Scott 2006 Postage Stamp Catalogue ~ Armenia (-O-O-)
478 ARGENTINA — ARMENIA OD356 A145 1p #445 OD357 A146 1p #446 Nos. OD347-OD357 (11) 2.50 1.25 1.00 .50 5.30 3.55 4 A1 a. 5 4 (cuatro) pesos ver 4,750. 1,750. Half used as 2p on cover 15,000. A1 a. b. PARCEL POST STAMPS 5 (cinco) pesos org 1 Real M(oneda) C(orriente) = 12 1/2 Centavos M.C. = 50 Centavos 100 Centavos Fuertes = 1 Peso Fuerte 4,250. 1,450. 5p ocher 5p olive yellow 1,450. 1,450. 4,250. 4,250. Issued: #2-5, Apr. 29; #1, Oct. 26. Nos. 1-2 were issued without gum. Nos. 3-8 were issued both with and without gum (values the same). Wmk. 171 — Diamonds 1858, Oct. 26 6 A1 4 (cuatro) reales brown a. b. 250. 200. 250. 250. 200. 200. A1 1 (in) pesos blue 160. 225. 1p indigo Impression on reverse of stamp in blue Double impression Tete beche pair Half used as 4r on cover 200. 250. 4r gray brown 4r yellow brown Perforations Perforations are the same as the basic Russian stamps. 1859, Jan. 1 7 a. b. c. d. e. 3,000. 250. 300. 65,000. 7,500. 8 A1 1 (to) pesos blue 350. 225. Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 7 have been reprinted on very thick, hand-made paper. The same four stamps and No. 8 have been reprinted on thin, hard, white wove paper. Counterfeits of Nos. 1-8 are plentiful. PP1 National Republic Russian Stamps of 1902-19 Handstamped Ceres A1 A2 Unwmk. 1856, Aug. 21 Typo. Imperf. 1 A1 1r black, blue 85.00 175.00 No. 1 used is valued with pen cancellation. At least thirteen types exist of both framed and unframed overprints (“a” and “c”). The device is the Armenian “H,” initial of Hayasdan (Armenia). Inverted and double overprints are found. Pen Stroke Through “Un Real” 1860, Feb. 8 2 A1 (3c) black, blue 350.00 175.00 No. 2 used is valued with pen cancellation. Surcharged Liberty Head — A2 1860-79 1859, Sept. 3 Postal Service Headquarters, Buenos Aires — PP2 9 10 11 Litho. Serpentine Die Cut 11 Self-Adhesive 2001 Q1 PP1 1p red & black .75 .75 Die Cut Q2 PP2 7p blue & black 14.00 14.00 Q3 PP2 11p brown & black 22.00 22.00 Nos. Q1-Q3 (3) 36.75 36.75 Nos. Q1-Q3 were sold only at Unidas Postal outlets. No. Q3 is inscribed “Caja Envio 2.” Stamps of Type PP2 lacking “U.P.” in denominations of 7p, 11p, 16p, and 23p were issued in 1999, but were applied by postal workers to packages brought to post offices by customers with large mailings (Grandes Clientes). These stamps were not to be given to any customers purchasing them. The same sale and use restrictions applied to three other non-denominated stamps for use by “Grandes Clientes,” which are inscribed “Caja Normalizada,” have blue, brown violet and ocher frames, and were issued in 1995. Nos. Q2 and Q3, though inscribed “Grandes Clientes,” apparently were available for purchase by any customers, at Unidas Postal outlets. BUENOS AIRES The central point of the Argentine struggle for independence. At intervals Buenos Aires maintained an independent government but after 1862 became a province of the Argentine Republic. a. b. A2 4r green, bluish A2 1p blue A2 2p vermilion, fine impression 250.00 35.00 160.00 17.50 350.00 160.00 300.00 125.00 2p red, blurred impression Vert. half used as 1p on cover (2c) black, blue green A2 (2c) blk, yel (’67) A2 (3c) blk, dk bl (’71) A2 (3c) blk, rose red (’76) 5 6 7 a. 8 a. 9.50 37.50 30.00 37.50 92.50 110.00 7.50 3.00 19.00 19.00 100.00 50.00 (3c) black, lil rose (’75) 140.00 80.00 A2 (3c) blk, dk rose (’79) 8.00 32.50 (3c) black, red vio (’77) 60.00 35.00 12 A2 1p rose 200.00 100.00 13 A2 2p blue 350.00 75.00 All three values have been reprinted in black, brownish black, blue and red brown on thin hard white paper. The 4r has also been reprinted in green on bluish paper. Values are for fine impressions. Rough or blurred impressions sell for less. 165.50 188.00 Nos. 3-8 (6) Pen canceled examples of Nos. 3-8 that do not indicate the town of origin sell for much less. Printed from settings of 8 varieties, 3 or 4 impressions constituting a sheet. Some impressions were printed inverted and tete beche pairs may be cut from adjacent impressions. From Jan. 1 to Feb. 24, 1864, No. 4 was used as a 5 centavos stamp but copies so used can only be distinguished when they bear dated cancellations. The reprints show numerous spots and small defects which are not found on the originals. They are printed on gray blue, dull blue, gray green, dull orange and light magenta papers. CORDOBA ARMENIA A province in the central part of the Argentine Republic. 100 Centavos = 1 Peso ar-mē-nē-ə 1862, Oct. 4 8 Reales = 1 Peso Arms of Cordoba — A1 Values of Buenos Aires Nos. 1-8 vary according to condition. Quotations are for fine copies. Very fine to superb specimens sell at much higher prices, and inferior or poor copies sell at reduced values, depending on the condition of the individual specimen. Nos. 1-8 were issued without gum. a. 2,000. Both fine and blurred impressions of these stamps may be found. They have generally been called Paris and Local prints, respectively, but the opinion now obtains that the differences are due to the impression and that they do not represent separate issues. Values are for fine impressions, unless otherwise noted. Rough or blurred impressions sell for less. Many shades exist of Nos. 1-11. A2 (3c) black, blue A2 (2c) blk, yel grn (’64) 3 4 Unwmk. 1858, Oct. 28 Litho. Laid Paper Imperf. 1 2 A1 5c blue 125. A1 10c black 2,500. Cordoba stamps were printed on laid paper, but stamps from edges of the sheets sometimes do not show any laid lines and appear to be on wove paper. Counterfeits are plentiful. Type I — Without periods (two types). Type II — Periods after 1st “K” and “60.” 1 A14 60k on 1k orange (II) a. b. With Azerbaijan and Georgia, Armenia made up the Transcaucasian Federation of Soviet Republics. Stamps of Armenia were replaced in 1923 by those of Transcaucasian Federated Republics. With the breakup of the Soviet Union on Dec. 26, 1991, Armenia and ten former Soviet republics established the Commonwealth of Independent States. 100 Kopecks = 1 Ruble 100 Luma = 1 Dram (1993) The northeast province of the Argentine Republic. Steamship — A1 1858 Unwmk. 1 2 1 (in) pesos lt brn 2 (dos) pesos blue A1 A1 b. 3 Imperf. 350. 175. Diagonal half used as 1p on cover A1 a. Typo. 3 (tres) pesos grn 3p dark green Catalogue values for unused stamps in this country are for Never Hinged items, beginning with Scott 430 in the regular postage section. 250. 140. Counterfeits abound of all overprinted and surcharged stamps. 7,500. 1,500. 750. 1,800. 825. Watermark Copyright © 2005 By Scott Publishing Co. 2.50 2.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 A14 60k on 1k orange (II) 1.00 1.00 Handstamped in Violet —a Perf. 6 7 A15 A14 a. 9 10 11 13 14 15 a. b. 18 4k carmine 5k claret, imperf. Perf. A14 A11 A8 A11 A8 A14 10k 15k 20k 35k 50k 60k on 7k lt blue red brn & bl blue & car red brn & grn violet & green on 1k orange (II) Imperf. (I) Imperf. (II) A13 5r dk bl, grn & pale bl Imperf. 