Upgrading from IBM 5.4 to IBM i 6.1 or IBM i 7.1


Upgrading from IBM 5.4 to IBM i 6.1 or IBM i 7.1
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
Upgrading from IBM 5.4 to
IBM i 6.1 or IBM i 7.1
Gary Konicek
IBM STG Lab Services
[email protected]
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
IBM i 6.1/ IBM i 7.1 Upgrade Planning
– Introduction
– Planning and Preparing for the Upgrade
– Major Upgrade Planning Tasks
– ‘Top 10 Keys to Success’
– Useful Web sites
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
Migrating from V5R4 to IBM i 6.1 or
IBM i 7.1
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
How to get from ‘here’ to IBM i 6.1, IBM i 7.1?
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
One step software upgrades
IBM i 6.1
IBM i 5.4
(‘i5/OS V5R4’)
Note: Clustering supports only one cluster version difference. An i 5.4
cluster must have a cluster version of 5 before you install i 6.1.
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
One step software upgrades
IBM i 6.1
IBM i 7.1
IBM i 5.4
(‘i5/OS V5R4’)
Note: Clustering supports only one cluster version difference. An i 6.1 cluster
must have a cluster version of 6 before you install i 7.1.
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
What if a much Earlier Release is Installed? ….
Getting to a Supported i5/OS Release
“Multiple Upgrades”
IBM i 7.1
IBM i 6.1
* Note: these upgrade paths are no longer formally supported by IBM, so ‘best effort’ support
only. Also, you need access to V5R1, V5R2 or V5R3 media.
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
IBM i Family and OS/400 Release Life Cycle
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
IBM i Life Cycle
*The projected date for the service of IBM i releases is based on current IBM planning assumptions. Note that it is IBM’s
current practice to support an IBM i release until the next two releases have been made available, plus twenty four months.
This presentation contains information about IBM’s plans and directions. Such plans are subject to change without notice.
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
IBM i Family and OS/400 Release Support
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
IBM i, i5/OS and OS/400 Release Support
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
IBM i System Support
IBM i 5.4
750, 770, 780
JS12, 22, 23/43, 550* 560
520, 550*, 570, 595
515, 525
520, 550, 570, 595
800, 810, 825, 870, 890
270, 820, 830, 840
IBM i 6.1
IBM i 7.1
* Specific models
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
FYI: Supported Models – IBM i, i5/OS & OS/400
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
FYI: Supported
Models – IBM i, i5/OS & OS/400
Models supported by IBM i
Important: Use the IBM Hardware Pre-req Web site tool for the latest regarding minimum software levels
needed for hardware models and/or features: http://www-912.ibm.com/e_dir/eServerPrereq.nsf © 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
POWER5, POWER6 or POWER7 Servers Upgrade Planning – Guideline
In general, upgrade Firmware & software in the following order: (“Work from the
outside in”)
– HMC Firmware --- See HMC Planning Site:
– Server Firmware Sites
• Systems with an HMC
• Systems without an HMC (‘Upgrade policy set to OS’)
– Operating Systems
• Plan for which OS level runs on top of which levels of firmware/hardware
• IBM Prerequisite Web site: http://www-912.ibm.com/e_dir/eserverprereq.nsf
• IBM i 5.4
• IBM i 6.1
• http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/iseries/v6r1m0/topic/rzahc/sc415120.pdf
• IBM i 7.1
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
POWER6 to POWER7 Upgrades
3.5 GHz
POWER7 770
Power 570 (POWER6) can be
upgraded to Power 770 or 780
– Upgrades GA on June 4, 2010
POWER6 570
3.86 GHz
4.14 GHz
IBM i licenses move with the upgrade
Power 520 Statement of Direction
POWER7 780
– IBM plans to provide upgrade paths in 2010 from the POWER6 Power 520 2
and 4-core
servers to next generation POWER7 processor-based entry servers.
Power 595 Statement of Direction
– IBM plans to deliver a new high-end server in 2010 with up to 256 POWER7
processor cores. Designed to operate within the same physical footprint and
energy envelope of the current 64-core Power 595 server. IBM also plans to
provide an upgrade path from the current IBM Power 595 server with 12X I/O
to the new POWER7 high-end server.
