rt n vi an a W d th ig e an N or th vi a Bo lto n Perecnatge Growth in GVA (%) 80% Trend Trend Plus 63 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment FIGURE 14.2 FORECAST EMPLOYMENT GROWTH, 2007/8 TO 2019/20, FOR TREND AND TREND PLUS ECONOMIC SCENARIOS Trend and Trend Plus Employment Percentage Growth by Corridor 2007/8 to 2019/20 (with CAGR figures shown) Percentage Growth in Employment (%) 30% 25% 1.9% 20% 1.8% 15% 1.4% 1.3% 1.1% 10% 1.0% 0.9% 0.5% 0.3% W C M L) an ch es te rA C he irp or st er t vi a N or th w Li Li ic ve ve h rp r po oo ol l/ vi C a he Irl st am er vi a W ar rin gt on in gh am an d Ea st th e & Lo nd on , Bi rm Yo rk sh ir e 0.3% (v ia So ut h M th e id l an ds M ar pl e vi a /R Sh ef fi el d om ile y ie ld /H ad f Le ed s G lo ss op Ea st vi a vi a Yo rk sh ire an d th e H um be r& Br ad fo rd 0.3% Bu xt on 0.3% R oc hd al e Bl ac kb ur n C en tra lM an ch So es te ut Pr r hp es or to t n vi an a d W th ig e an N or th vi a Bo lto n 0.9% 0.6% 0.5% 0.4% Trend 14.2 1.3% 0.6% 0.1% 0% 1.0% 0.6% N or th 0.3% 0.3% 1.1% 0.6% 0.8% M 0.7% 0.4% 0.7% th e 5% 0.9% Trend Plus The charts show that the Trend Plus scenario forecast has much stronger growth on most corridors than does the Trend scenario. Rail Demand growth 14.3 The corresponding demand growth for 2019/20, compared to 2007/8, by corridor, was as shown in the chart below. Note that this excludes the impact due to the implementation of the Test Timetable (which is considered below). 64 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment FIGURE 14.3 FORECAST PASSENGER JOURNEYS GROWTH, 2007/8 TO 2019/20, FOR TREND AND TREND PLUS ECONOMIC SCENARIOS Trend and Trend Plus Exogenous Journeys Percentage Growth by Corridor 2007/8 to 2019/20 (with CAGR figures shown) 90% Percentage Change in Journeys 80% 70% 60% 4.6% 5.2% 4.8% 4.4% 4.2% 4.1% 50% 3.9% 3.3% 3.7% 3.4% 4.1% 3.7% 4.3% 4.2% 3.2% 40% 3.6% 3.5% 3.1% 30% 3.5% 20% 3.1% 2.8% 2.7% 2.6% 2.3% 3.4% 3.1% 3.0% 2.7% 2.3% 2.3% 3.1% 2.9% 2.7% 2.5% 2.8% 2.2% 10% Trend vi a al To t st e rv ia W ar rin gt on Ir l am wi ch ol /C he st e rv ia N te r C he Li ve rp o C M an ch es M or th Ai rp or t L) n W ol Li ve rp o Lo nd o n, Bi rm in g & th e ha m an d th Ea st M e id la n So u ds th via (v ia Sh Bu xt o ef fie ld ile y ld fie /R om e ar pl M ds ee /H ad Hu ll) ( to wa rd s ) rk Yo Sc ot la nd d an G lo ss op Yo rk sh ire wa rd (to rk Yo N or th of Ea st of L s & be r H um e th an d Yo rk sh ire s, Ty ne Le th Te e e Br n es to Pr d an ed s via Ea st d No r th or ad f e th an d Le ed s al e n via Ro ch d lto Bo ig a via W ia No r th tv po r th So u Bl ac kb ur n n 0% Trend Plus 14.4 The two tables below break down the growth by corridor into a number of “flow geography types”, based on the origin and destination of each journey, for the Trend and Trend Plus Scenarios, respectively. 14.5 It may be noticed that, for some sets of corridors in the tables below, growths to or from Manchester Airport are identical. The reason for this is that the airport flows model used CAA survey data in which respondents identified their home residence only by the first part of the postcode, making it difficult to attribute precisely journeys to the true rail station origin, especially where trip makers have alternative options. Comparing CAA-derived distributions with the base year data, which is derived from actual rail ticket usage data can give anomalous results. To address this, we have therefore grouped some neighbouring corridors for the purpose of calculating forecast journey growth to or from the airport. 65 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment TABLE 14.1 EXOGENOUS PASSENGER GROWTH BY CORRIDOR AND FLOW GEOGRAPHY TYPE - TREND SCENARIO Corridor Flows to/from Central Manchester from Inner Manchester City Region Flows to/from Central Manchester from Outer Manchester City Region Flows to/from Central Manchester from Other City Regions Flows to/from Central Manchester from Long Distance stations Other intra corridor flows Inter corridor flows where one or both ends is in the Manchester City Region Inter corridor flows where neither end is in the Manchester City Region Flows to/from Manchester Airport Total 47.7% 49.4% 35.7% 0.0% 27.8% 43.4% 29.2% 29.2% 38.1% 38.9% 1 Southport via Wigan 2 Preston and the North via Bolton 0.0% 46.3% 44.7% 38.2% 33.2% 29.8% 54.6% 31.1% 3 Blackburn 54.1% 43.2% 39.0% 0.0% 30.4% 29.3% 28.5% 31.1% 35.7% 4 Bradford via Rochdale 46.3% 42.5% 40.7% 0.0% 30.8% 20.8% 54.0% 31.1% 44.9% 5 Yorkshire and the Humber & the North East via Leeds 0.0% 45.1% 28.9% 29.5% 32.2% 25.8% 30.5% 31.1% 31.7% 5a Leeds and York 0.0% 45.1% 29.3% 0.0% 33.3% 26.0% 26.7% 31.1% 31.1% 5b North of York (towards Tees, Tyne and Scotland) 0.0% 0.0% 26.3% 29.5% 30.7% 22.3% 32.5% 31.1% 31.4% 5c East of Leeds (towards Hull) 0.0% 0.0% 28.7% 0.0% 22.0% 29.5% 40.4% 31.1% 37.5% 6 Glossop / Hadfield 48.4% 44.7% 0.0% 0.0% 27.2% 32.6% 0.0% 45.9% 41.9% 7 Marple / Romiley 47.7% 47.5% 35.0% 0.0% 43.7% 47.5% 58.0% 45.9% 51.4% 8 Yorkshire & the East Midlands via Sheffield 48.8% 0.0% 40.8% 33.3% 47.9% 39.4% 44.1% 45.9% 43.8% Buxton 56.8% 51.2% 0.0% 0.0% 31.2% 37.6% 0.0% 45.9% 49.7% 0.0% 46.7% 0.0% 52.2% 40.4% 41.8% 37.5% -4.5% 41.2% 9 10 London, Birmingham and the South (via WCML) 11 Manchester Airport 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 44.6% 44.6% 12 Chester via Northwich 0.0% 58.0% 37.8% 0.0% 26.3% 32.8% 24.6% 34.6% 38.1% 13 Liverpool via Irlam 36.1% 35.6% 34.0% 0.0% 31.2% 34.5% 29.4% 19.5% 35.2% 14 Liverpool / Chester via Warrington 46.0% 39.9% 34.7% 29.9% 23.8% 22.4% 31.5% 19.5% 29.2% Total 52.3% 46.5% 36.3% 48.8% 37.3% 35.8% 37.9% 36.8% 39.0% 66 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment TABLE 14.2 EXOGENOUS PASSENGER GROWTH BY CORRIDOR AND FLOW GEOGRAPHY TYPE - TREND PLUS SCENARIO Corridor Flows to/from Central Manchester from Inner Manchester City Region Flows to/from Central Manchester from Outer Manchester City Region Flows to/from Central Manchester from Other City Regions Flows to/from Central Manchester from Long Distance stations Other intra corridor flows Inter corridor flows where one or both ends is in the Manchester City Region Inter corridor flows where neither end is in the Manchester City Region Flows to/from Manchester Airport Total 67.1% 69.2% 53.5% 0.0% 42.7% 79.8% 42.0% 31.1% 57.7% 46.6% 1 Southport via Wigan 2 Preston and the North via Bolton 0.0% 65.2% 65.0% 46.6% 36.0% 51.8% 63.7% 33.5% 3 Blackburn 73.0% 60.9% 52.8% 0.0% 42.6% 45.3% 42.9% 33.5% 49.7% 4 Bradford via Rochdale 66.4% 62.2% 78.2% 0.0% 58.1% 46.5% 97.6% 32.9% 75.4% 5 Yorkshire and the Humber & the North East via Leeds 0.0% 62.5% 57.2% 51.2% 56.0% 56.4% 75.2% 32.9% 63.8% 5a Leeds and York 0.0% 62.5% 58.5% 0.0% 60.0% 58.0% 80.6% 32.9% 65.2% 5b North of York (towards Tees, Tyne and Scotland) 0.0% 0.0% 44.9% 51.2% 46.5% 39.6% 60.7% 32.9% 54.6% 5c East of Leeds (towards Hull) 0.0% 0.0% 59.0% 0.0% 45.7% 64.6% 97.1% 32.9% 84.8% 6 Glossop / Hadfield 70.2% 64.3% 0.0% 0.0% 45.6% 56.2% 0.0% 48.3% 61.5% 7 Marple / Romiley 68.5% 67.9% 57.0% 0.0% 64.7% 71.8% 77.0% 48.3% 72.1% 8 Yorkshire & the East Midlands via Sheffield 69.4% 0.0% 64.7% 46.6% 62.9% 57.1% 66.4% 48.3% 63.0% Buxton 75.3% 68.3% 0.0% 0.0% 49.2% 61.7% 0.0% 48.3% 68.4% 0.0% 67.1% 0.0% 81.9% 43.1% 61.2% 38.0% 2.8% 47.4% 9 10 London, Birmingham and the South (via WCML) 11 Manchester Airport 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 54.6% 54.6% 12 Chester via Northwich 0.0% 93.9% 57.9% 0.0% 44.2% 58.6% 42.2% 41.6% 62.5% 13 Liverpool via Irlam 52.0% 52.3% 52.4% 0.0% 48.0% 57.4% 41.7% 23.2% 51.1% 14 Liverpool / Chester via Warrington 64.9% 58.6% 52.9% 41.4% 32.9% 34.2% 48.0% 23.2% 43.6% Total 71.4% 66.6% 58.9% 74.7% 44.6% 60.0% 58.9% 43.5% 53.6% 67 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment Forecast Passenger Demand 14.6 Rail passenger demand in the Manchester Hub corridors is forecast to rise from 105 million journeys in 2007/8 to 156 million in 2019/20, 178 million in 2024/5 and 202 million in 2029 under the Trend Scenario, assuming that the Test Timetable Scenario is implemented. Under the Trend Plus scenario, the corresponding forecasts are 174 million in 2019/20, 201 million in 2024/5 and 231 million in 2029/30. 14.7 This is illustrated in the chart below (Figure 14.4), where demand is shown for each of these forecast years (and the base year), separately for the Do Minimum (no timetable change) and Test scenario timetable, as well as for both the Trend and Trend Plus economic scenarios. FIGURE 14.4 MANCHESTER HUB PASSENGER JOURNEY FORECASTS BY CORRIDOR Trend & Trend Plus Scenario Journey Growth Under DoMin and Test Timetable Changes 250 Passenger Journeys (Millions) 200 150 100 50 0 Base Trend Trend Plus Trend DoMin 2007/8 14.8 Trend Plus Trend Test Trend Plus Trend DoMin 2019/20 Trend Plus Test Trend Trend Plus Trend DoMin 2024/25 Trend Plus Test 2029/30 Central Manchester Southport via Wigan Preston and the North via Bolton Blackburn Bradford via Rochdale Yorkshire and the Humber & the North East via Leeds Glossop / Hadfield Marple / Romiley Yorkshire & the East Midlands via Sheffield Buxton London, Birmingham and the South (via WCML) Manchester Airport Chester via Northwich Liverpool via Irlam Liverpool / Chester via Warrington The following chart shows the changes in journeys in each corridor, in each of the forecast years, as a result of the introduction of the Test Scenario timetable change. 