Dear Chairman Wood and Commissioners Brownell, Kelly and
Dear Chairman Wood and Commissioners Brownell, Kelly and
Monday, January 28, 2013 1:00 - 5:00 p.m. Southwest Power Pool Offices Little Rock, Arkansas 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PRELIMINARY MATTERS a. Declaration of a Quorum b. Adoption of October 29, 2012 Minutes 3. UPDATES a. RSC Financial Report b. SPP c. FERC 4. BUSINESS MEETING a. Consultants b. Auditor 5. REPORTS/PRESENTATION a. CAWG Report.................................................................................................................... Tom DeBaun b. SPP 2013 STEP/2013 ITP Near Term ................................................ Lanny Nickell and Paul Suskie c. Order 1000 Regional Update ............................................................................................ Paul Suskie d. Order 1000 Interregional Update -Seams Steering Committee Update .............................................................................. Paul Malone e. Update on Regional Cost Allocation Review (RCAR) ..................................................... Paul Suskie f. Update on Balance Portfolio ................................................................ Lanny Nickell & Paul Suskie g. Integrated Marketplace Update .......................................................................................... Bruce Rew 6. OTHER RSC MATTERS a. SPP Outreach and Training to the RSC & States in 2013 ...................................... Paul Suskie 7. SCHEDULING OF NEXT REGULAR MEETINGS, SPECIAL MEETINGS OR EVENTS RSC Meetings: April 29, 2013 – Kansas City, MO July 29, 2013 – Denver, CO 8. ADJOURN * NOTE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONAL MATERIAL Attached to the RSC’s meeting agenda and background material is additional material that is either for informational or reporting purposes. Southwest Power Pool REGIONAL STATE COMMITTEE Southwest Power Pool Campus, Little Rock, AR October 29, 2012 • MINUTES • Administrative Items: The following members were in attendance: Kevin Gunn, Missouri Public Service Commission (MOPSC) Patrick Lyons, New Mexico Public Regulation Commission (NMPRC) Dana Murphy, Oklahoma Corporation Commission (OCC) Donna Nelson, Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) Olan Reeves, Arkansas Public Service Commission (APSC) Mike Siedschlag, Nebraska Power Review Board (NPRB) Thomas Wright, Kansas Corporation Commission (KCC) President Olan Reeves called the Regional State Committee (RSC) meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. with roll call and a quorum was declared. He then requested a round of introductions. There were 105 in attendance either in person or via phone (Attendance & Proxies – Attachment 1). President Reeves asked for approval of the July 30, 2012 meeting minutes (RSC Minutes 7/30/12 Attachment 2). Tom Wright moved to approve the minutes as presented; Patrick Lyons seconded the motion. The minutes were approved. UPDATES RSC Financial Report Paul Suskie provided the RSC Financial Report (Financial Report – Attachment 3). Mr. Suskie reported that the Seams Cost Allocation line item is for cost budgeted in 2011 but expended in 2012. He also reported that travel costs were over budget but not significantly. SPP Report Nick Brown welcomed everyone to the new SPP Corporate Campus. SPP moved into the new facility in mid-July with a very smooth migration over one weekend. Mr. Brown said that he was proud to announce that the facility was completed on schedule and at 5% under budget. Mr. Brown presented a high level update on the Integrated Marketplace. He stated that SPP had benefited from lessons learned in talks with the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) and thanked Trip Dogget for his assessment report. The SPP program is being monitored utilizing an outside consultant and SPP’s Internal Audit staff, all reporting directly to Mr. Brown. The current status of the seven areas of the program is: four green, two yellow and one orange. Regarding the orange status, SPP is working with the vendor at issue (Alstom) to address delays. A more detailed report will be provided at the October 30 SPP Board meeting. Mr. Brown stated that the Arkansas Public Service Commission had issued an order on October 26 approving Entergy’s request to join the Midwest ISO. Mr. Brown reported that SPP will continue to argue Regional State Committee October 29, 2012 that SPP is the better choice; will be aggressive in protecting its Members interest; and will work to help make the integration fair to all. RSC will need to continue to help with regional cost allocation, which will take on a whole new meaning. SPP is reviewing the order and will have recommendations for the RSC in the near future. FERC Mr. Patrick Clarey provided an update on recent FERC activities: August FERC held five regional technical conferences on better coordination between natural gas and electricity markets. The conferences explored gas-electric interdependence as well as ways to improve coordination and communication between the two industries. The regions included the Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, Southeast, Central and West regions. FERC appreciates SPP’s participation in this effort. September FERC granted SPP’s Petition for Declaratory Order and conditionally accepted the proposed Western-SPP JOA, subject to a compliance filing. Commission Chairman Jon Wellinghoff announced the creation of a new FERC office that will help the Commission focus on potential cyber and physical security risks to energy facilities under its jurisdiction. The new Office of Energy Infrastructure Security (OEIS) will provide leadership, expertise and assistance to the Commission to identify, communicate and seek comprehensive solutions to potential risks to FERC-jurisdictional facilities from cyber attacks and such physical threats as electromagnetic pulses. OEIS will be led by Joseph McClelland, who has been Director of the Office of Electric Reliability since its formation in 2006. October Mr. Clarey congratulated SPP and its Members and noted that at the October Open Meeting, FERC conditionally accepted SPP’s Integrated Marketplace tariff filing including day-ahead and real-time energy and operating reserve markets. The Chairman announced that current FERC General Counsel Michael Bardee will be the new head of the Office of Electric Reliability. David Morneoff will step-in as acting General Counsel. BUSINESS MEETING Election of Officers for 2013 President Reeves requested nominations for the annual election of officers. Kevin Gunn nominated the following RSC officers for 2013: Tom Wright for President, Dana Murphy for Vice President and Donna Nelson for Secretary/Treasurer. Michael Siedschlag seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Approval of 2013 RSC Budget Paul Suskie presented the 2013 RSC Budget for approval (20113 Budget – Attachment 4). Dana Murphy moved to approve the 2013 RSC budget and that the RSC establish a subcommittee of RSC members to look at consultant contacts on a go forward basis to deal with various upcoming issues facing the RSC. Tom Wright seconded the motion; the motion passed unanimously. President Reeves assigned a subcommittee to consist of: Dana Murphy, Tom Wright and Michael Siedschlag. REPORTS/PRESENTATIONS Cost Allocation Working Group Report Pat Mosier provided the Cost Allocation Working Group report (CAWG Report – Attachment 5). Ms. Mosier presented an overview of the group’s activities. She then presented the following recommendations: 2 Regional State Committee October 29, 2012 • In order to provide the best support for each rotating President of the RSC, the CAWG considered and recommends that: The CAWG Chairman position be appointed each year by the RSC, such that, the Chairman of the CAWG is from the same state as that of the President of the RSC. Tom Wright moved to approve; Kevin Gunn seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. • An observation was made at the July RSC meeting that Attachment J is very unclear as to when the required 15 days notice for a waiver of the Safe Harbor Limits is to occur. The CAWG therefore recommends approval of BPR 25 as amended by the Markets and Operations Policy Committee (MOPC): A customer may submit a waiver request for waiver of the Safe Harbor Limit, pursuant to Attachment J Section III.C.1, at any time after the posting of the first iteration of the aggregate study, but not later than 15 days after being notified that the aggregate study is final. Kevin Gunn moved to approve BPR 25 as amended; Dana Murphy seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. • MOPC directed the Business Practices Working Group (BPWG) to identify a non-discriminatory method that the Transmission Provider will use to calculate the amount of costs that are eligible for consideration for waivers to the Safe Harbor provisions of Attachment J. Addressing the five-year commitment period, the CAWG recommends the BPR 32 recommendation for calculation: multiplying the number of years which the Duration of the Transmission Customer’s commitment to the new or changed Designated Resource exceeds the five year minimum commitment period, by 2.5%, multiplied by $180,000 per MW. Tom Wright moved to approve BPR 32; Kevin Gunn seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Ms. Mosier provided an update of the RSC position of support regarding the SPP Order 1000 filing. RSC issued a letter specifically supporting SPP’s regional filing as well as providing individual state support. Order 1000 Regional Update Paul Suskie provided an update of Order 1000 analysis of both regional and interregional requirements (Order 1000 Update – Attachment 6). Mr. Suskie also provided information regarding the elimination of the Right of First Refusal (ROFR) and as a result, 4 limitations that would be added to Commission approved tariffs and agreements. Order 1000 Regional Compliance Filing Mr. Suskie reviewed TRR 077 revisions for the SPP Regional Compliance Filing for Order 1000, which will be presented to the SPP Board of Directors for approval on October 30, 2012. The filing will be submitted in two weeks. Order 1000 Interregional Update Seams Steering Committee (SSC) Update Paul Malone presented a SSC update including an overview of responsibilities, SPP’s proposed interregional coordinated planning process, and a compliance timeline (SSC Report – Attachment 7). Interregional Cost Allocation Task Force Update Sam Loudenslager reported on interregional cost allocation efforts of the Interregional Cost Allocation Task Force (ICATF Efforts – Attachment 8). The group approved principles and guidelines to use in discussions with seams neighbors, developed projects and will try to reach agreement with neighbors. 3 Regional State Committee October 29, 2012 CAWG’s Recommendation of Cost Allocation of Interregional Project Costs Pat Mosier provided CAWG background regarding interregional cost allocation and offered cost assignment options presented to the CAWG as: 1) Assign all seams costs to the Regional Rate (i.e. Highway) and 2) Allocate seams costs pursuant to currently approved allocation methods (i.e. Highway/Byway dependent upon voltage of Seams Project) (CAWG’s Interregional Cost Allocation Recommendation – Attachment 9). Ms. Mosier stated that the CAWG passed the following recommendation with New Mexico and Texas voting against: CAWG recommends that the Regional State Committee adopt a 100% Regional allocation of costs related to interregional projects selected pursuant to interregional planning processes. Following much discussion, Patrick Lyons moved to approve: Adopt current Highway/Byway treatment of SPP’s portion of costs for interregional projects, with the option to seek waiver of that treatment if the interregional project can be shown to provide regional benefits. Donna Nelson seconded the motion, which failed with New Mexico and Texas for and five votes against. Kevin Gunn moved to approve the CAWG recommendation: CAWG recommends that the Regional State Committee adopt a 100% Regional allocation of costs related to interregional projects selected pursuant to interregional planning processes. Tom Wright seconded the motion. All voted in favor with New Mexico and Texas against. Michael Siedschlag requested that the CAWG continue to monitor cost allocation and that the RSC revisit at the January 2013 meeting if circumstances warrant. Waiver Request Lanny Nickell provided an overview of the transformer waiver process and presented background for the Nebraska Public Power District’s Neligh Waiver Request (NPPD Waiver Request – Attachment 10). Mr. Nickell stated that the MOPC recommends approval of the NPPD Neligh Transformer Waiver Request. CAWG’s Recommendation on Waiver Requests Pat Mosier reviewed the CAWG discussion and recommendation regarding the NPPD waiver request. She then requested the following for endorsement from the RSC: The CAWG recommends that the RSC endorse the recommendation for the SPP Board to approve the NPPD Neligh Transformer Waiver Request. Tom Wright moved to endorse; Kevin Gunn seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Update on Balanced Portfolio Lanny Nickell provided an update on the Balanced Portfolio (Balanced Portfolio – Attachment 11). Special Studies Update for the Mississippian Dana Murphy provided information regarding the Mississippian oil play (Mississippian – Attachment 12). Ms. Murphy stressed that it is extremely important to bridge the gap between producers, utilities, the Oklahoma and Kansas Corporation Commissions and SPP. Ms. Murphy thanked Carl Monroe, Paul Suskie and Tom Wright in helping with this effort. Mr. Monroe provided information on provisions for abnormal load growth in the SPP Tariff (Load Growth – Attachment 13). Integrated Marketplace Update Bruce Rew provided an update on the Integrated Marketplace (IM Report – Attachment 14). Mr. Rew stated that there is an Integrated Market Forum on November 7 for state regulators. 4 Regional State Committee October 29, 2012 Future RSC Matters President Reeves thanked everyone for their help during his tenure as President of the RSC. This will be his last meeting as President. Scheduling of Next Regular Meeting, Special Meetings or Events: President Reeves noted that the next regularly scheduled meeting is on January 28, 2013, in New Orleans. With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Paul Suskie 5 Regional State Committee For the Twleve Months Ending December 31, 2012 Budget vs. Actual YTD Actuals YTD Budget Income Other Income Total Income 438,705 438,705 303,300 303,300 135,405 135,405 Expense Travel Meetings Audit Administrative Costs RSC Consultant Technical Conference Seams Cost Allocation Total Expense 163,104 16,842 2,988 56,712 199,059 438,705 110,000 25,000 2,300 1,000 115,000 50,000 303,300 53,104 (8,158) 688 (1,000) (58,288) (50,000) 199,059 135,405 Net Income (Loss) - - * The Seams Consultant was in the 2011 Budget and a carry over to 2012. Variance - * January 28, 2013 I. II. III. IV. V. Public P bli P Policy li P Projects/Mandates/Goals j /M d /G l Cost Allocation – Seams projects Crediting Process for certain non-base plan funded upgrades Financial Transmission Rights CAWG 2013 Issues I List Li t 2 1 `October RSC Meeting –Agenda-related discussion on how projects driven by Public Policy mandates/goals are considered in the SPP Planning process. process `RSC requested a clear explanation of SPP’s current planning process and the inclusion of projects driven by Public Policy Needs with any difference between goals and mandates explained. Answer: This is “unfinished unfinished business business”…varying varying definitions or lack of clarity – public policy mandates, public policy goals, public policy needs, targets, etc. In general, SPP Planning makes no distinction between mandates and goals. 3 ` ` ` October 2012, RSC adopted a 100% regional allocation of costs related to inter-regional projects selected pursuant to inter inter-regional regional planning processes. [All voltage levels] (5-2 vote) RSC requested that the CAWG continue to monitor seams cost allocation and that the RSC revisit at the January 2013 meeting if circumstances warrant. Tariff revisions will be required – RSC review of revisions is not automatic. 4 2 ` ` Transmission Customers paying Directly Assigned Upgrade Costs for Service Upgrades or that are in excess of the Safe Harbor Cost Limit for Network Upgrades associated with new or changed Designated Resources and Project Sponsors paying Directly Assigned Upgrade Costs for Sponsored Upgrades shall receive revenue credits [refunds]in accordance with this Attachment Z2. Generation Interconnection Customers paying for Network U Upgrades d shall h ll receive i credits dit [refunds] [ f d ] ffor new ttransmission i i service using the facility as specified in Attachment Z1. 5 ` ` ` No process implemented upon tariff approval. RTWG chartered Crediting Process Task Force (CPTF) to develop and d recommend d specific ifi processes and d methods th d tto calculate l l t revenue credits. SPP Staff is working with Vendor on software: OATI ◦ Planned delivery of software is the end of the first quarter ◦ Will start calculating credits with 2008 and move forward ◦ Will not have a measure on the amount of credits due until the end of the 2nd quarter ` ` ` ` MOPC agreed g with the direction of the CPTF in April p 2012. CPTF has completed its work in November. RTWG is reviewing the Tariff language. Tariff language to MOPC in April. 6 3 ` ` Requirement that Transmission Organizations with Organized Transmission Markets offer long-term firm transmission rights. RSC By-laws point to the RSC: “…determination of FTR allocations where a locational price methodology is used; determination of the transition mechanism to be used to assure that existing firm customers receive FTRs equivalent to the customers’ existing firm rights (If the RSC reaches a decision on the methodology that would be used, SPP would file this methodology pursuant to Section 205 of the FPA. FPA SPP can also file its own proposal pursuant to Section 205);…” ` SPP Staff is coordinating formation of a joint task force between MWG and CAWG. On February CAWG agenda. 