August 2016 - Mission Bay Yacht Club


August 2016 - Mission Bay Yacht Club
Mission Bay Yacht Club
August 2016
Tanner Chapko
& Megan Lansdale
compete for the
Ida Lewis Trophy
2016 Dutch
Shoe Marathon
Sabot Family Scramble
A Soling crosses the finish line at a recent Thursday Night Thing. Photo by Bill Kenney
Flag Officers ‘16
Vice Commodore:
Rear Commodore:
Fleets Captain:
Port Captain:
Jr. Staff Commodore:
James Perry
Van Barr
Jeneé Gillam-Ray
Bill Kenney
Matt Hopps
Bill Sweeney
Lori Longstreet
Board of Directors Meetings: Second Wed.
of every month, 7PM, Main Clubhouse
Club Manager:
Jason Proctor
Alex Fortner
Javier Rubio
Meagan Brown
Regina Simms
Mike Curtin
Support Staff:
Bill Kenney
Darnelle Hopps
Doug Swenson,
Greg Brown
Deadline for publication: 15th of the month
email [email protected]
Saturday & Sunday:
9:00AM - 6:00PM
9:00AM - 9:00PM
8:00AM - 5:00PM
Friday: Full Service
6:00PM - 8:30PM
Breakfast, Lunch
& Bayside Grill Dinner
Breakfast & Lunch
5:00PM - 10:00PM
Noon - 10:00PM
1:00 - 8:00PM
Commodore’s Comments
by James Perry
From the Office of Commodore Perry
Been amazing so far, and still more summer
to go!
First I will reflect on July. Along these lines
I must give Club Manager Jason Proctor and staff
a big “Job Well Done”. We essentially
had 5 days in a row of max attendance
with full success in member experience.
The food was top notch (thank you Javier, Oscar, Alex and the entire staff ).
House and grounds were energetic,
focused, professional and top notch.
Nick Masters was on call, on task and
running around in his impeccable manner (another event well done) and having him available
was a good decision. The bar was slammed and
kept running like a top. Al and Johnny – you are
amazing. I also have to give a special Commodore
Shout-out to Jose. You are the silent “I will do anything” go to guy. I see you and know all of what
you do = thank you on behalf of all the members.
Chris, Jimmer and all the coaches (including special coach extraordinaire Aine Fretwell) are rocking a sold out Junior Summer Program. Junior
Program Director Dave Tillson, your tutelage has
been worthy and appreciated by the board and all
our members. Dave and Barb Tillson with Julie
Redler ran a treasure hunt on the 3rd of July that
was a load of fun. Best phone call of the day was
from Dave. He said; “James, you better come off
the dock because 146 children are on a treasure
hunt looking for YOU. If you don’t get up here
it will be busy on your boat.” I heeded Dave’s instructions. Have you see Doug Hart’s Laser program yet? – you will be AMAZED! World-class
to say without a doubt. If you missed the bands on
the 4th of July weekend, you missed a line-up that
would rival Lollapalooza! Oh my! The Stilettos on
the same day as the Alpine Brewing tap takeover.
“THE” Bobby Mathews was there to represent
San Diego’s finest with many of his friends (Societe, Burning Beard and others). It was a pleasure
for the Commodore to meet Bobby’s wife and
Mother-in-Law. Local product was all over. I especially loved Lifted Tack our very own members
and junior program graduates ( John Fretwell, Jay
Sanchioli playing slick tunes with the rest of the
band). Sailing, boating, social events wrapped
around our Corinthian spirit are a
thing to behold (Sugar Sue - I see you
Larry Schmidt)! As usual and always
worth noting, Britta Perry-Weppner
did an OUTSTANDING job of decorations. The club never looked so Independence Day special!
National Events Hosted by
Mission Bay Yacht Club
(International Naples Sabot Nationals,
2016 US Sailings - Sears Bemis Smyth)
To all our guests who will pick up our beloved Mainstay – Welcome to the Mission Bay
Yacht Club. In August we host several prestigious International and National events. My
message to you is – WELCOME! On behalf
of all our members, we trust you will enjoy our
family style Yacht Club.
Mission Bay Yacht Club is located on the
west shore of Mission Bay in San Diego California. It was founded in 1927 by families who
wanted to organize handicap and one design
racing. The first clubhouse was on the eastern side of Sail Bay which meant it was on a
lee shore. In 1933 the racing shifted to a pier
on the west side of the bay. That Pier was later
deeded to the club.
In the early days the sailing was in flat bottomed boats due to the shallowness of the bay.
The first one design class was called the Flapper
which was a 12ft cat rigged boat. The bay was
dredged after World War II and a new clubhouse
was built in 1948. Since those days Mission Bay
Yacht club has been successful at fostering small
(Continued on page 3)
Our Mission
MBYC exists
to perpetuate Corinthian Yachting
and the Sportsmanship
and Fellowship Incident Thereto. / 858-488-0501
MBYC members organized a kayak paddle for the July full Moon.
Vice Commodore’s Comments
by Van Barr
Best Fourth of July ever!! Well maybe, it
was very good at the club and members availed
themselves of the sand, sun, music and food
offered by our great staff. Parking did not become
a problem and the lot never filled up. This, due in
large part, to Jason and staff moving
Lasers to provide for overflow. And gate
security. Great job all!!!
The Catalina Cruise will be
underway when this is being read. This
annual summer event is evident by the
barren look of the docks. Many boats
missing for first week of August and
last week of July. An MBYC Tradition dating back
to the early seventies. Hopefully boaters going
for a week or three will be considerate and park
some distance from the walkway as a courtesy
to members not going. And one vehicle if at all
possible. We have regatta’s scheduled.
The expected completion of the manager roof
by the end of July hit a snag with the reality of three
hatched seagull chicks living on the roof. We had
to defer that project until the chicks-two made itleft the nest. That has happened and we now expect
the roof to be done soon. No date set as yet.
Three of 2016 lease requirements have been
met. The fourth requirement, replacement of
damaged, unsafe, crumbing pilings, has been
funded with a scheduled start date of November 1,
2016. The year end scheduling is through our busy
time. The unknown permit process could flow into
next year as a plus for some budget considerations.
Jason is arranging a meeting with the city lease
representative to discuss our plan going forward
with Bodrero and Main Clubhouse
requirements. Being smart and doing
things in the right order make sense.
Security has been at a heightened
level this past month with some breakins and ransacking of boats at our
docks. Some theft has been reported.
