User Manual - eBusiness Travellers Management


User Manual - eBusiness Travellers Management
Document No.: CSS/UM4.2-3/09-15
(Employee Portal)
CSS holds the intellectual rights to this manual. Any reproduction copying or transfer of the manual is prohibited
eBusiness Shubh Yatra ERP 4.2
Chandra Software Systems
1.0 OVERVIEW OF eBusiness SHUBH YATRA ERP 4.2................2
2.0 NEW USER ............................................................ 3
3.0 EMPLOYEE PORTAL .................................................. 5
3.1 EMPLOYEE PORTAL - SETTING ........................................................ 7
3.1.1 CHANGE PASSWORD ................................................................... 8
3.1.2 VIEW YOUR ACCOUNT ................................................................ 9
3.1.3 MODIFY YOUR ACCOUNT......................................................... 10
3.2 EMPLOYEE PORTAL - TRAVEL ........................................................ 11
3.2.1 PLAN YOUR TRAVEL...................................................................12
3.2.2 INCOMPLETE TRAVEL PLAN .................................................... 18
3.2.3 GET TRAVEL PLAN APPROVAL ............................................... 19
3.2.4 MODIFY TRAVEL PLAN.............................................................. 25
3.2.5 CANCEL TRAVEL PLAN ............................................................. 29
3.2.6 VIEW TRAVEL PLAN ................................................................... 34
3.3 EMPLOYEE PORTAL - ACCOUNTS ................................................. 35
3.3.1 PAYMENT TRACKER................................................................... 36
3.4 EMPLOYEE PORTAL - REPORT ........................................................ 38
3.4.1 REPORT - TRAVEL DETAILS ...................................................... 39
3.4.2 REPORT - PAYMENT STATUS .................................................... 41
3.4.4 REPORT - TRAVEL PLAN AGEING ........................................... 46
3.4.5 REPORT - LEVEL WISE TRAVEL PLAN .................................... 48
3.4.6 REPORT - SEGMENT WISE TRAVEL PLAN .............................. 50
4.0 SESSION TIMEOUT ................................................ 52
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eBusiness Shubh Yatra ERP 4.2
Chandra Software Systems
ravel Management is a vital function of any organisation. eBusiness Shubh Yatra
ERP 4.2 enables streamlining of travel planning & operations of any company. It
consists of three different portals namely Admin, Employee and Approver subject to
user wise activities and operational privileges. Over and above it gives a platform
where new user can enter his/her account details for designing travel plan for self or
guest subject to the account approval by ERP Administrator.
 New User: Any one can create own Log-in account with this option. User need to
provide Employee ID, Official E.mail ID which will be treated further as a account
log-in id, First & Middle Name, Surname, Sex, Department, Level and Date of Birth.
System will auto calculate user’s age for indicating Senior Citizen category (if so
applicable) for further benefits to be linked by the travel agent at the time of ticket
booking. In addition user needs to provide all relevant information along with latest
photograph upload before creating own log-in account. Apart from E.mail ID, Name
and Date of Birth all other fields can be editable as and when required by the
concerned user subject to further approval by the ERP Administrator. After clicking
SUBMIT button information will move to the ERP Administrator for the account
approval. Account once approved user can proceed further with travel planning and
other activities for self or guest with the eBusiness Shubh Yatra ERP 4.2
 Admin Portal: ERP Administrator within Admin Portal will approve accounts being
created by the new users followed by any account modification monitoring and
account activation control. ERP Administrator can define and modify various
parameters such as department, cost centre, sub-cost centre and service agencies
locations with the help of Admin Portal.
 Employee Portal: This portal provides an opportunity to each registered account
user within Employee Group to design own or guest travel plan, request for travel
plan approval, travel plan modification, travel plan cancellation etc. In addition user
can do modifications pertaining to own account details as and when so required.
 Approver Portal: Management group within an organization will have accessibility
of Approver Portal with eBusiness Shubh Yatra ERP 4.2. This portal has been
designed in such a way so that all approval related activities, travel plan deviation
analysis with its cost impact can be monitored employee wise, travel plan wise.
System will act as a decision making tool in case management wants to have data for
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the cost centre and sub-cost centre wise travel expenses just to re-design own
corporate travel policy if so required.
eBusiness Shubh Yatra ERP 4.2 HOME page invites new user to create own account.
Unregistered user needs to click on NEW USER button at the home page for providing
account related general and statutory details which will be use further by the travel
agent for ticket, car and hotel bookings. Some information can be editable as and when
so required by the user once registered. User can upload latest photograph as well for
the purpose of face interaction at the travel agent end throughout travel plan life cycle.
