•42D89SEe024 1 3 MUSSY L AKE 010 DIAMOND DRILLING AREA: REPORT NO: MUSSY LAKE WORK PERFORMED FOR: RECORDED HOLDER: : 13 International Maple Leaf Res. Corp Same as above Other [xx] [ ] Claim No. Hole No. Footage Date 641980 ML-88-06 550' Dec/88 (D 641954 ML-88-11 280' Jan/88 (D 641957 ML-88-12 350' Jan/88 (D 643958 ML-88-13 350' Jan/88 (D 643960 ML-88-14 184' Jan/88 (D NOTES: (1) #W8804.229, filed in Sept/88 Note f T N — 2^-3 26*305 • ML-S7-9 1350' 3 6^-1938 180' 23S- -323 323— ^—- -363 i s - TB ; 641952 ! 1 i TB 64!95i i T i 1 ' 42*303 t k V!L-~37— *? ' i i SSM ; 641954 1 l SSM 6^1957 ; ' : ; i [ - i i : l /' i j \ r ;' i l ! i : ; ; ,' i ' /i : ' : 350' ; ' '30* ; - ; 363— ! i 1 j it i ' 1 - i i i t Mli-37-i 350' - "BO" -45' - /' SSM 6^1958 i r-; ; —--——S. 4^ ; ? ! 483- i i -45' ,i j ; : -*——— ^ ; ; /arxssovT : ^ ^* 1 SSM 641955 5 ^-^ :j ^ ^ '•fc' CO CO N —I -I -i * ^1 : j 5 •^J ! ; : ^ NJ 5 . ^ ; CP CD -J ; ' —' : : —! : : : T*J 5 '^) ^) . -J ^! i ! , l . \ i——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————~—————————. ^ GOLDEN TRIO MINERALS LTD. 5 -*M , rm.- MAPLE: LEAF PROJECT ^ * ^* ( lO - DURHAM GECLOGiCAL SERVICES INC. -I j l \ DDH LOCATION MAP *** '^-! : Duff: c eb. '388 ! A-awj- C.G. ^rs- | Approvta j Arote- "'^^CO' j /^.- l f CJ! re CO re IX re co CD CO CD CO re ^. re O CO CO CO CO CO L 28 W IV L 24 W L 20 W o to L 24 W -l—t- H CD H CD CD 4^ CD OJ -^ CD CD O CO CD CD L 20 W CD CD .^ CD 4^ CO CD CJr CO CD L 16 W CD L 16 W OD CD OJ L [2 W L 12 W - cc - -s' l OD L 8 W L 6 W O CO w CD CO t i OJ ro CO re CO CO re O CO 'I ro CO CD CO CO l DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC. ftf: GOLDEN TRIO MINERALS LTD. rm.- MAPLE LEAF PROJECT DDH LOCATION MAP " '~ TJ*U fzrv r.i^'p* 1 xZ-*'!''"*'* '** rt OuiiiJ"*.Lii u LvLwUi^L Wh.iiV.vCi lit O- Box 734 TiMMiNS. C NTAnlO P4N 7G2 DIAMOND DRILL HOLE LOG HOLE JTUM3E?.: PROJECT: D-7l LOCATION: A?ZA: ML-87-6 L100E l 46-20S Mussy Lake Area AZI^-TH: 000 CLAIM 1TJK3ZR: 641980 DI?: \ ' CORE SIZE: -50" BQ DA,TE: December 10-13, 1987 DRILLED 3Yt Falcon Drilling CASING: 5' LOGGED 3Y: ' B. Murphy CORE STORED AT Marathon ACID TEST -47 0 @ 550' OBJECTIVE: I-P- Anomaly PAGE DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC DIAMOND DRILL HOLE LOG FOOTAGZ ROCK TYPE AND DESCRIPTION To From 0.0 5.0 Casing 5.0 20. 7 Mafic Volcanic 1 Core Vo Angle Sulfo Axis ; nhidss Number SAMPLE From To DDb Ag DDJ71 | | Weakly carbonitized ANALYTICAL RESULT Pb As Zn Cu Dom com D3m com Au l j -fine grained medium green massive mafic volcanic. \ Lencfh (ft) . - 1 Trace disseminated pyrite 27.3 20.7 1 l 1 moderate foliation @ 30 0 j | Intermediate Intrusive | -light grey white fine grained | | | 1 1 1 1 i carbonitized intermediate intrusive \ flecks of biotite (1-2mm) in a carb.i plag. - "amohibole matrix-well rich inclusions near contacts -sharp upper contact 2 50 0 -sharp but irregular lower contact 27.3 50.0 Mafic Volcanic -fine grained medium green massive mafic volcanic. Minor ( <'\%) c arb. veinlets.- occasional biotite bands l Trace pyrite smeared in fractured pla les -weakly foliated @ 45 0 29.8-31.3- intermediate intrusive as l above (20.7-27.3) contacts @ 55-60 0 i ~ PAGE 3 DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC. DIAMOND DRILL HOLE LOG FOOTAGE From To 69.8 195.3 Mafic Volcanic tors Vo Angle Sulto Axi s nhides Numfasl30 0 Tr. 8084 -fine grained medium green massive 30 0 ROCK TYPE AMD DESCRIPTION Tr. mafic volcanic. -locally carbonitized SAMPLE From Length (ft) To ANAL YTfCAL Pb As Dam Dom Au DDb RESUL T Zn Cu Dom Dom Ag DDtn 8085 | 1 i frequent minor qtz and qtz carb veinlets j l Trace cpy, po associated with veinlets l i vein selveges frequently 98.3-101.2- milky white qtz vein with " i II li 20?; wall rock- upper contact @ 30 0 II II trace cpy, po. 141.1-142.3- potassic alteration 150.0-150.6- qtz carb vein @ 30 0 210.3 195.3 Feldspar Phyric Mafic Volcanic -fine grained dark green mafic volcanic with sporatic partially restored l feldspar phenocrysts l l trace cpy on fractured planes 210.3 282.4 r—— j———— —— ft ! l Mafic Volcanic -fine grained medium green massive 45 0 Tr 8086 mafic volcanic- frequent qtz and qtz- i carb. veinlets ( <1%) u sually with e.g. | cleavages bladed amphiboles in a fine grained yellow sericitized matrix l l i l l •" PAGE 2 DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC. DIAMOND DRILL HOLE LOG FOOTAGE From To 50.0 52.7 Core Ve Angle Suli to Axi S' ohtdes Number- ROCK TYPE AND DESCRIPTION Length (ft) To ANAL YT/CAL Pb As DDm DDm Au cob RESUL T Zn Cu DDm com Ag DDm i volcanic- flecks of biotite throughouj . 64.3 From l Altered Mafic Volcanic -sheared and carbonitized mafic 52.7 SAMPLE Mafic volcanic j 1 j j ! i -fine grained medium green mafic i volcanic locally carbonitized -trace disseminated pyrite ( <1%') i 64.3 64.9 Intermediate Intrusive j j | t i i . 1 i -fine grained light grey with amphibole phenocrysts- small angular wall rock fragments- contacts @ 50 0 64.9 67.0 Mafic Volcanic -fine grained medium green mafic 67.0 69.8 1 volcanic- carb, breccia @ lower conta :t Intermediate Intrusive -as above (64.3-64.9) weakly carbonite :ed fine blebs of amphibole and biotite throughout- set in a fine grained jplag-carb groundmass k -sharp irregular contacts P j i 1 1 1 " PAGE 4 DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC. DIAMOND DRILL HOLE LOG FOOTAGE From ROCK TYPE AND DESCR/PT/ON To Core l Vo Angle Sutfo Axi:J chides Number1 SAMPLE From Lengfh (ft) To ANALYTICAL RESULT Pb In As Cu DDm Dom oom DDm Au nob Ag DDm -occasional carbonitized horizons (*C^)0 trace py associated with carb. veinlets f i 282.4 291. 1 270.7-271.0- carb, bands with tr. py. i 272.4-272.7- carb, bands with tr. py. | j [ Mafic Volcanic medium to dark green mafic volcanics ; II clusters of bladed amphibole (dark green) i l i l set in a fine grained medium green mat rix locally gabbroic in texture trace pyrite smeared on 292.2 fractured planes Graphitic Argillite l l l i minor carb, bands and veinlets ( <'\%') 291 . 1 li l | 60 0 15*1; — "' 8089 -black graphitic horizon interflow chemical (?) sediment -^—^~-™^ irregular fine networks of carb and l py veinlets Py 1 5*?;- sharp contact @ *r~ r^ 297.5 292.2 l 60" Altered Mafic Volcanic -fine grained grey-green altered and i l 65 0 j Tr. 8090 65 0 | Tr. 8092 | fractured mafic volcanic. i •" PAGE 5 DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC. FOOTAGE From DIAMOND DRILL HOLE LOG | ROCK TYPE AND DESCR/PT/ON To SAMPLE Core Yo Angle Sulto Axi s ohides Number' From Lengit (ft) To ANALYTICAL RESULT Pb In As Cu DDm com Dom Dam Au nob Ag DDm -very blochy core and pink potassic alteration. Anastomosing qtz-carb l veinlets (1?;) Trace pyrite- moderately carbonitized- foliation @ 65" 297.5 301 . 1 Graphitic Argillite -fine grained black carbonaceous 65 0 J lTr-1% 8093 i argillite.- pyrite on fractured planes l m) l l -l l l -minor carb, veinlets ( <'l%} 301 . 1 338. 1 Phyric Mafic Volcanic -highly fractured and brecciated l feldspar, phyric mafic volcanic. -weakly carbonitized 309.2-309.9 qtz-calcite breccia- trace pyrite 338. 1 338.4 Graphitic Argillite i narrow black intersection of fine green moderately carbonitized mafic volcanic. L" Occasional graphitic cleavage suggest minor graphitic i araillite- possibly bit by grinding | 303.8-343.9- Breccia i | -- PAGE 6 DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC. DIAMOND DRILL HOLE LOG FOOTAGE From To 345. 1 347.0 SAMPLE Core V. l Anal: To to Ax s Dhides ! Nur71De " From 50 0 m j 8094 ROCK TYPE AND DESCRIPT/OH Graphitic Argillite -pyritic graphitic argillite. Pyrite j i l stringers ( l O^k) -minor carb, veining ( <'\%) 347.0 ;379.5 l ANALYTICAL RESULT Pb Zn As Cu DDm ram DOm Dom Au DDb Ag D3m | l i | 1 i - Fine Grained Phyric Mafic Volcanic i-fine L en aiti (ft) i as fine irregular fractures and i l s Sul- L . i i l i i grained occasionaly feldspar 1 l. i i i I phyric, medium green mafic volcanic. i t i ii t ( 1! 1 Plag. phenocrysts usually in clusters i 1 1 1 | Weak foliation @ 40 0 379.5 461.6 Medium to Coarse Grained Mafic Volcanic -medium to fine grained massive medium green mafic volcanic isolated rounded feldspar phenocrysts. 1 1 l Weakly i | i j magnetic j 420.2-421.4- shear zone @ 45 0 with 60? j qtz carb, veining. 461 .6 i - J 1 464.9 64.9 l Trace pyrite Fine Grained Mafic Volcanic -fine grained grey green massive 1 i mafic volcanic sharp contacts @ 60 0 505.5 Medium grained Mafic Volcanic -medium grained creen massive i l j 30 0 f Tr. i ! 8095 j f t i l i l 1 PAGE 7 DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC. DIAMOND DRILL HOLE LOG FOOTAGE From ROCK TYPE AND DESCRIPT/OH To i j To From \ Lencfr (ft) ANALYTICAL Pt; As asm Dcm Au CDb vein @ 30 0 30 0 Tr. Zn l Cu com Ag csrn i cam 30 0 — i l l 8096 8097 i i 465.3-467.8- white qtz vein @ 30 0 ! Trace pyrite on fractures l l J i 479.0-479.2- white qtz vein @ 55 0 hematite staining on fractures 550.0 | i 497.2-497.3- qtz epidote vein @ 50 0 Carbonitized Mafic Volcanic l t l l l | | 1 -fine grained green to grey weakly i Carbonitized mafic volcanic with bull 1 RESULT i veining Trace pyrite on fractures 505.5 SAMPLE mafic volcanic with minor bull qtz. 465.3-467.8- white qtz i Core | y. Angls Sui te Axis' Dhic'es Number qtz veining. 40 0 Moderately foliated @ | l l 511.2-511.4- qtz vein @35 0 - pyritic l | l l | 1 selvage C\* over 2') l 511.9-512.6- qtz vein @ 30 0 l 517.0-520.2- qtz vein @ 30-50 0 1i | becomes strongly foliated and weakly i | seriticized towards base | E. O. H. 550.0' | 1 l i j ~ DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC. DIAMOND DRILL HOLE LOG PROJECT: HOLE NUMBER: D-71 AREA: Mussy Lake Area LOCATION: CLAIM NUMBER: AZIMUTH: 180 641954 CORE SIZE: BQ DIP: -45 DRILLED BY: Falcon Drilling DATE: LOGGED BY: Henry P. Hut ter i CORE STORED AT: OBJECTIVE: Marathon I.P. Target ML-88-11 L80W l 5 0+OOS January 10-12, 1988 CASING:12' LENGTH: 280' ACID TEST: DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES IHC. DIAMOND DRILL UCLE LOG Box 734 ' TIMMINS. ONTARIO P4N7G2 ML-88-11 Footage From 0 12 ROCK TYPE AND DESCRIPTION : To 12 0Xo Core Sul Angle to Axis phides - SAMPLE Number From C AS ING 105.5 CHLORITE SCHIST 17o 8125 - medium to dark green, well foliated, chloritic, moderately 17o 8126 Trace 8127 soft to slightly hard Anclvticc!- Result Length tfeet) To - 1 t - strong carbonate alteration within entire section - slightly harder sections are the result of weak silicifi cation * 4 - i J - several quartz 5, atiart Z-carb veins within section often ; - containing tourmaline, minor sericite and little or no : sulphide ; - quartz veins vary from semi-concordant to crosscutting and " are found at the following intervals: 2.5" @ 18.5', . 3" @ 37.5' , 3" @ 1 4' - - 807o quartz-carb. vein material with sericite @ 69.3-70.5' core becomes slightly silicious down section near the mafic dvke - foliation is 43 0 to C. A. @ 13' and 55 0 to C. A. @ 79' . ; ^ - 1 " 1 1 DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC. DIAMOND DRILL HOLE LOG ML-88-11 Box 734 ' TIMMINS. ONTARIO P4N7G2 Footage From 105. -5 Z- 3 0Xo Core Sul Angle to Axis phides 490 RCCX TYPE AND DESCRIPTION To 106.8 MAFIC DYKE dark green-grey subhedral phenocrysts of hornblende up to SAMR.5 Number From Anclvticc!- Resul* Length Ueet) To l 8128 2-37o 1/16" in diameter within a fine grained dark grey-black i - massive, carbonated matrix - adjacent wallrock is silicified and dark grey-black in cololur - fine 1/16" concordant seams of pyrite noted at margins of dyke - sharp contacts are 49 - dyke contains 2-370 fine pyrite and is slightly magnetic ' * 106.8 - to C. A. 4 205.0 - 500 CHLORITE SCHIST - similar to unit @ 12.0'-105.5' l-27o 8129 - dark greenish grey, .weakly silicified, strong carbonate Trace 8130 17. 8131 Trace 8132 alteration - moderately well developed fol'iation is 50 i i ; to C. A. @ 110' . 