President`s report made at 6th AGM held on 31/3/16
President`s report made at 6th AGM held on 31/3/16
iPAM InsolvencyPractitionersAssociationofMalaysia (Persatuan Pengamal Insolvensi Malaysia) President’sReport2015 31March2016 iPAM President's Report2015|31March2016 STRICTLYCONFIDENTIAL |Page1 Whatwewillbecovering 1 Introduction ofiPAM 2 iPAM’s initiativesfor2015/2016 3 iPAM’s ongoing initiatives 4 Membership updates iPAM President's Report2015|31March2016 STRICTLYCONFIDENTIAL |Page2 Whatwewillbecovering 1 Introduction ofiPAM 2 2 Processandchallengesinreviving iPAM’s initiativesfor2015/2016 abandoned projectsandcasestudies 3 iPAM’s ongoing initiatives 4 Membership updates iPAM President's Report2015|31March2016 STRICTLYCONFIDENTIAL |Page3 IntroductionofiPAM Councilmembers2015/2016 Background • iPAM isanon-Government andnon-profit organisation; • IncorporatedasaSocietyandregistered withtheRegistrarofSocietiesMalaysiaon 8February2010; • Amembershipbodyforpersonsinterested ininsolvencyandcorporaterestructuring; and • Mainobjectiveistoimpactlegislative reformviadevelopmentof: o Malaysianlaw o Practices o Educationanddevelopment intheareasofinsolvency,receivership andliquidation,businessrestructuringand turnaroundmanagement. President VicePresident Secretary Treasurer ImmediatePast President PastPresident CouncilMembers : : : : : Stephen Duar Ooi Woon Chee OngHockAn DatukSLNg Dato’Gan AhTee : LimTianHuat : LimSanPeen Yoong SinMin YipKok Leong KhooPohPoh KumarKanagasingam Saheran Suhendran LeeShih Rabindra S.Nathan Kumar Nathan iPAM President's Report2015|31March2016 STRICTLYCONFIDENTIAL |Page4 Whatwewillbecovering 1 Introduction ofiPAM 2 iPAM’s initiativesfor2015/2016 3 iPAM’s ongoing initiatives 4 Membership updates iPAM President's Report2015|31March2016 STRICTLYCONFIDENTIAL |Page5 2015/2016councilmembers iPAM President's Report2015|31March2016 STRICTLYCONFIDENTIAL |Page6 iPAM’s 2015/2016initiativesbycouncilmembers No. ProposedInitiatives Lead/Co- Lead TeamMembers SD/DG/ LTH All OHA/ KPP YKL,LS SD/DG/ LTH All LTH YKL,SS KK/DG DSL, KN,RSN 1. CSAP 2. Recognitionasprofessional body 3. Proposed pathwaytobecomeliquidators andsyllabus outline forinsolvency examination - IPAM/MIAMOU 4. Membership drive 5. Proposed amendmentstotheHDA 6. Seminars/ trainings LSP YSM, KPP,OHA 7. IPAM communications andwebsite OWC LS 8. Networkingevents DSL LTH, YKL,SS Abbreviations: StephenDuar Ooi Woon Chee OngHock An Datuk SLNg Dato’Gan AhTee LimTianHuat LimSanPeen Yoong SinMin :SD :OWC :OHA :DSL :DG :LTH :LSP :YSM YipKok Leong Khoo PohPoh KumarKanagasingam Saheran Suhendran LeeShih Rabindra S.Nathan KumarNathan :YKL :KPP :KK :SS :LS :RSN :KN iPAM President's Report2015|31March2016 STRICTLYCONFIDENTIAL |Page7 SummaryofiPAM’s 2015/2016initiatives No. Key Initiatives Driver ofInitiatives 1. iPAM hassubmitted aproposalontheProposed Pathwayto becomeApprovedLiquidators totheMalaysiaInstituteof Accountants(“MIA”)inSeptember2015. Lead: StephenDuar &Dato’Gan AhTee and iPAM councilmembers 2. iPAM togetherwithMIAandMalaysianInstituteofCertified Public Accountantshadsubmittedtheproposed amendmentstotheHousingDevelopment(Control and Licensing) Act1966inMay2015. Lead:Dato’Gan