July - Corvette Owners


July - Corvette Owners
VOL-- 53 Issue 1
July 2009
We’re Coming!
COCSD Sponsored by Bob Stall Chevrolet
The Corvette Wave is a periodical monthly publication of:
Table of Contents
Officers and Appointments
President’s Page
Notes from the Editor
May Birthdays & Anniversaries
General Meeting Minutes
Clarification of Dues, Pop Tops, Warning Note
Treasurer Report & Humor
Car Club Council / SD Auto Museum & Humor
National Corvette Museum News
The Corvette Owners Club of San Diego
8130 La Mesa Blvd. #184
La Mesa, CA 91941-3099
Visit our web site at
I.D. Statement
The Corvette Wave (ISDN 1531-1333) is published monthly.
Subscription rate is $18.00 per year.
Circulation 180 copies.
Postage paid San Diego and additional offices
9 - 11
Activities Corner
Merchandise Sale & Things you should know
For Sale
Send address changes to:
The Corvette Wave at : 8034 Linda Vista Rd 2U
San Diego Ca 92111
COCSD was founded in 1956 by Al and Lois Carroll It is
oldest continuously active Corvette Club in existence.
Dedicated to preserving the Spirit Legend Corvette.
America’s true sports car
21- 22
COCSD is a member of the San Diego Museum and
the Car Club Council of Greater San Diego.
24-25 & 28
Past Events
Upcoming Events
Fund Raisers
Calendar of Events
Membership Dues:
Contact the Editor: James Vallejo
Single: $59/year
858-974-9814 phone/fax
Couple: $82/year
858-663-2162 mobile
Membership Requirements
[email protected]
A person (s) desiring to join COCSD must:
Mail TO: 8034 Linda Vista Rd #2U
San Diego Ca 92111
Deadline for Reports, Articles, Flyers and
Pictures is the: 15th of the Month
Front Cover;
COCSD Member’s Run
Club Sponsor:
Be at least eighteen (18) years of age. Provide “Proof of
Corvette Ownership” (long term Leases are considered
Ownership). Register a Corvette with COCSD (registration of
more than one Corvette owned by a member is permissible.
Attend one of three options: One (1) general membership
meeting and one (1) COCSD sponsored event (Not including
after meeting events) or two (2) general membership
meetings or two (2) COCSD sponsored events. Be sponsored
by two (2) COCSD members in “Good Standing”. Show proof
of Insurance, on Corvettes used in COCSD activities.
Submit completed application with appropriate fees and/or
dues and be favorably approved by the Board of Directors.
Member in “Good Standing” is a Lifetime member or an
individual or joint member with dues current.
7:30 pm 2nd Friday of each month
La Mesa Women’s Club
P.O. Box 338 ~ 7601 Alvarado Rd.
5220 Wilson St.
La Mesa, CA 91941
(619) 460-1311
La Mesa, CA 91941
directly across from Drew Ford
Justin Stewart
Vice President
Aurora Hangen (619) 248-6684
Tina Somers
Pat Guiant
Activities Director
Don Evans
Newsletter Editor
James Vallejo
Membership Chairperson
Sharon Green
Public Relations
Peggy Hillen
Bob Swanson
Jerry Bach
Board Members
Marie Taylor
Jim Lassiter
(619) 208-0307
(619) 284-8470
(858) 451-0609
(858) 200-5140
(858) 451-0609
(858) 663-2162
(858) 433-0446
(619) 838-8116
(858) 336-4390
(619) 255-6277
Welcome to the 53rd year of COCSD!
(619) 582-1470
(619) 843-7028
Together we are the first and still the best in preserving
the legacy of Corvette, America’s true sports car. Please join me
in saying thank you to the past board and all those who made this
one of our best years yet. Thank you each and every one of you!
Web Master
Paul Brustas
(619) 850-5218
[email protected]
Club Photographer
Ron Hutchinson
(619) 659-0984
Car Club Council / San Diego Auto Museum Rep
Jeff Lonsdale
(858) 278-1933
National Corvette Museum Representative
Ron Hutchinson
(619) 659-0984
Newsletter Staff
Candie McDevitt
(619) 405-0494
Property Managers
Kitten Schumaker
(619) 582-2488
Charles Stankovich
(619) 838-8020
Merchandise Chairperson
Pat Coburn
(858) 487-6847
Sunshine Chairperson
Janet Dawes
(619) 749-9470
Meeting Hostess
Lisa DiSabatino
(619) 312-2600
Susie Hinson Assistant
(619) 403-4084
Restoration Rep
Craig Moya
(619) 660-8071
Technical Rep
Jeff Lonsdale
(858) 278-1933
These are tumultuous times for General Motors and the
GM family of dealerships. I strongly encourage each of you to do
your part in continuing our legacy by supporting our sponsor and
also getting involved with some of the upcoming activities we
have planned such as Main Street, and the new Corvette Diner.
I would like to give a special THANK YOU to Viki Lassiter
and her team of helpers on throwing another fantastic and fun
Inaugural Party! I can’t wait to see what you come up with next
I hope to bring a renewed sense of life to the club this
year. Please feel free to share your ideas with me. I look forward
to hearing from you!
Here’s to another fantastic year of COCSD, let’s make it
great! Take care of each other,
Justin Stewart, President COCSD
Jeffrey Cellar
Steve Schroeder
Peter Radosevich
Don Evans
Harry Dermargosian
Marilyn Bredimus
Cathy Jamieson
Mike Bemis
Johnny Lockhart
Rod Weissenberger
Nancy Oeh
Terese Runalls
Denise Stewart
Richard Aglipay
Hello COCSD Members
In looking back as we begin our 53rd year as a car
club, and who as one of the first members would ever have
imagined our club reaching such heights! Based on our past
and now looking ahead, the legacy continues in COCSD.
The spirit is very much alive and strong. Like the Corvette’s
C1 thru C7, COCSD also has it’s generations.
