Hydraulic Pump T7/T67/T6C Series
Hydraulic Pump T7/T67/T6C Series
Hydraulic Pump T7/T67/T6C Series Industrial Vane Pumps Pressure up to 320 bar Fixed Displacement from 6 to 637 ml/rev. Catalogue HY29-0001/UK March 2007 Catalogue HY29-0001/UK Content General Industrial Vane Pumps T7/T67/T6C General characteristics ........................................................................ 4 Min. and max. speeds - Pressure ratings Single pumps ................................................................................ 5 - 6 Min. and max. speeds - Pressure ratings Double & triple pumps ....................................................................... 7 Minimum allowable inlet pressure . .............................................. 8 - 9 Main calculation ............................................................................... 10 Intermittent pressure rating ............................................................... 10 Description . ...................................................................................... 11 Start-up instructions & recommendations General . .................................................................................... 12 - 13 Shaft & coupling data ....................................................................... 13 Specific point .................................................................................... 13 Fluids ........................................................................................ 13 - 14 Formulas ........................................................................................... 14 General characteristics .............................................................. 15 - 16 Notes ................................................................................................. 17 SINGLE T7AS Ordering code and technical data . .................................................... 18 Dimensions and operating characteristics . ....................................... 19 T7ASW Ordering code and technical data . .................................................... 20 Dimensions and operating characteristics . ....................................... 21 T7B - T7BS Ordering code and technical data . .................................................... 22 Dimensions and operating characteristics . ....................................... 23 T6C Ordering code and technical data . .................................................... 24 Dimensions and operating characteristics . ....................................... 25 T7D - T7DS Ordering code and technical data . .................................................... 26 Dimensions and operating characteristics . ....................................... 27 T7E - T7ES Ordering code and technical data . .................................................... 28 Dimensions and operating characteristics . ....................................... 29 DOUBLE T7BB - T7BBS Ordering code and technical data . .................................................... 30 Dimensions and operating characteristics . ....................................... 31 T6CC Ordering code and technical data . .................................................... 32 Dimensions and operating characteristics . ....................................... 33 T67CB Ordering code and technical data . .................................................... 34 Dimensions and operating characteristics . ....................................... 35 T7DB - T7DBS Ordering code and technical data . .................................................... 36 Dimensions and operating characteristics . ....................................... 37 T67DC Ordering code and technical data . .................................................... 38 Dimensions and operating characteristics . ....................................... 39 T7DD - T7DDS Ordering code and technical data . .................................................... 40 Dimensions and operating characteristics . ....................................... 41 T7EB - T7EBS Ordering code and technical data . .................................................... 42 Dimensions and operating characteristics . ....................................... 43 Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France Catalogue HY29-0001/UK Content Industrial Vane Pumps T7/T67/T6C T67EC Ordering code and technical data . .................................................... 44 Dimensions and operating characteristics . ....................................... 45 T7ED - T7EDS Ordering code and technical data . .................................................... 46 Dimensions and operating characteristics . ....................................... 47 T7EE - T7EES Ordering code and technical data . .................................................... 48 Dimensions and operating characteristics . ....................................... 49 TRIPLE T7DBB - T7DBBS Ordering code and operating characteristics . ................................... 50 Technical data ................................................................................... 51 Dimensions ....................................................................................... 52 T7DCB - T7DCBS Dimensions ....................................................................................... 52 Ordering code and operating characteristics . ................................... 53 Technical data ................................................................................... 54 T7DCC - T7DCCS Technical data ................................................................................... 55 Ordering code and operating characteristics . ................................... 56 Dimensions ....................................................................................... 52 T7DDB - T7DDBS Ordering code and operating characteristics . ................................... 57 Technical data ................................................................................... 58 Dimensions ....................................................................................... 59 T67DDCS Dimensions ....................................................................................... 60 Ordering code and operating characteristics . ................................... 61 Technical data ................................................................................... 62 T7EDB - T7EDBS Technical data ................................................................................... 63 Ordering code and operating characteristics . ................................... 64 Dimensions ....................................................................................... 65 T67EDC - T67EDCS Dimensions ....................................................................................... 66 Ordering code and operating characteristics . ................................... 67 Technical data ................................................................................... 68 T7EEC - T7EECS Technical data ................................................................................... 69 Ordering code and operating characteristics . ................................... 70 Dimensions ....................................................................................... 71 Porting diagrams for double and triple pumps................................... 72 Porting diagrams for triple pumps .................................................... 73 Notes ................................................................................................. 74 Warning . ............................................................................................75 Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France Catalogue HY29-0001/UK Characteristics Industrial Vane Pumps T7/T67/T6C CHARACTERISTICS These vane pumps have been specially designed for high/low circuits. The combination of different cartridges in double and triple pumps allows low flow at high pressure (300 bar max.) and high flow at lower pressure. This is a clever way to optimize your circuit design. This pump feature will also allow a very fast pressure cycle change with a very precise flow repeatability. GREATER FLOW Size A : 5,8 to 40,0 ml/rev. Size B : 5,8 to 50,0 ml/rev. Size C : 10,8 to 100,0 ml/rev. Size D : 44,0 to 158,0 ml/rev. Size E : 132,3 to 268,7 ml/rev. HIGHER PRESSURE A : up to 300 bar max. B : up to 320 bar max. (300 bar for multiple pump). C : up to 275 bar max. D : up to 280 bar max. (250 bar for multiple pump). E : up to 240 bar max. WIDE SPEED RANGE Industrial pumps : Min. : 600 RPM - Max. up to 3600 RPM BETTER EFFICIENCY Increases productivity, reduces heating and reduces operation costs. LOW NOISE LEVELS Increases operator safety and eases machines acceptances. MOUNTING FLEXIBILITY Single pumps : 4 different positions. Double pumps : 32 different positions. Triple pumps : 128 different positions. CARTRIDGE DESIGN Provides for drop-in assemblies. They permit easy conversion and service. A, B and D cartridges : bi-directional technology. C and E cartridges : uni-directional technology. WIDE RANGE OF ACCEPTABLE VISCOSITIES Viscosities from 860 to 10 cSt permit colder starts and hotter running. The balanced design compensates for wear and temperature changes. At high viscosity or cold temperature, the rotor to side plates gap is well lubricated and improves mechanical efficiency. FIRE RESISTANT FLUIDS AND BIODEGRADABLE FLUIDS Phosphate esters, organic esters, chlorinated hydrocarbons, water glycols, rapeseed may be pumped at high pressures and with long service life by these pumps. GENERAL APPLICATIONS INSTRUCTIONS 1. Check speed range, pressure, temperature, fluid quality, fluid viscosity and pump rotation. 2. Check inlet conditions of the pump, if it can accept the application requirements. 3. Check the type of shaft : if it will support the operating torque. 4. Check the coupling must be chosen to minimize pump shaft load (weight, misalignment). 5. Filtration : must be adequate for the lowest contamination level. 6. Check the environment of the pump : as to avoid noise reflection, pollution and shocks. Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France Catalogue HY29-0001/UK Single pumps : speeds, pressure ratings Model of pump Maximum Speed 3) Theoretical Minimum Displacement HF-0, HF-1 HF-3, HF-4 Speed Series Vi HF-2 HF-5 ml/rev. B06 T7AS2) T7ASW2) T7B T7BS T6C Industrial Vane Pumps T7/T67/T6C RPM Maximum Pressure HF-0, HF-2 HF-1, HF-4, HF-5 HF-3 Int. Cont. Int. Cont. Int. Cont. bar bar bar bar bar bar 300 275 240 210 175 140 3000 275 240 3600 300 275 240 210 175 140 240 210 175 140 175 140 RPM RPM 5,8 B10 9,8 B11 11,0 B13 12,8 B17 17.2 B20 19,8 B22 22,5 B25 24,9 B26 26,0 B28 28,0 B30 30,0 B32 31,8 B34 34,0 B36 36,0 B40 40,0 B02 5,8 B03 9,8 B04 12,8 B05 15,9 B06 19,8 B07 22,5 B08 24,9 B09 28,0 B10 31,8 B11 35,0 B12 41,0 B14 45,0 B15 50,0 003 10,8 005 17,2 006 21,3 008 26,4 010 34,1 012 37,1 014 46,0 017 58,3 020 63,8 022 70,3 025 79,3 028 88,8 031 100,0 600 3600 600 1800 1800 3000 280 240 3600 3201) 290 600 1800 3000 2800 600 300 275 280 240 275 240 1800 175 210 2500 210 160 160 HF-0, HF-2 = Antiwear Petroleum Base - HF-1 = Non Antiwear Petroleum Base - HF-3 = Water in oil Invert Emulsions HF-4 = Water Glycols Solutions - HF-5 = Synthetic Fluids Please consult Parker Denison for application over 300 bar. Please be careful as these cartridge designation are now in ml/rev. (example : B22 = 22,5 ml/rev.) 3) Please be sure that the inlet velocity is under 1,9 m/sec. (see page 12, start-up & check-up). 1) 2) For further information, or if the performance characteristics outlined here above do not meet your particular requirements, please consult your local Parker Denison office. Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France Industrial Vane Pumps T7/T67/T6C Catalogue HY29-0001/UK Single pumps : speeds, pressure ratings Model of Series pump Theoretical Displacement Vi ml/rev. T7D T7DS T7E 2) T7ES B14 44,0 B17 55,0 B20 66,0 B22 70,3 B24 81,1 B28 90,0 B31 99,2 B35 113,4 B38 120,6 B42 137,5 0451) 145,7 0501) 158,0 042 132,3 045 142,4 050 158,5 052 164,8 054 171,0 057 183,3 062 196,7 066 213,3 072 227,1 085 268,7 Maximum Speed 3) Minimum HF-0, HF-1 HF-3, HF-4 Speed HF-2 HF-5 RPM RPM RPM 3000 Maximum Pressure HF-0, HF-2 Int. Cont. Int. Cont. bar bar bar bar bar bar 240 210 175 140 300 1800 2800 280 2500 260 230 240 210 210 160 240 210 210 175 175 140 90 75 75 75 75 75 2200 600 HF-3 Cont. 250 600 HF-1, HF-4, HF-5 Int. 2200 1800 2000 210 175 160 HF-0, HF-2 = Antiwear Petroleum Base HF-1 = Non Antiwear Petroleum Base HF-3 = Water in oil Invert Emulsions HF-4 = Water Glycols Solutions HF-5 = Synthetic Fluids Ten vane technology. For T7E, below 10 bar, please contact Parker Denison. 3) Please be sure that the inlet velocity is under 1,9 m/sec. (see page 12, start-up & check-up). 1) 2) For further information, or if the performance characteristics outlined here above do not meet your particular requirements, please consult your local Parker Denison office. Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France Catalogue HY29-0001/UK Double & triple pumps : speeds, pressure ratings Model of pump T7BB/S T67CB T7DB/S T7EB/S T7DBB/S T7DCB/S T7DDB/S T7EDB/S T6CC T67CB T67DC T67EC T7DCB/S T7DCC/S T67DDCS T67EDC/S T7EEC/S T7DB/S T67DC T7DD/S T7EDS T7DBB/S T7DCB/S T7DCC/S T7DDB/S T67DDCS T7EDB/S T67EDC/S T7EB/S T67EC T7EDS T7EE/S T7EEC/S T67EDB/S T67EDC/S Industrial Vane Pumps T7/T67/T6C Maximum Speed 3) Theoretical Minimum Displacement HF-0, HF-1 HF-3, HF-4 Speed Series Vi HF-2 HF-5 B02 B03 B04 B05 B06 B07 B08 B09 B10 B11 B12 B14 B15 003 005 006 008 010 012 014 017 020 022 025 028 031 B14 B17 B20 B22 B24 B28 B31 B35 B38 B42 0451) 0501) 042 045 050 052 054 057 062 066 072 085 ml/rev. 5,8 9,8 12,8 15,9 19,8 22,5 24,9 28,0 31,8 35,0 41,0 45,0 50,0 10,8 17,2 21,3 26,4 34,1 37,1 46,0 58,3 63,8 70,3 79,3 88,8 100,0 44,0 55,0 66,0 70,3 81,1 90,0 99,2 113,4 120,6 137,5 145,7 158,0 132,3 142,4 158,5 164,8 171,0 183,3 196,7 213,3 227,1 268,7 RPM 600 600 RPM 22002) 22002) RPM 1800 HF-0, HF-2 Int. Cont. bar bar T7BB T7BBS 3201) T7BB T7BBS 290 Other pumps 300 Other pumps 275 280 240 275 240 1800 Maximum Pressure HF-1, HF-4, HF-5 Int. Cont. bar bar 240 210 Cont. bar 175 140 175 140 175 140 175 210 210 HF-3 Int. bar 160 160 300 250 600 2200 2) 240 210 1800 280 600 22002) 1800 2000 260 240 210 230 210 160 240 90 HF-0, HF-2 = Antiwear Petroleum Base HF-1 = Non Antiwear Petroleum Base HF-4 = Water Glycols Solutions HF-5 = Synthetic Fluids 210 175 160 210 210 175 175 140 75 75 75 75 75 HF-3 = Water in oil Invert Emulsions Please consult Parker Denison for application over 300 bar. Please consult Parker Denison with higher speeds. 3) Please be sure that the inlet velocity is under 1,9 m/sec. (see page 12, start-up & check-up). 1) 2) For further information or if the performance characteristics outlined above do not meet your particular requirements, please consult your local Parker Denison office. Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France Catalogue HY29-0001/UK Industrial Vane Pumps Minimum allowable inlet pressure (bar absolute) T7/T67/T6C Minimum allowable inlet pressure (bar absolute) Cartridge Size Series Speed RPM 1200 1500 1800 2100 2200 2300 2500 2800 3000 3600 B06 B06 B10 0,80 B11 AS B13 B17 0,80 0,80 0,80 0,80 0,80 0,80 0,80 0,80 B17 B20 0,94 B20 B22 1,00 B22 B25 0,85 B26 B28 0,80 B30 B32 0,80 0,80 0,80 0,80 0,80 0,80 0,80 0,80 B28 B30 B32 0,80 B34 0,88 B34 B36 0,94 B36 B40 1,00 B40 B02 B02 B03 0,80 B04 0,80 B05 B07 B08 0,80 0,80 0,80 0,80 0,80 0,80 0,80 0,80 B09 0,82 0,98 0,85 1,05 B10 1,15 B11 0,90 B12 0,84 B15 0,99 1,13 003 0,80 006 0,85 0,80 0,80 0,80 0,85 017 028 031 1,00 0,80 010 022 B07 B08 B09 B10 B11 B14 B15 0,85 0,90 0,85 005 0,90 0,80 008 020 B06 003 005 014 B04 B12 B14 012 B03 B05 B06 C B11 B13 0,80 B26 B B10 0,88 B25 ASW Series 008 010 0,92 012 0,95 0,90 0,90 006 0,98 1,03 1,05 014 017 020 0,95 0,95 1,05 022 0,98 0,98 1,08 028 0,90 1,11 1,11 031 Inlet pressure is measured at inlet flange with petroleum base fluids at viscosity between 10 and 65 cSt. The difference between inlet pressure at the pump flange and atmospheric pressure must not exceed 0,2 bar to prevent aeration. Multiply absolute pressure by 1,25 for HF-3, HF-4 fluids. by 1,35 for HF-5 fluid. by 1,10 for ester or rapeseed base. For double and triple pumps, prefer the cartridge requiring the highest absolute pressure. Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France Industrial Vane Pumps Catalogue HY29-0001/UK Minimum allowable inlet pressure T7/T67/T6C Cartridge Size Series Speed RPM 1200 1500 1800 2100 2200 2300 2500 B14 B17 B20 B22 0,80 B24 D B28 B31 0,80 0,80 0,80 0,80 0,80 0,80 3600 Series 2800 3000 0,80 0,80 0,82 0,86 B20 0,83 0,88 B22 0,86 0,95 B24 0,88 1,00 B28 0,90 1,05 B31 B17 B35 0,84 0,97 B35 B38 0,86 1,01 B38 B42 0,90 045 0,85 050 B42 0,98 1,05 B45 1,02 1,09 B50 042 042 045 045 050 052 E B14 0,80 0,80 050 0,90 0,80 052 1,00 054 054 057 0,85 062 066 072 085 0,85 0,85 0,90 0,90 0,95 0,85 057 0,95 1,00 062 1,09 066 1,05 072 085 1,00 Inlet pressure is measured at inlet flange with petroleum base fluids at viscosity between 10 and 65 cSt. The difference between inlet pressure at the pump flange and atmospheric pressure must not exceed 0,2 bar to prevent aeration. Multiply absolute pressure by 1,25 for HF-3, HF-4 fluids. by 1,35 for HF-5 fluid. by 1,10 for ester or rapeseed base. For double and triple pumps, prefer the cartridge requiring the highest absolute pressure. Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France Industrial Vane Pumps T7/T67/T6C Catalogue HY29-0001/UK Pump selection main calculation To resolve Volumetric displ.... Vi [ml/rev.] Available flow........ qv [l/min] Input power........... P [kW] Performances required Requested flow . ... qv [l/min] 75 Speed..................... n [RPM] 2500 Pressure................. p [bar] 250 Routine : Example : 1. First calculation Vi = 1000 Q n 2. Choice Vi of pump immediately greater (see tabulation) Vi = 1000 x 75 = 30 ml/rev. 2500 T7B B10, Vi = 31,8 cm3/rev. 3. Theoretical flow of this pump qVi = Vp x n 1000 qVi = 4. Find qvs leakage function of pressure qVs = f(p) on curve at 10 or 24 cSt T7B (page 22) : qVs = 3 l/min at 250 bar, 24 cSt 5. Available flow qVe = qVi - qVs qVe = 79,5 - 3 = 76,5 l/min 6. Theoretical input power Pi = qVi x p 600 Pi = 7. Find Ps hydrodynamic power loss on curve T7B (page 14) : Ps at 2500 RPM, 250 bar = 0,9 kW 8. Calculation of necessary input power P = Pi + Ps P = 33,1 + 0,9 = 34,0 kW 31,8 x 2500 = 79,5 l/min 1000 79,5 x 250 = 33,1 kW 600 Vi = 31,8 ml/rev. qVe = 76,5 l/min P = 34,0 kW 9. Results T7B B10 These calculation steps must be followed for each application. INTERMITTENT PRESSURE RATING T7 and T67 units may be operated intermittently at pressures higher than the recommended continuous rating when the time weighted average of pressure is less than or equal to the continuous duty pressure rating. This intermittent pressure rating calculation is only valid when the other parameters : speed, fluid, viscosity and contamination level are respected. For total cycle time longer than 15 minutes, please consult your Parker Denison representative. Pressure (bar) 300 Average Pressure 211,5 200 Example : T7B - B10 Duty cycle ............ 4 min. at 320 bar .............................. 1 min. at 35 bar .............................. 5 min. at 160 bar Cycle 100 0 0 5 Time (minutes) 10 (4 x 320) + (1 x 35) + (5 x 160) = 211,5 bar 10 211,5 bar is lower than 290 bar allowed as continuous pressure for T7B - B10 with HF-0 fluid. 10 Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France Industrial Vane Pumps Catalogue HY29-0001/UK Description T7/T67/T6C Shaft end outlet port has 4-positions at 90° intervals relative to inlet. Inlet Outlet Inlet Cap end outlet port has8-positions at 45° intervals relative to inlet on each double and triple pump. Front & rear sideplates are each clamped axialy by the separate discharge pressures. Pilot recess as required by SAE for full conformity. Shaft comes in variety of keyed and splined options to meet SAE and ISO 3019-1 standards. Cartridge is a replaceable assembly that includes :cam ring, rotor, vanes, pins and plates. B Ball bearing holds the shaft in alignment. Vane is urged outward at suction ramp by pin force and centrifugal force. Cartridge are replaceable assemblies. Each includes cam ring, rotor, vanes, pins and sideplates. 