May 2010 - Pacific Northwest Four Wheel Drive Association
May 2010 - Pacific Northwest Four Wheel Drive Association
TRI-POWER MAY 2010 Jim Sprick Park Cleanup, PRESORTED STD. US POSTAGE PAID GRESHAM, OR PERMIT #88 SEE PAGE 6 4-Wheelin’ News May 2010 1 pnw4wda news CONTENTS FEATURES MAY 2010 6 Jim Sprick Park Cleanup 4-5 and 7 Land Matters Information 7 PNW4WDA FORUM Join the 21st Century 16 Looking for Members and APPLICATION REPORTS 4 Presidents Message DEPARTMENTS 3 PNW Officers List 4 Washington Dir. Report 6 Change of address 8-9 Oregon Dir. Report 17 Classified ADS 9-14 Region Reports 17 Video Library 19 Associate Members 18 Check out the Calendar of Events Ahtanum State Forest ORV Tails Clean-up SEE PAGE 17 FUN RUN -Evans Creek - See Page 8 ~ PNW4WDA TRAIL JAMMIN’ EVENT, Off Hwy 410, NACHES see AD Page 13 ~ CADILLAC RANCH MOTORSPORTS EVENT INFO see AD page 14 ~ Creek n’ Trail AD - See Page 8 ~ Off Road R acing AD - See Page 15 ~ Moonshiners Jeep Club 25th Annual Playday See AD on Page 10 ~ PNW4WDA INDEPENDENT RACE AD - See Page 11 ~ PNW4WDA SUMMER CONV. AD - See Page 15 800-537-7845 God Bless America 2 May 2010 PNW4WDA T R I - P O W E 800-537-7845 PNW4WDA Officers List R Volume 39 Number 5 MAY 2010 The mission of TRI-POWER is to enlighten fellow enthusiasts by educating, inspiring and informing. Editor/Publisher PRESIDENT SECRETARY Angie Marek/Dan Sande Nettnin/Earl 14202 4th Ave. E. Tacoma, WA 98445 800-537-7845 / 253-537-3172 [email protected] 519 N Fisher Place Kennewick, WA 99336 509-783-6481 [email protected] TREASURER IDAHO EXEC. DIRECTOR OPEN 800-537-7845 Dave McMains/ Kathy”Frogg” Ron McDonald 603 Meridian Moses Lake, WA 98837 509-765-2922 [email protected] [email protected] Mailing Address 3902 NE 61 Ave Vancouver, WA 98661 MESAGES (360) 695-0595 Email Address [email protected] All Rights Reserved Printed in the USA TRI-POWER is published monthly for the Pacific Northwest 4 Wheel Drive Association. Photographs are edited and prepared with Adobe Photoshop. Layout is performed in Adobe InDesign. In house ads are created with Adobe Illustrator. Prepress product is converted with Adobe Acrobat Professional. TRI-POWER makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, with respect to the completeness, accuracy or utility of these materials or any information or opinion contained herein. Any use or reliance on the information or opinion is at the risk of the user, and TRI-POWER shall not be liable for any damage or injury incurred by any person arising out of the completeness, accuracy or utility of any information or opinion contained in these materials. These materials are not to be construed as an endorsement of any product or company, nor as the adoption or promulgation of any guidelines, standards, or recommendation. Subscription: You can obtain a subscription to TRI-POWER by becoming a member of the Pacific Northwest 4 Wheel Drive Association. This can be accomplished by filling out the application form in this publication or going to the PNW4WDA web site Circulation: If you are a member of the PNW4WDA and are not receiving your subscription to TRI-POWER or have moved please contact our Membership department [email protected] This publication is the result of information submitted by our readers. We do not have a staff of reporters, journalist or photographers. If you have an article or information you would like to share with our readers please contact us. We prefer communication via Email. If you submit an article please send it in size 10 Arial font to [email protected] or put it on a Floppy, CD or DVD disk and send it to Tri-Power 3902 NE 61 Ave, Vancouver, WA 98661 *fourwheelatize \four*wheel"a*tize* A. To eat, sleep and drive four wheel drive. B. To become obsessed with four wheeling. C. To exceed the limits of ordinary four wheeled vehicles. D. To traverse unforgiving terrain in harsh environments. Advertising Rates (Display ADS): Clubs: Full page-$175 / 1/2page-$100/ 1/4page-$55 / BC-$20 Members: Full page-$200 / 1/2page-$120 / 1/4page-$70 / BC-$22 NON-Members: Full page-$250 / 1/2page-$150 / 1/4page-$85 / BC-$25 4-Wheelin’ News May 2010 OREGON EXEC. DIRECTOR WASH. EXEC. DIRECTOR Randy Drake/Mona Arlene Brooks/Bob 19210 Pinehurst Rd. Bend, OR 97701 541-389-7265 [email protected] 21520 SE 346th Auburn, WA. 98092 253-833-8747 [email protected] INTER ASSOC. DIRECTORS COMPETITION CHAIRMAN Don & Carol Jensen Rob Stafford/Diana 946 - 18th, Longview, WA 98632 360-577-0111 Voice/FAX [email protected] [email protected] 19302 6th Ave. E. Spanaway, WA 98387 253-691-4351 [email protected] REGION I DIRECTOR Angela Holm/Rich 31330 11th Place S. Federal Way, WA 98003 253-529-9482 / 206-617-9478 Cell [email protected] REGION II DIRECTOR Edward Campbell/Sue Preble 12443 Zeller Rd SE Yelm, WA 98597 360-878-1677 [email protected] REGION III DIRECTOR REGION IV DIRECTOR Kyle Wiebold Earl Nettnin/Sande 1087 Lewis River Rd. Woodland,WA 98674 360-360-772-5682 [email protected] 519 N Fisher Place Kennewick, WA 99336 509-783-6481 [email protected] REGION V DIRECTOR OPEN Alan D. Paulson REGION VI DIRECTOR 4751 Happy Valley Rd. Roseburg, Oregon 97471 541-679-0571 [email protected] Call 800-537-7845 REGION VII DIRECTOR Jeff Williams/Gwen 5998 #4 Hwy 291 Nine Mile Falls, WA 99026 509-467-4177 / 509-869-8228 Cell [email protected] PARLIAMENTARIAN Luke May/Grace 22635 NE Woodinville Duval Rd Woodinville, WA 98077 425-788-2848 [email protected] MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN Angela Holm/Rich 31330 11th Place S. Federal Way, WA 98003 253-529-9482 / 206-617-9478 Cell [email protected] SAFETY/ED CHAIRMAN Linda Jessen/ Walter 2952 Garfield Longview, WA 98632 360-636-1675 [email protected] WEBMASTER Club Power/We Did it Chairmem Edward Campbell/Sue Preble Beth Ayer/Butch P.O. Box 393 Bucoda, WA 98530 360-878-1677 [email protected] 711 Bennett Creek Rd. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 541-954-4880 [email protected] TRAIL JAMBOREE CO-CHAIR WAYS & MEANS CHAIRMAN Sid & Kelda Hagemeier Dave McMains/ Kathy”Frogg” 911 cabin Lane, Selah, WA 98942 509-698-3703 [email protected] 603 Meridian, Moses Lake, WA 98837 509-765-2922 Ways&[email protected] VIDEO CHAIRMAN PUBLIC RELATIONS Don Jensen/Carol Diana Stafford/Rob 946 - 18th, Longview, WA 98632 360-577-0111 Voice/FAX [email protected] 19302 6th Ave. E. Spanaway, WA 98387 253-732-2818 [email protected] TRI-POWER EDITOR Ron &Diana McDonald 3902 NE 61stAve. Vancouver, WA 98661 Day: (360) 901-8376 • Messages: (360) 695-0595 [email protected] 3 Angie Marek PNW4WDA President Spring has sprung and everyone is making their summer plans. There are many choices and too few weekends according to my calendar. Whether you plan on trail running, competition events, family events or wherever your plans take you remember to have fun and play safe. This past month I had the pleasure of being interviewed on the PNW4WDA website forum. Nicole did a great job asking me questions and hopefully I was able to answer them in a way that gave you a better idea of who I am. Check out the forum under ‘Campfire Chat’ and see who is currently being interviewed. Your Board of Directors has made the decision to hold the June board meeting by phone conference. Due to the many activities going on in the beginning of June this will allow more participation by the board members. The meeting will be Wednesday, June 2nd; there will be at least two points where people can join a group for the phone conference or they can call from their home or cell. One will be in Tacoma at Dan Marek Insurance and the other at Standard Batteries in Moses Lake. There will be more information to follow. We are here to serve the membership of this great Association so if you have ideas or concerns please contact a board member. I am proud to serve with such great people both elected and appointed. This summer look for a very special 50th Anniversary Magazine produced by the PNW4WDA. If you, your club or business would like to advertise or have something you would like to see in the publication contact Carol Jensen. Happy Spring to everyone and I look forward to seeing you at events throughout the year. First let me say how honored I feel to be the president of the Association. With your help I know we can continue to protect our rights as 4 motorized recreational users. As we go through the meeting today we will explore different ways in which we all can help strengthen and expand our membership and efforts. In addition to the goals that the board has already set I have two specific ones I want to work on. First, I want to expand the position of Public Relations. I believe that we need to resume having a yearly meeting bringing together all of the Regional PR Chairpersons. This will help each region by exchanging ideas and working to promote the PNW4WDA both externally and internally. Second, there is a bridge to be built between what I refer to as the web wheelers and the for lack of a better word old timers. Both have numerous contributions to be made and by working together can make us stronger than ever. As we celebrate our 50th year as an Association we need to stand strong. Please feel free to call or email me at anytime. I will do my best to work with you and to represent you as best I can. On a side note please silence your cell phones and if you need to take a call please excuse yourself from the room. Also, I fully support you if you want to use your computers during the meeting as long as it is for the meeting. Not to play solitaire or watch videos. Angie ~ new rule using a collaborative process also provide a opportunity to develop a new national rule that draws on the best elements of previous rulemaking efforts. (History on the Forest Service National Planning Rule 1976-2009 can be found on the PNW website – by visiting this posting it will give you an idea as to where it all started and the reasoning for the development of a new planning rule being addressed at the present time). The Forest Service had scheduled in April a series of national and regional roundtable (public) meetings across the United States. These sessions would facilitate participation (reconnecting with the stakeholders) and integrate public input into a rule making process. The Pacific NW Region 6 Regional roundtable held on April 6th at the Doubletree Hotel in Portland Oregon was the closet meeting on the westside of the mountains; there were three repeated sessions were available at 9:00 am -1:00 and 6:00 pm with a plenary presentation followed by facilitated roundtable discussions. Specific tables were available that identified substantive key principle themes – climate change, wildlife habitat, watershed health, social and economic impacts, and recreation to name a few. It was stated during the plenary presentation the agency had not addressed recreation earlier, however did plan to include the theme at today’s meeting and found it a popular principle theme during the discussion period. At the 1:00 o’clock session found a diverse group representing recreation; horsemen, motorcycle, waterways (kayaker), hiker, ATV, and four wheel drive stakeholders. The PNW4WDA had six representatives throughout the day; Randy and Mona Drake, and Bob and Arlene Brooks at the 1: 00 session with Don and Carol Jensen attending the one at 6: 00 pm. Arlene Brooks Washington Exec. Director USDA Forest Planning Rule Roundtable – Portland Oregon - April 2010 In 2009 USDA Secretary Vilsack called for the development of a new national planning rule, he charged the Forest Service with creating a The following are some recreation points that were discussed:) It needs to be recognized that motorized recreation demand is exceeding recreation opportunities;) Forest Service should use an all lands approach – i.e. analyzing recreation opportunities on federal – state, and private adjacent lands; ) the Rule should state that recreational use be addressed as a core value of the Forest Service planning process; ) there were concerns the Forest Service May 2010 under valuate recreation, some stakeholders felt that it could be helpful to have an inventory analysis done of recreational opportunities nationally; ) economic benefits of recreation are not being considered; ) trails and roads often disappear without notice – are not replaced – stakeholders want to ensure that there is a “no net loss.” During the other two sessions (9:00 am and 6:00 pm) draft notes reflected the following input ) volunteering is an essential and important part of recreation; ) there are many different types of recreation and it is important that all are included; ) direct planners at all levels to consider recreational access by land, water and air to National Forest Service lands by motorized and non-motorized users during all seasons; and ) redefine the terms and conditions of “recreation” and “recreational use.” The above comments on the Plan content are in DRAFT FORM ONLY and only a summary of the three hour session I attended – final Planning Rule is not scheduled for release until winter 2011. The presentation will highlight the unique landscapes found in Eastern Washington and the plants that grow in this diverse region. The meeting will be held at the Manito Park meeting facility in Spokane, Washington. Sunday, May 2, 2010 – Spend the day viewing spring wildflowers in the sagebrush, lithosol and wetland plant communities found in the Channeled Scablands of Eastern Washington. Diane Stutzman will lead field trip participants through the BLM managed Telford Parcel, located 12 miles West of Davenport, Washington. These events are free for the public. If you are interested in attending one of these events, please contact Diane Stutzman for further information at (509) 536-1250. Information on the events can also be found on the WNPS website at http:// Cheyne Rossbach Public Affairs Contact Representative BLM Spokane District Office 1103 N Fancher Rd Spokane Valley, WA 99212 (509) 536-1297 ~ Till next time, Arlene Brooks, WA. State Director ~ BLM Guides Exploration of Area Plant Life Spokane, Wash. — The Spokane Bureau of Land Management (BLM), in partnership with the Northeast Chapter of the Washington Native Plant Society (WNPS), will host an illustrated talk and field trip events during April and May, 2010, to highlight some of the treasured landscapes managed by the BLM. Sunday, April 18, 2010 Join Diane Stutzman, BLM Botanist and Grant Cummings with the WNPS for an all day field trip to the BLM managed Juniper Dunes Wilderness Area, in Franklin County, 15 miles northeast of Pasco, Washington. The day-long trip will provide an opportunity to observe many sand loving plant species found in the Juniper Dunes area including the WhiteStemmed evening-primrose, the spectacular Showy Dock, and many other flowers and grasses. Tuesday, April 27, 