1 - several generally barren semiconcordant to crosscutting ,. quartz-sericite veinlets with - tourmaline @ 124.5' (2"), 158.0' (3"), 195' (6"-40O to . C. A.) and 202.0' (3") : f section 122-124' is silicified and moderately sericitic with 170 po and sph noted as whisps and fine concordant bane s - 1 . 1 ' 1 . ' - DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC. Box 734 ' ' - TIMMINS. ONTARIO P4N7G2 ML-88-11 Fcotoqe From DIAMOND DRILL TnCLE LOG 0Xo Core Sul Ang'.a to Axis phides ROCK TYPE AND DESCRIPTION To . SAMR.S Number i Analytical- Result Length Ueet) To From well developed foliation weakens down hole possibly due to weak silicification several 1/8" clots of cpy were observed in a very contortec 3/8" quartz veinlet @ 204' 1 i 205.0 209.0 CHLORITE-BIOTITE SCHIST tions and weak concordant bands within the chlorite schist 8133 2-37. - similar to above unit but with 5- 107- biotite as dissemina- j ' : 50O - - j well carbonated with a few barren quartz stringers f - j - 2-37o pyrite noted in section 1 209.0 280.0 ; CHLORITE SCHIST . - similar to unit @ 106.8-105.0' - moderately well developed foliation is 48 to C. A. @ 265' and 55 0 to C. A. @ 279' 1 | - 1 1 i very minor amounts of sulphide noted 280.0 END OF HOLE . ; f ' . J j ..I'll 1 .1 " 1 i 1 i DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC. DIAMOND DRILL HOLE LOG PROJECT: AREA: HOLE NUMBER: D-71 Mussy Lake Area CLAIM NUMBER: CORE SIZE: 641957 LOCATION: AZIMUTH: L64"W l 42-OOS 180 DIP: -45 0 BQ DRILLED BY: Falcon drilling DATE: LOGGED BY: Henry P. Hut ter i CASING: 10' LENGTH: 350' CORE STORED AT: OBJECTIVE: ML-88-12 Marathon i.p. Anomaly January 14-15, 1988 ACID TEST: 46 ©350' D'JnHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES IN!*, DIAMOND DRILL HOLE LOG ML-88-12 Box 734 TIMMINS. ONTARIO P4N7G2 Foote c e From 0 1 cXo Core SulAncle to Axis ohides RCCK TYPE AND DESCRIPTION To 10 SAMPLE Length Number To From CASING l Analytics!" Res'j * i 1 1 1 10 289.5 CHLORITE-AMPHIBOLITE SCHIST 17o 8137 foliated and relatively soft to mildly silicified Trace 8138 strong pervasive carbonate alteration 1-27, 8139 17, 8140 2-37, 8141 17 8142 within chlorite schist @ 34-56', 86-88', 130-139', 1-27, 8143 142-146', 151-160', 184-201', 219-280' 1-27, 8144 17, 8145 - medium to dark green, weak at times but generally well i i i i i ; composed of chlorite, calcite and variable amounts of hornblende and biotite 1 1 i . - amphibole porphyroblasts up to 1/8" and fine needles f amphibole content varies up to 8070 within these sections J- /o . but is generally less than 507, - b iotite noted within chlorite schist @ 12-27', 61-61.5', 109-111', 123-130', 151-152', 156-159-"-, 171-174', 199-202', and 286-299' - biotite occurs as weak concordant bands and as fine disseminated flakes within the chlorite amphibolite schist ' 9 . - biotite alteration noted to be strongest adjacent to l carbonate veinlets along foliation t1 1 - several narrow semiconcordant quartz-carb-tourmaline veins . II... with minor pyrite l l - i l i DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC. Box 734 TIMMINS. ONTARIO - P4N7G2 Fcctace From y- 4 DIAMOND DRILL HOLE LOG ML-88-12 1 ROCK TYPE AND DESCRIPTION 0Xo Sul phides Core Anc'e to Axis To SAMR.Z. Number From Length To 1 Anc'vticcl- Result i i ; " i i - 4" @ 26.5' @ 60 0 to C. A. - 5" @ 57.0' @ 43 0 to C. A. t - 4" @ 65.5' @ 42 0 to C. A. - 707. quartz material @ 168 .0'-169.0' l-27o pyrite noted often as flakes along foliation planes — section 120' — 123' contains 2-37. py/po mainly as fine | seams in t-1" s emiconcordant quartz-carb. stringers f — amphibolitized sections are generally harder and are , darker grey in colour when amphibole content is high - foliation is 70 O to C. A. @ 12', 50O @ 61 ' , 50O @ 127', 550 @ 200', 600 @ 2 51' 289.5 291.5 65 0 INTERMEDIATE DYKE — sharp crosscutting contacts with upper contact 65 . 8146 2-57, to C. A. - medium grey colour, medium grained, equigranular, relative 1 | 1 II ly hard, massive and non— magnetic ' — composed of quartz, feldspar, biotite and calcite - biotite enrichment in wallrock noted near contacts . - 2-57, pyrite within unit 4 i •|| | - i | DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC. DIAMOND DRILL KCLE LOG Box 734 TIMMINS. ONTARIO P4N7G2 ML-88-12 Footage From 291.6 3-4- ROCK TYPE AND Core Angle to Axis DESCRIPTION To 293.5 0Xo Sulohides SAMR.E Number To - From CHLORITE-AMPHIBOLITE SCHIST Anolvtico!- Result Length Cfeet) . ————.- ^K-^^^^KV—— 17. - silicified, brownish biotite alteration along and cross 8147 cutting the foliation - - medium green-grey, foliated matrix - 17o sulphides 293.5 298.6 INTERMEDIATE DYKE 4 45 0 -similar to unit @ 289.5-291.6 - 1-270 1 - 8148 t - l-27o sulphides noted 9 ' 298.6 350 55 0 CHLORITE-AMPHIBOLITE SCHIST - similar to unit @ 10'-289.5* 17, 8149 - medium to dark green, well foliated except near contact af 17, 8150 l-27o 8151 dyke : - — composed of chlorite, hornblende, calcite and minor 1 biotite — hornblende occurs as subhedral-euHedral dark green-black . - crystals disseminated throughout chlorite schist @ 300-319' . and 330'-350' - 0 - biotite alteration occurs as concordant, generally weak and often discontinuous bands within schist @ 313-319' and - j '•^77 Ztfi'- j - - 1 ' ' ' ~ 1 COBHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES Ifif, Box734 ' TIMMINS. ONTARIO P4N7G2 ML-88-12 Fcotaqe From DIAMOND DRILL TiCLE LOG | ROCK TYPE AND DESCRIPTION Core Angle to Axis To 0Xo Sul phides - SAMPLE Number From To Analytics!" Result Length Ueet) — section 315-317' contains several quartz-carb blebs and seams along foliation (17, py) with strong biotite altera tion noted adjacent to them . - ^ - foliation 55 O to C. A. @ 350' - END OF HOLE ' 350 - Acid Test 46 a @ 350' —*———-~^fc - - * : . * - ' ; - - - 7 . ^ ' ^ l - . ' DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC. DIAMOND DRILL HOLE LOG PROJECT: HOLE NUMBER: D-71 ML-88-13 AREA: Mussy Lake Area LOCATION: L44W~/ 41+40S CLAIM NUMBER: AZIMUTH: CORE SIZE: DRILLED BY: LOGGED BY: 641958 DIP: BQ Falcon Drilling Henry P. Butter i CORE STORED AT: OBJECTIVE: Marathon I.P. Anomaly 180O -45 DATE: January 16-17, 1988 CASING: 5' LENGTH: 350' ACID TEST: 45 0 @ 350' D'JSHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC. DIAMOND DRILL HOLE LOG Box 734 TIMMINS. ONTARIO P4N7G2 ML-88-13 Footage From 0 ROCK TYPE AND DESCRIPTION To ' 5 '/o Sul phides Core Angle to Axis SAMPLr Anclvticcl- Result To - From Number Length Ueet) CASING | 5 12 AMPHIBOLITE DYKE 8152 17, - 1/8" dark green-black, anhedral amphibole oorphvroblasts within a massive matrix consisting of chlorite, quartz, feldspar and lesser calcite - upper contact 40 to C. A. and lower contact is 70 to C. A. 4 - sharp contacts noted - ; i i : - 2" quartz veinlet with trace pyrite 25 O to C. A. @ 9.0' . - non-magnetic 1 12 71 1 CHLORITE SCHIST . - medium to dark green, relatively soft to slightly hard. moderate to strong-ly foliated except near intrusive contact 5 - - - moderate to strong carbonate alteration evident from numerous narrow semiconcordant seams of calcite and quartzcalcite and by strong reaction of matrix material to HC1 - - foliation 52 O to C. A. @ 34' - 9 - : . 1 . - ' - . - ' - DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES !!!C * Box 734 DIAMOND DRILL TnCLE LCX3 TIMMINS. ONTARIO P4N7G2 Footage From ML-88-13 1 RCCX TYPE ANO DESCRIPTION To 71.0' 75.0 0Xo Cere Angle to Axis SAMR.S Sul phides Number 1-27. 8153 From 1 Ancivticc!- Result ! Length Itfeet) To INTERMEDIATE DYKE - medium grey-green, semimassive, hard and fine-medium grained - composed of quartz, plagioclose, chlorite and 10-2070 biotit Q - •\ - with minor calcite - relatively sharp contacts with adjacent wallrock silicified i — 1-27,, pyrote noted as well as minor b-iotite alteration of - adjacent wallrock . . 75.0 99.0 ! - 53 0 SILICIFIED CHLORITE SCHIST - medium to dark green, hard with a moderately good foliation 1 — numerous fine quartz— carb seams along foliation with minor . : py/po — minor biotite alteration within section is associated with 1 - quartz-carb seams - foliation 50O @ 83 ' ---. 99.0 105.5 - INTERMEDIATE DYKE X-2% - similar in character and compositon to dyke @ 71-75' -•— - — fine py/po seams within thin quartz-carb veinlets at contac ts — lower contact 40 to C. A. and sharp li 1 — 1—27™ ovrite noted in section " l . 8154 - 1 - 1 1 l 1 ' - ! 1 t 1 DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES DIAWCNO DRILL T4CLE LOG Box 734 TIMMINS. ONTARIO P4N7G2 Footaqe ML-88-13 1 From To 105.5' 273.5 RCCK TYPE AND DESCRIPTION Core Angla to Axis Number dark green black, fine-medium grained subhedral to euhedral 3-57. 8155 often prismatic hornblende crystals (5-807.) within a mediuir 2-37. 8156 17. 8157 1-27. 8158 strong carbonate alteration evident from numerous fine. 27. 8159 semiconcordant calcite and quartz calcite seams which are 27. 8160 Trace 8161 From Anaivtica!" Resu t To Lsngth Ifeet) CHLORITE-AMPHIBOLITE SCHIST to dark green, fine grained, moderately well foliated. relatively soft to slightly hard, chloritic matrix generally barren of sulphides . SAMR.S Sul phides - 2" quartz-carb veinlet 42 O to C. A. - 1 .140' with 17. pyrite - minor faint biotite alteration noted throughout section - foliation 50 O to C. A. @ 123', 50O @ 155', 52 O @ 226' and 56 0 @ 282' - - darker, silicified section @ 163.0-166' with 2-37. ovrite - - 1 3/4" quartz veinlet 50O to C. A. @ 174.8' * - 2" quartz-epidote-calcite veinlet 35 O to C. A. @ 206.0' with trace pyrite . - 7" quartz-epidote-calcite veinlet with 1-27. py/po, - " - 65 0 to C. A. @ 721.0' 1 . - 807. barren quartz-carb vein material @ 236.6-237.0', 55 0 to C. A. ^ * - 4.5" barren quartz vein @ 279.6-280.0'; 50O to C. A. II - - l fl'JBHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES Ifia DIAMOND DRILL 'HCLE LOG Box 734 TIMMINS. ONTARIO P4N7G2 ML-88-13 Footage From 07o Core Sul Angle phides to Axis ROCK TYPE AND DESCRIPTION To - SAMPLE From Number — fine pyrite seams within ^1" quartz-carb veinlets along To - Analytical- Result Length Ifeet) " ™"————™.HK.^HHM^^H^H^iV foliation @ 258.2 and @ 271.9' 273.5 307.0 - INTERMEDIATE DYKE 8162 2-57* — medium grey-green, fine to medium grained, equigranular, with a faint foliation and relatively hard - composed of quartz, plagioclose, chlorite, i biotite and t - - very minor calcite " t \ l — sharp intrusive contacts , - upper contact 30 to C. A. and lower contact 72 - to C. A. ' — non-magnetic with 2-57, f ine py in matrix j - 5" barren quartz-carb vein @ 305.8-306.3' . 307.0 350.0 : 57 0 ' CHLORITE-AMPHIBOLITE, SCHIST - — relatively hard, dark green, weak to moderate foliation, abundant carbonate in section as before with amphibole not as prominent f - - foliation 57 O @ 348 O •- 9 - . 350.0 END OF HOLE - Acid test l - ' - ~ DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC. DIAMOND DRILL HOLE LOG PROJECT: AREA: HOLE NUMBER: ML-88-14 D-71 Mussy Lake Area CLAIM NUMBER: CORE SIZE: DRILLED BY: LOGGED BY: 641960 BQ Falcon Drilling H.P. Hutteri CORE STORED AT: OBJECTIVE: Marathon I.P. Anomaly LOCATION: AZIMUTH: L24W l 46+20S 180 DIP: -45 DATE: January 17-18, 1988 CASING: 15' LENGTH: 350' HAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC. DIAMOND DRILL T4CLE LCG 8ox734 ' TIMMINS. ONTARIO P4N7G2 ML-88-14 Fcotcqe From 0 1-2, l RCCK TYPE AND DESCRIPTION Core Angla to Axis To ' 15.0 15.0 *Vo Sul phides Number 2-37, 8163 Trace 8164 157. 8165 2-37o 8166 SAMR.E From To Anc'.vtical- Result Length Ueet) CASING 92.0 CHLORITE-AMPHIBOLITE SCHIST - medium to dark greenish-grey, weakly silicified, moderately well foliated, and moderately carbonatized — core becomes dark grey with a high amphibole content and with increasing silicification - - — variable amphibole content 'j — hornblende crystals are anhedral to subhedral and fine . - to medium grained - several irregular quartz-calcite stringers (^V) cut sectio i - quartz-calcite vein @ 33.4-34.0', 60O to C. A. * -4" quartz vein @ 44.0'; 50O to C. A. * - - 1" dirty quartz-calcite stringer with 57, p yrite at 17.0' - - foliation 55 O to C. A. 16.0', 6"0O @ 63.0' and 50O @ 90.0' - 4" to 6" banded pyrite-calcite zone @ 89.0' within a very broken up section of core from 79.5' to 100.0' s ,* - - pyrite within this zone approaches 807* and banding within . it appeared to be near parallel to C. A. -•* . 1 . ' - ' . ' DUflHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC. *. Box 734 DIAMOND DRILL "HOLE LCG TIMMINS. ONTARIO P4N7G2 ML-88-14 Fcotaqe From - 92.0 RCCX TYPE AND DESCRIPTION To 99.0 Core Angle to Axis 07o Sulohidas - SAMPLE Number To From Anclvtica!" Result Length Ueet) SILICIFIED SCHIST - light tan coloured, well foliated and intensely silicified | schist - - very hard and very silicious being cherty in appearance - — few fine crosscutting and concordant pyrite seams — core is verv broken up — 2-37o sulphides overall - foliation 46 O to C. A. @ 96.0' - - i ! * - 257o core lost over section - - 1' diabase dyke @ approximately 97'-98* within silicified l zone 99.0 184.0 DIABASE i * T-2% - 8167 : - dark grey-black, fine-medium grained, equigranular, very - hard, generally massive with few shallow aneled (i" chloritic shears t — very magnetic - - section 153.0-155.0' appears contorted with irregular L*— ^ chloritic seams (1-270 py) and contains an unidentified . . . reddish brown platy mineral 184.0 HOLE ABANDONED 1 . ' " rtepcm t t of Work -_ ~~.-..™-M-—.—*™™..—^™ Jdres* of Hecorded Holde Maple Leaf Resources Corp 13 MUSSY LAKE 900 P.O. Box 10108, Suite 1550, 609 Granville Street, Vancouver, TA.U. V7X 1C6 Summary of Work Performance and Distribution of Credits Contractor: Falcon Drilling Ltd. P. O. Box 578 Prince George, B.C. CO CO Modified JKS 300 Drilling Dates: November 28 to December 19, 1987 January 6, 1988 to January 26, 1988 Total Footage= 6242 feet PILES CO OFFICE APR 19 1 LJiiiiiLifyfe^ E Recorded HoldtLOr Agent (Signature) .l [ March 28/88 Certification Verifying Report of Work l hereby certify that l have * personal and intimate knowledge of the tactt tet forth in the Report of Work annexed hereto, having performed the work or witnessed tame during and/or after It* completion and the annexed report it true. Name and Postal Address of Penon Certifying Henry P. Hutteri Box 734, Timmins, Ontario P4N 7G2 Date Certified March 28/88 Certified by (Signature) Table of Information/Attachments Required by the Mining Recorder Type of Work Specific information per type Other information (Common to 2 or more types) Attachments Manual Work Nil Shaft Sinking, Drifting or other Lateral Work Compressed air, other power driven or mechanical equip. Type of equipment Power Stripping Type of equipment and amount expended. Note: Proof of actual cost must be submitted within 30 days of recording. Diamond or other core drilling Signed core tog showing; footage, diameter of core, number and angfej of holes. [H||a|M||||B|||||BHH|M|J Names and addresses of men who performed manual work /operated equipment, together with dates and hours of employment. Names and addresses of owner or operator together with dates when drilling/stripping done. Klil Work Sketch: these •r* required to show the location and extent of work In relation to the nearest claim post. Work Sketch (as above) In duplicate Nil 60 61 C r 5 6 M i 1 17 3 6 H}eiO r's 6*41 z 2 3 cc ^•6' f C' 6 C; ^: D 25 8^3 66 ^:6 ^6 6-6 ^6 GO GO 60 60 ^O 60 38 66 II 66 6 Y/ g 76 &W7 60 J- ^1155 60 t-C 60 60 25 6P 60 to 60 .60 60 60 60 " '^(^wv/iwj; 64118^ co •n 4 a •-•V- Y*: ;| 4 l l * o K'tin 1-, o 42D09SE0824 13 MUSSY U AK6 r1 860 20' LIMIT ^LL 19 FORM I SLANDS O PARK 2 MILE PA.^T OF NA1 WITHIN 16 PIC C L 02^11, NATIONAL O.C. 170- 78 PUKASKWA 2526 M oo* TWP. PARK 10:5042 1015055 101504.3 0.505-^ C T3 TB . 030346 1030344 ' 1030345 C- . c- I030M9 103O348 1030347 !Q3C326 '030331 35O322 30323 ^ C' 10303Z7 ^T 0 " 1030328 1030330 ' TB '030329 0 "0303.9 'r-30318 '030315 'TP ' 1030314 ". TB i0303l3 ; '03O37S JTB IO30365 luouaoo ;~8 l' O3P-375 JTS IO30366 IUJV-J-M T3 .1030374 ' ''TB 1030367 . ^^^^: ~ ei '030406 0304C 03040S I03040S , 1030404 ' 1030403 ^ C ' 1030372 ' TB IQ3O369 , "3 \ 1 010371 , , , 'TB 0303?O "b O304 10 3 1V •-V, S " *Ji '' 0^41! 3^ M .1,030^3 ' 1030382 1030383 ' ^z+tt z-t^A-t-r ' r * i ' t^ G 1030373 TB '030368 • uauaoo ~r^ 030403 IO3O402 1030378 ' '030379 | 103038^0 , '030381 ^ f-^ ^ * .1030377 'TP !0303tm T? 55' "B TP r. 7 ' ^ E lv F o /-i ** r-. 7 ' i v r* ""P ~ "' i ^ o o ,k.r. r L hayward TS l 0 30' SALE LAND OF OCCUPATION LAND LAND LINES ' "SO M-29 .-i L : en* S R O ;2 D 9 f* LO M R O MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES PLAN NO. ail SERIES CO'i r C ' 41 of W hite TOPOGRAPHIC IR 9 B n !T Sectic - Abound NOTES O f d *" r '9'? -? v Ut Tile . -, g Surface R . to Claims Subject NATIONAL 4OO U389O Wmmg Lakes AU F'ie MINES MARSH OR MUSKEG POWER MINING RIGHTS ONLY SURFACE RIGHTS ONLY ROADS IMPROVED ROADS KING'S HIGHWAYS RAILWAYS LOCATED ^iCENSE LEASES CROWN PATENTED LEGEND SCALE: 1-INCH s 40 CHAINS MINING DIVISION SAULT STE. MARIE THUNDER BAY Lor LAKE DISTRICT OF THUNDER BAY MUSSY AREA OF •4a009SEe251 58 PIC 010 DIAMOND DRILLING TOWNSHIP: PIC REPORT NO: 50 WORK PERFORMED FOR: RECORDED HOLDER : : International Maple Leaf Resources Corp . Same as Above [ xx ] Other Claim No . Hole No. Footage Date Note 641822 ML-87-1 349' Nov/87 (D 641821 ML-87-2 ML-87-3 352' 500' Nov-Dec/87 Dec/87 (D (D 641820 ML-87-4 450' Dec/87 (D 641819 ML-87-5 479' Dec/87 (D 641827 ML-87-7 350' Dec/87 (D 641863 ML-87-8 350' Dec/87 O) - 641938 ML-87-9 350' Dec/87 O) ' 641951 ML-87-10 350' Jan/88 (D 641902 ML-87-15 539' Jan/88 (D 641830 ML-87-16 459' Jan/88 (D Notes: O) W8804.229, filed in Sept/88 i N 8N — .5CN ML-87-- 350' : 000" | -45- 4N — 3*OOM i ML-87-7 350' i 000' 73 6^:822 BLO -352' '3 ! 6*1827 -0.50 ML-37-2 ML-87 3 500' 3*oos 4S — :so* 8S — TB -I2S I2S- 641828 -!6S T+sos T !6S — 450' 000* DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES !NC. — 20S I8S — "S4!820 i ,u fo lo l -J ' GOLDEN 7R!0 MINERALS L7D. a MAPLE LEAF PROJECT Id CO O 'Jj CM S- OJ -30 CM DDH LOCATION MAP -l r?b. :388 NTS: j Drawn: Aofffovid: C .G. - 32S \ ML-87--5 35*503 3-4+oos ML-87-6 i 459' 1 000' 539' ooo' \-45' TB 641818 37 +50S -40S l ML-37-5 450' 000' -45' 641819 I ML-87-6 550' 000' , -45' -48S SSM 64! 977 SSM 641980 DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC. far 0 i co .j UJ UJ ^ 'oo '-i co j : '00 : LU UJ UJ , g j g g . UJ OJi en -i : j r^ ! —X^ i : CO; o .j ! J____ i i o : i-j! ! ! o -J o , ^J^- ~~ -il- ——^' -li J-—' '^"^^ 1 rl^^-l- - "^^" i i i i—^ i ' l i . ' GOLDEN TRIO MINERALS LTD. UJ UJ ^^-— (O ' 1 -J ; ; 7 / ' X -J TO* MAFLE LEAF PROJECT DDH LOCATION MAP OatK ^ eb. 1988 j Drawn: -V73t j Approved: C .G. j Scat*.- ! "'AOO' j //st.- | 1 - DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC. iA o o~oLOG'7A'. GU~VEY DIAMOND DRILL HOLE LOG PROJECT: AREA: HOLE NUMBER: D-71 Mussy Lake Area CLAIM NUMBER: CORE SIZE: DRILLED BY: LOGGED BY: 6^1822 3Q Falcon Drilling 3. Murph y CORE STORED AT: Marathc n OBJECTIVE: I -Pi Anomalv LOCATION: AZIMUTH: DI?: DATE: ML-87-1 LIO^-E f 000 -45 November 28-30, 1987 CASING: ,ENGTH: 5' 349' ACID TEST: rr r* -tr ; y c p TIMMINS. ONTARIO P4N7G2 ML-87-1 Fcctc:ce From RCCK TYPE AND DESCRIPTION Cere j C7o Ancle Sui- j j to Axis 'ohides ; Number ! To 5.0 0 CASING i i i 24.1 5.0 : ! FELSIC'' TO INTERMEDIATE TUFF i 60 ! From l ! Anc'vtir-'- Sas .,:. | j l ! | Length i To 1j i!;!i 1 ' i ii ! ii | - f. g. light grey strongly foliated felsic to intermediate }i i i SAM^ E i - i :i i j i j 1 ! ti i i ii i s ' i ! i ! i | ! j i ' i * i ' ' tuff of qua rt z -p lac. and biotite composition, sericitic partings, rare green mica i ! 1 ' i i t ! l i' ' l -ii y - flecks - . li! i | ' ' j i j ! i i i i 1 i ! ' 1 ! * (i no apparent sulphides, non carb. i . - foliation @ 60O 5.0-6.7 j t )i irregular sulphide T- barren auartz vein ! j 24.1 28.7 PYROCLASTIC BRECCIA j ! i 4cm) of intermediate and felsic coraposi- t ion j ij l i i i i ' - i ; t1 ' i j ' 38.3 broken around core ! i! i - bonding @ 20-300 ' 1 - no apparent sulphides, minor carb, veinlets ( v 170 ) '' j i i i ii i i ' i ! ' ' l i !- i i ' ' l i i j 1 . i! t i ' i i 1 ' i i tuff, biotitic V j ' li ' FELSIC TO INTERMEDIATE TUFF f- g. thinlv banded light grev felsic to intermediate l ' j i 28.7 ! ! l' ! fragments (1mm 1 | ! ! ' brown limonitic tuffaceous matrix supporting angular lithic ! i! -i 30P.HAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES 18C. DIAMOND 'DRILL HOLE, LOG Box 734 ' TIMMINS. ONTARIO P4N7G2 ML-87-1 Fcotcce From 38.3 i t RCCK TYPE AND DESCRIPTION To 94.7 "Vo Sul phides Core Ancle to Axis SAMPLE Number From ! AncivticcI- Result - Length To INTERMEDIATE VOLCANIC i f. g. to aphanitic medium green intermediate volcanic, j ' possibly on ash tuff, well developed foliation @ 60. - -minor K170 ) irregular calcite veinlets 94.7 | 'FELSIC TO INTERMEDIATE TUFF 103.5 - F. to m. g. light grey felsic to intermediate tuff with^laa . 300 crystalsbounded by sericitic-biotite , isolated bluish quartz eves , well developed foliation @ 50 0 . ' - ' - sharp upper contact @ 30 ' 103.5 1 167.3 . INTERMEDIATE VOLCANIC . - f- g- to aphanitic grey green intermediate volcanic, well i developed foliation @ 80 , moderately hard . - occasional irregular quartz-carb veinlets ( 17,) trace pale yellow pyrite smeered on fracture planes 165.2 167.3 sericitized lower contact with minor ( 170 ) disseminated pyrite, quartz-carb vein 300 (166. 9-167. ^) @ 300 with trace disseminated ' f Trace- 8001 l j i pyrite v - j ' | ' 1- l ! -DIAMOND DRILL K3LE LOG Ml-87-1 Footage ROCK TYPE AND DESCRIPTION From To 167.3 173.8 Core Angle to Axis 0Xo Sul phides Number Trace 8002 Trace 8002 . Trace 8003 ] Anaivticc!- Result Au Ag ppi pom pob SAMPLE From Length Ueet) To GRAPHITIC ARGILLITE -massive and thinly laminated graphitic argilitte, m Lnor carb banding, minor pyrite ( 170 ) - 167.3-170.3 - graphitic argillite, trace pyrite 300 - 170.3-173.8''- graphitic argillite, trace pyrite 300 - 1 1 173.8 293.4 ' TUFF BRECCIA 600 - f. g. light 'to medium grey-brown siliceous matrix of felsic 8004 , -to intermediate composition supporting --angular fels Le crys :al . •' tuff fragments { l.b-25%) ranging from size from 1cm-5 cm Matrix is commonly biotite rich (5-207o). - This lithology may represent a slump breccia as fragments frequently give the appearance of disrupted beds* ^Towards base) of x , . l section fragments are alternated S show convulute fc Iding. ' 239.2-239.5 - quartz vein @ 40 0 255.2-255.6 - strongly folded quartz vein with trace "cpy. - ' 260.2-260.7 cuartz-olaa. vein @ 35 0 f 287.4-288.6 - irregular quartz-carb veining (6070 ) sulphide - .*- - - ~ - ' . barren 289.0-289.6 - irregular sulphide barren quartz vein with ^ garnetiferous inclusions - l -l l l l l ! i DIAMOND DRILL HOLE LOG ML-87-1 Footage From 0Xo Core Sul Angle phides to Axis ROCK TYPE AND DESCRIPTION To 289.6-291.7 - SAMPLE Number From 1 Analytical- Result Au Ag Length Cfeet) To Dob A"^ Dom ppm garnetiferous tuff 291.7-293.4 - irregular quartz vein, sulphide barren 293. 6- TUFF BRECCIA 349.0 t - ' - f. g. grey-brown siliceous biotitic matrix supporting highly stretches felsic crystal tuff fragments. Fragments common! ,- (r show convolute folding and frequently coalesce. Rare N- . large (10cm) angular blocks. . ' 349.0 ' END OF HOLE ' ' - - x - - - . ' . : -- ' ' "t ' . " ^ * ' 1 ' J 1 t 1 H DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC. S ONTARIO O SOLOG^CA!. SURVEY ASSESSMENT F ILES DIAMOND DRILL HOLE LOG PROJECT: APR l 9 1SS8 HOLE NUMBER: D-71 S AREA: Mussy L ake A rea CLAIM NUMBER: 641821 LOCATION: L 10 4E l 3 -OOS AZIMUTH: 000 C CORE SIZE: BQ DIP: DRILLED BY: Falcon Drilling DATE: LOGGED BY: B. Murphy CASING: CORE STORED AT: OBJECTIVE: Marathon i. P . Anomaly RECEIVED November 30 - December 1. 1987 9. LENGTH: 352' ACID TEST: 43 @ 352' DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC. PAGE 1 DIAMOND DRILL HOLE LOG FOOTAGE From ROCK To 0-0 j 9.0 9.0 TYPE AND DESCPJPT/ON From Number Casing i i i i Very fine grained, grey thinly banded i ! j bands. Banding commonly folded, i carb, veinlets ( <1%). i Tr DO. associated with carb, veinlets j (<l%) i i '- ! 