90° Section Holes in cam ring improve wide cartridge inlet characteristics. A Working vane on major arc pushes fluid to discharge port. Suction ramp where unloaded vane moves out. Section B-B B Section A-A Pin cavity is at a steady pressure equal to that at discharge port. Side feed holes supply discharge pressure to pin cavities. Discharge ramp where unloaded vane moves in. A Working vane on minor arc seals discharge pressure from the suction port. • application advantages The high pressure capability up to 320 bar, in the small envelope, reduces installation costs and provides extended life at reduced pressure. • The high volumetric efficiency, reduces heat generation, and allows speeds down to 600 RPM at full pressure. • The high mechanical efficiency, typically better than 94%, reduces energy consumption. • The wide speed range (600 RPM at 3600 RPM), combined with large size cartridge displacements will optimize operation for the lowest noise level in the smallest envelope. • The low speed (600 RPM), low pressure, high viscosity (860 cSt) allows application in cold environment with a minimum energy consumption and without risk of seizure. • The low ripple pressure (± 2 bar) reduces piping noise and increases lifetime of the other components in the circuit. • The high resistance to particle contamination, thanks to the double lip technology increasing the pump lifetime. • The large variety of options (cam displacement, shaft, porting) allows customized installation. • Noise : Specially designed to optimize the low noise level characteristics. • 11 Cartridge concept : drops maintenance costs. Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France Industrial Vane Pumps Start-up instructions & recommendations T7/T67/T6C Catalogue HY29-0001/UK GENERAL : All Parker Denison vane pumps are individually tested to provide the best quality & reliability. Modifications, conversions & repairs can only be done by authorized dealers or OEM to avoid invalidation of the guarantee. The pumps are to be used in the design limits indicated in all the sales bulletins. Please contact Parker Denison when tresspassing the catalogue limits. Do not modify or work on the pump under pressure or when the electric motor (or any drive) is on. Qualified personnel is required to assemble and set-up hydraulic devices. Always conform yourself to the valid regulations (safety, electrical, environment...). The following instructions are important to follow to obtain a good service life time from the unit. rotation & ports indication The rotation and ports orientation are viewed from the shaft end. CW stands for clockwise = right-hand rotation. CCW stands for counter-clockwise = left-hand rotation. Start-up check-up Check that the assembly of the power unit is correct : The distance between the suction pipe & the return lines in the tank should be at its maximum. A bevel on both suction & return lines is recommended to increase the surface and so lower the velocity. We suggest a 45° minimum angle. Velocities : inlet 0,5 < x < 1,9 m/s (1,64 < x < 6,23 ft per sec.) : return x < 6 m/s (x < 19,7 ft per sec.) : Always insure that all return and suction lines are under the oil level to avoid forming aeration or vortex effect. This should be done under the most critical situation (all cylinders extended for example). Straight and short pipes are the best. V= Q (Lpm) 6 x p x r (cm) 2 = m/s V= Q (GPM) 3.12 x p x r2 (in) = ft/s The size of the air filter should be 3 times greater than the max. instant return flow (all cylinders in movement for example). If the pump is in the tank, please choose the NOP option (no paint) and use a short inlet pipe. Parker Denison does not recommend inlet strainers. If needed, a 100 mesh (149 microns) is the finest mesh recommended. A coaxial drive is recommended. For any other type of drives, please contact Parker Denison. Make sure that all protective plugs & covers have been removed. Check the pump rotation versus the E-motor or engine rotation. Start-up : The tank has been filled up with a clean fluid in proper conditions. We recommend to flush the system with an external pump prior to the start-up. It is important to bleed the air off the circuit & the pump itself. The first valve on the circuit should be open to tank. We recommend the use of air bleed off valves. It is possible to bleed off the air by creating a leak in the P port of the pump. Warning : this has to be done in a low pressure mode as it could create a dangerous fluid leak. Make sure that the pressure cannot rise (open center valve to tank, pressure relief valve unloaded ...). 12 Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France Catalogue HY29-0001/UK Start-up instructions & recommendations Industrial Vane Pumps T7/T67/T6C When oil free of air appears, tighten the connectors to the correct torque. The pump should prime within a few seconds. If not, please consult our troubleshooting guide (document 1 - EN0721 - *). If the pump is noisy, please troubleshoot the system. shaft & coupling data : COUPLINGS AND FEMALE SPLINES Never operate the pump at top speed and pressure without checking the completion of pump priming. • The mating female spline should be free to float and find its own center. If both members are rigidly supported, they must be aligned within 0,15 TIR (0.006” TIR) or less to reduce fretting. The angular alignment of two splines axes must be less than ± 0,05 per 25,4 radius (± 0.002” per 1” radius). • The coupling spline must be lubricated with a lithium molydisulfide grease, disulfide of molybdenum or a similar lubricant. • The coupling must be hardened to a hardness between 29 and 45 HRC. • The female spline must be made to conform to the Class 1 fit as described in SAE-J498b (1971). This is described as a Flat Root Side Fit. keyed shafts Parker Denison supplies the T7 series keyed shaft pumps with high strength heat-treated keys. Therefore, when installing or replacing these pumps, the heat-treated keys must be used in order to ensure maximum life in the application. If the key is replaced, it must be a heat-treated key between 27 and 34 R.C. hardness. The corners of the keys must be chamfered by 0,76 mm to 1,02 mm (0.03 to 0.04) at 45° to clear the radii in the key way. The alignment of keyed shafts must be within tolerances given for splined shafts here above. shaft loads These products are primarily designed for coaxial drives which do not impose axial or side loading on the shaft. Contact Parker Denison for specific applications. SPECIFIC POINTS : MINIMUM INLET PRESSURE Please read the charts in the sales leaflets as the minimum requested inlet pressure varies versus the displacement and the speed. Never go under 0,8 bar Absolute (-0,2 bar relative) 11.6 PSI Absolute (-2.9 PSI G). MAXIMUM INLET PRESSURE It is recommended to always have at least 1,5 bar (22 PSI) differential between inlet and outlet. Standard shaft seals are limited to 0,7 bar (10 PSI G) but some allow 7 bar (100 PSI G). Please contact Parker Denison for more information. MINIMUM OUTLET PRESSURE It is recommended to always have at least 1,5 bar (22 PSI) differential between inlet and outlet. VERTICAL MOUNT When assembled vertically, always be careful to prevent any air from being trapped in the pump (behind the shaft seal for example). FLUIDS : Denison classification Type of fluids : For each type of fluids, Parker Denison’s vane pumps will have different pressures, speeds & temperature limits. Please refer to the sales leaflets. HF-0 = Anti-wear petroleum base. HF-1 = Non anti-wear petroleum base. HF-2 = Anti-wear petroleum base. HF-3 = Water-in-oil invert emulsions. HF-4 = Water glycol solutions. HF-5 = Synthetic fluids. 13 Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France Catalogue HY29-0001/UK Industrial Vane Pumps Start-up instructions & recommendations T7/T67/T6C Filtration recommendations NAS 1638 class 8 or better. ISO 19 / 17 / 14 or better. Inlet strainer : Parker Denison does not recommend inlet strainers. If requested, a 100 mesh (149 microns) is the finest mesh recommended. recommended fluids Petroleum based antiwear R & O fluids. These fluids are the recommended fluids for pumps & motors. Maximum catalogue (UK version) ratings and performance datas are based on operation with these fluids. These fluids are covered by Parker Denison HF-0 and HF-2 specifications. acceptable alternate fluids The use of fluids other than petroleum based antiwear R & O fluids requires that the maximum ratings of the pumps will be reduced. In some cases the minimum replenishment pressures must be increased. Consult specific sections for more details. viscosity Max. (cold start, low speed & pressure) Max. (full speed & pressure) Optimum (max. life) Min. (full speed & pressure for HF-1, HF-3, HF-4 & HF-5 fluids) Min. (full speed & pressure for HF-0 & HF-2 fluids) Indutrial 860 cSt - 3900 SUS 108 cSt - 500 SUS 30 cSt - 140 SUS 18 cSt - 90 SUS 10 cSt - 60 SUS viscosity index 90 min. Higher values extend the range of operating temperatures. TEMPERATURES The usual limitating factor of temperature (low or high) comes from the obtained viscosity. The seals are sometimes the limit : standard seals range from -30° C to 90° C (-9.4° F to 194° F). Maximum fluid temperature (q) HF-0, HF-1, HF-2 HF-3, HF-4 HF-5 Biodegradable fluids (esters & rapeseed base) °C + 100 + 50 + 70 + 65 °F + 212 + 122 + 158 + 149 Minimum fluid temperature (q) (also depend on max. viscosity) HF-0, HF-1, HF-2, HF-5 HF-3, HF-4 Biodegradable fluids (esters & rapeseed base) °C °F - 18 + 10 - 18 - 0.4 + 50 - 0.4 Over or under these values, please contact Parker Denison. WATER CONTAMINATION IN THE FLUID Maximum acceptable content of water : • 0,10 % for mineral base fluids. • 0,05 % for synthetic fluids, crankcase oils, biodegradable fluids. If the amount of water is higher, then it must be drained off the circuit. FLUID POWER FORMULAS Pump input torque N.m pressure (bar) x displacement cm3/rev 20 p x mech. eff. Pump input power kW rpm x (cm3/rev) x pressure (bar) 600000 x overall eff. Pump output flow Lpm rpm x (cm3/rev) x volumetric eff. 1000 Fluid motor speed rpm 1000 x flow rate (Lpm) x volumetric eff. displacement (cm3/rev.) Fluid motor torque N.m pressure (bar) x displacement (cm3/rev) x mech. eff. 20 p Fluid motor power kW rpm x (cm3/rev) x (bar) x overall eff. 600000 14 Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France Industrial Vane Pumps Catalogue HY29-0001/UK General characteristics T7/T67/T6C SAE 4 bolts - J518 - 150/DIS6162-1 Suction Pressure S P1 1"-SAE 4 bolts 3/4"-SAE 4 bolts J518-ISO/DIS 6162-1 J518-ISO/DIS 6162-1 SAE 16-SAE threads SAE 12-SAE threads 1.5/16"-12 UNF-2B 1.1/16"-12 UNF-2B NPTF threads NPTF threads 1.1/4" NPTF 3/4" NPTF 1" BSP 3/4" BSP 1.1/4"-SAE 4 bolts 3/4"-SAE 4 bolts J518-ISO/DIS 6162-1 J518-ISO/DIS 6162-1 SAE 20-SAE threads SAE 12-SAE threads 1.5/8"-12 UNF-2B 1.1/16"-12 UNF-2B NPTF threads SAE 12-SAE threads 1.1/4" NPTF 1.1/16"-12 UNF-2B 1.1/4" BSP 3/4" BSP Mounting standard Weight without connector and bracket - kg Moment of inertia Kgm2 x 10-4 T7AS SAE J744 ISO/3019-1 SAE A 9,5 2,6 T7ASW SAE J744 ISO/3019-1 SAE A 11,3 3,2 23,0 3,2 1.1/2" 1" or 3/4" 15,7 7,5 1.1/2" 1" 26,0 19,6 2" 1.1/4" 43,3 62,5 3" 1.1/2" T7B T7BS T6C T7D T7DS T7E T7ES T7BB T7BBS T6CC T67CB T7DB T7DBS T67DC T7DD T7DDS T7EB T7EBS T67EC T7ED T7EDS T7EE T7EES ISO/3019-2 100 A2 HW SAE J744 SAE B SAE J744 SAE B ISO 3019-2 125 A2 HW SAE J744 SAE C ISO 3019-2 125 A2 HW SAE J744 SAE C ISO 3019-2 100 A2 HW SAE J744 SAE B SAE J744 SAE B SAE J744 SAE B ISO 3019-2 125 A2 HW SAE J744 SAE C SAE J744 SAE C SAE J744 SAE C ISO 3019-2 125 A2 HW ISO 3019-2 125 A2 HW SAE J744 SAE C SAE J744 SAE C ISO 3019-2 125 A2 HW SAE J744 SAE C ISO 3019-2 250 B4 HW SAE J744 SAE E S P1 P2 32,6 6,7 2.1/2" 1" or 3/4" 3/4" 26,0 16,9 2.1/2" or 3" 1" 1" or 3/4" 26,0 11,4 2.1/2" 1" 3/4" 38,6 22,7 3" 1.1/4" 1" or 3/4" 38,6 26,3 3" 1.1/4" 1" or 3/4" 56,0 36,3 4" 1.1/4" 1.1/4" 55,0 65,9 3.1/2" 1.1/2" 3/4" 55,0 70,8 3.1/2" 1.1/2" 1" 66,0 79,7 4" 1.1/2" 1.1/4" 95,0 97,4 4" 1.1/2" 1.1/2" 15 Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France Industrial Vane Pumps T7/T67/T6C Catalogue HY29-0001/UK General characteristics Mounting standard T7DBB T7DBBS T7DCB T7DCBS T7DCC T7DCCS T7DDB T7DDBS T67DDCS T7EDB T7EDBS T67EDC T67EDCS T7EEC T7EECS ISO/3019-2 125 A2 HW SAE J744 SAE C ISO/3019-2 125 A2 HW SAE J744 SAE C ISO/3019-2 125 A2 HW SAE J744 SAE C ISO 3019-2 125 B4 HW SAE J744 SAE C SAE J744 SAE C ISO 3019-2 250 B4 HW SAE J744 SAE E ISO 3019-2 250 B4 HW SAE J744 SAE E ISO/3019-2 250 B4 HW SAE J744 SAE E Weight without connector and bracket - kg Moment of inertia Kgm2 x 10-4 Suction S SAE 4 bolts - J518 - 150/DIS6162-1 Pressure P1 P2 P3 26,1 61,0 29,7 4" 1.1/4" 1" 1" or 3/4" 33,3 66,0 39,5 4" 1.1/4" 1.1/4" 1" or 3/4" 66,0 43,1 4" 1.1/4" 1.1/4" 1" or 3/4" 102,0 76,6 4" 1.1/2" 1.1/4" 1" or 3/4" 102,0 80,2 4" 1.1/2" 1.1/4" 1" or 3/4" 114,8 99,1 4" 1.1/2" 1.1/2" 1" or 3/4" 16 Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France Catalogue HY29-0001/UK Notes Industrial Vane Pumps T7/T67/T6C 17 Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France Industrial Vane Pumps T7/T67/T6C Catalogue HY29-0001/UK T7AS - Ordering Code Model No. T7AS - B17 - 1 R 00 - A 1 - 00 - .. Modifications T7AS series - SAE A 2 bolts J744 mounting flange Mounting w/connection variables 00 = 4 bolts SAE flanges (J518) UNC thread S = 1” SAE P = 3/4” SAE 02 = SAE thread S = 1.5/16” (SAE 16) P = 1.1/16” (SAE 12) 03 = NPTF thread S = 1.1/4” NPTF P = 3/4” NPTF 04 = BSP threads S = 1” BSP P = 3/4” BSP Displacement * Volumetric displacement (ml/rev.) B06 = 5,8 B10 = 9,8 B11 = 11,0 B13 = 12,8 B17 = 17,2 B20 = 19,8 B22 = 22,5 B25 = 24,9 Type of shaft T7AS 1 = keyed (non SAE) Ø 19,05 3 = splined 16/32 (SAE B) 13 teeth 4 = splined 16/32 (SAE A) 9 teeth Seal class 1 = S1 BUNA N - 0,7 bar max. (for mineral oil) 5 = S5 VITON® - 0,7 bar max. (for mineral oil and fire resistant fluids) Direction of rotation (shaft end view) R = Clockwise L = Counter-clockwise Design letter S P S S P P 00 01 02 03 Internal leakage qVs [l/min] 24 cSt 10 cSt 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 60 120 180 240 300 Lp. Noise level [db(A)] 1m ISO 4412 Noise level (typical) - t7as - b20 8 6 P = Pressure S = Suction P INTERNAL LEAKAGE (TYPICAL) 7 Porting combination 00 = standard S 66 Pe = 0,9 bar abs n = 1000 RPM 64 62 n = 1500 RPM = 32 cSt Lw = Lp + 8 db(A) uν 60 58 56 54 52 50 0 50 100 150 200 Pressure p [bar] Do not operate pump more than 5 seconds at any speed or viscosity if internal leakage is higher than 50% of theoretical flow. Pressure p [bar] power loss hydromechanical (typical) permissible radial load 300 1100 1,2 n = 1000 RPM n = 1500 RPM [24 cSt] 1 900 0,8 Load F [N] Power loss Ps [kW] 250 0,6 0,4 700 = = F Fa Shaft keyed N°1 500 300 0,2 0 0 60 120 180 240 100 600 300 Pressure p [bar] * Cartridge designation is now in ml/rev. (example : B22 = 22,5 ml/rev.) 1200 1800 2400 3000 Speed n [RPM] Maximum permissible axial load Fa = 600 N 18 Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France 3600 Industrial Vane Pumps T7/T67/T6C Catalogue HY29-0001/UK T7AS - Dimensions - Weight : 9,5 kg 138,5 44,4 78,1 110 38,2 7,4 Ø 95,3 63,5 (THREADED PORT CONNECTION) KEY 4,775 4,724 0 -0.05 25,4 Ø 47 110 C.G. 1,5 x 45° Ø 82,55 68 (THREADED PORT CONNECTION) Ø 11 65 60,5 6,4 106 21,14 MAX MOUNTING TORQUE : 110 Nm Ø 19,05 0,8 x 45° 53 0 -0.025 64 SHAFT CODE 1 130,4 Keyed (non SAE) 39,4 3/8"-16UNC-2B x 19 DEEP - 4 HOLES 7,4 Option : built in valve 3/8"-16UNC-2B x 17 DEEP - 4 HOLES 6,4 11,2 22,3 26,2 P S SHAFT CODE 4 SAE A spline d shaft Class 1 - J498 16/32 d.p. - 9 teeth 30° pressure angle flat root side fit 19,1 52,4 47,6 1,5 x 45° SHAFT CODE 3 SAE B splined shaft Class 1 - J498 16/32 d.p. - 13 teeth 30° pressure angle flat root side fit PRESSURE Ø B Code 00 02 03 04 A Ø 25,40 SAE # 16 1.5/16’’ - 12 UNF - 2B 1.1/14’’ NPTF 1’’ BSP Ø 19,05 SAE # 12 1.1/16’’ - 12 UNF - 2B B ! 3/4’’ NPTF SUCTION Ø A Shaft torque limits [ml/rev. x bar] 3/4’’ BSP Shaft Vi x p max. 1 8720 3 8720 4 6550 If inlet velocity > 1,9 m/s, please contact Parker Denison. operating characteristics - typical [24 cst] Pressure port Series Vi Volumetric displacement T7AS B06 B10 B11 B13 B17 B20 B22 B25 5,8 ml/rev 9,8 ml/rev 11,0 ml/rev 12,8 ml/rev 17,2 ml/rev 19,8 ml/rev 22,5 ml/rev 24,9 ml/rev Flow qVe [l/min] & n = 1500 RPM p = 0 bar p = 140 bar p = 300 bar 8,7 7,0 5,2 14,7 13,0 11,2 16,5 14,8 13,0 19,2 17,5 15,7 25,8 24,1 22,3 29,7 28,0 26,2 33,8 32,1 30,2 37,4 35,7 33,8 19 Input power P [kW] & n = 1500 RPM p = 7 bar p = 140 bar p = 300 bar 0,2 2,7 6,0 0,3 4,1 9,0 0,4 4,5 9,9 0,4 5,1 11,3 0,5 6,6 14,6 0,6 7,6 16,5 0,6 8,5 18,6 0,7 9,3 20,4 Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France Industrial Vane Pumps T7/T67/T6C Catalogue HY29-0001/UK T7ASW - Ordering Code Model No. T7ASW - B32 - 1 R 00 - A 1 - 00 - .. Modifications T7ASW series - SAE A 2 bolts J744 mounting flange Mounting w/connection variables 00 = 4 bolts SAE flanges (J518) UNC threads S = 1.1/4” SAE P = 3/4” SAE 02 = SAE thread S = 1.5/8” (SAE 20) P = 1.1/16” (SAE 12) 03 = NPTF & SAE threads S = 1.1/4” NPTF P = 1.1/16” (SAE 12) 04 = BSP threads S = 1.1/4” BSP P = 3/4” BSP Displacement * Volumetric displacement (ml/rev.) B26 = 26,0 B28 = 28,0 B30 = 30,0 B32 = 31,8 B34 = 34,0 B36 = 36,0 B40 = 40,0 Type of shaft T7ASW 1 = keyed (non SAE) Ø 19,05 3 = splined 16/32 (SAE B) 13 teeth 4 = splined 16/32 (non SAE) 11 teeth Seal class 1 = S1 BUNA N - 0,7 bar max. (for mineral oil) Direction of rotation (shaft end view) R = Clockwise L = Counter-clockwise Design letter Porting combination 00 = standard S P S S S P P 00 01 02 03 Noise level (typical) - t7asW b28 Internal leakage qVs [l/min] 8 24 cSt 10 cSt 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 60 120 180 240 300 Lp. Noise level [db(A)] 1m ISO 4412 INTERNAL LEAKAGE (TYPICAL) 7 P = Pressure S = Suction P 73 Pe = 0,9 bar abs n = 1000 RPM 71 n = 1500 RPM 69 uν = 32 cSt 67 Lw = Lp + 8 db(A) 65 63 61 59 57 0 50 100 150 200 250 Pressure p [bar] Do not operate pump more than 5 seconds at any speed or viscosity if internal leakage is higher than 50% of theoretical flow. Pressure p [bar] power loss hydromechanical (typical) permissible radial load 1,2 300 1100 n = 1000 RPM n = 1500 RPM [24 cSt] 900 0,8 Load F [N] Power loss Ps [kW] 1 0,6 0,4 700 = = F Fa Shaft keyed N°1 500 300 0,2 0 0 60 120 180 240 100 600 300 Pressure p [bar] * Cartridge designation is now in ml/rev. (example : B22 = 22,5 ml/rev.) 1200 1800 2400 3000 Speed n [RPM] Maximum permissible axial load Fa = 800 N 20 Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France 3600 Industrial Vane Pumps T7/T67/T6C Catalogue HY29-0001/UK T7ASW - Dimensions - Weight : 11,3 kg 160,8 110 44 38,2 99,7 Ø 95,3 63,5 (THREADED PORT CONNECTION) KEY 4,775 / 4,724 110 Ø 52,02 25,4 82,55 Ø 82,5 68 (THREADED PORT CONNECTION) Ø 11 65 60,5 7,4 6,4 1,5 x 45° 53 MOUNTING TORQUE : 110 Nm 106 0 -0.025 Ø 19,05 0,8 x 45° 21,12 MAXI 74,6 SHAFT CODE 1 130,4 (KEYED NO SAE) 7/16"-14UNC-2B x 22 DEEP - 4 HOLES 40 3/8"-16UNC-2B x 17 DEEP - 4 HOLES 37 7,4 22,3 11,2 30,2 7,4 19 24,5 58,7 47,6 1,5 x 45° 1,5 x 45° SHAFT CODE 4 Splined shaft Class 1 - J498b 16/32 d.p. - 11 teeth 30° pressure angle flat root side fit SHAFT CODE 3 PRESSURE Ø B Code 00 02 03 04 A Ø 31,80 SAE # 20 1.5/16’’ - 12 UNF - 2B 1.1/14’’ NPTF 1”1/4 BSP B Ø 19,05 SAE # 12 1.1/16’’ - 12 UNF - 2B SAE # 12 1.1/16’’ - 12 UNF - 2B 3/4 ” BSP ! If inlet velocity > 1,9 m/s, please contact Parker Denison. SAE-B splined shaft Class 1 - J498b 16/32 d.p. - 13 teeth 30° pressure angle flat root side fit SUCTION Ø A Shaft torque limits [ml/rev. x bar] Shaft Vi x p max. 1 18530 3 18530 4 12660 operating characteristics - typical [24 cst] Pressure port Series Vi Volumetric displacement T7ASW B26 B28 B30 B32 B34 B36 B40 26,0 ml/rev 28,0 ml/rev 30,0 ml/rev 31,8 ml/rev 34,0 ml/rev 36,0 ml/rev 40,0 ml/rev Flow qVe [l/min] & n = 1500 RPM p = 0 bar p = 140 bar p = 300 bar 39,0 37,3 35,5 42,0 40,3 38,5 45,0 43,3 41,5 47,7 46,0 44,2 51,0 49,3 47,5 54,0 52,3 50,5 60,0 58,3 56,5 21 Input power P [kW] & n = 1500 RPM p = 7 bar p = 140 bar p = 300 bar 0,8 9,5 20,6 0,9 10,2 22,1 0,9 10,9 23,6 0,9 11,6 25,0 1,0 12,3 26,6 1,0 13,0 28,1 1,1 14,4 31,1 Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France Industrial Vane Pumps T7/T67/T6C Catalogue HY29-0001/UK T7B / T7BS - Ordering Code Model No. T7B or T7BS - B10 - 1 R 00 - A 1 - M0 - .. T7B series - 100 A2 HW ISO 2 bolts 3019-2 mounting flange T7BS series - SAE B 2 bolts J744 mounting flange Modifications Mounting w/connection variables 4 bolts SAE flange J518 T7B-T7BS Metric thread M0 M1 1" 3/4" 1.1/2" Displacement Volumetric displacement (ml/rev.) B02 = 5,8 B07 = 22,5 B11 = 35,0 B03 = 9,8 B08 = 24,9 