Class Information - Loyola Law School


Class Information - Loyola Law School
••••• •••••• FALL, 1975
Alumni Bulletin of Loyola University
School of Law, Los Angeles. Published
periodically by the Office of Development.
Thomas E. Carcin, '52
President, Board of Governors
Loyola Law School Alumni Association
john W illis, Jr. - Director of Development
Loyola University School of law is firmly committed to a policy
against d iscrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, religion,
national origin, or sex.
It specifically adheres to Titl e IX of the Education Amendments of
1972 and the imple menting regulations in its prohibition of
discrimination on the basis of sex in adm ission to or e mployment in
the educational programs and activities which it operates. Inquiries
concerning Title IX may be directed to:
Michael B. Ha rwin, Assistant Dean Loyola Un iversity School of Law
1440 W. Ninth Street, Los Angeles, CA 90015
(213) 642-3135; or
Director, Office of Civil Rights,
Department of Health, Education a nd Welfare.
Report on Loyola Law Clinics
by Thomas Jed Scully
Director, Loyola Law Clinics
Law schools have always transmitted certai n
skill s by the " learning by doing" method. Legal
research, legal analysis and synthesis, and w riting of legal briefs and scholarly works are subjects generally found in every law school's curric ulum. A ppellate advocacy skill s taught
through moot court competitions was and is traditional ly encouraged.
The balance of a lawyer' s skills were generally
not taught in the curriculum because of time
constraints, the lack of consumer demand and a
feel ing that th e teaching of skill s courses was a
function of the practicing profession or was not
susceptible to pedagogic technique.
Whatever the history, for the past several years
Loyola's Law Cli nics have formed an important
part of the professional cu rric ulum. Over 200
second and third year students are enrolled in
some twenty-two clinics. These practice experiences might vary from the representation of parents accused of child abuse before the Juvenile
Court, to the reviewing of applications for permits to issue securities in the California Department of Corporations; from serving a legal
internsh ip w ith the mayor of Los Angeles to representing inmates from the California Institution
for Women on habeas corpus writs; from developi ng TITLE VII cases for the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to serv ice in a
judicial cl erkship with the Court of Appeal s.
Loyola's Law Clinics are divided into two
broad categories of practice experiences. The
first, the Loyola Law Clinics - located at 1800
West Sixth Street - is Loyola's own law office,
staffed exclusively by ou r own full-time faculty,
students and staff. Here, we handle general civil
practice problems appropriate to a neighborhood law office. We also specialize in the representation of parents i n dependancy and
neglect and abandonment proceedings, in representing minors accused of crime and we provide inmate legal services to the Ca lifornia Institution for Women at Corona. Under Assistant
Dean Lol a McAlpin-Grant, a Consumers Affairs
Unit handles a w ide variety of consumer cases as
a clinical component of her class in that subject.
D irector Scully and Staff of the Loyola Law Clini cs
These clinics are staffed by myself, Professor
Laurie Harris, the Assistant Director of Loyola
Law Clinics, and fourfull-time adjunct facul ty Professors Elena Acke l, Ralph Boches, W ill
Gorenfeld and Gary Weinerman. Together w ith
several student directors and some sixty second
and third year students, the cl inics carry a client's
case from initial referral through counseling, trial
or agency hearing, and any appeals. The entire
pathology of a case is taught, both in the classroom as well as in the law office and the courtroom . Interv iewing, investigation, research,
drafting, trial preparation, trial negotiation, settlement, counseling and preventive law as working tools of the lawyer are taught in the context of
the actual representation of a real client during
the cou rse of one full year in the clin ic. Student
practice rules permit students to appear in state
courts, examine w itnesses, and argue appeals
when under the supervision of qual ified attorneys.
Another 140 students are enrolled in one or
two semester programs in more than fifteen state,
city, federal, and commun ity legal agenc ies.
Representative placements include:
Legal Aid Foundation
Watts, Alvarado and East L.A. Offices
Los Angeles County Di strict Attorney
Californi a Attorney General
(Environmental, Criminal Appeals)
Los Angeles City Attorney
(Criminal trial s-civi l practice)
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Federal Public Defender
U.S. Attorney
One Stop Immigration Service
Securities Exchange Commission
Courts of Appeal
Federal Magistrates Courts
L.A. County Superior, Municipal Courts
The California Department of Corporations
Adjunct Professors Joseph Charney, Edward
Mizrahi, Steve Kaufman, Thomas Pollack, W illiam Hobbs, Gary Manu lkin, Marilyn Hol le and
Judge Robert Fainer both supervise students in
field placements and teach the academic seminars which parallel a student's practical experience.
C lini cal education is expensive becau se
" learning by doing" instead of " learning by
learning" is labor intensive in terms of teaching
and supervisio n. Toda y, most of Loyo la' s
graduates enter practice not only w ith a fami liarity of aspects of law practice but some experience as well. If you are saying, " I w ish I' d had
that program when I was at Loyola . . ." you' re
right. .. and there is just the program for you Loyo la's CLE - but that's another story in
another issue of the Loyola Lawyer.
Come by our cl inics anytime and if you have
spec ial experti se and you would be wi lling to
share with our students, please contact us.
The Advocates Fund Council 1975
The Advocates Fund was founded in 1961 as the annual fund
rising campaign for Loyola Law School. The purpose of the
Fund i s to solicit and encourage gifts to Loyola Law School
for scholarships and general advancement.
The Advocates Fund's goal is to encourage all alumni
of Loyola Law to become Advocates by making an annual gift.
Joseph J. Donovan
J. Rex Dibble
Walter Henry Cook
The Ahmanson Foundation
William E. Beaty
Beverl y Hills Bar Association
Estate of Henry G. Bodkin, Jr.
Fritz B. Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Collins
Farmers Insurance Group
Milton Feinerman, '56
Gray, Cary, Ames and Frye
Charles T. Jawetz
Jesu it Community at Loyola
Marymount University
james N. Kenealy, Jr., ' 52
Kindel and Anderson
Terence) . Matthews
Joseph M. Mclaughlin, '56
Colonel Harwood D. Mitchell
0' Melveny and Myers
Thomas P. Pike
Mabel Wilson Richards
T I Corporation
Martin ). Burke, '26
Robert L. Charbonneau, '65
Federal Publications, Inc.
Mrs. Eugene S. Goodwin
Lawler, Felix and Hall
Lawyers Wives of Los Angeles
Loyola Law Student Partners
Edward S. Mack, '58
General Nathan ). Roberts
Gerald M. Singer, '68
Thomas E. Workman, '37
Victor E. Chavez, '59
Godfrey Isaac, '51
Patrick S. Lynch, '66
Hugh L. MacNeil, '48
Magdlen, Wenker and Sweeney
Melville H. Nahin, '53
Joseph E. Wooldridge, '37
Dean Fred Lower, ' 64, presents a Donovan Fellow certificate to Maynard
Toll, representing O'Melveny and Myers.