The security personnel have been on the
dock overnight and challenging people. Many of
our boat owners have said they had been asked-and
that is a VERY GOOD THING!!! This means
all of us should be looking at who is on our docks.
What is your member number??? That is a simple
and reasonable question. Let’s be vigilant!
A message to all members, social and boat
owner’s, new members and long time members.
Dock carts are for all to use, to the beach or to
your dry stored boat or to your wet stored boat,
or to your car. Use and return is the policy. Empty
the cart and return to the cart corral. Carts left on
the beach, on the dock, in the parking lot do not
get returned automatically-someone has to do it.
Be considerate, there are only so many for all of
us to share.
by Chuck Weber, John Row, and Bob Hammond
It’s that time of year again. Plan to join us
for Monday Night Football this year and another
season of great fun and fabulous food. We have
sixteen evenings scheduled this season at the club,
beginning on September 12th, and each will be
filled with great food, fun, and entertainment.
Dinner will be available during the evening. As
usual, we will have a full service bar with the best
drinks in town, and some of the elite teams in the
NFL will have multiple appearances.
We begin with a double header on September
12th with the Pittsburgh Steelers at Washington
Redskins at 4:10 P.M., followed by the Los Angeles
Rams at San Francisco 49ers at 7:10 P.M.
New this year the Club’s Galley will be
providing dinner. It will follow the recipe we have
used in the past seasons with one meal choice.
We plan to keep the cost at only $5.00 for these
fabulous meals. Club members are volunteering to
provide the deserts for the Monday night games.
There are still dates open and available and you
are encouraged to get involved and have some
fun. Please contact Chuck Weber, John Row, or
Bob Hammond, if you would like to get on the
schedule to provide dessert.
Spend Monday nights with your friends at
the Club, beginning on September 12th. For the
remainder of the games on the schedule Game
time is 5:40. We’ll see you there!
Rear Commodore’s Comments
by Jeneé Gillam-Ray
The weather was spectacular for Fourth
of July weekend. The best news is that despite
a packed club all weekend, we only had one moment where it looked as though we would be out
of parking spaces with the overflow lot full. I spoke
to many people who said that they carpooled with
family and limited themselves to one vehicle per
family. The galley and bar hit record highs for the
4th! Thanks to Steve Cooper for lining up great
entertainment for the weekend as well.
We expect that the club will be busy all summer. Your best bet for a parking place is to arrive early
and carpool if you can. We have many regattas and
popular events planned. Junior Sabot nationals will
take place in early August. The energy will be electric
with Sabot sailors from all over competing in this annual event. Come down and watch the races from the
clubhouse deck. On the heels of the Sabot Nationals
comes the Sears, Bemis and Smythe (single, double
and triple handed) US Sailing Junior Championships. These are big prestigious events for our junior
sailors and MBYC is excited and proud to be the local host!
By the time this Mainstay is delivered in August,
the Catalina Cruise will be over and we’ll
be counting the days until next year. This
will be my family’s 19th consecutive summer cruise to Catalina with the club. I am
so excited that many of our new members
will be taking the voyage. This is such a
fun event with many activities scheduled
for those who want to participate. I can’t
wait to get on the hook and just relax!
The MBYC Board of Directors has been working diligently to assure that we are spending money
wisely and keeping up with our lease obligations and
maintaining our club facilities in tip top shape. We
have had unexpected expenditures, therefore we are
continuously evaluating our priority list to assure
that we stay within budget. Sound mitigation for
the bar is a top priority and I am hopeful that this
item will be crossed off the list by before the printing
of the August Mainstay. Please report maintenance
issues to club management immediately
so that they can be informed and address
the problem.
The Butler Invitational Regatta has
been rescheduled for Sept. 3rd. Follow
the link to obtain further information: Trophies will be presented at
Oceanside Yacht Club following the
race. I understand that they have planned a great
post-race party! The following day, Sept. 4th, the
Oceanside to Southwestern race will be held. Trophies for the return race will be held at Southwestern Yacht Club on Sept. 5th.
Fleet’s Captain Report
by Matt Hopps
There is no question that summer is in full
swing. The club is full of members enjoying
the racing, boating, picnicking, and just plain
hanging out. Jason and the staff have been busy
keeping the place running smoothly, and doing
a good job.
Speaking of running smoothly I
have to hand it to the Fleet Captains.
I was unable to host a meeting this
month, despite that the Fleet Captains
keep things marching along. There
have been a number of events that have
been well staffed by the responsible
fleet. TNTs are running smoothly and without
issue. We are very fortunate to have a great group
of leaders at MBYC and I personally thank them
for their efforts and dedication.
Speaking of events we have a couple of large
junior events coming up that should be of interest.
The 2016 Junior Sabot National
Championship Regatta is being hosted by
MBYC August 1 -3. There will be over 120
participants sailing in the boat that we have all
come to love. Being a three day event, rather
than the traditional four day event, means a little
less disruption to the general club calendar. No
FNT this year due to this regatta.
The 2016 Chubb U.S. Junior Championship
is being hosted here at MBYC August 11-15. This
will be the first time that MBYC has hosted all
three championships (Sears Cup, Bemis Trophy,
and Smythe Trophy). Very exciting and also a
very big task with both bay and ocean
courses to run. This is a big event and
will showcase our ability to run major
US Sailing events. The Lightening
Fleet has graciously offered to support
the Sears Cup through the use of their
boats. Thank you Lightnings!
This year I am excited to
announce that the Soling Fleet will be
supporting the Club Championship. It will be a
good challenge for the dingy sailors to adapt to
keelboat racing. Grant Williams will once again
be the PRO, we are in good hands.
Here is to everyone enjoying the rest of
their summer.
Lidos start a recent TNT.
Entertainment News
by Steve Cooper
Summer is in full swing, and the club if the
place to be! People from all over the world come
to San Diego to vacation. And at MBYC it is even
better, with available parking, a fantastic location,
great facilities and entertainment. So come on
down and enjoy the food, go out and
play on the bay, have a drink and enjoy
life from the deck overlooking the bay.
The Fourth of July weekend
was a lot of fun at the club. We had
5 bands performing right up to the
Sea World fireworks on Monday. The
bands included: We Kinda Music (steel
drums), Stilettos
Stilettos,, Homesick Hitchers,
Hitchers, Blue Rockit
and Lifted Tack.
On July 9th the Ladies Group coordinated
a special Saturday night party that included live
music, raffle prizes and jewelry sales. The dance
floor was packed as everyone enjoyed a beautiful
evening of fun.
