Analysis Cubes for Excel
Analysis Cubes for Excel
Microsoft Dynamics™ GP Analysis Cubes for Excel ® Copyright Copyright © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. Without limiting the rights under copyright, no part of this document may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), or for any purpose, without the express written permission of Microsoft Corporation. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the licensee of the software with which this document was provided may make a reasonable number of copies of this document solely for internal use. Trademarks Microsoft, Excel, Internet Explorer Microsoft Dynamics, PivotTables, SQL Server, Windows, Windows Media, and Windows Server are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation or its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries. FairCom and ctree Plus are trademarks of FairCom Corporation and are registered in the United States and other countries. The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be trademarks or registered marks - in the United States and/or other countries - of their respective owners. Unless otherwise noted, the example companies, organizations, products, domain names, e-mail addresses, logos, people, places, and events depicted herein are fictitious. No association with any real company, organization, product, domain name, e-mail address, logo, person, place, or event is intended or should be inferred. Intellectual property Microsoft may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in this document. Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from Microsoft, the furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property. Warranty disclaimer Microsoft Corporation disclaims any warranty regarding the sample code contained in this documentation, including the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Limitation of liability The content of this document is furnished for informational use only, is subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a commitment by Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft Corporation assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this manual. Neither Microsoft Corporation nor anyone else who has been involved in the creation, production or delivery of this documentation shall be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, exemplary or consequential damages, including but not limited to any loss of anticipated profit or benefits, resulting from the use of this documentation or sample code. License agreement Use of this product is covered by a license agreement provided with the software product. If you have any questions, please call the Microsoft Dynamics GP Customer Assistance Department at 800-456-0025 (in the U.S. or Canada) or +1-701-281-6500. Publication date April 2007 Contents Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 2 Analysis Cubes for Excel modules .............................................................................................................2 Using this manual .........................................................................................................................................3 Symbols and conventions ............................................................................................................................4 Resources available from the Help menu..................................................................................................4 Send us your documentation comments ...................................................................................................5 Part 1: Administrator’s guide .............................................................................................. 8 Chapter 1: Preparing for installation ................................................................................. 9 Server installation prerequisites .................................................................................................................9 System platform requirements....................................................................................................................9 Analysis Cubes for Excel options and configuration ............................................................................10 Disk and directory information ................................................................................................................10 Chapter 2: Security requirements ....................................................................................... 11 Windows security issues............................................................................................................................ 11 SQL security issues ..................................................................................................................................... 11 OLAP security issues..................................................................................................................................12 OLAP roles...................................................................................................................................................13 Chapter 3: Installing server components .................................................................... 15 Installing or upgrading server software components ...........................................................................15 Using the server setup wizard ..................................................................................................................16 Reinstalling Analysis Cubes for Excel .....................................................................................................19 Resetting the data warehouse ...................................................................................................................20 Chapter 4: Installing and using client components........................................... 21 Installing the Microsoft Dynamics GP client ..........................................................................................21 Creating Excel pivot tables in Microsoft Dynamics GP ........................................................................23 Installing the Excel Add-in for Analysis Services ..................................................................................24 Chapter 5: Preparing data for reporting ...................................................................... 25 Setting up the Analysis Cubes SQL job ...................................................................................................25 Maintenance of the Master DTS package ................................................................................................27 Manually processing the OLAP database ...............................................................................................29 Part 2: System owner’s guide ......................................................................................... 32 Chapter 6: Understanding Analysis Cubes for Excel........................................ 33 How Analysis Cubes for Excel ties into Microsoft Dynamics GP .......................................................33 Subject areas.................................................................................................................................................34 Installation options .....................................................................................................................................37 Site configuration ........................................................................................................................................41 Currency ID maintenance..........................................................................................................................42 A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C EL i C O N T E N T S Chapter 7: Core data warehouse tables ....................................................................... 43 LastUpdated ................................................................................................................................................43 RegSiteLog ...................................................................................................................................................43 PASystemVersion ........................................................................................................................................43 CompanyMaster..........................................................................................................................................46 Customers ....................................................................................................................................................46 FiscalPeriods ................................................................................................................................................46 FiscalTime.....................................................................................................................................................46 ExchangeTableRates ...................................................................................................................................47 EmptyTableCheck .......................................................................................................................................47 Chapter 8: Common financial and distribution data warehouse tables and DTS packages............................................................................................................................. 49 SalesPerson ..................................................................................................................................................49 SalesTerritory...............................................................................................................................................49 Vendors.........................................................................................................................................................49 Chapter 9: Financial tables ....................................................................................................... 51 CheckbookRegister .....................................................................................................................................51 GLAccountCategories ................................................................................................................................51 GLAccountMaster.......................................................................................................................................55 GLBudgetSetup ...........................................................................................................................................55 GLMDAGroups...........................................................................................................................................55 GLMDATransactions ..................................................................................................................................55 GLTransactions ............................................................................................................................................56 TotalRevenue ...............................................................................................................................................57 TotalExpense ................................................................................................................................................58 FinEmptyMaster .........................................................................................................................................58 Chapter 10: Distribution tables ............................................................................................ 59 AgingDetails ................................................................................................................................................59 AgingPeriods ...............................................................................................................................................59 ItemCurrentQuantity..................................................................................................................................59 ItemDailyQuantity......................................................................................................................................60 ItemMaster ...................................................................................................................................................60 PendingPurchaseOrders ............................................................................................................................61 PendingSalesOrders ...................................................................................................................................61 PurchaseOrderDetail ..................................................................................................................................62 SalesDetail....................................................................................................................................................62 SalesDetailTemp ..........................................................................................................................................63 TempIVTrx ...................................................................................................................................................63 TempPO ........................................................................................................................................................63 DistrEmptyMasterRecords ........................................................................................................................64 Chapter 11: Cube reference ..................................................................................................... 65 Financial module: Bank Transactions cube definition...........................................................................65 Financial module: GL cube definition .....................................................................................................66 Financial module: Receivables Revenue cube definition......................................................................69 ii A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C E L C O N T E N T S Financial module: Payables Expenses cube definition..........................................................................71 Financial module: MDAGL cube definition ...........................................................................................73 Distribution module: Receivables Aging cube definition.....................................................................74 Distribution module: Inventory History cube........................................................................................75 Distribution module: Inventory On Hand cube definition ..................................................................77 Distribution module: Purchases Pending cube definition....................................................................79 Distribution module: Sales Pending cube definition.............................................................................81 Distribution module: Purchases cube definition....................................................................................83 Distribution module: Sales cube definition.............................................................................................85 A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C EL iii iv A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C E L INTRODUCTION Introduction Microsoft Dynamics™ GP Analysis Cubes for Excel® is a flexible, extensible method of analyzing business information. It uses Microsoft® SQL Server™ functionality to build a data warehouse of your Microsoft Dynamics GP data and generate OLAP cubes for user analysis. Analysis Cubes for Excel extracts data from Microsoft Dynamics GP via Data Transformation Services (DTS) packages and places it in a data warehouse. The information in the data warehouse is then processed to generate the OLAP cubes. The Analysis Cubes for Excel Server consists of the following components: • • • DTS packages and jobs Data warehouse database OLAP database and cubes Implementation of the Analysis Cubes for Excel Server requires: • • • • • Establishing the correct technical environment Obtaining certain information necessary for the installation Installing the server components Setting the System Configuration tables Processing transaction data from the Microsoft Dynamics GP databases into the data warehouse and then into the OLAP cubes Ongoing administration of the Analysis Cubes for Excel Server typically involves: • • • • • Updating the security profile used by Analysis Cubes for Excel (for example, changing passwords) Resetting the data warehouse Adjusting the system configuration tables Adjusting processing schedules Upgrading Analysis Cubes for Excel with later versions This introduction is divided into the following sections: • • • • • Analysis Cubes for Excel modules Using this manual Symbols and conventions Resources available from the Help menu Send us your documentation comments Analysis Cubes for Excel modules The Analysis Cubes for Excel Server consists of a series of modules. A license to Analysis Cubes for Excel will include one or more modules. Each module includes a set of OLAP cubes and the DTS packages required to populate the data warehouse for those cubes. All tables are included with the data warehouse, irrespective of the modules licensed and installed. The OLAP cubes are aligned to Microsoft Dynamics GP as shown below: 2 AN A L Y S I S C U B E S F O R E X C E L IN T RO DU C T IO N • The Sales and Sales Pending cubes are based on the Sales Order Processing module. • The Inventory On Hand and Inventory History cubes are based on the Inventory module. • The Purchases and Purchases Pending cubes are based on the Purchase Order Processing module. • The Payables Expenses cube is based on the Payables Management module. • The GL cube is based on the General Ledger module. • The Bank Transactions cube is based on the Cash Management module. • The Receivables Revenue and Receivables Aging cubes are based on the Receivables Management module. Choosing which cubes to install is described in Chapter 3, “Installing server components.” Cubes in each series are described in Chapter 11, “Cube reference.” Using this manual This manual is designed to give you an understanding of how to use the features of Analysis Cubes for Excel, and how it integrates with the Microsoft Dynamics GP system. To make best use of Analysis Cubes for Excel, you should be familiar with systemwide features described in the Microsoft Dynamics GP System User’s Guide, the System Setup Guide, and the System Administrator’s Guide. Some features described in the documentation are optional and can be purchased through your Microsoft Dynamics GP partner. To view information about the release of Microsoft Dynamics GP that you’re using and which modules or features you are registered to use, choose Help >> About Microsoft Dynamics GP. The manual is divided into the following parts: • Part 1, Administrator’s guide, provides an overview of the product architecture from the system administrator point of view. It covers the server installation requirements, options, analysis services security, and basic maintenance of the data warehouse and OLAP cubes. It also covers installation and use of client components. • Part 2, System owner’s guide provides an overview of the Microsoft Dynamics GP Analysis Cubes for Excel architecture from the system owner point of view. It covers the data warehouse tables, the OLAP cubes, and the relationships between them and the source data in Microsoft Dynamics GP. A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C EL 3 I N T R O D U C T I O N Symbols and conventions For definitions of unfamiliar terms, see the glossary in the manual or refer to the glossary in Help. Symbol Description The light bulb symbol indicates helpful tips, shortcuts and suggestions. The warning symbol indicates situations you should be especially aware of when completing tasks. This manual uses the following conventions to refer to sections, navigation and other information. Convention Description Creating a batch Italicized type indicates the name of a section or procedure. File >> Print or File > Print The (>>) or (>) symbol indicates a sequence of actions, such as selecting items from a menu or toolbar, or pressing buttons in a window. This example directs you to go to the File menu and choose Print. TAB or ENTER All capital letters indicate a key or a key sequence. Resources available from the Help menu The Microsoft Dynamics GP Help menu gives you access to user assistance resources on your computer, as well as on the Web. Contents Opens the Help file for the active Microsoft Dynamics GP component, and displays the main “contents” topic. To browse a more detailed table of contents, click the Contents tab above the Help navigation pane. Items in the contents topic and tab are arranged by module. If the contents for the active component includes an “Additional Help files” topic, click the links to view separate Help files that describe additional components. To find information in Help by using the index or full-text search, click the appropriate tab above the navigation pane, and type the keyword to find. To save the link to a topic in the Help, select a topic and then select the Favorites tab. Click Add. Index Opens the Help file for the active Microsoft Dynamics GP component, with the Index tab active. To find information about a window that’s not currently displayed, type the name of the window, and click Display. About this window Displays overview information about the current window. To view related topics and descriptions of the fields, buttons, and menus for the window, choose the appropriate link in the topic. You also can press F1 to display Help about the current window. 