Business microcredit - La Pietra Dialogues
Business microcredit - La Pietra Dialogues
Microcredit in Italy Index 1. About us 2. Microcredit in Italy 3. Our model 4. Results 5. The relation with the territory 6. Communicating with… 7. Volunteers for enterprise 2 1. About us Our mission We create employment and social inclusion through professional disbursement of microcredits, financial education and services for starting-up and supporting enterprises, with the aim of reaching the complete sustainability of our activity. We address to professional people with a good entrepreneurial idea and to people with primary financial needs (home, health, education), who are excluded from traditional credit channels because of insufficient credit history or precarious working position. 3 1. About us Specialised in microcredit PerMicro is the unique Italian institution specialised in microcredit. It is classified as a financial company (ex art. 106 TUB) and supervised by Bank of Italy. PerMicro was born in Turin in 2007 with the aim of giving an opportunity of financial inclusion to the “unbankables”, people who are excluded from traditional credit channels because of lack of guarantees or credit history. Business microcredit For people who want to start or develop a microbusiness activity and, even though without guarantees: 1. have a good business idea; 2. have technical and entrepreneurial skills; 3. are members of a reference network that can provide a moral guarantee and can support them in their business path. Family microcredit For financial emergencies involving home, health, work or education. People are followed in their path with specific trainings on credit and on family budget management. 4 1. About us The path PerMicro is the first Italian institution in terms of number of granted microcredits and disbursed amount. Until the present moment, it has disbursed 5.614 microcredits, for a total amount of 31.952.119 euro (922 business microcredits and 4.692 family microcredits). 2.995 Number of microcredits 839 MC Family Forecast 2014 MC Business 15,15 m € 11,16 m € Disbursed amount Forecast 2014 5 1. About us 23,7% Our partners 11,8% 11,0% 7,9% 17,9% 11,8% PRIVATE INVESTORS 5,3% 2012 10,6% 2011 2009 2007 Total raised funds: 7.292.835 € Initial equity capital: 100.000 € 6 1. About us Where we are In order to strengthen and develop the company, PerMicro focuses its efforts on a limited number of branches in order to: increase knowledge of the specific area to ensure that network credit could work; limit the invested amount for branches start-up and operating costs; standardise procedures before growing; better serve the local areas. PerMicro is proximity to the territory. 7 2. Microcredit in Italy Comparing models Triangular model PerMicro’s model «3 in 1» Guarantee fund Guarantee fund covering credit risk Credit Risk Management 3 2 Bank disbursing microcredit 4 Volunteers analysing microcredit requests Bank Volunteers Direct disbursement Professional team 1 Applicants Applicants 8 2. Microcredit in Italy The innovation PerMicro PerMicro was born in 2007 with the ambition of being different from other microcredit institutions Working with a professional team vs voluntary team Setting clear social goals and looking for an efficient operating model, close to market models vs welfare approach Developing a credit scoring model and standardised procedures vs know-how fragmentation Taking credit risk vs using guarantee funds Trying to reach big volumes vs small dimensions Operating nationwide through a network of territorial agencies vs supply fragmentation Proposing to reach self sufficiency in the medium period vs dependence from donations 9 2. Microcredit in Italy Law Today… Financial institutions supervised by Bank of Italy (ex. art.106 T.U.B.) In order to provide loans, institutions must: be a SPA, Sapa, Srl or a cooperative society; have specific requirements for capital and participants. …tomorrow in force Microcredit operators (law 141/2010 Art. 111) Subjects included in a specific list can provide loans to individuals, Sas and cooperative societies in order to support the start-up or the development of microenterprises or to support the access to employment. Provided loans must be: less than 25.000 euro without request of real guarantees; finalised to start-up or develop microenterprises or to support the access to employment; combined with tutoring and monitoring services. Microcredit operators can provide loans to individuals with particular social or economic vulnerabilities: within the limit of 10.000 euro and without request of real guarantees; combined with services for family budget management; with the aim to support social and financial inclusion; if granted with lower interest rates in comparison to the average market. 10 3. Our model The network credit and… PerMicro activity is based on network credit: “The social network to which the applicants belong to is a link between PerMicro and the clients: it provides them a moral guarantee and supports them during the development of their business.” Evaluation and selection Network Pre-selection Client Client Client Client Client PerMicro's network are associations, churches, ethnic communities with a strong interest in the repayment of the loans: • if members repay the debits, the network will have better conditions in future loans; • if members don't repay debits, it will be harder or more expensive for other members to get a loan. PerMicro works closely to the reference area. 11 3. Our model …an original evaluation of credit PerMicro's know-how is enhanced by the development of its own credit scoring model, based on the systematization of information on four crucial areas for credit rating analysis: socio-demographic characteristics of the applicant, "goodness" of the social network, credit bureau score for applicants and guarantor. Socio-Demo Income Social Network Credit Bureau Score (applicant + guarantor) Module Module Module FINAL SCORE 12 3. Our model Supporting and monitoring 2. Inquiry 1. Preliminary inquiry 3. Evaluation 5. Monitoring Monitoring phase consists in: Inquiry phase involves: • • business planning; • moral guarantees check; • interrogation of 4. Disbursement credit telephone calls to the client for updates on the activity; database predisposition of the proposal. and • visits to the client; • meetings with the network (with or without the client). 