1975 Advocate Fellows
Wayne Armstrong, '70
Paul Babbitt, '35
Frank Barclay, ' 49
john D. Barrett, '74
Mary F. Beaudry, '62
Wi lliam Bennett, '69
Luc P. Benoit, '67
Hon. Walter S. Binns, '39
Henry G. Bodki n, Jr., '48
j . P. Bradley, '37
John H . Brink, '57
james A. Broderick, Jr., '41
Robert E. Buch, '73
Hon. Louis H. Burke, '26
joseph P. Busch, Jr., '51
John P. Carroll, '51
Daniel C. Cassidy, '68
Sy R. Cohen, '62
Bebette Gualano Coleman, '56
james E. Col lins, '35
john j. Collins, '61
Richard B. Collins, '62
Sidney A. Cooley, '67
Duane D . Conover, '74
Hon. Robert L. Corfman, '39
William G. Coskran, '59
Robert E. Courtney, '60
Kathleen Crain, '74
Michael Crain, '73
W illiam Blair Dalbey, '53
Thomas M. Dankert, '55
Howard J. Deards, ' 42
Bernard J. Del Val le, '32
Richard W. Denver, '59
Robert S. Dickerman, '49
Frank W. Doherty, '40
Edward P. Downes, '57
Harriet S. Elder, ' 32
George Elmendorf, ' 43
Jerrold Fadem, '53
Wi lliam C. Falkenhainer, '59
jack R. Fenton, '49
Thomas R. Ferguson, '56
Frederick 0. Field, '41
Jerry Fine, '50
Will iam A. Finer, '72
Darrell A. Forgey, '73
Robert Forgnone, '70
Richard L. Franck, '52
Thomas E. Garcin, '52
Charles W. Garrity, '61
Joseph Girard, '71
john A. Girardi, '72
Thomas V. Girardi, '64
Sidney J. Gi ttler, '65
Carl M. Gould, '42
Michael E. Gleason, '63
Samuel Goldfarb, '55
Lola McAlpin-Grant, '66
j oseph F. Hamwi, '58
Robert Henigson
Wi lliam Herreras, '66
Kei H irano, '59
Discussing old times at the Advocates Dinner in M ay at the Law School
are Father Richard Vachon and Milton Feinerman, '56.
Francis j . Hourigan, Ill, '68
David Hyatt, '53
Marshall H. Jacobson, '73
j . M. Jefferson, Jr., '65
Walter P. Jitner, '71
Charles E. Jones, '65
Margaret Keller, '49
Hon. Ernest L. Kell y, '48
John P. Ki lleen, '63
Harry Kim, '62
Walter Klein, ' 62
Wi ll iam K. Kramer, '63
Alvarez L. LeCesne, Jr., '73
Gerald J. Levie, '48
Robert K. Light, '38
Frederick J. Lower, Jr., '64
Hon. Thomas McCarry, '33
j ames j. McCarthy, ' 28
John j. McCue, '48
Hon. Charles McGrath, ' 63
Vincent McNally, '66
DeWitt M . Manning, '36
Lou is MantaI ica, '4 1
Richard W. M arti n, '50
Frederick j . Martino, '39
Richard Mednick, ' 66
Pau l J. Molloy, ' 37
George C. Montgomery, '59
Rod ney E. Moss, ' 69
Robert T. Moulton, '59
j . W . M ulli n, Jr., '29
B. Anthony Murray, '64
Robert N ibley, '42
Q uentin Ogren, '50
Charles C. O' Loughlin, '3 8
j ack M. Ostrow, '48
Vincent C. Page, '52
Edward J. Phelan, ' 66
Swan Clay Pierson, '46
Berryneice Powd rill, ' 68
Laurence G. Preble, ' 68
Earl M. Price, '65
John L. Roberts, ' 44
M ark P. Robinson, '50
Richard I. Roemer, '53
Burton S. Rosky, '53
Wil liam F. Rylaarsdam, '64
Leonard P. Sands, ' 57
Richard E. Schlottman, '55
Marshall M. Schulman, '5 2
Frederica M. Sedgwick, '70
Henry Seligsohn, ' 64
Allan A. Sigel, '53
Arnold Simon, '67
David M. Sm ith, '67
Gary Smolker, '73
Sheila Sonenshine, '70
Wixon Stevens, ' 40
W i ll iam Stocker, '68
Marti n Stone, '51
Richard A. Stone, '54
john D . St. Pierre, '58
Roger M. Sullivan, '52
Joseph T. Thompson, ' 49
Vincent W. Thorpe, '59
Lewis R. Titus, Jr., '73
H arold T. Tredway, '55
Ernest A. Vargas, ' 64
j . R. Vaughan, '39
Wilfred L. Von der Ahe, '33
Phi lip B. Wagner, '57
Frank K. Wa llace, '73
Carl Ward, '64
W il liam G. Welzenbach, '70
George Whi taker, '62
Arthur B. Willis, ' 42
Alan R. Woodard, '52
Frank W. Woodhead, '36
John Adams, '70
Thomas P. Anderle, ' 64
Brian M. Barnard, ' 69
Joseph B. Boland, ' 27
Irma jean Brown, '73
Leslie C. Burg, '54
William 0. Dougherty, ' 67
Patrick ). Duffy, '66
Stephen M. Flei shman, ' 64
Maurice D. Fraider, '45
William R. Francis, '71
Orlan S. Friedman, ' 50
Herman M. Furen , '70
Thomas Gallagher, ' 65
Martin E. Gilligan, Jr., ' 65
Kevin R. Griffin, '71
Richard F. Hamlin, '70
Timothy Hogan, '74
John T. Hourigan, '49
George H. Johnson, ' 32
jane Kagon, '72
Thomas H. Lambert, ' 72
Lawyers Wives of Los AngelesJunior Auxiliary
james V. McCandless, ' 26
john D. McFarland, '48
Vincent j. McGraw, '7 1
Helen Oda, '73
Barbara C. Overland, ' 69
Stephen F. Page, ' 68
Ignatius Parker, ' 26
Colin Peters, '73
Robert L. Pike, '72
Patricia L. Riley, '74
Anthony T. Ross, '71
Olin A. Schneyer, ' 68
Nathan Schwartz, ' 35
Larry L. Scissors, '70
Ben Shwachman, M.D., '74
Florence Mills Stinson, ' 56
William J. Sulentor, '72
Captain Howard P. Sweeney, ' 68
Gerald F. Uelmen
jack Wi ll iams, '69
Jeffrey Wi lson, '7 1
New Advocate
Tom Garcin, '52, welcomes one of the
newest Ad v o ca tes ,
Patricia Riley, ' 74, at
the Advocates Dinner
held in the Reading
Room of the Li brary at
the Law School.
