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MY TOP 10 MY TOP ALIAS 10 BETV Sydney Bristow direkrut sebagai agen rahasia dan bekerja untuk SD-6, yang menurutnya itu sebuah badan pemerintah. Namun, ketika tunangannya dibunuh oleh agen SD-6, dia menyadari bahwa SD-6 sebenarnya adalah sebuah lembaga kontrapemerintah. Lalu Sydney melaporkan ke CIA dan ia diminta untuk bekerja di CIA dan menjadi agen ganda yang bertugas menjadi penyusup di SD-6. FAVORITE PROGRAMS WRECK IT RALPH THE EXPATRIATE DISNEY CHANNEL FOX ACTION MOVIES Seorang penjahat video game ingin menjadi pahlawan dan menetapkan untuk memenuhi mimpinya, namun usahanya membawa malapetaka ke seluruh arcade dimana dia tinggal. Ben Logan (Aaron Eckhart) adalah seorang mantan anggota CIA yang ingin dilenyapkan. Konspirasi internasional menginginkan Ben dan putirnya Amy Logan (Liana Liberato) dibunuh. Dalam kepanikan, Ben berusaha mengungkap siapa dalang dibalik rencana ini. THE MONUMENTS MEN FOX MOVIES PREMIUM TETHERED Berdasarkan kisah nyata tentang perburuan harta karun terbesar sepanjang sejarah di perang dunia II. Frank Stokes (George Clooney) adalah tentara yang mendapat tugas mempersiapkan para ahli seni agar siap dikirimkan ke medan perang. Para Ahli seni ini nantinya memiliki misi menyelamatkan karya-karya seni bernilai tinggi yang ingin dimusnahkan oleh Nazi. Tidak mudah bagi George untuk menjalankan misi tersebut di tengah perang dunia II yang sedang berkobar. Dibantu oleh James Granger (Matt Damon), keduanya berusaha menyelesaikan misi berbahaya ini dengan dibantu oleh enam ahli seni yang berasal dari seluruh dunia. DISCOVERY CHANNEL Dua orang dari latar belakang dan filosofi yang berbeda harus memulai sebuah perjalanan epik di seluruh daerah yang berbahaya dituntut untuk memakai kecerdikan mereka dan bekerja sama dalam misi menemukan penyelamatan. Hal ini semakin sulit untuk dilakukan karena selama petualangan sebuah kabel baja terikat di pinggang mereka berdua. 4 MY TOP 10 VICTORIA SECRET FASHION SHOW 2014 SIDE EFFECT FX STAR WORLD “Side Effects” mengisahkan tentang Emily Taylor (Rooney Mara) seorang wanita yang mengalami rasa depresi, pasca mendekapnya sang suami ke penjara, Martin (Channing Tatum), bahkan Emily sempat beberapa kali melalukan percobaan bunuh diri. Dia pun pergi ke seorang psikiater bernama Jonathan Banks (Jude Law). Lalu Emily diberi obat anti-depresi oleh Joe bernama Ablixa, dan ternyata obat tersebut memiliki efek samping yang membuat hidupnya terasa semakin rumit. “Victoria Secret Fashion Show” merupakan fashion show tahunan yang disponsori dan menampilkan brand pakaian dan pakaian tidur, Victoria Secret. Victoria Secret menggunakan acara ini untuk mempromosikan karyanya dengan cara yang elegan. Acara ini menampilkan beberapa model fashion terkemuka di dunia Adriana Lima, Alessandra Ambrosio, Doutzen Kroes, Behati Prinsloo, Candice Swanepoel, Lily Aldridge, Lindsay Ellingson dan Karlie Kloss. 47 RONIN HBO “47 Ronin” bercerita tentang Kai (Keanu Reeves) sebagai tokoh utama yang merupakan pria keturunan Amerika-Jepang yang terbuang di tanah Jepang dan akhirnya hidup sebagai seorang budak dari seorang penguasa bernama Kira (Tadanobu Asano). Kuranosuke Oishi (Hiroyuki Sanada), seorang samurai yang telah kehilangan tuannya dan kini ia menjadi pemimpin ke 47 orang Ronin dan mengajak Kai bergabung bersama dirinya dan Ronin lainnya untuk membalas dendam atas kematian tuannya. Perang melawan penyihir dan iblis pun tak terelakkan, hingga pada akhirnya sebanyak 47 Ronin melakukan ritual seppuku sebagai bentuk konsekuensi atas perbuatan mereka. I, FRANKENSTEIN SKET DANCE CINEMAX ANIMAX “I, Frankenstein” berkisah mengenai manusia buatan Frankenstein bernama Adam yang dibuat oleh penciptanya sejak 2000 tahun lalu. Kini ia berkelana di dunia manusia di zaman modern, hingga suatu saat ia harus terlibat sebuah perang antar monster. Adam sang Frankenstein sendiri memilih untuk berpihak kepada keselamatan umat manusia. Anime ini mengangkat tema Klub Sekolah yang diperuntukan untuk menolong dan memecahkan masalah siswa siswi di sekolah tersebut. Ceritanya selalu beragam, sesuai dengan masalah apa yang akan dipecahkan di setiap episodenya. Cerita di anime ini seputar kehidupan sekolah, persahabatan, romance, serta isu-isu yang berkembang saat ini, dan yang pasti keseluruhan episode di anime ini dikemas dengan komedi yang lucu. (RIZ/IND/RIZ/NDR) 5 BLOOPERS OOOPS! Scene Kesalahan kecil maupun fatal dalam adegan film yang terjadi dalam periode waktu yang singkat DIVERGENT [2014] Shailene Woodley • Theo James • Kate Winslet Setelah Tris terbangun dari pertarungannya dengan Peter, ada sebuah luka di bawah alisnya dan matanya yang tampak memar. Namun dalam adegan berikutnya, luka tersebut hampir tak terlihat dan memar di matanya telah menghilang. (MHG/IND/MHG/NDR) Mata kanan Tris tampak memar. 1 2 Mata kanan Tris tampak memar dan terdapat luka di bawah alisnya. Memar di mata Tris hampir tidak terlihat, namun lukanya masih terlihat. 3 4 Mata kanan Tris sudah tidak memar lagi. [email protected] @viewmgz DESIGN & LAYOUT Fiona Fleurette Carissa Nova Michael Henry Goeinawan Rizky Fachritama any tim e any where! 6 HEAD OF CREATIVE Indrie Pratiwi Suryaningtyas EDITOR OFFICE Berita Satu Plaza 10th Floor Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav 35-36, Jakarta 12950 HIGHLIGHTS Premieres Saturday, 20 December 09.00 pm Jaegers adalah Robot buatan manusia dengan ukuran tinggi dan besar, yang disetting untuk mengalahkan monster yang bernama Kaiju. Kaiju merupakan monster raksasa yang bangkit dari dalam lautan. Teks: Michael Henry Goeinawan J aeger, sebuah robot besar yang memiliki kendala dalam masalah pengendaliannya. Namun peneliti telah menemukan inovasi baru tentang Jaeger dengan sistem dua pilot yang saling menyatukan pikiran satu sama lain. Raleigh Becket (Charlie Hunnam) yang menjadi pilot sebuah Jaeger bernama Gipsy Danger bersama kakaknya, Yancy (Diego Klattenhoff). Atasan pilot, Stacker Pentecost (Idris Elba) memberi tugas untuk membasmi Kaiju yang lokasinya dekat dengan sebuah kapal kecil yang sedang berlayar. Tak disangka dalam misi ini, hanya Raleigh yang berhasil selamat. Setelah peristiwa tersebut, kemudian para dewan meminta tentara dunia menutup proyek Jaeger dan mulai membangun tembok raksasa. Akan tetapi tembok raksasa tersebut tak mampu menahan serangan Monster Kaiju, sehingga akhirnya sepasang pilot ayah-anak turun dan berhasil melumpuhkan para Kaiju. Raleigh pun diajak oleh Stacker untuk kembali ke dalam pasukan dan kembali menjadi pilot Jaeger. Untuk mendapatkan pasangannya maka diadakan seleksi. Mako (Rinko Kikuchi) seorang wanita yang jago berkelahi ingin menjadi pengendali Jaeger namun dilarang oleh Stacker. Pada saat seleksi, tidak ada calon yang dapat mengungguli Raleigh. Untuk itu Mako mencoba ikut seleksi itu dan berhasil mengalahkan Raleigh. Rupanya Stacker tidak senang karena dia menganggap Mako belum siap dan masih hijau. Tapi alasan sebenarnya adalah karena Mako merupakan anak angkat yang disayanginya. Kali ini kemunculan Monster Kaiju terlalu kuat, sehingga dibutuhkan 3 Jaeger selain milik Raleigh terjun ke medan perang. Mako terpaksa turun untuk menjadi pasangan pilot Raleigh, karena kekuatan Kaiju yang lebih tinggi. Di saat itu, dua orang ilmuwan yang memiliki sifat unik yaitu Geiszler dan Gottlieb, baru menemukan cara untuk menghubungkan otak Kaiju dengan otak manusia. Mereka melakukan hubungan perasaan dengan otak Kaiju untuk mengetahui rahasianya. Untuk itu ditemukan bahwa Kaiju memiliki semacam kode untuk melewati lorong jalan tembus yang mana Jaeger tidak akan bisa melewati lorong tersebut. Beberapa Jaeger telah kalah dan hanya tinggal dua Jaeger saja untuk melakukan pengeboman lorong jalan tembus. Kali ini lorong tersebut dijaga oleh Kaiju kategori 5 yang berarti lebih besar dan lebih kuat. Pada akhirnya Gipsy Danger berhasil mengalahkan dan meledakkan lorong tersebut. (MHG/IND/MHG/NDR) 8 HIGHLIGHTS Premieres Saturday 20 December 09.00 pm THE ICEMAN Kisah nyata tentang seorang pembunuh bayaran yang terkenal dan juga pria yang mencintai keluarganya, Richard Kuklinski. Ketika ia ditangkap pada tahun 1986, baik istri dan kedua anak perempuannya tidak mengetahui pekerjaan yang sebenarnya. Teks: Michael Henry Goeinawan P ada tahun 1960-an, Richard Kuklinski (Michael Shannon) menikahi Deborah (Winona Ryder) dan dikaruniai dua orang anak perempuan. Namun, Kuklinski merahasiakan pekerjaan sebenarnya dari keluarganya. Ia bekerja sebagai pe-dubbing di perusahaan film porno yang kemudian menjadi pemasok bagi para gangster, tapi ia menceritakan kepada keluarganya bahwa ia seorang dubbing di kartun Disney. Kuklinski menyimpan rahasia bahwa ia pernah membunuh orang hanya karena orang tersebut menghina dirinya dalam bermain biliar. Ia mengikutinya ke mobil orang tersebut dan menyayat lehernya. Rahasia lain yang disimpan oleh Kuklinski adalah adiknya, Joseph, dipenjara seumur hidup karena memperkosa dan membunuh anak dibawah umur. Roy DeMeo (Ray Liotta) adalah seorang kepala gangster yang menutup perusahaan film porno dimana Kuklinski bekerja, dan ia dipekerjakan sebagai pembunuh bayaran setelah Kuklinski lulus dalam audisi dadakan untuk pekerjaan tersebut. Dalam proses pembunuhan Marty Freeman (James Franco), Kuklinski bertemu dengan Robert Pronge (Chris Evans) yang juga merupakan seorang pembunuh dari organisasi yang sama. DeMeo menghukum Kuklinski karena membiarkan seorang anak kecil tetap hidup setelah melihat terjadinya pembunuhan. Kuklinski menyatakan bahwa ia tidak akan pernah menyakiti anak-anak. Kuklinski yang dihukum oleh DeMeo, mengajak Pronge untuk bekerja sama dengannya dalam menjalankan pembunuhan dan membagi dua hasil uangnya. DeMeo yang mengetahui hal ini, marah serta mengancam dan juga memutus hubungan dengan Kuklinski. Bagaimana kelanjutan hubungan Kuklinski dengan Pronge dan DeMeo? Saksikan perjalanan Richard Kuklinski pada tanggal 20 Desember dalam film “The Iceman” di Fox Action Movies. (MHG/IND/MHG/NDR) 9 HIGHLIGHTS Premieres Saturday 13 December 08.00 pm Sebuah spesies alien jahat di masa depan yang disebut Formics, datang menyerang planet Bumi. Serangan dahsyat dari Formics tersebut, nyaris memusnahkan spesies manusia. Teks: Michael Henry Goeinawan P ersiapan mengantisipasi serangan para Formics berikutnya, sebuah institusi militer internasional di bawah pimpinan Kolonel Graff (Harrison Ford), merekrut dan melatih para anak muda terbaik dunia untuk menjadi Mazer. Salah satu anak muda yang terpilih adalah Andrew “ Ender” Wiggin (Asa Butterfield), seorang anak pemalu namun memiliki kemampuan menyusun strategi yang sangat memukau. Saat pertama kali sampai ke Battle School, Ender dengan cepat dan mudah menguasi semua simulasi permainan perang yang diberikan kepadanya. Tidak heran bila ia kemudian menjadi yang terbaik di antara rekan-rekannya. Di dalam Battle Room, Ender yang belum menguasai apa-apa, dapat menguasai bagaimana cara bergerak dan melakukan manuvermanuver di ruang anti gravitasi bersama dengan teman satu grupnya, Alai. Ender dan Alai menjadi sahabat baik dan Alai membantu Ender untuk dapat menjadi satu dengan grupnya. Suatu ketika, Ender berhasil melaju lebih jauh dalam sebuah permainan komputer yang disebut “The Mind Game”. Tidak pernah ada satu orangpun yang bisa mencapai tahapan level tersebut. Walaupun Ender tidak menyadari hal tersebut, ternyata Kolonel Graff selalu mengamatinya lewat sebuah kamera. Berkat prestasinya tersebut, Ender lalu dipromosikan oleh Kolonel Graff ke tingkatan Sekolah Komando. Di sana, Ender kemudian dilatih langsung oleh sang legenda, Mazer Rackham. Mazer melatih Ender lebih jauh lagi, agar Ender mampu mempersiapkan mentalnya untuk memimpin manusia dalam perang besar melawan para Formics yang mengancam Bumi. (MHG/IND/MHG/NDR) 10 ON THE SCREEN “The Librarians” adalah film serial televisi bergenre fiksi yang merupakan sekuel dari film Franschise “The Librarian” yang dibintangi oleh Noah Wyle yang bertindak sebagai pustakawan yang melindungi koleksi artefak rahasia. “The Librarians” akan ditayangkan perdana pada tanggal 7 Desember 2014 dan merupakan sekuel film keempat dari “The Librarian: Quest for the Spear” (2004), “The Librarian: Return to King Solomon’s Mines” (2006) dan “The Librarian: Curse of the Judas Chalice” (2008). Teks: Rizky Fachritama F ilm “The Librarian” sendiri bercerita tentang seorang pustakawan yang mendapatkan pekerjaan untuk menjaga koleksi-koleksi langka. Pustakawan ini juga merupakan seorang kutu buku yang juga sangat mencintai buku-buku dari pada seorang wanita. Cerita dalam film ini yang menggambarkan kehidupan seorang pustakawan dalam menjalani kehidupannya memang terlihat nyata dan seperti realita di lapangan. Pustakawan dalam cerita ini digambarkan sebagai seorang kutu buku atau seorang yang belum menemukan jodohnya walau umurnya sudah menginjak angka 40. Selama ia menjalankan tugasnya, ternyata ada salah satu benda sejarah yang dapat mengeluarkan kekuatan besar jika benda tersebut digabungkan dengan benda sejarah yang lain. Ternyata sebagian benda sejarah itu dimiliki oleh sekelompok orang (dalang utamanya adalah mantan pustakawan yang dulu menjabat posisi pustakawan di perpustakaan ini) yang berambisi untuk menguasai dunia. Dalam upaya merebut benda pusaka tersebut, petualangan sang pustakawanpun berubah menjadi seperti seorang arkeolog. Dia ditemani seorang gadis seksi yang ahli bela diri dan bersatu dengan seorang penggila petualangan. Selain dibintangi oleh para pemeran lama pada sekuel sebelumnya seperti Noah Wyle, Bob Newhart dan Jane Curtin, “The Librarians” tahun 2014 ini diisi oleh beberapa bintang baru seperti Rebecca Romijn sebagai Eve Baird, Christian Kane sebagai Jake Stone, Lindy Booth sebagai Cassandra, John Kim sebagai Ezekiel Jones. (RIZ/IND/RIZ/NDR) Premieres Monday, 8 December 08.00 pm 11 ON THE SCREEN “Atlantis” adalah film serial televisi bergenre petualangan fantasi yang terinspirasi dari mitologi Yunani. Film yang diciptakan oleh Johnny Capps dan Julian Murphy bersama Howard Overman ini, tayang perdana pada tanggal 28 September 2013 silam. Pada musim pertama penayangannya, “Atlantis” sukses dengan menyelesaikan 13 episode dan bersiap untuk memulai musim keduanya. Teks: Rizky Fachritama F ilm “Atlantis” bercerita tentang Jason yang diperankan oleh Jack Donnelly, sosok lelaki modern dari jaman sekarang yang terlempar ke masa lampau, tempat dimana kota Atlantis masih berdiri kokoh. Cerita bermula ketika Jason menyelam ke dasar laut dengan kapal selam untuk menyelidiki gangguan, yang mengakibatkan ayahnya hilang saat ia masih kecil. Ketika ia menemukan lokasi, kapal selam yang ditumpangi oleh Jason ditarik ke dalam cahaya putih. Ketika sadar, dia sudah terdampar di pinggir pantai dengan keadaan tidak berbusana. Setelah diselidiki, ternyata dia terdampar di negeri Atlantis, yang dipimpin oleh seorang tradisionalis, King Minos (Alexander Siddig) dan istrinya yang haus kekuasaan, Ratu Pasiphae (Sarah Parish). Disana Jason bertemu dan berteman dengan dua orang yang menjadi teman seperjuangan dalam petualangannya kelak, Pythagoras (Robert Emms) dan Hercules (Mark Addy). Di film ini, Hercules digambarkan bukanlah sosok yang kekar dan gagah seperti yang kita kenal, melainkan Hercules yang gendut, kocak, pemabuk dan biang onar. Sedangkan Pythagoras juga bukanlah sosok yang jenius matematikawan dan filsuf seperti yang kita bayangkan. Mereka bertiga berjuang menghadapi monster, dewa dan iblis, melakukan pertempuran untuk berbuat baik dan melindungi yang tidak bersalah. Sepanjang perjalanan, mereka bertemu dan akhirnya berteman dengan Medusa (Jemima Rooper), seorang pelayan istana, Ariadne (Aiysha Hart), putri Raja dan pewaris tahta, dan Mysterious Oracle (Juliet Stevenson) peramal daerah setempat. Oracle mengatakan bahwa Jason sebagai orang yang terpilih, dan tentunya untuk memenuhi takdirnya itu dia akan mengalami berbagai hal mengejutkan. (RIZ/IND/RIZ/NDR) Premieres Sunday, 7 December 06.00 pm 12 ON THE SCREEN “Tamako Market” merupakan serial animasi yang diproduksi oleh Kyoto Animation dan disutradarai oleh Naoko Yamada. Yamada sendiri pernah menjadi sutradara untuk film anime lain seperti K-On! Dan K-On!!. Serial dengan genre komedi ini pertama kali tayang di Jepang pada bulan Januari tahun 2013 silam. Teks: Rizky Fachritama A nime ini bercerita mengenai seorang putri tertua dari keluarga pembuat mochi yang bernama Tamako Kitashirakawa. Tamako adalah seorang siswi kelas satu SMA yang menyukai mochi dan keluarganya juga mempunyai toko mochi di kawasan perbelanjaan di sebuah kota. Dia menikmati kehidupan SMA-nya bersama Midori dan Kanna di klub Badminton. Tamako juga berteman dengan Mochikura, teman masa kecil yang juga merupakan anak dari toko mochi saingan di kota sebelah, sementara kedua ayah mereka selalu bertengkar jika bertemu. Pada ulang tahun Tamako di malam tahun baru, Mochikura memutuskan untuk memberikan hadiah kepadanya yang tahun-tahun sebelumnya tidak dapat diberikan. Kemudian, tibatiba seekor burung indah bernama Dera muncul di kawasan perbelanjaan. Dan ternyata, Dera datang dengan tujuan untuk mencari calon istri bagi sang pangeran yang berada nun jauh di sana. Akhirnya tahun yang berbeda dengan tahun-tahun sebelumnya dimulai. Setelah tamat untuk serial televisinya, Kyoto Animation selaku produsen film serial ini mengadaptasi Tamako market ke dalam film animasi layar lebar yang diberi judul “Tamako Love Story”, setelah sebelumnya mereka pernah memproduksi film animasi layar lebar yang berjudul “Chuunibyou”. Tamako Love Story mengambil setting waktu kurang lebih setahun sejak Tamako Market tamat. Seiring berlalunya waktu, Mochizou mulai memikirkan untuk menyatakan cintanya kepada Tamako, yang sudah ia sukai sejak kecil, ditambah lagi Mochizou berencana untuk melanjutkan sekolah ke Tokyo, untuk belajar perfilman, sehingga ia tidak ingin memiliki penyesalan karena tidak menyatakan perasaannya kepada Tamako. (RIZ/IND/RIZ/NDR) Premieres Friday, 26 December 06.30 pm 13 MONDAY 21:35 Turner & Hooch 23:15 Today’S Special 10:00 Epic Meal Empire (S1) 11:00 Flipping Vegas (S1) 12:00 Sell This House: 00:45 Munich 03:30 The Sisterhood Of The 05:30 07:00 08:45 11:00 12:30 14:40 16:15 18:35 20:00 21:00 21:30 23:10 00:55 02:20 02:50 05:00 06:30 08:15 10:00 11:45 13:20 15:00 16:55 18:55 19:20 21:00 22:35 Traveling Pants 2 Twilight The Hand That Rocks The Cradle As Good As It Gets Hello Ladies: The Movie Fast & Furious 6 Despicable Me 2 Jerry Maguire Open Season (2006) The Newsroom S304 The Comeback S204 This Is The End Ocean’s Thirteen Stay Alive Hollywood On Set 572 Genghis Khan Hitched Old School Perfect Stranger Red Planet Stand Up Guys The Legend Of Hercules Sabrina Rollercoaster Hollywood On Set 572 The Running Man Resident Evil: Retribution The Cell 2 Extreme (S2) 13:00 Bondi Vet (S2) 14:00 Destination Flavour: Japan 14:30 Atul’s Spice Kitchen: 01:15 02:45 04:15 06:00 07:15 08:45 10:30 11:45 13:15 14:45 16:30 18:00 20:00 21:45 23:30 00:45 Mirrormask 02:30 Freshman Year S1 08: Episode 8 03:00 Freshman Year S1 09: 03:30 04:00 04:30 05:00 05:30 00:05 The Stepfather 01:50 Hitman 03:25 Homeland S4 There’S 04:20 06:10 07:55 09:20 11:05 12:40 14:40 16:15 18:25 20:00 21:35 22:30 Something Else Going On The Last Stand Swelter Dirty Work Frozen Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver Surfer Secret Life Of Walter Mitty Free Birds The Host Easy A Identity Homeland S4 Episode 10 The Last Stand 00:50 Raising Helen 02:50 Christmas With The 04:30 06:10 07:45 08:30 09:55 11:25 12:50 14:35 16:05 17:30 19:00 20:05 Kranks Turner & Hooch Krippendorf’s Tribe Holidaze The Secret Of Nimh Smart Cookies Wiener Dog Nationals Father Of The Bride Part II Doggie Boogie MVP2: Most Vertical Primate MXP: Most Xtreme Primate One Direction: Reaching For The Stars (Part 1 Of 2 Abner: The Invisible Dog 06:00 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 08:07 08:14 08:21 08:30 10:15 11:50 13:30 15:00 15:30 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:07 17:14 17:21 17:30 20:00 21:45 23:15 Malaysia 15:00 Taste Of Vietnam (S2) 16:00 The Coolest Places On The Mudge Boy Hard Choices The Boyfriend School The Care Bears Movie Convicts The Boyfriend School Swimming to Cambodia Willy Milly Another Woman Billy Galvin Boris And Natasha The Black Stallion The Basketball Diaries Pumpkinhead II: Blood Wings Angel of Desire Episode 9 Freshman Year S1 10: Episode 10 Freshman Year S1 11: Episode 11 Freshman Year S1 12: Episode 12 Freshman Year S1 13: Episode 13 Freshman Year S1 14: Episode 14 M.I. High S502: The B Team M.I. High S503: Ghosts Crashbox S104: Crashbox S1 04 Crashbox S105: Crashbox S1 05 Kobushi S1 S177: A Friend For Ebi Kobushi S1 S178: Blackmail Kobushi S1 S179: Jinx Transfer Kobushi S1 S180: Torigai Starts Price War Biloxi Blues Cirque Du Soleil: Worlds Away Matilda Dragonlance: Dragons Of Autumn Twilight M.I. High S504: Total Eclipse M.I. High S505: The Gran Master Crashbox S106: Crashbox S1 06 Crashbox S107: Crashbox S1 07 Kobushi S1 S181: Shake’s Revenge Kobushi S1 S182: Sushi Mistrust Kobushi S1 S183: The Stinkypoo Apprentice Kobushi S1 S184: Killer Cocktail Forrest Gump Biloxi Blues College Road Trip Sky High Earth (S1) 17:00 Flipping Vegas (S1) 18:00 Rowhouse Showdown (S1) 20:00 Red Hot Design (S1) 21:00 Tiny House Nation (S1) 22:00 The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) ONE DIRECTION: REACHING FOR THE STARS @ FOX FAMILY MOVIES 19.00 WIB 23:00 Rowhouse Showdown (S1) 07:00 Man Vs. Wild (S5) 08:00 What Happened Next? (S2) 01:45 03:15 05:00 06:45 08:15 10:00 12:00 14:00 15:30 17:30 20:00 22:00 Loser Poseidon The Guilt Trip Loser Little Black Book Big Fish Red Lights Loser Pleasantville The Great Gatsby Mission: Impossible II Red Lights 00:30 Bored To Death S206: The Case Of The Grievous Clerical Error! 01:00 The Normal Heart 02:50 Flight Of The 03:15 04:00 04:30 05:00 06:00 08:15 10:05 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 15:35 17:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 23:00 Conchords S204: Murray Takes It To The Next Level Rome S103: An Owl In A Thornbush Hollywood On Set 571 Veep S308: Debate State Of Play: Trophy Kids Les Miserables (1998) Temple Grandin Recount The Comeback S203 Enlightened S101: Pilot Curb Your Enthusiasm S207: The Doll Curb Your Enthusiasm S208: Shaq Napoleon Dynamite Life Support Philadelphia Jonah: From Tonga S104: Jonah: From Tonga S1 04 Getting On S204 Banshee S209: Homecoming The Normal Heart Angels In America S101 08:30 Time Warp 09:00 Marooned 10:00 How Do They Do 10:30 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 It? (S8) How It’s Made (S15) Dual Survival How Do They Do It? (S11) How It’s Made (S17) Man Vs. Wild (S5) Life In Cold Blood Yukon Men How Do They Do It? (S9) How It’s Made (S15) Dual Survival Gold Rush (S4) Bering Sea Gold (S4) Ice Cold Gold (S2) Deadliest Catch (S10) Extreme Car Hoarders Bering Sea Gold (S4) 00:00 Rowhouse Showdown (S1) Tiny House Nation (S1) Hideous Houses (S1) Fix This Yard (S3) Sell This House: Extreme (S2) 06:00 The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) 07:00 Bondi Vet (S2) 09:00 Food Factory (S2) 01:00 02:00 03:00 05:00 00:15 01:05 01:55 02:45 03:10 03:35 04:25 05:15 06:05 06:55 07:45 08:10 08:35 09:25 10:15 11:05 11:55 12:45 13:35 14:25 15:15 16:05 17:00 17:55 18:20 18:50 19:45 20:40 21:35 22:30 23:25 Parenthood Fit For Fashion Million Dollar Listing Cougar Town Melissa & Joey Parenthood How I Met Your Mother Life After Top Chef Fit For Fashion Million Dollar Listing Cougar Town Melissa & Joey How I Met Your Mother Revenge Mistresses Ace of Cakes Life After Top Chef Revenge Fit For Fashion Million Dollar Listing Parenthood Mistresses How I Met Your Mother Cougar Town Melissa & Joey New Girl Cougar Town Melissa & Joey Revenge New Girl How I Met Your Mother 02:20 American Ninja Warrior (S3) 00:00 Sharksanity 01:00 Railroad Alaska 02:00 What Happened Next? (S2) 02:30 Time Warp 03:00 Deadliest Catch (S10) 04:00 The Unexplained Files (S2) 05:00 Yukon Men 06:00 Mythbusters (S9) Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time SECRET LIFE OF WALTER MITTY @ FOX MOVIES PREMIUM 12.40 WIB 05:00 Falling Skies (S4) 05:50 Leverage (S4) 06:40 The Amazing Race (S22) 07:30 Falling Skies (S4) 08:20 Totally Insane Guinness 06:40 07:35 08:25 10:05 11:00 11:30 12:25 13:15 (S22) 14:10 11:05 CSI: Crime Scene 15:00 Investigation (S13) 15:55 12:00 The Amazing Race 16:45 (S25) 18:25 12:55 NCIS: Los Angeles (S5) 19:15 13:50 Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S2) 20:10 14:45 Leverage (S4) 21:00 15:40 The Amazing Race (S22) 21:50 16:35 CSI: Crime Scene 22:45 Investigation (S13) 23:40 17:30 Criss Angel Mindfreak World Records (S2) 09:20 Leverage (S4) 10:10 The Amazing Race 18:25 19:20 21:55 22:50 23:45 00:35 01:25 02:15 05:00 06:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 19:00 19:50 21:50 22:40 (S4) The Amazing Race (S25) The Karate Kid (2010) Hawaii Five-0 (S4) 72 Hours (S1) Hawaii Five-0 (S4) Lie To Me (S2) Law & Order: UK (S4) Do No Harm (S1) Magic Man (S1) Law & Order (S11) Covert Affairs (S4) Motive (S1) Lie To Me (S2) Tricked (S2) Suits (S3) Motive (S1) Tricked (S2) Law & Order (S20) The Frighteners Suits (S3) Before And After 00:20 Everybody Loves 01:20 02:10 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:55 11:45 12:45 13:35 14:25 15:20 16:10 17:00 17:50 18:50 19:40 00:20 Independence 02:10 04:00 05:00 07:00 09:00 11:00 11:50 13:30 15:10 16:50 17:40 19:20 21:00 21:50 22:40 23:30 Daysaster Vikings The Paranormal Zone (S1) Star Trek: Enterprise (S1) The New Addams Family (S1) Warehouse 13 (S1) Alphas (S2) Continuum (S2) Being Human (S4) Scariest Places On Earth (S1) Alphas (S2) Ghost Shark Ghost Bride The Paranormal Zone (S1) Face Off (S3) Alphas (S2) Being Human (S4) 20:30 21:20 22:10 23:05 01:00 02:45 04:30 05:00 07:25 08:20 09:15 10:10 12:00 12:30 01:30 Alfred Hitchcock 02:30 03:25 05:15 06:10 19:55 20:25 22:10 23:05 After Presents The Listener Psych Perception Alfred Hitchcock Presents Raymond (S8) Justified (S4) The Good Wife (S1) Justified (S4) True Blood (S6) The Good Wife (S1) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) The Good Wife (S1) Chuck (S5) True Blood (S6) The Good Wife (S1) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) Teen Wolf (S3) Criss Angel Mindfreak (S3) True Blood (S6) Chuck (S5) The Good Wife (S1) Teen Wolf (S3) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) The Good Wife (S1) The Real Housewives Of New York City (S6) Criss Angel Mindfreak (S3) The Good Wife (S1) True Blood (S6) Criss Angel Mindfreak (S3) 00:05 How Do I Look? 13:25 15:15 16:10 17:05 18:00 19:00 00:35 Happily Never Moonlighting The Killing Law & Order Perception Alfred Hitchcock Presents The Killing CSI Breakout Perception Moonlighting CSI Law & Order The Killing Law & Order: Criminal Intent Homicide Hunter Police Women of Cincinnati CSI Homicide Hunter Police Women of Cincinnati (S12) I Think I Do Battle Of The Bulbs Just For Laughs (S10) The Sisterhood Of The Travelling Pants Aurora (S1) Cruel Love (S1) Top Chef (S6) Crimes Of The Mind Just For Laughs (S13) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S15) Nearlyweds Aurora (S1) Cruel Love (S1) Top Chef (S6) How Do I Look? (S11) Supermodelme: Sirens (S5) Just For Laughs (S10) Chasing Leprechauns Top Chef (S6) Supermodelme: Sirens (S5) 00:15 CSI 01:05 Crisis 01:55 Law & Order : Special 02:45 03:35 04:00 04:50 05:45 06:35 07:30 08:20 09:10 10:55 11:45 12:40 14:20 15:15 17:05 18:00 19:00 19:55 20:50 21:15 21:45 22:35 23:25 Victims Unit Criminal Minds Enlisted CSI Crisis Law & Order : Special Victims Unit Criminal Minds CSI Crisis The Walking Dead Criminal Minds CSI Law & Order : Special Victims Unit Criminal Minds The Walking Dead CSI Criminal Minds The Walking Dead NCIS The Simpsons Enlisted CSI The Walking Dead Criminal Minds 01 DEC 2014 DESPICABLE ME 2 HBO 14.40 WIB 01:10 ARBITRAGE 02:55 Hara-Kiri: Death Of A Samurai 05:05 Da Vinci’s Demons 06:05 Call Me Fitz 07:05 It’s Always Sunny in 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:10 14:10 15:50 17:30 19:15 21:00 22:50 23:40 Philadelphia Nurse Jackie Da Vinci’s Demons Call Me Fitz It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia Nurse Jackie Da Vinci’s Demons DETAILS, THE QUARTET GAMBIT WRITERS BROKEN CITY American Horror Story: Freak Show Penny Dreadful THE LEGEND OF HERCULES CINEMAX 13.20 WIB 00:00 Wild Case Files 00:50 Yukon Gold 01:40 Wicked Tuna: North Vs South 02:30 Cosmos: A Spacetime 03:20 04:10 05:00 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 23:00 Odyssey Invasion Earth Is It Real? (1 hour) Yukon Gold Wicked Tuna: North Vs South Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey Invasion Earth Year of The Storm (aka Stormageddon) Wild Case Files Megastructures World’s Toughest Fixes Maneater Manhunt America’s Lost Treasures Yukon Gold WWII’s Greatest Raids Britain’s Underworld World’s Toughest Fixes Megastructures Yukon Gold WWII’s Greatest Raids Megastructures 15 FORREST GUMP HBO FAMILY 17.30 WIB THE BASKETBALL DIARIES MGM 20.00 WIB TUESDAY 13:40 Chicken Little 15:00 M.I. High S506: The 15:30 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:07 TASTE OF VIETNAM (S2) @ FYI 18.00 WIB 17:14 17:21 01:15 03:00 04:45 05:15 07:00 08:40 10:00 10:30 11:00 12:00 13:45 15:40 17:10 19:10 21:00 22:30 00:05 02:10 04:30 05:00 06:50 08:35 10:00 11:30 13:15 15:00 16:45 17:15 19:15 21:00 22:30 *Batteries Not Included Anger Management Hbo Central Dec 2014 Gattaca Sgt. Bilko Smashed The Comeback S203 The Comeback S204 The Newsroom S304 Desperado Black Snake Moan Open Season (2006) Ocean’s Thirteen Jack The Giant Slayer A.C.O.D. The Purge Chinatown The Two Jakes Hollywood On Set 572 Crooklyn: A Spike Lee Joint! The School Of Rock Control Factor Witchblade Event Horizon The Running Man Gambit Hollywood On Set 572 Tequila Sunrise Fire Down Below Spiders 3D Urban Justice 08:20 09:50 11:25 12:30 14:40 16:05 17:35 19:00 20:00 21:55 23:25 Origins Of Ed And The Missing Bullion Abner: The Invisible Dog Mvp: Most Valuable Primate One Direction: Reaching For The Stars (Part 1 Of 2 Oz The Great And Powerful Khumba The Duke Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey One Direction: Reaching For The Stars (Part 2 Of 2 City Slickers Saving Shiloh Smart Cookies 01:00 02:30 04:15 04:30 06:00 07:45 09:45 11:45 13:30 15:00 16:30 18:15 19:45 20:00 21:30 23:15 Defiance Crusoe MGM’s Big Screen Another Woman Billy Galvin The Black Stallion Hair Electric Dreams Top Dog Boris And Natasha Cherry 2000 Convicts MGM’s Big Screen Angel of Desire The Basketball Diaries Pumpkinhead II: Blood Wings 04:35 06:10 07:45 09:35 12:05 14:00 16:00 18:00 20:00 21:50 00:00 01:45 03:45 06:15 06:45 08:45 10:30 12:30 14:15 16:15 00:00 00:50 01:45 02:30 03:25 04:40 05:05 07:50 09:20 12:00 12:30 13:00 19:00 19:30 04:25 06:00 20:00 21:00 07:00 07:30 08:00 08:07 08:14 00:55 Wiener Dog Nationals 08:22 02:20 Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey 08:30 10:50 03:45 Cancel Christmas 12:10 05:20 Elf Man 06:45 Super Capers: The 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 It? (S9) How It’s Made (S15) Dual Survival Bering Sea Gold (S4) Ice Cold Gold (S2) Deadliest Catch (S10) Extreme Car Hoarders How Do They Do It? (S9) How It’s Made (S15) Dual Survival Gold Rush (S4) Marooned Yukon Men Ice Lake Rebels (S1) River Monsters (S6) Marooned We’re The Millers Pleasantville The Great Gatsby Hollywood On Set 570 Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story Poseidon Pleasantville Little Black Book Mission: Impossible II Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story Promised Land Red Lights The Great Gatsby 02:00 Bondi Vet (S2) 03:00 Sell This House: Extreme (S2) 04:00 Flipping Vegas (S1) 05:00 Sell This House: 22:00 22:30 23:45 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 03:30 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 Angels In America S102 Angels In America S103 Angels In America S104 Angels In America S105 Angels In America S106 Hollywood On Set 572 Stalin Phil Spector Munich Entourage S315: Manic Monday Entourage S316: Gotcha! Rome S103: An Owl In A Thornbush Last Days Truman Subway Stories: Tales From The Underground The Comeback S204 Eastbound & Down S102: Chapter 2 The Newsroom S304 The Leftovers S105: Gladys Hung S220: Third Base Love Child The Apparition Ice Cold Gold (S2) Deadliest Catch (S10) Extreme Car Hoarders How Do They Do It? (S9) How It’s Made (S15) Dual Survival Gold Rush (S4) Bering Sea Gold (S4) Ice Cold Gold (S2) 00:15 01:05 01:55 02:45 03:35 04:25 05:15 06:05 06:55 07:45 08:35 09:25 11:05 11:55 12:45 13:35 14:25 15:15 16:05 17:00 17:55 18:50 19:45 21:35 22:30 23:25 Parenthood New Girl Cougar Town Melissa & Joey Parenthood How I Met Your Mother Life After Top Chef New Girl Cougar Town Melissa & Joey How I Met Your Mother Mistresses Ace of Cakes Life After Top Chef America’s Next Top Model New Girl Cougar Town Parenthood Mistresses How I Met Your Mother Scandal Revenge Mistresses Scandal Revenge How I Met Your Mother Extreme (S2) 06:00 The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) 07:00 Bondi Vet (S2) 08:00 Rowhouse Showdown 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 01:00 Dance With Me 03:05 Scooby Doo! Stage 06:30 10:30 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 (S1) 13:45 15:20 17:35 Fright Sunset Park M.I. High S504: Total Eclipse M.I. High S505: The Gran Master Crashbox S106: Crashbox S1 06 Crashbox S107: Crashbox S1 07 Kobushi S1 S181: Shake’s Revenge Kobushi S1 S182: Sushi Mistrust Kobushi S1 S183: The Stinkypoo Apprentice Kobushi S1 S184: Killer Cocktail Forrest Gump College Road Trip Dragonlance: Dragons Of Autumn Twilight 08:00 Deadliest Catch (S10) 09:00 Extreme Car Hoarders 10:00 How Do They Do 00:00 Red Hot Design (S1) 01:00 Tiny House Nation 18:15 20:00 22:00 00:20 Swelter 02:05 Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Man’S Chest Identity Free Birds X-Men The Hunger Games: Catching Fire Thor: The Dark World Just Go With It Secret Life Of Walter Mitty Speed The Proposal Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Man’S Chest 17:30 19:15 21:26 22:00 23:40 Patient M.I. High S507: The Crystal Of St Helena Crashbox S108: Crashbox S1 08 Crashbox S109: Crashbox S1 09 Kobushi S1 S185: The Last Of The Kobushis Kobushi S1 S186: Without Tako All Hell Breaks Loose Kobushi S1 S187: Fugu Blues Kobushi S1 S188: OniSan Has A Plan Bewitched (2005) Dance With Me Hollywood On Set 571 Sunset Park Save The Last Dance 2: Stepping Up 17:00 18:00 20:00 21:00 (S1) Red Hot Design (S1) Flipping Vegas (S1) Sell This House: Extreme (S2) Bondi Vet (S2) Rowhouse Showdown (S1) Red Hot Design (S1) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Flipping Vegas (S2) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Atul’s Spice Kitchen: Malaysia Travels With The Bondi Vet (S1) 00:40 Falling Skies (S4) 01:30 Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S2) 02:20 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S13) 03:10 Falling Skies (S4) 04:00 Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S2) 05:00 Falling Skies (S4) 05:50 Leverage (S4) 06:40 American Ninja Warrior (S1) 07:30 Falling Skies (S4) 08:25 101 Ways To Leave A Game Show (S1) 09:20 Leverage (S4) 10:10 American Ninja Warrior (S1) 72 HOURS (S1) @ AXN 17.20 WIB 22:00 The Coolest Places On 11:05 CSI: Crime Scene 23:00 Taste Of Vietnam (S2) 12:00 Hawaii Five-0 (S4) Earth (S1) Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time Investigation (S13) 12:55 Supernatural (S10) 13:50 101 Ways To Leave A 14:45 15:40 16:30 17:20 18:10 19:05 21:00 21:55 22:50 23:45 Game Show (S1) Leverage (S4) American Ninja Warrior (S1) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S13) 72 Hours (S1) Breaking The Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed The Voice (S7) CSI: Ny (S9) Hawaii Five-0 (S4) CSI: Ny (S9) Hawaii Five-0 (S4) 11:00 Alfred Hitchcock 11:30 11:55 12:25 13:15 14:10 15:00 15:55 16:45 18:25 18:50 19:20 20:10 21:00 21:50 22:45 23:40 Presents My Strange Addiction VICE CSI Police Women of Cincinnati Homicide Hunter Moonlighting CSI Law & Order My Strange Addiction VICE Law & Order: Criminal Intent Body Of Proof Police Women of Cincinnati CSI Body Of Proof Police Women of Cincinnati 00:40 Covert Affairs (S4) 01:30 Just For Laughs: 02:20 03:10 04:05 05:00 06:00 08:00 08:50 09:40 10:30 12:30 14:20 16:10 18:00 19:00 21:00 22:00 Gags (S8) Magic Man (S1) Law & Order (S11) Covert Affairs (S4) Magic Man (S1) Law & Order (S11) Covert Affairs (S4) Motive (S1) Law & Order (S20) The Frighteners Tricked (S2) Suits (S3) Motive (S1) Tricked (S2) House (S8) Suits (S3) The Hangover 00:20 Scariest Places On Earth (S1) 01:10 Star Trek: Enterprise (S1) 02:10 Independence Daysaster 04:00 The New Addams 05:00 07:00 09:00 11:00 11:50 13:30 15:10 16:50 17:40 19:20 21:00 21:50 22:40 23:30 Family (S1) Star Trek: Enterprise (S1) The New Addams Family (S1) Zodiac: Signs Of The Apocalypse Alphas (S2) Haven (S5) Being Human (S4) Scariest Places On Earth (S1) Alphas (S2) Haven (S5) Ghostquake Paranormal Witness (S1) Stranded (S1) Alphas (S2) Being Human (S4) 00:35 Law & Order: Criminal Intent 01:30 Alfred Hitchcock 02:30 03:25 05:15 06:10 06:40 07:30 07:55 08:25 10:05 Presents The Killing Law & Order Homicide Hunter Alfred Hitchcock Presents Moonlighting My Strange Addiction VICE Law & Order Homicide Hunter 02:45 03:35 04:00 04:50 06:35 07:30 08:20 09:10 10:55 11:45 12:40 13:30 14:20 15:15 17:05 18:00 19:00 19:55 20:50 21:15 21:45 22:35 23:25 Victims Unit Criminal Minds Enlisted CSI Law & Order : Special Victims Unit Criminal Minds CSI Law & Order : Special Victims Unit Sleepy Hollow Criminal Minds CSI Law & Order : Special Victims Unit The Mentalist Criminal Minds Sleepy Hollow CSI Criminal Minds Sleepy Hollow NCIS: New Orleans The Simpsons Family Guy CSI Sleepy Hollow Criminal Minds 02 DEC 2014 ICE COLD GOLD (S2) DISCOVERY CHANNEL 13.00 WIB 00:00 The Real Housewives 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:55 11:45 12:45 13:35 14:25 15:20 16:10 17:00 17:50 18:50 19:40 20:30 21:20 22:10 23:05 00:00 00:30 02:30 04:30 05:00 06:55 07:25 08:20 09:15 10:10 12:05 12:30 13:25 15:15 16:10 17:05 18:00 19:00 19:55 20:25 22:10 23:05 Of New York City (S6) True Blood (S6) The Good Wife (S1) Chuck (S5) True Blood (S6) The Good Wife (S1) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) The Good Wife (S1) Chuck (S5) True Blood (S6) The Good Wife (S1) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) Teen Wolf (S3) The Real Housewives Of New York City (S6) True Blood (S6) Chuck (S5) The Good Wife (S1) Teen Wolf (S3) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) The Good Wife (S1) The Real Housewives Of New York City (S6) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S1) True Blood (S6) Alias (S1) Just For Laughs (S10) Love At The Parade The Runaway Brooklyn 9-9 (S2) Christmas At Castlebury Hall Brooklyn 9-9 (S2) Aurora (S1) Cruel Love (S1) Top Chef (S6) Shaun Of The Dead Just For Laughs (S13) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S15) Head Over Heels Aurora (S1) Cruel Love (S1) Top Chef (S6) How Do I Look? (S11) The Good Wife (S6) Brooklyn 9-9 (S2) Key To My Heart Top Chef (S6) The Good Wife (S6) 00:15 CSI 01:05 Law & Order : Special 00:40 02:20 04:00 05:10 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:10 10:00 11:00 11:50 12:50 13:40 15:10 17:30 19:20 21:00 23:00 23:50 00:00 00:50 01:40 02:30 03:20 04:10 05:00 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 23:00 QUARTET HAIRBRAINED Nurse Jackie Mind Games Call Me Fitz It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia Nurse Jackie Mind Games Call Me Fitz It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia Nurse Jackie Mind Games IT’S A DISASTER CHILDREN ARBITRAGE HAIRBRAINED Penny Dreadful From Dusk Till Dawn HARA-KIRI: DEATH OF A SAMURAI Drugs Inc Compilations Yukon Gold Yukon Gold WWII’s Greatest Raids Megastructures Drugs Inc Compilations Yukon Gold Yukon Gold WWII’s Greatest Raids Megastructures Dangerous Encounters With Brady Barr Wild Case Files Beyond Magic with DMC Invasion Earth Big, Bigger, Biggest King Fishers Don’t Tell My Mother Locked Up Abroad 24 Hours In A&E Demolition Dynasty Invasion Earth Beyond Magic with DMC Real Time Disaster Real Time Disaster Disaster Earth Drugged Beyond Magic with DMC 17 LIFE AFTER TOP CHEF STAR WORLD 11.55 WIB THE APPARITION HBO SIGNATURE 23.45 WIB THE GREAT GATSBY HBO HITS 22.00 WIB WEDNESDAY 14:48 Kobushi S1 S112: The Curse Of Stinkypoos 15:00 M.I. High S508: The Wasp 15:30 M.I. High S509: Bully 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:07 17:14 CRUEL LOVE (S1) @ DIVA 16.10 WIB 05:30 Turner & Hooch 07:10 The Dog Who Saved Christmas 00:00 Gremlins 2: The New 08:40 Father Of The Bride 01:45 03:30 05:20 10:25 Doggie Boogie 11:55 One Direction: 07:00 08:30 10:20 12:00 13:30 15:30 17:15 18:50 21:00 22:30 00:00 01:45 03:30 05:00 06:45 08:30 10:00 11:45 13:15 15:00 17:20 18:45 21:00 22:30 Batch Last Man Standing Trouble With The Curve House At The End Of The Street Sixteen Candles Black Snake Moan The Lake House A.C.O.D. Jack The Giant Slayer Election Win A Date With Tad Hamilton! Miami Vice Gravity Trouble With The Curve Derailed Vampire In Brooklyn The Art Of The Steal Event Horizon Vampire In Brooklyn Empire State Vegas Vacation Calendar Girl Derailed The Sea Gull Beer Money The Matrix The Art Of The Steal Tombstone 17:21 17:30 19:00 20:35 22:15 Part II 12:55 14:30 16:05 17:30 19:00 20:50 23:00 Reaching For The Stars (Part 2 Of 2 Krippendorf’s Tribe Mvp: Most Valuable Primate Wiener Dog Nationals Homeward Bound II: Lost In San Francisco Ratatouille Oz The Great And Powerful The Secret Of Nimh 00:30 02:30 04:15 06:00 07:45 09:45 11:45 14:15 16:15 18:00 20:00 22:00 23:45 00:45 02:15 04:00 06:00 07:30 09:15 10:45 11:00 13:00 14:45 16:30 18:15 20:00 21:45 23:15 The Woman In Red Dancehall Queen The Black Stallion Top Dog Cherry 2000 Convicts MGM’s Big Screen Eight Men Out Clean Slate Defiance The Boyfriend School Dancehall Queen The Cure The Woman In Red A Prayer For The Dying 00:25 Homeland S4 01:20 03:45 05:10 06:55 09:05 11:20 13:55 15:30 16:25 18:00 20:00 22:05 00:55 My Lucky Elephant 02:30 Homeward Bound II: Lost In San Francisco 04:00 The Duke Mission: Impossible II We’re The Millers Grumpy Old Men Promised Land Big Fish Mission: Impossible II The Great Gatsby Red Lights Little Black Book Mission: Impossible II Big Fish Poseidon The Great Gatsby 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 03:30 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:30 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:30 Yukon Men Ice Lake Rebels (S1) River Monsters (S6) How Do They Do It? (S9) How It’s Made (S15) Dual Survival Gold Rush (S4) Marooned Yukon Men Ice Lake Rebels (S1) River Monsters (S6) How Do They Do It? (S9) How It’s Made (S15) Dual Survival Marooned Yukon Men Ice Lake Rebels (S1) River Monsters (S6) How Do They Do It? (S9) How It’s Made (S15) Dual Survival Gold Rush (S4) What Happened Next? (S2) Time Warp Mythbusters (S9) JFK: The Lost Tapes World’s Top 5 (S2) What Happened Next? (S2) Time Warp 00:00 Atul’s Spice Kitchen: 01:15 King Kong (2005) 04:20 Rise Of The Guardians 06:00 M.I. High S506: The 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 08:07 08:14 08:21 08:30 10:10 11:29 11:37 11:45 Patient M.I. High S507: The Crystal Of St Helena Crashbox S108: Crashbox S1 08 Crashbox S109: Crashbox S1 09 Kobushi S1 S185: The Last Of The Kobushis Kobushi S1 S186: Without Tako All Hell Breaks Loose Kobushi S1 S187: Fugu Blues Kobushi S1 S188: OniSan Has A Plan Bewitched (2005) Chicken Little Kobushi S1 S106: The Killer Scream Kobushi S1 S109: Ronin’s Mortal Touch King Kong (2005) Earth (S1) 23:00 Bondi Vet (S3) 00:15 01:05 01:55 03:35 04:25 05:15 06:05 06:55 08:35 09:25 10:15 11:05 11:55 12:45 13:35 14:25 15:15 16:05 17:00 17:55 19:45 Parenthood Scandal Mistresses Parenthood How I Met Your Mother Life After Top Chef Scandal Mistresses How I Met Your Mother Million Dollar Listing Mistresses Top Chef: Just Desserts Life After Top Chef Million Dollar Listing Scandal Mistresses Parenthood Mistresses How I Met Your Mother Masterchef Junior US America’s Next Top Model 21:35 Million Dollar Listing 22:30 Masterchef Junior US 23:25 How I Met Your Mother 00:40 Falling Skies (S4) 01:30 American Ninja Warrior (S1) Malaysia 02:20 CSI: Crime Scene Vet (S1) 03:10 Falling Skies (S4) 04:00 101 Ways To Leave A Extreme (S2) 01:00 Travels With The Bondi Investigation (S13) 01:10 Bored To Death S207: 02:00 Bondi Vet (S2) 03:00 Sell This House: 01:30 04:00 Flipping Vegas (S2) 05:00 Sell This House: 05:00 Winter Wipeout (S5) 05:50 Leverage (S4) 06:40 American Ninja Warrior 06:00 The Coolest Places On 07:30 101 Ways To Leave A 02:30 03:00 03:30 04:00 04:30 05:00 Episode 10 The Hunger Games: Catching Fire Dirty Work The Stepfather Jobs X2: X-Men United Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Man’S Chest Free Birds Homeland S4 Episode 10 Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver Surfer Now You See Me Rush Thor: The Dark World Elliot Crashbox S110: Crashbox S1 10 Crashbox S111: Crashbox S1 11 Kobushi S1 S189: Sesame Seeds Can’T Buy Happiness Kobushi S1 S190: Mc Sushi Kobushi S1 S191: Neko Is Almighty Kobushi S1 S192: Nirvana Curious George Rise Of The Guardians The Shaggy Dog Father Of The Bride 20:00 Bondi Vet (S5) 21:00 Taste Of Vietnam (S2) 22:00 The Coolest Places On 06:35 08:50 11:00 11:30 12:00 13:00 13:30 14:35 16:25 18:20 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 21:30 22:00 22:55 Escape From The Castle! Six Feet Under S203: The Plan The Comeback S204 Eastbound & Down S102: Chapter 2 Hung S220: Third Base Entourage S315: Manic Monday Entourage S316: Gotcha! Hyde Park On Hudson Girl, Interrupted Flight The Comeback S204 Eastbound & Down S102: Chapter 2 The Leftovers S105: Gladys Veep S309: Crate The Newsroom S304 Lady In The Water Freedomland Teen Killers: A Second Chance Curb Your Enthusiasm S209: The Baptism Curb Your Enthusiasm S210: The Massage The Wire S204: Hard Cases Entourage S317: Return Of The King Entourage S318: The Resurrection Six Feet Under S204: Driving Mr. Mossback The Last Castle Extreme (S2) Earth (S1) 07:00 Bondi Vet (S2) 08:00 Travels With The Bondi Vet (S1) Game Show (S1) (S1) Game Show (S1) 08:25 Winter Wipeout (S5) 09:20 Leverage (S4) 10:10 American Ninja Warrior THE HUNGER GAMES: CATCHING FIRE @ FOX MOVIES PREMIUM 01.20 WIB 09:00 Taste Of Vietnam (S2) 10:00 Atul’s Spice Kitchen: 11:05 CSI: Crime Scene 11:00 12:00 12:00 Hawaii Five-0 (S4) 12:55 Wipeout (S7) 13:50 101 Ways To Leave A 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 Malaysia Flipping Vegas (S2) Sell This House: Extreme (S2) Bondi Vet (S2) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Atul’s Spice Kitchen: Malaysia The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Flipping Vegas (S2) Travels With The Bondi Vet (S1) Bondi Vet (S3) Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time (S1) Investigation (S13) Game Show (S1) 14:45 Leverage (S4) 15:35 American Ninja Warrior (S1) 16:25 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S13) 17:15 CSI: Ny (S9) 18:10 Breaking The Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed Intent 19:05 The Voice (S7) 20:10 Franklin & Bash 20:05 Totally Insane Guinness 21:00 Police Women of 21:00 21:55 22:50 23:45 World Records (S2) The Hero (S1) Hawaii Five-0 (S4) The Hero (S1) Hawaii Five-0 (S4) S.H.I.E.L.D. Cincinnati 10:55 Criminal Minds 11:45 CSI 12:40 Law & Order : Special Cincinnati 13:30 Bones 14:20 Criminal Minds 15:15 Marvel’s Agents of 21:50 CSI 22:45 Franklin & Bash 23:40 Police Women of Victims Unit 03 DEC 2014 S.H.I.E.L.D. 16:10 Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 00:00 01:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 19:55 21:50 22:45 Covert Affairs (S4) Magic Man (S1) Law & Order (S11) Covert Affairs (S4) Magic Man (S1) Law & Order (S11) Covert Affairs (S4) Motive (S1) House (S8) Tricked (S2) Law & Order (S20) Motive (S1) Before And After Levity Tricked (S2) House (S8) 00:00 The Real Housewives 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:55 11:50 12:50 13:40 01:10 Star Trek: Enterprise 14:30 15:20 16:10 17:00 17:50 02:10 Ghostquake 04:00 The New Addams 18:50 19:40 05:00 Star Trek: Enterprise 20:30 21:20 22:10 23:05 00:20 Scariest Places On Earth (S1) (S1) Family (S1) (S1) 07:00 The New Addams 09:00 11:00 11:50 12:40 13:30 15:10 16:50 17:40 18:30 19:20 21:00 22:40 23:30 Family (S1) Defiance (S1) Warehouse 13 (S1) Face Off (S3) The Paranormal Zone (S1) Being Human (S4) Scariest Places On Earth (S1) Warehouse 13 (S1) The Paranormal Zone (S1) Face Off (S3) Zodiac: Signs Of The Apocalypse Merlin (S5) Warehouse 13 (S1) Being Human (S4) 00:35 Law & Order: Criminal Intent 01:30 Alfred Hitchcock 02:30 02:55 03:25 05:15 06:10 06:40 07:35 08:25 10:05 11:00 11:30 12:25 13:15 14:10 15:00 15:55 16:45 18:25 19:15 Presents My Strange Addiction VICE Law & Order Body Of Proof Alfred Hitchcock Presents Moonlighting Franklin & Bash Law & Order Body Of Proof Alfred Hitchcock Presents Franklin & Bash CSI Police Women of Cincinnati Body Of Proof Moonlighting CSI Law & Order Franklin & Bash Law & Order: Criminal Of New York City (S6) True Blood (S6) The Good Wife (S1) Chuck (S5) True Blood (S6) Justified (S4) The Good Wife (S1) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) The Good Wife (S1) Chuck (S5) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S1) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) Teen Wolf (S3) The Real Housewives Of New York City (S6) Justified (S4) Chuck (S5) The Good Wife (S1) Teen Wolf (S3) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) The Good Wife (S1) The Real Housewives Of New York City (S6) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S1) True Blood (S6) Alias (S1) 17:05 CSI 18:00 Criminal Minds 19:00 Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. The Walking Dead The Simpsons Family Guy CSI Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 23:25 Criminal Minds 19:55 20:50 21:15 21:45 22:35 FRANKLIN & BASH 02:00 04:15 05:15 06:00 07:00 07:55 09:00 09:45 10:45 11:35 12:35 13:20 15:00 16:35 18:05 19:55 23:00 23:50 CHILDREN Nurse Jackie Mind Games Call Me Fitz It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia Nurse Jackie Mind Games Call Me Fitz It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia Nurse Jackie Mind Games WRITERS REDACTED C.O.G. BROKEN CITY Sons of Anarchy American Horror Story: Freak Show ARBITRAGE FOX CRIME 20.10 WIB STAR TREK: ENTERPRISE (S1) SYFY 05.00 WIB 00:00 Just For Laughs (S10) 00:30 The Sisterhood Of The 03:00 05:00 06:55 07:25 08:20 09:15 10:10 12:00 12:30 13:25 15:15 16:10 17:05 18:00 19:00 19:55 20:25 22:10 23:05 Travelling Pants Crimes Of The Mind Head Over Heels Just For Laughs (S10) Aurora (S1) Cruel Love (S1) Top Chef (S6) Battle Of The Bulbs Just For Laughs (S13) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S15) Key To My Heart Aurora (S1) Cruel Love (S1) Top Chef (S6) How Do I Look? (S11) Chicago Fire (S2) Just For Laughs (S10) Be My Valentine Top Chef (S6) Chicago Fire (S2) 00:15 CSI 01:05 The Mentalist 01:55 Law & Order : Special 02:45 03:35 04:00 04:50 05:45 06:35 07:30 08:20 09:10 10:05 Victims Unit Criminal Minds Family Guy CSI The Mentalist Law & Order : Special Victims Unit Criminal Minds CSI The Mentalist Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Marvel’s Agents of 00:00 00:50 01:15 01:40 02:30 03:20 04:10 05:00 05:30 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:10 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 23:00 The Border Real Time Disaster Real Time Disaster Disaster Earth Drugged Beyond Magic with DMC The Border Real Time Disaster Real Time Disaster Disaster Earth 24 Hours In A&E Beyond Magic with DMC Insects From Hell Insects From Hell Wild Case Files Wicked Tuna: North Vs South Unlikely Animal Friends Somewhere In China Incredibly Small World Cesar To The Rescue Beyond Magic with DMC Do or Die The Numbers Game S1 (30 mins) Somewhere In China Hooked Wicked Tuna: North Vs South Crowd Control Crowd Control Beyond Magic with DMC True Tube Brain Games S3 Compilations 19 ALIAS (S1) BETV 10.00 WIB MOTIVE (S1) UNIVERSAL CHANNEL 16.00 WIB THURSDAY Sesame Seeds Can’T Buy Happiness 14:45 Les Miserables (1998) 16:55 State Of Play: Trophy 15:00 Taste Of Vietnam (S2) 16:00 The Coolest Places On Mc Sushi 18:05 Neko Is Almighty 20:00 Nirvana Curious George The Shaggy Dog Kobushi S1 S115: Ninjamour Father Of The Bride Monsters, Inc. M.I. High S510: The Brown’s Skul Days M.I. High S511: The First To Crack Crashbox S112: Crashbox S1 12 Crashbox S113: Crashbox S1 13 Kobushi S1 S193: Ebi The Leader Kobushi S1 S194: The Cat Attack Kobushi S1 S195: Oni-San Comes Back To Life Kobushi S1 S196: Sushi, Lies And Hodgepodge Angels Sing The Adventures Of Shark Boy And Lava Girl The Help Living Proof 21:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 08:07 Kobushi S1 S190: 08:14 Kobushi S1 S191: 08:21 Kobushi S1 S192: 08:30 10:00 11:36 11:45 13:30 15:00 15:30 16:00 16:30 ANOTHER WOMAN @ MGM 15.00 WIB 17:00 17:07 17:14 00:20 Lake Placid: The Final 01:50 03:50 05:30 07:00 08:50 10:25 12:00 13:30 15:30 17:15 18:45 21:00 22:40 23:45 Chapter Lucky You Grumpier Old Men Grabbers Anger Management Win A Date With Tad Hamilton! Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me Gravity Collateral Gattaca The Witches A Beautiful Mind The Fast And The Furious: Tokyo Drift The Newsroom S304 The Bling Ring 00:25 Elf Man 01:55 Mvp: Most Valuable Primate 17:30 19:00 Dog Khumba The Assignment Ratatouille Nicholas Nickleby Oz The Great And Powerful Father Of The Bride Part II Give Me A Break Chestnut: Hero Of Central Park Christmas With The Kranks Cancel Christmas 20:45 23:10 03:30 Wiener Dog Nationals 04:55 Today’S Special 06:35 Abner: The Invisible 08:05 09:30 11:05 12:55 15:05 17:15 19:00 20:35 22:05 23:45 00:35 I Know What You Did 07:00 09:15 10:50 12:45 15:00 16:30 18:05 19:35 21:00 22:25 23:45 On The Streets The Matrix Crimson Force True Colors Tombstone The Mad Room Tommy Boy Return To Cabin By The Lake Death Warrant The Campaign Bad Milo Firewall 02:15 Promised Land 04:00 Red Lights 06:00 Two Can Play That 07:30 08:00 09:30 11:15 13:00 14:30 15:00 16:30 Last Summer 02:15 Wild At Heart 04:05 Cruel Intentions 05:30 State Property: Blood 17:21 01:00 02:30 04:00 06:00 07:45 09:30 11:15 13:15 13:30 15:00 16:30 18:15 20:00 21:30 23:30 Dead On Deadly Stranger Otello Clean Slate The Boyfriend School Defiance Hair MGM’s Big Screen Outback Another Woman What’s The Worst That Could Happen? The Cure Dead On Otello Living On Tokyo Time 18:00 19:45 22:00 23:45 Game Hollywood On Set 571 Sound Of My Voice Mama After Earth The Last Exorcism Part II Hollywood On Set 571 Fear Dungeons & Dragons: The Book Of Vile Darkness Mama Jack Reacher After Earth Family Weekend 02:35 04:25 06:40 08:20 10:20 12:20 14:10 16:00 17:30 20:00 22:05 Caribbean: Dead Man’S Chest X-Men X2: X-Men United The Kings Of Summer Now You See Me Secret Life Of Walter Mitty Frozen The Proposal The Starving Games The Hunger Games: Catching Fire Beautiful Creatures Out Of The Furnace 22:30 23:00 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 03:30 04:00 05:00 06:00 06:30 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:30 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 01:00 Curb Your Enthusiasm S209: The Baptism 01:30 Curb Your Enthusiasm S210: The Massage 02:00 The Newsroom S304 03:00 Entourage S317: Return Of The King Resurrection 04:00 The Wire S204: Hard Mythbusters (S9) JFK: The Lost Tapes World’s Top 5 (S2) How Do They Do It? (S9) How It’s Made (S15) Dual Survival Gold Rush (S4) What Happened Next? (S2) Time Warp Mythbusters (S9) JFK: The Lost Tapes World’s Top 5 (S2) How Do They Do It? (S9) How It’s Made (S15) Dual Survival What Happened Next? (S2) Time Warp Mythbusters (S9) JFK: The Lost Tapes World’s Top 5 (S2) How Do They Do It? (S9) How It’s Made (S15) Dual Survival Gold Rush (S4) Philly Throttle You Have Been Warned (S3) The Unexplained Files (S2) Bering Sea Gold (S4) Philly Throttle Earth (S1) Flipping Vegas (S2) Food Factory (S1) Food Factory (S2) Epic Meal Empire (S1) The Feed (S1) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) 23:00 Food Factory (S2) 00:15 Parenthood 01:05 Million Dollar Listing 01:55 America’s Next Top 03:35 04:25 05:15 06:05 06:55 08:35 09:25 10:15 11:05 11:55 12:45 13:35 14:25 15:15 16:05 17:00 17:55 19:15 20:10 20:40 21:35 22:30 23:50 Model Parenthood How I Met Your Mother Life After Top Chef Million Dollar Listing America’s Next Top Model How I Met Your Mother Fit For Fashion Mistresses Top Chef: Just Desserts Life After Top Chef Fit For Fashion Million Dollar Listing America’s Next Top Model Parenthood Mistresses How I Met Your Mother Got to Dance UK America’s Next Top Model New Girl Fit For Fashion Revenge Got to Dance UK How I Met Your Mother 00:40 Winter Wipeout (S5) 01:30 American Ninja Warrior (S1) 02:20 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S13) 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 03:30 Entourage S318: The 00:00 Pirates Of The 22:00 Kids Shot Through The Heart The Leftovers S105: Gladys Big Love S110: The Baptism Girls S109: Leave Me Alone Girls S110: She Did Almost Famous 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 Bondi Vet (S5) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Bondi Vet (S2) Sell This House: Extreme (S2) Flipping Vegas (S2) Sell This House: Extreme (S2) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Bondi Vet (S2) Bondi Vet (S3) Bondi Vet (S5) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Flipping Vegas (S2) Sell This House: Extreme (S2) Bondi Vet (S2) Bondi Vet (S5) 03:10 Winter Wipeout (S5) 04:00 101 Ways To Leave A Game Show (S1) 05:00 Winter Wipeout (S5) 05:50 Leverage (S4) 06:40 American Ninja Warrior (S1) 07:30 101 Ways To Leave A Game Show (S1) 08:25 Winter Wipeout (S5) 09:20 Leverage (S4) 10:10 American Ninja Warrior (S1) 11:05 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S13) Hawaii Five-0 (S4) The Voice (S7) Leverage (S4) American Ninja Warrior (S1) 16:30 CSI: Crime Scene 12:00 12:55 14:45 15:40 Cases 00:00 01:50 04:01 04:30 06:00 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 Last Holiday Erin Brockovich Hollywood On Set 571 Living Proof M.I. High S508: The Wasp M.I. High S509: Bully Elliot Crashbox S110: Crashbox S1 10 Crashbox S111: Crashbox S1 11 Kobushi S1 S189: 05:00 Demolition Man 06:55 Underground: The Julian Assange Story 08:35 Midnight’S Children 11:00 Entourage S317: Return Of The King 11:30 Entourage S318: The Resurrection 12:00 The Wire S204: Hard Cases 13:00 Banshee S209: Homecoming 13:50 The Leftovers S105: Gladys THE SHAGGY DOG @ HBO FAMILY 10.00 WIB Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time 15:00 15:55 16:45 Magician’s Code: 18:25 Magic’s Biggest Secrets 19:15 Investigation (S13) 17:20 The Hero (S1) 18:15 Breaking The 23:45 Finally Revealed Wipeout (S7) Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S2) Criss Angel Mindfreak (S4) Supernatural (S10) Criss Angel Mindfreak (S4) Supernatural (S10) 00:25 01:25 03:05 04:00 05:00 06:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 12:00 13:50 15:30 17:10 18:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Covert Affairs (S4) Magic Man (S1) Law & Order (S11) Covert Affairs (S4) Magic Man (S1) Law & Order (S11) Covert Affairs (S4) Motive (S2) Levity Tricked (S2) Law & Order (S13) Motive (S1) Tricked (S2) The Frighteners Chicago Fire (S3) Law & Order (S13) Magic Man (S1) Chicago Fire (S3) 19:10 20:05 21:00 21:55 22:50 20:10 21:00 21:50 22:45 23:40 Moonlighting CSI Psych The Glades Law & Order: Criminal Intent The Following Police Women of Cincinnati CSI The Following Police Women of Cincinnati 00:00 The Real Housewives 00:20 Scariest Places On Earth (S1) 01:10 Star Trek: Enterprise (S1) 02:10 Warehouse 13 (S1) 04:00 The New Addams Family (S1) 05:00 Star Trek: Enterprise 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:55 11:50 12:50 13:40 14:30 15:20 16:10 17:00 17:50 18:50 19:40 20:30 21:20 22:10 23:05 Of New York City (S6) True Blood (S6) The Good Wife (S1) Chuck (S5) True Blood (S6) Justified (S4) The Good Wife (S1) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) The Good Wife (S1) Chuck (S5) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S1) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) Teen Wolf (S3) The Real Housewives Of New York City (S6) Justified (S4) Chuck (S5) The Good Wife (S1) Teen Wolf (S3) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) The Good Wife (S1) The Real Housewives Of New York City (S6) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S1) True Blood (S6) Alias (S1) 05:45 Law & Order : Special 06:35 07:30 08:20 09:10 10:55 11:45 12:40 13:30 14:20 15:15 17:05 18:00 19:00 19:55 20:50 21:15 21:45 22:35 23:25 Victims Unit Criminal Minds CSI Bones NCIS Criminal Minds CSI Law & Order : Special Victims Unit Castle Criminal Minds NCIS CSI Criminal Minds NCIS Sleepy Hollow The Simpsons Family Guy CSI NCIS Criminal Minds 04 DEC 2014 OZ THE GREAT AND POWERFUL 01:40 ZACH GALIFIANAKIS: 02:45 04:25 05:25 06:10 07:10 08:00 09:10 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 13:50 15:30 17:40 19:30 21:00 22:40 23:35 LIVE AT THE PURPLE ONION WRITERS Nurse Jackie Mind Games Call Me Fitz It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia Nurse Jackie Mind Games Call Me Fitz It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia Nurse Jackie Mind Games HOPE SPRINGS HARA-KIRI: DEATH OF A SAMURAI UPSIDE DOWN IT’S A DISASTER From Dusk Till Dawn Penny Dreadful HOPE SPRINGS FOX FAMILY MOVIES 15.05 WIB FROZEN FOX MOVIES PREMIUM 12.20 WIB (S1) 07:00 The New Addams 09:00 11:00 11:50 13:30 14:20 15:10 16:50 17:40 19:20 21:00 22:40 23:30 Family (S1) Ghost Bride Warehouse 13 (S1) Merlin (S5) Being Human (S4) Eureka (S5) Scariest Places On Earth (S1) Warehouse 13 (S1) Merlin (S5) Independence Daysaster Continuum (S2) Warehouse 13 (S1) Eureka (S5) 00:35 Law & Order: Criminal 01:30 02:30 03:25 05:15 06:10 06:40 07:35 08:25 10:05 11:00 11:30 12:25 13:15 14:10 Intent Alfred Hitchcock Presents Franklin & Bash Law & Order Franklin & Bash Alfred Hitchcock Presents Moonlighting The Glades Psych Franklin & Bash Alfred Hitchcock Presents The Glades CSI Police Women of Cincinnati Franklin & Bash 00:00 00:30 03:35 04:30 05:00 06:55 07:25 08:20 09:15 10:10 12:00 12:30 13:25 15:15 16:10 17:05 18:00 19:00 19:55 20:25 22:20 23:15 Just For Laughs (S10) The Horse Whisperer Just For Laughs (S13) The Mindy Project (S2) Chasing Leprechauns Just For Laughs (S10) Aurora (S1) Cruel Love (S1) Clean House (S9) You May Not Kiss The Bride Just For Laughs (S13) Dracula (S1) Snow White: A Deadly Summer Aurora (S1) Cruel Love (S1) Clean House (S9) Dracula (S1) Hottest Home Baker (S3) Just For Laughs (S10) Reality Bites Clean House (S9) Hottest Home Baker (S3) 00:15 CSI 01:05 Bones 01:55 Law & Order : Special 02:45 03:35 04:00 04:50 Victims Unit Criminal Minds Family Guy CSI Bones 00:00 The Border 00:50 Wicked Tuna: North Vs South 01:40 Crowd Control 02:05 Crowd Control 02:30 Beyond Magic with DMC 03:20 True Tube 04:10 Brain Games S3 Compilations 05:00 Crowd Control 05:30 Crowd Control 06:00 Beyond Magic with DMC 06:55 True Tube 07:50 Brain Games S3 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Compilations Fight Science Wild Case Files Mega Factories WWII’s Greatest Raids Nazi Underworld Live Like An Animal Megastructures World’s Toughest Fixes Scam City Nazi Underworld WWII’s Greatest Raids Mega Factories Megastructures 100%: Planes Scam City Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey 21 GRAVITY HBO 12.00 WIB RETURN TO CABIN BY THE LAKE CINEMAX 18.05 WIB FRIDAY 19:00 Red Hot Design (S1) 21:00 Atul’s Spice Kitchen: 01:15 03:25 05:15 07:00 09:00 10:00 12:10 13:55 15:35 17:15 19:00 21:00 23:15 We Are Marshall The Boxer Footloose Collateral The Newsroom S304 A Beautiful Mind Alfie The Fast And The Furious: Tokyo Drift The Muppets Bridget Jones: The Edge Of Reason Oblivion Captain Phillips The Covenant Malaysia 22:00 The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) 01:00 03:00 05:00 06:30 08:15 10:00 11:30 13:00 14:30 16:15 18:00 19:45 20:00 21:30 23:00 01:30 The Guardian 03:00 The Campaign 04:30 Hollywood On Set 05:00 06:55 08:30 10:00 11:30 13:00 15:00 16:50 17:15 19:00 20:45 21:00 22:30 23:55 572 Tequila Sunrise Tommy Boy Death Warrant Cruel Intentions Old School Wolf Bullitt Hollywood On Set 573 Red Planet Firewall Epad On Max 295 The Monkey’s Paw Stay Alive The Hunted 00:40 02:20 04:10 06:00 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 08:00 08:14 00:05 Now You See Me 02:05 The Starving 03:30 04:25 06:10 08:05 10:35 12:35 14:20 16:25 18:05 20:00 22:00 Games Homeland S4 Episode 10 Faster Inside Job The Hunger Games: Catching Fire Out Of The Furnace The Stepfather Rush Easy A Thor: The Dark World The Heat Secret Life Of Walter Mitty 08:21 08:30 09:55 11:30 12:50 15:00 15:30 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:07 01:15 City Slickers 03:10 Turner & Hooch 04:50 Tin Man 17:14 06:20 07:50 09:20 11:00 12:30 14:05 15:30 17:30 19:10 16:35 17:35 19:00 20:45 22:15 23:50 (Part 1 Of 3) Smart Cookies Saving Shiloh Turner & Hooch The Duke Give Me A Break Wiener Dog Nationals One Direction: Reaching For The Stars (Part 1 Of 2 One Direction: Reaching For The Stars (Part 2 Of 2 Khumba Disney’s The Kid Tin Man (Part 1 Of 3) The Assignment An American Tail: Fievel Goes West 17:21 20:50 22:30 Crime And Punishment Eight Men Out Mannequin (Polygram) Electric Dreams What’s The Worst That Could Happen? Another Woman Love Or Money? The Care Bears Movie Cherry 2000 Billy Galvin Crusoe MGM’s Big Screen Living On Tokyo Time Till The End of the Night Pumpkinhead II: Blood Wings Nancy Drew You, Me And Dupree Mchale’s Navy (1997) M.I. High S510: The Brown’s Skul Days M.I. High S511: The First To Crack Crashbox S112: Crashbox S1 12 Crashbox S113: Crashbox S1 13 Kobushi S1 S193: Ebi The Leader Kobushi S1 S194: The Cat Attack Kobushi S1 S195: Oni-San Comes Back To Life Kobushi S1 S196: Sushi, Lies And Hodgepodge Angels Sing The Adventures Of Shark Boy And Lava Girl The Cat In The Hat The Sound Of Music (2013) M.I. High S512: Day Of The Jacket M.I. High S513: The Lost Hero Crashbox S114: Crashbox S1 14 Crashbox S115: Crashbox S1 15 Kobushi S1 S197: Tamachan Joins The Californian Rolls Kobushi S1 S198: The Sushi Of The Month Kobushi S1 S199: The Fatal Duo Kobushi S1 S1100: Vote For Me Herbie: Fully Loaded The Little Rascals Save The Day Nancy Drew You, Me And Dupree 01:30 42 03:45 The Last Exorcism Part II 05:15 Dungeons & Dragons: The Book Of Vile Darkness 06:45 Red 2 08:45 Spider-Man 2 23:00 Red Hot Design (S1) YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED (S3) @ DISCOVERY CHANNEL 00.00 WIB 11:00 12:30 14:15 16:20 16:45 18:15 20:15 22:00 23:45 01:00 01:30 02:00 02:30 03:30 04:30 05:00 07:15 08:45 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 13:00 14:00 15:35 17:10 19:00 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:35 Sound Of My Voice Mama 42 Hollywood On Set 571 The Last Exorcism Part II Red 2 Mama Family Weekend After Earth Hung S220: Third Base Veep S309: Crate Getting On S204 Banshee S209: Homecoming Big Love S111: Where There’s A Will Flight Of The Conchords S205: Unnatural Love Flight Stranger Within (2013) Sense And Sensibility Getting On S204 Curb Your Enthusiasm S209: The Baptism Curb Your Enthusiasm S210: The Massage Flight Of The Conchords S205: Unnatural Love The Newsroom S304 Hyde Park On Hudson Last Days Demolition Man Rome S105: The Ram Has Touched The Wall The Comeback S204 Eastbound & Down S102: Chapter 2 Austenland Powder Room 00:15 01:05 01:55 03:35 04:25 05:15 06:05 06:55 08:35 09:25 10:15 11:00 Dual Survival 11:05 12:00 Philly Throttle 11:55 13:00 You Have Been Warned 12:45 (S3) 14:00 Bering Sea Gold (S4) 15:00 Ice Cold Gold (S2) 16:00 How Do They Do 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:30 It? (S9) How It’s Made (S15) Dual Survival (S2) Gold Rush (S4) How Do They Do It? (S11) How It’s Made (S17) Get Out Alive With Bear Grylls Life In Cold Blood Marooned How Do They Do It? (S11) How It’s Made (S17) 13:35 14:25 15:15 16:05 17:00 17:55 19:15 20:10 20:40 21:35 22:30 23:50 Parenthood Masterchef Junior US Fit For Fashion Parenthood How I Met Your Mother Life After Top Chef Masterchef Junior US Fit For Fashion How I Met Your Mother Million Dollar Decorators Mistresses Top Chef: Just Desserts Life After Top Chef Million Dollar Decorators America’s Next Top Model Fit For Fashion Parenthood Suburgatory How I Met Your Mother Got to Dance UK Fit For Fashion Cougar Town America’s Next Top Model Scandal Got to Dance UK How I Met Your Mother 00:40 Winter Wipeout (S5) 01:30 American Ninja Warrior (S1) 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 Epic Meal Empire (S1) The Feed (S1) Bondi Vet (S2) Sell This House: Extreme (S2) Flipping Vegas (S2) Sell This House: Extreme (S2) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Bondi Vet (S2) Food Factory (S2) The Feed (S1) Epic Meal Empire (S1) Flipping Vegas (S2) 02:20 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S13) 03:10 Winter Wipeout (S5) 04:00 101 Ways To Leave A Game Show (S1) 05:00 Winter Wipeout (S5) 05:50 Leverage (S5) 06:40 American Ninja Warrior (S1) 07:30 101 Ways To Leave A Game Show (S1) 08:25 Winter Wipeout (S5) 09:20 Leverage (S5) 10:10 American Ninja Warrior (S1) 11:05 CSI: Crime Scene 00:00 You Have Been Warned (S3) 01:00 The Unexplained Files (S2) 02:00 Bering Sea Gold (S4) 03:00 How Do They Do 03:30 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:30 It? (S9) How It’s Made (S15) Dual Survival Gold Rush (S4) Philly Throttle You Have Been Warned (S3) Bering Sea Gold (S4) Ice Cold Gold (S2) How Do They Do It? (S9) How It’s Made (S15) FLIGHT @ HBO SIGNATURE 05.00 WIB 12:00 Sell This House: Extreme (S2) Bondi Vet (S2) Epic Meal Empire (S1) Food Factory (S2) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) 17:00 Flipping Vegas (S2) 18:00 The Feed (S1) 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time Investigation (S13) 12:00 Supernatural (S10) 12:55 The Voice (S7) 13:50 101 Ways To Leave A Game Show (S1) 14:45 Leverage (S5) 15:40 American Ninja Warrior (S1) 16:30 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S13) 17:20 Criss Angel Mindfreak 18:10 19:05 19:35 20:05 21:00 00:00 01:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 08:00 09:00 09:50 10:40 12:50 14:40 16:20 18:00 19:00 21:00 22:00 (S4) Breaking The Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed Criss Angel Mindfreak (S2) Ebuzz Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S2) The Karate Kid (2010) Covert Affairs (S4) Magic Man (S1) Law & Order (S11) Covert Affairs (S4) Just For Laughs: Gags (S10) Law & Order (S11) Covert Affairs (S4) Motive (S2) Chicago Fire (S3) Billy Elliot Tricked (S2) Law & Order (S13) Motive (S2) Tricked (S2) Lie To Me (S2) Law & Order (S13) Lie To Me (S2) 15:00 15:55 16:45 18:25 19:15 20:10 21:00 21:50 22:45 23:40 00:00 The Real Housewives 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:55 11:50 12:50 13:40 01:10 Star Trek: Enterprise 14:30 15:20 16:10 17:00 17:50 02:10 Ghost Bride 04:00 The New Addams 18:50 19:40 05:00 20:30 21:20 22:10 23:05 00:20 Scariest Places On Earth (S1) (S1) 07:00 09:00 10:50 11:40 12:30 13:20 15:00 16:40 17:30 18:20 19:10 21:00 22:40 23:30 Family (S1) Star Trek: Enterprise (S1) The New Addams Family (S1) Ghostquake Warehouse 13 (S1) Paranormal Witness (S1) Stranded (S1) Eureka (S5) Scariest Places On Earth (S1) Warehouse 13 (S1) Paranormal Witness (S1) Stranded (S1) Shaun Of The Dead Haven (S5) Warehouse 13 (S1) Eureka (S5) 00:35 Law & Order: Criminal 01:30 02:30 03:25 05:15 06:10 06:40 07:35 08:25 10:05 11:00 11:30 12:25 13:15 14:10 Intent Alfred Hitchcock Presents The Glades CSI The Following Alfred Hitchcock Presents Moonlighting The Listener Happily Never After The Following Alfred Hitchcock Presents The Listener CSI Police Women of Cincinnati The Following Moonlighting CSI Happily Never After The Listener Law & Order: Criminal Intent Hard-Boiled: Asian Detectives Police Women of Cincinnati CSI Hard-Boiled: Asian Detectives Police Women of Cincinnati Of New York City (S6) True Blood (S6) The Good Wife (S1) Chuck (S5) True Blood (S6) Justified (S4) The Good Wife (S1) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) The Good Wife (S1) Chuck (S5) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S1) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) Teen Wolf (S3) The Real Housewives Of New York City (S6) Justified (S4) Chuck (S5) The Good Wife (S1) Teen Wolf (S3) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) The Good Wife (S1) The Real Housewives Of New York City (S6) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S1) True Blood (S6) Alias (S1) 00:10 Just For Laughs (S10) 00:40 Christmas At Castlebury Hall 02:30 Shaun Of The Dead 04:30 Just For Laughs (S14) 05:00 Snow White: A Deadly 06:55 07:25 08:20 09:15 10:10 12:05 12:35 13:30 15:15 16:10 17:05 18:00 19:00 20:50 22:40 23:35 Summer Just For Laughs (S10) Aurora (S1) Cruel Love (S1) Clean House (S9) Christmas At Castlebury Hall Just For Laughs (S13) Dracula (S1) Touched Aurora (S1) Cruel Love (S1) Clean House (S9) Dracula (S1) The Runaway You May Not Kiss The Bride Clean House (S9) How Do I Look? (S11) 00:15 CSI 01:05 Castle 01:55 Law & Order : Special Victims Unit 02:45 Criminal Minds 03:35 Family Guy 04:00 CSI 04:50 Castle 05:45 Law & Order : Special 06:35 07:30 08:20 09:10 10:55 11:45 12:40 13:30 14:20 15:15 17:05 18:00 19:00 19:55 20:50 21:15 21:45 22:35 23:25 23:50 Victims Unit Criminal Minds CSI Castle NCIS: New Orleans Criminal Minds CSI Law & Order : Special Victims Unit Crisis Criminal Minds NCIS: New Orleans CSI Criminal Minds NCIS: New Orleans Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. The Simpsons Family Guy CSI NCIS: New Orleans The Cleveland Show CSI 05 DEC 2014 AMERICAN NINJA WARRIOR (S1) AXN 06.40 WIB 01:15 02:50 04:30 05:30 06:15 07:15 08:05 09:15 10:05 11:05 11:55 13:05 13:55 15:35 17:40 20:00 21:00 22:40 23:30 00:00 00:50 01:40 02:30 03:20 04:10 05:00 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:00 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 REDACTED QUARTET Nurse Jackie Mind Games Call Me Fitz It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia Nurse Jackie Mind Games Call Me Fitz It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia Nurse Jackie Mind Games DETAILS, THE DON’T COME KNOCKING CHILDREN Sons of Anarchy HAIRBRAINED American Horror Story: Freak Show From Dusk Till Dawn The Border Mega Factories Megastructures 100%: Planes Scam City Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey Mega Factories Megastructures 100%: Planes Scam City Beyond Magic with DMC Wild Case Files The Numbers Game S1 (30 mins) Do or Die Cesar To The Rescue Brilliant Beasts Beyond Magic with DMC 24 Hours In A&E Invasion Earth Is It Real? (1 hour) Predator CSI Real Time Disaster Real Time Disaster Do or Die The Numbers Game S1 (30 mins) 24 Hours In A&E Russia’s Mystery Files Is It Real? S3 (1 hour) 24 Hours In A&E 23 EPIC MEAL EMPIRE (S1) FYI 14.00 WIB AFTER EARTH HBO HITS 23.45 WIB MILLION DOLLAR DECORATORS STAR WORLD 09.25 WIB SATURDAY 07:10 Kobushi S1 S191: 04:00 Curb Your Enthusiasm Nirvana 04:30 The Leader 05:00 06:50 08:45 11:00 07:24 Kobushi S1 S193: Ebi 07:31 Kobushi S1 S194: The 07:38 07:45 07:52 07:59 08:06 CHUCK (S5) @ BETV 03.00 WIB 00:50 Bad News Bears 02:40 Lake Placid: The Final Chapter Paulie Jetsons The Movie Superman Superman II Captain Phillips Oblivion The Smurfs 2 Over The Hedge Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2 20:35 300 22:30 Cold Comes The Night 04:10 05:40 07:00 09:20 11:30 13:45 15:55 17:40 19:00 01:45 03:20 05:00 07:05 07:30 09:20 11:15 12:55 15:00 17:15 17:30 18:00 19:30 21:00 23:00 The Cell 2 The Monkey’s Paw Wolf Hollywood On Set 573 Fire Down Below The Hunted The Legend Of Hercules Chinatown The Two Jakes Epad On Max 295 Hollywood On Set 573 The Shepherd Spiders 3D Air Force One Profugos S212 00:00 Identity 01:35 Java Heat 03:20 Prosecuting Casey Anthony 04:15 05:45 07:15 08:40 10:50 12:35 14:00 15:45 17:35 19:00 20:25 21:55 23:50 00:30 Angel of Desire 02:00 The Extreme 03:30 05:00 06:15 08:00 09:45 11:15 13:00 14:30 16:15 18:15 20:00 21:45 23:15 00:20 02:15 04:00 06:00 06:07 10:25 Now You See Me 12:25 The Starving Games 13:50 The Hunger Games: 06:21 16:20 18:05 20:00 22:15 23:55 06:35 Catching Fire Frozen The Proposal The Book Thief Faster Out Of The Furnace 06:14 06:28 06:42 06:49 06:56 01:05 Smart Cookies 02:35 Today’S Special 08:30 10:06 10:15 12:00 13:40 15:30 17:00 19:15 21:15 23:10 Cat Attack Kobushi S1 S195: Oni-San Comes Back To Life Kobushi S1 S196: Sushi, Lies And Hodgepodge Kobushi S1 S197: Tamachan Joins The Californian Rolls Kobushi S1 S198: The Sushi Of The Month Kobushi S1 S199: The Fatal Duo Kobushi S1 S1100: Vote For Me The Little Rascals Save The Day Kobushi S1 S119: Holy Onigri Herbie: Fully Loaded Bridget Jones’s Diary Sleepless In Seattle Lilo & Stitch Erin Brockovich The Fighting Temptations Catch And Release Freaky Friday 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 23:00 23:50 S209: The Baptism Curb Your Enthusiasm S210: The Massage Sugar Normal Truman From The Earth To The Moon S101: Can We Do This? From The Earth To The Moon S102: Apollo One From The Earth To The Moon S103: We Have Cleared The Tower From The Earth To The Moon S104: 1968 From The Earth To The Moon S105: Spider From The Earth To The Moon S106: Mare Tranquilitatis Almost Famous Entourage S317: Return Of The King Entourage S318: The Resurrection The Leftovers S105: Gladys Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory Big Love S110: The Baptism Chernobyl Heart 00:00 Get Out Alive With 04:55 Dirty Work 06:20 Beautiful Creatures 08:25 Secret Life Of Walter Mitty Tin Man (Part 2 Of 3) Doggie Boogie Elf Man Nicholas Nickleby Disney’s The Kid The Secret Of Nimh Father Of The Bride Part II Ratatouille Wiener Dog Nationals The Legend Of Sarila Tin Man (Part 2 Of 3) City Slickers Give Me A Break 08:13 Driving Mr. Mossback Neko Is Almighty 07:17 Kobushi S1 S192: 07:03 Adventures Of Super Dave Johnny Be Good The Care Bears Movie Cherry 2000 Billy Galvin It Runs In The Family A Home Of Our Own Boris And Natasha The Cure The Black Stallion Electric Dreams A Home Of Our Own Angel of Desire At Close Range Mchale’s Navy (1997) Freaky Friday Catch And Release Kobushi S1 S181: Shake’s Revenge Kobushi S1 S182: Sushi Mistrust Kobushi S1 S183: The Stinkypoo Apprentice Kobushi S1 S184: Killer Cocktail Kobushi S1 S185: The Last Of The Kobushis Kobushi S1 S186: Without Tako All Hell Breaks Loose Kobushi S1 S187: Fugu Blues Kobushi S1 S188: OniSan Has A Plan Kobushi S1 S189: Sesame Seeds Can’T Buy Happiness Kobushi S1 S190: Mc Sushi 01:30 03:45 06:00 06:30 08:15 10:00 12:15 Jack Reacher Spider-Man 2 Hollywood On Set 571 Mama After Earth Jack Reacher The Last Exorcism Part II 13:45 Red 2 15:45 Two Can Play That Game 17:15 Dungeons & Dragons: The Book Of Vile Darkness Bear Grylls 17:00 Ice Cold Gold (S2) 18:00 You Have Been Warned 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 (S3) Yukon Men Deadliest Catch (S10) Ice Cold Gold (S2) Mythbusters (S9) Philly Throttle Red Hot Design (S1) Bondi Vet (S5) Bondi Vet (S2) Sell This House: Extreme (S2) Flipping Vegas (S2) Bondi Vet (S5) Food Factory (S1) Food Factory (S2) Epic Meal Empire (S1) Travels With The Bondi Vet (S1) Bondi Vet (S5) The Feed (S1) Red Hot Design (S1) Rowhouse Showdown (S1) The Feed (S1) Epic Meal Empire (S1) Food Factory (S2) Bondi Vet (S5) Rowhouse Showdown (S1) The Feed (S1) Epic Meal Empire (S1) Travels With The Bondi Vet (S1) Bondi Vet (S5) 01:00 Life In Cold Blood 02:00 Marooned 03:00 How Do They Do 03:30 04:00 05:00 06:00 06:30 07:00 08:00 09:00 It? (S9) How It’s Made (S15) Dual Survival (S2) Gold Rush (S4) How Do They Do It? (S11) How It’s Made (S17) Get Out Alive With Bear Grylls Life In Cold Blood What Happened 00:15 01:05 02:45 05:15 06:05 07:00 08:00 Cougar Town Fit For Fashion Royal Pains Melissa & Joey Cougar Town New Girl 2014 A Very Grammy Christmas 09:00 How I Met Your Mother HOMICIDE HUNTER @ FOX CRIME 08.55 WIB 18:45 Fear 20:15 After Earth 22:00 The Last Exorcism Part II 23:30 Red 2 00:00 Banshee S209: Homecoming 00:50 Across The Universe 03:00 Six Feet Under S204: Next? (S2) 09:30 Time Warp 10:00 How Do They Do It? (S11) How It’s Made (S17) JFK: The Lost Tapes Yukon Men Marooned You Have Been Warned (S3) 15:00 What Happened Next? (S2) 15:30 Time Warp 16:00 Bering Sea Gold (S4) 10:30 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time 09:25 Revenge 10:15 America’s Next Top Model Fit For Fashion Million Dollar Listing New Girl Cougar Town Revenge America’s Next Top Model 16:05 Mistresses 17:00 Masterchef Junior US 18:50 2014 A Very Grammy Christmas 11:05 11:55 12:45 13:35 14:25 15:15 19:45 The 2014 ARIA Awards 16:00 Face Off (S3) 21:35 Masterchef Junior US 16:50 Ghostquake 23:25 Revenge 18:30 Continuum (S2) 20:10 12 Disasters 21:50 Face Off (S3) 22:40 Haven (S5) 00:30 Ebuzz 01:00 Criss Angel Mindfreak (S2) 01:30 American Ninja Warrior 00:35 Law & Order: Criminal 02:20 CSI: Crime Scene 01:30 Alfred Hitchcock 03:10 04:00 02:30 The Listener 03:25 CSI 05:15 Hard-Boiled: Asian (S1) 05:00 05:50 07:30 08:00 08:30 09:20 10:15 11:10 12:05 13:00 16:30 18:15 19:10 20:05 21:00 21:55 22:50 Investigation (S13) Winter Wipeout (S5) 101 Ways To Leave A Game Show (S1) The Apprentice Asia The Voice (S7) Ebuzz Criss Angel Mindfreak (S2) 72 Hours (S1) The Amazing Race (S25) Wipeout (S7) Criss Angel Mindfreak (S4) Supernatural (S10) The Voice (S7) Breaking The Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed Wipeout (S7) The Amazing Race (S25) Criss Angel Mindfreak (S4) Supernatural (S10) The Amazing Race (S25) Breaking The Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed Intent Presents 06:10 07:05 08:00 08:55 09:50 12:25 13:15 14:10 18:30 21:00 23:40 00:00 The Real Housewives 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 05:30 07:00 08:00 10:00 00:00 Covert Affairs (S4) 01:00 Magic Man (S1) 02:00 Just For Laughs: Gags 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:55 08:50 10:50 11:40 13:20 14:10 15:00 17:10 18:00 18:55 20:55 22:40 23:30 (S10) Law & Order (S11) Covert Affairs (S4) Do No Harm (S1) Levity Before And After House (S8) Lie To Me (S2) Law & Order (S20) Psych (S7) Billy Elliot Magic Man (S1) Chicago Fire (S3) The Frighteners House (S8) Law & Order (S20) Psych (S7) Detectives Franklin & Bash The Following Body Of Proof Homicide Hunter CSI NY Hard-Boiled: Asian Detectives The Following Moonlighting Law & Order CSI Miami Hard-Boiled: Asian Detectives 10:30 12:00 13:00 13:50 14:40 15:10 16:40 17:30 18:15 19:10 20:00 20:50 21:40 23:30 Of New York City (S6) True Blood (S6) The Good Wife (S1) Chuck (S5) True Blood (S6) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Teen Wolf (S4) True Blood (S5) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Spy (S2) Teen Wolf (S4) The Real Housewives Of New York City (S6) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Justified (S4) Teen Wolf (S4) Cyril: Simply Magic Spy (S2) Face Off (S3) Teen Wolf (S4) True Blood (S5) Justified (S4) 00:30 Operation Cupcake 02:15 The Sisterhood Of The 00:20 Scariest Places On Earth (S1) 01:10 Star Trek: Enterprise (S1) 02:10 Defiance (S1) 04:00 The New Addams 05:00 07:00 08:50 09:50 10:45 12:30 14:10 Family (S1) Independence Daysaster Ghostquake Face Off (S3) The Paranormal Zone (S1) Merlin (S5) Haven (S5) Shaun Of The Dead 04:30 05:00 05:30 07:45 09:25 11:25 13:35 15:15 16:10 16:40 17:05 18:00 20:50 21:45 Travelling Pants Hot In Cleveland (S5) Just For Laughs (S13) Beaches Magic Beyond Words: The JK Rowling Story Thinspiration Patch Adams Be My Valentine Supermodelme: Sirens (S5) Brooklyn 9-9 (S2) Just For Laughs (S13) The Good Wife (S6) Top Chef (S6) Hottest Home Baker (S3) Supermodelme: Sirens (S5) 22:40 Key To My Heart 00:40 04:00 04:50 06:35 08:20 09:10 10:05 10:55 11:45 12:40 13:30 15:15 16:10 17:05 18:00 18:50 19:45 20:40 21:40 22:05 23:50 CSI The Cleveland Show Medium Castle Hell’s Kitchen NCIS NCIS: New Orleans Sleepy Hollow Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. The Walking Dead Criminal Minds Top 20 Countdown NCIS Sleepy Hollow Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Monster Jam 2014 World Championship Kickboxing The Simpsons The Cleveland Show Law & Order : Special Victims Unit 06 DEC 2014 CONTINUUM (S2) SYFY 18.30 WIB 00:20 DETAILS, THE 02:00 HARA-KIRI: DEATH OF 04:10 05:20 06:20 09:05 10:10 12:00 14:20 15:50 17:30 19:10 21:00 22:45 23:40 A SAMURAI Nurse Jackie Call Me Fitz Nurse Jackie ZACH GALIFIANAKIS: LIVE AT THE PURPLE ONION ARBITRAGE CHILDREN IT’S A DISASTER QUARTET HAIRBRAINED BROKEN CITY SIDE EFFECTS Penny Dreadful WRITERS JAVA HEAT FOX MOVIES PREMIUM 01.35 WIB 00:00 The Border 00:50 Do or Die 01:15 The Numbers Game S1 01:40 02:30 03:20 04:10 04:35 05:00 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 (30 mins) Russia’s Mystery Files Is It Real? S3 (1 hour) The Border Do or Die The Numbers Game S1 (30 mins) Russia’s Mystery Files Is It Real? S3 (1 hour) Real Time Disaster Disaster Earth Russia’s Mystery Files WWII’s Greatest Raids Beyond Magic with DMC Crowd Control True Tube Brain Games S3 Compilations Wicked Tuna: North Vs South Yukon Gold 24 Hours In A&E Megastructures Mega Factories 100%: Planes Beyond Magic with DMC Crowd Control Scam City WWII’s Greatest Raids 25 BROOKLYN 9-9 (S2) DIVA 16.10 WIB DO NO HARM (S1) UNIVERSAL CHANNEL 05.00 WIB SUNDAY 08:15 10:00 12:00 12:30 14:45 16:30 18:15 Fear Red 2 Hollywood On Set 571 42 After Earth Mama The Last Exorcism Part II 19:45 Spider-Man 2 22:00 Red 2 00:30 THE BLACK STALLION @ MGM 09.15 WIB 00:00 01:45 03:40 05:15 07:00 09:00 10:30 12:15 13:55 15:50 17:25 19:25 21:00 22:25 22:55 Alfie The Mexican Grabbers Crooked Arrows Superman III Superman IV The Quest For Peace The Smurfs 2 The Incredible Burt Wonderstone 300 Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2 The Mexican R.I.P.D. Vehicle 19 The Comeback S204 When A Stranger Calls 06:15 Cancel Christmas 07:45 The Assignment 09:20 One Direction: 11:25 12:50 14:15 15:45 17:25 19:00 20:35 22:05 23:40 Reaching For The Stars (Part 2 Of 2 The Stream The Legend Of Sarila The Duke Christmas With The Kranks The Assignment The Hunters Tin Man (Part 3 Of 3) Super Capers: The Origins Of Ed And The Missing Bullion The Dog Who Saved The Holidays 10:00 11:00 11:50 12:45 13:40 14:35 15:35 00:00 Ninja: Shadow Of A Tear 01:35 Resident Evil: Retribution Profugos S212 Beer Money Spiders 3D The Shepherd The Running Man The Matrix Air Force One Waterworld National Lampoon’s Favorite Deadly Sins 18:50 Tombstone 21:00 Here Comes The Boom 22:45 Resident Evil: Retribution 03:15 04:30 06:00 07:30 09:00 10:45 13:00 15:00 17:15 01:50 Prosecuting Casey 03:25 05:15 07:00 08:35 10:15 12:20 14:10 16:10 18:25 20:00 23:05 Anthony The X Files: I Want To Believe The Stepfather Big Daddy The Marine Rush The Proposal The Heat The Book Thief Walking With Dinosaurs Pearl Harbor The Starving Games 01:25 Turner & Hooch 03:05 Christmas With The Kranks 04:45 Tin Man (Part 3 Of 3) 01:15 Clean Slate 03:00 Defiance 04:45 Swimming to 06:00 07:30 09:15 11:15 12:45 14:30 16:30 18:15 20:00 21:30 23:15 00:50 02:45 04:25 06:00 07:20 09:00 10:45 12:20 13:45 15:55 17:55 19:10 21:05 22:50 Cambodia Boris And Natasha The Cure The Black Stallion The Woman In Red Dreamchild Eight Men Out Electric Dreams A Home Of Our Own The Longshot Clean Slate A Family Thing 16:40 18:50 21:00 22:30 23:00 23:30 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 07:30 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 The Wire S204: Hard 14:00 Cases 15:00 Hung S220: Third Base 16:00 Amistad 17:00 Hollywood On Set 572 18:00 01:30 02:00 04:30 05:00 The Assassination Of Reaching For The Stars 07:35 (Part 1 Of 2 09:00 10:25 One Direction: 02:00 Alien Sharks: Return To Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford Life Support The Leftovers S105: Gladys The Wire S204: Hard Cases From The Earth To The Moon S107: That’S Allthere Is From The Earth To The Moon S108: We Interrupt This Program From The Earth To The Moon S109: For Miles And Miles From The Earth To The Moon S110: Galileo Was Right From The Earth To The Moon S111: The Original Wives Club From The Earth To The Moon S112: Le Voyage Dans La Lune Les Miserables (1998) Anna Karenina Austin Powers In Goldmember Enlightened S101: Pilot Hollywood On Set 572 Six Feet Under S204: Driving Mr. Mossback 00:00 Deadliest Catch (S10) 01:00 Yukon Men 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 The Abyss Mythbusters (S9) Deadliest Catch (S10) Ice Lake Rebels (S1) Yukon Men What Happened Next? (S2) Time Warp Mythbusters (S9) Marooned Yukon Men Mythbusters (S9) Ice Cold Gold (S2) Philly Throttle Ice Lake Rebels (S1) Deadliest Catch (S10) Ice Cold Gold (S2) Marooned What Happened Next? (S2) Time Warp The Bubble Man JFK: The Lost Tapes Bering Sea Gold (S4) Ice Lake Rebels (S1) The Bubble Man Red Hot Design (S1) The Feed (S1) Epic Meal Empire (S1) Food Factory (S2) Food Factory (S1) Fix This Yard (S3) Hideous Houses (S1) Rowhouse Showdown (S1) Red Hot Design (S1) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Atul’s Spice Kitchen: Malaysia Food Factory (S2) Epic Meal Empire (S1) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Atul’s Spice Kitchen: Malaysia Bondi Vet (S5) Rowhouse Showdown (S1) Red Hot Design (S1) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Atul’s Spice Kitchen: Malaysia Bondi Vet (S5) Food Factory (S2) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) 00:15 01:05 02:45 03:35 04:25 05:15 06:05 07:45 08:35 10:15 11:05 11:55 12:45 13:35 15:15 16:05 17:00 17:55 18:50 19:45 20:40 21:35 22:30 23:25 00:40 01:30 02:20 03:15 05:00 07:35 10:15 12:00 12:30 13:00 16:30 16:35 19:10 21:55 22:50 People Like Us Mean Girls America’s Sweethearts Chicken Little Rise Of The Guardians Sleepless In Seattle Bridget Jones’s Diary Lilo & Stitch Erin Brockovich The Fighting Temptations Home On The Range People Like Us America’s Sweethearts Random Hearts 01:30 Spider-Man 2 03:45 42 06:00 Jack Reacher RUSH @ FOX MOVIES PREMIUM 10.15 WIB Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time Mistresses Switched At Birth Parenthood Melissa & Joey Cougar Town New Girl Mistresses Million Dollar Listing Masterchef Junior US Melissa & Joey New Girl America’s Next Top Model Masterchef Junior US Got to Dance UK Million Dollar Listing Scandal Revenge America’s Next Top Model Masterchef Junior US Fit For Fashion Million Dollar Decorators Scandal Got to Dance UK America’s Next Top Model 72 Hours (S1) Wipeout (S7) The Apprentice Asia The Voice (S7) Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S2) The Voice (S7) Breaking The Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed Ebuzz Criss Angel Mindfreak (S2) The Voice (S7) The Amazing Race (S25) The Karate Kid (2010) The Voice (S7) Criss Angel Mindfreak (S4) Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S2) 23:45 The Voice (S7) 00:20 02:20 05:50 06:40 08:25 09:20 11:30 13:25 14:20 15:15 19:50 20:45 21:40 23:35 Billy Elliot Do No Harm (S1) Grimm (S4) Lie To Me (S2) Law & Order (S20) Billy Elliot Levity Grimm (S4) Lie To Me (S2) Tricked (S2) Chicago Fire (S3) Grimm (S4) Levity Lie To Me (S2) 23:20 Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) 00:30 02:30 04:30 05:00 07:00 10:10 12:00 14:20 15:15 17:05 18:00 19:00 19:55 Reality Bites Touched Just For Laughs (S10) You May Not Kiss The Bride The Horse Whisperer Operation Cupcake Beaches Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S15) Dracula (S1) Chicago Fire (S2) Atlantis (S2) Hottest Home Baker (S3) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S15) 03:15 IT’S A DISASTER 04:45 ARBITRAGE 06:35 It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia Da Vinci’s Demons Mind Games WRITERS SIDE EFFECTS UPSIDE DOWN ORANGES, THE ARBITRAGE American Horror Story: Freak Show 22:40 Sons of Anarchy 23:45 From Dusk Till Dawn 08:15 09:15 12:25 14:05 15:50 17:40 19:15 21:00 07 DEC 2014 00:00 Is It Real? S3 (1 hour) 00:50 Drugged 01:40 24 Hours In A&E THE SMURFS 2 HBO 10.30 WIB 00:20 Merlin (S5) 02:00 The Paranormal 03:00 05:00 07:00 09:00 10:50 12:30 14:10 15:50 16:40 18:30 20:10 21:50 23:30 Zone (S1) Warehouse 13 (S1) Ghost Bride Defiance (S1) Merlin (S5) Continuum (S2) Ghost Bride 12 Disasters The Paranormal Zone (S1) Shaun Of The Dead Haven (S5) Deadly Descent Continuum (S2) The Paranormal Zone (S1) CHRISTMAS WITH THE KRANKS 00:25 01:15 02:10 03:05 03:55 04:25 05:15 09:50 12:25 13:15 14:10 18:30 21:00 23:40 00:20 01:10 03:00 04:00 05:00 07:00 09:00 10:30 12:10 13:00 15:00 16:40 18:20 19:10 20:00 21:40 Franklin & Bash Body Of Proof The Following Homicide Hunter Alfred Hitchcock Presents CSI Moonlighting CSI Miami Body Of Proof Franklin & Bash Police Women of Cincinnati Law & Order CSI NY Happily Never After Spy (S2) True Blood (S5) Spy (S2) Justified (S4) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) The Good Wife (S1) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Desperate Housewives (S7) Face Off (S3) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) The Good Wife (S1) Desperate Housewives (S7) Justified (S4) Face Off (S3) The Good Wife (S1) Desperate Housewives (S7) FOX FAMILY MOVIES 03.05 WIB CHICKEN LITTLE @ HBO FAMILY 06.00 WIB 22:40 Atlantis (S2) 23:35 Hot In Cleveland (S5) 00:40 Law & Order : Special 04:00 04:50 06:35 08:15 09:05 09:55 10:55 11:45 12:40 13:30 14:25 15:25 16:20 17:15 18:10 19:55 20:50 23:00 23:25 Victims Unit The Cleveland Show Criminal Minds Castle Top 20 Countdown Monster Jam 2014 World Championship Kickboxing The Walking Dead NCIS NCIS: New Orleans Monster Jam 2014 World Championship Kickboxing Hell’s Kitchen NCIS NCIS: New Orleans The Walking Dead Sleepy Hollow The Simpsons The Cleveland Show Criminal Minds 01:25 UPSIDE DOWN 02:30 03:20 04:10 04:35 05:00 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:15 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 15:35 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 21:30 22:00 23:00 Scam City Britain’s Underworld Real Time Disaster Real Time Disaster Disaster Earth Yukon Gold Wicked Tuna: North Vs South Crowd Control Crowd Control Beyond Magic with DMC 24 Hours In A&E True Tube Brain Games S3 Compilations 100%: Planes Megastructures WWII’s Greatest Raids Crowd Control Crowd Control Beyond Magic with DMC True Tube Brain Games S3 Compilations Hooked Wicked Tuna: North Vs South Real Time Disaster Real Time Disaster Russia’s Mystery Files Is It Real? S3 (1 hour) 27 RESIDENT EVIL: RETRIBUTION CINEMAX 01.35 WIB DRACULA (S1) DIVA 15.15 WIB MONDAY 13:00 Bondi Vet (S2) 14:00 Atul’s Spice Kitchen: Malaysia 00:20 The Spongebob 01:50 03:30 05:05 07:00 08:30 09:00 11:30 12:50 14:25 16:00 17:30 20:00 21:00 21:30 23:15 Squarepants Movie Election Sgt. Bilko Timeline The Avengers Hbo Central Dec 2014 War Horse Vehicle 19 The Guilt Trip R.I.P.D. The Spongebob Squarepants Movie Superman Returns The Newsroom S305 The Comeback S205 House At The End Of The Street Elysium 00:20 The Art Of The 01:50 03:20 05:30 07:15 09:30 09:45 11:45 13:15 15:00 17:00 18:55 21:00 22:30 00:30 02:10 03:50 05:30 07:30 09:10 10:40 12:55 14:55 16:55 20:00 21:35 22:30 Steal Tomcats Extreme Measures Derailed Waterworld Epad On Max 295 Cowboy Bebop: The Movie Hard To Kill Here Comes The Boom The Big Mouth True Colors The Sum Of All Fears Premium Rush Wild At Heart Big Daddy The Marine Hitchcock Out Of The Furnace Arthur Newman Walking With Dinosaurs The Book Thief Just Go With It Now You See Me Pearl Harbor Runner Runner Homeland S4 Episode 11 The Book Thief 15:00 Taste Of Vietnam (S2) 16:00 The Coolest Places On 01:00 02:45 04:45 06:15 08:00 10:00 11:45 13:15 13:30 15:15 17:00 18:30 20:00 21:45 23:00 Foreign Body Otello Top Dog Dreamchild Eight Men Out A Family Thing The Whales of August MGM’s Big Screen The In Crowd Heart Of Dixie Ring of the Musketeers The Longshot Fargo Edge Of Sanity Hair Central Park 06:35 08:05 09:35 11:05 12:40 14:25 16:15 17:40 19:00 20:30 22:05 23:35 Part II Tin Man (Part 1 Of 3) Tin Man (Part 2 Of 3) Tin Man (Part 3 Of 3) The Hunters Disney’s The Kid Ratatouille The Stream Bionicle: The Legend Reborn Bring It On Again The Assignment K-911 Bionicle: The Legend Reborn (S1) 20:00 Red Hot Design (S1) 21:00 Tiny House Nation (S1) 22:00 The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) 23:00 Rowhouse Showdown (S1) DJANGO UNCHAINED @ HBO SIGNATURE 22.55 WIB 18:15 Spider-Man 2 20:30 The Last Exorcism Part II 01:00 02:35 04:10 06:00 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 08:07 08:14 08:21 08:30 09:56 10:05 12:00 13:20 15:00 15:30 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:07 17:14 17:30 19:00 20:30 22:00 Mean Girls Just Like Heaven G.I. Joe: Retaliation M.I. High S512: Day Of The Jacket M.I. High S513: The Lost Hero Crashbox S114: Crashbox S1 14 Crashbox S115: Crashbox S1 15 Kobushi S1 S197: Tamachan Joins The Californian Rolls Kobushi S1 S198: The Sushi Of The Month Kobushi S1 S199: The Fatal Duo Kobushi S1 S1100: Vote For Me Mulan Kobushi S1 S119: Holy Onigri G.I. Joe: Retaliation Home On The Range Little Secrets M.I. High S601: The Fall Of Skul M.I. High S602: Trojan Korps Crashbox S116: Crashbox S1 16 Crashbox S117: Crashbox S1 17 Kobushi S1 S1101: B.B Kobushi S1 S1102: Looking For Ninjasmin Kobushi S1 S1103: Sushi To The Future Dinosaur Angels Sing Brian’s Song Pleasantville 22:00 Jack Reacher 10:30 How It’s Made (S15) 11:00 Dual Survival (S2) 12:00 How Do They Do It? (S11) 12:30 How It’s Made (S17) 13:00 Get Out Alive With Bear Grylls 00:25 Bored To Death S207: Escape From The 14:00 Life In Cold Blood 15:00 Yukon Men 16:00 How Do They Do It? (S9) Castle! 