68 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment FIGURE 14.5 MANCHESTER HUB PASSENGER JOURNEY FORECASTS BY CORRIDOR Trend & Trend Plus Scenario Journeys Changes due to Test Timetable Change 30 25 Passenger Journeys (Millions) 20 15 10 5 Trend Trend Plus 2019/20 Central Manchester Blackburn Glossop / Hadfield Buxton Chester via Northwich 14.9 Trend Trend Plus 2024/25 Southport via Wigan Bradford via Rochdale Marple / Romiley London, Birmingham and the South (via WCML) Liverpool via Irlam Trend Trend Plus 2029/30 Preston and the North via Bolton Yorkshire and the Humber & the North East via Leeds Yorkshire & the East Midlands via Sheffield Manchester Airport Liverpool / Chester via Warrington The impact of the Test Timetable (and associated rolling stock assumptions) on demand, compared with the Do Minimum case, is shown in Table 14.3 below for 2019/20, for both the Trend and Trend Plus Economic Scenarios. 69 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment TABLE 14.3 IMPACT OF TEST TIMETABLE AND ROLLING STOCK ON DEMAND (2019/20) Comparison of demand forecasts for 2019/20 for Do Minimum and Test Timetables, under Trend and Trend Plus Journeys (m) Journeys (m) 2019/20 2019/20 Journeys Journeys (m) 2019/20 (m) 2019/20 Trend Trend Plus Trend Growth Trend Plus Growth Test Test Change Change Growth Growth Timetable % Do Minimum Timetable % Corridor Do Minimum Southport via Wigan 1 4.8 5.3 9.6% 5.5 6.0 10.1% 2 Preston and the North via Bolton 3 22.2 24.1 8.2% 23.5 25.6 8.8% Blackburn 2.4 2.7 13.7% 2.6 3.0 14.0% 4 Bradford via Rochdale 4.3 5.0 14.9% 5.2 6.0 14.7% 5 Yorkshire and the Humber & the North East via Leeds 22.4 24.4 8.9% 27.9 30.4 8.8% 6 Glossop / Hadfield 2.2 2.6 20.6% 2.5 3.0 20.7% 7 Marple / Romiley 2.0 2.2 12.1% 2.2 2.5 12.3% 8 Yorkshire & the East Midlands via Sheffield 12.4 13.1 5.7% 14.1 14.9 5.7% 9 Buxton 2.9 3.8 32.0% 3.3 4.3 33.4% 55.3 56.9 3.0% 57.7 59.5 3.2% 10 London, Birmingham and the South (via WCML) 11 Manchester Airport 3.5 3.9 11.7% 3.6 4.1 11.7% 12 Chester via Northwich 2.9 3.3 14.8% 3.4 3.9 16.2% 13 Liverpool via Irlam 2.1 2.3 10.1% 2.4 2.6 10.8% 14 Liverpool / Chester via Warrington 7.1 8.0 12.4% 7.9 9.0 13.3% 146.4 157.5 7.6% 161.8 174.8 8.1% Total Metrics by Corridor 14.10 The appraisal in this study is, as already noted, unusual, in that no formal scheme is actually being appraised (and there are, therefore, no costs associated with any benefits calculated). We have therefore developed a “Test Scenario” timetable, which captures the broad aspirations of stakeholder, and hence allowing the value of such aspirations to be tested. However, the exact form of any scheme brought forward to improve the Hub is as yet unknown, and is unlikely to match the improvements in the Test Scenario. 14.11 We have therefore developed a set of metrics for the Output Statement, which form the formal input to Phase 2 of the Manchester Hub study, being taken forward by Network Rail. These metrics are based on defining appropriate benefit per unit improvement measures. 70 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment 14.12 The benefits relating to improved passenger services estimated in this study were: I Revenue increment; I Journey time improvements; I Crowding; I Non-user benefits; and I Wider Economic Benefits. 14.13 For freight services, the benefits were the monetary value of Sensitive Lorry Miles saved over the appraisal period. 14.14 All passenger service improvement benefits, with the exception of crowding, were driven by timetable enhancements (faster journey times, higher service frequency or reduced interchange), so it makes sense to measure the value of benefits against a measure of the improvement in generalised journey time (which brings together actual journey time with additional elements for service interval and interchange penalties). We have therefore assessed these benefit categories against the change in GJT between the Do Minimum and Test timetable cases. 14.15 The average GJT in the Do Minimum and Test Timetables, and the corresponding changes and % changes (for journeys within each corridor, including to or from Central Manchester) are as shown in Table 14.4 below. The split between the different elements of GJT causing this change (in-vehicle time, service interval and interchanges) are shown in percentage terms in Table 14.3. TABLE 14.4 GJT IMPROVEMENT BY CORRIDOR Corridor Average GJT within corridor (Do Minimum) Average GJT within corridor (Test Timetable) GJT change (within-corridor journeys, minutes) GJT % change (within-corridor journeys) 1 Southport via Wigan 55.00 48.62 -6.37 -12% 2 Preston and the North via Bolton 66.25 60.72 -5.52 -8% 3 Blackburn 65.59 56.98 -8.61 -13% 4 Bradford via Rochdale 45.47 37.58 -7.89 -17% 5 Yorkshire and the Humber & the North East via Leeds 55.54 50.01 -5.53 -10% 6 Glossop / Hadfield 47.83 37.91 -9.92 -21% 7 Marple / Romiley 48.22 41.81 -6.41 -13% 8 Yorkshire & the East Midlands via Sheffield 64.15 58.38 -5.77 -9% 71 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment Buxton 44.99 34.58 -10.41 -23% 10 London, Birmingham and the South (via WCML) 74.30 71.47 -2.83 -4% 11 Manchester Airport 36.09 31.08 -5.01 -14% 12 Chester via Northwich 71.75 54.58 -17.17 -24% 13 Liverpool via Irlam 50.25 48.92 -1.33 -3% 14 Liverpool / Chester via Warrington 63.17 54.96 -8.21 -13% Total 65.36 59.81 -5.55 -8% 9 TABLE 14.5 GJT CHANGE SPLITS Generalised Journey Time Change Splits Corridor In-vehicle Service Interval Interchange 1 Southport via Wigan 69% 31% 0% 2 Preston and the North via Bolton 78% 20% 2% 3 Blackburn 101% -1% 0% 4 Bradford via Rochdale 90% 10% 0% 5 Yorkshire and the Humber & the North East via Leeds 76% 24% 0% 6 Glossop / Hadfield 84% 16% 0% 7 Marple / Romiley 98% 2% -1% 8 Yorkshire & the East Midlands via Sheffield 39% 60% 1% 9 Buxton 69% 31% 0% 110% -11% 2% 10 London, Birmingham and the South (via WCML) 11 Manchester Airport 63% 37% 0% 12 Chester via Northwich 34% 72% -5% 13 Liverpool via Irlam 227% 45% -172% 14 Liverpool / Chester via Warrington 91% 20% -10% Total 85% 16% -1% 72 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment 14.16 In respect of Crowding, we have assumed that, in the Do Minimum case, additional vehicles are provided as per the HLOS (and TIF) assumptions. For the Test timetable scenario, we have assumed that additional train services have at least as many vehicles as corresponding services in the Do Minimum scenario, and, where significant crowding was identified, we further increased the number of vehicles, so that there was no significant crowding in the Test scenario (for the Trend Economic Scenario). 14.17 We have quantified the additional capacity in terms of additional seats provided in the AM peak, roughly corresponding to a requirement for additional vehicles (though of course some vehicles may be able to be used more than once during the three hour peak). The first table below (Table 14.6) shows the incremental AM peak seats in each corridor, broken down by suburban and long-distance services, while the second table (Table 14.7) shows incremental seats in the High AM Peak (0800-0900). 73 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment TABLE 14.6 INCREMENTAL SEATS IN AM PEAK BY CORRIDOR Incremental AM Peak Seats Corridor Suburban Services Longdistance Services All Services 1 Southport via Wigan 4,292 0 4,292 2 Preston and the North via Bolton 2,188 992 3,180 3 Blackburn 894 0 894 4 Bradford via Rochdale 430 1,808 2,238 5 Yorkshire and the Humber & the North East via Leeds 3,736 3,094 6,830 6 Glossop / Hadfield 2,840 0 2,840 7 Marple / Romiley 1,062 0 1,062 8 Yorkshire & the East Midlands via Sheffield 1,548 498 2,046 9 Buxton 2,100 0 2,100 10 London, Birmingham and the South (via WCML) 852 3,320 4,172 11 Manchester Airport 3,590 1,306 4,896 12 Chester via Northwich 1,341 0 1,341 13 Liverpool via Irlam 3,367 0 3,367 14 Liverpool / Chester via Warrington 576 2,366 2,942 28,816 13,384 42,200 Longdistance Services All Services Total TABLE 14.7 INCREMENTAL SEATS IN HIGH AM PEAK BY CORRIDOR Incremental AM HIGH Peak Seats Corridor 1 Southport via Wigan 1,201 0 1,201 2 Preston and the North via Bolton 810 552 1,362 3 Blackburn 149 0 149 4 Bradford via Rochdale 20 452 472 5 Yorkshire and the Humber & the North East via Leeds 1,937 883 2,820 6 Glossop / Hadfield 0 0 0 7 Marple / Romiley 354 0 354 8 Yorkshire & the East Midlands via Sheffield 466 359 825 9 Buxton 10 London, Birmingham and the South (via WCML) 11 Manchester Airport 12 Chester via Northwich 13 Liverpool via Irlam 14 Liverpool / Chester via Warrington Total 14.18 Suburban Services 1,200 0 1,200 284 1,156 1,440 -451 878 427 447 0 447 1,097 0 1,097 92 519 611 7,606 4,799 12,405 Freight benefits have been estimated by assuming that additional freight paths will be identified, and used, by inter-modal freight services to Trafford Park. The estimated benefits have therefore been compared against the incremental freight paths we assume will be available, i.e. an additional 15 paths per day. 74 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment Appraisal Results 14.19 As noted in paragraph 11.8, we have undertaken a standard 60-year appraisal of the Test scenario train service, compared to the Do Minimum case, assuming that the Test scenario timetable and associated additional rolling stock are in place from 2019. The total benefits of the test scenario £12,735 million under the Trend Economic Scenario and £16,168 million under the Trend Plus Economic Scenario (both numbers are 60 year PV, 2002 prices). The results are shown for each corridor in Table 14.5 below. 