19 20 A12 7r dk green & pink A13 10r scar, yel & gray 31 A14 3.00 7.50 3.00 7.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 3.00 2.00 4.00 3.50 3.00 5.00 3.00 2.00 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.00 8.50 2.00 9.00 5.00 5.00 2.50 2.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Handstamped in Black a. 32 a. 33 34 a. 36 37 38 a. 39 40 41 42 43 43A b. 44 a. 45 a. CORRIENTES Imperf. (I) Imperf. (II) Violet Surcharge 2 a. LOCATION — South of Russia bounded by Georgia, Azerbaijan, Iran and Turkey GOVT. — Republic AREA — 11,490 sq. mi. POP. — 3,409,234 (est. 1999) CAPITAL — Yerevan Black Surcharge Unwmk. Perf. 14x14 1/2 1919 46 a. 47 48 2k green, imperf. 1.00 5.00 5.00 3k red, imperf. 1.00 1.00 Perf. A14 Perf. A15 A14 4k carmine 5k claret Imperf. A15 10k dark blue A14 10k on 7k lt blue A11 15k red brn & bl Imperf. A8 A11 A11 A8 A14 A11 20k 25k 35k 50k 60k 70k blue & car green & gray vio red brn & grn violet & green on 1k orange (II) brown & org Imperf. A9 1r pale brn, dk brn & org Imperf. A12 3 1/2r mar & lt grn, imperf. Perf. A13 5r dk bl, grn & pale bl Imperf. A12 7r dk green & pink A13 10r scar, yel & gray 1.00 5.00 5.00 .25 1.00 .25 1.00 5.00 5.00 2.00 .50 .50 2.00 .50 .50 3.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.50 1.00 .50 .50 1.50 1.50 1.00 1.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 4.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 50.00 50.00 ARMENIA 134 A14 5r on 3k red a. Imperf. 135 A15 5r on 4k carmine a. Handstamped in Violet —c 62 A14 a. 63 A14 a. 64 65 a. 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 10.00 10.00 3k red, imperf. 10k 10k 15k 20k 25k 35k 50k 60k dark blue on 7k lt bl red brn & bl blue & car grn & gray vio red brn & grn violet & grn on 1k org (II) Imperf. (I) Imperf. (II) 1r pale brn, dk brn & org Imperf. A12 3 1/2r mar & lt grn, imperf. 76 a. 77 Perf. A13 a. 78 79 5r dk bl, grn & pale bl, imperf. 15.00 2.00 2.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 3.00 5.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.50 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.50 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 4.00 5.00 5.00 a. 92 93 94 Imperf. 2k green, imperf. Perf. 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 102A b. c. 103 4k carmine 5k claret Imperf. A14 A15 A14 A11 A8 A11 A11 A8 A14 7k 10k 10k 15k 20k 25k 35k 50k 60k a. light blue dark blue on 7k lt bl red brn & bl blue & car grn & gray vio red brn & grn violet & grn on 1k org, imperf. (I) Imperf. (II) Perf. (II) A9 1r pale brn, dk brn & org Imperf. A12 3 1/2r maroon & lt grn 104 a. 105 Imperf. A13 a. 106 107 a. 146 147 a. 148 148A A11 A11 a. 150 A11 b. 10.00 1.00 5r dk bl, grn & pale bl Imperf. 7.50 1.00 1.00 10.00 10.00 .50 1.00 .50 1.00 3.00 3.00 15.00 15.00 12.00 12.00 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 2.50 .50 2.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 4.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 153 A11 a. 155 156 a. 158 A11 70k brown & org 2.00 50r on 5r dk bl, grn & lt bl Imperf. A12 100r on 3 1/2r mar & lt grn 159 a. 160 Imperf. A13 100r on 5r dk bl, grn & pale bl a. 161 a. 162 Imperf 113 50r on 1r pale brn, dk brn & org, imperf. Perf. A13 a. 25r on 70k brn & org Imperf. A9 a. 25r on 50k vio & grn Imperf. A11 157 25r on 20k bl & car 25r on 25k grn & gray vio 25r on 35k red brn & grn Imperf. A8 a. 5.00 A12 7r dk green & pink 3.00 3.00 A13 10r scar, yel & gray 25.00 25.00 A11 154 10r on 35k red brn & grn 10r on 50k brn vio & grn 10r on 50k brn vio & grn 10r on 70k brn & org, imperf. Perf. 152C A8 1.00 .50 2.00 .50 .50 2.00 2.00 .50 .50 2.00 .50 .50 2.00 .50 .50 10.00 10.00 2.00 .90 .90 225.00 225.00 15.00 15.00 8.00 8.00 5.00 5.00 8.00 8.00 .50 .50 10.00 10.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 200.00 200.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.50 3.50 4.00 4.00 5.00 5.00 8.00 8.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 10.00 10.00 7.00 7.00 A12 100r on 7r dk grn & pink 10.00 10.00 Imperf. Imperf. A13 100r on 10r scar, yel & gray 35.00 35.00 10.00 10.00 163 A12 100r on 3 1/2r blk & gray 100.00 100.00 164 A12 100r on 7r blk & yel 100.00 100.00 1920 Perf. 120 A14 3r on 3k red, imperf. a. Perf. 121 A14 5r on 3k red 122 A15 5r on 4k car 123 A14 5r on 5k claret, imperf. a. Perf. 5.00 5.00 2.50 2.50 4.00 4.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 124 A15 5r on 10k dk blue 125 A14 5r on 10k on 7k lt bl 126 A8 5r on 20k bl & car 8.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 Imperf 127 A14 5r on 2k green 128 A11 5r on 35k red brn & grn 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 Black Surcharge, Type f or Type g (#130) Perf. 130 A14 1r on 1k orange a. Imperf. 131 A14 3r on 3k red a. Imperf. 132 A15 3r on 4k carmine 133 A14 5r on 2k grn, imperf. a. Perf. .50 .50 .75 .75 .25 .25 .25 .25 10.00 10.00 2.00 2.00 .25 Imperf. 1r on 60k on 1k org (I) 12.00 12.00 5r on 1k orange 10.00 10.00 5r on 35k red brn & grn 5.00 5.00 177 A11 (g) 50r on 70k brn & org 5.00 5.00 179 A12 (g) 50r on 3 1/2r mar & lt grn 2.00 2.00 181 A9 (g) 100r on 1r pale brn, dk brn & org 10.00 10.00 168 A14 (f) 173 A11 (f) Violet Surcharge, Type f 1920 Unwmk. Wove Paper 166 A14 (g) g 188 A26 189 A28 190 A31 190A A16 190B A17 191 A30 192 A31 Romanov Issues Surcharged Type g or Type f (#185-187, 190) On Stamps of 1913 1920 Perf. 13 1/2 184 185 186 187 A16 A18 A19 A22 187A A19 1r on 1k brn org 3r on 3k rose red 5r on 4k dull red 5r on 14k blue grn 10r on 4k dull red 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 10.00 10.00 60.00 60.00 30.00 10r on 35k gray vio & dk grn 25r on 4k dull red 10.00 10.00 25r on 35k gray vio & dk grn 2.75 2.75 25r on 70k yel grn & brn 2.75 2.75 50r on 3r dk vio 2.00 2.00 100r on 1k brn org 100.00 100.00 100r on 2k green 100.00 100.00 100r on 2r brown 10.50 10.50 100r on 3r dk vio 10.50 10.50 On Stamps of 1915, Type g Thin Cardboard Inscriptions on Back Perf. 12 193 194 195 A21 100r on 10k blue A23 100r on 15k brn A24 100r on 20k ol grn 196 A20 197 A22 5r on 10k on 7k brown 5r on 20k on 14k bl grn A15 A15 A11 203 A8 204 A11 205 A11 205A A8 206 A8 207 A9 207B A12 100r on 3 1/2r mar & lt grn 207C A12 100r on 7r dk grn & pink A14 A14 A11 5r on 2k green 5r on 5k claret 25r on 70k brn & org A13 100r on 5r dk bl, grn & pale bl 211 A14 A14 214 A11 215 A8 215A A11 216 A11 217 A8 217A A9 5.00 5.00 8.00 8.00 25.00 b. Imperf. a. Imperf. A12 100r on 7r dk grn & pink 219A A13 100r on 10r scar, yel & gray 221 222 223 224 A14 A14 A11 A11 1r on 60k on 1k org (I) 5r on 2k green 5r on 5k claret 10r on 70k brn & org 25r on 70k brn & org 5r on 20k blue & car 5.00 5.00 10r on 25k grn & gray vio 55.00 55.00 A11 10r on 35k red brn & grn 200.00 200.00 A12 100r on 3 1/2r mar & lt grn 5.00 5.00 Imperf. 238 A11 Copyright © 2005 By Scott Publishing Co. 5.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 5.50 5.50 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 10.00 10.00 2.00 2.