2010 at 7 p.m. - Come and join the WNPS for an illustrated talk by Diane Stutzman titled Plants and Plant Communities of the Channeled Scablands. Blue Mountains Forest Plan Revision Released - Public Meetings Schedule for April Our partners over at the Snowmobile Alliance of Western States (SAWS) just sent us an important update of the Blue Mountain Forest Plan Revision. The Forest Service (FS) will be accepting public comments during a 60-day comment period, which ends May 28, 2010. I have pasted a copy of the email below; please take a couple of minutes to read over the information. Thanks in advance for your involvement, Ric Foster Public Lands Department Manager BlueRibbon Coalition 208-237-1008 ext 107 Subject: SAWS News: Blue Mountain Forest Plan Revision documents have been published From: “SAWS Idaho” <[email protected]> Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2010 22: 07:54 -0600 To: <SAWS-ID@Snowmobile> Idaho SAWS Members, The information below comes from our Oregon SAWS Representatives Susie and Todd. I know some of you folks in the Lewiston area ride in the Blues often. If you Continued on page 5 Continued from page 4 have any input on this forest plan that would be helpful to SAWS when we work on our SAWS Action Alert for this issue, please forward that information to Susie and Todd ([email protected] and To d d W @ S n o w m o b i l e In particular, we would like to know if there is current snowmobile riding in any of the areas proposed as non-motorized use only. Thank you, Scott Chapman Idaho Representative for the Snowmobile Alliance of Western States From: Susie Rainsberry <[email protected]> Date: March 30, 2010 5:34:22 PM PDT To: SAWS-OR@Snowmobile Subject: SAWS News: Blue Mountain Forest Plan Revision documents have been published On March 23, 2010, the national forests of Malheur, Umatilla and WallowaWhitman, collectively referred to as the Blue Mountain national forests, announced and published their Proposed Action plan. This initiates the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process for the forest plan revision. Using public comment, the planning team will develop alternatives to the proposal and analyze the effects of the proposal and alternatives on the environment. The result will be a draft environmental impact statement, which is expected to be released to the public for comment in 2011. The final decision is expected in 2012. Public Meetings to explain the proposal, the NEPA process, and how to make effective comments will be held around Oregon (with one stop in Washington) in April. Meeting Schedule: April 6 - 5:00-8:00 pm Federal Building, Juniper Hall, 431 Patterson, John Day, OR April 7 - 5:00-8:00 pm Harney County Senior & Community Services Center, 17 S. Alder St., Burns, OR April 13 - 5:00-8:00 pm Pendleton Convention Center, Rooms 3 & 4, 1601 Westgate, Pendleton, OR April 14 - 5:00-8:00 pm Saint Patrick Senior Center, 182 N. Main, Heppner, OR April 15 - 5:00-8:00 pm Public Use Building - Columbia Co. Engineer’s Office, 1 No. Pine, Dayton, OR April 20 - 5:00-8:00 pm Sunridge Inn, One Sunridge Lane, Baker City, OR April 21 - 5:00-8:00 pm Eastern Oregon University, One University Blvd, Hoke Hall, Room 309, La Grande, OR April 22 5:00-8:00 pm Civic Center, 102 E 1st St., Joseph, OR April 28 - 5:00-8:00 pm Red Lion Convention Center, 1021 NE Grande Ave., Portland, OR April 29 - 5:00-8:00 pm Franklin County PUD, 1411 4-Wheelin’ News West Clark, Pasco, WA Todd and I will be attending the meeting in Portland on April 28th. SAWS encourages you to attend one of these meetings. If you do, please feel free to forward any comments or feedback directly to one of us. Here’s a link to the website that contains all the pertinent documents. http: // blue_mtn_planrevision/ proposedaction/ I have reviewed the Proposed Action document and the following Management Areas are, per the information in the document, designated as unsuitable for wintermotorized travel. Wilderness: 730,886 acres Recommended Wilderness Area (RWA): 16,350 acres Wilderness Study Area: 2,349 Designated Wild and Scenic Rivers: 72,657 acres Research Natural Areas: 21,213 acres (established and proposed) Historical Areas: 1,017 acres (Sumpter Valley Railroad, Greenhorn, Olive LakeFremont Powerhouse, Target Meadows) Municipal Watersheds: 44,958 acres Riparian Management Areas: 968,366 acres Non-motorized Undeveloped: 83,520 acres Keep in mind that these are areas that are already (such as Wilderness), or implied to be (such as RWA), closed to snowmobiles. This information is a combination of data found in Part 2: Strategy. Part 2 of the document provides descriptions and desired conditions for each management area and in some cases, but not all, has a table that identifies specific locations, by name, by forest. There seems to be some inconsistencies in the reported acreage numbers from one table to another, and you should not total the above values together to reach total acreage, as there is overlapping acreage across management areas. SAWS will be concerned with additional loss of acreage, which could come from a variety of expanding or new management area designations (Wilderness, RWA, etc). The cover letter I received indicates that routes and trails are not part of the plan revisions, but be aware that our concern is with any restriction that will limit or close land to snowmobile cross-country access. In the past, RWAs in Region 6 have remained open to motorized use. However, the trend from Region 1 is to close all RWAs to motorized use. The information in the plan documents about RWAs in the Blues is vague and in some places contradictory. At this time SAWS anticipates it will send out a SAW Alert to members in OR, WA and ID after we attend the meeting in Portland. You can expect the Alert to contain clear recommendations and suggestions to use when preparing your comments to the Blues planning team. It is better to be more informed and vocal at the beginning of this process rather than at the end. Re-opening land to motorized access is all but impossible once it has been closed. Your early and continued involvement will be key to protecting these riding areas for the future. In the meantime, if you have questions, comments, or concerns, please contact either one of us directly. As I stated earlier, if you do attend a meeting we would be very pleased to hear from you. Oh, and anyone with specific local level insight and information is welcome to help us prepare the upcoming Alert. Thanks for your time! If you are heading out to enjoy the fresh snow from the current storm, please travel and ride safely!! Susie Rainsberry SAWS-Oregon Rep. & Membership Secretary [email protected] Todd White SAWS-Oregon Rep. [email protected] ~ Nominate Your Favorite Motorized RTP Project For CRT Award Important reminder! If you or your club spent time constructing trails and trailheads, or improving an existing trail system, and you used Recreational Trails Program (RTP) funding to do it, you need to nominate your trail. NOMINATIONS ARE DUE THIS FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 2010! The Coalition for Recreational Trails (CRT), a federation of national and regional trail-related organizations, is pleased to announce its 2010 achievement awards to recognize outstanding trail projects funded by the national Recreational Trails Program (RTP). The awards will be presented in Washington, D.C. during Great Outdoors Week 2010 (June 7-13), as part of the Coalition’s ongoing effort to build awareness and appreciation of this highly successful program, which has greatly enhanced the quantity and quality of trail experiences available to the public. They are planning to hold the awards ceremony on Capitol Hill and encourage Members of Congress to join in honoring the outstanding achievements of their constituents. Award winners will be selected from projects nominated by public agencies, trail administrators or other project sponsors. Projects must be completed in order to receive an award. In addition, projects completed before May 2010 1998 are ineligible. Project award categories will include: construction and design; maintenance and rehabilitation; education and communication initiatives; accessibility enhancement; multiple-use management or “corridor sharing”; environment/wildlife compatibility; and use of youth conservation/service corps. Now is your chance to nominate an outstanding project and to encourage the sponsor(s) of an excellent project in your state to submit a nomination as well. A nomination form can be downloaded at http: // dNomination2010.doc. The form and any supporting materials, including pictures, should be returned by April 16, 2010 to the Chair of the Coalition’s Awards Committee: Duane Taylor Director of Federal Affairs Motorcycle Industry Council 1235 South Clark Street, Suite 600 Arlington, Virginia 22202 If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call him at (703) 416-0444 or send him an e-mail at [email protected]. Winners should be notified no later than April 30, 2010. We hope you will join us in this important effort to recognize the significant contributions to trail-related recreation that the Recreational Trails Program is supporting all across the country. For more information, and to view past award winners, check out the American Trails Awards Page at awards/CRTawards.html. HELP ENSURE THAT QUALITY OHV PROJECTS GET RECOGNIZED Thanks in advance for your support. Ric Foster Public Lands Department Manager BlueRibbon Coalition 208-237-1008 ext 107 The BlueRibbon Coalition is a national (non-profit) trailsaving group that represents over 600,000 recreationists nationwide The Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) season is beginning. Federal employees, please mark BlueRibbon Coalition and Check #11402 on your CFC pledge form to support our efforts to protect your access. Join us at 1-800-258-3742 http: // As a non-profit, grassroots organization funded primarily by membership dues and donations, we greatly appreciate your support. Visit http: // to help fund our efforts to protect your trails! ~ BLUERIBBON COALITION REMINDER! Adena Cook, BRC’s Senior Policy Advisor, reminded us to re-blast a tax reminder we sent last month. As a longtime access advocate, Adena knows many local OHV and snowmobile clubs are taxexempt. She said that the tax deadline is closer than you think and wanted us to remind you that ALL small clubs (but big enough for a non-profit incorporation w/ an EIN) in the country need to submit an IRS Form 990N by May 15. This may sound formidable, but it’s very easy, however, it must be done electronically. Go to: http: // Below is the alert we sent out in February for more information. Thanks, Ric Foster Public Lands Department Manager BlueRibbon Coalition 208-237-1008 ext 107 BLUERIBBON COALITION PARTNER UPDATE! SOME ORGANIZATIONS COULD LOSE THEIR TAXEXEMPT STATUS IN 2010 The latest email update from the American Council of Snowmobile Associations (ASCA) reminded us that taxexempt organizations could lose their exempt status in 2010. Like ASCA, many BRC member clubs are tax exempt so we thought we would pass along the reminder. A tax-exempt organization that does not file its required annual information Form 990 for three consecutive years will automatically lose its tax-exempt status. The end of 2009 marks the third year that the law has been in effect, and many tax-exempt organizations which failed to file during that period will have their tax-exempt status revoked this year. Organizations that are expected to lose tax-exempt status this year are small tax-exempt organizations whose annual gross receipts are normally $25,000 or less, and who in the past were not required to file a Form 990. An organization that fails to file required e-Postcards Form 990-N (or information returns - Forms 990 or 990EZ) for 2007 and 2008, it is imperative that they submit Form 990-N for 2009, by May 15, 2010, or revocation may apply. If an organization loses its exemption, it will have to reapply with the IRS in order to regain its tax-exempt status. Any income received between the revocation date and renewed exemption may be taxable. Be sure your organization is up to date!! Thanks, Ric Foster Public Lands Department Manager BlueRibbon Coalition 208-237-1008 ext 107 ~ 5 Jim Sprick Park Cleanup, a success April 17th, 2010 was the Jim Sprick Park Cleanup and Trail Jamboree Trail Host Meeting. We had 84 people help out. The clubs that represented were Cascade 4x4s, Desert Rats, 4 Four Fun, Change of Address dinner was delicious, as to be expected. I received an e-mail from the people who are in charge of the park and they gave PNW4WDA Membership Go For Alls, High Country Cruisers, Lake Tapps Turtles, Marcella Larsen of the Lower Valley Canyon Crawlers, Rainier Ruffians, Shindig Wheelers, Ridge Runners, The Hombres, Thunder Trucks, Wandering Willys, White Knuckle 4x4s, and Windy City Wheelers, and there were 9 guests. We did all the usual yard work, fixed some roofs, painted tables, and built some new horseshoe pits. The C/O: Dave McMains a big THANK YOU for the wonderful job we did, and it looks fantastic! I noticed a couple of reader boards in Naches, one at the park on the highway and 603 Meridian Moses Lake, WA 98837 509765-2922 or E-Mail: members@ weather held out for us too. The Hobo Stew was excellent. Everyone pitched in ingredients and it tasted the best so far. But I heard that every year it was the best, so if you haven’t made it, you are missing out. Thanks, Merrick for REMINDER The deadline to submit articles and photos for Tri-Power is the 21st of each month Send to: going to get the big iron pot to make the stew. Thank you Stew Crew for stirring it. The Host meeting was well attended. Sid Hagemeier tried his best to get the information to the Trail Hosts and representatives about what trails they are hosting and what is expected of hosts. If you have any questions please call him or e-mail. Our number is 509-698-3703 or [email protected]. The potluck 6 the other at the Woodshed thanking the PNW4WDA for our help. That’s the kind of publicity we should and need to be getting. I wanted to thank everyone who gave up their personal time to come volunteer at the cleanup, and thank you kids for working with us too! Submitted by Kelda Hagemeier 2010 Trail Jamboree Co-Chairperson Region 4 PR Shindig Wheeler ~ May 2010 tripower@ Articles should be in Microsoft Word with Arial 10pt font ADs can be in word and if you can make a PDF that would be best so it will hold the type styles that you picked Tri-Power Ron McDonald 360-901-8376 3902 NE 61st Ave. Vancouver, WA 98661 Wild Horse Adoption Set for May 7 to 8 HINES, Oregon – Ten wild horses will be offered for adoption May 7 and 8 in Colville, Washington. The event gives anyone interested the opportunity to get out and see wild horses up close, learn about their history and the U.S. Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) “Adopta-Horse Program”…and maybe even bring one home. Animal viewing and adopter registration begins at 11: 00 a.m. on Friday, May 7 at Mountain House Stables – 775 Old Arden Hwy, Colville, Washington, 99114. On Saturday, May 8, viewing and registration opens at 8:00 a.m. Adopters should arrive early and register. It is important to note that only registered adopters can participate in the silent bidding process for the animal or animals they want to take home. Bidding opens at 1:00 p.m. and closes promptly at 1:30 p.m. Animals not adopted during this process will remain available for the minimum fee of $125 on first come-first serve basis. Mustang gentling demonstrations on Saturday with Gerry Cox, Mountain House Stables owner, are not to miss. Cox finished in third place at the 2010 Northwest Extreme Mustang Makeover in March. The adoption event will also feature an opportunity to trade equine tackle. Anyone interested should bring their gear for a friendly tack swap! All horse enthusiasts are encouraged to consider becoming adopters so these wild horses can be placed in good, safe homes. With their stamina, hardiness, and quick intelligence, Oregon’s wild horses make excellent partners for any discipline. For more information, call the Burns District Office at (541) 573-4400. Additional information about the Wild Horse and Burro program is available online at: or/resources/whb/index.php About the BLM: The BLM manages more land – 253 million surface acres – than any other Federal agency. This land, known as the National System of Public Lands, is primarily located in 12 Western States, including Alaska. The Bureau, with a budget of about $1 billion, also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. ~ 4-Wheelin’ News BLM Designates 2010 Fee-Free Days Obama Monument Update WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Bureau of Land Management (BLM), in conjunction with other agencies within the Department of the Interior, will waive recreation-related fees for visitors on June 5-6, August 14-15, September 25 (National Public Lands Day), and November 11 (Veterans Day) on many of the public lands managed by the BLM, including areas within the National Landscape Conservation System (NLCS), which is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year. Most of you have been following the saga that began with the disclosure of a secret memo outlining plans for 13 million acres of new National Monuments in 11 western states. BRC, as well as lawmakers, has been attempting to find out exactly what the Department of the Interior is up to, and BRC even appealed the denial of a Freedom of Information Act request. Doc Hastings (WA), Ranking Member of the House Committee on Natural Resources and Rob Bishop, (UT) Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands, as well as other lawmakers, have also formally requested that information pertaining to the leaked memo. This information was requested over six weeks ago. As of this writing, the Obama Administration has not provided one single page to the House Committees. In response to Department of Interior is stonewalling, Rep. Hastings and Rep. Bishop have introduced a Resolution of Inquiry (H. Res. 1254) in an attempt to require the Department of Interior to turn over the information. “In celebration of not only the 10th birthday of the BLM’s national conservation lands but also America’s Great Outdoors, we invite visitors to take the path less traveled and discover these treasured public lands during the fee-free days,” said BLM Director Bob Abbey. “For decades, millions of Americans have sought to connect with the outdoors by exploring the National System of Public Lands, and the BLM is proud to be a part of the President’s America’s Great Outdoors initiative.” Site standard amenity and individual day-use fees at BLM recreation sites and areas will be waived for the day. Other fees, such as overnight camping, cabin rentals, and group day use, will remain in effect. The NLCS encompasses more than 27 million acres and includes 886 federally recognized areas of National Monuments, National Conservation Areas, Wilderness Areas, Wilderness Study Areas, Wild and Scenic Rivers, National Scenic and Historic Trails, and Conservation Lands of the California Desert. For more information on the conservation system’s 10th anniversary, go to http: // More details about fee-free days and activities are available at prog/Recreation/BLM_Fee_ Free_Days.html A resolution of inquiry is a method used by the House to obtain information from an executive branch official What you need to do: The Natural Resources committee is set to vote on H. Res. 1254 this Wednesday, April 28, 2010. We need you to contact Committee Members and ask them to co-sponsor and/or support H. Res 1254. Our partners at the Americans for Responsible Recreation Access (ARRA) have a letter generator up and running. Please take a minute to send a letter to your congressional representative. Thanks for taking action on this important issue. Brian Hawthorne Public Lands Policy Director BlueRibbon Coalition 208-237-1008 ext 102 More info on the web:Obama Secret Plan for Monuments Compels Congressional Action releases/ ?story=685&filter=media ATTENTION TO ONE AND ALL DON’T FORGET TO TAKE PICTURES & WRITE UP A STORY ABOUT THE EVENT(S) YOU HAVE GONE TO ...THANK YOU, RON EMAIL: tripower@ Recreation Group Files FOIA Appeal To Department of The Interior Regarding National Monuments releases/ ?story=689&filter=media ~ The PNW Forum is located on the web at Registration is simple, just click on the word “Register” in the upper left and follow the directions. It’s that easy!! Just a few clicks of the mouse and you will have access to all the info and happenings of the PNW. Join this month and you are eligible to win a fantastic prize!! You have never joined a forum before? You don’t know what you are doing? Don’t worry, the PNW forum is easy to use and very friendly. Our forum is a place where you can connect with other members of the PNW and discuss topics that interest you. There are monthly drawings for free prizes, trail info and runs to your favorite place, pictures of your friends’ adventures, build and repair info for your rig and so much more. Over 400 of your fellow ‘wheelers have already joined! It’s where the action is!! Bureau of Land Management Jenny Hammond 202-912-7368 ~ May 2010 7 type, class or construction standard and may be managed at any other maintenance level during the time management direction requires that they be open for traffic. However, while being maintained at Level 1, they are closed or blocked to normal traffic. Randy Drake Oregon Exec. Director Be Careful What You Ask For.. Many of you have taken the time to write letters make phone calls and attend meetings in our quest to promote our sport and to protect our access to our public lands. I want to personally thank each and every one of you. Your dedication and passion is appreciated. But some of you have not written, called or attended. This is not because you don’t care, but because you may not know what to ask for. There are those among us who would like nothing better than to drive down a perfectly good bladed forest road and enjoy the scenery. That is fine; we fight to keep those roads open, too. Fortunately, for these individuals, there are millions of miles of lower quality forest service road for them to enjoy. But there are many more of us who desire a more challenging adventure, some to an extreme. It is our duty to fight to keep these opportunities available also, and to strive to develop more of these opportunities. So what should you ask for? First, let me explain the difference between a road and a trail. Forest Service roads are classified in many ways, including Maintenance Level. Here is a summary of the Forests Service’s definition of each Maintenance Level: Level 1 – Road is CLOSED year around. This level is assigned to intermittent service roads during the time management direction requires that the road be closed or otherwise blocked to traffic. Basic custodial maintenance is performed to protect the road investment and to keep damage to adjacent resources to an acceptable level. Drainage facilities and runoff patterns are maintained. These roads will not be shown on the upcoming Motor Vehicle Use Maps that are being prepared through the Travel Management Plan. Roads receiving level 1 maintenance may be of any 8 Level 2 – Road is OPEN and maintained for HIGH CLEARANCE vehicles. This level is assigned where management direction requires that the road be open for limited passage of traffic. Traffic is normally minor, usually consisting of one or a combination of administrative, permitted, dispersed recreation, or other specialized uses. Minor amount of log haul may occur at this time. Roads in this maintenance level are normally characterized as single lane, primitive type facilities intended for use by high clearance vehicles. Passenger car traffic is not a priority consideration. These roads are generally signed with a vertical marker with vertical numbers, as shown at the right. Maintenance level 2 roads can be used to provide 4x4 users with an “easy” trail experience; however, these roads are completely unsuitable for “more difficult” or “most difficult” trail experiences and cannot be considered trails. The key word here is they are maintained for high clearance vehicles and are not natural to the condition of the surrounding environments. Level 3 – Road is OPEN and maintained for LOW CLEARANCE vehicles. This level is assigned where management direction requires the road to be open and maintained for safe travel by a prudent driver in a passenger car. Traffic volumes are minor to moderate; however, user comfort and convenience is not a priority consideration. Roads at this maintenance level are normally characterized as low speed single lane with turnouts and spot surfacing. Some roads may be fully surfaced with either native or processed material. Level 4 – Road is OPEN and maintained for LOW CLEARANCE vehicles. This level is assigned where management direction requires the road to provide a moderate degree of user comfort and convenience at moderate travel speeds. Traffic volumes are normally sufficient to require a double lane aggregate surfaced road. Some roads may be single lane and some may be paved and/or dust abated. Level 5 – Road is OPEN and maintained for LOW CLEARANCE vehicles. This level is assigned where management direction requires the road to provide a high degree of user comfort and convenience. These roads are normally double lane, paved facilities. Some may be aggregate surfaced and dust abated. Trails, however, are a completely different thing. Trails must access desirable features and provide diversity in difficulty, terrain and scenery. Trails must be designed so they provide a quality experience, comply with agency standards and meet management objectives. This includes loop opportunities and connected riding areas, if possible. It is critical that the existing road system is not used to provide the trail experience. These roads can be used to connect one area to another, however, a quality trail system must be constructed which takes into account the users’ needs and desires. Trails not built by users will have little value and trails built by local users can survive for generations. The design must also take into consideration that 4x4 vehicle technologies are growing everyday and rigs are getting more and more capable. Trails are generally categorized into four categories. What is considered “most difficult” today will only be “more difficult”, then “easy” as time passes. Here is a brief description of the difficulty levels: Easy: These trails are generally graded; some are graveled, and provide easy access for stock four-wheel drive vehicles. Some have minor rutting or uneven surfaces. Extensive vehicle modifications and extensive driver skill are not needed. More Difficult: These trails generally require four-wheel drive as well as some driving skill. Larger tires and a rear locking differential will make trails easier. Most Difficult: These trails require extensive driving skill. Necessary equipment includes four-wheel drive, locking differentials front and rear, and a winch. Extreme: These trails require extensive driving skill. Necessary equipment includes four-wheel drive, locking differentials front and rear, and a winch. Body damage or equipment failure can be expected. There are numerous trail elements, which when used in conjunction with each other, create a satisfying trail experience. These elements will determine the difficulty rating of the trail. Without these elements, the trail will not satisfy users and will create more user-created trails and conflicts. Trail Surface: The most desirable trail surface is native material. If the user wants a graveled or paved experience, he does not belong on a 4x4 trail, but rather on a forest road. The type of native surface will determine the difficulty. Smooth surfaces that May 2010 29th Annual 2UHJRQ&UHHN1¶7UDLO Registration June 19 & 20 Registration will be held to 100 vehicles / Registration Deadline is June 5, 2010 Registration Fee Includes: Trip confirmation number & Directions will be mailed to you upon receipt of registration. 