Donations In Kind
CARNATION COMPANY- Martindale-H ubbell Law Directory
MRS. GUDRUN ALLEN - Trust Indenture for Law Library
MR. AND MRS. LEROY COLLINS - Draperies for Faculty room.
Library Receives Gift of Trust Indenture
Presented to the Law Library by Gudrun Allen, in memory of her late
husband Kent Allen, is one part of a tripartite indenture, dated August 3,
1736, w hich affected certain lands formerly belonging to the then deceased Sir John Fortescue of Salden in Buckinghamshire. The document
consisted of four pages on vellum. Ass't. Dean Lo la McAlpin-Grant and
Frederica Sedgwick '70 received the document from Mrs. Allen.
Visiting at the Advocates Dinner are J. R. Vaughn, ' 39, Donald P. Merrifield , S.J., President of Loyola M arymount University, Frederick J. Lower, ' 64, Dean, Loyol a Law School and Thomas Pike, Trustee.
Advocates By Class Year
CLASS OF 1926 Hon. Louis H. Burke
Marlin ). Burke
James V. McCandless
Ignatius Parker
CLASS OF 1927 Joseph 8. Boland
CLASS OF 1951 Joseph P. Busch, Jr.
John P. Carroll
Godfrey Isa ac
Martin Stone
CLASS OF 1952 Richard l. Franck
Thoma> E. Garcin
ClASS OF. 1928 J.:tmes McCarthy
James N. Kenealy, Jr.
Vincent C. Page
CLASS OF 1929 ). W. Mullin, Jr.
CLASS OF 1932 Bernard J. Del Valle
Harriet S. [Jder
George H. johnson
Robert J, Ma11dlen
Cl ASS OF 1933 Hon. Thomas McCarry
Wilfred l. Von dcr Ahe
CLASS OF 1935 Paul I. Babbitl
lames E. Coll ins
Nathan Schwartz
Marshall Schulman
Roger M. Sullivan
Alan Woodard
ClASS OF 1953 William B. Dalbey
Jerrold Fadem
David Hyall
Melville H. Nahln
Richard I. Roemer
Burton S. Rosky
Allan A. Sige l
CLASS OF 1954 leslie C. Burg
Richard A. Stone
ClASS OF 1936 DeWitt M. Manning
Fra nk W. Woodhead
CLASS OF 1955 Thomas M. Dankert
Richard E. Schlollman
Ha rold T. Tred way
ClASS OF 1937 ). P. Bradley
Pauli. Mol loy
Joseph Wooldridge
Milton Fein'errn:m
Thomas R. Ferguson
CLASS OF 1938 Robert K. light
Charles C. O'loughlln
CLASS OF 1939 Hon. WalterS. Binns
Hon. Robert L. Corlman
Fred ). Martino
). R. Vaughan
CLASS OF 1956 Bebello G. Coleman
Joseph M. Mclaughlin
Florence Mill) Stinson
ClASS OF 1957 John H. Brink
Edward P. Downes
leonard P. Sands
Philip 8. Wagner
Thomas E. Workman, Jr.
ClASS OF 1940Frank W. Doherty
James H. Kindel, Jr.
Wixon Stevens
CLASS OF 1958 Joseph F. Hamwl
Edward S. Mack
John D. St. Pierre
CLASS OF 1941 James A. Broderick, Jr.
Frederick 0. Field
Louis Mantalica
CLASS OF 1942 -
Cl ASS OF 1959 Victor E. Chavez
William G. Coskran
Richard W. Denver
William C. Falkenhainer
Kei Hirano
George C. Montgomery
Robert T. Moulton
Howard J. Deards
Carl M. Gould
Robert N ibley
1\rthur B. Willis
ClASS OF 1943 George 'Elmendorf
Cl ASS OF 1944 John l. Robert>
ClASS OF 1944 Maurice D. Fraider
ClASS OF 1946 Swan Clay Pierson
Cl ASS OF 1948 Henry G. Bodkin, Jr.
Hon. Ernest L. Kelly
Gerald). Levie
John J. McCue
John D. Mcfarland
Hugh l. MacNeil
Jac k M. Ostrow
ClASS OF 1949 Frank Barclay
Robert S. Dickerman
Jack R. Fenlon
John T. Hourigan
Margaret Keller
Joseph T. Thompson
Cl ASS OF 1950 John E. Anderson
Jerry Fine
Vincent W. Thorpe
CLASS OF 1960 Robert E. Courtney
Randall W. Wenker
ClASS OF 1961John ). Collins
Charles Garrity
ClASS OF 1962 Mary F. Beaudry
Sy R. Cohen
Richard B. Collins
Harry Kim
Walter Klein
George Whitaker
ClASS OF 1963 Michael E. Gleason
John Killeen
William K. Kramer
Hon. Charles R. McGrath
Richard W. Martin
Cl ASS OF 1964 Thomas P. Anderle
Stephen M. Fleishman
Thomas V. Girardi
Frederick ). lower, Jr.
B. Anthony Murray
William F. Rylaarsdam
Henry Seligsohn
John E. Sweeney
Quentin Ogren
Mark P. Robinson
Carl Ward
Orlan S. Friedman
Ernest A. Vargas
ClASS OF 1965 Rohcrl l. Charbonneau
Thomas Gallagher
Martin E. Gill igan, )r.
Sidney ). Gitller
). M. Jefferson, Jr.
Charles E. Jones
Earl Price
ClASS OF 1966 Lola McAlpin-Grant
PMrick l ynch
H. Vincent McNa lly, Jr.
Richard Mednick
EcJward ). Phelan
Cl ASS OF 1967luc P. Benoit
Sidney A. Cooley
William 0. Dougherty
Arnold Simon
David M. Smith
ClASS OF 1968 Daniel C. Cassidy
Francis J. Hourigan Ill
Ste phen F. Page
Berryneicc Powdrill
laurence G. Preble
Olin A. Schneyer
Gerald M. Singe r
William Stocker
Howard Sweeney
CLASS O F 1969 Brian M. Barnard
William Bennet!