16:30 How It’s Made (S15) 00:45 Small Apartments 17:00 Dual Survival (S2) 02:20 The Last Truck: Closing 18:00 Gold Rush (S4) Of A Gm Plant 19:00 Bering Sea Gold (S4) 03:00 Flight Of The 20:00 Ice Cold Gold (S2) Conchords S205: 21:00 Deadliest Catch (S10) Unnatural Love 22:00 Philly Throttle 03:30 Rome S104: Stealing 23:00 Bering Sea Gold (S4) 04:30 05:00 06:50 08:50 10:05 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 15:50 17:10 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 22:55 From Saturn Veep S309: Crate Radio 8Mm A Number Jarhead The Comeback S204 Enlightened S102: Now Or Never Curb Your Enthusiasm S209: The Baptism Curb Your Enthusiasm S210: The Massage Sugar A Dog Year Freedomland Jonah: From Tonga S105: Jonah: From Tonga S1 05 Getting On S205 Banshee S210: Bullets And Tears Olive Kitteridge S101 Veep S310: New Hampshire Bored To Death S208: Super Ray Is Mortal! Django Unchained 00:00 Atul’s Spice Kitchen: Malaysia 01:00 Rowhouse Showdown (S1) 02:00 Hideous Houses (S1) 03:00 Fix This Yard (S3) 05:00 Sell This House: 00:15 01:05 01:55 02:45 03:10 03:35 04:25 05:15 06:05 06:55 07:45 08:10 08:35 09:25 10:15 11:05 11:55 12:45 13:35 14:25 15:15 16:05 17:00 17:55 18:20 18:50 19:45 20:40 21:35 22:30 23:25 Parenthood Fit For Fashion Million Dollar Listing Cougar Town Melissa & Joey Parenthood How I Met Your Mother Life After Top Chef Fit For Fashion Million Dollar Listing Cougar Town Melissa & Joey How I Met Your Mother Revenge Suburgatory Top Chef: Just Desserts Life After Top Chef Revenge Fit For Fashion Million Dollar Listing Parenthood Suburgatory Glee Cougar Town Melissa & Joey New Girl Suburgatory Melissa & Joey Revenge New Girl Glee Extreme (S2) 06:00 The Coolest Places On 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 Earth (S1) Bondi Vet (S2) Bondi Vet (S5) Food Factory (S2) Epic Meal Empire (S1) Flipping Vegas (S2) Sell This House: Extreme (S2) 01:30 The Voice (S7) 01:30 The Amazing Race (S25) 02:25 Winter Wipeout (S5) 05:50 Leverage (S5) 06:40 American Ninja Warrior (S2) 07:30 101 Ways To Leave A 00:00 You Have Been Warned 01:10 Chestnut: Hero Of 02:40 Nicholas Nickleby 04:50 Father Of The Bride Earth (S1) 17:00 Flipping Vegas (S2) 18:00 Rowhouse Showdown 00:00 01:45 03:15 04:50 05:15 06:45 08:30 10:00 11:30 13:15 14:45 16:15 Family Weekend Sound Of My Voice Mama Hollywood On Set 571 Two Can Play That Game After Earth Dungeons & Dragons: The Book Of Vile Darkness The Last Exorcism Part II Mama The Brady Bunch Movie Two Can Play That Game Red 2 (S3) 01:00 Bering Sea Gold (S4) 02:00 What Happened Next? (S2) 02:30 Time Warp 03:00 Deadliest Catch (S10) 04:00 The Unexplained Files (S2) 05:00 Yukon Men 06:00 Mythbusters (S9) 07:00 Get Out Alive With Bear Grylls 08:00 What Happened Next? (S2) 08:30 Time Warp 09:00 Marooned 10:00 How Do They Do It? (S9) JACK REACHER @ HBO HITS 22.00 WIB Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time Game Show (S1) 08:25 Winter Wipeout (S5) 09:20 Leverage (S5) 10:10 American Ninja Warrior (S2) 11:05 CSI: Crime Scene 08:25 Law & Order 10:05 Hard-Boiled: Asian 11:00 12:00 The Amazing Race 11:30 12:25 13:15 12:55 14:10 Investigation (S13) 13:50 14:45 15:40 16:30 17:20 17:50 18:45 19:40 21:55 22:50 23:45 (S25) David Blaine: Beautiful Struggle 101 Ways To Leave A Game Show (S1) Leverage (S5) American Ninja Warrior (S2) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S13) Ebuzz The Amazing Race (S25) David Blaine: Beautiful Struggle Stealth Hawaii Five-0 (S4) David Blaine: Beautiful Struggle Hawaii Five-0 (S4) 15:00 15:55 16:45 18:25 19:15 20:10 21:00 21:50 22:45 23:40 Detectives Alfred Hitchcock Presents The Killing CSI Police Women of Cincinnati Hard-Boiled: Asian Detectives Moonlighting CSI Law & Order The Killing Law & Order: Criminal Intent Homicide Hunter Police Women of Cincinnati CSI Homicide Hunter Police Women of Cincinnati 00:20 Everybody Loves 00:25 Lie To Me (S2) 01:20 Do No Harm (S1) 05:00 Just For Laughs: Gags 06:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:50 17:35 18:25 20:00 23:40 (S10) Law & Order (S11) Covert Affairs (S4) Motive (S2) Lie To Me (S2) Tricked (S2) Criminal Minds (S6) Suits (S3) Motive (S2) Criminal Minds (S6) Possessed By Evil The Librarians (S1) Law & Order (S20) 00:20 12 Disasters 02:10 Ghostquake 04:00 The Paranormal Zone (S1) 05:00 Star Trek: Enterprise (S1) 07:00 The New Addams 09:00 11:00 11:50 13:30 15:10 16:50 17:40 19:20 21:00 21:50 22:40 23:30 Family (S1) Warehouse 13 (S1) Warehouse 13 (S1) Continuum (S2) Eureka (S5) Scariest Places On Earth (S1) Warehouse 13 (S1) Two-Headed Shark Attack Bigfoot The Paranormal Zone (S1) Face Off (S3) Warehouse 13 (S1) Eureka (S5) 01:20 02:10 04:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:55 11:50 12:50 13:35 14:05 14:35 15:20 16:10 17:00 17:50 18:50 19:40 20:30 21:20 22:10 23:05 00:05 The Good Wife (S6) 01:00 Snow White: A Deadly 02:35 04:30 05:00 06:55 07:25 08:20 09:15 10:10 12:05 12:30 13:20 00:35 Happily Never After 01:30 Alfred Hitchcock Presents 02:30 The Listener 03:25 Psych 05:15 Hard-Boiled: Asian Detectives 06:10 Alfred Hitchcock Presents 06:40 Moonlighting 07:35 The Killing Raymond (S8) Justified (S4) The Good Wife (S1) Justified (S4) The Good Wife (S1) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) The Good Wife (S1) Chuck (S5) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S1) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) Teen Wolf (S3) Magic Asia: India Everybody Loves Raymond (S6) Justified (S4) Chuck (S5) The Good Wife (S1) Teen Wolf (S3) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) The Good Wife (S1) The Real Housewives Of New York City (S6) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S1) True Blood (S6) Alias (S1) 15:15 16:10 17:05 18:00 19:00 19:55 20:25 22:10 23:05 Summer Be My Valentine Just For Laughs (S10) Thinspiration Just For Laughs (S10) Aurora (S1) Cruel Love (S1) Top Chef (S6) Reality Bites Just For Laughs (S13) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S15) You May Not Kiss The Bride Aurora (S1) Cruel Love (S1) Top Chef (S6) How Do I Look? (S11) Supermodelme: Sirens (S5) Just For Laughs (S10) Touched Top Chef (S6) Supermodelme: Sirens (S5) 00:15 CSI 01:05 Crisis 01:55 Law & Order : Special 02:45 03:35 04:00 04:50 05:45 06:35 07:30 08:20 09:10 10:55 11:45 12:40 14:20 15:15 17:05 18:00 19:00 19:55 20:50 21:15 21:45 22:35 23:25 Victims Unit Criminal Minds Family Guy CSI Crisis Law & Order : Special Victims Unit Criminal Minds CSI Crisis The Walking Dead Criminal Minds CSI Law & Order : Special Victims Unit Criminal Minds The Walking Dead CSI Criminal Minds Opposite Worlds NCIS The Simpsons Family Guy CSI Opposite Worlds Criminal Minds 08 DEC 2014 LEVERAGE (S5) AXN 14.45 WIB 00:35 HAIRBRAINED 02:15 IT’S A DISASTER 03:45 Zach Galifianakis: Live At The Purple Onion 04:55 Mind Games 05:45 Call Me Fitz 06:50 It’s Always Sunny in 08:05 09:10 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 13:50 15:55 17:40 19:20 21:00 21:30 22:35 23:25 Philadelphia Nurse Jackie Mind Games Call Me Fitz It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia Nurse Jackie Mind Games Don’t Come Knocking GOD BLESS AMERICA QUARTET HAIRBRAINED Web Therapy Sons of Anarchy American Horror Story: Freak Show Penny Dreadful 00:00 The Border 00:50 Hooked 01:40 Wicked Tuna: North Vs South 02:30 Real Time Disaster 03:20 Russia’s Mystery Files 04:10 Is It Real? S3 MILLION DOLLAR LISTING STAR WORLD 14.25 WIB PHILLY THROTTLE DISCOVERY CHANNEL 22.00 WIB (1 hour) 05:00 Hooked 06:00 Wicked Tuna: North 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 22:00 23:00 Vs South Real Time Disaster Russia’s Mystery Files America’s Lost Treasures Wild Case Files Megastructures World’s Toughest Fixes Britain’s Underworld America’s Lost Treasures Yukon Gold WWII’s Greatest Raids Britain’s Underworld 100%: Planes Megastructures Yukon Gold WWII’s Greatest Raids Megastructures 29 HIDEOUS HOUSES (S1) FYI 02.00 WIB TUESDAY 19:15 Harriet The Spy 20:55 Living Proof 22:25 Fools Rush In 01:00 Deadliest Catch (S10) 02:00 Philly Throttle 03:00 How Do They Do 03:30 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 00:15 Sound Of My Voice 08:00 01:45 Ghost Team One 09:00 03:15 The Brady Bunch Movie 10:00 04:45 Fear 06:30 Red 2 10:30 08:30 Mama 11:00 RUNNER RUNNER @ FOX MOVIES PREMIUM 11.35 WIB 10:15 The Brady Bunch Movie 12:00 11:45 After Earth 13:00 13:20 Hollywood On Set 571 14:00 10:35 Bring It On Again 13:45 Spider-Man 2 15:00 12:05 Today’S Special 16:00 Sound Of My Voice 16:00 13:45 The Hunters 17:30 Jack Reacher 01:00 A Very Harold & Kumar 15:20 Give Me A Break 19:45 42 16:30 3D Christmas 16:55 One Direction: 22:00 Spider-Man 2 17:00 02:35 Hollywood On Set 574 Reaching For The Stars 18:00 03:00 Footloose (Part 1 Of 2 19:00 04:55 Reign Over Me 18:00 One Direction: 20:00 Reaching For The Stars 07:00 The Witches 21:00 (Part 2 Of 2 08:30 Monster House 10:00 The Comeback S204 19:00 Bring It On: All Or 01:35 Midnight’S Children 22:00 Nothing 10:30 The Comeback S205 04:00 Olive Kitteridge S101 23:00 20:40 The Legend Of Sarila 11:00 The Newsroom S305 05:00 Jarhead 22:05 Tin Man (Part 1 Of 3) 12:00 The Covenant 06:50 Sense And Sensibility 23:35 City Slickers 13:40 Gattaca 09:00 Hollywood On Set 573 15:30 Admission 09:25 Underground: The Julian Assange Story 17:15 Thunderstruck 18:50 The Legend Of Zorro 11:00 Olive Kitteridge S101 00:00 21:00 Elysium 12:00 Entourage S317: 01:00 Return Of The King 22:45 Hello Ladies S101: Pilot 23:15 Hello Ladies S102: 12:30 Entourage S318: The 02:00 The Limo Resurrection 03:00 01:00 High Spirits (Epic) 23:45 Angus, Thongs And 13:00 Rome S104: Stealing Perfect Snogging From Saturn 02:45 A Home Of Our Own 04:00 04:30 The House On Carroll 13:55 Shot Through The 05:00 00:20 02:30 04:20 06:00 07:45 09:45 11:15 13:30 15:00 17:05 19:05 21:00 22:30 23:55 00:45 02:30 04:30 06:20 08:00 09:25 11:35 13:15 15:15 17:45 20:00 21:45 23:45 The Bourne Legacy Sudden Impact Watermelon Man Firewall The Sum Of All Fears Calendar Girl The Bourne Legacy Premium Rush The Taming Of The Shrew (1967) Jungle Fever Lethal Weapon 2 The Monkey’s Paw The Campaign Bait Faster The Heat The Other Guys The Kings Of Summer The Starving Games Saving Mr. Banks Runner Runner Runaway Bride Independence Day The Book Thief The Croods The Heat Homeland S4 Episode 11 06:15 07:45 09:30 11:15 13:00 14:30 16:15 18:00 20:00 22:00 23:45 00:00 01:30 03:30 05:26 06:00 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 08:07 08:14 08:30 09:50 11:25 13:30 15:00 15:30 00:55 02:30 04:05 05:40 07:05 09:00 Magic The Talking Dog Tin Man (Part 1 Of 3) Smitty The Legend Of Sarila City Slickers Anastasia 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:30 Street Convicts Benny & Joon Heart Of Dixie The Cure Ring of the Musketeers He’s My Girl Benny & Joon Hair Jason’s Lyric A Home Of Our Own Till The End of the Night Heart 15:50 Taking Chance 17:10 Temple Grandin 19:00 The Comeback 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 S205 Eastbound & Down S103: Chapter 3 The Newsroom S305 The Leftovers S106: Guest Hung S221: “Fat Off My Love” Or “I’M The Allergen” 06:00 07:00 08:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 It? (S9) How It’s Made (S15) Dual Survival (S2) Gold Rush (S4) Bering Sea Gold (S4) Ice Cold Gold (S2) Deadliest Catch (S10) Philly Throttle How Do They Do It? (S9) How It’s Made (S15) Dual Survival (S2) Bering Sea Gold (S4) Ice Cold Gold (S2) Deadliest Catch (S10) Philly Throttle How Do They Do It? (S9) How It’s Made (S15) Dual Survival (S2) Gold Rush (S4) Marooned Yukon Men Ice Lake Rebels (S1) River Monsters (S6) Marooned Red Hot Design (S1) Tiny House Nation (S1) Bondi Vet (S2) Sell This House: Extreme (S2) Flipping Vegas (S2) Sell This House: Extreme (S2) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Bondi Vet (S2) Rowhouse Showdown (S1) Red Hot Design (S1) Flipping Vegas (S2) Sell This House: Extreme (S2) Bondi Vet (S3) Rowhouse Showdown Malaysia 21:00 Travels With The Bondi Vet (S1) 22:00 The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) 23:00 Taste Of Vietnam (S2) 00:15 01:05 01:55 02:45 03:35 04:25 05:15 06:05 06:55 07:45 08:35 09:25 10:15 11:05 11:55 12:45 13:35 14:25 15:15 16:05 17:00 17:55 18:50 19:45 21:35 22:30 23:25 Parenthood New Girl Suburgatory Melissa & Joey Parenthood How I Met Your Mother Life After Top Chef New Girl Suburgatory Melissa & Joey How I Met Your Mother Mistresses Suburgatory Top Chef: Just Desserts Life After Top Chef America’s Next Top Model New Girl Suburgatory Parenthood Suburgatory Glee Scandal Revenge Mistresses Scandal Revenge Glee 00:40 Winter Wipeout (S5) 01:30 American Ninja Warrior (S2) 02:20 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S13) 03:10 Winter Wipeout (S5) 04:00 101 Ways To Leave A Game Show (S1) 05:00 Winter Wipeout (S5) 05:50 Leverage (S5) 06:40 American Ninja Warrior Living Proof Fools Rush In You, Me And Dupree Hollywood On Set 572 M.I. High S601: The Fall Of Skul M.I. High S602: Trojan Korps Crashbox S116: Crashbox S1 16 Crashbox S117: Crashbox S1 17 Kobushi S1 S1101: B.B Kobushi S1 S1102: Looking For Ninjasmin Kobushi S1 S1103: Sushi To The Future Dinosaur Brian’s Song Pleasantville Angels Sing SUITS (S3) @ UNIVERSAL CHANNEL 21.00 WIB M.I. High S603: Grosse Encounters M.I. High S604: The Face Of Revenge (S1) (S2) 22:25 The Assassination Of Crashbox S118: Jesse James By The 15:00 Red Hot Design 07:30 101 Ways To Leave A Crashbox S1 18 Coward Robert Ford (S1) Game Show (S1) Crashbox S119: 16:00 The Coolest Places On 08:25 Winter Wipeout (S5) Crashbox S1 19 Earth (S1) 09:20 Leverage (S5) Genie In The House 17:00 Flipping Vegas (S2) 10:10 American Ninja Warrior S301: Max Actor (S2) 18:00 Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Matilda 00:00 Ice Cold Gold (S2) 20:00 Atul’s Spice Kitchen: 11:05 CSI: Crime Scene Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time Investigation (S14) 12:00 Hawaii Five-0 (S4) 12:55 Supernatural (S10) 13:50 101 Ways To Leave A Game Show (S1) 14:45 Leverage (S5) 15:35 American Ninja Warrior (S2) 16:25 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) 17:15 David Blaine: Beautiful Struggle 18:10 Breaking The 19:05 21:00 21:55 22:50 23:45 Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed The Voice (S7) CSI: Ny (S9) Hawaii Five-0 (S4) CSI: Ny (S9) Hawaii Five-0 (S4) 00:30 Covert Affairs (S4) 01:20 Just For Laughs: Gags (S10) 03:00 Law & Order (S11) 04:00 Covert Affairs (S4) 05:00 Just For Laughs: Gags 06:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 12:40 14:20 16:00 18:00 19:00 21:00 22:00 (S10) Law & Order (S11) Covert Affairs (S4) Motive (S2) Law & Order (S20) Criminal Minds (S6) Suits (S3) Motive (S2) Criminal Minds (S6) House (S8) Suits (S3) Levity 00:20 Scariest Places On Earth (S1) 01:10 Star Trek: Enterprise 16:50 17:40 19:20 21:00 21:50 22:40 23:30 21:50 22:45 23:40 Intent Presents The Killing Law & Order Homicide Hunter Alfred Hitchcock Presents Moonlighting My Strange Addiction VICE Law & Order Homicide Hunter Presents My Strange Addiction VICE CSI Police Women of Cincinnati Homicide Hunter Moonlighting CSI Law & Order My Strange Addiction VICE Law & Order: Criminal Intent Body Of Proof Police Women of Cincinnati CSI Body Of Proof Police Women of Cincinnati 00:00 The Real Housewives 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:55 11:50 12:50 13:40 14:30 15:20 16:10 17:00 17:50 20:30 21:20 22:10 23:05 (S1) The New Addams Family (S1) Deadly Descent Warehouse 13 (S1) Haven (S5) Eureka (S5) Scariest Places On Earth (S1) Warehouse 13 (S1) Haven (S5) Mischief Night Paranormal Witness (S1) Stranded (S1) Warehouse 13 (S1) Eureka (S5) 01:30 Alfred Hitchcock 06:40 07:30 07:55 08:25 10:05 20:10 21:00 Family (S1) 00:35 Law & Order: Criminal 02:30 03:25 05:15 06:10 14:10 15:00 15:55 16:45 18:25 18:50 19:20 18:50 19:40 05:00 Star Trek: Enterprise 09:00 11:00 11:50 13:30 15:10 11:30 11:55 12:25 13:15 (S1) 02:10 12 Disasters 04:00 The New Addams 07:00 11:00 Alfred Hitchcock 00:00 02:00 04:30 05:00 06:55 07:25 08:20 09:15 10:10 12:20 12:45 13:35 15:15 16:10 17:05 18:00 19:00 19:55 20:25 22:10 23:05 Of New York City (S6) True Blood (S6) The Good Wife (S1) Chuck (S5) True Blood (S6) Justified (S4) The Good Wife (S1) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) The Good Wife (S1) Chuck (S5) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S1) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) Teen Wolf (S3) The Real Housewives Of New York City (S6) Justified (S4) Chuck (S5) The Good Wife (S1) Teen Wolf (S3) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) The Good Wife (S1) The Real Housewives Of New York City (S6) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S1) True Blood (S6) Alias (S1) Key To My Heart Beaches Brooklyn 9-9 (S2) Magic Beyond Words: The JK Rowling Story Brooklyn 9-9 (S2) Aurora (S1) Cruel Love (S1) Top Chef (S6) Patch Adams Just For Laughs (S13) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S15) Operation Cupcake Aurora (S1) Cruel Love (S1) Top Chef (S6) How Do I Look? (S11) The Good Wife (S6) Brooklyn 9-9 (S2) Baby Bonus Top Chef (S6) The Good Wife (S6) 00:15 CSI 01:05 Law & Order : Special 02:45 03:35 04:00 04:50 06:35 07:30 08:20 09:10 10:05 10:55 11:45 12:40 13:30 14:20 15:15 17:05 18:00 19:00 19:55 20:50 21:15 21:45 22:35 23:25 00:20 02:05 03:55 05:00 05:50 06:50 08:05 09:15 10:05 11:05 11:55 13:00 13:50 16:10 17:40 19:15 21:00 22:40 23:30 00:00 00:50 01:40 02:30 03:20 04:10 05:00 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 14:40 15:10 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Victims Unit Criminal Minds Family Guy CSI Law & Order : Special Victims Unit Criminal Minds CSI Law & Order : Special Victims Unit Sleepy Hollow Sleepy Hollow Criminal Minds CSI Law & Order : Special Victims Unit The Mentalist Criminal Minds Sleepy Hollow CSI Criminal Minds Sleepy Hollow NCIS: New Orleans The Simpsons Family Guy CSI Sleepy Hollow Criminal Minds SIDE EFFECTS UPSIDE DOWN Nurse Jackie Mind Games Call Me Fitz It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia Nurse Jackie Mind Games Call Me Fitz It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia Nurse Jackie Mind Games CHILDREN IT’S A DISASTER ORANGES, THE SIDE EFFECTS Penny Dreadful From Dusk Till Dawn Web Therapy Drugged Yukon Gold Yukon Gold WWII’s Greatest Raids Megastructures Drugged Yukon Gold Yukon Gold WWII’s Greatest Raids Megastructures King Fishers The Border Beyond Magic with DMC Invasion Earth Demolition Dynasty King Fishers Real Time Disaster Real Time Disaster Disaster Earth 24 Hours In A&E World’s Toughest Fixes Russia’s Mystery Files Beyond Magic with DMC Tsunami: The Day the Wave Struck Disaster Earth Drugged Beyond Magic with DMC 31 09 DEC 2014 STRANDED (S1) SYFY 21.50 WIB THE REAL HOUSEWIVES OF NEW YORK CITY (S6) BETV 19.40 WIB MOONLIGHTING FOX CRIME 15.00 WIB TOP CHEF (S6) DIVA 09.15 WIB WEDNESDAY 19:05 A League Of Their Own 08:00 Ice Lake Rebels (S1) 21:15 Forrest Gump 09:00 River Monsters (S6) 23:33 Hollywood On Set 572 10:00 How Do They Do 00:15 The Last Exorcism 01:45 03:15 05:00 06:45 08:15 WALKING WITH DINOSAURS @ FOX MOVIES PREMIUM 02.40 WIB 01:30 03:20 05:10 07:00 08:30 10:20 12:30 14:00 16:15 18:00 19:30 21:00 22:50 23:20 23:50 02:00 03:30 05:00 07:15 07:45 09:30 11:30 13:30 15:00 17:00 18:55 21:00 22:45 The Boxer Admission Bad News Bears Hot Rod Tyler Perry’s Temptations: Confessions Of A Marriage Counselor The Manchurian Candidate Cold Comes The Night Bicentennial Man Crooked Arrows Iron Man: Rise Of Technovore Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2 Mission Impossible Hello Ladies S103: The Date Hello Ladies S104: The Dinner Into The Wild Stay Alive The Monkey’s Paw Chinatown Hollywood On Set 573 The Tailor Of Panama Lethal Weapon 2 Bait Spiders 3D A Countess From Hong Kong The School Of Rock Wolf Here Comes The Boom Riddick 07:30 Justin Time 09:05 Ratatouille 10:55 Bring It On: All Or Nothing The Pink Panther Ernest Saves Christmas The Assignment Disney’s The Kid The Princess And The Frog 20:55 The Hunters 22:30 Tin Man (Part 2 Of 3) 12:35 14:10 15:40 17:15 19:00 16:05 18:05 20:00 22:00 Saving Mr. Banks Walking With Dinosaurs Pearl Harbor The Croods Independence Day The Other Guys The Heat Homeland S4 Episode 11 Runaway Bride The Proposal Robocop Hellboy 01:15 02:45 04:30 06:15 08:15 10:00 11:45 13:45 15:30 17:00 18:30 20:00 21:30 21:45 23:15 The Stream K-9: P.I. Tin Man (Part 2 Of 3) Jingle All The Way 20:00 22:00 23:40 Once Bitten Mac and Me A Family Thing Otello He’s My Girl Benny & Joon The Great Train Robbery The Cure The Heavenly Kid Top Dog The Extreme Adventures Of Super Dave Mannequin (Polygram) MGM’s Big Screen Once Bitten Living On Tokyo Time 00:15 02:00 03:40 06:00 07:00 07:30 08:00 08:30 10:10 11:30 13:10 13:20 15:00 15:30 16:30 17:00 17:30 You, Me And Dupree Sunset Park Forrest Gump M.I. High S603: Grosse Encounters M.I. High S604: The Face Of Revenge Crashbox S118: Crashbox S1 18 Crashbox S119: Crashbox S1 19 Genie In The House S301: Max Actor Matilda Chimpanzee Harriet The Spy Kobushi S1 S122: The Spirit Of Mount Wok Despicable Me 2 M.I. High S605: Mission Incredible M.I. High S606: The Hive Crashbox S120: Crashbox S1 20 Crashbox S121: Crashbox S1 21 Genie In The House S302: Teacher’s Pet Bridget Jones’s Diary 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:30 00:00 Atul’s Spice Kitchen: Malaysia 01:00 Travels With The Bondi Vet (S1) 01:00 Bored To Death S208: 02:00 Bondi Vet (S3) 03:00 Sell This House: 01:30 Six Feet Under S204: 04:00 Flipping Vegas (S2) 05:00 Sell This House: 02:30 03:00 03:30 04:00 04:30 05:00 06:40 09:25 11:00 11:30 12:00 13:00 16:00 01:30 02:55 04:30 06:00 15:00 16:45 18:30 Super Ray Is Mortal! 06:30 00:35 02:40 04:10 07:15 08:55 11:20 13:10 15:10 09:45 11:15 13:30 Part II Fear Family Weekend After Earth The Brady Bunch Movie The Last Exorcism Part II Fear Spider-Man 2 Dungeons & Dragons: The Book Of Vile Darkness Mama After Earth Two Can Play That Game Red 2 Mama Spider-Man 2 10:30 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 It? (S9) How It’s Made (S15) Dual Survival (S2) Marooned Yukon Men Ice Lake Rebels (S1) River Monsters (S6) How Do They Do It? (S9) How It’s Made (S15) Dual Survival (S2) Gold Rush (S4) What Happened Next? (S2) Time Warp Strip The City (S2) How China Works World’s Top 5 (S2) What Happened Next? (S2) Time Warp 13:30 14:35 16:25 18:35 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 21:30 22:00 22:45 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 03:30 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 Driving Mr. Mossback The Comeback S205 Eastbound & Down S103: Chapter 3 Hung S221: “Fat Off My Love” Or “I’M The Allergen” Entourage S317: Return Of The King Entourage S318: The Resurrection Man Of The House (2005) Stalin Austin Powers In Goldmember The Comeback S205 Eastbound & Down S103: Chapter 3 The Leftovers S106: Guest Veep S310: New Hampshire The Newsroom S305 Normal Sense And Sensibility Enlightened S102: Now Or Never Curb Your Enthusiasm S301: Chet’s Shirt Curb Your Enthusiasm S302: The Benadryl Brownie The Wire S205: Undertow Entourage S319: The Prince’s Bride Entourage S320: Adios Amigos Six Feet Under S205: The Invisible Woman Austenland Yukon Men Ice Lake Rebels (S1) River Monsters (S6) How Do They Do It? (S9) How It’s Made (S15) Dual Survival (S2) Gold Rush (S4) Marooned Yukon Men Extreme (S2) 22:00 The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) 23:00 Bondi Vet (S3) 00:15 01:05 01:55 03:35 04:25 04:50 05:15 06:05 06:55 08:35 09:00 09:25 10:15 11:05 11:55 12:45 13:35 14:25 15:15 16:05 17:00 17:55 19:45 Parenthood Scandal Mistresses Parenthood How I Met Your Mother Cougar Town MasterChef Junior US Scandal Mistresses How I Met Your Mother Cougar Town Million Dollar Listing Suburgatory Top Chef: Just Desserts MasterChef Junior US Million Dollar Listing Scandal Mistresses Parenthood Suburgatory Glee Masterchef Junior US America’s Next Top Model 21:35 Million Dollar Listing 22:30 Masterchef Junior US 23:25 Glee Extreme (S2) 06:00 The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) 00:40 Winter Wipeout (S5) 01:30 American Ninja Warrior Vet (S1) 02:20 CSI: Crime Scene 07:00 Bondi Vet (S3) 08:00 Travels With The Bondi (S2) RIDDICK @ CINEMAX 22.45 WIB 09:00 Taste Of Vietnam (S2) 10:00 Atul’s Spice Kitchen: 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 Malaysia Flipping Vegas (S2) Sell This House: Extreme (S2) Bondi Vet (S1) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Atul’s Spice Kitchen: Malaysia The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Flipping Vegas (S2) Travels With The Bondi Vet (S1) Bondi Vet (S3) Bondi Vet (S5) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time Investigation (S14) 03:10 Winter Wipeout (S5) 04:00 101 Ways To Leave A Game Show (S1) 05:00 Winter Wipeout (S5) 05:50 Leverage (S5) 06:40 American Ninja Warrior 07:30 08:30 09:20 10:10 11:05 12:00 12:55 13:45 (S2) The Apprentice Asia Winter Wipeout (S5) Leverage (S5) American Ninja Warrior (S2) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) Hawaii Five-0 (S4) Wipeout (S7) The Apprentice Asia 14:45 Leverage (S5) 15:35 American Ninja Warrior 10:05 Body Of Proof 11:00 Alfred Hitchcock 16:25 11:30 12:25 13:15 17:15 18:10 19:05 20:05 21:00 21:55 22:50 23:45 (S2) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) CSI: Ny (S9) Breaking The Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed The Voice (S7) Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S2) The Hero (S1) Hawaii Five-0 (S4) The Hero (S1) Hawaii Five-0 (S4) 14:10 15:00 15:55 16:45 18:25 19:15 20:10 21:00 21:50 22:45 23:40 Presents Franklin & Bash CSI Police Women of Cincinnati Body Of Proof Moonlighting CSI Law & Order Franklin & Bash Law & Order: Criminal Intent Franklin & Bash Police Women of Cincinnati CSI Franklin & Bash Police Women of Cincinnati 00:00 Covert Affairs (S4) 01:00 Just For Laughs: Gags (S10) 03:00 Law & Order (S11) 04:00 Covert Affairs (S4) 05:00 Just For Laughs: Gags (S10) 06:00 Law & Order (S11) 08:00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S1) Motive (S2) House (S8) Criminal Minds (S6) Law & Order (S20) Motive (S2) Criminal Minds (S6) The Librarians (S1) Captain Corelli’s Mandolin 22:15 House (S8) 23:55 The Librarians (S1) 09:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 15:40 17:20 18:10 19:55 00:20 Scariest Places On 01:10 02:10 04:00 05:00 07:00 09:00 11:00 11:50 12:40 13:30 15:10 16:50 17:40 18:30 19:20 21:00 22:40 23:30 Earth (S1) Star Trek: Enterprise (S1) Mischief Night The New Addams Family (S1) Star Trek: Enterprise (S1) The New Addams Family (S1) Defiance (S1) Warehouse 13 (S1) Face Off (S3) The Paranormal Zone (S1) Eureka (S5) Scariest Places On Earth (S1) Warehouse 13 (S1) The Paranormal Zone (S1) Face Off (S3) Deadly Descent Merlin (S5) Warehouse 13 (S1) Eureka (S5) 00:35 Law & Order: Criminal Intent 01:30 Alfred Hitchcock Presents My Strange Addiction VICE Law & Order Body Of Proof Alfred Hitchcock Presents 06:40 Moonlighting 07:35 Franklin & Bash 08:25 Law & Order 02:30 02:55 03:25 05:15 06:10 00:00 The Real Housewives 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:55 11:50 12:50 13:40 14:30 15:20 16:10 17:00 17:50 18:50 19:40 20:30 21:20 22:10 23:05 00:00 01:55 05:00 06:55 07:25 08:20 09:15 10:10 12:00 12:30 13:25 15:15 16:10 17:05 18:00 19:00 19:55 20:25 22:10 23:05 Of New York City (S6) True Blood (S6) The Good Wife (S1) Chuck (S5) True Blood (S6) Justified (S4) The Good Wife (S1) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) The Good Wife (S1) Chuck (S5) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S1) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) Teen Wolf (S3) The Real Housewives Of New York City (S6) Justified (S4) Chuck (S5) The Good Wife (S1) Teen Wolf (S3) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) The Good Wife (S1) The Real Housewives Of New York City (S6) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S1) True Blood (S6) Alias (S1) Thinspiration The Horse Whisperer Operation Cupcake Just For Laughs (S10) Aurora (S1) Cruel Love (S1) Top Chef (S6) Be My Valentine Just For Laughs (S13) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S15) Baby Bonus Aurora (S1) Cruel Love (S1) Top Chef (S6) How Do I Look? (S11) Chicago Fire (S2) Just For Laughs (S10) After All These Years Top Chef (S6) Chicago Fire (S2) 03:35 04:00 04:50 05:45 06:35 07:30 08:20 09:10 10:55 11:45 12:40 13:30 14:20 15:15 17:05 18:00 19:00 19:55 20:50 21:15 21:45 22:35 23:25 00:05 02:20 04:00 05:05 05:50 06:50 08:05 09:05 09:50 10:50 12:05 13:10 14:00 15:30 17:20 19:10 21:00 23:05 23:55 CHILDREN QUARTET Nurse Jackie Mind Games Call Me Fitz It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia Nurse Jackie Mind Games Call Me Fitz It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia Nurse Jackie Mind Games C.O.G. BROKEN CITY ARBITRAGE UPSIDE DOWN Sons of Anarchy American Horror Story: Freak Show SIDE EFFECTS 10 DEC 2014 CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF MEATBALLS 2 HBO 19.30 WIB A LEAGUE OF THEIR OWN HBO FAMILY 19.05 WIB 00:00 The Border 00:50 Tsunami: The Day the 01:40 02:30 03:20 04:10 05:00 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 00:15 CSI 01:05 The Mentalist 01:55 Law & Order : Special 20:00 21:00 22:00 02:45 Criminal Minds 23:00 Victims Unit Family Guy CSI The Mentalist Law & Order : Special Victims Unit Criminal Minds CSI The Mentalist Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Criminal Minds CSI Law & Order : Special Victims Unit Bones Criminal Minds Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. CSI Criminal Minds Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Opposite Worlds The Simpsons Family Guy CSI Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Criminal Minds Wave Struck Disaster Earth Drugged Beyond Magic with DMC The Border Tsunami: The Day the Wave Struck Disaster Earth 24 Hours In A&E Beyond Magic with DMC Incredibly Small World The Border Wicked Tuna: North Vs South Hooked Somewhere In China Incredibly Small World Crowd Control Beyond Magic with DMC True Tube Hip Hop Nation Hooked Wicked Tuna: North Vs South Crowd Control Beyond Magic with DMC Cesar to the Rescue Asia Survive the Tribe 33 BENNY & JOON MGM 10.00 WIB DISNEY’S THE KID FOX FAMILY MOVIES 17.15 WIB THURSDAY S303: Don’t Tie Me Down 17:30 Lilo & Stitch 19:00 Soccer Dog: European Cup 20:30 Grumpy Old Men 22:15 Dance With Me STRIP THE CITY (S2) @ DISCOVERY CHANNEL 07.00 WIB 06:45 Bring It On Again 08:15 Bring It On: All Or Nothing 02:15 House At The End Of 09:55 The Princess And 03:55 05:40 07:00 09:00 10:50 12:40 14:30 15:00 11:50 K-911 13:20 Nicholas Nickleby 15:30 Bionicle: The Legend 16:35 19:00 21:00 22:35 23:05 23:35 00:40 02:00 03:30 05:00 06:30 08:15 10:00 11:30 13:15 15:00 16:30 18:00 19:35 21:00 22:50 The Street *Batteries Not Included Smashed Timeline Trouble With The Curve Mission Impossible Red Lights Hollywood On Set 574 Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2 Into The Wild Ocean’s Thirteen Odd Thomas Hello Ladies S105: Pool Party Hello Ladies S106: Long Beach The Newsroom S305 Bad Milo The Purge The Guardian Cobra The Hunted Beverly Hills Cop III Beer Money Here Comes The Boom Fire Down Below A Degree Of Murder Control Factor Pistol Whipped Cobra Dark Shadows The Cell 2 00:05 Independence Day 02:30 Bad Teacher 04:05 Homeland S4 04:55 07:10 09:00 11:00 12:35 14:15 16:15 17:50 20:00 22:00 Episode 11 The Book Thief The Proposal Robocop Bad Teacher The Marine S.W.A.T. Walking With Dinosaurs Saving Mr. Banks The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 Mr. Pip The Frog 16:50 17:40 19:00 20:25 22:00 23:30 17:00 18:15 19:45 20:00 21:30 23:00 Dead On Clean Slate MGM’s Big Screen The Cure The Heavenly Kid Top Dog Hotel Terminus The Boyfriend School What’s The Worst That Could Happen? The Care Bears Movie Mannequin (Polygram) MGM’s Big Screen Ninja Vengeance Dead On The Basketball Diaries 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 08:30 10:05 11:45 13:10 14:49 15:30 00:00 Magic The Talking Dog 01:35 12 Dogs Of Christmas 03:25 12 Dogs Of Christmas: 16:00 05:10 The Hunters 17:00 16:30 12:30 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 06:00 01:00 Curb Your Enthusiasm 07:00 08:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 02:00 03:00 03:30 04:00 05:00 07:00 08:45 11:00 11:30 12:00 14:00 Sunset Park Dance With Me Grumpy Old Men M.I. High S605: Mission Incredible M.I. High S606: The Hive Crashbox S120: Crashbox S1 20 Crashbox S121: Crashbox S1 21 Genie In The House S302: Teacher’s Pet Bridget Jones’s Diary Harriet The Spy Sinbad: Legend Of The Seven Seas Sky High Kobushi S1 S125: Contamination M.I. High S607: Old School M.I. High S608: The Germinator Crashbox S122: Crashbox S1 22 Crashbox S123: Crashbox S1 23 Genie In The House 03:35 04:25 05:15 06:05 06:55 00:20 One Survivor 13:00 00:00 02:00 04:15 06:00 10:30 11:00 12:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 01:30 00:45 02:15 04:00 04:15 06:00 07:30 09:00 13:30 15:15 01:05 Million Dollar Listing 01:55 America’s Next Top It? (S9) How It’s Made (S15) Dual Survival (S2) What Happened Next? (S2) Time Warp Strip The City (S2) How China Works World’s Top 5 (S2) How Do They Do It? (S9) How It’s Made (S15) Dual Survival (S2) Gold Rush (S4) Philly Throttle You Have Been Warned (S3) The Unexplained Files (S2) Bering Sea Gold (S4) Philly Throttle 01:45 The Brady Bunch Movie 16:30 03:10 Sound Of My Voice 17:00 04:35 Dungeons & Dragons: 18:00 The Book Of Vile 19:00 Darkness 20:00 06:00 Hollywood On Set 572 06:30 Getaway 21:00 08:00 The Arrangement 09:30 Hitch 22:00 11:30 The Bachelor 23:00 13:10 Forces Of Nature 15:00 Money Train 16:45 The Stepford Wives 18:15 Vacancy 19:35 Hollywood On Set 572 20:00 Mission: Impossible III 00:00 Bondi Vet (S5) 22:00 The Dictator 01:00 Taste Of Vietnam (S2) 23:30 Captain Phillips 02:00 Bondi Vet (S1) Remembers 15:00 Great Puppy Rescue Reborn Holidaze The Legend Of Sarila Wiener Dog Nationals The Pink Panther Tin Man (Part 3 Of 3) Justin Time 09:00 World’s Top 5 (S2) 10:00 How Do They Do 14:50 17:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:00 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 03:30 04:00 05:00 06:00 06:30 07:00 08:00 S301: Chet’s Shirt Curb Your Enthusiasm S302: The Benadryl Brownie The Newsroom S305 Entourage S319: The Prince’s Bride Entourage S320: Adios Amigos The Wire S205: Undertow Shot Through The Heart Grey Gardens You Don’T Know Jack Entourage S319: The Prince’s Bride Entourage S320: Adios Amigos The Wire S205: Undertow Banshee S210: Bullets And Tears The Leftovers S106: Guest Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory Recount Olive Kitteridge S101 The Leftovers S106: Guest Big Love S111: Where There’s A Will Girls S201: It’S About Time Girls S202: I Get Ideas Girl, Interrupted 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Sell This House: Extreme (S2) Flipping Vegas (S2) Sell This House: Extreme (S2) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Bondi Vet (S1) Bondi Vet (S3) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Flipping Vegas (S2) Sell This House: Extreme (S2) Bondi Vet (S3) Bondi Vet (S5) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Flipping Vegas (S2) Food Factory (S1) Food Factory (S2) Epic Meal Empire (S1) The Feed (S1) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Food Factory (S2) 00:15 Parenthood Strip The City (S2) How China Works World’s Top 5 (S2) How Do They Do It? (S9) How It’s Made (S15) Dual Survival (S2) Gold Rush (S4) What Happened Next? (S2) Time Warp Strip The City (S2) How China Works Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time 08:35 09:25 10:15 11:05 11:55 12:45 13:35 14:25 15:15 16:05 17:00 17:55 19:45 21:35 22:30 Model Parenthood Cougar Town MasterChef Junior US Million Dollar Listing America’s Next Top Model Cougar Town Fit For Fashion Suburgatory Top Chef: Just Desserts MasterChef Junior US Fit For Fashion Million Dollar Listing America’s Next Top Model Parenthood Suburgatory Glee Got to Dance UK Fit For Fashion Revenge Got to Dance UK 00:40 Winter Wipeout (S5) 01:30 American Ninja Warrior (S2) 02:20 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) 03:10 Winter Wipeout (S5) 04:00 The Apprentice Asia 05:00 Winter Wipeout (S5) 05:50 Leverage (S5) 06:40 American Ninja Warrior (S2) 07:30 The Apprentice Asia 08:25 Winter Wipeout (S5) 09:20 Leverage (S5) 10:10 American Ninja Warrior (S2) 11:05 CSI: Crime Scene 12:00 12:55 14:45 15:40 16:30 17:20 18:15 19:10 20:05 Investigation (S14) Hawaii Five-0 (S4) The Voice (S7) The Apprentice Asia American Ninja Warrior (S2) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) The Hero (S1) Breaking The Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed Wipeout (S7) Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S2) THE HERO (S1) @ AXN 17.20 WIB 21:00 Criss Angel Mindfreak (S4) 21:55 Supernatural (S10) Criss Angel Mindfreak 22:50 (S4) 23:45 Supernatural (S10) 18:25 The Glades 19:15 Law & Order: Criminal 20:10 21:00 21:50 22:45 23:40 Intent Gang Related Police Women of Broward County CSI Gang Related Police Women of Broward County 00:45 The Librarians (S1) 01:35 Just For Laughs: Gags 03:20 04:10 05:00 06:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 12:20 14:00 16:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 (S10) Law & Order (S11) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S1) Just For Laughs: Gags (S10) Law & Order (S11) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S1) Motive (S2) Captain Corelli’s Mandolin Criminal Minds (S6) Law & Order (S13) Motive (S2) Criminal Minds (S6) Grimm (S4) Chicago Fire (S3) Law & Order (S13) Grimm (S4) Chicago Fire (S3) 00:20 Scariest Places On 00:00 The Real Housewives 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:55 11:50 12:50 13:40 14:30 15:20 16:10 17:00 17:50 01:10 Star Trek: Enterprise 18:50 19:40 02:10 03:05 04:00 20:30 21:20 22:10 Earth (S1) 04:30 05:00 07:00 09:00 11:00 11:50 13:30 15:10 16:50 17:40 19:20 21:00 22:40 23:30 (S1) Warehouse 13 (S1) Warehouse 13 (S2) The New Addams Family (S1) The New Addams Family (S1) Star Trek: Enterprise (S1) The New Addams Family (S1) Bigfoot Warehouse 13 (S1) Merlin (S5) Eureka (S5) Scariest Places On Earth (S1) Warehouse 13 (S1) Merlin (S5) 12 Disasters Continuum (S2) Warehouse 13 (S1) Eureka (S5) 00:35 Law & Order: Criminal Intent 01:30 Alfred Hitchcock 02:30 03:25 05:15 06:10 06:40 07:35 08:25 10:05 11:00 11:30 12:25 13:15 14:10 15:00 15:55 16:45 Presents Franklin & Bash Law & Order Franklin & Bash Alfred Hitchcock Presents Moonlighting The Glades Perception Franklin & Bash Alfred Hitchcock Presents The Glades CSI Police Women of Cincinnati Franklin & Bash Moonlighting CSI Perception 23:10 Of New York City (S6) True Blood (S6) The Good Wife (S1) Chuck (S5) True Blood (S6) Justified (S4) The Good Wife (S1) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) The Good Wife (S1) Chuck (S5) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S1) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) Teen Wolf (S3) The Real Housewives Of New York City (S6) Justified (S4) Chuck (S5) The Good Wife (S1) Teen Wolf (S3) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) The Good Wife (S1) The Real Housewives Of New York City (S6) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S1) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) Alias (S1) 00:00 Just For Laughs (S10) 00:30 Fatal Justice 02:15 Snow White: A Deadly 04:00 CSI 04:50 Bones 05:45 Law & Order : Special 06:35 07:30 08:20 09:10 10:55 11:45 12:40 13:30 14:20 15:15 17:05 18:00 19:00 19:55 20:50 21:15 21:45 22:35 23:25 Victims Unit Criminal Minds CSI Bones NCIS Criminal Minds CSI Law & Order : Special Victims Unit Castle Criminal Minds NCIS CSI Criminal Minds NCIS Sleepy Hollow The Simpsons Family Guy CSI NCIS Criminal Minds 11 DEC 2014 PARADISE LOST 3: PURGATORY HBO SIGNATURE 14.50 WIB 01:40 03:10 04:40 05:40 06:25 06:55 07:25 08:15 09:20 10:05 10:35 11:05 12:00 13:00 13:50 15:30 17:15 19:20 21:00 22:40 23:35 IT’S A DISASTER C.O.G. Nurse Jackie Mind Games Call Me Fitz Call Me Fitz It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia Nurse Jackie Mind Games Call Me Fitz Call Me Fitz It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia Nurse Jackie Mind Games QUARTET WRITERS DON’T COME KNOCKING DETAILS, THE From Dusk Till Dawn Penny Dreadful ORANGES, THE CAPTAIN PHILLIPS HBO HITS 23.30 WIB Summer 04:00 Just For Laughs 04:30 The Mindy Project 00:00 The Border 00:50 Wicked Tuna: North 05:00 06:55 01:40 Crowd Control 02:05 Crowd Control 02:30 Beyond Magic with (S13) 07:25 08:20 09:15 10:10 12:15 12:45 13:40 15:15 16:10 17:05 18:00 19:00 19:55 20:25 22:45 23:40 (S2) Touched Just For Laughs (S10) Aurora (S1) Cruel Love (S1) Clean House (S9) The Frighteners Just For Laughs (S13) Dracula (S1) Cupid Aurora (S1) Cruel Love (S1) Clean House (S9) The Face (S2) Hottest Home Baker (S3) Just For Laughs (S10) Up Close & Personal Clean House (S9) Hottest Home Baker (S3) 00:15 CSI 01:05 Bones 01:55 Law & Order : Special Victims Unit 02:45 Criminal Minds 03:35 Family Guy Vs South DMC 03:20 Cesar to the Rescue 04:10 05:00 05:30 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Asia Survive the Tribe Crowd Control Crowd Control Beyond Magic with DMC Cesar to the Rescue Asia Survive the Tribe Live Like An Animal The Border Mega Factories WWII’s Greatest Raids Nazi Underworld Live Like An Animal Megastructures 100%: Planes Scam City Inside Combat Rescue WWII’s Greatest Raids Mega Factories Megastructures Ultimate Airport Dubai To Catch A Smuggler Mega Factories 35 GOT TO DANCE UK STAR WORLD 17.55 WIB THE FEED (S1) FYI 21.00 WIB FRIDAY 00:35 Lake Placid: The Final Chapter 02:05 Last Man Standing 03:45 Neil Simon’s Brighton 05:30 07:00 09:00 10:00 12:05 14:25 16:00 17:50 19:30 21:00 22:45 23:15 23:45 00:20 02:00 03:35 05:00 07:00 07:30 09:15 11:15 13:00 15:00 16:30 18:00 19:15 20:45 21:00 22:30 Beach Memoirs Team America: World Police Black Snake Moan The Newsroom S305 Flags Of Our Fathers Letters From Iwo Jima Odd Thomas Little Black Book The Lake House Gravity 2 Guns Hello Ladies S107: The Wedding Hello Ladies S108: The Drive A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas 00:45 02:30 04:30 06:15 08:00 The Running Man Swordfish Old School Extreme Measures Hollywood On Set 574 Stand Up Guys Sudden Impact Derailed Dark Shadows The Gorgon Crimson Force Showdown In Little Tokyo Spiders 3D Epad On Max 296 Beast Of The Bering Sea Air Force One 00:30 02:15 04:20 06:00 09:45 11:00 11:15 13:00 14:45 16:30 18:00 19:45 20:00 21:45 23:45 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 08:30 10:00 11:40 13:10 15:00 15:30 00:00 S.W.A.T. 02:00 Homeland S4 02:55 04:50 07:00 09:00 11:05 13:20 16:25 18:10 20:00 21:50 23:40 01:05 02:40 04:20 05:50 07:25 09:00 10:45 12:10 13:45 15:15 17:25 19:00 Episode 11 Kon-Tiki Saving Mr. Banks Mr. Pip Hellboy The Book Thief Pearl Harbor The Croods The Other Guys Machete Kills The X Files: I Want To Believe The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:30 18:50 20:55 22:45 Bewitched (2005) Stepmom Sky High M.I. High S607: Old School M.I. High S608: The Germinator Crashbox S122: Crashbox S1 22 Crashbox S123: Crashbox S1 23 Genie In The House S303: Don’t Tie Me Down Lilo & Stitch Bewitched (2005) Soccer Dog: European Cup G.I. Joe: Retaliation M.I. High S609: The Dark Wizard M.I. High S610: One Flew Over The Budgie’s Cage Crashbox S124: Crashbox S1 24 Crashbox S125: Crashbox S1 25 Genie In The House S304: Genie Hotline Balto Stepmom Kingpin Angels Sing 00:15 01:05 01:55 03:35 04:25 05:15 06:55 08:35 09:25 10:15 11:05 11:55 12:45 13:35 THE FACE (S2) @ DIVA 12.30 WIB 02:00 Getting On S205 02:30 Banshee S210: Bullets 19:30 And Tears 20:00 03:30 Big Love S110: The Baptism 21:00 04:30 Flight Of The 22:00 Conchords S206: Love 23:00 05:00 06:55 08:20 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 13:00 14:05 16:40 17:10 19:00 20:00 20:30 21:00 23:55 It? (S11) How It’s Made (S17) Get Out Alive With Bear Grylls Life In Cold Blood Marooned How Do They Do Is A Weapon Of Choice It? (S11) Recount 23:30 How It’s Made (S17) Life Support Munich Getting On S205 Curb Your Enthusiasm S301: Chet’s Shirt Curb Your Enthusiasm 00:00 Epic Meal Empire (S1) S302: The Benadryl 01:00 The Feed (S1) Brownie 02:00 Bondi Vet (S3) Flight Of The 03:00 Sell This House: Conchords S206: Love Extreme (S2) Is A Weapon Of Choice 04:00 Flipping Vegas (S2) The Newsroom S305 05:00 Sell This House: The Assassination Of Extreme (S3) Jesse James By The 06:00 The Coolest Places On Coward Robert Ford Earth (S1) Entourage S319: The 07:00 Bondi Vet (S3) Prince’s Bride 08:00 Food Factory (S2) Tyson 09:00 The Feed (S1) Rome S106: Egeria 10:00 Epic Meal Empire (S1) The Comeback S205 11:00 Flipping Vegas (S2) Eastbound & Down 12:00 Sell This House: S103: Chapter 3 Extreme (S3) Burning Love II 13:00 Bondi Vet (S3) Burning Love III: 14:00 Epic Meal Empire (S1) Burning Down The 15:00 Food Factory (S2) House 16:00 The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) 17:00 Flipping Vegas (S2) 18:00 The Feed (S1) 14:25 15:15 16:05 16:30 17:55 18:50 19:45 20:40 21:35 22:30 23:25 Parenthood Masterchef Junior US Fit For Fashion Parenthood Cougar Town MasterChef Junior US Fit For Fashion Cougar Town Million Dollar Decorators Suburgatory Top Chef: Just Desserts MasterChef Junior US Million Dollar Decorators America’s Next Top Model Fit For Fashion Parenthood Suburgatory Asian TV Awards 2014 Got to Dance UK Fit For Fashion Million Dollar Listing America’s Next Top Model Scandal Got to Dance UK Glee 00:40 Winter Wipeout (S5) 01:30 American Ninja Warrior (S2) 02:20 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) 03:10 Winter Wipeout (S5) 04:00 The Apprentice Asia 05:00 Winter Wipeout (S5) 05:50 Leverage (S5) 06:40 American Ninja Warrior 07:30 08:25 09:20 10:10 11:05 12:00 12:55 13:50 14:45 (S2) The Apprentice Asia Winter Wipeout (S5) Leverage (S5) American Ninja Warrior (S2) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) Supernatural (S10) The Voice (S7) The Apprentice Asia Leverage (S5) 00:00 You Have Been Warned (S3) 01:00 The Unexplained Files (S2) 02:00 Bering Sea Gold (S4) 03:00 How Do They Do 01:45 03:45 05:30 07:00 09:15 K-9: P.I. 11:15 Christmas With The 12:35 Kranks 14:30 Beethoven’s 2Nd 15:50 The Assignment 17:30 Ernest Saves Christmas 19:45 Disney’s The Kid 22:00 Wiener Dog Nationals 23:30 Anastasia Jingle All The Way Nicholas Nickleby The Hunters Return To Nim’s Island 20:30 The Stream 21:55 The Dog Who Saved The Holidays 23:25 Bring It On Again The Perez Family Otello Great Balls Of Fire! The Boyfriend School What’s The