8005 wispy wallrock inclusion, Tr po. 60 0 Tr 8006 1 1 i ii i ii i i i ii . j i i 1 i j | Tr i 1 1 i ' ' j ' i t j i ii t i t i 1j i t i 1 i 37.1-37.4'- 2" qtz-carb. vein @ 60 0 1 i Tr. po. i 50. C) | 39.2 Altered Siltstone -Banded chlorite-biotite-qtz-plag-po f i -DO 1 % as fine stringers and blebs ! . aligned with foliation @ 45-50 0 t j i | 9— | 39.2-42.2' - Tr-1% po | 42.2-45-2' i - ^ % po 60 0 - \ rr-1% j 8007 60 0 ^% l 8008 45.2-47.0'- 1?; po Minor qtz vein @ 60 0 46.7-47.0 (<^%) 60 0 11 j l% l 8009 i Ac ! notf i i i RESULT Zn j Cu Dam i cam 1 i i 62 0 Au nob t 1 28.6-29.0': 4" qtz-carb. vein @ 62 0 ANALYTICAL Pb As com DDm \ N on silicified. it Infrequent biotite rich horizons i .j i i j j otherwise @ 60 0 , Minor qtz-carb. and ii ii To i j to massive r carb, rich light grey i i ji \ Length) (ft) I j Siltstone 39.2 | SAMPLE Core Vo SulAngle fo Axis ohrdes i 1 PAGE 2 DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC j i | FOOTAGE DRILL HOLE LOG i -n !* ; ' c'" DIAMOND l Cora l PCCX TYPE AMD DESCP/PTiCN 1 47.0-50.0' Silicified with Tr. po j Minor qtz vein @ 47.0-47.6' l 60 0 j 50. 0 80. 2 S iltstone j ii! i -fine grained light grey banded siltstone l i ! 1 i -banding @ 65 0 ! -minor (<1%) atz-carb. veinlets | j j 1 1 80 2 ;8 1 - Q ' (ii j i j i i j j i i i ! ! | Tr J8010 | | From ! j | 1 Altered Siltstone fine grained grey-brown, biotite- . i i ' | carbonate composition with sharp ucoer contact @ 60 0 .'i i i l foliation @ 30 0 j l l J172.4 i Siltstone ! ! f l i l j t i i i J i j i t i i banding is locally kinked and folded t i Carb, bandinc f reorient ( <1%) r j i -Minor sulphide-barren milky white l j i | \ j -fine grained, grey thinly banded ' C aH HM f ""t 1S1 ;* ij t. 'C j { 5 1; ) i n n b ii ii i i i i.i ii I.I i i 1 1 i ii ii ii ii ii ii with trace po. AM M U ii ii i RESULT In Ac Mi* 1 l | 1 | Tr ! 801 1 | t 1 - l 1 j Ac 1 i j i | i ' i j 1 i i j i : j ' i j j r , j ' ; t ' i 1 t i 1 i i l i i i 1 1 -1 i i ! ; i i ! ! i . f i i j 1 l i ! i i | i -' | 1 ! | j 1 i 1 1 l i 1 i f l t | Cu ( i i 1 i DOm 1 j - if ! c c rn i qtz veins ( <l%) 9 1.0-91.6'- irregular 6" qtz vein ANALYTICAL ^ 1 | l Ji f t No aooarent sulohides (Omm-2mm) siltstone \ SAMPLE 1 j 81.9 i A ncia | Sul- j fo Axis; shicas l 1-"711- 2- (<1%) j ya fc ! l PAGE 3 DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC. i j FOOTAGE -. ^ j -, ri On; | ic HOLE LOG SAMPLE j Cere j V0 ! t \ A n S ie j Sul- L . To l J.Q Axis; "( "-'os i ''i*'"- 2 r From ii oQ 0 j Tr J8012 118.6-119-2'- 7" qtz vein 2 9 0 0 with 1 j 172.4 DRILL fCGC TYPE AND DESCRIPTION f i f j DIAMOND j tr po . ' l 186.9 Graphitic Argillite ! -black graphitic bands (601) i 60 0 ^60 0 alternating with fine grained light j j j \ 1 86.9 195.8 f gg 0 l 11 8016 (11) associated with graphitic bands j 60^ j ^ 8017 -Banding @ 60 0 Kinking and folding common j -Probably a carbonaceous argillite \ j 70 C JFine Green chloritic bands (451) | 70 0 r j j ' ialternatinc with crev atz-carb. bands f 70 0 i j !(501) and po stringers aligned with j j i banding. Strpngly magnetic ii j-Po stringers 51 i 195.8 212.3 JMafic Volcanic ! j 101 qtz-carb. banding. ! towards base of section. P 1 i j i it 1 i i 1 l l 1 i 51 8018 51 8019 l i i i ! \ i 51 i ! i j J Strongly magnetic | l i i j | -fine grained green mafic volcanic witn LI JTr-11 8015 grey silty bands (401). Py stringers j i J8013 Tr-11J8014 60 0 JMafic Volcanic j 11 1 - i li l i i ii i j lil! 1 lil | II-! III l i l RESULT ANALYTICAL i Length j Au i (f~) i esr: j As i ccrn j Pb cnrn j Zr. i corn j Cu - ccm j Ac i c^rr III III i 1 i i | 1 1 i li! ill i l j ii ! ! -l ii1 i:1 1 II ! i II! ! ' ! j 1 II! i II Ili! i 1 l ii 1 1 1 - 1 ! 1 . 1 1 ! II!!!!! 1i 1 1i 1( i i ! i i i ! j ill sti \ i j 1 i i i i 1 III! 1 i 1 1 PAGE 4 DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC i rCCTAGE j s., 1 ( 1 j i U.Tl 1 212.3 DIAMOND HOLE LCG i Cora ! "A l SAMFLZ i l Ancia j Sui- i ! ^ A~x:s;chicas INumfca.-; From j Tc | F.CCC TYPE AND DcZC&FTJCN -^ i DRILL V. 213.8 70 0 Graphitic Argillite j j ! -Thinly banded graphitic intermediate n j 213.8 244.6 ! (Siltstone i 244.6 246.8 t l l j | ii l \ i flecks throughout ( 5'Z) i j j j Variable upper and lower contacts @ J i 325. 9 ! Wacke j i Poorly sorted fine to medium grained j i j clastic metasediment composed of qtz. f j j plag. and biotite. j | of graphitic argillite towards base j j J of section. f j l 298.8-299-3- shear zone with chevron i II 1 j j f l i i j\ \ Massive thin bands l j l 1 i i 1 1 i i 1 II j 1 1 1 \ 1 i 60" i t i 1 | | 1 1 l \ \ i - . i 1 i i -i 1 ! '- 1 l . ! i 1 i j 1 i l i \ \ i i i ! intrusive, chilled margins ! folding 1 ii i j -medium grained dark green mafic | 1 i 1 \ 246.8 1 i i l j i Mafic Intrusive , j 1 \ i i i l !l i i l i massive rarely banded, fine grained i ' li eh t arey siltstone | fine biotite ! ti i . i \ l i Ac ccrn ! l 'flow sediment with 1 % py as fine stringers AM^ L rr/CAL P.ESUL r As j Fb | Z.T Cu l sem i ccm acm Au 2CC ! 8021 j i and smears on foliation planes. LancrtV i i i i i l l i ii i i ! ! i i i i i 1 i i i i i l PAGE 5 DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC. 1 FOOTA GE DIAMOND From 10 i 3 52.0 J325.9 HOLE LOG 1 1 j DRILL f Core i V. 1 Angia j SuL- j RGC/C TYPE AND DESCPfPT/ON j Intermediate to Mafic Volcanic j j j j j Fine grained medium green massive i i volcanic of intermediate to mafic i i j ! f i f i i ! i composition qtz-carb. bands and j veinlets (2-3*5) throughout. | contact 2 40 0 i i t i 1 f t i j i l \ jLengfhj j | 'lil! 1 Upper . 1 l t l E. O.K. ii t SAMPLE ! ! j j li i j ! ' i i i i 1 i i i i i ii - ii i l ! i j ! i i ! i 1 i 1 1 ! 1 t 1 1 1 l ! | i 1 1 ! j i! i1 ' ' ij . l 1 -i 1 1 1 !i ii \i i: 1 1 1 ! - 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 i li i l i i l i III) fill ! i 1 i i i i 1 . j 1 i ' j 1 II i 1 i i - 1 1 \ j Ac 1 i i i i j ! i 1 ' ! i III 1 RESULT In Cu 1 1 . ANALrT/CAL As j Pb 1 1 '! j 1 1 352' Au i l ! i i 1 i i i 1 i li i i i i li l i 1 III 1 i 1 II 1 . i ;.EHAM ^LOGICAL SERVICES INC. Box 73* TIMMINS. ONTARIO PIN 7G2 O^3TAF!•0 OSOt ' ASSESSMENT FiLES APR l S 1S88 DIAMOND CS.ILL HOLZ LOG HCLi N~J^Si?.: ML-87-3 D-71 LOCATION: LIO^E 7 3-OOS AF.ZA: Mussy Lake Area C1AIH SUH2S2.: 641821 DI?: -45 DATS: 3?^lli3 3Y: December 1-3, 1987 Falcon Drilling CASING: LOGGED 3Y: 10' B. Murphy 500' CCS2 S~0?Z3 AT Marathon ACID TZ3T CSJi l. p. Anomaly 500' PAGE 1 1URHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC. i DIAMOND FOOTAGE s,nm -0 rrom I0 j 1 ! 0.0 1 Casing j 10.0 } 10.0 i 80.8 J l l j i l HOLE LOG ROCK TYPE AND DESCRIPTION | ! Thinly Banded Silstone j j j Fine grained-white banded sediments i ' composing siltstone anc minor l carboniceous argillite. Slumping and ! j | j -j j !|i i t i j j | t i i | 36.2 ! Pyrrhotite-Carbonate Zone i ! ' [ 31.8 1 ! j -finely disseminated po (8%) in a | 5 C)0 | 8% | l j carb, biotite matrix 36.2 69.7 i i ^i ^^ j Thinly Banded Siltstone j Fine grained thinly laminated ' | siltstone with minor carbonaceous i argillite locally folded. 1 i -Bandina @ 5-60 0 l i i i i ji i ii i 1 i 1 ! l i i j | 1 ( 1 | | i i i i i | i j 1 l 1 i DDfD i i j i | j l 1 | i i i i f t i i i i t f i j i j i 1 t l i 1 8 024 i | | j i i j i 8025 i l ! i 1. i j j j li 1 50 j Tr. l 1 i 1 i | ii i 3A j t j ! 1i i i 1 t i ji i i i i j j AG DDm ! f j i ii j l i ti DDb j j i l small siliceous folding evident j j i i |l! j ! bands tyoicallv ranae from <1mm to 5mm i i ! '| Probably has volcanoclastic component i 0 j| i Banding @ 50-60 ! i j Pyrrhotite-Carbonate Zone j 50 0 j 20% j 8022 l ii i -finely disseminated po (10%) in a 1 1 l 'li ' carb-biotite matrix i ' j j Siltstone J50 0 j 8023 i li ! Fine grained arey thiniv banded silstone j 30.8 i To j Length 1 AU j i l j ANAtL YT/CAL RESUL T l AS \ v S S3 j MO Dom Dom 1 Darn ! com i ii i SA MPLE j Core V0 ! ! l ^™[ - S ul- | i to Axisiohides i Number i From j l i li i i | 31.8 i j ' i 133.8 i i f i lj | f 33.8 DRILL l | j 1 j i I | 1 i i t l t i ii t 1 1 i i 1 DURHAM CECLQCiCAL SERVICES INC PAGE 2 DIAMOND FOOTAG5 ?rom To i j DRILL HOLE LOG SAMPLE Cora j "/o ! Angle SulTo to Axis shicas Number ] From j fCC/C TYPE AND DESCRIPTION f l 3 8.8-39.5- Glossy qtz vein @ 50 0 \ | Lanarh l AU 1 (ft) ! DDD i i 69.7 78.0 j 78.0 j minor silty lamella i i -very blocky core 93.1 | i 1 Thinly laminated siltstone with minor j ! carbonaceous argillite i 1 lamella are noticebly kinked. 93.1 i lw j Altered Siltstone i f -strongly deformed siltstone with i j lenticular wisps and blebs^^ 50" 50 0 T r* . 2% 8026 8027 50 0 t i ii ! 1 i 1 i l !i ji j Tr. 8028 1 i l 1 i j ' ii 8029 2% . j moderately carbonatized 1 1 l l i j i flecks and wisps of green mica (T-2%) i po CI-2%) occurs as fine disseminations 50 0 , 4 1 . 99-2 | t i siltstone with minor ( <~\%) po. i 1 j i t l j 90.0-93.1- moderately carbonated 1 l j i! ji t 1 ii ii 3A ocm 1 i 1 ! Thinly Banded Siltstone | Variation in core angle (20-60 0 ) iii" i suacests intense folding \ i 1 j l i 1 | AG i oom ! i \ j \ P redominantly graphitic argillite with! l j j i i Thinly Laminated Graphitic Argillite PESUL T S3 1 MO pern ocm t j 1 l i ! Tr po. plag and wispy wall ^ock . j inclusions i ANAL YTiCAL \ AS V ! asm 30 m j j j i i i i i 1 i j i 1 \ i i l 1 1 l i DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC. PAGE 3 DIAMOND DRILL HOLE LOG FOOTAGE From ROCK TYPE AND DESCR/PT/ON To SAMPLE Core Vo Angle Sul To to Axis phides Number From Length (ft) AU ppb ANAL YT/CAL RESUL T ' V SB MO AS Dom Dpm ppm Dpm 95.1-96.3- 601 irregular qtz-carb. AG Ppm BA DDm | veins with tr. po,py, green mica upper and lower contacts @ 50 0 99.2 Thinly Banded Silstone 150.5 50 0 Tr. 8030 -thinly laminated (1-5mm) grey siltstone alternating with light grey fine qtz-plag arenaceous sediment minor graphitic argillite strongly folded. minor po (O1) on stringers aligned with banding t 99.2-102.5- Siltstone with minor qtz veining (1?.) trace po 150.5 174.7 Altered Siltstone -light grey fine to medium grained strongly carbonitized po. rich (51) sediment with lenticular flecks of green mica (OD Intercalated with dark grey fine grail - O m thinly laminated siltstone (101) stronqly folded 50-60 C 2-51 50" 2-51 8031 8032 2-51 8033 50 0 51 51 8034 8035 50 0 51 8036 50" 51 8037 101 8038 j 50 0 50 0 "so 0 | | . DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC. PAGE 4 DIAMOND DRILL HOLE LOG FOOTAGE From 1.74.7 ROCK TYPE AND DESCR/PTfON To 186.0 Core Vo Angle Sul to Axis phides Number I2-60 0 51 Graphitic Argillite SAMPLE From To Length (ft) AU ppb ANAL YTfCAL RESUL T ' V SB MO AS ppm ppm ppm ppm AG ppm 3A ppm 8039 -black thinly laminated graphitic araillite exhibiting convolute foldinc minor carbonate bands and veinlets (OD sharp lower contact @ 12 0 184.0-186.0 graphitic argillite with 51 po 186.0 218.5 218.5 245.3 20 s! 8040 -high grey-brown carbonatized and 151 8041 sheared sediments. 151 8042 as massive blebs and fine stringers 251 8043 Trace green mica 251 8044 Disrupted banding and intense folding 151 8045 minor graphitic argillite (5%) 151 8046 Intermediate to Felsic Tuff 151 8047 fine grained light grey intermediate 101 8048 0-60 0 Sheared Sediments Po (15-201) to felsic ash tuff with minor siltstoi le and argillitic interbeds ^51) 70 0 occasional po stringers (O?;) banding @ 70 0 ,-245.^ 281 .5 Siltstone -predominantly siltstone with minor . 'DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC. PAGE 5 DIAMOND DRILL HOLE LOG FOOTAGE From To ROCK TYPE AND DESCRIPTION SAMPLE Core Vo Sul Angle To to Axis phides Number From Length (ft) AU ppb ANAL YT/CAL RESUL T ' V SB MO AS ppm ppm ppm ppm l intermediate ash tuff strongly folded AG ppm 3A pom | Banding @ 0 0 -90 0 Minor po blebs and stringers (O 5!;) 281 .5 286.9 ——— Pyrrhotite Zone 5% 8049 201 8050 ——— Tr. 8051 Foliation 70 0 Pyrrhotite Zone —— 301: 8052 as above, light grey brown strongly —— 40?; 8053 carbonatized with 301; DO occuring —— 30* 8054 as massive bands and networks of ____ 30*1 8055 stringers and blebs. —___ 5% 8056 Banding @ 0-90' strongly folded Argillite with Siltstone ——— — 30% 8057 Mainlv"t.hi n ly laminated argillite 0-40 0 10% 8058 -Light grey-brown strongly carbonitized lithology comprising carbonate-biotitesericite- po bands. Intensely deformed Po (25?;) occurs as bands and networking 286.9 291.2 Mafic Volcanic Fine crrained medium oxeen chloritic mafic volcanic with 20?; carb, veining 291.2 311.8 9 s 311.8 368.0 Tr. cpy. as oy. frequently araphitic with minor light grey siltstone. Minor carb-po. f. . PAGE 6 DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC. DIAMOND DRILL HOLE LOG FOOTAGE From ROCK TYPE AND DESCRIPTION To "/o Core Angle Sul to Axis phides Number ! horizons (0 10 very black core i 1 i j 60*1; recovery j 366.0-368.0 argillite with massive po bands ( 1 01) 379.8 Pyrrhotite Zone 0-40 0 151 8059 Light grey-brown moderately 0-60 0 251 8060 0-90 0 41 8061 carbonatized po rich lithology intensely deformed. Composed of qtz- sericite-biotite-carb po. po 201 Tr cpy, minor qtz veining (OD 379.8 422.3 Intermediate to Mafic Tuff Fine grained chloritic intermediate to mafic tuff with 401 carb, banding @ 20-80' , folded, possibly a shear zone, biotite lamellae/ minor po wisps (OD 422.3 456.0 Mafic Breccia Green clast-supported mafic breccia ; 0 composed of angular fine grained fragments ( O mm- 2 cm) occasionally amygdoloidl set in a dark grey From To Length (ft) \ AU pob ANAL YT/CAL P.ESUL T ' V SB MO AS ppm ppm pprn ppm t Banding @ 0-30' Drilling down deep 368.0 SAMPLE AG ppm BA opm DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC. PAGE DIAMOND DRILL HOLE LOG FOOTAGE From ROCK TYPE AND DESCRIPTION To aphanitic matrix possibly a flow 456.0 491 .9 Core Vo Angle Sul to Axis phides Number | SAMPLE From To Length (ft) ANALYTICAL RESULT' V SB iMO AS DDrn Dpm ppm DDm AU opb | AG ppm BA DPm | breccia Carbonitized Zone 60*1 carbonate banding with fine grainei l chloritic mafic bands probably representing a sheaved mafic tuff 491.9 500.0 Wacke Fine grained massive wacke with minor carb, banding (51) E.G. H 500' - * ^fl ' - .EHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC. 3ox73i T&ttliNS. ONTARIO P4N 7'32 HOLE NV^!?.: LCCATICN: A7ZA: ML-87-^ L104E l 1 7-50S Mussy Lake Area 000 CLAiy. N~JM3iS: 6^1820 DI?: ' GOES SIZZ: -6.5 0 3Q DATE: December 3-5. 1987 DS-IlLiO BY: Falcon Drilling CASING: 5- LOGGZD BY: B. Murphy LZSSTH: CO?^: STOr^D AT. OBJECTIVE: Marathon I.P. Anomalv 450' PAGE 1 DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC. DIAMOND DRILL HOLE LOG FOOTAGE From ROCK TYPE AND DESCRIPT/OH To 5 0 5 39.2 j Casing "/o l Core Angle Sulfo Axis ohides Number SAMPLE Length (ft) To From .j ANAL rTfCAL RESUL T Pb In As Cu Dom com DDm oom i Au DDb j Ag DDIT1 1 Siltstone -fine grained thinly laminated siltstone with minor wacke ( <1%') - -networks of tension fractures at right angles to bedding; frequently carbonate filled -Bedding at 0 0 -45 0 39.6 39.2 Mafic Intrusive -fise grained dark green -mafic intrusive- diabase sharp | j | contact at 50 0 crosscutting bedding 54. 1 39.6 i Siltstone as above, rhythmically banded -grey siltstone with networks of tension fractures | L— — 54.1 -Bedding at 0-45 0 55.2 | Wacke -Medium grained unsorted quart z-plag. biotite clastic sediment | | -sharp contact at 30 0 1 - DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC PAGE 2 DIAMOND DRILL HOLE LOG FOOTAG3 rom 55.2 o 212.9 ROCK TYPE AMD DESCRIPTION Siltstone S Wacke Predominantly thinly laminated siltstone with minor wacke- tentative graded bedding at 88.3' indicates tops are up-hole- Bedding at 25 0 -40 with localized folding and slumping 1 19.7' -120. 1 ' - irregular, milky white sulphide barren quartz vein 121.2'-121.5'- milky white sulphide barren quartz vein at 3 O 198.2' -199.3' - milky white quartz . vein at 45 0 with trace pyrite 212.9 (225.6 Diabase -fise to medium grained dark green diabase -sharp upper contact at 75 fine grained sheared lower contact F Lore Angle Vo Sulto Axis nhides Number 45 8062 SAMPLE From To Length (ft) Au DDfa ANALTT/CAL Pb As Dom RESULT In Cu oorn Ag PAGE 3 DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC. DIAMOND DRILL HOLE LOG FOOTAGE From To 225.6 248.1 ROCK TYPE AND DESCRIPTION Siltstone SAMPLE Core V- l Angle SutTo fo Ax!:;; nhides Number From it) j j Strongly deformed and carbonitized 248.1 250.3 i l i j 30 0 Tr. i - 8063 . i | Siltstone Massive to thinly laminated grey | siltstone with minor carbonate rich j j l i 1 horizons ( <^%)- banding at 0-50 0 1 1 Folded minor quartz-carbonate veining U11) 307.5 309.3 - 325.5 | Carbonite-Biotite Zone i 1 1 carbonitized biotite rich (25*1.) zone, | 1 contacts at 40 0 Siltstone 1 Thinly laminated light grey siltstone | i 1 Strongly foliated, intensely possibly a wacke- foliation and 309.3 Ag com 1 | 30 0 - trace pyrite 307.5 DDb ANALYTICAL RESULT Pb Zn As Cu DDP Dcm Dom DDm | 1 Milky white quartz-carbonate vein at l 250.3 Quartz-Carbonate Vein Au | siltstone- dissrupted carbonatebiotite bands ( 21) Lenatfi (ft) | l | 1 1 Strongly folded with frequent carbonat. e | veinlets and bands (11) 1 1 t ! ~* PAGE 4 DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC. DIAMOND DRILL HOLE LOG FOOTAGE From 1 Core Vo Angle Sulto Axi s nhides Number ROCK TYPE AND DESCRIPTION To veinlets ( <'l%} 325.5 328.0 ANALYTICAL RESULT Pb As Zn Cu com com com DDm Au nob ( Ag DDtn i Strongly foliated lithology comprisingr a biotite matrix- foliation at 40 0 Siltstone 450.9 1 | lenticular carbonate eyes (1-2mm) in t To From 1 Carbonitized Crystal Tuff i 328.0 Length (ft) lil! Bedding at 30 0 - occasional po i SAMPLE ^—M i Fine Grey massive to thinly laminated 1 | ^^^^^——^—^^— siltstone with occasional carbonitizedj —— horizons (O i)- frequent quartzcarbonate veins with distinctive 1 sheafs of muscovite- foliation at 363.8-364.5- milky white sulphide b- S^t——————— j —————————i | 30 0 -70 0 folded barren quartz vein at 30 0 ^™——^^™^™^™**a i 8065 | 383.3-383.8- irregular sulphide 8066 barren quartz vein 8067 41 8. 8' -41 9. 5- sulphide barren quartz- 8068 i 1 8064 t | | | i l carbonate vein at 65 0 with sheafs of mica 426.0-426.3- quartz-carbonate vein at 60 0 with olumose muscovite ( 3%) | 1 | ! | -' ——•in H i i^^tm** 1 PAGE 5 DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC. l FOOTAGE j ROCK TYPE AND DESCRIPTION To From DIAMOND DRILL HOLE LOG j Core Vo SutAngle fo Axis; ohides Number i 440.6-441.2- quartz carbonate vein SAMPLE From i To i Length (ft) Au DDb l i ANALYTICAL RESULT Pb Zn As Cu com Dom Dom oom Ag D0m 1 | J at 20" with plumose muscovite (S 5!) | 1 E.O.H. 450' 1 | l 1 | i l | i i - l l tr^ 1 i | l 1 | i 1 1 j - jRHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC. Box 734 TIMMINS. ONTARIO P4N7G2 DIAMOND DRILL EOLE LOG HOLE STJ1SES.: ML-87-5 PROJECT: D-7l LOCATION: AREA: L104E l 3 7+50S Mussy Lake Area AZIXLTH: 641819 CLAIM NUMBER: CORE SIZE: DRILLED 3Y: 000 DI?: -45 DA-.TE: December 5-7, 1987 BQ Falcon Drilling CASING: 20' LOGGED 3Y: B. Murphy -— vtf-*"*r- L*r*4^v—n* CORE STORED AT A.70 ' ^' ~ Marathon ACID TEST 420 @ 479' 03 JECTIVE: I.P- Anomaly 7 DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC PAGE 1 DIAMOND DRILL HOLE LOG FOOTAGE From 0 20.0 ROCK TYPE AND DESCRIPTION To 20.0 57.6 i Casing 0Xo SAMPLE Core Angle Sul To to Axis phides Number From 30 0 Intermediate Crystal Tuff -Euhedral to sub-rounded beige to white plag. crystals (0.5-3mm) set in a fine grained grey moderately siliceoi .S' intermediate groundmass. Occassionaly biotitic. Rounded blue qtz eyes commoi (1-2mm) Placr. SS-40% qtz eyes 5 ifc -infreguent angular fine grained dark grey intermediate lithic fragment: 3 (1mm-10cm) strongly foliated @ 30 0 minor bleeding and possible epidotizat ion S7..6 61.4 Trace py. Fine grained Intermediate Tuff 35 0 -fine grained very siliceous intermediate tuff with gradational upper and lower contacts. Represents finer grained phase of bedded tuffs weakly foliated @ 35 0 |p1 .4 67.4 Intermediate Crystal Tuff -as above (20.0-37.6) -minor grained olag-phyric crystal tuf f 35 0 Length (ft) ANAL YTfCAL RESUL T Pb In As Cu Au pob i ppm ppm ppm i ppm Ag ppm DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC PAGE 2 DIAMOND DRILL HOLE LOG SAMPLE Core V* Angle SulTo to Axis* ohides Number From FOOTAGE From To ROCK TYPE AMD DESCRIPTION with blue qtz eyes -strongly foliated @ 35 0 67.4 76.2 l l Length (ft) Au DDb ANALTT/CAL RESULT Pb In As Cu com Dom Dom oom i l i Ag DDITl Fine Grained Intermediate Tuff -fine grained grey moderately l i j i siliceous intermediate tuff becomes | coarse grained towards base of section 76.2 91.6 -Gradational lower contact Intermediate Crystal Tuff v -as above (29.0-57.6) Flag- crystals | with occasional blue qtz eyes set in fine grained intermediate matrix. -Infrequent intermediate to felsic fine grained angular lithic fragments sharp lower contact @ 35 0 represents i i i base of single tuffaceous bed (67.4-91 6) 76.2-82.8- U91.6 \ 102.3 light green bleached | sericite tuff. Fine Grained, Med. Grained Intermediate Tuff | 1 1 i ' -as above (20.0-57.6) -gradational increase in grain size towards base from a fine grained tuff to a olag. crystal tuff l l i | - PAGE 3 DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC DIAMOND DRILL HOLE LOG FOOTAGE From To ROCK TYPE AND DESCRIPTION i 97.6-97.9 milky white sulphide { 131-3 From l barren qtz vein @ 25 0 102.3 SAMPLE Core Vo Angle Sutto Axis Dhides Number Length (ft) To j Au nob ANALYTICAL RESULT Pb Zn As Cu DDITl pom com Dom l Ag Dom l Altered Crystal Tuff -light green fine grained bleached and possibly sericite matrix supporting pi ag. crystals and occasional angular felsic lithic fragments 131.3 135.8 | Quartz Breccia 20" Tr 8069 -white qtz supporting angular crystal 20 0 Tr 8070 l l l tuff fragments (401) minor carb, vein] ets explosion of vent breccia, tr. py. 135.8 146.9 Altered Crystal Tuff -as above (102.3-131.3) light green l bleached groundmass supporting plag. crystals and occasional felsic lithic 146.9 154.3 | j fragments Fine to Medium Grained Intermediate T; ff l -dark to light grey intermediate tuff 4l— l coarsening towards base -angular felsic to intermediate lithi fragments evident towards base -sharp lower contact @ 28 0 , bedding plane t | | | \ - DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC. PAGE 4 DIAMOND DRILL HOLE LOG FOOTAGE From To 159-9 154.3 ROCK TYPE AND DESCRIPTION l Vi'no G^a^^^d t TTTf-esr-mesd"i ate Tll'^'P j Core V. Angle Sulto Axis. ohides Number l l l l SAMPLE From Length (ft) To | ANALYTICAL Pb As oom com Au DDb RESULT In com Ag Cu DDm i j DDm -fine grained grey moderately siliceoujs intermediate tuff with minor crystal tuff horizons i Indistinct lower contact 159.9 199.7 Intermediate. Tuff: l Fine Grain to Pyroclastic Breccia | -uooer portion a fine grain -grey intermediate tuff with faint banding. | Plag. crystals (1 -2mm) and l r blue qtz eyes ( 1 -2mm) become gradually more evident lower down section towards base of section angular and i lenticular lithic fragments i ( 5mm-3x4cm) make up 20-30*1 of unit -fragments are composed of pyrrhotite | cherty atz and a biotite rich lithology of possible argilliteous origin 4 l— i -such intermining may be the result of phreatic activity (175.6-176.4) bleached alterating cleavage contact on epidote veinlet @ 176.9 (3^ 0 ) | l l - DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC. PAGE 5 DIAMOND DRILL HOLE LOG FOOTAGE ROCK TYPE AND DESCRIPTION To From 203.6 199.7 ! Fine Grained Intermediate Tuff SAMPLE Core Vo Angle SutTo to Axis. ohides Number From 30 0 . it ii Length (ft) Au DDb ! i ! -fine grained grey moderately siliceoui ANAL YTICAL Pb As com Dom RESUL T Zn Cu Dom com Ag oprn | tuff with occasional felsic lithic J fragments. Altered Tuff 205.5 203.6 Strongly foliated @ 30 0 70" i i -dark brown thinly laminated chloritic l unit with 25?; thin carb, bands probabl ir a sheared altered tuff 205.5 Pyroclastic Breccia 270.5 | | -predominantly mafic lithic fragments j j set in an intermediate crystal tuff. Also felsic and intermediate fragments | ' ( 1mm-3cm) | 245. 