4 AN A L Y S I S C U B E S F O R E X C E L IN T RO DU C T IO N Lookup Opens a lookup window, if a window that you are viewing has a lookup window. For example, if the Checkbook Maintenance window is open, you can choose this item to open the Checkbooks lookup window. Show Required Fields Highlights fields that are required to have entries. Required fields must contain information before you can save the record and close the window. You can change the font color and style used to highlight required fields. On the Microsoft Dynamics GP menu, choose User Preferences and then choose Display. Printable Manuals Displays a list of manuals in Adobe Acrobat .pdf format, which you can print or view. Orientation Training Accesses online tutorials that show you how to complete basic procedures within Microsoft Dynamics GP. Additional tutorials are available through the CustomerSource Web site. What’s New Provides information about enhancements that were added to Microsoft Dynamics GP since the last major release. Microsoft Dynamics GP Online Opens a Web page that provides links to a variety of Web-based user assistance resources. Access to some items requires registration for a paid support plan. Customer Feedback Options Provides information about how you can join the Customer Experience Improvement Program to improve the quality, reliability, and performance of Microsoft software and services. Send us your documentation comments We welcome comments regarding the usefulness of the Microsoft Dynamics GP documentation. If you have specific suggestions or find any errors in this manual, send your comments by e-mail to the following address: [email protected]. To send comments about specific topics from within Help, click the Documentation Feedback link, which is located at the bottom of each Help topic. Note: By offering any suggestions to Microsoft, you give Microsoft full permission to use them freely. A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C EL 5 6 AN A L Y S I S C U B E S F O R E X C E L PART 1: ADMINISTRATOR’S GUIDE Part 1: Administrator’s guide This part of the Analysis Cubes for Excel documentation provides an overview of the product architecture from the system administrator point of view. It covers the server installation requirements, options, analysis services security, and basic maintenance of the data warehouse and OLAP cubes. It also covers installation and use of client components. The system administrator documentation, when used in conjunction with the system owner documentation, will allow a system administrator to successfully install, configure, and maintain the Analysis Cubes for Excel server and client components. 8 AN A L Y S I S C U B E S • Chapter 1, “Preparing for installation,” describe system requirements and other prerequisites that you should review before installing the server components of Analysis Cubes for Excel. • Chapter 2, “Security requirements,” describes security requirements that must be observed to successfully install the Analysis Cubes for Excel server components and to operate Analysis Cubes for Excel on an ongoing basis. • Chapter 3, “Installing server components,” describes how to install the server software components and use the setup wizard’s installation windows. It also explains how to reset the data warehouse if necessary. • Chapter 4, “Installing and using client components,” describes how to access Analysis Cubes for Excel data through a variety of client components. • Chapter 5, “Preparing data for reporting,” describes how to prepare the data for reporting. F O R E X C E L Chapter 1: Preparing for installation This chapter describe system requirements and other prerequisites that you should review before installing the server components of Analysis Cubes for Excel. • • • • Server installation prerequisites System platform requirements Analysis Cubes for Excel options and configuration Disk and directory information Server installation prerequisites The server installation can involve one or two servers and a client machine, depending on the client-specific requirements. They are: • • • The Transaction Server The Data Warehouse and OLAP Server The Remote Install Workstation The Analysis Cubes for Excel Server wizard will usually be run directly on the Data Warehouse Server or from a remote install workstation with a connection to the server. The Data Warehouse Server can be the same server that hosts the Microsoft Dynamics GP system that Analysis Cubes for Excel will interact with (Transaction Server) or a separate server. The instance of Microsoft SQL Server 2000 on the Data Warehouse Server must have the same collation (sort order/character set) as that of the SQL Server instance on the Transaction Server. In addition to the server platform requirements (for more information, see System platform requirements), the machine to be used to run the Analysis Cubes for Excel Server wizard must have: • Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Manager with a registered connection to the Analysis Cubes for Excel Microsoft Dynamics GP Server Analysis Services. • Microsoft Internet Explorer® 5.5 or higher. System platform requirements The following are the system requirements for the installation of Analysis Cubes for Excel 9.0 server components. Installation machine As a minimum, the installation machine must have: • • • Microsoft Windows® XP, or Windows Server™ 2003 Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Redistributable with service pack 2 or higher Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or greater Source (Microsoft Dynamics GP) server The source server can be any machine capable of hosting a Microsoft Dynamics GP source database on Microsoft SQL Server 2000. This includes Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C EL 9 PA RT 1 A D M I N IS T R A T O R ’S G U I D E Destination (Warehouse and OLAP) server • • • • • Microsoft Windows 2000 Server or Windows Server 2003 Microsoft SQL Server 2000 with service pack 3 or higher Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services with Analysis Services service pack 3 or higher Sufficient hard-disk space (at least equivalent to the size of the Microsoft Dynamics GP databases to be included in the data warehouse) 1Gb RAM or greater (2 - 4Gb recommended) Analysis Cubes for Excel options and configuration The following issues are discussed in detail in Part 2, System owner’s guide. Decisions and answers in respect of each of them should be determined prior to running the wizard application. • Transaction cutoff dates Once installed and the GLAccountMaster DTS packages has been run, the General Ledger Account Categorizations should be configured prior to executing the GLTransactions DTS and reporting from the General Ledger cube. Disk and directory information During server installation, the wizard will prompt for the physical location where the Data Warehouse database data and log files are to be created. The wizard will default them to the data directory of the Data Warehouse Server as defined when the instance of SQL Server was installed. They may be overridden as required. The wizard does not validate or create the directories so the location information should be determined in advance of the installation. As a conservative guideline, the disk space required for the Data Warehouse will be equivalent to the size of the Microsoft Dynamics GP databases that is being used as the source. If multiple Microsoft Dynamics GP source databases are being consolidated by the Analysis Cubes for Excel Server, the approximate size required will reflect the total size of the source databases. 10 A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C E L Chapter 2: Security requirements To successfully install the Analysis Cubes for Excel server components and to operate Analysis Cubes for Excel on an ongoing basis there are various security requirements that must be observed. These are outlined below. All security installation requirements are outlined as required by the wizard. To run the Analysis Cubes for Excel server installation (which installs the Analysis Cubes for Excel wizard), the user must have at least a Power User status on the installation machine. • • • • Windows security issues SQL security issues OLAP security issues OLAP roles Windows security issues The user ID logged into the machine on which the Analysis Cubes for Excel wizard is being installed needs to be a member of the Administrators group on that machine. However the user which is logged into the machine from which the wizard is being run does not need to be a member of the Administrators group of that machine in order to run the wizard once it has been installed. To successfully run the Analysis Cubes for Excel server wizard, the user ID that is logged into the installation machine must be a member of the OLAP Administrators group on the Analysis Services server. SQL security issues During installation, the Analysis Cubes for Excel wizard requires SQL access to the Transaction Server and to the Data Warehouse Server. For the sake of simplicity, the ‘sa’ account can be used to access both machines (the passwords may be different). The recommendation would be to create an Analysis Cubes for Excel specific account on each machine with identical privileges to those of the “sa” account. For more flexibility, other accounts can be used as described below. The Transaction Server access is required to: • • • • Identify eligible Microsoft Dynamics GP databases to link to Analysis Cubes for Excel (during installation only) Access the transaction data Maintain the Data Warehouse database Create linked server definitions If not using ‘sa’, the access can be limited to just “read only” for all the required Microsoft Dynamics GP databases, including the DYNAMICS database. Where separate servers are involved, the account must also have the System Administrator server role during the installation to be able to create the Linked Server definition. The Data Warehouse Server access is required to: • • • Create the Data Warehouse database(s) (during installation only) Create the DTS packages and associated jobs (during installation only) Maintain the Data Warehouse database A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C EL 11 PA RT 1 A D M I N IS T R A T O R ’S G U I D E If not using ‘sa’, the access must have the System Administrator role and owner rights to the Data Warehouse database. Where separate servers are involved, the Transaction Server access must be added to the Data Warehouse server, with the same password and rights to be able to read/write the warehouse data. We recommend setting the access to the Data Warehouse database as db_owner to simplify possible support issues. Once the installation has completed, the System Administrator server role may be removed from both accounts. If you change the password for the SQL user that you use to install Analysis Cubes for Excel, then you also need to change the password in the properties of the Master DTS package. Where the Transaction Server and Warehouse Server are on the same machine, it is recommended that a single login be used for both accounts. OLAP security issues Security for a user of Microsoft OLAP Services is based on the user’s access rights to the Windows operating system. The authentication is established when the user logs on to a Windows domain. At the server level, a user of OLAP Services must be in the same domain as the user account used to install the server or in a trusted domain. OLAP Administration rights allow a user to process and modify the OLAP data and the data structure. It is also required for a user to manage the OLAP server via the OLAP Manager. Access to the OLAP Administration rights is through membership of the local group named OLAP Administrators, created when OLAP Services and OLAP Manager is installed. To install the OLAP Database and Cubes from a client workstation, the user must be a member of the Administrators and the OLAP Administrators groups on both the workstation and the OLAP server. At the database and cube levels, user access is based on the control rights of the user’s Windows account. The OLAP Manager can be used to assign access permissions for database, cubes and virtual cubes. Access Control Lists (ACLs) only function when OLAP Services are installed on an NTFS file system. A FAT file system will not support ACLs. There are three levels of access control embedded in OLAP Services: • • • Read Read/Write Admin Each of these levels of access control is established with the OLAP Manager. For Analysis Cubes for Excel purposes, it is recommended that all users be granted Read access. 12 A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C E L C H A P T E R 2 S E C U R I T Y R E Q U I R E M E N T S OLAP roles OLAP Roles need to be set up in Analysis Services upon running of the Analysis Cubes for Excel Server wizard and creation of the OLAP databases. Roles are used to connect particular Windows users and groups to particular privileges in OLAP databases. Roles are managed at the OLAP database level. A role can be created in a database and Windows users and groups are mapped to that Role. Read or Read/Write access is assigned to that role for particular cubes within the database. Roles cannot be used to assign the Admin access level. Admin access is assigned to a member of the OLAP Administrators group. Being mapped to a role has no effect on whether or not a user has Admin access. OLAP roles are managed via the Database Roles folder. Access to the individual cubes can be set there, rather than requiring access to be set by going to each cube. In addition access can be further restricted within a cube by reference to dimensions and members of dimensions. For example sales people may be restricted to only see their own sales. The changes made to a Role security at the database level will propagate to the entire cube. However the changes made to a role within a cube will only apply to the specific cube. To enable the drill-through option for each cube, however, the Allow drillthrough option must be checked at a cube level after the user roles have been created. This is done by choosing the Manage Roles option on the Action menu within the Analysis Manager. OLAP database and cubes without roles allow access only to members of the OLAP Administration group. To allow other users to browse Analysis Cubes for Excel data create at least one role. A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C EL 13 14 A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C E L Chapter 3: Installing server components This part of the documentation describes how to install the server software components and use the setup wizard’s installation windows. It also explains how to reset the data warehouse if necessary. • • • • Installing or upgrading server software components Using the server setup wizard Reinstalling Analysis Cubes for Excel Resetting the data warehouse Installing or upgrading server software components Analysis Cubes for Excel server and client software components are supplied on Microsoft Dynamics GP CD2. 1. Insert the Microsoft Dynamics GP CD2. The main Microsoft Dynamics GP installation window should appear. If the window does not appear, browse the CD and double-click the Setup.exe file. 2. Select Analysis Cubes (SQL Server 2000) - Server. Select Install. If you are upgrading from a previous version of Analysis Cubes for Excel, a message will alert you that you must uninstall the previous version before installing the new version. Any customizations you made to the previous version’s components will be lost. 3. Review the license agreement. If you accept, select I Agree, and click Next. 4. Accept the default installation folder or select a different location. Select whether you want Analysis Cubes for Excel to be available for everyone who uses the computer, or just you. Click Next. 5. If you are satisfied with the installation selections, click Next. 6. When the software components have been installed, click Close. Continue to the next section, Using the server setup wizard. A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C EL 15 PA RT 1 A D M I N IS T R A T O R ’S G U I D E Using the server setup wizard The Analysis Cubes for Excel setup wizard deals with the collection of information required in the DTS packages to link the Microsoft Dynamics GP databases to the Data Warehouse database. 1. Start the Analysis Cubes for Excel setup wizard, either by double-clicking the desktop shortcut, or by navigating to the installation folder and double-clicking the AnalysisCubes_Wizard.exe file. 2. Enter your Microsoft Dynamics GP Server and administrator password. Once you are connected, choose the Microsoft Dynamics GP company or companies that you would like to include in your data warehouse. You also have the option to run the advanced setup or a basic setup. Advanced setup allows you to choose cut off dates, multicurrency options, and module options. Click Next. 16 A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C E L C H A PT E R 3 I N S T A L L I N G S ER V E R C O M PO N E N T S 3. Choose a name for your data warehouse and OLAP database. Now enter the server name and login credential that Analysis Cubes for Excel will be installed on. Choose locations for your data and log, and click Next. 4. If you marked the Advanced Options box you can now select the modules that you would like installed. • The Import All GL series as detailed GL transactions populates GL transactions in the data warehouse at the journal line level. • The Import Financial, Sales, Purchasing, Inventory, Payroll and Project series as detailed GL transactions options are active if the All GL series check box is not selected. Check the ones you want brought in as detailed transactions and those left unchecked will be pulled in as aggregated amounts per Transaction Date, Account Index, Series, Entry Type and Currency ID. Click Next. A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C EL 17 PA RT 1 A D M I N IS T R A T O R ’S G U I D E 5. Choose a cut off date for data brought back into the data warehouse. Check Specify a cut off date for each module individually to select different dates for each module. Click Next. 6. If Multicurrency Management is installed, select the currency you would like to report in and the exchange table to use. You can select the Multicurrency exchange table for each company by clicking in the Exchange Table value, and making a selection from the drop-down list. Measures that multicurrency will report on include (by cube) include: • • • • • • • • 18 A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R Bank Transactions: Amount GL: Debit Amount, Credit Amount, and Amount MDAGL: MDA Amount Purchases Pending: Extended Cost Sales Pending: Extended Price, Extended Cost Purchases: Extended Cost Sales: Extended Price, Extended Cost Payables Expenses: Purchase Amount, Total Amount E X C E L C H A PT E R • • • 3 I N S T A L L I N G S ER V E R C O M PO N E N T S Receivables Revenue: Revenue, Cost of Sales, Transaction Amount Inventory on Hand: Unit Cost and Loc Unit Cost Inventory History: Extended Cost Click Next. 7. Review the processing details to ensure they are correct, and click Process. 