With our own heritage, with our sons, daughters,
and grandchildren, just appreciating being a part of history
and however you see it, COCSD has made its mark and
continues to spread itself in our community and abroad. I am
very proud to be a member of COCSD and to serve in the
club. I have met many new friends and shared many events
and runs. So when I see members celebrating 51 years, I
ask myself what COCSD is going to be like 50 years from
now. My children or grandchildren may be driving my car to
a parade, or maybe they will have there own “High tech”
Vette. COCSD values are here to stay and I thank the oldest
members for keeping the wave alive and waving!
Jack Brabban
Marie Taylor
Ray Taylor
Roger Iddison
Larry Hofer
Benjamin & Julie Raymundo
Paul Marschalk
Lorraine Brustas
Jerry & Melissa Stokely
Melanie Traci
Zig Byra
A note regarding our sponsors and advertisers.
Please support them. Our tradition to do fund raisers every
year requires more money each time. When we ask for donations, our sponsors and advertisers are there for us. Be
there for them through supporting their businesses. Always
consider them your first choice. Take care of them, and they
will help take care of our club!
Thank you
Take care and safe driving!
51 yrs
51 yrs
51 yrs
26 yrs
19 yrs
9 yrs
6 yrs
5 yrs
5 yrs
5 yrs
1 yrs
Jay Orband took the podium to conduct an impromptu auction of two tickets for the Hornblower cruise and a Pith Helmet (both donated by Jay). This was auctioned for $100 with
funds going to the Main Street America fund.
More announcements were made (see the Wave for details
on events).
Craig presented an update on the status and plans for the
new Corvette Diner. There are plans for an opening and
grand opening. Craig presented plans and details of the
COCSD club room and presented information on the fund
raiser opportunities to generate funds we will need to live up
to COCSD’s commitments. See information from emails and
printed materials for information on the plaques and flags (or
talk to Greg Magil).
June 12, 2009
Corvette Owners Club of San Diego
General Meeting Minutes
The meeting was prefaced with an Ice Cream Social following sign in and registration of qualified members for the evening’s ballot distribution.
Don took the podium and presented preliminary information
about plans for the Christmas party – scheduled for December 6 and other activities and trips (such as to the Regan Museum).
The meeting was called to order by Chris Dawes at 7:32 PM
Chris extended a special thanks to Don Evans and Tina Somers (and their helpers) for organizing and operating tonight’s Ice Cream Social pre-meet.
Chris took the podium to announce the results of the ballots.
These follow:
Chris welcomed everyone to the general meeting.
Chris announced that COCSD is proudly sponsored by Bob
Stall Chevrolet. There was no representative at tonight’s
meeting from Bob Stall Chevrolet.
COCSD Dues Increase:
Chris explained that there would be a 50/50 raffle instead of
the usual prize raffle this evening. There was a display for the
main street raffle at the usual position and encouragement for
New COCSD Board Officers:
Chris offered the podium to any candidate running for a
board position that wished to speak about their position or the
office they are seeking. There were no takers.
Aurora Hangen – Vice President
Chris then explained the process, bylaws, and qualifications
of voting in tonight’s elections, awards, and bylaws amendment. He explained the details of the three ballots for tonight's vote: Election of the Board for the upcoming year;
Awards for this year’s Inaugural Event; and a Bylaw change
to increase the dues for the club. He then opened the floor for
discussion of the proposed dues increase. No takers took the
Jerry Bach – Historian
Justin Stewart – President
Patrick Guiant – Secretary
Tina Somers – Treasurer
James Vallejo – Newsletter Editor
Don Evans – Activities
Peggy Stankovich – Public Relations
Sharon Green – Membership
Jim Lassiter and Marie Taylor – Board Members at Large
Chris then declared a 5 minute period to enable members to
cast their votes. He directed everyone as to the location of
the ballot boxes. Eligible members completed their ballots
and placed them in the boxes.
Marie Taylor made a motion to destroy the ballots. Lisa seconded the motion. The vote was in favor of distruction.
Chris announced that the voting is closed and all ballots need
to be taken to the ballot boxes for counting. Pat Guiant, Secretary; Marie Taylor, Board Member; Lisa Foland, club member retired to count the ballots. Candie took the secretary
chair to continue the meeting while the votes were tallied.
Chris thanked everyone for their vote and participation. He
announced the after meet for next month’s meeting will be at
Chris and Janet Dawe’s home.
Chris conducted the name tag drawing. Dennis Shields donated the funds to the MSA fund.
Chris then held the 50/50 raffle and Peggy won. She donated
her funds to the MSA fund.
Aurora took the podium to announce visitors and new members. She started with explaining the membership requirements to join. Then she announced the new members: Steve
and Vanesa Allen, Jerry Harrison, and Tim Gates. She then
introduced new guests and second and third time guests.
Aurora then announced birthdays and anniversaries.
Chris thanked Tina and Don for the Ice Cream Social. He
then adjourned the meeting at 8:52 PM.
The meeting adjourned at 8:52 PM.
Don and Tina took the podium to lead the presentation of
activities. They pointed out the displays for the Main Street
America baskets. They led the presentation of upcoming
events, runs, and activities (see the calendar in the WAVE).
Lisa Foland presented a reminder push for all to attend the
upcoming Inaugural (see information in the WAVE).
Respectfully submitted by Patrick Guiant, Secretary
A Warning From The Police…
Clarification on Dues “Don’t Worry”
By now you have probably received your dues letter for the
2009/2010 COCSD year and are wondering about having to pay
by July 1 or have a $5 penalty. Well, don't worry! The late fee
has been dropped. The reason for the confusion is that we were
late getting the dues letters out because of the delayed officer
election and the letters had already been stuffed and
sealed. SOOO - don't worry. Just send in your dues and forget
about the late fee. This is what sometimes happens when you
have a volunteer organization fully staffed by volunteers - AND
Board ——
Share this information with family and friends, especially to women. A purse contains all kinds of Personal
information and identification documents, and you certainly do not want this to fall into the wrong hands.
Please keep this going.