Patrick 1. Duffy Ill
Rodney E. Moss
Barbara C. Overland
Jack Williams
C lASS OF 1970 John 0. Adams
Wayne Armstrong
Robert Forgnone
Hem1an M. Furen
Richard F. Haml in
l arry L. Scissors
Frederica M. Sedgwick
Sheila P. Sonenshlne
William G. Welzenbach
ClASS OF 1971 William R. Francis
Jose ph C. Girard
Kt-vin R. Griffin
Walter Jitner
Vincent McGraw
Anthony T. Ross
Jdfrey M. Wilson
ClASS OF 1972 William A. Finer
John A. G irardi
Thomas H. lambert
Robert l . Pike
William J. Sulentor
Cl ASS OF 1973 I rmd jean Brown
Robert E. Bt~ch
Michael Crain
Darrell A. Forgey
Marshall H. Jacobson
Alvarez LeCesne
Helen Oda
Colin Pete rs
Gary Smolker
lewis R. Titus
Frank Wal lace
ClASS O F 1974John D. Barrett
Duane D. Conover
Kathleen Crain
Timothy Hogan
Patricia L. Riley
Ben Shwachman, M.D.
The Dean's Associates
The Dean's Associates are parents of current law students w ho make an
annual gift for the advancement of Loyo la Law School. Gifts are placed
in a parents loan fund which makes available short term, low interest
loans for law students to aid them in emergency situations.
Dean's Associates
(Parents of law students)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Abell
Mr. and Mrs. Art Bell
Mr. Marshall L. Bennett
Mr. Joseph Bernfeld
Mr. and Mrs. Lazare F. Bernhard
Leon Cline, O.D.
Mr. and Mrs. jacob Cratty
Mr. and Mrs. jack Crickard
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin j. David
Mrs. Nancy D. DeVoss
Ms. Marcia Fischbach
Mr. and Mrs. Arthu r Gardner
Ross R. Goldware, M.D.
Mrs. Bernard Greene
Mrs. Marguerite Guthrie
Ms. Betty ). Hansen
Mrs. Marian E. Hoffman
Ms. Barbara Hutchinson
Mr. and Mrs. Sigmund Isaacs
Mr. and Mrs. Luthur G. jones
Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Lam b
Dr. and Mrs. Richard F. Latimer
Mr. Louis Lazar
Mrs. Grace Loftus
Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Markham
Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Mclndoo, Jr.
Mrs. William J. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. John Paine
Ms. Lil ian M. Parry
Mr. Jerome Pastor
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Platt
Dr. Henry Rabin
Mr. and Mrs. William K. Rasmussen
Ms. Betty Richmond
Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow W. Smith
Francis j. Taylor, M.D.
Mr. Lo uis M. Wyman
Yolanda Collins served as Chairperson for the Parents Loan Fund. Mrs.
and Mrs. Collins' son, Ron, is a '75 graduate of the Law School.
Faculty Briefs
Frederica Sedgwick Appointed
Director of Law Library
Frederica Sedgwick, who received her J.D. from
Loyola University School of Law in 1970, was
appointed in the Spring by Dean Frederick J.
Lower as Director of the Law School Library. Ms.
Sedgwick holds a B.A.and an M.A. from Long
Beach State and an M.S. in Library Science from
New Faculty
JO H N T. MCDERMOTT received an A.B. from
Middlebury College and his J.D. from the University of Denver College of Law. He served as
Executive Editor of the Manual for Complex and
Multidistrict Litigation, Executive Assistant to the
Director of the Federal judi cial Center in
Washington, D.C., Executive Attorney to the judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation, as Legal
Advisor to the Blackfeet Tribal Court in Browning, Montana, and from 1971 to 1975 as Associate Professor of Law and D irector of the Indian Law Program, University of Montana
School of Law.
DAVID C. TUN ICK w ill be a Visi ting Professor
teaching Legal Method, Civil Procedure and
Criminal Procedure. He received his LL.B. from
LAURIE HARRIS is a Visiting Professor and Assistant D irector of Clinics. Ms. Harris who has aj.D.
from Boalt Hall, w ill supervise students enrolled
in the Frontera Prison Clinical Program.
SUSAN LIEBELER is returning as a full time
faculty member after a leave of absence.
G EORGE GARBES I, who is a Professor at the
Un iversity of New South Wa les in Australia, is
return ing to Loyola as a Visiting Professor.
Frederica M. Sedgwick, '70, new
Director of the Law Li brary
wi II be on leaves of absence thi s year. MR. HATTER wi ll serve as Director of the Urban Planning
Unit · of Mayor Bradley's Office. MRS.
GUGGENHEIM is visiting at the University of
Virginia Law School.
New Adjunct Faculty
EUGENE TOPEL, Deputy D irector of the Legal
Aid Foundation of Los Angeles, will be teaching
a course thi s Fall on Debtors' and Creditors'
JOSEPH P. CHARNEY, an attorney with the Legal
A id Foundation of Los Angeles, will become a
Clinical Supervi si ng Attorney in the Foundation's A lvarado Office.
Class Information
HERBERT GROSSMAN, '38; has moved his offices to
8500 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 623, Beverly Hills 90211;
FLORETIE POMEROY, '33, executive director of the
Bay Area National Council on Alcoholism, was
named winner of the 13th annual San Francisco
Foundation Award of $1,000 on May 8, 1975 by
Emmett Solomon, chairman of the foundation's distribution <;ommittee.
Mrs. Pomeroy was honored for her work in identifying, stimulating and utilizing the public and private
resources available to alcoholics and their families.
A lawyer, M rs. Pomeroy served abroad for a number of
years with several United Nations commissions involved in the tracing and care of refugees.
She went to San Franci sco in the early '50s to be
regional welfare officer of the federal Civil Defense
Administration. She subsequently became executive
director of the San Francisco United Community Fund
and then director of Agency relations of the United
Bay Area Crusade. She has headed the local National
Council on Alcoholism since 1968.
JOHN P. CARROLL, '51, has recentl y been appointed
by Governor Edmund G. Brown to the Riverside
Municipal Court, Desert District.
JUSTIN McCARTHY, '53, is located at 3737 Main
Street, Suite 1020, Riverside 92501; (714) 684-25 20.
NORDSTROM, '74, have formed a partnership under
the firm name of Sherman and Nordstrom. Offices are
located at 8383 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 510, Beverly H ill s
90211; 655-5011.
The firm of JOSEPH M. McLAUGHLIN, '55, and
William B. Irvin, announced the remova l of their Los
Angeles office to 800 W. 6th St., Suite 300, Pacific
Financial Center, Los Angeles 90017; 485-1351.
PAUL D. McCLARY, JR., '58, has located his office at
1501 Westcliff Drive, Suite 312, Newport Beach, CA
92660; (714) 642-2330.
BYRON C. FI NLEY, '5 9, has two offices located at
14600 Roscoe Blvd., Suite 402, Panorama City, CA
91402; (213) 89~-9600, and 23560 Lyons Avenue,
Suite 201, Newhall, CA 91321 ; (805) 255 -8700.