7 ` Agendas – ` Special Emphasis – ` Recurring Reports – ◦ Show ACTION ITEMS and include draft motion(s) with the background material ◦ Limit topics to issues related to RSC/CAWG authority or focus ◦ Long-Term Financial Transmission Rights (FTR) ◦ Standard rate impact methodology for all ITP project proposals and futures ◦ Order 1000 ROFR - final determinations on cost allocation methodology – tariff revisions ◦ Possible need to revisit Base Plan Allocation Method (H/B) ◦ Seams Issues – Order 1000 or any other seams issues ◦ Crediting Process Task Force – monthly ◦ Project Cost Working Group (PCWG) – quarterly ◦ CAWG member monthly WG and TF reports. (8-10/mo.) 8 4 Tom DeBaun CAWG Chairman Sr. Energy Engineer Kansas Corporation Commission [email protected] 785-271-3135 9 5 Order 1000 Presentation on SPP’s Regional Compliance Filing & Issue November, 2012 1 1 O de 000 equ e e ts a ys s Order 1000 Requirements Analysis • Analysis divides requirements into: y q (1) Regional (RTO) Requirements (2) Interregional Requirements (2) Interregional Requirements 2 2 O de 000 eg o a ( O) equ e e ts Order 1000 Regional (RTO) Requirements 3 3 O de 000 te eg o a equ e e ts Order 1000 Interregional Requirements 4 4 Regional Compliance Filing at FERC • November 7, 8, & 9 RSC & SPP Delegation to Met with FERC Commissioners as a Pre‐Filing g Visit for SPP Order 1000 Regional Filing – Chairman Nelson (PUCT) Chairman Nelson (PUCT) – Commissioner Reeves (APSC) – Chairman Siedschlag (NPRB) • November November 13, 2012 SPP made Order 1000 13, 2012 SPP made Order 1000 Regional Compliance filing. • SPP is awaiting Order from FERC SPP i iti O d f FERC 5 5 Interregional Compliance Filing at FERC • April 11, 2013 Compliance Filing Deadline April 11 2013 Compliance Filing Deadline • SPP is filing to seek a 30 day extension for the Interregional Compliance Filing. Expect g p g p support from our Seams Partners. 6 6 SSC Order 1000 Interregional Update January 28, 2013 Paul Malone FERC Order 1000 Regional Interregional Coordinated Planning Cost Allocation 2 1 Compliance Efforts • 3 Neighbors for Order 1000 Purposes – MISO, AECI, & WAPA , , • Currently negotiating modifications to the SPP‐MISO JOA to be Order 1000 compliant • WAPA compliance through MAPP region • AECI intends to participate through the Southeastern Regional Transmission Planning Group (SERTP) Regional Transmission Planning Group (SERTP) • Anticipate compliance filing in May 2013 3 Order 1000 Interregional Policy Development • Seams FERC Order 1000 Task Force – Met from March ‘12 – December ’12 to develop policy pp y paper – Task Force included 3 SSC members, 1 TWG member, and 1 ESWG member • Received input from ESWG, TWG, SSC, CAWG members, other stakeholders, and neighboring regions • Policy paper approved by SSC in December and approved by MOPC in January 4 2 Proposed Process 5 Proposed Process cont. 6 3 Proposed Process cont. 7 Project Applicability and Cost Allocation (SPP‐MISO) Criteria Interregional Cost Allocation Proposal MISO’s Regional Approval Criteria SPP’s Regional Approval Criteria Project Cost Threshold $5 million $5 million No project cost threshold Voltage Threshold Outstanding issue Primarily y 345 kV facilities (50% or more of project cost) No voltage threshold Minimum Benefits Threshold Minimum of 5% benefits to either MISO or SPP NA NA Number of Futures used in evaluation At least one Multiple Future Scenarios At least one Benefit/Cost Ratio Threshold NA – each region uses its own regional criteria 1.25 1.0 Timeframe included in benefits calculation 20 years ffrom project’s j t’ iinservice year (used only to determine cost allocation) 20 years from project’s project s in inservice year, but not to exceed 25 years from approval year 40 years from project’s inservice year Benefit metrics APC Savings (used to determine cost allocation for economic projects) APC Savings Multiple Benefit Metrics Project Drivers Outstanding Issue (only agreement on economic projects) Economic Economic, Reliability, Public Policy 8 4 MAPP and SERTP Cost Allocation • Both MAPP and SERTP propose to use regional project replacement and/or deferment as the only benefit metric for interregional projects • Have not proposed thresholds for voltage or project cost 9 5 STATUS REPORT SPP Regional Cost Allocation Review January 28, 2013 1 Content A. Introduction p B. Overview of Report C. Cost and Status of Benefits Analysis D. Next Steps 2 2 Background • In January 2012 the MOPC, RSC, and BODs/MC endorsed the Report of the Regional Allocation Review Task Force Report (RARTF). In the Report, the RARTF recommended that an expanded list of transmission benefits be evaluated by the Economic Studies Working Group (ESWG) for the purpose of the RCAR process • In February 2012, the ESWG initiated the Metrics Task Force (MTF) with the specific purpose of developing tangible monetized transmission benefit metrics for use in the economic evaluations identified in the RARTF report • In September 2012, the MTF completed its report and containing a list of recommended transmission benefit metrics, including approaches to estimate the dollar value of these benefits • MTF Report: • In October 2012, the MOPC, BODs/MC, approved the metrics developed by the MTF for the Regional Cost Allocation Review (RCAR) for the Regional Cost Allocation Review (RCAR). • This presentation is the status report on SPP’s effort to implement the RARTF and MTF recommendations to monetize transmission benefits for the RCAR process • RARTF Report: 3 3 Establishment of the RARTF stab s e t o t e • Charter Finalized June 9, 2011 • RARTF Members Jointly‐appointed by MOPC (Bill Dowling) & RSC (Jeff Davis) • Members Announced June 10, 10 2011 • Final Report Approved Jan. 3, 2012 4 4 RARTF Members e be s RARTF Members Chairman Michael Siedschlag Nebraska Public Review Board Vice-Chairman Richard Ross American Electric Power Commissioner Thomas Wright Kansas Corporation Commission Commissioner Olan Reeves Arkansas Public Service Commission Bary Warren Empire District Electric Philip Crissup Oklahoma Gas & Electric Harry Skilton SPP Board of Director 5 5 RCAR Methodology C et odo ogy • Two studies will show the benefits and cost by zone of 1. Projects that have received an NTC since June 2010 2. Projects that have received an NTC since June 2010 and projects with an ATP project in‐service within 10‐years j i h ATP j i i i hi 10 • Utilize a 40‐year assessment of these projects • Treat projects with NTCs with greater weight than those with ATPs • Utilize the most up‐to‐date assumptions and ATRR for each zone • Calculate benefits using metrics approved by ESWG, MOPC, SPP BODs 6 6 Annual CapEx for NTC and ATP Projects p j Evaluated costs for two sets of transmission projects 1. Projects with Notification to Construct (NTCs): All SPP projects that have been j ( ) p j issued an NTC since June 2010; and 2. NTCs and ATPs: All SPP projects that have been issued an NTC since June 2010 and all projects that have received an Authorization to Plan (ATP) that have an in‐service date of 2023 or earlier (ten years or less from issuance of RCAR report) in‐service date of 2023 or earlier (ten years or less from issuance of RCAR report) Capital Cost of NTC Projects Capital Cost of NTCs and ATPs By Type and In‐Service Year By In‐Service Year 7 7 Benefit Metrics Benefit Metrics ITP Metric MTF Considered Metric in this effort? h ff ? Adjusted Production Cost (APC) 9 Yes Emission Rates and Values 9 Yes Ancillary Service Needs and Production Costs 9 Yes Avoided or Delayed Reliability Projects 9 Yes Capacity Cost Savings due to Reduced On‐Peak Transmission Losses d d d k 9 Yes Mitigation of Transmission Outage Costs 9 Yes Benefit of Mandated Reliability Projects 9 Yes Benefits of Public Policy Goals 9 Yes Increased Wheeling Through and Out Revenues 9 TBD Reducing the Cost of Extreme Events 9 TBD Capital Savings due to Reduction of Members’ Minimum Required Margin 9 No Reduced Loss of Load Probability 9 No Marginal Energy Losses Benefits 9 No 8 8 Timeline Update e e Update 9 9 Report Remedies epo t e ed es Remedy Entity with Authority/Duty to Implement (1) Acceleration of planned upgrades; (1) Acceleration of planned upgrades; SPP BOD SPP BOD (2) Issuance of NTCs for selected new upgrades; SPP BOD (3) Apply Highway funding to one or (3) Apply Highway funding to one or more Byway Projects; RSC, SPP BOD & FERC (4) Apply Highway funding to one or more Seams Projects; more Seams Projects; RSC, SPP BOD & FERC (5) Zonal Transfers (similar to Balanced Portfolio Transfers) to offset costs or a lack of benefits to a zone; RSC, SPP BOD & FERC (6) Exemptions from cost associated with the next set of projects; RSC, SPP BOD & FERC ((7) Change Cost Allocation Percentages. ) g g , RSC, SPP BOD & FERC 10 10 Balanced Portfolio Balanced Portfolio Update January 28, 2013 Lanny Nickell Vice President, Engineering 1 Q 0 3 Update Su Q1 2013 Update Summary ay • • • Total portfolio cost down 1% Q4 2012 Q4 2012 Q1 2013 Q1 2013 Variance % Change % Change $856,231,896 $846,718,603 ($9,513,293) ‐1.11% One significant cost estimate change g g – Sooner – Cleveland 345 kV decreased 16.9% – Decrease due to lower than expected construction costs p 345 kV line from Spearville – Post Rock – Axtell placed in‐ service 12/15/2012 – 223 new miles – Original estimated in‐service date 6/2013 – Latest estimate $207,194,981 down 12% from original estimate 2 2 Portfolio 3‐E Adjusted j 19 0% 19.0% ‐12.4% Post Rock ( ) ‐3.9% 45.5% $692M 86.5% 46.2% 36.5% ) ( Gracemont 3 3 Balanced Portfolio Estimate Trend a a ced o t o o st ate e d Total ($M) $950.0 $896 7 $896.7 $900.0 $850.0 FERC Filing $800.0 $855.3 $846.7 $786.2 $750.0 $700.0 $691.2 $698.5 $650.0 $600.0 BP Original Q4 Q1 Q2 Report NTCs 2009 2010 6/09 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 2011 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 2012 Q3 Q4 Q1 2013 4 4 Balanced Portfolio Estimate Trend a a ced o t o o st ate e d Per Project ($M) $400.0 $350.0 $333.0 FERC Filing $300.0 Tuco ‐ Woodward Spearville Post Spearville ‐ Post Rock ‐ Axtell $250.0 $236.6 $200.0 $227.7 $207.2 $176.1 Seminole ‐ Muskogee Iatan ‐ Nashua $150.0 $129.0 Sooner ‐ Cleveland $100.0 $54.4 $ $50.0 $33.5 $8.0 $0.0 $2.0 $64.8 $48.8 $14.9 Gracemont Substation Swissvale ‐ Stilwell Tap $1.9 5 5 Balanced Portfolio Committed Costs a a ced o t o o Co tted Costs 53.3% $350,000,000 $300,000,000 $250,000,000 100% 68.7% $200,000,000 Latest Estimate $150,000,000 $100,000,000 48.6% 100% $50,000,000 100% Committed Dollars (as of 1/18/2013) 100% $0 Gracemont Spearville ‐ Swissvale ‐ Sooner ‐ Sub Post Rock ‐ Stilwell Tap Cleveland Axtell Seminole ‐ Tuco – Muskogee Woodward Iatan ‐ Nashua 6 6 Balanced Portfolio Estimated Completion a a ced o t o o st ated Co p et o % of Completion by Estimated Cost 100.00% 100.0% 92.3% 80.0% 60.0% 54.9% Current 40.0% 34.1% 26.2% 20.0% 11.5% 0.0% Q3 Q4 2011 Q1 Q2 2012 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 2013 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 2014 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 2015 Q3 7 7 Balanced Portfolio Balanced Portfolio Review Paul Suskie Paul Suskie January 2013 ‐ Board of Directors 8 8 Balanced Portfolio (“BP”) Cost Allocation a a ced o t o o ( ) Cost ocat o Overview (1) Update on BP Transfer Estimates base upon current Cost Estimates. (2) Status of SPP’s Filing at FERC related to the BP. 9 9 (2) UPDATE ON BP TRANSFER ESTIMATES ESTIMATES 10 10 B/C Ratios Before and After Transfers Balanced Portfolio PV$ Over 10 Years ATRR Costs (in millions) 2009 BP Report SPP 2012 Filing Current 10 Year ATRR Cost Estimates Z Zone B/C B f Before Transfers B/C After Transfers B/C B f Before Transfers B/C After Transfers B/C B f Before Transfers B/C After Transfers AEPW EMDE GRDA KCPL MIDW MIPU MKEC OKGE SPRM SUNC SWPS WEFA WRI NPPD OPPD LES 1.5 (0.1) 0.5 1.1 18.7 (0.3) 11.1 2.0 (0.1) 3.6 5.1 2.7 1.3 0.7 0.4 (1.7) 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 14.1 1.0 8.3 1.5 1.0 2.7 3.9 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1 (0.1) 0.4 0.9 14.8 (0.3) 8.6 1.5 (0.1) 2.5 3.9 2.0 1.0 0.6 0.3 (1.5) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 8.1 1.0 4.7 1.0 1.0 1.4 2.2 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.2 (0.1) 0.4 0.9 15.7 (0.3) 9.2 1.6 (0.1) 2.7 4.2 2.2 1.1 0.6 0.3 (1.6) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.8 1.0 5.7 1.0 1.0 1.7 2.6 1.3 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Total 1.9 1.9 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.5 11 11 Balance Portfolio PV over 10 Year ATRR Cost Estimates and Transfers 2009 BP Report Estimates and Transfers ‐ 2009 BP Report (in millions) Allocation of Net Benefit Transfer Regional after ATRR Cost ATRR Allocation off from Zones to Transfers to ATRR Region Zones Transfers Zone Portfolio Benefits Portfolio 10 Year ATRR Costs B/C Before f Transfers AEPW EMDE GRDA KCPL MIDW MIPU MKEC OKGE SPRM SUNC SWPS WEFA WRI NPPD OPPD LES $224.1 ($2 5) ($2.5) $6.2 $60.8 $92.7 ($9.6) $ $85.5 $192.9 ($0.7) $26.8 $406.5 $57.8 $103.0 $39.8 $16.3 ($22.4) $154.5 $18 1 $18.1 $13.4 $53.1 $4.9 $ $27.8 $7.7 $97.5 $10.7 $7.3 $79.4 $21.7 $79.4 $55.1 $42.7 $13.2 1.5 (0 1) (0.1) 0.5 1.1 18.7 (0.3) 11.1 2.0 (0.1) 3.6 5.1 2.7 1.3 0.7 0.4 (1.7) $0.0 $26 5 $26.5 $11.7 $9.8 $0.0 $ $46.6 $0.0 $0.0 $14.9 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $2.6 $33.4 $40.5 $39.9 $50.8 $6 0 $6.0 $4.4 $17.5 $1.6 $ $9.2 $2.5 $32.1 $3.5 $2.4 $26.1 $7.1 $26.1 $18.1 $14.1 $4.3 $18.8 $0 0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $86.2 $ $0.0 $75.2 $63.4 $0.0 $17.0 $301.1 $28.9 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 1.1 10 1.0 1.0 1.0 14.1 1.0 8.3 1.5 1.0 2.7 3.9 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 12 Total $1,277.3 $686.8 1.9 $225.9 $225.9 $590.5 1.9 B/C After Transfers 12 Phase‐in Transfers at 20% per year over five p y years per BP Report Years 6‐10 True Up 3rd 2nd Year • 4th Year Year • 5th Year • $31M • $24.8 $24 8M $18.6M $12.4M $ 1st Year • $6.2M 13 13 Balance Portfolio PV over 10 Year ATRR Cost Estimates and Transfers SPP 2012 Filing Estimates and Transfers ‐ SPP 2012 Filing (in millions) Allocation of Net Benefit Transfer Regional after ATRR Cost ATRR Allocation of from Zones to Transfers to ATRR Region Zones Transfers Zone Portfolio Benefits Portfolio 10 Year ATRR Costs B/C Before Transfers AEPW EMDE GRDA KCPL MIDW MIPU MKEC OKGE SPRM SUNC SWPS WEFA WRI NPPD OPPD LES $ $224.2 ($2.5) $6.2 $60.8 $95.7 ($11.7) $86.9 $193.1 ($1.0) $24.2 $406.8 $57.9 $106.7 $40.3 $15.9 ($25.3) $ $201.6 $23.6 $17.5 $69.3 $6.55 $36.3 $10.1 $127.2 $13.9 $9.6 $103.6 $28.4 $103.6 $71.9 $55.7 $17.2 1.1 (0.1) 0.4 0.9 14.8 (0.3) 8.6 1.5 (0.1) 2.5 3.9 2.0 1.0 0.6 0.3 (1.5) $ $144.8 $45.7 $25.9 $66.0 $0.0 $78.1 $0.0 $39.7 $26.5 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $82.9 $91.3 $86.1 $56.8 $ $167.4 $19.6 $14.6 $57.5 $5.4 $30.1 $8.3 $105.6 $11.5 $8.0 $86.0 $23.5 $86.0 $59.7 $46.3 $14.3 $ $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $83.9 $0.0 $68.5 $0.0 $0.0 $6.7 $217.3 $6.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 8.1 1.0 4.7 1.0 1.0 1.4 2.2 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 14 Total $1,278.4 $896.1 1.4 $743.7 $743.7 $382.3 1.4 B/C After Transfers 14 Phase‐in Transfers at 20% per year over five p y years per SPP 2012 Filing Years 6‐10 True Up 3rd 2nd Year 1st Year 4th Year Year 5th Year • $102.6M • $82M • $61.5M • $41M • $20.5M 15 15 Balance Portfolio PV over 10 Year ATRR Cost Estimates and Transfers ‐ Current Cost Estimates Estimates and Transfers ‐ Current Cost Estimates (in millions) Allocation of Net Benefit Transfer Regional after ATRR Cost ATRR Allocation of from Zones to Transfers to ATRR Region Zones Transfers Zone Portfolio Benefits Portfolio 10 Year ATRR Costs B/C Before Transfers AEPW EMDE GRDA KCPL MIDW MIPU MKEC OKGE SPRM SUNC SWPS WEFA WRI NPPD OPPD LES $ $224.2 ($2.5) $6.2 $60.8 $95.7 ($11.7) $86.9 $193.1 ($1.0) $24.2 $406.8 $57.9 $106.7 $40.3 $15.9 ($25.3) $ $190.4 $22.3 $16.6 $65.4 $6.1 $34.3 $9.5 $120.1 $13.1 $9.0 $97.8 $26.8 $97.8 $67.9 $52.6 $16.3 1.2 (0.1) 0.4 0.9 15.7 (0.3) 9.2 1.6 (0.1) 2.7 4.2 2.2 1.1 0.6 0.3 (1.6) $ $81.3 $38.3 $20.4 $44.2 $0.0 $66.7 $0.0 $0.0 $22.1 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $50.3 $68.7 $68.5 $51.4 $ $115.2 $13.5 $10.0 $39.6 $3.7 $20.7 $5.7 $72.6 $7.9 $5.5 $59.1 $16.2 $59.2 $41.1 $31.8 $9.8 $ $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $86.0 $0.0 $71.7 $0.3 $0.0 $9.7 $249.9 $14.9 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.8 1.0 5.7 1.0 1.0 1.7 2.6 1.3 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 16 Total $1,278.4 $846.0 1.5 $511.7 $511.7 $432.6 1.5 B/C After Transfers 16 Phase‐in Transfers at 20% per year over five p y years per Current Estimate of Costs Years 6‐10 True Up 3rd 2nd Year 4th Year Year 5th Year • $56.5 $56 5M • $70.6M • $42.4M • $28.2M 1st Year • $14.1M 17 17 (2) STATUS OF SPP’S FERC FILING RELATED TO BP 18 18 Regulatory Filings • August 2, 2012 – Docket No. ER12‐2387 – • Year One Balanced Portfolio Transfer filing, using cost estimates provided by May 25, 2012. Cost estimates are fluid. Current estimates reflect lower costs than included in the August 22 2012 estimates reflect lower costs than included in the August 22, 2012 filing. November 20, 2012 – Docket No. ER12‐2387 – Order accepting Year One Balanced Portfolio Transfers effective October 1, 2012. 19 19 Regulatory Filings g y g • December 5, 2012, ER13‐515 – Submission of Tariff Revisions to Attachment J, Section IV.(A)(2) to Clarify the required true-up of the Approved Balanced Portfolio reallocated revenue requirements will include additional amounts to compensate Transmission Owners f the for th reduced d d zonall reallocations ll ti which hi h are a result of phased-in transfers from the first five years of the ten-year period. – An effective date of February 4, 2013 was requested. 