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
POWER5 Upgrade Paths
E4A 2-4 core
Expect POWER5 upgrades to
be withdrawn when POWER6
models are withdrawn.
E4A 1-core
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
Introduction – IBM i
Upgrade Planning
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
“First things first … some terminology”
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
“First things first …. Pre-POWER5”
i5/OS (V5R3 or V5R4)
LIC: Licensed Internal Code (also was
informally referred to as SLIC (Systems LIC) in
the past
– Layered architecture below the machine
interface (MI)
– Provides functions including storage
management, pointers and addressing,
program management, etc.
– TIMI* – sub component of LIC
• High-level machine instruction set and
application programming interface
*TIMI: Technology Independent Machine Interface
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
“And then came POWER5, POWER6, POWER7….”
IBM i (previously known as i5/OS)
LIC: Licensed Internal Code (also was informally
known as SLIC ‘Systems LIC))
– Layered architecture below the machine interface
– Provides functions including storage
management, pointers and addressing, program
management, etc.
– TIMI* – sub component of LIC
• High-level machine instruction set and application
programming interface
System Firmware
– Microcode stored on the service processor
*TIMI: Technology Independent Machine Interface
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
What is a Resave?
Redistribution of LIC and/or IBM i (i5/OS)
– Provides correct base level of install media for NEW functions (e.g.
to support new hardware features)
– Reduces time to install Cumulative packages
Size of CUM & install time
Size of CUM & install time
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
Determining the Required Resave Level?
Simple example: POWER 5 570 with IBM i 6.1 installed -- considering
upgrading to 9117-MMA (5.0 GHz POWER6) system
Utilize the IBM Prerequisite Web site:
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
Determining the Required Resave Level
Utilize the IBM Prerequisite Web site
– Enter model, machine type and (optionally) feature code
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
Determining the Required Resave Level
Utilize the IBM Hardware Prerequisite Web tool
– Click resulting feature code for more details
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
Determining the Required Resave Level
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
Determining the Required Resave Level
Question: How do I find out
what MY system has?
Answer: Via marker PTFs
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
Determining Resave Level (via Marker PTFs) – Resave Web site
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
Determining Resave Level Installed (via Marker PTFs)
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
Determining Resave Level Installed
Use DSPPTF to check if the following required Fix Level/CUM and
Resave level are installed (for our example)
– IBM i 6.1 RS610-00 OS and RS610-E LIC --- AP07348 (OS Marker PTF) and
RE08245 (LIC Marker PTF)
– Fix Level (CUM) C82886610 -- Use DSPPTF LICPGM(5761SS1)
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
Determining Resave Level Installed
Use DSPPTF to check if the following required Fix Level/CUM and Resave level are
installed (for our example)
– Fix Level (CUM) C88286610 and IBM i 6.1 resave marker (AP07348) -- Use
• IBM i 6.1 LIC marker – Use DSPPTF LICPGM(5761999) – RE08245 (RS610-E)
NOT installed. RE08043 is marker PTF for RS610-B.
So… required Fix Level (CUM) and is installed, but we need a later resave of LIC installed.
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
Planning and Preparing
for the Upgrade
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
“Top 3 Tools” -- Upgrade Planning
1.) IBM Information Center
2.) System i Planning Web Site
3.) IBM Pre-Upgrade Verification tool
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
IBM Information Centers
HMC, …
Engine, IBM
Director, …
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
IBM i Information Center
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
IBM i for Power Systems…. Planning Web Site
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
System i Planning
Migrations and Upgrades
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
Migrations & Upgrades
Upgrade Planning Info.
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
Upgrade Planning Info.
IBM i 6.1
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
Upgrade Planning Info.
IBM i 7.1
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
Migrations & UpgradesSW Upgradesi7.1 Info. CenterWhat’s New…
Info Center Tip: Bookmarking a favorite section in Internet Explorer 6
Tip: For Firefox, right
mouse on any topic or
bread crumb and choose
“Bookmark This Link”
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
“Needle in a haystack?”
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
Migrations & Upgrades
SW Upgrades
V7R1 Info.
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
Migrations & Upgrades
SW Upgrades
V7R1 Info.