14.20 More detailed results are presented in Appendix A. TABLE 14.8 SUMMARY OF BENEFITS DUE TO IMPROVEMENT IN PASSENGER RAIL SERVICES Scenario Benefits £m PV Corridor Trend Plus Change 431 556 125 % Change 29% 1 Southport via Wigan 2 Preston and the North via Bolton 1,719 2,011 292 17% 3 Blackburn 288 356 67 23% 4 Bradford via Rochdale 636 841 206 32% 5 Yorkshire & the North East via Leeds 2,435 3,342 908 37% 5a Leeds and York 1,566 2,152 586 37% 5b North of York (towards Tees, Tyne and Scotland) 562 739 177 32% 5c East of Leeds (towards Hull) 307 452 144 47% 6 Glossop / Hadfield 190 230 40 21% 7 Marple / Romiley 148 184 36 24% 8 Yorkshire & the East Midlands via Sheffield 1,374 1,766 392 29% 9 Buxton 395 496 102 26% 2,882 3,550 668 23% Manchester Airport 362 395 33 9% 12 Chester via Northwich 380 502 122 32% 13 Liverpool via Irlam 274 367 93 34% 14 Liverpool / Chester via Warrington 878 1,117 239 27% 10 London, Birmingham and the South (via WCML) 11 Other trips Total 14.21 Trend 329 439 110 33% 12,721 16,152 3,432 27% The two tables below (Tables 14.6 and 14.7) show the aggregate benefits across all corridors split by benefit type and the flow geography. Note that Crowding benefits have been assumed to arise on journeys within corridors only, and Wider Economic Benefits have not been calculated for flows outside the Manchester Hub corridor routes. 75 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment TABLE 14.9 TOTAL BENEFITS BY BENEFIT AND GEOGRAPHY TYPE - TREND SCENARIO Trend Scenario Benefit £ million NPV Revenue increment Flows to/from Central Manchester from Inner Manchester City Region Flows to/from Central Manchester from Outer Manchester City Region Flows to/from Central Manchester from Other City Regions Flows to/from Central Manchester from Long Distance stations Other intra corridor flows Inter corridor flows where one or both ends is in the Manchester City Region Inter corridor flows where neither end is in the Manchester City Region Flows to/from Manchester Airport from Manchester City Region Flows to/from Manchester Airport from outside Manchester City Region Flows to all other station Total 2 85 241 352 335 1 187 8 86 107 1,403 23 930 1,124 661 1,075 254 687 115 438 809 6,116 Crowding 0 2,225 0 0 0 0 0 79 0 0 2,304 Non user Benefits Wider Economic Benefits Total 1 34 119 185 47 8 41 2 5 24 465 1 390 281 105 170 186 1,211 33 55 0 2,433 27 3,664 1,765 1,302 1,627 450 2,125 238 583 940 12,721 Journey time savings 76 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment TABLE 14.10 TOTAL BENEFITS BY BENEFIT AND GEOGRAPHY TYPE - TREND PLUS SCENARIO Trend Scenario Benefit £ million NPV Revenue increment Flows to/from Central Manchester from Inner Manchester City Region Flows to/from Central Manchester from Outer Manchester City Region Flows to/from Central Manchester from Other City Regions Flows to/from Central Manchester from Long Distance stations Other intra corridor flows Inter corridor flows where one or both ends is in the Manchester City Region Inter corridor flows where neither end is in the Manchester City Region Flows to/from Manchester Airport from Manchester City Region Flows to/from Manchester Airport from outside Manchester City Region Flows to all other station Total 3 101 294 460 406 43 181 9 86 138 1,722 28 1,108 1,356 839 1,252 327 1,013 126 441 1,002 7,492 Crowding 0 3,195 0 0 0 0 0 93 0 0 3,288 Non user Benefits Wider Economic Benefits Total 1 40 144 197 50 20 73 3 5 30 563 2 471 350 111 189 248 1,609 41 67 0 3,088 33 4,915 2,145 1,607 1,896 638 2,876 272 599 1,170 16,152 Journey time savings 77 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment 14.22 The benefits for the Trend Scenario are illustrated in the following charts (in terms of a 60-year PV in £m at 2002 prices). Figure 14.6 shows total benefits by corridor, split by journey type within corridor (i.e. “within corridor”, including journeys to or from central Manchester, “to the airport”, “to other corridors” and “to or from the rest of the UK”). Benefits by category are shown in Figure 14.7. These are: I Revenue increment; I Journey time improvements; I Crowding; I Non-user benefits; and I Wider Economic Benefits. FIGURE 14.6 TREND SCENARIO BENEFITS BY CORRIDOR AND FLOW GEOGRAPHY Flows to all other station Test Rail Service Benefits by Corridor and Flow-type - Trend Scenario Flows to/from Manchester Airport which are to/from outside Greater Manchester City Region Flows to/from Manchester Airport which are in Greater Manchester City Region Inter corridor flows where neither end is in the Greater Manchester City Region Inter corridor flows where one or both ends is in the Greater Manchester City Region Intra corridor flows £3,000 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 All Other Liverpool / Chester via Warrington Liverpool via Irlam Chester via Northwich Manchester Airport Buxton London, Birmingham and the South (via WCML) Marple / Romiley Corridor Yorkshire & the East Midlands via Sheffield Glossop / Hadfield East of Leeds (towards Hull) Leeds and York North of York (towards Tees, Tyne and Scotland) Bradford via Rochdale Blackburn -£500 Preston and the North via Bolton £0 Southport via Wigan £ Millions PV (2002 prices) £2,500 Flows to/from Central Manchester to/from Long Distance stations Flows to/from Central Manchester to/from Other City Regions Flows to/from Central Manchester to/from Outer Manchester City Region Flows to/from Central Manchester to/from Inner Manchester City Region 78 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment FIGURE 14.7 TREND SCENARIO BENEFITS BY CORRIDOR AND BENEFIT TYPE Test Rail Service Benefits by Corridor and Benefit Type - Trend Scenario £3,000 £ Millions PV (2002 prices) £2,500 £2,000 Wider Economic Benefits Non user Benefits Crowding £1,500 Journey time savings Revenue Increment £1,000 £500 14.23 All Other Liverpool / Chester via Warrington Liverpool via Irlam Chester via Northwich Manchester Airport Buxton Corridor London, Birmingham and the South (via WCML) Marple / Romiley Yorkshire & the East Midlands via Sheffield Glossop / Hadfield East of Leeds (towards Hull) Leeds and York North of York (towards Tees, Tyne and Scotland) Bradford via Rochdale Blackburn Preston and the North via Bolton -£500 Southport via Wigan £0 The corresponding benefits for the Trend Plus Scenario are illustrated in the following charts (Figure 14.8 and Figure 14.9). FIGURE 14.8 TREND PLUS SCENARIO BENEFITS BY CORRIDOR AND FLOW GEOGRAPHY TYPE Flows to all other station Test Rail Service Benefits by Corridor and Flow-type - Trend Plus Scenario Flows to/from Manchester Airport which are to/from outside Greater Manchester City Region Flows to/from Manchester Airport which are in Greater Manchester City Region Inter corridor flows where neither end is in the Greater Manchester City Region Inter corridor flows where one or both ends is in the Greater Manchester City Region Intra corridor flows £3,500 £2,500 £2,000 £1,500 £1,000 £500 All Other Liverpool / Chester via Warrington Liverpool via Irlam Chester via Northwich Manchester Airport Buxton London, Birmingham and the South (via WCML) Marple / Romiley Corridor Yorkshire & the East Midlands via Sheffield Glossop / Hadfield East of Leeds (towards Hull) Leeds and York North of York (towards Tees, Tyne and Scotland) Bradford via Rochdale Blackburn -£500 Preston and the North via Bolton £0 Southport via Wigan £ Millions PV (2002 prices) £3,000 Flows to/from Central Manchester to/from Long Distance stations Flows to/from Central Manchester to/from Other City Regions Flows to/from Central Manchester to/from Outer Manchester City Region Flows to/from Central Manchester to/from Inner Manchester City Region 79 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment FIGURE 14.9 TREND PLUS SCENARIO BENEFITS BY CORRIDOR AND BENEFIT TYPE Test Rail Service Benefits by Corridor and Benefit Type - Trend Plus Scenario £ Millions PV (2002 prices) £3,500 £3,000 Wider Economic Benefits £2,500 Non user Benefits Crowding £2,000 Journey time savings £1,500 Revenue Increment £1,000 £500 All Other Liverpool / Chester via Warrington Liverpool via Irlam Chester via Northwich Manchester Airport Buxton London, Birmingham and the South (via WCML) Marple / Romiley Yorkshire & the East Midlands via Sheffield Glossop / Hadfield East of Leeds (towards Hull) Leeds and York North of York (towards Tees, Tyne and Scotland) Bradford via Rochdale Blackburn Preston and the North via Bolton Southport via Wigan £0 Corridor Freight Modelling and Appraisal Results 14.24 The estimated value for SLMs for Manchester Hub is £612.2m PV for the 60 year assessment period. This equates to around £41m PV for each incremental daily freight path into the Manchester area (modelled as Trafford Park). 