B12 = 41,0 B04 = 12,8 B09 = 28,0 B14 = 45,0 B05 = 15,9 B10 = 31,8 B15 = 50,0 B06 = 19,8 T7BS UNC thread 00 01 1" 3/4" P S Seal class 1 = S1 BUNA N - 0,7 bar max. (for mineral oil) 4 = S4 EPDM - 0,7 bar max. (for fire resistant fluids) 5 = S5 VITON® - 0,7 bar max. (for mineral oil and fire resistant fluids) Type of shaft T7B - T7BS 2 = keyed (ISO R775) Type of shaft T7BS 1 = keyed (SAE B) Ø 22,2 3 = splined (SAE B) 13 teeth 4 = splined (SAE BB) 15 teeth Design letter Porting combination 00 = standard 00 01 02 PS P 03 P P Direction of rotation (shaft end view) R = Clockwise L = Counter-clockwise P = Pressure port S = Suction port S S Noise level (typical) - t7B - B10 Internal leakage qVs [l/min] 8 24 cSt 7 10 cSt 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 Lp. Noise level [db(A)] 1m ISO 4412 INTERNAL LEAKAGE (TYPICAL) 70 Pe = 0,9 bar abs nSérie1 = 1000 RPM nSérie2 = 1500 RPM u υ = 32 cSt Lw = Lp + 8 db (A) 65 60 55 50 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 Pressure p [bar] Do not operate pump more than 5 seconds at any speed or viscosity if internal leakage is higher than 50% of theoretical flow. Pressure p [bar] power loss hydromechanical (typical) permissible radial load 1,4 320 1400 n = 1000 RPM n = 1500 RPM [24 cSt] 1,2 1200 1 Load F [N] Power loss Ps [kW] 280 0,8 0,6 0,4 1000 800 = Shaft = keyed Fn°1 Fa Shaft keyed N°1 600 400 0,2 200 600 0 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 Pressure p [bar] 1200 1800 2400 3000 Speed n [RPM] Maximum permissible axial load Fa = 800 N 22 Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France 3600 Industrial Vane Pumps T7/T67/T6C Catalogue HY29-0001/UK T7B/BS - Dimensions - Weight : 23,0 kg 168, 5 82,3 174,5 F 71,6 38,1 G 7,9 Ø 51,3 101,60 Ø 101,55 ØH 76,2 6,35 MAXI 1,3 x 45° T7BS SERIES Mounting torque : 187 Nm 24,94 MAXI 1,5 x 45° 120,6 22,225 Ø 22,200 C.G. Shaft code 1 (KEYED SAE "B") 9,7 (FLANGE SAE "B") Ø B 4- HOLES 40,7 7,9 24,5 70,0 C 35,8 17,9 24,5 1,5 x 45° 12,7 Ø A 4- HOLES 10 45,6 7,9 40,0 KEY 8 x 7 Shaft code 4 SAE BB INVOLUTE SPLINE DATA CLASS 1 - FLAT ROOT SIDE FIT J498b - PITCH 16/32 15 TEETH - 30° PRESSURE ANGLE 2,0 x 45° 100,000 Ø 99, 967 28,22 MAXI Shaft code 3 SAE B INVOLUTE SPLINE DATA CLASS 1 - FLAT ROOT SIDE FIT J498b - PITCH 16/32 13 TEETH - 30° PRESSURE ANGLE 1,5 x 45° 25,0650 Ø 24,9935 P 35,0 70,0 S D 1,5 x 45° Shaft code 2 (KEYED ISO R775) Model Code ØA ØB C D ØE F G ØH T7B T7BS M0 M1 M10 x 19 deep M12 x 22,4 deep 26,20 22,25 52,4 47,65 25,4 19,1 140 70 14,0 00 01 3/8"-16 UNC x 19 deep 1/2"-13 UNC x 22,4 deep 26,20 22,25 52,4 47,65 25,4 19,1 146 73 14,3 SUCTION Ø 38,1 9,0 PRESSURE Ø E T7B SERIES (FLANGE ISO 3019/2 100A 2HW ) Shaft torque limits [ml/rev. x bar] Shaft Vi x p max. 1 16500 2 20600 3 20600 4 20600 operating characteristics - typical [24 cst] Pressure port Series Vi Volumetric displacement B02 5,8 ml/rev B03 9,8 ml/rev B04 12,8 ml/rev B05 15,9 ml/rev B06 19,8 ml/rev B07 22,5 ml/rev T7B B08 24,9 ml/rev T7BS B09 28,0 ml/rev B10 31,8 ml/rev B11 35,0 ml/rev B12 41,0 ml/rev B14 45,0 ml/rev B15 50,0 ml/rev 1) B11 - B12 - B14 = 300 bar max. int. Flow qVe [l/min] & n = 1500 RPM p = 0 bar p = 140 bar p = 320 bar 8,7 7,0 4,8 14,7 13,0 10,8 19,2 17,5 15,3 23,9 22,2 20,0 29,7 28,0 25,8 33,7 32,0 29,9 37,4 35,7 33,5 42,0 40,3 38,1 47,7 46,0 43,8 52,5 50,8 48,91) 61,5 59,8 57,91) 67,5 65,8 63,91) 75,0 73,3 71,62) 2) B15 = 280 bar max. int. 23 Input power P [kW] & n = 1500 RPM p = 7 bar p = 140 abr p = 320 bar 0,5 2,6 5,4 0,6 4,0 8,6 0,6 5,0 11,0 0,7 6,1 13,5 0,7 7,5 16,6 0,8 8,5 18,8 0,8 9,3 20,7 0,9 10,4 23,2 0,9 11,7 26,2 1,0 12,8 27,01) 1,1 14,9 31,51) 1,2 16,3 34,51) 1,3 18,1 35,72) Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France Industrial Vane Pumps T7/T67/T6C Catalogue HY29-0001/UK T6C - Ordering Code Model No. T6C* - 022 - 1 R 00 - B 1 - .. Series - SAE B 2 bolts J744 mounting flange * Rear drive option available, please contact Parker Denison Modifications Seal class 1 = S1 BUNA N - 0,7 bar max. (for mineral oil) 4 = S4 EPDM - 7 bar max. (for fire resistant fluids) 5 = S5 VITON® - 7 bar max. (for mineral oil and fire resistant fluids) Displacement Volumetric displacement (ml/rev.) 003 = 10,8 017 = 58,3 005 = 17,2 020 = 63,8 006 = 21,3 022 = 70,3 008 = 26,4 025 = 79,3 010 = 34,1 028 = 88,8 012 = 37,1 031 = 100,0 014 = 46,0 Design letter Porting combination 00 = standard Direction of rotation (shaft end view) R = Clockwise L = Counter-clockwise Type of shaft 1 = keyed (SAE B) Ø 22,2 2 = keyed (non SAE) 3 = splined (SAE B) 13 teeth 4 = splined (SAE BB) 15 teeth 00 01 02 PS P 03 P P P = Pressure port S = Suction port S S Internal leakage qVs [l/min] 21 Noise level (typical) - t6C - 022 24 cSt 18 10 cSt 15 12 9 6 3 0 0 35 70 105 140 175 210 245 280 Lp. Noise level [db(A)] 1m ISO 4412 INTERNAL LEAKAGE (TYPICAL) 75 Pe = 0,9 bar abs nSérie = 1000 RPM n1 = 1500 RPM u = 32 cSt u Lw = Lp + 8 db (A) 70 65 60 55 0 40 80 120 160 200 Pressure p [bar] Do not operate pump more than 5 seconds at any speed or viscosity if internal leakage is higher than 50% of theoretical flow. Pressure p [bar] power loss hydromechanical (typical) permissible radial load 3,5 2,5 1200 Load F [N] Power loss Ps [kW] 1400 n = 1000 RPM n = 1500 RPM [24 cSt] n = 2800 RPM 3 240 2 1,5 1 1000 800 = = Shaft Fkeyed n°1 Fa Shaft keyed N°1 600 400 0,5 200 600 0 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 Pressure p [bar] 1000 1400 1800 2200 2600 Speed n [RPM] Maximum permissible axial load Fa = 800 N 24 Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France Catalogue HY29-0001/UK T6C - Dimensions - Weight : 15,7 kg Industrial Vane Pumps T7/T67/T6C 174,5 161,6 146,0 82,3 71,4 38,1 73,0 38,1 9,7 7,9 6,35 MAXI Ø 51,3 101,60 Ø 101,55 76,2 KEY 6.35 6.30 1,3 x 45° Mounting torque : 159 Nm. 24,94 MAXI 1,5 x 45° Ø 14,3 22,225 Ø 22,200 75,7 M8 16 DEEP 135,0 C.G. SHAFT CODE 1 (Keyed SAE B) 3/8” - 16UNC x 19 DEEP-4 HOLES 2) 12,7 1/2” - 13UNC x 22,4 DEEP-4 HOLES 2) 40,7 35,8 45,5 17,9 7,9 7,9 26,2 13,1 24,5 24,5 31,7 1,5 x 45° 52,4 P 1,5 x 45° 22,225 Ø 22,200 35,0 SAE B INVOLUTE SPLINE DATA CLASS 1-FLAT ROOT SIDE FIT J498b - PITCH 16/32 13 TEETH - 30° PRESSURE ANGLE 26,2 70,0 S SHAFT CODE 2 SHAFT CODE 3 (Keyed non SAE ) SHAFT CODE 4 SAE BB INVOLUTE SPLINE DATA CLASS 1-FLAT ROOT SIDE FIT J498b - PITCH 16/32 15 TEETH - 30° PRESSURE ANGLE SUCTION Ø 38,1 PRESSURE Ø 25,4 Shaft torque limits [ml/rev. x bar] Shaft Vi x p max. 1 16340 2 14300 3 20600 4 21800 operating characteristics - typical [24 cst] Series KEY 4,762 4,712 24,53 MAXI 1,5 x 45° Pressure port 58,2 7,9 Vi Volumetric displacement Flow qVe [l/min] & n = 1500 RPM p = 0 bar p = 140 bar p = 240 bar 16,2 11,2 7,7 25,8 20,8 17,3 31,9 26,9 23,4 39,6 34,6 31,1 51,1 46,1 42,6 55,6 50,6 47,1 69,0 64,0 60,5 87,4 82,4 78,9 95,7 90,7 87,2 105,4 100,4 96,9 118,9 113,9 110,4 133,2 128,2 125,81) 150,0 145,0 142,61) 003 10,8 ml/rev 005 17,2 ml/rev 006 21,3 ml/rev 008 26,4 ml/rev 010 34,1 ml/rev 012 37,1 ml/rev T6C 014 46,0 ml/rev 017 58,3 ml/rev 020 63,8 ml/rev 022 70,3 ml/rev 025 79,3 ml/rev 028 88,8 ml/rev 031 100,0 ml/rev 1) 028 - 031 = 210 bar max. int. 2) Port connection can be supplied with metric threads (Please contact Parker Denison). 25 Input power P [kW] & n = 1500 RPM p = 7 bar p = 140 bar p = 240 bar 1,3 5,3 8,4 1,4 7,5 12,2 1,5 8,9 14,7 1,6 10,7 17,7 1,7 13,4 22,3 1,7 14,4 24,1 1,9 17,6 29,5 2,1 21,9 36,9 2,2 23,8 40,2 2,3 26,1 44,1 2,5 29,2 49,5 2,8 32,7 48,51) 2,8 36,5 54,41) Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France Industrial Vane Pumps T7/T67/T6C Catalogue HY29-0001/UK T7D / T7DS - Ordering Code Model No. T7D* or T7DS - B42 - 1 R 00 - A 1 - M0 - .. T7D series - 125 A2 HW ISO 2 bolts 3019-2 mounting flange T7DS series - SAE C 2 bolts J744 mounting flange * Rear drive option available, please contact Parker Denison Modifications Mounting w/connection variables 4 bolts SAE flange J518 P = 1.1/4" - S = 2" Metric thread UNC thread T7D M0 T7DS M0 Y01) 00 1) 250 bar max. int. Displacement Volumetric displacement (ml/rev.) B14 = 44,0 B31 = 99,2 B17 = 55,0 B35 = 113,4 B20 = 66,0 B38 = 120,6 B22 = 70,3 B42 = 137,5 B24 = 81,1 045 = 145,7 B28 = 90,0 050 = 158,0 Seal class 1 = S1 BUNA N - 0,7 bar max. (for mineral oil) 4 = S4 EPDM - 7 bar max. (for fire resistant fluids) 5 = S5 VITON® - 7 bar max. (for mineral oil and fire resistant fluids) Type of shaft T7D - T7DS 5 = keyed (ISO 3019-2 - G32M) Design letter Porting combination 00 = standard Type of shaft T7DS 1 = keyed (SAE C) Ø 31,7 2 = keyed (non SAE) 3 = splined (SAE C) 14 teeth 4 = splined (non SAE) 00 01 02 PS P Direction of rotation (shaft end view) R = Clockwise L = Counter-clockwise 03 P P P = Pressure port S = Suction port S S Noise level (typical) - t7D - B31 Internal leakage qVs [l/min] 30 27 24 cSt 24 10 cSt 21 18 15 12 9 6 3 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Lp. Noise level [db(A)] 1m ISO 4412 INTERNAL LEAKAGE (TYPICAL) 75 Pe = 0,9 bar abs n = 1000 RPM Série 1n = 1500 RPM 70 u = 32 cSt υ Lw = Lp + 8 db (A) 65 60 55 0 40 80 120 160 200 Pressure p [bar] Do not operate pump more than 5 seconds at any speed or viscosity if internal leakage is higher than 50% of theoretical flow. Pressure p [bar] power loss hydromechanical (typical) permissible radial load 3,5 1600 n = 1500 RPM [24 cSt] 1400 2,5 Load F [N] Power loss Ps [kW] 280 1800 n = 1000 RPM 3 240 2 1,5 1 1200 1000 Shaft keyed = = n°1 F Fa Shaft keyed N°1 800 600 400 0,5 200 600 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Pressure p [bar] 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 Speed n [RPM] Maximum permissible axial load Fa = 1200 N 26 Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France 2400 Industrial Vane Pumps T7/T67/T6C 184,9 87,4 212,4 38,1 7,9 6,35 MA XI C T7DS 83,6 49,3 82, 6 D 12,7 Ø 64, 3 127, 00 Ø 126, 95 156, 7 M10 x 20 DEEP 76,2 MOUNTING TORQUE : 187 Nm 2,3 x 45° SHAFT CODE 4 S A E C S pc (* ) I N VOL U T E S P LI N E D ATA C L A SS 1 -FL AT ROOT SIDE FI T J498 b - PI T C H 12/24 14 T EET H - 30 ° P R ES S UR E A N G L E S P SHAFT CODE 2 2,3 x 45° (Keyed non SAE) SHAFT CODE 5 SU CTION Ø 50,8 * PRESSURE Ø 31,8 38,0 2,3 x 45° SHAF T CODE 3 SAE C INVOLUTE SPLINE DATA CLASS 1-FLAT ROOT SIDE FIT J498 b - PITCH 12/24 14 T EETH- 30° PRESSURE ANGLE KE Y 10 x 8 M10 x 20 DEEP 55,2 7,9 50,0 15,1 21,45 77, 8 38, 9 31, 75 Ø 31, 70 2,3 x 45° 42,9 Ø 64, 3 125, 000 Ø 124, 937 KEY 7,94 7 ,89 (Key ed SAE C) 35, 3 M A XI 38,1 Ø B x 22 ,3 DEEP SHAFT CODE 1 32, 018 Ø 32, 002 7,9 48,0 Ø A x 23,9 DEEP 35,3 M AXI 7,9 73,2 58, 7 29, 35 77,7 (*) 87,4 9,0 6,35 MAXI 15,7 30,2 31, 75 Ø 31, 70 Ø E C.G. 2,3 x 45° 147,4 KE Y 7,94 7,89 35, 3 MAXI Catalogue HY29-0001/UK T7D/DS Dimensions - Weight : 26,0 kg Model Code ØA ØB C D ØE 1) T7D M0 M12 M12 180,0 90,0 18,0 00 1/2" - 13 UNC 7/16" - 14 UNC T7DS M0 M12 M12 181,0 90,5 17,5 YO1) M12 M10 (ISO 3019/2- G 32 M) 7,9 T7D Shaft torque limits [ml/rev. x bar] Shaft Vi x p max. 1 43240 2 34590 3 61200 4 61200 5 44300 250 bar max. int. operating characteristics - typical [24 cst] Flow qVe [l/min] & n = 1500 RPM p = 0 bar p = 140 bar p = 300 bar B14 44,0 ml/rev 66,0 59,4 51,9 B17 55,0 ml/rev 82,5 75,9 68,4 B20 66,0 ml/rev 99,0 92,4 84,9 B22 70,3 ml/rev 105,5 98,8 91,3 B24 81,1 ml/rev 121,7 115,0 107,5 B28 90,0 ml/rev 135,0 128,4 120,9 T7D T7DS B31 99,2 ml/rev 148,8 142,2 134,7 B35 113,4 ml/rev 170,1 163,5 156,91) B38 120,6 ml/rev 180,9 174,3 167,71) B42 137,5 ml/rev 206,3 199,6 194,02) 045 145,7 ml/rev 218,6 209,2 202,63) 050 158,0 ml/rev 237,0 227,7 223,04) 1) 2) B35 - B38 = 280 bar max. int. B42 = 260 bar max. int. 3) 045 = 240 bar max. int. * special 2.1/2" (Ø 63,5) suction also available - Please contact Parker Denison Pressure port Series Vi Volumetric displacement 27 4) Input power P [kW] & n = 1500 RPM p = 7 bar p = 140 bar p = 300 bar 1,5 16,6 34,2 1,7 20,4 42,4 1,9 24,3 50,7 2,0 25,8 53,9 2,2 29,5 62,0 2,3 32,7 68,7 2,5 35,9 75,6 2,7 40,8 80,51) 2,9 43,4 85,61) 3,2 49,3 90,52) 4,1 52,8 89,53) 4,4 57,1 85,04) 050 = 210 bar max. int. Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France Industrial Vane Pumps T7/T67/T6C Catalogue HY29-0001/UK T7E / T7ES - Ordering Code Model No. T7E* or T7ES - 072 - 1 R 00 - A 1 - M0 - .. T7E series - 125 A2 HW ISO 2 bolts 3019-2 mounting flange T7ES series - SAE C 2 bolts J744 mounting flange * Rear drive option available, please contact Parker Denison. Modifications Mounting w/connection variables 4 bolts SAE flange J518 Displacement Volumetric displacement (ml/rev.) 042 = 132,3 057 = 183,3 045 = 142,4 062 = 196,7 050 = 158,5 066 = 213,3 052 = 164,8 072 = 227,1 054 = 171,0 085 = 268,7 T7E - T7ES T7ES Metric thread UNC thread M0 00 1.1/2" 3" P S Seal class 1 = S1 BUNA N - 0,7 bar max. (for mineral oil) 4 = S4 EPDM - 7 bar max. (for fire resistant fluids) 5 = S5 VITON® - 7 bar max. (for mineral oil and fire resistant fluids) Type of shaft T7E - T7ES 5 = keyed (ISO R775 - G38M) Design letter Type of shaft T7ES 1 = keyed (SAE CC) 2 = keyed (non SAE) 3 = splined (SAE C) 14 teeth 4 = splined (SAE CC) 17 teeth Porting combination 00 = standard 00 01 02 PS P Direction of rotation (shaft end view) R = Clockwise L = Counter-clockwise 03 P P P = Pressure port S = Suction port S S Noise level (typical) - t7ES - 050 Internal leakage qVs [l/min] 33 24 cSt 30 10 cSt 27 24 21 18 15 12 9 6 3 0 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 Lp. Noise level [db(A)] 1m ISO 4412 INTERNAL LEAKAGE (TYPICAL) 80 Pe = 0,9 bar abs n = 1000 RPM Série 1n = 1500 RPM 75 u υ = 32 cSt Lw = Lp + 8 db (A) 70 65 60 0 40 80 120 160 200 Pressure p [bar] Do not operate pump more than 5 seconds at any speed or viscosity if internal leakage is higher than 50% of theoretical flow. Pressure p [bar] power loss hydromechanical (typical) permissible radial load 6 n = 1000 RPM n = 1500 RPM [24 cSt] n = 2200 RPM 3200 2800 4 Load F [N] Power loss Ps [kW] 5 3 2 1 2400 2000 240 Shaft = = keyed F Fa Shaft keyed N°1 1600 1200 800 0 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 400 600 240 Pressure p [bar] 1000 1400 1800 Speed n [RPM] Maximum permissible axial load Fa = 2000 N 28 Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France 2200 Industrial Vane Pumps T7/T67/T6C Catalogue HY29-0001/UK T7E/ES - Dimensions - Weight : 43,3 kg MOUNTING TORQUE 187 Nm 213,0 K K/2 225,3 110,0 90,9 52,3 7,9 6,35 MAXI Ø 147.60 W T7ES 50,8 KEY 9,52 9,47 ØS C.G. Ø 76,2 38,10 Ø 38,05 42,36 MAXI 187,5 Ød 98,6 M10 x 20 DEEP 2,3 x 45° 101,8 SHAFT CODE 1 e x 45° 5/8”-11 UNC x 24 DEEP - 4 HOLES M16 x 24 DEEP (METRIC VERSION) 61,9 61,9 62,2 17,5 35,7 31,0 7,9 31,5 1/2”- 13 UNC x 23,4 DEEP - 4 HOLES M12 x 23,4 DEEP (METRIC VERSION) 10,0 W ( Keyed SAE C-C ) 90,0 17,8 T7E 50,0 KEY 10 x 8 38,1 KEY 7.94 7.89 69,8 P Ø S 38,018 Ø 38,002 34,9 53,2 106,4 31,75 Ø 31,70 35,27 MAX S 41,3 MAXI M10 x 20 DEEP 2,3 x 45° 2,3 x 45° 2,3 x 45° SHAFT CODE 4 SAE CC INVOLUTE SPLINE DATA CLASS 1-FLAT ROOT SIDE FIT J498b - PITCH 12/24 17 TEETH - 30° PRESSURE ANGLE e x 45° SHAFT CODE 2 SHAFT CODE 5 ( Keyed no SAE ) ( Keyed ISO/R775 - G38M) SUCTION Ø 75,00 * PRESSURE Ø 37,10 55,9 7,9 Shaft torque limits [ml/rev. x bar] Shaft Vi x p max. 1 54500 2 34590 3 61200 4 61200 5 54500 38,0 2,3 x 45° Alternate mounting flange Dia S SHAFT CODE 3 SAE C INVOLUTE SPLINE DATA CLASS 1-FLAT ROOT SIDE FIT J498b - PITCH 12/24 14 TEETH - 30° PRESSURE ANGLE T7E T7ES Max. 125,000 127,000 Min. 124,937 126,950 e x 45° W K Dia d 2,0 1,3 9,5 12,7 180,0 181,0 18,0 17,5 operating characteristics - typical [24 cst] Pressure port Series Vi Volumetric displacement Flow qVe [l/min] & n = 1500 RPM p = 0 bar p = 140 bar p = 240 bar 198,5 188,5 181,3 213,6 203,6 196,5 237,7 227,7 220,6 247,2 237,2 230,1 256,5 246,5 239,4 275,0 265,0 257,9 295,0 285,0 277,9 319,9 309,0 302,8 340,6 330,6 323,5 403,0 392,01) - 042 132,3 ml/rev 045 142,4 ml/rev 050 158,5 ml/rev 052 164,8 ml/rev 054 171,0 ml/rev T7E T7ES 057 183,3 ml/rev 062 196,7 ml/rev 066 213,3 ml/rev 072 227,1 ml/rev 085 268,7 ml/rev 1) 085 = 90 bar max. int. * special 3"1/2 (Ø 88,9) suction also available - Please contact Parker Denison 29 Input power P [kW] & n = 1500 RPM p = 7 bar p = 140 bar p = 240 bar 5,2 49,4 82,6 5,4 52,9 88,7 5,7 58,5 98,3 5,8 60,8 102,1 5,9 63,0 105,8 6,1 67,3 113,2 6,4 71,9 121,3 6,7 77,7 131,2 6,9 82,6 139,5 9,1 65,81) - Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France Industrial Vane Pumps T7/T67/T6C Catalogue HY29-0001/UK T7BB / T7BBS - Ordering Code Model No. T7BB or T7BBS - B10 - B10 - 1 R 00 - A 1 - M1 - .. T7BB series - 100 A2 HW ISO 2 bolts 3019-2 mounting flange T7BBS series - SAE B 2 bolts J744 mounting flange Modifications P1 P2 Mounting w/connection variables 4 bolts SAE flange J518 Displacement P1 & P2 Volumetric displacement (ml/rev.) B02 = 5,8 B09 = 28,0 B03 = 9,8 B10 = 31,8 B04 = 12,8 B11 = 35,0 B05 = 15,9 B12 = 41,0 B06 = 19,8 B14 = 45,0 B07 = 22,5 B15 = 50,0 B08 = 24,9 P1 P2 S Porting combination (see page 72) 00 = standard Direction of rotation (shaft end view) R = Clockwise L = Counter-clockwise Noise level (typical) - t7BB - B10 - B04 8 24 cSt 10 cSt P1-P2 5 4 P1-P2 3 2 1 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 Pressure p [bar] Do not operate pump more than 5 seconds at any speed or viscosity if internal leakage is higher than 50% of theoretical flow. Total leakage is the sum of each section loss under its respective operating conditions. power loss hydromechanical (typical) Lp. Noise level [db(A)] 1m ISO 4412 Internal leakage qVs [l/min] INTERNAL LEAKAGE (TYPICAL) 0 70 Pe = 0,9 bar abs nSérie = 1000 RPM n1 = 1500 RPM υ = 32 cSt u Lw = Lp + 8 db (A) 65 60 55 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 permissible radial load 1400 n = 1000 RPM n = 1500 RPM [24 cSt] n = 2800 RPM P1-P2 1200 Load F [N] 2 1,5 P1-P2 1 P1-P2 0,5 1000 800 =Shaft = keyed F n°1 Fa Shaft keyed N°1 600 400 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 320 Pressure p [bar] Double pump noise level is given with both stages discharging at the pressure value indicated on the curve. 2,5 Power loss Ps [kW] 3/4" 2.1/2" Design letter Type of shaft T7BBS 1 = keyed (non SAE) 2 = keyed (SAE BB) 3 = splined (SAE B) 13 teeth 4 = splined (SAE BB) 15 teeth 6 T7BBS UNC thread 00 01 1" 3/4" Seal class 1 = S1 BUNA N - 0,7 bar max. (for mineral oil) 4 = S4 EPDM - 0,7 bar max. (for fire resistant fluids) 5 = S5 VITON® - 0,7 bar max. (for mineral oil and fire resistant fluids) Type of shaft T7BB - T7BBS 5 = keyed (ISO R775) 7 T7BB- T7BBS Metric thread M0 M1 1" 3/4" 200 600 300 Pressure p [bar] Total hydromechanical power loss is the sum of each section loss under its respective operating conditions. 1000 1400 1800 2200 2600 Speed n [RPM] Maximum permissible axial load Fa = 800 N 30 Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France Catalogue HY29-0001/UK Industrial Vane Pumps T7BB/BBS - Dimensions - Weight : 32,6 kg T7/T67/T6C 262,4 T7BBS 58,2 101,6 38,1 6,4 MAXI 7,9 7,9 (FLANGE SAE "B ") 31,7 KEY 4,762 4,712 SHAFT CODE 3 28,22 MAXI Ø 51,3 116,1 SHAFT CODE 2 SAE B INVOLUTE SPLINE DATA CLASS 1-FLAT ROOT SIDE FIT J498b - PITCH 16/32 13 TEETH - 30° PRESSURE ANGLE 1,3 x 45° (Keyed SAE "B-B") Ø B 4-HOLES Ø A 4-HOLES T7BB MOUNTING TORQUE : 187 Nm ØH Ø A 4-HOLES 50,8 22,2 SHAFT CODE 1 (KEYED NON SAE ) 9,7 MOUNTING TORQUE : 61 Nm 22,225 Ø 22,200 24,53 MAXI 1,5 x 45° 74,0 25,40 1,5 x 45° Ø 25,37 C.G. 101,60 M8 x 16 DEEP 76,2 1,5 x 45° 84,1 74,7 38,1 24,5 Ø 101,55 71,4 40,7 7,9 98,6 KEY 6,35 6,30 (FLANGE ISO 3019/2 100A2HW) 12,7 70,0 10,0 C 40,0 KEY 8 x 7 25,4 M PRESSURE Ø 19 2,0 x 45° SUCTION Ø 63.5 PRESSURE Ø E 28,2 MAXI 44,5 G 1,5 x 45° 25,0065 Ø 24,9935 P1 D S 88,9 47,6 F 174,5 P2 100,000 Ø 99,967 M M SHAFT CODE 5 (KEYED ISO R775) 9,0 45,6 7,9 24,5 1,5 x 45° SHAFT CODE 4 SAE B-B INVOLUTE SPLINE DATA CLASS 1-FLAT ROOT SIDE FIT J498b - PITCH 16/32 15 TEETH - 30° PRESSURE ANGLE Shaft torque limits [ml/rev. x bar] Shaft Vi x p max. 1 14300 2 21420 3 20600 4 32670 5 25300 Model Code ØA ØB C D ØE F G ØH T7BB M0 M1 M10 x 19 deep M12 x 22,4 deep 26,20 22,25 52,4 47,65 25,4 19,1 140 70 14,0 T7BBS 00 01 3/8"-16 UNC x 19 deep 1/2"-13 UNC x 22,4 deep 26,20 22,25 52,4 47,65 25,4 19,1 146 73 14,3 operating characteristics - typical [24 cst] Pressure port Series Vi Volumetric displacement B02 5,8 ml/rev B03 9,8 ml/rev B04 12,8 ml/rev B05 15,9 ml/rev B06 19,8 ml/rev P1 B07 22,5 ml/rev & B08 24,9 ml/rev B09 28,0 ml/rev P2 B10 31,8 ml/rev B11 35,0 ml/rev B12 41,0 ml/rev B14 45,0 ml/rev B15 50,0 ml/rev 1) B11 - B12 - B14 = 300 bar max. int. Flow qVe [l/min] & n = 1500 RPM p = 0 bar p = 140 bar p = 320 bar 8,7 7,0 4,8 14,7 13,0 10,8 19,2 17,5 15,3 23,9 22,2 20,0 29,7 28,0 25,8 33,7 32,0 29,9 37,4 35,7 33,5 42,0 40,3 38,1 47,7 46,0 43,8 52,5 50,8 48,91) 61,5 59,8 57,91) 67,5 65,8 63,91) 75,0 73,3 71,62) 2) B15 = 280 bar max. int. 31 Input power P [kW] & n = 1500 RPM p = 7 bar p = 140 bar p = 320 bar 0,5 2,6 5,4 0,6 4,0 8,6 0,6 5,0 11,0 0,7 6,1 13,5 0,7 7,5 16,6 0,8 8,5 18,8 0,8 9,3 20,7 0,9 10,4 23,2 0,9 11,7 26,2 1,0 12,8 27,01) 1,1 14,9 31,51) 1,2 16,3 34,51) 1,3 18,1 35,72) Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France Industrial Vane Pumps T7/T67/T6C Catalogue HY29-0001/UK T6CC - Ordering Code Model No. T6CC W - 022 - 008 - 1 R 00 - C 1 00 - .. Series - SAE B 2 bolts J744 mounting flange P1 Modifications P2 Mounting w/connection variables Severe duty shaft option Displacement P1 and P2 Volumetric displacement (ml/rev.) 003 = 10,8 017 = 58,3 005 = 17,2 020 = 63,8 006 = 21,3 022 = 70,3 008 = 26,4 025 = 79,3 010 = 34,1 028 = 88,8 012 = 37,1 031 = 100,0 014 = 46,0 P2 P1 = 1" - S = 3" UNC thread Metric thread 00 01 0M W0 1" 3/4"1) 1" 3/4 P2 P1 = 1" - S = 2.1/2"2) UNC thread Metric thread 10 11 1M W1 1" 3/4"1) 1" 3/4 up to 46 ml/rev. max. up to 126 ml/rev. max. Always select the largest cartridge in the front place. 