factfile - Animal Aid
factfile - Animal Aid
The Suffering Of Farmed Poultry Europe’s Agricultural ministers agreed in June 1999 to end the rearing of egg-laying chickens in battery cages across the EU – but not until 2012, thereby guaranteeing another decade of unremitting misery for the battery hen. factfile www.animalaid.org.uk • tel: 01732 364546 The regulation will state that by 31 December 2012 farmers must have phased out the use of battery cages in favour of “free-range” farming, the housing of hens in large, barn-like aviaries, or the use of so-called “enriched cages”. The latter will have to give at least 750 sq cm of space per chicken – twice the size of current cages, but still less than the size of two sheets of A4 paper. In addition, it will be compulsory to provide a nesting area with litter, a scratching pad to sharpen claws and a perch. Welfare optimists are predicting that the high cost of providing “enhanced” and bigger cages means that they are unlikely to be as popular with the poultry trade as so called free-range or barn aviaries. In fact the trade itself is convinced that the current cage types will eventually be reprieved and demonstrates its confidence by continuing to feature the contraptions in trade fairs. Egg Producing Machines It is estimated that approximately 66 per cent of the total UK egg-laying population of 30 million are currently kept in battery cages. The average yield per hen during 2003 was a staggering 290 eggs (Defra, Agriculture in the UK 2003). At the hatchery stage all male chicks are killed (usually by gassing) because they can neither produce eggs nor put on enough weight quickly enough to be fattened for meat. Their female counterparts begin their year-long ordeal in cages at around 18 weeks. Inside The Battery Houses Battery cages are stacked in tiers in huge windowless sheds that accommodate a laying flock of thousands of hens. More than 70% of birds are kept in flocks of more 20,000. Sheds with in excess of 50,000 hens are fairly common. A typical cage houses four or five birds and has wire mesh on the sides and top. The minimum space allowance, as set down in a European Directive, is the equivalent of less than three-quarters of the surface area of a standard sheet of A4 paper. The battery system was designed to allow faeces to drop through the bottom of the cage, separating the hens from possible sources of diseases – especially those caused by internal parasites. But the cage system itself creates severe disease problems and suffering. The duties of the stockperson amount to little more than the upkeep of automated equipment and removal of dead birds from their cages. While no official statistics exist, the government have estimated that over 2 million battery hens die in their cages every year. Feed and water supplies are automated. Egg-laying apart, eating and drinking are the only activities available to the birds. Frustration of Natural Behaviour Under natural conditions, hens instinctively display complex behavioural patterns involving perching, foraging, nesting and dust-bathing. Close confinement in cages denies the opportunity to perform any of these activities. Deprivation causes chronic suffering and social conflict amongst cage mates, including bullying, feather-pecking and, in extreme cases, cannibalism. The Trauma Of Laying Egg laying is a natural physiological function for hens, although not on anything approaching the scale of the modern commercial bird. And with no space or cover, the mere act of laying in a battery house becomes an ordeal in itself. Battery hens are also denied the opportunity to perform normal pre-laying activity such as nest building. The stress and frustration which can follow may result in stereotypical (meaningless and repetitive) behaviour. factfile www.animalaid.org.uk • tel: 01732 364546 De-beaking The egg industry attempts to discourage such aggression by amputating the upper part of the beak in a routine mutilation known as “de-beaking” or “beak-trimming”. Up to half of the upper and sometimes also the lower part of the beak is cut away using a red-hot blade. This causes chronic pain and hampers, yet further, any attempt at natural behaviour. No official figures exist for the levels of de-beaking, although. leading welfare body, the Farm Animal Welfare Network, has estimated that roughly 1520% of battery hens are de-beaked, with this figure is rising due to increasing levels of mortality from cannibalism. Foot Deformities, Bone Weakness And Fractures Physical consequences of confinement include foot deformities – caused mainly by the absence of suitable perches – and severe bone weakness – prompted by restrictions on movement and, thus, normal development. As a consequence, battery hens are prone to multiple fractures during capture and transportation to the killing plant. In a study performed by the Institute of Food Research at Langford near Bristol, researchers found that 29% of battery hens had broken bones by the time they reached the slaughterhouse. By