Tom Turrentine - PEV Collaborative
Tom Turrentine - PEV Collaborative
Acceleratingthetransitionto electric/zeroemissionsmobility: Amicro¯operspectiveon marketdevelopment TomTurrentine PECVCollaborativemeeting March8,SanDiego WhatareCalifornia’sgoalfornextphase ofmarket? • Californiagoals? – Sustaincurrentannualrateofgrowth? – Doublerateofgrowth? – MeetZEVgoals,climategoals? – Sustainablemarket?Endmajorincentives? – Engagedcitizens- buyers? PH&EVCenter“Roll-out&ramp-upresearch” Annual&semiannual“big”&“contextual”longitudinal data Studying the‘Evolution” oftheZEVmarket;theinteractionofpolicy, technology, energysystems andconsumerculture • GilTal&Mike Nicholas • MikeNicholas &GilTal • KenKurani • TomTurrentine USPEV buyer studies UScar buyers& PEVs PEV household use patterns Theworld PEV market 6 • LewFulton • GilTal • TomTurrentine LongitudinalBehavioralResearchonPEVMarket DevelopmentProcessesatUCDavis • GilTal2014-15:>10,000completedsurveysfromCalif.&USPEVdrivers(also usedPEVmarket),newsurveymid-yearforUS • KenKurani2014-2015:>10,000completedsurveysfromCalif&USgeneral market,newsurvey2016mid-yearforCalif. • KenKuraniOngoinginterviews&workshopswithbuyers • MikeNicholas2015-17:1yearofGPS&OBDdata(>40variables)fromallvehicles in240CaliforniaPEVhouseholds(totalof700vehicles)2016-17. • TomTurrentine 2016-17:Comparativestudiesofinternationalmarkets&PEVuse datathroughcollaborationwithsimilargroupstoUCD:sofarChina,Netherlands, Norway,UK,Germany,Sweden,Portugal,Canada,Brazil. Challenges&opportunitiesinPEV marketdevelopment Slowturnoveroffleet(10-20years) Lowcostofgasoline;shifttolargervehicles HighCostofZEVandPEVtechnologies Rateofproductrolloutintoallvehicleclasses Developmentrateofconsumerawareness, knowledge,experience&productvaluation • Unevendevelopmentofcharging infrastructure • • • • • SeveralsurveysbyKenKuranishowstrongevidencethat awareness,knowledgeandconsiderationofPEVsisstillonlya smallnumberofCaliforniacarbuyers Have you considered buying a vehicle that runs on electricity for your household? …have not and would not… 2% 4% …have not …but maybe some day we will 18% 13% …idea has occurred, but no real steps have been taken… …gathered information, but haven't really gotten serious 32% 31% …shopped for one, visited a dealership... ...already have a vehicle powered by electricity NinestatestudybyKenKuranishowssimilar “Haveyouconsideredavehiclethatrunson electricityforyourhousehold?” 100% I (we) have not and would not consider buying a vehicle that runs on electricity 90% 80% I (we) have not considered buying a vehicle that runs on electricity but maybe some day we will 70% 60% The idea has occurred, but no real steps have been taken to shop for one 50% 40% Started to gather some information, but haven not really gotten serious yet 30% 20% Shopped for an electric vehicle, including a visit to at least one dealership to test drive 10% ar yl an N d ES CA U M D el aw M ar as e sa ch us et ts N ew Je rs ey k Yo r I (we) already have a vehicle powered by electricity M N ew to n in g n W as h re go O Ca lif o rn ia 0% 10 “Areyoufamiliarenoughwiththesetypesofvehiclesto makeadecisionaboutwhetheronewouldberightforyour household?” Scale:-3=no,3=yes.Meanscores. 