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 20.00 5.00 5.00 20.00 5.00 5.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 5r on 2k green 125.00 125.00 10r on 70k brn & org 10r on 15k red brn & blue 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Type a in Black 239 A8 5r on 20k blue & car 10r on 20k blue & car 10r on 50k brn red & grn 239A A8 239B A8 7.50 Imperf A12 100r on 3 1/2r mar & lt grn 240 3.00 3.00 Surcharged Type c and New Value Type c in Black 1920 Perf. 241 242 A15 A11 243 A8 243A A11 A11 5r on 4k red 5r on 15k red brn & bl 10r on 20k blue & car 10r on 25k grn & gray vio 10r on 35k red brn & grn 5.00 5.00 3.00 3.00 5.00 5.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 With additional surch. “5r” 5.00 5.00 A12 100r on 3 1/2r mar & lt grn 5.00 5.00 Imperf 247 248 249 A14 A14 A9 3r on 3k red 5r on 2k green 50r on 1r pale brn, dk brn & org 7.00 7.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 Type c in Violet 249A A14 5r on 2k green 6.50 Postal Savings Stamps Surcharged A1 250 251 252 253 A2 Perf. 14 1/2x15 Wmk. 171 A1 60k on 1k red & buff A2 1r on 1k red & buff A3 5r on 5k green & buff A3 5r on 10k brn & buff A3 50.00 20.00 20.00 30.00 50.00 20.00 20.00 30.00 Russian Semi-Postal Stamps of 191418 Surcharged with Armenian Monogram and New Values like Regular Issues On Stamps of 1914 Unwmk. Perf. 255 SP5 256 SP5 257 SP5 258 SP5 259 SP5 260 SP5 25r on 1k red brn & dk grn, straw 25r on 3k mar & gray grn, pink 50r on 7 dk brn & dk grn, buff 100r on 1k red brn & dk grn, straw 100r on 3k mar & gray grn, pink 100r on 7k dk brn & dk grn, buff 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 On Stamps of 1915-19 261 SP5 262 SP5 .25 5.00 Surcharged Type a and New Value Type a in Violet Perf. 245 Imperf A14 A8 a. 9.00 219 220 233 244 30.00 5r on 7k lt bl 150.00 150.00 5r on 10k on 7k lt bl 5.00 5.00 5r on 15k red brn & bl 1.00 1.00 5r on 20k blue & car 3.00 3.00 10r on 5r on 25k grn & gray vio 5.00 5.00 10r on 35k red brn & grn 2.00 2.00 10r on 50k brn vio & grn 3.00 3.00 50r on 1r pale brn, dk brn & org 2.00 2.00 217C A12 100r on 3 1/2r mar & lt grn 218 A13 100r on 5r dk bl, grn & pale bl Type a in Black Perf. 237 A14 237A A11 Surcharged Type g or Type f (212-213, 215, 219-219A, 221-222) over Type c Type c in Black Perf. 212 213 232 Imperf Imperf 208 209 210 50r on 1r pale brn, dk brn & org 140.00 140.00 A13 100r on 5r dk bl, grn & pale bl 10.50 a. 15.00 25.00 A9 235 10.00 10.00 5r on 4k car 3.00 3.00 5r on 10k dk bl 3.00 3.00 5r on 15k red brn & bl 5.00 5.00 5r on 20k blue & car 5.00 5.00 10r on 25k grn & gray vio 2.00 2.00 10r on 35k red brn & grn 3.00 3.00 10r on 50k brn vio & grn 10.00 10.00 25r on 50k brn vio & grn 150.00 150.00 50r on 1r pale brn, dk brn & org, imperf. 3.50 3.50 Perf. 231 234 Surch. Type f or Type g (#204-205A, 207-207C, 210-211) over Type c Type c in Violet Perf. 200 201 202 Surcharged Type g or Type f (#233) over Type a Type a in Violet Imperf 233A A11 On Stamps of 1916, Type f Perf. 13 1/2 a. Wmk. Wavy Lines (168) Perf. 13 1/2 Vertically Laid Paper Handstamped in Violet or Black: f 187C A19 6.00 10r on 20k bl & car 10r on 25k grn & gray vio 10r on 25k grn & gray vio Imperf. 5.00 10.00 .25 .50 .50 10r on 3k red 175.00 175.00 10r on 5k claret 15.00 15.00 Imperf. A8 149 10r on 1k org, imperf. Perf. A14 A14 152A A11 7.50 3k red, imperf. Perf. A15 A14 a. A14 A8 A14 a. 145 152 A14 .25 .50 187B A26 Black Surcharge, Type g or Type f (#148A, 151) A12 7r dk green & pink 10.00 10.00 A13 10r scar, yel & gray 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 2.50 2.00 143 A11 5r on 20k on 14k bl & rose 12.00 12.00 144 A11 5r on 25k grn & gray vio 12.00 12.00 A8 1k orange 2.50 2.00 2.00 5r on 20k bl & car Imperf. 151 A14 a. a. 4.00 5.00 on 7k lt blue on 10k dk blue on 10k on 7k lt bl on 14k bl & rose on 15k red brn & blue Imperf. 142 A8 5.00 Handstamped in Black Perf. 91 5r 5r 5r 5r 5r 4.00 A11 70k brown & org 90 A14 A15 A14 A11 A11 5.00 Perf. Imperf 85 137 138 139 140 141 Imperf. a. 15.00 4k carmine 5k claret A9 a. 2k green, imperf. Imperf. A15 A14 A11 A8 A11 A11 A8 A14 a. b. Perf. Perf. A15 A14 a. Unwmk. Wove Paper Perf. Imperf. 136 A14 5r on 5k claret 10.00 10.00 479 25r on 1k org brn & gray 75.00 75.00 25r on 3k car & gray 75.00 75.00 480 ARMENIA 263 SP5 50r on 10k dk bl & brn 264 SP5 100r on 1k org brn & gray 265 SP5 100r on 10k dk bl & brn These surcharged semi-postal used for ordinary postage. 25.00 25.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 stamps were Mt. Ararat — A22 Armenian Soldier — A12 Soviet Symbols, Armenian Designs — A14 Mythological Monster A13 Mt. Alagöz and Plain of Shirak A15 1921 Unwmk. 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 A7 1r gray green .30 A8 2r slate gray .30 A9 3r carmine .30 A10 5r dark brown .30 A11 25r gray .30 .30 A12 50r red .20 A13 100r orange .20 A14 250r dark blue .20 A15 500r brown vio .20 A16 1000r sea green .25 A17 2000r bister .75 A18 5000r dark brown .60 A19 10,000r dull red .60 A20 15,000r slate blue .60 A21 20,000r lake .60 A22 25,000r gray blue 1.25 A22 25,000r brown olive 6.50 Nos. 278-294 (17) 13.45 Except the 25r, Nos. 278-294 were not regularly issued and used. Counterfeits exist. For surcharges see Nos. 347-390. Russian Stamps of 1909-17 Surcharged A set of 10 stamps in the above designs was prepared in 1920, but not issued for postal use, though some were used fiscally. Value of set, $5. Exist with “SPECIMEN” overprint and imperf. Reprints exist. Harpy — A28 Peasant Sowing — A29 Wove Paper Lozenges of Varnish on Face Perf. 13 1/2 1921, Aug. Fisherman on River Aras — A16 Soviet Socialist Republic Peasant — A27 Perf. 11 1/2, Imperf. A9 5000r on 1r 10.00 A12 5000r on 3 1/2r 10.00 A13 5000r on 5r 10.00 A12 5000r on 7r 10.00 A13 5000r on 10r 10.00 Nos. 295-299 (5) 50.00 Nos. 295-299 were not officially issued. Counterfeits abound. 295 296 297 298 299 Post Office in Erevan and Mt. Ararat A17 Soviet Symbols — A30 Forging — A31 Hammer and Sickle — A7 A23 Mythological Monster — A8 Symbols of Soviet Republics on Designs from old Armenian Manuscripts A9 Ruin in City of Ani — A18 Mt. Ararat & Soviet Star — A24 Plowing A32 Street in Erevan — A19 Perf. 11 1/2 1922 Soviet Symbols — A25 Lake Sevan and Sevan Monastery — A20 300 301 302 303 304 A23 A24 A25 A26 A27 305 306 307 308 309 A28 2000r A29 3000r A30 4000r A31 5000r A32 10,000r a. Ruined City of Ani — A10 50r 300r 400r 500r 1000r green & red slate bl & buff blue & pink vio & pale lil dull bl & pale bl black & gray black & grn black & lt brn blk & dull red black & pale rose Tête bêche pair .50 .60 .60 .60 .60 .85 .85 .85 .75 .75 35.00 Nos. 300-309 (10) 6.95 Nos. 300-309 were not issued without surcharge. Stamps of types A23 to A32, printed in other colors than Nos. 300 to 309, are essays. Mythological Monster — A11 Crane — A26 Mythological Subject from old Armenian Monument — A21 Copyright © 2005 By Scott Publishing Co. Nos. 300-309 with Handstamped Surcharge of New Values in Rose, Violet or Black 1922 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 10,000 10,000 10,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 25,000 25,000 30,000 30,000 on on on on on on on on on on 50r (R) 50r (V) 50r 300r (R) 300r (V) 300r 400r (V) 400r 500r (R) 500r (V) 75.00 75.00 50.00 50.00 25.00 25.00 100.00 100.00 75.00 75.00 25.00 25.00 50.00 50.00 25.00 25.00 100.00 100.00 50.00 50.00 ARMENIA 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 30,000 on 500r 25.00 25.00 50,000 on 1000r (R) 100.00 100.00 50,000 on 1000r (V) 50.00 50.00 50,000 on 1000r 15.00 15.00 75,000 on 3000r 25.00 25.00 100,000 on 2000r (R) 100.00 100.00 100,000 on 2000r (V) 50.00 50.00 100,000 on 2000r 5.00 5.00 200,000 on 4000r (V) 10.00 10.00 200,000 on 4000r 10.00 10.00 300,000 on 5000r (V) 50.00 50.00 300,000 on 5000r 5.00 5.00 500,000 on 10,000r (V) 50.00 50.00 500,000 on 10,000r 10.00 10.00 Nos. 310-333 (24) 1,080. 