Worst That Could Happen? The Care Bears Movie MGM’s Big Screen Billy Galvin A Home Of Our Own Clean Slate The Longshot Impromptu MGM’s Big Screen The Perez Family Jason’s Lyric Fargo Hitch Money Train The Stepford Wives Star Trek Into Darkness Mission: Impossible III The Arrangement Hitch Vacancy Money Train Captain Phillips Star Trek Into Darkness Getaway The Arrangement 01:00 Hung S221: “Fat Off My Love” Or “I’M The Allergen” 01:30 Veep S310: New Hampshire 03:30 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:30 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 It? (S9) How It’s Made (S15) Dual Survival (S2) Gold Rush (S4) Philly Throttle You Have Been Warned (S3) Bering Sea Gold (S4) Ice Cold Gold (S2) How Do They Do It? (S9) How It’s Made (S15) Dual Survival (S2) Philly Throttle You Have Been Warned (S3) Bering Sea Gold (S4) Ice Cold Gold (S2) How Do They Do It? (S9) How It’s Made (S15) Dual Survival (S2) Klondike How Do They Do POLICE WOMEN OF BROWARD COUNTY @ FOX CRIME 21.00 WIB 19:00 Red Hot Design (S1) 21:00 Atul’s Spice Kitchen: Malaysia 22:00 The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) 23:00 Red Hot Design (S1) Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time 15:35 American Ninja Warrior (S2) 16:25 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) 17:15 Criss Angel Mindfreak (S4) 18:10 Breaking The 13:15 Police Women of 05:45 Law & Order : Special 19:05 14:10 15:00 15:55 16:45 18:25 19:15 06:35 07:30 08:20 09:10 10:55 11:45 12:40 19:35 20:05 21:00 23:45 Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed Criss Angel Mindfreak (S2) Ebuzz Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S2) Stealth The Amazing Race (S25) 20:10 21:00 21:50 22:45 23:40 Broward County Gang Related Moonlighting CSI Happily Never After The Listener Law & Order: Criminal Intent Perception Police Women of Broward County CSI Perception Police Women of Broward County 00:00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S1) 01:00 Just For Laughs: Gags 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 19:00 21:00 22:00 (S10) Law & Order (S11) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S1) Just For Laughs: Gags (S10) Law & Order (S11) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S1) Motive (S2) Chicago Fire (S3) Grimm (S4) Criminal Minds (S6) Law & Order (S13) Motive (S2) Criminal Minds (S6) Lie To Me (S2) Law & Order (S13) Lie To Me (S2) 00:20 Scariest Places On Earth (S1) 01:10 Star Trek: Enterprise 02:10 04:00 05:00 07:00 09:00 10:40 11:30 12:20 13:10 14:50 16:30 17:20 18:10 19:00 21:00 22:40 23:30 (S1) Deadly Descent The New Addams Family (S1) Star Trek: Enterprise (S1) The New Addams Family (S1) Mischief Night Warehouse 13 (S1) Paranormal Witness (S1) Stranded (S1) Eureka (S5) Scariest Places On Earth (S1) Warehouse 13 (S1) Paranormal Witness (S1) Stranded (S1) The Frighteners Haven (S5) Warehouse 13 (S1) Eureka (S5) 00:35 Law & Order: Criminal Intent 01:30 Alfred Hitchcock 02:30 03:25 05:15 06:10 06:40 07:35 08:25 10:05 11:00 11:30 12:25 Presents The Glades CSI Gang Related Alfred Hitchcock Presents Moonlighting The Listener Happily Never After Gang Related Alfred Hitchcock Presents The Listener CSI 00:00 The Real Housewives 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:55 11:50 12:50 13:40 14:30 15:20 16:10 17:00 17:50 18:50 19:40 20:30 21:20 22:10 23:10 Of New York City (S6) Justified (S4) The Good Wife (S1) Chuck (S5) Teen Wolf (S3) Justified (S4) The Good Wife (S1) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) The Good Wife (S1) Chuck (S5) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S1) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) Teen Wolf (S3) The Real Housewives Of New York City (S6) Justified (S4) Chuck (S5) The Good Wife (S1) Teen Wolf (S3) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) The Good Wife (S1) The Real Housewives Of New York City (S6) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S1) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) Alias (S1) 00:35 Magic Beyond Words: 02:20 04:30 05:00 06:55 07:25 08:20 09:15 10:10 12:00 12:30 13:25 15:15 16:10 17:05 18:00 19:00 20:40 22:45 23:40 The JK Rowling Story Patch Adams Just For Laughs (S13) Escape From Polygamy Just For Laughs (S10) Aurora (S1) Cruel Love (S1) Clean House (S9) Magic Beyond Words: The JK Rowling Story Just For Laughs (S13) The Face (S2) Friend Request Aurora (S1) Cruel Love (S1) Clean House (S9) The Face (S2) Fatal Justice The Frighteners Clean House (S9) Atlantis (S2) 13:30 14:20 15:15 16:10 17:05 18:00 19:00 19:55 20:50 21:15 21:45 22:35 23:25 23:50 12 DEC 2014 THE GOOD WIFE (S1) BETV 06.00 WIB 01:05 02:50 04:35 05:35 06:20 07:20 08:10 09:00 09:50 10:50 11:45 12:40 13:30 15:10 17:30 19:20 19:55 21:00 22:45 23:35 00:00 00:50 01:40 02:30 03:20 04:10 05:00 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:00 11:30 11:55 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 17:00 18:00 00:15 CSI 01:05 Castle 01:55 Law & Order : Special 19:00 20:00 21:00 02:45 03:35 04:00 04:50 22:00 Victims Unit Criminal Minds Family Guy CSI Castle Victims Unit Criminal Minds CSI Castle NCIS: New Orleans Criminal Minds CSI Law & Order : Special Victims Unit Crisis Criminal Minds NCIS: New Orleans NCIS: New Orleans CSI Criminal Minds NCIS: New Orleans Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. The Simpsons Family Guy CSI NCIS: New Orleans The Cleveland Show CSI 23:00 ARBITRAGE GOD BLESS AMERICA Nurse Jackie Mind Games Call Me Fitz It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia 30 Rock Mind Games Call Me Fitz It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia 30 Rock Mind Games HAIRBRAINED CHILDREN BROKEN CITY Web Therapy Sons of Anarchy SIDE EFFECTS American Horror Story: Freak Show From Dusk Till Dawn The Border Megastructures Ultimate Airport Dubai To Catch A Smuggler Mega Factories The Border Megastructures Ultimate Airport Dubai To Catch A Smuggler Mega Factories Beyond Magic with DMC The Border Do or Die The Numbers Game S1 (30 mins) Real Time Disaster Real Time Disaster Predator CSI Beyond Magic with DMC 24 Hours In A&E Russia’s Mystery Files Is It Real? S3 (1 hour) Predator CSI Tsunami: The Day the Wave Struck To Catch A Smuggler 24 Hours In A&E Russia’s Mystery Files Inside The Nsa: America’s Cyber Secrets 24 Hours In A&E 37 LIE TO ME (S2) UNIVERSAL CHANNEL 19.00 WIB THE CROODS FOX MOVIES PREMIUM 16.25 WIB WAREHOUSE 13 (S1) SYFY 16.30 WIB SATURDAY 13:30 Rise Of The Guardians 15:05 The Shaggy Dog 16:41 Kobushi S1 S129: Chapter 3 14:00 Mildred Pierce S104: Tamato’S Fiancee 15:10 Neko Is Brilliant 16:25 16:50 19:00 16:50 Big Fish 18:51 Kobushi S1 S131: 19:00 Just Like Heaven 20:45 College Road Trip 22:15 Grease 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:40 00:50 Haunting In GREASE @ HBO FAMILY 02.10 WIB 01:15 Gremlins 2: The New Batch 03:00 The Producers 05:10 The Hand That Rocks The Cradle 07:00 Iron Man: Rise Of Technovore 08:30 The Lake House 10:10 Tim Burton’S The 11:30 13:15 14:45 16:55 18:50 21:00 22:55 08:20 09:55 11:20 12:40 14:10 15:35 17:05 19:00 20:30 22:00 Corpse Bride 2 Guns A.C.O.D. 23:20 A Beautiful Mind Timeline John Carter Of Mars Escape Plan Hello Ladies: The Movie Goes West The Pink Panther The Stream Bionicle: The Legend Reborn Return To Nim’s Island The Legend Of Sarila Jingle All The Way The Princess And The Frog Tarzan Bring It On Again Bionicle: The Legend Reborn An American Tail: Fievel Goes West 02:30 04:15 06:00 07:30 09:15 11:30 13:15 15:30 17:15 18:45 20:30 22:00 23:45 07:30 09:30 11:30 13:30 15:00 16:35 18:45 21:00 22:45 23:50 01:40 03:45 05:45 07:30 09:30 11:30 13:05 15:15 17:30 20:00 22:00 Looper The Bourne Legacy Chamber Of Horrors Showdown In Little Tokyo Total Recall (2012) Air Force One Looper Beast Of The Bering Sea The Cable Guy Waterworld The Bourne Legacy Wild Things Profugos S213 Total Recall (2012) Hellboy Mr. Pip Java Heat S.W.A.T. Runaway Bride Walking With Dinosaurs Saving Mr. Banks The Book Thief Independence Day Ender’s Game Robocop College Road Trip Hollywood On Set 573 Grease Kingpin Kobushi S1 S1101: B.B Kobushi S1 S1102: Looking For Ninjasmin Kobushi S1 S1103: Sushi To The Future Genie In The House S301: Max Actor Genie In The House S302: Teacher’s Pet Genie In The House S303: Don’t Tie Me Down Genie In The House S304: Genie Hotline A Child’s Garden Of Poetry Balto Kobushi S1 S127: Rock ‘N’ Rolls Angels Sing Surviving Christmas 07:30 08:00 00:55 Bring It On: All Or 02:35 04:05 05:30 07:05 Nothing Ernest Saves Christmas The Secret Of Nimh Magic The Talking Dog An American Tail: Fievel 08:30 09:00 10:18 10:30 12:00 06:30 07:00 08:00 09:00 09:30 10:00 S301: Chet’s Shirt 00:15 01:40 02:10 04:05 06:00 06:07 07:00 03:30 04:00 05:00 06:00 The Invisible Woman The Perfect Match High Spirits (Epic) Crusoe A Home Of Our Own The Longshot Clean Slate MGM’s Big Screen Cherry 2000 Another Woman Mannequin (Polygram) He’s My Girl High Spirits (Epic) The Perfect Match Billy Galvin Ninja Vengeance 06:30 Bear Grylls 01:00 Life In Cold Blood 02:00 Marooned 03:00 How Do They Do 04:00 Curb Your Enthusiasm 01:30 03:00 04:45 06:30 08:15 09:45 11:30 11:45 13:30 15:00 16:30 18:15 20:00 21:30 23:15 06:14 00:00 Get Out Alive With 03:00 Six Feet Under S205: 04:30 Curb Your Enthusiasm 00:30 02:30 04:40 06:15 23:35 Connecticut 2: Ghosts Of Georgia All Is Lost The Bachelor Vacancy Haunting In Connecticut 2: Ghosts Of Georgia Star Trek Into Darkness Money Train Captain Phillips The Bachelor Getaway Haunting In Connecticut 2: Ghosts Of Georgia The Stepford Wives Money Train Hitch S302: The Benadryl Brownie The Next Karate Kid Temple Grandin Bless Me, Ultima Enlightened S102: Now Or Never 11:00 Mildred Pierce S101: Chapter 1 12:00 Mildred Pierce S102: Chapter 2 13:00 Mildred Pierce S103: 05:00 06:45 08:40 10:30 Chapter 4 Mildred Pierce S105: Chapter 5 Hollywood On Set 573 Across The Universe Entourage S319: The Prince’s Bride Entourage S320: Adios Amigos The Leftovers S106: Guest Wit Big Love S111: Where There’s A Will Autopsy 7: Dead Men Talking 10:30 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 15:30 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 It? (S9) How It’s Made (S15) Dual Survival (S2) Klondike How Do They Do It? (S11) How It’s Made (S17) Get Out Alive With Bear Grylls Life In Cold Blood What Happened Next? (S2) Time Warp How Do They Do It? (S11) How It’s Made (S17) How China Works Yukon Men Marooned You Have Been Warned (S3) What Happened Next? (S2) Time Warp Bering Sea Gold (S4) Ice Cold Gold (S2) You Have Been Warned (S3) Yukon Men Deadliest Catch (S10) Ice Cold Gold (S2) 22:00 Strip The City (S2) 23:00 Philly Throttle 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:15 01:05 02:45 05:15 06:05 06:55 07:45 08:35 09:25 10:15 11:05 11:55 12:45 13:35 14:25 15:15 ESCAPE PLAN @ HBO 21.00 WIB Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time Red Hot Design (S1) Bondi Vet (S5) Bondi Vet (S3) Sell This House: Extreme (S3) Flipping Vegas (S2) Bondi Vet (S5) Food Factory (S1) Food Factory (S2) Epic Meal Empire (S1) Travels With The Bondi Vet (S1) Bondi Vet (S5) The Feed (S1) Red Hot Design (S1) Rowhouse Showdown (S1) The Feed (S1) Epic Meal Empire (S1) Food Factory (S2) Bondi Vet (S5) Rowhouse Showdown (S1) The Feed (S1) Epic Meal Empire (S1) Travels With The Bondi Vet (S1) Bondi Vet (S5) Suburgatory Fit For Fashion Royal Pains Melissa & Joey Suburgatory New Girl Parenthood Scandal Revenge 2014 A Very Grammy Christmas Fit For Fashion Million Dollar Listing New Girl Suburgatory Revenge America’s Next Top 16:05 17:00 18:50 21:35 23:25 Model Mistresses Masterchef Junior US Miss USA Masterchef Junior US Revenge 00:10 Ebuzz 00:40 Winter Wipeout (S5) 01:30 American Ninja Warrior (S2) 02:20 CSI: Crime Scene 03:10 04:00 05:00 06:40 07:30 08:00 08:30 09:20 10:15 11:10 12:05 13:00 17:20 18:15 19:10 20:05 21:00 21:55 22:50 23:45 Investigation (S14) Winter Wipeout (S5) The Apprentice Asia The Voice (S7) Criss Angel Mindfreak (S4) Ebuzz Criss Angel Mindfreak (S2) David Blaine: Beautiful Struggle The Amazing Race (S25) Wipeout (S7) Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S2) Supernatural (S10) The Voice (S7) Breaking The Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed Wipeout (S7) The Amazing Race (S25) Wake Up Call Supernatural (S10) The Amazing Race (S25) Wake Up Call Breaking The Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed 05:00 06:40 08:30 09:30 10:25 12:10 13:55 16:00 16:50 18:30 20:10 21:50 22:40 00:35 Law & Order: Criminal Intent 01:30 Alfred Hitchcock 02:30 03:25 05:15 06:10 07:05 08:00 08:55 09:50 12:25 13:15 14:10 18:30 21:00 23:30 Intent (S1) 01:00 Just For Laughs: Gags (S10) 03:00 Law & Order (S11) 04:00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S1) 05:00 Do No Harm (S1) 05:50 Captain Corelli’s Mandolin Presents The Listener CSI Perception Franklin & Bash Gang Related Body Of Proof Homicide Hunter CSI NY Perception Gang Related Moonlighting Law & Order CSI Miami Perception 00:00 The Real Housewives 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 07:00 08:00 10:00 00:00 Law & Order: Criminal 12 Disasters Mischief Night Face Off (S3) The Paranormal Zone (S1) Merlin (S5) Haven (S5) The Frighteners Face Off (S3) Mischief Night Continuum (S2) 500 MPH Storm Face Off (S3) Haven (S5) 12:00 13:00 14:40 16:40 17:30 18:20 20:00 20:50 21:40 23:20 Of New York City (S6) Justified (S4) The Good Wife (S1) Chuck (S5) Teen Wolf (S3) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Teen Wolf (S4) The Good Wife (S1) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Teen Wolf (S4) The Good Wife (S1) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Justified (S4) Teen Wolf (S4) The Good Wife (S1) Face Off (S3) Teen Wolf (S4) The Good Wife (S1) Justified (S4) 08:10 The Librarians (S20) 14:00 Captain Corelli’s 16:20 18:00 18:55 19:50 21:40 23:20 Mandolin The Librarians (S1) Chicago Fire (S3) Grimm (S4) House (S8) The Librarians (S1) Law & Order (S20) 00:20 Scariest Places On Earth (S1) 01:10 Star Trek: Enterprise (S1) 02:10 Defiance (S1) 04:00 The New Addams Family (S1) 12:40 13:30 15:15 16:10 17:05 18:00 18:50 19:45 20:40 21:40 23:50 00:25 02:45 04:25 05:15 06:50 09:05 10:55 12:30 14:00 15:40 17:30 19:15 21:00 22:50 23:40 CSI Family Guy Medium Castle Hell’s Kitchen NCIS NCIS: New Orleans Sleepy Hollow Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Opposite Worlds Criminal Minds Clipaholics NCIS Sleepy Hollow Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Opposite Worlds Monster Jam 2014 World Championship Kickboxing Family Guy Law & Order : Special Victims Unit CHILDREN HAIRBRAINED 30 Rock Call Me Fitz Nurse Jackie UPSIDE DOWN ORANGES, THE C.O.G. DETAILS, THE 1 SIDE EFFECTS WRITERS TO THE WONDER Penny Dreadful Web Therapy 13 THE BOURNE LEGACY CINEMAX 18.45 WIB THE LEGEND OF SARILA FOX FAMILY MOVIES 14.10 WIB 00:00 The Border 00:50 To Catch A Smuggler 01:40 Russia’s Mystery Files 02:30 Inside The Nsa: America’s Cyber Secrets 03:20 The Border 04:10 To Catch A Smuggler 05:00 Russia’s Mystery Files 06:00 Inside The Nsa: America’s Cyber Secrets 06:55 Tsunami: The Day the (S1) 09:50 House (S8) 11:30 Lie To Me (S2) 13:10 Law & Order 00:40 04:00 04:50 06:35 08:20 09:10 10:05 10:55 11:45 DEC 2014 Wave Struck 00:35 Out Of Reach 02:30 Thinspiration 04:30 Hot In Cleveland (S5) 05:00 Billy Elliot 07:05 Sweet Surrender 08:50 Confessions Of A 10:30 12:55 14:45 15:40 16:35 17:05 18:00 20:50 21:45 23:05 Sociopath Social Climber Captain Corelli’s Mandolin After All These Years Atlantis (S2) Supermodelme: Sirens (S5) Brooklyn 9-9 (S2) The Good Wife (S6) Top Chef (S6) Hottest Home Baker (S3) Supermodelme: Sirens (S5) Baby Bonus 07:50 Disaster Earth 08:45 Russia’s Mystery 09:40 10:35 11:30 11:55 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 21:30 22:00 23:00 Files WWII’s Greatest Raids Beyond Magic with DMC Crowd Control Crowd Control Cesar to the Rescue Asia Survive the Tribe Wicked Tuna: North Vs South Yukon Gold 24 Hours In A&E Megastructures Mega Factories Ultimate Airport Dubai Beyond Magic with DMC Crowd Control Crowd Control To Catch A Smuggler WWII’s Greatest Raids 39 ENDER’S GAME FOX MOVIES PREMIUM 20.00 WIB NINJA VENGEANCE MGM 23.15 WIB SUNDAY Book Club 01:45 03:45 05:15 06:00 07:45 09:15 10:45 13:00 14:45 17:00 18:45 20:30 22:00 Mission: Impossible III Vacancy The Arrangement The Bachelor The Stepford Wives Getaway Captain Phillips The Bachelor Star Trek Into Darkness Forces Of Nature Money Train Vacancy Captain Phillips 07:30 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Next? (S2) Time Warp Strip The City (S2) Marooned Yukon Men Strip The City (S2) Ice Cold Gold (S2) Philly Throttle Ice Lake Rebels (S1) Deadliest Catch (S10) Ice Cold Gold (S2) Marooned What Happened Next? (S2) Time Warp Titanic: The Aftermath Bering Sea Gold (S4) Ice Lake Rebels (S1) Titanic: The Aftermath FOOD FACTORY (S2) @ FYI 12.00 WIB 00:30 The Wire S205: 00:25 The Hand That Rocks The Cradle 02:10 Collateral Damage 04:00 Open Season (2006) 05:25 Win A Date With Tad Hamilton! 07:00 Paulie 08:30 The Princess Diaries 2 10:20 12:00 13:50 15:45 17:10 18:40 21:00 23:00 23:30 Royal Engagement The Muppets Collateral Damage Escape Plan Open Season (2006) One Direction: This Is Us Man Of Steel Mission: Impossible II The Comeback S205 Bicentennial Man 00:35 02:10 03:35 05:10 06:40 08:10 09:50 11:25 12:55 14:25 15:50 17:25 19:00 20:35 22:15 23:00 Smitty Wiener Dog Nationals The Pink Panther The Dog Who Saved The Holidays Return To Nim’s Island Groundhog Day K-9: P.I. Jingle All The Way Tarzan Wiener Dog Nationals The Hunters Anastasia Pete’s Christmas Bring It On: All Or Nothing Holidaze Beethoven’s 2Nd 01:30 02:00 03:30 05:00 06:25 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:35 14:15 15:35 17:15 19:00 21:00 22:50 23:40 01:45 03:15 04:15 06:30 08:15 10:00 11:30 11:45 13:15 15:00 15:15 17:15 18:55 21:00 Premium Rush Profugos S213 Waterworld The Cable Guy Swordfish Premium Rush Epad On Max 296 Spiders 3D Wild Things Epad On Max 296 Paycheck The Phantom Real Steel Street Fighter: Assassin’s Fist 22:40 The Monkey’s Paw 00:00 01:50 03:35 05:10 07:00 09:05 10:50 12:25 14:00 16:00 18:00 20:00 22:45 Machete Kills Hitchcock Bad Teacher The X Files: I Want To Believe Hellboy The Croods Runner Runner Dr. Seuss’ Horton Hears A Who! Robocop Ender’s Game The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2 The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug The Proposal 00:45 02:30 04:30 06:15 08:00 09:30 11:00 13:00 14:45 16:30 18:15 20:00 21:30 23:15 00:11 00:45 02:30 04:10 06:30 07:05 08:45 10:15 11:51 12:00 13:50 15:55 17:30 19:10 20:40 22:25 A Family Thing Crime And Punishment Cherry 2000 He’s My Girl Mannequin (Polygram) Another Woman Eight Men Out The In Crowd The House On Carroll Street Mac and Me Making Mr. Right Ring of the Musketeers The Basketball Diaries Crime And Punishment Hollywood On Set 573 Father Of The Bride Just Like Heaven The Holiday A Child’s Garden Of Poetry The Shaggy Dog Surviving Christmas Rise Of The Guardians Kobushi S1 S133: Anonymous Haiku Battle Of The Year Big Fish Little Secrets Zathura: A Space Adventure Mulan Father Of The Bride The Jane Austen 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 Undertow Hung S221: “Fat Off My Love” Or “I’M The Allergen” Small Apartments Austin Powers In Goldmember Napoleon Dynamite Amistad The Leftovers S106: Guest The Wire S205: Undertow Austenland Austin Powers In Goldmember A Dog Year Poseidon The Next Karate Kid Girl, Interrupted We’Re The Millers One Survivor Remembers Six Feet Under S205: The Invisible Woman Deadliest Catch (S10) Yukon Men The Bubble Man Strip The City (S2) Deadliest Catch (S10) Ice Lake Rebels (S1) Yukon Men What Happened 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Red Hot Design (S1) The Feed (S1) Epic Meal Empire (S1) Food Factory (S2) Food Factory (S1) Fix This Yard (S4) Hideous Houses (S1) Rowhouse Showdown (S1) Red Hot Design (S1) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Atul’s Spice Kitchen: Malaysia Food Factory (S2) Epic Meal Empire (S1) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Atul’s Spice Kitchen: Malaysia Bondi Vet (S5) Rowhouse Showdown (S1) Red Hot Design (S1) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Atul’s Spice Kitchen: Malaysia Bondi Vet (S5) Food Factory (S2) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) 05:15 06:05 07:45 08:35 10:15 11:05 11:55 12:45 13:35 14:50 15:15 16:05 17:00 17:55 18:50 19:45 20:40 21:35 22:55 23:25 00:40 David Blaine: Beautiful 01:30 02:20 03:15 05:00 07:30 10:10 11:05 11:35 12:05 13:00 15:35 16:05 16:55 19:10 21:55 22:50 23:45 00:15 01:05 01:55 03:35 04:25 Mistresses Switched At Birth Parenthood Melissa & Joey Suburgatory New Girl Mistresses Million Dollar Listing Masterchef Junior US Melissa & Joey New Girl America’s Next Top Model Masterchef Junior US Got to Dance UK Suburgatory Million Dollar Listing Scandal Revenge America’s Next Top Model Masterchef Junior US Fit For Fashion The Apartment Asian TV Awards 2014 Suburgatory America’s Next Top Model Struggle Wipeout (S7) Wake Up Call Winter Wipeout (S5) Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S2) The Voice (S7) Breaking The Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed Ebuzz Criss Angel Mindfreak (S2) Wake Up Call The Voice (S7) Criss Angel Mindfreak (S2) The Amazing Race (S25) Stealth The Voice (S7) Criss Angel Mindfreak (S4) Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S2) The Voice (S7) 00:10 Beaches 02:30 Do No Harm (S1) MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE III @ HBO HITS 01.45 WIB Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time 06:00 07:00 08:50 09:45 12:05 12:30 13:25 14:20 16:10 18:00 19:50 20:45 21:35 23:55 Grimm (S4) Lie To Me (S2) Law & Order (S20) Captain Corelli’s Mandolin Magic Man (S1) Chicago Fire (S3) Grimm (S4) Lie To Me (S2) House (S8) The Librarians (S1) Chicago Fire (S3) Grimm (S4) Captain Corelli’s Mandolin Lie To Me (S2) 00:20 Merlin (S5) 01:10 Merlin (S5) 02:00 The Paranormal 03:00 05:00 06:50 08:45 10:30 12:15 14:20 16:00 16:50 18:30 20:10 21:50 23:30 00:25 01:15 02:10 03:05 03:55 04:25 05:15 09:50 12:25 13:15 14:10 16:40 18:30 21:00 23:40 Zone (S1) Warehouse 13 (S1) Deadly Descent Defiance (S1) Merlin (S5) Continuum (S2) Bigfoot 500 MPH Storm The Paranormal Zone (S1) The Frighteners Haven (S5) Snow Beast Continuum (S2) The Paranormal Zone (S1) (S7) 22:30 The Real Housewives Of New York City (S6) 23:20 Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) 01:00 03:20 05:00 07:05 08:45 10:30 12:35 15:15 17:05 18:00 19:00 19:55 22:40 23:35 Up Close & Personal Friend Request The Frighteners Fatal Justice Out Of Reach Billy Elliot Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S15) The Face (S2) Chicago Fire (S2) Atlantis (S2) Hottest Home Baker (S3) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S15) Atlantis (S2) Hot In Cleveland (S5) 00:40 Law & Order : Special Victims Unit 04:00 Family Guy 04:50 Criminal Minds 01:55 03:45 05:15 06:05 08:10 11:55 13:45 20:25 21:00 22:50 23:55 BROKEN CITY ORANGES, THE 30 Rock It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia Mind Games TO THE WONDER Lilyhammer Web Therapy 3096 DAYS Sons of Anarchy From Dusk Till Dawn 14 DEC 2014 00:00 Inside The Nsa: 00:50 01:40 02:30 03:20 04:10 05:00 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:15 08:45 America’s Cyber Secrets Drugged 24 Hours In A&E Britain’s Underworld To Catch A Smuggler Tsunami: The Day the Wave Struck Disaster Earth Yukon Gold Wicked Tuna: North Vs South Crowd Control Crowd Control Beyond Magic with DMC Franklin & Bash Body Of Proof Gang Related Homicide Hunter Alfred Hitchcock Presents CSI Moonlighting CSI Miami Body Of Proof Franklin & Bash Police Women of Cincinnati Police Women of Broward County Law & Order CSI NY Happily Never After THE VOICE (S7) AXN 07.30 WIB ICE LAKE REBELS (S1) DISCOVERY CHANNEL 05.00 WIB MAN OF STEEL @ HBO 18.40 WIB 00:10 01:10 03:00 04:00 05:00 07:00 09:00 10:30 11:20 12:10 13:00 15:00 16:40 17:30 18:20 19:10 20:00 21:40 Spy (S2) The Good Wife (S1) Spy (S2) Justified (S4) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) The Good Wife (S1) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Desperate Housewives (S7) The Real Housewives Of New York City (S6) Face Off (S3) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) The Good Wife (S1) Desperate Housewives (S7) The Real Housewives Of New York City (S6) Justified (S4) Face Off (S3) The Good Wife (S1) Desperate Housewives 06:35 08:15 09:05 09:55 10:55 11:45 12:40 13:30 14:25 15:25 16:20 17:15 18:10 19:00 19:55 20:50 23:00 23:25 Castle Clipaholics Monster Jam 2014 World Championship Kickboxing Opposite Worlds NCIS NCIS: New Orleans Monster Jam 2014 World Championship Kickboxing Hell’s Kitchen NCIS NCIS: New Orleans Sleepy Hollow Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Opposite Worlds The Simpsons Family Guy Criminal Minds 09:40 24 Hours In A&E 10:35 Cesar to the Rescue Asia 11:30 Survive the Tribe 12:25 Ultimate Airport Dubai THE APARTMENT STAR WORLD 20.40 WIB 13:20 WWII’s Greatest Raids 14:15 Tsunami: The Day the Wave Struck 15:10 Crowd Control 15:35 Crowd Control 16:05 Beyond Magic with DMC 17:00 Cesar to the Rescue Asia 18:00 Survive the Tribe 19:00 Hooked 20:00 Wicked Tuna: North Vs South 21:00 Tsunami: The Day the Wave Struck 22:00 Russia’s Mystery Files 23:00 Inside The Nsa: 00:15 DETAILS, THE America’s Cyber Secrets 41 POSEIDON HBO SIGNATURE 15.35 WIB MONDAY Central Park 01:35 Little Black Book 03:20 Hollywood On Set 574 03:45 The Princess Diaries 2 22:10 Smart Cookies 23:40 The Stream Royal Engagement 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 Tiny House Nation (S1) Red Hot Design (S1) Tiny House Nation (S1) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) 23:00 Red Hot Design (S1) 05:40 Over The Hedge 07:00 The Manchurian Candidate 09:05 Bridget Jones: The 10:50 13:10 15:15 17:20 18:35 20:00 21:00 21:30 23:30 00:05 01:30 03:15 05:00 06:30 08:00 09:30 11:30 13:15 15:00 16:30 18:00 19:20 21:00 22:35 23:30 Edge Of Reason Man Of Steel Miami Vice Mission: Impossible II Tim Burton’S The Corpse Bride Over The Hedge The Newsroom S306 The Comeback S206 Collateral Cold Comes The Night Stay Alive That’s My Boy Wild At Heart A Degree Of Murder State Property: Blood On The Streets Cruel Intentions Tequila Sunrise The Hunted The Phantom Who’s Minding The Store? Threshold Painkiller Jane Street Fighter: Assassin’s Fist Ninja: Shadow Of A Tear Banshee S101: Pilot Banshee S102: The Rave 01:15 03:15 05:00 05:15 07:00 08:45 10:30 12:30 12:45 14:45 16:45 18:15 19:45 20:00 22:00 23:30 00:10 02:25 04:15 06:00 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 08:30 10:20 11:55 13:20 00:35 Bad Teacher 02:10 Homeland S4 03:05 05:30 07:30 09:25 11:25 13:25 16:10 18:15 20:00 21:35 22:30 00:30 01:55 03:35 05:00 06:35 07:55 09:25 11:05 12:35 14:05 16:00 17:30 19:00 20:45 15:00 Episode 11 Independence Day Just Go With It Ender’s Game Robocop The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug Rush A Long Way Down 21 & Over Homeland S4 Epsidoe 12 Ender’s Game 15:30 The Stream Turner & Hooch Elf Man Anastasia Bionicle: The Legend Reborn Bring It On Again Bring It On: All Or Nothing Pete’s Christmas Beethoven’s 2Nd The Princess And The Frog Return To Nim’s Island G-Force 101 Dalmatians Chestnut: Hero Of 00:15 01:45 03:15 04:45 06:30 08:30 10:15 12:00 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:30 19:00 20:25 22:15 23:45 14:15 14:45 16:15 18:30 20:30 22:00 The Manhattan Project Martin’s Day MGM’s Big Screen 00:15 Parenthood The In Crowd 01:05 Fit For Fashion Mac and Me 01:55 Million Dollar Listing Making Mr. Right 02:45 Suburgatory Hair 03:10 Melissa & Joey MGM’s Big Screen 03:35 Parenthood The Manhattan Project 04:25 Cougar Town The Great Train 05:15 MasterChef Junior US Robbery 06:05 Fit For Fashion TEEN WOLF (S3) @ BETV 12.40 WIB The Woman In Red 06:55 Million Dollar Listing Ring of the Musketeers 07:45 Suburgatory MGM’s Big Screen 16:00 How Do They Do 08:10 Melissa & Joey The Russia House It? (S9) 08:35 Cougar Town Pumpkinhead II: Blood 16:30 How It’s Made (S15) 09:25 Revenge Wings 17:00 Dual Survival (S2) 10:15 Suburgatory Till The End of the Night 00:30 Bored To Death S208: 18:00 Klondike 11:05 Top Chef: Just Desserts Super Ray Is Mortal! 19:00 Bering Sea Gold (S4) 11:55 MasterChef Junior US 01:00 8Mm 20:00 Ice Cold Gold (S2) 12:45 Revenge 03:00 Flight Of The 21:00 Deadliest Catch (S10) 13:35 Fit For Fashion Conchords S206: Love 22:00 Philly Throttle 14:25 Million Dollar Listing Is A Weapon Of Choice 23:00 Bering Sea Gold (S4) 15:15 Parenthood 03:30 Rome S105: The Ram 16:05 Suburgatory The Holiday Has Touched The Wall 17:00 Masterchef US 04:30 Veep S310: New Catch And Release 17:55 Suburgatory Last Holiday Hampshire 18:20 Melissa & Joey 05:00 Secret Window M.I. High S609: The 18:50 New Girl 06:40 Shot Through The Dark Wizard 00:00 Atul’s Spice Kitchen: 19:45 Suburgatory M.I. High S610: One Heart Malaysia 20:40 Melissa & Joey Flew Over The Budgie’s 08:40 Love Child 01:00 Rowhouse Showdown 21:35 Revenge 10:00 Almost Famous Cage (S1) 22:30 New Girl Crashbox S124: 12:00 The Comeback S205 02:00 Hideous Houses (S1) 23:25 Masterchef US Crashbox S1 24 12:30 Enlightened S103: 03:00 Fix This Yard (S4) Crashbox S125: Someone Else’s Life 05:00 Sell This House: Crashbox S1 25 13:00 Curb Your Enthusiasm Extreme (S3) Genie In The House S301: Chet’s Shirt 06:00 The Coolest Places On 13:30 Curb Your Enthusiasm S304: Genie Hotline Earth (S1) 01:30 The Amazing Race Battle Of The S302: The Benadryl (S25) 07:00 Bondi Vet (S3) Year Brownie 08:00 Bondi Vet (S5) 01:30 The Voice (S7) 14:05 Freedomland Little Secrets 09:00 Food Factory (S2) 02:25 Winter Wipeout (S5) Mulan 16:00 Across The Universe 10:00 Epic Meal Empire (S1) 05:00 Wipeout (S5) Zathura: A Space 18:15 One Survivor 11:00 Flipping Vegas (S2) 05:50 Leverage (S5) Adventure Remembers 12:00 Sell This House: 06:40 American Ninja Warrior M.I. High S611: Prison 19:00 Jonah: From Tonga Extreme (S3) (S2) Break S106: Jonah: From 13:00 Bondi Vet (S3) 07:30 The Apprentice Asia M.I. High S612: Tonga S1 06 14:00 Atul’s Spice Kitchen: 08:25 Wipeout (S5) Inheritance 19:30 Getting On S206 Malaysia 09:20 Leverage (S5) Crashbox S126: 20:00 Rome S201: Passover 15:00 Taste Of Vietnam (S2) 10:10 American Ninja Warrior Crashbox S1 26 (S2) 21:00 Olive Kitteridge S102 16:00 The Coolest Places On Crashbox S127: Earth (S1) 22:00 True Blood S701: 11:05 CSI: Crime Scene Crashbox S1 27 Jesus Gonna Be Here 17:00 Flipping Vegas (S2) Investigation (S14) Genie In The House 22:50 This Is 40 18:00 Rowhouse Showdown 12:00 The Amazing Race S305: Rock On (S1) (S25) Monsters, Inc. Curious George Catch And Release 01:00 Bering Sea Gold (S4) Living Proof 02:00 What Happened Forrest Gump Next? (S2) 02:30 Time Warp 03:00 Deadliest Catch (S10) 04:00 The Unexplained Files (S2) 05:00 Yukon Men 06:00 Strip The City (S2) Getaway 07:00 Get Out Alive With The Arrangement Bear Grylls The Dictator 08:00 What Happened Forces Of Nature Next? (S2) Mission: Impossible III 08:30 Time Warp The Bachelor 09:00 Marooned Money Train 10:00 How Do They Do Star Trek Into It? (S9) Darkness 10:30 How It’s Made (S15) Hollywood On Set 11:00 Dual Survival (S2) 572 12:00 How Do They Do Getaway It? (S11) Captain Phillips 12:30 How It’s Made (S17) Mission: Impossible III 13:00 Get Out Alive With Getaway Bear Grylls 21 & OVER @ FOX MOVIES PREMIUM 20.00 WIB Star Trek Into 14:00 Life In Cold Blood Darkness 15:00 Yukon Men Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time 12:55 13:45 14:40 15:30 16:20 17:10 17:40 18:35 19:30 21:55 22:50 23:45 Wake Up Call The Apprentice Asia Leverage (S5) American Ninja Warrior (S2) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) Ebuzz The Amazing Race (S25) David Blaine: Discover Magic Amazing Spider-Man, The Hawaii Five-0 (S4) David Blaine: Discover Magic Hawaii Five-0 (S4) 15:00 15:55 16:45 18:25 19:15 20:10 21:00 21:50 22:45 23:40 Moonlighting CSI Law & Order The Killing Law & Order: Criminal Intent Homicide Hunter Police Women of Broward County CSI Homicide Hunter Police Women of Broward County 00:20 Everybody Loves 00:45 Lie To Me (S2) 01:35 Do No Harm (S1) 05:00 Just For Laughs: Gags (S10) 06:00 Law & Order (S11) 07:00 Law & Order (S12) 08:00 Law & Order: Criminal 09:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Intent (S1) Motive (S2) Lie To Me (S2) Criminal Minds (S6) Suits (S3) Psych (S7) Motive (S2) Criminal Minds (S6) Law & Order (S20) The Librarians (S1) Psych (S7) The Librarians (S1) Law & Order (S20) 00:20 500 MPH Storm 02:10 Mischief Night 04:00 The Paranormal 05:00 07:00 09:00 10:00 11:50 13:30 15:10 16:50 17:40 19:20 21:00 21:50 22:40 23:30 Zone (S1) Star Trek: Enterprise (S1) The New Addams Family (S1) Warehouse 13 (S2) Warehouse 13 (S2) Continuum (S2) Eureka (S5) Scariest Places On Earth (S1) Warehouse 13 (S1) Sharknado Reaper The Paranormal Zone (S1) Face Off (S3) Warehouse 13 (S1) Eureka (S5) 00:35 Happily Never After 01:30 Alfred Hitchcock Presents 02:30 The Listener 03:25 Perception 06:10 Alfred Hitchcock 06:40 07:35 08:25 10:05 11:00 11:30 12:25 13:15 14:10 Presents Moonlighting The Killing Law & Order Perception Alfred Hitchcock Presents The Killing CSI Police Women of Broward County Perception 01:20 02:10 04:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:50 11:40 12:40 13:30 14:00 14:30 15:20 16:10 17:00 17:50 18:50 19:40 20:30 21:20 22:10 23:10 00:05 01:00 02:40 04:30 05:00 06:55 07:25 08:20 09:15 10:10 12:30 13:25 15:15 16:10 17:05 18:00 19:00 19:55 20:25 22:10 23:05 Raymond (S8) Justified (S4) The Good Wife (S1) Justified (S4) The Good Wife (S1) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) The Good Wife (S1) Chuck (S5) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S1) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) Teen Wolf (S3) Magic Asia: India Everybody Loves Raymond (S6) Justified (S4) Chuck (S5) The Good Wife (S1) Teen Wolf (S3) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) The Good Wife (S1) The Real Housewives Of New York City (S6) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S1) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S6) Cupid After All These Years Just For Laughs (S10) Confessions Of A Sociopath Social Climber Just For Laughs (S10) Aurora (S1) Cruel Love (S1) Top Chef (S6) Up Close & Personal Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S15) Fatal Justice Aurora (S1) Cruel Love (S1) Top Chef (S6) How Do I Look? (S11) Supermodelme: Sirens (S5) Just For Laughs (S10) Friend Request Top Chef (S6) Supermodelme: Sirens (S5) 00:15 CSI 01:05 Crisis 01:55 Law & Order : Special 02:45 03:35 04:00 04:50 Victims Unit Criminal Minds Family Guy CSI Crisis 05:45 Law & Order : Special 06:35 07:30 08:20 09:10 10:05 10:55 11:45 12:40 14:20 15:15 16:10 17:05 18:00 19:00 19:55 20:50 21:15 21:45 22:35 23:25 Victims Unit Criminal Minds CSI Crisis The Walking Dead Opposite Worlds Criminal Minds CSI Law & Order : Special Victims Unit Criminal Minds The Walking Dead Opposite Worlds CSI Criminal Minds Opposite Worlds NCIS The Simpsons Family Guy CSI Opposite Worlds Criminal Minds 15 DEC 2014 EUREKA (S5) SYFY 23.30 WIB 00:45 SIDE EFFECTS 02:30 WRITERS 04:10 ZACH GALIFIANAKIS: LIVE AT THE PURPLE ONION 05:15 Mind Games 06:00 Call Me Fitz 07:00 It’s Always Sunny in 08:15 09:10 10:00 11:00 12:15 13:10 14:00 15:50 17:25 19:15 21:00 21:30 22:35 23:30 Philadelphia 30 Rock Mind Games Call Me Fitz It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia 30 Rock Mind Games UPSIDE DOWN ORANGES, THE BROKEN CITY SIDE EFFECTS Web Therapy Sons of Anarchy Penny Dreadful 3096 DAYS THE LIBRARIANS (S1) UNIVERSAL CHANNEL 22.00 WIB 00:00 The Border 00:50 Hooked 01:40 Wicked Tuna: North Vs South 02:30 Tsunami: The Day the Wave Struck 03:20 Russia’s Mystery Files 04:10 Inside The Nsa: America’s Cyber Secrets 05:00 Hooked 06:00 Wicked Tuna: North 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Vs South Tsunami: The Day the Wave Struck Russia’s Mystery Files America’s Lost Treasures The Border Megastructures 100%: Planes Britain’s Underworld America’s Lost Treasures Yukon Gold Yukon Gold WWII’s Greatest Raids Britain’s Underworld Megastructures Ultimate Airport Dubai Filthy Riches Yukon Gold Nazi Underworld Ultimate Airport Dubai 43 THE KILLING FOX CRIME 18.25 WIB SUPERMODELME: SIRENS (S5) DIVA 19.00 WIB There's no escape when you're #Tethered. © 2014 DISCOVERY COMMUNICATIONS PREMIERES 30 DECEMBER, Tuesdays 7pm DISCOVERYSEASIA Raisa Hal.8 Hal.6 Hal.10 FIND IT ON ISU UTAMA iPad! C&R 845/THN XVI/05 - 11 NOVEMBER 2014 Kisah tentang Susi “Gila” Kabinet Kerja Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) melahirkan seorang primadona baru. Namanya, Susi Pudjiastuti. Perempuan kelahiran &&)&-)+&,)! !+,%)2#*!#& sebuah pribadi unik yang sarat kontradiksi. Ia bermetamorfosis dari seorang gadis kampung berijazah SMP menjadi pengusaha perikanan, penerbangan, dan kini Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan. Kiprah bisnis dan gaya yang apa adanya membuat ia sempat dijuluki Susi “Kodok” dan bahkan Susi “Gila”. C&R 3 ISU UTAMA yang bergelar profesor. Tetapi, pernyataan dan gerak-geriknya menunjukkan ia seorang pengusaha tulen yang menomorsatukan totalitas, komitmen, dan integritas – (lihat halaman 4). Susi adalah pemilik pengolahan ikan PT ASI Pudjiastuti Marine Product dengan produk unggulan lobster bermerek “Susi Brand”. Ia juga pemilik maskapai penerbangan, PT ASI Pudjiastuti Aviation (Susi Air), yang mengoperasikan setidaknya 50 pesawat terbang berbagai jenis. Susi menyebut dirinya seorang out of the box. Ia menilai apa yang diterimanya sebagai bentuk pengakuan atas ‘kegilaannya’. Susi memang dianggap tak lazim karena sebagian besar pesawat miliknya ia manfaatkan untuk dagang ikan. Tiap hari, armadanya terbang ke berbagai pelosok pesisir Indonesia, membeli berjenis ikan, dan udang pilihan dari tangan nelayan untuk kemudian dibawa ke berbagai pasar potensial di banyak negeri. Farid R Iskandar C essna 208B Grand Caravan milik Susi Air meninggalkan landasan pacu Bandara Nusawiru, Pangandaran, Jawa Barat, Minggu (2/11) siang. Pesawat regional jarak pendek berkapasitas 9 penumpang itu terbang ke Jakarta membawa Susi Pudjiastuti dari tanah kelahirannya. Ia berada di Pangandaran, Sabtu (1/11), setelah mengantongi izin cuti satu hari dari Presiden Jokowi, Jumat (31/10). Selain berziarah ke makam orang tua, selama berada di Pangandaran Susi memanfaatkan waktu untuk bersilaturahmi dengan keluarga, karyawan, dan warga sekitar. Ia juga menyempatkan diri mengunjungi tempat pelelangan ikan di Pelabuhan Cikidang, Desa Babakan, serta berdialog dengan nelayan setempat. Perjalanan Pangandaran-Jakarta seolah mengilas-balik kisah hidup Susi. Jalur sepanjang 325 km itu menjadi saksi bisu keuletan dan kerja keras yang ia rintis sejak tahun 1982. Lebih dari separuh usianya, ia bolak-balik melewati jalur tersebut. Bedanya, jika dulu Susi hanya seorang bakul ikan yang menempuh perjalanan enam sampai sembilan jam dengan truk terbuka, kini ia cuma butuh terbang satu jam dalam posisi seorang menteri. Putus sekolah Lahir di Pangandaran, Jawa Barat, 15 Januari 1965, Susi adalah putri sulung dari tiga bersaudara pasangan H. Karlan dan Hj. Suwuh Lasminah. Ayah-ibunya berasal dari Jawa Tengah yang sudah lima generasi lahir dan hidup di Pangandaran. Kakek buyutnya, H. Ireng, adalah saudagar sapi dan kerbau, yang membawa ratusan ternak dari Jawa Tengah untuk diperdagangkan di Jawa Barat. Keluarga Susi tergolong tuan tanah. Mereka memanfaatkan lahan yang dimilikinya menjadi kolam-kolam ikan dan kebun kelapa. Ayah Susi juga mengusahakan beberapa buah perahu untuk para nelayan mencari ikan dengan sistem bagi hasil. Di tengah keluarga berkecukupan seperti itulah Susi tumbuh dan berkembang. Ia bahkan sudah diajari nyetir Land Rover milik ayahnya ketika masih kelas lima SD. Dalam komunikasi sehari-hari, Susi menggunakan empat bahasa. Di lingkungan keluarga, ia berbahasa Jawa. Dengan komunitas bisnis, ia bicara dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris. Sedangkan dengan nelayan di tempat kelahirannya, ia beriteraksi dalam Bahasa Sunda. Susi menamatkan pendidikan di SD Negeri 8 Pangandaran (1972-1977), dan SMP Negeri 1 Pangandaran (1978-1980). Ia kemudian melanjutkan ke SMA Negeri 1 Yogyakarta, namun drop out di kelas dua (1982). Ada peristiwa menarik yang melatarbelakangi Susi memutuskan berhenti sekolah. Satu ketika ia tergelincir di tangga, tubuhnya menggelinding dan baru berhenti Out of the Box Susi Pudjiastuti, seperti diketahui, dilantik sebagai Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan oleh Presiden Jokowi, di Istana Negara, Jakarta, Senin (27/10). Ia jadi sorotan karena perjalanan hidupnya yang dianggap unik dan sarat kontradiksi. Sepanjang sejarah republik, Susi barangkali satu-satunya menteri yang tak lulus SMA. Isu tentang latar belakang pendidikan, kebiasaan merokok, dan tubuhnya yang bertato jadi topik pembicaraan di media sosial, bahkan sejak namanya masuk bursa calon menteri. Ada yang menyebut, Susi mulai merokok sejak SMA. Orang tuanya sudah berkali-kali mengingatkan tetapi ia membandel. Selain merokok, Susi juga merajah kakinya dengan gambar burung phoenix – konon untuk keberuntungan - di Bali sekitar tahun 1999. Yang lain berpendapat, penampilan bukan segalanya dalam urusan kerja sebagai menteri. Selama bisa bekerja demi rakyat, tak ada yang perlu diributkan dari masa lalunya. Dalam sebuah wawancara khusus di kantornya, Jumat (31/10) pagi, Susi menegaskan, ia memang tidak berpendidikan tinggi seperti kebanyakan anggota kabinet C&R 4 ISU UTAMA perjalanan Pangandaran-Jakarta Susi mampir ke sentra-sentra kodok, dan membawanya ke beberapa pasar di Jakarta. Saking terkenal dengan terobosan bisnisnya, saat itu ia bahkan dijuluki ‘Susi Kodok’. Bisnis Susi terus berkembang. Keharusan berpacu dengan waktu membuat ia merasa harus punya pesawat. Susi berkeinginan mengirim hasil laut ke seluruh pelosok negeri dalam kondisi segar. Tetapi, saat mengajukan proposal untuk membeli pesawat, ia malah dianggap tak waras. “Dulu saya dipanggil Susi Gila. Sekarang, pemerintah sebut kita perlu orang gila untuk gebrakan. So I take my job,” katanya dalam sebuah diskusi dengan Kamar Dagang dan Industri (Kadin) di Jakarta, Kamis (30/10). ketika kepalanya terbentur tembok. Susi sampai harus terbaring beberapa hari. Sakit berkepanjangan membuat orang tua memintanya balik ke Pangandaran, tetapi kemudian Susi memutuskan untuk tidak balik lagi ke sekolah. Alasannya sederhana. Ia merasa sekolah tak cocok baginya. “Apa karena terbentur itu, ya, pikiran saya jadi aneh begitu?,” kata Susi satu ketika. Susi ‘Kodok’-Susi ‘Gila’ Sering keliling Pangandaran dan menyadari tempat kelahirannya merupakan penghasil ikan terbesar, Susi mulai tertarik menjadi bakul ikan (1982). Dengan kesigapan dan ketekunannya, dalam tempo setahun Susi bisa menguasai pasar Pangandaran, dan bahkan Cilacap di Jawa Tengah. Kesegaran produk menjadi salah satu kunci sukses bisnis Susi. Agar hasil laut tangkapan nelayan bisa ke sampai ke pasar dalam keadaan segar, ia mengusahakan mobil untuk mengangkut ikan. Berawal dari sewa, Susi kemudian membeli truk dengan sistem pendingin es untuk membawa hasil laut ke Jakarta. Hampir saban hari ia berangkat dari Pangandaran pukul 15.00, dan sampai di Jakarta tengah malam. Bertahun-tahun rutinitas itu ia lakoni sambil terus berpikir agar usahanya terus berkembang. Naluri bisnisnya memang tajam. Susi mendapati kenyataan, setiap melewati jalur Cikampek-Karawang di malam hari ia selalu mendengar suara kodok yang laku dijual di pasar Glodok. Bahkan, ada orang yang ingin membelinya untuk diekspor ke Singapura dan Hong Kong. Peluang itu tidak disia-siakan. Dalam Kisah Tiga Suami Susi sangat tertutup soal kehidupan pribadi. Ia merasa masalah itu tidak sehat untuk dibicarakan, apalagi didengar orang lain. Namun, dari berbagai sumber diperoleh informasi, Susi menikah tiga kali. Suami pertamanya bernama Yoyok Yudi Suharyo, seorang pedagang ikan asal Banyumas. Mereka menikah tahun 1983, dan bercerai tahun 1988 setelah dikaruniai seorang anak, Panji Hilmansyah. Panji yang mendalami di Amerika Serikat, telah memberi Susi seorang cucu, Arman Hilmansyah yang kini berusia delapan tahun. Ia memanggil neneknya dengan sapaan Uti (penggalan dari kata Mbah Puteri). Suami kedua Susi adalah Daniel Kasier. Ia seorang teknisi pesawat berkebangsaan Swiss. Mereka berkenalan pada 1991. Setahun menjalin kasih, mereka menikah di Pangandaran (1992). Sayang, perkawinan Susi-Daniel tak berumur panjang. Keduanya bercerai (1999), setelah dikaruniai seorang putri, Nadine Keiser. Daniel adalah satu-satunya mantan suami Susi yang hadir saat serah-terima jabatan Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan di Jakarta, Rabu (29/10). Daniel memuji mantan istrinya sebagai pribadi yang tangguh. Ia bahkan menjuluki Susi dengan panggilan “Putri Laut”. Cerai dari Daniel, Susi menikah kali ketiga dengan pria berkebangsaan Jerman, Christian von Strombeck sekitar tahun 2003. Tak ada catatan pasti kapan mereka berpisah. Yang jelas, keduanya dikaruniai seorang anak, Alvy Xavier. Tiga kali gagal berumah tangga tak membuat Susi terpuruk. Ia malah mengaku bahagia meski hidup sebagai seorang parent. C&R 5 HOBI Tidak hanya menyanyi, setahun terakhir, penyanyi Tompi lagi hobi jepret-jepret. Dari yang sebelumnya digital, tiga bulan belakangan, ia memilih menekuni kamera analog. Rencananya, 8 Desember mendatang, dokter spesialis bedah plastik ini akan menggelar #!" yang berisi kumpulan hasil foto. Setahun terakhir, Tompi sedang getol banyak pihak yang tahu, kecuali segelintir orang terdekat maupun komunitas sesama Pasalnya, selama ini, orang banyak mengenal Tompi sebagai penyanyi sekaligus dokter spesialis bedah plastik. Usai jam praktik, Rabu (29/10) petang,Tompi berbagi cerita tentang hobi barunya ini. Beberapa karya lembar foto hitam putih, berjejer di meja kaca, di ruang tunggu tamu di tempat praktiknya, di bilangan Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan. “Ini (objek foto) di Sidney, Australia, minggu kemarin, setelah mengisi acara musik. Lokasinya enggak jauh dari Opera House dan sekitarnya,” ujar Tompi, menunjukkan fotofoto berukuran 7R itu kepada C&R. Beberapa hasil objek jepretannya beragam. Mulai dari pohon besar, dermaga sungai, sampai jalan raya, lengkap dengan keindahan tata kota dan arsitektur kota Sidney. Termasuk objek pemandangan kota Sidney, yang ia bidik dari dalam pesawat. Bahkan ada salah satu foto terlihat ‘kosong’, tak ada subjek selain sudut trotoar jalan raya. “Iya, lama banget nunggu orang lewat. Ya sudah, ambil aja, soalnya enggak banyak waktu di Sidney, cuma sehari di sana,” tambahnya. Meski baru setahun terakhir menekuni digital ke analog, tiga bulan terakhir. Beberapa ‘oleh-olehnya’ dari Sidney analog. Personel grup Trio Lestari ini mengaku senang dan asyik menggenggam kamera C&R analog karena proses memotret. “Saya senang seni. Saya mikir image quality. Kita enggak ngomongin foto bagus dan jelek, karena foto bagus bisa lahir dari alat apa saja. Kualitas kontras, detail yang baik dari hasil digital,” ungkapnya. Selain itu, diakuinya, hasil dari kamera digital tidak bisa disamakan dengan hasil analog. Untuk menguasai dan menekuni kamera analog, menurutnya, harus memiliki passion tinggi dan kerja ekstra. Terutama proses mengambil objek, sampai kesabaran tinggi dalam persiapan proses cetak melalui kamar gelap. Karena sudah cukup mahir menguasai kamera analog, Tompi bisa membandingkan, mana hasil foto analog dan digital, ketika keduanya disandingkan. Adalah Benny, salah satu rekannya di komunitas Indonesia Leica Community, orang 6 HOBI yang mengenalkan dan menginspirasi kamera analog jenis Leica kepada Tompi. “Ada beberapa teman yang meracuni "! ! karena sejak awal dia sudah pakai kamera "! suatu waktu, saya lihat pameran foto karya Annie Leibovitz di Singapura, empat bulan lalu. Saya kagum dan luar biasa. Image quality yang buat saya enggak berhenti melihat,” ujarnya. Sebelum beralih ke analog, Tompi memang sempat angin-anginan memegang kamera digital Canon miliknya. Seminggu digunakan, satu bulan di lemari. Seperti itu, kondisi yang dialami. Setelah