Just last weekend on Friday night we parked in a public
Parking area. As we drove away I noticed a sticker on
the Rear window of the car. When I took it off after I got
home, It was a receipt for gas. Luckily my friend told me
not to Stop as it could be someone waiting for me to get
out of the Car Then we received this email yesterday:
The Pop Tops for Ronald McDonald
House Charity
Collect just the pop tops as it contains more aluminum by weight.
Most of our members drink sodas or
have pets or eat Spam or soup that
has a pop top. If they would take a
plastic zip lock bag and pull the tops off the cans
bring them to the meeting and I will get them to
Ronald McDonald House. We may set up a run for
the first time we take tops to them. I will also try to get
several Ronald McDonald pop top Houses to distribute to members that want to take them to work to collect tops. If you have a favorite bar, or place that uses
or sells Beer or Pop and would collect the tops it
would be appreciated. My understanding is they get
over $15,000 a year for turning in the tops.
Heads up everyone! Please, keep this circulating.... You
walk Across the parking lot, unlock your car and get inside. You Start the engine and shift into Reverse. When
you look into the rearview mirror to back out of your
Parking space, you notice a piece of paper stuck to the
middle of the rear window.
So, you shift into Park, unlock your Doors, and jump out
of your car to remove that pa per (or whatever it is) that
is obstructing your view. When you reach The back of
your car, that is when the carjackers appear out of nowhere, jump into your car and take off.
They practically mow you down as they speed off in your
car. and guess what, ladies? I bet your purse is still in
the car. so now the carjacker has your car, your home
address, your money, and your keys. Your home and
your whole identity are now compromised!
It is easy to do and helps the family's of children at
the hospital have a room for free to stay while their If you see a piece of paper stuck to your back window,
just drive away. Remove the paper later. Thank you.
children at in therapy or dying.
Submitted by Mike McIntosh
Thanks, Mike McIntosh, COCSD Member #900
[email protected]
Corvette Owners Club of San Diego
Treasurers Report - General Account
Beginning balance 5/1/2009
Redneck Joins the Marine Corps...
$ 6,533.77
Dear Ma and Pa,
5/7/09 Membership Name Tags
5/8/09 Cash Raffle Change Box
5/8/09 Sunshine Flowers
5/15/09 Rent May
5/29/09 Activities Printing
5/29/09 Activities Printing
$ 51.12
$ 50.00
$ 53.72
$ 300.00
$ 16.33
$ 475.57
I am well. Hope you are. Tell Brother Walt and Brother Elmer the
Marine Corps beats working for old man Minch by a mile. Tell
them to join up quick before all of the places are filled.
I was restless at first because you get to stay in bed till nearly 6
a.m. But I am getting so I like to sleep late. Tell Walt and Elmer all
you do before breakfast is smooth your cot, and shine some
things. No hogs to slop, feed to pitch, mash to mix, wood to split,
fire to lay. Practically nothing..
Men got to shave but it is not so bad, there's warm water. Breakfast is strong on trimmings like fruit juice, cereal, eggs, bacon, etc.,
but kind of weak on chops, potatoes, ham, steak, fried eggplant,
pie and other regular food, but tell Walt and Elmer you can always
sit by the two city boys that live on coffee. Their food, plus
yours, holds you until noon when you get fed again. It's no wonder these city boys can't walk much.
$ 6,058.20
5/11/09 Activities Inaugural
5/11/09 Merchandise
5/11/09 Merchandise
5/11/09 Activities Inaugural
5/11/09 Membership Dues
$ 765.00
$ 230.00
$ 186.50
$ 90.00
$ 34.00
We go on 'route marches ,' which the platoon sergeant says are
long walks to harden us. If he thinks so, it's not my place to tell
him different. A 'route march' is about as far as to our mailbox at
home. Then the city guys get sore feet and we all ride back in
$ 1,891.00
Ending Balance
The sergeant is like a school teacher. He nags a lot. The Captain
is like the school board. Majors and colonels just ride around and
frown. They don't bother you none.
$ 7,949.20
This next will kill Walt and Elmer with laughing. I keep getting
medals for shooting. I don't know why. The bulls-eye is near as
big as a chipmunk head and don't move, and it ain't shooting at
you like the Higgett boys at home. All you got to do is lie there all
comfortable and hit it. You don't even load your own cartridges
They come in boxes.
Corvette Owners Club of San Diego
Treasurers Report - Main Street Account
Beginning balance 5/1/2009
$ 3,149.80
Then we have what they call hand-to-hand combat training. You
get to wrestle with them city boys. I have to be real careful
though, they break real easy. It ain't like fighting with that ole bull
at home. I'm about the best they got in this except for that Tug
Jordan from over in Silver Lake . I only beat him once. He joined
up the same time as me, but I'm only 5'6' and 130 pounds and
he's 6'8' and near 300 pounds dry.
$ 3,149.80
Be sure to tell Walt and Elmer to hurry and join before other fellers
get onto this setup and come stampeding in.
Entrance fees
Ending balance
Your loving daughter, Alice
Respectfully submitted by Justin
Stewart for Tina Somers, Treasurer
Submitted by
Barbara McNally
San Diego Automotive
Museum News
Old Man - New Car
A senior citizen drove his brand new
The San Diego Automotive Museum is free of admission charge
to County residents from 10am to 3:45 every 4th Tuesday of the
month. Visit www.sdautomuseum.org for exhibits and events.
Car Club Council Events
Heartbeat Classic Chevys is hosting a Cruise & Movie Tailgate
July 11th at the South Bay Drive-In. The cruise starts in Carlsbad
with stops by the Del Mar track & the Visitor Information Center
by the bay. Pick up a flier with the map at our meeting.
The 7th Annual Simpson's Car Show is presented by the East
County Cruisers. Sunday, July 12th at Simpson's Nursery in
Jamul. Pre-register before July 3rd
Corvette convertible out of the dealership
The 3 annual Alley Classic Car Show is open to 1979 & older
cars & trucks. Benefiting Sophie's Gallery of St. Madeleine
Sophie's Center on July 18th in El Cajon. Also included is an art
show, job fair, beer garden, music & awards. Contact Nora Boswell at [email protected] for event information.
