LSS with angular cross-correlations: Combining Spectro and Photometric Survey Enrique Gaztañaga SDSS Cosmic Web galaxies Goals: ! - Motivate use of Galaxy Surveys to understand DE ! - Introduce idea of 2D analysis to combine (3D+2D) probes ! - Introduce DES and PAU Galaxy Surveys (photo vs spec) ! - Discuss same sky (overlapping surveys) ! - Present new Forecast Dark Energy (cosmic acceleration) studies • • • What is causing the acceleration of the expansion of the universe? • Einstein’s cosmological constant Λ? • Some new dynamical field (“quintessence,” Higgs-like)? • Modifications to General Relativity? } “Dark Energy” Dark energy effects can be studied in two main cosmological observables: • The history of the expansion rate of the universe: supernovae, weak lensing, baryon acoustic oscillations, cluster counting, etc. • The history of the rate of the growth of structure (galaxies) in the universe: weak lensing, large-scale structure, cluster counting, etc. For all probes other than SNe, large galaxy surveys are needed: • Spectroscopic: 3D (redshift), medium depth, low density, selection effects • Photometric: “2.5D” (photo-z), deeper, higher density, no selection effects 3 Euclid' • • • • • ESA$Cosmic$Vision$satellite$proposal$(600M€,$M9class$mission)$ 5$year$mission,$L2$orbit$ 1.2m$primary$mirror,$0.5$sq.$deg$FOV$ Ω$=$20,000deg2$imaging$and$spectroscopy$ slitless$spectroscopy:$ – $100,000,000$galaxies$(direct$BAO)$ – $ELGs$(H9alpha$emiPers):$z~0.592.1$$ • imaging:$ – $deep$broad9band$opScal$+$3$NIR$images$ – $2,900,000,000$galaxies$(for$WL$analysis)$ – $photometric$redshi\s$ • • • • Space9base$gives$robustness$to$systemaScs$ Final$down9selecSon$due$$mid$2011$ nominal$2017$launch$date$ See$also:$LSST,$WFIRST$ ! Observing DE: H(z) & D(z) & more Expansion history: H2(z) = H20 [ ΩM (1+z)3 + ΩR (1+z)4 + Ω K(1+z)2 + ΩDE (1+z)3(1+w) ] matter • • • • radiation curvarure dark energy w=p/ρ ∫ Measurements are usually integrals over H(z) r(z) = dz/H(z) Standard Candles (supernova) dL(z) = (1+z) r(z) Standard Rulers (BAO) da(z) = (1+z)−1 r(z) or H(z)=cdz/r directly Volume Markers (clusters) dV/dzdΩ = r2(z)/H(z) Linear Growth history: ! ! Non-linear Growth history • Higher order correlations, Cluster abundance, profiles Solar & Astro test of gravity δ = D(z) δ0 Figure of Merit (FoM): Expansion x Growth w(z) -> Expansion History (background metric) we will use w0 and wa γ -> Growth History (metric perturbations) probably need one more parameter here Theory: P(k,z) ~D2(z) P(k,0) ! ! Linear !! • ∇• v D ∇v + = − δ =≡ −H δ θ= − mass ≡ −H θ conservation a D a θ = − f(Ω) δ f = Velocity growth factor: tell us if gravity is really responsible for structure formation! Could also tell us about cosmological parameters or Modify Gravity = 1! ––––––––––––––––– σ(w0) σ(wa) σ(γ) Om - ODE - h - sig8 - Ob - w0 - wa -γ- ns - bias(z) Is this the best choice for 3 parameters? Cosmic Maps ! They are time machines ! Can measure “time” = redshift z ! Need a way to measure distance to get H(z): expansion history ! Need a way to measure growth of structure: ! growth history ! Comparison of expansion and growth history will tell us if GR is correct on large scales and nature of DE Galaxy Surveys Photometric: poor radial (redshift) resolution (~300 Mpc/h), more Volume good for 2D (WL: Weak Gravitational lensing) DES, VISTA, Pan-STARRS, Subaru/HSC, Skymapper, LSST ! PAU ! Spectroscopic: ! good radial resolution (1-10Mpc/h), but very costly (hard to go deep, smaller Volume, and smaller density) good for BAO and RSD WiggleZ, BOSS, e-BOSS, Subaru/Sumire, BiggBOSS, DESpec, Main Observables galaxy counts: δG (z) = b δ + δvel + 2(s-1) δ𝜿 + δfg + εG RSD 3D bias 3D galaxy shear: wl: 2D δ𝛾 (z) = bia δ + b𝜿 δ𝜿 + δfg + intrinsic alignments 3D CMB Temperature: δT (z=zd) = δ(z=zd) + δISW+SZ + δ𝜿 + δfg + 2D δF (z) = bF δ + δvel + αF δ𝜿 + galaxy magnitudes: ε𝜿 noise wl: 2D intrinsic Ly-alpha Forest: noise foregr wl:2D εF δm (z) = bm δ + δvel + αm δ𝜿 + εm εT 2D vs 3D clustering: Photo-z vs Spectro-z ! 