Bananas - G.Groppi Food Market
Bananas - G.Groppi Food Market
Week of Oct 13 to Oct 19 - Meat - G.Groppi Food Market - P rod uce - Baby Back Ribs Pumpkins $4.99 lb ............................................... (Skinned) 2/$5.00 ............................................ Choice Ribeye Steaks $13.99 lb ............................................ Whole Chickens $1.89 lb ............................................ Cooked Shrimp (16-20ct) $15.99 lb - V . R ich ard s Bak ery - Lemon Bars $1.79 ea - Bread sm it h - French Ficelle $1.29 ea - S u n d ays- 6 Free Sciortino Rolls With Purchase of 1 lb Hot Ham Beefsteak Tomatoes 59¢ lb ............................................... Sweet Red Bell Peppers 99¢ lb ............................................... Red Seedless Grapes $1.29 lb