1) 2) Type of shaft Severe duty shaft (T6CCW only) 1 = keyed (non SAE) 2 = keyed (SAE BB) 3 = splined (SAE BB) 15 teeth 5 = splined (SAE B) 13 teeth Seal class 1 = S1 BUNA N - 0,7 bar max. (for mineral oil) 4 = S4 EPDM - 7 bar max. (for fire resistant fluids) 5 = S5 VITON® - 7 bar max. (for mineral oil and fire resistant fluids) Direction of rotation (shaft end view) R = Clockwise L = Counter-clockwise Design letter Porting combination (see page 72) 00 = standard 21 Noise level (typical) - t6CC - 022 - 022 24 cSt 18 10 cSt P1-P2 15 12 P1-P2 9 6 3 0 0 35 70 105 140 175 210 245 280 Pressure p [bar] Do not operate pump more than 5 seconds at any speed or viscosity if internal leakage is higher than 50% of theoretical flow. Total leakage is the sum of each section loss under its respective operating conditions. power loss hydromechanical (typical) Lp. Noise level [db(A)] 1m ISO 4412 Internal leakage qVs [l/min] INTERNAL LEAKAGE (TYPICAL) Pe = 0,9 bar abs n = 1000 RPM Série1 n = 1500 RPM Série2 70 u υ = 32 cSt Lw = Lp + 8 db (A) 65 60 55 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 Pressure p [bar] Double pump noise level is given with both stages discharging at the pressure value indicated on the curve. permissible radial load 4 1400 n = 1000 RPM n = 1500 RPM [24 cSt] n = 2800 RPM 3 = 1200 P1-P2 2 P1-P2 1 1000 800 = Shaft F n°1 keyed P1-P2 Load F [N] Power loss Ps [kW] 75 Fa Shaft keyed N°1 600 400 0 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 200 600 280 Pressure p [bar] Total hydromechanical power loss is the sum of each section loss under its respective operating conditions. 1000 1400 1800 2200 2600 Speed n [RPM] Maximum permissible axial load Fa = 800 N 32 Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France Industrial Vane Pumps T7/T67/T6C Catalogue HY29-0001/UK T6CC - Dimensions - Weight : 26,0 kg 265,6 88,2 174,5 146,0 71,4 101,6 38,1 7,9 73,0 9,7 38,1 6,4 MAXI 28,2 MAXI T6CCW SHAFT CODE 2 MOUNTING TORQUE : 159 Nm ( Keyed SAE B-B ) MOUNTING TORQUE : 61Nm 7,9 K-4 HOLES 2) E-4 HOLES 2) 40,7 45,5 7,9 101,60 Ø 51,3 1,3 x 45° 25,40 1,5 x 45° Ø 25,37 126,0 73,2 Ø 14,3 C.G. Ø 101,55 M8 x 16 DEEP D 76,2 84,1 KEY 6,35 6,30 E-4 HOLES B 24,5 2) G 7,9 26,2 58,2 31,7 13,1 24,5 1,5 x 45° KEY 4,762 4,712 26,2 1,5 x 45° SHAFT CODE 1 24,5 MAXI SHAFT CODE 5 SAE B INVOLUTE SPLINE DATA CLASS 1-FLAT ROOT SIDE FIT J498b - PITCH 16/32 13 TEETH - 30° PRESSURE ANGLE P1 22,225 Ø 22,200 SHAFT CODE 3 SAE BB INVOLUTE SPLINE DATA CLASS 1-FLAT ROOT SIDE FIT J498b - PITCH 16/32 15 TEETH - 30° PRESSURE ANGLE S F A P2 52,4 1,5 x 45° ( Keyed o non SAE ) PRESSURE Ø C SUCTION Ø H PRESSURE Ø 25,4 Alternate ports S = 3" Code A B ØC D E F G ØH K 1) 00 01 52,4 47,7 26,2 22,4 25,4 19,0 74,7 76,2 3/8"-16 UNC x 19 deep 106,4 61,9 76,2 5/8"-11UNC x 28,4 deep 1) Max. cam 014 2) 0M W0 52,4 47,7 26,2 22,4 25,4 19,0 74,7 76,2 M10 x 19 deep 1) M16 x 28,4 deep S = 2.1/2"2) 10 11 1M W11) 52,4 47,7 52,4 47,7 26,2 22,4 26,2 22,4 25,4 19,0 25,4 19,0 74,7 76,2 74,7 76,2 3/8"-16 UNC x 19 deep M10 x 19 deep 88,9 50,9 63,5 1/2"-13 UNC x 23,9 deep M12 x 23,9 deep 1) Shaft torque limits [ml/rev. x bar] Shaft Vi x p max. 1 14300 2 21420 3 32670 5 20600 P1 + P2 = 126 ml/rev. max. operating characteristics - typical [24 cst] Flow qVe [l/min] & n = 1500 RPM Input power P [kW] & n = 1500 RPM p = 0 bar p = 140 bar p = 240 bar p = 7 bar p = 140 bar p = 240 bar 003 10,8 ml/rev 16,2 11,2 7,7 1,3 5,3 8,4 005 17,2 ml/rev 25,8 20,8 17,3 1,4 7,5 12,2 006 21,3 ml/rev 31,9 26,9 23,4 1,5 8,9 14,7 008 26,4 ml/rev 39,6 34,6 31,1 1,6 10,7 17,7 010 34,1 ml/rev 51,1 46,1 42,6 1,7 13,4 22,3 P1 012 37,1 ml/rev 55,6 50,6 47,1 1,7 14,4 24,1 & 014 46,0 ml/rev 69,0 64,0 60,5 1,9 17,6 29,5 017 58,3 ml/rev 87,4 82,4 78,9 2,1 21,9 36,9 P2 020 63,8 ml/rev 95,7 90,7 87,2 2,2 23,8 40,2 022 70,3 ml/rev 105,4 100,4 96,9 2,3 26,1 44,1 025 79,3 ml/rev 118,9 113,9 110,4 2,5 29,2 49,5 028 88,8 ml/rev 133,2 128,2 125,81) 2,8 32,7 48,51) 031 100,0 ml/rev 150,0 145,0 142,61) 2,8 36,5 54,41) 1) 028 - 031 = 210 bar max. int. 2) Port connection can be supplied with metric threads, please contact Parker Denison. Pressure port Series Vi Volumetric displacement 33 Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France Industrial Vane Pumps T7/T67/T6C Catalogue HY29-0001/UK T67CB - Ordering Code Model No. T67CB W - 010 - B10 - 1 R 00 - A 1 M1 - .. Series - SAE B 2 bolts J744 mounting flange Severe duty shaft P1 Modifications P2 Mounting w/connection variables 11 = 4 bolts SAE flange (J518) UNC thread M1 = 4 bolts SAE flange (J518) Metric thread Displacement P1 Volumetric displacement (ml/rev.) 003 = 10,8 017 = 58,3 005 = 17,2 020 = 63,8 006 = 21,3 022 = 70,3 008 = 26,4 025 = 79,3 010 = 34,1 028 = 88,8 012 = 37,1 031 = 100,0 014 = 46,0 Seal class 1 = S1 BUNA N - 0,7 bar max. (for mineral oil) 4 = S4 EPDM - 7 bar max. (for fire resistant fluids) 5 = S5 VITON® - 7 bar max. (for mineral oil and fire resistant fluids) Design letter Displacement P2 Volumetric displacement (ml/rev.) B02 = 5,8 B09 = 28,0 B03 = 9,8 B10 = 31,8 B04 = 12,8 B11 = 35,0 B05 = 15,9 B12 = 41,0 B06 = 19,8 B14 = 45,0 B07 = 22,5 B15 = 50,0 B08 = 24,9 Porting combination(see page 72) 00 = standard Direction of rotation (shaft end view) R = Clockwise L = Counter-clockwise Type of shaft Severe duty shaft (T67CW only) 1 = keyed (non SAE) 2 = keyed (SAE BB) 3 = splined (SAE BB) 15 teeth 5 = splined (SAE B) 13 teeth Noise level (typical) - t67CB - 014 - B03 Internal leakage qVs [l/min] 22 20 24 cSt 18 10 cSt 16 P1 14 12 10 P1 8 P2 6 P2 4 2 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Pressure p [bar] Do not operate pump more than 5 seconds at any speed or viscosity if internal leakage is higher than 50% of theoretical flow. Total leakage is the sum of each section loss under its respective operating conditions. power loss hydromechanical (typical) 5 P1 0 80 3,5 3 2,5 2 1,5 1 0,5 0 120 160 n = 1000 RPM n = 1500 RPM [24 cSt] n = 2800 RPM 200 240 280 P2 P2 50 100 60 55 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 150 200 1000 800 = Shaft = keyed F n°1 Fa Shaft keyed N°1 600 400 P2 0 65 1200 P1 1 40 70 permissible radial load P1 2 0 Pe = 0,9 bar abs nSérie = 1000 RPM n1 = 1500 RPM υu = 32 cSt Lw = Lp + 8 db (A) Pressure p [bar] Double pump noise level is given with both stages discharging at the pressure value indicated on the curve. Load F [N] Power loss Ps [kW] 3 75 1400 n = 1000 RPM n = 1500 RPM [24 cSt] n = 2800 RPM 4 Lp. Noise level [db(A)] 1m ISO 4412 INTERNAL LEAKAGE (TYPICAL) 250 200 600 300 Pressure p [bar] Total hydromechanical power loss is the sum of each section loss under its respective operaring conditions. 1000 1400 1800 2200 2600 Speed n [RPM] Maximum permissible axial load Fa = 800 N 34 Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France Industrial Vane Pumps T7/T67/T6C Catalogue HY29-0001/UK T67CB - Dimensions - Weight : 26,0 kg 174,5 146,0 265,6 88,2 71,4 101,6 38,1 7,9 6,4 MAXI 9,7 38,1 KEY 6,35 6,30 MOUNTING TORQUE : 61 Nm 1/2-13 UNC x 23,9 DEEP - 4 HOLES (M12 x 30,0 DEEP - METRIC VERSION) 3/8-16 UNC x 19 DEEP - 4 HOLES (M10 x 19 DEEP - METRIC VERSION) 3/8- 16 UNC x 19 DE EP - 4 HOLES (M10 x 20 DEEP - METRIC VERSION) 50,8 26,2 13,1 40,7 7,9 58,2 7,9 31,7 24,5 24,5 KEY 4,762 4,712 1,5 x 45° SHAF T CODE 1 SHAFT CODE 5 SHAFT CODE 3 SAE B INVOLUTE SPLINE DATA CLASS 1-FLAT ROOT SIDE FIT J498b - PITCH 16/32 13 TEETH - 30° PRESSURE ANGLE 24,53 MAX P1 22,225 S 26,2 47,7 P2 52,4 1,5 x 45° 1,5 x 45° SAE BB INVOLUTE SPLINE DATA CLASS 1-FLAT ROOT SIDE FIT J498b - PITCH 16/32 15 TEETH - 30° PRESSURE ANGLE 25,40 (Keyed SAE B-B) 12,7 Ø 22,200 45,5 22,2 88 , 9 7,9 T67CBW SHAFT CODE 2 1,5 x 45° MOUNTING TORQUE 159 Nm Ø 25,37 1,5 x 45° 28,22 MAXI 126,0 73,2 Ø 14,3 C.G. 101,60 Ø 51,3 M8 x 16 DEEP Ø 101,55 76,2 84,1 76,2 73,0 (Keyed no SAE) PRESSURE Ø 19 operating characteristics - typical [24 cst] SUCTION Ø 63.5 PRESSURE Ø 25,4 - Shaft 1 2 Shaft torque limits [ml/rev. x bar] Vi x p max. Shaft Vi x p max. 14300 3 32670 21420 5 20600 Flow qVe [l/min] & n = 1500 RPM Input power P [kW] & n = 1500 RPM p = 0 bar p = 140 bar p = 275 bar p = 7 bar p = 140 bar p = 275 bar 003 10,8 ml/rev 16,2 11,2 * 1,3 5,3 * 005 17,2 ml/rev 25,8 20,8 16,1 1,4 7,5 13,9 006 21,3 ml/rev 31,9 26,9 22,2 1,5 8,9 16,8 008 26,4 ml/rev 39,6 34,6 29,9 1,6 10,7 20,3 010 34,1 ml/rev 51,1 46,1 41,4 1,7 13,4 25,6 012 37,1 ml/rev 55,6 50,6 45,9 1,7 14,4 27,6 P1 014 46,0 ml/rev 69,0 64,0 59,3 1,9 17,6 33,7 017 58,3 ml/rev 87,4 82,4 77,7 2,1 21,9 42,2 020 63,8 ml/rev 95,7 90,7 86,0 2,2 23,8 46,0 022 70,3 ml/rev 105,4 100,4 95,7 2,3 26,1 50,4 025 79,3 ml/rev 118,9 113,9 109,2 2,5 29,2 56,6 028 88,8 ml/rev 133,2 128,2 125,81) 2,8 32,7 48,51) 031 100,0 ml/rev 150,0 145,0 142,61) 2,8 36,5 54,41) p = 0 bar p = 140 bar p = 300 bar p = 7 bar p = 140 bar p = 300 bar B02 5,8 ml/rev 8,7 7,0 5,1 0,5 2,6 5,1 B03 9,8 ml/rev 14,7 13,0 11,1 0,6 4,0 8,1 B04 12,8 ml/rev 19,2 17,5 15,6 0,6 5,0 10,4 B05 15,9 ml/rev 23,9 22,2 20,2 0,7 6,1 12,7 B06 19,8 ml/rev 29,7 28,0 26,1 0,7 7,5 15,6 B07 22,5 ml/rev 33,7 32,0 30,2 0,8 8,5 17,6 P2 B08 24,9 ml/rev 37,4 35,7 33,7 0,8 9,3 19,5 B09 28,0 ml/rev 42,0 40,3 38,4 0,9 10,4 21,8 B10 31,8 ml/rev 47,7 46,0 44,1 0,9 11,7 26,2 B11 35,0 ml/rev 52,5 50,8 48,9 1,0 12,8 27,0 B12 41,0 ml/rev 61,5 59,8 57,9 1,1 14,9 31,5 B14 45,0 ml/rev 67,5 65,8 63,9 1,2 16,3 34,5 B15 50,0 ml/rev 75,0 73,3 71,62) 1,3 18,1 35,72) * We do not recommand to use the size 003 in P1 at 275 bar & 1500 RPM as the internal is over 50% of theoretical flow. 1) 2) 028 - 031 = 210 bar max. int. B15 = 280 bar max.int. Pressure port Series Vi Volumetric displacement 35 Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France Industrial Vane Pumps T7/T67/T6C Catalogue HY29-0001/UK T7DB/T7DBS - Ordering Code Model No. T7DB or T7DBS - B42 - B10 - 1 R 00 - A 1 M1 - .. T7DB series - 125 A2 HW ISO 2 bolts 3019-2 mounting flange T7DBS series - SAE C 2 bolts J744 mounting flange Modifications P1 P2 Mounting w/connection variables 4 bolts SAE flanges J518 Displacement P1 Volumetric displacement (ml/rev.) B14 = 44,0 B31 = 99,2 B17 = 55,0 B35 = 113,4 B20 = 66,0 B38 = 120,6 B22 = 70,3 B42 = 137,5 B24 = 81,1 045 = 145,7 B28 = 90,0 050 = 158,0 P1 P2 S Design letter Porting combination (see page 72) 00 = standard Direction of rotation (shaft end view) R = Clockwise L = Counter-clockwise Type of shaft T7DBS 1 = keyed (SAE C) 3 = splined (SAE C) 14 teeth 2 = keyed (non SAE) 4 = splined (spec. SAE C) Type of shaft T7DB - T7DBS 5 = keyed (ISO 3019 -2 - G32 M) Noise level (typical) - t7DBS - B31 - B10 Internal leakage qVs [l/min] 22 18 10 cSt P1 16 14 12 10 P1 8 P2 6 P2 4 2 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 n = 1000 RPM n = 1500 RPM [24 cSt] n = 2500 RPM 3,5 3 2,5 2 1,5 1 0,5 0 60 90 120 150 n = 1000 RPM n = 1500 RPM [24 cSt] n = 2500 RPM 100 180 210 240 P2 150 60 55 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 200 Shaft = = keyed 1600 1400 1200 F Fa Shaft keyed N°1 1000 800 600 P2 50 65 1800 P2 0 70 2000 P1 P1 30 Pe = 0,9 bar abs nSérie = 1000 RPM n1 = 1500 RPM uυ = 32 cSt Lw = Lp + 8 db (A) permissible radial load P1 0 75 Pressure p [bar] Double pump noise level is given with both stages discharging at the pressure value indicated on the curve. Load F [N] Power loss Ps [kW] Pressure p [bar] Do not operate pump more than 5 seconds at any speed or viscosity if internal leakage is higher than 50% of theoretical flow. Total leakage is the sum of each section loss under its respective operating conditions. power loss hydromechanical (typical) Lp. Noise level [db(A)] 1m ISO 4412 INTERNAL LEAKAGE (TYPICAL) 24 cSt UNC thread T7DBS 00 01 1.1/4" 1.1/4" 1" 3/4" 3" 3" Seal class 1 = S1 BUNA N - 0,7 bar max. (for mineral oil) 4 = S4 EPDM - 7 bar max. (for fire resistant fluids) 5 = S5 VITON® - 7 bar max. (for mineral oil and fire resistant fluids) Displacement P2 Volumetric displacement (ml/rev.) B02 = 5,8 B09 = 28,0 B03 = 9,8 B10 = 31,8 B04 = 12,8 B11 = 35,0 B05 = 15,9 B12 = 41,0 B06 = 19,8 B14 = 45,0 B07 = 22,5 B15 = 50,0 B08 = 24,9 20 Metric thread T7DB - T7DBS M0 M1 1.1/4" 1.1/4" 1" 3/4" 3" 3" 250 400 600 300 Pressure p [bar] Total hydromechanical power loss is the sum of each section loss under its respective operating conditions. 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 Speed n [RPM] Maximum permissible axial load Fa = 1200 N 36 Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France 2400 Catalogue HY29-0001/UK Industrial Vane Pumps T7DB/DBS Dimensions - Weight : 38,6 kg T7/T67/T6C 212,40 109,50 K KEY 7,94 7,89 * 31,75 73,2 62,0 A 38,1 48,02 2,3 x 45° ( Keyed SAE C ) 30,2 77,7 7,9 38,0 7,9 KEY 7,94 7,89 P1 SHAFT CODE 4 PRESSURE Ø C SAE C INVOLUTE SPLINE DATA SAE C* Spc INVOLUTE SPLINE DATA CLASS 1-FLAT ROOT SIDE FIT CLASS 1-FLAT ROOT SIDE FIT J498b - PITCH 12/24 J498b - PITCH 12/24 14 TEETH - 30° PRESSURE ANGLE 14 TEETH - 30° PRESSURE ANGLE Alternate mounting flange Dia S e x 45° Max. Min. T7DB 125,000 124,937 2,0 T7DBS 127,000 126,950 1,3 W K Dia d 9,5 12,7 180,0 181,0 18,0 17,5 PRESSURE Ø 31,8 SUCTION Ø 76 Alternate connect. variables 00 & M0 01 & M1 A 26,20 22,20 B 52,35 47,6 C 25,0 19,0 35,27 MAXI 58,7 S 31,75 M10 x 20 DEEP 32,018 Ø 32,002 35,0 MAXI B P2 106,4 2,3 °x 45 2,3 x 45° SHAFT CODE 3 ØS Ø 64,30 15,7 7/16 14 UNC 22.3 DEEP - 4 HOLES M12 x 22.3 DEEP - METRIC VERSION SHAFT CODE 1 Ø 31,70 55,2 KEY 10 x 8 e x 45° Ø 31,70 2,30 x 45° 35,27 MAXI 129,5 MOUNTING TORQUE 68Nm 5/8 11 UNC 28.5 DEEP - 4 HOLES M16 x 28.4 DEEP - METRIC VERSION 7,9 50,0 SHAFT CODE 5 49,30 P1 74,05 87,9 ( Keyed ISO/R775 - G32M ) 83,60 M10 x 20 DEEP 3/8 16 UNC 19 DEEP - 4 HOLES M10 x 19.0 DEEP - METRIC VERSION 2,3 x 45° W C.G. MOUNTING TORQUE 187 Nm 7,9 38,10 6,35 MAXI 7,90 88,90 74,70 DIA d 114,30 S P2 82,60 K/2 286,00 SHAFT CODE 2 ( Keyed non SAE ) Shaft 1 2 3 Shaft torque limits [ml/rev. x bar] Vi x p max. Shaft Vi x p max. 43240 4 61200 34590 5 42500 61200 operating characteristics - typical [24 cst] Flow qVe [l/min] & n = 1500 RPM p = 0 bar p = 140 bar p = 250 bar B14 44,0 ml/rev 66,0 59,4 54,2 B17 55,0 ml/rev 82,5 75,9 70,7 B20 66,0 ml/rev 99,0 92,4 87,2 B22 70,3 ml/rev 105,5 98,8 93,7 B24 81,1 ml/rev 121,7 115,0 109,9 B28 90,0 ml/rev 135,0 128,4 123,2 P1 B31 99,2 ml/rev 148,8 142,2 137,0 B35 113,4 ml/rev 170,1 163,5 158,3 B38 120,6 ml/rev 180,9 174,3 169,1 B42 137,5 ml/rev 206,3 199,6 194,5 045 145,7 ml/rev 218,6 209,2 202,6 050 158,0 ml/rev 237,0 227,7 223,01) p = 0 bar p = 140 bar p = 300 bar B02 5,8 ml/rev 8,7 7,0 5,1 B03 9,8 ml/rev 14,7 13,0 11,1 B04 12,8 ml/rev 19,2 17,5 15,6 B05 15,9 ml/rev 23,9 22,2 20,2 B06 19,8 ml/rev 29,7 28,0 26,1 B07 22,5 ml/rev 33,7 32,0 30,2 P2 B08 24,9 ml/rev 37,4 35,7 33,7 B09 28,0 ml/rev 42,0 40,3 38,4 B10 31,8 ml/rev 47,7 46,0 44,1 B11 35,0 ml/rev 52,5 50,8 48,9 B12 41,0 ml/rev 61,5 59,8 57,9 B14 45,0 ml/rev 67,5 65,8 63,9 B15 50,0 ml/rev 75,0 73,3 71,62) 2) 050 = 210 bar max. int. B15 = 280 bar max.int. Pressure port 1) Series Vi Volumetric displacement 37 Input power P [kW] & n = 1500 RPM p = 7 bar p = 140 bar p = 250 bar 1,5 16,6 29,0 1,7 20,4 35,8 1,9 24,3 42,7 2,0 25,8 45,4 2,2 29,5 52,1 2,3 32,7 57,7 2,5 35,9 63,5 2,7 40,8 72,3 2,9 43,4 76,8 3,2 49,3 87,4 4,1 52,8 89,5 4,4 57,1 85,01) p = 7 bar p = 140 bar p = 300 bar 0,5 2,6 5,1 0,6 4,0 8,1 0,6 5,0 10,4 0,7 6,1 12,7 0,7 7,5 15,6 0,8 8,5 17,6 0,8 9,3 19,5 0,9 10,4 21,8 0,9 11,7 26,2 1,0 12,8 27,0 1,1 14,9 31,5 1,2 16,3 34,5 1,3 18,1 35,72) Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France Industrial Vane Pumps T7/T67/T6C Catalogue HY29-0001/UK T67DC - Ordering Code Model No. T67DC W - B42 - 010 - 1 R 00 - A 1 M1 - .. Series - SAE C 2 bolts J744 mounting flange Modifications P1 P2 Mounting w/connection variables 4 bolts SAE flanges J518 Severe duty shaft option Displacement P1 Volumetric displacement (ml/rev.) B14 = 44,0 B31 = 99,2 B17 = 55,0 B35 = 113,4 B20 = 66,0 B38 = 120,6 B22 = 70,3 B42 = 137,5 B24 = 81,1 045 = 145,7 B28 = 90,0 050 = 158,0 P1 P2 S Design letter Porting combination (see page 72) 00 = standard Direction of rotation (shaft end view) R = Clockwise L = Counter-clockwise Type of shaft 1 = keyed (SAE C) 3 = splined (SAE C) 14 teeth 2 = keyed (non SAE) 4 = splined (spec. SAE C) Type of shaft - Severe duty (T67DCW only) 5 = keyed (non SAE) Noise level (typical) - t67DC - B31 - 022 Internal leakage qVs [l/min] 22 18 10 cSt P1 P2 16 14 12 P1 10 8 P2 6 4 2 0 0 35 70 105 140 175 210 245 280 Pressure p [bar] Do not operate pump more than 5 seconds at any speed or viscosity if internal leakage is higher than 50% of theoretical flow. Total leakage is the sum of each section loss under its respective operating conditions. power loss hydromechanical (typical) 6 2 P1 0 60 90 120 150 n = 1000 RPM n = 1500 RPM [24 cSt] n = 2500 RPM 3 2 180 210 240 P2 120 160 1400 1200 40 80 120 160 200 240 Shaft =keyed = F Fa Shaft keyed N°1 1000 400 600 0 80 0 600 P2 1 40 60 800 P2 0 65 1600 1 30 70 1800 P1 0 75 permissible radial load P1 3 4 Pe = 0,9 bar abs nSérie = 1000 RPM n1 = 1500 RPM u υ = 32 cSt Lw = Lp + 8 db (A) Pressure p [bar] Double pump noise level is given with both stages section discharging at the pressure value indicated on the curve. Load F [N] Power loss Ps [kW] 4 80 2000 n = 1000 RPM n = 1500 RPM [24 cSt] n = 2500 RPM 5 Lp. Noise level [db(A)] 1m ISO 4412 INTERNAL LEAKAGE (TYPICAL) 24 cSt UNC thread 00 01 1.1/4" 1.1/4" 1" 3/4" 3" 3" Seal class 1 = S1 BUNA N - 0,7 bar max. (for mineral oil) 4 = S4 EPDM - 7 bar max. (for fire resistant fluids) 5 = S5 VITON® - 7 bar max. (for mineral oil and fire resistant fluids) Displacement P2 Volumetric displacement (ml/rev.) 003 = 10,8 017 = 58,3 005 = 17,2 020 = 63,8 006 = 21,3 022 = 70,3 008 = 26,4 025 = 79,3 010 = 34,1 028 = 88,8 012 = 37,1 031 = 100,0 014 = 46,0 20 Metric thread M0 M1 1.1/4" 1.1/4" 1" 3/4" 3" 3" 200 240 280 Pressure p [bar] Total hydromechanical power loss is the sum of each section loss under its respective operating conditions. 