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
Prefer a hardcopy? … PDFs are available
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
IBM Pre-Upgrade Verification Tool
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
What is the IBM Pre-Upgrade Verification Tool?
‘As-is’ tool developed by IBM to help ensure a successful IBM i
(i5/OS) upgrade
– Tool checks to see if key required pre-upgrade steps have been
successfully completed
• If not, the steps that were missed or completed incorrectly are
• YOU then have the opportunity to successfully complete the
missing/incorrect steps
Important – the tool itself does not automatically perform any
corrective actions/missed steps
Useful to ‘anyone preparing for an upgrade’
– Source: OS/400 V5R2M0 and above
– Target : up to IBM i 7.1
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
New Pre-Upgrade Verification Tool (PRUV) verifies:
Prepare for Install steps
– Prerequisite PTFs applied
– Acceptance of Software Agreements
– Allocation of additional LIC space
– System values
– ANZOBJCVN PTFs applied ( V6R1 only)
– etc.
Checks for other items that may prevent a successful upgrade
– Damaged system profiles
– Duplicate/extension files in system libraries
– etc.
Optionally performs other steps, including checking for the existence of useful
items prior to the upgrade including
– Performance data
– BRMS recovery report
– etc.
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
“PRUV” Tool Requirements:
– Windows PC
– OS/400 V5R2/V5R3 or i5/OS V5R4
• and Host Servers (Option 12) installed
Download tool from IBM site:
– The URL/Web site is contained in the knowledgebase document
KB465353483 (or search for keyword “PRUV”)
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
Pre-Upgrade Verification tool for IBM i:
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
Pre-Upgrade Verification tool for IBM i:
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
Pre-Upgrade Verification tool for IBM i :
Signon to desired system
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
Pre-Upgrade Verification tool for IBM i:
Select desired ‘Target Release’
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
Pre-Upgrade Verification tool for IBM i :
Choose the kind of checks to run
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
Pre-Upgrade Verification tool for IBM i:
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
Pre-Upgrade Verification tool for IBM i:
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
Pre-Upgrade Verification tool for IBM i :
Click Finish after reviewing messages
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
Pre-Upgrade Verification tool for IBM i:
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
Program conversion to IBM i 6.1, IBM i 7.1
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
i5/OS program conversion to IBM i 6.1, IBM i 7.1
This is required for i 6.1 or IBM i 7.1 from release V5R4 or earlier
This is not the same as CISC-to-RISC
– Not a hardware conversion
Simple process to review objects and estimate time to convert
Conversion requires program's creation data (observability)
You can use the rating of a different processor for the estimate
Eradicate any unsupported program alterations
Extend unique ability to remove code corruption
– Every runnable MI application includes creation data, so can be converted
without source
– No ongoing updates required
ITSO Redpaper: i5/OS Program Conversion: Getting Ready for i 6.1
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
IBM i Program Conversion
Ensures unprecedented system integrity
Delivers improved performance
Enables exploitation of future system and processor capabilities
Program conversion will be required to run with IBM i 6.1 or IBM i 7.1
– Program conversion automatically upgrades software to exploit latest system
– Not required for POWER6, which can run IBM i 5.4
– Required for POWER7, can run on IBM i 6.1 or IBM i 7.1
Conversion requires program's creation data (observability)
– Note that all programs created for V5R1 or later releases have had their
creation data automatically saved during program creation
Tool available now to analyze program conversion for i5/OS V5R3 / V5R4
– Identifies potential issues, if any, and estimates conversion time
Program conversion is performed during install/restore of applications, at first use
or at scheduled time
ITSO Redpaper: i5/OS Program Conversion: Getting Ready for V6R1 http://www.redbooks.ibm.com/redpieces/abstracts/redp4293.html?Open
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
About Conversion
Replace existing program object, without compile
o Most attributes retained; modification timestamp updated
o Works for all* created for V5R1 or later,
older programs unless creation data removed
One-time process, but required either direction
o V5R4 or V5R3 i 6.1
o V5R4 or V5R3  i 6.1
Integral to i 6.1 or i 7.1 , so no options or added fees
Average per-program convert times, large sample
o Sub-second on fastest processors, < 4 seconds on slowest
o Programs with many modules can take a lot longer
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
Programs with creation data,
on pre-i 6.1 systems
Programs created/converted
on i6.1 systems with
pre-POWER6 hardware
Programs created/converted
on i6.1 systems with
POWER6 hardware
Optional conversion during restore, mandatory before running
Mandatory conversion during restore
No conversion required
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
Program conversion method choices on i 6.1, i7.1
Choose combination of methods
o You initiate by library
o Restore/install
o First call (etc.)
