T AllFI f - Trailfinders
T AllFI f - Trailfinders
T AllFI f THE T AVU. EXPERTS VISA SERVICE Tel: 01 881 4949 www.Trailfinders.ie INDIA DOCUMENTS REQUIRED • Passport valid for at leasl 6 months beyond intended journey 10 India • 1 Completed Visa form • 1 Passport size photographs - Computer generated photographs are not accepted • For Business visa you will need a IeHer from Irish and Indian companies FORM GUIDELINES • Use black ink • Referees section: Tourists may enter two Irish referees. Business visas need one Irish and one Indian referees. PROCESSING TIME Visa generally issued within 10 working days of receipt by Trailfinders. Non Irish passports will toke longer, please contact Trailfinders for details. Express service is 3 working days. VALIDITY Tourist Visa must be used within 6 months of the dote of issue. CHARGES Visa Fee Indian Embassy processing fee Tourist Visa €50.00 per person. Non Irish passport holders visa fee £63.00 Express visa £ 100.00 (Express service only available for Irish passport holders) Business visa for Irish passport holders €235.00 Trailfinders' Service Charge €35.00 Tourist Visa. Business visa fee £45 Express service fee £50.00 Registered Post and Packing Charge €7.00 (only one charge per return address). PAYMENT Please make cheques for total amount payable to 'Trailfinders ltd' and write your address on the bock. Alternatively, complete the debit cord form overleaf. All POSTAL & PERSONAL APPLICATIONS· please use registered post Trailfinders Visa Service, 4/5 Dawson St, Dublin2 ALL TELEPHONE ENQUIRIES TO 01 881 4949 Hours: Monday - Friday 9am - 7pm, Saturday 9am - 6pm, Sunday lOam - 6pm All business undertaken by Trailfinders Visa & Passport Service is subject to the terms and conditions listed overleaf. Information correct at time of printing. V[XJB!O'i'/07 TERMS AND CONDITIONS • All prices are subject to change. • The information provided overled applies to Irish passports. Other nationalities should contact Troilfjnders Visa Service for advice • Trailfinders reserves the right to return any passport without the requested visa if the passport or documents provided do not comply with the embassy's requirements or if there is insufficient time to obtain the visa. Trailfinders bears no responsibility br subsequent delays or costs. • Please note all visas are issued at the Embassies discretion and Trailfinders bears no responsibility br the rejection of any application. The Visa Fee and Trailfinders Service Fee is non-refundable regardless of the outcome of the application. Embassy charges and processing times are subject to change. Trailfinders advises against purchasing restricted or inflexible tickets prior to visa issuance. • Standard minimum application times shown overleaf do not account for Public or National holidays where Embassies close without prior notice. • Where applicable passports will be returned by registered post. Provided prior arrangements have been made passports may be collected from • 4/5 Dawson Street, Dublin 2. In the event of loss or damage to any passport or documents received, Trailfinders' liability will be limited to the actual value of the passport and documents up to a maximum of € 100 Per applicant. Trailfinders accepts no liability for consequential loss. . ~----------------------------------------------------------.-------------------------------------------------------- . Please return this to Trailfinders Visa Service, 4/5 Dawson Street, Dublin 2 CREDIT/DEBIT CARD I wish to pay by Visa Delta/Visa/MasterCard/American Express/Laser. Card Number: Expiry Date: r-J I--------l-......L-J.-.:..----L...~__l_~.L...__....C_----L..._----'----"-----' ~ M M Member since: IT (AMEX only) Y Y The last 3 digit security code found on signature strip: (AMEX: 4 digits found on front of card) ITCI I hereby authorise Trailfinders to debit my debit/credit card for the sum of € L I Name on card (block capitals please): I Registered card address: I I ___-=_=_=_=_======--=======:=J==== Address for mailing purposes:: (If different) : -1==================================~I I Signature of cardholder: Date: [ P!~JSe cce lruc1\ "e.:!'I::t """"~'U EMBASSY OF INDIA ?i':<OfCs:-~n 6 LESSON PARK, DUBLIN 6 VISA APPLICATION FORM PLEA,SE ~C: ..l.D T:~= INFOR.:VIAT! Na(Y)~ ~as :n Passccrt; G"len Name.. alias (Ir any) ...... Mlcdle. 2.Place or Bil'h (C,ty) Sumame .. ..1. '3. Date of Birth I mm ( jC ../ 1'1'1) Countyl State COl. nU'l G~nde(' 4 II, • (NIIF] ::> -,o(ess,cr 'Mth ~l.11 jesrgnat:cn', (i'l BUSiness/Office adcress County Tel. No.. T~1. No. o. Nat,enality. P 3S3~ort No . Issued ::>n Oy ~name or ISSUing Authcr.I·I' .. I~atej I. . ... valid J~tc at (place) ... ../.... ..... I . 8 Delalls (as In Item 7) ef other Passports (cr prevIOUS ~allonallr/) held. If any.... 9. Children Included ,n the applicant's ~assocrt (cnly If acccmpary,ng !he applicant) S~X Name 10 ~i) ~ja:lc Narre cr -alrer ,)fApplican\.... ,0 fill Name Jr Spouse :r Applicant. If yes. please g,ve date er application i:~ln!........ I. .. .. Dale ,)r Departure '" ./ f any ali:',! (oi 'alr.er, ... Naticf'alirl :d 3pOUSe) 11. Were you relVsed a vIsa earlier? YES/NO 12. When was your last '/lS,t to India: Date ef Ide~.:::;callcn mar~3 Relallensnoo .• ;. .' 1 ...... '/isa No \ '3 Pencd (or which 'lisa, r·aqulred now. 'Mlh approXimate jates ~4 No of er.1 es scught. Slnglel Dcuble.' Mult,::le r'!3sons for -~l.·rement ;i ~cucle /'nl.ilde ~ntnes ) 15. ?'~r;:lcse EmploymervVciuraar! WQr<} 3us,ness '(Cem. erce~ Ccrieref'ceJ Stuoyl Resear~nl JCl.IT·alis~ Tel. s -(a Sill Ctrer; ;6 Place(S) orcposed ,0 ce '~srted (n r.dia) . Ap~rox. date or ~eparture (Il)Accrox. dat~i5) of arTl'lal,n India (for each <!ntf'!): ... 17 (I) from Ireland: :,n)Approx 1al~ts) of Jeparture frcm India lfor =ach e'll: .. 13. Name, adcres3 anC contaC: :Je!ails Ji ~NO reierences'f' ndla ,firs: "me 'Iisltors :an gj'/e references!n Ireland 'nstead) I· . (II·'.... 1. . ........ ... .. . . .... ... :·~r~cy ~"Ger".aKe 'hat , shail '"lIlIze '1 IISlt :0 ,nCla only ior . e p...r:cse staled In item 15 aco-e arc sna" lC on ar.val n :rc:ia ,r/:o;<; il' ~"lplcyrT'ent :r e:<:,ro .( itay 'or al''I :,rer ~ '::ose i 3150 Jecare 'rat ail 're ;cr-1a~ ;I',en 'e ':Jy e.s 'n.e 3C~L.rD:e 3,., ;:em. cle:'2 I (wr'! Jr.cer:;\a,....-.o '~a, . )!"i'l :f .t'~ =ar':·--...t~n; "'Isr~d :3.ccve 3r~ ::L;""O :C :~ :""c.:; .. ~.:: ;i ~ 3r"! a _ S:C j"'-;'O ."a'.. '3' :e~f' Nr.. . r~~· . ~ sa ~ Cot 'C :::c :arc.:~-=c. J Plac~ J