Just to save details user need to click on SUBMIT button and saved information will redirect to the Admin Portal for account approval. Users with approved account ONLY
can SIGN IN with eBusiness Shubh Yatra ERP 4.2 for the execution of travel plan and
other concerned activities.
Create Your Account Screen 1
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Create Your Account Screen 2
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Approved user can click SIGN IN button at Home page so as to open Account Log-In
screen. User needs to enter registered e.mail id and valid password for successful
account log-in. On the basis of registered e.mail id eBusiness Shubh Yatra ERP 4.2 will
re-direct user account to the Employee Portal subject to account grouping under
Employee by the ERP Administrator at the time of user account approval.
Account Log-In Screen
eBusiness Shubh Yatra ERP 4.2 is having in-built feature of password retrieval. In case
of wrong e.mail id or password system will not allow account log-in. In such case user
can use Forgot Password feature so as to retrieve log-in password as and when so
required. A valid log-in password will be send by eBusiness Shubh Yatra ERP 4.2 to the
designated e.mail id for further account log-in.
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Forgot Password Screen
Forgot Password E.Mail Screen
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Employee Portal - Setting Menu Screen
Employee Portal is having different options such as Setting, Travel, Accounts and
Report for managing employee related travel plan and activities. Setting option consists
of Change Password, View Your Account and Modify Your Account features.
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Change Password Screen
With the help of Change Password option employee can re-set account password for
own account. eBusiness Shubh Yatra ERP 4.2 will ask for old log-in password with new
password followed by new password re-confirmation. On submitting
changed/modified password eBusiness Shubh Yatra ERP 4.2 will re-set account log-in
password for further account log-in.
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View Your Account Screen
This will show account related information pertaining to log-in employee. This option is
just to see account related details as submitted by an employee at the time of account
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Modify Your Account Screen
Registered employee with eBusiness Shubh Yatra ERP 4.2 can modify details like
Phone No.(R), Phone No.(O), Mobile No., Office Address, Residence Address,
Photograph and Frequent Flyer details (if any) etc. System will NOT allow any further
modification with Employee ID, E.mail ID, First & Middle Name, Last Name and Date
of Birth.
Account details with request for modification will re-direct to the ERP Administrator for
its re-approval. Account pending for re-approval will NOT entitled for further log-in till
its approval or decline by the ERP Administrator.
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Employee Portal - Travel Menu Screen
Employee Portal is well designed with complete travel plan activities followed by its
further execution. Travel segment consists of Plan Your Travel, Get Travel Plan
Approval, Incomplete Travel Plan, Modify Travel Plan, Cancel Travel Plan and View
Travel Plan for the log-in user account.
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Plan Your Travel Screen 1
One can generate travel plan for SELF or GUSET with the help of Plan Your Travel at
Employee Portal. User can select category as Self or Guest for travel plan. In case of self
all master data will come automatically from user account details where in case of guest
some of the relevant information concerned with guest needs to be entered manually
over here under Personal Details.
General Details capturing information for the Cost Centre, Sub-Cost centre, Travel
Agent Location from where travel plan will get executed and Preferred Food during
specific travel plan along with Advance Amt. if taken against specific travel plan. Other
information will come automatically as per log-in account details.
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Plan Your Travel Screen 2
Travel Details will ask for Visit Purpose, Origin, Destination along with Travel Start
Date and Travel End Date. Here travel date range selection is very important as because
system will restrict complete travel plan within this said date range ONLY irrespective
of dates being selected for different segments such as Flight, Train, Bus, Hotel or Car.
In Travel Requisition Details section employee must plan for the Flight or Train or Bus
or even once for all within same Travel Plan if so desired. First we need to select Flight,
Train or Bus as a Travel Type followed by Origin, Destination, Date of Travel
(MM/DD/YYYY), Class, Preferred Time (HH:MM), Flexibility (HH) so allowed with
preferred time and Remarks (if any) say Steel Exp. or Jet Airline etc. On clicking
button record for single line item will be added inside the grid. User can opt for the next
line item entry within this segment for further travel plan. One can enter overall
remarks under Special Instruction as and when needed.
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Plan Your Travel Screen 3
Hotel segment will allow user to enter details for the City, Check-In Date
(MM/DD/YYYY), Check-In Time, Check-Out Date (MM/DD/YYYY), Check-Out
Time, Preferred Location and Check for the Company Guest House (if any).