8. The final window confirms the completion of the installation of the Analysis Cubes for Excel server components. Click Exit. Reinstalling Analysis Cubes for Excel Reinstalling consists of running the Analysis Cubes for Excel wizard on top of an existing implementation. Reinstalling the same software version will not cause data or server components to be lost. A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C EL 19 PA RT 1 A D M I N IS T R A T O R ’S G U I D E The need to reinstall Analysis Cubes for Excel may be triggered by any of the following: • A server component (DTS package or job) has been corrupted or accidentally removed from the system. • The source Microsoft Dynamics GP database has been moved to another server. Resetting the data warehouse For various reasons there will be times that the data warehouse will need to be reset, that is, cleared and data reloaded. The tasks to achieve this are outlined below. It is recommended that you consult your Microsoft Dynamics GP Partner before proceeding with these tasks. In the case of the fact tables, the tasks are as follows: 1. Truncate the table in the data warehouse (delete data from the table) 2. Find out the Cut Off Date for the fact table that is being re-set. The Cut Off Date for each subject module is stored in the PASystemVersion table. For example, SOPCutOffDate in PASystemVersion is the cut off date for SalesDetail table/ DTS package; or TRCutOffDate in PASystemVersion is the cut off date for TotalRevenue table. 3. Reset the record for the fact table in the LastUpdated table as follows: • Set DateUpdated to cut of date from PASystemVersion (as per step 2). • Set LastRow and TempLast row to 0. In the case of the dimension tables, the tasks are the same except that the DateUpdated should be set to 1/1/1900. Please refer to Part 2, System owner’s guide, for more details on the dimension tables. 20 A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C E L Chapter 4: Installing and using client components After server components are set up, you can access Analysis Cubes for Excel data through a variety of client components. You can create pivot tables within the Microsoft Dynamics GP application, and export them to Microsoft Excel. You can install the Excel Add-in for SQL Server Analysis Services to create even richer reports using data provided by Analysis Cubes for Excel. You also can use thirdparty cube viewers to review and analyze data. Information is divided into the following sections: • • • Installing the Microsoft Dynamics GP client Creating Excel pivot tables in Microsoft Dynamics GP Installing the Excel Add-in for Analysis Services Installing the Microsoft Dynamics GP client The Microsoft Dynamics GP client consists of a dictionary chunk (.CNK) file and an Excel template file that are installed next to the main Microsoft Dynamics GP application (Dynamics.exe). Using the client components, you can create pivot tables within Microsoft Dynamics GP and export them to Excel. Multimedia demonstration files in Windows Media® (.WMV) format are also included to show some ways you can use Microsoft Excel PivotTables® to explore the data Analysis Cubes for Excel provides. 1. Insert the Microsoft Dynamics GP CD2. The main Microsoft Dynamics GP installation window should appear. If the window does not appear, browse the CD and double-click the Setup.exe file. 2. Select Analysis Cubes (SQL Server 2000) - Client. Select Install. 3. In the Welcome window, click Next. 4. Review the license agreement. To install Analysis Cubes for Excel client components, you must accept this agreement. Click Next to continue. 5. Select the features to install. By default, all features will be installed. For any feature that you don’t want to install, click the button next the feature name, and choose the appropriate option from the pop-up menu. A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C EL 21 PA RT 1 A D M I N IS T R A T O R ’S G U I D E Pivot Table Generator Installs a dictionary chunk containing two windows that you can use to build pivot tables from within Microsoft Dynamics GP and export them to Excel. Microsoft Excel Drill to Detail Installs an Excel template that will be used as the basis for new pivot tables that you build in Microsoft Dynamics GP. Dashboard Movies Installs demonstrations of Analysis Cubes for Excel capabilities. The Windows Media Player files are installed in an Analysis Cubes folder next to Dynamics.exe. Click Browse to install files to a destination folder other than the default location indicated. The installation location for the Pivot Table Generator and Microsoft Excel Drill to Detail features should be the folder that contains Dynamics.exe. Click Next to continue. 6. Specify the name of the Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Server and click Connect. Select the Analysis Cubes for Excel OLAP database from the dropdown list and click OK. Click Next to continue. 22 A N A LY S I S C U B E S 7. The Ready to Install the Application window appears. Click Back to make changes to your selections, or Next to install client components. 8. The Updating System window appears as components are being installed. When the client components have been successfully installed, click Finish. 9. Start Microsoft Dynamics GP and choose Yes to include new code. F O R E X C E L C H A P T E R 4 I N S T A L L I N G A N D U S I N G C L I E N T C O M PO N E N T S Creating Excel pivot tables in Microsoft Dynamics GP The Pivot Table Creator is a client component that allows you to create Microsoft Excel pivot tables from within Microsoft Dynamics GP and export them to Excel. To create Excel pivot tables in Microsoft Dynamics GP: 1. Open the Excel Pivot Table Creator window. (Tools >> Analysis Cubes >> Excel Pivot Table Creator) 2. Specify a new definition ID or click the Lookup button to open the Excel Pivot Table Definitions window, where you can select a previously created definition. Click Select to return to the Excel Pivot Table Creator window. 3. Specify a description for the pivot table. 4. Select an OLAP cube that this pivot table will be created from. 5. From the Dimensions list, select slicer and column values. Highlight an item in the Dimensions list and click a right arrow button to add the item to either the Slicer or Columns list. A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C EL 23 PA RT 1 A D M I N IS T R A T O R ’S G U I D E 6. From the Measures list, use the same method to add items to the Rows and Data lists. 7. To remove an item from the Slicer, Columns, Rows, or Data lists, highlight the item and click the respective left arrow button. 8. Click Save to save the pivot table definition. Click Clear to remove your entries and continue working in the window. Click Delete to delete the current definition. 9. Click Excel to export the pivot table to Microsoft Excel, where you can make additional changes, as needed, and save the Excel document in a location that you specify. Installing the Excel Add-in for Analysis Services The Excel Add-in for SQL Server Analysis Services lets you quickly and easily access multidimensional data, perform in-depth analysis, and create flexible, interactive reports in Microsoft Excel. You can use it to work with the data supplied by Analysis Cubes for Excel and create customized reports to display business data. The demonstration movies include examples of elaborate “dashboard” reports that show multiple business indicators at a glance. You can download the Excel Add-in for Analysis Services from the Microsoft Web site. To locate the download and information on how to use the add-in, go to, and search for “Excel Add-in for SQL Server Analysis Services”. 24 A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C E L Chapter 5: Preparing data for reporting To prepare the data for reporting, the Master Job will need to be run, which will run the DTS Packages, which copy and manipulate the transaction data from the Microsoft Dynamics GP company database(s) into the Data Warehouse. The Master Job also processes the OLAP database, which calculates the OLAP cubes, based on the Data Warehouse data. Read access to cubes may be required for the users. Instructions to manually perform these steps on demand are shown in the following sections. For more details, including automated scheduling of these steps; please refer to the Microsoft SQL Server Books Online. For more information on allowing access to cubes, see OLAP security issues on page 12 and OLAP roles on page 13. • • • Setting up the Analysis Cubes SQL job Maintenance of the Master DTS package Manually processing the OLAP database Setting up the Analysis Cubes SQL job To set up the SQL job, choose Start >> All Programs >> Microsoft SQL Server >> and open Enterprise Manager. Expand the SQL Server Group and the Server that Analysis Cubes is installed on. Open the Management Folder to >> SQL Server Agent >> Jobs. Locate the job similar to MGSP_MSGPAnalysisCubesDW_All_DTSPackages. A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C EL 25 PA RT 1 A D M I N IS T R A T O R ’S G U I D E Right click the job and select Start. A window will appear allowing you to select which job step to begin with. Select step one and click Start. You can now monitor the job’s progress by right clicking it and choosing refresh. Once the job completes you are ready to schedule the job. To do this right click the job and choose Properties. Under the Schedules tab click New Schedule. Give the job an appropriate name and then select the change button to schedule a time for the job to run. 26 A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C E L C H A P T E R 5 P R E P AR I N G D AT A FO R R E P O R T IN G Select the times you want the job to run and then click OK. Click OK. Click OK and the schedule will be applied to the job. Maintenance of the Master DTS package There are times when it is desirable to execute DTS packages independently of the standard schedule. Such circumstances include support, budgets, and different data refresh rates. The mechanism to achieve this is provided by the backup Master DTS packages, for example, PA_TWOWH_Package_Master_7_Backup. Copies of these packages should be created by designing (password: support) and then saving as a different name. For more detail refer to the Running DTS packages individually or manually section below. The normal Master DTS packages may also be edited in order to change certain global variables including SQL login details, changing the sales detail batch size, and changing the company from which the GL Account Categories are drawn. For more detail, refer to the Changing SQL login information section below. A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C EL 27 PA RT 1 A D M I N IS T R A T O R ’S G U I D E Running DTS packages individually or manually The individual DTS packages rely on information being passed to them by a Master DTS, for example MSGP_TWO_to_TWOWH_Package_Master_8. To run one or more DTS packages individually or manually a revised Master DTS is required. The steps to do this are: 1. Open the backup copy of the Master DTS in designer mode, for example, MSGP_TWO_Package_Master_8_Bakup. (Password: support) 2. Save as a different DTS. 3. Delete the individual DTS packages not required. 4. If a one-off execution is required: • Manually set the login details for each DTS package remaining and right click to execute. – or – • Modify the Set Up ActiveX tasks to remove the code relating to the deleted DTS packages. • Relink the Workflow Properties. The new DTS may now be run to achieve the desired results. Saving the DTS without changing the name will result in overwriting of the back up Master package Changing SQL login information The SQL logins and passwords used by the Analysis Cubes for Excel Server DTS packages may be changed by editing the relevant Master DTS, for example, MSGP_TWO_to_TWOWH_Package_Master_8. The steps to do this are: 1. Open the Master DTS in designer mode. 2. Right-click in the main window and select Package Properties. 3. Edit the values under the GlobalVariables tab. This DTS contains code. Do not save it if there have been any changes other than to the global variables. 28 A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C E L C H A P T E R 5 P R E P AR I N G D AT A FO R R E P O R T IN G Manually processing the OLAP database The Analysis Manager can normally be found by choosing Programs >> Microsoft SQL Server >> Analysis Services >> Analysis Manager. To process the OLAP database, expand the OLAP server and select the database created by the wizard. Right-click the database and execute the option to Process the Database. The successful processing of the OLAP database will result in a window similar to the one shown. For subsequent processing, there are three types of processing: Incremental Update Only new data is processed. Existing data and aggregations are left unchanged. This is the quickest choice. Refresh Data All data is emptied out of the cube, the cube is then loaded with data and all the aggregations are processed. Process The structure of the cube is validated and built, the cube is loaded with data and all the aggregations are processed. This is the most time consuming choice. The previous cube is still available for OLAP browsing while any of these three types of processing is being carried out. For the incremental update and refresh data, the clients will automatically use the new form of cube when the processing is completed. For the cube processing, the clients have to disconnect and reconnect to the cube before they will see the new data. For simplicity it is recommended that the full process option be used. Whenever the cube structure changes, full processing is required. A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C EL 29 30 A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C E L PART 2: SYSTEM OWNER’S GUIDE Part 2: System owner’s guide This part of the documentation provides an overview of the Microsoft Dynamics GP Analysis Cubes for Excel architecture from the system owner point of view. It covers the data warehouse tables, the OLAP cubes, and the relationships between them and the source data in Microsoft Dynamics GP. Use this part of the documentation to understand how Analysis Cubes for Excel is put together and find out from which areas in Microsoft Dynamics GP different values in Analysis Cubes for Excel originate. 32 A N A LY S I S C U B E S • Chapter 6, “Understanding Analysis Cubes for Excel,” describes how Analysis Cubes for Excel is put together and from which areas in Microsoft Dynamics GP different values in Analysis Cubes for Excel originate. • Chapter 7, “Core data warehouse tables,” describes tables that are created and used as part of Analysis Cubes for Excel, irrespective if which modules are installed. They primarily contain either system information used in the ongoing maintenance of the data warehouse, or contain information which is common to all Analysis Cubes for Excel modules. • Chapter 8, “Common financial and distribution data warehouse tables and DTS packages,” describes common tables and DTS packages. • Chapter 9, “Financial tables,” describes financial series tables. • Chapter 10, “Distribution tables,” describes distribution series tables. • Chapter 11, “Cube reference,” describes predefined cubes that ship with Analysis Cubes for Excel. F O R E X C E L Chapter 6: Understanding Analysis Cubes for Excel Use this chapter to understand how Analysis Cubes for Excel is put together and find out from which areas in Microsoft Dynamics GP different values in Analysis Cubes for Excel originate. • • • • • How Analysis Cubes for Excel ties into Microsoft Dynamics GP Subject areas Installation options Site configuration Currency ID maintenance How Analysis Cubes for Excel ties into Microsoft Dynamics GP Each Analysis Cubes for Excel cube is based on a Microsoft Dynamics GP module. As the following diagram illustrates: • The Sales cubes are based in the Sales Order Processing (SOP) module. • The Inventory On Hand and Inventory History cubes are based on the Inventory module. • The Purchases cubes are based on the Purchase Order Processing (POP) module. • The Payables Expenses cube is based on the Payables Management module. • The GL cube is based on the General Ledger (GL) module. A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C EL 33 PA RT 2 S Y S T E M O W N E R ’ S G U I DE • The Bank Transactions cube is based on the Cash Management module. • The Receivables Revenue and Receivables Aging cubes are based on the Receivables Management module. Subject areas • • • • • • • • • Sales Order Processing Purchase Order Processing General Ledger Receivables Revenue Payables Expenses Inventory On Hand Inventory History Receivables Aging Bank Transactions Sales Order Processing The following information is available from Sales Order Processing: Facts Sales Order Invoices and Returns, by Line Item Measures Revenue Quantity COS Profit Dimensions Dates Customer Items Sales Person/Territory Additional information: • • • • SalesDetail on page 62 PendingSalesOrders on page 61 Distribution module: Sales cube definition on page 85 Distribution module: Sales Pending cube definition on page 81 Purchase Order Processing The following information is available from Purchase Order Processing: 34 A N A LY S I S C U B E S Facts Purchase Order line items Measures Amount Quantity Statistics Dimensions Dates Items Vendors F O R E X C E L C H A P T E R 6 U N D E R S T A N D IN G A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C E L Additional information: • • • • PurchaseOrderDetail on page 62 PendingPurchaseOrders on page 61 Distribution module: Purchases cube definition on page 83 Distribution module: Purchases Pending cube definition on page 79 General Ledger The following information is available from General Ledger: Facts Aggregated daily summary of transactions by account Optionally transactions can be brought in at the journal line level detail Budget information is also populated into this table as a separate process Measures Debit/Credit Amount Ratios Dimensions Dates Account Code Segments Account Code Hierarchy Module Additional information: • • Chapter 9, “Financial tables.” Financial module: GL cube definition on page 66 Receivables Revenue The following information is available from Receivables Revenue: Facts Receivables Management GL Distributions Measures Revenue COS Transaction Amount Dimensions Dates Account Code Customer Sales Person/Territory Transaction Status Additional information: • • TotalRevenue on page 57 Financial module: Receivables Revenue cube definition on page 69 Payables Expenses The following information is available from Payables Expense: Facts Payables Management GL distributions Measures Purchase Amount Total Amount Dimensions Dates Vendor Account Code Status A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C EL 35 PA RT 2 S Y S T E M O W N E R ’ S G U I DE Additional information: • • TotalExpense on page 58 Financial module: Payables Expenses cube definition on page 71 Inventory On Hand The following information is available from Inventory On Hand: Facts Current Items by location Measures Quantity on hand, on order etc. Value Current Quantity Available to Sell Dimensions Description Class Location Type Vendor Additional information: • • ItemCurrentQuantity on page 59 Distribution module: Inventory On Hand cube definition on page 77 Inventory History The following information is available from Inventory History: Facts Daily movement per item per location Outstanding sales and purchase orders Measures Quantity Sold Quantity Purchased Value Dimensions Dates Items Location Additional information: • • ItemDailyQuantity on page 60 Distribution module: Inventory History cube on page 75 Receivables Aging The following information is available from Receivables Aging: 36 A N A LY S I S C U B E S Facts Amount outstanding by aging bucket by customer Measures Amount Dimensions Customer Aging Bucket Sales Person/Territory F O R E X C E L C H A P T E R 6 U N D E R S T A N D IN G A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C E L Additional information: • • AgingPeriods on page 59 Distribution module: Receivables Aging cube definition on page 74 Bank Transactions The following information is available from Bank Transactions: Facts Bank Account Transactions Measures Amount Dimensions Dates Bank Account Transaction Type Additional information: • • CheckbookRegister on page 51 Financial module: Bank Transactions cube definition on page 65 Installation options This section explains the installation options in the Analysis Cubes for Excel wizard from the system owner or accounting perspective. Install Financial Series Select this option to install the GL, Receivables Revenue, Payables Expenses, Bank Transactions, and Receivables Aging tables and cubes. Install GL Multidimensional Analysis Select this option to install the MDAGL table and cube. This will allow analysis of general ledger transactions by MDA codes. Import all GL Series as detailed GL transactions Select this option to populate all GL series transactions into the data warehouse at the GL journal line level. If this option is not selected then all GL series transactions, other than those series which are individually selected as to be brought through in detail, will be pulled as aggregated amounts per Transaction Date, Account Index, Series, Entry Type and Currency ID. Import Financial series as detailed GL transactions This option will only be available if the previous option to import all GL series as detailed GL transactions is not selected. Selection of this option will populate Financial series GL transactions into the data warehouse at the GL journal line level. Otherwise this series will be pulled as aggregated amounts per Transaction Date, Account Index, Series, Entry Type and Currency ID. Import Sales series as detailed GL transactions This option will only be available if the to import all GL series as detailed GL transactions is not selected. Selection of this option will populate Sales series GL transactions into the data warehouse at the GL journal line level. Otherwise this series will be pulled as aggregated amounts per Transaction Date, Account Index, Series, Entry Type and Currency ID. A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C EL 37 PA RT 2 S Y S T E M O W N E R ’ S G U I DE Import Purchasing series as detailed GL transactions This option will only be available if the option to import all GL series as detailed GL transactions is not selected. Selection of this option will populate Purchasing series GL transactions into the data warehouse at the GL journal line level. Otherwise this series will be pulled as aggregated amounts per Transaction Date, Account Index, Series, Entry Type and Currency ID. Import Inventory series as detailed GL transactions This option will only be available if the option to import all GL series as detailed GL transactions is not selected. Selection of this option will populate Inventory series GL transactions into the data warehouse at the GL journal line level. Otherwise this series will be pulled as aggregated amounts per Transaction Date, Account Index, Series, Entry Type and Currency ID. Import Payroll series as detailed GL transactions This option will only be available if the option to import all GL series as detailed GL transactions is not selected. Selection of this option will populate Payroll series GL transactions into the data warehouse at the GL journal line level. Otherwise this series will be pulled as aggregated amounts per Transaction Date, Account Index, Series, Entry Type and Currency ID. Import Project series as detailed GL transactions This option will only be available if the option to import all GL series as detailed GL transactions is not selected. Selection of this option will populate Project series GL transactions into the data warehouse at the GL journal line level. Otherwise this series will be pulled as aggregated amounts per Transaction Date, Account Index, Series, Entry Type and Currency ID. Install Distribution Series Select this option in order to install the Sales, Sales Pending, Purchases, Purchases Pending, Inventory On Hand and Inventory History tables and cubes. Specify a cut-off date for each module individually Select this option to specify different cut-off dates for each module. The cut-off date represents the date from which transactions will be populated into the data warehouse. If this option is not selected, then all modules will be brought through from the cutoff date specified. The drop down box is populated with the beginning date of each fiscal year in the Microsoft Dynamics GP database. If individual cut-off dates are selected, the GL cut-off date can be selected from the drop down box. Cut-off dates for other modules can be entered manually, hence do not need to be the beginning date of a Microsoft Dynamics GP fiscal year. The GL Module cut-off date must be the beginning date of a fiscal year so that brought forward balances are calculated correctly. Multi-Currency installation The Multi-Currency option allows the consolidation of multiple companies with different functional currencies into the one data warehouse using a single reporting currency. Multi-Currency operates by converting functional currency amounts into a reporting currency upon loading into the data warehouse. The functional currency amounts are saved into the originating currency fields and the currency indicator is set to the functional currency. The reporting currency choice is to select the currency that will be reported on. The exchange table is where the exchange rate is to be sourced. 38 A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C E L C H A P T E R 6 U N D E R S T A N D IN G A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C E L Be aware of the following points: • All originating company databases must have the same Multi-Currency option, i.e. they must all have Multi-Currency enabled or none have Multi-Currency enabled. • The Analysis Cubes for Excel Server wizard does not support upgrading existing non-multicurrency installation to a multi-currency installation. Each of the tables in the data warehouse is classified into one of: • No change required: The process of loading data into these tables is unchanged by the use of the MC module. • Current Rate Conversion (CRC): Amounts are converted as at the latest available conversion rate. • Historical Rate Conversion (HRC): Amounts are converted using the conversion rate applicable as at the date of the record in the warehouse. The DTS packages that populate the CRC tables will copy the functional amounts into the reporting amounts and then convert them to the reporting amount based on the conversion rate currently applicable. The DTS packages that populate the HRC tables will perform the same function, but use the conversion rate applicable based on the date of the record. The following is a list of the tables for no change required, current rate conversion and historical rate conversion. Acronyms used the tables below include: • • • • MC - Multi Currency DT - Dimension Table FT - Fact Table ST - Staging Table No change required Data warehouse table Multi-Currency assessment AgingPeriods DT No MC work required FiscalPeriods DT No MC work required. FiscalTime DT No MC work required. GLAccountCategory ST No MC work required GLAccountMaster DT No MC work required. LastUpdated Admin No MC work required PASystemVersion Admin No MC work required RegSiteLog Admin No MC work required RelativeTime DT No MC work required. SalesPerson DT No MC work required. SalesTerritory DT No MC work required. TempIVTrx Upgrade Table - Ignore TempPO Upgrade Table - Ignore A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C EL 39 PA RT 2 S Y S T E M O W N E R ’ S G U I DE Additional data required Data warehouse table Multi-Currency assessment PASystemVersion Wizard to store functional currency ID and exchange table for each company. (see Wizard Changes below for details) Current rate conversion Data warehouse table Multi-Currency assessment AgingPeriodAmounts FT, CR Will need to create originating amount column to hold the originating functional currency amounts. Customers FT CR Will need to create originating amount columns to hold the originating functional currency amounts. (Bal and aging period amts) ItemCurrentQuantity FT CR Will need to create originating amount columns to hold the originating functional currency amounts. (3xForecast Costs, Unit Cost) ItemMaster DT CR Will need to create originating amount columns to hold the originating functional currency amounts. (Unit, Standard, Current Costs) PendingPurchaseOrders FT CR Originating amounts needed for Outstanding Value, Ten99Amt PendingSalesOrders FT CR Originating amount needed for GST ProjectEmployee DT/FT CR Will need to create originating amount columns to hold the originating functional currency amounts. Vendors DT CR Originating amounts needed for Credit Limit and Minimum Order Historical rate conversion 40 A N A LY S I S C U B E S Data warehouse table Multi-Currency assessment CheckbookRegister FT HR Originating amount required for Amount and CurrencyID column. GLTransactions FT HR Originating amount required for Native Amt ItemDailyQuantity FT HR Originating amount required for ExtendedCost and CurrencyID column. PurchaseOrderDetail FT HR Originating amounts required for Outstanding Value and Ten99Amt SalesDetail FT HR Originating amount required for GST SalesDetailTemp ST - will be used to populate SalesDetail. F O R E X C E L C H A P T E R 6 U N D E R S T A N D IN G A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C E L Data warehouse table Multi-Currency assessment TotalExpense FT HR Originating amount required for Outstanding Amt and GST TotalRevenue FT HR Originating amount required for Outstanding Amt Reporting Currency Select the currency ID which will be the reporting currency to which all transactions are converted. The drop-down box is populated with all the currency IDs available in Microsoft Dynamics GP. Exchange Table Select the exchange table which will be used to convert transactions into the reporting currency. Site configuration There are two tables which will need to be manually maintained from time to time as a means to modify the configuration of the Analysis Cubes for Excel system. GL Account Categories The general ledger reporting and cubes make use of Account Categorizations. A four tier model is provided so that users can drill down from a “main” category into a “broad” category into the account category and into the account itself. The account category is as set up in Microsoft Dynamics GP. For example a bank account could be categorized as follows: • • • • Main Category: Assets Broad Category: Current Assets Account Category: Cash Account: Bank Account During installation a default set of Main and Broad Categories are provided based on the standard Microsoft Dynamics GP categories. These categories should be maintained as required. In addition accounts within Microsoft Dynamics GP must be assigned to account categories. A second hierarchy is provided for the purposes of reporting balance sheet movement cash flows, otherwise known as source and applications of funds. The hierarchy consists of a Main Cash Category, Broad Cash Category and Account and Account Category being the same. In most cases the Broad Cash Category will be the same as the Broad Category above and the Main Cash Category will be “Cash”. For those account categories that represent non-cash transactions, the Main Cash Category should be set to “Non Cash”. Examples of non cash transactions are provision for depreciation and depreciation expense. A native sign is available to indicate how amounts should be displayed. All Equity and Liability account categories should be set to “Credit” and all Asset account categories set to “Debit”. The native sign is used to calculate a native amount. The native amount can then be used to build a balance sheet report where all balances are positive. For more information, see GLAccountCategories on page 51. GLBudgetSetup This table is used to maintain which Microsoft Dynamics GP GL Budget IDs are to be included in the GLTransactions table. Two Budget IDs per fiscal year are allowed to be selected, one is to be specified as Budget, the second as Forecast. A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C EL 41 PA RT 2 S Y S T E M O W N E R ’ S G U I DE For further details on how to maintain the GLBudgetSetup table, see GLBudgetSetup on page 55. Currency ID maintenance The currency ID which is used as the reporting currency in Analysis Cubes for Excel can be changed at any time in the PASystemVersion table. Once the Currency ID has been changed, all transaction loaded from that point will be converted to the new Currency ID. Should all transactions in the data warehouse need to be converted to the new currency, then all fact tables will need to be truncated and the LastUpdated table be reset before running the DTS packages. To change the functional currency ID of the data warehouse, modify the values in the FunctCurrencyID and ExchangeTable fields. The new values need to be legitimate values from the Microsoft Dynamics GP multi-currency setup. For more information, see PASystemVersion on page 43. 42 A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C E L Chapter 7: Core data warehouse tables These tables are created and used as part of Analysis Cubes for Excel, irrespective if which modules are installed. They primarily contain either system information used in the ongoing maintenance of the data warehouse, or contain information which is common to all Analysis Cubes for Excel modules. Unless otherwise noted, each entry below describes a table in the data warehouse. • • • • • • • • • LastUpdated RegSiteLog PASystemVersion CompanyMaster Customers FiscalPeriods FiscalTime ExchangeTableRates EmptyTableCheck LastUpdated A system table for storing details of system activity. As each DTS package is created during the installation, a record is inserted into this table specifying the: • CompanyID - database name • Table Name - that is to be populated by the DTS package, and • DateUpdated - the start date/time that the user entered during installation (default is ‘1/1/1900 0:00:00’) and ‘1/1/1900 0:00:00’ for master tables The ‘DateUpdated’ field in this table is used by each DTS package when selecting data to import from the source database. Each time a DTS package successfully executes, the ’DateUpdated’ field in this table is updated to the current date and time. The ’LastRow’ and ’TempLastRow’ fields in this table are used by SalesDetail, ItemDailyQuantity, GL Transactions, Total Revenue, Total Expense and DTS packages to find posted transactions to be imported into data warehouse. At the end of a successful run of the packages both fields must contain the same value. RegSiteLog This table is created during the installation. It will only contain a record if Site ID validation in one or all fact DTS packages fails (i.e. Site ID does not match that used for the installation). PASystemVersion This table is created and populated during installation of the Analysis Cubes for Excel application. It contains the following information: • Company ID - source database name • Version Number - application version number A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C EL 43 PA RT 44 2 S Y S T E M A N A LY S I S O W N E R ’ S C U B E S G U I DE • Freight Option Selected by user for the distribution of across Sales Line Items • Discount Option Selected by user for the distribution of across Sales Line Items • Miscellaneous Option Selected by user for the distribution of across Sales Line Items • Date Created (date and time installed) • Source DB - name of the source database • Source DB Server Name - name of the server the source database is on • Data Warehouse - name of the data warehouse database • Data Warehouse Server Name - name of the server the data warehouse database resides on • OLAPDB - name of OLAP database that contains cubes • OLAP DB Server name - name of the server the OLAP database resides on • Starting Cutoff Date - Date the customer enters in Analysis Cubes for Excel wizard • Purchase Freight Option Selected by user for distribution across Purchases Line Items • Purchase Discount Option Selected by user for distribution across Purchases Line Items • Purchase Miscellaneous Option Selected by user for distribution across Purchases Line Items • Purchase Tax Option Selected by the user for distribution across Purchases Line Items • Project Standard Reporting Hours - standard hours entered in Analysis Cubes for Excel wizard for calculating employee utilization • GL Cut Off Date - Date the customer enters in Analysis Cubes for Excel wizard (Note: the date may be changed by GL Transactions DTS package - calculate Start Date task if required). • REAccount - Retained Earnings Account used for allocating retained earnings opening balances in GL module • Module CutOff - are individual cutoff dates used for each module in the GL or do all GL modules use the same cutoff date • SOP CutOff Date - the cutoff date for SOP transactions • PO CutOff Date - the cutoff date for PO transactions • IV CutOff Date - the cutoff date for inventory transactions F O R E X C E L C H A P T E R 7 C O R E D AT A W AR E H O U S E T A B L E S • TE CutOff Date - the cutoff date for TE transactions • TR CutOff Date - the cutoff date for TR transactions • CF CutOff Date - the cutoff date for CF transactions • AllGLSeries - will all GL series transactions be populated into the GLTransactions table in detail or summary • FinGLSeries - will the financial series transactions be populated into the GLTransactions table in detail or summary • SaleGLSeries - will the sales series transactions be populated into the GLTransactions table in detail or summary • POGLSeries - will the PO series transactions be populated into the GLTransactions table in detail or summary • InvGLSeries - will the Payroll series transactions be populated into the GLTransactions table in detail or summary • ProjGLSeries - will the Project series transactions be populated into the GLTransactions table in detail or summary • DMInstalled - option to select whether the data-mining component should be installed • DMOLAPDB - name of the data mining OLAP database • GLMDAInstall - option to select to install multi-dimensional analysis in the data warehouse • Multicurrency - option to select to install head-office currency reporting in the data warehouse • FunctCurrencyID - the currency ID in to which all transactions will be converted and reported in the data warehouse • ExchangeTable - the exchange table used to convert transaction amount from originating amounts to the functional currency amount • UseOrigAmounts - option to select to store the originating amount for transactions entered in the currencies other than the non-functional currency • WHDisconnect - option to select whether the disconnected report module is installed • Row ID - indexed identity column to allow efficient table updates A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C EL 45 PA RT 2 S Y S T E M O W N E R ’ S G U I DE CompanyMaster Used in all modules and cubes. This DTS package is only required to run once at setup or if the company name has been changed. It can be run as often as needed. The DTS package for the CompanyMaster reads the record in relation to the current company from the Company Master table and inserts the record. Customers Used in all modules and most of the cubes (except Purchasing and Inventory cubes). This DTS package can be run as often as required. It incrementally updates the Customers table. The DTS Package for the Customers table pulls the data from the Customer Master tables, where the Created Date or Modified date of the RM00101 table is greater than or equal to the ’DateUpdated’ in the ’LastUpdated’ table. FiscalPeriods Used in all modules and most of the cubes (except Inventory cubes) This DTS package can be run as often as required. It deletes the records from the table and reinserts all of the records. This DTS package reads the records from the Period Setup table including all records where the FORIGIN = 1 and the Period ID > 0. It is assumed that the customer will run this initially and then once a year when the next fiscal year is created. This DTS package also runs a stored procedure ’spCreateFiscalTime’ to populate the ’FiscalTime’ table. FiscalTime Used in all modules and most of the cubes (except Inventory cubes) This table is populated by the stored procedure ’spCreateFiscalTime’ as part of the FiscalPeriods DTS Package. The stored procedure truncates the table and reinserts all of the records. It can be run manually as often as required. A record is inserted for every date within all of the fiscal periods in the ’FiscalPeriods’ table. 