20 20 Integrated Marketplace System Update Regional State Committee/ Board of Directors January 2013 Bruce Rew, PE Bruce Rew, PE Market Participant Milestones 2 1 Integrated Marketplace Program Summary • Target mass has scheduled connectivity testing • Market System software phase 3 to be delivered in y p March‐ Key software delivery • Structured Market Trials to begin in June • Budget tracking near target • Regulatory impacts progressing • On Schedule for March 1, 2014 implementation 3 INTEGRATED MARKETPLACE SYSTEM UPDATE 4 2 Summary of Key special attention areas • Markets ‐ YELLOW – • Settlements ‐ Green – • Delayed FAT now complete, monitoring SAT Registration ‐ Green – • More PM rigor, 3 release plan, March release key g , p , y Completed SAT and launched registration on 1/7/13 Integration Services (Interface Delivery) ‐ YELLOW – Continuing first of 3 waves 5 INTEGRATED MARKETPLACE MARKET PARTICIPANT UPDATE 6 3 Participant Engagement Activity Status Data as of January 11, 2013 Date Participant Activity May 31, 2012 • ENG.002 ‐ Technical Specifications Reviewed (Markets, Settlements, TCR) June 1, 2012 • ENG.001 ‐ Participant System Design Underway June 1, 2012 • ENG.003 ‐ Registration Packet Returned June 29, , 2012 • ENG.004 ‐ Participant Interface p Design Complete Aug 1, 2012 • ENG.005 ‐ Participant Interface Build Underway High Priorityy Status Y Red Required to achieve Target Mass g • Western Farmers Green N/A Y Green N/A* Y G Green Yellow N/A • Western Farmers * Target Mass met, but SPP has not received registration packets from 2 current EIS MPs 7 Participant Engagement Activity Status Data as of January 11, 2013 Date Participant Activity Aug 31, 2012 • ENG.006 ‐ Complete Participation in TCR Mock Phase 2 Sept 28, 2012 • ENG.007 ‐ Participant System Design Complete High Priorityy Status Required to achieve g Target Mass Green N/A Red • • Empire Western Farmers • ENG.008 ‐ MP Approach Completed for TCR Market Trials Red • • • Empire SPS Western Farmers Oct 7, 2012 • ENG.009 ‐ MP Approach Completed for Market Trials Connectivity Testing Red • • • Empire SPS Western Farmers Nov 1, 2012 • ENG.011 ‐ Participant System Build Underway Sept 30, 2012 Y Green N/A 8 4 Participant Engagement Activity Status Data as of January 11, 2013 High Priority Status Required to achieve Target Mass • ENG.022 ‐ Participant TCR Interfaces Ready for Connectivity Y Green N/A Nov 9, 2012 • ENG.026 ‐ TCR Accelerated Connectivity Test Scheduled Y Green N/A Nov 30, 2012 • ENG.010 ‐ MP/TO Testing with the MCST tool Green N/A Dec 21, 2012 • ENG.015 ‐ Market Trials Connectivity Test Scheduled Test Scheduled Y Green N/A Dec 28, 2012 • ENG.012 ‐ Participant Interfaces Ready for Connectivity (excluding TCR) Y Yellow Date Participant Activity Nov 9, 2012 Jan 11, 2013 • ENG.014 – TCR Market Trials Resources Trained • • Green SPS Western Farmers N/A 9 INTEGRATED MARKETPLACE INTERNAL READINESS UPDATE 10 5 Current Status: SPP Internal Readiness SPP Overall Internal Readiness Status The Internal Readiness Status for SPP is currently green. Department Internal readiness activities in each department are currently on track. • NS indicates the related Readiness activities have not started. • N/A indicates the readiness area is not applicable . • Blue (B) indicates activities for a readiness area are complete. Engineering ‐ TCR IT Applications Operations Engineering Operations Support Settlements Accounting/Purchasing Compliance Credit and Risk Management Customer Relations Customer Training Engineering Internal Audit IT Enterprise Operations Market Design Market Monitoring Regulatory/Legal Business Process Improvement Communications Corporate Services Project Management Regional Entity Reliability Standards G Influence Overall Status H H H H H M M M M M M M M M M M L L L L L L G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G People Process Technology G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G B G G G G G N/A G G G G G G N/A G G G G G G G G N/A G NS G G B N/A G N/A G N/A G G 11 Day in the Life Timeline The graphic below outlines the high level timeline for the Day in the Life Effort. Departments are currently preparing for their Departmental Day in the Life workshops and detailed planning continues. SSPP Wide Departmental Daay in the Life Day in the Life Oct‐12 Nov‐12 Dec‐12 Jan‐13 Feb‐13 Mar‐13 Apr‐13 May‐13 Jun‐13 Jul‐13 Aug‐13 Sep‐13 Departments Prep for Departmental Day in the Life Worshops Initial Planning Activities Detailed Planning Activities Departmental Day in the Life Workshops Prep for SPP‐Wide Day in the Life Workshops Ad Hoc Workshops as needed SPP‐Wide Day in the Life Workshops (i nitial "Normal" day + s pecific s cenario workshops) Ad Hoc Workshops as needed 12 6 Market Participant Milestones 13 7 Southwest Power Pool, Inc. FIRST QUARTERLY PROJECT TRACKING REPORT JANUARY 2013 Southwest Power Pool, Inc. FIRST QUARTERLY PROJECT TRACKING REPORT January 2013 I. Project Tracking, Current SPP Process: SPP actively monitors and supports the progress of transmission expansion projects, emphasizing the importance of maintaining accountability for areas such as grid regional reliability standards, firm transmission commitments and tariff cost recovery. Each quarter SPP staff solicits feedback from the project owners to determine the progress of each approved transmission project. This quarterly report charts the progress of all SPP Transmission Expansion Plan (STEP) projects approved either directly by the Board of Directors or through a FERC filed service agreement under the SPP Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT). In this First Quarterly Report of 2013, the reporting period is September 1, 2012 through November 30, 2012. II. Project Summary: Figure 1 represents the summary of active projects for this quarter. Figure 1 reflects all upgrades, including transmission lines, transformers, substations, and devices. There were four Notifications to Construct, containing 13 network upgrades, issued this quarter. Three of these were for transmission service, and NTC 200198 represented the first NTC issued from the Attachment AQ study process. Figure 2 shows the total miles of transmission lines currently planned within the portfolio, as well as miles by project voltage. Figure 3 reflects the percentage cost of each project type in the total active portfolio. 2 4th Quarter 2012 Project Tracking Summary Upgrade Type Number of Upgrades Cost Estimate Regional Reliability 248 $1,486,276,929 Regional Reliability - Non OATT 14 $46,612,000 Zonal Reliability 10 $30,758,195 Transmission Service 60 $437,626,835 Generation Interconnect 23 $160,895,964 Balanced Portfolio 18 $846,718,603 High Priority 22 $1,392,114,533 ITP10 27 $1,141,793,310 Other Sponsored Upgrades 48 $293,132,461 TOTALS 470 $5,835,928,831 Figure 1: 2013 1st Quarter Project Summary 4th Quarter Total Active Portfolio Transmission Miles Voltage 69 Number of Upgrades 57 New Miles 17.8 Reconductor Miles 186.7 115 80 277.8 191.5 469.3 138 69 73.2 285.2 358.4 161 25 27.1 51.1 78.2 230 16 164.4 40.0 204.4 345 54 2,411.3 0.0 2,411.3 301 2,971.5 754.4 3,726.0 Totals Total Miles 204.5 Figure 2: Project Mileage within the Portfolio 3 Figure 3: Breakdown of Project Categories on Cost Basis III. Regional Reliability Project Summary: Regional reliability projects include all tariff signatory projects identified in an SPP study to meet regional reliability criteria for which NTC letters have been issued. Figure 4 shows the breakdown of the regional reliability projects. There were four upgrades, with latest Engineering and Construction (E&C) cost estimates of $3 million completed in the timeframe of the 4th Quarter of 2012. Three projects scheduled to complete have been delayed until later in the month of December. There are 52 upgrades, with latest E&C cost estimates of $374.1 million, on schedule to be completed within the next four years. 131 upgrades, with latest E&C cost estimates of $747.3 million, are in a delayed status with mitigation. 4 IV. Transmission Service/Generation Interconnection (TSR/GI) Project Summary: This category contains upgrades identified as needed to support new Transmission Service (TSR) and Generation Interconnection (GI) service agreements. Figure 4 shows the details of the Transmission Service and Generation Interconnect projects. No Transmission Service upgrades were completed in the 4th Quarter of 2012. Oklahoma Gas and Electric Co.’s Hugo-Sunnyside 345 kV project, totaling 120 new miles and $157 million, was reported complete in this quarter although the in-service date was earlier this year, which is outside this reporting period. There are seven Transmission Service upgrades, with estimated E&C costs of $23.3 million, on schedule to be completed within the next four years. Two Generation Interconnect upgrades, with a total cost of $7.2 million, were completed this quarter. There are 11 Generation Interconnect upgrades, at an estimated E&C cost of $74.9 million, scheduled to be completed in the next four years. Figure 4: Project Status 5 V. Completed Projects Summary: Figure 5 shows the number and costs for the projects completed over the last 12 month period. The 4th Quarter of 2012 produced 7 projects that were completed with a total estimated cost of $11.1 million. Western Farmers Electric Cooperative’s Balanced Portfolio Anadarko-Washita 138 kV project completed this quarter at $966,210. ITCGreat Plains is expected to report the Axtell-Post Rock-Spearville 345 kV projects completed in December. These projects total $207 million and will add 223 miles of new 345 kV into the footprint. Previous quarter’s updated results are listed as the Transmission Owners may make adjustments to final costs and status of projects completed during the year. Corrections are listed for those projects reported complete after the 4th Quarter reporting period had ended. Projects Completed By Quarter Figure 5: Completed Project Summary through 4th Quarter 2012 6 4th Quarter Total Transmission Miles and Devices Completed 69 Number of Upgrades 2 New Miles 0.0 Reconductor Miles 3.7 Total Miles 3.7 Estimated Cost $1,770,750 115 2 0.0 0.0 0.0 $1,896,368 138 3 7.0 0.0 7.0 $5,931,756 161 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 $0 230 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 $0 345 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 $0 Totals 7 7.0 3.7 10.7 $9,598,874 Voltage Figure 6: Completed Transmission for 4th Quarter 2012 VI. Future Projections: 1st Quarter 2013: The 1st Quarter of 2013, ending February 28, 2013, is scheduled to have 42 projects completed across all project types at an estimated cost of $382.3 million. As reported above, the ITC-Great Plains Axtell-Post Rock-Spearville 345 kV projects will complete in December, and 24 regional reliability upgrades are scheduled to complete in December. Figure 7 shows the 1st Quarter estimated completed projects broken out by Project Type. There are 241 miles of new transmission scheduled to be completed in the next quarter, along with 108 miles of reconductored transmission added to the footprint. Figure 8 shows the details of the estimated transmission miles to be completed in the 1st Quarter. 7 December 2012 through November 2013: The next 12 months are scheduled to have a total of 101 upgrades completed at an estimated cost of $652 million. Figure 7 shows the next 12 months estimated completed projects broken out by Project Type. There are scheduled to be 291 miles of new transmission added to the system during the next 12 month period. 169 miles of 345 kV transmission lines are still scheduled to be completed. There will also be 316 miles of reconductored transmission placed into the system. Figure 9 shows the details of the estimated transmission miles to be completed over the next 12 months. Scheduled Complete Next Quarter Scheduled Complete Next 12 Months First day of Quarter Last Day of Quarter First day of Reporting Year 12/1/2012 2/28/2013 28 $162,805,209 12/1/2012 Reliability ReliabilityNon OATT Zonal Reliability Transmission Service Generation Interconnect Balanced Portfolio Zonal Sponsored ITP10 Total 1 $3,937,500 4 $18,526,302 5 $24,576,406 0 $0 4 $172,489,681 3 $12,129,200 0 $0 42 $382,335,098 Reliability ReliabilityNon OATT Zonal Reliability Transmission Service Generation Interconnect Balanced Portfolio Zonal Sponsored ITP10 Total Last Day of Reporting Year 11/30/2013 73 $365,161,307 1 $3,937,500 6 $20,357,423 15 $72,135,888 0 $0 6 $190,165,161 11 $69,106,898 0 $0 101 $651,757,279 Figure 7: Upgrades Scheduled to Complete Next Quarter/Next 12 Months 8 1st Quarter Projected Transmission Miles Complete 69 Number of Upgrades 4 New Miles 0.0 Reconductor Miles 42.5 Total Miles 42.5 115 15 15.7 36.3 52.0 138 8 7.0 23.7 30.7 161 5 14.6 5.6 20.2 230 1 35.0 0.0 35.0 345 7 169.0 0.0 169.0 Totals 40 241.3 108.1 349.4 Voltage Figure 8: Transmission Miles Scheduled to Complete 1st Quarter Projected Transmission Miles Complete Next 12 Months 69 Number of Upgrades 20 New Miles 0 Reconductor Miles 92.06 Total Miles 92.06 115 31 23.77 102.97 126.74 138 22 27.2 96.03 123.23 161 10 16.1 25 41.1 230 3 55 0 55 345 9 169 0 169 Totals 95 291.07 316.06 607.13 Voltage Figure 9: Transmission Miles Scheduled to Complete Next 12 Months 9 SPP 1st Quarter 2013 Project Tracking List COMPLETE ON SCHEDULE <4 ON SCHEDULE >4 Complete. On Schedule 4 Year Horizon. On Schedule beyond 4 Year Horizon. Behind schedule, interim mitigation provided or project may change but time permits the implementation of project. DELAY - MITIGATION DELAY - MITIGATION * Behind Schedule, Mitgation Plan provided by SPP RE-EVALUATION Behind schedule, require re-evaluation due to anticipated load forecast changes. NTC-COMMITMENT WINDOW NTC issued, still within the 90 day written commitment to construct window and no commitment received 12/31/14 06/30/10 $25,250,000 $25,250,000 $46,764,321 $46,764,321 $94,410,174 $94,410,174 $ , , $6,585,986 $5,776,280 $65,000,000 $65,000,000 ON SCHEDULE < 4 COMPLETE ON SCHEDULE > 4 ON SCHEDULE > 4 ON SCHEDULE > 4 ON SCHEDULE < 4 ON SCHEDULE < 4 ON SCHEDULE < 4 ON SCHEDULE < 4 ON SCHEDULE < 4 ON SCHEDULE < 4 ON SCHEDULE < 4 ON SCHEDULE < 4 ON SCHEDULE < 4 ON SCHEDULE < 4 ON SCHEDULE < 4 ON SCHEDULE < 4 ON SCHEDULE < 4 ON SCHEDULE < 4 ON SCHEDULE < 4 ON SCHEDULE < 4 ON SCHEDULE < 4 $12,000,000 ON SCHEDULE < 4 $43,116,469 $12,715,142 $172,000,000 $97,427,500 $10,800,000 $201,221,000 $ , , $4,379,000 $4,727,306 $145,040,000 $150,700,000 20040 10927 GRDA Line - Sooner – Cleveland 345 kV (GRDA) Balanced Portfolio 12/31/12 06/19/09 $17,000,000 $2,780,000 ON SCHEDULE < 4 20041 10929 OGE Line - Sooner - Cleveland 345 kV (OGE) Balanced Portfolio 12/31/12 06/19/09 $17,000,000 $46,000,000 ON SCHEDULE < 4 20041 20041 20041 10930 10932 10933 OGE OGE OGE Line - Seminole - Muskogee 345 kV Multi - Tuco - Woodward 345 kV (OGE) Multi - Tuco - Woodward 345 kV (OGE) Balanced Portfolio Balanced Portfolio Balanced Portfolio 12/31/13 05/19/14 05/19/14 06/19/09 06/19/09 06/19/09 $131,000,000 $64,000,000 $15,000,000 $176,100,000 ON SCHEDULE < 4 ON SCHEDULE < 4 ON SCHEDULE < 4 20043 10937 OGE Multi - Tuco - Woodward 345 kV (OGE) Balanced Portfolio 05/19/14 06/19/09 $14,880,000 20042 10934 KCPL Tap - Swissvale - Stilwell Balanced Portfolio 03/31/13 06/19/09 $2,000,000 $1,922,840 ON SCHEDULE < 4 20042 200189 10945 50499 KCPL GMO Multi - Iatan - Nashua 345 kV Multi - Iatan - Nashua 345 kV Balanced Portfolio Balanced Portfolio 06/01/15 06/01/15 06/19/09 04/17/12 $4,620,000 $4,230,820 $48,438,919 ON SCHEDULE < 4 ON SCHEDULE < 4 $147,000,000 $49,824,000 ON SCHEDULE < 4 200188 10935 KCPL Multi - Iatan - Nashua 345 kV Balanced Portfolio 06/01/15 04/17/12 $12,130,261 ON SCHEDULE < 4 20043 20084 20044 20046 20065 20046 20047 10936 11085 10938 10940 10941 10943 10942 SPS SPS WFEC ITCGP ITCGP ITCGP NPPD Multi - Tuco - Woodward 345 kV (SPS) Multi - Tuco - Woodward 345 kV (SPS) Tap Anadarko - Washita 138 kV line into Gracemont 345 kV Multi - Axtell - Post Rock - Spearville 345 kV Multi - Axtell - Post Rock - Spearville 345 kV Multi - Axtell - Post Rock - Spearville 345 kV Line - Axtell - Kansas Border 345 kV (NPPD) Balanced Portfolio Balanced Portfolio Balanced Portfolio Balanced Portfolio Balanced Portfolio Balanced Portfolio Balanced Portfolio 05/19/14 03/31/13 10/12/12 06/18/12 06/18/12 12/15/12 12/15/12 06/19/09 02/08/10 06/19/09 06/19/09 11/06/09 06/19/09 06/19/09 $122,597,500 $11,250,000 $2,000,000 $96,000,000 $3,000,000 $66,000,000 $71,377,000 $170,247,072 $15,752,640 $966,210 $79,136,700 $4,348,600 $64,514,700 $59,194,981 ON SCHEDULE < 4 DELAY - MITIGATION COMPLETE COMPLETE COMPLETE COMPLETE COMPLETE 20041 10946 OGE Sub - Gracemont Balanced Portfolio 12/31/11 06/19/09 $8,000,000 $13,954,860 COMPLETE 20015 10460 AECC Line - Hope - Fulton 115 kV Recond Transmission Service 06/08/11 04/01/12 01/16/09 $440,000 $1,512,000 $640,645 COMPLETE 20015 10461 AECC Line - Hope - Fulton 115 kV Recond Transmission Service 06/08/11 04/01/12 01/16/09 $1,512,000 $440,000 $18,899 COMPLETE 20015 50151 AECC Line - McNab - Turk 115 kV Transmission Service 11/07/11 04/01/12 01/16/09 $165,000 $165,000 $417,349 COMPLETE 06/01/12 Project Status Comments High Priority $238,122,033 $127,995,000 $960,895 $231,600,000 $152,640,000 $19,796,666 Project Status Line - Thistle - Wichita 345 kV dbl Ckt $131,451,250 $842,847 $174,500,000 $114,500,000 $12,029,091 $8,883,760 Final Cost 06/30/10 06/30/10 07/23/10 07/23/10 06/30/10 06/30/10 06/30/10 06/30/10 06/30/10 06/30/10 11/22/10 11/22/10 07/29/11 07/29/11 07/29/11 07/29/11 07/29/11 07/29/11 07/29/11 07/29/11 07/29/11 07/29/11 Current Cost Estimate WR 05/01/15 06/10/11 06/01/17 06/01/17 06/01/17 06/30/14 06/30/14 06/30/14 06/30/14 06/30/14 12/31/14 12/31/14 12/31/14 12/31/14 12/31/14 12/31/14 12/31/14 12/31/14 12/31/14 12/31/14 12/31/14 12/31/14 Original Cost Estimate 11497 High Priority High Priority High Priority High Priority High Priority High Priority High Priority High Priority High Priority High Priority High Priority High Priority High Priority High Priority High Priority High Priority High Priority High Priority g Priorityy High High Priority High Priority High Priority Letter of Notification to Construct Issue Date 20103 Line - Valliant - NW Texarkana 345 kV Tulsa Power Station 138 kV reactor Multi - Nebraska City - Maryville - Sibley 345 kV (GMO) Multi - Nebraska City - Maryville - Sibley 345 kV (GMO) Line - Nebraska City - Maryville 345 kV (OPPD) Multi - Hitchland - Woodward 345 kV (SPS) Multi - Hitchland - Woodward 345 kV (SPS) Multi - Hitchland - Woodward 345 kV (SPS) Line - Hitchland - Woodward 345 kV dbl Ckt (OGE) Line - Hitchland - Woodward 345 kV dbl Ckt (OGE) Line - Thistle - Woodward 345 kV dbl Ckt (OGE) Line - Thistle - Woodward 345 kV dbl Ckt (OGE) Line - Thistle - Woodward 345 kV dbl Ckt (PW) Line - Thistle - Woodward 345 kV dbl Ckt (PW) Line - Spearville - Clark Co - Thistle 345 kV dbl Ckt Line - Spearville - Clark Co - Thistle 345 kV dbl Ckt Line - Spearville - Clark Co - Thistle 345 kV dbl Ckt Line - Spearville - Clark Co - Thistle 345 kV dbl Ckt p Line - Spearville - Clark Co - Thistle 345 kV dbl Ckt Line - Spearville - Clark Co - Thistle 345 kV dbl Ckt Line - Thistle - Wichita 345 kV dbl Ckt Line - Thistle - Wichita 345 kV dbl Ckt RTO Determined Need Date AEP AEP GMO GMO OPPD SPS SPS SPS OGE OGE OGE OGE PW PW ITCGP ITCGP ITCGP ITCGP ITCGP ITCGP PW PW Project Owner Indicated In-Service Date Project Owner 11236 11237 11238 11239 11240 11241 11242 11243 11244 11245 11246 11247 11248 11249 11252 11253 11254 11255 11260 50384 11258 11259 Project Type UID 20096 20096 20097 20097 20098 20099 20099 20099 20100 20100 20121 20121 200163 200163 200162 200162 200162 200162 200162 200162 200163 200163 Project Name NTC_ID Project types "zonal - sponsored" and "regional reliability - non OATT" do not receive NTCs and are not filed at FERC but are being tracked because they are expected to be built in the near term Delayed Complete 6/10/2011 currently in contract negotiations for line routing and siting. currently in contract negotiations for line routing and siting. Construction cost estimates came in lower than expected. Project milage increased UID 11258 and 11259 were revised to separate out terminal equipment at Wichita Sustation and uid 11497 was added to include this equipment Original Estimate Revised 8/16/2012 Cost reduced to account for lower construction costs than expected. Build midpoint reactor station at interception point of Woodward to Tuco line. Cost already included in above two projects. Original SPS project. project delayed due to delay in obtaining substation steel; project delayed to 1st quarter 2013 due to sending construction staff to East Coast for Hurricane Sandy restoration work. KCPL will construct 345/161kV, 650Mva transformer addition at GMO will construct Iatan-Nashua transmission line ~31 miles 345kV; KCPL will construct line terminals and substation additions at Iatan & Nashua This is the SPS current cost estimate for the transmission line from Q4-2012 Cost Estimate remains valid. MN-9/19/12. Q1-2013 Cost Updated mileage for filed route; reactor added at Post Rock (55 In-service Final cost Still being compiled Full BPF-In service-Waiting on final paper work Full BPF-In service-Waiting on final paper work Full BPF - In service - cost not final - NTC not closed out 10367 AECI Multi - Blackberry - Chouteau - GRDA 1 Inter-regional 04/01/13 ON SCHEDULE < 4 10368 AECI Multi - Blackberry - Chouteau - GRDA 1 Inter-regional 02/01/11 COMPLETE 10369 AECI Multi - Blackberry - Chouteau - GRDA 1 Inter-regional 