1-245. 7-1 cm muscovite | l i py ( 1*) vein @ 20 0 with 50cm white sericitized alteration 270.5 Intermediate Crystal Tuff 284.7 | 1 -medium grained grey-green plag.-qtz t\— crystal tuff occasional lithic fragment l as done (20.0-57.6) | l - PAGE 6 DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC FOOTAGE From DIAMOND DRILL HOLE LOG | ROCK TYPE AND DESCRIPTION To 284.7 294.7 Core y* Angle Sulfo Axis; ohides Number Pyroclastic Breccia as SAMPLE From Length (ft) To j j Au DDb ANALYTICAL RESULT Pb Zn As Cu oom Dom com Dom i i Ag Dom above (205.5-270.5) stretched intermediate to mafic fragments in an intermediate crystal tuff matrix i Trace pyrite Foliation 2 40 0 314.7 294.7 Intermediate Crystal Tuff -as above (20.0-57.6) strongly foliate a 1 grey intermediate plag. crystal tuff Occasional lithic fragment 314.7 319.9 Intermediate r Flow j -fine grain light green -strongly carbonated chloritic lithology with frequent qtz phenocryst s sharp lower contact @ 45 0 possibly an intermediate flow 319.9 4 L 327.5 Intermediate rCrystaT :Tuf f -as above (20.0-57.6) medium grained grey intermediate plag. crystal tuff occasional lithic fragments. crtz eyes. Blue Foliation @ 30 0 Tr. Py. \ ! | | ! 1 | | | | f - PAGE 7 DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC. DIAMOND DRILL HOLE LOG FOOTAGE From To 327.5 447.6 Core Vo Angle Sutfo Axis•i Dhides Number }45 0 2% 8071 ROCK TYPE AND DESCR/PT/ON Pyroclastic Breccia 45 0 -intermediate crystal tuff ( 30*) SAMPLE From Lengfh (ft) To ANAL YT/CAL PESUL T Pb As Zn Cu DDm DDm oom pom i Au DDb Ag com 8072 2% supporting stretched lithic fragments (70*1) from < ^cm t o 5cm across. - Fragmer ts are predominantly f elsic-fine grain ! white rhyolite with qtz phenocrysts i Strona intermediate biotite fragments i l Occasional poApy flecks and aggregates occur in groundmass fragments aligned 462.6 447.6 with foliation 2 50 0 Sulphide zone 45 0 45 0 j-60% 8073 40% 8074 po. , sulphides occur in fine aggregates 45 0 8075 45 0 45% 65 0 8076 45 0 65 0 8077 | -pyroclastic breccia with 60 !fc py 5 % l | and stringers in matrix Py a ggregates commonly have coarser grind rims with fine ground interims. 1 1 l i l | i Uooer contact gradational, foliation l @ 45 0 462.6 479.0 Sericite Schist -light grey-yellow very fine grained siliceous sericite schist with finely disseminated maanetic (O i) occasional | 45" Tr. 8078 45 0 Tr. 8079 45 0 Tr. 8080 Tr. 8081 45 0 | 1 | DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC .PAGE 8 DIAMOND DRILL HOLE LOG FOOTAGE From To ROCK TYPE AND DESCR/PT/ON small (Omm) flecks of green mica. Cora Vo Angle Sulfo Axis. ohides Number Tr. 8082 j 45 0 Sericite and magnetic content decreases) 45" down section. Tr. SAMPLE From To Length (ft) I ANALYTICAL RESULT Pb As Zn Cu Dom Dcm Dom DDm Au DDb Ag DDm j 8083 1 Relict lithic fragments - evident 462.9-463.1- 5cm brecciated qtz vein @ 30 0 eschability crock and seal testis e Vein bracketed by intensely sheared thinly laminated fine grained siliceous i myelonite i ; -thin lithology represents a sheared | ! and altered pyroclastic breccia or crystal tuff r Foliation @ 35 0 475.6-475.9 irregular milky white i qtz vein with trace pyrite. E.O.H. 479' i i i l 1 j 1 1 | | \— 1 1 - | l 1 | ' DUnHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC. Box 734 TIMMINS. ONTARIO MN 7G2 DIAMOND DRILL HOLE LOG PROJECT: AKEA: HOLE NUM3ER: D-7l Mussy Lake Area CLAIM NUMBER: 641827 ML-87-7 LOCATION: L124E l 3 +OON AZIMUTH: 000 COSE SIZE: BQ DI?: DH.ILLED 3Y: Falcon Drilling DATE: December 14 - 15, 1987 LOGGED BY: B. Murphy CORE STORED AT OBJECTIVE: Marathon I.P- Anomaly -45 CASING: 20' LENGTH: 350' ACID TEST 440 ©350' PAGE 1 DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC. DIAMOND DRILL HOLE LOG f SAMPLE Core Ve Angle Sul| To fo A x! s; Dhides Number From i 1 i i FOOTAG2 From To 0.0 20.0 20.0 30.1 ROCK TYPE AND DESCRIPTION i Casing ANALYTICAL RESULT Pb As Zn Cu com oom asm DDm i i i i Au DDb Ag DDm i Fine Grained Mafic Volcanic -fine grained medium green massive i 1 i U3. 3 i j -minor carbonitized patches Coarse Grained Mafic Volcanic - i l i 1 t i -fine grained medium green massive mafic volcanic. 1 - i mafic volcanic 30.1 i Lenoit (ft) 1 Dark green amphibole clusters in a fine grained medium \ l green matrix. Fine grained Mafic Volcanic 53.3 43.3 1 -fine grained green massive mafic volcanic. (O?0 weak foliation @ 60 0 53.3 61.3 Altered Mafic Volcanic 60 0 -fine grained grey-brown moderately 60 0 60 0 silicified strongly foliated mafic '——— l 1?; | T-2% | 8099 | Tr. l 8100 | | j l i l 8098 volcanic with fine stringers of py ! 1 l Minor qtz-carb veining j 1 i 1 i | i and disseminated pyrite, sulphide and ! cpy, py (21) sulphide (1*1) cpy (Tr) Sulphide contact may be higher in j very finely disseminated form 1 i i 1 PAGE 2 DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC. FOOTAGE DIAMOND HOLE LOG 1 SAMPLE Core Vo Angle Sulfo Ax! s; nhidss ROCK TYPE AND DESCR/PT/ON To From DRILL Number" From Length (ft) To ANAL YTICAL RESUL T Pb Zn Cu com Dam Au DDb l As i oam Ag H^m WtJtll ti Foliation @ 70 0- sharp upper contact ocrn @ 60 0 - lower contact gradational 54.2-55.1- carb, vein @ 45 0 61.3 69.3 1 j j Volcanic ti l massive 1 i -medium to fine grained medium green 1 l 128-3 1 Fine Grained light to medium green | l l mafic volcanic. | i Occasional plag-qtz. 1 ! i | 140.1-140.8- amphibole-carb-qtz zone 217.2 1 Fine Grained Mafic Volcanic 1 1 1 l 1 l -fine grained to aphanitic light green-j r r (<•\%} 210.0-215.2- silicified with disrupted i il . 1 grey massive mafic volcanic -occasional sulphide barren qtz veins i l 1 1 1 patches. - lower contact gradational 146.7 i 1 Coarse Grained Mafic- Volcanic Coarse grained massive medium green | 1 l (O'fc)- no apparent sulphides 146.7 l i 1 | | j mafic volcanic.- minor qtz veining 128.3 t "mafic volcanic -gradational lower contact 69.3 1 - j Medium Grained-Coarse Grained Mafic | 1 i | f i | 1 l | 1i t j PAGE 3 DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC. DIAMOND DRILL HOLE LOG 1 SAMPLE Core Ve Angle Sill To to Axi:s' Dhides j Number• ; From FOOTAGE From ROCK TYPE AMD DESCR/PT/OM To 1 l qtz-carb-plag veining 217.2 2 12. Q F ine to Medium Grained Intermediate fragments. i Blue qtz eyes common. i j i Occasional sericitic cleavages. DDb i l ANALYTICAL Pb As Dom Dum RESULT Zn Cu com com Ag DDm | . | J l l l | i -fine to medium grained grey intermediate j i Au T Tuff ash tuff with occasional lithic L en Q f!\\ (ft) 1 i | f ' i l j Gradational lower contact l i | | -well foliated @ 65 0 272.0 Fine Grained Intermediate Tuff i 323.5 | ! -fine grained intermediate ash tuff j with core lithic fragments 278.9-279.0- sulphide barren qtz i i i l 303.2-303.5- qtz vein @ 3Q 0 Tr. po. IsSO.O i 1 vein @ 35 0 283.8-284.1- blochy qtz vein @ 25 0 323.5 | | l 1 l 1 Medium Grained Lithic Intermediate Tuff f 1 l i -medium grained grey intermediate •— tuff with frequent lithic fragments of intermediate and felsic compositicri supported by a plag. crystal tuff l i i i f 1 1 i 1 i -- i j PAGE 4 — *. DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INL DIAMOND FOOTAGE From DRILL HOLE LOG j ffOCfC TYPE AMD DESC2/PT/OH To l l i | Occasional blue qtz eyes f i SAMPLE Core Ve Angle Sulfo Axi s chides Numberi From Length (ft) To i ANAL rr/CAL PU As DDm Dom i Au DDb RESUL T Zn Cu com D2m Ag D3m ' | 332.4-332.6- white qtz vein @ 50 0 t 1 with trace DO. ! E.O.H. 350' 1 i | i ! i i i i t 1 : j 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' ! i - 1 i 1 | \\ i t—— - j j i 1 i 1 i i l 1 1 j i 1i ^'""•I'ill O r"V r* f1 "1 ^ l r*"""" Mr""** i**/* JiiWlAM uculCbt^L icn'/iuu i:V 8ox734 TIMMINS. ONTARIO P4N 7G2 DIAMOND DRILL ECLZ LOG PROJECT: AREA: HOLE NUX3ER: D-71 Mussy Lake Area CLAIM NUJSER: CORE SIZE: D2JLLED 3Y: LOGGED BY: 641863 BQ Falcon Drilling B. Murphy LOCATION: L12W l 7 +50S AZIMUTH: 150 DI?: - DATE: December 16-17, 1987 CASING: 350' CORE STORED AT Marathon 03JE-CTIVE: I. P. Anoma ly ML-87-8 ACID TEST 42 @ 350' DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC. PAGE 1 DIAMOND DRILL HOLE LOG FOOTAGE ROCX TYPE AND DESCR/PT/GH To From 0.0 14.0 "/o SAMPLE Core SulAacle To to Axis5f ohides Number , From 14.0 Casing 184.0 Pyroclastic Breccia Au DDb i -melange of felsic and intermediate | blebs and fragments set in a fine grained intermediate matrix. supported breccia. Length (ft) AMALrT/CAL RESULT As Pfa In Cu Dam Dam pom com | - Fragment Occasional sericitic cleavages. Epidote veinlets l and hematite staining common | -finely disseminated pyrite throughout (<^%} as fine crystals localized crystal tuff matrix 40.8-41.8- qtz 'vein @ 50 0 20?; wall | staining 101.0-104.0- siliceous tuff with 2 * disseminated pyrite j l | 50 0 50 0 | 104.0-106.0- siliceous tuff with 1 * disseminate pyrite ( 1 04. 8-1 05. 3, qtz ve]-n) 181.0-184.0- lithic tuff with pyritic — | rock mixture, trace pyrite 33.9-84.7- qtz vein @ 45 0 , hematite l bands 2 -5% 150.0-159.0- moderately sericitic | 2* 8101 1?; 8102 S-5% 8134 3-5% 8135 8136 ls-5% i l Ag pom i PAGE 2 DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC. FOOTAGE From DIAMOND HOLE LOG | Core V. 1 Angle fo A x; s! chides ! Numbe ' ROCK TYPE AND DESCZIPT/ON To i DRILL and siliceous with S-5% sulphides 350.0 184.0 \ Fine Grained Ash Tuff i i tuff with occasional crystal tuff i l (203.8-204.0- sulphide barren qtz vein l l e so 0 Reworked waterlain tuff f l i 1 | ! | Als ! disseminated sheafs of muscovite -possible grated bedding @ 329.6 -- 3 i i j suggests tops down hole i 1 - | 1 1 1 i 1 j 287.0-287.4- barren qtz vein @ 60 0 l 1 i 394.9-395.3- barren qtz vein @ 45 0 i 1 1 | | 1 1 1 f j 1 i j | i 319.9-321.1- SO 1! barren qtz veining @ 50" E. O. H. 350.0' j 1 311.0-311.5- barren qtz vein @ 70 0 f- Ag com i 226. 7-227. 4-90=1 qtz-epidote veining Occasional qtz-muscovite veining. RESULT Zn Cu com Dorn - 206.7-208.4- 801 qtz veining t D3& 1 i j i ANALYTICAL Pb As ocm com Au 8103 -fine grained grey intermediate ash horizons. To From \ Lenatt (ft) \ 2-5?; l SAMPLE i 1 l 1 i i 1 uj.irin'rt UCUU.-'JJUML ornvius iHo. -M-*M[i|| rt** ••Si f rt t/i 4 j -**--*. , ;r-,^ n (iirt Box 734 TIMMINS. ONTARIO P4N7G2 DIAMOND DRILL EOLE LOG PROJECT: A7ZA: HOLE ITJX3ZR: D-71 Mussy Lake Area CLAIM NUMBER: 641938 LOCATION: A2IHUTH: CORE SIZE: BQ DI?: DRILLED 3Y: Falcon Drilling DATE: LOGGED 3Y: B. Murphy CORE STORED AT OBJECTIVE: Marathon I.P. Anomaly ML-87-9 L68W f 2 6*005 180 -45 December 17 - 19, 1987 CASING: 5' LENGTH: 350' ACID TEST PAGE 1 DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC. FOOTAGS From DIAMOND 5.0 5.0 i 32. 2 HOLE LOG SAMPLE Core Vo Angle SulTo fo Ax: s nhidss Number- From l ROCK TYPE AND DESCR/PT/ON To 0.0 DRILL Lenath (ft) j tops down hole i Banding @ 50 0 33.4 l i - Quartz Vein Brecciated qtz-carb vein with minor l ! i | l ! 45" 8104 O?; Minor formational breccia j Bonding @ 5 O 0 l 1 1 l | 45.5-45.7- white qtz vein @ 30 0 ! j 113.5-116.6- Banded siltstone with finely disseminated pyrite (O 5!) \—( f 120.7-123.0- sheared zone with 5?. 1 i 1 i i l | atz-carb. veinina 197.7-198.3- silicified breccia | 1 | l 1 1 | | Banded Siltstone occasional abrasive horizons. 1 1 -fine grained banded siltstone with | i 1 epidote and white mica, Trace pyrite 291.2 33.4 1 - 1 Tentative graded bedding indicates | 32.2 Ag ODrn Banded Siltstone -possibly a interlain tuff i Au DDb RESUL T Zn Cu com Dorn i i Casing -fine grained grey banded siltstone ! ANAL mCAL Pb As osm Dom | l | l l ! PAGE 2 DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC. DIAMOND DRILL HOLE LOG Core y. 1 Angle Sulto Axi s! chides \ Number- FOOTAG2 ROCK' TYPE AND DESCRIPTION To From 293.3 291.2 SAMPLE From To i i Arkose angular to subrounded feldspar 1 crystals alicmed with foliation @ 45 0 350. 