Consider ANZOBJCVN estimates,
Redpaper recommendations
Must regenerate applications that won’t convert
o Compile from source or acquire
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
Analyze Object Conversion (ANZOBJCVN)
Type choices, press Enter.
Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . >*COLLECT
Libraries to analyze . . . . . . *ALLUSR
ASP device . . . . . . . . . . . . *
Check spooled files . . . . . . *YES
Object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *NONE
Name, generic*, *ALLUSR...
Name, *, *ALLAVL...
Directory subtree . . . . . . . *ALL
Target release . . . . . . . . . V6R1M0
Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . > *REPORT
Type of report . . . . . . . . . *ALLAVL
+ for more values
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
ANZOBJCVN *report output
Display Spooled File
File . . . . . :
Date collected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :04/13/08
Total analyzed objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 1.440
Objects that can be converted with no lost attributes . . . . . . . . : 1,436
Objects that can be converted with some lost attributes . . . . . . . :
Total objects to convert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 1,436
Total estimated conversion time for library objects. . . . . . . . . . :00:06:37
Analyze Object Conversion - Library Summary Report
5722SS1 V5R4M0 060210 EBC570I1
Auxiliary Storage Pool (ASP) . . . . . . . . . . : 00001
ASP Resource Na
-------------Counters------------- ------------------Symptoms--Total
No Lost
Some Lost
---------- ----------- ------------ ------------ ---------- --------APILIB
Total spooled files to convert . . . . . . . . . .: 436
Total estimated conversion time for spooled files : 00:00:04
Install initial program load (IPL) conversions:
Spool files
-------------- -------------- ---------1
436 00:00:04
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
Status of conversion activity
For those ISVs who have gone through the conversion process, the
feedback is good
145 ISVs participated in the beta program
–831 applications listed for i 6.1 in the Global Solutions Directory as of
July 23, 2009
–2,182 applications listed for IBM i 6.1 in the Global Solutions Directory as
of April 29, 2010
–108 applications listed for IBM i 7.1 in the Global Solutions Directory as
of April 29, 2010
– https://www-304.ibm.com/jct09002c/gsdod/homepage.do
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
Prepare on i 5.4 or V5R3 before upgrade
Read latest information
– Redpaper REDP-4293
“i5/OS program conversion: Getting ready for i5/OS V6R1 and beyond ”
IBM i planning web site:
– www-304.ibm.com/jct01004c/systems/support/i/planning/upgrade/index.html
Download PTFs to run ANZOBJCVN
– See Redpaper recommendations
– Run Analyze Object Conversion to collect data, generate reports
– Identifies potential MI program conversion issues, estimates times
• If purchased application will not convert and no source to compile, ask provider
for V5R1 or later version
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
Other Software Planning
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
General Resources for Software Planning
IBM i (i5/OS)
– Information Center – http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/iseries/
Memo to Users
– Located in the Info Center –
• IBM i 6.1 http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/iseries/v6r1m0/index.jsp
IBM i 7.1 http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/iseries/v7r1m0/index.jsp
Software No Longer Supported
– http://www-304.ibm.com/systems/support/i/planning/upgrade/v6r1/software.html
PSP Planning Site
– http://www-912.ibm.com/s_dir/sline003.nsf/ALLPSPBYREL?OpenView&Start=1&Count=30&Collapse=2#2
See applicable Announcement Letters
– Located on the announcement site http://www-01.ibm.com/common/ssi/index.wss
Individual Product Web sites off of the IBM i home page
– http://www-03.ibm.com/systems/i/software/a2z.html
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
Withdrawals and Changes
Function / Product
Recommended Replacement
Direct Attach Ops Console
Not supported with i 7.1
LAN Console or HMC: Read Memo to User
Java Developer Kit (Classic)
Not included with i 7.1
IBM Technology for Java
Extended Integrated Server Support
Not support on i 7.1 (5761-LSB)
Linux not supported on iSCSI attached systems
IBM i no longer support save while active and File
Level Backup for Linux partitions
IBM i in Option 29 - Integrated Server Support.
