Agenda City Of Edina, Minnesota City Hall Thursday, May 12, 2016


Agenda City Of Edina, Minnesota City Hall Thursday, May 12, 2016
Energy and Environment Commission
City Of Edina, Minnesota
City Hall
Thursday, May 12, 2016
7:00 PM
Call To Order
Roll Call
III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda
IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes
A. Minutes
Community Comment
During "Community Comment," the Board/Commission will invite residents to share relevant
issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit
the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking,
items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment.
Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board/Commission Members to respond to their
comments tonight. Instead, the Board/Commission might refer the matter to sta for
consideration at a future meeting.
VI. Reports/Recommendations
A. CERTS - Fostering Sustainable Behavior
B. Partners in Energy Update
C. 2016 Workplan / Workgroups
VII. Correspondence And Petitions
A. Correspondence
VIII. Chair And Member Comments
A. Attendance report and roster
B. Working Group List
C. Chair and Member Comments
IX. Sta Comments
A. Sta Comments
The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the
public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampli cation, an
interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861
72 hours in advance of the meeting.
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
May 12, 2016
Energy and Environment Commission
Rebecca Foster, GIS Adminstrator
Subject: Minutes
Approve Regular February 11, 2016 Meeting Minutes
Descr ipt ion
Agenda Item #: IV.A.
Item Type:
Item Activity:
Draft Minutes☒
Approved Minutes☐
Approved Date:
City Of Edina, Minnesota
Energy and Environment Commission
Edina City Hall Community Room
Thursday, March 10, 2016, 7:00 PM
Call To Order
Chair Zarrin called the meeting to order at 7:00p.m.
Roll Call
Answering Roll Call were Burmeister, Glahn, Jackson, Kostuch, Manser, Mohanty, Reinke,
Satterlee, Seeley, Waddick, and Chair Zarrin.
Late: Stefanik
Absent: Horan
Staff Present: Ross Bintner and Rebecca Foster
III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda
Motion made by Kostuch to approve the Meeting Agenda. Motion seconded by Seeley.
Motion carried.
IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes
Motion made by Kostuch to approve the February 11, 2016 minutes with edits. Motion
seconded by Seeley. Motion carried.
Special Recognitions And Presentations
Commissioner Stefanik arrived at 7:02p.m.
VI. Community Comment
Judith F. from Rolf and 63rd is interested in reducing the number of garbage trucks on
the streets.
VII. Reports/Recommendation
A. New Member Introductions
• All existing and new members introduced themselves.
B. Prepare for EEC/CC Joint Workshop on March 15
Draft Minutes☒
Approved Minutes☐
Approved Date:
Chair Zarrin reviewed the PowerPoint for the Council Work Session.
First bring back ECCT
Second is to receive a quarterly progress report to ECCT
Third incorporate sustainability and greenhouse gas reduction into City
Fourth Pie follow through by identify data for all 3 sectors and propose a plan for
each sector
Motion made by Zarrin to create a task force for ECCT. Motion seconded by Seeley. Nays are
Kostuch, Glahn and Jackson. Motion carried.
C. Partners in Energy Update
Sarah Klauer, Partners in Energy, reviewed Pie’s Energy Vision, previous Greenhouse
Gas Inventory and the following goals were presented.
First is to focus on areas of Schools and Service of Learning.
Second is a Residential Information Campaign
Third is Wind Source
Fourth is City Facilities
Fifth is Business Energy Efficiency
Produce Energy Action Plan and review at the May EEC meeting.
D. 2016 Workplan / Workgroups
Chair Zarrin reviewed the workplan and proposed the following Items into the work
Items #1 thru #3 Energy Working Group
Item #4
Item #5 Recycling Solid Waste ad Organics Working Group
Item #6 Education and Outreach Working Group
Item # 7 Water Quality Working Group
Chair Zarrin is proposing an Energy Greenhouse Gas Reduction, Initiative (1-3)
approved work plan 2016 Work Group with Subcommittees of City Operation,
Residential, Business and Schools. EEC will vote to create Working Group in May.
Motion made by Kostuch to delete Building Energy Efficiency, City Environmental
Considerations, Community Solar and Home Energy Squad Subcommittees. Motion seconded
by Glahn. Motion carried.
Motion made by Zarrin to approve Commissioner Satterlee to Chair the Education and
Outreach Working Group. Motion seconded by Manser. Motion carried.
Draft Minutes☒
Approved Minutes☐
Approved Date:
Motion made by Kostuch to change existing Education and Outreach Working Group CoChairs to Working Group Members and add new Member Laura Kondrick. Motion seconded
by Glahn. Motion carried.
Motion made by Jackson to approve Chair Zarrin to Chair the new proposed Energy Working
Group. Motion seconded by Seeley. Motion carried.
E. April 14 EEC Forum
Chair Zarrin announced the April 14th Forum “A Smart Energy Future Will Edina
Lead the Way?”
The April 14th EEC Regular Meeting is cancelled and Commissioners are supposed
to attend the Forum.
Chair Zarrin is asking Commissioners to sign up for duties at the Forum.
Motion made by Chair Zarrin to wait on the Community Solar video and do an overall video
on greenhouse gas reduction from the results of Pie. Motion seconded by Seeley. Motion
VIII. Correspondence And Petitions
Christopher J. DeLaForest sent a letter expressing his observations on the
organized collection. The Recycling Solid Waste and Organics Working Group are
not addressing the topic. Mr. Bintner will respond to DeLaForest.
IX. Chair And Member Comments
Attendance report and roster
The new Members will be added to next month’s roster.
Commissioners can’t miss three meetings in a row or you’ll be removed from the
A. Workgroup list and Minutes
This topic was discussed earlier.
B. Chair and Member Comments
C. Building Energy Efficiency Subcommittee
• The Subcommittee was removed earlier tonight.
D. City Environmental Considerations Subcommittee
• The Subcommittee was removed earlier tonight.
E. Community Solar Subcommittee
• The Subcommittee was removed earlier tonight.
Draft Minutes☒
Approved Minutes☐
Approved Date:
F. Education Outreach Working Group
• This topic was discussed earlier.
G. Home Energy Squad Subcommittee
• The Subcommittee was removed earlier tonight.
H. Recycling, Solid Waste and Organics Working Group
• Seeley gave an update on the Organics Ordinance and Packaging Ordinance.
• Haulers are concerned about the organics facilities.
• The Working Group will visit the organic sites and decide how to proceed in May.
• The Working Group held two public meetings to discuss the packaging ordinance.
• A member of the Southdale Fairview Hospital is asking the City not to exempt hospitals
from the packaging ordinance.
I. Student Subcommittee
• Stefanik said the group is finalizing the Tech Dump event.
• The group heard the about the High School Environmental Energy Efficiency plans.
J. Water Quality Working Group
• Member Waddick will send a Thank you to Brian Olson for his salt presentation.
• Would like MPCA meet with the Group to discuss salt usage at Businesses.
• Table at Forum
• On Earth Day at the Library will be a display case about Water.
• Table at Garden Club Mother’s Day sale.
• Follow up with Arden Park residents on rain garden outreach.
• Would like to highlight Businesses doing a good job with Environmental Sustainability.
Staff Comments
A. Staff Comments
Green Core Grant Application for March 15th Council Agenda. A 10 month
employee from MPCA to work on greenhouse gases.
EEC Green Purchasing Advisory on March15th Council Agenda.
The Community Solar 40% subscription of 1 megawatt Garden will be on a farm SE
of Jordan, MN.
Motion made by Glahn to approve Chair Zarrin to be a Member of the Education and
Outreach Working Group. Motion seconded by Kostuch. Motion carried.
XI. Adjournment
Motion made by Glahn to adjourn the March 10, 2016 meeting at 9:13p.m. Motion seconded by
Member Manser. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Draft Minutes☒
Approved Minutes☐
Approved Date:
Rebecca Foster
GIS Administrator
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
May 12, 2016
Energy and Environment Commission
Ross Bintner, Environmental Engineer
Subject: CERTS - Fostering Sustainable Behavior
Agenda Item #: VI.A.
Item Type:
Item Activity:
No action is required
EEC Members will hear a presentation from Alexis Troschinetz with the Clean Energy Resource Teams (CERTS)
on "Fostering Sustainable Behavior."
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
May 12, 2016
Energy and Environment Commission
Ross Bintner - Environmental Engineer
Subject: Partners in Energy Update
Agenda Item #: VI.B.
Item Type:
Report and Recommendation
Item Activity:
Provide input to the EEC members on the Partners in Energy planning team.
The City has partnered with Xcel Energy in it's Partners in Energy program. Sarah Zarrin, Carolyn Jackson,
and Richard Manser are on the Partners in Energy planning group. Group members will update the Commission
on the latest.
Attached is an early draft plan. A final draft is being prepared and will come back to the Energy and Environment
Commission in June.
You can download and review the presentations materials at the following web address: or by searching "Partners in Energy" on
Descr ipt ion
Update Email
Early Draft Plan
Rebecca Foster
Ross Bintner
Friday, April 29, 2016 11:30 AM
Ross Bintner
Rebecca Foster; 'Sarah Klauer ([email protected])'
Partners In Energy Update 5
Follow Up Flag:
Flag Status:
Follow up
EEC Members,
The fifth Partners in Energy meeting was held April 4th, here is your update!
The planning effort is moving to a close and members reviewed the attached draft plan. There were request for more
detail and a description of how the electric focus of this plan will integrate with the overall GHG reduction goals of the
City. Members also requested additional meeting to provide additional detail to the residential and commercial sector
specific actions. Sector specific meeting are taking plan in the next two weeks. The additional meetings will modify the
schedule moving forward and give the overall EEC two looks at the draft and final plan.
May 12 Energy and Environment Commission meeting – Review Draft Plan / Learn about final details under
June 9 EEC – Review Final Plan and consider recommendation of Energy Action Plan to Council
June 19 or July 21 City Council. Consider approval of PiE Energy Action Plan and MoU with Xcel for
Download and review the presentations materials at the following web address: Meeting 5 materials are available.
Ross Bintner, PE, Environmental Engineer
952-903-5713 | Fax 952-826-0392
[email protected] |
...For Living, Learning, Raising Families & Doing Business
From: Ross Bintner
Sent: Tuesday, March 01, 2016 9:11 AM
To: Ross Bintner
Cc: Rebecca Foster; Sarah Klauer ([email protected])
Subject: Partners In Energy Update 4
EEC Members,
The fourth Partners in Energy meeting was held February 23rd, here is your update!
See attached Workshop 4 notes that describe all the focus areas and next steps for the planning team and link below
include all information presented at the meeting. At the meeting, the planning team discussed action strategies, goals
and actions that will inform the first draft of the energy action plan. There is a lot of work ahead in March and April, as
the plan goes from a rough draft to final. Here is the schedule:
March 10 EEC Meeting Presentation – Review goals, strategies and potential actions with Xcel, CEE, and EEC/PiE
planning team members.
April 4 Partners in Energy planning meeting 5 – Produce draft of Energy Action Plan
May 12 Energy and Environment Commission meeting - Finalize and consider recommendation of Energy Action
June 7 City Council. Consider approval of PiE Energy Action Plan and MoU with Xcel for implementation
EEC planning team members need your help! Prepare yourself to provide input on next steps – attached is a sneak
preview of a few items that will be in your March 10 EEC Packet on the city focus area, they include;
1. Concept level GHG analysis and reduction planning concept for city operations
2. Updated conservation and sustainability goal summery
3. Regional indicators planning example
Also, download and review the presentations materials at the following web address: Meeting 4 is not immediately available, but website will be
updated soon with the latest.
Ross Bintner, PE, Environmental Engineer
952-903-5713 | Fax 952-826-0392
[email protected] |
...For Living, Learning, Raising Families & Doing Business
From: Ross Bintner
Sent: Monday, February 01, 2016 1:28 PM
To: Ross Bintner
Cc: Sarah Klauer ([email protected])
Subject: Partners In Energy Update 3
EEC Members,
The third Partners in Energy meeting was held January 21st, here is your update!
