flndent @rber of MnewnsnE - Division 8 Ancient Order of Hibernians
flndent @rber of MnewnsnE - Division 8 Ancient Order of Hibernians
THE REVEREND JAMES T. O'REILLY, O.S.A. . Drl "ON l flndent @rber of MnewnsnE P.O. BOX L4O7 . LAWRENCE, MA 01842 (978) 687-8937 Nati ona I A.o. H. " I Established 7877 hltp:/ / www.aoh.com . state A.o. H. hfip:/ / www. massaoh.org Lawrence A.O.H. & L.A.O.H. www.homestead.com/divgaoh 43 YF/,RS OF DED I."/.TION TO REL!G!ON, HERTIA GE CHARtry AND COMMIJNTW" HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! February,2075 The next meeting of the Rev. fames T, o'Reilly o,s,A, Division g, Ancient order of Hibernians will be held on Wednesday, February 11, 2015 at 7:30 pM at the Claddagh pub and Restaurant, 399 Canal Street, Lawrence, Massachusetts. IoaLuleetin$ Division B AoH and LAOH will hold a joint meeting at 7 pM on wednesday, February Ll'2075 at the claddagh. Items of mutual interest to both Divisions will be discussed. Irish Heritage Month Events Abound: Among the highlights of this year's events will be the exhibit "Hometown Heroes" on tie American civil war at the Heritage park visitors center, l Jackson Street, Lawrence, MA There also will be lectures by authors and historians, a fitmTestival, among other events. All are welcome to attend and view this exhibit free ofcharge; Please plan to join usit the 201.5 festivities, and show your Irish and Hibernian Pride! Other events ofinterest are: saturdat', March 7,2075! Robert Gauthier and John cuddy, our 2015 Dinner Dance co-chairmen, have announced that the 144th Annual Saint Patrick's Day Banquet and Dance will be held at the Lawrence Firefighters Association Reliefs' In, 0ne MarkeiStreet, South Lawrence, Massachusetts from 6 PM until 11:00 PM. The celebration will feature a full course Corned Beefand Cabbage Dinner with music by the/otty Tinkers. Tickets are priced at g26 and can be obtained by calling Bob Gauthier @ 978 686 2786. Friday. March 73.2o75: Division 8's 46th Annual saint patrick's Day corned Beefand cabbage Luncheon will be held at the Lawrence Firefighters Assaciation Reliefs' Ia One Market Stre4 South Lawrence, Massachusetts at Noon. Tickets are timlted" First come, firstseryel Tickets are priced at $35, and can be obtained from Jaeklahey@ 609 &gA 776G, $aint Patrick's DaJt Progmm Book: George J. Thomas, chairman of our Annual saint patrick,s Day Program Book, asks all Brother and Sister Hibernians to consider placing an AD in this year,s book. This book will be distributed at our March 7th Dinner Dance. Anyone interested in placing an Ad in this year's book should contact ceorge @ 979 2Jg 2221. The Dadline for Ads is F;bruary 16th, March. 2015 - National Hunger Month: The AoH has declared, March,Z}rs National Hunger Month. All brother and sister Hibernians are asked to bring a non perishable food item with them to our March Meeting. All items that are received Will be dbnated to a local food pantry. catholic Action and pro-Life chairman Eric Alaimo, is coordinating this endeavor. Please be generous, Thank you! saint Paf ick's Dav Pamde: Lawrence's saint patrick's Day parade will be held on Sunday, March Bd' and Division B AoH and LAoH will be in the line of March. Keith Murphy is serving as the Division's 0rganizer ofour Marching Delegation. At our February Meeting anyone interested in marching with Division g's delegation, is asked to sign up with Keith. Keith can be contacted @ g7B 6g8 9295. St Pat"ick's Dav Pamde Fundmiser: The Saint Patrick's Day Parade Committee will have a fundraiser at the Reliefs' In One Market Street, Lawrence, MA on Friday, February 13th beginning at 6 pm. The Parade Committee has a website. It is www.lawrencestpatsparade.com. The email address is [email protected]. Mass