diracuni teman, Tompi tekun belajar secara autodidak. Bahkan, pernah ia satu minggu belajar langsung bisa cuci foto dan cetak sendiri di kamar pribadinya yang disulap menjadi ‘kamar gelap’. “Itulah seninya, kita jadi orgasme dan dituntut disiplin, memikir sebelum jepret. Persiapan motret juga lebih matang. Tetapi seminggu awal pernah gagal, setelah dicuci enggak ada semua hasilnya,” sesalnya. Sejauh ini, ada tujuh kamera digital dan analog yang ia punya. Kamera analog yang ia punya antara lain Leica M7, Leica # 503CW, dan Fuji TX2. Selebihnya, kamera digital merek Leica M9-P, yang masih tersisa. Beberapa hasil jepretannya terlihat di akun Twitter dan Instagram. Lalu, objek seperti apa yang Tompi kerap potret? “Sebenarnya suka apa saja. Tetapi lebih senang human interest, FIND IT ON iPad! C&R 845/THN XVI/05 - 11 NOVEMBER 2014 ada unsur manusia, serta objek portrait,” katanya. Salah satu objek yang pernah diabadikan yaitu di Wamena, Papua, beberapa minggu lalu. Tompi terpukau dengan keindahan dan culture kental di Wamena. Seperti ras, anatomi tubuh, warna kulit, jenis rambut, budaya, interaksi sosial, sampai keindahan alam. Meski demikian, Tompi mengaku jarang hunting sampai ke beberapa wilayah selain di Wamena dan Sidney. “Saya jarang kemana-mana. Ya kalau di sela-sela manggung, baru sekalian motret. Objek menarik bisa muncul di mana dan kapan saja ketika kita lewat. Kadang gambar bagus bisa muncul di depan rumah. Tetapi masih penasaran Nepal dan Turki, next bakal kesana. Saya suka culturenya,” ungkapnya. Meski mengaku enjoy menjalani hobi barunya ini, Tompi merasa kesulitan dan tertantang ketika mengambil objek yang diam, yaitu manusia. Bahkan dengan sabarnya, ia sempat meminta diam sejenak kepada objek yang akan dibidik. Belum lagi kesibukan saat memutar tuas kamera yang masih manual. “Saya juga pernah motret wanita PSK di Gang Dolly, Surabaya, beberapa hari sebelum ditutup, tetapi mereka enggak mau, hehe,” kenangnya. Namun, profesinya di dunia musik yang sudah dikenal banyak orang juga menjadi halangan. Ia mengaku sedikit repot memotret satu lokasi, di mana orang sekitar mengetahuinya sebagai penyanyi. “Bukannya motret, saya malah jadi objek foto dari orang-orang yang minta foto bareng, haha,” katanya. Sejauh ini, Tompi belum berkeinginan menjadikan hobinya ini sebagai pekerjaan serius atau lahan bisnis. Namun, 8 Desember nanti, ia bakal menggelar pameran tunggal perdana di Galeri Indonesia Kaya, Grand Indonesia, Jakarta. Selama seminggu, karyanya dipamerkan dengan tema Indonesia Timur. Objeknya didapat selama hunting di Wamena, Papua. Setelah pameran itu sukses, Tompi berkeinginan membuat sebuah buku berisi kumpulan foto hitam putih dari kamera analog. “Masih kumpulin materi. Kalau udah ramai, baru bikin,” tutupnya. Ceppy F. Bachtiar C&R 7 Hal. 20 FIND IT MORE ON iPad! GALERI SELEBRITI C&R 845/THN XVI/05 - 11 NOVEMBER 2014 Raisa Seperti Spons Ada berbilang jarak antara keberadaan Guruh Soekarnoputra berkarier sebagai komposer lagu, dengan Raisa yang kini dikenal sebagai penyanyi idola kaum muda. Tetapi, gap generasi itu tidak dirasakan oleh Raisa. Buktinya dia senang sekali waktu Erwin Gutawa menawarkannya terlibat dalam konser ‘Satu Indonesia’, yang digagas oleh PT Astra International, Tbk, 26 November mendatang. “Waktu ditawarkan langsung. Padahal enggak tahu mau disuruh menyanyi apa. Kan aku enggak hafal semua lagu Mas Guruh,” Place, Jakarta Selatan, Rabu (29/10). Diam-diam Raisa mau menjalankan misinya dengan ikut serta dalam konser yang digarap oleh Erwin Gutawa dan Jay Subiakto itu. Sebagai penyanyi pendatang baru, Raisa mengaku ingin menyerap banyak informasi dari para senior seperti Guruh Soekarnoputra. Ia pun tak segan bertanya tentang sesuatu yang tak ia ketahui di industri musik. “Saya harus jadi spons yang menyerap informasi dan ilmu. Biasanya yang saya alami orangorang legendaris seperti Mas Guruh enggak pelit berbagi ilmu,” ungkapnya saat jumpa pers di Hard Rock Cafe, SCBD Jakarta, Rabu (29/10). Sayangnya, hingga kini Raisa belum sempat bertemu langsung dengan Guruh. Pelantun tembang Mantan Terindah ini pun berandai-andai apa yang terjadi jika kelak dia bertegur sapa langsung dengan putra Bung Karno itu. “Yang pertama pasti saya deg-degan. Terus saya ajak berfoto. Hahaha, norak ya. Terus pasti saya banyak bertanya. Misalnya, kok bisa ya Mas Guruh membuat lagu di zaman dulu yang terasa sentuhan etnik Indonesianya, tetapi dengan rasa internasional,” tandasnya. Rere GALERI SELEBRITI iPad! Hal. 20 C&R 845/THN XVI/05 - 11 NOVEMBER 2014 FIND IT MORE ON Reza Artamevia Berumrah dengan dua buah hatinya, Zahwa dan Aaliyah menjadi momen terindah dalam hidup Reza Artamevia. Namun, peristiwa di Tanah Suci, beberapa tahun lalu itu, menyisakan cerita unik yang selalu dikenang oleh penyanyi yang melejit lewat tembang Pertama ini hingga sekarang. Ini terkait dengan kebiasaan dua anaknya yang ‘gila’ gadget. “Selama di Mekkah, anak-anak sibuk bertanya, eh ada buka internet dan kirim-kirim foto. Hahaha. Duh anak-anak sekarang ya. Saya mah ibunya enggak ngerti gituan segala,” katanya di VIP Room Gelora Bung Karno (GBK) Senayan, Jakarta Pusat, Sabtu (1/11). Untungnya pemilik biro perjalanan yang memberangkatkan Reza dan anak-anak cepat tanggap. Zahwa dan Aaliyah diberi voucher pulsa HP sekaligus diajarkan di spot mana saja mereka bisa berselancar di dunia maya. Reza lega sekaligus agak keki. Masalahnya, Reza yang sudah terbantukan, justru kepusingan dengan tangan ringan sang pemilik travel. Soalnya selama di Tanah Suci, anak-anaknya justru lebih banyak berselancar di dunia maya ketimbang beribadah. “Iya saya harus sabar mendidik mereka. Ini memang ibadah. Tetapi susah ya anak-anak sekarang harus tetap update dengan dunia maya, hahaha,” kata Reza. Telni FIND IT ON iPad! C&R 845/THN XVI/05 - 11 NOVEMBER 2014 DIARY SELEBRITI Budaya mengenakan kain sarung bukan hanya dijumpai di kota santri di Jawa Timur. Saat Ita Purnamasari bersama sang suami, Dwiki Dharmawan mengunjungi kota Yangon, Myanmar, ternyata warga di sana juga sangat bangga mengenakan kain sarung. Bahkan saat menonton pertunjukan musik, penyanyi senior asal Surabaya ini melihat para penonton di gedung teater yang cukup megah itu tetap pakai sarung. Awal Oktober lalu, selama lima hari, aku dan Dwiki, bersama grup band Krakatau diundang untuk tampil dalam Asean Culture Fair 2014 di Kota Yangon, Myanmar. Aku sempat mengira Myanmar itu negara militerisme lo. Itu karena selama ini yang aku baca di media, berita Myanmar itu hanya tentang pergolakan politik terus. Tetapi ternyata tidak demikian ya. Tiga tahun lalu, tentara memang masih berjaga-jaga di objek-objek vital, misalnya di pelabuhan udara. Tetapi sekarang, tidak ada lagi militer yang berjaga-jaga dengan membawa senjata lengkap. Aku tidak melihat suasana militerisme. Myanmar ternyata juga bukan negara yang terlalu miskin. Memang gedung-gedung bertingkat dan mal jauh lebih banyak di kota besar di Indonesia. Kalau dibandingbandingkan, Yangon itu setaraf dengan Palembang di Indonesia kayaknya ya. Yangon dulunya memang ibu kota Myanmar. Tetapi setelah terjadi kudeta militer pada tahun 1988 ibu kota Myanmar dipindahkan ke Naypyidaw. Dan nama Burma diganti menjadi Myanmar. Dengan jalan-jalan ke negara yang lebih sederhana daripada negara kita sendiri, aku jadi bisa mensyukuri kondisi ekonomi di negara kita. Myanmar dan Indonesia merdekanya hampir sama lo. Indonesia lepas dari penjajahan Belanda pada tahun 1945, tetapi kalau Myanmar lepas dari penjajahan Inggris tahun 1948. Memang kemajuannya kalah cepat dengan Indonesia. Jadi mendatangi Myanmar, terasa sedang berada di Indonesia di tahun 1980an. Belum banyak gedung tinggi dan mal mewah. Meski seperti itu kondisi di Yangon, tetapi di sana aku kok enggak melihat gelandangan ya. Katanya sih angka kejahatan di sana enggak tinggi. Konon, warga Yangon takut melakukan kejahatan, karena mereka yakin adanya hukum karma. Memang Myanmar itu belum semaju Indonesia. Tetapi selama lima hari di Yangon dan berkeliling kota, aku tidak pernah melihat ada warga naik motor. Di sana itu kendaraannya mobil pribadi, taksi, dan bus, walaupun belum sebagus mobil-mobil di Jakarta. Katanya sih, pemerintah setempat memang melarang motor, karena banyak terjadi kecelakaan. Aku kan jalan-jalan juga ke pasar tradisionalnya Pasar Jendral Aung San. Di sana banyak sekali pedagang batu perhiasan. Dan memang, yang terkenal dari Myanmar adalah perhiasan batunya. Batu perhiasan di sana itu harganya bervariatif, mulai dari yang ratusan ribu rupiah hingga ratusan juta rupiah lo. Kebanyakan sih yang sudah dalam bentuk batu cincin. Pedagang batu cincin di sana itu unik. Belasan orang duduk berjajar sambil membanggakan batu-batu mereka seperti membanggakan anak mereka. Hahaha. Jadi, mereka sambil mengasah-asah batu cincinnya, mereka ceritakan keindahan dan kelebihan batu cincin itu kepada para pembeli yang datang. Tahu aku pergi ke Myanmar, temanteman dan saudara-saudara nitip oleholehnya ya batu cincin itu. Nih, aku beli batu blue saphire. Aku beli harganya Rp2 juta. Katanya sih kalau di Jakarta harganya bisa lebih dari Rp2 juta. Personel band Krakatau ada lo yang beli batu cincin seharga Rp10 juta, yang kalau dijual lagi di Jakarta, harganya bisa tiga kali lipat. Hahaha. Sayangnya aku dan Dwiki orang yang tidak mengerti tentang perhiasan batu. Jadi enggak berani memborong perhiasan batu Yangon untuk dijual lagi di Jakarta. Lagu Bengawan Solo Nah, warga Yangon kaum lelakinya ternyata gemar mengenakan kemeja dan sarung yang disebut Longyi. Sedangkan kaum wanitanya suka mengenakan blus dan kain panjang, itu lo sejenis kain batik di Indonesia. Jadi, waktu aku manggung di National Theatre, para penontonnya kebanyakan C&R 11 DIARY SELEBRITI mengenakan sarung. Padahal itu bukan kota santri ya. Warga Yangon itu aku lihat sangat apresiatif. Aku lihat warga Yangon asyik sekali menikmati pertunjukan aku dan Mas Dwiki serta Krakatau dari Indonesia. Kan ada sepuluh negara yang tampil di acara itu. Kalau band dari negara lain cuma dikasih waktu pertunjukan selama sepuluh menit atau cuma satu lagu, eh aku dikasih waktu sampai dua puluh lima menit. Aku sempat membawakan dua buah lagu. Aku menyanyikan lagu Bengawan Solo, yang ternyata diberikan applause yang luar biasa oleh mereka. Setelah turun dari panggung, ketika aku tanya ke salah seorang penonton, apakah dia mengerti isi lagu yang aku bawakan? Dia bilang tidak mengerti, tetapi dia menyukai musiknya. Oh iya, aku juga sempat membawakan satu lagu Myanmar, Hnit Lone Tarahyin. Wah, menghafalkan lagunya cukup sulit. Sampai tiga hari aku menghafalkan lagu itu, hahaha. Untungnya aku bisa sukses membawakannya. Pagoda Emas Di Yangon juga ada masjid lo. Mas Dwiki dan personel Krakatau sempat melakukan salat Jumat di Masjid Bengali Sunni Jamae, sebuah masjid yang berada di pinggir jalan di Kota Yangon. Jadi, warga muslim di sana cukup dihargai. Tetapi memang Myanmar itu dikenal sebagai ‘Kota 1000 Pagoda’. Aku kemudian sempat mengunjungi Shwedagon. Di sana banyak sekali pagoda. C&R Rata-rata berlapis emas. Sehingga Myanmar juga dijuluki sebegai ‘Negeri Emas’. Nah Shwedagon itu merupakan pagoda yang paling besar dan paling suci. Tinggi stupanya sekitar 99 meter, sehingga bisa dilihat dari berbagai penjuru di Kota Yangon. Pagoda ini juga terbuat dari emas. Emasnya itu merupakan sumbangan dari raja-raja yang pernah berkuasa di Myanmar. Jadi waktu aku kunjungi malam hari, Shwedagon itu semakin kelihatan anggun dan cantik. Karena warna kuning emasnya memantulkan cahaya bulan dan sinar lampu yang mengenai pagoda itu. Di Shwedagon ini disimpan tongkat, jubah, dan beberapa helai rambut Budha. Aku kemudian mengunjung rumah Aung San Suu Kyi. Di rumah itulah Aung San Suu Kyi pernah menjalani tahanan rumahnya selama lima belas tahun, baru dibebaskan pada tahun 2010. Rumahnya terasa sejuk, karena tidak jauh dari Danau Inya yang ada di kota Yangon. Tetapi sayang, rumahnya berpagar tinggi. Jadi aku cuma bisa foto-foto di depan pagarnya, hahaha. Oh iya, di Yangon aku bertemu dengan anggota komunitas Indonesia-Myanmar. Nah, ternyata di Yangon itu cukup banyak orang Indonesia. Mereka bekerja sebagai penjaga toko atau pelayan restoran. Jadi bukan sebagai asisten rumah tangga, seperti TKW yang di Arab. Aku juga ditraktir makan oleh Dubes Indonesia di Myanmar, Ito Sumardi di restoran tradisional Yangon, Shwe Htoo. Ternyata masakan Myanmar itu bumbunya mirip dengan masakan Indonesia. Masakan di sana dimasak kari, pakai santan dan bumbu rempah-rempah, dengan rasa agak pedas. Masakan karinya itu ada daging sapi, daging kambing, hingga ikan. Aku juga sempat mencicipi teh khas Myanmar. Kayak teh tubruk gitu. Rasanya hampir sama sih dengan teh di Indonesia. Seperti dituturkan Ita Purnamasari kepada Budi Gunawan dari C&R 12 TUESDAY 17:10 Sugar 19:00 The Comeback S206 19:30 Eastbound & Down 18:00 Taste Of Vietnam (S2) 20:00 Atul’s Spice Kitchen: 20:00 The Newsroom S306 21:00 The Leftovers S107: 22:00 The Coolest Places On S104: Chapter 4 Solace For Tired Feet 22:00 Hung S222: “Even Steven” Or “Luckiest Kid In Detroit” 22:30 Zodiac 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 AMERICAN HUSTLE @ HBO 18.45 WIB (2013) 01:00 03:00 05:00 07:00 08:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 12:00 14:00 15:30 17:05 18:45 21:00 22:35 00:20 01:50 03:35 05:30 07:00 08:30 10:00 11:45 13:15 15:00 16:45 19:00 21:00 22:25 23:10 Lucky You The Boxer Red Lights Cold Comes The Night The Avengers The Comeback S205 The Comeback S206 The Newsroom S306 Collateral Grabbers Win A Date With Tad Hamilton! Election American Hustle Closed Circuit As Good As It Gets The Art Of The Steal Firewall The School Of Rock Beer Money Painkiller Jane Return To Cabin By The Lake Here Comes The Boom Crimson Force Vegas Vacation The Bridges At Toko-Ri The Two Jakes Looper Beast Of The Bering Sea Banshee S103: Meet The New Boss Banshee S104: Half Deaf Is Better Than All Dead 00:30 Hitman 02:05 Robocop 04:05 The Hobbit: The 06:50 09:05 10:40 12:40 14:25 16:00 18:00 20:00 22:00 23:50 Desolation Of Smaug The Book Thief Dr. Seuss’ Horton Hears A Who! Secret Life Of Walter Mitty A Long Way Down Identity Ender’s Game S.W.A.T. Safe Haven Machete Kills Homeland S4 Epsidoe 12 12:05 RV 13:40 Scooby Doo! Stage Fright 01:05 Abner: The Invisible 15:00 M.I. High S613: The 02:35 04:05 05:35 07:10 08:40 15:30 09:55 11:20 13:05 14:35 16:00 17:30 19:00 20:35 22:00 23:35 Dog Return To Nim’s Island Smart Cookies Cancel Christmas Beethoven An American Tail: Fievel Goes West Elf Man 101 Dalmatians Chestnut: Hero Of Central Park The Secret Of Nimh Pete’s Christmas Tarzan Anastasia Wiener Dog Nationals Ernest Saves Christmas The Legend Of Sarila 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:30 18:45 20:15 22:00 23:45 Final Endgame Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S101: Jack & The Beanstalk Crashbox S128: Crashbox S1 28 Crashbox S129: Crashbox S1 29 Genie In The House S306: Yo Oh Adil Saving My Tomorrow: Kids Care For The Planet Cirque Du Soleil: Worlds Away Bridget Jones’s Diary Biloxi Blues Erin Brockovich 03:30 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:30 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 09:45 11:30 11:45 13:15 14:45 16:30 18:00 20:00 22:00 Johnny Be Good Benny & Joon MGM’s Big Screen Mystery Date The Woman In Red The Great Train Robbery Defiance MGM’s Big Screen Master Of Dragonard Hill Johnny Be Good Great Balls Of Fire! The Heavenly Kid Wargames The Black Stallion The Russia House 00:15 01:45 03:15 03:45 05:45 08:00 09:45 11:15 13:00 14:30 16:15 17:45 19:45 22:00 07:00 Crashbox S126: 00:55 02:30 04:00 05:00 06:15 08:25 08:50 11:00 12:00 07:30 Crashbox S127: 12:30 08:00 Genie In The House 13:00 08:30 Monsters, Inc. 10:00 The Sound Of Music 13:55 15:35 02:00 Bridget Jones’s Diary 03:35 The Help 06:00 M.I. High S611: Prison Break 06:30 M.I. High S612: Inheritance Crashbox S1 26 Crashbox S1 27 S305: Rock On The Stepford Wives The Dictator Hollywood On Set 572 Hitch Captain Phillips Forces Of Nature Vacancy Haunting In Connecticut 2: Ghosts Of Georgia The Stepford Wives Money Train The Arrangement Hitch Captain Phillips Mission: Impossible III Vet (S1) Earth (S1) 23:00 Taste Of Vietnam (S2) 00:15 01:05 01:55 02:45 03:35 04:25 05:15 06:05 06:55 07:45 08:35 09:25 10:15 11:05 11:55 12:45 13:35 14:25 15:15 16:05 17:00 17:55 18:50 19:45 21:35 22:30 23:25 Parenthood New Girl Suburgatory Melissa & Joey Parenthood Cougar Town MasterChef Junior US New Girl Suburgatory Melissa & Joey Cougar Town Mistresses Suburgatory Top Chef: Just Desserts MasterChef Junior US America’s Next Top Model New Girl Suburgatory Parenthood Suburgatory Masterchef US Scandal Revenge Mistresses Scandal Revenge Masterchef US 00:40 Wipeout (S5) 01:30 American Ninja Warrior 00:00 Tiny House Nation (S1) 02:00 Bondi Vet (S3) 03:00 Sell This House: 04:00 05:00 01:00 02:30 04:15 04:30 06:15 07:45 Ice Cold Gold (S2) Deadliest Catch (S10) Philly Throttle How Do They Do It? (S9) How It’s Made (S15) Dual Survival (S2) Klondike Bering Sea Gold (S4) Ice Cold Gold (S2) Deadliest Catch (S10) Philly Throttle How Do They Do It? (S9) How It’s Made (S15) Dual Survival (S2) Bering Sea Gold (S4) Ice Cold Gold (S2) Deadliest Catch (S10) Philly Throttle How Do They Do It? (S9) How It’s Made (S16) Dual Survival (S2) Klondike Marooned Yukon Men Ice Lake Rebels (S1) River Monsters (S5) Marooned Malaysia 21:00 Travels With The Bondi 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 Extreme (S3) Flipping Vegas (S2) Sell This House: Extreme (S3) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Bondi Vet (S3) Rowhouse Showdown (S1) Tiny House Nation (S1) Red Hot Design (S1) Flipping Vegas (S2) Sell This House: Extreme (S3) Bondi Vet (S3) Tiny House Nation (S1) Red Hot Design (S1) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Flipping Vegas (S3) Phil Spector Evil Dead Olive Kitteridge S102 Taking Chance You Don’T Know Jack Hollywood On Set 573 Norma Jean & Marilyn Olive Kitteridge S102 Entourage S319: The Prince’s Bride Entourage S320: Adios Amigos Rome S105: The Ram Has Touched The Wall Can’t Hardly Wait Hyde Park On Hudson Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time (S2) 02:20 CSI: Crime Scene 03:10 04:00 05:00 05:50 06:40 07:30 08:25 09:20 10:10 11:05 12:00 12:55 13:50 14:45 15:40 16:30 Investigation (S14) Wipeout (S5) The Apprentice Asia Wipeout (S5) Leverage (S5) American Ninja Warrior (S2) The Apprentice Asia Wipeout (S5) Leverage (S5) American Ninja Warrior (S2) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) Hawaii Five-0 (S4) Supernatural (S10) The Apprentice Asia Leverage (S5) American Ninja Warrior (S2) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) LOOPERS @ CINEMAX 19.00 WIB 17:20 David Blaine: Discover Broward County Homicide Hunter Moonlighting CSI Law & Order: Criminal Intent My Strange Addiction VICE Law & Order: Criminal Intent Body Of Proof Police Women of Broward County 21:50 CSI 22:45 Body Of Proof 23:40 Police Women of Broward County Magic 14:10 18:10 Breaking The Magician’s 15:00 Code: Magic’s Biggest 15:55 Secrets Finally Revealed 16:45 19:05 The Voice (S7) 21:00 CSI: Ny (S9) 18:25 21:55 Hawaii Five-0 (S4) 18:50 22:50 CSI: Ny (S9) 19:20 23:45 Hawaii Five-0 (S4) 20:10 21:00 00:00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S1) 01:00 Just For Laughs: Gags (S10) 03:00 Law & Order (S12) 04:00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S1) 00:00 The Real Housewives (S10) Law & Order (S12) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S1) Motive (S2) Law & Order (S20) The Librarians (S1) Criminal Minds (S6) Psych (S7) Motive (S2) Criminal Minds (S6) House (S8) Psych (S7) Captain Corelli’s Mandolin 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 05:00 Just For Laughs: Gags 06:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 19:00 21:00 22:00 07:30 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:55 11:50 12:20 12:50 13:40 00:20 Scariest Places On Earth (S1) 01:10 Star Trek: Enterprise 02:10 04:00 05:00 07:00 09:00 11:00 11:50 13:30 15:10 16:50 17:40 19:20 21:00 21:50 22:40 23:30 (S1) 500 MPH Storm The New Addams Family (S1) Star Trek: Enterprise (S1) The New Addams Family (S1) Snow Beast Warehouse 13 (S1) Haven (S5) Eureka (S5) Scariest Places On Earth (S1) Warehouse 13 (S1) Haven (S5) Panic At Rock Island Stranded (S1) Ghost Mine (S1) Warehouse 13 (S1) Eureka (S5) 00:35 Law & Order: Criminal Intent 01:30 Alfred Hitchcock 02:30 03:25 05:15 06:10 06:40 07:30 07:55 08:25 10:05 11:00 11:30 11:55 12:25 13:15 Presents The Killing Law & Order Homicide Hunter Alfred Hitchcock Presents Moonlighting My Strange Addiction VICE Law & Order: Criminal Intent Homicide Hunter Alfred Hitchcock Presents My Strange Addiction VICE CSI Police Women of 14:30 15:20 16:10 17:00 17:50 18:20 18:50 19:40 20:30 21:20 22:10 22:40 23:10 00:00 00:30 02:20 04:30 05:00 06:55 07:55 08:50 09:45 10:40 13:05 13:30 15:15 16:10 17:05 18:00 19:00 19:55 20:55 22:40 23:35 Of New York City (S6) Justified (S4) The Good Wife (S1) Chuck (S5) Teen Wolf (S3) Justified (S4) The Good Wife (S1) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) Bloopers The Good Wife (S1) Chuck (S5) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S1) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) Bloopers Teen Wolf (S3) The Real Housewives Of New York City (S6) Justified (S4) Chuck (S5) The Good Wife (S1) Teen Wolf (S3) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) Bloopers The Good Wife (S2) The Real Housewives Of New York City (S6) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) Bloopers Alias (S1) Just For Laughs (S10) Baby Bonus Billy Elliot Brooklyn 9-9 (S2) Sweet Surrender Brooklyn 9-9 (S2) Aurora (S1) Cruel Love (S1) Top Chef (S6) Captain Corelli’s Mandolin Just For Laughs (S13) Out Of Reach Aurora (S1) Cruel Love (S1) Top Chef (S6) How Do I Look? (S11) The Good Wife (S6) Brooklyn 9-9 (S2) A Fairytale Christmas Top Chef (S6) The Good Wife (S6) 00:15 CSI 01:05 Law & Order : Special 02:45 03:35 04:00 04:50 06:35 07:30 08:20 09:10 10:55 11:45 12:40 13:30 14:20 15:15 17:05 18:00 19:00 19:55 20:50 21:15 21:45 22:35 23:25 Victims Unit Criminal Minds Family Guy CSI Law & Order : Special Victims Unit Criminal Minds CSI Law & Order : Special Victims Unit White Collar Criminal Minds CSI Law & Order : Special Victims Unit The Mentalist Criminal Minds White Collar CSI Criminal Minds White Collar NCIS: New Orleans The Simpsons Family Guy CSI White Collar Criminal Minds 16 DEC 2014 BEETHOVEN FOX FAMILY MOVIES 07.10 WIB 01:20 To The Wonder 03:10 Louis C.K.: 04:10 05:05 05:55 07:00 08:15 09:10 10:00 11:00 12:15 13:10 14:00 15:30 17:10 19:05 21:00 23:00 23:50 00:00 00:50 01:40 02:30 03:20 04:10 05:00 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Oh My God 30 Rock Mind Games Call Me Fitz It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia 30 Rock Mind Games Call Me Fitz It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia 30 Rock Mind Games Robot & Frank Hope Springs 1 To The Wonder Penny Dreadful From Dusk Till Dawn Web Therapy Drugged Filthy Riches Yukon Gold Nazi Underworld Ultimate Airport Dubai Drugged Filthy Riches Yukon Gold Nazi Underworld Ultimate Airport Dubai King Fishers The Border Beyond Magic with DMC Russia’s Mystery Files World’s Toughest Fixes King Fishers Tsunami: The Day the Wave Struck Disaster Earth 24 Hours In A&E Nat Geo Amazing! Russia’s Mystery Files Beyond Magic with DMC The Next Mega Tsunami Seconds From Disaster Drugged Beyond Magic with DMC 59 CIRQUE DU SOLEIL: WORLDS AWAY HBO FAMILY 18.45 WIB HAUNTING IN CONNECTICUT 2 HBO HITS 11.15 WIB DAVID BLAINE: DISCOVER MAGIC AXN 17.20 WIB WEDNESDAY S102: Little Red Riding Hood 15:30 Happily Ever After: 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:30 18:50 20:10 22:00 Fairy Tales For Every Child S103: Hansel And Gretel Crashbox S130: Crashbox S1 30 Crashbox S131: Crashbox S1 31 Genie In The House S307: Groovy Kind Of Guy Chimpanzee Chicken Little Fools Rush In The Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants 2 MONSTER HOUSE @ HBO 19.30 WIB 05:20 Prince And The Pauper 00:50 02:20 04:00 05:40 07:00 08:40 10:20 12:10 13:45 16:00 17:45 19:30 21:00 22:55 00:00 01:45 03:15 05:00 06:30 08:30 10:00 11:45 13:30 15:00 16:45 17:15 19:10 21:00 22:45 23:30 Hot Rod Don Juan Demarco Grumpier Old Men Jetsons The Movie Election Last Man Standing White Chicks Closed Circuit American Hustle Admission The Muppets Monster House Escape Plan When A Stranger Calls Here Comes The Boom The Apparition The Illustrated Man Old School Crooklyn: A Spike Lee Joint! Hard To Kill Trespass Swordfish Beast Of The Bering Sea Moment To Moment Hollywood On Set 574 Perfect Stranger Wild Things That’s My Boy Banshee S105: The Kindred Banshee S106: Wicks (2011) 00:00 Money Train 01:45 Anchorman 2: The Christmas The Pink Panther The Princess And The Frog G-Force Return To Nim’s Island An American Tail: Fievel Goes West Abner: The Invisible Dog Khumba Pete’s Christmas Turner & Hooch Christmas With The Kranks 04:15 Haunting In 06:50 Beethoven’s 2Nd 08:20 I’ll Be Home For 09:45 11:20 13:15 14:45 16:15 17:30 19:00 20:25 22:00 23:40 Legend Continues 06:00 08:00 10:00 11:30 12:00 14:15 16:30 18:15 20:00 22:00 23:30 16:25 18:25 20:00 22:05 23:50 The Marine Dark Skies Identity Hitman Rush Eat Pray Love Out Of The Furnace Machete Kills Homeland S4 Epsidoe 12 Safe Haven Runner Runner The Green Hornet A Long Way Down The Book Thief 00:55 A Pig’s Tale 02:30 The Stream 03:55 Wiener Dog Nationals 03:30 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:30 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:30 Yukon Men Ice Lake Rebels (S1) River Monsters (S5) How Do They Do It? (S9) How It’s Made (S16) Dual Survival (S2) Klondike Marooned Yukon Men Ice Lake Rebels (S1) River Monsters (S5) How Do They Do It? (S9) How It’s Made (S16) Dual Survival (S2) Marooned Yukon Men Ice Lake Rebels (S1) River Monsters (S5) How Do They Do It? (S9) How It’s Made (S16) Dual Survival (S2) Klondike What Happened Next? (S2) Time Warp Strip The City (S2) How China Works World’s Top 5 (S2) What Happened Next? (S2) Time Warp 00:00 Atul’s Spice Kitchen: 00:00 01:45 03:30 05:15 05:30 10:00 11:30 13:15 13:30 15:00 17:00 18:30 20:00 21:45 23:45 Benny & Joon He’s My Girl The Cure MGM’s Big Screen Hotel Terminus The Heavenly Kid Great Balls Of Fire! MGM’s Big Screen The Mudge Boy The Black Stallion The Longshot Another Woman A Family Thing Kalifornia He’s My Girl 01:05 Teen Killers: A Second 04:00 05:00 02:30 03:00 06:00 Chance 03:30 04:00 04:30 05:00 07:00 08:20 11:00 11:30 02:00 03:45 05:33 06:00 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 08:30 09:35 11:45 13:10 15:00 Grumpy Old Men Fools Rush In Hollywood On Set 573 M.I. High S613: The Final Endgame Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S101: Jack & The Beanstalk Crashbox S128: Crashbox S1 28 Crashbox S129: Crashbox S1 29 Genie In The House S306: Yo Oh Adil Saving My Tomorrow: Kids Care For The Planet Erin Brockovich Dinosaur Biloxi Blues Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child 13:00 13:30 14:40 16:25 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 21:30 22:00 22:50 The Invisible Woman The Comeback S206 Eastbound & Down S104: Chapter 4 Hung S222: “Even Steven” Or “Luckiest Kid In Detroit” Entourage S319: The Prince’s Bride Entourage S320: Adios Amigos Girl, Interrupted A Number Munich The Comeback S206 Eastbound & Down S104: Chapter 4 The Leftovers S107: Solace For Tired Feet Enlightened S103: Someone Else’s Life The Newsroom S306 Poseidon The Assassination Of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford Curb Your Enthusiasm S303: Club Soda And Salt Curb Your Enthusiasm S304: The Nanny The Wire S206: All Prologue Entourage S401: Welcome To The Jungle Entourage S402: The First Cut Is The Deepest Six Feet Under S206: In Place Of Anger Les Miserables (1998) 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 Parenthood Scandal Mistresses Parenthood Cougar Town MasterChef Junior US Scandal Mistresses Cougar Town Million Dollar Listing Suburgatory Top Chef: Just Desserts MasterChef Junior US Million Dollar Listing Scandal Mistresses Parenthood Suburgatory Masterchef US Masterchef Junior US America’s Next Top Model 21:35 Million Dollar Listing 22:30 Masterchef Junior US 23:25 Masterchef US 00:40 Wipeout (S5) 01:30 American Ninja Warrior Vet (S1) 02:20 CSI: Crime Scene 02:00 Bondi Vet (S3) 03:00 Sell This House: 01:45 Six Feet Under S205: 00:15 01:05 01:55 03:35 04:25 05:15 06:05 06:55 08:35 09:25 10:15 11:05 11:55 12:45 13:35 14:25 15:15 16:05 17:00 17:55 19:45 Malaysia 01:00 Travels With The Bondi 12:00 00:45 02:25 04:05 05:40 07:15 09:20 11:40 13:40 15:30 Connecticut 2: Ghosts Of Georgia Hitch Money Train Getaway Hollywood On Set 572 Mission: Impossible III Star Trek Into Darkness Haunting In Connecticut 2: Ghosts Of Georgia The Bachelor Hitch Vacancy The Dictator 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 Vet (S1) Bondi Vet (S3) Bondi Vet (S5) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) 23:00 Bondi Vet (S3) 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 Extreme (S3) Flipping Vegas (S3) Sell This House: Extreme (S3) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Bondi Vet (S3) Travels With The Bondi Vet (S1) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Atul’s Spice Kitchen: Malaysia Flipping Vegas (S3) Sell This House: Extreme (S3) Bondi Vet (S3) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Atul’s Spice Kitchen: Malaysia The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Flipping Vegas (S3) Travels With The Bondi (S2) 03:10 04:00 05:00 05:50 06:40 07:30 08:25 09:20 10:10 11:05 12:00 12:55 13:50 14:45 15:35 16:25 17:15 18:10 Investigation (S14) Wipeout (S5) The Apprentice Asia Wipeout (S5) Leverage (S5) American Ninja Warrior (S2) The Apprentice Asia Wipeout (S5) Leverage (S5) American Ninja Warrior (S2) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) Hawaii Five-0 (S4) Wipeout (S7) The Apprentice Asia Leverage (S5) American Ninja Warrior (S2) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) CSI: Ny (S9) Breaking The Magician’s Code: KHUMBA @ FOX FAMILY MOVIES 19.00 WIB Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time 19:05 21:00 21:55 22:50 23:45 Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed The Voice (S7) Wake Up Call Hawaii Five-0 (S4) Wake Up Call Hawaii Five-0 (S4) 11:30 Franklin & Bash 12:25 CSI 13:15 Police Women of 14:10 15:00 15:55 16:45 18:25 19:15 00:20 Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S1) 01:10 Just For Laughs: Gags 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 19:00 19:55 23:10 (S10) Law & Order (S12) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S1) Just For Laughs: Gags (S10) Law & Order (S12) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S1) Motive (S2) House (S8) Criminal Minds (S6) Law & Order (S20) Motive (S2) Criminal Minds (S6) The Librarians (S1) Casino House (S8) 00:20 Scariest Places On Earth (S1) 01:10 Star Trek: Enterprise 02:10 04:00 05:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 11:00 11:50 12:40 13:30 15:10 16:00 16:50 17:40 18:30 19:20 21:00 22:40 23:30 (S1) Panic At Rock Island The New Addams Family (S1) Star Trek: Enterprise (S1) Supernatural: The Animation Scariest Places On Earth (S1) Defiance (S1) Warehouse 13 (S1) Face Off (S3) The Paranormal Zone (S1) Eureka (S5) Scariest Places On Earth (S1) Supernatural: The Animation Warehouse 13 (S1) The Paranormal Zone (S1) Face Off (S3) Snow Beast Merlin (S5) Warehouse 13 (S1) Eureka (S5) 00:35 Law & Order: Criminal Intent 01:30 Alfred Hitchcock 02:30 02:55 03:25 05:15 06:10 06:40 07:35 08:25 10:05 11:00 Presents My Strange Addiction VICE Law & Order: Criminal Intent Body Of Proof Alfred Hitchcock Presents Moonlighting Franklin & Bash Law & Order: Criminal Intent Body Of Proof Alfred Hitchcock Presents 20:10 21:00 21:50 22:45 23:40 Broward County Body Of Proof Moonlighting CSI Law & Order: Criminal Intent Franklin & Bash Law & Order: Criminal Intent The Fall Police Women of Broward County CSI Miami The Fall Police Women of Broward County 00:00 The Real Housewives 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:55 11:50 12:50 13:40 14:30 15:20 16:10 17:00 17:50 18:50 19:40 20:30 21:20 22:10 23:10 Of New York City (S6) Justified (S4) The Good Wife (S1) Chuck (S5) Teen Wolf (S3) Justified (S4) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) The Good Wife (S1) Chuck (S5) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Teen Wolf (S3) The Real Housewives Of New York City (S6) Justified (S4) Chuck (S5) The Good Wife (S1) Teen Wolf (S3) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) The Good Wife (S2) The Real Housewives Of New York City (S6) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Alias (S1) 13:30 14:20 15:15 17:05 18:00 19:00 19:55 20:50 21:15 21:45 22:35 23:25 Victims Unit Criminal Minds Family Guy CSI The Mentalist Law & Order : Special Victims Unit Criminal Minds CSI The Mentalist White Collar Criminal Minds CSI Law & Order : Special Victims Unit Bones Criminal Minds White Collar CSI Criminal Minds White Collar Opposite Worlds American Dad! Family Guy CSI White Collar Criminal Minds 00:25 02:05 03:55 05:10 05:55 07:05 08:05 09:20 10:10 11:20 12:20 13:10 14:00 15:45 17:25 19:10 21:00 22:50 Hope Springs Upside Down 30 Rock Mind Games Episodes Homeland 30 Rock Mind Games Episodes Homeland 30 Rock Mind Games Side Effects Hairbrained Writers 3096 Days Seven Psychopaths To The Wonder 02:45 03:35 04:00 04:50 05:45 06:35 07:30 08:20 09:10 10:55 11:45 12:40 THE GREEN HORNET FOX MOVIES PREMIUM 20.00 WIB Tsunami DMC 02:30 04:30 05:00 06:55 07:25 08:20 09:15 10:10 12:00 12:30 06:00 Seconds From Disaster 06:55 24 Hours In A&E 07:50 Beyond Magic with 00:15 CSI 01:05 The Mentalist 01:55 Law & Order : Special CINEMAX 00.00 WIB 01:40 Seconds From Disaster 02:30 Drugged 03:20 Beyond Magic with 04:10 The Border 05:00 The Next Mega 13:25 15:15 16:10 17:05 18:00 19:00 19:55 20:25 22:10 23:05 HERE COMES THE BOOM 00:00 The Border 00:50 The Next Mega 00:30 Confessions Of A Sociopath Social Climber Fatal Justice Just For Laughs (S10) Out Of Reach Just For Laughs (S10) Aurora (S1) Cruel Love (S1) Top Chef (S6) After All These Years Just For Laughs (S13) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S15) A Fairytale Christmas Aurora (S1) Cruel Love (S1) Top Chef (S6) How Do I Look? (S11) Chicago Fire (S2) Just For Laughs (S10) Nearlyweds Top Chef (S6) Chicago Fire (S2) 17 DEC 2014 Tsunami DMC 08:45 Incredibly Small World 09:40 The Border 10:35 Wicked Tuna: North 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Vs South Hooked Hip Hop Nation Incredibly Small World Crowd Control Beyond Magic with DMC Cesar to the Rescue Asia Taiwan to the World 4: Star Trackers Hooked Wicked Tuna: North Vs South Crowd Control Beyond Magic with DMC Brain Games S3 Compilations Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey 61 KLONDIKE DISCOVERY CHANNEL 18.00 WIB SUBURGATORY STARWORLD 16.05 WIB THURSDAY 13:20 Kobushi S1 S122: The 13:30 15:00 15:30 16:00 16:30 300 @ HBO 21.00 WIB 03:50 Merlin’s Apprentice 00:25 The Covenant 02:00 Gattaca 03:45 Angus, Thongs And Perfect Snogging 05:25 Don Juan Demarco 07:00 Center Stage: Turn 08:40 10:30 12:15 14:10 15:50 17:20 19:35 21:00 22:55 00:25 02:25 04:00 06:00 08:00 10:00 11:50 13:15 15:00 16:55 18:55 21:00 22:40 23:20 It Up Admission Alfie Escape Plan Desperado Iron Man: Rise Of Technovore Jerry Maguire Vehicle 19 300 The Newsroom S306 Air Force One Hard To Kill Rollercoaster Cowboy Bebop: The Movie Jungle Fever Sudden Impact Breakin’ All The Rules Wild Things Tobruk Extreme Measures Air Force One Street Fighter: Assassin’s Fist Banshee S107: Behold A Pale Rider Banshee S108: We Shall Live Forever 02:05 03:55 05:40 07:05 08:40 10:35 12:40 14:15 16:25 Machete Kills Swelter Dirty Work Runner Runner Ender’s Game The Green Hornet 21 & Over The Host Secret Life Of Walter Mitty 18:25 Identity 20:00 The Mortal Instruments: City Of Bones 22:15 Oldboy 01:20 Groundhog Day 03:00 Holidaze 05:20 06:50 08:30 10:05 11:20 12:45 14:30 15:55 17:25 19:00 20:35 22:05 23:35 01:30 03:15 05:00 06:30 06:45 08:15 09:45 11:15 13:00 13:15 15:00 16:30 18:15 20:00 21:45 23:30 (Part 1 Of 2) Beethoven’s 2Nd Turner & Hooch A Pig’s Tale An American Tail: Fievel Goes West Khumba 101 Dalmatians On Strike For Christmas Tarzan Ernest Saves Christmas The Hunters Return To Nim’s Island Cancel Christmas Smart Cookies The Cure The Perez Family Mannequin (Polygram) MGM’s Big Screen Johnny Be Good The Longshot Another Woman What’s The Worst That Could Happen? MGM’s Big Screen He’s My Girl For Better Or For Worse A Home Of Our Own A Family Thing The Boyfriend School Fargo The Basketball Diaries 17:00 17:30 19:20 20:45 22:45 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 08:30 09:50 11:50 12:00 16:50 Anna Karenina 19:00 Olive Kitteridge S102 20:00 The Leftovers S107: Solace For Tired Feet 21:00 Big Love S112: The Ceremony 22:00 Girls S203: Bad Friend 22:30 Girls S204: It’S A Shame About Ray 23:00 Jarhead 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 03:30 04:00 05:00 06:00 06:30 07:00 08:00 01:00 Star Trek Into Darkness 09:00 03:15 The Arrangement 10:00 04:35 Vacancy 06:00 All The Pretty Horses 10:30 08:00 The Glass House 11:00 09:45 Blades Of Glory 12:00 11:15 The Brave One 13:15 About Time 12:30 15:15 Chicken Run 13:00 16:40 All The Pretty Horses 14:00 18:35 Hollywood On Set 573 15:00 19:00 Blades Of Glory 16:00 20:30 Gravity 22:00 The Brave One 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 01:00 Curb Your Enthusiasm 21:00 01:30 22:00 23:00 02:00 03:00 03:30 04:00 05:00 06:40 09:00 11:00 11:30 00:00 01:45 03:50 06:00 Spirit Of Mount Wok Mulan Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S104: The Emperor’s New Clothes Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S105: Rumpelstiltskin Crashbox S132: Crashbox S1 32 Crashbox S133: Crashbox S1 33E Genie In The House S308: Our House G.I. Joe: Retaliation Balto The Fighting Temptations Surviving Christmas 12:00 Grumpy Old Men Pleasantville 13:00 A League Of Their Own 14:00 Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child 14:55 S102: Little Red Riding Hood Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S103: Hansel And Gretel Crashbox S130: Crashbox S1 30 Crashbox S131: Crashbox S1 31 Genie In The House S307: Groovy Kind Of Guy Chimpanzee Pleasantville Kobushi S1 S115: Ninjamour Chicken Little S303: Club Soda And Salt Curb Your Enthusiasm S304: The Nanny The Newsroom S306 Entourage S401: Welcome To The Jungle Entourage S402: The First Cut Is The Deepest The Wire S206: All Prologue Secret Window Truman 8Mm Entourage S401: Welcome To The Jungle Entourage S402: The First Cut Is The Deepest The Wire S206: All Prologue Rome S201: Passover The Leftovers S107: Solace For Tired Feet Normal Strip The City (S2) How China Works World’s Top 5 (S2) How Do They Do It? (S9) How It’s Made (S16) Dual Survival (S2) Klondike What Happened Next? (S2) Time Warp Strip The City (S2) How China Works World’s Top 5 (S2) How Do They Do It? (S9) How It’s Made (S16) Dual Survival (S2) What Happened Next? (S2) Time Warp Strip The City (S2) How China Works World’s Top 5 (S2) How Do They Do It? (S9) How It’s Made (S16) Dual Survival (S2) Klondike Philly Throttle You Have Been Warned (S3) The Unexplained Files (S2) Bering Sea Gold (S4) Philly Throttle Earth (S1) Flipping Vegas (S3) Food Factory (S1) Food Factory (S2) Epic Meal Empire (S1) The Feed (S1) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) 23:00 Food Factory (S2) 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 00:15 Parenthood 01:05 Million Dollar Listing 01:55 America’s Next Top 03:35 04:25 05:15 06:05 06:55 08:35 09:25 10:15 11:05 11:55 12:45 13:35 14:25 15:15 16:05 17:00 17:55 18:20 18:50 19:45 21:35 22:30 22:55 23:25 Model Parenthood Cougar Town MasterChef Junior US Million Dollar Listing America’s Next Top Model Cougar Town Fit For Fashion Suburgatory Top Chef: Just Desserts MasterChef Junior US Fit For Fashion Million Dollar Listing America’s Next Top Model Parenthood Suburgatory Masterchef US Got to Dance UK Suburgatory America’s Next Top Model Fit For Fashion Revenge Got to Dance UK Suburgatory Masterchef US 00:40 Wipeout (S5) 01:30 American Ninja Warrior (S2) 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 Bondi Vet (S5) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Bondi Vet (S3) Sell This House: Extreme (S3) Flipping Vegas (S3) Sell This House: Extreme (S3) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Bondi Vet (S3) Bondi Vet (S5) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Flipping Vegas (S3) Sell This House: Extreme (S3) Bondi Vet (S3) Bondi Vet (S5) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) The Coolest Places On 02:20 CSI: Crime Scene 03:10 04:00 05:00 05:50 06:40 07:30 08:30 09:20 10:10 11:05 12:00 12:55 14:40 15:40 16:30 JARHEAD @ HBO SIGNATURE 23.00 WIB Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time Investigation (S14) Wipeout (S5) The Apprentice Asia Wipeout (S5) Leverage (S5) American Ninja Warrior (S2) The Apprentice Asia Wipeout (S5) Leverage (S5) American Ninja Warrior (S2) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) Hawaii Five-0 (S4) The Voice (S7) The Apprentice Asia American Ninja Warrior (S2) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) 08:25 Perception 17:20 Wake Up Call 10:05 The Fall 18:15 Breaking The Magician’s 11:00 Alfred Hitchcock Code: Magic’s Biggest Presents Secrets Finally Revealed 11:30 The Glades 19:10 Wipeout (S7) 12:25 CSI Miami 20:05 Totally Insane Guinness 13:15 Police Women of World Records (S2) 21:00 Criss Angel Mindfreak (S5) 22:50 Wipeout (S5) 23:45 Criss Angel Mindfreak (S5) 14:10 15:00 15:55 16:45 18:25 19:15 20:10 21:00 00:00 House (S8) 00:50 Law & Order: Criminal 21:50 22:45 23:40 Intent (S1) Broward County The Fall Moonlighting CSI Miami Perception The Glades Law & Order: Criminal Intent Gang Related Police Women of Broward County CSI Miami Gang Related Police Women of Broward County 01:40 Just For Laughs: Gags (S10) 03:20 Law & Order (S12) 04:10 Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S1) 05:00 Just For Laughs: Gags 00:00 The Real Housewives 06:00 Law & Order (S12) 08:00 Law & Order: Criminal 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 (S10) 08:50 09:40 12:55 14:35 16:15 18:05 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Intent (S1) Motive (S2) Casino Criminal Minds (S6) Law & Order (S13) Motive (S2) Criminal Minds (S6) Grimm (S4) Chicago Fire (S3) Law & Order (S13) Grimm (S4) Chicago Fire (S3) 00:20 Scariest Places On 01:10 02:10 04:00 05:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 11:00 11:50 13:30 15:10 16:00 16:50 17:40 19:20 21:00 22:40 23:30 Earth (S1) Star Trek: Enterprise (S1) Warehouse 13 (S2) Supernatural: The Animation Star Trek: Enterprise (S1) Supernatural: The Animation Scariest Places On Earth (S1) Reaper Warehouse 13 (S1) Merlin (S5) Eureka (S5) Scariest Places On Earth (S1) Supernatural: The Animation Warehouse 13 (S1) Merlin (S5) 500 MPH Storm Continuum (S2) Warehouse 13 (S1) Eureka (S5) 00:35 Law & Order: Criminal Intent 01:30 Alfred Hitchcock Presents 02:30 Franklin & Bash 03:25 Law & Order: Criminal Intent 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:55 11:50 12:50 13:40 14:30 15:20 16:10 17:00 17:50 18:50 19:40 20:30 21:20 22:10 23:10 Of New York City (S6) Justified (S4) The Good Wife (S1) Chuck (S5) Teen Wolf (S3) Justified (S4) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) The Good Wife (S1) Spy (S1) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Teen Wolf (S3) The Real Housewives Of New York City (S6) Justified (S4) Spy (S1) The Good Wife (S1) Teen Wolf (S3) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) The Good Wife (S2) The Real Housewives Of New York City (S6) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Alias (S1) Presents 13:30 14:20 15:15 17:05 18:00 19:00 19:55 20:50 21:15 21:45 22:35 23:25 Victims Unit Criminal Minds Family Guy CSI Bones Law & Order : Special Victims Unit Criminal Minds CSI Bones NCIS Criminal Minds CSI Law & Order : Special Victims Unit Castle Criminal Minds NCIS CSI Miami Criminal Minds NCIS White Collar American Dad! Family Guy CSI Miami NCIS Criminal Minds 00:40 02:20 04:05 05:00 05:50 07:00 07:50 09:10 10:00 11:10 12:00 12:50 13:40 15:30 17:10 18:40 21:00 22:40 23:40 Hairbrained Side Effects 30 Rock Mind Games Episodes Homeland 30 Rock Mind Games Episodes Homeland 30 Rock Mind Games 1 Kiss Of The Damned Robot & Frank Children Lilyhammer Penny Dreadful Seven Psychopaths 02:45 03:35 04:00 04:50 05:45 06:35 07:30 08:20 09:10 10:55 11:45 12:40 18 DEC 2014 AIR FORCE ONE CINEMAX 18.55 WIB THE MORTAL INSTRUMENTS: CITY OF BONES FOX MOVIES PREMIUM 20.00 WIB 00:00 The Border 00:50 Wicked Tuna: North Vs South 01:40 Crowd Control 02:30 Beyond Magic with DMC 03:20 Brain Games S3 00:00 00:30 02:30 04:30 05:00 06:55 07:25 08:20 09:15 10:10 12:00 12:30 13:25 15:15 16:10 17:05 18:00 19:00 19:55 20:25 23:15 Just For Laughs (S10) The Hangover Cupid The Mindy Project (S2) Friend Request Just For Laughs (S10) Aurora (S1) Cruel Love (S1) Clean House (S9) Dance-Off Just For Laughs (S13) The Face (S2) The March Sisters At Christmas Aurora (S1) Cruel Love (S1) Clean House (S9) The Face (S2) Hottest Home Baker (S3) Just For Laughs (S10) Scent Of A Woman Clean House (S9) 05:15 The Fall 06:10 Alfred Hitchcock 06:40 Moonlighting 07:35 The Glades 01:55 Law & Order : Special 00:15 CSI 01:05 Bones Compilations 04:10 Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey 05:00 Crowd Control 06:00 Beyond Magic with DMC 06:55 Brain Games S3 Compilations 101 DALMATIANS FOX FAMILY MOVIES 12.45 WIB 07:50 Cosmos: A Spacetime 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Odyssey Live Like An Animal The Border Mega Factories WWII’s Greatest Raids Inside Combat Rescue Live Like An Animal Megastructures Ultimate Airport Dubai To Catch A Smuggler Inside Combat Rescue Nazi Underworld Mega Factories Megastructures Ultimate Airport Dubai To Catch A Smuggler Mega Factories 63 G.I. JOE: RETALIATION HBO FAMILY 17.00 WIB FRIDAY 15:00 The Hobbit: The 07:00 Crashbox S132: 17:45 Enemy Of The State 20:00 Olympus Has Fallen 22:05 Safe Haven 07:30 Crashbox S133: Desolation Of Smaug 00:00 The Incredible Burt Wonderstone 01:40 White House Down 03:50 Center Stage: Turn 05:25 07:00 09:00 10:00 11:55 13:35 15:05 15:35 17:20 19:30 21:00 23:10 It Up Wag The Dog Red Lights The Newsroom S306 300 The Incredible Burt Wonderstone Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me Hollywood On Set 575 Anger Management John Carter Of Mars Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2 White House Down House At The End Of The Street 00:05 Resident Evil: 01:40 03:15 05:00 06:30 08:00 09:45 11:30 13:15 15:00 16:45 18:35 20:45 21:00 22:25 23:10 Retribution Resident Evil: Degeneration Derailed Breakin’ All The Rules National Lampoon’s Favorite Deadly Sins The Cable Guy The Art Of War II: Betrayal The School Of Rock Street Fighter: Assassin’s Fist Blindfold Beverly Hills Cop III Assassins Epad On Max 297 Lizzie Borden Took An Ax Banshee S109: Always The Cowboy Banshee S110: A Mixture Of Madness 00:05 Out Of The Furnace 02:05 The Green Hornet 04:10 Homeland S4 05:05 07:05 08:35 10:45 13:00 Epsidoe 12 Secret Life Of Walter Mitty Dr. Seuss’ Horton Hears A Who! The Host The Mortal Instruments: City Of Bones Ender’s Game Crashbox S1 32 Crashbox S1 33E 08:00 Genie In The House S308: Our House 08:25 G.I. Joe: Retaliation 10:15 Balto 11:30 The Fighting Temptations 01:05 G-Force 02:35 One Direction: 13:30 Brian’s Song 15:00 Happily Ever After: Fairy 03:40 Cancel Christmas 05:10 Merlin’s Apprentice 15:30 Happily Ever After: Fairy 06:45 A Pig’s Tale 08:20 Abner: The Invisible 16:00 Crashbox S134: Reaching For The Stars (Part 1 Of 2) (Part 2 Of 2) Dog Pete’s Christmas Tarzan The Hunters Beethoven Beethoven’s 2Nd The Flintstones Home Run Showdown Father Of The Bride Part II 22:20 I’ll Be Home For Christmas 23:50 The Secret Of Nimh 09:50 11:25 12:55 14:30 16:00 17:30 19:00 20:35 Tales For Every Child S106: The Frog Prince Tales For Every Child S107: Sleeping Beauty