4x4 trip on the Historical McGrew Trail Saturday night Steak Dinner Sunday Morning Breakfast Special Raffle for the First 50 Registered Rigs Please Print: Name: Address/PO: ST: City: Club Affiliation/Optional: Adult(s)-Age 16 & up Teen(s)-Age 12 to 15 Kid(s)-Age 11 & under Zip: Phone #: Type of Vehicle: @ $60 = $ @ $15 = $ @ $5 = $ List age/sex of all children 11 & under Registration Total $ Shirt Oder: T-Shirts: SM T-Shirts: 2X Sweatshirts: SM Sweatshirts: 2x MED 3x MED 3x LG 1x LG 1x $20 Each $ $23 Each $ $30 Each $ $33 Each $ Clothing Total $ Make Check payable to: Oregon Creek N Trail PO Box 471 Klamath Falls, OR. 97601 Any Question Contact Larry East (541)883-8326/ [email protected] provide good traction are the easiest to navigate, whereas rocks, logs, mud or snow will require additional skills and equipment, thus providing a more difficult rating. Grade: How steep the trail is will also contribute to the trail’s difficulty. Moderate slopes can be navigated by stock or minimally modified rigs; however steep hill climbs will provide a more difficult experience. Slopes over 30 percent are highly desirable. Obstacles: Obstacles are features which, when located in the trail, require the user to drive over them and impair the ease of travel. Typically, obstacles may include rocks, logs, ledges, mud and/or snow. Filters: Filters are obstacles within the first 40 feet of a trail which are equal to the most difficult challenge on the trail. The purpose of filters is to ensure that the rigs which use the trail are capable of using the entire trail. It is better to change your mind or extricate a broken rig within the first 40 feet of the trail rather than three miles in. Trail Corridor Width: The difficulty of the trail is also influenced by how narrow the trail corridor is constructed. Wide corridors allow for greater trail visibility and are usually associated with easier segments. Narrow trails which navigate between trees or rocks require more skill and navigation ability and are usually associated with more difficult segments. Trail Alignment: Long straight stretches of trail offer little difficulty to navigate unless other elements, such as obstacles or steep grades, are present. Curves, sharp turns and tight corners are critical elements of an interesting trail and can add to the difficulty of the trail. Trail Location: The distance from population centers also add to the desirability of the Continued on page 9 Continued from page 8 trail. Too close to town and the trail does not provide a sense of “getting away from it all.” However, if the trail is too far away, users will not be able to use the trail for a day trip, but will have to plan for the weekend. While the distance from town does not add or subtract from the difficulty rating, it does add or subtract from the desired experience. Loops or Destinations: Successful trails are either loops or ‘destination’ trails, or a combination of the two. The loop concept is critical to the success of a trail. The trail must contain a main ‘trunk line’ with numerous loops off of it. The main trunk line should be a “More Difficult” rated trail with the loops being a combination of “Most Difficult” and Extreme” loops. The main trunk line can form a larger loop back to the beginning or it can be a connector line from one destination to another. Short dead end trails can be used to access trail features such as vista points when a continuing trail is not feasible. Dead end trails to nowhere should be avoid and generally will allow the opportunity for irresponsible people to create their own loops by going cross country and causing usercreated trails. Destination Stops: Trail user satisfaction is greatly enhanced when trails lead to features such as vistas, lakes, waterfalls, meadows and/or rock features. These features provide variety and a place to ‘stop and take a break.’ Play Areas: Play areas can often be developed in rock pits, gravel pits, mud pits and mining site with aggressive hill climbs etc... These areas will provide additional hill climbs, rock crawls and technical obstacles with little impact to the environment. Play areas are extremely important as they will draw 73% of the users to an area for the first time. This is where they need to learn there skills as drivers and the capabilities of their rig not on a trail. Play areas are where you will find 90% of the younger people learning and showing off and an old gravel pit is the perfect place for this type of behavior. If four times the play areas would be developed up to 78% of all trail damage and public land damage would go away. This is the single most important thing that can be developed in every city, county and two or more per forest and BLM lands. Play areas should have a place for a children’s course for developing their driving skills. It must be noted, however, that play areas DO NOT provide a substitute for adequate trail obstacles. Play areas are where I want 100 percent of the abuse to a vehicle and the land to accrue at all time so they need to provide from easy to extreme areas to play. This is where our educational Kiosks need to be put for the unknowledgeable 4-Wheelin’ News to learn of clubs and what is expected of them on public lands. Stream Crossings: Because we live in a mountainous region, stream crossings may become unavoidable. Stream crossings, however, do not need to be an environmental nightmare. They should be placed where there is a rocky bed, stable banks and shallow grade. Crossings can be wooden bridges, rock bridges or culverts. If a wooden bridge is deemed to be the most effective alternative, it is important to keep the bridge rustic and natural looking. Rock bridges are crossings which are constructed of large rocks laid in the riverbed which form a solid surface to drive across. Water is still able to flow between the rocks; however the vehicle never touches the riverbed. This is the most desirable stream crossing method. Culverts can be used for small streams, but are limited by the size of pipe that can be delivered to and installed at the site. Cattle Guards: Many areas of our local forests are also utilized as grazing allotments. Grazing allotments are also legitimate uses of our national forests, just like OHV use. We must make every effort to co-exist without creating unnecessary conflict. Cattle guards, rather than gates, go a long way towards reducing conflicts between cattlemen and OHV enthusiasts, as gates can sometimes be inadvertently left open. Water Bars: Water bars are not necessarily considered trail obstacles; however, they are critical to trail sustainability. Water from rain runoff or snow melt can cause serious erosion of trails. Water bars are simply a reversal of the grade to form a diagonal hump that forces water to flow off the trail in a desired manner. Water bars can be deepened on steep trails ensuring that erosion does not occur. These also can be used to divert runoff into an area where water cannot flow out of. Signage & Mapping: Knowledge is critical. Easy to understand signage and mapping is a must. Signs and maps must provide the user with information relating to trail regulations, type of use, difficulty and trail identification. Signs must be posted at trail heads and at all intersections. Private property must also be adequately signed or trespass will happen by the trail user. Maps must be made available to the user. Proper signage and mapping greatly enhance the trail experience and significantly reduce the need for law enforcement. Poor signage creates a nightmarish experience and panic of being lost cause resource damage as a new trail is created. Not knowing where the play areas are or the main feature of the trail leads to many new short cuts being created. Trail Heads: Trail heads are key to user education and satisfaction. Trail heads usually consist of a parking area for those who trailer their rig, a kiosk with trail maps available, restroom facilities and picnic tables. If users do not have easy access to maps, compliance and enforcement become extremely difficult. Camp Grounds: Many 4x4 users enjoy weekend outings with several other families. This is particularly true for the more remote trails. It is not uncommon for five or six families to venture out on a Friday night and return home on a Sunday night. Campground facilities need to be located near trail heads and have easy access for campers and motor homes. Campground amenities, however, are not necessary, and are often avoided by users. Many prefer to stay in more primitive dispersed campsites will little more than a rock fire ring. Water and power hookups are often unnecessary. Now you know the technical difference between a 4x4 trail and a lower quality forest service road. I ask you to use this knowledge when writing to our public land managers. Don’t just settle for a road being labeled a trail. Include these trail elements in your comments and preserve our sport for generations to come. Be careful what you ask for in your letters and at your meetings. They will provide a map with roads at both the meeting site and in written Travel Management Plans. We don’t want roads; we want trails. We want Level I roads left open to Class II OHVs year around. These Level I roads should be leading you to a Class II trail system. Ask them to show you the Class II trails. If none are there demand of them to include Class II trails and don’t take no for answer. Class II use on public lands is a legitimate use of both Forest Service and BLM lands and it is written in the CFRs and supported by the GAO. Know your rights and ask for trails and Level I roads to be open to Class II use. Be very careful not to ask for roads or that is all you will end up with. A hot dusty drive in the forest, with all the other yahoos (as roads are open to all users) is not a Class II challenging run. Level II roads and above will not require the use of the short stick in July. Please do not ask for roads, as all you will get is maintained roads for high clearance vehicles or less. Happenings in Oregon: Vale BLM April 8, 2010? BLM has published a Notice of Intent to prepare Resource Management Plan (RMP) Amendments with associated Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) for the Southeastern Oregon and Lakeview planning areas. The planning areas encompass approximately 7.8 million May 2010 acres in Malheur, Lake, Harney and Grant Counties in Oregon. The planning areas? RMP Amendments/EISs will develop a range of potential alternatives with respect to OHV use and wilderness. The initial scoping phase of this planning process, which began with the publication of this notice, serves as the phase to determine relevant issues that will influence the scope of this plan’s analysis. Comments on the scope of the analysis will be accepted until July 8, 2010. It is important that OHV enthusiasts get involved in the designation process by contacting BLM staff. Comments may be submitted by email: [email protected]; by fax: 541-473-3144; or by mail: Bureau of Land Management Vale District Office 100 Oregon Street Vale, OR 97918 For further information, please contact Jill Silvey, Southeastern Oregon and Lakeview RMP Project Manager, at 541-4733144 or at [email protected]. I will get more information the last week of April and post up on the PNW web site at that time Blue Mountain Forest Plan May 28, 2010 The Blue Mountains are now working on their travel plans and they see it as a Forest Plan Revision. To view the proposals at their website go to uma/blue_mtn_planrevision/. The proposed action for the land and resource management plan for the Malheur, Umatilla, and Wallowa-Whitman National Forests is now available for public comment. This initiates the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process for the forest plan revision. Using public comment, the planning team will develop alternatives to the proposal and analyze the effects of the proposal and alternatives on the environment. The result will be a draft environmental impact statement, which is expected to be released to the public for comment in 2011. The final decision is expected in 2012 Comments are most helpful if received by May 28, 2010. Written comments should be addressed to the Blue Mountains Forest Plan Revision Team, P.O. Box 907, Baker City, OR, 97814. Comments can be dropped off at the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest Headquarters at 1550 Dewey Ave, Baker City OR, 97814. Comments can also be sent via email to: blue_ [email protected]. Fremont-Winema TMP is over due; watch the PNW web site for information. Respectively submitted by Randy Drake Oregon State Executive Director, 541 419 9952 or [email protected] ~ Angela Holm Region 1 Director April 21, 2010 The meeting was called to order by Angie Holm at 7:00, followed by the flag salute and a moment of silence for the ill and departed. There were 15 delegates present, representing 9 clubs. Secretary Report: Motion was made by Barb from Outdoor 4x4 to approve the minutes as distributed to yahoo groups and Tri-Power, Dave Taylor, 2nd. Directors Report: Next BOD Meeting will be held via telephone conference June 2nd. Please note, all clubs who have not paid their dues by February 15th deadline, must be voted back into their prospective regions, as if they were a new club. All previous paperwork must be resubmitted. Treasurer’s Report: Written report submitted. Competition: Fun Days will be hosted by Region 1. So far Dirty 13, White Knuckle, Outdoor 4X4’s and Timber Tamers have agreed to help. Any club interested in helping out, contact Dave Taylor [email protected]). Here is the rest of the schedule until June: May 1st - Webfooters @ Cranberry Lake, by invitation only, asking for $60 for donations. May 8th – Cadillac Ranch – track set up on 150 acres in the city of Rainier; has a great facility and the owners are flexible with pricing. May 22nd – Work Party at Ethel. May 29th – 31st – Moonshiners Race @ Cadillac Ranch. June 4th & 5th – Independent Racers @ Ethel, Region 1 tri outs. Land & Legislative: Reiter Trails: Reiter Restoration projects include building up the stream banks. Work parties will be the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month. Next work party is May 1st. DNR is looking into grants and would like letters of support from clubs or individuals. Walker Valley: 2nd Saturday of the month is a work party. Master Hunters is another volunteer organization that is donating a lot of time to restoring the trails. Walker area has renamed trails and remapped trails. Jim Cahill would like to hold a ‘re-opening’ if you will, we have chose Continued on page 10 9 Continued from page 9 remapped trails. Jim Cahill would like to hold a ‘re-opening’ if you will, we have chose a date of May 15th at Noon. Please make sure we show our support and represent our organization well. Whatcom County: Nothing new to report. Membership/PR: Angie will be at the JeffCo Exp in Port Townsend this weekend, April 24th & 25th looking to sign up new members as well as convince Mud Toys 4x4 to rejoin the PNW. She will also be attending CORE’s event on May 22nd. Ridge Rams October 20th- Rock’d Lock’d November 17th- Seattle Rumpbumpers Jeep Club December – No Meeting N Upcoming Events: May 22nd – Work Party, Ethel June 2nd – BOD Meeting via telephone conference July 7-11th – Trail Jamboree, Jim Sprick Park, Naches WA August 13-15th – Team Trophy Challenge September 11th – Fall Del. Meeting, Region 3 September 17-19th Operation Shore Patrol, Ocean Shores WA September 17-19th – Pick up a Mountain, Naches WA Region Reports: Meeting Adjourned at 8:20pm Food Drive: Any food or blankets given to Grace will be donated to Hopelink. Teddy Bears: Please bring in teddy bears no more than 8”. Thank you to Evelyn from SJC and Jim from Rainier Ridge Rams for donations at tonight’s meeting. Please bring in your donations at the next meeting as Angie is planning on taking them to AMR at the end of May. OSP: Working on donations and t-shirt design. Angie is asking again that every club who comes donates a minimum of 5 items. Please make sure that there is a clear tag on which club is donating the item and what vendor donated it. Winter Convention 2011: Grace and her committee met on Wednesday, April 14th. Discussed were t-shirt ideas and themes. Delegates voted on either ¼ zip sweatshirts or hoodies and consensus ¼ zip. Committee will meet May 5th to discuss further issues. New Business: Gary DeMoss in Lind came to Winter Convention regarding some land he owned and wanted to know if anyone was interested in using it for events. Moose and Mary are going out in the area to help the Sand Commandos at a work party this weekend, April 24th & 25th, and will look at the property, take pictures and report to Angie so she can give the information to the BOD. Submitted by Angie Holm/ Grace May ~ Sunday Fees Obstacle Barrels (kids & adults) Kids Course Pull Toy Bonfire 7H[DV+ROG(P· (benefiting Relay for Life) King & Queen Sprints Trophies Dance $75.00 Entry Fee $10.00 Tech Fee (drivers 16 & over) $10.00 Spectator Fee per day (non-camping, ages 13 & above) Cody Peterson 253.375.3008 BJ Butler 253.255.2054 Visit our website Edward Campbell Region 2 Director th March 17 , 2010 4-Wheel Parts, Tacoma, WA Call to order at 7:30 pm by Region 2 Director Edward Campbell, followed by the flag salute and a moment of silence for the sick and departed. Roll call was taken via the sign-in sheet. Reports Secretary’s report – A motion was made by Kathy Greenwood and seconded by Derek Clark to accept the secretary’s report as printed in the Tri-Power. Motion Passed. Treasurer’s report- Laura Jungmayer gave both a verbal and written report. A motion was made by Derrick Clark and seconded by Jeff Williams to accept the treasurer’s report as presented. Motion passed. Old Business Meeting tonight was at Alfy’s Pizza in Lynnwood. This looks like to be a good location for everyone. We have the meeting room from 6-8:30 as they close @ 9pm. Meeting starts at 7pm. Good of the Order: NachesDave Bauman reported that the trail is currently closed. A work party is planned for May or June depending on the weather. 