80 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment 15 Output Statement Metrics 15.1 Based on the results for the Test timetable scenario set out in Chapter 14, we have calculated the metrics for the Output Statement, for both the Trend and Trend Plus Economic Scenarios. These are: I Timetable-driven passenger service benefit per unit GJT improvement; I Crowding benefits per incremental AM peak seat; and I Freight benefits per incremental freight path to Trafford Park. Timetable-driven Benefits 15.2 The tables below show each timetable-driven benefit per minute improvement in GJT (on within-corridor flows). The first table splits this by type of benefit and the second by the type of flow. The third table splits the per-GJT-improvement benefits into the portion due to, respectively, faster journey times, reduced service interval and reduced interchange requirements. TABLE 15.1 TREND SCENARIO - TIMETABLE-RELATED BENEFITS PER GJT MINUTE IMPROVEMENT BY BENEFIT TYPE Trend Scenario Corridor 1 Southport via Wigan 2 Preston and the North via Bolton 3 4 5 Timetable-related benefits per GJT minute improvement (£ million NPV, 2002 prices) Revenue Increment Journey Time Nonuser benefits Wider Economic Benefits Total timetablerelated benefits 3 31 2 15 50 25 149 11 75 260 Blackburn 2 16 1 11 29 Bradford via Rochdale 5 42 2 29 78 Yorkshire & the North East via Leeds 45 178 13 98 333 5a Leeds and York 34 130 10 49 222 5b North of York (towards Tees, Tyne and Scotland) 7 30 2 29 69 5c East of Leeds (towards Hull) 4 18 1 20 42 6 Glossop / Hadfield 1 16 0 2 19 7 Marple / Romiley 1 19 0 3 23 8 Yorkshire & the East Midlands via Sheffield 17 106 6 61 190 9 Buxton 2 25 1 4 33 219 460 70 120 869 10 London, Birmingham and the South (via WCML) 11 Manchester Airport 6 40 1 9 57 12 Chester via Northwich 1 16 0 2 19 13 Liverpool via Irlam 1 25 3 3 33 14 Liverpool / Chester via Warrington 12 49 5 24 90 253 1102 84 438 1,877 Total 81 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment TABLE 15.2 TREND SCENARIO - TIMETABLE-RELATED BENEFITS PER GJT MINUTE IMPROVEMENT BY FLOW TYPE Trend Scenario Corridor 1 2 3 4 5 5a 5b 5c 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Southport via Wigan Preston and the North via Bolton Blackburn Bradford via Rochdale Yorkshire & the North East via Leeds Leeds and York North of York (towards Tees, Tyne and Scotland) East of Leeds (towards Hull) Glossop / Hadfield Marple / Romiley Yorkshire & the East Midlands via Sheffield Buxton London, Birmingham and the South (via WCML) Manchester Airport Chester via Northwich Liverpool via Irlam Liverpool / Chester via Warrington Total Other intra corridor flows Inter corridor flows where one or both ends is in the Manchester City Region Inter corridor flows where neither end is in the Manchester City Region Flows to/from Manchester Airport from Manchester City Region Flows to/from Manchester Airport from outside Manchester City Region Flows to all other station Total 0.0 4.5 11.8 5.6 2.3 0.9 3.6 50.3 61.0 21.9 16.6 14.3 62.0 0.5 20.7 18.1 259.8 0.5 14.8 18.3 11.4 0.0 0.0 -0.9 3.1 1.3 11.4 7.6 20.2 -0.5 2.0 0.9 5.8 1.6 8.5 28.8 77.7 0.0 27.8 103.1 3.3 30.8 10.4 117.6 0.9 17.1 22.0 333.0 0.0 18.6 74.6 0.2 27.0 7.6 68.1 0.8 10.3 14.7 221.8 0.0 5.5 19.6 3.0 2.0 1.9 28.8 0.1 3.3 4.6 68.9 0.0 3.7 9.0 0.1 1.8 0.9 20.7 0.0 3.5 2.8 42.2 1.4 -0.1 14.2 13.1 0.0 1.4 0.0 0.0 0.2 1.4 2.4 3.7 0.0 1.2 0.6 0.7 0.0 0.9 0.4 0.5 19.2 22.8 -0.2 8.7 38.6 13.1 25.3 6.9 60.7 0.4 8.1 28.2 189.7 -2.0 23.5 0.0 0.0 3.3 6.8 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.9 32.7 0.0 30.1 0.0 376.4 393.6 -2.1 51.0 -0.5 10.7 9.7 868.9 0.0 0.0 7.6 0.0 10.3 10.5 0.0 3.6 -10.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 -5.0 0.0 -1.6 1.1 0.0 3.4 22.0 17.7 0.1 5.1 38.9 0.1 7.3 0.0 1.3 -5.6 56.6 19.2 32.5 0.5 2.1 37.0 2.7 -1.8 1.3 34.2 1.8 3.1 9.5 90.3 4.9 259.1 318.0 234.7 293.1 81.1 382.8 28.7 105.0 169.5 1,876.9 Flows to/from Central Manchester from Inner Manchester City Region Flows to/from Central Manchester from Outer Manchester City Region Flows to/from Central Manchester from Other City Regions Flows to/from Central Manchester from Long Distance stations 1.0 16.4 4.2 0.0 44.8 0.0 0.4 82 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment TABLE 15.3 TREND SCENARIO - TIMETABLE-RELATED BENEFITS SPLIT BY ELEMENT OF GJT IMPROVEMENT Trend Scenario Corridor 1 Southport via Wigan 2 Preston and the North via Bolton 3 Blackburn 4 Bradford via Rochdale 5 Yorkshire & the North East via Leeds 6 7 Timetable-related benefits per GJT minute improvement (£ million NPV, 2002 prices) In-vehicle time Service Interval Interchange Penalty Total timetablerelated benefits 35 16 0 50 202 53 5 260 29 0 0 29 70 8 0 78 252 80 0 333 Glossop / Hadfield 16 3 0 19 Marple / Romiley 22 0 0 23 8 Yorkshire & the East Midlands via Sheffield 74 114 2 190 9 Buxton 22 10 0 33 952 -98 14 869 36 21 0 57 6 14 -1 19 74 14 -56 33 10 London, Birmingham and the South (via WCML) 11 Manchester Airport 12 Chester via Northwich 13 Liverpool via Irlam 14 Liverpool / Chester via Warrington Total 82 18 -9 90 1,587 302 -12 1,877 83 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment 15.3 The tables below show the corresponding results for the Trend Plus Scenario. TABLE 15.4 TREND PLUS SCENARIO - TIMETABLE-RELATED BENEFITS PER GJT MINUTE IMPROVEMENT BY BENEFIT TYPE Trend Plus Scenario Corridor 1 Southport via Wigan 2 Preston and the North via Bolton 3 Timetable-related benefits per GJT minute improvement (£ million NPV, 2002 prices) Revenue Increment Journey Time Nonuser benefits Wider Economic Benefits Total timetablerelated benefits 4 36 3 20 63 29 172 13 88 301 Blackburn 3 18 1 13 34 4 Bradford via Rochdale 7 53 3 39 101 5 Yorkshire & the North East via Leeds 50 233 18 139 440 5a Leeds and York 37 176 13 70 296 5b North of York (towards Tees, Tyne and Scotland) 8 35 3 42 88 5c East of Leeds (towards Hull) 4 23 1 28 56 6 Glossop / Hadfield 1 18 0 3 23 7 Marple / Romiley 2 22 0 4 28 8 Yorkshire & the East Midlands via Sheffield 21 124 8 83 235 9 Buxton 4 30 1 5 39 282 562 74 126 1,044 Manchester Airport 6 42 1 11 60 Chester via Northwich 1 21 0 2 25 13 Liverpool via Irlam 4 26 4 6 40 14 Liverpool / Chester via Warrington 12 66 6 29 113 310 1350 101 556 2,318 10 London, Birmingham and the South (via WCML) 11 12 Total 84 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment TABLE 15.5 TREND PLUS SCENARIO - TIMETABLE-RELATED BENEFITS PER GJT MINUTE IMPROVEMENT BY FLOW TYPE Trend Plus Scenario Other intra corridor flows Inter corridor flows where one or both ends is in the Manchester City Region Inter corridor flows where neither end is in the Manchester City Region Flows to/from Manchester Airport from Manchester City Region Flows to/from Manchester Airport from outside Manchester City Region Flows to all other station Total 0.0 5.3 16.8 7.2 2.5 1.0 4.2 62.6 71.0 23.1 18.9 20.8 74.1 0.6 20.8 20.6 301.3 0.5 17.8 21.3 15.0 0.0 0.0 -1.0 3.9 1.6 15.7 9.5 29.0 -0.5 2.1 0.9 6.1 1.8 10.9 34.2 101.1 0.0 36.5 130.5 4.0 38.2 14.9 171.1 1.0 17.4 26.7 440.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.6 -0.1 16.8 15.7 0.0 1.7 0.0 0.0 0.3 1.7 3.3 5.2 0.0 1.6 0.6 0.7 0.0 1.0 0.5 0.6 23.1 28.1 Yorkshire & the East Midlands via Sheffield -0.2 10.8 46.8 14.9 29.7 10.0 84.3 0.4 8.3 30.0 235.0 Buxton -2.2 27.2 0.0 0.0 3.8 9.2 0.0 0.2 0.0 1.1 39.3 0.0 31.8 0.0 475.8 452.4 -2.5 56.1 -0.6 10.9 20.1 1,044.0 0.0 0.0 8.9 0.0 13.2 13.0 0.0 4.2 -12.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.4 -5.9 0.0 -2.0 2.7 0.0 5.1 26.3 20.3 0.1 5.5 40.1 0.1 7.7 0.0 1.5 -5.7 60.4 24.6 40.4 0.5 2.4 43.7 3.0 -1.7 1.8 47.1 2.1 3.3 10.8 112.9 6.0 310.0 386.5 289.5 341.7 115.0 518.3 32.3 107.8 210.8 2,318.0 Corridor 1 2 3 4 5 5a 5b 5c 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Southport via Wigan Preston and the North via Bolton Blackburn Bradford via Rochdale Yorkshire & the North East via Leeds Leeds and York North of York (towards Tees, Tyne and Scotland) East of Leeds (towards Hull) Glossop / Hadfield Marple / Romiley London, Birmingham and the South (via WCML) Manchester Airport Chester via Northwich Liverpool via Irlam Liverpool / Chester via Warrington Total Flows to/from Central Manchester from Inner Manchester City Region Flows to/from Central Manchester from Outer Manchester City Region Flows to/from Central Manchester from Other City Regions Flows to/from Central Manchester from Long Distance stations 1.2 19.4 5.0 0.0 51.4 0.0 0.5 85 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment TABLE 15.6 TREND PLUS SCENARIO - TIMETABLE-RELATED BENEFITS SPLIT BY ELEMENT OF GJT IMPROVEMENT Trend Plus Scenario Corridor Timetable-related benefits per GJT minute improvement (£ million NPV, 2002 prices) In-vehicle time Service Interval Interchange Penalty Total timetablerelated benefits 43 19 0 63 301 1 Southport via Wigan 2 Preston and the North via Bolton 235 61 5 3 Blackburn 35 0 0 34 4 Bradford via Rochdale 91 10 0 101 5 Yorkshire & the North East via Leeds 334 106 1 440 6 Glossop / Hadfield 19 4 0 23 7 Marple / Romiley 28 1 0 28 8 Yorkshire & the East Midlands via Sheffield 91 141 3 235 9 Buxton 27 12 0 39 1,144 -117 17 1,044 38 22 0 60 10 London, Birmingham and the South (via WCML) 11 Manchester Airport 12 Chester via Northwich 13 Liverpool via Irlam 14 Liverpool / Chester via Warrington Total 8 18 -1 25 92 18 -69 40 102 22 -12 113 1,959 373 -15 2,318 86 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment Capacity-driven Benefits 15.4 The tables below show the crowding benefit per incremental AM peak seat, that is, the value of the reduction in “crowded minutes” by existing and new passengers as a result of additional capacity (rolling stock) supplied in the operation of the Test timetable, compared with Do Minimum timetable (and rolling stock assumptions). Note that the crowding benefit is for both AM and PM peak periods, but is shown per incremental AM peak seat, since the same incremental seats would also be available in the PM peak. The tables show the benefits for the Trend and Trend Plus Scenarios respectively. TABLE 15.7 TREND