CLASS OF 1950's 25th REUNION
Sunday evening, September 21 at the Law School, the
Class of 1950 held its 25th Reun ion. Professors Lloyd
Tevis and Bud Ogren and the Honorable Francis
Marnell served as Chai rmen for the Reun ion. Wives
and the members of the Class of 1950 enjoyed an
evening of festivities and reminiscences.
JOHN MCFARLAND, '48, has been sworn in as a
Riverside Superior Court Judge. He was appointed by
Governor Edmund G. Brown, Jr.
MICHAEL H. SMITHWICK, '48, is with the Legal Department, H25-3, at Security Pacific National Bank,
P.O. Box 2097, Terminal Annex, Los Angeles 9005 1.
ROBERTS. DICKERMAN, ' 49, former board chairman
and president of Microdot, Inc. has been elected to the
Board of Directors of Jack A. Levin & Associates, Inc.
Members of the Class of 1950 and some alumni from the Class of 1951 who attended the 1950 Class Reunion in
September are: Standing, left to right- Donald Benton, Gile Tiffany, Mark Robinson, Harry Flynn, " Bud"
Ogren, Orlan Friedman, Don Feeley, Murray Gomer, Jason Gale, Roger Stern, John Fay, Henry Himmelfarb,
Francis Bradley, Lloyd Tevis, Mort Dorey, John Hoey; Seated, left to right- Commissioner Sam Bubrick, Judge
Desmond Bourke, Judge Charles Frisco, judge Wi l liam Enright, Judge Francis Marnel l, Judge Adrian Adams and
Ken Krogstad.
Class Information
"lJ . , 1
Attending the Donovan Fellows dinner in September
at the Beverl y W ilsh ire Hotel are Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Kenealy, '52.
Visiting at the Loyola Law Al umni Symposium during
the Bar Conven tion at the Century Pl aza Hotel
are Assemblyman Robert Beverly, '5 1, and Mark
Robinson, ' 50.
JOH N P. SCHOLL, '60, is now with M cDonnell Douglas Corporation, 3855 Lakewood Blvd., Long Beach
90846; (213) 593-55 11.
A. LEE ADAIR, '61 , has moved his office to 1600 Dove
St., Suite 400, Newport Beach, CA 92660; (7 14)
WALTER KLEIN, ' 62, announces the removal of his
offices to 3250 Wil shire Blvd ., Su ite 603, Los Angeles
HENRY LEWIN, '62, has become a member of the firm
of Mori and Katayama, 700 South Flower Street,
Broadway Plaza Building, Suite 41 0, Los Angeles
90017; 624-762 1.
HON. LOREN M ILLER, JR., '62, is now a Judge of the
Municipal Court for Los Angeles County, 11 0 North
Grand Avenue, Los Angeles 90012; (2 13) 974-611 1.
THOMAS J. TOOHEY, ' 62, has joined the firm of
Richman and Garrett; 1336 Wilshire Blvd., Los
Angeles 90017; 483-7400.
LAURALEA TRI SLER SADDICK, ' 63, is Director of
Training and Personnel, Legal Aid Foundation of Los
Ange les, 1550 W . 8th Street, Los Angeles 90017;
W ILLIAM B. OFFNER, '65, announces the removal of
his office to 234 S. Figueroa Street, Suite 1941 , Los
Angeles 90012; 485-0443.
DAVID M. CHODOS, '66, has become a member of
the firm of l rmas, Simke, Chodos and Marshall; 6300
Wilshire Blvd., Suite 9000, Los Angeles 90048;
MARVIN J. SCHENK, '66, has his offices located at
111 West Monroe, Suite 111 , Phoenix, A rizon a;
(602) 257-1440.
LUC P. BENOIT, '67, announces the removal of his
office to 234 East Colorado Blvd., Suite 310, Pasadena
9 1101.
Vi siting at the get-together of the Loyola Law Alumni
on the East Coast which was held in May at the National Lawyers Club in Washington, D.C. are Paul
M cDonough, '5 1, and Andrew Decker, '54.
JOHN K. GAUSTAD, '67, has offices located at 567
San Nicolas Drive, #201 , Newport Beach, 92660;
(7 14) 640-8201.
FRANCISCO P. BRISENO, '68, is now District Attorney for 'the County of Orange, 700 Civic Center Drive
West, Santa Ana 92701; (714) 834-3600.
ROB ERT J. EADINGTON , '68, U. Thompson Ill,
M ICHAEL E. RICHMAN, '68, and Rona ld K. Van Wertt
announce the formation of a partnership under the
name of Eadington, Thompson, Richman and Van
Wertt; 1895 2 MacArthur Blvd, Douglas Plaza, Suite
102, Irvine, CA 92707; (714) 652-7811 .
GEORGE J. GLIAUDYS, '68, is associated wi th the
Office of the Staff Judge Advocate, Fort Huachuca, AZ
85 613; (602) 538-3181.
Class Information
STEVEN B. NEL VIN, '68, has relocated his law offices
to 9538 Brighton Way, Suite 302, Beverly Hills
RICHARD A. SMITH, '70, is associated with the firm of
Harland and Gromale, 954 Main Street, Fortuna, CA
92012; 273-2437.
95540; (707) 725-4426.
DAVID S. BRAH INSKY, '69, has opened offices at
15233 Ventura Blvd., Suite 304, Sherman Oaks, CA
LLOYD L. VAUGHN, '70, and Barry M. Gold announce the opening of offices of Vaughn and Gold,
9665 W il shire Blvd., Suite 340, Security Pacific Place,
Beverl y Hill s, CA 90212; 550-1368.
IRVING H. ZAROFF, '70, is Vice President, Ditto of
California, Inc., 1611 9 Vanowen Street, Van Nuys, CA
91403; 986-8586.
JOSEPH M. FEI N BERG, '69, announces the formation
of a partnership under the firm name of Feinberg,
Hopwood and Johnson, 2043 Westcl iff Drive, Suite
315, Newport Beach, CA 92663; (7 14) 646-5054.
PHILLIP R. MARRONE, '69, has become a member of
the firm of Coyle and Dunford, 3356 Barham Blvd.,
Los Angeles 90068; 851-3210.
LOREN A. SUTION, '69, is now the head of the Santa
Maria office of the Santa Barbara County District Attorney's Office, 312 East Cook St., Santa M aria, CA
93454; (805) 922-7831.
RONALD S. BERMAN, '70, H. Roy Jeppson, Robert J.
Young and Leonard M . Amato announce their association under the firm name of Jeppson and Berman,
4676 Admiralty Way, Suite 1001, Marina del Rey
90291; 823-5468.
HUGH M. FLANAGAN, '70, and Ralph S. Temple
anno unce their association under the firm name of
Temple and Flanagan, 2005 0 Street, P.O. Box 817,
Merced, CA 95340; (209) 723-9196.
