March/April 2015 Bulletin
March/April 2015 Bulletin
Temple Beth El Bulletin An Egalitarian Conservative Synagogue Volume 41 Issue 2 (bi-monthly) March/April 2015 Adar/Nisan/Iyar 5775 BETH EL CARES SERVES HOLIDAY MEAL AT LOCAL SHELTER TBE RELIGIOUS SCHOOL CELEBRATES TU B’SHEVAT TEMPLE BETH EL - BOARD OF TRUSTEES EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Sylvan D. Pomerantz, President Peter K. Kempner, Immediate Past President Mia Weinstein, First Vice President Eric Kaplan, Vice President Scott Krowitz, Vice President Carl Weinberg, Vice President David Wolff, Vice President Daniel Young, Vice President Robert Cohen, Treasurer Susan Frieden, Assistant Treasurer Lisa Manheim, Secretary COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS [email protected] 203-968-8079 203-595-0528 203-323-2383 203-348-8680 203-322-8675 203-968-6361 203-975-1990 203-329-9622 203-869-4282 917-690-2712 Beth El Cares Ken Temple 203-968-9550 B’nai Mitzvah Chairperson Suzanne Olin 203-761-9213 Board of Education Naomi Marks 203-323-8512 Facilities James Benjamin 203-329-0369 Finance Robert Cohen Susan Frieden 203-329-9622 203-869-4282 ADVISORS Gary P. Lessen Eileen H. Rosner 203-322-7616 203-324-4096 TRUSTEES Edward M. Berman Kenneth Broder Stacey Essenfeld Stanley Friedman Dana Horowitz Carol Krim Arthur Laichtman Joshua Levine Steven Sosnick Barry Strom Ken Temple Adam Tronick Michael Wiederlight Nicole Zussman Fund Raising Scott Krowitz David Wolff 203-348-8680 203-968-6361 203-329-7750 203-968-8080 203-595-0368 203-322-0416 203-321-0018 203-968-1075 203-461-8223 203-276-1395 203-972-6993 203-329-2580 203-968-9550 203-569-9570 203-322-4256 203-324-5383 High Holy Days Seymour Weinstein 203-353-8873 Human Resources Scott Krowitz Carl Weinberg Nicole Zussman 203-348-8680 203-322-8675 203-324-5383 Marketing and Communications Stanley Friedman 203-322-0416 Membership Committee Elissa Hyman Mia Weinstein 203-316-8228 203-595-0528 Mitzvah Garden Harriet Weinstein 203-353-8873 SISTERHOOD PRESIDENT Beth Silver 203-249-7046 Project Ezra Joy Katz 203-329-3359 MEN’S CLUB Keith Friedman, Representative 203-504-8664 PAST PRESIDENTS Gordon Brown Rosalea Fisher Fred S. Golove Ronald Gross Herbert Kahan Alan Kalter Mark Lapine Gary P. Lessen Milton Mann Brian Rogol Eileen H. Rosner Ritual Committee Denise Greenman Eileen H. Rosner 203-329-8594 203-324-4096 203-276-8688 203-323-1449 203-322-0295 203-325-3114 203-322-3249 203-322-8220 203-329-9879 203-322-7616 203-322-6161 212-531-8203 203-324-4096 2020 Planning Committee Eric Kaplan 203-323-2383 OUR STAFF IS MOST EAGER TO ASSIST YOU Monday - Thursday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Phone: (203) 322-6901 Fax: (203) 322-0532 WHERE TO FIND IT Joshua Hammerman, Rabbi ([email protected]) Magda Fishman, Cantor ([email protected]) Sidney G. Rabinowitz, Hazzan Emeritus ([email protected]) Steven Lander, Executive Director ([email protected]) Lisa Gittelman Udi, Education and Youth Director ([email protected]) Lana Rappaport, Education Office ([email protected]) Linda Rezak, Book Keeper ([email protected]) Mindy Rogoff, Temple Secretary ([email protected]) Ellen Gottfried, Secretary ([email protected]) Alberto Eyzaguirre, Facilities Manager ([email protected]) Sisterhood Gift Shop ([email protected]) Joshua Hammerman, Rabbi............................................. Page 3 Magda Fishman, Cantor .................................................. Page 3 Sidney G. Rabinowitz, Hazzan Emeritus .......................... Page 4 Adult Education ............................................................... Page 4 March/April Service Schedule ......................................... Page 5 Sisterhood ....................................................................... Page 6 Beth El Cares.................................................................... Page 7 B’nai Mitzvah ................................................................... Page 8 2 ext. 307 ext. 315 ext. 309 ext. 304 ext. 305 ext. 306 ext. 302 ext. 301 ext. 308 ext. 314 ext. 310 ON ONE FOOT CANTOR MAGDA FISHMAN The Long Table of Companionship I hope you were kept warm and safe throughout the challenging winter. It has been thrilling for Rabbi Hammerman and me and to see and hear the beautiful participation at Friday night services, and to realize that we have a singing community that grows from week to week. I would love to start a singing group that would focus on Friday night prayers (go through the melodies and liturgy, learn new melodies and harmonize). You’ve had a chance to hear some of the new music coming from innovative Israeli synagogues like Navah Tehilla, Shirah Chadasha, NYC based Hadar, Romemu, BJ and other exciting congregations, and you can feel the power of congregational participation. When the room is filled with voices that sing, whether or not you are a singer, you are using your voice to become part of a sacred community. So please join us; it’s all about learning together and being present. I know that life keeps us all busy and we can’t always commit, so I am aiming towards holding rehearsals approximately every two weeks. Please let me know if you would be interested in assisting vocally with any or all of these: The great Sufi poet Rumi wrote: “…what you are looking for Has many names and one existence. Don’t search for one of the names. Move beyond any attachment to names. Every war and every conflict between human beings Has happened because of some disagreement about names. It’s such an unnecessary foolishness, Because just beyond the arguing There’s a long table of companionship, Set and waiting for us to sit down.” In March, we’ll be doing lots of sitting around long tables of companionship, praising together the One who has many names. First, on the first-ever “Shabbat Across Stamford,” we’ll break hallah with our neighbors from all of Stamford’s Jewish congregations (and unaffiliateds too). It has truly been a herculean effort to avoid potential pitfalls while finding ways for people to focus on what unites us, rather than the many things that divide us. This will be a Shabbat where no one will feel a complete sense of comfort and familiarity. That is actually the goal! For everyone, there needs to be something that will be different from the norm – and some compromise to make. Otherwise, if one person is too comfortable, it will be at another’s expense. This evening will be a triumph of the middle path. Yet despite the differences, we’ll all discover that there is some real common ground to inhabit. The rituals are in essence the same (a hallah is a hallah, after all) and our stories are surprisingly similar. We have one simple goal for the evening: To foster a sense of unity – to come together as a Jewish community. Anything else will be (pareve) icing on the cake. Then, on the evening of Thursday, March 26, we’ll host, for the third time, an