From Atomic to NV-diamond Magnetometers
From Atomic to NV-diamond Magnetometers
From Atomic to NVNV-diamond Magnetometers + a glimpse of future applications Victor M. Acosta and Dmitry Budker University of California at Berkeley 1 Outline O ti l atomic Optical t i magnetometers t t R RemoteRemote t -detection d t ti MRI NMR on board microfluidic chips Zero--field JZero J-coupling spectroscopy Beyond atomic vapor: GMR and NV diamond NV--diamond work at UCB physics NV 2 All--optical magnetometers All Pump “Precession” Precession Probe Figure from: D.B. : A new spin on magnetometry 3 Nature (News&Views) 422, 574 - 575 (2003) Features: • FM NMOR gradiometer • 1-cm, near-room temp. cells • “Piercing” solenoid • Multi-purpose M lti system t REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC 4 INSTRUMENTS 77, 083106 2006 Experimental Set-up 5 Dr. Shoujun Xu, winner, 2007 R&D 100 award for Laser-Detected MRI First MRI with atomic mag: mag: 02/06 •Channels are 3.2 mm in diameter x 25 mm •Center-to-center spacing: 5.1 mm •Total experimental time: 12 h S. Xu, V. V. Yashchuk, M. H. Donaldson, S. M. Rochester, A. Pines and D. Budker, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 10.1073/pnas.0605396103 (2006) 6 Fluid Mixing 7 Not only water ! 8 Some other NMR/MRI applications (with Prof. Alex Pines’ group, UCB Chemistry) Alex Pines Relaxometry with (low--field benefit) (low Erwin L. Hahn • NQR (work in progress) • J-coupling Direct encoding (no pulses) pulses) C. W. Crawford, Shoujun Xu, Eric J. Siegel, Dmitry Budker, and Alexander Pines FluidPines, Fluid-flow characterization with nuclear spins without magnetic resonance resonance, Applied Physics Letters 93 93(9) 93(9), (9) 092507 (2008) (9), Imaging in porous medium (even metal) Shoujun Xu, Elad Harel Harel,, David J. Michalak, Charles W. Crawford, Dmitry Budker, and Alexander Pines, Flow in porous metallic materials: a magnetic resonance imaging study, study, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 28 28,, 12991299-1302 (2008) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 10.1073/pnas.0711505105 NIST microchip Abe Lincoln 10 Erwin L. Hahn, the wizard J-coupling I2 I1 H J JI1 I 2 1 200 Hz H Z ( 1I1 B 2 I 2 B) 100s 100 off MHz MH J 2 2 High field NMR spectrum High-field Hahn, E.L. & Maxwell, D.E. Phys. Rev. 84 1246-1247 (1952). Gutowsky, H.S., McCall, D.W., & Slichter, C.P. J. Chem. Phys. 21, 279-292 (1953). Optical magnetometer NMR setup NIST fabricated Alkali vapor cell Encoding for remote (90 L) 9mm Detection volume ~20-80 L Rb D1 light Prepolarizating magnet Pulse sequence Spin temperature parameters equilibrate via J-coupling interaction Flow is stopped 13C enriched methanol CH3OH Signal al (pT) 100 80 11 transients Linewidth (HWHM) 0.1 0 1 Hz T1 =2.2 s 60 40 20 0 a) 0 1 2 3 4 250 300 2JHC, proton quadruplet FT (pT pT) Time (s) 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 Real Imaginary b) 150 200 Frequency (Hz) JHC, proton doublet Earth field spectrum, Appelt, Häsing,Kühn, Blümich, PRA 76,023420 (2007) Chemical--group specificity Chemical M.P. Ledbetter, C.W. Crawford, A. Pines, D.E. Wemmer, S. Knappe, J. Kitching, and D Budker D. Budker, Optical detection of NMR JJ-spectra spectra at zero magnetic field field, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 199 (2009) 25–29 13CH 3- 12CH 2-OH 12CH 3- 13CH OH 2-OH 16 Present Results, Limitations and Directions M.P. Ledbetter, C.W. Crawford, A. Pines, D.E. Wemmer, S. Knappe, J. Kitching, and D. Budker, Optical detection of NMR J-spectra at zero magnetic field, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 199 (2009) 25–29 Need improve p sensitivity: y ~40 fT Hz-1/2 → 1 fT Hz-1/2 Need better microfluidics microfluidics;; smaller volumes Work with unun-enriched samples (1% C C--13) Higher polarization? → DNP, parahydrogen parahydrogen,, … 17 NMR inside inside--out: pH2 polarization; laserlaser-mag detection T. Theis T P. Ganssle G Kervern G. K M. P. Ledbetter D. B. A. Pines 18 Hydrogenation with pH2 St Styrene Eth lb Ethylbenzene 19 Another System: 15N labeled pyridine 20 Chemical Dynamics hexyne ö hexene ö hexane 21 Does it have to be a vapor‐cell magnetometer? Sensitivity: 0.2 nT Hz-1/2 expected; 4 nT Hz-1/2 @ 1 Hz in practice • Major recent progress by Dr. Claude Fermon and colleagues! 22 Magnetic Sensing with Nitrogen Vacancy Ensembles in Diamond Recent UCB Physics NV-diamond experiments V. M. Acosta,, E. Bauch,, M. P. Ledbetter,, C. Santori, K.-M. C. Fu, P. E. Barclay, R. G. Beausoleil, H. Linget, J. F. Roch, F. Treussart, S. Chemerisov, W. Gawlik, and D Budker D. Budker, High nitrogen nitrogen-vacancy vacancy density diamonds for magnetometry applications, Phys. Rev. B 80, 115202 (2009) (arXiv:0903.3277) L.-S. Bouchard, V. M. Acosta, E. Bauch, and D. Budker, Detection of the Meissner Effect with a Diamond Magnetometer ( V. M. Acosta, E. Bauch, M. P. Ledbetter, A. Waxman, L. S. Bouchard, and D. Budker, Temperature dependence of the nitrogen-vacancy magnetic resonance in diamond (arXiv:0911.3938) Phys. Rev. Lett., 104, 07081 (2010) -75 kHz/K or 25 mG/K !!!!!! Recent UCB NV-diamond experiments (cont’d) C. Kim,, V. M. Acosta,, E. Bauch,, D. Budker,, and P. R. Hemmer, Electron Spin Resonance in Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers in Diamond and Ionization Fraction vs. Electron Irradiation Dose (arXiv:0912 5267) (arXiv:0912.5267) Summary: • Atomic magnetometers for NMR/MRI detection • Microfluidic NMR • Zero-field J-spectra with pH2 polarization • NV-diamond future (Monday starts on Saturday) 26 Acknowledgements g Erik Bauch (TU-Berlin) Amir Waxman (BGU) Louis Bouchard, UCLA Phil Hemmer, TAMU F. Treussart J.F. Roch c.w. from left: W jt k Gawlik Wojtek G lik (K (Krakow), k ) Victor Acosta, Charles Santori (HP), Dima Budker (Berkeley) ( y) Heloise Linget (ENS Cachan) Also: Lucas Zipp, A Jarmola, M. Ledbetter (Berkeley), Changdong Kim (TAMU) Thanks: Budker group Pines group 28