Taking off down the road, he floored it to 80 m.p.h.,
enjoying the wind blowing through what little hair he had
The Over The Hill Gang is sponsoring a poker run on July 25th
starting in El Cajon. The 86 mile route has stops in Alpine, Julian
and Santa Isabel sending up at the Barona Casino.
"Amazing," he thought as he flew down I-95, pushing the
pedal even more.
The ultimate custom car show returns July 26th to Qualcomm
Stadium. Lowriderfest 2009 registration www.lowriderfest.com
Looking in his rear view mirror, he saw a state trooper
behind him, lights flashing and siren blaring.
Harbor Days is now called the Surf and Turf Classic Car Show.
It will be on August 1st at the Imperial Beach Pier. All proceeds
benefit the Boys and Girls Club of Imperial Beach.
He floored it to 100 mph, then 110, then 120.
Suddenly he thought, "What am I doing? I'm too old for
his," and pulled over to await the trooper's arrival.
The 18th Annual National City Automobile Heritage Day is on
Sunday, August 2nd presented by the Chamber of Commerce.
The South Bay Cruisers hold their Blast From the Past cruise
every Tuesday this Summer. COCSD will be the featured Club
on August 4th to boost interest in Main Street America.
Pulling in behind him, the trooper walked up to the
Corvette, looked at his watch, and said, "Sir, my shift ends
in 30 minutes. Today is Friday.
There is a Picnic By the Bay on Sunday, August 23rd at the Embarcadero Park. The Classic Chevys of San Diego welcomes all
1972 & older American vehicles. Pre-registration deadline is August 15th information visit www.classicchevysofsandiego.org
If you can give me a reason for speeding that I've never
heard before, I'll let you go."
The old gentleman paused. Then said, "Years ago, my wife
ran off with a State trooper. I thought you were bringing
her back."
The 10th Annual Classic Car Show hosted by Christian Rods &
Customs is August 29th benefiting Calvary Ranch, an alcohol &
drug recovery program.
The South Orange County Rods & Customs Club is hosting the
first Honor Run benefiting the families of wounded & disabled
warriors Saturday, September 5th starting in Oceanside.
"Have a good
day, sir,"
replied the
The Motor Head Madness Classic Car Show benefiting the Soroptimists International of Poway is Sept 12th at Poway Transmissions.
USD and KFMB are celebrating their 60th anniversaries this year
with a fifties theme parish picnic. The committee would like to
have 6 vintage cars September 13th for display. A Corvette
would be at the top of their wish list. If interested, please contact
Mona Morebello at 858-571-7123 as soon as possible.
Submitted by Jeff Lonsdale
San Diego Auto Museum/ Car Club Council Rep
Submitted by Angie Villalobos
We are counting down
the weeks until our 15th
Anniversary Corvette
Celebration this Labor
Day weekend, and continue to add new adventures to the
event! Our newest agenda is available online and more has
been added including drag racing – by request. We will also be
adding more exciting road tours over the next few months so
watch for updates! Join us in celebrating our 15th Anniversary
September 3-6 and watch history unfold and the future begin
as part of the official “grand re-opening”!
If you are joining us as a participant of the 4th National Corvette Caravan, which signals the start of the weekend festivities, you will also want to be sure to register for the Corvette
Celebration festivities. Registration for the caravan and event
are separate and can be found online.
Chevrolet builds 1,500,000th Corvette
DETROIT - At the June meeting
of the Greater Atlanta Automotive Media Association, Karen
Rafferty, Chevrolet Product
Marketing Director, today announced the recent production
of the 1,500,000th Corvette at
GM Bowling Green Assembly.
2010 “Build Your Own” Z06
Bowling Green, KY – The National Corvette Museum has begun a new raffle fundraiser limited to only 500 tickets to be
sold on a chance to “Build Your Own” 2010 Z06 Corvette. This
raffle gives the winner the opportunity to select from current
model year color and options selections to build it to their preference. The winner of the “Build Your Own” Z06 Corvette
will be drawn on Thursday, July 23 at 2:00 p.m. CT.
Winner need not be present to win. Tickets are available at $500 each.
"The 1.5 millionth Corvette is a
great example of how Chevy is
America's Brand," Rafferty said.
"For nearly 60 years we have
built America's Sports Car and
this milestone is a solid proof
“Our raffle fundraisers are a tremendous help to the Museum
and a large part of our planning and daily operation funds,”
states NCM Executive Director, Wendell Strode. "This particular raffle gives the winner a chance to build it their way and
everyone has a favorite color, so it is quite an exciting opportunity. With odds of only 500 tickets being sold, it also makes the
chances of winning even better. We appreciate the help of everyone who helps us by purchasing and selling tickets."
The 1.5 millionth Corvette, built
on May 28, is a white convertible 3LT with red interior and
black top (similar to the first, 500,000th and 1 millionth Corvettes built in 1953, 1977 and 1992 respectively). The first Corvette rolled off the assembly line on June 30, 1953.
The raffle winner will also enjoy the benefits and excitement of
taking delivery of their new Corvette at the Museum as part of
the “R8C Museum Delivery” experience. A VIP tour of the Museum and Corvette Assembly Plant, one-year individual membership to the Museum, hands-on training/instruction by a NCM
delivery team member, program decal and a wall plaque are all
part of the Museum Delivery experience that is available exclusively through the Museum.
Racing Wins
GT1 in 24
Hours of Le
At 21:36, Fassler radioed the crew that he was experiencing
shifting problems. The gearbox problem intensified, and the car
was stranded near the pit lane entrance when it lost drive to the
rear wheels. In contrast, the No. 63 Corvette had a trouble-free
run throughout the grueling 24-hour race, making 32 pit stops
and never going into the garage for repairs. O'Connell and Garcia drove the closing stints in the race when Magnussen became ill.