AhTee&Kumar Kanagasingam DatukSLNg KumarNathan Rabindra S.Nathan 3. iPAM rolledoutanewwebpageinFebruary2016. Lead:Ooi Woon Chee LeeShih 4. iPAM wasinvitedasspeakerstothefollowingseminars: • MdI Seminar • SSMSeminar- Rescue mechanism, chargesand receivershipworkshop • SSMNationalConference 2015- Corporaterescue mechanism Lead:LimSanPeen and iPAM councilmembers iPAM President's Report2015|31March2016 STRICTLYCONFIDENTIAL |Page8 iPAM’s newlyrolledoutwebpage iPAM President's Report2015|31March2016 STRICTLYCONFIDENTIAL |Page9 Seminarsthroughout2015/2016 MDISeminar Location Date Presenters Primaland Resort& Convention Centre,PortDickson 23April2015 StephenDuar(President- IPAM) KumarNathan (Council Member- IPAM) ChaiMengLing(Advocate &Solicitor- LHAG) Khoo PohPoh (Council Member- IPAM) iPAM President's Report2015|31March2016 STRICTLYCONFIDENTIAL |Page10 Seminarsthroughout2015/2016(continued) SSMSeminar- RescueMechanism,Charges&ReceivershipWorkshop Location Date Presenters SSM@Sentral 27&28July 2015 BDO EY PwC Ranjit Ooi &RobertLow Skrine iPAM President's Report2015|31March2016 STRICTLYCONFIDENTIAL |Page11 Seminarsthroughout2015/2016(continued) SSMNationalConference 2015- CorporateRescueMechanism Location Date Presenters SSM@Sentral 8&9September2015 LimSanPeen(PwC) StephenDuar (EY) iPAM President's Report2015|31March2016 STRICTLYCONFIDENTIAL |Page12 Whatwewillbecovering 1 Introduction ofiPAM 2 iPAM’s initiativesfor2015/2016 3 iPAM’s ongoing initiatives 4 Membership updates iPAM President's Report2015|31March2016 STRICTLYCONFIDENTIAL |Page13 SummaryofiPAM’s ongoinginitiatives No. Key Initiatives DriverofOngoing Initiatives 1. iPAM aimstoworktowardsitsrecognitionasaprofessional body. Lead:OngHockAn&Khoo Poh Poh and LeeShih YipKok Leong 2. iPAM hasbeeninvitedasthetechnicalpartnerofSSMto conducttheupcoming NationalInsolvency Conference2016 inOctober2016. Lead:Lim SanPeen and iPAM council members 3. iPAM’s networkingevent:AnnualDinnerwillbeheldon30 April2016atOneWorld Hotel. Organising Chairman:DatukSL Ng and Lim TianHuat YipKok Leong Saheran Suhendran 4. Membership drive Lead:LimTianHuat and YipKok Leong Saheran Suhendran iPAM President's Report2015|31March2016 STRICTLYCONFIDENTIAL |Page14 Whatwewillbecovering 1 Introduction ofiPAM 2 iPAM’s initiativesfor2015/2016 3 iPAM’s ongoing initiatives 4 Membership updates iPAM President's Report2015|31March2016 STRICTLYCONFIDENTIAL |Page15 iPAM membershipstatusfor2015/2016 SummaryofiPAM membersfor2015/2016 No.ofMembers No. Type ofMembers 2014/2015 2015/2016 Increase(No.) 1. Full(Class A) 36 38 2 2. Full(Class B) 35 41 6 3. Associate 22 26 4 93 105 12 Total iPAM President's Report2015|31March2016 STRICTLYCONFIDENTIAL |Page16 iPAM membersprofile2015/2016 SummaryofiPAM membersbyorganisation andtypeofmembership 90 No.of members SummaryofiPAM membersbygeographicalarea 77% 80 Malacca, 3 70 Penang,1 38 60 50 22 30 19% 20 0 Sarawak, 1 Selangor, 15 40 10 Johor, 2 15 4% 4 5 Bankers Lawyers 21 Full(ClassA) Full(ClassB) Associate Kuala Lumpur, 83 MIA/MICPA memberfirms iPAM President's Report2015|31March2016 STRICTLYCONFIDENTIAL |Page17 ThankYou iPAM President's Report2015|31March2016 STRICTLYCONFIDENTIAL |Page18