JetPower2Oíl3 - Jets
JetPower2Oíl3 - Jets
I JETPoWER 2013 JetPower2Oíl3, The RCJl team take their annual road trip to Germany for the prestigious JetPower show nce again mid septembeí 2013 saw the intřepid Traplet crew making a pre-dawn departure řom the UKto head to the largest model jet event in the world, the annual JetPower show, which is held at a smzLll glider and light aircralí airfield above the pretty and picturesqte town of Bad Neunahr in Germany, some one hour's drive south of cologne, and in the midst of a wine gro\Ňing Ťegion, with a rather vafiable weather iorecast this year there was particular concern about the Saturday, as the local fořecasts were predicting constant rain eVPn as late as the previous evening. Well, I don't know hov it was arranged, but apart from some light raijt early on in the day and a couple oí short showers, the remainder of the day stayed dťy right through to the night ílying show, which commenced at 9 pm. Perhaps due to the forecast the attendance on the Satuíday did appear to be down on that of plevious yeals, however the better weather on Friday and Sunday brought large numbers to the show. Talk before the show was oí a new German set of regulations íor any model !Ýeighing over 25 kg including fuel, this meant that the model had to undergo a rigorou§ test progŤamme , including ballasting to a maYimum amount relating to the weight of the model and a specified 'G'loading, Due to this only a couple oí larger models were ílorrn at the show this yeaí, many other pilots having to leave their heavier models hoíne at shoít notice, lrrckily there were still plenty of sma]ler models available to take their place, but the lack oí many really large aod impressive models did have an impácl on the 0y'tng As per previous years we have iisted the exhibitors showing new products in alphabetical order,.. !fi§!@hrd t*o new models on show the Epic business jet and a BAe Hawk, both of Which were originally produced by Ajr-C-Ráce for sale through Grar-rpnef, but ríhich are now being sold direct since the demise of the original Graupner company The Hawk is to 1:5.5 scale and two vercions are available, the standald version having a fuselage length of 881l (2,24 metres), whilst the Hawk 100 has a fuselage length of96|! (2.44 metres), both having tie same wingspan oí 74l! (1.88 metres). Airtech had example§ oí their new E-Géar electric retťads on their stand [@!! eiectŤic h^u" ,,olv d"veloped their own letíact system, known as E"Geal, which is available together with their ne$r' hydraulic disc brakes, both in standard sets and fol specific models, including some popular larger models. Air-c-Race Were showin9 their néW 1:4 scale Epi( biz-iet and 1:5.5 scale HaWk among§t other models on theiř packed stand The Hawk is supplied in an advanced state of assembly, with all woodeir parts installed, the 4liře fuel tarrk frtted and undercalriage doors hinged, Also supplied assembled to the same degTee is lhe Epic. Whjch is oí.L:4 .ca]e. having a wingspan of 110lt (2.8 metres) and length oJ JETPOWER 2013 H= This huge 1:4 s.ale t-104 staťíightel Was the (entrepieCe of the Ailworld stand, and Was superbly Íinished !ffi§! t had o new, large anc1 very impressive mo.]e]S on show-, tlrc llrsl bcillg a 1;3.9 scalc Mcsscrsclrrnilt Nle 262. rvhich is of course íully nroulrled, having a w]ngspalr ol 127' (3,24 metres) and ]ength oI1otjll (2,71 lnetres). and rcquiling two 100 Newtotl tuibines, l\.hilst the second was a huge 1:4 :l,irlť l -lU ] 5lJlfql-,er. |\e IJ(c]ág. ,,l lh rno,1el beilrq :il oí l44" l l, | , n|,1n,., IUn§. witlr l]le chalactclislic ťin}, Wing of only 65l] (1,66 metre) span. and clesigned for 1lJ0 Neuton tulŤines, Tlie exanple on display was bcarrtilully firrished arrcl hacl a supelbly delailcd cockpii. A]So on show was Ajíwol]d's new electro mcchanical drum brakes, which incorpora|es 1hc equivalent of an ABS bfaking system, as well as electronic conllo] ofthe miLximum braking level and ofcource plopoflional braking. The new Dynamo sport/trainer jet from ARG looked good and S§§ hatl a large sLand displayirrg rro íewer than four oftheir new Dyna o aefobatic trainerjets, Which have been designed to lrave a low drag and ath,adivc shape, with lhe Llnusual cutaway rear fuselage renloving ihe need fol. a taibip..ll1is lully cortposile nrodol, Which is maDufactured in ltaly, is suitab]e for turbines from 60 to 100 Newtons thlu§t, and lTas a dry weight oí only 20,5 lb (9,:] kg), with a wingspan includiog Wing]ets of 92l' (2,34 lnelťes), thc standard \{dng bcing 78" (2.0 neres), ancl 1ength of 86'. versions ale available With a gelcoat íinisil wilh two stenci] schenles or thele is the opticrl of two djfferent paint schcnes applied at the iactory, whilst other items available incluale electric retracts and bfakes, Wifing ldt aid ftlselagc arrd flying surface bags, rr§w. d]mamo_jet. it ílew extremely WeIl in its display slot řlŤřřři!riĚF.