the end of the slaughtering process 98% had broken bones. Bone weakness is exacerbated by calcium deficiencies caused by heavy egg-laying programmes. Bone fractures are increased by the emphasis on speed rather than care amongst the catching gangs who clear end-of-lay birds from their cages for the journey to the slaughterhouse. Cancer And Genetic Selection The genetic selection of birds on the basis of high egg yields is also responsible for an increased susceptibility to cancers. Broiler Chickens More than 800 million chickens were slaughtered in the UK during 2003 to provide poultry meat. In 1985 the total was “just” 447 million birds. This reflects a consumer trend away from red meat to what is erroneously perceived to be a healthier alternative The Broiler House Chicks are artificially hatched and then housed in huge, windowless sheds for the duration of their six-week growing period. On average, a modern “broiler” house holds around 45,000 birds, usually kept on a litter bed of wood shavings or chopped straw. But many units have populations exceeding 100,000. As birds grow, space for each individual decreases. By the end of the growing cycle each bird has only 0.5 square ft of floor and must push his/her way through a solid mass of other chickens to reach food and water points. Many die in the attempt. The government has estimated that about 6% (or more than 42 million birds annually) die before the end of each growing cycle. This condemnation of British abattoirs is one in a long line of reports. In 1986, EEC inspectors found a “frightening picture of poor hygiene, slapdash organisation and blood and gore all over the floor”, whilst at the beginning of the ‘90s, nine out of ten of the nation’s 900 slaughterhouses fell below the standard set down by EU inspectors. Millions Of Monster Babies The life span of an unconfined chicken can be up to 10 years, yet table fowls or broilers are usually slaughtered at six weeks of age, before they reach sexual maturity. They reach adult size so quickly because of a combination of the following: ruthless genetic selection, the use of a high protein diet and the routine inclusion of antibiotic growth promoters in feed. The latter are being phased out because of human health concerns, under orders from Brussels. But the trade is turning to other chemicals to produce the same unnatural effect. Crippled During Infancy The combination of accelerated growth rates and unhealthy living conditions account for the huge number of birds who die prematurely. Broiler chickens are vulnerable to fatty livers and kidneys, heart attacks, septicaemia, and deformities caused by arthritis together with the stress of carrying so much weight on young bones. Many broiler chickens also die from ascites: their growth rate is so rapid that their heart, lungs and circulatory system struggle to maintain sufficient oxygen levels. This results in breathlessness and distended abdomens caused by a build up of yellow or blood-stained fluid. factfile www.animalaid.org.uk • tel: 01732 364546 Visible Indicators Of Suffering Broiler houses are not cleaned during the growing cycle, which results in the accumulation of faeces in the litter. This can often lead to blistering, ulcerated feet and hock burns. The latter are caused by exposure of the skin to high levels of ammonia. It is not uncommon to find visible hock burns on chicken carcases sold in supermarkets. Broiler Breeders Breeding birds are the poultry selected to produce progeny who are then fattened for the table. Unlike their offspring, these breeders are not required to grow quickly: on the contrary, the emphasis is on reducing their growth. To achieve this, they are fed a restricted diet. A survey indicates that broiler breeders are permitted to eat only a quarter of the amount they would consume if food were freely available. (C. J. Savory, K.Maros and S.M. Rutter, Animal Welfare, 2:131-132, 1993). The conclusion is that birds are “chronically hungry, frustrated and stressed”. Turkeys Turkeys aren’t just for Christmas anymore – more than 20 million are killed and eaten throughout the year in the UK. Consequences Of Intensification Many of the same welfare problems associated with broiler chicken production are found in the turkey industry. Turkeys have been genetically selected for high meat yields and to fatten in as short a time as possible. They have a natural life span of approximately 10 years, yet they are slaughtered at between 12 - 26 weeks. In this short period they may grow to nearly twice the size of their predecessors of only 25 years ago. As a consequence, their legs become unable to support the huge weight of their breast muscle or to sustain normal posture and limb movement. Early Mortality – 2.7 Million Annually Unhealthy and overcrowded conditions mean that disease amongst commercial turkeys is widespread, resulting in approximately 2.7 million turkeys (or 7% of the total) dying in their sheds every year. Foot and leg deformities, heat stress and starvation