Interfaith Seder bringing together people of all faiths and backgrounds to learn, to sing, to share thoughts on some of the grand themes of Passover. Given all the horrible things being done in the name of religion around the world, it behooves us more than ever to show how people can get beyond the arguing and link arms across that long table of companionship. As president of the Board of Rabbis, which initiated the “Shabbat Across Stamford” idea, and a member of the board of the Interfaith Council, which is working with TBE to put together the Seder, I am proud that our congregation can spearhead events that bring people together in the spirit of positive change. We have other important events coming up that send the same message, including the opening gathering for our new LGBT group – the first such group within our Jewish community – and the Folksbiene Concert that will rock our sanctuary on March 19 as we celebrate the indomitable spirit of our Eastern European ancestry. As we do, we’ll think of Continued on page 19... ♫ High Holidays Choir ♫ Friday night service singing group ♫ Cantors Concert Also, if you are an instrumentalist who would like to explore joining in services, please let me know. I would love to get to know all singers and instrumentalists in our community. I am looking forward to hearing from you at [email protected] and to seeing you at services. Thank you for your dedication, presence and all you do for this ongoing, community building journey. It is never ending and it is exciting and inspiring to all of us! Blessings, Cantor Magda Fishman SAVE THE DATE Cantor’s Concert Sunday, June 14, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. An Evening of “Our Favorite Things” Featuring Cantor Magda Fishman Cantor Randy Herman and musical guests 3 THE HAZZAN’S VOICE ADULT EDUCATION Since 2002, a CD project entitled, “The Spirit Series, Voices of the Conservative Movement,” a co-sponsored project of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism (USCJ) and the Cantors Assembly, has proven to be a hugely successful annual joint project. Each of these high quality recordings showcase the various voices, male and female, styles and languages that make up the music heard in today’s Conservative services. Selections may be up-beat melodies, melodies familiar to us, newly composed, highly experience hazzannim and those relatively new to the cantorate. Accompaniments vary from piano or guitar to full orchestra, adult or children’s chorus. A committee of 12, divided equally of hazzanim and USCJ layleaders decide on a theme. Cantors Assembly members are notified of the theme after which they may submit a selection for consideration. The final decision is made by Richard Skolnik, a past -president of the USCJ, and Hazzan David Propis, a past-president of the Cantors Assembly. Hazzan Propis supervises the studio production of each CD, which is based on recording quality, musical quality, and how it will appeal to the listening audience. Original and transliterated lyrics, as well as liner notes, are provided. 70,000 copies of each CD are mailed to USCJ members. Temple Beth El is no longer officially connected to the USCJ; however, we are able to order each CD directly from them. These CDs are not available from music stores or distributors like Amazon. There is no set price for these CDs, but the USCJ requests a suggested donation of $36 per CD or any amount with which you may be comfortable. Orders may be placed online at or at 212-5337800, ext. 1031. These wonderful CDs to date are: #1 Shabbat; #2 Israel; #3 High Holy Days; #4 Passover; #5 Hanukkah; #6 Weddings; #7 Israel II; #8 Best of the Spirit Series; #9 Jewish World Music; #10 Shalom; #11 Children; #12 Hope and Healing; #13 Joy and Celebration (available in November). Each of these CDs is a gem! Allow them to bring the spirit of Judaism into your home and car. Cantor Fishman and I look forward to your positive responses after being enthralled by what you hear and experience. Lunch And Learn - Pirke Avot and the 21st Century Back By Popular Demand! with Rabbi Joshua Hammerman Wednesdays 12:00-12:45 pm in the TBE Library Explore how the teachings of the ancient scholars of our tradition can inform our lives in the modern world. Bring your own lunch. We’ll provide the lively discussion! Hazzan Sidney Rabinowitz Sisterhood Rosh Chodesh Group Meets at the beginning of every Hebrew month. Join us for study, good company and excellent snacks! Next gathering: March 21, 1:30 pm at the home of Sari Jaffe. For details and to receive regular notifications, contact Beth Silver at [email protected]. Hebrew 101 - Learn to Read Hebrew with Sue Shapiro Beginning Hebrew is starting this spring! Would you like to be able to read Hebrew prayers and blessings and participate in a worship service in the synagogue? This course is for beginners who want to learn the basics of the Hebrew alef bet. By the end of the course, you’ll be reading simple blessings and prayers of the worship service! Dates and times to be determined! Hot Topics for Cold Months – Tuesday, March 10 7:30 pm Marriage Equality and Judaism With Rabbi Joshua Hammerman in the library This American Jewish Life – Friday evening March 20 at 7:00 pm Featuring the personal story of Marcia Lane: “A Spirited Life” Marcia Lane is the Director of Education & Engagement at United Jewish Federation of Greater Stamford, New Canaan and Darien. She will share her story with us. The “This American Jewish Life” series takes place on selected Friday evening and Shabbat mornings. For information and/or to offer to share your personal story, call 203-322-6901. Interfaith Seder - Thursday, March 26 at 6:30 pm We will join with our non-Jewish neighbors in an interactive Seder learning experience as we explore the themes of Passover and freedom. Seder foods and light hors d’oeuvres will be served. For information, contact the TBE office at 203322-6901. Learning and Latte – Meets monthly at 7:30 pm at various locations. Join us for a lively and respectful discussion of issues facing people of faith. For information contact Rabbi Hammerman at 203-322-6901, ext. 307 or [email protected]. TBE Discussion Group The TBE Discussion Group meets monthly. For information please contact Polly Geller at [email protected]. TBE Empty Nesters Havdalah and Social Saturday, March 14 at 7:30 p.m. Join us at the home of Denise & David Greenman, 147 Dogwood Court, Stamford, for a sing-a-long and a spirited Havdalah service led by our own Cantor Magda Fishman. Tradition in the Kitchen with TBE Sisterhood A series of Sunday mornings in the kitchen with a primo chef or baker, participants will have the opportunity to recreate an ageless recipe and produce a masterpiece to share! (no fee) Next class: Sunday, March 22 at 9:30 am - “Passover Desserts” with Jill Teich. For dates and to receive regular notifications, contact Beth Silver at [email protected]. Following Havdalah, spend some time schmoozing, noshing and socializing with Cantor Fishman and her husband, Zarin! Please let us know you’re coming and if you can bring something for dessert! RSVP to Sue and Carl Shapiro at [email protected] OR call 203-353-0657. To register, please contact the Education Office at 203-3226901 x306 or email [email protected]. 