wedding information


wedding information
Kahla Pratt
Wedding & Social Events
p: 08 9211 8909
f: 08 9211 8911
e: [email protected]
march 2 01 4
p r i c i n g su b j e c t t o c h a n g e
Co n te nt s
t hom as hardw ick room
ri ver room
ri ver room (east or w e st )
t hom as hardw ick room (l ayout )
wi ne rack room
red room
mi nimum spend requi rements
canapé menus
hot di shes served i ndi vi dually
canapé selections – creat e your ow n m enu
more canapé sel ecti ons – creat e your ow n menu
dessert canapés & sw eet past ries
premi um cockt ail function package
premi um cockt ail function package cont ’d
del uxe cockt ail functi on package
buffet menu
set m enus
set m enu ent rée select i ons
set m enu mai n sel ections
set m enu dessert selecti ons
cheese sel ecti ons
brew ery grill menu 1
brew ery grill menu 2
brew ery grill menu 3
beverage packages
beverage package prici ng
parki ng i nform ati on
em ergency procedures
booki ng confi rm ati on form
cerem ony booki ng form
march 2 01 4
p r i c i n g su b j e c t t o c h a n g e
tho ma s h ard w ic k roo m
staffing & set -up
I ncl udes exclusi ve access t o adjoi ni ng functi on t errace, standard st affi ng , w hite li nen, l ect ern
wit h microphone, and dance fl oor i f requi red.
venue capacitie s
layo ut
foyer only
entire room
cockt ail s
w eddi ng recepti on
w eddi ng recepti on (i nc foyer)
(s e c ti o n i n fro n t o f
cu r ta i n )
riv er ro o m
staffing & set -up
Thi s area refers t o t he enti re foyer secti on of the Thom as Hardw ick
Room . I ncl udes excl usi ve access t o adjoi ni ng functi on t errace,
st andard st affi ng, w hit e li nen, l ectern w it h microphone, and dance
fl oor i f requi red. Thi s area is perfect for your sm aller excl usi ve
functi ons.
venue capacitie s
layo ut
cockt ail s
120 +
sit dow n
riv er ro o m ( ea st or we st )
staffing & set -up
Thi s area refers t o eit her
Ri ver Room , partiti oned
I ncl udes excl usi ve access
(east si de only), standard
t he east or w est si de of t he
t o creat e i ndi vi dual room s.
t o adj oi ni ng function t errace
st affi ng , and w hite li nen.
venue capacitie s
layo ut
cockt ail s
sit dow n
march 2 01 4
p r i c i n g su b j e c t t o c h a n g e
tho ma s h ard w ic k roo m ( lay o ut )
* Di agram i s not t o scale.
CEI LI NG: low est poi nt : 2.5m
hi ghest poi nt : 3m
t oilet s
mai n
ent rance is
dow n al fresco
curt ai n
sli di ng
concerti na
( c o nc e rt i n a do o r s
c l o s e d)
fu nc t i o n t e rr ac e
o v e r l o o k i n g t h e Sw a n R i v e r
(l i c e n se d t o 9p m Oc t - M a r )
(l i c e n se d t o 8p m A p r - S e p t )
ki n
ai n
River Room
( ent i re a r ea i n fro nt
o f c urt a i n)
( c u rt ai n a nd
c o nc e r t i na do o rs
c l o s e d)
march 2 01 4
p r i c i n g su b j e c t t o c h a n g e
Floor pl an for 110 guests
Guest tabl es of up t o 9 guest s
Bri dal Tabl e (Trestle)
U p to 10 guest s
Floor pl an for 1 40 guests
Guest tabl es of up t o 9 guest s
Bri d a l Ta b l e (Op e n r o u nd )
Up to 8 g u es ts
march 2 01 4
p r i c i n g su b j e c t t o c h a n g e
Floor pl an for 110 guests
(Dance floor in centre)
Guest tabl es of up t o 9 guest s
Bri dal Tabl e (Trestle)
U p to 9 guest s
High bar t abl es
Exampl e cock tai l floor pl an
D a n c e f l oo r
Guest tabl es
High bar
t ables
march 2 01 4
p r i c i n g su b j e c t t o c h a n g e
wi n e r a c k roo m
venue hire
Thi s area i s bordered by a w ine -rack, fl oor-t oceili ng w indow s overl ooki ng t he al fresco
area, and sheer curt ai ns. The area i s perfect for an
i ntimat e cel ebrati on.
venue capacitie s
layo ut
sit dow n
red ro o m
venue hire
Thi s area refers t o t he ci rcul ar di ni ng area
wit hi n t he rest aurant surrounded by a t hick
red vel vet curt ai n and hi gh back red l eat her
chai rs.
venue capacitie s
layo ut
sit dow n
mi ni mu m s pe nd re qu ir em e nt s
Mi nimum spend on food and bever ages i s required for excl usi ve use of functi on areas . Please
speak t o t he Sales St aff for a t ailored quot ati on.
march 2 01 4
p r i c i n g su b j e c t t o c h a n g e
c an ap é m en u s
Choose from one of t he follow ing cockt ail menus, or creat e your ow n from t he sel ecti ons.
menu one
$42 per person
Spiced chi cken pasti zzi
(for a m aximum 2hr functi on)
Roast ed vi ne ri pe t omat o soup, bocconci ni & basil l eaves
Mezze: fl at bread, bal sam ic & evoo, oli ves, feta
Spi nach & ri cott a pasti zzi
Prosci ut to & bocconci ni pi zza, shaved fennel
Mari nat ed beef on horseradi sh crout on & salsa verde
Sum ac & cumi n seed crum bed reef fi sh goujons, l emon m ayonnai se
Smoked salmon on dill pi kelet s, crèm e fraiche
Assort ed sushi , w asabi & soy
menu two
$49 per person
Nat ural oysters, fresh lime
(for a m aximum 3hr functi on)
Chilled praw n cockt ail
Mari nat ed beef on horseradi sh crout on & salsa verde
Rom a t om ato, fet a, & red oni on bruschett a
Sum ac & cumi n seed crum bed reef fi sh goujons, l emon m ayonnai se
Beef curry pasti zzi
Spi nach & ri cott a pasti zzi
Sticky BBQ pork belly, fresh cori ander
Ti ger praw n & cori ander w ont on, chili & soy
Chicken spri ng roll s, t eriyaki sauce
Assort ed sushi , w asabi & soy
menu three
$67 per person
Rom a t om ato, fet a, & red oni on bruschett a
(for a m aximum 4hr functi on)
Mari nat ed beef on horseradi sh crout on & salsa verde
Chilled praw n cockt ail
Assort ed sushi , w asabi & soy
'Tom Kha Goong' (demit asse of spi ced coconut & praw n soup)
Prosci ut to & persian fet a on crosti ni
Caram elised oni on & feta t artlet
Sum ac & cumi n seed crum bed reef fi sh goujons, l emon m ayonnai se
Beef curry pasti zzi
Hot sugar-gl azed pork skew ers, sesame di ppi ng sauce
Spi nach & ri cott a pasti zzi
Ti ger praw n & cori ander w ont on, chil i & soy
Duck & pork vi et nam ese ri ce paper roll , t raditi onal hoi si n
Yakit ori chi cken skew ers, shabu shabu
Selecti on of fi nger sandw iches
march 2 01 4
p r i c i n g su b j e c t t o c h a n g e
ho t d i sh e s s erv ed ind ivid u al ly
(to complement cocktail party)
$8.50 per person
(mi nimum 25 persons)
Carvery of beef OR pork, bread roll s & condiment s t o suit - add $3pp (served from st ation)
Sl ow -cooked l amb shank off t he bone, l emon, sage, & porci ni ri sott o
Thai green chi cken curry, st eamed ri ce
Lam b korm a, w ith pappadum s & kachumba
Brai sed chi cken, m ushroom s, gi nger, apri cot s, cori ander, w it h st eamed ri ce
Penne past a, w ith tom at o, spi nach and oli ves (v)
Tom at o, roast capsi cum , & basil paell a, wit h smoked papri ka ai oli
Tofu, pum pki n, & eggpl ant red curry, st eamed rice (v )
Fi sh n’ chi p cones
Mi ni Brew ery burgers
march 2 01 4
p r i c i n g su b j e c t t o c h a n g e
c an ap é s el e ct ion s – cr e at e y o ur o w n m en u
Minimum spend of $30 per pers on.