02/01/11 COMPLETE $57,000,000 $100,000,000 10781 AECI Multi - Blackberry - Chouteau - GRDA 1 Inter-regional 02/01/11 COMPLETE 10916 AECI Multi - Blackberry - Chouteau - GRDA 1 Inter-regional 02/01/11 COMPLETE 20000 10140 AEP Multi - Wallace Lake - Port Robson - RedPoint 138 kV Regional Reliability 04/16/12 06/01/12 02/13/08 20000 10141 AEP Multi - Wallace Lake - Port Robson - RedPoint 138 kV 06/01/12 02/13/08 10296 AEP Line - Turk - SE Texarkana - 138 kV 10374 AEP Line - Valliant Substation - Install 345 kV terminal equipment 10446 AEP 10447 AEP 10448 Regional Reliability 03/01/12 Generation Interconnection 03/12/12 Transmission Service 04/17/12 Multi - McNab REC - Turk 115 kV Generation Interconnection 12/01/11 Multi - McNab REC - Turk 115 kV Generation Interconnection 12/01/11 AEP Multi - McNab REC - Turk 115 kV Generation Interconnection 10451 AEP Multi - McNab REC - Turk 115 kV 10452 10455 AEP AEP Multi - McNab REC - Turk 115 kV Multi - McNab REC - Turk 115 kV 200161 10456 AEP Multi - McNab REC - Turk 115 kV 20000 10457 10505 AEP AEP Multi - McNab REC - Turk 115 kV Line - Riverside - Okmulgee 138 kV 20122 10509 AEP Line - Lone Star South - Pittsburg 138kV Ckt 1 20027 20027 20048 20000 20000 20000 10510 10575 10578 10582 10584 10585 AEP AEP AEP AEP AEP AEP Line - Howell - Kilgore 69 kV Line - Osborne - Osborne Tap Line - Coffeyville Tap - North Bartleville 138 kV Multi - Flint Creek – Centerton 345 kV and Centerton- East Centerton Multi - Flint Creek – Centerton 345 kV and Centerton- East Centerton Multi - Flint Creek – Centerton 345 kV and Centerton- East Centerton 20027 10586 AEP XFR - Whitney 138/69 kV 20048 10588 AEP Line - Bartlesville Southeast - North Bartlesville 138 kV 200167 10647 AEP 20016 $24,000,000 $0 $26,850,000 $7,810,000 COMPLETE $9,670,000 $11,431,000 COMPLETE 12/01/11 $1,520,000 $1,773,000 COMPLETE Generation Interconnection 12/01/11 $3,400,000 $3,266,000 COMPLETE Generation Interconnection Generation Interconnection 12/01/11 12/01/11 $9,190,000 $0 $8,170,000 $11,250,000 COMPLETE COMPLETE 06/30/12 Regional Reliability 05/11/12 Regional Reliability Regional Reliability Transmission Service Regional Reliability Regional Reliability Regional Reliability 05/07/12 06/01/13 05/11/11 06/01/14 06/01/14 06/01/14 Regional Reliability 04/01/12 $3,840,000 COMPLETE COMPLETE $8,100,000 12/01/11 03/01/12 01/16/09 $19,482,000 $25,590,000 COMPLETE COMPLETE Transmission Service 04/01/12 $9,480,000 $3,840,000 Generation Interconnection Regional Reliability As of 10/11/12 Clearing 100% complete. All structures laid out & framed. Construction: Sec1 (157 structures) 100% complete. Sec2 09/18/09 $7,310,000 $7,310,000 COMPLETE 06/01/12 02/13/08 $9,110,000 $125,000 $7,806,000 $125,000 COMPLETE COMPLETE 06/01/12 02/14/11 $300,000 $300,000 06/01/09 06/01/13 06/01/11 06/01/14 06/01/14 06/01/14 01/27/09 01/27/09 09/18/09 02/13/08 02/13/08 02/13/08 $2,000,000 $6,000,000 $13,100,000 $3,986,000 $2,000,000 $13,100,000 $11,962,000 $13,104,000 $34,085,000 06/01/11 06/01/11 01/27/09 $350,000 $350,000 COMPLETE Transmission Service 05/11/11 06/01/11 09/18/09 $8,400,000 $8,400,000 COMPLETE Line - Northwest Henderson - Poynter 69 kV Regional Reliability 06/01/14 06/01/14 04/09/12 $7,214,837 $7,815,833 ON SCHEDULE < 4 $926,970 200167 10648 AEP Line - Diana - Perdue 138 kV Regional Reliability 06/01/14 06/01/13 04/09/12 20000 10656 AEP Multi - Centerton - Osage Creek 345 kV Regional Reliability 06/01/16 06/01/16 02/13/08 20000 10659 AEP Multi - Centerton - Osage Creek 345 kV Regional Reliability 06/01/16 06/01/16 02/13/08 20000 10660 AEP Multi - Centerton - Osage Creek 345 kV Regional Reliability 06/01/16 06/01/16 20000 10786 AEP Multi - Wallace Lake - Port Robson - RedPoint 138 kV Regional Reliability 06/01/11 20027 20073 20073 10853 11011 11012 AEP AEP AEP Line - Lone Star-Locust Grove 115 kV Multi - Canadian River - McAlester City - Dustin 138 kV Multi - Canadian River - McAlester City - Dustin 138 kV regional reliability regional reliability regional reliability 20064 11015 AEP Line - Ashdown - Craig Junction 138 kV Rebuild $35,185,000 Replacement not needed in 2009 due to re-rating, but replacement needed in 2011 due to voltage conversion associated with Turk. Turk commercial operation date delayed until late 2012; Complete 06/30/2012 COMPLETE COMPLETE ON SCHEDULE < 4 COMPLETE ON SCHEDULE < 4 ON SCHEDULE < 4 ON SCHEDULE < 4 $1,004,187 DELAY - MITIGATION $11,000,000 ON SCHEDULE < 4 $24,500,000 ON SCHEDULE < 4 02/13/08 $65,500,000 ON SCHEDULE < 4 06/01/12 02/13/08 $11,988,400 COMPLETE 06/01/14 06/01/13 06/01/13 06/01/14 06/01/10 06/01/10 01/27/09 02/08/10 02/08/10 $2,150,000 $17,000,000 $8,500,000 $2,150,000 $24,965,000 $9,513,000 ON SCHEDULE < 4 DELAY - MITIGATION DELAY - MITIGATION regional reliability 06/01/13 06/01/13 11/02/09 $2,500,000 $2,500,000 ON SCHEDULE < 4 ON SCHEDULE < 4 $57,500,000 Notification received from the SPP concurring with the new in-service date due to the delay of the Turk plant. 73% BPF. Completed 4/17/12 Complete 5/11/11 C Complete 6/1/2011 / / Complete 5/11/11 Complete 6/1/2011 200167 11171 AEP Line - Carthage - Rock Hill 69 kV Ckt 1 rebuild Regional Reliability 06/01/14 06/01/14 04/09/12 $13,500,000 $11,830,128 20073 11183 AEP Multi - Canadian River - McAlester City - Dustin 138 kV Regional Reliability 05/16/12 06/01/10 02/08/10 $2,900,000 $4,096,000 COMPLETE 20073 11184 AEP Multi - Canadian River - McAlester City - Dustin 138 kV regional reliability 06/01/13 06/01/10 02/08/10 $2,900,000 $4,096,000 DELAY - MITIGATION 11185 AEP Line - Lone Oak - EnoGex Wilberton 138 kV Zonal - Sponsored 03/11/11 $0 $1,456,000 COMPLETE Complete 3/11/2011 20066 11199 AEP Line - Coffeyville Tap - South Coffeyville City 138 kV Transmission Service 06/28/11 06/01/11 01/13/10 $6,000,000 $6,000,000 COMPLETE 20066 11208 AEP Line - Coffeyville Farmland - South Coffeyville City 138 kV Transmission Service 05/22/11 06/01/11 01/13/10 $2,200,000 $2,200,000 COMPLETE Complete 5/22/2011 20104 11261 AEP Line - Broken Arrow North South Tap - Oneta 138 kV Ckt 1 200167 11331 AEP Line - Diana - Perdue 138 kV Reconductor 20112 11347 AEP 20112 20122 20016 20016 20016 20122 20016 20016 20016 20016 20122 20122 20135 20135 20135 20135 11348 11421 50148 50149 50150 50156 50160 50163 50164 50165 50334 50336 50363 50364 50365 50375 AEP AEP AEP AEP AEP AEP AEP AEP AEP AEP AEP AEP AEP AEP AEP AEP 200165 Transmission Service 06/01/15 06/01/15 08/25/10 $4,400,000 $5,060,000 Regional Reliability 06/01/14 06/01/14 04/09/12 $17,359,447 $18,805,489 ON SCHEDULE < 4 Line - Southwest Shreveport - Springridge REC 138 kV Transmission Service 06/01/13 06/01/12 12/09/10 $7,200,000 $7,200,000 DELAY - MITIGATION Line - Eastex - Whitney 138 kV Accelerated Line - Hooks - Lone Star Ordinance 69 kV Ckt 1 Line - Turk - NW Texarkana 345 kV Line - Turk - NW Texarkana 345 kV Line - Turk - NW Texarkana 345 kV Line - Bann - Lone Star Ordinance 69 kV Ckt 1 Line - Linwood - Powell Street 138 kV Line - Okay - Tollette 69 kV Line - SE Texarkana - Texarkana Plant 69 kV Line - South Texarkana REC - Texarkana Plant 69 kV Device - Winnsboro 138 kV Device - Logansport 138 kV Line - Easton Rec - Knox Lee 138 kV ckt 1 Line - Easton Rec - Pirkey 138 kV ckt 1 Line - Pirkey - Whitney 115 kV ckt 1 XFR - Diana 345/138 kV ckt 3 Transmission Service Regional Reliability Transmission Service Transmission Service Transmission Service Regional Reliability Transmission Service Transmission Service Transmission Service Transmission Service Regional Reliability Regional Reliability Regional Reliability Regional Reliability Regional Reliability Transmission Service 06/01/13 06/01/13 08/28/12 08/28/12 08/28/12 06/01/13 06/01/12 12/01/11 03/01/12 05/30/12 06/01/16 06/01/16 12/31/12 12/31/12 06/01/13 06/01/13 06/01/12 06/01/13 04/01/12 04/01/12 04/01/12 06/01/13 06/01/12 04/01/12 04/01/12 04/01/12 06/01/16 06/01/16 06/01/12 06/01/12 06/01/13 06/01/13 12/09/10 02/14/11 01/16/09 01/16/09 01/16/09 02/14/11 01/16/09 01/16/09 01/16/09 01/16/09 02/14/11 02/14/11 05/27/11 05/27/11 05/27/11 05/27/11 $2,800,000 $2,100,000 $57,530,000 $0 $0 $4,225,000 $456,000 $80,000 $35,000 $2,800,000 $2,100,000 $6,600,000 $456,000 $80,000 $128,000 $8,193,000 $1,166,400 $1,166,400 $150,000 $500,000 $900,000 $5,500,000 DELAY - MITIGATION ON SCHEDULE < 4 COMPLETE COMPLETE COMPLETE ON SCHEDULE < 4 COMPLETE COMPLETE COMPLETE COMPLETE ON SCHEDULE < 4 ON SCHEDULE < 4 DELAY - MITIGATION DELAY - MITIGATION ON SCHEDULE < 4 ON SCHEDULE < 4 DELAY - MITIGATION $150,000 $500,000 $900,000 $5,500,000 $44,200,000 50387 AEP Line - Clinton Junction 138 kV relay (AEP) Generation Interconnection 06/30/12 $150,000 $150,000 50392 50393 50394 AEP AEP AEP Sub - Cornville 138 kV Sub - Cornville 138 kV Sub - Cornville 138 kV Zonal - Sponsored Zonal - Sponsored Zonal - Sponsored 12/31/14 12/31/14 12/31/14 $0 $0 $0 $9,585,000 $4,770,000 $911,250 ON SCHEDULE < 4 ON SCHEDULE < 4 ON SCHEDULE < 4 50395 AEP Sub - Cornville 138 kV Zonal - Sponsored 12/31/14 $0 $3,155,625 ON SCHEDULE < 4 200167 50405 AEP Device - Coweta 69 kV Capacitor Regional Reliability 06/01/14 200183 50413 AEP Multi - Elk City - Gracemont 345 kV 200183 50414 AEP Multi - Elk City - Gracemont 345 kV 200167 50438 AEP Sub - Cornville 138 kV XFR - Cocodrie 230/138 kV 08/02/11 $4,750,000 ON SCHEDULE < 4 06/01/14 04/09/12 $1,428,440 $1,428,440 ON SCHEDULE < 4 ITP10 03/01/18 04/09/12 $81,514,845 $81,514,845 ON SCHEDULE > 4 ITP10 03/01/18 04/09/12 $18,060,547 $18,060,547 ON SCHEDULE > 4 12/31/14 06/01/12 04/09/12 $19,998,928 $21,664,838 DELAY - MITIGATION Regional Reliability 10272 CLEC Regional Reliability - Non OATT 06/01/12 06/01/09 $0 $5,000,000 ON SCHEDULE < 4 50136 10373 10834 CUS DETEC DETEC Device - Twin Oaks 69 kV Line - Etoile - Chireno Line - Chireno-Martinsville 138 kV Zonal - Sponsored Zonal - Sponsored Zonal - Sponsored 06/01/17 06/01/14 06/01/15 06/01/18 $0 $0 $0 $875,000 $8,864,000 $8,894,000 ON SCHEDULE > 4 ON SCHEDULE < 4 ON SCHEDULE < 4 10849 DETEC Line - Martinsville - Timpson 138 kV conversion Zonal - Sponsored 06/01/14 $0 20123 20123 19970 10850 10851 10852 10548 10608 10644 DETEC DETEC DETEC EDE EDE EDE Line - Martinsville - Timpson 138 kV conversion Line - Martinsville - Timpson 138 kV conversion Line - Martinsville - Timpson 138 kV conversion Multi - Nichols 170 - Republic 345 - Republic 451 - Republic 359 69 kV Line - Explorer Spring City Tap - Joplin Southwest 69 kV Ckt 1 XFR - Oronogo 161/69 kV Zonal - Sponsored Zonal - Sponsored Zonal - Sponsored Regional Reliability Regional Reliability Transmission Service 06/01/14 06/01/14 06/01/14 06/01/15 06/01/14 06/01/11 06/01/15 06/01/14 06/01/11 02/14/11 02/14/11 01/10/08 $0 $0 $0 $2,973,000 $1,550,000 $4,000,000 19970 10730 EDE Line - Oronogo Junction - Riverton 161 kV Recond Transmission Service 06/01/11 06/01/11 01/10/08 20075 20123 10839 10891 EDE EDE Line - Sub 170 Nichols - Sub 80 Sedalia 69 kV Multi - Stateline - Joplin - Reinmiller conversion Regional Reliability Regional Reliability 05/01/12 06/01/18 06/01/10 06/01/18 20123 10894 EDE Multi - Stateline - Joplin - Reinmiller conversion Regional Reliability 06/01/18 In mid 2011, this project was replaced with Springhill - Perdue 138 kV $4,286,188 $5,750,000 $5,750,000 $3,324,960 02/08/10 02/14/11 $3,520,000 $3,591,000 $4,500,000 $3,591,000 COMPLETE ON SCHEDULE > 4 06/01/18 02/14/11 $2,011,500 $2,011,500 ON SCHEDULE > 4 * COMPLETE 20036 50073 EDE Device - Quapaw Cap 69 kV Regional Reliability 06/01/18 06/01/18 01/27/09 $0 $1,500,000 ON SCHEDULE > 4 20123 50316 EDE Multi - Monett South Regional Reliability 06/01/17 06/01/17 02/14/11 $468,000 $468,000 ON SCHEDULE > 4 20123 50322 EDE Multi - Stateline - Joplin - Reinmiller conversion Regional Reliability 06/01/18 06/01/18 02/14/11 $1,647,000 $1,647,000 ON SCHEDULE > 4 20123 50323 EDE Multi - Stateline - Joplin - Reinmiller conversion Regional Reliability 06/01/18 06/01/18 02/14/11 $1,201,500 $1,201,500 ON SCHEDULE > 4 20123 20123 20123 20123 20123 20123 20123 50324 50325 50326 50348 50350 50352 50353 10370 10243 10431 EDE EDE EDE EDE EDE EDE EDE EES GMO GMO Multi - Stateline - Joplin - Reinmiller conversion Multi - Stateline - Joplin - Reinmiller conversion Multi - Monett South Multi - Nichols 170 - Republic 345 - Republic 451 - Republic 359 69 kV Multi - Monett South Multi - Nichols 170 - Republic 345 - Republic 451 - Republic 359 69 kV Multi - Monett South Line - Grandview - Osage Line - Grandview - Martin City 161 kV Line - Lone Jack - Greenwood 161 kV Regional Reliability Regional Reliability Regional Reliability Regional Reliability Regional Reliability Regional Reliability Regional Reliability Inter-regional Regional Reliability Zonal - Sponsored 06/01/18 06/01/18 06/01/17 06/01/15 06/01/17 06/01/15 06/01/17 12/31/11 06/01/18 06/01/18 06/01/17 06/01/15 06/01/17 06/01/15 06/01/17 06/01/09 06/01/09 02/14/11 02/14/11 02/14/11 02/14/11 02/14/11 02/14/11 02/14/11 $749,250 $4,968,000 $2,250,000 $1,100,500 $324,000 $476,500 $4,149,000 $0 $150,000 $0 $749,250 $4,968,000 $2,250,000 $1,100,500 $324,000 $476,500 $4,149,000 $6,000,000 $50,000 $7,096,402 ON SCHEDULE > 4 ON SCHEDULE > 4 ON SCHEDULE > 4 ON SCHEDULE < 4 ON SCHEDULE > 4 ON SCHEDULE < 4 ON SCHEDULE > 4 COMPLETE COMPLETE ON SCHEDULE < 4 20034 10830 GMO Multi - Loma Vista - Montrose 161 kV - Tap into K.C. South Regional Reliability 12/31/12 06/01/09 01/27/09 $2,369,625 $2,369,625 DELAY - MITIGATION 20034 10847 GMO XFR - Clinton 161/69 kV Regional Reliability 11/01/13 06/01/13 01/27/09 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 DELAY - MITIGATION 20034 10854 GMO Multi - South Harper 161 kV cut-in to Stilwell-Archie Junction 161 kV lin Regional Reliability 12/28/12 06/01/09 01/27/09 $2,259,673 $2,559,673 DELAY - MITIGATION 20087 20124 10952 11263 GMO GMO Line - Glenare - Liberty 69 kV Ckt 1 Line - Nashua - Smithville 161 kV Ckt 1 regional reliability Regional Reliability 06/01/13 06/01/13 06/01/11 02/08/10 02/14/11 $200,000 $150,000 $800,000 $150,000 20008 02/13/08 06/01/15 $5,709 $24,897 ON SCHEDULE < 4 COMPLETE Mitigation is redispatch Mitigation is redispatch This project is on hold by Windfarm 66 LLC Delayed Delayed Delayed Build new 345kV/230kV station with 3 breaker ring on 230 kV, 1 ON SCHEDULE < 4 ON SCHEDULE < 4 ON SCHEDULE < 4 ON SCHEDULE < 4 ON SCHEDULE < 4 COMPLETE $2,973,000 $1,550,000 $4,000,000 Change PID and UID (old PID 349 and old UID 10453)Turk Change PID and UID (old PID 349 and old UID 10453)Turk Change PID and UID (old PID 349 and old UID 10453)Turk Full BPF. SPP to provided revised NTC Full BPF Full BPF Full BPF Turk commercial operation date delayed to 7/01/2012 Full BPF Turk commercial operation date delayed to 7/01/2012 Delayed ON SCHEDULE < 4 $11,454,960 Interim redispatch required Interim redispatch required The scope of this work involves building a new breaker and a half station adjacent to the existing Cornville station. 15kV distribution and 69kV will remain located in the existing yard and lines will be run to them to connect. Remote ends listed above will be upgraded. Cost estimate is for entire project. Cost estimate is for entire project. Cost estimate is for entire project. Cost estimate is for entire project. EDE would like to request that this project need be re-evaluated. 95.1% of costs BPF Project under study. Distribution transformer taps to be adjusted accordingly to serve load adequately until the project can be Part of Multi Line upgrade @ Monett. Part of Multi Line upgrade @ Monett. This 547510-547511 xfmr EDE would like to request that this project need be re-evaluated. Part of Multi Line upgrade @ Monett. EDE would like to request that this project need be re-evaluated. Part of Multi Line upgrade @ Monett. Preliminary design has begun. Project completed and in service; costs finalized project is an alternative to replace the reconductor projects of the Duncan Rd - Blue Spring East and Martin City-Grandview East 161 kV cost estimate increase due to poor condition of structures Project completed and in service; costs not finalized 50424 GMO XFR - Eastowne 345/161 kV Zonal - Sponsored 04/15/13 $0 $12,809,443 ON SCHEDULE < 4 50501 GMO Device - Clinton Plant 69 kV Cap Zonal - Sponsored 06/01/13 $0 $1,100,000 ON SCHEDULE < 4 20021 20021 50502 10385 10386 GMO GRDA GRDA Device - Alabama 161 kV Cap Multi - Kansas Tap - Siloam City 161KV Multi - Kansas Tap - Siloam City 161KV Zonal - Sponsored Regional Reliability Regional Reliability 04/01/12 08/01/13 08/01/13 06/01/12 06/01/12 01/16/09 01/16/09 $0 $4,212,500 $1,700,000 $1,500,000 $4,372,000 $1,831,000 20001 10388 GRDA XFR - Sallisaw 161/69 kV Auto #2 Regional Reliability 07/15/12 06/01/08 02/13/08 10389 GRDA Multi - Toneece - Siloam City 161 kV Zonal - Sponsored 01/01/13 10390 GRDA Multi - Toneece - Siloam City 161 kV Zonal - Sponsored 01/01/13 20076 10511 GRDA XFR - Afton 161/69 kV Ckt 2 Regional Reliability 08/01/13 06/01/10 02/08/10 20050 10512 GRDA Line - Pensacola - Kerr 161 kV Transmission Service 06/01/11 06/01/11 200168 10698 GRDA Line - Maid - Pryor Foundry South 69 kV Regional Reliability 06/01/13 06/01/12 $875,977 COMPLETE DELAY - MITIGATION DELAY - MITIGATION $3,000,000 COMPLETE $3,210,200 ON SCHEDULE < 4 $8,019,000 ON SCHEDULE < 4 $750,000 $8,020,000 DELAY - MITIGATION 09/18/09 $10,450,000 $10,450,000 04/09/12 $1,064,300 $1,374,534 $2,000,000 Construction started project to replace UID 331 PID 10428 capacitor bank is in service; costs not finalized GRDA would could reduce generation at Kerr Hydro to relieve loading. GRDA would could reduce generation at Kerr Hydro to relieve loading. Utilizing LTCs on GRDA transformers in this area increases voltages within criteria limits. This project didn't come from any RTO reliability studies. $9,509,623 COMPLETE DELAY - MITIGATION 200168 10699 GRDA Line - Maid - Redden 69 kV Regional Reliability 06/01/13 06/01/12 04/09/12 $1,092,500 $1,419,469 DELAY - MITIGATION 20028 50080 GRDA Device - Tahlequah West 69 Cap kV Regional Reliability 07/01/12 06/01/09 01/27/09 $0 $779,000 DELAY - MITIGATION 20001 50092 GRDA Device - Jay Cap 69 kV 06/01/11 02/13/08 $0 $800,000 20018 50459 50460 10955 10956 10840 10405 GRDA GRDA GRIS GRIS INDN ITCGP SUB - PAWNEE 138 KV LINE - FAIRFAX - PAWNEE 138 KV Line - Sub F - St. Libory 115 kV Line - Sub H - Sub E upgrade Line - Blue Valley Plant - Sub M 161 kV Line - Valliant - Hugo 345 kV $2,500,000 $11,900,000 $3,937,500 $200,000 $2,625,000 $22,230,000 ON SCHEDULE < 4 ON SCHEDULE < 4 ON SCHEDULE < 4 COMPLETE COMPLETE COMPLETE 20018 10406 ITCGP $6,328,605 COMPLETE Regional Reliability 06/25/12 Generation Interconnection Generation Interconnection Regional Reliability - Non OATT Regional Reliability - Non OATT Regional Reliability - Non OATT Transmission Service 12/31/13 06/30/14 12/01/12 04/01/12 06/01/12 06/08/12 10/01/09 04/01/12 01/16/09 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $11,000,000 XFR - Hugo 345/138 kV Transmission Service 06/30/12 04/01/12 01/16/09 $5,000,000 $1,013,318 20018 50173 ITCGP Line - Hugo - Sunnyside 345 kV Transmission Service 06/08/12 04/01/12 01/16/09 $45,000,000 $6,620,096 COMPLETE 50425 50426 ITCGP ITCGP Multi - Elm Creek - Summit 345 kV Multi - Elm Creek - Summit 345 kV ITP10 ITP10 03/01/18 03/01/18 03/01/18 03/01/18 04/09/12 04/09/12 $28,580,803 $5,403,707 $28,580,803 $5,403,707 ON SCHEDULE > 4 ON SCHEDULE > 4 