10 Saturday For more information contact: We Did it/Club Power- Kathy Greenwood asks that if you are hosting a work party to make sure that you are filling out the paper work to document the man hours and to make sure that the paper work is submitted to her. Hosting Schedule: subject to change May 19th- Green River Valley Jeepers June 16th- Happy Campers July 21st - Olympic Trailblazers August 18th- Outdoor 4x4’s September 15th- Rainier SPANAWAY MOONSHINERS JEEP CLUB 25th Annual Playday Memorial Day Weekend May 29th & 30th Cadillac Ranch Motorsports Inc. 12307 Vail Cutoff Rd., Rainier, WA 98576 POINTS RACE Evens Creek- Derrick Clark reported that there is some snow right now on the trail. The trail is technically closed for the season until April 15th. The next forest service meeting will be on April 13th at the DNR building in Enumclaw at 8:00pm. Weekends for hosting this summer are still available. A work party is scheduled for May 22nd and 23rd. Elbe Hills- Joe Wittig reported that there will be a work party on April 24th and 25th. Hot chow will be provided on the trail. The grant season is once again upon us and our DNR land manager, Nancy, is applying for money to get an excavator for the trail system. In applying for a grant, there must be a match of 20% of the money that is being asked for from outside of the government. This 20% match of funds does not necessarily have to be in cash funds. Usually our man hours from work parties are enough for to make the 20% match. However, because we are asking for equipment the match cannot be in man hours. Instead, we are looking to make the match by providing a trailer for the excavator. A motion was make by Rob Stafford and seconded by Heith Moyer that Region 2 is tentatively committing to supplying the trailer should the grant be accepted and the excavator delivered. Motion Passed This tentative agreement was needed sot that Nancy could go forward in the grant application process. Tahuya- Jeff Williams reported that logging has been started on unit 1 and 2 and should be completed by the first part of May. There is a work party on Saturday, March 19th to fix where people have been going May 2010 off the trails and making their own paths. When you are out enjoying trails, please do not condone or encourage this type of behavior. Its reasons like these that we are fighting everyday to keep our trail systems open. With the other closures of local trail systems the use of Tahuya has gone up dramatically. On a non-event weekend not too long ago there were over 1,000 ORV users on the trails. There has been an issue with people stealing old growth trees in the area to sell as firewood. If you see anything suspitious, please call Deputy Ray Minish at 360-801-1080. The people who are stealing the wood are to be considered dangerous and you should not take the matter into your own hands. The Department of Fish and Wildlife will be conducting a study in the area, so do not be surprised if you see people out tranquilizing and tagging deer. Land Matters- Jim Puttman is asking everyone who is able to attend the April 13th meeting at the Enumclaw DNR Building to support 4x4 activities in the Elbe area. OHV Watch- no report Letter writing- Angie Marek asks that if you have written any letters to please let her know who you wrote letters to and when you sent them. You can e-mail this info to Angie at [email protected] Membership- nothing to report Ways and Means- Tiffany Morris reported that she will has the small and large PNW4WDA stickers available for sale. PR- Diana Stafford reported that she is now the PR director for the entire PNW4WDA! Congratulations! She was at the PR booth at the Spanaway Moonshiner’s Swapmeet. Diana is asking that if you have any event flyers that you would like distributed at an event, to please e-mail them to her. Future 4-WheelersNo report Competition- Kevin Kehrberg reported that the Pistons Wild race is coming up. We are still looking at competition rules revisions and applications are still being taken for revisions. Old Business Truck Fest – April 10&11 – All types of rigs are needed for display to include tow rigs. Rigs must be dropped off Friday evening or Saturday morning and cannot be picked up until Sunday afternoon. If you would like to display your vehicle, please contact Erik at 253-476-1600. New Business March Board Meeting – There will now be late fees assessed to clubs who do not get their dues in by the 2nd of February to the PNW4WDA. Also, if your dues are late your club will be considered inactive and will have to represent to the Region in order to rejoin the PNW4WDA. If your club is sponsoring an event, it can apply for a grant from the local tourism board for money for advertising or promotion. The PNW4WDA insurance is for member clubs who are hosting events ONLY. Cle Elum Ranger District is hosting a Continued on page 11 Continued from page 10 Ride with the Ranger program from May- September. Merrick Graves is the ranger, so if you would like to ride along with him for a day let him know. Region 2 Event – Heath Moyer has volunteered to head up an effort for Region 2 to host an event this year or next. He is open to ideas for events, and is also looking for other volunteers who would like to help him with the planning. Announcements: -Please e-mail Ed if you need anything posted on the PNW web-site (dogfather@dogpoun - If you would like your event posted to the WOHVA web-site please e-mail the details to Megan ([email protected]) - There is now a giveaway on the PNW Website. Go into the campfire forum to sign up. -June 12th will be the Quadrapaws Fun Run at Tahuya State Forest. - Trail Jamboree is sold out. There is still room on the waiting list. - All PNW4WDA By-Law proposals must be submitted in writing via snail-mail to Sandy Nettnin no later than June 14th. There being no more business for the good of the order the meeting was adjourned at 8:21 pm. The next meeting will be April 15th at Four Wheel Parts in Tacoma. Respectfully submitted, Megan E. Cieplik ~ as presented. Motion passed. We Did it/Club Power- No report Naches- Jim Putman reported for Dave Bauman that there will be a work party possibly as early as May if the snow allows. All the materials for the repairs are already purchased. Evens CreekDerrick Clark reported that the new trail closure schedule was announced at the April 13th Forest Service meeting. The schedule will be as follows: December 15th through March 31st the trail will be CLOSED for wildlife preservation. April 1st though June 30th the trail system may have individual trail closures as needed. July 1st through September 30th the trail system will be OPEN. October 1st through December 14th the trail system may have individual trail closures as needed. The question was raised as to what we can be doing now as a group to try to reverse this decision. Jim Putman is in work now looking at the wildlife aspect of the decision and how much our sport impacts this habitat. It was also suggested that even more involvement on our part in items like hosting on weekends would go a long way. If you are interested in learning more about the hosting program or what is involved, contact Derrick. Mark your calendars for the work party on may 22nd and 23rd. Region 2 Meeting April 15th, 2010 4-Wheel Parts, Tacoma, WA Elbe Hills- Joe Wittig reported that there is a work party on April 24th and 25th. The logging on the Busy Bee tree has been postponed for another year. This regular meeting of the Region 2 of the Pacific Northwest 4-Wheel Drive Association was called to order at 7:35 pm by Region 2 Director Edward Campbell, followed by the flag salute and a moment of silence for the sick and departed. Roll call was taken verbally and via the sign-in sheet. Our Guests were the Dusty Duzen Jeep Club. Land Matters- Jim Puttman reported that Forest Service road 9712-113 is now closed to motor vehicle traffic. The new trail concept map was released. It was less than desirable, but at least we are seeing progress on the plan for the re-opening. There are work parties at the old trail system repairing damage and replanting trees twice a month. So far the participation from the 4-wheel drive community has been outstanding so far! Keep up the great work! Reports Secretary’s report – A motion was made by Derrick Clark and seconded by Jim Smith to accept the secretary’s report as printed with a correction to Jim Putman’s Land Matters report that he wanted us to attend the meeting about Evens Creek area not the Elbe area. Motion Passed. Treasurer’s report- Laura Jungmayer gave both a verbal and written report. A motion was made by Derrick Clark and seconded by Jim Smith to accept the treasurer’s report 4-Wheelin’ News Tahuya- No Report OHV Watch- Angie Marek reported that WHOVA lost the lawsuit for the NOVA funding. In the decision was room for an appeal. So we are now in the appeals process. The question was posed as to where our gas tax money and ORV tab money was going now. The answer to that is not so clear right now. Letter writing- Angie Marek asks that if you have written any letters to please let her Points Race Points Race Trophy Presentation * Relay Try outs Region 1, 2 & Under the Hill Gang * Barrels * OB Course know who you wrote letters to and when you sent them. You can e-mail this info to Angie at [email protected] Membership- Nothing to report Ways and Means- Nothing to report PR- Diana Stafford reported that she was at Truck Fest on April 10th and 11th. We were able to use the new PR TV, and she was able to give away lots of literature. There is a jeep show-n-shine in Issiquah soon, we are going to try to attend. Future 4-Wheelers- No report Competition- Rob Stafford reported that race season is coming up really quickly! The season will kick off on May 1st with the Tacoma Webfooters. A race is in works for Memorial Day weekend at the new Cadillac Ranch outside of Rainier, WA, there will be a race hosted by a group of Individual PNW4WDA members the first weekend in june, and on May 8th there will be a barrel race hosted at Cadillac Ranch. The first race hosted by Cadillac Ranch was held on April 10th and 11th, our own member, Rusty Burnham of the Rainier Ruffians, took May 2010 * Kids Pull Toys * Prince & Princess * King & Queen * Saturday Night Social 2nd place in the Tough Truck competition. A fun time was had by all who attended. Old Business Truck Fest – April 10&11 – A big thank you from 4Wheel Parts to all of you who brought out your rigs for display this year! Next year they are asking for even more! Mark your calendars now. Rob Stafford also would like to thank everyone who came out, but he was disappointed to see the lack of PNW4WDA stickers or club stickers on the rigs. This is a big PR event that draws lots of visibility to us and what we do. It was noted that some people have “Show Rigs” and do not want stickers on the paint job. Jim Putman, and the Spanaway Moonshiners donated $100 each to make magnetic PNW4WDA stickers and Region 2 magnetic stickers for PR purposes at shows like this. A motion was made by Don Williams and seconded by Derrick Clark for Region 2 to donate $100 for magnetic stickers. Motion Passed. - If you would like your event posted to the WOHVA web-site please e-mail the details to Megan ([email protected]) - There is now a giveaway on the PNW Website. Go into the campfire forum to sign up. -June 12th will be the Quadrapaws Fun Run at Tahuya State Forest. - All PNW4WDA By-Law proposals must be submitted in writing via snailmail to Sandy Nettnin no later than June 14th. There being no more business for the good of the order the meeting was adjourned at 9:05 pm. The next meeting will be May 20th at Four Wheel Parts in Tacoma. Respectfully submitted, Megan E. Cieplik ~ Region 2 Event – No report New Business - NONE Announcements: -Please e-mail Ed if you need anything posted on the PNW web-site (dogfather 11 Kyle Wiebold Region 3 Director 20 April 2010 Region 3 Director Kyle Wiebold called the meeting to order at 7:39 p.m., followed by the flag salute and a moment of silence. GUESTS A member from Washougal Bunch was present. HOSTING CLUB This evening’s treats were courtesy of Trailbreaker’s Inc. They were established April, 1954. They are the second oldest club in the United States. They have 12 due paying units. Most of the member’s are older but very active in the community. They participate in a lot of community projects, parades and Operation Shore Patrol. The club is planning a 4 wheel driver reunion for all the old clubs from Longview/Kelso, Washington area in July, 2010. Piston’s Wild is hosting the May meeting and Sand Flea’s are hosting the June meeting. ROLL CALL Eleven Clubs were present this evening including Flat Broke & 4-Wheeling; Hubs in 