Understanding the Online UK Retail Consumer
Understanding the Online UK Retail Consumer
Understanding the Online UK Retail Consumer An analysis of path to purchase trends in the behaviour of UK online retail shoppers Mark Riseley Google EMEA Market Insights October 2008 Google Confidential and Proprietary Example Data Stream for one User User ID xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx Day from first search 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 … Search / Site Category G Research BMRO MCRetailer MCRetailer G MCRetailer MCRetailer Research Price_Comparison Online_Retailer BMPO BMPO Online_Retailer Price_Comparison Online_Retailer Online_Retailer BMPO Online_Retailer Online_Retailer BMAQ Price_Comparison BORO Online_Retailer Price_Comparison Online_Retailer Price_Comparison Online_Retailer G G Manufacturer Manufacturer Online_Retailer G Research …………. Event Description top ten laptops pcworld.com pc world pcworld.co.uk pcworld.co.uk best laptops pcworld.co.uk pcworld.co.uk pcadvisor.co.uk kelkoo.co.uk* amazon.co.uk acer aspire 5920 acer aspire 5920 amazon.co.uk kelkoo.co.uk* amazon.co.uk amazon.co.uk acer aspire 5920 pixmania.com pixmania.com advent laptops kelkoo.co.uk* amazon amazon.co.uk bizrate.co.uk amazon.co.uk bizrate.co.uk ebuyer.com top ten laptops best laptops dell.com dell.com amazon.co.uk best laptops pcworld.com ………….. Event type Computers_Search Computers_Other_Visit Computers_Search Computers_Compset_Visit Computers_Research_Visit Computers_Search Computers_Compset_Visit Computers_Research_Visit Computers_Other_Visit Computers_Other_Visit Computers_Compset_Visit Computers_Search Computers_Search Computers_Compset_Visit Computers_Other_Visit Computers_Compset_Visit Computers_Research_Visit Computers_Search Computers_Other_Visit Computers_Other_Visit Computers_Search Computers_Other_Visit Computers_Search Computers_Compset_Visit Computers_Other_Visit Computers_Compset_Visit Computers_Research_Visit Computers_Compset_Visit Computers_Search Computers_Search Computers_Compset_Visit Computers_Research_Visit Computers_Compset_Visit Computers_Search Computers_Other_Visit etc Google Confidential and Proprietary 2 Set of Sites where Conversions were Tracked Clothing Category Mobile Phones Computers Additionsdirect.co.uk Carphonewarehouse.com Apple.com Empirestores.co.uk Phones4u.co.uk Dell.com Freemans.com Dialaphone.co.uk Comet.co.uk GreatUniversal.com Mobilefun.co.uk Currys.co.uk Kays.com o2.co.uk Dixons.co.uk Littlewoods.com Orange.co.uk PCWorld.co.uk Next.co.uk Three.co.uk Tesco.com ASOS.com T-mobile.co.uk Amazon.co.uk Virgin mobile Dabs.com Vodafone.co.uk Ebuyer.com Google Confidential and Proprietary 3 6% of the UK online population conducted a clothing search and purchased online in Q4 2007 Total UK Population 15+ 49m (100%) Total UK Online Population 15+ 33m (67%) Total UK Online retail traffic 15+ 30m (61%) Total UK Online clothing Purchasers 15+ 2.0m (4%) 4% of Total UK Population conducted a clothing search and went on to purchase clothes from a competitive set of apparel retailers in Q4 2007 Competitive set of sites: additionsdirect.co.uk, asos.com, empirestores.co.uk, freemans.com, greatuniversal.com, kays.com, littlewoods.com, next.co.uk Source: comScore custom analysis- UK Population, Q4 2007; ONS population estimates; ClothingSearch = keyword search from defined list of 3,500+ clothing related search terms Google Confidential and Proprietary 4 Next reaches most clothing converters Volume of clothing converters who visit leading sites Chart explanation notes: Among people who converted at any of the competitive set of sites (store locator or online purchase), a projected 543,676 visited asos.com at some point in the research process Purchases & research tracked at a leading set of clothing retailers’ websites – Next, ASOS, Freemans, Great Universal, Empire Direct, Additions Direct, Kays, Littlewoods Source: comScore custom analysis- UK Population, Q4 2007; Clothing searches in Q4 2007 time aligned and monitored over 12 week period from first search Google Confidential and Proprietary 5 4.3m conversion events resulted from 26.3m competitive set visits and 24.3m searches Purchases & research tracked at a leading set of clothing retailers’ websites – Next, ASOS, Freemans, Great Universal, Empire Direct, Additions Direct, Kays, Littlewoods Source: comScore custom analysis- UK Population, Q4 2007; Clothing searches in Q4 2007 time aligned and monitored over 12 week period from first search Google Confidential and Proprietary 6 Conversion Types Per Category Online Purchase Computers Store Locator 7% 93% Mobile Phones 67% Clothing 33% 90% 0% 10% 20% 30% Source: comScore custom analysis- UK Population, 15+ Home and Work Q4-2007 activity 40% 50% 10% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Google