Crashbox S1 34 16:30 Crashbox S135: Crashbox S1 35 17:00 Genie In The House 17:30 19:00 20:45 23:50 11:00 13:00 14:30 16:15 18:00 19:45 20:00 21:45 23:30 Mannequin (Polygram) Billy Galvin Deadly Stranger He’s My Girl A Home Of Our Own For Better Or For Worse The Black Stallion Convicts Foreign Body Heart Of Dixie The Boyfriend School MGM’s Big Screen No Man’s Land The Basketball Diaries The Russia House 00:15 02:00 03:45 06:00 Freaky Friday Brian’s Song Random Hearts Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S104: The Emperor’s New Clothes 06:30 Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S105: Rumpelstiltskin 06:00 07:30 09:00 11:00 12:45 13:15 15:00 16:30 18:30 20:00 22:00 00:00 You Have Been Warned End Of Days Daddy Day Care About Time Hollywood On Set 573 Chicken Run Gravity Blade The Glass House Hollywood On Set 573 My Girl Blades Of Glory About Time Gravity Tyler Perry’s Madea’s Witness Protection End Of Days 03:30 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:30 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 01:30 21:00 22:00 23:00 02:00 02:30 03:30 04:30 05:00 06:50 08:25 11:00 11:30 12:30 13:00 14:00 15:35 17:15 19:00 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:30 Steven” Or “Luckiest Kid In Detroit” Enlightened S103: Someone Else’s Life Getting On S206 Rome S201: Passover Big Love S112: The Ceremony Flight Of The Conchords S207: Prime Minister Freedomland Bernard And Doris Zodiac Getting On S206 Curb Your Enthusiasm S303: Club Soda And Salt Curb Your Enthusiasm S304: The Nanny Flight Of The Conchords S207: Prime Minister The Newsroom S306 Pu-239 Man Of The House (2005) Poseidon Rome S107: Pharsalus The Comeback S206 Eastbound & Down S104: Chapter 4 Better Living Through Chemistry The Pretty One 23:30 18:00 The Feed (S1) 19:00 Red Hot Design (S1) 21:00 Atul’s Spice Kitchen: Malaysia (S3) 22:00 The Coolest Places On Files (S2) 23:00 Red Hot Design (S1) 01:00 The Unexplained 01:00 Hung S222: “Even 12:00 WHITE HOUSE DOWN @ HBO 21.00 WIB RESIDENT EVIL: DEGENERATION @ CINEMAX 01.40 WIB 02:00 Bering Sea Gold (S4) 03:00 How Do They Do 00:00 02:00 03:30 05:30 01:15 02:45 04:30 06:00 07:45 09:30 S309: Curse Of The Genie’S Ring Surviving Christmas Freaky Friday King Kong (2005) America’s Sweethearts It? (S9) How It’s Made (S16) Dual Survival (S2) Klondike Philly Throttle You Have Been Warned (S3) Bering Sea Gold (S4) Ice Cold Gold (S2) How Do They Do It? (S9) How It’s Made (S16) Dual Survival (S2) Philly Throttle You Have Been Warned (S3) Bering Sea Gold (S4) Ice Cold Gold (S2) How Do They Do It? (S9) How It’s Made (S16) Dual Survival (S2) Klondike How Do They Do It? (S11) How It’s Made (S17) Get Out Alive With Bear Grylls Life In Cold Blood Marooned How Do They Do It? (S11) How It’s Made (S17) Earth (S1) 00:15 01:05 01:55 02:45 03:35 04:25 05:15 06:55 07:45 08:35 09:25 10:15 11:05 11:55 12:45 13:35 14:25 15:15 16:05 17:00 17:55 18:50 19:45 20:40 21:35 23:25 Parenthood Masterchef Junior US The Apartment Fit For Fashion Parenthood Cougar Town Masterchef Junior US The Apartment Fit For Fashion Cougar Town The Apartment Suburgatory Top Chef: Just Desserts Masterchef Junior US The Apartment America’s Next Top Model Fit For Fashion Parenthood Suburgatory Masterchef US Masterchef Junior US Fit For Fashion Million Dollar Listing America’s Next Top Model Mistresses Masterchef US 00:40 Criss Angel Mindfreak 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 Epic Meal Empire (S1) The Feed (S1) Bondi Vet (S3) Sell This House: Extreme (S3) Flipping Vegas (S3) Sell This House: Extreme (S3) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Bondi Vet (S3) Food Factory (S2) The Feed (S1) Epic Meal Empire (S1) Flipping Vegas (S3) Sell This House: Extreme (S3) Bondi Vet (S4) Epic Meal Empire (S1) Food Factory (S2) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Flipping Vegas (S3) Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time (S5) 01:30 American Ninja Warrior (S2) 02:20 CSI: Crime Scene 03:10 04:00 05:00 05:50 06:40 07:30 08:25 09:20 10:10 11:05 12:00 12:55 14:45 15:40 Investigation (S14) Wipeout (S5) The Apprentice Asia Wipeout (S5) Leverage (S5) American Ninja Warrior (S2) The Apprentice Asia Wipeout (S5) Leverage (S5) American Ninja Warrior (S2) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) Criss Angel Mindfreak (S5) The Voice (S7) The Apprentice Asia American Ninja Warrior (S2) 16:30 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) 17:20 Criss Angel Mindfreak (S5) 08:25 Happily Never After 10:05 Gang Related 11:00 Alfred Hitchcock Presents 18:10 Breaking The 11:30 The Listener 12:25 CSI Miami 13:15 Police Women of 19:05 14:10 15:00 15:55 16:45 18:25 19:15 19:35 20:05 21:00 23:45 Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed Criss Angel Mindfreak (S2) Ebuzz Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S2) Amazing Spider-Man, The The Amazing Race (S25) 20:10 21:00 21:50 22:45 23:40 Broward County Gang Related Moonlighting CSI Miami Happily Never After The Listener Law & Order: Criminal Intent Perception Police Women of Broward County CSI Miami Perception Police Women of Broward County 00:00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S1) 01:00 Just For Laughs: Gags (S10) 03:00 Law & Order (S12) 04:00 Law & Order: Criminal 05:00 06:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 19:00 21:00 22:00 Intent (S1) Just For Laughs: Gags (S10) Law & Order (S12) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S1) Motive (S2) Chicago Fire (S3) Grimm (S4) Criminal Minds (S6) Law & Order (S13) Motive (S2) Criminal Minds (S6) Lie To Me (S2) Law & Order (S13) Lie To Me (S2) 00:20 Scariest Places On Earth (S1) 01:10 Star Trek: Enterprise (S1) 02:10 Snow Beast 04:00 Supernatural: The 00:00 The Real Housewives 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:55 11:50 12:50 13:40 14:30 15:20 16:10 17:00 17:50 18:50 19:40 05:00 Star Trek: Enterprise 20:30 21:20 22:10 07:00 Supernatural: The 23:10 Animation (S1) Animation Of New York City (S6) Justified (S4) The Good Wife (S1) Spy (S1) Teen Wolf (S3) Justified (S4) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) The Good Wife (S1) Spy (S1) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Teen Wolf (S3) The Real Housewives Of New York City (S6) Justified (S4) Spy (S1) The Good Wife (S1) Teen Wolf (S3) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) The Good Wife (S2) The Real Housewives Of New York City (S6) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Alias (S1) 08:00 Scariest Places On 09:00 10:40 12:20 13:10 14:50 15:40 16:30 18:30 19:20 21:00 22:40 23:30 Earth (S1) Panic At Rock Island Snow Beast Ghost Mine (S1) Eureka (S5) Scariest Places On Earth (S1) Supernatural: The Animation The Frighteners Ghost Mine (S1) Super Storm Haven (S5) Warehouse 13 (S1) Eureka (S5) 00:35 Law & Order: Criminal Intent 01:30 Alfred Hitchcock Presents The Glades CSI Gang Related Alfred Hitchcock Presents 06:40 Moonlighting 07:35 The Listener 02:30 03:25 05:15 06:10 00:10 Just For Laughs (S10) 00:40 Sweet Surrender 02:30 Captain Corelli’s Mandolin 05:00 The March Sisters At 06:55 07:25 08:20 09:15 10:10 12:00 12:30 13:25 15:15 16:10 17:05 18:00 19:00 20:50 21:20 23:20 Christmas Just For Laughs (S13) Aurora (S1) Cruel Love (S1) Clean House (S9) Sweet Surrender Just For Laughs (S10) The Face (S2) Fatal Acquittal Aurora (S1) Cruel Love (S1) Clean House (S9) The Face (S2) Dance-Off Just For Laughs (S10) The Hangover Clean House (S9) 00:15 CSI Miami 01:05 Castle 01:55 Law & Order : Special 02:45 03:35 04:00 04:50 05:45 06:35 07:30 08:20 09:10 10:55 11:45 12:40 13:30 14:20 15:15 17:05 18:00 19:00 19:55 20:50 21:15 21:45 22:35 23:25 23:50 Victims Unit Criminal Minds Family Guy CSI Miami Castle Law & Order : Special Victims Unit Criminal Minds CSI Miami Castle NCIS: New Orleans Criminal Minds CSI Miami Law & Order : Special Victims Unit Crisis Criminal Minds NCIS: New Orleans CSI Miami Criminal Minds NCIS: New Orleans White Collar American Dad! Family Guy CSI Miami NCIS: New Orleans American Dad! CSI 19 DEC 2014 THE HOST FOX MOVIES PREMIUM 08.35 WIB 01:30 Louis C.K.: 02:30 04:15 05:05 06:00 07:10 08:10 09:00 09:55 11:05 12:00 12:50 13:45 15:30 17:10 19:00 20:30 21:00 22:50 23:40 00:00 00:50 01:40 02:30 03:20 04:10 05:00 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Oh My God Arbitrage 30 Rock Magic City Episodes Homeland 30 Rock Magic City Episodes Homeland 30 Rock Magic City Writers Gambit Arbitrage Oranges, The Web Therapy To The Wonder Lilyhammer 3096 Days The Border Megastructures Ultimate Airport Dubai To Catch A Smuggler Mega Factories The Border Megastructures Ultimate Airport Dubai To Catch A Smuggler Mega Factories Beyond Magic with DMC The Border To Catch A Smuggler Tsunami: The Day the Wave Struck Predator CSI Beyond Magic with DMC 24 Hours In A&E Russia’s Mystery Files Inside The Nsa: America’s Cyber Secrets Predator CSI The Next Mega Tsunami To Catch A Smuggler 24 Hours In A&E Live Free Or Die Taboo 24 Hours In A&E 65 BEETHOVEN 2ND FOX FAMILY MOVIES 16.00 WIB KING KONG (2005) HBO FAMILY 20.45 WIB THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN AXN 21.00 WIB SATURDAY 13:00 13:30 16:15 17:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:50 23:45 Veep S305: Fishing Stalin Taking Chance Breakout (2013) Entourage S401: Welcome To The Jungle Entourage S402: The First Cut Is The Deepest The Leftovers S107: Solace For Tired Feet Temple Grandin Big Love S112: The Ceremony The Last Truck: Closing Of A Gm Plant 00:00 Get Out Alive With Bear Grylls 01:00 Life In Cold Blood 02:00 Marooned 03:00 How Do They Do PACIFIC RIM @ HBO 21.00 WIB S306: Yo Oh Adil 03:30 04:00 05:00 06:00 S307: Groovy Kind Of Guy 06:30 07:00 08:00 Genie In The House S308: Our House 08:00 09:00 08:30 09:30 10:00 17:45 The Mortal Instruments: 06:30 Genie In The House City Of Bones 00:50 02:30 04:00 05:30 07:00 07:25 09:00 10:45 12:55 14:30 16:00 17:30 19:05 21:00 23:10 00:05 01:45 03:30 05:00 07:15 07:30 09:15 11:30 13:30 15:00 16:40 18:00 19:35 21:00 22:40 The Guilt Trip Grabbers Sixteen Candles The Witches Hollywood On Set 575 The Guilt Trip Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me Flags Of Our Fathers Flightplan The Witches Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2 Thunderstruck Red 2 Pacific Rim The Fast And The Furious: Tokyo Drift 20:00 The Monuments Men 22:05 The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 01:15 Pete’s Christmas 02:45 One Direction: 00:05 21 & Over 01:40 Identity 03:15 Homeland S4 08:20 09:50 01:30 03:00 04:30 06:30 06:45 08:45 10:15 12:00 14:00 15:45 17:00 18:30 20:00 21:30 23:45 Origins Of Ed And The Missing Bullion Beethoven I’ll Be Home For Christmas The Flintstones Home Run Showdown Pete’s Christmas 101 Dalmatians Khumba The Tigger Movie G-Force Saving Shiloh Turner & Hooch 09:55 12:00 14:05 15:40 Mitty The Social Network Olympus Has Fallen Runner Runner Rush 13:15 15:00 16:55 18:25 20:10 22:00 23:30 00:00 02:00 04:00 06:00 07:30 09:30 11:30 13:30 15:00 Dead On 16:30 Till The End of the Night 18:30 Otello 20:30 MGM’s Big Screen 22:00 Otello Convicts Foreign Body Eight Men Out Billy Galvin The Care Bears Movie Limit Up Johnny Be Good Till The End of the Night Raging Bull Jason’s Lyric S309: Curse Of The Genie’S Ring A Child’s Garden Of Poetry King Kong (2005) Adam Sandler’s Eight Crazy Nights The Polar Express Fred Claus Frankenweenie Mchale’s Navy (1997) America’s Sweethearts Brian’s Song The Help 10:30 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 15:30 16:00 17:00 18:00 Yukon Men Deadliest Catch (S10) Ice Cold Gold (S2) Strip The City (S2) Philly Throttle 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 23:00 Red Hot Design (S1) Bondi Vet (S5) Bondi Vet (S4) Sell This House: Extreme (S3) Flipping Vegas (S3) Bondi Vet (S5) Food Factory (S1) Food Factory (S2) Epic Meal Empire (S1) Travels With The Bondi Vet (S1) Bondi Vet (S5) The Feed (S1) Red Hot Design (S1) Rowhouse Showdown (S1) Tiny House Nation (S1) The Feed (S1) Epic Meal Empire (S1) Food Factory (S2) Bondi Vet (S5) Tiny House Nation (S1) The Feed (S1) Epic Meal Empire (S1) Travels With The Bondi Vet (S1) Bondi Vet (S5) 00:15 01:05 02:45 05:15 06:05 06:55 07:45 08:35 09:25 11:55 Suburgatory Fit For Fashion Royal Pains Melissa & Joey Suburgatory New Girl Scandal Revenge Miss USA The Apartment 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 The Brave One All The Pretty Horses Blade Blades Of Glory The Brave One Tyler Perry’s Madea’s Witness Protection About Time Chicken Run Gravity Donnie Brasco The Brave One Blades Of Glory About Time 00:00 Poseidon 01:35 Passenger 57 03:00 Six Feet Under S206: In Place Of Anger 04:00 Curb Your Enthusiasm S303: Club Soda And Salt 04:30 Curb Your Enthusiasm Epsidoe 12 04:10 The Green Hornet 06:10 A Long Way Down 07:55 Secret Life Of Walter 07:30 Genie In The House Reaching For The Stars 09:00 12:00 (Part 2 Of 2 03:45 Smitty 05:20 Khumba 06:45 Super Capers: The 11:15 12:45 14:20 15:50 Shaft 17:35 Here Comes The Boom 19:00 Ninja: Shadow Of 20:20 A Tear 21:50 Assassins 23:20 Epad On Max 297 Here Comes The Boom The Matrix Dark Shadows Lizzie Borden Took An Ax Tommy Boy Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Part II Shaft Beast Of The Bering Sea Starship Troopers 3: Marauder Real Steel 07:00 Genie In The House It? (S9) How It’s Made (S16) Dual Survival (S2) Klondike How Do They Do It? (S11) How It’s Made (S17) Get Out Alive With Bear Grylls Life In Cold Blood What Happened Next? (S2) Time Warp How Do They Do It? (S11) How It’s Made (S17) How China Works Yukon Men Marooned You Have Been Warned (S3) What Happened Next? (S2) Time Warp Bering Sea Gold (S4) Ice Cold Gold (S2) You Have Been Warned (S3) 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 01:45 04:00 05:33 06:00 Random Hearts Nights In Rodanthe Hollywood On Set 574 Genie In The House S305: Rock On S304: The Nanny Truman Empire Falls (Part 1) Radio Veep S301: Some New Beginnings 11:30 Veep S302: The Choice 12:00 Veep S303: Alicia 12:30 Veep S304: Clovis 05:00 07:15 09:10 11:00 THE HANGOVER @ UNIVERSAL CHANNEL 23.30 WIB Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time 12:45 13:35 14:25 15:15 16:05 17:00 18:50 20:40 21:35 23:25 New Girl Suburgatory Revenge America’s Next Top Model Mistresses Masterchef Junior US 2014 Fashion Rocks The Apartment Masterchef Junior US Revenge 00:20 Ebuzz 00:50 Criss Angel Mindfreak (S2) 02:10 Defiance (S1) 04:00 Supernatural: The 05:00 07:00 09:00 10:00 10:55 12:40 14:20 16:00 16:50 18:30 20:10 21:50 22:40 Animation 500 MPH Storm Panic At Rock Island Face Off (S3) The Paranormal Zone (S1) Merlin (S5) Haven (S5) Super Storm Face Off (S3) Snow Beast Continuum (S2) American Warships Face Off (S3) Haven (S5) 01:20 American Ninja Warrior (S2) 02:15 CSI: Crime Scene 03:10 04:00 05:00 07:30 08:00 08:30 09:20 10:15 11:10 13:00 15:40 16:30 18:15 19:10 19:10 20:05 21:00 21:55 21:55 22:50 Investigation (S14) Wipeout (S5) The Apprentice Asia The Voice (S7) Ebuzz Criss Angel Mindfreak (S2) Wake Up Call The Amazing Race (S25) Wipeout (S7) Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S2) The Voice (S7) Criss Angel Mindfreak (S5) Breaking The Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S2) The Amazing Race (S25) Wipeout (S7) Wake Up Call David Blaine: Discover Magic Wake Up Call The Amazing Race (S25) Breaking The Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed 00:35 Law & Order: Criminal Intent 01:30 Alfred Hitchcock Presents The Listener CSI Miami Perception The Fall Gang Related Body Of Proof Homicide Hunter CSI NY Perception Gang Related Moonlighting Law & Order Law & Order: Criminal Intent 21:00 CSI Miami 23:30 Perception 02:30 03:25 05:15 06:10 07:05 08:00 08:55 09:50 12:25 13:15 14:10 18:30 20:10 00:00 The Real Housewives 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 07:00 08:00 10:00 12:00 00:00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S1) 01:00 Just For Laughs: Gags 03:00 04:00 05:00 05:50 09:05 09:55 11:35 13:15 14:05 17:20 18:10 19:00 19:50 21:40 22:35 23:30 (S10) Law & Order (S12) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S1) Do No Harm (S1) Casino The Librarians (S1) House (S8) Lie To Me (S2) Law & Order (S20) Casino The Librarians (S1) Chicago Fire (S3) Grimm (S4) House (S8) The Librarians (S1) Law & Order (S20) The Hangover 13:00 14:40 16:40 17:35 18:20 20:00 20:50 21:40 23:20 00:15 Atlantis (S2) 01:10 Three Wise Women 02:50 Confessions Of A 04:30 05:00 06:00 07:40 Earth (S1) 09:20 10:55 12:40 14:20 15:15 (S1) 16:10 00:20 Scariest Places On 01:10 Star Trek: Enterprise Of New York City (S6) Justified (S4) The Good Wife (S1) Spy (S1) Teen Wolf (S3) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Cyril: Simply Magic The Good Wife (S1) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) The Real Housewives Of New York City (S6) The Good Wife (S1) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Cyril: Simply Magic Flipping Out (S7) The Good Wife (S1) Face Off (S3) Flipping Out (S7) The Good Wife (S1) Brenda Starr Sociopath Social Climber Hot In Cleveland (S5) Just For Laughs (S10) Reading, Writing And Romance Annie Claus Is Coming To Town A Perfect Christmas Scorned Nearlyweds Atlantis (S2) Supermodelme: Sirens (S5) Brooklyn 9-9 (S2) 17:10 The Good Wife (S6) 18:05 Top Chef (S6) 20:50 Hottest Home Baker (S3) 21:45 Supermodelme: Sirens (S5) 22:40 A Fairytale Christmas 00:40 02:20 04:00 04:50 06:35 08:20 09:10 10:05 10:55 12:40 13:30 15:15 16:10 17:05 18:50 19:45 20:40 CSI CSI Miami Family Guy Medium Castle Hell’s Kitchen NCIS NCIS: New Orleans White Collar Opposite Worlds Criminal Minds Clipaholics NCIS White Collar Opposite Worlds Monster Jam 2014 World Championship Kickboxing 21:40 Family Guy 23:50 Law & Order : Special Victims Unit 01:30 03:20 04:10 05:10 07:30 08:20 11:05 12:50 14:30 16:20 17:20 19:10 21:00 23:10 00:00 00:50 01:40 02:30 03:20 04:10 05:00 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Upside Down 30 Rock Call Me Fitz Episodes It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia Homeland Side Effects Hope Springs Broken City Louis C.K.: Oh My God To The Wonder Seven Psychopaths Mud Penny Dreadful The Border To Catch A Smuggler Live Free Or Die Taboo The Border To Catch A Smuggler Live Free Or Die Filthy Riches The Next Mega Tsunami Seconds From Disaster Live Free Or Die Incredibly Small World Beyond Magic with DMC Crowd Control Brain Games S3 Compilations Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey Wicked Tuna: North Vs South Filthy Riches 24 Hours In A&E Mega Factories Ultimate Airport Dubai Access 360 World Heritage Beyond Magic with DMC Crowd Control Trekking Malaysia With Jason Scott Lee Nazi Underworld 67 20 DEC 2014 STARSHIP TROOPERS 3: MARAUDER CINEMAX 21.00 WIB THE SOCIAL NETWORK FOX MOVIES PREMIUM 09.55 WIB G-FORCE FOX FAMILY MOVIES 20.20 WIB MISS USA STARWORLD 09.25 WIB SUNDAY 00:00 02:00 04:00 04:30 06:00 08:00 10:00 11:30 13:00 14:30 16:30 18:00 20:00 22:00 23:30 All The Pretty Horses Blade Hollywood On Set 573 Gravity Tyler Perry’s Madea’s Witness Protection Donnie Brasco Chicken Run Daddy Day Care Gravity The Brave One Blades Of Glory About Time Blade Gravity End Of Days THE CONJURING @ HBO 21.00 WIB 00:55 02:45 04:40 07:00 08:45 10:30 12:30 14:40 16:40 18:50 21:00 22:50 23:20 00:45 02:15 03:55 05:30 07:30 09:45 11:15 13:15 14:55 15:15 17:05 19:15 21:00 22:55 The Conjuring Red Lights Into The Wild The Muppets The Fast And The Furious: Tokyo Drift Red 2 Pacific Rim Mission: Impossible II The Legend Of Zorro Fast & Furious 6 The Conjuring The Comeback S206 The Bling Ring The Monkey’s Paw The Thing (2011) Witchboard 2 Dark Shadows The Bourne Legacy Beast Of The Bering Sea Total Recall (2012) Starship Troopers 3: Marauder Epad On Max 297 Tequila Sunrise The Fugitive The Thing (2011) Looper The Bourne Legacy 05:50 Elf Man 07:15 Cancel Christmas 08:50 Chestnut: Hero Of 10:15 11:45 13:30 14:45 16:05 17:35 19:00 20:30 22:10 23:50 01:45 02:00 03:30 05:00 06:45 08:45 10:30 11:45 13:15 13:30 15:00 16:30 18:00 19:45 20:00 MGM’s Big Screen Limit Up The Whales of August Central Park Willy Milly The Flintstones Shadow Of The Wolf Father Of The Bride MGM’s Big Screen Part II The Great Train An American Tail: Fievel Robbery Goes West 22:00 Misery The Tigger Movie 23:45 No Man’s Land Jingle All The Way I’ll Be Home For Christmas Chilly Christmas Groundhog Day Christmas With The Kranks 02:00 Mchale’s Navy (1997) 12 Dogs Of Christmas 03:50 Living Proof 05:25 Hollywood On Set 573 06:00 Brian’s Song 07:30 Pocahontas 08:50 Adam Sandler’s Eight Crazy Nights 10:05 The Polar Express 11:45 Fred Claus MGM’s Big Screen 13:40 Frankenweenie Dead On 15:05 The Help The Perfect Match 17:30 Soccer Dog: European Making Mr. Right Cup Otello 19:00 A League Of Their Billy Galvin Own The Care Bears Movie 21:15 Last Holiday Johnny Be Good 23:15 College Road Trip 00:30 The Wire S206: All 01:30 02:00 03:30 05:00 07:10 09:00 10:00 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:40 16:15 18:00 19:20 21:00 22:30 23:25 Prologue Hung S222: “Even Steven” Or “Luckiest Kid In Detroit” Better Living Through Chemistry Stranger Within (2013) The Last Castle Normal The Leftovers S107: Solace For Tired Feet The Wire S206: All Prologue Veep S306: Detroit Veep S307: Special Relationship Veep S308: Debate Veep S309: Crate Veep S310: New Hampshire Love Child Man Of The House (2005) Tyson A Dog Year Poseidon Call Me Crazy: A Five Film Autopsy 7: Dead Men Talking Six Feet Under S206: In Place Of Anger 00:00 Deadliest Catch (S10) 01:00 Yukon Men 02:00 Titanic: The 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 07:30 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 00:05 01:50 04:15 06:00 08:00 09:25 11:40 13:40 15:55 18:00 Oldboy Eat Pray Love A Long Way Down Kon-Tiki Dirty Work The Book Thief Safe Haven Enemy Of The State The Monuments Men Secret Life Of Walter Mitty 20:00 Night At The Museum 21:55 Olympus Has Fallen 01:00 A Pig’s Tale 02:35 Groundhog Day 04:15 Prince And The Pauper (2011) OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN @ FOX MOVIES PREMIUM 21.55 WIB Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time Aftermath Deadliest Catch (S10) Ice Lake Rebels (S1) Yukon Men What Happened Next? (S2) Time Warp Strip The City (S2) Marooned Yukon Men Strip The City (S2) Ice Cold Gold (S2) Philly Throttle Ice Lake Rebels (S1) Deadliest Catch (S10) Ice Cold Gold (S2) Marooned What Happened Next? (S2) Time Warp Bear’s Wild Weekend With Stephen Fry How China Works Bering Sea Gold (S4) Ice Lake Rebels (S1) Bear’s Wild Weekend With Stephen Fry Red Hot Design (S1) The Feed (S1) Epic Meal Empire (S1) Food Factory (S2) Food Factory (S1) Fix This Yard (S4) Fix This Yard (S3) Hideous Houses (S1) Tiny House Nation (S1) Red Hot Design (S1) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Atul’s Spice Kitchen: Malaysia Food Factory (S2) Epic Meal Empire (S1) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Atul’s Spice Kitchen: Malaysia Bondi Vet (S5) Tiny House Nation (S1) Red Hot Design (S1) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) 20:00 Atul’s Spice Kitchen: Malaysia 21:00 Bondi Vet (S5) 22:00 Food Factory (S2) 23:00 Taste Of Vietnam (S2) 00:15 01:05 01:55 03:35 04:25 05:15 06:05 07:45 08:35 10:15 11:05 11:55 12:45 13:35 14:50 15:15 16:05 17:00 17:55 18:50 19:45 20:40 21:35 22:30 23:25 Mistresses Trophy Wife Parenthood Melissa & Joey Suburgatory New Girl Mistresses Million Dollar Listing Masterchef Junior US Melissa & Joey New Girl America’s Next Top Model Masterchef Junior US Got to Dance UK Suburgatory Million Dollar Listing The Apartment Revenge America’s Next Top Model Masterchef Junior US Fit For Fashion The Apartment Mistresses Got to Dance UK America’s Next Top Model 00:40 David Blaine: Discover 01:30 02:20 03:15 05:00 07:30 11:05 11:35 12:05 13:00 16:30 16:40 19:10 22:50 23:45 Magic Wipeout (S7) Wake Up Call Wipeout (S5) Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S2) The Voice (S7) Ebuzz Criss Angel Mindfreak (S2) Wake Up Call The Voice (S7) The Amazing Race (S25) Amazing Spider-Man, The The Voice (S7) Criss Angel Mindfreak (S5) The Voice (S7) 03:00 05:00 07:00 09:00 10:55 12:40 14:20 16:00 16:50 18:30 20:10 21:50 23:30 00:25 01:15 02:10 03:05 03:55 04:25 05:15 09:50 12:25 13:15 14:10 18:30 21:00 23:40 Zone (S1) Warehouse 13 (S2) Snow Beast Defiance (S1) Merlin (S5) Continuum (S2) Reaper American Warships The Paranormal Zone (S1) Super Storm Haven (S5) Icetastrophe Continuum (S2) The Paranormal Zone (S1) The Fall Body Of Proof Gang Related Homicide Hunter Alfred Hitchcock Presents CSI Miami Moonlighting CSI Miami Body Of Proof The Fall Police Women of Broward County Law & Order: Criminal Intent CSI NY Happily Never After 01:20 The Good Wife (S1) 03:00 Brenda Starr 05:00 Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) 07:00 The Good Wife (S1) 09:00 Everybody Loves 00:40 Law & Order : Special 04:00 04:50 06:35 08:15 09:05 09:55 10:55 11:45 12:40 13:30 14:25 15:25 16:20 17:15 18:10 19:55 20:50 21:45 23:00 23:25 06:45 08:25 09:15 12:30 13:25 14:20 16:10 18:00 18:55 19:50 20:45 Gags (S8) Lie To Me (S2) Law & Order (S20) Casino Chicago Fire (S3) Just For Laughs: Gags (S10) Lie To Me (S2) House (S8) The Librarians (S1) Law & Order (S20) Chicago Fire (S3) Casino 12 DOGS OF CHRISTMAS FOX FAMILY MOVIES 23.50 WIB Web Therapy Side Effects Kiss Of The Damned 1 3096 Days 30 Rock Mind Games Mud Oranges, The Robot & Frank Hairbrained Web Therapy American Horror Story: Freak Show 22:40 Zero Dark Thirty END OF DAYS HBO HITS 23.30 WIB Raymond (S8) 10:30 The Real Housewives Of New York City (S6) 12:10 Face Off (S3) 13:00 Everybody Loves 15:00 16:40 18:20 19:10 20:00 21:40 23:40 Raymond (S8) The Good Wife (S1) The Real Housewives Of New York City (S6) Justified (S4) Face Off (S3) The Good Wife (S1) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) The Real Housewives Of New York City (S6) 00:00 00:50 01:40 02:30 03:20 04:10 05:00 06:00 06:55 07:50 00:30 Scent Of A Woman 03:30 Just For Laughs 09:40 10:35 05:30 Dance-Off 07:20 The March Sisters At 11:30 (S13) Christmas 12:25 13:20 Romance 14:15 Victims Unit (S15) Just For Laughs (S10) Just For Laughs (S13) The Face (S2) Chicago Fire (S2) Atlantis (S2) Hottest Home Baker (S3) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S15) Just For Laughs (S13) Just For Laughs (S10) Atlantis (S2) Hot In Cleveland (S5) 15:10 16:05 09:00 Three Wise Women 10:40 Reading, Writing And 12:30 Law & Order: Special 14:20 14:50 15:15 17:05 18:00 19:00 19:55 00:20 Merlin (S5) 02:00 The Paranormal 21 00:10 00:45 02:30 04:05 06:00 07:50 10:25 13:30 15:40 17:15 18:45 20:25 21:00 08:45 01:20 Do No Harm (S1) 05:00 Just For Laughs: Victims Unit Family Guy Criminal Minds Castle Clipaholics Monster Jam 2014 World Championship Kickboxing Opposite Worlds NCIS NCIS: New Orleans Monster Jam 2014 World Championship Kickboxing Hell’s Kitchen NCIS NCIS: New Orleans White Collar Opposite Worlds The Simpsons American Dad! Family Guy Criminal Minds DEC 2014 21:45 22:10 22:40 23:35 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Taboo Drugged 24 Hours In A&E Britain’s Underworld To Catch A Smuggler The Next Mega Tsunami Seconds From Disaster Wicked Tuna: North Vs South Trekking Malaysia With Jason Scott Lee Access 360 World Heritage Beyond Magic with DMC 24 Hours In A&E Brain Games S3 Compilations Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey Mega Factories Ultimate Airport Dubai The Next Mega Tsunami Crowd Control Beyond Magic with DMC Brain Games S3 Compilations Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey Filthy Riches Monster Fish The Next Mega Tsunami Seconds From Disaster Live Free Or Die 69 BEAR’S WILD WEEKEND WITH STEPHEN FRY DISCOVERY CHANNEL 19.00 WIB THE APARTMENT STARWORLD 20.40 WIB MONDAY S108: Rapunzel 15:30 Happily Ever After: 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:30 19:05 21:10 22:50 Fairy Tales For Every Child S109: The Valiant Little Tailor Crashbox S136: Crashbox S1 36 Crashbox S137: Crashbox S1 37 M.I. High S701: The Mayze Rise Of The Guardians Big Fish Sunset Park Nancy Drew 21:00 Olive Kitteridge S103 22:00 True Blood S702: I Found You 22:50 The Next Karate Kid 13:00 Bondi Vet (S4) 14:00 Atul’s Spice Kitchen: Malaysia 15:00 Taste Of Vietnam (S2) 16:00 The Coolest Places On 17:00 18:00 00:00 You Have Been Warned 20:00 (S3) 21:00 01:00 Bering Sea Gold (S4) 22:00 02:00 What Happened Next? (S2) 23:00 02:30 Time Warp 03:00 Deadliest Catch (S10) 04:00 The Unexplained Earth (S1) Flipping Vegas (S3) Tiny House Nation (S1) Red Hot Design (S1) Tiny House Nation (S1) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Red Hot Design (S1) Files (S2) 05:00 Yukon Men 06:00 Strip The City (S2) 07:00 Get Out Alive With COLLATERAL DAMAGE @ HBO 22.45 WIB 03:20 Chestnut: Hero Of 00:55 As Good As It Gets 03:15 Collateral Damage 05:10 Tyler Perry’s 07:00 08:40 10:45 12:50 15:15 17:35 19:25 21:00 21:30 22:45 01:10 02:35 04:30 05:00 06:30 08:20 08:40 10:45 13:00 15:00 16:45 18:30 19:05 21:00 22:35 Temptations: Confessions Of A Marriage Counselor A Smile Like Yours Mission: Impossible II Fast & Furious 6 War Horse Superman Little Black Book Flightplan The Comeback S207 Not Safe For Work Collateral Damage The Campaign Sudden Impact Hollywood On Set 575 Crimson Force Wild Things Epad On Max 297 Chinatown The Two Jakes Looper G.I. Blues The Tailor Of Panama Hollywood On Set 575 Biker Boyz Swordfish Air Force One 00:00 The Proposal 01:50 Homeland S4 02:45 04:30 06:45 08:20 10:25 12:25 14:30 16:35 18:20 20:00 22:35 Epsidoe 12 A Long Way Down The Mortal Instruments: City Of Bones Runner Runner The Monuments Men The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 The Social Network Olympus Has Fallen The Seeker: The Dark Is Rising Justin Bieber’s Believe The Lone Ranger Robocop 01:40 12 Dogs Of Christmas: Great Puppy Rescue Central Park Chilly Christmas Beethoven Return To Nim’s Island 101 Dalmatians Chilly Christmas Disney’s The Kid Jingle All The Way The Hunters Home Run Showdown Ernest Saves Christmas On Strike For Christmas The Dog Who Saved The Holidays 23:30 Khumba 04:50 06:20 07:50 09:20 11:05 12:35 14:20 15:50 17:25 19:00 20:35 22:00 01:30 02:00 04:00 06:00 08:00 09:30 11:30 13:30 15:30 17:00 18:30 20:30 22:00 Hollywood On Set 573 Donnie Brasco All The Pretty Horses The Brave One Chicken Run My Girl Tyler Perry’s Madea’s Witness Protection All The Pretty Horses Gravity Chicken Run Blade Daddy Day Care Tyler Perry’s Madea’s Witness Protection Conchords S207: Prime Minister 01:30 03:30 05:15 06:45 08:15 08:30 10:00 11:45 13:15 15:00 16:30 18:00 Assassination Tango Mac and Me Another Woman Boris And Natasha MGM’s Big Screen Real Men Retreads Sleepover Shag Movers & Shakers Hard Choices The Great Train Robbery 20:00 A Prayer For The Dying 21:45 Bright Lights, Big City 23:30 The Perfect Match 00:37 01:05 02:45 04:20 06:00 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 08:30 09:55 12:00 13:35 15:00 Hollywood On Set 574 Nancy Drew Nights In Rodanthe Sunset Park Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S106: The Frog Prince Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S107: Sleeping Beauty Crashbox S134: Crashbox S1 34 Crashbox S135: Crashbox S1 35 Genie In The House S309: Curse Of The Genie’S Ring Soccer Dog: European Cup A League Of Their Own Despicable Me 2 College Road Trip Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child 05:00 06:50 08:40 10:30 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 15:40 17:20 19:00 20:00 Next? (S2) 08:30 Time Warp 09:00 Marooned 10:00 How Do They Do It? (S9) 10:30 How It’s Made (S16) 11:00 Dual Survival (S2) 12:00 How Do They Do It? (S11) 12:30 How It’s Made (S17) 13:00 Get Out Alive With Bear Grylls 14:00 Life In Cold Blood 15:00 Yukon Men 16:00 How Do They Do 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:20 Django Unchained 03:00 Flight Of The 03:30 Rome S106: Egeria 04:30 Enlightened S103: Bear Grylls 08:00 What Happened Someone Else’s Life Lady In The Water Live From Baghdad Bless Me, Ultima Austin Powers In Goldmember The Comeback S206 Enlightened S104: The Weekend Curb Your Enthusiasm S303: Club Soda And Salt Curb Your Enthusiasm S304: The Nanny Man Of The House (2005) Pu-239 Hyde Park On Hudson Luck S101: Pilot Rome S202: Son Of Hades It? (S9) How It’s Made (S16) Dual Survival (S2) Alaska Gold Diggers Bering Sea Gold (S4) Ice Cold Gold (S2) Deadliest Catch (S10) Philly Throttle Bering Sea Gold (S4) 00:00 Atul’s Spice Kitchen: 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 Malaysia Tiny House Nation (S1) Hideous Houses (S1) Fix This Yard (S4) Fix This Yard (S3) Sell This House: Extreme (S3) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Bondi Vet (S4) Bondi Vet (S5) Food Factory (S2) Epic Meal Empire (S1) Flipping Vegas (S3) Sell This House: Extreme (S3) 00:15 01:05 01:55 02:45 03:10 03:35 04:25 05:15 06:05 06:55 07:45 08:10 08:35 09:25 10:15 11:05 11:55 12:45 13:35 14:25 15:15 16:05 17:00 17:55 18:20 18:50 19:45 20:40 21:35 22:30 23:25 01:30 The Voice (S7) 01:30 The Amazing Race (S25) 03:10 Wipeout (S5) 05:50 Leverage (S5) 06:40 American Ninja Warrior (S3) The Apprentice Asia Wipeout (S5) Leverage (S5) American Ninja Warrior (S3) 11:05 CSI: Crime Scene 07:30 08:25 09:20 10:10 SWORDFISH @ CINEMAX 21.00 WIB Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time Parenthood Fit For Fashion Million Dollar Listing Suburgatory Melissa & Joey Parenthood Cougar Town Masterchef Junior US Fit For Fashion Million Dollar Listing Suburgatory Melissa & Joey Cougar Town Revenge Suburgatory Top Chef: Just Desserts Masterchef Junior US Revenge Fit For Fashion Million Dollar Listing Parenthood Masterchef US The Rachel Zoe Project Suburgatory Melissa & Joey New Girl Suburgatory Melissa & Joey Mistresses New Girl The Rachel Zoe Project Investigation (S14) 11:55 Wake Up Call 12:00 The Amazing Race (S25) 12:45 David Blaine: Real Or 13:50 14:45 15:40 16:35 17:30 18:00 18:15 18:55 20:00 21:55 22:50 23:55 Magic The Apprentice Asia Leverage (S5) American Ninja Warrior (S3) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) Ebuzz Criss Angel Mindfreak (S5) The Amazing Race (S25) David Blaine: Real Or Magic Hollow Man Hawaii Five-0 (S4) David Blaine: Real Or Magic Hawaii Five-0 (S4) 00:00 Lie To Me (S2) 01:40 Do No Harm (S1) 03:20 Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) 05:00 Just For Laughs: Gags 06:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 (S10) Law & Order (S12) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S1) Motive (S2) Lie To Me (S2) Criminal Minds (S6) Psych (S7) Motive (S2) Criminal Minds (S6) Law & Order (S20) The Librarians (S1) Psych (S7) The Librarians (S1) Law & Order (S20) 00:20 American Warships 02:10 Panic At Rock Island 04:00 The Paranormal Zone (S1) 05:00 Star Trek: Enterprise (S1) 07:00 Supernatural: The 08:00 09:00 11:00 11:50 13:30 15:10 16:00 16:50 17:40 19:20 21:00 21:50 22:40 23:30 Animation Scariest Places On Earth (S1) Warehouse 13 (S2) Heroes Of Cosplay (S1) Continuum (S2) Eureka (S5) Scariest Places On Earth (S1) Supernatural: The Animation Heroes Of Cosplay (S1) Sharknado 2: The Second One Vikings The Paranormal Zone (S1) Face Off (S3) Heroes Of Cosplay (S1) Eureka (S5) 00:35 Happily Never After 01:30 Alfred Hitchcock Presents 02:30 The Listener 03:25 Perception 06:10 Alfred Hitchcock Presents 06:40 Moonlighting 07:35 The Killing 08:25 Law & Order: Criminal Intent 10:05 Perception 11:00 Alfred Hitchcock Presents 11:30 The Killing 12:25 CSI Miami 13:15 Police Women of 14:10 15:00 15:55 16:45 18:25 19:15 20:10 21:00 21:50 22:45 23:40 Broward County Perception Moonlighting CSI Miami Law & Order: Criminal Intent The Killing Law & Order: Criminal Intent Homicide Hunter Police Women of Broward County CSI Miami Homicide Hunter Police Women of Broward County 00:15 CSI Miami 01:05 Crisis 01:55 Law & Order : Special 02:45 03:35 04:00 04:50 05:45 06:35 07:30 08:20 09:10 10:55 11:45 12:40 14:20 15:15 17:05 18:00 19:00 19:55 20:50 21:15 21:45 22:35 23:25 Victims Unit Criminal Minds Family Guy CSI Miami Crisis Law & Order : Special Victims Unit Criminal Minds CSI Miami Crisis Opposite Worlds Criminal Minds CSI Miami Law & Order : Special Victims Unit Criminal Minds Opposite Worlds CSI Miami Criminal Minds Opposite Worlds NCIS American Dad! Family Guy CSI Miami Opposite Worlds Criminal Minds 22 DEC 2014 THE LONE RANGER FOX MOVIES PREMIUM 20.00 WIB 00:30 The Real Housewives 01:20 02:10 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:50 11:40 12:40 13:30 14:00 14:30 15:20 16:10 17:00 17:50 18:50 19:40 20:30 21:20 22:10 23:10 00:05 01:00 03:00 05:00 06:55 07:25 08:20 09:15 10:10 12:30 13:25 15:15 16:10 17:05 18:00 19:00 19:55 20:25 22:15 23:10 Of New York City (S6) Justified (S4) The Good Wife (S1) Justified (S4) Justified (S5) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) The Good Wife (S1) Spy (S1) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Teen Wolf (S3) Magic Asia: India Everybody Loves Raymond (S6) Justified (S5) Spy (S1) The Good Wife (S1) Teen Wolf (S3) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) The Good Wife (S2) The Real Housewives Of New York City (S6) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S6) The Hangover Nearlyweds A Perfect Christmas Just For Laughs (S13) Aurora (S1) Cruel Love (S1) Top Chef (S6) Scent Of A Woman Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S15) Dance-Off Aurora (S1) Cruel Love (S1) Top Chef (S6) How Do I Look? (S11) Supermodelme: Sirens (S5) Just For Laughs (S10) Downton Abbey (S5) Top Chef (S6) Supermodelme: Sirens (S5) 01:15 03:10 05:00 06:00 07:10 08:05 09:20 10:15 11:25 12:20 13:40 14:35 16:25 18:15 20:05 21:00 21:30 To The Wonder Broken City Magic City Episodes Homeland 30 Rock Magic City Episodes Homeland 30 Rock Magic City 3096 Days Seven Psychopaths To The Wonder Lilyhammer Web Therapy American Horror Story: Freak Show 22:20 Penny Dreadful 23:20 Mud RISE OF THE GUARDIANS HBO FAMILY 17.30 WIB 00:00 Access 360 World Heritage 01:00 Filthy Riches 01:50 Monster Fish 02:40 The Next Mega 03:30 04:20 05:10 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 21:30 22:00 23:00 Tsunami Seconds From Disaster Live Free Or Die Filthy Riches Monster Fish The Next Mega Tsunami Seconds From Disaster America’s Lost Treasures The Border Ultimate Airport Dubai Megastructures Britain’s Underworld Saxon Gold: Finding The Hoard Filthy Riches Yukon Gold Nazi Underworld Inside The American Mob Megastructures Ultimate Airport Dubai Filthy Riches Abandoned Bid & Destroy Nazi Underworld Ultimate Airport Dubai 71 CHICKEN RUN HBO HITS 17.00 WIB ROME S202: SON OF HADES HBO SIGN 20.00 TUESDAY “Hung Like A Horse” 22:30 I Give It A Year 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 03:30 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 STREET FIGHTER: ASSASSIN’S FIST @ CINEMAX 22.45 WIB 03:15 05:10 06:40 00:30 Austin Powers: The Spy 08:15 Who Shagged Me 10:00 02:05 Alfie 03:50 Paulie 11:30 05:25 Thunderstruck 13:00 07:00 Marci X 14:25 08:25 The Lake House 15:55 10:00 The Comeback S206 17:15 10:30 The Comeback S207 19:00 11:00 Flightplan 12:35 Not Safe For Work 20:50 13:50 Alfie 22:20 15:35 The Avengers 23:50 17:05 Bridget Jones: The Edge Of Reason 18:50 Jack Reacher 21:00 The Hangover Part III 22:35 This Is The End 00:35 02:10 04:00 05:30 07:15 09:05 11:15 13:15 15:00 16:30 18:00 19:30 21:00 Shadow Man Wild Things The Gorgon Witchboard 2 Biker Boyz Tombstone Extreme Measures Swordfish Change Of Habit The Cable Guy Trespass Cruel Intentions Lizzie Borden Took An Ax 22:25 Street Fighter: Assassin’s Fist City Slickers Return To Nim’s Island Home Run Showdown 12 Dogs Of Christmas Chestnut: Hero Of Central Park Ernest Saves Christmas Khumba Chilly Christmas The Tigger Movie 102 Dalmatians A Christmas Tree Miracle The Flintstones Chestnut: Hero Of Central Park 12 Dogs Of Christmas: Great Puppy Rescue 10:30 11:00 12:00 S110: Cinderella 13:00 15:30 Happily Ever After: Fairy 14:00 Tales For Every Child 15:00 S111: Beauty And 16:00 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:30 18:45 20:10 22:15 00:00 02:00 04:15 06:00 01:00 Jason’s Lyric 03:00 The French Lieutenant’s 07:30 Woman 09:00 11:00 05:00 The Woman In Red 12:30 06:30 Dreamchild 14:00 08:15 MGM’s Big Screen 15:30 08:30 Otello 17:15 10:30 Hard Choices 19:00 12:00 Movers & Shakers 20:30 13:30 MGM’s Big Screen 22:00 13:45 Crusoe 15:30 Electric Dreams 17:15 The Care Bears Movie 18:30 Haunted Honeymoon 20:00 At Close Range 22:00 The Woman In Red 23:30 The Basketball Diaries 00:35 02:10 04:00 05:00 07:10 00:35 The Twilight Saga: 02:35 04:35 06:30 08:20 10:05 12:00 13:30 16:05 17:55 20:00 21:50 23:55 Breaking Dawn - Part 2 The Monuments Men Night At The Museum Oldboy The Seeker: The Dark Is Rising The Proposal Walking With Dinosaurs The Lone Ranger Night At The Museum Olympus Has Fallen Last Vegas The Monuments Men Machete Kills 00:55 Chilly Christmas 02:25 Holidaze 00:30 02:05 03:50 06:00 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 08:30 10:05 12:10 13:35 15:00 Nights In Rodanthe Father Of The Bride Erin Brockovich Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S108: Rapunzel Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S109: The Valiant Little Tailor Crashbox S136: Crashbox S1 36 Crashbox S137: Crashbox S1 37 M.I. High S701: The Mayze Rise Of The Guardians Big Fish The Iron Giant The Cat In The Hat Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child 09:20 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:50 15:55 17:40 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 The Beast Crashbox S138: Crashbox S1 38 Crashbox S139: Crashbox S1 39 M.I. High S702: Frankenstein Adam Sandler’s Eight Crazy Nights Lilo & Stitch Stepmom Erin Brockovich Donnie Brasco The Brave One My Girl Gravity Blades Of Glory The Brave One Chicken Run Daddy Day Care Blades Of Glory My Girl The Glass House Daddy Day Care Chicken Run Blade Underground: The Julian Assange Story We’Re The Millers Olive Kitteridge S103 Anna Karenina Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory The Pretty One Olive Kitteridge S103 Entourage S401: Welcome To The Jungle Entourage S402: The First Cut Is The Deepest Rome S106: Egeria Across The Universe Grey Gardens A Dog Year The Comeback S207 Eastbound & Down S105: Chapter 5 Game Of Thrones S101: Winter Is Coming The Leftovers S108: Cairo Hung S301: “Don’T Give Up On Detroit” Or 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Ice Cold Gold (S2) Deadliest Catch (S10) Philly Throttle How Do They Do It? (S9) How It’s Made (S16) Dual Survival (S2) Alaska Gold Diggers Bering Sea Gold (S4) Ice Cold Gold (S2) Deadliest Catch (S10) Philly Throttle How Do They Do It? (S9) How It’s Made (S16) Dual Survival (S2) Bering Sea Gold (S4) Ice Cold Gold (S2) Deadliest Catch (S10) Philly Throttle How Do They Do It? (S10) How It’s Made (S16) Dual Survival (S3) Alaska Gold Diggers Marooned Yukon Men Ice Lake Rebels (S1) River Monsters (S5) Marooned Earth (S1) 23:00 Taste Of Vietnam (S2) 00:15 01:05 01:55 02:45 03:35 04:25 05:15 06:05 06:55 07:45 08:35 09:25 10:15 11:05 11:55 12:45 13:35 14:25 15:15 16:05 17:00 17:55 18:20 18:50 19:45 21:35 22:00 22:30 23:25 Carrie Diaries New Girl Suburgatory Melissa & Joey Carrie Diaries Cougar Town Masterchef Junior US New Girl Suburgatory Melissa & Joey Cougar Town Mistresses Carrie Diaries Top Chef: Just Desserts Masterchef Junior US America’s Next Top Model New Girl Suburgatory Carrie Diaries Masterchef US The Rachel Zoe Project Trophy Wife Dads Glee Mistresses Happy Endings How I Met Your Mother Glee The Rachel Zoe Project 00:00 Tiny House Nation (S1) 02:00 Bondi Vet (S4) 03:00 Sell This House: 00:45 Wipeout (S5) 01:35 American Ninja Warrior 04:00 05:00 02:25 CSI: Crime Scene 06:00 07:00 08:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 Extreme (S3) Flipping Vegas (S3) Sell This House: Extreme (S3) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Bondi Vet (S4) Tiny House Nation (S1) Red Hot Design (S1) Flipping Vegas (S3) Sell This House: Extreme (S3) Bondi Vet (S4) Tiny House Nation (S1) Red Hot Design (S1) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Flipping Vegas (S3) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Atul’s Spice Kitchen: Malaysia Travels With The Bondi Vet (S1) The Coolest Places On Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time (S3) 03:15 04:05 05:00 05:50 06:40 07:30 08:25 09:20 10:10 11:05 12:00 12:55 13:50 14:45 15:40 16:30 Investigation (S14) Wipeout (S5) The Apprentice Asia Wipeout (S5) Leverage (S5) American Ninja Warrior (S3) The Apprentice Asia Wipeout (S5) Leverage (S5) American Ninja Warrior (S3) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) Hawaii Five-0 (S4) Caught On Camera (S4) The Apprentice Asia Leverage (S5) American Ninja Warrior (S3) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) THIS IS THE END @ HBO 22.35 WIB 17:20 Breaking The 09:15 The Listener 10:05 Homicide Hunter 11:00 Alfred Hitchcock 18:15 20:05 21:00 21:55 22:50 23:45 11:30 11:55 12:25 13:15 Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed Caught On Camera (S4) Wake Up Call CSI: Ny (S9) Hawaii Five-0 (S4) CSI: Ny (S9) Hawaii Five-0 (S4) 00:00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S1) 01:00 Just For Laughs: Gags (S10) 03:00 Law & Order (S12) 04:00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S1) 05:00 Just For Laughs: Gags (S10) 14:10 15:00 15:55 16:45 17:35 18:25 18:50 19:20 20:10 21:00 21:50 22:45 23:40 06:00 Law & Order (S12) 08:00 Law & Order: Criminal Presents My Strange Addiction VICE CSI Miami Police Women of Broward County Homicide Hunter Moonlighting CSI Miami Law & Order: Criminal Intent The Listener My Strange Addiction VICE Law & Order: Criminal Intent Body Of Proof Police Women of Broward County CSI Miami Body Of Proof Police Women of Broward County Intent (S1) 09:00 Penn & Teller: Fool 10:00 11:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 21:00 21:50 Us! (S1) Law & Order (S20) The Librarians (S1) Criminal Minds (S6) Psych (S7) Motive (S2) Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (S1) Criminal Minds (S6) House (S8) Psych (S7) Casino 00:20 Scariest Places On 01:10 02:10 04:00 05:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 11:00 11:50 13:30 15:10 16:00 16:50 17:40 19:20 21:00 22:40 23:30 Earth (S1) Star Trek: Enterprise (S1) American Warships Supernatural: The Animation Star Trek: Enterprise (S1) Supernatural: The Animation Scariest Places On Earth (S1) Icetastrophe Heroes Of Cosplay (S1) Haven (S5) Eureka (S5) Scariest Places On Earth (S1) Supernatural: The Animation Heroes Of Cosplay (S1) Haven (S5) P-51 Dragon Fighter Ghost Mine (S1) Heroes Of Cosplay (S1) Eureka (S5) 00:35 Law & Order: Criminal Intent 01:30 Alfred Hitchcock Presents 02:30 The Killing 03:25 Law & Order: Criminal Intent 05:15 Homicide Hunter 06:10 Alfred Hitchcock 06:40 07:30 07:55 08:25 Presents Moonlighting My Strange Addiction VICE Law & Order: Criminal Intent 00:00 The Real Housewives 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:55 11:50 12:50 13:40 14:30 15:20 16:10 17:00 17:50 18:50 19:40 20:30 21:20 22:10 23:10 Of New York City (S6) Justified (S5) The Good Wife (S1) Spy (S1) Teen Wolf (S3) Justified (S5) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) The Good Wife (S1) Spy (S2) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Teen Wolf (S3) The Real Housewives Of New York City (S6) Justified (S5) Spy (S2) The Good Wife (S1) Teen Wolf (S3) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) The Good Wife (S2) The Real Housewives Of New York City (S6) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Alias (S1) 00:05 A Fairytale Christmas 02:00 Reading, Writing And Romance 04:00 Brooklyn 9-9 (S2) 05:00 Annie Claus Is Coming 06:55 07:25 08:20 09:15 10:10 12:00 12:30 13:25 15:15 16:10 17:05 18:00 19:00 19:55 20:25 22:15 To Town Brooklyn 9-9 (S2) Aurora (S1) Cruel Love (S1) Top Chef (S6) Scorned Just For Laughs (S10) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S15) Three Wise Women Aurora (S1) Cruel Love (S1) Top Chef (S6) Knife Fight (S1) The Good Wife (S6) Brooklyn 9-9 (S2) All I Want For Christmas Oh Christmas Tree 00:15 CSI Miami 01:05 Law & Order : Special 13:30 