{ "r,lJ|1l\ JllrJ.,1pcl 5olllš atiention this yeaf wiih iheir ncw Diamond sportjet, wh;ch looked like sornetlring out of a sci-li filrn, anct *ůich had a superb metal,Iike finish. \\'atching the flight display oí thc model showcd thal it ]le§ extremely we1l, and had excellent low speed handling despite iťs unusual dcsign, Ii is an unusually large model, reqlliring turbines oí 160 to 200 Newtons, with an all up wejght of 19 kg, having a wingsp;ur oí 98|l (2.49 metťes) aúd length of 127ll (3,22 metťes), and is expecteal to be availablc in Janualy 2014. . www.adiets,com The n€W Diamond írom Aviation Design is a unique and eye-cat.hing shape, and appears to fiy partiCularly Well I JETPoWER 2013 EI§IGE§ constántb busy "pp"ared throughout the show, with a great deal of interest in their new and very pretty Fiat G-91, the model on display having an eye{atching hft!,/aJíe colour scheme. The model is suitable íor furbineq oí ]20 to l40 \e!^rlnn., lvith a \,r'ingspan oí 75|| (1,9 metres) and length something .ompletely diffélént for Boomerang Jets i5 the newí Ta183 Huckebein, Which is íor small turbines ol EDF power llMllE t ud something completely íerent on their stánd this yezLr, an all wood and film covered Focke Wulf Ta183 Huckebein with a Wingspan of 55!] (1.4 metres), being designed íor either a 20 to 40 Newton Turbine or EDF powel and manufactured in the czech Republic. Due to be available by the end of 2013. the model is based on a design developed late in 1v1\{I, but which never flew, the first prototypes having not been completed beforc the end of the vrar, wrÁ§a.booíreíang,iets. com d of 90|l (2,3 metŤes). A.lso shown was a new 88|l (2.25 metres) wingspan Viperjet, which has a length of 79!] (2,0l melres, and \aPighl oí8lo I0 kg. beins suitable lor lUrbines hom 80 lo l00 Newrons in thrust, Whilst the last, complete]y nerir' model on display rir'as a neat little 1:7th scale Aermacchi M-346 for either EDF or turbine power. a l00l20 mm ían being rťquirPd tor EDF or alternalively a 60 to 80 Ne]řton turbine. The model has a wingspan oí55" (1.4 metres) and a length of 63|l (1.6 metres). Although not a new model the laíge MB339 C & C Models produce has had some significant improvements made to obtain a more accuralp sca]e outline, as w"]l a. having more scale detail included, and an example was on show in the stand. &\,fi lfusft!!§! werc in their usual outcloor spot under a large marquee, and had an eye.catching display oJ many oí their .jet and turbo-prop models, the new model this year being a chensdu J-10 3D jet. Which has been developed ftom the origina1 models of the Elster Jet Team. These highly impressive models ýere put through lheir paces during a stunning flying display, not suIprising When the dry weight is only just over 21 lb (9,6 kg), whilst the turbine was aJetCat P-160SX|The scale of the model is 1:6, giving a wingspan of 65l' (1,65 metres) ancl it has a length oí 104l| (2,65 metres). vurr.carí, l!@ ulťo léqs |o lhpir hauo no" "dded range oí products, enabling them to sell complete retact systems rather than just the retract units themselves, as tiey are also no\ť offering elec|ťic brakes as well. These new electťo-magnetic brakes ale of course fully proportional, allowing precisely the required amount of braking force to be applied wilhout the risk ofJocking wheels and the subsequent tvie damage incuned. rtr\!,rť"electíon-retracts,com l!@§ had one of the busiest stands at the shoq and had several new items this year, including a very sophisticated lighting system, the optitronix Sl§dre LCU, which has a tota] of nine prcgrammable outDuts that can be used fol landing lights, position lights, anti-collision lights etc,, as well as an atxiliary outFrt íor an afterburner ring, This lightweight (23 g) unit has separate channels ior the noímal and auxiliary outputs so that they can be control]ed independenth whilst the unit also has integrated rcceiver monitoring, so that the lighting system can signal a problem with the receiver or the presence oí interference, This very pretty Fiat G-91 Was displayed on the c & c Models stand. the model being designed for 120 ,l40 to NeMon turbines afi The very large yet light chengdu J"10 3D jet Was from composite ARF, and gave an amazing display ., RcJETlNTERNAT|oNAL.coM DECEMBER/JANUARY 201,i ílying The DPsl 2018 unit is now availabIe ířom Emcoteq and allows operation With multiple radio břands Also shown was the interesting Powercube HBs (Hybrid Battery system), \,/hich is an on-board unit that is ]eft permanently connected to one ol more 2s LiPo battery packs - to charge the pack/s only an external 10-36 V power souíce is required. the Powelcube