4-Wheelers; Mud Puppies 4 Wheelers; Mud-A-Rama; Our Gang Off-Road; Piston’s Wild –Oregon; Piston’s Wild –Washington; Sand Fleas; Total Destruction Racing Team; Trailbreakers Inc; Trask Mountain Trail Runners. MINUTES Crystal Crowder made the motion, seconded by Chris Dizick, that the March minutes be accepted as printed. The motion carried. OFFICER REPORTS Region Director Kyle Wiebold –Please let him know if you have any questions or concerns. Or if there is anything that you think the board needs to address. He is open to suggestions. There is 12 nothing new to report regarding the PNW board. Linda Jessen asked if there was anything new going on with the property proposal that was presented at Winter Convention. Kyle advised that as far as he is aware there has not been any more discussion on the matter. A lengthy discussion ensued as some of the delegates were not aware of the proposal. There is a new race track called Cadillac Ranch Motorsports in Rainer, Washington area. From the sounds of it, the track is really nice. Vice Director Darryl Maunu – Darryl reported that he has given out a membership packet and hopefully in the future he will have a new club to announce. Secretary Margaret Schiedler– Advised that she turned in her meeting minutes to the TriPower in a timely matter. Treasurer Rick Levine – Rick was absent this evening Public Relations Linda Jessen –Is already getting phone calls regarding Operation Shore Patrol. The Off Road Expo is coming up on May 1st and 2nd If you would like to advertise your event, please get your flier to Linda right away. There are two vehicles that have been volunteered to be in the Expo. Earl is bringing his Scout and Murray is bringing his Jeep. If you would like to volunteer, you can contact Linda and she will get you in touch with Colby at the Expo who is coordinating the volunteers. Please note that a 2 day pass will cost $10 plus the cost of parking. Competition Marty Tilford – Marty was absent this evening. Crystal let the delegates know that the Piston’s Gone Wild Mud Scramble is being placed on hold for the time being. This is due to the potential conflict with the activities that will be coming up in June in regards to the Yacolt Burn. The Tacoma Webfooter’s play day will be held on May 1st at Cranberry Lake. Please note there is a suggested donation for participating or spectating. There will be an Ethel work party on May 22nd. The Lookingglass race has been canceled this year. However, there will still be races held down in the area. For more information and race dates, please visit www.camas Oregon Land Matters Jeff Bowman –The SOLV day clean up was held April 17th. There were 51 volunteers and 5 ODF employees that participated. They were able to remove 122 tires, approximately 12 tons of garbage and 1 vehicle. The following clubs and individuals volunteered their time; Dirt Church, Northwest Trail Alliance, Oregon Equestrian Trails, Cascade Cruisers, NAXJA, Oregon Bush Hackers, Our Gang Off-Road, Raven Off-Road, Ryan Godsey family and friends, Tillamook State Forest Trail Patrol, Tillamook Recreation Advisory Committee and Urban Wheelers. There is an online survey currently on ODF home page. Please consider taking this survey as it will help ODF understand what we want, our perception and opinions when it comes to forestry. The survey will only take 5 minutes of your time. ODF/ Washington Land Matters Kira Dominiak – Gave an update on the Yacolt Burn Trail planning process. Starting this week a 21 day SEPA for the plan will begin and DNR will do an internal SEPA for the plan, taking place concurrently. Then in the beginning of June DNR will be hosting a public comment meeting. Any comments received from the public will be promptly responded to by the local DNR staff. As the final step in the paperwork, the plan will be presented to Peter Goldmark, the commissioner of Public Lands for final approval in early June. At this time, DNR is asking for input as to which DNR recreation areas that they should focus their attention on next. We will be asking all OHV enthusiasts in SW Washington to strongly recommend that the Washougal/Rock Creek area be included in the next round of DNR recreation planning processes. A discussion ensued as to why this area over other areas should be recommended. Gifford Pinchot National Forest news. Of most recent interest in the GP would be the Wildcat Thin Lawsuit info. This is a lawsuit that has been filed against the GPNFS by the Gifford Pinchot Task Force in regards to timber sales. Club Power/We Did It/Quill Power – Carol Jensen was absent this evening IAD– Don and Carol Jensen were absent this evening COMMITTEES Future 4 Wheelers – no report Ways and Means Kristen Smith– Is asking for suggestions and ideas on what kind of things the delegates would like to have with Region 3 PNW logo. Lengthy discussion ensued about the logo and what the parameters are to creating a logo. Kyle advised that the delegates can create a logo specific for Region 3. It would have to be approved by the PNW board. Crystal Crowder made the motion to have a logo contest and the winner would receive $100 free wearables sporting the new Region 3 logo. Contest winner will be decided at the June Region 3 meeting. Chris Dizick 2nd the motion. Motion carried OLD BUSINESS Linda Jessen handed out fliers to everyone present tonight for Operation Shore Patrol. She also had on hand the I-9’s if anyone wanted one to fill out. A question was asked if the I-9’s are filled out all year May 2010 long by all campers. Linda let the delegates know that because the camping is free for this event the I-9’s have to be filled out. Luckily, only 1 person per campsite has to fill it out. Linda asked if the delegates were interested in having t-shirts again this year. Douglas Van Dyke made motion that the same t-shirt order that was done last year for Operation Shore Patrol be done again this year. (approximately 50 tshirts) Kristen Smith 2nd the motion. Motion carried . NEW BUSINESS Piston’s Wild Cruise In will be held on October 3rd. Stay tuned as the location is TBA in a future meeting. The club is also holding the annual Pick up the Burn. This year it will be held on September 25th. It is looking like this year will be much larger than years previous. The goal is 250 volunteers and invitations will be sent to BF Goodrich and Del Albright from Blue Ribbon Coalition to attend. Region 3 has been gracious to donate the food for the event in years past. Crystal explained that anticipating so many more volunteers we will need more food. The member’s of Piston’s Wild will serve the food. Crystal Crowder made the motion that Region 3 donate $500 to feed the volunteers at this year event. The motion was 2nd by Lance Schiedler. Kyle requested that the delegates take the information back to their clubs and at next month’s meeting a vote will take place. GOOD OF THE ORDER As previously announced the new game began this month. $59 was collected. Three tickets were drawn. Bill Hutchens and Jeff Bowman (x2) drew a card. The joker was not pulled and the money will be held over until next month. ADJOURNMENT Hearing no further business to come before the membership, Region 3 Director Kyle Wiebold adjourned the meeting at 8: 31 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Margaret Schiedler Secretary ~ Earl Nettnin Region 4 Director April 13, 2010 Moses Lake, WA Region Director Earl Nettnin (Desert Rats) called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and a moment of silence for the sick and departed was observed. We were asked to remember Sharon Reynolds wife of Randy Reynolds and a member of the Columbia Basin Sand Commandos who passed away April 1st, 2010. Guests: Gary & Sharon deMoss, Dan Galloway, and Dolly Richards. Al Matson (Ridgerunners) introduced their new delegates – Josh Wesselius and Kevin McCarty. Minutes: A motion was made by Dave McMains (Hurtin’ Units & Columbia Basin Sand Commandos) seconded by Randy Hayes (Columbia Basin Sand Commandos) to accept the March minutes as printed. Motion passed. Treasurer’s Report: given by Sande Nettnin (Desert Rats) No outstanding bills at this time, but we will have expenses from the Hobo Stew for the clean-up at Jim Sprick Park April 17th. Competition: Word was received from the PNW Comp Chairman (Rob Stafford) about putting on a race at the Cadillac Ranch race track on Memorial weekend. If any club or group wants to host this event, please get in touch with Rob ASAP at staffordmo [email protected]. The race track is located near the town of Rainier, WA. Continued on page 13 Continued from page 12 Membership: We have one membership packet out and have not heard anything from them lately. We Did It/Club Power: Please turn in your forms to Gary Harting (Desert Rats). Any activity you or your club participates in qualifies for Club Power/We Did It. Forms are available on the web site in the member’s only section or contact Gary Harting or Sande Nettnin. Future 4-Wheelers: We have a Region 4 person who is going to head this up, more information will be coming. Web Site: No word on what’s happening at this time. PR: Kelda Hagemeier (Shindig Wheelers) is our PR person, so if you have an event you want promoted, get in touch with her and she will send it to our contact list. [email protected]. LAND MATTERS: Dave McMains (Hurtin’ Units & Columbia Basin Sand Commandos) reported the Moses Lake Clean-up is scheduled for April 24th starting at 9 AM. Meet at the big dumpster on the hill by the destroyed outhouse. Earl Nettnin (Region Director & Desert Rats) reported on the TWIG meeting April 6th. Earl said they were given an overview of the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act for the Little Naches. Fee areas have been established at Long Meadow, Longmire, and Ponderosa. To find information on the Expanded and Standard Amenities available contact the Naches Ranger Station. If you would like more information or to be a camp host at Long Meadow, Longmire or Ponderosa Camp, please contact Katie Harrison at 360894-8995 or [email protected]. The USFS has implemented new fee sites at these campgrounds and hosts are needed. The fee will be five dollars per night per vehicle (trailed vehicles are included) and camp hosts are exempt from this fee. Monies have been appropriated for bridges on the 1800 road and work will start in the fall of 2010 and finish in the fall of 2011, however, the gates will be closed all year. The Little Naches will be open Memorial Weekend for recreation. There are some new recreation people on the district – Lindsey Wormwood and Merrick Graves. Merrick will be part time with the CleElum Ranger District and the Naches Ranger District, mostly in education but he qualifies as an enforcement officer also. Merrick said he is starting a program called “Ride with the Ranger”, so if you want to ride along with him you can make arrangements to do this. Merrick said he would be posting information on this on the PNW’s web site. If you want him to ride along with your club, he would love to do that too. Volunteer opportunities are still available, most of them were in the wilderness, however, they will be having saw training in the Naches (you have to take this training yearly in the Naches, it’s every two years in the CleElum. The class is full in April, and another one is scheduled for May, contact Sue Ranger at 509-653-1446. The Forest Watch Patrol has been successful. They have had three convictions through this program. So keep watching and reporting things when you come across them. We are the eyes and ears for the DNR. Juniper Dunes: Doug Conner (Roamin’ Chariots) reported that the Franklin County Sheriff’s Department has a contract with the BLM to help patrol Juniper Dunes. Still no legal access. A report on the Wenas meeting April 8th was given by Terry Joralemon (Shindig Wheelers). He said that the gate on Tom Bass’s property would be locked December – May and will be open the month of May and June 5th it will be locked again until September1st. The big problems they have had are with people coming down from Clemans Mountain and cutting the fence at the bottom where the locked gates are. The major land owners are getting pretty fed up with having to repair fences and they plan to put up more locked gates. The DNR put three more locked gates in one is on the observatory road, one on the Hanson pond road, and Terry couldn’t remember the other one. These have seemed to work pretty well in keeping the people out of the troubled areas. Even though these roads are green dot roads a lot of damage can occur when the snow melts and the road ways are soft. Being able to lock these gates and keep the people out while they dry up has been a help. Several people and clubs have written letters in support of the Grey Rock Multiple-Use Maintenance Grant. This is a Recreational Trails Program (RTP) grant #10-1073. Greg Mackey (DNR) has requested letters of support for this project. He said if you could also have statements in the letters concerning your groups’ willingness to donate volunteer time; that would be perfect. Volunteer hour’s means more matching funds. Letters need to be turned in before April 30th 2010. Address your letters to Michael WilliamsRecreation Manager, Washington Department of Natural Resources Southeast Region, 713 Bowers Road, Ellensburg, WA 98926. Travel Management Plan is on going and moving at government speed. 