For al l functions with al cohol servi ce, we require a m inimum of four pieces p er pers on per
hour of function , includ ing or in addi ti on to at l eas t one of the substanti al hot d ishes listed
ab ove.
cold selection
$4.20 per piece
Avocado & sm oked chi cken on basil crout on
Beef t art are on bri oche t oast
Chili l avosh, topped w ith sour cream & guacamole
Dill & pepper m uffi n, w ith smoked t rout & horseradi sh cream
Duck & pork Vi et namese rice paper roll , t raditional hoi si n
Duck pate on bri oche t oast
Duck sang chow bo
Mushroom fritt at a, houmm os
Chilled praw n cockt ail
Prosci ut to & Persi an fet a on crosti ni
Rom a t om ato, fet a, & red oni on bruschett a
Mari nat ed beef on horseradi sh cro ut on & salsa verde
Mari nat ed snapper w ith coconut & lime, fri ed oni on
Selecti on of fi nger sandw iches
Smoked salmon on dill pi kelet s; crèm e fraiche
Spicy roast beef salad, w ith mi zuna, basil & sesam e seed dressi ng
Sw eet spi ced pork w ith t oasted coconut
Sw immer crab & avocado filoett e
Veget able Vi et namese ri ce paper roll , yellow bean hoi si n
hot selection
$4.50 per piece
Beef curry pasti zzi
Brai sed beef cheek w ith spiced eggpl ant
Caram elised oni on & feta t artlet
Chori zo & manchego cheese croquett es, sm ok ed papri ka ai oli
Cherm oul a l am b skew ers, mi nted yoghurt
Chicken & gi nger w ont on cup
Chicken spri ng roll s, t eriyaki sauce
Chilli beef pasti zzi
Confit chi cken w ith t omat o & t hyme
Cri spy duck dumpli ng, chili lime di p
Gourm et mini pies, tom at o sauce
Hot sugar-gl azed pork skew ers, sesame di ppi ng sauce
Lam b koft as pan-fri ed; beet root yoghurt
Medit erranean veget abl e qui che
Mi nt ed l amb kebabs, wit h a yoghurt , sult ana, & mi nt dressi ng
Pea & pot at o curry puff
Prosci ut to & bocconci ni pi zza, shaved fennel
Roast duck breast w it h red curry & grape sal sa
Salt roast ed cherry t om ato, w ith goat s cheese crum ble
Saut éed ki ng praw ns w ith t omat o kasundi
Seared scall ops, cauli fl ow er puree & lem on oil
Sl ow cooked oxt ail croquett e, garli c mayonnaise
Spiced chi cken pasti zzi
Spi nach & ri cott a pasti zzi
St eamed organic chicken & cori ander dum pli ng, chili lime dip
St eamed pork buns, w it h chili & soy
St eamed scall op dum pli ng w it h Asi an pickl ed veget ables
St eamed snapper, chili j am & fresh lime
march 2 01 4
p r i c i n g su b j e c t t o c h a n g e
mo r e c a nap é s e l ec tio ns – c re at e y o u r o wn me nu
Sticky BBQ pork belly, fresh cori ander
Sum ac & cumi n seed crum bed reef fi sh goujons, l emon m ayonnai se
Tom at o, basil , and mozzarella fl at bread
Ti ger praw n & cori ander w ont on, chili & soy
Tom at o & bocconci ni aranci ni , chili & basil Napoli sauce
Pum pki n & parm esan aranci ni , basil pest o
Veget able samosas, cucum ber yoghurt
Veget able spri ng roll s, chili & soy
Yakit ori chi cken skew ers, shabu shabu
Mi ni brew ery burgers
Fi sh n’ chi p cones
Hari ssa mari nat ed Dorper l amb cutlet
demitasse so up (“shot” of so up)
$8.50 per person
$8.50 per person
$8.50 per person
$4.50 per serve
French oni on, w it h parm esan crout ons
Hot & sour chicken soup, coconut & lime
Porci ni m ushroom & t arragon , basil oil
Roast ed sw eet pot at o & pumpki n, chi ve crèm e frai che
Roast ed vi ne ri pe t omat o, bocconci ni & basil l eaves
Roast pum pki n & chori zo
Green pea, t ruffle oil
Seafood chow der, saffron & dill
Sw eet carrot & caram eli zed oni on
'Tom Kha Goong' (spi ced coconut & praw n soup)
Puy lentil & sl ow -cooked l amb
Mi nest rone
sushi se lection (minimum of 10 pieces of any selection)
handform ed (ngi ri sushi )
nori rolls (hosomaki )
$3.90 per piece
$2.90 per piece
nat ural oysters, fresh lime
oyst ers, cit rus & soy
oyst ers, shallot vi negar
oyst ers Kil pat rick
garlic & herb crum bl e
pecori no cheese fondue
hot stations - manned by a chef
Saut éed ki ng praw ns w ith t omat o kasundi
Lam b koft as pan-fri ed; beet root yoghurt
Seared scall ops, cauli fl ow er puree, l emon oil
Open Wagyu burgers, béarnai se
$150 / hour
Seafood: smoked & house-cured salm on, chilled praw ns, pi ckled oct opus
Mezze: fl at bread, bal samic & evoo, oli ves, feta, saut éed I tali an sausage
Ant i past o pl att ers: selection of col d meat s, oli ve, house pi ckl es & cheese
House m ade di ps, veget abl e crudités or cri sp breads
Assort ed sw eet past ries & cakes
Selecti on of cheese, assorted w afers & dri ed fruit s
per person
per person
per person
per person
$4.20 each
$12 per person
march 2 01 4
p r i c i n g su b j e c t t o c h a n g e
d e ss e rt c an ap é s & s w e et p a st ri e s
$4.20 each
Baci chocol at e cake
Banana cake, w ith carameli sed banana
Banofi e Pie
Baked rhubarb cheesecake, rhubarb couli s
Berry & appl e pasti zzi
Carrot cake, l emon i ci ng
Chocol at e pasti zzi
Chocol at e & macadamia nut brow ni e ( al so avail abl e wit hout nut s )
Chocol at e t ort e, t opped w ith chocol ate ganache *gl ut en free
Chocol at e & pecan t art ( al so availabl e wit hout nut s )
Chocol at e layer sponge cake
Cup cakes w ith your favourit e ici ng: l emon, orang e, chocol at e
Cust ard profiteroles, dri zzl ed w ith t offee, w hite chocol at e, or dark chocol ate
Frui t cake, pear butter
Honeycomb cheesecake
Lem on meri ngue t artl et
Lem on t art , w ith honey yoghurt
Mi ni appl e st rudel s, w it h vanill a angl ai se
Mi ni chocolat e écl ai rs
Mi ni crème brulee i n your favourit e fl avour: vanilla, Kahl ua, lime
Orange alm ond cake *gl ut en free
Rocky road
Sugared churros w it h chocol ate sauce
Yoghurt cake, w ith lem on butter ici ng
march 2 01 4
p r i c i n g su b j e c t t o c h a n g e
p re mi u m co ck ta il fu nc tio n p a ck ag e
$75 per person
(4 - 6hrs)
select six (6 ) from the cold canapé sel ections
Avocado & sm oked chi cken on basil crout on
