Cancers du sein, Gènes facteurs prédictifs et facteurs pronostics ?
Cancers du sein, Gènes facteurs prédictifs et facteurs pronostics ?
From bio-guided to personalized oncology Rafii A Département de chirurgie Gynécologique, université de montpellier Department of Genetic Medicine, WCMC • NO CONFLICT OF INTEREST Personalized genomic based medicine Diagnostic • Breast and ovarian cancer: BRCA • Colon Cancer: HNPCC • Endometrial Cancer: Lynch • • • THERAPEUTIQUE • • • Hormone receptor: SERM, anti-aromatase Her2 amplification and herceptin, KRAS in colorecta cancer: cetumximab, pamitumumab EGFR mutation or amplification in NSCLC: EGFR inhibitor BRAF in melanoma Bcr-abl: Glivec Predictive Factors: Improving treatment choice Pronostic factors: Treating less patients What informations do we obtain ? Chromosome abnormalities of the specimen biopsied The mutational profile of the tumor biopsied BIOLOGY Gene expressed by the tumor at a specific timepoint Principle 1: The signaling pathways implicated in survival and progression are regulated by genomic, genetic and epigenetic alterations Direct target Herceptin Driver vs passenger mutation Indirect target From Garraway L. JCO PARP Inhibitor Colon Melanoma Pancreas Ras CDKN2A PI3K CDK inhibitor PI3K targeted From L Garraway Principle 2: Agents targeting the common pathway disrupted in cancers are available • In 2004: 11 targeted therapies from 4 categoriesenter clinical trials • IN2012: 15 FDA approval, 150 are in trials For the first time biology matches therapeutics From L Garraway Principle 3 : technology matches clinical timeframe FAST RUN In house computational biologists Ovary 70% of N- patients and 40 to 50% of N+ are cured by chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Most of them will recieve hormonal therapy or chemotherapy. Breast cancer and genomic Selected genes Estrogen ER PR Bcl2 SCUBE2 -BCL2 : antiapoptotique / induite par ER+ -Scube 2 : angiogénèse ?invasion ? Proliferation HER2 Invasion Ki-67 STK15 Survivin Cyclin B1 MYBL2 GRB7 HER2 Stromelysin 3 Cathepsin L2 -STK15 = Aurora A kinase, ser/thr K phase G2-> M -Survivin : anti apoptotique -Cyclin B: cycle -MYBL2 : FT interagit Rb, en amont cyclin A Others CD68 GSTM1 BAG1 -GRB7 : prot adaptatrice domaine SH2 -Stromelysin MMProtéinase -Cathepsin L2 : protéinase Refernce Beta-actin GAPDH RPLPO GUS TFRC -CD68 : fixation sélectine / Scavenger receptors -BAG1: proteosomal protein, apoptose ? -Gluthathione-Stransferase Mu1 : métab/ détox housekeeping Etude d’impact décisionnel SWITCH • Multicentric prospective trial • Objectives: mesure the impact of Oncotype Dx on therapeutic decision sin patinents ER+, HER2- Gligorov et al, ASCO 2012. Genetic profiling • 46 years old women • Past medical history of sarcoma at 24 Years • Breast IDC, 2 CM, Classical approach • Lumpectomy, sentinel node Personalized approach • Emergency sequencing • Germline p53 mutation • Bilateral mastectomy, sentinel node and Immediate reconstruction When should we evaluate the familal risk? •3 or more breast cancers •1 breast cancer associated to I ovarian cancer 1 breast cancer ine a man Bilateral breast cancer or under 40 • 1 breast cancer< 35 ans or triple neg <50 or medullaire, 1 ovarian adenocarcinoma< 60 RPC St-Paul 2011 When should we evaluate the familail risk? Weird cases? 100+ Risque Cumulé (%) BRCA1+ 80+ 60+ 40+ Cancer ovarien 20+ Sporadique+ 0+ 20+ 30+ 40+ 50+ 60+ 70+ Age MC King ASCO 2008 Breast cancer and genomic Situations Cliniques Présent Risk/ early diagnostics BRCA 1, 2…. Localized cancer Expression Prediciting response to therapy (Chemo) Futur GWAS* Epigénomix Profiling Cell Free DNA NGS Advanced Cancer CTCs ctDNA (*) Genome-wide association study : Etudes pan-génomique NGS characterization of tumor Circos Plot P1, Difference Data Lymph node-Ovary Lymph node-Peritoneum Why should I be interested by this? A" Genome"Targeted"A,"B,"C"," D…."Z" A"Vs"B" A’" B’" C’" Phase"1" Randomised"to"…………personalized" Integration of clinical context Genomic analysis based on the clinical context Biology based contextualized treatment ICARE Feedback system DYNACT