SCENARIO – CROWDING BENEFIT PER INCREMENTAL AM PEAK SEAT Trend Scenario – Peak Corridor Crowding benefit per incremental AM peak seat, £'000 NPV (2002 prices) Suburban Services Longdistance Services All Services 25.7 1 Southport via Wigan 25.7 0.0 2 Preston and the North via Bolton 17.0 248.3 89.1 3 Blackburn 45.4 0.0 45.4 4 Bradford via Rochdale 47.2 1.6 10.3 5 Yorkshire and the Humber & the North East via Leeds 20.1 167.0 86.7 6 Glossop / Hadfield 0.0 0.0 0.0 7 Marple / Romiley 2.0 0.0 2.0 8 Yorkshire & the East Midlands via Sheffield 7.9 537.2 136.7 9 Buxton 26.0 0.0 26.0 10 London, Birmingham and the South (via WCML) 17.9 122.6 101.2 11 Manchester Airport 0.0 60.3 16.1 12 Chester via Northwich 36.8 0.0 36.8 13 Liverpool via Irlam 68.5 0.0 68.5 14 Liverpool / Chester via Warrington 2.2 57.3 46.5 22.5 123.6 54.6 Total 87 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment TABLE 15.8 TREND PLUS SCENARIO – CROWDING BENEFIT PER INCREMENTAL AM PEAK SEAT Trend Plus Scenario - Peak Corridor Suburban Services Long-distance Services All Services 1 Southport via Wigan 36.6 0.0 36.6 2 Preston and the North via Bolton 26.4 291.3 109.0 3 Blackburn 68.4 0.0 68.4 4 Bradford via Rochdale 93.2 2.4 19.9 5 Yorkshire and the Humber & the North East via Leeds 30.7 255.6 132.6 6 Glossop / Hadfield 0.3 0.0 0.3 7 Marple / Romiley 3.6 0.0 3.6 8 Yorkshire & the East Midlands via Sheffield 15.2 777.9 200.8 9 Buxton 41.5 0.0 41.5 10 London, Birmingham and the South (via WCML) 22.6 173.3 142.5 11 Manchester Airport 0.0 71.2 19.0 12 Chester via Northwich 59.1 0.0 59.1 13 Liverpool via Irlam 93.0 0.0 93.0 14 Liverpool / Chester via Warrington 5.4 79.1 64.6 33.3 173.9 77.9 Total 15.5 Crowding benefit per incremental AM peak seat, £'000 NPV (2002 prices) We have also calculated the corresponding benefits per incremental High AM Peak seat, that is, the benefit per incremental seat during the period 0800-1000. Note that the crowding benefit is for both the AM and PM High Peaks (0800-0900 and 1700-1800), but again, is shown per incremental AM high peak seat, since the same seats would be available for the high PM peak. These are shown, for the Trend and Trend Plus Scenarios, respectively, in the tables below. TABLE 15.9 TREND SCENARIO – CROWDING BENEFIT PER INCREMENTAL HIGH AM PEAK SEAT Trend Scenario – High Peak Corridor Crowding benefit per incremental HIGH AM peak seat, £'000 NPV (2002 prices) Suburban Services Long-distance Services All Services 1 Southport via Wigan 38.5 0.0 38.5 2 Preston and the North via Bolton 18.3 177.0 82.6 3 Blackburn 193.4 0.0 193.4 4 Bradford via Rochdale 817.4 -1.2 33.5 5 Yorkshire and the Humber & the North East via Leeds 19.5 214.6 80.6 6 Glossop / Hadfield 0.0 0.0 0.0 7 Marple / Romiley 5.4 0.0 5.4 8 Yorkshire & the East Midlands via Sheffield 22.4 290.5 139.1 9 Buxton 24.8 0.0 24.8 10 London, Birmingham and the South (via WCML) 62.4 108.3 99.3 11 Manchester Airport 0.2 39.7 81.4 12 Chester via Northwich 70.1 0.0 70.1 13 Liverpool via Irlam 94.3 0.0 94.3 14 Liverpool / Chester via Warrington 13.5 170.1 146.5 Total 44.7 133.2 78.9 88 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment TABLE 15.10 TREND PLUS SCENARIO – CROWDING BENEFIT PER INCREMENTAL HIGH AM PEAK SEAT Trend Plus Scenario – High Peak Corridor Crowding benefit per incremental HIGH AM peak seat, £'000 NPV (2002 prices) Suburban Services Longdistance Services All Services 1 Southport via Wigan 66.3 0.0 66.3 2 Preston and the North via Bolton 39.7 383.3 179.0 3 Blackburn 188.2 0.0 188.2 4 Bradford via Rochdale 666.6 -0.9 27.3 5 Yorkshire and the Humber & the North East via Leeds 33.2 365.0 137.1 6 Glossop / Hadfield 0.0 0.0 0.0 7 Marple / Romiley 3.7 0.0 3.7 8 Yorkshire & the East Midlands via Sheffield 37.0 478.9 229.3 9 Buxton 10 London, Birmingham and the South (via WCML) 11 Manchester Airport 12 Chester via Northwich 13 Liverpool via Irlam 14 28.8 0.0 28.8 128.4 223.0 204.3 0.4 76.7 157.2 72.7 0.0 72.7 157.6 0.0 157.6 Liverpool / Chester via Warrington 14.8 187.3 161.4 Total 67.5 235.0 132.3 Freight Benefits 15.6 The benefits, in terms of a 60-year PV appraisal, of growth in available freight paths to Trafford Park, consistent with DfT growth assumptions, are estimated at £41 million per additional freight path. 89 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment 90 Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment APPENDIX A DETAILED APPRAISAL RESULTS Appendix A Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment Appendix A Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment A1. APPRAISAL BENEFITS A1.1 The tables and charts give fuller details on the results of the modelling of the Test Timetable Scenario, beyond that presented in Chapter 14, for both the Trend and Trend Plus economic scenarios. A1.2 The following two tables show benefits by corridor, flow category and benefit type for the Trend and Trend Plus Scenarios respectively. Appendix A Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment APPENDIX: TABLE A1.1 No 1 Benefit Flows to/from Central Manchester to/from Inner Manchester City Region Flows to/from Central Manchester to/from Outer Manchester City Region Revenue increment £0.48 £7.57 £3.14 £0.00 £1.54 £0.32 £0.98 £0.64 £0.57 £1.99 £17.24 Journey time savings £5.03 £76.85 £16.22 £0.00 £22.85 £25.61 £11.55 £12.17 £4.44 £20.47 £195.18 Crowding £0.00 £110.50 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £110.50 Corridor Name Southport via Wigan 5 5a 5b 5c Leeds and York Leeds and York Total (£ millions) £0.00 £0.00 £6.02 £3.69 £0.00 £0.28 £0.50 £0.09 £0.18 £0.05 £0.44 £13.97 £3.56 £0.00 £3.81 £48.72 £23.25 £1.88 £0.73 Total £6.48 £214.91 £26.61 £0.00 £28.49 £75.14 £35.87 £14.87 £5.79 £22.90 £431.06 Revenue increment £0.00 £20.66 £41.63 £22.98 £7.78 £4.06 £16.24 £0.20 £15.36 £11.05 £139.94 £219.93 £86.10 £820.85 £11.35 £96.79 £0.00 £156.72 £67.36 £70.33 £44.04 £84.24 £2.35 £89.80 £0.00 £283.48 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £5.52 £22.63 £21.17 £2.28 £1.27 £3.75 £0.06 £1.33 £2.60 £60.61 £0.00 £64.71 £52.65 £9.69 £11.17 £29.70 £238.04 £0.18 £7.64 £0.00 £413.78 Total £0.00 £531.10 £336.83 £121.20 £91.55 £79.06 £342.27 £2.78 £114.12 £99.74 £1,718.66 Revenue increment £0.00 £0.53 £13.63 £0.00 -£0.08 -£0.33 -£2.45 -£0.06 £1.36 £1.30 £13.90 -£0.05 -£4.68 £105.02 £0.00 -£6.01 £7.02 £18.05 -£3.34 £5.31 £12.14 £133.47 £0.00 £40.63 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £40.63 Crowding Non user benefits £283.48 £0.00 £0.35 £8.14 £0.00 -£0.06 £0.24 £0.31 -£0.01 £0.03 £0.24 £9.25 Wider economic benefits -£0.01 £7.71 £30.51 £0.00 -£1.29 £4.24 £49.40 -£0.62 £1.07 £0.00 £91.01 Total -£0.07 £44.54 £157.30 £0.00 -£7.44 £11.17 £65.31 -£4.03 £7.78 £13.68 £288.25 £0.16 £7.38 £7.23 £0.00 £1.02 £3.00 £4.29 £0.59 £5.93 £6.23 £35.82 Revenue increment Bradford via Rochdale Flows to all other station £0.10 Journey time savings 4 £0.00 Inter corridor Flows to/from Flows to/from flows where Manchester Manchester Airport neither end is Airport which are which are to/from in the Greater in Greater outside Greater Manchester Manchester City Manchester City City Region Region Region £0.87 Preston and the North Crowding via Bolton Non user benefits Blackburn Inter corridor flows where one or both ends is in the Greater Intra corridor Manchester City flows Region Wider economic benefits Wider economic benefits 3 Flows to/from Central Flows to/from Manchester Central Manchester to/from Other to/from Long City Regions Distance stations Non user benefits Journey time savings 2 TREND SCENARIO BENEFITS Journey time savings £2.42 £81.53 £51.66 £0.00 £18.84 £49.72 £21.83 £13.09 £34.04 £59.25 £332.38 Crowding £0.00 £23.15 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £23.15 Non user benefits £0.06 £2.65 £5.72 £0.00 £0.23 £2.06 £1.38 £0.13 £0.22 £1.49 £13.94 Wider economic benefits £0.58 £25.01 £25.61 £0.00 £4.50 £35.09 £131.98 £1.84 £5.84 £0.00 £230.44 Total £3.21 £139.72 £90.22 £0.00 £24.59 £89.88 £159.47 £15.64 £46.02 £66.97 £635.73 Revenue increment £0.00 £7.42 £96.27 £3.40 £18.62 £5.88 £82.89 £0.32 £14.86 £17.04 £246.70 Journey time savings £0.00 £41.14 £344.58 £11.18 £126.47 £32.94 £245.79 £4.12 £74.63 £101.62 £982.47 Crowding £0.00 £591.82 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £591.82 Non user benefits £0.00 £3.46 £40.38 £1.75 £5.06 £0.71 £16.51 £0.08 £0.60 £2.98 £71.52 Wider economic benefits £0.00 £101.90 £89.57 £1.80 £20.36 £18.04 £305.60 £0.24 £4.58 £0.00 £542.09 Total £0.00 £745.75 £570.79 £18.13 £170.52 £57.57 £650.78 £4.76 £94.67 £121.63 £2,434.60 Revenue increment £0.00 £7.42 £72.35 £0.00 £16.90 £6.19 £61.98 £0.26 £7.90 £12.40 £185.40 Journey time savings £0.00 £41.14 £267.27 £0.00 £117.82 £25.46 £148.69 £3.74 £46.70 £66.72 £717.54 Crowding £0.00 £338.39 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £338.39 Non user benefits £0.00 £3.46 £28.25 £0.00 £4.71 £1.40 £13.37 £0.07 £0.31 £1.97 £53.55 Wider economic benefits £0.00 £50.95 £44.78 £0.90 £10.18 £9.02 £152.80 £0.12 £2.29 £0.00 £271.04 Total £0.00 £441.36 £412.66 £0.90 £149.61 £42.07 £376.84 £4.19 £57.21 £81.08 £1,565.92 Revenue increment £0.00 £0.00 £18.26 £3.40 £1.08 -£0.51 £11.20 £0.07 £2.75 £3.01 £39.26 Journey time savings £0.00 £0.00 £54.17 £11.18 £3.67 £6.47 £55.62 £0.40 £14.09 £21.60 £167.21 £0.00 £180.03 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £180.03 North of York (towards Crowding Tees, Tyne and Scotland) Non user benefits Wider economic benefits £0.00 £0.00 £9.24 £1.75 £0.26 -£0.63 £1.08 £0.01 £0.13 £0.61 £12.45 £0.00 £30.57 £26.87 £0.54 £6.11 £5.41 £91.68 £0.07 £1.37 £0.00 £162.63 Total £0.00 £210.60 £108.54 £16.87 £11.12 £10.75 £159.57 £0.55 £18.35 £25.22 £561.57 Revenue increment £0.00 £0.00 £5.66 £0.00 £0.64 £0.19 £9.71 £0.00 £4.21 £1.63 £22.04 Journey time savings £0.00 £0.00 £23.14 £0.00 £4.98 £1.01 £41.48 -£0.02 £13.83 £13.30 £97.73 £0.00 £73.41 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £73.41 £0.00 £0.00 £2.89 £0.00 £0.10 -£0.07 £2.05 £0.00 £0.16 £0.40 £5.52 Wider economic benefits £0.00 £20.38 £17.91 £0.36 £4.07 £3.61 £61.12 £0.05 £0.92 £0.00 £108.42 Total £0.00 £93.79 £49.59 £0.36 £9.79 £4.75 £114.37 £0.03 £19.11 £15.33 £307.12 East of Leeds Crowding (towards Hull) Non user benefits Appendix A Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment No Corridor Name Benefit Revenue increment 7 8 Glossop / Hadfield Marple / Romiley Inter corridor Flows to/from Flows to/from flows where Manchester Manchester Airport neither end is Airport which are which are to/from in the Greater in Greater outside Greater Manchester Manchester City Manchester City City Region Region Region Flows to all other station Total (£ millions) £8.47 £0.00 £0.00 £0.40 -£1.34 £0.00 £0.25 £0.00 £0.37 £8.82 £0.00 £0.00 £1.80 £12.17 £0.00 £4.82 £0.00 £3.47 £155.21 Crowding £0.00 -£0.10 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 -£0.10 Non user benefits £0.01 £1.89 £0.00 £0.00 £0.08 £0.41 £0.00 £0.04 £0.00 £0.07 £2.50 Wider economic benefits £0.93 £9.52 £0.00 £0.00 £0.14 £12.55 £0.00 £0.54 £0.00 £0.00 £23.69 Total £13.44 £140.91 £0.00 £0.00 £2.41 £23.79 £0.00 £5.66 £0.00 £3.91 £190.12 Revenue increment -£0.06 £5.08 £0.62 £0.00 £0.21 -£2.29 £0.15 £0.23 £1.38 £0.26 £5.57 Journey time savings -£0.69 £70.88 £6.75 £0.00 £8.16 £19.84 £4.06 £3.77 £4.27 £2.96 £120.00 £2.09 Crowding £0.00 £2.09 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 Non user benefits -£0.01 £0.90 £0.11 £0.00 £0.02 £0.61 -£0.01 £0.02 -£0.03 £0.04 £1.64 Wider economic benefits -£0.07 £7.11 £1.58 £0.00 £0.80 £5.42 £3.62 £0.31 £0.40 £0.00 £19.17 £148.46 Total -£0.83 £86.06 £9.05 £0.00 £9.18 £23.59 £7.82 £4.32 £6.02 £3.26 Revenue increment -£0.04 £0.00 £29.68 £10.60 £9.74 £1.83 £22.68 £0.14 £9.50 £14.68 £98.81 Journey time savings -£0.76 £0.00 £132.07 £49.55 £113.43 £23.39 £114.70 £1.75 £34.27 £144.11 £612.51 £279.74 £0.00 £279.74 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.05 £0.00 £14.32 £6.28 £2.60 £0.54 £4.86 £0.04 £0.31 £3.64 £32.62 -£0.14 £50.22 £46.34 £8.90 £20.36 £14.16 £207.76 £0.13 £2.67 £0.00 £350.38 Total -£0.89 £329.96 £222.41 £75.33 £146.13 £39.91 £349.99 £2.05 £46.75 £162.43 £1,374.06 Revenue increment -£1.18 £23.85 £0.00 £0.00 £2.08 -£4.57 £0.00 £0.18 £0.00 £1.00 £21.36 -£18.87 £197.98 £0.00 £0.00 £29.77 £45.90 £0.00 £1.84 £0.00 £8.05 £264.67 Crowding £0.00 £54.66 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £54.66 Non user benefits £0.67 £7.01 £0.00 £0.00 £0.39 £1.65 £0.00 £0.01 £0.00 £0.20 £9.93 -£1.14 £15.33 £0.00 £0.00 £1.81 £27.68 £0.00 £0.30 £0.00 £0.00 £43.96 £394.58 Journey time savings Wider economic benefits Total 10 Inter corridor flows where one or both ends is in the Greater Intra corridor Manchester City flows Region £121.14 Yorkshire & the East Crowding Midlands via Sheffield Non user benefits Buxton Flows to/from Central Flows to/from Manchester Central Manchester to/from Other to/from Long City Regions Distance stations £0.68 Wider economic benefits 9 Flows to/from Central Manchester to/from Outer Manchester City Region £11.82 Journey time savings 6 Flows to/from Central Manchester to/from Inner Manchester City Region -£20.52 £298.83 £0.00 £0.00 £34.05 £70.65 £0.00 £2.32 £0.00 £9.25 Revenue increment £0.00 £1.97 £0.00 £312.04 £292.04 -£0.05 £8.61 £0.19 £6.17 -£0.45 £620.53 Journey time savings £0.00 £7.43 £0.00 £519.20 £677.73 -£4.01 £59.72 -£1.31 £18.72 £25.94 £1,303.42 £0.00 £422.40 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £422.40 £0.00 £7.02 £0.00 £150.98 £35.74 £0.32 £1.11 £0.01 £0.11 £1.83 London, Birmingham Crowding and the South (via WCML) Non user benefits Wider economic benefits Total £197.12 £0.00 £68.87 £0.00 £83.19 £108.60 -£2.19 £74.85 -£0.30 £5.36 £0.00 £338.38 £0.00 £507.70 £0.00 £1,065.41 £1,114.11 -£5.93 £144.29 -£1.41 £30.36 £27.32 £2,881.86 Appendix A Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment No 11 12 13 Corridor Name Manchester Airport Chester via Northwich Liverpool via Irlam Benefit Inter corridor flows where one or both ends is in the Greater Intra corridor Manchester City flows Region Inter corridor Flows to/from Flows to/from flows where Manchester Manchester Airport neither end is Airport which are which are to/from in the Greater in Greater outside Greater Manchester Manchester City Manchester City City Region Region Region Flows to all other station Total (£ millions) £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £4.29 £27.28 £0.00 £31.58 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £57.09 £145.16 £0.00 £202.24 £78.67 Crowding £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £78.67 £0.00 £0.00 Non user benefits £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £1.26 £1.60 £0.00 £2.86 Wider economic benefits £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £25.97 £20.75 £0.00 £46.72 £362.08 Total £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £167.28 £194.80 £0.00 Revenue increment £0.00 -£1.49 £6.14 £0.00 £1.64 -£3.95 £10.34 £0.03 £0.27 £2.04 £15.02 Journey time savings £0.00 £171.87 £51.05 £0.00 £31.46 -£11.78 £14.78 £1.20 £0.95 £20.64 £280.15 Crowding £0.00 £49.30 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £49.30 Non user benefits £0.00 -£4.08 £1.74 £0.00 £0.17 -£0.40 £1.57 £0.01 £0.00 £0.28 -£0.70 Wider economic benefits £0.00 £9.93 £2.93 £0.00 £1.41 -£11.07 £32.01 £0.30 £0.40 £0.00 £35.91 Total £0.00 £225.53 £61.87 £0.00 £34.68 -£27.20 £58.70 £1.54 £1.61 £22.96 £379.68 Revenue increment £0.68 £3.02 -£0.06 £0.00 -£0.12 -£3.22 £1.21 £0.38 £0.35 -£0.46 £1.78 Journey time savings £9.32 £7.77 -£15.42 £0.00 -£6.45 £4.36 £27.54 £5.51 £7.62 -£6.93 £33.31 Crowding £0.00 £230.80 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £230.80 Non user benefits £0.07 £2.42 £1.69 £0.00 -£0.03 £0.20 £0.12 £0.02 £0.02 -£0.04 £4.48 Wider economic benefits £0.03 £0.76 -£0.05 £0.00 -£0.02 £0.07 £0.44 £0.91 £1.69 £0.00 £3.83 £274.21 £10.11 £244.76 -£13.84 £0.00 -£6.62 £1.41 £29.31 £6.82 £9.68 -£7.43 Revenue increment £0.22 £0.11 £42.56 £3.08 -£0.20 £2.02 £41.69 £0.78 £2.65 £9.15 £102.05 Journey time savings £3.14 £1.06 £212.05 £13.34 -£12.89 £5.21 £84.34 £12.23 £18.48 £66.58 £403.55 £136.84 £0.00 £136.84 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.07 £0.54 £20.76 £4.45 -£0.24 £0.39 £11.07 £0.23 £0.36 £1.84 £39.47 £0.35 £15.20 £28.20 £1.47 -£1.42 £3.39 £143.78 £1.82 £3.56 £0.00 £196.35 Total £3.77 £153.75 £303.57 £22.35 -£14.75 £11.01 £280.87 £15.06 £25.05 £77.56 £878.26 Revenue increment £1.17 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £42.60 £43.77 £11.61 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £265.02 £276.63 £0.00 Wider economic benefits Journey time savings Crowding £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 Non user benefits -£0.02 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £8.62 £8.59 Wider economic benefits Total £0.00 £12.76 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £316.23 £0.00 £329.00 Revenue increment £2.11 £84.57 £240.84 £352.10 £334.65 £1.37 £186.61 £8.17 £85.67 £106.79 £1,402.88 £22.97 £929.69 £1,123.89 £660.64 £1,075.50 £254.40 £686.59 £115.29 £437.68 £809.41 £6,116.05 Crowding £0.00 £2,225.31 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £78.67 £0.00 £0.00 £2,303.98 Non user benefits £1.00 £33.71 £119.17 £184.63 £46.53 £8.50 £40.75 £2.08 £4.60 £24.23 £465.19 Wider economic benefits £1.39 £390.24 £280.90 £105.05 £170.22 £185.80 £1,210.73 £33.48 £54.69 £0.00 £2,432.50 £27.46 £3,663.52 £1,764.81 £1,302.42 £1,626.91 £450.05 £2,124.68 £237.69 £582.65 £940.43 £12,720.60 Journey time savings TOTAL Flows to/from Central Flows to/from Manchester Central Manchester to/from Other to/from Long City Regions Distance stations Journey time savings Liverpool / Chester via Crowding Warrington Non user benefits All Other Flows to/from Central Manchester to/from Outer Manchester City Region Revenue increment Total 14 Flows to/from Central Manchester to/from Inner Manchester City Region Total Appendix A Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment APPENDIX: TABLE A1.2 No 1 2 Benefit Flows to/from Central Manchester to/from Inner Manchester City Region Flows to/from Central Manchester to/from Outer Manchester City Region Revenue increment £0.58 £9.33 £3.94 £0.00 £1.81 Journey time savings £5.89 £89.81 £18.99 £0.00 £26.94 Crowding £0.00 £156.98 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 Non user benefits £0.12 £7.32 £4.36 £0.00 £0.33 £2.97 £0.42 £0.18 Corridor Name Southport via Wigan 5 5a 5b 5c Bradford via Rochdale Leeds and York Leeds and York Inter corridor flows where neither end is in the Greater Manchester City Region Flows to/from Manchester Airport which are in Greater Manchester City Region Flows to/from Manchester Airport which are to/from outside Greater Manchester City Region Flows to all other station £5.02 £1.87 £0.66 £0.58 £2.31 £26.10 £35.73 £13.59 £12.55 £4.51 £23.76 £231.77 £0.00 £0.00 £156.98 £0.05 £0.52 £16.28 Total (£ millions) £1.07 £17.20 £4.38 £0.00 £4.69 £63.50 £30.31 £2.41 £0.94 £7.65 £280.65 £31.68 £0.00 £33.77 £107.22 £46.18 £15.80 £6.08 £26.59 £555.63 £124.49 £158.72 Revenue increment £0.00 £24.02 £49.08 £25.23 £9.00 £9.81 £13.50 £0.22 £15.35 £12.52 Journey time savings £0.00 £181.48 £258.26 £69.94 £80.10 £64.35 £103.47 £2.69 £89.77 £98.33 £948.40 £0.00 £346.68 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £346.68 £4.99 £7.27 £0.06 Wider economic benefits £0.00 £72.05 £58.62 £10.79 £12.43 £35.58 £285.14 £0.21 £8.67 £0.00 £483.47 Total £0.00 £630.79 £392.34 £127.60 £104.15 £114.73 £409.37 £3.18 £115.11 £113.79 £2,011.07 Journey time savings 4 Inter corridor flows where one or both ends is in the Greater Intra corridor Manchester City flows Region Total Preston and the North Crowding via Bolton Non user benefits Blackburn Flows to/from Flows to/from Central Central Manchester Manchester to/from Other to/from Long City Regions Distance stations Wider economic benefits Revenue increment 3 TREND SCENARIO PLUS BENEFITS Crowding £0.00 £6.55 £26.39 £21.65 £2.62 £1.32 £2.94 £73.80 £0.00 £0.67 £14.75 £0.00 -£0.10 £1.11 £2.42 -£0.05 £1.36 £1.43 £21.60 -£0.06 -£5.60 £123.84 £0.00 -£6.85 £7.32 £19.32 -£3.27 £5.34 £13.39 £153.44 £0.00 £61.11 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.46 £9.27 £0.00 -£0.07 £0.35 £1.04 -£0.01 £0.03 £0.27 £11.35 Wider economic benefits -£0.01 £9.06 £35.88 £0.00 -£1.52 £5.07 £59.05 -£0.70 £1.21 £0.00 £108.04 Total £355.53 Non user benefits £61.11 -£0.07 £65.70 £183.75 £0.00 -£8.53 £13.86 £81.83 -£4.03 £7.94 £15.09 Revenue increment £0.19 £8.69 £9.43 £0.00 £1.27 £8.24 £9.74 £0.61 £5.93 £8.01 £52.11 Journey time savings £2.85 £95.77 £67.62 £0.00 £23.60 £64.06 £36.74 £13.66 £34.16 £75.80 £414.26 Crowding £0.00 £44.46 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 Non user benefits £0.07 £3.27 £7.70 £0.00 £0.29 £3.43 £2.68 £0.14 £0.23 £1.92 £19.73 Wider economic benefits £0.76 £32.91 £33.70 £0.00 £5.92 £47.70 £179.39 £2.50 £7.95 £0.00 £310.82 Total £3.88 £185.10 £118.45 £0.00 £31.07 £123.42 £228.55 £16.92 £48.26 £85.74 £841.38 £0.00 £44.46 Revenue increment £0.00 £9.31 £121.12 £4.14 £21.67 £6.72 £76.36 £0.39 £14.89 £20.82 £275.41 Journey time savings £0.00 £48.47 £427.82 £13.29 £155.52 £46.57 £397.33 £4.86 £74.87 £123.37 £1,292.12 Crowding £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 Non user benefits £0.00 £4.18 £50.65 £2.06 £6.14 £2.73 £28.33 £0.10 £0.61 £3.70 £98.49 Wider economic benefits £0.00 £139.78 £905.71 £122.86 £2.47 £27.93 £0.00 £26.26 £0.00 £444.95 £0.30 £5.87 £0.00 £770.42 £905.71 Total £0.00 £1,107.44 £722.45 £21.97 £211.26 £82.28 £946.97 £5.65 £96.24 £147.89 £3,342.16 Revenue increment £0.00 £9.31 £91.96 £0.00 £19.59 £5.68 £55.52 £0.31 £7.92 £15.38 £205.67 Journey time savings £0.00 £48.47 £334.86 £0.00 £144.56 £39.77 £273.95 £4.40 £46.90 £81.41 £974.32 £512.72 Crowding £0.00 £512.72 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 Non user benefits £0.00 £4.18 £36.33 £0.00 £5.70 £2.38 £22.62 £0.08 £0.32 £2.48 £74.10 Wider economic benefits £0.00 £69.89 £61.43 £1.23 £13.96 £13.13 £222.48 £0.15 £2.94 £0.00 £385.21 Total £0.00 £644.56 £524.57 £1.23 £183.82 £60.96 £574.57 £4.95 £58.07 £99.28 £2,152.01 Revenue increment £0.00 £0.00 £21.88 £4.14 £1.26 £0.82 £11.56 £0.08 £2.76 £3.46 £45.97 £0.00 £0.00 £63.71 £13.29 £4.61 £5.38 £64.22 £0.48 £14.14 £25.35 £191.18 £0.00 Journey time savings North of York (towards Crowding Tees, Tyne and Non user benefits Scotland) Wider economic benefits £253.65 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £10.62 £2.06 £0.31 £0.25 £2.51 £0.01 £0.13 £0.71 £16.60 £0.00 £41.93 £36.86 £0.74 £8.38 £7.88 £133.49 £0.09 £1.76 £0.00 £231.13 Total £0.00 £295.59 £133.06 £20.24 £14.56 £14.32 £211.78 £0.67 £18.80 £29.52 £738.53 Revenue increment £0.00 £0.00 £7.28 £0.00 £0.82 £0.22 £9.27 £0.00 £4.21 £1.98 Journey time savings £0.00 £0.00 £29.26 £0.00 £6.35 £1.43 £59.17 -£0.02 £13.83 £16.61 £126.62 £0.00 £139.34 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £139.34 East of Leeds Crowding (towards Hull) Non user benefits £253.65 £23.77 £0.00 £0.00 £3.71 £0.00 £0.13 £0.10 £3.19 £0.00 £0.16 £0.51 £7.79 Wider economic benefits £0.00 £27.96 £24.57 £0.49 £5.59 £5.25 £88.99 £0.06 £1.17 £0.00 £154.08 Total £0.00 £167.30 £64.82 £0.49 £12.89 £6.99 £160.62 £0.03 £19.37 £19.10 £451.61 Appendix A Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment No Corridor Name Benefit Revenue increment Journey time savings 6 Glossop / Hadfield 8 Marple / Romiley Inter corridor flows where neither end is in the Greater Manchester City Region Flows to/from Manchester Airport which are in Greater Manchester City Region Flows to/from Manchester Airport which are to/from outside Greater Manchester City Region Flows to all other station Total (£ millions) £0.80 £9.94 £0.00 £0.00 £0.47 £1.22 £0.00 £0.26 £0.00 £0.46 £13.14 £14.06 £143.36 £0.00 £0.00 £2.08 £14.03 £0.00 £4.99 £0.00 £4.28 £182.80 £0.00 £0.88 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.88 £2.20 £0.00 £0.00 £0.09 £0.29 £0.00 £0.05 £0.00 £0.09 £2.74 £1.07 £10.98 £0.00 £0.00 £0.16 £17.34 £0.00 £0.73 £0.00 £0.00 £30.28 Total £15.95 £167.36 £0.00 £0.00 £2.80 £32.88 £0.00 £6.02 £0.00 £4.83 £229.84 Revenue increment -£0.07 £6.01 £0.74 £0.00 £0.23 £1.83 £0.28 £0.23 £1.38 £0.30 £10.94 Journey time savings -£0.76 £83.93 £7.96 £0.00 £9.48 £22.61 £4.48 £3.91 £4.27 £3.46 £139.33 £0.00 £3.84 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £3.84 Non user benefits Crowding -£0.02 £1.07 £0.13 £0.00 £0.02 £0.84 £0.04 £0.02 -£0.03 £0.05 £2.12 Wider economic benefits -£0.09 £9.79 £2.17 £0.00 £1.10 £8.26 £5.52 £0.43 £0.56 £0.00 £27.74 Total -£0.94 £104.63 £10.99 £0.00 £10.82 £33.55 £10.33 £4.58 £6.18 £3.82 £183.97 Revenue increment -£0.04 £0.00 £36.63 £12.36 £11.29 £4.73 £28.52 £0.17 £9.52 £15.81 £118.98 Journey time savings -£0.89 £0.00 £158.71 £55.58 £131.75 £29.48 £147.91 £2.13 £34.49 £153.42 £712.57 £0.00 £410.94 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £410.94 £0.05 £0.00 £17.31 £6.78 £3.03 £2.79 £9.99 £0.04 £0.31 £3.91 £44.21 -£0.17 £62.04 £57.25 £10.99 £25.16 £20.44 £299.84 £0.17 £3.64 £0.00 £479.35 Total -£1.04 £472.98 £269.89 £85.70 £171.23 £57.43 £486.25 £2.52 £47.96 £173.13 £1,766.05 Revenue increment -£1.10 £28.49 £0.00 £0.00 £2.45 £6.33 £0.00 £0.18 £0.00 £1.24 £37.59 -£21.77 £229.22 £0.00 £0.00 £35.10 £53.11 £0.00 £1.91 £0.00 £9.83 £307.40 Crowding £0.00 £87.12 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £87.12 Non user benefits £0.78 £8.36 £0.00 £0.00 £0.46 £1.41 £0.00 £0.01 £0.00 £0.25 £11.27 -£1.26 £16.93 £0.00 £0.00 £2.00 £35.02 £0.00 £0.39 £0.00 £0.00 £53.07 -£23.36 £370.12 £0.00 £0.00 £40.00 £95.88 £0.00 £2.49 £0.00 £11.33 £496.45 £0.00 £2.14 £0.00 £415.16 £356.30 £1.96 £9.58 £0.24 £6.24 £5.49 £797.10 £0.00 £9.29 £0.00 £685.39 £776.87 -£6.86 £60.16 -£1.76 £18.98 £48.93 £1,591.00 £0.00 £594.52 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £594.52 £0.00 £8.33 £0.00 £161.48 £36.76 £0.44 £1.21 £0.02 £0.11 £2.39 £210.74 Journey time savings Wider economic benefits Total Revenue increment 10 Inter corridor flows where one or both ends is in the Greater Intra corridor Manchester City flows Region £0.01 Yorkshire & the East Crowding Midlands via Sheffield Non user benefits Buxton Flows to/from Flows to/from Central Central Manchester Manchester to/from Other to/from Long City Regions Distance stations Crowding Wider economic benefits 9 Flows to/from Central Manchester to/from Outer Manchester City Region Non user benefits Wider economic benefits 7 Flows to/from Central Manchester to/from Inner Manchester City Region Journey time savings London, Birmingham Crowding and the South (via WCML) Non user benefits Wider economic benefits £0.00 £70.26 £0.00 £84.87 £110.79 -£2.57 £87.73 -£0.31 £5.54 £0.00 £356.32 Total £0.00 £684.54 £0.00 £1,346.89 £1,280.71 -£7.03 £158.67 -£1.81 £30.88 £56.81 £3,549.67 Appendix A Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment No 11 12 Benefit Flows to/from Central Manchester to/from Inner Manchester City Region Flows to/from Central Manchester to/from Outer Manchester City Region Revenue increment £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £4.82 £27.40 £0.00 £32.22 Journey time savings £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £64.10 £146.39 £0.00 £210.49 Crowding £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £92.92 £0.00 £0.00 £92.92 Non user benefits £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £1.64 £1.63 £0.00 £3.27 Wider economic benefits £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £31.36 £25.24 £0.00 £56.60 £395.49 Corridor Name Manchester Airport Chester via Northwich Liverpool via Irlam Flows to/from Manchester Airport which are to/from outside Greater Manchester City Region Flows to all other station Total (£ millions) £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £194.84 £200.66 £0.00 £0.00 -£1.49 £7.25 £0.00 £1.92 -£5.01 £10.27 £0.03 £0.27 £2.28 £15.51 Journey time savings £0.00 £221.76 £60.33 £0.00 £37.11 -£14.98 £34.60 £1.24 £0.93 £23.61 £364.60 Crowding £0.00 £79.23 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £79.23 Non user benefits £0.00 -£4.82 £2.07 £0.00 £0.20 -£0.57 £3.17 £0.01 £0.00 £0.31 £0.37 Wider economic benefits £0.00 £11.20 £3.31 £0.00 £1.59 -£13.38 £38.69 £0.42 £0.56 £0.00 £42.39 Total £0.00 £305.87 £72.96 £0.00 £40.83 -£33.94 £86.72 £1.70 £1.76 £26.21 £502.11 Revenue increment £0.81 £3.91 £0.15 £0.00 -£0.14 -£0.59 £1.59 £0.39 £0.35 -£0.48 £5.99 £10.88 £9.08 -£18.17 £0.00 -£7.63 £3.53 £30.20 £5.71 £7.66 -£7.02 £34.23 Crowding £0.00 £313.16 