200187 50427 ITCGP Multi - Elm Creek - Summit 345 kV ITP10 03/01/18 03/01/18 04/09/12 $8,015,964 $8,015,964 ON SCHEDULE > 4 200187 50428 ITCGP Multi - Elm Creek - Summit 345 kV ITP10 03/01/18 03/01/18 04/09/12 $697,163 $697,163 ON SCHEDULE > 4 10363 KCPL Line - Craig - Lenexa 161 kV Zonal - Sponsored 06/01/12 $0 $112,449 11376 KCPL Line - Olathe - Switzer 161 kV Zonal - Sponsored 06/01/13 $0 $2,963,000 200169 20009 11498 50083 KCPL KCPL Line - Loma Vista East - Winchester Junction North 161kV Ckt 1 Device - Craig Cap 161 kV Regional Reliability Zonal Reliability 12/31/12 05/18/11 04/09/12 02/13/08 $190,860 $0 $190,860 $1,316,500 20116 50329 KCPL Line - Stillwell - West Gardner 345 kV Ckt 1 Transmission Service 12/31/12 09/03/10 $150,000 $150,000 ON SCHEDULE < 4 50468 KCPL Line - Merriam - Overland Park 161 kV Zonal - Sponsored 12/31/14 $0 $1,518,750 ON SCHEDULE < 4 50500 KCPL Device - West Gardner 12 kV Reactor Zonal - Sponsored 12/31/12 $0 $900,000 ON SCHEDULE < 4 50604 KCPL Line - Overland Park - Brookridge 161 kV Zonal - Sponsored 12/31/13 $500,000 ON SCHEDULE < 4 11086 LEA Multi - ERF-Gaines 115 kV Ckt 1 Regional Reliability - Non OATT 06/01/12 06/01/12 $0 $1,000,000 ON SCHEDULE < 4 11087 LEA Multi - ERF-Gaines 115 kV Ckt 1 Regional Reliability - Non OATT 06/01/12 06/01/12 $0 $1,000,000 ON SCHEDULE < 4 11088 LEA Multi - ERF-Gaines 115 kV Ckt 1 Regional Reliability - Non OATT 06/01/12 06/01/12 $0 $1,000,000 ON SCHEDULE < 4 200171 #N/A COMPLETE ON SCHEDULE < 4 $1,469,151 DELAY - MITIGATION COMPLETE 11215 LES Line - Sheldon - Folsom 115 KV Ckt 1 Zonal - Sponsored 05/31/11 $0 $380,000 COMPLETE 11216 LES Line - Sheldon - Folsom 115 KV Ckt 2 Zonal - Sponsored 05/31/11 $0 $380,000 COMPLETE 11217 LES Line - 2nd & N - 20th & PIO 115 KV Ckt 1 Zonal - Sponsored 05/31/11 $0 $100,000 COMPLETE 11218 11230 11447 50388 LES LES LES LES Line - Folsom - 20th & PIO 115 KV Ckt 1 XFR - Folsom 115/12.5 KV Ckt 1 Line - Folsom - Rokeby 115 KV Ckt 1 Line - 17th & Holdrege - 30th & A 115 kV Ckt 1 Zonal - Sponsored Zonal - Sponsored Zonal - Sponsored Zonal - Sponsored 05/31/11 05/31/11 05/31/11 09/13/13 $0 $0 $0 $0 $100,000 $150,000 $17,318,000 COMPLETE COMPLETE COMPLETE ON SCHEDULE < 4 50389 LES Line - 30th & A - 56th & Everett 115 kV Ckt 1 Zonal - Sponsored 09/13/13 $0 $9,980,000 ON SCHEDULE < 4 50390 LES Line - 57 & Garland - 84 & Leighton 115 kV Ckt 1 Zonal - Sponsored 05/31/12 $0 $2,372,000 COMPLETE 50391 LES Line - SW 7 & Bennet - 40th & Rokeby 115 kV Ckt 1 Zonal - Sponsored 05/31/15 $0 $7,675,000 ON SCHEDULE < 4 50403 LES Line - Folsom & Pleasant Hill - Sheldon 115 kV Ckt 2 Regional Reliability 05/15/13 $6,480,000 $6,382,777 DELAY - MITIGATION 01/01/12 04/09/12 1590 ACSR: Normal Rating=152 MVA, 1275 Amps @ 85C, Emergency Rating=185 MVA, 1550 Amps @100C, NTC Upgrade 1590 ACSR: Normal Rating=152 MVA, 1275 Amps @85C, Emergency Rating=185 MVA, 1550 Amps @ 100C, NTC Upgrade Replaces Tahlequah City #1 and City #2 Cap 69. In the event of a COMPLETE 200187 200187 06/01/12 06/01/08 This project didn't come from any RTO reliability studies. GRDA and NEO will perform switching at the 13kV level to avoid dropping any load Original In-Service Date was 12/31/2013. Per Construction Update Energized 6/8/12 Direct assigned to Network Customer; Transformer installation scheduled to be complete by 4/1/12 - Tie into 138 kV bus to be constructed by WFEC delayed due to Hugo Plant outage schedule Energized 6/8/12 Bus cost includes $3,052,177 for 30 Mvar switched reactor to be located on bus or line terminal project complete and in service; costs not finalized. construction started project is tied to NTC 20034 which has an in-service date 12/31/12. Project placed in service 5/18/11. Costs finalized. project delayed due to delay in obtaining substation steel In progress; old conductor is in dollies Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete No additional substation equipment is expected. Uprate complete. New ratings Rate A = 83 MVA, Rate B = 99 MVA 20139 20089 10410 11209 MIDW MIDW Line - Hays Plant - South Hayes 115 kV Ckt 1 Multi - North Ellinwood - City of Ellinwood 69 kV Transmission Service transmission service 06/01/12 01/01/11 06/01/12 06/01/09 05/27/11 03/31/10 $35,000 $825,000 $35,000 $825,000 COMPLETE COMPLETE 20089 11210 MIDW Multi - North Ellinwood - City of Ellinwood 69 kV transmission service 01/01/11 06/01/09 03/31/10 $530,000 $530,000 COMPLETE 20089 11211 MIDW Multi - North Ellinwood - City of Ellinwood 69 kV transmission service 01/01/11 06/01/09 03/31/10 $325,000 $325,000 20126 11311 MIDW XFR - Colby 69/34.5 kV TrXFR - Colby 115/34.5 kV Transformer Ckt 4 Regional Reliability 12/31/12 06/01/11 02/14/11 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 DELAY - MITIGATION 20106 11312 MIDW Line - MIDW Heizer - Mullergren 115kV Regional Reliability 12/31/12 06/01/11 08/25/10 $400,000 $507,000 DELAY - MITIGATION 20078 20078 50184 50197 MIDW MIDW Device - Kinsley Capacitor 115 kV Device-Pawnee 115 kV Regional Reliability Regional Reliability 06/27/12 12/07/12 06/01/11 06/01/11 02/08/10 02/08/10 $907,563 $620,000 COMPLETE DELAY - MITIGATION #N/A #N/A COMPLETE 200172 50411 MIDW Multi - Ellsworth - Bushton - Rice 115 kV Regional Reliability 09/28/12 06/01/12 04/09/12 $3,351,728 $938,708 COMPLETE 200172 50448 MIDW Multi - Ellsworth - Bushton - Rice 115 kV Regional Reliability 07/10/12 06/01/12 04/09/12 $16,107,869 $3,163,676 COMPLETE 50464 MIDW MULTI - RICE - CIRCLE 230KV CONVERSION Generation Interconnection 11/07/12 $0 $11,156,686 ON SCHEDULE < 4 50466 50467 MIDW MIDW LINE - RICE COUNTY - LYONS 115KV MULTI - RICE - CIRCLE 230KV CONVERSION Generation Interconnection Generation Interconnection 04/01/13 10/01/12 $0 $0 $6,390,000 $2,473,404 ON SCHEDULE < 4 COMPLETE 50511 MIDW Sub - Wheatland 115 kV Generation Interconnection 12/31/12 $88,126 ON SCHEDULE < 4 50549 MIDW Multi - Ellsworth - Bushton - Rice 115 kV Regional Reliability 06/01/15 20079 10858 MKEC Line - Pratt - St. John 115 kV rebuild 20067 10994 MKEC XFR - Medicine Lodge 138/115 kV #N/A 06/01/12 $0 $1,459,629 Installation will occur after summer peak loads. Construction underway. In service as of 6/27/12. Final cost TBD. Original project scope Original project scope did not contemplate addition of interconnection This estimate includes the segment from the existing Rice Co. substation up to the new Rice Co. substation, and on to the new Date Updated as of 9/14/12. Estimate includes 230/115 sub (minus xfmr costs) - $10,900,000-2,473,404, Circle 230 line conversion Updated as of September 2012 prior to construction bid. Date per executed GIA. Installed cost of 230/115 transformer only. DELAY - MITIGATION Regional Reliability 03/01/14 06/01/13 02/08/10 $9,239,000 $15,582,071 DELAY - MITIGATION Transmission Service 02/01/13 01/01/10 01/13/10 $5,625,000 $8,627,726 DELAY - MITIGATION 20067 11200 MKEC Line - Clifton - Greenleaf 115 kV Transmission Service 01/31/13 06/01/11 01/13/10 $3,600,000 $6,063,189 DELAY - MITIGATION 20067 20067 20067 11201 11202 11203 MKEC MKEC MKEC Line - Flatridge - Medicine Lodge 138 kV Line - Flatridge - Harper 138 kV Line - Medicine Lodge - Pratt 115 kV Transmission Service Transmission Service Transmission Service 12/31/13 06/15/13 06/15/14 01/01/10 01/01/10 01/01/10 01/13/10 01/13/10 01/13/10 $2,012,500 $6,037,500 $6,500,000 $4,004,423 $11,048,967 $11,277,390 DELAY - MITIGATION DELAY - MITIGATION DELAY - MITIGATION 20107 11323 MKEC Line - Heizer - Mullergren 115kV 20107 20119 20007 20107 11342 11440 50104 50337 MKEC MKEC MKEC MKEC Line - Greenleaf - Knob Hill 115kV Ckt 1 PRATT - ST JOHN 115 KV CKT 1 Device - Plainville Cap 115 kV Line - Jewell - Smith Center 115kV Ckt 1 200173 50396 MKEC 200173 50409 MKEC 200173 200173 50410 50449 * Project timing anticipated to coordinate with MKEC construction of 115 kV line to Ellsworth. Initial cost estimate based on conceptual design; detailed design to be completed at a later date. Note AFUDC included in this updated estimate. (Midwest is not required to submit an interim mitigation for this project since MKEC's system needs this project for its reliability.) 99% COMPLETE - 2 spans remain & interconnect into River Road Substation On schedule for indicated In-Service date On schedule for indicated In-Service date On schedule for indicated In-Service date On schedule for indicated In-Service date On schedule for indicated In-Service date Regional Reliability 12/31/12 06/01/11 08/25/10 $750,000 $771,129 Transmission Service Regional Reliability Regional Reliability Transmission Service 01/31/13 03/01/14 03/01/13 06/01/18 06/01/13 06/01/11 06/01/12 06/01/18 08/25/10 12/09/10 02/13/08 08/25/10 $5,887,242 $100,000 $0 $60,000 $5,354,646 $100,000 $1,500,000 $150,000 DELAY - MITIGATION ON SCHEDULE < 4 DELAY - MITIGATION DELAY - MITIGATION ON SCHEDULE > 4 Line - Haggard - Ingalls 115 kV Ckt 1 Regional Reliability 06/01/15 06/01/12 04/09/12 $12,530,103 $23,377,556 DELAY - MITIGATION SPP notified Sunflower that NTC will be withdrawn Multi - Ellsworth - Bushton - Rice 115 kV Regional Reliability 06/01/15 06/01/12 04/09/12 $13,151,512 $13,151,512 DELAY - MITIGATION MKEC MKEC Multi - Ellsworth - Bushton - Rice 115 kV Multi - Ellsworth - Bushton - Rice 115 kV Regional Reliability Regional Reliability 06/01/15 06/01/15 06/01/12 06/01/12 04/09/12 04/09/12 $5,914,221 $2,669,385 $5,914,221 $2,669,385 On schedule for indicated In-Service date On schedule for indicated In-Service date On schedule for indicated In-Service date 50508 MKEC GEN-2008-079 POI Generation Interconnection 05/21/12 $0 $665,522 DELAY DELAY ON SCHEDULE < 4 50509 50510 MKEC MKEC Line - Ft Dodge - N Ft. Dodge - Spearville CKT 2 XFR - Spearville 345/115kV CKT 1 Generation Interconnection Generation Interconnection 11/08/14 11/08/14 $0 $0 $15,389,639 $19,612,658 ON SCHEDULE < 4 ON SCHEDULE < 4 * * MITIGATION* MITIGATION* 20080 10986 NPPD Line - Maloney - North Platte 115 kV Regional Reliability 06/01/12 06/01/12 02/08/10 $2,000,000 $1,749,395 COMPLETE 200170 11078 NPPD Line - Albion - Genoa 115 kV Regional Reliability 06/01/14 06/01/14 04/09/12 $1,240,000 $1,240,000 ON SCHEDULE < 4 20080 11079 NPPD Line - Albion - Spalding 115 kV regional reliability 06/01/13 06/01/13 02/08/10 $1,000,000 $1,977,010 ON SCHEDULE < 4 20080 11080 NPPD Line - Loup City - North Loup 115 kV Regional Reliability 06/01/12 06/01/12 02/08/10 $1,000,000 $1,828,267 COMPLETE 20080 20117 NPPD NPPD NPPD NPPD Line - Twin Church - S. Sioux City 115 kV Line - Canaday - Lexington 115Kv Ckt 1 Device - Oneill 69 kV Device - Petersburg North 115 kV Regional Reliability Regional Reliability Zonal - Sponsored Regional Reliability 12/01/12 06/01/13 06/01/12 06/01/11 06/01/12 12/01/10 11/01/12 11/01/12 02/08/10 12/09/10 20080 11151 11438 50206 50207 02/08/10 $33,000,000 $3,500,000 $0 $0 $34,874,505 $3,500,000 $364,500 $429,332 DELAY - MITIGATION DELAY - MITIGATION COMPLETE COMPLETE 20080 50208 NPPD Device - Clarks 115 kV Regional Reliability 11/01/12 02/08/10 $0 $700,000 DELAY - MITIGATION 20080 50209 NPPD Device - Ainsworth 115 kV Regional Reliability 11/01/12 02/08/10 $0 $50,000 DELAY - MITIGATION 20080 50210 NPPD Device - Oneill 115 kV Regional Reliability 11/01/12 02/08/10 $0 $700,000 DELAY - MITIGATION 20080 50211 NPPD Device - Valentine 115 kV Regional Reliability 06/01/11 06/01/11 02/08/10 $0 $630,255 COMPLETE 20080 50213 NPPD Device - Gordon 115 kV Regional Reliability 06/01/12 06/01/13 02/08/10 $0 $673,574 COMPLETE 20080 200170 20117 20127 200170 50248 50249 50319 50320 50400 NPPD NPPD NPPD NPPD NPPD Device - Kearney 115 kV Device - Holdrege 115 kV XFR - Ogallala 230/115kV Replacement Multi - Stegall 345/230 kV Transformer Ckt 2 Multi - Stegall 345/230 kV Transformer Ckt 2 Regional Reliability Regional Reliability Regional Reliability Regional Reliability Regional Reliability 06/01/12 06/01/14 06/01/14 06/01/15 06/01/15 06/01/12 06/01/14 06/01/10 06/01/15 06/01/15 02/08/10 04/09/12 12/09/10 02/14/11 04/09/12 $0 $1,193,000 $5,000,000 $8,000,000 $5,239,000 $786,495 $1,193,000 $5,645,881 $8,000,000 $5,239,000 COMPLETE ON SCHEDULE < 4 DELAY - MITIGATION ON SCHEDULE < 4 ON SCHEDULE < 4 200186 50440 NPPD Multi - Hoskins - Neligh 345 kV ITP10 03/01/19 03/01/19 04/09/12 $61,205,000 $61,205,000 ON SCHEDULE > 4 $364,898 SEPC Portion ONLY. On schedule for indicated In-Service date On schedule for indicated In-Service date Going to be done as part of project 653. On schedule for indicated InOn schedule for indicated In-Service date On schedule for indicated In-Service date This is an Option to Build LGIA. This cost is only for MKEC's part. Sunflower's Consultant (Power Engineers) is confirming dollars to the Sunflower's Consultant (Power Engineers) is confirming dollars to the Network upgrade complete. Awaiting project close-out to determine final cost. Substation terminal work will be completed by 6/1/2013, and is being Network upgrade complete. Awaiting project close-out to determine final cost. Project delayed to Fall 2012 due to load forecast changes. Project Post-contingency loading issues on this line would be managed Project Complete. NPPD has suspended the project. Mitigation plan not required due to load delay. NPPD has suspended the project. Mitigation plan not required due to load delay. NPPD has suspended the project. Mitigation plan not required due to load delay. Project Complete. Awaiting project close out to determine final cost. Project Complete. Awaiting project close out to determine final cost. Project Complete. Awaiting project close out to determine final cost. Project requires the re-termination of Transmission Line 1242 to allow Project is on schedule according to the in-service date listed on the This estimate will include 8 crossings of other lines. This estimate Estimate includes expansion of Hoskins Substation to accommodate new Neligh 345 kV Terminal. Also includes cost to swap the line bay 200186 50441 NPPD Multi - Hoskins - Neligh 345 kV ITP10 03/01/19 03/01/19 04/09/12 $35,497,400 $35,497,400 ON SCHEDULE > 4 200186 50442 NPPD Multi - Gentleman - Cherry - Holt 345 kV ITP10 01/01/18 01/01/18 04/09/12 $92,660,000 $92,660,000 ON SCHEDULE > 4 200186 200186 50443 50444 NPPD NPPD Multi - Gentleman - Cherry - Holt 345 kV Multi - Gentleman - Cherry - Holt 345 kV ITP10 ITP10 01/01/18 01/01/18 01/01/18 01/01/18 04/09/12 04/09/12 $1,380,000 $6,000,000 $1,380,000 $6,000,000 ON SCHEDULE > 4 ON SCHEDULE > 4 200186 50445 NPPD Multi - Gentleman - Cherry - Holt 345 kV ITP10 01/01/18 01/01/18 04/09/12 $172,360,000 $172,360,000 ON SCHEDULE > 4 200186 50446 NPPD Multi - Gentleman - Cherry - Holt 345 kV ITP10 01/01/18 01/01/18 04/09/12 $16,880,000 $16,880,000 ON SCHEDULE > 4 50469 NPPD XFR - Cooper 345/161 kV Ckt 2 Zonal - Sponsored 04/01/12 $0 $9,000,000 ON SCHEDULE < 4 10300 OGE Line - Fort Smith - Colony 161 kV 2 regional reliability 06/01/13 06/01/13 02/08/10 $2,500,000 $2,100,000 ON SCHEDULE < 4 10391 OGE Line - Razorback - Short Mountain 161 kV Zonal - Sponsored 01/19/11 $0 COMPLETE 10392 OGE Line - Razorback - Short Mountain 161 kV Zonal - Sponsored 12/19/11 $0 COMPLETE 10393 10394 10395 10396 10398 10400 OGE OGE OGE OGE OGE OGE Line - Razorback - Short Mountain 161 kV Line - Razorback - Short Mountain 161 kV Line - Razorback - Short Mountain 161 kV Line - Razorback - Short Mountain 161 kV Line - Razorback - Short Mountain 161 kV Line - Razorback - Short Mountain 161 kV Zonal - Sponsored Zonal - Sponsored Zonal - Sponsored Zonal - Sponsored Zonal - Sponsored Zonal - Sponsored 02/28/11 12/19/11 02/10/11 12/19/11 03/31/11 08/18/11 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 COMPLETE COMPLETE COMPLETE COMPLETE COMPLETE COMPLETE 20081 20002 $32,975,000 11334 OGE Line - Razorback - Short Mountain 161 kV Zonal - Sponsored 04/01/11 $0 COMPLETE 11335 OGE Line - Razorback - Short Mountain 161 kV Zonal - Sponsored 04/01/11 $0 COMPLETE 11336 OGE Line - Razorback - Short Mountain 161 kV Zonal - Sponsored 04/01/11 $0 COMPLETE 10514 OGE Breaker - Bodle 138 kV Regional Reliability 01/15/11 06/01/12 02/13/08 $1,000,000 $850,000 20002 10663 OGE Line - HSL East - HSL West 69 kV Regional Reliability 06/01/16 06/01/16 02/13/08 $250,000 $250,000 20055 20081 10668 10701 OGE OGE Line - Rose Hill - Sooner 345 kV (OGE) Multi - Johnson - Massard 161 kV Regional Reliability Regional Reliability 06/01/12 12/28/12 06/01/12 06/01/12 09/18/09 02/08/10 $45,000,000 $44,700,000 20081 10837 OGE Multi - Johnson - Massard 161 kV Regional Reliability 09/01/12 06/01/12 02/08/10 $8,700,000 COMPLETE DELAY - MITIGATION DELAY - MITIGATION OGE Multi - Johnston County Project Zonal - Sponsored 06/01/11 $0 10732 10733 10734 10735 OGE OGE OGE OGE Multi - Johnston County Multi - Johnston County Multi - Johnston County Multi - Johnston County Project Project Project Project Zonal - Sponsored Zonal - Sponsored Zonal - Sponsored Zonal - Sponsored 06/01/11 06/01/11 06/01/11 06/01/11 $0 $0 $0 $0 10820 OGE Multi - Johnston County Project Zonal - Sponsored 06/01/11 $0 COMPLETE 10821 OGE Multi - Johnston County Project Zonal - Sponsored 06/01/11 $0 COMPLETE 10747 OGE Multi - Arcadia Tap - Round Barn Sub Zonal - Sponsored 07/01/12 $0 COMPLETE OGE Multi - Arcadia Tap - Round Barn Sub Zonal - Sponsored 07/01/12 $0 10792 OGE Multi: Dover-Twin Lake-Crescent-Cottonwood conversion 138 kV Regional Reliability 06/01/14 06/01/10 01/27/09 $27,069,913 COMPLETE COMPLETE COMPLETE COMPLETE Regional Reliability 06/01/13 06/01/13 01/27/09 $10,000 $10,000 Transmission Service 06/01/12 06/01/15 08/25/10 $13,500,000 $10,900,000 $6,330,000 NOTE: Initial costs include distribution NOTE: Initial costs include distribution Original Costs included distribution Original Costs included distribution. Cost of entire project reflected on UID 10701 Multi-upgrade project for new arc furnance near Arbuckle (on upgrade in device tab - Cap bank at Madill) NOTE: Initial costs include distribution NOTE: Initial costs include distribution O NOTE: Initial costs include distribution NOTE: Initial costs include distribution NOTE: Initial costs include distribution NOTE: Initial costs include distribution Original Costs included distribution ON SCHEDULE < 4 $8,100,000 DELAY - MITIGATION 20029 10843 OGE Line - Kilgore - VBI 69 kV 20110 10876 OGE XFR - 3rd Arcadia 345/138 kV 200198 11129 OGE Multi - Cushing Area 138 kV Regional Reliability 06/01/14 11/20/12 NTC - COMMITMENT WINDOW 200198 11130 OGE Multi - Cushing Area 138 kV Regional Reliability 06/01/14 11/20/12 NTC - COMMITMENT WINDOW 200198 11131 OGE Multi - Cushing Area 138 kV Regional Reliability 06/01/14 11/20/12 NTC - COMMITMENT WINDOW 200198 11132 OGE Multi - Cushing Area 138 kV Regional Reliability 06/01/14 11/20/12 ON SCHEDULE < 4 COMPLETE NTC - COMMITMENT WINDOW $15,000,000 NOTE: Initial costs include distribution ON SCHEDULE < 4 10748 $5,404,250 NOTE: Initial costs include distribution NOTE: Initial costs include distribution NOTE: Initial costs include distribution NOTE: Initial costs include distribution NOTE: Initial costs include distribution NOTE: Initial costs include distribution NOTE: Initial costs include distribution COMPLETE 10731 $31,683,453 NOTE: Initial costs include distribution ON SCHEDULE < 4 $6,200,000 $1,900,000 20029 $695,395 This option creates a new 345/115 kV Substation east of Neligh, as there is not adequate space to add a 345 kV section at the existing