The meeting started with group members breaking the ice by sharing their personal energy use comparing it to the
average annual 9,430kWh, or average monthly 786kWh number. The group then explored more data as follow up to the
last meeting, notable presentation data included:
• Slide 7, current plan to reduce carbon intensity of electric grid by 35% by 2025.
• Slide 8, commercial trend of decreasing demand by 1.3 “City Hall equivalents” per year, and increasing
residential demand by 1.0 “city hall equivalents” per year. Where a city hall equivalent is 1.4M kWh/yr.
• Slide 14, the residential energy pie show that the 40% of users that with “above average” energy use, use nearly
70% of all residential energy.
• Slide 16, Rich detail on the appx 675 Residential Windsource participants show ½ subscribed to the minimum
100kWh block.
Members were asked to nominate and prioritize focus areas, and then split up and proposed goals and possible
implementation actions for each focus area. Three priority focus areas and goals that emerged were:
• Residential Windsource: Double the usage and double the average amount of windsource in the next 18 month.
• Schools and Service Learning: Contact school personnel, follow up on service learning and term projects.
• Residential Information Campaign: 750 homes take action toward carbon reduction per year.
Members left with homework assignments to detail what an 18 month implementation timeline would look like to
achieve the goal for their priority area.
You can download review the presentations materials at the following web address:
Ross Bintner, PE, Environmental Engineer
952-903-5713 | Fax 952-826-0392
[email protected] |
...For Living, Learning, Raising Families & Doing Business
From: Ross Bintner
Sent: Monday, December 28, 2015 3:27 PM
To: Ross Bintner
Cc: Rebecca Foster
Subject: Partners In Energy Update 2
EEC Members,
Partners in Energy Update
The City of Edina and Xcel Energy hosted the second planning meeting for Partners in Energy in mid-December. During
the meeting the group heard presentations from Sarah Zarrin and Bill Sierks on the goals of the City and the work of the
Energy and Environment Commission, from Michelle Swanson on Xcel and the business of power, and from Jenny
Edwards, facilitator from the Center for Energy and the Environment.
You can download review the presentations materials at the following web address:
Here were some key statistics that stuck me:
• Xcel already uses 55% carbon free energy sources (Xcel Background Presentation)
• Only 79 households in Edina choose to reduce or eliminate their carbon energy by subscribing to Windsource.
(Slide 30)
• 66% of total community use in commercial and industrial, of this percent the top 20 users make up 87% of the
use. (Slide 17)
• Top 20 C&I users use an average of 16.7 million kWh annually.
• Residential makes up the remaining 34% of use, 6000-9000 kWh annual use is average for Xcel residential
premise. More than ½ of Edina neighborhoods are “Above Average” (Slide 19) with top 20% of household use
making up 45% and the top 40% of households making up nearly 70% of the use (slide 20)
• Including all municipal accounts (yes, water and sanitary utilities too), the City of Edina uses 36 million kWh
annually (slide 26) 6.16% of the total 2014 use and 9.3% of commercial and industrial sector use. So I’m
guessing City of Edina is user number 2-4.
After the review of data we finalized the group vision statement (slide 39) Now with all this great data and a vision to
move, the facilitators had to struggle to keep everyone in big-picture “Topic Areas,” when the team was ready to go to
strategies and tactics – where the Partners in Energy will go in meetings 3 and 4! Look forward to an update at the
January 14 EEC meeting.
Website Input Needed
In the new year, please resolve to provide input or updates on any of the many website pages relating to the Energy and
Environment commission!
Go Green Edina:
Partners in Energy:
EEC Main Page:
Energy Challenge:
Energy Events:
Working Groups:
Ross Bintner, PE, Environmental Engineer
952-903-5713 | Fax 952-826-0392
[email protected] |
...For Living, Learning, Raising Families & Doing Business
From: Ross Bintner
Sent: Tuesday, December 01, 2015 8:36 AM
To: Ross Bintner
Cc: Rebecca Foster
Subject: Partners In Energy Update for EEC Members
EEC Members,
I wasn’t able to attend your most recent meeting, so I thought I’d provide a Partners in Energy update: The first
planning event was held on October 14, where members of the planning team introduced themselves, and spent a
majority of the meeting reviewing baseline data, past and present conservation and sustainability initiatives, and started
the process of defining an Energy Vision for the group.
EEC Members on the planning team include Bill Sierks, Sarah Zarrin and Richard Manser. You can review handouts,
meeting agenda, data and presentation slides at the following web
address: As the EEC is the center of gravity for Energy topics
in the City, much of the information prepared for the first Partners in Energy meeting will be review for you.
The next Partners in Energy meeting is coming in mid-December, and meetings are planned monthly. I’ll provide an
update of the next Partners in Energy event in December, and include information in your January meeting packet.
Ross Bintner, PE, Environmental Engineer
952-903-5713 | Fax 952-826-0392
[email protected] |
...For Living, Learning, Raising Families & Doing Business
Comment [SK1]: This will evolve based on
decisions made during Workshop 5 and in the small
group homework
Comment [SK2]: Will be completed based on
decisions made in Workshop 5 and small group
Comment [SK3]: Work with Ross to complete
Comment [SK4]: To be updated based on
Workshop 5 and the in between workshop small
group work.
Comment [SK5]: Confirm with Ross
Comment [SK6]: The remainder of this section
is a draft that will be refined and re-written after
Workshop 5
Comment [SK7]: All of the content in this
section will be discussed and refined at Workshop 5,
with follow-up from the workshop to finalize.
Comment [SK8]: Draft to be refined at
Workshop 5
Comment [SK9]: This is a draft and will be
refined after Workshop 5.
Comment [SK10]: Draft to be refined at
Workshop 5
Comment [SK11]: Draft to be refined at
Workshop 5
Comment [SK12]: Draft to be refined at
Workshop 5
Comment [SK13]: Will address at Workshop 5
Comment [SK14]: To be added during final
Comment [SK15]: To be added during final
Comment [SK16]: To be added during final
Comment [SK17]: To be added during final
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
May 12, 2016
Energy and Environment Commission
Ross Bintner - Environmental Engineer
Subject: 2016 Workplan / Workgroups
Agenda Item #: VI.C.
Item Type:
Item Activity:
Action, Discussion
Consider approval of three work group 'greenprints' that focus on sectors of energy use and greenhouse gas
reduction coming from the Partners in Energy, Energy Action Plan drafts.
The Chair drafted three work group 'greenprints' that focus on sectors of energy use and greenhouse gas
reduction coming from the Partners in Energy, Energy Action Plan drafts.
Attachments include the three work group 'greenprint' drafts, workplan, workgroup list and term summary and
Descr ipt ion
Commercial Sector GHG Work Group
City Operations Sector GHG Work Group
Residential Sector GHG Work Group
Work Group List
Term Summary and Schedule
EEC Work Plan
Advisory Board and Commission
Working Group Greenprint
This form must be completed prior to a board or commission approving the establishment of a working group.
Choose an item.
Business Energy Efficiency and Conservation
WORKING GROUP OBJECTIVE: Edina Businesses reduce community’s green house
gas, GHG, emissions by 30% by 2025 through strategies and actions that are sustainable,
practical, and measurable
WORKING GROUP CHAIR/CO-CHAIRS: Click here to enter text.
Project Title
A working group may have more than one project.
Describe the project and how it supports the
approved work plan.
Business energy efficiency and conservation, 30% GHG
emission reduction by 2025
To support the charter of the Edina Energy and Environment
Commission to reduce Green House Gas (GHG) emission
30% by 2025 by focusing on Business sector of Edina.
The work group will:
1) Work with the Partners in Energy Group, (PIE) by creating
awareness and engaging businesses to take action to conserve
and increase energy efficiency, 30% GHG reduction by 2025,
and to preserve and enhance our environment.
2) Recommend best practices and policies for energy
efficiency and conservation for The City of Edina businesses
to the Energy and Environment Commission to assist with
meeting established conservation goals, and establish
strategies to track and meet these goals.
3) Identify opportunities for change to meet GHG goals
4) Work with conservation and sustainability, CAS, staff and
PIE to quantify the baseline consumption of energy and put
action plan together to reduce in a short and long term.
5) Assist with developing effective communication strategies
for above to EEC, Council and the public
Describe the purpose or objective of the project. e.g.
develop a process, review the work
Tangible or intangible object produced as a result of
the project intended to be delivered to the indicated
Community Benefit
How does this project benefit the Edina community?
Key Dates
Is there an event or a timeframe to complete certain
Edina’s businesses, in alignment with residents, government,
and schools, will successfully reduce the community’s
greenhouse gas emissions by 30% by the year 2025, through
strategies and actions that are sustainable, practical, and
Deliverables will be described in the PIE Energy Action Plan,
finalizing June or July 2016.
Preserve and enhance our environment by reducing GHG
Quarterly report and ongoing milestones
Advisory Board and Commission
Working Group Greenprint
This form must be completed prior to a board or commission approving the establishment of a working group.
Promotion & Implementation
What is the plan to share the project
findings/completion or how will the completed
project be implemented?
How will the group evaluate the findings or end
result of the project?
Duration of the Group
Typically six months to two years.
Membership & Time Commitment
Working group size cap recommendation is 7
members. Estimate how much time a working group
member needs to commit to.
Public Notice & Member Recruitment
Public notice will be given of the formation of any
working group and individuals will have a minimum of
14 days after the public notice to express interest to
join before members are selected.
Forward the completed Greenprint to MJ Lamon for
public notice.
The plan to promote and share will be described in the PIE
Energy Action Plan, finalizing June or July 2016.
Baseline information on consumption of electricity from Xcel
energy 2009 vs future data.
2 years
3-4 hours per month
The chair of the work group attends the partners in energy,
pie, meetings/workshops.
The chair of the work group communicates meeting outlines
with the EEC members.
Date of working group approval from board/commission:
Date for release of public notice:
Date for working group member selection (must be at least
14 days after release of public notice date):
Date for working group’s first meeting:
Advisory Board and Commission
Working Group Greenprint
This form must be completed prior to a board or commission approving the establishment of a working group.
Choose an item.
City Operations Energy Efficiency and Conservation
WORKING GROUP OBJECTIVE: Edina city operations reduce community’s green
house gas, GHG, emissions by 30% by 2025 through strategies and actions that are
sustainable, practical, and measurable
WORKING GROUP CHAIR/CO-CHAIRS: Click here to enter text.
Project Title
A working group may have more than one project.
Describe the project and how it supports the
approved work plan.
City operations energy efficiency and conservation, 30% GHG
emission reduction by 2025
To support the charter of the Edina Energy and Environment
Commission to reduce Green House Gas (GHG) emission
30% by 2025 by focusing on City operations sector.
The work group will:
1) Work with the Partners in Energy Group, (PIE) by creating
awareness and engaging city operations’ upper management
and staff to take action to conserve and increase energy
efficiency, 30% GHG reduction by 2025, and to preserve and
enhance our environment.
2) Recommend best practices and policies for energy
efficiency and conservation for Edina municipal operations to
the Energy and Environment Commission to assist with
meeting established conservation goals, and establish
strategies to track and meet these goals.
3) Identify opportunities for change to meet GHG goals
4) Work with conservation and sustainability, CAS, staff and
PIE to quantify the baseline consumption of energy and put
action plan together to reduce in a short and long term.
5) Assist with developing effective communication strategies
for above to EEC, Council and the public
Describe the purpose or objective of the project. e.g.
develop a process, review the work
Tangible or intangible object produced as a result of
the project intended to be delivered to the indicated
Community Benefit
How does this project benefit the Edina community?