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £313.16 Non user benefits £0.08 £2.85 £2.01 £0.00 -£0.03 £0.12 £0.22 £0.02 £0.02 -£0.05 £5.24 Wider economic benefits £0.06 £1.50 -£0.09 £0.00 -£0.04 £0.49 £3.14 £1.17 £2.19 £0.00 £8.43 £11.82 £330.50 -£16.11 £0.00 -£7.84 £3.54 £35.16 £7.30 £10.23 -£7.55 £367.05 Revenue increment £0.26 £0.15 £51.38 £3.53 -£0.12 £1.69 £26.38 £0.90 £2.75 £10.39 £97.32 Journey time savings £3.65 £1.22 £250.99 £14.75 -£11.98 £8.20 £165.60 £13.73 £19.64 £75.87 £541.66 £0.00 £190.17 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £190.17 £0.09 £0.62 £24.30 £4.62 -£0.22 £0.63 £18.64 £0.28 £0.39 £2.08 £51.42 Wider economic benefits £0.39 £17.34 £32.18 £1.68 -£1.62 £4.14 £175.60 £2.27 £4.42 £0.00 £236.41 Total £4.39 £209.51 £358.84 £24.57 -£13.94 £14.66 £386.23 £17.17 £27.20 £88.34 £1,116.98 Revenue increment £1.38 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £57.61 £58.99 £13.73 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £354.55 £368.27 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 -£0.03 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £11.55 £11.53 Journey time savings Crowding Non user benefits Wider economic benefits Total Revenue increment £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £15.08 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £423.71 £438.79 £2.81 £101.17 £294.45 £460.41 £406.05 £43.06 £180.51 £9.05 £86.01 £138.20 £1,721.73 £27.57 £1,107.79 £1,356.34 £838.94 £1,252.09 £327.15 £1,013.40 £126.47 £441.02 £1,001.58 £7,492.35 Crowding £0.00 £3,194.79 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £92.92 £0.00 £0.00 £3,287.70 Non user benefits £1.16 £40.40 £144.19 £196.59 £49.61 £20.42 £73.00 £2.57 £4.69 £29.95 £562.57 Wider economic benefits £1.81 £471.05 £350.25 £110.80 £188.59 £247.85 £1,609.36 £41.34 £66.79 £0.00 £3,087.83 £33.35 £4,915.18 £2,145.23 £1,606.74 £1,896.34 £638.48 £2,876.27 £272.35 £598.50 £1,169.73 £16,152.18 Journey time savings TOTAL Flows to/from Manchester Airport which are in Greater Manchester City Region £0.00 Liverpool / Chester via Crowding Warrington Non user benefits All Other Inter corridor flows where neither end is in the Greater Manchester City Region Total Total 14 Inter corridor flows where one or both ends is in the Greater Intra corridor Manchester City flows Region Revenue increment Journey time savings 13 Flows to/from Flows to/from Central Central Manchester Manchester to/from Other to/from Long City Regions Distance stations Total Appendix A Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment Appendix B Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment APPENDIX B TEST TIMETABLE SCENARIO Appendix B Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment Appendix B Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment B1. TEST TIMETABLE SCENARIO B1.1 The table below sets out the Test Scenario Service Specification for each of the 14 Manchester Hub corridors. The corresponding services in the Do Minimum case are those in the December 2008 timetable. APPENDIX: TABLE B1.1 MANCHESTER HUB TEST SCEARIO SERVICE SPECIFICATION Corridor 1 – Wigan / Southport via Atherton Suburban Services I Southport – Central Manchester ( - Manchester Airport, corridor 11 ) 2 tph (1 fast, 1 semi-fast) I Kirkby – Wigan – Central Manchester ( - Hebden Bridge, corridor 4) I 2 tph (all stations) I Corridor 2 – Southport / Preston via Bolton Long-distance Services I Scotland / Lake District – Manchester ( - Manchester Airport, corridor 11 ) I I 2 tph (principal stations, 1 from Edinburgh/Glasgow, joining at Carstairs, 1 from Barrow/Oxenholme alternating) Preston – Manchester: 30 minutes Blackpool North – Manchester ( - Sheffield, Norwich, corridor 8) I I 2 tph I Blackpool – Manchester: 45 minutes Suburban Services I Blackpool North – Wigan – Central Manchester I 1 tph (all stations north/west of Bolton) Wigan – Bolton – Central Manchester I I 1 tph (all stations north/west of Bolton) Corridor 3 – Blackburn Suburban Services I Clitheroe / Burnley – Blackburn – Central Manchester I 2 tph (alternating Clitheroe and Burnley) I Blackburn – Manchester: 30 minutes Corridor 4 – Rochdale / Calder Valley / Bradford Long-distance Services I Bradford – Manchester ( - Manchester Airport, corridor 11 ) I 2 tph (principal stations) I Bradford – Manchester: 45 minutes Suburban Services I Hebden Bridge / Burnley (via Todmorden) – Central Manchester ( - Kirkby, corridor 1 ) I 2 tph (all stations, alternating Hebden Bridge / Burnley) I Todmorden – Manchester: 30 minutes Appendix B Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment Corridor 5 – Leeds (North TransPennine) Long-distance Services I (North East) – York – Leeds – Manchester ( - Manchester Airport, corridor 11 ) 2 tph (principal stations plus Ashton under Lyne, alternately from Middlesbrough, Newcastle) Leeds – Manchester: 40 minutes I I York – Leeds – Manchester ( - Liverpool via Chat Moss, corridor 14 ) I I I 2 tph (principal stations) Leeds – Manchester: 40 minutes Hull – Leeds – Manchester ( - Chester, corridor 14 ) I I 2 tph (principal stations) I Leeds – Manchester: 40 minutes Suburban Services I Huddersfield – Central Manchester I 2 tph (all stations east of Stalybridge) I Huddersfield – Manchester: 30 minutes Corridor 6 – Glossop / Hadfield Suburban Services I Glossop – Central Manchester I 2 tph (all stations) I Glossop – Manchester: 25 minutes Hadfield – Central Manchester I I 2 tph (all stations) I Hadfield – Manchester: 25 minutes Corridor 7 – Marple / Romiley Suburban Services I Chinley - Romiley – Central Manchester I 2 tph (all stations via Brinnington) I Chinley – Manchester: 30 minutes Rose Hill – Central Manchester I I 2 tph (all stations via Hyde) I Rose Hill – Manchester: 20 minutes Corridor 8 – Sheffield (South TransPennine) Long-distance Services I Cleethorpes – Sheffield – Manchester ( - Manchester Airport, corridor 11 ) I 2 tph (principal stations, via Brinnington) I Sheffield – Manchester: 45 minutes Norwich – Sheffield – Manchester ( - Blackpool North, corridor 2 ) I I 2 tph (principal stations, via Brinnington) Suburban Services I Sheffield – Stockport – Central Manchester Appendix B Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment 2 tph (all stations Sheffield – Chinley, plus Stockport) I Corridor 9 – Buxton Suburban Services I Buxton – Stockport – Central Manchester I 2 tph (all stations) I Buxton – Manchester: 35 minutes Corridor 10 – West Coast Main Line - Stoke / Crewe Long-distance Services I London Euston – Manchester 4 tph (selected principal stations, 1 via Crewe, 3 via Stoke) I (South of England) – Birmingham – Manchester I 2 tph (selected principal stations) I (South of England) – Clapham Jn – Manchester I 2 tph (selected principal stations) I Suburban Services I Macclesfield – Central Manchester I 2 tph (all stations) I Macclesfield – Manchester: 25 minutes Crewe – Stockport – Central Manchester I 2 tph (all stations) I Corridor 11 – Manchester Airport Long-distance Services I Manchester Airport – Manchester ( - Scotland/Lake District, corridor 2 ) I I 2 tph (principal stations, 1 from Edinburgh/Glasgow, joining at Carstairs, 1 from Barrow/Oxenholme alternating) Manchester Airport – Manchester: 15 minutes Crewe – Manchester Airport – Manchester ( - Bradford, corridor 4 ) I I 2 tph (calling at Alderley Edge and Manchester Airport) Crewe – Manchester Airport: 15 minutes; Manchester Airport – Manchester: 15 minutes Manchester Airport – Manchester ( - Leeds – York – North East, corridor 5 ) I I I 2 tph (principal stations, alternating Middlesbrough and Newcastle) I Manchester Airport – Manchester: 15 minutes Manchester Airport – Manchester ( - Sheffield – Cleethorpes, corridor 8 ) I I 2 tph (principal stations) I Manchester Airport – Manchester: 15 minutes Suburban Services I Manchester Airport – Central Manchester ( - Southport, corridor 1 ) I I 2 tph (all stations) Manchester Airport – Central Manchester ( - Warrington – Liverpool, corridor 13 ) I 2 tph (all stations) Appendix B Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment Corridor 12 – Chester via Northwich Suburban Services I Chester – Altrincham I 2 tph (all stations, connecting to Metrolink at Altrincham) Corridor 13 – Liverpool via Irlam (CLC) Suburban Services I Liverpool – Warrington – Manchester ( - Manchester Airport, corridor 11 ) I I 2 tph (principal stations) Liverpool Manchester: 30 minutes Warrington – Manchester (connecting with Liverpool - Warrington service) I I 2 tph (all stations) I Warrington – Manchester: 30 minutes Corridor 14 – Liverpool / Chester (via Chat Moss) Long-distance Services I Liverpool – Manchester ( - Leeds – York, corridor 5 ) I I 2 tph (principal stations) Liverpool – Manchester: 30 minutes Chester – Manchester ( - Leeds – Hull, corridor 5 ) I I 2 tph (principal stations) Suburban Services I Earlston – Central Manchester I 2 tph (all stations) Appendix B CONTROL SHEET Project/Proposal Name Manchester Hub Document Title Phase 1 Study - Transport Modelling and Benefit Assessment Client Contract/Project No. SDG Project/Proposal No. 22054302 ISSUE HISTORY Issue No. 3 Date 3 April 09 Details: Final REVIEW Originator Peter Wiener Other Contributors Review by Print Neil Chadwick Sign DISTRIBUTION Clients John Jarvis Steer Davies Gleave: Jim Steer Neil Chadwick Control Sheet The Northern Way Transport Team Yorkshire Forward, Victoria House, Victoria Place, Leeds LS11 5AE [email protected] Tel: 0113 394 9590 © The Northern Way 2008