Next up is our annual Luau party on
Saturday August 20th. We will have live music in
the afternoon followed by Hawaiian
dancers including the fire dancer
starting at 7:30pm. Be sure to plan
ahead for this special evening.
Then it is on to September, which
starts off with the Labor Day 3-day
weekend. The club will have live music
each day. Monday Night Football also
starts back up on Labor Day with special club
events planned for the new season.
So, enjoy the summer. It will be winding
down before you know it.
(Commodore’s Comments continued from page 2)
boat racing for all ages in a variety of classes.
One Design Racing is a very important
part of who we are. We have a lot of active
one design fleets including ; Finn, 505, Laser,
Lido 14, Lightning, MC Scow, Snipe, Soling,
Naples Sabot, Thistle, and Victory. Our Junior Sailors are competitive in Sabots, Lasers,
C420, CFJ, 29er, multiple catamaran classes
and Snipes. Our Cruising Fleet consists of
both power and sailboat and makes trips to
Catalina Island and neighboring bays every
year. We host a lot races ranging from our
“TNT” or “Thursday Night Thing” races on
Thursday evening in the summer to National
and World Championships.
The friendly members, casual clubhouse,
private beach coupled with tons of club social
events make it a wonderful place to be.
TNT’s = Thursday Night Things: It’s
been a fun season so far. I have enjoyed sailing on Lightning’s with the teams and hope
you all will come down to the club. The food’s
been amazing and the libation and social atmosphere best in class as always. Don’t let the
season get by without taking advantage of the
40+ year tradition!
Adding events: I would love to hear from
all of you on additional events. Of course we
continue to add to a full calendar sailing events
of local, regional, national, and world types. I
am considering adding additional ‘Commodore Sunday Brunches’ to continue to blend
and utilize the club appropriately. Thoughts?
Love to hear them…
Those going out on the Catalina Cruise =
As a reminder = Please be safe, enjoy
the club and remember to keep a close eye on
your children.
39th Annual Racing Moved to Labor Day Weekend
Mission Bay to Oceanside to
Southwestern Yacht Club Races
Butler Invitational Race
Hosts: MBYC & OYC
Saturday • Sept 3rd
Trophies Presented at OYC on Saturday Evening, Sept 3rd
Oceanside to Southwestern Race
Hosts: OYC & SWYC
Sunday • Sept 4th
Trophies Presented at SWYC on Monday, Sept 5th
Harbor Entrance Dredging is underway and will be completed shortly
Register for Saturday at MBYC • Register for Sunday at SWYC
PHRFSD Championship Races •For more information contact:
Jenee’ Gillam-Ray (MBYC) at six one nine-992-6889 • Dan Avina (OYC) at seven six zero-994-5966 • Peter Blake (SWYC) six one nine-301-2794
RC News
by Gene Ratliffe
Summer is going quickly with lots of great events behind us already;
Lightning Districts, All Girl Sail Jam, bay races, the Lynch, the Area J Sears
qualifier, and plenty of TNT’s.
And we’ve got a few biggies in August; Junior Sabot
Nationals, US Sailing Junior Championships, the MBYC One
Design Regatta, and the Victory Nationals.
Dave, Chris and the junior families are hard at work making
the Junior Sabot Nationals a success. My attention is now 100%
on the US Sailing Junior Championships. There are a few unique
aspects to this regatta including;
• Housing the visiting competitors, visiting judges and US
Sailing PRO’s (thank you Tami and Melinda)
• Logging all the registrations and forms and answering questions
from the athletes (thank you Darnelle)
• Getting the Lightning fleet ready to go for the Sears Cup (thank
you Merlin and the entire Lightning Fleet)
• Pulling off a great Area J qualifier for Sears Cup (thank you Doc and
Andrea Caroe for PRO, Chris for dock master duty, baby Wright
for waiting another week to arrive, and all the RC volunteers who
answered my last minute calls)
• Planning Breakfast, Lunch and Special Dinners (thank you Jason,
Alex and Javier)
This event is a biggie but all our hard work will ensure a great event. The
regatta runs August 11-14 and I hope by the time you are reading this you’ve
signed up to help and so we’ll see you at the club!
Right after Junior Championships is the One Design Regatta. As in
past years we have a race course planned for the ocean and the bay. Each fleet
needs to pick a venue and get all their members to sign up. I’ve
even promised a bottle of wine to the fleet captain who’s fleet has
the largest turnout. This year the regatta coincides with the Luau
so I hope all fleets will also plan to stay for the party. Tickets for
the Luau and entry for the regatta are separate but information on
both are at and also you should have already seen flyers
in the emails from the office.
On the training front; I would like to do another job shadow
day. Are you interested in learning more about being on Race Committee?
Send me a note at [email protected] and we’ll plan a race day that
works for you. This way we’ll be able to design a day that matches your
specific level and interest.
Thank you again for all the support, we could not have such an
incredible schedule without a lot of active members.
Port Captain Report
by Bill Sweeney
by David White, Jr.
Needless to say, summer time at the Club is awesome – and crazy. The
back dock and dry storage areas are being used more than I can recall over
recent years. The weather has been perfect. The membership has grown with
great participation from the rookie class. Most of the boats in the club are
being used – as they should. There are a few neglected
boats that are getting their much-needed attention.
Please take the necessary time and make the effort to
keep your vessels ship-shape. This is our club and each
of us should be proud to show off our fleet – wet and
dry. All in all, we are having a very good summer.
With the heavy use of the Club’s resources it
is important that we all understand and respect the
clearly defined rules of the Club as published annually
in the MBYC Membership Directory. It is important to point out again
that jumping off the pier is strictly prohibited. The hoist is used regularly for
putting vessels in and out of the water. It may not be used as a swing or toy for
jumping or swimming from. Yes, we have had a few young members repeatedly
abusing the hoist. Rest assured it has not been tolerated.
For the many of you that have paid to be on the Active and Inactive West
and Dry storage waiting lists, the current lists are available in the front office
for your review. The lists are dynamic and constantly being updated. The club
is close to 100% capacity so please understand the process and extend the club
your sincerest patience. There is no magic time estimate and it could weeks
or years before you are called. We are accommodating as many requests as
possible, so some of you should be quite happy.
All of MBYC should extend a special “thank you” to Robert Henderson
and Nick Muller for their outstanding efforts in managing our dry stored boats,
kayaks, SUPs and lockers. Both of them have spent tireless hours supporting a
growing demand for storage space with absolute respect and professionalism.
They have done and are doing a great job! Enjoy the rest of the summer.