Key Dates
Edina’s government, in alignment with residents, businesses,
and schools, will successfully reduce the community’s
greenhouse gas emissions by 30% by the year 2025, through
strategies and actions that are sustainable, practical, and
Deliverables will be described in the PIE Energy Action Plan,
finalizing June or July 2016.
Preserve and enhance our environment by reducing GHG
Quarterly report and ongoing milestones
Advisory Board and Commission
Working Group Greenprint
This form must be completed prior to a board or commission approving the establishment of a working group.
Is there an event or a timeframe to complete certain
Promotion & Implementation
What is the plan to share the project
findings/completion or how will the completed
project be implemented?
How will the group evaluate the findings or end
result of the project?
Duration of the Group
Typically six months to two years.
Membership & Time Commitment
Working group size cap recommendation is 7
members. Estimate how much time a working group
member needs to commit to.
Public Notice & Member Recruitment
Public notice will be given of the formation of any
working group and individuals will have a minimum of
14 days after the public notice to express interest to
join before members are selected.
Forward the completed Greenprint to MJ Lamon for
public notice.
The plan to promote and share will be described in the PIE
Energy Action Plan, finalizing June or July 2016.
Baseline information on consumption of electricity from Xcel
energy 2009 vs future data.
2 years
3-4 hours per month
The chair of the work group attends the partners in energy,
pie, meetings/workshops.
The chair of the work group communicates meeting outlines
with the EEC members.
Date of working group approval from board/commission:
Date for release of public notice:
Date for working group member selection (must be at least
14 days after release of public notice date):
Date for working group’s first meeting:
Advisory Board and Commission
Working Group Greenprint
This form must be completed prior to a board or commission approving the establishment of a working group.
Choose an item.
Residential Energy Efficiency and Conservation
WORKING GROUP OBJECTIVE: Edina Residents to reduce community’s green
house gas, GHG, emissions by 30% by 2025 through strategies and actions that are
sustainable, practical, and measurable
WORKING GROUP CHAIR/CO-CHAIRS: Click here to enter text.
Project Title
A working group may have more than one project.
Describe the project and how it supports the
approved work plan.
Residential energy efficiency and conservation, 30% GHG
emission reduction by 2025
To support the charter of the Edina Energy and Environment
Commission to reduce Green House Gas (GHG) emission
30% by 2025 by focusing on residential sector of Edina.
The work group will:
1) Work with the Partners in Energy Group, (PIE) by creating
awareness and engaging residents to take action to conserve
and increase energy efficiency, 30% GHG reduction by 2025,
and to preserve and enhance our environment.
2) Recommend best practices and policies for energy
efficiency and conservation for Edina residents to the Energy
and Environment Commission to assist with meeting
established conservation goals, and establish strategies to
track and meet these goals.
3) Identify opportunities for change to meet GHG goals
4) Work with conservation and sustainability, CAS, staff and
PIE to quantify the baseline consumption of energy and put
action plan together to reduce in a short and long term.
Describe the purpose or objective of the project. e.g.
develop a process, review the work
Tangible or intangible object produced as a result of
the project intended to be delivered to the indicated
Community Benefit
How does this project benefit the Edina community?
Key Dates
Is there an event or a timeframe to complete certain
Promotion & Implementation
What is the plan to share the project
5) Assist with developing effective communication strategies
for above to EEC, Council and the public.
Edina’s residents, in alignment with business, government, and
schools, will successfully reduce the community’s greenhouse
gas emissions by 30% by the year 2025, through strategies
and actions that are sustainable, practical, and measurable.
Deliverables will be described in the PIE Energy Action Plan,
finalizing June or July 2016.
Preserve and enhance our environment by reducing GHG
Quarterly report and ongoing milestones
The plan to promote and share will be described in the PIE
Energy Action Plan, finalizing June or July 2016.
Advisory Board and Commission
Working Group Greenprint
This form must be completed prior to a board or commission approving the establishment of a working group.
findings/completion or how will the completed
project be implemented?
How will the group evaluate the findings or end
result of the project?
Duration of the Group
Typically six months to two years.
Membership & Time Commitment
Working group size cap recommendation is 7
members. Estimate how much time a working group
member needs to commit to.
Baseline information on consumption of electricity from Xcel
energy 2009 vs future data.
2 years
3-4 hours per month
The chair of the work group attends the partners in energy,
pie, meetings/workshops.
The chair of the work group communicates meeting outlines
with the EEC members.
Public Notice & Member Recruitment
Public notice will be given of the formation of any
working group and individuals will have a minimum of
14 days after the public notice to express interest to
join before members are selected.
Forward the completed Greenprint to MJ Lamon for
public notice.
Date of working group approval from board/commission:
Date for release of public notice:
Date for working group member selection (must be at least
14 days after release of public notice date):
Date for working group’s first meeting:
Edina Energy & Environment Commission
Working Groups and Subcommittees
Draft of 03-11-16
Energy Subcommittee - Chair Sarah Zarrin
Objective: To be created in May so far Members Galhn, Mohanty, Jackson, Burmeister, and Kostuch have
expressed interest. Multiple subcommittees or working groups may be aligned along topic areas of
Business/Residential/City Operations)
Edina Climate Commitment Team (Subcommittee) (ECCT) – 1st & 3rd Monday – Chair Sarah Zarrin, Robert Manser
Assist with establishing best practices for energy conservation for The City of Edina (i.e., buildings, fleet)
Assist with meeting established conservation goals and establish strategies to track and meet these goals
Identify opportunities for change to meet GHG goals
Assist with developing effective communication strategies for above to EEC, Council and the public
Assist with allocating City resources (staff, budget) to enable realization of conservation goals
Education Outreach Working Group (EOWG) – 1st Thursday at 7:00 pm – Chair Lauren Satterlee – Commissioners: Sarah
Zarrin Members: Paul Thompson, Bob Gubrud, John Howard, Sarah Stefanik, Emily Rienke, Emily Ding, Chuck
Prentice, Kristopher Wilson and Mindy Ahler.
Objective: The mission of the Education and Outreach Working Group is to support the charter of the Edina
Energy and Environment Commission by creating awareness and engaging residents, schools, communities of
faith, business' and community organizations to take action to conserve and increase energy efficiency, to reuse
and recycle, and to preserve and enhance our environment
Recycling Solid Waste and Organics Working Group(RSWO) – 1st Wednesday at 7:00 pm - Chair Melissa Seeley –
Commissioners Lauren Satterlee, Michelle Horan Members: DP Latham, Emily Ding , Laura Kondrick, Lori Syverson
(Chamber of Commerce), Ben Knudson (Hennepin County Environmental Services), Andre Xiong (HCES) – City Staff:
Solvei Wilmot
Objective: Evaluate and monitor the provisions of the recycling, solid waste and organic waste collection
programs in Edina. Evaluate and monitor the reduction in municipal solid waste by residents and businesses in
Edina. Educate the public about recycling, organics and solid waste reduction.
Student Environmental Leadership Council (Subcommittee) – EEC Chair, (need chair), Student Members: Emily Reinke,
Sarah Stefanik and open to students attending secondary schools in Edina.
Objective: To facilitate, coordinate and share information between the EEC and the School Environmental
groups and to work on common energy and environmental objectives as appropriate. To assist in developing
environmental leaders of tomorrow.
Water Quality Working Group (WQWG) – 2nd Tuesday at 6:30pm - Chair Lou Ann Waddick – Members: Jon Moon,
Steve Wielock, Katherine Winston, Sue Nissen and Randy Holst, Richard Strong.
Objective: To facilitate communication between citizens and city government and champion efforts to improve
water quality within Edina.
March 2016 – February 2017 Term SUMMARY AND DRAFT SCHEDULE
Item #
Workplan Item
Partners in Energy Planning
Energy and Greenhouse Gas
Energy Outreach
Comprehensive Plan
Solid Waste, Organics, Recycling
April Forum / Public Education
Water Outreach
Green Purchasing
Joint Meeting w/ Council
Green Step Cities
Monthly Activity
May review of draft plan
February GHG baseline, metrics and measurement.
February CEF CSG Lease approved, CSG purchase contracts
approved. January/April $2000 HES
January vote to recommend packaging ordinance proposal to
council, April Council vote to add plastic bag investigation to
EEC workplan
April Forum
March meeting with Council
WP = work plan number. OR = ongoing responsibility number
Advisory, Date MM/YY
Golf dome re-commissioning 10/12
New facility carbon goals 10/13
Urban forest task force 3/13
Yorktown community garden pervious parking 4/13
Water bottle sales 4/14
EEEP transfer to SPPA 5/14
Building energy system CIP 1/15
Braemar capital improvements, 1/15
CIP environmental considerations, 1/15
Fleet operations task force, 1/15
Grandview sustainability principles, 3/15
Community solar joint purchase, 5/15
Green Purchasing Policy Report, 2/16
Acted on
Not Acted
March 10, 2016 Televised Meeting / EEC/CC Joint Workshop March 15
Item of focus: Welcome new members, Workplan and subcommittee assignments, OR2 prep, WP1 report, WP3 prep
Presentations: PiE Planning Team
April 14, 2016 Meeting
Item of focus: Cancel meeting / Conflict with April Forum
Presentations: None
May 12, 2016 Meeting
Item of focus: WP1 Draft Report,
Presentations: Alexis Troschinetz, Fostering Sustainable Behavior CERTS.
June 9, 2016
Item of focus: WP1 Partners in Energy Final Report, WP5 workgroup report
July 14, 2016 Meeting
Item of focus:
August 11, 2016 Meeting
Item of focus: Draft workplan
Presentations: Jessica Wilson: WP7 Clean water outreach
September 8, 2016 Meeting
Item of focus: Workplan Due to MJ Sept 23, 2016
October 13, 2016 Meeting
Item of focus:
November 10, 2016 Meeting
Item of focus:
December 8, 2016 Meeting
January 12, 2017 Meeting
Item of focus:
February 9, 2017 Meeting
Item of focus: Election of Chair/Vice, Prep for April Forum
Board/Commission: Energy and Environment Commission
2016 Annual Work Plan Proposal
Initiative 1
☒ New Initiative
☐ Continued Initiative
☐ On-Going Initiative
City’s Partners in Energy (PiE) initiative
Up to three EEC members will participate
constructively in the City’s Partners in Energy
(PiE) initiative. These members will provide
periodic updates to the EEC on the status of the
action plan.
• The EEC will review and comment on the draft
Energy Action Plan before it is presented to the
City Council.
Progress Report:
Initiative 2
☐ New Initiative
☒ Continued Initiative
☐ On-Going Initiative
Support efforts to reduce energy consumption and
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by City of Edina
municipal government operations.
1. GHG Measurement. Create protocol,
methodology and metrics for measurement of
the City's GHG production. Create baselines for
GHG reduction goals for the City's buildings, fleet
and utility operations.
2. Support efforts to reduce energy consumption
and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the City
of Edina
3. City Capital Process Environmental
Considerations Initiative. Commission will
research and develop options for City staff to
more explicitly describe the GHG production of
proposed capital improvements proposed for the
Staff Support Required
(To be completed by Staff
Environmental Engineer,
Assistant Finance Director,
City Manager
(Staff estimate for planning
Staff Support Required
(To be completed by Staff
1. April
Staff time
Unknown Staff, 20hrs
2. July 2016
Staff Time
Public Works, 8hrs
3. April
Staff Time
Finance, 8hrs
Liaison Comments
The Partners in Energy
initiative was approved by
Additional Staff needs for
implementation phase should
be assessed by Council and
Manager at the time of plan
Liaison Comments
Approved by City Council on December 15, 2015
City's CIP budget process.
4. City Fleet Environmental Audit. Receive a
presentation from City staff concerning the City's
vehicle fleet and how decisions are made that
shape the size and nature of the fleet. Provide
comments and ideas to staff regarding the City's
fleet management practices.