Information pertaining level wise for Hotel Star Rating and Budget Amt. will come
automatically from master details. Employee can give input data for more than one
hotel in different city within same travel plan if required. On clicking
record for single line item will appear inside the grid. User can opt for the next line item
entry within this segment for further travel plan. Employee can enter overall remarks
under Special Instruction as well in case required.
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Plan Your Travel Screen 4
Employee can give requisition for car booking under Car segment. We need to select
Travel Type, From Location, Reporting Date (MM/DD/YYYY), Reporting Time
(HH:MM), To Location, Release Date (MM/DD/YYYY), Release Time (HH:MM) and
Car Type. One can enter overall remarks under Special Instruction as well if so needed.
Some of the fields are restricted automatically by the system depending upon the Travel
Type selection as explained below:
 Pickup & Drop: Entry for Release Date and Release Time NOT allowed
 Disposal: To Location will be restricted
 Outstation: Entry for all fields are allowed
On clicking SUBMIT button eBusiness Shubh Yatra ERP 4.2 will generate unique Travel
Plan No. as appearing in below screen with Travel Plan submission Date & Time as a
record for further analysis. User will have flexibility to save incomplete Travel Plan as a
draft by clicking DRAFT button as appearing below in screen 6.
For reference User can download JUSCO Travel Policy in PDF format with the help of
link provided in this page.
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Plan Your Travel Screen 5
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Plan Your Travel Screen 6
In case we clicked on DRAFT button a unique Travel Plan No. will NOT be generated
by the system unless data being saved by clicking SUBMIT button. Such incomplete
travel plan will appear in the inbox of Incomplete Travel Plan under Travel segment in
Employee Portal as mentioned below.
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Incomplete Travel Plan Inbox Screen
Just to complete travel plan coming under this category user need to click on DETAILS
button for further modification/change (if any) followed by submission of complete
travel plan. User can delete incomplete travel plan as well by clicking REMOVE button
otherwise system will have facility to delete incomplete travel plan automatically after
certain time period as decided by the JUSCO management.
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Get Travel Plan Approval Inbox Screen
Employee can see list of Travel Plans pending for its approval by the concerned
approver. Once employee submits travel plan it will re-direct to the Travel Agent Portal
for further action by the travel agent.
Travel Agent will provide three options at max against each line item under different
segments as per user’s travel plan requisition. Once travel agent submits 3 options (at
max) against each line item with complete details it will be pending at Employee Portal
under GET TRAVEL PLAN APPROVAL inbox for further execution by the concerned
On clicking DETAILS button employee will get below screen for Travel Plan details
along with input data provided by the travel agent for further decision making within
available options and request for its approval by the approver.
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Get Travel Plan Approval Screen 1
At this screen employee can see own travel plan submission date and time with travel
agent’s input submission date and time along with input data for decision making and
its further approval by the concerned approver.
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Get Travel Plan Approval Screen 2
Travel Requisition Details segment will have input data provided by the travel agent
against each line item in the travel requisition for decision making at employee end
followed by its further approval. Employee need to select any one option out of 3
different options (at max) by selecting My Choice box. In case employee is NOT
selecting cheapest option eBusiness Shubh Yatra ERP 4.2 will force to mention
Justification for selecting bit expensive or most expensive option. Without Justification
system will not at all allow user to proceed further. By clicking OK button user can go
to the next line item for My Choice selection.
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Get Travel Plan Approval Screen 3
After selecting single choice against each line item in travel requisition we can see Total
Travel Cost at bottom as My Total Travel Cost. Here eBusiness Shubh Yatra ERP 4.2
will ask for designated e.mail id to which employee wish to send Travel Plan with total
cost impact for its approval. After selecting e.mail id for approval employee needs to
click on GET APPROVAL button for travel plan approval or rejection.
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Travel Plan Booking Confirmation E.Mail Screen
Approved Travel Plan will move automatically to the Travel Agent Portal for ticket and
accommodation bookings. Each travel plan will have unique Booking No. assigned by
the travel agent just before ticket booking and arrangement for accommodation.
Travel Agent will send separate e.mail to the concerned passenger with set of tickets
and booking confirmation letters (all in soft copy) for future reference and record. On
other hand Service Agency location will get soft copy Travel Details as shown below so
as to arrange local transportation and accommodation subject to the travel request.
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Travel Details E.Mail for Service Agency Location
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Modify Travel Plan Inbox Screen
eBusiness Shubh Yatra ERP 4.2 allowing us to do travel plane modification at any point
of time ONLY with the approved travel plans. Unapproved or Rejected Travel Plans
will not qualify for any modification. We can see list of approved travel plans that can
be modified further in Modify Travel Plan inbox.