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 -1.00 CA ICEV OR HEV WA BEV NESCAUM NY PHEV MA MD FCEV NJ DE 11 Women’s rate of participation in the market for PEVs appears to be much lower than in the market for all vehicles – source Ken Kurani UCD Percent of vehicle transactions attributed to women 0% New (all) Used (all) CA PEVs Leaf Volt Tesla S MINI E 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Inarecentninestatestudy,KenKuranirunsseveralmodelsand estimates3.3millionpersonswhoaremostlikely“nextbuyers” basedonavarietyoffactors Occupied housing units (US Census) Vehicle available (ACS) % buy new (est. from past UCD surveys) % Design PEV or FCEV Game 3 1,522,988 92% 33% 38.7% 180,555 12,617,280 92% 33% 38.1% 1,476,097 Washington 2,645,396 93% 33% 35.9% 294,746 Maryland 2,155,983 91% 33% 31.4% 204,375 Delaware 339,046 94% 33% 28.0% 29,616 New York Massachusett s 7,255,528 70% 33% 27.9% 474,244 2,538,485 87% 33% 27.7% 204,908 NESCAUM 16,078,204 81% 33% 26.6% 1,151,394 New Jersey 3,188,498 88% 33% 23.7% 222,248 Oregon California Total* * Total includes all NESCAUM without double counting Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New York Population Estimate 3,336,783 13 Tospeedupthisprocessa campaignmustpayattentionto bothmicro¯odevelopmentprocesses – SocialprocessandvaluationofZEVs • Developmentofnorms • Culturalsensibilitiesaboutthefutureofvehicles – Consumerlearningand“valuation”ofZEV technologies • • • • • Awareness(attention,exposure) Knowledgedevelopment Experience(drive,charge,watchneighborusevehicles) Attitudeformation(dislike,desire) Values(importance,lifestylegoals,socialnorms) Micro:Consumerlearning&“valuation”ofPEVs:a householdconsumption-productionapproach. • EarlybuyersarecreatingwhatChicagoeconomistGaryBecker (EconomicsNobel1992)called“culturalcapital” – Householdsactlikefirms,combiningmoneyandtimetoproduce “consumption”outputs – But,valuationingreenandtechinnovationisbotha“practical”butalsoa socialproductionprocess • Ingreenmarkets,thisisparticularlynotable,whereboth “knowledge”andconsumptionactionsaresocialvalues – Thustheactofbuying,drivingandcommunicationaboutaPEV,isatype ofsocial-culturalinvestment – Acrudedefinitionwouldbea“status”good,butgreentechismuchmore complicated • Ingreenmarketsthehouseholdisa“partner”withthe manufacturerandretailsector,thegovernmentandinthecaseof PEVsthepowerprovider Macro:PEVmarketengagesseveralsectors; Sectorsheremeansgroupsofactorsworkingtogetherorcompeting “Diffusion of Innovations” framework is about both macromarket development as well as micro processes – consumer information, learning & interpersonal influence. Influenceovertime betweendistinct typesofbuyers Technology Enthusiasts Visionaries Pragmatists Conservatives Laggards { Late Majority { Early Majority { Early Adopters { { Innovators Skeptics originsinanthropologyandformalizedinruralsociology,now popularinhightechmarketing 17 CurvebasedonrolloutofHEVsinJapan&California1997-2015 Thetransitiontoelectric vehiclesisevolvingby generationsofvehicles& marketdiffusion 4th generation 3rd generation: batteries, vehicles, “core market” 2nd generation 800,000 PEVS batteries, 1st generation vehicles, policy, vehicles, “followers” “innovators” & 2025 infrastructure 500,000 PEVs 200,000 PEVs 2020 2010 700 2015 1-2% 300200 2030 California 2025ZEVgoal =15%/1.5 million BEVS, FCV&PHEVs Early core