900 1200 1500 Speed n [RPM] 1800 2100 Maximum permissible axial load Fa = 1200 N 38 Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France 2400 Catalogue HY29-0001/UK T67DC - Dimensions - Weight : 38,6 kg 90,50 Industrial Vane Pumps T7/T67/T6C 286,00 212,40 181,00 109,50 114,30 38,10 7,90 6,35 MAXI 83,60 12,66 49,30 2,30 x 45° 1,30 x 45° SHAFT CODE 1 MOUNTING TORQUE : 68 Nm MOUNTING TORQUE : 187 Nm 31,75 Ø 31,70 35,27 MAXI 128,3 74,05 Ø 17,50 C.G. 127,00 Ø 64,30 M10 x 20 DEEP Ø 126,95 82,60 88,90 74,70 KEY 7,94 7,89 7/16-14 UNC x 22,3 DEEP-4 HOLES ( Keyed SAE C ) 5/8-11 UNC x 28,5 DEEP-4 HOLES ( M12 x 22,3 DEEP - METRIC VERSION ) ( M16 x 28,4 DEEP - METRIC VERSION ) 15,70 73,20 3/8-16 UNC x 19 DEEP -4 HOLES 7,90 30,20 61,90 A (M10 x 19 DEEP - METRIC VERSION ) 15,10 30,95 13,10 * 7,90 T67DCW SHAFT CODE 3 P2 S P1 2,30 x 45° - SHAFT CODE 2 SHAFT CODE 4 SAE*C Spc INVOLUTE SPLINE DATA SAE C INVOLUTE SPLINE DATA CLASS 1-FLAT ROOT SIDE FIT CLASS 1-FLAT ROOT SIDE FIT J498b - 12/24 dp J498b - PITCH 12/24 14 TEETH - 30° PRESSURE ANGLE 14 TEETH - 30° PRESSURE ANGLE SUCTION Ø 76 PRESSURE Ø C Alternate connect. variables 00 & M0 01 & M1 A 26,20 22,20 B 52,35 47,60 C 25,00 19,00 operating characteristics - typical [24 cst] 35,27 MAXI 38,42 MAXI 34,900 B ( Keyed no SAE ) Ø 34,875 M8 16 DEEP SHAFT CODE 5 KEY 7,94 7,89 2,30 x 45° 2,30 x 45° 29,35 KEY 7,94 7,89 38,10 48,00 31,75 38,00 77,70 Ø 31,70 55,20 7,90 58,70 2,30 x 45° 106,40 53,20 83,40 60,00 7,90 Shaft 1 2 3 PRESSURE Ø 31,8 ( Keyed no SAE ) Shaft torque limits [ml/rev. x bar] Vi x p max. Shaft Vi x p max. 43240 4 61200 34590 5 55600 61200 Flow qVe [l/min] & n = 1500 RPM Input power P [kW] & n = 1500 RPM p = 0 bar p = 140 bar p = 250 bar p = 7 bar p = 140 bar p = 250 bar B14 44,0 ml/rev 66,0 59,4 54,2 1,5 16,6 29,0 B17 55,0 ml/rev 82,5 75,9 70,7 1,7 20,4 35,8 B20 66,0 ml/rev 99,0 92,4 87,2 1,9 24,3 42,7 B22 70,3 ml/rev 105,5 98,8 93,7 2,0 25,8 45,4 B24 81,1 ml/rev 121,7 115,0 109,9 2,2 29,5 52,1 B28 90,0 ml/rev 135,0 128,4 123,2 2,3 32,7 57,7 P1 B31 99,2 ml/rev 148,8 142,2 137,0 2,5 35,9 63,5 B35 113,4 ml/rev 170,1 163,5 158,3 2,7 40,8 72,3 B38 120,6 ml/rev 180,9 174,3 169,1 2,9 43,4 76,8 B42 137,5 ml/rev 206,3 199,6 194,5 3,2 49,3 87,4 045 145,7 ml/rev 218,6 209,2 202,6 4,1 52,8 89,5 050 158,0 ml/rev 237,0 227,7 223,01) 4,4 57,1 85,01) p = 0 bar p = 140 bar p = 275 bar p = 7 bar p = 140 bar p = 275 bar 003 10,8 ml/rev 16,2 11,2 * 1,3 5,3 * 005 17,2 ml/rev 25,8 20,8 16,1 1,4 7,5 13,9 006 21,3 ml/rev 31,9 26,9 22,2 1,5 8,9 16,8 008 26,4 ml/rev 39,6 34,6 29,9 1,6 10,7 20,3 010 34,1 ml/rev 51,1 46,1 41,4 1,7 13,4 25,6 012 37,1 ml/rev 55,6 50,6 45,9 1,7 14,4 27,6 P2 014 46,0 ml/rev 69,0 64,0 59,3 1,9 17,6 33,7 017 58,3 ml/rev 87,4 82,4 77,7 2,1 21,9 42,2 020 63,8 ml/rev 95,7 90,7 86,0 2,2 23,8 46,0 022 70,3 ml/rev 105,4 100,4 95,7 2,3 26,1 50,4 025 79,3 ml/rev 118,9 113,9 109,2 2,5 29,2 56,6 028 88,8 ml/rev 133,2 128,2 125,81) 2,8 32,7 48,51) 031 100,0 ml/rev 150,0 145,0 142,61) 2,8 36,5 54,41) * We do not recommand to use the size 003 in P2 at 275 bar & 1500 RPM as the internal leakage is over 50% of theoretical flow. 1) 050 - 028 - 031 = 210 bar max. int. Pressure port Series Vi Volumetric displacement 39 Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France Industrial Vane Pumps T7/T67/T6C Catalogue HY29-0001/UK T7DD / T7DDS - Ordering Code Model No. T7DD or T7DDS - B42 - B22 - 1 R 00 - A 1 M0 - .. T7DD series - ISO 4 bolts 3019-2 Mounting flange 125-B4 HW T7DDS series - SAE C 6 bolts J744 mounting flange Modifications P1 P2 Mounting w/connection variables 4 bolts SAE flanges J518 Displacement P1 & P2 Volumetric displacement (ml/rev.) B14 = 44,0 B31 = 99,2 B17 = 55,0 B35 = 113,4 B20 = 66,0 B38 = 120,6 B22 = 70,3 B42 = 137,5 B24 = 81,1 045 = 145,7 B28 = 90,0 050 = 158,0 Type T7DD T7DDS P1 & P2 = 1.1/4" - S = 4" Metric thread UNC thread M0 M0 00 Seal class 1 = S1 BUNA N - 0,7 bar max. (for mineral oil) 4 = S4 EPDM - 7 bar max. (for fire resistant fluids) 5 = S5 VITON® - 7 bar max. (for mineral oil and fire resistant fluids) Type of shaft 1 = keyed (SAE C) 3 = splined (SAE C) 14 teeth 2 = keyed (SAE CC) 4 = splined (SAE BB) Type of shaft - T7DD and T7DDS 5 = keyed (ISO 3019-2 - G32M) Design letter Porting combination (see page 72) 00 = standard Direction of rotation (shaft end view) R = Clockwise L = Counter-clockwise Noise level (typical) - t7DDS - B31 - B31 Internal leakage qVs [l/min] 22 20 24 cSt 18 10 cSt P1-P2 16 14 12 10 P1-P2 8 6 4 2 0 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 Pressure p [bar] Do not operate pump more than 5 seconds at any speed or viscosity if internal leakage is higher than 50% of theoretical flow. Total leakage is the sum of each section loss under its respective operating conditions. power loss hydromechanical (typical) Lp. Noise level [db(A)] 1m ISO 4412 INTERNAL LEAKAGE (TYPICAL) Pe = 0,9 bar abs nSérie = 1000 RPM n1 = 1500 RPM u υ = 32 cSt Lw = Lp + 8 db (A) 75 70 65 60 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 Pressure p [bar] Double pump noise level is given with both stages discharging at the pressure value indicated on the curve. permissible radial load 2000 6 n = 1000 RPM 5 1800 n = 1500 RPM [24 cSt] 4 3 P1-P2 2 1 P1-P2 30 60 90 120 150 F 180 Fa Shaft keyed N°1 1400 1200 1000 800 600 0 0 = Shaft = keyed 1600 P1-P2 n = 2500 RPM Load F [N] Power loss Ps [kW] 80 210 400 600 240 Pressure p [bar] Total hydromechanical power loss is the sum of each section loss under its respective operaring conditions. 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 Speed n [RPM] Maximum permissible axial load Fa = 1200 N 40 Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France 2400 Catalogue HY29-0001/UK Industrial Vane Pumps T7DD/DDS Dimensions - Weight : 56 kg T7/T67/T6C 347,7 134,2 84,0 148,3 38,3 w 7,9 S P2 P1 49,3 Key 7,94 7,89 2,3 x 45° e x 45° K2 K1 213,0 MOUNTING TORQUE : 190 Nm 91,0 7/16-14UNC x 22,3 DEEP M12 x 22,3 DEEP-METRIC VERSION 6,4 MAXI 30,2 77,8 2,3 x 45° 130,2 S 58,7 58,7 162,2 M10 x 20 DEEP 38,10 Ø 38,05 42,36 MAXI 182,0 P2 P1 SHAFT CODE 3 SAE C INVOLUTE SPLINE DATA CLASS 1-FLAT ROOT SIDE FIT J498b - PITCH 12/24 14 TEETH - 30° PRESSURE ANGLE 46,0 68,0 10,0 50,0 ØS 38,0 2,3 x 45° Keyed SAE CC 56,0 7,9 30,2 KEY 9,52 9,47 SHAFT CODE 2 Ø 64,3 SHAFT CODE 1 Keyed SAE C 7/16-14UNC x 24 DEEP M12 x 24 DEEP-METRIC VERSION 50,8 19,0 MOUNTING TORQUE : 190 Nm 5/8-11UNC x 30 DEEP M16 x 30 DEEP-METRIC VERSION 7,9 M10 x 20 DEEP 91,3 170,9 31,75 Ø 31,70 K2 C.G. 35,27 MAXI Ø d1 101,6 114,9 d2 101,6 Ø 6,4 MAXI PRESSURE Ø 29,5 7,9 24,5 SUCTION Ø 101,6 PRESSURE Ø 31,8 KEY 10 x 8 SHAFT CODE 5 M10 x 20 DEEP 32,018 Ø 32,002 35,00 MAXI 1,5 x 45° SHAFT CODE 4 SAE BB INVOLUTE SPLINE DATA CLASS 1-FLAT ROOT SIDE FIT J498b - PITCH 16/32 15 TEETH - 30° PRESSURE ANGLE Keyed ISO 3019/2 -G32M Alternate mounting flange Series T7DD T7DDS Dia S Max. Min. 125,000 124,937 127,000 126,950 e x 45° W K1 Dia d1 K2 Dia d2 2,0 1,3 9,5 12,7 180,0 181,0 18,0 17,5 113,14 114,50 14,0 14,3 Shaft 1 2 3 Shaft torque limits [ml/rev. x bar] Vi x p max. Shaft Vi x p max. 43240 4 35880 71750 5 45200 61200 operating characteristics - typical [24 cst] Pressure port 1) Series Vi Volumetric displacement B14 44,0 ml/rev B17 55,0 ml/rev B20 66,0 ml/rev B22 70,3 ml/rev P1 B24 81,1 ml/rev B28 90,0 ml/rev & B31 99,2 ml/rev B35 113,4 ml/rev P2 B38 120,6 ml/rev B42 137,5 ml/rev 045 145,7 ml/rev 050 158,0 ml/rev 050 = 210 bar max. int. Flow qVe [l/min] & n = 1500 RPM p = 0 bar p = 140 bar p = 250 bar 66,0 59,4 54,2 82,5 75,9 70,7 99,0 92,4 87,2 105,5 98,8 93,7 121,7 115,0 109,9 135,0 128,4 123,2 148,8 142,2 137,0 170,1 163,5 158,3 180,9 174,3 169,1 206,3 199,6 194,5 218,6 209,2 202,6 237,0 227,7 223,01) 41 Input power P [kW] & n = 1500 RPM p = 7 bar p = 140 bar p = 250 bar 1,5 16,6 29,0 1,7 20,4 35,8 1,9 24,3 42,7 2,0 25,8 45,4 2,2 29,5 52,1 2,3 32,7 57,7 2,5 35,9 63,5 2,7 40,8 72,3 2,9 43,4 76,8 3,2 49,3 87,4 4,1 52,8 89,5 4,4 57,1 85,01) Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France Industrial Vane Pumps T7/T67/T6C Catalogue HY29-0001/UK T7EB/T7EBS - Ordering Code Model No. T7EB or T7EBS - 042 - B12 - 1 R 00 - A 1 M1 - .. T7EB series - ISO 4 bolts 3019-2 Mounting flange 125-A2 HW T7EBS series - SAE C 2 bolts J744 mounting flange Modifications P1 P2 Mounting w/connection variables 4 bolts SAE flanges J518 P1 = 1.1/2" - P2 = 3/4" - S = 3.1/2" Metric thread UNC thread T7EB - T7EBS T7EBS Code M1 01 Displacement P1 Volumetric displacement (ml/rev.) 042 = 132,3 057 = 183,3 045 = 142,4 062 = 196,7 050 = 158,5 066 = 213,3 052 = 164,8 072 = 227,1 054 = 171,0 085 = 268,7 Seal class 1 = S1 BUNA N - 0,7 bar max. (for mineral oil) 4 = S4 EPDM - 7 bar max. (for fire resistant fluids) 5 = S5 VITON® - 7 bar max. (for mineral oil and fire resistant fluids) Displacement P2 Volumetric displacement (ml/rev.) B02 = 5,8 B09 = 28,0 B03 = 9,8 B10 = 31,8 B04 = 12,8 B11 = 35,0 B05 = 15,9 B12 = 41,0 B06 = 19,8 B14 = 45,0 B07 = 22,5 B15 = 50,0 B08 = 24,9 Design letter Porting combination (see page 72) 00 = standard Direction of rotation (shaft end view) R = Clockwise L = Counter-clockwise Type of shaft T7EBS 1 = keyed (SAE CC) 3 = splined (SAE C) 14 teeth 2 = keyed (non SAE) 4 = splined (SAE CC) Type of shaft T7EB - T7EBS 5 = keyed (ISO /R 775 - G38 M) Noise level (typical) - t7EBS - 050 - B03 Internal leakage qVs [l/min] 33 30 24 cSt 27 10 cSt 24 P1 21 18 P1 15 12 9 P2 6 3 P2 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 3 n = 1000 RPM n = 1500 RPM [24 cSt] n = 2200 RPM 60 90 120 150 2 180 210 240 P2 1 0,5 0 100 150 60 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 200 1400 1200 = Shaft = keyed F Fa Shaft keyed N°1 1000 800 600 P2 50 65 1600 P2 1,5 0 70 1800 n = 1000 RPM n = 1500 RPM [24 cSt] n = 2200 RPM 2,5 75 2000 P1 P1 30 Pe = 0,9 bar abs nSérie = 1000 RPM n1 = 1500 RPM u = 32 cSt υ Lw = Lp + 8 db (A) permissible radial load P1 0 80 Pressure p [bar] Double pump noise level is given with both stages discharging at the pressure value indicated on the curve. Load F [N] Power loss Ps [kW] Pressure p [bar] Do not operate pump more than 5 seconds at any speed or viscosity if internal leakage is higher than 50% of theoretical flow. Total leakage is the sum of each section loss under its respective operating conditions. power loss hydromechanical (typical) Lp. Noise level [db(A)] 1m ISO 4412 INTERNAL LEAKAGE (TYPICAL) 250 400 600 300 Pressure p [bar] Total hydromechanical power loss is the sum of each section loss under its respective operating conditions. 1000 1400 1800 Speed n [RPM] Maximum permissible axial load Fa = 2000 N 42 Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France 2200 Catalogue HY29-0001/UK T7EB/EBS - Dimensions - Weight : 55,0 kg Industrial Vane Pumps T7/T67/T6C 213,0 K K/2 136,7 331,6 118,5 52,3 7,9 W 90,9 6,4 MAX 50,8 55,9 38,1 KEY 9,52 9,47 SHAFT CODE 3 MOUNTING TORQUE 187 Nm. * 62,2 A x 23,4 DEEP - 4 HOLES C x 19 DEEP - 4 HOLES B x 29,5 DEEP - 4 HOLES 22,2 35,7 69,8 34,9 61,9 7,9 31,5 10,0 W 90,0 50,0 38,1 KEY 7,94 7,89 38,100 T7EB KEY 10 x 8 M10 x 20 DEEP 2,3 x 45° e x 45° SHAFT CODE 2 SHAFT CODE 4 (Keyed no SAE ) SAE *CC INVOLUTE SPLINE DATA CLASS 1-FLAT ROOT SIDE FIT J498b - PITCH 12/24 17 TEETH - 30° PRESSURE ANGLE PRESSURE Ø 19,00 Alternate mounting flange W K Dia d 9,5 12,7 180,0 181,0 18,0 17,5 ØS P1 41,3 M AX S 38,018 P2 Ø 38,002 2,3 x 45° 31,75 Ø 31,70 35,3 MAX 47,6 60,3 2,3x 45° Dia S e x 45° Max. Min. T7EB 125,000 124,937 2,0 T7EBS 127,000 126,950 1,3 SHAFT CODE 1 ( Keyed SAE CC ) 69,8 7,9 e x 45° MOUNTING TORQUE : 68 Nm. 120,6 SAE C INVOLUTE SPLINE DATA CLASS 1-FLAT ROOT SIDE FIT J498b - PITCH 12/24 14 TEETH - 30° PRESSURE ANGLE Ø 38,075 88,9 2,3 x 45° 149,1 ØS 42,4 MAX Ø 76,2 98,4 C.G. 76,2 Ød 2,3 x 45° 102,4 M10 x 20 DEEP 74,7 7,9 T7EBS SUCTION Ø 88,90 Alternate connect. variables 01 M1 A 1/2" - 13 UNC M12 B 5/8" - 11 UNC M16 C 3/8" - 16 UNC M10 PRESSURE Ø 37,10 Shaft 1 2 3 SHAFT CODE 5 (Keyed ISO/R775 - G38M) Shaft torque limits [ml/rev. x bar] Vi x p max. Shaft Vi x p max. 68500 4 68500 34590 5 68500 61200 operating characteristics - typical [24 cst] Flow qVe [l/min] & n = 1500 RPM p = 0 bar p = 140 bar p = 240 bar 042 132,3 ml/rev 198,5 188,5 181,3 045 142,4 ml/rev 213,6 203,6 196,5 050 158,5 ml/rev 237,7 227,7 220,6 052 164,8 ml/rev 247,2 237,2 230,1 054 171,0 ml/rev 256,5 246,5 239,4 P1 057 183,3 ml/rev 275,0 265,0 257,9 062 196,7 ml/rev 295,0 285,0 277,9 066 213,3 ml/rev 319,9 309,0 302,8 072 227,1 ml/rev 340,6 330,6 323,5 085 268,7 ml/rev 403,0 392,01) p = 0 bar p = 140 bar p = 300 bar B02 5,8 ml/rev 8,7 7,0 5,1 B03 9,8 ml/rev 14,7 13,0 11,1 B04 12,8 ml/rev 19,2 17,5 15,6 B05 15,9 ml/rev 23,9 22,2 20,2 B06 19,8 ml/rev 29,7 28,0 26,1 B07 22,5 ml/rev 33,7 32,0 30,2 P2 B08 24,9 ml/rev 37,4 35,7 33,7 B09 28,0 ml/rev 42,0 40,3 38,4 B10 31,8 ml/rev 47,7 46,0 44,1 B11 35,0 ml/rev 52,5 50,8 48,9 B12 41,0 ml/rev 61,5 59,8 57,9 B14 45,0 ml/rev 67,5 65,8 63,9 B15 50,0 ml/rev 75,0 73,3 71,62) 2) 085 = 90 bar max. int. B15 = 280 bar max.int. Pressure port 1) Series Vi Volumetric displacement 43 Input power P [kW] & n = 1500 RPM p = 7 bar p = 140 bar p = 240 bar 5,2 49,4 82,6 5,4 52,9 88,7 5,7 58,5 98,3 5,8 60,8 102,1 5,9 63,0 105,8 6,1 67,3 113,2 6,4 71,9 121,3 6,7 77,7 131,2 6,9 82,6 139,5 9,1 65,81) p = 7 bar p = 140 bar p = 300 bar 0,5 2,6 5,1 0,6 4,0 8,1 0,6 5,0 10,4 0,7 6,1 12,7 0,7 7,5 15,6 0,8 8,5 17,6 0,8 9,3 19,5 0,9 10,4 21,8 0,9 11,7 26,2 1,0 12,8 27,0 1,1 14,9 31,5 1,2 16,3 34,5 1,3 18,1 35,72) Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France Industrial Vane Pumps T7/T67/T6C Catalogue HY29-0001/UK T67EC - Ordering Code Model No. T67EC - 085 - 020 - 1 R 00 - A 1 00 - .. Series - SAE C 2 bolts J744 mounting flange Modifications P1 P2 Mounting w/connection variables 4 bolts SAE flanges J518 Displacement P1 Volumetric displacement (ml/rev.) 042 = 132,3 057 = 183,3 045 = 142,4 062 = 196,7 050 = 158,5 066 = 213,3 052 = 164,8 072 = 227,1 054 = 171,0 085 = 268,7 Code P1 P2 S Displacement P2 Volumetric displacement (ml/rev.) 003 = 10,8 017 = 58,3 005 = 17,2 020 = 63,8 006 = 21,3 022 = 70,3 008 = 26,4 025 = 79,3 010 = 34,1 028 = 88,8 012 = 37,1 031 = 100,0 014 = 46,0 Design letter Porting combination (see page 72) 00 = standard Direction of rotation (shaft end view) R = Clockwise L = Counter-clockwise Noise level (typical) - t67EC - 050 - 022 Internal leakage qVs [l/min] 33 27 10 cSt P1 24 21 P2 18 15 P1 12 P2 9 6 3 0 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 Pressure p [bar] Do not operate pump more than 5 seconds at any speed or viscosity if internal leakage is higher than 50% of theoretical flow. Total leakage is the sum of each section loss under its respective operating conditions. power loss hydromechanical (typical) 7 5 2 0 4 90 120 150 n = 1000 RPM n = 1500 RPM [24 cSt] n = 2200 RPM 3 180 210 240 P2 2 P2 80 0 120 160 200 1400 1200 40 80 120 160 200 240 Shaft = keyed = F Fa Shaft keyed N°1 1000 800 400 600 0 40 60 600 P2 1 0 65 1600 P1 1 60 70 1800 P1 30 75 permissible radial load P1 3 0 Pe = 0,9 bar abs nSérie = 1000 RPM n1 = 1500 RPM u υ = 32 cSt Lw = Lp + 8 db (A) Pressure p [bar] Double pump noise level is given with both stages discharging at the pressure value indicated on the curve. Load F [N] Power loss Ps [kW] 4 80 2000 n = 1000 RPM n = 1500 RPM [24 cSt] n = 2200 RPM 6 Lp. Noise level [db(A)] 1m ISO 4412 INTERNAL LEAKAGE (TYPICAL) 24 cSt UNC thread 00 01 1.1/2" 1.1/2" 1" 3/4" 3.1/2" 3.1/2" Seal class 1 = S1 BUNA N - 0,7 bar max. (for mineral oil) 4 = S4 EPDM - 7 bar max. (for fire resistant fluids) 5 = S5 VITON® - 7 bar max. (for mineral oil and fire resistant fluids) Type of shaft 1 = keyed (SAE CC) 2 = keyed (non SAE) 3 = splined (SAE C) 14 teeth 4 = splined (SAE CC) 17 teeth 30 Metric thread M0 M1 1.1/2" 1.1/2" 1" 3/4" 3.1/2" 3.1/2" 240 280 Pressure p [bar] Total hydromechanical power loss is the sum of each section loss under its respective operating conditions. 1000 1400 Speed n [RPM] 1800 Maximum permissible axial load Fa = 2000 N 44 Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France 2200 Catalogue HY29-0001/UK T67EC - Dimensions - Weight : 55,0 kg Industrial Vane Pumps T7/T67/T6C 213,0 331,6 181,0 90,9 136,7 118,5 52,3 12,7 7,9 90,5 6,4 MAXI KEY 9,52 9,47 50,8 Ø 76,2 127,00 Ø 126,95 98,4 102,4 74,7 Ø 17,5 M10 x 20 DEEP MOUNTING TORQUE : 187 Nm 55,9 38,1 MOUNTING TORQUE : 68 Nm 1/2-13 UNC x 23,4 DEEP - 4 HOLES 5/8-11 UNC x 29,5 DEEP - 4 HOLES 17,5 (M16 x 29,5 DEEP - METRIC VERSION) (M12 x 23,4 DEEP -METRIC VERSION ) 35,7 69,9 3/8-16 UNC x 19 DEEP - 4 HOLES 26,2 (M10 x 19 DEEP - METRIC VERSION) 17,8 34,9 62,2 13,1 7,9 1,3 x 45° 61,9 7,9 42,36 MAXI 38,100 Ø 38,075 2,3 x 45° SHAFT CODE 1 ( Keyed SAE CC ) 38,1 31,5 KEY 7,94 7,89 2,3 x 45° P1 S P2 2,3 x 45° SHAFT CODE 3 SAE C INVOLUTE SPLINE DATA CLASS 1-FLAT ROOT SIDE FIT J498b - PITCH 12/24 14 TEETH - 30° PRESSURE ANGLE SHAFT CODE 4 SAE CC INVOLUTE SPLINE DATA CLASS 1-FLAT ROOT SIDE FIT J498b - PITCH 12/24 17 TEETH - 30° PRESSURE ANGLE 35,27 MAXI 52,4 26,2 2,3 x 45° 31,75 Ø 31,70 7,9 149,1 88,9 76,2 C.G. SHAFT CODE 2 PRESSURE Ø 25.4 SUCTION Ø 88,9 PRESSURE Ø 37,1 Shaft 1 2 operating characteristics - typical [24 cst] ( Keyed no SAE ) Shaft torque limits [ml/rev. x bar] Vi x p max. Shaft Vi x p max. 72300 3 61200 34590 4 76300 Flow qVe [l/min] & n = 1500 RPM Input power P [kW] & n = 1500 RPM p = 0 bar p = 140 bar p = 240 bar p = 7 bar p = 140 bar p = 240 bar 042 132,3 ml/rev 198,5 188,5 181,3 5,2 49,4 82,6 045 142,4 ml/rev 213,6 203,6 196,5 5,4 52,9 88,7 050 158,5 ml/rev 237,7 227,7 220,6 5,7 58,5 98,3 052 164,8 ml/rev 247,2 237,2 230,1 5,8 60,8 102,1 054 171,0 ml/rev 256,5 246,5 239,4 5,9 63,0 105,8 P1 057 183,3 ml/rev 275,0 265,0 257,9 6,1 67,3 113,2 062 196,7 ml/rev 295,0 285,0 277,9 6,4 71,9 121,3 066 213,3 ml/rev 319,9 309,0 302,8 6,7 77,7 131,2 072 227,1 ml/rev 340,6 330,6 323,5 6,9 82,6 139,5 085 268,7 ml/rev 403,0 392,01) 9,1 65,81) p = 0 bar p = 140 bar p = 275 bar p = 7 bar p = 140 bar p = 275 bar 003 10,8 ml/rev 16,2 11,2 * 1,3 5,3 * 005 17,2 ml/rev 25,8 20,8 16,1 1,4 7,5 13,9 006 21,3 ml/rev 31,9 26,9 22,2 1,5 8,9 16,8 008 26,4 ml/rev 39,6 34,6 29,9 1,6 10,7 20,3 010 34,1 ml/rev 51,1 46,1 41,4 1,7 13,4 25,6 012 37,1 ml/rev 55,6 50,6 45,9 1,7 14,4 27,6 P2 014 46,0 ml/rev 69,0 64,0 59,3 1,9 17,6 33,7 017 58,3 ml/rev 87,4 82,4 77,7 2,1 21,9 42,2 020 63,8 ml/rev 95,7 90,7 86,0 2,2 23,8 46,0 022 70,3 ml/rev 105,4 100,4 95,7 2,3 26,1 50,4 025 79,3 ml/rev 118,9 113,9 109,2 2,5 29,2 56,6 028 88,8 ml/rev 133,2 128,2 125,82) 2,8 32,7 48,52) 031 100,0 ml/rev 150,0 145,0 142,62) 2,8 36,5 54,42) * We do not recommand to use the size 003 in P2 at 275 bar & 1500 RPM as the internal leakage is over 50% of theoretical flow. 1) 2) 085 = 90 bar max. int. 028 - 031 = 210 bar max.int. Pressure port Series Vi Volumetric displacement 45 Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France Industrial Vane Pumps T7/T67/T6C Catalogue HY29-0001/UK T7ED/T7EDS - Ordering Code Model No. T7ED or T7EDS - 042 - B22 - 1 R 00 - A 1 M0 - .. T7ED series - 125 A2 HW ISO 2 bolts 3019-2 mounting flange T7EDS series - SAE C 2 bolts J744 mounting flange Modifications P1 P2 Mounting w/connection variables 4 bolts SAE flanges J518 P1 = 1.1/2" - P2 = 1.1/4" - S = 4" T7ED - T7EDS T7EDS Type Metric thread UNC thread Code M0 00 Displacement P1 Volumetric displacement (ml/rev.) 042 = 132,3 057 = 183,3 045 = 142,4 062 = 196,7 050 = 158,5 066 = 213,3 052 = 164,8 072 = 227,1 054 = 171,0 085 = 268,7 Seal class 1 = S1 BUNA N - 0,7 bar max. (for mineral oil) 4 = S4 EPDM - 7 bar max. (for fire resistant fluids) 5 = S5 VITON® - 7 bar max. (for mineral oil and fire resistant fluids) Displacement P2 Volumetric displacement (ml/rev.) B14 = 44,0 B31 = 99,2 B17 = 55,0 B35 = 113,4 B20 = 66,0 B38 = 120,6 B22 = 70,3 B42 = 137,5 B24 = 81,1 045 = 145,7 B28 = 90,0 050 = 158,0 Type of shaft T7EDS 1 = keyed (SAE CC) 2 = keyed (non SAE) Design letter Porting combination (see page 72) 00 = standard Direction of rotation (shaft end view) R = Clockwise L = Counter-clockwise 3 = splined (SAE C) 14 teeth 4 = splined (SAE CC) 17 teeth Type of shaft T7ED - T7EDS 5 = keyed (ISO R775 - G38M) Noise level (typical) - t7EDS - 050 - B31 30 24 cSt 27 10 cSt P1 24 P2 21 18 15 12 P1 9 P2 6 3 0 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 Power loss Ps [kW] Pressure p [bar] Do not operate pump more than 5 seconds at any speed or viscosity if internal leakage is higher than 50% of theoretical flow. Total leakage is the sum of each section loss under its respective operating conditions. power loss hydromechanical (typical) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 P1 60 90 120 150 n = 1000 RPM n = 1500 RPM [24 cSt] n = 2200 RPM 5 4 180 210 240 1 0 90 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 120 150 180 2600 = = Shaft keyed F Fa Shaft keyed N°1 2200 1800 1000 P2 60 60 1400 P2 30 65 3000 P2 3 2 0 70 3400 P1 30 75 permissible radial load P1 0 Pe = 0,9 bar abs nSérie = 1000 RPM n1 = 1500 RPM u υ = 32 cSt Lw = Lp + 8 db (A) 3800 n = 1000 RPM n = 1500 RPM [24 cSt] n = 2200 RPM 6 80 Pressure p [bar] Double pump noise level is given with both stages discharging at the pressure value indicated on the curve. Load F [N] Internal leakage qVs [l/min] 33 Lp. Noise level [db(A)] 1m ISO 4412 INTERNAL LEAKAGE (TYPICAL) 210 600 600 240 Pressure p [bar] Total hydromechanical power loss is the sum of each section loss under its respective operating conditions. 