Linux supported under VMWare
IBM i Information Center Media
Physical Media no longer available
Use the online version of the Information Center
Still included in i 7.1, but no longer supported
Enterprise Extenders function of IBM i
System i Access for wireless
Not supported on i 7.1 (5722-XP1)
IBM Systems Director
Secure Perspectives
Not supported on i 7.1 (5733-PS1)
Lab Services offering
Rational Developer for i
Withdraw Feb 9 effective May 11 (5733-RDI)
Rational Developer for Power – RPG and COBOL
Development for i
Zend Core for i & Zend Plaform for i
Withdraw 4/13 effective 7/17 (5619-ZP1, 5771-ZP1
Replaced by Zend Server Community Edition for i
Zend Server Support for i 5771-ZC1
WebSphere 6.0
Must redeploy applications
WebSphere 6.1 or 7.0
Lotus Document Manager
Auto entitled to LOTUS QUICKR, can upgrade to
Enterprise Content Manager until September 2010
IBM Lotus Quickr. IBM Content Manager
Collaboration Edition or IBM FileNet
Content Manager Collaboration Edition.
IBM i Planning Web Site
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
IBM i Information Center http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/iseries/v7r1m0/index.jsp
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
Prefer a hardcopy? … PDFs are available
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
i5/OS Information Center
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
i5/OS Information Center ->V6R1 Memorandum to Users
-- Review to understand changes in i6.1 that could affect your system – April 2010 latest update
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
IBM i Software … ‘from A to Z’
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
System i Access for Windows
Read IBM i 6.1 and IBM i 7.1 Memo to Users & for changes/enhancements:
Refer to Web site: http://www-03.ibm.com/systems/i/software/access/windows/
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
Domino for IBM i
Read IBM i 6.1 and IBM i 7.1 Memo to Users for changes/enhancements:
IBM i 6.1 currently supports Domino 8.0.1 and 7.0.3 releases
– Go to Lotus software for IBM i Compatibility Guide
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
Lotus Software for IBM i Compatibility Guide
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
WebSphere Application Server
Read IBM i 6.1 and IBM i 7.1 Memo to Users for changes/enhancements:
– Using WebSphere Application Server V5.1 or WebSphere 6.0 now?
• Migration to WebSphere Application Server V6.1 or V7.1
• Migration can be done before or after an upgrade to IBM i 6.1 or 7.1
Refer to applicable product documentation/release notes (at product home pages):
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
WebSphere Application Server for IBM i Home Page
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
Windows Integration
Read IBM i 6.1 and IBM i 7.1 Memo to Users for changes/enhancements:
Refer to home page:
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
IBM i on IBM BladeCenter
Note: Additional, different skills will be required to implement this environment.
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
IBM i on IBM BladeCenter
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
Linux on Integrated Servers and IBM i 6.1
Read IBM i 6.1 and IBM i 7.1. Memo to Users for changes/enhancements:
Support no longer there for all Linux operating systems running on Integrated xSeries®
Server (IXS) & xSeries Adapter (IXA)
– IXS/IXA server may be migrated from a previous release to a new system… but
functions that will NOT work with IBM i 6.1:
• Installations on IXS/IXA hardware
• Post-installation utility (ixssetup.sh)
• Update utility (ixsupdt)
Support no longer there for SuSE Enterprise Linux 9 (SLES9) running on an iSCSI
platform for integrated servers
– An iSCSI-based integrated server running SLES9 may be migrated but support is “as is”;
functions that will NOT work with IBM i 6.1 are:
• Installations on iSCSI hardware for *SLESe9
• Post-installation utility (ixssetup.sh).
• Update utility (ixsupdt).
Linux on Integrated Servers site: http://www-03.ibm.com/systems/i/advantages/integratedserver/linux/index.html
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
Read Memo to Users for changes/enhancements:
If upgrading from V5R3 -- SQL related and DB file conversions (More details)
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
3rd Party & In House Developed Software Solutions
In house developed applications?