4 SHABBAT AND FESTIVAL SERVICES MARCH APRIL Wednesday, March 4 - PURIM Friday, April 3 - Erev Passover Family Megillah Reading 6:00 p.m. Purim Carnival 7:00 p.m. Purim for Adults 8:30 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat 7:00 p.m. Shabbat, April 4 - Passover (1st day) Friday, March 6 Sunday, April 5 - Passover (2nd day) Shabbat & Passover Services 9:30 a.m. Kabbalat Shabbat 7:00 p.m. Passover Services 9:30 a.m. Shabbat, March 7 Friday, April 10 - Passover (7th day) Shabbat Services 9:30 a.m. SAMUEL TEICH, BAR MITZVAH Mincha/Ma’ariv Service 5:15 p.m. SARAH BRODER, BAT MITZVAH Passover Services 9:30 a.m. Kabbalat Shabbat, & Passover Service 7:00 p.m. Shabbat Passover, April 11 - Passover (8th day) Shabbat & Passover Services 9:30 a.m. Teen-Led Service Yizkor Friday, March 13 Shabbat Across Stamford 6:00 p.m. At Rippowam Middle School Kabbalat Shabbat 7:00 p.m. Friday, April 17 Tot Shabbat - We Love Israel! 5:30 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat 7:00 p.m. Shabbat, March 14 Shabbat School - Grades K-7 9:00 a.m. Shabbat Services 9:30 a.m. Shabbat, April 18 Shabbat Services 9:30 a.m. NOAH WEINBERG, BAR MITZVAH Friday, March 20 Kabbalat Shabbat 7:00 p.m. This American Jewish Life with Marcia Lane Sunday, April 19 Shacharit and Rosh Chodesh Iyar Services 10:00 a.m. REBECCA FRIEDLANDER, BAT MITZVAH Shabbat, March 21 Shabbat Services 9:30 a.m. HANNAH BUSHELL, BAT MITZVAH Friday, April 24 Family Shabbat Services led by grades K-2 6:00 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat 7:00 p.m. Honoring Israel Independence Day Friday, March 27 Passover Chocolate Seder Tot & Family Shabbat Experience 5:30 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat 7:00 p.m. Shabbat, April 25 Shabbat Services 9:30 a.m. SHAYNA FINKEL, BAT MITZVAH Jr. Congregation - Honoring Israel 10:30 a.m. Shabbat, March 28 Shabbat Services 9:30 a.m. 8-9th Grade Parents & students, please join us Tuesday, March 3 and Tuesday, April 14 from 6:45-8:15 pm K’TANIM for A monthly Religious School drop-off program for 3 and 4 year-olds! “A Taste of Rosh Hodesh: It’s a Girl Thing” & “Shevet Achim: The Brotherhood!” Activities include games, songs, holidays, Bible stories, simple Hebrew, blessings, crafts and food! A Shabbat evening experience for families with young children, meeting once-a-month, on Fridays at 5:30 pm Register your child at $100 for the year. March 27 - Passover Chocolate Seder! April 17 - We Love Israel! For more information contact Lisa at 203-322-6901, ext. 305 or [email protected]. We begin with a lively, interactive, child-friendly Shabbat service and are followed by a light Shabbat dinner. You do NOT need to be a Temple member to enroll your child. Tell your friends about us! Contact Lisa at 203-322-6901, ext. 305 or [email protected]. 5 SISTERHOOD Our wonderful “year in motion” continues with more fun to come over the next few months. Please join us so we may share it together! Sisterhood member Betty Baer will, once again, organize our annual Passover Food Sale. Order forms will be mailed to you so you may purchase a variety of delicious holiday meals and foods for your family and friends. The profits and donations from the sale go to Sisterhood and are used to financially support the Temple and provide enriching programs for members. Thank you, Betty, and to all who contribute! Contact Betty with questions at 203-324-7972. Women’s Rosh Chodesh Nisan will be held on Saturday, March 21 at 1:30 pm at Sari Jaffe’s home, 69 Brookhollow Lane, Stamford. All are welcome! RSVP to [email protected] or 203-357-0377. Save the date for Rosh Chodesh Iyar on Sunday, April 19 at 7:30 pm. Location will be announced. For chefs, foodies and those curious about cooking, we have two exciting programs scheduled as part of our “Tradition in the Kitchen” cooking series. Both programs will be held at TBE starting at 9:30 am. On Sunday, March 22, Sisterhood member Jill Teich will demonstrate delicious Passover desserts just in time for the holiday. Thank you Jill! On Sunday, April 12, cookbook author and Sisterhood member, Ronnie Fein, will bring us into the modern kosher cooking world by demonstrating innovative and yummy kosher recipes from her new cookbook, The Modern Kosher Kitchen: More than 125 Inspired Recipes for a New Generation of Kosher Cooks. Sisterhood will be selling her cookbook and Ronnie will be available to sign them that morning. Thank you to Ronnie for donating part of the proceeds to Sisterhood! Sisterhood’s Annual Spring Fundraiser will be held on April 30 at 7:00 pm at Temple Beth El. Please join us for a Chicos Fashion Show! All teen and adult women members of the congregation and community are welcome. Chicos will be showing women, of all shapes, sizes and ages, how to dress. Come out and cheer for our congregants who will be modeling the fashions! It will be a great evening full of fun, food and drink, prizes, raffles and sharing time with friends. This is our biggest fundraising event of the year and we appreciate your support so that we may continue the good work of Sisterhood! If you would like to volunteer to help on the committee, please contact Barbara Berman, 203-329-7750, [email protected]. We are dedicating this year’s Sisterhood Shabbat, on Saturday, May 9 at TBE, to “our loving mothers and the women we cherish.” Please bring your mom and/or the special women in your life to honor them. There is no better gift for Mother’s Day (the following day) than to share Sisterhood Shabbat with our special loved ones and friends. We invite you to write a tribute to a special woman in your life that will be published in a booklet and distributed at the service. (See the insert in this Bulletin to participate.) The service will be conducted by Sisterhood members followed by Continued on page 19... TBE Judaica Gift Shop Beautiful Shabbat, Holiday & B’nai Mitzvah Items Wedding and B’nai Mitzvah invitations Gifts for all occasions | Torah Fund Cards Open Sundays 9 am - 12 noon (when Religious School is in session) Shop by Appointment at Your Convenience ●Barbara Berman: 203.329.7750, [email protected] ●Judy Schneiderman: (h) 203.569.4969 or (c) 917.414.0621, [email protected] ●Steve Lander (in TBE office): 203.322.6901, x 304 ●Bar/Bat Mitzvah needs, Nancy Mayer: 203.561.6157, [email protected] ●Torah Fund Cards, Suzanne Stone: 203.866.2273, [email protected] Gift Shop managed by Sisterhood Proceeds Support Religious School, Teen, and Adult