caused by the inability of immature birds to find the feed and water troughs are commonplace. Ulcerated feet and hock burns are common – caused by continual contact with litter contaminated by urine and faeces. Artificial Insemination Now The Norm The accelerated growth of modern turkeys mean that the males (stags) are now too broad-breasted and heavy (weighing as much as 60lbs) to reproduce naturally. Instead, artificial insemination (AI) is applied, whereby the birds are masturbated by hand and their semen inserted into the females via tubes and catheters. Government literature gives detailed instructions on the correct way to masturbate, or “milk” males. Intensive Production Loading And Transportation Of Poultry The majority of turkey production is intensive, with up to 25,000 birds kept in large windowless buildings similar to broiler chicken houses. Battery hens, broiler chickens and turkeys endure the same fate at the end of their productive lives. All are subjected to the ordeal of catching, Research Council (AFRC), Institute of Food Research, Langford, Bristol. Twenty six per cent of turkeys included in their survey received painful pre-stun shocks (i.e. accidental electric shocks) when birds' wings touched the electrically charged waterbath before their heads did, or when the ramp leading to the bath became electrically live. Worst of all, studies indicated that nationally, every year, around 35,000 turkeys may be entering the scalding tank alive and perhaps conscious. Deliberate Cruelty transportation and slaughter. Only the further processing is different: broilers become oven-ready birds for the table, whilst end-of-lay battery hens are made into lower grade poultry products such as pies, soups, chicken stock and baby foods. factfile www.animalaid.org.uk • tel: 01732 364546 The birds are typically grabbed by the feet and thrust into crates, or “modules”, before being loaded onto lorries. Many suffer additional injuries at this time and hundreds of chickens can die from a panic-induced crush each time the catching gang enters the shed. Others die during the journey to the killing plants, often from heart attacks. Injuries and wounds account for the other fatalities. The most common injury is dislocation of the femur (the bone between the hip and the knee). This is almost certainly the result of rough handling by catching teams. Slaughter Poultry slaughter methods are highly mechanised and designed to maximise speed rather than to minimise suffering. Chickens are removed from their crates/modules and suspended upside down by their legs on metal shackles. The most common method is for a conveyer to take the birds’ heads through an electrically charged water bath, with the current designed to stun and leave them insensible to pain when their throats are cut. They are killed by severing the main blood vessels in the neck. This is usually done with an automatic knife, with a slaughterman employed as a back-up to slit the throat manually of any birds missed by the machine. Once dead, the birds are immersed in a scalding tank to loosen the feathers before plucking. Killed Whilst Fully Conscious There is considerable evidence that the slaughter process is inefficient. Inadequate stunning results in some birds going to the knife and even to the scalding tank alive and possibly fully conscious. Turkey slaughter has been extensively investigated by researchers at the Agricultural and Food Evidence produced in court hearings indicate that deliberate cruelty is sometimes inflicted upon poultry in British slaughterhouses. For example, a 1993 industrial tribunal heard the case of a former employee at a poultry processing plant in Winchester in which 'bagpiping' was described. Slaughterhouse staff squeezed live birds in a game that involved squirting faeces over other employees. Elsewhere, poultry catchers have told how some of their colleagues kicked, punched, tied up and force-fed chickens and turkeys to relieve the boredom and frustration of their work. (Here's the Catch, Animal Aid 1994.) ‘Free Range Birds’ The term “free range” suggests a handful of chickens or turkeys scratching around a yard. But modern free range units usually contain several thousand selectively-bred birds crammed together in each shed. Pop holes allow the inhabitants to exit and re-enter when the weather is suitable. But because of the special stresses associated with a system that pretends to be what it isn't (the constantly shifting struggle amongst the birds for territory; their movement from heated interior to the bug-laden outside world and back again), the genetically enfeebled birds typically suffer high early mortality rates. ‘Barn Birds’ The term ‘barn eggs’ is used deliberately to dupe the public into thinking that the hens are kept in bright, airy conditions with fresh straw on the floor. Not true! Though uncaged, the hens are still confined to dirty, overcrowded sheds. They will never see daylight, breathe fresh air or be able to exercise their natural instincts.