Confidential and Proprietary 7 A quarter of clothing searches were generic terms Share of UK Clothing Search Activity Branded Searches Q4 2007 – Clothing Researchers Source: comScore custom analysis- UK Population, 15+ Home and Work ClothingSearch = keyword search from defined list of 3,500+ clothing related search terms Google Confidential and Proprietary 8 Search referrals dominate other visit referrals, although most competitive visits/conversions have no direct referral Share of referrals to sites in given category by type – Q4 2007 35% 44% 35% 53% 40% 55% 12% 16% 10% Competitive set Visit Referalls Other Visit Referalls Competitive set Conversion Referrals Direct Referral No Direct Referral Source: comScore custom analysis- UK Population, 15+ Home and Work ClothingSearch = keyword search from defined list of 3,500+ clothing related search terms Search Referral Google Confidential and Proprietary 9 Search volume is highest on day 1, and decreases fairly rapidly over the next few weeks; with a further peak in week 4 Search Volume by Week from first search – Total Researchers 24.2m searches Time from First Search Source: comScore custom analysis- UK Population, Q4 2007; Clothing searches in Q4 2007 time aligned and monitored over 12 week period from first search Google Confidential and Proprietary 10 Traffic volume is highest during the first few weeks after initial search, and decreases fairly rapidly over proceeding weeks Volume of visits by Week from first search – Clothing Researchers 26.2m visits Time from First Search Source: comScore custom analysis- UK Population, Q4 2007; Clothing searches in Q4 2007 time aligned and monitored over 12 week period from first search Google Confidential and Proprietary 11 On average, clothing shoppers did 11.7 searches prior to converting, and 20% do more than 15 Share of Clothing converters by number of searches conducted per converter (nb average of 2 conversions per converter in the observation period) 11.7 searches per converter on average Chart explanation notes: 15% of converters do only a single search before conversion, 20% do more than 15 searches during research Number of clothing searches per converter Purchases & research tracked at a leading set of clothing retailers’ websites – Next, ASOS, Freemans, Great Universal, Empire Direct, Additions Direct, Kays, Littlewoods Source: comScore custom analysis- UK Population, Q4 2007; Clothing searches in Q4 2007 time aligned and monitored over 12 week period from first search Google Confidential and Proprietary 12 71% of clothing conversions include at least one generic search term Proportion of conversions with generic search terms Clothing 71% Mobile Phones Computers Proportion Transactions with at least one Generic Search 44% 12% Purchases & research tracked at a leading set of clothing retailers’ websites – Next, ASOS, Freemans, Great Universal, Empire Direct, Additions Direct, Kays, Littlewoods Source: comScore custom analysis- UK Population, Q4 2007; Clothing searches in Q4 2007 time aligned and monitored over 12 week period from first search Google Confidential and Proprietary 13 Clothing Case Study – I know what I want Searches From “Next” to purchase at Next in 57 days First Search Purchase Next Next next topshop next boots Shoes and boots Uggs Uggs Flat boots Dolcis Littlewoods Visits Next InStyle Top Shop asos La Redoute Day 0 Next next Shoes and boots Pricerunner Uggs Ankle boots Shoes Fly London boots boots Miss Sixty topshop Boots oli.co.uk asos Littlewoods Bizrate Next Kelkoo Dorothy Perkins Next Day 1 Day 7 Day 13 Next Next Next Kids boots Additions Direct asos Additions Direct Top Shop Topshop Next Next Next Next Shopping.com Top Shop Day 21 Day 22 Day 35 Day 40 Day 49 Day 57 Google Confidential and Proprietary 14 Computer Case Study – “Coloured or cheap?” Searches From “PC World” to purchase at ebuyer in 66 days First Search Purchase PC World eBuyer PC World DealTime.co.uk Visits laptops Cheap laptops PCWorld.co.uk Dell PCWorld.co.uk Dell currys Tablet PC World laptops toshiba portege m400-11h Dell PC World Pink laptop Coloured laptop Amazon Shopping.com eBay computers Comet.co.uk Day 0 Day 15 Day 22 Pixmania Kelkoo Dixons.co.uk eBay computers Pixmania Misco Currys Bizrate Amazon Bizrate MicroDirect Dell Lenovo Toshiba Day 26 Day 30 Day 37 laptops laptops Coloured laptops Pink laptops comet Comet.co.uk Currys.co.uk PCWorld.co.uk PCWorld.co.uk ebuyer Sony Style Dell Nextag Day 43 Day 47 Dell eBay computers PCWorld.co.uk PriceRunner ebuyer Pixmania Day 48Day 62 Day 66 Google Confidential and Proprietary 15 Mobile Phone Case Study – Model to Operator Searches From “nokia 6500” to conversion at orange.co.uk in 52 days First Search Conversion Nokia 6500 Orange Free texting iPhone Samsung Free texting Free texting g600 