46 A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C E L C H A P T E R 7 C O R E D AT A W AR E H O U S E T A B L E S ExchangeTableRates Used in all fact tables this table stores exchange rates and their start and end dates for the Exchange Rate and Exchange Rate Table selected in the install wizard. This DTS can be run as often as required, however values in tables which store transactions at the current rate will not be updated until their relevant DTS packages are run. The DTS package pulls data from the MC00100 table. These rates are maintained in the Multicurrency Exchange Rate Maintenance window in Microsoft Dynamics GP. EmptyTableCheck ’EmptyTableCheck’ is a DTS Package only. This DTS must be run last, as often as required, after all other DTS packages have completed. It runs on all tables in the data warehouse and checks and inserts a dummy record if the table is empty. The only purpose of this DTS package is to avoid potential cube processing errors if source database temporarily has no records to populate one of the fact or dimension tables (for example, no pending sales orders at the time the DTS packages run would produce error when Sales Pending cube is processed). A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C EL 47 48 A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C E L Chapter 8: Common financial and distribution data warehouse tables and DTS packages • • • SalesPerson SalesTerritory Vendors SalesPerson SalesPerson table is a member of Sales and Sales Pending cubes. This table is also used as a dimension table in the Receivables Aging and Receivables Revenue cubes. This DTS package can be run as often as required. It incrementally updates the SalesPerson table. The DTS Package for SalesPerson pulls the information from the Sales Person Master tables, where the Created Date or Modified date are greater than or equal to the ’DateUpdated’ field in the ’LastUpdated’ table. SalesTerritory Used in Receivables Aging and Receivables Revenue, Sales and Sales cube. This DTS package can be run as often as required. It incrementally updates SalesTerritory table. The DTS package reads Sales Territory Master table and inserts all records with a Created Date or Modified Date greater than or equal to the DateUpdated in the LastUpdated table. Vendors This is used in the Payables Expenses, Purchases Pending and Purchases cubes. This DTS package can be run as often as required. It incrementally updates the Vendors table. The DTS Package for the Vendor table pulls the data from the Vendor Master tables, where the Created Date or Modified date of the PM00200 table is greater than or equal to the ’DateUpdated’ in the ’LastUpdated’ table. A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C EL 49 50 A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C E L Chapter 9: Financial tables • • • • • • • • • • CheckbookRegister GLAccountCategories GLAccountMaster GLBudgetSetup GLMDAGroups GLMDATransactions GLTransactions TotalRevenue TotalExpense FinEmptyMaster CheckbookRegister Used in Bank Transactions cube. This DTS package can be run as often as required. It incrementally updates the CheckbookRegister table. The DTS Package for the CheckbookRegister table does a union query of two SQL queries. The first query reads the CM Transaction table selecting the records where the CM Transaction Type is not a deposit and the modified date is greater than or equal to the ’DateUpdated’ in the ’LastUpdated’ table. The second query reads the CM Receipt table selecting records where the Deposit Number is not blank and the modified date is greater than or equal to the ’DateUpdated’ in the ’LastUpdated’ table. GLAccountCategories The general ledger reporting and cubes make use of Account Categorizations. A four tier model is provided so that users can drill down from a “main” category into a “broad” category into the account category and into the account itself. The account category is as set up in Microsoft Dynamics GP. For example, a bank account could be categorized as follows: • • • • Main Category: Assets Broad Category: Current Assets Account Category: Cash Account: Bank Account During installation a default set of Main and Broad Categories are provided based on the standard Microsoft Dynamics GP categories. These categories should be maintained as required. In addition accounts within Microsoft Dynamics GP must be assigned to account categories. A second hierarchy is provided for the purposes of reporting balance sheet movement cash flows, otherwise known as source and applications of funds. The hierarchy consists of a Main Cash Category, Broad Cash Category and Account and Account Category being the same. In most cases the Broad Cash Category will be the same as the Broad Category above and the Main Cash Category will be “Cash”. For those account categories that represent non-cash transactions, the Main Cash Category should be set to “Non Cash”. Examples of non cash transactions are provision for depreciation and depreciation expense. A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C EL 51 PA RT 2 S Y S T E M O W N E R ’ S G U I DE A native sign is available to indicate how amounts should be displayed. All Equity and Liability account categories should be set to “Credit” and all Asset account categories set to “Debit”. The native sign is used to calculate a native amount. The native amount can then be used to build a balance sheet report where all balances are positive. This table contains the account category and cash category hierarchies - Main/ Broad/Detailed. The “detailed” categories are those used in Microsoft Dynamics GP (stored in GL00102). These Main and Broad categories are populated during installation with defaults based on the Microsoft Dynamics GP sample company, Fabrikam, Inc. The GL Account Category table can be maintained by authorized users on site to adjust the default to accurately reflect the actual mapping desired. The table is not part of any cube schema in the Analysis Cubes for Excel. It is used to look up category columns for the GL Account Master table. The default account category mapping is as specified below: Account CatIndex 52 A N A LY S I S C U B E S AccountCategory AccountBroad Category AccountMain Category Native Sign 1 Cash Current Asset Assets Debit 2 Short-Term Investments Current Asset Assets Debit 3 Accounts Receivable Current Asset Assets Debit 4 Notes Receivable Current Asset Assets Debit 5 Inventory Current Asset Assets Debit 6 Work in Progress Current Asset Assets Debit 7 Prepaid Expenses Current Asset Assets Debit 8 Long-Term Investments Fixed Asset Assets Debit 9 Property, Plant and Equipment Fixed Asset Assets Debit 10 Accumulated Depreciation Fixed Asset Assets Debit 11 Intangible Assets Fixed Asset Assets Debit 12 Other Assets Fixed Asset Assets Debit 13 Accounts Payable Current Liabilities Debt Credit 14 Notes Payable Current Liabilities Debt Credit 15 Current Maturities of LongTerm Debt Current Liabilities Debt Credit 16 Taxes Payable Current Liabilities Debt Credit 17 Interest Payable Current Liabilities Debt Credit 18 Dividends Payable Current Liabilities Debt Credit 19 Leases Payable (Current) Current Liabilities Debt Credit 20 Sinking Fund Payable (Current) Current Liabilities Debt Credit 21 Other Current Liabilities Current Liabilities Debt Credit 22 Long-Term Debt Long Term Debt Debt Credit 23 Ordinary Shares Owners Equity Equity Credit 24 Preference Shares Owners Equity Equity Credit 25 Ordinary Paid-in Capital Common Owners Equity Equity Credit 26 Ordinary Paid-in Capital Preferred Owners Equity Equity Credit F O R E X C E L C H A PT E R 9 F I N A N C I A L T A B L E S Account CatIndex AccountCategory AccountBroad Category AccountMain Category Native Sign 27 Retained Earnings Owners Equity Equity Credit 28 Treasury Stock Owners Equity Equity Credit 29 Common Dividends Owners Equity Equity Credit 30 Preferred Dividends Owners Equity Equity Credit 31 Sales Revenue Equity Credit 32 Sales Returns and Discounts Revenue Equity Credit 33 Cost of Goods of Sale Equity Credit Cost of Sales 34 Selling Expense Cost of Sales Equity Credit 35 Administrative Expense Overheads Equity Credit 36 Salary Expense Overheads Equity Credit 37 Other Employee Expense Overheads Equity Credit 38 Interest Expense Interest and Tax Equity Credit 39 Tax Expense Interest and Tax Equity Credit 40 Depreciation Tax Expense Overheads Equity Credit 41 Income Tax Expense Interest and Tax Equity Credit 42 Other Expense Overheads Equity Credit 43 Other Income Overheads Equity Credit 44 Changes Not Using Working Capital Overheads Equity Credit 45 Revenues Not Producing Working Capital Overheads Equity Credit 46 Gain/Loss on Asset Disposal Overheads Equity Credit 47 Amortization of Intangible Assets Overheads Equity Credit 48 Non-financial Accounts Non - Financial Non - Financial Credit The default account cash category mapping is as specified below: Account CatIndex AccountCategory AccBroadCashCat AccMainCash Category 1 Cash Non-Cash Non- Cash 2 Short-Term Investments Current Asset Cash 3 Accounts Receivable Current Asset Cash 4 Notes Receivable Current Asset Cash 5 Inventory Current Asset Cash 6 Work in Progress Current Asset Cash 7 Prepaid Expenses Current Asset Cash 8 Long-Term Investments Fixed Asset Cash 9 Property, Plant and Equipment Fixed Asset Cash 10 Accumulated Depreciation Non-Cash Non-Cash 11 Intangible Assets Non-Cash Non-Cash 12 Other Assets Fixed Asset Cash 13 Accounts Payable Current Liabilities Cash 14 Notes Payable Current Liabilities Cash 15 Current Maturities of Long-Term Debt Current Liabilities Cash 16 Taxes Payable Current Liabilities Cash 17 Interest Payable Current Liabilities Cash A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C EL 53 PA RT 2 S Y S T E M O W N E R ’ S G U I DE Account CatIndex AccountCategory AccBroadCashCat AccMainCash Category 18 Dividends Payable Current Liabilities Cash 19 Leases Payable (Current) Current Liabilities Cash 20 Sinking Fund Payable (Current) Current Liabilities Cash 21 Other Current Liabilities Current Liabilities Cash 22 Long-Term Debt Long Term Debt Cash 23 Ordinary Shares Owners Equity Cash 24 Preference Shares Owners Equity Cash 25 Ordinary Paid-in Capital - Common Owners Equity Cash 26 Ordinary Paid-in Capital - Preferred Owners Equity Cash 27 Retained Earnings Owners Equity Cash 28 Treasury Stock Owners Equity Cash 29 Common Dividends Owners Equity Cash 30 Preferred Dividends Owners Equity Cash 31 Sales Revenue Cash 32 Sales Returns and Discounts Revenue Cash 33 Cost of Goods of Sale Cost of Sales Cash 34 Selling Expense Cost of Sales Cash 35 Administrative Expense Overheads Cash 36 Salary Expense Overheads Cash 37 Other Employee Expense Overheads Cash 38 Interest Expense Interest and Tax Cash 39 Tax Expense Interest and Tax Cash 40 Depreciation Tax Expense Non-Cash Non-Cash 41 Income Tax Expense Interest and Tax Cash 42 Other Expense Overheads Cash 43 Other Income Overheads Cash 44 Changes Not Using Working Capital Non-Cash Non-Cash 45 Revenues Not Producing Working Capital Non-Cash Non-Cash 46 Gain/Loss on Asset Disposal Overheads Cash 47 Amortization of Intangible Assets Non-Cash Non-Cash 48 Non-financial Accounts Non - Financial Non - Financial This table is used by all companies consolidated in the data warehouse. All companies must use the same Account Category for a given account index. By default, Analysis Cubes for Excel uses the Account Category information from the first company installed in a consolidated group of companies. This information is stored as a global variable in the master DTS package, and can be changed to a different company in the consolidated group of companies. 54 A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C E L C H A PT E R 9 F I N A N C I A L T A B L E S GLAccountMaster Used in GL, Receivables Revenue, and Payables Expenses cubes. This DTS package can be run as often as required. It deletes and re-inserts account master records each time it runs. The DTS package for GLAccountMaster reads and inserts data from the Account Master (GL00100), Account Category Master, Account Index Master (GL00105) tables in the source and GLAccountCategory table in the data warehouse. GLBudgetSetup This table is used to store all GL Budgets which exist in the installed Microsoft Dynamics GP companies. The table can then be manually maintained to determine which Budget IDs are brought through into the data warehouse and cubes. The DTS picks up all Budget IDs and the relevant Fiscal Year from the GL00200 table. In order to set which Budget IDs are going to be used for Budget and Forecast for any given year, the BudgetForecast field in the GLBudgetSetup table needs to be manually populated with either Budget or Forecast, and the UseForReporting field needs to be manually populated with “Yes”. The UseForReporting field is populated with “No” by default. Running of the GLBudgetSetup DTS In order for any changes made to this table to be reflected in the GLTransactions table, the GLBudgets DTS will need to be run. The GLBudgets DTS will delete all Budget information from the GLTransactions table before then re-inserting. It is assumed that this DTS will not need to be run on a daily basis but rather monthly or on-demand. GLMDAGroups This table stores the multi-dimensional analysis groups and codes from the DTA00100 and DTA00200 tables. This information is maintained in Microsoft Dynamics GP via the Analysis Group Maintenance screen. This table is truncated and reloaded each time the DTS runs. GLMDATransactions This table stores transactions from the DTA10100 and DTA10200 table, which are the MDA breakdown of GL transactions. This information can be viewed in Microsoft Dynamics GP via the Analysis Enquiry screen. The DTS incrementally updates this table each time it is run. A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C EL 55 PA RT 2 S Y S T E M O W N E R ’ S G U I DE GLTransactions Used in the GL cube. This DTS package can be run as often as required. It incrementally updates GLTransactions table. The first time it runs the DTS for GLTransactions calculates the Starting Date. The “start date” is a date, (first of a financial year) at which Beginning Balances will be loaded and from which movements will be stored. The Start Date is set to be the later of: • • • user supplied cutoff date then first day of year where BBF fully supported by history, and if no BBF then first day of year of date of first open transaction Once calculated the start date is saved as GLCutOffDate in the PASystemVersion table and DateUpdated in the LastUpdated table for the GLTransactions table. This DTS also finds the Retained Earnings Account and saves it into REAccount in PASystemVersion table. This account is be later used when calculating Retained Earnings Opening Balances. The Retained Earnings Account is the account in GL40000 where UNIQKEY = 1. The DTS also supports multiple retained earnings accounts. The DTS will calculate Start Date only when run for the first time (defined as GLCutOffDate in PASystemVersion is equal to DateUpdated in LastUpdated for GLTransactions table). The DTS Package for GLTransactions reads records from the Year To Date Transactions Open (GL20000) table that are not Balance Forward entries and all records from Account Transactions History (GL30000) table. By default the records are pulled as aggregated amounts per Transaction Date, Account Index, Series, Entry Type and Currency ID. Optionally, records may be pulled at the GL journal line detail level. The server wizard allows for all GL series to be brought through in detail or for individual GL series to be brought through in detail. The incremental update for both Open and History records is based on the fact that once the transaction is posted in the GL it cannot be modified. Thus only new records will be added to the data warehouse. The selection is based on the DEX_ROW_ID in the source table being greater than the ’LastRow’ in the ’LastUpdated’ table stored in the data warehouse and the Transaction Date being greater than the ’GLCutoffDate’ in the ’PASystemVersion’ table. After all records have been inserted the DTS package calculates opening balances for every balance sheet account for every year. Each opening balance is created as at the first day of a year for the sum of all transactions to the end of the previous year, including the beginning balances and excluding other opening balance entries (by account). The opening balance records will be summarized by year, account and currency only. The balances will be deleted and re-calculated each time the DTS runs. For the balances to be calculated correctly the GLAccountMaster and Fiscal Periods DTS packages must run before this DTS package. 56 A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C E L C H A PT E R 9 F I N A N C I A L T A B L E S The initial opening balances will be labelled as Starting Balance and will be calculated only once. The retained earnings opening balances are calculated as the sum of all profit and loss accounts for the previous year (by year and into account put retained earnings account). The GLTransactions DTS package also checks if the Year End procedure has been performed on the Microsoft Dynamics GP Company and if so adjusts the data warehouse by removing work records for the year. TotalRevenue Used in Receivables Revenue cube. This DTS package can be run as often as required. The distribution work records are deleted and re-inserted each time the DTS runs. The distribution history is incrementally updated. The DTS Package for TotalRevenue reads and inserts distribution records for all records in RM Work and History that are not voided. Where there are no distribution records for a RM Open or History record, the missing distribution will be represented by Account Index = 99999 and use the existing measure in the work or history table. The measures that do not exist, such as originating amounts will be set to 0. The Sales Person ID and Sales Territory ID are pulled from RM Work and History table and represent primary sales person and sales territory. The DTS package will only pull the following distribution types from either work or history: • • • • • • • • • • • • • Sales Discounts Others Sales Trade Discounts Freight Miscellaneous Returns Debit Notes Credit Notes Service GST Tax Commission The DTS selection criteria will also filter the distribution records to ignore those of type: • • • Balance Carried Forward Reserved for Scheduled Payments Payments A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C EL 57 PA RT 2 S Y S T E M O W N E R ’ S G U I DE TotalExpense Used in Payables Expenses cube. This DTS package can be run as often as required. The distribution work records are deleted and re-inserted each time the DTS runs. The distribution history is incrementally updated. The DTS Package for TotalExpense reads and inserts non voided distribution records for every record in PM Open and History record. Where there are missing distribution records for a PM Open or History record, the missing distribution will be represented with Account Index = 99999 and use the existing measures in the work or history tables. The measures that do not exist, such as originating amounts will be set to 0. The DTS package only pulls the following distribution types from either work or history: • • • • • • • • Sales Discounts Purchase Trade Discounts Miscellaneous Freight Taxes GST Other The Sales Discounts and Trade Discounts are treated as Discount entries, while Other is treated as Miscellaneous entry. The DTS selection criteria will also filter the distribution records to ignore Voided transactions Each time it runs the DTS checks for voided history records and removes any found, from the data warehouse. FinEmptyMaster FinEmptyMaster is a DTS Package only. It runs on all financial tables in the data warehouse and checks for broken joins due to empty keys. If a broken join is found, it inserts a corresponding empty record in the master table. This DTS must be run second last, after all other DTS packages have completed and before the EmptyTableCheck DTS package. 