Adult Sailing Classes
Mission Bay Yacht Club has developed an Adult
Sailing program designed to meet your needs. Our
coaches are US Sailing certified and we have
classes to suit your busy schedule.
Our program recognizes that not everyone wants to
be the next America’s Cup skipper, and we offer a
range of classes and coaching to suit everyone from
the beginning sailor to the advanced racer.
Our coaches are happy to explain each class level
and help you select from the range of available
classes. Call us, email, or stop by MBYC to ask
questions. We welcome your interest.
Classes run on the last Saturday of every month
from 12 pm to 4pm and the cost is $50 per person.
Reserve your spot with the Junior Sailing Office
today by calling 858.488.0121 or emailing us at
[email protected]
(24hr cancellation policy)
Here we are in August, some of our kids are back in School, in my own
case my youngest daughter, Sarah, is heading away for college this month.
We really enjoyed the many traditions that come in July: Independent’s Day,
the meetings and busy back dock traffic as many prepared their respective
yachts for the Catalina Trip, and then, of course, the actual Catalina Trip!
Every sailor at MBYC knows that our Catalina Trip starts on the last week of
July and goes through the first week of August. Some of our members make
the first week some the second, and some (which is my family situation)
make it for the entire two weeks.
There are many new faces on the beach of MBYC this year. I know,
because the Board of Directors made it a priority to make this happen. I am
proud to report that through the month of July we have 56 new members!
While there is no argument that the reduced initiation fee made it easier
for many to make their decision to join, it was our membership and staff
that made MBYC the club to choose. More than 98% of those who joined
this year, already had good friends that were members here. So, as the
Membership Chairman, I want to thank all of you for getting the word
out and bringing your friends and family to MBYC. At the end of July, it
was a Board decision to end our half year promotion and so therefore, the
initiation fee is back to its normal $2,500.
Junior Parents: If your child is enjoying the club and you would like
to spend more time at MBYC participating in our many boating an social
activities, you still have until the end of September to join at the discounted
rate of $1,250 (1/2 price of our normal initiation fee). Please inquire at the
office about membership or visit our website for more information. Junior
Flag Member initiation is only $300 (if you are between the ages of 21
through 29).
For all of our new Members, we have calendared an “Orientation” next
month, September 17, with the time to be determined. At this meeting we
will formally introduce you to the Commodore and his Board of Director’s
and each will be prepared to explain their responsibilities and new members
will be able to ask those pressing questions.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (619) 3131423 or email [email protected]
Jr. Secretary Report
by Cassandra Shand
Summer is in full swing and we are busy! At the US Women’s Double
Handed Championship, Megan Lansdale placed 3rd in racing a 420 with
Tanner Chapko. In the Summer Gold Cup, Ben Conroy placed 6th in C3,
followed by Jack Colyer in 16th. Marcus Hall came in 14th in the B fleet,
Sean Ross came in 28th in C1, and Shane Tillson came in 7th in C2. At the
U12 Sabot II South qualifier, Shane Tillson placed 4th followed by Garret
Henderson who placed 7th, with many of our younger sabot sailors competing
for a chance to qualify for the Sabot 2 Championship soon to follow. At the
High Sierra Regatta, Treat Bedford raced Snipes with his dad to come in 3rd
and Marianna Shand came in 3rd in Laser Radials. The juniors have kicked off
a packed summer this year with many qualifier regattas up and down the coast.
Junior Coordinator Report
by Dave Tillson
What a fun and busy summer for the
juniors!! Our summer program has been full all
season long and we’ve had a great response to the
new adventure sailing classes in the
O’Pen Bics. One month to go and it’s
going to be a big one!
We recently had three juniors
travel to Newport, Rhode Island for
the 29er National Championships. At
the end of the event, all three stood
on the podium with Ryan Ratliffe
and Sam Merson taking home the title and Ian
Brill finishing third. These three are all off to the
Netherlands for the 29er World Championships,
good luck team MBYC!!
A bit closer to home, we had six juniors
attend the Junior Olympic Festival at the
California Yacht Club. Congratulations to James
Ozaki for his second place finish in the Laser
Full Rig class and Marcus Huttunen for finishing
fourth in the Laser Radial class. This team is part
of our new Laser program led by Doug Hart and
you can bet we’ll be hearing a lot more about this
program. A huge thanks to Doug Hart for leading
this team and building our Laser program.
Our Sabot sailing team has been busy as
well, there are too many regattas to report on,
but we’ve represented MBYC at Sabot Family
Scramble, Newport Gold Cup, Sabot II’s, Dick
Sweet Team Race, Joe Sabot, and
the Dutch Shoe Marathon. This
year we saw team Krebs, Colin and
Eric, get their names on the 52 year
old Apache Perpetual (Sabot Family
Scramble) Trophy.
For those who aren’t familiar
with the Dutch Shoe Marathon, it
is a 7.2 mile race from SDYC, all the way down
San Diego bay to CYC. This year saw 160 boats
compete and 29 of those were from MBYC. Both
junior and adult sailors participate in this regatta,
fun for the whole family!! Team MBYC finished
strong! In B fleet we had Marianna Shand place
1st and Marcus Hall in 4th. In C Fleet we had
Shane Tillson in 3rd, Cole Tillson in 5th and
Sean Ross in 9th. Don Bedford was the top
MBYC sailor in the Senior Division with a 10th.
August is going to be a big month for the
junior program, starting things off with sabot
nationals and then the US Sailing Junior National
Championships will be less than two weeks later.
See you out on the water!
The Newport Gold Cup was a fun Junior event.
Secretary Treasurer Report
by Bill Kenney
We have been examining and approving
several projects for this year and the upcoming
years. Some of them are quite large with
respect to their commitments. Thankfully,
the Club financials and accounts
look exceptionally healthy, and the
projections moving forward are
favorable for the viability of the Club
and the future projects.
I need to give a huge shout out to
our staff for an excellent Fourth of July
weekend. This was one of our busiest
weekends of the year and there were no issues of
significance to tarnish the celebrations. In fact, it
was probably the most profitable weekend for the
Club in a very long time.
As the editor of the Mainstay
Mainstay,, I wanted
to take this opportunity to revisit the past few
issues. This publication is about Mission Bay
Yacht Club and its membership, and we’ve had
three exceptional stories happen this year. Caleb
Paine, Briana Provancha, and Ryan Porteous
were selected to the US Olympic Sailing Team.
These individuals started their sailing careers in
the Junior program here at MBYC and now they
will be competing in the 2016 Olympic Games in
Rio this coming month. When stories
like these occur it makes creating the
Mainstay much easier to produce.