Programs; Annual Gift to TBE All items in the Gift Shop are discounted at least 15%. Torah Fund Sisterhood is committed to supporting Torah Fund sponsored by Women’s League for Conservative Judaism. Proceeds are raised by selling lovely cards and pins to support the Jewish Theological Seminary and other seminaries in LA, Jerusalem and Buenos Aires. The Torah Fund Campaign has raised more than $90 million since its inception. Card messages include Mazel Tov, New Baby, Get Well, Sympathy, Friendship and Thank you. Cost is $3 per card or $20 for seven cards. A new pin is created each year for a donation of $180. Purchase from the TBE gift shop or directly from Suzanne Stone, [email protected], 203-866-2273. Please contact us at [email protected] or feel free to call/email a Sisterhood board member: Beth Silver, President, 203-249-7046, [email protected] Judy Schneiderman, Treasurer, 203-569-4969, [email protected] Cathy Satz, Recording Secretary, 203-968-9191, [email protected] Ronnie Boriskin, Corresponding Secretary, 203-276-1576, [email protected] Barbara Berman, Gift Shop, 203-329-7750, [email protected] Stacey Essenfeld, Advisor and Immediate Past President, 203-5950368, [email protected] 6 BETH EL CARES BETH EL CARES This organization focuses on Tikkun Olam (“Repair of the World”) through mitzvot, both in the synagogue and in the community. We welcome volunteers! The following is a list of the work we are engaged in: Reyut (Friendship): Committed to serving the needs of those in our TBE community, including friendly visits, assistance with errands, and transportation. Contact Melanie Massell at [email protected] or 203-324-7190. Project Ezra: Providing pre-shiva meals to the bereaved in the congregation. Call Joy Katz at 203-329-3359 or [email protected]. Manna Meals: Providing meals to families in our community with a new baby. Call Deidre Goldberg at [email protected]. Helping to serve lunches once-a-month at a local soup kitchen. Call Norman Stone at 203-866-2273 or [email protected]. High Holiday and Passover food drives: Call Ken Temple at 203-962-1491 or [email protected]. Preparing and serving Christmas dinners at local homeless shelters. Contacts: Amy Temple at 203-496-1309 or [email protected]. I want to personally thank all of the volunteers who made the Christmas Eve celebration at the shelters possible. We had so many people who donated food items for the dinners. It takes so much in terms of food and paper goods to feed 120 people a terrific meal, and it happens at a time of the year that is incredibly busy for everyone. It is heart-warming that TBE has so many generous members who give both their time and their resources. This year there were a number of first-time participants which was terrific to see and which certainly made my job a lot easier. We got all the food we needed including the large number of turkeys which are always the hardest items to secure. This year we added live music at both shelters and it totally transformed the event into a lively celebration. Residents at the shelters joined in with the singing and had huge smiles on their faces. As always I got more volunteers offering to serve, cleanup and sing at the event than we could take to the two shelters. I hate to turn away any volunteers so next year we are contemplating taking on a third shelter. If you had wanted to serve dinner and did not get a chance to this year, please email me at [email protected] and let me know if you’d be interested for this coming year. If I get enough positive responses, I will secure a third shelter for this year. Those volunteers who joined us for dinner after the shelter had a terrific time and I want to thank Joy Katz for making the reservation this year. We had good conversation and food after our work was done. This event is a huge undertaking and would not be possible without your generous participation. It is such a pleasure for me to work on this event because of all of you! If you have your own idea for a project or a group contact Ken Temple at [email protected] or 203-962-1491. MAXIMIZING SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS Sunday, March 8 from 9:45 am-11:00 am Co-Sponsored by TBE Sisterhood and Men’s Club When to collect Social Security may be the single most important decision you make when it comes to your retirement. There are a number of common mistakes people make when signing up for benefits. A most basic one is, don’t assume you can draw full benefits at age 65. The rules have changed. Please join Michael Alimo & David Weyner, Financial Consultants, as they help you learn about: How Social Security benefits are calculated and the advanced planning required for increasing them. Why married couples can miss out on significant lifetime sums. (We suggest spouses attend!) Special strategies for married couples, divorced individuals and minor children. Case studies that will show you the advantages of some of these strategies. Amy Temple ATTENTION PARENTS OF COLLEGE STUDENTS RSVP/Questions to: [email protected] or Beth Silver at 203-249-7046. Rabbi Hammerman would like to stay in touch with your child while he/she is away at college. Please send his/her e-mail address to Ellen in the Temple office at [email protected]. Thank you! ALL ARE WELCOME. OPEN TO THE COMMUNITY. FREE OF CHARGE. 7 B’NAI MITZVAH MAZAL TOV TO… March 7 (morning) SAMUEL TEICH Son of Jill & Mark Teich Brother of Simone & Mara Attends John Jay Middle School Mitzvah Project: Community Center for Northern Westchester Evie Shapiro on the birth of a granddaughter, Sophia, born to Lauren Shapiro and Santos Chitalia. Craig Price on receiving the JCC Community Leadership Award. Jeannie Kasindorf on receiving the JCC Presidential Award of Excellence. WE THANK OUR VOLUNTEERS THIS MONTH March 7 (afternoon) SARAH BRODER Daughter of Melissa & Kenneth Broder Sister of Mia Attends Bi-Cultural Day School Mitzvah Project: Hunter’s Help for STARelief Beth Finchler, Sam Kravitz, Jerry Rose, Joe Rothman, Carol Sander, Millie Sobel, Barbara Taksel TODAH RABAH FOR SPONSORING KIDDUSH Beth and Jeffrey Goodman Mia and Lonny Weinstein TODAH RABAH FOR SPONSORING THE SHABBAT ANNOUNCEMENTS March 21 (morning) HANNAH BUSHELL Daughter of Lori & Victor Bushell Sister of Abigail Attends Rogers International School Mitzvah Project: Canine Companions for Independence Beth and Jeffrey Goodman Michelle and Greg Marrinan HONORABLE MENSCHEN Todah Rabah to our Torah readers! STEVE DANZER ELANA EVERETT BENJAMIN GOODMAN PHIL GRANOWITZ DENISE GREENMAN RABBI JOSHUA HAMMERMAN BARBARA JACOBS JOY KATZ CAROL KRIM TYLER LIFFMANN BERT MADWED April 18 (morning) NOAH WEINBERG Son of Elizabeth & Sanford Weinberg Brother of Alexander Attends Bi-Cultural Day School Mitzvah Project: The Friendship Circle April 19 (morning) REBECCA FRIEDLANDER Daughter of Barbara & Bruce Friedlander Sister of Sharon & Rachel Attends