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Modify Travel Plan Screen 1
On clicking DETAILS button system will show complete travel details with provision to
mention travel plan Modification Reason so that same can be viewed at the end of
Travel Agent for needful action/modification as shown below.
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Modify Travel Plan Screen 2
We can add, delete or modify line item wise travel plan requisitions for different
segments say Flight, Train, Bus, Hotel or Car. Segment wise modification instruction
can be explained by the passenger so as to have more clarity at the end of travel agent
for such modifications/changes.
On clicking MODIFY button as shown below system will generate unique Travel Plan
No. with original travel plan no. as a prefix followed by modification version such as
U1....U2....up to U3 appearing in below screen. eBusiness Shubh Yatra ERP 4.2 is
allowing you to modify your travel plan up to 3 times at max and thereafter will restrict
you either to continue with U3 modification or its cancellation for fresh travel plan if so
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Modify Travel Plan Screen 3
Modify Travel Plan Screen 4
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Cancel Travel Plan Inbox Screen
We can cancel own travel plan even after approval at any point of time. eBusiness
Shubh Yatra ERP 4.2 will show list of travel plans in Cancel Travel Plan inbox for
further action of cancellation.
On clicking DETAILS button complete travel plan details will appear just to view
planning and other concerned details.
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Cancel Travel Plan Screen 1
At this screen employee can see travel plan submission date & time, input submission
date & time by the travel agent and management approval date & time. Travel
cancellation reason is mandatory at this form for future record and analysis.
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Cancel Travel Plan Screen 2
After entering travel cancellation reason concerned passenger can see Total Travel Cost
with line item wise cancellation cost impact as given by the travel agent before the
travel plan approval so that there will be pre-estimation cancellation cost impact. On
clicking CANCEL button system will ask to re-confirm travel cancellation process for
specific Travel Plan No. as shown below.
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Cancel Travel Plan Screen 3
On clicking YES button entire travel plan details with specific Travel Plan No. will
proceed for its cancellation process at the end of travel agent. eBusiness Shubh Yatra
ERP 4.2 will communicate such cancellation request to the travel agent so that same can
be executed at the end of travel agent at the earliest just to minimize cost of cancellation
if so possible.
E.Mail to Travel Agent for Travel Plan Cancellation
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Cancel Travel Plan Screen 4
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View Travel Plan Inbox Screen
View Travel Plan inbox will let you know list of Travel Plan Nos. with their most recent
status i.e. Pending (TP generated but not replied by the travel agent or pending for
approval), Approved, Cancelled or Completed. We need to enter date range for getting
TP No. wise details in View Travel Plan Inbox. One can see TP No. wise complete travel
details as and when so needed.
Basic purpose of keep this option is just to meet with the Finance & Accounts and
HR/IR department’s audit inputs. Registered user will have own travel plan details
which can be use at any point of time even for reconciliation purpose. On clicking
DETAILS button eBusiness Shubh Yatra ERP 4.2 will show TP No. wise complete
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Employee Portal - Accounts Menu Screen
This segment is specially designed to meet day-to-day payment reconciliation activities
being carried out by the Finance & Accounts department.
Accessibility of this page will reside exclusively with the registered user(s) to whom
ERP Administrator will assign F&A Dept. as an Operation area. User(s) other than F&A
Dept. will NOT have accessibility within Accounts segment. This segment consists of
Payment Tracking mechanism which can be use further in generating payment and
outstanding related reports.
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Payment Tracker Screen 1
Payment Tracker Inbox will provide list of Booking Nos. with other details against
which payment details yet to be entered or updated. User from F&A Dept. needs to
select a single Travel Type from Train, Flight and Bus available at Travel Type selection
filed. After selecting travel type user must select Booking Date range as From Date and
To Date just to retrieve Booking No. wise details in the grid section designed below.
One can retrieve specific details as well pertaining to specific Ticket No.
Ticket No. must be key parameter over here for any payment tracking or reconciliation
activities. After providing all search parameters system will auto populate list of TPs
with details like their Booking No., Ticket No., Date of Travel, Name of the Passenger,
Destination and Mobile No. On clicking DETAILS button system will generate details as
given below for further action on it.