RICHARD F. HAMLIN, '70, is a partner in the law firm
of Peterson and Hamlin, 4519 Admiral ty Way, Suite
202, Marina del Rey, CA 90291; 823-5477.
ALAN J. KAY, '70, is associated with the firm of Kaye
and Haapala, 580 Cali fornia, San Francisco, CA
have formed a partnership under the firm name of
Silver and Freedman, 1888 Century Park East, Suite
1444, Century City, CA 90067; 556-2356.
91401; (2 1 3) 988-3400.
CORRECTION: JULES DRABKIN, '71, is a partner in
the firm of Rutherford and Drabkin, 625 North Evans
Street, P.O. Box 696, McM innville, Oregon, 97128;
(503) 472-4061. MR. DRABKIN also serves as Munici pal Judge for Lafayette, not Mr. Rutherford as was
previously stated.
DANIEL B. BECK, '7 1, announces the opening of his
offices at the Flamingo Hotel, Fourth and Farmers
Lane, Santa Rosa, CA 95404; (707) 527-9440, P.O.
Box 9056.
NORMAN BEEGUN, '71, is associated with the law
firm of Chernow and Lieb, 6300 Wilshire Blvd., Suite
810, Los Angeles, CA 90048; (213) 65 1-5206.
TOM CACCIATORE, '71, is a partner in the firm of
Binder, Laioley and Cacciatore, 2975 Wi lsh ire Blvd.,
Suite 600, Los Angeles, CA 90010; (213) 380-6330.
NANCY G. CATTELL, '71, is now Program Coord inator developing Attorney Assistant Training Programs for UCLA Extension in cooperation with UCLA
School of Law, 10995 Le Conte, Los Angeles, CA
90024; (2 13) 825-074 1
W ILLIAM SCOTT LOOMIS, '71, has his practice located at 1212 North Broadway, Suite 139, Santa Ana,
CA 92701; (7 14) 558-0601.
LYLE R. M INK, '7 1, is associated with the firm of
Weissburg and Aronson, 1901 Avenue of the Stars,
Los Angeles, CA 90067; (2 13) 277-2223.
M ICHAEL N. STAFFORD, '71, has become an associate of the fi rm of Wadsworth, Fraser and Dahl,
3700 Wilsh ire Blvd., Suite 860, Beneficial Plaza, Los
Angeles, CA 9001 0; (213) 385-8011.
KENNETH R. WARNER, '71, has removed his offices
to 223 E. Thousand Oaks, Suite 400, Thousand Oaks,
CA 91360; (805) 497-8557.
Loyola Law Alumni who are judges were honored at
the Symposium during the State Bar Convention at the
Century Plaza Hotel d uring September. Two of the
alumni who attended are: Judge Rex M inter, '5 4, and
Judge James Patterson, '61.
ROBERT L. BAKER, '72, is moving his office to 114 E.
Huntington Drive, A lhambra, CA; (213) 570-8737.
CHARLES L. BLEK, JR., '72, announces the formation
of the firm of Blek and Blek, 614 E. Manchester Blvd.,
Inglewood, CA 90301; (2 13) 677-9124 CHARLES L.
BLEK, '37, is of counsel.
JOYCE E. BREIMAN, '72, is in the practice of law at
9 107 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 506, Beverly Hi lls, CA
902 10; (213) 550-8227.
JOSEPH COBERT, '72, has opened an office at 6430
Sunset Blvd., Suite 821, Hollywood, CA 90028; (213)
Class Information
JANE KAGON, 72, has opened an office at 27H4
Beloit Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90049.
'60, have become associated wi th the firm of Wi lliam
R. Dickerson & Associates, 3435 Wilshire Blvd., Suite
25 18, Los Angeles, CA 9001 0; (213) 382-7363.
RIDER REYNOLDS LEW IS, 72, has opened an office
at 709 Washington Square Tower, 330 Washington
Street, Marina del Rey, CA 90291; (2 13) 822-4326.
PATRICK R. NAYLON. '72, has become associated
with the Law Office of joel H. Frei s, 9777 Wilshire
Blvd. Suite 908., Beverly Hills, CA 90212; (213)
CHARLES O'REILLY, 72, has joined the firm of Voorhies and Greene, Penthouse, 2500 Wilsh ire Blvd., Los
Angeles, CA 90057; (213) 386-7410.
JAMES T. RAYBURN, 72, is associated w ith the Law
Division of U nited California Bank, 707 Wilshire
Blvd. 20th Floor, Los Ange les, CA 90017 ; (2 13)
614-3 401.
MARK P. ROBINSON, JR., ' 72, is associated with the
firm of Hews and Munoz, 315 West Third Street, Santa
Ana, CA 92701.
A. MICHAEL ROSENTHAL, 72, is associated with the
law offices of David L. Ellis, 9401 Wi lshire Blvd ., 1Oth
Floor, Beverl y Hills, CA 902 12; (213) 278-2624.
W ILLIAM j . ALLARD, 73, is associated wi th the firm
of Booth, Mitchell, Strange and Smith, 3701 Wi lshire
Bl vd ., Suite 600, Los Angeles, CA 9001 0; (2 13)
386-795 3.
WILLIAM L. AN DRO LIA, '73, is associated w ith the
firm of Spensely, Horn, jubas and Lubitz, 1800 Century Park East, Century City, CA 90067; (213)
MICHAEL BLUMENFELD , '73 , is an associate of the
firm of Fierstein, Sturman and Schulman, 1888 Century Park East, Suite 15 00, Los Angeles, CA 90067;
(2 13) 553-5500.
STEPHEN E. COCKRIEL, '73, has opened new offices
at 1317 E. Warlow Road, Long Beach, CA 90807;
(213) 424-3572.
CARO LIN E ELIAS, '73, has opened her offices at 405
N. Camden Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90210; (213)
RICHARD M. FINDER, 73, announces the removal of
his offices for the general prac tice of law to 3713
H ighland Avenue, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266;
(2 13) 545 -5 653.
The Los Angeles office of MARSHALL H. JACOBSON,
'73, has been removed to 3701 Wilshi re Blvd., Los
Angeles, CA 90010; (213) 380-2323.
MICHAEL LUFTMAN, 73, is associated w ith the fi rm
of lrsfe ld, lrsfe ld and Younger, 7060 Hollywood Bl vd.,
#1 011 , Hollywood, CA 90028; (213) 466-4161.
DVORAH MARKMAN , '73, announces the opening
of her office at 1033 Gayley, Suite 203, Westwood
Village, Los Angeles, CA 90024; (213) 477-0091.
STEPHEN C. MOORE, '73, has formed a partnership
with David L. Roark under the name of Roark and
Moore, 9465 W ilshire Blvd., Suite 525, Beverly H i lls,
CA (2 13) 272-0291.