4. Dec.
Fleet Manager, 8hrs
Progress Report:
Initiative 3
☐ New Initiative
☒ Continued Initiative
☐ On-Going Initiative
Support tangible efforts and projects in the community
that promote the reduction of energy consumption and
1. Support the City's effort to create a Community
Solar Garden at City's Public Works and Parks
Maintenance Facility.
2. Support the City's effort to participate in the
Metropolitan Council's proposed Community
Solar Garden project.
3. Expand the City's subsidized Home Energy Squad
(HES) installs for residents. City will fund 100 HES
installs at a cost of not more than $5,000.
Progress Report:
Staff Support Required
(To be completed by Staff
Early 2016
TBD by City
Engineering, 60hrs
Early 2016
Engineering, 24hrs
Early 2016
Engineering, 2hrs
Initiative 4
upon City
schedule for
revision of
City Comp
Staff Support Required
(To be completed by Staff
Engineering, Planning, Public
Works staff as needed
☒ New Initiative
☐ Continued Initiative
☐ On-Going Initiative
Work with City Staff to revise Chapter 10 of City
Comprehensive Plan
1. Update Ch. 10 to reflect progress in City
operations and City metrics since 2008 Plan was
2. Revise City sustainability goals (i) to align with
state and city policies, (ii) establish interim goals
for sectors (i.e. energy, transportation,
waste/recycling, etc.), and (iii) establish and
maintain quarterly or annual metrics that
measure progress towards goals
Liaison Comments
Liaison Comments
Approved by City Council on December 15, 2015
3. Work to create City staff driven processes for
long-term ownership of sustainability measures
and implementation of Chapter 10.
Progress Report:
Initiative 5
☒ New Initiative
☐ Continued Initiative
☒ On-Going Initiative
Solid Waste, Organics and Recycling Management.
1. Research and Report on MPCA compost rulemaking process and its impact on City operations
2. Research and Report on proposal to ban
Styrofoam food packaging materials in Edina
3. Research and Report on the alternatives for
reorganizing the manner in which solid waste is
collected from single family homes in Edina.
Staff Support Required
(To be completed by Staff
Q3 2016
Recycling Coordinator, 8hrs
Q2 2016
Q4 2016
None or
Recycling Coordinator,
Unknown hours.
Recycling Coordinator,
Unknown hours.
Liaison Comments
The reported total tons of
recycling collected by the
licensed haulers in Edina for
2014 was 2377 tons and for
2013 was 2044 tons. Numbers
for 2015 are not yet in for the
Progress Report:
Initiative 6
☐ New Initiative
☒ Continued Initiative
☐ On-Going Initiative
Public Education.
1. Plan and execute the annual ECC Community
Education Event
2. Student members will create and execute a plan
for 2016 student activities
Progress Report:
Initiative 7
☒ New Initiative
☐ Continued Initiative
☐ On-Going Initiative
1) Continue water drain education and stenciling efforts
2) Receive annual report from City staff on Edina water
quality issues and activities
3) Continue winter salt education efforts
4) Actively monitor the activities of the Nine Mile Creek
Watershed District and the Minnehaha Creek Watershed
1. Q2 2016
2. Ongoing
Staff time
plus event
Staff Support Required
(To be completed by Staff
Communications Specialist,
Staff Support Required
(To be completed by Staff
Liaison Comments
Successful annual event held in
2015; film series held in 1 H
2015 but currently suspended
Annual event has run about
$1500-$2500 in past years.
Liaison Comments
Engineering 8hrs
Engineering 4hrs
Engineering 4hrs
Engineering 2hrs
Approved by City Council on December 15, 2015
Progress Report:
Ongoing Responsibilities
Annual Green Purchasing Report
Annual joint meetings with City Council and City Manager
Green Step Cities reporting
Other Work Plan Ideas Considered for Current Year or Future Years
Proposed Month for Joint Work Session (one time per
year, up to 60 minutes):
Council Comments:
Work plans proposed by the Boards and Commissions were reviewed at the December 1 work
session. The following changes/comments were made and are reflected on this work plan:
• Initiative 1 – changed language as recommended by City Manager
• Initiative 2 – changed language as recommended by City Manager
• Initiative 3 – changed language as recommended by City Manager
• Remove prior initiative 5 - EEC will hold a 90 minute working session with City Council
• Initiative 5 –changed language as recommended by City Manager
• Initiative 6 – changed language as recommended by City Manager
• Initiative 7 – added initiative as recommended by City Manager
• Ongoing Responsibilities – changed language as recommended by City Manager
Approved by City Council on December 15, 2015
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
May 12, 2016
Energy and Environment Commission
Ross Bintner P.E. – Environmental Engineer
Subject: Correspondence
Agenda Item #: VII.A.
Item Type:
Item Activity:
No action required.
Attached are correspondence received or distributed since the last meeting. Correspondence related to Partner in
Energy planning is included in reports and recommendations section of agenda.
Descr ipt ion
Regional Indicators
Crumb Rubber Health Concern
CDP Cities
April Forum
Home Energy Squad
Plastic Bag Information
Plastic Bag Information 2
April Forum 2
Recycling Advocacy
Rick Carter
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; Ross Bintner; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; "[email protected]"; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]
Angie Martin; Maureen Colburn; Becky Alexander
Regional Indicators Initiative Update
Thursday, March 17, 2016 8:02:47 PM
RII Request for Funding 031616.pdf
To all of our great partner cities in RII:
The following is a brief update on our progress and an invitation to attend the Spring 2016 RII update
session on April 21 at 1 pm at LHB or over a GoToMeeting.
We have had some significant developments and have some very specific goals moving forward that will
be described on April 21. Key items include:
· LHB and project partners are pursuing significant additional funding for the project as described
in the attached Request for Funding (RfF) document.
· LHB and project partners received a $300,000 Department of Energy State Energy Program
Competitive Award to build upon RII as described in the NEXT STEPS section of the RfF.
· LHB and project partners received a $19,500 Serendipity Grant funded by the University of
Minnesota to create a plan for a statewide energy data repository.
· Updated website:
By April 14, please contribute the following, by replying to Angie and myself:
· Confirm or update your contact information.
· Confirm whether or not you or a representative from your organization is able to attend on April
· Describe what, if anything, you have done with the RII information to date.
· Identify any additional information/tools that would be helpful to you in using RII.
· Note whether or not you anticipate incorporating energy/climate/resiliency sections into your
Comprehensive Plan update. More info here:
Thanks for your continued involvement in RII. Feel free to contact me directly with comments and
Rick Carter, FAIA, LEED Fellow BD+C – Senior Vice President
701 Washington Avenue North, Suite 200, Minneapolis, MN 55401
Direct 612.752.6923 | Cell 612.385.5182
March 16, 2016
The Regional Indicators Initiative (RII) team is seeking funding to expand RII’s existing data collection
efforts to the entire Met Council region in order to provide cities with critical information for use in
the 2018 comprehensive planning process. RII already includes energy, water, travel, waste, and
weather data for the years 2007-2013 for 20 cities in the Met Council region. There are 121
additional cities with populations over 1000 that would benefit from access to this data for their own
Cities, townships, and counties in the seven-county Twin Cities metropolitan area prepare
comprehensive plans as required by the Metropolitan Land Planning Act. Comprehensive Plans for
2040 are required to be submitted by December 31, 2018. The 2040 update provides an opportunity
for cities to make commitments to energy reduction strategies that will shape sustainability in the
region for years to come.
In order to significantly expand data collection efforts, development of an automated online
database of Regional Indicators data is needed. This database will facilitate the process of inputting
and storing raw data and will automatically perform the calculations required for the Regional
Indicators outputs (such as greenhouse gas emissions associated with each indicator and
normalizations based on demographics and weather). Hosting the data in an online database instead
of the current spreadsheets is critical to the expansion of RII to a regional scale. Currently, the RII
team is in conversations with the University of Minnesota Humphrey School of Public Affairs and the
Met Council about a long term institutional “home” for RII.
The RII team received a Department of Energy State Energy Program (SEP) Competitive Award
through the Minnesota Department of Commerce that provides $300,000 to bring together
Minnesota initiatives focusing on measurement of greenhouse gas emissions with a local
government engagement process aimed at committing to actionable strategies for mitigating climate
change. This project commenced in January 2016 and will be developed at the Twin Cities
metropolitan regional scale with the goal of future replicability and institutionalization throughout
the state. Key activities of this DOE-funded project include:
Creation of case studies describing actions taken by exemplar cities
Development of a wedge diagram tool for energy and greenhouse gas reduction planning
with an associated menu of feasible city actions
Development of energy planning templates for use in cities’ comprehensive planning process
Enhancement of existing Regional Indicators Initiative website with public access to the
energy planning tools and resources developed for this project
Convening of collaborative workshops and webinars to train cities to use the energy planning
tools and resources developed for this project
Development and testing of an automated online database of Regional Indicators Initiative
data that will enable future data collection to be done cost effectively
Page: 2
Date: March 16, 2016
Creation of an Implementation Model that will address barriers and solutions associated with
the long-term institutionalization and replicability of the project throughout Minnesota
The SEP Award will provide significant resources to communities in the Met Council region but does
not include funding for actual data collection or a necessary peer review. Additional funding of
approximately $350,000 will fund the gap to accomplish the following:
Peer review of RII data collection protocols
Energy, water, travel, waste, and weather data collected, analyzed, and summarized for the
years 2014-2015 for the 20 Met Council cities already enrolled in RII
Energy, water, travel, waste, and weather data collected, analyzed, and summarized for the
years 2007-2015 for:
o the additional 121 Met Council cities with populations over 1000
o for the seven counties in the Met Council region
o for the entire Met Council region as a whole
Data will be provided to cities, counties, and the region concurrently with the activities of the
SEP Award and the Comprehensive planning process.
Page: 3
Date: March 16, 2016
Secured Funding (2010 - 2018):
• Pilot study of three cities
• Collect and publish data for three pilot cities
• Data collection and analysis for 24 additional cities
• Establish targets and model
• Create communication template (website)
• Create graphic summaries for all cities
• Develop case studies
• Develop wedge diagram tool
• Develop energy planning templates
• Website enhancements
• Convene training workshops and webinars
• Develop and test automated data collection/storage
• Create implementation model for institutionalization
• Progress toward an energy data repository
• Pilot city contributions
• ULI consultant match (LHB/Orange) - pilot
• New cities at $3000 each (27)
• Department of Commerce grant (2012)
• MPCA initial grant (2012)
• MPCA additional funding (2014)
• GPI/McKnight funding (2014)
• ULI consultant match (LHB/Orange)
• SEP Award from Department of Energy (in contract negotiations)
• SEP Award consultant matching funds
• Serendipity Grant from University of Minnesota
Funding request:
Proposed uses:
• Peer review of RII research protocol
• Collect additional city/county data
• Create graphic summaries of data for all cities/counties
Proposed sources:
• Met Council
• MN Department of Natural Resources
• Center for Science, Technology & Environmental Policy, UMN
• McKnight Foundation
up to $50,000
up to $100,000
up to $50,000
up to $200,000
clover graham
Ross Bintner
Environmental and health concerns regarding new EPS athletic fields
Saturday, March 26, 2016 9:58:22 PM
To the members of the Edina Energy and Environment
We are writing to you today with an urgent request.
In May 2015 the people of Edina approved an $125
million plan to improve our schools learning spaces and
Within this plan was a line item to update three of the
fields under EPS stewardship, this summer. One of these
fields is currently artificial turf, and the other two are
currently natural grass.
Despite some opposition to this, because of the current
nationwide debate over its safety, the school board just
voted to approve a bid for crumb rubber infill on these
We feel that this is not a forward thinking move on the
part of EPS facilities or the school board.
The Federal government has just convened a study
which is to be coanchored by the EPA, CDC and CPSC to
study the safety of crumb rubber infill and Minnesota
lawmakers have also proposed a House environmental
budget bill which contains $50,000 to study the health
effects and toxicity of crumb rubber.