Having the resources of the US Sailing
team is a huge benefit. We’ve been able
to enjoy some excellent journalism and
photography all thanks to the support
these athletes get from US Sailing.
So we have 3 reasons to be extra excited and
supportive of the upcoming Olympics. Be sure to
follow along when you are able, and root for your
favorite sailors in their events. Remember where
they got started in sailing, and support our Junior
program and the coaches whenever possible.
The child you help today might someday be
representing us, our yacht club, and our country
at the highest levels of competition. Go team!
couple windward/leeward courses and then did
a Trapezoid, when the breeze picked up. It was a
lot of fun and by the end of the day we were in
Going into the last day we knew we had to
stay ahead of the third place boat because of how
close the points were. We only ended up doing
one race on the last day because it was light and
the wind was shifting a lot. The last and only race
that day was very light and coming out of the
opposite direction it had been coming from the
whole week. Tanner and I saw more wind on the
left side of the course and rounded second at the
top mark. We made the mistake of gybing shortly
Tanner Chapko & Megan Lansdale place 3rd overall in the
2016 U.S. Junior Women’s Doublehanded Championship
for the Ida Lewis Trophy at Bay Waveland Yacht Club, Bay St. Louis, MS
Megan submitted this report.
During the week of July 5-10, 29 teams of
girls in Club 420s gathered at Bay Waveland Yacht
Club in Mississippi to compete in the 2016 US
Junior Women’s Doublehanded Championship
for the Ida Lewis Trophy. This was the last Ida
Lewis I would be able to compete in but I was
very excited to be able to travel and sail near the
Mississippi River with some of my closest friends.
The first two days were clinic days with
coaches that US Sailing had provided for us. These
gave us some exposure to the venue before the
regatta started and proved to be very informative.
The coaches gave us some great tips that would
later help us in the regatta. Tanner and I were put
into the top group out of the three, and we knew
we would have to step it up to be competitive. We
placed well in the practice races and even won a
few of the drills.
When the first race day came, we knew we
were ready. Tanner and I were very excited for the
first day of racing since we had done so well on
the practice days. We learned during the practice
days that the wind would shift right throughout
the day and that it would die off and then pick up
again. Our first race was pretty good and put us
in a good position to do well. We went right and
knew that we would be in the top 10 rounding
the mark. The second race, we changed it up a
little bit because we thought we saw something
on the left side of the course. It ended up not
working out as well as we thought it would, but
we still managed to do well that race. The last
race of the day was very stressful. We started at
the boat and immediately tacked out to go right.
Tanner and I were winning the race by a lot, but
then we got flagged by the judges and had to spin.
We managed to claw our way back into fourth
and have a solid finish.
The second day of racing was very important
for us. We knew which boats we had to beat and
which boats we had to stay ahead of. We were in
a good position to get top three and knew we
were very capable of doing so. We had learned
many lessons the first day and applied those the
second day to improve our position. We did a
after and ended up getting jumped by the whole
fleet and lost a couple of boats. The boat that was
in third going into the last day they moved up to
second and we then moved into third overall.
Tanner and I are very proud of how we did
in the regatta. We had a goal of top 5 and we
achieved that goal by placing 3rd. We took away
a lot of information that we could use to build
and improve off of and we made some amazing
new friends. We never would have had this
opportunity to place this well if it had not been
for our amazing coaches here in San Diego and
for our parents who constantly encouraged us
achieve our goals. I recommend this regatta to all
female doublehanded sailors as it is an amazing
opportunity to improve your racing skills and
make new friends that will last a lifetime.
Photos by Judy Tillson
5:00 PM
9:00 AM Bridge
10:00 AM
Seagulls (B)
6:00 PM Dinner
7:00 PM Flt.
Capt. Mtg. (B)
6:00 PM TNT
6:00 PM Jr.
Parents' Mgt.
Catalina Cruise
6:30 PM Sr.
Sabot Flt. Mtg.
Junior Sabot Nationals PRO Betts
9:00 AM
6:30 PM Jr. Bd.
9:00 AM
Scrapbooking (F)
5:00 PM XXTNT's
Sr. Sabots
12:00 PM
August Series
1-3/3/bay RC/
Sunfish/Vi ctory
Sears, Bemis,
9:00 AM
5:00 PM
9:00 AM
PRO D.Caroe;
Hck/Rcr-bay PRO
5:00 PM
12:00 PM August S hort
Courses 1-5/5/bay
1:00 PM Weber Party (P)
4:00 PM Wild Party (P)
Victory Nationals/ocean
RC/T histle PRO Hart
2:00 PM
Peppers' Party
1:00 PM Sink
Party (P)
9:00 AM
5:00 PM
9:00 AM Bridge
10:00 AM
Seagulls (B)
6:00 PM Dinner
7:00 PM Bd.
Mtg. (M)
6:00 PM TNT
7:00 PM Power
Flt. Mtg. (M)
6:00 PM Bunco
Sears, Bemis, Smythe US Sailing Jr Champs
9:00 AM Bridge
For more info about
Wednesday Bridge
9:00 AM Bridge
10:00 AM
Seagulls (B)
6:00 PM Dinner
6:00 PM TNT
10:00 AM
Seagulls (B)
6:00 PM TNT
9:00 AM Bridge
For more info about
Wednesday Bridge
Jul 2016
3 4 5 6 7 8
10 11 12 13 14 15
17 18 19 20 21 22
24 25 26 27 28 29
PRO D.Caroe;
Hck/Rcr-bay PRO
11:00 AM
Newton Party
12:00 PM Racing
-Single Handed
6:00 PM Dinner
RC/Thistle PRO
7:00 PM RCr
Flt. Mtg. (M)
6:00 PM Luau
Sep 2016
4 5 6 7 8
11 12 13 14 15
18 19 20 21 22
25 26 27 28 29
7 8
14 15
21 22
28 29
Aug 2016
2 3 4
9 10 11
16 17 18
23 24 25
30 31
12:00 PM Sept.
Series 1-3/3/bay
Oct 2016
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31
5:30 PM
Monday Night
Football (B)
5:00 PM
7:00 PM Flt.
Capt. Mtg. (B)
10:00 AM
Seagulls (B)
6:00 PM Dinner
Butler Inv
6:00 PM TNT
6:00 PM Jr.
Parents' Mgt.
PRO Williams
6:30 PM Sr.
Sabot Flt. Mtg.