State Bmrd and Essex Countv Board AOH News: The next meeting of the /lfass Stutc Bmd will be hosted by Division 36 AOH Worcester and will take place at the Home of Division 36, 19 Temple Street, Worcester MA on February 7, 2015 @ 1 pm. Essex County Board AOH President Jack Lahey has called a Meeting ofthe Essex County Bmrd for Saturday, February 28, @ 12 Noon at the Port Tavern, 84 State St., Newburyport, MA. All AoH members are welcome to attend both meetings Membership Incentive fugtam: From now through june, for every member a member of Division I sponsors and who is initiated, the sponsor' name will be entered into a monthly drawing and have AO'H a chance to win a gift certificate to the Claddagh. For more information & applications please contact O r Baniz er M a r k Al a imo, at ao hd iv i s io n8 o rg anize r @ g mail co m, Division AOH & LAOH Essex CounV & Stute Conventions: The AOH & LAOH Essex County Board and State Board Conventions will be held this year. The State Convention will be held in Hyannis the weekend of May 29 - 31 and the Essex County Convention will be held on Sunday, April 12 in Salem, MA. The County Convention will begin with a 9 AM Mass at the Home of Division 18 celebrated by Essex County Chaplain, the Rev. fames Wenzel. Following the Mass, delegates will have coffee and donuts. The morning session of the Convention will follow. After lunch, the Convention's afternoon session will be held. The Convention will end with the Installation of the new Essex County 0fficers. Ifyou are interested in being a delegate to either ofthese Conventions, you must sign up with our Recording Secretary beginning at our Febraary or March Monthly Meeting. Delegates to this Essex County Co_nvention will be elected at our March Monthly Meeting, and delegates to the State Convention will be elected at our April Monthly Meeting. Scholarships AnvoneT: Scholarship applications for Division B's $50 0 Catholic High School Scholarship; the Division's $500 Scholarship for a Sady Abroad Progann in lrelan4 both of these scholarships are available to the son or daughter of a member of Division B AOH, as well as, Division B's $750 College Scholarship for the son, daughter, grandson or granddaughter of a member of Division 8 who is a graduating high school senior can be obtained at our February Monthly Meeting or by writing to: Robert Crowley, Scholarship Chairman, Division B AOH, 9 Stearns Ave., Lawrence, Ma.0\84L. Dudline lor all Scholarship Applimtions and all materials is April 30, 2075, Malt He Rest In Peace: Sincere sympathy is extended to the family of Francis Calnan, past AOH State President of Division 1.0, Lynn, who died on January 5. May his soul, and the souls ofall our departed members rest in eternal peace, Amen. Thank You! Our sincere TIIANI(S is extended to those who returned their raffle tickets for the "Dinner for Two and a trflovie", Your support for our Annual Christmas Appeal was greatly appreciated. The winner of the dinner and movie was Iscbelle Gannon of Methuen. 2075 Dues Duer Please mail your check for $25 for your 2015 AoH dues to:/ohn Lahey, AoH Financial secretary P,o. Box 733, North salem, NH 0J07J, your dues may also be paid at our February Monthly Meeting! AoH & LAOH National Board Scholarships: The National Board of the AOH offers two (2) Study Abroad scholarships for the son or daughter or grandchild ofan AoH member who has been accepted at a college in lreland, as well as a $500 scholarship for the Irish way program for high school students. For more detailed information on both programs please see your Hibernian Digest. Consider taking advantage of these great benefits! sick committee'. Please send a note oI cheer to our members on this month's sick lisF Irene