1000 1400 Speed n [RPM] 1800 Maximum permissible axial load Fa = 2000 N 46 Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France 2200 Catalogue HY29-0001/UK T7ED/EDS Dimensions - Weight : 66,0 kg Industrial Vane Pumps T7/T67/T6C 213,0 K K/2 148,2 361,0 52,3 7,9 6,4 MAXI 133,5 90,9 W 50,8 T7EDS 98,4 C.G. 2,3 x 45° 161,0 89,0 81,0 Ø 76,2 ØS M10 x 20 DEEP 38,10 Ø 38,05 42,36 MAX Ø d 101,6 102,4 KEY 9,52 9,47 e x 45 ° SHAFT CODE 1 KEY 7,94 7,89 SHAFT CODE 4 SAE CC INVOLUTE SPLINE DATA CLASS 1-FLAT ROOT SIDE FIT J498b - PITCH 12/24 17 TEETH - 30° PRESSURE ANGLE SHAFT CODE 3 SAE C INVOLUTE SPLINE DATA CLASS 1-FLAT ROOT SIDE FIT J498b - PITCH 12/24 14 TEETH - 30° PRESSURE ANGLE 31,75 (Keyed no SAE ) W K Dia d 9,5 12,7 180,0 181,0 18,0 17,5 35,7 T7ED 50,0 KEY 10 x 8 M10 x 20 DEEP P1 ØS S 2,3 x 45 ° e x 45° SHAFT CODE 2 Alternate mounting flange Dia S e x 45° Max. Min. T7ED 125,000 124,937 2,0 T7EDS 127,000 126,950 1,3 Ø 31,70 2,3 x 45° P2 35,27 MAX 58,7 29,4 2,3 x 45° 17,8 38,018 2,3 x 45° 38,1 Ø 38,002 61,9 38,1 10,0 W 90,0 65,1 7,9 B x 30 DEEP - 4 HOLES 77,8 38,9 A x 23,4 DEEP - 4 HOLES 41,3 MAXI 55,9 31,5 C x 24 DEEP - 4 HOLES 30,2 15,1 130,2 62,2 7,9 (Keyed SAE CC ) MOUNTING TORQUE : 187 Nm 69,8 MOUNTING TORQUE : 187 Nm PRESSURE Ø 31,80 SUCTION Ø 101,60 Alternate connect. variables 01 M1 A 1/2" - 13 UNC M12 B 5/8" - 11 UNC M16 C 7/16" - 14 UNC M12 Shaft 1 2 3 PRESSURE Ø 37,10 SHAFT CODE 5 ( Keyed ISO/R 775 - G38M ) Shaft torque limits [ml/rev. x bar] Vi x p max. Shaft Vi x p max. 72300 4 68500 34590 5 68500 61200 operating characteristics - typical [24 cst] Flow qVe [l/min] & n = 1500 RPM p = 0 bar p = 140 bar p = 240 bar 042 132,3 ml/rev 198,5 188,5 181,3 045 142,4 ml/rev 213,6 203,6 196,5 050 158,5 ml/rev 237,7 227,7 220,6 052 164,8 ml/rev 247,2 237,2 230,1 054 171,0 ml/rev 256,5 246,5 239,4 P1 057 183,3 ml/rev 275,0 265,0 257,9 062 196,7 ml/rev 295,0 285,0 277,9 066 213,3 ml/rev 319,9 309,0 302,8 072 227,1 ml/rev 340,6 330,6 323,5 085 268,7 ml/rev 403,0 392,01) p = 0 bar p = 140 bar p = 250 bar B14 44,0 ml/rev 66,0 59,4 54,2 B17 55,0 ml/rev 82,5 75,9 70,7 B20 66,0 ml/rev 99,0 92,4 87,2 B22 70,3 ml/rev 105,5 98,8 93,7 B24 81,1 ml/rev 121,7 115,0 109,9 B28 90,0 ml/rev 135,0 128,4 123,2 P2 B31 99,2 ml/rev 148,8 142,2 137,0 B35 113,4 ml/rev 170,1 163,5 158,3 B38 120,6 ml/rev 180,9 174,3 169,1 B42 137,5 ml/rev 206,3 199,6 194,5 045 145,7 ml/rev 218,6 209,2 202,6 050 158,0 ml/rev 237,0 227,7 223,02) 2) 085 = 90 bar max. int. 050 = 210 bar max.int. Pressure port 1) Series Vi Volumetric displacement 47 Input power P [kW] & n = 1500 RPM p = 7 bar p = 140 bar p = 240 bar 5,2 49,4 82,6 5,4 52,9 88,7 5,7 58,5 98,3 5,8 60,8 102,1 5,9 63,0 105,8 6,1 67,3 113,2 6,4 71,9 121,3 6,7 77,7 131,2 6,9 82,6 139,5 9,1 65,81) p = 7 bar p = 140 bar p = 250 bar 1,5 16,6 29,0 1,7 20,4 35,8 1,9 24,3 42,7 2,0 25,8 45,4 2,2 29,5 52,1 2,3 32,7 57,7 2,5 35,9 63,5 2,7 40,8 72,3 2,9 43,4 76,8 3,2 49,3 87,4 4,1 52,8 89,5 4,4 57,1 85,02) Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France Industrial Vane Pumps T7/T67/T6C Catalogue HY29-0001/UK T7EE/T7EES - Ordering Code Model No. T7EE or T7EES - 066 - 045 - 1 R 00 - A 1 0 00 - .. T7EE series - 250 B4 HW ISO 2 bolts 3019-2 mounting flange T7EES series - SAE E 4 bolts J744 mounting flange Modifications P1 P2 Mounting w/connection variables 4 bolts SAE flanges J518 Displacement P1 & P2 Volumetric displacement (ml/rev.) 042 = 132,3 057 = 183,3 045 = 142,4 062 = 196,7 050 = 158,5 066 = 213,3 052 = 164,8 072 = 227,1 054 = 171,0 085 = 268,7 Type Code P1 & P2 = 1.1/2" - S = 4" T7EE - T7EES T7EES Metric thread UNC thread M0 00 Coupling adaptor 0 = none 2 = SAE B 3 = SAE BB * for SAE C, please contact Parker Denison Type of shaft T7EES 1 = keyed (SAE CC) 4 = splined (SAE D & E) 13 teeth 3 = splined (SAE CC) 17 teeth 5 = keyed (SAE D & E) Seal class 1 = S1 BUNA N - 0,7 bar max. (for mineral oil) 4 = S4 EPDM - 7 bar max. (for fire resistant fluids) 5 = S5 VITON® - 7 bar max. (for mineral oil and fire resistant fluids) Type of shaft T7EE 2 = keyed (ISO 3019-2 - G45N) Direction of rotation (shaft end view) R = Clockwise L = Counter-clockwise Design letter Porting combination (see page 72) 00 = standard Noise level (typical) - t7EE - 050 - 050 Internal leakage qVs [l/min] 33 30 24 cSt 27 10 cSt 24 P1-P2 21 18 15 P1-P2 12 9 6 3 0 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 Pressure p [bar] Do not operate pump more than 5 seconds at any speed or viscosity if internal leakage is higher than 50% of theoretical flow. Total leakage is the sum of each section loss under its respective operating conditions. power loss hydromechanical (typical) Lp. Noise level [db(A)] 1m ISO 4412 INTERNAL LEAKAGE (TYPICAL) Pe = 0,9 bar abs nSérie1 = 1000 RPM nSérie2 = 1500 RPM υ u = 32 cSt Lw = Lp + 8 db (A) 80 75 70 65 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 Pressure p [bar] Double pump noise level is given with both stages discharging at the pressure value indicated on the curve. permissible radial load 3800 7 n = 1000 RPM n = 1500 RPM [24 cSt] n = 2200 RPM 5 3400 3000 P1-P2 4 Load F [N] 6 Power loss Ps [kW] 85 P1-P2 3 P1-P2 2 1 2600 = = Shaft F keyed Fa Shaft keyed N°1 2200 1800 1400 1000 0 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 600 600 240 Pressure p [bar] Total hydromechanical power loss is the sum of each section loss under its respective operating conditions. 1000 1400 1800 Speed n [RPM] Maximum permissible axial load Fa = 2000 N 48 Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France 2200 Industrial Vane Pumps T7/T67/T6C Catalogue HY29-0001/UK T7EE/EES - Dimensions - Weight : 95,0 kg 273,0 224,5 406,8 157,9 42,9 167,3 Ø 20.6 90,9 8,0 46 8 224,5 38,100 M10 x 20 DEEP Ø 38,075 118 86,6 170,0 104,5 C.G. 273,0 165,10 42,36 MAX 63,5 Ø 165,05 Ø 101,65 101,70 * 98,4 115 139,7 KEY 9,5 2 9,47 1,5 x 45° 15,5 COUPLING ADAPTAT OR SHAF T CODE 1 (KEYED SAE C-C) MOUNTING TORQUE : 300 N.m 22,0 M12 x 28 DEEP 9,0 427,8 MOUNTING TORQUE 88 N.m MOUNTING TORQUE 300 N.m 62,2 1/2-13 UNC x 23,4 DEEP - 4 HOLES (M12 x 23,4 - METRIC VERSION) 1/2-13 UNC x 30 DEEP - 4 HOLES (M12 x 30 - METRIC VERSION) 5/8-11 UNC x 30 DEEP - 4 HOLES (M16 x 30 - METRIC VERSION) 77,8 92,0 10,0 8,0 KEY 14 x 9 35,7 35,7 63,0 6,4 75,0 Shaft 1 2 3 4 5 63,5 Vi Volumetric displacement 042 132,3 ml/rev 045 142,4 ml/rev 050 158,5 ml/rev P1 052 164,8 ml/rev 054 171,0 ml/rev & 057 183,3 ml/rev 062 196,7 ml/rev P2 066 213,3 ml/rev 072 227,1 ml/rev 085 268,7 ml/rev 1) 085 = 90 bar max. int. * For SAE C, please contact Parker Denison. KEY 11,11 11,06 48,8 1/2-13 UNC x 2 4 DEEP 3,0 x 45° Shaft torque limits [ml/rev. x bar] Vi x p max. Coupling drive Vi x p max. 90380 SAE B 20600 114600 SAE BB 32670 126800 126800 118340 Series 100,0 8,0 2,3 x 45° SHAF T CODE 4 SAE D & E SPLINED SHAFT CLASS 1- J498b 8/16 D.P. - 13 TEETH 30° PRESSURE ANGLE FLAT ROOT SIDE FIT operating characteristics - typical [24 cst] Pressure port 8,0 SHAF T CODE 2 (KEYED G45N-ISO 3019-2) 49,3 MAX 3 9,0 Flow qVe [l/min] & n = 1500 RPM p = 0 bar p = 140 bar p = 240 bar 198,5 188,5 181,3 213,6 203,6 196,5 237,7 227,7 220,6 247,2 237,2 230,1 256,5 246,5 239,4 275,0 265,0 257,9 295,0 285,0 277,9 319,9 309,0 302,8 340,6 330,6 323,5 403,0 392,01) - 49 44,45 2 Coupling adaptor Without coupling SAE B - 13 teeth - Pitch 16/32 Major dia. (min) 22,225 - Minor dia. (min) 19,134 SAE BB - 15 teeth - Pitch 16/32 Major dia. (min.) 25,400 - Minor dia. (min.) 22,268 1,5 x 45° 22,0 Ø 44,40 Code 0 250,000 T7EE Ø 22,0 SUCTION Ø 101,6 SAE CC SPLINED SHAFT CLASS 1- J498b 12/24 D.P. - 17 TEETH 30° PRESSURE ANGLE FLAT ROOT SIDE FIT PRESSURE Ø 38,1 Ø 249,928 45,000 3,0 x 45° SHAFT CODE 3 PRESSURE Ø 37,1 48,5 MAX P1 Ø 44,975 M12 x 24 DEEP 222,7 209 69,9 S 130,2 P2 69,9 173,3 Ø 146,0 2,3 x 45° SHAF T CODE 5 (KEYED SAE D & E) Input power P [kW] & n = 1500 RPM p = 7 bar p = 140 bar p = 240 bar 5,2 49,4 82,6 5,4 52,9 88,7 5,7 58,5 98,3 5,8 60,8 102,1 5,9 63,0 105,8 6,1 67,3 113,2 6,4 71,9 121,3 6,7 77,7 131,2 6,9 82,6 139,5 9,1 65,81) - Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France Industrial Vane Pumps T7/T67/T6C Catalogue HY29-0001/UK T7DBB / T7DBBS - Ordering Code Model No. T7DBB or T7DBBS - B38 - B14 - B08 - 1 R 00 - A 1 - M1 - .. T7DBB series - 125-A2-HW ISO 4 bolts 3019-2 mounting flange Modifications P1 P2 P3 Mounting w/connection variables 4 bolts SAE flange J518 T7DBBS series - SAE C 6 bolts J744 mounting flange P1 = 1.1/4" - P2 = 1" - S = 4" Metric UNC thread thread T7DBB-P3 = 3/4" M1 T7DBBS-P3 = 3/4" M1 01 T7DBB-P3 = 1" M0 T7DBBS-P3 = 1" M0 00 Displacement for “P1” Volumetric displacement (ml/rev) B14 = 44,0 B31 = 99,2 B17 = 55,0 B35 = 113,4 B20 = 66,0 B38 = 120,6 B22 = 70,3 B42 = 137,5 B24 = 81,1 045 = 145,7 B28 = 90,0 050 = 158,0 Seal class 1 = S1 BUNA N - 0,7 bar max. (for mineral oil) 4 = S4 EPDM - 7 bar max. (for fire resistant fluids) 5 = S5 VITON® - 7 bar max. (for mineral oil and fire resistant fluids) Displacement for “P2” & “P3” Volumetric displacement (ml/rev) B02 = 5,8 B09 = 28,0 B03 = 9,8 B10 = 31,8 B04 = 12,8 B11 = 35,0 B05 = 15,9 B12 = 41,0 B06 = 19,8 B14 = 45,0 B07 = 22,5 B15 = 50,0 B08 = 24,9 Design letter Porting combination (see pages 72 - 73) 00 = standard Direction of rotation (shaft end view) R = Clockwise L = Counter-clockwise Type of shaft T7DBBS 1 = keyed (non SAE) 2 = keyed (SAE CC) 3 = splined 12/24 (SAE C) (14 teeth) 4 = splined 12/24 (SAE CC) (17 teeth) Type of shaft T7DBB & T7DBBS 5 = keyed (ISO 3019/2 - G38M) operating characteristics - typical [24 cst] Flow qVe [l/min] & n = 1500 RPM p = 0 bar p = 140 bar p = 250 bar B14 44,0 ml/rev 66,0 59,4 54,2 B17 55,0 ml/rev 82,5 75,9 70,7 B20 66,0 ml/rev 99,0 92,4 87,2 B22 70,3 ml/rev 105,5 98,8 93,7 B24 81,1 ml/rev 121,7 115,0 109,9 B28 90,0 ml/rev 135,0 128,4 123,2 P1 B31 99,2 ml/rev 148,8 142,2 137,0 B35 113,4 ml/rev 170,1 163,5 158,3 B38 120,6 ml/rev 180,9 174,3 169,1 B42 137,5 ml/rev 206,3 199,6 194,5 045 145,7 ml/rev 218,6 209,2 202,6 050 158,0 ml/rev 237,0 227,7 223,01) p = 0 bar p = 140 bar p = 300 bar B02 5,8 ml/rev 8,7 7,0 5,1 B03 9,8 ml/rev 14,7 13,0 11,1 B04 12,8 ml/rev 19,2 17,5 15,6 B05 15,9 ml/rev 23,9 22,2 20,2 B06 19,8 ml/rev 29,7 28,0 26,1 P2 B07 22,5 ml/rev 33,7 32,0 30,2 & B08 24,9 ml/rev 37,4 35,7 33,7 B09 28,0 ml/rev 42,0 40,3 38,4 P3 B10 31,8 ml/rev 47,7 46,0 44,1 B11 35,0 ml/rev 52,5 50,8 48,9 B12 41,0 ml/rev 61,5 59,8 57,9 B14 45,0 ml/rev 67,5 65,8 63,9 B15 50,0 ml/rev 75,0 73,3 71,62) 2) 050 = 210 bar max. int. B15 = 280 bar max.int. Pressure port 1) Series Vi Volumetric displacement 50 Input power P [kW] & n = 1500 RPM p = 7 bar p = 140 bar p = 250 bar 1,5 16,6 29,0 1,7 20,4 35,8 1,9 24,3 42,7 2,0 25,8 45,4 2,2 29,5 52,1 2,3 32,7 57,7 2,5 35,9 63,5 2,7 40,8 72,3 2,9 43,4 76,8 3,2 49,3 87,4 4,1 52,8 89,5 4,4 57,1 85,01) p = 7 bar p = 140 bar p = 300 bar 0,5 2,6 5,1 0,6 4,0 8,1 0,6 5,0 10,4 0,7 6,1 12,7 0,7 7,5 15,6 0,8 8,5 17,6 0,8 9,3 19,5 0,9 10,4 21,8 0,9 11,7 26,2 1,0 12,8 27,0 1,1 14,9 31,5 1,2 16,3 34,5 1,3 18,1 35,72) Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France Industrial Vane Pumps Catalogue HY29-0001/UK T7DBB / T7DBBS - Technical data T7/T67/T6C INTERNAL LEAKAGE (TYPICAL) Noise level (typical) - t7DBB - B38 - B06 - B04 22 Internal leakage qVs [l/min] 20 24 cSt Lp. Noise level [db(A)] 1m ISO 4412 75 P1 10 cSt 18 16 14 12 P3-P3 10 8 P1 6 P2-P3 4 2 Pe = 0,9 bar abs nSérie = 1000 RPM n1 = 1500 RPM u υ = 32 cSt Lw = Lp + 8 db (A) 70 65 60 55 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 Pressure p [bar] Pressure p [bar] Do not operate pump more than 5 seconds at any speed or viscosity if internal leakage is higher than 50% of theoretical flow. Total leakage is the sum of each section loss under its respective operating conditions. Triple pump noise level is given with all stages discharging at the pressure value indicated on the curve. power loss hydromechanical (typical) permissible radial load 6 n = 1000 RPM n = 1500 RPM [24 cSt] n = 2500 RPM 5 4 P1 3 1 1400 P1 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 Load F [N] 0 3,5 n = 1000 RPM n = 1500 RPM [24 cSt] n = 2500 RPM 3 2,5 2 P2-P3 1,5 0,5 100 150 200 Fa Shaft keyed N°1 1200 1000 800 400 P2-P3 0 50 = Shaft F keyed 600 P2-P3 1 0 = 1600 P1 2 Power loss Ps [kW] 1800 250 300 200 600 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 Pressure p [bar] Speed n [RPM] Total hydromechanical power loss is the sum of each section loss under its respective operating conditions. Maximum permissible axial load Fa = 1200 N 51 2400 Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France 41,0 MAXI Ø38,002 31,5 61,0 2,3 x 45° Ø d1 7,9 Keyed SAE CC MOUNTING TORQUE : 68 Nm MOUNTING TORQUE : 187 Nm 5,4 189,0 138 6,35 MAXI 38,1 PRESSURE Ø C P3 PRESSURE Ø 25,4 P2 SUCTION Ø 101,6 S PRESSURE Ø 31,8 P1 7/16-14 UNC x 22,3 DEEP - 4 HOLES 3/8-16 UNC x 19 DEEP - 4 HOLES M12 x 22,3 DEEP - METRIC VERSION 19 M10 x 19 DEEP - METRIC VERSION 5/8-11 UNC x 30 DEEP - 4 HOLES 3/8-16 UNC x 19 DEEP - 4 HOLES M16 x 30 DEEP - METRIC VERSION M10 x 19 DEEP - METRIC VERSION 30,2 26,2 77,8 B M10 x 20 DEEP KEY 9,52 9,47 SHAFT CODE 2 2,3 x 45° 63,5 89,7 K2 K1 K2 421,8 101,6 Alternate mounting flange Shaft torque limits [ml/rev. x bar] Shaft Vi x p max. P1 + P2 + P3 Shaft Vi x p max. P1 + P2 + P3 Dia S Series e x 45° W K1 Dia d1 K2 Dia d2 Max. Min. 1 43240 4 83400 2 71750 5 56500 T7DBB - T7DCB - T7DCC 125,000 124,937 2,0 9,5 180,0 18,0 113,14 14,0 3 61200 T7DBBS - T7DCBS - T7DCCS 127,000 126,950 1,3 12,7 181,0 17,5 114,50 14,3 SAE CC INVOLUTE SPLINE DATA CLASS 1-FLAT ROOT SIDE FIT J498b - PITCH 16/32 17 TEETH - 30° PRESSURE ANGLE SHAFT CODE 4 7,9 Keyed ISO R775 - G38M SHAFT CODE 5 38,018 M10 x 20 DEEP d2 75,5 74,0 A 50,0 ?Ø 52,4 KEY 10 x 8 38,100 101,6 91,0 68,0 42,3 MAXI 127,0 95,6 10,0 Ø 38,075 122,4 SHAFT CODE 3 2,3 x 45° KEY 6,35 6,30 2,3 x 45° Keyed no SAE SHAFT CODE 1 49,3 Alternate connect. variables 00 & M0 01 & M1 A 52,4 47,6 B 26,2 22,2 C 25,4 19,0 7,9 84 SAE C INVOLUTE SPLINE DATA CLASS 1-FLAT ROOT SIDE FIT J498b - PITCH 12/24 14 TEETH - 30° PRESSURE ANGLE e x 45° 7,9 38 56 w 0 99,5 130,2 Ø 64,3 Ø 31,75 -0.05 52 58,7 ØS 34,6 MAXI 213,1 Catalogue HY29-0001/UK Industrial Vane Pumps T7DBB/S-DCB/S-DCC/S - Dimensions - Weight : 61 kg T7/T67/T6C Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France Industrial Vane Pumps Catalogue HY29-0001/UK T7DCB / T7DCBS - Ordering Code Model No. T7/T67/T6C T7DCB or T7DCBS - B38 - 028 - B08 - 1 R 00 - A 1 - M1 - .. T7DCB series - 125-A2-HW ISO 4 bolts 3019-2 mounting flange T7DCBS series - SAE C 2 bolts J744 mounting flange Modifications P1 P2 P3 Mounting w/connection variables 4 bolts SAE flange J518 P1 = 1.1/4 " - P2 = 1" - S = 4" Metric thread UNC thread T7DCB-P3 = 3/4" M1 T7DCBS-P3 = 3/4" M1 01 T7DCB-P3 = 1" M0 T7DCBS-P3 = 1" M0 00 Displacement for “P1” Volumetric displacement (ml/rev) B14 = 44,0 B24 = 81,1 B38 = 120,6 B17 = 55,0 B28 = 90,0 B42 = 137,5 B20 = 66,0 B31 = 99,2 045 = 145,7 B22 = 70,3 B35 = 113,4 050 = 158,0 Seal class 1 = S1 BUNA N - 0,7 bar max. (for mineral oil) 4 = S4 EPDM - 7 bar max. (for fire resistant fluids) 5 = S5 VITON - 7 bar max. (for mineral oil and fire resistant fluids) Displacement for “P2” Volumetric displacement (ml/rev) 003 = 10,8 012 = 37,1 022 = 70,3 005 = 17,2 014 = 46,0 025 = 79,3 006 = 21,3 017 = 58,3 028 = 88,8 008 = 26.4 020 = 63,8 031 = 100,0 010 = 34,1 Displacement for “P3” Volumetric displacement (ml/rev) B02 = 5,8 B07 = 22,5 B12 = 41,0 B03 = 9,8 B08 = 24,9 B14 = 45,0 B04 = 12,8 B09 = 28,0 B15 = 50,0 B05 = 15,9 B10 = 31,8 B06 = 19,8 B11 = 35,0 Design letter Porting combination (see pages 72 - 73) 00 = standard Direction of rotation (shaft end view) R = Clockwise L = Counter-clockwise Type of shaft T7DCB & T7DCBS Type of shaft T7DCBS 1 = keyed (non SAE) 5 = keyed (ISO 3019/2 - G38M) 2 = keyed (SAE CC) 3 = splined 12/24 (SAE C) (14 teeth) 4 = splined 12/24 (SAE CC) (17 teeth) operating characteristics - typical [24 cst] Flow qVe [l/min] & n = 1500 RPM Input power P [kW] & n = 1500 RPM p = 0 bar p = 140 bar p = 250 bar p = 7 bar p = 140 bar p = 250 bar B14 66,0 59,4 54,2 1,5 16,6 29,0 B17 82,5 75,9 70,7 1,7 20,4 35,8 B20 99,0 92,4 87,2 1,9 24,3 42,7 B22 105,5 98,8 93,7 2,0 25,8 45,4 B24 121,7 115,0 109,9 2,2 29,5 52,1 B28 135,0 128,4 123,2 2,3 32,7 57,7 P1 B31 148,8 142,2 137,0 2,5 35,9 63,5 B35 170,1 163,5 158,3 2,7 40,8 72,3 B38 180,9 174,3 169,1 2,9 43,4 76,8 B42 206,3 199,6 194,5 3,2 49,3 87,4 045 218,6 209,2 202,6 4,1 52,8 89,5 050 237,0 227,7 223,01) 4,4 57,1 85,01) p = 0 bar p = 140 bar p = 275 bar p = 7 bar p = 140 bar p = 275 bar 003 10,8 ml/rev 16,2 11,2 * 1,3 5,3 * 005 17,2 ml/rev 25,8 20,8 16,1 1,4 7,5 13,9 006 21,3 ml/rev 31,9 26,9 22,2 1,5 8,9 16,8 008 26,4 ml/rev 39,6 34,6 29,9 1,6 10,7 20,3 010 34,1 ml/rev 51,1 46,1 41,4 1,7 13,4 25,6 012 37,1 ml/rev 55,6 50,6 45,9 1,7 14,4 27,6 P2 014 46,0 ml/rev 69,0 64,0 59,3 1,9 17,6 33,7 017 58,3 ml/rev 87,4 82,4 77,7 2,1 21,9 42,2 020 63,8 ml/rev 95,7 90,7 86,0 2,2 23,8 46,0 022 70,3 ml/rev 105,4 100,4 95,7 2,3 26,1 50,4 025 79,3 ml/rev 118,9 113,9 109,2 2,5 29,2 56,6 028 88,8 ml/rev 133,2 128,2 125,81) 2,8 32,7 48,51) 031 100,0 ml/rev 150,0 145,0 142,61) 2,8 36,5 54,41) p = 0 bar p = 140 bar p = 300 bar p = 7 bar p = 140 bar p = 300 bar B02 5,8 ml/rev 8,7 7,0 5,1 0,5 2,6 5,1 B03 9,8 ml/rev 14,7 13,0 11,1 0,6 4,0 8,1 B04 12,8 ml/rev 19,2 17,5 15,6 0,6 5,0 10,4 B05 15,9 ml/rev 23,9 22,2 20,2 0,7 6,1 12,7 B06 19,8 ml/rev 29,7 28,0 26,1 0,7 7,5 15,6 B07 22,5 ml/rev 33,7 32,0 30,2 0,8 8,5 17,6 P3 B08 24,9 ml/rev 37,4 35,7 33,7 0,8 9,3 19,5 B09 28,0 ml/rev 42,0 40,3 38,4 0,9 10,4 21,8 B10 31,8 ml/rev 47,7 46,0 44,1 0,9 11,7 26,2 B11 35,0 ml/rev 52,5 50,8 48,9 1,0 12,8 27,0 B12 41,0 ml/rev 61,5 59,8 57,9 1,1 14,9 31,5 B14 45,0 ml/rev 67,5 65,8 63,9 1,2 16,3 34,5 B15 50,0 ml/rev 75,0 73,3 71,62) 1,3 18,1 35,72) * We do not recommand to use the size 003 in P2 at 275 bar & 1500 RPM as the internal leakage is over 50% of theoretical flow. 1) 2) 050 - 028 - 031 = 210 bar max. int. B15 = 280 bar max. int. Pressure port Series Vi Volumetric displacement 44,0 ml/rev 55,0 ml/rev 66,0 ml/rev 70,3 ml/rev 81,1 ml/rev 90,0 ml/rev 99,2 ml/rev 113,4 ml/rev 120,6 ml/rev 137,5 ml/rev 145,7 ml/rev 158,0 ml/rev 53 Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France Industrial Vane Pumps T7/T67/T6C Catalogue HY29-0001/UK T7DCB / T7DCBS - Technical data INTERNAL LEAKAGE (TYPICAL) Noise level (typical) - t7DCB - B38 - 022 - B10 22 80 P1 20 10 cSt Internal leakage qVs [l/min] P2 75 16 14 12 P1 10 70 P2 8 Pe = 0,9 bar abs n = 1000 RPM Série n = 1500 RPM 1 υu = 32 cSt Lw = Lp + 8 db (A) Lp. Noise level [db(A)] 1m ISO 4412 24 cSt 18 P3 6 65 4 P3 2 60 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 Pressure p [bar] Pressure p [bar] Do not operate pump more than 5 seconds at any speed or viscosity if internal leakage is higher than 50% of theoretical flow. Total leakage is the sum of each section loss under its respective operating conditions. Triple pump noise level is given with all stages discharging at the pressure value indicated on the curve. power loss hydromechanical (typical) permissible radial load n = 1000 RPM n = 1500 RPM [24 cSt] n = 2500 RPM P1 1800 P1 0 30 4 60 90 120 150 180 n = 1000 RPM n = 1500 RPM [24 cSt] n = 2500 RPM 3 2 P1 1600 210 1400 P2 1 240 Load F [N] Power loss Ps [kW] 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 P2 P2 0 0 3 40 80 120 160 200 n = 1000 RPM n = 1500 RPM [24 cSt] n = 2500 RPM 2 P2-P3 240 280 100 150 200 1000 800 200 600 P3 50 Fa Shaft keyed N°1 400 P3 0 0 keyed F 600 P3 1 1200 = Shaft = 250 300 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 Pressure p [bar] Speed n [RPM] Total hydromechanical power loss is the sum of each section loss under its respective operating conditions. Maximum permissible axial load Fa = 800 N 54 Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France 2400 Industrial Vane Pumps Catalogue HY29-0001/UK T7DCC / T7DCCS - Technical data T7/T67/T6C INTERNAL LEAKAGE (TYPICAL) Noise level (typical) - t7DCC - B31 - 022 - 022 22 80 24 cSt 10 cSt 18 Internal leakage qVs [l/min] P1 Lp. Noise level [db(A)] 1m ISO 4412 20 P2-P3 16 14 12 10 P1 8 P2-P3 6 4 2 Pe = 0,9 bar abs nSérie = 1000 RPM n1 = 1500 RPM u υ = 32 cSt Lw = Lp + 8 db (A) 75 70 65 60 0 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 0 280 40 80 120 160 200 240 Pressure p [bar] Pressure p [bar] Do not operate pump more than 5 seconds at any speed or viscosity if internal leakage is higher than 50% of theoretical flow. Total leakage is the sum of each section loss under its respective operating conditions. Triple pump noise level is given with all stages discharging at the pressure value indicated on the curve. power loss hydromechanical (typical) permissible radial load 6 n = 1000 RPM n = 1500 RPM [24 cSt] n = 2500 RPM 5 4 P1 3 1 1400 P1 30 3,5 3 2,5 2 1,5 1 0,5 0 60 90 120 150 n = 1000 RPM n = 1500 RPM [24 cSt] n = 2500 RPM 180 210 Load F [N] 0 0 240 P2-P3 P2-P3 40 80 120 160 200 240 = Shaft keyed F Fa Shaft keyed N°1 1200 1000 800 600 400 P2-P3 0 = 1600 P1 2 Power loss Ps [kW] 1800 280 200 600 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 Pressure p [bar] Speed n [RPM] Total hydromechanical power loss is the sum of each section loss under its respective operating conditions. Maximum permissible axial load Fa = 1200 N 55 2400 Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France Industrial Vane Pumps T7/T67/T6C Catalogue HY29-0001/UK T7DCC / T7DCCS - Ordering Code Model No. T7DCC or T7DCCS - B38 - 028 - 010 - 5 R 00 - A 1 - M0 - .. T7DCC series - 125-A2-HW ISO 2 bolts 3019-2 mounting flange Modifications P1 P2 P3 Mounting w/connection variables 4 bolts SAE flange J518 T7DCCS series - SAE C 2 bolts J744 mounting flange P1 = 1.1/4" - P2 = 1" - S = 4" Metric UNC thread thread T7DCC-P3 = 3/4" M1 T7DCCS-P3 = 3/4" M1 01 T7DCC-P3 = 