This substance, which is made of ground up tires,
contains a cocktail of chemical substances that have not
been proven to be safe for humans and/or the
There are cities and townships all over this country
which have, within the past year, voted to remove this
substance from their fields and playgrounds. And our
school board just voted to rip out natural grass, and put
it in.
This does not seem to be the NextGen thinking that
Edina hopes to be known for.
Please help us to persuade the EPS facilities department
and the school board to reverse their decision.
Keep the fields grass.
And for the one field that is currently turf, if it must be
redone, find an alternative infill.
The people of Edina deserve the peace of mind to know
that when they send their children out to play and enjoy
the athletic lifestyle that Edina prides itself on, that they
are playing on a surface that is safe.
Thank you very much for your attention to this matter
and please feel free to contact us with any further
Clover Hackett 310-869-0812
Nicki Williams 612-759-0458
CDP ([email protected])
Ross Bintner
Demonstrate your city"s climate leadership this month
Tuesday, April 05, 2016 10:23:41 AM
Dear Ross Bintner,
On April 22nd, 2016, world leaders are invited to the UN Headquarters in New York to
sign the historic agreement made in Paris that will enable us to realize the transition
towards a clean economy and stop dangerous climate change.
Two weeks later, on May 5th– 6th, the Climate Action Summit in Washington, DC will
engage hundreds of leaders from local and national governments, business, finance,
academia, philanthropy and civil society to drive further action in climate
implementation. CDP cities is a partner of the Compact of Mayors, one of the key
convening organizations of the Climate Action Summit. By making a commitment to
the Compact of Mayors and reporting to CDP cities by April 29, your city has the
opportunity to demonstrate its leadership on climate action. Please join us for a
webinar on April 11th, to learn more about the opportunity to commit to the Compact
of Mayors.
By reporting to CDP, your city can also showcase its climate action on the
international stage through NAZCA. NAZCA registers commitments to climate action
by cities, companies, subnational regions, and investors to address climate change.
Please log in at to access your 2016 CDP questionnaire. If you
do not have a login already, please contact [email protected] to activate your
account. If this is your city's first year reporting, you can simply respond to the
questions where data is readily available. There is no minimum requirement to
participate and many cities do not respond to every question. If your city reported last
year, simply use the “copy from last year” function in the online questionnaire and
update your response. Upcoming webinars for CDP cities include:
The Case for Disclosure: Benefits of Reporting to CDP Wednesday, April 6th 12:00PM-1:00PM EDT Learn why 70 + North American cities are currently participating in CDP including
Winston-Salem, Cleveland, Flagstaff, Iowa City, Long Beach, Pittsburgh, Vancouver
and Edmonton. Register for a reporting overview and a discussion with a representative from the U.S.
EPA’s Green Power Partnership & Center for Corporate Climate Leadership to learn
how environmental measurement, management and disclosure are beneficial for
cities’ sustainability efforts.
Compact of Mayors and GPC
Monday, April 11th 1:00PM-2:00PM EDT Register for an overview of the Compact of Mayors and the Global Protocol for
Community-Scale Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventories (GPC) with Amanda
Eichel of Bloomberg Philanthropies and GPC expert, Jon Dickinson. This webinar will
discuss city climate leadership through the Compact and requirements to comply.
Getting to 100 Percent Renewable Energy: New Partnerships for Scaling Up Friday, April 22nd 12:00PM-1:00PM EDT Register for a webinar with CDP cities and Meister Consultants Group on how
partnerships can support cities in their goals to achieve 100 percent renewable
energy. A growing number of US cities are setting targets that will require 80-100
percent of citywide energy to come from renewable sources. There are opportunities
for these cities to not only share practices and experience with their peers, but to
also build innovative new partnerships with corporations that have similarly ambitious
Understanding Green Finance Tuesday, June 14th 3:00PM-4:00PM EDT Register for a discussion with CDP cities and PFM focused on financing mechanisms,
rebate programs, and low cost loan programs to help leverage incentives for effective
financing for energy projects. Participating in CDP is entirely free. Benefits include: - Benchmark your city’s sustainability progress against peer cities - Receive analytics to track your city’s climate measurement and management efforts - Fund your city’s climate mitigation projects with a new investor matchmaking
platform - Engage business in your city’s sustainability and climate planning goals We look forward to working with you! The deadline for this year’s disclosure cycle
is April 29. Please contact [email protected] with any questions.
Regards, CDP cities North America Team Katie Walsh, Saskia Mollet, Albert Karcher
Ross Bintner
Ross Bintner
"Lauren Satterlee"
FW: Updated Bio PDF + Sharing w EEC
Wednesday, April 06, 2016 8:38:19 AM
EEC Members, See below and attached from member Satterlee.
Ross Bintner, PE, Environmental Engineer
952-903-5713 | Fax 952-826-0392
[email protected] |
...For Living, Learning, Raising Families & Doing Business
From: Lauren Satterlee [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2016 12:01 PM
To: Ross Bintner
-------------------------------Hello EEC Members,
I hope your week is going well.
In preparation for the April 14th Edina Environmental Forum next week:
Please share the event with your networks. The City has begun its promotions on social media:
Facebook, Twitter, NextDoor and Instagram using the hashtag #EdinaGoGreen. Please share
the City posts, or draft your own summary to share with your contacts. If you choose not to
retweet the City, below are draft tweets you can use, along with the JPG image attached to
this email. (The PDF format of the flyer is also attached and below are draft blurbs for your
MT @EdinaMN Environmental Forum: Smart Energy Future, April 14, 7p (+6p-Fair) #EdinaGoGreen
[[+attach JPG image]]
Environmental Forum- A Smart Energy Future: Will Edina Lead the Way? April 14,
6pm- Fair, 7pm- Program #EdinaGoGreen
[[+attach JPG image]]
If you use Facebook, you can invite your friends to the event:
Volunteering on April 14: If you are able to help with either setting up (starting at 5:00pm) or
cleaning up from the Forum (after the program) on April 14 and have not already signed up,
please let me know.
We look forward to seeing you all next week at the Forum! ​Thank you,
Lauren & the April Forum Committee
Short blurb:
5th annual Edina Environmental Forum: “A Smart Energy Future: Will Edina Lead the Way?” on
Thursday, April 14th - 6pm Resource Fair,7pm Program at Edina High School’s Fick Auditorium (door 3)
featuring Dr. Elizabeth Wilson from the U of M.
Longer blurbs for emails:
The 5th annual Edina Environmental Forum ison Thursday, April 14th: “A Smart Energy Future: Will
Edina Lead the Way?” This forum will explore what a smart energy future might look like, where Edina is
currently, and engage in intergenerational dialogue on how to lead the way.
The forum will begin with an action resource fair and refreshments from 6 to 7 p.m. The program begins
at 7pm with keynote speaker Dr. Elizabeth Wilson, University of Minnesota Professor of Energy and
Environmental Policy and Law. She will address the theme of “A Smart Energy Future” by exploring how
energy systems are changing in the face of new technologies and new societal pressures. Her work
focuses on the implementation of energy and environmental policies and laws in practice. Following
Wilson’s presentation, Architect Rick Carter of LHB, Inc. and the Regional Indicators Initiative, and
Director Lissa Pawlisch of the University of Minnesota Clean Energy Resource Teams will look at where
Edina is currently and how communities are addressing this question. This “Edina Dialogue” (in
partnership with the Edina Community Foundation) is interactive and will have time for attendees to ask
questions and participate in the discussion.
The event is free and open to the public. It will be held in Fick Auditorium at Edina High School, 6754
Valley View Rd, Edina, MN 55439 - enter through door 3.
Find us on Facebook:
Event website:
Flyer attached
A Smart
Energy Future
Will Edina Lead the Way?
Thursday, April 14
Fick Auditorium, Edina High School
Enter Door No. 3
6-7 p.m. Action Resource Fair and Refreshments
7 p.m. Program
Keynote Speaker
Dr. Elizabeth Wilson,
U of M Professor of Energy and Environmental Policy and Law
Architect Rick Carter, LHB, Inc.
Director Lissa Pawlisch, U of M Clean Energy Resource Teams
Biking & Carpooling Encouraged • FREE Admission
[email protected] on behalf of Accounting Tracking
Ross Bintner
Judy Thommes
INVOICE: Edina HES program with CEE - March visits + Advance funds
Wednesday, April 13, 2016 8:25:42 AM
2016 03 Mar - Inv #13650 - $150 + $850 advance.pdf
Hello Ross,
Please see attached the $1,000 invoice requested for the remaining March visits + advance
funds for future 2016 Edina HES visits.
Thank you,
Shelley Pavlas
-Center for Energy and Environment
212 Third Avenue North, Suite 560 | Minneapolis, MN 55401 (phone and fax) 612.335.5872 |
212 Third Ave N, Ste 560
Minneapolis, MN 55401
Energy and Environment Commission
Edina Community Foundation
Edina City Hall
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
Net 15
HES visits completed 01/01/16 - 03/31/16
-Total 46 visits (43 visits paid from advance funds; 3 visits remaining to be
Buy Down on Home Energy Visit Fee for City of Edina Residents
Please contact Judy Thommes (612-335-5859) for questions regarding this invoice
James Hovland
Ross Bintner; Sarah F Zarrin
Paul Thompson
FW: Plastic bag information
Saturday, April 23, 2016 5:25:07 PM
Group, please see the information from SLP.
James B. Hovland, Esquire
Southdale Office Centre
6800 France Avenue S., Suite 190
Edina, MN 55435
[email protected]
Phone: (612) 874-8550
Direct: (612) 874-8551
Fax: (612) 874-9362
Cell: (612) 961-6192
From: Tom Harmening [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Saturday, April 23, 2016 10:16 AM
To: Jake Spano <[email protected]>; Molly Cummings <[email protected]>;
Shep Harris <[email protected]>; James Hovland <[email protected]>; Terry
Schneider <[email protected]>; Nancy Tyra-Lukens <[email protected]>
Cc: Shannon Pinc <[email protected]>; Cindy Walsh <[email protected]>; Kala Fisher
<[email protected]>; Nancy Deno <[email protected]>; Mike Mornson
([email protected]) <[email protected]>; Scott H. Neal
<[email protected]>; Geralyn Barone <[email protected]>; Rick Getschow
<[email protected]>; [email protected]
Subject: RE: Plastic bag information
Good Morning Mayor Cummings, Harris, Hovland, Schneider and Tyra-Lukens
Per Mayor Spano's request below, I have provided a link to SLP's web site which contains all of
the information we have regarding our consideration of regulating plastic and paper bags at
the point of sale at business establishments. This includes staff reports, meeting minutes,
comments from the public, etc. Also included is a link to the MPCA whitepaper “Product Bans
and Restrictions: A guide for local government policy makers” which was published earlier this year. As Mayor Spano points out, the last draft of an ordinance the SLP Council reviewed was in
November and would not ban plastic or paper bags. Rather, the ordinance would require retailers to charge a small fee if a customer chose to use them (we called it the Bring Your
Own Bag ordinance - BYOB) No specific fee had been determined at that time and the
Council decided to not move forward with an ordinance. However, of late the Council has
indicated an interest in taking this matter up again.
In some of this information you may see a reference to our consideration of a packaging
ordinance relating to food establishments (Zero Waste Packaging). That ordinance was
adopted last December and becomes effective January 1, 2017. City staff are currently in the
process of working with the impacted businesses to help them adapt to the ordinance
requirements. Regards
From: Jake Spano [[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2016 4:22 PM
To: Tom Harmening; Shannon Pinc; Cindy Walsh
Cc: Molly Cummings; Shep Harris; Jim Hoveland; Terry Schneider; Nancy Tyra-Lukens
Subject: Plastic bag information
Tom/Cindy/ShannonCould you all do me a favor? I had my informal lunch with the west metro mayors today and
the topic of bag bans came up. We discussed SLP's experience in some detail and I offered
up some of our material from last year including:
the staff reports that outlines the policy we looked at last year
minutes from our meetings so they have the commentary council members made made
the feedback we received from public and experts
anything else you think would be relevant
They felt this might be helpful to informing their discussions as they are beginning to take this
issue up. No need to totally re-invent the wheel. They are cc'd here.
