Off campus life A B [Store, Residence, etc.] B22 Asano Books C20 Vivian Rose (researcher’s residence) C21 Nagoya City Chikusa Sports Center C23 Sonoyama House (researcher’s residence) D38 Kahma (hardware store) G34 Konami Sports Club (fitness club) G35 Sugiyama Drugstore G36 Sanyodo Books (bookstore & DVD rental) H29 Docomo (mobile phone) H33 Chunichi Pharmacy A75,C76,D26,G37,H32 Post Office C [Supermarket, Convenience Store] C39 Food Front (supermarket) C40 Higashiyama Shokuhin Center (greengrocer) C41 Hallo 2 International (supermarket) D28 Maxvalu (supermarket) D42 Mini Stop (convenience store) D44 Tachiya (discount grocery store) H43 Valor (supermarket) B5 North CO-OP shop C84,G83 Sunkus (convenience store) C7 Book Fronte C85,E86 Lawson Store 100 E1 Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ ATM Nagoya Daigakuekimae (convenience store / 100yen shop) E2 Post Office / Nagoya Daigakunai E27,H30,H31 Lawson (convenience store) E6 South CO-OP shop & book store A24,B78,H80 7-Eleven (convenience store) E3 Health Administration Office A81,B79,E25,G82 Circle K (convenience store) Family Mart (convenience store) E4,B77 Campus life Museum 博物館 D E Campus dining F Cosmos Hoikuen (nursery school) こすもす保育園 H B5 North CO-OP Cafeteria B12 Restaurant Chez Jiroud B13 Nanamitei (Japanese noodles & rice bowl dishes) B14 IB cafe B15 Starbucks Coffee C7 Cafe Fronte (cafe) C8 Dining Forest (cafeteria) C9 Hananoki (Japanese) E10 Craig’s cafe SEATTLE ESPRESS E11 Universal Club (cafeteria) E16 Phonon Cafe Room (cafe) E17 Pranzo (bakery) E18 South CO-OP cafeteria E19 Friendly Naubu (cafeteria) B53 Mos Burger (hamburger) B54 Boulevard des Gâteaux (patisserie) B56 Ganesha (Nepalese curry & bar) B57 Kochab French B58 Kaisenkan (Chinese) B59 De ANZA (Italian) B90 Toriden(yakitori&izakaya) C51 McDonald’s (hamburger) C52 Le Plaisir du pain (bakery & cafe) C55 Nakau (beef bowl, Japanese noodles) D68 La Source Izumi (French) D69 Mandalay (Asian) E60 Pion (Korean barbecue) E61 Kouranrou (Chinese) E62 HALOKI (hamburger steak) [Hospital] E63 Botantei (Chinese) C45 Higashiyama Medical Clinic* E64 Ogiri (Japanese noodles) G50 Holy Sprint Hospital* E65 Gran Piatto (Italian) H46 Yamate Dermatology Clinic* E66 Hoja・Nasreddin (curry) H47 Nagoya Daini Red Cross Hospital with ER* E67 Haruten (tempura & sashimi) H48 Medical Station Yagoto Yamatedori E87 Bentoman (box meal) ・Maeda Orthopedics Clinic* E88 The CAFE / eat salon (cafe / bar) ・Watanabe Clinic (internal medicine)* E89 Patisserie Vivienne (patisserie) ・Yamate Dori Dental Clinic G74 Lancia (salad & sandwich) ・Komorebi Eye Clinic* H70 Café Downey (sandwich & patisserie) ・Takezawa Clinic (cardiovascular internal medicine)* H71 Ristorante il sole (Italian) ・Hondo Otorhinolaryngological Clinic H72 Pastel (pasta & patisserie) ・Muroya Clinic H73 La Liliana (Italian) (psychiatry & psychosomatic medicine) H49 Yamori Pediatric Clinic* *English consultation available Off campus life G Nanzan Boy's junior & senior high school 南山高等・中学校男子部 H I Off campus dining Circle K サークルK Aeon Mall Nagoya Dome-mae イオンモール ナゴヤドーム前 Eishindo Bo o ksto re Researchers Village Daiko 榮進堂書店 栄進堂書店 Mini Stop ミニストップ リサーチャーズビレッジ 大幸 Komeda Coffee Shop コメダ珈琲店 Best Western Hotel Nagoya Maruei 丸栄 ベストウェスタンホテル 名古屋 Mitsukoshi 三越 Nagoya Tokyu Hotel 名古屋東急ホテル Matsuzakaya Shirakawa 松坂屋 Park 白川公園 Aeon Town Chikusa イオンタウン千種 Electronics Town 大須電気街 Sunkus サンクス Pont Neuf/bakery ポンヌフ Circle K サークルK