1,080. 364 365 A15 A11 a. 366 a. 367 2(k) on 500r (R) 125.00 125.00 4(k) on 25r, imperf. 25.00 25.00 5(k) on 50r, imperf. 368 25.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 With “k” written in violet Perf. As “a,” perf. With “kop” written in violet, imperf. 425.00 435.00 Manuscript Surcharge in Red Perf. 11 1/2 371 40.00 A14 1k on 250r dk bl 40.00 Handstamped in Black or Red Tall, Thin Numerals Imperf 377 379 380 381 a. Goose — A33 Armenian Woman at Well — A35 382 A11 4(k) on 25r (R) A13 10(k) on 100r A15 20(k) on 500r A22 50k on 25,000r bl 4.25 10.00 6.00 4.25 10.00 6.00 75.00 75.00 Surcharged “50” only 50.00 50.00 12.00 12.00 A22 50k on 25,000r bl (R) 382A A22 50k on 25,000r brn ol Nos. 377-382A (6) 24.00 24.00 131.25 131.25 On Nos. 381, 382 and 382A the letter “k” forms part of the surcharge. Perf. 11 /2 1 383 Armenian Village Scene A34 a. 384 385 a. 386 387 a. 388 a. 389 a. 390 Mt. Ararat A36 a. A7 1(k) on 1r (R) 40.00 40.00 50.00 8.00 50.00 8.00 Imperf. A14 A15 1(k) on 250r 2(k) on 500r Imperf. A15 A9 2(k) on 500r (R) 3(k) on 3r 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 Imperf. A21 3(k) on 20,000r, imperf. 20.00 20.00 10.00 10.00 Perf. A11 50.00 4(k) on 25r Imperf. A12 vert. 3.60r, Arpa River Canyon, vert. 5r, Lake Sevan. 12r, Mount Aragats. 452 A51 40k multicolored .20 .20 453 A51 80k multicolored .20 .20 454 A51 3.60r multicolored .50 .50 455 A51 5r multicolored .60 .60 456 A51 12r multicolored 1.50 1.50 Nos. 452-456 (5) 3.00 3.00 457 A52 10r multicolored a. 5(k) on 50r, imperf. 25.00 100.00 10.00 10.00 .60 4.25 A47 Souvenir Sheet 1992 Summer Olympics, Barcelona: a, 40k, Ancient Greek wrestlers. b, 3.60r, Boxing. c, 5r, Weight lifting. d, 12r, Gymnastics. 1992, July 25 Litho. 432 A46 Strip of 4, #a.-d. 1992-93 Litho. Perf. 14 3.50 3.50 Perf. 14 1/2, 15x14 1/2 20k, Natl. flag. 1r, Goddess Waroubini, Orgov radio telescope. 2r, Yerevan Airport. No. 436, Goddess Anahit. No. 437, Runic message, 7th cent B.C. 5r, UPU emblem. 20r, Silver cup. 433 A47 20k multicolored .20 .20 434 A47 1r gray green .20 .20 435 A47 2r blue .30 .30 436 A47 3r brown .50 .50 437 A47 3r bronze .20 .20 438 A47 5r brown black .75 .75 439 A47 20r gray .20 .20 Nos. 433-439 (7) 2.35 2.35 No. 435 is airmail. See Nos. 464-471, 521524. Issued: #436, 20k, 2r, 5r, 8/25/92; others, 5/12/93. Noah’s Descent from Mt. Ararat, by Hovhannes Aivazovsky — A52a 1993, Aug. 4 Litho. 458 A52a 7r multicolored Perf. 14 1/2 2.50 2.50 15.00 15.00 Religious Relics, Echmiadzin — A53 183.00 183.00 Designs: 3r, Wooden panel, descent from cross, 9th cent. 5r, Gilded silver reliquary for Holy Cross of Khotakerats. 12r, Cross depicting right hand of St. Karapet, 14th cent. 30r, Reliquary for arm of St. Thaddeus the Apostle, 17th cent. 50r, Gilded silver vessel for consecrated ointment, 1815. Religious Artifacts — A50 Mt. Ararat A37 Yerevan ’93 — A52 Litho. Perf. 14x14 1/2 A53 3d multicolored A53 5d multicolored A53 12d multicolored A53 30d multicolored A53 50d multicolored Nos. 459-463 (5) .20 .20 .20 .20 .70 .70 1.40 1.40 2.00 2.00 4.50 4.50 1994, Aug. 4 459 460 461 462 463 New Values in Gold Kopecks, Handstamped Surcharge in Black 1922 Imperf. A33 1(k) on 250r rose 15.00 15.00 A33 1(k) on 250r gray 20.00 20.00 A34 2(k) on 500r rose 8.00 8.00 A34 3(k) on 500r gray 8.00 8.00 A35 4(k) on 1000r rose 8.00 8.00 A35 4(k) on 1000r gray 15.00 15.00 A36 5(k) on 2000r gray 8.00 8.00 A36 10(k) on 2000r rose 8.00 8.00 A37 15(k) on 5000r rose 52.50 52.50 A37 20(k) on 5000r gray 8.00 8.00 Nos. 334-343 (10) 150.50 150.50 Nos. 334-343 were issued for postal tax purposes. Nos. 334-343 exist without surcharge but are not known to have been issued in that condition. Counterfeits exist of both sets. .60 Min. sheet of 6 + 2 labels 50.00 25.00 100.00 Perf. Nos. 383-390 (8) A46 Catalogue values for unused stamps in this section, from this point to the end of the section, are for Never Hinged items. 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 Perf. 14 1/2 1993, May 25 For surcharges see Nos. 485-486. Nos. 360-368 (9) Forgeries exist. 25.00 20.00 Imperf. A21 35(k) on 20,000r, imperf. a. b. c. d. 25.00 30.00 Perf. A13 10(k) on 100r a. 25.00 20.00 Perf. A12 481 Artifacts and Landmarks Type of 1993 Gods of Van (Urartu): 10 l, Shivini, god of the sun. 50 l, Tayshaba, god of elements. 10d, Khaldi, supreme god. 25d, Natl. arms. Mt. Ararat — A45 a, 20k. b, 2r. c, 5r. 1992, May 28 430 A45 Litho. Strip of 3, #a.-c. 4.00 Souvenir Sheet 431 A45 7r Eagle & Mt. Ararat 60.00 60.00 Perf. 14 1/2 1994, Aug. 4 Perf. 14 4.00 David of Sassoun, by Hakop Kojoian — A50a 464 465 469 471 A47 A47 A47 A47 10 l black & brown .20 .20 50 l black & red brown .20 .20 10d black & gray .50 .50 25d red & bister 1.25 1.25 Nos. 464-471 (4) 2.15 2.15 Issued: 10 l, 50 l, 10d, 25d, 8/4/94. This is an expanding set. Numbers may change. Regular Issue of 1921 Handstamped with New Values in Black or Red Short, Thick Numerals 1922 Imperf. 347 350 353 354 355 a. 357 358 359 A8 2(k) on 2r (R) A11 4(k) on 25r (R) A13 10(k) on 100r (R) A14 15(k) on 250r A15 20(k) on 500r 50.00 30.00 20.00 3.00 15.00 50.00 30.00 20.00 3.00 15.00 With “k” written in red 10.00 10.00 A22 50(k) on 25,000r bl (R) A22 50(k) on 25,000r brn ol (R) A22 50(k) on 25,000r brn ol Nos. 347-358 (7) 12.00 12.00 125.00 125.00 255.00 255.00 Perf. 11 1/2 360 a. 361 a. 362 a. 363 a. A7 1(k) on 1r, imperf. Perf. A7 1(k) on 1r (R) 15.00 35.00 35.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 2(k) on 500r 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 Perf. A15 35.00 15.00 2(k) on 2r, imperf. Imperf. A8 35.00 Imperf. Scenic Views — A51 AT & T Communications System in Armenia—A45a 1992, July 1 Litho. Perf. 13x13 1/2 431A A45a 50k multicolored 3.50 3.50 1993, May 23 Litho. 448 A50 40k Marker 449 A50 80k Gospel page 450 A50 3.60r Bas-relief, 13th cent. 451 A50 5r Icon of the Madonna Nos. 448-451 (4) .20 .30 .20 .25 1.10 .90 1.75 1.50 3.35 2.85 Souvenir Sheet Perf. 14x13 1/2 451A A50a 12r multicolored 6.00 5.00 1993, May 24 Perf. 14 Designs (illustration reduced): 40k, Garni Canyon, vert. 80k, Shaki Waterfall, Zangezur, Copyright © 2005 By Scott Publishing Co. A54 Perf. 14 1994, Dec. 31 Litho. Perf. 14 1/2x14 479 A54 16d No. 1a .45 .45 First Armenian postage stamp, 75th anniv. 