9:00 AM Bridge
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
Seagulls (B)
6:00 PM Dinner
7:00 PM Power
Flt. Mtg. (M)
11:00 AM
Annual Dat at the
Bay (P)
3:00 PM Crane
Party (M) (D)
5:30 PM Thursday
Night Football (B)
Labor Day
9:00 AM
Patriot Day
RC/505/Finn PRO
5:30 PM
Monday Night
Football (B)
6:00 PM Bunco
5:30 PM
Monday Night
Football (B)
RC/505/Finn PRO
9:00 AM Bridge
7:00 PM Bd.
Mtg. (M)
6:30 PM Jr. Bd.
Mtg. & Jr.
Parents' Mtg.
For more info about
Wednesday Bridge
5:00 PM Weber
Party (D)
Ve ts Summe r
Sports Clinic
12:00 PM Sept.
Short Courses
RC/Soling PRO
5:30 PM
Monday Night
Football (B)
9:00 AM
Scrapbooking (F)
10:00 AM
Seagulls (B)
5:30 PM Thursday
Night Football (B)
11:00 AM -2:00 PM
Moon Wedding (D)
12:00 PM
Henry Picnic (P)
4:00 PM Endless
Summer and Chili
Cookoff (P)
6:00 PM Dinner
6:00 PM Dinner (M)
12:00 PM Racing -Single
Handed Classes
7:00 PM RCr Flt. Mtg. (M)
5:30 PM Thursday
Night Football (B)
Finn Masters/ocean
RC/Soling PRO Williams
9:00 AM Bridge
For more info about
Wednesday Bridge
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
Seagulls (B)
11:30 AM Ladies Lunch (M)
10:00 A M Se agulls
Soling PCCs/ocean
RC/505/Finn PRO
5:00 PM Ladwig Party (P)
Ve ts Summe r
Sports Clinic
7:00 AM Henry
Retreat (F)
9:00 AM
Scrapbooking (F)
Ve ts Summe r
Sports Clinic
9:00 AM Bridge
Ve ts Summe r
Sports Clinic
6:30 PM Keys/Fretwell Party
Finn Masters/ocean
RC/Soling PRO Williams
Vets Sum m er S ports
3:00 PM Shear
Party (P)
6:00 PM Dinner
5:30 PM Thursday
Night Football (B)
Multihull Musings
by Bob Sherman
MBYC was represented at the Formula-18 Catamaran European
Championships by Steve Stroebel and Matt Morris held July 8 – 13 in Brest,
France. Of the fifty entries, twelve European countries were represented plus
one boat from the US and one from Argentina. The regatta consisted of
fourteen around the buoy races using a windward/leeward twice around
with a blast reach to an angled finish line. The final
race was a long distance 25 nautical mile race sailed in
zero to 22 knots of wind and Steve/Matt’s top speed
was 23.5 mph. The venue was within the Brest bay
which has large tidal swings of 15 feet so the resulant
current was a key factor in race strategy. The starting
lines were particularily difficult because the current
was always pushing boats upwind over the line.
The Belgium team that won the regatta was also the winner of the 2015
Cata Cup at St Bart. They were followed with a very strong showing by
the Netherlands who took 2nd and 3rd place. Steve and Matt placed 15th
with four finishes in the top ten (3rd, 4th, 5th and 9th) but two black flag
premature start disqualifications and a poor showing in the long distance
race hindered their overall placement. Following the final race the entire
F-18 fleet paraded through the Brest Harbor along with many tall ships in
celebration of Brest Week which is held every four years. Steve and Matt will
continue campaigning their F-18 in Europe with six more regattas to go.
Steve Stroebel and Matt Morris competing in the
2016 Formula-18 Catamaran European Championships
Lightning Strikes
by Merlin Green
For the first of the July bay-series races the Lightnings had Race
Committee, a big thanks to everyone that helped. For the second Bay
Series race the Lightnings had six boats out; Bob Martin, Larry Schmitz
and Scott Finkboner were the top three finishers. August 11-14 MBYC
is hosting the Sears Cup which will be sailed in Lightnings. We are busy
getting prepared for this event. At the end of June MBYC hosted the area J
(southern CA) qualifiers, we had seven teams down for that event, CBYC
was the winner. Diego, Max and Marianna sailed very well representing
MBYC. Lastly, good luck to Scott Finkboner who will be traveling to
Rochester NY for the Lightning NA’s.
Racing Cruising
by Bill Black
By the time this publication hits your main box the Catalina
Cruise will be half over. I am sure there will be plenty of good stories
returning to the club. We wish everyone a “Safe Trip” home.
We have a couple of events on our fleet radar; the first one is
the upcoming One-Design Regatta August 20th & 21st , the Racing
Cruising Fleet is responsible for the “Inside: or
“Bay” Race-Committee duties (this Regatta is
racing both Inside the Bay and Outside in the
Ocean). Please let me know if you can help with
this Regatta we need volunteers. The second
event is famous Endless Summer / Chili CookOff held Saturday September 17th. This is a great
event with great chili… Mark your calendar for
both events.
The Racing Cruising Fleet has had a great summer, the weather has
been great and the drinks from the bar have been cold.
See you at the Club!
Sabot Scene
by Rod Innes
The MBYC clubhouse deck is undoubtedly one of the finest alfresco
dining venues in San Diego. On July 1 the sabot fleet took full advantage
of this fabulous location to start the July 4th weekend celebration with
a potluck dinner. This was our normal fleet meeting night but with a
celebratory vibe. Jim Whitcraft did the honors at the barbecue, cooking
perfectly prepared burgers and brats. Members
stepped up to provide a plethora of delicious side
dishes and treats. It was a wonderfully balmy San
Diego evening for all to enjoy. We had a great
turnout and even signed up a new member bringing
our roster up to 47. All of these folks realize that
the Sabot fleet is the most fun with many exciting
events throughout the year.
The Tuesday XXTNT races continue with
Dave Eberhardt doing his usual expert job running the show. This year
he has been getting help on the Barca with volunteers assisting each
week. On June 14 Serena Hanby was the capable assistant. Also on that
fateful day the unthinkable happened. Scott Finkboner finished second
in several of the races. Yes, a guest racer, Diego Escobar, won several of
the races and might have won the whole enchilada if he had not been
OCS several times.
On June 21 Scott was on the Barca helping Dave wile the others
drifted with almost no wind through a shortened event. Diego Escobar
was the winner followed by Serena Hanby, Dan Gravatt, Donna Collins,
Ruth Jones, Carol Pearson and Gary Pearson.
By the time you read this, the Sabot Family Scramble will be history.