14:20 15:15 17:05 18:00 19:00 19:55 20:50 21:15 21:45 22:35 23:25 Victims Unit Criminal Minds Family Guy CSI Miami Law & Order : Special Victims Unit Criminal Minds CSI Miami Law & Order : Special Victims Unit White Collar Criminal Minds CSI Miami Law & Order : Special Victims Unit The Mentalist Criminal Minds White Collar CSI Miami Criminal Minds White Collar NCIS: New Orleans American Dad! Family Guy CSI Miami White Collar Criminal Minds 01:30 03:00 04:40 05:30 06:25 07:35 08:25 09:15 10:10 11:20 12:10 13:30 14:25 16:10 18:45 21:00 22:50 23:40 Robot & Frank Hairbrained 30 Rock Magic City Episodes Homeland 30 Rock Magic City Episodes Homeland 30 Rock Magic City Side Effects Zero Dark Thirty Mud Penny Dreadful Lilyhammer Web Therapy 00:00 00:50 01:40 02:05 02:30 03:20 04:10 05:00 06:00 06:25 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 Drugged Filthy Riches Abandoned Bid & Destroy Nazi Underworld Ultimate Airport Dubai Drugged Filthy Riches Abandoned Bid & Destroy Nazi Underworld Ultimate Airport Dubai King Fishers The Border Beyond Magic with DMC Russia’s Mystery Files Nat Geo Amazing! King Fishers The Next Mega Tsunami Seconds From Disaster 24 Hours In A&E Nat Geo Amazing! Brain Games S3 Compilations Beyond Magic with DMC Witness Disaster Seconds From Disaster Drugged Beyond Magic with DMC 02:45 03:35 04:00 04:50 06:35 07:30 08:20 09:10 10:55 11:45 12:40 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 73 23 DEC 2014 102 DALMATIANS FOX FAMILY MOVIES 17.15 WIB BLADE HBO HITS 22.00 WIB ATUL’S SPICE KITCHEN: MALAYSIA FYI 20.00 WIB GLEE STAR WORLD 22.30 WIB WEDNESDAY 13:30 Lilo & Stitch 15:00 Happily Ever After: Fairy 15:30 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:30 19:15 STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS @ HBO 23.10 WIB 20:30 22:20 Tales For Every Child S112: Snow White Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S113: Princess And The Pea Crashbox S201: Crashbox S2 01 Crashbox S202: Crashbox S2 02 M.I. High S703: The Man Who Drew Tomorrow The Polar Express Saving My Tomorrow: Kids Care For The Planet You, Me And Dupree Forrest Gump Part II 04:45 I’ll Be Home For 00:20 Win A Date With Tad 02:00 03:30 05:15 07:00 08:45 10:30 12:15 13:45 16:00 17:25 18:50 21:00 23:10 Hamilton! When A Stranger Calls The Hand That Rocks The Cradle Sleepless In Seattle Little Black Book Anger Management The World’s End Angels Sing Jack Reacher Vehicle 19 Open Season (2006) Spider-Man 2 Pacific Rim Star Trek Into Darkness Christmas 06:10 Cancel Christmas 07:45 12 Dogs Of Christmas: Great Puppy Rescue Khumba The Hunters 102 Dalmatians Home Run Showdown Disney’s The Kid Chilly Christmas K9 Adventures: A Christmas Tale 20:25 Jingle All The Way 21:55 A Christmas Tree Miracle 23:45 The Dog Who Saved The Holidays 09:25 10:50 12:25 14:10 15:45 17:30 19:00 00:00 02:00 04:00 06:00 07:30 08:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 20:00 22:00 23:30 About Time End Of Days The Brave One Daddy Day Care Hollywood On Set 573 About Time All The Pretty Horses Blade Tyler Perry’s Madea’s Witness Protection The Brave One Donnie Brasco About Time Blades Of Glory End Of Days 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 03:30 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:30 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:30 Yukon Men Ice Lake Rebels (S1) River Monsters (S5) How Do They Do It? (S10) How It’s Made (S16) Dual Survival (S3) Alaska Gold Diggers Marooned Yukon Men Ice Lake Rebels (S1) River Monsters (S5) How Do They Do It? (S10) How It’s Made (S16) Dual Survival (S3) Marooned Yukon Men Ice Lake Rebels (S1) River Monsters (S5) How Do They Do It? (S10) How It’s Made (S16) Dual Survival (S3) Alaska Gold Diggers What Happened Next? (S2) Time Warp Strip The City (S2) How China Works World’s Top 5 (S2) What Happened Next? (S2) Time Warp Malaysia Vet (S1) 02:00 03:45 05:30 07:30 09:30 11:15 13:00 15:00 16:30 18:00 19:25 21:00 23:15 Movie The Incredible Burt Wonderstone Stand Up Guys Looper Sudden Impact Street Fighter: Assassin’s Fist Beverly Hills Cop III Cowboy Bebop: The Movie Tickle Me National Lampoon’s Favorite Deadly Sins Lizzie Borden Took An Ax Stand Up Guys The Bourne Legacy Looper 01:15 02:45 04:30 09:00 10:45 12:00 13:45 15:15 16:45 18:30 Top Dog Defiance Hotel Terminus Crusoe The Care Bears Movie Electric Dreams The Longshot Mannequin (Polygram) The Cure For Better Or For Worse 20:00 Defiance 21:45 At Close Range 23:45 The Russia House 00:20 The Sound Of Music 01:45 03:25 05:15 08:20 10:25 12:10 14:15 15:55 18:10 20:00 21:50 23:55 The Marine Almost Christmas Pearl Harbor Olympus Has Fallen Epic The Monuments Men Justin Bieber’s Believe The Mortal Instruments: City Of Bones Last Vegas Frozen Die Hard 2 Die Hard 4.0 02:25 04:15 06:00 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 08:30 10:35 12:00 01:30 On Strike For Christmas 13:19 03:00 Father Of The Bride (2013) You, Me And Dupree The Jane Austen Book Club Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S110: Cinderella Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S111: Beauty And The Beast Crashbox S138: Crashbox S1 38 Crashbox S139: Crashbox S1 39 M.I. High S702: Frankenstein Stepmom Adam Sandler’s Eight Crazy Nights Chimpanzee Kobushi S1 S127: Rock ‘N’ Rolls 00:05 Subway Stories: 02:00 Bondi Vet (S4) 03:00 Sell This House: 01:30 04:00 05:00 02:30 03:00 03:30 04:00 04:30 05:00 07:10 08:50 11:00 11:30 12:00 13:00 13:30 14:30 16:25 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 21:30 22:00 22:50 Tales From The Underground Six Feet Under S206: In Place Of Anger The Comeback S207 Eastbound & Down S105: Chapter 5 Hung S301: “Don’T Give Up On Detroit” Or “Hung Like A Horse” Entourage S401: Welcome To The Jungle Entourage S402: The First Cut Is The Deepest Norma Jean & Marilyn Wit The Last Castle The Comeback S207 Eastbound & Down S105: Chapter 5 The Leftovers S108: Cairo Enlightened S104: The Weekend Game Of Thrones S101: Winter Is Coming Demolition Man Zodiac Curb Your Enthusiasm S305: The Terrorist Attack Curb Your Enthusiasm S306: The Special Section The Wire S207: Backwash Entourage S403: Malibooty Entourage S404: Sorry, Harvey Six Feet Under S207: Back To The Garden Almost Famous Earth (S1) 23:00 Bondi Vet (S3) 00:15 01:05 01:55 03:35 04:25 05:15 06:05 06:55 08:35 09:00 09:25 10:15 11:05 11:55 12:45 13:35 14:25 15:15 16:05 17:00 17:55 18:20 18:50 19:45 21:35 22:30 23:25 Carrie Diaries Glee Mistresses Carrie Diaries Cougar Town Masterchef Junior US Glee Mistresses Cougar Town Cougar Town Million Dollar Listing Carrie Diaries Top Chef: Just Desserts Masterchef Junior US Million Dollar Listing Glee Mistresses Carrie Diaries Masterchef US The Rachel Zoe Project New Girl The Crazy Ones 2014 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show America’s Next Top Model Million Dollar Listing Masterchef Junior US The Rachel Zoe Project 00:00 Atul’s Spice Kitchen: 01:00 Travels With The Bondi 00:05 Cowboy Bebop: The 20:00 Bondi Vet (S5) 21:00 Taste Of Vietnam (S2) 22:00 The Coolest Places On 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 Extreme (S3) Flipping Vegas (S3) Sell This House: Extreme (S2) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Bondi Vet (S4) Travels With The Bondi Vet (S1) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Atul’s Spice Kitchen: Malaysia Flipping Vegas (S3) Sell This House: Extreme (S2) Bondi Vet (S4) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Atul’s Spice Kitchen: Malaysia The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Flipping Vegas (S3) Travels With The Bondi Vet (S1) Bondi Vet (S3) 00:40 Wipeout (S5) 01:30 American Ninja Warrior (S3) 02:20 CSI: Crime Scene 03:10 04:00 05:00 05:50 06:40 07:30 08:25 09:20 10:10 11:05 12:00 12:55 13:50 14:45 15:40 16:30 17:20 18:15 19:10 Investigation (S14) Wipeout (S5) The Apprentice Asia Wipeout (S5) Leverage (S5) American Ninja Warrior (S3) The Apprentice Asia Wipeout (S5) Leverage (S5) American Ninja Warrior (S3) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) Hawaii Five-0 (S4) Wipeout (S7) The Apprentice Asia Leverage (S5) American Ninja Warrior (S3) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) CSI: Ny (S9) Falling Skies (S4) NCIS: Los Angeles (S4) COWBOY BEBOP: THE MOVIE @ CINEMAX 00.05 WIB Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time 20:05 Hawaii Five-0 (S4) Presents 22:40 Falling Skies (S4) 11:30 Franklin & Bash 23:35 NCIS: Los Angeles (S4) 12:25 CSI Miami 13:15 Police Women of 14:10 15:00 15:55 16:45 01:05 Just For Laughs: Gags (S10) 18:25 19:15 Intent (S1) 20:10 21:00 03:00 Law & Order (S12) 04:00 Law & Order: Criminal 05:00 Just For Laughs: Gags (S10) 06:00 Law & Order (S12) 08:00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) 21:50 22:45 23:40 09:00 Penn & Teller: Fool 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 19:00 19:55 21:50 23:30 Us! (S1) House (S8) Criminal Minds (S6) Criminal Minds (S7) Law & Order (S20) Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (S1) Criminal Minds (S7) The Librarians (S1) The Truth About Charlie House (S8) The Librarians (S1) 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 02:10 P-51 Dragon Fighter 04:00 Supernatural: The 12:50 13:40 05:00 14:30 15:20 16:10 17:00 17:50 (S1) 07:00 08:00 09:00 11:00 11:50 12:40 13:30 14:20 15:10 16:00 16:50 17:40 18:30 19:20 21:00 21:50 22:40 23:30 Animation Star Trek: Enterprise (S1) Supernatural: The Animation Scariest Places On Earth (S1) Defiance (S2) Heroes Of Cosplay (S1) Face Off (S3) The Paranormal Zone (S1) Eureka (S5) Stranded (S1) Scariest Places On Earth (S1) Supernatural: The Animation Heroes Of Cosplay (S1) The Paranormal Zone (S1) Face Off (S3) Icetastrophe Merlin (S5) Stranded (S1) Heroes Of Cosplay (S1) Stranded (S1) 00:35 Law & Order: Criminal Intent 01:30 Alfred Hitchcock Presents 02:30 My Strange Addiction 02:55 VICE 03:25 Law & Order: Criminal Intent 04:20 The Listener 05:15 Body Of Proof 06:10 Alfred Hitchcock Presents 06:40 Moonlighting 07:35 Franklin & Bash 08:25 Law & Order: Criminal Intent 10:05 Body Of Proof 11:00 Alfred Hitchcock 13:30 14:20 15:15 17:05 18:00 19:00 19:55 20:50 21:15 21:45 22:35 23:25 24 DEC 2014 DIE HARD 2 01:10 Star Trek: Enterprise Earth (S1) 06:35 07:30 08:20 09:10 10:55 11:45 12:40 Victims Unit Criminal Minds CSI Miami The Mentalist White Collar Criminal Minds CSI Miami Law & Order : Special Victims Unit Bones Criminal Minds White Collar CSI Miami The Mentalist White Collar Opposite Worlds American Dad! Family Guy CSI Miami White Collar The Mentalist FOX MOVIES PREMIUM 23.55 WIB 00:00 The Real Housewives 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:55 11:50 00:20 Scariest Places On Broward County Body Of Proof Moonlighting CSI Miami Law & Order: Criminal Intent Franklin & Bash Law & Order: Criminal Intent The Fall Police Women of Broward County CSI Miami The Fall Police Women of Broward County 04:50 The Mentalist 05:45 Law & Order : Special 18:50 19:40 20:30 21:20 22:10 23:10 00:05 01:00 03:00 05:00 06:55 07:25 08:20 09:15 10:10 12:00 13:40 15:15 16:10 17:05 19:00 19:55 21:45 23:35 Of New York City (S6) Justified (S5) The Good Wife (S1) Spy (S2) Teen Wolf (S3) Justified (S5) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) The Good Wife (S1) Spy (S2) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Teen Wolf (S4) The Real Housewives Of New York City (S6) Justified (S5) Spy (S2) The Good Wife (S1) Teen Wolf (S4) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) The Good Wife (S2) The Real Housewives Of New York City (S6) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S6) A Perfect Christmas The Hangover Sweet Surrender Just For Laughs (S10) Aurora (S1) Cruel Love (S1) Top Chef (S6) Scents & Sensibility Kristin’s Christmas Past My Santa Aurora (S1) Cruel Love (S1) Mistletoe Over Manhattan Chicago Fire (S2) Defending Santa Downton Abbey (S5) The Wedding Singer 00:15 CSI Miami 01:05 The Mentalist 01:55 Law & Order : Special Victims Unit 02:45 Criminal Minds 03:35 Family Guy 04:00 CSI Miami 00:15 01:55 03:45 05:05 06:00 07:10 08:00 08:50 09:45 10:55 11:50 12:40 13:35 15:30 17:00 19:20 21:00 22:50 23:40 Kiss Of The Damned 3096 Days 30 Rock Magic City Episodes Homeland 30 Rock Magic City Episodes Homeland 30 Rock Magic City To The Wonder Robot & Frank Place Beyond The Pines, The Hairbrained Upside Down American Horror Story: Freak Show Mud YOU, ME AND DUPREE HBO FAMILY 20.30 WIB 00:00 Access 360 World Heritage 01:00 Witness Disaster 01:50 Seconds From Disaster 02:40 Drugged 03:30 Beyond Magic with 04:20 05:10 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:00 DMC Nat Geo Amazing! Witness Disaster Seconds From Disaster 24 Hours In A&E Beyond Magic with DMC Incredibly Small World The Border Wicked Tuna: North Vs South Hooked Taiwan to the World 4: Star Trackers Incredibly Small World Crowd Control Beyond Magic with DMC Brain Games S3 Compilations Taiwan to the World 4: Trash To Treasure Live Free Or Die Monster Fish Crowd Control Beyond Magic with DMC Science of Stupid S2 Christmas Special Science of Stupid Cesar Millan: Love My Pit Bull 75 2014 VICTORIA’S SECRET FASHION SHOW STARWORLD 18.50 WIB THE WEDDING SINGER DIVA 23.35 WIB THURSDAY 11:30 The Leftovers S104: B.J. And The A.C. 12:20 Six Feet Under 13:15 14:15 15:00 16:45 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:00 R.I.P.D. @ HBO 19.25 WIB S208: It’S The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year Treme S204: Santa Claus, Do You Ever Get The Blues? The Sopranos S310: To Save Us All From Satan’S Power Temple Grandin Sense And Sensibility Olive Kitteridge S103 The Leftovers S108: Cairo Big Love S201: Damage Control Girls S205: One Man’S Trash Girls S206: Boys Rent 04:25 Disney’s The Kid 06:10 Christmas With The 01:20 02:55 04:15 05:35 07:00 08:50 10:25 12:35 14:45 16:20 18:00 19:25 21:00 23:10 Rise Of The Guardians Vehicle 19 Over The Hedge Open Season (2006) The Princess Diaries 2 Royal Engagement Bridget Jones’s Diary Star Trek Into Darkness Pacific Rim Rise Of The Guardians The Polar Express Angels Sing R.I.P.D. White House Down Miami Vice Kranks 07:50 102 Dalmatians 09:35 Chilly Christmas 11:05 The Princess And The Frog 13:00 K9 Adventures: A Christmas Tale 14:25 Father Of The Bride 16:10 17:40 19:00 20:25 22:00 23:45 Part II The Flintstones The Tigger Movie Saving Santa The Hunters 12 Dogs Of Christmas K9 Adventures: A Christmas Tale 01:30 Blade 03:30 Hollywood On Set 573 04:00 Tyler Perry’s Madea’s 06:00 08:00 09:30 11:15 13:15 13:45 15:30 17:00 18:45 20:30 22:00 Witness Protection Identity Thief Surviving Christmas The Mask Oblivion Hollywood On Set 574 Four Brothers The Sweetest Thing The Break-Up The Mask Surviving Christmas Oblivion 01:15 Ninja: Shadow Of 02:50 04:30 06:30 08:15 10:15 12:30 14:00 15:15 17:40 19:15 21:00 23:05 A Tear The Tailor Of Panama Bullitt The School Of Rock Dark Shadows The Bourne Legacy Avengers Confidential: Black Widow & Punisher Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Part II The Wild Bunch Vegas Vacation Here Comes The Boom Real Steel That’s My Boy 02:05 A Good Day To Die 03:50 06:00 08:05 09:55 11:40 14:15 16:05 18:05 20:00 21:50 23:50 Hard Enemy Of The State The Monuments Men Monsters University Frozen The Lone Ranger The Proposal The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 Night At The Museum Percy Jackson: Sea Of Monsters The Heat Last Vegas 01:45 03:15 05:15 07:00 09:00 10:30 12:15 13:45 15:30 17:00 18:30 20:00 21:45 23:15 Christmas 01:30 02:00 03:00 03:30 04:00 05:00 06:30 06:55 09:30 11:00 00:40 Catch And Release 02:30 The Jane Austen 04:13 04:40 06:00 07:20 08:40 10:15 11:40 13:15 14:40 16:15 18:00 19:45 01:15 Home Run Showdown 02:50 Ernest Saves Once Bitten Otello Dancehall Queen The Black Stallion The Longshot The Cure Mannequin (Polygram) Cherry 2000 Ring of the Musketeers Boris And Natasha Mr. North He’s My Girl Once Bitten Fargo 01:00 Curb Your Enthusiasm 21:05 22:30 Book Club Hollywood On Set 574 Chimpanzee Balto Adam Sandler’s Eight Crazy Nights Mean Girls Frankenweenie Bridget Jones’s Diary The Iron Giant The Little Rascals Save The Day Zathura: A Space Adventure The Shaggy Dog Adam Sandler’s Eight Crazy Nights Scooby Doo! Stage Fright Catch And Release S305: The Terrorist Attack Curb Your Enthusiasm S306: The Special Section Game Of Thrones S101: Winter Is Coming Entourage S403: Malibooty Entourage S404: Sorry, Harvey The Wire S207: Backwash Last Days Hollywood On Set 574 The Assassination Of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford Austenland Curb Your Enthusiasm S309: Mary, Joseph And Larry 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 03:30 04:00 05:00 06:00 06:30 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:30 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 Strip The City (S2) How China Works World’s Top 5 (S2) How Do They Do It? (S10) How It’s Made (S16) Dual Survival (S3) Alaska Gold Diggers What Happened Next? (S2) Time Warp Strip The City (S2) How China Works World’s Top 5 (S2) How Do They Do It? (S10) How It’s Made (S16) Dual Survival (S3) What Happened Next? (S2) Time Warp Strip The City (S2) How China Works World’s Top 5 (S2) How Do They Do It? (S10) How It’s Made (S16) Dual Survival (S3) Alaska Gold Diggers World’s Toughest Drive You Have Been Warned (S3) The Unexplained Files (S2) Bering Sea Gold (S4) World’s Toughest Drive Bondi Vet (S5) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Bondi Vet (S4) Sell This House: Extreme (S2) 04:00 Flipping Vegas (S3) 05:00 Sell This House: Extreme (S2) 06:00 The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Bondi Vet (S4) Bondi Vet (S3) Bondi Vet (S5) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Tiny House Nation (S1) Food Factory (S2) The Feed (S1) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) 23:00 Food Factory (S2) 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 19:00 20:00 22:00 00:15 Carrie Diaries 01:05 Million Dollar Listing 01:55 America’s Next Top 03:35 04:25 05:15 06:05 06:55 08:35 09:25 10:15 11:05 11:55 12:45 13:35 14:25 15:15 16:05 17:00 17:55 18:50 19:45 20:40 21:35 22:00 22:30 22:55 23:25 00:30 Hawaii Five-0 (S4) 01:35 American Ninja Warrior (S3) 02:25 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) Wipeout (S5) The Apprentice Asia Wipeout (S5) Wake Up Call American Ninja Warrior (S3) 07:30 Caught On Camera (S4) 03:15 04:05 05:00 05:50 06:40 DARK SHADOWS @ CINEMAX 08.15 WIB Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time Model Carrie Diaries Cougar Town Masterchef Junior US Million Dollar Listing America’s Next Top Model Cougar Town Fit For Fashion Carrie Diaries Top Chef: Just Desserts Masterchef Junior US Fit For Fashion Million Dollar Listing America’s Next Top Model Carrie Diaries Masterchef US The Rachel Zoe Project Glee America’s Next Top Model 2014 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show Glee Trophy Wife Dads Raising Hope How I Met Your Mother The Rachel Zoe Project 08:25 Wipeout (S5) 09:15 CSI: Crime Scene 10:05 The Fall 11:00 Alfred Hitchcock 10:05 11:30 12:25 13:15 11:00 14:40 18:15 19:10 20:05 23:15 Investigation (S14) American Ninja Warrior (S3) The Voice (S7) The Amazing Race (S25) NCIS: Los Angeles (S5) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) Hawaii Five-0 (S4) NCIS: Los Angeles (S5) 14:10 15:00 15:55 16:45 18:25 19:15 20:10 21:00 00:20 Law & Order: Criminal 21:50 22:45 23:40 Intent (S2) Presents The Glades CSI Miami Police Women of Broward County The Fall Moonlighting CSI Miami Perception The Glades Law & Order: Criminal Intent Gang Related Police Women of Broward County CSI Miami Gang Related Police Women of Broward County 01:10 Just For Laughs: Gags (S10) 03:00 Law & Order (S12) 04:00 Law & Order: Criminal 05:00 06:00 07:50 08:40 09:35 11:35 13:55 17:10 19:00 21:00 22:50 Intent (S2) Just For Laughs: Gags (S10) Law & Order (S12) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (S1) The Truth About Charlie Captain Corelli’s Mandolin Casino Levity Billy Elliot The Hangover Patch Adams 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:55 11:50 12:50 13:40 01:10 Star Trek: Enterprise 02:10 Warehouse 13 (S2) 04:00 Supernatural: The 18:50 19:40 05:00 20:30 21:20 22:10 Earth (S1) (S1) 07:00 08:00 09:00 11:00 11:50 12:40 15:10 16:00 16:50 17:40 18:30 19:20 21:00 22:40 23:30 Animation Star Trek: Enterprise (S1) Supernatural: The Animation Scariest Places On Earth (S1) Vikings Heroes Of Cosplay (S1) Merlin (S5) Stranded (S1) Scariest Places On Earth (S1) Supernatural: The Animation Heroes Of Cosplay (S1) Merlin (S5) Stranded (S1) American Warships Continuum (S2) Heroes Of Cosplay (S1) Stranded (S1) 00:35 Law & Order: Criminal Intent 01:30 Alfred Hitchcock Presents 02:30 Franklin & Bash 03:25 Law & Order: Criminal 23:10 Of New York City (S6) Justified (S5) The Good Wife (S1) Spy (S2) Teen Wolf (S4) Justified (S5) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) The Good Wife (S2) Spy (S2) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Teen Wolf (S4) The Real Housewives Of New York City (S6) Justified (S5) Spy (S2) The Good Wife (S2) Teen Wolf (S4) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) The Good Wife (S2) The Real Housewives Of New York City (S6) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Alias (S1) Presents 06:40 Moonlighting 07:35 The Glades 08:25 Perception 01:50 04:25 05:15 06:10 07:20 08:10 09:05 10:00 11:10 12:00 12:55 13:50 15:40 17:30 19:10 21:00 22:40 23:35 Zero Dark Thirty 30 Rock Magic City Episodes Homeland 30 Rock Magic City Episodes Homeland 30 Rock Magic City Broken City Upside Down Hope Springs Good Deeds Lilyhammer Penny Dreadful Side Effects 00:00 00:50 01:40 02:30 The Border Monster Fish Crowd Control Beyond Magic with DMC Science of Stupid S2 Christmas Special Science of Stupid Cesar Millan: Love My Pit Bull Crowd Control Beyond Magic with DMC Science of Stupid S2 Christmas Special Science of Stupid Cesar Millan: Love My Pit Bull Live Like An Animal The Border Mega Factories Street Genius (AKA None of the Above) Science of Stupid Science of Stupid S2 Christmas Special Animals Behaving Badly Megastructures Ultimate Airport Dubai Showdown of The Unbeatables Cesar to the Rescue Asia Cesar To The Rescue Mega Factories Megastructures Ultimate Airport Dubai To Catch A Smuggler Mega Factories 06:35 07:30 08:20 09:10 10:55 11:45 12:40 03:20 03:45 04:10 01:25 A Christmas Song 03:10 Annie Claus Is Coming 05:00 06:00 05:00 06:55 07:25 08:20 09:15 10:10 12:00 13:50 14:20 14:45 15:15 16:10 17:05 18:00 20:10 06:55 22:15 23:55 To Town Three Wise Women The Mindy Project (S2) Aurora (S1) Cruel Love (S1) Clean House (S9) Downton Abbey (S5) Defending Santa Guys With Kids (S1) Just For Laughs (S13) Just For Laughs (S10) Aurora (S1) Cruel Love (S1) Clean House (S9) The American President How To Make An American Quilt Kristin’s Christmas Past Help For The Holidays Intent 05:15 The Fall 06:10 Alfred Hitchcock 13:30 14:20 15:15 17:05 18:00 19:00 19:55 20:50 21:15 21:45 22:35 23:25 The Mentalist Family Guy CSI Miami Bones Law & Order : Special Victims Unit The Mentalist CSI Miami Bones NCIS The Mentalist CSI Miami Law & Order : Special Victims Unit Castle The Mentalist NCIS CSI Miami The Mentalist NCIS White Collar American Dad! Family Guy CSI Miami NCIS The Mentalist 00:00 The Real Housewives 14:30 15:20 16:10 17:00 17:50 00:20 Scariest Places On 02:45 03:35 04:00 04:50 05:45 00:15 CSI Miami 01:05 Bones 01:55 Law & Order : Special Victims Unit 07:20 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 12:50 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 77 25 DEC 2014 THE HEAT FOX MOVIES PREMIUM 21.50 WIB THE MASK HBO HITS 18.45 WIB AMERICAN WARSHIPS SYFY 19.20 WIB THE AMERICAN PRESIDENT DIVA 18.00 WIB FRIDAY 13:50 A Christmas Tree Miracle 01:20 03:30 04:55 07:00 08:30 11:00 12:35 14:45 17:00 19:10 21:00 23:20 00:50 02:45 04:35 05:00 07:00 09:00 10:45 12:55 15:00 17:15 19:15 21:00 22:55 Bicentennial Man Marci X Superman II The Witches War Horse R.I.P.D. Miami Vice Jerry Maguire Bicentennial Man Escape Plan Man Of Steel Letters From Iwo Jima Total Recall (2012) Dark Shadows Hollywood On Set 576 True Colors Cowboy Bebop: The Movie Here Comes The Boom Wolf Real Steel Thoroughly Modern Millie Rollercoaster Starship Troopers 3: Marauder Total Recall (2012) Wild Things 15:35 The Princess And 17:30 19:00 20:30 22:15 01:00 02:30 04:30 04:45 06:30 08:00 09:30 11:15 13:00 14:30 16:30 18:00 19:45 20:00 21:30 23:15 The Frog Jingle All The Way Pete’s Christmas Disney’s The Kid 12 Dogs Of Christmas: Great Puppy Rescue Angel of Desire Hair MGM’s Big Screen Cherry 2000 Ring of the Musketeers Boris And Natasha Memories Of Me Martin’s Day Deadly Stranger The Great Train Robbery The Extreme Adventures Of Super Dave He’s My Girl MGM’s Big Screen The Heavenly Kid No Man’s Land A Prayer For The Dying JINGLE ALL THE WAY @ FOX FAMILY MOVIES 17.30 WIB 16:30 17:00 17:30 19:05 20:40 22:15 Crashbox S2 03 Crashbox S204: Crashbox S2 04 M.I. High S704: Revenge Is Sweet Despicable Me 2 Matilda Freaky Friday Battle Of The Year 20:00 The Comeback S207 20:30 Eastbound & Down S105: Chapter 5 21:00 The Best Man Holiday 23:00 Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang 00:00 01:00 01:40 Mr. Pip 03:40 The Lone Ranger 06:10 The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 Beautiful Creatures Walking With Dinosaurs Die Hard 2 Last Vegas The Monuments Men Robocop The Devil Wears Prada A Good Day To Die Hard 23:40 Mr. Pip 08:10 10:20 11:55 14:00 15:50 17:55 20:00 21:55 01:10 02:40 04:15 05:55 08:05 09:25 11:00 12:25 Saving Shiloh Justin Time Groundhog Day Nicholas Nickleby The Tigger Movie Are We There Yet? Saving Santa The Legend Of Sarila 00:30 02:15 04:00 06:00 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 08:30 10:10 11:50 13:40 15:00 15:30 16:00 Freaky Friday Biloxi Blues Pleasantville Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S112: Snow White Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S113: Princess And The Pea Crashbox S201: Crashbox S2 01 Crashbox S202: Crashbox S2 02 M.I. High S703: The Man Who Drew Tomorrow Little Secrets Matilda Biloxi Blues Home On The Range Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S201: Pinocchio Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S202: Thumbelina Crashbox S203: 00:00 World War Z 02:00 Hollywood On Set 574 02:30 Cloudy With A Chance 04:00 06:00 07:30 09:30 11:30 13:15 15:00 16:30 18:15 20:15 22:00 23:45 01:00 Hung S301: “Don’T Give Up On Detroit” Or “Hung Like A Horse” 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:30 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 03:30 Big Love S201: 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 04:30 Flight Of The 23:30 01:30 Luck S101: Pilot 02:30 Rome S202: Son Of Hades Damage Control 04:55 07:05 07:30 09:45 11:30 12:00 12:30 13:00 14:00 THE BREAK-UP @ HBO HITS 11.30 WIB Of Meatballs 2 Four Brothers The Sweetest Thing World War Z White Chicks The Break-Up The Mask Surviving Christmas Four Brothers World War Z The Mask Identity Thief Oblivion 02:00 03:00 03:30 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 14:30 16:30 19:00 Conchords S208: New Zealand Town Les Miserables (1998) Hollywood On Set 575 Flight Bless Me, Ultima Curb Your Enthusiasm S305: The Terrorist Attack Curb Your Enthusiasm S306: The Special Section Flight Of The Conchords S208: New Zealand Town Game Of Thrones S101: Winter Is Coming Enlightened S104: The Weekend Almost Famous Zodiac Rome S108: Caesarion Earth (S1) Flipping Vegas (S3) The Feed (S1) Red Hot Design (S1) Atul’s Spice Kitchen: Malaysia 22:00 The Coolest Places On You Have Been Warned Earth (S1) (S3) 23:00 Red Hot Design (S1) The Unexplained Files (S2) Bering Sea Gold (S4) How Do They Do It? (S10) How It’s Made (S16) Dual Survival (S3) Alaska Gold Diggers 00:15 Carrie Diaries World’s Toughest Drive 01:05 Masterchef Junior US You Have Been Warned 01:55 The Apartment (S3) 03:35 Carrie Diaries Bering Sea Gold (S4) 04:25 Cougar Town Ice Cold Gold (S2) 05:15 Masterchef Junior US How Do They Do It? (S10) 06:55 The Apartment How It’s Made (S16) 07:45 Glee Dual Survival (S3) 08:35 Cougar Town World’s Toughest Drive 09:25 The Apartment You Have Been Warned 10:15 Carrie Diaries (S3) 11:05 Top Chef: Just Desserts Bering Sea Gold (S4) 11:55 Masterchef Junior US Ice Cold Gold (S2) 12:45 The Apartment How Do They Do 13:35 America’s Next Top It? (S10) Model How It’s Made (S16) 14:25 Glee Dual Survival (S3) 15:15 Carrie Diaries Alaska Gold Diggers 16:05 Masterchef US How Do They Do 17:00 The Rachel Zoe Project It? (S11) 17:55 Happy Endings How It’s Made (S17) 18:20 How I Met Your Mother After The Wave 18:50 Million Dollar Listing Life In Cold Blood 20:40 America’s Next Top Marooned Model How Do They Do 21:35 Mistresses It? (S11) 22:30 Glee How It’s Made (S17) 23:25 The Rachel Zoe Project 00:00 The Feed (S1) 02:00 Bondi Vet (S4) 03:00 Sell This House: Extreme (S2) 04:00 Flipping Vegas (S3) 05:00 Sell This House: 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 Food Factory (S2) 16:00 The Coolest Places On Extreme (S2) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Bondi Vet (S4) Food Factory (S2) The Feed (S1) Flipping Vegas (S3) Sell This House: Extreme (S2) Bondi Vet (S4) The Feed (S1) Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time 17:00 18:00 19:00 21:00 00:10 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) 01:00 Hawaii Five-0 (S4) 01:50 Cyril: Rio Magic 02:20 CSI: Crime Scene 03:10 04:00 05:00 05:50 06:40 07:30 08:25 09:20 10:10 11:05 Investigation (S14) Wipeout (S5) Caught On Camera (S4) Wipeout (S5) Leverage (S5) American Ninja Warrior (S3) Caught On Camera (S4) Wipeout (S5) Leverage (S5) American Ninja Warrior (S3) CSI: Crime Scene 12:00 12:55 13:50 14:45 15:35 16:25 17:15 17:45 18:15 19:10 20:05 23:35 23:45 Investigation (S14) NCIS: Los Angeles (S5) Hawaii Five-0 (S4) Caught On Camera (S4) Leverage (S5) American Ninja Warrior (S3) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) Criss Angel Mindfreak (S2) Ebuzz Cyril: Rio Magic Cyril’S Family Vacation: Hawaii Edition 72 Hours (S1) Ebuzz The Amazing Race (S25) 06:40 07:35 08:25 10:05 11:00 11:30 12:25 13:15 14:10 15:00 15:55 16:45 18:25 19:15 20:10 21:00 21:50 22:45 23:40 Moonlighting The Listener Happily Never After Gang Related Alfred Hitchcock Presents The Listener CSI Miami Police Women of Broward County Gang Related Moonlighting CSI Miami Happily Never After The Listener Law & Order: Criminal Intent Dog Patrol Police Women of Broward County CSI Miami Dog Patrol Police Women of Broward County 00:55 Just For Laughs: Gags 03:10 04:05 05:00 06:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 12:15 14:05 16:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 (S10) Law & Order (S12) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) Just For Laughs: Gags (S10) Law & Order (S12) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (S1) Beaches Criminal Minds (S7) Law & Order (S19) Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (S1) Criminal Minds (S7) Lie To Me (S2) Lie To Me (S3) Law & Order (S19) Lie To Me (S2) Lie To Me (S3) 00:20 Scariest Places On Earth (S1) 01:10 Star Trek: Enterprise (S1) 02:10 Icetastrophe 04:00 Supernatural: The 05:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:40 11:35 13:20 15:00 15:50 16:40 17:30 19:10 21:00 22:40 23:30 Animation Star Trek: Enterprise (S1) Supernatural: The Animation Scariest Places On Earth (S1) P-51 Dragon Fighter Heroes Of Cosplay (S1) Ghost Mine (S1) Stranded (S1) Scariest Places On Earth (S1) Supernatural: The Animation Heroes Of Cosplay (S1) Ghost Mine (S1) Forever Young Haven (S5) Heroes Of Cosplay (S1) Stranded (S1) 00:35 Law & Order: Criminal Intent 01:30 Alfred Hitchcock 02:30 03:25 05:15 06:10 Presents The Glades CSI Miami Gang Related Alfred Hitchcock Presents 02:45 03:35 04:00 04:50 05:45 06:35 07:30 08:20 09:10 10:55 11:45 12:40 13:30 14:20 15:15 17:05 18:00 19:00 19:55 20:50 21:15 21:45 22:35 23:25 23:50 Victims Unit The Mentalist Family Guy CSI Miami Castle Law & Order : Special Victims Unit The Mentalist CSI Miami Castle NCIS: New Orleans The Mentalist CSI Miami Law & Order : Special Victims Unit Crisis The Mentalist NCIS: New Orleans CSI Miami The Mentalist NCIS: New Orleans White Collar American Dad! Family Guy CSI Miami NCIS: New Orleans American Dad! CSI Miami 26 DEC 2014 LETTERS FROM IWO JIMA HBO 23.20 WIB 00:00 The Real Housewives 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:55 11:50 12:50 13:40 14:30 15:20 16:10 17:00 17:50 18:50 19:40 20:30 21:20 22:10 23:10 Of New York City (S6) Justified (S5) The Good Wife (S2) Spy (S2) Teen Wolf (S4) Justified (S5) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) The Good Wife (S2) Spy (S2) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Teen Wolf (S4) The Real Housewives Of New York City (S6) Justified (S5) Spy (S2) The Good Wife (S2) Teen Wolf (S4) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) The Good Wife (S2) The Real Housewives Of New York City (S6) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Alias (S1) 01:35 The Christmas Heart 03:15 Christmas At 05:00 06:55 07:25 08:20 09:15 10:10 11:55 13:40 15:15 16:10 17:05 18:40 20:30 22:20 Castlebury Hall Defending Santa Guys With Kids (S1) Aurora (S1) Cruel Love (S1) Clean House (S9) Mistletoe Over Manhattan A Christmas Song A Perfect Christmas Aurora (S1) Cruel Love (S1) My Santa The Wedding Singer Mr Wrong Christmas At Castlebury Hall 00:15 CSI Miami 01:05 Castle 01:55 Law & Order : Special 01:20 03:00 04:40 05:30 06:25 07:35 08:25 09:15 10:10 11:20 12:10 13:25 14:20 16:55 18:40 20:30 21:00 23:10 Hope Springs Hairbrained 30 Rock Magic City Episodes Homeland 30 Rock Magic City Episodes Homeland 30 Rock Magic City Zero Dark Thirty Side Effects Seven Psychopaths Web Therapy Mud American Horror Story: Freak Show WILD THINGS CINEMAX 22.55 WIB 00:00 The Border 00:50 Megastructures 01:40 Ultimate Airport 02:30 03:20 04:10 05:00 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Dubai To Catch A Smuggler Mega Factories The Border Megastructures Ultimate Airport Dubai To Catch A Smuggler Mega Factories Beyond Magic with DMC The Border To Catch A Smuggler Showdown of The Unbeatables Brain Games S3 Compilations Beyond Magic with DMC The ‘90s: The Decade That Connected Us (2 Hours) Trekking Malaysia With Jason Scott Lee Cesar to the Rescue Asia Cesar Millan: Doggie Nightmares To Catch A Smuggler 24 Hours In A&E Live Free Or Die Taboo 24 Hours In A&E 79 THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA FOX MOVIES PREMIUM 20.00 WIB BATTLE OF THE YEAR HBO FAMILY 22.15 WIB SATURDAY 10:30 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 15:30 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 47 RONIN @ HBO 21.00 WIB 01:40 03:30 05:35 07:00 09:10 10:45 12:40 15:00 16:30 18:30 21:00 23:00 00:45 02:20 04:30 05:00 06:30 08:00 09:40 11:15 13:15 15:00 17:15 19:00 21:00 23:40 Black Snake Moan Ocean’s Thirteen Angels Sing Jerry Maguire Closed Circuit Escape Plan Man Of Steel Iron Man: Rise Of Technovore Ocean’s Thirteen Superman Returns 47 Ronin Not Safe For Work Witchboard 2 The Fugitive Hollywood On Set 576 Trespass Death Warrant Hard Target The Shepherd Air Force One Firewall The Fugitive The Phantom Looper Django Unchained Swordfish 05:25 06:55 08:20 09:45 11:10 12:55 14:30 16:00 17:30 19:00 20:35 22:10 23:40 01:00 02:30 04:30 04:45 06:15 07:45 09:45 11:15 13:15 15:00 16:45 18:30 20:00 21:45 23:30 01:40 03:55 05:55 07:35 10:05 12:10 14:25 16:10 18:00 20:00 22:15 Enemy Of The State Just Go With It Turbo The Lone Ranger The Monuments Men Die Hard 4.0 Frozen Monsters University The Heat Need For Speed Percy Jackson: Sea Of Monsters (Part 1 Of 2) 03:50 Merlin’s Apprentice (Part 2 Of 2) Dead On The Black Stallion MGM’s Big Screen Deadly Stranger The Extreme Adventures Of Super Dave The Great Train Robbery Limit Up The Manhattan Project The Boyfriend School Memories Of Me Impromptu The Heavenly Kid What’s The Worst That Could Happen? A Prayer For The Dying A Home Of Our Own 04:00 05:00 06:00 Anonymous Haiku From The Underground 07:00 Despicable Me 2 22:20 Better Living Through 08:00 The Holiday Chemistry 09:00 Mean Girls 23:50 Big Love S201: Dinosaur Damage Control 10:00 Save The Last Dance 2: 11:00 Stepping Up 12:00 RV 13:00 Battle Of The Year 15:00 Bewitched (2005) 00:00 After The Wave 16:00 01:00 Life In Cold Blood 17:00 02:00 Marooned 18:00 03:00 How Do They Do 19:00 It? (S10) 20:00 03:30 How It’s Made (S16) 21:00 04:00 Dual Survival (S3) 22:00 Blade II 05:00 Alaska Gold Diggers White Chicks 06:00 How Do They Do 23:00 08:30 Herbie: Fully Loaded 10:09 Kobushi S1 S133: 10:20 12:00 14:15 15:50 17:10 18:45 20:30 22:20 02:00 04:00 06:00 06:30 08:15 10:00 12:00 13:45 15:45 17:30 18:00 20:00 22:00 23:45 Hollywood On Set 574 Hanging Up The Break-Up Blade II Four Brothers World War Z Identity Thief Hollywood On Set 574 Oblivion Blade II Four Brothers Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2 Cairo 21:00 Subway Stories: Tales It? (S11) How It’s Made (S17) After The Wave Life In Cold Blood What Happened Next? (S2) 09:30 Time Warp 10:00 How Do They Do Red Hot Design (S1) Bondi Vet (S5) Bondi Vet (S4) Sell This House: Extreme (S2) Flipping Vegas (S3) Bondi Vet (S5) Food Factory (S1) Food Factory (S2) Epic Meal Empire (S1) Travels With The Bondi Vet (S1) Bondi Vet (S5) Food Factory (S2) The Feed (S1) Tiny House Nation (S1) The Feed (S1) Epic Meal Empire (S1) Food Factory (S2) Bondi Vet (S5) Tiny House Nation (S1) The Feed (S1) Epic Meal Empire (S1) Travels With The Bondi Vet (S1) Bondi Vet (S5) 06:30 07:00 08:00 09:00 00:15 Suburgatory 01:05 Trophy Wife 00:40 Midnight’S Children 03:00 Six Feet Under S207: Back To The Garden 04:00 Curb Your Enthusiasm S305: The Terrorist Attack 04:30 Curb Your Enthusiasm 00:05 Pleasantville 02:05 The Sisterhood Of The 04:00 06:00 06:30 07:00 00:00 Holidaze 00:45 Magic The Talking Dog 02:20 Merlin’s Apprentice Ernest Saves Christmas The Legend Of Sarila On Strike For Christmas Saving Santa 102 Dalmatians Anastasia The Flintstones Pete’s Christmas Tarzan Hercules Are We There Yet? Smart Cookies Christmas With The Kranks It? (S11) How It’s Made (S17) How China Works Yukon Men Marooned After The Wave What Happened Next? (S2) Time Warp Bering Sea Gold (S4) After The Wave You Have Been Warned (S3) Yukon Men Deadliest Catch (S10) Ice Cold Gold (S2) After The Wave World’s Toughest Drive 07:30 S306: The Special Section Munich Lady In The Water Napoleon Dynamite Getting On S201 Getting On S202 Getting On S203 Getting On S204 Getting On S205 Getting On S206 Live From Baghdad Empire Falls (Part 2) Bless Me, Ultima Entourage S403: Malibooty 19:30 Entourage S404: Sorry, Harvey 20:00 The Leftovers S108: 05:00 Traveling Pants 2 07:40 Dance With Me 09:30 M.I. High S701: The 11:00 Mayze 11:30 M.I. High S702: 12:00 Frankenstein 12:30 M.I. High S703: 13:00 The Man Who Drew 13:30 Tomorrow 14:05 M.I. High S704: 15:50 Revenge Is Sweet 17:15 Kobushi S1 S1101: B.B 19:00 08:00 08:07 Kobushi S1 S1102: Looking For Ninjasmin 08:14 Kobushi S1 S1103: Sushi To The Future Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time RV @ HBO FAMILY 18.45 WIB 01:30 01:55 02:45 05:15 06:05 06:55 07:45 08:35 09:00 09:25 10:15 11:55 12:45 13:35 14:25 16:05 17:00 18:50 19:45 20:10 20:40 21:35 23:25 Dads Glee Royal Pains Melissa & Joey Suburgatory New Girl Parenthood Happy Endings How I Met Your Mother 2014 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show 2014 Fashion Rocks The Apartment New Girl Suburgatory America’s Next Top Model Mistresses Masterchef Junior US 2014 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show The Crazy Ones New Girl The Apartment Masterchef Junior US Mistresses 00:05 Criss Angel Mindfreak (S2) 00:35 Wipeout (S5) 01:30 American Ninja Warrior 02:20 03:10 04:00 05:00 05:55 06:20 07:10 08:00 08:30 09:00 09:20 10:05 11:00 12:50 14:15 16:00 18:15 19:10 20:05 (S3) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) Wipeout (S5) Caught On Camera (S4) Cyril: Rio Magic Cyril’S Family Vacation: Hawaii Edition Breaking The Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed 72 Hours (S1) Ebuzz Criss Angel Mindfreak (S2) David Blaine: Real Or Magic The Amazing Race (S25) Wake Up Call The Rundown Cyril: Rio Magic Winter Wipeout (S5) Stealth CSI: Ny (S9) Hawaii Five-0 (S4) Wake Up Call 00:20 Scariest Places On 01:10 02:10 04:00 05:00 06:35 08:15 09:45 10:35 11:00 11:50 12:40 14:20 16:00 16:50 18:30 20:10 21:50 22:40 00:35 Law & Order: Criminal Intent 01:30 Alfred Hitchcock Presents The Listener CSI Miami Dog Patrol The Fall Gang Related Body Of Proof Homicide Hunter CSI NY Dog Patrol Gang Related Moonlighting Law & Order: Criminal Intent 21:00 CSI Miami 23:30 Dog Patrol 02:30 03:25 05:15 06:10 07:05 08:00 08:55 09:50 12:25 13:15 14:10 18:30 01:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:55 08:50 09:45 11:35 12:25 13:15 14:05 17:10 19:05 19:55 22:00 22:50 23:40 Intent (S2) Just For Laughs: Gags (S10) Law & Order (S12) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) The Truth About Charlie The Librarians (S1) House (S8) Lie To Me (S2) Lie To Me (S3) Law & Order (S20) The Horse Whisperer The Truth About Charlie The Librarians (S1) Patch Adams The Librarians (S1) Law & Order (S20) The Horse Whisperer 16:10 18:00 19:55 21:45 22:40 Scents & Sensibility Johnny English Just For Laughs (S13) Atlantis (S2) Supermodelme: Sirens (S5) The Christmas Heart Help For The Holidays Billy Madison Supermodelme: Sirens (S5) Defending Santa 00:40 04:00 04:50 06:35 08:20 09:10 10:05 10:55 12:40 13:30 15:15 16:10 17:05 18:50 19:45 20:40 CSI Miami Family Guy Medium Castle Hell’s Kitchen NCIS NCIS: New Orleans White Collar Opposite Worlds Criminal Minds Clipaholics NCIS White Collar Opposite Worlds Monster Jam 2014 World Championship Kickboxing 21:40 Family Guy 23:50 Law & Order : Special Victims Unit 00:00 00:50 02:40 04:30 05:25 07:45 11:55 13:45 15:40 17:20 19:30 21:00 22:30 23:25 Lilyhammer Upside Down Seven Psychopaths 30 Rock Episodes Homeland 3096 Days To The Wonder Hairbrained Mud Robot & Frank Scenic Route Penny Dreadful Web Therapy 00:00 00:50 01:40 02:30 03:20 04:10 05:00 06:00 06:55 07:50 The Border To Catch A Smuggler Live Free Or Die Taboo The Border To Catch A Smuggler Live Free Or Die Filthy Riches Witness Disaster Seconds From Disaster Live Free Or Die Incredibly Small World Beyond Magic with DMC Crowd Control Science of Stupid S2 Christmas Special Science of Stupid Cesar Millan: Love My Pit Bull Monster Fish Filthy Riches 24 Hours In A&E Megastructures Mega Factories Ultimate Airport Dubai Beyond Magic with DMC Crowd Control To Catch A Smuggler Nazi Underworld 27 DEC 2014 NEED FOR SPEED FOX MOVIES PREMIUM 20.00 WIB OBLIVION HBO HITS 18.00 WIB 00:00 The Real Housewives 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 07:00 08:00 10:00 00:00 Law & Order: Criminal Earth (S1) Star Trek: Enterprise (S1) Defiance (S2) Supernatural: The Animation P-51 Dragon Fighter Forever Young American Warships Face Off (S3) The Paranormal Zone (S1) Merlin (S5) Ghost Mine (S1) Haven (S5) Forever Young Face Off (S3) P-51 Dragon Fighter Continuum (S2) Crystal Skulls Face Off (S3) Haven (S5) 10:10 12:00 13:50 14:20 15:15 12:00 13:00 14:40 16:40 17:35 18:20 20:00 20:50 21:40 23:20 Of New York City (S6) Justified (S5) The Good Wife (S2) Spy (S2) Teen Wolf (S4) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Cyril: Simply Magic The Good Wife (S1) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) The Real Housewives Of New York City (S6) The Good Wife (S1) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Cyril: Simply Magic Flipping Out (S7) The Good Wife (S1) Men At Work (S3) Flipping Out (S7) The Good Wife (S1) All Dogs Go To Heaven 2 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 12:50 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 17:00 18:00 00:05 Scents & Sensibility 02:00 All I Want For Christmas 19:00 04:00 The Mindy Project (S2) 20:00 04:30 Hot In Cleveland (S5) 05:00 The Sweeter Side Of Life 21:00 22:00 06:40 The Seven Year Hitch 23:00 08:20 The Michaels 81 MISTRESS STARWORLD 23.25 WIB P-51 DRAGON FIGHTER SYFY 16.50 WIB SUNDAY 00:00 Deadliest Catch (S10) 01:00 Yukon Men 02:00 Bear’s Wild Weekend 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 07:30 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 IRON MAN 3 @ FOX MOVIES PREMIUM 20.00 WIB 20:00 Iron Man 3 22:15 Last Vegas 00:20 01:50 03:25 04:55 05:20 07:00 08:20 09:50 11:20 12:45 15:10 17:40 19:00 21:00 22:40 23:15 Cold Comes The Night Closed Circuit Sixteen Candles Hollywood On Set 576 Desperado Jetsons The Movie Iron Man: Rise Of Technovore Monster House The Spongebob Squarepants Movie 47 Ronin Superman Returns Vehicle 19 300 Good People The Comeback S207 Trouble With The Curve 01:15 02:00 02:50 04:25 06:00 07:30 09:15 10:55 12:30 14:15 16:30 18:00 Strike Back S301 Strike Back S302 Urban Justice Hard To Kill The Glimmer Man Fire Down Below Black Dawn Shadow Man Pistol Whipped Waterworld Blind Fury Beast Of The Bering Sea 19:30 Premium Rush 21:00 Jackass Presents Bad Grandpa 22:30 Ninja: Shadow Of A Tear 00:05 01:50 03:55 07:00 08:35 10:10 12:00 13:45 15:50 17:45 A Long Way Down The Monuments Men Pearl Harbor Walking With Dinosaurs Free Birds Percy Jackson: Sea Of Monsters A Good Day To Die Hard Robocop The Devil Wears Prada Need For Speed Stepping Up 15:20 RV 16:56 Kobushi S1 S112: The With Stephen Fry Strip The City (S2) Deadliest Catch (S10) Ice Lake Rebels (S1) Yukon Men What Happened Next? (S2) Time Warp Strip The City (S2) Marooned Yukon Men After The Wave Ice Cold Gold (S2) World’s Toughest Drive Ice Lake Rebels (S1) Deadliest Catch (S10) After The Wave Marooned What Happened Next? (S2) Time Warp After The Wave How China Works Bering Sea Gold (S4) Ice Lake Rebels (S1) After The Wave Curse Of Stinkypoos 17:05 Saving My Tomorrow: 01:20 Chilly Christmas 02:50 The Dog Who Saved 04:20 05:55 07:35 09:20 10:50 12:35 14:00 15:55 17:25 19:00 20:40 22:50 The Holidays Justin Time Christmas With The Kranks 12 Dogs Of Christmas Jingle All The Way Disney’s The Kid Saving Santa The Princess And The Frog Return To Nim’s Island The Hunters Camp Nowhere Nicholas Nickleby K-911 01:15 02:45 04:15 06:15 08:00 09:45 11:30 13:30 15:15 16:45 18:15 Living On Tokyo Time The Longshot Hair The Boyfriend School Memories Of Me Impromptu The Manhattan Project A Home Of Our Own Limit Up Haunted Honeymoon What’s The Worst That Could Happen? 