controlling the charging whilst equalizing the cell voltages. It would be possible to install three small battefy packs for radio (two) and ECU into a model. and thex simply pltrgging in a power source would allow all three packs to be charged simu]taneously. For larger EDF models 1he Powercube cal be uspd lo charge one or more 2s radió bálterieírom the main flight pack, enabling much smaller packs to be used, as they are being constantly charged throughouť fie flight. Inst oí the new items is the DPs 12018. which is based on the earliel robbe unit. originally developed by Emcotec, this new system adding functionality with multiple radio brands, and also a telemetry írrnction íor Jeti Duplex 2.4EX, ww\r, lfu@ hod th"i. n"* BlOOex turbine on show, this being the result of a cooperation with wren Turbines, with the original Wren desigrr having some changes made by EvoJet, for example a single fuel inpu| as well as having the addition of lheir o\an EcU and electronics, Although not shown, Evo]et will be releasing a new 220 NeMon turbine in the SIandard l6n ca<e cize .oon, .o head to tieir website íor mole details, www, !!$fi!@ are c]early keen on British ailclaíl a5lhP} sho$ed a large l40' (:1.55 met e) wingspan Canberra. which has a ]ength of 138 l (3.50 metres.) an(t weight oí 16 kg, At present just a one-off, the model was built from balsa and ply, and first flights were expected to take place soon, Also on the stand was a vely nice example of their large all composite D.H. venom, tlris 126||Wingspan model flying superbly and appearing extreme]y realislic duťing its display ílights. w§av,fc-scalepart§. de Flight composité Tech had a successful show selling theil Kevlar fueltanks and these veřy neat header tanks f§l were attending the show for the second time. now having available their new and very neatb moulded spherical header tank, v/hich uses this unusual shape to completelv eliminate any possibility ofthe bubble generation that is believed to occur in some square or rectangular tanks. Usefully the internal fuel pickup/filter is easily replaceable by the user at quite a low cost. These tanks proved to be veíy popular and I believe that FCT had sold every one by the end of the show. rl\tr\r/.fl ightcompositetech,com Th€ s€cond new aircraft on Fei Bao's stand Was this 99" (2.5 metre) Wingspan viperjet, Which is also suitable for 120 to 160 Newton turbinés !ffid nuo *o n"* mooels on sno\t tllls year, their large 1:4.5 scale Hawk being available norir', this model having a wingspan of just over 82!] (2.09 metres) and length of almost 98!j (2.48 metres), requiring a 120 to 160 Newton turbine and a minimum of eight servos. The secoúd new model is a large Viperjet of99|! (2,5 metres) vringspan, With a len8ti ofjust over 90|' (2,3 metres), again D ECE|I4BE R/JAN UARY 2014 RCJETINTERNATIONAL.COM , , I JETPoWER 2013 EEEIME! being suitable for 120 to 160 Newton turbines and requiňng at least seven selvos, this model has also recently become available. Both models have optional air retracts, Fei Bao not yet having electric systems available for these large aircraft , wruv.í p.oudly announced that they had been appointed the worldwide distributoí for al] Red\vings products, and had Ihree new mudpls un t}e stmd, the first being the Gryphon Evo, which has been developed from the original GrtThon, and which has a wingspan of 78" (2.00 metres), length of 80|' (2.05 metres) and requires a 70 to 100 Ne]řton turbine, The remaining two models rrere @ffi tua t*o examples oí the new DerJet Hawker Hunler§ 01 lheir stánd, one in a Patrouille Suisse colour scheme, the second being in the well known and very attractive Miss Demeanour colours, this challenging paint scheme costing only 200 Euros more, BoIh Lhese model. were displayed in lhe dir each day, with each oí them putting on a 8Ťeat pefformance. !ra15 shown in proto§,pe format, the Eurofighter Typhoon requiring a 60 to 80 NeMon turbine and having a wingspan of55|l (1,41 metaes) and length oí 74|| (1,88 metres), whilst tlle 1:5 scale Aermacchi M346, being at an earlier stage ofdevelopment had no details available at the show. w\ň\r/ @[S @@ h"d new Kevlar fuel tanks ""u"."1 on sholv including big 6.8 litre tanks for large viperjets etc., this can be produced as a split tank With 4.8 litres íoI fuel and 2.0litres for smoke oil, Also available is a very neat carbon/Kevlar tank for the Skyrunner 300, whilst moving away from tánks, GB Jets were also showing the new and larger Viperjet írom were delighted to shori/ their new Gvector floating furbine vectored thrust unjt, Which has been developed to allow the tailpipe used to expand řeely as the turbines exhaust heats it, without áffecting the centring of the vector thrust contťols and without the pipe'S expansion being restricted, which could lead to buckling damage to the pipe, JetTeng, which is suitable for 120 mm EDF tnits or 60 to 80 Nerřton turbines. and which a wingspan of 72|| (1,84 metres) and length of 67|! (1,7 metres), has GTrim system making trim adjushnents much easier íoťmany users. !