I also mentioned to them that we'd likely be taking up a new policy that didn't ban them but
likely put a 10 cent fee on plastic or paper.
Thanks and have a great weekend!
Rebecca Foster
Michael Karbo <[email protected]>
Tuesday, April 26, 2016 4:02 PM
Ross Bintner
Jamie Pfuhl
MGA - Stakeholder Engagement on Plastic Bag
Follow Up Flag:
Flag Status:
Follow up
It was a pleasure speaking with you on the plastic bag conversation occurring in Edina. As an industry that is impacted
by this issue, our association would appreciate the opportunity to be a part of the stakeholder process with regards to
the Energy and Environment Commission study and report. We look forward to working with you to have outcomes
that have a holistic approach in reducing waste.
Thank you again for the time.
Mike Karbo
Vice President
Government Affairs
Minnesota Grocers Association
[email protected]
Rebecca Foster
Sarah Zarrin <[email protected]>
Wednesday, April 27, 2016 4:01 PM
Ross Bintner
Richard Manser
Response from speakers on 4/14 Edina env forum event, pls share with the EEC
Elizabeth Wilson
to Rick, Jan, me, James, Lissa, Avonna, Mike, rbintner, Scott
Thank you for including me as well!
Kudos to you for your organizational efforts!
All the best,
---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Lissa Pawlisch (UMN) <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 9:16 AM
Subject: Re: 4/14 Edina environmental forum
To: Elizabeth Wilson <[email protected]>
Cc: Rick Carter <[email protected]>, Jan Gerstenberger <[email protected]>, Sarah F Zarrin
<[email protected]>, James Hovland <[email protected]>, Avonna Starck
<[email protected]>, Mike Fischer <[email protected]>, "[email protected]"
<[email protected]>, Scott H Neal <[email protected]>
I'll echo Rick and Elizabeth's thanks. It was a delightful evening, and a wonderful opportunity to get to know all
of you a bit better. I'm very impressed by the local commitment to charge forward on more clean energy
Very warm regards and many thanks,
On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 9:11 AM, Elizabeth Wilson <[email protected]> wrote:
Thank you for including me as well!
Kudos to you for your organizational efforts!
All the best,
On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 9:03 AM, Rick Carter <[email protected]> wrote:
I just wanted to say that I have spoken hundreds of events and last Thursday was by far the best prepared, most
welcoming, and ended with the most sincere thank you that I have ever experienced.
I wish every event I was invited to speak at was as enjoyable.
Good luck to your community going forward, and thanks to Jan and Sarah for making sure we are all ready.
Rick Carter, FAIA, LEED Fellow BD+C – Senior Vice President
701 Washington Avenue North, Suite 200, Minneapolis, MN 55401
Direct 612.752.6923 | Cell 612.385.5182
--------- Forwarded message ---------From: Sarah F Zarrin <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 2:31 PM
Subject: Re: 4/14 Edina environmental forum
To: "Lissa Pawlisch (UMN)" <[email protected]>, Elizabeth Wilson <[email protected]>, Rick
Carter <[email protected]>, Jan Gerstenberger <[email protected]>
Cc: James Hovland <[email protected]>, Avonna Starck <[email protected]>, Mike
Fischer <[email protected]>, "[email protected]" <[email protected]>, Scott H
Neal <[email protected]>, Kevin Staunton <[email protected]>
On behalf of Edina community, Edina youth, EEC, the city council members and the mayor of Edina I
would like to thank all of you for the excellent presentations and creating even more enthusiasm in
the community to go forward with 30% GHG reduction by 2025.
I would like to continue to seek your advice as we move to the action phase to put a dent in the GHG
Thanks again and hope for more communication and collaboration between university of MN, IONE,
and Rick Carter to make Edina an example in the US on reduction of GHG and sustainability.
PS. I am so sorry that the acoustic in the auditorium was not very good and I have already sent a
comment to the person in charge of the school IT.
Sarah Zarrin, EEC Chair
James Hovland
to me
Sarah, thanks for taking the time to write to all our speakers. That was very considerate.
James B. Hovland, Esquire
Southdale Office Centre
6800 France Avenue S., Suite 190
Edina, MN 55435
[email protected]
Phone: (612) 874-8550
Direct: (612) 874-8551
Fax: (612) 874-9362
Cell: (612) 961-6192
From: Sarah F Zarrin [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2016 2:31 PM
To: Lissa Pawlisch (UMN) <[email protected]>; Elizabeth Wilson <[email protected]>; Rick
Carter <[email protected]>; Jan Gerstenberger <[email protected]>
Cc: James Hovland <[email protected]>; Avonna Starck <[email protected]>;
Mike Fischer <[email protected]>; [email protected]; Scott H Neal
<[email protected]>; Kevin Staunton <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: 4/14 Edina environmental forum
James Hovland
to Rick, Jan, me, Lissa, Elizabeth, Avonna, Mike, rbintner, Scott
Rick, thanks for the very considerate note. The Edina EEC has worked diligently on these Environmental Forums
over the past few years and the members of the EEC deserve a great deal of credit for the success of the most
recent Forum and the other four annual events that preceded the event of last week.
To all the speakers, I also thank you on behalf of Edina for your valuable insights and contributions to the
event. Ross, I also thank you for agreeing to provide a personal insight as an employee of the City on your own
personal and family practices to achieve more energy efficiency.
Our Council and the EEC must now chart a pathway to success in meeting our GHG reduction goal of 30% by
2025 and already the EEC has some great advice for our community on strategies for reaching that goal.
Thanks again for participating in the event. Jim Hovland
James B. Hovland, Esquire
Southdale Office Centre
6800 France Avenue S., Suite 190
Edina, MN 55435
[email protected]
Phone: (612) 874-8550
Direct: (612) 874-8551
Fax: (612) 874-9362
Cell: (612) 961-6192
Sarah Zarrin
Rebecca Foster
Michelle Horan <[email protected]>
Wednesday, May 04, 2016 3:20 PM
Ross Bintner
Fwd: Senator Franzen Recycling Request
Follow Up Flag:
Flag Status:
Follow up
Here is an email from John Anderson, Conservation MN's Community Coordinator, regarding the bill to
restore SCORE money for recycling programs. John is looking for people to email Senator Franzen to thank
her for her support of the bill and to push for its final passage.
Could you share his email with EEC?
Michelle Horan
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: John Anderson <[email protected]>
Date: May 4, 2016 at 10:42:30 AM CDT
To: Michelle Horan <[email protected]>
Subject: Senator Franzen Recycling Request
Hi Michelle,
I was just writing to give you some good news about recycling issues and because I had a request for
your help with influencing Senator Melissa Franzen. The good news is the Senate has passed our bill that
recaptures the solid waste tax and sends it back to recycling programs as intended. Unfortunately the bill
the State House passed does not have a similar provision so the issue now goes to a conference
Here's the background:
The Senate supplemental finance bill includes a provision that recaptures a portion of the Solid Waste
Tax that had been diverted to the general fund. For a number of years, 30% of the Solid Waste Tax has
been sent to the general fund and not used for recycling and waste reduction as intended. The Senate
finance bill slowly recaptures this money with 5% ($4 million per year) and sends it back to recycling
(through what are called SCORE grants which go to every county in the state to in turn be passed down
to cities) in 2017, and another 5% in 2018 and every year thereafter.
The Counties and metro solid waste coordinating board are very supportive of this bill, but legislators still
need to hear from local people as the finance bill goes to conference committee. Accordingly It would be
very helpful to have local residents thank Senator Franzen for her support for recapturing the Solid Waste
Tax funds and ask her to push for final passage of the bill in the conference committee.
Would you be willing to either call or email Senator Franzen this week to thank her for her work on this
issue and ask her to do this? If so here’s a sample message:
Dear Senator Franzen,
Thank you for the provision in the Senate Supplemental Finance bill that recaptures the Solid Waste Tax
and increases funding for SCORE recycling grants. This issue has been strongly supported by
environmental groups like Conservation Minnesota and is also strongly supported by local governments.
(The provision is in SF 2356 Art. 7, Sec. 2 (Subd 4), Sec. 12).
Local governments bear most of the costs of recycling programs, and using the Solid Waste Tax as
intended will help relieve this burden and help communities like Edina increase recycling and establish
new programs like organics collection.
We need to do more to increase recycling in Minnesota. Please make sure the final supplemental budget
includes the Senate provision returning the Solid Waste Tax to its intended purpose.
You can submit an email to her
at or leave a her a
message at her office at (651) 296-6238.
Let me know if you have any questions and thanks again for all your help!
-John Anderson
-John Anderson
Community Coordinator
Conservation Minnesota & Audubon Minnesota
1101 West River Parkway, Suite 250
Minneapolis, MN 55415
Direct Line: 612-767-1571
Cell: 952-232-8486
Main Line: 612-767-2444
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
May 12, 2016
Energy and Environment Commission
Rebecca Foster, GIS Administrator
Subject: Attendance report and roster
No Action Required.
EEC Attendance report attached.
Descr ipt ion
2016 EEC Attendance
Agenda Item #: VIII.A.
Item Type:
Item Activity:
Meetings/Work Sessions
Burmeister, Jeff
Jackson, Carolyn
Kostuch, Keith
Manser, Richard
Mohanty, Sonat
Satterlee, Lauren
Seeley, Melissa
Waddick, Louise
3/1/2017 1
Zarrin, Sarah
Glahn, William
Horan, Michelle
Reinke, Emily
Stefanik, Sarah
A M J J A S O N D Work Session Work Session # of Mtgs. Attendance %
(Enter Date)
Liaisons: Do not enter numbers into the last two columns. Meeting numbers & attendance percentages will calculate automatically.
Regular Meeting w/Quorum
Counted as Meeting Held (ON MEETINGS' LINE)
Attendance Recorded (ON MEMBER'S LINE)
Type "1" under the month on the meetings' line.
Type "1" under the month for each attending member.
Regular Meeting w/o Quorum
Type "1" under the month on the meetings' line.
Type "1" under the month for each attending member.
Joint Work Session
Type "1" under "Work Session" on the meetings' line.
Type "1" under "Work Session" for each attending member.
Rescheduled Meeting*
Type "1" under the month on the meetings' line.
Type "1" under the month for each attending member.
Cancelled Meeting
Type "1" under the month on the meetings' line.
Type "1" under the month for ALL members.
Special Meeting
There is no number typed on the meetings' line.
There is no number typed on the members' lines.
*A rescheduled meeting occurs when members are notified of a new meeting date/time at a prior meeting. If shorter notice is
given, the previously-scheduled meeting is considered to have been cancelled and replaced with a special meeting.
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
May 12, 2016
Energy and Environment Commission
Rebecca Foster, GIS Administrator
Subject: Working Group List
Please review the list and propose additions or deletions at the meeting.
See attached work group list.
Descr ipt ion
2016-3-11 WkGrpList
Agenda Item #: VIII.B.
Item Type:
Item Activity:
Edina Energy & Environment Commission
Working Groups and Subcommittees
Draft of 03-11-16
Energy Subcommittee - Chair Sarah Zarrin
Objective: To be created in May so far Members Galhn, Mohanty, Jackson, Burmeister, and Kostuch have
expressed interest. Multiple subcommittees or working groups may be aligned along topic areas of
Business/Residential/City Operations)
Edina Climate Commitment Team (Subcommittee) (ECCT) – 1st & 3rd Monday – Chair Sarah Zarrin, Robert Manser
Assist with establishing best practices for energy conservation for The City of Edina (i.e., buildings, fleet)
Assist with meeting established conservation goals and establish strategies to track and meet these goals
Identify opportunities for change to meet GHG goals
Assist with developing effective communication strategies for above to EEC, Council and the public
Assist with allocating City resources (staff, budget) to enable realization of conservation goals
Education Outreach Working Group (EOWG) – 1st Thursday at 7:00 pm – Chair Lauren Satterlee – Commissioners: Sarah
Zarrin Members: Paul Thompson, Bob Gubrud, John Howard, Sarah Stefanik, Emily Rienke, Emily Ding, Chuck
Prentice, Kristopher Wilson and Mindy Ahler.