0 283.3 it i DDb i ANAL rilCAL Pb As oom Dsm i - i i i Dom i DDm ti Ag D"m 1 1 1 i Siltstone | -thinly banded fine grained grey 1 -minor pyrite ( <^%} smeared on fractur sd planes RESUL T Zn Cu 1 siltstone 1 Au 1 i -medium grained grey arkose with i Length (ft) 1 . Frequent bleached and possibly | j sericitic horizons banding @ 50-60 0 1 i i i | | 1 1 E.G. H. 350.0' 1 1 j 1 1 1 | i 1 i 1 | i | | - i l 1 1 1 1i "" DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC. DIAMOND DRILL HOLE LOG PROJECT: AREA: HOLE NUMBER: D. 7 1 Mussy Lake Area CLAIM NUMBER: CORE SIZE: DRILLED BY: LOGGED BY: 641951 LOCATION: L76W j 3 3+20S AZIMUTH: 180O DIP: -45 BQ Falcon Drilling Henry P. Hutteri CORE STORED AT: OBJECTIVE: ML-88-10 Marathon i.p. Target DATE: January 7-10, 1988 CASING: 12' LENGTH: 350' ACID TEST: 37 0 @ 350' DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC, DIAMOND DRILL KCLE LOG Box 734 TIMMINS. ONTARIO P4N7G2 ML-88-10 Footage From o - 12 ID-PS ROCK TYPE AND DESCRIPTION To 12 0Xo Sulohides Core Angle to Axis CASING 67 - SAMPJ7 Number ii To . - From :i | Anclvticci- Result Length Ueet) ii i l VOLCANICLASTIC S 1 ' - 500 — numerous very stretched felsic and mafic clasts (up to 1") 1 within a dark grey f- m. grained matrix with numerous sub 17, 8105 hedral white recrystalized feldspars disseminated through 2-37. 8106 out section, 1-27. py, po as fine disseminations throughout 2-37, 8107 and as - - few crude and often discontinuous bands parallel 1 1 i . to the foliation 1 ' - a few narrow qtz-carb. veinlets noted generally *I2cm: ' barren and often concordant to foliation 1 1 — from 11' — 14' a few narrow atz veinlets were noted to - contain tourmaline with2-3'X, py and sericite in adlacent" - wall rock -very banded appearance, some fine grained biotite ii? B ™ noted ' | in matrix material f 67 134 ALTERED VOLCANICLASTICS — gradational from above unit * •li 55" i - very silicious, very few clasts evident, medium grained, i . 1-27. 8108 1-27. 8109 1 equigranular consisting mainly of blue qtz eyes and feldspar . . . i - i .\ i i M GEOLOGICAL SERVICES IKC. Box 734 TIMMINS. ONTARIO P4N 7G2 DIAMOND DRILL HOLE LOS ML-88-10 Footage From ROCK TYPE AND 0Xo Core l Sul Ancle to Axis phides Number DESCRIPTION To in a dark grey, fine grained weakly sericitic matrix j - weak sericite alteration imports a poor foliation in this SAVPLS From -t i X xxO 2-37* 8 l-27o 8111 To 1 1 Length tfeet) Analytical' Result i Ag Au oob com 02TI 1 otherwise relatively massive unit - - barren 2" quartz-carb. veinlet @ 82.5' i - foliation @ 55 O to C. A. @ 70' - l-27o sulphides overall - few barren lcm quartz-carb. stringers noted throughout section vary from 25 . to 50O to C. A. - sericite alteration stronger along edges of atz-carb stringers - 0.7' chloritic shear @ 141.5 - 142.7' @ 45 O to C. A. - minor bleaching noted around a few hairline fractures @ 25 to C. A. within section 1 ^ 134 140 BIOTITE SCHIST 17. 8112 i l t - dark green-grey, foliated, relatively soft, composed mainly of biotite and lesses calcite, 17. pyrite i - angle to C. A. varies considerablv ' - - ' 4| - . i II l . ! l li ' " 3KAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC. Box 734 TIMMINS. ONTARIO P4N7G2 DIAMOND DRILL TiCLE LCG ML-88-10 "/o Sulohides Number - similar to unit @ 67' 2-37o 8113 — massive to poorly foliated depending on sericite content 2-37o 8114 - grades in and out of relatively weak sericite schist 2-37. 8115 17. 8116 1-27. 8117 17. 8118 17. 8119 Footage From DESCRIPTION Core Angle to Axis 51 0 To 140 ' i RCCK TYPE AND 187.5 1 j ALTERED VOLCANICLASTICS 1 j @ 151-154, 155-157, 166-171, and 184.0-187.5 — weak sericite schists generally contain a few ouartz-carb stringers and have variable dips at -times (70O to C. A. - @ 167') . - SAMP - From Anc!vt:ccl- Result Length Ueet) To 1 1 206.0 ' 1 l i - i 53 0 CHLORITE-BIOTITE SCHIST 1 ' - 8120 17. - | colour with white-calcite streaks along foliation - 1 towards end of section. 1 — abundant calcite in section - 1 composed of chlorite, fine biotite and -calcite l . - - 17. pyrite overall - 2cm qtz-carb. veinlet @ 204.5' noted to contain fine black : . l prismatic crystals — probably tourmaline II i : - — very soft, well developed foliation, medium green— brown :0 ' | " i - foliation 51 O @ 178* - angle to C. A. varies from 52 l ' - 6" irregular quartz vein zone @ 183.5 187.5 f - . 1 " ! 1 i . DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES HC. DIAMOND DRILL TTCLS LOG Box 734 TIMMINS. ONTARIO P4N7G2 •f ML-88-10 Footage "/o Core Sul Angle to Axis phides Number RCCX TYPE AND DESCRIPTION : From To 206.0' 239.0 17, CHLORITE SCHIST - SAMR.E From | t along the well developed foliation - - abundant calcite within section - — a few microfolds and kinkbands noted within section noted @ 220' -0.7' feldspar porphyry dike @ 223* with sharp contacts and pinkish feldspars . 239.0 283.0 To 8121 — soft, medium green colour with white streaks of calcite — 6" semi— concordant quartz vein Anclvticc!- Result Length Ueet) '- - -1.5" quartz-tourmaline veinlet @ 238.6. - — as at 187.5', mainly green (chloritic) with narrow gradational brown (biotitic) concordant Yearns throughout "1 17. 8122 17. 8123 1 , - j - abundant calcite throughout sectionas fine irregular 1 | - minor sericite within wallrock adjacent to quartz veinlets - ' ^ - minor microfolding within section - - - 6" barren quartz vein @ 261' — a few 2-3" quartz veinlets within section contained ir— ' regular black blotches of material which may be tourmaline . - 1 seams along foliation 1 1 - 1 65 0 CHLORITE-BIOTITE SCHIST , ' . , 1 i - at times appears prismatic and is hard - II. - 1 1 DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC. ' DIAMOND DRILL 8ox734 ' TJMM1NS. ONTARIO P4N7G2 ML-88-10 Footage From LOG ROCK TYPE AND DESCRIPTION Core Angle to Axis To Sul phides Analytical- Result - SAMPLE Number From Length Ueet) To - 0.8' Silicious feldspar porphyry dyke @ 262. 8 '-263. 6 - 2.5"' silicious feldspar porphyry dyke @ 277.5'-280.0' 283.0 i FELDSPAR PORPHYRY 293.0 V - slightly porphyritic with anhedral feldspar crystals in a | 8124 2-37. slightly finer grained, very silicious, dark grey, massive matrix - - 2-37o pyrite over section and a few quartz veinlets 293.0 t i . . 350.0 650 CHLORITE-BIOTITE SCHIST j - 1 - - ] | - as at 239', foliation 65 O to C. A. @ 340' and kinkbanded 1 , ] and contorted in places - - abundant calcite over whole section - well developed foliation nearly disappears from 340* to 348 : - possibly due to strong carbonate alteration - section consists of l-2mm blotches of chlorite within a . light coloured, fine grained dominantly calcite matrix - - foliation varies from 65 O to C. A. @ 348' to 37 O C. A. @ ; A — trace sulphide noted il Tsn.n !l FMH m? HOT/P Acid Test - 37 O i . 349.5* 1 ' 350 i - lil - - DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC. DIAMOND DRILL HOLE LOG PROJECT: AREA: HOLE NUMBER: D-71 Mussy Lake Area CLAIM NUMBER: CORE SIZE: DRILLED BY: LOGGED BY: 641902 Falcon Drilling H.P. Hutteri CORE STORED AT: OBJECTIVE: LOCATION: L84E"/ 35+50S AZIMUTH: DIP: BQ Marathon l.p. Anomaly ML-88-15 000 -45 DATE: January 19-21, 1988 CASING: 40' LENGTH: 539' ACID TEST: 380 ® 539' "D'JpM * GSJIDG1CAL SERVICES ISC. DIAMOND DRILL THOLE LOG ML-88-15 TIMMINS. ONTARIO P4N7G2 Footaee From ROCK TYPE AND DESCRIPTION To 0 40 '/o Sulohides Core Angle to Axis - SAMPLE Number From To CASING 1 j 40 Analytical- Result Length (feet) 353 t ALTERED VOLCANICLASTICS - dark grey, weakly foliated with a p orphyritic texture due to recrystallization - very hard silicious and composed of white anhedral plaaioblase crystals and lesser blue- quartz eyes averaging - 1/16" - 1/8" in diameter , Trace 8168 l-27o 8169 Trace 8170 1-27. 8171 1-27. 8172 57. 8173 2-37o 8174 57. 8175 - fine biotite in matrix imports a weak foliation - very stretched, matrix supported, felsic to mafic clasts generally ^" in thickness noted in places throughout section f - @ 167.5-169.0' and 176.0-180.0' may possibly represent - | 8176 5-107. - lighter coloured, finer grained and less porphyritic units - 2-37. 8177 : 1-27. 8178 - - interbedded fine grained sediments - @ 297- 369' volcaniclastics become coarser grained, up to - 1 IV in thickness and approach being clast supported - — the coarses volcaniclastic unit contains stretched mafic to felsic clasts in a porphyritic appearing (recrystallizec , ' ^ ; ! * matrix of feldspar and quartz eyes, biotite and weak sericite - II - - . " ' - 0'JHHA,M.6S31DG!CAL SERVICES BIG -^ Box 734 TIMMINS. ONTARIO P4N7G2 Footaqe From l DIAMOND DRILL "HOLE LOG ML-88-15 -5 07o Core Sul Angle to Axis phides RCCX TYPE AND DESCRIPTION To - - SAMPLE Number To - From - weak to moderately strong sericite alteration noted — quartz veins are very narrow and generally contain minor | - calcite, 0-17o sulphides, - t ourmaline and. sericite and occur as follows: i 1 1 l @ 289.0-292.0' 1 Analytical- Result-i—— Length Ifeet) - '3" @ 44.0, 4" @ 46.5', 2" @ 115.0'; . 35 0 to C. A., 2" @ 156.5'; 4QO to C. A., 807, q.v. material from 159.0-159.7', 6" @ 188.0'; 47 O to C. A., 3" @ 274'.5: - - 300 to C. A., 2" @ 279.7'; 4QO to C. A., 4" @ 308.5' with 170 py/po and sericitized wallrock, 6O7, q.v. material from , 322.5-323.5' - ' - section 289.0-353.0' was noted to average approximately . 1 3-47o py and po as concordant seams less than V thick -- foliation is 30O to C. A. @ 53', 23 O @ 139', 25O @ 161', 369.0 : - - 1 1 1 BRECCIATED VOLCANICLASTICS — brecciated and sheared clasts which are predominately felsic and light grey to tan in colour within a dark grey^ *~ 8479 1-27, - — gradational from unit above - - - " 200 @ 195', 26 0 @ 270', 20O @ 310' and 30O @ 345'. 353.0 * i f - i * finer grained matrix i - slightly more silicious than adjoining units with moderated i - i i i i " i i t i OSRHAHGBRflGICAL SERVICES BC. ^... 8ox734 DIAMOND DRILL "HCLE LOG ML-88-15 TIMMINS. ONTARIO P4N7G2 Foote q e ——From ——^—— 3-5 "/o Core Sul Angle to Axis phides ROCK TYPE AND DESCRIPTION To . SAMP e Number From — fine irregular chloritic shear plans cut section 369.0 385.5 Length Ueet) To - . l — a f ew ^.2" q.v., no sericite in section and 1-270 sulphides overall Anclvticcl- Result | - - ALTERED VOLCANICLASTICS - similar to matrix supported volcaniclastic unit @ 40.0' to 297.0' 4 ' - - dark grey, hard, poor foliation, recrystallized with i i abundant quartz and feldspar — l - - 1-37, sulphides ! j 385.5 389.7 - 280 SULPHIDE RICH SERICITE SCHIST 8180 207. - @ top of section, concordant py and po seams up to V thick - - - in a silicious and slightly sericitic matrix (altered - clasts?) — sericite alteration increases rapidly downsection to light ' - Ci" - i . - approximately 207, sulphide in section '-O' t green sericite schist with concordant pyrite and po seams - - foliation 28 O @ 387' i i 1 " ' ' - ' . . j ' DUHHAM GHRflGCAl SERVICES INC. ' 8ox734 ' TIMMdHS. ONTARIO P4N7G2 DIAMOND DRILL "HOLE LOG ML-88-15 Footaqe RCCX. TYPE AND DESCRIPTION From 4-5 07o Core SuiAngle to Axis ahides 300 To 389.7 400.0 SERICITE SCHIST -well foliated, light green in upper half of section r Number From Length Ueet) To - Ancivtica!- Result l 8181 2-37. becoming gradually slightly brownish in lower half - SAMR.E 1 - — strong carbonate alteration (calcite) with several quartz- - carb. blebs and stringers cutting section - 2-37, sulphides mainly as minute streaks along foliation M 400.0 473.0 . t - ALTERED VOLCANICLASTICS " - fine grained volcaniclastics as @ 40 -to 297' with no 8182 1 2-37, recognizable clasts in section — medium to dark grey, hard, silicified with recrystallized anhedral white feldspar crystals and blue quartz eyes - 406' to 413.5' contains 3-57, py and po as concordant 57. 8183 57, 8184 57, 8185 57, 8186 | ' - 413.5' to 432.0' contains 57, py and po as concordant seams - 1 . . - @ 410') . i . - 3.5" .q.v. @ 407' with 1-27, py and po; 42 0 to.