Beef t art are on bri oche t oast
Chili l avosh, topped w ith sour cream & guacamole
Dill & pepper m uffi n, w ith smoked t rout & horseradi sh cream
Duck & pork Vi et namese rice paper roll , t raditional hoi si n
Duck pate on t oasted brioche
Duck sang chow bo
Mushroom fritt at a, houmm os
Chilled praw n cockt ail
Prosci ut to & Persi an fet a on crosti ni
Rom a t om ato, fet a, & red oni on bruschett a
Mari nat ed beef & horseradi sh crout on & sal sa verde
Mari nat ed snapper w ith coconut & lime, fri ed oni on
Selecti on of fi nger sandw iches
Smoked salmon on dill pi kelet s; crèm e fraiche
Spicy roast beef salad, w ith mi zuna, basil & sesam e seed dressi ng
Sw eet spi ced pork w ith t oasted coconut
Sw immer crab & avocado filoett e
Veget able Vi et namese ri ce paper roll , yellow bean hoi si n
Mezze: fl at bread, bal samic & evoo, oli ves, feta, saut éed I tali an sausage
select six (6 ) from the hot canapé & demitasse soup selections
Beef curry pasti zzi
Brai sed beef cheek w ith spiced eggpl ant
Caram elised oni on & feta t artlet
Chori zo & manchego cheese croquett es, sm oked papri ka ai oli
Cherm oul a l am b skew ers, mi nted yoghurt
Chicken & gi nger w ont on cup
Chicken spri ng roll s, t eriyaki sauce
Chilli beef pasti zzi
Confit chi cken w ith t omat o & t hyme
Cri spy duck dumpli ng, chili lime di p
Gourm et mini pies, tom at o sauce
Hot sugar-gl azed pork skew ers, sesame di ppi ng sauce
Lam b koft as pan-fri ed; beet root yoghurt
Medit erranean veget abl e qui che
Mi nt ed l amb kebabs, wit h a y oghurt , sult ana, & mi nt dressi ng
Pea & pot at o curry puff
Prosci ut to & bocconci ni pi zza, shaved fennel
Roast duck breast w it h red curry & grape sal sa
Salt roast ed cherry t om ato, w ith goat s cheese crum ble
Saut éed ki ng praw ns w ith t omat o kasundi
Seared scall ops, cauli fl ow er puree & lem on oil
Sl ow cooked oxt ail croquett e, garli c mayonnaise
Spiced chi cken pasti zzi
Spi nach & ri cott a pasti zzi
St eamed organic chicken & cori ander dum pli ng, chili lime dip
St eamed pork buns, w it h chili & soy
St eamed scall op dum pli ng w it h Asi an pickl ed veget ables
march 2 01 4
p r i c i n g su b j e c t t o c h a n g e
p re mi u m co ck ta il fu nc tio n p a ck ag e co n t ’d
St eamed snapper, chili j am & fresh lime
Sticky BBQ pork belly, fresh cori ander
Sum ac & cumi n seed crum bed reef fi sh goujons, l emon m ayonnai se
Tom at o, basil , and mozzarella fl at breadmore canapé sel ecti ons – creat e your ow n menu
Ti ger praw n & cori ander w ont on, chili & soy
Tom at o & bocconci ni aranci ni , chili & basil Napoli sauce
Pum pki n & parm esan aranci ni , basil pest o
Veget able samosas, cucum ber yoghurt
Veget able spri ng roll s, chili & soy
Yakit ori chi cken skew ers, shabu shabu
select one (1) from the following hot dishes ( served individually)
Carvery of beef, bread rolls & condiments t o suit (served from st ati on)
Carvery of pork, bread rol l s & condiment s t o suit (served from st ati on)
Sl ow -cooked l amb shank off t he bone, l emon, sage, & porci ni ri sott o
Thai green chi cken curry, st eamed ri ce
Lam b korm a, w ith pappadum s & kachumba
Brai sed chi cken, m ushroom s, gi nger, apri cot s, cori ander, w it h st eamed ri ce
Penne past a, w ith tom at o, spi nach and oli ves (v)
Tom at o, roast capsi cum , & basil paell a, wit h smoked papri ka ai oli
Tofu, pum pki n, & eggpl ant red curry, st eamed rice (v )
Fi sh n’ chi p cones
Mi ni Brew ery burgers
dessert station
Chef’s dessert sel ecti on
Brew ed coffee & as sorted l eaf t eas
d el ux e co c kt ai l fu n ctio n p a ck ag e
$85 per person
(4 - 6hrs)
minimum 80 guests
select five (5 ) from the cold canapé selections above
select five (5 ) from the hot canapé & demitasse soup selections above
oyster station - manned by a chef
Selecti on of freshly shucked oyst ers, w it h assorted condiment s
select two (2) from the hot dishes abo ve – served from a station, manned by
a chef
dessert station
Chef’s dessert sel ecti on
Brew ed coffee & assorted l eaf t eas
march 2 01 4
p r i c i n g su b j e c t t o c h a n g e
b uf f et m en u
$90 per person
$100 per person including c anapés
cold food selection
Bow ls of m ari nat ed oli ves, fett a
Conti nent al m eat pl att er
Freshl y cooked ki ng praw ns
Octopus sal ad
Selecti on of conti nent al breads and di nner rolls
salad s
Broccoli w ith soy and sesam e dressi ng
Chargrill ed asparagus and pancet ta w ith cabernet vi negar and parmesan
Leaf spi nach, pear and parm esan sal ad
Roast pum pki n sal ad w ith pi ne nut s and rocket
Pot at o and sour cream sal ad w ith chi ves
Garden sal ad
Bal samic, lem on olive oil , caesar, t art are, cocktail , m ust ards
hot food selection
Carvery of roast beef, w ith condim ent s
Brai sed lam b shank off t he bone, l emon & sage, porci ni pearl barl ey ri sott o
Thai green chi cken curry
Snapper fillet i n egg batt er, capers and l emon
Chargrill ed squi d w ith chilli and gi nger
Tofu, pum pki n, & eggpl ant red curry, st eamed rice (v)
Moroccan spiced couscous w ith preserved lemon
Spi nach and ricott a agnol otti w ith spicy napolitano sauce, fresh parmesan, pancett a cri sp
Salt roast ed pot at oes
St ar ani se scent ed j asmi ne rice
St eamed seasonal veget ables
* Barbecue w est aust rali an rock l obster - additional charge of $30.00 per person. Subj ect t o
avail ability
dessert s
Chocol at e cake
Fi g and gi nger puddi ng
Fresh seasonal fruit and st raw berries w ith fresh w hipped cream , pouri ng cream
Honey saffron brul ee
Mi ni chocolat e écl ai rs
Mi ni st raw berry t art s
Pavl ova
Selecti on of Farm house cheeses w ith crackers and frui t bread
Freshl y brew ed coffee or t eas & nougat
* Chef i s always m ore t han happy t o specially tail or a m enu for you, shoul d you have special
i deas on di shes you m ay prefer.
