Security Guard Online Training


Security Guard Online Training
Security Guard Online Training
Student Handbook: Updated 05/15/2010
Table of Contents
Welcome.................................................................................................................................................... 2
Before you get started ............................................................................................................................... 2
System Requirements................................................................................................................................ 3
Flash Requirements ................................................................................................................................... 4
Add to your Trusted Sites ........................................................................................ 5
Trusted Sites – Security Setting Low.......................................................................................................... 6
Starting the Training .................................................................................................................................. 8
Accessing the Lessons................................................................................................................................ 9
When Completed.....................................................................................................................................23
Help & Support ........................................................................................................................................24
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Congratulations on your decision to take the basic security guard training program. Training is very
important to us, so we provide you with a comprehensive training program. The online training
portion covers 13 units, including the Learning Journal and Final Assignments unit:
Learning Journal
Unit 1 - Introduction to the Security Industry
Unit 2 - The Private Security and Investigative Services Act and Ministry Code of Conduct
Unit 3 - Basic Security Procedures
Unit 4 - Report Writing
Unit 5 - Health and Safety
Unit 6 - Emergency Response Preparation
Unit 7 - Canadian Legal Aspects
Unit 8 - Legal Authorities
Unit 9 - Effective Communication
Unit 10 - Sensitivity Training
Unit 11 - Use of Force Theory
Final Assignments
The above outline covers the basic components of the training program. The training program you
are taking may have been customized for your particular workplace. If this is the case, you may
have additional and/or different training modules then the ones noted above.
The program has been created by industry experts along with input from security agencies such as
the one you registered to take the training with.
Technical and after hours support is provided by the
TrilliumTraining Team @ Linkonlearning Inc.
The goal of this training exercise is to provide you with the practical and theoretical knowledge
you need to confidently fulfill the role of a security professional.
Before you get started
Before you get started, please read through the student handbook and follow the steps outlined to
setup your computer for the training. If you need technical support, please contact Linkonlearning
and a support specialist will be happy to assist you.
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System Requirements
The online training has been designed to work best using a high speed internet connection. However,
we have had many users take the training using dial-up and satellite connections. If using a dial-up or
satellite connection you will still be able to complete the training, however it will take longer for the
lessons to load.
PC Users
If you are using a personal computer/laptop, the following are system requirements are recommended:
Operating System: Windows 97, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7
Internet Browser: Internet Explorer
MAC Users
Internet Browser: Firefox
Flash Requirements
Linkonlearning requires adobe flash to operate. 99% of computers already have flash installed. You
can update you flash player for free by visiting the adobe website:
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Add to your Trusted Sites
(This is optional; however it is a good idea to do this for
trilliumtraining) Internet Explorer has the option to create a list of
Trusted Sites.
Trusted Sites are sites that you trust which need Scripting, Cookies and ActiveX.
Some of your web browsers will be set up with these options disabled for internet use, in order to
protect your computer from malicious web pages.
The settings in your Trusted Sites will not affect regular internet usage in any
way. They are only used when visiting a Trusted Site.
To add Linkonlearning to the list of Trusted Sites in Internet Explorer:
1. On the Menu Bar, select “Tools”... then click “Internet Options”.
2. Select the “Security” tab on the Internet Options screen.
3. Select the “Trusted Sites” icon on the Security screen.
4. Click on the “Sites” button.
5. At the bottom of the box that pops up, uncheck "Require server verification (https:) for
all sites in this zone"
6. Now type in
*. (The asterisk in front of is telling
your web browser to put all of www. into your trusted sites list. It is
important that it in exactly as shown above and again below:
7. Click “OK” to add us to the Trusted Sites.
Trusted Sites – Security Setting Low
The settings in your Trusted Sites will not affect regular internet usage in any
way. They are only used when visiting a Trusted Site.
To change the security setting for your Trusted Sites to Low:
1. On the Menu Bar, select “Tools”... then click “Internet Options”.
2. Select the “Security” tab on the Internet Options screen.
3. Select the “Trusted Sites” icon on the Security screen.
4. Click on the “Custom level” button or change the Security level for this zone to “Low”.
Custom level
If you had to click on the “Custom level” button, click on the “Reset to:” dropdown menu and
select “Low”.
Next, click on the “Reset...” button.
You will get a Warning! Box asking Are you sure you want to change the settings for
this zone? Select, “Yes”.
Next, click the “OK” button.
In the above screen shot, you can see the level for this zone is now set to Low.
5. Click the “OK” button.
6. Close your Internet Explorer web browser.
Starting the Training
1. To get started on the online training, please go to the following website link to Login:
(If clicking the above link does not work, copy and paste it into your web browser)
2. This will take you to the trilliumtraining homepage. 3. Enter your Username and Password, then
In the top right corner, click the Login > button.
click the Login button.