Objective: The mission of the Education and Outreach Working Group is to support the charter of the Edina
Energy and Environment Commission by creating awareness and engaging residents, schools, communities of
faith, business' and community organizations to take action to conserve and increase energy efficiency, to reuse
and recycle, and to preserve and enhance our environment
Recycling Solid Waste and Organics Working Group(RSWO) – 1st Wednesday at 7:00 pm - Chair Melissa Seeley –
Commissioners Lauren Satterlee, Michelle Horan Members: DP Latham, Emily Ding , Laura Kondrick, Lori Syverson
(Chamber of Commerce), Ben Knudson (Hennepin County Environmental Services), Andre Xiong (HCES) – City Staff:
Solvei Wilmot
Objective: Evaluate and monitor the provisions of the recycling, solid waste and organic waste collection
programs in Edina. Evaluate and monitor the reduction in municipal solid waste by residents and businesses in
Edina. Educate the public about recycling, organics and solid waste reduction.
Student Environmental Leadership Council (Subcommittee) – EEC Chair, (need chair), Student Members: Emily Reinke,
Sarah Stefanik and open to students attending secondary schools in Edina.
Objective: To facilitate, coordinate and share information between the EEC and the School Environmental
groups and to work on common energy and environmental objectives as appropriate. To assist in developing
environmental leaders of tomorrow.
Water Quality Working Group (WQWG) – 2nd Tuesday at 6:30pm - Chair Lou Ann Waddick – Members: Jon Moon,
Steve Wielock, Katherine Winston, Sue Nissen and Randy Holst, Richard Strong.
Objective: To facilitate communication between citizens and city government and champion efforts to improve
water quality within Edina.
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
May 12, 2016
Energy and Environment Commission
Sarah Zarrin, EEC Chair
Subject: Chair and Member Comments
Agenda Item #: VIII.C.
Item Type:
Report and Recommendation
Item Activity:
Board and Commission Member Comments on the following topics, subcommittee and working groups will be
1. Energy Subcommittee
2. Education Outreach Working Group
3. Recycling, Solid Waste and Organics Working Group
4. Student Subcommittee
5. Water Quality Working Group
Please review attachments.
Descr ipt ion
EOWG Minutes 1.7.16
EOWG Minutes 2.4.16
EOWG Minutes 3.3.16
EEC EOWG 04 14 2016 5th annual forum
RSWO minutes 31616
WQWG Minutes 3.8.16
WQWG mintues 20160412
E&OWG Agenda
Check in
Attendees: Paul Thompson, Lauren Satterlee, Kristopher Wilson, Mindy Ahler, Bob
Gubrud (Sarah Zarrin joined us by phone)
Minutes from 11/5/15
• in point #3 change “sucession” to “succession”
• motion to approve as amended – passed unanimously
Home Energy Squad
a. Update – nothing to report
Community Solar
a. Status – nothing to report
April 2016 Forum
• Sarah had a conference call with Jessica from the Institute on the Environment at
the U of M and they will contact Elizabeth Wilson as a potential keynote speaker
on GHG reduction. If Elizabeth is not available they have other ideas for
• They will talk to Michael Nobel, to talk briefly on the community solar and
benefit of solar
• They will tap into their resources on asking a business person to talk on how they
are becoming green, e.g., Best Buy or...
• We can have a panel of discussion at the end for 20 minutes.
• They will also draft poster for our media department
• Jerry Lynch – General Mills is another possible
• Tables: composting, sustainable gardening
• Discussion on how to include personal action steps for the people of Edina (and
why Edina needs to meet the goals we have set) in addition to understanding the
big picture from our keynote speaker and how to show Edina as a leader. People
need to know “Why are we here? Why is this important to me?”
• We would like to invite Rep. Erik Paulsen and Rep. Keith Ellison – need to have
both of them there together (not just one) as the representatives of Edina. They
could make some statement and be invited to listen.
• Title? Something about 30% by 2025 (Edina goal approved by the City Council)
• Invite others to be part of a committee to plan the forum- not just EOWG. Who
of EOWG would like to be part of this committee? Paul, Lauren, Mindy, Kris,
Bob. Suggested meeting date: 5:30 pm on Wed, Jan 20 (second choice 7pm
Thurs, Jan 21) pending Sarah’s availability. Lauren will check with Rebecca on
an available room
• Other thoughts that came up as individual actions that might make a difference:
not watering lawns automatically when unnecessary, mulch grass clippings rather
than bag them to be hauled away, 23,000 individual electric meters in Edina, only
79 of them are signed up for Windsource through Xcel Energy
Invite MJ Lamon to meet with us to talk about neighborhoods and how we can
better work together and possibly reach out to neighborhood groups for the forum
– Bob will call MJ
7. Environmental Film Series
• The Burden will be shown in the Fireside Room at the Senior Center at 7pm on
Thursday, January 28th
• New day and new location
• Paul will talk to John about what help he needs in promotion
8. Document E&OWG events and activities
• Bob will go through his archives (back to 2011) to find some documentation of
events and activities
• Paul will look for pictures of past events
• Regular events:
o 4th of July Parade
o Environmental Film Series
o Home Energy Squad promotion
o Environmental Forum
9. 2016 Work Plan
• Will need to be the work of the new EOWG when new commissioners are
• Coordinate with other working groups in looking at what needs to be
communicated to residents about their activities
10. Project Earth
• SELC meeting on Monday
• Project Earth is taking a break until March
• Rachel has resigned (moving to Colorado) and new person has not yet been hired
11. Succession Plan
a. Chair(s)
b. Recruiting new members
o Invite those who apply to the commission that are not appointed to be a
member of the working group
12. Other
• Meet with the Communications Department to understand all the potential
communication methods, guidelines for communication with newspapers, what is
the process for drafting and distributing communications, timelines, etc. Consider
strategy document for EOWG communications in this conversation.
13. Next meeting: Feb. 4, 2016
Meeting adjourned at 9:15pm
Respectfully submitted,
Mindy Ahler
E&OWG Meeting Minutes
2/4/16 at 7 PM in Edina City Hall Council Chambers
In attendance: Sarah Stefanik, Mindy Ahler, Bob Gubrud, John Howard, Lauren Satterlee, Paul
Thompson, Kristopher Wilson
1. Minutes from 1/7/16 approved without edit.
2. Check ins for those in attendance.
3. Home Energy Squad
a. Update – A total of 95 HES visits were completed in 2015, another 34 pending. CEE August
mailing was very successful in getting additional visits.
4. Community Solar
a. Status – CEF is working with MNIPL for finding subscribers. Bob is concerned that word is
not getting out to Edina residents, and feels it would be beneficial to work with the developer.
A community meeting was held a week ago by the developer, which Bob, Mindy and Paul
b. Role of E&OWG - EEC liaison believes a formal contract would be needed for EOWG
engagement, but CEF appears interested in our help. Bob feels EEC has obligation to let
residents know about community solar.
5. April 2016 Forum
a. Topics/Theme – Title has been determined as “A Clean Energy Future: How Edina Can Lead
the Way”. A draft poster was assembled by the U of M’s Institute on the Environment and
reviewed. Comments on poster: feel poster is impersonal, too much focus on solar. Color is
cold, sterile. Too many words. Topic to be discussed is not clear, should get talk title from
Professor Wilson if different than event title.
The poster would be better if it had green, a pathway, and natural looking. Should have Edina
School logo and IonE logo on poster. Agreement to have Edina communications make the
poster. Also agreement to have the event be an Edina Dialogue and have this marketing brand.
Being an Edina Dialogue would mean a significant piece of the event would have audience
i. John recommended being clear about goals of talk with presenters so they know what we
are looking for. EOWG discussed how it would be good to be clear on what goals are for
Edina, and who they apply to (city and/or residents). Speakers should have suggestions for
what city and individual can do. What best practices can Edina take on as a city could be
good focus. Paul would like to see global picture, and how Edina can fit into this from
Elizabeth Wilson. Paul wants to have youth involvement.
ii. Need to have action steps in talk relevant to Edina. How does Edina see climate change is
maybe an angle. Need talk to have real meaning, have a purpose. Maybe consider impact of
average Edina resident – Rick Carter has good data on this.
b. EOWG role: Bob is wondering if EOWG is leading this effort, or if Spring Forum committee is
coordinating the effort. John offered to be conduit to Professor Wilson as she is his academic
advisor and he meets with her weekly. [Conversation after the meeting with Sarah Zarrin
determined she will continue to be the main point of contact]. Sarah S. was asked about ways
to engage students, seems personal ties between students lead to attendance, however it is hard
to draw students to an event like this.
c. Format
Mindy’s proposal: Have Professor Wilson set the global stage, Rick Carter tell us where Edina
is at. And then have panel tells us how we can make progress.
Kristopher’s idea: let each resource fair person give a small blurb, like a TED talk, and have a
shorter keynote. Have a mini presentation of each working group, way for people to get
involved. – Seems 5 pertinent groups (RSW, Water, EOWG, PiE, Community Solar) – Have
Rick Carter moderate and provide insight.
d. Presenters: Elizabeth Wilson is giving the keynote, Timothy DenHerder -Thomas of
Cooperative Energy Futures could be presenter or just as a resource fair person. Rick Carter of
LHB has been recruited to give metrics. Lissa Pawlisch of CERTs is good speaker on
community solar. Jerry Lynch of General Mills could provide a business perspective.
e. Meetings- next planning committee meeting will be Weds (2-10) at 5:30pm.
6. Fostering Sustainable Behavior – Bob inquired if we should request to have someone attend a formal
training on “Fostering Sustainable Behavior” this summer. First step would be to have
Alexis Troschinetz from CERTs talk with the EEC about it. Bob believed this is pertinent to the EEC
work as a whole.
7. Environmental Film Series – John asked if group feels film series is worth the cost ($200/film). Paul
and Mindy noted the films are bringing in new people. Twenty three attendees at film last Thurs.
8. 2/11/16 EEC televised meeting – Bob inquired if there are topics that should be focused on? Film,
Fostering sustainable Behavior, forum (panelists, dates) appear to be main items. HES and
community solar will be covered by other committees.
9. Document E&OWG events and activities - Tabled
10. 2016 Work Plan: The work plan that city council approved was read to the group.
11. Project Earth: On hiatus until March.
12. Succession Plan
a. Chair(s): Lauren Satterlee has stepped up to be the new chair.
b. Recruiting new members: New people have applied for the commission and may be interested
in EOWG.
13. Next meeting: Mar. 3, 2016. Lauren to check on Mayor’s room status. [Confirmed for March]
Meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm, minutes prepared by John Howard
EOWG March 3, 2016 Meeting
Mayor’s Conference Room – 7 pm
In attendance: Laura Kondrick, Mindy Ahler, Kris Wilson, Bob Gubrud, Lauren Satterlee, John
1. Minutes from February meeting approved without edit.
2. Home Energy Squad (HES) – more signups than $ in account at the moment. Funding likely to
be coming from the EEC.
3. Community Solar (CSG)
• Bob is working on a PSA made by the city to promote the CSG, and could show the PSA
during April forum. However, Edina cannot take subscribers - that is up to Minnesota
Interfaith Power and Light (MNIPL) and CEF. Possible mention of the CSG in the summer
or fall issue of About Town, but summer deadline is April 15th. CEF believes the project
will be ready to advertise in 2 weeks, but there are potential delays (roof structural
assessment, Xcel queue).