-C.A. -•— * i 1 containing minor sericite — section has a fairly poor foliation throughout (30 '1 1- 1 CV thick within a light coloured, very silicious matrix - - i : - seams ( ^V) i l .1 t 1 DUHRPGB31DS1CAL SERVICES INC. - " '85x733- ' TIMMINS. ONTARIO P4N7G2 ML-88-15 Foote q e From 5-5' DIAMOND DRILL HCLS LOG RCCK PfPE AND DESCRIPTION Core Ang!a to Axis To 473.6 539.0 07o Sul phides SAMR.E Number From To Anaivticc!- Result Length Ueet) ARGILLACEOUS SILTSTONE | - dark grey-brown, fine grained, relatively soft, thinly l bedded, averaging \ t o V thick, very biotite rich 111 "i —. "'"""" ""'i *— - - strong carbonate alteration (calcite) noted @ 476.0' to — 11111 - — microfolds noted @ 482' _ 477.5' - few thick, concordant beds of fine to medium grained. 1 — - 1 - semimassive wacke @ 498.0' to 503.0' and 521.5' to 528.5' - minor sulphide content * - - foliation 22 O to C. A. @ 474', 24O @ 485' and 25O @ 534' - core recovery 957, — 1 ' 539.0 . END OF HOLE - Acid Test — 38O @ 539.0' - . ^^———^—————. i , . ^ - 1 . .l'! i "t DURHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC. DIAMOND DRILL HOLE LOG PROJECT: HOLE ^NUMBER: D-71 AREA: Mussy Lake Area LOCATION: CLAIM NUMBER: AZIMUTH: CORE SIZE: 641830 BQ -45 January 23-25, 1988 Falcon Drilling DATE: LOGGED BY: H.P. Hut ter i CASING: OBJECTIVE: Marathon VLF Conductor 000 DIP: DRILLED BY: CORE STORED AT: L116E l 3 4+OOS LENGTH: lo 1 459' ACID TEST: 44O @ 459- ^ , ,-. -,(j.:"..O a^rJ l b S toy DUHHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES 1NP, Footaqe From (-5 DIAMOND DRILL HOLE LOG 8ox734 ' TIMMINS. ONTARIO P4ti7G2 ML-88-16 1 ROCK TYPE AND DESCRIPTION To 6 10.0 10.0 CASING 62.0 SILTSTONE 0Xo Sul phides Core Ancle to Axis SAMR.E Number From Length To Ancivticc!- Result f 1 25 0 — medium grey-brown to dark grey, well banded, fine grained 8187 Trace , sediment with alternating light and dark beds — relatively fresh looking with a few narrow quartz calcite and calcite stringers — bedding thickness varies from {V to several inches . - 1* q.v. with minor sericite @ contacts - @ 52.0-53.0' - trace sulphides - 307, core loss from 10' to 19' | | - foliation 25O to C. A. @ 13' and 62' 62.0 71.0 380 WACKE 1 - fine to medium grained, medium grey, weakly foliated, fairly - i well sorted sediment composed of plagioclase and quartz within a carbonate (calcite) and biotite rich matrix - if - -very weak bedding noted . - foliation 38O to C. A. @ 67' - * i — 1 7, d isseminated sulphides j f- ii i 1 ' l III .1 DUHHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC. Box734 ' TIMMINS. ONTARIO P4N7G2 Foot(age From .1. 71.0 2.-S DIAMOND DRILL HOLE LOG ML-88-16 0Xo Core Sul Ancle to Axis phides ROCK TYPE AND DESCRIPTION To 261.0 Number i i l - light to dark grey alternating bands of fine grained siltst one 8188 Trace Analvticc!- Rest, t Length To From ARGILLACEOUS SILTSTONE - similar to unit @ 10'-62' _ SAMP.E 1 1 - - bands noted to be slightly green in colour when containing minor chlorite - bedding thickness varies from ^V to several inches but generally is very thinly laminated ("i") '"""" " i ~ ——- —— - foliation 30O to C. A. @ 72', 27 O @ 120', and 26 O @ 132' — . _ •"""""' i —. """'"""" " J —. . - @ 124-133.5' core is very broken up with several hairline 1 fractures subparallel to C. A. noted - microfolded and contorted bedding noted at 155-156', 1 1 167-168', 180.5-183.5', 193-198', and 205-208' ri - 807, i rregular quartz vein matelral with sericite and trace . 1 pyrite noted at 161.1-162.9' ••""" - recrystallization noted within well laminated siltstone M 1 | and is gradational with recrystallized portions consisting of medium grained anhedral white plagioclose and blue quartz eyes a - sheer planes noted @ 30 O to C. A. often where bedding i a 1 - i . 1 -i very folded "' l 1 - i i l l li. DUSHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC. Box 734 TIMMINS. ONTARIO P4N7G2 ML-88-16 Footace From 3-5 DIAMOND DRILL HOLE LOG 0Xo Core Sul Ancle to Axis phides - ROCK TYPE AND DESCRIPTION To - entire section cut by several semiconcordant ^.1" quartzcalcite veinlets often containing minor sericite and no SAMP.E Number From Length To 1 Analytics!- Result | sulphides - @ 235' to 249' - very hard and silicified sections - silicification centered around the several criss-crossing | | bleached fractures noted within 261.0 284.0 ALTERED SILTSTONE - core is medium to light green with a dark brownish biotite . alteration centered around quartz-carb stringers 17o 8189 17, 8190 | - light greenish matrix consists of weakly developed " 1 l | chlorite-sericite material 1 . l - remnant bedding is difficult to recognize - trace sulphides noted - - chlorite slips @ 30O to C. A. with minor py (17*) along l foliation planes @ 267'-269' — core becomes very hard, silicified and bleached to light grey with 170 py @ 277 '-284' ——————— ^^E^ .4 - | . j 1 i 1 3USHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES IHt DIAMOND DRILL HOLE LOG Box 734 TIMMINS. ONTARIO P4N7G2 Footage From ML-88-16 t ROCK TYPE AND DESCRIPTION To 284.0 318.0 cXo Sul phides Core Angle to Axis SILTSTONE SAMPLE Number From AnclvTiccl- Res-j t Length To i i i — medium to dark grey, fine grained, well laminated sediments i i I with variable bedding thicknesses - several semiconcordant quartz-carb. stringers - @ 348 '-394. 8' - very biotite rich sediment with strong 1 calcite alteration - bedding 47 O to C. A. @ 304' ' 318.0 334,0 ALTERED SILTSTONE - @ 318'-326' - very hard, silicious, medium to light grey 62 0 with trace pyrite becoming light greenish grey @ 326 '-334' | 8191 17. and softer due to weak chlorite— sericite alteration 1 - 332 '-333' - 807. quartz-calcite blebs and stringers cutting - dirty light green weak chlorite-sericite altered sediments - - 17, pyrite - foliation 62O to C. A. @ 334' ' ' 334.0 * . - good bedding disappears in this section 459.0 . SILTSTONE - dark grey, fine grained, well sorted, well laminated sediment with variable bedding thicknesses .'If . | ' (Trace 8192 JTrace 8 193 i 1 1 1 1 DOHHAM GEOLOGICAL SERVICES INC. - ' TIMMINS. ONTARIO P4N7G2 ML-88-16 Footage From 5-5 DIAMOND DRILL 'HOLE LOG Box 734 RCCK TYPE AND DESCRIPTION 0Xo Sul phides Core Ancle to Axis To SAMPLE Number To From Ancivticc!- Resu t Length - 1 — bedding contorted with microfolding @ 335'— 407' - very hard and silicified @ 361 '-380' with 2-3" irregular quartz-carb. vein @ 367" bearing minor sericite and trace - pyrite — 412' — very hard, silicified, with 0.9' q.v. with minor -"•"" - " "" | sericite @ 415.1-416.0 — i - semiconcordant carbonated biotite rich zones @ 429. 5 '-431. )' and 4A6.O '— 44 7 ..i? ' i' . - bedding 60O to C. A. @ 335', 33 O @ 412 and 50O @ 452' 1 ! * "' 459.0 END OF HOLE Acid Test 1 | l 1.111111... l . 1 l - , ^ . |i . 11 1 1. - t i j i 1 1 - 1 1 1 .. i Mn istry c-. Development Report "dress of Recorded Holder ^Int^ational Maple Leaf Resources Cor "2oe9SEe251 5e p' c P.O. Box 10108, Suite 1550, 609 Granville Street, Vancouver, B.C. V7Y 1C6 Summary of Work Performance and Distribution of Credits - ;|L-||_______ , - r1——— ————— ——— -i, ———— - - , - -m-.^.l-TTT-u , - , - - ..-. - ————..- - - ' -L J ". . ' - l ————. **ln TT-jf L* . ^^Hj^* 'TT ffi P ** * ' 1J -**^* *f ^™*J- - - i* ^f * f * - - f J | " " Required Information eg: type of equipment, Names. Adoresses, etc.^See Table^elowj^y^j^. Contractor: n ..^ Falcon Drilling P. 0 . Box 578 Prince George, B.C CO g 5 -j Modified JKS 300 Drilling Dates: za ~ g 50 co o 0 o November 28 to December 19* 1987 January 6, 1988 to January 26, 1988 m 2*2 k ~^l~ Total Footage= 6242 vf-'tiO erOl.OCICAL GUF1VKY ViENT MLtS e**v CO OFFICE; APR l 9 1988 RECEIVEDate of Rt ort Recorded Holdetor Agent (Signature) iMarch 28/88 Certification Verifying Report of Work 1 hereby certify that 1 have a personal and intimate knowledge of the factt tet forth In the Report of Work ennexed hereto, having performed the work or witnessed tame during and/or after itt completion end the annexed report It true. Name end Postal Address of Perton Certifying Henry P. Hutteri Box 734, Timmins, Ontario P4N 7G2 •' - ; .'' H^*;.'. Date Certified March 28/88 Table of Information/Attachments Required by the Mining Recorder Type of Work Specific Information per type Certified by (Slgnatur*) &,,1 ^ '- ••P*B#3ffi®^ /tff^iyT f7c.t4Mi^ / Other Information (Common to 2 or more types) r ' :" : ;?' \' - Attachment! Manual Work Nil Shaft Sinking, Drifting or other Lateral Work Compressed air, other power driven or mechanical equip. Type of equipment Power Stripping Type of equipment end amount expended. Note: Proof of ectual cost mutt be submitted within 30 days of recording. Diamond or other core drilling Signed core tog showing; footege, diameter of core, number and angles of holet. Land Survey Name and address of Ontario land turveyer. 768 (85/12) Names and addresses of men who performed manual work/operated equlpmern, together with dates and hours of employrttent. ' Names and addresses of owner or operator together with dates when drilling/stripping done. Nil Work Sketch: theie •re required to (how the location end extent of work In relation to the nearest claim pott. Work Sketch (as above) in duplicate Nil 1 ^ l A O VJ ^vj 'r; '^:vV'1^"''f-'T '-•'M .••'•'•"•il '•^ " -*^ST- , W *' .'*-' it ;-;-i-. ^. 't*r'^•: 'f^-' i ^••••-,;;-^ '. ~.-T "' •'•• •••.'•-.^••; ' ^i*: ** - '.-•*-'.'v; -** iVjCV -,5"- '.' "^.^ vfeV: V ' :.-*-:' r- ' rT 3 { 6*^7 60 ^o ^0 ? ?7 * AtJUl+At-t "J&J& -&U****. -J9/O *L4Pfrt-g*4 "w///O AC+^JL* " ji&b ^-Jp* 4)^^^^^?^^^ O'Neill Twp McCoy Twp - S.R. - SURFACE RIGHTS N 1/2 Lot 7, i --^- ------ -- . . ., Description' Order No. Con XI M.ft Dal* 304 1 A.AI90I vets rgzJ sss92**J —t-" — -* fr5***^c{ -- ~ ^ \ ^,^^——— '.VNCR 8/84 ... .. ~ WNCR 4/Sf P eninsula 1,11 WU .K i* /B W JH 'fir 6W5T3C- 16546**, '64**2*W t*4**3fci 894 i 68 LAND UNDER THE WATERS OF LAKF SUPERIOR WITHDRAWN FROM STAKING BY ORDER IN COUNCIL '908136 '" r a t ho n m p r o V908I35 ' 908134 *W3TW 863943 \\863942 , 8639*6 924WT, ------- --J-----^K e ri\\t DATED APR;L 30, 1912. ---f AREA CHQ.VN IhuS rr^ 7ir:~ AND .STANDS FRONT OF CONCESSION 2 TO CONCESSION SUBJECT TO SECTION 118 OF ThL WINING -? J^.v ; ID i s1 t r \ c t I'M ir :-y.vi-/, b V*. T : j "RA7yN PUKSJANT TO Tr-r t ;,r .' ; 3? OF "HE. \.'"NG A" T F ^ O ANNULLED PORTION SHOWN THUS -J---7J—— - --~- -J. -—— ~|. --t" OF SUBDIVISION OF IN 1980 TOWNSHIP ———| ©GRAVEL a Fi^E GRANITE 3C338 . _ fr8J709-C. 6W987 813876 ^11144 688989 r "" '6889BB PIT 1665996 6B8BO PROVINCIAL MATURE LEGEND 664000 '688806 64993S 16499341649931 HIGHWAY AN!") f'OL'U 649930 OTHf R TRAILS SURVfcVf- () | .Nt S TOWNSMlPS. BASf l l fsit-- ! : K, i uTS. MiNiNt , !. i A :to:j PA H' 'i- l S f ' UNSUHV^'t i; 688807 167-1452 LO'l l i PAHCt 657115 MINING ("l AiMS l K '657116, RAILWAY AND RIGHT i H '/VA LITH IT V l j Mf S fi K( \'. ( i.\ S 1 i- s -'i M F L MARSH OH MUSK t li 1646675 l 64669J Jt ^55H'f^^ 5.555 -t- - - -- - r ' ov. ^J; MINhS TRAVPRSL MSINUMI DISPOSITION OF CROWN LANDS SYMBOL TYPE OF DOCUMENT PATfcNT. SURF ACl ,-v Mi'J'Nd 656529 1656523 . SU'U ACf- H!f.iHIS i)NL i 656520 . ^-656518 . MINING RIGHTS ON! '' LEASE SURI ACt S- MINING HIC,HTS 656524 656521 , 656519 " .SURF ACb RIGH FS ONLY " . MININ( ) H.GHTS ON; Y LICFNCE O \ O CCUPATION ORUtH IN COUNCIL RESERVATION ••i? 656546 '666541 .656536 l ^b^DJi JJSJ5654b - . ——U , —— -^ CANCdLLE O Exp.oya/tflr^ i. icenc,e or Oc^^potion ^ r : \ 7 1 SAND St GRAVE L 1 . ^--J-iJ^-h NOTE 1 M INING HIT NTS V f m f fi * j^UOJf'J '^UDJI** , J^fJ'J' JX^^^-K^^ - — ^. _ ^ LANDS SCALt AI 't l INCH IN P A H I'.l L. S p A 1 i- N I [ 11 f* H i ~' R INi . ms MN/V o S -l D ''^ Tt NT i f i "AP 1BO li 1- St-',", l (i MA Y l Mt -jl 40 CHAINS PIC TWP. M.N.R ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT TERRACE BAY MINING DIVISION THUNDER BAY LAND TITLES/ REGISTRY DIVISION THUNDER BAY 3 42009SE*2S1 58 PIC ALL ISLANDS WITHIN 2 MILE i iMiT FORM PART OF NAT. A^ \ -' K(fl. fC .Mr-..* i* - Mussy Lake Area RECEIVED P i i B \. K SUBS M, Ministryof L and Natural Management Resources Branch '