This is one of multiple components of the "rPLAN" project cost; Component 2 of 8. (Estimate includes 2 line reactors, 1 each for GGS This is one of the multiple components of the "rPLAN" project cost; This is one of multiple components of the "rPLAN" project cost; This is one of multiple components of the "rPLAN" project cost; Component 4 of 8. This cost estimate includes 2 line reactors, 1 for 345 kV Cherry County terminal and 1 for 345 kV Holt County terminal. This is one of multiple components of the "rPLAN" project cost; Component 5 of 8, (Line Reactor costs are included in the Cherry County-Holt County 345kV Line and Holt County-Hokins Line - one $15,000,000 200198 11133 OGE Multi - Cushing Area 138 kV Regional Reliability 03/01/13 11/20/12 NTC - COMMITMENT WINDOW 200198 11134 OGE Multi - Cushing Area 138 kV Regional Reliability 03/01/13 11/20/12 NTC - COMMITMENT WINDOW Original Costs included distribution Revised cost estimate due to a delay in the project in service date. Distribution costs were removed from the estimate as well. Majority of project is removal only Cost estimated reduced due to lower material costs and no scheduling issues occurred with project Original costs included distribution capital assets. New cost does not. Also 69 kV GOAB switch replaced by a 138 kV GOAB switch on another project. Total cost of project including distribution assets is Original costs included distribution capital assets. New cost does not. Also 69 kV GOAB switch replaced by a 138 kV GOAB switch on Original costs included distribution capital assets. New cost does not. Also 69 kV GOAB switch replaced by a 138 kV GOAB switch on another project. Total cost of project including distribution assets is $18,400,000 Original costs included distribution capital assets. New cost does not. Also 69 kV GOAB switch replaced by a 138 kV GOAB switch on another project. Total cost of project including distribution assets is $18,400,000 Original costs included distribution capital assets. New cost does not. Also 69 kV GOAB switch replaced by a 138 kV GOAB switch on another project. Total cost of project including distribution assets is $18,400,000 Original costs included distribution capital assets. New cost does not. Also 69 kV GOAB switch replaced by a 138 kV GOAB switch on another project. Total cost of project including distribution assets is 200198 20081 20110 20110 50594 OGE Multi - Cushing Area 138 kV Regional Reliability 03/01/13 11/20/12 06/01/10 02/08/10 NTC - COMMITMENT WINDOW 11182 OGE Sub - Canadian River Substation Regional Reliability 02/15/13 $5,500,000 $7,100,000 11188 11189 OGE OGE Multi - Keystone West - Bell Cow - Warwick 138 kV Ckt 1 Multi - Keystone West - Bell Cow - Warwick 138 kV Ckt 1 Zonal - Sponsored Zonal - Sponsored 05/30/11 05/30/11 $0 $0 $14,665,000 $12,494,000 COMPLETE COMPLETE 11190 OGE Line - Stonewall - Remington Park 138 kV Zonal - Sponsored 04/01/11 $0 $1,300,000 $1,539,871 COMPLETE 11191 OGE Multi - 36 & Meridian - WRAirport - Pennsylvania 138 kV Ckt 1 Zonal - Sponsored 06/01/12 $0 $510,000 11192 OGE Multi - 36 & Meridian - WRAirport - Pennsylvania 138 kV Ckt 1 Zonal - Sponsored 06/01/12 $0 11207 OGE Line - Bryant - Memorial 138 kV Transmission Service 06/01/19 11228 OGE Line - Cushing - Pumping Station 32 138 kV Zonal - Sponsored 03/01/13 11343 OGE Line - Arcadia - Redbud 345 kV Ckt 3 Transmission Service 06/01/19 06/01/19 06/01/19 08/25/10 08/25/10 DELAY - MITIGATION Cost increase is partially due to location of site of new substation COMPLETE Transmission assets associated with project - Costs are still being compiled COMPLETE Transmission assets associated with project - Costs are still being compiled $250,000 $225,000 ON SCHEDULE > 4 $0 $6,700,000 ON SCHEDULE < 4 $19,000,000 $18,000,000 ON SCHEDULE > 4 20128 11439 OGE Line - OGE Alva - WFEC Alva 69 kV Ckt 1 Regional Reliability 07/15/12 06/01/11 02/14/11 $112,500 $392,000 20137 200174 11496 50098 OGE OGE XFR - Northwest 345/138 kV Ckt 3 Device - Kolache 69 kV Capacitor Transmission Service Regional Reliability 06/01/17 07/15/13 06/01/17 06/01/12 05/27/11 04/09/12 $15,000,000 $523,888 $15,000,000 $523,888 COMPLETE 20017 50166 OGE Line - Ardmore - Rocky Point 69 kV Transmission Service 06/01/11 06/01/11 01/16/09 $1,627,500 $1,400,000 20017 50167 OGE Line - Dillard - Healdton Tap 138 kV Transmission Service 06/01/11 06/01/11 01/16/09 $300,000 $300,000 20017 50168 OGE XFR - Ft Smith 500/161 kV Ckt 3 Transmission Service 06/01/17 06/01/17 01/16/09 $11,000,000 $14,000,000 ON SCHEDULE > 4 20017 50169 OGE Multi - Hugo - Sunnyside 345 kV (OGE) Transmission Service 04/01/12 04/01/12 01/16/09 $75,000,000 $157,000,000 COMPLETE 20017 20017 20017 200174 50170 50171 50172 50346 OGE OGE OGE OGE Line - Sunnyside - Uniroyal 138 kV Multi - Hugo - Sunnyside 345 kV (OGE) Line - VBI - VBI North 69 kV XFR - Paoli 138/69 kV Transmission Service Transmission Service Transmission Service Regional Reliability 06/01/11 04/01/12 06/01/17 05/10/13 06/01/11 04/01/12 06/01/17 06/01/12 01/16/09 01/16/09 01/16/09 04/09/12 $50,000 $6,750,000 $100,000 $2,020,094 $50,000 12/01/11 Customer driven in-service date delayed - New in-service date - Costs In-service delay due to material delivery ON SCHEDULE > 4 DELAY - MITIGATION $983,224 COMPLETE COMPLETE Full BPF - Scope of project was reduced - Rebuilt fewer miles Portion of reported cost is distribution. Full BPF Handled on O&M Full BPF 20128 50347 OGE Device - Little Little River River Lake 69 kV 200164 50385 OGE Line - Gracemont 138kV line terminal addition 200174 50408 OGE Device - Lula 69 kV 200185 50419 OGE Multi - Elk City - Gracemont 345 kV 200185 200185 200185 200185 200194 200194 20105 50420 50421 50456 50458 50461 50577 50585 11262 OGE OGE OGE OGE OGE OGE OGE OMPA Multi - Woodward EHV - Tatonga - Matthewson - Cimarron 345 kV Multi - Woodward EHV - Tatonga - Matthewson - Cimarron 345 kV Multi - Woodward EHV - Tatonga - Matthewson - Cimarron 345 kV Multi - Woodward EHV - Tatonga - Matthewson - Cimarron 345 kV SUB - SHIDLER 138KV OG&E Osage Sub work Line - El Reno - Service PL El Reno 69 kV CKT 1 XFR - Northwest 345/138 kV transformer CKT 3 accelerated Line - Arcadia - OMPA Edmond Garber 138 kV Ckt 1 20082 10924 OPPD Multi - S1341 161 kV 20082 20082 10925 10926 11001 11002 10275 10214 OPPD OPPD OPPD OPPD Rayburn SEPC Multi - S1341 161 kV Multi - S1341 161 kV Line - Rebuild 902-983 Line - Sub 1221 - Sub 1255 161 kV Line - Ben Wheeler - Barton's Chapel (Rayburn) 138 kV Ckt 1 Line - Phillipsburg - Rhoades 115 kV Ckt 1 Regional Reliability Regional Reliability 10/01/12 Generation Interconnection 10/15/11 Regional Reliability 06/01/13 06/01/12 04/09/12 ITP10 03/01/18 03/01/18 04/09/12 ITP10 ITP10 ITP10 ITP10 Generation Interconnection Transmission Service Transmission Service Transmission Service 03/01/21 03/01/21 03/01/21 03/01/21 02/14/13 06/01/17 03/01/21 03/01/21 03/01/21 03/01/21 04/09/12 04/09/12 04/09/12 04/09/12 06/01/12 06/01/17 06/01/12 06/01/10 11/20/12 11/20/12 08/25/10 $71,876,622 $82,139,900 $32,780,617 $20,169,602 $0 $10,000 $2,260,299 $30,000 Regional Reliability 09/13/11 12/31/11 02/08/10 Regional Reliability Regional Reliability Zonal - Sponsored Zonal - Sponsored Regional Reliability - Non OATT Zonal - Sponsored 09/13/11 09/13/11 01/28/11 11/10/12 04/30/12 07/01/11 12/31/11 12/31/11 02/08/10 02/08/10 $74,982 $100,000 $2,090,660 02/14/11 $0 $352,350 08/02/11 $871,896 $871,896 COMPLETE $377,797 $377,797 DELAY - MITIGATION $75,486,000 $75,486,000 ON SCHEDULE > 4 $71,876,622 $82,139,900 $32,780,617 $20,169,602 $399,000 $10,000 $2,260,299 $30,000 ON SCHEDULE > 4 ON SCHEDULE > 4 ON SCHEDULE > 4 ON SCHEDULE > 4 ON SCHEDULE < 4 NTC - COMMITMENT WINDOW NTC - COMMITMENT WINDOW DELAY - MITIGATION COMPLETE $3,000,000 reduction due to better cost information Project was performed on holiday at customer's request Full BPF Full BPF - Reviewing metering CT - May be able to increase rating to Expect to meet schedule. Project is complete. Final Cost Still being compiled OG&E will construct the east half of the ~93 miles of 345kv line and complete the substation work at Gracemont Substation which will It is assumed that the Woodward District EHV upgrade will be It is assumed that a terminal space is available at Tatonga. This It is assumed that Cimarron will be converted to a breaker and one It is assumed that Cimarron will be converted to a breaker and one Cost of OG&E portion of project in Osage Sub COMPLETE $16,300,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 11/10/12 $522,000 COMPLETE COMPLETE ON SCHEDULE > 4 DELAY - MITIGATION $16,987,625 $7,617,744 $2,900,000 $675,523 $4,218,750 $9,929,844 COMPLETE COMPLETE COMPLETE ON SCHEDULE < 4 ON SCHEDULE < 4 COMPLETE 20007 10215 SEPC Line - Holcomb - Plymell 115 kV Regional Reliability 06/01/12 06/01/08 02/13/08 $1,980,000 $3,986,076 COMPLETE 20014 20138 20083 10480 11195 50246 SEPC SEPC SEPC Line - Plymell - Pioneer Tap 115 kV Line - Holcomb - Fletcher 115 kV Ckt 1 Device - Johnson Corner 115 kV Capacitor Regional Reliability Regional Reliability Regional Reliability 06/01/12 12/31/13 05/23/12 06/01/09 06/01/13 06/01/10 09/18/08 05/27/11 02/08/10 $2,380,000 $4,000,000 $0 $5,534,364 $6,025,790 $740,000 COMPLETE DELAY - MITIGATION COMPLETE 20083 50247 SEPC Device - Johnson Corner 115 kV 2nd Capacitor Regional Reliability 05/23/12 06/01/11 02/08/10 $0 $370,000 200166 20004 20004 20031 10195 10200 10201 10326 SPS SPS SPS SPS XFR - Tuco 115/69 kV Transformer Ckt 3 Multi - Hitchland - Texas Co. 230 kV and 115 kV Multi - Hitchland - Texas Co. 230 kV and 115 kV Multi - Hitchland - Texas Co. 230 kV and 115 kV Regional Reliability Regional Reliability Regional Reliability Regional Reliability 06/01/14 05/20/11 05/20/11 06/08/12 06/01/12 06/01/08 06/01/09 06/01/10 04/09/12 02/13/08 02/13/08 01/27/09 $2,917,852 $3,450,000 $3,780,000 $16,094,371 $2,633,003 $5,132,829 $31,915,701 $36,926,444 COMPLETE $973,612 $9,329,355 20004 10327 SPS Multi - Hitchland - Texas Co. 230 kV and 115 kV Regional Reliability 05/20/11 04/01/09 02/13/08 $8,400,000 $12,577,500 $6,219,570 COMPLETE 20004 10328 SPS Multi - Hitchland - Texas Co. 230 kV and 115 kV Regional Reliability 05/20/11 06/01/09 02/13/08 $3,450,000 $15,848,000 $7,606,406 COMPLETE 20084 10329 SPS Multi - Hitchland - Texas Co. 230 kV and 115 kV Regional Reliability 05/20/11 06/01/09 02/08/10 $10,771,825 $14,524,255 $14,524,255 COMPLETE DELAY - MITIGATION COMPLETE COMPLETE COMPLETE The purpose of this project is to address maintenance-related issues, Rayburn Country Project. Rayburn confirm project In Service Date is COMPLETE - Project in Service, final financials are in progress. COMPLETE - Project in Service, final closeout Letter to SPP in progress. COMPLETE - Project in Service, final closeout Letter to SPP in On schedule for indicated In-Service date COMPLETE - Project in Service, final closeout Letter to SPP in COMPLETE - Project in Service, final closeout Letter to SPP in progress. Estimate does not include breaker and a half expansion of the 115kV This line was formally circuit T-88 and now re configured in & out of This is the final cost of the 230/115 kV portion of the Hitchland This project will be placed in-service the week of June 4, 2012. Q4This is the final cost of the 345 kV portion of the Hitchland substation. The total cost of the Hitchland substation was $15,548,925. Q4-2012 This line was formally V-30 and now re configured in & out of The line from Dallam to Sherman is currently in-service. The current cost estimate amount was changed to the original NTC cost amount 20111 10330 SPS Multi - Hitchland - Texas Co. 230 kV and 115 kV Regional Reliability 02/01/13 06/01/09 08/09/10 $19,687,500 $18,712,349 DELAY - MITIGATION 20111 10331 SPS Multi - Hitchland - Texas Co. 230 kV and 115 kV Regional Reliability 02/01/13 06/01/09 08/09/10 $1,500,000 $7,812,964 DELAY - MITIGATION 10407 SPS Line - Roosevelt County Interchange 115 kV - Curry County Interchang Regional reliability 10/01/10 06/01/15 $0 $200,000 10597 SPS Line - Curry - Bailey 115kV Regional Reliability 06/01/15 06/01/12 04/09/12 $9,132,270 $35,099,588 200166 COMPLETE DELAY - MITIGATION 20031 10704 SPS Multi: Dallam - Channing - Tascosa -Potter Regional Reliability 08/10/11 06/01/09 01/27/09 $27,452,677 $16,665,675 20031 10705 SPS Multi: Dallam - Channing - Tascosa -Potter Regional Reliability 06/01/12 06/01/09 01/27/09 $0 $9,130,978 $9,130,978 COMPLETE COMPLETE $3,102,202 DELAY - MITIGATION 20031 10757 SPS Line - Ocotillo sub conversion 115 kV Regional Reliability 02/28/12 06/01/09 01/27/09 $3,375,000 $3,175,596 20004 10800 SPS Multi - Wheeler County Project - Tap 230 kV line - Two new XFs - new Regional Reliability 06/01/10 06/01/08 02/13/08 $0 $2,000,000 20031 10822 SPS Multi: Legacy Interchange 69 kV Tap - 115/69 transformer -2 new lines Regional Reliability 08/18/11 06/01/09 01/27/09 $10,406,250 $4,646,250 $4,676,493 COMPLETE 20031 20031 20031 20031 20031 20031 20031 20130 20130 20084 20084 20084 10823 10824 10825 10826 10827 10828 10829 11007 11009 11019 11020 11021 SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS SPS Multi: Legacy Interchange 69 kV Tap - 115/69 transformer -2 new lines Multi: Legacy Interchange 69 kV Tap - 115/69 transformer -2 new lines Multi: Eagle Creek 115 and 69 kV Taps - 116/69 XF - 3 new lines Multi: Eagle Creek 115 and 69 kV Taps - 116/69 XF - 3 new lines Multi: Eagle Creek 115 and 69 kV Taps - 116/69 XF - 3 new lines Multi: Eagle Creek 115 and 69 kV Taps - 116/69 XF - 3 new lines Line - Chaves Co - Roswell Int 69/115 kV Voltage Conversion XFR - Happy County 115/69 kV Transformers XFR - Happy County 115/69 kV Transformers Multi - Cherry Sub add 230kV source and 115 kV Hastings Conversion Multi - Cherry Sub add 230kV source and 115 kV Hastings Conversion Multi - Cherry Sub add 230kV source and 115 kV Hastings Conversion Regional Reliability Regional Reliability Regional Reliability Regional Reliability Regional Reliability Regional Reliability Regional Reliability Regional Reliability Regional Reliability Regional Reliability Regional Reliability Regional Reliability 07/29/11 07/29/11 06/22/11 06/16/11 06/16/11 12/31/13 06/01/13 06/01/14 06/01/14 12/30/13 06/30/13 06/30/13 06/01/09 06/01/09 06/01/09 06/01/09 06/01/09 06/01/09 06/01/09 06/01/12 06/01/12 06/01/10 06/01/10 06/01/10 01/27/09 01/27/09 01/27/09 01/27/09 01/27/09 01/27/09 01/27/09 02/14/11 02/14/11 02/08/10 02/08/10 02/08/10 $0 $0 $5,197,500 $0 $0 $0 $4,716,000 $1,890,000 $1,890,000 $112,500 $4,905,000 $5,062,500 $2,514,338 $2,875,000 $4,727,194 $325,538 $335,417 $2,000,000 $7,000,000 $2,400,000 $2,400,000 $679,000 $8,515,623 $5,062,500 $2,790,800 $3,348,949 $4,727,194 $450,538 $335,417 COMPLETE COMPLETE COMPLETE COMPLETE COMPLETE DELAY - MITIGATION DELAY - MITIGATION DELAY - MITIGATION DELAY - MITIGATION DELAY - MITIGATION DELAY - MITIGATION DELAY - MITIGATION 20084 11023 SPS Multi - Cherry Sub add 230kV source and 115 kV Hastings Conversion Regional Reliability 12/31/13 06/01/10 02/08/10 $1,700,000 $1,700,000 DELAY - MITIGATION DELAY - MITIGATION 20084 11029 SPS Line - Maddox - Sanger SW 115 kV Regional Reliability 05/31/12 06/01/10 02/08/10 $3,000,000 $330,957 DELAY - MITIGATION 20084 11033 SPS XFR - Install 2nd Randall 230/115 kV transformer Regional Reliability 04/30/13 06/01/10 02/08/10 $11,250,000 $7,357,000 DELAY - MITIGATION 20084 11036 SPS Line - Maddox Station - Monument 115 kV Ckt 1 regional reliability 11/30/12 06/01/11 02/08/10 $1,417,500 $1,701,000 DELAY - MITIGATION 20084 11038 SPS Line - Brasher Tap - Roswell Interchange 115 kV Regional Reliability 12/31/13 06/01/12 02/08/10 $114,000 $289,000 DELAY - MITIGATION 20084 11040 SPS Multi - New Hart Interchange 230/115 kV Regional Reliability 04/30/15 06/01/10 02/08/10 $11,250,000 $11,980,445 DELAY - MITIGATION 20084 11041 SPS Multi - New Hart Interchange 230/115 kV Regional Reliability 04/30/15 06/01/10 02/08/10 $16,031,250 $13,464,382 DELAY - MITIGATION 20084 11042 SPS Multi - New Hart Interchange 230/115 kV Regional Reliability 04/30/15 06/01/10 02/08/10 $10,125,000 $15,086,485 DELAY - MITIGATION 20084 11043 SPS Multi - New Hart Interchange 230/115 kV Regional Reliability 04/30/15 06/01/10 02/08/10 $13,500,000 $15,632,544 DELAY - MITIGATION 20084 11044 SPS Multi - New Hart Interchange 230/115 kV Regional Reliability 04/30/15 06/01/10 02/08/10 $2,250,000 $2,010,780 DELAY - MITIGATION DELAY - MITIGATION 20084 11045 SPS Multi - New Hart Interchange 230/115 kV Regional Reliability 04/30/15 06/01/10 02/08/10 $8,438,000 $13,266,452 20130 11046 SPS Line - Cunningham - Buckey Tap 115 kV reconductor Regional Reliability 06/01/13 06/01/13 02/14/11 $3,607,000 $3,607,000 ON SCHEDULE < 4 20084 11052 SPS Multi - Pleasant Hill- Potter 345 kV Ckt 1 Regional Reliability 12/30/14 06/01/11 02/08/10 $11,250,000 $19,349,122 DELAY - MITIGATION 20084 11053 SPS Multi - Pleasant Hill- Potter 345 kV Ckt 1 Regional Reliability 12/30/14 06/01/11 02/08/10 $13,500,000 $14,805,472 20084 11054 SPS Multi - Pleasant Hill- Potter 345 kV Ckt 1 Regional Reliability 12/30/14 06/01/11 02/08/10 $21,937,500 $20,612,670 * * DELAY - MITIGATION* 200166 11067 SPS Multi - Bowers - Howard 115 kV Ckt 1 Regional Reliability 06/01/16 06/01/16 04/09/12 $4,120,585 $2,980,329 ON SCHEDULE > 4 DELAY MITIGATION 20084 11096 SPS XFR - Kingsmill 115/69 kV Ckt 2 Regional Reliability 05/31/13 06/01/11 02/08/10 $1,935,000 $5,200,000 DELAY - MITIGATION 20130 11100 SPS XFR - Northeast Hereford 115/69 kV Transformer Ckt 2 Regional Reliability 06/01/14 06/01/11 02/14/11 $1,890,000 $2,000,000 DELAY - MITIGATION 20084 11101 SPS Line - Portales - Zodiac 69 kV to 115 kV Conversion Regional Reliability 06/01/14 06/01/13 02/08/10 $3,487,500 $5,000,000 DELAY - MITIGATION 20088 11102 SPS Multi - Move Load from East Clovis 69 kV to East Clovis 115 kV Regional Reliability 06/01/14 06/01/14 05/07/10 $2,500,000 $2,500,000 ON SCHEDULE < 4 The estimated ISD is 02/01/2013. Q4-2012 Cost Estimate updated. MN-9/19/12. Q1-2013 Cost estimate updated. TA 11/15/12 This large project is underway and portions of this project will be complete after the Summer of 2009. The estimated ISD is 2/1/2013. Q4-2012 Cost Estimate updated. MN-9/19/12. Q11-2013 Cost estimate updated TA 11/15/12 Will need additional study Assumes relay replacements are required at remote ends of Bailey and Curry substations. Escalation included in the Contingency cost. Contingency - $3,871,763; Escalation $2,774,325. Q4-2012 Cost Estimate remains valid. MN-9/19/12. Mitigation plan submitted. 