í\f,w.grunrá liE@had averyneat coz fire eťinguisher system, on-board comprising a replaceable storage bottle and seťvo contfolled lve unit, allowing lemote operation via the transmitter, this being a very useful safeb/ íeatule in the event of a Wet start or a small on-board fire, ll@ E@ *".e proudly showing tbeir new Hawk 230R turbine. which is the same size and weight as their successful 190R engine, but now offers a maximum oi230 Newtons of thrust, along with the reno ned fuel eíiciency Hawk are so Well known for, and the need for only 1.5% oil mixed into the luel, the recommended oil being outboard wo stroke r}pe. which is both less expen.ive and easiel to source than turbine oil, l!t!@ laa tneir new 200 Newton IQ-H200+ tulbine on show, this compact yet poweríul engine now being available, and being ideally suited to many of the larger scale and sportjets now in production. wař.com §§§@ occupied their normal stalil, ancl werp displaying their new and veíy neatly designed and procluced Taxitank 800 complete with handle and soft feet to allow the unit to sit on wing suríaces wil}tout slippage or causing damage, Developed to allow models to take-oíf with a íull tank of fueI by acting as an additional plug-in tank during Start-up oI \vhilst waiting to taxi out, the example on the stand incorporated the new Maglok fuel connector system, which cleverly uses miniature magnets lo íeIain the fuelling probe inIo IhP malching breather/vent in the Taxitank, to avoid any spillage oí fuel or the possibility of dřt/grit etc ,getting into the filling probe. !@§ A close,up of the G-Vector system shows how the unit slides fréely over the tailpipe. avoiding any problems With expansion oí the pipe due to tempélatuřé chan9es showed two new models, an L-29 Delphin which was so new that ]ittle infoímation was available at the time oí writing, and the Dynamic spořtjet, which is of flying wing/delta config!íation with the addition offoreplanes, This modelis designed for 80 Newton turbines with an expected weight of around just under 20 lb (9.0 kg) and has a wingspan of70|| (1,79 mefes) and length of 66ll (1.69 metres). Fuíther development has taken place ofthe 1:8 scale Euťofighter T}Ťhoon, new last year, which is now available with fully composite wings. saving a substantial 800 grams over the plevious version, enabling the model to fly reallv well with one oí the popular 80 Newton turbines. or an EDF unit of similaí thrust. The inal new item was a vely clever trim button system for the Jeti 16 transmitter, this neat This L-29 Delphin on the Jet Arlows stand Was so new that little information was available The very neat Taxitank 800 is new írom GBRret, and Was the subject of much interest Another breathel/vent in the model allolýs for coníection to the Ta,..itank as well aS quick and easy illing or emptying ofthe fuel tanks. Also on the stand was a purpose designed smoke tank which differs Fom the original CAT header lanks in lhal a standard pick-up is used, as some smoke fluids are too thick for many íilteťs, and an air bubble in the smoke feed is not as disastrous as it would be in the fueI line to a turbine! $,tf,.Á,.gbr, ,i,::: RcJETlNTERNAT|oNAL.coM HaWé Modellte(hnik Wele showing this .ompact servo Controlled on-board lire extinguisher, With replaceable co, cartlidge D ICĚ]V]BE E/JA§j UARY 2r-a14 JETPoWER 2013 EGE!!ffi§fi l!!fu last year showerl no less than five new turbines, but this year ťhe stand was only displaying the currenl mnge oí engines, although we understanal that intense deve]op ent work is taking place on a number oí IleW lulbines at prP§enl. wu,'\ lEř ure a new name to me, and were exhibjting at the show for the fiťst ťme this yeať as far as I am aware, however they rrrade a big impression with a master pattern/plug of one ofthe largest mocleljets l have yet seen, a 1:2,7 scale L39 ofno less than 176'j (4.49 metres) length and 137'j (3.4B ]netťes) wingspan. having an anticipaled a]l up clry weighr oí 4G42 kg zmd requiring a turbine oI300 to 500 Newtons th ust. The master p]úg looked very neatly theil new YAK 130, which is now in production, This large 1:4 scale model can be t'lown with either single or rv^" .hovring twin turbines, the single engine version needing a turbine oí 200 Newton thrust, whilst the twin engine version tequires 100 to 120 Ne\^.