A large fleet of juniors and seniors will have competed in individual and
combined classes. A multitude of trophies will have been awarded and
all will have enjoyed ice cream afterward. If you missed it this year, be
sure to put a note on your calendar to look for this fabulous event in the
summer of 2017.
Laser Beam
by Rob Bayliss
Ahhh, Summer. Longer and warmer days.
Lots of outdoor grilling. And, of course, school
vacations. Who doesn’t thirst for that time when
the little school-aged cherubs wander
aimlessly around the house 24 x 7?
Maybe some of you are as blessed as I
am to have every sandy-haired little
cretin in the neighborhood using
your house as unpaid day-care as they
show up at 7:30 am and proceed to
torture the cat, shove their pudgy little
fingers in the wall sockets and chant
incessantly “I’M BOOOORRRRRED” and
paradise found.
Now, we need to resist our natural temptation
to be selfish and bask in this perfect situation. It’s
not about us. We need to encourage the kids to
go out and do something outside the house. And
what is more natural than getting them to learn
to sail?
So given that sailing is the natural choice,
the next step is to resolve the issue of what they
should sail. And for that answer, we should
contemplate this question - What Would Jesus
Sail? Well, dear reader, the answer is as simple as
it is obvious. Drum roll. American Idol pause. A
LASER! It’s settled science and theological fact.
It’s common sense. Any of you WWJS deniers
are doomed to a life or ignorance and
will be labeled a “flat earther”, a witch
or (worse still) a smoker.
This summer activity not only gives
the future of America a new skill, it will
also set them up for better prospects in
life. I have it under good authority that
the next “Most Interesting Person In the
World” is going to come from the Laser
fleet ( Jesus gave me the skinny on that…I know
it could be regarded as insider-trading but what
the hell).
Just in case any of you smokers are still not
sold on the Laser being the only rational choice
of boat (witch!), let’s consider this – the youth of
today have so much to worry about, what with
all the challenges in life such as keeping up with
the Kardashians (let alone knowing who is who
and what sex they are this week) and maintaining
their presence on Snapchat
Snapchat,, Twitter
Twitter,, Facebook
Facebook,, &
the FBI Most Wanted List. The poor darlings
don’t have enough bandwidth to learn lots of
new confusing terms. That’s where the Laser
Power Fleet
makes things simpler for them so they can still
concentrate on Pok
Pokéémon thingies.
For example:
• Port and Starboard – no need to know
about these any more. Since Jesus is in our
fleet, Lasers ALWAYS have right of way
(are you paying attention, Multihulls???).
• Bow and Stern – these are only terms
used to impress someone that you are of
salty stock. But, since Lasers are single
handed, there’s no one on the boat to
impress. These words are useless.
• Shrouds and Stays – Lasers don’t have
them and so worrying about them will
only add clutter to your head.
• Spreaders – these only have a use in open
heart surgery. Since there are no shrouds,
there is no need for spreaders. And as
Laser spokesman Jesus will attest to,
making a stick look like a T can have very
unpleasant results.
So now I have guaranteed that the youth of
America has a far better future to due to Lasers,
my work is done. Toodle-whom!
An outrigger crosses a TNT
finish line with a Thistle.
by Weston Anson
The Power Fleet had our monthly meeting on
Friday July 8, which is the last meeting prior to the
upcoming annual cruise to Catalina which starts
on July 25. Every year the Racing Cruising Fleet
coordinates a two-week trip to Catalina, supported
by the Power Fleet. Together we will all venture in to
Two Harbors for 15 days of fun and parties, and some
serious fishing and diving. We anticipate that roughly
30 boats from the two fleets will be participating.
At the meeting, Hugh Vanderspek and the
Power Fleet announced that Dave Tillson will be
representing the Power Fleet in racing for the club
championship, sailing in a Soling. We’re looking
forward to Dave bringing back a trophy and the
rights to park in the front premium space for the next
Also, in the spirit of public service that MBYC
always displays, we’ll be helping Art Athans pitch in
to help the City of San Diego Therapeutic Services
Department provide a summer camp outing for
developmentally disabled children. The City’s Park
and Recreation Division will be hosting an event
on July 20, and the club, under the direction of Art,
will plan a beach event for these wonderful kids that
day. Our needs right now are for more children’s life
jackets, volunteers from the Power Fleet, and tandem
kayaks so that we can take more kids out for paddling
around the bay. As always, volunteers from the Power
Fleet came forward to help out on this special day.
We had an unusual occurrence in handing out
our monthly Good Guy Award and the “Oops”
Award -- Van Barr managed to win both awards in
the same month! It seems that he was chivalrous in
rigging a special boat to help his wife Kris get from
their boat into her kayak for which the Good Guy
Award was deservedly given. However, on an earlier
test run, Van tried using the rope to get into his
kayak. Unfortunately, he forgot to tie off the rope
securely and went tumbling head first into the water.
Congratulations Van, you are the first in my memory
to win both awards in one month.
Finally, a note to all Fleet Members: There will
be no meeting in August due to the Catalina cruise.
We will convene in September.
Photos by Judy Tillson & Edna Johnson
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Lido Lines
Sunfish Bites
by Jenn Rohr
by Paul Henkart
The Lido 14 Fleet had RC duty during the July
7th TNT. It was a great Thursday night for some
sailing, and it was fun to watch the action from the
Tower. My job was to raise a flag if a boat went over
the line early, but all the Fleets had smooth starts so
I didn’t have to do anything but watch the action.
The Fleet has been actively participating in
TNT’s and Sunday racing. There have been some
new boats on the line with us, which always makes
things exciting. The Fleet is hosting its first “Switch
the Crew” event. Crew will set off with a different
skipper for a change of pace; we’ll let you know
how it goes in the next issue.
We will have a first-hand account of the recent
Lido 14 National Championships in the next
Mainstay. Two boats from our Fleet made the trek
to Oregon--Kent Foster with crew Pam Fairley and
Roger Hinton with crew Anne. I’m sure they had
quite an adventure. And mark your calendars for
our Fall Regatta, happening right here in Mission
Bay over the weekend of October 15-16.
Late July and all of August are busy
Sunfishing times. July 24 is/was a monthly
Single Handed races and July 31 is/was club
short course races.
August 7 is our last official race committee
obligation for the year.
August 20-21 is the One Design
Regatta which is also used as the West
Region Sunfish Championship.