march 2 01 4
p r i c i n g su b j e c t t o c h a n g e
s et m en u s
All set menus include:
Chef’s 3pce can ap és on arri val
Bread rolls to star t
Bowls of s al ad & veg etab les to accompany the main meal
Brewed coffee or tea, with noug at to finish
lunch menu (not avail able for dinne r)
Select eit her:
One ent rée and one mai n meal
One m ai n meal and one dessert
* Addition al choi ce of main meal
* Addition al entrée or desser t cou rse
$52 per person weekdays
$58 per person weekends
dinner menu one
$11 per person
$15 per person
$70 per person
One soup
One m ai n dish
One dessert
dinner menu two
$75 per person
One pl at ed ent ree
One m ai n dish
One dessert
dinner menu three
$85 per person
One pl at ed ent ree
Choice of tw o mai n di shes
One dessert
dinner menu four
Choice of tw o ent rees
Choice of tw o mai n di shes
One dessert
* Addition al choi ce of en trée or /and dessert
$92 per person
$9 per person
Seafood: smoked & house -cured salm on, chilled praw ns, pi ckled oct opus
Mezze: fl at bread, bal samic & evoo, oli ves, feta, saut eed I tali an sausage
Ant i past o pl att ers: selection of col d meat s, oli ve, house pi ckl es & cheese
$15 per person
$9 per person
$11 per person
Menus excl udi ng canapés are avail able.
* Chef i s always m ore t han happy t o specially tail or a m enu for you, shoul d you have special
i deas on di shes you m ay prefer.
march 2 01 4
p r i c i n g su b j e c t t o c h a n g e
s et m en u e ntr é e s el e ct ion s
French oni on, w it h parm esan crout ons
Hot & sour chicken soup, coconut & lime (add praw ns - $3pp)
Porci ni m ushroom & t arragon , basil oi l
Roast ed sw eet pot at o & pumpki n, chi ve crèm e frai che
Roast ed vi ne ri pe t omat o, bocconci ni & basil l eaves
Roast pum pki n & chori zo
Green pea, t ruffle oil
Seafood chow der, saffron & dill
Sw eet carrot & caram eli zed oni on
'Tom Kha Goong' (spi ced coconut & praw n soup)
Puy lentil & l am b shank
Mi nest rone
cold plated entrée (can be selected as main )
Smoked chicken breast , w ith asparagus, fet a, rocket sal ad, w al nut dressi ng
Avocado & crab, w it h ki ng praw ns, t om at o & horseradi sh dressi ng
Spicy roast beef salad , w ith mi zuna, basil & sesam e seed dressi ng (or pork)
Carpacci o of beef, w ith shaved parm esan & oven dri ed tom at o; basil oil
Scall ops mari nated i n coconut & lime, w ith cri spy vermicelli & t at soi
Prosci ut to, w ith baby spi nach, rocket , avocado & parm esan sal ad, chardonnay dressi ng
Sl ow -roast ed t omat o, chill ed asparagus, Persi an fet a, w atercress, spi nach, l emon dressi ng
Chef’s t hree -t ast e seafood pl at e - *add $9pp
House cured salmon, sour cream , herb salad & lavosh
hot plated entrée (can be selected as main)
Art ichoke, sun-dri ed t om at o & fet a t art , w ith pinenut & rocket sal ad, avocado oil
Roast capsicum , asparagus & goat s cheese quiche, baby spi nach & bal samic reducti on
Tw ice-cooked pork bell y & soft shell crab, w it h orange curry & bl ack rice
Chicken confit , w ith sm oked eggpl ant puree, broccoli ni & lem on
Cri spy ski n barram undi , sl ow -roast rom a t omat o, bocconci ni , & fresh basil
Grill ed snapper, w arm ni coi se sal ad, coddled egg & fet a dressi ng
Grill ed tiger praw ns & chori zo, w it h pum pki n ri sott o, garli c & pr eserved lem on aioli
Duck leg confit , w ith apple & celeri ac sal ad, hazel nut dressi ng
Sl ow -cooked l amb shoul der, w hit e bean puree, green pea & mi nt
Spi nach & chilli penne, w ith spicy napolit ano sauce, fresh parm esan, pancett a cri sp
Tw ice baked dukkah-crum bed cheese souffl é, rom a t omat o, pear & rocket salad; lem on
butt er
Roast dorper l amb saddle , saffron & oli ve potato, l emon & garlic dressi ng
march 2 01 4
p r i c i n g su b j e c t t o c h a n g e
s et m en u m ai n s el e ct ion s
Seared salm on or snapper or barram undi fill et , wit h:
- pan-fri ed goat s che ese gnocchi , wit h roast tomat o, parsl ey & radicchi o
- st eamed choy sum & chi nese cabbage, salt & pepper t ofu, st ar ani se brot h
- saffron m ash, t omat o & preserved l emon sal sa
- caper & verj us pot at o, cit rus asparagus
- chi ckpea & pum pki n “st ew ” w ith basil & pecori no
Seared praw ns , wit h any of t he above accom paniment s - *add $15pp
Hal f lobst er as ent ree, garlic butt er - *add $35pp (when i n season)
Whol e lobst er as mai n, garlic butt er - *add $60pp (when i n season)
Roast chi cken breast , parsni p & sw eet pot at o rosti , grilled fi el d m ushroom s, t arragon & Dij on
Chicken confit on l emon & garlic mash, chargrill ed asparagus, oli ve t apenade
Roast chi cken breast on saut éed beet root , shall ot s & fennel ; creamed spi nach
Duck confit , w ith pearl barl ey & t ruffl e ri sott o, cabernet vi negar j us
Roast & brai sed duck, canoli ni bean cassolet , tom at o & pancett a
beef (served medium to medium -well)
Grill ed beef fillet , w ith roast pumpki n & pot at o grati n, sautéed green beans, j us
Roast beef fillet , w ith pot ato m as h, beef cheek & red w ine j us (béarnai se sauce - add
Grill ed beef fillet , w ith roast new pot at oes j us, cress sal ad
Roast scot ch fill et , w ith salt roast pot at oes , sautéed l emon & garli c m ushroom s
Brai sed beef cheeks , w ith garlic mash, caram elised sh all ot s, grem olat a