ťon turbines. Weighirrg around 22 kg ready to fl}r without fuel the YAK has a wingspan of92!] (2.39 metres) and length of 113l (2,88 metres), www.jetlegend. com I ]5 NeMon turbiné expected to be(ome available by the end ofthe year is írom Jets-Munt This tiny produced, so we look íolwald to seei[g the finished nodel, the company expecting to have kits available around March 2014 with a like]y price tag ofbetween 22,000 and 25,000 Euros for the complete kit with retracts, ]egs, wheels and cockpit kit. The o]eo ]egs and Whee]s were on show, and were incredibly light for their size, the legs being very nicely moulded composite items. I am not sure how malry oÍ these we are likely to see at flying fields. but knowing l]ow well L-39 models seem to fly, any that clo get built should be quite somethinAl Wai\rr.modellbau-kageí.at lE!lEE!6!E|*ere showing new veísions oí lheir í]ooírams. where lhe electronics have been removed from the rams and are now sepamte itens, this reduciDg the size and weighl oíthe rams, and enabling the electronics to be positioned Within the airlrame irrstead olbeing exposed within the wheel wells, where they are Wlneťable to danage fr,on Watel ol §nall stones. At the same time Electlon have nade thc rams nrorc powerIul, to betteř cope with the door loads on larger and faster models. w\Á\ň/ jrl!ítlrúffillFfiiill This extremely smart 1|4 s(ale YAK-130 is now available from Jet Legend, and can be powered by one or two turbin€s §p@ were anotheí company making their clebut at the show, with a ]arge stand shov/ing their new, all cornpositc UltimaTun sport/aeíobatic jet. which has a wingspan oí 76l (1.92 metres) and length of 79l (2.00 nletíes), reqlliťing a turbine oí between E0 and 140 Newtons tirust, Produced in spain, the ultima'lun includes fuel tank and headeř a§ We]] as a tai]pipe Dťoduced by Grumania specifically for the moclel, whilst the retract system lecommended is fiom Electron. 'l}e UltinaTun is available now whilst in the latterstages oí development is a ]argeť veťsion wilh a wingspan oí 106|| (2,7 metres), which is clue to be released cluring 2014_ new starter motoi but has a brushless fuel pump, XI]US digital system allowing single cable connection bet\veen turbine and ECU. and the fuel and keřostart valves now instal]ed under the Íront cover. w\rw.jet§, continue to dcVPlnp lhPil P\lrPmPlr .uc, c..íul Kulibri mi,,ru rurbirr., th* velsion on <hnu prnr]uc:ng no less than 34 Newtons. lnore than double the powel olltput oI the ořiginalversionl ofthe same size as the original engine, With a ]ength oí lcss than 6'! (150 mm) anc] diameťer ofoniy just over 2|l (55 mm) this latest version uill be supplied complete with a new ECU that utilises A|batío§ L39 \ťw\ť l!!fi@ h"d crowd around ".onstant lheiť stand this year, nuch of the attention being focused on the new smal] 35 Newton lurbinp fir-t.houn la.l ypar, bUl no,ť nearil18 the end ofits developmenť, with the first plod!clion engines expected to be available by the end of 2013, This neW engjne Wi]l of course incoryorate a brushless staltel motor, which Jets-Munt have been developiig lol some time and which had pride ofplace in the newly updated Merlin 140x BI- turbine, whiclr not only includes tlris lModéllbau Kageí had one of two enormous new models that Were first seen at the show, this huge L-39 being due íol íirst flight§ in early 2014 DřC íLl ij Efi , JA|.j |.jAfiY 2ů. 4 BcJETlNTERNAT|oNAL.coM Lambert Miclotulbines látést kolibri turbine is no larger than previous engines, but puts out no less than 34 Newtons ol thrustI a 5ingle cable lo lhe lurbine. currently lhe development engines ale gas start, however kerostart is being actively developed. w\r.w.lambert-modellfu rbinen,de EEEEĚÚB nua u large stand this year, With the highlight being theil new composite Aurora sportjet, a large model with a 961l (2.44 metre) wingspan, which unusually comes packed inside its own moulded carrying case (painted to match the modell), making sďe transport of the completed model simple, Currently available in no less than 11 different colour schemes, the Aurola requiles a furbine oJ 160 to 200 Newtons thrust to propel this 16 kg model, which has a fuselage length oí 107|! (2.7 metres), whilst both air opeřated and electric retracts and brake systems are available as preferred. www.modellbauuk com l 6 1.1l rrave been attending the JetPower show since it started, and this year weíe displaying the new JSM Xcalibur sport/ trajnerjel bolh on lheir sland and in lhe ař. This twin boom design can be ílown using turbines fom 50 to 100 Newtons thrust, and ha§ a wingspan of 73|| (1,85 metres), length of just over 77!j (1.97 metres) and dry weight of around 8,0 kg. To be available in both sport and military colour schemes, the lirst delivery was expected a.round the middle of October, lňa!