58 A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C E L Chapter 10: Distribution tables • • • • • • • • • • • • • AgingDetails AgingPeriods ItemCurrentQuantity ItemDailyQuantity ItemMaster PendingPurchaseOrders PendingSalesOrders PurchaseOrderDetail SalesDetail SalesDetailTemp TempIVTrx TempPO DistrEmptyMasterRecords AgingDetails Used in Receivables Aging cube. This DTS package can be run as often as required. It incrementally updates the AgingDetails table. The DTS package for the AgingDetails does a union query from the Customer Master Summary table. There are seven queries that are joined together, one for each of the aging period amount fields in the table. The first query inserts all records from the Summary table, where the Aging Period Amount field for Aging Period 1 is greater than zero. The second query inserts records where the Aging Period Amount for Aging Period 2 is greater than zero, and so forth. AgingPeriods Used in Receivables Aging cube. This DTS package can be run as often as required. It deletes the records from the table and reinserts all of the records. The DTS package for this table pulls all of the records from the Period Setup table where the Period Index is less than 100. The Period Indexes greater than 100 are for current and non-current and are not customer defined. Normally this DTS will be run only once initially. It only needs to be re-run if aging periods are changed. ItemCurrentQuantity Used in Inventory On Hand cube. This DTS package can be run as often as required. It incrementally updates the ItemCurrentQuantity table. The DTS package reads Item Master table and inserts all records with a type of 2. A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C EL 59 PA RT 2 S Y S T E M O W N E R ’ S G U I DE ItemDailyQuantity Used in Inventory History cube. This DTS Package can be scheduled to run as often as required. This table will contain records from inventory history transactions, pending purchase orders and pending sales orders. There will be a record for every date where there is a transaction from one of these tables, per item, per item location code. There will also be a yearly beginning balance record dated January 1st of every year. These will contain the ending balance from the previous year, if it exists. If it is the first beginning balance, it is calculated by taking current quantity on hand, subtracting purchases, inventory adjustments, and adding sales. This is used in the calculated measures within the cube. The calculated measures sum year-todate values. The DTS package for Item Daily Quantity reads the information from the Inventory Transaction Amounts History table (IV30300) as the main table to get daily quantity information and puts it initially into a temporary table (TempIVTrx). This information is pulled based on the DEX_ROW_ID being greater than the ’LastRow’ column in the ’LastUpdated’ table stored in the data warehouse and the Document Date of the Inventory transaction is greater than the ’StartingCutoffDate’ column in the ’PASystemVersion’ table. Once the new records have been added to the TempIVTrx table, the DTS package determines if the date, item and item location code already exist in the Item Daily Quantity table, if it does, then it updates the record. If the record does not exist, then it inserts a new record. It checks the origin of the Inventory Transaction, for transactions that originate in SOP or IVC, the quantity is added to the QuantitySold column in the ItemDailyQuantity table. If the transaction originates in POP or APO, then the quantity is added to the QuantityOnOrder column. If the transaction originates in BOM or IV, then the quantity is added to the QuantityAdjustment column. If the transaction is an Inventory Transfer, determined by checking the Item To Location Code being blank, then if the transfer types are OnHand, then we add the quantity to the To Location Code, and subtract the quantity from the From Location Code for that item. Now that the new Inventory transactions have been added/updated in the Item Daily Quantity table, the DTS package will add/update the quantity on order amounts from the Pending Purchase Orders table. Then is will add/update the quantity sold amounts from the Pending Sales Orders table. Once all the records have been added to the Item Daily Quantity table, the DTS package calculates the beginning balance quantity on hand records, from the start of the file to the last year in the table. Once all records have been added/updated we update the Extended Price using the Unit Cost from the Item Master table. Execution of this package multiple times per day will result in the DTS package pulling the records added/updated since the last time the DTS package executed. ItemMaster Used in Sales, Sales Pending, Purchases Pending, Purchases, and Inventory On Hand cubes. This DTS package can be run as often as required. It incrementally upgrades ItemMaster table. 60 A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C E L C H A P T E R 1 0 D I S T R I B U T I O N T A B L E S This DTS package must run before Sales Details DTS, Pending Sales DTS, Pending Purchase Orders DTS, Purchase Order Details DTS, ItemCurrentQuantity DTS and ItemDailyQuantity DTS packages. This DTS package reads the Item Master table and inserts all records with a Created Date or Modified Date greater than or equal to the ’DateUpdated’ in the ’LastUpdated’ table. This DTS package deletes the items that have been updated or created, and inserts them back in. PendingPurchaseOrders Used in the Purchases Pending cube, and the Item Current Quantity DTS Package and Item Daily QuantityDTS Package. This DTS Package can be scheduled to run as often as required. This DTS package must be run before ItemCurrentQuantity and ItemDailyQuantity DTS packages. The DTS package reads the information from the Purchase Order Work table (POP10100) or the APOP PO_OPEN_HDR_File table (PO20201). The DTS package will query to see if the PO20201 table exists, if it does not exist, then the records will come from the POP10100 table. If the table does exist, then the DTS package determines which table to use based on the most recent date in the table. If the most recent date is in the Purchase Order Work table, then it will use POP10100, otherwise it will use PO20201. If using Microsoft Dynamics GP POP tables the criteria for the POP10100 table is the Purchase Order Status equal to New (1), Open (2), or Modified (3). POSTATUS in (1,2,3). This DTS package must be run before ItemDailyQuantity DTS package. PendingSalesOrders Used in Sales Pending cube and the Item Current Quantity and Item Daily Quantity DTS Packages. This DTS Package can be scheduled to run as often as required. The DTS package for SOP reads the information from SOP10100 and SOP10200 as the main tables to get pending sales information. The records for this table are deleted and new ones pulled every time this DTS package runs. This DTS package pulls Orders, Invoices and Back Orders that are not voided Pending Sales Orders Detail Line Item Distribution Calculations: Within the same DTS package, the calculations for Freight, Miscellaneous and/or Discounts are determined by the Extended Price Freight options SOP10100.FRTAMNT and SOP10100.ORFRTAMNT are each multiplied by extended price per item (SOP10200.XTNDPRCE) divided by sum of extended prices for all line items in the invoice (if sum of extended price is 0 then set to 1). A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C EL 61 PA RT 2 S Y S T E M O W N E R ’ S G U I DE Miscellaneous options SOP10100.MISCAMNT and SOP10100. ORMISCAMT are each multiplied by extended price per item (SOP10200.XTNDPRCE) divided by sum of extended prices for all line items in the invoice (if sum of extended price is 0 then set to 1). Trade discount options SOP10100.DISTKNAM, SOP10100.ORDISTKN, SOP10100.TRDISAMT, and SOP10100.TRDISPCT are each multiplied by extended price per item (SOP10200.XTNDPRCE) divided by sum of extended prices for all line items in the invoice (if sum of extended price is 0 then set to 1). PurchaseOrderDetail Used in Purchases cube. This DTS Package can be scheduled to run as often as required. It incrementally updates PurchaseOrderDetail table. This DTS package must be run before ItemCurrentQuantity and ItemDailyQuantity DTS packages. The DTS package for Pending Purchase Orders reads the information from the Purchase Order History table (POP30100) and the Purchase Order table (POP10100). Records are pulled from the POP10100 table where the PO Status = 4 (Completed) for version 5.5 and where the PO Status = 4 (Received) or PO Status = 5 (Completed) for version 6.0. The 3 date fields in the table (Last Edited Date, Created Date and Modified Date) are checked to be greater than the Date Updated in the Last Updated table. The DTS package pulls the information from the POP10100 table every time looking for new and updated records. The DTS package also checks the history table (POP30100) table looking for records inserted since the last run. It checks the DEX_ROW_ID in this table. Any records found that are not already in the Purchase Orders Detail table are inserted. These records may already exist, from the Purchase Orders table (POP10100). SalesDetail Used in the Sales cube. This DTS Package can be scheduled to run as often as needed, including multiple times per day. It has to run before ItemCurrentQuanity DTS and ItemDailyQuantity DTS packages. The DTS package for SOP reads the information from SOP30200 and SOP30300 as the main tables to get sales information and put it initially into a temporary table (SalesDetailTemp). This information is pulled based on the DEX_ROW_ID being greater than the ’LastRow’ in the ’LastUpdated’ table stored in the data warehouse and the document date being greater than the ’StartingCutoffDate’ in the ’PASystemVersion’ table. This DTS package pulls Invoices and Returns that are not voided. The DTS package then updates the temp table to have negative values for all Document Types = ’Return’. 62 A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C E L C H A P T E R 1 0 D I S T R I B U T I O N T A B L E S Once that process is done, the DTS package will compare the records in the temp table to the records in the ’SalesDetail’ table. If the record already exists in the ’SalesDetail’ table, the DTS package will update all of the fields that are not part of the primary key. The records that do not exist are inserted into the ’SalesDetail’ table. This allows the DTS package to be scheduled as often as required, even during the day. Freight options SOP30200. FRTAMNT and SOP30200.ORFRTAMNT are each multiplied by extended price per item (SOP30300.XTNDPRCE) and divided by sum of extended prices for all line items in the invoice (if sum of extended price is 0 then set to 1). Miscellaneous options SOP30200. MISCAMNT and SOP30200. ORMISCAMT are each multiplied by extended price per item (SOP30300.XTNDPRCE) and divided by sum of extended prices for all line items in the invoice (if sum of extended price is 0 then set to 1). Discount options (Includes Trade Discount and Term Discount Amounts) SOP30200. DISTKNAM, SOP30200. ORDISTKN, SOP30200. TRDISAMT, and SOP30200. TRDISPCT are each multiplied by extended price per item (SOP30300.XTNDPRCE) and divided by sum of extended prices for all line items in the invoice (if sum of extended price is 0 then set to 1). SalesDetailTemp Used in the SalesDetail DTS package. This table is used as a temporary location to hold the new Sales Detail records. This is the table where the “Returns” are set to negative values, and used to insert new non-inventory items into the Item Master table. TempIVTrx This is used in the Item Daily Quantity DTS package. This table is used as a temporary location for the new Inventory transactions that is used to populate the ItemDailyQuantity table. TempPO Used in the Purchase Order Detail DTS package This table is used as a temporary location for the new Purchase Order Detail table. It is used to insert new non-inventoried items into the Item Master table. A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C EL 63 PA RT 2 S Y S T E M O W N E R ’ S G U I DE DistrEmptyMasterRecords DistrEmptyMasterRecords is a DTS Package only. It runs on all distribution tables in the data warehouse and checks for broken joins due to empty keys. If a broken join is found, it inserts a corresponding empty record in the master table. The package also checks for customers recorded on sales invoices but not included in Customer master, missing Items and Vendors. This DTS must be run second last, after all other DTS packages have completed but before EmptyTableCheck DTS package. 64 A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C E L Chapter 11: Cube reference • • • • • • • • • • • • Financial module: Bank Transactions cube definition Financial module: GL cube definition Financial module: Receivables Revenue cube definition Financial module: Payables Expenses cube definition Financial module: MDAGL cube definition Distribution module: Receivables Aging cube definition Distribution module: Inventory History cube Distribution module: Inventory On Hand cube definition Distribution module: Purchases Pending cube definition Distribution module: Sales Pending cube definition Distribution module: Purchases cube definition Distribution module: Sales cube definition Financial module: Bank Transactions cube definition Bank Transactions cube tables The Bank Transactions cube contains the following tables in a star schema, with the default storage as MOLAP: Table Description CheckbookRegister Fact Table CompanyMaster Used for Multi-Company Consolidations MasterDate Used for Date Dimensions Periodicity Used for Calculating Measures Bank Transactions cube dimensions Note: All dimensions in bold are also installed in a multicurrency installation. Dimension name Table Column Fiscal Date MasterDate year(Transaction Date) ’Q’+Quarter(Transaction Date) month(Transaction Date) day(Transaction Date) Company Names CompanyMaster Company Name Periodicity Periodicity Periodicity Transaction Type CheckbookRegister Transaction Type Transaction Description Checkbook Name Paid To Received From Checkbook Transactions CheckbookRegister Checkbook Name Transaction Type Paid To Received From Functional Currency CheckbookRegister Functional Currency ID A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C EL 65 PA RT 2 S Y S T E M O W N E R ’ S G U I DE Bank Transactions cube measures Note: All measures in bold are the measures installed in a multicurrency installation. Measure Name Table Column Amount CheckbookRegister Amount Reporting Amount CheckbookRegister ReportingAmount Originating Amount CheckbookRegister OrigAmount Functional Amount CheckbookRegister Amount Bank Transactions cube calculated measures Note: All measures in bold are the measures installed in a multicurrency installation. Measure name Formula Current Transactions Sum({[Transaction Date].CurrentMember}, [Measures].[Amount]) Beginning Balance sum({PERIODSTODATE(Year,[Transaction Date].PrevMember)}, [Measures].[Amount] ) Ending Balance sum({PeriodsToDate()}, [Measures].[Amount]) Current Transactions Sum({[Transaction Date].CurrentMember}, [Measures].[Reporting Amount]) Beginning Balance sum({PERIODSTODATE(Year,[Transaction Date].PrevMember)}, [Measures].[Reporting Amount] ) Ending Balance sum({PeriodsToDate()}, [Measures].[Reporting Amount]) Possible measures to add None Financial module: GL cube definition GL cube tables The GL cube contains the following tables in a star schema, with the default storage as MOLAP: Table Description GLTransactions Fact Table CompanyMaster Used for Multi-Company Consolidations FiscalTime Used for dimensions regarding Fiscal Time GLAccountMaster Used for dimensions regarding Accounts Periodicity Used for Calculated Measures MasterDate Used for Date Dimensions GL cube dimensions Note: All dimensions in bold are also installed in a multicurrency installation. 66 A N A LY S I S C U B E S Dimension name Table Column Fiscal Date MasterDate year(Transaction Date) ’Q’+Quarter(Transaction Date) month(Transaction Date) day(Transaction Date) Company Names CompanyMaster Company Name F O R E X C E L C H A PT E R 1 1 C U B E R E F E R E N C E Dimension name Table Column Fiscal Periods FiscalTime Fiscal Year Period Name Account Segment 1 GLAccountMaster Account Segment 1 Account Segment 2 GLAccountMaster Account Segment 2 Account Segment 3 GLAccountMaster Account Segment 3 Account Segment 4 GLAccountMaster Account Segment 4 Account Seg 1 Desc GLAccountMaster AccountSegDesc_1 Account Seg 2 Desc GLAccountMaster AccountSegDesc_2 Account Seg 3 Desc GLAccountMaster AccountSegDesc_3 Account Number GLAccountMaster AccountNumber Account Category GLAccountMaster Account Main Category Account Broad Category Account Category Account Posting Type GLAccontMaster Account Posting Type Entry Type GLTransactions Entry Type Series GLTransactions Series Balance Type GLTransactions Balance Type Voided GLTransactions Voided Periodicity Periodicity Periodicity Functional Currency GLTransactions Functional Currency ID GL cube measures Note: All measures in bold are the measures installed in a multicurrency installation. Measure name Table Column Debit Amount GLTransactions Debit Amount Credit Amount GLTransactions Credit Amount Amount GLTransactions DebitAmount - CreditAmount Native Amount GLTransactions NativeAmount Budget GLTransactions Budget Reporting Budget GLTransactions Budget Debit Amount GLTransactions Debit Amount Credit Amount GLTransactions Credit Amount Amount GLTransactions DebitAmount - CreditAmount Native Amount GLTransactions NativeAmount Budget GLTransactions Budget GL cube calculated measures Note: All measures in bold are the measures installed in a multicurrency installation. Measure name Formula YTD Balance sum(YTD(),CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[Amount],0)) Current Ratio sum(ytd(),sum({[Account Category].[Main Category].[Assets].[Current Asset]},CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[Amount],0)))/ sum(ytd(),sum({[Account Category].[Main Category].[Debt].[Current Liabilities]},CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[Amount],0))) A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C EL 67 PA RT 68 2 S Y S T E M A N A LY S I S O W N E R ’ S C U B E S G U I DE Measure name Formula Debit to Equity sum(ytd(),sum({[Account Category].[Main Category].[Debt]} ,CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[Credit Amount][Measures].[Debit Amount],0)))/ (sum(ytd(),sum({[Account Category].[Main Category].[Debt]} ,CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[Credit Amount][Measures].[Debit Amount],0))) + sum(ytd(),sum({[Account Category].[Main Category].[Equity]} ,CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[Credit Amount][Measures].[Debit Amount],0)))) Gross Profit sum(ytd(),sum({[Account Category].[Main Category].[Equity].[Revenue]},CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[Amount],0))) + sum(ytd(),sum({[Account Category].[Main Category].[Equity]. [Cost of Sales]},CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[Amount],0))) Gross Profit Periodic sum({[Account Category].[Main Category].[Equity].[Revenue]} ,CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[Amount],0))+ sum({[Account Category].[Main Category].[Equity].[Cost of Sales]} ,CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[Amount],0)) Gross Margin Percent sum(ytd(),sum({[Account Category].[Main Category].[Equity]. [Revenue]}, CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[Amount],0)))+ sum(ytd(),sum({[Account Category].[Main Category].[Equity]. [Cost of Sales]},CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[Amount],0))))/ sum(ytd(),sum({[Account Category].[Main Category].[Equity].[Revenue]} ,CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[Amount],0))) YTD Budget sum(YTD(),CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[Reporting Budget],0)) Reporting YTD Balance sum(YTD(),CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[Reporting Amount],0)) Reporting Current Ratio sum(ytd(),sum({[Account Category].[Main Category].[Assets].[Current Asset]},CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[Reporting Amount],0)))/ sum(ytd(),sum({[Account Category].[Main Category].[Debt].[Current Liabilities]},CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[Reporting Amount],0))) Reporting Debt to Equity sum(ytd(),sum({[Account Category].[Main Category].[Debt]} ,CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[Reporting Credit Amount][Measures].[Reporting Debit Amount],0)))/ (sum(ytd(),sum({[Account Category].[Main Category].[Debt]} ,CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[Reporting Credit Amount][Measures].