Roast scot ch fill et , chunky chi ps, béarnai se sauce
* Al l beef dishes can be alternat ed wit h accompaniment s
Roast lam b cutl et , w ith brai sed shank & sw eet pum pki n “cake”, t ruffle j us
Roast & brai sed lam b, w ith pea puree & oven roasted t om atoes
Roast lam b rum p, wit h spi ced pumpki n, butt ered courgett e, red w ine j us
pork / kangaroo
Pure pork “bangers & mash”, oni on & rosemary gravy
Roast pork si rl oi n, w ith vi ncott o j us, oli ve & sage pol ent a, sautéed spi nach
Seared kangaroo on celeri ac & sum ac puree, caram elised shallot s
Pork l oi n, ci nnamon sw eet potat o m ash , caramelised appl es, seeded m ust ard cream sauce
Veget able curry: Spi ced pum pki n & eggpl ant , bl ack dahl & sweet pot at o; pappadum
Green pea & t ruffl e ri sott o, w ith spi nach & semi-dri ed t omat oes, shaved parmesan
Roast pum pki n, char grilled asparagus, m ushroom s, shallot vi negar dressi ng
Any vegetari an di sh from ent rée selections…
march 2 01 4
p r i c i n g su b j e c t t o c h a n g e
s et m en u d e s s ert s e l ec tio ns
cold desserts
Bl ueberry, appl e, & m ango sorbet gat eau, w ith a mi nt & m elon sal ad *gl ut en free
Chocol at e & macadamia nut brow ni e; vanill a bean i ce -cream (also avail able wit hout nut s )
Honeycomb cheesecake, w ith st raw berry compot e
Lem on t art , w ith honey yoghurt ; cit rus confit
Passi onfruit & mango pavl ova, berry com pote
St raw berries i n mandari n syrup, st raw berry sorbet
Ti rami su w ith cappucci no gelat o
Vanilla bean panacott a, st raw berry & mint sal ad, sesam e t uille * gl ut en free wit hout t uill e
Vanilla bean crèm e brulee, w ith mini raspberry cream sandwich
warm desserts
Appl e & pi nenut st rudel , w it h ci nnamon parfait , vanilla angl aise
Baked rhubarb cheesecake, w arm rhubarb compot e
Chocol at e fondant i n fil o, w ith chocol at e cream , berry couli s
Cust ard profiteroles, w arm chocol at e sauce & chocol at e i ce-cream
I ndi vi dual val rho na chocol at e & almond puddings, pi st achi o ice cream , chocolate sauce
Pear & peach crum ble, w ith vanill a bean ice cream
Sticky date & banana puddi ng, butterscot ch ice cream , rich t offee sauce
Sugared churros, w it h vanill a bean i ce cream , w arm chocol at e sauc e
dessert table platters
(i n pl ace of pl at ed dessert )
Sliced fresh seasonal fruit , l avender syrup
Selecti on of brie, cheddar, & bl ue cheese; assort ed w afers & dri ed fruits
Assort ed sw eet past ries, doubl e cream
ch e e se se l e ctio n s
cheese in place of dessert – individuel serves
$7 per person
Cheddar on grilled fruit bread, pear & fri zze salad
Bl ue cheese on grilled fruit bread, w at ercress & oli ves
Bri e on grilled fruit bread, w ith qui nce past e & spi nach sal ad
cheese course (platter for table)
$12 per person
Selecti on of brie, cheddar, & bl ue cheese; assort ed w afers & dri ed fruits
cheese course – individual serves
$12.50 per person
Cheddar on grilled fruit bread, pear & fri zze salad
Bl ue cheese on grilled fruit bread, w at ercress & o li ves
Bri e on grilled fruit bread, w ith qui nce past e & spi nach sal ad
march 2 01 4
p r i c i n g su b j e c t t o c h a n g e
b re w ery gr il l m en u 1
$97 per person
chef’s 3pce canapés
Fresh bread w it h olive oil
Sal ami ’s & dri ed meat s
entrée platters
Indi vi dual Seafood Pl at e: Sm oked salmon & praw ns. Spiced m anner crab.
Share Pl atters for t he Table: Cri spy beef.
mai ns f rom the gril l
Grill ed snapper w ith saffron cream
Grill ed kilcoy scot ch fillet (300g)
served w ith m ushroom , pepper & béarnai se sauce
sides for the t able
Pot at o grati n. Chi ps. Garden sal ad. Butt ered veget abl es
Crème brulee w ith vanill a i ce cream
Brew ed c offee or t ea, w ith nougat t o fi nish
b re w ery gr il l m en u 2
$107 per person
chef’s 3pce canapés
Fresh bread w it h olive oil
Sal ami ’s & dri ed meat s
entrée platters
Indi vi dual Seafood Pl at e: Sm oked salmon & praw ns. Spiced m anner crab . Mari nat ed scallop
Share Pl atters for t he Table: Crispy beef.
Demit asse of Chef’s soup of t he day
mai ns f rom the gril l
Grill ed
Grill ed
Grill ed
snapper w ith saffron cream
kilcoy scot ch fillet (300g)
black angus eye fillet (250g)
w ith m ushroom , pepper & béarnai se sauce
sides for the t able
Pot at o grati n. Chips . Garden sal ad. Buttered veget ables. Creamed spi nach
Crème brulee w ith vanill a i ce cream
Dat e & Banana puddi ng w ith caram el & double cream
Brew ed c offee or t ea, w ith nougat t o fi nish
march 2 01 4
p r i c i n g su b j e c t t o c h a n g e
b re w ery gr il l m en u 3
$127 per person
chef’s 3pce canapés
Fresh bread w it h olive oil
Sal ami ’s & dri ed meat s
entrée platters
Indi vi dual Seafood Pl at e: Fresh shucked oyst ers . Sm oked salmon & praw ns . Spiced manner
crab. Mari nated scall ops.
Share Pl atters for t he Table: Steak t art are .
Demit asse of Chef’s soup of t he day
mai ns f rom the gril l
Grill ed
Grill ed
Grill ed
Grill ed
snapper w ith saffron cream
c hi cken breast
Bl ack Angus scotch fillet (300g)
Bl ack Angus Eye Fillet (250g)
w ith m ushroom , pepper & béarnai se sauce
sides for the t able
Pot at o grati n. Chips . Garden sal ad. Buttered veget ables. Creamed spi nach . Mushy peas.