\ Davé Wilsher€ oí lýlotórs & Rotors show§ the size oí the neW,'sM xcalibllr sport/trainer jet, Whi.h he ílew daily during the flying display lE§IEllEEB§ Lud a small stand íor the íirst time this year, showing (and flying) the latest vercion of their'U20 furbine, this nolý following the ever increasing trend of incorporating many of the furbine ancillary parts under the font cover, in the case oí the 'IJ20 this including the ECU and fuel pump as well as fuel and kerostart valves. www,pbsvb,cz @ were showing a protorype oí their new Rebel sportjet, which has been developed to suit the many 100 Neb,ton turbines now so popular. This attractive neý model has a wingspan of78|| (2.0 meaes) and length of86|' (2,2 metres), and will have an all up weight of around 10 kg, píomising an exciting períolmance! Access to the interior oí the fuselage is unmatched, rir'idl an innovative design allo]ring most oí the upper fuselage to be lemoved as a single large hatch/canopy/air intakes moulding. !@§ appe".ed very busy throughout the show, theil new product for the show being aerospace quality servo extension leads which use very thin (0.35 mm) but high qua]iry insulation to reduce weight, as many st amount of wiring which scale jets u§e can add up to a §ubstantial total, these new cables are around 30% lighter than convent]lonal cables, even though the cross a The new Aurořa sport jet írom lvlodellbau UK is a large all composite model. and i5 supplied packed into á (oloul matched ánd mould€d case f .iť" RcJETlNTERNATloNAL,coM DECEN4BER/JANUARY 201 4 JETPOWER 2013 il ilrchrding changes to tl]e nosť ancl l,eaf oi the lLlselage to lia]ic these a],eas l]1ore accllfal(j, \\iith scalc operrirlg hatches. and aIrlazing inlclna]detail insirle 1l]ť luselagc. the n()re l, r,"l, ,,,r. r- ,,,, r., r]r,,, r. e ir r, .,,, il Was. no lvonder-this lnode] Ilas heen so SLlfťcssfu] il] ťoDlpetjtions al,ound the \]fild, §-tv$,.scale-jets.c()m §§SIS!!fi The high tempelature lesistant Version of the new powerBox extension leads (an sulvive tempeíatures of up to 250" centigrade sr,cliona] ilrea oI the wile is the sane, Notabl,v there lre two §?es oí cab]e, on(,wiLh lr\ic in_šu]alion. the other wilh a sp(]cial hi{h telnpcfitLufe insulation lhal is 1cnlperature l,* -l'1,1 u|, ,, ,l |,,l-| "," ,1| i!r,l ,,ll. being denronstratrr1 on the staLld witb lhe use of a cigaťcllc ]ighLť1,1'llle reesolliug behind the Llse ()l1llis insLllation is dla] cables are re$rlaíly btlndlecl tightiy togL,rhcr and ifone cablc bu|ns out c]ue to a slloft ailctLjt it can als() llle]l the a(]jacellt cablcs. potenlia]ly causing even lnolc ploblerlrs,'l1lis rr:rv cabic wil] elinrillatc this risk. The ]r,ads a]so have c]eal connectors. w]]idl ll,, r , ,.1 r,.r,:l i,|.|,-, li,,l| ^| 1.I, |- j ,| c()rrosion o]- to scc il lhel, have bccrrnc C]js]oclged, ,{llhough not on show, PolverBox did lnention the ncW (]dnini 1l t1\ir] baltery unit, whicll Was (]uť to bec()nle ilvailabie s.n)n alicI ll , l,Us R( Jl ,,ll , ,:ll] ,|3,,,|, |, ,-\i, ,, th. nea].lilttlít], w1\\v,po§elbox oI this in §fiÉffil *ere sl'oruing several nlrxlrls on 1hciI sland, jnclLlding 1l superblV fillishecl elld detailed exanple of their ncw vclsi r .)1'lhť ,:: l|,. \, \ , P-.í| |,, nlodel lravirlg a ],l,,,.,.l,, l I.|.: nurnbel ol inpIovelllenls 1,u,] o n,ln]bef ol ne\l i1l1d inLeresting itelns lhis vťal, in(]uding hío ne\Y srtta]ler ]]DF units, the lirst ol these, l]]{, l)s-3GAXl Hl)S ol69 lDlI (lian].1(,i giving a nlaximun] lln ust oi 3l] N('WtOns aL 60.000 rp It,srtlling in an exharrst veloci§, of 9.1 nl/s. \\,hi]st consllllring 2,750 watts, The larger 90 lrlln (lianetel, Ds5l Hl)S uni1 r;llcls lr , '{\1 nlilxir1runl 1hrlrsL ](,v(l ()Í 6,1 N(,Wtons at 5(),00() rpn), an exhaLlst ve]oci§,of l()1 n)/s. c()ItsL]nling 5350 watts, As \\,oukl be e\]Jcclc(l, b()lh ofthese ]jl)1.' Llnjts \ťele baaulilulh, desigDed and l ()ul(l(jíl, Schrrebc,lcr lr.e|e a]so showing a vcIy Deal loc]dng connecl(n,. which is a]so particu]arb, P .\' l, r,l,:_ \l." ,r th, -t,r r,l r. : t,;,' ", slrpťlbh, produced EDF r..n acl Lulits conplete with lnouklcd shrouds, rvhich are desig]lLt] to be t'itte(l ilrto gliders l() Ilrak. 1hcnl seli:Iaunching, 'l'he snlaller slsLt,In pr()vi(1{,\ :]8 to 50 Ne\rŤons ()ltlrlLlsl Llsiilg 6-12 cells alrrl a Schurlllc]cI DS 51 DLA HST nlolo1,, §,hj]st the :icconc], tlrllcl] IaIgel anc] nole powerll]] s!,_§tHn, Llses a DS !).1 I)LA HsT 1o give 100 to 130 Ne\llons ()l1lllLlsl on ]2-1,1ce]]s, l11xhlcť(l bi Ccl']ix. t]teíe is also a third llli(l ,|, l, .j . I rl:ril l, , , , :, l, _,,," ,, - ,,, l, E0 Neí.tolls 1hl,Llst on 12 ce]]S, \()labl,v. lhe letral(1 ope],ation is p{)$lcícd by a servo, which nrcans lhal tlIc cnlilc ]]I}F Unit/shíoll(l ťln bť ()l , x,,,,r,l,, l, lr,, tr,,,, e,l ,, |]|: ,'l i| |ť-, , ,,:J nighl. naliing it gfťat li)I lroth soarillg al]d g]ider aeI obalicS, §-!rw. schuebe] w$\\.. ccfli\. de shown on the schuebel€ř stand Were examples oí retíactabIe EDF units íor gliders from ceflix, these b€ing servo opelated to enable quick retraction/extension šrllrG*,-l-r r]A5lsl!5li!,]tš;9.1iil3lpJ3J l,:|.