1" M0 T7DCCS-P3 = 1" M0 00 Displacement for “P1” Volumetric displacement (ml/rev) B14 = 44,0 B31 = 99,2 B17 = 55,0 B35 = 113,4 B20 = 66,0 B38 = 120,6 B22 = 70,3 B42 = 137,5 B24 = 81,1 045 = 145,7 B28 = 90,0 050 = 158,0 Seal class 1 = S1 BUNA N - 0,7 bar max. (for mineral oil) 4 = S4 EPDM - 7 bar max. (for fire resistant fluids) 5 = S5 VITON® - 7 bar max. (for mineral oil and fire resistant fluids) Displacement for “P2” & P3 Volumetric displacement (ml/rev) 003 = 10,8 017 = 58,3 005 = 17,2 020 = 63,8 006 = 21,3 022 = 70,3 008 = 26.4 025 = 79,3 010 = 34,1 028 = 88,8 012 = 37,1 031 = 100,0 014 = 46,0 Design letter Porting combination (see pages 72 - 73) 00 = standard Direction of rotation (shaft end view) R = Clockwise L = Counter-clockwise Type of shaft T7DCCS 1 = keyed (non SAE) 2 = keyed (SAE CC) 3 = splined 12/24 (SAE C) 4 = splined 12/24 (SAE CC) Type of shaft T7DCC & T7DCCS 5 = keyed (ISO 3019/2 - G38M) operating characteristics - typical [24 cst] Flow qVe [l/min] & n = 1500 RPM Input power P [kW] & n = 1500 RPM p = 0 bar p = 140 bar p = 250 bar p = 7 bar p = 140 bar p = 250 bar B14 44,0 ml/rev 66,0 59,4 54,2 1,5 16,6 29,0 B17 55,0 ml/rev 82,5 75,9 70,7 1,7 20,4 35,8 B20 66,0 ml/rev 99,0 92,4 87,2 1,9 24,3 42,7 B22 70,3 ml/rev 105,5 98,8 93,7 2,0 25,8 45,4 B24 81,1 ml/rev 121,7 115,0 109,9 2,2 29,5 52,1 B28 90,0 ml/rev 135,0 128,4 123,2 2,3 32,7 57,7 P1 B31 99,2 ml/rev 148,8 142,2 137,0 2,5 35,9 63,5 B35 113,4 ml/rev 170,1 163,5 158,3 2,7 40,8 72,3 B38 120,6 ml/rev 180,9 174,3 169,1 2,9 43,4 76,8 B42 137,5 ml/rev 206,3 199,6 194,5 3,2 49,3 87,4 045 145,7 ml/rev 218,6 209,2 202,6 4,1 52,8 89,5 050 158,0 ml/rev 237,0 227,7 223,01) 4,4 57,1 85,01) p = 0 bar p = 140 bar p = 275 bar p = 7 bar p = 140 bar p = 275 bar 003 10,8 ml/rev 16,2 11,2 * 1,3 5,3 * 005 17,2 ml/rev 25,8 20,8 16,1 1,4 7,5 13,9 006 21,3 ml/rev 31,9 26,9 22,2 1,5 8,9 16,8 008 26,4 ml/rev 39,6 34,6 29,9 1,6 10,7 20,3 010 34,1 ml/rev 51,1 46,1 41,4 1,7 13,4 25,6 P2 012 37,1 ml/rev 55,6 50,6 45,9 1,7 14,4 27,6 & 014 46,0 ml/rev 69,0 64,0 59,3 1,9 17,6 33,7 017 58,3 ml/rev 87,4 82,4 77,7 2,1 21,9 42,2 P3 020 63,8 ml/rev 95,7 90,7 86,0 2,2 23,8 46,0 022 70,3 ml/rev 105,4 100,4 95,7 2,3 26,1 50,4 025 79,3 ml/rev 118,9 113,9 109,2 2,5 29,2 56,6 028 88,8 ml/rev 133,2 128,2 125,81) 2,8 32,7 48,51) 031 100,0 ml/rev 150,0 145,0 142,61) 2,8 36,5 54,41) * We do not recommand to use the size 003 in P2 and P3 at 275 bar & 1500 RPM as the internal leakage is over 50% of theoretical flow. 1) 050 - 028 - 031 = 210 bar max. int. Pressure port Series Vi Volumetric displacement 56 Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France Industrial Vane Pumps Catalogue HY29-0001/UK T7DDB / T7DDBS - Ordering Code Model No. T7/T67/T6C T7DDB or T7DDBS - 050 - B22 - B12 - 1 R 00 - A 1 - M0 - .. T7DDB series - 125-B4-HW ISO 4 bolts 3019-2 mounting flange Modifications P1 P2 P3 Mounting w/connection variables 4 bolts SAE flange J518 T7DDBS series - SAE C 6 bolts J744 mounting flange P1 & P2 = 1.1/4" - S = 4" Metric UNC thread thread T7DDB-P3 = 1" M0 T7DDB-P3 = 3/4" M1 T7DDBS-P3 = 1" M0 00 T7DDBS-P3 = 3/4" M1 01 Displacement for “P1” & "P2" Volumetric displacement (ml/rev) B14 = 44,0 B31 = 99,2 B17 = 55,0 B35 = 113,4 B20 = 66,0 B38 = 120,6 B22 = 70,3 B42 = 137,5 B24 = 81,1 045 = 145,7 B28 = 90,0 050 = 158,0 Seal class 1 = S1 BUNA N - 0,7 bar max. (for mineral oil) 4 = S4 EPDM - 7 bar max. (for fire resistant fluids) 5 = S5 VITON® - 7 bar max. (for mineral oil and fire resistant fluids) Displacement for “P3” Volumetric displacement (ml/rev) B02 = 5,8 B09 = 28,0 B03 = 9,8 B10 = 31,8 B04 = 12,8 B11 = 35,0 B05 = 15,9 B12 = 41,0 B06 = 19,8 B14 = 45,0 B07 = 22,5 B15 = 50,0 B08 = 24,9 Design letter Porting combination (see pages 72 - 73) 00 = standard Direction of rotation (shaft end view) R = Clockwise L = Counter-clockwise Type of shaft T7DDBS 1 = keyed (SAE C) 2 = keyed (SAE CC) 3 = splined 12/24 (SAE C) (14 teeth) 4 = splined 12/24 (SAE CC) (17 teeth) Type of shaft T7DBB & T7DBBS 5 = keyed (ISO 3019/2 - G38M) operating characteristics - typical [24 cst] Flow qVe [l/min] & n = 1500 RPM p = 0 bar p = 140 bar p = 250 bar B14 44,0 ml/rev 66,0 59,4 54,2 B17 55,0 ml/rev 82,5 75,9 70,7 B20 66,0 ml/rev 99,0 92,4 87,2 B22 70,3 ml/rev 105,5 98,8 93,7 P1 B24 81,1 ml/rev 121,7 115,0 109,9 B28 90,0 ml/rev 135,0 128,4 123,2 & B31 99,2 ml/rev 148,8 142,2 137,0 B35 113,4 ml/rev 170,1 163,5 158,3 P2 B38 120,6 ml/rev 180,9 174,3 169,1 B42 137,5 ml/rev 206,3 199,6 194,5 045 145,7 ml/rev 218,6 209,2 202,6 050 158,0 ml/rev 237,0 227,7 223,01) p = 0 bar p = 140 bar p = 300 bar B02 5,8 ml/rev 8,7 7,0 5,1 B03 9,8 ml/rev 14,7 13,0 11,1 B04 12,8 ml/rev 19,2 17,5 15,6 B05 15,9 ml/rev 23,9 22,2 20,2 B06 19,8 ml/rev 29,7 28,0 26,1 B07 22,5 ml/rev 33,7 32,0 30,2 P3 B08 24,9 ml/rev 37,4 35,7 33,7 B09 28,0 ml/rev 42,0 40,3 38,4 B10 31,8 ml/rev 47,7 46,0 44,1 B11 35,0 ml/rev 52,5 50,8 48,9 B12 41,0 ml/rev 61,5 59,8 57,9 B14 45,0 ml/rev 67,5 65,8 63,9 B15 50,0 ml/rev 75,0 73,3 71,62) 2) 050 = 210 bar max. int. B15 = 280 bar max.int. Pressure port 1) Series Vi Volumetric displacement 57 Input power P [kW] & n = 1500 RPM p = 7 bar p = 140 bar p = 250 bar 1,5 16,6 29,0 1,7 20,4 35,8 1,9 24,3 42,7 2,0 25,8 45,4 2,2 29,5 52,1 2,3 32,7 57,7 2,5 35,9 63,5 2,7 40,8 72,3 2,9 43,4 76,8 3,2 49,3 87,4 4,1 52,8 89,5 4,4 57,1 85,01) p = 7 bar p = 140 bar p = 300 bar 0,5 2,6 5,1 0,6 4,0 8,1 0,6 5,0 10,4 0,7 6,1 12,7 0,7 7,5 15,6 0,8 8,5 17,6 0,8 9,3 19,5 0,9 10,4 21,8 0,9 11,7 26,2 1,0 12,8 27,0 1,1 14,9 31,5 1,2 16,3 34,5 1,3 18,1 35,72) Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France Industrial Vane Pumps T7/T67/T6C Catalogue HY29-0001/UK T7DDB / T7DDBS - Technical data INTERNAL LEAKAGE (TYPICAL) 22 80 Lp. Noise level [db(A)] 1m ISO 4412 P1-P2 20 Internal leakage qVs [l/min] Noise level (typical) - t7DDB - B31 - B31 - B10 24 cSt 18 10 cSt 16 14 12 10 P1-P2 8 P3 6 4 P3 2 50 100 150 200 250 75 70 65 60 0 0 Pe = 0,9 bar abs nSérie = 1000 RPM n = 1500 RPM 1 υu = 32 cSt Lw = Lp + 8 db (A) 300 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 Pressure p [bar] Pressure p [bar] Do not operate pump more than 5 seconds at any speed or viscosity if internal leakage is higher than 50% of theoretical flow. Total leakage is the sum of each section loss under its respective operating conditions. Triple pump noise level is given with all stages discharging at the pressure value indicated on the curve. power loss hydromechanical (typical) permissible radial load 6 2000 n = 1000 RPM n = 1500 RPM [24 cSt] n = 2500 RPM 5 4 P1-P2 3 P1-P2 2 1 1600 P1-P2 0 0 3,5 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 n = 1000 RPM n = 1500 RPM [24 cSt] n = 2500 RPM 3 2,5 Load F [N] Power loss Ps [kW] 1800 240 P3 2 1,5 1 0 50 100 150 200 F Shaft F Fa keyed Fa Shaft keyed N°1 Shaft keyed N°1 1400 1200 1000 600 P3 0 = = = 800 P3 0,5 = 250 400 600 300 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 Pressure p [bar] Speed n [RPM] Total hydromechanical power loss is the sum of each section loss under its respective operating conditions. Maximum permissible axial load Fa = 1200 N 58 Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France 2400 50,0 KEY 10 x 8 41,0 MAXI 91,0 50,8 Ø d2 101,6 2,3 x 45° KEY 9,52 9,47 SHAFT CODE 2 P3 Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France T7DDB T7DDBS Series P2 PRESSURE Ø 31,8 206,5 148,5 19,0 P1 SUCTION Ø 101,6 S 77,8 SHAFT CODE 3 2,3 x 45° Ø 64,3 ØS SAE C INVOLUTE SPLINE DATA CLASS 1-FLAT ROOT SID E FIT J498b - PITCH 12/24 14 TEETH - 30° PRESSURE ANGLE 38,0 56,0 7,9 6,4 MAXI Keyed SAE C Alternate connect. variables 00 & M0 01 & M1 A 52,4 47,6 B 26,2 22,2 C 25,4 19,0 PRESSURE Ø 31,8 P1 30,2 KEY 7,94 7,89 SHAFT CODE 1 e x 45° 2,3 x 45° 49,3 6,4 MAXI W 7,9 84,0 M10 x 20 DEEP 38,1 7/16-14UNC x 22,3 DEEP M12 x 22,3 DEEP-METRIC VERSION MOUNTING TORQUE : 190 Nm C.G. S 114,9 Alternate mounting flange Dia S e x 45° W K1 Dia d1 K2 Dia d2 Max. Min. 125,000 124,937 2,0 9,5 180,0 18,0 113,14 14,0 127,000 126,950 1,5 12,7 181,0 17,5 114,50 14,3 PRESSURE Ø C P2 7/16-14UNC x 24 DEEP M12 x 24 DEEP-METRIC VERSION B 30,2 P3 125,0 5/8-11UNC x 30 DEEP M16 x 30 DEEP-METRIC VERSION MOUNTING TORQUE : 190 Nm MOUNTING TORQUE : 80 Nm 74,7 3/8-16UNC x 19 DEEP M10 x 19 DEEP-METRIC VERSION Keyed SAE CC 7,9 213,0 K1 K2 Shaft torque limits [ml/rev. x bar] Shaft Vi x p max. P1 + P2 + P3 Shaft Vi x p max. P1 + P2 + P3 1 43240 4 66500 2 72306 5 53100 3 61200 Keyed ISO R775 -G38M SHAFT CODE 5 10,0 68,0 SAE CC INVOLUTE SPLINE DATA CLASS 1-FLAT ROOT SIDE FIT J498b - PITCH 12/24 17 TEETH - 30° PRESSURE ANGLE SHAFT CODE 4 2,3 x 45° M10 x 20 DEEP Ø d1 M10 x 20 DEEP 38,018 Ø 38,002 K2 31,5 42,36 MAXI 62,0 182,2 7,9 58,7 91,2 A 120,0 130,2 101,6 58,7 59 38,10 Ø 38,05 31,75 Ø 31,70 35,27 MAXI 455,0 Catalogue HY29-0001/UK Industrial Vane Pumps T7DDB/DDBS - Dimensions - Weight : 66 kg T7/T67/T6C SHAFT CODE 4 Ø 17,5 59,6 2,3 x 45° KEY 7.94 7.89 P3 P2 114,5 7/16-14UNC x 24 DEEP M12 x 24 DEEP-METRIC VERSION P2 PRESSURE Ø 31,8 Alternate connect. variables 00 & M0 01 & M1 A 52,4 47,6 B 26,2 22,2 C 25,4 19,0 PRESSURE Ø C P3 30,2 S 206,5 148,5 101,6 P1 SU CTION Ø 101,6 S 77,8 PRESSURE Ø 31,8 P1 30,2 19,0 38,1 7/16-14UNC x 22,3 DEEP M12 x 22,3 DEEP-METRIC VERSION MOUNTING TORQUE : 190 Nm C.G. 115,0 455,0 125,0 5/8-11UNC x 30 DEEP M16 x 30 DEEP-METRIC VERSION MOUNTING TORQUE : 190 Nm MOUNTING TORQUE : 80 Nm 74,7 3/8-16UNC x 19 DEEP M10 x 19 DEEP-METRIC VERSION B 2,3 x 45° KEY 9,52 9,47 ( KEYED SAE CC ) 50,8 SHAFT CODE 2 7,9 91,0 213,0 181,0 114,5 Shaft torque limits [ml/rev. x bar] Shaft Vi x p max. P1 + P2 + P3 Shaft Vi x p max. P1 + P2 + P3 1 43240 4 66500 2 72306 5 55600 3 61200 (KEYED NO SAE) SHAFT CODE 5 7,9 M10 x 20 DEEP 34,90 Ø 34,85 38,42 MAXI 84,0 SAE CC INVOLUTE SPLINE DATA CLASS 1-FLAT ROOT SIDE FIT J498b - PITCH 12/24 17 TEETH - 30° PRESSURE ANGLE 38,10 2,3 x 45° M10 x 20 DEEP 101,6 91,2 31,5 58,7 14 ,3 130,2 84,0 56,0 7,9 6,4 MAXI SHAFT CODE 3 2,3 x 45° ( KEYED SAE C ) Ø 64,3 127,00 SAE C INVOLUTE SPLINE DATA CLASS 1-FLAT ROOT SIDE FIT J498b - PITCH 12/24 14 TEETH - 30° PRESSURE ANGLE 37,7 KEY 7,94 7,89 35,27 MAXI SHAFT CODE 1 1,3 x 45° 2,3 x 45° 49,3 6,4 MAXI 12,7 7,9 Ø 31,70 31,75 62,0 Ø 38,05 120,0 58,7 M10 x 20 DEEP 7,9 42,36 MAXI 60 182,2 Catalogue HY29-0001/UK A T67DDCS - Dimensions - Weight : 66 kg Industrial Vane Pumps T7/T67/T6C Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France Ø 126,95 Industrial Vane Pumps Catalogue HY29-0001/UK T67DDCS - Ordering Code Model No. T7/T67/T6C T67DDCS - 050 - B35 - B08 - 1 R 00 - A 1 - M0 - .. Series - SAE C 6 bolts J744 mounting flange P1 P2 Modifications P3 Mounting w/connection variables 4 bolts SAE flange J518 Displacement for “P1” & "P2" Volumetric displacement (ml/rev) B14 = 44,0 B31 = 99,2 B17 = 55,0 B35 = 113,4 B20 = 66,0 B38 = 120,6 B22 = 70,3 B42 = 137,5 B24 = 81,1 045 = 145,7 B28 = 90,0 050 = 158,0 P3 Code P1 & P2 = 1.1/4" - S = 4" Metric thread UNC thread 1" 3/4" 1" 3/4" M0 M1 00 01 Seal class 1 = S1 BUNA N - 0,7 bar max. (for mineral oil) 4 = S4 EPDM - 7 bar max. (for fire resistant fluids) 5 = S5 VITON® - 7 bar max. (for mineral oil and fire resistant fluids) Displacement for “P3” Volumetric displacement (ml/rev) 003 = 10,8 017 = 58,3 005 = 17,2 020 = 63,8 006 = 21,3 022 = 70,3 008 = 26,4 025 = 79,3 010 = 34,1 028 = 88,8 012 = 37,1 031 = 100,0 014 = 46,0 Design letter Porting combination (see pages 72 - 73) 00 = standard Direction of rotation (shaft end view) R = Clockwise L = Counter-clockwise Type of shaft 1 = keyed (SAE C) 2 = keyed (SAE CC) 3 = splined 12/24 (SAE C) (14 teeth) 4 = splined 12/24 (SAE CC) (17 teeth) 5 = keyed (non SAE) operating characteristics - typical [24 cst] Flow qVe [l/min] & n = 1500 RPM Input power P [kW] & n = 1500 RPM p = 0 bar p = 140 bar p = 250 bar p = 7 bar p = 140 bar p = 250 bar B14 44,0 ml/rev 66,0 59,4 54,2 1,5 16,6 29,0 B17 55,0 ml/rev 82,5 75,9 70,7 1,7 20,4 35,8 B20 66,0 ml/rev 99,0 92,4 87,2 1,9 24,3 42,7 B22 70,3 ml/rev 105,5 98,8 93,7 2,0 25,8 45,4 P1 B24 81,1 ml/rev 121,7 115,0 109,9 2,2 29,5 52,1 B28 90,0 ml/rev 135,0 128,4 123,2 2,3 32,7 57,7 & B31 99,2 ml/rev 148,8 142,2 137,0 2,5 35,9 63,5 B35 113,4 ml/rev 170,1 163,5 158,3 2,7 40,8 72,3 P2 B38 120,6 ml/rev 180,9 174,3 169,1 2,9 43,4 76,8 B42 137,5 ml/rev 206,3 199,6 194,5 3,2 49,3 87,4 045 145,7 ml/rev 218,6 209,2 202,6 4,1 52,8 89,5 050 158,0 ml/rev 237,0 227,7 223,01) 4,4 57,1 85,01) p = 0 bar p = 140 bar p = 275 bar p = 7 bar p = 140 bar p = 275 bar 003 10,8 ml/rev 16,2 11,2 * 1,3 5,3 * 005 17,2 ml/rev 25,8 20,8 16,1 1,4 7,5 13,9 006 21,3 ml/rev 31,9 26,9 22,2 1,5 8,9 16,8 008 26,4 ml/rev 39,6 34,6 29,9 1,6 10,7 20,3 010 34,1 ml/rev 51,1 46,1 41,4 1,7 13,4 25,6 012 37,1 ml/rev 55,6 50,6 45,9 1,7 14,4 27,6 P3 014 46,0 ml/rev 69,0 64,0 59,3 1,9 17,6 33,7 017 58,3 ml/rev 87,4 82,4 77,7 2,1 21,9 42,2 020 63,8 ml/rev 95,7 90,7 86,0 2,2 23,8 46,0 022 70,3 ml/rev 105,4 100,4 95,7 2,3 26,1 50,4 025 79,3 ml/rev 118,9 113,9 109,2 2,5 29,2 56,6 028 88,8 ml/rev 133,2 128,2 125,81) 2,8 32,7 48,51) 031 100,0 ml/rev 150,0 145,0 142,61) 2,8 36,5 54,41) * We do not recommand to use the size 003 in P3 at 275 bar & 1500 RPM as the internal leakage is over 50% of theoretical flow. 1) 050 - 028 - 031 = 210 Pressure port Series Vi Volumetric displacement 61 Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France Industrial Vane Pumps T7/T67/T6C Catalogue HY29-0001/UK T67DDCS - Technical data INTERNAL LEAKAGE (TYPICAL) 22 Noise level (typical) - t67DDCS - B31 - B31 - 022 80 24 cSt P1-P2 10 cSt Lp. Noise level [db(A)] 1m ISO 4412 20 Internal leakage qVs [l/min] 18 P3 16 14 12 10 P1-P2 8 P3 6 4 2 0 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 Pe = 0,9 bar abs nSérie = 1000 RPM n = 1500 RPM 1 υu = 32 cSt Lw = Lp + 8 db (A) 75 70 65 60 280 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 Pressure p [bar] Pressure p [bar] Do not operate pump more than 5 seconds at any speed or viscosity if internal leakage is higher than 50% of theoretical flow. Total leakage is the sum of each section loss under its respective operating conditions. Triple pump noise level is given with all stages discharging at the pressure value indicated on the curve. power loss hydromechanical (typical) permissible radial load 6 n = 1000 RPM n = 1500 RPM [24 cSt] n = 2500 RPM 5 4 2000 P1-P2 1800 3 P1-P2 1 1600 P1-P2 0 0 30 60 4 90 120 150 180 210 n = 1000 RPM n = 1500 RPM [24 cSt] n = 2500 RPM 3 Load F [N] Power loss Ps [kW] 2 240 P3 2 1400 = = Shaft keyed F Fa Shaft keyed N°1 1200 1000 800 P3 P3 1 600 400 600 0 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 Pressure p [bar] Speed n [RPM] Total hydromechanical power loss is the sum of each section loss under its respective operating conditions. Maximum permissible axial load Fa = 1200 N 62 Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France 2400 Industrial Vane Pumps Catalogue HY29-0001/UK T7EDB / T7EDBS - Technical data T7/T67/T6C INTERNAL LEAKAGE (TYPICAL) Noise level (typical) - t7EDB - 062 - B35 - B04 85 30 24 cSt Internal leakage qVs [l/min] P1 10 cSt 27 Lp. Noise level [db(A)] 1m ISO 4412 33 24 21 P2 18 P1 15 12 P2 9 P3 6 P3 3 Pe = 0,9 bar abs n = 1000 RPM Série n = 1500 RPM 1 υu = 32 cSt Lw = Lp + 8 db (A) 80 75 70 65 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 Pressure p [bar] Pressure p [bar] Do not operate pump more than 5 seconds at any speed or viscosity if internal leakage is higher than 50% of theoretical flow. Total leakage is the sum of each section loss under its respective operating conditions. Triple pump noise level is given with all stages discharging at the pressure value indicated on the curve. power loss hydromechanical (typical) permissible radial load n = 1000 RPM n = 1500 RPM [24 cSt] n = 2200 RPM 1800 P1 = P1 1600 P1 0 30 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 60 90 120 150 n = 1000 RPM n = 1500 RPM [24 cSt] n = 2200 RPM 180 210 1400 240 Load F [N] Power loss Ps [kW] 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 P2 P2 P2 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 = Shaft F keye Fa Shaft keyed N°1 1200 1000 800 240 600 3 n = 1000 RPM n = 1500 RPM [24 cSt] n = 2200 RPM 2 1 P3 400 P3 P3 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 200 600 300 1000 1400 1800 Pressure p [bar] Speed n [RPM] Total hydromechanical power loss is the sum of each section loss under its respective operating conditions. Maximum permissible axial load Fa = 2000 N 63 Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France 2200 Industrial Vane Pumps T7/T67/T6C Catalogue HY29-0001/UK T7EDB / T7EDBS - Ordering Code Model No. T7EDB or T7EDBS - 062 - B35 - B10 - 1 R 00 - A 1 - 01 - .. T7EDB series - 250-B4-HW ISO 4 bolts 3019-2 mounting flange T7EDBS series - SAE E 4 bolts J744 mounting flange Modifications P1 P2 P3 Mounting w/connection variables 4 bolts SAE flange J518 P1 = 1.1/2" - P2 = 1.1/4" - S = 4" Metric thread UNC thread T7EDB-P3 = 1" M0 T7EDB-P3 = 3/4" M1 T7EDBS-P3 = 1" M0 00 T7EDBS-P3 = 3/4" M1 01 Displacement for “P1” Volumetric displacement (ml/rev) 042 = 132,3 054 = 171,0 066 = 213,3 045 = 142,4 057 = 183,3 072 = 227,1 050 = 158,5 062 = 196,7 085 = 268,7 052 = 164,8 Seal class 1 = S1 BUNA N - 0,7 bar max. (for mineral oil) 4 = S4 EPDM - 7 bar max. (for fire resistant fluids) 5 = S5 VITON® - 7 bar max. (for mineral oil and fire resistant fluids) Design letter Displacement for “P2” Volumetric displacement (ml/rev) B14 = 44,0 B24 = 81,1 B38 = 120,6 B17 = 55,0 B28 = 90,0 B42 = 137,5 B20 = 66,0 B31 = 99,2 045 = 145,7 B22 = 70,3 B35 = 113,4 050 = 158,0 Displacement for “P3” Volumetric displacement (ml/rev) B02 = 5,8 B07 = 22,5 B11 = 35,0 B03 = 9,8 B08 = 24,9 B12 = 41,0 B04 = 12,8 B09 = 28,0 B14 = 45,0 B05 = 15,9 B10 = 31,8 B15 = 50,0 B06 = 19,8 Porting combination (see pages 72 - 73) 00 = standard Direction of rotation (shaft end view) R = Clockwise L = Counter-clockwise Type of shaft T7EDB 1 = keyed (ISO 3019/2 - G45N) Type of shaft T7EDBS 2 = keyed (SAE D & E) 3 = splined 8/16 (SAE D & E) (13 teeth) operating characteristics - typical [24 cst] Flow qVe [l/min] & n = 1500 RPM p = 0 bar p = 140 bar p = 240 bar 042 198,5 188,5 181,3 045 213,6 203,6 196,5 050 237,7 227,7 220,6 052 247,2 237,2 230,1 054 256,5 246,5 239,4 P1 057 275,0 265,0 257,9 062 295,0 285,0 277,9 066 319,9 309,0 302,8 072 340,6 330,6 323,5 085 403,0 392,01) p = 0 bar p = 140 bar p = 250 bar B14 44,0 ml/rev 66,0 59,4 54,2 B17 55,0 ml/rev 82,5 75,9 70,7 B20 66,0 ml/rev 99,0 92,4 87,2 B22 70,3 ml/rev 105,5 98,8 93,7 B24 81,1 ml/rev 121,7 115,0 109,9 B28 90,0 ml/rev 135,0 128,4 123,2 P2 B31 99,2 ml/rev 148,8 142,2 137,0 B35 113,4 ml/rev 170,1 163,5 158,3 B38 120,6 ml/rev 180,9 174,3 169,1 B42 137,5 ml/rev 206,3 199,6 194,5 045 145,7 ml/rev 218,6 209,2 202,6 050 158,0 ml/rev 237,0 227,7 223,02) p = 0 bar p = 140 bar p = 300 bar B02 5,8 ml/rev 8,7 7,0 5,1 B03 9,8 ml/rev 14,7 13,0 11,1 B04 12,8 ml/rev 19,2 17,5 15,6 B05 15,9 ml/rev 23,9 22,2 20,2 B06 19,8 ml/rev 29,7 28,0 26,1 B07 22,5 ml/rev 33,7 32,0 30,2 P3 B08 24,9 ml/rev 37,4 35,7 33,7 B09 28,0 ml/rev 42,0 40,3 38,4 B10 31,8 ml/rev 47,7 46,0 44,1 B11 35,0 ml/rev 52,5 50,8 48,9 B12 41,0 ml/rev 61,5 59,8 57,9 B14 45,0 ml/rev 67,5 65,8 63,9 B15 50,0 ml/rev 75,0 73,3 71,63) 2) 3) 085 = 90 bar max. int. 050 = 210 bar max.int. B15 = 280 bar max.int. Pressure port 1) Series Vi Volumetric displacement 132,3 ml/rev 142,4 ml/rev 158,5 ml/rev 164,8 ml/rev 171,0 ml/rev 183,3 ml/rev 196,7 ml/rev 213,3 ml/rev 227,1 ml/rev 268,7 ml/rev 64 Input power P [kW] & n = 1500 RPM p = 7 bar p = 140 bar p = 240 bar 5,2 49,4 82,6 5,4 52,9 88,7 5,7 58,5 98,3 5,8 60,8 102,1 5,9 63,0 105,8 6,1 67,3 113,2 6,4 71,9 121,3 6,7 77,7 131,2 6,9 82,6 139,5 9,1 65,81) p = 7 bar p = 140 bar p = 250 bar 1,5 16,6 29,0 1,7 20,4 35,8 1,9 24,3 42,7 2,0 25,8 45,4 2,2 29,5 52,1 2,3 32,7 57,7 2,5 35,9 63,5 2,7 40,8 72,3 2,9 43,4 76,8 3,2 49,3 87,4 4,1 52,8 89,5 4,4 57,1 85,02) p = 7 bar p = 140 bar p = 300 bar 0,5 2,6 5,1 0,6 4,0 8,1 0,6 5,0 10,4 0,7 6,1 12,7 0,7 7,5 15,6 0,8 8,5 17,6 0,8 9,3 19,5 0,9 10,4 21,8 0,9 11,7 26,2 1,0 12,8 27,0 1,1 14,9 31,5 1,2 16,3 34,5 1,3 18,1 35,73) Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France 48,8 106,0 273,0 Shaft torque limits [ml/rev. x bar] Shaft Vi x p max. P1 + P2 + P3 1 114600 2 118340 3 126800 Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France Series P3 P2 148,4 Alternate mounting flange Dia S e x 45° W K Dia Z Max. Min. 250,000 249,928 2,0 9,0 315 165,100 165,050 2,0 9,0 224,5 - 22,0 20,6 Dia d 120,0 C.G. S 171,3 133,3 Ø 38,1 P1 35,7 100,7 Alternate connect. variables 00 & M0 01 & M1 A 52,4 47,6 B 26,2 22,2 C 25,4 19,0 Ø 101,6 S 77,8 42,9 8,2 6,4 10,0 w 22,0 P1 139,7 1/2 - 13 UNC x 30 DEEP- 4 HOLES (M12 x 30 DEEP- METRIC VERSION) 115,0 MOUNTING