1) Can measure photometric clustering with 3D! ! 2) Can measure spectroscopic clustering with 2D angular cross-correlations! ! 3) Can use a mix approach 2Dx3D covariance.! ! ! ! 1. de Putter R., Dore O., Takada M., astro-‐ph:1308.6070 The'3D'Fisher'Matrix'describes' clustering'of'spectroscopic'galaxies' Seo(&(Eisenstein(Fisher(Matrix((kmax(=(0.2(h/Mpc)( Pg (k, µ ) = bg2 (1+ βµ 2 )2 Pm (k) Kaiser'effect:' Geometry)(Alcock7Paczynski,)BAO,..):) power(spectrum(measured(assuming(a( reference(cosmology( Measured'Spectrum:' k|| = α||−1k||,ref k⊥ = α ⊥−1k⊥,ref 2 2 # & k −2 −1 2 || Pg (k||,ref , k⊥,ref ) = α ⊥ α|| bg %1+ β 2 2 ( Pm (k) k|| + k⊥ ' $ With'dila>on'factors:' H ref α|| ≡ H dA α⊥ ≡ d A,ref linear!' Non]linear'smearing:'FM'' crec=0.5( Ellis(et(al(1206.0737( 1. de Putter R., Dore O., Takada M., astro-‐ph:1308.6070 The'2D'Fisher'matrix'describes' angular'clustering'(in'redshid'bins)' Input:'angular'(cross)'power'spectra:' Assuming'Limber:' Kernels:' ignoring(Intrinsic(Alignments( ignoring(magnificaMon(bias( (shear)' (source'galaxy'clustering)' (spec'galaxy'clustering)' shear:'lmax=2000,'GC:'lmax(=(kmax(*(D(zi),'kmax(=(0.2(h/Mpc( BAO as a standard ruler Planck 2013 BAO gives us a standard distance with a co-moving value rBAO~ 100 Mpc/h (rBAO= 146.8±1.8 Mpc) can be measured in z and/or in angles. Can be used as standard ruler to constrain: ! radial - distance to ruler H(z) : - or parameters in ruler (Omega_M) SDSS 2005! € dr(z) = c dz H(z) cΔzBAO = rBAO H(z) angular dA (z) = cdz ∫ 0 H(z) z rBAO Δθ BAO = dA (z) Amplitude depends on baryon fraction but position is fixed by sound horizon Anna Cabré’s PhD Thesis arXiv:0807.3551 Crocce etal 2011 DR7 Redshi, Space Distor5ons (RSD) BAO: radial H(z) H(z=0.34) = 83.8 ±3.0± 1.6 EG, Cabre & Hui (2009) ∫ Errors f19 rom MICE sim Transverse cdz/H(z) θ(z=0.34) = 3.90 ± 0.38 Carnero etal 2011 Strong and Weak Gravitational Lenses Lentes Gravitatorias Can be used to measure distances and growth history in the universe Midiendo los efectos de lente gravitatoria but is 2D (creadas por la materia oscura) !podemos medir distancias y el crecimiento de estructuras en el universo. Complementarity of Observables Forecast: Planck+SNII priors 14000 sq.deg. DES depth WLxG: shear-shear, galaxy-shear, galaxy-galaxy (including MAG) RSD + BAO F Photometric DESI+ (i<22.5) Combine F+B FxB: Cross Correlated over same Area RSD+BAO WLxG + (BIAS IS KNOWN) (eg 3pt) no shear 2.7 DES (i<24) B Spectroscopic WLxG WLxG + RSD + BAO 6.9 21 32 (189) (55) astro-‐ph:1109.4852 Dark Energy Survey (DES) • • 5000 deg2 galaxy survey in 5 bands. 300M galaxies up to z < 1.4. Also ~4000 SNe. Involves groups in USA, Spain, UK, Brazil, Germany, Switzerland. 2 deg ∅ FoV • • 525 nights in 5 years Will start in late 2012 3556 mm Blanco, CTIO, Chile Camera Scroll 500 Mpixels Shutter Filter Optical Lenses17 2.2 deg. FOV 1575 mm DES Camera Installation May 2012 July 2012 18 DECam First light image • First light in Sep 12th, 2012 • Survey starts in Dec, 1st 2012 19 DES Science Summary Four Probes of Dark Energy • Galaxy Clusters Forecast Constraints on DE Equation of State DES • ~100,000 clusters to z>1 • Synergy with SPT, VHS • Sensitive to growth of structure and geometry • Weak Lensing • Shape measurements of 200 million