482 ARMENIA End of World War II, 50th Anniv. A61 A54a 1994, Dec. 30 A54b Litho. A55 Perf. 14x14 1/2 480 A54a 30d Early printing press .50 .50 First Armenian periodical, 200th anniv. 1994, Dec. 30 Litho. Perf. 14x14 1/2 481 A54b 30d Natl. arms, stadium .55 .55 Natl. Olympic Committee. A56 Christianity in Armenia: 60d, Cross, 10th11th cent. No. 488, Kings Abgar & Trdat, 1836. No. 489, St. Bartholomew, St. Thaddeus. 80d, St. Gregory, the Illuminator. 90d, Baptism of the Armenian people, 1892. 400d, Plan of Echmiadzin, c. 1660, engr. by Jakob Peeters. 1995, Apr. 3 487 488 489 490 491 Litho. Perf. 14x15 A55 60d multicolored A55 70d multicolored A55 70d multicolored A55 80d multicolored A55 90d multicolored Nos. 487-491 (5) .85 .90 .90 1.10 1.25 5.00 .85 .90 .90 1.10 1.25 5.00 492 A55 400d multicolored 4.00 Nos. 488-489 are 45x44mm. 4.00 Souvenir Sheet Designs: No. 501, P. Kitsook, 408th Armenian Rifle Division. No. 502, A. Sargissin, N. Safarian, 89th Taman Armenian Triple OrderBearer Division. No. 503, B. Chernikov, N. Tavartkeladze, V. Penkovsky, 76th Armenian Alpine Rifle Red Banner (51st Guards) Division. No. 504, S. Zakian, H. Babayan, I. Lyudnikov, 390th Armenian Rifle Division. No. 505, A. Vasillian, M. Dobrovolsky, Y. Grechany, G. Sorokin, 409th Armenian Rifle Division. No. 506, vert.: a, Marshal Hovhannes Baghramian. b, Adm. Hovhannes Issakov. c, Marshal Hamazasp Babajanian. d, Marshal Sergey Khoudyakov. No. 507: Return of the Hero, by Mariam Aslamazian. 501 502 503 504 505 A61 A61 A61 A61 A61 493 A56 150d gray & black 1.25 1.25 Vazgen I (1908-94), Catholikos of All Armenians. .45 .45 .45 .45 .45 .45 .45 .45 .45 .45 2.25 2.25 506 A61 60d Sheet of 4, #a.-d. Perf. 15x14 1995, Dec. 5 515 A65 516 A65 517 A65 60d salmon & black 80d pale org & blk 90d buff & black .35 .45 .50 .35 .45 .50 Size: 61x24mm 518 A65 100d pale yel bis & blk 519 A65 120d dull org & blk Nos. 515-519 (5) .85 .85 1.10 1.10 3.25 3.25 Souvenir Sheet 520 A66 400d multicolored 3.50 3.50 3.00 3.00 Souvenir Sheet Perf. 15x14 507 A61 300d multicolored A54c Litho. Perf. 15x14 Views of Yerevan: 60d, Brandy distillery, wine cellars. 80d, Abovian Street. 90d, Sports and concert complex. 100d, Baghramian Avenue. 120d, Republic Square. 400d, Panoramic photograph of Yerevan. Miniature Sheet Perf. 15x14 1/2 1995, Apr. 3 1994, Dec. 30 Litho. 60d multicolored 60d multicolored 60d multicolored 60d multicolored 60d multicolored Nos. 501-505 (5) 1995, Sept. 30 Christianity in Armenia — A66 3.75 3.75 No. 464 Surcharged in Green, Red, Blue Violet, or Red Brown Perf. 14x14 1/2 482 A54c 40d Olympic rings .75 Intl. Olympic Committee, Cent. .75 Armenia Fund A57 1996, Mar. 30 521 522 523 524 Perf. 15x14 1995, Apr. 27 494 A57 90d multicolored .80 .80 Litho. A47 40d on 10l (G) A47 100d on 10l (R) A47 150d on 10l (BV) A47 200d on 10l (RB) Nos. 521-524 (4) Perf. 14 1/2 1.00 1.00 2.50 2.50 3.50 3.50 5.50 5.50 12.50 12.50 Authors A62 UN, 50th Anniv. A58 A54d 1994, Dec. 31 Litho. Perf. 14x14 1/2 483 A54d 50d multi + label .85 .85 Ervand Otian (1869-1926) Designs: No. 508, Ghevond Alishan (18201901). No. 509, Gregor Artsruni (1845-92), vert. No. 510, Franz Werfel (1890-1945). 1995, Oct. 5 1995, Apr. 28 495 A58 90d multicolored .80 .80 Litho. Perf. 15x14 508 A62 90d blue & black .75 .75 509 A62 90d multicolored .75 .75 510 A62 90d blue & maroon .75 .75 Nos. 508-510 (3) 2.25 2.25 Nos. 508-510 issued with se-tenant label. Alexsandre Griboyedov (1795-1829), Writer — A67 1996, Apr. 24 Litho. 525 A67 90d multi + label Perf. 14x14 1/2 .70 .70 A54e 1994, Dec. 31 Litho. Perf. 14 1/2x14 484 A54e 50d multi + label .85 Levon Shant (1869-1951). .85 No. 457 Surcharged in Blue or Red Brown Cultural Artifacts — A59 A64 Designs: 30d, Black polished pottery, 14th13th cent. B.C. 60d, Silver cup, 5th cent. B.C. 130d, Gohar carpet, 1700 A.D. Perf. 15x14 1995, Apr. 27 496 A59 30d multicolored 497 A59 60d multicolored 498 A59 130d multicolored Nos. 496-498 (3) .25 .25 .50 .50 1.25 1.25 2.00 2.00 Prehistoric artifacts: 40d, Four-wheeled carriages, 15th cent. BC. 60d, Bronze model of geocentric solar system, 11-10th cent. BC, vert. 90d, Tombstone, Red Tufa, 7-6th cent. BC, vert. 1995, Dec. 5 Perf. 14 1/2x15, 15x14 1/2 512 A64 40d multicolored 513 A64 60d multicolored 514 A64 90d multicolored Nos. 512-514 (3) .25 .25 .60 .60 .90 .90 1.75 1.75 Khrimian Hayrik (1820-1907), Catholicos of All Armenians — A68 1996, Apr. 30 Perf. 14 1/2x14 526 A68 90d brown & blue .70 .70 No. 526 is printed se-tenant with label. Admiral Lazar Serbryakov (17951862) — A69 a b Birds — A60 Litho. Perf. 14 485 A52(a) 40d on 10r (Bl) 486 A52(b) 40d on 10r (RB) Yerevan ’94. 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 1994, Sept. 10 1995, Apr. 27 499 A60 40d Milvus milvus 500 A60 60d Aquila chrysaetos A65 Perf. 14 .50 .75 .50 .75 Copyright © 2005 By Scott Publishing Co. 1996, Apr. 30 527 A69 90d multi + label .70 .70 ARMENIA 483 prize winner, Contest of the Shakhmati v SSSR magazine, 1939. #538, 32nd Chess Olympiad, Yerevan. 1996, Sept. 15 535 536 537 538 A76 A76 A76 A76 a. 40d 40d 40d 40d Perf. 14 Litho. multicolored multicolored multicolored multicolored .35 .35 .35 .35 Nos. 535-538 (4) No. 538a issued 9/24. Nos. 535-538 also exist imperf. Armenian Red Cross, 75th Anniv. — A70 .35 .35 .35 .35 1.40 1.40 528 A70 60d multicolored .45 Motion Pictures, Cent. A71 .45 .45 Perf. 14x15 1996, Sept. 20 539 A77 90d multicolored .75 No. 539 also exists imperf. .75 530 A72 40d Carpa aegagrus 531 A72 60d Panthera pardus .30 .45 .30 .45 1997, May 28 A82 A82 A82 A82 Litho. Perf. 15x14 150d multi 150d multi 150d multi, vert. 150d multi, vert. Nos. 553-556 (4) See Nos. 573-575. .75 .75 .75 .75 .75 .75 .75 .75 3.00 3.00 Litho. 540 541 542 543 A78 70d multicolored A78 100d multicolored A78 130d multicolored A78 350d multicolored a. b. Block of 4, #540-543 Booklet pane, 2 #543a Complete booklet, #543b Religious Buildings A88 Christmas A89 #564, San Lazzaro, the Mekhitarian Congregation, Venice. #565, St. Gregory the Illuminator Cathedral, Anthelias. #566, St. Khach Armenian Church, Rostov upon Don. #567, St. James Monastery, Jerusalem. #568, Nercissian School, Tbilisi. 500d, Lazarian Seminary, Moscow. Perf. 15x14, 14x15 1997, Dec. 22 564 565 566 567 A88 A88 A88 A88 100d 100d 100d 100d multi, horiz. multi multi multi, horiz. Souvenir Sheet 569 A88 500d multicolored 2.50 2.50 Christianity in Armenia, 1700th anniv. (in 2001). .40 .40 .50 .50 .75 .75 2.00 2.00 3.75 7.50 7.50 3.75 1997, Oct. 8 Litho. Perf. 14x15 1997, Dec. 26 Rouben Mamulian (1897-1987), Motion Picture Director — A83 570 A89 40d multicolored .75 .75 Diana, Princess of Wales (1961-97) A90 1998, Apr. 8 1.25 1.25 .45 .45 544 545 546 547 548 1996, May 20 1997, Oct. 17 Armenian churches: No. 544, St. Catherine Church, St. Petersburg, 1780. No. 545, Church of the Holy Mother, Kishinev, 1803. No. 546, Church of the Holy Mother, Samarkand, 1903. No. 547, Armenian Church, Lvov, 1370. No. 548, St. Hripsime Church, Yalta, 1913. 