Mushroom s
Crème brulee w ith vanill a i ce cream
Dat e & Banana puddi ng w ith caram el & double cream
Brew ed c offee or t ea, w ith nougat t o fi nish
** U pgrade to a Wagyu Fill et for an Ext ra $20.00pp
march 2 01 4
p r i c i n g su b j e c t t o c h a n g e
b ev er ag e p a ck ag e s
Al l beverage packages i ncl ude w ine, soft dri nks, j ui ces, and t hree draught beers: choose
between Brewery Reserve Lager or Narrows Li ght Lager, Brewery Pal e Al e and Brewery Wheat
package a
Angus Brut “Premi um Cuvee”, Barossa Vall ey, SA
High Ti des “The Breakers” Semillon / Sauvi gnon Bl anc, Barossa Vall ey, SA or t he venue’s
choice of w hite
High Ti des “Deepw at er” Cabernet / Merl ot , Barossa Valley, SA or t he venue’s choi ce of red
 Three draught beers: choose from t he above sel ecti on.
package b - includes sp arkling, two whites and two reds from:
Creat ed by Howard Park, Parkl i fe i s a premi um, excl usi ve l abel of t he Fraser’s Group
Parkl i fe ‘Met hod Traditi onelle’ NV Sparkli ng, Great Sout hern, WA
Parkl i fe Chardonnay, Great Sout hern, WA
Parkl i fe Sauvi gnon Bl anc Semillon, Great Sout hern, WA
Parkl i fe Cabernet Sauvi gnon Merlot , Great Southern, WA
Parkl i fe Shi raz, Great Sout hern, WA
 Three draught beers: choose from selecti on above.
package c
Grandi n Met hod Traditional B rut , France
Juni per Crossi ng C hardonnay, MR
Juni per Crossi ng Cabernet Merl ot , Margaret Ri ver, WA
Cape Ment elle ‘Georgi na’ Sauvi gnon Blanc, Margaret Ri ver, WA
Cape Ment elle ‘Marm aduke’ Shi raz, Margaret Ri ver, WA
 Three draught beers: choose from selecti on above.
package d -
includes sparkling, two whites & two red wines from:
CHAMPAGN E: Veuve Clicquot Ponsardi n, Reims, France - one glass per person on arri val (add
SPARKLI NG: Chandon Sparkli ng , Yarra Vall ey, Vic
How ard Park Ri esli ng , Great Sout hern, WA
Leeuw in Est ate ”Art Seri es” Sauvi gnon Bl anc , Margaret Ri ver, WA
Hay Shed Hill ‘Bl ock 1’ Semillon Sauvi gnon Blanc, Margaret Ri ver, WA
St ella Bella Chardonnay, Margaret Ri ver, WA
Dal rympl e Pi not Noi r, Pi pers Ri ver, TAS
Yal um ba ‘Bush Vi nes’ Grenache, Barossa Valley, S A
Cl ai rault Cabernet Merl ot , Margaret Ri ver, WA
Torbreck “The Loon” Shi raz, Barossa Valley, S A
Vasse Feli x “Cane Cut ” Semillon, Marga ret Ri ver, WA
Mr Pi ckw ick Taw ny wit h coffee (di nner only)
 Three draught beers: choose from selecti on above.
See bever age p ack age pr icing on next p ag e....
march 2 01 4
p r i c i n g su b j e c t t o c h a n g e
beverage package prici ng
package a
packages b
Package c
package d
tw o hours
t hree hours
four hours
fi ve hours
si x hours
repl ace
draught beer
wit h bottl ed
add $4 per
person per hour
add $4 per
person per hour
add $3 per
person per hour
add $3 per
person per hour
* Beverages may al so be served on a consumpti on basi s .
* NO BYO for functi ons.
* Limit ed Cash bar avail able on appli cation only.
march 2 01 4
p r i c i n g su b j e c t t o c h a n g e
Payment of the deposit is confi rmati on of the terms and conditions as noted below.
Tentative bookings will be held for a period of two (2) weeks and may
be cancelled aut omatical ly unl ess your deposit and confi rmation form
has been receiv ed.
Canc ellati ons are requi red in writi ng.
Quotes are valid for one (1) mont h from t he date of quot ation unl ess
otherwis e specified. Quotations do not automat ically confi rm a
booki ng has been made.
Written not ice is requi red
The booking is confi rmed when we receive t he deposit. Payment of the
deposit is your acceptance of these terms and conditi ons.
Weddings and Family Events must be accompanied by si gned terms
and conditi ons.
The Venue will be under no obli gation to proceed with the event if the
deposit or f ull payment has not been received.
Is deemed as a canc ellati on. Please discuss wit h your functi on co ordinat or.
Any decrease in num bers in excess of 20% with less than 30 days
notice to the event wil l incur a slippage charge. This will be calculated
on 80% of the anticipated f unction cost per person.
Breakfast: 2 hours, latest possible fi nish time is 1 1.00 am.
Lunch: 3 hours, lat est possibl e finish tim e is 4.00pm
Dinner: 5 hours, standard earliest start tim e is 6.00pm; finis h times
are subject to specific license arrangem ents – please discus s with
your function co -ordinat or.
Prices are bas ed on current and expected cost inc reas es, any change
in price wi ll be advised within 120 days of your event. All prices are
inclusive of GST. Pric es quot ed more t han 12 m onths in advance may
incur a CPI inc reas e.
Confi rmed food and beverages must be received a mi nimum of thr ee
weeks prior to the functi on. Changes made withi n this peri od may
incur additional charges.
The menu must be chosen thr ee (3) weeks prior to the event. Menus
will be print ed especially for the day with any additional titl es added.
A standard $5.00 charge per person wil l incur for garnis hing cakes
provi ded by the cli ent and served as a dessert in pla ce of the Venue’s
Written not ice is requi red.
After the deposit has been paid, results in forfeit ure of the deposit.
Between 3 m onths - 2 weeks incurs 50% of the a nticipated
food/beverage account and venue hire
0-14 days notice inc urs 100% of the total anticipated f ood/beverage
march 2 01 4
p r i c i n g su b j e c t t o c h a n g e
1.13 FISH
The venue will endeavour t o supply the type of fish you pref er for your
function however fish is subj ect to avail abil ity
Will be quoted for each function, they are based on seas onality and
other requirements – mi nimum spend is based on F OOD A ND
Nothi ng is to be nail ed, screwed, stapled or adhered to any wall, door
or ot her surf ace of the bui ldi ng. Si gnage in public areas is t o be kept
to a minim um and must be approv ed by T he Venue’s management.
The Venue will provide typed black and white menus for your function
or recept ion. It’s the cli ents’ responsibil ity to provide a clearly typed
guest list and/or seati ng plan, t o be displ ayed for the event.
A $60 administ rati on fee will apply to any i nformation not provided in
this way.
All deliveri es to the venue m ust be advised to t he Function
Coordinat or pri or and marked wit h the nam e and dat e of the function.