9/28/12 MN. Q1-2013 All costs remain valid. TA 11/15/12 Project is in-service but all associated costs are not yet final. Should have final cost in 2nd quarter report.Q4-2012 Cost Estimate updated. This line goes from Channing to Potter and does not go in and out of Tascasa sub. Tascosa is served by a 34.5 kV line from Channing Q4-2012 Current Cost Estimate and final costs remain valid. MN9/19/12. Q1-2013 All Costs remain valid. TA-11/15/12 The earliest that any portion of the Wheeler County Interchange project can be in-service will be 6/1/2010. NTC should be modified to This project is the fix for the Gaines Co. Auto STEP project. Q4-2012 final costs updated. MN-9/19/12. Q1-2013 Final costs updated. This project is the fix for the Gaines Co. Auto STEP project. Q4-2012 This project is the fix for the Gaines Co. Auto STEP project. Q4-2012 Q4-2012 Cost Estimate updated. MN-9/19/12. Q1-2013 Cost Estimate Q4-2012 Current Cost Estimate remains valid. MN-9/19/12. Q1-2013 Q4-2012 Current Cost Estimate remains valid. MN-9/19/12. Q1-2013 Mitigation will not be needed. The 115 kV potion of this project is 100 This project is the replacement for adding a 3rd XF at the Roswell Alternative 1: Swap Swisher Co-op load onto Kress Interchange, bus Alternative 1: Swap Swisher Co-op load onto Kress Interchange, bus Mitigation plan has been provided to and accepted by SPP for this Mitigation plan has been provided to and accepted by SPP for this Mitigation plan has been provided to and accepted by SPP for this Mitigation plan has been provided to and accepted by SPP for this project. Q4-2012 updated ISD: current cost estimate remains valid. Project has scope change from reconductor to a wreckout/rebuild due to structure inability to support upgraded conductor. Q4-2012 Cost Mitigation plan has been provided to and accepted by SPP for this project. Q4-2012 current cost estimate remains valid. MN 9/19/12. Q1Mitigation plan has been provided to and accepted by SPP for this project. Q4-2012 updated ISD: current cost estimate remains valid. MN-9/19/12. / / Mitigation plan entered into TAGIT/SCERT G /SC system 9/28/12 MN. Q1-2013 Current cost updated. TA 11/15/12. Mitigation will not be needed for this line. Using the newest model, 2012MDWGB1_FINAL-13S.sav, the Chaves to Urton contingency will Mitigation plan has been provided to and accepted by SPP for this project.Q$-2012 current cost estimate remains valid. MN 9/19/12. Q1Mitigation plan has been provided to and accepted by SPP for this project.Q4-2012 Cost Estimate updated. MN-9/19/12. Q1-2013 Costs Mitigation plan has been provided to and accepted by SPP for this project.Q4-2012 Cost Estimate updated. MN-9/19/12. Q1-2013 All Q4-2012 current cost estimate remains valid. MN-9/19/12. Q1-2013 All costs remain valid. TA 11//15/12 Mitigation plan has been provided to and accepted by SPP for this project. Q4-2012 Cost Estimate remains valid. MN-9/19/12. Q1-2013 All cost remain valid. TA 11/15/12 This line will go from Newhart to Lampton. There will be a tap from this line to Hart Industrial sub, not an in-and -out. The current cost Q4-2012 Cost Estimate remains valid. MN-9/17/12; Q1-2013 Cost Q4-2012 Cost Estimate remains valid. MN-9/19/12. Mitigation plan updated. 9/28/12; Q1-2013 all remains valid - TA 11/05/2012 Q4-2012 Cost Estimate remains valid. MN-9/19/12. Updated Q4-2012 Cost Estimate remains valid. MN-9/19/12. Mitigation plan updated. MN 9/28/12; Q1-2013 All remains valid. TA 11/05/2012 Estimate includes re-routing of the Kingsmill 69kV line to the south side of the subustation. Assumes Bowers was converted to threeMitigation plan has been provided to and accepted by SPP for this project. Q4-2012 ISD and Cost Estimate updated. MN-9/19/12. OPEN 69 kV tie NE-Hereford – Hereford by OPEN Breaker 5704 Q4-2012 updated ISD; Cost Estimate remains valid. MN-9/19/12. Mitigation information entered. 9/25/12. Q1-2013 Cost estimate Q4-2012 Cost Estimate remains valid. MN-9/19/12; Q1-2013 All * 200166 11104 SPS Sub - Convert Muleshoe East 69 kV to 115 kV Regional Reliability 11/28/15 06/01/12 04/09/12 $1,634,119 $2,917,236 200166 200166 11107 11109 SPS SPS Multi - Kress Interchange - Kiser - Cox 115 kV Multi - Kress Interchange - Kiser - Cox 115 kV Regional Reliability Regional Reliability 11/30/14 02/28/14 06/01/14 06/01/14 04/09/12 04/09/12 $14,737,500 $7,762,500 $13,856,881 $5,848,405 DELAY - MITIGATION ON SCHEDULE < 4 20084 11121 SPS Line - Harrington - Randall County 230 kV Regional Reliability 04/30/13 06/01/10 02/08/10 $225,000 $271,440 DELAY - MITIGATION DELAY - MITIGATION 11128 SPS Multi - ERF-Gaines 115 kV Ckt 1 Regional Reliability - Non OATT 06/01/12 $0 $4,500,000 ON SCHEDULE < 4 200166 11173 SPS XFR - Eddy County 230/115 kV Transformer Ckt 2 Regional Reliability 06/01/14 06/01/14 04/09/12 $6,761,086 $4,863,725 ON SCHEDULE < 4 20084 11177 SPS Line - Randall - Amarillo S 230 kV Ckt 1 Regional Reliability 04/30/13 06/01/10 02/08/10 $27,450,000 $18,000,000 DELAY - MITIGATION 200193 20130 11314 11315 SPS SPS Line - Jones Station Bus#2 - Lubbock South Interchange 230 kV Line - Osage Station and Line Re-termination Transmission Service Regional Reliability 12/30/14 06/01/15 06/01/13 06/01/16 11/20/12 02/14/11 $345,942 $1,680,000 $345,942 $2,349,200 NTC - COMMITMENT WINDOW ON SCHEDULE < 4 20130 11316 SPS Line - OXY Permian Sub - Sanger SW Station 115 kV Ckt 1 Reconduc Regional Reliability 06/01/12 06/01/16 02/14/11 $295,313 $295,313 200166 11317 SPS XFR - Grassland 230/115 kV Transformer Ckt 1 Regional Reliability 06/01/15 06/01/15 04/09/12 $3,961,322 $3,914,401 $220,090 Escalation included in contingency costs. Contingency - $329,131; Escalation - $105,493. Q4-2012 Cost Estimate remains valid. MN- COMPLETE 20130 11318 SPS XFR - Swisher 230/115 kV Transformer Ckt 1 Upgrade Regional Reliability 06/30/17 06/01/16 02/14/11 $5,953,500 $4,762,800 DELAY - MITIGATION 20130 11319 SPS Line - Wolford-Yuma 115 kV Ckt 1 Wave Trap Regional Reliability 12/31/12 06/01/12 02/14/11 $945,000 $945,000 DELAY - MITIGATION 20118 11321 SPS Multi: Dallam - Channing - Tascosa -Potter Regional Reliability 06/01/12 06/01/09 11/15/10 $26,043,761 $18,262,290 COMPLETE 11322 SPS Multi: Dallam - Channing - Tascosa -Potter Regional Reliability 06/01/12 06/01/09 11/15/10 $0 $3,410,040 COMPLETE 20113 11349 SPS CHERRY - HARRINGTON STATION EAST BUS 230KV CKT 1 Transmission Service 12/30/13 06/01/13 12/09/10 $500,000 $500,000 DELAY - MITIGATION 20130 11353 SPS Convert Lynn load to 115 kV Regional Reliability 12/31/13 06/01/12 02/14/11 $100,000 $4,489,314 DELAY - MITIGATION 200166 11358 SPS Line - Randall - South Georgia 115 kV reconductor Regional Reliability 07/31/15 06/01/17 04/09/12 $6,921,313 $3,618,651 ON SCHEDULE < 4 DELAY - MITIGATION 200166 11359 SPS Line - Hereford - Northeast Hereford 115 kV Ckt 1 Regional Reliability 06/01/13 06/01/12 04/09/12 $2,362,500 $4,139,406 20130 11372 11374 11378 SPS SPS SPS Line - Soncy convert load to 115 kV Line - Eagle Creek - Seven Rivers Interchange 115 kV Ckt 1 Multi - Cherry Sub add 230kV source and 115 kV Hastings Conversion Regional Reliability Zonal - Sponsored Regional Reliability 06/01/15 07/31/11 12/30/13 06/01/15 02/14/11 02/14/11 $596,071 $ $12,462,188 $1,771,875 $10,594,373 06/01/13 $500,000 $ $0 $1,771,875 ON SCHEDULE < 4 COMPLETE DELAY - MITIGATION 11379 SPS Multi - Randall County Interchange - Palo Duro Sub 115 kV Ckt 1 Reco Zonal - Sponsored 12/31/11 $0 $5,094,140 $5,094,140 COMPLETE 11380 SPS Multi - Randall County Interchange - Palo Duro Sub 115 kV Ckt 1 Reco Zonal - Sponsored 02/28/12 $0 $10,498,360 $10,498,360 COMPLETE 11381 SPS Multi - Randall County Interchange - Palo Duro Sub 115 kV Ckt 1 Reco Zonal - Sponsored 03/31/12 $0 $3,277,970 $3,277,970 COMPLETE $4,562,580 20130 11382 SPS Multi - Randall County Interchange - Palo Duro Sub 115 kV Ckt 1 Reco Zonal - Sponsored 04/30/11 $0 $4,562,580 20130 11383 SPS Line - North Plainview line tap 115 kV Regional Reliability 12/31/14 06/01/15 02/14/11 $150,000 $225,000 20130 20130 11384 11388 SPS SPS Line - Kress Rural line tap 115 kV Line - Lighthouse - North Plainview 69 kV Ckt 1 Regional Reliability Regional Reliability 12/31/14 12/31/11 06/01/15 06/01/11 02/14/11 02/14/11 $150,000 $50,000 $200,000 $56,275 20130 11389 SPS Multi - Hitchland - Texas Co. 230 kV and 115 kV Regional Reliability 12/31/12 06/01/11 02/14/11 $1,181,400 $1,622,862 DELAY - MITIGATION 11390 SPS XFR - Deaf Smith 230/115/13.2 kV Auto Ckt 1 Zonal - Sponsored 06/01/13 $0 $4,632,000 ON SCHEDULE < 4 11502 SPS Multi - Tuco - Stanton 345 kV 200184 ITP10 06/01/18 04/09/12 Q4-2012 updated ISD; Current cost estimate remains valid. MN9/19/12. Mitigation plan submitted - 9/28/12 MN; Current cost This line goes from Channing to Potter and does not go in and out of Tascasa sub. Tascosa is served by a 34.5 kV line from Channing Q4-2012 Cost Estimate remains valid. MN-9/19/12. Q1-2013 Cost Q4-2012 Updated ISD; Cost Estimate remains valid. MN-9/19/12. Mitigation plan submitted. 9/28/12 MN; Q1-2013 All remains valid. TA Alternative 1: CLOSE N.O. tie 6846 Garza, bus 526622. OPEN switch 6736 LG-Central, bus 526666. Alternative 2: CLOSE switch 6745 LS, The 115kV yard at Randall County Interchange will need to be converted to a breaker-and-half, which was not included in this NE Hereford substation 115 kV yard will be converted to ring bus. Relay upgrades required at Deaf Smith and Hereford Interchange. Q4-2012 Cost Estimate updated. MN-9/19/12. Q1-2013 Cost Estimate Q C / / Q C Q4-2012 ISD change. MN-9/17/12; Q1-2013 no changes. TA- COMPLETE ON SCHEDULE < 4 $62,154 Mitigation plan has been provided to and accepted by SPP for this project. Q4-2012 Cost Estimate remains valid. MN-9/19/12. Q1-2013 Cost estimate updated. TA 11/15/12. Escalation costs are included in Contingency costs: Contingency: Q4-2012 Cost Estimate remains valid. MN-9/17/12. Qi-2013 Cost Q4-2012 Final Costs updated. MN-9/19/12 The existing transformer foundation will be replaced. The existing equipment ratings are sufficient for this upgrade. Escalation included ON SCHEDULE < 4 20118 The Valley Substation will be replaced with a 115/13.2kV transformer which will feed a 13.2/2.4kV transformer at East Muleshoe. Escalation included in Contingency cost. Contingency - $532,180; Escalation $273,122. Mitigation Plan entered 9/28/12 zt; Q4-2012 Cost Estimate remains valid. MN-9/19/12. SCERT estimate revised to remove distribution transformer costs that were erroneously included in original SCERT estimate. MN-10/15/12. Q1-2013 Costs reman valid. TA 11/15/12 Cost for Kiser substation included on Network Upgrade ID #50450. Cost for Kiser substation included on Network Upgrade ID #50450. Mitigation plan has been provided to and accepted by SPP for this project.. Q4-2012 Cost Estimate remains valid. MN-9/19/12. Q1-2013 Cost estimate remains valid. TA 11/15/12 ON SCHEDULE < 4 DELAY - MITIGATION Q4-2012 updated ISD: Current Cost Estimate remains valid. MN9/19/12. Q1-2013 Cost Estimate increased. TA-11/15/12. Q4-2012 updated ISD; Current Cost Estimate remains valid. MNMitigation not required for 2011. Future TEMPORARY MITIGATION: Revised load forecast in the most recent 2011 MDWG Build 2 models do not show any violations. ON SCHEDULE > 4 $37,490,796 $37,490,796 200184 11503 SPS Multi - Tuco - Stanton 345 kV ITP10 06/01/18 04/09/12 200184 11504 SPS Multi - Tuco - Stanton 345 kV ITP10 06/01/18 04/09/12 200166 11505 SPS XFR - Spearman 115/69/13.2 Ckt 1 Upgrade Regional Reliability 06/30/14 06/01/13 04/09/12 $2,394,495 $2,351,378 200166 50093 SPS Device - Bushland Interchange 230 kV Capacitor Regional Reliability 12/30/13 06/01/12 04/09/12 $1,714,505 $1,714,505 DELAY - MITIGATION 50354 SPS Device - Norton Reactor 115 kV Zonal - Sponsored 06/01/13 $0 $1,475,255 ON SCHEDULE < 4 ON SCHEDULE > 4 ON SCHEDULE > 4 200166 50379 SPS Device - Drinkard 115 kV Capacitor Regional Reliability 06/01/15 06/01/15 04/09/12 $2,225,089 $2,225,089 200166 50401 SPS Device - Crosby 115 kV Capacitor Regional Reliability 03/30/14 06/01/12 04/09/12 $985,519 $985,519 DELAY MITIGATION * * ON SCHEDULE < 4 DELAY - MITIGATION Escalation included in Contingency costs. Contingency - $235,733; Estimate assumes capacitor banks will be installed off of existing main 230kV bus. Escalation is included in Contingency costs. Estimate includes the substation scope and the transmission line reroute and retermination (Circuit T84). Escalation included in Contingency costs. Contingency - $178,678; Escalation - $124,206. Q4-2012 Cost Estimate remains valid. MN-9/19/12. Q1-2013 Cost estimate remains valid. TA 11/15/12 Bus will be expanded. Will require additional land to the north of the 200166 50402 SPS Sub - Move lines from Lea Co 230/115 kV sub to Hobbs Interchange 2 200184 50404 SPS Line - Grassland - Wolfforth 230 kV 200166 200166 50406 50407 SPS SPS Multi - Cedar Lake Interchange 115 kV Multi - Cedar Lake Interchange 115 kV 200184 50447 SPS Multi - Tuco - Amoco - Hobbs 345 kV 200184 50451 SPS Multi - Tuco - Amoco - Hobbs 345 kV 200184 200184 200166 50452 50457 50450 SPS SPS SPS Multi - Tuco - Amoco - Hobbs 345 kV Multi - Tuco - Amoco - Hobbs 345 kV Multi - Kress Interchange - Kiser - Cox 115 kV ITP10 ITP10 Regional Reliability 200166 50453 SPS Multi - Bowers - Howard 115 kV Ckt 1 200193 50515 SPS XFR - Deaf Smith County Interchange 230/115 kV transformer CKT 1 50562 SPS Line(s) - Harrington - Nichols 230kV DBL CKT 10125 SWPA 10576 Escalation included in Contingency costs. Contingency - $805,431; Escalation - $307,258. Q4-2012 Cost Estimate remains valid. MN9/19/12. Q1-2013 Cost Estimate remains valid. TA-11/05/12 Regional Reliability 12/31/13 01/01/14 04/09/12 $8,270,297 $10,608,509 ON SCHEDULE < 4 ITP10 03/01/18 03/01/18 04/09/12 $50,068,309 $50,068,309 ON SCHEDULE > 4 Regional Reliability Regional Reliability 06/30/15 06/30/15 06/01/12 06/01/12 04/09/12 04/09/12 $3,914,970 $6,112,772 $5,524,876 $7,699,644 DELAY - MITIGATION DELAY - MITIGATION ITP10 01/01/20 04/09/12 ITP10 01/01/20 04/09/12 02/28/14 01/01/20 01/01/20 06/01/14 04/09/12 04/09/12 04/09/12 $4,500,000 $6,500,705 ON SCHEDULE > 4 ON SCHEDULE > 4 ON SCHEDULE < 4 Regional Reliability 05/31/14 06/01/16 04/09/12 $13,286,935 $22,577,591 ON SCHEDULE < 4 06/01/12 11/20/12 $4,273,633 $4,273,633 NTC - COMMITMENT WINDOW $0 $1,738,502 ON SCHEDULE < 4 04/01/09 $0 $3,000,000 06/01/15 $0 $660,000 ON SCHEDULE < 4 ON SCHEDULE > 4 $181,415,883 $181,415,883 ON SCHEDULE > 4 Regional Reliability 03/01/15 Generation Interconnection 12/31/12 XFR - Eufaula 161/138 kV Regional Reliability - Non OATT 03/30/11 SWPA Line - Nixa - Nixa DT Rebuild Regional Reliability - Non OATT 10645 SWPA XFR - Springfield 161/69kV #3 Regional Reliability - Non OATT 06/01/17 06/01/17 $0 $2,250,000 ON SCHEDULE > 4 10741 10819 10836 SWPA SWPA SWPA XFR - Paragould 161/69 kV Auto 1 & 2 Line - Asherville - Idalia 161 kV Reconductor Line - Asherville - Poplar Bluff 161 kV Regional Reliability - Non OATT Regional Reliability - Non OATT Regional Reliability - Non OATT 11/30/11 06/26/12 06/01/14 12/01/11 06/01/14 06/01/15 $0 $0 $0 $3,150,000 $10,095,750 $4,500,000 COMPLETE COMPLETE ON SCHEDULE < 4 10856 SWPA XFR - Carthage 161/69 kV Transformers 1 & 2 Regional Reliability - Non OATT 06/01/14 $0 $5,625,000 ON SCHEDULE < 4 10944 SWPA Line - Dardanelle - Russellville South 161 kV Regional Reliability - Non OATT 05/25/11 06/01/10 $0 $165,000 20030 20003 20003 20003 19985 10173 10174 10175 10176 10179 WFEC WFEC WFEC WFEC WFEC Multi - Lindsay - Lindsay SW and Bradley-Rush Springs Line - Meeker - Hammett 138 kV Line - Wakita - Hazelton 69 kV Line - OGE Woodward - WFEC Woodward 69 kV Line - ACME - W Norman 69 kV Regional Reliability Regional Reliability Regional Reliability regional reliability regional reliability 12/05/12 12/01/13 12/01/12 12/01/13 12/01/13 06/01/10 06/01/08 04/01/09 04/01/09 06/01/08 01/27/09 02/13/08 02/13/08 02/13/08 02/02/07 $3,577,500 $ $5,250,000 $5,670,000 $0 $0 $2,328,750 $ $6,674,000 $8,000,000 $1,050,000 $912,000 20003 10303 WFEC Line - Atoka - WFEC Tupelo - Lane 138 kV Regional Reliability 06/01/13 06/01/12 02/13/08 20003 20030 10304 10305 WFEC WFEC Line - Atoka - WFEC Tupelo - Lane 138 kV Line - WFEC Snyder - AEP Snyder Regional Reliability Regional Reliability 06/01/11 03/01/12 06/01/12 06/01/09 02/13/08 01/27/09 $3,373,000 $839,770 20003 10307 WFEC Line - Anadarko - Georgia Tap 138 kV regional reliability 12/01/14 06/01/09 02/13/08 $750,000 $2,000,000 DELAY - MITIGATION 20003 10308 WFEC Line - Elmore - Paoli 69 kV regional reliability 12/02/14 06/01/09 02/13/08 $3,240,000 $3,240,000 DELAY - MITIGATION 20003 10309 WFEC Multi - OU SW - Goldsby - Canadian SW 138 kV Regional Reliability 12/31/12 06/01/09 02/13/08 $9,087,500 $2,753,800 DELAY - MITIGATION 20003 20003 20003 20003 20003 19951 20003 20003 20003 10310 10311 10401 10402 10403 10467 10471 10519 10520 WFEC WFEC WFEC WFEC WFEC WFEC WFEC WFEC WFEC Multi - OU SW - Goldsby - Canadian SW 138 kV Multi - OU SW - Goldsby - Canadian SW 138 kV Multi - Franklin SW - Acme - Norman - OU SW Conversion 138 kV Multi - Franklin SW - Acme - Norman - OU SW Conversion 138 kV Multi - Franklin SW - Acme - Norman - OU SW Conversion 138 kV XFR - Anadarko 138/69 kV Line - Fletcher - Marlow Jct 69 kV Line - Lindsay - Wallville 69 kV Line - Pharoah - Weleetka 138 kV Regional Reliability Regional Reliability Regional Reliability regional reliability Regional Reliability Transmission Service regional reliability Regional Reliability Regional Reliability 12/31/12 12/31/12 12/31/14 12/31/13 12/31/15 09/30/12 06/01/14 06/01/15 09/28/12 06/01/09 06/01/09 06/01/10 06/01/10 06/01/10 06/01/11 06/01/11 06/01/12 06/01/12 02/13/08 02/13/08 02/13/08 02/13/08 02/13/08 01/02/07 02/13/08 02/13/08 02/13/08 $0 $0 $3,646,594 $0 $1,577,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,347,000 $100,000 $2,250,000 $5,000,000 $2,065,000 $1,601,000 $1,577,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,347,000 $225,000 DELAY - MITIGATION DELAY - MITIGATION DELAY - MITIGATION DELAY - MITIGATION DELAY - MITIGATION $50,000 20003 10521 WFEC Line - WFEC Russell - AEP Altus Jct Tap 138 kV Regional Reliability 06/01/12 06/01/12 02/13/08 20003 10522 WFEC Multi - Granfield - Cache SW 138 kV Regional Reliability 06/01/13 06/01/12 02/13/08 20003 10523 WFEC Multi - Granfield - Cache SW 138 kV Regional Reliability 06/01/13 06/01/12 02/13/08 20003 10524 WFEC Multi - Granfield - Cache SW 138 kV Regional Reliability 06/01/13 06/01/12 02/13/08 Escalation included in Contingency costs. Contingency - $572,460; The new Sulphur-KC 115kV transmission line has one mile of new $8,265,000 $18,182,800 $8,265,000 $50,000 The four transmission line estimates are reterminations of existing Transmission line estimate assumes the existing single circuit Y62 (Bowers to Howard) 69kV circuit will be wrecked out and rebuilt on the new 115kV as double circuit. This will minimize the impact to landowners and the Lesser Prairie Chicken. Costs for removing the existing circuit, installing new conductor and taller structures will be funded by Xcel Energy ($10.1M). Escalation is included in Contingency Costs. Contingency - $1,239,528; Escalation $1,848,099. Q4-2012 Cost Estimate remains valid. MN-9/19/12. Q12013 all costs remain valid. TA 11/15/12 Escalation costs are included in Contingency costs: Contingency: $279,658; Escalation: $164,370 COMPLETE Project complete. Xfmr 1 was replaced and put in service 3/26/2011. Should be assigned to City of Carthage COMPLETE COMPLETE DELAY - MITIGATION DELAY - MITIGATION DELAY - MITIGATION DELAY - MITIGATION COMPLETE Project is complete This project is complete and in service. Temporary op guide provided. Mitigation Plan under review by SPP. Defered in latest SPP AEP's station cost is $1.665M. WFEC's construction cost is $6.6M. An interconnection agreement has been executed between WFEC and AEP. COMPLETE COMPLETE line converted but energized @ 69kV line converted but energized @ 69kV in construction built at 138kV but energized @ 69kV built at 138kV but energized @ 69kV * DELAY MITIGATION DELAY - MITIGATION DELAY - MITIGATION COMPLETE COMPLETE $1,125,000 DELAY - MITIGATION $7,306,000 DELAY - MITIGATION $5,000,000 DELAY - MITIGATION Loading of facility shows mitigation not needed before summer 2015. Field Verified that Pharoah – Weleetka CT is 800:5 and has thermal 20030 10794 WFEC Multi: WFEC-Dover-Twin Lake_Cresent-Cottonwood conversion 138 k Regional Reliability 12/31/12 06/01/10 01/27/09 $0 $5,765,600 DELAY - MITIGATION 20030 10795 WFEC Multi: WFEC-Dover-Twin Lake_Cresent-Cottonwood conversion 138 k Regional Reliability 12/31/13 06/01/10 01/27/09 $0 $5,315,700 DELAY - MITIGATION 20030 10796 WFEC Multi: WFEC-Dover-Twin Lake_Cresent-Cottonwood conversion 138 k Regional Reliability 12/31/13 06/01/10 01/27/09 $0 $3,164,000 DELAY - MITIGATION 20030 10797 WFEC Multi: WFEC-Dover-Twin Lake_Cresent-Cottonwood conversion 138 k Regional Reliability 12/31/12 06/01/10 01/27/09 $0 $3,937,500 DELAY - MITIGATION 20030 10798 WFEC Line - Carter Jct-Lake Creek 69 kV Regional Reliability 09/15/11 06/01/10 01/27/09 $150,000 $150,000 20030 10799 WFEC Multi - Lindsay - Lindsay SW and Bradley-Rush Springs Regional Reliability 09/01/12 06/01/10 01/27/09 $0 $1,248,750 COMPLETE 20132 10865 WFEC Line - Reeding - Twin Lakes Switchyard conversion to 138 kV Regional Reliability 04/01/13 06/01/12 02/14/11 $1,971,000 $1,971,000 DELAY - MITIGATION 20085 20132 20085 20132 20132 10878 10879 11114 11115 11116 WFEC WFEC WFEC WFEC WFEC Line - El Reno - El Reno SW 69 kV Line - Bradley - Lindsay 69 kV Ckt 1 reconductor Line - Snyder - Tipton 69 kV CT Multi - Anadarko - Blanchard - OU SW 138 kV Ckt 1 Multi - Anadarko - Blanchard - OU SW 138 kV Ckt 1 Regional Reliability Regional Reliability Regional Reliability Regional Reliability Regional Reliability 06/01/12 12/31/12 06/01/11 12/01/14 12/01/15 06/01/12 06/01/15 06/01/11 06/01/12 06/01/12 02/08/10 02/14/11 02/08/10 02/14/11 02/14/11 $1,950,000 $3,712,500 $225,000 $14,737,500 $1,125,000 $1,950,000 $3,712,500 $225,000 $14,737,500 $1,125,000 COMPLETE ON SCHEDULE < 4 COMPLETE DELAY - MITIGATION DELAY - MITIGATION DELAY - MITIGATION 20132 11117 WFEC Line - Wakita - Nash 69 kV Ckt 1 20114 20114 11350 11351 WFEC WFEC ALTUS SW - NAVAJO 69KV CKT 1 G03-05T - PARADISE 138KV CKT 1 20132 11424 WFEC 20132 11429 20030 COMPLETE Use Dover-Twin Lakes op guide for temporary mitigation built at 138kV but energized @ 69kV; Use Dover-Twin Lakes op guide for temporary mitigation built at 138kV but energized @ 69kV; Use Dover-Twin Lakes op guide for temporary mitigation Use Dover-Twin Lakes op guide for temporary mitigation; under construction CT's upgraded to 600 amp effective 9/15/11. NO cost for this construction complete, ready for energization Nov. 20, 2012. Regional Reliability 06/01/14 06/01/11 02/14/11 $6,705,000 $6,705,000 Transmission Service Transmission Service 06/01/13 06/01/15 06/01/10 06/01/15 12/09/10 12/09/10 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 Line - Alva - Freedom 69 kV Ckt 1 Regional Reliability 06/01/13 06/01/11 02/14/11 $6,243,750 $6,243,750 WFEC Line - Criner - Lindsay 69 kV Ckt 1 Regional Reliability 06/01/13 06/01/11 02/14/11 $50,000 $50,000 DELAY - MITIGATION 50045 WFEC Device - Esquandale Cap 69 kV regional reliability 06/01/14 06/01/14 01/27/09 $0 $243,000 ON SCHEDULE < 4 19985 50047 WFEC Device - Comanche regional reliability 06/01/12 06/01/12 02/02/07 $0 $350,000 COMPLETE 20003 50050 WFEC Device - Gypsum Cap 69 kV regional reliability 06/01/11 04/01/08 02/13/08 $0 $150,000 DELAY - MITIGATION Temporary op guide provided. in construction 95% complete awaiting outage to finish. Temporary operating guide provided. Temporary operating guide provided. Temporary op guide provided. COMPLETE ON SCHEDULE < 4 DELAY - MITIGATION Temporary operating guide provided. 20003 50085 WFEC Device - Carter Cap 69 kV 20003 20030 20085 20136 20136 50099 50180 50186 50366 50367 WFEC WFEC WFEC WFEC WFEC Device - Latta Cap 138 kV Device Eagle Chief 69 kV Capacitor Device - Electra 69 kV Capacitor Line - Canton - Taloga 69 kV ckt 1 XFR - Taloga 138/69 kV ckt 1 50462 WFEC 20006 20006 19986 20059 20033 50463 10220 10221 10229 10231 10349 WFEC WR WR WR WR WR 20086 10350 WR 20086 10351 WR * WFEC will move ahead line project: Cache to Grandfield to mitigate voltage problem. Short term mitigation until line can be built will be Shed load at Loco Substation (up to 3.5MW in 2007 Summer Peak) Shed load at Empire Substation (up to 5MW in 2007 Summer Peak). regional reliability 06/01/12 06/01/10 02/13/08 $0 $324,000 Regional Reliability Regional reliability Regional Reliability Transmission Service Transmission Service 06/01/12 06/01/10 08/31/12 06/01/13 06/01/13 06/01/12 06/01/09 06/01/11 06/01/11 06/01/11 02/13/08 01/27/09 02/08/10 05/27/11 05/27/11 $0 $0 $0 $4,800,000 $1,000,000 $324,000 $300,000 $240,000 $4,800,000 $1,000,000 COMPLETE Line - Washita - Gracemont 138 kv ckt 2 Generation Interconnection 10/12/12 $0 $4,740,546 COMPLETE SUB - SLICK HILLS 138KV Line - Weaver - Rose Hill 69 kV Line - Tecumseh Energy Center - Midland 115 kV Line - Stranger Creek - Thornton Street 115 kV Addition Line - Chase - White Junction 69 kV Line - Circle - HEC GT 115 kV Rebuild Generation Interconnection Regional Reliability Regional Reliability Regional Reliability Regional Reliability regional reliability 02/01/12 01/27/11 06/01/13 02/24/11 06/01/13 03/17/11 06/01/08 06/01/12 06/01/07 06/01/10 06/01/11 02/13/08 02/13/08 02/02/07 09/18/09 01/27/09 $0 $1,350,000 $2,000,000 $2,500,000 $5,184,701 $300,000 $1,500,000 $2,676,185 $5,423,701 $9,206,570 $6,066,000 $1,256,055 COMPLETE COMPLETE DELAY - MITIGATION COMPLETE DELAY - MITIGATION COMPLETE Line - Halstead - Mud Creek Jct. - 69 kV Regional Reliability 12/30/11 06/01/11 02/08/10 $2,500,000 $5,718,375 COMPLETE Line - Halstead - Mud Creek Jct. - 69 kV Regional Reliability 02/24/12 06/01/11 02/08/10 $360,000 $764,190 COMPLETE * DELAY MITIGATION DELAY - MITIGATION COMPLETE DELAY - MITIGATION DELAY - MITIGATION $2,627,677 $9,231,495 $1,242,102 20086 10352 WR Line - Halstead - Mud Creek Jct. - 69 kV Regional Reliability 05/23/12 06/01/11 02/08/10 $1,300,000 $3,011,613 COMPLETE 20006 10417 WR Line - Oaklawn - Oliver 69 kV Regional Reliability 07/25/12 06/01/10 02/13/08 $483,000 $2,686,996 COMPLETE 200181 10425 WR XFR - Moundridge 138/115 kV Regional Reliability 12/01/14 12/01/14 04/09/12 $12,197,900 $18,063,183 ON SCHEDULE < 4 20140 10487 WR Line - Creswell - Oak 69 kV Ckt 1 Transmission Service 12/31/13 06/01/11 05/27/11 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 DELAY - MITIGATION 19964 10488 WR XFR - Rose Hill 345/138 kV Ckt 3 transmission service 06/01/13 06/01/11 06/27/07 $5,000,000 $10,387,399 DELAY - MITIGATION 20086 10603 WR Line - Gill - Interstate 138 kV Regional Reliability 12/01/13 06/01/13 02/08/10 $50,000 $118,341 DELAY - MITIGATION 20033 10638 WR Line - Jarbalo - Stranger Creek Regional Reliability 08/11/11 06/01/10 01/27/09 $8,050,000 $5,228,040 $3,755,915 $4,141,799 Interim redispatch under service agreement Interim redispatch under service agreement O In service date expected around October 12, 2012. Percent completion of construction is 80 – 85% to date. We lack connecting on both ends Redispatch TEC generation. In-Service - Cost Not Final Interim mitigation is application of existing Transmission Operating In-Service - Cost Not Final UVLS operational in Newton Division. Adjustment of CTs at Halstead and Newton to increase line rating is interim mitigation. The mitigation is to open the Halstead-Burrton 69 kV line and close the Burrton line to Yoder Junction and switch Burrton load to be served from Hutchinson. Substation Scope: Install 2nd 138/115 Transformer at Moundridge. The substation will be reconfigured to allow installation of a 2nd 138/115kV transformer. Initial design will be a ring bus on both the Interim redispatch under service agreement. The mitigation is to run the City of Winfield/Wellington generation. Displacement need to make filing for displacement $ 20033 10639 WR Line - Jarbalo - Stranger Creek Regional Reliability 04/26/11 06/01/10 01/27/09 $0 $4,536,005 20059 20086 10674 10679 WR WR Line - Rose Hill - Sooner 345 kV Ckt 1 (WR) XFR - Halstead South 138/69 kV Ckt 1 Regional Reliability regional reliability 04/27/12 06/01/14 01/01/13 06/01/11 09/18/09 02/08/10 $84,669,696 $1,700,000 $84,379,298 $3,205,323 20063 10713 WR Multi - Litchfield - Aquarius - Hudson Jct. 69 kV Uprate 20033 20033 10767 10806 WR WR Line - 27th & Croco - 41st & California 115 kV Multi - NW Manhattan regional reliability 06/01/13 06/01/13 11/02/09 $75,000 $154,336 regional reliability Regional Reliability 03/21/11 05/11/12 06/01/09 06/01/10 01/27/09 01/27/09 $2,752,000 $3,654,556 $3,650,576 $17 437 500 COMPLETE COMPLETE COMPLETE DELAY - MITIGATION Mitigation is to re-dispatch Gill and Evans in the Wichita area. In-Service - Cost not final In-Service - Cost Not final Project costs are for Westar Energy portion only; Public hearing held; ON SCHEDULE < 4 COMPLETE COMPLETE In-Service - Cost Not Final Currently 230/115kV dollars are combined. Will break apart for Q3 20033 20059 200175 20033 20086 20063 10808 10810 10812 10813 10866 10870 WR WR WR WR WR WR Multi - NW Manhattan Line - Richland - Rose Hill Junction 69 kV Line - Fort Junction - West Junction City 115 kV Line - Rebuild Chisolm - Ripley 69 kV Line - Gill - Clearwater 138 kV Line - GEC West - Waco 138 kV Regional Reliability Zonal Reliability Regional Reliability Regional Reliability Regional Reliability Regional Reliability 03/19/12 11/03/11 06/01/13 06/01/11 04/27/11 12/01/12 06/01/10 06/01/11 06/01/15 06/01/10 06/01/11 06/01/10 01/27/09 09/18/09 04/09/12 01/27/09 02/08/10 11/02/09 20086 11082 WR Line - Gill Energy Center East - MacArthur 69 kV Regional Reliability 06/01/14 06/01/13 20068 11204 WR Line - Macarthur - Oatville 69 kV Ckt 1 Transmission Service 03/12/12 20131 11344 WR Multi - Craig - 87th - Stranger 345 kV Ckt 1 Regional Reliability 20131 11345 WR Multi - Craig - 87th - Stranger 345 kV Ckt 1 20131 11346 WR Multi - Craig - 87th - Stranger 345 kV Ckt 1 $17,437,500 $2,815,000 $6,969,136 $2,255,250 $3,324,375 $1,000,000 $23,493,424 $3,782,279 $6,969,136 $3,962,701 $8,466,466 $4,857,641 COMPLETE COMPLETE ON SCHEDULE < 4 COMPLETE COMPLETE DELAY - MITIGATION 02/08/10 $2,200,000 $4,373,843 DELAY - MITIGATION 06/01/12 01/13/10 $40,000 $50,200 12/31/12 06/01/11 02/14/11 Regional Reliability 12/31/12 06/01/11 02/14/11 Regional Reliability 12/31/12 06/01/11 02/14/11 $26,825,000 COMPLETE $9,866,277 DELAY - MITIGATION $15,119,789 DELAY - MITIGATION $12,277,385 DELAY - MITIGATION 20131 11411 WR Multi - Mulberry - Franklin - Sheffield 161 kV Regional Reliability 06/01/14 06/01/13 02/14/11 20131 11412 WR Multi - Mulberry - Franklin - Sheffield 161 kV Regional Reliability 06/01/14 06/01/13 02/14/11 06/01/13 02/14/11 $8,750,767 $11,471,091 $6,867,000 $3,897,955 $278,558 02/14/11 $0 $0 COMPLETE DELAY - MITIGATION $0 $625,000 $847,064 COMPLETE $7,347,754 $4,981,988 DELAY - MITIGATION $5,701,631 DELAY - MITIGATION 20131 11413 WR Multi - Mulberry - Franklin - Sheffield 161 kV Regional Reliability 06/01/14 20131 11441 11444 WR WR Caney River Wind Project Multi - Mulberry - Franklin - Sheffield 161 kV Generation Interconnection Regional Reliability 09/13/11 06/01/14 11445 WR Caney River Wind Project Generation Interconnection 09/13/11 20091 50228 WR Multi - Green - Coffey County No. 3 - Burlington Junction - Wolf Creek Transmission Service 12/31/12 06/01/12 03/31/10 $3,921,591 $4,380,845 DELAY - MITIGATION 20059 20059 20059 20091 50229 50230 50231 50232 WR WR WR WR Device - Allen 69 kV Capacitor Device - Altoona East 69 kV Capacitor Device - Athens 69 kV Capacitor Multi - Green - Coffey County No. 3 - Burlington Junction - Wolf Creek Transmission Service transmission service Transmission Service Transmission Service 05/31/12 06/01/14 12/01/13 05/25/11 06/01/12 06/01/14 06/01/13 04/01/11 09/18/09 09/18/09 09/18/09 03/31/10 $0 $0 $0 $1,960,795 $954,830 $1,045,000 $1,026,734 $3,993,819 COMPLETE ON SCHEDULE < 4 DELAY - MITIGATION COMPLETE 20091 50233 WR Multi - Green - Coffey County No. 3 - Burlington Junction - Wolf Creek Transmission Service 06/01/14 07/01/13 03/31/10 $4,575,190 $2,848,705 DELAY - MITIGATION 06/01/13 Current cost estimate for UID 10806 is sufficient for both 230/115kV In-Service - Cost Not final Line energized 4/27/11, however breaker change out at Gill will not be Mitigation is to re-dispatch Gill and Evans in the Wichita area. All terminal equipment meets minimum NTC requirement. No field Mitigiation is to re-dispatch LEC generation and/or open Wakarusa JctEudora 115 kV Mitigiation is to re-dispatch LEC generation and/or open Wakarusa JctEudora 115 kV Mitigiation is to re-dispatch LEC generation and/or open Wakarusa JctEudora 115 kV Distribution Capacitor banks are in-service to improve the PF on Marmaton-Litchfield 69 kV. Distribution Capacitor banks are in-service to improve the PF on DELAY - MITIGATION Costs to be incurred by wind farm owner. Costs to be incurred by wind farm owner. Mitigation is to re-dispatch generation in the (Chanute, Erie, and Iola). $2,855,297 20091 50234 WR Multi - Green - Coffey County No. 3 - Burlington Junction - Wolf Creek Transmission Service 06/01/13 01/01/13 03/31/10 $2,614,395 $3,458,116 DELAY - MITIGATION 20091 50236 WR Multi - Green - Coffey County No. 3 - Burlington Junction - Wolf Creek Transmission Service 12/15/13 04/01/14 03/31/10 $5,882,387 $6,024,876 ON SCHEDULE < 4 20091 20091 50239 50240 WR WR Multi - Green - Coffey County No. 3 - Burlington Junction - Wolf Creek Multi - Green - Coffey County No. 3 - Burlington Junction - Wolf Creek Transmission Service Transmission Service 12/14/11 03/29/12 12/01/11 11/01/13 03/31/10 03/31/10 $5,555,588 $653,598 $2,996,364 $1,693,501 COMPLETE COMPLETE 20059 50241 WR Line - Neosho - Northeast Parsons 138 kV Transmission Service 06/01/11 06/01/11 09/18/09 $250,000 $114,269 $114,269 20059 20059 20091 20068 50243 50244 50245 50284 50290 50327 50328 50368 50369 50370 50371 WR WR WR WR WR WR WR WR WR WR WR Device - Timber Jct 138 kV Capacitor Device - Tioga 69 kV Capacitor Multi - Green - Coffey County No. 3 - Burlington Junction - Wolf Creek Device - Dearing 138 kV Capacitor Device - Benton Cap #2 Line - East Manhattan - NW Manhattan 230 kV Ckt 1 Line - Halstead South - Sedgwick 138 kV Sub - Chapman Junction 115 kV Sub - Clay Center Junction 115 kV Device - Chapman Junction 115 kV Capacitor Line - Clay Center Junction - Clay Center Switching Station 115 kV Transmission Service Transmission Service transmission service Transmission Service Zonal - Sponsored Transmission Service transmission service Zonal Reliability Zonal Reliability Zonal Reliability Zonal Reliability 08/16/11 07/05/11 03/03/11 06/01/13 06/01/14 03/19/12 06/01/16 12/31/12 12/31/12 10/01/13 12/31/12 06/01/11 06/01/11 01/01/11 06/01/12 09/18/09 09/18/09 03/31/10 01/13/10 08/25/10 08/25/10 05/27/11 05/27/11 05/27/11 05/27/11 $1,637,096 $732,398 $2,777,239 $1,215,000 $3,072,000 $700,000 $700,000 $5,425,273 $2,849,367 $873,461 $7,476,811 $1,637,096 $584,242 $1,976,966 06/01/19 06/01/19 10/01/12 10/01/12 10/01/12 10/01/13 $0 $0 $3,267,992 $0 $0 $700,000 $700,000 $4,877,550 $2,849,367 $0 $6,790,959 Bring on cap banks at Allen and Tioga. Dispatch Chanute/Erie/Iola In-Service - Cost Not final COMPLETE Jumper was replaced with bundled 266 ACSR wire rated at 192MVA. 20108 20108 20140 20140 20140 20140 $199,416 COMPLETE COMPLETE COMPLETE DELAY - MITIGATION ON SCHEDULE < 4 COMPLETE ON SCHEDULE > 4 DELAY - MITIGATION DELAY - MITIGATION DELAY - MITIGATION DELAY - MITIGATION 20140 50372 WR Line - Clay Center Switching Station - TC Riley 115 kV ckt 1 Zonal Reliability 06/01/14 10/01/12 05/27/11 $4,549,942 $7,472,511 DELAY - MITIGATION 20140 50373 WR Sub - Clay Center Switching Station 115 kV Zonal Reliability 12/31/12 10/01/12 05/27/11 $4,877,550 $2,774,851 DELAY - MITIGATION 20140 50374 WR Sub - TC Riley 115 kV Zonal Reliability 06/01/14 10/01/12 05/27/11 $850,000 $963,441 DELAY - MITIGATION 200175 200175 50382 50383 WR WR Device - Wheatland 115 kV Capacitor Device - Northwest Manhattan 115 kV Capacitor Zonal Reliability Zonal Reliability 06/01/13 10/10/12 06/01/12 06/01/14 04/09/12 04/09/12 $957,660 $957,660 $957,660 $957,660 DELAY - MITIGATION COMPLETE 200175 50386 WR Mund - Pentagon 115 kV Regional Reliability 12/01/12 04/09/12 $278,300 $278,300 ON SCHEDULE < 4 200175 50397 WR Line - Cowskin - Centennial 138 kV rebuild Regional Reliability 06/01/12 04/09/12 $3,676,071 $3,676,071 06/01/13 DELAY - MITIGATION In-Service - Cost Not Final Clay Center did not provide Westar with construction easement. This Due to uncertainty of Presidential Permit, TransCanada has extended their in-service date to June 2014. Load will not be in-service until June, 2014. No mitigation is needed. The RTO date needs to be changed according to en email that was sent to Steve Purdy. Clay Center did not provide Westar with construction easement. This required redesign and will extend construction by one month. Mitigation is to serve the load at existing Delivery Point for an extra month. Due to uncertainty of Presidential Permit, TransCanada has extended their in-service date to June 2014. Load will not be in-service until June, 2014. No mitigation is needed. The RTO date needs to be changed according to an email that was sent to Steve Purdy. After substation review, equipment in the sub already meets NTC requirements. 200179 50398 WR XFR - Auburn Road 230/115 kV Transformer Ckt 1 200175 50399 WR Device - Elk River 69 kV Capacitor 200182 200176 200197 50429 50465 50470 50471 50472 50498 WR WR WR WR WR WR Multi - Elm Creek - Summit 345 kV MULTI - RICE - CIRCLE 230KV CONVERSION Multi - Creswell - BellePlain 138 kV Multi - Creswell - BellePlain 138 kV Multi - Creswell - BellePlain 138 kV Line - Greenleaf - Knob Hill 115 kV CKT 1 WR 200197 50526 WR Line - El Paso - Farber 138kV CKT 1 Regional Reliability 06/01/14 06/01/14 04/09/12 Zonal Reliability 12/01/14 06/01/12 04/09/12 03/01/18 04/09/12 01/16/12 06/01/17 06/01/14 ITP10 Generation Interconnection Zonal - Sponsored Zonal - Sponsored Zonal - Sponsored Transmission Service Transmission Service 11/15/12 06/01/12 06/01/12 06/01/12 06/01/17 $25,845,600 $29,507,894 ON SCHEDULE < 4 $1,007,160 $1,007,160 DELAY - MITIGATION 11/20/12 $62,110,152 $5,095,881 $0 $0 $0 $456,403 $62,110,152 $5,095,881 $6,581,250 $885,938 $3,075,469 $456,403 ON SCHEDULE > 4 ON SCHEDULE < 4 COMPLETE COMPLETE ON SCHEDULE < 4 NTC - COMMITMENT WINDOW 11/20/12 $5,561,163 $5,561,163 NTC - COMMITMENT WINDOW Substation Scope: This will be a "greenfield" substation requiring land acquisition and site prep. The 230kV portion of the sub will be constructed to 345kV standards in anticipation of future requirements. The transformer will be purchased as a dual voltage high side at 230/345kV. There is an existing capacitor bank at Elk River substation. Installation of a second cap bank will require control & switching upgrades on the existing bank. Substation Scope: Rebuild the 138kV line between El Paso and Farber substations. Substation equipment will be upgraded to a minimum 1200A capacity. Work at Farber will be limited to jumper upgrades. El Paso will require two breaker replacements based on the existing breakers becoming overdutied after the line rebuild.
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