4. You will be taken to the online classroom, where you can begin the online training (shown in
screenshot below):
Accessing the Lessons
When you are logged in to the online classroom, you can access your lessons. The following steps will walk
you through how to access your lessons to complete the training:
Step 1: Click on the Unit
Each of these units is listed on the whiteboard in the online classroom. Click on the first unit listed
called Learning Journal to get started (shown in screenshot below):
Step 2: Click on the Unit Section
Each unit is broken into sections. The Learning Journal unit has two sections:
I.I - Preface - Course Overview
I.II - The Learning Journal
Click on the first unit section called I.I - Preface - Course Overview (shown in screenshot below):
The section you selected will remain highlighted + the lesson title will appear in the top right
corner of the whiteboard (shown in screenshot below):
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Click on LESSON INSTRUCTION (shown in screenshot below):
The LESSON INSTRUCTION will pop-up in a new window (shown in screenshot below):
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Step 4: Navigate the Lesson, The Basics
A...Click on the video play button (shown in screen shot below):
B... Put your mouse over the Video Transcript if you would like to view the video script (shown
in screen shot below):
C... Click on the arrow button at the bottom of the page to go to the next page of the
lesson (shown in screen shot below):
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Step 5: Pages with Sound
When you are on the second page and subsequent lesson pages, click the start sound button to
have the lesson text read to you (shown screenshot below):
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Step 6: Page Navigation
A...Once you have finished reading/listening to the lesson text for a page, you can navigate to the
next page (or view the previous page) by clicking on the arrow buttons at the bottom right hand
corner (shown in screen shot below):
B... You’ll also notice that you have navigation arrows at the top left hand corner of the page that
do the same thing (shown in screen shot below):
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Step 7: Closing the Instructions
A...You will know that you are on the last page of a lesson by the page numbers indicated on the
bottom right hand corner of the page (shown in screenshot below):
B...Once you have finished reading/listening to the last page, click on the little X to close the page
(shown in screenshot below):
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Step 8: Click on Lesson 1 Not Completed
When you are finished reviewing the LESSON INSTRUCTION, you are ready to complete the Lesson
Assessment. Click on Lesson 1 Not Completed (shown in screenshot below):
The Lesson Assessment will pop-up in a new window (shown in screenshot below):
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Step 9: Complete Lesson Assessment
A...Answer the assessment questions (shown in screenshot below):
B...If you don’t remember the answer to the questions, you can click on the Instruction button. The
Instruction will open in a new window. This way you can have the Instructions open at the same time as
the assessment questions (shown in screenshot below):
C...Once you have answered the assessment questions, click on the Submit button (shown in
screenshot below):
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Step 10: View Your Lesson Score
You will be instantly given a score once you have submitted the assessment. You will notice checkmarks
on the page, indicating which questions you got right, and which questions you got wrong. If you get less
than 80% on the lesson, you should redo the lesson. Refer back to the Instruction to see why you were
marked wrong.
Once you have got 80% or higher, click on the Class Room link to go back to the online
classroom (shown in screenshot below):
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Step 11: Click on Next Unit Section
A...After you have completed the section assessment and are back in the online classroom, you will
notice the lesson you completed has a score beside it (some web browsers and security settings
will prevent it from appearing right away, if this happens you can refresh the screen and your score
will appear).
B...Next, complete the next unit section in the series by clicking on it (shown in screenshot below):
A...You will notice the unit section you clicked on is highlighted blue (shown in screenshot below):
B...You will also notice the title of the unit section in the top right corner (shown in screenshot below):
C...Complete the unit section by repeating the steps (Steps 3-10) that you did to complete your
first lesson (shown in screenshot below):
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Step 12: Return to Units
Once you have completed all of the lessons in the unit, click on the back button in the online
classroom (shown in screenshot below):
Select the next unit you are working on (shown in screenshot below):
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Complete each section of the unit (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc.) use Steps 3-11 as a guide (shown in
screenshot below):
Some sections may have more than one assessment (shown in screenshot below):
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Use the scroll bar (if applicable) to make sure you have completed each section (shown in screenshot
Repeat the steps until you are finished all of the units!
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When Completed
The last online unit you will complete is called Final Assignments. Included in this unit is:
Confirming completion of Discussion Forum Assignments
Uploading your Learning Journal
Completing the Student Feedback Survey
Once you have completed the online portion of the training, if you are completing the security
guard basic training, you will need to complete the First Aid training requirement.
Please contact the security agency that you registered for the training with for further details.
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Please check the Help & Support centre on the TrilliumTraining website. When you are logged
into the online classroom you will see the Help & Support link in the top right corner...
Discussion Forums
Please check the Help & Support Discussion Forums located in the Help & Support centre:
Often, the answer to your question is right there! You can also post your technical support
questions there as well.
Support Representatives
Chat with a support representative online.
Leave a message for a support representative.
You can also email: support@
Call Us!
If you can’t get the answers you need online, please call us. We are happy to
help! Our regular business hours are: (excluding holidays)
Saturday & Sunday:
9 am – 9 pm
12 pm – 9 pm
Toll Free:
(905) 895-9493
Sometimes, you might also catch us outside of regular hours so please feel free to try. If we
are not available, please leave a message and we will call you back.
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