Orange Nokia Nokia 6500 o2 Phone 4 U Free texting Free texting Visits Orange o2 o2 o2 Phones 4 U t3 Money Mobile fun Supermarket Apple Dialaphone Bizrate Vodafone Apple Apple Day 10 Which o2 o2 Day 0 Day 6 Day 8 Nokia Phones LG Viewty phones 4U reviews Orange Carphone Warehouse o2 Stuff.tv Ciao Orange Nokia o2 Bizrate Carphone Warehouse Phones 4U Orange Orange Day 12 Day 18 Day 21 Day 27 Day 36 Day 38 Day 49 Day 52 Google Confidential and Proprietary 16 Only 40% of clothing purchasers visited the site on which they purchased from on their first day of research Proportion of purchasers who visited the site they eventually purchased from on the first day of research Source: comScore custom analysis- UK Population, Q4 2007; Clothing searches in Q4 2007 time aligned and monitored over 12 week period from first search Google Confidential and Proprietary 17 30% of online clothing shoppers start their journey with generic terms Share of Total Clothing Conversions by First Search Term Purchases & research tracked at a leading set of clothing retailers’ websites – Next, ASOS, Freemans, Great Universal, Empire Direct, Additions Direct, Kays, Littlewoods Source: comScore custom analysis- UK Population, Q4 2007; Clothing searches in Q4 2007 time aligned and monitored over 12 week period from first search Google Confidential and Proprietary 18 Of all clothing purchases resulting from three or more searches, 73% of first searches are branded Share of searches - all purchases resulting from three or more searches 60% of purchases result from more than two searches Purchases & research tracked at a leading set of clothing retailers’ websites – Next, ASOS, Freemans, Great Universal, Empire Direct, Additions Direct, Kays, Littlewoods Source: comScore custom analysis- UK Population, Q4 2007; Clothing searches in Q4 2007 time aligned and monitored over 12 week period from first search Google Confidential and Proprietary 19 62% of online clothing purchases begin and end with a branded search Share of Online clothing purchases by first search / last search combinations 33% of purchases start and end with brand terms, and include a generic term in between 5% of purchases start and end with generic terms, and include a brand term in between Purchases & research tracked at a leading set of clothing retailers’ websites – Next, ASOS, Freemans, Great Universal, Empire Direct, Additions Direct, Kays, Littlewoods Source: comScore custom analysis- UK Population, Q4 2007; Clothing searches in Q4 2007 time aligned and monitored over 12 week period from first search Google Confidential and Proprietary 20 58% of clothing purchases occur after 30 days or more, compared to 45% of searches Share of Online clothing conversions vs searches made by those converting 45% Searches Time from First Search Share of conversions Search Volumes 58% Conversions 36 days on average between first search and purchase Purchases & research tracked at a leading set of clothing retailers’ websites – Next, ASOS, Freemans, Great Universal, Empire Direct, Additions Direct, Kays, Littlewoods Source: comScore custom analysis- UK Population, Q4 2007; Clothing searches in Q4 2007 time aligned and monitored over 12 week period from first search Google Confidential and Proprietary 21 Clothing conversion after first search referral 11x conversion on first search referral Proportion of clothing searchers who convert on initial click through compared to proportion who convert at a later time 34.9% of first search referral visits result in an online conversion at the same site at some point 31.9% of first search referral visits result in an online conversion at the same site some time after the first search referral 3.0% of first search referral visits result in an online conversion in the same session First Search Referral Subsequent Visit Total Conversion 37 days - average time between first visit to site of purchase and last recorded conversion Purchases & research tracked at a leading set of clothing retailers’ websites – Next, ASOS, Freemans, Great Universal, Empire Direct, Additions Direct, Kays, Littlewoods Source: comScore custom analysis- UK Population, Q4 2007; Clothing searches in Q4 2007 time aligned and monitored over 12 week period from first search Google Confidential and Proprietary 22 Comparing behaviour in different product categories Clothing Computers Mobile Phones Searches per conversion 5.7 5.0 4.7 Site visits per conversion 11.9 12.6 9.4 % conversions with a generic search during research 71% 12% 44% % of online purchasers making >1 purchase 45% 16% 28% % converting beyond 30 days from first search 58% 47% 42% % of conversions that happened on first search referral v later visit 9% 15% 19% % of total site visits on converting site 34% 22% Metric 23% Google Confidential and Proprietary 23