[Reporting Debit Amount],0))) + sum(ytd(),sum({[Account Category].[Main Category].[Equity]} ,CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[Reporting Credit Amount][Measures].[Reporting Debit Amount],0)))) Reporting Gross Profit sum(ytd(),sum({[Account Category].[Main Category].[Equity].[Revenue]},CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[Reporting Amount],0))) + sum(ytd(),sum({[Account Category].[Main Category].[Equity]. [Cost of Sales]},CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[Reporting Amount],0))) Gross Profit Periodic sum({[Account Category].[Main Category].[Equity].[Revenue]} ,CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[Reporting Amount],0))+ sum({[Account Category].[Main Category].[Equity].[Cost of Sales]} ,CoalesceEmpty([Measures].Reporting Amount],0)) Gross Margin Percent sum(ytd(),sum({[Account Category].[Main Category].[Equity]. [Revenue]}, CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[Reporting Amount],0)))+ sum(ytd(),sum({[Account Category].[Main Category].[Equity]. [Cost of Sales]},CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[Reporting Amount],0))))/ sum(ytd(),sum({[Account Category].[Main Category].[Equity].[Revenue]} ,CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[Reporting Amount],0))) Reporting YTD Budget sum(YTD(),CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[Reporting Budget],0)) Reporting Bal Sheet Amount sum(YTD(),CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[Reporting Native Amount],0)) F O R E X C E L C H A PT E R 1 1 C U B E R E F E R E N C E Possible measures to add Measure name Table Forecast GLTransactions OrigAmount GLTransactions OrigDebitAmount GLTransactions OrigCreditAmount GLTransactions Financial module: Receivables Revenue cube definition Receivables Revenue cube tables The Receivables Revenue cube contains the following tables in a star schema, with the default storage as MOLAP: Table Description TotalRevenue Fact Table CompanyMaster Used for Multi-Company Consolidations Customers Used for dimensions regarding Customers SalesPerson Used for dimensions regarding Sales People Periodicity Used for calculated measures GLAccountMaster Used for dimensions regarding Accounts MasterDate Used for date dimensions Receivables Revenue cube dimensions Note: All dimensions in bold are also installed in a multicurrency installation. Dimension name Table Column Company Names CompanyMaster Company Name Customer Names Customers Customer Name Customers by Class Customers Customer Class Customer Name Customers by Location Customers Country State City Customer Name Account Segment 1 GLAccountMaster Account Segment 1 Account Segment 2 GLAccountMaster Account Segment 2 Account Segment 3 GLAccountMaster Account Segment 3 Account Segment 4 GLAccountMaster Account Segment 4 Account Seg 1 Desc GLAccountMaster AccountSegDesc_1 Account Seg 2 Desc GLAccountMaster AccountSegDesc_2 Account Seg 3 Desc GLAccountMaster AccountSegDesc_3 Account Category GLAccountMaster Account Main Category Account Broad Category Account Category Periodicity Periodicity Periodicity Primary Sales Person SalesPerson Sales Person Name Primary Sales Territory Sales Territory Sales Territory A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C EL 69 PA RT 2 S Y S T E M O W N E R ’ S G U I DE Dimension name Table Column Fiscal Date Total Revenue year(Document Date) ’Q’+Quarter(Document Date) month(Document Date) day(Document Date) Fiscal Date by Month Total Revenue Month(Document Date) Year (Document Date) Fiscal Date by Quarter Total Revenue ’Q’ + quarter (Document Date) Document Type Total Revenue Document Type Distribution Type Total Revenue Distribution Type Payment Terms Total Revenue Payment Terms Transaction Status Total Revenue Transaction Status Account Number Total Revenue Account Number Customers Customers rtrim("dbo"."customers". "CustomerNumber")+ ’ - ’ + rtrim("dbo"."customers". "CustomerName") Functional Currency Total Revenue Functional Currency ID Receivables Revenue cube measures Note: All measures in bold are the measures installed in a multicurrency installation. Measure name 70 A N A LY S I S C U B E S Table Column Revenue Total Revenue Revenue Originating Revenue Total Revenue Originating Revenue Cost Of Sales Total Revenue Cost Of Sales Originating Cost Of Sales Total Revenue Originating Cost of Sales Discount Total Revenue Discount Originating Discount Total Revenue Originating Discount Misc Total Revenue Misc Originating Misc Total Revenue Originating Misc Tax Total Revenue Tax Originating Tax Total Revenue Originating Tax Commission Total Revenue Commission Originating Commission Total Revenue Originating Commission Freight Total Revenue Freight Originating Freight Total Revenue Originating Freight Transaction Amount Total Revenue Transaction Amount Originating Trx Amount Total Revenue Originating Trx Amount Net Profit Total Revenue Net Profit Originating Net Profit Total Revenue Originating Net Profit Outstanding Amount Total Revenue Outstanding Amount Reporting Revenue Total Revenue Reporting Revenue Reporting CoS Total Revenue Reporting Cost Of Sales Cost Of Sales Total Revenue Cost of Sales Revenue Total Revenue Revenue Reporting Trx Amount Total Revenue Reporting Trx Amount Transaction Amount Total Revenue Transaction Amount F O R E X C E L C H A PT E R 1 1 C U B E R E F E R E N C E Receivables Revenue cube calculated measures None Possible measures to add None Financial module: Payables Expenses cube definition Payables Expenses cube tables The Payables Expenses cube contains the following tables in a star schema, with the default storage as MOLAP: Table Description TotalExpense Fact Table CompanyMaster Used for Multi-Company Consolidations Vendors Used for dimensions regarding Vendors FiscalTime Used for dimensions regarding Fiscal Times GLAccountMaster Used for dimensions regarding Accounts ExpenseDueDateMaster Used for dimensions regarding Due Date Periodicity Used for calculated measures MasterDate Used for date dimensions Payables Expenses cube dimensions Note: All dimensions in bold are also installed in a multicurrency installation. Dimension name Table Column Company Names CompanyMaster Company Name Account Segment 1 GLAccountMaster Account Segment 1 Account Segment 2 GLAccountMaster Account Segment 2 Account Segment 3 GLAccountMaster Account Segment 3 Account Segment 4 GLAccountMaster Account Segment 4 Account Seg 1 Desc GLAccountMaster AccountSegDesc_1 Account Seg 2 Desc GLAccountMaster AccountSegDesc_2 Account Seg 3 Desc GLAccountMaster AccountSegDesc_3 Account Category GLAccountMaster Account Main Category Account Broad Category Account Category Account Posting Type GLAccontMaster Account Posting Type Fiscal Document Date FiscalTime Fiscal Year Period Name Account Alias GLAccountMaster Account Alias Vendor Names Vendors Vendor Name Fiscal Date TotalExpense year(Document Date) ’Q’+Quarter(Document Date) month(Document Date) day(Document Date) Fiscal Date by Month TotalExpense Month(Document Date) Year (Document Date) Fiscal Date by Quarter TotalExpense ’Q’ + quarter (Document Date) A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C EL 71 PA RT 2 S Y S T E M O W N E R ’ S G U I DE Dimension name Table Column DueDate ExpenseDueDateMaster year(Due Date) ’Q’+Quarter(Due Date) month(Due Date) day(Due Date) Entry Type TotalExpense Entry Type Transaction Status TotalExpense Transaction Status Distribution Type TotalExpense Distribution Type Payment Terms TotalExpense Payment Terms Control Type TotalExpense Control Type Account Number TotalExpense Account Number Fiscal Periods FiscalTime Fiscal Periods Vendors Vendors rtrim("dbo"."Vendors". "VendorNumber")+ ’ - ’ + rtrim("dbo"."Vendors". "VendorName") Functional Currency TotalExpense FuntionalCurrencyID Payables Expenses cube measures Note: All measures in bold are the measures installed in a multicurrency installation. Measure name Table Column Purchase Amount TotalExpense Purchase Amount Originating Purchase Amount TotalExpense Originating Purchase Amount Discount TotalExpense Discount Originating Discount TotalExpense Originating Discount Misc TotalExpense Misc Originating Misc TotalExpense Originating Misc Tax TotalExpense Tax Originating Tax TotalExpense Originating Tax GST TotalExpense GST Originating GST TotalExpense Originating GST Freight TotalExpense Freight Originating Freight TotalExpense Originating Freight Total Amount TotalExpense Total Amount Orig Total Amount TotalExpense Orig Total Amount Outstanding Amount Total Revenue Outstanding Amount Reporting Purchase Amount TotalExpense Reporting Purchase Amount Purchase Amount TotalExpense Purchase Amount Total Amount TotalExpense Total Amount Reporting Total Amount TotalExpense Reporting Total Amount Reporting Purchase Amount TotalExpense Reporting Purchase Amount Payables Expenses cube calculated measures None Possible measures to add None 72 A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C E L C H A PT E R 1 1 C U B E R E F E R E N C E Financial module: MDAGL cube definition MDAGL cube tables The MDAGL cube contains the following tables in a star schema, with the default storage as MOLAP: Table Description GLMDATransactionS Fact Table CompanyMaster Used for Multi-Company Consolidations GLMDAGroups Used for dimensions regarding MDA Groups FiscalTime Used for dimensions regarding Fiscal Times GLAccountMaster Used for dimensions regarding Accounts MasterDate Used for date dimensions Periodicity Used for Calculated Measures MDAGL cube dimensions Note: All dimensions in bold are also installed in a multicurrency installation. Dimension name Table Column Company Names CompanyMaster Company Name Account Segment 1 GLAccountMaster Account Segment 1 Account Segment 2 GLAccountMaster Account Segment 2 Account Segment 3 GLAccountMaster Account Segment 3 Account Segment 4 GLAccountMaster Account Segment 4 Account Seg 1 Desc GLAccountMaster AccountSegDesc_1 Account Seg 2 Desc GLAccountMaster AccountSegDesc_2 Account Seg 3 Desc GLAccountMaster AccountSegDesc_3 Account Number GLAccountMaster AccountNumber Account Category GLAccountMaster Account Main Category Account Broad Category Account Category Account Posting Type GLAccontMaster Account Posting Type Fiscal Periods FiscalTime Fiscal Year Period Name Fiscal Date MasterDate year(Document Date) ’Q’+Quarter(Document Date) month(Document Date) day(Document Date) Periodicity Periodicity Periodicity Posting Status GLMDATransactions PostingStatus Series GLMDATransactions Series MDA Groups GLMDAGroups MDAGroupID MDAGroupDesc MDA Codes GLMDAGroups MDACodeID MDACodeDesc MDA Codes by Group GLMDAGroups MDAGroupID MDACodeID A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C EL 73 PA RT 2 S Y S T E M O W N E R ’ S G U I DE MDAGL cube measures Note: All measures in bold are the measures installed in a multicurrency installation. Measure name Table Column MDA Amount GLMDATransactions MDAAmount MDA Quantity GLMDATransactions MDAQuantity MDAGL cube calculated measures Note: All measures in bold are the measures installed in a multicurrency installation. Measures Formula YTD Balance sum(YTD(),CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[MDA Amount],0)) Gross Profit sum(ytd(),sum({[Account Category].[Main Category].[Equity].[Revenue]},CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[MDA Amount],0))) +sum(ytd(),sum({[Account Category].[Main Category].[Equity].[Cost of Sales]},CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[MDA Amount],0))) Gross Profit Periodic sum({[Account Category].[Main Category].[Equity].[Revenue]},CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[MDA Amount],0))+ sum({[Account Category].[Main Category].[Equity].[Cost of Sales]},CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[MDA Amount],0)) Gross Margin Percent iif(sum(ytd(),sum({[Account Category].[Main Category].[Equity].[Revenue]},CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[MDA Amount],0)))=0,0,(sum(ytd(),sum({[Account Category].[Main Category].[Equity].[Revenue]},CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[MDA Amount],0)))+ sum(ytd(),sum({[Account Category].[Main Category].[Equity].[Cost of Sales]},CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[MDA Amount],0))))/ sum(ytd(),sum({[Account Category].[Main Category].[Equity].[Revenue]},CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[MDA Amount],0)))) Possible measures to add None Distribution module: Receivables Aging cube definition Receivables Aging cube tables The Receivables Aging cube contains the following tables in a snowflake schema, with the default storage as MOLAP: 74 A N A LY S I S C U B E S Table Description AgingDetails Fact Table AgingPeriods Used to determine the aging period descriptions CompanyMaster Used for Multi-Company Consolidations Customers Used for dimensions regarding customers SalesPerson Used for dimensions regarding Sales People SalesTerritory Used for dimensions regarding Sales Territory AgingDueDateMaster Used for dimensions regarding Due Date Periodicity Used for calculated measures MasterDate Used for date dimensions F O R E X C E L C H A PT E R 1 1 C U B E R E F E R E N C E Receivables Aging cube dimensions Note: All dimensions in bold are also installed in a multicurrency installation. Dimension name Table Column Customer Names Customers Customer Name Aging Periods AgingPeriods Period Company Names CompanyMaster Company Name Customers by Class Customers Customer Class Customer Name Customers by Location Customers Country State City Customer Name Sales Person Name SalesPerson Sales Person Name Sales Territory SalesPerson Sales Territory Sales Manager Name Sales Person Name Customers Customers Customer Number - Name Fiscal Date MasterDate Year, Quarter, Month, Day Periodicity Periodicity Periodicity DueDate AgingDueDateMaster Year, Quarter, Month, Day Functional Currency AgingDetail Functional Currency ID Receivables Aging cube measures Note: All measures in bold are the measures installed in a multicurrency installation. Measure name Table Column Current Amount AgingDetails Amount Reporting Amount AgingDetails Reporting Amount Functional Amount AgingDetails Current Amount Originating Amount AgingDetails Originating Amount Possible measures to add None Distribution module: Inventory History cube The Inventory History cube contains the following tables in a star schema, with the default storage as MOLAP: Table name Description ItemDailyQuantity Fact Table CompanyMaster Used for Multi-Company Consolidations ItemMaster Used for dimensions regarding items MasterDate Used for date dimensions A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C EL 75 PA RT 2 S Y S T E M O W N E R ’ S G U I DE Dimensions used in the Inventory Daily Quantity cube Note: All dimensions in bold are also installed in a multicurrency installation. Dimension name Table Column Company Names Company Master Company Name Item Master Description ItemMaster Item Description Item Generic Description ItemMaster Item Generic Description Item Description Items by Item Class ItemMaster Item Class Description Item Description Items by Comp by Loc ItemMaster CompanyMaster ItemDailyQuantity Item Description Company Name Item Location Code Item Type ItemMaster Item Type Items by Location ItemDailyQuantity ItemMaster Item Location Code Item Description Fiscal Date MasterDate DateField Items ItemMaster ItemNumber-ItemName Functional Currency ItemDailyQuantity FunctionalCurrencyID Inventory Quantity cube measures Measure name Table Column Quantity on Order ItemDailyQuantity Quantity on Order Quantity On Hand ItemDailyQuantity Quantity On Hand Quantity Sold ItemCurrentQuantity Quantity Sold Quantity Adjustment ItemDailyQuantity Quantity Allocated Extended Price ItemDailyQuantity Extended Price Quantity on Order ItemDailyQuantity Quantity on Order Quantity On Hand ItemDailyQuantity Quantity On Hand Quantity Sold ItemCurrentQuantity Quantity Sold Quantity Adjustment ItemDailyQuantity Quantity Allocated Extended Price ItemDailyQuantity Extended Price Reporting Extended Price ItemDailyQuantity Reporting Extended Price All the measures above are hidden from the end user using Webview. They are only to be used within the calculated measures below. Calculated measures Note: All measures in bold are the measures installed in a multicurrency installation. 76 A N A LY S I S C U B E S Measure name Column calculation Qty on Order CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[Quantity On Order],0) Qty On Hand Sum( YTD(), [Measures].[Quantity On Hand] ) + Sum(YTD(), [Measures].[Quantity On Order] ) Sum( YTD(), [Measures].[Quantity Sold] ) + Sum(YTD(), [Measures].[Quantity Adjustment]) Qty Sold CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[Quantity Sold],0) Qty Adjustment CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[Quantity Adjustment],0) Total Extended Price sum(YTD(),CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[Extended Price],0)) F O R E X C E L C H A PT E R 1 1 C U B E R E F E R E N C E Measure name Column calculation Qty on Order CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[Quantity On Order],0) Qty On Hand Sum( YTD(), [Measures].[Quantity On Hand] ) + Sum(YTD(), [Measures].[Quantity On Order] ) Sum( YTD(), [Measures].[Quantity Sold] ) + Sum(YTD(), [Measures].[Quantity Adjustment]) Qty Sold CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[Quantity Sold],0) Qty Adjustment CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[Quantity Adjustment],0) Total Extended Price sum(YTD(),CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[Extended Price],0)) Total Reporting Ext Price sum(YTD(),CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[Reporting Extended Price],0)) The CoalesceEmpty function sets the field value to a zero (0) when the column value is empty. This is used so we do not need a record value for every date in the year for every item and item location code. This will display a zero for every date regardless of a record being present for that date in the table. Possible measures to add None Distribution module: Inventory On Hand cube definition Inventory On Hand cube tables The Inventory Quantity cube contains the following tables in a star schema, with the default storage as MOLAP: Table name Description ItemCurrentQuantity Fact Table CompanyMaster Used for Multi-Company Consolidations Item Master Used for dimensions regarding items Inventory On Hand cube dimensions Note: All dimensions in bold are also installed in a multicurrency installation. Dimension name Table Column Company Names Company Master Company Name Item Master Description ItemMaster Item Description Item Generic Description ItemMaster Item Generic Description Item Description Items by Item Class ItemMaster Item Class Description Item Description Items by Comp by Loc ItemMaster CompanyMaster ItemCurrentQuantity Item Description Company Name Item Location Code Item Type ItemMaster Item Type Item Primary Vendor ItemCurrentQuantity Primary Vendor Items by Location ItemCurrentQuantity ItemMaster Item Location Code Item Description Item Out Of Stock ItemCurrentQuantity Item Out Of Stock Items ItemMaster ItemNumber-ItemName A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C EL 77 PA RT 2 S Y S T E M O W N E R ’ S G U I DE Dimension name Table Column Functional Currency ItemCurrentQuantity Functional Currency ID Inventory Quantity cube measures Note: All measures in bold are the measures installed in a multicurrency installation. 