– Tested yet on IBM i 6.1, IBM i 7.1 ?
– Has ANZOBJCVN tool been used yet?
Contact Application Providers/Vendor(s)
– Supported and tested on IBM i 6.1, IBM 7.1 ?
– Any fixes/PTFs required?
– Will conversion occur on client system or will ‘6.1 version’
be shipped out?
– Any licensing fee considerations?
• Migration vs. upgrade (i.e. keeping same
POWER System serial number?)
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
Major IBM i 6.1, IBM i7.1
Upgrade Planning Tasks
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
Outline* of Major IBM i Planning or Pre-Upgrade Tasks
A.) Use key planning documents: Info Center (e.g. Install Guide), Memo to
Users and IBM ITSO Redpaper: IBM i5/OS Program Conversion: Getting
Ready for IBM i V6R1
B.) Install PTFS and use ANZOBJCVN tools to analyze your system
C.) Verify server firmware requirements and read applicable PSP (Preventive
Service Planning) documents such as
IBM i 6.1
SF98020 V6R1 Software Install Information
SF98610, MF98610
SF98169 Server upgrade & migrations corrections
IBM i 7.1 SF98030 – Late breaking information, SF98710-Hiper PTF’s, MF98710 – i
7.1 Hardware & HMC, SF98170 Systems Upgrades and Data Migrations.
D.) Read applicable Info APARs -- e.g. II14310 (Required PTFs for i6.1)
E.) Order latest CUMe package SF98610 (don’t forget about ordering Group
* Note: This is not an all-inclusive task list – be sure to refer to the Info Center or in the pdf for
IBM i 6.1 http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/iseries/v6r1m0/topic/rzaq9/rzaq9.pdf
IBM i 7.1 http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/iseries/v7r1m0/topic/rzahc/sc415120.pdf
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
Major IBM i Planning or Pre-Upgrade Tasks - Overview
F.) “Prepare for Install PTFs” are required for your V5R3 system before using the
Prepare for Install menu option
– The “Prepare for Install PTFs” media included with your V6R1 software
G.) Review Software Stack (for each LPAR)
– Third Party Vendors
– License Program Products
– Middleware
H.) Consider using virtual image catalog for upgrade (PTFs are required for V5R3)
Network Installation for i7.1 (PTF’s are required for IBM 6.1)
I.) Review/leverage Upgrade planning Template:
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
Major IBM i Planning or Pre-Upgrade Tasks - Overview
J.) Accept Software Agreements before upgrading( GO LICPGM and then Option
5: Prepare for Install)
K.) Verify contents of the software media that was shipped
L.) Load Source Storage Requirements, IBM i and LPP Storage Requirements
– If upgrading from V5R3MO:
• Ensure load source disk is at least 17GB
• Allocate additional space for LIC -- suggested to use API discussed at
TIP: To make upgrade planning easier --take advantage of the IBM Pre-Upgrade Verification Tool!
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
A) Use the Key Planning Documents
IBM i Memo to Users IBM i 6.1
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
A) Use the Key Planning Documents
Memo to Users IBM i 7.1
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
IBM i Information Center
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
A) Use the Key Planning Documents
V6R1 Installation/Upgrade guide:
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
Prefer a hardcopy? … PDFs are available
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
A) Use the Key Planning Documents (ITSO Redpaper)
IBM i5/OS Program Conversion: Getting Ready for IBM i V6R1
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
B) Analyze existing system(s) -- ANZOBJCVN tool
FYI - Chapter 1 in ITSO redpaper summarizes overall process (e.g. download PTFs to obtain
FYI: More details on IBM 6.1 program conversion are in session iIB15
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
B) Analyze existing system(s) -- ANZOBJCVN
Be sure to refer to the latest information (e.g. PTFs) in the Info APAR II14306
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
C) Read Applicable PSP Documents such as:
SF98020: Contains important V6R1 software install information
SF98029 High Impact Pervasive PTFs
And others …
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
C) Read Applicable PSP Documents including:
IBM i 6.1 SF98610 Current Cumulative package information (not shipped with software upgrade
SF98169 Server upgrade/data migrations corrections
IBM i 7.1 SF98030 – Late breaking information, SF98710-Hiper PTF’s, MF98710 – i 7.1 Hardware & HMC,
SF98170 Systems Upgrades and Data Migrations.