TORQUE : 300 Nm Ø 31,8 P2 30,2 5/8 - 11 UNC x 30 DEEP- 4 HOLES (M16 x 30 DEEP- METRIC VERSION) 468,0 1/2 13UNC-20 DEEP (M12 x 20 DEEP-METRIC VERSION) MOUNTING TORQUE : 190 Nm ØC MOUNTING TORQUE : 54 Nm P3 B 7/16 - 14 UNC x 24 DEEP- 4 HOLES (M12 x 24 DEEP-METRIC VERSION) 3/8 - 16 UNC x 19 DEEP- 4 HOLES (M10 x 19 DEEP- METRIC VERSION) T7EDB T7EDBS SAE D & E INVOLUTE SPLINE DATA CLASS 1-FLAT ROOT SIDE FIT J498b - PITCH 8/16 13 TEETH - 30° PRESSURE ANGLE SHAFT CODE 3 3,0 x 45° 8,0 75,0 110,0 273,0 45° ØZ 101,6 58,7 74,7 A 120,0 130,2 Ød 69,8 K 208,9 w KEY 11,11 11,06 T7EDBS 44,45 Ø 44, 40 SHAFT CODE 1 ( KEYED G45N - ISO 3019-2) 3,0 x 45° KEY 14 x 9 T7EDB ( KEYED SAE D & E ) 1/2-13 UNC x 24 DEEP 49,30 MAX SHAFT CODE 2 63,0 e x 45° 92,0 e x 45° 2,3 x 45° 63,5 100,0 ØS ØS K/2 M12 x 24 DEEP 65 45,000 Ø 44, 975 Catalogue HY29-0001/UK 48,5 MAX T7EDB/EDBS Dimensions - Weight : 102 kg T7/T67/T6C Industrial Vane Pumps 273,0 48,8 SHAFT CODE 3 SAE D & E INVOLUTE SPLINE DATA CLASS 1-FLAT ROOT SIDE FIT J498b - PITCH 8/16 13 TEETH - 30° PRESSURE ANGLE 3,0 x 45° 8,0 Shaft torque limits [ml/rev. x bar] Shaft Vi x p max. P1 + P2 + P3 1 114600 2 118340 3 126800 106,0 3/8 - 16 UNC x 19 DEEP- 4 HOLES (M10 x 19 DEEP- METRIC VERSION) Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France T67EDC T67EDCS B P3 P2 148,4 Alternate mounting flange Dia S e x 45° W K Dia Z Max. Min. 250,000 249,928 2,0 9,0 315 165,100 165,050 2,0 9,0 224,5 - 22,0 20,6 Dia d 120,0 C.G. S 171,3 133,3 Ø 38,1 P1 35,7 100,7 Alternate connect. variables 00 01 A 52,4 47,6 B 26,2 22,2 C 25,4 19,0 Ø 101,6 S 77,8 42,9 8,2 6,4 10,0 w 22,0 P1 139,7 1/2 - 13 UNC x 30 DEEP- 4 HOLES (M12 x 30 DEEP- METRIC VERSION) 115,0 MOUNTING TORQUE : 300 Nm Ø 31,8 P2 30,2 5/8 - 11 UNC x 30 DEEP- 4 HOLES (M16 x 30 DEEP- METRIC VERSION) 468,0 1/2 13UNC-20 DEEP (M12 x 20 DEEP-METRIC VERSION) MOUNTING TORQUE 1: 90 Nm ØC MOUNTING TORQUE : 54 Nm Series P3 7/16 - 14 UNC x 24 DEEP- 4 HOLES (M12 x 24 DEEP-METRIC VERSION) ØZ 120,0 101,6 58,7 75,0 110,0 273,0 45° Ød 130,2 K 69,8 w KEY 11,11 11,06 T67EDCS SHAFT CODE 1 ( KEYED G45N - ISO 3019-2) 3,0 x 45° KEY 14 x 9 T67EDC ( KEYED SAE D & E ) 1/2-13 UNC x 24 DEEP 44,45 Ø 44, 40 SHAFT CODE 2 63,0 e x 45° 92,0 e x 45° 2,3 x 45° 63,5 100,0 49,30 MAX 48,5 MAX K/2 208,9 ØS ØS 74,7 A 66 M12 x 24 DEEP Catalogue HY29-0001/UK 45,000 Ø 44, 975 T67EDC/EDCS - Dimensions - Weight : 102 kg Industrial Vane Pumps T7/T67/T6C Industrial Vane Pumps Catalogue HY29-0001/UK T67EDC / T67EDCS - Ordering Code Model No. T7/T67/T6C T67EDC or T67EDCS - 062 - B35 - 010 - 1 R 00 - A 1 - M1 - .. T67EDC series - 250-B4-HW ISO 4 bolts 3019-2 mounting flange T67EDCS series - SAE E 4 bolts J744 mounting flange Modifications P1 P2 Mounting w/connection variables 4 bolts SAE flange J518 P3 P1 = 1.1/2" - P2 = 1.1/4" - S = 4" Metric thread UNC thread T67EDC-P3 = 1" M0 T67EDC-P3 = 3/4" M1 T67EDCS-P3 = 1" M0 00 T67EDCS-P3 = 3/4" M1 01 Displacement for “P1” Volumetric displacement (ml/rev) 042 = 132,3 054 = 171,0 066 = 213,3 045 = 142,4 057 = 183,3 072 = 227,1 050 = 158,5 062 = 196,7 085 = 268,7 052 = 164,8 Seal class 1 = S1 BUNA N - 0,7 bar max. (for mineral oil) 4 = S4 EPDM - 7 bar max. (for fire resistant fluids) 5 = S5 VITON® - 7 bar max. (for mineral oil and fire resistant fluids) Displacement for “P2” Volumetric displacement (ml/rev) B14 = 44,0 B24 = 81,1 B38 = 120,6 B17 = 55,0 B28 = 90,0 B42 = 137,5 B20 = 66,0 B31 = 99,2 045 = 145,7 B22 = 70,3 B35 = 113,4 050 = 158,0 Displacement for “P3” Volumetric displacement (ml/rev) 003 = 10,8 012 = 37,1 022 = 70,3 005 = 17,2 014 = 46,0 025 = 79,3 006 = 21,3 017 = 58,3 028 = 88,8 008 = 26.4 020 = 63,8 031 = 100,0 010 = 34,1 operating characteristics - typical [24 cst] Design letter Porting combination (see pages 72 - 73) 00 = standard Direction of rotation (shaft end view) R = Clockwise L = Counter-clockwise Type of shaft T67EDCS Type of shaft T67EDC 1 = keyed (ISO 3019/2 - G45N) 2 = keyed (SAE D & E) 3 = splined 8/16 (SAE D & E) (13 teeth) Flow qVe [l/min] & n = 1500 RPM Input power P [kW] & n = 1500 RPM p = 0 bar p = 140 bar p = 240 bar p = 7 bar p = 140 bar p = 240 bar 042 198,5 188,5 181,3 5,2 49,4 82,6 045 213,6 203,6 196,5 5,4 52,9 88,7 050 237,7 227,7 220,6 5,7 58,5 98,3 052 247,2 237,2 230,1 5,8 60,8 102,1 054 256,5 246,5 239,4 5,9 63,0 105,8 P1 057 275,0 265,0 257,9 6,1 67,3 113,2 062 295,0 285,0 277,9 6,4 71,9 121,3 066 319,9 309,0 302,8 6,7 77,7 131,2 072 340,6 330,6 323,5 6,9 82,6 139,5 085 403,0 392,02) 9,1 65,82) p = 0 bar p = 140 bar p = 250 bar p = 7 bar p = 140 bar p = 250 bar B14 44,0 ml/rev 66,0 59,4 54,2 1,5 16,6 29,0 B17 55,0 ml/rev 82,5 75,9 70,7 1,7 20,4 35,8 B20 66,0 ml/rev 99,0 92,4 87,2 1,9 24,3 42,7 B22 70,3 ml/rev 105,5 98,8 93,7 2,0 25,8 45,4 B24 81,1 ml/rev 121,7 115,0 109,9 2,2 29,5 52,1 B28 90,0 ml/rev 135,0 128,4 123,2 2,3 32,7 57,7 P2 B31 99,2 ml/rev 148,8 142,2 137,0 2,5 35,9 63,5 B35 113,4 ml/rev 170,1 163,5 158,3 2,7 40,8 72,3 B38 120,6 ml/rev 180,9 174,3 169,1 2,9 43,4 76,8 B42 137,5 ml/rev 206,3 199,6 194,5 3,2 49,3 87,4 045 145,7 ml/rev 218,6 209,2 202,6 4,1 52,8 89,5 050 158,0 ml/rev 237,0 227,7 223,01) 4,4 57,1 85,01) p = 0 bar p = 140 bar p = 275 bar p = 7 bar p = 140 bar p = 275 bar 003 10,8 ml/rev 16,2 11,2 * 1,3 5,3 * 005 17,2 ml/rev 25,8 20,8 16,1 1,4 7,5 13,9 006 21,3 ml/rev 31,9 26,9 22,2 1,5 8,9 16,8 008 26,4 ml/rev 39,6 34,6 29,9 1,6 10,7 20,3 010 34,1 ml/rev 51,1 46,1 41,4 1,7 13,4 25,6 012 37,1 ml/rev 55,6 50,6 45,9 1,7 14,4 27,6 P3 014 46,0 ml/rev 69,0 64,0 59,3 1,9 17,6 33,7 017 58,3 ml/rev 87,4 82,4 77,7 2,1 21,9 42,2 020 63,8 ml/rev 95,7 90,7 86,0 2,2 23,8 46,0 022 70,3 ml/rev 105,4 100,4 95,7 2,3 26,1 50,4 025 79,3 ml/rev 118,9 113,9 109,2 2,5 29,2 56,6 028 88,8 ml/rev 133,2 128,2 125,81) 2,8 32,7 48,51) 031 100,0 ml/rev 150,0 145,0 142,61) 2,8 36,5 54,41) * We do not recommand to use the size 003 in P3 at 275 bar & 1500 RPM as the internal leakage is over 50% of theoretical flow. 1) 2) 050 - 028 - 031 = 210 bar max.int. 085 = 90 bar max.int. Pressure port Series Vi Volumetric displacement 132,3 ml/rev 142,4 ml/rev 158,5 ml/rev 164,8 ml/rev 171,0 ml/rev 183,3 ml/rev 196,7 ml/rev 213,3 ml/rev 227,1 ml/rev 268,7 ml/rev 67 Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France Industrial Vane Pumps T7/T67/T6C Catalogue HY29-0001/UK T67EDC / T67EDCS - Technical data INTERNAL LEAKAGE (TYPICAL) Noise level (typical) - t67EDCS - 062 - B35 - 022 85 33 30 10 cSt Internal leakage qVs [l/min] Lp. Noise level [db(A)] 1m ISO 4412 24 cSt 27 P1 24 21 P3 P2 18 15 P1 12 P2 9 P3 6 3 0 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 Pe = 0,9 bar abs nSérie = 1000 RPM n1 = 1500 RPM u = 32 cSt υ Lw = Lp + 8 db (A) 80 75 70 65 280 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 Pressure p [bar] Do not operate pump more than 5 seconds at any speed or viscosity if internal leakage is higher than 50% of theoretical flow. Total leakage is the sum of each section loss under its respective operating conditions. Triple pump noise level is given with all stages discharging at the pressure value indicated on the curve. power loss hydromechanical (typical) permissible radial load 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 n = 1000 RPM n = 1500 RPM [24 cSt] n = 2200 RPM 1800 P1 P1 P1 0 30 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 60 90 120 n = 1000 RPM n = 1500 RPM [24 cSt] n = 2200 RPM 150 180 1400 210 240 P2 P2 P2 0 4 30 60 90 120 150 n = 1000 RPM n = 1500 RPM [24 cSt] n = 2200 RPM 3 2 180 210 240 P3 80 120 160 200 Fa Shaft keyed N°1 1200 1000 800 400 P3 200 600 0 40 keye F 600 P3 1 0 =Shaft = 1600 Load F [N] Power loss Ps [kW] Pressure p [bar] 240 280 1000 1400 1800 Pressure p [bar] Speed n [RPM] Total hydromechanical power loss is the sum of each section loss under its respective operating conditions. Maximum permissible axial load Fa = 2000 N 68 Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France 2200 Industrial Vane Pumps Catalogue HY29-0001/UK T7EEC / T7EECS - Technical data T7/T67/T6C INTERNAL LEAKAGE (TYPICAL) Noise level (typical) - t7EECS - 052 - 052 - 025 35 24 cSt 10 cSt Internal leakage qVs [l/min] 30 Lp. Noise level [db(A)] 1m ISO 4412 85 P1-P2 25 20 P3 15 P1-P2 10 P3 5 0 Pe = 0,9 bar abs n Série = 1000 RPM n = 1500 RPM 1 uu Série = 32 cSt Lw = Lp + 8 db (A) 80 75 70 65 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 0 280 40 80 120 160 200 240 Pressure p [bar] Pressure p [bar] Do not operate pump more than 5 seconds at any speed or viscosity if internal leakage is higher than 50% of theoretical flow. Total leakage is the sum of each section loss under its respective operating conditions. Triple pump noise level is given with all stages discharging at the pressure value indicated on the curve. power loss hydromechanical (typical) permissible radial load 7 2000 n = 1000 RPM n = 1500 RPM [24 cSt] n = 2200 RPM 6 5 P1-P2 4 2 1600 P1-P2 1 0 0 30 60 4 90 120 150 180 210 Load F [N] Power loss Ps [kW] 1800 P1-P2 3 240 n = 1000 RPM n = 1500 RPM [24 cSt] n = 2200 RPM 3 P3 2 = = Shaft F keyed Fa Shaft keyed N°1 1400 1200 1000 800 P3 P3 1 600 0 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 400 600 1000 1400 1800 Pressure p [bar] Speed n [RPM] Total hydromechanical power loss is the sum of each section loss under its respective operating conditions. Maximum permissible axial load Fa = 2000 N 69 Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France 2200 Industrial Vane Pumps T7/T67/T6C Catalogue HY29-0001/UK T7EEC / T7EECS - Ordering Code Model No. T7EEC or T7EECS - 062 - 062 - 017 - 2 R 00 - A 1 - M0 - .. T7EEC series - 250-B4-HW ISO 4 bolts 3019-2 mounting flange Modifications P1 P2 Mounting w/connection variables 4 bolts SAE flange J518 P1 = 1.1/2" - P2 = 1.1/2" - P3 = 3/4" & 1" - S = 4" Metric UNC T7EEC - 3/4" M1 T7EECS - 3/4" M1 01 T7EEC - 1" M0 T7EECS - 1" M0 00 P3 T7EECS series - SAE E 4 bolts J744 mounting flange Displacement for “P1” & "P2" Volumetric displacement (ml/rev) 042 = 132,3 057 = 183,3 045 = 142,4 062 = 196,7 050 = 158,5 066 = 213,3 052 = 164,8 072 = 227,1 054 = 171,0 085 = 268,7 Seal class 1 = S1 BUNA N - 0,7 bar max. (for mineral oil) Design letter Displacement for "P3" Volumetric displacement (ml/rev.) 003 = 10,8 017 = 58,3 005 = 17,2 020 = 63,8 006 = 21,3 022 = 70,3 008 = 26,4 025 = 79,3 010 = 34,1 028 = 88,8 012 = 37,1 031 = 100,0 014 = 46,0 Porting combination (see pages 72 - 73) 00 = standard Direction of rotation (shaft end view) R = Clockwise L = Counter-clockwise Type of shaft T7EEC - T7EECS 2 = keyed (ISO 3019/2 - G45N)) Type of shaft T7EECS 4 = splined 8/16 (SAE D & E) (13 teeth) operating characteristics - typical [24 cst] Flow qVe [l/min] & n = 1500 RPM Input power P [kW] & n = 1500 RPM p = 0 bar p = 140 bar p = 240 bar p = 7 bar p = 140 bar p = 240 bar 042 198,5 188,5 181,3 5,2 49,4 82,6 045 213,6 203,6 196,5 5,4 52,9 88,7 050 237,7 227,7 220,6 5,7 58,5 98,3 P1 052 247,2 237,2 230,1 5,8 60,8 102,1 054 256,5 246,5 239,4 5,9 63,0 105,8 & 057 275,0 265,0 257,9 6,1 67,3 113,2 062 295,0 285,0 277,9 6,4 71,9 121,3 P2 066 319,9 309,0 302,8 6,7 77,7 131,2 072 340,6 330,6 323,5 6,9 82,6 139,5 085 403,0 392,02) 9,1 65,82) p = 0 bar p = 140 bar p = 275 bar p = 7 bar p = 140 bar p = 275 bar 003 10,8 ml/rev 16,2 11,2 * 1,3 5,3 * 005 17,2 ml/rev 25,8 20,8 16,1 1,4 7,5 13,9 006 21,3 ml/rev 31,9 26,9 22,2 1,5 8,9 16,8 008 26,4 ml/rev 39,6 34,6 29,9 1,6 10,7 20,3 010 34,1 ml/rev 51,1 46,1 41,4 1,7 13,4 25,6 012 37,1 ml/rev 55,6 50,6 45,9 1,7 14,4 27,6 P3 014 46,0 ml/rev 69,0 64,0 59,3 1,9 17,6 33,7 017 58,3 ml/rev 87,4 82,4 77,7 2,1 21,9 42,2 020 63,8 ml/rev 95,7 90,7 86,0 2,2 23,8 46,0 022 70,3 ml/rev 105,4 100,4 95,7 2,3 26,1 50,4 025 79,3 ml/rev 118,9 113,9 109,2 2,5 29,2 56,6 028 88,8 ml/rev 133,2 128,2 125,81) 2,8 32,7 48,51) 031 100,0 ml/rev 150,0 145,0 142,61) 2,8 36,5 54,41) * We do not recommand to use the size 003 in P3 at 275 bar & 1500 RPM as the internal leakage is over 50% of theoretical flow. 1) 2) 028 - 031 = 210 bar max.int. 085 = 90 bar max.int. Pressure port Series Vi Volumetric displacement 132,3 ml/rev 142,4 ml/rev 158,5 ml/rev 164,8 ml/rev 171,0 ml/rev 183,3 ml/rev 196,7 ml/rev 213,3 ml/rev 227,1 ml/rev 268,7 ml/rev 70 Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France 136,50 273,00 K Shaft torque limits [ml/rev. x bar] Shaft Vi x p max. P1 + P2 + P3 2 118340 4 126800 Ød K/2 Z 75,0 115,0 515,2 C.G. 115,0 118,0 MOUNTING TORQUE : 300 N.m 160,5 168,3 202,7 139,7 K K/2 42,9 W Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France T7EEC T7EECS Series PRESSURE Ø 36,4 P2 Alternate mounting flange Dia S e x 45° W K Dia Z Max. Min. 250,000 249,928 2,0 9,0 315 165,100 165,050 2,0 9,0 224,5 - PRESSURE Ø C P3 B 22,0 20,8 Dia d P1 PRESSURE Ø 38,1 Alternate connect. variables 00 & M0 01 & M1 A 52,4 47,6 B 26,2 22,2 C 25,4 19,0 SUCTION Ø 101,6 S 5/8-11 UNC x 30 DEEP - 4 HOLES 3/8-16UNC x 19 DEEP - 4 HOLES (M16 x 30 DEEP - METRIC VERSION) (M10 x 19 DEEP - METRIC VERSION) W 1/2-13 UNC x 30 DEEP - 4 HOLES 1/2-13 UNC x 23.4 DEEP - 4 HOLES 8,0 (M12 x 30 DEEP - METRIC VERSION) (M12 x 23.4 DEEP - METRIC VERSION) 35,7 77,8 35,7 MOUNTING TORQUE : 300 N.m MOUNTING TORQUE : 68 N.m 74,5 210 A Ø 69,85 136,50 119,6 130,2 71 69,85 63,00 KEY 14 h9 ØS SAE D & E SPLINED SHAFT CLASS 1- J498b -8/16 D.P. 13 TEETH -30° PRESSURE ANGLE FLAT ROOT SIDE FIT SHAFT CODE 4 3 x 45° 75,0 48,8 SHAFT CODE 2 (KEYED G45N-ISO 3019-2) 3,0 x 45° e x 45° 92,0 45,000 Ø 44,975 10,0 48,5 maxi ØS 273,00 Catalogue HY29-0001/UK Industrial Vane Pumps T7EEC/EECS - Dimensions - Weight : 114,8 kg T7/T67/T6C Industrial Vane Pumps T7/T67/T6C Catalogue HY29-0001/UK Porting Diagrams T7BB/T7BBS T6CC 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 P1-P2 P1-P2 S-P1-P2 P1-P2 P1 P1 P1 P1-S T67CB S S T7DB/T7DBS S P2 S P2 T67DC 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 P1-S P1-S P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 T7EB/T7EBS P2 P2 S S P2 P2 S P2 16 P1 17 18 P1 P1 P2 19 20 P1 P1 21 P1 S S S S 25 26 27 28 P1-S P1-S P1-S P1 P2 T7ED/T7EDS S P2 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 S-P1-P2 P1-P2 P1 P1 P1 P1-S S P2 S S P2 P2 S-P2 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 P1-S P1-S P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P2 P2 S S P2 P2 S S P2 P2 S 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 P1-P2-P3 P1-P2-P3 S-P1-P2-P3 P1-P2-P3 P1 P1 P1 P1-S S T7DCC/T7DCCS S P2 P3 S S S P2 P3 P2 P3 S-P2-P3 08 09 10 11 12 13 P1-S P1-S P1 P1-P2 P1-P2 P1-P3 T7EDB/T7EDBS P2 P3 14 15 P1 P1-P3 S P2 S P3 S P2-P3 S P2 S P2-P3 S-P3 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 S-P1-P2 S-P1-P2 S-P1-P2 S-P1-P3 S-P1-P3 S-P1-P3 P1-P2 P3 P3 P2-P3 24 P1 S P2 P3 P2 P3 P2 25 26 27 28 29 30 P1 P1 P1-P3 P1-S P1-S P1-S P2 P3 S S P2 P2 P3 S-P2 23 P1 S P3 P2 P3 P2 P2 P3 S 31 P1-S P3 P3 P3 P2 P2 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 P1-S P1-S P1-P2 P1-P2 P1-P2 P1-P2 P1-P2 P1-P2 P2 P2 P3 P3 P3 S S P3 P3 P3 S S S P3 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 P1-P3 P1-P3 P1-P3 P1-P3 P1-P3 P1 P2 P2 P2 P2 S S P2 P2 S S 49 50 51 52 53 54 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 S P3 P2 S P3 P3 P2 56 P1 P3 P2 P2 S-P3 S-P3 57 58 59 60 61 P1 P1 P3 S P3 P2 72 P1 P1 S P2 P2 S P1 P3 63 P1 P2 P2 P3 55 62 P1 P2 S P3 P3 S P2 P3 S P2 S P2 S-P2 S P1 P3 S-P2 P2 47 S P2 P3 48 P1 P3 S P1-P3 S S S P3 P1 S P1-P2 P2 T7EEC/T7EECS 31 00 P2 T67EDC/T67EDCS S P2 S T67DDCS P1 P2 S T7DBB/T7DBBS 30 P1 P1-P2 T7EE/T7EES T7DCB/T7DCBS 29 P2 S T7DBB/T7DBBS S P2 P2 S T7DD/T7DDS P1 P2 S P2 24 P2 23 S P2 P2 S 22 P1 S P1-S P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 S S P2 T67EC P2 S-P2 S P1 P3 S S Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France P3 P2 Industrial Vane Pumps T7/T67/T6C Catalogue HY29-0001/UK Porting Diagrams T7DBB/T7DBBS 64 T7DCB/T7DCBS P3 P2 T7DCC/T7DCCS T7DBB/T7DBBS T67DDCS P3 65 P1 P1 S 72 73 74 P1 T7EEC/T7EECS P3 P3 P3 S 80 81 82 P1 88 S P2 89 P1 P1 P2 S P1 P3 S P2 96 P2 76 77 78 P3 P1-P2 S S 83 84 85 86 P3 1F P3 P1-S P1 1N P2 P2 P2 93 94 P1-P2 P3 S P1 S 92 S P1 P3 P3 S P2 P1-P2 1X P3 P1-S P2 S P3 P3 1A 1B 1C P2 P2 P2 1J 1K 1L P1-S P3 1D P1-S P1-S P3 P1-S-P2 P1-S-P2 P3 P3 P3 P1-S-P2 P1 S P2 P3 P1 S S P2 1W P1 P1 P1-P2 P3 S S 2D P2 2E P1-P2 S S P3 P3 P2 2C P3 P1-P2 S P2 P3 P3 P2 2B P1 1V P3 S P2 2A P1 1U P1 S P2 P3 P3 S P2 1T P1 1Z P3 P1-S-P2 P3 P3 S P2 P2 1M P2 1S P1 1Y P1 P1-P2 S P3 P1-S 1H 1R P2 P2 95 P2 P1-S P3 S S 87 S P3 P1-P2 P1-S P2 1P P1 P1-P2 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 S-P2 79 P1 P3 S P2 99 1G P1-S P3 P2 P1 S S P3 P3 P2 P3 P3 P1-P2 S P1 P1-S P1-P2 P3 S P3 P3 1E P1 P2 91 98 P1-S P3 P2 75 P2 97 P3 P1-S 71 P1 S-P2 P1 P1 S S 70 P3 S-P2 S P2 P3 P3 90 P3 P2 P1 S-P2 P2 S P1 69 P1 S P1 P2 S S P2 P3 P1 P3 P3 P2 P3 P3 S P2 68 P1 P2 P2 P1 67 P1 S T7EDB/T7EDBS T67EDC/T67EDCS 66 P3 P1-P2 S S P3 P3 P1 S P2 P3 73 P2 P3 02 16 17 18 20 30 08 31 19 07 28 32 21 33 29 09 01 22 34 38 40 48 10 58 13 04 46 47 45 49 59 23 00 36 11 37 27 51 05 50 42 24 53 60 43 62 52 25 03 39 35 12 41 63 14 57 44 26 61 56 15 54 55 06 Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France Catalogue HY29-0001/UK Notes Industrial Vane Pumps T7/T67/T6C 74 Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France Catalogue HY29-0001/UK General Information Industrial Vane Pumps T7/T67/T6C ! Warning FAILURE OR IMPROPER SELECTION OR IMPROPER USE OF THE PRODUCTS AND/OR SYSTEMS DESCRIBED HEREIN OR RELATED ITEMS CAN CAUSE DEATH, PERSONAL INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE. This document and other information from Parker Hannifin, its subsidiaries, sales offices and authorized distributors provide product or system options for further investigation by users having technical expertise. Before you select or use any product or system it is important that you analyse all aspects of your application and review the information concerning the product or system in the current product catalogue. Due to the variety of operating conditions and applications for these products or systems, the user, through his own analysis and testing, is solely responsible for making the final selection of the products and systems and assuring that all performance and safety requirements of the application are met. The products are subject to change by Parker Hannifin at any time without notice. Offer of Sale Please contact your Parker representation for a detailed ’’Offer of Sale’’. 75 Parker Hannifin Denison Vane Pump Division Vierzon - France Hydraulics Group Sales Offices International Europe Austria Italy Australia Austria The Netherlands Canada Norway China Wiener Neustadt Tel: +43 (0)2622 23501 Fax: +43 (0)2622 66212 Corsico (MI) Tel: +39 02 45 19 21 Fax:+39 02 4 47 93 40 Castle Hill Tel: +61 (0)2-9634 7777 Fax:+61 (0)2-9842 5111 Wiener Neustadt (Resp for East Europe) Tel: +43 (0)2622 23501-970 Fax: +43 (0)2622 23501-977 Oldenzaal Tel: +31 (0)541 585000 Fax:+31 (0)541 585459 Belgium Ski Tel: +47 64 91 10 00 Fax:+47 64 91 10 90 Shanghai Tel: +86 21 5031 2525 Fax:+86 21 5834 3714 Poland Asia Pacific Group Portugal India Nivelles Tel: +32 (0)67 280 900 Fax:+32 (0)67 280 999 Czech Republic Klecany Tel: +420 284 083 111 Fax:+420 284 083 112 Denmark Ballerup Tel: +45 4356 0400 Fax:+45 4373 3107 Finland Vantaa Tel: +358 20 753 2500 Fax:+358 20 753 2200 France Contamine-sur-Arve Tel: +33 (0)450 25 80 25 Fax:+33 (0)450 25 24 25 Germany Kaarst Tel: +49 (0)2131 4016 0 Fax: +49 (0)2131 4016 9199 Ireland Dublin Tel: +353 (0)1 466 6370 Fax:+353 (0)1 466 6376 Warsaw Tel: +48 (0)22 573 24 00 Fax:+48 (0)22 573 24 03 Milton, Ontario Tel: +1 905-693-3000 Fax:+1 905-876-0788 Hong Kong Tel: +852 2428 8008 Fax:+852 2425 6896 Leca da Palmeira Tel: +351 22 9997 360 Fax:+351 22 9961 527 Mumbai Tel: +91 22 5613 7081/82-85 Fax:+91 22 2768 6841/6618 Slovakia Japan Ref. Czech Republic Spain Madrid Tel: +34 91 675 73 00 Fax:+34 91 675 77 11 Sweden Spånga Tel: +46 (0)8 597 950 00 Fax:+46 (0)8 597 951 10 United Kingdom Warwick Tel: +44 (0)1926 317 878 Fax:+44 (0)1926 317 855 Tokyo Tel: +(81) 3 6408 3900 Fax:+(81) 3 5449 7201 Latin America Group Brazil Tel: +55 51 3470 9144 Fax:+55 51 3470 9281 South Africa Kempton Park Tel: +27 (0)11-961 0700 Fax:+27 (0)11-392 7213 USA Cleveland (industrial) Tel: +1 216-896-3000 Fax:+1 216-896-4031 Lincolnshire (mobile) Tel: +1 847-821-1500 Fax:+1 847-821-7600 Parker Hannifin is the world’s premier supplier of motion and control systems and solutions, with sales and manufacturing facilities throughout the world. For product information and details of your nearest Parker sales office, visit us at www.parker. com or call free on 00800 2727 5374. Catalogue HY29-0001/UK 5M 03/2007 IRO © Copyright 2007 Parker Hannifin Corporation All rights reserved
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