OKLAHOMA GROCERS ASSOCIATION OKLAHOMA FOOD INDUSTRY COUPON REDEMPTION SERVICE OFIC1~ ~ 11C I I NEWS BULLETIN ~~~~ ~~ OKLAHOMA GROCERS ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 18716 Oklahoma City, OK 73154 405/525-9419 800/580-9400 405/525-0962 Fax COUNTERFEIT COUPON ALERTI 06-14-13 Attached are images of counterfeit coupons we have confirmed are currently in circulation. Each counterfeit coupon is noted below. If the coupon is scannable, the bar code string will be included. PepsiCo 1. Offer 359927 - Save $3.75 on any (1) Mountain Dew 12 pack 2. Please note: Coupon scans to offer 359467. Unique Databar String: 8110100120003594673375110000313123141301015255555555 2. Offer 321112 - Save $3.50 on one 12 pack of any pepsi product 3. Offer 542277 - Save $2.75 on one six pack of 16.90Z bottles or larger of any pepsi product Unique Databar String: 8110100120005422773275110000306041340101135212224547 H.P.Hood 4. Offer 000450 - Save $4.50 On any size any variety Lactaid Milk Campbell Soup Co. 5. Offer 0084652 - Save $1.50 When you purchase any THREE (3) Pepperidge Farm products Unique Databar String: 8110100141000846523150110000 Blackhawk Network 6. Offer 314756 - SAVE $45.00 when you buy 1 (one) Visa Gift Card 7. Offer 717283 - SAVE $20.00 when you buy one (1) Amazon.com Gift Card Unique Databar String: 8110200599366717283420001100004120301 S. C. Johnson & Sons ' 8. Offer 587200 - SAVE $3.00 Off any One (1) SHOUT stain remover Nestle Purina PetCare 9. Offer 093005 - SAVE $7.00 when you buy any flavor Friskies Purina Dry Cat Food Unique Databar String: 81101005000009300537001100003131123 1. MANurACTURER'S COUPON Explrea:1213112013 I Save $3.75 I on any (1) Mountain Dew Cl12 pack I I I ~'''''''O'IIJ''''''''''' ••••.•••. )•.•...,•.•..•..• IllIITM..fA: •••••••••••• - ••••••••• wau •.•••••••••••••••••••. 1"IAMI.e..••••••••••••• __ •••••• HXU •••••••••••.•••••• ~ ~ •••••••••••••• ).••••• MII4IInI ,..,,; •••••• C1f ••••••• gf~ •••••••••••••••• ~ ••••. CIM "'-10)011 •• ~""MrJr.WAot ••••••••••••• ).•.•••••••••••• _ •••• ,.,,....,.. •••.. CClIlIl.IW •••••pIIJ,... \II. MJ"''* ---.... ••.••••• .., •• ..-..... e...-lIIlilII •••• ar••••• b, •••. ••••• lfIiIDIIt.COI.A. 1"-'Dr.0II •••• 1X7IMl. ONtlflBl'Sl.COLA I ......-e. •.• c.-O"'.,••. I I I I OlIo< IOf 123& 0..._..•... 1'-.: ,..••••••••••••. " •••. I :.:,,'" I I"<MCrQJ Ifr I SMARTSOURCe- -------------- --------------------- 2. EJc•••• I I , I I I I I IPh,*,,- IUt_ I 0tJ0r1Oll 12254 I lJIOWtuo.,. I SMARTSOURCEe ------ - ...•. --- :0II3112013 3. Save $2.75 on one alx peck of 16.90Z bottles or larger of a1y pepsi ~ ..•..........••.•......,••..... ~ ...•......meI.-••••••••• NETAllJiR:tf ••••••••• ~ ~ •••••••••••••• •••• M ••••••••• fl ••••••••••• .., •••••••••••• 1n ••••••••.••••••• "' •••••••.••••••••••• .,..... "*_ •..•.•.• ..."__••......•.. ~1rMie."""" tf-e.c- ••••..", 1M•••• __ ~ ..~c..... ............••......... ~••••TllPM*.""__ ••••••_-..,..""" ••_.IF_ar.cw -- ••••-_ •••• MoI) •• ..-l _ "'_ ••••• 1118) •• ••.,.,,_ •••__ 1IIf'" h \114_ ••••••• . ~~----------------~-=~~------------=~ 4. MANUFACTURER COUPON EXPIRES12/31/2013 Save On any size any variety Lactaid~ Milk. RETAILER: Sending coupons to McNeil Nutntlonals. SW 147thAve, by purchasing Miami, FL3318S the products Incf<caled. May not be reproduced.VOId If transf~rred. LlC .. 2617 CONSUMER: Redeem , ONLY 5. 6. 7. -------' AVEbuY'$20.00 when one (1) 1""tDwuuo amazon.com· yOU Amazon.com Gift Card _It --. COIlied.-, __ • -.,..,...,. ellC'lar!god ..t>o ••• P'<tIbteCl a IMlriefod One......", pw ~ SIltCfIodl"Oducl(.). 0- onlyII USA. "POt & rPo. br'- _. . v."l!J Of d • L!I. 1:1 8. ••••• •.•• 0111112013 • .nd Yt>u·•• do ••• : -cr =-~_-::.:.":... -__ TIVfS. 9. II.'ANJFACTURER S co JPON Explres:11123/2013 SAVE $7.00 when YOU buy any flavor Friskies@) Purina Dry Cat Food Void ifaltered. copled, sold. purcllased. transferred. eJCharo:led ct where prohibited Of ,eslricled by law. One coupon per purd\ase of ..-;roNl ,,,,,,'n"(o) C'.nntt mIy It1lJ!a.. APOo A FPO. 0050000-093005 RETAILER: Nos'I4"',""" PoIC •••• Company will ,eimburse you the lace value of tills coupon plus 8 • COl"lts if o.ubmittod in ecmpfiGnco with our redemption : pdi<:y. Copy available upon request. Cash value 1/100 : cen'. Send 10 _ Purina PetCMe eomp..y. eMS I Dept. 50000.1 Fawceltllrivt. DelRio. Texas 788400< ; an authOriZed dearinghouse. : CONSUMER No other coupon may be used with this : coopon Consumer pa~~ any sales tax. A23217G •....... ..• .... ... -- ..--.•... .•. - -.- - - --- ..--- ---- --- ..- N T -- ---- .. ------ --- --------- ---- .•..•. - ..-- --- .. --- --- ---- -- .. ------ --- .•-- ..