And others…
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
D) Read Applicable Informational APARs
II4310 Required PTFs for upgrading to IBM i 6.1 (and others as applicable)
ll14482 Required PTFs for upgrading to IBM i 7.1
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
D) Informational APAR II14310 – Req’d PTFs for Upgrading
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
D) Informational APAR II14310 – Required PTFs for Upgrading
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
E) Order latest CUM package
Request SF99610 to order CUM
– SF98610 PSP – lists current CUM level and details
Order other appropriate Group PTFs
– Click Group PTFs link at http://www-912.ibm.com/s_dir/sline003.nsf/sline003home
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
F) ‘Prepare for Install’ PTFs
Install the “Prepare for Install” PTFs for V5R3 before using the Prepare for Install menu
– Included on the “Prepare for Install PTFs…” media shipped with V6R1 (See Informational
APAR II14310 below)
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
G) Review Software Stack…. Work with Licensed Programs
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
G) Review Software Stack …. Work with Licensed Programs
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
H) Virtual Media Installation
Automate IBM i and Licensed Programs installs through virtual media
– Isolate media errors and minimize user intervention
– Improves system availability
New with V5R2
First enabled with OS/400 V5R2
– Extended to support V5R1 through PTFs
• SI10553, SI06069 and MF29250
Required PTFs – Info APAR II14310
Upgrading from V5R3M0 - SI28698, MF42598, MF43199
Upgrading from V5R3M5 - SI28698, MF42599, MF43355
Upgrading from V5R4M0 - SI28697, MF42600, MF43154
Upgrading from V5R4M5 - SI28697, MF42601, MF43157
Easy configuration steps
– Create a virtual image catalog device
– Build image catalog to transfer IBM software
from distribution media to a user defined IFS directory
– Restart system to load from virtual device
– Point licensed program installation or
PWRDWNSYS command to IFS path
Use Network install if Upgrading from IBM i 6.1 to IBM i 7.1
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
H) Virtual Media Installation (via Image Catalog)
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
I) Review/Use Upgrade (HW & SW) Planning Template (as
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
J) Accept Software Agreements Before Upgrading
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
K) Verify Contents of the Shipped Software Media
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
K) Verify Contents of the Shipped Software Media
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
K) Verify Contents of the Shipped Software Media
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
K) Verify Contents of the Shipped Software Media
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
K) Verify Contents of the Shipped Software Media
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
IBM i Media Charges/Electronic download support
Effective April 13, 2010
Applies to all IBM i marketed releases
– i 5.4, i 6.1, i 7.1
$50 USD media charge for IBM i initial and upgrade orders
No media charge if use Electronic Software Download
Electronic Software Delivery (ESD)
– A new API called QVOIFIMG (Fill Image Catalog) has been PTFd
into V5R4 and V6R1 that makes it easier to use image catalogs
when working with images that have been downloaded through
the ESD process.
• Information APAR for software Installation upgrade to IBM i
7.1 (II14482) includes the specific PTF numbers for each of
these releases.
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
L) Load Source, IBM i & Licensed Programs Storage Req’ts
iBM i 7.1 http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/iseries/v7r1m0/topic/rzahc/rzahcswslpsze.htm
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
L) Load Source, IBM i & Licensed Programs Storage Req’ts
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
L) Load Source, IBM i & Licensed Programs Storage Req’ts
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
L) Load Source, IBM i & Licensed Programs Storage Req’ts
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
“TOP 10” Keys to Success
Be sure to plan for ample time to do program conversion planning
& analysis (e.g. ANZOBJCVN) – use the ITSO redpaper
Contact your applications providers/software vendors
Use the IBM Information Center and Memo to Users!