500d, Church of St. Gevorg of Etchmiadzin, Tbilisi, 1805. 1996 Fridtjof Nansen (1861-1930), Arctic Explorer — A75 Litho. 534 A75 90d multicolored A79 A79 A79 A79 A79 Litho. .95 .95 Karabakh Movement, 10th Anniv. — A91 1998, Feb. 20 Perf. 14x15 100d multicolored 100d multicolored 100d multicolored 100d multicolored 100d multicolored Nos. 544-548 (5) .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 2.50 2.50 1997, Oct. 19 Perf. 15x14 559 A85 150d multicolored .75 .75 1998, Feb. 21 #535, Petrosian-Botvinnik, World Championship match, Moscow, 1963. #536, Kasparov-Karpov, World Championship Match, Leningrad, 1986. #537, G. Kasparian, first A86 Litho. 550 A80 70d multicolored A87 Perf. 15x14 .65 .65 Europa (Stories and Legends): 170d, Hayk, the Progenitor of the Armenians. 250d, Vahagn, the Dragon Slayer. Copyright © 2005 By Scott Publishing Co. 1.75 1.75 #573, “Tartar Women’s Dance,” by Alexander Bazhbeouk-Melikian. #574, “Family. Generations,” by Yervand Kochar. #575, “Spring in Our Yard,” by Haroutiun Kalents. Perf. 15x14, 14x15 573 A82 150d multi 574 A82 150d multi, vert. 575 A82 150d multi, vert. Nos. 573-575 (3) 2.50 2.50 First Armenian Printing Press, Etchmiadzin, 225th Anniv. — A80 1997, Mar. 26 Perf. 13 1/2x14 Paintings from Natl. Gallery of Armenia Type of 1997 Eghishe Charents (1897-1937), Poet — A85 Souvenir Sheet 549 A79 500d multicolored Litho. 572 A91 250d multicolored .60 32nd Chess Olympiad, Yerevan — A76 Perf. 15x14 Perf. 14x15 558 A84 170d St. Basil’s Cathedral Perf. 14x14 1/2 .60 Litho. Moscow ’97, World Philatelic Exhibition — A84 Christianity in Armenia, 1700th Anniv. — A79 Perf. 14x14 1/2 533 A74 60d multicolored .40 571 A90 250d multicolored 1.25 1.25 No. 571 was issued in sheets of 5 + label. 1996, July 25 Strip of 3, #a.-c. .40 Perf. 15x14 557 A83 150d multicolored Modern Olympic Games, Cent. — A74 1996, July 25 .50 .50 2.50 2.50 Perf. 14 1/2x14 Designs: a, 40d, Cyclist. b, 60d, Athletic event. c, 90d, Wrestling. 532 A73 .50 .50 .50 .50 Size: 60x21mm Issued in sheets of 16 stamps. 1996 Summer Olympics, Atlanta — A73 .50 .50 .50 .50 568 A88 100d multi, horiz. Nos. 564-568 (5) World Wildlife Fund: 70d, Two running. 100d, One standing. 130d, One holding head down. 350d, Two facing forward. 1996, Oct. 20 .20 .85 .45 .45 Capra Aegagrus A78 Perf. 14 1996, May 3 .45 .45 #553, “One of my Dreams,” by Eghishe Tadevossian. #554, “Countryside,” by Gevorg Bashinjaghian. #555, “Portrait of Natalia Tehumian,” by Hakob Hovnatanian. #556, “Salomé,” by Vardges Sureniants. 553 554 555 556 Endangered Fauna — A72 .20 .85 Perf. 15x14, 14x15 Paintings from Natl. Gallery of Armenia A82 Tigran Petrosian, World Chess Champion, Chess House, Yerevan — A77 Perf. 14 1/2x14 1996, May 4 529 A71 60d multicolored Perf. 14 Litho. Armenian Entertainers — A81 551 A81 90d multicolored 552 A81 90d multicolored .45 1997, Dec. 19 #551, Folk singer, Jivani (1846-1909). #552, Arno Babajanian (1921-83), composer, vert. 1997, Mar. 26 Perf. 14x14 1/2 1996, May 4 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.50 562 A87 40d Iris lycotis 563 A87 170d Iris elegantissima 1.50 3.00 Booklet pane, #535-538 Complete booklet, 2 #538a Perf. 14x15 1997, Oct. 18 560 A86 170d multicolored 561 A86 250d multicolored .75 .75 .75 .75 .75 .75 2.25 2.25 484 ARMENIA Imperf Size: 60x44mm With PhilexFrance 99 Emblem at LR 596 A103 250d red & white Nos. 594-596 (3) 1.50 1.50 3.80 3.80 605 A108 540d multi 4.00 4.00 Minerals A98 1998 World Cup Soccer Championships, France — A92 1998, June 10 1998, Oct. 23 585 A98 170d Pyrite 586 A98 250d Agate See Nos. 616-617. .90 .90 1.40 1.40 Domesticated Animals — A104 Perf. 14x15 Litho. 576 A92 250d multicolored 1.25 1.25 No. 576 was issued in sheetlets of 10 plus sheets of 8 + 2 labels. 1999, Aug. 19 Fish — A109 Perf. 13 1/4x13 3/4 597 A104 170d Armenian gampr dog .90 .90 598 A104 250d Van cat 1.40 1.40 With China 1999 World Philatelic Exhibition Emblem at LR National Holidays and Festivals A93 599 A104 250d Van cat Nos. 597-599 (3) Valery Bryusov (1873-1924), Writer — A99 Europa: 170d, Couple jumping over fire, Trndez. 250d, Girls taking part in traditional ceremony, Ascension Day. Litho. Perf. 15x14 577 A93 170d multicolored 578 A93 250d multicolored .90 .90 1.50 1.50 1998, June 24 Designs: 50d, Salmo ischchan. 270d, Barbus goktschaicus. 2000, May 23 Litho. Perf. 13 1/4x13 3/4 606 A109 50d multi 607 A109 270d multi .35 .35 1.40 1.40 1.50 1.50 3.80 3.80 Souvenir Sheet Fairy Tales A110 Perf. 14x15 1998, Dec. 1 587 A99 90d multicolored .50 .50 Souvenir Sheet Perf. 14 3/4x14 1/4 2000, May 25 608 A110 70d The Liar Hunter 609 A110 130d The King and the Peddler .40 .40 .70 .70 First Pan-Armenian Games — A105 Europa, 2000 Common Design Type Perf. 14 1/4x14 3/4 2000, June 19 Illustration reduced. 610 CD17 40d multi 611 CD17 500d multi .30 .30 2.75 2.75 Perf. 14 3/4x14 1999, Aug. 28 600 A105 250d multicolored 2.50 2.50 Souvenir Sheet Butterflies A94 National Costumes A95 Sergei Parajanov, Film Director, 75th Birth Anniv. — A100 1998, June 26 Perf. 14 579 A94 170d Papilio alexanor 580 A94 250d Rethera komarovi .90 .90 1.40 1.40 1998, July 16 Litho. Perf. 14x13 /2 1 581 A95 170d Ayrarat 582 A95 250d Vaspurakan See Nos. 591-592. .90 .90 1.40 1.40 Illustration reduced. 1999, Apr. 19 a. Christianity as State Religion, 1700th Anniv. — A111 Perf. 14x14 3/4 Litho. 588 A100 500d multicolored IBRA 99 emblem in margin 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 Christianity in Armenia, 1700th Anniv. (in 2001) — A106 State Reserves A101 Churches: a, St. Gregory the Illuminator, Cairo. b, St. Gregory the Illuminator, Singapore. c, St. Khach, Suceava, Romania. d, St. Savior, Worcester, Mass. e, Church of the Holy Mother, Madras, India. 1999, Aug. 1999, Apr. 22 Christianity in Armenia, 1700th Anniv. (in 2001) — A96 Churches: a, St. Forty Children’s, 1958, Milan. b, St. Sargis, London, 1923. c, St. Vardan Cathedral, 1968, New York. d, St. Hovannes Cathedral, 1902, Paris. e, St. Gregory the Illuminator Cathedral, 1938, Buenos Aires. 1998, Sept. 25 Perf. 14 3/4x14 1/4 589 A101 170d Khosrov 590 A101 250d Kilijan Europa. 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.50 Litho. Perf. 14 3/4x14 1/4 602 A107 270d multicolored 1.75 1.75 Perf. 11 1/2 Litho. 583 A96 100d Sheet of 5, #a.-e. 612 A111 70d Sheet of 5, #a-e, + label 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 UPU, 125th Anniv. A107 .90 .90 1.40 1.40 1999, Oct. 2000, July 10 Litho. Perf. 13 1/4x13 3/4 Perf. 13 1/4x13 3/4 601 A106 70d Sheet of 5, #a.-e. + label National Costumes Type of 1998 1999, Apr. 20 Litho. Perf. 14x13 1/2 591 A95 170d Karin 592 A95 250d Zangezour No. 612: a, St. Gayane Church, Vagharshapat. b, Etchmiadzin Cathedral, Vagharshapat. c, Church of the Holy Mother, Khor Virap. d, St. Shoghakat Church, Vagharshapat. e, St. Hripsime Church, Vagharshapat. Illustration reduced. 