"It was a good fight," said Fassler. "Sure it was difficult to race
your teammate hard, but when we went out of the chicane he
was really fair and he left me space. I enjoyed leading the 24
Hours of Le Mans, and I came very close to reaching one of the
goals I want to achieve in my life. I was only two hours away,
Flawless Runs Keep but suddenly I smelled some gearbox oil. Then something
Corvettes Close at
broke quickly before I could get back to the pits. I was very dis18-Hour Mark
appointed for the whole team and my teammates. All of them
did a really good job. There were no mistakes, and they deLE MANS, France - Corvette Racing brought down the curtain served a victory as well. In the end, it's important for Corvette
on the GT1 era with a victory in the 24 Hours of Le Mans. Racing that they have a Le Mans win with the No. 63 Corvette,
Johnny O'Connell, Jan Magnussen and Antonio Garcia scored and I have to congratulate them because it was a tough fight."
Corvette Racing's sixth class victory in the world's biggest
sports car race with the No. 63 Compuware Corvette C6.R. The This race marked the end of the GT1 era for Corvette Racing
winning Corvette completed 342 laps, racing to a six-lap margin that began in 1999. Since then, Corvette Racing has become
of victory over the No. 73 Luc Alphand Aventures Corvette America's premier production sports car team, winning 77
C6.R of Yann Clairay, Julien Jousse and Xavier Maassen. The races and eight consecutive American Le Mans Series champiNo. 64 Compuware Corvette C6.R of Oliver Gavin, Olivier onships.
Beretta, and Marcel Fassler retired from the lead in the 22nd
hour with an apparent gearbox problem.
"When you look at all aspects of the close of the GT1 category
as we know it today, it is an unequivocal testament to the comToday's win was Corvette Racing's 16th podium finish at Le mitment of a corporation that recognizes the value of moMans since 2000. It was the fourth Le Mans class win for torsports from a marketing and technological perspective," said
O'Connell and Magnussen, and the second consecutive Le Corvette Racing program manager Doug Fehan. "It's also repMans GT1 victory for Garcia. O'Connell became the first Ameri- resentative of all the people who have been here since the becan driver to win four class titles in the 24 Hours of Le Mans.
ginning, who dedicated themselves to taking Corvette forward.
At the end of the day, today's victory is emblematic of what
"When you look at the Americans who have won here multiple American teamwork and American spirit is about."
times, they're all important figures in motorsports history,"
O'Connell said. "To achieve my fourth win with Corvette Racing, driving a sports car that's an American icon, it's hard to put Corvette Racing will make the move to the GT2 category in its
that into words. There is nothing more difficult and more re- next event, the Acura Sports Car Challenge at the Mid-Ohio
warding than winning here, and sharing it with two awesome Sports Car Course in Lexington, Ohio, on August 6-8. The twohour, 45-minute race is scheduled to start at 2:10 p.m. ET on
drivers like Jan and Antonio."
Saturday, August 8. The race will be televised same-day tapeThe two Corvettes waged a fierce battle throughout 22 of the delayed on NBC at 4 p.m. ET.
24 hours, never separated by more than one lap. The polewinning No. 63 Corvette C6.R led from the start for 18 hours
and 52 minutes. Beretta then put the No. 64 Corvette C6.R in
front, passing Garcia on a restart following a safety car period.
Garcia regained the lead at 19:23 when Beretta pitted; the No.
64 was back at the front following a pit stop for O'Connell to
replace Garcia. The 21st hour saw an intense duel between
O'Connell and Fassler with the cars dicing around the entire
8.47-mile circuit. "It was a great race, but a shame that the No.
64 Corvette was not
there at the finish," said
Garcia. "We raced really,
really hard for 22 hours.
We were racing fair, and
we were all going 100 24 Hours of Le Mans GT1 Results:
percent. The full stint I Pos./Car No./Drivers/Car/Laps
did fighting with Olly after 1. (63) O'Connell/Magnussen/Garcia, Corvette C6.R, 342
the safety car came in 2. (73) Jousse/Maassen/Clairay, Corvette C6.R, 336
3. (66) Lichtner-Hoyer/Gruber/Muller, Aston Martin DBR9, 294
was great."
Not classified:
(64) Gavin/Beretta/Fassler, Corvette C6.R, 311 retired
(72) Alphand/Goueslard/Gregoire, Corvette C6.R, 99 retired
(68) Apicella/Yogo/Yamagishi, Lamborghini Murcielago, 1retired
"It seemed like we were racing against the pace car all day.
We'd lose two minutes, catch back up, and then lose two minutes again. The team did a very good job, we never gave up,
and what happened today is just part of racing. We are professionals and have to accept it - but to be honest, you have to be
disappointed when you push hard and don't win."
Jan Magnussen, No. 63 Compuware Corvette C6.R: "Four Le
Mans wins feels absolutely great. My role in this one was for
only half the race. I really have to thank Johnny and Antonio for
working so hard during the last half of the race. Also a special
mention to my crew chief Dan Binks. Standing on the victory
podium at Le Mans is just amazing, and I hope that we can
carry on."
Doug Louth, Corvette Racing Engineering Director: "It was
easy to stay awake this morning because there was a lot happening. It couldn't have been any closer between the two Corvettes - if they had both run to the finish, it would have come
down to the wire. There were a lot of possible scenarios with pit
stops and tires. Unfortunately that didn't happen, but Corvette
C6.Rs finished first and second."
Johnny O'Connell, No.63 Compuware Corvette C6.R:
"Winning at Le Mans is hard because it's all about pushing as
hard as you can while being perfect with your technique and
taking care of the car. I think the three of us did that, even when
we were wiped out and tired. The guys in the No.64 Corvette
might have had a little more mid-corner grip than us, so we had
to push every minute. When you do that, sometimes you make
mistakes, but the No.63 finished the race as pretty as it started
Dan Binks, Crew Chief, Corvette C6.R No. 63: "Winning Le
Mans is so unbelievable that I can't even talk about it. All of the
people here worked their butts off, and we're just the guys who
show up at the track. There are dozens of guys back in the shop
working on this stuff."