|,t . ,Jl i 1 sp]ash this vear vith a llLlge 1:2,58 scale mode] of dle DassaLll|/l)olniel A]pha Jet, 1llc firsL plolol,v]re being Clisplavc(l ()n 1hcir 1a!3e stand, W itlr a span ()í 139" (3 53 lnetres) and ]qlglh {)l ],s3] (j.{i5 mcLi es), this eno] lnous mocle] is expected lo r-eqliire 1hc po\er ol lw() :1()() Ne{ton 1llriines, and f]rst ]lighl§ are anlicipalcd duling Spíing 2(]i.1, l)epending on the level oi illleíesl sh()Wn ploductiorI |lay bc p()s§ib]t,()la linlilť(] ťLln of liits. \r'r[\v.der-§chweighofeř.at This exceptionally large 1:2,58 scale Alpha Jet Was on the schweighoíer stand, With first ílights expe.ted during 5pring 20í4, it Will be fitted With two 400 Newton tUrbin€sI Dave Wilshere fléW this GlobalJet club MiG-15 to his trsual high standard ji § RcJETlNTERNATIoNAL,coM I JETPoWER 2013 depending on the ttlrbines used and whether the full-function Wings árc selected. wrrw. sl§,ínasterjet. com írífi|#EjĚíĚ had a constant stream oí customers for thei walers]ide and rub 0Il decals, and We \ir'ere told that the conpany has outgrovr'n its curIenl pťernises, and will be moving to nrtrch larger plemises at thc beginning oI2014, at the same time a much ]alger printing macline is being installed to cope with demand,1'lre Tailormade range of decals has now reached over 5,000 different sets. although only a smal] proportion ofthese ale on the current website. so it woulcl be Worth contacting the company even if your specific mode] deca]s are not yet listed, \Á\r,\Á,.tailormadedecals. com sebart followed last yeaťs release of the Avanti s aerobati( jet With thi§ larger, 2.8 metle Wingspan all-Composite Version §§ffi followed uu last year's introduction of their Avanti S aerobaticjet With a larger zud all composite version; this model being no less than 2,8 metres in length! FuIl details were not availab]e at tlre time ofwriting, but this new model is cxpcctc<l lo be available lrom December 201:]. and as cotrld bc seen lroln the cIickpr aíacl-cd lu Lhts cli.pla1 mud.l. i: beinB plodúced lor Sebart by Skynastef. Although not shown on the stand, Sebaťt Will also be releasing a new and al1 composite version oÍ lc cuřrent Avanti S. \ďhich Will have a slightly increasecl wingspan of 2.1 metres to maintain a similať wing ]oading to the current model whiclr has built up and sheeted flying surfaces covered in film, 'ltis new version is also expected to be available by the end of2013, ancl useíully these new composite wiDg panels Wil] fi1 tlre original fuselage, for those that want to upgrade, §iffiS! were again at the show in force. With a wide ťange oftheir models on sllow, most ofwhich had lound new homes by late Sunday afternoon. New íoť this year Was the !'-l4Tomcat, with the model oD the stand being oí the very latest speciication ivith what Skymaster cails full-function Wings. in that not only do |he Wings sriring, but this veťsion has fulllenglh trailing edge llaps, with upper slrface spoilers adaling addiliona] ro]] contro] beyond that oí the tailerons, as well as including leading edge slats as weil, 1'1re origirral version with stanalaťcl wing panels has been available lor a íťwscck\ ai lře l'me ofwriting, With this new vercion expecled to becorne available towards the end of2013.'l'he model is of 1:7,5 scale, having a Wingspan of 105!] (2.66 metres) and ]englh oí 100" (2,55 netres) and iS designed for twin tuíb;ncs of between 80 and 140 Newtons, the alry weighl of the model being betwee[ 20 and 25 \q Ralf s(hneider and staíf on the larger Tailormade DeCals stand Were kept busy throughout the shoW; it Was difíicult to íind a a|ear moment to také this photo IME!!$[ occupied their usua] large and implessive stand, which was packeal With an amazing assoltment oí moclels, no le§s than five oí which were new. I-algest oí these was a very nicely finished F-86 Sabíe with a vringspan oI 122" (3,1 netres) and length oí 118' (3.0 metres), yet having a ready to fly clry wejght of only 21,:} kg, enabling a 180 Newton fuóine to providť ample poweť this model ,j.a ]\ ,\ Thi§ beautiful F_l4 Tomcat is a n€W r€l€ase from skymaster, this example having the full íun(tion Wings, includin9 Ílaps, leading edge ílaps and surfaCe spoilers RCJETlNTERNATlONAL.COM Darj l.i'l i]iš, jAl'i ji\F}' i. 2|] i ,,i, ,ltrTPnWtrR 2n1?-ffiE one of seveíal new models on the Tomáhawk stand Was thi5 superb 3,1 metre Wingspan F-86 sable begillning ol201.1, Seconcl oí thc ]argcr Ill()dť]s was a supclb Ilarvlicr IIrlntcI basrrI on the succe sslili J\\iNl conrpditioD lnode] desjgne.l b!,Reto seul1, 1his HLlnier beiIlg to 1:].5 scaLc, having a \íillgspan of!)l' (2,1]2 llll'tres) an.l ]cl]gl]] ()l122' (3.1 lrletíes), being slli1llbl(, 1()r 1l]rbincs ofbetlveen ]6() arl(l 16() NcWlons. l,asloIthe ni]itar]r ail-cra[t is a srna]]eí Bae Hatv]r \,Ik66. lvith a Winlspan o[;5' (1.9 lnťllcs) and length oí !)