WALT D. OSBORNE, '73, is associated w ith the Los
Angeles County Bar Association , 606 S. Olive,
#1212 , Los Angeles, CA 90014; (213) 624-8571
WALTER PALMER, 73, is a partner in the firm of Baker
and Palmer, 1711 Smith Towe r, Seattle, Washington
98104; (206) 623-5206.
The firm of Rotu nn0 and VITO A. ROTUNNO, '73,
has opened an office at 5995 S. Sepu lveda, Blvd.,
Suite 203, Culver City, CA 90230; (2 13) 391-6256.
LESTER j . TOLNA!, '73, is w ith the office of the Los
Angeles County Counsel, 648 Hall of Admini stration,
Los Angeles, CA 90012; (21 3) 974-1811 .
Attending Loyola Law Alumni Symposium at the Bar Convention in Century City during September are: Shi rley
Henderson, '72, Margaret Schock, ' 68, john Schock, '72, and joe Beaver, '70.
Class Information
ROBERT B. CHARBONEAU, '74 is associated with the
firm of Veatch, Snow, Carlson, Dorsey and Quimby,
3200 Wilshire Blvd ., Suite 510, Los Angeles, CA
90010; (213) 38 1-2861 .
RONALD H. CHERNIN, '74, has located his practice
at 424 S. Beverly Dr. Beverly Hills, CA 90212; (2 13)
553-8533 and 879-3611.
GEORGE HARVEY DAVID, 74, has located his practice at 610 Newport Center Drive, Suite 350, Newport
Beach, CA 92660; (714) 640-5919.
EDWARD N. DURAN, 74, is with the office of the
County Counsel for Orange County, P.O. Box 1379,
Santa Ana, CA 92707; (714) 834-3300.
W. BARRY KAHN, 74, has located his practice at 330
Washington Street, Suite 806, Marina del Rey, CA
90291 ; (213) 822-5422. He recently hosted an Open
IRWIN KATZMAN, ' 74, ha s joined the firm of
Bernbrock and Forgette, 625 S. Euclid Avenue,
Anaheim, CA 92802; (714) 772-1640.
PATTI S. KITCHING, 74, is w ith the California Attorney General's office, 3580 Wil shire Blvd., Los
Angeles, CA 9001 0; (213) 620-2749.
DOUG MASUDA, '74, announces his association
with the Law Offices of Ron Minkin, Suite 400, Civic
Center Tower Bldg., 316 W. 2nd St. Los Angeles, CA
90012; (213) 485-1001 .
ALAN L. MOLLENKAMP, '74, is associated wi th Winchester, Douglas and Lydy, 1045 Spitzer Bldg., Toledo, CA 43604; (419) 248-4677.
DENNIS M . MUKAI, '74, is now associated with the
Law Offices of Popkin, Shamir and Greenberg, Inc.,
5670 Wilshire Bl vd., Suite 1800, Los Angeles, CA
90036; (213) 938-3268.
MICHIAL W. NUNN, '74, is with the District Attorney's Office for Orange County, 700 Civic Center
Drive West, Santa Ana, CA (714) 834-2659.
DAVID J. PETTIGRASS, 74, is Legal Council for the
Department of Transportation for State of California,
107 South Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90012; (213)
DANA W. REED, '74, is associated with the firm of
Rhodes, Barnard, Maloney and Hart, 1244 Sixth St.,
Santa Monica, CA 90401; (213) 871-1500.
RONALD F. SCHOLL, '74, is associated with the firm
of Huge, Fenton, Jones and Appe l, Inc. , 2801
Monterey-Salinas Highway, Monterey, CA 93940;
(408) 625-2821.
JOHN A. SCILLIERI, '74, has become a partner in the
firm of Romney, Schaap, Golant, Scillieri and Ashen,
9720 Wilshire Boulevard, Sixth Floor, Beverly Hills,
CA 90212; (2 13) 550-7121.
HARRISON W. SOMMER, '74, is an associate of Hillsinger and Costanzo, 3345 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1000,
Los Angeles, CA 9001 0; (213) 388-9441.
TIMOTHY DAVID TAKATA, '74, has located hi s practice at 250 East First Street, Suite 121 2, Los Angeles,
CA 90012; (213) 626-1246.
Al so joining alumni on the east
coast for the Loyola Law Gettogether is Bill Fi elds, '68, from
JAMES C. ALLE, '75, is associated with the Law Offices
of Paul Caruso, 425 S. Beverly Drive, Beverly Hills, CA
90212; (213) 553-8580.
ROBERT BLAU STEIN, 75, is associated w ith the Law
Offices of Wm. A. Stephen, 6725 Sunset Boulevard,
Suite 421, Los Angeles, CA 90028; (2 13) 461-3396.
CHARLES D. BROWN , ' 75, i s an associate of
Spensley, Horn, Jubas and Lubitz, 1880 Century-Park
East #500, Los Angeles, CA 90067; (213) 553-5050.
JOSEPH W. BYRNE, '75, is associated with the firm of
Meserve, Mumper and Hughes, 333 South Hope, 35th
Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90017, (213) 620-0300.
WILLIAM T. DEL HAGEN , '75, is now associated with
the firm of Kirtland and Packard, 626 Wilshire Blvd.,
Los Angeles 90017; (2 13) 624-0931.
ESTELLA W. DOOLEY, '75, is now in the San Francisco Public Defender' s Office, 850 Bryant Street, Rm
205, San Francisco, 941 02; (415) 553-1671.
EDWARD E. GEE, 75, is w ith the Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles, CA 90031 ; (2 13) 223-3417.
MARK GIBBONS, '75, is associated w ith the firm of
Woofter, Coleman and Bilbray, 302 E. Carson Street,
Las Vegas, Nevada 89101; (702) 385-6843.
WILLIAM JAY GLAZER, 75, is with the Civil Divi sion
of the Office of the California Attorney General; 3580
Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA.
DALE GOLDFARB, '75, is associated with the firm of
Dryden, Harrington and Schwartz, One Wilshi·re
Blvd., Suite 703, Los Angeles, CA 90014; (213)
MARK ALAN HART, '75, is in the office of California
Attorney General, 3580 Wil shire Blvd., #700, Los
Angeles 90010; (213) 620-4145.
MICHAEL LEE KEARNEY, '75, is associated with the
School of Business, California State University at Long
Beach, 6101 East 7th Street, Long Beach, CA 90840;
(213) 498-4567.
DAVID B. KELSEY, '75, is associated with the Office of
the Los Angeles County Counsel, 648 Hall of Administration, Los Angeles, CA 90012; (213) 974-4181.