Whilst every effort will be made to assist in the movem ent of goods
from the loading bay to the function room, assistance will be offered
only if staff are avail abl e at that time.
Guaranteed minim um num ber of guests requi red by three (3) worki ng
days pri or t o the function date or t he venue will cat er on the last
numbers advised. All final arrangem ents are to be confi rmed 3 working
days out by way of si gni ng an ev ent order. Changes after t hi s time can
be made, however it is not rec ommended.
The client is responsi ble for the conduct of the cli ent’s gues ts and
indem nifies the restaurant for all costs, expens es, damage and loss
caused by any act made by the cli ent or the client’s guests.
We do not accept responsibility for dam age to, or loss of, any client
property left on t he premis es pri or t o, during or after a function
(including hi red equi pment/ goods). Clients are financially responsibl e
for any damage t o fittings, property or equi pment by themsel ves,
guests and outside contract ors, prior to, duri ng or aft er a f unctio n.
The Venue’s staff are always extremely caref ul when looki ng after
guests belongings; however accept no responsibi lity for the damage or
loss of property left in the venue pri or to, during or after a f unction.
The onus to arrange i nsuran ce is that of the clients.
It is mandatory that security is provided for events hel d at T he Ol d
Brewery. The Venue can arrange this at an additi onal cost.
The Venue’s have no restrictions on suppli ers, how ever please advise
your function co -ordinat or of who is del iveri ng, contact num bers and
times of deliv eri es to be discussed. The suppliers are responsible f or
pickup and delivery within the venues guidelines. Each venue has
specific load in and out require ments. See section 14 – Deli very
Instructions of the function kit for specific details. Storage is not
Please note T he Ol d Brewery does not provi de chair cov ers, however
we are happy to offer the service at an additi onal cost.
march 2 01 4
p r i c i n g su b j e c t t o c h a n g e
Weddings & F amily Events - 50% of the anticipated f ood and beverage
costs is due three (3) m onths pri or to t he function date
Full payment is required seven (7) days pri or t o the function date,
either by bank cheque or cas h, unl ess other credit arrangem ents have
been approved by t he Venue.
Personal cheques will not be accept ed.
EFT (di rect deposit ) payments must be referenced i n accordance to
the tax invoic e or t he venue has the ri ght to charge a bank/admin fee.
The EFT payments must be received 14 (f ourteen) days prior to your
function f or final payment, with a remitt ance advice em ailed to the
venue with i nclusion of the reference num ber, prepayment unless pri or
arrangem ents are made.
All credit card payments attract a 1. 75% surcharge.
Corporat e only – After the functi on an invoice wil l be issued for the
balance/credit of t he account. All accounts not paid withi n 14 days will
incur a 5% interest charge. With payment a remittance advic e must be
email ed to the venue, stating the ref erence number.
Must be referenced for all payments, otherwis e additional f ees may be
$11. 00 per guest on a Public Holiday (mi n charge $500)
$4.00 per guests per hour after the standard f unction time (min $300
p/h Kings Park)
$6.00 per guest after midni ght Fri day/Saturday/Sunday
(minim um $400 charge, subject to licence arrangements)
Breakfast (2 hours ), Lunch (3 hours ), Di nner (5 hours),
All day Seminar (8am -5pm)
Rel evant to outside catering only - park surroundings; and when standard
function timi ng is exceeded.
Per staff member per hour:
$38. 00 per hour Monday – Fri day (7.00am – Mi dni ght )
$40. 00 per hour Sat urdays and after Midni ght any day
$40. 00 per hour Sundays
Security staff are avai lable for a minimum 2 -hour call at $45.00 per
Audio Visual operators are available for your function $99. 00 for the
first hour and $55. 00 per hour thereafter.
The terrace area adjacent to the function room is only av ailable for
use bef ore 9.0 0pm between Oct -Mar, and until 8.00pm April - Sept.
After this time, the area becom es unlicensed and the doors will be
closed and remai n closed. Whi lst guests are permitt ed outsi de until
11.00pm, under no circumstances are drinks permitted on the terrace
after this time.
The outdoor area officially closes at 11.00pm, and there can be NO
ACTIVITY OUTSIDE - on the river -side of the buil ding - aft er this time.
1.28 Ou td oor Ar ea
As we are locat ed i n a residential bui ldi ng, we are obli gated to
maintai n reasonable noise l evels. Noise levels are monit ored during
functions and we will, at our discreti on, determine if adjustments need
to be made. It is the responsibi lity of the function cli ent to ensure that
the DJ / ent ert ainer com ply with t his policy.
Due t o the sound level requi rem ents of the Old Swan B rewery
complex, we unf ortunat ely cannot hav e drums on -site, bass guitars, or
other instruments that cannot by pl ayed and monit ored through our
sound system (i e, trum pet, etc). We can allow DJs and stri nged
1.29 Noise L evels
1.30 Live Musi c
march 2 01 4
p r i c i n g su b j e c t t o c h a n g e
instrum entals. Please notify your event cons ultant before y ou book
any live group and/ or perf orm ers, usi ng inst ruments of any t ype, to
avoid any disappointment.
1.31 T echni cal Infor mati on
The Ol d Brewery has i nstalled a hi gh quality sound syste m withi n the
venue. It is a requi rement that all entert ainm ent/presentati ons that
requi re am plificati on are connected to our mixer and speakers. Under
no circumstances are any external speakers or ampl ification devices
perm itted withi n the venue – pl ease i nform your ent ert ainm ent of this
requi rement.
technical i nformati on
13 ev 150 watt speakers
Mackie 1202 -vlz pro 12 channel mixer
2 lab gruppen amplifi ers
Shure sm58 radio microphone and receiver
Please note there are additi onal costs to hire The Old B rewery
technical equipm ent.
Food t astings are offered for di nner f unctions with ov er 80 guests
A compliment ary food tasting is offered to two (2) guests ONLY
Cocktail event tastings are not permitted
Tastings wi ll take place on two desi gnated days set by the v enue.
Please speak to your coordi nat or to discuss these set days and tim es
Your m enu selection must be receiv ed by your coordinator and can
then be booked wit h no l ess than 2 weeks’ notice.
The food tasting is an opportunity to sam ple your already selected
menu for your function, and t o provide an i ndic ation of how t he meal
will be served to your guests
No additi onal “pai d” guests are permitt ed to attend a food tasting
Beverages (other than draught beer) are not incl uded i n the tasting
Please si gn below t o indicate you hav e read and understood the terms and conditi ons and sound requi rem ents as
outli ned above and accept responsi bility, abi ding by these terms. Payment o f your deposit is acceptance of the terms and
conditi on.
march 2 01 4
p r i c i n g su b j e c t t o c h a n g e
p ar ki ng in for m at ion
Pl ent y of bays are avail able i n t he Wil son Parki ng m ulti -st orey public car-park l ocat ed over
t he road from t he Ol d Sw an Brew ery compl ex. Thi s parki ng has conveni ent , covered access
t o our rest aurant & functi on venue.
car p ark
Wilson Park ing
m ulti-st orey parki ng
days & hours
* Monday - Fri day
DAY: 5am - 6pm
(m aximum $17.00)
* Monday - Fri day
Ent ry before 9.30am
Exi t aft er 3pm
$13.00 fl at rat e
* Monday - Fri day
NI GHT: 6pm - 5am
(m aximum $9.00)
* Sat urday & Sunday
5am - 5am
(m aximum $9.00)
* function s peci al
Avai l able w hen all
functi on attendee
parki ng charges are put
t o cli ent account .