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Payment Tracker Screen 2
Payment Tracker page will have specific Booking No. wise details such as Name of the
passenger, Sex, Mobile No., Department, Booking No., Booking Date, Ticket No., Travel
Type, Date of Travel, Origin, Destination, Ticket Amt. (against specific Ticket No. only),
Reference No. (Here one can mention instrument no. such as Cheque No./UTR
No./DD No. etc.) with Reference Date and Remarks (if needed). In case of payment
user need to select Paid button as a payment status otherwise it will be at Unpaid status
only. After inputting data over here user need to click on SUBMIT button so as to have
final impact of the payment details for further reconciliation activities with the help of
eBusiness Shubh Yatra ERP 4.2
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Employee Portal - Report Menu Screen
Specific users from F&A Department will have accessibility of transaction reports such
as Travel Details, Payment Status etc. for getting day-to-day department wise, cost
centre wise, sub-cost centre wise, level wise etc. travel expense details.
Report wise field information can be viewed in below screen for user understanding on
the aspects of listed reports.
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Travel Details Report Screen 1
We need to select From Date and To Date over here in order to get travel details with
various parameters such as department wise, cost centre wise, sub-cost centre wise and
level wise etc. along with line item wise cost impact for further analysis and
assumptions. User can filter input data as per specific requirement as and when needed.
eBusiness Shubh Yatra ERP 4.2 in-built with output data extraction in Microsoft Excel
format which is a well proven designing tool for BI reports as and when needed.
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Travel Details Report Screen 1
Travel Details Report Screen 2
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Payment Status Report Screen 1
eBusiness Shubh Yatra ERP 4.2 generates Payment Status in Microsoft Excel format for
F&A Department which can be use further for other accounting activities such as
reconciliation, outstanding and instrument no. tracking. User needs to select From Date
and To Date at above mentioned page for getting payment status details with various
parameters such as Booking No., Ticket No., Department, Name of the Passenger etc.
along with instrument details, payment status and specific Remarks (if any) with other
information as mentioned in below screens.
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Payment Status Report Screen 1
Payment Status Report Screen 2
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3.4.3 REPORT (for HR Dept./Admin Dept.) – TRAVEL DETAILS
Travel Details Report Screen 1
Users from HR/Administration Department can generate reports listed in this segment.
System will ask for From Date and To Date in below screen 1 in order to get travel
details with various parameters such as department wise, cost centre wise, sub-cost
centre wise and level wise etc. along with line item wise cost impact for further analysis
and assumptions. User can filter input data as per specific requirement as and when
needed. eBusiness Shubh Yatra ERP 4.2 in-built with output data extraction in
Microsoft Excel format which is a well proven designing tool for BI reports as and when
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Travel Details Report Screen 1
Travel Details Report Screen 2
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Travel Details Report Screen 3
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3.4.4 REPORT (for HR Dept./Admin Dept.) – TRAVEL PLAN AGEING
Travel Plan Ageing Report Screen 1
Users from HR and Administration Department can generate Travel Plan Ageing by
selecting From Date and To Date in above screen 1 in order to have ageing analysis for
dynamic pricing sectors such as Flight and Hotel bookings. With the help of this report
concerned departments can estimate extra/excess cost impact due to travel requests
raised within short time period.
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Travel Plan Ageing Report Screen 2
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3.4.5 REPORT (for HR Dept./Admin Dept.) – LEVEL WIES TRAVEL PLAN
Level Wise Travel Plan Report Screen 1
HR and Administration Department users can generate Level Wise Travel Plan by
selecting Level followed by From Date and To Date in above screen 1 in order to have
desired level wise travel details with Travel No., Travel Date, Category, Employee ID,
Employee Name, Department and line item wise Travel Cost impact as given in below
screen 2.
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Level Wise Travel Plan Report Screen 2
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3.4.6 REPORT (for HR Dept./Admin Dept.) – SEGMENT WISE TRAVEL PLAN
Segment Wise Travel Plan Report Screen 1
Users from HR and Administration Department can view Travel Type Wise Travel Plan
by selecting Flight, Train and Bus followed by From Date and To Date in above screen 1
in order to have selected travel type wise travel details with Travel No., Travel Date,
Category, Employee ID, Employee Name, Department, Level, Origin, Destination,
Class and line item wise Ticket Cost as given in below screen 2.
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Segment Wise Travel Plan Report Screen 2
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eBusiness Shubh Yatra ERP 4.2 is as web based Travel Management System.
A session timeout is an important security control for any web based application. It
specifies the length of time that an application will allow a user to remain logged in
before forcing the user to re-authenticate.
Wish You a very Happy Pleseant and
Safe Journy....
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