Dr Bareket Schiff Keren - Drogenberatung Bielefeld eV
Dr Bareket Schiff Keren - Drogenberatung Bielefeld eV
MEDICAL CANNABIS IN ISRAEL Dr Bareket Schiff Keren Some history GLOBAL AND LOCAL Gan-zi-gun-nu – the drug that takes away the mind Azallu – hand of ghost, poison of all limbs (neurological diseases?) Qunnabu – used in religious rites For the relief of certain kinds of pain, I believe, there is no more useful medicine than Cannabis within our reach. J. Russell Reynolds, Archives of Medicine 2, 154 (1859) 1915 – Sir William Osler – CANABIS INDICA –the best remedy for migraine 1930 – Federal Bureau of Narcotics Political campaign – Harry Anslinger Associated with immoral behaviour and psychosis (fibers industry, cotton industry , paper industry ) 1937 Marihuanna Tax Act 1938 a medical review – Cannabis for Migraine 1941 cannabis taken off the US pharmacopiea 1970 – Dr Roger O Egeberg Assistant Secretary of Health: Marijuana classified as Schedule 1 substance Controlled substance act of 1970 DEA – Drug Enforcement Agency N0 accepted medical Marinol (Drunabinol) anduse Nabilone = synthetic THC 1968- GLAUCOMA 1990 – MIGRAINE 2013 –Dr Sanjay Gupta CNN Chief Medical Correspondant 23 states – legal medical cannabis Patients experience with Cannabis: Pain disappears – wears off Pain persists – but can be put aside Periodic pain – less frequent short attacks Sleep – uninterrupted & refreshing Appetite CH3 CH 3 OH OH HO C5H11 cannabidiol (CBD) Mechoulam and Shvo: Tetrahedron 19,2073 (1963) O Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC) Gaoni and Mechoulam: J.Amer.Chem.Soc. 86, 1646 (1964) CH3 OH O Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC) O OH C O C O N H anandamide © LOH 2004 OH OH 2-arachidonoyl glycerol (2-AG) Science (STKE, 23 April, 2002) THE HISTORY OF CANNABIS IN USE OF JASHISH WAS COMMON ISRAEL BRITISH MANDATORY LAW EARLY 90’S – COMPASSIONATE TREATMENT LICENSE FOR GROWING HOLDING AND CONSUMING COMPASSIONATE DISPENSARIES GROWING AND DISTRIBUTING PERMITS GOVERNMENTAL INVOLVEMENT Form no 106 Computerized system Supervision over Good Agricultural Practice Packing and Distribution Cannabis Products MINISTERY OF HEALTH MEDICAL CANNABIS UNIT INDICATION COMITTEE SPECIALISTS IN EACH INDICATION INTEROFFICES COMITTEE POLICE MINISTERY OF AGRICULTURE MINISTERY OF INTERNAL SECURITY is Cannabis medicine ? The approved indications Cancer in active treatment Neuropatic pain Crohns & ulcerative colitis Parkinsons & tourets Multiple sclerosis Post trauma Cancer and cannabis Nausea & vomiting Pain Cachexia Anxiety and depression Sleep Neuropathic Pain Pain from nerve dammage Nerve compression Central pain Pain clinic without cannabis Unapproved indication Glaucoma HIV Tinnitus Asthma Epilepsy Fibromyalgia Rheumatic disease Other indications Diabetes Anorexia nervosa Disseminated osteoporosis Menopausal syndrome Endometriosis Opioid dependance Sleep disturbance All autoimmune diseases Contraindications Mental condition Drug abuse LICENSE PROCEDURES AN OFFICIAL FORM FILLED ONLINE SENT BY FAX RECIEVED AND TRANSFORMED SENT FOR AN APROVAL BY SPECIAL DOCTORS A REPLY AFTER 45 WORKING DAYS Follow up RE-EVALUTION RENEW APPLICATION Change supplier Raise in the approved amoumt Continueing the license Regulators dillema The source of medical cannabis Quallity of the strains and which strains Suppliers and distributers The funding – the way patients pay The situation now: Monopoly No control on the delivered substance No education policy No standardised instructions to the patients Rigid regulations as for the amount and the preparation - MY VISION RESEARCH - 1 CENTRAL DATA COLLECTION BETTER OBSERVATIONS AND REPORTS IN THE PRIMARY CARE LEVEL EDUCATION 1 BASED ON THE KNOWLEDGE AVAILABLE 2 REEVALUATING AND KEEPING TO CONTEMPORARY NEW INFORMATION APPLICATION FLEXIBLE RESPONSE BY THE MEDICAL ESTABLISHMENT Thank you ﺷﻜﺮﺃأ תודה dank e