13 4. Results From the contact to the financing BUSINESS MICROCREDIT FAMILY MICROCREDIT 6.088 CONTACTS 7.844 10.169 3.166 (52%) INTERVIEWS 6.712 5.177(66%) (66%) 922 (15%) FINANCED 4.692 2.766(46%) (35%) 14 4. Results Business microcredit: characteristics of financed clients Nationality Age Gender 61% men 39% women Status 15 4. Results Business microcredit: sectors and purposes of disbursed microcredits 16 4. Results Family microcredit: characteristics of financed clients Nationality Age Gender 39% men 61% women Status 17 4. Results Family microcredit: purposes of disbursed microcredits 18 4. Results Data synthesis TOTAL Contacts 2007 2008 2009 2010 2013 0 934 2.171 922 € 8.785.117 0 €0 41 € 317.620 88 € 643.709 Family MC 4.692 Disbursed amount € 23.167.002 4 € 26.378 75 € 400.808 186 514 536 1.328 2.049 € 872.809 € 2.059.558 € 2.673.765 € 6.783.935 € 10.349.748 Total Tot. Disbursed 4 € 26.378 116 274 601 761 1.477 2.381 € 718.428 € 1.516.518 € 2.696.962 € 4.125.984 € 8.067.147 € 14.800.702 5.614 € 31.952.119 3.602 2012 16.257 Business MC Disbursed amount 2216 2011 3.733 3.601 87 225 149 € 637.404 € 1.452.219 € 1.283.212 332 € 4.450.954 19 5. The relation with the territory 2012 2013 Our local projects Camera di Commercio di Torino – Microimprenditori si diventa. Formazione e avvio di microimprese. 2010 2012 Fondazione CR Biella, Banca Simetica, Comune di Biella - Slancio all'imprenditoria giovanile a Biella. 2011 2012 Alleanza Toro - Integrazione di soggetti immigrati attraverso l'autoimpiego. Jp Morgan Chase Foundation - Intrecci di impresa: pianificazione finanziaria e creazione di impresa. 2009 2012 Comune di Asti – Servizi per l'Abitazione - Ed è subito C.A.S.A. - Microcredito Asti. 2010 2011 Ministero per le Pari Opportunità – Dipartimento per le Pari Opportunità – UNAR Un'impresa d'integrazione: microattrici del proprio futuro. Comune di Milano – Settore Lavoro e Occupazione - Previdenti per Natura: alfabetizzazione finanziaria. Comune di Ivrea – Assessorato allo Sviluppo Economico e Lavoro - Fiducia alle idee! Microcredito di impresa per la città di Ivrea. 20 5. The relation with the territory Networks Philippine Chaplaincy Nadyia It is a meeting and reference point for the entire community and, in addition to its institutional functions of «ethnic Parish», it develops an effective coordination of initiatives for social and moral assistance promoted by community members. Moreover, it facilitates the integration of immigrants, fostering easier relations between immigrants and employers. Nadyia association acts as a bridge between Italians and Ukrainian citizens living in Italy. It promotes and coordinates cultural, social and civic education, organises artistic and cultural initiatives aimed to promote and diffuse Ukrainian culture. AST Acfil AST is an association aiming to promote African culture and facilitate integration and improvement of the conditions of life of Senegalese citizens living in Italy. The Philippine Cultural Association in Piedmont is one of the best established associations in Torino. Its activities mostly aim to establish contacts among Philippine citizens living in Torino, promoting their socio-economic inclusion in Italy. 21 5. The relation with the territory Microcredit stories Pastry laboratory During the years spent in the United Kingdom, Claudia and Simone learn to enjoy «cupcakes», typical and traditional English cakes. Once back in Italy, they decide to turn their passion into a job: preparing cakes and catering for events, parties, weddings and christenings. They ask PerMicro to support the start-up of their pastry laboratory. Interior design Davide is 26 years old and the interior design is the job of his dreams. He has acquired a good experience in the field thanks to his studies and by working as an employee. At a certain point he decides to open his own business, offering his experience and competence to furnish and personalise houses and offices. PerMicro supports and follows him in the start-up phase, when he needs logistic and financial support. Now he’s progressing by himself with style! 22 6. Communicating with… Cards 23 6. Communicating with… Web 24 6. Communicating with… Our shop windows 25 6. Communicating with… Press review 26 6. Communicating with… Sport events: Balon Mundial 27 7. Volunteers for enterprise PerMicroLab Association About us PerMicroLab is a non-profit association operating with the purpose of pursuing social solidarity aims and giving support to socially and economically disadvantaged people. Who we are looking for Promoting microcredit Giving support to microenterprises Preventing usury PerMicroLab volunteers are people who care about entrepreneurship and ethical finance and who adapts to different business contexts, showing: • experience in business planning and control; • experience in business management and consulting; • communicative and relational capacities; • aptitude for teaching and training; • aptitude in business activities evaluation. 28 Contacts Via Cavour, 30 10123 Torino [email protected] 800 135953 Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises (Demosthenes) 29
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