Brandy, Nevins Nursing Home, 10 Ingalls Court, Methuen, MA 01g44 Tom Canney and Ruth Canney,112 Temple Drive, Methuen, MA 01844 Dlary Cuthbert Peilt MI Nursing Home, 172 Lawrence Srreet, Lawrence, MA 0184f Irene Dixon, Prescott House, 140 Prescott Street, North Andover, MA 01845 Mary Drouin, Hannah Dustin Health Care Center, 126 Monument St, Haverhill, MA 01g3S &W st valentine - The lrish connection: saint valentine, patron saint of lovers, is an Irish saint.,. by adoption at least. You may know that he was a priest in Rome in the third century, and you may even have been aware that he died in jail, but you probably didn't know that his final resting place is Dublin. The good priests ofthe carmelite order have been looking after his remains in their priory in whitefriar st for over 160 years. His remains can be venerated in the Dublin's whitefriar Street carmelite church where a special mass for lovers is held every February 14th! Change of Address? When you move, please noti$r us of your new address and mail it to: .llOH & LAOH Change ofAddress, PO Box 7407, Lawrencg MA 01842 Thanksl catholic Action and Pro-Life: Eric Alaimo, Division B's catholic Action and pro Life chairman, led a group of ccHS students to washington DC for the pro Life March inJanuary. Cancellation of Events: For information on cancellation of AOH & LAOH events,please o n t a.etirl#o H /Hotr* ffi Gos=ag$6' c The Hibernian collection:Our sincere THANKS is extended to the Nyhan Fanily for their recent donation oflrish Books and Media. Donations oflrish books, cDs DVDs, magazines, & other Irish memorabilia are always welcome. Please contact Bill Sullivan for moie info. Do You Have an E-Mail Address? If so, please e-mail it to Jack Lahey, so we can keep you up to date on Hibernian News. Jack's e-mail address is: limeric(ocomcast.net. Thanl<sl ('is a Bhssing to 6e lrisfr, an lfonor to 6e a rfiilemianl !r Rev. James T. O'Reilly OSA Division 8 organized 1871. Ancient Order of Hibernians Post Office Box L407 Lawrence, Massachusetts 01842 "744 tears of aetruation to c\gfrgion, Iteriuge, Cfrnrity an[Comtnuttity, nfiarch 20 15 National Hunger Month Dear Member, At the March Meeting of Division g AOH, we are asking All Members to bring in one or more canned Goods to our March ll,Z0l5 Meeting. All donated cans and non perishables local food pantry. will be given to a Thanking you in advance for your donations. Eric Alaimo, Chairman Catholic Action & pro Life Winners from the Christmas in January,zOtS Calendar LlLlz0rs rl2lz0rs rlsl20rs rlAlz0rs rlslzars rl6l2ors rlT lzars Llslz0rs Lfsfz&rs rlrol20ls Llrrl201s Llr2l201s rl13l201s rlL4l201s Llrsl20ls LlL6l201s rlrT 12014 LlL8l2Or4 rlre12014 rl2ol2014 rl2rl2014 L|2212014 rl23l20r4 ** uu!?o14-rl2sl2014 rl26l2014 rl27l2gr4 rl28l2014 rlzel2or4 Ll30l2014 rl3rl2ar4 S $ S S S S S S $ S S S S $ S S S S S $ S 5 S 125.00 Helen Matherson 25.00 Eileen Hart 25.00 Judi Brouch 50.00 Rita Jensen 25.00 Jim Pacheco 25.00 Sister Elizabeth O'Connor 25.00 Nancy Kennedy 25.00 Carol Rourke 25.00 Marie Farrell 25.00 Laurli Dwyers 50.00 Catherine McCarthy 25.00 Rev. William Waters 25.00 Breanna Mello 25.00 Don & Chloe Pelletier 25.00 Ashley Gordon 25.00 Deborah Begley 25.00 Elaine Lavoie 50.00 Maureen Noone 25.00 Christina & Taylor Edler 25.00 Eileen Hart 25.00 Paul & Bev Kennedy 25.00 Ellen McGuigan 25.00 Jake Woidyla $*-=*- 25S0-An nstrlla rie ErlerS 50.00 Jennifer Murphy S 25.00 Patricia Smith S 25.00 Jo Letourneau S 25.00 Lori McCarthy S 25.00 Peg Lopiano S 25.00 Joan Plunkett S 50.00 Peggy Quirk s 1,o0o.oo s g8o.o0 Total Profit Thanks to everyone who participated. Eig?,It The Rev, james T" O'Reilly OSA Division Ancient Order of Hibernians Lawrenee, Massaeh usetts Organized n87A qp6rbn, ,{eritage, gfrarity ani '144 ,tears of cnefration to Comm*it!' trrish Eleritage Nflonth, March, 201's Lawr enCe, M a ss0 chu S ef ts prescfvifiii-TnilFosteringouriferitagp-andtuttwreSunday,Marchl,zolSoPENlNGREcEPTloNandExHlBlT.,,HometownHero's,, will speak on ''Lawrence, Frank Ford, who with featured guest speaker, lrish Historian, aTgthCenturyBoomTownbefore,duringandaftertheCivilWar,'atLawrence St, Lawrence. MA @2pm Sponsored Heritage State Park Visitors Center, 1 Jackson lrish Foundation (FREE) - Handicap Accessible by Div'sion I AOH & the CLADDAGH PUB ROAD RACE sunday, March 1, 2015 22nd ANNUAL - For more information (rain oi shine) # 2 of the Wi6 Rover Race Series ;unthecladdagh'com - - 11 am MondayMarch2,2olllRlSHFLAGRA|SINGAcrossfromCityHall-CommonSt. @11 a.m. LIBRARY - south Lawrence Wednesday' March 4' 2015 - LAwRE!'l'cE PUBLIC tg-y": 10 am - 1 pm showcase of Branch, 135 parker street, Lawrence, uifop"" - 5Ov6,, - An MontnidFy, W9!rysd?I, Stt{d"v19 lrish Books, CD,s tI F "no ;G+"=.ruv-o SAINT PATRIGK'S DAY BANQUET saturday, March 7, 2015 - THF 1!hI|ANNUAL At9o9i*i9l Reliefs' ln' One Mark'et Street' AND DANCE at the Lawrence Firefignt"tt-geet to the & Cabbage Dinner.withdancing South Lawrence, MA. Traditional Coln"O cardinal cushins and Jo'y Tinkers from 6 pm - 11 g,m. "-tlEl'.f,ard more information prease contact Robert rrisfiman & rrisnwoml'n of the'year Awards. For g7s oe6tso. sponsored bv Division 8 AoH -d;ld;g ;;;iil; "t PARADE 1:00 pm for more sunday, March 8,2015- SAINT PATRICKS DAY or email them at information please see their website www.lawrencestpats'arade'com' nformati o n@ lawre ncestpatsparade' com i Friday, March 13, 2015 - 46th ANNUAL SAINT PATRICK'S DAY LUNCHEON at the Lawrence Firefighters Association Reliefs' ln, One Market Street, South Lawrence, MA Traditional Corned Beef and Cabbage Dinner with entertainment by the Silver Spears lrish Show Band at NOON. Awarding of the Honorable John E. Fenton Citizenship Award - For more information please contact Jack Lahey at 603 898 7766. Sponsored by Division 8 AOH Sunday, Mych 15,2O11WH|TE FUND LECTURE Dr. John "Sean" Condon, Ph.D. Associate Professor and Chair of the History Department at Merrlmack College and Author will speak on"Challenging Slavery during the American Revolution: Maryland, 1775-1800" at Lawrence Heritage State Park Visitors Center, 1 Jackson St., Lawrence, MA @ 2 pm Sponsored by DivisionS AOH & the lrish Foundation (FREE) Handicap Accessible Sunday, March 22, 2015- Native Lawrencian Robert Bateman now of New York, will The Latter Years in the Life of Captain speak on "PATRIOT //RISH AMERICAN Timothy Deasy" at Lawrence Heritage State Park Visitors Center, 1 Jackson S1-=Lawrence, MA @ 2 pm Sponsored by Division 8 AOH & the lrish Foundation (FREE) Handicap Accessible - Saturday, March 28,2015 - IRISH FILM FESTIVAL at Lawrence Heritage State Park Visitors Center, 1 Jackson St, Lawrence, MA @ 10:00 a.m. Sponsored by Division 8 AOH For further information please call 978 794-1655. (FREE) - Handicap Accessible Sunday, March 29,2015 IRELAND lN SONG - CELTIC MELODIES FOR VOICE AND PTANO - - performed by Terri and George Kelley at the Lawrence Public Library, Sargent Auditorium, 51 Lawrence St., Lawrence, MA @2pm Presented by the Friends of the Lawrence Public Library & The lrish Foundation. (FREE) IRISH HERITAGE MONTH IS SPONSORED BY THE ANCIENT ORDER OF HIBERNIANS DIVISION 8, DIVISION I LAOH and THE IRISH FOUNDATION of LAWRENCE ffiIil3 lrish Heritage Month is supported in part by a grant from the Lawrence Gultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Gouncil, a state agency. Cancellation of Events: For information on cancellation ol AOH, LAOH & lrish Foundation events, please contact the AOH/LAOH Cancellation Line @ 603-893-5802