Bi-Cultural Day School Mitzvah Project: The Friendship Circle MATT MILLER HANNAH NEKRITZ JASON NEKRITZ STACYE NEKRITZ STUART NEKRITZ JENNA PLOTZKY SUSAN SCHNEIDERMAN GARY SCHULMAN SAM SCHULMAN MIA WEINSTEIN Special Occasion? Sponsor The Shabbat E-nnouncements (sent every week via e-mail) April 25 (morning) SHAYNA FINKEL Daughter of Nicole Raucher & Steven Finkel Sister of David & Rachel Attends Bi-Cultural Day School Mitzvah Project: David’s Treasure Tree Toy Closet at Stamford Hospital The Shabbat Announcements (distributed each Shabbat at the Temple) and the Shabbat-O-Gram (e-mailed every Thursday night) All three publications for $72 All sponsors will be acknowledged at the beginning of each of these announcements and also listed in our bi-monthly Bulletin. Call Mindy in the office at 322-6901 ext. 301. PAY YOUR TEMPLE DUES ONLINE Temple Beth El is now accepting ACH payments ONLINE at 8 9 10 11 12 13 SALE OF HAMETZ FORM REYUT/FRIENDSHIP I, _______________________________________, hereby authorize Rabbi Joshua Hammerman to act as my Shaliach (representative) and empower him (or any agent operating on his behalf) to sell all hametz owned by me, or in which I have a share, whether it is in my possession, being shipped to me, or stored elsewhere, as of 10:00 a.m. on April 3, 2015. This includes any stocks or shares in corporations or businesses that buy or sell hametz. (The term, “hametz,” is understood according to the Rabbinic definition of leavened food and is to include all types of such food or liquids in pure or mixed forms). Since the buyer must have free access to the hametz he purchases, I also agree to authorize him to rent those premises in which these foods are stored and agree to keep these items separated and to seal them off. This sale is to be concluded in accordance with all the requirements of Jewish law and the terms of the general authorization contract used by the Rabbi for this purpose. Stores engaged in the sale of hametz during Passover are excluded. Mental illness is not uncommon. More than one-in-four Americans will find themselves touched by emotional ill, either their own or a family member’s every year. In our Reyut meetings we have discussed the issues of reaching out and talking to someone who is physically ill and how to provide comfort, compassion and caring. What can we do when the ailment is emotional difficulties? What is the proper role, if any, in reaching out, and offering support (not treatment) to those struggling with a mental illness? Most emotional troubles do respond to treatment. There are clearly more stereotypes and stigma around mental illness than physical illness. It is an ailment frequently cloaked in shame. On March 25 we will open up a discussion about this topic with guest speakers from Laurel House, a non-profit organization serving eight towns in lower Fairfield County, that provides resources and opportunities for people living with mental illness to lead fulfilling and productive lives. In addition, Eve Moskowitz, LCSW, Director of Clinical Services at JFS, and Glenn Wolff, LCSW, two highly respected therapists in Stamford, talk about less serious emotional ills and how therapy can help. We will also discuss how, as nonprofessionals, friends and volunteers can be supportive to someone who is depressed, anxious or going through emotionally trying times. Estimated value of my hametz foodstuffs and liquids __________________. My signature below legally grants Rabbi Hammerman, or his agent, the power to act on my behalf in this matter in accordance with both halachic regulations and the laws of Connecticut and other states. I agree to abide in good faith by the results of this sale without any reservations, either expressed or implied. Roni Lang, LCSW Witness my hand this _________ day of _______________, 2015. Name _____________________________________________ TBE/HAZON CSA Home address _________________________________ Our Temple Beth El/Hazon CSA is accepting new member sign-ups for the 2015 season which will feature produce from Simpaug Farms of West Suffield, CT. The season will last for 24 weeks beginning the first week in June with food drop-off on Wednesdays in the same location as last year. In addition to seasonal vegetables, new for this year, both full and halfshares will receive a full dozen eggs every other week, spring strawberries, some herbs, and some canned and baked goods in the fall. Simpaug will accept both full-share and half-share purchases. A full-share will be $800 ($825 after April 1) and a half-share will be $425. Rabbi Hammerman has reviewed the ingredient list of all prepared items that may be included and while the food is not prepared in a certified kosher kitchen, the farm will include in our shares only items that contain only kosher ingredients. If you would like more information please email Bob Friedman at [email protected] or call Bob or Susan at 203-569-7200. To order a full or half-share, mail your check to Simpaug Farms, 38C Grove Street, Ridgefield, CT 06877 and include a note stating that you are joining the Temple Beth El Hazon CSA. Please, also send a note (including your name, email address and telephone number) to Bob advising him that you sent a check. City _________________ Business address________________________________ City _________________ Summer home _________________________________ City _________________ Other address __________________________________________________ IMPORTANT! To be valid this letter must be received by April 3, 2015. You may fax your form to (203) 322-0532. Happy Passover from TBE Sisterhood Visit Judy and Barbara in the Gift Shop for your Passover needs. 14 TREE OF LIFE CELEBRATING A SPECIAL EVENT? COMMEMORATING A YAHRTZEIT? A beautiful way to commemorate a special occasion is to purchase a “leaf” on our beautiful “Tree of Life” sculpture adorning our Temple lobby. There are many more leaves available for your own personal inscriptions. Please consider sponsoring a Kiddush, following Shabbat Services, or an Oneg Shabbat, following our Friday evening services. Contact Steven Lander for all of the new, reasonably priced Kiddush options at 322-6901, ext. 304 or [email protected]. The following categories are still available: Triple Chai Guardians of the Temple Silver Leaves - Gold Border Silver Leaves TU B’SHEVAT TOP CHEF COMPETITION $5,400 $1,000 $750 $250 MEMORIAL PLAQUES Inscribe the names of your loved ones on a plaque for our Chapel wall along with a light to commemorate their yahrtzeit and yizkor observances throughout the year. INFORMATION FOR YOU… When making a donation in honor of or memory of someone, an acknowledgement will mailed to the designee for donations of $10 more. Donations of less than $10 will acknowledged only in the Bulletin. in be or be All donations will be published in the Bulletin unless you state that you wish to be anonymous. SEEKING