2010 Trail Jamboree July 7 -11, 2010 Registration begins February 15, 2010 Contact 509.698.3703 or for information. Registration is online; however if you would like to mail in your registration; please contact Kelda Hagemeier at 509.698.3703. Sponsorship opportunities available. Please contact us. 4-Wheelin’ News May 2010 May 1st a volunteer appreciation meeting and award banquet will be held at the CleElum Ranger Station in the Tom Craven Conference Room, 803 West 2nd Street in CleElum. Open House and Lunch from 11 AM – 12:30 PM. A year in photos – video presentation will be from 12:30 – 1 PM, award ceremony from 1 – 2 PM. Top V-Team volunteers will receive awards for 2009. If you have questions contact Mikki Douglass at threedougla [email protected]. Friends and family are welcome to attend, regardless of volunteer contributions. Additional information can be found at Rock Crawl – has suffered a set back. Some computers were stolen containing all the Environmental information including the revisions. This material had not been backed up on a disk, so it’s back to square one. Forest Plan Revisions – we have two of them going on in our region; one in the Blue Mountains which includes the Umatilla National Forest and the Colville Okanogan Wenatchee. Several public meetings to discuss the forest planning process and proposed action will be held. You can attend one in our area on April 29th at 5 PM at the Franklin County PUD in Pasco at 1411 West Clark Street. Other meetings are held in Oregon; this is the only one in Washington. If you are interested in obtaining a copy of the Colville Okanogan Wenatchee forest plan visit the web site at http: // forest-plan/. Time is running out to nominate your favorite motorized RTP project for an award. The form and supporting materials, including pictures, should be turned in by April 16, 2010 to the chair of the Coalition’s Awards Committee. Arlene Brooks (PNW WA State Executive Director) has turned in the Little Rattlesnake. Awards will be presented in Washington D.C. during the week of June 7-13. NOVA funds law suit was turned down by the courts; WOHVA has decided to appeal the decision. Utah is in danger of loosing over 40% of the public land managed by the BLM in Utah. The Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance (SUWA) has made huge progress on advancing their ill intended 9.4 million acre Utah Wilderness bill (H.R.1925). Should this bill pass you can kiss goodbye recreational gems like the San Rafael Desert and Moab. For more information go to this reminds us of Wild Sky here in Washington. The Columbia Basin Sand Commandos reported they had taken a trip to Jameson Lake to look for some Jeep trails that had been reported as being in that area, the only thing they found was some gravel roads – no Jeep trails. OLD BUSINESS: Trail Jamboree clean-up April 16 – 18 at Jim Sprick Park. Hobo Stew will be served at noon. Region 4 will provide Continued on page 14 13 Continued from page 13 the meat, rolls, butter, bowls and spoons. Please bring something (no more than 2 cups) cut and ready to add to the stew. There will also be a pot luck in the evening. We were told that in the afternoon about 3 PM Sid & Kelda would have a meeting with all the Trail Jamboree Hosts. NEW BUSINESS: Gary deMoss was present to explain his plan for developing an ORV park in the Lind, WA area that he feels would benefit the PNW. Gary has been a PNW member for 13 years mostly on the west side of the mountains. Gary said he is looking at a couple of pieces of land one is 165 acres for $60,000 and another one is 63 acres for $37,000. Both pieces of land are what they call scrub land. The second piece of land has a 24 X 40 foot shop on it with an office in one end of it. There is water there. Gary said he had talked with the owner who is willing to hold the contract. Gary said he would be the facilitator, caretaker etc if we can put this thing together, but we have to have everyone on board with it. He said we could probably pay for the land in three years by holding about 3 events a year. Gary said that some members of Region 1 are coming over to look at the land on April 23 on their way to the Moses Lake clean-up. Gary said he had already talked with Jeff Williams Region 7 Director who plans to come and take a look at the land in May. Gary said he would have to have the land in his name because of our tax status and when it was paid for he would turn the land over to the PNW. Gary asked the delegates to take the information back to their clubs and discuss it with them. If they have questions call him at 406-544-6630 or e-mail him at [email protected]. Gary said he had not looked into environmental regulations but he didn’t think there would be a problem since its farm land and no fish are involved. There is more dust put out by the farmers than we could ever stir up. Al Matson (Ridgerunners) made a motion seconded by Dave McMains (Hurtin’ Units and Columbia Basin Sand Commandos) that we donate $100 to Blue Ribbon. Motion passed. Secretary will send the check. Earl talked about the slick magazine special edition that the PNW is going to print to commemorate 50 years of the PNW. This will be a one time deal. Carol Jensen (Individual Members Club & Sand Fleas) needs help selling advertising, and getting articles and pictures. Time is short and she needs everything by May 1st. For further information e-mail her at [email protected]. CLUB REPORTS: Columbia Basin Sand Commandos had a run last weekend to Jameson Lake and a Geo Catch Run. They had 100% participation from their club. They lost a member of their club early this month, Sharon Reynolds passed away, and she was the wife of Randy Reynolds. They have started working on their Haunted House and are planning to attend the Moses Lake Clean-up and Liberty Work party in May. Hurtin’ Units plan to attend the V-Team awards banquet on May 1st. They plan to attend the Liberty work party in May. They have a very new member born this morning Steele Deason proud parents are Jeff and Crystal Deason and proud grandparents are Mike and Ann Deason. Ridgerunners are excited to participate in the Trail Jamboree clean-up and the Trail Jamboree in July. They have a new member initiation run planned in May. Peak Putters went to Juniper Dunes two times. The second time they had a Geo Catch run, Steve said he had set up 35 for them to find and he had used Google Earth. They participated in a March respect with Ark of the Tri-Cities, had a run to the Ahtanum but stayed out of the middle fork because of the new snow to give the snowmobilers that area even though they didn’t have to because it was no longer closed to 4X4 use. This weekend they plan a run back to the Ahtanum and this time they will go in the middle fork. They have a run planned to Williams Creek in May to attend the Liberty clean-up. They will be helping with a mud bog, rock crawl, tuff truck etc event at the Othello Fair Grounds April 24th and will help with another mud thing at the Benton County Fair Grounds later this summer. Shindig Wheelers had a run March 27th to Bethal Ridge/ Maloy Canyon interesting change in snow from morning to afternoon, they didn’t get very far, but everyone had a good time. They plan to attend the Clean-up at Jim Sprick Park April 16-18, on Sunday they will have a run and everyone is invited. They have a Car Wash May 1st at Les Schwab in Selah from 8 - 4 with an RTI ramp; a show and shine; bring your rig, 4X4, dirt bike, street bike, low rider, street car, whatever you want to show off. Trophy plaques given, lots of freebies will be given away, Yakima Bears Mascot and batting cage. Lots of fun for all. Roamin’ Chariots are planning camping trips with friends. Desert Rats helped with a yard sale at Doug Conner’s April 10th & 11t.. Some are planning to attend the clean-up at Jim Sprick Park this weekend. Some are planning to attend the VTeam banquet May 1st, and Liberty Work Party May 21st – 31st at Williams Creek. WORK PARTIES SCHEDULED • April 17, 2010 Trail Jamboree cleanup at Jim Sprick Park (contact Hagemeier’s) • April 24, 2010 Moses Lake Sand Dunes Clean-up (contact Dave McMains) • May 1, 2010 Beverly Sand Dunes Cleanup hosted by All Wheelers Off Road & ORV Trail Watch meet in the main parking area 10 AM Camping Saturday June 19th Saturday June 19th Sunday June 20th Sunday June 20th Saturday July 10th Saturday July 10th Sunday July 11th Sunday July 11th 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Saturday July 31st Saturday July 31st Sunday August 1st Sunday August 1st Participant Rules All Events Classes Classes Tuff Trucks Barrel Races Mud Drags Mud Bogs With obstacles x 4-6 cylinder x 8 cylinder and up x Unlimited pro purse x Time Trials Low ground clearance x U.T.V. (rhinos & razors) x 4-6 cylinder x 8 cylinder and up x Unlimited pro purse Sunday May 9th Classes x x x x x Diesel 4cyl 6cyl 8cyl Unlimited 1. 2. Classes x x x x x 35” & under 36”- 39” 40” & up Unlimited Powder puff 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Specific Tuff Truck Rules! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. All events are held in Rainier WA @ Cadillac Ranch Motorsports Inc. Event information Registration for any event is $25, includes tech fee. Additional driver, same vehicle-$20. Second class $20. Unlimited Pro Purse Classes are $75. $50 goes towards winnings. General Admission: $10 per day. Kids under 12 years are free. Contact us by email at: [email protected] 14 GOOD OF THE ORDER Door prize donated by Doug Conner and won by James Harter. The Peak Putters had some dues issues and had not paid their dues by the February 15th deadline. After discussion a motion was made by Dave McMains (Hurtin’ Units and Columbia Basin Sand Commandos) seconded by Al Matson (Ridgerunners) that we reinstate the Peak Putters and wave the $25 initiation fee and call it good. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM Respectfully submitted, Sande Nettnin, Region 4 Secretary/Treasurer ~ All drivers and passengers must wear a seatbelt and a helmet. Vehicles must have a tow or lift point. Securely attached 3/8” chain Or 1/2”cable can be used in place of tow hooks. Tow point strictly enforced! If tow point breaks while in the pit area, You are responsible for hooking it back up. All vehicles must have a fire extinguishers. No loose items. Batteries and fire extinguishers must be securely Attached. Vehicles with soft tops must have a safety cage. Muffler required on all vehicles. You must wear shirt, pants, and shoes while racing. This includes passengers. All vehicles must have duel linkage springs in the carburetor. The possibility of vehicle damage and broken parts exists! Enter at Own Risk! Drivers must limit vehicle wash off time to 8 minutes between runs And 15 minutes at end of the event so that everyone has a chance to clean their vehicles. All vehicles entered in event must wash their vehicles if it does not leave on a trailer. Registration: 7:30am– 9:45am Drivers Meeting: 10am Racing Starts @ 10:30am Awards Presentation: TBA Damian Mahan @ 360-239-3977 or Jeff Mahan @ 360-561-6364 September 17 -19 Pick Up A Mountain Camping is available $10 per day. No facilities available. Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times. Please put trash in receptacles provided. Pets must be kept on leashes at all times, please pick up after your pets. NO WEAPONS ALLOWED! NO OUTSIDE ALCOHOL ALLOWED IN THE SPECTATOR AREAS! NO ALCOHOL IN PIT AREA, PERIOD. Gates fees are non –refundable. All workers are volunteers, please be respectful of the job they are trying to do. Have Fun! Daily Schedule For All Events Check us out on the web at: OR • General Rules and Information Coming Soon: Motocross and Rock Garden Sunday May 9th • From Yelm head west on Hwy 507 toward Tenino. When you get through Rainier, make a left onto Vail Cut Off Rd. SE. Head 1.3 miles. The entrance is on the right. Signs will be posted. From I-5 North bound take exit 88A toward Tenino. Drive through Tenino towards Rainier. Before you get to Rainier city limits take a right on Vail Cut Off Rd. SE. . Head 1.3 miles down on the right signs will be posted. Specialties: Tuff Truck, Mud Bogs, Barrel Racing, and Mud Drags Saturday May 8th • Directions: Cadillac Ranch Motorsports Inc. Saturday May 8th • too (contact Clay Graham) May 1, 2010 - VTeam recognition at CleElum Ranger Station 10 AM May 22 – 27, 2010 Liberty work party (contact Dale Neuman) Camp at Williams Creek. July 24, 2010 Ahtanum ORV Trails clean-up – Ahtanum Sno-Park 10 AM camping hosted by All Wheelers Off Road Club & ORV Trail Watch (contact Clay Graham) You must have a 4 point seat belt. Additional waivers must be signed for use of 3 point seat belts. You must have a roll cage bolted or welded to the frame unless you have a hard top vehicle. You must have a battery cut off switch accessible by the driver. Non-street legal vehicles must have a five point safety harness, these will be mandatory. You must wear a helmet. 1. Admission: $10 per day, under 12 years old FREE. 2. The five dollar tech fee is included in the registration fee. 3. Drivers meetings are MANDATORY! 4. Trophies are awarded to each class. 5. Winners are determined as follows: - mud bogs will be determined by the best time or the best distance if no one makes it thru. - tuff trucks will be determined by the best time around the course. - mud drags will be determined by the best time. 6. Must be present at the award ceremony to receive trophies or other prizes. If you win and are not present you forfeit your winnings. 7. Award presentation is about 30 minutes after the last run. May 2010 SAVE THE DATE FOR SUMMER CONVENTION 2010 AUGUST 13, 14 & 15 AT ETHEL, WA Hosted by the PNW4WDA Competition Committee Watch for registration form in next month’s Tri-Power and on-line on the website. FUN RUN!! At Evans Creek ORV Park Put on By: Rednecks & Rug-Rats July 24, 2010 ADMISSIONS: Spectators $10 per day Presented by Free Wheelers & Four-at-a-Time. Tech open Friday, Saturday, and Sunday 8:00 am Region 3 Run-Offs Barrels, Dirt Drags, Youth Courses 9:00 am Youth Obstacles, Adult Obstacles, Team Relay, King & Queen Social Gathering Door Prizes Awards For information contact: Dale Tucker 503-793-4966 or Steve Grittman 503-628-4210 [email protected] or Cookie Landauer [email protected]. All vehicles competing in any event must comply with and meet PNW4WDA safety specifications available at Children 12 & under FREE Camping $60 for weekend FIRST JEEP OUT AT 9:00 AM LAST JEEP OUT AT 12:00 PM Day Racers $25 RACING FEES: Tech Fee $10 per driver Cash Prizes, Door Prizes, Raffles and a lot more Fun! Youth 15 & under FREE CONCESSIONS AVAILIABLE!!! DIRECTIONS: From I-5, take exit 68 (Hwy 12 East, Morton, Yakima), go East on Hwy. 12 for 7½ Miles. Turn left onto Leonard Road and go 1 mile. Turn left onto Larmon Road, go 1 mile and Happ's entry will be on the left. Westbound traffic entry: Turn right onto Leonard Road at milepost 74 and go 1 mile. Turn left onto Larmon Road and go 1 mile. Happ's entry will be on the left. Prizes will be awarded at approximately 4:30 pm, Must be present to win! (Need not to be present for THE BIG RAFFLE ONLY) Camping and restrooms available at the Campground Canned Food drive @ Chevron Argo’s Burnett Store Get a SMALL Raffle ticket for Food donation of 2 or more cans per person Northwest Forest Pass Is Required Available at US Forest service, Burnett Store and Wilkeson Store 4-Wheelin’ News May 2010 15 We're Looking for Members OREGON: WASHINGTON: 4 At A Time Hillsboro, OR (503) 628-4210 BELFAIR PACK RATS Belfair, WA Sam (360) 275-5253 CASCADE OFFROADERS Lebanon, OR (541)451-2678 Deschutes County 4-Wheelers Bend, OR CLIFFHANGERS Snohomish, WA (360) 568-1663 El Dorado Dust Devils Puyallup, WA (253) 536-6989 FOUR RUNNERS Klamath Falls, OR (541) 545-1630 [email protected] Green River Valley Jeepers Auburn, WA Arlene (253) 833-8747 GORGE RIDGE RUNNERS The Dalles, OR (541) 298-3487 Oly Stumpjumpers 4x4 Club 18621 Hilt Street SW Rodchester, WA 98579 (360) 273-5521 3LVWRQ¶V:LOG SW Washington/NW Oregon Crystal 360-606-1648 [email protected] PNW Individual Member Club Longview, WA (360) 577-0111 SPOKANE 4 WHEELERS