galaxies • Sensitive to growth of structure and geometry • Baryon Acoustic Oscillations • 300 million galaxies to z = 1 and beyond • Sensitive to geometry Planck prior assumed • Supernovae • 30 sq deg time-domain survey • ~4000 well-sampled SNe Ia to z ~1 • Sensitive to geometry 4 Factor 3-5 improvement over Stage II DETF Figure of Merit Josh Frieman, DOE-NSF Review, May 1-3, 2007 Photometric Redshifts • Measure relative flux in multiple filters: track the 4000 A break ! • Estimate individual galaxy redshifts with accuracy σ(z) < 0.1 (~0.02 for clusters) ! • Precision is sufficient for 2D Dark Energy probes, provided error distributions well measured. ! • Good detector response in z band filter needed to reach z>1 Elliptical galaxy spectrum DES Photo-z Precision DES DES griz griZY + VHS JHKs on VISTA DES +VHS 10σ Limiting Magnitudes g 24.6 J 20.3 r 24.1 H 19.4 i 24.0 Ks 18.3 23.9 Zz 23.8 !Y 21.6 +2% photometric calibration error added in quadrature ! ! σ(z) ~ 0.05×(1+z) Josh Frieman, DOE-NSF Review, May 1-3, 2007 Photo-z error and WL For pure WL shear a 5-10% photo-z error is good enough because of broad (2D) projection (WL sees all matter in front of source galaxies): 𝛾1 ~ 𝛾2 Shear for source galaxy at z1 𝛾1 𝛾2 Observ er To avoid intrinsic alignment contamination to WL signal we want to do <𝛾1 𝛾2> instead of <𝛾1 𝛾1> Photo-z outliers might are then more important The PAU Survey @ the WHT 24 The PAUcam@WHT Project in a Nutshell • New camera for WHT with 18 2k x 4k CCDs covering 1 deg ∅ FoV. • 48 100Å-wide filters covering 3700-8600 Å in 6 movable filter trays, which also include standard ugrizY filters. • As a survey camera, it can cover ~2 deg2 per night in all filters. • It can provide low-resolution spectra (Δλ/λ ~ 2%, or R ~ 50) for >30000 galaxies, 5000 stars, 1000 quasars, 10 galaxy clusters, per night. • Expected galaxy redshift resolution σ(z) ~ 0.003×(1+z) Actual measurements in MICE simulations 25 P.Marti,R.Miquel, F.Castander, M.Eriksen 26 P.Marti, R.Miquel, F.Castander , M.Eriksen arXiv:1402.3220 2014MNRAS.442...92M 27 The Importance of Redshift Resolution z-space, Δz = 0.03(1+z) + peculiar velocities (DES) z-space, Δz = 0.003(1+z) + peculiar velocities (PAU) z-space, perfect resolution + peculiar velocities Real space XTalks in Galaxy Clustering 1. Galaxy Clustering 2pt: 3D, all info but degenerate with biased: can measure linear shape, but not growth 2. Galaxy Clustering 3pt: 3D (break degeneracy) 3. Weak Lensing: 2D (unbiased but degenerate & few 2D modes) ! 4. Redshift Space Distortions (can be used in to measure bias 1D) => measure bias: Combine probes/traces: RSD + WL Cross-correlate probes: galaxy-lensing Combine Photometric & Spectroscopic Surveys: sampling variance, photo-z accuracy astro-‐ph:1109.4852 Galaxy Bias or how Galaxies trace the mass Search of Cosmological parameters is hinder by BIAS? What can we do: ! A) Avoid BIAS: BAO, SNe, Cluster counts, WL ! ! B) Understand Bias <==> Galaxy Formation ! Xtalk probes: combine different probes to measure bias together other cosmological parameters Clustering with photo-z: 2D analysis ! • Photo-z quality and clustering (P.Marti) • need (pdf or) spec-z callibration sample ! ! • need better radial resolution to get full 3D info (FoM): PAU ! •Linear Algebra to speed prediction (5D) codes (M.Eriksen) ! •Get 3D P(k) from angular (2D) clustering: •Measuring RSD (& galaxy bias) in 2D (J.Asorey) •Combine WL and RSD (M.Eriksen) •Measuring bias from 3-point correlations (K.Hoffman) ! ! Radial BAO in 2D distance bins: photo-‐z outliers Martin Eriksen Actual measurements in MICE simulations RSD in 2D Jacobo Asorey & MarZn