SHABBAT GREETERS Do you like getting a warm “Shabbat Shalom” as you enter shul on Saturday morning? Our greeting program has been extremely well received. To keep this program going, we need volunteer greeters like you. Interested? Contact Steven Lander at [email protected]. Thanks for helping make Temple Beth El a warm and welcoming place to be. TBE NOMINATING COMMITTEE IN FORMATION Temple Beth El’s By-Laws provide for representation from the congregation on the Nominating Committee. VISIT OUR NEW WEBSITE! If you are interested in serving on the Nominating Committee for the Board of Trustees for 20152016 or know of someone who is interested, please contact me at [email protected] or at 203-322-6901, ext. 304. Read Rabbi Hammerman’s Shabbat-O-Grams… View our photo albums…Learn about our upcoming events… Find contact information...And much, much more! Also, if you are interested in serving on the Board of Trustees or on a TBE committee, please let me know by March 20, 2015. NEW!!! NEW!!! NEW!!! MAKE RESERVATIONS AND DONATIONS ONLINE! Go to 15 WE ARE GRATEFUL FOR YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS IN HONOR OF: RABBI JOSHUA HAMMERMAN MITZVAH FUND In honor of… A great vibrancy and renewed energy at TBE by Elissa & David Kaplan THE MARRIAGE OF ERIKA & ANDREW TOBIN Amy & Mel Bloomenthal MAX TRELL BECOMING A BAR MITZVAH Naomi & Sam Lieberman, Ellie Mirne MELANIE MASSELL FOR CHAIRING THE REYUT COMMITTEE Leslie Horowitz LINDA SIMON ON HER GRANDSON, VINCENT, BECOMING A BAR MITZVAH Andrea & Martin Levine BEN EVAN’S RECOVERY AND TBE’S WONDERFUL OUTREACH Rebecca Mark IN APPRECIATION Benjamin Rosenthal SUZANNE & NORMAN STONE ON THEIR GRANDCHILDREN BECOMING B’NAI MITZVAH Carol & Allen Krim RABBI JOSHUA HAMMERMAN FOR VISITING MY HUSBAND DURING HIS HOSPITALIZATION Melanie Massell REYUT HOSPITAL BAG COMMITTEE FOR DELIVERING SHABBAT BAGS TO MY HUSBAND DURING HIS HOSPITALIZATION Melanie Massell DAVID DANIEL KLIPPER FOR VISITING MY HUSBAND DURING HIS HOSPITALIZATION Melanie Massell In appreciation of Rabbi Hammerman for his counsel and guidance by the Agatstein Family Sydney Eben becoming a Bat Mitzvah by Barbara & Joe Field Frank D’Andrea for a speedy recovery by Leslie Horowitz Rabbi Joshua Hammerman in gratitude for his help during a most difficult time by Vivian Wishingrad, Andrea Katz and their families In memory of… Leo Evans, z’l, by Jennifer & Mark Lapine CANTOR MAGDA FISHMAN MITZVAH FUND In honor of… Sydney Eben becoming a Bat Mitzvah by Barbara & Joe Field In memory of… Samuel Kessler, z’l, by Denise & David Greenman YOUTH PROGRAMS In memory of… Fannie Bufferd, z’l, by Ilene & Jim Locker & Family Sylvia & Bernard Kweskin, z’l, by Ilene & Jim Locker & Family BETH EL CARES In honor of… In appreciation by Amy Fishkow & Jim Benjamin WE ARE GRATEFUL FOR YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS IN MEMORY OF: RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND In memory of… Meryl Aronin, z’l, by Jennifer & Mark Lapine GLORIA TOBIN, z’l The Aronica-Buck Family, Laura Markowitz, Marsha Shendell & Family, Liz & Scott Krowitz, Fran & Marvin Cooper, Marsha Colten & Robert Cohen, Susan & Sandy Swidler, Kathy & Howard Kraus, Ellen Bromley & Tom Gizicki SAMUEL KESSLER, z’l Loralee & Philip Granowitz, Leslie Horowitz LEATRICE GREER, z’l Loralee & Philip Granowitz PAULINE KLANFER, z’l Loralee & Philip Granowitz LEO EVANS, z’l Jill & Mark Teich BERNARD STARK, z’l Carol & Allen Krim, Liz & Scott Krowitz PENNY HOROWITZ, z’l Denise & David Greenman, Lois Hofshi, Stacy & Don Cooper, Marcia & Hal Trencher STEFFI MAURER, z’l Denise & David Greenman, Sheldon, Beth, Jayme & Zach Tauber, Karen Feinberg, Dinah & Bruce Fox, Gina Crawford, Mindy, Evan & Adam Fox, Linda & Michael Alberts, Terry & Ray Mannino, Phyllis Mendelson, Amy Paul & Family, Diane & Ray Derasmo, Debbie & John Tomsky, Peggy & Chris Milonas, Beth & Richard Levine, Maxine & Jay Freilich, Marcia & Hal Trencher, Florence Aronson In honor of… Jack Steinberg on his 100th birthday by Leslie Horowitz MUSIC FUND In memory of… Sarah Gorman, z’l, by Jennifer & Mark Lapine Shirley Friedman, z’l, by Jennifer & Mark Lapine Stephen Paseltiner, z’l, by Jennifer & Mark Lapine SISTERHOOD In memory of… Penny Horowitz, z’l, by Beth, Peter and Jake Silver MEN’S CLUB SCHOLARSHIP FUND In memory of… Eve Kaplin, z’l, by Elaine Kaplin Selma Zager, z’l, by Elaine Kaplin HOSPITAL PACKAGE FUND In memory of… Bernard Greenwald, z’l, by The Greenwald Family Gertrude & Aaron Raikis, z’l, by The Greenwald Family The Salpeter Family, z’l, by The Greenwald Family Freda Novick, z’l, by Meryl & Hank Silverstein Etta Rich, z’l, by Meryl & Hand Silverstein 16 REMEMBERING OUR LOVED ONES Lois & Dick Martin .......................................BEATRICE MARTIN Stan Miller ..........................................................PHILIP MILLER Milton Mann ........................ REGINA & KENNETH MUNOWITZ Ellen Naidorf .............................................. KENNETH NAIDORF Rose Hendizadeh ............................................. RAHIM NEMAN Roslyn & Merritt Nesin ............................... ALEXANDER NESIN Roslyn & Merritt Nesin ......................................EUGENE NESIN Stanley Novack ......................................... ABRAHAM NOVACK Sandra & David Oberhand ...................... MICHAEL OBERHAND Kathy & Jeff Paseltiner ............................. GLADYS PASELTINER Debra & Stephen Pollack ................................ JASON POLLACK Julie & Lenny Rakowitz ................................ DAVID RAKOWITZ Michael Horowitz.................................................. MILLIE REISS Susan, David, Michael & Jennifer Rich ............... MURRAY RICH Lisa & Michael Rome ............................................DORIS ROME Mina Roth-Dornfeld ............................ DORA ROTH DORNFELD Diane & David Arditti ......................................LEE ROTHSCHILD Rosenblum Family ....................................ELMER ROSENBLUM Magida Family ......................................................... JOY RUBIN Carol Schwartz & Family .............................. EVELYN SCHECTER Maddy Shapiro & Family ................................... AMY SHAPIRO Susan & Steven Leiterstein ................ JUDITH & MAX SHAPIRO Julius Shenker & Caroline Kassel ................. SUSANA SHENKER Sheila & Gordon Brown ......................................MAX SHEVRIN Nancy Wolfson & Family............................. SOPHIE SIDEROWF Bracha & Jerry Silber .......................... LOLA & CHARLES SILBER Beth & Peter Silver .......................................... MARTIN SILVER Meryl & Hank Silverstein ............................ LOUIS SILVERSTEIN Alan Sosnowitz .............................................. LILLY SOSNOWITZ Cindy & Steven Warren ..................................... JACK WARREN Barbara & Stanley Friedman ......................... IRVING WARSAW Rhonna & Brian Rogol................................... LEONARD WEBER Dana & Carl Weinberg ............................ MORTON WEINBERG Fran & Gerry Ginsburg ................................... JANE WERTHEIM Debra & Stephen Pollack .......................... MARTIN WINTHROP Sondra & Leo Gold ................................... DAVID WITTENBERG Andrea & Jim Koplik & Family ...................... FRIEDA WOLFSON Nancy Wolfson & Family........................ GERTRUDE WOLFSON Dana Horowitz & Peter Wolly .................................. JILL WOLLY Dana Horowitz & Peter Wolly .............................. RYAN WOLLY Joanne & Marshall Goldberg ....................... ISADORE ABRAMS Marlyn & Richard Agatstein ............... CHARLOTTE ACKERMAN Marsha Colten & Robert Cohen .... MALVINA & ALEXANDRE AIZER Dayna & David Patashnik ................................. ELAINE ALBERT Susan, David, Michael & Jennifer Rich ....... JOAN ARONOWITZ Barbara & Marvin Gold ....................................... RUBY BECKER Maddy Shapiro ...................................................... ROSE BELITZ Peggy & Alan Kalter ............................................ RICHARD BELL Susan & Robert Friedman .......................... SYLVIA BIENSTOCK Susan & Edward Bralower ........................... DORIS BRALOWER Marcia & Mark Staines ............................... JULIUS BRESSLOUR Seymour Baum .................................................... RUTH COHEN Susan Darer and Family ...................................STANLEY DARER Trish & Raymond Dayan ............................ YEHOUDITH DAYAN Barbara & Philip Finn & Rachael Levitt ............JEANNE ELSTEIN Paula Epstein ........................................................ RAE EPSTEIN Carolyn Nadel-Farin & Philip Farin ....... RAY & CHARLES FARIN Ronnie & Edward Fein ............................................. PEARL FEIN Barbara & Joe Field......................................... ABRAHAM FIELD Marsha & Ed Greenberg ................................ GERTRUDE FIGER Roselyn Finchler ............................................ IRVING FINCHLER Barbara & Stanley Friedman ................... MARTHA FRIEDMAN Sally & Jim Rothkopf ........................................MAY FRIEDMAN Susan & Robert Friedman ............................. SADIE FRIEDMAN Bracha & Jerry Silber .................................... HINDA GINSBERG Fran & Gerry Ginsburg .................................. DAVID GINSBURG Sondra & Leo Gold............................................. SAMUEL GOLD Phyllis & Harvey Walzer .......................... FRANCES GOLDBERG Paula Epstein ........................ ROSE & SIGMUND GOLDENBERG Sandy, Bill & Alexandra Gottlin ..... SALLY & NATHAN GOTTLIN Leonor Lopez .......................................... FERNANDO HALPERN Carolyn Nadel-Farin & Philip Farin .............. SYLVIA HANTMAN Karen, Rich & Geoff Hainbach ................... CURTIS HAYWORTH Steve Grushkin & Family .............................. LILLIAN HELLMAN Rose Hendizadeh & Family ................. MORTEZA HENDIZADEH Rose Hendizadeh & Family .................... NOSRAT HENDIZADEH Susan Frieden ....................................................... RUTH HILFER Michael Horowitz ................................... EPHRAIM HOROWITZ Rita & Morton Johnson ........................... MADALYN JOHNSON Herb Kahan .......................................................... LEON KAHAN Peggy & Alan Kalter ............................................ DORIS KALTER Vivien White .................................................... ESTHER KARATZ Marty & Helen Donner ...................................SHIRLEY KLEINER Koplik Family ...................................................... HELEN KOPLIK Kathy & Howard Kraus & Family ......................... DANA KRAUS Sam, Hal & Robert Kravitz .............................. LILLIAN KRAVITZ Seymour Baum ............................................... JOSEPH KURZON Roni & Allan Lang ............................................... JOSHUA LANG Phyllis & Seymour Lapin .......................... BELLA & PAUL LAPIN Ann & Julius Lasnick ................. BADANA & HERMAN LASNICK Lori & Stuart Ratner & Family....................... BERTRAM LAVINE Helen & Marty Donner ....................................... SUSAN LEIFER Susan & Steven Leiterstein ....... PAULINE & EDWARD LEITERSTEIN Stephanie & Larry Sherman............................... LILLIAN LEVINE Leonor Lopez .......................................................... JOSE LOPEZ Marian Bauer .................................................. SARAH MANDEL Milton Mann..................................................... NORMA MANN THANK YOU FOR DEDICATING MAHZOR LEV SHALEM In memory of… Rose Braizel, z’l, by Jennifer & Mark Lapine SIDDUR SIM SHALOM In memory of… Mildred Sesnowitz, z’l, by Suzanne and Norman Stone Penny Horowitz, z’l, by Marsha Colten & Robert Cohen WE MOURN THE PASSING OF… BERNARD STARK, father of Lois Stark PENNY HOROWITZ, wife of Michael Horowitz STEFFI MAURER, mother of Vivian Wishingrad LINDA STARK, sister of Jan Weingrad-Smith ALLA FAYMAN, wife of Samuil Fayman RONALD COHEN, father of Kenneth Jay Cohen 17 DONATE ONLINE or DEDICATE A PRAYER BOOK ON-LINE Go to: DEDICATE A PRAYER BOOK HIGH HOLIDAY mahzor CHUMASH (BIBLE) People love our Mahzors, but many of them remain undedicated. Why not consider dedicating one or more of these beautiful prayer books? What better way to memorialize or honor loved ones than through this very intimate act of having a personal tribute inscribed right into our prayer books in their name. The Etz Hayim Chumashim (Bibles) are available for dedication. Having a simcha or observing a yahrtzeit? Why not dedicate a Chumash to honor the occasion? This dedication costs $72. SIM SHALOM SIDDUR for SHABBAT Our Sim Shalom siddurim for Shabbat are available for dedication for $36. See below for details… OR HADASH “May you be inscribed in the Book of Life…” This very special book was intended to educate and enlighten; indeed, Or Hadash translates as A New Light. This dedication costs $54. Temple Beth El proudly introduced the newly published High Holiday Prayer Book, “Mahzor Lev Shalem,” that we now use on the High Holidays. SHIVA MINYAN BOOKS AVAILABLE FOR DEDICATION Dedications in honor of a special simcha or in memory of a loved one or a special friend are available! Each book will be inscribed with your dedication on a colorful bookplate on the inside front cover. Prayer Books for Shiva Minyans are available for dedication for $36. A lovely, personalized book plate will be placed inside the front cover. For $50: One prayer book for your personal use or donate one to the Temple For $250: Six prayer books will be donated to the Temple For $500: Twelve prayer books will be donated to the Temple OPPORTUNITIES FOR GIVING For $1,000: Twenty-one prayer