(If skipping a release, read the interim release’s Memo to Users)
Leverage the ‘as is’ IBM Pre-Upgrade Verification tool and collect ‘before and after’
performance data
Load source unit must be 17GB or greater and ensure that enough reserved space is allocated
for LIC
Be sure to SAVE your entire system before the IBM i upgrade (and ‘double check’ the save job
log) (FlashCopy the entire system works as well)
Must accept ‘SW license agreements’ before upgrade
Verify the contents of your software order and consider using Virtual Media installation
Use the IBM i Planning Web site and refer to Preventive Service Planning documents at
Estimate upgrade/installation time (and understand impact of
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
Useful Web Sites
IBM i 6.1 Info Center: (i.e. (What’s New and Memo to Users)
Information Center – IBM i (i5/OS V6R1) Installation/Upgrade:
ITSO Redpaper ‘IBM i5/OS Program Conversion - Getting Ready for i5/OS V6R1:
IBM i Support home page (e.g. links to Info APARS, PSPs, Fix Central, Technical Databases....): http://www304.ibm.com/systems/support/supportsite.wss/brandmain?brandind=5000027
PSP Planning Site http://www-912.ibm.com/s_dir/sline003.nsf/sline003home
IBM Electronic Software Delivery Web site:
IBM Entitled Software Support site (Entitled SW Updates, SW Keys, Proofs of Entitlement….)
System i Planning: http://www-304.ibm.com/jct01004c/systems/support/i/planning/
Software No Longer Supported: http://www-304.ibm.com/systems/support/i/planning/upgrade/v6r1/index.html
IBM Prerequisite Web site: http://www-912.ibm.com/e_dir/eserverprereq.nsf
IBM Announcement Letters Web site: http://www-306.ibm.com/common/ssi/OIX.wss
Individual System i software product Web sites http://www-03.ibm.com/systems/i/software/a2z.html
New IBM Pre-Upgrade Verification tool: http://www912.ibm.com/s_dir/slkbase.nsf/1ac66549a21402188625680b0002037e/5a6b33f04dcc093a8625736a00590072?Op
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IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
© 2010 IBM Corporation
IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
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Performance is in Internal Throughput Rate (ITR) ratio based on measurements and projections using standard IBM benchmarks in a controlled environment. The actual throughput that any user will
experience will vary depending upon considerations such as the amount of multiprogramming in the user's job stream, the I/O configuration, the storage configuration, and the workload processed.
Therefore, no assurance can be given that an individual user will achieve throughput improvements equivalent to the performance ratios stated here.
IBM hardware products are manufactured from new parts, or new and serviceable used parts. Regardless, our warranty terms apply.
All customer examples cited or described in this presentation are presented as illustrations of the manner in which some customers have used IBM products and the results they may have achieved. Actual
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All statements regarding IBM's future direction and intent are subject to change or withdrawal without notice, and represent goals and objectives only.
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Prices subject to change without notice. Contact your IBM representative or Business Partner for the most current pricing in your geography.
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IBM Systems Technical University – Budapest, 3 -6 May 2010
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IT Infrastructure Library is a registered trademark of the Central Computer and Telecommunications Agency, which is now part of the Office of Government Commerce.
* All other products may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
Performance is in Internal Throughput Rate (ITR) ratio based on measurements and projections using standard IBM benchmarks in a controlled environment. The actual throughput that any user will
experience will vary depending upon considerations such as the amount of multiprogramming in the user's job stream, the I/O configuration, the storage configuration, and the workload processed.
Therefore, no assurance can be given that an individual user will achieve throughput improvements equivalent to the performance ratios stated here.
IBM hardware products are manufactured from new parts, or new and serviceable used parts. Regardless, our warranty terms apply.
All customer examples cited or described in this presentation are presented as illustrations of the manner in which some customers have used IBM products and the results they may have achieved. Actual
environmental costs and performance characteristics will vary depending on individual customer configurations and conditions.
This publication was produced in the United States. IBM may not offer the products, services or features discussed in this document in other countries, and the information may be subject to change without
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All statements regarding IBM's future direction and intent are subject to change or withdrawal without notice, and represent goals and objectives only.
Information about non-IBM products is obtained from the manufacturers of those products or their published announcements. IBM has not tested those products and cannot confirm the performance,
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Prices subject to change without notice. Contact your IBM representative or Business Partner for the most current pricing in your geography.
© 2010 IBM Corporation