2000 Summer Olympics, Sydney — A112 Designs: 10d, Basketball. 30d, Tennis. 500d, Weight lifting. Perf. 13 1/2x13 3/4 2000, July 11 613-615 A112 Set of 3 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 Mineral Type of 1998 Council of Europe, 50th Anniv. — A102 Memorial to Armenian Earthquake Victims A97 1998, Sept. 26 Designs: 170d, Quartz. 250d, Molybdenite. 616-617 A98 1999, June 12 593 A102 170d multicolored 3.25 3.25 Perf. 15x14 584 A97 250d multicolored 1.40 1.40 No. 584 was issued in sheets of 8 + 2 labels. Cilician Ships A103 1999, Aug. 12 Litho. Perf. 14 3/4x14 Sail Colors 594 A103 170d orange & blue 595 A103 250d red & white Perf. 14 3/4x14 2000, Sept. 4 .90 .90 1.40 1.40 Politicians Assassinated Oct. 27, 1999 — A108 Designs: No. 603, Parliament Speaker Karen Demirchyan, Parliament building. No. 604, Prime Minister Vazgen Sargsyan, troops. 540d, Demirchyan, Sargsyan, Yuri Bakhshyan, Ruben Miroyan, Henrik Abrahamyan, Armenak Armenakyan, Leonard Petrossyan and Mikael Kotanyan. Perf. 14 3/4x14 1/4 2000, Feb. 21 603 A108 250d multi 604 A108 250d multi a. Sheet, 5 each #603-604 Copyright © 2005 By Scott Publishing Co. Litho. 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 20.00 20.00 Set of 2 2.25 2.25 ARMENIA 485 Souvenir Sheet Souvenir Sheet 6th World Wushu Championships A127 Perf. 13 1/4x13 3/4 2001, Oct. 3 638 A127 180d black A113 .95 .95 A114 Second Pan-Armenian Games — A123 Perf. 14x14 3/4 2000, Sept. 11 618 A113 270d multi 1.40 1.40 Nerses Shnorhali (1100-73), poet and musician. Battle of Avarayr, 1550th Anniv. — A118 619 A114 170d multi Christmas. .90 .90 Litho. Perf. 14 3/4x14 633 A123 300d multi No. 627: a, 170d, St. Vardan Mamikonian (388-451). b, 270d, Battle of Avarayr, 451. 2001, June 7 2000, Sept. 15 2001, Aug. 18 627 A118 Litho. 1.90 1.90 Souvenir Sheet Perf. 14x14 3/4 Sheet of 2, #a-b 2.40 2.40 Year of Dialogue Among Civilizations — A128 Perf. 14x14 3/4 2001, Oct. 9 639 A128 275d multi 1.50 1.50 Record of Lamentations, by St. Grigor Narekatzi, 1000th Anniv. — A119 Avetik Issahakian (1875-1957), Poet — A115 2001, June 8 Litho. Perf. 14 3/4x14 628 A119 25d multi 1.25 1.25 Perf. 14 3/4x14 2000, Sept. 17 620 A115 130d multi .70 .70 Commonwealth of Independent States, 10th Anniv. — A129 Christianity in Armenia, 1700th Anniv. — A124 Europa A120 Designs: 50d, Lake Spandarian Reservoir. Sevan. Views of St. Gregory the Illuminator Cathedral, Yerevan: a, 50d, Front. b, 205d, Side (45x30mm). c, 240d, Side, diff. (45x30mm). 500d, 2001, June 9 629-630 A120 Set of 2 3.00 3.00 Famous Armenians A117 634 A124 Designs: 170d, Dhol. 250d, Duduk. 2000, Dec. 22 621-622 A116 Litho. Perf. 14x13 1/4 Set of 2 2.10 2.10 2000, Dec. 23 Perf. 14 3/4x14 1/4 No. 623: a, Viktor Hambartsoumian (190896), cosmologist. b, Abraham Alikhanov (1904-70), physicist. c, Andranik Iossifian (1905-93), engineer. d, Sargis Saltikov (190583), metallurgist. e, Samuel Kochariants (1909-87), nuclear weapons scientist. f, Atrem Mikoyan (1905-70), aircraft designer. g, Norayr Sissakian (1907-66), biologist. h, Ivan Knunyants (1906-90), chemist. i, Nikoghayos Yenikolopian (1924-93), chemist. No. 624: a, Nikoghayos Adonts (18711942), historian. b, Manouk Abeghian (18651944), grammarian. c, Hovhannes Toumanian (1869-1923), poet. d, Hrachya Ajarian (18761953), linguist. e, Gevorg Emin (1918-98), writer. f, Yervand Lalayan (1864-1931), anthropologist. g, Daniel Varoujan (1884-1915), poet. h, Paruyr Sevak (1924-71), writer. i, William Saroyan (1908-81), writer. No. 625: a, Hamo Beknazarian (18921965), actor. b, Alexandre Tamanian (18781936), architect. c, Vahram Papazian (18881968), actor. d, Vassil Tahirov (1859-1938), viticulturist. e, Leonid Yengibarian (1935-72), mime. f, Haykanoush Danielian (1893-1958), singer. g, Sergo Hambartsoumian (1910-83) “Strongest man on Earth”. h, Hrant Shahinian (1923-96), gymnast. i, Toros Toramanian (1864-1934), architectural historian. No. 626: a, Komitas (1869-1935), composer. b, Aram Khachatourian (1903-78), composer. c, Martiros Sarian (1880-1972), artist. d, Avet Terterian (1929-94), composer. e, Alexandre Spendiarian (1871-1928), composer. f, Arshile Gorky (1904-48), artist. g, Minas Avetissian (1928-75), artist. h, Levon Orbeli (1882-1958), physiologist. i, Hripsimeh Simonian (1916-98), artist. 623 Booklet pane of 9 7.50 7.50 a.-i. A117 110d Any single 624 Booklet pane of 9 a.-i. A117 110d Any single 625 Booklet pane of 9 a.-i. A117 110d Any single 626 Booklet pane of 9 a.-i. A117 110d Any single Booklet, #623-626 .80 Sheet of 3, #a-c, + 6 labels 2.75 2.75 As No. 634, with brown inscriptions in margins 631 A121 240d multi Perf. 14 3/4x14 2001, Dec. 21 641 A130 350d multi 1.75 1.75 Independence, 10th Anniv. — A131 Ivan Lazarev (1735-1801) and Institute of Eastern Languages, Moscow — A125 2001, Dec. 22 642 A131 300d multi 1.60 1.60 2001, Sept. 26 Litho. Perf. 14 3/4x14 635 A125 300d multi See Russia No. 6665. 1.50 1.50 Transportation A132 Designs: 180d, Cart. 205d, Phaeton. Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) — A122 643-644 A132 Sciurus persicus: a, 40d, On branch. b, 50d, Eating. c, 80d, Close-up. d, 120d, Digging. Illustration reduced. Perf. 13 /4x13 /4 2001, Aug. 25 1 632 A122 Block of 4, #a-d Perf. 13 1/2x14 2001, Dec. 24 Set of 2 2.00 2.00 Native Costumes — A126 3 Litho. 2.10 2.10 Man and woman from: 50d, Javakhch. 250r, Artzakh. Perf. 14x13 1/2 2001, Sept. 27 636-637 A126 Set of 2 Medicinal Plants — A133 1.50 1.50 Designs: 85d, Hypericum perforatum. 205d, Thymus serpyllum. Perf. 13 1/4x13 3/4 2001, Dec. 25 .80 645-646 A133 .80 .80 7.50 7.50 .80 30.00 2.75 1.40 1.40 7.50 7.50 .80 European Year of Languages A130 2001, June 11 7.50 7.50 .80 2.75 Marginal inscriptions on No. 634d read “INTERNATIONAL / PHILATELIC EXHIBITION / ARMENIA ’01/ 10-16 September, 2001, Yerevan,” in English, Armenian, Russian and French. Souvenir sheet can be formed into a box which shows cathedral from various angles. Armenian Admission to Council of Europe A121 1.00 1.00 Perf. 13 3/4x13 1/4, 13 1/4x13 3/4 2001, Aug. 27 d. Musical Instruments A116 2001, Nov. 29 640 A129 205d multi .80 Copyright © 2005 By Scott Publishing Co. Set of 2 1.50 1.50 486 ARMENIA Eagle — A134 2002, Mar. 28 Litho. Alexandrapol - Yeravan Railway, Cent. — A146 Perf. 14 3/4x14 647 A134 10d brown 648 A134 25d green 649 A134 50d dk blue Nos. 647-649 (3) .20 .20 .20 .60 .20 .20 .20 .60 2002, Dec. 21 Europa — A140 657-658 A140 Industries A135 Designs: 120d, Calendar belt, 2nd cent. B.C., copper smelter. 350d, Containers, 7th cent. B.C., hops, barley, beer kettles. Perf. 14x14 3/4 3.00 3.00 1.60 1.60 Set of 2 2.25 2.25 673 A151 220d multi 1.10 1.10 Eagle Type of 2002 Perf. 13 1/4x13 1/2 2003, Sept. 23 674 A134 70d red 675 A134 300d dk blue 676 A134 500d bister brn Nos. 674-676 (3) Artemy Aivazian, Composer, Cent. of Birth A141 Litho. .30 .30 1.40 1.40 2.25 2.25 3.95 3.95 Souvenir Sheet Flowers — A147 Designs: 150d, Galanthus artjuschenkoae. 200d, Merendera mirzoevae. Perf. 14 3/4x14 2002, July 31 2002, Apr. 26 650-651 A135 Litho. Set of 2 Perf. 12 1/2 2003, June 26 665 A146 350d multi Designs: 70d, Magician’s hat. 500d, Clown. 2002, July 30 Larus Armenicus A151 659 A141 600d multi 3.00 3.00 666-667 A147 667a Souvenir Sheet Perf. 13 1/4x13 3/4 2002, Dec. 23 Set of 2 1.60 1.60 Booklet pane, 2 each #666-667 Complete booklet, #661a, 663a, 667a 3.25 12.50 Issued: No. 667a, 2003. Space Research A148 National Gallery Artworks — A136 Designs: No. 652, 200d, Lily, by Edgar Chahine. No. 653, 200d, Salomé, sculpture by Hakob Gurjian. Perf. 14x14 3/4 2002, Apr. 29 652-653 A136 Set of 2 1.90 1.90 Cathedral of Ani, 1000th Anniv. (in 2001) — A142 Perf. 13 1/4x13 3/4 2002, Sept. 24 660 A142 550d multi 2003, Oct. 9 Perf. 13 677 A152 480d multi 2.10 2.10 Designs: 120d, Cosmic ray research. 220d, Orion 1 and Orion 2 space observatories. 668-669 A148 First Armenian Postal Dispatch, 175th Anniv. A153 Perf. 14 3/4x14 2002, Dec. 24 Litho. Transport Corridor Europe — Caucausus — Asia (TRACECA), 10th Anniv. — A152 Set of 2 1.60 1.60 2.75 2.75 2003, Nov. 24 678 A153 70d multi Perf. 13 1/4x13 1/2 .30 .30 Intl. Year of Mountains A143 2002 World Cup Soccer Championships, Japan and Korea — A137 Perf. 14 3/4x14 2002-03 661 A143 350d multi 661a 1.60 1.60 Booklet pane of 3 5.00 Europa — A149 Issued: No. 661, 9/26/02. No. 661a, 2003. 2002, May 2 Perf. 14 /4x14 654 A137 350d multi 3 Poster art: 170d, Handle With Care!, by Artak Bagdassaryan. 250d, Armenia, Our Home, by Karen Koyojan. 1.60 1.60 Souvenir Sheet Perf. 13 1/2x13 1/4 2003, June 24 670-671 A149 671a Set of 2 Booklet pane, 4 each #670671 Introduction of Dram Currency, 10th Anniv. — A154 2003, Nov. 25 Litho. 679 A154 170d multi .85 .85 1.90 1.90 7.75 No. 671a was sold with booklet cover, but was unattached to it. Reptiles — A144 Designs: 170d, Lacerta armeniaca. 220d, Vipera raddei. Perf. 13 1/4x13 3/4 2002-03 662-663 A144 Set of 2 663a Booklet pane, 2 each #662-663 1.90 1.90 4.00 Issued: Nos. 662-663, 9/27/02. No. 663a, 2003. Hovsep Pushman (1877-1906), Artist — A138 2002, May 9 655 A138 650d multi A155 Aram Khatchaturian (1903-78), Composer — A150 3.00 3.00 Women for Peace A145 2002, Dec. 20 Litho. 664 A145 220d multi Perf. 13 1/2x13 1/4 2003, June 25 672 A150 350d multi Perf. 14 3/4x14 1.00 1.00 Hovhannes Tevossian (1902-58), Engineer — A139 2002, May 14 656 A139 350d multi 1.60 1.60 Copyright © 2005 By Scott Publishing Co. Litho. 1.60 1.60 2003, Nov. 25 A156 Perf. 13 1/2x13 1/4 680 A155 350d multi 1.50 1.50 Siamanto (1878-1915), poet. 2003, Nov. 27 681 A156 200d multi .90 Vahan Tekeyan (1878-1945), poet. .90 ARMENIA — ARUBA Grape color: 170d, Yellow. 220d, Purple. Perf. 12 1/2 2004, Sept. 8 688-689 A162 Set of 2 2.40 2.40 Souvenir Sheet POP. — 67,014 CAPITAL — Oranjestad 100 Cents = 1 Gulden Catalogue values for all unused stamps in this country are for Never Hinged items. Perf. 13 /4x13 /2 2003, Nov. 28 682 A157 120d multi .55 State Visit of Queen Beatrix and Prince Claus of the Netherlands A5 On Jan. 1, 1986 Aruba, formerly part of Netherlands Antilles, achieved a separate status within the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Neurophysiology — A157 1 487 1 .55 1987, Feb. 16 25 26 A5 A5 Perf. 14x13 Litho. 55c shown 1.10 60c Prince William-Alexander 1.60 .80 .80 Souvenir Sheet Used values are for CTO or stamps removed from first day covers. Postally used examples sell for more. Tourism — A6 1987, June 5 Armenian Settlement of New Julfa, 400th Anniv. — A163 Third Pan-Armenian Games, Yerevan — A158 27 28 2004, Sept. 9 Perf. 13 690 A163 590d multi 3.50 3.50 1.50 1.50 1986-87 1 2 Souvenir Sheet Animated Films A164 Designs: 70d, Cat and Dog, 1937. 120d, Foxbook, 1975. Perf. 13 1/4x13 1/2 2004, Sept. 10 691-692 A164 The Baptism, Miniature From Gospel of Ejmiatsin — A159 Perf. 13 1/2x13 1/4 2003, Nov. 28 684 A159 550d multi 2.40 2.40 Set of 2 1.25 1.25 1.40 1.00 2.10 1.40 Traditional House — A1 2003, Nov. 28 683 A158 350d multi Litho. A6 60c Beach and sea A6 100c Rock and cacti Perf. 14x13 Litho. Unwmk. A1 A1 5c shown .60 .40 15c King William III Tower .40 .20 3 A1 20c Loading crane .60 .40 4 A1 25c Lighthouse .90 .60 5 A1 30c Snake .85 .60 6 A1 35c Owl .80 .60 7 A1 45c Shell 1.00 .60 8 A1 55c Frog 1.10 .80 9 A1 60c Water skier 1.10 1.00 10 A1 65c Net fishing 1.10 1.00 11 A1 75c Music box 1.10 1.00 12 A1 85c Pre-Columbian bisque pot 1.40 .80 13 A1 90c Bulb cactus 1.60 1.10 14 A1 100c Grain 1.60 1.00 15 A1 150c Watapana tree 2.40 1.50 16 A1 250c Aloe plant 3.75 3.00 Nos. 1-16 (16) 20.30 14.60 Issued: 5c, 30c, 60c, 150c, 1/1; 15c, 35c, 65c, 250c, 2/5; 20c, 45c, 75c, 100c, 4/7/87; 25c, 55c, 85c, 90c, 7/17/87. Aloe Vera Plant — A7 1988, Jan. 27 29 30 31 Perf. 13x14 Litho. A7 45c Field A7 60c Plant A7 100c Harvest Nos. 29-31 (3) 1.10 .80 1.40 1.00 2.00 1.10 4.50 2.90 Litho. Perf. 13x14 A8 25c 25-cent A8 55c 50-cent A8 65c 5 and 10-cent A8 150c 1-florin Nos. 32-35 (4) .80 .40 1.10 .80 1.60 1.00 2.75 1.75 6.25 3.95 1988, Mar. 16 32 33 34 35 Coins — A8 Aramayis Yerzinkyan (1879-1931), Statesman — A165 Perf. 13 1/2x13 1/4 2004, Sept. 11 693 A165 220d multi 1.40 1.40 Independence A2 1986, Jan. 1 18 19 20 21 AIR POST STAMPS Perf. 14x13, 13x14 A2 25c Map A2 45c Coat of arms, vert. A2 55c Natl. anthem, vert. A2 100c Flag Nos. 18-21 (4) .85 .40 1.10 .80 1.60 1.00 2.00 1.75 5.55 3.95 Love Issue — A9 A10 1988, May 4 36 A9 70c shown 37 A9 135c Seashells, coastal scenery 1.10 .80 2.00 1.40 1988, Aug. 24 A160 A161 Intl. Peace Year — A3 Paintings in Museum of Russian Art: 200d, Still Life, by Alexander Shevchenko. 220d, In a Restaurant, by Konstantin Roudakov. 1986, Aug. 29 AP1 2004, Sept. 6 Litho. Perf. 13 1/2x13 1/4 685-686 A160 Set of 2 2.50 2.50 2004, Sept. 9 687 A161 350d multi 2.10 2.10 FIFA (Fédération Internationale de Football Association), Cent. 22 23 AP2 Perf. 14x13 1.40 .80 3.75 1.40 Design: 90d, Artiom Katsian (1886-1943), world record holding pilot on range and altitude in 1909. 1995, Dec. 5 C1 AP1 Litho. 90d multicolored 1996, Apr. 30 Litho. Perf. 14x15 .75 Carnival A11 .75 Perf. 14x14 /2 1 C2 AP2 90d multicolored .70 .70 Nelson Stepanian (1913-44), WWII fighter ace. 1989, Jan. 5 Princess Juliana and Prince Bernhard, 50th Wedding Anniv. — A4 1987, Jan. 7 ARUBA Grapes — A162 Litho. A3 60c shown A3 100c Barbed wire 38 A10 35c shown 1.00 .60 39 A10 100c Emblems 1.75 1.10 Aruba, the 162nd member of the Intl. Olympic Committee (35c), 1988 Summer Olympics, Seoul (100c). 24 Photo. A4 135c multicolored ə-ru-bə LOCATION — West Indies, north of Venezuela AREA — 78 sq. mi. Copyright © 2005 By Scott Publishing Co. 40 A11 45c Two children 41 A11 60c Girl 42 A11 100c Entertainer Nos. 40-42 (3) Perf. 13x14 2.75 1.75 Perf. 14x13 1.10 .80 1.10 .80 2.10 1.10 4.30 2.70
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