78 A N A LY S I S C U B E S Measure name Table Column Quantity on Order ItemCurrentQuantity Quantity on Order Quantity on Back Order ItemCurrentQuantity Quantity on Back Order Quantity Drop Shipped ItemCurrentQuantity Quantity Drop Shipped Quantity In Use ItemCurrentQuantity Quantity In Use Quantity In Service ItemCurrentQuantity Quantity In Service Quantity Returned ItemCurrentQuantity Quantity Returned Quantity Damaged ItemCurrentQuantity Quantity Damaged Quantity On Hand ItemCurrentQuantity Quantity On Hand Quantity Allocated ItemCurrentQuantity Quantity Allocated Quantity Committed ItemCurrentQuantity Quantity Committed Quantity Sold ItemCurrentQuantity Quantity Sold Minimum Level ItemCurrentQuantity Min Level Maximum Level ItemCurrentQuantity Max Level Unit Cost ItemCurrentQuantity Unit Cost Current Inv Value ItemCurrentQuantity LocUnitCost *QuantityOnHand Current Allocated Inv Value ItemCurrentQuantity LocUnitCost * QuantityAllocatted Current Committed Inv Value ItemCurrentQuantity LocUnitCost *QuantityCommitted Current Damaged Inv Value ItemCurrentQuantity LocUnitCost *QuantityDamaged Current Back Order Inv Value ItemCurrentQuantity LocUnitCost *QuantityOnBackOrder Current Ordered Value ItemCurrentQuantity LocUnitCost *QuantityOnOrder Current Returned Value ItemCurrentQuantity LocUnitCost *QuantityReturned Current Sold Value ItemCurrentQuantity LocUnitCost *QuantitySold Quantity on Order ItemCurrentQuantity Quantity on Order Quantity on Back Order ItemCurrentQuantity Quantity on Back Order Quantity Drop Shipped ItemCurrentQuantity Quantity Drop Shipped Quantity In Use ItemCurrentQuantity Quantity In Use Quantity In Service ItemCurrentQuantity Quantity In Service Quantity Returned ItemCurrentQuantity Quantity Returned Quantity Damaged ItemCurrentQuantity Quantity Damaged Quantity On Hand ItemCurrentQuantity Quantity On Hand Quantity Allocated ItemCurrentQuantity Quantity Allocated Quantity Committed ItemCurrentQuantity Quantity Committed Quantity Sold ItemCurrentQuantity Quantity Sold Minimum Level ItemCurrentQuantity Min Level Maximum Level ItemCurrentQuantity Max Level Unit Cost ItemCurrentQuantity Unit Cost Current Inv Value ItemCurrentQuantity LocUnitCost *QuantityOnHand F O R E X C E L C H A PT E R 1 1 C U B E R E F E R E N C E Measure name Table Column Current Allocated Inv Value ItemCurrentQuantity LocUnitCost *QuantityAllocatted Current Committed Inv Value ItemCurrentQuantity LocUnitCost *QuantityCommitted Current Damaged Inv Value ItemCurrentQuantity LocUnitCost *QuantityDamaged Current Back Order Inv Value ItemCurrentQuantity LocUnitCost *QuantityOnBackOrder Current Ordered Value ItemCurrentQuantity LocUnitCost *QuantityOnOrder Current Returned Value ItemCurrentQuantity LocUnitCost *QuantityReturned Current Sold Value ItemCurrentQuantity LocUnitCost *QuantitySold Current Qty Available to Sell ItemCurrentQuantity QuantityOnHand QuantityAllocated Retp Current Inv Value ItemCurrentQuantity ReportingLocUnitCost *QuantityOnHand Retp Current Allocated Inv Value ItemCurrentQuantity ReportingLocUnitCost *QuantityAllocatted Retp Current Committed Inv Value ItemCurrentQuantity ReportingLocUnitCost *QuantityCommitted Retp Current Damaged Inv Value ItemCurrentQuantity ReportingLocUnitCost *QuantityDamaged Retp Current Back Order Inv Value ItemCurrentQuantity ReportingLocUnitCost *QuantityOnBackOrder Retp Current Ordered Value ItemCurrentQuantity ReportingLocUnitCost *QuantityOnOrder Retp Current Returned Value ItemCurrentQuantity ReportingLocUnitCost *QuantityReturned Retp Current Sold Value ItemCurrentQuantity ReportingLocUnitCost *QuantitySold Current Qty Available to Sell ItemCurrentQuantity QuantityOnHand QuantityAllocated Calculated measures None Possible measures to add None Distribution module: Purchases Pending cube definition The intent of the information contained within the Purchases Pending cube is to provide information to the user on purchase orders (POs) that have been placed with the vendor, but have not been received yet (Outstanding POs). The Purchases Pending cube contains the following tables in a star schema, with the default storage as MOLAP: Table name Description PendingPurchaseOrders Fact Table CompanyMaster Used for Multi-Company Consolidations Vendors Used for dimensions regarding vendors FiscalTime Used for dimensions regarding fiscal year A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C EL 79 PA RT 2 S Y S T E M O W N E R ’ S G U I DE Table name Description ItemMaster Used for dimensions regarding items MasterDate Used for date dimensions POPromisedDateMaster Used for promised date dimensions Purchases Pending cube dimensions Note: All dimensions in bold are also installed in a multicurrency installation. Dimension name Table Column Company Names Company Master Company Name Fiscal Date MasterDate year(Document Date) ’Q’+Quarter(Document Date) month(Document Date) day(Document Date) Fiscal Date by Month MasterDate month(Document Date) year(Document Date) Fiscal Date by Quarter MasterDate ’Q’+Quarter(Document Date) year(Document Date) PO Type PendingPurchaseOrders PO Type Item Master Description ItemMaster Item Description Item Generic Description Item Master Item Generic Description Items by Item Class ItemMaster Item Class Description Item Description Item Type Item Master Item Type Vendor Names Vendors Vendor Name Items ItemMaster ItemNumber -ItemName Vendors Vendors VendorNumber-VendorName PO Status PendingPurchaseOrders PO Status Purchasing Person PendingPurchaseOrders Buyer ID Promised Date POPromisedDateMaster Date Field Functional Currency PendingPurchaseOrders Functional Currency ID Purchases Pending cube measures Note: All measures in bold are the measures installed in a multicurrency installation. 80 A N A LY S I S C U B E S Measure name Table Column Quantity Purchased PendingPurchaseOrders Quantity Quantity in Base Amount PendingPurchaseOrders Quantity in Base Amount Extended Cost PendingPurchaseOrders Extended Cost Originating Extended Cost PendingPurchaseOrders Originating Extended Cost Qty Outstanding PendingPurchaseOrders Qty Outstanding Qty Outstanding in Base Amount PendingPurchaseOrders Qty Outstanding in Base Amount Outstanding Value PendingPurchaseOrders Outstanding Value Number of Shipments PendingPurchaseOrders Number of Shipments Qty Received in Base Amount PendingPurchaseOrders Qty Received in Base Amount Qty Rejected PendingPurchaseOrders Qty Rejected Qty Cancelled PendingPurchaseOrders Qty Cancelled Qty Invoiced PendingPurchaseOrders Qty Invoiced F O R E X C E L C H A PT E R 1 1 C U B E R E F E R E N C E Measure name Table Column Tax Amount PendingPurchaseOrders Tax Amount Originating Tax Amount PendingPurchaseOrders Originating Tax Amount Freight Amount PendingPurchaseOrders Freight Amount Originating Freight Amount PendingPurchaseOrders Originating Freight Amount Miscellaneous Amount PendingPurchaseOrders Miscellaneous Amount Originating Miscellaneous Amount PendingPurchaseOrders Originating Miscellaneous Amount Quantity Purchased PendingPurchaseOrders Quantity Reporting Extended Cost PendingPurchaseOrders Reporting Extended Cost Extended Cost PendingPurchaseOrders Extended Cost Qty Outstanding PendingPurchaseOrders Qty Outstanding Qty Outstanding in Base Amount PendingPurchaseOrders Qty Outstanding in Base Amount Qty Received in Base Amount PendingPurchaseOrders Qty Received in Base Amount Qty Rejected PendingPurchaseOrders Qty Rejected Qty Cancelled PendingPurchaseOrders Qty Cancelled Qty Invoiced PendingPurchaseOrders Qty Invoiced Purchases Pending cube calculated measures None Possible measures Measure name Table Column Unit Cost PendingPurchaseOrders Unit Cost Originating Unit Cost PendingPurchaseOrders Originating Unit Cost Trade Discount Amount PendingPurchaseOrders Trade Discount Amount Originating Trade Discount Amount PendingPurchaseOrders Originating Trade Discount Amount Distribution module: Sales Pending cube definition The Sales Pending cube contains the following tables in a star schema, with the default storage as MOLAP: Table name Description PendingSalesOrders Fact Table CompanyMaster Used for Multi-Company Consolidations Customers Used for dimensions regarding customers FiscalTime Used for dimensions regarding fiscal year ItemMaster Used for dimensions regarding items SalesPerson Used for dimensions regarding sale people MasterDate Used for date dimensions Sales Pending cube dimensions Note: All dimensions in bold are also installed in a multicurrency installation. Dimension name Table Column Company Names Company Master Company Name A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C EL 81 PA RT 2 S Y S T E M O W N E R ’ S G U I DE Dimension name Table Column Customer Names Customers Customer Name Customers by Class Customers Customer Class Customer Name Customers by Location Customers Country State City Customer Name Fiscal Date MasterDate year(Document Date) ’Q’+Quarter(Document Date) month(Document Date) day(Document Date) Fiscal Date by Month MasterDate month(Document Date) year(Document Date) Fiscal Date by Quarter MasterDate ’Q’+Quarter(Document Date) year(Document Date) Document Type PendingSalesOrders Document Type Fiscal Periods FiscalTime Fiscal Year Fiscal Period Item Master Description ItemMaster Item Description Item Generic Description ItemMaster Item Generic Description Item Description Items by Item Class ItemMaster Item Class Description Item Description Items ItemMaster ItemNumber-ItemName Sales Person Name SalesPerson Sales Person Name Sales Territory SalesPerson Sales Territory Sales Manager Name Sales Person Name Customers Customers CustomerNumber-CustomerName Functional Currency PendingSalesOrder Functional Currency ID Sales Pending cube measures Note: All measures in bold are the measures installed in a multicurrency installation. 82 A N A LY S I S C U B E S Measure name Table Column Extended Price PendingSalesOrders Extended Price Originating Extended Price PendingSalesOrders Originating Extended Price Extended Cost PendingSalesOrders Extended Cost Originating Extended Cost PendingSalesOrders Originating Extended Cost Quantity Sold PendingSalesOrders Quantity Base Quantity Sold PendingSalesOrders Quantity in Base Amount Trade Discount Amount PendingSalesOrders Trade Discount Amount Originating Trade Discount Amount PendingSalesOrders Originating Trade Disc Amount Markdown Amount PendingSalesOrders Markdown Amount Originating Markdown Amount PendingSalesOrders Originating Markdown Amount Tax Amount PendingSalesOrders Tax Amount Originating Tax Amount PendingSalesOrders Originating Tax Amount Freight Amount PendingSalesOrders Freight Amount F O R E X C E L C H A PT E R 1 1 C U B E R E F E R E N C E Measure name Table Column Originating Freight Amount PendingSalesOrders Originating Freight Amount Miscellaneous Amount PendingSalesOrders Miscellaneous Amount Originating Miscellaneous Amount PendingSalesOrders Originating Miscellaneous Amount Terms Discount Amount PendingSalesOrders Terms Discount Amount Originating Terms Discount Amount PendingSalesOrders Originating Terms Discount Amount Profit PendingSalesOrders ExtendedPrice-ExtendedCost Extended Price PendingSalesOrders Extended Price Reporting Extended Price PendingSalesOrders Reporting Extended Price Extended Cost PendingSalesOrders Extended Cost Reporting Extended Cost PendingSalesOrders Reporting Extended Cost Quantity Sold PendingSalesOrders Quantity Base Quantity Sold PendingSalesOrders Quantity in Base Amount Reporting Profit PendingSalesOrders ReportingExtendedPrice ReportingExtendedCost Profit PendingSalesOrders ExtendedPrice-ExtendedCost Sales Pending cube calculated measures Note: All measures in bold are the measures installed in a multicurrency installation. Measure name Formula Margin Percentage (Extended Price - Extended Cost)/Extended Price MarkDown Percentage Mark Down Amount /Extended Price Trade Disc Amount Percentage Trade Discount Amount / Extended Price Terms Disc Amount Percentage Terms Discount Amount / Extended Price YTD ExtendedPrice sum(YTD(),CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[Extended Price],0)) YTD Profit sum(YTD(),CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[Profit],0)) Margin Percentage (Reporting Extended Price - Reporting Extended Cost)/Reporting Extended Price YTD ExtendedPrice sum(YTD(),CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[Reporting Extended Price],0)) YTD Profit sum(YTD(),CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[Reporting Profit],0)) Possible measures Measure name Table Column Unit Cost PendingSalesOrders UnitCost Originating Unit Cost PendingSalesOrders OriginatingUnitCost Unit Price PendingSalesOrders UnitPrice Originating Unit Price PendingSalesOrders OriginatingUnitPrice Commission Amount PendingSalesOrders CommissionAmount Originating Commission Amount PendingSalesOrders OriginatingCommissionAmount Distribution module: Purchases cube definition The intent of the information contained within the Purchases cube is to provide information to the user on purchase orders (POs) that have been received. A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C EL 83 PA RT 2 S Y S T E M O W N E R ’ S G U I DE The Purchases cube contains the following tables in a star schema, with the default storage as MOLAP: Table name Description PurchaseOrderDetail Fact Table CompanyMaster Used for Multi-Company Consolidations Vendors Used for dimensions regarding vendors FiscalTime Used for dimensions regarding fiscal year ItemMaster Used for dimensions regarding items MasterDate Used for date dimensions POPromisedDateMaster Used for promised date dimensions Periodicity Used for calculated measures Purchases cube dimensions Note: All dimensions in bold are also installed in a multicurrency installation. Dimension name Table Column Company Names Company Master Company Name Fiscal Date MasterDate year(Document Date) ’Q’+Quarter(Document Date) month(Document Date) day(Document Date) Fiscal Date by Month MasterDate month(Document Date) year(Document Date) Fiscal Date by Quarter MasterDate ’Q’+Quarter(Document Date) year(Document Date) PO Type PurchaseOrderDetail PO Type Item Master Description ItemMaster Item Description Item Generic Description Item Master Item Generic Description Items by Item Class ItemMaster Item Class Description Item Description Item Type Item Master Item Type Vendor Names Vendors Vendor Name Vendors Vendors VendorNumber-VendorName Items ItemMaster ItemNumber-ItemName PO Status PurchaseOrderDetail PO Status Purchasing Person PurchaseOrderDetail Buyer ID Promised Date POPromisedDateMaster year(Document Date) ’Q’+Quarter(Document Date) month(Document Date) day(Document Date) Periodicity Periodicity Periodicity Functional Currency PurchaseOrderDetail Functional Currency ID Purchases cube measures Note: All measures in bold are the measures installed in a multicurrency installation. Measure name 84 A N A LY S I S C U B E S Table Column Quantity Purchased PurchaseOrderDetail Quantity Quantity in Base Amount PurchaseOrderDetail Quantity in Base Amount F O R E X C E L C H A PT E R 1 1 C U B E Measure name Table Column Extended Cost PurchaseOrderDetail Extended Cost R E F E R E N C E Originating Extended Cost PurchaseOrderDetail Originating Extended Cost Qty Outstanding PurchaseOrderDetail Qty Outstanding Qty Outstanding in Base Amount PurchaseOrderDetail Qty Outstanding in Base Amount Outstanding Value PurchaseOrderDetail Outstanding Value Qty Received in Base Amount PurchaseOrderDetail Qty Received in Base Amount Qty Rejected PurchaseOrderDetail Qty Rejected Qty Cancelled PurchaseOrderDetail Qty Cancelled Qty Invoiced PurchaseOrderDetail Qty Invoiced Tax Amount PurchaseOrderDetail Tax Amount Originating Tax Amount PurchaseOrderDetail Originating Tax Amount Freight Amount PurchaseOrderDetail Freight Amount Originating Freight Amount PurchaseOrderDetail Originating Freight Amount Miscellaneous Amount PurchaseOrderDetail Miscellaneous Amount Originating Miscellaneous Amount PurchaseOrderDetail Originating Miscellaneous Amount Quantity Purchased PurchaseOrderDetail Quantity Extended Cost PurchaseOrderDetail Extended Cost Reporting Extended Cost PurchaseOrderDetail Reporting Extended Cost Qty Outstanding PurchaseOrderDetail Qty Outstanding Qty Outstanding in Base Amount PurchaseOrderDetail Qty Outstanding in Base Amount Qty Received in Base Amount PurchaseOrderDetail Qty Received in Base Amount Qty Rejected PurchaseOrderDetail Qty Rejected Qty Cancelled PurchaseOrderDetail Qty Cancelled Qty Invoiced PurchaseOrderDetail Qty Invoiced Purchases cube calculated measures None. Possible measures Measure name Table Column Unit Cost PurchaseOrderDetail Unit Cost Originating Unit Cost PurchaseOrderDetail Originating Unit Cost Trade Discount Amount PurchaseOrderDetail Trade Discount Amount Originating Trade Discount Amount PurchaseOrderDetail Originating Trade Discount Amount Distribution module: Sales cube definition Sales cube tables The Sales cube contains the following tables in a star schema, with the default storage as MOLAP: Table name Description SalesDetail Fact Table CompanyMaster Used for Multi-Company Consolidations A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C EL 85 PA RT 2 S Y S T E M O W N E R ’ S G U I DE Table name Description Customers Used for dimensions regarding customers FiscalTime Used for dimensions regarding fiscal year ItemMaster Used for dimensions regarding items Periodicity Used for calculated measures MasterDate Used for date dimensions SalesPerson Used for dimension regarding Sales People Sales cube dimensions Note: All dimensions in bold are also installed in a multicurrency installation. Dimension name Table Column Company Names CompanyMaster Company Name Customer Names Customers Customer Name Customers by Class Customers Customer Class Customer Name Customers by Location Customers Country State City Customer Name Fiscal Date MasterDate year(Document Date) ’Q’+Quarter(Document Date) month(Document Date) day(Document Date) Fiscal Date by Month MasterDate month(Document Date) year(Document Date) Document Date by Quarter SalesDetail ’Q’+Quarter(Document Date) year(Document Date) Document Type SalesDetail Document Type Fiscal Periods FiscalTime Fiscal Year Fiscal Period Items SalesDetail Item Description Items by Item Class ItemMaster Item Class Description Item Description Item Generic Description ItemMaster Item Generic Description Item Description Items ItemMaster ItemNumber-ItemDescription Customers Customers CustomerNumber-CustomerName Sales Person Name SalesPerson Sales Person Name Sales Territory SalesPerson Sales Territory Sales Person Name Periodicity Periodicity Periodicity Functional Currency ID SalesDetail FunctionalCurrencyID Sales cube measures Note: All measures in bold are the measures installed in a multicurrency installation. 86 A N A LY S I S C U B E S Measure name Table Column Extended Price SalesDetail ExtendedPrice Originating Extended Price SalesDetail OriginatingExtendedPrice F O R E X C E L C H A PT E R 1 1 C U B E Measure name Table Column Extended Cost SalesDetail ExtendedCost R E F E R E N C E OriginatingExtendedCost Salesdetail OriginatingExtendedCost Quantity Sold SalesDetail Quantity Base Quantity Sold SalesDetail QuantityinBaseAmount Originating Trade Discount Amount SalesDetail OriginatingTradeDiscAmount MarkdownAmount SalesDetail MarkdownAmount OriginatingMarkdownAmount SalesDetail OriginatingMarkdownAmount TaxAmount SalesDetail TaxAmount OriginatingTaxAmount SalesDetail OriginatingTaxAmount FreightAmount SalesDetail FreightAmount OriginatingFreightAmount SalesDetail OriginatingFreightAmount MiscellaneousAmount SalesDetail MiscellaneousAmount Originating MiscellaneousAmount SalesDetail Originating MiscellaneousAmount TradeDiscountAmount SalesDetail TradeDiscountAmount OriginatingTradeDiscountAm ount SalesDetail OriginatingTradeDiscountAmount TermsDiscountAmount SalesDetail TermDiscountAmount OriginatingTermsDiscountAm ount SalesDetail OriginatingTermDiscountAmount Profit SalesDetail ExtendedPrice - ExtendedCost Extended Price SalesDetail ExtendedPrice Reportin Extended Price SalesDetail ReportingExtendedPrice Extended Cost SalesDetail ExtendedCost ReportingExtendedCost Salesdetail ReportingExtendedCost Quantity Sold SalesDetail Quantity Base Quantity Sold SalesDetail QuantityinBaseAmount Reporting Profit SalesDetail ReportingExtendedPrice ReportingExtendedCost Sales cube calculated measures Note: All measures in bold are the measures installed in a multicurrency installation. Measure name Formula MarginPercentage (ExtendedPrice - ExtendedCost)/ExtendedPrice MarkDown Percentage Mark Down Amount /Extended Price Trade Disc Amount Percentage Trade Discount Amount / Extended Price Terms Disc Amount Percentage Terms Discount Amount / Extended Price YTD Extended Price sum(YTD(),CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[Extended Price],0)) YTD Profit sum(YTD(),CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[Profit],0)) ReportingMarginPercentage (ReportingExtendedPrice - ReportingExtendedCost) / ReportingExtendedPrice Reporting YTD Extended Price sum(YTD(),CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[Reporting Extended Price],0)) Reporting YTD Profit sum(YTD(),CoalesceEmpty([Measures].[Reporting Profit],0)) A N A LY S I S C U B E S F O R E X C EL 87 PA RT 2 S Y S T E M O W N E R ’ S G U I DE Possible measures to add 88 A N A LY S I S C U B E S Measure name Table Column Unit Cost SalesDetail UnitCost Originating Unit Cost SalesDetail OrigininatingUnitCost Unit Price SalesDetail UnitPrice Originating Unit Price SalesDetail OriginatingUnitPrice Commission Amount SalesDetail CommissionAmount Originating Commission Amount SalesDetail OriginatingCommissionAmount F O R E X C E L