Antonio Garcia, No. 63 Compuware Corvette C6.R: "I'll tell
you tomorrow when I wake up what it means to win Le Mans
twice. This is my third 24-hour race win a row - I won Le Mans
last year and Daytona 24 this year. I cannot ask for anything
else. Corvette Racing gave me a car and a crew that worked
perfectly, and I really appreciate it. During the night and this
morning, I was up to my best. That's what a proper team needs
to be - everyone giving 100 percent."
Submitted by Ron Hutchinson
Oliver Gavin, No. 64 Compuware Corvette C6.R: "It didn't
seem to matter what we did today, it was something just ready
to trip us up, whether it was punctures or safety cars or this
gearbox problem. I think that Olivier, Marcel and myself had
driven well throughout the race, and it was going to be extremely close at the finish. It was going to come down two cars
racing at the end of the race, which is quite unusual here at Le
Mans. I really thought we had a great shot at it today, after we
kept clawing back and finally pulled away, but then the final card
played by Lady Luck was all bad luck. It's desperately disappointing."
Olivier Beretta, No. 64 Compuware Corvette C6.R: "The car
was good, then I had a puncture and my car was starting to be
difficult, so they called me in and changed the tire. On the restart, I made the pass on the No. 63 Corvette before the Ford
chicane. There was a lot of confusion and I just put the throttle
flat on the floor."
JULY – This month we will see the completion of the COCSD
Club Room in the new Corvette Diner at Liberty Station. Lots
of work has gone into this project by the committee members
and it will be something to showcase our club, our history, who
we are and what we do. We still need “worker bees” to help
finish this room. We will have some scheduled “work days” to
do our part in this room. If you can paint, hammer, hang pictures or just be a “gofer”, please contact either Craig Moya
(619-660-8071), Jim Lassiter (619-749-2416), Eunice Magill
(619-397-5518) or Don Evans (858-51-0609). They will be
glad to get your help.
You will be proud of COCSD when you see “our” room
SEPTEMBER – So far we have nothing schedule for September. If you would like to correct this problem, call Don or Tina
at 858-451-0609.
LONG RANGE PLANNING – December 6th is our Annual
Christmas Party at the North Island Club. This will be a great
way to start the holiday season and we can guarantee a great
time. Sign up for this event will be coming.
December19th COCSD will have an overnight to the Nethercutt Museum in Sylmar on Saturday, 12/19 and the Reagan
Library in Simi Valley on Sunday, 12/20. Both of these venues
will be decorated for Christmas. The Reagan Library will have
a “Christmas Trees Around The World” theme. The Nethercutt
Museum is one of the premier classic auto collections in the
world. They are often winners at the classic auto show at Pebble Beach and if you like classic cars from around the world,
all in like new condition, don’t miss this. We will stay in a motel just a few minutes from the Reagan Library. The trip has
limited space. Contact Don or Tina (858-451-0609) for information.
July 11th the 2nd “COCSD Goes To The Drive In” takes Have an event you would like to see happen or like
place. Bring back old times by watching a movie under the to sponsor. Contact Don or Tina at 858-451-0606 or
stars. Remember those days in the back seat at the drive in? talk to us at a meeting. We would be glad to help.
With our Corvettes it will be in the front seat, but just as much
fun! Meet at Bob Stall Chevy at 6:45 p.m. Bring chairs and an
Submitted by Tina Somers & Don Evans
FM radio, snacks, and enjoy the movie. Kimberly Hutchinson
(619-659-0984) can provide details.
July 26th Old Fashion COCSD Rally Run Please make sure
you RSVP with Jerry Bach no later than July 15th 619-2556277. This will be a great run! Bring chairs or a blanket to sit
on the ground.
AUGUST 9th The REALY BIG SHOE this month is MAIN
STREET AMERICA. With the economic situation we are not
getting the support we had in the past from sponsors and contributors. This means we need to step up as a club and get
behind MSA. Do this by signing up your Corvette NOW. Your
registration fee is needed to offset the reduced funding from
sponsors. We need these funds now so have enough to offset
our initial costs. Currently we have 26 club members signed
up and we can do better. Please get your registration in
ASAP, and thanks for responding.
August 4th it is COCSD Night at the Chula Vista “Blast From
The Past” show on Main Street Chula Vista. No sign up - just
show up. Details on time and location will be coming. We had
a good turn out last year and hope to repeat this year. It is a
great way to spend an evening with Corvette people.
August 15th is the third and last COCSD night at the drive in
movies. This is your last chance to see a good movie under
the stars. See July 11th above.
August 28th (10) COCSD members will start on an epic voyage to Bowling Green, Kentucky for the national caravan to
the 15 Anniversary of the National Corvette Museum. Expectations are that there will be 250 Corvettes from Southern California/Southern Nevada and 4,000 to 5,000 Corvettes at Bowling Green. Many activities are planned along the route and at
the event. It is not too late to sign up, and if interested, call
Don Evans at 858-451-0609.
ability to choose from a far greater array of colors including
Torch Red Paint, Competition Gray alloys, and a Cashmere
toned interior.
We still have plenty of merchandise for
sale. T-shirts, caps, and ladies’ tops seem
to be the hot items, with the exception that
the meeting on the 13th moved a lot of
weather-specific merchandise (like fleece
We have sold the last of the club watches
and the license plate frames. If you need
these, see Cat Guiant and she will start an order list. As soon
as we get enough people interested, we will re-order.
We are starting another “club jacket order sheet.’ See Cat if
you want to order one. Last order was $87. We must have at
least 6 and over 6 gets us a pretty good discount.