The MBYC Sunfish Fleet
Championship is on August 27 as
part of the monthly Single Handed
races. The person who qualifies as
winner will represent the Sunfish
Fleet at the Club Championship on September
3 (in Solings). We hope to have six races with
one throw out. The representative must have
sailed in at least three MBYC Sunfish events in
the past twelve months and must have served on
at least one Sunfish race committee obligation
in the past 12 months. The eligible racing events
One Design Regatta
Mission Bay Yacht Club
August 20-21, 2016
Two Courses – Fleet Choice
Ocean & Bay
NOR and Registration now online
Discount for early entry
Post Racing Food and
Entertainment at the MBYC Luau
Luau tickets sold separately – see office
for details
are MBYC Single Handed races, Short Course
races, SCYA regatta, and One Design Regatta.
Just in - The Pan American Committee
confirmed the Sunfish will be the “Open
Class,” meaning men and women may compete
singlehandedly together in 2019 in
Lima, Peru. This decision affirms
the committee’s cooperative belief
that this boat is the best choice for
the Pan American countries for
the 6th Olympic cycle. (Pan Am
games precede the Olympics a year
in advance 1999, 2003, 2007, 2011,
2015, *2019*). The International
Class Association and friends made a compelling
argument to support this decision including the
versatility Sunfish: 1) present for adults of a
wide range in size, 2) while being popular and
well raced with Juniors, Youths and Adults on
a level par Internationally in the region and
Europe (Holland, Italy, and France).
Lasers start a recent TNT.
Scow Scuttle
by Nils Andersson
Half of the summer season is gone but we still have lots of
sailing to do. The month of August racing starts with the TNT
on the 4th, the August Series on the 7th,
TNT again on the 11th and the 18th. After that we’ll sail the One Design Regatta
on the 20th and 21st. On the 27th is the
Singlehanded Regatta and on the 28th we
sail Short Courses.
The TNT’s have been dominated by
Howard Macken beating out Ev Meade
and Keith Sternal. Personally I have been on the disabled list because of my knee. I’m not alone to be out of rotating, however,
I’ll do my best to attend the One Design Regatta.
On July 14th the fleet had R/C duty. The following volunteers helped out for a very successful event: Brian Anderson,
Charlie Hochart, Tim and Diana Bentley, Keith Sternal, Howard Macken, Dale Bull and myself.
Handicap Helper
by Wil Blozan
The Lynch was held on Saturday, June 25, 2016. It was a beautiful day,
but the turnout was light. We had only four boats enter, two Solings and
two Capri 22s. Both Solings finished ahead of the Capris, with Ryan Castro
finishing more than 10 minutes ahead of Ken Wild. However, with revised
handicapping ratings in place, Ken was adjusted 5 minutes ahead of Ryan.
Clearly, our handicapping ratings play a critical role at our club and
we will continue to review them during the rest of the year. A new
question for me is whether we should use the same ratings both inside and outside. If outside conditions are more represented by the
Portsmith analysis of US Sailing then perhaps we use those numbers for the Lynch. We can then better optimize our local ratings
for Mission Bay conditions.
We also had seven multihulls start, though that tends to be a
low turnout for what has probably become our most active fleet at the club.
Unfortunately three cats dropped out. Lars Linder dropped out of the race,
Sten Sorensen was scored DNF after not being able to find the finish line, and
Jeff Collins Retired After Finish because he was under weight for his class,
sailing alone.
Some of you may read this while this year’s group of boats are still at Two
Harbors for the annual trip to Catalina. Later this month the Handicap and
Racer/Cruiser fleets have race committee for an annual One Design Regatta,
which will be both inside and outside. That means we need a lot of support
boats on the water, and that means we need you out on the water helping out.
The dates are August 20-21. Please put this on your calendar. Our two PROs are
Andrea Caroe and Randy Carper. The NOR was drafted and is being finalized
by Gene Ratliffe. We had great participation in the last month’s early
summer TNT participation. We had five race days in addition to the
Lynch. We averaged over 8 boats per race. There were sixteen different fleets and 16 different skippers participating. Plus there were
two one design classes with a single boat that were scored alone in
their native fleet even though it is probable that they started with us.
Fleets included Capri 22, CFJ, Catalina 25, Catalina 42, Eriscon 30,
Hobie 33, Paceship 23, Santana 20, Sonoma 30, T-Bird, and T590.
One design fleets included a CFJ, a Finn, a Formula 18, a Soling, and a Thistle.
Skippers were Matt Bones, Josh Dean, Doug Diepholz, Kyle Henehan,
Scott Hoffman, Rod Innes, David Kobrinetz, Josh Lippit, Dave Love, Richard Noe, Greg Retkowski, Bob Ruane, Danny Sabin, George Samuels, Brian
Vanderspek, and Chris Wright.
The best part of summer is usually August through October, so get yourselves out on the water!
Ladies Group
by Lisa Coffman
Many thanks to those of you who joined the ladies group for the
Cruisin’’’ through Summer event. It was a huge success and the event raised
over $800 which will be used to sponsor events or other needs at the club.
So many people to thank who helped make this event such a success: Muppy
Haigler and Lisa Coffman for donating raffle items, Vickie Brady for the
lovely silent auction baskets, Britta Perry for her creative talent with decorating, the Entertainment committee for picking up the cost of the band, and
Richard Samuels who entertained us with his dance music.
The International Order of the Blue Gavel Auxiliary had tables set up at
the Cruisin’ through Summer event. Thank you to those who supported this
organization with purchases of jewelry. Proceeds from the fundraiser go to
benefit ElderHelp of San Diego. ElderHelp of San Diego is a non-profit organization which provides personalized services and information that help
senior remain independent and live with dignity in their own homes. You
can find out more at
The ladies group also had a collection box set up at the club for donations of cleaning products and personal grooming items to support the
Warrior Foundation Freedom Station. These donations were given to the
recovering military personnel who are housed at the Freedom Station. The
donations also go to support hospitalized military personnel. You can find
out more about the Warrior Foundation at
Our next ladies event will be held at 10 am on Saturday, September
24th. This will be a fun, social event starting with a morning paddle to be followed by lunch. Please let us know if you have any SUPs, kayaks, or canoes
that you would be willing to let the ladies group use. Or perhaps someone
with a Duff y might be available to give Duff y rides to some of the ladies.
Contact Vickie Brady at 619-370-2332 if you can help us get the ladies out
on the water.
for inquiries contact [email protected]
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Detailing • Custom Maintenance Programs • Project Management
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Rancho Santa Fe Office
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MAINSTAY is on the web at
Garrett Henderson and Shane Tillson competed at the Sabot II Championship at Bahia Corinthian YC on July 20, 2016,
with Coach Jimmer Montgomery keeping the kids on track. Photo by Barb Tillson.