• Bob would like to see a separate webpage to advertise CSG through CEF.
• MNIPL will hold a workshop on March 14th at 6:30 pm, location TBA [Appears to be at
Good Samaritan].
4. Update from April 2016 Forum Committee members
• Review of forum plan. Elizabeth Wilson is the keynote and is coordinating the other
speakers (Rick Carter, Lissa Pawlisch).
• John was asked if he has contacts for past tablers, will see if he has any list and pass to
• Draft poster was reviewed, need to change the title to 5th annual – currently has 6th
• Students will be active with setting up and tabling at event. Rozy will kick off the
evening. Sarah S and Emily R could do HES drawing.
• John inquired about the distinction between the subcommittee and the EOWG.
• Mindy suggests removing the “Edina Dialog” piece of the web event ad. Paul noted
there needs to be a ? at the end.
5. Environmental Film Series• Paul would like to see Merchants of Doubts.
• Bees and pollinators are popular topic.
• Paul thinks linking a film to a speaker could be a bigger hit.
• Bob feels it is important to have community partners. Paul sees arboretum as possible
source of good movie ideas.
• John discussed some possible films – 70° South, Farmed and Dangerous, Years of Living
• No clear consensus on films, and any movie would need to be approved by the EEC
before it could be shown. Thus unlikely any film could be screened before the summer.
6. School activities
• SELC is doing well. Will be meeting with school’s architects soon about green building
upgrades as part of the school referendum
• They will be organizing a Tech Dump
• Since Paul is no longer a commissioner, Paul and Mindy discussed the need for there to
be a new EEC liaison to students.
7. Recruiting new members
• Laura found the EOWG from Dianne PL.
• Kris found out about EOWG via Paul at an Edina Bike Task Force meeting.
• Seems people who applied for the commission but were not selected could be
contacted by MJ at the city. Lauren will draft a letter.
8. Other:
Bob discussed community based social marketing, which comes highly recommended from
CERTs. Bob sees this as being a valuable technology, and would like to have Alexis of CERTs
present to the commission. Lauren found Alexis’s primer to be valuable, but may not have
availability to attend the formal training in May. Kris expressed interest in attending.
Motion made by Bob to have EOWG recommend to EEC that Alexis present on social behavior
change methodology. Seconded by Paul, and motion passed unanimously.
Bob read the mission statement and EOWG looked at EOWG workplan.
9. Next meeting: April 7, 2016, 7:00 pm, Mayor's Room [Canceled]
Meeting adjourned 8:39 pm.
Minutes prepared by John Howard.
Lauren to contact Edina communications (via Ross) about the event webpage and title issues.
John to connect with Edina Garden council. John to try to find the resource fair tablers’ contacts
from last year.
EEC Annual Environmental Fforum
Sub-committee of Education & Ooutreach Wwork gGroup, (EOWG)
5th Aannual Edina Environmental Fforum, 4/14/2016,
Sarah Zarrin, chair
Sarah Zarrin started going toattending the Eeducation Outreach Work Group (, EOWG) meetings, since
Sept 2015, knowing there were term limitation for 2 co-chairs of the group.
Started talking and going over event title and the list of speakers for the 2016 forum in Early Oct 2015.
Meanwhile, a member of the committee, Paul Thompson, was in charge of reserving auditorium at the
HShigh school. Fick Auditorium was available on 4/14 and EEC members agreed to cancel 4/14 EEC
Sarah Zarrin had suggested the forum to be on the energy reduction, 30% by 2025 for all sectors in
Edina, to be aligned with the focus item on the 2015 & 2016 EEC work plan and be aligned with the
Partners in Energy (PiIE) on going workshops and action plans.
Sarah with the collaboration with Institute on Environment at the U of M (, IonONE), got the agreement
from Professor Elizabeth Wilson, Lissa Pawlish, and Rick Carter, to speak at the 4/14 forum.[LS1]
Attended EOWG meeting in on in Nov 2015 and the groupthey approved agreed with the speakers.
4/14 forum committee started meeting twice pera month meeting since 1/21/2016.
Selected chair lead person for each main responsibilities, attached document.[LS2]:
Committee members and roles:
• Sarah Zarrin, EEC Chair, Forum Chair – invitations and arrangements with speakers
• Lauren Satterlee, EOWG chair – communications with city staff about poster design/printing,
website, and social media publicity, creating title slide decks
• Paul Thompson, EOWG member – invitations to non-city elected officials, school leaders and
news outlets, and local news reporters, publicity to community groups, organizing Tech Dump
with students
• Mindy Ahler, EOWG member – publicity to community groups
Bob Gubrud, EOWG member – communications with community groups
• Kristopher Wilson, EOWG member – organizing Resource Fair logistics and organizing
participants, A/V support
• Rozy Eastaugh, EOWG student member – publicity to school leaders, forum welcome/ opening ,
organizing Tech Dump
• SELC members including EEC student members Sara Stefanik and Emily Reinke – organizing Tech
• Laura Kondrick, EOWG member – publicity to residents
Lessons learned
Identify a venue/Better auditorium with on acoustics (or work with venue A/V or IT prior to the
day of the event to test audio on any kind of videos or audio, in addition to microphones.)
Reserve auditorium in Sept- /Oct time frame
When setting a date for Forum, cCheck most of the calendars including EEC monthly meeting, to
avoid conflicts.
City communications department could do better job on the publicity;, volunteers have a limited
time and experience on the publicity.
o Arrange for an interview with the speaker
o Communicate with schools for the publicity
o Based on the lesson learned and experience with this forum, it seems there is not a
good track record on how to run the forum. It will be beneficial to keep calendar
timeline for each activity for this event since it is important to meet the deadlines for
various items .
Design/printGet poster ready sooner (before March) to be able to distribute at some gatherings
including political caucuses and Annual Dinner for the Commissions & Boards in early March.
o Be aware of limited time city communication staff has to work on it, part time staff.
(Note: In 2016, the city had especially limited capacity for graphic design so the design
process took longer than expected.)
Publicly post opportunity to participate in Resource Fair
Agree on a template to use for publicity and outreach to community and Resource Fair
participants. (Samples in files saved from event.) This includes a signature such as the following,
with special attention not to provide private business signature of individual committee
members, which confuses participants about who is hosting the event.[LS3]
[Signature sample:]
Member of the Edina Annual Environmental Forum planning team
Event website:
Find us on Facebook:
Prepared by Sarah Zarrin and Lauren Satterlee
RSWO Meeting
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
In attendance: Melissa Seeley, Michelle Horan, Judith Felker
1. Introduction of Judith Felker who expressed interest in joining the working group. She is
focusing on speaking with her neighbors to try to convince the majority to sign up for a
single hauler thus reducing truck size and traffic in her neighborhood. This will be her
primary focus and she will join us for updates as her schedule allows.
2. Packaging ordinance:
We are trying to make sure we have done our due diligence in order to present a
report at the May 12 EEC meeting.
To that end, I am requesting each member of RSWO reach out to a business
or property owner who would be affected by the ordinance. We have spoken
with Fairview Hospital, Hello Pizza, Neighborhood Ice Cream Shop, Edina
Country Club and Edina Grill. We are not planning another stakeholders
meeting and would prefer to gather a bit more data through face to face
meetings. If you are unable to help in this effort, please let me know.
Please also review Michelle Horan’s email dated 3/15/16. In it she outlined
remaining steps for the packaging ordinance.
1. To exempt or not to exempt?
PE lined hot and cold cups and lids - these exempt thru 4/17 in Mpls
Cold lids - exempt through 4/16
2. Research and Report
Have we done enough research?
What to report?
3. Finalize Ordinance verbiage. Decide on name for ordinance. 4. Time line
EEC and Council
Effective date
Enforcement date
5. Education/Marketing
Flyer - finalize
Website Who would be responsible? Start creating pages. Packaging Fair or just send out list of vendors? Vet out vendor list on Minneapolis's site
Contact Vendors recommend they get info to businesses?
Anything at the April event?
Early Adopters benefits
listing on website
Stickers - use Minneapolis’s or own design? Do we have budget?
If there is something missing on this list, please let me know.
3. Organics Ordinance
We will tour the Brooklyn Park Transfer Station at 1:00 on April 20. For those interested
in carpooling, we can meet at City Hall at 12:30.
I am also putting together a tour of another composting facility in Becker called Full
Circle Organics. I met a representative from this company last week and they sound like they
are doing some innovative things around compost processing. They are flexible on times so
please let me know if you’d be able to attend April 6 or April 18.
Once we gather some information by visiting these sites I am hoping to set a timeline for
presentation to Council.
- We will not have an official meeting in April. I am hoping many of you can join us for these
facilities tours.
Edina Water Quality Working Group Meeting
March 8, 2016
Present: LouAnn, Jon, Randy, Sue, Steve
Business Meeting:
Old Business:
1. Brian Olson Presentation –
a. LuAnn to email Brian thanking him on behalf of the committee for his
comments and information
b. Is swept up salt really put in landfill, what is BMP? LouAnn to ask
Jessica for next meeting, Randy ask Erica too
c. 38% salt from business, Randy to ask Erica for source, LouAnn to ask
Brook Aslysen
d. How does city normalize salt use for each winter’s differing
conditions? LouAnn to ask Jessica
e. Idea for next year – consider spring salt clean up day, Edina to go ap,
how to approach businesses, invite Brook Aslysen to help us with
strategies for businesses next year April 12 or May 10, location to be
2. Banner – Jon brought sample, design when new City designer on staff
3. Answers to pretreating questions – from Connie Fortin
4. Edina Library display April 19 – May 19, Subject: Vernon, in Honor of Earth
Day, topics: raingardens, native plants, fine fescue grasses, Earth Day display,
sponsored by City of Edina Water Quality Working group, adult and children,
movies, Sue to get bookmarks from Monarch Lab
5. April 14, EEC Forum, 6-7:00 at Southview – Sue & Randy, Garden Club Sale
May 6-7,
New Business
1. Discussed follow-up strategies with Arden Park. Steve to write email based
on Heidi Quinn’s email.
2. Reviewed and discussed annual communication plan.
3. Tabled strategies from Erica’s presentation.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sue Nissen
Edina Water Quality Working Group Meeting
April 12, 2016
Present: LouAnn Waddick, Jon Moon, Randy Holst, Sue Nissen, Steve Wielock
Guests from MPCA
· Andy Ronchak, - training, pollution prevention side, soon to retire
· Brook Asleson, Watershed Specialist & State Program Administrator,
determines which pollutants
Presentation covered MPCA Certifications for Salt Use, Facts about salt use,
Perception v. Reality of salt use, and potential strategies for reducing salt usage.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sue Nissen
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
May 12, 2016
Energy and Environment Commission
Ross Bintner, Environmental Engineer
Subject: Staff Comments
Agenda Item #: IX.A.
Item Type:
Item Activity:
No action required.
The following items will be summarized by staff.
1. Grant Applications
2. CIP/State of the Infrastructure
ItemID=1320&MeetingID=71 and
Descr ipt ion
Infrastructure Infographic
Fire hydrants
Service connections
Edina's infrastructure,
its streets and curbs,
storm and sanitary sewers,
bridges, walking paths and
sidewalks, water mains,
hydrants, pumping stations
and wells form the physical
backbone of the City.
Sanitary Sewer
230 miles
of roadway
Water supply
4 Water treatment plants
Water towers
with a three
total capacity
Deep water wells
Storm sewer lift stations
194 miles of sanitary sewer mains
miles of storm sewer mains
Ponds & wetlands
Sanitary sewer
lift stations
service connections
fire hydrants
of storm
sewer mains
storm sewer
lift stations
ponds & wetlands
of roadway
million gallons
per day
water mains
water towers
of sanitary sewer mains
sanitary sewer
lift stations