Submitted by Keith Kingsley
SEMA Wins Protection For Collector Cars
and Parts
WASHINGTON, D.C. (June 10, 2009) – The Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA) persuaded Congress to place
a 25-year limit on trade-in cars and expand recycling opportuni-
Respectfully submitted by Pat Guiant
sial bill, consumers will receive a voucher to help buy a new car
ties under ‘cash for clunkers’ legislation. Under the controverin exchange for scrapping a less fuel-efficient vehicle. SEMA
was able to mitigate the program’s effects by convincing lawmakers to include a requirement that the trade-in vehicle be a
model year 1984 or newer vehicle. The provision helps safe-
Things You Should Know …
guard older vehicles that may possess ‘historic or aesthetic
REPORT: 2010 Corvette ZR!
Gets upgrades, price bump!
ration parts. The measure also allows all parts to be recycled
value’ and are irreplaceable to hobbyists as a source of restoexcept the engine. Lawmakers were convinced to permit the
drive train to be recycled if the transmission, drive shaft or rear
end are sold as separate parts.
The vehicle scrappage legislation was passed by the U.S.
House of Representatives by a 298-119 vote. President
Obama has backed the plan and passage in the Senate is expected in the near future. Proponents claim that the so-called
“Consumer Assistance to Recycle and Save Act (CARS)” may
spur an estimated 625,000 vehicle sales. The program will last
for one year.
Restoration Market Holding Strong
In 2008, the restoration market held its ground and fended off
General Motors can clearly use all the money it can get, and for
the 2010 model year, you’ll have to fork over more of it to get
behind the wheel of a ZR1. The 2010 638 hp supercar will cost
you $109,530, an increase of $2910 over last year’s model.
A larger MSRP isn’t a good thing, but according to Corvette
Blogger, many dealers were already charging $10,000 over
sticker for an ‘09 model, so this could be the General’s way of
getting a little bigger piece of the action.
For all that dough, you still get the most powerful production
Vette of all time - and a few new items as well. The 2010
model now comes with standatd side curtain airbags, launch
control and Performance Traction Management System.
PTMS, by the way, gives the driver more control over traction
settings when in competition mode. Also new for 2010 is the
economic troubles. With the overall market shuddering in the
wake of myriad disasters, enthusiasts looking to restore their
automotive passion and collector cars came through decidedly.
Despite a small dip in retail sales, the restoration marketplace
survived 2008 with $1.45 billion in retail sales, just 3% off the
previous year—not bad considering how other parts of the industry ended the year. One of the many reasons for this stability is the types of consumers who participate in the restoration
I have had this Corvette for
about 25 years. It has a fully
welded and gusseted frame,
per the GM issued Corvette
Race prep manual. Frame is
powder coated. Dick Guldstrand and I installed the All
aluminum ZL-1 limited issue
(only 200 ever made) GM
1957 Corvette, Aztec Copper with beige coves, beige interior
and tan vinyl top. Also includes a body color hardtop. Numbers
matching 283/270 engine with two 4bbl carbs, T-10 4-speed
transmission and 4.56 posi. Multiple award winner. For more
info, contact Craig at 619-723-2020 or go to
and look under C1 and C2 Corvettes for sale
Factory Engine. #194
Big Block. Dick added
fuel injection, Rack
and Pinion Steering,
Hydraulic Power
Brakes (run off of a
racing type engine
driven pump) Suspension modification etc. Rare 200 MPH Speedometer. The car
was originally sent to Baldwin Motion in 1969 for Factory GM
Road Race Fenders and Baldwin Motion Hood and paint etc.
It is the original Daytona Yellow. The only modern aspect to the
car is the fuel Injection and Steering rack for all around drivability. I chose to do rear exhaust for drivability as well. Less
noise, no passengers getting burned getting in and out. The
car is a complete frame off and ready for any magazine!
I would like to sell the car. My asking price is $85,000.
2000 Yellow Corvette
with 59300 miles
Asking $20,900
2002 Red Corvette
With 29300 miles
Asking $24,500
Quite a bit less than I have in it and it is certain to increase in
value Less Than 1000 miles on it since restoration. The car is
located in downtown San Diego. Call Aaron at 619-252-0347
Call Robert at
760-779-8659 or
Four C5 OEM Tires, Wheels, and
TPMS. Good condition, xlnt track set,
$500.00. Call Steve 619-337-0316
1994 Corvette
ONLY 54,OOO miles!!!!
New BF Goodrich KDW
Tires and New Bilstein
roof, Dark Red, Chrome Factory Corvette Wheels, 6 Speed,
Loaded.....Air, cruise, 6 way adjustable seats, etc Only $14,900
Call Barry 760 310 9206 [email protected]
1997 Corvette
Metallic silver w/
black leather interior. Loaded w/
options, 6 speed
manual transmission. 12 disc CD changer in the back, single CD up front,
BOSE sound system, dual power seats, power locks/windows,
cruise, dual A/C and climate control, removable top. Asking
$14,400 OBO email Joe at: [email protected]
Bad Boy Vettes C7. R Stingray
The top three finishers in each group were given cool medals
by K1, and had their photos taken on a winners’ podium.
After getting group photos, we drove over to the nearby
Marie Callender’s for lunch and the “real” awards ceremony.
That is, everyone but me. Our 2001 convertible picked that
moment to have its battery die. The only good thing was that
it chose that moment, and not one start earlier, since Lisa
and Diean had taken the car over to the Carlsbad Outlet
Center while we were racing. I sent Lisa on with Ron and
Kimberly while I waited for AAA. Thank goodness for AAA,
because I was able to get the battery replaced and still get to
the restaurant in time for the awards ceremony.
Jay and Greg did a great job putThe second COCSD Racers’ Run to the K1 Speed indoor
ting the special awards together.
kart track was held on Memorial Day, May 25th. Greg Magill
Receiving the “Driving Miss
and Jay Orband were once again my partners in crime, reDaisy” award for first destroying
sponsible for organizing the run. COCSD members, soonone kart while qualifying, then
to-be members and guests meeting us at Bob Stall Chevrolet
driving like he had a passenger
included Ron Burgandine and Nancy Rubenstein, Lisa DiSain a back seat for the race was
batino and friend Geoff Huk, Don and Tina Evans, Lisa
Mike McIntosh.