Class Information
STEPHEN LI NDSEY, '75, is currently with the firm of
Nicholas, Myers, D'Angelo and Givens, 3303 Wi lshire Blvd., Suite 500, Los Angeles, CA 90010; (2 13)
MICHAEL K. MAHER, '75, is associated with the firm
of MacDonald, Haisten and Laybourne, 1200 Wilshi re Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90017; (213) 48 1-1200.
JOHN M. McCORMICK, JR., '75, is in private practice
at 8912 Burton Way, Beverly Hills, 902 11 ; (213)
PATRICK F. MILNE, '75, is worki ng in the Office of the
Di strict Attorney, Courthouse Building, Visalia, CA
93277; (209) 733-0870.
ROBERT M. MYERS, '75, is with the Legal Aid Foundation of Los A ngeles, Venice Office, 3 18 S. Linco ln
Blvd., Venice, CA; (2 13) 392-4177.
DAVID R. PENSO, '75, is associated with the law
offices of O verton, Lyman and Prince, 550 South
Flower Street, Lo s Ange les, CA 90017; (2 13)
EDWARD PHELPS, '75, is an associate of Thorpe,
Sull ivan, Workman, Thorpe and O 'Sull ivan, 4th Floor,
800 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 900 17; (2 13)
RUTH A. PHELPS, '75, is associated with the Law
Offices of Robert E. Brimberry, 900 W ilshire Blvd.,
Suite 800, Los Ange les, CA 90017.
CHARLES R. REDMOND, '75, is Vice President of the
Times Mirror Company, Times Mirror Square, Los
Angeles, CA 90053 ; (213) 486-3977.
ANDREW J. RHODES, '75, is serving with the Federal
Communications Commission, 1919 M Street, N.W.,
Washington, D.C. 20554; (202) 655-4000.
JAMES R. ROBIE, '75, is associated w ith the firm of
Cumm ins, White and Breidenbach, 888 West Sixth
Street, Los Angeles, CA 90017; (213) 624-3431.
JEFF SHELDON, '75, is a member of the firm of Christie, Parker and Hale, 201 South Lake, Pasadena, CA
91101; (213) 795-5843.
LEONARD SIEGEL, '75, is associated w ith the firm of
Nicholas and Rose, 2040 Avenue of the Stars, Los
Angeles, CA 90067; (213) 556-3356.
MARVIN SILVERMAN, '75, is now with the Fletcher,
Rauch and Mahoney, 3921 W ilshire Blvd., #400, Los
Angeles, CA 90010; (2 13) 388-2121 .
CLARA SLIFKIN , '75, w ill serve as the new legislative
aide for Council woman Peggy Stevenson. She w i ll
develop d istrict and city-wide legislation and serve as
project assistant.
STEPHEN J. STEPHANOU, '75, is worki ng in the Law
Department of Pacific Lighti ng Corporation, 810
South Flower, Los Angeles , CA 900 17; (2 13)
385-6 176.
RAYMOND L. STUEH RMANN, '75, is a member of
the firm of Gibson and Palmer, One W ilshire Blvd.,
Suite 2620, Los Angeles, CA 90017; (2 13) 624-4651.
LUCY ANN SWANBURG, '75, is associated with the
firm of O' Me lveny and M yers, 61 1 West Sixth Street,
Los Angeles, CA 90017; (213) 620-1120.
BRIAN R. THOMPSON, '75, is attending Harvard
G raduate School of Business.
LARRY TUCKER, '75, is associated with the firm of
Virtue and Scheck, 270 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660; (7 14) 644-9030.
M ICHAEL WAGNER, '75, is working with the Fl uor
Corporation, 2500 S. Atlantic Blvd., Los Angeles, CA
90040; (213) 262-611 1.
ROBERT F. TARDIFF, JR., '75, is now w ith the San
Fern ando Va lley Neighborhood Lega l Assistance,
13327 Van Nuys, CA 9133 1; (2 13) 896-52 11 .
JAN MciNTYRE, '75, has joined the Riverside County
D istri ct Attorney's Office, Room 220, 3535 1Oth
Street, P.O. Box 1148, Riverside, CA 92502 ; (714)
JOSEPH P. BUSCH , '5 1, passed away unexpected ly
on Friday, june 27, 1975 . He graduated first in his
class and acquired the reputation of being an outstanding lawyer, having handled almost 10,000
cases during h is years in court.
In 1965, he was promoted to Assistant Chief of the
Trial Division and from there he quickly advanced
to become chief trial deputy to former District Attorney Evelle Younger. When Younger was elected
State District Attorney in 1970, M r. Busch was
unanimously appointed to the vacant post and in
1972 was elected D istrict Attorney. It was in this
capacity that he created the Consumer and Environmental Protection Unit and establi shed the
Narcotics and Dangerous Drug section that coordinates major drug investigations throughout the
CLARENCE W. HULL, '26, passed away in San
Mateo on December 27 , 1974. Some of hi s
classmates were j . W. Mullin, Jr., the Honorable
john Costello and his brother Mark Costello, james
McCandless, the Honorable Louis H . Burke, and
Martin j . Burke.
After serving some time in the District Attorney's
Office of Los Angeles, Mr. Hull went into private
practi ce. In 1940, he joined the Maritime Commission in Washington , D.C. In 1945, he was appointed Regional Counsel of War Assets Admi nistration in Los Angeles. He came to San Francisco in
1949 to serve as Regional Cou nsel of General Services Administration until his reti rement in 1967.
We are grateful to Mrs. Hull for passing along this
REMEMBER - a luncheon honoring Henry G. Bodkin, one of the original members of Loyola University Law
School facu lty on the occasion of his 50th anniversary as a member of the California Bar at the Stock Exchange
Club, August of 1950.
Front row, left to right Frank J. Breslin, Jr., the late Wi ll iam Parker, the late justice Turney Fox, the late Henry G.
Bodkin , '29, the late former Mayor of Los Angeles, Fletcher Bowron, Father Joseph Donovan, S. J_ Alan Ritter,
Herold Watt and Robert Ford. Mr. Ford's father, W. Joseph Ford with Henry G. Bodkin were the chief movers in the
formation of Loyola Law School.
Second row, left to right The late Edward Conroy '29, Louis Canepa, G. Stuart Silliman, Superior Court judge V. P.
Lucas, the late Joseph Smith, the late John M. Concannon, Landon Morris '29, the late Michael G. Luddy, the late
George M. Breslin, James Donavan, '24, the late Charles S. Gass, Henry G. Bodkin, Jr. ' 48, the late Alexander
McDonald and Fred Witman.
- -,
If anyone has pi ctures of the old site of the Law School
or of earlier years they would like to share, please mai l
them to:
Office of Development
Loyola University School of Law
1440 West Ninth Street
Los Angeles, Ca lifornia 90015
fhey wi ll be published in a future issue of the Loyola
Lawyer. All pictures w ill be returned.
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