market: 6-15% 3-5%ofmarket 150Lithium packpricesperkWh Main market 15-25% Themainmarkettaskistoassistthisdiffusionprocess 1st generation 1- 3 % of market, 200,000 PEVs 2nd generation 3-5% of market,500,000 PEVs 150,000 PEV innovator households “Earlyadopters” alsocalled “FastFollowers” “Innovators” 2010 2015 2020 Innovatorsfrom1st Generationmarketwillbebuyingsome portionofthe2nd Generationmarket– perhaps100,000 1st generation 1- 3 % of market, 200,000 PEVs 2nd generation 3-5% of market,500,000 new PEVs 150,000 PEV innovator households Andagrowing usedPEV market “Earlyadopters” alsocalled “FastFollowers” “Innovators 2nd, 3rd PEV purchases” “Innovators” UsedPEVs 2010 2015 Sofar,these“Innovators”aremostlyaffluentbuyers,with severalvehicles,ownhomes,higheducation:sourceGilTal 2+newCars 1NewCar Nonewcars 25% 20% 10% 5% $250,000+ $200-249,999 $150-199,999 $100-149,999 $75-99,999 $50-74,999 $35-49,999 0% $25-34,999 66%ofthe householdsdid notpurchase newcarinthe last5years 15% $0-9,999 27% bought1 car=65% ofnewcar purchases $10- 24,999 7%ofHH purchased 2+cars= 35%ofnew cars CAPEVbuyersare“very”affluentsofar,despitethegood dealsonPEVs- sourceGilTal 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Less than $24,999 $25,000 $50,000 $75,000 $100,000 $150,000 $200,000 No to to to to to ormore answer $49,999 $74,999 $99,999 $149,999 $199,999 ICE 4% 12% 17% 18% 25% 12% 13% 0% Hybrid 1% 7% 10% 14% 30% 17% 22% 0% PRIUSPLUG-IN 1% 1% 1% 4% 17% 18% 36% 22% VOLT 0% 1% 5% 7% 21% 16% 35% 15% LEAF 0% 2% 3% 7% 18% 15% 33% 21% In 2015 22% of PEV Buyers are on their 2nd or 3rd PEV purchase, 10% have 2-3 PEVs in their household 30% 20-25% 25% 20% 15% FirstPEV HadaPEV Have2+PEVs 10% 5% 0% 2012 2013 2014 NewtsPEVmodelyear 2015 RoleofInterpersonalInfluence A E C D B J F … SpreadInformation e.g.diffusionofinnovations Therealprocessofsociallearningcanbecomplex tostudy,HereisonehouseholdfromJonnAxsen’s dissertationworkonelectricvehiclesandsocial influence. Stranger Notcontactedbyego Lowerinfluenceinteraction Modinfluenceinteraction SocialProximitytotheRhodes XX XX Casual Acquaint. Larry’s Martial Arts Cheryl’s Running Group XX Higherinfluenceinteraction Interviewedcontact Somewhatclosetie Veryclosetie 4th Circle 3rd Circle 2nd Circle Larry’sWork 1st Circle Close Neighbors Son’s School Close Family LarryandCherylRhode Vacation Friends Former Colleagues Norwayhasachievedhighmarket– over 20%ina15yearpolicyprocess • Thegovernmenthasassistedagroupcalledthe EVAssociation($50)for1yeartonewbuyers, so30,000membersnow. – Theyrunaforum,chargingstationdatabase,EV parades,testdrives – 2016isgetting$200,000supportfromgovernment – Anothergroup,GreenVehicle,doesoutreachto municipalfleets. – SpecialLicenseplatesforEVs Whatmightacampaignlooklike? • Awarenesscampaign:PEVsareforsale,150,000 CaliforniahouseholdsareusingPEVseachday • Knowledgedevelopment:Schoolcurriculums, • DevelopingExperience:Connecting200,000 CaliforniaPEVownersanddealerstothe potentialonemillion2nd generationbuyersKen Kuranihasidentifiedthroughrideanddrives. • Valuation:MediacampaignZEVs&PEVsarethe futureofpersonaltransport • Researchfeedback:Precisemeasurementsof progressineacharea Governments Electricity providers Manufacturers Earlybuyers(first 15years)
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