Foland, James Gutierrez and buddy Anthony Taylor, Susie
Hinson and Ken Wood, Ron, Kimberly and Gabriel Hutchinson, Jerry and Rita Jensen, Mike and Diean Jukich, Tina
The Ricky Ricky Bobby Award
Ngo, Bob Swanson, James Vallejo and Candie McDevitt,
(from the character in “Talladega
and Lore Young.
Nights”) was given to Tina SoWe headed out at about 10:15 AM, on a great day for a run. mers for hitting a barrier so hard
We went up through Ramona and onto Highway 78 and then that she dislodged it.
a fun winding road called Bandy Canyon. There were too
many inviting turns to go slowly, so I opened it up a bit
through them and waited on the straights for Jay in his ’58
The “Spinner Award” winner
and the rest of the group behind him to catch up.
was Tina Ngo, awarded for
not only spinning out, but
When we arrived at K1, we were met by Pat Coburn, Jeff
then driving about 20 yards in
Lonsdale, Carol Lynn Murphy, and Randy and Dawn
the wrong direction!
Standke. Mike and Sharon McIntosh came a bit late, but in
time for Mike to make his qualifying race.
We ran the same race format as the previous Racers’ Run,
with each racer getting a 14-lap qualifying session. Once
qualifying was completed, each group ran a 16-lap race for
position, with the top qualifier given the pole position, the
second fastest qualifier in position 2, and so forth. The races
began with a standing start, similar to Formula 1. The
women had their own group, while the men were divided into
two groups for qualifying, but grouped together for the race.
I was given the “Crying Baby”
award for finishing second in the
men’s group, but trying to convince
everyone that I would have won, had
the race been one lap longer.
The race results:
Women's Group winners:
Susie Hinson - 1st
Lisa DiSabatino - 2nd
Nancy Rubenstein – 3rd
Mike and Susie
were given K1
t-shirts for their
first place finishes.
Men’s Group winners:
Mike Jukich - 1st
Craig Moya - 2nd
Jay Orband – 3rd
Fun was had by all once again. Mark your calendars now for
Racers’ Run III on Labor Day! And remember, Greg, Jay
and I are always willing to take on challengers at the
Miramar Speed Circuit after general meetings when there is
no aftermeeting. Submitted by Craig Moya
K1 Racing
Photos by Gabriel Hutchinson
(Parents Ron & Kimberly)
La Mesa
Flag Day
Opening Celebration! The Diner is scheduled to be open on Monday, but the official celebration is Saturday, July 11th. They have
asked COCSD to have a Corvette display as part of the celebration. There is room for at least 40 Corvettes in the display.
If you are interested in participating in the display, please let me know ASAP. If you signed up at the June general meeting, you
are good to go and don't need to contact me. I will be setting up the parking lot so that the Corvettes will be placed in chronological
order. You DO NOT need to be a part of the display to take part in the celebration. There are literally acres of parking within a very
short distance of the Diner. The celebration begins at 11 am, but we need to be there at 10 am to get the cars set before the general
public and probably the local news media arrives. You can meet me there at 10 am (please don't come earlier unless I specifically ask
you to do so), or join Dan Wheeler at the Mission Bay Visitors Center at 9 am. That group will be departing promptly at 9:30 so as to be
able to meet me at the Corvette Diner by 10 am.
Dan's direction to the Mission Bay Visitor's Center:
Traveling North or South on Interstate 5 take exit 22. If coming from the South turn left on Clairemont Drive and the Visitors Center is
directly in front of you. If going south on Interstate 5 turn right on Clairemont Drive and again the Visitors Center is right there.
Dan's cell ph. no.: 619 820 7704
What: A good Old Fashioned Drive-In Movie in the warm San Diego summer night
When: Saturday night, June 13th, Saturday night July 11th, Saturday night, August 15th
50+ Years of Corvette & COCSD
Be a part of the Club!
The Corvette Clubhouse
at the Corvette Diner
Support the Corvette Clubhouse by
purchasing a personalized flag to be
put on display in the Corvette Diner, an
icon of San Diego.
The Corvette Diner has graciously offered one of their private dining rooms to COCSD to decorate in a
theme of our choosing. The dining room will be available for COCSD to reserve for events. For several
months a COCSD Corvette Diner Committee has met to create the design for this room.
Sales of these limited flags will support the creation and maintenance of this
special space
The Corvette Clubhouse Flag
One flag is $100 and sales will be used to support the creation and maintenance of the
Corvette Clubhouse at the Corvette Diner. To purchase a flag complete the information
Step 1: Write your name(s) clearly as you would like it on the flag:
Step 2: Email a high resolution photo of your car to Greg Magill at
[email protected]. Name the .jpg with your name.
Step 3: Cash or make checks payable to COCSD.
Your contacts for this are Greg & Eunice Magill. Call 619/397-5518 with questions.
Kushan Peykarian
[email protected]
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COCSD Member
Joseph W. LaVeque
Owner - CEO
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or check us out at
COCSD Member
COCSD Member
Richard E. Green
COCSD Member
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COCSD Member
COCSD Member
[email protected]
JULY 2009
MTG 7:30
La Mesa
11 Open’g
Diner &
Drive In
Blast from
the Past
Blast from
the Past
Blast from
the Past
26 Old Fash- 27
Rally Run
Blast from
the Past
We’re Coming!
Blast from
the Past
Main Street
MTG 7:00
MTG 7:30
La Mesa
Drive In
Business Card Member $55.00
(12 Issues)
Non Member $80.00
(12 Issues)
Member $220.00
(12 Issues)
Non Members $320.00
(12 Issues)
Ad Rates are for July through June Issues
1/2 Page
and are pro-rated for mid-year placements
Ads also appear in the “On-Line” Issue of
“The Wave” of www.cocsd.com website
Full Page
Member $450.00
(12 Issues)
Non Member $650.00
(12 Issues)