Spokane, WA (509) 542-1244 [email protected] Thunder Trucks Auburn, WA John (253) 606-4019 or [email protected] White Knuckle 4x4 Puyallup, WA (253) 536-8381 [email protected] IDAHO: 800-537-7845 Membership in the clubs listed above offer a wide variety of activities. If a club is not listed in your area call 800-537-7845 or visit our web site for a complete list of clubs. If you would like your club listed above e-mail us at: [email protected] Jan $35.00 Feb $32.50 Mar $30.00 Apr $27.50 May $25.00 June $22.50 July $20.00 Aug $17.50 Sept $15.00 Oct $12.50 Nov $10.00 Dec $10.00 Annual fee: $35.00 PNW4WDA TREASURER 603 Meridian Moses Lake, WA 98837 16 May 2010 2 Weeks Free use of all Videos* ROLL BAR WANTED Looking to buy a used roll bar for 1980 to 1990 full sized Ford Bronco. Contact John Kalayjian, Klamath Four Runners, 541-505-4248 4-10 Race Jeep for sell at $12,000.00 and it is a turn key ready to go jeep. Dan and Tammy Rheaume 206-935-1400. SEE PHOTO BELOW ~ ~ For sale Black diamond plate sliders off of a 2006 LJ Wrangler $100 OBO. Stock suspension parts for a 2006 wrangler $25 OBO. All in good condition 253 549-8484 [email protected] 4-10 Ads will be removed after 4 months unless you contact us. If you need an ad extended st or removed the deadline is the 21 of each month. ~ ~ 1992 YJ Jeep Please help me sell this truck to the right guy. My sons and I built the truck up, though we use Dave Sport in North bend for the Dana 44s, air lockers, and the suspension lift. The motor also was rebuilt by a professional shop in Kent, WA. This truck is set to go, and priced to sell. Ahtanum State Forest ORV Trails Clean-up Hosted by the All Wheelers Off Road Club and ORV Trail Watch with cooperation from the DNR. Saturday July 24th, 2010 PHOTOs are OK with your ad. Classified Ads are FREE to PNW4WDA members. Non- Members pay $10 per issue for up to 10 lines + a single photo. Makes checks payable to PNW4WDA Submit ad to: [email protected], OR FAX 360-695-1043 Or snail-mail it to: Tri-Power 3902 NE 61st Ave. Vancouver, WA 98661 Send ad in Arial font size 10. Remember the deadline is the 21st of each month. AhtanumSnoͲparkat10AM. 1992 YJ Jeep New Rebuilt 4 Cylinder Motor w/ warranty/Dana 44 Front and Rear with air lockers Warren 8 Thousand Winch Oversized Wheels/Raised 4 in (original leaf springs over axels)/Slip Yoke /eliminator kit/Removable Hard Top/Great Condition / $6500. Steven Fowler / Sr. Consultant 425-941-6465 3-10 ThecleanupareatrailsareonSedgeRidge,WhitesRidge,andFoundationRidge.ThismayincludeTrail 613,Strobachtrail,BlueLakeandtheDarlandloop.Thehoursincludingyourtraveltimearecounted andhelpgetfundingfortheAhtanumStateforest.WeplantocampattheSnoͲparkagainthisyear. ~ FormoreinfoeͲ[email protected] PleasesigninattheAllWheelersOffRoadClubcamp. AfterthecleanͲuparound5:30PMwewillhaveabringͲaͲdishpotluckforallthevolunteers. FreecampingwithFriday&Saturdaymeet&greets. 4X4 race ready 350 small block chev turbo 400, 4:11 gears $7,000 OBO (509) 656-3031 ........ 12-09 ~ 4-Wheelin’ News May 2010 17 Region 1 Meetings Region 4 Meeting 2010 Angela Holm, DIRECTOR 31330 11th Place S. Federal Way, WA 98003 253-529-9482 • Cell: 206-617-9478 [email protected] Earl Nettnin, DIRECTOR 519 N Fisher Place Kennewick, WA 99336 509-783-6481 [email protected] Tacoma Webfooters Playday May 1st for more information please refer to the members forum area on the website. Or contact a Webfooter If you have any questions please give me a call at (Machelle) 253-307-6365. for further information. 3rd WEDNESDAY MONTHLY NO DECEMBER MEETING at 7:00pm-8:30pm - Alfy’s Pizza, 4820 – 196th St. SW, Lynnwood, WA 98036 (425) 775-5459 ~ Region 2 Meetings Edward Campbell, DIRECTOR 360-349-9236/ [email protected] P.O. Box 393, Bucoda, WA NO DECEMBER MEETING ~ Region 3 Meetings Kyle Wiebold, DIRECTOR E-mail: [email protected] Phone 360-772-5682 (are always the third Tuesday of every month) at 7:30pm NO DECEMBER MEETING at: 4-Wheel Parts Performance Center 2700 SE 82nd Ave, Portland, OR 503-774-4000 All members and guests are welcome at this monthly meeting where Region 3 club delegates gather to discuss upcoming events and land matters for the Northwest Oregon and Southwest Washington 4x4 recreation areas. Please join us to learn about what is happening on our off-road trail systems in NW Oregon & SW Washington. This is also a great place to find out first hand about work parties, trail events and other 4x4 activities that are taking place. Guests are most welcome and we are always looking for new clubs and individual members to join the association and get involved! ~ 18 MAR 9, ‘10 7:30 PM meet at Doug Conner’s Shop 3300 Road 96, Pasco, WA APRIL 13, ‘10 7:30 PM meet at Standard Battery 400 E.Broadway, Moses Lake, WA MAY 11, ‘10 7:30 PM meet at Magic’s Pizza, 309 S 1st Selah, WA JUNE 8, ‘10 7:30 PM meet at Doug Conner’s Shop 3300 Road 96, Pasco, WA JULY 13 ‘10 7:30 PM meet at Standard Battery 400 E. Broadway, Moses Lake, WA August 10‘10 7:30 PM meet at Magic’s Pizza, 309 S 1st Selah, WA September 14 ‘10 7:30 PM meet at Doug Conner’s Shop in Pasco, WA October 12 ‘10 7:30 PM meet at Standard Battery in Moses Lake, WA November 9,, ‘10 7:30 PM meet at Magic’s Pizza, 309 S 1st, Selah, WA NO DECEMBER MEETING ~ Region 6 Meeting Alan D. Paulson, DIRECTOR 4751 Happy Valley Rd. Roseburg, Oregon 97470 541-679-0571 [email protected] March 13 Region 6 meeting/ run/ potluck, Roseburg OR, hosted by Umpqua Valley Timber Cruisers. May 29 Region 6 meeting/ work project/ potluck, Christmas Valley OR, hosted by Klamath 4 Runners. July 17 Region 6 meeting/ campout/ potluck, Benson snow park, hosted by Deschutes county 4 wheelers. Sept 25 Region 6 meeting/ Clean-up/ potluck, Hauser OR, hosted by Strawberry Hill 4 Wheelers. MAY 1-2 MAY 22-23 Howdy All, It is that time again to schedule a work party at the Ethel race track. May 22-23 is one date that may work. I know it is early in the season, but with 2 races scheduled for early June, we will need to step it up a bit. It is my understanding the mud bog group would also like to be a part of the work party so we can again work together this season. I am open to suggestions...... Also, we are going to need to schedule a meeting of the Independent racing members to work on ideas for your June 5-6 race at the Ethel track. Again I need your suggestions to make this happen. A place and a date ?? I know that we are spread far and wide, so if we can agree on something that will work for most???? I will be at the Moonshiners swap meet this weekend if you want to track me down. It should be a great race season, with lots of fun events on the schedule. MAY 29-30 25th Annual Playday Memorial Day Weekend 2010 May 29th & 30th Location: Cadillac Ranch Motorsports Inc. Saturday: Obstacle, Barrels (kids and adults) Kids Course, Pull Toys, Bonfire. Texas Hold Em’ (benefiting Relay for Life) Sunday: King & Queen, Sprints, Trophies, (Following Trophies) Dance. Fees: $75.00 Entry Fee $10.00 Tech Fee (Drivers 16 & over) $10.00 Spectator Fee (Per Day, non-camping) For More Information Please contact: Cody Peterson 360.879.5430 BJ Butler 360.832.2960 JUNE 5-6 Nov. 6 Region 6 meeting/ run/ potluck, Klamath Falls OR, hosted by Klamath 4 Runners. Independent Members Ethel, WA For more Information regarding Region 6 events please see flyer’s or contact Region 6 Director. Quadra Paws 4x4 Club Fun Run 2010 will host their annual Tahuya Fun Run. Come try you skills with diffent game and trivia to accumulate points for the Top Prizes. Entry fee for the event is $25.00. For info contact Mike Welander [email protected] NO DECEMBER MEETING JUNE 12 May 2010 JUNE 11-13 Lookinglass Playdays CANCELLED Can you please send a note/reminder out to all the racers letting them know that the Lookinglass Playdays will not be occurring this year. Our club the Ruff Country Fourwheelers, have not yet found another property to hold the event, but we are still working on it in hopes of having events in the future. If anyone has any questions please have them email me, or call me. 541-580-3775.Sideways36 There will be races in this area, but not affiliated with our club as the host. Some of our club members will be racing at this event, it is called the Camas Valley Fun Days. Its information can be found at w Much of their event is similar to ours, with some ATV races, and a technical obstical, along with drags, obstacle course, and barrells. -Scott Adams JUNE 12-13 Ethel, WA JULY 7-11 2010 TRAIL JAMBOREE Registration begins Feb. 15 Registration online at: for info: 509-698-3703 JULY 17-18 Outdoor 4x4s Play Day Ethel, WA JULY 24-25 Mud Daubers Play Day Chehalis Fairgrounds AUG. 13-15 PNW Summer Convention ETHEL, WA AUG. 13-15 Challenge 2010 4th annual Team Trophy Challenge Washington put on by the Timber Tamers 4x4 club AUG. 21 & 22 Tuff Trucks June 26th Registration-to be announced Mud Bog June 27th Registration-7:30am Ethel, WA Steve - 253-537-3755 Mike - 253-905-6990 Piston’s Wild Ethel, WA AUG. 27-29 JUNE 13 Desert Race (non PNW event) Goldendale, WA (Starvation Ridge) Elbe 2nd Annual Fun Run For more info contact Bryan 253-653-2713 JUNE 26 & 27 Tuff Trucks June 26th Registration-7am Mud Bog June 27th Registration-7:30am Ethel, WA Steve - 253-537-3755 Mike - 253-905-6990 JUNE 19-20 29th Annual Oregon CreekN-Trail, hosted by Region 6 JUNE 25-26 Desert Race(non pnw) Paisley, OR JULY 3-4 4 at a Time Play/ Freewheelers Day SEPT. 4-6 Overboard Racing Play Day Ethel, WA SEPT. 12 16th Annual Jeeping Nomads 4x4 Swap Meet - Show & Shine, Yakima WA SEPT. 17-19 Region 4 Presents Pick Up A Mountain Jim Sprick Park, Naches as base camp for more info Contact Pam Remley at: [email protected] or 509-658-2496 All users group and outdoor clubs encouraged to attend SEPT. 25-26 Fun Days Ethel, WA Events Calendar is FREE to PNW4WDA members. If your Club or Region has any activities. email Tri-Power [email protected] before the 25th of the Month 2 Dogs Ink Jay Fellenstein 2/1/2005 900 Meridian E St # 19-226 Milton, WA 98354 253 250-8093 Fax: 253-847-1026 ARB 4x4 Accessories Lisa Wood 7/91 720 SW 34th Street Renton, WA 98055 425 264-1391 Fax: 425 264-1392 B&B Excavating Bob Brooks 7/86 21520 SE 346th Auburn, WA 98092 253 833-8747 Certified Cleaning Serv. Daniel Nobel 2103 112th Street E. Tacoma, WA 98445 253-536-5500 [email protected] Cunningham Financial Services Venessa Cunningham 12-08 5504 N Regal St/PO Box6425 Spokane 99217 877-5gottax / 509-489-8304 Billy Bobs Offroad & Truck Specialties Bob Hallibueton 5/06 1322 A Meridian St. E Milton WA 98354 [email protected] (253) 926-0447 Store (253) 927-1972 Fax Dan Marek Insurance Dan Marek 12909 Pacific Ave. PO Box 44076 Tacoma, Wa 98444 253 537-4000 Fax: 253 536-3338 Drive Line Svc of Portland Kevin McCaffrey 1/1/1989 9041 NE Vancouver Wy Portland, OR 97211 503 289-2264 Fax: 503 289-5838 Drivelines NW David Lee 2/1/1991 3116 Hill Ave. Everett, WA 98201 425-258-4013 /425-259-5973 [email protected] Jantz Engineering Carl Jantz 5/06 20555 Pugh Road NE Poulsbo, WA 98370 360-598-2773 360-598-3768 FAX Jeep Glass .com Todd Block 9-08 5235 South Washington St. Tacoma WA 98409 253-473-7691 Jet Chevrolet Dan Johnson 7/97 35700 Enchanted Pkway S. PO Box 4986 Federal Way, WA 98063 253 838-7600 Fax: 253 874-7070 Kolbe’s Annual Off Road Expo Always the 1st weekend in May! at the Portland Expo Center Shawn Kolbe PO Box 8836, Portland, OR. 97207-8836 Show info: 503-796-0858 NetRiver Ryan Maloney 6/1/2004 555 Dayton St Ste A Edmonds, WA 98020 425 741-7014 North American XJ Association John Bergacs IV 2-1/09 1250 S Buckley Rd Unit 1 Aurora, CO 80017 Northwest Services Brad Hoyt 4/2006 2016 87th Ave. Ct. East Edgewood, WA 98371 206 948-0549 / 253 922-6745 [email protected] Olympic 4x4 Supply Carl Niebuhr 6/94 PO Box 147 Snohomish, WA 98291 360 568-7728 Fax: 360 568-9435 R & P 4WD Parts INC. Fred & Bob’s Construction Bob Dompier 3-09 3951 Evans Lane Moses Lake, WA 98837 509-762-2755 Gold Hammer Body & Paint Paul Crawford 9-08 11889 S. New Era Rd. Oregon City, OR 97045 503-557-8911/503-557-9215fax Rapid Print Inc Art Waugh 12-85 5570 S Santiam Hwy # 15 Lebanon, OR 97355 541-409-3390 Ron McDonald 6/87 6202 NE Hwy 99, Stuite 2 Vancouver, WA 98665 360-695-0595 • 360-695-1043 Fax [email protected] Harrington’s Trophies Snohomish Transmissions John or Norma 4/03 717 Jadwin Richland, WA 99352 509 943-2593 4-Wheelin’ News Rick Pratt 3/92 17476 147th St SE Monroe, WA 98272 360 794-7888 • Fax: 360 805-5367 Standard Batteries Of Moses Lake Dave McMains 3/06 400 E Broadway Moses Lake, WA 98837 509 765-8246 • Fax: 509 764-2392 [email protected] Titan Truck Equipment Co Inc Alan Garrison 8/03 N 605 Fancher Spokane, WA 99212 509 534-5010 • Fax: 509 755-5304 TLC Plumbing Terry Johnson 5/94 2442 NW Market St # 9 Seattle, WA 98107 206 783-1548 BOB JONES 4/07 2925 Auburn Way N. Auburn, Wa. 98002 866-785-4809 • 253-833-6700Fax Rick Newcomb 7/98 13733 Aurora Ave N Seattle, WA 98177 206-365-3530 Larry Trim 12410 Beverly Park Rd. Lynnwood, WA 98087 425 353-6776 [email protected] Ron Dunn P.O. Box 898 Kittatas, WA 98934 (509) 964-2121 I-5 Uhlmann RV Barton Jeep Kip Barker 7/1/1990 1001 SW Interstate Ave Chehalis WA 98532 800.245.5378/360.748.6658 [email protected] Tony Farley 5/05 10819 E Sprague Ave. Spokane, WA 99206 509 928-1300 Fax: 509 922-4288 Warn Industries Johnson Custom Iron Adel Adams 12900 SE Capps Rd Clackamas, OR 97015 503-722-3015 • 503-785-2001 Fax Scott Johnson 10/06 14215 N Thayer Rd PO Box 155 Rathdrum, ID 83858 208-687-9353 Fax 208-687-9353 [email protected] Woody’s 4x4 Inc Tom Matson Dodge & Jeep Town & Country Chrysler Jeep Trailready Products LLC Lee Woodruff 8/1/1988 6408 NE St Johns Blvd Vancouver, WA 98661 360 693-6840 Fax:360 693-0067 If any of the listed information is not correct e-mail us at: tripower REMINDER The deadline to submit articles and photos for Tri-Power is the 21st of each month Northridge 4X4 David Johnson 6/2004 6759 NW Northridge Ln Bremerton, WA 98312 360 340-0282 Randy’s Offroad Conn. Randy Cole 14702-A Smokey Pt. Blvd. Marysville, WA 98271 360 659-5259/360 659-4935 FAX Raynproof Roofing Dan Rheawme 4117 16th Ave. SW Seattle, WA 98106 206 935-1400 • 935-3920 Fax Roger Jobs Motors Roger Jobs 2/05 2200 Iowa St Bellingham, WA 98226 360 734-5230 Sheridan Carquest Auto Parts Send to: Kirt Amundson 1/06 1233 W Main St Sheridan, OR 97378 503 843-4486 • 503 843-2067 Fax tripower@ Tera Manufacturing, Inc. Articles should be in Microsoft Word with Arial 10pt font ADs can be in word and if you can make a PDF that would be best so it will hold the type styles that you picked Gage Hartman 1/06 5251 S Commerce Dr Murray, UT 84107 801 288-2585 • Fax: 801 288-2571 Jeep Glass .com Todd Block 9-08 5235 South Washington St. Tacoma WA 98409 253-473-7691 Tri-Power Ron McDonald 360-901-8376 3902 NE 61st Ave. Vancouver, WA 98661 May 2010 19 20 May 2010