Crocce arXiv:1305.0934 Adjacent bins (no photo-‐z outliers) 34 Photometric Sample i ~ 24 2D lensing Δz = 0.03 100 Mpc/h 10000Km/s measure bias recover full 3D info from 2D+3D Δz = 0.003 10 Mpc/h Spectroscopic Sample i ~ 23 1000Km/s RSD+WL: Same or different sky? Same Sky: factor of 2 less Area but cross-correlations! ! but note that covariance <WLxRSD> ~ 0 while <FF BB> ≠ 0 Different Sky: no cross-correlations & no Covariance (smaller sampling variance, but no sampling variance cancelation) 1. Gaztanaga E., Eriksen M., Crocce M., Castander F. J.,Fosalba P., Marti P., Miquel R., Cabre A., astro-‐ph: 1109.4852 2. Cai Y.-C., Bernstein G., astro-‐ph:1112.4478 3. Kirk D., Lahav O., Bridle S., Jouvel S., Abdalla F. B., Frieman J. A., astro-‐ph:1307.8062 4. Font-Ribera A., McDonald P., Mostek N., Reid B. A., Seo H.-J., Slosar A., astro-‐ph:1308.4164 5. de Putter R., Dore O., Takada M., astro-‐ph:1308.6070 1 2D+3D Cov ~ 0 <gF FxB >> F+B 2 2D+3D Cov ~ 0 <gF radial FxB > F+B 3 2D Cov≠0 <gF FxB >> F+B 4 2D+3D Cov ~ 0 <g FxB ~ F+B 5 2D+3D Cov ~ 0 <gF FxB ~ F+B 36 Relative Gain in Modified Gravity Figure of Merit (growth rate) from Same Sky factor ~1.4 in γ Cai & Bernstein DES WL MS DESI RSD Note WL data not available in the north LSST WL 12 37 1. Font-Ribera A., McDonald P., Mostek N., Reid B. A., Seo H.-J., Slosar A., astro-‐ph:1308.4164 The illusion of overlap Fourier space coverage Radial k Lensing Photo-z density Angular k Redshift space density 38 1. de Putter R., Dore O., Takada M., astro-‐ph:1308.6070 Forecasts'are'made'by'combining'2D' and'3D'Fisher'matrices' has'transverse'modes'(μ≈0)'removed'' p=photo-z s=spec-z 2D Limber=no radial modes See,'e.g.,'Cai(&(Bernstein(2012,' 39 Gaztanaga(et(al(2012( Importance of Covariance • <FB> ~ 0 can reduce sampling variance by sqrt(2) • <FB> ~ 1 no reduciton if F and B are the same • <FB> ~ 1 larger reduciton if F and B are different but have same noise, because of noise cancelation. In this case number of modes is less important ! PF / PB ~ (bF +f µ2)/(bB +f µ2) ! • • Because of Limber and 3D+2D approximations previous studies removes the covariance in radial modes. 40 Forecast WL+RSD Nuisance parameters: one bias per z-bin & pop , photo-z transitions (rij, can be measured), noise (σ/n) Cosmological: Om - ODE - h - sig8 - Ob - w0 - wa - γ - ns - bias(z) shear-shear (2D): 𝛾<𝛾 𝛾> galaxy-shear (2D need narrow bins) <g 𝛾> galaxy-galaxy (3D or narrow bins): <g g> including BAO, RSD and WL magnification F= Faint (Photometric dz~0.05) sample: <𝛾F 𝛾F>, <gF 𝛾F>, <gF gF> B= Bright (Spectroscopic dz~0.003) sample: <𝛾B 𝛾B>, <gB 𝛾B>, <gB gB> F+B= No overlap => no cross <FB>=0 & no Covariance : <FF BB>=0 FxB= Overlaping => <FB>≠0 & <FF BB> ≠ 0 41 Our new Exact Calculation Forecast: 14000 sq.deg. Martin Eriksen WLxG*+RSD+BAO (cross Cl: l<300 + Planck priors) F Photometric (DES i ! ! 2.7 / fix bias 44 no lens 0.04 no lens 4.3 CrossCorrelated over same Area /no BAO 4.4/no RSD 2.5 21 / fix bias 171 F+B Combine both as Independent FxB 2.2 6.9/ fix bias 46 B Spectroscopic (PAU i /no BAO 2.1/no RSD no lens 4.7 /no BAO 14/no RSD 9 32 /fix bias 190 no lens 5.9 *WLxG: shear-shear, galaxy-shear, galaxy-galaxy (including MAG) /no BAO 23/no RSD 15 no cross FB: 28>21 FxB (no cross) > F+B Goals: ! - Motivate use of Galaxy Surveys to understand DE ! - Introduce idea of 2D analysis to combine (3D+2D) probes ! - Introduce DES and PAU Galaxy Surveys (photo vs spec) ! - Discuss same sky (overlaping surveys): the covariance is more important than the Cross, but both contribute. ! - Present Forecast THE END • Additional slides 44
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