books will be donated to the Temple. Four books will be given to your family For $2,500: Sixty prayer books will be donated to the Temple Four prayer books will be given to your family For $5,000: One hundred twenty-five prayers books will be donated to the Temple Six prayer books will be given to your family For amounts over $5,000, please contact Steven Lander at 203-322-6901, ext. 304 or by e-mail [email protected] for details. All prayer books donated to the Temple will be inscribed with “In Memory of” or “In Honor Of” (at the donor’s selection) inside the front cover. Donors will also be gratefully acknowledged by the Temple. Adult Education Fund Beth El Cares Beth Elders Debra Wald Goldberg Kindergarten Scholarship Fund Frank & Rose Rosner Memorial Fund (maintenance) General Fund Kiddush Fund Mitzvah Garden Fund Music Fund Prayer Book Fund Religious School Fund Solar Fund in memory of Norma Mann, z’l Youth Fund DISCRETIONARY FUNDS Rabbi Joshua Hammerman’s Mitzvah Fund Cantor Magda Fishman’s Mitzvah Fund Hazzan Sidney Rabinowitz’ Mitzvah Fund 18 ON ONE FOOT continued from page 3... Hesh Romanowitz, for whom this concert is dedicated, and the joy of Yiddishkeit he brought to everything he did. A special thanks to Sheila Romanowitz for bringing this to us, and to the United Jewish Federation, for partnering with us in all of the ventures described here. And a special thanks to Cantor Fishman for the beautiful, sensitive musical direction she will bring to each of these events. It’s been a long, cold winter. But the warmth and glow of spring are most definitely in the air, as we sit around that long table of companionship. Check out the new website for our event space at Temple Beth El Please pass this exciting new website on to your friends and business associates! Rabbi Joshua Hammerman CONTRIBUTING SHARES OF STOCK TO TEMPLE BETH EL SISTERHOOD continued from page 6… a lovely Kiddush luncheon. Bring a special piece of Judaica and/or something special of your mother’s/family to display at the luncheon. If you would like to participate in the service, please contact Carol Krim, [email protected], 203-968-1075. Join Sisterhood’s team to raise money for the Bennett Cancer Center. Run or walk to raise money for “Hope in Motion,” on Sunday, June 7, in downtown Stamford. For information or to join the TBE team, contact Melanie Massell, [email protected], 203-324-7190. Please come to an event or volunteer. We would love to have you join our wonderful “year in motion!” One way to boost your charitable contributions to Temple Beth El is to give shares of appreciated stock instead of cash. You do not pay any tax on your capital gain, and your charitable deduction is the shares’ entire fair market value. Several Beth El members contribute shares of stock to satisfy their dues pledge, their annual fund pledge, and other contributions to the Temple. With love and friendship from Sisterhood, Beth Silver After consulting your tax advisor, please contact the TBE office at 203-322-6901. ATTENTION TEMPLE BETH EL CONGREGANT and CL&P CUSTOMER: How would you like to donate $75.00 to TBE and be part of Connecticut’s best value: The Home Energy Solutions (HES) Program? Did you know that through the Connecticut Energy Efficiency Fund, because you are a CL&P customer, you can receive all the following services? A HES assessment is a complete energy service performed by HE-Energy Solutions LLC, certified professionals. It includes the following: ·The installation of up to 25 compact fluorescent (CFL) light bulbs - specialty and standard. ·Sealing of wasteful drafts and air leaks. ·Windows and Doors will be assessed - v-seal and weather stripping provided where necessary. ·Water saving strategies - replacement to low flow showerheads and faucet aerators. ·Pipe Insulation - provided if necessary. ·Inspection of attic, floor and wall insulation. ·Hundreds of dollars of additional rebates that you may qualify for. This service is valued at over $700 and is available to you as a CL&P customer for the low cost of $75, which we will donate, in your name, to Temple Beth El. The Home Energy Solutions is one of the innovative programs supported by the Connecticut Energy Efficiency Fund and administered by CL&P and UI. Please call Renee at 203.307.5395 and use reference code Tzedakah to start saving today. HE-Energy Solutions LLC 144 Barnum Avenue, Stratford, CT 06614 203.307.5395 19 The deadline for the May/June 2015 issue of the Temple Bulletin will be We Capture Your Precious Memories on Video… Weddings Bar/Bat Mitzvahs Wednesday, April 1, 2015 Proud to be the official TBE videographer Tom was able to capture the spirit and joy of our B’nai Mitzvah service and party in a video we will always treasure. He was also a pleasure to work with from start to finish. Jared Finkelstein If you are looking for a videographer, look no further! Tom was a delight to work with and the finished product was incredible. He created separate videos of my daughter’s Bat Mitzvah service and celebration and captured all aspects of the joy of the day. Jill Teich Thomas Pace, Jr. 203.335.0168 T & J Video Service We also transfer home movies/video to DVD. 20 STUDIO A PHOTOGRAPHY & VIDEO 203-661-3393 cell: 914-629-2204 [email protected] Experience working with TBE for over 20 years. Ask your friends! 21 ART GREENWALD President INTEGRATED PROTECTION SERVICES, LLC 76 PROGRESS DRIVE STAMFORD, CT 06902 Tel: 203.322.0772 WWW.INTEGRATEDPROTECTIONSERVICES.COM SYSTEMS AND SERVICES FOR SECURITY AND FIRE PROTECTION SERVING CONNECTICUT AND NEW YORK COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL BETH TORAH KOSHER CATERERS Glatt Kosher Custom Catering Catering for all occasions, on-premises or off-premises at location of your choice. American, Middle Eastern & International foods. China, Silver, Linens, Waiters & Bartenders 106-06 Queens Blvd. Forest Hills, NY 11375 Phone: (718) 261-4775 Fax: (718) 261-4607 PLACE YOUR AD HERE CALL MINDY AT 203-322-6901, ext. 301 or [email protected] (FORMERLY SUPERSOL) FRESH GLATT KOSHER MEAT & POULTRY DELICIOUS PREPARED FOODS, KOSHER GROCERIES, DAIRY & FROZEN AND OF COURSE OUR EXQUISITE CATERING SEASONS MARKET 1066 Wilmot Road, Scarsdale, New York 10583 TEL: 914-472-2240 FAX: 914-472-2215 GOURMET CHEF 1136 Wilmot Road, Scarsdale, New York 10583 TEL: 914-725-7736 FAX: 914-725-7749 UNDER THE KASHRUTH SUPERVISION OF THE VAAD HARABONIM OF QUEENS 22 23 Non-Profit TEMPLE BETH EL U.S. POSTAGE PAID 350 Roxbury Road Stamford, CT 06902 STAMFORD, CT PERMIT NO. 42 CHECK US OUT ON March-April 2015 TBE al l Sch n y Rob Bill y Presents Ga ran COMEDY NIGHT LIVE! Saturday, March 21 at 8:00 p.m. Featuring Robyn Schall and Billy Garan $36 per person B.Y.O.B. Dessert and Coffee Reserve your table now! Mail your check to: Temple Beth El 350 Roxbury Road, Stamford, CT, 06902 24
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