()" (2,28 nletres) wilh turbines ír-rlrn 8()Nclr,tcrns upwaI ds bcilrg srrilablc. Thť L\!o lenlaining nl(x]e]s $ere bot]r civiLiarr, Lhc l-pic Victor,_v rvith a span of |)9 (2.52 nletres) and lenglh ol9()' (2,28 lIl(,1rcs) alrd the Iipic l]lilc §,ilh lhc §ain.lcnglh but spal) oí 91" (2,32 nlťll,L,S). this ]atler lllfi]el r-equjíing eithel rwo slúal] ruI bincs ()l lwin liI)F porvcr, vtv,.tomahawk_dcsign.dc dLle 1o be released at the §EE§ffiEE l,,,,\, , .1.,- ll:l l ,l\ , .r_ il fU,Ul..1,1, UflI J,,,,í'r sla]rd. thc mo(lcl having a \íiltgsl]ln ol,1|]' (1,2 nlen,es) and len.gth of i];" (1,4 nletI,es), \\-hilst il can br, ůrltvn ciLllcr rvillr a srrja]] ]uIbinc (nrvith a 9l_] rnln El)F unit, A fetract anc] brake svsiellr wi]] be avai]ible t'or the Inodel, Wllic]r is d(Lc to l]ccl)lle available dLrr ilg Novenrbel, j.l 2()11], ffi rvere shol\,ing a preŤ].oc]uctiu1 versi{rl ol lhťir nl,w I]ATlj() transmilt{,r. whic]l ils lv()ulcl be expected, js 1LLll ol LulusLla] allcl itlnrx,alivt tllillIiing. Srrrne ol lhesc irrchrrle; twin inClcpťnclent transnlilling/l,ccl,iVing systťllls ior trlle r-ecllllldancy, 3l) Hell sellsors (nl lhe slic]( unils 1o elin]ir]alc W(,ilr aljd píovk]c thc LllliInate in accLtrac!,, bllilt jn cll1lger for the Li Ion Tx balLťliťs, \\,ilh onc ol the lbLlI batteljes being usec] on a rotating basis as a rcscI-ve, provi(]ůlg a pcllnanl'nL batlery back-llp. 22 prograllttlab]e ťonlro]s, clc,. etc, At the tilne ofwl iting \\icau onic arltjcipalc lhitt lhis cxciting ne§ tlalrsll1iltel ivi11 be availa1lle chrring \ovL'lnb(l,2013, \r$\ť.weatřoni c. com ffiEffi!,,,l.,,l,,ll lll, i,1 l .qlrlwing nr<xlei pilol riLnge this yea| with nlan_v sul)eíb exan\)les on (lisplity. s()lllc ()l 1llesc l"'r l-:,,r rlt,,l ,, tl,, ,l til, .t, ir r ,li.rr,, 'l}ese |)iloL 1lgLlres ale a1] ploduced jn the l_]K, 'ř,li Weatronic had an example of their neW 8AT60 tran5mitter in this clear Ca5e, so that potential customels could see the quality of the YT lnternational had a Vast Vari€ty components and a5sembly 1|7 of pilots on show, some of which are animatroniC, sizes range ílom to 1:2 scale BcJ ETlNTERNATloNAL.coM E JETPOWER 2013 q J,.]1::.!..!a.1:,1:, -.: ,,||!|.i.;..::: This Very pletty neW Wizard írom zN Line is a fully aerobatic model moulded usinq vacuum bag technology, and suitable íor turbines from 90 to 180 Newtons and range lioul li7 to 1:2 scalc in sjze, A]so sho\ťn was the },íkll vcrsil)n of the Pantela sporl /t laiDer jet, Wlrjcll has a sliglrt11, 1rlnger rr., ),rle uit r, l"r^. J llr rrl ,l, l, |]1,1J " s ofgfeater span bUt narrowar wjng chord, these d]angcs nraking 1hť nloc]e] evcl] more visrraliv appealing and are sai(] lo also ilnpl ovc 1he flving pcl,ib]llancť], \r§w.}dnternati ona|. co. uk Fc 5.aleparts getting their big P§l@ was arlothel new acrobatic ar]al spo],t iet,'i]lis ]Ully conlposite l1lode] Lllilises vacuuln bag lt,(finoiogv a]olrg ith cnlbon/Hťr-ťx §an(]wifh tor- thc ullinlate irr 1ight w-.iglll conrllinec] l!,ith maxinlunl slilfilcss ancl strelrglh. \ýilh (2.1lt lnetres) ancl ]ength the \\riZarcl is clesigrr(í] 126 " cxlibitor, $,ilh píide oí piace g()ing to thei!,ne\|,\\iiZaI(l 1o a wingspiul oí E6" (2.1]3 nletres) ol9,1 us| 1Llrbines ol span DH Venom ready to íly, Very impressive in the ailI EHNllK" RcJ ETlNTERNATloNAL.coM , ,i Note the Go Pro camela on the Wing oÍ this Airworld F9F, cougar ílown by Márk Hinton. The oíang€ (olour s(heme Was a big plu5 in the grey skies between 90 ancl 180 Newtons. \!ith an a]l up weighl írom 24 lb (ll kg), ()piional cxllas irlclurle e]e,,r ,i,, r,"r,,l,,r- arrd bri.k, <. v.L,ro. t]rrusl iai\)ipc, [uc] tanks and protection bags, wrĎ This year's show did appear to be nrore upbeat than last year, with Visitořs spencling r-r,re r,í rl, ir harrl ,,arrl*d l,;r.h orl r rodel., ttubines and electronics. even though the nr]mbels did seeln to be alown soncwhat. As per plevious years the ol§anisation ofthe show and thc l'liglrl line was exenplalv. thele Was barely a monlent during lhe three days that a mode] was not ařborne. and the lQrowlcdgeable sPectators Were kept conslantly entel tained, wjth the bilingual commenlator doing a sUper-b job- Wilh a vast array oí new products to see, \ýell known people to talk to, excellent food and rl"ink and a .rrperL non -lop n} ing di.pla} in a very picturesque part of Gemlaný evely jet lnodellel should make the trip to Jetl'ower at 1east once, although l doubt many model]ers l1lU1,1 l,,ll oíí,ólling barlr agarr ír,r tuulur3i GBR J€ts orion béing put through its pacés by Ali Ma(hin(hy, The model spans 2,1 m and is powered by a BF Turbines BF1O0F : i i::] ::: i!]il i:. i:': ..,1.l.i, j.! j,, ja,].i RcJETlNTEBNATloNAL,coM