$8.00 fl at rat e
Monday - Sunday
8am - midni ght
$2.80 per hour
Vi sit
www .w ilsonparki
for current pri ci ng
i nform ati on.
City of Per th
Mount s Bay Rd
open-ai r parki ng
paymen t terms
* Pri ci ng current as at 22 -07-09. Subj ect t o change w ithout notice.
march 2 01 4
p r i c i n g su b j e c t t o c h a n g e
e me rg en cy p ro c edu re s
The Ol d Brew ery Grill - Functi ons - Pri vat e Di ni ng is part of a co -ordi nated fi re safety and
evacuati on procedure for t he enti re Ol d Sw an Brew ery compl ex. Cont roll ed by t he fi re
w arden’s offi ce at t he concierge’s desk, all areas are li nked by communicati on poi nt s,
i ncorporati ng:
 Fi re communi cation t el ephones
 Si ren and audi o al arm s
 Latest parti cle/smoke detect ors w ith spri nkl er syst ems
 24 hour securit y m anned concierge desk
 Vi deo surveill ance
 Key code ent ry syst ems t o all servi ce areas and pri vat e resi dences
 Di rect alarm t o WA fi re bri gade
emergency evacuation p rocedure – thomas hardwick roo m
 Shoul d an evacuati on em ergency occur:
 A fi rst al arm w ill sound – “beep” – as a w arni ng
 A second al arm w ill sound – “w hoop” – w hich means evacuati on i s necessary.
 A st aff m ember w ill check t he scull ery and functi on room t oil ets, and all functi on guest s
will be escorted out of t he functi on doors t o t he sw an terrace, and do w n t he ram p t ow ards
t he ri ver, t o t he open -ai r carpark (east ern si de of t he buil di ng).
 Functi on organi ser i s to check t hat all functi on guest s are present .
emergency evacuation p rocedure – re staurant
 When an em ergency sit uation ari ses (e.g. Fi re) sound o r rai se al arm
 I nform appropri at e personnel (e.g. Em ergency crew ) of t he nat ure and l ocati on of t he
em ergency
 Shut dow n all equi pment , pl ant and machi nery
 The fi re w arden w ill di rect personnel and vi sit ors w hen t o move to nearest m uster poi nt
 The m anager wi ll noti fy fi re bri gade, ambul ance, hospit al et c.
 Bl ock all ent rances and exit s t o emergency area
 Supervi sors w ill account for t hei r em ployees
first aid and medical attention
I f fi rst ai d or m edical attention i s requi red, contact your functi on supervi sor immediat ely.
march 2 01 4
p r i c i n g su b j e c t t o c h a n g e
b o o ki ng co nf ir m atio n fo rm
Pl ease compl ete and ret urn t o ensure confi rm ati on of your reservation.
Fax t o (08) 9211 8916
bride: ________________________________________________________ mobile number ___________________
groom: ______________________________________________________ _ mobile number ___________________
address: __________________________________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________postcode: _________________
telephone no: ____________________________________fax no: ________________________________________
e-mail: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
(if applicable) contact name : _____________________________________mobile number _________________
day of function: ____________________________
date of function: _______ / ________ / _______
approx. no guests: ________ commencement time: _____________ conclusion time:__________________
(for ceremony det ails please see next page)
name: ______________________________________________________________________________________
address: _________________________________________________________ postcode: ________________
telephone number: ___________________________________ fax number :__________________________
cash / cheque
7 days prior)
mail to:
(for final payments –
Att: Weddings Coordinator, The Old Brewery, 173 Mounts Bay Rd, PERTH WA 6000
2.  direct deposit
please include the
booking reference
number of your event
3. credit card:
make cheques out to The Old Brewery Bar, Grill & Functions
Acc. no.
$2,000 deposit
 amex
Commonwealth Bank Of Australia
The Old Brewery Bar, Grill & Functions Pty Ltd
 m/card
balance of payment (subject to 1.75% processing fee)
 b/card
 diners club
account name: _________________________________________authorisation signature: ___________________
card number: _________________________________________________expiry date: ________________________
please sign below to indicate you have read and understood the terms and conditions and sound
requirements as outlined in the old brewery events information, and accept responsibility, abiding by these
Payment of the deposit is acceptance of the terms and conditions.
signed: ______________________print name: ______________________________________date: ___________
march 2 01 4
p r i c i n g su b j e c t t o c h a n g e
c er e mo ny book ing for m
The grass secti on i n front of The Ol d Brewery Grill - Functi ons - Pri vat e Di ni ng i s classed as
public open space.
Included: t went y (20) chai rs onl y will be all owed for guest s, a sm a ll si gni ng t able wit h 2 chai rs
pl us a cream carpet , t ail or m ade for t he l awn in front of The Ol d Brewery.
Pl ease speak t o your co-ordi nat or for avail ability.
Cerem oni es must be hel d w ithi n 1 .5 hours of t he st art of t he reception.
The area cannot be reserved or booked, nor can someone (i e anot her visit or) be t old t o
move on i f t hey are peaceably usi ng any ot her part .
Any person w ishi ng t o use t hi s space for an event m ust submit a request t o The Ol d Brew ery
Grill - Functi ons - Pri vat e Di ni ng , w ho w ill submit a form al request t o t he buil di ng managem ent
on t hei r behal f.
Full responsi bility shall be undert aken by persons usi ng t he space for w eddi ng ceremoni es for
any l oss, dam age or i nj ury t hat may ari se duri ng set up, durati on, or break dow n of t he event.
Any dam age caused t o t he grass, bri ck paving, garden beds or ret ai ni ng w all s i s t o be
repai red by a licensed t radesperson t o a st andard accept able by buil di ng m anagement.
No food or b ever ages can be offered or consu med in this area.
No confetti, r ice, r ose petals, or simil ar are to b e used.
No marquee wi ll be al lowed.
Any m usic for t he event cannot be am pli fied i n any w ay, and it must be i nt ermittent (it
cannot be played conti nuousl y t hroughout t he enti re ceremony). No am plifi ers or speakers
of any ki nd are allow ed on -sit e.
The Ol d Brew ery accept s no responsi bility for any l oss or dam age t o any property, or i nj ury t o
any persons.
** All ceremony r equests ar e pending app rova l from C RANECORP
I have read and understood t he term s and conditi ons as outli ned above and accept
responsi bility, abi di ng by t hese term s.
Weddi ng dat e
Cerem ony times st art:
fi ni sh:
Bri de
Cont act no:
dat e: