Amarillo - the Texas Department of Transportation FTP Server
Amarillo - the Texas Department of Transportation FTP Server
TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STAT E W I D E T R A N S P O R TAT I O N I M P ROV E M E N T P RO G R A M STIP 2 01 5 - 2 01 8 A M A R I L LO D I ST R I C T November 2014 Quar terly Revision H I G H WAY NOVEMBER 2014 Amarillo MPO October 16, 2014 Revision November 2014 Revision Cycle 2015-18 Transportation Improvement Program AMARILLO METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION POLICY COMMITTEE MEETING October 16, 2014 AMARILLO MPO TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2015-2018 2014 November Cycle Revision October 16, 2014 MPO ID Number TxDOT CSJ Number Location/Description Revision Roadway Projects FY 2015 A15008-000 0275-01-166 IH 40 From Hillside to East Of SL 335 Relocate Ramps Add Project A0A500-011 2635-04-029 SL 335 from Randall County Line to B IH 40 D Rehab Roadway and Improve Intersections Revise Project Amount A0A500-012 2635-03-017 SL 335 from Hillside Rd to Potter County Line Rehab Roadway and Improve Intersections Revise Project Amount A15001-000 0168-10-070 IH 27 From 26 Ave Overpass to IH 40 Ramp improvement Add Project A0A053-001 0168-09-161 IH 27 at SL 335 Widen Freeway to 6 Lane section by Adding 2 Additional Lanes Revise Project Amount and Scope A0A122-000 2635-03-018 SL 335 From .2miles East of IH 27 to FM 2590 Construct Frontage Roads and Drainage Revise Project Amount and Limits A0A500-009 0275-01-161 IH 40 From Us 287 Interchange to Carson County Line Overlay Move to FY 2017 A0A500-014 0275-01-163 IH 40 From Soncy Rd to IH 27 Interchange Overlay Revise Project Amount A0A500-007 0169-02-065 US 60 from LP 335 to Carson County Line Overlay Revise Project Amount th FY 2017 FY 2018 A15094-000 0904-02-038 A15093-000 0904-11-058 A0A122-001 2635-03-020 New Alignment for SL 335 from Randall th County Line to SW 9 Ave Construct Frontage Roads and Drainage New Alignment for SL 335 from FM 2590 to Potter County Line Construct Frontage Roads and Drainage LP 335 from IH 27 to FM 2186 Add Project Add Project Delete Project IMONDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 20 14 8:25:19 AM PAGE: 1 OF 5 STATEWIDE TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM TIP FY 2015·2018 AMARILLO METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGAN IZATION FY 2015 DISTRICT COUNTY CSJ 4 · AMARILLO POTTER LIMITS FROM HELIUM ROAD HWY 0275· 01 ·166 IH 40 PHASE CITY PROJECT SPONSOR C,E AMARILLO YOE COST 4.612.936 $ REVISION DATE: 11/2014 ..l;tf!l.l;:~.rg; ... .E;!\~;:9f.~~.~~~ ....... .................. ........... ......... .... .......... ....... ............ ...... ..... MPO PROJ PROJEC T RELOCATE ENTRANCE AND EXIT RAMPS , Mise CONSTRUCTION DESCR: ··REMi.:RKS··························.. ········.. •······ ....................................... P7 : NUM : FUNDING CATIS) : 1,2U : .. _ .. _ •• _ • • _ •• _ •• _ •• _ . • _ • . _ •• _ •• _ .• _ •• _ • • _ •• _ .• _ • . _ .. - •• _ •• _ •• j PROJECT ! HISTORY : -··~~~;:C~~Oj"~C~C-OS~;;;~·oi;;;:n~;; ·· - ·f- · ·- ·· -· ·-· · - ··- · · -·· -~U~;;-O~~;~· ~li;~·,NG-By-C;TEGO;yfSHARE· ·-·· -·· -··- . i TOTAL i .,.,-;P:OR::-V;:N:::T-----;$:-~~!':?:'::--;--~5~ 22",5:':8~7,....,$::--"""""'''::--=----"''''0::-::$--;;-:~~':7. 2,090.349 $ 0 $ 2.612.936 ' 'C'ONS'! 'cosT;" ....$:...... 4: 145;j42 : ·C·ONS·!·ENG:·· .. ····S···.. ···264:473 : PHASES : ! .;2"U~.U;cRc:B:::A"N:.:C"R"D"R"'--;S;.--:C'."60::;0".0,,O:;;--;$ O ;.--.;:40::;0,,,0;;0;;;0:.--;$;.-_ _ _-;0;.-$ ; .-_ _ _-:0;-;.5_-:2::;,0,,0,,0',,000,;;._ i TOTAL: 3.690.349 $ 922.587 $ 0 $ 0 $ 4,612 .936 :C:Q:N.rjN9::: ::: : :::: :I: ::::: : : ~~:4?~ I .t~R .~Q~:r~.: .........J........ ?;3.~~~1~ : $ 4,6t2 ,936 i i S 0i 5,t43.954 : LC : : DISTRICT LOCAL C: APPROVED: TOTAL PRJ COST : $ BND FINANCING : STATE .._.._.._.. .~B~.l;tf!l..~t'4.~;.. .... J ........ ?9.~~1?~ : COST OF ROW PURCHASE: $ FEDERAL I i COUNTY CSJ 4· AMARILLO POTTER LIMITS FROM RANDALL CO HWY 2635·04-029 SL 335 PHASE CITY C.E AMARILLO PROJECT SPONSOR YOE COST $ REVISION DATE: 2,275.793 11 /2014 ..l;tfA';:!?rg; ....~ .t~.19.R ................................................................................................. MPO PROJ NUM : AOA500-011 FUNDING CAT( S): 1.2U : •• _ •• _ •• _ •• _ •• _ •• _ •• _ •• _ • • _ •• _ •• _ •• _ •• _ •• _ • • _ •• _ •• _ •• _ •• _ •• _ •• PROJECT REHAB ROADWAY AND IMPROVE INTERSECTIONS OESCR: ··REM.":RKS··FUNDSTRANSFERE·O·FROM·263S·.()2:02S······· .............................j PROJECT _.. _.._.. _.. _.. _.._.. _.. _.. _.. _.. _.. _.. _.. _u_ .. _.._.. _.._.. _.. _.._.. _.. _!.._.. _.._.. _.._,._ .. _.. _.. _.._.. _.._.._.. _.._.. _.. _.. _.. _.._.. P7 : HISTORY: TOTAL PROJECT COST INFORMATION AUTHORIZED FUNDING BY CATEGORY/SHARE .r.~~.~!~..~~.Q; ..... ..L .... .JP.\,~~l ~ COST OF CaNST COST , PHASES : i .~.'?~.~y.~~~.~~.L~ ........ ?;;;q,'!'!9 APPROVED $ 2.072 ,671 : ·C·ONS·i"ENG:········S·.. ·····;iii:5s1 : 1 :~:Q~rj Ng::::::::::::I::: :: :::: :t:Q~~ ,t~Q .~Q~.1~.:......•..i ........ 1.'.Q~~?] i BND FINANCING : $ OJ TOTAL PRJ COST: $ DISTRICT l·PRVNT 2U-URBAN CRDR: TOTAL: $ $ $ FEDERAL 1,275,793 1.000,000 2.275,793 §:TATE $ $ $ $ 2.275.793 LC LOCAL $ °a s °s ° ° ° $ $ $ ° °a TOTAL 1.275.793 ' 1.000,000 2,275,793 $ $ $ 2,739.985 : CSJ COUNTY 4 - AMARILLO RANDALL LIMITS FROM HILLSIDE RD HWY 2635--03·017 SL 335 PHASE CITY C.E AMARILLO PROJECT SPONSOR YOE COST S 1.137,896 REVISION DATE: 11/2014 ..l;tf!l.l;:!?r.q; ....~Qrr~.ft9.Q............................................................................... ............... MPO PROJ NUM : AOA500-012 FUNDING CAT(S): 1.2U : •• _ •• _ •. _ •• _ •• _ •. _ •. _ •• _ •• _ .. _ • . _ •. _ .. _ • • _ • . _ •• _ •• _ .. _ •• _ •• _ •• PROJECT REHAB ROADWAY AND IMPROVE INTERSECTIONS DESCR: ··REMA·RKS··FUN·OSTRANSF·ERE"O·FROM2·S3S·.ofo2S·········...........................j PROJECT i HISTORY : P7: _.. _.. _.._.. _.. _.. _.. _.. _.. _.._.._.. _.._.._.._.. _.._..-.. _.._.. _.._.. _.._.. _.._.. _.._.._.. _.. _.. _.. _.. _.._.._.._.. _.._.. _.. _.. _.._.._.. TOTAL PROJECT COST INFORMATION .~.~~l;lf!l.Et4.~.; ... ... .$. ... ......~.~@ ; ROW PURCHASE: S COST OF 1,500 : APPROVED ·C·ONs,:·COS,:;.. ····s······i:03S::ijS : 'c'ONS'! ·ENG:· .. ·....$••• .•. ····50:780 : PHASES : 1 :c:Q:N.rjNG::: : :: ::::::i :: : : :: :: ::::~1~ .t~R.~Q~J~.: ......... t ........ ~~L~{l9 : $ C: TOTAL PRJ COST : $ BND FINANCING : 1.246,242 : AUTHORIZED FUNDING BY CATEGORY/SHARE 1-PRVNT 2U·URBAN CRDR; TOTAL $ $ $ $ 1.137,896 PHASE : C::t CONSTRUCTION , E = ENGINEERING, R = ROW, T = TRANSFER • FUNDING NOT FIXED FEDERAL 617,896 520,000 t .137,896 STATE S S $ ° ° ° LC LOCAL $ $ $ ° ° ° $ $ $ ° 0 $ $ $ TOTAL 617,896' 520.000 1,137.896 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2014 8:25:19 AM PAGE: 1 OF 5 STATEWIDE TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM TIP FY 2015·2018 AMARILLO METROPOLITAN PLANN ING ORGAN IZATION FY 2015 DISTRICT CSJ COUNTY 4 ·AMARILlO POTTER LIMITS FROM 26TH STREET OVERPASS HWY 0168-10-070 IH 27 PROJECT SPONSOR PHASE CITY C,E AMARILLO YOECOST $ 4,598,485 REVISION DATE : 11/201 4 _.~~~J.~~.rQ: ....IH.1Q •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••,••••••••••••••,••••••• ••,••••••••••••• •,••••• ,•••••••••• ,•••.....••••• MPO PROJ NUM : FUNDING CATIS): 1,11 PROJECT RAMP IMPROVEMENT NB IH27 TO EB/WB IH40 & EB IH40 TO 58 IH27 OESCR . ,._ •• _ • • _ •• _ •• _ •• _ •• _ •• - •• _ •• _ •• _ •• - •• _ • • _ •• _ •• _ •• _ •• _ •• _ •• _ •• ._._. _._._._. _. _. _._. _. _. _._._. _. _. ~~~A:~~::~::~::~::~::~::~::~::~:·~::~::~··~::~::~::~::~::~::~::~:: ~J~~~~~~ AUTHORIZED FUNDING TOTAL PROJECT COST INFORMATION .~.~!=.~t~..I;~.(L ......L ROW PURCHASE: $ ... ... ~P.~.11}? COST OF 0 APPROVED PHASES: ·C·ONS·j·cosj;······$······4·, ;32 . 355 'EoNs'j 'ENG:'" .....$...... ..263:644 :9:q~jjN9::::: : : :: : : :I::: : : ::ji:i9! ' -PRVNT 11-01ST DISC: TOTAL: •• $ $ 4,598,485 .1.~~LC;R~.1~.:........ j . ....... ?!3.~ .1~? eND FINANCING : $ C TOTAL PRJ COST: $ 5, 127 ,840 PHASE: C '" CONSTRUCTION , E '" ENGINEERING , R '" ROW, T '" TRANSFER • FUNDING NOT FixeD FEDERAL 2,000,000 1,678,788 3,678,788 •• • STATE 500,000 419,697 919,697 BY CATEGORY/SHARE LOCAL $ $ $ a a a •• $ LC 0 $ a a $ $ TOTAL 2,500,000 2,098,485' 4,598,485 MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 22. 2014 8:2S'19AM PAGE: 2 OF 5 STATEWIDE TRANSPORTATION IM PROVEMENT PROGRAM TIP FY 2015·2018 AMARILLO METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION FY 2017 DISTRICT CSJ COUNTY HWY PHASE CITY YOE COST PROJECT SPONSOR 0168,09-161 IH 27 4 • AMARILLO RANDALL C .E AMARILLO REVISION DATE: 1112014 LIMITS FROM AT SL 335 ••~lftl.I:r.l?rQ ; ....... ................. . . ........ _........ _.......................... . .. . ...... . .. . ..... ..... ......... , ........ MPO PROJ NUM : AOAOS3-001 PROJECT WIDEN FREEWAY TO 6 LANE SECTION BY ADDING 2 ADDITIONAL LANES FUNDING CAT(S): 1,10 S 6,892,254 ..I?~~.q~.:............................ .............................. .........................-...:.;;~J~.~; ..;~~~;;p"";.~~·~~;·;R'c;~~;~~;O·;3~~O-(~~~~1;~;..;4~;·- ··- ·· REMARKS SAFETEA-LU #1802 (THORNBERRY) FUNDING CATEGORY 10 P7: ~ HISTORY: RECONSTRUCT ANO AOO 2 LANES FOR A TOTAL OF 6 LANES PHASE 1 AODTWO LANES AT SL 3350 168.{)Q·905 ! -.. TOTAL~;O;E~T-C-OSTiNF·oR·;~no~ .. -·f-.. - .. - .. - .. -.. - ··-.. -~~~·.;O·~;;D·F~·ND·,NGBy-CA-;:~~~·~/S~~R~.. -··-··-.. -··-··-.. -.. . .~.~~.~lftl..~~,<}.: ... . ...L ...... ~9.~~~\?~ : i FEDERAL STATE LOCAL LC TOTAL COST OF i C,-: .p::R"V"N=T,....---""',....LE.9':'5","'.,"'5;3:-=$--,~0"5":.68 ':'4':-=$---'''''''''0;:-='---""""0;;-:-'-"'-'0"5"'."836 ::::-:'0; APPROVED : 1. , 'c'oNs'i 'cosi;..... ·S· .... 'ii,31-" :588 : PHASES : !~':;0.:;M~'S:::C",____.,$,--.:4~.66::;.:c.J::J:;4-:',-.":;.,,,.::;7,,,.0,,84;-.;$____;0;-.;$___--c0 ;;-.;'_ .,5"'.•:;:J~5.~4,,'.;_ ·c·oNs·i·ENG:........S· .. ·.... 21"i::i98: i TOTAL' S 5,619,487 $ 1,272.767 $ 0 $ 0 S 6.892,254 ROW PURCHASE: $ l $ C:: i i: I TOTAL PRJ COST: $ 7.563,176: ; :9gNj~N9::::::::: :: : I :::::: :)1:~~) .l.f':I!:tC~g~.1~.:... ......L ..... .Ml.~.~~?: aND FINANCING : $6,892,254 CSJ LIMITS FROM: LIMITS TO: HWY 2 MILES EAST IH 27 F'M 2590 REVISION DATE: MPO PROJ NUM PROjECT --------- CONSTRUCT-FRONTAGE-ROADS 00 iiiA,iNAGE-----------.--. ---------------. ---. ----- FUNDING CAT/S' DESCR: IPROJEC-T_. - - - - - - - - -- - - _!.I.: Nov·14 AOA 122.()()() 1 2U :.I:. -". - - - - -- - - - _. - - - - - REMAifK's ----------------------------------------··---·--·-------------------- ~HIS TORY : ~ I . . -_ .... _ .... _O' . _.... _oo .. _.oo _ ... _ .. - _oo _ .. -_ ... _ .... _ .. _ .. -oo. - _. _ .. _.oo _ .. _ .. _O' . _.... ., .... _.... _.O' _.oo _ .. _ ... _ . -_ ... ____ TOTAL PROJECT COST INFORMAnON !~~~!~.:... ___~_..!~.!6861 ROW PURCHASE : S 3500000 "OONSTCOSf:'---S-4ij,6Ei7,463 AUTHORIZED FUNDING BY CATEGORY/SHARE COST OF APPROVED PHASES: LOCAL * :£Q[~[~:--:L:.12..6i..679 _£2[T1.!1.2.:_____L_ ~437 IND COSTS: S 2,335,400 -B'NOFlN'AHciNG: -S - - - - 0 TOTAL PRJ COST: S 54,876,060 S 48,943,828 I i PHASE : C ,. CONSTRUCTION , E '" ENGINEERING , R:: ROW, T" TRANSFER • FUNDING NOT FIXED MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 20 14 8:25: 19 AM PAGE : 5 OF 5 STATEWIDE TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM TIP FY 2015·2018 GROUPED PROJECTS AMARILLO METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION FY 2017 DISTRICT: COUNTY 4-AMARILLO LIMITS FROM : POTTER I;"t~I!~_,!:9!. CSJ 0275-01-161 HWY IH 40 PROJECT SPONSOR CITY PHASE C,E YOECOST $ AMARILLO US 287 INTERCHANGE 2 ,585,494 02f2013 REVISION DATE: ________ ~_~~§9_N_g9J!.~TYJJ~~________ ____ __ _____ __ _ . _______________________________________ MPO PROJ NUM: AOA500-009 ~:~~~~T OVERLAY rPROJeC;-- ____ __ ~Y~Dl~~~~TJ.SL _1 __ __ _____ ___ _____ _ RE-MARKS ---------GROUPED 'CSJ 500000958 ------------------------- ---------------: HISTORY: " I • __ •• _ •• _ •• _ •• _ •• _ • • _ • • _ •• _ •• , •• _ •• _ •• _ • • _ •• _ •• _ __ _ •• .r... ____________ •• __ • __ _ __ _ __ • __ _ _ • ___ . _ . __ • __ AUTHORIZED FUNDING BY CATEGORYfSHARE TOTAL PROJECT COST INFORMATION PRELIM ENG: ROW PURCHASE: 11 COST OF APPROVEO FEDERAL .~.9.~, ~.!.. ~.9.~!'.:.... S .......... ~..}~~?~~. PHASES: .£.9.~.~.!..~~.~ .:............. 115,382 i .~.9:~.!.I.~§.:.. S ···················1·:·i·77·1 $ 2,585,494 .!~.~ ..~g~!.~: ::::::::::::::::::.::~ ' .::::::::::::jj:~;:i~~:l :::1 BND FINANCING: LOCAL LC 2,806,839i DISTRICT: COUNTY PROJECT SPONSOR CITY CSJ HWY PHASE 4- AMARILLO POTTER 0275-01-163 IH 40 C,E AMARILLO LIMITS FROM : SONCY REVISION DATE : ,=~"!.IJ$_·H?~ ________ ll:L2!Jt'tTJ~.F3:<;;:tif._f'!Gs ______________ __ _______________________ ________ _• ••• ____________ MPO PROJ NUM : AOA500-014 ~~~~~~T TOTAL oi $ TOTAL PRJ COST: STATE ~:'~.P~R~V7.N~T~·----------~$~2~3~2~6~9';S~~$o---~2;S~a,~S~'g~-,$~--~~~O~--$~------~O--~$~~2~S~8~S~4~g7, ~!T;;O;;T~A';'L'-'"· ----------7$~2,:;:3;:;2~6:;;94:::S;---;$;---.;2;:;S::a,~S~49;--;$'--------:;----$;-------"';:O--7$--.;,;c:s"a"s":,"'g7 4* !PROJECT_ ______ f!:l~Dl~~~~TJ.Sl: __1_____ __ _ _ OVERLAY YOE COST $ 4, 797, 193 _______ _ _ RE-MARK-S-------------_. ----. -----------------. ------------------------------- -:HISTORY: " I --- --TOTAL - ----- -- - ---- -- ------ --,- -_. -- ---- -- _. -- -- -- -AUTHORIZED -... _---FUNDING -- --- BY----- --- --- --- ---- -- ---- -- --- --PROJECT COST INFORMATION CATEGORY/SHARE 214,082 i COST OF O! APPROVED PRELIM ENG : ROW PURCHASE: :~9.~:~f.§9~j:i··::::::::::::::~··::::::::::~:;~~~;9.~:~:l PHASES: I . ,TOTAL: $ FEDERAL 3,837,754 $ STATE 959,439 $ LOCAL $ 3,837,754 $ 959,439 $ o LC $ $ o o TOTAL 4,797,193 $ 4,797,193 $ * . .................. .~.9:~.~.T.~.~.~.: ~ 214,082! CONTING ..........................~ ······· .. ·····..···'2:·;·i3";j·l $ 4,797,193 ! · ~~D~F~~I~6· iN·G·: ....... ::::::::::::j~9.;:?~~:l TOTAL PRJ COST: 5,247,641 i DISTRICT: COUNTY CSJ HWY PHASE CITY PROJECT SPONSOR YOE COST 4- AMARILLO POTTER US 60 0169-02-065 C,E AMARILLO $ 4 ,480, 79 7 LIMITS FROM: LP 335 REVISION DATE : '=t"!.IJ$_ !9~ ________ y_~~§9i'J_ <;9J.!.~IY.LJ~!=____________________________ •• _______ • ___ ______ __ ___ __________ MPO PROJ NUM : AOA500-007 r:: - _ _ ________ _ !'!:I~DJ~~~~TI..S} : __1__ _ _____ ____ _ __ __ _ PROJECT OVERLAY DESCR: 156011148 -- ----- ----- -- -_. --_. --- -- --- --- _. --- ----------_. ----.IPROJECT REMARKS .HISTORY: -- -_. -------- -- ----- --- -- ~ I -- - ---- -- ----.- ------- -- -- -- -, --- --- -- - --_. --- -- --- -_..., ---- -- -- ---- --_. -- ---- -- --- --_.-- ---- --- -TOTAL PROJECT COST INFORMATION PRELIM ENG : ROW PURCHASE: $ COST OF APPROVED PHASES: .~.9:.~ ,~'!.. ~~,~.:. $ CONTlNG: ..................... J AUTHORIZED FUNDING BY CATEGORY/SHARE FEDERAL $ 4,480,797 .!.~.Q.,~,Q.~.!.~:, ....................~ ::::::::::::::~:~:?5ij:J $ oi BND FINANCING: TOTAL PRJ COST: PHASE : C 4,920,277 i =CONSTRUCTION, E =ENGINEERING , R =ROW, T =TRANSFER • F UNDIN G NOT FIX E D STATE LOCAL LC TOTAL ~i1g-P~R~V~N~T~' :::::::::::¥$:~3~ ,s~a~',~63~a~:::$$~:::~8~9§6, ~'§Sg~::~$~::::::::O~:::~ $ :::::::=~O:::f $:::'~'4 ~a§0~'7~9~7 * .TOTAL: $ 3,584,638 896, 159 $ 0 $ 0 $ 4,480,797 SL 335 SL 335 I N ~- ~3.j .....l -:r"':l. I I ., "" / ( ~ NE / NW / / , / I r -ll I r ~I SW , I ~ -r- I: I SE -:i ~ , .,. . • " ,;; .Jl / "l,1 ~ \u 2015-20181lP PROJECTS Amarillo M PO Study Area _ TIP Projects - - County Line r .J Q MPO Study Boundary aly Lmits(2014) MPOMapsITlP15_1 BOctPC.mxd 09/25114 • I ! o • •• • •• •• ! • ~ ············i • • s: s: s: s: s: s: s: s: s: a s: s: s: s: •~ •. •" :: ;::! o 0 " M . ·" . .............I ,\ I n • •• HE -*. TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION I Grouped Financial Summary · Yea r of Expend it ure Cos AMARILLO MPO / AMARILLO · 4 FY 2015 - 2018 Transportation Improvement Program Funding by category FY 2016 FY 2015 category 1 2M or 2U Total FY 2015 2018 Authorized Programmed Authorized Programmed Authorized Programmed Authorized Programmed Authorized and Rehabilitation .0 '0 .0 .0 $11,863,484 .0 .0 .0 $11,863.484 '0 Urban Area (Non- TMA) Corridor Projects '0 '0 .0 .0 '0 .0 .0 '0 SO .0 '0 .0 '0 '0 .0 '0 .0 '0 .0 .0 4 Non-Traditionally Funded TransportalJon Project Statewide Connectivity Corridor Projects .0 '0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 '0 .0 5 CMAQ .0 SO .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 Map21 Flex '0 .0 .0 .0 SO .0 .0 .0 .0 6 Structures SO SO SO '0 .0 .0 '0 7 Metto Mobility & Rehab .0 '0 .0 '0 .0 '0 .0 .0 .0 Safety .0 SO $0 .0 $0 .0 '0 .0 '0 .0 .0 $0 8 '0 .0 9 Enhancements $0 SO .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 '0 $0 $0 TAP .0 '0 $0 .0 .0 '0 .0 '0 .0 .0 10 Supplemental Transportation .0 SO SO '0 .0 '0 '0 '0 .0 .0 11 District Discretionary .0 .0 '0 .0 '0 .0 .0 .0 '0 '0 '0 '0 .0 .0 Strategic Priority '0 .0 .0 12 .0 .0 12C Strategic Priority RECON .0 .0 '0 '0 '0 .0 125 Strategic Priority RECON '0 .0 .0 '0 '0 $0 '0 .0 '0 .0 .0 .0 '0 .0 .0 $0 $0 $0 $0 3 5 Flex 9 Flex Stratef:{ Budget PE SBPE 58102 ~ FY 2018 FY 2017 Programmed Description Preventive Maintenance --- Strategy 102 -- Total .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 '0 .0 .0 .0 '0 '0 '0 '0 .0 '0 .0 $11,863,484 $ 11,863,484 $0 $0 $11,863,484 $11,863,484 Funding Participation Source FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 Tota! Federal '0 .0 $9,749.337 $9,749,337 State .0 $2.114.147 Local Match '0 .0 '0 .0 '0 .0 .0 CAT 3· Local Contributions '0 '0 .0 .0 '0 .0 CAT 3 · Prop 12 '0 '0 .0 .0 .0 CAT 3 · Prop 14 '0 .0 .0 Cat 3- Prop 14 SB '0 .0 .0 '0 .0 '0 CAT 3 · TeJ{as Mobility Fund '0 '0 .0 .0 '0 CAT 3· Pass Thru Toll Revenue '0 '0 .0 .0 CAT 3· Regiona l Toll Revenue '0 '0 '0 .0 '0 $0 CAT 3· Match to Regional Toll Revenue '0 '0 '9 CAT 3· Unique Federal Program · Tiger II '0 '0 .0 '0 .0 CAT 3· TOC '0 .0 '0 '0 .0 .0 Other · Section 5306 .0 .0 $0 Other · Strategy PE Budget '0 .0 .0 .0 '0 $0 .0 '0 .0 .0 .0 $0 $11,863,484 $0 $11,863,484 Source Other· Stragegy 102 Budget Total - '0 .0 .0 $2,114,147 $0 $0 '0 .0 MINUTES AMARILLO METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION POLICY COMMITTEE MEETING The Policy Committee for the Amarillo Metropolitan Planning Organization met at 1:30 p.m., October 16, 2014, in Room 306 of City Hall, 509 South East 7th Avenue, Amarillo, Texas. Voting members present were: Paul Harpole, Jarrett Atkinson, Ernie Houdashell, Mark Benton, H.R. Kelly, Kyle Ingham, Gus Khankarli, and Ron Johnston. Voting members not present were: Brian Eades, Dick Davis, and Arthur Ware. Staff coordinators were: Gary Holwick and Travis Muno. Item 1. Consider approval of the July 17, 2014 meeting minutes. Paul Harpole, City of Amarillo Mayor, advised the minutes of the previous meeting on July 17, 2014 were ready for consideration. There were no corrections to the minutes. H.R. Kelly, Potter County Commissioner, made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Judge Ernie Houdashell, Randall County, seconded the motion. A vote of 8:0 carried the motion. Item 2. Consider 2015-2040 Metropolitan Transportation Plan. Mr. Muno gave an overview of the planning documents and programs produced by the Amarillo MPO. He said draft 2015-40 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) is a blueprint for identifying the development of future transportation improvements for roadways, public transit services, bicycle amenities, and pedestrian facilities for the Amarillo Metropolitan area and must be updated every five years. Mr. Muno addressed projects contained in the MTP. He made reference to the active list of projects and an illustrative list of projects in the MTP, the latter being projects that are identified as being important but without adequate revenue identified for development or construction. He spoke about the development of the MTP. Mr. Muno stated that MPO staff had received input from the public, local and regional government, agency providers, and transportation stakeholders throughout the months of preparation. MPO staff conducted public meetings in November 2013 and February & July 2014 to prepare the document and receive public comment. The 2015-40 MTP is shown in Attachment A. Gus Khankarli, TxDOT Director of Transportation Planning & Development, made a motion to accept the action as presented. Mark Benton, Randall County Commissioner, seconded the motion. A vote of 8:0 carried the motion. Item 3. Consider 2013-16 Transportation Improvement Program revision. Mr. Travis Muno, MPO Senior Planner, explained the need for a revision of the 2015-18 Transportation Improvement Program. The 2015-18 TIP revision is shown in Attachment B. H. R. Kelly, made a motion to accept the action as presented. Mark Benton seconded the motion. A vote of 7:0 carried the motion (Jarrett Atkinson was not present at the time of the motion). Item 4. Receive a presentation: FY 2014 Annual List of Projects – MPO Staff. Mr. Muno presented the 2014 Annual List of Projects shown in Attachment C. He explained that each year the MPO is required to report on projects for which federal funding was obligated inside the MPO boundary. He stated that the list of projects included various roadway and transit projects. Travis told the committee that these projects were the subject of a public comment period that began on October 1, 2014 and ended October 10, 2014. He said no comments had been received during the comment period. He mentioned today’s meeting was another opportunity for the public to comment on the 2014 Annual List of Projects. Mayor Harpole asked if the members of the committee or members of the public attending the meeting had comments about the 2014 Annual Project Listing, but no comments were received. Mr. Muno said no formal action was needed for this agenda item. Mayor Harpole stated Agenda Item 6 would be heard first. Item 6. Receive a presentation: SL 335 Corridor Study by TxDOT – Amarillo District Staff. Terry Nix, TxDOT Amarillo District Planner, offered a PowerPoint presentation regarding a recently completed State Loop 335 Corridor Study. The purpose of this study was to recommend a suggested prioritized list of improvements for development of SL335, as a high-speed freeway to accommodate future growth and development in and around Amarillo. The goals of the study were safety, segment prioritization, mobility & functional improvement, traffic movement, alleviate congestion, consideration of alternate freight and hazardous cargo routes, and improve economic development. The study analyzed three separate alignments on the west side of SL 335: Soncy Rd, Helium Rd, and Hope Rd, revealing Helium Rd. as a preferred alternate route. Mr. Nix explained the study also took into consideration the freight routes, which Interstate 40 through Amarillo is on the primary freight network, and Interstate 27 is on the secondary freight network. SL 335 is a part of the Texas secondary freight network, whereby joining these networks. After data compilation, the study divided the loop into 10 segments, numerically listing priority segments based upon need. Item 5. Receive a presentation: Status Update of Projects by TxDOT – Amarillo District Staff. Terry Nix briefed the Committee regarding a variety of projects inside the Amarillo MPO study area. Mr. Nix gave a brief history of six projects with tentative letting dates, project description, and status updates to the following: SL335/BI-40D to Hillside Rd with medians and full signal upgrades, July 2015 letting & estimated $3 million project cost; IH-40/SL335 to Helium Rd reverse ramps upgrade project, July 2015 letting & estimated $4 million project cost; IH-40/IH-27 EB to SB direct connect completing the interchange, June 2015 letting & estimated $4 million project cost; SL335 @ BNSF RR Overpass, continuing the project under construction going East, August 2015 letting & estimated $16.5 million project cost; SL335/IH-27 to FM 2590, the schematic development is ongoing, projected September 2017 letting & estimated $57 million project cost; and the SL335 Corridor study from FM2590 to SW 9th Ave, will begin a schematic soon, projected August 2018 letting & estimated $95 million project cost. Item 7. Open Forum, time reserved for anyone to speak on any transportation related item; however, no action can be taken on items not on the agenda. Mayor Harpole expressed his gratitude to the TxDOT staff for the work that has been done on each of these projects. Bruce Lanier, 9701 Helium Rd., voiced his concerns in regards to traffic speeds on FM 2590 since the speed limit had been raised to 75 mph; he asked if someone could take a look at this situation. Ron Johnston, TxDOT Amarillo District Engineer, asked Mr. Lanier to send a letter stating such and the TxDOT office would look into the matter. No further comments were received. Item 8. Adjournment. Chairman Harpole adjourned the meeting with no further business to discuss. ____________________________ Paul Harpole Chairman, Amarillo MPO TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STAT E W I D E T R A N S P O R TAT I O N I M P ROV E M E N T P RO G R A M STIP 2 01 5 - 2 01 8 A M A R I L LO D I ST R I C T N O V E M B E R 2 01 4 Q U A R T E R LY R E V I S I O N R U R A L H I G H WAY NOVEMBER 2014 MONDAY, DECEMBER 08, 2014 8:05:52 AM PAGE: 1 OF 1 STATEWIDE TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM TXDOT AMARILLO DISTRICT FY 2015 DISTRICT COUNTY CSJ HWY PHASE 4 - AMARILLO RANDALL 0904-11-057 VA C,E LIMITS FROM US 60 AT CANYON TEXAS . LIMITS TO: PROJECT US 60 TEX RANDALL INFORMATION CENTER AND REST AREA DESCR: REMARKS P7: $ $ $ $ $ $ $ TOTAL PRJ COST: $ 19,575 COST OF 0 APPROVED 399,490 PHASES: 15,540 $ 434,605 11,226 22,931 0 YOE COST 434,605 REVISION DATE: 07/2014 MPO PROJ NUM: FUNDING CAT(S): 9,LC PROJECT HISTORY: AUTHORIZED FUNDING BY CATEGORY/SHARE 9-ENHANCEMTS: LOCAL CONTR: TOTAL: $ $ $ 538,432 PHASE: C = CONSTRUCTION, E = ENGINEERING, R = ROW, T = TRANSFER * FUNDING NOT FIXED PROJECT SPONSOR $ TOTAL PROJECT COST INFORMATION PRELIM ENG: ROW PURCHASE: CONST COST: CONST ENG: CONTING: IND COSTS: BND FINANCING: CITY FEDERAL 275,182 0 275,182 $ $ $ STATE 0 0 0 $ $ $ LOCAL 117,935 0 117,935 $ $ $ LC 0 41,488 41,488 $ $ $ TOTAL 393,117 41,488 * 434,605 Highway Financial Summary - Year of Expenditure Cost Amarillo District - 4 FY 2015 - 2018 Transportation Improvement Program - November 2014 Quarterly Revision Funding by Category FY 2015 Category Description FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 Total FY 2015 - 2018 Programmed Authorized Programmed Authorized Programmed Authorized Programmed Authorized Programmed Authorized $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $41,488 $41,488 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $41,488 $41,488 4 Preventive Maintenance and Rehabilitation Urban Area (Non- TMA) Corridor Projects Non-Traditionally Funded Transportation Project Statewide Connectivity Corridor Projects $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 5 CMAQ $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 5 Flex Map21 Flex $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 6 Structures $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 7 Metro Mobility & Rehab $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 8 Safety $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 9 Enhancements $393,117 $393,117 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $393,117 $393,117 9 Flex $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 10 TAP Supplemental Transportation $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 11 District Discretionary $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 12 Strategic Priority $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 12C Strategic Priority RECON $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 12S SBPE Strategic Priority RECON $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Strategy Budget PE $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Strategy 102 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $434,605 $434,605 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $434,605 $434,605 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 Total $275,182 $0 $0 $0 $275,182 1 2M or 2U 3 SB 102 Total Funding Participation Source Source Federal State Local Match $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $117,935 $0 $0 $0 $117,935 $41,488 $0 $0 $0 $41,488 CAT 3 - Prop 12 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 CAT 3 - Prop 14 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Cat 3- Prop 14 SB $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 CAT 3 - Texas Mobility Fund $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 CAT 3 - Pass Thru Toll Revenue $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 CAT 3 - Regional Toll Revenue $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 CAT 3 - Match to Regional Toll Revenue $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 CAT 3 - Unique Federal Program - Tiger II $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 CAT 3 - Local Contributions CAT 3 - TDC $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Other - Section 5306 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Other - Strategy PE Budget $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Other - Stragegy 102 Budget $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $434,605 $0 $0 $0 $434,605 Total EXHIBIT A PROJECTS SELECTED FOR TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM CALL Project Number Project Name Nominating Entity TxDOT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 STP 2014(087)TE STP 2014(088)TE STP 2014(089)TE STP 2014(090)TE STP 2014(091)TE STP 2014(092)TE STP 2014(093)TE STP 2014(094)TE STP 2014(095)TE STP 2014(096)TE STP 2014(097)TE STP 2014(098)TE STP 2014(099)TE STP 2014(100)TE STP 2014(101)TE STP 2014(102)TE STP 2014(103)TE STP 2014(104)TE STP 2014(105)TE STP 2014(106)TE STP 2014(107)TE STP 2014(108)TE STP 2014(109)TE STP 2014(110)TE STP 2014(111)TE STP 2014(112)TE STP 2014(113)TE STP 2014(114)TE STP 2014(115)TE STP 2014(116)TE STP 2014(117)TE STP 2014(118)TE STP 2014(119)TE STP 2014(120)TE STP 2014(121)TE STP 2014(122)TE STP 2014(123)TE STP 2014(124)TE STP 2014(125)TE Terrell Pedestrian Improvements Yellowjacket Multi-Use Trail Cranfills Gap Downtown Streetscape Killeen-Fort Hood Regional Trail, Segment 3 San Angelo Bike and Pedestrian Improvements El Camino Real de los Tejas National Historic Trail City of Pharr Bicycle Accessible Improvement Project Rock Island Bike and Pedestrian Facility West Paris Multi-use Trail Port Neches Downtown Sidewalks and Redevelopment Wharton Sidewalk Accessibility and Historic Streetscape Mason Comprehensive Pedestrian Walkway Connectivity Plan College Street/Cedar Street Sidewalk Network Expansion Riverwalk Extension (Phase 2a) & Bike Lane Improvement Brownsville Historic Battlefield Trail Fort Brown Connection Bentsen Road Hike and Bike Trail Downtown Amarillo Streetscape Old Katy Bikeway Evers Park Bridge and Trail Project Jefferson Street Sidewalk Network Expansion Project Canyon U.S. 60 Tex Randall Information Center and Rest Area City of Lufkin 2012 Transportation Enhancement Downtown Troy Streetscape-Historic Commercial District Kaufman Downtown Transportation Improvement Project Conroe Sidewalk, Streetscape and Landscape Beautification Landa Street Pedestrian and Bicyclists Facility Enhancements Nolan River Road School Access Corridor Light Up Downtown Aransas Pathways Trail System Decker Lane (FM 3177) Sidewalk South 11th Street Transportation Alternatives Project FM 1660 North Hike and Bike Trail Bosque River Trail Extension Falcon Ridge Boulevard Bikeway RM 1431 Pedestrian Bridge and Sidewalk Fort Worth Bike Sharing System Expansion Summercrest Blvd to McAlister Ped and Bike Improvements Town of Little Elm: Town Center/Beard Park to Witt Road Trail City of Tyler Sidewalk Extension Project City of Terrell City of Ferris City of Cransfills Gap City of Killeen City of San Angelo Texas Parks and Wildlife City of Pharr City of Irving City of Paris City of Port Neches City of Wharton City of Mason City of Seguin City of Waco City of Brownsville City of McAllen City of Amarillo TxDOT City of Denton City of Seguin City of Canyon City of Lufkin City of Troy City of Kaufman City of Conroe City of New Braunfels City of Cleburne City of Eagle Pass Aransas County Travis County City of Abilene City of Hutto City of Stephenville City of Friendswood City of Cedar Park Fort Worth Trans Authority City of Burleson City of Little Elm City of Tyler Page 1 of 3 $618,389 408,425 376,654 1,455,498 1,040,283 1,546,520 644,138 2,070,000 515,193 627,201 961,400 673,804 427,938 2,704,800 746,403 1,020,265 1,540,753 1,326,400 1,341,617 408,704 275,182 883,200 374,541 390,900 781,321 1,016,249 768,056 292,371 706,980 1,529,977 946,220 1,001,880 1,401,652 50,324 249,186 415,958 1,022,634 1,166,882 1,648,322 Funding MPO Total $618,389 408,425 376,654 1,455,498 1,040,283 1,546,520 644,138 2,070,000 515,193 627,201 961,400 673,804 427,938 2,704,800 746,403 1,020,265 1,540,753 1,326,400 1,341,617 408,704 275,182 883,200 374,541 390,900 781,321 1,016,249 768,056 292,371 706,980 1,529,977 946,220 1,001,880 1,401,652 50,324 249,186 415,958 1,022,634 1,166,882 1,648,322 EXHIBIT A PROJECTS SELECTED FOR TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM CALL 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 Project Number STP 2014(126)TE STP 2014(127)TE STP 2014(128)TE STP 2014(129)TE STP 2014(130)TE STP 2014(131)TE STP 2014(132)TE STP 2014(133)TE STP 2014(134)TE STP 2014(135)TE STP 2014(136)TE STP 2014(137)TE STP 2014(138)TE STP 2014(139)TE STP 2014(140)TE STP 2014(141)TE STP 2014(142)TE STP 2014(143)TE STP 2014(144)TE STP 2014(145)TE STP 2014(146)TE STP 2014(147)TE STP 2014(148)TE STP 2014(149)TE STP 2014(150)TE STP 2014(151)TE STP 2014(152)TE STP 2014 (153)TE STP 2014(154)TE STP 2014(155)TE STP 2014(156)TE STP 2014(157)TE STP 2014(158)TE STP 2014(159)TE STP 2014(160)TE STP 2014(161)TE STP 2014(162)TE STP 2014(163)TE STP 2014(164)TE STP 2014(165)TE Project Name Statewide Heritage Tourism/Historic Texas Highways &Trails I-10/US 54 Renovation Project US 59 Bridge Lighting Chisholm Trail Corridor Hike and Bike Facility Bicycle Traffic Signal and Detection Cross-Town Pathway Holly Road Landscaping Improvement Project Railroad Right-of-Way Hike and Bike Trail Wildcat Dr. Community Lighting and Sidewalk Improvements City of Socorro Pedestrian Safety Program Dyer Street Pedestrian Enhancements Santa Fe Street Pedestrian Improvements FM 270 Bikeway Energy Corridor IH 10 Intersections Enhancements NASA Road 1 Bikeway Hermann Park/Brays Bayou Trail Connectors Hunting Bayou Gaps --Sayers Rd to Hutcheson Parks Mason Park Ped/Bike Bridge University Connection City of Edinburg Train Depot Renovation Project City of Edinburg Jackson Rd. Hike and Bike Trail Project Mercedes Landscaped Entryway North University Enhancement Project, (Phase 2) On-Street Bicycle Treatments - McKinney VeloWay/SoPac Phase 4A North Main Street Bridge Shady Grove Bike/Pedestrian Trail Connection Bike/Walk North Texas Safety and Education Campaign Downtown Colleyville Bike and Ped Trail Coombs Creek Trail Extension FM 1382 Hike and Bike Trail Three Cities Trail Phase Three A-train Rail Trail Low Impact Landscaping Around Downtown San Antonio Bicycle Safe Resources for 8 to 80-year-olds San Antonio Bike Share B-Cycle Urban Core Expansion Trinity Trails Clear Fork - East Bank Extension UTEP Walkable Pedestrian Enhancements Hwy 95 Bicycle/Pedestrian Corridor Schanen Hike and Bike Trail Nominating Entity Texas Historic Commission TxDOT El Paso District Montrose Management Dist. City of Belton City of Austin City of San Marcos City of Corpus Christi Corpus Christi MPO Town of Anthony City of Socorro TxDOT El Paso District City of El Paso City of Webster Energy Corridor Mgmt. Dist. City of Webster City of Houston City of Houston City of Houston City of Houston City of Edinburg City of Edinburg City of Mercedes City of Lubbock City of McKinney Dallas CO & City of Dallas City of Fort Worth City of Keller NCTCOG City of Colleyville City of Dallas City of Cedar Hill City of Frisco Denton CO Transit Authority City of San Antonio City of San Antonio City of San Antonio City of Fort Worth UTEP City of Taylor City of Corpus Christi Page 2 of 3 Funding 1,000,000 6,841,224 1,428,495 1,255,800 $2,000,000 7,296,809 223,174 330,427 $200,000 1,923,174 149,443 145,986 192,516 73,600 237,346 235,452 739,205 2,087,526 1,160,356 597,742 607,430 3,544,579 1,844,655 108,146 961,282 304,672 478,278 200,000 3,009,217 2,000,000 401,606 552,000 1,273,004 2,000,000 950,522 516,852 1,984,900 1,001,428 114,080 999,996 156,000 703,191 1,156,826 498,931 1,000,000 6,841,224 1,428,495 1,255,800 200,000 1,923,174 149,443 145,986 192,516 73,600 237,346 235,452 739,205 2,087,526 1,160,356 597,742 607,430 3,544,579 1,844,655 108,146 961,282 304,672 478,278 200,000 3,009,217 2,000,000 401,606 552,000 1,273,004 2,000,000 950,000 516,852 1,984,900 1,001,428 114,080 999,996 2,156,000 8,000,000 1,380,000 829,358 EXHIBIT A PROJECTS SELECTED FOR TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM CALL 80 81 Project Number Project Name STP 2014(166)TE Clear Lake Shores Ped and Bike connections STP 2014(167)TE Improving Old Town Helotes Nominating Entity City of Clear Lake Shores City of Helotes Totals Page 3 of 3 Funding 334,281 11,455 $56,097,885 665,197 1,239,101 $35,014,240 999,478 1,250,556 $91,111,603
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