20:00 Benny & Joon 21:45 The Russia House 23:45 Angel of Desire Kids Care For The Planet 00:45 The Wire S207: White Chicks The Break-Up The Benchwarmers Blade II Identity Thief World War Z Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2 The Sweetest Thing Oblivion The Mask Four Brothers Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2 World War Z 10:00 The Wire S207: Backwash 18:15 A League Of Their Own 01:40 Hung S301: “Don’T Give Up On Detroit” Or 20:30 Bewitched (2005) “Hung Like A Horse” 22:15 Grumpy Old Men 02:05 Life Support 03:30 Powder Room 05:00 Midnight’S Children 07:25 The Pretty One 09:00 The Leftovers S108: 01:15 03:05 04:50 06:15 08:15 10:00 12:00 13:30 15:00 17:00 18:45 20:30 22:00 Cairo 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:05 19:20 21:00 22:45 23:30 Backwash The Newsroom S301 The Newsroom S302 The Newsroom S303 The Newsroom S304 The Newsroom S305 The Newsroom S306 You Don’T Know Jack Warm Bodies Insidious Chapter 2 Chernobyl Heart Six Feet Under S207: Back To The Garden 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 00:00 Dance With Me 02:15 Grumpy Old Men 04:00 The Sisterhood Of The 06:00 07:15 08:40 10:55 12:30 13:50 Traveling Pants 2 Balto Mulan The Holiday Mean Girls Dinosaur Save The Last Dance 2: WORLD WAR Z @ HBO HITS 22.00 WIB Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time Red Hot Design (S1) The Feed (S1) Epic Meal Empire (S1) Food Factory (S2) Food Factory (S1) Fix This Yard (S3) Hideous Houses (S1) Tiny House Nation (S1) Red Hot Design (S1) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Atul’s Spice Kitchen: Malaysia Food Factory (S2) Epic Meal Empire (S1) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Atul’s Spice Kitchen: Malaysia Red Hot Design (S1) Tiny House Nation (S1) Food Factory (S2) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Atul’s Spice Kitchen: Malaysia Bondi Vet (S5) 22:00 Food Factory (S2) 23:00 Taste Of Vietnam (S2) 02:00 The Paranormal Zone (S1) 03:00 Warehouse 13 (S2) 05:00 Zodiac: Signs Of The Apocalypse House 21:05 The Wedding Singer 23:05 Just For Laughs (S10) 23:35 Hot In Cleveland (S5) 06:40 The Paranormal 00:15 01:05 01:55 03:35 04:25 05:15 06:05 07:45 08:35 10:15 11:05 11:55 12:45 13:35 15:15 16:05 17:00 17:30 17:55 18:50 20:40 21:35 22:30 23:50 Mistresses Trophy Wife Parenthood Melissa & Joey Suburgatory New Girl Mistresses Million Dollar Listing Masterchef Junior US Melissa & Joey New Girl America’s Next Top Model Masterchef Junior US Got to Dance UK Million Dollar Listing The Apartment New Girl Suburgatory America’s Next Top Model Masterchef Junior US The Apartment Mistresses Got to Dance UK America’s Next Top Model 00:45 David Blaine: Real Or 01:50 02:20 03:15 05:00 05:30 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:20 09:15 10:05 11:00 13:50 15:40 18:15 19:10 20:05 23:25 Magic Ebuzz Wake Up Call Wipeout (S5) Cyril: Rio Magic Wake Up Call Ebuzz Criss Angel Mindfreak (S2) CSI: Ny (S9) Hawaii Five-0 (S4) Criss Angel Mindfreak (S5) Wake Up Call 2012 Winter Wipeout (S5) The Karate Kid (2010) Falling Skies (S4) NCIS: Los Angeles (S4) Hawaii Five-0 (S4) Hollow Man 02:50 Just For Laughs: 07:00 07:55 08:50 09:45 11:40 13:55 14:20 15:15 16:10 18:00 18:50 19:45 22:15 Gags (S8) Lie To Me (S2) Lie To Me (S3) Law & Order (S20) The Truth About Charlie Beaches Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) Lie To Me (S2) Lie To Me (S3) House (S8) The Librarians (S1) Law & Order (S20) Captain Corelli’s Mandolin The Truth About Charlie 00:20 Merlin (S5) 01:10 Stranded (S1) 07:10 09:00 10:00 10:55 12:40 14:20 16:00 16:50 18:30 20:10 21:50 23:30 00:25 01:15 02:10 03:05 03:55 04:25 05:15 09:50 12:25 13:15 14:10 18:30 19:20 21:00 23:40 Zone (S1) Defiance (S2) Merlin (S5) Ghost Mine (S1) Continuum (S2) Vikings Crystal Skulls The Paranormal Zone (S1) Ghost Mine (S1) Haven (S5) Ice Spiders Continuum (S2) The Paranormal Zone (S1) The Fall Body Of Proof Gang Related Homicide Hunter Alfred Hitchcock Presents CSI Miami Moonlighting CSI Miami Body Of Proof The Fall Police Women of Broward County Dog Patrol Law & Order: Criminal Intent CSI NY Happily Never After 01:20 The Good Wife (S1) 03:00 All Dogs Go To 28 DEC 2014 00:40 Law & Order : Special 04:00 04:50 06:35 08:15 09:05 09:55 10:55 11:45 12:40 13:30 14:25 15:25 16:20 17:15 18:10 19:55 20:50 23:00 23:25 Victims Unit Family Guy Criminal Minds Castle Clipaholics Monster Jam 2014 World Championship Kickboxing Opposite Worlds NCIS NCIS: New Orleans Monster Jam 2014 World Championship Kickboxing Hell’s Kitchen NCIS NCIS: New Orleans White Collar Opposite Worlds American Dad! Family Guy The Mentalist TROUBLE WITH THE CURVE HBO 23.15 WIB 00:00 01:50 04:25 06:10 07:30 13:00 14:30 16:20 18:10 To The Wonder Zero Dark Thirty Side Effects 30 Rock Magic City Scenic Route Seven Psychopaths Upside Down Place Beyond The Pines, The 20:30 Web Therapy 21:00 American Horror Story: Freak Show 22:40 Mud JACKASS PRESENTS BAD GRANDPA CINEMAX 21.00 WIB Heaven 2 05:00 Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) 07:00 The Good Wife (S1) 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) 10:30 The Real Housewives Of New York City (S6) 12:10 Men At Work (S3) 13:00 Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) 00:00 00:50 01:40 02:30 03:20 15:00 The Good Wife (S1) 16:40 The Real Housewives 04:10 05:00 18:20 19:10 20:00 21:40 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 23:40 Of New York City (S6) Justified (S4) Men At Work (S3) The Good Wife (S1) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) The Real Housewives Of New York City (S6) 09:40 10:35 11:00 11:30 00:30 Mr Wrong 02:20 The American 04:30 05:00 06:55 08:40 10:30 12:25 14:20 16:10 16:35 17:05 18:00 19:00 President Just For Laughs (S13) Kristin’s Christmas Past Christmas At Castlebury Hall Billy Madison Baby Mama Addicted To Love Evan Almighty Just For Laughs (S13) Just For Laughs (S10) Chicago Fire (S2) Atlantis (S2) Bringing Down The 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 17:00 17:30 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Taboo Drugged 24 Hours In A&E Inside The American Mob To Catch A Smuggler Witness Disaster Seconds From Disaster Filthy Riches Monster Fish Crowd Control Beyond Magic with DMC 24 Hours In A&E Science of Stupid S2 Christmas Special Science of Stupid Cesar Millan: Love My Pit Bull Mega Factories Ultimate Airport Dubai Megastructures Crowd Control Beyond Magic with DMC Science of Stupid S2 Christmas Special Science of Stupid Cesar Millan: Love My Pit Bull Filthy Riches Monster Fish Witness Disaster Seconds From Disaster Live Free Or Die 83 K-911 FOX FAMILY MOVIES 22.50 WIB MULAN HBO FAMILY 07.15 WIB MONDAY 07:00 Crashbox S205: 02:00 What Happened 20:00 Strangers In Danger 07:30 Crashbox S206: 02:30 Time Warp 03:00 Deadliest Catch (S10) 04:00 The Unexplained 21:00 The Coolest Places On Crashbox S2 05 08:00 08:30 10:35 12:35 13:55 15:00 15:30 16:00 16:30 17:00 JACK THE GIANT SLAYER @ HBO 22.00 WIB 01:10 The Manchurian Candidate 03:20 A Beautiful Mind 05:30 The Spongebob 07:00 08:35 10:10 11:35 13:30 15:25 16:50 17:20 19:30 21:00 22:00 Squarepants Movie Paulie Odd Thomas A.C.O.D. 300 Trouble With The Curve Vehicle 19 Hollywood On Set 576 A Beautiful Mind Deadfall (2012) The Comeback S208 Jack The Giant Slayer 00:05 Street Fighter: 01:45 02:30 03:15 05:00 06:50 08:30 09:45 11:25 12:50 15:00 16:55 18:45 21:00 22:50 00:05 02:05 04:00 06:05 08:10 10:15 12:00 13:55 16:10 18:10 20:00 22:00 23:55 Assassin’s Fist Strike Back S303 Strike Back S304 This Is The End Delta Force 2: The Colombian Connection Braddock: Missing In Action III Showdown In Little Tokyo Soldier Cobra Assassins Tobruk Blue Thunder The Bourne Legacy Gangster Squad The Legend Of Hercules The Green Hornet Ender’s Game Beautiful Creatures Robocop Die Hard 2 Epic The Proposal Need For Speed The Heat Machete Kills Pretty Woman The Devil Wears Prada Need For Speed 00:20 A Christmas Tree Miracle 02:10 A Pig’s Tale 03:45 Return To Nim’s Island 05:15 Merlin’s Apprentice (Part 1 Of 2) 06:50 Merlin’s Apprentice 08:20 09:50 11:20 13:00 14:20 16:05 17:35 19:00 20:30 21:55 23:30 (Part 2 Of 2) The Dog Who Saved The Holidays Pete’s Christmas Camp Nowhere The Legend Of Sarila 102 Dalmatians Tarzan Saving Santa Beethoven K9 Adventures: A Christmas Tale Are We There Yet? Super Capers: The Origins Of Ed And The Missing Bullion 17:30 19:10 20:40 22:45 00:00 02:00 03:30 05:30 07:30 08:50 09:15 11:00 13:00 14:30 16:15 18:15 20:15 22:00 Crashbox S2 06 M.I. High S704: Revenge Is Sweet A League Of Their Own Stepmom Pocahontas Saving My Tomorrow: Kids Care For The Planet Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S203: Puss In Boots Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S204: The Pied Piper Crashbox S205: Crashbox S2 05 Crashbox S206: Crashbox S2 06 M.I. High S705: The Shadow Games The Shaggy Dog Monsters, Inc. Big Fish The Fighting Temptations The Break-Up Surviving Christmas Blade II Oblivion The Sweetest Thing Hollywood On Set 574 Four Brothers Blade II Hanging Up Identity Thief World War Z White Chicks Identity Thief Blade II 00:20 The Apparition 01:45 A Number 03:00 Flight Of The Conchords S208: New Zealand Town 03:30 Rome S107: Pharsalus 04:30 Enlightened S104: The 05:00 07:15 01:15 The Longshot 09:05 02:45 Ring of the Musketeers 12:00 04:15 Swimming to 12:30 05:30 10:00 11:30 13:00 15:00 16:30 18:15 20:00 21:30 23:15 00:00 02:05 03:55 06:00 Cambodia Hotel Terminus Limit Up Haunted Honeymoon The Black Stallion Real Men Billy Galvin Benny & Joon Once Bitten Misery No Man’s Land 13:00 13:30 14:00 16:15 17:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 Next? (S2) 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 08:30 09:00 10:00 10:30 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 Atul’s Spice Kitchen: 01:00 02:00 03:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 Weekend 19:00 Sense And Sensibility Live From Baghdad Stalin The Comeback S207 Enlightened S105: Not Good Enough Mothers Curb Your Enthusiasm S305: The Terrorist Attack Curb Your Enthusiasm S306: The Special Section Truman The Last Truck: Closing Of A Gm Plant Recount Luck S102 Rome S203: These Being The Words Of Marcus Tullius Cicero Olive Kitteridge S104 True Blood S703: Fire In The Hole Stranger Within (2013) Big Fish Grease 22:55 Stepmom Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S201: Pinocchio 06:30 Happily Ever After: Fairy 00:00 You Have Been Warned Tales For Every Child (S3) S202: Thumbelina 01:00 Bering Sea Gold (S4) Files (S2) Yukon Men Strip The City (S2) After The Wave What Happened Next? (S2) Time Warp Marooned How Do They Do It? (S10) How It’s Made (S16) Dual Survival (S3) How Do They Do It? (S11) How It’s Made (S17) After The Wave Life In Cold Blood Yukon Men How Do They Do It? (S10) How It’s Made (S16) Dual Survival (S3) Alaska Gold Diggers Bering Sea Gold (S4) Ice Cold Gold (S2) Deadliest Catch (S10) World’s Toughest Drive Bering Sea Gold (S4) Malaysia Tiny House Nation (S1) Hideous Houses (S1) Fix This Yard (S3) Sell This House: Extreme (S2) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Bondi Vet (S4) Bondi Vet (S5) Food Factory (S2) Epic Meal Empire (S1) Flipping Vegas (S3) Sell This House: Extreme (S2) Bondi Vet (S4) Atul’s Spice Kitchen: Malaysia Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Food Factory (S2) Rowhouse Showdown (S1) Travels With The Bondi Vet (S1) (S1) Earth (S1) 23:00 Rowhouse Showdown (S1) 00:40 01:30 01:55 02:45 03:10 03:35 04:25 05:15 06:55 07:45 08:10 08:35 09:25 10:15 11:05 11:55 12:45 13:35 14:25 15:15 16:05 17:00 17:55 18:20 18:50 19:45 20:40 21:35 22:30 23:25 Carrie Diaries New Girl Million Dollar Listing Suburgatory Melissa & Joey Carrie Diaries Cougar Town Masterchef Junior US Million Dollar Listing Suburgatory Melissa & Joey Cougar Town Mistresses Carrie Diaries Top Chef: Just Desserts Masterchef Junior US Mistresses Masterchef Junior US Million Dollar Listing Carrie Diaries Masterchef US Devious Maids Suburgatory Melissa & Joey New Girl Suburgatory Melissa & Joey Mistresses New Girl Devious Maids 01:20 Criss Angel Mindfreak (S5) 02:20 Wipeout (S5) 05:50 72 Hours (S1) 06:40 American Ninja Warrior 07:30 08:25 09:20 10:10 11:05 12:00 12:55 13:50 14:45 (S3) Caught On Camera (S4) Wipeout (S5) 72 Hours (S1) American Ninja Warrior (S3) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) Wake Up Call Hawaii Five-0 (S4) Caught On Camera (S4) 72 Hours (S1) PRETTY WOMAN @ FOX MOVIES PREMIUM 20.00 WIB Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time 15:40 American Ninja Warrior (S3) 16:30 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) 17:20 Criss Angel Mindfreak 18:15 19:10 20:05 22:35 23:30 (S5) The Blacklist (S1) Hannibal (S2) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S13) The Blacklist (S1) Hannibal (S2) 10:05 Dog Patrol 11:00 Alfred Hitchcock 11:30 12:25 13:15 14:10 15:00 15:55 16:45 18:25 19:15 20:10 21:00 00:15 Lie To Me (S2) 01:05 Lie To Me (S3) 01:55 Just For Laughs: 21:50 22:45 23:40 Gags (S8) Presents Happily Never After CSI Miami Police Women of Broward County Dog Patrol Moonlighting CSI Miami Law & Order: Criminal Intent Happily Never After Law & Order: Criminal Intent Homicide Hunter Police Women of Cincinnati CSI Miami Homicide Hunter Police Women of Cincinnati 05:00 Just For Laughs: Gags (S10) 05:25 Baby Mama 07:15 Law & Order (S12) 08:10 Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) 00:30 The Real Housewives Us! (S1) Lie To Me (S2) Lie To Me (S3) Criminal Minds (S7) Psych (S7) Psych (S7) Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (S1) Criminal Minds (S7) Law & Order (S20) The Librarians (S1) Psych (S7) The Librarians (S1) Law & Order (S20) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) 01:20 02:10 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 09:05 Penn & Teller: Fool 10:00 11:00 12:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:55 00:20 Crystal Skulls 02:10 P-51 Dragon Fighter 04:00 The Paranormal 05:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 11:00 11:50 13:30 15:10 16:00 16:50 17:40 19:20 21:00 21:25 21:50 22:40 23:30 00:35 01:30 02:30 03:25 05:15 06:10 Zone (S1) Star Trek: Enterprise (S1) Supernatural: The Animation Scariest Places On Earth (S1) Warehouse 13 (S2) Heroes Of Cosplay (S1) Continuum (S2) Stranded (S1) Scariest Places On Earth (S1) Supernatural: The Animation Heroes Of Cosplay (S1) Continuum (S2) Super Storm The Paranormal Zone (S1) The Paranormal Zone (S2) Face Off (S3) Heroes Of Cosplay (S1) Stranded (S1) Happily Never After Alfred Hitchcock Presents The Listener Perception Dog Patrol Alfred Hitchcock Presents 06:40 Moonlighting 07:35 Happily Never After 08:25 Law & Order: Criminal Intent 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:55 11:50 12:50 13:40 14:30 15:20 16:10 17:00 17:50 18:50 19:40 20:30 21:20 22:10 23:10 Of New York City (S6) Justified (S4) The Good Wife (S1) Justified (S4) Justified (S5) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) The Good Wife (S2) Spy (S2) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Teen Wolf (S4) Hollywood Unzipped: Stylist Wars Justified (S5) Spy (S2) The Good Wife (S2) Teen Wolf (S4) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) The Good Wife (S2) Hollywood Unzipped: Stylist Wars Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Alias (S1) 00:05 The Good Wife (S6) 01:00 How To Make An 03:05 05:00 06:55 07:25 08:20 09:15 10:15 10:45 14:20 15:15 16:10 17:05 19:00 19:55 20:25 22:35 23:05 American Quilt Oh Christmas Tree The Michaels Just For Laughs (S10) Aurora (S1) Cruel Love (S1) Knife Fight (S1) Just For Laughs (S14) My Kitchen Rules (S4) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S11) Aurora (S1) Cruel Love (S1) Evan Almighty Supermodelme: Sirens (S5) Just For Laughs (S13) The American President Just For Laughs (S14) Supermodelme: Sirens (S5) 00:15 CSI Miami 01:05 Crisis 01:55 Law & Order : Special 02:45 03:35 04:00 04:50 05:45 06:35 07:30 08:20 09:10 10:55 11:45 12:40 14:20 15:15 17:05 18:00 19:00 19:55 20:50 21:15 21:45 22:35 23:25 Victims Unit The Mentalist Family Guy CSI Miami Crisis Law & Order : Special Victims Unit The Mentalist CSI Miami Crisis Opposite Worlds The Mentalist CSI Miami Law & Order : Special Victims Unit The Mentalist Opposite Worlds CSI Miami The Mentalist Opposite Worlds NCIS American Dad! Family Guy CSI Miami Opposite Worlds The Mentalist 00:50 02:40 04:50 05:45 06:55 07:55 08:45 09:40 10:50 11:50 12:45 13:40 15:25 18:00 20:10 21:00 21:30 Good Deeds Don’t Come Knocking Magic City Episodes Homeland 30 Rock Magic City Episodes Homeland 30 Rock Magic City Side Effects Zero Dark Thirty Mud Lilyhammer Web Therapy American Horror Story: Freak Show 22:20 Penny Dreadful 23:15 Scenic Route 00:00 00:50 01:40 02:30 03:20 04:10 05:00 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 15:35 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 21:30 22:00 23:00 The Border Filthy Riches Monster Fish Witness Disaster Seconds From Disaster Live Free Or Die Filthy Riches Monster Fish Witness Disaster Seconds From Disaster Saxon Gold: Finding The Hoard Showdown of The Unbeatables Ultimate Airport Dubai Megastructures Inside The American Mob Finding Atlantis Filthy Riches Abandoned Bid & Destroy Nazi Underworld Inside The American Mob Megastructures Ultimate Airport Dubai Filthy Riches Abandoned Bid & Destroy Nazi Underworld Ultimate Airport Dubai 85 29 DEC 2014 MONSTER INC HBO FAMILY 19.10 WIB WHITE CHICKS HBO HITS 18.15 WIB NEW GIRL STARWORLD 22.30 WIB FACE OFF (S3) SYFY 21.50 WIB TUESDAY 19:00 Travels With The Bondi Vet (S1) 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 03:30 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 I, FRANKENSTEIN @ CINEMAX 21.00 WIB 04:50 K9 Adventures: A Christmas Tale 00:00 Tyler Perry’s 01:50 04:00 05:25 07:00 08:25 10:00 11:00 12:30 14:20 14:45 16:55 19:00 21:00 22:30 00:25 02:00 02:45 03:30 05:00 06:30 08:15 09:55 11:50 13:30 15:00 17:00 19:00 21:00 22:30 Temptations: Confessions Of A Marriage Counselor We Are Marshall A.C.O.D. Sgt. Bilko Angels Sing The Covenant The Comeback S208 Deadfall (2012) Jack The Giant Slayer Hollywood On Set 576 John Carter Of Mars Spider-Man 2 47 Ronin Anna Nicole The Guilt Trip Shaft Strike Back S305 Strike Back S306 Ice Soldiers F6:Twister The Running Man Beverly Hills Cop III Bait Starship Troopers 3: Marauder Empire State Bullitt Paycheck Total Recall (2012) I, Frankenstein Tombstone 03:10 04:20 06:25 08:15 10:30 12:30 15:05 18:10 Jobs The Social Network Monsters University Die Hard 4.0 The Heat The Lone Ranger Pearl Harbor Percy Jackson: Sea Of Monsters 20:00 The Terminator 21:50 Terminator 3: Rise Of The Machines 23:45 Robocop 06:15 A Christmas Tree 08:05 09:45 11:55 13:25 15:00 15:45 17:25 19:00 20:30 22:00 23:30 15:30 Happily Ever After: Fairy 16:30 Tales For Every Child 17:00 S206: The Golden 18:00 Goose 19:00 16:00 Crashbox S207: 20:00 Crashbox S2 07 21:00 16:30 Crashbox S208: 22:00 Crashbox S2 08 23:00 17:00 M.I. High S706: The 17:30 19:46 20:15 22:45 Beginning The Holiday Hollywood On Set 575 The Help America’s Sweethearts 00:00 Rowhouse Showdown (S1) 01:00 Travels With The Bondi Vet (S1) 02:00 Bondi Vet (S4) 03:00 Sell This House: 01:00 02:30 04:00 05:45 07:15 09:00 11:00 12:45 13:00 15:00 16:30 18:15 20:00 21:30 23:30 00:47 01:15 03:00 06:00 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 08:30 10:10 12:10 13:40 01:10 Holidaze 01:55 K-911 03:25 Saving Santa Miracle Groundhog Day Nicholas Nickleby Beethoven Anastasia Holidaze Camp Nowhere Hercules Beethoven’s 2Nd Pete’s Christmas Return To Nim’s Island Merlin’s Apprentice (Part 1 Of 2) Dancing Princesses 10:30 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 Ice Cold Gold (S2) Deadliest Catch (S10) World’s Toughest Drive How Do They Do It? (S10) How It’s Made (S16) Dual Survival (S3) Alaska Gold Diggers Bering Sea Gold (S4) Ice Cold Gold (S2) Deadliest Catch (S10) World’s Toughest Drive How Do They Do It? (S10) How It’s Made (S16) Dual Survival (S3) Bering Sea Gold (S4) Ice Cold Gold (S2) Deadliest Catch (S10) World’s Toughest Drive How Do They Do It? (S10) How It’s Made (S16) Dual Survival (S3) Jungle Gold Tethered (S1) Yukon Men Ice Lake Rebels (S1) River Monsters (S5) Tethered (S1) 15:00 The Longshot The Perfect Match Shag Ring of the Musketeers Billy Galvin The Black Stallion Mystery Date MGM’s Big Screen Eight Men Out The Heavenly Kid What’s The Worst That Could Happen? The Cure Top Dog The Moderns A Prayer For The Dying Hollywood On Set 575 America’s Sweethearts King Kong (2005) Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S203: Puss In Boots Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S204: The Pied Piper Crashbox S205: Crashbox S2 05 Crashbox S206: Crashbox S2 06 M.I. High S705: The Shadow Games The Shaggy Dog The Fighting Temptations Frankenweenie Adam Sandler’s Eight Crazy Nights Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S205: The Twelve Extreme (S2) 20:00 Strangers In Danger (S1) 21:00 The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) 23:00 Rowhouse Showdown (S1) 00:15 01:05 01:55 02:45 03:35 04:25 04:50 05:15 06:05 06:55 07:45 08:35 09:00 09:25 10:15 11:05 11:55 12:45 13:35 14:25 15:15 16:05 17:00 17:55 18:20 18:50 19:45 21:35 22:00 22:30 23:25 Carrie Diaries New Girl Suburgatory Melissa & Joey Carrie Diaries Cougar Town The Crazy Ones DC Cupcakes New Girl Suburgatory Melissa & Joey Cougar Town The Crazy Ones Mistresses Carrie Diaries Top Chef: Just Desserts DC Cupcakes America’s Next Top Model New Girl Suburgatory Carrie Diaries Masterchef US Devious Maids How I Met Your Mother Raising Hope Glee Mistresses Melissa & Joey New Girl How I Met Your Mother Devious Maids 00:00 The Sweetest Thing 01:30 Jackass Presents Bad 04:00 The Coolest Places On 03:00 Four Brothers 04:45 Cloudy With A Chance 06:00 Strangers In Danger 00:20 CSI: Crime Scene 07:00 Bondi Vet (S4) 08:00 Travels With The Bondi 01:10 American Ninja Warrior Grandpa 06:30 08:30 10:15 11:45 13:15 15:00 16:30 18:00 20:00 22:00 Of Meatballs 2 World War Z The Mask The Benchwarmers The Sweetest Thing Death To Smoochy Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2 Surviving Christmas Blade II Oblivion White Chicks 00:20 You Don’T Know Jack 02:35 Paranormal Activity: 04:00 05:00 06:45 08:25 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:00 14:00 15:25 17:10 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 The Marked Ones Olive Kitteridge S104 Grey Gardens Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang Zodiac Olive Kitteridge S104 Entourage S403: Malibooty Entourage S404: Sorry, Harvey Rome S107: Pharsalus Passenger 57 Radio Demolition Man The Comeback S208 Game Of Thrones S102: The Kingsroad The Leftovers S109: The Garveys At Their Best Hung S302: “Take The Cake” Or “Are You Packing?” Norma Jean & Marilyn Earth (S1) 05:00 Sell This House: Extreme (S2) (S1) Investigation (S13) (S3) Vet (S1) 02:05 CSI: Crime Scene (S1) 03:00 04:00 05:00 05:50 06:40 09:00 Strangers In Danger 10:00 The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) 12:00 Sell This House: Extreme (S2) 13:00 Bondi Vet (S4) 13:30 Bondi Vet (S1) 14:00 Travels With The Bondi Vet (S1) 15:00 Strangers In Danger (S1) 16:00 The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) 17:00 Rowhouse Showdown (S1) Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time 07:30 08:25 09:20 10:10 11:05 12:00 Investigation (S14) Wipeout (S5) Caught On Camera (S4) Wipeout (S5) 72 Hours (S1) American Ninja Warrior (S3) Caught On Camera (S4) Wipeout (S5) 72 Hours (S1) American Ninja Warrior (S3) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) The Blacklist (S1) THE GUILT TRIP @ HBO 22.30 WIB 12:55 13:50 14:45 15:40 16:30 17:20 18:15 20:05 23:10 Hannibal (S2) Caught On Camera (S4) 72 Hours (S1) American Ninja Warrior (S3) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) Wake Up Call The Hero (S1) NCIS: Los Angeles (S5) The Hero (S1) 11:30 11:55 12:25 13:15 14:10 15:00 15:55 16:45 18:25 18:50 19:20 20:10 21:00 00:50 Baby Mama 02:40 Just For Laughs: Gags (S10) 21:50 22:45 23:40 04:00 Law & Order: Criminal My Strange Addiction VICE CSI Miami Police Women of Cincinnati Homicide Hunter Moonlighting CSI Miami Law & Order: Criminal Intent My Strange Addiction VICE Law & Order: Criminal Intent Body Of Proof Police Women of Cincinnati CSI Miami Body Of Proof Police Women of Cincinnati Intent (S2) 05:00 Head Over Heels 06:35 Law & Order (S12) 08:20 Law & Order: Criminal 09:10 10:05 11:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 19:00 21:00 21:50 23:40 Intent (S2) Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (S1) Law & Order (S20) The Librarians (S1) Criminal Minds (S7) Psych (S7) Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (S1) Criminal Minds (S7) House (S8) Psych (S7) The Truth About Charlie Before And After 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:55 11:50 00:20 Scariest Places On 14:30 Earth (S1) 15:20 01:10 Star Trek: Enterprise (S1) 16:10 02:10 Crystal Skulls 17:00 04:00 Supernatural: The 17:50 Animation 05:00 Star Trek: Enterprise (S1) 18:50 07:00 Supernatural: The 19:40 Animation 09:00 11:00 11:50 13:30 15:10 16:00 16:50 17:40 19:20 21:00 22:40 23:30 Earth (S1) Ice Spiders Heroes Of Cosplay (S1) Haven (S5) Stranded (S1) Scariest Places On Earth (S1) Supernatural: The Animation Heroes Of Cosplay (S1) Haven (S5) The Appearing Ghost Mine (S1) Heroes Of Cosplay (S1) Stranded (S1) 00:35 Law & Order: Criminal Intent 01:30 Alfred Hitchcock Presents 02:30 Happily Never After 03:25 Law & Order: Criminal Intent 05:15 Homicide Hunter 06:10 Alfred Hitchcock 06:40 07:30 07:55 08:25 10:05 11:00 Presents Moonlighting My Strange Addiction VICE Law & Order: Criminal Intent Homicide Hunter Alfred Hitchcock Presents 00:45 02:35 04:25 05:15 06:10 07:20 08:10 09:00 09:55 11:05 11:55 12:45 13:40 15:15 16:45 18:35 20:00 21:00 22:45 23:35 Seven Psychopaths All The Real Girls 30 Rock Magic City Episodes Homeland Archer Magic City Episodes Homeland Archer Magic City Oranges, The Robot & Frank Seven Psychopaths Scenic Route Louis C.K.: Oh My God Penny Dreadful Lilyhammer Web Therapy 00:00 00:50 01:40 02:05 02:30 03:20 Drugged Filthy Riches Abandoned Bid & Destroy Nazi Underworld Ultimate Airport Dubai Drugged Filthy Riches Abandoned Bid & Destroy Nazi Underworld Ultimate Airport Dubai King Fishers Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey Beyond Magic with DMC Brain Games S3 Compilations Nat Geo Amazing! King Fishers Witness Disaster Seconds From Disaster 24 Hours In A&E Nat Geo Amazing! Brain Games S3 Compilations Beyond Magic with DMC Top Ten Natural Disasters Inside Beyond Magic with DMC 06:35 07:30 08:20 09:10 10:55 11:45 12:40 00:00 Hollywood Unzipped: 12:50 13:40 08:00 Scariest Places On 13:30 15:15 17:05 18:00 19:00 19:55 20:50 21:15 21:45 22:35 23:25 Victims Unit The Mentalist Family Guy CSI Miami Law & Order : Special Victims Unit The Mentalist CSI Miami Law & Order : Special Victims Unit White Collar The Mentalist CSI Miami Law & Order : Special Victims Unit The Mentalist White Collar CSI Miami The Mentalist White Collar NCIS: New Orleans American Dad! Family Guy CSI Miami White Collar The Mentalist 02:45 03:35 04:00 04:50 20:30 21:20 22:10 23:10 Stylist Wars Justified (S5) The Good Wife (S2) Spy (S2) Teen Wolf (S4) Justified (S5) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) The Good Wife (S2) Spy (S2) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Teen Wolf (S4) Hollywood Unzipped: Stylist Wars Justified (S5) Spy (S2) The Good Wife (S2) Teen Wolf (S4) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) The Good Wife (S2) Hollywood Unzipped: Stylist Wars Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Alias (S1) 00:00 Just For Laughs (S13) 00:30 Addicted To Love 02:30 Bringing Down The 04:30 05:00 06:55 07:25 08:20 09:15 09:45 10:45 13:50 14:20 15:15 16:10 17:05 19:00 19:55 20:25 22:10 House Brooklyn 9-9 (S2) The Seven Year Hitch Brooklyn 9-9 (S2) Aurora (S1) Cruel Love (S1) Just For Laughs (S13) Just For Laughs (S14) My Kitchen Rules (S4) Just For Laughs (S14) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S11) Aurora (S1) Cruel Love (S1) The Perfect Man The Good Wife (S6) Brooklyn 9-9 (S2) A Christmas Wedding Date Flipped 04:10 05:00 06:00 06:25 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 00:15 CSI Miami 01:05 Law & Order : Special 22:00 23:00 87 30 DEC 2014 PEARL HARBOR FOX MOVIES PREMIUM 15.05 WIB GHOST MINE (S1) SYFY 21.00 WIB AMERICA’S SWEETHEARTS HBO FAMILY 22.45 WIB AURORA (S1) DIVA 15.15 WIB WEDNESDAY S308: Krazee-Eyez Killa 05:00 Sell This House: Extreme (S2) And Cover 06:00 Strangers In Danger Entourage S405: The (S1) Dream Team 07:00 Bondi Vet (S4) Entourage S406: The 07:30 Bondi Vet (S1) Weho Ho 08:00 Travels With The Bondi Six Feet Under Vet (S1) S208: It’S The Most 09:00 Strangers In Danger Wonderful Time Of (S1) The Year 10:00 The Coolest Places On Game Of Thrones Earth (S1) S102: The Kingsroad 12:00 Sell This House: Extreme (S2) 13:00 Bondi Vet (S1) 14:00 Travels With The Bondi Vet (S1) Yukon Men 15:00 Strangers In Danger Ice Lake Rebels (S1) (S1) River Monsters (S5) 16:00 The Coolest Places On How Do They Do Earth (S1) It? (S10) 17:00 Rowhouse Showdown How It’s Made (S16) (S1) Dual Survival (S3) 19:00 Travels With The Bondi Jungle Gold Vet (S1) Tethered (S1) 20:00 Strangers In Danger (S1) Yukon Men 21:00 The Coolest Places On Ice Lake Rebels (S1) Earth (S1) River Monsters (S5) 23:00 Rowhouse Showdown How Do They Do (S1) It? (S10) How It’s Made (S16) Dual Survival (S3) Tethered (S1) Yukon Men Ice Lake Rebels (S1) River Monsters (S5) 00:15 Carrie Diaries How Do They Do 01:05 Glee It? (S10) 01:55 Mistresses How It’s Made (S17) 03:35 Carrie Diaries Dual Survival (S3) 04:25 The Crazy Ones Jungle Gold 05:15 DC Cupcakes What Happened 06:05 Glee Next? (S2) 06:55 Mistresses Time Warp 08:35 The Crazy Ones Strip The City (S2) 09:25 Million Dollar Listing Codes And 10:15 Carrie Diaries Conspiracies 11:05 MasterChef US World’s Top 5 (S2) 11:55 DC Cupcakes What Happened 12:45 Million Dollar Listing Next? (S2) 13:35 Glee Time Warp 14:25 Mistresses 15:15 Carrie Diaries 16:05 Masterchef US 17:00 Devious Maids 17:55 Million Dollar Listing 19:45 America’s Next Top Rowhouse Showdown Model (S1) 21:35 Million Dollar Listing Travels With The Bondi 22:30 Masterchef Junior US Vet (S1) Bondi Vet (S4) Bondi Vet (S1) Sell This House: Extreme (S2) 00:05 The Hero (S1) The Coolest Places On 01:00 NCIS: Los Angeles (S5) Earth (S1) 01:50 Ebuzz 20:00 The Wire S208: Duck 21:00 21:30 22:00 22:55 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 FAST & FURIOUS 6 @ HBO 18.50 WIB 07:05 K9 Adventures: A 08:30 00:05 Desperado 10:05 01:45 Superman III 11:40 03:50 Superman IV The Quest 13:10 For Peace 14:40 05:20 The Lake House 16:00 07:00 Into The Wild 17:25 09:20 Thunderstruck 19:00 10:50 47 Ronin 12:50 Spider-Man 2 20:55 15:00 Mission Impossible 22:25 16:50 Mission: Impossible II 18:50 Fast & Furious 6 21:00 Cuban Fury 22:45 One Direction: This Christmas Tale Are We There Yet? Hercules Tarzan Pete’s Christmas The Legend Of Sarila Saving Santa Anastasia The Princess And The Frog Chilly Christmas The Hunters Is Us 00:35 02:15 03:00 03:45 05:30 07:10 08:45 10:40 12:45 15:00 17:20 18:55 21:00 23:00 Dead In Tombstone Strike Back S307 Strike Back S308 The Hunted The Art Of War II: Betrayal The Contractor Lethal Weapon 2 The Sum Of All Fears The Matrix The Wild Bunch Witchblade Real Steel Riddick Resident Evil: Retribution 01:15 03:15 04:45 06:45 07:00 08:45 10:15 12:00 13:45 14:00 15:30 17:00 18:30 20:00 21:30 23:15 The Russia House Mannequin (Polygram) Otello MGM’s Big Screen The Cure The Heavenly Kid What’s The Worst That Could Happen? Benny & Joon MGM’s Big Screen Love Or Money? Boris And Natasha Convicts Top Dog The Woman In Red Mystery Date Ring of the Musketeers 16:00 Crashbox S209: 16:30 17:00 17:30 19:20 21:00 23:10 00:00 00:30 02:15 04:00 05:30 07:25 09:00 10:45 12:30 14:30 16:30 18:30 20:00 22:00 23:45 Crashbox S2 09 Crashbox S210: Crashbox S2 10 M.I. High S707: Return Of The Dark Wizard Battle Of The Year Cirque Du Soleil: Worlds Away The Sound Of Music (2013) Sister Act Hollywood On Set 574 The Mask Inside Llewyn Davis Surviving Christmas Appaloosa Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2 Secondhand Lions Identity Thief Oblivion Blade II White Chicks Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2 World War Z The Mask Identity Thief 01:45 04:15 06:25 08:25 10:10 12:25 14:25 16:15 18:15 20:00 21:35 The Lone Ranger Jobs The Heat A Good Day To Die Hard Need For Speed Ender’s Game Last Vegas Robocop A Long Way Down Babylon A.D. The Mortal Instruments: City Of Bones 01:00 Merlin’s Apprentice (Part 2 Of 2) (2013) 06:00 Happily Ever After: 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 08:30 11:00 13:20 15:00 02:35 A Christmas Tree Miracle 04:20 The Tigger Movie 05:40 Chestnut: Hero Of Central Park 15:30 Fairy Tales For Every Child S205: The Twelve Dancing Princesses Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S206: The Golden Goose Crashbox S207: Crashbox S2 07 Crashbox S208: Crashbox S2 08 M.I. High S706: The Beginning The Help The Holiday Nanny Mcphee Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S207: The Little Mermaid Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S208: Goldilocks 10:30 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:30 00:00 01:00 00:40 Autopsy 7: Dead Men 02:00 02:30 03:00 01:35 Six Feet Under S207: 04:00 Talking 00:30 King Kong (2005) 03:45 The Sound Of Music 03:30 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 Back To The Garden 02:30 The Comeback S208 03:30 Hung S302: “Take The Cake” Or “Are You Packing?” 04:00 Entourage S403: Malibooty 04:30 Entourage S404: Sorry, 05:00 07:00 08:50 11:00 12:00 13:00 13:30 14:25 14:50 17:00 19:00 19:30 Harvey 8Mm Tyson Anna Karenina The Comeback S208 The Leftovers S109: The Garveys At Their Best Enlightened S105: Not Good Enough Mothers Game Of Thrones S102: The Kingsroad Hollywood On Set 575 Across The Universe The Best Man Holiday Curb Your Enthusiasm S307: The CorpseSniffing Dog Curb Your Enthusiasm Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time THE PRINCESS AND THE FROG @ FOX FAMILY MOVIES 19.00 WIB 02:20 CSI: Crime Scene 03:10 04:00 05:00 05:50 06:40 07:30 08:25 09:20 10:10 11:05 12:00 12:55 13:50 14:45 15:40 16:30 17:20 18:15 20:05 22:55 Investigation (S14) Wipeout (S5) Caught On Camera (S4) Wipeout (S5) 72 Hours (S1) American Ninja Warrior (S3) Caught On Camera (S4) Wipeout (S5) 72 Hours (S1) American Ninja Warrior (S3) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) The Hero (S1) NCIS: Los Angeles (S5) Caught On Camera (S4) 72 Hours (S1) American Ninja Warrior (S3) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) Caught On Camera (S4) The Blacklist (S1) Hannibal (S1) The Blacklist (S1) 01:40 Head Over Heels 03:15 Law & Order (S12) 04:05 Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) 05:00 Patch Adams 07:00 Law & Order (S12) 08:40 Law & Order: Criminal 09:30 10:20 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 19:00 19:55 21:55 23:35 Intent (S2) Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (S1) House (S8) Criminal Minds (S7) Law & Order (S20) Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (S1) Criminal Minds (S7) The Librarians (S1) The Pelican Brief House (S8) The Librarians (S1) 00:20 Scariest Places On 01:10 02:10 04:00 05:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 11:00 11:50 21:00 22:40 Earth (S1) Star Trek: Enterprise (S1) The Appearing Supernatural: The Animation Star Trek: Enterprise (S1) Supernatural: The Animation Scariest Places On Earth (S1) Defiance (S2) Heroes Of Cosplay (S1) Supernatural: The Animation Supernatural (S1) Heroes Of Cosplay (S1) 00:35 Law & Order: Criminal Intent 01:30 Alfred Hitchcock Presents 02:30 My Strange Addiction 02:55 VICE 03:25 Law & Order: Criminal 05:15 06:10 06:40 07:35 08:25 Intent Body Of Proof Alfred Hitchcock Presents Moonlighting Franklin & Bash Law & Order: Criminal Intent 10:05 Body Of Proof 11:00 Alfred Hitchcock 04:50 The Mentalist 05:45 Law & Order : Special 11:30 12:25 13:15 06:35 07:30 08:20 09:10 10:55 11:45 12:40 14:10 15:00 15:55 16:45 18:25 19:15 20:10 21:00 21:50 22:45 Presents Franklin & Bash CSI Miami Police Women of Cincinnati Body Of Proof Moonlighting CSI Miami Law & Order: Criminal Intent Franklin & Bash Law & Order: Criminal Intent The Fall Police Women of Cincinnati CSI Miami The Fall 13:30 14:20 15:15 17:05 18:00 19:00 19:55 20:50 21:15 21:45 22:35 Victims Unit The Mentalist CSI Miami The Mentalist White Collar The Mentalist CSI Miami Law & Order : Special Victims Unit Bones The Mentalist White Collar CSI Miami The Mentalist White Collar Opposite Worlds American Dad! Community CSI Miami White Collar 31 DEC 2014 BABYLON A.D. 00:00 Hollywood Unzipped: 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:50 11:40 12:40 13:30 14:20 15:10 16:10 17:00 17:50 18:50 19:40 20:30 21:20 22:10 23:10 Stylist Wars Justified (S5) The Good Wife (S2) Spy (S2) Teen Wolf (S4) Justified (S5) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) The Good Wife (S2) Magic Asia: India Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Teen Wolf (S4) Hollywood Unzipped: Stylist Wars Justified (S5) Magic Asia: India The Good Wife (S2) Teen Wolf (S4) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) The Good Wife (S2) Hollywood Unzipped: Stylist Wars Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Alias (S1) 00:10 02:00 04:10 05:05 06:00 07:10 08:05 09:00 09:55 11:05 12:00 12:55 13:50 15:30 17:20 19:10 21:00 23:05 23:55 To The Wonder Mud Archer Magic City Episodes Homeland Archer Magic City Episodes Homeland Archer Magic City John Dies At The End Good Deeds 3096 Days Upside Down Silver Linings Playbook American Horror Story: Freak Show Place Beyond The Pines, The FOX MOVIES PREMIUM 20.00 WIB IDENTITY THIEF HBO HITS 23.45 WIB 00:00 The Border 00:50 Top Ten Natural Disasters 02:30 Inside 03:20 Beyond Magic with DMC 04:10 The Border 05:00 Top Ten Natural 00:00 00:30 02:30 04:30 05:00 06:45 07:10 08:05 09:00 10:45 13:50 14:20 15:15 16:10 17:05 19:00 19:55 22:25 Just For Laughs (S14) Johnny English Baby Mama Just For Laughs (S13) I Think I Do Just For Laughs (S14) Aurora (S1) Cruel Love (S1) Flipped My Kitchen Rules (S4) Just For Laughs (S14) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S11) Aurora (S1) Cruel Love (S1) Baby Mama Chicago Fire (S2) Something New Big Business 00:15 CSI Miami 01:05 The Mentalist 01:55 Law & Order : Special Victims Unit 02:45 The Mentalist 03:35 Family Guy 04:00 CSI Miami Disasters 06:55 24 Hours In A&E 07:50 Beyond Magic with DMC 08:45 Incredibly Small World 09:40 Cesar Millan: Love My DEVIOUS MAIDS 10:35 Monster Fish 11:30 Live Free Or Die 12:25 Taiwan to the World 4: STARWORLD 17.00 WIB Pit Bull Trash To Treasure 13:20 Incredibly Small World 14:15 Crowd Control 15:10 Beyond Magic with DMC 16:05 Science of Stupid S2 Christmas Special 16:30 Science of Stupid 17:00 Taiwan to the World 4: Taiwan’s Amazing Creatures Live Free Or Die Monster Fish Crowd Control Beyond Magic with DMC 22:00 The ‘90s: The Decade That Connected Us (2 Hours) 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 89 HANNIBAL AXN 20.05 WIB COVER STORY “It’s very different working with all adults. I have a swear jar so that, if they have a dirty mouth, I make them pay. That’s what it’s like being on set with adults.” 90 Joey King J oey King, pertama kali muncul ke layar televisi Anda, ketika ia memulai karirnya dari seorang bintang iklan. Sampai saat ini, ia telah membintangi lebih dari 100 iklan, termasuk iklan untuk Eggo dan Walmart. Menjadi bintang iklan merupakan berkah bagi Joey King, karena setelah itu ia mendapat kesempatan pertamanya untuk bermain dalam film berjudul “Grace” yang mana adegan itu dilakukan olehnya ketika ia masih berusia 6 tahun. Joey telah ikut serta dalam beberapa film seperti “Reign Over Me” bersama dengan Adam Sandler, dan juga sebuah film horor thriller, “Quarantine”. Kemudian pada tahun 2008, ketika ia masih berusia 9 tahun, Joey menjadi pengisi suara Katie, seekor binatang berbulu kuning dalam film “Horton Hears A Who!”. Film animasi “Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs” (2009) juga tak ketinggalan ikut menggunakan jasa Joey sebagai pengisi suara Beaver. Pada tahun 2010, wajahnya semakin sering COVER STORY Joey Lynn King atau lebih dikenal dengan nama Joey King, adalah salah satu bintang remaja baru dalam industri perfilman di Hollywood. Walaupun ia baru berusia 15 tahun, namun ia telah membintangi beberapa film box office dengan barbagai macam genre. “Oz the Great and Powerful” yang berbau fantasi, sebuah film horror yang berjudul “The Conjuring” sampai film ber-genre action “White House Down”. Teks: Michael Henry Goeinawan bermunculan di layar televisi, karena saat itu, Joey sedang mendapat banyak tawaran untuk muncul dalam beberapa film serial. Ia berperan sebagai Cassidy dalam film serial “Ghost Whisperer” untuk 2 episode. Begitu juga dengan “The Suite Life of Zack & Cody” yang mengajak Joey berperan sebagai Emily Mason juga untuk 2 episode. Serial lainnya yaitu “Entourage”, “CSI” dan “Medium”. Usia belia bukanlah sebuah hambatan bagi Joey untuk mendapatkan kepercayaan sebagai pemeran utama dalam sebuah film. Pada tahun 2010, ia mendapatkan peran dalam film “Ramona and Beezus”, sebuah adaptasi dari buku Beverly Cleary. Dalam film tersebut, ia berperan sebagai Ramona Quimby, sang adik dari Beezus Quimby yang diperankan oleh Selena Gomez. Dalam film itu juga, Joey merilis sebuah single untuk filmnya yang berjudul “Ramona Blue”. 91 COVER STORY Setelah perannya dalam film “Ramona and Beezus”, karir Joey King seakan-akan makin terangkat, Joey lalu mendapatkan tawaran bermain dalam film “Battle: Los Angeles” dan ia mendapatkan peran sebagai Kirsten. Tahun 2011, ia juga mendapatkan peran dalam film “Crazy, Stupid, Love” serta ia mendapatkan sebuah tawaran untuk menjadi model dalam video klip milik Taylor Swift yang berjudul “Mean”. Tak habis sampai disana, tahun 2012 Joey mendapatkan tawaran untuk turut serta berperan dalam film Batman, “The Dark Knight Rises” sebagai Talia al Ghul ketika masih muda. Joey juga berperan dalam film serial “Bent” dan tampil sebagai bintang tamu dalam serial “New Girl” dan juga “The Haunting Hour”. Tahun 2013 adalah puncaknya, dimana Joey mendapatkan beberapa peran yang cukup penting. Joey muncul dalam film “Oz The Great and Powerful” bersama dengan James Franco dan Zach Braff. Kemudian bersama dengan Channing Tatum dan Jamie Foxx dalam film “White House Down”, serta film horor “The Conjuring” dimana ia berakting bersama dengan Mackenzie Foy dan Vera Farmiga. Tahun ini, Joey mengambil peran sebanyak 8 episode dalam film serial “Fargo” sebagai Greta Grimly. Ia juga tampil dalam film “Wish I Was Here” sebagai Grace Bloom bersama dengan Zach Braff yang pernah tampil bersama dengannya dalam film “Oz The Great and Powerful”. Begitu pula dengan film “The Sound and the Fury” bersama dengan James Franco, Joey berperan sebagai Miss Quentin. Joey King, dikenal sangat total untuk mendalami perannya. Joey tak pernah segan untuk mengubah penampilan bahkan rambutnya demi totalitasnya dalam sebuah film. Contoh saja ketika ia mengambil peran sebagai Talia al Ghul muda, Joey rela membabat habis rambutnya sampai ia dikira seorang pria. Berkat totalitasnya dalam film-film yang telah diperankan olehnya, Joey mendapatkan beberapa macam nominasi dan pernah memenangkan “Best Performance in a Feature Film - Leading Young Actress Ten and Under” dalam film “Ramona and Beezus”. (MHG/IND/MHG/NDR) 2009 Best Performance in a TV Series - Guest Starring Young Actress Best Performance in a Voice-Over Role - Young Actress 2010 Best Performance in a Voice-Over Role - Young Actor/Actress Best Performance in a TV Series - Supporting Young Actress 2011 Best Performance in a Feature Film - Leading Young Actress Ten and Under Best Performance in a TV Series - Guest Starring Young Actress Ten or Under 2013 Best Performance in a Feature Film - Supporting Young Actress Nomination Nomination CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Horton Hears a Who! Nomination Nomination Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs Anatomy of Hope WON Nomination Ramona and Beezus Ghost Whisperer Nomination The Dark Knight Rises COVER STORY I’m usually always a big fan of the people that I’m working with, because I get to work with big people. 93 TREND IN Seiring pergantian tahun yang tak lama lagi akan kita lalui, tidak terasa waktu berjalan dengan cepat dan akan memasuki babak baru. Pada awal tahun, biasanya banyak sekali resolusi yang kita tulis dan ingin dicapai. Namun tahap eksekusi dan menjalani prosesnya adalah salah satu hal yang paling penting, tidak peduli seberapa besar rintangan dan tantangan yang harus dihadapi. Begitupun dengan hal-hal baru yang akan muncul di tahun selanjutnya dengan meninggalkan memori dan tren lama yang hanya akan menjadi kenangan. Teks: Rizky Fachritama Tren Model M Rambut enarik untuk disimak apa saja tren yang terjadi selama di penghujung tahun kuda ini, yang mendapat predikat booming dan menjadi buah bibir serta berikut ini adalah tren baru di kalangan masyarakat, khususnya Indonesia, dari fashion, style, gadget, aplikasi, makanan, aksesoris dan olahraga. Di kalangan tren yang bertahan selama tahun 2014, bahkan yang diprediksi akan tetap digandrungi oleh masyarakat hingga tahun 2015 mendatang. Mengenai gaya dan model rambut tentu sangat beragam gayanya mulai dari model rambut pelontos, mohawk, spike, 94 harajuku, dan undercut untuk model rambut pria. Tren model rambut pria di tahun 2014 ini kembali ke era oldschool yang menampilkan kesan rapi dan klimis pada tatanan rambutnya. Tren model rambut seperti ini sangat digemari pada tahun 60-an, dan kini kembali kepada masa kejayaannya. Salah satu model rambut pria yang paling populer di tahun 2014 ini adalah Undercut. Undercut sangat cocok bagi yang memiliki bentuk wajah oval karena terlihat jadi lebih maskulin dan membuat penampilan semakin stylish. Selain Undercut, masih ada model rambut pria trendy lainnya, seperti Deep Side Part, Peaked Cut, Tousled Long Layers, Controlled Chaos dan Wavy and Top Heavy yang tenar di tahun 2014 ini. Sedangkan bagi para wanita, model rambut di tahun 2014 masih tidak jauh berbeda dengan tahun sebelumnya. Tidak ada model rambut baru yang hadir dan tetap mengusung model rambut seperti rambut pendek, panjang, shaggy, bob, pendek sebahu, panjang selutut dan korea style. pemiliknya bisa foto narsis secara bersamasama tanpa terhalang terbatasnya tangan dan membuat angle-nya lebih lebar dan leluasa. Bagi orang yang suka traveling atau video blogging, pastinya sudah tidak aneh lagi dengan benda yang satu ini. Boleh dikatakan benda ini adalah “gadget” wajib buat mereka. Tongsis pada dasarnya adalah sebuah self-portraits monopod. Dengan self-portrait monopod, para petualang atau video blogger bisa mengambil foto mereka sendiri tanpa harus repot-repot minta tolong difotoin oleh orang lain. Selain Tongsis, ada juga Tomsis atau tombol narsis. Cara kerjanya tidak jauh berbeda dengan tongsis, hanya saja tomsis menggunakan tombol seperti remote saat akan memotret, bukan dengan timer yang tongsis lakukan. Aplikasi Gadget Olahraga Dengan tren model rambut pria yang fenomenal di tahun ini, beberapa komponen ikut merasakan imbas positifnya, seperti gel rambut dan barbershop yang berlomba-lomba menawarkan jasanya kepada para pria yang ingin bergaya ala 60-an ini. Salah satunya adalah Gel rambut Pomade. Pomade adalah gel rambut yang paling populer di tahun 2014. Pomade sendiri adalah zat berminyak atau lilin yang membuat rambut terlihat licin dan mengkilap tetapi tidak membuat rambut kaku. Pomade asli berasal dari abad ke-18 dan ke19, yang terbuat dari lemak beruang. Tongsis / Tongkat Narsis Tongsis adalah singkatan dari tongkat narsis, dimana benda ini telah dilengkapi oleh sebuah device holder yang bisa dipasang handphone, membuat Olahraga merupakan salah satu aktivitas utama bagi kesehatan tubuh. Saat ini sudah banyak sekali terdapat fasilitas-fasilitas yang bisa kita manfaatkan untuk berolahraga, baik dari sarana dan prasarana hingga perangkat elektronik yang bisa kita gunakan untuk menghitung denyut nadi dan kalori dalam berolahraga. Aplikasi pendukung olahraga yang terdapat di dalam gadget pun banyak bermunculan. Aplikasi Mapmyride memiliki kegunaan untuk merekam panjang lintasan yang sudah kita lalui. Informasinya lengkap, mulai dari kecepatan ratarata, kalori yang terbakar dan waktu yang kita tempuh. Cara aplikasi ini bekerja dengan GPS yang akan merekam lokasi yang kita lalui. Selain itu ada aplikasi Endomondo. Aplikasi ini sama dengan Mapmyride. Mulai dari cara kerja dan informasi yang tersedia hampir sama. Perbedaannya informasi di Endomondo lebih lengkap. Ada maksimal kecepatan ketika mengayuh sepeda yang tidak ada di aplikasi Mapmyrid. (RIZ/IND/RIZ/NDR) 95 PAUSE Pemancingan, Pondok Makan dan Outbound Lubana Sengkol. Sebuah tempat baru untuk menikmati sensasi memancing sekaligus menyantap kuliner dan juga bermain outbound di kawasan Serpong. Pemancingan dan Pondok Makan Lubana Sengkol mulai beroperasi sejak Maret 2011. Terdapat beberapa kolam pemancingan ikan gurame, mas, bawal, lele, patin dan nila. Tersedia pula area bermain untuk anak seperti ayunan, perahu bebek gowes, mendayung perahu kano dan mengendarai becak mini. JAWAB PERTANYAAN DI BAWAH INI DAN MENANGKAN 10 VOUCHER MAKAN SENILAI Rp 100.000,1. Apa menu makanan khas yang disajikan di Lubana Sengkol? 2. Sejak kapan Lubana Sengkol mulai beroperasi? Email jawaban Anda ke [email protected] sebelum tanggal 15 Desember 2014. Jln. Baru Hutama Karya Km 1,5 Kp. Sengkol, Serpong, Tangerang Selatan /cs.lubanasengkol @lubanasengkol @lubanasengkol 082113365177 Email : Website : Youtube : Info : [email protected] lubana sengkol (021) 33995669 98
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